Dietmar Wolf Volume Program

March 27, 2018 | Author: Ben AndBryanna Rudman | Category: Individual Sports, Sports, Athletic Sports, Recreation, Weight Training



BUNDESVERBAND DEUTSCHER GEWICHTHEBER E.V.BVDG - Kraftdreikampf - Kadertrainer: Dietmar Wolf Training Survey 3 days per week (Copyright: Dietmar Wolf) Goals SQ ** BP ** DL** ** Raw Maxes KG 460.0 315.0 515.0 Dato Navn Recommended Change: Competition Squat Load Interval 415 90 80 - 90 High Bar Squat w/Pause 322.5 70 60 - 70 Benchpress 267.5 85 75 - 85 Incline Bench 157.5 50 50 - 60 220 70 70 - 80 Benchpress with Bottle 347.5 110 95 - 110 Military press 157.5 50 50 - 60 125 40 40 - 50 Deadlift from Box 462.5 90 90 - 100 Deadlift 412.5 80 80 - 90 360 70 70 - 80 257.5 50 50 - 60 180 35 35 - 45 55 55 - 65 Close Grip Bench BTN Press Defecit Deadlift StifflegDefecit Deadlift Good mornings ** StifflegDeadlift From Hang *** 282.5 * Or Reverse Grip ** Lifters use sumo-style competition, to use traditional style in training ** Lifters who use traditional style of competition, will use Halvsumo style in training ***Novice and young lifters should not train Good mornings, they can istede train stifflegDeadlift From Hang, with slightly wider grip Example "Trisett" - Benchpress: 1.Set: benchpress 1x7, then 1x7 Biceps, then Lattrowing rod 1x8 - no break - pause 2 - 3 min. 2.Set: benchpress 1x6, 1x7 Biceps right then, right then Lattrowing rod 1x8 - no break - pause 2 - 3 min. 3.Set: benchpress 1x5, 1x7 Biceps right then, right then Lattrowing rod 1x8 - no break - pause 2 - 3 min. 4.Reset: benchpress 1x5, 1x7 Biceps right then, right then Lattrowing rod 1x8 - no break - pause 2 - 3 min. 5.Set: benchpress 1x5, 1x7 Biceps right then, right then Lattrowing rod 1x8 - no break Superset for example. Week 2 - Powerlifting Squat: 1.Set: Squat 1x5 2.Set (labeled 1) 1x5 - 4, then (2), 1x6 - 5 - no break - Break 2-3 min. 3.Set (labeled 1) 1x5 - 4, then (2), 1x6 - 5 - no break - Break 2-3 min. 4.Reset (labeled 1) 1x5 - 4, then (2), 1x6 - 5 - no break Superset for example. Week 2 - Dead Lift: 1.Set: from block 1x5, then 1x5 from the ground - without a break - Break 2-3 min. 2.Set: from block 1x5, then 1x5 from the ground - without a break - Break 2-3 min. 3.Set: from block 1x5, then 1x5 from the ground - without a break V.5 332.0 SXR 1x7-6 Wide Grip 330.0 1x7 1x6 1x5 135.0 100.5 4x5 1x8 275.Kraftdreikampf .5 Tough and Go 1x7 1x5 182.0 3x8 3x7 3x8 Barbell Rows trisett SXR trisett 5x8 trisett 5x8 5x8 Pull Ups or Lat Pulldown SXR Narrow Grip* 3x15-8 3x15-8 3x15-8 Machine Rows SXR Military press SXR 3x10-12 110.0 3x6-5 3x5-4 232.5 237.sett FR 1x6 372.0 145.0 187.0 wide 227.5 1x6 1x6 100.0 130.5 Medium Grip 1x7 3x5-6 føttene på benken 3x5-4 175.5 142.0 Dato Navn ON FR 332.0 ON 1x8 2.5 245.0 240.5 1x8 1x6 Standard 242.0 4x5 290.5 Competition Grip 3x5 SXR 1x7-6 220.5 on the 225.5 press 3x10-12 125.5 1x8 257.5 197.0 372.0 287.0 282.0 Medium Grip 1x7 w/Pause 207.5 3x6 1x6 Standard 257.0 137.0 1x7 117.0 BTN 1x6-5 107.0 wide 250.0 SXR block 1x10 1x8 block 1x10 1x8 block 1x10 1x8 w/Pause wide 235.0 1x7-6 From 350.0 87.5 3x10-8 3x8 3x10-8 3x8 3x10-8 BTN 95.5 3x6-5 supersett 1.Kadertrainer: Dietmar Wolf Trainingsopplegg 3 dager per uke (Copyright: Dietmar Wolf) Øvelse Uke 1 Uke 2 MA TI ON TO FR MA TI Powerlifting Squat SetXReps 290.0 Competition Grip Incline Bench med trisett 227.0 wide 265.5 1x6 Narrow Grip* 187.5 352.0 250.0 3x6 4x5 watch?v=FuHDGOjCd04 Leg Curl 1x15 1x15 1x15 1x12 1x12 1x12 3x8 3x8 Benchpress trisett 200.5 on the 257.0 197.0 Ground 3x5 1x6-5 350.5 312.0 trisett 5x7 1.0 265.0 3x5-4 130.5 TO 352.0 Medium Grip SXR 3x8 trisett 215.5 Box 3x5 330.5 135.5 3x5-4 Defecit Deadlift** SXR StifflegDeadlift From Defecit 3x5-4 270.5 275.0 350.0 152.0 wide 215.BUNDESVERBAND DEUTSCHER GEWICHTHEBER E.5 3x5-4 242.0 147.0 212.5 205.sett supersett 2.0 Competition Grip 3x5 125.0 press 2x6-5 From Hang SXR Deadlift SXR with Emphasis Abs SXR 95. sett 1x6-5 5x7 From 392.sett 1x6 3x5 Uke 3 MA TI 332.5 High Bar Squat TO 3x5 on the 242.0 press 125.5 1x8 1x5 312.5 3x8 3x10-8 3x8 3x10-8 3x8 3x10-8 2x10-12 2x12-15 3x15 3x15 2x12-15 2x10-12 3x15 3x15 2x12-15 2x12-15 3x15 3x15 2x10-12 3x15 2x12-15 2x12-15 3x15 3x15 . BVDG .5 3x6-7 Benchpress 235.5 192.5 257.0 2x5-6 2x5-6 2x5-4 2x5-4 2x5-6 125.5 1x6-5 1x6-5 135.0 3x6 1x6 Standard 275.5 232.5 wide 1x6 stopp 1x6 1x6-5 240.5 3x7-6 3x4-5 3x5-6 Dips or Push Ups with Emphasis SXR 5x7 5x7 5x7 Triceps SXR 5x6-8 5x6-8 5x6-8 Biceps trisett SXR trisett 5x7 Deadlift 310.0 3x8 225.0 135.5 Good Mornings*** SXR StifflegDeadlift *** BTN 3x10-12 117.5 3x7 305. 5 312.0 1x6 1x5 1x4 137.5 1.sett 372.5 BTN 3x10-12 142. sett 1x5 From 440.5 167.5 on the 282.5 220.0 wide 1x5-4 295.0 95.0 Box 3x4-3 From 372.5 wide " 4x4-3 3x8 trisett 240.0 Competition Grip 1x6-5 255.0 225.0 Medium Grip 1x7-6 247.5 147.0 1x6-5 1x5-4 112.5 SXR block 1x8 1x7 block 1x10 1x8 block 1x6 1x6 w/Pause wide 282.sett supersett 2.0 232. sett 5x7 5x7 From 417.5 1.5 290.5 360.5 3x7 3x8 3x6 3x7 3x7-6 3x6-5 2x10-12 2x12-15 3x15 3x15 2x12-15 2x10-12 3x15 3x15 2x12-15 2x12-15 3x15 3x15 2x10-12 3x15 2x12-15 2x12-15 3x15 3x15 262.sett 395.V.5 Ground 3x3-4 402.5 3x8 3x7 3x7 3x6 3x7-6 BTN 100.BUNDESVERBAND DEUTSCHER GEWICHTHEBER E.5 3x6-5 supersett 1x6-5 3x6-5 supersett 352.0 wide 265.0 SXR 3x4-5 3x5-4 StifflegDeadlift on Box SXR 342.0 3x4 1x12 w/Pause stopp 4x4-5 1x15 på 1x5 Standard 297.0 press 140.5 1x6 1x6 Standard 290.Kraftdreikampf .5 282.sett 3x3 High Bar Squat 3x4-5 on the 275.5 .0 152.5 2.5 Tough and Go 1x5 1x6 202.5 112.5 382.0 3x3-4 197.0 275.0 162.sett 3x3 on the 257.5 3x6-5 247.0 202.0 3x5 Leg Curl 1x8 307.0 press 150.0 3x7 3x7 3x8 Barbell Rows SXR trisett 5x8 5x8 5x8 Pull Ups or Lat Pulldown SXR Narrow Grip* 3x15-8 3x15-8 3x15-8 Machine Rows SXR Military press SXR 3x10-12 117.5 1x6 Benchpress på 1x6-5 flaske 287.0 Good Mornings*** SXR StifflegDeadlift *** BTN 3x10-12 135.0 3x5 " 3x5-4 130.5 145.5 3x3-4 Defecit Deadlift** 325.0 wide 290.0 1x15 Benchpress Incline Bench med 1x6 Standard 275.5 1x4 Narrow Grip* 210.5 2.5 Competition Grip 3x5-4 137. BVDG .5 250.5 3x5-6 312.0 255.0 1x6 2x5-6 2x5-4 2x4-3 2x4-3 2x-4-3 2x5-6 157.5 1x4-3 1x4-3 120.0 297.0 352.0 3x4-5 3x6-5 3x3-4 Dips or Push Ups with Emphasis SXR 5x7 5x7 5x7 Triceps SXR 5x6-8 5x6-8 5x6-8 Biceps SXR trisett 5x7 Deadlift 1.5 3x4-3 237.5 1x12 SXR SXR 1x5 290.0 245.5 Medium Grip flaske 305.5 1x5 Uke 6 MA TI ON 1x6-8 1x5 312.0 297.0 1x7 Competition Grip 315.0 305.5 257.5 4x4-5 3x6 1x15 1x12 3x8 3x8 277.5 1x6 125.5 TO FR 332.Kadertrainer: Dietmar Wolf Trainingsopplegg 3 dager per uke (Copyright: Dietmar Wolf) Øvelse Uke 4 Uke 5 MA TI ON TO FR MA TI ON Powerlifting Squat SetXReps 332.5 192.5 press 142.5 Ground 3x5-4 1.5 215.5 145.5 Dato Navn TO FR 352.0 145.5 3x4-5 føttene på benken 295.0 Box 3x5-4 1x6 From 372.0 From Hang SXR Deadlift SXR with Emphasis Abs SXR 107.sett SXR supersett 2. 0 Competition Grip 3x5-4 137.5 2.0 3x6 3x8 Barbell Rows trisett SXR 5x8 5x8 Pull Ups or Lat Pulldown SXR Narrow Grip* 3x15-8 3x15-8 Machine Rows SXR Military press SXR 3x10-12 125.5 240.V.0 SXR Incline Bench med 322.0 290.5 210.0 SXR block 1x8 1x8 block 1x5 1x6 w/Pause wide 265.5 245.5 TO FR 332.0 1x6 135.0 1x5 1x3 145.0 Tough and Go 1x6 1x4 Narrow Grip* 202.Kadertrainer: Dietmar Wolf Trainingsopplegg 3 dager per uke (Copyright: Dietmar Wolf) Øvelse Uke 7 Uke 8 MA TI ON TO FR MA TI ON Powerlifting Squat SetXReps 372.0 312.0 .5 220.0 1x4-3 1x4-3 125.5 4x5 1x15 1x12 1x12 Benchpress 1x6-5 w/Pause 260.0 3x6-5 3x3-4 Dips or Push Ups with Emphasis SXR 5x7 5x7 Triceps SXR 5x6-8 5x6-8 Biceps trisett SXR 5x7 5x7 Deadlift 372.sett 3x3-4 High Bar Squat Dato Navn 2.Kraftdreikampf .5 180.5 1.5 3x5-4 3x7-6 3x4-3 3x6-5 2x10-12 2x12-15 3x15 3x15 2x12-15 2x10-12 3x15 3x15 2x12-15 2x12-15 3x15 3x15 255. sett 1x4-3 From 462.5 Medium Grip flaske 322.0 162.0 3x5 Leg Curl 1x4 297.5 SXR 1x5-4 1.0 1x6-5 2x5-6 2x3-2 2x3-2 2x5-4 170.5 3x4-5 Benchpress 312.5 3x3-2 Defecit Deadlift** 305.5 press 152.0 Good Mornings*** SXR StifflegDeadlift *** BTN 3x10-12 150.5 3x3-2 føttene på benken 192.5 100.5 1x5-4 3x6-5 supersett 415.5 Ground 3x3-4 412.0 352.sett 3x3 on the 257.0 on the 290.BUNDESVERBAND DEUTSCHER GEWICHTHEBER E.0 på 1x6-5 1x5-4 267.5 1x6 1x6 Standard 275.0 SXR StifflegDeadlift on Box SXR 360.5 wide 1x5-4 Competition Grip SXR 4x3-4 3x8 trisett 255.0 press 157.0 3x7-6 3x5 3x6-5 BTN 107.5 265.5 Box 3x3-4 From 372.sett supersett 392.5 wide 297.0 157.5 " 3x4-5 stopp 330.0 282.5 From Hang SXR Deadlift SXR with Emphasis Abs SXR 120.5 3x3 1x15 3x8 1x5 Standard 307.0 3x5 3x3-4 257.5 307. BVDG .5 1x6-5 1x5 395.5 150.0 282.0 3x4 267.
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