Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda

March 20, 2018 | Author: pratyusha201 | Category: Metabolic Pathway, Metabolism, Digestion, Cellular Respiration, Lipid



C.Dwarakanath Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda Leseprobe Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda von C. Dwarakanath Herausgeber: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy http://www.narayana-verlag.de/b7092 Das Kopieren der Leseproben ist nicht gestattet. Narayana Verlag GmbH Blumenplatz 2 D-79400 Kandern Tel. +49 7626 9749 700 Fax +49 7626 9749 709 Email [email protected] http://www.narayana-verlag.de In unserer Online-Buchhandlung werden alle deutschen und englischen Homöopathie Bücher vorgestellt. The Amlabhava of Avasthapaka (Prapaka) 16. The significance of Dhatwagnivyapara 3. Dhatuvahasrotamsi & their specificity 4. Pitta and the Bile 12. Pilu and Pithara pakas 9. Dwarakanath „ Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda “ Publisher: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy Excerpted by Narayana Publishers. 21. 20. The mode of production of Prasadhakhya (nutrient) and Malakhya (waste-pro ducts) dhatus 105-114 114-116 116-121 121-126 Excerpt from C. 79400 Kandern. The mechanism of secretion of Pitta in the Urdhwamashaya 17. Sajatiya and Vijatiya 24. The Concept of Pitta (Antaragni) 7. Anatomical considerations 3. Madhurabhava in Adhoamashaya 15. Kala and Srotas 6. Embryological considerations 4. Bhutagnipaka 23.asas Panchabhautic structure of dravyas basic to Rasas 22. Kletliikakaplia and pratlitiinap.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0 . Normal and abnormal functions of Pitta 10. Jatharagnipaka and Intestinal digestion Jatharagnipaka Vipaka of Px. Introduction 2. 19. Prapaka 14. Kala and Srotas—Secretory functions 5. Katubhava of Avasthapaka 25. Dhatwagnipaka or Metabolic transfor mations 2. Avasthapaka 13. Pachakapitta 11.-xka 1-2 2-6 6-10 10-16 17-19 19-21 22-29 29-33 33-35 35-43 48-53 53-57 57-59 59-60 60-61 61-62 62-63 18. Formation of Purisha or faeces Samana and Apanavayus 63-66 66-67 67-71 71-78 78-85 85-99 99-100 100-102 102-105 SECTION-II 1. Paka and its implications 8.CONTENTS Preface SECTION-I 1. 26. Tel. control and regulation of Carbohydrates 5. The implications of Kedarikulyanyaya 7. Madhura and Sneha dravyas 4.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0 . Enzymes and Dhatwagnis 11. their pachana (digestion). particularly. (t) The general pattern of nutrient balance in the body and the role of yakrit (liver) in its maintenance (ii) Madhura dravya or Carbohydrate balance of the body 7. Kitta and Prasadapakas vis a vis Catabolism and Anabolism SECTION-III 1. 79400 Kandern. Snehadravyas (lipids). Madhura and Sneha dravyas or the Metabolism of Nutrient substances. The Nishthapaka of Dravyas-specially. Khalekapothanyaya and its implications 8.[2] 5. A brief review of the pachana (diges tion) of Snehadravyas (fats) in the Amashaya (stomach and small intestine) 11. The pattern of distribution of Poshaka dhatus 6. Dwarakanath „ Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda “ Publisher: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy Excerpted by Narayana Publishers. Marga and Samata of Madhura-rasa (dravyas) or the Pathway. shoshana (absorption) and margas (transport pathways) 10. Tel. Some factors concerned with the samata or balance of madhurarasa (dravyas) 9. Recapitulation 2. Lymph and Rasa 6. Shoshana (absorption) of sneha dravyas (fats) 126-129 129-131 131-134 134-141 141-142 142-180 180-184 185-187 187-188 188-205 205-208 208-211 211-212 212-214 214-218 218-221 221-223 223-224 Excerpt from C. Nishthapaka and Vipaka 3. The formation of Dhatus-the Timefactor 9. Carbohydrates and Fats. Sthirata of Madhurarasa in Rasa-rakta or blood-sugar constancy 8. Dhatwagnipaka and some modern bio chemical developments 10. The burning of the fuel and the over all outlook of aerobic form of cellular respiration 224-227 227-230 230-236 236-242 242-245 245-257 257-266 266-267 267-280 281-284 284-288 288-291 291-293 293-297 297-299 299-302 302-306 Excerpt from C. Charaka's Concept 17. Tel. Vipaka and Virya 2. Guna. Virya and Vipaka of Dhatvaharas. Transformation of Rasa. Rasas and Viryas 3. two broadbased classification of twenty gunas. Margas (transport pathways) and samata (equilibrium) of Poshaka dhatus or dravyas (amino acids) 16.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0 . Pachana of Dhatuposhaka dravyas 15. Virya or energy modality. snehadravyas and medas vis a vis the concept of Rasa. Energy transfer 6. Snehamarga or the transport pathways of lipids 13. The biochemical and physiological implications of the concept of the changeability of madhuradravyas. eight gunas with virya status SECTION-V 1. Gunas. Dwarakanath „ Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda “ Publisher: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy Excerpted by Narayana Publishers. Hydrogen transfer 7. Dhatusamya (samata) or bodywide nutrient balance or equilibrium SECTION-IV 1. Pachana (digestion). Energy . especially the Madhura and Snehadravyas in Kayagnipaka 2. 79400 Kandern. Energy liberation (shaktyutkarsha) and oxidation (dahana) 4. The anaerobic form of cellular respi ration 8. Respiration and bond energy 3. Shoshana (absorp tion) and margas (transport pathways) of Poshaka dhatus (mainly proteins) 14. Guna. conservation and utili sation 5.gain.[3 ] 12. Srotamsi and metabolism 2. Antaragni and Kayachikitsa Index.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0 . cellular respiration and synthesis metabolism 14. Dwarakanath „ Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda “ Publisher: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy Excerpted by Narayana Publishers. Tel. 79400 Kandern. Prasadakhya and Malakhya dhatus and intermediary metabolites SECTION-VI 1. Errata. Synthesis metabolism 12. The transformation of acetic acid to carbon-di-oxide 11.[4 ] 9. ' 306-308 308-311 311-313 313-316 317-325 325-327 327-336 336-337 337-338 338-340 340-343 Excerpt from C. Kayagnipaka. Mechanism and dynamics of the exchange of fluid across capillaries 3. Protein synthesis 13. Kayagnipaka-a complete concept of digestion and metabolism 15. The breakdown of Carbohydrates 10. Membranes and permeability 4. geb.C. Dwarakanath Digestion and Metabolism in Ayurveda 384 Seiten.narayana-verlag.de . Mehr Homöopathie Bücher auf www.
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