demantra engine on linux

March 22, 2018 | Author: birendra.padhi6328 | Category: Secure Shell, Oracle Database, Command Line Interface, Linux, Directory (Computing)



Oracle Demantra Engine on LinuxAn Oracle White Paper March 2012 Dina Jacobs ORACLE DEMANTRA ENGINE ON LINUX Contents Introduction .................................................................................................... 5 Deploying Demantra on Linux or UNIX ........................................................... 5 Special Linux instructions when deploying the Demantra Analytical Engine: 5 Hardware requirements for Analytical Engine on Linux ................................. 6 About the Installer .......................................................................................... 6 Configure the Web Application on UNIX ........................................................ 7 Configure the Engine on Linux ........................................................................ 7 Post-install Configuration ....................................................................... 8 Engine Manager Configuration .............................................................. 8 Configure Environment Variables .......................................................... 8 Create the Engine Data Source File ........................................................ 9 Deploy Application Server ...................................................................... 9 Deploying on Oracle Application Server (OAS) ...................................... 9 Deploying on Web Logic....................................................................... 10 Deploying on Tomcat ........................................................................... 11 Engine Configuration ............................................................................ 12 Configure Environment Variables ........................................................ 13 Configure the Engine ............................................................................ 13 Engine Starter Server ........................................................................... 13 Running the Engine .............................................................................. 14 Sample Commands............................................................................... 14 Samba Configuration ............................................................................ 16 Distributed Engine ........................................................................................ 18 Configure Promotion Optimization (PMO) on Linux (Optional) ................... 19 Configure the Standalone Integration Tool (APS Standalone) on UNIX (Optional) 20 Run the Engine Administrator on Linux ........................................................ 22 Calling Oracle Demantra Analytical Engine from UNIX Environment........... 23 Step 1: Install SSH tool on Windows Environment .............................. 24 Step 2: Enable SSH package on UNIX Environment ............................. 24 Step 3: Create a user on UNIX environment. ....................................... 24 Step 4: Create SSH key in UNIX environment ...................................... 25 Step 5: Create Identification file .......................................................... 25 Step 6: Place public key on the Engine Windows server ..................... 25 Step 7: Execute the run command from the Unix side. ....................... 26 Additional Considerations .................................................................... 26 APPENDIX I ........................................................................................... 27 Cygwin OpenSSH Installation ............................................................... 27 Engine Troubleshooting/Common Issues ..................................................... 30 Problem. Engine fails and hangs in recovery mode. ............................ 30 Problem. Navigate core dump file to navigate recorded state of the working status output when program has terminated abnormally to help to find crash reason. ................... 30 Problem. Engine Fails with following DB Error: “ERROR DB_OracleConnection::Open threw an exception. Error: 12514 ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor”............................................................................................ 30 Problem. Failed to run Engine in the workflow: “Engine Execution could not start (engine failure). ORA06512” .................................................................................................. 31 Problem. Workflow fails with the following error: “network access denied by access control list (ACL)”. .............................................................................................................. 31 Problem. Engine using OAS fails with the following DB Error: “ERROR DB_OracleConnection::Open threw an exception. Error: 12705 ORA-12705: invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified” 31 Problem. Engine is not starting. ........................................................... 32 Problem. main: “NLS initialization failed!!" Error apears while starting OAS 32 Problem. 500 Internal Server Error/ Servlet error: An exception occurred. 33 Problem. Engine Manager Log is not created ...................................... 33 Problem. Is Oracle Demantra certified for SuSE operating systems? 34 Problem. Weblogic Exception in Engine Manager Deployment .......... 34 Problem. Weblogic Second Engine Start Causes Exception................. 34 Problem. OCCI createEnvironment doesn't succeed. .......................... 34 Problem. Reconnection problems in Engine Manager ........................ 35 Problem. Engine is not working using WorkFlow ................................ 35 Problem. Is it possible to be install Engine on Solaris? ........................ 35 Problem. If the Engine Manager deployed to window server with tomcat, can the rest of machines (engine blades) run at Linux platform? ............................................................. 35 Problem. Is it possible to deploy more than one engine manager on the same Application server (AS)/machine? ...................................................................................... 36 Problem. Error on binding: "Address already in USE" ......................... 36 Problem. EngineManager Execution Failed, Switching to ENGINE_STATUS_FAILED 36 Problem. ERROR Engine 0 on machine <machine> failed to execute successfully 37 37 Problem. Customer receives status “2” or 1 in the browser after running Engine Problem. Need to upgrade Oracle client on Linux. ............................ 38 Problem. Multiple Engines are configured in Settings.xml but only one was created. Problem. How do I configure specific Log Level Groups? .................... 39 Problem. UnsatisfiedLinkError trying to start demantra engineDescription:Status 40 38 Problem. Engine failed to start and the following error message displayed in the EngineManager log: “ FATAL ERROR in native method: ReleaseStringUTFChars called on something not allocated by GetStringUTFChars” ............................................................................. 40 Solaris Important Notes. ...................................................................... 41 . You move these deliverables to the Linux machine and use them with these instructions to perform the following:   Configure the Web application on UNIX. so it is not necessary to install it separately. Please see more info in troubleshooting section.Introduction Engine consists of Analytical Engine were all the analytical voodoo is calculated. you run the Installer on a Windows machine and indicate whether to deploy the Analytical Engine on Linux and the Demantra Web application on UNIX. it is possible to access the Engine Administrator to modify engine configuration settings. The Engine Administrator is not available on Linux (it is only supported on Windows). Engine was originally developed on Windows platform.2 Engine supports Solaris OS as well. The Installer places deliverables on the Windows machine. On more information regarding version support of application server. WebLogic. you must use a 32-bit application server (Tomcat. OAS. The Analytical Engine also supports the following Linux platforms and versions:   Oracle Unbreakable Linux (OEL4 or OEL5) RedHat (AS 4 or AS 5) Starting from version 12.xml needs to be taken from CVS and not from Windows otherwise xml will contain invalid backslashes. Thus Engine was ported to Linux. or WebSphere). Configure the Engine on Linux. For details. see “Software Requirements for the Servers” in Oracle Demantra Installation Guide. but in either scenario. Deploying Demantra on Linux or UNIX Special Linux instructions when deploying the Demantra Analytical Engine: The Oracle instant client is provided. To install Oracle Demantra on a Linux machine. . EngineManager that manages Engine(s) by supplying work load and notifications and Engine Shell where pre processing and post processing of Analytics are done. see Samba Configuration. The engine can be deployed on either a 32-bit or 64-bit Linux (Intel CPU only) platform. It was important for the customers that Engine will be platform independent. However. Please note Settings. You can select one or both of these options by clicking just to the left of the text in the area where the check boxes should appear If you selected Deploy Demantra Web Application on UNIX.txt . It contains the following folders and files:    Web Integration readme.gz. Run the Engine Administrator on Linux. Configure the standalone integration tool (APS Standalone) on UNIX (optional). Oracle Demantra Installation Guide “Hardware Requirements for the Servers”.tar. Hardware requirements for Analytical Engine on Linux See.   Configure Promotion Optimization (PMO) on Linux (optional). It places it on the Windows machine as <Demantra Install Root>\Linux Delivery\Oracle_Demantra_Unix_Web. the Installer places a zip archive of the files required to install the Web on UNIX. About the Installer In the Demantra Installer screen. This is a known display issue. you indicated whether to deploy the Analytical Engine on Linux and/or the Demantra Web application on UNIX: Note: If you are running the Installer on Microsoft Windows Vista. the check boxes may not be visible. Running the Engine 3. WebLogic.If you selected Deploy Demantra Analytical Engine on Linux. Samba Configuration .war file. Tomcat and Oracle Application Server start-stop utilities). (for example. perform the following procedures: 1. Post-install Configuration 2.tar.gz.txt For more information on Installer. the process creates the following directories under <INSTALL_ROOT>/Engine. To configure the engine on Linux. Copy it to a location accessible by a supported Java container. • bin: Includes configuration files (for example Settings. Configure the Web Application on UNIX 1. <INSTALL_ROOT>/tools – directory holds configuration files. It places it on the Windows machine as <Demantra Install Root>\Linux Delivery\Oracle_Demantra_Linux_Engine. the Installer places a zip archive of the files required to install the Engine on Linux. see Oracle Demantra Installation Guide “About the Installer”. such as ds_config Run command: chmod –R 0777 * from the directory where archive was unpacked.xml) and some application server management scripts (for example.gz. Deploy the . • lib: Includes all engine executables and libraries and all third party libraries and utilities. and WebSphere) and follow the specific proprietary deployment process for a standard Web application deployment using your application server. It contains the following folders and files:    Engine tools readme.tar. so tools and Engine directories will be updated with permission. The application WAR file is created during application building process and delivered by the Windows Installer. See more information in Oracle Demantra Installation Guide “Deploying the Oracle Demantra Web Application on Oracle Application Server” Configure the Engine on Linux When you unpack archive Oracle_Demantra_Linux_Engine. Oracle Application Server. Engine Manager Configuration The engine manager configuration consists of the following:    Configure environment variables Create the Engine Data Source File Deploy Oracle Application Server Configure Environment Variables Run bin/configureVariables.Post-install Configuration The post-install configuration consists of the following:    Engine Manager configuration Engine configuration Engine starter server In this document. ORACLE_HOME and JAVA_HOME.5 or greater    ENGINE_ROOT = full path to directory above the place you've putted bin and lib ( For example home/oracle//Engine) ORACLE_HOME = Path to Oracle Application Server Installation or $ENGINE_ROOT/lib/ORACLE_HOME when no OAS is installed (Tomcat for example) JAVA_HOME = Full path to Java 1. WebLogic and WebSphere).bash_profile file. the Web application examples use Oracle Application Server examples. for example. but review their values. (JDK or JRE) Script will define these environment variables into your $HOME/. . There are similar processes for other Web containers (for example. Some environment variables may already be defined. bash_profile – one needs to execute this command for every opened terminal session <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib/ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg includes some Oracle message definitions required by sqlldr (SQL Loader). enter: • • • • • • • • Full path to the tools directory. For more information. see Oracle Installation Guide “Configure Environment Variables”. the ORACLE_HOME should point to <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib/ORACLE_HOME.If there is no Oracle instance installed on your machine (no Oracle Application Server or Database).sh When prompted.war WEB-INF conf . Create the Engine Data Source File Run .Database user name Schema password – Database user password Database SID Database port number Full path to the ds.tar.bin/createDSIniEngineRoot.war is installed with pack Oracle_Demantra_Linux_Engine. If you need to create it manually. <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib/engineManager. Run command: source ~/.<ROOT DIRECTORY>/bin Deploy Application Server This section describes how to deploy the engine (on Linux) on the following application servers: • • • Oracle Application Server Web Logic Tomcat Deploying on Oracle Application Server (OAS) Perform the steps in this section only if you are deploying the engine on OAS.ini file . Generally.Full host name where database server is running Schema name .gz. including ds_config. use the following command: cd <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib jar cvf Server name .Full name of database server TNS name . browse to select the EngineManager. if any other paths are required add them directly following the engine required paths Note: If your database instance is configured in a different language. . Click Start the Administration Console 3. Restart Oracle Application Server.war file.ora file is not automatically deployed with OAS. Navigate to base_domain > Configuration > Web Applications.war: <INSTALL_ROOT>/bin/startallOAS.Open the Oracle Application Server administration page in your browser (example. click Deploy. 3. click ‘home’ (type = OC4J). In the list of Application Servers.AL32UTF8S 5.war file. For example. Note: Verify that engine path definitions are appended to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH environment Note: Verify that a tnsnames. delete it. the following message appears: “application “engineManager” has been deployed successfully”). Open the Web Logic Server administration page in a Web browser. 2. and then deploy the EngineManager. 4. Click Administration. 2. 1. Go to the Configure Server Properties task. define environment variables as described below: • • • Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to <INSTALL_ROOT>\lib Set PATH to <INSTALL_ROOT>\lib Set ENGINE_ROOT to <INSTALL_ROOT> * Make sure to uncheck the Append checkbox to the right. Verify that engineManager was deployed successfully (for example. In the Server Properties section. Save the changes. Deploying on Web Logic Perform the steps in this section only if you are deploying the engine on the Web Logic application server. http://<server>:7778/em). also define the following environment variable: Set NLS_LANG to AMERICAN_AMERICA. <INSTALL_ROOT>/bin/shutdownOAS. 7. Perform the following steps to deploy <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib/engineManager. and then click Deploy. click Next. 6. If it is. Activate the changes (e. both positively and negatively. navigate to Deployments. When the application status = Active.g. 14. Deploying on Tomcat . click Install).g.g. 16. and then click Next.g. and then click Finish. click Release Configuration). and then save any changes. 12. Select engineManager. in the Admin console. navigate to Deployments. 6. then click Lock & Edit. then click Lock & Edit. Choose to install a new application or module (e. then select Start > Servicing All Requests. 8. Activate the changes (e. as in the following example: ENGINE_ROOT=/home/oracle/demantra PATH=/home/oracle/demantra/lib:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/oracle/demantra/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/demantra/lib/ORACLE_HOME export ENGINE_ROOT PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH ORACLE_HOME Please be aware that application server configurations can impact Demantra performance. 11. Choose to install the deployment as an application. Perform the following to complete the deployment on Web Logic: Update the file $WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin/-setDomainEnv. Start the deployment (e. in the Admin console. Verify that “Archived Real Path” is enabled. and then click Next. and then release the configuration (e. Please review the configuration guide for your application server version. engineManager is ready for use. “engineManager”). In Domain Structure. In Domain Structure. For example. click Yes). 9.4. click Activate Changes). 7. if parameters relating to connection timeout or stuck threads are set incorrectly. Enter the full directory path to engineManager.war.PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH definitions. click Activate Changes). Refer to the steps below to complete the deployment. Enter a name for the deployment (e. Append ENGINE_ROOT. 13. they can cause issues. 10. 5. Select the engineManager Web application from the list of available deployments. . To deploy the engine on Tomcat.php3/stat/2/simple/2 2.rpm package. Set up system The engine manager configuration consists of the following: . Download then manually copy/move the library libstdc++-libc6. Oracle recommends this method because installing older compatible RPM versions can be .Stops tomcat startBatchTomcat. Download and deploy additional library or RPM (standard C++ library for RedHat 7. .Stops the engine Note: User needs to deploy only one Application . and then enter the following in the Search field: compat-libstdc++-rh62-1. Change to the <ROOT DIRECTORY>/bin and make all scripts executable: cd bin chmod +x *. Click Search. Select the check box for RedHat 7.i386 Note: The following useful scripts are also available in this directory: • • • • • TomcatRun.Perform the steps in this section only if you are deploying the engine on the Tomcat application 6.Starts engine in batch mode startSimulationTomcat. run the following script: <INSTALL_ROOT>/bin/deployEngineManagerIntoTomcat.x) from the following URL: Engine Configuration 1.x. 5.Starts the engine in simulation mode stopEngineTomcat.3 to the /usr/lib or <ENGINE_ROOT>/lib . download the library and install it as ROOT compat-libstdc++-rh62-1.Starts tomcat TomcatEnd. Alternatively. It is a standalone process. Configure the Engine The engine works as an operating system service. run a script that prompts you for input and sets up configurations: <INSTALL_ROOT>/bin/ is obsolete.o o Configure environment variables Configure the Engine Configure Environment Variables As you did previously. Start it manually or from an automated CRON task.) EngineBaseUrl: The base URL to be used to execute the if your Engine is on the same machine as EngineManager you don’t need to run script * Note that every path provided to should NOT include a trailing "/" <INSTALL_ROOT>/bin/source $HOME/. independent from the operating' is the URL part of the environment server and '9999' is the correct port.bash_profile. similar to telnet and FTP. Update the following system parameters: • EnginePlatform: The operating system platform on which the engine is executed. Engine Starter Server The engineStarter server is a simple TCP server that listens to defined port and starts the engine when a valid request arrives as input through the TCP pipe. (Set to 1 for Linux. .us. System tab). Example: http://server. OR by performing the following update statements: UPDATE SYS_PARAMS SET pval = '1' WHERE lower(pname) = 'engineplatform' UPDATE SYS_PARAMS SET pval = '#URL#' WHERE lower(pname) = 'enginebaseurl' Note: Be sure to replace the #URL# token with the actual URL of the engine manager. Perform the following to configure the engine to run on Note. • You can update these parameters either in Business Modeler (Parameters > System where 'server. It takes one command-line parameter. Verify that the port number passed to EngineStarter is the same as the EngineUnixPortConfig parameter defined in the $ENGINE_ROOT/bin/Settings. if your port number is 13579 run EngineStarter using the following command: cd <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib . mode: 1 is for batch mode. start is not valid if the Engine Manager is running. restart. stop. the engine is Application Server compatible. You can use a browser to start. This port updates the EngineUnixPortConfig parameter in Settings. Restart is not valid if the Engine Manager is not running. and restart it. The status command is valid when the engine is running and shows engine execution status: -1 is working.exe. and status.The engineStarter server is located under <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib/EngineStarter as Engine. manually start the engineStarter server as described below. EngineManager Starter Servlet parameters are as follows: Command: Start. On Linux platforms. If the Engine is not running.) http://<Application Server Host>:<Application Server Port>/<Context Path>/EngineManagerStarterServlet?command=restart&mode=1&profile_id=1 Stop Engine Manager in Batch Mode: . For example. use the following command: ps -ef | grep EngineStarter | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 Running the Engine After configuring the Engine Manager (see Engine Manager Configuration). You can then run the Engine.xml and supplies the updated <portnum> parameter to EngineStarter. 0 is success. 99 is for simulation profile_id: 1 is for INIT_PARAMS_1 as override profile Sample Commands Start Engine Manager in Batch Mode: http://<Server>:<port>/<ContextName>/EngineManagerStarterServlet?command=start&mode=1&profil e_id=1 Restarting the Engine in Batch mode: Note: Use this method if the Engine is already running. 1 is failed. the port number it should listen to (the default is port 12345). stop.xml file. The status will be shown in browser after engine launching. this command will have no effect./EngineStarter 13579 & To stop engineStarter. 0 .Engine run succeeded.http://<Server>:<port>/<ContextName>/EngineManagerStarterServlet?command=stop&mode=1&profil e_id=1 Stop Engine Manager in Simulation Mode: http://<Server>:<port>/<ContextName>/EngineManagerStarterServlet?command=start&mode=99&prof ile_id=1 Restart Engine Manager in Simulation Mode: http://<Server>:<port>/<ContextName>/EngineManagerStarterServlet?command=restart&mode=99&pr ofile_id=1 Request Engine Run Status (Status = -1 . .Engine running. Refer to the EngineManager and Engine2k logs. This file is created in the We b Application run directory. please see EngineManagerPreRunLog. 1 . If the log files don’t appear.) http://<Server>:<port>/<ContextName>/EngineManagerStarterServlet?command=status Engine Log Files Engine Log files will be created under $ENGINE_ROOT/engine2k directory.Engine run failed.txt file. Alternatively. Samba is a Linux utility that is commonly used to map directories across Windows and Linux servers.If deploying on Oracle Application Server. Guest Account to a Linux Account that you will access from Microsoft Windows. see Oracle Demantra Installation Guide “Run the Engine Administrator on Linux”. From the Preferences menu. For details. this file will be created under $WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain If deploying on Tomcat. Samba Configuration For more information on Samba Configuration see Oracle Demantra Installation Guide. In most Linux distributions. From the Preferences menu. This mapping is required because the Engine Administrator is supported only on Windows. choose Security. if you want to access the Engine Administrator to modify engine configuration settings you must map the directories between the Windows and Linux servers. Samba is a built-in utility and doesn't require any special installation. choose Basic. this file will be created under $ENGINE_ROOT/bin For more information on different options of running Engine. you can edit the settings.conf. Define File system share as follows: . this file will be created under $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home If deploying on Web Logic. see Oracle Demantra Installation Guide “Running the Engine”. When performing Samba > /etc/samba/smbpasswd Edit the Samba configuration file /etc/samba/smb. Run Samba graphical interface from SYSTEM > Samba. log in as ROOT. Run the following: cat /etc/passwd | mdsmbpasswd. and then set the workgroup name that the current computer belongs to. and then set the following options: Authentication Mode to True. When deploying the engine on Linux. Encrypt Passwords to Yes. Set the following: encrypt password = yes smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd Restart Samba service from SYSTEM > Services.xml file on the Linux server. Create the password file for Samba based on the system users and passwords file. Different functionality is available when using the Engine Administrator or editing the XML. Set Directory to the selected guest user home directory. . Share Name to the selected guest user name. Set Writable to True.Click Add Share button. map a network drive with supply Linux machine IP address and shared directory path.tar. Blades A1 through A10 should be distinctly divided between B1 and B2. Those definitions are valid for RedHat and Enterprise Linux machines. Distributed Engine The Distributed Engine drastically shortens the run time for a single batch engine run by processing the engine tasks in parallel. To run the Engine Administrator on Microsoft Windows.Set Access to Allow Access to everyone. For example.xml is in /home/oracle/Engine/bin. The location of engine installations is /home/oracle/Engine/bin and /home/oracle/Engine/lib. supply the Linux password for your selected guest user. Unpack archive Engine.244. machine A1 to A10 are blades for engines. For example: \\10. Run chmod –R 0777 * . It doesn't matter how many engines are started on each machine (as long as they have enough CPU/memory) but that not one physical machine is used to start engines by two different Engine Managers. Engine files are located under that user's home directory. or select a user from the list. On Windows. File Settings. For example.172.xml file from Linux through the mapped drive and edit it using any text editor. Oracle recommends that you map the whole engine user home directory to Microsoft Windows.80\oracle While accessing the map. open the Settings. one used for production and the other for testing.gz 2. See also Red Hat Documentation. for improved engine processing time. Restart Samba Service. User needs to unpack perform the following steps for each different machine where Engine(s) reside: 1. so that no one machine is used by both B1 and B2. the engine user on the Linux machine is oracle. Each machine deployed with an engine should only be used by the specific instance of Engine Manager for which it was deployed. Machines B1 and B2 each have an application server deployed with an Engine Manager on it. Only one Engine Manager can be deployed on each application server instance. Assigning A1 to A5 to B1 and A6 to A10 to B2 is acceptable. on different machines. but assigning A1 through A5 to B1 and A5 through A10 to B2 is not acceptable because A5 would be used by both B1 and B2. map Samba to /home/oracle so that you can access that directory and its subdirectories from Microsoft Windows. sh <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib /EngineStarter & On the machine where EngineManager resides. Set the value of ILJCONFIG to HandleTableSize=1 Set the value of ODMS_JVM_LIBRARY_OVERRIDE to /lib/i386/server/libjvm.2 “Deploying Multiple Engines on Multiple Servers on Linux” for more information.3. Using Settings. Configure Promotion Optimization (PMO) on Linux (Optional) If you want to run the Promotion Optimization process on Linux (instead of on Microsoft Windows): Append an additional value to parameter LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Through this port Engines will communicate back to . Application Server via http starts EngineManager with port 8080. 4. The bellow picture describes the following.xml configuration EngineManager creates 3 Engines with the initial port definition for TCP and passes as well port 8080. Engine1 Engine2 Engine3 http://<Server>:<8080>/<ContextName>/En gineManagerStarterServlet?command=start& mode=1&profile_id=1 Application Server EngineStarter 12345 & EngineManager See Installation Guide 7.0. Append <application_root>/optimization/dll/x86_linux32.3. user needs to modify Settings. <INSTALL_ROOT>/bin/configureVarables.xml to specify where Engines are located. enter and run the command. you need to keep the structure of these folders as described in these instructions. or leave it empty and define environment variable JAVA_HOME. If you are using the command line. Make file ds_config. Please note the following: o o o The parameters are not case sensitive. You can locate the Integration and tools folders anywhere on the Linux machine and they do not need to be under the same directory. 1. enter the Java runtime options (for example. -Xmx512m). Populate the connection details using either the user interface or the command line. The Schema Parameters Configuration Tool uses this file. o For the value of variable _CD. /opt/java1. Optionally. for the value of variable JAVA_OPTS. either enter the appropriate JDK's path (for Fill the appropriate connection details described in section Configure the Web Application on UNIX. The parameter File can contain a relative path. o For the value of variable _JAVA_HOME. /usr/DemantraApps/tools). 3. Each parameter in the command line must contain a Run command: chmod u+x ds_config./ds_config. 4. 2. Run command: . o If you are using the user interface: o o o Open the Data Source Configuration Tool. Save and unzip the Smoke Test Linux folder in the Linux Tnsname=mickey LogId=std_730A LogPassword=mdp Database=ma0mu211 DBPort=1565 File=/usr/Demantra_SA_Test/lib/ executable.5/jdk).ini Navigate to folder tools/conf and verify that it contains file as shown in the example below. enter the full path of the tools folder (for example. Navigate to folder tools and open file DBMS=ORA ./ds_config. perform this configuration. Example: .Configure the Standalone Integration Tool (APS Standalone) on UNIX (Optional) If you want to use the standalone integration tool (APS Standalone) on UNIX to execute integration interfaces (instead of on Microsoft Windows or through a workflow).oracle. Run command: chmod u+x sp_config.SOP Mail=true mail. /usr/DemantraApps/tools).com mailAddress=admin@mail. enter the full path of the tools folder (for example.ini). enter the Java runtime options (for example. 6. If you are using the command line. mail settings. Example: . the default creation folder is conf and the default name is DataSource. for the value of variable JAVA_OPTS.Collaborator. Populate the schema parameters using either the user interface or the command line. or leave it empty and define environment variable auditMailAddress=Audit@mail./sp_config. Please note the following: o o o o The parameters are not case sensitive.5/jdk). ds. Each parameter in the command line must contain a value. 5. Optionally. o If you are using the user interface: o o o Open the Schema Parameters Configuration Tool Run command: . Navigate to folder tools and open file sp_config.server=my. o For the value of variable _CD.o o You can choose a name for file AppServerURL=http://mufasa/Demantra You need a space between each set of parameter and value. enter and run the command below. -Xmx512m).properties (for example. Make file "Demand Analyst" Fill the appropriate URL. and tablespaces described in Configure the Web Application on UNIX./sp_config. If parameter File is not in the command line. .sh 7.Collaboration. o You need a space between each set of parameter and tablespace=DEV_D indexspace=DEV_X simulationspace=DEV_D simulationindexspace=DEV_X sales_data_engine_space=DEV_D sales_data_engine_index_space=DEV_X Navigate to tables SYS_PARAMS and APS_PARAMS and verify that the parameters are updated. DataSource. o For the value of variable workflow groups. The parameters are not mandatory. /opt/java1. either enter the appropriate JDK's path (for example. Use the following syntax: . o For the value of variable EXPORT_DATA "Exp_integration" "Exp_profile" Run the Engine Administrator on Linux The Engine Administrator is supported only on Windows. You cannot launch the Analytical Engine by calling it from the Engine /opt/java1. -Xmx512m). . Run command: chmod u+x aps. .sh.o If the value contains a space. You can use the following methods: . either enter the appropriate JDK's path (for example. A workflow that calls a shellscript on the Linux machine A direct call to the shellscript The table below shows the Engine Administrator functions that are and are not available in a Linux deployment using Windows directory mapping. you can access the Engine Administrator to modify engine configuration settings by mapping the directories between the Windows and Linux However.5/jdk). executable. Functionality Configure branch ID multiplier Define blades and number of engines to be run Supported (Yes/No). Copy file DataSource. o o 10. enter the Java runtime options (for example. enter the full path of the tools folder (for example. 8. for the value of variable JAVA_OPTS. with explanation Yes Yes . use inverted commas to wrap it. Make file aps. /usr/DemantraApps/Integration). For the value of variable JAVA_HOME. Navigate to folder tools/conf (or the folder you used) and copy it (or the name you used) to folder Integration/conf./aps. Details on how to define this mapping are provided in Samba Configuration. or leave it empty and define environment variable JAVA_HOME. 9. Run the APS Standalone./ [EXPORT_DATA/IMPORT_DATA/EXPORT_LEVEL/IMPORT_LEVEL] " [Integration Name]" "[ Query/Level Name]" For example. 11. Navigate to folder Integration and open file aps. In cases where the analytical engine resides in a windows environment while the application server resides in a UNIX environment. The application server executing Oracle Demantra workflows does not have this constraint and often exists on a Unix/Linux environment.0 Demantra Analytical Engine required a Windows environment to execute both engine manager and engine blades.3. Access of remote machine is best managed using public-key authentication. because the Engine was not run from the Engine Administrator Yes Modify Engine logs and logging levels Enable logging of Engine processors by editing XML View branch size View Engine progress Modify settings file. XML directory. and schema file path Create worksheets during specific occurrence Define whether TextPro should run Define Engine output std or file Modify path of Engine log Find available engines Yes Yes Yes Yes No Calling Oracle Demantra Analytical Engine from UNIX Environment Prior to version 7. specify in shellscript No. workflow initiation of the analytical engine requires more than simply calling a batch file.Register the Engine Define Engine profile used during run Execute Engine in batch or simulation mode No No. accomplish in shellscript and specify the node to use Yes Yes Yes No. . In this initiation the UNIX environment calls an executable on a remote windows machine and starts the engine. Typically this is part of the files available for install with the operating system Step 3: Create a user on UNIX environment. A large variety of options exist. Each tool chosen may have slightly different syntax and sample commands listed below should be modified accordingly. A group number must refer to an already existing group. Detailed instructions on how to install and configure one of these tools Cygwin is available in Appendix I Step 2: Enable SSH package on UNIX Environment Enabling SSH package depends on the operating system used. The group name must exist.Configuration is comprised of six steps:        Choose and Install SSH tool for Windows environment. The default group number is 1 HOME should be replaced with directory to serve as home_dir for the user's login directory. If creating new user use syntax below: Super user or root user can use the following command to create a new user. The default is to append the user name to default_home and use that as the login directory name . Enable SSH tool on Unix environment Create user in UNIX environment Create SSH key to connect UNIX and Windows environments Create identification file Place public key in Windows environment Configure call command in Unix environment Step 1: Install SSH tool on Windows Environment Several tools are readily available to allow secure initiations of processes from a UNIX environment onto a Windows environment. # useradd -g GID -d HOME -s SHELL -m USERNAME GID should be replaced with the group name or number of the user's initial login group. It is strongly recommended that the same user which is used to execute the application server be used to execute the engine. ssh/id_rsa -t rsa specifies the type of key to create. A public and private key must be generated on the UNIX machine. In the same directory where your key files reside. -b 1024 specifies the number of bits in the key being created. indicating the name of your private key Example: idKey id_rsa Step 6: Place public key on the Engine Windows server . DSA must be set to 1024 -f controls the filename of the key is set.SHELL should be replaced with name of the user's login shell. Step 5: Create Identification file The identification file tells the SSH client software which private key in your UserKeys directory is the one that proves your identity. please refer to manual of tool chosen. Sample command used to create the key below. The possible values are ‘rsa1' for protocol version 1 and ‘rsa’ or ‘dsa'’ for protocol version 2. Syntax could vary by ssh tool used. which causes the system to select the default login shell USERNAME should be replaced with the name of the user which is being created Step 4: Create SSH key in UNIX environment SSH key allows access to remote windows machine. # ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -f $HOME/. The default is to leave this field blank. create a text file named identification with no extension. The syntax may vary by SSH vendor but typically the file should contain a single line. User will be connected to user’s home directory Note: The user connecting to the Windows Must be a Domain account. The default location for Windows servers is the . batch and simulation engines may not run at the same time .bat will contain C\Demantra711\Demand Planner\Analytical_ Engines\ bin\EngineManager. First a connection will be made from UNIX machine to Windows environment.EXE file in #Install Path#/Demand Planner/Analytical Engines/Bin directory must be made with parameters 99 99 The analytical engine can only have one engine running at one time. It is recommended a copy of the start_engine2k.bat will be created and edited to include the full path and parameters Example Start_engine2k.ssh directory under the user profile directory. SSH Winuser@Winserver This will connect the user to the windows server. Note: Actual directory will vary by vendor and protocol used to generate SSH key Step 7: Execute the run command from the Unix side.ssh subdirectory in your home directory on the remote host windows machine when the engine manger will be initiated.bat” Note the backslashes as they are typically required to replace spaces in the path name Additional Considerations    To execute the batch engine a call the EngineManager.bat contained .You will need to place your public key file in the . otherwise engine manager or engine blades may fail to initiate. When calling a file to initiate the engine the file must have an implicit path instead of relative path.EXE file in #Install Path#/Demand Planner/Analytical Engines/Bin directory must be made with parameters 1 1 To execute the simulation engine a call the EngineManager.exe 1 1 Newly created file Start_EngineU2k.\bin\EngineManager.exe 1 1 Examples of calling the analytical engine batch file from UNIX environment: Ssh winuser@winserver “'/c/Demantra711/Demand\ Planner/Analytical\ Engines/ Start_EngineU2K. ensure that you install the “OpenSSH” and “Open SSL” (dependency) package.bat in the #Install Path#/Demand Planner/Analytical Engines/Bin directory Firewalls on both on the UNIX and Windows environments may require configuration to allow SSH It is recommended permissions of Windows machine user to execute the engine be verified by direct execution of engine from Windows machine SSH service on Windows environment should be started using a user with Domain account privileges. ideally the same user being called from UNIX environment APPENDIX I Cygwin OpenSSH Installation 1. which appears under the “Net” category. this can be achieved by executing the file During the install. Download and Install Cygwin from http://www.cygwin.    Before kicking off an engine it is recommended to deactivate any engines currently running. 2. You can toggle the view mode to display by Category. . it’ll prompt to set CYGWIN as environment variable. Start the sshd service from Cygwin Bash Shell: $ net start sshd 7. run “ssh-host-config” script. modify PATH environment variable append c:\cygwin\bin installation folder. During the install. . Create a local account named “sshd” as a non-privileged account.3. 4. 5. 6. $ net start sshd The CYGWIN sshd service is starting. In the Bash shell console. The CYGWIN sshd service could not be started. Enable “Password never expires” setting. Start Cygwin – Use the shortcut or Start it via Start->Programs->Cygwin->Cygwin Bash Shell. Once the installation is complete. set it to “ntsec”. If you see errors during starting the sshd service. Important: Change the launching user for the sshd service to the domain user account from the default local system account. 8. add port 22 to the exceptions list. check folder permissions: Cygwin has permission issues on the “/var/empty” and “/var/log” folders under the cygwin install folder – permissions should look like drw-r--r--. . Also change the owner to the domain user account you want to use to launch the engine. Use chmod to change these permissions. You may also need to open port 22 for ssh: If you have Windows firewall enabled.The service did not report an error. 9. sh script 2. under default installation directory file <Windows Install Root>\LinuxDeliverables\ . Solution.1”.us. Please note core dumps are disabled by default on many Linux distributions. backup existing bin and lib directories under <ENGINE ON LINUX ROOT> and expand that tar file that will create bin and lib directories with upgraded binaries. Core dump files are dumped into $ENGINE_ROOT/lib. Customer should manually move that file to Linux environment. Engine Fails with following DB Error: “ERROR DB_OracleConnection::Open threw an exception. For instance: Database = wsdina to Database = wsdina. ORACLE_HOME environment variable was not set. TNSnames are not installed on the system thus ds. Check that correct version appears in the Engine log like: “Oracle Demantra Unix Forecast Engine (ID: 0) 7. Error: 12514 ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor” Solution. Problem. Please see more info on Demantra Linux Deployment Guide section.ini should contain fully qualified SERVICE_NAME Problem. Engine fails and hangs in recovery mode. This variable is configured via $ENGINE_ROOT/bin/configureVariables. 1.0. Solution. Navigate core dump file to navigate recorded state of the working status output when program has terminated abnormally to help to find crash reason.tar is created.3. After applying the patch on Windows.Engine Troubleshooting/Common Issues Problem. DBMS_LOCK is granted properly Problem. ORA-06512” Solution. Error: 12705 ORA-12705: invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified” Solution.AL32UTF8 in Oracle Application Server Properties Section Solves the connection problem. .sql GRANT_HTTP_TO_DEMANTRA. Demantra basic grants are not set among them the grant to enable HTTP requests. Setting of NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA. Workflow fails with the following error: “network access denied by access control list (ACL)”. 1. Run as SYSDBA following scripts : sys_grants. Engine using OAS fails with the following DB Error: “ERROR DB_OracleConnection::Open threw an exception. Solution. they should be executed while clowning the schema too. Check that EngineBaseURL parameter in sysparams is configured correctly 2. Failed to run Engine in the workflow: “Engine Execution could not start (engine failure).Problem. Those scripts are run by Demantra installer.sql Problem. 5. cd $ENGINE_ROOT/lib ldd Engine. Check that port parameter passed to EngineStarter.Problem. 2. Then rerun EngineStarter from $ENGINE_ROOT/lib/ ps -ef | grep Engine Starter? | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 cd $ENGINE_ROOT/lib .xml in Engine UnixPortConfig section.xml that passed to EngineStarter is available. Check that TCP port defined in Settings.exe Check that there is NO "not found" library in displayed list. Check $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/EngineManagerPreRunLog./EngineStarter 12345 & 4. ps -ef | grep EngineStarter 3. Check that all dynamic link libraries needed by Engine exist.txt file for more info 1.txt or $ENGINE_ROOT/bin/EngineManagerPreRunLog. Engine is not library from $ENGINE_ROOT/lib if exists . is same as port. Solution. Problem. You can kill Engine Starter process. Check that $ENGINE_ROOT/lib/EngineStarter was started. main: “NLS initialization failed!!" Error apears while starting OAS Solution: remove libociei. defined in Settings. Check that Engine Starter was started from $ENGINE_ROOT/lib directory. rpm should be installed or libstdc-libc6. Check that ds. Goto Home->Administration->Settings.. Restart OAS 4.Problem. Engine Manager Log is not created Solution. Start Oracle Enterprise Manager.ini file was created.. 3.1-2. TNSNAME should point to host where DB is running. 4. cd $ENGINE_ROOT/lib . Check ORACLE_HOME. Check that all required libraries exist by 'ldd libEngineManager. 2.ini are right. Solution.3 library may be missing. update LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Usually you will receive the following message: “DB_OracleManager::DB_OracleManager ==> Create OCCI Enviornment . Try to connect to DB using sqlplus and sqldeveloper. 2. configured via configureVariables. 500 Internal Server Error/ Servlet error: An exception occurred. Restart Application Server from the shell window with proper ENV definitions.i386. The test should finish in couple of minutes. Problem in DB connection establishment. Check that $ENGINE_ROOT/lib full path exists in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and in OAS Server Properties LD_LIBRARY_PATH on first place. but if you see that test cannot pass the OCCI connection creation stage this means that something wrong while creating the connection. Check supplied TNS with tnsnames. 5./OCCITest <schama name> <password> <db host>:<db port>/<service name or SID>. There is an old OCI 10G bug . Check that TNSName and SID definitions in ds. 3.1 and libnnz10. compat-libstdc-rh62-1. createConnection() function fails or stacks.3 should be placed manually under $ENGINE_ROOT/lib 5. Perhaps libclntsh. that's causing the client to stack if the host has not been restarted for a long time – the best start point can be a quick restart of EngineManager host. Problem. Check that engineManager application is deployed in OAS. .10. check that $ENGINE_ROOT set libaries should be removed from $ENGINE_ROOT/lib because of versions' script should be executed to set right definitions. Check JAVA_HOME doesn’t point to ‘amd’ directory. Check "Archived Real Path Enabled" flag 4. Restart WebLogic server 7.Wait for startup . If working on INTEL machine and installing roper JAVA (Intel) version this directory will be created.2 only the TPO engine is certified for use with SUSE Linux 10 (SP3) Problem. Problem. OCCI createEnvironment doesn't succeed. Engine is 32 bit application even if installed on 64 bit machines Engine uses only 32 bit libraries therefore install 32 bit java. Lock & Edit 2. Solution.” 6. .cpp check that EngManagerJNIIntf?::destroyManager function checks status of the Engine to be ENGINE_STATUS_WORKING before killing the worker thread. Check "Archived Real Path Enabled" flag in domain webaplications configuration screen.. You should rerun ENGINE_ROOT/bin/configureVariables. amd64 is not supported only i386 java will work. Is Oracle Demantra certified for SuSE operating systems? script and supply proper path to new Intel JAVA_HOME. In EngManagerJNIIntf. Problem. Apply Changes 6. In 12. libjvm. Save file should be under $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386/client directory. Weblogic Second Engine Start Causes Exception Solution. Weblogic Exception in Engine Manager Deployment Solution. We recommend to install java 6 build 17 or earlier. 1. Redeploy EngineManager Application Problem. base_domain -> Configuration -> Web Applications 3.. sql as SYSDBA Problem.1. mix of environments is not possible as the engine->manager communication is completely different in Windows. Engine is not working using WorkFlow Solution. This grant is set by Installer. for example: : http// can the rest of machines (engine blades) run at Linux platform? Solution. Check V_$PARAMETER grant exists. Check that ORACLE_HOME is set to Oracle Application server Home or to $ENGINE_ROOT/lib/ORACLE_HOME exists. If not using Oracle Application server. Reconnection problems in Engine Manager Solution. No. Problem. Disable INIT_PARAMS_0. Check that SYS_PARAMS. .DBMS_LOCK TO <SCHEMA NAME>. 2. check that $ENGINE_ROOT/lib/libociei.sql and GRANT_HTTP_TO_DEMANTRA. Check DBMS_LOCK is granted by running SQL select * from user_tab_privs where lower(table_name)='dbms_lock' if no records returned set the grant as SYS (SYSDBA) : GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS. Run sys_grants. Problem. Is it possible to be install Engine on Solaris? Solution: Engine for Solaris will be released in 12. If the Engine Manager deployed to window server with tomcat.AnalyseMDP flag Problem. 1.EngineBaseURL parameter is set ..log EngineManager::EngineManager ==> Logger Initialization Done .apple. No.. EngManagerJNIIntf ==> EngineManager Execution Failed. Problem. EngineManager::EngineManager ==> DB Interface Initialization Started .com_demantra73 /nanna. In EngineManagerPreRunLog the following message is displayed: os_thread::Create() : Create (pthread_create) thread :3295558544 Done .com_\engine2k\EngineManager....Problem.corp. Is it possible to deploy more than one engine manager on the same Application server (AS)/machine? Solution. Each engineManager must be deployed on different AS/machine. Problem. . Switching to ENGINE_STATUS_FAILED Solution. EngineManager::EngineManager ==> DB Interface Initialization Started .. Deploying different versions of manager on same AS or two managers of the same version but each with different set of remote blades/configuration is NOT possible. /ngs/app/picardd/Analytical_Engine/Engine/bin//sato. EngineManager Execution Failed...log if it consists of back slashes that are invalid on UNIX.. Error on binding: "Address already in USE" Solution.corp. Switching to ENGINE_STATUS_FAILED . EngineManager::EngineManager ==> Done . Check the full path of EngineManager.xml for Customer can check if port is used by a different process by running: netstat -an |grep 12345 if it’s being used you need to use a new port for EngineStarter as well change in Settings.. “libjvm. Or rerun configureVariables. check Settings. 3.2 Problem. Run command ldd libEngineManager. This bug is fixed in 12. Check if at least one Engine started if you running multiple Engines..xml file. If yes refer.log"/></Entry> <Entry> <Key argument="EngineLogFile"/> <Value type="string" argument=". $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not configured correctly.Customer needs to take and setting correct path to JAVA_HOME./engine2k/Engine2k. there should be no space between machine names. Run “source ~/.so” not found. Environment variables are not updated. Solution.log"/></Entry> <Entry> <Entry> <Key argument="XMLDirectory"/> <Value type="string" argument="xml/"/></Entry> <Entry> <Key argument="EngUnixDebugMode"/> <Value type="int" argument="0"/> </Entry> Problem.. If there are missing libraries check that they exist in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 1.bash_profile file. JAVA_HOME should point to . Change LD_LIBRARY_PATH if needed to point to missing libraries. check ~/.xml from CVS and not from Windows or manually correct in relevant places like: <Entry> <Key argument="EngineManagerLogFile"/> <Value type="string" argument="./engine2k/EngineManager. Check all the installed files have 0777 permission. For instance. 2. Customer receives status “2” or 1 in the browser after running Engine http://<server>:7001/engineManager/EngineManagerStarterServlet?command=start&mode=1&profile_id=1 . ERROR Engine 0 on machine <machine> failed to execute successfully and check there are no missing libraries. 1.bash_profile” command 2. 4. This RPM is under GPL license so we can not distribute it together with engine.html#jdk-6u21-oth-JPR 7. and is backported to 10. above jre directory. 8. . Engine is currently deployed with instant client 10.e machine hasn’t been restarted for more then 248 days.installed JDK home. Run Run $ENGINE_ROOT/lib/OCCITest <demantra demantra host:port/sid> 10. Check EngineManagerPreRun. Solution.x due to other external restrictions. Solution.rpm is installed on system. Open Settings. So installing oracle client 11 on the machine itself is not needed and will not help as engine won't and can't use it anyway. 5. (This bug is fixed in Oracle 11g.2.x which has this bug but unfortunately can't be upgraded because engine is not compatible to client 11.xml and there is no space between configured machine names. JDK should be 1. Check what Java version you have. Problem. If machine UPTIME is too long (more then 248 days) the OCI enters to times(NULL) = 2138395754 loop. I. Multiple Engines are configured in Settings.i386. any warnings coming out of EngineStarter terminal and if needed install Java 6 Build 17 from http://www.2 patches) Problem. Check ENGINE_ROOT or ORACLE_HOME settings 9.5 or higher. Make sure compat-libstdc++-rh62-1.log that is located under weblogic installation directory for clues. Run command ldd Engine.exe and check for missing libraries.xml but only one was Need to upgrade Oracle client on Linux. = 2048. Exceptions Memory Other PTS Indices = 65536. = 524288. Sql Matrix Nodes Dict Proc Events ProcDebug USER Statistics Split Analytical Cache TreeIterator FitForecast Forecast = 1. = 8192. = 16384. = 8. then bring Settings. = 128. = 4096. = 512. a) Use Engine Administrator on Windows machine to modify your Settings. = 1048576. = 2. = 64. . = 256. = 262144. = 1024. How do I configure specific Log Level Groups? Solution. Each log group id must be 2 to the power of a unique number.Problem. Optimization = 32768. = 131072. b) this solution is for more advanced users.xml back to your Linux machine. = 16. Set all your log settings. = 32.xml from Linux machine. = 4. log: 10/04/13 14:35:07. In our case it will be: .If user wants to select Forecast. . User and SQL log groups.<Entry> <Key argument="EngineLogFilterGroups" /> <Value type="int" argument="16513" /> </Entry> Problem. UnsatisfiedLinkError trying to start demantra engineDescription:Status Description.lang. You need to downgrade Java to 1.16. Solution. The wrong rpm for compat-libstdc++ was installed Problem. For OEL5 there is limitation on Java version.633 engineManager: Servlet error java. Engine failed to start and the following error message displayed in the EngineManager log: “ FATAL ERROR in native method: ReleaseStringUTFChars called on something not allocated by GetStringUTFChars” Solution. http://{host}:{opst}/engineManager/EngineManagerStarterServlet?command=status start command generates the following in the $OH/j2ee/home/applicationdeployments/engineManager/home_default_group_1/application.UnsatisfiedLinkError: InitEngineFromConfig. he needs to add up its values (16384 + 128 + 1).7 by removing later version. 5 to 1. This document is not warranted to be error-free.7200 oracle.7000 Fax: +1. electronic or mechanical. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. CA 94065 U. Oracle. Only for Solaris Oracle requires customer to install Oracle Client due to sqlldr incompetency with 32 bit on Solaris. Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.S.Solaris Important Notes Demantra version 12. Oracle Demantra Worksheet Performance May 2011 Authors: Dina Jacobs Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores. without our prior written permission. .506.A. Java version supported on Solaris Copyright © 2010.2. Customer must install Oracle Client not greater then 10. for any purpose. nor subject to any other warranties or conditions.6 Build 17 including. For more information see White Paper on Engine Installation and Deployment on Solaris. All rights reserved. whether expressed orally or implied in law. including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice.506.650. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. .
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