Dgs Mx 002 r1 Galvanizing



Abu Dhabi Oil Refining CompanyDGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 GALVANIZING Amendment History 1 Mar 2009 AMD-MX-002-BECHTEL No Date Amendment Clauses 2, 9 & Table 1 Description HAS/DDC QAM Mar 2009 Proposed Approved Incorporated DGS History 1 Mar 2009 DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 AMD-MX-002-BECHTEL HAS/DDC QAM / MAY 0 Mar 2006 DGS-MX-002-Rev-0 Previous Project / Lessons Learnt Incorporated HAS/DDC ETSDM / EPDM No Date Description Source Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Reviewed Initials Approved Page 1 of 17 ......................................... E&PD: Hesham El Ashkar (HAS) Engineering & Technical Services Manager.............0 DESIGN..............................................................4 COATING PROPERTIES........................... 3 3...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 9. 3 7............................ 3 5............... 3 8.............................. E&PD: Quazi Abdul Matin (QAM) Engineering & Projects Division Manager.............................. 3 6.... 3 1................................ 3 11..........................................................................................0 SPECIFICATION DEVIATION/CONCESSION CONTROL .................................................................3 HOT-DIP GALVANIZING............................................... 3 List of Authorized Signatures / Initials DGS Discipline Committee Member............................ E&PD: Mohd Al Yabhouni (MAY) Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 2 of 17 .......... 3 TABLE 2.....Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING TABLE OF CONTENTS 1............................................. ADRD: ----------------------- DGS Discipline Committee Member..... 3 8............ 3 9........... 3 9.........................................0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL .......................................2 MECHANICAL GALVANIZING .....................1 FABRICATION ..............................................................................................................................................0 INSPECTION................5 REPAIR OF DAMAGED ZINC COATINGS...................................0 DOCUMENT PRECEDENCE ........2 PURPOSE ..........................0 CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................................................................................................................0 HANDLING ................................................................................................................................ 3 4.................................................................... 3 9........................................................0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 10.................... 3 1.......................................0 HANDLING .................. RRD: ----------------------- DGS Discipline Committee Member Leader...0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .......0 DOCUMENTATION .............................................. 3 9............................................................................................................................................1 PACKAGING AND SHIPPING .................. 3 8................................................................................................................................................... 3 9.... 3 TABLE 1....................................................2 PRESERVATION AND STORAGE.................................................................................... 3 2..........1 INTRODUCTION .............................................. 3 ADDENDUM SHEET .............................................................3 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1........................ Safety and Guard chain. Platforms. it refers Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 3 of 17 . usually after receiving the contract package or purchase order. Concrete embed plates. etc to be coated as per DGS-MX-001.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING 1.1. 1. but are not limited to the following: 1. Often. and Sheet metal When an item is required to be galvanized the requirement shall be noted on the applicable design drawings. Cradles. Generally these requirements are common for all galvanized items to be used in the construction of the PROJECT. The items to be galvanized include.2 Piping Anchors. using coating system 13. handrails. ladder cages. Hardware (per ASTM A153). Ladders & cages. Hangers.3 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this specification. These areas shall be coated with an appropriate protective coating as per DGS-MX-001 1.A deviation requested by the SUBCONTRACTOR or VENDOR. Toeplate and Washers 1. 1. Bolts. Floor plate Grating.1. Guides. Hot shoe supports that are not welded to the Pipe shall not be galvanized as significant damage to the galvanizing will occur when these supports are welded to piping. Guardrail Handrail.2 PURPOSE The materials. and Light standards 1. Stair treads. Columns.0 GENERAL 1.1 Electrical Conduit.1.1. Miscellaneous supports.3 Structural Steel Beams. ladders. The operating temperature for items that have been galvanized shall not exceed 400 C. Chain link fence & accessories. procedures. Checker plate.1 INTRODUCTION This specification covers the requirements for Hot-Dip and Mechanical Galvanizing. Stair stringers. columns. Cable trays & covers including fasteners. Bumper posts. and requirements specified herein are provided to protect plant equipment from corrosion.4 Miscellaneous Items Anchor bolts. the following definitions shall apply: CONCESSION REQUEST . Shoes. All exposed galvanized surfaces including structural beams. Nuts. Instrument Pipe and Fittings. Miscellaneous fasteners. Non Fireproofed shop fabricated carbon steel pipe supports. drawing.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING to an authorization to use. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A36 Standard specification for structural steel A90 Standard test method for weight (mass) of coating on iron and steel articles with zinc or zinc-alloy coatings A123 Standard specification for zinc (hot-dip galvanized) coatings on iron and steel products A143 Standard practice for safeguarding against embrittlement of hot-dip galvanized structural steel products and procedure for detecting embrittlement A153 Standard specification for zinc coating (hot-dip) on iron and steel hardware A307 Standard specification for carbon steel bolts and studs. The publications are referred to. or record of any kind required to transmit information from one party to another.000 psi tensile strength A325 Standard specification for structural bolts. etc. DOCUMENT – Any form. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The latest edition (including addenda) in effect shall apply. or release materials. form a part of this specification. SHOULD – Denotes an action or requirement which isnot mandatory but which is strongly recommended. 120/150 ksi minimum tensile strength A384 Standard practice for safeguarding against warpage and distortion during hot-dip galvanizing of steel assemblies A385 Standard practice for providing high quality zinc coating (hot dip) A392 Standard specification for zinc-coated steel chain-link fence fabric Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 4 of 17 . requisition. steel. 60. in the text. contract.0 CODES AND STANDARDS The following codes and standards shall. letter. specification. and other data used to form a permanent record of the Project progress. heat treated. components or equipment already in progress or completely manufactured but which does not meet or comply with Takreer requirements. facsimile. A CONCESSION REQUEST is subject to COMPANY approval. It also includes computer generated drawings list. reclaim. by the basic designations only. 2. recondition. to the extent specified herein. repair. SHALL – Denotes mandatory action or requirement. charts. 0 ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System Requirements ISO 9004-2000 Quality Management Guidelines for Performance Improvement System ISO 19011 Guidelines for Quality and/or Environmental Management Systems Auditing ISO 12944 Paints and Varnishes . When an edition date is not indicated for a document. 150 ksi minimum tensile strength A653 Specification for steel sheet. the latest edition in force at the time of CONTRACTOR’S/VENDOR’S proposal or submittal shall apply.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING A490 Standard specification for heat-treated steel structural bolts. A697 Specification for Chemical Passivation of SS Parts A780 Standard practice for Repair of Damaged Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings B6 Standard specification for Zinc B695 Standard specification for coatings of zinc mechanically deposited on iron and steel E376 Standard practice for measuring coating thickness by magnetic-field or eddy-current (electromagnetic) test methods Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) SP 1 Solvent cleaning SP 11 Power tool cleaning to bare metal SP 10 Near white blast cleaning International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3. Project Specifications DGS-MX-001 Painting DGS-MU-002 Preservation Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 5 of 17 . form a part of this specification.Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures by Protective Paint Systems REFERENCE DOCUMENTS The following reference documents. zinc coated (Galvanized) or zinc-iron alloycoated (Galvannealed) by the hot dip process. to the extent specified herein. In case of conflict. prior to the proposed technical changes being implemented. identify. CONTRACTOR’S QA audit requirements will be waived in favor of ISO 9000 registrar audits. CONCESSION REQUESTS require the CONTRACTOR’S and the COMPANY’S review and approval. If SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR’S QA/QC program and facility. an applicable ISO 9000 series QA/QC program which clearly establishes the authority and responsibility of those responsible for the quality system. VENDOR shall provide objective evidence of its QA/QC surveillance of its SUBCONTRACTOR/SUBVENDOR’S activities. The SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR shall have in effect at all times. the order of precedence shall be stated in the AGREEMENT or other PROJECT documents as applicable. Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be obtained from the CONTRACTOR/COMPANY in writing before proceeding with the design/manufacture. In addition. unless the CONTRACTOR’S trend analysis program indicates areas of concern. 5.0 DOCUMENT PRECEDENCE It shall be the SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR’S responsibility to be. Technical changes implemented prior to COMPANY approval are subject to rejection. and any other specification noted herein. where the work is to be performed. Persons performing quality functions shall have sufficient and well defined authority to enforce quality requirements. Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 6 of 17 . The VENDOR shall identify in purchase documents to its SUBCONTRACTOR/SUBVENDOR all applicable QA/QC requirements imposed by the CONTRACTOR. the data sheets and narrative specification shall be sought by the VENDOR only through the CONCESSION REQUEST format.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING 4. initiate. knowledgeable of the requirements of the referenced codes and standards. or to become. and shall ensure compliance thereto. The SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR shall notify the CONTRACTOR of any apparent conflict between this specification. On request.0 SPECIFICATION DEVIATION/CONCESSION CONTROL Any technical deviation to the Purchase order/Contract and its attachment including. but not limited to. recommend and provide solutions to quality problems and verify the effectiveness of the corrective action. if SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR’S facility is ISO certified.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL The SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR is solely responsible to implement a quality control program to verify compliance with this specification. is ISO 9000 certified. 6. the codes and standards. A copy of the SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR’S QA/QC program shall be submitted to the CONTRACTOR with its quotation for CONTRACTOR’S review and approval prior to award. then only a copy of the SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR’S ISO 9000 certificate is required. the related data sheets. and if applicable.1 Preparation for shipment shall be in accordance with the VENDOR’S standards and as noted herein. and to provide equipment at the destination in ex-works condition when handled by commercial carriers.0 HANDLING 8. The term “Latest Revision” shall not be used. 8. Each drawing shall be provided with a title block in the bottom right-hand corner incorporating the following information: • Official trade name of the COMPANY • VENDOR/SUBCONTRACTOR’S drawing number • Drawing title giving the description of contents whereby the drawing can be identified • A symbol or letter indicating the latest issue or revision • PO number and item tag numbers Revisions to drawing shall be identified with symbols adjacent to the alterations. a brief description in tabular form of each revision shall be given. shall provide the CONTRACTOR with a copy of its manufacturing and inspection plan for review and inclusion of any mandatory COMPANY/ CONTRACTOR witness points.1 PACKAGING AND SHIPPING 8. The COMPANY/CONTRACTOR reserves the right to inspect materials and workmanship at all stages of manufacture and to witness any or all tests.0 DOCUMENTATION VENDOR shall submit the type and quantity of drawings and documentation for CONTRACTOR’S authorization or information as listed in the individual material requisitions and purchase orders. Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 7 of 17 . 7. 30 days after award but prior to the pre-inspection meeting. VENDOR shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of the preparation for shipment provisions with respect to materials and application. Comments made by CONTRACTOR on drawing submittal shall not relieve VENDOR or SUBCONTRACTOR/SUBVENDORS of any responsibility in meeting the requirements of the specifications.1. Mutual agreement on scheduled submittal of drawings and engineering data shall be an integral part of any formal purchase order. Such comments shall not be construed as permission to deviate from requirements of the purchase order unless specific and mutual agreement is reached and confirmed in writing. The SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING The VENDOR shall submit certified reports of production tests as soon as the tests are completed satisfactorily. the authority and date of the revision shall be listed. Bracing. equipment shall be completely free of water and dry before start of preparation for shipment. 8. tag number. The cover and flange shall be taped for waterproof protection. including bolting. or unloading. dirt.7 Open ends of tubes and pipe shall be capped for protection. Equipment shall be protected to safeguard against all adverse environments. 8.4 After inspection and test.9 Exposed finished and machined surfaces.1. Pieces of equipment and spare parts shall be identified by item number and service and marked with CONTRACTOR’S order number.1.1 Equipment and materials shall be protected to withstand ocean transit and extended period of storage at the jobsite for a minimum period of 18 months. dust. operation. 8. and weight.” 8. 8.2. 8. Large diameter flanges will require enough full diameter bolts to seat the cover all around.1. and rigging connections shall be provided to prevent damage during transit. All costs occasioned by such rejection shall be to the account of the VENDOR. salt air.1.8 Separate. both inside and outside of each individual package or container. All temporary bracing/supports shall be marked.10 Mechanical seal assemblies shall be fully protected from rusting and entry of moisture and dirt.2 PRESERVATION AND STORAGE 8.11 One complete set of the installation.1. supports. 8. 8. rain.1. Internal metal surfaces shall be sprayed or coated with a suitable rust preventative prior to shipment. moisture. Covers shall be a minimum of 6 mm thick and shall be installed with a full-size gasket using a minimum of 4 full diameter bolts. This is in addition to the number called for in the Purchase Order. such as: humidity. “REMOVE BEFORE EQUIPMENT COMMISSIONING AND STARTUP. loose. and spare parts shall be completely boxed.1. Openings shall be suitably tagged to indicate the rust preventative applied. salt spray. and male threaded connections shall be protected with full metal pipe caps. 8. mud. 8. and maintenance instructions shall be packed in the boxes or crates with equipment. and skid mounted when required.1. Female threaded connections shall be plugged with solid metal pipe plugs. sand. shall be given a coating of rust inhibiting compound. A bill of material shall be enclosed in each package or container of parts.1. and seawater. securely anchored.1. lifting.2 Adequate protection shall be provided to prevent mechanical damage and atmospheric corrosion in transit and at the jobsite.5 Equipment shall be packed.6 Flanged openings shall be protected with metal coverplates to prevent damage during shipment.3 Preparation for shipment and packing will be subject to inspection and rejection by the COMPANY’S/CONTRACTOR’S inspectors. Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 8 of 17 .Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING 8. forming. and warpage.2. cutting. ASTM A325. with all bolts removed.2. laminations.2 Cold working of carbon steel items to be galvanized shall not be permitted unless the items are heat treated in accordance with the recommendations of ASTM A143. and folds shall be removed prior to galvanizing • As appropriate drilling. paragraph 8. and common bolts.1 High strength bolts. Where laps can not be avoided all overlaps or contacted surfaces shall be seal welded • Sharp edges. Class C. 9. 9. in order to eliminate possible embrittlement or warpage.4 The design and fabrication of structural shapes shall follow the guidelines given in ASTM practices A143.1. shall be stacked so adequate ventilation of all surfaces is maintained in order to avoid the formation of white rust.3 Galvanized items. 9.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING 8. 9. bending. welding. DGS-MU-002.1 FABRICATION 9. ASTM A307.3 Floor plates and shop assembled platforms shall be limited in size so that multiple dipping is avoided wherever possible. and A385. The following points shall be given special attention during design of the item and the associated galvanizing of that item: • Vent/drain holes shall be provided to avoid high internal pressures and air locks • Defects in the substrate such as cracks. 9. It shall be the VENDOR’S responsibility to safeguard against embrittlement.1.1. or tested for embrittlement in accordance with ASTM A143.1.2 All equipment and material shall be preserved and export packed in accordance with Project Preservation Specification. Hot-dip galvanizing shall comply with ASTM 153. may be either hot-dip or mechanically galvanized.2 MECHANICAL GALVANIZING 9. 8. rough spots and burns shall be removed by grinding prior to galvanizing • Mouse holes shall be large enough to ensure that they are not blocked by zinc build up during drainage. shall be brought to the attention of the CONTRACTOR.5 Components of bolted assemblies shall be dipped separately. 9. A384. and final fabrication of unit members and assemblies shall be done before galvanizing • Welds shall be continuous. before assembly by bolting. paragraph 5.0 DESIGN 9. by the VENDOR.2. before proceeding with fabrication.1.1 Potential problems that require a modification in design. laps. Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 9 of 17 . to be stored at site. 4. shall be as follows: Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 10 of 17 . and then retapped again afterwards. 9.3 HOT-DIP GALVANIZING 9. needlepoint. The repair method contained within this section and that which shall be proposed by the EPC CONTRACTOR shall include the repair of on site damaged galvanizing. sharp edges etc. prior to hot-dip galvanizing. 9. 9. 9.0 percent zinc.3. 9.2 Surfaces shall be cleaned to remove oil.3.1 The zinc coating shall be free of voids.2 Mechanically zinc-coated nuts for assembly with mechanically zinc-coated bolts shall be tapped oversize prior to coating and need not be retapped again. 9. 9. 9. Coating Requirements for Galvanizing.2 Particular attention shall be taken to ensure that mouse holes are free from zinc and that no ‘pooling’ of the zinc takes place adjacent to the mouse holes. acid or black spots. mill scale. weld slag. shall not be permitted. inclusions.3. dross. except in order to remove flux.2.3 Runs. grease.4 COATING PROPERTIES 9.4. The coating shall be adherent so it will not be removed by any reasonable process of handling or erection.5 REPAIR OF DAMAGED ZINC COATINGS The exact procedure used to repair damaged mechanically applied zinc coating (galvanizing) shall be submitted to the CONTRACTOR for approval. 9.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING 9.3. drips and tear drops along the edges of the flanges shall be carefully removed without compromising the coating thickness. flux spots. and fabrication markings before galvanizing. the items shall not be subjected to any process of scraping or wiping which may reduce the uniformity or the specified weight of the zinc coating. according to ASTM A563. galvanized with the hot-dip process.4 The weight of the zinc coating shall be as given in Table 2.4 The cleaned steel shall be galvanized in a bath of molten zinc in conformance with the referenced ASTM specifications to achieve the coating weights as stated in this specification.3.4. dross. or heavy deposits of zinc.3 Nuts shall be tapped oversize. blisters. Lumps. which could interfere with the intended use of the galvanized item. 9.1 The zinc used for galvanizing shall be at least equal to the grade designated as “Prime Western” (Z19001) containing a minimum of 98. globules.5 After immersion in the molten zinc. Repairs to damaged surfaces.4. Welded joints of galvanized items shall be cleaned with a non-woven abrasive cup wheel prior to feathering with a non-woven abrasive disc. inorganic zinc primer. a 90% zinc content epoxy mastic such as ‘Metagard’ may be applied to the same thickness as the original galvanizing. it is not necessary to apply a finish coat. Metallizing with zinc is an acceptable alternative to the above coating repair procedures. Surfaces that have been primed with the organic zinc rich primer shall be finish coated with one coat of polyamide epoxy. and guidelines. The color of the finish paint shall closely match the color of the adjacent galvanized surface. and other solid adherent foreign matter shall be blast cleaned in accordance with SSPC-SP 10. to be joined by high tensile friction grip bolts. When the operating temperature is 930C and below. organic zinc primer. A more durable coating shall be used for other bolts. having a minimum of 80 percent zinc by weight in the dry film. Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 11 of 17 . Cleaned and prepared surfaces shall be primed with the following materials in accordance with the MANUFACTURER’S instructions.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING • All oil. Galvanized steel surfaces shall not be subjected to underground service Galvanized nuts and bolts shall be used for connecting other galvanized components only. In this case unless for aesthetic reasons. Materials and procedure shall be approved by CONTRACTOR prior to application. When the operating temperature is 940C through 4000C. Primer shall be applied to have a dry film thickness of 75 microns. and foreign matter shall be removed by solvent or detergent cleaning. for the materials required in each of the preceding paragraphs. Galvanized contact surfaces. shall be roughened before assembly so that the defined slip factor is achieved. Connections between galvanized surfaces and copper/copper alloy/aluminum shall be protected with a suitable tape wrap. providing the alternative system is designed for a C5-M environment as defined in ISO 12944. Primer shall be applied to have a dry film thickness of 75 microns. applied to a dry film thickness of 75 microns. Please refer to specification DGS-MX-001. burn residue. Alternatively. Painting. • Areas of spot rust. In the event blast cleaning is not practical mechanical cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP-11 using non-woven abrasive discs (3M Company) may be used with the CONTRACTOR’S approval. The CONTRACTOR may propose an alternative to the use of galvanizing with a painting system. weld spatter. according to SSPC-SP 1. recommendations. dirt. having a minimum of 80 percent zinc by weight in the dry film. Equivalent mastics may be considered for COMPANY approval. All atmospherically exposed galvanized surfaces shall be painted in accordance with Project Painting Specification DGS-MX-001. Table 1. shall be determined by multiplying the coating thickness (microns) by 6.0 HANDLING Protective slings shall be used for off-loading and erection of galvanized members. in the opinion of the CONTRACTOR. Testing carried out at edges or corners (points of lowest coating adherence) shall not be used to determine adherence of coating. is provided to assist with the complete inspection of items that will be galvanized. applied with considerable pressure in a manner tending to remove a portion of the coating. shipping and handling.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING 10. Except for local excess coating thickness which would interfere with the use of the product. Inspection Checklist for Galvanizing. Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 12 of 17 . The information contained lists the minimum requirements to be completed before the item is to be galvanized. 11. or make it inconvenient or dangerous to handle (edge tears or spikes). If. The average weight of the coating. given as grams per square meter. The following. visual examination is not conclusive. rejection for poor distribution shall be made only for plainly visible excess coating not related to design factors such as holes. removal of small particles of the coating by paring or whittling shall not be used to determine failure. joints or special drainage problems. Where thickness measurement is not feasible.9. Likewise. the coating weight shall be determined as noted in the referenced ASTM standards for galvanizing. and unloading of all galvanized items. The distribution of the zinc coating shall be determined by visual inspection. during the period it is being galvanized and after the galvanizing has been completed. The adherence shall be considered inadequate if the coating flakes off in the form of a layer or skin so as to expose the base metal in advance of the knife point. are taken at each end and in the middle of the piece being examined. Extreme care shall be taken to minimize damage to the zinc coating during loading. The thickness is found by using a magnetic thickness gauge. the distribution of zinc shall be determined by using a magnetic thickness gauge after a sufficient number of readings. not less than five and preferably ten.0 INSPECTION The adherence of the zinc coating to the surface of the base metal shall be determined by cutting or prying with the point of a stout knife. a test piece shall be dipped and the finished appearance agreed for the contract duration ) All pieces CONTRACTOR approved procedure Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 13 of 17 . Zinc 2. GALVANIZING 1. acid & black spots. lumps. Appearance including uncoated areas. Welds Visual All Welds Continuous/Smooth 3. ‘pooling’. Pickling Visual CONTRACTOR approved frequency CONTRACTOR approved procedure a.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING TABLE 1 INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR GALVANIZING NO ITEMS METHODS EXTENT (Frequency) CRITERIA I. Content Visual/Measurement CONTRACTOR approved frequency CONTRACTOR approved procedure Verify Certification All ASTM B6 a. Pickling Bath Condition III. Temperature Thermometer CONTRACTOR approved frequency CONTRACTOR approved procedure b. and other surface defects Visual (prior to commencement of any galvanizing work. STEEL PRODUCTS 1. dross inclusion. Drainage Visual All Sections By Drawing II. blisters. Rough spots & Burrs Visual All sharp edges Round 4. Zinc Content Measurement CONTRACTOR approved frequency Minimum of 98. SURFACE PREPARATION 1. Appearance Visual All Surfaces No defects 2. Blast cleaning Visual w/ SSPC Vis 1 All Surfaces CONTRACTOR approved procedure b. Mill Scale a. flux deposits. blocked mouse holes. Grease.0% 3. Temperature Thermometer CONTRACTOR approved frequency CONTRACTOR approved procedure b. Bath Condition 3. Oil. & Dust Visual All Surfaces Nonexistent 2. Dipping Time Measurement (Clock or watch) CONTRACTOR approved frequency CONTRACTOR approved procedure 4. Hammer test (ASTM A153) Minimum of one test per day for at least one item Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials According to ASTM 153 Page 14 of 17 .Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING NO 5. Adhesion a. Magnetic thickness measurements. ITEMS Weight/Thickness of Zinc Coating METHODS a. EXTENT (Frequency) CRITERIA CONTRACTOR approved frequency CONTRACTOR approved procedure Minimum of one test per day for at least one item No peeling or flaking allowed b Stripping method. Weighing before and after galvanizing 6. c. Stout knife test (ASTM A90 & A153) b . 9 701.5 mm (3/8”) in diameter and similar articles. weight of zinc Item to be galvanized 2 grams/m Average of specimens tested Any individual specimen Under 1.8 Class A: Castings-Malleable iron.2 259.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING TABLE 2 COATING REQUIREMENTS FOR GALVANIZING GALV.3 549.3 > = 6.8 518. washers under 4.3 mm (1/4”) thick A123 701. washers 4.4 B2 .8 381.4 High-strength bolts.2 2 Note: 100 grams/m = 14.3 mm (1/4”) thick A123 610.3 549.5 305. Structural Steel 5601-STD Min. rivets.7 1.3 microns of coating thickness Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 15 of 17 .5 305.Thickness < 4.7 mm (3/16”) and 6.2 Class D: Fasteners 9. nails and similar articles.8 335.5 mm (3/8”) and smaller in diameter.7 mm (3/16”) & length > 381 mm (15”) Any thickness & length <= 381 mm (15”) Class C: Fasteners over 9.8 457.9 Pipe A123 518.7 335.7 mm (3/16”) & length > 381 mm (15”) 457.3 610.6 mm (1/16”) to < 3. steel A153 610.1 mm (1/8”) thick A123 457.8 3.3 mm (1/4”) thick A153 381.7 mm (3/16”) thick A153 305. pressed and forged articles (except those articles included in Classes C and D) A153 610.5 B3 - 396.1 mm (1/8”) to 6.6 mm (1/16”) thick A123 335.4 Class B: Rolled. A325 and Common bolts A307 A153 381.7 Pipe Hardware B1 - Bolts Thickness => 4. ” 9. sharp edges etc.5 – Repair of Damaged Zinc Coatings After first sentence “…for approval.2009 Proposed Revision Remarks AMD-MX-002-BECHTEL Incorporated in Rev-1 AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 2 – CODES AND STANDARDS Delete – “ISO 9011 Quality Management Guidelines for Performance Improvement System” Replace with – “ISO 19011 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing” Add – “ASTM A697 SS Parts” Specification for Chemical Passivation of Add – “ISO 12944 Paints and varnishes .3 – Hot-Dip Galvanizing 9. dross.” Add . Primer shall be applied to have a dry film thickness…” Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 16 of 17 .“The repair method contained within this section and that which shall be proposed by the EPC CONTRACTOR shall include the repair of on site damaged galvanizing” Fourth and sixth paragraphs Replace “…weight shall be applied to a dry film thickness…” With “…weight in the dry film. needlepoint.3.5 After “zinc coating…” Add “.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING ADDENDUM SHEET All revisions to this DGS subsequent to the issue of Rev Zero shall be recorded in this addendum sheet and shall be incorporated into the DGS in the next revision. except in order to remove flux. Date Mar.Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems” AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 9 – DESIGN 9. “Methods” column Replace “(sample comparison)” with “prior to commencement of any galvanizing work. The CONTRACTOR may propose an alternative to the use of galvanizing with a painting system.” Replace with – “All atmospherically exposed galvanizes surfaces shall be painted in accordance with Project Painting Specification DGS-MX-001. providing the alternative system is designed for a C5-M environment as defined in ISO 12944.Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company DGS-MX-002 Rev-1 Mar 2009 GALVANIZING Remove last sentence “All exposed galvanizing….” TABLE 1 III – Galvanizing. 4. No. a test piece shall be dipped and the finished appearance agreed for the contract duration” Takreer DGS-MX-002-Rev-1 Mar 2009 Printed 14-May-09 10:27:24 Initials Page 17 of 17 .
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