DIN 8570-1987



" a. o Z UDC 621.791 : 621.753.12 DEUTSCHE NORM October 1987 -   I ~ Generai talerances far welded structures linear and angular dimensions 8570 Part 1 Allgemeintoleranzen fur SchweiBkonstruktionen; Uingen- und WinkelmaBe Supersedes October 1974 edition. 1 Scope This standard is intended to simplify drawings. It specifies generai tolerances for linear and angular dimensions of \tJe!ded structures in four tolerance ciasses, these being based on customary workshop accuracv. The main criterion for the selection of a particular tolerance class should be the functional requirements which are to be met. If smaller tolerances are required, or if larger tolerances are both permissible and more economical, then thev shall be indicated individuallv in accordance with DIN 406 Part 2. 2 Field of application Generai tolerances for linear and angular dimensions as specified in this standard app1v for weldments, welding assemblies and welded structures when reference is made to this standard on drawings or related technical documents (e.g. delivery specificationsl in accordance with clause 4. The generai tolerances applv for linear dimensions, e.g. external dimensions, internai dimensions, offset dimensions, centre line distances, and for angular dimensions, in the latter case applving both for those that have been indicated in the drawing and those that are generallv not thus indicated, e.g. right angles, or the angles of regular polvgons. Special provisions may be needed for tlle linear dimensions of welded structures com- posed of a number of welding assemblies. Where, in manufacturing documentation, reference is made to different standards covering generai tolerances, the generai tolerances as specified in this standard sllall applv for dimensions produced by welding. The specifications given in tllis standard are based on tlle principle of independency as specified in ISO 8015, according to which tlle linear and geometrical tolerances app1v independently of each other. Manufacturing documentation in whicll linear and angular dimensions are presented without individually indicated tolerances sllall be deemed incomplete if tllere is no, or inadequate, reference to generai tolerances. This does not apply to temporarv dimensions. Beuth Verlag GmbH. Berlin. has the exclusive righi of sale for Garman Standards (D/N-Normen). 04.91 Continued on pages 2 to 4 D/N 8570 Part 1 Engl. Price group 5 Sales No. 0105 Page 2 DIN 8570 Part 1 3 Generai tolerances for linear and angular dimensions 3.1 limit deviatiom fo!' linear dimensions Table 1. limit deviations fo!' linea!' dimensions Range of nominaI sizes, in mm Tolerance c!ass 1) 2 to 30 i Over 30 t up to l Over I Over l Over 1   I Over Il Over l 120 ! 400 I 1000 I 2000 4000 12000 ! 16000 I 20000 l I 1 U ; I I ! 120 Limit deviations, in mm A ±1 ±1 ±2 ±3 ±4 ±5 :16 ±7 :l:: 8 ±9 1--.' ... "'.,-----.- B ±2 :1: 3 ±4 ±6 8 ±10 ± 12 ± 14 ± 16 ,<._---_ .. - ±1 C ±3 j ±6 ±8 ± 27 --""""""""-- D ±4 ±7 ±9 ± 12 ± 40 1) For special applications, e.g. in the case of thin sheet used in engine construction, generai tolerances amounting to only 50 % of those given for tolerance class A may also be maintained. This special tolerance class shall be denoted by the letter Z. 3.2 Limit delliations for angular dimensions The length of the shorter angle leg shall be used to deter· mine in accordance with table 2 which limit deviations are to apply. The length of the leg may also be assumed 10 extend to a specified reference point. In this case, the reference point concerned shall be indicated on the drawing. See table 2 for the mlevant limit deviations. Figures 1 to 5 show examples of how the shorter angle leg, l, is represented. 4 Indications on drawings The designation of the selected tolerance class as specified in this standard (e.g. DIN 8570- B), or its combination with a tolerance c!ass as specified in DIN 8570 Part 3 (e.g. DIN 8570-BEl. shall be entered in the appropriate area on the drawing. 5 Testing Testing and measuring devices compiying with D IN Standards shall be used for determining the deviations, e.g. DIN 862 vernier calipers, DIN 6403 tape measures or DIN 875 squares. Other testing and measuring devices may be used by agreement. The results of measurement may be ialsified if they are obtained under unusual temperature or atmospheric conditions, e.g. in strang sunlight. The actual size of an angle shall be determined by ap- plying suitable measuring devices tangentially to the weldment, but away from the zone immediately in· fluenced by the weld. The deviation shall be derived from the difference between the nominai size and the actual size. The angular deviation may be measured in degrees and minutes, or in mm. Table 2. limit deviations for angular dimensions Rango of nominai sizes, in mm (Iength or shorter leg) Tolerance Up to 400 lover 400 l Over 1000 class up to 1000         -_ ... """."",,,,,.,,,,,, ",,,,,, •• ,,.-,,-_.,,, Limit deviations, in degrees and minutes A ± 20' ±15' ± 10' .. " ,_,_ ... ,,"w ..... ·_ .. · ."''' .. " ... ",,,,,---_ ... '""".",,,,,, ..._------- 8 ± 45' ±30' ± 20' __ .. m_ ......... . .......-.....-. _ ____ n_. __ .. .. _ .. C :1: l" :145' ±30' .. _ .. " .... - .. w ......     .. '''.''''''''''-- D ± 1"30' ± 1°15' ± 1° Calculated and rounded limit deviations, in mm/m *) A ±6 ±4,5 ±3 -,---_ .. " B ± 13 ±9 6 C ± 18 ±9 _ ......... D ±26 ± 18 *) The value indicated in mm/m corresponds to the tangent value of the generai tolerance. It is to be multiplied by the length, in m, of the shorter leg. 6 Usability A decision on the use of components not complying with this standard mav be made on the basis of their fitness for purpose (as defined in DIN 66050). passo tra anelli 550 mm (da misurare alla base degli anelli) dipendente dalla altezza degli anelli DIN 8570 Part 1 Page 3 r \ /Reference point ,----* Reference poin! Figure 1. \ // " /// ?   / Reference point Figure 2. Figure 3. X ..... / . Figure 4. Reference point Figure 5. Standards l'eferred to DIN 406 Part 2 Dimensioning on drawings; basic principles DIN 862 Vernier calipers; concepts, requirements, testing DIN 875 90° steel squares DIN 6403 DIN 8570Part3 DIN 66050 Steel rneasuring tapes with winder frames or winder cases Generai tolerances for welded structUrE!S; form and position Fitness for purpose; concept ISO 8015 Technical drawings; fundamental tolerancing principles Otilel" relsvant standards DIN 7168 Part 1 Generai tolerances; linear and angular dimensions DIN 7168 Part 2 Generai tolerances; geornetrical tolerances ,\V-' / i Reference point DIN 8563 Part 3 Quality assurance of welded structures; fusion-welded joints in steel (except beam weldingl; require- rnents, classification D'N 8563 Part 30 Quality assurance of welded structures; fusion-welded joints in alurninium and aluminiurn alloys (except bearn welding); requirernents, classification Previous editions D IN 25029: 04,62 D IN 8570 Part 1: 04.71, 10.74. Amendments The following arnendments have been rnade to the October 1974 edition: a) the standard has been brought into line with new developrnents in standardization; b) tolerance class Z has been introduced for special applications. Page 4 DIN 8570 Part 1 Explanatory notes The publication of standards covering both generai toierances for linear and angular dimensions (DIN 8570 Part i) and generai geometrical tolerances (tolerances on straightness, flatness and parallelism, in DIN 8570 Part 3) has proved a successo The present revised edition of the standard largely repro- duces the content of its predecessor, but has taken recent developments in the field of standardization into account, in particular the specifications of DIN 7168 Part 1 in respect of generai tolerances for linear and angular dimensions. In accordance with DIN 7168 Part 1, the size steps in the range from 120 mm to 1000 mm have been changed trom "over 120 up to 315 mm" to "over 120 up to 400 mm". and trom "over 315 up to 1000 mm" to "over 400 up to 1000 mm", the result being a smoother progression of the size steps. The further consequence, namely that the generai tolerances in the 315 mm to 400 mm range are now reduced, was not considered to be a serious impediment, even with regard to existing drawings. The standard specifies generai tolerances for linear and angular dimansions of welded structures, without restriction to particular applications, and is to be applied for such structures unless other special provisions take precedence. The tolerance classes specified make due allowance for differing requirements in the various fields of application, but basically reflect customary workshop accuracy. The Intemational Patent Ciassification G 01 B B 23 K difficulties involved in maintaining a given tolerance class are not the same for ali classes. The higher the class, the more difficult it is to maintain, so that the tolerance ctass shou!d be selected to meet only the actual require- ments. In one and the same drawing, different to/erance classes may be selected for the linear and angutar tolerances as specified in this standard and for the geometrica! to!er- ances specified in DIN 8570 Part 3. In order to indicate, for example, that tolarance class A has been selected for the generai tolerance for linear and angular dimansions, and tolarance class F for tha generai geometrical toler- ances, the indication on the drawings shou!d read "D!N 8570 AF", The tolerances need not be indicated for each nominai size separately, a generai reference to the tolerance class in the drawings and/or other docu- ments (e.g. delivery specifications, working papers) being sufficient. Two dimensionai systems hava been specified as equally applicable for determining the angular deviation, namely degrees and minutes and mm/m, calculated and rounded to the nearest mm, as this permits in e8ch case the application of the most suitable and efficient measuring method and the use of the available measuring devices. When indicating angles, the position of the intersection point of the two leg5 may be of such importance that it ought to be specially marked and dimensioned as a "reference point" (see figures 1 to 5). " O- o Z UDC 621.791: 621.753.14 DEUTSCHE NORM October 1987 Generai talerances far welded structures DIN - Geometrical tolerances 8570 Part 3 Allgemeintoieranzen fur Schweil3konstruktionen; Form und Lage Supersedes October 1974 edition, withdrawn in January 1986. In keeping with current practice in standards published by che International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a comma has been used throughout as me decimaI marker. 1 Scope This standard is intendsd to simplify drawings. It specifies generai tolerances of form and position for welded structures in four tolerance classes, these being based on cus- tomary workshop aeeuracy. The main criterion for the selection of a particular to/erance class should be the functional requirements \/vhich are to be met. If smaller geometrica! tolerances are required, or if larger toleranees are both permitted and more economical, then they shall be indicated individually in accordance with ISO 1101. 2 Field of applicatiol1 Generai toleranees of form and position as specified in th is standard apply for weld· ments, welding assemblies and welded structures when reference is made to this stand .. ard on drawings or related technical documents (s. g. delivery specifications) in accord- ance with clause 5. The specifications given in this standard are based on the principle of independency as specified in ISO 8015, according to which dimensionai and geometrie tolerances apply independently of each other. Where other tolerancing principles are to be followed, this shall be explicitly stated in the drawings. 3 Concepts Straightness tolerance, flatness tolerance and parallelism tolerance are to be understood as defined in subclauses 14.1,14.2 and 14.7, respeetively, of the March 1985 edition of/SO 1101. 4 Straightness, flatness and parallelism tolerances The straightness, flatness and parallelism tolerancss as specified in the following table apply both for the overal! dimensions of a weldment, a welding assembly, or a welded structure, and also for sections for which the dimensions are indicated. Other tolerances of form and position, e.g. coaxiality and symmetry tolerances, have not been specified. If such tolerances are required for reasons of function, they shall be indicated on the drawings as specified in ISO 1101. Continued on pages 2 to 4 Beulh Verlag GmbH. Berlin. has the exelusive righI 01 sale far German Standards (DIN-Normen). D/N 8570 Part 3 Engl. 08.91 Sales No. 0105 Page 2 DIN 8570 Part 3 Table. Straightness, fiatness and parallelism tolerances Range of nominai sizes, in mm (relates to longer si de of the surface) -- n'" Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Toleranee 30 120 400 1000 2000 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 class up to up to up to up to up to up to up to up to up to 120 400 1000 I 2000 4000 8000 I 12000 16000 20000 Toleranees, in mm E 0,5 1,5 2 4 5 6 I 7 8 I     F 1 3 i 4,5 6 8 10 12 14 16 G 1,5 3 5,5 9 11 16 20 22 ! 25 25 ! --- - - . H 2,5 5 9 14 18 26 32 36 40 40 5 Indications Ori drawings The designation of tne selected to!erance elass as specified in this standard (e.g. DiN 85ìO-Fì, or its eombination with a toleranee class as specified in DIN 8570 Part 1 (e.g. DIN 8570-AFI, shall be entered in the appropriate area on the drawing. 6 Testing Testing and measuring deviees eomplying with DIN Standards shall be used for determining the deviations, e.g. DIN 18701 graduated steel straightedges, DIN 6403 tape measures, straightedges eomplying with DIN 874 Part 1 or 2, DIN 875 squares, DIN 862 vernier calipers, or DIN 878 dial gauges. Other testing and measuring devices may be used by agreement. The results of measurement may be falsified if they are obtained under unusual temperature or atmospheric conditions, e.g in strong suntight. Examples of the determination of deviations are shown in figures 1 to 3. 6.1 Straightness The edge of the weldment and the straightedge shall be aligned in such a way that the greatest distanee betwecn the straightedge and the actual surface is at its minimum. The distances between the edge and the straightedge shall be measured. hmax - hmin ;s; t Figure 1. Straightness test 6.2 Flatness The aetual surfaee of the weldment and the measuring piane shall be aligned to eaeh other in sueh a way that the greatest distanee between the measuring piane and the actual surface is at its minimum. This may be effeeted, for example, with the aid of optieal deviees, tubular water levels, span wires, floor plates, surfaee plates, and machine bads. The distanees between the actual surface and the measur- ing piane shall be measured. 6.3 Parallelism The referenee surface shall be aligned parallel to the refer- enee piane. A measuring piane shall be established parallel to the reference piane and apart trom the weldment, using the measuring devices referred to in subclause 6.2. The dis- tances between the aetual surface and the measuring piane shall be measured. /,.Measurin g piane , ><: /' . Figure 2. F latness test dipende dalla lunghezza presa in considerazione durante la verifica (lunghezza della riga in alluminio) DIN 8570 Part 3 Page 3 x Measuring piane Reference surface Reference piane Figure 3. Parallelism test 7 Usability À decision 00 the use of compooents not complying with this standard may be made on the basis of their fitness for purpose (as defined in DIN 66050). Standards referred to DIN 862 Vernier calipers; concepts, requirements, testing DIN 874 Part 1 DIN 874 Part 2 DIN 875 DIN 878 DlN 6403 DIN 8570 Part 1 DIN 18701 DIN 66050 ISO 1101 ISO 8015 Steel straightedges; dimensions, technical delivery conditions Knife-edge straightedges; dimensions, technical delivery conditions 90" steel squares Dial gauges Steel measuring tapes with winder frames or winder cases Generai tolerances far welded structures; linear and angular dimensions Graduated steel straightedges Fitness for purpose; concept Technical drawings; geometrical tolerancing, tolerancing of fOnTI, orientation, location and run-out; generalities, definitions, symbols, indications on drawings Technical drawings; fundamental tolerancing principles Other relevant standards DIN 7168 Part 1 Generai tolerances; linear and angular dimensions DIN 7168 Part 2 Generai tolerances; geometrica I tolerances DIN 8563 Part 3 Quality assurance of welded structures; fusion-welded joints in steel (except beam welding); require- ments, classification DIN 8563 Part 30 Quality assurance of welded structures; fusion-welded joints in aluminium and aluminium alloys (except beam welding); requirements, classification Previous edition DIN 8570 Part 3: 10.74. Amendments The following amendments have been made to the October 1974 edition of this standard, withdrawn in January 1986. a) The standard has been brought into line with new developments in standardization. b) The status of the standard is now that of a full standard. Page 4 DIN 8570 Part 3 Explanatory notes The publication of standards covering both generai toler- ances for linear and angular dimensions (DIN 8570 Part 1) and generaI geometrical tolerances (tolerances on straight- ness, flatness and parallelism, in DIN 8570 Part 3) has proved a successo The present revised edition of the standard largely repro- duces the content of the preliminary standard which preceded it, but has taken recent developments in the field of standardization into account, in particular the specifications of DIN 7168 Part 2 in respect of generai geometrical tolerances and of ISO 1101 with regard to concepts and to the indication of geometrical tolerances on drawings. In accordance with DIN 7168 Part 2, the size steps in the range from 120 mm to 1000 mm have been changed to "over 120 up to 400 mm" (previously 315 mm instead of 400 mm) and to "over 400 (pr.évi- ausiy 315) up to 1000 mm", the result being a smoother pragression of the size steps. The further consequence, namely that the generai tolerances in the 315 mm to 400 mm range are nCVJ reducad l was not considered to be a serious impediment, even with regard to ex isting drawings. The tolerance classes are designated by code letters E, F, G, H. These code letters follow on trom the letters A, B, C, D specified in the tables for linear and angular tal- erances in DIN 8570 Part 1. The purpose of using letters in alphabetical sequence is to avoid mistakes being made Intemational Patent Classification G 01 B B 23 K in drawings when the tolerances for linear and angular dimensions and those for form and position are being entered. On one and the same drawing, different tolerance classes may be indicated for the linear and angular tolerances specified in DIN 8570 Part 1 and for the geometrical tolerances specified in this standard. in order to indicate, for example, that tolerance c!ass A has baen selected for the generai tolerance for linear and angular dimensions, and tolerance class F for the geometrica! tolerances, the indication on the drawings should read "DIN 8570 AF". The four to!erance c!asses specified make due allowance for differing requirements in the various fields of app!i- cation, but basically reflect customary workshop accu- racy. The difficulties involved in maintaining a given tolerance class are not the same for ali classes. The hìgher the class, the more diffìcult it is to maintain, so that the tolerance class should be selected to meet only the actual requirements. As generai tolerances are based on customary workshop accuracy, no check s, or only spot checks, are usually made to verify whether they have been maintained. For arbitration or inspection control purposes, specifications have been given here with regard to testing, which may be usefully supplemented by the Beuth Commentary Prufverfahren fur Farm- und Lageabweichungen (Proce- dures for establishing deviations of form and position).
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