March 25, 2018 | Author: Kumar Abhijeet | Category: Operational Amplifier, Amplifier, Electronic Circuits, Electronic Oscillator, Electronic Filter



EC4106: DISCRETE AND INTEGRATED ANALOG CIRCUITS LABORATORY LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: COMPULSORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Design of an RC Low Pass filter circuit & observing its response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs. Design of an RC High Pass filter circuit & observing its response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs. Obtaining the frequency response of an emitter follower circuit and calculation of its gain-bandwidth product. Obtaining the frequency response of a two stage RC coupled amplifier & analysing the loading effect on the first stage. Design of an RC Phase Shift Oscillator (Using IC 741 OP AMP) and calculation of its frequency of oscillation. Design of a Wein Bridge Oscillator (Using IC 741 OP AMP) and calculation of its frequency of oscillation. 7. Design of a Hartley Oscillator and calculation of its frequency of oscillation. Design of Relaxation Oscillator (Using UJT 2N2646) and calculation of its frequency of oscillation. Design of a Bootstrap Time Base Generator (using IC 741 OP AMP) and observation of the output waveforms. Design of a Miller Time Base Generator (Using IC 741 OP AMP) and observation of the output waveforms. Design of a R-2R ladder network for conversion of a 4-bit digital signal to an analog equivalent signal. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Design of analog-to-digital Comparator circuit for conversion of an analog signal to 8-bit digital signal. OPTIONAL EXPERIMENTS: 13. Verification of Af = A/(1-L) for a voltage shunt feedback circuit (Using IC 741 OP-AMP). Design of a Colpitts Oscillator and calculation of its frequency of oscillation. Design of a Counter type A/D converter. Obtaining the frequency response of JFET amplifier & calculation of its gain-bandwidth product. Obtaining the frequency response of 1st order inverting active low pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP. Obtaining the frequency response of 1st order inverting active high pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP. Obtaining the frequency response of inverting active band pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP. Obtaining the frequency response of 1st order non-inverting active low pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP. Obtaining the frequency response of 1st order non-inverting active high pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP. Implementation of cascode (CE-CB) amplifier and plotting its frequency response. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF AN RC LOW PASS FILTER CIRCUIT & OBSERVING ITS RESPONSE TO SINUSOIDAL AND SQUARE WAVE INPUTS. 4. Function Generator 2.BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA. 3. Ac Millivoltmeter 3. APPARATUS: 1. RANCHI AIM: Design of an RC Low Pass filter circuit & observing its response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs. 2. Breadboard COMPONENTS: 1. THEORY: Passive RC circuit acts as Low Pass filter if output is taken across capacitor. For sinusoidal signal voltage Gain is given by A= 1 jf 1+ f0 Resistor Wish board Connecting wires Capacitor Where f0 is critical frequency given by . CRO 4. It also acts as integrator for high time constant. 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESULT PRECAUTION: Frequency (Hz) 50 70 90 100 200 Measured Voltage Gain O/P Voltage 20 log10(| In mV Vout/Vin|) Theoretical Voltage Gain . Vary frequency of ac input and measure output voltage. 3. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. No. 2. Connect ac Millivoltmeter across capacitor 4. Apply ac sinusoidal input voltage of 1milivolt from function generator. Instead of sinusoidal signal apply square wave input and study output waveform by CRO. OBSERVATIONS: Input voltage=1 mV Sl.f0 = 1 2π C R For square wave input it acts as integrator if time constant RC is high with respect to swing time of input wave and under this condition output voltage is given by approximately V0 = 1 ∫ Vi dt RC PROCEDURE: 1. 2. as it would result distortion at output. The base portions of wires and connection shouldn’t touch during the experiment.1. The breadboard should be handled carefully. . 6nF Fig Circuit for Low pass Filter .R1 10kOhm_5% C1 1. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF AN RC HIGH PASS FILTER CIRCUIT & OBSERVING ITS RESPONSE TO SINUSOIDAL AND SQUARE WAVE INPUTS . BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA. RANCHI . For sinusoidal signal voltage Gain is given by A= 1 jf 1− 0 f Where f0 is critical frequency given by f0 = 1 2π C R For square wave input it acts as differentiator if time constant RC is small with respect to swing time of input wave and under this condition output voltage is given by approximately V0 = R C dVi dt PROCEDURE: 6. Wish board 3. Resistor 2. Ac Millivoltmeter 3. Vary frequency of ac input and measure output voltage. Breadboard COMPONENTS: 1. Apply ac sinusoidal input voltage of 1milivolt from function generator. Connect ac Millivoltmeter across capacitor 9. APPARATUS: 1. 7. It also acts as differentiator for low time constant. Connecting wires 4. . Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. 8.AIM: Design of an RC High Pass filter circuit & observing its response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs. Function Generator 2. Capacitor THEORY: Passive RC circuit acts as High Pass filter if output is taken across resistor. CRO 4. The breadboard should be handled carefully. Instead of sinusoidal signal apply square wave input and study output waveform by CRO.10. Frequency (Hz) 50 70 90 100 200 Measured Voltage Gain O/P Voltage 20 log10(| In mV Vout/Vin|) Theoretical Voltage Gain . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESULT: PRECAUTIONS: 1. as it would result distortion at output. The base portions of wires and connection shouldn’t touch during the experiment. OBSERVATIONS: Input voltage=1 mV Sl. No. 2. . 6nF R1 10.0kOhm_1% Fig Circuit for HIGH PASS Filter DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING .C1 1. DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON OBTAINING THE FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF AN EMITTER FOLLOWER CIRCUIT AND CALCULATION OF ITS GAINBANDWIDTH PRODUCT BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA RANCHI . Power Supply THEORY: Figure depicts an emitter follower circuit. This means that output voltage is almost the same as its input voltage. 1. The voltage gain of this amplifier is little less than unity. 4. The important feature of this circuit is given below. 2. Since Ve = Vb – VBE and VBE remain constant effectively. 6. Set the input signal to 5 mV and 1 KHz. This circuit is used for impedance matching. The input impedance of this circuit is very high. 7. It is used as last stage of measuring instruments and signal generators. i. No collector resistance has been used. but without any bypass capacitor. it can be used as a buffer stage of an amplifier. Vb increases resulting in an increase the emitter voltage.e. . Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. Signal Generator 4. Take at least ten readings. This justifies the name (emitter follower) given to this circuit.AIM:. RE has been connected. When Vi goes positive. 2. In the emitter circuit an emitter resistance. Multimeter 2. AC Millivoltmeter 3. The biasing arrangement used is potential divider biasing. 3.Obtaining the frequency response of an emitter follower circuit and calculation of its gain-bandwidth product. This means that output voltage at the emitter terminal follows the input signal applied to the base terminal. It is also a common collector configuration of the transistor. Vary the frequency of the input signal from 15 Hz to 1 MHz. the collector of the transistor 3. This circuit is capable of delivering power to a load without requiring much power at the input. This results in the negative feedback. the forward bias. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. measure the output voltage and calculate the gain. has been connected t the supply directly. The output impedance is very low. Coupling capacitor have been used on the input as well as on the output side. PROCEDURE: 1. Measure the output voltages. 5. 8. Therefore. Calculate gain for each reading. determine the corner frequencies. OBSERVATIONS: (i) Frequency response Observation S. 5. From the frequency response curve. f1 and f2. Plot the frequency response curve on a semilog graph paper with gain on the vertical axis and frequency on the horizontal axis. 8. f2 = Band width = f2 . 2. 3. 9. No. 6. Calculate the band width. 7.4. 10. 4. 1. Voltage gain at 1 KHz = Lower cut-off frequency. 5. f1 = Upper cut off frequency.f1 PRECAUTIONS: RESULTS: Frequency Output Voltage Voltage Gain . +Vcc R1 20kohm c Cc 20uF B BC 177 20uF E Vi R2 20kohm C2 RE 1kohm Ro 1kohm + Vout - Fig. Experimental set up for studying an emitter follwer circuit DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON OBTAINING THE FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF A TWO STAGE RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER & ANALYSING THE LOADING EFFECT ON THE FIRST STAGE BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA RANCHI The emitter resistance RE has been used for stabilization purpose. Cin is series with the input signal remains to allow only the ac current from signal source to flow into the input circuit. The resistors R1 and R2 form the potential divider biasing arrangement for the transistors. We know that in a single-stage CE amplifier the phase of the output signal is reverse to that of the input signal. 2. If the gain of the first stage working independently is A1 and that of the second stage is A2. CRO 4. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Common power supply VCC has been used for both the transistors. CC and a resistance in parallel path. the biasing arrangement of the second stage remains unaffected. For this reason this coupling is known as RCcoupling. Signal Generator 2. Due to its loading effect the gain of the first stage is reduced. In this circuit the output of the first stage is developed across the collector resistance. But in case of two-stage amplifier as the one consideration. Ensure that both the transistors operate in the active region.Obtaining the frequency response of a two stage RC coupled amplifier & analysing the loading effect on the first stage. It is because the second stage of the amplifier works as load on the first stage. The two transistors used are identical.AIM:. The coupling capacitor. Connect the circuit a shown in Fig. Therefore. In this way. AC Millivoltmeter 3. The output of the first stage is fed to the base of the second stage is through a coupling capacitor. the phase of the output signal remains same as the phase of the input signal. It is also known as blocking capacitor because it blocks the dc current from flowing into the biasing circuit of the second stage. . in a 2-stage CE amplifier. PROCEDURE: 1. by observing the values of IC and VCE. A switch A has been incorporated between the two stages of this amplifier so as to facilitate the study of first stage alone. The overall gain of the 2-stage combined together would be less than A1 x A2. CC is termed so because it allows signal to flow from the output of the first stage to the input of the second stage. Determine the Q-point of both the transistors. The purpose of the capacitor. this reversal of phase takes place twice. This output of the first stage is coupled to the second stage through a coupling capacitor CC. Power Supply THEORY: Figure depicts a two-stage RC-coupled CE amplifier. 707 times its maximum value.mA VC2 = ----. OBSERVATIONS: The observations made in this experiment should be recorded as given below. Open the switch S and measure the gain of the first stage. Note this value of the input signal. . 1. we wish to make observation for plotting the frequency response of the amplifier under consideration. Vary the frequency to the lower side and determine a frequency at which the gain reduces to 0. increase the frequency of the signal beyond. This gives you the frequency response of both the two stages of the amplifier. Note down the gain of the first stage of the amplifier under these conditions. 5. Gradually. Set the input signal frequency to 1 KHz. 7. Calculate f2-f1. Adjust the frequency of the input signal to 1 KHz.mV For single-stage amplifier = ----. The bandwidth can be calculated as f2’ – f1’. It is assumed that an RC-coupled amplifier has the maximum gain in the range of 1 KHz.4. First. Let the two cut-off frequencies obtained are f1’ and f2’. This is lower cut-off frequency (f1). IC1 = ------. Next.707 times its maximum value. Next. For 2-stages amplifier = -----. Then measure the outputs at the first stage as well as at the second stage. This is the bandwidth. Compare this value with the value obtained with the switch S closed. Calculate the gain of the first stage. 1 KHz. This is upper cut-off frequency (f2). IC2 = -----.V. Take a few readings at different frequencies so that a smooth curve of the frequency response can be drawn. second stage and the overall gain as well. Loading effect on the first-stage. and observe the output on a CRO. Now. open the switch S. Adjust the amplitude of the input signal to a suitable value so that the output is not distorted and choose the frequency to be 1 KHz.V. Gain of the first stage alone = Gain of the first stage-coupled to the second stage = Frequency response data for the first-stage only. This gives the maximum signal handling capacity of the amplifier. 6. VC1 = ----. Repeat the same procedure for single stage of the amplifier by opening the switch S. Q-point VCC = ---V. Again locate a frequency above 1 KHz at which the gain reduces to 0.mA Maximum input signal for which output is undistorted. increase the input voltage till the output waveform on CRO starts distorting.mV. repeat the step 6 with switch S closed. both the transistors are functioning in active region. The Q-points of transistors are.mA VC1 = ---.mA VC2 = ---. The gain of 2-stage amplifier in much more than that of the single stage amplifier. 2. Maximum signal handling capacity of both the stages coupled = ---. Maximum signal handling capacity of the first stage = ---. 3.Input signal = 5 mV Voltage gain at a frequency of 1 KHz = Lower cut off frequency f1 = Upper cut off frequency f2 = Band width f2 – f1 = Frequency response data for the two-stages coupled together. No.mV. PRECAUTIONS: Following precautions should be taken care of while performing this experiment.f1’ = OBSERVATION TABLE: Complete frequency response data S. The loaded gain of the first stage is much less than its unloaded gain. the bandwidth is reduced. Frequency Output voltage First-stage Twoalone stages coupled Voltage gain FirstTwostage stages alone coupled RESULTS: Based on the observations recorded above following results can be drawn 1. .mV.V Therefore.V T2 : IC2 = ----. 2. However. Input signal = 2 mV Voltage gain at a frequency of 1 KHz = Lower cut-off frequency = f1’ = Upper cut-off frequency = f2’ = Band width = f2’. T1 : IC1 = ----. midrange). Only a few readings should be taken in this range. . Care should be taken to observe this change. 3.1.e. The gain of the amplifier remains constant. The zero setting of the instruments should be checked before connecting them in the circuit. All connections should be neat and tight. The value of input signal may change while performing this experiment. On the other hand the gain varies on both sides of this range. 2. For a wide range of frequency (i. Sufficient readings should be taken on both sides of this range. 4. RC COUPLED TWO-STAGE AMPLIFIER .+Vcc 33kohm R1 1kohm Rc R1 Cc 10 0 uF 33kohm Rc 1kohm Cc 10 0 uF CIN + T1 10 0 uF T2 S R2 2.3kohm RE 220 ohm 25uF CE - Fig.3kohm RE 220 ohm 25uF Vout CE 3.2kohm R2 R2 Vin 3. BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY .DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF AN RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR (USING IC 741 OP AMP) AND CALCULATION OF ITS FREQUENCY OF OSCILLATION. MESRA RANCHI . The 741 is usually supplied in an 8-pin ‘DIL’ (Dual In Line) or ‘DIP’ (Dual Inline Package. 2.1Μf. etc. This has proved so popular that many other competing op-amps . COMPONENTS: 1. 3. Although most up-to-date designs beat it for speed. low noise. DUAL DC POWER SUPPLY CRO BREADBOARD. One of its advantages is that it is compensated (its frequency response is tailored) to ensure that under most curcumstances it won't produce unwanted spurious oscillations. it still works well as a general purpose device. This means it is easy to use. EQUIPMENTS: 1. 33K. ABOUT OP-AMP IC 741: The 741 is the godfather of all operational amplifiers (amplifiers on a chip). or sometimes Dual Inline Plastic) package with a pinout shown above. 3. Capacitor 0. but the down-side of this is the poor speed/gain performance compared to more modern op-amps. 2. IC 741 RESISTOR 1M.AIM: Design of an RC Phase Shift Oscillator (Using IC 741 OP AMP) and calculation of its frequency of oscillation. 10K. Each has a slightly different part number. 100 at 10kHz. better versions (more expensive) may give better results.065/RC. 2. Compare the measured frequency with F= 0.18V max) Input impedance: Around 2MegOhms Low Frequency voltage gain: approx 200. +/. so output signal will be 180˚ out of phase.000 Input bias current: 80nA Slew rate: 0.e. 3. Measure the time period of the sinusoidal wave and calculate its . frequency. but it generally has “741” in it somewhere! The values given below are ‘typical’ for an ordinary 741. Typical values of Basic Parameters: Rail voltages : +/.5V per microsecond Maximum output current: 20mA Recommended output load: not less than 2kilOhms Note that. Observe the sinusoidal output on CRO. Hence for many applications the various op-amps are ‘drop in’ replacements or upgrades for one another. So the total phase shift is 0˚. These days there is a large family of 741 type devices.. The feedback RC network provides the exactly 180˚ phase shift.5V min.. Typically down to 1000 at 1kHz. and unity at about 1MHz. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit 1. THEORY: The RC phase shift oscillator consists of an op-amp as amplifier and 3 RC cascade networks as the feedback circuit. The op-amp is used in the inverting mode. To make this easy to remember we can say that the 741 has a gain-bandwidth product of around one million (i. which work better than others in some respect. The gain of the amplifier is also kept large to produce oscillation. The frequency of oscillation is given by F= 0.065/RC. the 741's voltage gain falls rapidly with increasing signal frequency. 4. PROCEDURE: 1. 1 MHz as the units of frequency are Hz).15V dc (+/. Sometimes one manufacturer will make different versions.have adoped the same package/pinout. made by various manufacturers. due to the frequency compensation. RESULT: PRECAUTION: . 01uF 0.R1 30kohm Rf 1Mohm -10V 4 2 3 R2 30kohm 7 1 5 741 U1 6 Vout +10V 0.01uF 0. RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR .01uF 10kohm 10kohm 10kohm Fig. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF A WEIN BRIDGE OSCILLATOR (USING IC 741 OP AMP) AND CALCULATION OF ITS FREQUENCY OF OSCILLATION. BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA RANCHI . . 2. One of its advantages is that it is compensated (its frequency response is tailored) to ensure that under most curcumstances it won't produce unwanted spurious oscillations. 2. This has proved so popular that many other competing op-amps .8K. Although most up-to-date designs beat it for speed. DUAL DC POWER SUPPLY CRO BREADBOARD COMPONENTS: 1.3KΩ CAPACITORS 100KpF POTENTIOMETER 47KΩ ABOUT OP-AMP IC 741: The 741 is the godfather of all operational amplifiers (amplifiers on a chip). IC 741 RESISTORS 1. it still works well as a general purpose device. EQUIPMENTS: 1. low noise.AIM: Design of a Wein Bridge Oscillator (Using IC 741 OP AMP) and calculation of its frequency of oscillation. 4. This means it is easy to use. 3. 3. The 741 is usually supplied in an 8-pin ‘DIL’ (Dual In Line) or ‘DIP’ (Dual Inline Package. or sometimes Dual Inline Plastic) package with a pinout shown above. but the down-side of this is the poor speed/gain performance compared to more modern op-amps. etc. 3. When the wein bridge is balanced the resonant frequency is given by: F= 1 2π RC Av = R1 + R f R1 PROCEDURE: 1. due to the frequency compensation.15V dc (+/.18V max) Input impedance: Around 2MegOhms Low Frequency voltage gain: approx 200.have adoped the same package/pinout. Hence for many applications the various op-amps are ‘drop in’ replacements or upgrades for one another. made by various manufacturers. which work better than others in some respect. better versions (more expensive) may give better results. 1 MHz as the units of frequency are Hz)..e. These days there is a large family of 741 type devices. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit 1 . but it generally has “741” in it somewhere! The values given below are ‘typical’ for an ordinary 741.000 Input bias current: 80nA Slew rate: 0. and unity at about 1MHz. +/.5V min. 100 at 10kHz. Typically down to 1000 at 1kHz. Sometimes one manufacturer will make different versions. Each has a slightly different part number.5V per microsecond Maximum output current: 20mA Recommended output load: not less than 2kilOhms Note that. To make this easy to remember we can say that the 741 has a gain-bandwidth product of around one million (i. the 741's voltage gain falls rapidly with increasing signal frequency.. Typical values of Basic Parameters: Rail voltages : +/. THEORY: In a WEIN bridge oscillator the WEIN bridge is connected between the amplifiers input terminals. 3.2. 4. Observe the output on CRO adjust the gain of amplifier using potentiometer to produce oscillation. Measure the time period of the sinusoidal wave and calculate its frequency. Compare the measured frequency with F= 1 2π RC RESULT: PRECAUTION: . 01uF C2 0.2kohm Key = a 10K_LIN R2 50% U1 +12V 4 2 6 3 7 1 5 741 Vout -12V R3 1kohm R4 1kohm C1 0. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF A WEIN BRIDGE OSCILLATOR DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING .01uF Fig.R1 1. DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF A HARTLEY OSCILLATOR AND CALCULATION OF ITS FREQUENCY OF OSCILLATION BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA RANCHI . tank circuit) is fed back to the base emitter junction. All connections should be neat and tight. . The frequency of oscillation = f = 1/T = ---. 2. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. oscillator is used to generate radio frequencies. This forms the tank circuit of the oscillator. f = 2π The voltage developed across L and C (i. Hartley. Measure the time period of the sine wave generated by the oscillator by suing the calibrated time base of the CRO. A coil known as radio frequency choke (RFG) is connected in series with dc supply. OBSERVATIONS: The time period of the wave shape of the Output = ----. CRO with calibrated time base/ frequency counter. 1.02μF form the feed back circuit.e. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. It produces the *** phase relationship. It provides short circuit for dc currents and offers very high impedance to the high frequency currents.KHz PRECAUTIONS: 1.sec. The biasing to the transistor is done through the resistors R1 and R2 such that the amplifier operated in class C. The pulses of current flow through the parallel tuned circuit at a rate determined by the resonant frequency of the tank circuit i. THEORY: An Hartley oscillator essentially consists of a tapped coil and a capacitor across it as shown in Fig. PROCEDURE: This experiment can be performed in the following steps. Transistorised power supply 2. The variable tap inductor and the capacitor of 0. Connect CRO at the output terminals of the oscillator. Then calculate the frequency of oscillations of the oscillator.e.AIM: Design of a Hartley Oscillator and calculation of its frequency of oscillation. 02uF R1 33kohm C 50% 2N1613 0.05uF 4.5V RFC 0.2.06uF 0. +Vcc 22. THE HARTLEY OSCILLATOR . The measurement on CRO should be taken attentively.7kohm R2 10kohm Fig. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF RELAXATION OSCILLATOR (USING UJT 2N2646) AND CALCULATION OF ITS FREQUENCY OF OSCILLATION . BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA RANCHI . UJT 2N2646 2. Resistors (33Ω. 6. make sure that the connections are correct. D. Observe the waveforms at points A. 1 2 3 R (KΩ) 20 30 50 V (Volts) T (msec) F=1/T (Hz) η=1-e-1/FRC RESULT: . Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. Plot the observed waveform. Measure the waveforms amplitude and time period and tabulate the same in observation table.C.O CIRCUIT COMPONENT: 1. 4. Wish board 2.Design of Relaxation Oscillator (Using UJT 2N2646) and calculation of its frequency of oscillation APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. 2.AIM: . OBSERVATIONS: Sl. Capacitors (0. B1.R. 1KΩ. Repeat step-5 for different values of R. 33KΩPOT) 3. C.01µF) 4. 5. No. Connecting wires THEORY: PROCEDURE: 1. 3. Before switching ON the power supply. Power Supply Or Trainer Kit 3. and B2 as shown in the circuit diagram respectively using CRO. 1uF B2 --+ RB1 33ohm --+ B1 VB2 --- VB1 ----- Fig. RELAXATION OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAM .PRECAUTION: +VEE(10v) +VBB(10v) RB2 1kohm R 30kOhm Key = a 50% A --+ Vc E C1 0. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF A BOOTSTRAP TIME BASE GENERATOR (USING IC 741 OP AMP) AND OBSERVATION OF THE OUTPUT WAVEFORMS . BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA RANCHI . C. Capacitor (10 pF) 4. etc. 3. it still works well as a general purpose device. This means it is easy to use.R. Wish board D. Connecting wires ABOUT OP-AMP IC 741: The 741 is the godfather of all operational amplifiers (amplifiers on a chip). low noise. or sometimes Dual Inline Plastic) package with a pinout . Although most up-to-date designs beat it for speed. IC 741 2. Resistors (122KΩ) 3. One of its advantages is that it is compensated (its frequency response is tailored) to ensure that under most curcumstances it won't produce unwanted spurious oscillations. 2.O CIRCUIT COMPONENT: 1. The 741 is usually supplied in an 8-pin ‘DIL’ (Dual In Line) or ‘DIP’ (Dual Inline Package.AIM: .Design of a Bootstrap Time Base Generator (using IC 741 OP AMP) and observation of the output waveforms APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. Power supply Function generator Or Trainer Kit C. 4. but the down-side of this is the poor speed/gain performance compared to more modern op-amps. Hence for many applications the various op-amps are ‘drop in’ replacements or upgrades for one another. 4. Typical values of Basic Parameters: Rail voltages : +/.shown above. make sure that the connections are correct. due to the frequency compensation. 2. made by various manufacturers. 3. THEORY: PROCEDURES: 1. To make this easy to remember we can say that the 741 has a gain-bandwidth product of around one million (i. the 741's voltage gain falls rapidly with increasing signal frequency. 1 MHz as the units of frequency are Hz).. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.15V dc (+/. Each has a slightly different part number. and unity at about 1MHz.18V max) Input impedance: Around 2MegOhms Low Frequency voltage gain: approx 200. These days there is a large family of 741 type devices. better versions (more expensive) may give better results. 100 at 10kHz.5V per microsecond Maximum output current: 20mA Recommended output load: not less than 2kilOhms Note that. This has proved so popular that many other competing op-amps have adoped the same package/pinout. Plot the waveform observed. . Sometimes one manufacturer will make different versions. but it generally has “741” in it somewhere! The values given below are ‘typical’ for an ordinary 741. Typically down to 1000 at 1kHz.e. Observe the waveforms at points A.000 Input bias current: 80nA Slew rate: 0.. and pin 6 as shown in the circuit diagram respectively using CRO. +/. Before switching ON the power supply.5V min. which work better than others in some respect. BOOT STRAP TIME BASE GENERATOR .RESULT: PRECAUTION Vcc +10v 7 1 5 U1 3 2 1V 0.71V_rms 1000Hz 0Deg C1 10nF 741 4 6 R1 122kohm A Vout Vee -10v Fig. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF A MILLER TIME BASE GENERATOR (USING IC 741 OP AMP) AND OBSERVATION OF THE OUTPUT WAVEFORMS BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY . MESRA RANCHI . C. etc. 4.O CIRCUIT COMPONENT: 1. or sometimes Dual Inline Plastic) package with a pinout . it still works well as a general purpose device.AIM: . low noise. Although most up-to-date designs beat it for speed. 3. Capacitor (10 pF) 4. Connecting wires ABOUT OP-AMP IC 741: The 741 is the godfather of all operational amplifiers (amplifiers on a chip). The 741 is usually supplied in an 8-pin ‘DIL’ (Dual In Line) or ‘DIP’ (Dual Inline Package. One of its advantages is that it is compensated (its frequency response is tailored) to ensure that under most curcumstances it won't produce unwanted spurious oscillations. Power supply Function generator Or Trainer Kit C. but the down-side of this is the poor speed/gain performance compared to more modern op-amps. 2. Wish board D. Resistors (115KΩ) 3.R.Design of a Miller Time Base Generator (Using IC 741 OP AMP) and observation of the output waveforms APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. IC 741 2. This means it is easy to use. Sometimes one manufacturer will make different versions.shown above. 2. and unity at about 1MHz. Typically down to 1000 at 1kHz. 100 at 10kHz. RESULT: .. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. Observe the waveforms at points A. make sure that the connections are correct. To make this easy to remember we can say that the 741 has a gain-bandwidth product of around one million (i. Hence for many applications the various op-amps are ‘drop in’ replacements or upgrades for one another. This has proved so popular that many other competing op-amps have adoped the same package/pinout. +/. Plot the waveform observed. due to the frequency compensation. These days there is a large family of 741 type devices.. Before switching ON the power supply. 4. 1 MHz as the units of frequency are Hz).e.15V dc (+/. made by various manufacturers. THEORY: PROCEDURES: 1. but it generally has “741” in it somewhere! The values given below are ‘typical’ for an ordinary 741. better versions (more expensive) may give better results.18V max) Input impedance: Around 2MegOhms Low Frequency voltage gain: approx 200.000 Input bias current: 80nA Slew rate: 0. the 741's voltage gain falls rapidly with increasing signal frequency.5V min. Each has a slightly different part number. Typical values of Basic Parameters: Rail voltages : +/. 3. which work better than others in some respect.5V per microsecond Maximum output current: 20mA Recommended output load: not less than 2kilOhms Note that. and pin 6 as shown in the circuit diagram respectively using CRO. MILLER TIME BASE GENERATOR .PRECAUTION: +10V 7 1 5 U1 3 R 115kohm 6 A 2 741 4 Vo Vi 100Hz Duty Cycle Amp 5V Offset 4V -10V C1 3.6nF Fig. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON . Connecting wires (3 & 4 are Operational. IC 741 – 1 No. Trainer board (Microlab-II) COMPONENTS: 5. Resistor 10KΩ . CRO OR MULTIMETER 6.s 7. if Trainer board not provided) PROCEDURE: . RANCHI AIM: Convert four bits Digital signal to an Analog equivalent signal using R2R ladder Network APPARATUS: 5. Op-Amp. Dual Power Supply (+15V) 7.DESIGN OF A R-2R LADDER NETWORK FOR CONVERSION OF A 4-BIT DIGITAL SIGNAL TO AN ANALOG EQUIVALENT SIGNAL.22 No. 6. BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA. Wish board 9. LED with limiting resistors 8. Decimal Equivalent of Binary I/P’s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Input (V) B3 B2 B1 B0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 5 5 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 O/P Voltage O/P Voltage Theoretically (Analog (V) value) Practically (V) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . No. 14. 12.11. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. 15. calculate the errors of conversion. OBSERVATIONS: Sl. 13. Apply the input bit combinations as per observation table and note down the output voltage. Repeat step-2 for all entries mentioned in observations table. At the end. compare the output voltage observed with theoretically calculated output voltage. R 10kohm 20kohm R 10kohm R 10kohm RF 20kohm 2R 2R 20kohm 2R 20kohm 2R 20kohm 2R 20kohm . R.15v 4 2 741 3 7 1 5 U1 6 Vout + 15v 5V RL 10kohm Fig.2 R Ladder Network . RANCHI .DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DISCRETE & INTEGRATED ANALOGUE CIRCUITS LABORATORY LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR CARRYING OUT PRACTICAL ON DESIGN OF ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL COMPARATOR CIRCUIT FOR CONVERSION OF AN ANALOG SIGNAL TO 8-BIT DIGITAL SIGNAL BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MESRA. It offers all the advantages of an integrated circuit.e.12 No.s 4. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 1. It is used to perform a wide variety of linear functions (and also some non-linear operations) and is often referred to as the basic linear integrated circuit.2No. small size. 3. high reliability.s 3. LED with limiting resistor – 8 No. Connecting wires (3 & 4 optical. temperature tracking and low off set voltage and current. Wish Board 5. 2. OBSERVATION TABLE: . if trainers board is not provided) THEORY:. reduced cost. The input voltage is applied in steps. The circuit is connected as shown in the circuit diagram. as given in observation table. DC Power Supply (0-12V 3. The integrated operational amplifier has gained wide acceptance as versatile and economic building block as a versatile and economic system building block. i.AIM: Design of Analog-to-Digital Comparator circuit for conversion of an analog signal to 8-bit digital signal. IC LM324. Resistor 1KΩ .s 2. Trainer Board (microlab-II) COMPONENTS: 1. PROCEDURE: 1.The operational amplifier is a direct coupled high gain amplifier to which a feedback is added to control its overall response characteristic. Output status is used verified with illumination of LED as mentioned in observation table. DC Variable Power Supply (0-5v) 2. 2. 8. base portions of wires and connection shouldn’t touched as their would be distortion of output. 4. . 6. 7. 5. OUTPUT STATES D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 The breadboard should be handled carefully. 3.Sl. RESULT: PRECAUTIONS: 1. INPUT VOLTAG E (V) 1. APPLIED No. 2.
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