
March 23, 2018 | Author: Kalyan Ram | Category: Government, Politics, Armed Conflict



DESA NEWS LETTER - 2009CONTENTS Chapter 1. 2. 3. Subject General Information Welfare War Widows/War Disabled Retired Service Personnel Pension Policies ECHS KSB News Recruitment INPA Veterans Sailors Forum Page 01 10 25 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 28 75 95 99 111 115- Published by Directorate of Ex-servicemen Affairs Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Navy) 6th Floor, Chanakya Bhavan, Chanakyapuri New Delhi – 110 021 Printed at Naval Printing Press Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Navy) New Delhi – 110 011 Disclaimer. The details provided in this document are for information purpose only, and this document is NOT to be quoted as authority. Interpretations of rules may vary in some cases, and rules may have been modified. Accordingly, personnel are advised to consult details in the original authority to obtain proper details/ facts. WE CARE The Directorate of Ex-servicemen Affairs (DESA) is the nodal agency at IHQ MOD (Navy) for ex-IN personnel. Ex- servicemen and their families may contact DESA for assistance on the following:• Resettlement courses • Assistance to ESM/Widows living in penury • Pension/family pension related problems • Special Scholarship Scheme for children of naval personnel who die in harness • Admission of children into Regimental and service schools • Vocational training for widows and dependents • Admission of children in educational and training institutions • Civil employment • Navy Foundation activities and Quarterdeck magazine • Veteran Sailors’ Forum CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. We are committed to provide up-to-date and value added information on policy matters, welfare schemes, rehabilitation, pension policies, health care and other associated issues to the retired naval community and widows/ dependents. During year 2008 benefits to serving naval personnel and ESM’s underwent sea changes with the declaration of VIth Central Pay Commission. Special emphasis has been made to include the information regarding revised entitlement concerning defence personnel. 2. In our ongoing efforts to resolve complexities involving timely release of pension, children education, vocational courses for spouses, rehabilitation of widows of naval personnel and to reach out to maximum numbers of affected families, a Data Bank is being prepared with required details. At present 588 data in respect of officer’s widows and 1572 data in respect of sailor’s widows has been compiled with the aim to reach out to every widow to provide timely assistance. 3. With a view to address issues concerning ex-sailors comprehensively and to espouse their causes, Veteran Sailors Forum (VSF) has been established by Naval Headquarters at Delhi on 10 Apr 08. Similar forums have been established in all the three Commands on 15 Sep 08. Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations on VSF have been formulated and widely circulated. Relevant information has also been included in this issue. 4. Medical facilities for self and dependents has been a critical requirement of retired personnel. In order to outreach maximum number of retired service personnel, ECHS facilities are being provided through 106 Armed Forces Clinics at military stations and 121 new polyclinics at non-military stations. The specialised medical treatment is being provided through recognised medical institutes. Provision has also been made for free cardiac check up at recognised institutes. Updated information specifically relevant to ECHS beneficiaries has been included in this issue. 5. Various queries are often raised by the retired community regarding Air Force Naval Housing Board, recruitment into the Navy, Raksha Mantri Discretionary Fund, latest details on NGIF schemes and INBA, Sponsorship Scheme for sailors entry etc. Relevant information on these aspects has also been included in this issue. 6. List of Important Websites. (a) This website is maintained by the Information Resource and Facilitation Centre at IHQ,MOD (Navy). Information for retired community and VSF is hosted on DESA page. (b) This is the official website of the Navy. (c) This website is maintained by the Director General, Resettlement and contains valuable information regarding resettlement opportunity, employment assistance provided to ESM, various forms and news from the Kendriya Sainik Board. This is the official website of the Naval Pay The website of Ministry of This site provides latest information regarding latest orders/ circulars concerning [email protected]. (q) (r) www. This is official website of Naval Children School. eligibility Official website of Air Force Naval Housing (m) www.inpa.pcdanavy.nic.mod. The website of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions). (e) www. CABS Pension Desk - .com [email protected].(d) [email protected] Office.pcdapension.npsnavy. Public Grievances and The site provides information of monetary limits. This site provides information regarding (p) www. Queries regarding revision of pension/ TA/ DA claims could be addressed to CDA (N) (k) www. (f) www. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) DNPF DPA DESA dnpf@vsnl. (n) www.nic. forms and contact details of DMPR. (h) www.nic.Indianarmy. forms tri-service (l) The website of Ministry of Personnel.csdindia. Drupadi The website of Indian Naval Placement Agency (j) www. (g) The site provides detailed information regarding various entry schemes for officers and The webpage of Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme of Indian policy E-mail Id.nic. vide resolution number 10 (02)/1/D (Res)/ 2007 dated 29th Jan 2009 notified the creation of the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare which was published in Part Extraordinary dated 22 Sep 2004. (d) Administration of: . (c) Matters relating to the Directorate General of Resettlement and Kendriya Sainik pm-scholarship@yahoo. DEPARTMENT OF EX-SERVICEMEN WELFARE (vii) ECHS (Central Org) (viii) CSD (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) NPS DCA (Navy) CABS INPA CDA PM Scholarship KSB AFNHB - [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] directorgeneral@afnhb.(v) (vi) VSF Delhi ECHS(Navy) - [email protected]. (b) Ex-Servicemen’s Contributory Health [email protected] Govt of [email protected]:(a) All aspects of resettlement and welfare of ex-servicemen and their dependents. Sub-section (ii) of the Gazette of India. section [email protected] ncsdelhi@yahoo. The Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare was allocated the following functions under the Allocation of Business dgmms@csdindia. including liaison with State echsnavy@yahoo. the Organisations i. 9. It is hereby resolved that the Government of India has decided to place Organisations.1982. (iii) The Navy ( Pension) Regulation 1964 and (iv) The Entitlement Rules to Casualty Pensionary Awards to the Armed Forces Personnel. Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB) and Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) under the administrative control of Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare and shall be designated as the attached offices of Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare and all field offices of the 3 organisations would be treated as Subordinate Offices. (ii) The Pension Regulation of the Air Force. .(i) The Pension Regulations of the Army. 1961 (Part I & II). 1961 (Part I & II).e Directorate General Resettlement (DGR). It is thereby stated that the earlier executive instructions regarding the procedure for the DGR as an organ of the Government in the Ministry of Defence stand superseded.Directorate General Resettlement (DGR). By the creation of Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare under the Ministry of Defence. 8. Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB) and Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) have now been placed under the new department. Government of India. Identity Card is a pre-requisite for availing the benefits of the welfare schemes instituted under the” Armed Forces Flag Day Fund’ vide Government of India SRO 7E dated 13 Apr 1993. The Secretary. promotions. 2007. confirmation. The Tribunal has powers to examine the justifiability and reasonableness. Thereafter. Please remember. whilst keeping the respective ZSB’s informed. PROCEDURE FOR ISSUE OF IDENTITY CARD TO RETIRING ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL:The Identity Card to the retiring Armed Forces Personnel is issued by concerned Zila Sainik Board/ Zila Sainik Welfare Office (ZSB / ZSWO) where the retiring defence personnel propose to settle down after retirement as recorded in the discharge documents. One copy of the registration form is forwarded by the record office to the concerned ZSB / ZSWO by post and the second copy by hand to the retiree himself. tenure including commission payments. 11. pension and other retirement benefits. Formats for applying for registration by Ex-Servicemen and widows with their respective RSB/ZSB/ZSWO and issue of Ex Servicemen / widow identity card are given at appendices ‘A’ to ‘D’. KSB may also issue identity card to ESM in special cases. At the ZSB/ZSWO the particulars are scrutinized and in case the individual qualifies to the status of Ex-Servicemen. enrolments. 14. For this purpose all retiring defence personnel are required to get their particulars filled in the registration form in duplicate at the record office at the time of their discharge. superannuation. Ministry of Defence has since issued notification under section 1(2) of the Act bringing it into force wef Jun 2008. The Armed Forces Tribunal Act was passed by both the Houses of Parliament in December 2007 and thereafter received the assent of the Hon’ble President. Setting up of the Armed Forces Tribunal. inter alia. The Armed Forces Tribunal has a wide jurisdiction to deal with appeals arising out of the courts martial/ disciplinary court or summary trials and service matters. various activities pertaining to setting up of the principal bench and . 13. penal deductions.10. Jurisdiction of the Tribunal. Armed Forces Tribunal Act. SETTING UP OF ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL 12. cases pending before the different High Courts and lower courts shall be transferred to the Tribunal. etc. comprising of pay and allowance. Subsequent to the benches becoming operational. Subsequent to passing of the Act. he will be asked to fill in an application form and identity card will be issued to him. the individual is required to call on the concerned ZSB/ZSWO along with three copies of the stamp size photograph/discharge certificate/ PPO and other relevant service documents for issue of Identity Card. premature retirements. The Govt has appointed Hon’ble Mr Justice AK Mathur retired Judge of the Supreme Court of India as the Chairperson. of the Armed Forces Tribunal wef 01 Sep 08. No.000/. The remaining benches are to be created by the Army:S. the responsibility for the creation of regional benches at Mumbai and Kochi has been entrusted to the Navy. It has been decided that a total of 15 benches will be created across India. sanction for creation of 14 posts of judicial and 15 posts of administrative members to the Tribunal has also been accorded. The Govt has approved the appointment of following as Judicial and Administrative Members in the Armed Forces Tribunal (Principal Bench and various Regional Benches). (c) Appointment of Members.(fixed) (pre revised). Besides.regional benches are being progressed on a fast track and are being directly monitored by the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri. (a) Number of Benches. whereas the one at Guwahati is being created under aegis of Air Force. for a period of 4 years . in scale of pay Rs 26. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Location Delhi ( Principal Bench) Chandigarh Lucknow Kolkata Guwahati Mumbai Kochi Chennai Jaipur Total No of Benches 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 _____ 15 (b) Appointment of the Chairperson. Out of the under mentioned locations. A table indicating the number of benches and the locations is as below. Mr Justice K Padmanabhan Nair (retd) Mr Justice Shailendra Shanker Kulshrestha (retd) Mr Justice Ghanshyam Prasad (retd) Mr Justice Manak Lall Mohta Mr Justice AC Arumugaperumal Adityan (vii) Mr Justice Anwar Ahmad (retd) (viii) Mr Justice Bhanwaroo Khan Administrative Members (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Lt Gen (retd) S Pattabhiraman Lt Gen (retd) Amrik Singh Bahia Lt Gen (retd) Madan Gopal Lt Gen (retd) Susheel Gupta Lt Gen ( retd) ML Naidu Lt Gen (retd) HS Panag (vii) Lt Gen (retd) Thomas Mathew (viii) Lt Gen (retd) PR Gangadharan (ix) (x) (xi) Lt Gen (retd) SS Dhillon Lt Gen (retd) ZU Shah Lt Gen (retd) RK Chhabra .from the date of assumption of the post or till the age of 65 yrs. whichever is earlier:Judicial Members (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vI) Mr Justice Janardhan Sahai. . In this regard. Benches to Become Operational in a Phased Manner. Rules relating to the appointment of Vice Chairperson and Members and procedure for investigation of misbehaviour and incapacity of chairperson and Vice Chairperson and other members have since been notified. Considering the progress achieved in creation of the necessary infrastructure for the benches. Formulation of other rules is also being progressed on a fast track with the Ministry of Law and Justice and is at an advanced stage of finalization 16. In order to have proper representation of the Govt/ service authorities. (b) Short Capsule Training for Administrative Members. Formulation of Rules. Allied Issues.(xii) Lt Gen (retd) NS Brar (xiii) V Adm (retd) RF Contractor (xiv) Lt Gen ( retd) BS Sisodia (xv) Cmde (retd) Mohan Phadke 15. (a) Panel of Counsels. 17. there will be a necessity to create a panel of competent legal practitioner/ law officers. the Principal Bench and the various Regional Benches of the Tribunal may be made operational in a phased manner. A proposal for arranging a short capsule training for senior level serving officers who will be appointed as the administrative members of the tribunal at a suitable judicial academy is being considered since such officers may not be familiar with the judicial procedures. the matter is being examined in consultation with Ministry of Law and Justice. Time period requiring Govt sanction for seeking commercial employment after retirement by officers of the rank of Capt and above stands reduced from two years to one year vide MoD OM No 1(1)/2008/D (Coord) dated 04 May 09. .Post Retirement Commercial Employment by Defence Service Officers. 18. CHAPTER 2 WELFARE 1. still the application (in requisite format) must be sent to IHQ. (a) (b) Boarder Rate (Hostlers) Day Scholar Rs 20. rates:Serving.Rs 10. (b) Housing Loan for addition and alteration enhanced (i) Officers (ii) Sailors Rs 6 Lacs Rs 3 Lacs 2. The documents/ certificate may be sent immediately on receipt. In case the marks sheet or requisite documents have not been received from the University/ Institution. Scholarship from INBA is initially tenable for the duration of graduation and thereafter for post graduation courses limited to six years post 10+2 or till completion of course whichever is earlier.000/. 01 Nov.MOD(N) by due date i.per annum.e. (c) Those in receipt of stipend . In no case the application shall be delayed. Improvements in the NGIF Welfare Schemes. This would facilitate remittance of scholarship more expeditiously. Amount of scholarship is provided at the following .000/. 3. Rate of Scholarship.per annum. Scholarship not availed for any reason what-so-ever can not be made good subsequently. if the candidate meets the laid down norms.Difference between INBA . Merit Scholarship. The following decisions have been taken during Annual General Meeting of NGIF and INBA held at Vizag on 15 Apr 09:NGIF (a) 2 Percent Annual Bonus on General and Addl GIS Schemes for FY 08-09. The scholarships are to be renewed every year by making a fresh application complete in all respects and accompanied with duly signed prereceipt. The nomination policy in vogue was that an individual could nominate the insurance benefits in the ratio of 75 % to wife/ Nucleus family and 25 % to his parents. Eligibility Conditions. 5. irrespective of number of children in the family. 6.Rs Those in receipt of stipend . (a) Only first two children. Retired.per annum. but do not change their nominations immediately on marriage. (a) (b) (c) Boarder Rate (Hostlers) Day Scholar - rates and such amount. from any other source.per annum. The following decisions have also been taken during Annual General Meeting held at Vizag on 15 Apr 09:(a) NGIF Nomination Policy.000/. any other source 4. equivalent technical/ professional studies or recognized diploma courses for which minimum entry qualification is 10+2 or graduation and the duration is not less than one year. from rates and such amount. Scholarships for physically challenged children are admissible for first two school going children between ages of 3 and 25 years. Rs 10. The rates are as follows:(i) Day Scholars . Scholarship for Physically Challenged Children of Retired Naval Personnel. . (b) Children who pass all subjects of the examination in first regular attempt.Fellowship / scholarship.Difference between INBA fellowship/ scholarship.Rs 200/-pm (ii) Boarders Note: . In case of any eventuality it has been accepted that NGIF will disburse payment of insurance benefits to NOK as per the policy . (c) Must have passed 10+2 and pursuing graduation degree. However bachelor officers / sailors nominate their parents for 100% benefits payment.000/. 6.Rs 400/-pm Application forms available in IRFC website. Kharagpur. 9. . Admission to Professional Colleges. Two seats in each of the above institutes are earmarked for preferential allotment for choice of stream to children of the Defence/ Para Military Force personnel killed or permanently disabled in action. Gallantry Award/ other award winners. where there is no fresh nomination made by the member. 7. 8.of 75% to wife/ Nucleus family and 25% to the parents. At present around 30 seats in MBBS and 1-3 seats in BDS (subject to allotment by Min of Health) as Central Government Nominee are available through KSB for wives/ widows and wards of categories of Defence personnel in the following order of priority:(a) (b) (c) (d) Killed in action. (a) Number of candidates to be Awarded Scholarship. Such candidates are however required to qualify in the joint entrance examination. Disabled in action and boarded out from service. Kanpur. A total number of 4000 scholarships will be allotted each year under the scheme. However. Madras. House Building Loan (HBL) Rate of Interest. Died while in service with death attributable to military service. A joint entrance examination is conducted every year by the six IITs for admission to the IITs at Mumbai. The rate of Interest on HBL loan will continue to be 9% on monthly reducing basis. Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Wards of Ex-servicemen (PBOR) and Widows of Personnel Who Died in Harness. Banaras Hindu University Institute of Technology and Rorkee. Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme was introduced from the academic year 2006-07. (i) Wards of ex-servicemen and their widows (below officers rank). (b) Students eligible for Scholarship. (b). To encourage higher technical and professional education for the wards of widows and exservicemen of Armed Forces. Priority allotment of Seats in IITs. Delhi. the rate of interest on HBL may be reviewed in Oct 09. BP Ed. (e) Duration of the Scholarship. B Ed. veterinary. medicine. as per the instruction given in the brochure. MBA. UG/PG in physiotherapy and Law etc duly recognized by the respective government regulatory bodies. 50% marks each year. irrespective of rank. (a) Every year advertisement inviting application from the eligible wards/ widows of ESM is given in the national dailies and other leading Vernacular news papers. First professional degree programme in engineering. (d) Academic Requirement. (ii) Rs 1500/. MCA. (c) Courses Eligible for Scholarship. The scheme is open for courses mentioned above in recognized institutions in India only. He is to ensure that all the requisite documents are attached alongwith the application as per the checklist. At least 60% marks at the 10+2/ MEQ level for the initial sanction. Two to five years as approved by the concerned regulatory body for that programme. (c) The applicant is to fillup the application strictly.per month for boys (paid annually). This can also be obtained from the office of respective RSB in each state / UT. The application can also be obtained from KSB by sending a request with a self addressed stamped (Rs 35) size 30x25 cm under heading Kendriya Sainik Board at Serial No 27. pharma. 10. How to Apply. nursing.(ii) Wards/ widows of ex-servicemen died in harness due to causes attributed to military service. (f) Amount of Scholarship.per month for girls (paid annually). M Ed. follows:The amount of scholarship would be as (i) Rs 1250/. such as All India Council of Technical Education/ Medical Council of India etc. For renewal in subsequent years. (b) The broucher-cum-application forms are to be downloaded from the DGR website dgrindia. dental. MP Ed. . (d) All queries please contact:Joint Director (PM Scholarship) KSB. This would facilitate error free transfer of the scholarship money and avoid delay in receipt. Once the scholarship is awarded. The payment of scholarship will be granted after the successful completion of each academic year. widows and their wards from RMDF for various purposes is as indicated below:Amount (Rs. Revised Financial Assistance From Raksha Mantri’s Discretionary Fund (RMDF). 13. Note: (a) The amount of scholarship including any other scholarship of financial assistance from any other source will not exceed the total amount of scholarship available under the scheme. West Block-IV Wing-V New Delhi-110066 The details of the bank account is to be intimated to the KSB. 12. A certificate from the college/ institute indicating that the candidate continues to study in the subject course and state of marks indicating the percentage is a mandatory requirement. The financial assistance. as per the percentages mentioned in the academic requirement. the candidate is required to apply for renewal of scholarship for the subsequent year in the prescribed proforma (attached with brochure).in 11. 26188098 E-mail: pm-scholorship@yahoo. to be provided to needy exservicemen.000/65 yrs of age): One time grant to all categories Purpose of Grant Eligibility .011-26715250. MoD. (b) All students are to open Bank account in SBI or PNB only the banks with the Electronic Transfer facility (E transfer).) Penury Grant for Old and Infirm (above 30. in application form. pm For cadets only. 600/. Orphan Grant: On yearly basis. Monthly Grant to Old and Infirm: Assistance to old and infirm ESM for 2 2000/years( rarest of the rare cases).000/(max) full cost of training (one time grant). .Penury Grant for very old ESM and Disabled Children: ESM/ Widows in penury 500/-pm • Staying at home (above 75 years). 5000/- UP TO HAVILDAR AND THEIR EQUIVALENT IN NAVY AND AIRFORCE MONETARY LIMITS HAVE BEEN REMOVED 16. • Vocational Training (only widows) – • Up to plus 2. Education Grant: For boys upto plus 2. • Children of ESM with 100% disabilitygrant on yearly basis based on certification by military/ civil hospital. Funeral Allowance: to widows Marriage Grant ( upto two daughters only): • Daughters of ESM/ widows of all categories • Widow’s re-marriage.per to be claimed along with the year education grant) 1000/. • Staying at old age homes (above 70 years)-certificate from old age home required. • Orphan daughter of ESM of all categories (only one daughter). Medical Grant: For • Up to graduation.000/- 200/-pm For widow/ daughters 400/.ECHS members:30000/(Max) NON-PENSIONERS 20000/House Repairs Grant: • ESM/ widows in penury or 100% disabled ex-servicemen. • Cost of books/stationery (once a year 1000/. For widows only. Up to one child joining Defence Officers Training Institutes like NDA/ IMA for the duration of the training. (f) World War II veterans and their widows who are not in receipt of any financial assistance/ old age/ world war veterans’ pension scheme from the respective State Govt. whichever is earlier. The applicant should submit his/ her application along with FCR form to the concerned RSB/ ZSB. (g) Certificate from the Zila Sainik Board that no financial assistance is provided from State Govt or any other of age. whichever is earlier. (e) All cases involving accidents (in case of medical grant). (a) (b) (c) Attested copy of discharge book. How to Apply. Note: Application form and FCR are available at RSBs/ ZSBs. (c) PBOR and their widows provided they have not got assistance from other source (in case of medical grant). widows/ dependents not in receipt of fix medical allowance but expend more than Rs 2400/. ALL RANKS Eligibility (a) Pensioner ESM including widows upto the rank of Havaldar & equivalent and non-pensioners ESM/ widows. Ex-servicemen/ Widows Identity Card. Ownership certificate (in case of house repair). One son of ex-servicemen of all categories upto class XII or 18 years of age.• • Daughters of ex-servicemen of all categories up to marriage/ 21 years 1000/. (d) Officers who spend more than Rs 50000/. Documents required. . (b) ESM. The bank account number must be reflected in the FCR.on treatment but got no assistance from any other source (in case of medical grant).on the present treatment for which the assistance is sought (in case of medical grant). (k) Bonafide certificate from school (in case of education grant). (ii) Those released before 01 Jul 68. (l) Bank account number. the definition of entitled ESM as given in page 2 of the guidebook issued by kSB. Following amplification of the existing guidelines are given for consideration:(a) Amplification notes on definition of entitled ESM. ration card and marriage invitation card (in case of marriage grant). At times. Following points further amplify the definition of entitled ESM as given in the guide book:(i) Permanent disqualification to become an ESM.It has been noted with concern that financial assistance cases are not being processed adequately at the ZSB. (h) Certificate from AGI/AFGI whether any similar assistance has been provided or not (in case of medical grant). (j) Copy of discharge certificate from hospital (in case of medical grant). This leads to wastage of time in processing and in fructuous correspondence between the KSB and ZSB. birth certificate of bride. (g) Certificate from military hospital with reason for not reporting there for treatment (in case of medical grant). Any person who has served in any rank in the Armed Forces of Union (no stipulation of duration of service) (iii) Those released on or after 01 Jul 68 but before 01 Jul 79. Dependents certificate (in case of orphan daughter of ESM). Released from service by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. . the non-entitled as well as not so deserving cases are getting recommended. RMDF: Amplification of Existing Guidelines:. (f) Certificate from village sarpanch/ registrar. As a result .(d) (e) Death certificate (in case of funeral allowance). is also not noticed or disregarded. 14. (iv) Those released on or after 01 Jul 79 but before 01 Jul 87. The application must be processed through RSB. Lok Sahayak Sena and TA has been excluded from the definition of Armed Forces of Union. (ab) Persons of Assam Rifles. who has completed five years service in the Armed Forces of the Union and has been released on his own request is an ESM. (iv) Those released on or after 01 Jul 87. Penury Grant is given only to old and infirm nonpensioners ESM/ widows above 65 years who are not being supported . otherwise than on his own request.Any person who has served in any rank in the Armed Forces of Union for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation. (ac) Any person. from such service as result of reduction in establishment. (ad) Includes pensioner/ disability pensioner/ gallantry award winners from TA. (ac) A person who has been released after completing the specific period of engagement and earned gratuity. The same should be notified by the Central/ State Govt. (aa) An ESM means a person who has earned his pension/ disability pension. (ab) A person who has been released. (aa) Any person who has served in any rank in the Armed Forces of Union for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation and has been released otherwise than at his own request. GREF. (c) Penury Grant. (b) House Repair Grant. DSC. The grant is not given for renovation/ routine repairs. House Repair Grant is only given to ESM whose house has been damaged as a result of natural calamity. 15. The Board announces housing schemes from time to time at locations where land is being either acquired. The application must be processed through RSB. Such schemes follow one or a combination of the following concepts:(i) Group housing (ii) Row housing (iii) Multi-storey flats (iv) Single units (v) Developed plots (b) Promulgation. or has already been acquired. (e) Education Grant.afnhb. Similarly photocopy of original mark sheet (attested by the ZSWO) should also accompany the application.from any other quarter. Air Force Naval Housing Board. Schemes are promulgated through ‘K’ broadcast in the Air Force. Race Course New Delhi -110003 Tel: 23793462/ 63 Fax: 011-23014942 E-mail: [email protected]. (d) Marriage (c) Address: Air Force Naval Housing Board Air Force Station. Wedding card is a proof for intention to marry a girl child and not a proof of solemnization of the event. IG messages in the Navy and through the AFNHB website www. Photocopy of the original marriage certificate (issued by the Registrar of Marriages) attested by ZSWO is a must document to finalize the Website: . (a) Housing Schemes. (f) Should be matric or have passed ET-1(Army Certificate of Education-I & Army English Certificate-III) examination. Presently. 17. (g) Gap between termination of former service and recruitment in DSC should not be more than five years. (b) Medical Category. Low medical category personnel other than SHAPE-1(AYE) are not eligible for re-enrolment into DSC. Recruitment as Clerk(GD). which is equivalent to category S1A1 in naval usage. Eligibility (a). been dismissed/ discharged SNLR/ (ii) Should not have unsuitable from service. 18. Recruitment modalities for these recruitments are appended in succeeding paras. naval PBORs are recruited in DSC as JCOs. Air Force and TA provided they meet the laid down QRs for the recruitment. INDUCTION OF EX-SAILORS INTO DEFENCE SECURITY CORPS The Defence Security Corps provide an avenue for re-employment of exservicemen PBORs from Army. (e) Physical standards will be as applicable to corresponding age. at the time of discharge from former service. Recruitment as Sep(GD). (c) Should be less than 45 years of age. This is open to ex-PO Wtr/ Leading Wtr with following QRs:- . (d) Should not have been awarded more than one warrant punishment in last five years of service and not more than two in entire service.16. (iii) Should not have been assessed below VG* in his career. Navy. Since the DSC personnel are governed by Army Act 1950. The candidates should meet following eligibility criteria for recruitment:(i) Should have rendered at least five years of service. Medical category should be in SHAPE-1 (AYE). DSC Clerk and Sep(GD). the terminology used is SHAPE-1(AYE). the terminology used is SHAPE-1(AYE). This is applicable to personnel retired in the rank of MCPO-I (equivalent to Sub Maj). (e) Education Qualification. (i) (ii) CPO/MCPO-II MCPO-I – Below 50 years . at least three should be above average and two not below high average with no adverse remarks. Since the DSC personnel are governed by Army Act 1950. 19. Gap between date of discharge from Navy and date of re-enrolment into DSC should be not more than five years. (e) Medical Category. Candidate should be in Medical Category S1A1 at the time of discharge from former service.(a) Age Limit. Medical category should be in SHAPE-1 (AYE). (d) Education Qualification. Only those personnel who have not more than ONE red ink entry during last five years of former service and not more than two red ink entries during the entire former service are eligible. (b) 5 Years Gap. Matriculation/ ET-1(Army Certificate of Education-I & Army English Certificate-III) and above. Out of the last five ACRs. which is equivalent to category S1A1 in naval usage. Below 45 years at the time of enrolment into DSC. (d) Medical Category. Age. (iii) Ex-JCO should be below 50/ 52 yrs as and when they report at DSC Centre for Re-orientation Cadre based on a call letter issued by DSC Centre. Matriculation/ ET-1 (Army Certificate of Education-I & Army English Certificate-III) and above. (c) Discipline. at the time of discharge from former service.Below 52 Years No warrant punishment in the rank of CPO/MCPO. Low medical category personnel other than SHAPE-1(AYE) are not eligible for re-enrolment into DSC. Recruitment as JCO. MCPO-II (equivalent to Sub) and CPO (equivalent to Nb Sub) including honorary ranks with following QRs:(a) ACRs. (b) (c) Discipline. . 20. IHQ/ MOD(Army) will be as under:(a) JCOs. F. Very Good(VG) Not to exceed 5 (g) Time Between Discharge and Re-enrolment. The period of engagement. Merit list prepared by selection board based on performance during the interview. Initial employment will be for a period of five years subject to confirmation after six months of initial service. (ii) MCPO-I (Sub Maj). OFFICE OF RAJYA SAINIK BOARD DELHI: NOTIFICATION No. subject to review by AG.(f) Character. Period of Engagement. (h) Date of Enrolment. Date of reporting to DSC Centre for the Reorientation Training based on a call letter issued by DSC Centre. (j) Fixation of Seniority. Delhi has revised the rates of Gallantry Awards and introduction of Cash Grant to Distinguished Service Medal awardees in respect of Armed Forces personnel belonging to Delhi. years. extended by five years at a time till 57 years of age. Those recommended and selected for further retention may be given five years extension at a time or till they reach the age of superannuation. Sep(GD). which ever is earlier. whichever is earlier. subject to screening at the time of last extension or three years before the date of retirement. 57 years of age or four years of tenure as Sub Maj. Initial term of engagement is 10 years. (b) 21. whichever is earlier subject to screening at the time of last extension or three years before the age of superannuation. 15/A/RSB/2004 (Part)/3883:The Lt Governor. The rates of Cash Grant and Annuity wherever applicable are as under:- . (i) CPO/MCPO-II (Nb Sub/Sub). 000/Rs 10.e.000/Rs 60.f.15.000/Rs 45.000/- .00. 1-1-2008 Rs 25.000/Rs 57.000/- Rs 96.000/Rs 25.000/- Rs 15.00.000/Rs 23.00.000/Rs Rs 2.00.500/- Rs 34.00.000/- Nil Rs 75.000/- Revised Annuity to existing awardees Nil Nil Rs 15.Award Param Vir Chakra (PVC) Ashok Chakra (AC) Maha Vir Chakra (MVC) Kirti Chakra (KC) Vir Chakra (VrC) Shaurya Chakra (SC) Sena/ Nao Sena/ Vayu Sena Medal Sarvottam Yudh Seva Medal (SYSM) Uttam Yudh Seva Medal (UYSM) Yudh Seva Medal Mention in Despatch (MID) One time Cash Grant w.000/- Rs 1.000/- Rs 2.000/- Rs 24.000/- Rs 500/- Distinguished Services Medal Award Award Param Vishist Seva Medal (PVSM) Ati Vishist Seva Medal (AVSM) Vishist Seva Medal (VSM) Sena / Nao Sena / Vayu Sena Medal (Distinguished Service) One time Cash Grant Rs Rs 1.000/- Rs 5.500/- Rs 12.000/Rs 10. with effect from the date of issue of this letter:- Particular of Gallantry Award Param Vir Chakra Ashok Chakra Maha Vir Chakra Kirti Chakra Vir Chakra Shaurya Chakra Revised rate of monetary allowance ( Rupees per month) Rs 3000/Rs 2800/Rs 2400/Rs 2100/Rs 1700/Rs 1500/- Each Bar to the decoration will carry the same amount of monetary allowance as admissible to the original award. of the following post-independence gallantry awards. Mumbai and Naval Maritime Academy. This will be payable to those who have been given these awards on 26th January. Visakhapatnam. Mumbai all seats are reserved for the children of Defence personnel. (a) I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. However. 1999 or thereafter. Under the umbrella of Navy Education Society viz.No (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Priority I II III IV V Categories Children of serving naval personnel Children of retired naval personnel Children of serving army /IAF/ Coast Guard Children of retired army/ IAF/ Coast Guard Children of defence civilian CHAPTER 3 . Naval Institute of Technology. 23. and to convey the sanction of the President to the enhanced payment of monetary allowance at the following rates to all recipients. regarding enhancement of monetary allowance attached to Post Independence Gallantry Awards is reproduced below:Sir. (b) The Government have also decided to grant monetary allowance at enhanced rates of Rs 500/. The following priority is followed amongst these Defence to the Sena / Nao Sena/ Vayu Sena Medal awardees (where the awards have been given for gallantry). 3 (8)/ 98/ D (Ceremonial) dated th 18 February 1999. Admissions to Professional Institutions. GOI. MOD letter No 7(32)/2007/ D (AG) dated 14th May 2008. no priority/ preference is stipulated for the children of Defence personnel or Ex-servicemen for the purpose of the admission in NAMAC Vizag. irrespective of rank and income. in NIT. where an investment of Rs 85.were distributed amongst the children of deceased naval personnel. (c) Provision of Tipper Trucks. DESA continues to coordinate admissions of wards of deceased naval personnel in KV/ Public Schools run by the navy and other sister services. 2. This is a DGR/GOI sponsored scheme. endeavor has been made to continue the scheme during 2009 as well. A major impediment has been nonexistence of data base of widows. DESA has effectively coordinated pension cases of ex-servicemen and widows with the Pension Disbursing Authority and cases have been settled to the satisfaction of the pensioners. professional institutions / courses under ex-servicemen quota. there has been a spurt in the inquiry related to pension/ family pension issues. More people have come forward to donate books for use of needy children. Various ongoing welfare measures initiated for the widows are as under:Admission of Wards of Widows in Educational Institutions. MoD(N)/ DESA.000/. Based on this experience. Following implementation of Sixth CPC. So far 2160 records have been compiled with the aim of reaching out to every widow for necessary help. (a) . Rehabilitation of widows and children of naval personnel continues to be a prime thrust area and concerted efforts are made in this regard for assuring them a dignified life.WAR WIDOWS/ WAR DISABLED AND RETIRED DEFENCE PERSONNEL 1. The invested money is returned after this period. (b) Pension Modalities.000/.000/. This being a DGR sponsored scheme is considered safe investment and thus favoured by the widows.per month for a period of five years. This endeavour has been reasonably successful and books worth over Rs 60. A total of twenty two widows have been allotted Tipper Trucks under the scheme and cases for three more widows have been taken up with DGR for allotment of the same. (d) Educational Assistance. Welfare and rehabilitation of widows has been an area of focus at IHQ. Welfare Measures for Widows. The book distribution scheme to provide school books to needy children of the deceased naval personnel was initiated by the directorate on experimental basis in the year 2008 at New Delhi. DESA has embarked upon compiling of the data base of widows. Widows Data Base.fetches Rs 3. (e) Grant for Marriage of Children.During the IXth meeting of the Executive Committee of Armed Forces Flag Day Fund held on 25 Mar 09. Widows/ children of deceased naval personnel are being encouraged to appear for job interviews for office jobs and in retail sectors for their rehabilitation. (ii) Sailor’s children . Issue of Modified Scooters to Ex-servicemen:. The lump sum grant-in-aid to next-of-kin on death of a pensioner after retirement is as follows.Rs 20. Naval pensioners required to be transferred from one service hospital to another out station service hospital for medical treatment have to incur substantial expenditure.000/- Application forms for all above schemes are hosted on IRFC website. Financial Assistance admissible to Ex-naval Personnel (pensioners) and their dependents from INBA. .000/.(e) Job given to ex-sailors indigent circumstances for starting self help economic venture like KIOSKS besides supply of sewing machines etc to widows. are given a rehabilitation grant of Rs 7.000/- (b) Travel/ Incidental Expenses. DESA is constantly instrumental in seeking these opportunities from their perspective employers for widows and their children. Next-of-Kin of naval personnel who die in harness and as a pensioner are given grant as under per child up to max of two daughters:(i) Officer’s children . (a) Lump Sum Grant on death of Naval pensioners. All sailors on invalidment from service due to TB/ Paraplegia/ Leprosy etc. hereinafter Kendriya Sainik Board will provide modified scooters to all cases of ex-servicemen who are disabled after retirement and meet the required eligibility criteria.Rs 10.500/(d) Assistance for Self Employment. It has been decided that. (i) Officers: Rs 20. 3.000/(ii) Sailors: Rs 10. (c) Rehabilitation Grant.000/Note. 4. To alleviate the financial hardship a grant of Rs 500/.as travel/ incidental expenses is given on recommendation of concerned service hospital. Financial assistance upto Rs 20. (f) Details of financial assistance if any. Cases of veterans who are not covered under the scheme of Army Headquarters will be however. (e) Name of nearest railway station. (c) Copy of Identity Card duly attested.. Army HQs. Ceremonial & Welfare Dte. New Delhi ie. with complete address for correspondence. received for this purpose from other sources. (b) A certificate in original from the nearest ECHS empanelled hospital/ Military hospital stating that the individual can move effectively only with the help of modified scooter and showing the element of disability. It has also been decided that all cases not covered under the scheme run by AG Branch.5. (d) Copy of discharge book of ex-servicemen duly attested. R&W Section. Those cases who are disabled during service and the disability is attributable to Military service will now be dealt by Adjutant General’s Branch. (a) Copy of Pension Payment Order issued by the PCDA under which the pension is sanctioned duly attested. The following supporting documents duly attested and recommended by the respective ZSBs/ RSBs are to be submitted alongwith application form. CHAPTER-4 PENSION POLICIES . New Delhi. considered by Kendriya Sainik Board. (g) Telephone/ mobile number if any. Army HQ and whose disability element is above 50% will be considered by KSB. ESM of Air Force and Navy. 6. NOKs are not eligible for the said benefit. Ministry of Personal. This letter takes effect from 1st January 2006 (iii). terrorists.00 lakhs (iv) Death in the course of duties attributable to acts of Rs 10.2008.G.10.00 lakhs violence by terrorists etc Death occurring during enemy action in war or border Rs 15. 2000 on the above mentioned subject and to say that in pursuance of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.8 (15) /04-AG /537-PA dated 16. (i) I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. Sub: Special benefits in cases of death and disability in-service payment of ex-gratia lump sum compensation to the families of Defence Service personnel who die in harness. P. Important Govt orders pertaining to pension benefits are appended below:(A) Ref (I): Authority . Death occurring during enemy action in international Rs 30.Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. the President is pleased to decide that the existing rate of ex-gratia lump sum compensation to the next of kin of the deceased defence personnel shall be revised as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) Death occurring due to accidents in course of duties Rs 10.1. .00 lakhs skirmishes or in action against militants. 1999 and 19th May. 1999. & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ letter No 42/2/2008 P&PW (G) dated 12 Sep 2008.20(1)/ 98/ D(Pay/Services) dated 22 September. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No PC.00 lakhs war or war like engagements specifically notified (ii). (B) Ref (II): Authority . 1998 as amended vide corrigendum of even number dated 12th April.MOD dept (Pay/Services) letter No 20(1) / 98/D (Pay/ Services) dated 21 Oct 2008. 3rd August. etc. 2006 on the full pension / family .7. (iii). the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Relief admissible to all categories of Central government pensioners / family pensioners shall be admissible from the dates mentioned below at the rates:Date from which payable From 1.2007 From 1.f 1-7-2006 vide OM No 42/2/2006 P& PW (G) dated159-2006. (iii) All India Service pensioners / family pensioners .e.2008 Rate of Dearness Relief per mensem No Dearness Relief 2% of basic pension / family pension 6% of basic pension /family pension 9% of basic pension /family pension 12% of basic pension /family pension 16% of basic pension /family pension Note: Dearness Relief at the rates indicated in above table will also be admissible on the additional basic pension / additional family pension available to older pensioners / family pensioners based on their age as indicated in this Department’s OM No 38/37/08-P & PW (A) dated 1-9-2008 and 2-9-2008.f 1. (iv).1.e. (ii).2008 From 1. w. w.7.Sub: Recommendation of Sixth Central Pay Commission – decision of Government relating to grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners /family pensioners-revised rates effective from 1-1-2006.2006 From 1. These orders apply to (i) All Civilian Central Government pensioners / family pensioners(ii) The Armed Forces pensioners / family pensioners.f 1-1-2007 vide OM No 42/2/2007 P& PW ( G) dated 29-3-2007.f 1-1-2006 vide OM No 42/2/2006 P&PW (G) dated 5-4-2006.1.1.f 11-2008 vde OM No 42/2/2008 P&PW (G) dated 19-3-2008.7. Civilian pensioners / family pensioners paid out of defence Service Estimates.1. w.2006 From 1.f 1-7-2007 vide OM No 42/2/2007 P&PW (G) dated 18-9-2007 and w.e.2007 From 1.1-1-2007. (i) The decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of 6Central Pay Commission relating to Dearness Relief.e.e.e. 1-7-2007. The payment of Dearness Relief under these orders from the dates indicated above shall be made after adjusting the instalments of enhanced Dearness Relief already sanctioned and paid to Central Government pensioners / family pensioners w. Central Government employees who had drawn lumpsum amount on absorption in a PSU/ autonomous Body and have become eligible for the restoration of 1/3 commuted portion of pension as well as revision of the restored amount in terms of this Department’s OM NO 4/59/97 – P& PW (D ) dated 14-7-98 will also be entitled to the payment of revised rates as per the table given above of Dearness Relief w. 1-1-2008 and 1-7-2008. 1.IHQ MOD letter no PN/ 7994 (Vol III) dated 05 Mar 09. In this connection instructions contained in this department OM No 4/29/99 p& PW (D) dated 12. Sub: Expeditious Release of Pensionary Benefits to The Next-ofKin of Sailors Dying in Harness (i) With a view to ensure quick relief to the NOKs of the sailors who die in harness.2007 and OM NO 4/38/2008 P& PW (D) dated 12. a time schedule for processing of various documents required for sanctioning post-death pensionary benefits. (vi) Payment of DR involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee.e.2001 and OM No 4/79/2006 –P& PW (D) dated 16.2000. the revised pension/family pension which the absorbed employee would have received on the date of restoration had he drawn lumpsum payment on absorption and Dearness pension subject to fulfillment of the conditions laid down in para 5 of the OM dated 14-7-98. (viii) It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authority. (v) The other categories of CPF beneficiaries.2008 refers. their widows and diseased children who are in receipt of ex-gratia payment in terms of this Department’s OM No 45/52/ 97 P& PW (E) dated 16-12-1997 will continue to be governed by the said OM.pension 1. In order to ensure quick relief to the NOKs it has now been decided that henceforth. The provisions relating to regulation of DR where pensioner is in receipt of more than one pension will remain unchanged. As a result the families send incomplete / wrongly filled forms to CABS which causes protracted correspondence and undue delay. (vii) Other provisions governing grant of DR in respect of employed family pensioners and re-employed Central Government pensioners will be regulated in accordance with the provisions contained in this Department’s OM No 45/73/97-P&PW (G) dated 2-7-1999. due to lack of education.9.9. including the nationalised banks etc to calculate the quantum of DR payable in each individuals case. was laid down vide this HQ letter under reference. It has however been observed from the monthly returns being received from CABS that the main reason for delay is that the families. (ii) It is moral duty of all concerned that post-death pensionary benefits are paid to the bereaved families most expeditiously. (C) Ref (III): Authority:. OM No 4/31/2000 – P&PW (D) dated 16. the unit concerned will .7. are not able to fill up the forms correctly. etc. The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Government’s decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission. 2. Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare Resolution No 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 29. (d) Reservists in receipt of Exgratia payment at Rs. (D) Ref (IV): Authority.per month .2006.GOI MOD letter No 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 11.1. (b) UK/HKSRA Pensioners.2006.1.2006 pensioners / family pensioners of the Armed Forces in the manner indicated in the succeeding paragraphs. of pension / family pension of all Pre-1. Guzara. These orders shall apply to all the Armed Forces Pensioners / Family Pensioners who were drawing pension/family Pension as on 1. Ashok Chakra. Ministry of Personnel. notified vide Government of India.8. Applicability 2.2. 600/. sanction of he President is hereby accorded to the regulation. Public Grievances and Pension.1.1.2008.2008 Sub: Implementation of Government decision on the Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission –Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Pensioners / Family Pensioners Sir.detail a rep who will carry a set of requisite forms and assist the family in filling up all the required forms/ documents required for sanctioning the various pensionary benefits and handover the same to CABS.2006 under the Pension Regulations of the three Services / State Forces and various Government orders issued from time to time. Reservist allowance or any other allowance on which dearness relief is not admissible. (c) Persons in receipt of Compassionate Allowance. Separate Orders will be issued by this Ministry in respect of Armed Forces Personnel who retired/died on or after 1. such as Param Vir Chakra.1. The provisions of this letter do not apply to the following categories: (a) Gallantry awardees drawing monetary allowance attached to the award. with effect from 1. 2.11. of India. Ministry of Defence letter No. This will also include pension/family pension. (b) ‘Existing Pension’ means the basic pension exclusive of Dearness Pension but inclusive of commuted portion of pension.2006 consequent on retirement/discharge / death of a Armed force personnel on 31. which became due with effect from 1.2005.2006 in terms of the provisions contained in this Ministry’s letter No 14(3)/2004.1.1. 605/. It will.B / 39042/AG/ PS-4 (a&c) / 1331 /C / D(Pen/Sers) dated 29th Dec 2000. not include Adhoc Ex-gratia payment. Definitions (a) ‘Existing Pensioner’ or ‘Existing Family Pensioner’ means a pensioner who was entitled to/drawing pension/family pension on 31.D(Pen/Sers) / Vol-III dated 1. retiring/ service / special / reservist/ invalid / disability/liberalized disability & war injury pension.covered by Govt.2006.12.12.2006 and No. if any. (d) ‘Existing Dearness Relief’ means the dearness relief due to pensioners/ family pensioners upto average AICPI (IW) 536 (Base year 1982=100) as on 1. it also covers members of family to those who retired/discharged prior to 1. B/40029/AG/PS-4(d)/1 / B / D(Pension / Services) dated 7.In the case of PBOR under the three services.per month covered by Govt. (Separate orders will be issued in respect of (iv) and (v) above) 3.1999. if any due on 31.2006 and in whose case family pension had not commenced as the pensioner was alive on 31.2006 consequent upon retirement/discharge/death of Armed Force personnel on 31. This will also include a pensioner/family pensioner who became entitled to pension/family pension with effect from 1.12. (e) Families of the deceased reservists in receipt of Ex-gratia family pension at Rs.12.12. Ministry of Defence letter No.2005. 14(3)/2004D(Pen / Sers)/Vol-V dated 2.5.2005.2005 exclusive of Dearness pension under the Pension Regulations of the three Services/State forces and other orders issued on the subject from time to time. of India.2005. the ‘Existing Pension’ would mean the revised pension fixed as on however.2005 and covers all kinds of pension viz. For the purpose of family pension.1. This also includes additional pension sanctioned to Havildar granted Honorary Rank of Naib Subedar. It also covers Liberalized and Special Family Pension and Dependent Pension sanctioned in battle and non-battle casualty cases.2006 at the rate of 24% of Basic Pension/Basic . (c) ‘Existing Family Pension’ means the basic family pension drawn on 31. Where the amount of fitment weightage works out infraction of a rupee. The Pension/Family Pension of existing Pre-1. 4.1.2004 to those retired / died prior to 1. Consolidation of Pension. Deptt.Family pension plus Dearness pension as admissible vide Government of India. 42/2/2006P&PW(G) dated 5. 24% of basic Pension / family pension plus dearness pension. Post Office Pay and Accounts Office. 105/1/2004/IC dated 01. (iv) Fitment weightage @ 40% of the Existing Pension/Existing Family Pension.4. it will be rounded off to the next higher rupee.4.2004. 4. the existing pension / family pension for he purpose of fitment weightage will be re-calculated after excluding the merged Dearness Pay of 50% from emoluments for computation of existing pension/existing family pension. (iii) Dearness Relief upto AI CPI (IW) 536 i. if any. (g) ‘Pension Sanctioning Authority’ (PSA) means PCDA (Pension) Allahabad.03. PCDA (Navy) Mumbai and CDA (AF) Delhi as the case may be.4. (e) ‘Dearness Pension’ means Dearness Pension as admissible vide Ministry of Finance.2006 pensioners / family pensioners will be consolidated with effect from1. if any)/ Existing Family Pension. as applicable from 1. This will be in line with the definition of “Existing Pension” and “Existing Family Pension” given in Para 3 of these orders.e. (f) ‘Pension Disbursing Agency’ (PDA) means Treasury.4. Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum No. .2004. Defence Pension Disbursing Office (DPDO). NOTE: Where the Existing Pension/Existing Family Pension includes the effect of merger of 50% of Dearness Pay in respect of those retired / died on or after 1. (ii) Dearness Pension.1.Indian Embassy Nepal and authorized Public/Private Sector Banks.2004. of expenditure OM No.1.2006 by adding together: (i) The Existing Pension (including commuted portion of pension.2006. Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pension. 1 above is higher than the family pension calculated in the manner indicated above. the same (higher consolidated pension) will be treated as Basic Pension with effect from1. the corresponding pay band being 9300 . In case the family pension consolidated as per Para 4.2006. The consolidation of pension will further be subject to the provision that the consolidated pension.3. The consolidation of family pension will be subject to the provision that the consolidated family pension.1. in no case.500/In case the pension consolidated as per Para 4. Rs 7.2006.1.600/.000/. in no case shall be lower than fifty percent of the minimum of the pay in the pay band plus the grade pay corresponding to the pre revised scale from which the pensioner had retired/discharged including Military Service Pay and ‘X’ Group pay where applicable. For example. the amount of pension commuted will be deducted from the said amount while making monthly disbursements.1 With effect from 01. 6. 5.01. 9300 + Rs 4600 + 2000 i. The following elements will continue to be paid as separate elements in addition to the pension/family pension updated under these orders.950 for 33 years of qualifying service. The pension so calculated will be reduced prorata.2. 3500/-per month to pension/family pension: (i) Monetary Allowance attached to gallantry awards such as Param Vir Chakra. 2.and Rs.e.1 above will be regarded as consolidated pension / family pension with effect from1. The amount so arrived at in terms of Para 4. if any. his minimum guaranteed pension would be 50% of Rs.2006. Ashok Chakra etc.1. where the pensioner had less than the maximum required service of 33 years for full pension and in no case it will be less than Rs.1 above is higher than the pension calculated in the manner indicated above. 4. Since the consolidated pension will be inclusive of commuted portion of pension.1.respectively. the same (higher consolidated family pension) will be treated as Basic family pension with effect from 1. shall be lower than thirty percent of the sum of the minimum of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay thereon corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale in which the pensioner/deceased Armed Force personnel had retired/died including Military Service Pay and ‘X’ Group pay where applicable. the amount of adhoc exgratia will cease to be paid in respect of Pre-1. if a pensioner had retired in the pre-revised scale of pay of 6600 – 170 – 9320. These payments will not be taken into account for purpose of consolidation as well as for applying minimum limit of Rs.2006. (ii) Constant Attendance Allowance where admissible.34800 and the corresponding grade pay and Military Service Pay being Rs.1973 Commissioned Officer pensioners as all .4. 6. 3.500/-per month.500/-per month. 10.2007. 14(3)/2004-D (Pen/ Sers) dated 2.1. 1. 1.1.1973. the same will be stepped upto Rs. Note: The payment of adhoc exgratia for Pre-1. This interim disability/war injury pension will qualify for grant of dearness relief at the revised rates notified vide Dept.2007.2008 respectively will be adjusted towards the arrears becoming due on updation of pension/family pension as in para under this Ministry’s letter No.9. The four installments of dearness relief sanctioned earlier from 01. Where the consolidated pension/family pension in terms of paragraph 4. 3. 3.9. This will be regarded as pension/family pension with effect from 01.will apply to service pension/service element and disability/war injury element will be payable in addition.10.1.1 Where a pensioner is in receipt of disability/liberalized disability/war injury pension. 9. No. The upper ceiling on pension/ordinary family pension laid down in the Department of Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare Office Memorandum No.500/. 42/2/2008-P&PW(G) dated 12. Pending finalization of the rates of disability/war injury element and issue of separate Government orders in this regards. 45/86 / 97-P & PW(A) (Part-I) dated 27.1.2008.2006. 42/2/2008-P&PW(G) dated 12.01.2008 in Department of P&PW’s Office Memorandum No. 7.5.9. dearness relief will be admissible thereon only beyond index average in accordance with the revised scheme of dearness relief for which orders have been issued separately by Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare vide their OM No.2006.1 above works out to an amount less than Rs. PBOR pensioners stands already discontinued with effect from1. 42/2/2008-P&PW (G) dated 19.1 and para 5 above.2007 and 1.2006. For lesser degree of disability the minimum limit will be proportionately reduced.2008. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated 15. 9.2007 and No.03. 3. Where the disability element is drawn in isolation. No.Pre-1986 pensioners have been brought at par with Post –1986 pensioners.03. 15000/- .2006.500/. the minimum limit of Rs. 42/2/2007P&PW(G) dated 18. 8. Since the consolidated pension/family pension arrived at as per Para 4.will apply for 100% disability.1997 has been increased from Rs. the minimum limit of Rs.9. 42/2/2007-P&PW (G) dated 29.1 above as an interim measure and will be treated as revised interim disability/war injury pension with effect from 1. the disability pension/war injury pension consisting of service element and disability element / war injury element will be consolidated under the provisions of Para 4.1 above includes dearness relief upto average index level AI CPI 536. of P&PW OM No.7.2006. 1 & 5 above is Rs. 9000/.000/. the floor ceiling of Rs. 2000 p.and Rs.will not apply to the two pensions taken together and the individual pension will be governed by respective Pension Rules.500/. In cases where the age of pensioner/family pensioner is not available on the PPO / office records. Additional Pension for Pensioners 80 years age and above. the floor ceiling of Rs. 11.since 1. For example. 50% and 30% respectively of the highest pay in the Government (The highest pay. Accordingly. In the case of pensioners in receipt of civil and military pension.2006).m.000 p. in case where a pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his/her revised pension in terms Para 4.500/. The quantum of additional pension/family pension available to the old pensioners/ family pensioners shall be as follows: Age of pensioner/family Rs. . 90. From 80 years to less than 85 years From 85 years to less than 90 years From 90 years to less than 95 years From 95 years to less than 100 years 100 years or more Additional quantum of pension 20% of revised pension 30% of revised pension 40% of revised pension 50% of revised pension 100% of revised pension basic pension/family basic pension/family basic pension/family basic pension/family basic pension/family The amount of additional pension will be paid directly by the PDA without any individual authorization where date of birth of pensioner / family pensioner is available in the PPO and shown separately in the pension scroll. 12.000/. The authenticity of the age declared by the pensioner / family pensioner shall be verified by the concerned Records office / Service HQrs before submitting the claim to the PSAs concerned for notification of date of birth through the corrigendum PPO. 3500/.10. 10000 and (ii) Additional pension = Rs.m. 27. In case a pensioner is in receipt of pension as well as a family pension. the floor ceiling of Rs. 45.will apply individually to the civil and military pension.000/.i.m.will apply individually to such pension and family pension.and Rs.1..e. the pension will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs. the same shall be obtained by the concerned Records office/Service HQrs from the pensioner / family pensioner. 3. in the Government is Rs. 3000 p. it will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs. 10000 and (ii) Additional Pension = Rs. On his/her attaining the age of 85 years. 3. not be admissible to them during the period of employment/re-employment. Consolidation of Pension for employed/re-employed pensioners. the terms of absorption permit grant of family pension under the orders applicable to the Armed Forces.13. 15. Methodology for Implementation and Reporting. Further the employed/reemployed Personnel Below Officer Rank pensioners whose pay on reemployed has been fixed above the minimum of scale of pay of the reemployed post.2.2006. the pension of such absorbees will be updated in terms of these orders. Dearness Relief beyond 1. Family Pension 15. The cases of Armed Forces Personnel who have been permanently absorbed in public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies will be regulated as follows: Pension. their cases will not be covered by these orders. 15.2006 and shall qualify for grant of Dearness Relief sanctioned thereafter by the Government. as per Supreme Court Judgment dated 15. In cases where. The consolidated pension/family pension as worked out in accordance with provisions of Para 4. on permanent absorption in public sector undertakings/ autonomous bodies. The consolidated pension so arrived at will be the basic pension with effect from 1. In cases. In their case. the family pension being drawn by family pensioners will be updated in accordance with these orders. Dearness Relief.2006 will.1 read with Para 5 and additional pension wherever payable under Para 12 above shall be treated as final ‘Basic Pension’ with effect from 01. the notional dearness relief / dearness pension which would have been admissible to them but for their employment/re-employment will be taken into account for consolidation of their pension in terms of paragraph 4. where the Government servants have drawn one time lump sum terminal benefits equal to 100% of their pension and have become entitled to the restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension.1.1. however. are also not getting dearness relief on pension under the extant orders. Where the Government servants on permanent absorption in public sector undertakings / Autonomous Bodies continue to draw pension separately from the Government. The employed/re-employed Commissioned Officer pensioners are not getting dearness relief on pension. 16.12. Applicability to permanent absorbees in PSUs / Autonomous Bodies.1 read with Para 5 above as if they were drawing the dearness relief/dearness pension. . 1 above.2006 commissioned officers pensioners/family pensioners and Annexure .1. the amount indicated under column 4 to 9 of the Annexure-I.1.2006 fixed in terms of Paras 4.12. Except for the category of pensioners mentioned at Para 11 above. a table indicating the existing pension/ family pension with and without dearness pension. For revision of pension / family pension in terms of Para 4.2006 of pension/family pension due upto 31. 16. The amount indicated under column 4 to 9 of Annexure-I may be used for payment of arrears upto the month upto which arrears will be paid after due check. the consolidated pension/family pension and the monthly difference payable from 1. Check register / Pension Payment scroll register. Where a pensioner is not in receipt of dearness pension/dearness relief.3.1 and 5 above as the case may be. A copy of the said Annexure-IV may invariably be provided by the PDAs to the pensioners concerned for their information. 16. will be recorded by the Pension Disbursing Agencies in the Pension records of the pensioners viz. will not be used and the PDAs will themselves workout the amount of difference payable as arrears in such cases. . A suitable entry regarding revised pension with effect from 1. Dearness relief at the rates notified from time to time will also be admissible on such revised pension. this table may be used where the pensioner/family pensioner is in receipt of single pension only.1 and 5 above without any further authorization from the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities. Revision of pension/family pension in all cases where fixation of pension as at Para 5 above is more beneficial than the pension arrived at as per Para 4.2.16.III for PBOR pensioners/family pensioners are enclosed. will be carried out by all the Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs) handling payment of pension to Armed Forces pensioners in terms of these tables and the revised pension together with arrears thereof worked out and be paid immediately.1.4. An acknowledgement shall be obtained by the Pension Disbursing Agencies from Office of PCDA (Pensions).2008 is enclosed for ready reference as Annexure-I to these orders. For revision of pension / family pension in terms of the provisions as at Para 5 above. concordance tables as per Annexure – II for Pre-1. All Pension Disbursing Agencies handling disbursement of pension to the Defence Pensioners are hereby authorized to pay pension/family pension to existing pensioners/family pensioners at the consolidated rates in terms of Paras 4. Allahabad in token of receipt of the requisite Annexure-IV sent to PCDA(P) Allahabad.1. An intimation regarding disbursement of revised pension may be sent by the Pension Disbursing Agencies to the Office of PCDA (P). Pension Payment Order. Allahabad in format prescribed as at Annexure-IV to these orders so that the later can update its records. 16.1 above. Updation of pension/family pension under these orders will not affect the amount of Retirement Gratuity / Death Gratuity already determined and paid to the pensioners/family pensioners with reference to rules in force at the time of discharge/death. payment of LTA will be made to the legal heir/heirs as per extant Government orders. If a pensioner / family pensioner to whom benefit accrues under the provisions of this letter. The existing amount of pension commuted. (ii) If the claimant has already received LTA in the past in respect of the deceased to whom the benefit would have accrued the LTA under the provisions of this letter should also be paid to such a claimant by the PDAs on their own. To achieve this objective. It is considered desirable that the benefit of these orders should reach the pensioners as expeditiously as possible. the LTA under the provisions of this letter should be paid to such a claimant by the PDAs on their own. the LTA will be disbursed in the following manner::(i) If the claimant is already in receipt of Family Pension or happens to be the person in whose favour Family Pension already stands notified and the awardee has not become ineligible for any reason. 22. 19. Any overpayment of pension coming to the notice or under process of recovery shall be adjusted in full by the Pension Disbursing Agencies against arrears becoming due on revision of pension on the basis of these orders.2008 on account of updation of pension/family pension under these orders will be paid immediately and remaining 60% of arrears shall be payable in the year 2009-2010. 20. it is desired . has already died before receiving the payment of arrears. if any. 17. 18.8. (iii) If the claimant is a person other than the one mentioned at (i) & (ii) above. would continue to be deducted from the consolidated pension while making monthly disbursements. No commutation will be admissible for the additional amount of pension accruing as a result of this revision.Miscellaneous Instructions. 40% of the arrears for the period of 1.2006 to 31. 21.1. .that all Pension Disbursing Agencies should ensure that the revised pension and the first installment of arrears due to the pensioners in terms of the these orders is paid to the pensioners or credited to their account immediately. Sd/- [Harbans Singh] Director (Pension/Policy) Note : Annexures referred in the abovementioned letter has not been printed in this booklet due to shortage of space. Hindi version of these orders will follow. 23.10. Instructions regarding release of second installment of arrears will be issued in due course. These orders issue with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO 1882 / DFA (Pen) / 2008 dated 20. 24.2008. Ministry of Personnel. Sir.2006.01. Public Grievances and Pension. in cases occurring on or after 01-01-2006.2006. the same should be revised in terms of these orders. Non-combatants (Enrolled) in the Air Force. sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the modification to the extent specified in this letter.(E) Ref (V): Authority.11.1.2 The provisions of the Pension Regulations of the three services and Various Services instructions/Government orders.38 / 37 / 08 P&PW (A) dated 29. Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Resolution No .08. will remain unchanged. In cases where pension has been finally sanctioned under the pre-revised orders and if it happens to be more beneficial than the pension becoming due under these orders. Where Pension/Family Pension/Death Gratuity/Retirement Gratuity/ Commuted Value of Pension has already been sanctioned. which are not affected by the provisions of this letter. The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance of Government’s decisions on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission announced vide Government of India. 2. the pension already sanctioned shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioners.2008 Sub: Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission –Revision of provisions regulating Pension/ Gratuity Commutation of Pension / Family Pension / Disability Pension for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) Retiring or Dying in Harness on or after 01. provisionally or otherwise. Defence Security Corps and the Territorial Army (hereinafter collectively referred to as Armed Forces Personnel) retiring or dying in harness on or after 01. .GOI MOD letter No 17(4)/2008(2)/ D(Pen/Policy) dated 12. Save as otherwise provided in these orders.2008.2.01. 1. the provisions of this letter shall apply to the Armed Forces personnel who were in service as on 01-012006 or joined/join service thereafter. PART I – DATE OF EFFECT AND DEFINITIONS 2. in the rules/ regulations concerning pensionary benefits of the Commissioned Officers (including MNS and Territorial Army Officers) and Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) of the three Services. 2008. Military Service Pay and Non Practicing Allowance.1 above will apply except that Military Service Pay will reckon notionally for reckonable emoluments in such cases. ‘X’ Group Pay and whole of classification allowance. . Except in respect of Commissioned Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank retired / discharged/invalided/died between 1.1. if any. Military Service Pay. the term “Reckonable Emoluments” will mean:CATEGORY RETIRING/SERVICE / INVALID PENSION FAMILY PENSION Pay in the Pay Band. if any.8. ‘X’ Group Pay and classification allowance.DEFINITIONS. ‘x’Group Pay and Classification Allowance. Grade Pay. Grade Pay. Military Service Pay and Non Practicing Allowance. if any. if any. Military Service Pay and Non Practicing Allowance.8. 3. Grade Pay. Pay. Grade Pay.2 In respect of Commissioned Officers and PBOR retired/ discharged/ invalided / died between 1. last drawn Pay in the Pay Band.2008 (both dates inclusive). Military Service Pay. if any. last drawn ALL TYPES OF GRATUITIES Pay in the Pay Band. Grade Pay. Commissioned Pay in the Pay Band. plus Dearness Allowance admissible on the date of retirement/ Invalidment / death. RECKONABLE EMOLUMENTS. last drawn by the individual 3. Grade Pay. 3. Military Service Pay and ‘X’ Group Pay including classification allowance.2006 and 31. plus Dearness Allowance admissible on the date of discharge/ Invalidment/ death.2006 and 31. Military Service Pay.1. Pay in the Pay Band.1. last drawn Personnel Below Officer Rank Pay in the Pay Band. Non-Practicing Allowance. if any. the term “Reckonable Emoluments” as defined at Para 3. Officers Grade Pay. The pension and death-cum retirement gratuity in such cases will be regulated as follows-: (a) The term ‘Reckonable Emoluments’ for this para shall mean:(i) Commissioned Officers: Basic Pay. SAFI – 1/S/2008 Special Provisions for those who retain The Pre-Revised Scale of Pay. this amount will be proportionately reduced. which is 24%. Military Service Pay.1 above will mean respectively the pay in the Pay Band. if any. ‘X’ Group Pay and classification allowance introduced with effect from 01-01-2006 vide the following service Instructions: (a) (b) For Service Officers: SAI – 2/S/2008. if any. SNI – 1/S/2008.4. (b) Retiring Pension for officers will be calculated at 50% of average of reckonable emoluments drawn during last 10 months and service pension for PBOR at 50% of reckonable emoluments. of the rank continuously held during last ten months and group in which paid and will include Dearness Pay and DA up to average AICPI 536 (Base Year1982 = 100) which is 24%. in the pre-revised scales and will include Dearness pay and DA upto average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982 = 100). Grade Pay.2006. The maximum . (c) Retirement/Death gratuity shall be admissible with reference to emoluments at (i) above plus dearness allowance. Those who have elected to continue to draw pay in the pre-revised scale of pay and have retired or will be retiring/discharged/invalided out of service on or after 1. (ii) PBOR including NCs (E): Maximum pay of the pay scale including 50% of the highest classification allowance.1. ‘X’ Group Pay and Classification Allowance as referred to in para 3. Non-practicing allowance. 3. SNI – 2 /S/2008. For lesser period of reckonable qualifying service. under the order in force immediately before coming into effect of these orders. their pension and gratuity shall be calculated under the rules in force immediately before coming into effect of these orders. SAFI – 2/S/2008 For PBOR: SAI – 1/S/2008.3.3. The amount so determined will be the pension for 33 years of reckonable qualifying service including rank weightage. MSP. NPA. The terms Pay in the Pay Band. Grade Pay. Rank Pay Stagnation increment and NPA. 1 of this Ministry’s letter No. after having held a higher paid acting rank.09.04.02. had he/she not been absent from duty or not been suspended. the actual pay and allowances drawn during such service will not be treated as emoluments. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated 05. (e) Family Pension shall be allowed in accordance with orders applicable prior to the issue of these orders and shall be calculated with reference to reckonable emoluments as defined in Para 3. 1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dated 03. the emoluments which he/she would have drawn. 1(6)/98/D (Pen/Sers) dated 03. the emoluments drawn in such paid acting rank will reckon for pensionary benefits only if it is certified that he/she would have continued to hold the paid acting rank but for his/her proceeding on leave. (b) Where an Officer immediately before his/her retirement or death while in service had proceeded on leave for which leave salary is payable.amount of gratuity shall not exceed Rs. (d) Commutation of pension shall be admissible in accordance with the orders in force before 02. Notes: (a) Where an officer immediately before his/her retirement or death while in service had been absent from duty on leave (including furlough leave) for which leave salary is/was payable or having been suspended had been re-instated without forfeiture of service. but the sum of the pay in the pay band. will alone be treated as emoluments reckonable for pensionary benefits.50. To the family pension so calculated. Grade Pay. which he would have drawn in the Armed Forces. (c) Where an Officer immediately before his/her retirement or death while in service had been under suspension or absent from duty the period whereof does not count as service. had he not been on such service.98 and will also include Dearness Pay. . the emoluments which he/she drew immediately before such absence from duty or being placed under suspension.1998. will reckon for pensionary benefits. will reckon for pensionary terms of Para 12 of this Ministry’s letter No.02.2008.000/. (d) Where an officer is serving in an organization other than the Armed Forces.2006 which is 24% shall be added. The amount so arrived at will be regarded as the family pension for regulating payment of dearness relief beyond average AICPI 536. if any. Military Service Pay plus NPA. 3. dearness relief upto average AICPI 536(Base year 1982 = 100) at the rate contained in Department of P & PW’s O M No. if any. NPA. an Officer had been absent from duty on leave for which leave salary is payable or having been . 4.3 below will also be applicable in such cases. whole of classification allowance and ‘X’ Group pay where applicable in case of PBOR and Non-Practicing Allowance. (b) For the period during which pay was drawn in the pre-revised pay scales (i) Pay including rank pay for commissioned officers and 50% of highest classification allowance in case of PBOR plus Dearness Pay. the 'average emoluments’ for 10 months period preceding retirement/discharge will be calculated by taking into account pay as follows:(a) For the period during which pay is drawn in the revised pay structure Pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus the applicable grade pay. In the case of Commissioned Officers and PBOR who have opted for the revised pay structure and have retired/discharged within 10 months from the date of coming over to the revised pay structure. if any. 4.1. (ii) Notional increase of the pay by applying the fitment benefit of 40% of the basic pay including rank pay for commissioned officer and 50% of highest classification allowance in case of PBOR.3. Average Emoluments shall be determined with reference to the reckonable emoluments drawn by him/her during the last 10 months of service and shall include the Pay drawn in Pay Band plus Grade pay as admissible. drawn in the pre-revised pay scale. stagnation increment. (a) If during the last 10 months of service. Military Service Pay will reckon notionally in such cases.1. NPA. whole of the classification allowance in case of PBOR and ‘X’ Group pay where applicable in case of PBOR and NPA. NOTES.4.2. if any.2006 drawn during the relevant period. stagnation increment. Military Service Pay. if any. 4. The clause of protective pension mentioned at Para 6. Average Emoluments. and actual DA appropriate to the pay at the rates in force on 1. an officer who is retired on reaching the prescribed age limit for compulsory retirement with at least 15 years commissioned service qualifying for pension but whose total service is less than 20 years) the minimum period of Qualifying Service actually rendered and required for earning retiring pension will continue to be 15 years. Pension. the aforesaid period of absence from duty or suspension. (b) Serving JCOs/ORs of Army and corresponding ranks of the Navy and Air Force granted EC/SSC will be eligible for retiring pension after 12 years of qualifying service actually rendered.1. (b) If during the last 10 months of the service. will be disregarded in the calculation of the average emoluments and equal period before the 10 months will be included.1. the emoluments which he would have drawn had he not been absent from duty or suspended. will be taken into account for determining the average emoluments.e. Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR)..1.1. Qualifying Service: 5. . (a) The minimum period of qualifying service actually rendered and required for earning retiring pension will be 20 years. had been re-instated without forfeiture of service. The minimum period of qualifying service actually rendered and required for earning service pension will continue to be 15 years (20 years in the case of NCs (E)). In the case of late entrants (i. Commissioned Officers. 5. 5.2.suspended. a person had been absent from duty or had been under suspension the period whereof does not count as service. 5. 5.2006.1998 for the purpose of computation of pension shall be continued in respect of those commissioned officers who retired / invalided out of service during the period 1. In case the Short Service Commission is followed by Permanent Commission.2006 to 1. The term "Qualifying Service” (QS) for computation of all kinds of gratuity will mean: Qualifying Service Reckonable For Retirement Gratuity Death Gratuity Retiring/service/Invalid/ Terminal Gratuity Actual qualifying service plus a weightage of 5 years subject to the total qualifying service including weightage not exceeding 33 years Actual qualifying service Actual qualifying service rendered plus a rendered weightage of 5 years subject to total qualifying service not exceeding 33 years.5. In the case of PBOR discharged/invalided out from service on or after 1. Aggregate qualifying embodied service may be continuous or rendered in broken spells. The benefit of adding years of qualifying service (rank weightage) as provided in Para 5(b)(I) & (II) of this Ministry’s letter dated 03.3. In respect of commissioned officers retired / retiring / invalided out on or after In case actual service is less than 5 years no weightage will be given NOTES: (a) Qualifying Service would commence from the date of commission. Addition To Qualifying Service. the breaks in embodied service due to disembodiment will be treated as condoned but the period of breaks itself will not be .1.9.2008. the weightage to qualifying service for the purpose of computation of pension stands withdrawn with effect from 2.2. For calculating the total embodied service.02. the period during which an officer holds Short Service Commission on probation will reckon for the purposes of pensionary benefits.2008. the weightage to qualifying service for purpose of computation of pension stands withdrawn with effect from 1.1.2006. (b) In case of TA personnel aggregate of qualifying embodied service shall count for service pension.1. five per cent cut will be imposed on the pension of those JCOs/OR who have completed 15 years or more of aggregate embodied service but have not completed 20 years of aggregate embodied service.2008 will be calculated at 50% of emoluments last drawn or average of reckonable emoluments drawn during last 10 months. (b) Grant of retiring pension to the commissioned officers retired/invalided out during 1. (d) In calculating the length of qualifying service. however.9. Where qualifying embodied service has been rendered in broken spells.9.9. (a) Linkage of full pension with 33 years of Qualifying Service is dispensed with effect from 2.2008. This will also be counted for determining the minimum qualifying service. Retiring / Service Pension: 6. PART-II Retiring / Service Pension / Retirement / Death / Special Gratuity /Ordinary Family Pension 6.. will be taken into account for working out the qualifying service for earning pensionary benefits subject to fulfillment of other conditions. . Any period of leave without pay shall not qualify unless specifically authorized by the Government.1. (c) Full pre-commissioned service rendered under the Central Government whether in a civil department or in the Armed Forces. The Retiring Pension of commissioned officers retiring/invalided out on or after 2. (e) All leave including study leave will count as qualifying service for pension provided that service for at least a period specified by the Government has been rendered from the date of return from the study leave last availed of. This will. fraction of a year equal to three months and above but less than 6 months will be treated as a completed one half year and reckoned as qualifying service.2008 will continue to be governed by the Rules/orders which were in force immediately before coming into effect of these orders. whichever is more beneficial. not be applicable for computing minimum qualifying service for pension.2006 to 1.1. OFFICERS.treated as qualifying service for pension. Personnel Below Officer Rank. In case of commissioned officers who have retired during 01. 9. Armed Forces Personnel shall be entitled to commute for a lump sum payment upto 50% of their pension.3.1 above will be subject to the provision that the pension in no case shall be lower than fifty percent of the sum of the minimum of the pay in the pay band plus grade pay and Military Service Pay from which the pensioner has retired.09.01. as the case may be. Service pension of PBOR will be calculated at 50% of emoluments last drawn or average of reckonable emoluments drawn during last 10 months.1.2006 but before 02. Retiring / Retirement / Service / Invalid / Special /Terminal/ Death Gratuity shall be Rs.2006 and 1. 7.e.2008.2008. Note. 8. Such pensioners shall have an option to commute the amount of pension that has become additionally commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay / . In the case of those pensioners. 9.6. In case of PBOR. shall not be less than the pension which would have been admissible to him as a Brigadier and equivalent. The existing Table of Commutation Value for pension Annexed to AI 85 / 71 shall be substituted by a new table as at ‘Annexure – I’ to this letter. linkage of full pension with 33 years of qualifying service is dispensed with from 1. 9.2006. had he not been promoted to the higher rank. Gratuity The maximum limit of all kinds of Gratuity i. 3.500/per month.09.9.01. the pre-revised Table of Commutation Value for commutation of pension will be used for payment of commuted value of pension based on pre-revised pay/pension. 9. The revised Table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for all commutations of pension. whichever is more beneficial. the pension will be reduced prorata where the pensioner has less than the maximum required service of 33 years for full pension and in no case it will be less than Rs. in whose case commutation of pension became absolute on or after 01.1. The retiring pension of an officer of the rank of Major General and equivalent. Minimum Pension The amount of pension calculated as per Para 6. Commutation Of Pension.2. which become absolute on or after 02. 10 lakhs.2008.2. m. For example. the revised Table of Commutation Value for pension will be used for commutation of entire pension. In all cases where the date of retirement / discharge / invalidment / commutation of pension is on or after 02. The amount of additional pension will be shown distinctly in the Pension Payment Order. On exercising such an option by the pensioner. 2.000 and (ii) Additional Pension = Rs. 10. the pension will be shown as (i) Basic pension = Rs. 10.1. The pension on his attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs.000 p. the revised table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for the commutation of the additional amount of pension that has become commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay / pension.m.m. 3.000 and (ii) Additional pension = Rs.000 p. Additional Pension To Old Pensioners. in case where a pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his pension is Rs.10.2008. the ‘Family’ shall be categorized as under: .pension on implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. The quantum of pension available to the old pensioners shall be increased as follows: Age Of Pensioner From 80 years to less than 85 years From 85 years to less than 90 years From 90 years to less than 95 years From 95 years to less than 100 years 100 years or more Additional Quantum Of Pension 20% of basic pension 30% of basic pension 40% of basic pension 50% of basic pension 100% of basic pension The Pension Sanctioning Authorities should ensure that the date of birth and the age of a pensioner are invariably indicated in the Pension Payment Order to facilitate payment of additional pension by the Pension Disbursing Authority as soon as it becomes due. 11. For the purpose grant of family pension. 10.000 p.09. Family Pension 11. upto the date of marriage/re-marriage or till the date she starts earning or upto the date of death.4. 11. upto the date of death or re-marriage. without any upper age limit from the date following the date . whichever is earlier.3. The enhanced rate of ordinary family pension shall be payable for a period of ten years. 11. 11.Category-I (a) Widow or widower. not covered by Category-I above. Grant of family pension to children in respective categories shall be payable in order of their date of birth and younger of them will not be eligible for family pension unless the next above him/her has become ineligible for grant of family pension in that category. Family Pension to unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters in Category-II and dependent parents shall be payable only after the other eligible family members in Category -I have ceased to be eligible to receive family pension and there is no disabled child to receive the family pension. The dependency criteria for the purpose of family pension shall be the minimum family pension along with dearness relief thereon. whichever is earlier.2. (b) Parents who were wholly dependent on the Armed Forces Personnel when he / she was alive provided the deceased personnel had left behind neither a widow nor a child. The family pensioner in such cases would be required to give a declaration regarding her income from other sources to the Pension Disbursing Authority every six months. The childless widow of a deceased personnel shall continue to be paid family pension even after her re-marriage subject to the condition that the family pension shall cease once her independent income from all other sources becomes equal to or higher than the minimum prescribed family pension in the Central Government. upto the date of his / her marriage / re-marriage or till the date he/she starts earning or till the age of 25 years. Family Pension to dependent parents unmarried/divorced/widowed daughter will continue till the date of death. whichever is the earlier. (b) Son / daughter (including widowed daughter). Category-II (a) Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughter. Additional Family Pension to Old Family Pensioners. 11.2006 and the family was in receipt of normal rate of ordinary family pension on that date. The amount of additional family pension will be shown distinctly in the pension payment order.of death of the personnel. The quantum of family pension available to the old family pensioners shall be increased as follows: Age Of Family Pensioner From 80 years to less than 85 years From 85 years to less than 90 years From 90 years to less than 95 years From 95 years to less than 100 years 100 years or more Additional Quantum Of Family Pension 20% of basic family pension 30% of basic family pension 40% of basic family pension 50% of basic family pension 100% of basic family pension The Pension Sanctioning Authorities should ensure that the date of birth and the age of a family pensioner is invariably indicated in the pension payment order to facilitate payment of additional family pension by the Pension Disbursing Authority as soon as it becomes due. not apply in cases where the period of seven years for payment of enhanced family pension has already been completed as on 1. 10. the pension will be shown as (i) Basic family pension = Rs. The family pension on his/her attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i) Basic Family Pension = Rs.1. to the family of a personnel who dies in service.000 and (ii) Additional pension = Rs.e.000 and (ii) Additional pension = Rs. 10.000 p.000 p. 3. 10.5.m. 2. in case where a family pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his/her family pension is Rs. For example. Part – III General . These provisions will. 7 years from the date of death or till attaining the age 67 years whichever is earlier.m.000 p.m. however. There will be no change in the period for payment of enhanced family pension to the family in the case of death of a pensioner i. 000 since 1. If the amount of any monthly pension viz retiring pension / service pension / invalid pension / special pension / family pension admissible under the provisions of this letter works out to less than Rs.per month. the benefit of commutation of additional pension as at Para 8. Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum No. 3500/. it shall be stepped up to Rs. 3500/. 15.9. the same shall be stepped up to Rs. is Rs. The Armed Forces personnel who had already retired / discharged from service during 1. The pensioners who have already undergone medical examination in the latter case need not be medically examined again for this purpose.2006 and 1. There will be a maximum ceiling on the amount of service pension/Invalid pension/Special pension and ordinary family pension upto 50% and 30% respectively of the highest pay in the Government (the highest pay in the Govt.2006 to 1. Dearness Relief shall be admissible only beyond average AICPI 536 (Base Year 1982 = 100) on the revised pattern introduced vide Ministry of Personnel.p. 3500/.2008 and had not availed the commutation of pension upto maximum permissible limit within one year of retirement/discharge.2008.1. Commutation Of Additional Pension. Minimum/ Maximum Pension.e.09. 43% & 45% in respect of commissioned officers and PBOR respectively) within one year of retirement/discharge. the benefit of commutation of additional pension as at Para 8.2006). The amount of various pensionary awards admissible as per this letter shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee by the Pension Sanctioning Authorities. Dearness Relief.2008 and have availed of the benefit of commutation of pension not exceeding maximum permissible limit (i.p. In cases where service element of disability pension fall short of Rs.1.3 above. 14.m. 3500/. Public Grievances and pension. In case of Armed Forces personnel retired/discharged during 1. will be allowed with reference to the age next birthday as on the date of fresh option without medical examination.3 above may be allowed with reference to age next birthday as on date of fresh option after medical examination.9.per month and authorized for payment at this rate. . on various types of pensions/family pension and additional pension/family pension. 42/2/2008-P&PW (G) dated 12.1. 12. 13. 90.Rounding off of Pensionary Awards.m. 2008. . 1930/DFA (Pens) dated 24. admissible with effect from 1.10. will initiate and forward revised LPC-cum-data sheet as prescribed by PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad to their respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs) for issue of corrigendum PPOs notifying the revised pensionary awards.2006 will be issued separately. For revision of pensionary awards as per provisions of this letter in respect of Armed Forces personnel who have already retired/discharged/ invalided out / died on or after 01. 20. Hindi version will follow. sd/[Harbans Singh] Director (Pension/Policy) Note : Annexures referred in the abovementioned letter have not been printed in this booklet due to shortage of space. 19.01. 17. New Delhi.2006 and in whose cases pensionary benefits at pre-revised rates have already been notified. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No. Pension Regulations of the three services will be amended in due course. Orders regarding grant of disability pension / liberalized disability pension / war injury pension.1.Pune/Naval Pay Office Mumbai/ AFCAO. Further implementation instructions to all concerned will be issued by PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad immediately on receipt of these orders. the Record Offices concerned in case of PBOR and CDA(O). as the case may be in respect of commissioned officers.Procedure for Sanction of Revised Pension in respect of those who have already Retired: 16. 18. In all cases where the date of retirement/discharge/invalidment is on or after 2.1.2006.9. On exercising such an option as per Annexure-II by the pensioner. (iv) Para 9.GOI MOD letter No 17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 27.(F) Ref (VI): Authority. Such pensioners shall have an option to commute the amount of pension that has become additionally commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay / pension on implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.3.2008 Sub: Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission –Revision of provisions regulating Pension/ Gratuity Commutation of Pension / Family Pension / Disability Pension for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) Retiring or Dying in Harness on or after 01.01. (iv) Para 7 Line 1: “Para 6.2008 is amended as follows: (i) Para 1 Line 7: Word “EC/SSC.1.2: “a” appearing in brackets as “(a)” under this para be deleted. 17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 12. the pre-revised Table of Commutation Value for commutation of pension has been used for payment of commuted value of pension based on pre-revised pension. In the case of those pensioners in whose case commutation of pension became absolute on or after 1. which become absolute on or after 2.9.3 may be substituted as under: “9.” be added after word “including” appearing within bracket.2008.9.2008. (ii) Para 4. the revised Table of commutation value of pension will be used for the commutation of the additional amount of pension that has become commutable on account of .1(b)”.1” may be read as “Para 6.2006 but before 2.11.3: May be deleted.2008. the revised table of Commutation Value for commutation of pension will be used for commutation of pension. CORRIGENDUM (a) This Ministry’s letter No. (iii) Para 5.11. The revised Table of commutation Value of Pension will be used for all commutations of pension. e.1. 50% less the percentage already commuted).9. 15.2008 and have availed of the benefit of commutation of pension not exceeding maximum permissible limit (i. will be allowed with reference to the age next birthday as on the date of fresh option as per Annexure-II without medical examination by applying revised commutation value Annexed to this letter.2006 and 1. dated 26.1.2008.9.3 above may be allowed with reference to age next birthday as on date of fresh option after medical examination. 43% & 45% in respect of commissioned officers and PBOR respectively) within one year of retirement/discharge/invalidment.e. In case of Armed Forces personnel retired/ discharged / invalided out during 1.” (c) This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No. (d) Hindi version will follow.2008 and had not availed the commutation of pension upto maximum permissible limit within one year of retirement/discharge. sd/[Harbans Singh] Director (Pension/Policy) . The Armed Forces personnel who had already retired/discharged/ invalided out from service during 1. the benefit of commutation of additional pension (i. 2080/2008/DFA(P). the benefit of commutation of additional pension as at Para 9.2006 to 1.retrospective revision of pension with reference to age next birthday already reckoned for commutation of pre-revised pension. The pensioners who have already undergone medical examination in the latter case need not be medically examined again for this purpose.11.” (b) Para 15 may be substituted as under: “Commutation Of Additional Pension. (G) Ref (VII): Authority. 2. All other entries remain uncharged.2008. Copy to: As per standard distribution list.1. The Annexure-II enclosed with the above said Ministry’s letter may be substituted with the Annexure-II (Revised) enclosed with this letter. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No.2006 Armed Forces Pensioners / Family Pensioners The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No.11.2008 on the above subject matter. 17(4)/2008(1)/D (Pen/Policy) dated 11.GOI MOD letter No 7(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 11th December 2008 Sub: Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission –Revision Pension OF Pre. .12.1. 4563/Fin/Pen dated 8. 4. Hindi version will follow. . 37.000/.in the case of Maj. Sub: Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission –Revision of Pension of Pre.400/-) plus grade pay of Rs.2006 retirees with qualifying service of 33 years will be Rs. Hence.000/.020/. 12. Table-2 : Family Pension is also made “The rate of Family Pension in respect of Nb Subdar “A”/”X” and Subedar “A”/”X” may be amended to read as “5070” for 5570 and 5490 respectively” .6.6.1. Generals & equivalent and Rs.700/. & Brig is higher than that of Maj. 26. Generals & equivalent and not lower than 50% of the minimum of PB-4 (Rs. for the purpose of stepping up.620/. will continue to be proportionate to the full pension based on their actual qualifying service with weightage. Generals/ reckoned in their case for the purpose of stepping up of the pension/family pension. The stepped up family pension would also accordingly be Rs. 16. The following amendment in Annexure-III.GOI MOD letter No 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/ Policy) dated 20 Jan 2009.1.37. 2008 so as to ensure that consolidated pension is not lower that 50% of the minimum of the PB-4 (Rs. Generals. 11. Generals may also be regulated under para 5 of the Ministry’s above quoted letter dt 11.(H) Ref (VIII): Authority. 4. the pension of Maj. The undersigned is directed to refer to Annexure-II to this Ministry’s letter No.000/. where the pensioners have full qualifying service including weight age. 12. Generals and Lt.400/-) plus grade pay of Rs.700/.in the case of Maj. 12. the pension of pre the case of Lt.2006 Armed Forces Pensioners / Family Pensioners 1. have been placed in PB-4 and MSP of Rs. 6000/. 2008 as amended vide this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 11. This anomaly has been reviewed and it has been decided that keeping in view the fact that Col. Pension to those Commissioned Officers retired with qualifying service including weightage of less than 33 years.for families of Lt. 16. the case of Lt./Brig. Generals & equivalent. 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Policy) dt 11. Generals & equivalent. 3.for families of Maj. 10. Generals due to non inclusion of the element of Military Service Pay (MSP) in the case of Maj. Generals & notional MSP of Rs. pension and family pension in respect of Col. 27. 2. 11.1. Generals & equivalent and Rs.000/.plus notional MSP of Rs. 2008 on the above subject matter and to state that in the said Annexure-II. A revised table to the above effect is enclosed as Annexure II to this letter in substitution of the Annexure II (Revised) to this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 11. 7. . Hindi version will follow. All other entries remain unchanged.O. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their U. 6. 2009. 1.157/DFA(P) dated 20.5.No. Copy to:As per standard distribution list. . 1(b) Retiring pension to the Commissioned Officers retired/invalided out during 1.1. 2006 1.2008:- Words “do not “ appearing in line 3 of the 2nd option for commutation of same percentage of additional pension.17(4)/2008(2)/ D(Pension/Policy) dated 27. This Ministry’s letter No.11.2008 amended vide this Ministry’s letter No.e. less than 33 years. 1(6)/98/D(Pension/Services) dated 3.2009.2008 will also be calculated at 50% of emolument last drawn or average of reckonable emoluments drawn during the last 10 months whichever is more beneficial.(J) Ref (IX): Authority.2006 to 1. be deleted.O.9.1(b) of this Ministry’s letter dated 12.11. Hindi version will follow. 2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their U. 17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 12.11.1998.2. For lesser period of reckonable qualifying services i.2008 is further amended as follows:(i) Para 6.GOI MOD letter No 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/ Policy) dated 20 Jan 2009.1. The amount so determined will be the retiring pension for 33 years of reckonable qualifying service including weightage as defined in Para 5 of this Ministry’s letter No. 3.11. 157/DFA(P) dated 19.2008 may be substituted as under:- “6. . 1.” (ii) Annexure-II of this Ministry’s letter dated 27.No. this amount will be proportionately reduced. Sub: Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission –Revision of Provisions Regulating Pension/Gratuity/Commutation of Pension/Family Pension/Disability Pension for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) Retiring or Dying in Harness on or After 1. 1 Service Element of Disability/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension. 2.01. TA and DSC Amount p.510/- Note: Where only disability element is drawn in isolation.11.1 and para 5 of this Ministry’s letter no 17(4)/ 2008(1)/ D( Pen/Policy) dated 11.300/Rs.2006 Sir. Rank i) Commissioned Officers and Honorary Commissioned Officers of the three Services.11. .880/Rs. TA and DSC iii) Other ranks of the three Services. Where the disability of a pensioner is less than 100 %.01. MNS.11.2006 as under:2.2 Disability/ Element of Disability/ Liberalised Disability Pension. 5.(K) Ref (X): Authority.TA and DSC ii) Junior Commissioned Officers and equivalent ranks of the three Services. the amount shall be proportionately reduced as per the degree of disability accepted and for the period notified in the PPO. Rs. 3.2008 implementing Government decisions on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. Disability/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension.m. I am directed to refer this Ministry’s letter No 17(4)/ 2008 (1)/ D(Pen/ Policy) dated 11. 1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11. The revised rates of disability element for 100% disability on account of invalidment/ retirement/ discharge are given below.2008. 4.2008. 1. 2. the above rates will not be applicable and such cases will be regulated in terms of para 9. Revised service element of Disability/ Liberalised Disability/ War Injury Pension shall continue to be paid in terms of para 4. Sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the modification of rates of disability/ war injury/special/ liberalized family pensionary awards for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) retired/discharged/died/ invalided out from service prior to 01.GOI MOD letter No 16(6)/2008 (1))/ D(Pension/ Policy) dated 04th May 2009 Sub: Implementation of the Govt decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay CommissionRationalisation of Casualty Pensionary Awards for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) retired/ discharged/died/invalided out from service prior to 01. 760/- Rs. TA and DSC iii) Other ranks of the three Services.11. is higher than the amount of War Injury element calculated as above.3. With effect from 1. Dependent Pension (liberalised)/ 2nd life award (in respect of PBOR including NCs(E)).1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31. Families in receipt of Special Family Pension. the revised rates of War Injury element for 100% disability are as given below. will be subject to a minimum of Rs.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11. War Injury Element of War Injury Pension. the same (higher consolidated amount) will be treated as revised War Injury element with effect from 1. Rs.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.1. The amount of revised consolidated liberalized family pension. 7.11. Where the War Injury element revised in terms of para 9 read with para 4.000/. 4.2001. Where the disability of a pensioner is less than 100%.1. 8. Dependent Pension (special). .600/Rs.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11.000/-pm. the amount shall be proportionally reduced as per the degree of disability accepted and for the period notified in PPO. Further this rate to be increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised Pay Band goes up by 50%.1. where payable.2001. shall draw revised family pension with effect from 1.2006. 4. 3. 7.08.per month.per month.020/- 3.2008. TA and DSC ii) Junior Commissioned Officers and equivalent ranks of the three Services. irrespective of the rank.3. granted to the families of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘B’ & ‘C’ of para 4. granted to the child/ children of Armed Force personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘D’ & ‘E’ of para 4.m.1. will be subject to a minimum of Rs.000/. 4. 7. MNS. TA and DSC Amount p.1. shall continue to be admissible under the conditions as hitherto fore at a uniform rate of Rs.2.1. Constant Attendance Allowance.2.2006 in terms of para 4.1. Liberalised Family Pension. 11. 4. The amount of revised consolidated special family pension.2006 and are in receipt of War Injury element of War Injury Pension as on 1-1-2006.2006 Constant Attendance Allowance. Rank i) Commissioned Officers and Honorary Commissioned Officers of the three Services. In case of Armed Forces pensioners who were invalided out/ retired/ discharged from service prior to 1. Special / Liberalised Family Pension / Dependent Pension (special) / Dependent Pension (liberalised). 1527/09/D(Fin/Pen) dated 27. Action as prescribed in para 16. PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad will issue further suitable implementation instructions while circulating these orders to all the PDAs concerned. All Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs) handling disbursement of pension to the Defence pensioners are hereby authorised to pay revised disability/ liberalized disability/ war injury pension/ special/ liberalized family pension to the existing pensioners under these orders without any further authorization from the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities.2008 may also be taken by the PDAs in the cases covered under these orders. Dearness Relief shall be admissible only beyond average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982 = 100) on the revised pattern introduced vide Ministry of Personnel.9. Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum No. This issues with concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No.2009.11. .5.GOI MOD letter No 16(6)/2008 (2)) / D(Pension/ Policy) dated 05th May 2009. Dearness Relief.4 of this Ministry’s letter dated 11. 42/2/2008-P&PW (G) dated 12. Public Grievances and Pension. 6.2008 on various types of pension/ family pension admissible under the provisions of this letter.4. Yours faithfully Sd/( Harbans Singh) Director (Pen/Policy) (L) Ref (XI): Authority. However. 7. 2006 . Where pension has already been sanctioned provisionally or otherwise in cases occurring on or after 1. In cases where pension has been finally sanctioned under the pre. will remain unchanged.2006 or joined / join service thereafter unless otherwise specified in this letter. which are not affected by the provisions of this letter. Defence Security Corps and the Territorial Army (hereinafter collectively referred to as Armed Forces personnel).2. 2. The provisions of this letter shall apply to the Armed Forces personnel who were in service on 1. . Reckonable Emoluments. 1.1. The provisions of the pension regulations for the three Services and various Service instructions/ Government orders. to the extent specified in this letter. the pension already sanctioned shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner.Sub: Implementation of the Govt decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Revision of provisions regulating Pensionary Awards relating to Disability Pension/ War Injury Pension/ Special Family Pension/ Liberalized Family Pension/ Dependent Pension(special)/ Dependent Pension (liberalized/ Special Invalid Pension for the Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) retiring/discharged / invalided out from service or dying in harness on or after 01.2006. the same would be revised in terms of these orders. Emergency Commissioned Officers. sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the notification. Date of Effect. Short Service Commissioned Officers) and Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR) of the three services including NCs (E) of Air Force. 2.1. 2. Sir . in the rules/ regulations concerning above mentioned pensionary benefits of the Commissioned Officers(including MNS.revised orders and if it happens to be more beneficial than the pension becoming due under these orders. Territorial Army Officers. Definitions. The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance of Government decisions on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. grade pay . Disability/ War Injury/ Liberalised Disability Pension on Invalidment. disability/ war injury/ liberalised disability pension in invalidment cases will consist of service element and disability/ war injury . 6. (b) For Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR). The minimum service required for grant of special pension shall continue to be 10 years in the case of Combatants and 15 years in the case of NCs (E). if any. Special/ Invalid Pension 5. ( ref SAI 1/S/08. ‘X’ Group pay where applicable and Classification allowance.1. SNI 2/S/08 and SAFI 2/S/08). 5. SNI 1/S/08 and SAFI 1/S/08). 4.3.2. military service pay and non-practicising allowance where applicable. Where the service is less than 10 years in the case of Combatants and less than 15 years in the case of NCs (E).2. Pay means pay in pay band. 3. military service pay. Pay means pay in pay band. last drawn by the individual. Unless otherwise specified in this letter. 6. pension/ family pension and retirement/ death gratuity shall be regulated in terms of para 3. last drawn by the officer(ref SAI 2/S/08. In the case of individuals who opt/ opted to continue to draw pay in the pre-revised scales beyond 31.2005 and remain/ remained in that scale till retirement /discharge/ invalidment/ death in harness. Invalid Pension. invalid gratuity will be admissible.4 of Ministry of Defence letter no 17(4)/2008 (2)/D (Pen/Policy) dt 12. The minimum service required for grant of Invalid pension will continue to be 10 years and shall be computed as per para 6 of this Ministry’s letter dated 12. As hithertofore.11.2008. Special Pension to PBOR. Where service is less than 10 years. War Injury Pension/ Liberalised Family Pension shall also be admissible to such Armed Forces personnel who die or are invalided out of service on sustaining injury during trials of indigenously developed weapon system and ammunition.2008. special gratuity will continue to be admissible.11. the term ‘Reckonable Emoluments’ shall mean: (a) For Officers.12. grade pay.1. 5.1. element and shall continue to be admissible under the provisions laid down in para 7. 6.2001 for reckoning of disability or functional incapacity shall continue for the purpose of computing disability element/ war injury element. There shall be no condition of minimum qualifying service having been actually rendered for earning this element. Disability Element of Disability Pension/ Liberalized Disability Pension.1.e. 7. subject to the amount to be arrived at in the manner and at the rates specified in the succeeding paras. 6.11.6.per month. 6.000/.3 above.1. 10 and 12 of this Ministry’s letter no 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.100/.2.500/. The rates of disability element for 100% disability for various ranks shall be 30% of emoluments last drawn subject to minimum of Rs 3.1. it shall be reduced proportionately.5. 11 and 12 respectively of this Ministry’s letter no. Disability/ War Injury Element/ Liberalised Disability Element on Retirement/ Discharge. 6. 1(2)/ 97/ D(Pen-C) dated 31. 7. For disability less than 100%. The amount of service element shall be equal to retiring/ service pension determined as per para 6 of this Ministry’s letter no 17(4)/ 2008 (2)/ D (Pen/Policy) dated12.2001 at the rates given below: (a) Disability element/ liberalised disability element shall be admissible at the rate mentioned in para 6. 1(2)/97/D (Pen-C) dated 31.per month for 100% disability.2008 subject to minimum of Rs 3.4.per month. in no case aggregate of service element and war injury element should exceed the emoluments last drawn.3. The provisions of para 7. if otherwise admissible.1.2001 respectively.2 of this Ministry’s letter no. total of service elements plus disability element) shall not be less than 60% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn subject to a minimum of Rs 7. Service Element of Disability/Liberalised Disability/War Injury Pension. War Injury Element of War Injury Pension. However. Disability element/ war injury element/ liberalised disability element on retirement/ discharge from service shall continue to be regulated under the provisions of para 8. In cases of disability pension where permanent disability is not less than 60% the disability pension (i. The rates of war injury element for 100% disability for various ranks shall be equal to the reckonable emoluments last drawn which would be proportionately reduced where disability is less than 100%. and (b) War injury element shall be admissible @ 60% of reckonable emoluments last drawn subject to minimum of Rs.200/-per month for . 7. 7.2001 subject to the reckonable emoluments as defined under para 3 of this Ministry’s letter no.1. 9. liberalised family pension. the war injury element shall be proportionately reduced.1.01.dependent pension (liberalized)/ 2nd life award (in respect of PBORs including NCs(E)).per month. 9.3. will be paid in addition to disability element/ war injury element from the date of retirement/ discharge. shall continue to be regulated at the rates and under the conditions laid down in this Ministry’s letter no. 1(2)/ 97/ D(Pen-C) dated 31.000/. will be subject to a minimum of Rs.2 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31.2. 7. as admissible. Retiring/ Service pension or retiring/ service gratuity. 7.000/. admissible to the child/ children of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘D’ & ‘E’ of para 4. Constant Attendance Allowance shall continue to be admissible under the conditions as hithertofore.000/. However. in no case the aggregate of service element and war injury element should exceed emoluments last drawn. irrespective of the rank. Rounding off of Pensionary Awards.100% disability. Special family pension. 8. Further this rate be increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised pay band goes up by 50%. .11. Constant Attendance Allowance. 9. The amount of special family pension admissible to the families of Armed Forces personnel under the circumstances prescribed under category ‘B’ & ‘C’ of para 4. However. it shall be admissible at a uniform rate of Rs. 17(4)/ 2008(2)/ D(Pen/Policy) dated 12.2001.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 31. will be subject to a minimum of Rs. dependent pension (special). 7.4.1. The aggregate of service element and liberalized disability element shall not be less than 80% of the reckonable emoluments last drawn.per month. Special/ Liberalised Family Pension/ Dependent Pension (special)/ Dependent Pension (liberalised). For disability of less than 100%. The amount of various pensionary awards admissible as per this letter shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee by Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs).2001.2008.1 and 6. 9.2.per month. GENERAL 10.3. The amount of liberalized family pension.3. Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Office Memorandum no.1. Relevant provisions of the Pension Regulations for the three Services will be amended in due course.1. 3. This issue with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No. New Delhi.2009. Procedure for sanction of Revised Pension in respect of those already retired. Minimum/ Maximum Pension.2006 Armed Forces Pensioners/ . Disability element shall not be taken into account for the purpose of stepping up of service element to the minimum level of Rs. 15. Further implementation instruction to all concerned will be issued by PCDA (Pensions). 3. 14.09. Mumbai/ AFCAO.500/. in respect of Commissioned Officers. The procedure for revision of pensionary awards as per provisions of this letter. 12. in respect of Armed Forces personnel who have already retired/ discharged/ invalided out/ died on or after 1. Allahabad to their respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs) for issue of corrigendum PPOs notifying the revised pensionary awards.500/.pm. the record offices concerned in case of PBORs and CDA(O). Dearness Relief shall be admissible only beyond average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982 = 100) on the revised pattern introduced vide Ministry of Personnel.GOI MOD letter No 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/ Policy) dated 21st May it shall be stepped up to Rs. 1527/ 09/ D(Fin/Pen) dated 27. will initiate and forward revised LPC-cum-data sheet as prescribed by PCDA(Pensions). There will be no maximum ceiling on the amount of pension determined under these orders. Allahabad immediately on receipt of these orders.2008 on various types of pension/ family pension admissible under the provisions of this letter. If the amount of any monthly pension (excluding Constant Attendance Allowance) admissible under the provisions of this letter works out to less than Rs. Public Grievances and Pension. Yours faithfully -Sd/(Harbans Singh) Director (Pen/Policy) (M) Ref (XII): and authorised for payment at this rate. Pune/ Naval Pay Office. 42/ 2/ 2008P&PW(G) dated 12. 3.4.2006 and in whose cases pensionary benefits at pre-revised rates have already been notified. as the case may be .11. Dearness Relief. 13.500/. Sub: Implementation of the Govt decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Revision of Pension of Pre-1. pm and MSP of Rs. 3.2009 and to state that the pay structure for the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army (other than MNS Officers) and equivalent ranks in Navy and Air Force issued in implementation of the recommendations of Sixth CPC. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their UO No.2008 on the above subject as amended vide this Ministry’s letter of even No.000/.000/.05. has been further revised under Special Army Instruction No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 11. 1817/09/D(Fin/Pen) dated 5. All other entries remain unchanged. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No.2009 .2009. Accordingly.1.2009 Amendment to Annexure-II (Revised) attached to MOD letter No.11. -Sd(Harbans Singh) Director (Pension/Policy) (N) Annexure to MOD Letter No.17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Pol) dated 21.p.2009. 17(4)/2008(1)/ D(Pen/Policy) dated 11.1. under which Lieutenant Colonel and equivalent officer in Navy and Air Force have been placed in Pay Band – 4 (i. 37400 – Rs. 2/S/2008 dated 21st April 2009 respectively. 2/S/2008. Special Navy Instruction No.11. Rs. as notified in Annexure-II (revised) to this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 20. are substituted with the rates indicated in enclosed Annexure.5. 8. 2/S/2008 and Special Air Force Instruction No. the rates of minimum guaranteed pension/ family pension for the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (Substantive)/ Lieutenant Colonel (Time Scale) and equivalent ranks in Navy & Air Force. 67000) with Grade Pay of Rs. 6.2008 as amended vide this Ministry’s letter of even No. Sir.e.m. 2. dated 20.Family Pensioners.1. dated 20. While the qualifying service indicated in the Table – 1 above is the actual qualifying service.5 17 17.02.5 27 27.5 24 24.COL.(S) is due to different rank weightage admissible to Lt.5 29 29.COL(S) 13240 13629 14019 14408 14797 15187 15576 15966 16355 16744 17134 17523 17913 18302 18691 19081 19470 19860 20249 20638 21028 RANK LT.1 (b) (II) of this Ministry’s letter No. Fixation of Initial Pay in the revised Pay Bands.(TS) and Lt Col.COL(TS) Qualifying service 10 10.5 12 12.Special Navy Instruction NO 2/S/2008 dated 21 Apr 2009. the amount of pension indicated is inclusive of the rank weightage as admissible in terms of Para 5. 2.5 22 22.5 26 26.Col.5 19 19.5 30 19860 20249 20638 21028 21417 21807 22196 22585 22975 23364 23754 24143 24532 24922 25311 25700 25700 25700 25700 25700 LT.(S) 15420 Notes: 1.1998. Sub: Amendment 2/S/2008.1 of MOD letter No.1998.5 18 18. Military Service Pay and Regulation of Pay on Promotion – for Officers of all branches and Midshipmen/ Cadets of the Navy (Excluding Medical and Dental Branches) consequent upon the implementation of .5 16 16.5 28 28.5 14 14.5 23 23.02. Revision of Pay Scales.COL. Grade Pay.(S) 21417 21807 22196 22585 22975 23364 23754 24143 24532 24922 25311 25700 25700 25700 25700 25700 25700 25700 25700 25700 TABLE – 2 : FAMILY PENSION RANK LT.COMMISSIONED OFFICERS – ARMY & EQUIVALENT IN NAVY AND AIRFORCE (OTHER THAN MNS) RANK LT.5 25 25.(S) in terms of Para 5. 1(6)/98/D(Pension/services) dated 03.5 11 11.5 20 11682 12072 12461 12850 13240 13629 14019 14408 14797 15187 15576 15966 16355 16744 17134 17523 17913 18302 18691 19081 19470 LT. 1(6)/98/D(Pen/Sers) dated 03.Col. The difference in the amount of pension for the same qualifying service of Lt Col.COL. (P) Ref (XIII): Authority.COL.(TS) and LT.(TS) 15420 LT.(TS Qualifying service 20.5 21 21.5 13 13.5 15 15. No.the decision of the Government with respect to recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission for the Navy The following amendments are made to SNI/2/S/08 dated 18. 67000 + Rs.No. 4A. 4 of Table in para 4(a). .Commander (Refer entry at S. the following Note would be added: Note: 1. 5. 37400 – Rs. Existing entries at S.No.2008 and no arrears for MSP shall be drawn would be eligible for the benefit of drawing pay as per entries at . Benefit of pay fixation as per entries at S.e. 4A would apply to all Cdrs/ equivalent officers including those on deputations presently.10.2008:(a) After the entries at S. the following entries are added before entries at S. 2.f.09. In future. 6000 Pre-revised Revised Pay Pay in Rank Pay Pay in the Pay Grade Pay Military Service the Scale Band Pay 13500 1600 38530 8000 6000 13900 1600 38530 8000 6000 14300 1600 39690 8000 6000 14700 1600 39890 8000 6000 15100 1600 40890 8000 6000 15500 1600 40890 8000 6000 15900 1600 42120 8000 6000 16300 1600 42120 8000 6000 16700 1600 43390 8000 6000 17100 1600 43390 8000 6000 17600 1600 44700 8000 6000 17900 1600 44700 8000 6000 18300 1600 46050 8000 6000 Total Revised Pay 52530 52530 53690 53690 54890 54890 56120 56120 57390 57390 58700 58700 60050 Military Service Pay is to be paid w.No. 01. 3.No. 4A in Para 4 (a)) Pre-revised scale Revised Pay Band PB-4 + Grads Pay + MSP Rs. only Cdrs in their parent service and on tenure postings which fell within the purview of Ministry of Defence or tenure posting to organizations outside Ministry of Defence based on the exigencies of service where the duties are military in nature and the officers carry out vital combat functions which services would have to fulfill themselves. 4 would continue to apply to Cdrs/ equivalent officers in case they give their consent to go on deputations in future. 4A Cdr 1350017100 1600 PB-4 3740067000 8000 6000 (b) After the Table in para 4(a).No. 8000 + Rs. 13500-400-17100 Rs. Rank . O. 1(30)/ 09-AG/PA dated 20. 4A is attached.No. PC 1/71/2008/D(Pay/ Services) -Sd/(Binoy kumar) Joint secretary to the Government of India . F.4.No.(c) Pay fixation Table of Cdrs for cases to be covered under S.2009.No. This issues with the concurrences of the Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their U. to Rs 18000/. Should be drawing normal service/ disability/ family pension. Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) was launched with effect from 01 Apr 2003. 2. tests and medicines are free of cost. service medical facilities and civil empanelled/ government hospitals spread across the country. Free indoor/ outdoor treatment. for the patients. covering all diseases. (a) No age or medical condition for becoming a member (b) Life time premium ranges from Rs 1800/.CHAPTER 5 ECHS 1.( depending upon basic uncommuted pension). Familiar environment and sense of belongingness. 4. which includes wife/ husband. ECHS Scheme. (g) Covers spouse and all dependents which includes eligible children and parents. Advantages of Becoming ECHS Member. The scheme has been structured to ensure cashless transactions. . Eligibility for ECHS Membership. as far as possible. It has now established to provide quality medicare to Armed Forces Veterans (AFV) and their dependents through a network of ECHS polyclinics. The scheme caters for medical care to all ESM pensioners including disability and family pensioners and their dependents. Country wide network of ECHS polyclinics. legitimate children and wholly dependent parents. To be eligible for membership of ECHS a person must meet following two conditions:(a) (b) Should have ESM status. (c) (d) (e) (f) No monetary ceiling on treatment. Treatment provided under ECHS will be as per the allopathic medical system. 3. The scheme is financed by Govt of India. 5. Eligibility Status for Dependents. dependents of ESM:- The following qualify to be (a) Parents. Father and mother of the pensioner shall be deemed to be dependent if they normally reside with the ESM pensioner and their combined income from all sources is less than Rs 3500/-p.m. If both husband and wife are defence personnel , parents of both members are eligible if both pay subscription subject to meeting dependency criteria. The declaration through an affidavit regarding income of parents should be furnished by ESM once in beginning of every calendar year. (b) Spouse. (i) Legally wedded spouse (More than one spouse and children from the second spouse are not permitted to avail ECHS benefits). (ii) Name should be included in the record of service. (iii) Legally separated spouse is included as long as the ESM pensioner is responsible for her maintenance. (iv) If the spouse is employed in Govt service then he/ she can only be a member of any one Govt/ public sector medical benefit scheme and not be a simultaneous member of two Govt medical schemes. (v) If a war widow remarries, then she alone is eligible. Her husband and children from him will not be eligible. (vi) In case the ESM pensioner marries after retirement, following documents will be required as proof for dependency of wife:(aa) Marriage certificate from authorised Registrar of Marriages/ Municipal Committee (ab) Fresh ECHS application form for enrolling the spouse as a dependent. (ac) Part II Orders / Gen Form/ personal occurrence published. (C) Daughter(s). (i) Her/ their details must exist in the service record of the pensioner. (ii) Unmarried as well as divorced daughter(s) with total income from all sources less than Rs 3500/- p.m. (iii) Widowed daughters who are dependent on the pensioner and whose income from all sources is less than Rs 3500/- per month are entitled. (iv) In case daughter is born after the pensioner’s joining ECHS, following documents will be required to enable the child to be declared as a dependent and to become entitled to ECHS benefits:(aa) (ab) Birth certificate. Fresh ECHS application form to enroll her as dependent. (ac) Part II Orders/Gen Forms/ personal occurrence are required to be published stating birth of the child or an affidavit by the widow in case the ESM pensioner could not get Part II Orders published for birth of his children. (d) Son(s) (h) His/ their details must be included in the pensioners Record of Service. (ii) His total income from all sources should not exceed Rs 3500/- p.m. Son(s) above 25 years of age are not eligible to be dependent (s) in ECHS. (iii) In case where the son(s) is/ are born after the pensioner’s joining the ECHS, the following documents will be required as proof of dependency. (aa) Birth Certificate. (ab) Fresh ECHS application form to enroll him as a dependent. (ac) Part II Orders/ Gen Forms/ personal occurrence stating birth of the child or an affidavit by the widow in case the ESM pensioner could not get Part II Orders published for birth of the children. (e) Children with Permanent Disability. Children suffering from permanent physical or mental disability and are unable to earn their livelihood are permitted to be dependents for life time, irrespective of age limit or mental condition. The certificate of disability is to be certified by either the Service Classified Specialist or a Civil Surgeon. 6. Persons NOT Eligible under ECHS. becoming members of ECHS:(a) The following are NOT eligible for Gorkha pensioners of Nepal domicile. (b) Whole time NCC officers who do not meet the twin conditions referred to under para 5 above. © Ex-Eco / SSCO’s who do not meet twin conditions referred to at para 5 above. (d) Legally divorced spouse. (e) Married and/ or employed daughters/ and any child whose total monthly income from all sources is more than Rs 3500/(f) Son(s) above 25 years of age or who have started earning whichever is earlier. (g) (h) Parents of widow / war widow. Husband of a remarried war widow including children born from him. 7. Smart Card. Essential to avail entitled medicare. If there is any requirement to utilize the medicare at other than parent polyclinic temporarily, temporary attachment certificate for six months can be obtained from the parent polyclinic. For permanent change of parent polyclinic, smart cards are required to be changed for new polyclinic. (a) The Card. A card with a 16 KB chip is being issued to all members as proof of membership of the scheme. The card is usable at all the 227 polyclinics across the country, after its activation by giving thumb impression at any polyclinic preferably parent polyclinic. The Smart Card stores various details, both in the physical as well as digital form, which can be accessed at all polyclinics. the nearest polyclinic should be informed by telephone/fax/telegram. referral will NOT be provided and member has to make payment which is NOT reimbursable. Nearest ECHS polyclinic is to be informed within 48 hours (two working days) of admissions to the hospital by the hospital. Any subsequent amendment to the card desired by the member will require a fresh card to be made on approval of ECHS organisation.and is to be borne by the (d) Amendment to Card. In case of emergency in a station other than home station of the ECHS beneficiary. Members are not to make any payment. (c) Non. Emergency Certificate by the hospital/ treating doctor . Proof of such intimation should be attached with the claim. availed as follows:(a) Service Hospital. referral is generated by the polyclinic for the hospital. treatment can be Free treatment provided and no further action is (b) Empanelled Hospitals. Hospital bills are to be cleared by the member. required. it should be brought to the notice of the issuing authority within 07 (seven) days from receipt of the card to get a free replacement (if the error is on the part of issuing authority) 8. Treatment is provided by the empanelled hospital.Empanelled Hospitals. Nearest polyclinic is to be informed by the member/patient/ NOK within 48 hours (two working days). member. In case of an emergency. However. and at a cost to be borne by the member. photocopy of ECHS smart card. In case of emergency in a station without any polyclinic. an ‘Emergency Information Report’ (EIR) is initiated by the Oi/c polyclinic. Claim for re-imbursement along with original bills and investigation reports. Dependent parents will be included in the Master Card and no separate add on card will be issued to them as they normally reside with the ESM. the EIR is to be obtained from the nearest polyclinic. bill summary. The cost of each card is Rs 90/. Normally a total of four cards (one master card and three additional cards) can be issued to a single member. discharge summary.(b) Quantity. After verification of emergency. After verification. Emergency Treatment. Note: In case of any incorrect entry in the Smart Card. if emergency is not established. In addition a mentally/ physically challenged child will be issued a white card for its dependency once eligibility is established. (c) Cost. All bills of treatment will be submitted to parent polyclinic within one month of termination of hospitalization.and EIR should be submitted alongwith a written application by the member to the Oi/c polyclinic explaining circumstances of emergency (briefly) and with a request to process the claim. Vitamins. . (c) For patients with chronic diseases on long term treatment. unless Temporary Attachment Certificate is carried. (a) Members/dependents are required to visit polyclinics and register themselves for issue of any kind of medicine. Reimbursement will be admitted at approved rates and subject to conditions. Issue of Medicines. minerals. the Oi/c polyclinic can procure essential medicine required for 7 days at a time from an empanelled chemist and issue to the patient. Onus of proving emergency lies with the ECHS member. medicines May be issued for a max period of 90 days at a time. medicines upto one month will be issued from the service hospital concerned on discharge. 9. (ii) In non-military stations. (d) Medicines issued from any polyclinic other than the ‘Parent Polyclinic’ will be restricted to a max of 07 days at a time. if the same is not available. the following action will be taken:(i) In non-military station Oi/c polyclinic will arrange procurement through SEMO and issue at the earliest. However. patient will get medicines for use beyond one month period from his/ her parent polyclinic. Superspeciality medicines may take some time for procurement. for long term medications. For this. if the treating doctor prescribes and review of the patient during the period is not due. nutritional supplements and tonics will NOT to be purchased from Empanelled Chemist unless therapeutically prescribed. However. (f) Medicines prescribed on discharge from empanelled hospitals will be issued from polyclinic. Medicines will be issued for duration as prescribed by treating doctors. (e) For patients admitted/ advised treatment in service hospital. (b) Medicine issues will be on the basis of generic names only. the patient should put in a demand (beyond one month) with his parent polyclinic ‘AS SOON AS POSSIBLE’. . This list contains all the essential drugs. (ii) Part-A of Temporary Attachment Certificate (TAC) in original is to be deposited with Oi/c of outstation polyclinic from where subsequent issue of medicine is desired. as approved by the DGAFMS. (ab) (ac) (ad) (ae) Oncology Post operative organ transplant cases. (iv) Only generic medicines will be issued from polyclinics. The procedure is as under:(i) A ‘Temporary Attachment Certificate’ is to be obtained from the parent polyclinic before the patient moves to a new location temporarily. Post operative major Neurosurgical/ Neurology cases. and claim reimbursement of the same:(aa) Post operative cases of major Cardiac Surgery/ Interventional Cardiology. Post operative joint replacement cases. 10. Issue of medicines at Outstation Polyclinic for Chronic Patients on Temporary Attachment Certificate (a) Medicines can now be issued for 30 days at a time from any specialised ‘ outstation polyclinic’ of choice ( other than parent polyclinic). and is updated periodically. Generic equivalent of branded medicines prescribed by specialists of empanelled hospitals will be issued.(iii) In following cases patients can purchase medicines for one month period after discharge from hospital/ review if the same is ‘Not Available’ from polyclinic. Branded medicines may be issued on non availability of generic equivalent in existing list of PVMS and NIV drugs only. (iii) Part-B of TAC is to be retained by the patient and endorsement is obtained on it during each time the medicines are issued to him by the outstation polyclinic. will be to a service hospital having the requisite facility and located in the station. patients may be offered the choice of being referred to an empanelled facility/ Govt hospital/ Institute of National Repute or to the nearest service hospital having the facility. (a) Referrals from polyclinics will only be made once all available facilities of the polyclinic are fully utilized. Concept of Referral. oncology etc) can only be made by a specialist at the polyclinic or on the advice of concerned specialist of service hospital. (i) Referral for general specialities not available in polyclinic. Polyclinics are basically points of treatment and only those patients needing additional diagnostic tests/ consultation/ hospitalization should be referred beyond the ECHS polyclinic. (c) Referral for Specialised Services. (vi) TAC can not be issued for more than one polyclinic for the same duration. Referral for super specialities (like cardiology. a TAC will be valid for a maximum period of 06 (six) months only. subject to load at the time of the referral. Referral for General Service Facilities. All cases requiring hospital admissions will be referred to service hospitals except under the following circumstances:- (b) . 11. (ii) For facilities not available in the local service hospitals and in non-military station. Deposition of Part-B of one TAC is a mandatory prerequisite for recommendation of issue of medicines from parent polyclinic and for eligibility of issue of another TAC at a later date. (v) No medicines will be issued to the patient from the parent polyclinic for the duration for which TAC has been issued.(iv) Part-B of TAC is to be deposited back with the parent polyclinic once the patient returns back to the place of his permanent residence for continuation of ongoing treatment. if required (vii) Once issued. (d) Hospital Admission. subject to load. or concerned specialist of local Govt hospital or concerned specialist of empanelled hospital (in the absence of service hospital/ facility). (e) In case of referral to empanelled facilities an endorsement will be made under signature of Oi/c polyclinic stating as under:(i) Military Stations with Service Hospitals “Verified that beds/ specialty/ facility is not available in the local service hospital at present” (ii) Non Military Stations/ Military Stations without Service Hospital “There is no service hospital located in the station. In military stations without service hospitals. S.11012/1/98-CGHS (P) dated 10 Dec 2008. (ii) Non availability of concerned specialist facility in the service hospital at that point of time. 3500/. (b) Consequent to the implementation of recommendation of the 6Th Pay Commission and revision of income criteria for dependency of “family” in the CGHS vide Govt of India. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49701-PRI/AG/ ECHS dated 04 Feb 09 is reproduced below:(a) Reference Central Organisation letter no B/49764 /AG/ ECHS dt 10 Oct 03 and B/49701-SP/AG/ECHS dt.” 12. . (iii) Non availability of machine time/ laboratory time for referral on account of diagnostic tests. 06 May 05. 3500/. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare letter No. The amount of dearness relief. the income criteria for dependency of family in ECHS also stands revised to “Rs. at that point of time. as indicated in the income limit stands for the amount of dearness relief drawn by a pensioner / family pensioner on the date of consideration and not the amount of dearness relief due on the date of amount of Dearness Relief on the basic pension or Rs.(i) Non availability of beds in the concerned ward of service hospital. (iv) (v) In non-military on the date of consideration”. Income Criteria from all sources for dependency. (e) This organization letter No B/49701-SP/AG/ECHS dated 06 May 2005 stands superseded. All other terms and conditions of eligibility will remain unchanged.(c) The orders are to be implemented with immediate effect. The contact details of the Oi/c is as follows :Name Address : : Lt Col (retd) SG Basha ECHS Polyclinic. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49760/AG/ECHS (R) dated 26 Feb 09 is reproduced below:(a) Suggestions had been received form Armed Forces Veterans (AFVs) for utilization of their services on voluntary basis to assist ECHS work at ECHS polyclinics. Secunderabad is one such polyclinics where the voluntary work by the AFVs has been harmonized to provide better service to patients. (d) The point may be noted by the eligible ESM while submitting affidavit for membership. Enhancement of Contractual Fees. (b) It is recommended that Oi/c ECHS polyclinics may appropriately utilize the offer of voluntary service from AFVs to further enhance the efficiency of polyclinics as also the service to AFV/beneficiary patients. This offer was welcomed and coordinated by Oi/c polyclinics into voluntary work plan covering one of the existing workstation of the polyclinic. This has not only supplemented polyclinic manpower but has done great social service to AFVs patients. (c) ECHS polyclinic. Copy of corrigendum vide GOI MOD letter No 22 D (50)/2007/US (WE)/ dated 30 Jul 2009 on revision of contractual fees is reproduced below:CORRIGENDUM . Secunderabad J-79 Meadows Trimulghery. Advisory Memo No 1/2009 : Voluntary Work at ECHS Polyclinics by AFVs. Secunderabad-15 Landline : 040-27993086 Mobile No : 09490745860 Tele : 14. 13. 6.500/Rs 7. 8. 4.000/Rs 15.000/- Sr No Category 1.000/Rs 25.500/Rs 7. 7.000/Rs10. . Medical Officer Specialist(Medical Specialist & Gynecologist) Dental Officer Oi/c Polyclinic Nursing Assistant (Nurse) Nursing Assistant (General) Nursing Assistant (X Ray Assistant/ Radiographer) Nursing Assistant (Physiotherapist) Laboratory Assistant Dental Hygienist/ Dental Assistant 9. (b).500/Rs 7.000/Rs 7. (a) I am directed to convey the sanction of President to following amendments being made in appendix ‘A’ & ‘B’ to GOI MOD letter No 24(6)/03/US (WE)/D(Res) dated 22 Sep 2003.000/Rs 15.000/Rs 9.000/Rs 25. 2.000/Rs 7. 5.500/Rs 10. Appendix ‘A’ amended to read as follows:For Contractual Fees(PM) Rs 15.500/Rs7. 10.Sir.000/Rs10.000/Rs 25. 3.500/Read Contractual Fees(PM) Rs 25.000/Rs 10.000/Rs 35.000/Rs 10. the hospital expenditure has also risen. 16. (b) Initial scrutiny has revealed that this problem has not affected Stn HQ’s who have monitored receipt of hospital bills at ECHS polyclinics and have accordingly factored in the future liability in budget projections. Processing of Minor Hospital Bills and Individual Claims. Category Receptionist/ Clerk/ Data Entry Operator Female Attendant Driver Peon Safai Wala 2. 15. This input be utilized to modulate periodic estimate projections to maximize accuracy and prevent gaps between liabilities and fund availability at all levels.(c).500/Rs 4.500/Rs 3. The hospitals have complained of late clearance of bills much beyond the stipulated period of 90 days.500/Rs 6. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49779/AG/ECHS dated 03 Mar 09 is reproduced below:(a) ECHS beneficiary base has now expanded to over 29 lakhs. Monitoring of Hospital and individual bills. 5.500/- Sr No 1. Immediate corrections/ modifications are required to establish balance.500/Rs 7. This is undesirable and totally avoidable. While availability of funds is not a constraint.500/Rs 3. 3. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49778/AG/ECHS/Policy dated 04 Mar 09 is reproduced below:- . Appendix ‘A’ amended to read as follows:For Contractual Fees(PM) Rs 7. 4. in form of sanctioned bills. The revised order will be effective from the date of issue.500/Read Contractual Fees(PM) Rs 8. (c) It is therefore directed that Command HQs monitor the receipt of hospital and individual bills at polyclinics in their AOR on monthly basis.000/Rs 6.000/Rs 6. Accordingly.500/Rs 3. inaccurate budget forecasts from Stn HQs and liability to empanelled hospitals/ individuals. They can avail treatment in any hospital including non empanelled medical facility when faced with emergency involving threat to life or limb. it has been decided to lay down guidelines and procedures to be followed while processing low cost emergency claims and hospital bill including traveling allowance (up to Rs 5000/-) to be reimbursed from the Cash Assignment of Stn HQs without involving the SEMO at high pressure Stns. (c) On many occasions ECHS members and their dependents are referred to empanelled hospital/ diagnostic centres as outpatients for consultations and investigations. In case of undertaking treatment in a non empanelled hospital. (d) In view of the above. This will avoid delay in bill processing and inconvenience to the ECHS members. (b) ECHS members are referred to different empanelled hospitals/ diagnostic centres / dental clinics for various treatment/ procedures.(a) Reference Govt of India letter No 24(8)/03/US/(WE)/D(Res) dated 19 Dec 03 and Central Organisation letter no B/49773/AG/ECHS dated 25 May 04. Many a times the cost of consultation/ investigation or routine medical procedures is quite low. the bills are cleared by the member and subsequently reimbursement is claimed. Hematology. (b) Orthopedic and plaster work (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Physiotherapy Dental procedures All X-Ray procedures including CT & MRI Ultrasound Investigation Clinical Pathology. 17. The problem is getting more acute in high pressure stations. Processing of such minor medical bills when submitted by hospitals/ diagnostic centres or claimed by ECHS member is time consuming and causes avoidable inconvenience and paper work. The bills from empanelled hospital and individual claims are paid out of cash assignment of Stn HQ after processing and working out the entitled amount. Procedure for Processing Minor Reimbursements Bills. Bills/claims of following type will be considered to be of minor nature :(a) OPD consultation including re-visit and subsequent visit(s). Biochemistry. There is no value addition in scrutiny by the SEMO as package rates are applicable. . Histopathology. (a) The bills will be examined by the medical specialist/medical officer in polyclinic and Oi/c polyclinic will do authentication and verification of rates charged/claimed which will be compared with approved CGHS/ AIIMS rates and the entitled amount worked out. (e) In respect of minor bills upto Rs 5000/. Following documents will be attached in duplicate along with the bill/ claim :(a) (b) Referral slip from polyclinic and photocopy of ECHS card Copy of prescription slip and/ or investigation report. the bill will be fwd to Station Headquarter for the approval of Station Commander and payment. for which TA has been claimed. Bacteriology and Serology. 20.the power to sanction may be delegated to OIC ECHS of the Stn on the orders of Stn Cdrs. Payments will be made by cheque to the empanelled facilities/ individuals from the cash assignment after obtaining the sanction of Station Commander and subject to post audit as hitherto fore. Military hospital) by Stn Cdr for authentication. (c) Thereafter. His recommendation as SEMO will be endorsed on the bill/claim. (b) Medical specialist of ECHS polyclinic will be considered as SEMO for processing such minor bills. before making payments from cash assignment. (d) 19. Receipt for payment On Receipt of the Bill. (h) (j) Dialysis Traveling allowance 18. (c) In TA Claims Only – Case summary prepared by Medical Specialist/ MO of polyclinic in case patient reqd referral to outstation medical facility. (d) In case of any ambiguity in validating treatment modality offered. List of High Pressure Stations . The ECHS empanelled facilities/ member will be required to submit the bill duly signed and authenticated by Hosp authorities to the OIC polyclinic. procedure undertaken or pathology investigations the bills/claim will be referred to the SEMO (CO. Therefore. Reference Central Org letter No B/49779/AG/ECHS dated 19 Mar (b) The number of bills towards payment of hospital claims/ individual claims is rising day by day. 22. there is a need to institute methods by the Station Commanders to ensure timely payment of bills and growth in expenditure proportionately through out the financial year. (c) After detailed deliberations at the Army HQ.(a) Meerut (b) Kolkata (c) Chennai (d) Pune (e) Chandimandir (f) Jalandhar (g) Amritsar (hj) Ludhiana (m) Bangalore (j) Delhi Cantt (k) Secunderabad (n) Trivandrum (p) Kochi (q) Kanpur 21. Income Criteria from All Sources for Dependency. are to be paid by the Station HQ. it has been decided to institute targets towards settlement of bills at the station in respect of bills which are to be paid within the CFA powers of the Army HQ & below :Dates upto which Bills received by the Last date by which Bills Polyclinics. Carry forward bills from last FY upto 31 30 Jun May Bills received upto 30 Jun 30 Sep Bills received upto 30 Sep 31 Dec Bills received upto 30 Dec 31 Mar (d) The Regional Centres have been tasked to monitor this issue. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49779/AG/ECHS dated 19 Mar 09 is reproduced below:(a) 09. a monthly confirmation of achievement of target will have to be forwarded by the Stn HQ to the concerned regional centre by 15th of the month ending the quarter. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49701-PRI/AG/ECHS dated 23 Mar 09 is reproduced below:- . Target for Clearance of Medical Bills. Justification for not achieving the target if any. alongwith the details of carry forward bills from the previous target period to the next target period will also be given bill wise with reasons for delay in payment. While the requirement of additional manpower for the job is simultaneously being pursued with the Govt. The above resolution has no affect on the management of the ECHS and shall continue to remain as applicable earlier. 24. the Managing Director has been made accountable to the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare for all matters related to ECHS. Command and Control of ECHS.(a) Reference Central Org letter No B/49701-PRI/AG/ECHS dated 04 Feb 09. there is no change in the policy towards the management of the scheme and the control of the existing chain of command over the scheme remains unchanged. the funds allotted on VOA may be exceeded for payment of medical bills. Reference Central Org letter No B/49779/AG/ECHS dated 19 Mar (b) A few Station HQs have intimated that it may not be possible to achieve the target for payment of claims outstanding as on 31 Mar 2009 by 30 Jun 2009 as funds allotted on Vote on Account (VOA) would be insufficient to meet the carried forward liabilities towards payment of medical bills. (b) The effective date of revised income criteria for dependency will be 01 Jan 2009 and not 04 Feb 09. (c) It is clarified that under the existing Govt orders. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49779/AG/ECHS dated 01 May 09 is reproduced below:(a) 09. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49726/AG/ECHS/Est dated 01 May 09 is reproduced below:(a) It is intimated that a resolution has been issued by GOI MoD vide Gazette Notification No. Ministry of Defence besides DGR and KSB. By the issuance of the above resolution. 23. . (b) A few formations have enquired whether the above gazette notification affects the existing command and control channels in functioning of the ECHS. (c) It is intimated that the carried forward bills as 31 Mar 2009 must be fully paid by 30 Jun 2009 and if required. 10(02)/I/D(Res)/2007 dated 29 Jan 2009 by which ECHS has been placed under the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare. Payment of Outstanding Medical Bills. Command HQs are requested to sub allot more funds to stations which have more carry forward liability as compared to those who have less. (b) Application forms for empanelment of hospitals/ diagnostic/ dental centres and hospices will be available with the following establishments :(i) (ii) (iii) Station Headquarters Regional Centre ECHS Central Organisation ECHS (c) The Procedure to be followed for processing of application form is as follows :(i) Submission of application forms for empanelment by the hospitals will be at the nearest Regional Centre. Reference Central Org letter No B/49717-C/AG/ECHS dated 18 Apr (b) A Contempt Petition (C) 16 of 2007 in WP (C) No 210/1999 was filed by the Confederation of Ex-servicemen Association against nonrefund of ECHS subscription to pre-01 Jan 1996 retirees. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49714Contempt/AG/ECHS dated 05 May 09 is reproduced below:(a) 09. Contempt Petition (C) No. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49771/AG/ECHS dated 05 May 09 is reproduced below:(a) Reference Central Org letter No B/49771/AG/ECHS/Policy dated 25 Jan 09. 210/1999 Filed by Retired Defence Officers Association before The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. (ii) The regional centre will forward the application to the concerned Station HQs within two weeks of receipt. 16 of 2007 in Writ petition (Civil) No. and after processing the application. under intimation to Central Organisation ECHS.25. (iii) The Station HQs will order the BOO. for ECHS membership. forward the same to the regional centre ECHS . Procedure for Application for Empanelment of Hospitals/ Diagnostic /Dental Centres and Hospices. The Contempt Petition has since been dismissed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court. 26. . (v) The Command Headquarters will forward the application to Central Organisation ECHS.concerned within three months of receipt. However. under intimation to Central Organisation ECHS. Re-Imbursement of Traveling Allowance for Veterans. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49783/AG/ECHS dated 06 May 09 is reproduced below:(a) Reference Station Cell HQ MB Area letter No. a delay report would be required to be attached giving details of circumstances leading to the delay and recommendations for condonation. at the earliest. (d) The flow chart showing the revised chain of processing of the application form for empanelment is as follows :- Hospitals Regional Centre ECHS 02 Weeks Station HQ BOO 03 Months Regional Centre ECHS 02 Weeks Empowered Committee of MoD Central Organisation ECHS Command Headquarters {Endorsement by MG (Med) & GOC-in-C} (e) Adequate time has been given to enable processing/Board of Officers. (iv) Regional centre will further forward the application to the Command Headquarters within two weeks. to cater for unforeseen contingencies. Delay in processing of applications would therefore not be acceptable. 27. after the endorsement by MG (Med) and GOC-in-C. along with a copy of board proceedings duly completed in all respects. 1001/Acct/ECHS/A dated 13 Mar 09. (b) There have been many representations and complaints from the environment regarding period of issue of medicines for chronic ailments. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49784/AG/ECHS dated 12 May 09 is reproduced below:(a) A few Station HQs have requested to clarify the amount of contribution to be paid by entitled pensioner / family pensioner through MRO to become member consequent to revision of pension as per the recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission. It causes hardship and has resulted in great discontent amongst such patients. Issue of Medicines for 90 Days to ECHS Beneficiaries. Most of these patients do not require any review by medical officer/ specialist and just come from far off places to get prescription for being issued with medicines. The revised uncommuted pension on the date of application will be established through the DPDO / banker’s certificate required for becoming ECHS member. journey can be performed in the class lower than the entitled class and reimbursed accordingly. Copy of Central Organisation letter no B/49762/AG/ECHS dated 13 May 09 is reproduced below:(a) Reference Central Org letter No B/49762/AG /ECHS dated 23 Oct 06 and IHQ of MOD (Army) DGMS (Army) letter No B/75782/DGMS5(B)/ESM dated 15 Dec 08. (b) It is clarified that the amount of contribution and the slab will depend upon the amount of uncommuted pension / family pension drawn by the individual in the revised pension scale at the time of seeking ECHS membership. ECHS Contribution due to Revision of Pension after 6th Pay Commission.(b) It is clarified that the admissibility of TA will be limited to the rail fare in entitled class as applicable at the time of retirement for medical treatment by shortest / main route as per the Govt orders. it has been decided in consultation with DGMS(Army). Many aged ex-servicemen are on long term treatment for chronic diseases who in most case do not need any change of treatment. 29. (c) Hence. In case. to issue medicines up to 90 days based on prescription giving due . (c) Railway travel may be undertaken by the entitled veterans in the class of accommodation entitled if available in the train. 28. the said class is not available. Chanakya Bhavan Chanakya Puri. 30. physical condition and place of dwelling of the patient.consideration to the age. Suggestions regarding management of ECHS may be forwarded to Director ECHS (N) at the following address:- Director. New Delhi -11021 Tel: 011-24101319 . ECHS (Navy) 6th Floor. Suggestions. or has been transferred to the reserve pending such release. otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. defence Security Corps. or (ii) has to serve for not more than six months for completing the period of service requisite for becoming entitled to be released or transferred to the reserved as aforesaid. Any person who had served in any rank (whether as a Combatant or not) in the Armed Forces of the Union for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation and released from there other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. include the Armed Forces of the Former Indian States but excluding the Assam Rifles. (b) Those Released on or After 01 Jul 68 but Before 01 Jul 79. The following is the broad categorization: (a) Those Released Before 01 Jul 68. General Reserve Engineering Force. An ‘Ex-servicemen’ means a person who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non combatant in the regular Army. And (i) has been released. The definition has been undergoing changes from time to time. The eligibility of the retired Defence personnel to the status of exservicemen is governed by the definition as laid down by Department of Personnel and Training.CHAPTER 6 KSB NEWS Definition of Ex-Servicemen 1. for a continuous period of not less than six months after attestation. (c) Those Released on or After 01 Jul 79 but Before 01 Jul 87. An ‘Exservicemen’ means a person who has served in any rank ( whether combatant or as a non-combatant). Navy and Air Force of the Union and . Any person who had served in any rank (whether as Combatant or not) in the Armed Forces of the Union and has been released from there other than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. after completing five years service in the Armed Forces of the Union. (d) Those Released on or After 01 Jul 87. Lok Sahayak Sena and Territorial Army. or (iii) has been released at his own request. in the Armed Forces of the Union. 2. namely: “ Any person who has been released” (a) at his own request after completing five years service in the Armed Forces of the Union.07. After careful consideration the Government has accepted the above definition recommended by the High Level Committee. from such service as a result of reduction in establishment. the effect of the earlier notification of 27 Oct 1986 has been stayed by issuing another Notification dated 27 Mar 1987 in which the date of effect has been indicated as 01. namely:(aa) pension holders for continuous embodied service. and includes personnel of the Territorial Army of the following categories. The net effect is that the following two categories of personnel.07.f 01. (ab) pension with disability attributable to military service and (ac) gallantry award winners. but since some of the categories were excluded without adequate publicity. and has been given a gratuity. The Notification containing the revised was issued on 27 Oct 1986 and published in the official gazette on 15 Nov 1986. otherwise than on his own request. However. otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or has been transferred to the . it may be observed that in the new suggested definition certain categories of personnel which have served in the Armed Forces of the Union have been excluded for consideration as ex-servicemen. or (iii) who has been released. or (iv) who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagements. whereas certain additional categories of Territorial Army Personnel have been added in the revised definition. (e) Officer cadets boarded out of training academies will be treated as exservicemen only for the purpose of employment in civil services.e. or (b) after serving for a continuous period of six months after attestation.87 as will be seen from the following provision.1987.(i) who retired from such service after earning his/ her pension or (ii) who has been released from such service on medical ground attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension. The Notification gives effect to the new definition from the date of its publication. otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. who were included in the pre-revised definition of’ Ex-servicemen’ will now cease to be treated as Ex-servicemen w. (b) Those released before 01 Jul 68. Lok Sahayak Sena and TA has been excluded from the definition of Armed Forces of Union. GREF. (iii) A person who has been released after completing the specific period of engagement and earned gratuity. (ii) Persons of Assam Rifles. (d) Those released on or after 01 Jul 79 but before 01 Jul 87. Ex- 3. who has completed five years service in the Armed Forces of the Union and has been released on his own request is an ESM. DSC. from such service as result of reduction in establishment. shall also be deemed to be an servicemen for the purpose of this clause. (ii) A person who has been released. Following points further amplify the definition of entitled ESM as given in the guide book:(a) Permanent disqualification to become an ESM. (e) Those released on or after 01 Jul 87. Amplification notes on definition of entitled ESM. (i) An ESM means a person who has earned his pension/ disability pension. Any person who has served in any rank in the Armed Forces of Union (no stipulation of duration of service) (c) Those released on or after 01 Jul 68 but before 01 Jul 79. Released from service by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. (iii) Any person.reserve pending such release. (i) Any person who has served in any rank in the Armed Forces of Union for a continues period of not less than six months after attestation and has been released. otherwise than at his own request. Any person who has served in any rank in the Armed Forces of Union for a continues period of not less than six months after attestation. . otherwise than on his own request. CHAPTER 7 .(iv) Includes pensioner/ disability pensioner/ gallantry award winners from TA. Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union including Armed Forces of the former Indian States but excludes the persons who have served in Defence Security Corps. Armed Forces of the Union means the Army. Armed Forces. Lok Sahayak Sena and Para Military Force (PMF). 4. General Reserve Engineering Force. Air Traffic Control. The required information regarding prevailing entry schemes for officers and sailors cadre is given in succeeding paragraphs. Law. Queries are being asked from this Directorate regarding entry in to the Navy. Seamen officers can specialise in any of the following:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Aviation(Pilots & Observers) Submarine Gunnery & Missiles Navigation & Direction Anti. Only sea going officers of the Executive Branch can exercise command of Ships. Submarines and Aircraft.Officers. You could be just the one to take this challenging sea-going career in any of the following branches:(a) Executive Branch. For the Navy to be top class. it requires top class Men & Women. Recruitment in the Navy. The path to Command is through the Executive Branch.submarine Warfare Communications (vii) Hydrography (viii) Diving (b) Engineering Branch. Naval Armament Inspection and Logistic Cadres also form part of the Executive Branch. Career Opportunities . 2.RECRUITMENT 1. . quality control. Additionally. The Indian Navy today employs the largest pool of trained Naval Architects in India. Any service will be as good as the training its officers and men receive. (c) Electrical Branch. submarines and aircraft abound with advanced technology. all this equipment must be kept working at peak efficiency. Opportunities to work in shore jobs in naval dockyards and indigenous production units also exist. In addition. Education officers are responsible for scientific and methodical instruction including theoretical aspects of technical subjects of all branches of the Navy and for general education. Education officers play a major role in training of a naval officer /sailor. Electrical officers have this responsibility and other challenging tasks. For a ship to be able to fight effectively. The Navy also offers excellent opportunities for postgraduate courses in India/ abroad. repair and new construction work of naval vessels. underwater weapons. A warship is a mini floating city with an integral power generation and distribution system.Officers of the engineering and electrical branches can also volunteer in the aviation/ submarine arm. (d) Education Branch. With the Navy going for more and more sophisticated warship production within the country.(i) Modern ships. Note:. The Engineer officer is responsible for keeping all these systems serviceable. radars and radio communication equipment form a major part of warship’s equipment. Naval Architect cadre offers excellent opportunities to keep abreast of the advancement in ship building technology. machinery and propulsion systems. construction. A Naval Architect is involved in design. In no other career is an engineer exposed to such a wide spectrum of opportunities to keep abreast of modern development. complex missile systems. (ii) Naval Architects specialize in warship construction. Commissions In the Indian Navy Executive Branch . an education officer can specialize in oceanography and meteorology and also in some of the specialization of the Executive Branch. An Engineer Officer’s career is interspersed with technical courses up to post-graduation level in India/abroad. A majority of these are either computer-based or computer-aided and incorporate the latest trends in electronic engineering. Same as Executive (General Service) A graduate degree with minimum 60% marks in any discipline with Mathematics & Physics at 10+2 level A graduate degree with minimum 55% marks in any discipline with Mathematics & Physics at 10+2 level (h) Logistics Cadre Men & Women 19 ½ -25 (j) ATC (Air Traffic Control) Men & Women 19 ½ -25 (k) Executive (General Service) Men 19 ½ -25 (l) Hydro Cadre (m) Aviation Cadre (Executive Branch) (n) Observers (Aviation Cadre) Men Men Men & Women 19 ½ -25 19 .23 19-23 Education Branch Permanent Commission Men 21-25 A Master’s Degree in one of the following with at least 50% marks. Naval Academy (e) Direct Entry Naval Armament Inspection Cadre (f) Direct Entry Law Cadre Unmarried Men/Women Men Men Age Limit(Yrs) 1 6 ½ -19 16 ½ -19 Educational Qualifications 10+2 or equivalent with Physics & Maths 10+2 or equivalent with Physics & Maths BSc (Physics & Maths) or BE Men 19 . NCC ‘C’ Certificate Degree in Electronics/ Elect/ Mech Engg Or Post Graduate Degree in Electronics or Physics A Degree in Law qualifying for enrolment as an Advocate under the Advocates Act 1961 with minimum 55% marks Men 22-27 Short Service Commission (g) Law Cadre Men & Women 22-27 A Degree in Law qualifying for enrolment as an Advocate under the Advocates Act 1961 with minimum 55% marks A First Class Degree with minimum 60% marks in any of the following:(a) B Com/BA (Economics) (b) MBA/BBA/BBM (c) MBA/BCA/BSc (IT) (d) B Tech/BE (e) Graduate Degree with Post Graduate Diploma/ Degree in Materials Management/ICWA or Chartered Accountancy A first class science graduate with Physics & Maths or M/Sc with Physics or Maths securing min 55% marks A graduate with minimum 55% marks with Physics & Maths at 10+2 level. Written Examination Conducted through CDSE) (d) NCC Special Entry. .Permanent Commission Type of Entry (a) Cadet Entry (NDA) (Through UPSC) (b) Cadet Entry (10+2) Naval Academy (Through UPSC) (c) Graduate Special Entry. Graduate with Physics and Chemistry at 10+2 level holding Naval Wing Senior Division ‘C’ certificate or BE/ B. (Through UPSC. Tech with minimum 55% marks in any discipline.24 19 ½ -25 BSc (Physics & Maths) or BE With Naval Wing Senior Div. Naval Academy.22 Men Men 19 . minimum 50% marks in English either in 10th or 12th class) Short Service Commission (c) Direct Entry (Tech Branch) (d) Direct Entry (Submarine Cadre) (e) University Entry Scheme (UES) Men 19 ½ -25 A Degree in Marine/ Mech/ Aeronautical/ Control/Metallurgical/Production Engg With Minimum 55% marks BE (Mechanical) with Minimum 55% marks A Degree in Marine/Electrical/Electronics/ Avionics/ Instrumentation on Control/ Telecommunication with minimum 60% marks up to VIth Semester.Sc) or (b) Maths (with Physics in B.(a) Physics (with Maths in B.Sc) or An Engineering Degree in Mech/Elect/ Electronics/ Computer Science/ IT with minimum 60% marks Short Service Commission Men & Women 21-25 Same as permanent commission in education branch. Men Men 19 ½ -25 19-24 Engineering Branch (Naval Architects) Permanent Commission (a) Cadet Entry 10+2 (Tech) Men 16 ½ -19 10+2 or equivalent with Physics. minimum 50% marks in English either in 10th or 12th class) Short Service Commission (b)Direct Entry (Naval Architecture) Men & Women 19 ½ -25 BE in Mechanical/ Metallurgical/Civil/ Aeronautical/ Naval Architecture with minimum 60% marks (c) Special Naval Architect Entry Scheme (SNAES) Men 19 ½ -25 BE in Naval Architect with minimum 60% marks Electrical Branch Permanent Commission (a) Cadet Entry (NDA) Men 16 ½ -19 10+2 or equivalent with Physics & Maths . Chemistry & Maths (Minimum 70% marks in aggregate of PCM. Chemistry & Maths (minimum 70% marks in aggregate of PCM. Engineering Branch (Marine Engineers) Permanent Commission (a) Cadet Entry (NDA) (b) Cadet Entry (10+2) (Tech) Men Men 16 ½ -19 16 ½ -19 10+2 or equivalent with Physics & Maths 10+2 or equivalent with Physics. 3. Chemistry & Maths (minimum 70% marks in aggregate of PCM. 5. Further information can also be obtained from JDMPR (OI & R). Sena Bhawan. 2.nic. 10+2 (Ex) and Graduate Special Entry] interview at   Services Selection Board and medical examination. Other degree should be from a recognized university. Women are eligible to apply for Short Service Commission in ATC.Sailors. 7(a) 7(b) The above information is a broad guideline and is subject to change as per the induction requirement of the Indian Navy. The training of officers selected through the above entries normally commences in the months of Jan/ Jul every year. The selection procedure includes UPSC written examination [for NDA. 3. followed by 18 months Post Graduate Diploma in Naval Architecture ( DIT-NC) at IIT Delhi. . Selected candidates of 10+2 (Technical) Cadet Entry Scheme. extendable to 14 years. Advertisements calling for applications from eligible candidates are published in Employment News and Important Newspapers in April/ May and Sep to Nov. Thereafter. Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defense (Navy). Career Opportunities .nausena-bharti. Education Branch and Naval Architecture Cadre. 23010097 Fax: (011) 8. Duties of seamen are varied and include a through training in the art of .(b) Cadet Entry 10+2 (Tech) Men 16 ½ -19 10+2 or equivalent with Physics. Phone : 23010151. the cadets are deputed for six months curse in warship design at Visakhapatnam. minimum 50% marks in English either in 10th or 12th class) Short Service Commission (c) Direct Entry (Technical Cadre) (d) Direct Entry (Submarine Cadre) (e) University Entry Scheme(UES) Notes Men 19 ½ -25 Men Men 19 ½ -25 19-24 A Degree in Electrical/ Electronics/ Avionics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Telecommunication Engg with minimum 55% marks A Degree in Elect/ Electronics/ Telecommunication Control Engg with minimum 55% marks A Degree in Marine /Electrical/ Electronics/ Avionics/ Instrumentation on Control/ Telecommunication with minimum 60% marks up to Sixth Semester 1. They appear for Common Admission Test of CUSAT. This is the largest branch of the Navy. (a) Seamen Branch. The successful candidates after first term undergo four year B Tech in Nval Architecture and Ship Building at CUSAT. During the course cadets are allotted Engineering and Electrical Branch. Ezhimala. Nehru University (JNU) Few cadets after first term are nominated for B Tech in Naval Architecture from Cochin University of Science And Technology (CUSAT). 6. On completion of the course B Tech Degree will be awarded by Jawahar La.Law and Logistics Cadres. New Delhi-110 011. Permanent Commission are inducted as Cadets for four years BTech course in Electronics and Communication and Mechanical Engineering at the Naval Academy. Website: www. University Entry Scheme (UES) is applicable for Final Year students only (VII th Semester) 4. All BE/ B-Tech courses should be AICTE approved. Kerala. The duration of Short Service Commission is 10 years. seamanship, operating weapons and sensors & ship management. Every seaman can obtain specialist qualification in one of the following disciplines: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Gunnery – Missiles Anti Submarine Warfare Navigation Communications Diving Survey (b) Engineering Branch. Modern ships, submarines and aircrafts are highly sophisticated and technologically advanced. As an Engineering branch sailor you will operate and learn to keep all machinery serviceable. You will form part of that special class of men, upon whose judgment, foresight, coolness and skill, the ship and all those onboard entirely depend for safety. You will be trained and made ready to grasp the opportunities that the new technology holds out. (c) Electrical Branch. A warship is fitted with its own power generation and distribution system. As an electrical sailor you will have the responsibility of upkeep and maintenance of all electrical, electronics and weapons equipment of the Navy. (d) Logistic Cadre. The sailors of the Logistic Cadre in the Indian Navy belong to a specialized class of personnel who assist in providing logistic support. Under the logistics cadre you can become: - (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Writer Stores Assistant Steward Cook Topass ( Safaiwala) (e) Medical Branch. Exhaustive training of the ‘care of the sick and injured’ is given to the sailors of this branch. They have the opportunity of specializing in many fields like Physiotherapy, Advance Nursing, Radiography, Laboratory Assistant, Operation Room Technician, Dental Operating Room Assistant, Board Transfusion, etc. (f) An Artificer In the Indian Navy. Responsibility , good pay and best technical training that one can get, that’s what it means to become an Artificer in the Indian Navy. An Artificer’s responsibilities include the management of men in addition to the technical challenge of operating and maintaining some of the most complex systems and sophisticated equipment in the Navy. These include steam powered machinery, diesel and gas turbines, guided missiles and other automatically controlled weapons, sensors, computer and highly advanced radio and electrical power systems. The Indian Navy trains its own Artificers. The Naval Artificer Apprenticeship Diploma is recognised by the Ministry of Human Resources development. Note: Sailors for the Submarine Arm and the flight crew of the Aviation Arm are taken from various branches subject to their volunteering, clearing the aptitude test and fulfilling medical standards. Sailors Entry in the Indian Navy Artificer Entry Branch Age (yrs) 17-20 Educational Qualification 10+2 or Equivalent with compulsory subjects Physics and Maths and optional subjects of Chemistry/ Biology /Computer. Minimum 60% marks. Three years Diploma with minimum 50% marks in Mechanical /Electrical/ Electronics Telecommunication Aeronautical/ Ship-building/ instrumentation / Engineering/ Metallurgical from a recognized Polytechnic / Institute Method of Recruitment Through written exam in Science, Maths, English & GK held at AROs/ ZROs/ ASCs/ NREs twice in a year in Apr/ Oct for the courses commencing in Aug/ Feb Through written exam in Maths, English, GK and additional section as specialization followed by interview Held twice a year in Apr/Oct for course commencing in Aug/Feb. Month of Advertisement. Artificer Apprentice Electrical/ Mech/ Shipwright Dec & Jun Dec Artificer (DE(DH)) Electrical/ Mechanical/ Electronics 18-22 Non-Artificer SSR (Senior Seamen/ 17-21 10+2 with science stream Through written exam in Secondary Recruit) Communication/ Electrical/ Medical / Engineering/ Writer/ Store Assistant/ Naval Aviation Sailor Musicians 17-21 with compulsory subjects of Physics and Maths and optional subjects of Chemistry/Biology/Computer or any other higher board examination with science English GK, Maths & Science held at ZROs/ AROs/ ASCs/ NREs twice a year in Apr/ Oct for courses commencing in Aug/ Feb Candidates should have aptitude for music and knowledge of at least one musical instrument is mandatory. Recruitment is conducted once a year through written exam in Maths, English, Science & GK held twice a year in Apr/ Oct. conducted by the Naval Recruiting Establishments for course commencing in Oct/ Apr Written Test in General Awareness and Arithmetic. Held twice a year in Apr/ Oct conducted by NREs for courses commencing in Oct/Apr Dec/ Jan & Jun/ Jul MR (Matric Recruit) Matric Stewards Cooks 17-21 17-21 Matric Matric Dec& Jun NMR (Non Matric Recruit) Topasses (Safaiwala) 17-21 VI Class Dec & June Sports Entry Direct Entry (Sports) Seaman (Acting Petty Officer) 17-22 Same as SSR Recruitment is conducted twice a year in commencing in Apr/Oct for courses commencing in Aug/Feb. Exceptionally outstanding sportsmen who have represented International/ National level may contact or write directly to: The Secretary, Indian Navy Sports Control Board, Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Navy), th 7 Floor, Chanakya Bhawan, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi110021 Dec & June SSR (Outstanding Sportsman) Seaman Communication/ Electrical/ Medical Engineering/ Writer/ Store Assistant/ Naval Aviation Stewards/ Cooks 17-21 Same as SSR Dec/Jan & Jun/Jul MR (Outstanding Sportsman) 17-21 Matric Dec & Jun Notes: (1) The above information is a board guideline and is subject to change as per the induction requirements of the Indian Navy. (2) All advertisements for recruitment are published in Employment News and National/ Regional Leading Newspapers. (3) Minimum % of marks, for each entry is promulgated through advertisements for particular batch. For further details and information, contact or write to:- nausena-bharti.12 months in action or who died whilst in service. (ii) For sons of naval personnel:(aa) Who are in service. Commanding Officers are to verify sailor’s particulars from the SD of the sailor. SSR Entry. Zila Sainik Board/ Tehsildar (for others) and is to accompany candidate’s application. 5. No: (011) 23793067 Fax: (011) 23010948 website: www. In case SDs are not held written confirmation is to be obtained from CABS. A relaxation of 5% marks from the minimum marks required for the general category.The Joint Director. (ab) Who have retired.nic. The sponsorship form is to be countersigned by Commanding Officer (for serving naval personnel) or Secretary. (i) For sons of naval personnel killed . (ac) Who died after retirement. . Manpower Planning and Recruitment (NRO) Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Navy) Sena Bhawan. (b) Upper Age Relaxation. New Delhi-110011 Sponsorship Scheme 4. Sponsorship of candidates for SSR entry will be for the following categories:(a) Sons of naval personnel (serving and retired). The following considerations are offered to sponsored candidates:(a) Eligibility Conditions. 6. Application form placed at Appendix ‘E’.6 months . Certificate “To whomsoever it may concern” instead of sponsorship form will not be accepted. (b) Sons of naval personnel sponsored by widows of naval personnel who die whilst in service/retired. PFT and medical examination will be awarded additional marks as follows:(i) Killed in action : 10 marks over and above those obtained in written examination. MR/ NMR Entry. 8. Number of Candidates for Sponsorship. (a) Killed in action. Sons of naval personnel under Battle casualties / Battle accident / sea/ air raid casualties who satisfy all eligibility conditions may be given instant enrolment as SSR provided they qualify in written/ PFT and medicals. An individual can sponsor only one candidate per batch and get maximum of two candidates enrolled in the navy during his lifetime. (ii) Died whilst in service : 08 (iii) In service (iv) Retired/ died after Retirement : 05 : 04 9. A sponsored candidate who qualifies in written. Died after retirement. (b) (c) (d) (e) The priority for recruitment is as follows:- Died whilst in service.7. (a) Sons of naval personnel under Battle casualties/ Battle accidents/ sea/ air raid casualties who meet all eligibility conditions may be given instant enrolment as MR (Steward/ Cooks)/ NMR(Topass) provided they qualify in written/ PFT/ medical. Such candidates will also be entitled for relaxation in age and minimum aggregate pass marks in Board examination as stated in para 6 above 11. Instant Enrolment. Bonus Marks. . 10. Priority in Recruitment. In service. Retired. Sponsorship by Widows of Naval Personnel Who Die Whilst in Service. Special relaxation for sons of naval personnel who die whilst in service are as follow:(i) SSR Entry. Candidates who have passed in 10+2 (Science) with less than 50% marks will be selected directly as MR(Steward/ Cook) without appearing for the written test provided they qualify in the PFT and medical examination. Sons of naval personnel who die whilst in service. However. 12. candidates with below 50% marks in 10+2/ equivalent will have to appear and pass the written test. PFT and medical examination. PFT and medical examination like any other candidate. For NMR-Topass. Note: All requests for age relaxation as above and any special case not covered above are to be referred to IHQ MoD (Navy)/ DMPR with the recommendation of the Administrative Authority through normal service channels. Call up letters for such candidates will be despatched only after age relaxation is granted by IHQ MoD (Navy). They will be enrolled without appearing in the written test provided they qualify the PFT and medical examination. meeting all the educational qualification of that branch will be pre-requisite and they will have to pass the written test. However. Alternatively such candidates will have the option of applying for MR/ NMR.(b) Candidates under the above category will also be entitled for upper age relaxation up to a maximum of 12 months as stated at sub para 6 (b) above. (a) The sons of naval personnel die whilst in service may be sponsored by the widow of the naval personnel. (ii) MR Entry. There is no age relaxation for DE (DH) and Artificer Apprentices. They are to be verified by CABS prior to forwarding to NRO. such candidates will be recruited irrespective of their position in the select list. should have 50% or above marks in 10+2 with Physics and Maths. . 530 014 Indian Naval Placement Cell (South) HQSNC Naval which is hosted and maintained by Modulus Systems. More and more employers are being registered through the job portal. It has been providing employment assistance to retired/ retiring naval personnel and widows/ next of kin of deceased naval personnel. .CHAPTER 8 INDIAN NAVAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 1.400 088 Tele No 0891-2752771 (b) 0484-2662435 (c) 022-25563320 Extn . Employers can post their job requirements now on the portal for candidates to access. Website. INPA website is being continuously modified for more user friendliness and more functionality. Indian Naval Placement Agency (INPA) was established on 28 Feb 06. The INPA has its own website with domain name as hosted and maintained by Modulus Systems. Naval Base Visakhapatnam .inpa. INPA has a job portal http://www. interview tips.inpa. Command Placement Cells being local nodes help INPA facilitate registration of retiring/ retired naval candidates in addition to linking up the local employers with INPA.682 004 Bureau Placement Cell Cheetah Camp Mankhurd. Some of the features of the INPA website are as follows:(a) E-book on resume writing tips. Kochi . 2.5416/ 5450 3. The Command Placement Cells are as follows: Placement Cell (a) Indian Naval Placement Cell (East) HQENC INCS Complex. a website design and development company. fax the filled in job vacancy card or e-mail their requirements. interview questionnaire and dressing guideline can be downloaded from the website. Mumbai . (b) Download facility for E-registration forms for those personnel who cannot access internet or not computer PSUs and Corporate sectors. ‘Temporary Registration’ is as under: (a) Type URL www. (h) INPA has also introduced e-newsletter download facility (on the home page) for its candidates highlighting more features and current information meant for them.(c) Online search resume pages have been created ( web-pages containing candidates snap with educational and professional qualifications) on the job portal. (f) After (d) Employers section has been created displaying employer’s LOGO ( for attracting more employers) once they select any candidates from INPA.inpa. (e) “ New Job Offers “ page has been created on home page of INPA website. User ID and (b) Click candidates to login. (e) Fill up details to create login. it generates Temporary ID and intimate on your e-mail. only registered candidates can apply. However. This would help the registered and non-registered naval personnel to view the job opportunities in the Government sectors. Procedure for Registration with INPA website. (f) Job assistance to registered candidates in their city in the desired company located in remote areas depicting all types of job information for the candidates. The procedure for . 4. (g) The website has introduced new features like “candidate’s fair” to assist employers participate in the “online job fairs” a new concept heralded by INPA to facilitate prospective employers shortlist their candidates. (d) Press New User to register on INPA. (c) Candidate login page appears. This feature has not yet been conceptualized by any job portal. An e-mail is sent to candidate with details of Temporary Registration 5. E-mail : [email protected] Telefax: 011-24121687. The widows of naval personnel and their dependents are eligible to register on the website free of charge. Registration Charges. click continue to INPA registration (h) It takes to INPA registration form (j) Fill up the registration form (k) Submit after filling up the form (l) Thank you page appears. Please upload your resume and photographs. to the candidate. The families of naval personnel have also been made eligible to register on the website and seek employment assistance through Naval Placement Agency. Contact Details. soon thereafter asking the candidates to forward the following documents to INPA for Permanent Registration: (i) One copy of resume (with pp size colour photographs in civil dress) (ii) Copy of PPO/ NOC (iii) Demand Draft as applicable On receipt of above documents. An e-mail is then sent by the portal intimating Permanent Registration No.(g) form Submit than text page appears. authentication is done by INPA and the candidate is permanently registered. All retired and retiring officers and sailors are eligible to register on the website. Chanakya Bhawan Chanakyapuri New Delhi .Address: Indian Naval Placement Agency 6th Floor. The registration charges are as follows: (a) Registration (one time fee) Rs 50/- . (b) Yearly subscription (in addition to one time fee) (i) (ii) Officers & their dependents Sailors & their dependents Rs 100/Rs 50/- (c) Demand Draft for the payment of registration charges is to be prepared in favour of - “INDIAN NAVAL PLACEMENT AGENCY” payable at ‘New Delhi’. 6. Validity of Registration. The validity of registration on the INPA website is limited to one year only from the date of registration except for widows and their dependents. The candidates profile is de-activated thereafter. An email is sent to the candidate intimating him/ her to forward their annual subscription to INPA for re-activation of their profile. For widows and their dependents, there is no limitation of validity and their profile is not deactivated. CHAPTER 9 VETERAN SAILORS’ FORUM-VSF 1. With a view to espouse the cause of retired sailors, widows & NOKs and also to promote awareness about Indian Navy in the country, Veteran Sailors Forum (VSF) has been set up on 10 Apr 08 at Delhi. The same has been registered under Societies Registration Act XXI 1860 vide registration no S/62103/2008 on 05 May 08. VSF is secular & non-political. The cardinal objectives of VSF are as follows:(a) To provide focused attention to ex-sailors/ widows/ dependent of exsailors on welfare related issues, namely, children’s education, post retirement benefits, rehabilitation, vocational training/ courses, entitlements from Central and State Govt etc. (b) To assist in resettlement and provide assistance to the needy and help them in their ventures for charitable, social and philanthropic causes. (c) To provide an interface with IHQ/ MoD (N), viz DESA, INBA, NWWA, DGR, CABS, NPO etc towards availing various benefits earmarked for exservicemen under various schemes promulgated from time to time. (d) To provide a platform for sharing/ dissemination of information related to opportunities/ difficulties faced by the ex-sailors and widows/ NOKs. (e) Furtherance of naval image in the civil world through measures such as highlighting values of honesty & integrity to the nation, projecting achievements of the naval community to the society etc. 2. Membership. All ex-sailors can become lifetime members of VSF by filling up membership form and paying one time subscription as follows:(a) Hon LTs/ Hon SLTs/ MCPOs/ CPOs (b) Petty Officers & below - Rs 300/- Rs 200/- 3. VSF Command Charters has been established on 15 Sep 08. The detail and address of these charters are hosted on IRFC website VSF page in retired section. Ex-sailors can register with these charter as per the geographical limits as given below and the same is also hosted on IRFC website VSF page. Jurisdiction of VSF Charters Charters Delhi (20+03) Mumbai (04+02) Vizag (03+1) Kochi (01+01) States/ Union Territory Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, NCR (Delhi), Andaman & Nicobar, Chandigarh, All ex-sailors based abroad. Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu. Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Pondicherry. Kerala, Lakshadweep. Appendix ‘A’ (Refers to para 10 of chapter1 ) 6. Date of Enrolment ____________ Date of Discharge _________16. Date of Birth ____________ 14. Religion _________________ 11. 5. Details of family (wife only dependent children upto 25 years and dependent parents) Name (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 13. 14. Reasons for Discharge _________ Age Relationship Educational Qualifications . Number __________ 2. Service ___________________ ___________________ Decorations ______________ 8. Caste ____________________ 12. Character ________________ 9. Rank ________ 3 Regt / Corps_______ Name ______________________________________ Father’s Name ____________________________________ Educational Qualification: Civil _______________ _______________ 7. Address 10. 4.REGISTRATION FORM EX-SERVICEMEN 1. ____________________ Discharge Book no and date_________ 21. ___________ (c) Leave encashment Rs. Other relevant information . __________________ (b) (c) Disability Pension Rs. 22. if any _________________________ Identification marks ____________________________________ Left Thumb Impression _________________________________ DECLARATION I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. _____________________________ Percentage of Disability ___________________________ 16.____________ Business/ Industry Rs. Amount of Pension (a) Service Pension Rs.________________ (d) Financial Assistance Rs. __________ Un-employed___________________ 20 21. 19.PPO no and date ______ Present occupation and monthly income Service Rs. ________________ 17. ____________ Agriculture Rs. 18. Date: Place: ( Signature of the Applicant) FOR OFFICIAL USE Status as Ex-Servicemen Yes/ No . Lump sum payment received: (a) Gratuity Rs. Commuted Pension Rs.15. __________ (b) Group Insurance Rs. No & Date of Identity Card issued ________________ Date: Place: ( Signature of Zila Sainik Kalyan Officer) Secretary. ZSB with office Stamp& date Appendix ‘B’ (Refers to para 10 of chapter 1 ) REGISTRATION FORM WIDOWS/ WAR WIDOWS OF EX-SERVICEMEN . 2. Name_______________________________________________ Date of Birth/ age ______________________ Address ________________________________________ ________________________________________________ The or Police Stn______________ Tele ________________ 4. Amount of family pension Ordinary Rs. Lump sum payment received (by her and husband) Age Relationship Educational Qualification . details of Husbands death: War/Operation_______________Attributable __________________ Non Attributable _____________ After retirement _______________ 6. Particular of Husband: No _______________ date of enrolment ___________________ Rank ______________ Date of discharge __________________ Name ______________ Discharge book no. 3.______________________ 8. Details of family (only dependent children upto 25 yrs and dependent parents of deceased Ex-Servicemen) Name (i) (ii) (iii) 7. & date ____________ Decoration _________Regt/Corps_________PPO no & date_______ Religion _________________ Caste_________________________ 5.1. ______________ Special Rs _________________ Liberalised special family pension Rs. 11. Date: Place: ( Signature of the Applicant) FOR OFFICE USE Status As Widow Category: Yes / No War Widow _________________________ . Other relevant information. Present occupation and monthly income Service Rs._____________Un-employed _________________ 10. 12. if any __________________________ _____________________________________________________ Identification Mark: ______________________________________ Left thumb impression ___________________________________ DECLARATION I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. __________ Encashment of leave Rs ____________________ Financial Assistance Rs. ______________ Business/ Industry Rs __________ Agriculture Rs.Gratuity Rs. ____________________ Commuted pension Rs. ______________ Group Insurance Rs. _____________________ 9. Attributable ______________________ After retirement _______________________ No and date of identity card issued ______________________ Date : Place: ( Signature of Zila Sainik Kalyan Officer Secretary. ZSB with office stamp) Appendix ‘C’ (Refers to para 10 of chapter 1) APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF IDENTITY CARD FOR EX-SERVICEMEN 1. Number____________ 2.Attributable __________________________ Non. Rank ________________________ . Date: Place: Signature Appendix ‘D’ (Refers to para 10 of chapter 1) APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF IDENTITY CARD FOR WIDOWS/WAR WIDOWS OF EX-SERVICEMEN 1. Date of Enrollment ______________ Date of discharge __________________ Amount of pension (a) Service Pension Rs __________________ (b) Disability Pension Rs. 5. 3. Discharge Book No & date____________PPO No & date__________ Identification Mark ________________________________________ DECLARATION I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. _________________ (c) Percentage of disability ________________ 9. Date of Birth ____________8. Name of the applicant _________________________________ . 4. Name _________________________________________________ Regt / Corps ____________________________________________ Father’s Name __________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ The or Police station ________________ Tele __________________ 6. 8. 10.2. 7. 3. Date of Birth/ age _____________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Teh or PS _________________ Tele _____________________ 4. Wife of late ___________________________________________ Service particulars of husband (a) No ______________________ (c) (d) (f) Rank ________________ (c) Date of Birth ______________ Date of enrolment ___________(e) Date of death_________ Discharge book _____________ (g) PPO No & date _______ No and date 6. 5. DECLARATION I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge. Death details of husband War/ Operation in which died ______________________________ Attributable ___________________________________________ Non. Date: . Pension received Ordinary family Special family pension Rs.Attributable________________________________________ After retirement _________________________________________ 7.2. ___________ pension Rs.-------------Identification Mark _______________________________________ 8. Place: ( Signature of applicant) .
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