Discussions on Slt Replications Issues

March 21, 2018 | Author: Tayi Sriram | Category: Replication (Computing), Parallel Computing, Latency (Engineering), Databases, Troubleshooting



Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configurationThis question is Not Answered. Saritha K 26-Nov-2013 11:04 Hi Experts, My SLT version is 2011_1_731 sp 5. My configuration works fine for small tables but it becomes slow when it comes to loading large transparent table like CE11000. I followed steps mentioned in blog " How to improve the initial load" written by Tobias and started replication with below parametersMy replication remains in initial load process with calculation showing 'S for more than 3hrs and then it started showing status 'P' when 1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000 started running. in table IUUC_PRECALC_OBJ my entries are conv object- CE11000 NUMREC 145000000 in table IUUC_PERF_OPTION my entries are tabname - CE11000 PARALLEL JOBS- 5 SEQNUM - 20 READING TYPE 5 and my SLT Server configuration has below count of jobs No of Data Transfer jobs - 4 Initial load jobs - 7 No of calculation jobs -2 If I do a table health check in its calculation phase ( status P), using tcode- LTRC-> Expert FunctionsChecks for table CE11000 (mass transfer ID 001) started Last action is R-Load tables and start replication, status is O-Obtained (Scheduled); "Is Last" = Yes (from 26.11.2013 05:28:54) Current action is R-Load tables and start replication; status is O-Obtained (Scheduled) Log table /1CADMC/00000212 created in sender system, and has 0 records The following triggers are defined for table CE11000: - /1LT/00000212INS Trigger CE11000; status is 2-Activated Latency data for table CE11000 is not available Migration object =Z_CE11000_001;Defined? = Yes, Generated? = Yes (X = Yes, blank = No) No access plan found for table CE11000 Access plan set as 'Not Calculated' in table DMC_MT_TABLES for table CE11000 Checks for table CE11000 finished (mass transfer ID 001) The troubleshooting activity has detected critical issues Currently I can see number of records getting updated in the job log of 1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000 but I cannot see any ACC_PLAN_CALC_001_0 jobs. Please suggest your opinion on below points to accelerate initial load1. options that we can check for monitoring if something in replication is failing apart from above steps 2. parameters that need to be added additionally incase required 3. any correction notes required to be installed for our mentioned configuration. Regards, Saritha Helpful Answers by Saritha K, Guenter Weber, Saritha K, Guenter Weber, Guenter Weber  1908 Views  Average User Rating (0 ratings)  Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 26-Nov-2013 13:52 (in response to Saritha K) Hi All, To add to my above question, the replication failed for job / 1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000_ / 08463900 after running for about 4hrs(which means my replication in initial load ran for status S-3hrs and status P- 4hrs) with below errorInternal session terminated with a runtime error DBIF_RTAB_SQL_ERROR ST22 messages- short text SQL error 1691 when accessing table "DMC_INDXCL". Database error text Error Text of the Database: "ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment SAPSR3.SYS_LOB0000327172C00006$$ by 128 in tablespace PSAPSR3" Please suggest some steps on how to resolve it. Regards, Saritha o o Alert Moderator o Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Like (0) Guenter Weber 26-Nov-2013 14:42 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha, two remarks: 1. Once the status has switched from 'S' to 'P' that means that the parallelization is defined. You can now start, as shown in the blog, additional access plan calculation jobs. This will result in a considerably shorter time to finish this activity. 2. Concerning the shortdump, you need to keep in mind that in the course of the access plan calculation activity, the data to be transferred to HANA are first stored in the source system in an INDX-like table named DMC_INDXCL. You need to make sure that enough space is available in the corresponding tablespace, which here is PSAPSR3. We normally assume a compression factor of 1:10, so if you want to select 300 GB of data for loading to HANA, you need to provide at least 30 GB, possibly a bit more, of tablespace to make sure that the above problem will not occur Kind regards, Guenter  Alert Moderator  Like (0)  Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 26-Nov-2013 14:55 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter, -Thanks for your reply, we have data of around 485 GB, and we have increased it by 60GB but I have a query now- from this step, if I have to restart my failed replication, how should I do it? My /1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000_ / 08463900 had read 86,000,000 records and as per our estimate it should have reached 145, 000,000. Is there a way to resume by setting any indicator in the expert options of tcode- mwbmon? Regards, Saritha  Alert Moderator  Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  Like (0) configuration PITIRIM TAN 26-Nov-2013 15:41 (in response to Saritha K) I do not know if there is restart capability after an error. We've been having short dumps in our parallel processing. To start from the beginning we have successfully used the steps in this document. We have not had to use the ABAP steps. http://maben.homeip.net/static/computers/sap/HANA/starter/0410%20-%20Data %20Provisioning%20-%20SLT%20for%20HANA%201.0%20-%20Repairing%20Replication %20Errors%20with%20ABAP%20Program%20Automation.pdf  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  configuration Saritha K 27-Nov-2013 06:27 (in response to PITIRIM TAN) Hi Pitirim Tan, Thank you for the pdf, I was able to retrigger the job /1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000_ which had got cancelled and now I have a new problem. My failed job started with access plan 2 which triggered plan 3, 4 in sequence. As per Guenter's suggestion when I set the additional access plan setting, it triggered a new job for plan 5 as well. Now the status is as below/1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000_2 instances are running parallel. Is there way to restart the job only for access_plan 1 which is missing now? Another query that I have is, whether on acp jobs completion, will my load run successfully? Regards, Saritha Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using  SLT configuration Guenter Weber 27-Nov-2013 07:18 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha, unfortunately a job for access plan calculation that has run in the source system and got cancelled needs to start again from scratch. But the parallelization should alleviate this problem, as the job only processes a subset and not all the data of the respective table. Kind regards, Guenter  Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 27-Nov-2013 08:31 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter, Sorry I couldn't interpret your answer. Do you mean to say - that the loading will start automatically after these 2 instances get over and load tables into HANA with whatever rows in present in DMC_INDXCL table? Within 2-3hrs I expect my access plans/1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000 jobs to get over. If I go to tcode- mwbmon-steps -> calculate access plan - > execute function and give below parameters- mass transfer id - 0001 tablename - CE11000 Number of jobs to be scheduled5 and also mark the RESTART option this time, alongwith setting of do not recalculate precalculations and access plans that have been calculated what will be the impact- will it restart with my missing access plan and ignore the remaining ones as it has been calculated? or I also know to trigger the cancelled job again from SM37 by passing variants at runtime or should I ignore the access plan 1 data for now, as DMC_INDXL will have some 86, 000,000 rows that were stored before job got cancelled, so let it proceed with loading after above jobs get completed? Please give some overview on which option I should go for and why .. Regards, Saritha Alert Moderator    Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Guenter Weber 28-Nov-2013 07:32 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha, there is no need to directly start the jobs from SM37, but you can do it from MWBMON the way you described. Just keep one thing in mind: If you mark the restart option while 2 jobs are already running, and you want to start another 2 jobs, you need to specify 4 as the number of jobs. The restart option means that the number of jobs you specify is the TOTAL number of jobs that should run, so we calculate the difference between the number of currently running jobs and the number of jobs that you specify, and schedule this number of jobs. As soon as all access plans are calculated, the overall status of the table will switch to calculated = 'X', and the initial load will start. Kind regards, Guenter  Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 28-Nov-2013 10:26 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter, Yesterday we tried out with the restart option, but it didn't work out due to some reason, the calculation process remainined in 'P' status as a result , the load process never got triggered. Finally we had to clean up the tables after replication error and have started a fresh start. Hope this gets completed . Currently I have set 2 additional calculation plans to run parallely. Just one more query from my end, after these access plans get completed, would the load jobs also run parallely or do i need to set it those jobs as well parallely after the load jobs 1st instance starts running from mwbmon - steps - load data and any particular field that I need to enter as such. Regards, Saritha.  Alert Moderator  Like (0)  Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Guenter Weber 28-Nov-2013 13:58 (in response to Saritha K) Saritha  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration  Guenter Weber 29-Nov-2013 07:55 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha. and maintain the field "No of Parallel Jobs". Regards. you create an entry for the table in question. when you have selected the configuration in iuuc_repl_content. This time the access plans were calculated without any interruption:) . and I have 4 loads running in parallel currently as in my LTR configuration I have "initial load jobs count =4" From iuuc_repl_content. this is strange. Kind regards. we don't allow more than three jobs running in parallel for a certain table. Guenter  Alert Moderator  Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  configuration Saritha K 03-Dec-2013 09:40 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Experts. You only need to keep in mind that by default. Concerning the parallelization of the initial load. If you need more. that will work without any forther manual activities. how do I set this parallelization? frm mwbmon. the ideal case is that you have defined the degree of parallelization in transaction iuuc_repl_content before starting the replication of that table.Hi Saritha. Kind regards. Guenter o Alert Moderator o Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration o Like (0) Saritha K 29-Nov-2013 06:09 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter. Otherwise you can define it in transaction MWBMON. in such a case this should rather be handled with a OSS message. I believe its the same ways as I stated above right. Like (0) .. There. But this needs to be done before you initiate the replication of the respective table. you choose the tab "IUUC_PERF_OPTION". Among others. Regards. for the purpose of parallelization. rather than only 2) in order to achieve a shorter time for this access plan calculation processing step. Kind regards. defining selection criteria based on the primary key is exactly what we do with reading type 4. but here we do not have an idea of how the data is widely distributed across year. Also note that the number of records you specify. and (in case of Oracle) to minimize the risk of an ORA-01555 cancellation. BELNR(Document Number) etc in order to judge the selection criteria. I tried the same steps for cluster table BSEG with reading type '4' this time and it started out well with creation of 2 access calculation plans. in table IUUC_PRECALC_OBJ is in this case the number of RFBLG records. it becomes more and more difficult to return the data as they were at the time the selection began. Is there some additional setting that needs to be done when we try with replicating of large cluster tables? Why is it that replication of transparent table is faster than cluster table replication? I also saw another approach where in we give selection criteria's based on primary key for multiple access plans. it is necessary to analyze on DB level why there is no progress. Please suggest some technique which can be used for faster access of cluster tables into HANA. 5 to 10 access plans. 001 and 002. My job with access plan 002 got over after fetching around 24million records but there has been no update in job log 001 for more than 19hrs. Saritha  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  configuration Guenter Weber 03-Dec-2013 11:36 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha. in the course of time. Günter  Alert Moderator   SLT configuration Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using . Concerning the problem with an access plan not being processed.The steps documented for parallel replication of transparent table CE11000 worked out fine for me. This might finally (but often only after some time with DB inactivity has elapsed) result in an ORA01555 "snapshot too old" shortdump Cluster processing is always more time consuming because the data need to be declustered (converted from the internal storage format to the format of the logical cluster table). not the number of BSEG records. I would recommend a higher degree of parallelization (for example. possible problems might be:   no space left in the tablespace to which table DMC_INDXCL is assigned in case of Oracle. Will try again with different selection parameters. Thank you for the valuable inputs. Saritha Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking me using SLT configuration ritha K 11-Feb-2014 06:10 (in response to Saritha K) Experts.Saritha K 04-Dec-2013 11:02 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter. Can you please list out basic steps to carry out smooth replication of cluster table BSEG? Note.5 initial load jobs calculation jobs -5 Log tables etc got created after it was replicated but later on it got stuck meaning the table appeared 'in process' state" table overview" tab but it just didn't appear in "Data transfer monitor" tab later on. With the latest version of SLT(DMIS_2011_SP6). I have a count of BSEG table now which is around 176779953 records and I plan to split in 9 access plans with slt configuration set to below set of jobsdata transfer jobs . Regards. Need your help to replicate BSEG with reading type 4.HANA server version is upgraded to SP07 Regards. I was referring to SLT – Reading Type 4 Replication PDF and in IUUC_REPL_CONTENT I have set partition by GJAHR to 5 parts this time. but it seems my numrec for IUUC_PRECALC_OBJ that was not correct. are there any changes in the steps for parallel plication of transparent/cluster tables? . It wasnt due to tablespace issue for sure. Saritha Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 13-Dec-2013 13:45 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Experts. because I was not able to get the number of records thru both backgroun and foreground processing. in the ple above.choose "Goto .Documentation" from the menu). specify BELNR as the "parallel fieldname" (which means. 1 Alert Moderator .Defintely you need to have DS in your landscape for that. Otherwise. In this case. you will define selection criteria for at least one primary key field of the ponding table. ritha K Alert Moderator  Like (0) Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel  cation taking time using SLT configuration ter Weber 11-Feb-2014 07:46 (in response to Saritha K) itha. the field for which we define aries to subdivide the records in disjoint subsets). Example: You want to replicate BKPF (or RFBLG / BSEG) in multiple el threads. and your only criterion to define the subsets is the document number. You need to make sure that the secondary index of the logging table is defined in such a hat this selection is well supported. you create a corresponding record in table IUUC_PERF_OPTION. which is more difficult. For details. where you would. please refer to the online documentation of this (SE11 . Then the secondary index respective logging table must not have the default field order: PROCESSED T S R stead: PROCESSED R eal case is that you predefine the parallelization before you even select the corresponding table for ation. I would always suggest to do the Initilisation with SAP Data Services for large tables. One important needs to be added: In this table. egards. d: By means of table DMC_ACSPL_SELECT you now can configure the parallelization of the replication of a n table (regardless if transparent or cluster).ould there be any additions required in table DMC_ACSPL_SELECT(a new table now available)? anks.view table DMC_ACSPL_SELECT . That means. the field sequence mentioned above would matically be used. you would need to redefine the secondary index of the logging table after it y has been created. er  Alert Moderator 2  Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Like (0) Joydeep Gupta 11-Feb-2014 13:42 (in response to Saritha K) Saritha. Best. Tobias   Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Joydeep Gupta 11-Feb-2014 14:37 (in response to Tobias Koebler) Tobias -. Especially with the new SLT+DS integration this could lead to new use cases. Tobias  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  configuration Saritha K 13-Feb-2014 10:16 (in response to Tobias Koebler) . I think especially for really large BSEG (some SLT customers have 50TB+) tables. Best.2 3 Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Tobias Koebler 11-Feb-2014 14:00 (in response to Joydeep Gupta) Hi Joy. SLT for the initial load? Our experience shows that most customer use SLT also for initial load.. I would love to see DS figures to give further recommendations. For large tables we have always initialised through DS & there is not a single issue till date.Frankly speaking I have'nt tried that.  Alert Moderator  Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  Like (0) configuration Tobias Koebler 11-Feb-2014 14:59 (in response to Joydeep Gupta) Okey. can you give some figures on the performance improvement DS vs.Touchwood!! Surely I would like to test those large tables through SLT in future. yeah I would be pretty interessting. etc. Saritha  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using  SLT configuration Tobias Koebler 13-Feb-2014 13:32 (in response to Saritha K) Yes.Hi Tobias. I would like to know more about the SLT capability when we have a landscape consisting ECC. My SLT version is 2011_1_731 sp 5. I followed steps mentioned in blog " How to improve the initial load" written by Tobias and started replication with below parametersMy replication remains in initial load process with calculation showing 'S for more than 3hrs and then it started showing status 'P' when 1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000 started running. BW to be replicated into BW on HANA. in table IUUC_PRECALC_OBJ my entries are conv object.CE11000 . Saritha K 26-Nov-2013 11:04 Hi Experts. Tobias Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration This question is Not Answered. just drop me a mail. I have some queries around this architecture. Best. Can we please discuss this offline if possible? Thanks. My configuration works fine for small tables but it becomes slow when it comes to loading large transparent table like CE11000. status is 2-Activated Latency data for table CE11000 is not available Migration object =Z_CE11000_001.CE11000 PARALLEL JOBS. the replication failed for job / 1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000_ / 08463900 after running for about 4hrs(which means my replication in initial load ran for status S-3hrs and status P. Saritha K. Regards. Generated? = Yes (X = Yes.Defined? = Yes. Please suggest your opinion on below points to accelerate initial load1. status is O-Obtained (Scheduled) Log table /1CADMC/00000212 created in sender system.4hrs) with below errorInternal session terminated with a runtime error DBIF_RTAB_SQL_ERROR ST22 messages. Guenter Weber  1908 Views  Average User Rating (0 ratings)  Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 26-Nov-2013 13:52 (in response to Saritha K) Hi All. Saritha Helpful Answers by Saritha K.NUMREC 145000000 in table IUUC_PERF_OPTION my entries are tabname .20 READING TYPE 5 and my SLT Server configuration has below count of jobs No of Data Transfer jobs . To add to my above question./1LT/00000212INS Trigger CE11000.short text SQL error 1691 when accessing table "DMC_INDXCL". and has 0 records The following triggers are defined for table CE11000: . any correction notes required to be installed for our mentioned configuration.2013 05:28:54) Current action is R-Load tables and start replication.11.5 SEQNUM .7 No of calculation jobs -2 If I do a table health check in its calculation phase ( status P). "Is Last" = Yes (from 26. . Guenter Weber.4 Initial load jobs . using tcode. status is O-Obtained (Scheduled). options that we can check for monitoring if something in replication is failing apart from above steps 2. parameters that need to be added additionally incase required 3. blank = No) No access plan found for table CE11000 Access plan set as 'Not Calculated' in table DMC_MT_TABLES for table CE11000 Checks for table CE11000 finished (mass transfer ID 001) The troubleshooting activity has detected critical issues Currently I can see number of records getting updated in the job log of 1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000 but I cannot see any ACC_PLAN_CALC_001_0 jobs. Guenter Weber.LTRC-> Expert FunctionsChecks for table CE11000 (mass transfer ID 001) started Last action is R-Load tables and start replication. Guenter  Alert Moderator   Like (0) Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 26-Nov-2013 14:55 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter. This will result in a considerably shorter time to finish this activity.Database error text Error Text of the Database: "ORA-01691: unable to extend lob segment SAPSR3. you need to provide at least 30 GB. additional access plan calculation jobs. and we have increased it by 60GB but I have a query now.000 records and as per our estimate it should have reached 145.from this step.SYS_LOB0000327172C00006$$ by 128 in tablespace PSAPSR3" Please suggest some steps on how to resolve it.000. you need to keep in mind that in the course of the access plan calculation activity. we have data of around 485 GB. You need to make sure that enough space is available in the corresponding tablespace. the data to be transferred to HANA are first stored in the source system in an INDX-like table named DMC_INDXCL. Concerning the shortdump.000. of tablespace to make sure that the above problem will not occur Kind regards. which here is PSAPSR3. so if you want to select 300 GB of data for loading to HANA. We normally assume a compression factor of 1:10. -Thanks for your reply. 2. Regards. as shown in the blog. Is there a way to resume by setting any indicator in the expert options of tcode. if I have to restart my failed replication. how should I do it? My /1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000_ / 08463900 had read 86. Saritha o o Alert Moderator o Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Like (0) Guenter Weber 26-Nov-2013 14:42 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha. two remarks: 1. possibly a bit more. 000.mwbmon? Regards. Once the status has switched from 'S' to 'P' that means that the parallelization is defined. Saritha . You can now start. 4 in sequence. Alert Moderator  Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  Like (0) configuration PITIRIM TAN 26-Nov-2013 15:41 (in response to Saritha K) I do not know if there is restart capability after an error. http://maben.0%20-%20Repairing%20Replication %20Errors%20with%20ABAP%20Program%20Automation. But the parallelization should alleviate this problem. whether on acp jobs completion. I was able to retrigger the job /1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000_ which had got cancelled and now I have a new problem. Kind regards. We've been having short dumps in our parallel processing. Now the status is as below/1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000_2 instances are running parallel. We have not had to use the ABAP steps. Saritha  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using  SLT configuration Guenter Weber 27-Nov-2013 07:18 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha. To start from the beginning we have successfully used the steps in this document. unfortunately a job for access plan calculation that has run in the source system and got cancelled needs to start again from scratch. My failed job started with access plan 2 which triggered plan 3. it triggered a new job for plan 5 as well.net/static/computers/sap/HANA/starter/0410%20-%20Data %20Provisioning%20-%20SLT%20for%20HANA%201. as the job only processes a subset and not all the data of the respective table.homeip. Is there way to restart the job only for access_plan 1 which is missing now? Another query that I have is.pdf  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  configuration Saritha K 27-Nov-2013 06:27 (in response to PITIRIM TAN) Hi Pitirim Tan. As per Guenter's suggestion when I set the additional access plan setting. Thank you for the pdf. . will my load run successfully? Regards. mwbmon-steps -> calculate access plan . 000. but you can do it from MWBMON the way you described. Just keep one thing in mind: If you mark the restart option while 2 jobs are already running.CE11000 Number of jobs to be scheduled5 and also mark the RESTART option this time.will it restart with my missing access plan and ignore the remaining ones as it has been calculated? or I also know to trigger the cancelled job again from SM37 by passing variants at runtime or should I ignore the access plan 1 data for now. The restart option means that the number of jobs you specify is the TOTAL number of jobs that should run. Regards.0001 tablename . Sorry I couldn't interpret your answer.> execute function and give below parameters. If I go to tcode.Guenter Alert Moderator    Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 27-Nov-2013 08:31 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter. and you want to start another 2 jobs. there is no need to directly start the jobs from SM37. you need to specify 4 as the number of jobs. so let it proceed with loading after above jobs get completed? Please give some overview on which option I should go for and why . so we calculate the difference between the number of currently running jobs and the number of jobs that you specify.000 rows that were stored before job got cancelled. Do you mean to say . Saritha  Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Guenter Weber 28-Nov-2013 07:32 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha. as DMC_INDXL will have some 86.. alongwith setting of do not recalculate precalculations and access plans that have been calculated what will be the impact.that the loading will start automatically after these 2 instances get over and load tables into HANA with whatever rows in present in DMC_INDXCL table? Within 2-3hrs I expect my access plans/1LT/MWB_CALCSACP_001_Z_CE11000 jobs to get over.mass transfer id . and schedule this number of . Currently I have set 2 additional calculation plans to run parallely. the ideal case is that you have defined the degree of parallelization in transaction iuuc_repl_content before starting the replication of that table. the calculation process remainined in 'P' status as a result . Hope this gets completed . Saritha. would the load jobs also run parallely or do i need to set it those jobs as well parallely after the load jobs 1st instance starts running from mwbmon . the load process never got triggered. Yesterday we tried out with the restart option. we don't allow more than three jobs running in parallel for a certain table.  Alert Moderator  Like (0)  Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Guenter Weber 28-Nov-2013 13:58 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha.jobs. If you need more. the overall status of the table will switch to calculated = 'X'.steps . Otherwise you can define it in transaction MWBMON. As soon as all access plans are calculated. Concerning the parallelization of the initial load. and the initial load will start. this is strange. Just one more query from my end. You only need to keep in mind that by default. that will work without any forther manual activities. Guenter  Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 28-Nov-2013 10:26 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter. Guenter o Alert Moderator o o Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 29-Nov-2013 06:09 (in response to Guenter Weber) Like (0) . Kind regards. Regards. Kind regards. Finally we had to clean up the tables after replication error and have started a fresh start. after these access plans get completed.load data and any particular field that I need to enter as such. but it didn't work out due to some reason. in such a case this should rather be handled with a OSS message. you create an entry for the table in question. and maintain the field "No of Parallel Jobs". and I have 4 loads running in parallel currently as in my LTR configuration I have "initial load jobs count =4" From iuuc_repl_content. This time the access plans were calculated without any interruption:) . . There. Regards. Saritha  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration  Guenter Weber 29-Nov-2013 07:55 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha. Kind regards. I believe its the same ways as I stated above right. 001 and 002. but here we do not have an idea of how the data is widely distributed across year.. Regards. The steps documented for parallel replication of transparent table CE11000 worked out fine for me. BELNR(Document Number) etc in order to judge the selection criteria. Is there some additional setting that needs to be done when we try with replicating of large cluster tables? Why is it that replication of transparent table is faster than cluster table replication? I also saw another approach where in we give selection criteria's based on primary key for multiple access plans. how do I set this parallelization? frm mwbmon. I tried the same steps for cluster table BSEG with reading type '4' this time and it started out well with creation of 2 access calculation plans. My job with access plan 002 got over after fetching around 24million records but there has been no update in job log 001 for more than 19hrs. But this needs to be done before you initiate the replication of the respective table. Guenter  Alert Moderator  Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  Like (0) configuration Saritha K 03-Dec-2013 09:40 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Experts.Hi Guenter. Please suggest some technique which can be used for faster access of cluster tables into HANA. when you have selected the configuration in iuuc_repl_content. you choose the tab "IUUC_PERF_OPTION". possible problems might be:   no space left in the tablespace to which table DMC_INDXCL is assigned in case of Oracle. Günter  Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 04-Dec-2013 11:02 (in response to Guenter Weber) Hi Guenter. not the number of BSEG records.Saritha Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  configuration Guenter Weber 03-Dec-2013 11:36 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Saritha. defining selection criteria based on the primary key is exactly what we do with reading type 4. Among others. because I was not able to get the number of records thru both backgroun and foreground processing. in table IUUC_PRECALC_OBJ is in this case the number of RFBLG records. for the purpose of parallelization. I would recommend a higher degree of parallelization (for example. in the course of time. it becomes more and more difficult to return the data as they were at the time the selection began. Kind regards. Concerning the problem with an access plan not being processed. rather than only 2) in order to achieve a shorter time for this access plan calculation processing step. it is necessary to analyze on DB level why there is no progress. Also note that the number of records you specify.Will try again with different selection parameters. but it seems my numrec for IUUC_PRECALC_OBJ that was not correct. Thank you for the valuable inputs. Regards. This might finally (but often only after some time with DB inactivity has elapsed) result in an ORA01555 "snapshot too old" shortdump Cluster processing is always more time consuming because the data need to be declustered (converted from the internal storage format to the format of the logical cluster table). It wasnt due to tablespace issue for sure. 5 to 10 access plans. Saritha  2  Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Alert Moderator Like (0) . and (in case of Oracle) to minimize the risk of an ORA-01555 cancellation. For large tables we have always initialised through DS & there is not a single issue till date. I think especially for really large BSEG (some SLT customers have 50TB+) tables. I would always suggest to do the Initilisation with SAP Data Services for large tables.  Alert Moderator  Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  Like (0) configuration Tobias Koebler 11-Feb-2014 14:59 (in response to Joydeep Gupta) Okey. Tobias   Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Joydeep Gupta 11-Feb-2014 14:37 (in response to Tobias Koebler) Tobias -. Best. Especially with the new SLT+DS integration this could lead to new use cases. 1 Alert Moderator 2 3 Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Tobias Koebler 11-Feb-2014 14:00 (in response to Joydeep Gupta) Hi Joy.. etc. can you give some figures on the performance improvement DS vs.Joydeep Gupta 11-Feb-2014 13:42 (in response to Saritha K) Saritha.Touchwood!! Surely I would like to test those large tables through SLT in future. . yeah I would be pretty interessting.Defintely you need to have DS in your landscape for that.Frankly speaking I have'nt tried that. SLT for the initial load? Our experience shows that most customer use SLT also for initial load. I would love to see DS figures to give further recommendations. Best. Saritha  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using  SLT configuration Tobias Koebler 13-Feb-2014 13:32 (in response to Saritha K) Yes. For my particular case I've been looking at performance/load charts during the early morning slow down times and am not seeing any high amount of delta merges or anything that indicates a problem on the HANA side. Can we please discuss this offline if possible? Thanks. Martin Frauendorfer  966 Views  Average User Rating (0 ratings) . Talking to some folks on my team they said DBA's suggested re-index tables on the SAP side could improve things.Tobias  Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT  configuration Saritha K 13-Feb-2014 10:16 (in response to Tobias Koebler) Hi Tobias. Tobias Patrick Bachmann 18-Feb-2015 16:52 Hi folks. I have some queries around this architecture. I'm interested in understanding why that could help plus if there's any other new ideas/suggestions to look for since some of the old posts were placed on SCN. Thanks. BW to be replicated into BW on HANA. I've been troubleshooting some major latency issues and have read a bunch of suggestions in this forum which were quite old and wondering if there's any new approach/ideas on troubleshooting latency problems. I would like to know more about the SLT capability when we have a landscape consisting ECC. Best. On SLT I've increased amount of jobs processing and found some improvements however still seeing delays where replication just stops for an hour or two at a time for certain tables. just drop me a mail. -Patrick Helpful Answers by Lars Breddemann. His theory is that doing a re-org on the tracking table would rebuild the index and improve performance. -Patrick Alert Moderator    Re: Troubleshooting latency Like (0) . Check both source system and replication server. Re: Troubleshooting latency Shakthi Raj Natarajan 18-Feb-2015 16:56 (in response to Patrick Bachmann) Hi Patrick. o Alert Moderator o o Like (0) Re: Troubleshooting latency Patrick Bachmann 18-Feb-2015 17:04 (in response to Shakthi Raj Natarajan) Hi Shakthi. Shakthi Raj Natarajan. Thanks for your suggestion. I am looking into these two questions now. I did talk to a dba who's theory around the index is that the change tracking table (that also corresponds to the the synonym table in HANA) on the SAP side initially is very large when the table is first replicated (lets say hundreds of millions of records) and then subsequent replication after the first initial load there is just a small amount of data in these tables yet the block size is showing very large. Can you please if back up running at a particular time and also check the availability of the background jobs or delays in the background jobs. Thanks. I'm wondering what others opinion is on this? I would think if this was the case then SAP would make recommendations to re-org tables after every initialization of a large replication job. I realize this may or not be the root of our problem but just investigating each and every possibility. -Patrick Alert Moderator    Like (0) Re: Troubleshooting latency Patrick Bachmann 18-Feb-2015 19:45 (in response to Patrick Bachmann) Ok I'm told backups are not happening during this time but I have to logon early morning to view background jobs availability. and there are half-automatic tools available to do just that (BRTOOLS). However.Lars    Re: Troubleshooting latency Alert Moderator Like (0) Patrick Bachmann 18-Feb-2015 21:50 (in response to Lars Breddemann) Hi Lars. That would be a constant slow down factor. this might be a reason for slow access after a large growth of the tables. . reading the logging entries from those tables might be slower than necessary. I highly recommend to not do anything before it is not clear what is causing the problem. index and table fragmentation definitively are effects that can occur on a platform like Oracle. I troubleshooted by looking at replication statistics in LTRC transaction and first look at all tables for the day and sort by maximum latency. Just starting to reorganize and rebuild some data structures just because someone heard something about that is going to do more harm than good. these effects typically don't affect index based data access as much. However.7 seconds I can clearly see records being updated every minute then suddenly there will be a gap of 1 or 2 hours with zero entries and it will jump like. 02:00 AM 100 records latency 2. If the logging tables are access via full table scan every single time. This means. You didn't yet state where your observed or perceived latency occurs.5 seconds 02:01 AM 105 records latency 3 seconds 02:02 AM 103 records latency 2. the question is: is the latency you try to analyze here affected by this at all? And are the tables actually read by full table scans? Common SAP on Oracle DBA activities would include checking for unnecessary large tables and reorganizing those . this possible problem can be addressed easily.Lars Breddemann 18-Feb-2015 21:05 (in response to Patrick Bachmann) Hi Patrick. Now. Why don't you tell us more about what and where you saw the bad performance? . Then I take a look at each of the worst tables by running the statistics by MINUTE for one table at a time and then I can clearly see entries like this for MKPF. I've just recently been handed SLT duties on top of my modelling ones so I've only been beginning to dig into this in the past week or so after users complained of missing data in their reports. not some effect that is sometimes there and sometimes not. So. that slows down processing.5 seconds 4:13 etc.. I think it's quite clear that we can rule out now any fragmentation effects on the underlying data structures.start with the mini check and use work through the output first . While you're at it.g.. I can only recommend a general approach. One thing that pops to my mind is that under some rare conditions the savepoint writing can run into issues that then would lead to looping "critical phase"-executions. e. you should also run the minicheck script to get a general "health check". It is important to know where the bottleneck occurs here. It seems that there rather is some kind of waiting situation. caused by lock contention. So my next step would to check in both source and target system for long running transactions and look for locks that might be involved with those.Lars . Those block transactions and should be very short in general. These are not real numbers but just an example. -Patrick Alert Moderator    Like (0) Helpful AnswerRe: Troubleshooting latency Lars Breddemann 18-Feb-2015 22:33 (in response to Patrick Bachmann) Alright. In fact . Since reading on Oracle (which I assume is the source system here) typically is not blocked by record/table locks. As I am not an SLT expert at all. I would probably focus on the write-out end of the replication here . Martin's script collection (sap note #1969700) contains a script to check the savepoint durations.the SAP HANA server.4:10 AM 5000 records latency 7680 seconds 4:11 AM 100 records latency 2. if I may ? Is SLT running on a separate server or is your ECC system also your SLT system ? . I have managed to succesfully replicate various tables where the target table structure is changed and filters are applied to filter the data which is inserted into SAP HANA. van Foeken) Hi Martijn One question that may help to point in the right direction. M. The table contains approx. However after 40 min. hana. Unfortunately I'm bumping into an issue with a large table called BSIS.-( Thanks for your reply! With kind regards. mln rows) have been replicated succesfully. Martijn van Foeken  1644 Views  Tags: sap.SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT This question is Not Answered. time_out. 115 mln rows and generates a TIME_OUT. I have opened an OSS message but no response from SAP yet . SAP HANA is running op SPS05 rev. procedure of reading.000 rows already replicated to SAP HANA. it generates a TIME_OUT an start all over again. Does anybody have an idea what we could investigate to troubleshoot? Please let me know which further information should be added to the discussion to help troubleshoot the issue. van Foeken 20-Mar-2013 11:33 I'm currently working on a SAP HANA project where SLT is used to replicate various SAP ECC table to SAP HANA. After that the process is looping in a 40 min. Current behaviour is that during a period of 2400 seconds a dialog process is busy doing a sequential read on the BSIS table. slt. generating a TIME_OUT and starting all over again. bsis Average User Rating (0 ratings)  Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT Simon Jackson 21-Mar-2013 15:02 (in response to M. Funny thing is that initially the table started to replicate with about 220. 51. Other tables (largest 23. All necessary correction notes have been submitted (although the ones on ECC have been submitted after the initial load for BSIS has started). DMIS component is 2011 SP3. First of all thanks for your reply! I the meantime we decided to not wait for the response from SAP on the OSS message but continue with some other options.It may be useful to share some information on your schema settings for the replication as entered in LTR. records. given that corrections have been applied to SLT after the initial load. you may be able to get some direct feedback as to why the issues occur by looking at either transaction MWBMON or IUUC_SYNC_MON ( both SLT transactions ). have a look at the developer trace for the work process. To be complete let me answer your questions and provide additional information: ----------------------One question that may help to point in the right direction. o Alert Moderator o o Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT Like (0) M. If you know a dialog work process starts to process the replication. if I may ? Is SLT running on a separate server or is your ECC system also your SLT system ? It is a separate system . but then gives you a TIME_OUT. Also. such as how many data transfer jobs and initial load jobs do you have configured ? What status does table BSIS have in the Data Provisioning screen in HANA Studio ? To troubleshoot. So far this is running perfectly. regards Simon. van Foeken 21-Mar-2013 21:26 (in response to Simon Jackson) Hi Simon. Is it possible the issue is in HANA ? Take a look at the Administrator perspective in HANA Studio and check all alerts. For the first time however we noticed that the BSIS table went into error. visible in ST22. The dump. that occurs when you have the TIME_OUT may also help. the BSAS table. I've not seen a TIME_OUT in ECC for any of our current replication scenarios. You may need to delete the original load of BSIS in HANA and start again. After trying a few small tables which all replicated perfectly we started to load another 'big' table with 58 mln. in both systems if SLT is separate to ECC. take a look at the system log. but I hope this feedback helps you to diagnose the issue. 40 minutes however. If you know a dialog work process starts to process the replication. visible in ST22. You may need to delete the original load of BSIS in HANA and start again. is already an extremely big value for a timeout so the question is why the data load does take so long. Is it possible the issue is in HANA ? Everything is possible . Other tables were replicated without issues by the way but BSIS table is the biggest we tried so far. only on the ECC system. but I hope this feedback helps you to diagnose the issue. that occurs when you have the TIME_OUT may also help. And that is on the acceptance system the limit for a proces to take use of a dialog process. And as long as the job runs I cannot kill it to restart it. such as how many data transfer jobs and initial load jobs do you have configured ? 2 initial load job and 10 data jobs What status does table BSIS have in the Data Provisioning screen in HANA Studio ? On load for a long time but today it switched to load/error To troubleshoot. take a look at the system log.-) but I doubt it. No errors on the SLT system. Is there somewhere some explanation about these transactions? I knew them already but can't find much information about them Also. have a look at the developer trace for the work process. given that corrections have been applied to SLT after the initial load. the hana system's CPU load is 0 and also the SLT system does not seem to retrieve any data of this specific table. And the only error there is explainable (TIME_OUT) somehow the data load takes longer then 40 minutes. in both systems if SLT is separate to ECC. What is the largest table that you replicated to hana? ----------------------- . but then gives you a TIME_OUT. you may be able to get some direct feedback as to why the issues occur by looking at either transaction MWBMON or IUUC_SYNC_MON ( both SLT transactions ). What do you mean by this? I can empty the BSIS table of course in Hana but that won't cancel the data load job itself. Problem seems to be that the data load runs in a dialog work process instead of a BTC and that it takes longer then 40 minutes Take a look at the Administrator perspective in HANA Studio and check all alerts.It may be useful to share some information on your schema settings for the replication as entered in LTR. So far I haven't notices any issues in Hana itself I've not seen a TIME_OUT in ECC for any of our current replication scenarios. The dump. Thanks for your reply. then this may be the cause of your TIME_OUT in the ECC system. in a sandbox environment using an ECC system refreshed from a production system. have tables BKPF and BSEG also been replicated to HANA ? No we did not replicate those.000 entries and there it synced fine (also without those two tables). where is it enabled ? On the ECC system or on the SLT server ? If the filtering is set in ECC. van Foeken) Hi Martijn Thanks for spending time to reply. Our largest tables.    Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT Alert Moderator Like (0) N. Martijn van Foeken Alert Moderator  Like (0)   Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT Simon Jackson 27-Mar-2013 16:41 (in response to M. I think.we may come to a solution between us Thanks Simon. whether you have anything in IUUC_PERF_OPTION? . is about the reading type you have used for BSIS in SLT and whether you have anything in IUUC_PERF_OPTION ? Also. do you have filtering enabled for your replication ? If so. van der Linden 28-Mar-2013 13:09 (in response to Simon Jackson) Dear Simon. Sorry to answer questions with questions . are over 800million records. but we also tried the BSIS table from a smaller sandbox (which contains only 600. probably the most important question to ask.Thanks for your reply! With kind regards. I've spoken to my functional expert as regards your scenario with BSIS. I'm a colleague of Martijn and working together on this issue so I will try to answer your questions. He asked the question have tables BKPF and BSEG also been replicated to HANA ? Following on from my earlier questions. So that is a big difference and looks like the BSAS table was indeed send in parts of 10.000 records before the issues started. Under "IUUC REPL TABSTG" we adjusted the table structure to exclude some fields which we do not need. van der Linden) Hi Nico.perhaps a better way for HANA is to load BKPF and BSEG. You will need to use a different reading type for BSEG. what I am not sure about is whether the table has to be in the 'replication' status in order for this to work. however. However.' but both filters are also used on the BSAS table. We do have on important question.000 records per time and with the IUUC_PERF_OPTION you would be able to increase the performance of the initial load by breaking the whole table in smaller sizes and running multiple replication jobs together. And under the tab "IUUC *** RUL MAP" we added an line of code filter for the "beginning of record" event..000 records are replicated (without issues) and for the BSIS it means that it should only replicate 37. the table BSAS contains 58. All fields part of the key are included in the replication though.000 records of the 58. This will never finish since no data is send from ECC to SLT (all jobs end in a TIME_OUT shortdump).000 records and it seems that it tries to send the whole BSIS table at once (otherwise I cannot explain why it occupies an work process on ECC for more then 40 minutes). As I understood the 'normal' replication method will already replicate only 10. You could try (at your own risk) via function module IUUC_REPL_STOP_REPLICATION direct in the SLT system. in order to do this we need to stop the load.000. I assume you are trying to create some open/cleared items queries given that you are loading the BSIS tables. For the BSAS table this means that only 17. SKIP_RECORD.000 of the 115. don't know if you have an answer for this? Currently the BSIS table is still running an initial load.000. It is easy to stop (or suspend) an existing replication from the hana studio but you don't have the stop or suspend options for tables which are on the initial load. In our case it is not an performance problem but it occupies an dialog process for more then 40 minutes (which is our time out for dialog work processes) and then gives a TIME_OUT shortdump (so it never sends records at all). ENDIF.000 ofcourse) and this one synced (also without this option) fine in a few hours.000.. The line of code we use is 'IF <WA_R_BSAS>-BUDAT LE '20100930'. I don't know if Martijn mentioned it before but the BSIS table did replicate 200. We like to try to add the 'IUUC_PERF_OPTION' option however. . Nico van der Linden   Alert Moderator  Like (0) Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT Kris Stono 28-Mar-2013 13:41 (in response to N.000.000.000 records. do you have filtering enabled for your replication? yes we use filtering on the SLT in transaction 'iuuc_repl_content'.No initially not.000 (which is less then 115. So how can we reset this table replication so that it uses the new configuration? Kind Regards.000. the safest way would be to open a message with SAP as they can stop the jobs for you. I monitored the replication of the BSAS table and there it only occupied a dialog work process on ECC for 20 seconds after which it started a new process in another dialog work process. but I doubt it a bit since we replicated other big tables without issues. I hope that it is solved when we adjust IUUC_PERF_OPTION (as soon as our job is stopped). we do have an OSS message (with priority high) but it takes ages before SAP replies on them but we will wait a little longer and otherwise we can try this function module to see if the jobs stop.Good luck Kris Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT  N. if anyone knows what the reason could be that the ECC dialog work process is occuppied for more then 40 minutes then I would be very happy.. It is good to know this function module. We will have an look at the other tables but it was on request of the business that table BSIS was replicated. Kind Regards. However.just a guess that could explain the TIME_OUT? Wlse wait for the SLT wizards to reply :-) Thanks Kris Alert Moderator    Like (0) Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT .reading type 2 tries to read the whole table in one portion. Can you check the reading type for BSIS.. thanks for your answer. Thank you all for your replies so far. Nico Alert Moderator    Like (0) Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT Kris Stono 28-Mar-2013 15:04 (in response to N... van der Linden) Hi Nico. van der Linden 28-Mar-2013 14:27 (in response to Kris Stono) Dear Kris. Were you able to solve this issue with BSIS ? It would be great.'C'. The RS_ORDER table will be empty again after the restart of the master job.'<tablename>'. yes we fixed it eventually by using a different reading type for this table (4 if I remember correctly). van der Linden) Hi Nico.N. You have to stop the master job in transaction LTR. Hopefully the replication problem will be solved as well now for us but I will let you know later. van der Linden 11-Apr-2013 08:22 (in response to Kris Stono) Hi Kris (and others).. Thanks & regards."RS_ORDER" values('<SID>'.'<hostname>'. I just wanted to share this part already since it is not very good documented yet. Alert Moderator    Like (0) Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT Jomy Joy 11-Mar-2014 20:55 (in response to N.'C').. Nico. then in the hana studio you execute the SQL statement insert into <schema>. if you can share this information with us. van der Linden 11-Mar-2014 21:01 (in response to Jomy Joy) Hi Jormy. usually something like <hostname>_<SID>_<system number> depending on your DMIS version you might have to use the SQL statement "insert into <schema>.'<tablename>'." after you restart the master job the table replication will be stopped and you can restart the initial load. we are going to try to replicate this table again with a different reading type. Jomy Alert Moderator    Like (0) Re: SLT Replication of BSIS table TIME_OUT N.'<hostname>'.0. The hostname is the name of the SAP instance of the source system. But we did get a reply from SAP in how to stop an running Initial Load. Kind Regards.''.''). .0.''."RS_ORDER" values('<SID>'. The values for <SID> and <hostname> are the ones that are displayed in the data provisioning perspective in the HANA studio. But whenever we create a new configuration schema for connecting .20 EXT(64BIT Unicode) and patch level is 400.02 (Basis Support Package 11) ABAP stack using SAP Kernel 7. The system hosting the SAP LT Replication Server is an SAP system with SAP NetWeaver 7. Keerthan Shetty Jan 23. We have installed an SAP Hana System(HANA 1.0 SPS5) with an SAP LT Replication server(DMIS 2011 SP2-3) and SAP source system(DMIS 2011 SP1-3).Kind Regards. 2013 5:36 AM Hi Experts. we have successfully connected SAP LT Replication server and SAP source system through RFC. Nico van der Linden  Error occured when openning db connection This question has been Answered. SAP Hana System and SAP LT Replication server: the dynpro dialog raises an error: Error occurred when opening db connection Verification of Schema failed due to connection issues The RFC destinations working fine.Thanks in advance. Please help us on this.sap-ag. FYR:You can download SAP Hana installation guide from the SAP Service Marketplace at the Internet address: https://websmp204.de/~sapidb/011000358700000604912011 . dmis. Thank you for your response. 2013 5:56 AM (in response to Keerthan Shetty) Hi Keerthan. Have you tried to check the compatibilty of the various components that you have installed.schema_failed Average User Rating (1 rating)  Re: Error occured when openning db connection Satyam Poddar Jan 23. replication_server. database_connection. as mentioned in the SAP installation guide ? Satyam o Alert Moderator . db_co nnection. 2013 9:48 AM Hi Norman. But in my case the problem is solved after upgrading the kernel from 720 ext level 400 to 721 level 40. Thanx. Keerthan See the answer in context Helpful Answer by Alex Liu   3085 Views Products: sap_hana Tags: hana.Correct Answer by Keerthan Shetty on May 23. 2013 6:18 AM (in response to Satyam Poddar) Hi Satyam. Alert Moderator o o o Re: Error occured when openning db connection Like (1) . 2) Basis Kenerl is installed in SLT server. I have installed DMIS . you can do your job in LTR webdynpro and start data replication work.level (3) to the Source system which is a BW system. and filled in connection information. Please make sure: 1) HANA Client is installed in SLT server. 2) Test this connection via SE38(Report Name: ADBC_TEST_CONNECTION) If all these condition are ok. According to the document.Release (2011_1_730) . before you create a schema via Trascation Code "LTR". The HANA version is HANA 1. they are compatible with each other. 1) RUN DBCO.0 SPS5. 2013 10:16 AM (in response to Keerthan Shetty) i knew this problem.Release (2011_1_700) .Level (3) to the system hosting Replication Server and DMIS .o Like (1) Re: Error occured when openning db connection o Keerthan Shetty Jan 23. Once you have done both condition. Alert Moderator  Like (0)   Helpful AnswerRe: Error occured when openning db connection Alex Liu Jan 23. you can try to create HANA DB connection in SLT server via follwing way. dll' .Keerthan Shetty Jan 24. Loading DB library 'E:\usr\sap\HLT\DVEBMGS00\exe\dbhdbslib.dll") Error 193 = "E:\usr\sap\HLT\DVEBMGS00\exe\dbhdbslib.c 5767] please help." [dlnt.dll' [dbcon. I installed HANA DBSL and HANA client as well and tried creating the configuration again but it showed the same error.c 255] {root-id=4487FCA5D1FB1ED299BECA4E635FA381}_{connid=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0 *** ERROR => Couldn't load library 'E:\usr\sap\HLT\DVEBMGS00\exe\dbhdbslib... Alert Moderator    Re: Error occured when openning db connection Alex Liu Jan 24. 2013 8:36 AM (in response to Alex Liu) Hi. 2013 8:53 AM (in response to Keerthan Shetty) Like (0) .dll is not a valid Win32 application. *** ERROR => DlLoadLib()==DLENOACCESS LoadLibrary("E:\usr\sap\HLT\DVEBMGS00\exe\dbhdbslib. I ran the report ADBC_TEST_CONNECTION and it showed the following error. reference your OS environment below. 2) But System told you it could not load DBSL(hana lib. If you look at error message.... .. i promised that you can go ahead. just add "installation path of hana client" into this "PATH".. You did all things are correct !!! But you forgot a most important thing. once you have done this step..xxx) You have to add "HANA Client Instllation Path" in your OS Environment Variable(SLT based).. and then restart OS and SLT Server.. What this error message told you? Answer is : 1) You told me that you have install HANA Client and DBSL. SAP Basis Kenerl Could not load "dbhdbslib. AIX HP-UX Linux LIBPATH SHLIB_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH Solaris LD_LIBRARY_PATH Windows PATH If your SLT was intalled Windows platformm.Hello Brother... create a schema and do SLT data replication work....dll".... so to path /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMSG00/exe on the source ERP System as this file was missing there. Further I set environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/sap/<SID>/hdbclient once again. 2013 11:08 AM (in response to Alex Liu) Hi bro . Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Error occured when openning db connection  Norman Pawelski May 19. I have possibly the solution as I had the same problems like you.please help. What I did is to copy file libSQLDBCHDB. we have followed the steps you advised above but still we are not able to create the new configuration and getting the same error as specified above. hopefully you already solved your problem.Alert Moderator o o Like (0) Re: Error occured when openning db connection o Keerthan Shetty Jan 25. 2013 10:56 AM (in response to Keerthan Shetty) Hello Keerthan. Hope this helps. . If not. Norman. Alert Moderator  Like (2)  Correct AnswerRe: Error occured when openning db connection  Keerthan Shetty May 23. Like (1) . But in my case the problem is solved after upgrading the kernel from 720 ext level 400 to 721 level 40. 2013 5:26 AM (in response to Norman Pawelski) Had the same issue and was able to resolve by copying the hdbclient tools in to exe directory. 2013 9:48 AM (in response to Norman Pawelski) Hi Norman. Thanx. Thank you for your response. Keerthan Alert Moderator    Re: Error occured when openning db connection Naresh Pasumarthy May 24.Have a nice weekend. so with permission 777 in dir/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/exe/dbhdbslib. I copied it from /usr/sap/hdbclient/. Eachann . Then the exactly-the-same problem was solved Best Regards.so. Many thanks! In spite of the existing libSQLDBCHDB.Thanks Naresh Alert Moderator   Like (2) Re: Error occured when openning db connection  Eachann Chen Dec 23. 2014 4:25 AM (in response to Norman Pawelski) Hello Norman. My problem was also solved by your method. Need your help to replicate BSEG with reading type 4.With the latest version of T(DMIS_2011_SP6). Saritha Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking me using SLT configuration ritha K 11-Feb-2014 06:10 (in response to Saritha K)Hi Experts.HANA server version is upgraded to SP07 Regards. are there any changes in the steps for parallel replication of transparent/cluster tables? ould there be any additions required in table DMC_ACSPL_SELECT(a new table now available)? anks.Alert Moderator   Like (0) Re: Parallel Replication taking time using SLT configuration Saritha K 13-Dec-2013 13:45 (in response to Saritha K) Hi Experts. Can you please list out basic steps to carry out smooth replication of cluster table BSEG? Note.5 initial load jobs calculation jobs -5 Log tables etc got created after it was replicated but later on it got stuck meaning the table appeared 'in process' state" table overview" tab but it just didn't appear in "Data transfer monitor" tab later on. I was referring to SLT – Reading Type 4 Replication PDF and in IUUC_REPL_CONTENT I have set partition by GJAHR to 5 parts this time. I have a count of BSEG table now which is around 176779953 records and I plan to split in 9 access plans with slt configuration set to below set of jobsdata transfer jobs . ritha K  Alert Moderator . specify BELNR as the "parallel fieldname" (which means. please refer to the online documentation of this (SE11 . d: By means of table DMC_ACSPL_SELECT you now can configure the parallelization of the replication of a n table (regardless if transparent or cluster). In this case.choose "Goto .view table DMC_ACSPL_SELECT . One important needs to be added: In this table. you create a corresponding record in table IUUC_PERF_OPTION.Documentation" from the menu). Then the secondary index respective logging table must not have the default field order: PROCESSED T S R stead: PROCESSED R eal case is that you predefine the parallelization before you even select the corresponding table for ation. Otherwise. where you would. That means. you will define selection criteria for at least one primary key field of the ponding table. and your only criterion to define the subsets is the document number. Example: You want to replicate BKPF (or RFBLG / BSEG) in multiple el threads. Like (0) Helpful AnswerRe: Parallel cation taking time using SLT configuration ter Weber 11-Feb-2014 07:46 (in response to Saritha K) itha. in the ple above. you would need to redefine the secondary index of the logging table after it y has been created. the field for which we define aries to subdivide the records in disjoint subsets). which is more difficult. For details. the field sequence mentioned above would matically be used. You need to make sure that the secondary index of the logging table is defined in such a hat this selection is well supported. er . egards. 0 SPS5) with an SAP LT Replication server(DMIS 2011 SP2-3) and SAP source system(DMIS 2011 SP1-3).But whenever we create a new configuration schema for connecting SAP Hana System and SAP LT Replication server: the dynpro dialog raises an error: Error occurred when opening db connection Verification of Schema failed due to connection issues . 2013 5:36 AM Hi Experts. we have successfully connected SAP LT Replication server and SAP source system through RFC. Keerthan Shetty Jan 23.Error occured when openning db connection This question has been Answered. The system hosting the SAP LT Replication Server is an SAP system with SAP NetWeaver 7.02 (Basis Support Package 11) ABAP stack using SAP Kernel 7. We have installed an SAP Hana System(HANA 1.20 EXT(64BIT Unicode) and patch level is 400. But in my case the problem is solved after upgrading the kernel from 720 ext level 400 to 721 level 40. Please help us on this.The RFC destinations working fine.sap-ag.de/~sapidb/011000358700000604912011 Correct Answer by Keerthan Shetty on May 23. FYR:You can download SAP Hana installation guide from the SAP Service Marketplace at the Internet address: https://websmp204. Thank you for your response. . 2013 9:48 AM Hi Norman.Thanks in advance. as mentioned in the SAP installation guide ? Satyam Alert Moderator o o Re: Error occured when openning db connection o Keerthan Shetty Jan 23. 2013 6:18 AM (in response to Satyam Poddar) Hi Satyam.schema_fail ed Average User Rating (1 rating)  Re: Error occured when openning db connection Satyam Poddar Jan 23. db_connection.Thanx. Like (1) . database_connection. Keerthan See the answer in context Helpful Answer by Alex Liu   3085 Views Products: sap_hana Tags: hana. dmis. 2013 5:56 AM (in response to Keerthan Shetty) Hi Keerthan. replication_server. Have you tried to check the compatibilty of the various components that you have installed. you can do your job in LTR webdynpro and start data replication work. The HANA version is HANA 1. 2013 8:36 AM (in response to Alex Liu) Hi..I have installed DMIS . According to the document. 2) Basis Kenerl is installed in SLT server.level (3) to the Source system which is a BW system. they are compatible with each other.Release (2011_1_700) . Alert Moderator o o Like (1) Re: Error occured when openning db connection o Keerthan Shetty Jan 24. Please make sure: 1) HANA Client is installed in SLT server. 2013 10:16 AM (in response to Keerthan Shetty) i knew this problem.Level (3) to the system hosting Replication Server and DMIS .dll' .dll") . 2) Test this connection via SE38(Report Name: ADBC_TEST_CONNECTION) If all these condition are ok. before you create a schema via Trascation Code "LTR". Alert Moderator  Like (0)   Helpful AnswerRe: Error occured when openning db connection Alex Liu Jan 23. Once you have done both condition.. *** ERROR => DlLoadLib()==DLENOACCESS LoadLibrary("E:\usr\sap\HLT\DVEBMGS00\exe\dbhdbslib. I installed HANA DBSL and HANA client as well and tried creating the configuration again but it showed the same error. I ran the report ADBC_TEST_CONNECTION and it showed the following error.0 SPS5. you can try to create HANA DB connection in SLT server via follwing way. 1) RUN DBCO. Loading DB library 'E:\usr\sap\HLT\DVEBMGS00\exe\dbhdbslib. and filled in connection information.Release (2011_1_730) . Alert Moderator    Like (0) Re: Error occured when openning db connection Alex Liu Jan 24.c 255] {root-id=4487FCA5D1FB1ED299BECA4E635FA381}_{connid=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0 *** ERROR => Couldn't load library 'E:\usr\sap\HLT\DVEBMGS00\exe\dbhdbslib.xxx) .c 5767] please help." [dlnt.dll"..dll is not a valid Win32 application... 2013 8:53 AM (in response to Keerthan Shetty) Hello Brother. 2) But System told you it could not load DBSL(hana lib..... SAP Basis Kenerl Could not load "dbhdbslib. What this error message told you? Answer is : 1) You told me that you have install HANA Client and DBSL. You did all things are correct !!! But you forgot a most important thing.. If you look at error message.dll' [dbcon.Error 193 = "E:\usr\sap\HLT\DVEBMGS00\exe\dbhdbslib. . AIX HP-UX LIBPATH SHLIB_PATH Linux LD_LIBRARY_PATH Solaris LD_LIBRARY_PATH Windows PATH If your SLT was intalled Windows platformm... just add "installation path of hana client" into this "PATH". 2013 11:08 AM (in response to Alex Liu) Hi bro . i promised that you can go ahead.. once you have done this step. reference your OS environment below. Alert Moderator o o Like (0) Re: Error occured when openning db connection o Keerthan Shetty Jan 25. we have  Alert Moderator .please help..... and then restart OS and SLT Server. followed the steps you advised above but still we are not able to create the new configuration and getting the same error as specified above. create a schema and do SLT data replication work.You have to add "HANA Client Instllation Path" in your OS Environment Variable(SLT based). If not. But in my case the problem is solved after upgrading the kernel from 720 ext level 400 to 721 level 40. Further I set environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/sap/<SID>/hdbclient once again. Thank you for your response. Alert Moderator   Like (2) Correct AnswerRe: Error occured when openning db connection  Keerthan Shetty May 23. hopefully you already solved your problem. .Like (0)  Re: Error occured when openning db connection  Norman Pawelski May 19. Norman.so to path /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMSG00/exe on the source ERP System as this file was missing there. Hope this helps. Have a nice weekend. 2013 9:48 AM (in response to Norman Pawelski) Hi Norman. What I did is to copy file libSQLDBCHDB. I have possibly the solution as I had the same problems like you. 2013 10:56 AM (in response to Keerthan Shetty) Hello Keerthan. I copied it from /usr/sap/hdbclient/.so. 2014 4:25 AM (in response to Norman Pawelski) Hello Norman. My problem was also solved by your method. Many thanks! In spite of the existing libSQLDBCHDB.so with permission 777 in dir/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/exe/dbhdbslib. 2013 5:26 AM (in response to Norman Pawelski) Had the same issue and was able to resolve by copying the hdbclient tools in to exe directory. Thanks Naresh Alert Moderator   Like (2) Re: Error occured when openning db connection  Eachann Chen Dec 23. Keerthan Alert Moderator  Like (1)  Re: Error occured when openning db connection  Naresh Pasumarthy May 24. Then the exactlythe-same problem was solved .Thanx. Best Regards. Eachann .
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