Diocesan Directory 2010-11

March 23, 2018 | Author: Raymond Antao | Category: Christian Organizations, Church Organization, Catholic Church, Religious Organizations, Anglican



Archdiocese of Goa and DamanDirectory 2010 - 2011 Compiled and Published by The Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media Archbishop’s House Panjim - Goa. Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Archbishop’s Note Preface As this one more edition of the Directory of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman is launched, a need is felt to stress upon a point referred to by the Servant of God John Paul II in his Encyclical Redemptor Hominis (1999) which Pope Benedict XVI repeated in his address to the General Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications Media on October 2009: “It is not enough, then, to use them (the Media) to spread the Christian message and the Magisterium of the Church, but it would be good to integrate the message itself in this ‘new culture’ created by modern communication.” It is a known fact that Social Communications tend to build bridges and deepen social consciousness, very palpable elements of this new culture. In this ambience, individuals are bound more closely to the fellow men and women and an awareness is created of their contribution in the unfolding of history. In the Christian Faith, we believe that a strong communication exists among the Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. It is this culture that would be expected from the users not only of telephones but also of every other Media. The Parish Bulletins, very popular now in our parishes, are a powerful tool in the hands of the community. The modern digital media would further empower them as they are inspired by human and Christian values. The Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media which has been entrusted with the compilation of this Directory offers its space for such an interaction for Christ and His Church. The Centre expresses its gratitude to Fr. Ralin De Souza sdb, who gave this Directory a new format, Sr. Jolly fmck and Mr. Romualdo Fernandes, who assisted him in this arduous task. Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media Archbishop's House, P.B. 216 Altinho, Panjim, Goa, India Witness to Christian Values in the Footsteps of Joseph Vaz We celebrate important days and events in different spheres of our life; their memories are etched in our mind and, as they come, they become for us opportunities to reflect more deeply upon them and to discover in them new perspectives. This year, the Church in Goa remembers some historical events and days of her life: The Holy Eucharist is the source and the summit of Christian life! On November 25, this year it will be 500 years since the first Mass was celebrated on Goan soil. The Seminary of Rachol is the cradle and nursery of priestly vocations! On November 1, this year, is the fourth centenary of the dedication of its Church. Joseph Vaz was a Man of God, a Servant of the Church and is the Patron of our Archdiocese! In this Pastoral Year itself, on the 16th of January, 2011, we shall celebrate the 300th year of his death. With these three celebrations in mind and with a special focus on the life and ministry of Joseph Vaz, we have formulated the following theme for this Pastoral Year in our Archdiocese: 'Witness to Christian Values in the Footsteps of Joseph Vaz.' Pastoral Letter; Witness to Christian Values in the Footsteps of Joseph Vaz, 2010-2011 +Filipe Neri Ferrão Archbishop-Patriarch Archdiocese of Goa and Daman 02 03 Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocesan Bishop Most Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrão Archbishop of Goa and Daman Titular Archbishop of Cranganore Primate of the East Patriarch of the East Indies Episcopal Motto: Tim Sogllim Ek Zaum (That They May All Be One) (Jn 17:21) Born Ordained Priest Ordained Bishop Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese Appointed Archbishop of Goa and Daman and Patriarch “ad honorem” of the East Indies Public announcement of the appointment Installed as Archbishop-Patriarch Appointed Metropolitan 20th January, 1953 28th October, 1979 10th April, 1994 1994 - 2004 12th December, 2003 16th January, 2004 21st March, 2004 25th November, 2006 MOST REV. FILIPE NERI FERRĂO Archbishop of Goa and Daman 04 05 Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Bl. José Vaz appointed by Propaganda in Rome, was not an impostor but held a genuine brief and legitimate powers. Ashamed of this scandalous situation arising from the sterile conflicts of jurisdiction, Bl. Joseph Vaz requested a permission from this Bishop to exercise his ministry in that region. This was one more act of his, revealing the greatness of this personality, an act which could be inspired from on High and accepted by that humble soul, unconcerned with human respect. His humility reached a new depth as he took the garb of a coolie to enter the island, crisscrossing it barefoot, through the thickest of forests, where he had only bare stones to lay his head on. He became all to all in the service of His Master. The Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media, Goa, venerates this great man of great faith in Jesus and prays for his guidance in its work of communications in the service of the Word. Landmarks in the Life of Bl. Joseph Vaz st Birth: 21 April, 1651 Baptism: 28th April, 1651 Priestly Ordination: 1676 th Writes the Letter of Bondage: 5 August, 1677 Missionary Work in Karnataka: 1681-1684 Foundation of the Oratorian Institute, Goa: 1685 Enters into Sri Lanka: 1687 Suffers Imprisonment in Kandy: 1691 Miracle of the Rain: 1693 Arrival of Oratorians in Sri Lanka, Heroic Work during small pox epidemic: 1697 th Death: 16 January, 1711 Beatification: 21st January,1995 Proclamation as the Patron of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman: th 16 January, 2000 Blessed Joseph Vaz A Lesson in Humility The Pastoral Letter of our Archbishop-Patriarch for the year 20102011, Most Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrão, proposes our Patron, Bl. Joseph Vaz, as a model for our life as well as for our pastoral activity. The analysis he makes of the life of Bl. Joseph Vaz, at the light of the ministry of Jesus only shows the relevance of this great man today; a man beyond times, his was a greatness which shone right from his childhood in Goa, where he was born on April 21, 1651, till his death on January 16, 1711 in Ceylon, after 24 years of intense, heroic and ground-breaking missionary activity in Ceylon. If one delves only into his desire to go to this island to the south of our country we can discern his altogether selfless commitment to the cause of Jesus and cause of His Church; it was a desire which was awakened by stories the missionaries returning from Ceylon were relating in Goa; they were stories of persecution against the Catholic Church, stories of decimation of churches, stories of forcing the Catholics to join the Huguenots, religion of the Dutch who dislodging the Portuguese occupied the island. To be commended is his selflessness as he waited for the moment of God to go to the rescue of the waning Catholic religion in Ceylon. Unconditionally, he submitted himself to the will of his superiors to work in the abandoned missions of Canara; having arrived here he came to know that the Bishop Tomás de Castro, 06 07 under the guidance of the Seminary.Among others Frs. In-between the two Courses there is one year break. The latter. a Printing Press.In 1759 the Jesuits were expelled from Goa (and other Portuguese possessions). Since then the Seminary of Good Shepherd. The foundation stone was blessed and laid on 1st November 1606 and four years later. 9. a Catechetical School for Catechumens.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Rachol Seminary of Missions (Vincentians or Lazarists) who were at its helm till 1790. is known as the Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol. 11. in 1563. Philosophy Course and Theology Course. functioned for almost sixty years in the College in the seventeenth century.The sprawling quandrangular building. 10. were the well-known Rectors of the Jesuit College (and Church) of Rachol.In 1835 all Religious Institutes were extinguished in Portugal and in all its possessions. when it was closed down once again. It was the first diocesan seminary erected in Goa after the Council of Trent.The Goan Congregation of the Oratory directed the Seminary from 1762 to 1774. they exercise diaconal ministry in parishes for six months. a Konkani School for European missionaries. being monitored closely by the Seminary. i.” 2. It was reopened in 1781 and entrusted to the Congregation 08 09 . and their institutions and properties confiscated by the State. acceding to ArchbishopPatriarch Valente’s exposition and request.The College was a multipurpose institution: a hospital. and are ordained priests in the second half of October. After the Academic Year. Archbishop-Primate António Taveira da Neiva Brum e Silveira. by his decree of 4th January 1762. 5. both under the invocation of “All Saints. the Seminary is intermittently run by the diocesan clergy. The standard acquired such a height that Pope Leo XIII. 8. 4. granted the Seminary the faculty of bestowing the academic degree of Bachelor in Theology. an orphanage. Rodolfo Aquaviva (blessed). 3.e.In 1886 the Archbishop of Goa was bestowed the honorific title of Patriarch of the East Indies. 7.To accommodate increasing number of Theology students Archbishop-Patriarch Valente built. the Church was dedicated and the College annexed thereto inaugurated.At present the Seminary holds a three-year Philosophy Course with graduation from the “Indira Gandhi National Open University” (IGNOU) and a four-year Theology Course. i. Handbook and Calendar 2010-2011" The Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol 1. Ignatius of Loyola by Pope Gregory XV on 4th March 1622. Thomas Stephens (Konkani and Marathi writer) and Francisco de Souza (author of “Oriente Conquistado”). the invocation of the Church and the College was altered to that of the said Founder of the Society of Jesus. over which he put up a Library Hall. Rachol. So from that year. which was the third one in Goa. and during the rest of the Academic Year they go on weekend ministry to parishes. in-between 1890-1894. Abstracts from "Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol. on the Vespers of the Solemnity of All Saints 1610. a new Academic Block with a spacious Auditorium over it was inaugurated.Archbishop-Primate João Crisóstomo de Amorim Pessoa (18621874) and Archbishop-Patriarch António Sebastião Valente (1882-1908) in their own times.Soon after the canonization of St.In 1762. housing now the Seminary. was constructed by Jesuits exactly four centuries ago this year. by his Apostolic letter “Quum Venerabilis Frater” of 27-5-1887. engage themselves in pastoral praxis in parishes (“regency”). Moral Theology School. 12. On 15th December 2002. a two storeyed new wing with forty single rooms and a dormitory-cum-study hall for beginners. during which seminarians. conducted an overhauling of the studies: Preparatory Course. since 175 years now. erected the Archdiocesan Seminary for the formation of diocesan clergy at the former Jesuit College at Rachol. At the end of the first term of the Fourth Year of Theology students are ordained deacons. a Primary School (in Portuguese).e. 6. It is the First Mass on Goan soil. As the same Pope writes “… even when it is celebrated on the humble altar of a country church. It is this audacity which led them to face the potentates then. It is in this perspective that the 500th year of the First Mass on Goan soil is evoked. is a celebration of the love with which God made man “loved them to the end. Audacious has been the activity of the Apostles and the Christian The Chapel of St Catherine. The Church in Goa is called today by this very Eucharist to take audacious initiatives in response to the challenges the modern world poses. The two fruits are Bl. St.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY th First Mass communities established by them and which followed them. the Eucharist is always in some way celebrated on the altar of the world. the Church has never ceased accepting this invitation and witnessing to that “audacious” love of God made man.” And such events. The celebration of this First Mass is at the origins of the great endeavours of the communities formed by accepting the invitation of Jesus – the same addressed to the Apostles in the Upper Room. And this is precisely what our Archbishop-Patriarch did in his Pastoral Letter for 2010-2011. It unites heaven and earth. it is an event which challenges the Church to respond to new realities being generated in the world. it is a celebration of an event which is at the centre of a community called the Church. are recalled not simply as part of history taken place long back. The Holy Mass is the sacrifice instituted by Jesus on the solemn moment of his life. it will be 500 years since the First Mass was celebrated on Goan soil. “etched in our minds”. since.” And this one single event is at the origin of marvels that have taken place in Goa. The terse statement of Bl. erected on the spot where the First Mass in Goa was celebrated. The Apostles accepted it and lived it to the full. It is their audacity which led them to cross national and continental boundaries and establish clusters of communities also committed to this cause. It embraces and permeates all creation” (EdE 8). From that time to the end of the ages. Groundbreaking initiatives are called for in the field of education and health services. in the Upper Room. to enter into sacramental communion with him. He writes: “On November 25. “Drink of it. The Holy Mass is a celebration of the “audacity” of God's love for an obstinate humanity. John Paul II at the beginning of his last encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia (EdE) says it all: “The Church draws her life from the Eucharist” (EdE 1). but “to reflect more deeply upon them and to discover in them new perspectives. John recalling it uses these touching words: “Having loved his own who were in the world. to the rest of the gospel written by the Apostle. It is a celebration of an event which cannot be repeated again. as in the past. The financial field today is not alien to Christian concern. it is a celebration of an event which empowered this community into ventures for a “new heaven and new earth”. eat”. he loved them to the end. specially where respect for life from womb to the tomb is concerned. It is a communion which makes the one who enters into it equally “audacious” as God is. an inspiration for the community to respond. The celebrated Nehruvian "Tryst with Destiny" seems to be in the doldrums and the Church has a response to this situation. On 500 Year of the First Holy Mass on Goan Soil Lost into the mist and dark clouds of history. this year.” And this is a part of the preamble to the whole chapter 13 and. all of you” (Mt 26: 26-27) is the invitation of Jesus to the Apostles. The Holy Eucharist remains always.” The “Take. in Old Goa. 10 11 . one event needs to be recalled. it is this audacity that led them to take initiatives – which we would call temerity today – for the cause they had embraced. Joseph Vaz and the Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol and the waves of missionaries who crossed the borders for the propagation of the cause. indeed. . PATRON OF THE ARCHDIOCESE Blessed Joseph Vaz ARCHBISHOP-PATRIARCH Most Rev..152 L Diocesan Priests Deceased since 2009 ...............................14 ECCLESIASTICAL INSTITUTIONS.............. Portuguese........151 J Presses and Publications.............00......................149 H Social Welfare Activities ............... presently comprising Goa........................................................................................................... 2.............. 216.......106 TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS .................139 D Religious Men ........29 ZONES-DEANERIES-PARISHES (Details)........ SEARCH LISTS............ Panjim...........................................................................................................................................124 8.... Associations and Movements ........................................................................................ Goa..........................................................131 B Parishes & Chapels...Parishes .............................. 1557....................................................149 I Special .................................................... Gujarati...... HEALTH SERVICES............................................ SOCIAL WELFARE ACTIVITIES ...................................O..........................143 E Religious Women ............144 F Secular Institutes.................com Wb: www.... Dadra and Nagar Haveli...........................................................................org POPULATION Total Catholic Population: 5.......... Nagar Haveli Diu 0832 0260 02875 12 13 .......125 9........13 PASTORAL ORGANIZATION.... India 403 001 T: (0832) 2422652/2223353/2225291/2225235/2224789 Fax: (91-832) 2224139 Em: [email protected] 1................ ASSOCIATIONS AND MOVEMENTS ................000 LANGUAGES Konkani............... 3......... 4.... Daman....134 C Educational Institutions .....117 SPECIAL SCHOOLS / OTHER INSTITUTIONS ......... Diu.... P. PRESS AND PUBLICATIONS . RETREAT HOUSES .....128 11................................ ABBREVIATIONS ... Altinho........164 M Religious Priests in the Diocese ......25..... 5....................................................... Hindi...... English.....................35 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS..... Marathi......118 6........ Dadra.............126 10.......151 K Diocesan Priests ............archgoadaman.................................................................119 7...........165 12...........148 G Technical Institutions..... Filipe Neri Ferrão ARCHBISHOP-PATRIARCH EMERITUS Most Rev................................130 A Deaneries ..................................... TELEPHONE (STD) CODES Goa Daman................................................................... Box No.....Other Institutions..Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Information TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION.............................. GENERAL INFORMATION ARCHDIOCESE OF GOA AND DAMAN Erected on 4th February...................................................... Raul Nicolau Gonsalves ADDRESS Archbishop’s House.......................000 approx Total population of the Archdiocese: 16.................................................................................. Robert Fernandes Secretary: Mrs. Chancellor Fr Romeo Monteiro Fr Walter de Sá Fr Cristóvão Caldeira Fr Domingos Antonio Fernandes Fr Gabriel Coutinho Fr António Salema Fr Galdino Monteiro sfx DIOCESAN FINANCE COMMITTEE Chairman: Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão Members: Fr José Remedios Fernandes Fr Victor C. Sylvestre Souza Mr.com 2. José Remedios Fernandes Episcopal Vicar for the North Zone: Fr. ` Vicar General of the Archdiocese: Fr. Lino de Sá Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. Rodrigues Can Santana Faleiro Fr Arlino de Mello Fr Valeriano Joaquim Vaz Arch.403 111 T: 2218347 SOUTH ZONE Fr. Lino de Sá Episcopal Vicar for the South Zone: Fr. José Remedios Fernandes EPISCOPAL VICARS NORTH ZONE Fr. Galdino Monteiro sfx Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese: Fr. Goa . Penha de França. the Apostle. Rosário Oliveira Chancellor of the Archdiocese: Fr.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Aldona. Vicar General Fr Amandio Valadares. Amandio Valadares Church of St. Episcopal Vicar for the North Zone Fr Manuel Dias. Manuel Dias Director of the Pastoral Institute St. 3. Dennis Fernandes Rector of the Diocesan Minor Seminary: Fr. Philip and James. Siridão. Galdino Monteiro sfx Church of Our Lady of Penha de França. Estevão Godinho Eng. Thomas. Joseph Rowland Salema Rector of the Diocesan Major Seminary: Fr.403 508 T: 2293352 CENTRAL ZONE Fr. Goa . the Apostles. Goa .403 112 T: 22l2791/ 9822122935 Em: evrgoadiocese@gmail. Cortalim.Organization PASTORAL ORGANIZATION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE 1. Joseph de Silva Church of Ss. Amandio Valadares Episcopal Vicar for the Central Zone: Fr. Melita Colaço DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF PRIESTS Chairman: Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão Moderator: Fr Cristóvão Caldeira Secretary: Fr Romeo Monteiro “EX – OFFICIO” MEMBERS ARCHBISHOP – PATRIARCH MOST REV.403 710 T: 2550311 Em: [email protected] RELIGIOUS Fr. Joseph de Silva Episcopal Vicar for the Religious: Fr. António Salema 14 15 . FILIPE NERI FERRÃO VICAR GENERAL Msgr. DIOCESAN CONSULTATIVE BODIES COLLEGE OF DIOCESAN CONSULTORS Fr José Remedios Fernandes. Pius X: Fr. Goa . I. Fr Luis Alvares. Fr Diogo de Souza. Ninfa D’Silva Couples for Christ: Mr. Leonard Noronha cfc Director of the Diocesan Catechetical Centre: Fr Alfred Vaz Director of the Diocesan Centre for Liturgy: Fr Afonso Mendonça Director of the Diocesan Family Service Centre: Fr Kenneth Teles Director of the Diocesan Youth Centre: Fr Olavo Caiado Director of the Diocesan Centre for Lay Apostolate: Fr Daniel Pereira Director of the Diocesan Centre for Biblical Apostolate: Fr Manuel Gomes Director of the Diocesan Centre for Social Communications Media: Fr Francisco Caldeira Director of the Vocation Commission for the Diocesan Clergy: Fr Heinencio de Souza Executive Secretary of the Council for Social Justice and Peace: Fr Maverick Fernandes Moderator and the Secretary of the Diocesan Council of Priests : Fr Cristóvão Caldeira. Fr Michael Fernandes. Lino de Sá Episcopal Vicar for the South Zone of Goa: Fr. Luke's Medical Guild: Dr. Fr. Emanuela Carponi Legion of Mary: Mr. Eric Correia Catholic Nurses Guild: Mr. Fr Jose Caetano Costa. Remedios & Mrs. Secretary President of C. Fr Savio Barretto sj NOMINATED MEMBERS Fr Zeferino Souza. Nirmala Costa Frias St. Pilar: Fr Tony Lopes sfx Vice-President of CRI. Fr Nelson Colaço. Fr Cristóvão Caldeira. Francis Barreto . Francis Xavier. Roque Wiseman Pinto ELECTED MEMBERS Fr Wilson Almeida. Joseph Rowland Salema Rector of the Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol: Fr.R. Fr Vicente Leitão. Fr Cipriano da Silva. Wilson Fernandes Catholic Teachers Team: Mrs. Fr Simon Fernandes. Goa: Fr Simon Rico Fernandes ofm cap President of the Cathedral Chapter: Can. Fr Romeo Monteiro. Galdino Monteiro sfx Director of Pastoral Institute: Fr. Fr Victor Ferrão. Amandio Valadares Episcopal Vicar for the Central Zone of Goa: Fr. Fr George Fernandes. Fr Edmund Mascarenhas sfx.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Superior General of the Missionary Society of St. Valeriano Vaz. Dominic Savio Kenny Focolare Movement: Dr. Fr Emidio Pinto. Moderator Fr Romeo Monteiro. José Remedios Fernandes Episcopal Vicar for the North Zone of Goa: Fr. Fr Agnelo Mendes. Fr Leonardo Moraes.Organization Rector of the Minor Seminary of Our Lady. Joseph de Silva Episcopal Vicar for the Religious: Fr. Justina Rodrigues Christian Family Movement: Mr. Santana Faleiro Superior of the Mission of Daman: Fr Lyndon Rodrigues sfx Executive Secretary of the Diocesan Pastoral Secretariat: Fr Anthony Fernandes Diocese . Nifa Coelho “EX-OFFICIO” MEMBERS Vicar General : Fr. Fr Lucio Dias 4. Havelock Ferrão Secretary: Ms. Fr Walter de Sá. Anil Kumar. Fr Isidorio Dias. Fr Santana Carvalho. Sylvia D’Souza Leaders of the Catholic Associations approved by the Diocesan Authority: Catholic Association of Goa: Brig. Fr José Roque Gonsalves. Mrs. Fr Simião Fernandes. Fr Lourenço Rodrigues. Pobre Dias Society of St. Fr Romano Gonsalves. Ian da Costa Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement: Adv. Saligão-Pilerne: Fr António Salema Executive Secretary of the Diocesan Pastoral Secretariat: Fr Anthony Fernandes Vice-President/Secretary of the Archdiocesan Board of Education: Bro. Fr Almir de Souza. Fr Urbano Menezes. Fr Jose Adriano Rodrigues. Fr Simon Diniz. DIOCESAN PASTORAL COUNCIL President: Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão Moderator: Mr. Fr. Fr Gabriel Coutinho. Vincent de Paul: Mrs. Fr Dominic Sequeira. Dennis Fernandes 16 17 . Fr André Fernandes ofmcap. (Goa): Sr Julie Fernandes fmm Representatives from the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman at the Catholic Council of India: Mr. Fr José Dias. Fr Roque da Costa . Bicholim (Mr. Antonetta Lobo). Sylvia D'Souza). Lorna Lotlekar). Francis Barreto World Wide Marriage Encounter: Mr. Jason Andrade).Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Marco Barros). São Bartolomeu (Mr. Loliem (Mrs. John Alvares). Cunchelim (Mrs. Thomas D'Souza). Suzana Fernandes). Zena Sequeira). Jane Travasso). Tollecanto (Mr. Yvette Lobo). Salvador D'Cruz) . Tivim (Mr. Tormas (Mr. Ana Coelho Young Christian Students: Fr Olavo Caiado Confraternities: Can. Freddy Carvalho). Ivo Monteiro). S. John D'Cunha). Maria Cardozo). Tuem (Mr. Assolna (Mrs. Gorethy D'Costa). Usgão (Mrs. Agassaim (Mrs. Chandor (Mr. C. Mario Mascarenhas) . Satiro X. Gladys D'Silva). Siridão (Mrs. Nifa Coelho). Benaulim. Betalbatim (Mr. D. Violeta Correia). Santana Faleiro Chairpersons/Moderators of Parish Councils: Aldona (Mr. Lawrence Mendonça). Elva Pereira). Penha de França (Mr. Dicarpale (Mrs. Albina Rocha). Albino Fernandes). Mandur (Mr. Clara Fernandes). Canacona (Mr. Agnelo Fernandes) . Dabal (Mr. Maria Rita Estibeiro). Camurlim . Alden Menezes). Veroda (Mrs. Dramapur (Mr. Lawrence Fernandes). Silveira). Sheela Cardozo). Corlim (Mrs. Constancio Miranda). Edwida Gonsalves). Carmona (Mr. Querim (M. Raia (Mr. Assagão (Mr. Albert Jacques). Sandra Coutinho). Orlim (Mr. Francis Fernandes) . Sadolxem (Mr. Mandrem (Mr. Socorro D'Costa). Arambol (Mr. Norris Julio Rodrigues). Galgibaga (Mrs. Ucassaim (Mr. Consua ( Mr. Morrison A. Desterro (Mr. Ernest D'Souza). Mercês (Mr. Estevão (Dr. Ramsey Barreto). John Paul Fernandes). Pomburpa (Mrs. Joseph Eapen Vadakel). Curtorim (Mr. Santa Cruz (Mr. Sanvordem (Mr. Joaquim Fernandes). Ponda (Mr. Cansaulim (Mr. Sera Fernandes). Olaulim (Mr. Fatorda (Mr. Lourdina Fernandes). Calvim (Mr. Assonora (Mr. Bastora (Mr. Colva (Mr. Toscano). Inacio Rodrigues). Wilma Barreto). TalaulimSantana (Mrs. Cuncolim (Mr. Chinchinim (Mrs. Fatima Mendes). Maina-Curtorim (Mr. Piedade (Mr. Bernadina Almeida).St. Nobby Gomes). Panchvaddi (Mr. Velsão (Mr. Socorro (Mr. Graça Chorão (Mrs. Maria D' Mello). Diogo Francis Rodrigues). John the Baptist (Mrs. Constancio Dias). Agnel Fernandes) . Sanquelim (Mr.Organization Revora (Ms. Joseph Lobo). Salvador do Mundo (Mr. Lourdina Lobo). Azossim (Mr. Ana Fernandes). K. Jose de Areal (Mrs. Agonda (Mr. Moira (Mrs. Vagator ( Mrs. Mapusa (Mr. Old Goa (Mrs. Joaquim Pereira). Lisa Pereira). Taleigão (Mr. Anthony Rodrigues). Melanie Afonso). John Fernandes). Maria Augusta Negredo). Morgim (Mrs. Domnic Pereira). Calangute (Mrs. Marcelina Fernandes). Nelson Noronha). Velim (Mr. Alfredo Fernandes). João Henrick de Souza). Camorlim-Salcete (Mr. Sto. Borim ( Mr. Anthony Silveira) . Lawrian Fernandes). Pirna (Mrs. Joe Mariano Silva). Macasana (Mrs. Marcos Simões). John D' Souza). Maria D'Mello). Sanguem (Mr. Boddiem (Mrs. Sarzora (Mr. Panjim ( Mrs. Cortalim ( Mr. Lyndon Rodrigues) . Mariano Lobo). Simon Fernandes). Gabriel Furtado) . Caetano Pereira). Joaquim Fernandes). Martino Joseph Gama). Reis Magos (Mrs. Lilia F. Pilerne (Mrs. Margão-Grace (Mrs. Aquem (Mrs. Conceicão Fernandes). Porvorim (Mr. Carambolim (Mr. Vaddem-Kurdi (Mr. Vasco-da-Gama (Mr. Batpale (Mrs. Colem (Mrs. Chicalim (Mrs. Michael Rodrigues). Milagrino Pires). Benaulim-Holy Trinity (Mr. Tiracol (Mr. Desmond Cardozo). Oscar Mascarenhas). Fernandes). Cavelossim (Mr. Anjuna (Mr. Varca (Mr. Maria Esperance Fernandes). Bambolim (Mrs. Robert D' Mello). Mathew). Agnelo Colaco). Pernem (Mr. Magdalena Fernandes). Peter Franco Miranda). Salvina Monteiro) . Rui Gonsalves). Saligão (Mr. Cristopher Braganca). Vally and Mrs. Goa-Velha (Mr. Sinquerim (Linhares) (Mr. Bernard Sequeira). Minguelinho Menezes). Michael D'Silva). Dominic Andrade). Neura (Mrs. Rodney D'Souza). Havelock Ferrão). São Matias (Mr. Gregory Carvalho). Mardol (Mr. Navelim (Mr. Dulcina Dias). Baina (Mr. António World Apostolate of Fatima: Mr. Marcela (Mr. Irene Gomes). Menino Fernandes). Lucio Afonso). Ribandar (Mrs. Laurente Fernandes). Guirim (Mr. Chiplem (Mrs. Sunil Thomas). Francis Lobo). Selima Pereira) . Meera Viegas). Porto de Mormugão (Mr. Lourdes Cardozo). Zinia Dias do Roso). Salvador Pinto). Rocky Dias). 18 19 . Darryl Abranches). Melwyn Pereira). Ambaulim ( Mr. Seraulim (Mr. Nerul (Mrs.Bardez (Mr. Rosário Fernandes). Joseph Fernandes). Edward Fernandes). Candolim (Mrs. Siolim (Mr. Nachinola (Mr. Siroda (Mrs. Agnelo Furtado). Bardez (Mr. Celina Coelho). Corgao-maina (Mr. Camilo Mascarenhas). Nick Figueiredo). Adrian D'Souza). Damian D'Costa). Bogmalo (Mr. Rachol (Mr. Rivona (Mrs. José Lobo). Albert Fernandes). Tropa (Mr. Margão-Holy Spirit (Mr. Loutulim (Mrs. Betul (Mr. Quepem (Mr. Tilamola (Mr. Godfrey Costa Bir). Lobo (North Goa) 2. Andrea Mascarenhas. Cleta Fernandes. Panjim. Perpetua Gonsalves. Jocelyn Fernandes CHANCERY Em: chancerygoa@gmail. Mrs. Filipe Fernandes). J. Verna (Mr. Mrs. de Melo PATRIARCHAL TRIBUNAL T: 2422654 Em: [email protected] Financial Administrator: Fr Victor C Rodrigues Office Assistants: Sr. Manuel de Melo FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE Em: finadmgoa@gmail. Nagoa-Salcete (Mr. São Bras. Chauddi.com Judicial Vicar: Fr Rosário Oliveira Diocesan Judges: Fr Aquiles de Souza. Fr Manuel Dias.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Agnelo Pinheiro. Sr Celina Estibeiro hc. Edna Fernandes Assistant Parish Priests : Fr Mariano Travasso Religious Representatives from : Diocesan (local) Congregation/Societies of Men: Fr Alfredo Almeida sfx Other Clerical Religious Orders/Congregations/Societies of Men: Fr Bernardino de Almeida sdb Religious Brothers Diocesan (local) Congregation/Societies of Women: Sr. Valpoi. Santa Inez. Rosario Baptista) N. Mrs. Fr Romeo Monteiro. Alberto L. Quelossim (Mr. São Pedro. António Xavier Colaco). Fr José António Almeida Fr Aleixo Gracias sfx. Mr. Fr José Dias (South Goa) Fr Jean da Cruz Fernandes ARCHBISHOP-PATRIARCH'S OFFICE Secretary: Fr Joaquim Loiola Pereira Office Assistants: Ms. ELECTED MEMBERS: OFFICES OF THE DIOCESAN BODIES AT THE ARCHBISHOP'S HOUSE P. Vaidongor and Oxel had not re-constituted the Councils when the present Diocesan Pastoral Council was formed. Majorda (Mr. Genevieve Pereira. Curca. Joao M. O. Paroda. Colvale. The parishes of Sirsaim. Melbina D'Souza Office Assistant: Mr. Mrs.com Chancellor: Fr Manuel Dias Notary: Fr Andrew Godinho Office Assistants: Ms. Sr Lillian Kanianpuram sac 20 21 . Batim. Fr Eremito Rebello (South Goa) 1. Ana Fonseca & Ms.B.Offices João Fernandes). Rosário Oliveira Notaries: Sr Melvy Rodrigues fmck & Ms. Fr Tomas S. Anthony Diogo Gonsalves) . Goa . Nagoa. Ernestine Fernandes hc Other Orders/Congregations/Societies of Women: Sr Nora D’Souza dhm. BOX NO. Parra. Fr Cristo Menezes (North Goa) 2. Nuvem (Mr.403 001 T: 2223353/ 2225291 /2225235/2224789 Em: [email protected] Diocesan Clergy Representative from : Deans : Parish Priests : Chaplains : 1. Pereira). Utorda (Mr. 216 Altinho. Maria Velma de Melo. Defender of the Bond: Fr Boniface Furtado Administrator of the Patriarchal Tribunal: Fr. Albino Costa). Ms. Sancoale (Mr. Mr. Fr Mousinho Afonso de Ataide. Affie D'Costa hc. Ms. Alisha Fernandes. Melsa Vas Monteiro. Fr Victor Ferrão. Dr. Dona Fernandes. Ruzaria Pires. Sunil Thomas. Episcopal Vicar (S) Executive Secretary: Br Leonard Noronha cfc Treasurer: Mrs. Nirmala Costa Frias. Mr. Luisa Pereira. Ms. Ms. Anabel da Gama Members: Fr Joseph de Silva.B. X. Fr Amandio Valadares. Ms. Office Assistant cum Accountant : Ms. Mrs. Margaret Rodrigues sfn. Francina Fernandes COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE AND PEACE T: 2422821 Em: csjpgoa@gmail. Mr. Antonieta Noronha Archdiocese Fact-File The basic statistics of the Archdiocese: Parishes Diocesan Priests Religious Priests 167 364 290 22 23 .Maria Perpetua D’Souza. Fr Anthony Vaz. D.com Director: Fr Francisco Caldeira Secretary cum Treasurer: Fr Ave Maria Afonso Members: Fr Joaquim Loiola Pereira. Melvyn Misquita. Roque Ribeiro. Rodrigues. Nelson Noronha. Sr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Rishelle de Oliveira. Mrs.Offices SECRETARIAT FOR CONFRATERNITIES/FABRICAS/ COFRES T: 2422651 Secretary: Can. Sr Julie Fernandes fmm. Santana Faleiro Office Assistants: Mr.com President: Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão In-charge of Education: Fr Joseph de Silva. Mrs. Lorraine Rebello. Maxine Pereira DIOCESAN PASTORAL SECRETARIAT T: 2432730 / 2422354 Em: pasec8@gmail. Aida Fernandes and Mrs. Isabel de Santa Rita Vas. Panjim. Soter D’Souza. Goa . Mr. Cecil da Costa. Isabel de Santa Rita Vas. AT THE “INSTITUTO DE NOSSA SENHORA DE PIEDADE” D.org Ex-Officio President: Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão Director: Fr Valeriano Vaz Assistant to the Director: Fr Maverick Fernandes Members: Fr Victor C.com President: Fr Valeriano Vaz Executive Secretary cum Treasurer: Fr Maverick Fernandes Assistant to the Executive Secretary: Ms. Jolly Pereira fmck & Mr. Marg. Ms. Fernandes.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Mrs. Office Assistants: Sr. Mr. Ms. DIOCESAN CENTRE FOR SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA T: 2422653 Em: [email protected] 001 In . Fr Ralin De Souza sdb. Orlando Fernandes. Mrs. Mrs. Mr.charge: Fr. Veronica D’Souza.com Director: Fr Lino de Sá Executive Secretary: Fr Anthony Fernandes Office Assistant: Sr Effie Fernandes fmck ARCHDIOCESAN BOARD OF EDUCATION T: 2421275 Em: goaabe@gmail. Sr. Valeriano Vaz CARITAS-GOA T: 2226509 Em: caritas@caritasgoa. Linda Rodrigues. Romualdo Fernandes DIOCESAN TEAM FOR TRANSFERS OF PRIESTS Convenor: Fr José Remedios Fernandes Members: Fr Joseph de Silva. Fr Jesus Rodrigues. Jewel Menezes. Mary Jane sfn Office Assistants: Ms. Mr. Maggie ccr Mb: 9822679364 AT THE PASTORAL INSTITUTE ST. Sr Nicasia Coutinho sfn. Office Assistants: Ms. Mathew D’Souza. Mrs. Roshan Nazareth. Maria D’Costa. Office Assistants: Sr Elizabeth Fernandes fmck. Sarita Nazareth. Melwin Gomes. Atanásio Teodomiro do Rosário de S. Mathew D’Souza. Fr Dominic Savio Fernandes sdb.com Director: Fr Afonso Reginaldo Mendonça Secretary: Fr Simiao Fernandes Members: Fr Cristóvao Caldeira. Mr. Mrs. Dr. Adolfo Joviano Castro Viegas Can. António Lobo Can. Fr Mathew Fernandes sfx. Mário Saturnino Dias 24 25 . Manuel Gomes Secretary: Fr Ave Maria Afonso Members: Fr Ivo Conceiçao de Souza. Fr António Salema. Fr Joseph Estrocio. Dr. Ms. Aurelia Lourenco DIOCESAN SOCIETY OF EDUCATION T: 2230457 Em: goadse@gmail. Sucheta Lobo. Helen D'Silva fmck. Lourdes Pereira. Ninette D’Souza. Joaquim M. Vandana Solanki fmck Mb: 9850764982 Treasurer : Sr. Fr Romeo Godinho. Adney Gonsalves. DIOCESAN CENTRE FOR LITURGY T: 2285303 Em: dclgoa@gmail. Mrs. Fatima Rego. Goa . Sr Helen D'Silva fmck. Skeeter Nazareth DIOCESAN CATECHETICAL CENTRE T: 2284172 / 2285051 Em: dccgoa@gmail. Fr Romeu Godinho. Dr. Old Goa. Simona Fernandes. Fr Tomas Lobo.Wilson Almeida Can. Ms. Fr Dominic Alvares sfx. Roswald D’Cunha. Célia Ribeiro Office Assistants: Mrs. Santana Faleiro Canonici: Can. Mr. Fr Paul Alvares ofmcap.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Myrtle Caldeira. Diogo Gonsalves. Sharon Mitchelle Cota. Sávio Fernandes. Fr. Fr Gabriel Coutinho. Mrs. Fr Luis Alvares. Fausta Gonsalves. Elvis Gonsalves. Sucorina Rebello. Rosária Dias & Ms. Fr Tomas Lobo. Mr. Maria Lourdes Tavares e Valawalkar. Julie Fernandes fmm Mb: 9323770361 Vice President: Fr Simon Rico Fernandes ofm cap Mb: 9822037891 Secretary : Sr.com Director: Fr. PIUS X Old Goa 403 402 T: 2285347/2285051 Director: Fr Joseph Rowland Salema DIOCESAN CENTRE FOR BIBLICAL APOSTOLATE T: 2284296 Em: dcbagoa@gmail. Mrs. Sr. Sainora Dias. Mrs. Fr Cipriano D'Silva. (Chantre) Caetano da Cruz Fernandes Can. Lumena Miranda. COMMITTEE FOR THE ONGOING FORMATION OF PRIESTS T: 2285347 Em: institutepx@gmail. Fr Simon Diniz. Vilma Henriques. Ms. Office Assistant: Mrs.com Director: Fr Alfred Judas Vaz Secretary: Sr Cursina Simoes fmck Members: Fr Aleixo Menezes. Fr Raúl Colaço. Sr Lucy Andrade fma. Mr. Mrs.403 402 T: 2285850 President : Can. Alexia Braz fmck. Mrs. João Pedro Amancio Fernandes Can. Fr. Mr. Manisha Cunha. Ms.Offices Members: Sr Jeannette Almeida fmm. Mr.com Chairman: Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão President: Fr Antimo Gomes Secretary-cum-Treasurer: Fr Zeferino D'Souza Assistant Secretary: Fr Edmundo Barreto Members: Fr Walter D'Sá. Mrs. Cecilia de Souza. CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS OF INDIA T: 2432601 President : Sr. Dr. Nirmala Fernandes. Antonio D’Souza.com Convenor: Fr Joseph Rowland Salema Secretary: Fr Donato Rodrigues Members: Fr Joseph Estrocio. Mrs. Lino de Sá. Rose Mary Rodrigues Office Assistants: Sr. CATHEDRAL CHAPTER Sé Catedral. Mrs. Ms. Mrs. Mr. Mr.403001 Tel: 2220072 In . 26 27 . Fr Jean da Cruz Fernandes. Claudio Cardozo.com Director: Fr Daniel Pereira Asst to the Director: Fr Nevel Gracias Members: Fr Leonardo Souza. Bro Joseph Fernandes. Ms. Levlin Joel Colaço. Benson Colaço. Fr Mariano Travasso.403 719 T: 2776052/2776325/2777744/2776321 Rector: Fr. DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR SACRED ART AND HERITAGE T: 2776052 / 2776325 Em: dcahgoa@gmail. Mr. Goa . Mr. Mr. Ms. Goa .Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Olavo Caiado AT THE PATRIARCHAL SEMINARY OF RACHOL Sem. Rafael Fernandes. Fr Andrew Pereira. Nadine D'Souza. Fr Tony Fernandes sfx. Ms. Ms Laura Braganza. Mrs. Sr Elsy Fernandes sfn. Panjim. Sr Elsy Fernandes sfn. Mr.in / goalaity@gmail. Rev. Fr Candido Fernandes. Mr. Bosco Vaz. Ms. Sylvestre Souza. Juliet D’Souza. Mr. Mr. APOSTOLATE OF ECUMENISM T: 2776052 / 2776325 / 2777744 Convenor: Fr Simião Fernandes Members: Fr Eremito Rebello. Noemia Mascarenhas. Atasha D'Souza. Zamira Ferrão Office Assistants: Sr. Ms. Macson Fernandes.org Wb: www. Mr. Ms. Sr Agnela Fernandes hc. Mr. Rashmi Menezes. Fr Mario Costa. Ms. Avito Mascarenhas.com Convenor: Fr George Dias Members: Arch. Ms. Fr Caetano Fernandes. Ms.org Director: Fr Olavo Caiado Members: Sr Bernadette Furtado hc. Fr Savio Fernandes. Rev. Fr Ivon D’Souza sfx. Dennis Fernandes DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR EVANGELIZATION T: 2776052 / 2776325 / 2777744 / 2776321 In-Charge: Fr Dennis Fernandes DIOCESAN CENTRE FOR LAY APOSTOLATE T: 2232496 Em: dclayap@sancharnet. Fr Randall Barretto sfx.charge: Fr. Rayelle Rodrigues. Dominic Soares APOSTOLATE OF INTER-RELIGIOUS DIALOGUE T: 2776052 / 2776325 / 2777744 Convenor: Fr Agnelo Pinheiro Members: Ms Maryann Rodrigues. Mariano Valadares.Nicasia Coutinho sfn. Sr Annie Fernandes sfn. Nicholas D'Souza. Agnelo Fernandes. Fr Cosme Costa sfx. Michelle Filinto Office Assistants: Sr Veena Dias sfn. Eliza Rodrigues. Worrel D'Souza. Fr George Ratos. Eng. Victor D’Souza DIOCESAN YOUTH CENTRE T: 2422740 Em: director6@dycgoa. APOSTOLATE OF INCULTURATION In-Charge: Fr Donato Rodrigues Members: Fr Filipe Neri Dias. James Kurien. Rachol.dycgoa. Mr. Ninfa D'Silva. Mr. Joe Dias. Sr Julie Rodrigues scc. Ms.Offices AT “LAR DE ESTUDANTES” Altinho. Fr Alfred Vaz. Janet Barcellos. José Noronha. Pius X Old Goa. Fr Anthony Rodrigues. XAVIER'S HOSTEL. Chandor) Vice President: Fr Jean da Cruz Fernandes Secretary: Mr Sebastião Fernandes Treasurer: Fr Lino de Sá Members: Fr Olavo Caiado. Asst.familyservicecentregoa. Fernanda Colaço. Sunita Ribeiro Legal Advisor: Advocate William Da Costa Members: Fr Simon Diniz. Fr. Rosaria Fernandes. Randal Barreto sfx. Fr António Cotta. Sávio Mascarenhas. Mrs. Fr Alfred Vaz. Fr Savio Barretto sj.403 001. Fr Anthony Fernandes. VOCATION COMMISSION FOR THE DIOCESAN CLERGY Seminary of Our Lady. Nisha Gonsalves. Mrs. Simião Fernandes. Agnelo Pinheiro. Maggie Pereira. Ms. Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR SACRED MUSIC President: Fr Joe Rodrigues (Guirdolim Chapel. Goa – 403 719 T: 2776052 / 2776325 / 2777744 / 2776321 Em: rector_goa@rediffmail. PASTORAL INSTITUTE ST. Sebastian Mascarenhas sfx.403 511 T: 2407373 Em: [email protected] Director: Fr Heinencio D’Souza Secretary: Fr Ryan Estibeiro Members: Fr Joseph Estrócio.com Director: Fr Joseph Rowland Salema Teaching Staff: Fr Manuel Gomes. Mrs Merzina Clement DIOCESAN CHARISMATIC SERVICE TEAM Convenor:Fr Joseph de Silva Members: Fr Ronnie D'Sousa sj. PIUS X Founded in 1962 Address: Pastoral Institute St. Stephen Ribeiro Counsellors: Fr Egidio Fernandes sdb & Ms. Old Goa 403 402 T: 2284149 Director: Fr Saturnino Dias Secretary: Sr Adrianne Sapeco hc Members: Fr Dennis Fernandes. Mrs. Maria Fernandes. Peter Cardozo sfx DIOCESAN CENTRE FOR MISSIONARY ANIMATION Bom Jesus Basilica Complex. Goa . Freddy Fernandes Office Assistants: Mrs. Augusta Cardozo. Brigida Gonsalves. Mrs Goretti Martins.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Director: Dr. Romeo Monteiro. Near Inox Cinema.Academies AT OTHER LOCATIONS DIOCESAN FAMILY SERVICE CENTRE Old Goa Medical Complex.com Director: Fr Kenneth Teles. Silvano Dias Sapeco Secretary: Fr Mariano Travasso Treasurer: Mrs. Goa – 403 402 T: 2285347 Em: institutepx@gmail. Fr Donato Rodrigues. George Dias. Ms. Sandra Rebello Office Assistants: Mrs. Saligão-Pilerne. Mr. Goa . Fr Lucio Dias. Rachol PO. Succorrina Gomes. Mr. Mr Michael Martins. Victor Ferrão. Goa . Mousinho de Ataide. Ms. Fr Agnelo Pinheiro. T: 2224140 / 2431639 Em: dfsc_goa@yahoo. Alinda Rego & Mr Jason Braganza. Fr Afonso Mendonça House Management: Sr Marta Vas fhic Student Priests : 12 2. Sem. Donato Rodrigues. Ralin De Souza sdb. Fr Anselmo de Souza sfx. Ms. Sandra Fernandes ST. Rui Menezes sj. Ms.org Branch Office: Holy Spirit Church. PATRIARCHAL SEMINARY OF RACHOL(DiocesanMajorSeminary) Founded in 1762 Address: Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol. Dr.403 601 T: 2713497/ 2715675 Em: hhhf@rediffmail. Sylvia Noronha ECCLESIASTICAL INSTITUTIONS 1. Maverick Fernandes. Panjim.com Wb: www.com Rector: Fr Dennis Fernandes Spiritual Director: Fr Polly Lobo Procurator: Fr Santana D'Souza Teaching Faculty: Frs Dennis Fernandes. Margão. Sr Bromadine Palokaran scc. Fr Simon Fernandes. MAPUSA (For diocesan seminarians doing college studies) T: 2254870 In-charge: Fr Alex John D'Souza Assistant to the In-charge: Fr George Ratos Students: 29 28 29 . Bardez. Candido Fernandes. Longinus Nazareth. Prefects: Frs Mario Costa. Romeo Godinho Students: 99 Librarian: Mr. Pious Unions and Associations. Goa 403 507 T: 2268994 / 2268138 Rector: Fr Oswald D’Souza sac Spiritual Counsellor: Fr Anthony Correia sac Students: 53 5. Frs Jesus Nazareth.O. 1952 Address: Seminary of Our Lady.in Superior: Sr Agusthin Sahayam fsag Directress of Theologians: Sr Licia Puthuparambil smi Directress of Formators: Sr Sheela Davis chf Dean of Studies: Sr Matilda Monteiro sccg Students: Bth: 05.R. Mr. Tivim Ind. Mrs. Joy Joseph. Mr. Alka Sakhardande. Goa 403 724 T: 2745086 Director: Fr Sunoj K. Secular Institutes.com Rector: Fr António Salema Spiritual Director: Fr Heinencio D’Souza Procurator: Fr Caetano Dourado Headmaster: Fr António Salema Teaching Staff: Fr George Nazareth. PO. Demonaik. Goa 403 402 T: 2285324 / 2285165 Em: [email protected] 6. Mr.I) (For Women Religious) Address: Santa Monica Convent. Formators: 30 3.com Rector: Fr Anselmo D’Souza sfx Spiritual Director: Fr Jesuino Almeida sfx Dean of Studies: Fr Lino Florindo sfx Students: 41 PALLOTTI INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION (Society of Catholic Apostolate) Address: Assagão. SEMINARY OF OUR LADY (Diocesan Minor Seminary) Founded on December 6th. Est. Avito Almeida. All these work in communion for a common mission in service to society. Antonio Velho and Mrs... Joseph Estrocio. Isha Parulekar House Management: Sr Elsie bs. 30 31 . Goa 403 526 T:2254382/3221922 In-charge: Fr Pio Almeida Students: 40 Archdiocese Fact-File The Religious offer services in the Archdiocese and are carried out by various Religious Institutions (Priests. Goa 403 511 T: 2407179/2407180/2407373/2407056/ 2407463 Em: semolsal@gmail. Saligao P. Orlim. Pilar. op Student Master: Fr Paulson Deepak op Students: 34 7. Goa.com / pilsem@gmail. Mahesh Naik. Old Goa. PO. Theology: 70. Ryan Estibeiro. Mapusa. Mr. Viraj Mandrekar. Philosophy: 11.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . 403 203 T: 2219459/2218521 Em: pilsem@rediffmail. 4. Brothers and Sisters). INSTITUTE MATER DEI (C. Gil Lobo. Sr Heleena bs Students: 75 Office Assistant: Ms Brunila D’Souza SEMINARY NIWAS Address: Carraswaddo. ALL INDIA MISSION SEMINARY (Society of Pilar) Address: Pilar Theological College. M. GYANADHARA DOMINICAN PHILOSOPHATE (Dominican Fathers) Address: 130. Lawrence Mascarenhas. Mr. Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese .Maps MAP SHOWING THE PARISH CHURCHES OF GOA This map is approximate and not to scale Taluka boundary National Highway Other roads Parish Church Diocese at a Glance Daman Dadra Nagar Haveli Diu Gujarat 32 33 . Search lists in order of Parishes. Church and religious institutions that are present within the jurisdiction of the Parish are included therein.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese Abbreviations Standard abbreviations used in this Directory AP C CP D Em H IC M Mb P P PA PH PP PR PS RS S S SG T VP Wb Assistant to the Parish Priest Catholic Population Chaplain Director Email Address Headmaster/Headmistress In charge Manager Mobile Number Provincial Principal Parochial Administrator Priest at Home Parish Priest Priest in Residence Priest on Staff Religious on Staff Superior Students Superior General Telephone Number Vice Provincial Website Zones The Archdiocese is divided into larger areas for the convenience of jurisdiction and coordination. Deaneries The Archdiocese is divided into 18 Deaneries (Vicariates Forane) and one unit. 34 35 . Parishes include Chapels. Each Deanery is overseen by a Dean or Vicar Forane and the Mission of Daman by the Mission Superior. These areas are called Zones. known as the “Mission” of Daman. similar to Deanery. and certain established Chapels have resident Chaplains. Hence. There are three zones: North. etc. Central and South and each of them is overseen by an Episcopal Vicar. are added in the second coloured section of the Directory. The Parish comprises of Small Christian Communities (Samudais) and families that are given the pastoral care by the Parish Priest. Religious Institutions. considering the Parish as the fundamental unit of the Archdiocese. How to find your way in this Directory The new format of the Directory is conceived. Parishes The Parish is the basic unit of the Local Church. all Chapels. Thomas.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -North Women Religious NORTH ZONE Episcopal Vicar: Fr Amandio Valadares Rosa Mystica Convent (AC) Aldona. Moira.In charge of Syro-Malabar Rite Catholics PH: Fr Francisco Ataide PH: Fr Aquiles de Sousa PH: Fr Ashley Alphonso St.200 Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (1636) Moira P. Rita of Cassia Chp.200 St. Moira.O.com S: Sr Leonette ac Auxilium Convent (FMA) Davrem.Formation House (FMCK) Attafondem. Goa 403 514. Goa 403 508. Goa 403 514 T: 2470216 S: Sr Nancy D'Souza hc Men Religious Fransalian Community (MSFS) Aldona. Goa 403 523 T: 2293425 Em: auxcaro@sancharnet.. T: 2470555 PP: Fr Mariano Goes Souza e Proença PH: Fr Atanásio Lobo Men Religious Novitiate House(OP) Formation House 350 Pirazona.403 508. Carona CP: Fr John Joaquim Fernandes Mother of God Chp. T: 2293812 S: Fr John Gonsalves msfs PS: Fr Salvador Fernandes msfs PS: Fr Dilip Tete msfs Women Religious Asha Kiran . Goa 403 514 T: 2470988 S: Sr Agnes John fmck 36 37 . Goa . Carona PO. Goa 403 523 T: 9822685227 PP: Fr Amandio Valadares AP: Fr Isidore Herculano Dias PS: Fr John Philip Menezes PS: Fr Mathew Pulimoottil .in S: Fr Walter Rodrigues op PS: Fr David Tohill op PS: Fr John Kusumalayam op PS: Fr Sunil Jose Chittedathu op Holy Spirit Home (HC) Pirazona. Moira. Sebastian (1980) Calvim.in CALVIM C: 1. T: 2293352 Em: stcha@sancharnet. Goa 403 508. the Apostle (1569) Aldona.in S: Sr Celsa Magalhães fma Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Asylum (HC) Aldona. Corjuem CP: Fr John Philip Menezes Our Lady of Piety Chp.500 St. T: 2293195 S: Sr Tomacine D'Sá hc ALDONA DEANERY Dean: Fr Mariano Goes Souza e Proença ALDONA C: 8. Carona. Quitula CP: Fr Carlos Evaristo da Gama T: 2293444 T: 2484781 T: 2293726 PP: Fr Albino Mendonça MOIRA C: 2. Goa 403 514 T: 2470398 Em: domsgoa@sancharnet. Goa 403 502 T: 2293983 Em: rm_caldon@yahoo. com S: Sr Rosy jmj POMBURPA C: 1841 Mother of God (1598) Pomburpa. Goa 403 523 T: 2295329 Em: shantiniwasolaulim@yahoo.. Creche (AASC) Fatima Villa. Goa 403 514 T: 2293654 PP: Fr Venancio Santana Luis Fonseca SALVADOR DO MUNDO Saviour of the World (1565) C: 1050 Women Religious Bom Jesus Home for theAged (SRA) Nachinola. T: 2293433 S: Sr Natalina Diniz aasc PP: Fr Gualberto de Souza Em: gualds@sancharnet. Goa 403 508.O..Goa403514 T: 2470253 S: Sr Tejesie Almeida sra Students: 12 Diocese -North JMJ Formation House (JMJ) Pirazona. Betim P.M. Cleta Dias fmck NACHINOLA C: 865 Bom Jesus (1676) Nachinola. Anne (1985) Olaulim.O. Carona P. Nachinola.O. Carona P. Elizabeth's Convent (FMCK) Pomburpa. Moira. Goa 403 101 T: 24124791 BICHOLIM C: 723 Our Lady of Grace (1652) Bicholim. Moira P.co.. Goa 403 523 T: 2295404 BICHOLIM DEANERY Dean: Fr Mathew Rodrigues PP: Fr Carlos Vaz ASSONORA C: 2. Tomas Lobo 38 39 . Aldona PO. Goa 403 507 T: 2470973 Em: sistersjmj@yahoo. Olaulim. Goa 403 523 T: 2295999 PP: Fr Santana Carvalho Women Religious St.Carona. Goa 403 523 T: 2295218 S: Sr.O..O. Goa 403 508 T: 2293319 S: Sr Rennie sra O. P.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Immaculate Conception Convent (SRA) Formation House Novo Portugal.000 Our Lady of Penha de França (1626) Penha De Franca. Betim P. Goa 403 503 T: 2215243 S: Sr Margaret D'Souza psol PENHA DE FRANÇA C: 1. Aldona P. O. Goa 403503 T: 2215801 Women Religious Shanti Niwas (RMI) 51/8.O.169 St Clare (1805) Assonora.Goa 403 504 T: 2361504 PP: Fr Mario Pereira sfx PS: Fr Galdino Monteiro sfx PR: Fr Marsal Soares sfx PP: Fr..Moira.in S: Sr Margaret Crasto rmi PP: Fr Luis Pinto PH: Fr Maxi D’Souza Women Religious Infant Jesus of Prague Convent (PSOL) Assonora. Goa 403 101 T: 2295307 T:3258854/2901621 OLAULIM C: 874 St.in PH: Fr Custódio das Chagas e Silva Salvador do Mundo.P. in VALPOI C: 760 PP: Fr Felix Mendes msfs AP: Fr Jerard Sahayaraj msfs Our Lady of Lourdes (1889) Valpoi P.. Goa 403 505 T: 2364657 S: Sr Elsie D'Souza sa SIRSAIM C: 425 PP: Fr Arsenio Salvador Rodrigues Our Lady of Miracles (1977) Sirsaim.Goa403502 T: 2298209 Em: njyothitivim@satyam. Goa 403 504.com Wb: www. Valpoi. Goa 403 405 T: 2364636/2365413 Em: [email protected] PP: Fr Mathew Rodrigues PH: Fr João Estrócio Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel.dsouza@rediffmail. Bicholim. Goa 403 506 T: 2374821 PP: Fr Theodore D'Souza cssr Em: theo..O. Dammedem. Goa 403 502 T: 9922094698 S: Sr Jessy Pullattu scsc SANQUELIM C: 550 St John of the Cross (1827) Sanquelim P.O. Goa 403 502 T: 2298274 T: 2298947 BODIEM C: 370 St Anne (1946) Bodiem.com S: Sr Magdalena da Costa fmm TIVIM C: 4. Thomas Villa (CCR) Bodiem. Satari Taluka. T: 2326042 Birondem.. Goa 403502 T: 2298570 Women Religious St. Cansa CP: Fr Mariano Gregorio Menezes St Christopher (1636) Tivim P. Anne’s Convent (SA) Tivim.net.G. Tivim P. Tivim P. Diogo de Souza Women Religious St.stjohnofthecrosschurch.O.Madel. Goa 403 502 T: 2215589 Our Lady of Fatima Chp.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -North Women Religious Our Lady of Grace Convent (FMM) Maternity Clinic/K. Goa 403 502 T: 2298507 S: Sr.. Maggie ccr Holy Cross Convent (SCSC) Asha Bhavan. School. Goa 403 502 T:2298586 S: Sr M Bernice sa NavaJyothiRehabCenter(AASC) HN1480.. T: 2362042/2360131 Em: [email protected]. Tivim. Tivim.in PR: Fr Lester D'Silva cssr Women Religious Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent (SA) Sanquelim.. Goa 403 506 IC: Fr Dominic Alvares sfx PR: Fr Inácio Almeida sfx 40 41 .in S: Sr Mary Kurian Kunnath aasc PP: Fr.Tivim. S: Bro Jacob Mathalikunnel sg Em: stjosephgoa@rediffmail.. Goa 403 516 T: 2279646 S: Sr Apollonia Cardozo hc St Joseph Asylum (HC) Cobravaddo.580 Holy Trinity (1560) Nagoa. Baga.com D: Fr Levis Gomes sj PS: Fr Vijayanand Marialayam sj St.O. Valpoi P. 403 518. T: 2281013 S: Sr Succorine Mascarenhas hc NAGOA (Bardez) C:1. Candolim..com Women Religious GENERALATE (HC) T: 2276093 SG: Sr Jennifer Crasto Em: hcgen@rediffmail. Joseph's Boys Home (SG) Calangute. Herculano Convent (HC) Gauravaddo. Goa 403 515 T: 2489084 Em: ourladyofhope@sify. Goa 403 516 T: 2914688 S: Sr Angela Dias hc Diocese -North Mother Mary Haven (HC) Calangute. Goa 403 515 T: 2489034(hospital) /2489812 S: Sr Neomi Castelino sccg Em:bosioconvent@rediffmail. Goa 403 516 T: 2277456 S: Sr Ernestine Fernandes hc Mons. Alex Pre-Novitiate (HC) Calangute. Goa 403 516 T: 2276138. Calangute P. Goa 403 506 Mb: 9421257757 S: Sr Isabel D'Souza psa Little Flower of Jesus Convent (HC) Calangute. Cobravaddo CP: Fr Francisco Miranda Men Religious Xavier Retreat House (SJ) Calangute PO.com PP: Fr Romualdo Robin Rodrigues AP: Fr Victor Caetano Rodrigues PH: Fr Custódio Almeida Women Religious St Anthony’s Home (FMCK) Escrivão Vaddo. T: 2409444 PA: Fr Simão Rodrigues 42 43 .O.com St Alex Convent Calangute.000 St Alex (1754) Calangute.000 Our Lady of Hope (1560) Candolim. Goa 403516 T: 2277378 CANDOLIM C: 5. Goa 403 516 T: 2276278/ 2914518 S: Sr Loretta Vaz hc Xavier Retreat House (SFN) Baga. Goa 403 506 T: 2374615 S: Sr Josephine Fernandes hc CALANGUTE DEANERY Dean: Fr Robin Rodrigues CALANGUTE C: 8. Goa 403 516 T: 2276048 Em: [email protected] of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Pilar Sisters (PSA) Birondem. Calangute. Goa.com PP: Fr Carmo Martins AP: Fr Clifford Cardozo PH: Fr Mario Pires Our Lady of Piety Chapel. Goa 403 516 T: 2914259 S: Sr Juliet Carvalho hc T: 2279040 (Orphanage) St. Arpora P.O. Goa. Bardez Goa 403 515 T: 2489515 / 9923277021 S: Sr Conçeicão fmck Bosio Convent (SCCG) Candolim. Calangute 403 516. Goa 403 516 T: 2276048 S: Sr Mary Sara sfn Women Religious OurLadyofFatimaConvent(HC) Valpoi. Saligão. Goa 403 114 T: 2402370 PP: Fr Dominic Philip Succour da Costa Wb: www.in S: Sr Vandana fmck Women Religious Mission Sisters House (MSA) Nerul. Goa 403 101 T: 2402101 Wb:www. Goa 403 511 T: 2278361 / 6516488 Mob: 9689467030 S: Sr. Goa 403 511 T: 2278675 Em: [email protected] Bethany Sisters (BS) Seminary of Our Lady Saligão. Goa 403 101 T: 2401553 S: Sr Vivian Pereira msa PILERNE C: 2. Reis Magos P. Candolim P. Em: [email protected]. Goa 403 511 T: 2407373 S: Sr Elsie bs Krist Raj Bhavan (FMCK) Home for the Aged.in S: Sr Lancia Rodrigues pbvm SINQUERIM (Linhares) C: 215 St Lawrence (1688) Sinquerim. 245. Arpora.O. Cotula. Goa 403 511 T: 2278246.O. Calangute P. T: 2497784 PA: Fr Blair Antonio Fernandes ofm cap AP: Fr Milchester Furtado ofm cap Mb: 9689995491 44 45 . Betim P.O. Cotula.com Lourdes Convent Sonarbhatt. N.O. Saligão P.O.. Eliza fmck Franciscan Hospitaler Sisters (FHIC) Shanti Niketan. Goa T: 2276779 S: Sr Nataline Lobo fdcc SALIGÃO C: 2..O. Goa 403101 T: 2401910 PP: Fr Luciano Fernandes Em: juslufer@gmail. Saligão.O. Nagoa.500 Our Lady.com S: Sr Cynthia Fernandes fmck NERUL C: 1. Betim P.org PP: Fr Francisco Xavier Pereira PH: Fr Filipe Souza REIS MAGOS (Verem) C: 942 Holy Magi (1555) Reis Magos..Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Prem Anjali Convent (PBVM) H. Goa 403 518 T: 2278450 S: Sr Pia da Cruz pbvm Diocese -North Women Religious Canossian Sisters (FDCC) Our Lady of Good Counsel Viegas Vaddo. Saligão. D'Mello Vaddo Arrarim.co.com AP: Fr Dominic Sequeira PH: Fr Thomas Justus D'Souza PH: Fr Casmiro D'Mello PP: Fr Orlando Marques PS: Fr John Francis D'Souza Women Religious PROVINCIALATE (FMCK) P: Sr Lily Joseph fmck T: 2409495 Em:[email protected]. Goa 403 511 T: 2278370 S: Sr Leandra fmck Em: [email protected] Women Religious Deepanjali (PBVM) Sonarbhatt.000 Our Lady of Remedios (1569) Nerul.in S: Sr Sabina fhic Sanjoe Niwas (FMCK) Sonarbhatt. Goa 403 114 T: 2401603 Em: [email protected] John the Baptist (1658) Pilerne. Mother of God (1873) Saligão P. Saligão..churchreismagos.in T: 2409147 T: 2278272 T: 2278540 Mãe de Deus Home (FMCK) Home for the Aged. Goa 403511 T: 2409411 Em: fmckvocpro@gmail. Verem Reis Magos PO. Goa 403 511 T: 2278345/2409220/9850764982 Em: kristrajbhavan@yahoo. Goa 403 519. T: 2260718 Em: hcbastora@gmail. Mapusa P. Goa 403 507 T: 2914601 / 2473644 S:Fr Estevão Rodrigues ofm cap Em: [email protected] PP: Fr Caetano Johnsie Pereira CUNCHELIM C: 554 Our Lady of Flight (1977) Cunchelim. Duler PR: Fr Pio Almeida St.O.O. Mapusa. T: 6454911 S: Sr Martina Martis fs COLVALE C: 3. Xavier's College Fathers' Residence PR: Fr Herculano Costa Correia PR: Fr Walter de Sá PR: Fr Jerome D’Silva St. Goa 403 507 T: 2473618 PP: Fr Emidio Pinto Our Lady of Assumption Chapel.. Goa. 403 507. Xavier's Hostel PR: Fr Alex John D'Souza PR: Fr George Ratos T: 2254229 T: 2254382/3221922 T: 2263400 T: 2254870 46 47 . Vancio T: 2263862 CP: Fr Júlio Carlos Mendes PP: Fr Francisco de Melo AP: Fr Adolfo Bruno Alvares AP: Fr Aldrin D’Costa PH: Fr Rocky Vaz St.O.com S: Sr Bromadine scc Women Religious Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent (FS) Sonarbhat. P.. Francis Xavier Chapel. Goa.500 St Diogo (1604) Guirim. Goa 403 507 T: 2260928 PP: Fr Joseph John Fernandes Women Religious Holy Cross Convent (SCC) Bastora.000 St Francis of Assisi(1591) Colvale. Guirim. Goa 403 507 T: 2257507 PP: Fr Tomé Bernardo Cota GUIRIM C: 5.O. Goa 403507 T: 2250590 Em: [email protected] St Cajetan (1947) Bastora. Mapusa P.. Mapusa.500 St Jerome (1594) Mapusa P. Duler CP: Fr Caetano Joaquim Fernandes Seminary Niwas.. Mapusa P. Goa 403 513 T: 2299867 MAPUSA C: 9.O. Mapusa P. 403 507.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -North Men Religious MAPUSA DEANERY Dean: Fr Caetano Joaquim Fernandes VICE-PROVINCIALATE (OFM CAP) T: 2473644 VP: Fr Estevão Rodrigues ofm cap Mb: 9822103884 Alverno Friary (OFM CAP) Monte de Guirim.O.com PS: Fr Anthony D'Mello ofm cap PS: Fr Tony Barros ofm cap PS: Fr Domingos Ferrão ofm cap PS: Fr David Filinto ofm cap PS:Fr Paul Alvares ofm cap PS: Fr Gabriel Fernandes ofm cap PS: Fr Cipriano Dias ofm cap BASTORA C: 1. Mapusa. Flat No. Verla Parra. Parra. Goa 403 507 T: 9657282436/ 9657281675 S: Sr Paulcy Thelakkadan pddm Remanso. Siran Joaquim Rebello sac Women Religious Pereira Social Welfare Center (FS) Colcondem. Goa 403 510 T: 2472183 S: Sr Gloria sma Women Religious St Mary’s Convent (AC) Mapusa. Goa 403 507 T: 2262716 S: Sr Verona Cardoz msa Holy Cross Hospital (SCC) Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod Holy Cross Ladies Hostel(SCC) Khorlim. Anthony’s Institute (CMSF) Duler. Goa 403 507 T: 2257579 Em: avilaocd@sancharnet. S3. Goa 403 510 T: 2472933 PP: Fr Roland S.in S: Bro P D Matthew cmsf Mob: 9665040474 Em: pd_mathew@yahoo. Parra. Goa 403 510 T: 9272373245 Em: [email protected] Wb: anthoniansgoa.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -North Men Religious St. Verla. Khorlim. Goa 403 507 T: 2262500 Em: stmarys@yahoo. Block (1) B. Silva Vaddo.in S: Fr Diogo Proença ocd PS: Fr Jeevan Tauro ocd PS: Fr Fulgence Fernandes ocd PS: Fr Victor Fernandes ocd RS: Br Noel D’Cunha ocd St Britto's (SJ) Mapusa.in S & H: Fr Apollinario Cardozo sj Em:[email protected]. Mary of the Angels Canca.in S: Sr Julieta Fernandes scc Sister Disciples of the Divine Master (PDDM) Galaxy Apts. Mapusa.anthonians@rediffmail. P.com S: Fr Savio Gomes sdb Em: gomessavio@rediffmail. Carraswado. Goa 403 510 T: 2472319 Em: bparra@rediffmail. Parra.in S: Sr Eunicia ac St.com stmarys_con@yahoo. T: 2263271 Em: [email protected] PS: Fr Pedro Rodrigues sj PS: Fr Rufino Coutinho sj PS: Fr Savio Rodrigues sj PS: Fr Desmond Saldanha sj PS: Fr Reginald Britto sj RS: Br Epiphanio Dias sj PARRA C: 3. Goa 403 510 T: 2472276 S: Sr Helena Pereira fs Jyoti Niwas (SMA) Franciscan Sisters of St.in S: Sr Adelia Vaz scc 48 49 . Mapusa.. Parra.com / [email protected] RS: Fr San Carvalho sdb Villa de Pallotti (SAC) House No. Goa 403 526 T: 2262523/226537/9975869473 Em: goa.com S: Fr. Mapusa 403 507. Mapusa. Francis Xavier School (MSA) Mission Sisters of Ajmer Peddem. Goa 403 510 T: 2473222 S: Sr Edith Dantas fs Xaveri Dhaam (FS) Colcondem.500 St Anne (1649) Parra.com Em: [email protected] Avila Jyoti (OCD) Peddem. Verla. Goa 403 507 T: 2262466 Em: remanso@sancharnet. 481. Goa 403 507 T: 2262248 Em: stbritto_goa@sancharnet. Carvalho Men Religious Don Bosco Youth Welfare Centre (SDB) Naikavaddo. Goa. co. Goa 403 513 T: 2210142 S: Sr Rose Nicholas sccg Thomas Stephens Konkanni Kendr (SJ) B.com S: Fr Delio Mendonça sj D: Fr Pratapanada Naik sj PS: Fr Braz Faleiro sj Xavier Centre of Historical Research (SJ) B.com SG: Fr Tony Lopes sfx Mb: 9421246817 PS: Fr Max Gonsalves sfx Em: gensecsp@rediffmail. Goa 403 521 T: 2412130/2410521(r) 2416972 S: Sr Sandhya jmj Men Religious GENERALATE(SFX) Pilar Fathers Pilar Deepti Sadan.O. Alto Porvorim. Borkar Road.co.com Women Religious Gerosa Convent (SCCG) Maria Bambina Sisters Pima. Goa 403 521 T: 2417586 S: Fr Jude Mendonsa cssr PS: Fr Antonio Rodrigues cssr PS: Fr Desmond D'Souza cssr PS: Fr Xavier Pinto cssr PORVORIM (Alto) C: 3.. Goa 403 513 T: 2210142 PA: Fr André Fernandes ofmcap Em: [email protected] Holy Family (2005) Alto-Porvorim.in PS: Fr Savio Abreu sj PS: Fr Anthony da Silva sj PS: Fr Romuald D'Souza sj PS: Fr Simon Fernandes sj Redemptorist Fathers (CSSR) 876.uk PS: Fr Roque Fernandes sfx REVORA C: 415 Our Lady of Victory (1653) Revora.Borkar Road Alto Porvorim.B. Goa 403 513 T: 2211194 PP: Fr. Goa 403 521 T: 2415864 Em: tskkgoa@gmail. Colvale PO.uk PS: Fr Joseph Baptista sfx Em: gentreasurer@yahoo. Alto Porvorim.B.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -North PIRNA C: 100 St Francis Xavier (1962) Pirna. Institutional Zone. Alto Porvorim.com PS: Fr Anthony Castello sfx Em: sopgc4@yahoo. Colvale P. Agnelo Fernandes ofm cap Em: agnelo3@rediffmail. Colvale. Andrew Fernandes ofm cap Em: [email protected] Mb: 9850761826 50 51 .com AP: Fr. P. Goa 403 521 T: 2415863 D & S: Fr Delio Mendonça sj Em: delicom@dataone. Goa 403 521 T: 2415781/2415976/2416922/33 Fax: 0832-2416911 Em: [email protected]. Goa 403 521 T: 2413810 PP: Fr Anand da Gama Pais Clergy Home T: 2417318 D: Fr Oscar Quadros PR: Fr João Vicente Fernandes PR: Fr José Paulo Gouveia Soares PR: Fr Latino de Souza PR: Fr Caetano Camilo Vaz Women Religious JMJ Hospital/Convent (JMJ) Alto Porvorim.. com Wb: http://socorropp0.in S: Sr Jean Fernandes psol Women Religious Holy Cross Convent (SCC) Carrem. Goa 403 507 T: 2260824 S: Fr James Mascarenhas msfs PS: Fr Anthony Fernandes msfs PS: Fr Philip Thomas msfs PS: Fr Jose Fernandes msfs Women Religious Stella Maris (FDCC) Canossian Sisters. Mapusa PO.500 Our Lady of Succour (1667) Socorro. Porvorim PO.com Wb: http://stelizabeth.Aradim. Socorro.org.O..Goa 403 524 T: 2242949 / 2242892 Em: arambolchurch@gmail. Gandhyar. Goa 403 507 T: 2261528 Em: sjeh@sancharnet. Mapusa PO. Opp Pinto Rosário Hospital Porvorim Bazar PO Goa 403 501 T: 2416716 IC: Sr Mafaldina Pires dhm Divya Daan (MMS) 480. Porvorim P. Goa 403 524 T: 2242973/ 6452107 S: Sr Aveline Mendes fdcc 52 53 .800 ARAMBOL C: 1. Joseph’s Eventide Home (PSOL) Ucassaim. No.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -North SOCORRO C: 3.in PP: Fr Ave Maria Conceição Estanislau Fernandes Alphonso PP: Fr Roque Aleixo Manuel da Costa PS: Fr Basilio Santana de Santa Rita Carvalho Men Religious SFS Institute (MSFS) Bastora. P.com S: Sr Maria Faria mms PERNEM DEANERY Dean: Fr Rocklin D’Costa St Elizabeth (1628) Ucassaim. Goa 403 501 T: 2413523 / 2415284 Em: [email protected]. Porvorim. Mapusa P. Goa 403 501 T: 2411681 Em: divyadaan@gmail. Paliem Ucassaim. Porvorim CP: Fr Caetano Astério Cipriano Castelino T: 2415391 Margaret Bosco Bal Sadan (SDB) H. Modhlo Vaddo.com PS: Fr Wilfred Sequeira sdb Women Religious St.900 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1780) Arambol .com/socorro PP: Fr Pascoal Colaço Our Lady of Candelária Chapel.com Em: [email protected]. Arambol. Goa 403 507 T: 2261608 UCASSAIM C: 1. Goa 403 501 T: 2411359 S: Sr Bromadine scc Dr Graciano Ribeiro Santana (DHM) Centre for Empowerment.tripod.com IC: Fr Arvind Severes sdb Em:arvindseveres@rediffmail. Mapusa. 6. Goa 403 507 T: 2261200 Em: mbbsgoa@gmail. . Pernem P.O.O. Goa 403 503 T: 2205405 PP: Fr Menino Vales Women Religious St. Ibrahimpur P.700 TIRACOL Our Lady of Miracles (1903) Morjim. Anne(SCHSA) . Goa 403 527. Goa 403 512 T: 2244442 C: 200 St Anthony (1934) Tiracol.Goa 403 503 T: 2205282 S: Sr Fatima Aruputhoraj schsa 54 55 .. Pernem. Pernem. Goa 403 512 T: 2241195 PERNEM C: 813 St Joseph (1855) Pernem P. Goa 403 512 T: 2201623 S: Sr Isabella Fernandes hc QUERIM Our Lady of the Rosary (1932) Mandrem.500 PP: Fr Rocklin D'Costa PA: Fr Domingos Pereira Women Religious Convent of Jesus & Mary (RJM) Querim.. Goa 403 512 T: 2241147 S: Sr Jennifer Mascarenhas sfn Women Religious Nazareth Home (HC) Pernem.com Women Religious Holy Rosary Convent (SRA) Mandrem. Arambol P O. Maina. Arambol PO. Goa 403 512 T: (Contact) 2249112 PA: Fr Rocklin D' Costa TORMAS C: 500 St Sebastian (1970) Tormas. Goa 403 512 T: 2201347 PP: Fr Nelson Rodrigues sac PP: Fr Januário da Costa Women Religious Jyoti Niwas (SFN) Corgão. Joseph’s Convent (CSSJ) Morjim... Pernem P..O.500 St Francis Xavier (1953) Maina.O.O. Goa 403 512 T: 2244362 S: Sr Valentina cssj PP: Fr Camilo Simões sac Women Religious Sisters of Charity of St.St Anne's School Tormas – Pernem.O. Corgão Pernem P. Pernem P. T: 2247257 C: 360 St Francis Xavier (1952) Querim.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -North MAINA (Corgão) C: 1. Goa 403 524 T: 2249263 S: Sr Goretti Coutinho rjm Em: cjmkeri@rediffmail. Goa 403 524 T: 2249112 MANDREM C: 1. Goa 403 527 T: 2247372 S: Sr Irma sra MORJIM C: 2. Goa 403 509. Siolim P. Assagão..O. Anjuna P.O.500 St Cajetan (1813) Assagão.. Pernem P. T: 2274358.O. Goa 403 512 T: 2240247 / 2240249 Em: dbtuem@sancharnet.. Central Assagão. Goa 403507. Anjuna CP: Fr Tiago Pascoal Fernandes sfx T: 2274877 CAMURLIM (Bardez) C: 249 Santa Rita de Cassia (1944) Camurlim.000 St Michael (1603) Anjuna P. Mapusa P. Bardez Goa . Mazalvaddo. Goa 403 509 T: 2274434 PA: Fr Cristo Pedro António de Menezes PP: Fr Tomas Gonsalves sfx AP: Fr Constancio Mendes sfx Our Lady of Health Chapel. T: 2268250 PP: Fr Alexinho Rodrigues sdb Em: alexinhorodrigues@rediffmail. Goa 403 517 T: 2270115 PA: Fr Filipe Neri Judas Dias 56 57 .com Men Religious Casa Pallotti (SAC) Assagão. . Goa 403 512 T: (contact) 2240249/7 Women Religious Deva Matha Convent (SAC) House No 221.. IVS VAIDONGOR C: 140 Our Lady of the Rosary (1939) Vaidongor. Em: [email protected] PA: Fr Alexinho Rodrigues sdb SIOLIM DEANERY Dean: Fr Filipe Neri Judas Dias ANJUNA C: 6. T: 2273688 S: Sr Pushpa sfn OXEL C: 480 Our Lady of the Sea (1661) Oxel.com AP: Fr Manuel Vaz sdb PS: Fr Constantine Fernandes sdb PP: Fr Agnelo Mendes Em: [email protected]. Goa 403 507.. Goa 403 509.403 507 T: 2212166 PP: Fr João Fernandes Women Religious St. Michael's Convent (SFN) Vagator.com BADEM C: 250 Our Lady of Miracles (1946) Badem. Anjuna. T: 2268913 S: Jyoti Tai.O. Goa 403 529 T: 2268690/1 S: Fr Oswald D'Souza sac Em: ossiedsouza@yahoo. Pernem P. Goa 403 507 T: 2268038 S: Sr Inacinha Fernandes sac Em: [email protected] of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -North TUEM C: 497 St Francis Xavier (1946) Tuem.in ASSAGÃO C: 2.com PS: Fr Siran Joaquim Rebello sac PS: Fr Saji Mathew Punchal sac PS: Fr Vensus George sac Ishaprema Niketan (IVS) Bhonvta Vaddo.O. Parxem. 251. Martyr (1565) Agassaim.000 St Anthony (1568) Siolim P.O. Goa 403 517 T: 2272213 Em: church. Goa 403 517 T:2272334 Em:[email protected] Ish Kripa Sadan (CSSJ) Temporary Shelter for the Women & Girls in Distress St. Goa 403 204 T: 2218125 S: Sr Aurora sfn 58 59 . Goa 403 509.com S: Sr Sneha cssj PP: Fr João Santana de Cristo Rei Colaço AP: Fr Mariano Travasso Women Religious St. Goa 403 517 T: 2272530 PP: Fr Brito Furtado AP: Fr Jerónimo Fernandes PH: Fr Rosário Fernandes PP: Fr Joseph Fernandes VAGATOR C: 550 St Anthony (1955) Vagator.. Anjuna P O. Goa 403 517 T: 2272246 Em: [email protected] S: Sr Johanna Mathew su Vivian Niwas (SRA) Portavaddo. Goa 403 204 T: 2218755 Em: stlawrencethemartyr@gmail. T: 2274434 Men Religious Fransalians (MSFS) Siolim. Goa 403 517 T: 2272329 S: Sr Pratibha sra Convent of Jesus and Mary (RJM) Soares Vaddo. Siolim. Em: rjmsiolim@sancharnet. Joseph’s Convent (CSSJ) Portavaddo. Mary's Home for the Aged (SU) Vaddi.. Siolim. [email protected] TROPA C: 850 Our Lady of the Consolation of the Persecuted (1971) Tropa Siolim P.in S: Sr Sylvia Fernandes cssj St.com S: Sr Josephine Dias scc Holy Cross Corso Farm (SCC) Marna.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -Central SIOLIM C: 8. Siolim. Goa 403 517 T: 2270304 Em: [email protected] St Lawrence. Goa T: 2272157 Em: ishsadan@gmail. Goa 403 517 T: 2272417 S: Sr Shanti D’Costa scc Em: [email protected]. Bardez. Siolim. Goa 403517 T:2272297/ 9822191174.com Pereira vaddo. Michael’s Convent (SFN) Vagator. Goa 403 517 T: 2272245 S: Fr Santow Kudamulil msfs PS: Fr A Paul Sagayam msfs PS: Fr Valerian Carvalho msfs PP: Fr Cristo Pedro António de Menezes Women Religious St. Goa 403 509 T: 2273688 S: Sr Pushpa sfn Women Religious Holy Cross Convent (SCC) Sodiem.in S: Sr Hilda Torat rjm CENTRAL ZONE Episcopal Vicar: Fr Lino de Sá Dean: Fr Sebastião Eusico Pereira GOA VELHA DEANERY AGASSAIM C: 5. Anthony’s Convent (SFN) Agasaim. Siolim. Siolim. Siolim. Tiswadi. T: 2218613 Women Religious Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent (HC) Goa-Velha. Anthony M Fernandes sfx PS: Fr Denis Lobo sfx PS: Fr Pio Rego sfx PS: Fr Adrian Fernandes sfx Students: 62 CURCA C: 400 Our Lady of the Rosary (1650) Curca.. Goa – 403203 T: 2218549 S: Fr Hilario Fernandes sfx PS: Fr Patrick D'Souza sfx PS: Fr Cyril Mendes sfx PS: Fr Valente Azavedo sfx PS: Fr Sergio Mascarenhas sfx PS: Fr Nery Mendes sfx PS: Fr. Agnel Niketan (Orphanage) (SFX) PO Pilar. Goa-Velha P. North Goa Goa 403 108 T: 2217224 / 2218522 D: Fr.com S: Fr Anselmo de Souza sfx PS: Fr Jesuino Almeida sfx PS: Fr Lino Florindo sfx PS: Fr Dominic Dias sfx PS: Fr Alex Gracias sfx PS: Fr Peter Fernandes sfx PP: Fr Michael A. Goa 403 203 T: 2217840 D: Fr Milagres Barreto sfx Students: 28 Retreat Centre (SFX) PO Pilar. Tiswadi. Goa 403 108 T: 2219114 PA: Fr Santana José Agnelo Quadros GOA VELHA C: 3.131 St Matthew (1600) Azossim. Joseph's Home Fr John Pereira sfx Fr Cosme Costa sfx Fr Gustavo Alvares sfx Fr Mariano Dias sfx PP: Fr Raul Colaço AP: Fr Marcelino Mariano de Souza PH: Fr António Rosário Pegado T: 2219527 60 61 . Goa 403 203 T: 2218595 PS: Fr Andrew Silveira sfx PS: Fr Glen D'Silva sfx Mission Seminary (SFX) Pilar. Goa Velha P. Neura P.535 Our Lady of Guadalupe (1867) Batim. Fernandes Men Religious Fr Agnel Seminary (SFX) PO Batim. Goa 403 108 T: 2218623 S: Sr Anita D’Silva hc St.O.295 St Andrew (1583) Goa Velha P.in S: Fr Stephen Dias sfx PS: Fr Walter Gomes sfx PS: Fr Nazareth Fernandes sfx Monastery (SFX) PO Pilar.O. Goa 403108.O. Richard Crasto sfx PS: Fr Francisco Cardozo sfx PS: Fr Anthony D'Silva sfx PS: Fr Noel Menezes sfx PS: Fr Frederick Rodrigues sfx PS: Fr Feroz Fernandes sfx PS: Fr Randal Barreto sfx RS: Bro Eusébio Miranda sfx PP: Fr Miguel Maria Pereira BATIM C: 2... Goa 403108 T: 2218252 Fr Basil Rodrigues sfx Fr Anacleto Fernandes sfx Fr Bosco Rodrigues sfx Fr Nirmaldo Fernandes sfx Fr Basil Fernandes sfx Fr Anthony D'Silva sfx Fr Esperdiao Gonsalves sfx Fr Alberto Rodrigues sfx Bro John Paul Godinho sfx Bro Rosario Fernandes sfx Fr. Goa 403104 T: 2208073 MenReligious Pre-Novitiate(PilarMonastery)(SFX) Pilar.. Goa 403 203 T: 2219459 / 2218521/22129458 Em: pilsem@rediffmail. Goa 403 203 T: 2218694/2218553 Em: [email protected] of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -Central AZOSSIM C: 1.O. Corlim I E PO Goa 403 110 T: 2285481 S: Sr Guilhermina Monteiro rjm Em: gmonty2@gmail. Goa 403 104 T: 2208555 NEURA C: 648 PP: Fr Sebastião Eusico Pereira ConventofJesusandMary(RJM) Carambolim...O.O. Talaulim. Est.250 Our Lady of Amparo (1717) Mandur. Goa Velha P. P.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Pilar Sisters (PSA) Retreat Centre.. P.in PP: Fr Aleixo Fernandes WomenReligious St John the Evangelist (1514) Neura.000 St John Facundo (1610) Corlim Ind. Pilar Goa 403 203 T:2218694/2218553 S: Sr Asrita Kiro psa Diocese -Central Ishaprema Niketan (IVS) Goa Velha 403 108. Estate P.O. Goa 403 110 T: 2285544 Em:montfort_goa@sancharnet. Goa 403 108 T: 2219151 MARCELA C: 1.300 MANDUR C: 1. Goa 403 107 T: 2287133 PA: Fr Lourdino Pereira PP: Fr Richard Peter Gomes svd 62 63 ..com Missionaries of Charity (MC) “Mogadan” E/70 Carambolim. Goa. Goa 403 104 T: 2208179 PP: Fr Conceição Silva Em: helicon@sancharnet. Neura P. Goa 403 110 T: 2284615 CARAMBOLIM C: 1..250 Holy Family (1831) Marcela P. Goa 403 402 T: 2285372 S: Sr Tracy mc CORLIM SIRIDÃO C: 2.in S: Bro P Joseph sg PP: Fr Lino de Sá TALAULIM (Santana) C: 357 St Anne (1695) Santana. Goa Velha..439 PP: Fr Assis Dourado Men Religious Montfort Vocational Training Centre (SG) Corlim. Em: [email protected] C: 1. Goa 403 110 T: 2285860 Our Lady of the Rosary (1906) Siridão.O. Corlim Ind.O.O. P.O.. T: 2218507 S: Jyoti Tai ivs Dean: Fr Olavo Silveira e Souza OLD GOA DEANERY St John the Baptist (1541) Carambolim. Goa 403 108 T: 2218347. com S: Sr Josefina Vaz fhic Holy Family Novitiate (SFN) Old Goa. T: 2285347 / 2285052 D: Fr Joseph Rowland Salema PR: Fr Manuel Gomes PR: Fr Alfred Vaz PR: Fr Afonso Mendonça Pastoralites PR:Fr Freddy Lobo PR: Fr Valeriano Andrade PR: Fr Chrysler D’Souza PR: Fr Joulon Dias St Francis Xavier Training Centre for the Handicapped PR: Fr Valeriano Vaz PR: Fr Maverick \Fernandes “Pilgrimage of the Heart” (Sound and Light Gallery. Goa 403 402 T: 2285515 S: Sr Goretti D’Cruz hc 64 65 . Old Goa. Goa 403 402 T: 2285742 / 9823829274 Em: fhicoldgoa@provinnhosp. Basilica) T: 2284805 “Jivitacho Sondex” (Souvenir Stall.. Old Goa.No. O. Piedade.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -Central NAROA C: 247 PA: Fr Anil Kumar Holy Spirit (1710) Naroa.100 St Catherine of Alexandria (1534) Old Goa. Goa 403 402 T: 2285027 S: Sr Petornila Fernandes sfn Shanti Niketan (SFN) (Training Centre for the Handicapped) Kadamba Road. Old Goa. Ela. Goa 403 402 T: 2285545 S: Sr Rosetta fmck Convent of St.Pius X.com SG: Sr Pushpa Abraham fmck “Portiuncula” H. Goa 4O3 402 T: 2284710 PR: Fr Christo Pinto PR: Fr Agnelo Dias PR: Fr Gregorio X Cruz PR: Fr Edwin Pereira PR: Fr Valentine Alvares PR: Fr Milagres Dias PR: Fr Dominic Savio Rodrigues PR: Fr Victor Sequeira PP: Fr Leonardo Correia PR: Can Joaquim M Wilson Almeida PR: Can Mario Saturnino Dias Basilica de Bom Jesus T: 2285790 S: Fr Franklin de Souza sj Em: franklindesousasj@gmail. Goa 403 402 T: 6516417 S: Sr Joaquina fmck Our Lady of Angels Convent (Formation House) (FMCK) Old Goa. Goa 403 402 T: 2286343 S: Sr Meena sfn HandmaidsofChristConvent (HC) Old-Goa. Goa 403 403 T:(Contact) 2280355 OLD GOA Cathedral C: 1. 153 B. P. John of God (FHIC) Kadamba Road. João Pedro Amancio Fernandes Pastoral Institute St.com R: Fr Savio Barreto sj PS: Fr Patricio Fernandes sj PS: Fr Kelwin Monteiro sj PS: Fr Guy Morais sj PR: Can. Basilica) T: 2285850 T: 2285319 Women Religious GENERALATE (FMCK) T: 2284602 Em: fmckgen@gmail. Goa 403 106 T: 2287251 S: Sr Leena Noronha sfn Women Religious Holy Family Niwas (SFN) Rudra Complex . T: 2280355 SÃO MATIAS C: 625 St Mathias (1597) S. Divar.co. Old Goa P.B Bambolim.com PP: Fr Hermogenes Fernandes SÃO PEDRO C: 710 Women Religious Casa de Santa Brigida (OSSS) Piedade. Francis Xavier Convent (SFN) Santo Estêvão. Marcela P. Goa 403 403 T: 2280465/2280050 / 9822136860 Em: oldage@bsnl. Bainguinim. GMC Complex. Goa 403 202 T: 2445099 S: Sr Lucia sfn 66 67 . AP: Fr Cruz Alexandre Fernandes Women Religious St.. Goa 403202 T: 2458224 PP: Fr Pedro Miranda SANTO ESTÊVÃO C: 4..O. Piedade. Goa 403 403 T: 2280153 Em: [email protected] Our Lady of Piety (1625) Divar P.O. Goa 403 107 T: 2284056 SÃO BRAS C:390 BAMBOLIM C: 540 Our Lady of Bethlehem (1616) Bambolim P. Goa 403 403. P.in S: Sr Pramila osss Lar Santa Margarida (PSOL) Divar.in S: Sr Monica Rodrigues psol Lar Santa Terezinha (PSOL) Formation House.O.. Goa 403 106 T: 2287134 PP: Fr Peter Raj PR: Fr Elias D'Souza Holy Cross Shrine (Fulancho Khuris) Holy Cross Niwas PR: Fr Almir de Souza T: 2458615 T: 2458129 PP: Fr Olavo Silveira e Souza.500 St Stephen (1575) Sto. Piedade.O.O.O. Goa 403 403 PA: Fr Hermogenes Fernandes T:(Contact) 2280452 PANJIM DEANERY Dean: Fr Gabriel Coutinho St Blaise (1653) Cumbarjua. Piedade P. Goa 403 403 T: 2280452 PP: Fr Anil Kumar Em: franilkumar@rediffmail. IC: Sr Anna Kuriakose psol St Peter (1543) S..O. Goa 403 403.. Pedro. Goa 403 403 T: 2443471 PP: Fr Visitação Boaventura Monteiro VANXIM C: 95 Santo Cristo (1956) Vanxim.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -Central PIEDADE C: 4.. Matias. Piedade. T: 2280292. P. Estêvão. P O Box 112. Em: [email protected] S: Sr Irene Noronha fmck Archbishop's House (HC) Altinho. Goa 403 102 T: (Contact) 2239608 Men Religious JESUIT PROVINCIALATE (SJ) Jesuit House.in P: Fr Anthony Da Silva sj Jesuit House (SJ) POBox112. Goa 403 102 T: 2239239 S: Sr Jacinta Khandlya fs MERCÊS C: 8. T: 2223353/ 2225291 /2225235 S: Sr Carmen Fernandes hc PA: Fr Gabriel Coutinho CHORÃO C: 4000 São Bartolomeu St Bartholomew (1569) Chorão. P. Panjim 403 001. Near Municipal Garden. Xavier’s Institute (CCR) Susheela Bldg. de Piedade (FMCK) D.. Goa 403 005.paulineindia. T: 2448113 PP: Fr José Caetano D'Costa AP: Fr Clifford Manuel Castellino PANJIM C: 6. Ilhas.com S: Sr.in S: Sr Veron ccr Daughters of St Paul (DSP) Fontainhas.com Wb: www. Goa 403 001 T: 2436186 S: Sr Ann Valadares dhm Mary Immaculate Convent High School (FHIC) Panjim 403 001. Panjim. Santa Cruz. Sebastian Chapel. B.goajesuits. Panjim. Goa 403 102 T: 2239608 PP: Fr Gabriel Coutinho AP: Fr José Gomes WomenReligious HolyFamilyHomefortheAged(FS) Panda Vaddo. Panjim.in S: Fr Paul D’Souza sdb PS: Fr Dominic Savio Fernandes sdb PS: Fr Loddy Pires sdb PS: Fr Tamatur Cardozo sdb PS: Fr Wilfred Fernandes sdb PS: Fr Olivio Miranda sdb PS: Fr Romulo Noronha sdb PS: Fr Clive Telles sdb PS: Fr Ralin De Souza sdb PR: Fr Ernesto Saldanha Women Religious St.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese -Central CHORÃO Graça C: 350 Our Lady of Grace (1860) Maddel. T: 2425153 / 9850241988 Em: [email protected] Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (1600) Panjim.com S: Fr Abraham Painumkal sj PS: Fr Colman de Souza sj PS: Fr Gregory Naik sj PS: Fr Vasco do Rego sj PS: Fr Agnelo Mascarenhas sj PS: Fr Patrick Viegas sj Don Bosco (SDB) Panjim.500 Our Lady of Mercês (1613) Mercês. Goa 403001 T: 2422255 Em: paulinesgoa@gmail. Sra. AP: Fr António Francisco Albuquerque PS: Fr António Xavier Sousa PR: Fr Edmundo Barreto PH: Can. Chorão. 403 001 T: 2421330 / 9921950077 Em: piedadefmck@gmail. Goa. Panjim. Goa 403 001 T: 2426939. Goa 403 001 T: 2221986 Em: dbpanjim@sancharnet. Rani fhic Instituto de N.Panjim. Tome Chapel PR: Fr Francisco Caldeira St. Fontainhas CP: Fr Francis Xavier Fernandes T: 2420423 T: 2420448 68 69 . Goa 403 001 T: 2220229 Em: [email protected] S: Sr Emily Karikattil dsp Nirmala Niwas (DHM) Altinho. Goa 403 001 T: 2228290 Em: provincial@goajesuits. Chorão.in PP: Fr Antimo Gomes AP: Fr Boniface Anthony Furtado.Goa403001 T: 2223495 Em: abepainu@gmail. Panjim.in Web: www. Goa.O. Adolfo Castro Viegas St. Goa. Marg. Panjim.in PP: Fr Cristovão Caldeira AP: Fr Camilo Dias PR: Fr Agnelo Fernandes PP: Fr Aquileo Gomes.000 Holy Cross (1565) Santa Cruz P...Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Missionaries of Charity (MC) Near Don Bosco High School.. Em: santacruzchurch@gmail. J. Block No 3.com AP: Fr Francisco Xavier Sunil de M. Panjim.O. Panjim P. Alto Santa Cruz PO.O. Panjim.. PR: Fr Nevel Gracias Mb: 9422636664 PR: Fr Rosário Oliveira PR: Fr Savio Fernandes 70 71 . Goa 403 202 T: 2458079 S: Fr Sebastian Kitherimuthu sss D: Fr Santiago sss Students: 17 Women Religious Bethany Convent (BS) Alto Santa Cruz. P. Goa 403 001 T: 2463635 Em: [email protected]. Goa 403 001 T: 2222499 PP: Fr Antonio Cotta AP: Fr Peter Camilo da Gama Stella Maris Chapel.000 St Michael (1544) Taleigão. Fernandes PS: Fr André Godinho Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel. Rego Bagh. Bambolim. Near Models Meridian. Goa 403 202 T: 9922853872 / 2458175 S: Sr M Paula bs Vianney Home Dr. Goa 403 006 T: 2443513 S: Sr. Caranzalem. Goa 403 001 T: 2225321 S: Sr Meera mc Diocese -Central Lar Maria Goretti (HC) Panjim. Miramar CP: Fr Kenneth Teles T: 2464231 RIBANDAR C: 3. T: 2444244 Men Religious Loyola Hall (Candidate House-SJ) Miramar.com S: Fr Vivian Lobo sj D: Fr Cedric Fernandes sj RS: Br Eric D’Souza sj PP: Fr Alcantara Rodrigues Women Religious Our Lady of Help Convent (FMM) Ribandar. Caranzalem.500 Our Lady of Help (1565) Ribandar P. CP: Fr Lawrence Fernandes T: 2465541 Men Religious Blessed Sacrament Fathers (SSS) “Ekchar” (Formation House) C-19.com TALEIGÃO C: 12.co. Goa 403 005 T: 2449657. Goa 403 002 T: 2451416 Em: stmichaelch@yahoo. Tessy Varghese fmm SANTA CRUZ C: 14.O. Ilhas Goa. Jack Sequeira Road. Em: aquileogomes@yahoo. Goa 403 006. Bambolim Complex. Goa 403001 T: 2432824 S: Sr Monica Fernandes hc Lar de Estudantes (SFN) Altinho. Goa 403 001 T: 2220072 S: Sr Nicasia Coutinho sfn SANTA INÊS C: 4.000 St Agnes (1606) Santa Inês. com PS: Fr Michael Mascarenhas sdb PS: Fr Joaquim Lobo sdb PS: Fr José Sequeira sdb PS: Fr Allwyn D'Souza sdb Women Religious Daya Mata Niketan (HC) Mardol.O.O.com S: Sr Shaila Chacko fhic PP: Fr Camilo Godinho MARDOL C:525 Our Lady of Piety (1938) Mardol P. Bernard D'Souza ofm PH: Fr João Camilo Fernandes Our Lady of Carmel Chapel CP: Fr Basil Lobo ofm T: 2312506 Sneha Sadan (FHIC) Orphanage.Central Men Religious PROVINCIALATE (SDB) Don Bosco Provincial House Odxel.com PP: Fr Lourenço Rodrigues Women Religious Mea Niketan (SCCG) Panchvaddi. Goa. Goa University PO. Goa 403 002 T: 2464566 / 2464855 S: Sr Margaret Misquitta fma Em: [email protected] St Anne (1700) Ponda P.. Goa 403 401 T: 2333520 PP: Fr Tony D'Souza ofm AP: Fr Francis Rozario ofm AP: Fr.in Peace Haven Convent (FHIC) Caranzalem. T: 2464870 S: Sr Maria Soraya Alemão fhic Em: fhiccaranzalem@provinnhosp. Dona Paula.700 St Anthony (1932) Panchvaddi. St Mary’s Convent.. Goa 403 401 T: 2312584/2980890 PONDA DEANERY Dean: Fr Santo António Pereira BORIM C: 1. Ajit Dung Dung ofm PR: Fr. 403 002. Ponda P.O.com S: Sr Shaila Chacko fhic PA: Fr Sebastião João Nazareth 72 73 ..com Auxilium Convent (FMA) Caranzalem. Goa 403 404 T: 2342751 S: Sr Philomena Braganza hc PANCHVADDI C: 3. Ponda. Goa 403 206 T: 2451449 P: Fr Ian Figueiredo sdb Em:[email protected] St Francis Xavier (1946) Borim. Curchorem P. Goa 403 706 T: 2309571 S: Sr Clotilda Fernandes sccg PONDA C: 6.. Goa 403 401 T: 2312835 / 9421250762 Em: fhicponda@provinhosp. Goa 403 706 T: 2309594 Women Religious Our Lady of the Rosary Convent (FMM) NIO PO.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Goa 403 404 T: 2343766 Women Religious St. Mary’s Convent (FHIC) Ponda. Goa 403 401 T: 2312835 / 9421250762 Em: fhicponda@provinhosp. Goa 403 004 T: 2452887 Em: [email protected] Em: [email protected] S: Sr Julie Fernandes fmm Em: julief@rediffmail. Curchorem PO. com S: Fr Bernardino De Almeida sdb PS: Fr Lawrence Monteiro sdb PS: Fr Banzelao Texeira sdb PS: Fr Egidio Fernandes sdb Women Religious Vimala Niketan (MSI) Karai. Goa 403 716 T: 2788945 / 9890917570 Em: fhicbenaulim@provinnhosp. Pequeno Pulvaddo. Goa 403 103 T: 2307239 Our Lady of Patrocínio Chapel.in BENAULIM C: 7. Ollembhat CP: Fr Emidio Braganza T: 2770251 74 75 . Benaulim. Benaulim. Benaulim.549 Holy Trinity (1992) Benaulim.800 St John the Baptist (1581) Benaulim.O.in S: Sr Joanita Antão fma Women Religious Holy Family Convent (SFN) Usgão. Goa 403 716 T: 2770381 Em: holytrinity1992@yahoo. Goa 403716 T: 2780555 PP: Fr Andrew Dionisio Pereira Em: frandrew30@gmail.. Goa 403 407 T: 2348358 S: Sr Bella sfn SOUTH ZONE Episcopal Vicar: Fr.com AP: Fr Pedro Costa PH: Msgr Alfredo Mesquita PH: Can Caetano da Cruz Fernandes PP: Fr Anthony Vaz AP: Fr Edward Costa PH: Fr Wolfango Silva St. Siroda. Sebastian Chapel. Goa 403 716 T: 2771912 Em: [email protected] of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Francis Xavier Convent(FMA) H No 323.South SIRODA C: 3.. Goa 403 401 T: 2344342 PP: Fr Felix Lobo Women Religious Divine Providence Convent (FHIC) Cana. Goa 403 103 T: 2306585 S: Sr Celia msi USGÃO C: 2. T: 2772044 CP: Fr Victor Cruz Viegas PP: Fr Santo António Pereira PR: Fr Xavier Mascarenhas Men Religious Don Bosco Animation Centre (SDB) Pulvaddo.952 St Joseph (1782) Siroda P.co. Pulvaddo. Goa 403 716 T: 2771587 / 2772070 Em: [email protected]. Joseph de Silva BENAULIM DEANERY Dean: Fr Anthony Vaz BENAULIM C: 5.com S: Sr Lydia Andrade fhic St.000 St Joseph (1955) Usgão P. Goa 403 713 T: 2880153 Women Religious Poor Sisters of Our Lady (PSOL) H No.Orlim.090 Our Lady of Remedies (1630) Betalbatim. Goa 403 724 T: 2745815 Em: opsgoa@sancharnet. Goa 403 716 T: 2770210 S: Sr Daniella D’Silva hc Diocese . Goa 403 731 T: 2871745 S: Sr Vinita fmck 'Premdhan' (Formation) (FMCK) Cavelossim. Goa 403 717 T: 2745083 Em:olsocorro. Benaulim. Goa 403 708 T: 2780681 PP: Fr Eremita Coutinho 76 77 . Goa 403 708 Mb: 9822136860 S: Sr Helen Fernandes psol Em: [email protected] PS: Fr Roger Godinho op PS: Fr Francis Arackal op PS: Fr Sunoj Kadaputhaleckal op Women Religious Holy Cross (1948) [email protected] of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Asilo “Dr Rafael Pereira” (HC) Benaulim.No 103.com PP: Fr Ubaldo Cunha CARMONA C: 5.com ORLIM C:3. Mazilvaddo. Goa 403 724 T: 2745768 PP: Fr Agnelo C Rodrigues Em: cipurod_11@yahoo. Salcete.500 Our Lady of Pilar (1635) Seraulim.in S: Sr Eulalia D’Souza scc COLVA C:6. H.co.Goa 403 724 T: 2745086 S: Fr Paulson Deepak op Em: paulsondeepak@gmail. Goa 403 731 T: 2871360 S: Sr Therezita fmck SERAULIM C:3.in AP: Fr Sebastião Justiniano Dias Women Religious Carmel Convent (Formation) (AC) Igreja Vaddo.in S: Sr Marie Therese pbvm Pilar Sisters (PSA) (Formation House) Chando Naik.com CAVELOSSIM C: 3. Colva.850 Our Lady of Socorro (1607) Carmona. Goa 403 716 T: 2770052 Em: [email protected] PP: Fr Nelson Colaço PH: Fr Jacinto Rodrigues St Pius X Convent (PBVM) Orlim. Colva P O.com IC: Sr Manuelina ac PP: Fr Eustáquio de Abreu PH: Fr Edmundo de Silva Men Religious Dominican Fathers (OP) 130 Orlim.South Women Religious Holy Cross Convent (SCC) Ushalaya.000 St Michael (1568) Orlim. Carmona.carmona95@gmail. Goa 403 708 T: 2788512 PP: Fr Diogo Fernandes AP: Fr Oliver Fernandes PS: Fr Agnelo Fernandes BETALBATIM C: 6. Goa 403 724 T: 2745651 S: Sr Sandhya Azavedo psa Women Religious ASRO Hospital (FMCK) Cavelossim. P.O. Goa 403 717 T: 2744955 Em:carmel. Goa 403731 T: 2871401 Em: holycrosschurchcav@rediffmail. 379. 4th Ward A.100 Our Lady of Mercês (1635) Colva . South Women Religious Mariam Niwas (SFN) Seraulim. Goa 403 703 T: 2643553 S: Sr Mariquinha sfn Men Religious Redemptorist Training Center (CSSR) 229. Canacona. Colva PO. Canacona. Goa 403 721 T: 2745179. Varca. Loliem P. Goa 403 702 T: (Contact) 2633306 CANACONA DEANERY Dean: Fr Mathew Fernandes sfx PA: Fr Vicente Leitão Women Religious Helen Niketan (FMM) Our Lady Help of Christians Church Chiplem. Goa 403 702 T: 2647339 PP: Fr Mathew Fernandes sfx Em: goaproagonda@yahoo. Canacona P. Goa 403 728 T: 2632239 Women Religious Sisters of Mary Immaculate (SMI) Agonda PO. Goa 403 702 T: 2647289 Em: smiagonda@yahoo. Goa 403 728 T: 2641280 / 9423837100 S: Sr Faustine Mascarenhas fdcc 78 79 .600 Our Lady of Gloria (1635) Varca P. Galgibaga. Calvaddo.. PP: Fr Vicente Leitão CANACONA C: 3.650 St Anne (1888) Agonda.O. Goa 403 721 T: 2772495 S: Fr Gabriel Lobo cssr PS: Fr Anthony Lopez cssr PS: Bro Joseph Gonsalves cssr CHIPLEM C: 550 Our Lady Help of Christians (1967) Chiplem.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese .. Canacona P.. Maxem. Goa 403 702 T: 2633306 BATPALE C: 529 VARCA C: 6. Canacona. Goa 403 702 T: 2644391 PP: Fr Luis Coutinho AP: Fr Pio Herman Fernandes PH: Fr José Maria Rodrigues Rebelo PP: Fr Manuel F A Fernandes Women Religious Nirmala Convent (SFN) Mastimol.in AP: Fr Peter Cardozo sfx GALGIBAGA C: 1.O.O.in S: Sr Manjula Parmar smi PP: Fr Simon Barnabé Fernandes Women Religious Canossian Sisters (FDCC) PO Maxem. Goa 403 708 T: 2781185 S: Sr Helen sfn ANGEDIVA C: No Catholic population since 1961 Our Lady of Brotas (1506) St Francis Xavier (1968) Batpale.co.470 St Anthony (1824) Galgibaga. Canacona.O. Goa 403 702 T: 2641221 S: Sr Clementina Fernandes fmm AGONDA C: 2.000 St Theresa of Jesus (1824) Canacona.co. . Goa 403 603 T: 2676340 PP: Fr Aloysius Gonsalves csc Em: [email protected].. Panzorcone CP: Fr Mário José Acacio Leitão T: 2774762 T: 2863093 80 81 . Freddy Bartolomeu Braganza T: 2862342 T: 2862496 Maria Dan (SJT) H No 35. Goa 403 702 T: 2632176 Women Religious St. Murida CP: Fr Saluzinho Vaz Our Lady of Piety Chapel. Ambelim CP: Fr Savio de Sousa T: 2775427 PP: Fr Arlino de Melo AP: Fr Simon Mathew D’Cunha PH: Fr Planton Faria PH: Fr Proto Tobias Faria Infant Jesus Chapel. Queen of Martyrs (1616) Assolna.000 Our Lady of Health (1604) Cuncolim P.com PP: Fr Lucio Dias Em: diaslucio@hotmail. Goa 403715 T: 2863373 T: 2640363 Men Religious Fatima Retreat Home (OCD) Xellim. Loliem PO. Canacona.000 CUNCOLIM C: 9.com AP: Fr Lancy D'Silva csc Our Lady of Fatima Chapel.000 Our Lady of Hope (1590) Chinchinim. Marcel Vaddo. Sirlim. Goa 403 728 T: 2640232 BETUL C: 638 Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (1956) Betul. Anthony Chapel.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese .. Goa 403 715 T: 2863361 S: Sr Ranjita Rego fsma PP: Fr Francis Dias CHINCHINIM DEANERY Dean: Fr Lucio Dias ASSOLNA C: 9. Xellim CP: Fr.O .O. Deussua CP: Fr Rolland Lin Fernandes Our Lady of Mercês Chapel. Goa 403 728 T: 2640879 S: Fr Boniface D’Souza ocd PS: Fr Ronald Sequeira ocd Women Religious Bethany Convent (BS) Loliem. Goa 403 701 T: 2773392 Em: assolnakrp@gmail. Goa 403 728 T: 2640463 S: Sr Sheela bs PP: Fr Armando Souza AP: Fr Socorro Colaço AP: Fr Noel da Costa PH: Fr Wolfango Coutinho St.South LOLIEM C: 3.500 St Sebastian (1932) Loliem P.com AP: Fr Xavier Estibeiro PH: Fr Albino Verdes Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel. Goa 403 703 T: 2763623 Our Lady. Mary’s Convent (FSMA) Chinchinim. Sirlim CP: Fr.com S: Sr Rosy sjt SADOLXEM C: 900 Our Lady of the Rosary (1954) Sadolxem. Goa 403 725 T: 2864794 Em: mariadan@gmail. Canacona P. Dramapur. Boniface D'Souza ocd PA: Fr Savio Viegas CHINCHINIM C: 16. Ambaulim Quepem PO.500 Our Lady of Lourdes (1956) Ambaulim. Baradi CP: Fr Carlisto Coelho Good Shepherd Sisters (SGS) House No. Chinchinim P.. Goa 403 703 T: 2763272 S: Sr Venita Fernandes sccg VELIM C: 5.300 St Francis Xavier (1805) Velim.South Men Religious Shanti Niwas (OFM CAP) Cuncolim. Quepem P. Goa 403 715 T: 2864117 S: Sr Pramilla fsma Veroda.. Goa 403 715 T: 2864001 VERODA C: 800 St Anthony (1979) PP: Fr Reginald Mascarenhas SAC Women Religious Assumpta Convent (FSMA) Sarzora.600 Dean: Fr Saúde Taumaturgo Pereira AMBAULIM C: 5. Gonsalves AP: Fr Arvino Fernandes PH: Fr Druston A. Goa 403 705 T: 2663967 S: Sr Leena D’Costa scsc 82 83 ..O. Velim P O.738/1. Goa 403 703 T: 2866140 PA: Fr Martinho Miguel Domingos Rebello QUEPEM DEANERY St Rock (1955) Tollecanto. Goa 403 723 T: 2773292 / 2774085 TOLLECANTO C: 4.com Women Religious Holy Cross Convent (SCSC) Godgal. Colaço Vaddo Velim.O. Goa 403 723 T: 2774145 Em: auxvelim@sancharnet. Hilda Mascarenhas fma PP: Fr José Dias SARZORA C: 300 Our Lady of the Assumption (1973) Sarzora. Carxeta. Chinchinim. Goa 403 723 T: 3257026 Em: [email protected]. T: 2662648 PP: Fr Querobino Baptista PS: Fr Felix Fernandes Holy Cross Chapel. Goa 403 723 T: 2773440 PP: Fr Romano J.O. Salcete..O. Velim.in S: Sr.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . P. Correia DRAMAPUR C: 2246 St Joseph (1957) Chinchinim P.com S: Sr Vinaya D’Souza sgs T: 2774836 PP: Fr Ubaldo Fernandes Em: ubaldofernandes@yahoo. Goa 403 725 T: 2765433 Women Religious Auxilium Center FMA 577.. Goa 403 705. Goa 403 703 T: 2865321 G: Fr Theodore Pereira ofm cap PS: Fr Romeo Fernandes ofm cap PS: Fr Harold D’Souza ofm cap Women Religious Maria Bambina Convent (SCCG) Cuncolim. Cuncolim P. Quepem.O. Goa 403 703 T: 2670050 S: Sr Reina mc PA: Fr Saluzinho Fernandes sfx CANANGUINIM C: 600 St Sebastian (1947) Cananguinim. Chandor. Goa 403 603 T: (Contact) 2676317 Women Religious Missionaries of Charity (MC) Cotto de Fatorpa Cuncolim. Molle Avedem. Guirdolim.500 Holy Cross (1883) Quepem P. Goa 403 705 T: 2662353 S: Sr Clare Therese mc COTTO DE FATORPA C: 4. CP: Fr Joe Rodrigues T: 2784470 QUEPEM C: 9..000 PP: Fr Domingos Noronha AP: Fr Xavier Bragança Our Lady of Bethlehem (1645) Chandor.700 Our Lady of Fatima (1959) Cotto de Fatorpa.com S: Sr Sebastiana Luis pbvm PP: Fr Saúde Pereira AP: Fr Damasciano Carvalho PH: Fr Felizardo Gomes PH: Fr Saturnino Antão St.. Goa 403 703 T: 2676317 PARODA C: 5. Goa 403 714 T: 2784002 Women Religious Kushdan (PBVM) C/o Mrs Joaquina D’Cunha House No 375. Goa 403 705 T: 2662437 Men Religious Pallotti Jyothi Niwas (SAC) (Novitiate) Ponsabhat. Goa 403705 T: 2869513 PP: Fr José Vaz sfx PR: Fr Saluzinho Fernandes sfx T: 2676456 CHANDOR C: 12.O.O. Cuncolim.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Quepem PO.960 Immaculate Conception (1817) Paroda. Quepem..com PS: Fr Jojappa Chinnabathani sac PS: Fr Mark Arun D'Souza sac PP: Fr.. P. Paroda. Joseph’s Home (MC) Zogla-vaddo Quepem. Cuncolim P. Goa 403 703 T: 2670049 PP: Fr Simon Rodrigues msfs AP: Fr Marcos D'Souza msfs 84 85 .South CABO DE RAMA C: 500 St Anthony (1889) Cabo De Rama. Goa 403 714 T: 2857262 S: Fr Charles Fernandes sac Em: [email protected] PS: Fr Tony Alemão sdb PS: Fr George Quadros sdb RS: Br Frank Braganza sdb Women Religious St. Goa 403705 T: 2663950 Em: pbvmvasco@gmail.. Betul P. Francis Xavier Chapel. P.O. Guirdolim. Mario Luis Vaz AP: Fr Caetano de Souza Men Religious Don Bosco Ganv (SDB) Prem Nagar. Mary’s Convent (BS) Quepem. Goa 403 705 T: 2662328/2662050 Em: dbgq@sify. Goa 403 705 T: 2662049 S: Sr Antonette Coutinho bs St.com S: Fr Avil Rodrigues sdb Em: [email protected]. Goa 403 705 T: 2602203 Our Lady of Piety (1955) Bazar.000 Our Lady Mother of the Poor (1880) Tilamola. Quepem P.in S: Sr Reshmi Almeida shm Men Religious Dudhsagar Krishi Udyog Farm (SFX) PO Colem. Kirlapale. Goa 403410 T: 2600306 S: Fr Thomas Rodrigues sfx D: Fr Alex Luis sfx Students: 23 Men Religious Don Bosco Agro-Ed Complex (SDB) Sulcorna.. Goa 403 705 T: 2664142 IC: Sr Rosa Chummar fc PP: Fr Luis Alvares Women Religious Immaculate Conception Convent (FMCK) Dabal. Goa 403 706 T: 2618272 S: Sr Flory fmck SANGUEM DEANERY Dean: Fr Agapito Cunha sfx RIVONA COLEM C: 1. PO Colem. Goa 403 705 T: 2602632 Em: [email protected] PP: Fr Orlando Lopes sfx AP: Fr Pio Furtado sfx PA: Fr Anthony Paulo Vaz sfx AP: Fr Jerry Vaz sfx Mob: 9403178129 Novitiate. Quepem. Tilamola. Quepem. Quepem P. Taki. Curchorem P.in S: Fr Edwin Baracho sdb PS: Fr Chrysologus D’Cunha sdb PS: Fr Richard Correia sdb PS: Fr Anisio Mota sdb Women Religious Mornese Vihar (FMA) Sulcorna. Colem. Pirla. Curchorem PO. (SFX) Shisyalaya. Quepem PO.com AP: Fr Benjamin Rock Victoria DABAL C: 813 Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (1958) Dabal. Goa 403 705 T: 2602600 Em: maryseva@sancharnet. Goa 403 705 T: 2662457 Women Religious Priti Sagar (FC) Bazar Vaddo. Goa 403 705 T: 2602636 / 37 Em: mornese13@sancharnet. Colem.O.in S: Sr Josephine Fernandes fma Nitya Seva Niketan (SHM) Rivona. Goa 403 706 T: 2618006 Women Religious Daughters of the Cross (FC) Flat No 4.800 Our Lady of the Rosary (1940) Rivona. Goa 403 410 T: 2600306 D: Fr Joaquim Fernandes sfx PS: Fr Irineu Diniz sfx RS: Br Felicio D’Souza sfx Kalay Farm (SFX) T: 2601283 86 87 .O. Goa 403 410 T: 2600463 S: Sr Rosa Chummar fc PP: Fr Urbano Fernandes Em: ubf39@yahoo. Goa 403 410 T: 2600309 C: 4. 1st flr. Xeldem.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese .South TILAMOLA C: 14.. in S: Sr Mary P J ccr CURTORIM C: 13. Goa 403 601 T: 2713092 Em: [email protected]. Goa 403 704. Margao.com T: 2678215 PP: Fr Ligorinho D’Costa Women Religious Pilar Sisters (PSA) Uguem.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Goa 403 704 T: 2603199 S: Sr Melba D’Cunha psa BlessedJosephVazConvent(SFN) Bamonsai. Loutulim P.O. Curtorim. Curchorem.South SANGUEM C: 13.in Web: www. Goa 403 709 T: 2786502 Em: [email protected] 403 706 T: 2650584 Em: [email protected] Our Lady of Candelária (1952) Ambora. Goa 403 601 T: 2750274 S: Sr Fatima Goes hc SANVORDEM C: 7. Uguem CP: Fr Agapito D’Cunha sfx Our Lady of Piety Chapel.co.stsebastianaquem.O..Sanguem.O.400 St Alex (1597) Curtorim P... P. Goa 403704 T: 2604204 MARGÃO DEANERY Dean: Fr Jean da Cruz Fernandes PP: Fr Patrick Luis sfx AP: Fr Mark Furtado sfx PS: Fr Agostinho D’Mello sfx Our Lady of Piety Chapel.500 Our Lady of Miracles (1858) P. Joseph’s Convent (HC) Aquem Alto.200 St Sebastian (2002) Aquem. Sanguem..000 Sacred Heart of Jesus (2002) Vaddem. Margao. Curchorem P.O. T: 2608339 Women Religious Casa Serena (FSI) Batora. Goa 403718 T: 2777283 PP: Fr James Alex Torres e Silva AP: Fr Trinidade Monteiro Men Religious Prerna (SFX) Guardian Angel Educational Complex. Goa 403 706 T: 2650642 CAMURLIM (Salcete) C: 1.O.000 Guardian Angel (1936) Sanvordem.in Women Religious Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Convent (CCR) Kakoda.com S: Sr Belinda Serrão fsi PP: Fr Tadeo D'Silva sfx AP: Fr Aurelio Rodrigues sfx 88 89 . Devlamoll. Sanguem P..Sanguem. Curchorem Goa 403 706 T: 2218585 S: Fr Walter Miranda sfx PS: Fr Frank Mendes sfx PS: Fr Henry D'Souza sfx PS: Fr Joaquim Rebello sfx PP: Fr Simpliciano Nazareth Fernandes Em: simnafer1@sancharnet. Molcornem CP: Fr Nicolau Rodrigues sfx AQUEM C: 6. Goa 403 709 T: 2786073 PP: Fr Livio de Melo AP: Fr Mariano Dias Our Lady of Carmel Chapel CP: Fr Anthony Rodrigues T: 2786422 VADDEM C: 1.Goa 403704 T: 2604841 S: Sr Rosanne sfn Women Religious St. Goa 403 718 T: 2777085 Em: dbloutolim@rediffmail. Nonato Araujo Men Religious Don Bosco (SDB) Fatorda. Lauzerio Godinho MAINA Curtorim C: 5. Goa 403709 T: 2786685 PP: Fr J.in S: Fr Kinley D’Cruz sdb PS: Fr Crispin D’Souza sdb PS: Fr William George sdb RS: Br James Marcus sdb RS: Br Francis Mascarenhas sdb MACASANA C: 3. Curtorim PO. Navelim P.450 Our Lady of Fatima (1989) Dicarpale.000 Saviour of the World (1581) Loutulim P. 2786088 LOUTULIM C: 8.. Herculano Pereira PH: Fr.O. Jean da Cruz Fernandes 90 91 . Curtorim P.200 St Rita of Cassia (1960) Maina.in S: Sr Valsa Kumblankal hc St.com Wb: www. Goa 403 718 T: 2777084/ 2858250 Em: pilarsis@sancharnet.. O. George Pazzi Fernandes AP: Fr. E. Goa 403 602 T: 2741149 PP: Fr. Geraldo da Costa Women Religious St..co. Goa 403718 T: 2777047 PP: Fr Gualberto Pereira PS: Fr Benjamin Sacrafamilia Women Religious St Rita’s Convent (UMI) Maina. Navelim PO. Goa 403 707 T: 2766261 S: Sr Louisa Mathias sjt FATORDA C: 6. Goa 403 718 T: 2777048 Em: superior.in S: Sr Nina Lopes psa PP: Fr. Loutulim. Bolmax Fidelis Pereira Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel.O. Xavier’s Convent (UMI) Loutulim. Curtorim. Goa 403 718 T: 2777024 Em: [email protected] S: Fr Albano Fernandes sdb PS: FrAugustine Fernandes sdb RS: Br Anthony Rocha sdb Women Religious Shanti Avedna Ashram (HC) (Sisters of the Holy Cross Menzingen) Nacorda.O. Goa 403 707 T: 2765474 Men Religious Don Bosco (SDB) Loutulim. Boulais da Costa AP: Fr Mariano D’Costa PS: Fr. Goa 403 602 T: 2740620 / 2743944 Em: [email protected] St Francis Xavier (1809) Macasana.donboscoloutolim. Joseph’s Convent (SJT) Dicarpale.lot@gmail. Loutulim.000 Our Lady of the Rosary (2002) Fatorda P.in S: Sr Emily Alves umi PP: Fr. Goa 403 709 T: 2786294. Carvota T: 2777821 CP: Fr. Goa 403 709 T: 2786157 Em: [email protected] DICARPALE C: 1.com S: Sr Jessy umi Pilar Sisters (PSA) Orgao.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Joaquim Chapel. Goa 403 601 T: 2735241 IC: Fr Alvito Fernandes ocd Men Religious PROVINCIALATE (SFX) Antonio C Pacheco Road. Hospital do Hospicio.O.in S: Sr Marie Beatrice ac 92 93 . Margão. Goa 403 601 T: 2702963 PP: Fr Cleto Pereira AP: Fr Derick Fernandes PS: Fr Jaime Couto PS: Fr Nicolau Rodrigues Men Religious Carmelite Monastery (OCD) Aquem.com Pilar Fathers S: Fr Santiago Fernandes sfx PS: Fr Blaise Mascarenhas sfx RS: Bro Peter D'Souza sfx RS: Bro Inacio D'Souza sfx Women Religious Carmel Seva Mandir (AC) Social Service Center.in S: Fr Anthony D’ Souza ocd PS: Fr Jerome Braganza ocd PS: Fr Maurice Fonseca ocd PS: Fr Joseph D' Souza ocd PS: Fr Lancy Mendonca ocd PS: Fr Alvito Fernandes ocd PS: Fr Teodozio Fernandes ocd RS: Bro Maurice Fonseca ocd Loyola High School (SJ) PO Box 79. Goa 403 601 T: 2700188 Em: carmelsmborda@sancharnet. Goa 403 601 T: 2701664/2703117/2701982 P: Fr Kyriel D’Souza sfx Mb: 9822140499 Em: [email protected] Holy Spirit 1564) Margão. Margão. Goa 403 601 T: 2733342 Em:[email protected] S & H: Fr William Rodrigues sj PS: Fr Leslie Francis sj PS: Fr Basil Vago sj Lar de Santa Teresinha Pajifond. Rua Abade Faria Road. Margão. H No 427. Monte Chapel T: 2715252 PR: Fr Simon Diniz Hospicio do Clero (Margão) T: 2706259 / 2715146 D: Fr Caetano Costa PR: Fr Lino Fernandes Fr Wenceslau Mascarenhas Fr Calandanso Mazarelo Fr Rosário Menezes Fr Neves Fernandes Fr Emitério Mascarenhas Fr Lino Monteiro Fr Artur Rodrigues Fr Prudencio Ferreira Light House (Book Stall) T: 2703119 Lar de Santa Clara (FHIC) 46.000 Our Lady of Grace (1959) Margão P. Goa 403 601 T: 2714005 PP: Fr Ventura Lourenço AP: Fr Jorge Fernandes PS: Fr Nascimento Mascarenhas PR: Fr José António Almeida PR: Fr Ivo Souza PH: Fr Wilfred Andrade St. Margão. Mungul T: 2789234 CP: Fr Caetano Cardozo Our Lady of Piety. Goa 403 601 T: 2706842 Em: loyola_hs@dataone. Goa 403 601 T: 2734199 S: Sr Grace De Sá sccg MARGÃO C: 8. Margão. Borda T: 2710439 CP: Fr Ricardo Pinheiro Our Lady of Carmel Chapel. Goa 403 601 T: 2735052 Em: karmelit@sancharnet. Goa 403 601 T: 2732279 Em: [email protected] MARGÃO C: 14. Goa 403 601 T: 2706259 S: Sr Etienne sma Hospicio Community (SCCG) Sisters' Quarters. Margão. Florine Fernandes fhic Clergy Home (FSMA) Margão. Borda. Margão.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Goa 403 601 T: 2702607/9420166026 Em:[email protected] S: Sr Mary Fernandes fhic Presentation Convent (FHIC) Margão.com S: Sr.in S: Sr Pritisha ac Women Religious Fatima Convent (AC) Margão. Goa 403 707 T: 2765038 S: Fr Rico Fernandes ofm cap PS: Fr Suhas Pereira ofm cap PS: Fr Alvito Cardozo ofm cap PS: Fr Waldheim Rodrigues ofm cap PS: Fr Franky Fernandes ofm cap PS: Fr Agnelo Colaço ofm cap Women Religious Nazareth Home for theAged (SFN) Navelim. Goa 403 720 T: 2776998 Em: paiarrupe@gmail. Goa 403707 T: 2736571 RAIA C: 13. Navelim. Rachol P..O.in S: Fr Callisto Gomes svd PS: Fr Nazareth Sequeira svd PS: Fr Salvador Carvalho svd PS: Fr Joseph Francis svd Students: 15 Men Religious Padre Pio Friary (OFM CAP) Modi.South NAVELIM C: 31.O. T: 2776137/9823436333 Em: svdgoa@sancharnet. Goa 403 720 T: 2777236 PP: Fr Leonardo Moraes AP: Fr Teo José Fernandes AP: Fr Francis Pereira PS: Fr José Filomeno Fernandes PR: Fr Jevino Pereira Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel. Goa 403 719 T: 2776093 PP: Fr Eucaristinho Gomes Women Religious Bethany Convent (BS) São José de Areal. Goa 403 707 T: 2711004 S: Sr Suzan sfn Perpetual Succour Convent (SFN) Navelim. Goa 403 707 T: 2706476 S: Sr Anserina sfn Casa de Raquel (RMI) Nagmoddem.com S: Fr Edwin L D’Souza sj D: Fr Patrick de Melo sj PS: Fr Ronald D’Souza sj PS: Fr Agnelo Pinto sj RS: Br Pascoal D’Souza sj SVD Mission Seminary (SVD) Raia. 403 720.880 Our Lady of Snows (1556) Sem. Navelim.O. Goa 403 707 T: 2757237 S: Sr Margaret Crasto rmi Women Religious St Theresa Convent (HC) Ganapoga. Damon. Manora CP: Fr Andrew Mascarenhas T: 2740109 Men Religious Pedro Arrupe Institute (SJ) St Xavier Street.000 Our Lady of the Rosary (1597) Navelim P.000 Our Lady of Snows (1699) Raia P. Raia. Joseph Chapel. Goa. Navelim T: 2712619 CP: Fr Agnelo Fernandes PR: Fr António Oliveira Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel.650 St Joseph (1826) S. Goa 403730 T: 2860029 RACHOL C: 3.José De Areal P..Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Goa 403 709 T: 2860442 S: Sr Judith bs PP: Fr Angelo Bonamis Our Lady of Gloria Chapel. Telaulim. Raia..O. Zorivaddo. Goa 403 720 T: 2776041 S: Sr Amélia D’Souza hc SÃO JOSÉ DE AREAL C: 5. T: 2765719 CP: Fr António Lopes PP: Fr Cipriano D'Silva AP: Fr Leenoy Dias PH: Fr José Filipe Quadros PH: Fr Orlando Luis PH: Fr Arnolfo Mazarelo Our Lady of Monserrate Chapel. Davorlim T: 2756553 CP: Fr Protasio Soares Colaço St.. Ilha de Rachol CP: Fr Erodiano Fernandes T: 2777707 94 95 . Davorlim. Chicalim P. Goa 403 711 T: 2555136 PP: Fr Leonardo Pegado Souza PA: Fr Eliseu Barreto 96 97 .O.South MORMUGÃO DEANERY Dean: Fr Pascoal M. Goa 403711 T: 2541492/2541965 S: Bro Jaison D'Costa cfc Women Religious Cloistered Carmel (OCD) Chicalim. J. Vasco da Gama.. Goa 403 711 T: 2540099 SÃO JACINTO C: 270 S Jacinto (1853) S.net S: Sr Therese Marie of Jesus ocd BAINA C: 2..Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . Goa 403 711 T: 2540213 Em: [email protected] S: Fr Anthony Correia sac PS: Fr Daniel Prakash D'Souza sac PS: Fr Prashant Kumar sac PS: Fr Paulo Dias sac PS: Fr Xavier D'Souza sac Regina Mundi High School (CFC) Chicalim.800 St Francis Xavier (1625) Chicalim.200 Ss Cosmas and Damian (1956) Bogmalo. Goa 403 712 T: 2754490 S: Sr Emilia sfn MORMUGÃO HARBOUR C: 2. Goa 403 803 T: 2520299 PP: Fr Frank Jack Pinto sac CHICALIM C: 3.com C: 1. Goa 403 712 T: 2754444. Goa 403 802 T: 2530444 PP: Fr Vital Miranda BOGMALO C: 1.200 Our Lady of Desterro (1997) Desterro. Pascoal M J Afonso PP: Fr Sertorio Rodrigues AP: Fr Savio D'Souza Em: savyo1@rediffmail. Arossim CP: Fr Kevan Rodrigues T: 2755309 Women Religious Our Lady of Desterro Convent (UMI) Vasco da Gama. Goa 403 711 T: 2540527 Em: palhome@sancharnet. Goa 403806 T: 2538628 PP: Fr Antonio Fernandes CANSAULIM C: 1. Vasco-da Gama P. Goa 403 802 T: 2521245 PP: Fr. Dabolim P. Jacinto. Goa 403 802 T: 2521313 Em: [email protected]. Afonso Men Religious Pallotti Home (SAC) Chicalim..O. Em: [email protected] St Francis Xavier (1971) Mormugão Harbour P..in S: Sr Ruby Thomas umi Women Religious St Anne’s Convent (SFN) Cansaulim. Lawrence Chapel.200 DESTERRO St Thomas (1581) Cansaulim.com St.100 Our Lady of Candelária (1978) Baina. Goa 403 710 T: 2550311 PP: Fr José Antonio da Costa Em: [email protected] St Andrew (1570) Vasco Da Gama. Goa 403 713 T: 2754447 PP: Fr John D'Silva Women Religious Sts Peter and Paul Convent (SFN) Dando. Goa 403 722 T: 2888922 NAGOA (Salcete) Our Lady of Succour and Good Success (1973) C: 2. Velsão.com AP: Fr Clifton Fernandes AP: Fr Luis Xavier Gomes PP: Fr Joseph de Silva AP: Fr Leslie Rego PR: Fr Sebastian Kavalakatt .com S: Sr Ninfa D’Cruz pbvm Cluny Convent (SJC) Vaddem. Cansaulim P. Cansaulim PO. Vasco da Gama. Goa 403 712 T: 2754156 MAJORDA C: 7.In-charge of Syro Malabar Rite Catholics Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Chapel.O. Vasco da Gama. Goa 403 712 T: 2755242 S: Sr Emilia sfn Casa Sacramento (AASC) Velsão..Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese .South VASCO DA GAMA C:19.. Goa 403 710 T: 9420768152 S: Sr Joanita Miranda psa VELSÃO C:5. Cortalim.500 Ss Philip and James (1566) [email protected] Nagoa. Goa 403 712 T: 2755598 Em: adorvel@yahoo. Goa 403 802 T: 2510040 Em: [email protected] S: Sr Josephine Phoyalill aasc PP: Fr Urbano Menezes AP: Fr Mariano Silveira PS: Fr Martinho Gomes Women Religious Mother of God Convent (CCR) Majorda.000 Our Lady of Assumption (1635) Velsão. O. Goa 403 712 T: 2881431 IC: Sr Alphonsa Stanley ccr VERNA DEANERY Dean: Fr Avinash Rebelo CONSUA C: 992 Our Lady of Livra Febres (1960) Consua.com S: Sr.. Cansaulim. Verna P. Goa 403 802 T: 2514337/9766501590 Em:Clunyvasco. Goa 403 802 T: 2512391 / 2512963 Em: [email protected] CORTALIM C: 4. Goa 403 722 T:2888126 PP: Fr Avinash Rebelo PP: Fr Auxémio Monteiro sfx 98 99 . Verna P. Curpavaddo T: 2550445 CP: Fr Adrião Furtado Women Religious Presentation Convent (PBVM) Mangor Hill. Alphonsa Kudilingal sjc Women Religious Pilar Sisters (PSA) Curpavaddo.500 Mother of God (1646) Majorda P. .O. Majorda P.in Holy Family Convent Sancoale. Nanette Temudo sjc Sanctuary of Bl.500 Holy Cross (1568) Verna P. Anne’s Convent (SA) Near the Church. Cortalim P. Francis Costa Vaddo Utorda.O. Mary's Guest House (SJC) Nagoa. John of the Cross Convent (SFN) Sarfona. Goa 403 710 T: 2551511 S: Sr Estella sfn St. Verna.in S: Sr. Joseph’s Convent (SFN) Nagoa.co.279 Our Lady of Health (1606) Sancoale.000 Our Lady of the Sick (1944) Quelossim.com PP: Fr Brito Fernandes PH: Fr Joaquim Fernandes Women Religious Shanti Bhaginis of Maria Sangh (Srs.. Milena sfn Women Religious St.com S: Sr Chrissie ac Sisters Adorers (AASC) Belloy. Cortalim.. Martins AP: Fr John Diniz PH: Fr Pobres Nazareth Sá PH: Fr Macedonio da Costa Women Religious Carmel Convent (AC) Nuvem.O.O. Goa 403 722 T: 2782304 SANCOALE C: 2. Goa 403 802 T: 2783332 Em: [email protected] Our Lady of Lourdes (1976) Utorda. Goa 403 604 T: 2790534 PP: Fr Alvaro A. Cortalim P. Goa 403 718 T: 2754431 Em: utordalourdes@gmail. of Our Lady of Peace) Our Lady of Peace Convent. H No 172.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY St.O. Goa 403 722 T: 2783354 S: Sr Lourdes sfn Women Religious GENERALATE (SFN) SG: Sr Alda Rodrigues sfn T: 2551355 Em: holyfamn@sancharnet. Goa 403710 T: 2550364 PP: Fr George Norbert Aguiar Women Religious St.. Majorda. Joseph Vaz R: Fr Eremito Rebello Diocese . Nuvem.South T: 2550263 Eleanore Linse Bhavan (SFN) Sancoale. Cortalim P. Goa 403 604 T: 2790499 Em: hrcnuvem@rediffmail. Goa 403 710 T: 2551354 S: Sr Claret sfn NUVEM C: 10. Goa 403 710 T: 2550103 S: Sr. Goa T: 2550713 S: Sr Maria Goretti sa VERNA C: 8.. Verna. Cortalim PO. Quelossim. Goa 403 710 T: 2550763 PA: Fr Martinho Filipe António Dourado PP: Fr José Roque Gonsalves AP: Fr Saturnino Colaço PS: Fr Joaquim Nuno da Cruz PH: Fr Roque Barreto PH: Fr Mario Barreto 100 101 .in S: Sr Elvira Tellis Nayak ac Holy Rosary Convent (AC) Nuvem.O. Goa 403 604 T: 2790713 Em: carmelc@sancharnet. Goa 403 718 T: 2884452 S: Sr Theresa Brahmine QUELOSSIM C: 2. Mary and Joseph (1903) Nuvem P.. Leelamma Joseph aasc Novitiate: 2790181 UTORDA C: 4. Goa 403 604 T: 2790479 S: Sr.000 Jesus. Sancoale. Daman 396 220 T: (0260) 2230458/2230872/ 09979085404 Em:fhicdaman@provinhosp. Nagar Haveli T: (0260) 2699133 S: Sr Shayla shm Balwatika (SHM) P. Nagar Haveli. Dadra. Nagar Haveli 396 230 T: 0260-2699058. Nagar Haveli 396 230. T: 0260-2255183 MISSION OF DAMAN Episcopal Vicar: Fr.com AP: Fr Agnel Bhoye sfx 102 103 .com AP: Fr Cherobino Fernandes sfx DAMAN Nani C: 1. Goa 403 722 T: 2782356 Em:[email protected] DAMAN Praça C: 155 Holy Name (1559) Praça. Goa 403 722 T: 2791206 / 2791208 S: Fr Pedro Martinho Rodrigues sfx PS: Fr Alfredo Almeida sfx PS: Fr Sebastian Rodrigues sfx Women Religious Dr Roque Ferreira Memorial Hospital (SJC) Verna.com S: Sr Jean Maria Tauro sjc DAMAN Moti C: 2.O.com S: Sr Claudia Mendes sjc St Anthony's Home (SJC) Senaulim.com S: Sr Joaquina Faleiro fhic DUDHNI C: 3. sfx Mb: 9824135898 T: 0260-2699043 Women Religious Maria Seva Sadan (SHM) Dapadda 396 240.565 St Francis Xavier (2002) Dudhni. 396 191. Lyndon Rodrigues sfx T: 0260-2230936 Fax: 0260-2230707 Mb: 9890651158 (in Goa) 9825754789 PP: Fr Savio Coutinho sfx AP: Fr Lawrence Fernandes sfx DAPADDA C: 2. T: 0260-2231329 Em: [email protected] of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Diocese . T: 0260-48273 S: Sr. Verna PO. Em: dapadda@rediffmail. Verna.Daman Men Religious Fr Agnel Community (SFX) Agnel Ganv.com PP: Fr Lyndon Rodrigues sfx Em: modsuperior@rediffmail. T: (0260) 2230935 Fax: (0260)2230707 PP: Fr Floriano Rodrigues sfx AP: Fr Anthony Joseph Fernandes. T: 0260-2996247/9824718070 Em: dudhnipf@rediffmail. Daman 396220.com AP: Fr Andrew D'Costa sfx Women Religious Fatima Convent (FHIC) Moti Daman. Goa 403 722 T: 2782369 Em: [email protected] Our Lady of Remedios (1673) Moti Daman. Daman 396 220. Karuna shm PP: Fr Lyndon Rodrigues sfx Mb: 9890651158 / 9825754789 Em: [email protected] Sacred Heart of Jesus (1932) Dapadda..com PP: Fr Vitorino Fernandes sfx Em: [email protected] Our Lady of the Sea (1774) Fort. Lino de Sá Superior of the Mission of Daman – Fr.com/vitorfers88@gmail. Nani Daman 396 220. Sindoni CP: Fr Lancelot Fernandes sfx PS: Fr Bismark Fernandes sfx T: 0260-2993259 T: 0260-2996161 PARISH OF DIU DIU C: 260 Our Lady of Immaculate Conception (1601) See of Diu. Nagar Haveli 496 230 T: (0260) 2993342 S: Sr Johanna fmck SILVASSA Christ the Redeemer (1950) Khanvel. T: (0260) 2677226. Khanvel. Shelti.com C:2.com AP: Fr Ronald D’Souza sfx PR: Fr George Kurisummoottil .N. P. PO Khanvel. Shelti T: 02260 . Nagar Haveli 396 230 T: (0260) 2677320 Em: premsevaniwas@sify. PO Silvassa. Dadra. sfx Mb: 9714223273 Em: [email protected] PP: Fr Constantino Rebello. Francis Xavier’s Church Dudhni. Silvassa.com AP: Fr Valerian D’Souza sfx PP: Fr Angelino Vaz sfx Mb: 9825276221 Em: [email protected] S: Sr Sybil Almeida psa PP: Fr Joseph Rodrigues sfx AP: Fr Anthony Cardozo sfx Mb: 9824198218 Women Religious St. T: 02875-253740 Fax: (02875) 253394 School T: 0285 . Nagar Haveli 396 230 T: 0260-29932262 S: Sr Julie Aruj psa Diocese .O.2993261 S: Fr Navis D'Souza sfx Mb: 9881010063 RS: Bro Victor Gonsalves sfx Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel.Diu Women Religious ‘‘Vatsalya’ (FMCK) St. Em: [email protected] . Chisda CP: Fr Salvador Rodrigues sfx Our Lady of Pilar Chapel. Khanvel.O. Diu 362 520. Nagar Haveli 496 230 T: (0260) 2993167 S: Sr Juliet D’Abreo fc Pilar Sisters (PSA) Church of Christ the Redeemer.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Pilar Sisters (PSA) Mission our Lady of the Rosary.500 Our Lady of Piety (1889) P. Dadra Nagar Haveli 396 230 T: 2643534 S: Sr Anna Maria sfn Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary.253740 Women Religious Nazareth Seva Sadan (SFN) Chisda.com gyanmataschool@hotmail. Diu 362 520 T: (02875) 253410 S: Sr Assence D’Cunha hc 104 105 . Praça. Nagar Haveli 396 230 S: Sr Alisha sfn ‘Prem Ankur’ (FC) Our Lady of Fatima Mission Velugaum.N. Anne’s Convent (HC) Via Junagadh.396 230 T: (0260) 2642382 KHANVEL C: 3. Nagar Haveli 396 230 D: Fr Derrick Rodrigues sfx PS: Fr Remedios Gonsalves sfx Women Religious Prem Seva Sadan (SFN) PO Silvassa.Incharge of Syro-Malabar Rite Catholics Men Religious Premal Deep SFX Zanda Chowk. D. 159/ Near Collectorate. Nagar Haveli 396 230. com Wb: rosarycollege. olorhss.com P: Fr Salvador Fernandes msfs Candolim St.com P: Sr.com P: Dr Elvis Gonsalves Silvassa Navelim Our Lady of Rosary Higher Secondary School S: 1200 T: 2714546 / 2710027 IC: Mrs. Paul Sagayam msfs Nuvem Panjim Cuncolim Maria Bambina Higher Secondary School (SCCG).in P: Sr Maria Christie ac DonBoscoHigherSecondary School(SDB) S: 301 T: 2221986 Em:[email protected] P: Mr.org P: Fr Simon Diniz Pilar Dona Paula Our Lady of the Rosary Higher Secondary School (FMM) S:280 T: 2453691.in Wb: carmelcollegegoa.com IC: Mr.com P: Fr Tamatur Cardoz sdb FrAgnelHigherSecondary School(SFX) S: 524 T: 2218589 P: Fr Carlos Fernandes sfx Pope John XXIIl Higher Secondary School (SDB) S: 186 T: 2662050 P: Fr Avil Rodrigues sdb SantaCruzHigherSecondarySchool S: 206 T: 2445182 Em: [email protected] Wb: www.co.in IC: Sr Assunta Augustine sccg Don Bosco Degree College (SDB) S: 300 T: 6644321 Em:donboscogoa@rediffmail. Misquitta Santa Cruz Majorda Fr. Mary's Higher Secondary School S: 126 T: 2862548 Em: [email protected] [email protected]'sHigherSecondarySchool S: 1288 T: 2250233 Em: mapsxhss@sify. Agnel Higher Secondary School (SFX) T: 2642888 H: Fr Diego Gama sfx St. Basilio Andrade Memorial Higher Secondary School S: 245 T: 2754332 Em: basiliostars@rediffmail. Varsha Naik Siolim 106 107 .com P: Fr Frederick Rodrigues sfx Quepem Nuvem Carmel College (AC) S: 659 T: 2790714 Em: [email protected] P: Sr. Melba Vaz e Leitão St. Francis Xavier's Higher Secondary School (MSFS) S: 453. Trevor Vaz Barreto Sanvordem Mapusa HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS Aldona St. Janet Almeida fmm Pilar Fr Agnel Degree College (SFX).co. Thomas Higher Secondary School (MSFS) S: 287 T: 2293812 Em: [email protected] P: Dr.in Wb: www. Em:rosaryhighersecondaryschool @yahoo.org P: Dr.co. T: 2272245 P: Fr A.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Educational Insts EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS COLLEGES Mapusa St Xavier's College S: 2026 T: 2262356 Em: xavierscollege@bsnl. Maria Aradhana ac Verna Padre Conceição College of Engineering (SFX) S: 1085 T: 2791266-68 Em: agnelgoa@sancharnet. Walter Cabral Guardian Angel Higher Secondary School(SFX) S: 387 T: 2650757 P: Fr Frank Mendes sfx Fr. Theresa's Higher Secondary School S: 235 T: 2489998 P: Mrs.com Wb: www.com P: Fr Walter D'Sá Chinchinim Mt. S: 457. T: 2218673 Em: fragnelcol@yahoo. Luis C. Rita Paes dhm CarmelHigherSecondarySchool(AC) S: 577 T: 2790625 Em: carmelhss@yahoo. S:145 T: 2865542 Em:mariabambinahss@yahoo. Herman Pereira Panjim Nirmala Institute of Education (DHM) S: 100 T: 2225633 Em: niegoa@gmail. Marie Raj IC: Fr Wilfred Fernandes sdb Navelim Rosary College of Commerce and Arts S: 1052 T: 2736864 / 2701564 Em: [email protected] IC: Mr.com [email protected] P: Dr.co. R. Apoli D'Souza sg Chicalim Regina Mundi High School (CFC) S: 1358 T: 2541492 H: Bro.C) S: 1131 T: 2759641 H: Mrs. M. Joseph's Convent High School (H. Clare's High School (PSOL) S: 648 T: 2215669 H: Sr. Johnson Gonsalves msfs Mãe de Deus High School. Teresa of Jesus High School S: 562 T: 2643327 H: Mr.MariaFatimaAntao StThomasGirls'HighSchool(AC) S: 405 T: 2293223 H: Sr. Joseph's High School (SG) S: 412 T: 2276477 H: Bro. Nelson D'Cruz 108 109 .A. Maria Misquitta Caranzalem Auxilium High School (FMA) S: 894 T: 2464566 H: Sr. Manuela Xavier Betalbatim St. Anish John cfc Anjuna Assonora St. Elizabeth Coelho fma Agasaim Aquem St. Pio Vales St.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Educational Insts Vasco da Gama St. Agnel Higher Secondary School (SFX) S: 426 T: 2791210 Em: famhss_verna@yahoo. Gracy D'Silva Carmona SacredHeartofJesusHighSchool S: 288 T: 2745383 H: Mr.Joseph'sEducational Institute S: 1186 T: 2784470 H: Mr. Thomaskutty M.co. Magaret D'Souza psol Canacona St. Celine Pinto fma Carambolim Sarvajanik High School (RJM) S: 437 T: 2285331 H: Sr Guilhermina Monteiro rjm HIGH SCHOOLS St. Irene Cardozo St. Joseph's High School S: 475 T: 2276689 H: Mr. Liberata Fernandes sfn Arambol Our Lady of Mount Carmel High School S: 196 T: 2242612 H: Ms. Orlando Madre Deus Candolim St. Philomena Pereira hc St. Corjuem S: 204 T: 2484229 Em: mddhs@yahoo. Jude's High School S: 322 T: 2880035 Em: stjudebet@rediffmail. Lawrence High School S: 211 T: 2218789 H: Mrs. Andrew's Higher Secondary School S: 451 T: 2513048 P: Mrs Maria Lourdes Valawalkar Verna Fr. Augusto Soares Agonda St Anne's Institute S: 358 T: 2647093 H: Mr.co. Eric Fernandes AuxiliumConventHighSchool(FMA) S: 465 T: 2772135 H: Sr. Michael's Convent High School (SFN) S: 652 T: 2274440 H: Sr. Sharon ac Sacred Heart of Jesus High School S: 230 T: 2274366 H: Mrs. Chinchinim Mount Mary's High School S: 513 T: 2863616 H: Mrs.ThomasBoys'School(MSFS) S: 366 T: 2293258 H: Fr. Bona D'Silva S: 895 T: 2277456 H: Sr. Claudio Fernandes Aldona Arpora St. Mary of the Angels Convent High School (SMA) S: 1080 T: 2863440 H: Sr. Jacinto Vaz Assolna Regina Martyrum High School S: 257 T: 2773393 H: Mrs.com H: Mrs. Imaculada Gonsalves Benaulim St. Theresa's High School S: 934 T: 2489150 H: Mr. Antonetta Pacheco St. Alzira Furtado scc Cansaulim St. Lydia Martins Bicholim Our Lady of Grace High School S: 1589 T: 2362040 H: Ms. Aloysius High School S: 326 T: 2772595 H: Mr. Coreen M. Thomas High School S: 572 T: 2754241 H: Mrs. Dias Cavelossim Holy Cross Institute S: 216 T: 2871606 H: Mr.in H: Mrs. António De Souza Calangute Little Flower of Jesus High School (HC) Chandor St. Jose Rebello Bastora Holy Cross Convent High School(SCC) S: 653 T: 2260701 H: Sr. Elsa sma Baina Our Lady of Candelária High School S: 408 T: 2515093 H: Mr.in P: Mr. Myrtle Caldeira Loyola High School (SJ) S: 1482 T: 2733401 H:Fr. Sarojini D'Souza Cortalim Our Lady of Perpetual Succour High School S: 811 T: 2550732 H: Mrs. Valadares Desterro Our Lady of Desterro High School H: Mrs. Sebastian High School (BS) S: 259 T: 2640155 H: Sr. Remedios Gonsalves sfx Maina Dabal Immaculate Conception High School S: 371 T: 2618272 H: Sr. Antonieta Noronha Khanvel Diu Nirmala Mata High School H: Mr. Jayendra N. Verona msa St Anthony's High School S: 301 T: 2632226 H: Mr. Florence Gitanjali fhic Dona Paula Our Lady of the Rosary High School (FMM) S: 980 T: 2452340 H: Sr. Apollo Cardozo sj St.WilliamRodriguessj FatimaConventHighSchool(AC) S: 1536 T: 2733010 H: Sr. Namika ac St Anthony's High School (CMSF). Tressilla bs SaviouroftheWorldHighSchool S: 654 T: 2777937 H: Mrs. Assunta Augustine sccg Divar Our Lady of Divar High School S: 389 T: 2280155 H: Mrs. Ermelinda Rodrigues fmm Loutulim Macasana Curtorim OurLadyofCarmelHighSchool S: 439 T: 2787758 H: Mr. Shirley Fernandes fhic Galgibaga Mapusa St. Britto's High School (SJ) S: 1252 T: 2262248 H: Fr. Duler T: 2250917 H: Bro. Petul Barreto Loliem Margão Holy Spirit Institute S: 833 T: 2714792 H: Mrs. Francis Xavier High School (SFX) (Marathi) H: Fr. Mary's Convent High School (AC) S: 1414 T: 2262241 H: Sr. Gracy Rodrigues hc GyanMataHighSchool(Marathi) GyanMataHighSchool(English) T: (0260) 2677326 H: Fr Edmund Mascarenhas sfx St. Shilpa Samant Majorda St Anthony's High School S: 1306 T: 2888193 H: Mr. Dalia Nath Immaculate Heart of Mary High School (HC) S: 436 T: 2219806 H: Sr. Regina Greta ac Presentation Convent High School (FHIC) S: 1526 T: 2732313 H: Sr. Druv Cuncolim Our Lady of Health High School S: 782 T: 2763858 H: Mrs. Bartholomew's High School S: 282 T: 2239421 H: Mrs. Maria do Carmo Rego Colem Our Lady of Piety High School (SFX) S: 461 T: 2600223 H: Fr Pio Furtado sfx Goa-Velha Dapadda Isu Ruday High School (SFX) (Gujarati) T: (0260) 2699043 H: Fr. Francis Xavier High School (MSA) T: 2262550 H: Sr. Gromiko Fernandes Mercês OurLadyof MercêsHighSchool S: 857 T: 2449297 H: Mrs. Anthony Martin Vaz St Rita's High School S: 785 T: 2786294 H: Mrs. Johnson Fernandes sfx Colva Infant Jesus High School S:1018 T: 2780911 H: Mrs.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Educational Insts Chorão St. Socorro Rodrigues 110 111 . Serena Dias Maria Bambina Convent High School (SCCG) S: 1121 T: 2865541 P: Sr. Eric Fernandes St Andrew's High School S: 295 T: 2219560 H: Mrs. Flory Rodrigues fmck Fatorda OurLadyof theRosaryHighSchool S: 1109 T: 2741275 H: Mr. Cletus cmsf St. Jesuina F. Lumena Miranda St Francis Xavier's High School S: 157 T: 2787802 H: Mr. Quintiliano Faleiro Dudhni St. Marcelia Gomes Daman (Moti) Our Lady of Fatima Convent High School (FHIC) T: 2230782 H: Sr. Vilma Henriques Pilar Sarzora Pomburpa Sancoale Bl. Jean Lobo Santa Cruz High School S: 1020 T: 2449378 H: Mr. Agnel High School T: (0260) 2642888 H: Fr.JosephVazHighSchool(SFN) S: 592 T: 2550226 H: Sr Santana Goes sfn Silvassa 112 113 . Elizabeth Mascarenhas St. Mario Quadros St. Joseph's Convent High School (SFN) S: 464 T: 2783071 H: Sr. Theresa's High School (SFN) S: 457 T: 2287006 H: Sr. Mary's Convent High School (FHIC) S: 1184 T: 2312913 H: Sr. Gonsalves Moira Old Goa St. Francis Xavier Academy S: 156 T:2285743 H: Sr. Alvita Gurjao sfn Revora Revora Primary School(Ofm cap) S: 272 T: 2211194 H: Fr Andrew Feranandes ofm cap Santo Estêvão Paroda Rivona Our Lady of Fatima High School (SFX) S: 272 T: 2602204 H: Fr Jerry Vaz sfx Sanvordem Nerul Our Lady of Remedies High School (MSA) S: 373 T: 2401935 H: Sr. Anthony's High School S: 543 T: 2309479 H: Sr. Joseph High School T:2201022 H: Mr. Clarina Gonsalves sfn Our Lady of Succour High School Panchvaddi Raia Our Lady of Snows High School S: 885 T: 2858388 H: Mrs. Sybil Alphonso msa Pernem São Jose de Areal Saligão Seminary of Our Lady S: 68 T: 2407373 H: Fr Tony Salema Lourdes Convent High School (FMCK) S: 1149 T: 2409751 H: Sr Antonette Pereira fmck Nuvem Holy Rosary High School (AC) S: 682 T: 2790499 H: Sr. Diego Gama sfx Sanquelim Panjim Santa Cruz S: 378 T: 2783325 H: Mrs. Ruby A. Monica Coelho sfn St. Divya ac Mae dos Pobres High School S: 762 T: 2791178 H: Mrs. Annie Paul fhic Ponda Sulcorna Don Bosco High School (SDB) T: 2602630 H: Fr Edwin Baracho sdb Quepem PopeJohnXXIII HighSchool(SDB) S: 1183 T: 2662328 H: Fr Avil Rodrigues sdb Sanguem Our Lady of Miracles High School (SFX) S: 299 T: 2604209 H: Fr Michael Rebello sfx Nagoa (Salcete) St. Xavier's High School S: 546 T: 2470179 H: Mrs. Pius X Convent High School (PBVM) T: 2745145 H: Sr. Elizabeth's High School S: 223 T: 2295218 H: Mrs.JohnoftheCrossHighSchool S: 970 T: 2364636 H: Mrs.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Educational Insts St. Carmen da Cruz MonteDeGuirim St.DominicSavioFernandessdb Mary Immaculate Girls' High School (FHIC) S: 1632 T: 2421932 H: Sr. Ritty Joseph pbvm St. Plotino Fernandes St. Salvacao Pereira sfn GuardianAngelHighSchool(SFX) S: 1950 T: 2650585 H: Fr Walter Miranda sfx BethanyConventHighSchool(BS) S: 930 T: 2860313 H: Sr Ida Lobo bs Assumpta Convent High School (SMA) S: 604 T: 2864252 H: Sr Perpetual sma Fr. Theresa's Convent High School (HC) S: 178 T: 2858464 H: Sr Amelia D'Souza hc St.Anthony'sHighSchoolofmcap S: 1138 T: 2497202 H: Paul Alvares ofmcap Orlim St. Agnes Daisy Fermin fhic Immaculate Conception High School S: 553 T: 2663786 H: Mr. Clotilda Fernandes sccg Don Bosco High School (SDB) S: 1884 T: 2221986 H:Fr. Agnes Dias Navelim Rosary High School T: 2737940 H: Mrs. Lourenço Carvalho Fr Agnel High School (SFX) S: 492 T: 2218541 H: Fr Andrew Silveira sfx St. Eugenia D’ Silva Perpetual Succour Convent High School (SFN) S: 1716 T: 2711009 H: Sr. S: 507 T: 2773292 H: Mrs. msfs Siolim Vagator St.Theresa'sHigh School(PBVM) S:1571 T: 2512076 H: Sr. John Mendonsa Vasco da Gama St. Joyce T. Santow J. H: Fr. Rock's High School. Pires 114 115 . Michael's Convent High School H: Sr Liberata Fernandes sfn MIDDLE SCHOOLS Corgão St. sa Velim St Xavier's High School S: 478 T: 2773597 H: Mrs. Xavier Vidyalaya S: 192 T: 2241195 H: Mr. Angeline Fernandes fmck Rachol Our Lady of Gloria Primary School. Rajini Antão Pilar Fr. Mariano Almeida PRIMARY SCHOOLS Aldona Auxilium Primary School( FMA) Carona. Flavia Verdes Verna Marina English High School S: 709 T: 2783959 H: Mr. Soraya D'Souza Tollecanto St. Joaquim da Costa Tuem Don Bosco High School. Philomena J.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Educational Insts Holy Cross Convent High School (SCC) S: 634 T: 2272244 H: Sr Julie scc St Francis Xavier's High School (MSFS) S: 1120 T: 2272245 H: Fr. Bernardo Fernandes Mandrem Our Lady of the Rosary School S: 85 T: 2247257 H: Mrs. Mary's High School S: 601 T: 2745009 H: Mrs. Elizabeth's Primary School (FMCK) S: 175 T: 2295123 H: Sr. Anne's High School (SA) S: 754 T: 2298960 H: Sr. Jacinta Fernandes Valpoi Our Lady of Lourdes High School S: 760 T: 2374534 H: Fr Jerard Sahayaraj msfs Siroda St. Meena Murzello scsc Aquem St. Anthony da Silva sfx Pomburpa St. Celina Menezes Mandrem Rosary Convent Primary School (SRA) S:132 T:2247372 H: Sr Vijaya Baptista sra Mandur Our Lady of Amparo Primary School S: 52 T: 2208179 H: Fr Aleixo Fernandes Panchvaddi Our Lady of Fatima Primary School. Manuel Vaz sdb Utorda Our Lady of Lourdes High School S: 377 T: 2755603 H: Ms. Agnel Central School S: 222 T: 2217270 M: Fr. Tresa Tauro pbvm Tivim St. Ilha de Rachol T: 2777707 H: Fr Erodiano Fernandes Raia Our Lady of Livramento Primary School. K. T: 2293425 H: Sr Antonette D'Souza fma Ambaulim Holy Cross Primary School H: Sr. Mopa S: 51 T: 2309594 H: Sr Clotilda M Fernandes sccj Varca St. Sebastian School (ICSE) S:194 T: 2713092 H: Ms. Joseph's High School S: 533 T: 2306512 H: Mr. Maria D’Costa St. Andrew's Institute S: 1684 T: 2510201 H: Mrs. Arlem T: 2702057 H: Fr Andrew Mascarenhas Revora Our Lady of Victory Primary School S: 80 T: 2211194 M: Fr Andrew Fernandes ofm cap Tilamola Our Lady of the Mother of the Poor High School S: 645 T: 2662539 H: Mr. Lotliker Fr Agnel Multipurpose School. Verna T: 2651982 Em: gaihmct@yahoo. Verna T: 2791206 fax: 27911205 Em: agnelpol@sancharnet. Anne's Blooming Buds(SA) S: 309 T: 2290437 H: Sr Jacintha D’Souza sa TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS PILAR FATHERS (SFX) Pilar Industrial Training Institute. of Perpetual Succour Conv. GABRIEL (SG) Montfort Vocational Training Centre. T: 2777085 Don Bosco Technical Institute Fatorda T: 2740620 Em: [email protected] P: Fr Aurelio Rodrigues sfx Fr Agnel Polytechnic. M.in P: Mr.in P: Mrs.com P: Fr Pio Furtado sfx Guardian Angel Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology.in D: Fr Kinley D’Cruz sdb P: Bro James Marcus sdb MONTFORT BROTHERS OF ST. Agnelo Konkani Primary School S: 101 T: 2650642 H: Mrs Carmelina Dourado O.com P: Brother Joseph Palakat sg CLUNY SISTERS (SJC) Cluny Technical Institute Vasco da Gama T: 2513790 P: Theresa Mukathopam sjc 116 117 . Corlim T: 2285524 / 2285544 Em: brojosephp@rediffmail. Rodrigues Agnel Institute of Food Craft and Culinary Sciences. Ambolim H: Fr Constantino Rebello sfx Educational Insts Sanguem Our Lady of Piety Primary School (SFX).com P: J. A.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Socorro Our Lady of Succour Primary School S: 98 T: 2413523 H: Fr Pascoal Colaço Tormas St.L.O. Joseph's School M: Fr Felix Lobo Valpoi Our Lady of Fatima Primary School (HC) S: 166 T: 2374615 H: Sr. M. Afonso Pereira Agnel Entrepreneurship Development Institute. P. Uguem T: 2604074 H: Fr Agapito Cunha sfx Sanquelim St. Anne's Girls Primary School (SA) S: 442 T: 2364657 H: Sr Elsie D'Souza sa Sanvordem Fr. Pilar T: 2218564 Em: pilariti@yahoo. Verna T: 2791209 Em: fragnel. Noronha SALESIANS OF DON BOSCO (SDB) Don Bosco Crafts Institute. Anne'sPrimarySchool(SCHSA) S: 110 T: 2205282 H: Sr Genevieve schsa Usgão St.in P: S.school@yahoo. Anette Dias hc Vasco da Gama St. Andrew's School (ICSE) S: 179 T: 6480725 H: Ms Ivonne da Costa Velluganv Fatima Mata Primary School P.co. Verna T: 2791211 Em: [email protected]. Primary School (CCR) Kakoda S: 705 T: 2652322 H: Sr Philomena Viegas ccr Shelti Nirmal Mata Primary School H: Fr Victor D'Souza sfx Sindoni Gulab Maria Primary School H: Fr Patrick D'Souza sfx Siridão Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School S: 145 T: 2219622 H: Fr Lino de Sá Sirsaim St. Loutulim. Verna T: 2791420 Em: aedi_verna@sify. Panjim. Povoação T:2789065 Executive Secretary: Fr Jacob Thekkanath PANJIM PrabodhanKendraforCounselling (DHM) T: 2221833 NirmalaEdn. Anthony's Boys Boarding House (OFMCAP). Goa. ? St.Sancoale T:2550103 St.Sto. John of the Cross Boarding for Girls(SFN).Curtorim.SocietyCHILDLINE (DHM) T: 2231 PILAR XaverianPustokxall(SFX) T: 2218562 Pilar Music School (SFX) T: 2219065 SANQUELIM SocialCentre Commercial Training Institute (SA) T: 2364657 SANVORDEM Xaverian Educational Society (SFX) T: 2651981 TIVIM St.Bardez.2284838 (Managed by Caritas Goa) (This school is accredited by the National Open School New Delhi. Sarfona. Bridget's Institute (DHM) T: 2293160 BAINA Asha Sadan (SFN) T: 2515224 BENAULIM FABC Office for Peace and Harmony Shanti Sadan.Rita's Boarding House(UMI) Maina.Michael's Boarding for Girls (SFN) Vagator.Curtorim T:2786157 OTHER INSTITUTIONS ALDONA St. Anne's Boarding for Girls (SFN) Cansaulim T:2754490 St. 403 402.Anjuna T:2272688 St. Francis Xavier Boarding House(UMI). Rita's Boys Boarding House Maina. Anne Training Centre (SA) T: 2298586 GOA CATHOLIC CHARITABLE TRUST SANTA INEZ Caritas Holiday Home T:2220496Fax:2220921 Em:[email protected] of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Social Welfare SPECIAL SCHOOLS Lourdes Convent Resource Room (fmck) (for children with autism) Saligão.in Holy Family Boarding House (SFN) Sancoale T:2551354 Holy Rosary Boarding House (AC) Nuvem T:2790499 Lar Santa Maria Goretti (HC) Panjim T:2432824 Maria Bambina Boarding House (SCCG) Cuncolim T:2763272 Nirmala Niwas(DHM) Altinho. Monte de Guirim T: 2497196 Carmel Hostel(AC) Nuvem T:2790713 Casa de Raquel (RMI) Navelim T:2757237 Holy Cross Hostel(SCC) Corlim. It coaches students for the Secondary and Higher Secondary School Certificate examination and also imparts vocational training.Estêvão T:2287251 St. ? SOCIAL WELFARE ACTIVITIES HOSTELS FOR BOYS St. T:2513790/2514337 St. T:2436186 St. Francis Xavier Boarding for Girls(SFN). T: 2786398 HOSTELS FOR GIRLS St. Mapusa T:2263271 Em:hchostel@sancharnet. 403511 T: 2409751.org 118 119 .Loutulim T: 0832/2777048 St. Joseph Boarding for Girls (SFN) Nagoa-Verna T:2783354 St. T: 2285743. Catherine's Hostel(SJC) Vascoda Gama. Xavier's Academy Old Goa. Mount Mary Girls Hostel Dudhni T: 09824403064 120 121 . Joseph's Boys Home (SG) Calangute. T:2293195 Bom Jesus Home (SRA) Nachinola T:2293319 Clergy Home Margao T: 2706259/2715146 Clergy Home Porvorim. Anthony's Home (SJC) Verna T:2782356 St.Francis Xavier Girls Home(SFX) Dudhni St. T:2770210 Asylum of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (HC) Aldona.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Social Welfare HOMES FOR BOYS Don Bosco Boys Home (SDB) Tuem. Goa 403 401 T: 2312835 St. Joseph's Orphanage (HC) Aquem. T:2489918 Asilo “Dr Rafael Pereira”(HC) Benaulim. T:2239239 Holy Spirit Home (HC) Moira T: 2470216 Home for the Aged (St. Agnel Orphanage (SFX) Pilar T: 2218595 Gulab Maria Boys Home (SFX) Sindoni Gyan Mata Boys Home (SFX) Khanvel T: 2677226 Jyoti Niwas for Boys (SFX) Dapadda. Pernem T: 2240247/ 2240249 Fatima Mata Boys Home (SFX) Velugaum Fr.BardezGoa T: 2272157 Jyoti Niwas for Girls (SHM) Dapadda. T: 2417318 Divine Providence Home (FHIC) Benaulim. Anthony's Orphanage(SFN) Agasaim T: 2218125 St. T: 2993261 St Anthony's Institute (CMSF) Duler. Goa. T: 2759641 Lar de Santa Teresinha Pajifond. T: 2272417 Fatima Mata Girls Home (SFX) Velugaum. T: 2735241 HOMES FOR THE AGED Ark of Hope (St. Margao. T: (0260) 2993259 Nirmala Mata Girls Home (SFX) Shelti. Goa T: 2791798 Nirmala Mata Boys Home (SFX) Shelti. Vincent de Paul Society) Vasco da Gama HOMES FOR GIRLS Balwatika for Girls (SHM) Dadra T: (0260) 2668273 Children's Happy Home (SCC) Marna. Alex Orphanage (HC) Calangute T: 2279040 St. Khanvel.Siolim. Gyan Mata Home for Girls (SFX) Khanvel T: 2677320 Ish Kripa Sadan – Temporary Shelter for the Women & Girls in Distress (CSSJ) Pereiravaddo. T: 2993262 Sneha Sadan (FHIC) Orphanage Ponda. Francis Xavier Home for Boys (SFX) Dudhni. T:2699058 Kumari Mata Boys Home (SFX) Chisda. Siolim. Francis Xavier Sadan (SFX) Sanguem T: 2604054 St. Vincent de Paul Society) Candolim. Mapusa. Margao. T: 2788945 Holy Family Home for the Aged(FS) Chorao. T: 2993259 Konseisanv Balgram (SFX) Verna. T: 2262523 St. T:09824403064 St. T: 2276138 Mornese Vihar (FMA) Sulcorna T: 2602637/38 Nazareth Seva Sadan (SFN) Chisda. VernaT: 2278332 St. Mary's Guest House (SJC) Nagoa. Santa Ines. (Under Caritas-Goa) T:2220921 Nava Jyothi Rehabilitation Centre (AASC). T:2272334 St. T:2298507 Social Welfare Isha Prema Niketan (IVS) Assagao T:2268913 Isha Prema Niketan (IVS) Goa-Velha T: 2218507 Krist Raj Bhavan (FMCK) Saligao T:2278345 Lar Santa Margarida (PSOL) Divar. T:2260996 REHABILITATION HOMES Christ the King Artificial Limb Centre. Joseph's Asylum (HC) Cobravaddo.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY St John of God's Home (FHIC) Old-Goa. T: 2280465/2280050 Mãe de Deus Home (FMCK) Saligao. Tivim T: 2298209 "Obra de Protecção a Mulher" (OPM) Nachinola (Under Caritas-Goa & AASC) T: 2293433 Rehabilitation Centre (AASC) Nuvem T:2790479 St. Joseph's Home (CSSJ) Siolim T:2270731 St. Joseph's Eventide Home (PSOL) Ucassaim T:2261528 St. Mary's Home (SU) Siolim. Guirim. Thomas Villa (CCR) Bodiem.Calangute. Joseph's Home (MC) Quepem T:2662353 122 123 . T: 2281013 St. T:2285742 St. T:2278361 Mother Mary Haven (HC) Calangute T:2276278 Nazareth Home (SFN) Navelim T:2711004 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Home for the Aged(FS) Sonarbhat. Francis Xavier Training cum Production Centre for the Handicapped Old Goa (Under Caritas-Goa) T:2285743/2284838 HOMES FOR THE DESTITUTE “Assistencia aos Indigentes e Infancia Desvalida” (MC) Panjim T:2225321 “Jyoti Bhavan” (MC) Cotto de Fatorpa T:2670050 “Moga Dhan” (MC) Carambolim T:2285372 OPM Creche (AASC) Nachinola T: 2293433 St. Goa 403 402 T: 2285347 D: Fr Joseph Rowland Salema Pedro Arrupe Spirituality Centre Pedro Arrupe Institute.I. Khanvel. T: 2412130 /2410521 Our Lady of Grace Maternity Clinic (FMM) Bicholim.O. AIDS (Under Caritas-Goa & SCSC) Tivim T:2257823 Holy Cross Hospital “Remanso” (SCC).Goa 403203. Bernardino de Almeida sdb Em: dbacben@gmail. Goa 403 720. Vincent de Paul) Immaculate Conception Church. Goa. Pius X. Xavier's Street.Goa 403716 T: 2771587 S: Fr.V.in Don Bosco Odxel.J. Goa 403 001 T: 2220072 D: Fr Olavo Caiado Light House Youth Formation Movement (Retreat House) Basilica of Bom Jesus.O.M.Goa403711 T: 2540527 Em: [email protected] Fatima Retreat House Xelim.O. T:2262466 J. P. Dispensary/Social Centre (SA). D'Souza sj DISPENSARIES Ankur Dispensary (FC).I. Damon. Joseph's Dispensary (Under Society of St. Goa 403 203 T: 2218694 S: Fr Stephen Dias sfx Xavier Retreat House Baga. Old Goa. Benaulim 403 716. T: 2210142 St. Old Goa. Mobile Clinic (SHM) Rivona. Faustino's Dispensary (SFN) Sancoale T: 2551355 Gerosa Convent Dispensary (SCCG). T: 2276048 S: Fr Levis Gomes sj Em:bagaretreathouse@gmail. T:2782369 "Asro" Care Home for Children with H. Peter's Home SVD Mission Seminary. 403 720. T:2362042 Shanti Avedna Ashram (HC) Loutulim T:2777024. Hospital (JMJ) Alto Porvorim. T: 2776917 S: Fr Edwin L. Panjim T: 2426939 Maria Seva Sadan Dispensary (SHM).com 124 125 .in S: Fr Anthony Correia Pastoral Institute St. T: 2284688.” H. S: Fr Kelwin Monteiro sj Em: rholdgoa@sancharnet. .Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Retreat Houses HEALTH SERVICES HOSPITALS RETREAT HOUSES Don Bosco Animation Centre Pulvaddo.V. Nagar Haveli. St. Dappada. T: 2776137 D: Fr Callisto Gomes svd Lar de Estudantes Altinho. Sanquelim. Raia. Goa 403 516.GoaUniversity P. Pirna.Benaulim. Carambolim T:2285372 Vivian Niwas Dispensary (SRA) Siolim T:2272329 “Asro.in My Father's Mansion Near Maria Hall. Community Care Centre/Hospital (Under Caritas-Goa & FMCK) Cavelossim T:2871745 Bosio Hospital (SCCG) Candolim T:2489034 Christ the King Physiotherapy Centre (Under Caritas-Goa) Santa Ines T:2220921 Dr RoqueFerreira'sHospital(SJC) Verna. Nirmala Mobile Dispensary (MC). T:2364657 Fr. Loliem P. Mapusa. Panjim. Goa 403 402. The Retreat Centre Pilar.Chicalim. Goa T: 2771876 Pallotti House PallottiHome. Velugaum. Raia. Goa 403 728 S: Fr Boniface D'Souza Fr. Calangute. T: 2451449 S: Fr Ian Figueiredo sdb Em: dbodxel@sancharnet. 11.(English Monthly). T:6483809 Em: [email protected] on the daily Mass Readings and more (English Monthly).by the Society of Jesus. Margao.Pastoral Bulletin of the Archdiocese . Fontainhas.by the Diocesan Centre for Lay Apostolate. Benaulim Goa.Goa 403001 T: 2231158 Pauline Media Centre Prema Building. Savera (Quarterly).by the Diocesan Catechetical Centre T: 2284172 / 2285051 Yuvayana (English & Konkani Quarterly).by Holy Family Communications Media Centre. Rua de Ourem. Verna.by the Diocesan Commission for Liturgy T: 2285303 Daily Flash . Pilar. Mapusa. Rani Pramila Arcade.by the Society of Pilar T: 2218549. Goa 403 507 Mb: 9657282436 / 9657281675 Publications Renovação/Renewal . T: 2284172 / 2285051 Rays . Sancoale.com Holy Family Communications Media Centre (HOFCOM) Sancoale.by the Diocesan Commission for Sacred Music T: 2784470 Dor Mhoineachi Rotti . Goa 403 507 T: 2253329 Pauline Book and Media Centre. Goa 403 710 T: 2551355 Jivitacho Sondex (Basilica Souvenir Stall) Old Goa.by the Society of Pilar Em: [email protected] of the Apostleship of Prayer .(English & Konkani Fortnightly) T: 2422653 Amcho Sevadhorm .by the Diocesan Catechetical Centre.by the Diocesan Centre for Lay Apostolate T: 2220072 Jivitacho Prokas . Goa 403 710 T: 2551355 PRESS AND PUBLICATIONS Presses New Age Printers (Diocesan Press). Mapusa.(Konkani Monthly) .Reflections on the daily Mass Readings and more (Konkani Monthly). Vasco da Gama Liturgical Centre (Sister Disciples of the Divine Master) Shop No. T: 2703119 Pauline Book & Media Centre Beside Marjorie Chemist. Goa.Homiletic and Liturgical Review (Konkani Quarterly). Panjim. T: 2220072 Nityasangam (Bi-monthly) . T: 2415857 126 127 . Bhoktivont Juze Vaz Goychem Noketr/Blessed Joseph Vaz Star of Goa-Quarterly Bulletin of the Committee of the Cause of the Canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz T: 2550263/9823860218 Devacheam Bhurgeanchim Gitam . Goa T: 2218564 Media Centres BosKon Communications 553 Pulvaddo. Braganza Apts. Agnel's Call . Rajwaddo.com T: 2219091 Fr. Goa 403 001 T: 2432608 Treasure House Commerce Centre. Goa 403 402 T: 2285319 Lighthouse Clergy Home Shopping Complex.by the Diocesan Youth Centre.Periodical Sheet Music Publication of Konkani Liturgical Hymns. Angod. 18th June Road.Catechetical Review (Konkani Quarterly). Panjim.Catechetical Review (English Quarterly).Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Press & Media Vauraddeancho Ixtt (Konkani Weekly).by the Council for Social Justice and Peace T: 2422821 Porzoll . Goa T: 2782413 / 2782416 / 2782431 Amruthsthan (Pilar Fathers). G. Road. Altinho Panjim. Panjim. Pobre Dias H No 505.in WorldwideMarriageEncounter Mr.The Parish. 9422641170 Catholic Nurses Guild Mr Wilson N Fernandes Lecturer. Nagalli.com Legion of Mary Mr. 9326128259 Teachers' Teams Ms Justina Rodrigues Portais.330. Luke's Medical Guild Dr. These services are spread over the diocese and operate being at the service of the local church . Panjim.G. Goa 403 521 T: 2424628. Saligão. Goa 403 515 Catholic Charismatic Renewal Adv. Ian da Costa H No A/122. Taleigão. Sunshine Building Near Geeta Bakery Panjim Goa 403 001 T: 2424177. Olavo Caiado Lar de Estudantes. H No. Goa 403 601 T: 2739950/6650640 Em: cfcgoa@sancharnet. GMC Complex PO Goa 402 202 Couples for Christ Mr.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Christian Family Movement Mr Remedios & Mrs Ninfa D'Silva H No. Vincent de Paul Mrs Nirmala Costa Frias Villa Costa Frias.RebelloRoad Margão. Near Sateri Temple. 128 129 . Goa 403 511 T: 2409195 Mb: 9422059288 Archdiocese Fact-File The contribution to Education and Social Services offered by the Church is noteworthy. Flat 201 Opp. Vally & Anna Coelho Zoswaddo. M. Dominic Savio Kenny Holy Spirit Church Margão. 9822981418 Em: galaxy999@satyam. Candolim.No. Opp Holy Cross Shrine Bambolim. Admon Villa Murida. Roque Wiseman Pinto 3. Goa 403 0061 T: 2422740 Em: olavo16@rediffmail. 669 Pinto Vaddo. Goa 403 001 T: 2463106 Society of St. Goa 403 001 T: 2773600. Educational Institutions Distribution of the various types of Educational services in the Archdiocese. Santana Faleiro Archbishop's House Panjim. Institute of Nursing Education. Goa 403 001 T: 2422651 ASSOCIATIONS AND MOVEMENTS St.Mons.in Young Christian Students Fr. Social Welfare Services The various Social Welfare Services offered in the Archdiocese. Goa 403 601 T: 9822121096 Catholic Association of Goa Brig.net. Socorro Porvorim. C-160. Reis Magos Goa 403 114 Mb: 9764315138 The World Apostolate of Fatima Mr Francis Barreto c/o Strike Rich Investments Ataide Mansion B. Eric Correia H. Goa 403 003 Associations Secretariat of Confraternities Can. Goa Mariott Resort Miramar. Emanuela Carponi House of Lords. Block B. Fatorda Goa 403 602 Focolare Movement Ms. Bairro Alto. Mathew Batim – Our Lady of Guadalupe Curca – Our Lady of the Rosary Goa Velha – St.. Anne Sanquelim – St... Sebastian Moira – Immaculate Conception Nachinola – Bom Jesus Olaulim – St...Francis Xavier Porvorim (Alto) – Holy Family Revora – Our Lady of Victory Socorro – Our Lady of Succour Ucassaim – St... Andrew Mandur – Our Lady of Amparo 130 131 ........ Clare Bicholim – Our Lady of Grace Bodiem – St........ Francis Xavier Mandrem – Our Lady of the Rosary Morjim – Our Lady of Miracles Pernem – St..56 Anjuna – St. Anne Penha de França – Our Lady of Penha de França Gurim – St... Deaneries and Parishes NORTH ZONE ALDONA DEANERY.36 Aldona – St........ Alex Candolim – Our Lady of Hope Nagoa – Holy Trinity Nerul – Our Lady of Remedios Pilerne – St. Cajetan Colvale – St.47 Bastora – St.. Francis Xavier Vaidongor – Our Lady of the Rosary SIOLIM DEANERY.. Thomas Calvim – St.... John the Baptist Reis Magos – Holy Magi Saligão – Our Lady Mother of God Sinquerim (Linhares) – St...53 Arambol – Our Lady of Mount Carmel Maina (Corgao) – St..42 Calangute – St..... Lawrence MAPUSA DEANERY ..59 Agassaim – St.... Cajetan Badem – Our Lady of Miracles Camurlim – St...... Rita of Cassia Oxel – Our Lady of the Sea Siolim – St... Lawrence Azossim – St.. Jerome Parra – St........ John of the Cross Sirsaim – Our Lady of Miracles Tivim – St.Deaneries A................. Anthony Tropa – Our Lady of the Consolation of the Persecuted Search Lists According to Categories Pomburpa – Mother of God Salvador do Mundo – Saviour of the World BICHOLIM DEANERY .. Francis Xavier Tiracol – St. Michael Assagão – St................. Joseph Querim – St.39 Assonora – St. Elizabeth PERNEM DEANERY. Diogo Mapusa – St.. Anne Pirna – St.. Anthony CENTRAL ZONE GOA VELHA ..Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY List ... Sebastian Tuem – St.. Christopher Valpoi – Our Lady of Lourdes CALANGUTE DEANERY .......... Francis of Assisi Cunchelim – Our Lady of the Flight Vagator – St.... Anthony Tormas – St.. 83 Ambaulim – Our Lady of Lourdes Cabo de Rama – St.........S Jacinto Vasco-da-Gama – St..80 Assolna – Our Lady. Jacinto ........... Agnes Taleigão – St.. Francis Xavier Mardol – Our Lady of Piety Panchvaddi – St.... Michael Seraulim – Our Lady of Pilar Varca – Our Lady of Glory CANACONA DEANERY . Joseph Chinchinim – Our Lady of Hope Cuncolim – Our Lady of Health Dramapur – St.... Rock Velim – St.Andrew Velsao – Our Lady of Assumption MISSION OF DAMAN .86 Colem – Our Lady of Piety Dabal – Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Rivona – Our Lady of the Rosary Sanguem – Our Lady of Miracles Sanvordem – Guardian Angel Vaddem – Sacred Heart of Jesus Piedade – Our Lady of Piety São Bras – St....... Mary and Joseph Quelossim – Our Lady of the Sick Sancoale – Our Lady of Health Utorda – Our Lady of Lourdes Verna – Holy Cross SANGUEM DEANERY .......... Mathias São Pedro – St... Francis Xavier Canacona – St.....105 Diu – Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception 132 133 ......102 Daman Praca – Holy Name of Jesus Big Daman – Our Lady of Remedios Small Daman – Our Lady of the Sea Dapadda – Sacred Heart of Jesus Dudhni – St.. Francis Xavier Maina (Curtorim) – St... Francis Xavier Veroda – St... Theresa of Jesus Chiplem – Our Lady Help of Christians Galgibaga – St.Deaneries Paroda – Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Quepem – Holy Cross Tilamola – Our Lady. Anthony Loliem – St.... Mother of the Poor Neura – St....... Sebastian Chandor – Our Lady of Bethlehem Cotto de Fatorpa – Our Lady of Fatima MARGÃO DEANERY .......... Cosmas and Damian Cansaulim – St... Anthony QUEPEM DEANERY .........98 Consua – Our Lady of Livra Febres Cortalim – Ss. Anthony Cananguinim – St..... Thomas Chicalim – St Francis Xavier Desterro – Our Lady of Desterro Mormugão . John the Baptist Corlim – St.... Rita of Cassia Margão – Holy Spirit Margão – Our Lady of Grace Navelim ...... Sebastian Sadolxem – Our Lady of the Rosary CHINCHINIM DEANERY ... Anne OLD GOA DEANERY .. Anne Siroda – St.74 Benaulim – St..........96 Baina – Our Lady of Candelária Bogmalo – Ss......89 Aquem – St Sebastian Camurlim – Our Lady of Candelária Curtorim – St Alex Dicarpale – Our Lady of Fatima Fatorda – Our Lady of the Rosary Loutolim – Saviour of the World Macasana – St......... Michael PONDA DEANERY ........ Queen of Martyrs Betul – Our Lady of Immaculate Conception List ..........72 Borim – St.......St. John The Evangelist Siridão – Our Lady of the Rosary Talaulim (Santana) – St............ Anne Angediva – Our Lady of Brotas Batpale – St.....Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY SOUTH ZONE BENAULIM DEANERY. John the Baptist Benaulim – Holy Trinity Betalbatim – Our Lady of Remedios Carmona – Our Lady of Succour Cavelossim – Holy Cross Colva – Our Lady of Mercês Orlim – St. Joseph Usgão – St............ Francis Xavier Khanvel – Christ the Redeemer Silvassa – Our Lady of Piety PARISH OF DIU...... Anthony Ponda – St...63 Carambolim – St.... John Facundo Marcela – Holy Family Naroa – Holy Spirit Old Goa(Cathedral) – St. Joseph Sarzora – Our Lady of Assumption Tollecanto – St.... Blaise Santo Estevão – St.... Francis Xavier S.Our Lady of the Rosary Rachol – Our Lady of Snows Raia – Our Lady of Snows S Jose de Areal – St Joseph MORMUGÃO DEANERY.. Catherine of Alexandria VERNA DEANERY . Bartholomew Mercês – Our Lady of Merces Panjim – Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Ribandar – Our Lady of Help Santa Cruz – Holy Cross Santa Ines – St.67 Bambolim – Our Lady of Bethlehem Chorão – Our Lady of Grace Chorão – St..78 Agonda – St. Peter Vanxim – Christ PANJIM DEANERY .... Philip and James Majorda – Mother of God Nagoa – Our Lady of Good Success and Perpetual Succour Nuvem – Jesus. Stephen São Matias – St..... .......................................103 St...96 St............. Panzorcone AGONDA .......79 St................................... Cobravaddo COLEM...................................................... Kurpavaddo GALGIBAGA................................................... Francis Xavier (1625) DABAL..46 Our Lady of Flight (19770 BATPALE ................................. Anthony (1824) CANANGUINIM ......................... Quitula CARMONA ......... Sirlim DAMAN (Praça)..................................57 Our Lady of Miracles (1946) CONSUA ................ Parishes and Chapels AGASSAIM........80 Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (1616) Our Lady of Lourdes Chp............ Rita of Cassia Chp......................... Murida Our Lady of Piety Chp..84 St.............60 St.......42 St......................97 Our Lady of Desterro (1997) ASSOLNA..... Deussua Our Lady of Mercês Chp....103 Sacred Heart of Jesus (1932) ASSAGÃO ......57 Santa Rita de Cassia (1944) BADEM................... Philip and James (1566) Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Chp. Sebastian (1947) GOA VELHA .......................................... John Facundo (1610) FATORDA .63 St...... Thomas (1581) St.........37 St.................56 St............ Francis Xavier Chp.............................84 Our Lady of Bethlehem (1645) St............................. Bartholomew...........89 St.................57 St.....................68 St..... Carona Mother of God Chp............ Francis Xavier (1968) CUNCOLIM........................................40 St.........................105 Immaculate Conception (1601) CALVIM... Anne (1888) CARAMBOLIM....................................86 Our Lady of Piety (1955) DICARPALE.......................53 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1780) BORIM........ Anthony (1889) CHORÃO (Graça)................ Ambelim CALANGUTE..................99 Ss. Sebastian (1980) AZOSSIM....96 St............96 Our Lady of Candelária (1978) CORLIM................................. Clare (1805) COLVA ................................................. Our Lady Of Piety Chp.......................79 St......................................77 Our Lady of Mercês (1635) DIU.....................................63 St.......Parishes COTTO DE FATORPA ........................................................ John the Baptist (1581) Our Lady of Patrocinio Chp...... Anne (1946) AQUEM............. Theresa of Jesus (1824) BAMBOLIM.................................................84 Our Lady of Fatima (1959) B............ Joseph (1957) CAMURLIM (Bardez)...68 Our Lady of Grace (1860) DESTERRO...... the Apostle (1569) St.....82 St. Anthony Chp...81 Our Lady of Hope (1590) St.90 Our Lady of the Rosary (2002) CANACONA ............ Francis of Assisi (1591) DRAMAPUR .60 Our Lady of the Rosary (1650) CHANDOR.......... Mathew (1600) COLVALE..................... John Baptist (1541) BENAULIM ................. Alex (1741) Our Lady of Piety Chp............................ Guirdolim CURTORIM .36 St..........78 St............81 Immaculate Conception (1956) CHICALIM............................................72 St.................. Lawrence....... Cajetan (1813) CABO DE RAMA ........................................ Francis Xavier (1946) CHORÃO (São Bartolomeu)...................90 Our Lady of Fatima (1989) ASSONORA ............................98 Our Lady of Livra Febres (1960) DUDHNI............76 Holy Cross (1948) CURCA... the Apostle DAPADDA........................79 Our Lady of Brotas (1506) BETUL ..76 Our Lady of Succour (1607) BENAULIM .......................................................46 St.................................. Sebastian (2002) BOGMALO..87 Immaculate Conception (1958) ANJUNA ..........79 Our Lady Help of Christians (1967) DAMAN (NANI)...............................................Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY BASTORA. Thomas...................59 St................ the Archangel (1603) Our Lady of Health Chp..... Alex (1597) Our Lady of Carmel Chp...........83 Our Lady of Lourdes (1965) BETALBATIM................................103 Our Lady of the Sea (1774) ARAMBOL .......... Corjuem.............................................60 St.................89 Our Lady of Candelária (1952) BAINA... Cosmas and Damian (1956) CHIPLEM.........74 St........84 St............... Cajetan (1947) List ......... AMBAULIM......76 Our Lady of Remedios (1630) ANGEDIVA .... Pulvaddo ALDONA............................................... Ollembhat CAVELOSSIM..............................................81 Our Lady of Health (1604) Infant Jesus Chp......................39 St.103 Our Lady of Remedios (1673) BODIEM........................................79 St............ Michael. the Martyr (1565) BATIM ...........67 Our Lady of Bethlehem (1616) Holy Cross Shrine (Fulancho Khuris) CORTALIM ..75 Holy Trinity (1992) St............... Sebastian Chp.......................102 Holy Name (1559) DAMAN (MOTI) ...................................... Francis Xavier (2002) CAMURLIM (Salcete) ............................................46 CANDOLIM................................................ Mazalvaddo BICHOLIM .89 St........................ Andrew (1583) 134 135 .......................... Arossim CUNCHELIM .. Lawrence Chp......................................................43 Our Lady of Hope (1560) St...60 Our Lady Of Guadalupe (1867) CANSAULIM.................96 Ss...........39 Our Lady of Grace (1652) CHINCHINIM ....... .....99 Our Lady of Good Success and Perpetual Succour (1973) SANGUEM.... Anthony (1932) REVORA................62 Our Lady of Amparo (1717) NEURA .............100 Our Lady of Health (1606) Sanctuary of BI. Mary and Joseph (1903) QUERIM ........... John of the Cross (1827) MAINA (Corgão) ........85 Immaculate Conception (1817) GUIRIM............... John the Baptist (1658) LOUTULIM................. Joseph (1855) SALVADOR DO MUNDO.91 St........ of the Rosary Chp.....................97 St.........43 Holy Trinity (1560) PILERNE ............ Michael (1568) SÃO MATIAS ......80 Our Lady of the Rosary (1954) KHANVEL...70 Holy Cross (1565) MAINA (Curtorim) ................54 Our Lady Of Miracles (1903) PENHA DE FRANÇA...............50 St.......... Francis Xavier Chp................94 Our Lady of Snows (1556) Our Lady of Gloria Chp.............................. Agnes (1606) Stella Maris Chp.... Xellim NACHINOLA...............................54 Our Lady of the Rosary (1932) NERUL.L...73 St................. Davorlim O...............87 Our Lady of the Rosary (1940) MOIRA................. Miramar MAJORDA ......................................57 Our Lady of the Sea (1661) REIS MAGOS (Verem) ...............39 Saviour of the World (1565) LOLIEM ..................................99 Mother of God (1646) MANDREM .................................................55 St............................................77 St... Manora SÃO JOSE DE AREAL ..... Peter (1543) PANCHVADDI... Anne (1700) Our Lady of Carmel Chp..........66 St...... Francis Xavier (1917) PERNEM ....62 St John the Evangelist (1514) QUEPEM ...........................88 Our Lady of Miracles (1858) Our Lady of Piety Chp..................................70 Our Lady of Help (1565) SERAULIM .Mungul OXEL .44 St........... Diogo (1604) Our Lady of Assumption Chp................ Shelti Our Lady of Lourdes Chp.........94 Our Lady of the Rosary (1597) Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chp.................... Jerome (1594) St..................54 St............ Joseph Chapel Chp...................................................66 St..................49 St.... Francis Xavier (1809).............................................92 Holy Spirit (1564) St.............38 Bom Jesus (1676) PIEDADE..............100 Jesus...... Joseph Vaz NAGOA (Bardez) ..95 Our Lady of Snows (1699) Our Lady of Montserrate Chp......................... Francis Xavier (1962) MACASANA..80 St............. Molcornem PIRNA........................100 Our Lady of the Sick (1944) SANTO ESTEVÃO ... Anne (1985) RACHOL................................. Zorivaddo PONDA............................................. SANTA CRUZ ..................................................................................................50 Holy Family (2005) SANTA INÊS............................... Jacinto (1853) MARCELA ............................... Borda Our Lady of Carmel Chp....91 St.... Catherine of Alexandria (1534) RAIA .................. Vancio RIVONA.......... Francis Xavier (1952) SÃO BRAS ..... Mathias (1597) MARGÃO (Holy Spirit)........................68 Our Lady of Mercês (1613) List .............Parishes PARODA.....85 Holy Cross (1883) SANVORDEM......38 Our Lady of Penha de França (1626) SALIGÃO.........46 St............ Joseph (1826) MARDOL .... Francis Xavier (1953) NAVELIM . Duler NUVEM........66 Our Lady of Piety (1625) SANCOALE ................................104 Christ the Redeemer (1950) Our Lady of the Rosary Chp.67 St....40 St...................................................47 St....................................................39 Mother of God (1590) SANQUELIM....93 Our Lady of Grace (1959) PANJIM................... Anne (1649) SADOLXEM.................................44 Holy Magi (1555) SÃO PEDRO ..........95 St.......71 St....................................................... Sebastian Chp... Fontainhas RIBANDAR .........68 Immaculate Conception (1600) St..........................82 Our Lady of the Assumption (1973) MARGÃO (Grace).....................................37 Immaculate Conception (1636) PARRA....................................63 Holy Family (1831) OLD GOA ..................44 Our Lady of Remedios (1569) QUELOSSIM .72 Our Lady of Piety (1938) ORLIM .............97 S............... Ilha de Rachol SÃO JACINTO.. Chisda Our Lady of Pilar Chp......................................... Rita of Cassia (1960) PORVORIM ................................. Sindoni MORJIM.................................Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY MERCÊS ...67 St..88 Guardian Angel (1936) MAPUSA........................................................... Stephen (1575) MANDUR....64 Holy Spirit (1710) POMBURPA .55 St............... Telaulim St.................................................... Sebastian (1932) Our Lady of Fatima Chp....................................90 Saviour of the World (1581) Our Lady of the Rosary Chp........................... Joaquim Chp..................................45 Our Lady the Mother of God (1873) MORMUGÃO HARBOUR...............................77 Our Lady of Pilar (1635) 136 137 .. Uguem Our Lady Of Piety Chp.....................64 St........................................................................................ Blaise (1563) OLAULIM................... NAROA.........................................................73 St.........................38 St............... Carvota NAGOA (Salcete)...........................51 Our Lady of Victory (1653) SARZORA ................................ .................................................. Educational Institutes COLLEGES MAPUSA..... Basilio Andrade Memorial Higher Secondary School ANJUNA .....................107 Fr.......................... Porvorim SANTA CRUZ .......107 Carmel Higher Secondary School SIOLIM .............. Andrew (1570) SILVASSA .......................107 Guardian Angel Higher Secondary School TALAULIM (SANTANA) ...................88 Sacred Heart of Jesus (2002) PANJIM ............. Mary's Higher Secondary School TOLLECANTO...........................78 Our Lady of Gloria (1635) VERNA...................... Theresa's Higher Secondary School VERNA.............101 Our Lady of Lourdes (1976) NUVEM . Agnel Higher Secondary School TIVIM ....62 Our Lady of the Rosary (1906) VAGATOR..........................71 St.. Thomas Girls' High School Mãe de Deus High School MAPUSA..107 Maria Bambina Higher Secondary School HIGH SCHOOLS AGASAIM ..74 St............................108 St.............................107 Mt.58 St.........................................106 Rosary College PILAR............106 St..........67 Santo Cristo (1956) PILAR........... Elizabeth (1628) 138 139 .............................59 Our Lady of Consolation of the Persecuted (1971) ALDONA ...............107 St.... Michael Convent High School UCASSAIM...........83 St........107 Pope John XIII Higher Secondary School SIRSAIM.......................................62 St .............107 Fr......................... Joseph (1782) VAIDONGOR .... Francis Xavier (1946) MAJORDA ............................101 Holy Cross (1568) CANDOLIM ..........................55 St...........74 St..... Caranzalem VASCO DA GAMA .............................108 St..................... Christopher (1636) Our Lady of Lourdes Chp...........107 Don Bosco Higher Secondary School SIRIDÃO.............................................98 Our Lady of Assumption (1635) VASCO DA GAMA......56 St..45 St ............... Anne's Institute TROPA............. Lawrence (1688) UTORDA.....107 Santa Cruz Higher Secondary School VANXIM ................................................. Lawrence High School TORMAS ........ Anthony (1934) VERNA .....108 St ......................52 Our Lady of Succour (1667) Our Lady of Candelária Chp.............107 St..................................................................... Andrew's Higher Secondary School TIRACOL ..Education SILVASSA. Francis Xavier Higher Secondary School TILAMOLA.............................55 St. Thomas Boys' School St........40 Our Lady of Miracles (1977) VALPOI ...........................................................98 St.106 St......59 St...... Michael (1544) Our Lady of the Rosary Chp......... Agnel Higher Secondary School SIRODA................ Xavier's Higher Secondary School TUEM............................................................105 Our Lady of Piety (1889) C................................................................. Birondem PANJIM ..................108 Sacred Heart of Jesus High School St...................86 Our Lady Mother of the Poor (1880) VELSÃO .............................106 Fr.............106 St............. Cansa VERODA.. Joseph (1955) List ................................................................ Anthony (1979) CHINCHINIM.107 Our Lady of the Rosary Higher Secondary School AGONDA ..................................Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY USGÃO................................ Sebastian (1970) DONA PAULA.....108 St ............................83 St. Anthony (1568) VADDEM............41 St........ Francis Xavier (1805) HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS ALDONA .............................................................................................................................56 Our Lady of the Rosary (1939) NUVEM .................. Agnel Degree College SANVORDEM .... Rock (1955) CUNCOLIM ...................82 St............................. Xavier's College SINQUERIM (Linhares) .. Anne (1695) VARCA... Anthony (1955) NAVELIM................... Agnel Higher Secondary School VELIM......................................................................................................107 Fr..............................41 Our Lady of Lourdes (1889) Our Lady of Fatima Chp.............................................106 Carmel College QUEPEM............................. Thomas Higher Secondary School SIOLIM .106 Padre Conceição College of Engineering TALEIGÃO .....108 Fr...............52 St...............................106 Nirmala Institute of Education Don Bosco Degree College SOCORRO ................................ ......110 Our Lady of Desterro High School MERCÊS ...... Theresa's High School DESTERRO......................110 Immaculate Conception High School PONDA............ Xavier's High School SALIGÃO ................112 St..................111 Our Lady of Mercês High School RIVONA............... Andrew's High School Immaculate Heart of Mary High School AQUEM ............109 Mount Mary's High School St.109 St............ Elizabeth's High School BICHOLIM.............................. Aloysius High School Auxilium Convent High School CUNCOLIM .....................................................................111 Gyan Mata High School (Marathi) Gyan Mata High School (English) OLD GOA.............................................................................................................. Anthony's High School PERNEM ......................................................... Joseph's Educational Institute GALGIBAGA..................................................... Joseph High School DAMAN (Moti)..................110 Our Lady of Piety High School PANCHVADDI ...................................... Francis Xavier's High School BASTORA.........113 Our Lady of Fatima High School CANSAULIM........110 St.... Theresa's High School NERUL ...................112 Fr................. Clare's High School COLEM........ Jude's High School MAPUSA ................112 Don Bosco High School Mary Immaculate Girls' High School MACASANA...........108 St. Agnel High School CURTORIM ................ Joseph High School BETALBATIM..........................................................................................109 Sacred Heart of Jesus High School DUDHNI....110 Our Lady of Carmel High School POMBURPA .108 St.............. Joseph's High School ASSOLNA......................... Theresa's Convent High School CANDOLIM ................................................................................112 St........109 St............... Sebastian High School ASSONORA......................................... Mary's Convent High School St...................109 St....111 St...............110 St. Bartholomew's High School ORLIM ....................111 St............................................ Mary of the Angels Convent High School KHANVEL .............108 Regina Martyrum High School CHORÃO..111 St..................110 Our Lady of the Rosary High School SANCOALE....................................................109 Holy Cross Institute FATORDA.110 Nirmala Mata High School MOIRA..................110 Our Lady of Divar High School MONTE DE GUIRIM............111 Saviour of the World High School BAINA ...................110 Our Lady of the Rosary High School NAVELIM..112 St..........112 Our Lady of Remedies High School 140 141 ............109 Our Lady of Grace High School DABAL ..109 St................................................................................... Pius X Convent High School LOLIEM .113 Seminary of Our Lady High School Lourdes Convent High School CARAMBOLIM ........................111 St.................... Anthony's High School St......110 Isu Ruday High School RAIA..........................................112 St............111 St.................113 BI....................111 St......109 Auxilium High School DONA PAULA ...................................................109 Regina Mundi High School List ..................................109 Holy Cross Convent High School CORTALIM .............. Britto's High School St...... Francis Xavier Academy ARPORA. Mary's Convent High School CALANGUTE........108 St..................Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY CHICALIM..............113 Our Lady of Snows High School St......................113 St......................................................109 Sarvajanik High School DIVAR............. Joseph Vaz High School NAGOA (Salcete)......................................................................113 Pope John XXIII High School CANACONA ...... Joseph's Convent High School Our Lady of Succour High School CARMONA............109 Little Flower of Jesus High School St...112 St.....................................110 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour High School MAINA............112 St.........................109 St........................................................................................ Anthony's High School CARANZALEM ....................... Teresa of Jesus High School DAPADDA ............................. Thomas High School DIU...............113 Our Lady of Miracles High School CAVELOSSIM.....112 St...........................................................110 Infant Jesus High School PANJIM ..........112 Holy Rosary High School Mae dos Pobres High School ARAMBOL ................... Francis Xavier High School PILAR...109 St.........................112 St.113 St..........110 Our Lady of Fatima Convent High School MARGÃO .......111 St............112 Rosary High School Perpetual Succour Convent High School SANTA CRUZ. Francis Xavier High School SANGUEM ....113 Santa Cruz High School CHANDOR .......................................111 Holy Spirit Institute Loyola High School Fatima Convent High School Presentation Convent High School QUEPEM .. Rita's High School PARODA .. Anthony's High School SANTO ESTEVÃO......... Anthony's High School LOUTULIM .........................Education GOA VELHA ............110 Our Lady of Health High School Maria Bambina Convent High School MAJORDA........108 Our Lady of Mount Carmel High School CHINCHINIM....108 Our Lady of Candelaria High School COLVA...............................................112 Immaculate Conception High School BENAULIM ............................. Joseph's Convent High School NUVEM.. ..........116 St. Britto's High School (Mapusa)...................................116 Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School SALESIANS OF DON BOSCO(SDB): Church of St...................74 Don Bosco's Agro-Ed Complex (Sulcorna) ........................................ Sebastian (Loliem).......................................S Institute (Bastora).. Francis Xavier (Tuem) ............................................41 S........................51 Redemptorist Training Centre (Varca)78 Church of St.........80 SANGUEM ...58 St....... Xavier's High School SIRIDÃO.......... Rock's High School SANQUELIM ......56 Don Bosco Animation Centre (Benaulim) ...................... Joseph's High School POMBURPA ....72 FRANCISCANS (OFM) Church of St Anne (Ponda).. Anne's High School CARMELITES (OCD) Avila Jyoti (Mapusa) ............................................................42 SÃO JOSÉ de AREAL..116 Gulab Maria Primary School DOMINICANS (OP) Dominican Fathers (Orlim) ................................84 Church of O......115 St Sebastian School SARZORA............116 St......... Theresa's High School SINDONI............95 Church of Holy Family (Marcela) .......116 Nirmala Mata Primary School VASCO DA GAMA .................................................................113 Don Bosco High School RACHOL ...... Anne's Girls' Primary School UTORDA ..........................................115 Our Lady of Victory Primary School TIVIM ..................................................48 Carmelite Monastery (Margão)..............................73 VERNA ...........F..................51 Xavier Retreat House (Calangute) .............116 St.........................................................................................................37 VELIM.....51 Xavier Centre of Historical Research (Alto Porvorim)............................. L.36 TIVIM .......................................................55 Pallotti Home (Chicalim) ..........................................71 Loyola High School (Margão) .......................115 St..116 Our Lady of Succour Primary School FRANSALIANS (MSFS) Church of Our Lady of Fatima (Cotto de Fatorpa) ................69 Loyola Hall (Candidate House and Counselling Centre) (Miramar) ...............................116 Fatima Mata Primary School MANDREM.....113 Fr...............................................77 Novitiate House (Moira)...65 Jesuit House (Panjim) .......................57 Church of O L of Assumption (Sarzora)82 Church of St Joseph (Pernem) ..................................Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY List ............. Xavier Vidyalaya TORMAS .......116 Our Lady of Fatima Primary School JESUITS (SJ): Basilica of Bom Jesus (Old Goa)..114 St.................................114 Our Lady of Lourdes High School DIVINE WORD SOCIETY (SVD) SVD Mission Seminary (Raia) ................. Joseph's School 142 143 .......114 Our Lady of Lourdes High School SANVORDEM ...... Anne's Blooming Buds MIDDLE SCHOOLS CORGÃO......55 Church of St Francis Xavier (Mormugao Harbour) ....116 Fr...........116 St Andrew School AQUEM .........115 Auxilium Primary School VALPOI.52 St.................................................................... John of the Cross (Sanquelim) ...................114 Our Lady of the Mother of the Poor High School RAIA...82 SULCORNA ...........................49 TILAMOLA ...................................93 Fatima Retreat Home (Loliem) .......115 Our Lady of the Rosary School USGÃO............. Agnel High School MANDUR....114 St.................................................116 St.............................97 Pallotti Jyothi Niwas (Chandor) ..115 Our Lady of Gloria Primary School PALLOTTINES (SAC): Casa Pallotti (Assagao) ................... Francis Xavier's High School PANCHVADDI ...45 Padre Pio Friary (Navelim) ..................69 Don Bosco (Odxel) .................................................................................................85 Don Bosco High School (Panjim) .....................93 Pedro Arrupe Institute (Raia) ...........................................................................115 Our Lady of Amparo Primary School D............. Francis Xavier Higher Secondary and High School (Siolim) .......................... Religious Men PRIESTS BLESSED SACRAMENT FATHERS (SSS) Alto Santa Cruz ...... Agnelo Konkani Primary School Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Convent Primary School CONGREGATION OF THE HOLY CROSS (CSC) Church of St.114 St.. Thomas Higher Secondary and Boys High School (Aldona).48 Thomas Stephens Konkani Kendra (Alto Porvorim).........113 Bethany Convent High School VASCO DA GAMA .........116 Our Lady of Piety Primary School TOLLECANTO .................84 Villa de Pallotti (Parra) ...........95 St..............114 St.............................115 Our Lady of Fatima Primary School SIRODA..80 REDEMPTORISTS (CSSR): Redemptorist Fathers (Porvorim) .... Elizabeth's Primary School CAPUCHINS (OFMCAP) Alverno Friary (Guirim) .............. Andrew's Institue St.................... Anne's Primary School MANDREM.............................87 Don Bosco Crafts Institute (Loutulim)91 Don Bosco Gaum (Quepem) .115 Rosary Convent Primary School SILVASSA ......114 Holy Cross Convent High School St.............................. of Lourdes (Valpoi) ..............97 Church of St Sebastian (Tormas)....47 Church Our Lady of Victory (Revora) 51 Church of St Lawrence (Sinquerim) ......70 SIOLIM .....114 St..................................................115 St.......94 Shanti Niwas (Cuncolim) .... Mary's High School SHELTI .......113 Guardian Angel High School PRIMARY SCHOOLS ALDONA .....115 Our Lady of Livramento Primary School REVORA ..........63 VARCA ........114 St.....................113 Assumpta Convent High School VELLUGANV........40 VALPOI....Religious SANVORDEM .................114 Marina English High School SOCORRO ..... 61 Mission Seminary (Pilar)...........104 Priti Sagar (Colem) ..........98 Dr....................47 Pereira Social Welfare Centre(Parra )49 Xaveri Dhaam (Parra) ............................... FRANCIS XAVIER (SOCIETY OF PILAR) (SFX): Generalate.92 Church of Christ the Redeemer (Khanvel) .................... Elizabeth's Convent (Pomburpa) .........102 St.......................................... Sra.............................................................................................Joseph's Home (Pilar) ......................61 St..... Xavier's Institute (Panjim) .68 FRANCISCAN MISSIONARIES OF MARY (FMM) Our Lady of Grace Convent Maternity 144 145 ..... GABRIEL (SG): Monfort Vocational Training Centre (Corlim)........97 MONTFORT BROTHERS OF ST.....63 CLUNY SISTERS (SJC) Cluny Convent (Vasco) ............85 Bethany Convent (St..........................................................................92 Fatima Convent (Margão) ................................45 Lar de Santa Clara (Margão) .................................................................53 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent (Guirim) ................... Cruz) .104 Church of Holy Name (Daman) .......................................39 Vatsalya St................61 List ..104 E..............86 Udyog Farm (Colem) ...69 Dr..103 Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dapadda)....................103 Church of Immaculate Conception (Diu).............69 FRANCISCAN HOSPITALLERS OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (FHIC) Convent of St.......... (Generalate)(Old Goa)....................53 SOCIETY OF THE MISSIONARIES OF ST.......... Francis Xavier (Dudhni). Graciano Ribeiro Santana Centre For Empowerment (Porvorim)....................... Sebastian (Cananguinim) .69 Krist Raj Bhavan (Saligão).... Anthony's Home (Verna)...............88 St. PAUL (DSP) Daughters of St..43 St......................88 Church of St..66 FATIMA SISTERS (FS) Holy Family Home for the Aged (Chorao)..................... John of God (Old Goa)65 Divine Providence Convent (Benaulim)......................................................... Religious Women APOSTOLIC CARMEL (AC) Carmel Convent (Nuvem) ....76 St.....104 Pre-Novitiate (Pilar) ........49 Margaret Bosco Bal Sadan (Ucassaim) ..73 BROTHERS CHRISTIAN BROTHERS (CFC) Regina Mundi High School (Chicalim)97 MISSIONARY BROTHERS OF ST....45 Our Lady of Angels Convent(Old Goa)65 “Premdhan” (Cavelossim) ............61 Fr.99 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Convent (Curchorem)........................................ Mary's Guest House (Nagoa de Verna) ...............................................103 Church of Our Lady of Miracles (Sanguem)....................100 FRANCISCAN MISSIONARIES OF CHRIST KING (FMCK) “Portiuncula”......100 Rosa Mystica Convent (Aldona) ................................Paul (Panjim) .......76 Immaculate Conception Convent (Dabal) .... Mary's Convent (Ponda) ...80 Bethany Convent (São José de Areal)95 St....56 Fr...............87 Daughters of the Cross (Tilamola) ............ de Piedade (Panjim). Francis Xavier's Church (Dudhni)) ....................................... Agnel Seminary (Batim)......................87 Church of Our Lady of the Sea (Nani Daman).............................................45 Sanjoe Niwas (Saligão)......... FRANCIS OF ASSISI (CMSF): St................................................................................52 BRIDGETTINE SISTERS (OSSS) Casa de Santa Brigida (Divar) .........37 St....................... Thomas Villa (Bodiem) ....................................103 Church of Our Lady of Rosary (Rivona) .45 DAUGHTERS OF THE HEART OF MARY (DHM) Nirmala Niwas (Panjim) ..............................................93 Holy Rosary Convent (Nuvem) ..............103 Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Vaddem) ................65 Asha Kiran ( Moira) ..... Agnel Niketan (Pilar)........93 Mary Immaculate Convent (Panjim).......69 DAUGHTERS OF THE CROSS OF LIÈGE (FC) Prem Ankur Our Lady of Fatima Mission (Veluganv)..................... Anthony's Institute (Duler) ........................105 Church of Our Lady of Remedies (Moti Daman)......50 Provincialate (Margão) .............103 Church of St.........45 Mãe de Deus Home (Saligão). Mary's Convent (Quepem)....... Mary's Convent (Mapusa)..................48 DAUGHTERS OF ST...................Religious CANOSSIAN SISTERS (FDCC) Canossian Sisters (Galgibaga) .....48 CLOISTERED CARMELITES (OCD) Cloistered Carmel (Chicalim) ...................86 Our Lady of Pilar Mission (Sindoni) .....40 St............. Anthony's Home (Candolim) ..............49 Don Bosco's Technical Institute (Fatorda)90 Don Bosco Youth Welfare Centre Parra).................................44 Stella Maris (Arambol) ..................61 Retreat Centre (Pilar) ...................................86 BETHANY SISTERS OF THE LITTLE FLOWER (BS) Bethany Convent (Loliem) ............60 Novitiate (Colem)..102 Monastery (Pilar) .....100 Carmel Convent (Carmona)...........102 Shanti Niketan (Saligão) ................61 CARMELITE RELIGIOUS OF TRIVANDRUM (CCR) Mother of God Convent (Majorda) ...................84 Church of St.88 Church of Our Lady of Piety (Colem) 86 Church of Our Lady of Piety (Silvassa)..76 Carmel Seva Mandir (Margão)...........102 St................................72 St.......................69 Peace Haven Convent (Caranzalem) ......45 Lourdes Convent (Saligão) ................70 Bethany Sisters (Saligão Seminary) ..........87 Instituto N...........74 Fatima Convent (Daman)...... Roque Ferreira Memorial Hospital (Verna) .......................................................Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Fr.... Pilar Deepti Sadan (Alto Porvorim) .........................37 ASRO Hospital (Cavelossim).................... Michael (Anjuna).........................79 Our Lady of Good Counsel (Arpora) ........... Agnel Community (Verna). ..................42 St...............G...70 Mariam Niwas (Seraulim).................67 Holy Family Novitiate (Old Goa) .66 Lar Santa Teresinha (Piedade) St.........65 St................42 St..........37 St..............93 Jyoti Niwas (Parra)..... Anne's Convent (Cansaulim) .69 Asilo “Dr Rafael Pereira” (Benaulim)......................................72 Helen Niketan (Chiplem)....42 Clinic/K............40 Our Lady of Help Convent (Ribandar)70 Our Lady of the Rosary Convent (Dona Paula)....Religious HELPERS OF MARY (SHM) Balwatika (Nagar Haveli) ..............43 Nazareth Home (Pernem).........................74 Holy Family Niwas (Bambolim) ..........................................48 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF ST................... Francis Xavier Convent(Benaulim)74 MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE IMMACULATE (MSI) Vimala Niketan (Siroda) .........89 PALLOTTINE SISTERS (SAC) Deva Matha Convent (Assagão)............Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY St....38 Vivian Niwas (Siolim) ... Herculano Convent(Calangute)43 Mother Mary Haven (Calangute)......76 HOLY CROSS SISTERS (Menzingen) (HC) Shanti Avedna Ashram (Loutulim)........ John of the Cross Convent (Sarfona) ...............................96 St....... Hospital/Convent (Alto-Porvorim)..................................88 Eleanore Linse Bhavan (Sancoale) 101 Holy Family Convent (Sancoale) ..... Alex Convent (Calangute)..................... Anne's Convent (Diu).......77 Lar Santa Margarida (Piedade)....73 PRESENTATION SISTERS (PBVM) Deepanjali (Verem) ....... Anthony's Convent (Agasaim) ...82 Mea Niketan (Panchvaddi)..103 Nitya Seva Niketan (Rivona).49 St Mary's Convent (Chinchinim).........................101 Holy Family Convent (Usgão) .....38 J.... Alex Pre-Novitiate (Calangute) .........59 Sts.................................................................... Francis Xavier Convent (Santo Estêvão)..94 SALESIAN SISTERS (FMA) Auxilium Centre (Velim)..... Joseph's Convent (Nagoa-Verna)100 St.....43 Mons...63 Convent of Jesus and Mary (Querim) 55 Convent of Jesus and Mary (Siolim) .78 Nazareth Home for the Aged (Navelim).......................64 Jyoti Niwas (Corgão).......74 146 147 ............................44 St.......87 St...........44 Kushdan (Paroda)..........51 POOR SISTERS OF OUR LADY (PSOL) Infant Jesus Convent (Assonora)....37 Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent (GoaVelha)............... Joseph's Convent (Aquem) .......... Joseph Asylum (Calangute) .......... Francis Xavier School (Mapusa) ..........82 Clergy Home (Margao) ............. MARY OF THE ANGELS (FSMA) Assumpta Convent (Sarzora).....58 RELIGIOUS OF JESUS AND MARY (RJM) Convent of Jesus and Mary (Carambolim) ...56 GOOD SHEPHERD SISTERS (SGS) Good Shepherd Sisters (Tollecanto) ..........................................................................38 Casa de Raquel (Navelim).........................................52 Sisters of the Cross Ushalaya (Benaulim)...................42 St.....................87 St......................55 Our Lady of Fatima Convent (Valpoi)....42 Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Asylum (Aldona) .........85 Prem Anjali Convent (Nagoa Bardez) 44 Presentation Convent (Mangor)...........70 St.............................58 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF THE IMMACULATE (FSI) Casa Serena (Curtorim).......................85 Missionaries of Charity (Panjim) ..........................70 Little Flower of Jesus Convent (Calangute) ........................105 St...............74 Daya Mata Niketan (Mardol) .....................82 SOCIETY OF JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH (JMJ) JMJ Formation House (Moira) .............. Joseph's Home (Quepem).....52 HANDMAIDS OF CHRIST (HC) Archbishop's House (Altinho)............72 Auxilium Convent (Carona).....65 Holy Spirit Home (Moira)........59 MARIA BAMBINA SISTERS (SCCG) Bosio Convent (Candolim) ........46 Holy Cross Convent (Siolim).48 Sisters of the Cross (Socorro)..............................................................................J.....................................................93 Maria Bambina Convent (Cuncolim) ...........81 HOLY CROSS SISTERS (SCC) Holy Cross Convent (Bastora) ......98 St.......... Michael Convent (Vagator) ............................73 Handmaids of Christ Convent (Old Goa) ...............38 Bom Jesus Home for the Aged (Nachinola).M................. PiusX Convent High School(Orlim)77 MEDICAL MISSION SISTERS (MMS) Divya Daan (Porvorim).58 Holy Cross Hospital (Mapusa) .......79 MISSION SISTERS OF AJMER (MSA) Our Lady of Remedies High School (Nerul) ...............95 List .........54 Lar de Estudantes (Altinho Panjim) .....................61 Lar Maria Goretti (Panjim)...........................................58 Holy Cross Corso Farm (Siolim) ...............................43 Gerosa Convent (Pirna) .School (Bicholim) ............83 Auxilium Convent (Caranzalem) .........54 Immaculate Conception Convent (Moira)......... Peter and Paul Convent (Velsão)98 Xavier Retreat House (Calangute)........................46 Holy Cross Ladies Hostel (Mapusa) .........103 Maria Seva Sadan (Nagar Haveli) ........................................................................37 Mornese Vihar (Sulcorna) ...................79 Perpetual Succour Convent (Navelim)94 Prem Seva Sadan (Nagar Haveli)....101 St.........52 MISSIONARIES OF CHARITY (MC) Missionaries of Charity (Carambolim)63 Missionaries of Charity (Cotto de Fatorpa) ..85 RELIGIOUS OF MARY IMMACULATE (RMI) Shanti Niwas (Olaulim) .....39 Poor Sisters of Our Lady (Colva) ......66 St............ Theresa Convent (Raia) .........89 HOLY FAMILY SISTERS (SFN) Blessed Joseph Vaz Convent (Sanguem) .....94 Nazareth Seva Sadan(Nagar Haveli)104 Nirmala Convent (Canacona) .............91 MISSION SISTERS OF THE QUEEN OF APOSTLES (SRA) Holy Rosary Convent (Mandrem) .......106 Shanti Niketan (Training Centre for the Handicapped) (Old Goa)................................50 Hospicio Community Sisters Quarters (Margão) ... Joseph's Eventide Home (Ucassaim). Mary's Home For the Aged(Siolim)58 HOMES FOR GIRLS ....... ... ANNE (SCHSA) Sisters of Charity of St..128 H...128 Society of St..... 117 Cluny Technical Institute (Vasco de Gama) SISTERS OF ST. .......Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY URSULINES OF MARY IMMACULATE (UMI) Desterro Convent (Vasco-da-Gama). . 117 Don Bosco Crafts Institute (Loutulim) Don Bosco Technical Institute (Fatorda) Don Bosco Technicals (Quepem) SISTERS OF ST.. .57 Pilar Sisters Association (PSA) (Loutolim) ........... .................91 St....... .. . ............. Anne's Convent (Tivim)............... 117 Montfort Vocational Training Centre (Corlim) CLUNY SISTERS (SJC)....... ... Technical Institutes PILAR FATHERS (SFX) .............. ......... (Mapusa) ........... .......... .....................101 MONTFORT BROTHERS OF ST.....91 SISTERS OF ST.... ......... .......128 Christian Family Movement (Alto Porvorim) Secretariat of Confraternities (Panjim) List ................... Anthony’s Institute (Duler) St. ...........41 O.......54 St..... .... .... Vincent de Paul (Margao) Catholic Charismatic Renewal (Margao) Catholic Association of Goa (Vasco da Gama)......... Anne’s Boarding for Girls (Cansaulim) St.............. Anthony’s Boys Boarding House (Monte de Guirim) St...104 Pilar Sisters (Kurpavaddo)...... Centre (Tivim) ..... 119 Carmel Hostel (Nuvem) Casa de Raquel (Navelim) Holy Cross Hostel (Mapusa) Holy Family Boarding House (Sancoale) Holy Rosary Boarding House (Nuvem) Lar Santa Maria Goretti (Panjim) Maria Bambina Boarding House (Cuncolim) Nirmala Niwas (Altinho-Panjim) St. JOSEPH OF CHAMBERY (CSSJ) Ish Kripa Sadan –Temporary Shelter for the woman &Girls in Distress (Siolim)58 St..... . Rita’s Boys Boarding House (MainaCurtorim) URSULINE SISTERS (SU) St. .. . Agnel Polytechnic (Verna) Fr...... Joseph's Convent (Siolim) ... .. .... Joseph's Convent (Morgim)....Social Welfare HOSTELS FOR GIRLS .............128 Legion of Mary (Ponda) ........ Anne(Tormas)55 SISTERS OF MARY IMMACULATE (SMI) Sisters of Mary Immaculate (Agonda) SISTERS OF THE MERCY OF THE HOLY CROSS (SCSC) Holy Cross Convent.. .... .. GABRIEL (SG) . ...97 St...... . ...... JosephConvent (Dicarpale) . ......128 Worldwide Marriage Encounter (Porvorim) Teacher's Teams (Navelim) ........................... . John of the Cross Boarding for Girls (Sancoale) St..... . .....100 ASSOCIATIONS AND MOVEMENTS St.......Luke's Medical Guild (Panjim).128 The World Apostolate of Fatima (Panjim) Young Christian Students (Panjim)... Francis Xavier Home for Boys (Dudhni) St.. ....... . . Social Welfare Activities HOSTELS FOR BOYS.. ..... .... Anne's Convent (Quelossim) ...........98 Nava Jyothi Rehab... 119 St......99 Pilar Sisters (Orlim) ... ...........58 SALESIANS OF DON BOSCO (SDB) ...... . Michael's Boarding for Girls (Anjuna) St... Estevão) St.62 Pilar Sisters (Shelti) .... . .....100 F............ .... ... 120 Balwatika for Girls (Dadra) Children's Happy Home (Siolim) 148 149 .. ......... ........90 Pilar Sisters (Birondem)........ .105 Pilar Sisters (Uguem) ....... .. ..ANNE OF PROVIDENCE (SA) Our Lady of Perpetual Help Convent (Sanquelim)..... Associations and Movements SECULAR INSTITUTES Caritas Christi (Aldona) Krist Sevikas (Santa Cruz) Christ the King (Vasco da Gama) Secular Institute of Our Lady of Schoenstatt (Margao) G. ....... 120 Don Bosco Boys Home (Tuem) Fatima Mata Boys Home (Velgaum) Fr.... ........ Xavier's Convent (Loutulim).... Secular Institutes.................41 Holy Cross Convent (Ambaulim)..77 Pilar Sisters (Pilar)...83 PIOUS UNIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Ishaprema Vinamra Sevika (IVS) (Goa Velha) .... .. ......41 St...................42 Pilar Sisters (Khanvel) ................. ................ .38 Sisters Adorers (Nuvem). Rita’s Boarding House (MainaCurtorim) Vivian Niwas (Siolim) HOMES FOR BOYS ..81 St... ..40 St. .... . .....P.......... ........... ...48 SISTERS ADORERS (AASC) Casa Sacramento (Velsão) . ..... ....128 Catholic Nurses Guild (Santa Cruz) 128 Couples for Christ (Margao) ....... Rita's Convent (Curtorim) ..... Joseph Boarding for Girls (Nagoa de Verna) St... JOSEPH OF TARBES (SJT) Maria Dan (Sirlim) ............... Francis Xavier Boarding House (Loutulim) St.M Creche (Nachinola) .............. Anthony's Orphange (Agasaim) St... 117 Pilar Industrial Institute (Pilar) Guardian Angel Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (Curchorem) Fr. ...... ...... ... Catherine’s Hostel (Vasco da Gama) St Francis Xavier Boarding for Girls (Sto....62 Ishaprema Vinamra Sevika (IVS) (Assagao) ............88 Shanti Bhaginis of Maria Sangh (SBMS) (Utorda) . ... Agnel Multipurpose (Verna) Agnel Institute of Food Craft and Culinary Sciences (Verna) Agnel Entrepreneurship Development Institute (Verna) SISTERS OF CHARITY OF ST.. Joseph's Boy's Home (Calangute) SISTER DISCIPLES OF THE DIVINE MASTER (PDDM) Sister Disciples. Asha Bhavan (Tivim) ..... Agnel Orphanage (Pilar) Gulab Maria Boys Home (Sindoni) Gyan Mata Boys Home (Khanvel) Jyoti Niwas for Boys (Dapadda) Kumari Mata Boys Home (Chisda) Konseisanv Balgram (Verna) Nirmala Mata Boys Home (Shelti) St............. .... ....91 Focolare Movement (Panjim) ..... . .... .. . ..J. Vincent de Paul Society) (Candolim) Asilo “Dr Rafael Pereira” (Benaulim) Asylum of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Aldona) Bom Jesus Home (Nachinola) Clergy Home (Margao) Clergy Home (Porvorim) Divine Providence Home (Benaulim) Holy Family Home for the Aged (Chorao) Holy Spirit Home (Moira) Home for the Aged (St.. ..... Press & Publications Presses.. . Agnel's Call Savera (Quarterly) HOMES FOR THE AGED .... Mary's Home (Siolim) St.. . . Joseph's Orphanage (Aquem) Lar de Santa Teresinha (Margão) TIVIM St......... . Anthony's Home (Verna) St. ..... .. Joseph's Home (Siolim) HOMES FOR THE DESTITUTE.... 121 Ark of Hope (St.... 123 Christ the King Artificial Limb Center (Santa Ines) Nava Jyothi Rehabilitation Centre (Tivim) Obra de Protecção a Mulher (Nachinola) Rehabilitation Centre (Nuvem) St.... Anne Training Centre REHABILITATION HOMES ... Joseph's Eventide Home (Ucassaim) St...118 Lourdes Convent Resource Room (Saligão) St.......... HIV Community Care Centre / Hospital (Cavelossim) Bosio Hospital (Candolim) Christ the King Physiotherapy Centre (Santa Ines) Dr... Alex Orphange (Calangute) St. Joseph's Asylum (Calangute) St....127 Holy Family Communications Media Centre (Sancoale) Pauline Book and Media Centre (Panjim) Pauline Media Centre (Panjim) Pauline Book and Media Centre (Mapusa) “Jivitacho Sondex” (Old Goa-Souvenir Stall) Lighthouse (Margao) Treasure House (Vasco) Boskon Communications (Benaulim) Liturgical Centre (Mapusa) BAINA Asha Sadan BENAULIM FABC Office for Peace and Harmony PANJIM Prabodhan Kendra for Counselling Nirmala Edn......... Special & Other Institutions SPECIAL SCHOOLS . 124 Ankur Dispensary (Velugaum) Dispensary/ Social Centre (Sanquelim) Fr .126 Renovacão/Renewal Amcho Sevadhorm Daily Flash Jivitacho Prokas Porzoll Rays Yuvayanna Nityasangam Bhoktivont Juze Vaz Goychem Noketr / Blessed Joseph Vaz Star of Goa Devacheam Bhurgeanchim Gitam Dor Mhoineachi Rotti Vauraddeancho Ixtt Fr.. Bridget's Institute Media Centres . Francis Xavier Girls Home (Dudhni) St.. Peter's Home (Raia) Lar de Estudantes (Panjim) Light House (Old Goa) Don Bosco (Odxel) My Father's Mansion (Benaulim) Pallotti House (Chicalim) Pastoral Institute (Old Goa) Pedro Arrupe Spirituality Centre (Raia) The Retreat Centre (Pilar) Xavier Retreat House (Calangute) Publications .... ...Press SANVORDEM Xavierian Educational Society Fatima Mata Girls Home (Velugaum) Gyan Mata Home for Girls (Khanvel) Ish Kripa Sadan-Temporary Shelter for the Women & Girls in Distress (Siolim) Jyoti Niwas for Girls (Dapadda) Mount Mary Girls Hostel (Dudhni) Mornese Vihar (Sulcorna) Nazareth Seva Sadan (Khanvel) Nirmala Mata Girls Home (Shelti) St.. Vincent de Paul Society)(Vasco da Gama) Isha Prema Niketan (Assagão) Isha Prema Niketan (Goa Velha) Krist Raj Bhavan (Saligão) Lar Santa Margarida (Divar) Mãe de Deus Home (Saligão) Mother Mary Haven (Calangute) Nazareth Home (Navelim) Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Home for the Aged (Guirim) St. Xavier's Academy (Old Goa) OTHER INSTITUTIONS ... . . .... 124 “Asro” Care Home for Children with HIV AIDS (Tivim) "Asro".125 Don Bosco Animation Centre (Benaulim) Fatima Retreat House (Loliem) Fr... . . Francis Xavier Training cum Production Centre For the Handicapped (Old Goa) J. . Mary's Guest House (Nagoa de Verna) St. ... ...... . .... ....M..Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY St.. .... Thomas Villa (Bodiem) Gerosa Convent Dispensary (Pirna) Maria Seva Sadan Dispensary (Dapadda) Mobile Clinic (Rivona) Nirmala Mobile Dispensary (Carambolim) St.... Roque Ferreira's Hospital (Verna) Holy Cross Hospital “Remanso” (Mapusa) J. ....... ... . John of God's Home (Old Goa) St..126 New Age Printers (Verna) Amruthsthan (Pilar) RETREAT HOUSES ........... Hospital (Alto Porvorim) Our Lady of Grace Maternity Clinic (Bicholim) Shanti Avedna Ashram (Loutulim) I..123 “Assistencia aos Indigentes e Infancia Desvalida” (Panjim) “Jyoti Bhavan” (Cotto de Fatorpa) “Moga Dhan” (Carambolim) St Joseph's Home (Quepem) OPM Creche (Nachinola) HEALTH SERVICES HOSPITALS ....118 ALDONA St...... Joseph's Dispensary (Panjim Church) Vivian Niwas Dispensary (Siolim) List .. .. . Faustino's Dispensary (Sancoale) SANTA INEZ Caritas Holiday Home 150 151 ... ... Society CHILDLINE SANQUELIM Social Centre Commercial Training Institute DISPENSARIES... 10.11.2007 26.12.1987 24.07.2007 28. from Cansaulim COSTA.10. from Chorão 20.1961 Fernandes.1951 01.09. Jorge Noberto.1969 ALPHONSO.1977 21.1970 BARRETO.05.1928 ALMEIDA.1944 BONAMIS.1975 27. alias Nelson.08.12. from Nuvem COLAÇO. from Cansaulim 15.2007 27.12.1971 28.12. Mousinho João Salustiano Afonso de. from Betalbatim COLAÇO.2005 10.1974 ALVARES. Mário António.10.1930 BARRETO. Edward from Nuvem COSTA.1984 21.2000 28. Santana. Noel da.02.1927 ANTÃO.1940 BARRETO.12.11. Pio Salvador.12. from Ponda 27.1972 27. from Panchvaddi COSTA.02. Caetano Agostinho Lelis da. Xavier Natividade. from Aldona 24. Martinho Antonio Lulu.1946 14. Luis.07.11.1971 BRAGANÇA. from Benaulim CARVALHO.1973 01.1995 27.2003 11.1942 BRAGANÇA. Pascoal Manuel Julião.12. Januario da. from Velim COLAÇO.1947 25.1972 10.1998 19. Cristo Martimiano R.2008 152 153 . from Paroda AFONSO.1947 21. from Verna 19.03.1973 from Verna Francisco Avito.1949 01. from Curtorim COSTA.04. Rosario Eliseu.1959 11. from Colva 20.05.1971 CALDEIRA.04..02. Pascoal. from Aldona 27.1948 28. Victor João Gualberto.10.05.1970 02.1973 11. from Colva COSTA. from Bastora CASTELINO.10.1956 ALBUQUERQUE. from Cansaulim 31.04.1964 ANDRADE. Saturnino. Nuvem CORREIA. Francisco X.1947 CARDOZO.01.01.04. Priests in the Diocese A ABREU.1947 CARDOZO.1971 ALMEIDA. from Mapusa 27.05. Anil Kumar nee Augusto José Maria de Agnelo.1975 22.10. from Orlim CARVALHO. José António Paulo.05.10.1953 05.05. from Aldona CARVALHO.09. Caetano Asterio Cipriano.02.2004 20. Ave Maria Conceicao Estanislau 07. Carlisto Milagres João Francisco. António Francisco de Santa Rita.1946 19. Nuvem 04.01. Macedónio da. Raul Tomé.1996 03.Priests 02.10. from Margao 04.02. Cristóvão J. José Caetano da.1954 01. from Goa Velha 21.1950 AGUIAR.1977 ALVARES.12. Raymond Lawrence.04. from Velim COLAÇO.12.04. from Chandor COSTA.08.10. Piedade Wilfred.1981 K. from Sadolxem 18.1968 ANTÃO. from Corgão CARVALHO.08.1950 Salvador do Mundo B BAPTISTA. Eustáquio José Maria Jesus. Saturnino José Paulo.05.12. Caetano Francisco Piedade.05.05.1975 CAIADO.1958 27.R.01.08.1972 15.05.2001 30.05.1946 04. from Navelim COLAÇO.10.1935 25. from Mercês 31. from Verna 22.04.1991 25.04. from Vasco da Gama CARVALHO.1951 26.09.10. from Curtorim COSTA. Edmundo. Querobino Caetano.08.1927 ALMEIDA. Protasio Raimundo Soares.2004 23.. from Curtorim COSTA. from Calangute 30. Roque Manuel da. Adolfo Bruno.10.1944 BARRETO.10. from Santa Cruz 12.05.1939 BRAGANÇA. from Margao 24.1997 06. António Ângelo. Joaquim M.04.06. 20. from Vasco da Gama CASTELINO. Mario Piedade.04.10.1937 21.1953 List . from Chinchinim 14.04.04. from Velim CORREIA. Olavo Marcelino.1961 05.06. Basilio Santana de Santa Rita. 4.1964 12. from Loutulim 01. Ashley Joseph.1975 ALMEIDA. from Mercês 24.03.1945 23. Freddy Bartolomeu. Antonio Francisco.04.1997 27.09.1949 03.04.2002 06. Emidio Flaviano Salazar.1970 21.2000 24.1932 ATAÍDE. Boulais Aviano Jesus da. Joaquim Santana Nonato. from Nuvem CALDEIRA.06.03.06. from Verna 06.1964 09. Clifford Manuel. Clifford from Ambelim 24.1994 15.1956 17.1978 17. H.1962 21. Geraldo Aleixo da. from Carambolim 26.12. Roland Sebastião.1934 24.1920 ARAUJO. 30. Socorro.1975 04.1919 ANES.1988 23. from Assagão 19. Wilson.01.1954 26.1975 26.1992 31.1 970 08.1979 08. from Carmona 05. from Cansaulim COSTA. Damasciano.1954 27.1966 06. Herculano Nicolau da Costa.10.1962 30.1976 24.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY CARVALHO.04. from Majorda 22.02. from Majorda COSTA.1946 AFONSO.1943 29. from Nuvem COSTA.03.07.1966 03.04. José António da.1984 29.2008 27.1951 18.05.1970 26.1934 ATAÍDE.1975 25.1975 07.1975 30.1971 17.2006 29.10. from 15. from Panjim COELHO. Druston Avelino.1973 28.1975 23. from Cortalim COLAÇO. from Velim CORREIA. Roque Sebastião. from Navelim COLAÇO. from Curtorim 14.1939 07.1963 22. João Santana de Cristo Rei. Leonardo Pantaleão. from Chandor 29.06.09. 05. from Cuncolim FERNANDES. from Sto.1962 19.10.1997 03.10.1972 23.10. from Navelim DIAS.7. from Benaulim FERNANDES.Priests 30.04.04. from Azossim D D'COSTA. Cristino from Varca FERNANDES.1949 21.1977 04.05. from Betalbatim FERNANDES. Aldrin.1947 22.2006 03.05. Candido.1988 27.2003 30.1972 12.04.1992 21. from Raia FARIA. John Cajetan Felix.03.2002 25. Aleixo.1992 24. from Paroda FERNANDES.04. Agapito José das Dores Valmiki do S. João Francisco.1970 28.04.12. Mariano Joseph.08.2004 25.1955 04. from Vasco da Gama DOURADO.1976 25.1957 16. from Saligão D'SOUZA. from Quepem D'CUNHA. from Mumbai D'SOUZA.2008 01.1978 28. Diogo Manuel Ofício.1969 DOURADO.1927 26.1972 24.10.1969 02.09. C.02. Cornélio Brito.05.1962 12.11. from Mandrem FERNANDES. Gerald John.1987 16. from St.1958 28.04. Caetano Joaquim. Clifton.1999 18.1995 07.01. from Chinchinim COUTINHO. Albano.1975 26.1976 06.1926 14. Mário Saturnino.05.1951 02.04.1979 31. Domingos António. Joaquim Nuno da. José.2001 01.10. Simon de. from Colva D'COSTA. from Cuncolim FERNANDES.1973 31.1950 08.1977 17.1960 02. from Corgão DIAS.01. Diogo. Aniceto Paulo Eremita..1958 24.10.2003 27. from Assolna D'SOUZA.1948 14.2008 29.08.1932 20. from Santo Estevão 21.1997 25. from Benaulim FERNANDES.10. from Cuncolim FARIA.1967 08. Manuel Ubaldo. from Cansaulim DIAS.01. from Vasco da Gama DIAS.10.1977 03. from Colva D'COSTA. Agnelo.10. from Betalbatim FERNANDES.11. Caetano Rosário.10.04.10. from Velim FERNANDES. from Chandor CUNHA.1943 27.02. Leenoy.10. António Lourenço. from Saligão DIAS. 23.2004 28.12. from Ucassaim CRUZ. from Candolim FERNANDES. Ligorinho. Francisco Assis.1991 22.1975 30. from Chiplem COUTO. Jose John.2008 23.1958 20.05. from Rachol DIAS.08.03.1998 COTTA.1958 08.02.1995 26.2006 27.1971 30. from Cuncolim COUTINHO.10. (Can.05.1976 29. from S.04. from Assolna D'COSTA.03. from Chinchinim FERNANDES. George. João Tomás Wolfango.1996 03.1951 25.1970 27. from Taleigão FALEIRO.1999 02.04.1950 05.08. from Parra FERNANDES.1998 28. Heinencio Gabino Galdino.1972 5.05.1962 04.1987 20. Cruz Alexandre.12.02. Santana.2006 30.1947 04.01.1971 19. António Aristides da Piedade.01.1984 24. from Santa Cruz COUTINHO.1957 29. from Chinchinim COUTINHO.10.1964 24. Isidorio Herculano.10.05. from Tilamola DINIZ.10. Armetio Cruzinho Planton.05. Francisco Jacinto.05.2002 29. Fábio Rocklin Pedro.10.10.1945 17.1950 31.04.1984 28.1946 17.04. from Vasco da Gama DOURADO.05. from Varca D'COSTA.1971 17.1993 29. Filipe Neri Judas. Simon Remedios.1976 06. Estêvão DIAS.2004 30.1987 25.06. Martinho Filipe .10. from Sarzora DIAS.08.1956 28.10.1977 28. Proto Tobias.1977 23.2003 15. José Ubaldo Mariano Agnelo de. from Agonda FERNANDES.2008 29.03. from Santa Cruz DINIZ. (Can.05.1940 11. Ryan Anthony C.1971 10.12.1966 30.1973 13. from Corgão FERNANDES.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY 02.1995 02.2007 05. de Jesus Filomeno Gonsalves.1945 01. from Sarzora DIAS. 15.05. from Cuncolim FERNANDES. from Vasco da Gama 154 155 . Derrick Xavier. from Benaulim DIAS.1970 List .05. from Benaulim FERNANDES. from Colvale ESTROCIO.11.04.1974 18. from Cansaulim DIAS.11.2007 23. Inez ESTIBEIRO. 25.04.1967 22. Hermogenes F.05. Dennis.05.12.1980 13. from Caranzalem F FALCÃO. from Panchwaddi ESTROCIO.1970 23.) Caetano da Cruz. Estevão DIAS. 17.1968 22.02.1946 04.04.1978 01.02.04. from Cortalim DSILVA. from Mandrem FERNANDES. António.05. Dominic Philip Succour. Gabriel. Arvino. from Batim FERNANDES.1940 08.10.1921 14.1976 10.1978 02. Luis. Agnelo Peter. Simon Mathew from Azossim DIAS.2006 15.1956 16.11.1968 22.4.1971 07. Henriques Gabriel.04.1986 23.1962 16.04. from Agonda FERNANDES. Jaime Manuel. Tomé Bernardo Teofista.01. Mariano. Pedro. 10. Camilo.1954 21.09. from Parra E ESTIBEIRO.05.) Santana Jacinto dos Remédios.1968 01. Lucio Alexandre.09. Aleixo Lino. from Moira CUNHA. Sebastião Justiniano. from Margão COTA. from Majorda D'COSTA. Xavier.1965 11.1944 25.10.1966 06. Elias.09.1929 11.05. 10.04.1925 19.07. from Velim 11.1964 28. from Mapusa FERNANDES.1967 03.1965 FERNANDES. from Cansaulim FERNANDES.1971 20.1971 FURTADO.09.10. Manuel.2001 10. 19. from Verna FERNANDES.1958 GONSALVES.1995 06. Joseph John.1970 FERREIRA.10. Urbano.04.05.1967 from Cansaulim 03.01.1984 11.2001 26.1945 15. Francisco Xavier.10.1943 FURTADO.1987 05. from Majorda 07.1977 31.07. from Cansaulim FERNANDES. Manuel Pascoal.1978 05. from Chandor FERNANDES.08. from Moira 18. Oliver from Calangute FERNANDES.2004 18. Teo José.1937 08.1991 03. from Margao 30. from Mercês FERNANDES.12.10.04. José Arvindo Columbano de Adrião.1972 GOMES.1919 21.05. Romeu Martinho. José Santana Antimo.06. from Chinchinim 06.04.2000 22. from Cuncolim 05.04.1975 GOMES.01.1928 23.06.1968 10.1962 21.2000 29.04.1927 from Mapusa FONSECA. from Margao FERNANDES. from Mapusa 8.04.1993 27. Anil Elias Augusto Carvalho.2000 09.12.1964 KUMAR.1969 17. Sávio Maria.10. from Benaulim FERNANDES.2001 29. João José Roque.1973 1.1975 16. Francisco Xavier Sunil.05.05.12. Erodiano.1992 28. Edson Anthony. Pedro Camilo da. André Sebastião António Simão. from Moira from Agonda FERNANDES.04.05.2008 03. Carlos Evaristo da.05. from Curtorim 08.1984 FERNANDES.03.1971 16.1954 03. from Moira 26.1958 GODINHO.12. from Sarzora FERNANDES.12. from Verna FERNANDES.2008 27.1988 30.12. Lino Socorro.1978 23.11. João Vicente Aleixo. from Bambolim 23.11. from Mormugão 01.2005 23. António Maria.5. Joaquim Piedade Victor.1968 20.05.1971 16. from Aldona FERNANDES.09.04. Eucaristinho Filipe Lourenco.1969 04.1966 02. from Carmona FERNANDES.1932 GOMES.10. (Can.11.1999 from Santa Cruz FERNANDES. from Agonda 8. John Joaquim Judas Elizabeth.2001 15.1998 23. from Carmona FERNANDES.03.1945 21.04.1967 13.1939 FERRÃO.04.10. Maverick Mario Cludoff.05.1973 GODINHO.1998 29.1963 14.04.1953 GRACIAS.10..1946 G GAMA.05. José Remédios.1973 17.2004 28. from Siroda 24.04. Lauzério Filipe.1940 GOMES.1998 30.1971 27.2006 08. Ubaldo.05.04.09. Simon Barnabe. José.1967 16. Prudêncio António Patrício. Jorge. from Chandor17.1972 09.04.1988 25. from Benaulim 30.1978 GOMES. from Nuvem 12.10. from Ponda FERNANDES. from Rachol 15. from Assolna FERNANDES.1963 LOBO.1975 11.) João Pedro Amâncio.04.1996 20. José Filomeno.10.1961 Martinho Menino Jesus.1970 from Carmona FURTADO.1932 GONSALVES.05.1964 GOMES.10.1949 10.1973 21.10. Venâncio Santana Luís. from Majorda 12.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY 07.1956 30.1972 20. Simpliciano Nazareth. from Navelim FERNANDES.1947 GAMA.07. from Chinchinim FERNANDES. Michael Aleluia.1969 Mário José Acácio. from Nuvem 156 157 .1960 22.2007 05. from Chinchinim 05.05.04. Remédios Brito. from Chandor FERNANDES.12. Sebastião José. from Morgim FERNANDES.03.2003 03. Aquileo.1960 04.10.1983 30. Jean Ruby da Cruz. Joseph. from St. Cruz 23. 28. from Pomburpa 18. Joaquim Santana José. João Camilo.04. Pio Herman.1986 10.) Atanásio Teodomiro. from (Arpora) Nagoa 28.01.05. Nevel Lourdes Sacramento.1978 FERNANDES.05. Hermogenes F.1954 30. from Benaulim FERNANDES.05. from Benaulim FERNANDES. João. from Velim FERNANDES. Romano Jerónimo.05. Boniface Anthony.1998 from Pilerne FERNANDES.10.05. from Calangute FERNANDES.04.1954 15. from Utorda FERNANDES. Virgínio Felizardo.11. Loyel Cruz.04.1953 01. from Chinchinim 06.1967 11. Agnelo.1949 15.2005 12.04.1972 06. from Nuvem FERNANDES. from Orlim 19. Rolland Lin.10.1980 24. Miguel A. from Raia FERNANDES. Justino Luciano.02. Vicente Leonardo.12.1991 28.1961 29. from Cuncolim FERNANDES. Camilo.1941 11.1971 LEITÃO.1932 GOMES.06. Pedro Rosário Neves.1970 03.1992 15.1946 L LEITÃO.1997 12.05.1971 GOMES.1990 26.1950 28.05.1939 GODINHO.1973 28. Jeronimo.1929 LOBO.1940 05.05.1956 List .1942 11.04.1973 FERNANDES.01.1942 GONSALVES. (Can.04.Priests 22. from Benaulim 21. from Chandor 06.10. Jorge Pazzi.1974 25.1952 GOMES. from Colva 05. Felix António. Felix Agnelo James.05.11. Luís Xavier Gomes. from Chinchinim 13.1954 24. from Chinchinim 30. Simião Purificação.1953 GOMES.04.1947 08. from Socorro FERNANDES.1948 30.1948 from Cansaulim GODINHO. from Tilamola FERNANDES. 03.1994 MONTEIRO.04.05. Lourenço Paulo.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY 17. from Chinchinim MENEZES.08.10.1976 from Mercês MONTEIRO. from Mapusa 17.1969 MONTEIRO.1973 27.04.1940 31. from Benaulim PEREIRA.1993 NORONHA. from Raia MELO.1942 24.1975 03. 15. 02. from Loutulim 23.07.1956 09. António Anand da Gama. João Filipe. from Chinchinim MARTINS.01.03. from Morgim MAZARELO.1990 28. Nascimento José. 31. from Margao 05. from Cansaulim MASCARENHAS. from Goa-Velha MENEZES.1959 PEREIRA.01.1993 08. from Chinchinim LOURENÇO. Carmo das Chagas António.1951 21.06. Antoninho.02.1973 from S. Aleixo Sebastião Jacinto. from Agasaim 30. Alexandre António Agnelo. Sebastião João.09.01.1941 12.08. from Chinchinim14.1976 30.05. from Curtorim MENEZES.1954 MONTEIRO.1959 NAZARETH.1988 26.1968 22.05.1980 MESQUITA.01.1952 20.1976 30.1945 28.1971 MIRANDA. from Cortalim18.05.1964 03.05.1919 10.1926 02. Bolmax Fidelis. from Saligão MASCARENHAS.05. from Betalbatim13.1929 06.1950 21. from Tilamola LOBO. Vital Francisco Xavier.05.8.1946 25.1991 30.10.04. from Aldona 10.05.1943 28.10.02. Júlio Carlos.1948 14.1970 04. Tertuliano Wenceslau.1934 from Baina MASCARENHAS. Jose Antonio Miguel Emiterio. from Quepem 03.05. from Raia M MARQUES. José Lino Gracias.Priests MENEZES.07.05. (Msgr.05.08.1969 10. from Velim MELO.01.09.09.J.1967 08.05.1942 20. from St.04. Basílio Gaspar Eutíquio Vás e.1964 15.04. Estêvão LUIS.1987 30.1973 from Dramapur MONTEIRO.09. Socorro Rosário António.05. from Majorda 06. António Joaquim da Piedade 13. Romeo Frutuoso.1965 13. Trindade Johnson.05.1964 07. José Vaz Francisco do Rosário. Lívio Aurélio Bartolomeu de Maria.1977 08.1996 OLIVEIRA.05. Caetano Johnsie.1944 from Curtorim MENEZES.04.04.2003 11.08. José Agnelo Francisco.1998 from Santo Estêvão MONTEIRO. Afonso Reginaldo. from Pilerne LOPES. MIRANDA. Peter Simon.06.1951 02. Arlino. Cajetan Joaquim Andrew Maria from Chandor MASCARENHAS. Domingos Agnelo.1958 04. from Moira MELO.1955 05. from Agasaim 26.1987 List .1946 06.04. Inez 23.1959 13.1984 20. Cristo Pedro António.1967 23.1946 07.10.1992 PEREIRA.05.1980 PEREIRA.1962 16.1976 Fátima Agnelo Loiola.04. Emérico Orlando Silvestre. from Chinchinim 25. José António Arnolfo. Rosário.1965 27.5. from Moira MENDES.1925 9. Menino George.1940 from Vasco da Gama 30.12. from Quepem 24. Caladanso Aleixinho. 08.10.10. Tomas Simão João.1994 PEGADO.1949 06. 14. Pedro José Filipe.2001 30. from Goa Velha 06. 17.1972 3.02.1923 12.04.1961 13. Cleto Luís. José Albino Filomeno.1966 03.1947 06.1972 02.1959 08. Xavier Santana. António Filipe Orlando. Luis Pinto. from Benaulim MENDES. Polly Triphon.1938 25. from Colva LOURENÇO.1922 15.06. from Loutulim MASCARENHAS.1942 11.06.1967 28.1945 14.11. Visitação Boaventura.1980? 21.05.10. José António Eufemiano.02. from Socorro MENEZES. Alfredo J.05.1952 30. António do Rosário.04.1933 03.03.05.) Alfredo das Angústias. from Chinchinim 10. Alvaro Agostinho.2004 PEREIRA.1968 27.2006 MONTEIRO.1970 27.04. from Guirim-Sangolda MENDONÇA. from Cavelossim MENDONÇA. Leonardo.04.1992 O OLIVEIRA. Simão Urbano.1958 05.05.1970 01. from Aldona MENDES.1965 08.1961 31.01.1987 26.1954 03. Ermelindo.12.04.1950 22.04.1987 26.1986 PEREIRA.1976 03. André Dionísio. from Pirna 158 159 . Neville Luis Gonzaga. Mariano Gregório. from Tilamola 15.10. António.1950 07.10.1995 06.2000 P PAIS.1983 30. Estêvão MARTINS.1944 30.1984 N NAZARETH.4. Ventura Alfredo. from Moira 14.1949 from Benaulim MIRANDA.02. from Orlim MASCARENHAS. from Sto. from Calangute MASCARENHAS.1973 from Cortalim MIRANDA. Domingos António. from Sto.1966 27.1945 12. from Veroda 09. Rosário Caetano do Carmo. Estêvão MORAIS. from Velim MAZARELO.1975 LOBO.02.1972 26.10.04. 04.09.1971 04.01. from Ribandar PEREIRA. from Curtorim RODRIGUES.1992 PEREIRA.1962 12. António Francisco.1974 01.1961 04.1926 13.1943 19.05.08. Agnelo A.1960 26.09. Cipriano Assunção Ema Maria da. Custódio das Chagas e.02. from Agacaim PEREIRA.01. Agnelo Cipriano. António João Newton. Artur Cirilo Menino. from Tiracol PEREIRA.1990 26.1965 12. from Cavelossim RODRIGUES.1953 16. from Chinchinim RODRIGUES. Francisco Avinash. Jesus Nazareth. from Corlim SEQUEIRA.1976 30.1965 27.10.1976 04. from Dramapur RODRIGUES. Miguel Maria.1966 List .1961 03.01.1973 160 161 . from Socorro RODRIGUES.07.2003 23.1996 28.1973 30.1943 03.08. Raul de.08. Martinho Miguel Domingos.05.10.1923 03.04. António Nicolau Brígida.05.02. from Navelim PEREIRA. Romualdo Robin.1970 15.1919 02.2001 12.12. from Margão R RAJ. Dominic. Estêvão. from Utorda PINHEIRO.02.01.05. Edmundo José Miguel da.06. Nelson António Joseph.1967 03.1985 02.1953 18. Sertório das Dores Moniz e. from Verna SEQUEIRA.1974 22.1972 21.07.1961 28. Santana José Agnelo.11.1946 03.09. from Ribandar PEREIRA.03.04.1962 25. Kevan. from Raia PINHEIRO. José de Areal RODRIGUES.12. Domingos. Margão QUADROS. from Pomburpa RODRIGUES.03.1970 04.1979 3. from Betalbatim SÁ.05.1954 11.07.1973 12.08.1988 26.04. Romualdo Lourdino.04. Joseph Anthony Rowland.04. Leslie Bosco.1990 28.1953 12. from Verna SALEMA.04.1946 Ernesto Herculano. Jevino Conrado.2001 17.05. from Saligao SALEMA. from Agasaim S SÁ.05.1948 07.1971 11.1987 28.03.1954 08.07.1976 27.10.05. from Cavelossim REBELO.1999 22.10. Natalino Peter. José Filipe Francisco.1973 24. from Chinchinim PEREIRA.1979 RODRIGUES. Francisco Agnelo Jacinto. Ricardo. from Cortalim PEREIRA. from Loutulim SACRAFAMILIA.Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY 18.2003 14.05. from Sirsaim ROSÁRIO.1957 01. from Socorro RODRIGUES. José Walter Benigno de. from Chinchinim 25.1955 16.1991 25.05.1943 23. from Canacona RODRIGUES.1920 11.1947 24.1975 25. from Santa Cruz SÁ. from Benaulim REBELO.10.07. SALDANHA. from Usgão RODRIGUES.03.1987 30.1974 20.4. from Margão RODRIGUES.1969 02.77 29.05.04. Emídio Manuel Inacinho.02.1953 22. Victor Conceição. Mario.1942 06.10.1938 12. from Socorro SEQUEIRA.04. Vitor Caetano. Domingos Tome Pereira. from Majorda SILVA. from S. Benjamim Cruz.1948 28.02.1983 16. from Raia QUADROS. from Carmona SILVA.04.10. from Chinchinim REGO.1958 16.04. from Raia PINTO.1995 05.1948 30. Hipólito C. from Benaulim RODRIGUES.1993 04.05. from Calangute PROENÇA.1926 14.1959 23.05.1972 24.07.1988 13. from Margão REBELO.1934 12.1987 08.1950 15.1946 19.09.04. from Betalbatim RODRIGUES.05.5.05. Monteiro Saúde Taumaturgo.05. Mariano do Rosário Goes Souza e. Lourenço Bartolomeu Roque. Sebastião Eusico Lourenço.05.1974 20. from Colva RODRIGUES. from Tilamola RATOS.07. Arsénio Salvador.1974 30. from Saligão RODRIGUES. from Majorda RODRIGUES.2000 02.10.1973 25.1974 14. Gualberto Manuel.11.10. from Cuncolim PINTO.10. from Santa Cruz PEREIRA.1986 28.04.2003 01.1988 28.02.1966 13.04.1947 28.1966 28. from Colva. Alcântara J. José Adriano.10.2006 28. Francisco Mateus Fernandes e.Priests 30.1947 11.1955 06.08. from Orlim SILVA.1972 11. Ernesto Caridade Filipe.1964 13. Simão.04.1964 01.10. from Goa Velha RODRIGUES.2000 09.02. George. Socorro João Dias do.04.1971 01. from Benaulim 17. Jacinto Ricardo.1966 24. from Calangute Q QUADROS.12.1991 27.1975 17. Santo António.01.05.04. from Mercês RODRIGUES.1980 23.1948 19. Lourdinho António. from Sirsaim PEREIRA. Eufemiano Lino de.1949 12. from Chinchinim PEREIRA.08. Inez PEREIRA.1947 11. Donato Constâncio Rosário.10. from St. Tomás D'Aquino António.10. Francis.1954 28.04.1952 26.1926 27.1952 13. Eremito Monte. Francisco Xavier.1970 31.09.1949 27.1954 30.1976 11.2000 02. from Panjim PIRES. from Orlim PEREIRA.04. Daniel Agnelo.09. João Gualberto da Sta Rosa.12.05. Marcos Rui Óscar Coutinho e. Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY 04.05.1988 28.04.1997 01.10.1950 26.11.1972 06.05.1983 22.10.2003 02.10.1955 10.05.1983 20.05.1985 16.10.2000 17.04.1966 16.11.1958 30.10.2008 01.01.1959 24.10.2006 24.05.1976 26.04.1970 27.04.1975 27.04.1980 01.12.1963 08.12.1960 26.04.1970 30.10.2004 19.03.1969 19.05.1946 30.04.1979 01.05.1981 05.05.1992 21.12.1960 22.5.1998 28.10.2002 V VALADARES, António Amândio J.M.G. Jovino, from Majorda VALES, Menino, from Agasaim VAS, Alfred Judas, from Majorda VAS, Anthony, from Betalbatim VAS, Caetano Camilo, from Loutulim VAS, Carlos Eugenor, from Socorro VAS, Dominic Savio, from Varca VAS, Mário Luis, from Loutulim VAS, Saluzinho, from Orlim VAS, Valeriano Joaquim, from Velcao VERDES, José Albino de Jesus, from Chinchinim VIEGAS, (Can.) Adolfo Joviano Castro, from Taleigão VIEGAS, Bartolomeu Victor Cruz, from Carmona VIEGAS, Sávio Leonardo de Menino Cyrene, from Chinchinim VICTORIA, Benjamin Rock, from Pilerne 25.02.1952 22.12.1966 24.09.1963 22.05.1962 04.03.1916 10.01.1933 27.12.1967 30.07.1965 08.11.1967 15.12.1954 06.08.1934 22.10.1922 26.08.1945 18.01.1963 04.01.1973 List - Priests 27.04.1975 09.05.1996 27.04.1992 22.05.1989 21.04.1951 02.02.1958 06.05.1995 11.05.1995 04.05.1996 01.05.1981 24.04.1960 12.01.1947 28.04.1974 13.05.1998 22.10.2003 SILVA, James Alex Torres e, from Raia 23.06.1960 SILVA, Jerónimo, from Panjim 28.04.1969 SILVA, João de Deus Wolfango, from Benaulim 08.03.1925 SILVA, Joseph Assumption de, from Panjim 03.03.1946 SILVA, Mariano Conceição Chagas da, from Orlim 13.02.1955 SILVEIRA, Mariano from Banastarim 12.02.1974 SOARES, José Paulo A. Gouveia, from Pomburpa 13.12.1924 SOUZA, Agnelo Diogo Francisco Tomé Baptista, 21.12.1954 from Bambolim SOUZA, Agnelo Barnabé, from Mapusa 11.06.1956 SOUZA, Alex John de, from Calangute 11.06.1969 SOUZA, António Xavier, from Aldona 09.06.1942 SOUZA, Aquiles José Cesar, from Aldona 21.08.1935 SOUZA, Caetano, from Mandrem 29.09.1980 SOUZA, Eduardo António de, from Parra 02.07.1932 SOUZA, Fermino Savio de, from Pilerne 11.10.1978 SOUZA, Gualberto Luís, from Cunchelim 12.07.1951 SOUZA, Ivo da Conceição, from Calangute 30.11.1945 SOUZA, João Cruz Zeferino de, from Arossim 24.11.1950 SOUZA, Joaquim Francisco Olavo Silveira e, 03.03.1953 from Velsão SOUZA, João Filipe Purificação de, from Pilerne 02.02.1938 SOUZA, José Isidoro Almir Mérulo de, from Saligão17.01.1934 SOUSA, José Armando de, from Mapusa 01.12.1943 SOUZA, Marcelino Mariano de, from S. Jacinto 02.06.1969 SOUZA, John Francis, from Saligão 24.08.1937 SOUZA, Latino, from Mapusa 25.09.1917 SOUZA, Leonardo Caetano A. Pegado, from Assagão31.08.1953 SOUZA, Sávio José Cirilo, from Aldona 28.09.1957 SOUZA, Simplício Sabino de, from Tivim 29.07.1966 SOUZA, Thomas Justus, from Saligao 21.12.1932 T TELES, Kenneth Barreto, from Maina-Curtorim 14.11.1969 TRAVASSO, Mariano Dionisio, from Calvim 22.08.1972 162 163 Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY List - Religious L. Diocesan Priests deceased since 2009 Age 2009 1. Fr. Jose Vincente Felizardo Barreto Dias 93 2. Fr. Lagrange Romeu R Fernandes 85 3. Fr. Tomé Caetano Milagres Santana de Souza91 4. Fr. Joaquim da Piedade Souza 80 5. Fr. Manuel Antonio Pinto do Rosario 83 2010 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Can. Anacleto Caetano de Melo Fr. Amandio Avertano D'Costa Fr. Jose Inacio deLoyola Gomes Can. Antonio Cruz da Piedade Viegas Fr. Thomas Remedios Fernandes Fr. Mauro José Constancio Mascarenhas Fr. José Menino Rodrigues Fr. Salvador F. Lourenço 86 77 82 92 37 90 61 86 S. Matias Sucaldem Seraulim Carmona Colva Loutolim Benaulim Margão 20.01.2010 06.04.2010 16.04.2010 20.04.2010 09.05.2010 19.05.2010 31.05.2010 02.07.2010 Origin Dramapur Carmona Moira Nachinola Socorro Death 20.03.2009 16.06.2009 05.07.2009 26.09.2009 28.09.2009 M. Religious in the Diocese 1. BLESSED SACRAMENT FATHERS (S.S.S.) Sebastian Kitherimuthu Santiago 2. CAPUCHINS (OFM Cap) Alvares Paul Barros Tony Cardozo Alvito Colaço Agnelo Dias Cipriano D'Mello Anthony D'Souza Harold Fernandes Agnelo Fernandes Andrew Fernandes Blair Fernandes Franky Fernandes Gabriel Fernandes Romeo Fernandes Simon Rico Ferrão Domingos Filinto David Furtado Milchester Pereira Suhas Pereira Theodore Rodrigues Estevão Rodrigues Nicolau Rodrigues Waldheim 3. CARMELITES (O.C.D.) Braganza Jerome D'Cunha Noel D'Souza Anthony D'Souza Boniface D'Souza Joseph Fernandes Alvito Fernandes Fulgence Fernandes Teodozio Fernandes Victor Fonseca Maurice Mendonca Lancy Proenca Diogo Sequeira Ronald Tauro Jeevan 4. CONGREGATION OF THE HOLY CROSS ( CSC) D'Silva Lancy Herald Gonsalves Aloysius 5. DIVINE WORD SOCIETY (SVD) Carvalho Salvador Francis Joseph Gomes Richard Gomes Callisto Sequeira Nazareth 6. DOMINICANS (O.P.) Arackal Francis Chittedathu Sunil Jose Deepak Paulson Godinho Roger Kadaputhaleckal Sunoj Kusumalayam John Rodrigues Walter Tohill David 7. FRANCISCANS (O.F.M.) D'Souza Tony D'Souza Bernard Rozario Francis Dung Dung Ajit Lobo Basil 164 165 Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Lobo Vivian Marialayam Vijayanand Mascarenhas Agnelo Mendonca Delio Monteiro Kelwin Morais Guy Naik Gregory Naik Pratapanada Painumkal Abraham Pinto Agnelo Rodrigues Pedro Rodrigues Savio Rodrigues William Saldanha Desmond Vago Basil Viegas Patrick 10. PALLOTTINES (S.A.C.) Chinnabathani Jojappa Correia Anthony Dias Paulo D'Souza Mark D'Souza Daniel Prakash D'Souza Oswald D'Souza Xavier Fernandes Charles George Vensus Kumar Prashant Mascarenhas Reginald Pinto Frank Jack Punchal Saji Mathew Siran Joaquim Rebello Simões Camilo Rodrigues Nelson 11. REDEMPTORISTS (CSsR) D'Silva Lester De Souza Desmond De Souza Theodore Gonsalves Joseph Lobo Gabriel Lopez Anthony Mendonsa Jude Menezes Freddy Pinto Xavier Rodrigues Antonio 12. SALESIANS OF DON BOSCO (SDB) Baracho Edwin Braganza Frank Cardozo Tamatur Carvalho San D'Cunha Chyrsologus D'Cruz Kinley D'Souza Allwyn D'Souza Crispin D'Souza Paul De Souza Ralin Fernandes Albano Fernandes Augustine Fernandes Constantine Fernandes Dominic Savio Fernandes Egidio Fernandes Wilfred Figueiredo Ian Gomes Savio Lobo Joaquim Marcus James Mascarenhas Francis Mascarenhas Michael Miranda Olivio Monteiro Lawrence Mota Anisio Noronha Romulo Pires Loddy Quadros George Rocha Anthony List - Religious Rodrigues Alexinho Rodrigues Avil Sequeira Jose Sequeira Wilfred Severes Arvind Teixeira Banzelão Telles Clive William George 13. SOCIETY OF PILAR Almeida Alfredo Almeida Inácio Almeida Jesuino Alvares Dominic Alvares Gustavo Azavedo Valente Baptista Joseph Barreto Milagres Barreto Randal Bhoye Agnel Cardozo Anthony Cardozo Francisco Cardozo Peter Castelo Anthony Costa Cosme Coutinho Savio Crasto Richard D'Costa Andrew D'Cunha Agapito D'Cunha Octaviano D'Mello Augustine D'Silva Anthony D'Silva Glen D'Silva Tadeu D'Souza Anselmo D'Souza Crisostomo D'Souza Henry D'Souza Inacio D'Souza Kyriel D'Souza Navis 8. FRANSALIANS (M.S.F.S) Carvalho Valerian D'Souza Marcos Fernandes Anthony Fernandes Jose Fernandes Salvador Gonsalves Johnson Kodamulil Santow John Mascarenhas James Mendes Felix Philip Thomas Rodrigues Simon Sagayam A. Paul Sahayaraj Jerard Tete Dilip 9. JESUITS (S.J.) Agnelo Pinto Barreto Savio Britto Reginald Cardozo Apollinario Coutinho Rufino D'Souza Edwin D'Souza Pascoal D'Souza Romualdo D'Souza Ronald Da Silva Anthony Da Silva Eric De Melo Patrick De Sousa Franklin De Souza Colman Dias Epiphanio Do Rego Vasco Faleiro Braz Fernandes Cedric Fernandes Patricio Fernandes Simon Francis Leslie Gomes Levis 166 167 Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY Lobo Denis Lopes Orlando Lopes Tony Luis Alex Luis Patrick Mascarenhas Blaise Mascarenhas Sergio Mendes Cirilo Mendes Constancio Mendes Frank Mendes Neri Menezes Noel Miranda Eusebio Miranda Walter Monteiro Galdino Pereira John Pereira Mario Rebello Constantino Rebello Joaquim Rebello Michael Rego Pio Peter Rodrigues Albert Rodrigues Alfred Rodrigues Aurelio Rodrigues Basil Rodrigues Bosco Rodrigues Derrick Rodrigues Floriano Rodrigues Fredrick Rodrigues Lyndon Rodrigues Joseph Rodrigues Nicolau Rodrigues Orlando Rodrigues Pedro M Rodrigues Salvador Rodrigues Seby Rodrigues Thomas Silveira Andrew Soares Marsal Vaz Angelino Vaz Anton Paul Vaz Jerry Vaz Jose List - Abbreviations D'Souza Patrick D'Souza Peter D'Souza Ronaldo D'Souza Valerian D'Souza Victor Dias Dominic Dias Mariano Dias Stephen Diniz Irineu Fernandes Adrian Fernandes Anacleto Fernandes Anthony M Fernandes Basil Fernandes Bismark Fernandes Carlos Fernandes Cherobino Fernandes Domnic Fernandes Feroz Fernandes Hilario Fernandes Joaquim Fernandes Joseph Fernandes Lancelot Fernandes Lawrence Fernandes Mathew Fernandes Nazareth Fernandes Nirmaldo Fernandes Pascoal Fernandes Peter Fernandes Roque Fernandes Rosario Fernandes Saluzinho Fernandes Santiago Fernandes Vitorino Florindo Lino Furtado Mark Furtado Pio Godinho John Paul Gomes Walter Gonsalves Esperdião Gonsalves Max Gonsalves Remedios Gonsalves Thomas Gonsalves Victor Gracias Aleixo Abbreviations for Religious Men Religious cfc Christian Brothers cmsf Missionary Brothers of St Francis of Assisi csc Congregation of the Holy Cross cssr Redemptorists msfs Missionaries of St Francis of Sales (Fransalians) ocd Carmelites ofm cap Order of Friars Minor (Capuchins) ofm Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans) op Order of Preachers (Dominicans) sac Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) sdb Salesians of Don Bosco sfx Society of St. Francis Xavier (Pilar Fathers) sg Montfort Brothers of St Gabriel sj Society of Jesus (Jesuits) sss Blessed Sacrament Fathers svd Divine Word Society Women Religious / Pious Unions and Associations aasc ac bs ccr cssj dhm dsp fc fdcc fhic fma fmck fmm Sisters Adorers Apostolic Carmel Bethany Sisters of the Little Flower Carmelite Religious of Trivandrum Sisters of St Joseph of Chambery Daughters of the Heart of Mary Daughters of St Paul Daughters of the Cross of Liège Canossian Sisters Franciscan Hospitallers of the Immaculate Conception Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Franciscan Missionaries of Christ the King Franciscan Missionaries of Mary 168 169 Archdiocese of Goa & Daman DIRECTORY fs fsi fsma hc hc ivs jmj mc mms msa msi ocd osss pbvm pddm psa psol rjm rmi sa sac sbms scc sccg schsa scsc sfn sgs shm sjc sjt smi sra umi us Fatima Sisters Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Franciscan Sisters of St Mary of the Angels Handmaids of Christ Holy Cross Sisters (Menzingen) Ishaprema Vinamra Sevika Society of Jesus Mary and Joseph Missionaries of Charity Medical Mission Sisters Mission Sisters of Ajmer Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Cloistered Carmelites Bridgettine Sisters Presentation Sisters Sister Disciples of the Divine Master Association of Pilar Sisters Poor Sisters of Our Lady Religious of Jesus Mary Religious of Mary Immaculate Sisters of St Anne of Providence Pallottine Sisters Shanti Bhaginis of Maria Sangh Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod Maria Bambina Sisters Sisters of Charity of St Anne Sisters of the Mercy of the Holy Cross Holy Family Sisters Good Shepherd Sisters Helpers of Mary Cluny Sisters Sisters of St Joseph of Tarbes Sisters of Mary Immaculate Mission Sisters of the Queen of Apostles Ursulines of Mary Immaculate Ursuline Sisters Notes 170 000 . Notes Notes .
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