Dit 4th Yr Syllabus

March 29, 2018 | Author: ErPriyeRanjan | Category: Thermal Conduction, Heat Transfer, Entropy, Heat Treating, Turbine



Department of Mechanical EngineeringDetailed Syllabus for B.Tech. (ME) Batch: 2013-17, 2014-18 DIT UNIVERSITY Dehradun Course Structure & Detailed Syllabus of B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering Batch 2013-17, 2014-18 Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B.Tech. (ME) Batch: 2013-17, 2014-18 Year: 2nd Semester: III Course Code Course Title L T P Credit LA3210 Material Science 3 1 2 4.5 LA3010 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 1 0 3.5 LA3020 Strength of Materials 3 1 0 3.5 LA3030 Manufacturing Processes I 3 0 0 3 LA3040 Kinematics of Machines 3 1 0 3.5 EA32L0 Electrical Machines 3 1 2 4.5 LA3110 Machine Drawing 0 0 2 1 Total 23.5 Year: 2nd Semester: IV Course Code Course Title L T P Credit JA4010 Engineering Mathematics III 3 1 0 3.5 LA4210 Manufacturing Processes II 3 0 2 4 LA4220 Dynamics of Machines 3 1 2 4.5 LA4230 Fluid Mechanics 3 1 2 4.5 LA4010 Energy Conversion 3 1 0 3.5 LA4020 Machine Design–I 3 1 0 3.5 LA4410 Industrial Tour 0 0 2 1 LA4Z10 Value Addition Training 0 0 2 1 Total 25.5 List of Courses for Value Addition Training Pro-E, ANSYS, Catia, Solid Works etc. Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B.Tech. (ME) Batch: 2013-17, 2014-18 Year: 3rd Semester: V Course Code Course Title L T P Credit LA5210 Fluid Machinery 3 1 2 4.5 LA5220 Heat & Mass Transfer 3 1 2 4.5 LA5230 Mechanical Measurements 3 1 2 4.5 Industrial Engineering and Management 3 0 0 3 LA5020 Machine Design II 3 1 0 3.5 LA5310 Aptitude Building I 0 0 2 1 LA5010 Total 21 Year: 3rd Semester: VI Course Code Course Title L T P Credit LA6210 Internal Combustion Engines 3 1 2 4.5 LA6220 Computer Aided Design (CAD) 3 1 2 4.5 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 3 1 2 4.5 LA6010 Operation Research 3 1 0 3.5 GC5010 Engineering Economics 2 0 0 2 LA6110 Project Phase-I 0 0 4 2 LA6310 Aptitude Building-II 0 0 2 1 LA6230 Total 22 After VI semester student will undergo minimum 6 weeks Industrial Training which will be evaluated in the VII semester. Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B.Tech. (ME) Batch: 2013-17, 2014-18 Year: 4th Semester: VII Course Code Course Title L T P Credit LA7210 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3 0 2 4 LA7220 Automobile Engineering 3 1 2 4.5 LA7010 Total Quality Management 3 0 0 3 LA7020 Industrial Automation and Robotics 3 1 0 3.5 LA7030 Power Plant Engineering 3 0 0 3 LA7110 Project Phase II 0 0 4 2 LA7510 Industrial Training and Presentation* 0 0 2 4 Total 24 * During Summer Vacation after VI semester students are compulsorily required to attend Industrial Training of 68 weeks which will be evaluated in VII Semester under Industrial Training Presentation (LA7510). Year: 4th Semester: VIII Course Code Course Title L T P Credit Open Elective 3 0 0 3 UG Elective –I 3 1 0 3.5 UG Elective –II 3 1 0 3.5 UG Elective –III 3 1 0 3.5 0 0 8 4 LA8110 Project Phase–III Total 17.5 List of UG Electives Course Code LA8610 LA8620 LA8640 LA8650 LA8660 LA8670 LA8680 LA8690 LA8600 Course Title Non-Conventional Energy Resources Computational Methods for Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Machine Tool Design Advanced Engineering Materials Product Design & Development Mechanical Vibrations Finite Element Methods Automatic Control Mechatronics Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B.Tech. (ME) Batch: 2013-17, 2014-18 List of Open Electives (To be conducted in VIII Semester) Sl. No. Branch 1 Physics 2 EE 3 ME 4 Civil 5 CSE 6 IT 7 ECE 8 Humanities 9 MBA Subject Code OA8710 OA8720 EA8710 EA8720 LA8710 LA8720 CA8710 CA8720 DA8710 DA8720 IA8710 IA8720 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Name of Elective subjects Nano Scale Science and Technology Photonics Technology Non-Conventional Energy Resources Instrumentation and Process control Entrepreneurship development Quality Management Environment and Ecology GIS Business Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Multi-Media Technology IT In Business FA8710 FA8720 HA8710 HA8720 GA8710 GA8720 GA8730 GA8740 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. Consumer Electronics Laser System & Application Industrial Psychology Human Values and Ethics Organizational Behavior HRD Digital Marketing Financial Modeling with Spread sheet Summary of the Credits Year First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Total Semester Credit I 25/25.5 II 25/25.5 III 23.5 IV 25.5 V 21 VI 22 VII 24 VIII 17.5 Year Credit 50.5 49 43 41.5 184 Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun UNIT-V 9L Ceramics: Structure. Dehradun . Super conductivity and its applications. Magnetic storages. Chemical bonding. Messier effect. Plastics: Various types of polymers/plastics and its applications. Other materials: Brief description of other material such as optical and thermal materials concrete. X-ray crystallography techniques. John Wiley & Sons. types. ferro Hysteresis. Umesh Publication.Material Science. Micro structural Exam: Microscope principle and methods. para. and Corrosion and its control. Soft and hard magnetic materials. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Jr. Imperfections. and its applications. its properties and uses. Materials Science. 2014-18 Course Title: Material Science Course Code: LA3210 Credit: L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 2 Semester: III UNIT-I 7L Introduction: Historical perspective.D. Brass. Crystallography and Imperfections: Concept of unit cell space lattice. Stress vs strength. UNIT-II 10L Mechanical properties and Testing: Stress strain diagram. Tempering and Case hardening. W. P-n junction and transistors. Zn. UNIT-IV 7L Magnetic properties: Concept of magnetism – Dia. UNIT-III 8L Ferrous materials: Brief introduction of iron and steel making furnaces. Aluminum alloys such as Duralumin. Mechanical/Electrical behavior and processing of Ceramics. 7th edition. Van Vlack . Callister. Brief review of modern & atomic concepts in Physics and Chemistry.Gupta. Raghvan . Dehradun Institute of Technology. 4. Other advanced materials/alloys. importance of materials. its properties and uses. Hardness. CI. Reference Books: 1. Atomic packing factor and density. Al. Fracture. Impact testing. Testings such as Strength testing. bearing materials.M. Electric properties: Energy band concept of conductor. Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram. V. Bravais lattices. Defects & Dislocations in solids. Toughness. common crystal structures. Various types of carbon steels. Miller indices. Various type Brass. 5th edition. Fatigue and Creep. 2. Comparative study of microstructure of various metals & alloys such as Mild steel. Bronze. insulator and semi-conductor. 7th edition.Elements of Material Science & Engineering. Composite Materials and its uses. Periodic table. Preparation of samples and Microstructure exam and grain size determination. . Prentice Hall. Phase rules. eutectic type and combination type. Future of plastics. Type I & Type II superconductors. Types of equilibrium diagrams: Solid solution type. Fatigue testing Creep testing. Intrinsic & extrinsic semi-conductors.Material Science & Engineering Addition-Wesley Publication. Normalizing. Phase Diagram and Equilibrium Diagram: Unary and Binary diagrams. Cr. alloy steels and cast irons. 2010. Ductile & brittle material. Fatigue. Ni etc. Basic devices and its application. Time Temperature Transformation (TTT) diagrams.Tech. Atomic models. 2005. Non-Ferrous metals and alloys: Non-ferrous metals such as Cu. 3. Brief introduction to Smart materials & Nano-materials and their potential applications Performance of materials in service: Brief theoretical consideration of Fracture. Quenching. Heat Treatment: Various types of heat treatment such as Annealing. K. 2005. Diffusion in Solid. 2007. Hardness testing. Non-destructive testing (NDT). properties and applications of ceramics. 6 th edition. Mechanical behavior and processing of plastics.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. normalizing. 50 common items kept in a box. brass. copper etc.) 5.Tech. 3. 6. Material identification of. Study of microstructure of welded component and HAZ. Making a plastic mould for small metallic specimen. Faradays law of electrolysis experiment. Dehradun Institute of Technology. 10. Macro and Micro Examination. polishing. Suitable experiment on Magnetic/ Electrical/ Electronic materials. 8. Dehradun . 9. Grain size determination of a given specimen. 2014-18 MATERIAL SCIENCE LAB (PME-351) List of Experiments 1. quenching. 7. say. Heat treatment experiments such as annealing. case hardening and comparison of hardness before and after. 2.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. gray cast iron. grinding. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. etching. Comparative study of microstructures of different given specimens (mild steel. Specimen preparation for micro structural examination-cutting. Study of corrosion and its effects. 4. Jr. Entropy a property of system. Third law of thermodynamics. M. Use of property diagram. Tata-McGraw-Hill 2002. Triple point. Phase transformation process of water. 2nd Ed. Dryness fraction and it’s measurement. UNIT-V 8L Thermodynamic relations: properties of ideal and real gases. Critical point. 2. Gordon. ―Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics‖. Engineering Thermodynamics‖.2005. 4th Ed. maximum work in a reversible process. Reversible and irreversible process. TataMcGrawHill 2002. and Boles. Adiabatic & Isothermal compressibility.. Coefficient of volume expansion. dead state and useful work. Clapeyron Equation.A.Tech. UNIT-III 8L Properties of pure substance: Pure substance. Superheated states.. UNIT-IV 8L Available energy.M. Reference Books: 1. H. 6. UNIT-II 8L Entropy: Definition. Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics. Kelvin Planck’s statement of second law of thermodynamics. Y..A.K. reversible work by an open system exchanging heat only with surroundings. Thermal reservoir. availability. second law efficiency. application of entropy principle for mixing of two fluids. Saturation states. 4th Ed. Dehradun . R.. Carnot cycle and Carnot engine. Available energy and Unavailable energy. 3.AddisonWesley 2001. dead state. Equivalence of two statements of second law of thermodynamics.. K.. Exergy and Irreversibility: Source of energy.. Subcooled liquid. E. Heat pump. T-S and H-S diagrams. Graphical representation of thermodynamic processes on P-T & P-V diagrams. McGraw-Hill 1999. Tds relations. Steam-Tables and Mollier charts. 6th Ed. Clausius inequality. and Shapiro.R. availability of energy entering a system. Helmholtz and Gibb's function. 4. ―Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer‖. Carnot theorem and it’s corollaries.. Mathematical conditions for exact differentials. 2014-18 Course Title: Engineering Thermodynamics Course Code: LA3020 Credit: L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 0 Semester: III UNIT-I 8L Review of First law of Thermodynamics Second Law of thermodynamics: Limitations of first law of thermodynamics. Tata McGraw Hill Education. Wark. entropy principle.. Maxwell Relations. Property of steam. essence of 2nd law of thermodynamics. thermodynamic temperature scale. and Donald. Dehradun Institute of Technology. 3rd Ed. Arora.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. change in entropy for process.. and Mayhew.. ―Thermodynamics‖. C. available energy referred to a cycle. JouleThompson coefficient and Inversion curve..J. Clausius theorem. quality of energy. Y. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. 5. ―Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach‖. useful work.John Wiley & Sons 2000. Heat engine. Nag. Moran. PMM-II.P. P. availability of closed system. Cengel. M. ―Thermodynamics‖. refrigerator. Castigliano’s theorem. “Strength of Materials”. Compound cylinder. axial stress. Introduction to three dimensional stress and strain: Equilibrium equation. 4. Thick cylinders: Radial. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited. 2012.. Euler’s theory of buckling of column for different end conditions. Reference Books: 1. true and engineering stress-strain curves. 5th Edition. Dehradun . 5th Edition. 7. Gere. Singapore. Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd. Nash.C. S Chand and Company Ltd. Generalized Hook’s Law.. middle third and middle quarter rules. Impact load & stresses. Jindal. 2014-18 Course Title: Strength of Materials Course Code: LA3030 Credit: L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 0 Semester: III UNIT-I 7L Simple stress and strain: Introduction and definitions.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Singapore. William. Pytel. Moment area method. Normal and shear-stresses and strains. 10th Edition. Dr. UNIT-III 8L Strain energy: Concept and application. New Delhi. Deflections of Beams: Introduction. Rankine’s formula. Sadhu Singh. Rajput. Ramamrutham..THOMSON Books/Cole. Compound stress and strains:Introduction. and Narayanan. New Delhi. R.2nd Edition (2012). (ME) Batch: 2013-17. thermal stress and strain. limitations of Euler’s formula.... 6th Edition. Torsion of circular shaft: Torsion equation. 2. Text Books: 1. stress on an inclined plane. Theories of failure. Bansal.. “Strength of Materials”. R. ―Mechanics of Materials”. “Strength of Materials”. state of plane stress. New Delhi-110016 5.. shear stress in beams and shear stress distribution diagrams. “Schaum’s Outline of Strength of Materials”. THOMSON Books/Cole. 6.K.‖ Strength of Materials”. 3. shaft in series and parallel. Mohr’s stress circle. bending stress in beams. “Mechanics of Materials”. Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd. differential equation of the deflected beam. 2012 Edition. axial and circumferential stresses in thick cylinders subjected to internal and external pressures. “A Textbook of Strength of Materials”. UNIT-IV 8L Thin cylinders and shells: Hoop and axial stresses and strain.K.. Khanna Publishers New Delhi. Dr. combined bending and torsion in shafts. and Goodno. U. New Delhi-110002 Dehradun Institute of Technology. Introduction to centre of gravity and moment of inertia of commonly used cross sections UNIT-II 10L Stresses in Beams: Shear force and bending moment diagrams.Tech. 8th Edition. R. Barry J. volumetric strain. UNIT-V 8L Column and strut: Combined bending and direct stress. Pearson Education. Macaulay’s method. Maximum normal stress and strain. James M. S. Jaan. Andrew and Kiusalaas. 17th Edition. Hooke’s law. N. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. tube drawing and extrusion processes and their applications. ―Materials and Processes in Manufacturing‖. Flatface vs Inclined-face punch and Load (capacity) needed. Pearson Education 2000. Types and properties of moulding sand. Ghosh and Malik.. 6. ―Processes and Materials of Manufacture‖. Friction angle and rolling force. process.R. Hot working vs cold working.P. blanking vs piercing. advantage and applications. S. Blank development force and press tonnage calculation in shearing. Elements of mould and design considerations.. Drawing and Extrusion processes: Wire / strip drawing. drop and die forging. Gating. 3. Classification of manufacturing processes. The need. Solidification of casting. Kalpakjian. S.. Die Casting. P. Injection moulding.A. ―Manufacturing Science‖ East West Press Pvt Ltd. Dehradun Institute of Technology.A. UNIT – II 9L Sheet Metal working: Presses and their classification. Prentice. Tata McGraw-Hill 1998. bending and deep drawing operations. Riser. Cutting/Punching mechanism. Bending & spring-back. ―Manufacturing Technology‖. UNIT – III 8L Powder Metallurgy: Powder metallurgy manufacturing process. and its past. Future of plastic & its applications.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Rao. Dehradun . Die & punch assembly and press work methods and processes. 5. Resins & Adhesives. 2). R.. Core. Rolling: Rolling mills and Rolling mills & rolled-sections. 4. PrenticeHall of India1997. UNIT – V 9L Casting (Foundry): Basic principle & survey of casting processes. lubrication in metal forming operation. Lindberg. defects in formed parts. Jigs & Fixtures: Locating & Clamping devices & principles. Investment casting. Sand casting. Types of patterns and allowances. J. R. Welding of plastics. and Schmid.Hall of India 1990. M. ―Manufacturing Engineering and Technology‖. Forging equipments and methods: hand. 2nd edition. no slip condition... Extrusion of plastic section. present & future uses. Jigs and Fixtures and its applications. (Vol. Runnes. defects & remedies and inspection. Reference Books: 1. 2014-18 Course Title: Manufacturing Process – I Course Code: LA3040 Credit: L 3 Year: 2nd T 0 P 0 Semester: III UNIT – I 9L Introduction: Importance of manufacturing. UNIT – IV 7L Manufacturing of Plastic components: Review of plastics.. Compound vs Progressive die.. Groover. and Kohser.T. CO2 casting and Stir casting etc. ―Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing‖. Analysis of forming process like cup/deep drawing. Centrifugal casting. DeGarmo. 2. Black. 2010. Metal Forming Processes: Elastic & plastic deformation.P. Economic and technological considerations in manufacturing. yield criteria. John Wiley & Sons 2002.Tech. E. New Delhi. UNIT – IV 7L Gear trains: Simple gear trains. Kinematic chain. Types of followers. 1993. Displacement. Dehradun . 1995. and Uickers. Thomas Bevan. 4. Kinematic chains and inversions: Inversions of Four bar chain. Disc cam with oscillating roller follower.S. The Theory of Machines. Analytical method: Analysis of single slider crank chain using analytical equation of motion UNIT – III 8L Spur gears: Gear terminology. UNIT – II 10L Velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms (graphical method): Velocity and acceleration analysis of Four Bar mechanism. S.Chand & Company Ltd. law of gearing.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Relative velocity and acceleration of points on a link. Reference Books: 1. Theory of Machines..Theory of Machines. UNIT – V 7L Cams: Types of cams. Shigley J. degrees of freedom. Mechanisms: Whitworthquick return motion mechanisms. Khurmi. Mechanism. Angular velocity and angular acceleration of links. J.R. Single slider crank chain and Double slider crank chain. CBS Publisher. Contact ratio. slider crank mechanism and Simple Mechanisms by vector polygons and by instantaneous centre method. Grubler’s criterion (without derivation). Compound gear trains for large speed reduction. Machine. Rattan S. Disc cam with reciprocating follower having knife-edge. J. 2014-18 Course Title: Kinematics of Machines Course Code: LA3050 Credit: L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 0 Semester: III UNIT – I 8L Introduction: Link or element. Arc of contact. Back lash. 3. structure. Follower motions including SHM. Mobility of Mechanism. Dehradun Institute of Technology. roller and flat-faced follower. Characteristics of involute action.Tech. and Gupta. Crank and slotted lever Mechanism. relative velocity and accelerations of coincident Points on separate links Coriolis component of acceleration.K. Exact straight line motion and approximate straight line motion mechanisms. Velocity and Acceleration vs time curves for cam profiles. Epicyclic gear trains. New Delhi. McGraw-Hill.S. Tabular Method of finding velocity ratio of Epicyclic gear trains. Interference in involute gears. Theory of Machines & Mechanisms. 2005.. Inversion. Methods of avoiding interference. uniform acceleration & retardation and Cycloid motion.. 1984. 2. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Path of contact. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Uniform velocity.E. Comparison of involute and cycloidal teeth. kinematic pairs.J. Dr. O. Taylor. three phase bank of single phase transformer. working principle and application.C test of synchronous machine. phasor diagram. UNIT – III 8L Three phase Induction Motor: Constructional features. EMF and torque equation. EMF Equation. ―Electric Machines‖. performance characteristics of motors and generators.C test of 1-phase transformer Sumner’s test on two identical 1-phase transformers. Wiley India 2. Effect of varying field current at different loads. O. O. Polarity test. OC & SC Test. Voltage Regulation. Voltage Regulation using Synchronous Impedance Method . UNIT – II 9L DC Machine: Construction. C. Sumpner’s test.P. Working principle of synchronous generator. A. V-Curves. application.phase transformer. D. Armature winding. Sen. & S. scott connection. Dehradun . Torque. starting of motors. C. Methods to improve Commutation.Nagrath.C and S. applications.C. Winding coefficients. List of Experiments Note: Minimum eight experiments are to be performed from the following list. UNIT – IV 8L Synchronous Machine: Constructional features. Commutation. all day efficiency Three phase Transformer: Construction: core type. Rotating magnetic field. working principle and application. efficiency. losses.Khanna Publishers India 2. Dehradun Institute of Technology. ―Principles of Electrical Machines & Power Electronics‖.H. Speed control of dc shunt motor. Load test on 3-phase induction motor. Text Books: 1.C. UNIT – V 5L Special Purpose Machines: Two phase servomotor: Construction. Autotransformer: Volt-Ampere Relationship. applications. Commutator Motors‖. Starting torque and mechanical power developed. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. 2014-18 Course Title: Electrical Machines Course Code: EA32L0 Credit: L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 2 Semester: III UNIT – I 7L Single phase Transformer: Construction. advantages and disadvantages. starting of squirrel cage and slip ring induction motor. tests.S. Principle of operation Phasor diagram. O.Working principle of synchronous motor. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Polarity and voltage ratio test of a 1.Tech. efficiency. ―The performance & design of A.P. The department may add 3 to 4 more experiments in the following list. torque and power equations.C and S. Armature Reaction. Tata McGraw Hill Reference Books: 1. Armature reaction. Stepper motor: construction.Wheeler & Co(P) Ltd.J. speed control methods. equivalent circuit. Speed Control. shell type.slip characteristics.Kothari & I. equivalent circuit and phasor diagram. ―Electrical Machinery‖. Internal and external characteristics of dc shunt motor Load test on dc shunt motor.Bhimbra.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Dhawan R. 18th Edition.“Machine Drawing”. John. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. 2013. Goutam. Narayana. and Panchal. New Delhi-110016. 49th Edition. Goutam & Ghosh. Anand (Gujrat). Charotar Publishing House Pvt. (any one) a) Engine parts – stuffing boxes. Pearson Education.C. Delhi. d) Representation of welded joints. PHI Learning. spigot and socket pipe joint. Kannaiah P. Gill P. c) Shaft coupling. “Machine Drawing”. dimensioning. 4th Edition. introduction to IS conventions. Pohit.. “Machine Drawing”. utility commands etc. Kataria & Sons Publishers. lines.S. b) Keys. Ltd. K.Screws jacks. Reference Books: 1. 7. 2012. S. 388001. K. Tailstock. c) Valves : Steam stop valve. D. cross heads. polygons. connecting rod. 2014. & Reddy K. 5. 4.V. curves. pivot and collar and foot step bearings. Bhatt.K. Venkata.Tech. N. “Machine Drawing with AutoCAD”. Drawing of Machine Elements and simple parts: Views of any three sets of the following machine elements and parts: a) Popular forms of Screw threads. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited.piston assembly. “A Textbook of Machine Drawing”. New Delhi-110002. e) Rivet joints for plates Assembly Drawings:Drawings of assembled views for the part drawings of the following using conventions and easy drawing proportions. feed check valve and air cock.Use of modeling software. & Sastry V. c) Representation of surface roughness and direction of lay of machining.L. Kannaiah. Plummer block.M.S. New Delhi-110002. Chand Publishing. nuts. Dehradun . d) Journal. “A Textbook of Machine Drawing”. b) Representation of geometrical and dimensional tolerance. K. bolts. 2001 6. spring loaded safety valve. 2. cotter joints and knuckle joint. Machine Vices. “A Textbook of Machine Drawing”. New Age International (P) Ltd.V. stud bolts. Publishers. Dehradun Institute of Technology.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. b) Other machine parts . 3. Sidheswar. N. Computer aided Drafting: Generation of points. Delhi. (any three) a) Conventional representation of materials and common machine components. S. 2014-18 Course Title: MACHINE DRAWING& MODELING LAB Course Code: LA3110 Credit:1 L 0 Year: 2nd T 0 P 2 Semester: III Machine Drawing Conventions: Need for drawing conventions. e) Sectional views and sectioning. New Delhi-110055. P. Legendre polynomial of first kind. India. Inverse Z-transform. Residue Theorem. Khanna publication. New Delhi. 2nd Edition. One Dimensional Heat Equation. K. Narosa Publishing House. 42th Edition. Scaling. R. B. Jain & S. 2012. limit. Evaluation 2 of real integrals of the type  f (cos  . Cauchy’s Integral formula for derivatives of analytic function. Solution of difference equations. Line integral in the complex plane.K. K. 2013. India. New Delhi. 2. Harmonic functions. Zeros. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Properties of Z-transforms. 2. Convolution theorem and its application. Analytic Functions. R. 9th edition. continuity & differentiability. S. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Iyenger. Text Books: 1. Poles. 2006. Reference Books: 1. 2014-18 Course Title: Engineering Mathematics – III Course Code: JA4010 L 3 Credit:3. 2006.5 Year: 2nd T 1 P 0 Semester: IV UNIT – I 8L Complex variable. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Kreyszig. Taylor’s series. One-Dimensional Wave Equation. frequency shifting and time shifting properties.  UNIT – III 8L Special Functions Series solution of ODE of 2ndorder with variable coefficient with special emphasis to Legendre and Bessel differential equation by Frobenious method. Grewal. Laurent’s series. Dehradun . Fourier transform. Convolution of two sequences. Z – Transform. 9th Edition. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. UNIT – V 8L Partial differential equations and its Applications Introduction to partial differential equations.. UNIT – II 6L Complex Variables -II Power series. Method of Separation of Variables for solving Partial Differential Equations. UNIT – IV 8L Fourier Transform & Z-transform Fourier integral. U.Tech. Dehradun Institute of Technology. John Wiley & Sons. E. Brown & Churchill: Complex Variables & Applications. Cauchy’s Integral theorem.I Elementary functions. Linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients of second order and their classification. Fourier sine and cosine transforms.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Bessel function of first kind and their properties. McGraw-Hill. Linearity. Singularities. Cauchy – Riemann equations. sin  )d 0  and  f ( x)dx . submerged arc. III‖. Geometry of tool and nomenclature as per ASA system. Tolerances and IS standards..Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. WJM.C. Standard Publisher Ltd. UNIT – II 8L Machine Tools: Lathe: Principle. and polishing. Milling: Milling cutters. P. up & down milling.Chand Publication. 1980. types. ―Production Engineering‖. Distortions & Defects in welds and their remedies. Reference books: 1. EBM. Explosive welding and Explosive Forming. friction welding. Tool wear and tool life. application and working principle of EDM. Surface finish: description and measurements. Center less grinding. EBW.K. 2014-18 Course Title: Manufacturing Process-II Course Code: LA4210 Credit:4 L 3 Year: 2nd T 0 P 2 Semester: IV UNIT – I 8L Metal Cutting and Machine Tools: Mechanics of metal cutting. Dividing head & indexing. Rao. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Machinability. ―Manufacturing Technology Vol. ―Production Technology‖. boring.Tech. fracture wear. abrasive. Limits. ―Manufacturing Science‖. UNIT – IV 8L Metal Joining (Welding): Survey of welding and allied processes. lapping. reaming tools. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Tata McGraw Hills. Grinding wheel. Turret/capstan. East West Press Ltd. Tool materials. Cutting fluids/lubricants.C. ECM. Weld decay in Heat affected Zone. P. C. slotter. and Malik. 2013. operations. Shear angle relationship. Sharma. Merchant’s force circle diagram. Comparison between orthogonal and oblique cutting. automatic lathes. Calculations of cutting forces and power required. Shaper. Dehradun . Surface and Cylindrical grinding. A. LBM. seam projection etc. Drilling and boring: Drilling. 2010.K. cutting action. Thermodynamic and Metallurgical aspects in welding Shrinkage/residual stress in welds. USW. TIG & MIG processes and their parameters. Resistance welding-spot. semi-automatic. 4. Non-conventional welding application such as LBW. soldering and brazing. dressing and truing. 2. PandeyP. Super finishing: Honing. Ghosh. Fits.. Gas welding and cutting process & equipments. Arc welding: Power sources and consumables. USM. Fits & Tolerance: Introduction to Limits. 3. S. Economics of metal cutting. Interchangeability and standardization. AJM. Plasma arc welding. Other welding processes such as atomic hydrogen. &Singh. A.N. Brief introduction to machine tool vibration and surface finish.. 2013. Mechanics of chip formation and types of chips.specifications. UNIT – III 10L Grinding and Super finishing: Grinding: Grinding wheels.. attritions wear. electro slag. UNIT – V 8L Introduction to non-conventional Manufacturing Process: Benefits. Maximum chip thickness and Guest criteria. planer: operations & drives. Geometry of twist drills. 2. Sand testing (at least one such as grain fineness number determination). 13. 10. Rolling-experiment. 12. Forging . 4. washer. 8. Making a mould (with core) and casting. Bending & spring back. 9. 7.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Tube bending with the use of sand and on tube bending m/c. Powder metallurgy experiment. (ME) Batch: 2013-17.power hammer study & operation. making etc. 2014-18 Manufacturing Process Lab List of Experiments 1. Press work experiment such as blanking/piercing. Forging hand forging processes. Dehradun Institute of Technology. 14. Jigs & Fixture experiment. 3. Wire drawing/extrusion on soft material. Pattern making. Design of pattern for a desired casting (containing hole). 5.Tech. 11. Injection moulding with plastics. 6. Dehradun . Dehradun . Theory of Machines. 2. Theory of Machines.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. The Theory of Machines.5 L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 2 Semester: IV UNIT – I 9L Static force analysis: Static Force Analysis: Introduction: Static Equilibrium. CBS Publisher. Ratio of Belt Tensions. Centrifugal Tension. J. 1993. To study the Different types of kinematic links. S.Chand & Company Ltd. Thomas Bevan. New Delhi. Free Body Diagram. Dynamic Force Analysis of Single Slider Crank Mechanism. UNIT – II 7L Friction and belt drives: Friction and frictional torque in Pivot and Collar Bearings. Fluctuation of Energy. Proell.. Shigley J. Balancing of Several Rotating Masses by Balancing Masses in Same plane and in Different planes. Inertia Torque. Balancing of reciprocating masses:Inertia Effect of Crank and Connecting rod. Balancing of Single Rotating Mass by Balancing Masses in Same plane and in Different planes. 3. Reference books: 1. 1995. Dehradun Institute of Technology. To perform the experiment on the Gyroscope & prove the law of gyroscope. 3.Tech. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Khurmi. Balancing in Multi Cylinder-inline engine (Primary and Secondary forces). Controlling Force. UNIT – IV 8L Governors: Types of Governors. 2014-18 Course Title: Dynamics of Machines Course Code: LA4220 Credit:4. 8.S. To calculate the frequency of a free vibrating spring.S. Degrees of freedom.New Delhi. To study different types of Cams and followers. 2. 4. 2005.K. UNIT – V 8L Vibration: Types of vibrations. To study different types of Gears and Gear trains. Effort and Power. Aeroplane. Belt Drives: Flat Belt Drives. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Equilibrium of two and three Force Members. UNIT – III 8L Balancing of rotating masses: Static and Dynamic Balancing.J. Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on Ship. To perform the experiments of static and dynamic balancing on a shaft. Force Analysis of Porter. Dynamic force analysis: D’Alembert’s Principle. Theory of Machines Lab List of Experiments 1. Single Cylinder Engine. McGraw-Hill.E. Stability. Theory of Machines & Mechanisms. To perform an experiment on cam dynamics apparatus. Isochronism. Dynamically Equivalent Systems. 6. Brakes and Clutches. Rattan S. Static Force Analysis of Four bar Mechanism and Slider-Crank Mechanism. Gyroscopic Couple. Forced vibration of single degree system under harmonic excitation. Determination of size of flywheels. Stability of Four Wheelers.. and Gupta. kinematic pairs and inversions of mechanisms.R. J. Inertia Force. 5.. 1984. and Uickers. Turning Moment Diagrams and Flywheels. Sensitiveness. 4. 7. To perform the experiment on a governor and to plot the graph between ―r‖ and ―f‖. Hartnell Governors. Plane Disc. Critical speeds of shaft 4 Gyroscope: Law of gyroscope. Single degree free & damped vibrations. Member with two forces and torque. K. Relative density. pipes in parallel and equivalent pipes. Stream function. Definition of Fluid.5 L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 2 Semester: IV UNIT – I 8L Fluid Properties and Hydrostatics: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Rectangular notch. Dimensional Homogeneity. Lakshmi Publications. Solid and Fluid Continuum.. Absolute and Gauge pressures. ―Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics‖. flow through circular pipe.New Delhi.. Classification of flow. Hydrostatic pressure equation. Newton’s law of Viscosity.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Bansal R. 4th edition. Capillarity and Surface Tension.Delhi. 7. Equipotential line (2D only). Measurement of velocity using pitot tube. rectangular and trapezoidal notch. Raleigh’s and Buckingham’s methods of analysis. dimensional parameters. Equation for capillarity. Determination of Metacentric height for a floating ship To study the transition from laminar to turbulent flown in a circular pipe. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine. Equation for head loss due to sudden expansion. Units and dimensions. Classification of orifices. ―Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics‖. Specific Volume. energy and momentum correction factor. N. Definition of Pressure. Pearson Ltd. similitude. Trapezoidal notch. Equations for discharge through horizontal and inclined venturimeter. 5.N and Seth S. 4. Dehradun . Lakshmi Publications. 2013. New Delhi. 6th edition.Tech. Major and minor losses in pipe flow. M. Model studies.New Delhi. Water Hammer in pipes. K. Units and Dimensions of Mass density. Modi P. Rajput. Force exerted by a liquid on an inclined flat surface. New Delhi.M. Dynamics of Fluid Flow: Derivation of Euler’s equation & Bernoulli’s equation and its applications. 2010. ―A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine‖. ―Fluid Mechanics‖. 2014-18 Course Title: Fluid Mechanics Course Code: LA4230 Credit:4. Velocity potential.. and determination of the co-efficient of discharge Determination of coefficient of discharge for triangular. Standard Book House. F. 6. Viscosity.K. 3. Duglas. Three dimensional continuity equation in Cartesian coordinate. (ME) Batch: 2013-17.. Munson. Equation for head loss due to friction.Chand Publication. Meta-centre and Metacentric height. 2. Specific weight. Reference Books: 1. momentum and energy thickness.R. 3. ―Text Book of Fluid Mechanics‖.. Fluid Mechanics Lab 1.. Bansal R. Ltd. Dehradun Institute of Technology. 5. Willey India Pvt Ltd. Measurement of Pressure. UNIT – IV 8L Flow through Pipes: Introduction. Viscous flow: Basic Boundary layer theory: displacement. ―Fluid Mechanics‖. Reynolds’s number and its significance. List of Experiments Verification of Bernaulli’s Theorem. McGraw Hill Pvt. Types of models. Equations for pressure rise due to gradual and sudden closure of valves. To calibrate an orifice meter and venturimeter. Simple and Differential Manometer. Pipes in series. White. 2013. Definitions. 2010. 2011. UNIT – II 9L Kinematics of Fluid Flow: Introduction. UNIT – V 7L Dimensional Analysis and Model Studies: Introduction to Dimensional analysis. J. New Delhi. fluid between two parallel plates. Stream line. 2. 4. 14th edition. 7th edition. Buoyancy. UNIT – III 9L Flow Measurements: Equation for discharge over triangular notch. S. super heater. 3. Centrifugal compressor. Reheat factor. ―Thermodynamics‖. Reheat cycle. Stage and overall efficiency. Khanna Publishers. Regenerative cycle. Gas turbine cycles with inter cooling. multi stage compression. M. Losses in steam turbines.state point locus. Boiler trial and boiler heat balance sheet. High pressure boilersBenson. 2. Yadav. Condenser performance parameters. Draught & its calculations. ―Steam and Gas Turbine. Impulse reaction Turbines. 2010. Equivalent evaporation . UNIT – III 8L Steam Turbines : Classification of steam turbine. UNIT – II 7L Steam and Gas Nozzles: Flow through nozzle.. Variation of velocity. Ganeshan. ―Basic and Applied Thermodynamics‖. UNIT – IV 8L Compressors: Single stage reciprocating air compressor. 2014-18 Course Title: Energy Conversion Course Code: LA4040 Credit: L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 0 Semester: IV UNIT – I 9L Vapor Power cycles: Carnot cycle. feed water heater. Effect of pressure & temperature on Rankine cycle. Boiler performance. Tata McGraw Hill Company. Staging. 20th edition. Brayton cycle. Y. 5. Ballaney. Cogeneration. ―Gas Turbine‖. ―Thermal Engineering‖. V. Velocity diagram of simple & compound multistage impulse & reaction turbines & related calculations work done efficiencies of reaction. Loeffler and Velox boilers. Deviation of actual cycles from ideal cycles. Impulse and reaction turbines. 4. P. Constructional and operational details of Locomotive& Lancashire Boilers. and Boles.. Air leakage. natural and forced draught. 6th edition. boiler mountings and accessories. Stage efficiency. ―Thermal Engineering‖. volumetric efficiency. Condenser: Classification of condenser. comparison between fire and water tube boilers. Nozzle efficiency. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Rathore. Bleeding. 2008. super saturated flow. Effect of friction on nozzle. P. 2002. Boilers: Classification. Maximum draft and chimney efficiency. air pre-heater. Dehradun . Dehradun Institute of Technology. 1994. Chimney height. R. Governing of turbines. Allahabad. Vector Diagram& efficiencies.L. Lamont. McGraw Hill Education. Nag. UNIT – V 8L Gas Turbines: Gas turbine classification. New Delhi. Surging and chocking. Choked flow. CPH. off design operation of nozzle. Cengel. reheat and regeneration and their combinations.Tata McGraw Hill. Essentials of a good boiler.. 6. blowers and fans. Area and specific volume.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. 2013. Elementary theory. Throat area. 2nd edition.. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. rotary compressors. Reference books: 1. Polytropic efficiency.Tech. M.K. flat keys and splines. Design of Machine Elements-V. keys & coupling: Design against static and fatigue loads. Shaft. Machine Design-Sharma and Agrawal. BIS system of designation of steels.F Spotts. UNIT – III 9L Design of Joints: Welded joint. DPV Printers. McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. fatigue failure. screwed joints.. Reference books: 1. 8L UNIT – V 8L Design analysis of Power Screws: Form of threads. S.E. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.B. Pearson Education. against static & fatigue loading. theories of failure Design against fluctuating load: stress concentration. rigid and flexible couplings. design for finite & infinite life. 2010 3. Dehradun Institute of Technology. joint design for fatigue loading. trapezoidal threads. M. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. UNIT – IV Mechanical springs: Design of Helical and leaf springs. McGraw Hill Publications. principal stresses.Tech. 3r Edition. Soderberg & Goodman criteria. stress-strain relationship. 1st Edition. Fluctuating/alternating stresses. 8th Edition. eccentric loading of above joints. strength & rigidity design. stresses in screw. UNIT – II 9L Design against static load: Modes of failure. Shigley.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. 2006 4. square threads. Dehradun . standards in design & selection of preferred size. Mechanical Engineering Design – Joseph E. steels. Machine Design Data Book. Materials for components subjected to creep..R Jayram and C V Venkatesh. L. Katara & Sons.E Shoup. 6. stress concentration factors. Hornberger. Ltd. 8th Ed. endurance limit. 2014. V B Bhandari. Factor of safety. Design of Machine Elements. Selection of square. 5. Bhandari. S-N curve. design of screw jack. PSGCollege of Technology. 2014-18 Course Title: Machine Design – I Course Code: LA4050 Credit: L 3 Year: 2nd T 1 P 0 Semester: IV UNIT – I 6L Introduction: Definition. Tata McGraw Hill Co. ―Design Data Book ". Methods. Selection of materials for static & fatigue loads. S. T. 1993.K. 2008 2. Dehradun Institute of Technology.Tech. Dehradun .Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. 2014-18 Course Title: Value Addition Training Course Code: LA4360 Credit: L 0 Year: 2nd T 0 P 2 Semester: IV Training on commercial modeling software’s. Course Title:Industrial Tour Course Code: LA4470 Credit: L 0 Year: 2nd T 0 P 2 Semester: IV Duration : 1 week Visit to the industry to make the students familiar with various industrial processes and systems. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. draft tube. ―A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine‖. Pearson Ltd. Impact of jet: Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving surface (flat & curve). Hydraulic press.. Dehradun Institute of Technology.. F. 4th edition.5 L 3 Year: 3rd T 1 P 2 Semester: V UNIT – I 8L Introduction: Classification of Fluid Machines. cavitation in turbines. J. 2. Airlift pumps. Euler’s fundamental equation. M.Tech. Gear and Vane pumps. New Delhi.. Lift and Cranes. velocity triangles. work saved by fitting air vessels. 4. performance characteristics.New Delhi. N. Willey India Pvt Ltd. 2010. Duglas. unit and specific speed. efficiencies of centrifugal pumps.To study the performance of centrifugal pump. power and efficiency calculations. 2. Dehradun . Water Lifting Devices: Hydraulic ram. Jet pumps.N and Seth S. 14th edition.Delhi. UNIT – V 8L Other Machines: Hydraulic accumulator. Lakshmi Publications. effect and acceleration.. effect of inclination of jet with the surface. UNIT – II 8L Reaction Turbines: Fransis and Kaplan turbines. White. Bansal R.Chand Publication.. K. ―Fluid Mechanics‖.To find out Pelton wheel turbine efficiency by comparing the fluid energy to mechanical energy. References books: 1. 7th edition. UNIT – IV 8L Positive Displacement Pumps: Reciprocating pump theory. Munson. ―Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics‖. 6th edition. cavitation and separation. theory of hydraulic coupling and torque converters. Impulse turbines. indicator diagram. 7. Standard Book House.New Delhi. New Delhi. 6.M. work done by impellor. 3. performance characteristics. ―Fluid Mechanics‖. FLUID MACHINERY LAB List of Experiments 1. positive rotary pumps. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. New Delhi. 2010. ―Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics‖. performance characteristics.To determine the coefficient of impact jet vane combination by comparing the actual force with the theoretical force for stationary vanes of different shapes. model testing. power and efficiency calculations. Hydraulic Turbines: Classification of turbines.Study through visit of any pumping station/plant. comparison of centrifugal and reciprocating pumps. 6. 2013.. Modi P. specific speed. Intensifier. 2011. K. Lakshmi Publications. UNIT – III 8L Centrifugal Pumps: Classifications of centrifugal pumps. McGraw Hill Pvt. governing of Pelton wheel. Rajput. vector diagram. 5.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. constructional details. S. velocity triangles.To study the performance of reciprocating pump 5. 3. performance characteristics. 2014-18 Course Title: Fluid Machinery Course Code: LA5210 Credit: 4. Application of momentum and momentum equation to flow through hydraulic machinery. 7. ―Text Book of Fluid Mechanics‖. R. principles of similarity. Bansal R. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine. water distribution systems. degree of reaction. slip and coefficient of discharges.Study through visit of any hydraulic power plant.K. selection of water turbines. 4. Ltd. 2013.To find out the performance of Francis turbine. constructional details. Heat exchanger . overall heat transfer coefficient. 3. Conduction: One-dimensional general differential heat conduction equation in the rectangular. 6. Cengel. flow across a single cylinder and a sphere. radiation shields. and Ghajar. flow inside ducts. compact heat Exchangers. convective mass transfer. Heisler charts. convection and radiation. relation between fluid friction and heat transfer. 8. heat transfer relations for laminar film. M. Steady State one-dimensional Heat conduction :Composite Systems in rectangular. Convection . introduction to combined heat transfer mechanism. 2006.Ltd. 4th edition. 6th edition. 5. flow over a flat plate.. thermal resistance concept. black body radiation laws. Heat Exchanger:Types of heat exchangers. F. Natural Convection: Physical mechanism of natural convection. Fick's law of diffusion. horizontal plates and Cylinders. J. Boiling modes pool boiling curve. M. effectiveness-NTU method. 9. Radiation exchange between non-blackbodies in an enclosure. Wiley Publication. Condensation on vertical surfaces and on a horizontal tube. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. buoyant force. UNIT – II 9L Fins: Types of fins. analogy between heat and mass transfer. initial and boundary conditions.P. 2013. 6th edition. errors of measurement of temperature in thermometer wells.A. 10. 2. Convection .5 L 3 Year: 3rd T 1 P 2 Semester: V UNIT – I 6L Introduction to Heat Transfer: Concepts of heat flows: conduction. hydrodynamic boundary layer. and Bohn. empirical heat transfer relations. 2014-18 Course Title: Heat and Mass Transfer Course Code: LA5220 Credit: 4. Kreith. Y.Heat transfer through fin-forced convection. Analogy between heat and electricity flow. 2. Brooks/Cole. Holman. A. 4. ―Heat Transfer‖. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient.Heat transfer from forced convection from tube. Introduction To Mass Transfer: Introduction. F. ―Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer‖. Heat and Mass Transfer Lab : List of Experiments 1.Counter flow experiment. 6th edition. TataMcGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. UNIT – III 9L Forced Convection: Basic concepts. Thirumaleswar. thermal boundary layer.. 5. liquid metal heat transfer. cylindrical and spherical coordinates with and without Energy generation. Reference Books: 1.Pearson Education.―Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer‖. Transient Conduction: Lumped capacitance method. shape factor. Conduction . 1st edition. and sphere.. Determination of Stefan-Boltzman constant. Convection. logarithmic Mean temperature difference (LMTD) method. 4. UNIT – IV 8L Condensation And Boiling :Introduction to condensation phenomena. Dehradun . unsteady state heat conduction in one dimension only. Convection . black-body radiation exchange. effectof temperature on thermal conductivity of materials. Dehradun Institute of Technology. ―Principles of Heat Transfer‖. steady mass diffusion through a wall.J. Heat exchanger . empirical heat transfer relations for natural convection over vertical plates and cylinders.Determination of thermal conductivity of metal. ―Heat and Mass Transfer‖.Composite wall experiment. thermal contact resistance. 3. fouling factors. 2013.S.Heat transfer through fin-natural convection. Incropera. 2008. Conduction .P. UNIT – V 8L Thermal Radiation: Basic radiation concepts. Infinite parallel Planes.Parallel flow experiment. Tata McGraw Hill Co. cylindrical and spherical coordinates.Experiment on heat transfer from tube-natural convection. Fins of uniform cross-sectional area.Tech. 2013.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. critical thickness of insulation. radiation properties of surfaces. Various Methods for measuring elements of External & Internal Screw Thread. temperature compensation. Signal transmission and processing: Devices and systems. Sensors and Transducers: Types of sensors. strain gauge circuits. Elastic pressure transducers. types of transducers and their characteristics. Manometers. Pressure Measurement: Introduction. angle dekkor.Tech. Force balance pressure gauges. statistical analysis of errors. tooth profile & pitch. Clinometers. Calibration of temperature measuring instruments. Sine Centre. standards of measurements. Taper Measuring instruments: Measurement of taper shafts & holes. Specification & forms of Screw Threads. Dehradun . Errors in Threads. calibration. pressure Switches. Filled System thermometers. Pressure standards and methods of pressure measurement. Sine bars. 2014-18 Course Title: Mechanical Measurements Course Code: LA5230 Credit: 4. vibration pickups and decibel meters. Elements. Angle gauges. Temperature and Temperature Scales. Working principle & construction of Angular Measuring Instruments like Protractors. Electrical temperature measuring instrument. Trouble shooting. Measurements of force and torque: Different types of load cells. Signal Display & Recording Devices UNIT – II 9L Strain measurement: Types of strain gauges and their working. Strain rosettes. Spirit level. Generalized measuring system and functional elements. Expansion thermometers. static and dynamic performance characteristics of measurement devices. elastic transducers. UNIT – V 8L Temperature Measurement: Introduction. Electrical pressure transducers. Applications. Vibration Measurement: Seismic instruments. Pyrometers. Calibration of pressure measuring instruments. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. UNIT – IV 8L Screw Thread Measurements: Introduction & classification of Threads. Advantages & limitations of commonly used angular measuring instruments. Measurement of Vacuum. Screw Thread Gauges. sources of error. pneumatic & hydraulic systems. calibration.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B.5 L 3 Year: 3rd T 1 P 2 Semester: V UNIT – I 6L Basic Concepts of Measurements: Introduction to measurement and measuring instruments. Maintenance and repair of pressure measuring instrument. Methods of temperature Measurement. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Gear Errors. UNIT – III 9L Angular and Taper Measurements: Introduction. Gear Measurements: Measurement and testing of spur gear: Various methods of measuring tooth thickness. units of measurement. concept of error. vibrometers accelerometers. 3rd edition. 2001 4. Flow measurement experiment.Vernier calipers. ―Mechanical Measurements & Instruments‖. 3. Study of limit gauges. 8. 4.Tech. Study of Pressure & Temperature measuring equipments. Measurement of angle using sinebar & slip gauges. 2014-18 Reference Books: 1. 5th edition. 10.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Marangoni. 12th edition. Rajput. ―Mechanical Measurements‖. Sawhney. 2003 3. 5th edition. 7. Study and understanding of limits. Study & working of simple measuring instruments. Vibration/work measuring experiment. 2007-2008 2. 11. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. ―Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation‖. fits & tolerances. 2. Lienhard. micrometer. A. 2004 MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS LAB List of Experiments 1. ―Measurement Systems‖.K. Speed measurement using stroboscope. Dehradun . Experiment on Dynamometer Dehradun Institute of Technology. Sawhney and P. 12. Beckwith. Study of dial indicator & its constructional details. 9. Study & angular measurement using level protector. 6.tachometer. 5. Strain gauge measurement. Measurement of effective diameter of a screw thread using 3 wire method. R.K. Doeblin. styles of management.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. motivating. ―Industrial Engineering and Production Management‖. ISO. 3. Dehradun . staffing. Analysis and Control‖. levels of management. variable and attributes. Wiley. co-ordination. joint stock.2 nd ed.. sector etc. definition of management. methods. Dhanpat Rai & Co. UNIT – V 8L Basics of Management: introduction. application and advantages of productivity. objectives and benefits. ―Production System. managerial roles. Planning. concept. Concepts of quality circles. repair shop and services sectors. 17 th edition 2010. State regulations on location. UNIT – III 9L Production Planning and Control: Types of production systems and their characteristics functions and objectives of P. quality control – principles. Sequencing. sampling plans. Banga and Sharma. UNIT – IV 8L Inspection and Statistical Quality Control: Inspection – functions. loading and scheduling. line-staff Forms of ownership – partnership. Improvement tools. ―Industrial Engineering and Production Management‖. Total quality management. types of production systems. Martand Telsang. organising. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Riggs.. Khanna publishers. Principles of management. controlling. dispatching. Production systems and Productivity: Definition of production. Acceptance sampling. reasons for increase and decreases in productivity UNIT – II 9L Location Selection and Plant Layout: Nature of Location Decision. 1 st ed. nature of management. Mahajan. progress control. Comparison of location. Dhanpat Rai Publications. Principles of Plant layout and Types. 2014-18 Course Title: Industrial Engineering & Management Course Code: LA5010 Credit: 3 L 3 Year: 3rd T 0 P 0 Semester: V UNIT – I 6L Production. Industrial Estates. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. managerial skills. Government policies on decentralization. techniques and their selection. 6..Chand & Co. Quality audit. staff. application. cooperative society. 3rd ed. Importance of Plant Location. 2005. Sales forecasting. 2006. functions of management – planning. 4. types. Reference Books: 1. techniques. S.Galgotia Publications Pvt. analytical tools of plant layout. Choice of site for selection. communication. 2000 (Reprint 2006). assembly line balancing.C.Tech. Quality assurance. Forms of organisation – line. SQC Concept. travel chart. govt. layout of manufacturing shop. line of balance. administration and management. OC curves and AOQ curves. 5. factors of production. production planning and process planning. ―Industrial Engineering and Production Management‖. ―Industrial Engineering and Management‖. ―Industrial Engineering and Management‖. normal distribution curves and its property charts for variable and attributes and their applications and interpretation (analysis) process capability. Dynamic Nature of Plant Location. Economic Survey of Site selection. and six sigma. factors affecting layout. 1991. Khanna. product design and development including standardization and simplification. decision making. Shankar. directing. 2. Definition of productivity.P. Ltd. factors governing flow pattern. 7. Black P. piston ring and gudgeon pin. 2. contact ratio. Design considerations. Types of roller bearing. Design of worm gearing. Dehradun . Reliability of Bearing. Interference in involute gears. Worm Gear: Types of worm. Design of spur gears. 2nd Edition 1994.―Design of Machine Elements‖ Tata McGraw Hill Co. Beam strength and wear strength of helical gear. (ME) Batch: 2013-17.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Juvinall Robert C. Strength and wear tooth load for worm gear. Selection of rolling contact bearing. B. UNIT – IV 8L Rolling Contact Bearing Advantages and disadvantages. Bhandari V. Wear strength of gear tooth. Lubrication of ball and roller bearing. Backlash.Tech.. & Waldron K. ―Machine Design‖ Wiley Publication. crossed helical gear.. Katara & Sons. System of gear teeth. ―Design of Machine Members‖ Tata McGraw Hill Co. Design of piston. 5th Edition 2011 3. Design of journal bearing. ―Mechanical Design Theory and Methodology‖ Springer India. Failure of gear tooth. Bearing life. UNIT – V 8L I. Gear tooth proportions. Selection of roller bearings.B. C. Types of ball bearing. E. H. Properties and materials. F ―Design of Machine Elements‖ Prentice Hall India. 4th Edition 1964. Design of helical gears. Alex Vallance & Doughtie V. & Adams O. Design of connecting rod. Design of Cylinder and cylinder head. Sharma and Agrawal ―Machine Design‖ S. General design considerations. Thrust bearing-pivot and collar bearing. AGMA and Indian standards. 1st Publication 1997. Selection of gear materials. Selection of bearing.J. Engine parts Selection of type of IC engine. herringbone gear. Maitra ―Handbook of Gear Design‖ Tata McGraw Hill Co. Heat generation.K. Hydrodynamic lubrication. 2014-18 Course Title: Machine Design–II Course Code: LA5020 Credit: L 3 Year: 3rd T 1 P 0 Semester: V UNIT – I 8L Spur Gear: Tooth forms. Waldron M. 3rd Edition 1968. Heat dissipation in worm gearing. UNIT – II 8L Helical Gear: Terminology. 2 nd Edition 2007. Hydrodynamic journal bearing.I. Dynamic tooth load. Terminology. 6. Lubricants. ―Design of Machine Elements‖ Tata McGraw Hill Co. 3rd Edition 2013 4. Efficiency of worm gear. India. 3rd Edition 2013. Plain journal bearing. Standard proportions of gear systems. Proportions for helical gear. Selection of radial ball bearing.. Mounting of bearing. Design of center crankshaft. 8. UNIT – III 8L Sliding Contact Bearing Types. 5. Beam strength of gear tooth. Dehradun Institute of Technology... Reference Books: 1. Dynamic equivalent load for roller contact bearing under constant and variable loading. Hydrodynamic thrust bearing. Gitin M. Gear manufacturing methods. Thrust ball bearing. Spott M. Study & experiment on 4. 4. specific fuel consumption at different loads.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Laxmi Publication. ―A A Textbook of Internal Combustion Engines‖. Charging and discharging of batteries. Blow by measurement. Types of supercharging.Ferguson. 6. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Producer gas. 2014-18 Course Title: Internal Combustion Engines Course Code: LA6210 Credit: 4.P. Battery and its types. Ignition delay.I.Stroke petrol and diesel engine.Injector & Fuel Pump. ―Internal Combustion Engines‖. Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of C.Colin R. 2000. Rotary engines. UNIT – III 8L CI Engines: Fuel injection in CI engines.Determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiency. UNIT – V 7L Testing and Performance: Performance parameters. Internal Combustion EnginesLab : List of Experiments 1.Stroke diesel and diesel engine. Two and four stroke engines. Ganesan. Mixture requirements. Actual Cycle analysis. Fuel injectors. MPFI.C.I. UNIT – IV 9L Engine Cooling: Different cooling systems. 3. Engine. of I. Scavenging in 2 Stroke engines. Abnormal combustion and it's control. Heat balance sheet.C. 7.Mathur & R. Allan Thomson Kirkpatrick. Crankcase ventilation. Fuel pumps. Fuels: Fuels for SI and CI engine . Ericsson cycles. Performance Analysis of Four stroke C. Magneto and Battery ignition systems. Diesel.L. Flame speed. CNG. Biogas. Study & experiment on Ignition system of I. Engines. Performance Analysis of Four stroke S. Ignition system requirements. Combustion chamber design of CI engines. Air standard cycles. Carburetor types Theory of carburetor. UNIT – II 9L SI Engines: Carburetion. Determination of Indicated H. important qualities of SI engine fuels.I.M.I. 9. Lubrication principal. Dhanpat Rai & Sons. K. 2. 5. Fuel Injection Pump and MPFI. ―A Course in International Combustion Engines‖. Combustion in CI engines. Dehradun . 4. Basic measurements. Stirling. Electronic ignition.Sharma. Types of injection systems. Engine. Stratified charge engine. Lubrication: Engine friction.C. Energy Balance. Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of S.Carburetor. Engine. Alternative fuels for IC engines.C Engines: Engine classification. Pollution and its control. Engine by Morse Test. 8. Supercharging: Effect of altitude on power output.Determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiency. Important qualities of CI engine fuels. Lubrication Oils. 3. 2nd ed. Reference Books: 1. Engines. Otto. Dopes. 2005 . Rajput. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers. Knock and its control.Tech. Testing of SI and CI engines. Requirements. ―Internal combustion engines‖ John Wiley & Sons. SI and CI engines. Energy Balance. 4th Edition. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Injection timings. Gaseous fuels. Combustion chamber design for SI engines. Experiment on Exhaust Gas Analysis of an I. Type of lubrication. Engine. LPG.5 L 3 Year: 3rd T 1 P 2 Semester: VI UNIT – I 9L Introduction to I.P. Ignition timing and spark plug. 2nd edition. Combustion in SI engine. Rating of SI engine fuels. V. Radiators and cooling fans. Cooling Towers. 2. Ignition delay. Study & experiment on 2. Additives. specific fuel consumption at different loads. Valve timing diagram.4th Ed. R. 2005. Design Systems.bresenham’s line drawing and mid point circle algorithms. Geometric Modelling-3D : Solid modeling. Intersection. IGES. Surface manipulation – Displaying. its importance & necessity. Sculptured surface. wireframe entities. Principles. features of GKS. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Reasons for implementing a CAD system. design synthesis. Hardware. Objectives of Optimization.quadric and superquadric surfaces and blobby objects Graphics Standards: Standards for graphics programming. statement such as if else for while and switch. Bezier curves . CAD Engineering applications. Finite Element Methods: Introduction and Application of FEM. Bezier surface. Classification of Optimization problems and their procedure.her mite cubic splines. 2014-18 Course Title: Computer Aided Design (CAD) Course Code: LA6220 Credit: 4. other graphics standards.digitizers. Dehradun Institute of Technology. structure and class. Boundary Representation (B-rep).DVST. surface of revolution. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG).parametric representation of synthetic curves. Surface model. rule surface. Standards in CAD UNIT – IV 8L Collaborative Engineering: Collaborative Design. wire frame models. CAD software’s. functions. Graphics display devices: CRT. B. colour CRT monitors. c++ . Concepts of integrated CAD/CAM.Spline surface. conventional design vs CAD. One/Two Dimensional bar & beam element (as spring system) analysis UNIT – V 7L Optimization: Introduction.B-splines rational curves Surface modeling: Mathematical representation surfaces.5 L 3 Year: 3rd T 1 P 2 Semester: VI UNIT – I 8L Fundamentals of CAD: Introduction. Solid Representation. plane surface. Engineering vs Optimum Design. review of c.Flat panel display. Tools. concept of oops. Trimming.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. COONs surface. Element of CAD. Stiffness Matrix/ Displacement Matrix. Benefits. Blending surface . Types of mathematical representation of curves. pointer-notations. PDES.Tech. Optimization Software. Optimized design of machine components. output-primitives. Computer Aided Process application. Dehradun . Segmentation. Surface entities. Introduction to CAD/CAE. Transformations (both 2D and 3D). PHIGS. surface representation. Parametric representation of surfaces. Tabulated Cylinder UNIT – III 9L Parameteric representation of synthetic surfaces–: Hermite Bicubic surface.scanners and touch panels. techniques of optimization. Approaches.graphics output devices UNIT – II 9L Geometric modeling: Graphics functions. Computer graphics Graphics input devices-cursor control devices. Understanding and use of any 3-D Modeling Software commands. ―Computer Aided Drafting and Design: Concepts & Applications‖. 6. Dehradun .Tech. McGraw Hill.. 1998. Experiment: Solid modeling of a machine component 6. ―Theory and Problems of Computer Graphics‖. Newman. McGraw Hill. 1981. A. ―Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics‖. Khandare S.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Donald Hearn and Pauline Baker M. 10. Inc. & Sproull.. 2014-18 Reference Books: 1. Robert F. ―Computer Graphics: A Programming Approach‖. 7. 8. Donald. Line Drawing or Circle Drawing experiment: Writing and validation of computer program. Ibrahim Zeid ―CAD/Cam Theory and Practice‖. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. 4. India.. Foley. 3. McGraw Hill. William M. Pearson Education Asia Ltd. Rogers.. 1983. 1986 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN LAB List of Experiments 1. Vosinet.S. AddisonWesley. 9. Geometric Transformation algorithm experiment for translation/rotation/scaling: Writing and validation of computer program. International Edition. ―Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics‖. Design of machine component or other system experiment: Writing and validation of computer program. 2001. 2. Prentice Hall. Plastock. ―Computer Graphics‖. McGraw Hill. 8. McGraw Hill. Harington. Numerical differentiation or numerical integration experiment: Writing and validation of computer program. J. 3. Stevan. 5. Pro/E/Idea etc... ―Computer Aided Design‖. 1982. Roy A. D. 2 nd Ed. McGraw Hill. ―Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics‖. 1986.F. ―CAD/CAM Principles... Charotar Publishing House. & Kally. Chris McMohan and Jimmi Browne.. 5. 1985. Writing a small program for FEM for 2 spring system and validation of program or using a fem Package 7. 1992 4.. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Practice and Manufacturing Management‖. 2000. & Van dam. Root findings or curve fitting experiment: Writing and validation of computer program.D. 2. Open and closed air refrigeration cycles.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. reverse Carnot cycle. Temperature-concentration. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Lithium bromidewater & Electrolux absorption systems. Dehradun . sensible heat factor (SHF). UNIT – III 7L Vapour compression system (multi stage): Removal of flash gas. Effects of sub-cooling and super heating. effective sensible heat factor (ESHF). thermal analysis of human body.comparative study. heating and humidification. UNIT – IV 8L Psychrometry: Psychrometric properties and their definitions.R.5 L 3 Year: 3rd T 1 P 2 Semester: VI UNIT – I 8L Introduction: Principles and methods of refrigeration.T). multiple expansion & compression with flash inter cooling. cooling and dehumidification. reduced ambient and regenerative cooling systems. desirable properties. condenser and evaporator pressure on system performance. Vapour absorption system: Theoretical and practical systems such as aqua-ammonia. coefficient of performance (COP) Air refrigeration system: Classification. common refrigerants. deviations from theoretical cycle. p-h and t-s diagrams.A. UNIT – V 10L Principle of air conditioning: Requirements of comfort air conditioning. psychrometric processes: sensible heating and cooling. grand sensible heat factor (GSHF). Secondary refrigerants. Refrigerants: Nomenclature & classification. apparatus dew point (ADP). Environment friendly & CFC free refrigerant. evaporative cooling. mixing of air stream. human comfort. room sensible heat factor (RSHF). bypass factor of coil. Enthalpyconcentration diagrams. Applied Psychrometry: Air washer. 2014-18 Course Title: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Course Code: LA6230 Credit: 4. ventilation and infiltration. leak detection methods. Simple.Tech. Dry air rated temperature (D. Boot-strap. UNIT – II 7L Vapour compression system (single stage): Vapour compression cycle. cooling tower. adiabatic dehumidification. Bell Coleman cycle. unit of refrigeration. effective temperature & chart. Binary mixture. calculation of supply air rate & its condition. adiabatic saturation temperature. Air-conditioning loads: Basic knowledge of summer & winter air conditioning load. Experiment on refrigeration test ring and calculation of various performance parameters. 3rd Edition. 6. Jones. Stoecker. S Chand and Company Ltd. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt. 5. 10. PHI Learning Private Ltd. 3. McGraw-Hill. New Delhi (2012). Arora. and Gupta. ”Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning”. S. Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd. Khurmi. S. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Ltd. C. To study air washers..”Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning”. J.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. 2014-18 Text Books: 1. Visit of cold storage. Pearson Education. To study different types of evaporators used in refrigeration systems. 9. New Delhi-110002.. 6.“Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning”. 3. 7. ”Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning”. 5th Edition. To study basic components of air-conditioning system.. 2013 edition. and Domkundwar.‖Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning”. To study different types of expansion devices used in refrigeration system. 4. J. New Delhi. 2. Study & determination of volumetric efficiency of compressor. Arora. Dossat. K..‖Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning”. Arora. Ramesh Chandra. 2.. ASHRAE Handbook. 2011.. R. Roy J.K.P. 2008. 7.Tech. Visit of a central air conditioning plant. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab List of Experiments 1.. 5. 2nd Edition.K. New Delhi 4. S. Kataria and Sons. S. New Delhi-110016.C. Nai Sarak Delhi. 8.‖Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning”. Rajput. R. Dehradun . Experiment on air-conditioning test rig & calculation of various performance parameters. Study of window air conditioner.. Reference Books: 1. 2012.. W. Dehradun Institute of Technology. UNIT – IV 7L Queuing Theory: Queuing system and their characteristics. UNIT – II 11L Transportation Problem: Formulation of transportation model. Methods. Katson Books. 5th edition. Concept of duality. Dehradun . UNIT – III 7L Game Theory: Formulation of games. Assignment Problem: Formulation. and procedure for resolving degenerate cases. The M/M/1 Queuing system. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. project duration. Applications of Transportation problems.slack. 2) A. UNIT – V 8L PERT-CPM Techniques: Network construction. two phase method. variance under probabilistic models. Tamil Aravari. 2013. Problems. Characteristics and phases of O. Linear Programming Problems: The simplex method . A. Balsubramani. Graphical solution (2x n. surplus and artificial variables. scope of Operations Research.R. dual simplex method. Dehradun Institute of Technology. scheduling by network. Natrajan.M. approach and limitations.. Operation Research. 8th edition. Degeneracy in transportation problems. Pearson. m x 2 game). prediction of date of completion. Unbalanced transportation problem. and dominance property. Mathematical formulation of L. Models. Definition. determining critical path. Theory and application. 2012. degeneracy. 3) Taha H. traveling problem.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B.A. unbalanced assignment problem. two person-Zero sum game. 2014-18 Course Title: Operation Research Course Code: LA6010 Credit: L 3 Year: 3rd T 1 P 0 Semester: VI UNIT – I 11L Introduction: Linear programming. crashing of simple networks. 2005. 2008. P.P.Tech. floats.K. Basic feasible solution using different methods. Reference Books: 1) J. Operation Research.. Sharma. Graphical solution methods. Steady state performance analysis of M/M/ 1 and M/M/C queuing model. 4) Vivek Kumar. Operation Research. 5th edition. 4th edition. Operation Research. games with and without saddle point. Optimality. Randhawa. 2002. Exposure on trading of various types of security instruments i. annual percentage rate. Third Edition by Chan S. Wiley India 3.Tech. D. cash flow diagrams. Prentice Hall. Dedworth. UNIT – III 6L Investment Decisions: Techniques of capital budgeting. Prentice Hall of India 2. (ME) Batch: 2013-17.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. cost and benefits. comparison of IIR with other methods. S. UNIT – IV 6L Indian capital Market: Structure. continuous compounding.T. 2014-18 Course Title: Engineering Economics Course Code: GC5010 Credit: 2 L 2 Year: 3rd T 0 P 0 Semester: VI UNIT – I 8L Time value of money. Comparison of assets of equal and unequal life.B.GalgotiaPublications 5.e. uneven cash flow and annuity. McGraw Hill International Edition. future worth and annual worth. Primary market and capital market. 1996 4. quantification of project. C. NPV Vs IRR comparison Rate of return. capital recovery and sinking fund model. Dehradun Institute of Technology. compound interest. Engineering Economics.. Bedworth. Riggs. benefit/ cost applications. Cost Accounting. Park. discounted cash flow valuation. Rustagi R. Cost –effectiveness analysis. internal rate of return. Engineering Economics. Dehradun . multi period interest.. Horn gren. Equity shares. payback period. UNIT – II 6L Analysis of public Projects: Use and situations for equivalent annual worth comparison. . Contemporary Engineering Economics.L. Reference Books: 1.U. IRR Misconceptions. Mutual funds etc. Benefit/ Cost analysis. J. efficiency and forms of capital market efficiency.. calculate present worth. effective interest rate.P. present value and discounting. simple interest vs. discounting payback period. White. future value and compounding. Shop floor control. CNC machines and turning centers.. 2014-18 Course Title: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Course Code: LA7210 Credit: 4 L 3 Year: 4th T 0 P 2 Semester: VII UNIT – I 8L Introduction. FMS control. ISBN-978-81-203-3418-2. radio frequency identification. Study of Flexible manufacturing system 2. 4. UNIT – III 8L Material Handling System -introduction to material handling. case study. Paul G.Ltd.. monorail and other rail guided vehicles. CNC part programming. UNIT – II 8L NC & CNC part programming: Fundamental of NC technology. FMS applications and benefits. Production Planning and Control systems. automated guided vehicles. Writing a part-programming (in word address format or in APT) for a job for drilling operation (point-topoint) and running on NC machine. McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Production systems and computer integrated manufacturing‖. Manual NC part programming. conveyors. Inventory control. Experiment on Mechatronics & controls Dehradun Institute of Technology. Material Requirement planning. Experiment on difference between ordinary machine and NC machine 7. computer numerical control. Prentice hall of India Pvt Ltd. Examples drilling and milling. Group technology and cellular Manufacturing: part families. Emory. turning. Dehradun . 9. part classification and coding Production flow analysis. Lean and Agile manufacturing References Books: 1. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. FMS components. 3. application of Group technology. Benefits of CIM. Kreabber ―Computer integrated manufacturing‖ Pearson Education 2nded. coding systems and formats. Prentice hall of India Pvt Ltd.seven layers of OSI model. Rao P N . Writing a part programming (in word address format or in APT) for a job for milling operation (contouring) and running on NC machine 4. Experiment on Transfer line/Material handling. CIM II. 2005. 5. Experiment on Robots and it programs 5. 2005 List of Experiments 1. Manufacturing system.ISBN-9780-07-068193-4 3.Mikell P and Zimmers jr.. cranes and hoists. computer networking in CIM. ―Automation. advance manufacturing planning. bar code technology. Groover . material transport equipment like industrial trucks. distributed numerical control.AS/RS design process Identification technologies. ― Computer Integrated Manufacturing‖. components of CIM.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Communication matrix in CIM. UNIT – IV 7L Flexible manufacturing systems: introduction. concurrent engineering and design for manufacturing. 8. Fundamentals of computer communication in CIM. UNIT – V 8L Process planning and Concurrent Engineering. FMS tool management systems. James A.―CAD/CAM Principles and Applications ―third edition. Mikell P. ―CAD/CAM‖. Groover. PHI learning private limited. Study of retrofitting.Aggregate production planning and the Master Production schedule.process planning. equipments. CASA/SME model of CIM.Concepts of CIM. Third edition. JUST IN TIME. Regh and Henry W. 2. 6. Experiment on study of system devices such as motors and feedback devices. 1998.introduction. system layout.Tech. Ranky. computer aided process planning. Crouse. ―Automobile Engineering‖. radial ply. Toque converters. Automatic transmission. cooling systems. starting motor. Complete carburetor. Steering and Front Axle. Description of an automobile. coil ignition system. Suspension: Introduction.Tech. factor influencing carburetion. Parts of an automobile. under steering. Study of braking system of an automobile. Dehradun Institute of Technology.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 2 Semester: VII UNIT – I 13L Introduction: Classification of automobiles. requirements of suspension system. power steering. general arrangements of steering systems. Dynamo. 2. wheel balancing. Braking system: Necessity. Ignition system: Introduction. K. digital ignition. battery. ignition timing. MPFI: Introduction and functioning UNIT – II 8L Engine friction. classification of brakes. Study of Suspension system of an automobile. Heat balance sheet of diesel engine test rig.Mechanism of Rear Axle. Charging system: Introduction.L. steering arms. lighting system. Fuel-supply system: S. Turbo Charger. belted bias. D. theory of simple carburetor. Universal joint. performance of automobile. engine: Functional requirements of an injection system. tyre construction-cross ply. Mechanical brakes. Profiles. Clutches. Wheels: Introduction. steering geometry. 2008. necessity of engine cooling. Front axle: Introduction. 3. C. 2005.I. Study of steering system of an automobile. 2014-18 Course Title: Automobile Engineering Course Code: LA7220 Credit: 4. types of tyre. UNIT – III 6L Chassis: Introduction.I. main circuits. K. construction. Tata McGraw Hill.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. tread patterns. brake service. UNIT – V 7L Automotive electrical system: Introduction. 3rd Edition. engine cycle-energy balance. requirements. adjusting of steering geometry. Dehradun . types of wheels. Study of Fuel supply system of an automobile. 2. functions. 2011. Singh. Distribution. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. requirements. Lighting: introduction. firing order. Classification of chassis.. Tyres: Introduction. gas temperature variation. spark plugs. 5. lubrication system. heat transfer. hydraulics brakes.W.. springs. and Anglin. ―Automotive Mechanics‖. requirements. 3. Drag link. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. steering gears. Requirement. Over drive and free wheel. Starting system: Introduction. power brakes. reversibility. steering ratio. Gupta. damper. 13th Edition. performance parameters. stub axles. requirements. wheel alignments. Morse’s test. Mixture requirement. over steering.. Fuel pump and fuel injector (Atomizer). steering troubleshooting. cooling air and water requirements. air brakes & Brake shoes & drums. New Delhi. temperature distribution & temp. Standard Publication. main parts of vehicles. tractive efforts.. Castor Angle.L. crankcase ventilation. Types of nozzles and fuel spray patterns. Differential Gear .N. 4. alternators. UNIT – IV 10L Steering and gears: Purpose. function. types of front axles. areas of heat flow in engines. Requirements. 6. engine: Carburetion & carburetors. tyre materials tyre shape. References Books: 1. ―Automobile Engineering‖. Umesh Publication. Frame. lubrication & cooling system:Determination of engine friction. purpose. UNIT – II 8L Process Control & Product Control. Dale H. Oxford. James R. methodology. Types. ―The Management and Control of Quality‖. 3. Basic concepts of TQM.. Evans and William M. Dehradun . Six-sigma: Concepts. Reference Books: 1. Contributions of Deming. New management tools. R. 6. 2003. Total Quality Management by Shri Dhara Bhatt K.TQM Framework. Lindsay. Butterworth – Heinemann Ltd. Oakland. Kaizen UNIT – V 8L Quality circles. Definition of TQM. B and Gopal. Concept of control charts. MTTR. Evolution of quality. ―Total Quality Management‖. Barriers to TQM. Indian Reprint (2006). FMEA.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. 2006. 6th Edition. ―Total Quality Management‖. L and Anand Samuel.. Dimensions of manufacturing and service quality. Bench marking process. Reason to bench mark. 2014-18 Course Title: Total Quality Management Course Code: LA7010 Credit: 3 L 3 Year: 4th T 0 P 0 Semester: VII UNIT – I 8L Introduction. maintainability and availability. Definition of quality. Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Zero Defect UNIT – IV 8L The seven traditional tools of quality.S.K. MTTF. 5. 5S Techniques. SouthWestern (Thomson Learning). ―Total Quality Management – Text and Cases‖. 2005. Quality Management by Kanishka Bedi – Oxford University press First Edition 2008 2. Ltd. applications to manufacturing. service sector including IT. Besterfiled.. Pearson Education Asia. et at. TPM – Concepts.Tech. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Need for quality. J. Janakiraman. Suganthi. Bath tub curve.. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. ―TQM – Text with Cases‖. Stages. Taguchi quality loss function. Deming Cycle. Concept of Cost of Quality Text Book: 1. Bench marking. Juran and Crosby. Quality Function Deployment (QFD). 2006. Third Edition. variables & attributes control chart for variables & attributes Acceptance Sampling and Sample Plans UNIT – III 8L Concept of reliability. 3rd Edition. 4. Ltd. A. pneumatic and Hydro pneumatic systems. Compressors. Hydraulic reservoir. Types of automation. Advantage and disadvantages. K. circuit design for control of single and double acting cylinder. position and displacement sensors. Air filter. Programming and Applications‖. Cylinder specification. Robot Programming. comparison of hydraulic. Reference Books: 1. Hydraulics. hydraulic circuits and its design. Third edition. Transfer systems in assembly lines. meter out circuits. Motion sequence representation. Overview of Robot Programming Languages. Fluid power: Introduction of hydraulics and Pneumatics fluid.978-81-203-3418-2. Characteristics of an Industrial Robot.Tech. selection of right sensor. Hydraulic Pneumatic Circuits. Chand Publisher. 2nd editions. McGraw Hill Publications. Classification of feeders. Transfer devices and feeders: Introduction. proximity sensors. 2. Hydraulic filter. hydraulic accessories like Air receiver. Robot cell layout. ISBN-8131805921 Rajput R. bleed off circuits. remote center compliance devices (RCCs). Robot Capabilities. mechanical grippers. meter in circuits. Pumps vs. check valves. Hydraulic seals. Control system Circuit design Methods.Definition. Cylinders mountings. UNIT – IV 6L Fundamentals of Robot. Introduction. UNIT – III 10L Control valves. Seals. Types of feeders. ―Robotics And Industrial Automation‖. PHI Learning private limited. ―Industrial Automation And Robotics ‖. Fundamentals of production lines. force and torque sensors . Laws of Robotics. pressure control valves.K . flow control valves. hydraulic and pneumatic symbols.. Low cost Automation. Air lubricator Air service unit (F. ISBN. magnetic grippers. Robot programming. Method of robot programming Robot Programming. Robot control systems. Mikel P. Laxmi Publications (P)Ltd. vacuum grippers. Classification of valves. force analysis of gripper mechanism. Pneumatics vs. Hydraulic and pneumatic motors. Symbol of motors. Introduction to motors.Introduction. Pneumatic accessories. Types of air compressors Fluid Accessories: Introduction.Types of end effectors. Pressure regulator. work cell Control. Applications of Robots. accumulator circuits. Classification of transfer devices. Open and Closed loop. Hydraulic accumulator. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Gupta . 4. Cylinder cushioning. Robotics mechanical Joints. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Cylinders and Motors-Introduction. ―Industrial Robotics Technology. touch or tactile sensors. Advantages and limitations of Automation. Robot Wrist and Robot Terminology. 2014-18 Course Title: Industrial Automation & Robotics Course Code: LA7020 Credit: 3. Air dryer. Motivating Factors. Transfer Devices/ Machines. Classification of industrial Robots.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VII UNIT – I 6L Automation: Introduction. Robot Languages.R. sequencing circuits. Air compressors.Introduction. Motor ratings. Groover ―Automation. and Current emphases in Automation. Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing‖. interlocks. Feeders. ISBN-0-07-100442-4. Conveyor systems used in transfer devices. servo valves. Basic elements of fluid power system. UNIT – V 8L Robotics sensors. Classification of motors. hydraulic circuit for robot arm.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Components of an Industrial Robot. range sensors. Classification of Hydraulic Pumps. After cooler. Applications. Cylinder sizing. 2010. objective of using industrial Robot. Direction control valves. Types of Robot Languages. types of proximity sensors. Types of assembly lines. ISBN 10: 8121929970 / ISBN 13: 9788121929974 Groover. Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots. Classification of cylinders. Application of fluid power. Type of controller used in Robotics.Types of sensors used in robotics. Mikell P. Robot End Effectors.L) Pipeline layout. Element of Automation. UNIT – II 10L Pump and Compressors: Introduction. 3. Dehradun . Pressure gauges and volume meters. adhesive grippers. S. Error detection and recovery. Automatic machines. P. Nuclear reactors: Components: Coolants. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. nuclear power station. UNIT – III 7L Diesel power plant: General layout.ISBN-0-07-043599-5. Nag. Pulverized coal firing system: crushers and pulveriser.Principles of working. Weight of flue gas per kg of fuel burnt. Power and energy. 4. tariff methods for electrical energy Combustion of fuels: Combustion chemistry. exhaust system. Principles of nuclear energy. Moderators.K. applications. Shielding and structural materials. evaporator.P. S. circulation. Reference Books: 1. carnotization of Rankine cycle. Ram. excess air. air intake and admission system. bubbling fluidized bed boilers. Laxmi Publications 2005 New Delhi. effect of regeneration. Nuclear fuels in fission and fusion reactors. Dehradun . deaerator. Conversion of volumetric to weight analysis and viceversa. and super heater. Rankine cycle and layout of power plant consists of economizer. Cooling Towers. Types of Nuclear Reactions. Wiley publication .J. performance of diesel engine. Nuclear materials. Different Types of Reactors and their comparison. Dhanpat Rai & Sons Rajput. Analysis of closed cycle and open cycle constant pressure gas turbine plants.. effect of variation of steam condition on thermal efficiency of steam power plant. Electrostatic Precipitator.Tech. site selection.S. "Power Plant Engineering". Condenser and cooling water system . efficiency in a steam power plant.K. circulating fluidized bed boilers. Location of Nuclear Power Plant. heat balance. "Power Plant Engineering". Weight of air required for complete combustion of fuel. effect of superheat.K. 2002. "A text book of Power Plant Engineering". Dehradun Institute of Technology. diesel plant operation and efficiency. fluidized bed combustion and boiler: regime of fluidization. 2. Steam Drum and Internals Parts. load duration curves. Control rods. Reflector. Gas turbine power plant: Components of gas turbine power plants. supercharging system. power plant economics. effect of inlet pressure. Combined cycle power plants. 9th edition. 3. UNIT – IV 5L Hydro electric Power Plant: Hydrology and hydrographs. fuel system. feed water heater. 2014-18 Course Title: Power Plant Engineering Course Code: LA7030 Credit: 3 L 3 Year: 4th T 0 P 0 Semester: VII UNIT – I 7L Introduction: economics of power generation: . lubrication system. Arora. 2nd edition. Kataria & Sons. Tata McGraw Hill. Flow duration curves.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Dornkundwar. sources of energy. weight of carbon in flue gases. effect of reheater. Advantage of Gas turbine plant over Diesel and Thermal Power Plants. UNIT – II 7L Analysis of Rankine cycle: characteristics of ideal working fluid for vapour power cycle. R. classification and arrangements of hydroelectric plants. "Basic Nuclear Engineering".C. Neutron chain reaction in fission reactors. UNIT – V 7L Nuclear power plant: Introduction. Sharma. 5. " Power Plant Engineering". Classification and comparison of different gas turbine power plants. Neutron flux.Introduction.. methods to improve the thermal efficiency of a simple open cycle constant pressure gas turbine power plant. field-study and collection of information. discounted cash flow. Marketing. UNIT – II 8L Project identification Assessment of viability. UNIT – V 7L Laws concerning entrepreneur Partnership laws. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. L. Reference Books: 1. Quality control. planning cash flow. UNIT – III 9L Accountancy Preparation of balance sheets and assessment of economic viability. accounts and stores studies. Evaluation. preparation of financial reports. demand based and resources based ancillaries and sub-control type.Tech. wages and incentive. UNIT – IV 8L Project Planning and control The financial functions cost of capital approach in project planning and control. control and communication. Role of various national and state agencies which render assistance to small scale industries. role of small scale industries in the national economy. sales and purchases. 2014-18 Course Title: Entrepreneurship Development Programme Course Code: LA8710 Credit: 3 L 3 Year: 4th T 0 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Entrepreneur Definition. " Essential of Management". financing. preparation of project report. Profit planning and programming. inventory control. control of financial flows. characteristics and types of small scale industries. demand analysis. Government policy for small scale industry. industrial relations. internal rate of return and net present value methods. planning and production control. Dehradun . decision making. capital expenditures. risk analysis. business ownership. Economic evaluation. stages in starting a small scale industry. Joseph. Growth of small scale industries in developing countries and their positions vis-a-vis large industries. sales and income taxes and workman compensation act. formulation. benefit cost analysis.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Massod. advertisement. Prentice Hall of India Dehradun Institute of Technology. capital expenditure and operations. expected costs. policies and practices in public enterprises. material balance and output methods. Indian Reprint (2006). Taguchi quality loss function.K. 2003. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Total Quality Management by Shri Dhara Bhatt K. variables & attributes control chart for variables & attributes Acceptance Sampling and Sample Plans UNIT – III 9L Concept of reliability.TQM Framework.S. Dehradun . ―The Management and Control of Quality‖. Oxford.. Reference Books: 1. FMEA. Quality Function Deployment (QFD). UNIT – II 9L Process Control & Product Control. Juran and Crosby. Definition of TQM.Tech. Oakland. Barriers to TQM. Definition of quality. Dimensions of manufacturing and service quality. Dale H. Bench marking. ―Total Quality Management‖. Butterworth – Heinemann Ltd. Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. 3. maintainability and availability. Ltd. Evolution of quality. 2014-18 Course Title: Quality Management Course Code: LA8720 Credit: L 3 Year: 4th T 0 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 6L Introduction. 6th Edition. Concept of Cost of Quality Text Book: 1. Zero Defect UNIT – IV 8L The seven traditional tools of quality. 5S Techniques. service sector including IT.. Reason to bench mark. Ltd. Pearson Education Asia. Types. SouthWestern (Thomson Learning). 2006. ―Total Quality Management – Text and Cases‖. 3rd Edition. Suganthi. Third Edition. 5. Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Need for quality. Lindsay. 2005. (ME) Batch: 2013-17.2006.. Six-sigma: Concepts. Deming Cycle. MTTR. Concept of control charts. et at. Bench marking process. R. J. 6. Contributions of Deming. Stages. MTTF. Janakiraman. Quality Management by Kanishka Bedi -Oxford University press First Edition 2008 2. New management tools. Bath tub curve. methodology. James R. Besterfiled. B and Gopal. 4.. TPM – Concepts. ―Total Quality Management‖. Kaizen UNIT – V 8L Quality circles. Evans and William M.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. applications to manufacturing. Basic concepts of TQM. L and Anand Samuel. ―TQM – Text with Cases‖. Transportation of bio gas. Apparent motion of sun. Applications. Solar distillation. Day length. Selection of a wind mill. Hydrogen energy systems. Performance analysis of flat plate collector. Bio gas production Aerobic and anaerobic bio-conversion process. Types of wind machines and their characteristics. Operating characteristics of fuel cells. Hour angle. Wind machine fundamentals. PV hybrid system. Properties of bio gas. UNIT – III 6L Biogas: Availability of bio-mass and its conversion theory Photosynthesis. Energy recovery from urban waste. Thermal analysis of solar collectors Tracking CPC and solar swing. Energy plantation. Tidal and wave energy. Elementary design principles. solar cooking. Flat plate. Introduction to various sources of energy. Solar radiation geometry. Geothermal energy. Cylindrical collectors. Efficiency and EMF of fuel cells. Applications of PV system. Dehradun . Standards of solar photovoltaic system. Aerodynamic considerations in wind mill design. Solar constant. Energy parameters (energy intensity. Semiconductor materials for solar cells. Greenhouses. Raw materials. Space heating & cooling. Wind energy farms. Horizontal and Vertical axis wind mills. Bio gas applications. Measurement of solar radiations. Flux on a plane surface. Reusable cells. strategy for meeting the future energy requirements Global and National scenarios. bio gas plant technology &status. Solar concentrating collectors. Coefficient of performance of a wind mill rotor. Ideal fuel cells. Advantages of fuel cell power plants. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Fuel properties. Economic issues. energy consumption as a measure of Nation's development. Spectral distribution. Future potential of fuel cells. Solar collectors. solar pumping. Water heating. Biomass cogeneration. Ocean thermal.Tech. Problems involved in bio gas production. Other types of fuel cells. Latitude. Performance and limitations of energy conversion systems UNIT – IV 6L Electrochemical effects and fuel cells: Principle of operation of an acidic fuel cell. Photovoltaic. Solar thermal. Solar thermal energy storage. Solar radiation data for India. Community biogas plants. Thermodynamic limits to concentration. Zenith angle. Solar pond. Wind energy. Solar altitude angle expression for angle between incident beam and the normal to a plane surface (no derivation). Power generation from liquid waste. 2014-18 DEPARTMENTAL ELECTIVES Course Title: Non-Conventional Energy Resources and Utilization Course Code: LA8610 Credit: 3. Biomass. Local apparent time.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Energy resources and their utilization: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources. energy-GDP elasticity). Biomass gasification. Efficiency of solar cells. Producer gas. Water power. Comparison between acidic and alkaline hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells. Biomass resource development in India. Solar photovoltaic system. UNIT – II 8L Solar energy: Solar thermal power and it's conversion. Availability of wind energy in India. Surface azimuth angle. Different systems. Declination angle. wind velocity. Solar power plants Solar photovoltaic system: Photovoltaic effect. Types of concentrating collectors. Wind energy: Properties of wind. Prospects of renewable energy sources. Solar radiations on earth. Solar radiations: Extra-terrestrial radiation. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Fuel cell.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Recent development. 3. Hot springs. Principal of working. Twidell. (1987).Tech. 5.P.A. 2nd edition. J. M. 2nd edition. Problems associated with geothermal conversion. New Delhi: Tata McGrew Hill Company Ltd. 2014-18 UNIT – V 8L Geothermal energy: Structure of earth’s interior. Society I E& FN Spon. 4. 2.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Garg. Geothermal sites. & Wier T. Drdricht: Reidel Publishing Co. & Mielee M. New Delhi: Tata McGrew Hill Company Ltd.A. ―Solar Energy”. earthquakes & volcanoes. 2nd edition. ―Renewable energy sources and conversion technology”. (1996). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Types of geothermal station With schematic representation. Site selection for geothermal power plants. S. ―Advanced in Solar Energy Technology”. J.. N. (1986). 1st edition. Sukhatme. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Kleeman. (1990). Geothermal resources.P. ―Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes”. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Steam ejection. H. (2013). 4th edition. Reference Books: 1.K. English Language book. Dehradun . & Beckman W. Advanced concepts. ―Renewable energy resources”. Bansal. Duffie. SpringerVerlagBerlinHeidelberg. Anderson. UNIT – IV 8L Weighted residual methods: General formulation. M. UNIT – II 10L Preliminary computational techniques: Discretisation. UNIT – III 8L Finite difference method: conceptual implementation. Types of partial differential equations.method of characteristics. 3.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. and Sundararajan. Reprint 2014.. (ME) Batch: 2013-17.hyperbolic. 2014-18 Course Title: Computational Methods For Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow Course Code: LA8620 Credit: 3. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Equations with first derivatives and second derivatives. 2002.Tech. ―Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer‖. Greens function method. Narosa Publications. separation of variables. K. general techniques. FV method applied to Laplace’s equation. 2. Approximation of derivatives. Traditional solution methods.H.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Review of basic fluid mechanics and the governing (Navier-Stokes) equations. Introduction to Finite Volume method. J. 1995. spatial derivatives. parabolic and elliptic. Ferziger. McGraw-Hill Publication. two dimensional interpolations. Convergence. J.D. time derivatives. Taylor series expansion. Accuracy of discretisation process-higher order vs lower order formulae. consistency and stability of FD equation. and Peric. 2nd Edition.. Murlidhar.. application to transient heat conduction problem. T. Dehradun . quadratic interpolation. UNIT – V 8L Finite Element method: Linear interpolation. ―Computational Fluid Dynamics‖. converting derivatives to discrete algebric expressions. ―Computational Method for Fluid Dynamics‖. Reference Books: 1. Application to heat transfer problems. Kern. ―A Heat Transfer Textbook‖.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Classification of heat transfer equipments. UNIT – II 8L Design of double pipe heat exchanger-study and performance.D. 8L UNIT – IV 8L Thermal design of heat exchange equipments such as Air pre-heaters. UNIT – III Plate and spiral plate heat exchanger – plate heat exchanger for Dairy industry – Heat Pipes. and Lienhard. ―Heat Exchangers-Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals and Design‖. 2. UNIT – V Compact heat exchangers. Gupta. LMTD and NTU methods.Tech.‖ McGraw-Hill Book Co. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Dehradun Institute of Technology. ―Process Heat Transfer.Y. Shah. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. D. Specifications for heat exchangers.J..R.. Economizer – Super heater and condensers.Design of shell and tube heat exchanger. `Heat Exchanger Design A Practical Look'. 4. P. ―Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design‖. N. 3. 5. 2014-18 Course Title: Design of Heat Exchangers Course Code: LA8630 Credit: 3..J. Delhi: C. McGraw Hill. Lienhard. 8L Reference Books: 1. S.. 1979. Analysis and design of cooling towers. Kokac. Enterprises.. and Sekulic. .H. Standards of heat exchangers.H. J..Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Massachusetts. 1997. Q. S. 2005.P. 2003.Cambridge.K. Dehradun . design methodology. Phlogiston Press. . Constructional and Operational Features of basic machine tools e. cylinder. UNIT – IV Design of Machine Tool Structure 8L Function of machine tool structures and their requirements. Controls for speed & feed change. Design of feed box. 2014-18 Course Title: Machine Tool Design Course Code: LA8640 Credit: 3. column and housing.g. Design of spindle & spindle supports. Milling. Dehradun . Types of machine tools. Design criteria for machine tool structures. Selection of range ratio.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I Introduction and General Principles of Machine Tool Design 8L Developments in machine tools. Design of guide ways and power screws: basic guide way profiles. Kolkata. Fundamentals of kinematic structure of machine tools. gear. New Delhi. Second Edition. Elements of hydraulic transmission system. Layout of bearings. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Devices for intermittent motion. Force Analysis UNIT – II Machine Tools Drives 7L Classification of machine tool drives. Closed loop system.C. S. ―Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control‖ 3rd Edition. Selection of best possible structural diagram. A brief review of the elements of mechanical transmission e. nut & screw transmission. 2012 2.K. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. 5th Edition.. Mehta. Reversing & Differential mechanisms.Tech. pressure valves etc. Reference books: 1. UNIT – V Dynamics of machine tools 8L General procedure for assessing the dynamic stability of cutting process. their performance & significance.. cam mechanism. Speed and feed control. New Delhi. slider-crank mechanism.. e. Bhattacharya. Basic design procedure for machine tool structures. Ltd. Shapers and Planers.g. ―Principles of Machine Tools‖. Machine tool design process. Milling and Drilling machines. Sen and A. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. Drill. Selection of electric motor. Hydrostatic and antifriction grand ways. pumps. Step-less regulation of speed and feed in machine tool. N. Couplings and clutches. UNIT – III Regulation of Speed and Feedrates 7L Laws of stepped regulation. Speed chart.K. Pal. selection of bearings for machine tools. Selection of material.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. directional control valves. Machine tool testing: Geometrical tests on Lathe. Ltd. Basu and D. Model technique in design. Standard progression ratio. General requirement of machine tool design.K.. Designing guide way for stiffness and wear resistance. Control Systems: Functions. 2009 Dehradun Institute of Technology. Design of sliding friction power screws. Developing gearing diagrams. G. Design of bed. belt and chain drives. Automatic and manual Controls. Basics of numerical controls. Pvt. Tool wear. 2009 3. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. requirements & types of machine tool controls. ―Design of Machine Tools‖. Chatter in machine tools. Group vs Individual drives.g. Lathe. Grinding machine etc. ceramic-polymer. D. 2014-18 Course Title: Advanced Engineering Materials Course Code: LA8650 Credit: 3. stress required to move a dislocation. transformation in steel and effect of alloying in steel and in cast iron. statistical nature of entropy and kinetics of thermally activated process. recovery recrytallization and grain growth.L. fabrication and forming techniques of rubber. UNIT – V 8L Elasiomers and Masullaneous types. Fracture toughness. application and process. UNIT – IV 8L Composites Polymer – polymer. Hall pitch relation. properties and identifications of different types of rubbers vulcanization. Diamond cubic structure and structure of graphite UNIT – II 8L Diffussion In Solid: Fick’s law of diffusion. Glass transition . Pearson Education India. ceramic and composite. vacancy and interstitial model of diffusion and the mathematical modeling Phase transformation: Gibs phase rule. Kirkendall effect . UNIT – III 8L Plastic deformation: Mechanism of plastic deformation. shear strength of perfect and real crystal. Strengthening mechanism. 4. H. Liver rule . metal-ceramic. Nucleation and growth. ―Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction‖ John Wiley & Sons. Springer verlag BerlinHeidelberg. basic thermodynamic function. growth and over all transformation kinetics. atomic model of diffusion in solid. application of fick’s law. effect of solute atom and grain size on dislocation motion. D. Solution to ficks law of diffusion. Smart materials-introduction and types. (ME) Batch: 2013-17.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. ―Fundamentals of Materials Science: The Microstructure–Property Relationship Using Metals as Model Systems‖. V. Dehradun Institute of Technology. fracture mechanism map . PHI Learning Private Limited. Callister W. 1. Reference books: Raghvan. laminated and fibre reinforced composites.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Equilibrium and kinetics: stability and metastability. particle reinforced.. Introduction to crystal structure and crystal imperfections Radius ratio rule. Dehradun .2006 Mittermeijer. . 2. multiplication of dislocation during deformation. method of protection against fracture. 2010. Effect of temperature in dislocation motion. Selection process and systematic evaluation. ―Materials Science And Engineering ― . 2013. some typical phase diagram. solidification and crystallization. G. Introduction of plastics and ceramics – types. ceramic –ceramic.Tech. Fracture: Ductile and brittle fracture. Eric J. 3. Precipitation process. metal-metal. metal polymer composites. Van Vlack. Dispersion reinforced. &Rethwisch. Nucleation and growth kinetics .‖ Elements of Materials Science and Engineering. Selection of materials and factors effecting deflection. ductile brittle transition . Mechanical behaviour of polymer. case studies 8L Reference books: 1) Anita Goyal. the importance of engineering design. setting final specifications Concept Generation: Activities of concept generation. Interpret raw data in terms of customers need. user friendly design Concept Selection: Overview. human factors design. methods of selection. Dehradun . clarifying problem. the challenges of product development Product Planning and Project Selection generic product development process. explore the output UNIT – III 6L Industrial Design: Assessing need for industrial design. search both internally and externally. Need for developing products. measurement of customers’ response UNIT – V Intellectual Property: Elements and outline. Kristin Wood. product design and development process. 4) Kevin Otto. Indian Reprint 2004 3) Yousef Haik. ―Engineering Design Process Cengage Learning‖. 2014-18 Course Title: Product Design And Development Course Code: LA8660 Credit: 3. Shahin. General Theory of Innovation and TRIZ. regulations from government. ―Product Design‖. . Value engineering Applications in Product development and design.Tech. allocation of resources. Kristin Wood. case studies UNIT – IV 6L Theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ): Fundamentals.Tata McGraw-Hill Education. various phases of product development-planning for products UNIT – II 8L Identifying Customer Needs Voice of customer. Dehradun Institute of Technology.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. John Wiley & Sons. 2ndEdition Reprint. M. 2010. establish the relative importance of needs Product Specifications: Establish target specifications. concept screening and concept scoring. relevance of product lifecycle issues in design. methods and techniques. Karl T Ulrich. ―Engineering Design: A Project-based Introduction‖. Pearson Education. Pearson Education Indian Reprint 2004. 2009. M. patenting procedures. customer populations. ―Product Design and Development ―. T. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. industrial design process. hierarchy of human needs.4thEdition. ISO system. need gathering methods. Steven D Eppinger. Patrick Little. 2) Kevin Otto. sequential engineering design method. 5) Clive L.Dym. ―Product Design‖. Modelbased technology for generating innovative ideas Concept Testing: Elements of testing: qualitative and quantitative methods including survey.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Significance of product design. Identifying opportunities. assessing quality of industrial design. claim procedure Design for Environment: Impact. 3rd Edition 2009. evaluate and prioritize projects. management. Damping models – Structural. Response to an initial disturbance. Reference Books : 1. 2014-18 Course Title: Mechanical Vibrations Course Code: LA8670 Credit: 3. Numerical Analysis . 3rdedition. Natural frequency.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. UNIT – V 7L Critical Speed of Shafts: Shafts with one disc with and without damping. Rao. Lateral vibration of beams. Debabrata Nag. Coulomb and Viscous damping. Velocity. Continuous systems. Torsional system with damping. Coupled System. Holzer’s Method.2011 4. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. beats. superposition of simple harmonic motions.Mechanical Vibrations. Principal modes.. Mechanical Vibrations. Vibration measuring instruments.2014 2. P. Rayleigh method and Energy method fordetermining natural frequency.2011. India.Longitudinal vibration of bars. V. Dhanpat Rai & Co. Harmonic Excitation with viscous damping. Sources of excitation. S. Principal coordinates. Torsional vibrations. Logarithmic decrement. Newton’s method. Dr. 4th edition. Influence coefficients.S. Steady state vibrations. Double pendulum. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Viscous dampers UNIT – II 10L Single Degree Freedom: Forced vibration. Vibrations of system with viscous damping. Magreb. Vibration absorbers. Dehradun . Torsional vibration of multi-rotor system. Dry friction damper. Acceleration and Frequency measuring instrument UNIT – III 6L Two Degree of Freedom System: Introduction. Torsional vibrations of Circular Shafts. 1st edition. Undamped free and forced vibrations of multi degree system.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 10L INTRODUCTION: Periodic motion. Damped vibrations. Untuned viscous damper UNIT – IV 7L Multidegree of Freedom Systems: Exact Analysis. Support excitation.Tech. Mechanical Vibration. Fourier analysis. harmonic motion. Centrifugal pendulum absorber. Forced vibrations with rotating and reciprocating unbalance. Singh. Single Degree Freedom System: Free vibration. Vibration Isolation and Transmissibility. Mechanical Vibrations. Cengage.Rayleigh’s Mehod. New Delhi 3. Secondary Critical speed.Displacement. Pearson. Reciprocal Theorem. Stodola’s Methods and Rayleigh – Ritz method. Dunkerley’s formula. Multi-disc shafts. S.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Introduction to Finite Difference Method and Finite Element Method. 2006 3. McGraw-Hill. Plate bending problems with isotropic and anisotropic materials. New York‖. Errors. ―Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis‖. J.. Natural co-ordinate system. C.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. UNIT – V 8L FEM. McGraw—Hill. Dehradun . ―Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Practice‖. Dehradun Institute of Technology. Use of commercial FEM packages. Axi-symmetric and 3D bodies.. an essential component of CAD. Reddy. Variation and Weighted residual approaches.Tech. Advantages and disadvantages. Finite element solution of existing complete designs. Zienkiewicz. 1977. Higher order elements.. ―The Finite Element Method. Organization of the Finite Element programmes. Shape functions. McGraw Hill Inc. Applications of the method tomaterially non-linear problems. UNIT – IV 6L Idealization of stiffness of beam elements in beam-slab problems. UNIT – III 6L Application to plane stress and plane strain problems. J.. Krishnamoorthy. 3rd ed.. ―An Introduction to the Finite Element Method‖. 2. Structural stability. Element and global stiffness matrix. Comparison with conventional analysis. New York. O. Prentice-Hall. Convergence and patch test. Third Edition. N. K. Numerical techniques. UNIT – II 8L Mathematical formulation of FEM. C. Reference Books: 1. 2014-18 Course Title: Finite Element Methods Course Code: LA8680 Credit: 3. (ME) Batch: 2013-17.. 4. 1982. Boundary conditions. Bathe. Data preparation andMesh generation through computer graphics.g. 1994. Heat conduction and fluid flow problems. 3D problems. Other applications e. block diagram analysis. Laplace transform theorems. 2006.―Modern Control Engineering‖. Ogata. Time response analysis: Time Response of linear control systems. and Gopal. Control system engineering. Steady-State Error.Tech. the Unit-Step Response and Time-Domain Specification. UNIT – III 6L Feedback characteristics of control systems. PD and PID controller.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Kuo. I. Root locus technique. UNIT – II 8L Introduction to Laplace transform. Prentice Hall. 2010. 8th edition. Frequency response analysis. Bode plot and Nyquist stability criteria and Nyquist plot. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. ―Automatic Control Systems‖. Routh’s stability criteria. M. applications of control system. Introduction to controller design.. signal flow graphs. 5th edition. New Age International Publishers. B. application of the Laplace Transform to the Solution of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations. phase lead. PI. mathematical models of physical systems. Dehradun Institute of Technology.. properties of the Root Loci. inverse Laplace transforms and theorems. transfer function. Nagrath. types of control system.J. 2.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Introduction to control system. UNIT – IV 6L Concepts of stability and algebraic criteria. Transient Response of a Second-Order System. Reference books: 1. introduction to differential equations. 2014-18 Course Title: Automatic Control Course Code: LA8690 Credit: 3. 3. UNIT – V 8L Stability in frequency domain. Dehradun . John Willey and Sons. Time Response of a First-Order System.. 2009. K. Introduction to state variable analysis. basic Properties of Root Loci. phase lag. control systems and components. "Industrial Robotics – Technology. Industrial Engineering Series. J. Shift registers . material used in MEMS. Basic block diagram."Mechatronics electronic control in mechanical and electrical engineering". karnaugh maps. pearson education Ltd ISBN 978-81-7758-284-0. automation and Mechatronics application. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. digital signal –Analog to digital convertor. Pneumatics and Hydraulic actuations system. Robot accuracy and repeatability. Robot control system. force. Architecture and instruction sets for 8085. 8051. W. Programming and Applications". measurement system. 2014-18 Course Title: Mechatronics Course Code: LA8600 Credit: 3. flip flops.Concept.D. Surface-micro machining and Photolithographic..Anatomy of Robots. programming. displacement. R.C..Mechanical actuations. & Joshi. position and proximity. Boolean algebra. Response of systems.introduction. UNIT – III 8L Microprocessor and microcontrollers. M.Wheatstone bridge. Industrial Robots. Signal conditioning. Systems. fluid pressure. Webb. ISBN 81-203-2308-4. microprocessor based controller. Actuation system.Tech. demultiplexers and multiplexers. " Mechatronics " PHI publication ISBN 81-203-2986-4 Dehradun Institute of Technology. Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontrollers. Reference books: 1. law of Robots. decoders. Advantage. ISBN 0-0-100442-4. ladder diagram for sequencing of two and three cylinders. A. ladder diagram for Timers. temperature. Dehradun . light sensors. P. McGraw Hill International Editions. input and out modules. J. Electrical actuations systems. Reis. Digital logic – number system. control system.. Manufacturing methods for MEMS like Bulk micromachining. "Programmable Logic Controller – Principles and Applications" 5/e. UNIT – V 8L Micro-electro mechanical system (MEMS). 4. Groover M. Master and Jumps controls.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. End effectors. logic gates.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Mechatronics-A leading edge technology. selection of sensors. industrial application. W. Internal relay and Counters. 3. selection of PLC. UNIT – IV 8L Programmable logic controllers (PLC). Prentice Hall of India Ltd. velocity and motion. Robots in material handling. Singh. Microprocessor system. 2. digital to analog convertor.introduction. basic structure of PLC. data acquisition UNIT – II 8L Sensors and transducers – performance terminology.. Application. Bolten. Dehradun . Joseph L. Tripathy and P. styles. N. P. types of strategies. Dehradun Institute of Technology. leadership theories Organization culture. N. Levels of management UNIT – II 9L Planning: Definition of planning.Tech. Policy. quality control. appraisal. 2003. Special Indian edition. Types of business organizations. Motivation. its importance. UNIT – III 10L Organizing: Nature. 2014-18 Course Title: Principles of Management Course Code: LA86A0 Credit: 3. types of planning. 2007. motivation theories. need for management. managing cultural diversity. Prentice Hall of India. steps involved in planning. Line and staff authority. types of policies. UNIT – V 8L Controlling: System and process of controlling. types of decision making process. McGraw Hill Education. Charles W. C. Massie. 2. Reddy. Leadership – definition. Decision making. ―Principles of Management ―. objectives. orientation. Centralization and decentralization. process of managing by objectives. ―Essentials of Management‖ . purchase control. contribution of Taylor and Fayol. Departmentation. 1999 4. 2007. R.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B. Gupta. Strategy. evolution of management thought. purpose and structure of organization. basis of departmentation. elements and types of culture. Reference Books: 1. elements. UNIT – IV 8L Directing: Creativity and innovation. HRD. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. role of managers. Authority and responsibility. Tata McGraw Hill. ―Principles of Management‖. Hill and Steven McShane.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 5L Overview of management: Definition of management. formal and informal organization. hierarachy of needs. Types of control. maintenance control. requirements of effective control. planning operations Globalization and liberalization. L. S Chand Limited. Management as science and art. cost control. 3. " Principles and Practices of Management‖. delegation of authority Selection and recruitment. Recommended Books: 1. 1983. 3. evaluation of costs.P. Approach of function Evaluation of function. 2014-18 Course Title: Value Engineering Course Code: LA86B0 Credit: 3. “Industrial Engineering and Management”. (ME) Batch: 2013-17. Initiating A VE Program Introduction. Tufty Herald. UNIT – IV Fast Diagramming : Cost models. determining worth. life cycle costs 6L UNIT – V 8L VE level of Effort: VE team. classifying function. 2. ―Compendium on Value Engineering” The Indo American Society. Dehradun . speculation phase. 1972. definitions. UNIT – II 8L VE Job Plan: Introduction. Dhanpat Rai& Sons. analysis phase. L.. information phase. 1993. Dehradun Institute of Technology.D. Khanna.. training plan. construction management contracts. value engineering case studies. programs. Methods selection. career development for VE specialties. 1stEdition.2ndEdition. value standards. UNIT – III 6L Versatility of VE: VE operation in maintenance and repair activities. G. McGraw Hill. Selection of Evaluation of VE Projects Projects selection. value engineering recommendations. ―Techniques of Value Engineering and Analysis”:. advantages. application of VE methodology. O. determining function.5 L 3 Year: 4th T 1 P 0 Semester: VIII UNIT – I 8L Definition.Department of Mechanical Engineering Detailed Syllabus for B.Tech. different services. orientation. Co-coordinator. evaluation of worth. evaluation of value.. designer. value engineering in non-hardware projects. Miles.
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