Diabetes in Astrology

March 25, 2018 | Author: M K Mishra | Category: Planets In Astrology, Diabetes Mellitus, Astrological Sign, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, Pancreas



Diabetes in AstrologyDiabetes is a metabolic disorder of the endocrine gland pancreas. When we eat, the pancreas automatically produces the appropriate amount of insulin to break down the sugar into glucose which is the main source of energy. Diabetic people's pancreas either produces little or no insulin, hence excess glucose build up in the blood which overflows into the urine. In this way the body loses its main source of energy and subsequently becomes weak. In astrology by the careful examination of the horoscope, it is possible to predict the susceptibility to the disease diabetes. Astrological factors influencing diabetes are: • • • • • • • • Ascendant: the general build up and strength of physical body Venus: rules kidney, suppression of urine Moon: rules pancreatic action and blood flow, urinary derangement Jupiter: arteries, veins, degeneration, diabetes Sign cancer: rules pancreas, blood Sign Libra: rules kidneys,and excretory system Sign Sagittarius: arterial system 6th house: house of disease Planetary combination's which cause diabetes are: Venus: • • • • • • • Venus afflicted by Sun/Mars in watery signs. Venus and Jupiter are afflicted by malefic and a malefic planet is posited in 8th house gives diabetes. Malefic Venus placed in ascendant/inauspicious house. Venus and Jupiter are afflicted by malefic and a malefic is posited in the ascendant. Venus combined with a malefic in 8th house and also aspected by a malefic. Ascendant is afflicted by malefic and its lord is in depression/set/hammed between malefic/inimical sign and Venus placed/aspect 8th house causes diabetes. Venus placed in 2nd house, ascendant is aspected by malefic and lord of ascendant placed in 6th house in the state of debilitation. Moon: • • • • • Moon afflicted by Sun/Mars in watery sign. Moon is heavily afflicted by Saturn Moon in a watery sign and that's sign lord placed in 6th house again aspected by a watery sign planet indicates diabetes. Moon placed in a watery sign and lord of that sign is placed in 6th house and aspected by Mercury [which is placed in watery sign]. Moon and Jupiter are afflicted by malefic and a malefic sitting in 8th house. Jupiter: • • • Saturn heavily afflicts Jupiter. Jupiter placed in Purvashadha constellation. Jupiter situated in the constellation of Rahu and afflicted by it. Sign Cancer/Libra/7th house: • • Two or more malefic planets placed in 7th house or sign Libra. Sign Cancer is heavily afflicted by Saturn. 6th /8th house: • • • • • 6th lord is placed in 8th house or vice versa. Two or more malefic planets placed in 6th house. Rahu combined with lord of 8th house in 8th house/trine causes diabetes to the native. A very negative malefic planet sitting in 8th house and Jupiter and Venus are heavily afflicted indicates diabetes. Lords of 4th and 7th house are placed in 6th/8th/12 house. • Lord of 6th/7th combined with lord of 12th house and aspected by Saturn indicates diabetes disease. General: • • • • Two or more malefic planets placed in watery signs. Lords of 4th and 7th are sitting in inimical signs and aspected by malefic Lord of 3rd combined with mercury and Mars in ascendant indicates diabetes. Mercury posited in the sign of Jupiter [Sagittarius and Pisces] and aspected by Mars may cause diabetes. My Encounters with Astrology I was a doubtful observer of astrology until recently. As I gained more insight, I started believing it to be a Science. I would like to present here a few encounters of my fascinating journey of Astrology. Astrology and Diabetes Introduction It is possible to identify the diseases a person is having, or susceptible to in the future, using Astrology. Once a person knows that he is susceptible to certain kinds of diseases, he/she could take precautions and preventive measures so as to either prevent the disease from manifesting or to reduce the intensity of a disease if it becomes inevitable. This is an example to show how Astrology can help the human kind to anticipate a problem and take preventive measures to reduce the pain and agony in the future. Diabetes, though known as “rich man’s disease” in the past, is fast becoming a common man’s disease in our country. This could be due to changing lifestyles irrespective of whether one is rich or poor. Diabetes makes it difficult for people to live their life normally. It is a gateway to many other health complications if not properly contained. Hence, it is in our own interest to be aware if one is susceptible to this disease or not, and what to do to prevent or contain it at a manageable level. The purpose of this paper is to help people to understand what diabetes is in brief and to help them identify astrological symptoms of diabetes in their charts. The dictums specific to diabetes are not found in the ancient texts. And, many astrologers are still grappling to understand different types of diabetes and methods to map different aspects of the disease on to Astrology, hence this attempt. What is Diabetes? As I am not a doctor, I have to take the help of doctors to explain what diabetes is. I have taken the content on diabetes from different web sites [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. For more information, one could refer to some of these web sites. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas doesn't make enough or any of the hormone insulin, or when the insulin produced doesn't work effectively. In diabetes, this causes the level of glucose in the blood to be too high. There are three major types of diabetes: • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or Juvenile onset diabetes or Diabetes - Type 1 • Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or Adult onset diabetes or Diabetes Type 2 • Gestational diabetes Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women (U.S. data), and this is out of scope for discussion in this paper. Only the first two types will be covered in this paper. For ease of reading, these two types will be referred to as ‘Type 1 diabetes’ and ‘Type 2 diabetes’. Astrological Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes Type1 diabetes is a chronic (life-long) disease that occurs when the pancreas produces too little or no insulin to regulate blood sugar levels appropriately. From the definition we know that pancreas will not produce insulin or produce too little insulin being the main reason for the disease. But, what causes such a deficiency? Doctors have given the following reasons: In Type 1 diabetes, the cells in the pancreas that make insulin are destroyed, causing a severe lack of insulin. This is thought to be the result of the body attacking and destroying its own cells in the pancreas - known as an autoimmune reaction. It's not clear why this happens, but a number of explanations and possible triggers of this reaction have been proposed. These include: • infection with a specific virus or bacteria; • exposure to food-borne chemical toxins; and • exposure as a very young infant to cow's milk, where an as yet unidentified component of this triggers the autoimmune reaction in the body. Researchers suggest the following scenario: • • An infection introduces a viral protein that resembles a beta-cell protein. T cells and antibodies are tricked by this resemblance into attacking the beta protein as well as the virus. Let me try to link the medical explanation with astrological explanation: Insulin producing cells in the pancreas become weak (less resistant), when Venus is weak/malefic in the chart. This enables the virus to become active. The so called trick/cheating could be represented by Rahu. Next, research has shown that Type 1 diabetes can be transmitted from one person to another through a Bone Marrow Allowgraft, when the donor is suffering from Type 1 diabetes. Also, experiments have shown that when in a Type 1 diabetes patient, insulin production could be induced using a healthy bone marrow. Hence, it appears that a defective bone marrow seems to be connected to diabetes. It is to be remembered that, in Astrology, Mars represents Bone Marrow or Majja. Hence, to identify Type 1 diabetes in a chart, look for severely afflicted Venus, Mars and 5th house/lord (as pancreas is located in the 5th house of Kalapurusha), and afflictions specifically by Rahu. One can observe some kind of connectivity between these entities – Venus, Mars and Rahu even in D6 & D30 charts. To summarize, the Astrological Symptoms for Type 1 Diabetes are: • • • • • Afflicted Venus (connected to a dusthana, or debilitated or retrograde, or in Papakaratari ….) Afflicted Mars (connected to a dusthana, or debilitated or retrograde, or in Papakaratari ….) Afflicted 5th house/lord Rahu afflicts both Venus and Mars in one way or the other Venus, Mars and Rahu are connected to one another, in some way or the other in Rasi, D6 and D30 I will illustrate the above symptoms using the chart of George Lucas. He is a Director, Producer and a Screenwriter in Hollywood, well known for his film ‘Star Wars’. The source for his birth data is the following web site: Please note the following observations from the Rasi Chart: Venus: • • Conjunct 6th lord and retrograde Mercury. Disposited by Mars who is severely afflicted by close conjunction of Rahu Is 8th lord and debilitated Closely conjunct Rahu Mars: • • 5th house: • Is aspected by Rahu and Saturn • 5th lord Ravi in PKY and disposed by Venus (5th house/lord connected to Venus) Shashthamsa (D6): • Both Venus and Rahu are disposited by Mars Trimsamsa (D30): • Rahu aspects Mars • Mars is disposited by Venus One can see a clear link between Venus/5th house/5th lord, Mars and Rahu. Let me take another example, Halle Berry’s chart this time. Time of birth is not known in this case, but does not really matter much. Take a look: Venus: • • • In PKY Dispositor Sun is afflicted by Mars and Rahu Also in the constellation of Sun who is afflicted Is debilitated Aspected by Rahu. Dispositor Moon is severely afflicted by retrograde Saturn and Rahu Mars: • • • Natural 5th house Leo: • In PKY and afflicted by all three dusthana lords! • 5th Lord Sun is afflicted by Mars and Rahu • Interestingly, 5th house has a relationship with Venus The third and the last example is that of Elizabeth Taylor: ) In this chart, notice the following: Venus: • • Is 12th lord and is debilitated Is Conjunct Rahu and aspected by Sani. Is the 6th lord and is combust Disposited by Rahu In the constellation of Rahu Aspects natural 5th house Mars: • • • • 5th house: • Is afflicted by Rahu, and the 12th lord • 5th lord is retrograde • 5th lord is aspected by Rahu and Sani • Note that 5th house also contains Venus, the significator for pancreas. Shashthamsa (D6): • Rahu aspects Venus and Mars is disposited by Venus Trimsamsa (D30): • Rahu aspects Venus • Mars is disposited by Rahu Lot of celebrities have suffered or are suffering from type 1 diabetes. It is not difficult to get enough examples of the same. There are other people too. Astrological Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is the most commonly occurring diabetes. About 90% of the diabetics suffer from this type of diabetes. The Definition for type 2 diabetes is as follows: Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistance (a condition in which the body fails to properly use insulin), combined with relative insulin deficiency. There are two aspects here: a. Relative insulin deficiency - Not enough insulin is produced b. Insulin resistance - Body fails to properly use the insulin produced It is a well know fact that pancreas produce insulin and in Astrology Venus is the karaka for pancreas. Hence, an afflicted Venus could indicate defective or under efficient pancreas. Hence, one could find a weak and afflicted Venus in this case also. But it is not mandatory as an individual with healthy pancreas could possibly get Type 2 diabetes. Hence, it is important to look for other symptoms which are mandatory for Type 2 diabetes. Take a look at the second part (aspect ‘b’ above). Insulin resistance plays important role in Type 2 and is a mandatory condition. Insulin resistance is the condition in which normal amounts of insulin are inadequate to produce a normal insulin response from fat, muscle and liver cells. Hence, the problem is related to defective fat/muscle/liver cells. People who are overweight have a higher risk of insulin resistance, because fat interferes with the body's ability to use insulin. I understand that the primary treatment for insulin resistance is exercise and weight loss. I would like to interpret the above sentence astrologically: • Increased exercise could be read as strengthening Mars • Weight Loss (manage body weight) could be read as reduce the malefic effect of Jupiter. The involvement of Mars and Jupiter can be explained. Fat cells and Liver cells indicate Jupiter. And, muscle cells indicate Saturn. Hence, the problem could be seen in relationship with Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. These cells interact with the insulin in the blood. Mars is the significator for ‘Majja’ or bone marrow where blood is produced. And, as Venus’s affliction is not a necessary condition, I am skipping that part, though in many cases one can clearly see the involvement of Venus as well. I was hoping to see afflicted Jupiter and Mars in relationship with Saturn in the charts of people suffering from diabetes type 2. However, there was a small change in the pattern I noticed. Instead of Saturn getting involved with Mars and Jupiter every time, it was Rahu that showed up in the combination most of the time. It is not surprising as our rishis have proclaimed “Sanivad Rahu”. To summarize, the Astrological Symptoms for Type 2 Diabetes are: • Afflicted Jupiter (connected to a dusthana, or debilitated or retrograde, or in Papakaratari ….) • Afflicted Mars (connected to a dusthana, or debilitated or retrograde, or in Papakaratari ….) • Sani/Rahu afflicts both Jupiter and Mars in one way or the other • Jupiter, Mars and Sani/Rahu are connected to one another, in some way or the other in Rasi, D6 and D30 Let me illustrate the above discussion through Jerry Mather’s chart. Jerry Mathers is a TV personality in the US Jupiter: • • • Retrograde 12th lord in the 12th Is aspected by Rahu Is in Gandantha Occupies 6th house Aspected by Jupiter and Rahu Mars: • • Shashthamsa (D6): • Sani aspects Guru • Guru disposited by Mars Trimshamsha (D30): • Both Jupiter and Rahu aspect Mars • Jupiter disposited by Mars Let me illustrate another example: J Jayalalitha. Different birth times are floating around on the internet, giving either Taurus Lagna or Gemini Lagna. I chose to pick Taurus Lagna to give a dusthana placement for Jupiter. Jupiter: • • 8th lord in the 8th Aspected by Rahu Retrograde 12th lord Aspected by both Rahu and Jupiter Mars: • • Shashthamsa (D6): • Jupiter and Mars are conjunct • Rahu and Sani aspect Mars and Jupiter Trimsamsa (D30): • Jupiter and Mars are conjunct • Rahu’s dispositor Mercury conjunct Jupiter and Mars The third example is of George Fernandes, ex-Defense Minister of India. I got the birth details from a friend of mine. I could not validate the birth data from another source. Jupiter: • • 12th lord Aspected by retrograde Saturn 8th lord Closely conjunct Rahu Mars: • • Shashthamsa (D6): • Juptiter disposited by Mars and aspected by Saturn • Mars conjunct Rahu Trimsamsa (D30): • Jupiter disposited by Mars • Mars conjunct Rahu and aspected by Saturn Lot of celebrities have suffered or are suffering from Type 2 diabetes. It is not difficult to get enough examples of the same. It is also possible that someone suffering with Type 1 diabetes in the young age also becomes a target of Type 2 diabetes at a later stage in life. Hence, it is not surprising if one finds the symptoms of both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes in the same chart. These people probably are the worst hit by diabetes. In addition to the above listed charts, I have seen these astrological symptoms in the charts of my relatives and friends who are suffering from diabetes. Avoid confusion when looking for diabetes in a chart As it is easy to get confused, one could start seeing diabetes symptoms in almost all the charts (as it happened to me initially). Hence, I am giving a few examples of people who are not known to have diabetes and the astrological reasons for the same. The first example is that of Shri Satya Sai Baba. Please note the following aspects which indicate that the native can not be a diabetic: • • • • • Neither 5th house nor the natural 5th house is afflicted by Rahu Though Mars is retrograde, it is not afflicted by Rahu Jupiter, though in MKS, is not afflicted by Rahu Rahu is in his own constellation, hence does not afflict any other planet from this perspective. Only problem I see is that Rahu’s dispositor Mercury afflicts combust Venus. However, this is not a sufficient condition to get diabetes. Hence, one can safely conclude that this native will not suffer from either types of diabetes. Next example would be that of Michael J Fox: Note the following points in his chart: • Though debilitated, Mars is not afflicted by Rahu • Though aspected by Rahu, Venus is not weak as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Not a dusthana lord Does not occupy a dusthana Not conjunct any dusthana lord Not debilitated Not retrograde Not in Papakartari The above two points are sufficient to conclude that this native is not and will not be a diabetic. The third and final example I would like to offer is that of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru: In the above chart, please note the following: Mars is not weak as: • Does not own a dusthana • Does not occupy a dusthana • Not conjunct any dusthana lord • Not debilitated • Not in MKS • Not retrograde • Not in Papakartari • There is only a mild problem as Mars is in the constellation of 12th lord Moon and Mar’s dispositor Mercury is aspected by Rahu. In both these observations, the affliction comes through disposition route only and not directly. Hence, it could be ignored. There is no need to look at either Venus or Jupiter as Mars is ‘clean’. Hence, the native did not suffer from either type of diabetes. The only connection between diabetes and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is that he was born on the ‘World Diabetes Day’! Acknowledgment I wold like to thank all Jyotish Guru's from whom I have learnt, friends who have helped me by sharing birth details of some personalities, the web sites which have given so much information on diabetes and the birth data of celebrities. Some More Views on Astrology and Diabetes Mellitus gaatra sa kucita gatirvigalita bhra tApi datavali rirnas'yati vardhate badhirata vaktra ca lalayate / vaca nadriyate ca bhandavajano bharya na s'us'ru ate ha kata puruasya jira vayasa putro pyamitrayate // -Bharthari What a pity! For a man in old age, the body shrinks. He walks with faltering steps. The teeth have fallen. Vision is impaired. Deafness worsens. The mouth foams with saliva. Relatives do not care for his words. Wife does not do service and children turn inimical. A man in the years of decline loses his faculties gradually. One cannot be hale and healthy throughout his life. The natural wear and tear of the system inevitably disables him. But one can take precautions and safeguard oneself against some of the common diseases by leading a disciplined life, dietary restrictions and measures that defend the system. Medical Astrology does help mankind in identifying diseases that are likely to occur and helps the native to take suitable measures before the infirmity assumes gigantic proportions. What is Diabetes Mellitus? Pancreas is a gland 15 centimetres long, grey-pink in colour and weighing about 85 grams. It is located behind the stomach and in front of the spine and plays an important role in the digestive process. It produces insulin and keeps the blood sugar at proper level. When insulin is not produced this does not happen and consequently one becomes a victim of diabetes mellitus. In Ayurveda the Meha Rogas which include diabetes are treated. Virasimhavalokana observes thus: sadhya kaphottha das'a pittaja at / yapya na sadhya pavanas'catu ka // samakriyatvad vi amakriyatvat / mahatyatvacca yathakrma te // There are ten varieties of meha diseases arising out of phlegm, six arising out of bile, and four arising out of wind. (Thus there are twenty varieties). Those arising out of phlegm can be cured. But it is difficult to cure bilious diseases, and windy diabetes which causes decay and defies medical treatment. Diabetes in Astrology Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease relating to the function of pancreas characterized by deficiency of insulin, consequent disability to the use of carbohydrates, excess sugar in blood and urine, thirst, hunger, frequent urination, emaciation of the body and imperfect combustion of fats, resulting in acidosis. In its worst from it can cause coma leading to moribund condition and ultimate death. It affects eye-sight and vital organs, causing neuropathy and in general complicates any other disease. Healing of wounds is delayed and may result in the amputation of the wounded parts of the body. All these facts have to be taken into account in the astro-analysis of diabetes. There is huge mass of astrological literature giving the combinations for diseases and we have culled out some of these To delineate the nature of this abominable disease, some basic facts have to be ascertained. Pancreas is situated above the navel and below the heart. Thus we can conclude that it is represented by the 5th house. The second drekkana of the sixth house which indicates the belly of the body has also to be reckoned with. The seventh house which indicates the waist and urinary diseases has also a role. The eighth house, particularly second drekkana which is symmetric to the second drekkana of 6th has to be included. Astrological works give combinations relating to 6th and 8th houses and they have to be carefully utilized. The sixth and seventh houses of Kalapurusha namely Virgo and Libra, Leo which indicates belly and digestive problems, and Scorpio indicating the genital organs have indisputably a role. When these houses or ras'is are occupied by or aspected by malefic or placed between malefic, problems relating to urine and connected organs are, in general, indicated. In Astrology Venus is treated as the Karaka for Prameha (diabetes mellitus) vide pa dus'le mamarutprakopanayanavyapatpramehamayat - Phaladipika This means, ‘leukoderma, the diseases due to phlegm and wind, problems of the eye, diabetes ...." are caused by Venus. Urinary diseases are also indicated by Venus. Generally diabetes worsens and leads ultimately to the damage of the kidneys. Therefore combinations for urinary diseases and renal problems have to be taken into account. Jupiter indicates sweetness and an ill-disposed Jupiter denies the opportunity to taste ‘sweets’. Thus an unfavourable Jupiter indirectly indicates diabetes. A weak Jupiter in 6th, 8th or 12th or Jupiter in combustion is indicative of diabetes. Thirst, hunger etc. are the symptoms of diabetes. Consequently, the Moon has an important role. Saturn which indicates urine, excreta and other filthy materials has also a significant role. To sum up: If the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th or the ras'is Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio are afflicted, diabetes or urinary diseases are suggested. Similarly, if the planets Venus, the Moon, Jupiter are ill disposed, one can infer urinary disease or diabetes. The urinary diseases caused by Saturn, bad digestion, emaciation of the body etc. are suggestive of diabetes. When the planets causing the combinations are in vargas which are watery rasis, mrityubhaga, evil shastyamsa etc. they acquire importance. Works like Brihajjataka, Saravali Jataka Tatva, Virasimhavalokana, Yovanajataka, Gadavali, etc. give specific combinations for Diabetes Mellitus. It is to be observed that if the diseases are caused by phlegmatic planets (Jupiter) they are curable; if caused by bilious planets (Sun, Mars) they are partly curable and if by windy planets (Saturn) they are not curable. We have extracted several combinations from standard texts below: When the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Venus are in the 5th diabetes is indicated. Even if one, two, three of these planets occupy the 5th, diabetes is indicated. When these planets are associated with evil planets results will be pronounced. It is found from observation that Venus in the 5th aspected by Saturn causes diabetes. When the Sun or Mars and Saturn are in Lagna diabetes is indicated. If all the three are in Lagna results will be strong. Even if Mars and Saturn are in Lagna, effects will be felt. If Venus is in the 8th aspected by malefic phlegmatic diseases, diabetes etc are indicated. It may cause even death. If Venus is in a watery sign and has Varga in a watery sign the results will be pronounced, more so when Venus is weak. If Saturn and Mars are conjoined or have mutual aspect, diabetes is caused. On the examination of 100 horoscopes the combination / mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars was found in sixty. This appears to be a powerful combination. When Lagna is aspected by a malefic, lord of Lagna is debilitated and the eighth house is aspected or occupied by Venus, diabetes is caused. This was not found in any of the horoscopes we examined. More analysis may be required. If Mercury is in Sagittarius or Pisces with the aspect of the Sun, diabetes is indicated. Since this is not possible, aspect should be treated as conjunction. Sun- Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius or Pisces is suggestive of this. If the Sun is in Lagna, and Mars is in the 7th, diabetes is indicated. This is considered as a combination for insanity by some authors. If the Vargas are watery signs, diabetes is likely. If Mars aspects the 8th house diabetes is indicated. This has been observed in the horoscopes of many diabetics. Mercury in the 8th indicates urinary problems. If Mercury has Vargas in watery signs and is aspected by malefics, the results are strong. If the Lord of Lagna is in the 6th with Mars, diabetes is indicated. When the combination is present, untimely diet is indicated. Consequently problems like hyperacidity and ulcer are likely. Because the 6th house is afflicted, diabetes is also likely. If the Moon’s navamsa is in cancer and Scorpio and the Moon is conjoined with a malefic, disease of a subtle nature is likely. We get from Brhajjataka of Varahamihira candre karka av s'cika s'akagate papairyute guhyaruk The term guhyaruk suggests “one with diseases in secret or subtle parts”. It is to be interpreted using the Vargas of the Moon. If the Moon is in Leo which indicates thirst, hunger etc chances for diabetes are strong. If a weak Moon is in Leo, thirst, hunger and problems of digestion are indicated, more so when it is an indicator of disease. When the Moon gets Vargas in watery signs, diabetes is likely. If a watery planet is in the 7th together with the lord of the 7th, urinary diseases are indicated. The Moon and Venus are watery planets. When the planets are in watery signs and get Vargas in watery signs, the results will manifest well. If the lord of 6th is in the 3rd diseases near the navel are indicated. The place being navel, urinary diseases related to diabetes are also likely. If the Sun, the Moon and Venus are in the 5th, diabetes is likely. Watery Vargas aggravate this. Rahu in the 7th causes diseases of the waist. This can indicate diseases in the inner part and hence diabetes. A malefic in the 5th causes problems. Since the 5th represents pancreas, diabetes is likely. Watery Vargas aggravates this. If the lord of the 7th is in a malefic’s house and is aspected by a malefic, diabetes is likely. This is found to be true from observations. If the Lagna is aspected by Saturn and the weak lord of the 8th has the aspect of a malefic, problems due to indigestion are likely. This can suggest diabetes also. Examples In indicating planets the scheme used is the following: Lagna Sun Moon Mars L Su Mo Ms Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke 1: Born: 8.2.1930. Star: Rohini Balance of Moon's period: 3-0-9 The 6th is occupied by Saturn. Cancer Lagna with the aspect of the Sun indicates disease of the eyes. Evil planets in the 7th show urinary diseases. Mars gets navamsa in a watery sign. Venus is afflicted and debilitated in navamsa. The native was diabetic who had impaired vision. 2: Born 4.11.1968. Star: Svati Balance of Rahu's period: 6-2-19 Saturn and Mars aspect each other. The sixth is aspected by Mars and the 5th is aspected by Mars though Saturn occupies its own house. Jupiter who is devoid of directional strength is aspected by Saturn. Lagna is occupied by the Sun with navamsa in a watery sign. 3: Born: 13.1.1956 Star: Purvashadha Balance of the period of Venus: 2-0-28 There is Mars - Saturn conjunction. 8th is occupied by Ketu and aspected by Mars and Saturn. Venus is in 5th aspected to Mars. The Moon gets Scorpio navamsa and is conjoined with a malefic. This suggests 'subtle' diseases. The native was a victim of diabetes. 4: Born: 13.10.1930 Star: Aslesha Balance of Mercury's period: 15 9-18 This is a clear case of diabetes. The 5th house is aspected by all the malefics, though Jupiterian aspect counterpoises the effects to some extent. Also the lord of the 7th Mars is in the house of a malefic and aspected a malefic. (vide 18 above). Ketu is in the 6th. All these led to urinary diseases and diabetes. 5: Born: 13.10.1932 Star: Uttarashadha Balance of the Sun's period: 1 - 9 - 10 In this, there is mutual aspect of Mars and Saturn. The 8th is occupied by Ketu. Venus is afflicted. Lord of the 7th is in the house of a malefic and is aspected by a malefic (vide 18 above). These factors led to diabetes 6: Born: 6.8.1939 Star: Bharani Balance of the period of Venus: 12 - 6 - 21 The lord of the 6th is conjoined with a malefic. Lord of the 7th is in the house of a malefic aspected by malefic (vide 18). Mars and Saturn aspect each other. Mars has navamsa in a watery sign. Finally, Venus is combust. All these indicate diabetes. This is essentially a report of the analysis of three hundred cases of diabetes.It is hoped that the readers will examine new cases and come forward with useful results. It is hoped that this will be a stimulus to the readers when the World Diabetes Day is observed.
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