Design Report Team Lakshya SAE Efficycle

April 1, 2018 | Author: maheshgarg81 | Category: Motor Vehicle, Automobiles, Vehicles, Automotive Industry



Efficycle SAE INDIA 2013-Design ReportTeam Name Team Number College Name City TEAM LAKSHYA 15 CHITKARA UNIVERSITY RAJ URA! UNJA" Team Ca#tai$ Re#ort Aut&or NITIN RASHAR #ra%&ar$iti$55'(gmail)*om MAHESH +AR+ ma&e%&garg,,(gmail)*om SUMMARY: One fine morning in the month of January 2013 we formed a team of four students named team T AM !A"S#YA to $arti%i$ate in SA &'S ((')Y)! *2013+ with a $ur$ose in mind to design and fa,ri%ate an effi%ient three*whee-ed e-e%tri% human $owered .ehi%-e/ A-- the team mem,ers were assigned mu-ti-atera- goa-s so as to a--ow e.ery mem,er to $arti%i$ate in .ersati-e manner and e0ua--y -earn a-- the as$e%ts of designing and fa,ri%ation/ The .ehi%-e frame has ,een designed 1ee$ing in mind the fa%tors su%h as strength+ %omfort+ o.era-- %ost+ ease of maneu.era,i-ity and safety of the The frame has a uni0ue dou,-e rod design to distri,ute the -oad and $ro.ide strength/ The .ehi%-e has two 22 3 1/4 in%hes tire rim set in the front and one 25 3 1/4 in%h set at the rear6 the se-e%tion is done 1ee$ing in .iew the 'ndian roads/ 't is $ro.ided with dis% ,ra1es on the front whee-s and rim ,ra1e at the rear/ The front %ontro-s the .ehi%-e/ 7e ha.e used sing-e s$eed s$ro%1et at the whee-s to $ro.ide a %onsistent s$eed and tor0ue to satisfy the re0uirements/ The si8e of tire a shorter turning radius to the .ehi%-e/ The designing is entire-y %arried out in 9assau-t:s So-id 7or1s/ )OST ST'MAT'O&6 AR A )hassis and sus$ension ; 'n%-uding Ma%hining = 7e-ding )ost< Transmission >ra1es Tires -e%tri%a>ody $aint (asteners Tota- %ost T AM STRU)TUR = )O&TA)T 9 TA'!S: 9esign Team Manufa%turing Team )hassis design in%-uding &itin Mahesh @arg steering+ ,ra1ing and #arsh Mahey sus$ension (rame ana-ysis Transmission 9esign and (airing Aman !a-wani Mahesh @arg #arsh Mahey Aman !a-wani &itin #arsh Mahey Yatin Yatin Yatin )OST; '& RS< 4000 1000 1000 1200 10000 1200 300 20000?* Mar1eting Team Aman !a-wani (a%u-ty Ad.isor An1it "hurana A5B24AC3CB T'M D!A&&'&@: '&&OEAT'E ( ATUR S: 9ou,-e head tu,e design of the frame to $ro.ide strength+ whi%h ho-ds the hea.y -oad of dri.ers and 40 1g+ sand ,ag as we-- as redu%es .i,rations/ Earia,-e thi%1ness tu,es to satisfy different -oad distri,ution on the .ehi%-e/ 't redu%es the weight and %ost of the .ehi%-e/ 't in%reases the s$eed of the .ehi%-e/ Sus$ension System The .ehi%-e has se$arate for1 sus$ension on front whee-s+ with a sho%1 a,sor,er at the rear whee- to in%rease the riding %omfort/ Shie-d 7e are trying to add a $rote%ti.e %o.ering on the fairing to $rote%t the front from any 1ind of intrusions su%h as rain+ dust et%/ )OMM R)'A! E'A>'!'TY: asy hand-ing: for $eo$-e of a-- age grou$s/ O-der $eo$-e %an %omforta,-y dri.e in re%um,ent $osition and %an a-so a.oid $eda-ing as $er %hoi%e/ asy steering: !esser weight+ higher strength and hen%e easy to steer in %rowded areas in day to day -ife+ and a-so suita,-e for -ong distan%e rides with minimum effort/ The .ehi%-e is $ro.ided with arti%u-ated steering me%hanism for the rear )omfort: The re%um,ent riding $osition redu%es strain on the ,ody+ ma1ing it $arti%u-ar-y suita,-e for -ong rides and touring/ 't %an ,e .ery easy on the ne%1+ wrists+ hands+arms+ shou-ders+ -ower ,a%1+ and is%hiatu,erosities ;Fsit ,onesF<+ foot rests for front !esser ffort: $ower,-e from ,oth the dri.ers redu%es the net effort from ea%h during %o.ering a gi.en distan%e Eersati-e a$$-i%ation: means of trans$ort in short duration+ hea-thy sour%e of re%reation/ !ow maintenan%e %ost and %om$a%t stru%ture %o*friend-y .ehi%-e: %auses no $o--ution and hen%e does not harm the en.ironment/ #ea-th: he-$s in maintaining a good hea-th and fitness for offi%e and s%hoo- goers/ Regu-ar %y%-ing maintains $ro$er ,ody weight and o$timum ,-ood $ressure/ A%%essories: the .ehi%-e is $ro.ided with a musi% system+ a too- ,oG+ first aid ,oG+ a -o%1+ a water ,ott-e mount+ adHusta,-e seat+ s$eedometer+ a-ternator+ ,attery et%/ Aestheti% -oo1ing $artia- fairing ASSUMDT'O&S: The designing was started assuming fo--owing $oints: • Tandem Tad$o-e %onfiguration is se-e%ted as it $ro.ides high s$eed+ -ight steering+ and easy $i%1 u$+ maneu.era,i-ity/ • (rame design is dou,-e*headed tu,e design and the distan%e ,etween the two tu,es is more than 3 in%hes to in%rease the strength/ • The design is $re$ared 1ee$ing in mind the standard $arts,-e in the mar1et -i1e front wheefor1s+ tires/ • An idea- frame %an ,e $re$ared on-y if sum of resu-tant -oads ,a-an%e ea%h other/ >AS') 9 S'@& DRO) 9UR : (irst of a-- a$$ro$riate s$a%e is a--otted to different -oad entities su%h as dri.ers+ ,atteries and sand ,ag/ &eGt the frame is designed su%h that the -oad is su$$orted without fai-ure/ 9ou,-e head tu,e design is a$$-ied to $ro.ide sta,i-ity+ strength+ -ight weight design+ and high s$eed/ 7e a-so 1e$t in mind the dimensions of the standard $arts,-e su%h as tires+ sho%1 a,sor,ers/ Eehi%-e is gi.en sing-e whee- dri.e at the rear whee-s/ T# ('@UR S > !O7 S#O7S: ;as seen %-o%1wise< • !oad distri,ution • Dro$erties • Di%toria- ana-ysis Material You$g-% mo.ulu% oi%%o$-% ratio /e$%ity Coe00i*ie$t o0 t&ermal e1#a$%io$ Yiel. %tre$gt& Stee2eI011&Jm2 0/222 B5201gJm3 1/1Be*004J"deg 2/4eI005&Jm2 Su,system 9esign: TRA&SM'SS'O& SYST M 9 S'@&: 7e ha.e designed a rear whee- dri.e6 i/e a-- the $ower generated wi-- ,e transmitted to the rear whee-/ This is done in order to ,a-an%e out the -oads ,eing %arried ,y front and rear tires+ whi-e the front whee-s sustain the steering -oads+ the rear whee-s sustain the a%%e-eration/ 't a-so he-$s in ,etter a%%e-eration on s-i$$ery roads/ 'n the a,o.e figure the $ower from the front s$ro%1et ;,-ue in %o-or< and the $ower from the rear s$ro%1et ;Din1 %o-ored< are gi.en to the rear whee-/ This mismat%h in s$eeds of two dri.ers is hand-ed ,y a free whee- in ,etween the two s$ro%1ets6 the dri.e from motor ;orange %o-ored< is gi.en dire%t-y to the rear s$ro%1et/ A is a -ot of eG$erimentation sti-- going into the transmission system and there may ,e %ertain %hanges during a%tuaim$-ementation/ ST R'&@ 9 S'@&: A four ,ar -in1 me%hanism is used for steering the front whee-s/ As $er the ru-es/ 't is designed to ha.e a shorter turning radius and assists in %ornering/ M T#O9 O( 'M!D M &TAT'O&: (irst of a-- mar1et sur.ey was done to %he%1 the,-e $arts in the 'ndian mar1et/ A -ot of resear%h wor1 was a-so done on the 'nternet/ After intera%tion with .arious su$$-iers we drafted a %on%e$tua- two* dimensiona- design/ 7e se-e%ted a TA&9 M TA9DO! %onfiguration sin%e it suited our re0uirement of an '9 A! (RAM / This was fo--owed ,y se-e%tion of whee- rim 1ee$ing in .iew its aerodynami%s/ &eGt we se-e%ted transmission system+ ,ra1ing system due to its sta,-e and -ight weight stru%ture/ Sin%e the .ehi%-e was eG$e%ted to undergo .aria,-e stresses we in%or$orated $i$es of .arious thi%1nesses/ USD:s 'n addition to the mentioned features we are in%or$orating a sus$ension -o%1 at the rear whee-6 this is done in order to in%rease the a%%e-eration on smooth roads/ 7e are a-so trying to im$-ement a returna,-e steering me%hanism on the front whee-s in order to de%rease the maneu.ering effort of the front a,sor,er system on a-- the whee-s+ semi re%um,ent $osition guarantees unmat%ha,-e dri.e %omfort/ The aestheti% -oo1ing fairing wi-- ho$efu--y $ro.e to ,e fruitfu- in its mar1eting/ R@O&OM')S A&9 SA( TY The .ehi%-e is designed ergonomi%a--y for an adu-t of norma- height and weight/ The front is $ro.ided with semi re%um,ent seating $osition in order to a.oid fatigue e.en after -ong distan%e whi-e the rear is $ro.ided with u$right $osition in order to in%rease a%%e-eration %a$a,i-ity/ Eehi%-e is a-so we-- e0ui$$ed with safety features -i1e dis% ,ra1es+ horn+ ,e-t+ -ight+ rear .iew mirror+ sho%1 a,sor,er/ system for ea%h
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