Design of check dam

April 4, 2018 | Author: Naveen Yadav | Category: Dam, Hydraulics, Earth & Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Chemical Engineering



CONSTRUCTION OF CHECK DAM GOVERNMENT HALLA NEAR EJ BASAPURA, PAGADADINNI VILLAGE IN SINDHANUR TALUK, RAICHUR DISTRICT. DESIGN DETAILS OF CHECK DAM I) Calculation for maximum flood discharge by Ryvey's formula Q = CM2/3 Where, Q = Discharge in cumecs. 6 M = Catchment area in Km2= 6 M Q Say C = Ryve’s Constant = = = Q= 9.75 32.19 33.00 9.75 x ( Pg No.23 of Minor Irrigation Manual ). 6 ^ 2/3 Cumecs II) Calculation for maximum flood discharge by Area- Velosity Method:Q=AV Where, Q = Discharge in cumecs. A = Area in Sq mt V =Velosity in mt/sec n = Co efficent of roughness= 0.033 R = Hydraulic Radian = A/P A= C/s 30.00 Sqm A= Average cross section Depth of flow P= Wetted Perimeter= S= U/S Nala Bed Level D/S Nala Bed Level 0.65 60.100 99.434 98.783 0.651 280 0.00232 Difference Length Existing Bed Slope = R = Hydraulic Radian = A/P R= 0.499 V= (1/0.033) x 0.852 x 0.048 V= 30.30 x 0.852 x 0.048 V= 1.25 Mtr/sec Q= 30.00 x 1.25 Q= 37.36 Cumecs Say QSay Q=92 37.00 Cumecs Cumecs Compare with above two cases , consider Maximum Discharge Q= 37.00 Cumecs 00 ] 1/3 Ds = 1.III) To Find Length of check Dam Discharge over weir when top width is < 1.473 x [ 37.1087 Say L= 21.56 Mt Maximum Scour depth = 1.00 Mtr V) Maximum Flood Discharge :Check Dam considered as a Submerged Type .3 L = Length of Weir Cd1 = 0. .00 ( for Medium sand as the type of Bed material.00 / 1.473 (Q/ Ksf) 1/3 Where.97 h2 = Height of Water Downstream side above crest 0.577 X 21.55 37.Q = Discharge in cumecs. Q =1.197 of Engineer’s Hand Book ).00 Cumecs There fore design structure is safe V) Calculation of maximum Scour depth Regime Scour Depth.00 mtr 3/2 As per site condition consider Length of weir L= IV) Design of Weir Wall Discharge over weir when top width is < 1.97 21.Q = Discharge in cumecs.80 =( + Q= 0.577 (As per Civil Engineer HANDBOOK By Sri Vazarani Page NO 437) Cd2 = 0.00 X 0.00 mt 21.00 mts 1.08 Cumecs is > 37.00 L= 20.300 X 3.8 x 21.h2) 3/2 + Cd2 X L X h2 X Sqrt (2g(h1-h2)) Where h1 = Height of Water Upstream side above crest 0.00 Cumecs. Pg No.63 ) 38.67 x 0. Ds = 0. Q = Flood Discharge = 0.197 of Engineer’sHand book) Therefore. L = Length of Check Dam in mtrs H = Spillage over weir= 1. Ksf = Lacy’s Silt factor = 1. Ds = 0.84 x L x1 37.84 L H3/2 Where.00 X 4. L = Length of Check Dam in mtrs= H = Spillage over weir in mtrs H =. Accordingly Maximum Discharge as shown below Q = 2/3 XCd1 X L X Squrt (2g) X (h1.429 X 0.84 L H3/2 Where.Pg No.00m. Q =1. 0.5 x Scour depth ( For Moderate Bend .00m. 56 - 2.97 5. For Coarse sand (south Indian rivers)=12 HL =Maximum Head Loss.5 d = 1.00 d = 3.44 98.80 m Bottom width of Weir = 0. Height of check dam = 3.00 kgs 3.07 = 98.674 So Provide 1.87 M 2. i. There Fore the required foundation levelis below than the Nala bed level.00 3.7 6.82 10.07 G)      D/S Cutoff Wall U/S Scour Depth =2.00 m V) Design of Bodywall:Top Width of the Weir m( Assumed ).8 1.5 = 1.674 1.60 4.70 m = Bligh's Creep Co-efficent .5 2.77 2671.e Height of weir above low water .80 = 96.70mts VI) Design of Stilling Basin and Aprons:Calculation of Creep Length: Creep Length L= C*HL Where.25 97.8m below NBL i. 1. 0.80 Mt Foundation below Nala Bed Required Foundation Level = 98.e. Hence OK.04 Provide 0.13 kgs U/S Scour Depth =1.25 mtr Height of Cutoff Wall = 101.07 Where as we provide 1.60 0.70 Ds.85 2.20 m 1.74 99.80 x h + Top width.60 C) Abut ments : Height of Abutment= Surface area for steel= Steel required= F)      U/S Cutoff Wall 2. C 96.Dm = Dm = Dm 1.85 Provide 1.20 mts Surface area for steel= Steel required= 693.34 Mt X X Actual Foundation Level = HFL – Dm = 101.63 3.44 mtr Height of Cutoff Wall = 101. 3.34 Crest Level of Check Dam Which is below the lowest Nala Bed Level 98.87 Provide @ 1. 76 H 3/2 1.69 = 98.76 = 1. Pg No. Dm = 1.5 x Scour depth ( For Moderate Bend .63 Mt Maximum Scour depth = 1.225 and crest level 100.658 m Length of downstream floor is L2= 2.197 of Engineer’sHand book) 2 Therefore.44 .00 x 0.K Garge Where.21* C *Sqrty (HL/13) = 2.97 L= 11.35 1.63 x mt (=/1)^0.21 x 12 x = 7.89 m Then Ksf = Lacy’s Silt factor = 1. q = Flood Discharge = 37.63 2.25 m But actually we provide 5.99 mt Crest level= 99.44 Mt Level of Bottom of U/s cut off wall = 100.35 x [q2 / f ] 1/3 Ds = = 1.00 mt Length Solid cushion To calculate Head over the weir when High Flood discharge is passing 0.00 m q= Q/L = 1. f=1 page 554) Ds = 1.69 Total Height = 4.Pg No.197 of Engineer’s Hand Book ).5 X = 2.35 x [q / f ] 1/3 ( from Text Book of Irrigation and Hydraulic structures by S.35 ( for Medium sand as the type of Bed material.33 = 1. L= Length of Weir= 21.7 U/S HFL (assuming Nala Bed Level is 99. Dm Dm = 1. Ds = 1.2734 q= 1.5 X Ds.70 (H) 3/2 Where.99 m Head over the crest 0.24 mt 1.8 x H= 0.00 Cumecs.The Length of creep required including creep along cutt-off L= C*HL = 12. 31 L1= 1.658 10.E.25 mt L3 L3 = 9.20m thick M-20cc 0.5 m mt VII)      Thickness of Apron:Rate of Change of Uplift Pressure = = 0.93 0. th.98 mt Provide Length is More Than Creep Length L2+L3= 18 *C* SQRT( (HL/13)*(Q/75)) Where L3 = Length of Loose Talus in D/S L2+L3= 18 x 12 sqrt ((1. M15 and 0.36 kscm (a)    Uplift Pressure at A = 1.67 = 10. th.425/75)) = 9. However Provide Provide 0.E. Total Creep Length except U/S floor = 10.39 m However Provide 0. Sub Division SINDHANUR Executive Engineer P. M20 for cushion bed.24/13)*(2.20mtr.31 + 0.12 But L2 7.25 mtr. (b)   Uplift Pressure at B = Thickness of Concrete Required = .97 0.DIVISION RAICHUR .67 mt Total Creep Length provided = 10.25 3.25 m Section officer Assistant Executive Engineer P.35 mt So provide 0.25 m thick M-15cc and 0.31 Mtr L1= Creep Length -Total Creep Length provided except U/S floor = 11.45 m However 0.5 m 2.Now.20 0.86 Thickness of Concrete Required = 0.12 = 1.R.48 0.R.92 - 7.87 mt AS Per site codition the solid apron is And Provide Loose talus in U/s say Total Length of creep provided= L1+L2 +L3 +L4 = 13.
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