Demont CV En



CURRICULUM VITAEName: Born: Address: Matty DEMONT (PhD) [email protected] 11 November 1973, Bornem (Belgium) Africa Rice Center (WARDA), B.P. 96, Saint-Louis, Senegal Tel.: +221-33-962-64-93; Fax: +221-33-962-64-91; Mobile: +221-77-244-46-11 Professional Positions 2009-present Principal Agricultural Economist, Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), Saint-Louis, Senegal 2007-2009 Associate Agricultural Economist, Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), Saint-Louis, Senegal 2006-2007 Postdoctoral Researcher, Ctr. for Agricultural & Food Economics, K.U.Leuven, Belgium 2002-2006 Doctoral Researcher, Ctr. for Agricultural & Food Economics, K.U.Leuven, Belgium 1999-2002 Researcher, Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), Ghent, Belgium Education, Academic Degrees, Awards & Honours 2010 Two Best Paper Awards at the Africa Rice Congress, Bamako, 22-26 March 2010: “Estimated versus Perceived Damage Control Productivity: Impact of Birds on Irrigated Rice in the Senegal River Valley” and “Paying for Quality: Private versus Collective Valuation of Senegal River Valley Rice” 2009 Selection of two articles (Ecological Economics and Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics) by the Belgian Association of Agricultural Economists (BAAE) for its Commemorative Book on the Most Valuable Scientific Achievements of the Last Decade: Agricultural Economics in Belgium: Diversity and Dynamics. 2002-2006 Doctoral program in Bioscience Engineering; PhD in September 2006 with Doctoral Dissertation “Economic Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology in the European Union: Transgenic Sugar Beet and Maize”, K.U.Leuven, Belgium 1999 Xavier Bernard Award for Master Thesis, Academy of Agriculture of France 1997-1998 Magna cum laude: Master in Agricultural Development – Tropical Agriculture, Ghent University, Belgium & National Centre for Hot Climate Agronomic Studies (CNEARC), Montpellier, France Summa cum laude: Master Thesis “Evolution of Sénoufo Farming Systems: The Case of Dikodougou, Northern Côte d’Ivoire” 1994-1997 Cum laude: MSc Bioscience Engineering in Agricultural Economics & Tropical Agriculture, K.U.Leuven, Belgium Summa cum laude: Master Thesis “Structure, Conduct and Performance of the Marketing System of Maize and Groundnut in Côte d’Ivoire” 1992-1994 BSc Bioscience Engineering, K.U.Leuven, Belgium Current Research Specialties Ex ante Impact Assessment under Imperfect Information Farming & Marketing Systems & Experimental Value Chain Research in Developing Countries Micro- & Macro-Economic Modelling under Uncertainty Economics & Policy of Agricultural Innovation & Natural Resources Spatial Land Use Modelling & Economics of Coexistence of Agricultural Production Systems Professional Responsibilities & Experience Development of Profiles, Crop Budgets, Farm Models & Technological Impact Assessments of Ricebased Production Systems in Key Ecologies along the Upland-Lowland Continuum in Africa Development of Surveys, Experiments and Tools to Analyze and Develop Value Chains in Africa Capacity Development & Knowledge Exchange with National & International Agricultural Research & Extension Systems, Universities, Advanced Research Institutes & Industry Partners Management & Implementation of International Research Projects Extensive Work Experience Abroad (Farm, Household & Institutional Surveys in Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Senegal, Mauritania, Australia, Hungary, Czech Republic, France & The Netherlands) Organization of International Conferences, Sessions & Workshops: ICABR 2001-2006, EAAE 2002 & 2008 Contributed Session, AAAE 2007 Post-conference Impact Assessment Workshop, Scientific Matty Demont (PhD), Curriculum Vitae, 30 April 2010, Page I American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) 3. International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) 2.g.Committee Africa Rice Congress 2010. Statistica. Basic Knowledge in German. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Curriculum Vitae. Wageningen University Invited Expert at Delphi Panel “Biochemistry and the Future Role of Seaports”. ArcView. Natural Resources Forum & Pedobiologia) Invited Expert for Workshop of Regional Actors in the Rice Value Chain. Organized by the Africa Rice Center. Benin Annual Course for “Social and Ethical Aspects of Biotechnology”. ICABR 2001-2009. Office 2007 (Word. Trends in Biotechnology. 3× European Review of Agricultural Economics. Africa Rice Congress 2010) Referee for INRA’s “Programme National de Recherches sur les OGM” (ANR-OGM) Referee for Manshold PhD Program 2× Expert Evaluator for the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme Consultancy for Monsanto on the Economics of Transgenic Crops in Hungary & the Czech Republic Courses Course for “Impact Assessment Workshop”. @Risk. FrontPage & Dreamweaver Professional Memberships (Intermittent) 1. French & English. 8 June 2005 Master Class “Five Myths around Genetically Modified Organisms and Developing Countries”. ULB. Page II . Adobe Photoshop. Stata.g. Belgium Annual Course “Development Theories and Reality” for Advanced Studies Master of Science in Tropical Agriculture. France. Burkina Faso Invited Expert for European Commission Coordination Network on Coexistence (COEX-NET) Invited Expert for European Commission Scientific Meeting “Economic Impact of Available GM crops: Methodologies and Results” Invited Expert for the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme DIABR-ACT Project “Economics of Diabrotica Control”. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. Environmental Biosafety Research. Ecological Economics. Agriculture and Human Values. Reference Manager. Excel. Access). European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) 4. K. International Journal for Agricultural Sustainability. 30 April 2010. PowerPoint. Organized by the Port of Rotterdam Referee for International Conferences (e.000: NWO-WOTRO “PARASITE” Project (2010-2013) Review & Advisory Activities Invited Expert for USAID West Africa Rice Value Chain Analysis Member of the International Scientific Committee (Panel of Experts) and Program Committee of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR) Referee for Academic Journals (e. Ghana. 19 November 2003 Language & Computer Skills Trilingual Fluency in Dutch. 2× Journal of Applied Entomology. Accra. Belgian Association of Agricultural Economists (BAAE) Matty Demont (PhD). 2× Journal of Agricultural Economics. Institut Supérieur Agricole de Beauvais. 12× AgBioForum.Leuven.000: Monsanto Research Grant (2004) €25.U. Nature Education.000: European Commission SIGMEA Project (2004-2007) €23. Agricultural Economics Society (AES) 5. African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) 6.. Contributions to Resource Mobilisation €20. Mathcad. Stakeholders Workshop on Innovative Strategies for Tailoring Senegal River Valley Rice to Senegalese Consumer Preferences 2010 Supervision of 4 PhD Students & 37 MSc Students Publication of Research Results in Academic Journals & Communication to Policy Makers & Public Media. Belgium Master Class “Analysis of the Economic Impact of Transgenic crops” for Course “PGMs: Enjeux et Risques”. Environmental and Resource Economics. Ghent University. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. Spanish & Wolof Excellent Proficiency in Windows Vista. Organized by the USAID Expanded Agribusiness and Trade Promotion Project. 5× Food Policy.000: Monsanto Research Grant (2005-2006) €700. . Demont. Y. & Devos. 34(6):508-518. M.. & Tollens. Wopereis. M. M. M. Mathijs. E.. 2009. “Boserup versus Malthus Revisited: Evolution of Farming Systems in Northern Côte d’Ivoire. Devos. 2007. Demont. Demont. K. 5.” AgBioForum. M. “Ex ante Impact Assessment of Herbicide Resistant Rice in the Sahel. 3. 23. & Tollens.. “GM Crops in Europe: How Much Value and for Whom?” EuroChoices.. D. 28(9):728-736.. Johnson. Dillen. E. E. Dillen. A. E.” International Sugar Journal. O. Dillen. M. Demont. Daems.. Tollens. Matty Demont (PhD). 2008. E. M. “Modelling Heterogeneity to Estimate the ex ante Value of Biotechnology Innovations. in preparation. Tollens.” Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise.. 2010.. M. “Coexistence in the EU―Return of the Moratorium on GM Crops?” Nature Biotechnology. E. 26(7):353-358.. Reheul. 145(2):197-207. “Taking a New Look at Empirical Models of Adoption: Average Treatment Effect Estimation of Adoption Rates and Their Determinants. 2009. Daems. “Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters: The Case of Herbicide Resistant Sugar Beet. Sausse. Demont. Daems. & Tollens. 2008. 34(1):87-88. “Potential Economic Impact of GM Sugar Beet in the Global Sugar Sector.. 2010. 19. 29(1):11-30. UK: CABI Publishing. & Tollens.” EuroChoices. “Forty Years of Rice R&D: Achievements and Lessons Learned.” Journal of Agricultural Economics. D. K. Sausse. & Tollens. Other Publications 1. 21.. Tollens.. P. E.” Review of Business and Economics. Horie. J. & Tollens. K. & Mathijs. 12(3-4):313-325. 12(3-4):334-345.. Demont. K. Diagne. & Mathijs.” Crop Protection. T.. 4. “Biodiversity versus Transgenic Sugar Beet: The One Euro Question. R. Wesseler.. Page III . Devos. A. M. W.. & Stessens. “On the Proportionality of EU Spatial ex ante Coexistence Regulations.. & Tollens. D. M. & Jalloh. 2008. M. Dillen.” Journal of Systemics. Daems. M. 2009.. Y.. UK: CABI Publishing. M. 31(1):1-18. 6. Rodenburg. Dillen. 6(3):46-53. Fogarasi. C. & Jalloh. M. M. Demont. J. & Sanvido.. 2007..” Agronomy for Sustainable Development. M.. 11. Demont. M.” AgBioForum. 2009. Soukup. 2009. M... 13.. S. 2008. A.. 2009. Demont. Wopereis. E. “Bird Damage Incidence and Control in Rice in Africa. Dillen. 33(4):231-238. K. 2004. 26(11):1223-1225. Demont. 12(1):119-129. 10. Cerovska. M. Dillen.C. 2009. 72(1):177-82. Demont. C. Wallingford.. T. Rodenburg.. J. 22.Publication Record Articles in Academic Journals 1.. Džeroski. 8. 14. 37(2-3):201-210. 111(1330):638-643. M.. 93(1-3):215-228. “Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beet under Changing Sugar Policies. Muška.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 9... M.” Annals of Applied Biology.” Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences. O. Johnson. 56(4):533-553. & Swennen. M.. E. “First Impact of Biotechnology in the EU: Bt Maize Adoption in Spain. C. 110(1318):613-617. W.. 35(2):183-184. “Towards Flexible Coexistence Regulations for GM Crops in the EU. M.. “Coexistence of Genetically Modified (GM) and Non-GM Crops in the European Union. J. 2007. & Tollens. M. & Sanvido. & Rodenburg.. in press. 2010. S. E.S. Y. E. K. Y. 54(3):258-272. 12. 17. “Should Sustainable Consumption and Production Be a Policy Priority for Developing Countries and If So What Areas Should They Focus on?” Natural Resources Forum. Jouve. J. M. de Mey. Demont. 2. Demont. & Demont.” Agricultural Systems. 64(4):683-689. M. 2008. Mathijs.” Outlook on Agriculture.” Food Policy. “Ex ante Impact Assessment under Imperfect Information: Biotechnology in New Member States of the EU. O.. Cybernetics and Informatics. E.. Demont.S.. Wesseler. E. W. A Review. “Food versus Cash: Development Theory and Reality in Northern Côte d’Ivoire. M. Demont. & Tollens. Demont. “Regulating Coexistence in Europe: Beware of the Domino-Effect!” Ecological Economics. M. K. Diagne. 25. & Demont. 2007. K.. K. 20. 2004. Horie. Demont..” Food Policy.. Demont. “On the Proportionality of EU Spatial ex ante Coexistence Regulations: Reply. M. Demont. & Demont. J... & Diallo. Demont. “Multi-Attribute Modelling of Economic and Ecological Impacts of Agricultural Innovations on Cropping Systems. M. Dillen.. & Dillen. “Agrobiotechnology in Developing Countries: North-South Partnerships Are the Key. J. & Sanvido. E. Kaiser. 18. 2006. Dillen. eds. Wallingford. Mathijs.” European Review of Agricultural Economics. M. 2. Demont. Demont. J. E. 2008. K. E. Stessens. F. 30 April 2010.” Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise. “Herbicide Tolerant Sugar Beet: The Most Promising First-Generation GM Crop?” International Sugar Journal. E. E. K. M. Y. 2010. Tollens. S.. Dillen. E. Tollens. M. Sausse. 16. W. 24. M. E. Curriculum Vitae.. “Regulating Coexistence of GM and non-GM crops without Jeopardizing Economic Incentives.” Agricultural Economics.. Dillen. K.. in preparation. 7.. 15. eds.. 59(3):463-486.” Trends in Biotechnology. “Potential of Herbicide Resistant Rice Technologies for Sub-Saharan Africa.” AgBioForum. 2010. Bohanec. J. 2004. E. 4(2):52-59. 2009..C. & Žnidaršic. Demont. E. Scatasta. Devos. Demont. Tollens. & Tollens. & Tollens. “European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation. . 59-68. Demont.. E. Gafsi. technologie. & Tollens. M. J. E. P. Alston. E.. “Value of Herbicide Tolerance for Irrigated Rice Farmers in the Sahel.C. S. “Economic Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology in the European Union: Transgenic Sugar Beet and Maize. 19. eds.. F. “Economics of Spatial Coexistence: Isolation Distances versus Pollen Barriers.3. I. Brussels. “European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation. 12.. Demont... M.Leuven. E. W. K. 4. 327-352. UK: CABI Publishing. & Tollens E. R. M. G. Demont. Stessens. K. 500-509..: United States Agency for International Development. 15. Dugué. & Tollens. A Review. M... E. 1.. pp. M. & Verbeke.J. Kaiser.. Virginia Institute of Technology. de Roest..M. Breckling. T. & Jalloh. M. eds.M. M.H..” Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise.. eds.-Y. M.. Jongeneel. A.” Crop Biotech Update Press Release. April 2005. 2003. W. Mathijs. 2010. A. Johnson. Debaeke. Dillen. W. B. “Impact of Selected Transgenic Crops in Hungary Estimated... Cotonou: Africa Rice Center. Demont. & Verbeke. eds. Scatasta.. Demont. 10. 22. 24. 20-21 November 2007: Book of Abstracts. Demont. T. 2007. M... Demont. Uncertainty.. Wallingford. M. Nzuma.” Agricultural Economics in Belgium: Diversity and Dynamics. R. Wesseler. M. 51-72.. Lauwers. 6. “Irreversible Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops: What Are They?” Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops. 21. M. 26. Demont. 14. R. Mathijs. Daems. Leuven. Dordrecht: Springer. Belgium: Lannoo Campus. J. Wallingford. V.. 2009. ed. eds. pp. & Jalloh. M..” Sustainable Agriculture.. pp. Devos.. & Diallo. De Frahan. M. M. Mathijs... Belgium: Lannoo Campus.. 2006.” Third International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and non-GM Based Agricultural Supply Chains. Jouve. Stoops. “Démographie et évolution des exploitations agricoles: Analyse selon les théories de Malthus et de Boserup en Côte d'Ivoire.. Demont. K. Rutsaert. pp.. in preparation. AfricaRice. Rodenburg. Lauwers.. Horie. 2004. D. 239-255. W.. Diagne. Wallingford. Horie. R. E. 23. J. Wopereis. Meister. Bezlepkina. E.” Research Brief. pp. Mathijs. “Regulating Coexistence in Europe: Beware of the Domino-Effect!” Agricultural Economics in Belgium: Diversity and Dynamics.. J. D. H. Demont..” VIB Press Release.. M. & Rizzotto. pp. Dillen. J.. 30 April 2010. W. Devos. Tollens.” Implications of GM-crop Cultivation at Large Spatial Scales. pp. C. E. J. 2010.. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. UK: CABI Publishing. Dillen. in press. 11.” Magyar mezőgazdaság.. O. Demont.. & Verhoeven. E. E. 13.” Dissertationes de Agricultura. “Coexistence of Genetically Modified (GM) and Non-GM Crops in the EU. Nairobi. 2003. 9. A. 2008. J.H. M.. Stein. UK: CABI Publishing. A. & Zilberman. B.. in press. & Santaniello. C. S. L. Sausse. Matty Demont (PhD). E. 17. 2010. 18.. Ghent: Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB). GGO's te velde? Dialoog tussen wetenschap.. 203-228.E. Page IV . STG. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. K. E. & Tollens. Souchère.” Science for Environment Policy.. De Frahan. & Tollens. & Sanvido. Fogarasi. Reheul. AfricaRice.U. 159-162. “Compliance. Brouwer. P. K. 113-122. Les Ulis. & Tollens. Demont. R. & Tollens. 2010. E... D. & Tollens. M. Genetically Modified Crops: Economic Impact on the EU and the Rest of the World. 2009. Curriculum Vitae. eds. J.. “Tailoring African Rice Value Chains to Consumers. 178:1. & Tollens. 2010.C. eds. pp. 20. politiek en samenleving.” Harnessing the Potential of Biotechnology for Food Security and Socioeconomic Development in Africa. 2004. M. pp.. Brussels: Brussels. E. Jamin. HT Corn and Bt Corn. Belgium: K.. S. in press. P.” Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise. USAID. M. 2010. & Tollens. M. eds.. & Sanvido. Wallingford.. M. J. & Verbeke. Vol. April. 2009. eds. New York: Springer. 2009. 16. E. “Regulating Spatial Coexistence of GM and Conventional Oilseed Rape in Central France.. “Ex ante Welfare Effects of Agricultural Biotechnology in the European Union: The Case of Transgenic Herbicide Tolerant Sugarbeet.” Economics of Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnologies. Just. 2007. M. Lichtfouse. France: EDP Sciences – Springer...” Research Brief. Demont. B. P.S. and the Adoption of Transgenic Crops: Experiences from Applications to HT Sugar Beets. Public Benefits and Global Competition: Dairy. V.. Tollens.. & Jongeneel.S. eds. 2009. 5. K.E. J.. F. “Regulating Coexistence – Another Barrier on the Path of Genetically Engineered Crops in Europe?” ISB News Report. Demont.. Fox. Brouwer.” Exploitations agricoles familiales en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre. & Rodríguez-Cerezo.. Daems.. Evenson. Wesseler. 43-50. 2006.” The Economics of Regulation in Agriculture: Compliance with Public and Private Standards. Custers... eds. “Experimental Auctions. Dillen. A. Reuter. Kenya: African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum (ABSF). Seville (Spain).. Demont. Sausse. “Consumer Preferences for Rice in Africa... “Major Economic Consequences from the Moratorium on Genetically Modified Crops. 7. “Irreversibility. 2010. Wesseler. J. D. E.C. Dillen.. “Birds and Weeds. Y. 2005. Winsten. n° 713. E. C. Washington. R. Cotonou: Africa Rice Center. Johnson. Alberola. European Commission.” The Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology. M... O.. Demont. L. West Africa Rice Value Chain Analysis e-Consultation. K. Y. 28 January 2005. D. Növények védelme. 153-156. Demont. & Brossier. M. Navarrete. & Demont. “Flexible Management Better for Coexistence of GM and Non-GM Crops. Namen: Stichting voor de Toekomstige Generaties (STG). pp. D.. 8. Neven... ed.. & Demont. 25.. Paris: Editions Quae. “A géntechnológia lehetséges gazdasági hatása Magyarországon. in preparation. UK: CABI Publishing.. Dillen. Wopereis. Demont. 2010. Krupnik. Seville. “Self-sufficiency Policy and Irrigated Rice Productivity in the Senegal River Valley. Dillen. & Jouve P. W. Belgium. Demont. Vietnam.. 14. 22 November 2007. Cotonou. “Towards Flexible Coexistence Regulations for GM Crops in the EU. Shennan. 4. “Economic Impact of Transgenic Crops in Europe: What Have We Learned So Far From ex post and ex ante Assessments in the EU?” CORDIA Biotechnology Convention. M. Misiko. Y.. M. Diagne. 6. Brussels. Brussels. 1-4 June & Verbeke.” Africa Rice Center Research Days. Wageningen. E. M. P. Soukup. Coordination Network on Coexistence (COEX-NET). M. Coulibaly. Belgium. Coda Tervuren. Belgium. de Mey. Page V . 19-22 June 2010. 28 April 2010. Demont. 11-13 October 2005. Jouve. Cotonou. M.. M. M.” European Commission. M. M.” Third International Rice Congress. J.en Vervolmakingsdag “Gewasbescherming in de toekomst: biologisch. “Irreversible Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops: What Are They?” Frontis Workshop ‘Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops in Europe’. West Africa Rice Value Chain Analysis e-Consultation. E. & Tollens. 28 October 2004. Settle.. Brussels. “Methodological Issues of ex ante Agbiotech Impact Assessments: An EU Perspective. 1416 September 2010. European Commission.B. USA.. Panel Discussion “Using ICT to Develop Rice Value Chains. “Economic Impact of GM Sugar Beets in the EU: The EUWAB-project. P. 8. Demont. Sénégal. Brussels. E. M.” European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) Press Conference “New Tools for the New Generation in Agriculture”..” Africa Rice Center Research Days. & Verbeke. Zurich. 8-12 November 2010. 2. 10. & Rodenburg. & Tollens.. D.. USAID.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IAMA) 20th Annual World Forum and Symposium. P. Spain. & Rickman. Cerovska.. M. 4. 2010. Demont. 22-26 March 2010. pp. E. www.” Tropentag 2010: International Research on Food Security. 8:19-23.. “Propension à payer des consommateurs sénégalais pour le « Rival » : Résultats de deux enchères expérimentales à Saint-Louis et à Dakar. 14-16 September 2010. 25-27 August 2009. 2010. Demont. Rutsaert. 9. 28.. Demont. Ndiaye. J. 8-12 November 2010. & Tollens... Daems. Fogarasi. T. “Impact of GM crops in Hungary and the Czech Republic. M. 5. J. 3-5 November 2009. A.” Seminar “Czech Republic – Your Partner in the Agrobiotechnology Research”. 7. Curriculum Vitae.microlinks. 10 Mars 2010. Demont. “The Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology in the EU. Wesseler. Hanoi. M. Demont. C. & Tollens. 13. O. M. Demont. M. Organized under the Auspices of the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU. M.”. 12...” IIRB Info. Rutsaert. M. Muška. Ndour. Zurich. M. eds. & Diagne. K. Brussels. & Demont. & Tollens. Hanoi. & Tollens. Montpellier: National Centre for Hot Climate Agronomic Studies (CNEARC). & Jouve. 7. M. “Estimated versus Perceived Damage Control Productivity: Impact of Birds on Irrigated Rice in the Senegal River Valley. P. Demont. 11. “Evolution d’agro-écosystèmes villageois dans la région de Korhogo (Nord Côte d’Ivoire): Boserup versus Malthus.” Twelfth PhD Symposium Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics. M. Ndour.” Atelier sur la recherche de stratégies innovantes d’adaptation du riz de la Vallée aux exigences du consommateur Sénégalais. 5.J.. W. J. biotechnologisch of chemisch?”. “Impact of GM Crops in Hungary and the Czech Republic. Demont. & Tollens. “Adaptive OnFarm Evaluation of Resource Conserving Rice Cultivation Practices in the Middle Senegal River Valley.. “Weed Control Reduces Bird Damage in Irrigated Rice. M. Benin. “Micro-en macro-economische effecten op korte en lange termijn in de biologische.. 2001. The Netherlands.. France. M. & Ndour. E. O. M. E. biotechnologische en chemische gewasbescherming. België.. Benin.. Demont. Leuven. 30 April 2010.. & Demont. Invited Lectures 1. 15-17 September 2001. Y. Demont. E. “Reversing Urban Bias in End-Markets: Competitiveness of Senegal River Valley Rice. Matty Demont (PhD). Boston. J.-C. 2. Demont. Demont. UK. M. Natural Resource Management and Rural Development. & Sow. 29 maart 2000. E. M.” Third International Rice Congress. M. 93-108.. Séminaire CNEARC-UTM. March 2010. M. opposition ou complémentarité?” Dynamiques agraires et construction sociale du territoire.. Dakar. Demont. W.” Africa Rice Congress 2010. “Ex ante Impact Study of Herbicide Tolerant Sugar Beet. 17-20 March 2008. 3. Vietnam.27. Federal Public Service. Sarr. Devos. 2000. World Life Science Week. K. under review.” Tropentag 2010: International Research on Food Security. “Reversing Urban Bias in End-Markets: Competitiveness of Senegal River Valley Rice. 3. E. Demont. Rodenburg. & Tollens. 26 November 2008. & Tollens. Montpellier. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). Mathijs. “Strategic Vision on Value Chains and Implementation..” Studie.” Scientific Meeting “Economic Impact of Available GM crops: Methodologies and Results. Demont.” Bt-Maize Symposium. opposition ou complémentarité?” Dynamiques agraires et construction sociale du territoire. K. “The Impact of the Financial and Food Crisis on West African Rice Markets: Value Chain and Consumer Perspectives on Response Strategies.” Visions on the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of GMO Food. Neven. Conference Contributions 1. A. 6. Mali. M. & Sanvido. “Evolution d’agro-écosystèmes villageois dans la région de Korhogo (Nord Côte d’Ivoire): Boserup versus Malthus. Dillen. E.H. Natural Resource Management and Rural Development. under review. & Cassé. M. M. J. Dillen. 4-7 November 2008. 26-28 avril 1999. Bamako. Demont.. London. W. F. M. . M. M. Seville. Ravello. Demont.” Twelfth EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Congress. F. 13-15 September 2007.. E. K.. E. “Global Welfare Effects of Transgenic Sugar Beet. 15. Mali. K. M. 13. M. Dillen. M. E. Diagne. “Economics of Spatial Coexistence of Transgenic and Conventional Crops: Oilseed Rape in Central France. K. & Diallo. C. K. 17. Daems. W. Demont. “Paying for Quality: Private versus Collective Valuation of Senegal River Valley Rice.” Africa Rice Congress 2010.” IAAE (International Association of Agricultural Economists) Twenty-Seventh International Conference of Agricultural Economists. R.. 26-29 August 2008. Ghent.. 20-21 November 2007.. E. Kenya. Demont. 2-3 July 2009. & Tollens. “Regulating Spatial Coexistence of GM and Conventional Oilseed Rape in Central France. Belgium. E. K. “Competitive Rivals: Willingness-to-pay for Senegal River Valley versus Imported Rice. K. Dillen. Egypt. K.” ICABR (International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research) Twelfth International Conference. Demont. Conventional and Organic Crops in the European Union – Simulation Modelling and Empirical Case Studies. K. Matty Demont (PhD). de Roest. 20. Y. K. 23...A. & Demont. E. A. Demont. Dillen. E. Dillen.” ICABR (International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research) Thirteenth International Conference.. 16-22 August 2009.” Twelfth EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Congress. “Modelling Heterogeneity to Estimate the ex ante Value of Biotechnology Innovations. E. Brouwer. Demont. “Modelling Heterogeneity to Estimate the ex ante Value of Biotechnology Innovations. Sausse.” Global Conference on Agricultural Policy Changes: Canada. Dillen..C. Dillen. 26-29 August 2008. 9.. M. Mali..” Twelfth EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Congress. Demont. K. “The Potential Value of HT Rice in the Sahel.. 22-26 March 2010.. Diagne. Diagne. Ghent. & Demont. “EAAE Contributed Session: The Future of the European Sugar Market. Demont. Leuven. Twelfth EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Congress.. Demont. P. Dillen. Bamako.” Africa Rice Congress 2010. Bamako. & Diallo. W. & Diagne. E. A. C. E. Ghent. Rodenburg. Ghent.” Perspectives on Impact Evaluation: Approaches to Assessing Development Effectiveness. 2010. “Value of Herbicide Tolerance for Irrigated Rice Farmers in the Sahel. 16. S. C. 12-14 June 2008. M. Jongeneel. 10. E. & Tollens. University of Victoria. Sausse. 28.2 April 2009. M.. Mathijs. & Demont. Mali. & Diagne. Mali. “Self-Sufficiency Policy and Irrigated Rice Productivity in the Senegal River Valley. 26-29 August 2008. Mathijs.. Rutsaert. “Extending Reach to Strengthen Value Chains: Increasing Consumer Awareness of Quality Senegal River Valley Rice. China. Ghent.” GMCC-07 Third International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and Non-GM Based Agricultural Supply Chains. M.. M. Demont. M. M. Demont. K. Demont. Australia. S. Bamako. Demont. Ndour.... Demont. Cairo. M. Spain. M. J. 22-26 March 2010. Ravello. 26-29 August 2008. Demont. A. Dillen. Italy. E. 10-12 November 2009. M. Demont. E. 22-26 September 2008. 30 April 2010. E. “Economics of Spatial Coexistence of Genetically Modified and Conventional Crops: Oilseed Rape in Central France. Winsten. Demont.” ICABR (International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research) Twelfth International Conference. Ndour. Dillen. J.. “Adoption and Impact of an Award Winning Post-harvest Technology: The ASI Rice Thresher in the Senegal River Valley.” ICABR (International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research) Twelfth International Conference. 19. Dillen.” GMCC-09 Fourth International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and Non-GM Based Agricultural Supply Chains. Demont. Italy. E.. Curriculum Vitae. 18-20 June 2009. & Tollens. Germany. M. M. Canada. Rizzotto.. EU and the World Trade Organisation. M. 27...” Twelfth EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Congress. Bamako. “The Global Welfare Effect of GM Sugar Beets under Changing Sugar Policies. Demont. Daems.” GMLS – International Conference on Implications of GM Crop Cultivation at Large Spatial Scales. M. E. 18. 14. 21.. M. & Tollens.. 25. M. 12-14 June 2008. & Diagne. “Adoption and Impact of an Award Winning Post-harvest Technology: The ASI Rice Thresher in the Senegal River Valley. Melbourne. Beijing. 26-29 August 2008. “Modelling Heterogeneity in ex ante Welfare Assessment of GM Crops. Ravello. I. “European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation. Dillen... 17 October 2007. J.. 26-29 August 2008.. M. 29 March . & Tollens... Italy. & Tollens. “On the Proportionality of EU Spatial ex ante Coexistence Regulations. M. & Tollens. W. & Tollens.8. Diagne. M.. 26. Demont. 22-26 March 2010. Dillen. 2010. Dillen. W. P. M. Mathijs. Ghent. Barcelona. 30. & Tollens. M.. & Tollens.” Twelfth EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Congress. E. Diagne.” Thirteenth Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences. Seck. K. Dillen. 11. A. Nairobi. “Economics of Spatial Coexistence: Isolation Distances versus Pollen Barriers.” First All Africa Congress on Biotechnology. de Mey..” Africa Rice Congress 2010. Bezlepkina. M.” Africa Rice Congress 2010. E. 29.. Italy. K. 22. Ravello. 24. Page VI . Meister. M. 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M. 45. & Wesseler.” IAAE (International Association of Agricultural Economists) Twenty-Sixth International Conference of Agricultural Economists. & Tollens. 11-14 July 2002. E.. M. Norton and Pardey Revisited: The Impact of Bt Maize in Spain.. Page VII . E.2 August 2000. P. E.. Wesseler. 49. Paris. J. & Tollens. “Etude comparative des systèmes de commercialisation d’igname en Côte-d’Ivoire. Daems. 33. HT Corn.” ICABR (International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research) Seventh International Conference. Tampa. & Tollens. W. Demont. and Bt Corn. UK. & Demont. E.. Spain. “When Modern (Bio)Technologies Meet Obsolete Trade Policies: The Case of the European Union’s Sugar Industry. & Demont. Benin. “Did the Economic Conditions for Bt-maize in the EU Improve from 1995 to 2004? A MISTICs Perspective. M. USA. Catalonia. K. Uncertainty. J. 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Uncertainty and the Adoption of Transgenic Crops: The Case of Bt-maize in France. and the Adoption of Transgenic Crops: Experiences from Applications to HT Sugar Beet.” American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) and Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Meeting (CAES). M. 40. M. E. Durban. J. Demont.” The 2007 Palisade Users Conference. Demont. M. Demont. & Tollens. 5-8 August 2001.. Uncertainty. M. 23-24 April 2007.” American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting. “Developing a Framework to Analyze the Relationship between Compliance to Standards and the External Competitiveness of European Agriculture. Demont. Stessens.. Wesseler. 34.” Colloque de restitution du projet Incoyam financé par l’Union Européenne. IITA-Bénin. M. S. M. Wesseler. Wesseler. Wesseler. 6-10 July 2005.” Agricultural Economics Society Eightieth Annual Conference. 10-12 March 2005. Demont. Soukup. & Tollens. 36. & E. 37. 30 July . F. 17-19 juin 2003.. Nillesen. “Welfare Effects of Transgenic Sugarbeets in the European Union. J. Italy. E. France.. au Bénin et au Nigeria. J. Demont. Muška. Oehmke. 51. M. J. 13-15 February 2002. & Demont. S. “Global Welfare Effects of Genetically Modified Sugar Beet. Demont. M.Irreversibility. Demont. M. Ravello. M.3 July 2003. Dillen. “Potential Impact of Biotechnology in Eastern Europe: Transgenic Maize. “EAAE Contributed Session: Prospects for GMOs in Europe. Bonny. USA. Sugar Beet and Oilseed Rape in the Czech Republic. 16-22 August 2003. M. Uncertainty and the Economic Benefits and Costs of Transgenic Crops in Europe. E. Wesseler.. J. M. 32. Lleida. 28-31 August 2002.” Tenth EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Congress. Copenhagen. Tollens.” Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Annual Conference. & Tollens. 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