

DEVELOPMENT OF A STATE MINDFULNESS SCALEIshtiaq Ahmad M.A Final Clinical Group Dr. Anila Amber Malik 3rd November 2 !3 Department o" #s$cholo%$ &niversit$ o" 'arachi !* !..-!2 ) * . 1iterature revie( Methodolo%$ #hase !+ pre run #hase 2+ item (ritin% #hase 3+ 0eliabilit$ and 3alidit$ 4ables 0e"erences 2 -2! 22-23 .Content Ackno(led%ment Abstract Introduction+ • • • Introduce the /tate Mind"ulness 0evie( o" the available scales Introduction o" the /tate Mind"ulness scale .-. List of Tables 4able !+ Mean and /tandard deviation 4able 2+ Item anal$sis 4able 3+ Internal consistenc$ 4able )+ 0eliabilit$ 4able *+ 3alidit$ . I am also ver$ %rate"ul to m$ parents "or their provision o" "acilities and to "ul"ill other requirements.Acknowledg ent I am ver$ thank"ul to honorable P!of" D!" Anila A be! Malik "or her kind support to complete this blue print o" the test. . 4he chie" purpose o" this stud$ is to develop a state mind"ulness instrument to "urther the understandin% ho( individuals var$ in their mind"ulness propensit$ at an$ time. In ps$cholo%$6 mind"ulness has been portra$ed man$ (a$s+ a technique that individuals per"orm to(ard some outcome6 a personalit$ attribute that varies amon% individuals6 or a mental abilit$.A5/40AC4 Mind"ulness could be considered to be a ps$cholo%ical state6 trait6 or a co%nitive abilit$. . #e$iew of t%e a$ailable scales 5ro(n and 0$an 92 3= published the "irst mind"ulness-based ps$chometric instrument in Bn%lish6 the Mind"ulness Attention A(areness /cale 9MAA/=. Dimid?ian : 1inehan6 2 3=.Furthermore6 5ro(n and 0$an ar%ued that their instrument could di""erentiate bet(een individuals@ (ith a hi%her propensit$ to cultivate mind"ul states than others. 4he$ conceptuali8ed mind"ulness as an attribute o" consciousness related to (ell-bein% and as a naturall$ occurrin% individual characteristic.. 5ro(n : 0$an6 2 3.INT#ODUCTION 7ver the course o" the previous three decades6 various practitioners have become interested in the concept o" mind"ulness. Aatha $o%a teaches various postures6 breathin%6 and simple stretchin% techniques that tend to assist individuals in %ainin% balance6 stren%th6 and "le>ibilit$.2. openness as assessed b$ the subscale o" the NB7 #ersonalit$ Inventor$ 9NB7-#I= and the NB7 Five"actor Inventor$6 9NB7-FFI6 Costa : McCrae6 !222=. A method "or teachin% patients su""erin% "rom chronic stress and pain to be%in the practice o" mind"ulness is throu%h the practice o" ph$sical or Aatha $o%a 90adha6 !222=. Mind"ulness-trainin% has been proposed as a method. Clark6 2 3=. As a co%nitive abilit$6 mind"ulness can be vie(ed as a co%nitive st$le describin% an individual@s t$pical mode o" thinkin%6rememberin% or problem solvin% 9Carroll6 !223.. Mind"ulness has been proposed to be use"ul in ps$chotherap$6 counselin% and educational ps$cholo%$ instruction. 'abat-<inn6 !22 . #atients also reported clearer thinkin%6 plannin%6 and perception 9Altman6 2 !=. /ome representative constructs related to mind"ulness are attention6 clarit$6 and repair as measured b$ the 4rait Meta-Mood /cale 94MM/6 /alove$6 Ma$er6 Goldman6 4urve$ : #al"ai6 !22*=. 4heir conceptuali8ation o" mind"ulness is chie"l$ concerned (ith co%nitive processin% o" both internal and e>ternal stimuli. As a trait6 it is e>amined (ithin the "rame(ork o" individual di""erences "rom (hich personalit$ scales ma$ be developed 91an%er6 !2. 4o 'abat-<inn6 $o%a is meditation. . 1an%er : 5odner6 2 !. 5ro(n and 0$an set out to establish a nomolo%ical net(ork and assess conver%ent and discriminant validit$ o" mind"ulness as a construct. 4he (ell-bein% concept %ave rise to the notion that individual di""erences in the "requenc$ o" mind"ul states over time could be measured (ith a sin%le instrument. 5ro(n and 0$an postulate that not onl$ are attention and consciousness interrelated6 but that mind"ulness is actuall$ an enhanced a(areness o" e>perience. Mind"ulness could be considered to be a ps$cholo%ical state6 trait or a co%nitive abilit$. /ternber%6 2 =. As a state6 it could be conceptuali8ed as a "acilitator o" a positive ps$cholo%ical "lo( or (ellbein% 9C8iks8entmihal$i : C8iks8entmihal$i6 !2. 4he literature on mind"ulness and mind"ulness-trainin% has %ro(n especiall$ over the last decade. Man$ stress clinic patients reported a reduction o" stress and pain s$mptoms as a result o" (eekl$ or bi-(eekl$ trainin%s 9'abat-<inn6 2 3=. An individual seekin% to develop a strate%$ "or reconstructin% overall personalit$ attributes to improve his or her interpersonal relationships undertakes a more considerable task. and the internal state a(areness as assessed b$ the /el"-Consciousness /cale 9/C/6 Cramer6 2 =. It (as "rom these earlier e""orts that other ps$cholo%ists and educators be%an to dra( upon the . 1an%er6 a social ps$cholo%ist6 published a (ork based on the culmination o" empirical research entitled+ Mind"ulness.=6 %eneral concepts emer%ed describin% mind"ulness in terms o" individual di""erences. and depression such as measured b$ the 5eck Depression Inventor$ 95DI6 5eckham : 1eber6 !2. A practitioner determined to learn to reduce stress or discom"ort due to li"est$le habits is developin% a chan%e in ps$cholo%ical state. Conversel$6 constructs that should not have a positive relationship (ith mind"ulness6 "or e>ample6 mi%ht be an>iet$6 as measured b$ the /tate-4rait An>iet$ Inventor$ 9/4AI6 /pielber%er6 !2. Literature Review Ihether mind"ulness is conceptuali8ed as a process6 a state6 a trait6 or a co%nitive st$le is a ver$ important consideration in developin% a ps$chometric measurement instrument.26 Bllen D.3=. As a construct6 she vie(s mind"ulness as both a state and a trait. 4he 1an%er Mind"ulness /cale 91M/6 2 )= arises "rom earlier (ork b$ 1an%er and 5odner 92 = via development o" their Mind"ulnessHMindlessness /cale 9MM/=6 and solel$ addresses the trait aspect o" individual di""erences in mind"ulness as a startin% point in her ps$chometric research. sel"re"lectiveness as measured b$ the /el". In !2. Items tems such as Fal(a$s6 seldom6 and rarel$6G used in the conte>t o" the 1M/ indicate trait t$pe indicators. 5$ reco%ni8in% the process6 the patient can learn to tolerate and to reduce an>ious or depressive s$mptoms. 1an%er65lank : Chano(it86 !2E. Mind"ulness as a product. From 1an%er@s and other ps$cholo%ists@ (ork6 a clearer picture develops as the common "actors o" a mind"ulness theor$ be%an to emer%e.Consciousness /cale 9/C/6 Cramer6 2 =. Indeed6 an individual learnin% to think mind"ull$ ma$ %ro( to develop a "uller qualit$ o" attentiveness to ps$cholo%ical disturbance.2= states that the mindlessness construct is %enerall$ thou%ht o" as the Fde"ault stateG o" co%nitive processin%.As a result o" 1an%er and others@ (ork 9Chano(it8 : 1an%er6 !2. /ee Appendi> 2. In ps$chotherap$ "or e>ample6 improvement o" an individual@s copin% abilit$ is a common %oal and is o"ten a chie" treatment plannin% issue. mood labilit$6 such as assessed b$ the neuroticism subscale o" the NB7 #ersonalit$ Inventor$ 9NB7-#I= and the NB7 Five-"actor Inventor$ 9NB7-FFI= 9Costa : McCrae6 !222=. 1an%er 9!2. rumination as assessed b$ the 0umination-0e"lection Cuestionnaire 900C6 4rapnell : Campbell6 !222=.intellectual sel"-attentiveness6 as measured b$ the 0umination-0e"lection Cuestionnaire 900C6 4rapnell : Campbell6 !222=. In this instance6 both process and outcome seem to be interrelated. 1an%er@s te>t discussed mind"ulness as a unidimensional6 bipolar construct. More importantl$6 1an%er be%ins the process o" unpackin% mind"ulness as a ps$cholo%ical construct.*=. Much o" the (ork o" Aahn6 'abat-<inn6 and 1an%er (as done in collaboration (ith each other and other practitioners.!. Ihether mind"ulness is conceptuali8ed as a process6 a state6 a trait6 or a co%nitive st$le is a ver$ important consideration in developin% a ps$chometric measurement instrument. Ihile mind"ulness does not necessaril$ "it (ith an$ o" the %eneral co%nitive st$les as described b$ Carroll 9!2236 p. 7ther respondents relished the opportunit$ to think "le>ibl$ and per"ormed quite (ell on the ma>imum per"ormance tasks. Mind"ulness6 up to this point6 can be thou%ht o" as either a product or a process. /ternber%@s critique demonstrates that (hile one must possess a threshold o" co%nitive abilit$ to e""ectivel$ practice mind"ulness6 one also has to have the personalit$ and the motivation to be mind"ul. In ps$chotherap$ "or e>ample6 improvement o" an individual@s copin% abilit$ is a common %oal and is o"ten a chie" treatment plannin% issue. A practitioner determined to learn to reduce stress or discom"ort due to li"est$le habits is developin% a chan%e in ps$cholo%ical state. Aer approach to measurin% mind"ulness (as e>plored empiricall$6 (ithout alludin% to interventions6 e>ercises6 or trainin% in meditation and $o%a. 5$ reco%ni8in% the . /ternber% in"erred that in terms o" co%nitive abilities6 mind"ulness (as most related to abilities o" attention and concentration. /ome o" the respondents (ere quite adept at thinkin% in conventional (a$s6 but rather uncom"ortable thinkin% in novel or unconventional (a$s. From the e""orts o" /ternber% and collea%ues6 it (as determined that mind"ulness could actuall$ be conceptuali8ed as perhaps three sin%ularl$ e>clusive and unidimensional constructs. 4he importance o" mind"ulness as a ps$cholo%ical construct. Co%nitive st$les represent a brid%e bet(een (hat mi%ht seem to be t(o "airl$ distinct areas o" ps$cholo%ical investi%ation+ co%nition and personalit$. Indeed6 an individual learnin% to think mind"ull$ ma$ %ro( to develop a "uller qualit$ o" attentiveness to ps$cholo%ical disturbance.**)=6 it ma$ be a "urther co%nitive st$le not $et considered.=.kno(led%e based o" mind"ulness to develop interventions6 learnin% strate%ies and measurement instruments.. /ternber% and Gastel 9!2. 0obert /ternber% criticall$ e>amined 1an%er@s delineation o" the product o" mind"ulness 92 2=. 1an%er6 ho(ever6 does not describe mind"ulness as a process6 but as a product. /ternber%6 !22E=. Ihile mind"ulness is not a pre"erred perpetual state o" bein%6 it is nonetheless a valuable capacit$ "or an individual to access. /ternber% and collea%ues utili8ed ma>imumper"ormance tasks as opposed to t$pical-per"ormance tasks6 as the latter seemed to be heavil$ in"luenced b$ demand characteristics6 thereb$ compromisin% validit$ 9p. Ae and his collea%ues investi%ated mind"ulness as a co%nitive abilit$6 a personalit$ trait6 and a co%nitive st$le6 or pre"erred (a$ o" thinkin% 9Messick6 !2E. In this instance6 both process and outcome seem to be interrelated. 4he authors used a conceptual-pro?ection task in (hich individuals (ere assessed on their abilit$ to s(itch bet(een conventional and unconventional problem solvin%. Mind"ulness at the inter"ace o" personalit$ and co%nition. /ternber% e>amined individuals@ openness to novelt$ domain o" mind"ulness b$ use o" conceptual-pro?ection tasks6inductive reasonin%6 and insi%ht problems. !.2= also developed a non-entrenched inductive reasonin% problem to e>amine openness to novelt$. 4his stud$ (ill build upon the current trait conceptuali8ation o" mind"ulness as a construct. A"ter "inali8in% . Item (ritin% 9concept %eneration= state mind"ulness o" scale. items. Ie (ill do the #reliminar$ Administration o" the items to "ind out the (eaknesses6 omissions6 ambi%uities and inadequacies o" the items. items on state mind"ulness scale. For "urther critical anal$sis items (ill be sent to e>perts so the$ can %uide us and (ill be modi"ied items included in the "inal test. Procedure A"ter concept %eneration o" . the item (ill be (ritten in simple lan%ua%e and tr$ to avoid ambi%uit$ as much as (e can. 2. /ample (ill consist o" ! participants o" the a%e ran%e o" 2 -) (ho belon%s to the . /o that items (ill be eas$ to understand and participant can repl$ accordin%l$. An individual seekin% to develop a strate%$ "or reconstructin% overall personalit$ attributes to improve his or her interpersonal relationships undertakes a more considerable task. Item anal$sis 3.process6 the patient can learn to tolerate and to reduce an>ious or depressive s$mptoms. For the concept %eneration revie( a literature on state mind"ulness "rom the articles6 abstracts6 research papers6 also revie( di""erent scales on state mind"ulness scales (ill help us to select items. /corin% values o" each item (ill be "ollo(ed b$ "our options al(a$sJ36 o"tenJ26 sometimesJ!6 neverJ . Met%odolog& #esea!c% design T%is st'd& co (!ises of t%!ee (%ases" !. Findin% out reliabilit$ and validit$ o" state mind"ulness o" scale Met%od P%ase ) * Concept generation 4he chie" purpose o" this stud$ is to develop a state mind"ulness instrument to "urther the understandin% ho( individuals@ var$ in their mind"ulness propensit$ over time. /i>t$ items (ill be %enerated on state mind"ulness. . 4his (ill be "ollo(ed b$ the calculation o" inter item correlations. 4he alpha level (ill be . A"ter pre-run o" the test items onl$ those items (ill be selected "inall$ (hich (ill be valid and suited to the purpose and the rest (ill either be eliminated or modi"ied.di""erent areas o" 'arachi. Internal consistency: Inter correlation o" state mind"ulness scale (ill also be calculated. Iill ask them to point out an$ problems or di""iculties are the$ "acin% in the scale. E* participants (ould be requested to administer the state mind"ulness scale "or the second preliminar$ administration. 4his (ould be the "inal preliminar$ administration. At "irst6 participants (ould be asked a series o" demo%raphic questions6 includin% their names 9optional=6 %ender and a%e6 education and pro"ession.* Cut off score Cuartile ! 9C!= and Cuartile 39C3= (ill be calculated on the total score o" 3 items "or e>ample hi%h6 moderate6 and lo( level o" state mind"ulness. A"ter second preliminar$ administration6 3 items (ill be selected on the basis o" mean and standard deviation. P%ase ) + #re-run o" scale Procedure 4he participants (ill be instructed about the purpose o" the research6 a"ter their consent6 the questionnaire re%ardin% demo%raphic in"ormation (ould be administered to each o" the respondent and (ill be asked to "ill the in"ormation includin% name 9optional=6 a%e6 %ender6 education. A"ter the "irst preliminar$ administration ) items (ill be selected "or the state mind"ulness scale. 4hen each participant (ill be %iven a set o" questionnaire to "ill out (ith instructions. 4he second section state mind"ulness scale (ill be administered on ! participants o" di""erent areas o" 'arachi. #earson r (ill be calculated "or measurin% test retest reliabilit$. #eliabilit& of Scale Test-!etest !eliabilit& 4o "ind out the test retest reliabilit$ (e (ill take t(o administrations o" state mind"ulness o" scale at the interval o" !* da$s. A valid construct "or state mind"ulness then represents to (hat de%ree is an individual a(are o" the environmental conte>t in the present settin%. Content $alidit& of Scale In terms o" content validit$6 (e (ill take complete %uidance "rom e>perts in the item construction process. Validit& of Scale 3alidit$ re"ers to the accurac$ o" a construct@s operationali8ation6 in that the instrument o" interest adequatel$ measures that construct. As an e""ort to construct a valid instrument6 (e (ill utili8e e>pert a%reement on (hat should be and (hat should not be included as items. Furthermore6 to avoid issues such as %ender bias in item selection6 the initial item revie(ers (ill be both male and "emale. Construct validit$ re"ers to the de%ree to (hich (e can ri%ht"ull$ make in"erences based on responses to an instrument dependin% upon ho( a construct is operationali8ed.P%ase ) . . 4he variable measure@s accurac$ also "alls on a continuum bet(een inclusiveness and e>clusiveness. /tructural Bquation Modelin% (ith AM7/. 0ah(ah6 ND+ 1a(rence Brlbaum Associates. /ub domains Novelt$ seekin% Fle>ibilit$ Bn%a%ement NJ E* Alpha level J . 4he no o" participants are ! Items Table +/ s%ows t%e ite Items N J E* anal&sis of state indf'lness scale" 3alues 4able indicates the item values o" aesthetic sense in art and creativit$.TA. Table . items./ s%ows t%e $al'es of inte!nal consistenc& of scale It (ill sho( the values o" internal consistenc$ o" items and sub domains. N.LES/ Table */ eas'!e t%e ean $al'es of state . .* Table 0/ indicates t%e #eliabilit& of Aest%etic sense of a!t and c!eati$it& scale" 0eliabilit$ technique 4est retest NJ E* Alpha level J . Mean /tandard Deviation indf'lness scale 4he aesthetic sense o" creativit$ and art scale mean and standard deviation o" . ! 0eliabilit$ value Internal consistenc$ #efe!ence/ 5$rne6 5. 92 !=. 9!22!=. Ima%es o" mind"ulness.=. : C8iks8entmihal$i6 I. <uckerman6 M. C8iks8entmihal$i6 &niversit$ #ress. 0.*=.6 : Caine6 G.Caine6 0. Dissertation Abstracts International6 AA4 3 **2 * . 1an%er6 B. General Aospital #s$chiatr$6 )6 33 L )E. /ternber%6 0.!*.2=. D. 9!2. Ne( Kork+ Cambrid%e Iorthin%ton6 7A+ ID/ #ublishin% Corporation. 'abat-<inn6 D.3H *6 p. M. 9!2. Dournal o" /ocial Issues6 *. 7ptimal e>perience+#s$cholo%ical /tudies o" Flo( in Consciousness.=. Makin% Connections+ 4eachin% and the Auman 5rain. Konkers L on L Audson6 NK+ Iorld 5ook. 1an%er Mind"ulness /cale &ser Guide and 4echnical Manual. M.. Cattell6 0.. 9!2).2=. 1an%er6 B. 9!2. 92 )=.6 : 1ubin6 5. 92 =. 5. 92 2= 4he impact o" sel"-re%ulated attention control on the amount o" time spent in "lo(. 9!2. An outpatient pro%ram in behavioral medicine "or chronic pain patients based on the practice o" mind"ulness meditation. Clark6 /. D. Multiple A""ect Ad?ective Check 1ist-0evised+ Manual. . /an Die%o6 CA+ Bducational and Industrial 4estin% /ervice. D.Ale>andria6 3A+ Association "or /upervision and Curriculum Development. 4he Description and Measurement o" #ersonalit$. 0eadin%6 MA+ Addison-Iesle$. Mind"ulness. 2.6 !! L 2. /.
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