
March 30, 2018 | Author: gift108 | Category: Astrology, Horoscope, Esoteric Cosmology, Divination, New Age Practices



Dharak & Dharakansha HoroscopeBy Paresh Desai, India $eadership *evel+ ,dvanced ' Paresh Desai is a doctor by profession & has pursued deep study of astrology since several decades. He comes from a parampara where ‘Only Sarvatobhadra Chakra is used for predictions! no dasas at all. His "uru was the illustrious legendary celebrity astrologer of #ombay! Shri $avindra Desai who had learnt astrology from #aroda & #enares for %& years and then developed his own system of Sarvatobhadra Chakra. 'e e(pect )r. Desai to reveal some rare secrets in this space in the coming years. e have come across many such situations where in spite of giving prediction after considering all the principles of -halit .yotish! our predictions have gone wrong. One of our great .yotishacharyas of yester years /araha )ihir has given us the principle that 0a native will get good and favourable fruits of the house whose lord is strong and powerful in the birth horoscope provided that it is also strong in the Navamansha horoscope”. 1his has been verified to be true in many instances but there are few instances where this principle has not been proved correct. )y "uru2i wondered why this has been so. He thought of all the principles of -halit .yotish he had studied but did not get any answer so he went to his "uru2i for the e(planation and solutions. His "uru2i also thought about this but could not find any reason. So he told my "uru2i that he had taught him all the principles of .yotish which he had studied from his "uru2i and that he had nothing more to offer. )y "uru2i kept on thinking about it and one day! he suddenly thought of 1arak. Our Considering the nakshatra of )oon as the first 3akshatra! the effects up to nine nakshatras were different and same effects were repeated from . 1hey studied the effects of different nakshatras on planets starting from the nakshatra of )oon. He verified this in many horoscopes or charts and came out with the modified principle that 0a planet which is strong and favourable in birth horoscope and also in Navamansha kundali gives favourable and strong fruits of the house of its lordship only if it is present under good or favourable Tarak”. So Chandra $ashi 7undali 8)oon $ashi horoscope9 is used for Gochar prediction in our 3irayan system of 6ndian /edic . Moon is also very close to earth and whenever a planet is going to give fruits. )y planet which came under "uru2i prepared a table of 1arak and unfavourable 1arak did not give put all the planets in the nakshatra good or favourable fruits even under 1arak in which they were though it was strong in birth situated at the time of birth horoscope as well as in 3avamansha respectively. 6n this way they studied the effects of all %: 3akshatras on planet s behavior in giving fruits and they found out that there were nine types of effects as per the distance of specific nakshatra from the constellation of )oon. 1his way nine groups of nakshatras were formed each having three nakshatras.<th 3akshatra to .ll the emotions and feelings are because of mind. it transfers its fruits to Moon and Moon transfers them to the native and this way native gets Shubha or Ashubha fruits as per the transit of planets.strology! whenever a planet is giving fruits of its house! )oon plays very important role.strology. 1hese groups were given the name of 1arak. . Our learned $ishi4)unis observed the effects of various constellations on planets as per its distance from the constellation of )oon. 1 o understand this properly! we must first understand the concept of 1arak given by our learned $ishi4)unis. 1he names they gave were in serial order 1 Janma 2 Sampa d 4 7shema & -ratyari 7 Naithan !itra 3 Vipad @ Sadhak " #dhimit . ?ach 1arak was given a name as per its effect on planets. 1hen the effect of second constellation from )oon was studied and so on. Then and then only it was capable of giving favourable or good fruits of that house. 'hy nakshatra of )oon5 6n 6ndian /edic .=th 3akshatra and from . He studied many charts in this way and found out that a planet which is strong in the birth horoscope and also in the 3avamansha horoscope has to be strong or favourable in 1arak also.2yotishacharyas have described 1arak gave favourable fruits but a about 1arak in their literature. He found out that a horoscope as per the principle planet which came under favourable of /araha )ihir. )oon is considered as our mind in astrology and it is through our mind that we feel happiness or unhappiness! 2oy or sorrow.>th 3akshatra to %:th 3akshatra. 1hey studied the effect of nakshatra on planets in giving fruits when it is in the same constellation as that of )oon. 6n this way three rows of nine nakshatras were formed under taraks. 2$ Sampad Tarak+ )ore than e(pected fruits are obtained. Tarak+ Destruction of fruits at the last moment.> th nakshatra was placed under .ra .A 22 -ratyari & .anma 1arak and remaining nakshatras were placed under respective 1arak in Ard row.th and %<th nakshatra from )oon s nakshatra and so on.< 1" 83akshatra of )oon9 Sampad % .s we know there are %: 3akshatras or constellations.: 2* #dhimit " 1 27 ra 1he effect of each 1arak on planets in short is as follows+ 1$ Janma Tarak+ Cruits obtained as per the strength of the planet in birth horoscope. $ !aitra Tarak+ Cruits with the help of friends or recent acDuaintance .shema Tarak+ Cruits for family and en2oyed with family members. Sampad 1arak.@ 2) )aitra = . st! .>th nakshatra from )oon s nakshatra! Sampad 1arak will contain % nd!. 2( /ipad A . Sr$ Tarak No$ 1 2 3 4 ) * 7 " Serial N%m&er o' Nakshatra 'rom !oon .anma 1arak will contain . 1hen second nakshatra from moon was placed in second 1arak i. Our learned $ishi4)unis considered the nakshatra of )oon as the first nakshatra and placed this nakshatra below ..gain . So .anma .anma 1arak. . 1he nakshatra of moon is considered as the first nakshatra. 7$ Naithan -Vadh.& 24 /adha : . )$ Pratyari Tarak+ Cruits with hopes and despair or hopelessness. 3$ Vipad Tarak+ Cruits with worries and obstacles in the beginning. 4$ . 6f we see this in tabular form it will be as follows.anma 1arak and ne(t nine nakshatras were put under nine 1araks respectively in serial order in second row. So 1arak is nothing but the group of nakshatras. 1his way they placed nine 3akshatras under nine 1araks in serial order. *$ Sadhak Tarak+ Cruits with constant efforts..B 23 Sadhak @ .<th and .e. ?ach 1arak contained three constellations. . 1he .% 21 7shema B .< th 3akshatra was again placed under . %nd! . e9 6f it is strong in birth horoscope and weak in 3avmansh kundali or vice versa! it gives mi(ed fruits."$ #dhimitra Tarak+ Cruits obtained with the help of family members or very close friends. d9 6f it is weak in the birth horoscope and also in 3avmansh kundali! then it gives weak fruits or unfavourable fruits of the house it represents. strong planet gives good fruits and a weak planet gives poor results of the house it represents if it comes under . 2hara0teristi0s o' Dharak 1$ Janma+ 1his is the first Dharak.anma Dharak. ?.. a9 6ts meaning is taken as 0As It IsE i.:<<<G4 which is more than what he had e(pected for.th and %<th 3akshatra from )oon comes under this Dharak in three rows respectively. .s the planets were imbibing the effects of 1arak under which they came! my "uru2i changed the /ord Tarak to Dharak as the meaning of Dharak is to /ear or to take the e''e0t o' some thin1 else .>th 3akshatra from )oon also come under this Dharak. a9 6n Sanshodhanatmak Sarvatobhadra chakra! the meaning of Sampad is taken as More Than Expected!” 6t also means e3tra or additional or more or e30essi4e. . c9 1he 'r%its are obtained easily and also last 'or a lon1 time. Sampad Dharak makes the planet coming under it to give more fruits of its house. b9 6f it is strong and powerful in the birth horoscope and is eDually strong and powerful in 3avmansh kundali! then it gives good and favourable fruits of the house of its lordship.g. So a planet coming under this Dharak gives more fruits than its capacity or its strength in the birth horoscope. So we can say that it has taken the effect of that Dharak and will give fruits as per the characteristics of that Dharak. )y "uru2i changed the word 0NaithanE to 0VadhaE 8Sudden end F slaughter9 as it is more appropriate. .e. c9 Suppose a person is doing some consultation and e(pects to earn $s.&<<<G4 as his fees but his client would be very happy with his consultation and gives him $s. when a car is painted red! we say it is a red car! when it is painted yellow! we say it is a yellow car. a planet coming under this Dharak gives fruits or results of its house as per its strength or weakness in the birth horoscope. . 2$ Sampad+ 1his is the second Dharak. b9 1hat means a planet coming under this Dharak gives fruits of its house of lordship in e(cess or more than what a native was e(pecting.<th and . 1he 3akshatra of )oon is placed under this Dharak. Similarly a planet coming under a particular 1arak takes the effects of that 1arak. .%th and %. He goes to the showroom of that car and books his car.g. e9 3ative will not use the fruits for self only but will distribute them to all family members and relatives who are in his contact. ?. a9 1he meaning of 7shema is Easily Obtained And Enjoying Fruits With Whole Family”! 6t also means that whatever fruits native gets! he shares them with his family members and en2oys with them. 4$ . He would try to keep his worries and unhappiness or failures to himself.st 3akshatra from )oon comes under this Dharak. He is promised the delivery of the car after : days.s there are always two sides of a coin! here also fruits obtained are of two types. 3$ Vipad+ 1his is the Ard Dharak and Ard! . 'hen benefic planets are giving fruits! they are obtained easily and en2oyed by the family but when fruits are obtained by malefic planets! i. He is not interested in other colour so he is promised delivery of the car of his choice of colour after another : days. c9 1hus a planet coming under this Dharak gives fruits of the house it governs easily! without worries and as per e(pectation and are en2oyed by whole family.. when unfavourable fruits are obtained and there are worries and less fruits in spite of hard work! native does not like to pass on his unhappiness or worries to his family members. planet coming under this Dharak always gives worries and obstacles while giving the fruits of the house it governs.shema+ 1his is the fourth Dharak and B th! . 1hese worries and obstacles get over as the deeds progresses. e9 So a planet under vipad Dharak does give fruits of the house it governs but after obstacles and hardship in the beginning. d9 #ut there is no charm at the end of the work as the native has to pass through lot of difficulties and worries even for e(ecuting a simple work.s the native continues his work! these obstacles and worries start getting removed and the deeds get completed eventually. . b9 1hese obstacles and worries are found in the initial phase of the deeds. a9 /ipad means Obstacles or Worries. .Ath and %%nd 3akshatras from the 3akshatra of )oon come under this Dharak. 1hey are en2oyed with whole family. d9 'e can take two meanings of this Dharak. c9 . He again goes after : days to find out that the car of his choice of colour is not there. He goes to the showroom for delivery but his car has not reached the showroom.fter : days he gets the car of his choice but there is no happiness or charm of obtaining the car of his choice as it has come after so many obstacles and freDuent visits to the showroom. So he is told to come after another : days. a person wants to buy a car of particular model and colour. b9 'henever there is worries about the fruits of the house! he dose not share his worries with his family members but keeps it to him.e. . f9 .d9 Similarly if malefic planets are giving worries or unfavourable fruits than the native will get more worries than what he had e(pected for. Cruits are obtained easily! without many efforts and %. )$ Pratyari+ 1his is the &th Dharak and &th! . c9 6f a person makes efforts to achieve some level and achieves it and stops making efforts thinking that the level will be maintained without much effort! he finds it difficult to maintain that level. h9 #ut this is a good dharak! so whenever the unfavourable transit of planets is over! the person will get another 2ob and every one in the family will be happy. b9 1he fruits of the house are not obtained without making efforts if the lord of that house is placed under this dharak. So this dharak involves his family in both favourable and unfavourable situations. a9 1he meaning of the word -ratyari is 0Nirasha” i. a9 1he meaning of Sadhak is 0"adhana or Intense E##ortsE. b9 Here its meaning is taken as sudden and premature loss of the fruits of the house if the lord of that house comes under this dharak. “ espair!!. He does not want his family to worry about it and be unhappy. a9 1he literal meaning of /adha is "laughter. 'hatever he earns! he uses for the happiness of his family. 1his way! the planet coming under this Dharak gives fruits of its house always with hopes and despair. d9 1hat means that the native has to be constantly active to keep on getting the fruits of the house if the lord of that house is placed under this dharak. 6t means $remature and "udden eath. 3ative is confident of getting the fruit of the work he is doing but . 7$ Vadha+ 1his is the :th Dharak and :th! .g9 'e can take an e(ample of a person doing a 2ob.@th and %&th 3akshatra from the nakshatra of )oon comes under this Dhark. 3ative looses confidence of getting fruits and becomes disappointed.e. #ut his family would come to know about this in due course and every one in the family will be sad and unhappy. 6t makes the native continuously work or keep on making efforts to obtain the fruits of the house. b9 1he planet coming under this dharak gives fruits of the house it governs in such a way that the situation is very hopeful to start with and the native is confident that he will get the fruits soon but suddenly the situation changes and it becomes hopeless.Bth and %Ard 3akshatras from the nakshatra of )oon occupy this Dharak. c9 1his dharak is not considered as a good dharak. e9 6f native stops working! the fruits also stop coming in. d9 1here is sudden loss of the fruits of the work which is near completion. *$ Sadhak+ 1his is the @th Dharak and @th! .&th and %Bth 3akshatra from the nakshatra of )oon come under this Dharak. c9 #ut this situation does not remain for long and as the transit becomes favourable! he again becomes hopeful of getting fruits. #ut when he loses his 2ob! he gets worried but does not tell his family about it. He will earn his salary every month and give money to his family. b9 1he planet coming under this dharak gives fruits of its house with the help of a friend or some other person. d9 Here also during benefic rotation of planets! native gets good fruits with the help of a family member or a close friend but during unfavourable rotation of planets! the same close friends or family members become instrumental for native getting bad fruits or worries of that house. e9 6t is also observed that when a planet under this Dharak it becomes capable in giving fruits and if there is no one at that time to help the native! he may not get those fruits. a person wants to buy a railway ticket. b9 Here also a close friend or a family member becomes instrumental in getting the fruits of the house whose lord is placed under this Dharak.:th and %@th 3akshatra from the 3akshatra of )oon comes under this Dharak. c9 1hat means some person! a recent friend or an acDuaintance becomes instrumental in getting the fruits of that house. He may have to stand for a long time and waste his time but if he contacts some railway booking agent on phone! he will get the ticket without standing in long Dueue and without wasting his time and ticket will be delivered at his door step. f9 6f the planet coming under this Dharak is strong and powerful then it gives the fruits of the house during benefic rotation! then suddenly the fruits are stopped from coming in but after some time when the rotation of benefic planets start! he starts getting the fruits of that house again. g9 1hat means there are many ups and downs in getting fruits of that house. a9 )aitra means Friend or "ome $erson With %ecent Ac&uaintance. $ !aitra+ 1his is the =th Dharak and =th! . 6f he goes himself to railway station or booking office! he would find a big Dueue.=th and %:th 3akshatra from the 3akshatra of )oon comes under this Dharak. ?. . "$ #dhimitra+ 1his is the >th Dharak and >th! . e9 1he fruits of the work which native was about to get are suddenly lost and the native does not understand what went wrong. c9 6f native tries to get the fruits of the house with his own efforts! he may not get the desired result but gets the fruits with the help of a close friend or a family member. a9 .dhimitra means Family Members or 'ery (lose Friend or "omeone 'ery (lose To The Nati)e. d9 During benefic rotation of planets! native gets good fruits with the help of others but during malefic rotation of planets! native gets worries and may not get the desired fruits.suddenly something untoward happens and picture changes suddenly and everything is lost. So someone becomes instrumental in getting the fruits of that house. 6f the native works himself! he may find some delays or obstacles or may not be able to do it satisfactorily but if he asks someone to do his work! then the work will be done nicely and satisfactorily.g. harakansha 7undali is one of the research works of my "uru2i Dr. -lace the dharak of each planet in the house where it is situated in the birth horoscope. 1his way dharakansha kundali will be ready.Dharakansha 5oros0ope D 6.r%tika . 1o understand this properly let us prepare a Dharkansha Horoscope of a native and study the effects of dharaks on the fruits of that house. 66. 6/. 1hen find out the dharak of each planet.A4<&4.>=@! 1O#+ . One has to prepare a dharak chart and place each planet under the Dharak in which its 3akshatra is present. He then studied the effects of dharak on that house and found out that Dharak plays a very important role in modifying the fruits of that house.AB.<<! -O#+ /adodara! "u2arat State! 6ndia -lanets at the time of birth will be as follows+ Planet 1 Sun Si1n7D17!t7 S0 <<4%=4B&4&: Nakshatra . *et us take few e(amples. 1o prepare Dharakansha Horoscope! one has to prepare a birth horoscope with spasta grahas 8Degreecal position of planets9. $avindra Desai! it would be prudent for the erudite scholar to work further on it for its miraculous snap shot results in 2udging houses.:. 63ample+ 1 3ame+ 7D DO#+ . 6f more than one dharaks were present in the house then their combined effects were observed on the fruits of that house. 666. 6f a favourable Dharak is present in the house! it increases the favourable fruits of that house &%t i' an %n'a4ora&le Dharak o00%pies that ho%se the 'r%its o' that ho%se &e0ome %n'a4o%ra&le e4en i' the ho%se is stron1 in the horos0ope. Crom this! find out the constellation of each planet. He calculated the Dharak of each planet and placed them in the house in which the respective planet is situated in the birth horoscope. %ndali = /ipad 7shema .> .Bha Ju Vipad Pus Anu U. B @ & -ratyari > Sadhak Sampa .< . Janma Adra Mo Swa: Shat Sampad Pun Vish P.A4B=4B..Fa Vadha "ast Shra Su Roh U.upiter /enus Saturn $ahu 7etu Hranus 3eptune 3aseeb #s0endant <%4.2 3 4 ) * 7 " 1 ( 1 1 1 2 1 3 )oon )ars )ercury . Dharakansha .anma % .Sha Bhar Ma Me U.Sha Krut Maitra Adhimitra #hi As$ Ke %han Mrug Ve Draw the birth horoscope and put the dharak of planets in the house which they occupy.Bha Sa Kshema Ashl Jye Rew Ur Fo Pratyari Magh Mool Ashw e Ra Sadha! P. <<4<&4<=4AA <@4<&4<=4AA <:4%:4&<4%@ <=4.dhimitra A 3akshatra . d Vadha -ratyari Sadhak .dhimitra : .Fa P.& <:4.4%@4A@4.% ..4B@ <.<4%A4&.:4BB4.4B=4BB <:4%@4<@4<A (*7(*71"7( #ardra P%r4a Shadha Bharani P%r4a Bhadrapad !r%1ashirsh #n%radha #sh/ini 2hitra Jyeshtha !oola Jyeshtha 2hitra -repare the tabular chart of nine dharak and write nakshatra in serial order under it starting from the nakshatra of )oon as follows.=4A%4&A <=4%&4%=4BB <<4. %ndali+ #dhimitra Dharak in 1st 5o%se+ .shlesha )agh 4 )agha -. 3ative has to work for removing those obstacles and then he will succeed in his efforts of earning money and getting wealth.Ca 4 Httara Calguni Has 4 Hasta Chi 4 Chitra Swa 4 Swati /is 4 /ishakha .scendant Su 4 Sun )o 4 )oon )a 4 )ars )e 4 )ercury .Sha 4 -urva Shadha H.ardra -un 4 -unarvasu -us 4 -ushya .dhimitra means family members or very close friend and the ..shwini #ha 4 #harani 7ru 4 7rutika $oh 4 $ohini )rug 4 )rugashirsh -lanets .ye 4 . . %nd house is the house of money! wealth and .Ca 4 -urva Calguni H. 1his is also the house of family members so there may be worries in his relationship with his family members.#ha 4 -urva #hadrapada H.nu 4 .s the lord of this house )ars is situated in third house! native will earn money and get wealthy by his self efforts and enterprises and his brothers or sisters may become helpful.shema in 2nd 5o%se+ 7shema means to get fruits easily and to en2oy them with family members. #ut there will be less charm in spite of getting money and wealth as native has to pass through lot of hardships and e(tra work.nuradha .shw 4 .st house is the house of body and mind! Camily members and close friend of the native become instrumental in proper growth of mind and body of the native and also in maintaining it fit. Vipad in 2nd 5o%se+ /ipad means obstacles and worries and %nd house is the house of financial matters! wealth and family members.Sha 4 Httara Shadha Shra 4 Shravan Dha 4 Dhanishtha Sha 4 Shatbhisha -.yeshtha )ool 4 )ool -. #ut during malefic rotation of planets! they become instrumental in bringing him mental and physical worries and also for his stability in life.sc 4 . .u 4 .upiter /e 4 /enus Sa 4 Saturn $a 4 $ahu 7e 4 7etu Hr 4 Hranus 3e 4 3eptune Co 4 Cortune Predi0tions 'rom Dharakansha . 3ative is finding obstacles and worries in his deeds for getting money and saving it and also for creating wealth. 1hey also help him in his deeds for getting stability in his life and to maintain it. He is finding obstacles and worries in the beginning of his deeds even if they are straight forward and simple.#ha 4 Httara #hadrapada $ew 4 $ewati .dra 4 .shl 4 . . by one of the best universities of . He submitted his certificates and was selected for )#. #ut this despair also does not remain for long. 1he atmosphere which was favourable when he started his deeds does not remain same for long.s this is also the house of brothers and sisters! the relations of native with his brethren are sometimes very good and sometimes there is worries. 1his is the special feature of this Dharak. Sampad in )th ho%se+ Sampad means e"tra or more then one#s e"pectation! &th house is the house of education! intelligence and children. He thinks that his company is well established now and there will be no problem if he focuses his attention to some other business. #ut whenever there are financial worries or worries regarding his wealth! he would not share them with his family members. 'henever native thinks of doing some new enterprise he finds that the atmosphere is not always favourable.e. he has to look after his company affairs even after it is well established. #ut he got more marks than his efforts during e(ams. #ut as soon as he stops looking after his company! the business slows down and his income decreases. So native will be able to earn money easily and save them for the future. he has to work constantly for achieving and maintaining the fruits of his deeds or enterprise.e. He then read about . Pratyari in 3rd 5o%se+ -ratyari means despair and the Ard house is the house of new enterprises. 3ative has to work constantly for obtaining the fruits of his deeds. He was totally disappointed. He does not use or keep money for himself alone.fter some time he would find some obstacles and unfavourable circumstances which make him lose his hopes about the out come of his deeds. 1hen he gave C?1 for )#.ustralia and has completed % semesters with credits and he was one of the top ten students out of :< who . He distributes the fruits of second house among his family members and his relatives or his well4wishers and en2oys with them happily. 3ative was an average student during schoolI parents were always worried about his education.s the rotation of planets improve! the place of despair is taken up by hopes! this way there is always the atmosphere of hopes and hopelessness regarding the fruits of this house. Suppose native has established a company and has fi(ed certain target for income and works to achieve his target and is happy after achieving it. 3ative also shares his wealth with his family members and en2oys with them. but could not get admission in 6ndia. During graduation studies he got first class through out. . 1hen and then only he would get proper and continuous fruits. Some take &H for higher education note this. His mind fills up with despair. Sadhak in 3rd 5o%se+ Sadhak means Sadhana or Tap or to work continuously or constantly either mentally or physically. . 6f he stops his deeds then the fruits of his deeds would stop coming in i.family members. He again has to focus all his attention to the affairs of this company and again he will start getting fruits i. 1his is also the house of brothers and sisters. He got better results in his e(ams than his e(pectations.ustralian Hniversity fair and attended the seminar. were selected for industrial training.anma in the above chart. 1ill the ne(t issue of Saptarishis . 1his means that whenever there is a rotation of malefic planets over & th house! he would get worries which are more than his e(pectations but whenever there is a rotation of benefic planets over this house! he would get much better fruits than his e(pectation. .strology 6 would leave you to work out the results of /adh & .
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