DEP - UT in Lieu of RT for Construction of Pressure Equipment
DEP - UT in Lieu of RT for Construction of Pressure Equipment
May 10, 2018 | Author: Ishu Vohra | Category:
Nondestructive Testing
Pipe (Fluid Conveyance)
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DEP SPECIFICATIONUT IN LIEU OF RT FOR CODE CONSTRUCTION OF PRESSURE EQUIPMENT Copyright Shell Group of Companies. No reproduction or networking permitted without license from Shell. Not for resale DEP February 2014 ECCN EAR99 DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PRACTICE © 2014 Shell Group of companies All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV. This document contains information that is classified as EAR99 and, as a consequence, can neither be exported nor re-exported to any country which is under an embargo of the U.S. government pursuant to Part 746 of the Export Administration Regulations (15 C.F R. Part 746) nor can be made available to any national of such country. In addition, the information in this document cannot be exported nor re-exported to an end-user or for an end-use that is prohibited by Part 744 of the Export Administration Regulations (15 C.F.R. Part 744). This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell
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18/07/2015 08:30:33 When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs. application or implementation of any DEP. including any copies which shall only be made by users with the express prior written consent of Shell GSI. at the time of publication. even if it is wholly or partly caused by negligence on the part of Shell GSI or other Shell Company.00.generally . or any other such facility.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. including the quality of their work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. The objective is to set the standard for good design and engineering practice to be applied by Shell companies in oil and gas production.V. This right is granted primarily to Shell companies and other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Company. for those requirements not specifically covered. gas handling. of Shell Global Solutions International B. (Shell GSI) and. All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI. If in doubt. the Principal will typically expect them to follow those design and engineering practices that will achieve at least the same level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. three categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished: 1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or another Shell Company. gasification. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh. Users shall arrange for DEPs to be held in safe custody and Shell GSI may at any time require information satisfactory to them in order to ascertain how users implement this requirement. The benefit of this disclaimer shall inure in all respects to Shell GSI and/or any Shell Company. without detracting from his own respons bility. or companies affiliated to these companies.22. in some cases. without the prior written consent of Shell GSI. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements. oil refining.12-Gen. Where deemed appropriate DEPs are based on. The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to implement. Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users. Shell GSI disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use. operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities. construction. combination of DEPs or any part thereof. In particular. and thereby to help achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization. February 2014 Page 2 PREFACE DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views. national and industry standards. materials supplied or . 2) Other parties who are authorised to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part of a Service Agreement or otherwise). This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each locality.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . 3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which requires that tenders for projects. They shall be returned after use. DEPs shall not. of other Shell Companies.work performed on behalf of the said users comply with the relevant standards. that may issue DEPs or advise or require the use of DEPs. regional. The copyright of DEPs vests in Shell Group of companies. Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual arrangements.singh@shell. chemical processing. or reference international. These views are based on the experience acquired during involvement with the design. The use of DEPs by these Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement. the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall. The right to obtain and to use DEPs is restricted. be disclosed by users to any company or person whomsoever and the DEPs shall be used exclusively for the purpose for which they have been provided to the user. and is typically granted by Shell GSI (and in some cases by other Shell Companies) under a Service Agreement or a License Agreement. consult the Principal. Consequently. they shall be solely responsible for such use. .singh@shell...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... INSPECTION OF POWER PIPING ...............................................................................................................2 ACCEPTABLE EXAMINATION METHODS AND REQUIRED EXTENT OF EXAMINATION .....................................................ECCN EAR99 DEP 31................. 4 1..................8 NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY) ..... VESSEL INSPECTION ....... 12 APPENDICES APPENDIX A – UT PROCEDURE .............................. 13 APPENDIX B – PERFORMANCE DEMONSTRATION OF UT PROCEDURE ................ 6 2.................com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 .............. February 2014 Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1................ 4 1.......2 WELDED TANKS FOR OIL STORAGE .................................... INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS ......3 ULTRASONIC METHODS AND FLAW ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................................................................................... 15 APPENDIX C – PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION TESTING ..........................................................................1 GENERAL ..... 5 1..............00........................................................................................... INTRODUCTION ......................3 DEFINITIONS ...... 11 6. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... INSPECTION OF PROCESS PIPING ....2 DISTRIBUTION................ 5 1.........12-Gen..5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES ... 6 2............................................ 11 4....................6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 4...............................1 SCOPE.. 4 1..........................................22................................................. 11 5.............. 6 2................................................ 4 1......1 LOW PRESSURE WELDED STORAGE TANKS ......... 5 1............................... TANK INSPECTION .................... 8 3.......7 DUAL UNITS ................................................... 16 This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh.........4 CROSS-REFERENCES ...................................................... 11 4.......................... 5 1........................................................... 5 2........... this is of particular importance when existing facilities are to be modified.singh@shell. and on behalf of. gas handling. a Management of Change (MOC) process shall be implemented. 1.5 mm (0. the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be acceptable with regards to the safety. to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated by them.22. environmental. 1. distribution and supply/marketing. tanks and piping during fabrication/construction. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor. austenitic stainless steel and duplex stainless steel with the thickness equal to or greater than 12. This DEP may also be applied in other similar facilities.3. The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for it. the Principal. In all cases. data or information to which the DEPs may refer. procurement. where necessary. economic and legal aspects. engineering.1 General definitions The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design. gasification. If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements could be more stringent than in this DEP. When DEPs are applied.3. The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned. the objective being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible. This DEP is intended for use in facilities related to oil and gas production.3 DEFINITIONS 1. the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local regulations.1 SCOPE This new DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for application of Ultrasonic Testing (UT) in lieu of Radiographic Testing (RT) for the inspection of pressure vessels.12-Gen. INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI. The Principal may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for. Any authorised access to DEPs does not for that reason constitute an authorisation to any documents.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. 1. February 2014 Page 4 1. chemical processing. commissioning or management of a project or operation of a facility. INTRODUCTION 1. oil refining.00.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 .2 DISTRIBUTION. The word should indicates a recommendation.493 in). Cr-Mo and 12Cr steels. the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell companies and. construction. Construction materials covered by this DEP are carbon steel.2 Abbreviations Term Definitions CS carbon steel HAZ heat affected zone MOC Management of Change PA Phased Array RT Radiographic Testing This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh. The word shall indicates a requirement. fill in the online form and submit. to record (Other users) feedback and email the form to the Administrator at standards@shell. Feedback that has been registered in the DEP Feedback System by using one of the above options will be reviewed by the DEP Custodian for potential improvements to the DEP. as well as the corresponding US Customary (USC) units. 1. When agreed by the Principal.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES This is a new DEP. Select “Submit DEP Feedback”
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NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY) Text shown in italic style in this DEP indicates text that is non-normative and is provided as explanation or background information only. 1. the referenced section or clause number is shown in brackets ( ). Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed in (6).22. Click on the “Give feedback” link. Non-normative text is normally indented slightly to the right of the relevant DEP clause.4 CROSS-REFERENCES Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made.6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP Comments on this DEP may be submitted to the Administrator using one of the following options: Shell DEPs Online Enter the Shell DEPs Online system at https://www.7 DUAL UNITS This DEP contains both the International System (SI) units.12-Gen.00. 1.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31.com. DEP Feedback System Enter comments directly in the DEP Feedback (Users with access to System which is accessible from the Technical Shell Wide Web) Standards Portal http://sww.com (Users with access to Shell DEPs Online) Select a DEP and then go to the details screen for that DEP. DEP Standard Form Use DEP Standard Form 00. the indicated USC values/units may be used.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 .00.shelldeps.shell. which are given following the SI units in brackets. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh.com/standards. 1. February 2014 Page 5 Term Definitions TOFD Time of Flight Diffraction UT Ultrasonic Testing 1.05. fill in the online form and submit. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh. automated ultrasonic testing (AUT). 4. and alternative requirements for use of UT in lieu of RT. material. etc. the following requirements apply: a.3 paragraph.3. UT may be used to inspect welds. the 5% (10%) shall apply to each procedure.22. Table 1 specifies requirements for use of RT. the weld examination shall be supplemented by pulsed-echo technique such as MUT. 2. Examination methods and the required extent of examination of piping girth welds shall be as specified in Table 1 and are dependent on the fluid service. 3.3). Requirement for 5% (10%) weld examination means that 5% (10%) of the production welds on the Principal’s work shall be randomly examined throughout the fabrication period. 344. and pressure class. When TOFD is used. as specified in this DEP. a greater extent of MT is required when UT is used in lieu of RT. PA or AUT. 2. PCN) as a minimum. c.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. b. welding position. PA or TOFD in lieu if RT shall be subject to passing a qualification test as specified in (Appendix C) of this DEP.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . 5% (10%) of the production welds made by each welder shall be examined. 2.6. ISO 9712. a. INSPECTION OF PROCESS PIPING 2. Since UT typically has dead zones at/near the OD/ID weld crowns. The records shall be made available to the Principal for review and audits upon request. If more than one welding procedure is used.1 GENERAL 1.1. phased array (PA). Table 1 also specifies the minimum required MT. but UT shall not be used in lieu of RT to increase weld joint quality factor. It is the UT Supplier’s responsibility to maintain the qualification records.3 of ASME B 31. c. Section K344.00. b. 100% means meeting requirements of the “100% examination”.3. February 2014 Page 6 2. a. The specified percentage of examination shall be interpreted as follows.2) and (2. thickness. Less than 100% means meeting requirements of the “random examination”. which allows the use of radiographic testing (RT) or ultrasonic testing (UT) for the inspection of welds in process piping. d. Personnel performing AUT. b.singh@shell. If UT is used in lieu of RT. as detailed in (2. This section is applicable only to process pipes constructed to ASME B31. except for high pressure piping where ultrasonic examination of welds may be substituted for radiographic examination. as defined in B31. UT personnel shall be UT Level II (SNT-TC-1A.12-Gen. For high pressure piping with thickness > 13 mm (1/2 in) UT may be substituted for RT. pressure class and fluid service. Examined welds shall be representative of the welds made on the job including size.3 shall be followed for the application of UT. UT methods for inspection of piping girth welds shall be limited to manual UT (MUT). Selection of UT method(s) shall be based on the piping material.2 ACCEPTABLE EXAMINATION METHODS AND REQUIRED EXTENT OF EXAMINATION 1. and time of flight diffraction (TOFD). 3 paragraph 341.3 criteria instead of B31 Case 181 criteria if the material thickness is less than 25 mm (1. 100 PA w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA AND/OR 100 AUT w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA AND/OR TOFD w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA Cr-Mo 150 .3. ISO 22825 shall be followed for technique selection.3.2. 6.1. the first two production welds made by each welder shall be examined.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 .3. acceptance criteria per B31. 7.600 5 . February 2014 Page 7 Table 1 Minimum examination requirements for CS. the extent of UT shall be 100 % (irrespective to fluid service type and pressure class). and 12Cr piping girth welds FLUID STEEL ANSI EXAMINATION ALTERNATIVE EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS SERVICE (1) TYPE PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS USING CLASS UT IN LIEU OF RT RT (2) MT (3) UT MT (5) % % % ULTRASONIC METHODS AND FLAW ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (4) CATEGORY D CARBON 150 5 .3 paragraph 341. These two examinations shall be in addition to the above 5% (10%) examination requirement. acceptance criteria per B31. See details in (2. The examination shall also cover the root pass if poss ble.3 CRITERIA 5 FLUID STEEL SERVICE NORMAL CARBON 150. 3. acceptance criteria per B31.3.900 10 10 PA w/B31. 5. Cr-Mo Steel.00.3 paragraph 344.3 paragraph 344.2500 100 .2 definitions 2.3 CRITERIA 5 FLUID STEEL SERVICE 900 10 .3 CRITERIA AND/OR 10 AUT w/B31. When MT is not applicable.22. Examination requirements per B31. A procedure qualification test program shall be developed by the Manufacturer and agreed with the Principal. The examination shall also cover the root pass if possible.2500 100 100 PA w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA AND/OR 100 AUT w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA AND/OR TOFD w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA 12Cr 150 .3 CRITERIA 1500 .3 paragraph 341. and UT is used in lieu of RT. For the inspection of austenitic welds. For Cr-Mo and 12Cr steel welds. The examination shall cover the final weld. the follow-up examinations shall be made only on the Principal’s work and on welds of the This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh. When Austenitic material is utilised for construction. 5. procedure development and operator qualification requirements.3 paragraph 300. When progressive examination of a welder's work is required basis B31.3).2.3.3 paragraph
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. 8. Use B31. 5 MUT w/B31. PA w/B31.2500 100 100 100 PA w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA AND/OR 100 STEEL AUT w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA AND/OR TOFD w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA CATEGORY M ALL ALL 100 100 100 PA w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA AND/OR 100 FLUID AUT w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA SERVICE OR AND/OR SEVERE TOFD w/B31 CASE 181 CRITERIA CYCLIC SERVICE NOTES: 1.3 CRITERIA AND/OR 10 STEEL AUT w/B31. Per B31.3 CRITERIA 1500 .2.12-Gen. The examination shall cover final weld. Method requirements per B31.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. 5 PA w/B31. 4. Examination requirements per B31. it can be substituted by PT.5. 6.0 in). 22.6.2) through (2. 5. the pipe Manufacturer shall contour grind or machine the weld caps prior to conducting UT.3 paragraph. 7. including 45° and another angle appropriate for the configuration. 5. the weld cap on the outside surface does not need to be machined or ground flat. To meet this requirement. 2. The examination procedure and performance shall meet requirements specified in (Appendix A) and (Appendix B) of this DEP. 344.2 for weld examination on CS and Cr-Mo steel pipes of ANSI Pressure Class 150 – 900 in Normal Fluid Service.7) may be used for inspection of piping girth welds as specified in Table 1. 3.3 ULTRASONIC METHODS AND FLAW ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 2. At least two beam angles shall be calibrated per Section V. 100% examination of all welds on the job made by the welder in question shall satisfy the Principal’s requirements. 2.12-Gen.3 Criteria” is more stringent examination than “MUT with B31.3 Criteria” and therefore may be used for weld examination on CS piping in Category D Fluid Service. T-464.6. 344. 3. The examination shall meet requirements of ASME BPVC Section V.00. The flaw acceptance criteria for MUT shall be as specified in B31. examination shall be from the base metal on both sides of the weld cap in both weld axes directions. 2.3 PA with B31. contour grinding or machining of welds on the outside surface is required to the extent necessary to perform examination of the weld and heat-affected zone (HAZ) for transverse cracking.3 paragraph 344. T-472.1 General 1. PA UT may be used with flaw acceptance criteria specified in B31. “PA with B31.2 MUT with B31. The combinations of UT method and flaw acceptance criteria specified in (2.3. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh.singh@shell. For all other PA applications specified in Table 1. However.3. to set up the reference level for examination per B31.2. In cases where a welder has made only one or two welds. Manual shear wave UT may be used for weld examination on carbon steel piping in Category D Fluid Service. However.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. February 2014 Page 8 same metallurgy made by the same welding procedure as used to make the defective weld. 7.6. it does require that the probe be manipulated so that the beam is directed essentially parallel to the weld axis when examining for flaws transverse to the weld.3 paragraph. T-472. 6. except that the examination shall be performed for two beam angles. 4. 2. Note that T-472 does not mandate machining or grinding flat the weld cap on the outside surface for UT. A weld is considered acceptable only if it passes the examination and acceptance criteria for both the 45° angle and the angle appropriate for the configuration.3 criteria 1. The PA system shall be equipped with either an encoder or a mechanized scanner.3. as required by Section V. 2. 4. the examination shall be performed from the base metal on both sides of the weld cap in both weld axis directions. Examination of repair welds shall use the same technique that was used originally to determine the defects. For PA examination of CS piping of ANSI Pressure Class 150 – 600 in Normal Fluid Service and CS piping in Category D Fluid Service.3 criteria 1.3.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . If the weld cap is not machined or ground flat.3. The OD weld cap shall be machined or ground flat to allow examination for both longitudinal and circumferential directions. Conventional AUT employing shear waves in pulsed-echo mode may be used with B31. 3. if it is mechanised. it may be preferable to use TOFD for longitudinal flaws and PA for transverse flaws. The AUT system shall be calibrated per Section V.22. This examination may be manual or mechanised. The flaw acceptance criteria shall be as specified in B31 Case 181 Data Analysis Criteria for nonamplitude-based techniques.3. The examination procedure and performance shall meet the requirements specified in (Appendix A) and (Appendix B) of this DEP. 5. The examination shall be done for both longitudinal and transverse flaws. 2. it may be preferable to use PA for transverse flaw inspection. 344. flaws occurring in these zones may not be detected by TOFD. The examination procedure and performance shall meet requirements specified in (Appendix A) and (Appendix B) of this DEP. Since this type of examination is easier to do with manual PA than with AUT or TOFD. AUT or TOFD is used for longitudinal flaw inspection. it may be preferable to use PA in lieu of AUT for transverse flaw inspection. 2. 3. For longitudinal flaws. at least two probes shall be used. 5.6.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. February 2014 Page 9 8. CS piping of ANSI Pressure Class 1500 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service b. and moved in a raster B scan to interrogate the entire weld/HAZ from both sides of the weld. 344. Welds near the surface (both top and bottom faces) shall be angle beam examined as per requirements of ASME BPVC Section V.3 paragraph. TOFD may be used in lieu of RT for weld examination on the following: a. the data shall be collected in conjunction with TOFD. with one on each side of the weld.00. scanning shall be done with the beam parallel to the weld axis.3 paragraph. as mentioned previously. b.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . 4.singh@shell. regardless of whether PA. 6. to set up the reference level for examination per B31. even though AUT can inspect both longitudinal and transverse flaws.12-Gen. The examination for transverse flaws may be done by using PA. 4. All of the above materials in Category M Fluid Service or in Severely Cyclic Service 2. contour grinding or machining of welds on the outside surface shall be required to the extent necessary to perform examination of the weld/HAZ for transverse cracks. 12Cr steel piping of ANSI Pressure Class 150 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service d.2 flaw acceptance criteria for weld examination on CS piping of ANSI Pressure Class 900 and on Cr-Mo steel piping of ANSI Pressure Class 150 – 900 in Normal Fluid Service. For transverse flaws. a.6. Although TOFD can inspect both longitudinal and transverse flaws. For the applications listed above.4 AUT with B31. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh.3. AUT or TOFD with the probe(s) on top of the weld and the beam in the weld axis direction. However.3 criteria 1. 2. Due to the presence of lateral wave and back wall indication signals. Article 4. T-464. Cr-Mo steel piping of ANSI Pressure Class 1500 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service c.5 TOFD with B31 Case 181 criteria 1. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh.6 PA with B31 Case 181 criteria 1. c. 4. 5.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . The flaw acceptance criteria shall be as specified in B31 Case 181 Data Analysis Criteria for either amplitude-based techniques or nonamplitude-based techniques. February 2014 Page 10 2. When PA is used in lieu of AUT for the inspection of transverse flaws. 12Cr steel piping of ANSI Pressure Class 150 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service pipes d. The OD weld cap shall be machined or ground flat to allow examination for both longitudinal and circumferential directions. 3. It is acceptable to substitute AUT with PA for transverse crack inspection. 4. b. The flaw acceptance criteria shall be as specified in B31 Case 181 Data Analysis Criteria for nonamplitude-based techniques. code case 181 criteria". 12Cr steel piping of ANSI Pressure Class 150 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service pipes. 3.12-Gen.singh@shell. Cr-Mo steel piping of ANSI Pressure Class 1500 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service. AUT may be used in lieu of RT for weld examination on the following: a. the PA examination shall meet requirement of ASME B 31 case and the OD weld cap shall be machined or ground flat for the examination. 2.22. and d. 2.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. The PA examination shall meet the requirements given in "PA with ASME B31. The OD weld cap shall be machined or ground flat to allow examination for both longitudinal and circumferential directions.3. The examination procedure and performance shall meet requirements specified in (Appendix A) and (Appendix B) of this DEP. All of the above materials in Category M Fluid Service or in Severely Cyclic Service. CS piping of ANSI Pressure Class 1500 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service b.3. PA UT may be used in lieu of RT for weld examination on the following: a.7 AUT with ASME B31. 6. CS piping of ANSI Pressure Class 1500 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service.00. Cr-Mo steel piping of ANSI Pressure Class 1500 – 2500 in Normal Fluid Service c. All of the above materials in Category M Fluid Service or in Severely Cyclic Service 2 The examination procedure and performance shall meet requirements specified in (Appendix A) and (Appendix B) of this DEP.3 Code Case 181 Criteria 1. with at least an intermediate level of rigor. 4. ISO 22825 shall be followed for technique selection. 3.singh@shell. 4.2 or API 650 section 8. Probability of Detection (POD). For the inspection of austenitic welds. ASME B. requirements stated in Appendix U of the API 650 are applicable. ISO 22825 shall be followed for technique selection.3. A procedure qualification test program shall be developed by the Manufacturer and agreed with the Principal. The test shall comprise measurements on calibration and reference blocks. ISO 22825 shall be followed for technique selection. either API 650 section 8. a. Division 2 Part 7 (Section 7. VESSEL INSPECTION 1. False Call Probability (FCP) and sizing performance requirements shall be by agreement with Principal. A procedure qualification test program shall be developed by the Manufacturer and agreed with Principal. 2. When not otherwise specified.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. b. 2. Qualification tests shall be performed prior to examination and the results reported to the Principal.1 allows use of radiography or ultrasonic technique. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh.3. When not otherwise specified. 3. INSPECTION OF POWER PIPING There are no additional requirements when using UT instead of RT. TANK INSPECTION 4. interchangeably for the acceptance of welds.22.1. False Call Probability (FCP) and sizing performance requirements shall be by agreement with the Principal. the qualification test shall conform to the requirements of ASME V Article 14. The requirements for ultrasonic inspection for low pressure storage tanks constructed as per API 620 shall be in accordance with either API 620 clause 7. procedure development and operator qualification requirements. Qualification tests shall be performed prior to examination and the results reported to Principal. Probability of Detection (POD). 2. requirements stated in Appendix U of API 620 are applicable. procedure development and operator qualification requirements. Weld inspection with Ultrasonic testing during fabrication of pressure vessels shall be carried out as specified in ASME BPVC Section VIII.5). c. 4. procedure development and operator qualification requirements. 5.3.2 WELDED TANKS FOR OIL STORAGE 1. 4.3. The test shall comprise measurements on calibration and reference blocks. For the inspection of austenitic welds.12-Gen. For the inspection of austenitic welds.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . The requirements for ultrasonic inspection shall be in accordance with API 650.1. For Ultrasonic inspection in lieu of Radiography.1 LOW PRESSURE WELDED STORAGE TANKS 1.5.15. with at least an intermediate level of rigor.15.31.2 or API 620 clause 7. For ultrasonic inspection in lieu of radiography.00. the qualification test shall conform to the requirements of ASME BPVC Section V Article 14. February 2014 Page 11 3. com/standards/. Division 2 .3 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. 2. SHELL STANDARDS DEP feedback form DEP 00. General Article 1 Requirements Ultrasonic Examination Methods for Welds Article 4 Article 14 .shell.80-Gen.22.05.Ultrasonic testing .Testing of ISO 22825:2012 welds in austenitic steels and nickel-based alloys This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh. AMERICAN STANDARDS Recommended practice for personal qualification and certification SNT-TC-1A in nondestructive testing Issued by: ASNT . Low-pressure Storage API 620 Tanks Welded Tanks for Oil Storage API 650 Power piping ASME B31.Qualification and certification of NDT ISO 9712 personnel Non-destructive testing of welds . together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.3 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Non-destructive testing . Part 7 Inspection and DIV 2. Use of Alternative Ultrasonic Examination ASME B31 Acceptance Criteria in ASME B31.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31.1 Process piping ASME B31.American Society for Nondestructive Testing Inc. Section V. REFERENCES In this DEP. the latest edition of each publication shall be used.12-Gen.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . The DEPs and most referenced external standards are available to Shell staff on the SWW (Shell Wide Web) at http://sww.Rules for Construction of Pressure ASME/BPVC SEC VIII.Examination system qualification Article 14 Calibration for Piping T-464 Weld Joint Distance Amplitude Technique T-472 ASME BPVC Section VIII . Unless specifically designated by date. Part 7 Examination Requirements ASME B31 Case 181-2.Alternative Rules. Welded. Design and Construction of Large. Nondestructive ASME BPVC SEC V Examination Nondestructive methods of examination.00.
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. February 2014 Page 12 6. reference is made to the following publications: NOTES: 1. Article 4) for reflectors that could interfere with the angle beam examination shall be performed manually. A complete data set with no gating. or thresholding for response from the calibration and piping weld examination shall be included in the data record. and component coverage that provides a repeatable methodology for weld acceptance that complies with this DEP. Ultrasonic examination shall include the volume of the weld. AUT or TOFD is used.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. All the reportable indications not acceptable per the flaw acceptance criteria shall have their sizes.e. and shall make them available to Shell when requested. and pipe volume examined for each weld. at least one scan image (B-scan. plus the lesser of nominal thickness or 25 mm (1 in) on each side of the weld. Flaw evaluation and acceptance criteria shall be per B31. ultrasonic examination data shall be recorded in unprocessed form. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh. 4. All the indications requiring evaluation per B31. ii. The scan plan shall also include ultrasonic beam angle used.. the following general ultrasonic examination requirements must be met. movement. In addition. i. The training requirements. All the essential and nonessential variables listed in ASME BPVC Section V.3 or B31 Case 181. Personnel performing examination per the procedure shall have received classroom and hands-on training on the procedure. Ultrasonic examination per this DEP shall be performed in accordance with a written UT procedure conforming to the requirements of ASME BPVC Section V. When PA. The employer of the ultrasonic examiner(s) shall certify records of the examination procedures used.2 or investigation per B31 Case 181 shall be reported. failing the flaw acceptance criteria) shall be marked on the image and/or have additional image(s) showing its presence.12-Gen. b. A straight beam material examination (T-472 of ASME Section V. showing dates and results of procedure qualifications. beam directions with respect to weld centerline. 3.) d.singh@shell. D-scan or C-scan) showing the entire volume of the weld/HAZ shall be included in the report for each weld examined. or during the automatic UT examination (provided that detection of these ref1ecctors is demonstrated as described in (Appendix B) of this DEP. iii. shall be stated in the procedure as a nonessential variable. and shall be addressed in the written UT procedure. Except for MUT allowed for examination of CS piping in Category D Fluid Service. filtering.1 GENERAL 1. e. For TOFD. shall also be met. the additional requirements of ASME BPVC Section V.00.6. T-150 and Article 4. Appendix III. locations and reasons for rejection included in the report. 2.22. Article 4. as specified in Table 1 of this DEP. Table T-421. February 2014 Page 13 APPENDIX A – UT PROCEDURE A. g. shall be addressed in the procedure. f. Every rejectable indication (i. Article 1. 5. Article 4.3 paragraph 344.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . A documented examination strategy or scan plan shall be provided showing transducer placement. shall maintain them. a. c. including the required minimum number of hours of training. Wedge to use with the transducer (essential variable) d.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. February 2014 Page 14 iv. When TOFD D-scan (line scan parallel to the weld) is used to inspect for longitudinal flaws.12-Gen.22. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh.3 TOFD 1. Welds that do not have any reportable indication shall still have at least one scan image for the entire volume of each weld/HAZ examined to show the absence of reportable indication. Scan angle range and increment – Sectorial scan shall cover. The written UT procedure shall address the following TOFD requirements: a.00. a minimum of three line scans shall be performed.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . The written UT procedure shall address the following phased array requirements: a. Minimum number of channels required for the system (essential variable) b.2 PHASED ARRAY 1.singh@shell. as a minimum. A. with one centered in the middle of the weld and two offset to the two sides of the weld (one on each side) to achieve full coverage of the entire volume of the weld/HAZ. with an increment not to exceed 1°. A. an angle range from 35° to 70°. Minimum number of elements contained in the transducer (essential variable) c. The Principal shall be informed of subsequent tests.1. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh. however. for the thickness to be examined. T-434.6.22.) and make the test records available to the Principal upon request. and shall be witnessed by the Principal at least one time for each procedure. The qualification blocks shall be in accordance with ASMP BPVC Section V. and shall contain at least two sets of three flaws as follows.singh@shell. the Principal should witness the first test and decide whether the procedure is acceptable. 2.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . Flaw size shall be no larger than the flaw in B31 Case 181. b. Acceptable performance on qualification blocks shall be demonstrated for UT procedures used for weld examination per this DEP. February 2014 Page 15 APPENDIX B – PERFORMANCE DEMONSTRATION OF UT PROCEDURE 1. The Supplier shall maintain a record of each performance demonstration test (including the test date. Article 4. 8. It is the Principal’s responsibility to determine the acceptability of the procedures based on its review of the procedure and the performance demonstration testing. witnessing of the additional tests is optional. One subsurface flaw. 3.2 through T-434. etc. It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that all personnel performing ultrasonic examination on the project have been trained on the procedures and participated in the performance demonstration testing of the procedures. have an indicated length equal to or greater than the actual length of the flaws in the qualification blocks.1. and c. Performance demonstration testing shall be administered by the UT Supplier. 6. the procedure tested. 4. for techniques that do not use amplitude-recording levels. One surface flaw on the side of the block representing the pipe OD surface. with one set oriented in the direction parallel to the weld axis and the other transverse to the weld axis: a. acceptable performance is defined as demonstrating that all imaged flaws with recorded lengths. 9.12-Gen. 7. Table 1 or 2.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. including the maximum allowable flaws. Acceptable performance is defined as response from the maximum allowable flaw and other flaws of interest demonstrated to exceed the reference level for examination per the procedure. If more than one performance demonstration test on a procedure is needed to include all the ultrasonic examiners for logistics or scheduling reasons.00. One surface flaw on the side of the block representing the pipe ID surface. 5. at the Principal’s discretion. Alternatively. examiners involved. 3. each time with a different procedure. 2 each 4. 0.00. meeting the Principal’s requirements (at least 80%) in all three categories. Upon completion of the test. in order to be qualified on multiple procedures.864 in). 0. lack of fusion (including lack of side-wall fusion) c. The examiner must perform satisfactorily.com 18/07/2015 08:30:33 . XXS (21. 1 in). transverse cracks g. NPS 6. This document has been supplied under license by Shell to: Shell suresh. to pass the test. lack of penetration d. NPS 12. Std (12. 1 each e. porosity f. Personnel who have successfully passed the test are allowed to perform ultrasonic examination using only the procedure that they used to take/pass the test. surface cracks b. The test samples shall have defects as follows: a. Std (7. 2. Personnel may choose to take the test multiple times. characterization and sizing. NPS 12.9 mm.ECCN EAR99 DEP 31. 1 each c. 2 each d. Personnel performing ultrasonic examination per this DEP shall have taken and passed the Principal’s UT personnel qualification testing.22. 8. slag and inclusions 6. February 2014 Page 16 APPENDIX C – PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION TESTING 1. all the electronically acquired and stored data shall be handed over to the Principal and deleted from the storage devices used by the examiner. 2 each b. The Projects Group shall provide test samples comprised of carbon steel pipes and plates of the following sizes and thicknesses.4 mm.7 mm. NPS 6. a.5 in). Plate. The personnel qualification testing is a blind test administered by the Principal and uses test samples containing weld defects.28 in) . 9. The test results shall be graded in three categories: flaw detection. 10. 7.12-Gen.singh@shell. Design of the test pipes and plates shall be by Shell Global Solutions: 5.1 mm. Personnel taking the test shall follow their employer’s written procedure. undercut e. 0. 2 in thick. XXS (25.
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