Delft3D Installation Manual

March 21, 2018 | Author: George Jesus | Category: Installation (Computer Programs), Linux, Personal Computers, Microsoft Windows, Windows Vista



Delft3DIntegrated 3D modelling framework for flows, sediment transport, waves, water quality, morphological developments and ecology in coastal, river, lake and estuarine areas Installation Manual Version: 4.01 Revision: 15316 18 May 2011 Installation Manual Delft3D Published and printed by: Deltares Rotterdamseweg 185 p.o. box 177 2600 MH Delft The Netherlands telephone: fax: e-mail: www: +31 88 335 82 73 +31 88 335 85 82 [email protected] For support contact: telephone: fax: e-mail: www: +31 88 335 85 55 +31 88 335 81 11 [email protected] The screen pictures shown in this manual were produced during the development stages and may differ from the actual product Copyright © 2011 Deltares All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print, photo copy, microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the publisher: Deltares. Delft3D Installation Manual Contents May 2011 4.01.15316 Contents 1 A guide to this manual 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manual version and revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typographical conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 7 7 7 8 12 16 17 17 17 18 18 21 23 24 2 Introduction 2.1 Contents CD, dongle and license file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 Windows distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linux distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overall structure for Delft3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Installing Delft3D on Windows 3.1 3.2 Before starting the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start of the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 Installation of MATLAB Compiler Runtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation of Delft3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manuals and release notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Installing Delft3D on Linux 4.1 4.2 4.3 Differences with a Windows installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Before starting the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start of the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.4 Installation of MATLAB Compiler Runtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dongle driver installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation of Delft3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Software protection and security tool FLEXnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deltares iii Installation . .4 4. Old Delft3D versions and USB dongles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which installation configuration do I need? .1 5.8 FLEXnet software and tools used . . . . . . . . . iv Deltares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manual edit the server license file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 7. . . . . . . . . .2 Checklist before starting the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Installing FLEXnet on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . .2 4.May 2011 4. . 7. . .5 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 4. . . . . . . .1 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 32 35 35 35 36 44 45 46 47 47 47 48 48 51 52 52 52 52 53 54 User environment .10 Running a license server with license files for Delft3D version 3.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 6.3 6. . . . . . Order in which license files are accessed . . . . 5 Installing Tutorials 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing Tutorials on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FLEXnet installation 6. . . . . . . I get a “Cannot read dongle” error . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . .1 4. . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7. . . . . . . . . FLEXnet license manager . .1. .4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 FAQ’s on Windows . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . 7. How to add license files . .9 Error on client: Server node is down or not responding.1. . . Manuals and release notes . .1. . .3 4. . . . . . Example scripts to run modules outside the MENU . . . . . . . . .15316 Contents Delft3D Installation Manual 4. .4 7. . . . . . . .1. . . . Linux versions and USB dongles . . . . . . . . . . .2 Installing Tutorials on Windows .4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 or lower generates errors . . . . . . . . . . . . Manual start of the FLEXnet license daemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . When I start Delft3D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functionality of the installation configurations . . . . . . . . How to remove an existing Delft3D installation . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . .5 7. 7 Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet 7. . . . . . . Manual stop of the FLEXnet license daemon . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . .23. . . . . . .4. . .7 7. .6 4.7 4. . . .6 7. . . If not all license files are listed in the log file . “Can not find license file” error . .1 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. . Installing on Linux . . . . . .4.01.1. . . although server log file looks fine . . . . . . . . My server client licensing system is not running properly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . .8 7.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . .2 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 M&S functionality . . . . . .23.3 QUICKPLOT: Could not find version 7. . . . .1 For Delft3D version 3. . . . . . . . . . . A. . . . B Examples of standalone license files B. . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . .00 and higher . . . . . .2 No M&S functionality anymore . . . .2 For Delft3D version 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. . . . .1 M&S functionality . . . . . . 54 57 57 57 58 59 59 59 61 61 61 62 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 71 A Examples of server license files A. .00 and higher . 8 Frequently asked questions for Delft3D 8. . . . . . A. . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . C Example of a log file Deltares v . A. . . . . . .2 For Delft3D version 3. . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . .15316 7. .1 8. . . . . .2 No M&S functionality anymore . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. . . .2 8. . . .10 and lower . . .1 For Delft3D version 3. . . . .01. . . . Module termination with unclear message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. . . . . . .24.2 No M&S functionality anymore . . . . . . A. . . . . . . . . . . . .1 M&S functionality .2 No M&S functionality anymore . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 M&S functionality . . . .11 Restarting vendor daemons on a license Server . . . . . . . .10 and lower . . . . . . . . . . . Authorisation error for specific module or functionality . .24. . . . . . . .23. . .1. .Delft3D Installation Manual Contents May 2011 4. . . . . . . . . . B. B. . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 of the MCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . B. . . . . . .1. . . . . .1. . . . . . May 2011 4.01.15316 Contents Delft3D Installation Manual vi Deltares . fully integrated modelling framework for a multi-disciplinary approach and 3D computations for coastal. It has been designed for experts and non-experts alike. Chapter 4: Installing Delft3D on Linux. sediment transports. Chapter 6: FLEXnet installation contains two major sections.Delft3D Installation Manual A guide to this manual May 2011 4. the manuals and release notes on a Linux OS. The appendices contain example license files. The Delft3D framework is composed of several modules. and one for installation on Linux with instruction how to install the Delft Hydraulics Software License Manager on Linux Chapter 7: Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet. provides specifications of the software supplied.15316 Chapter 1 A guide to this manual 1. waves. This manual describes how to install the software and the License Manager. explains the installation of Delft3D. One for installation on Windows.1 Introduction Deltares has developed a unique. water quality.01. river. Chapter 8: Frequently asked questions for Delft3D. lake and estuarine areas. Deltares 1 . Chapter 5: Installing Tutorials. It can carry out simulations of flows. grouped around a mutual interface. the manuals and release notes on a Windows OS. which gives installation instructions how to install the Delft Hydraulics Software License Manager on a Windows OS. morphological developments and ecology. explains the installation of Delft3D. Chapter 2: Introduction. explains how to install the examples described in the User Manuals. gives an overview of commonly received questions and solutions given. Chapter 3: Installing Delft3D on Windows. gives an overview of problems and solutions related to Delft3D. while being capable to interact with one another. Units are given between square brackets when used next to the formulae. Example Waves Boundaries Description Title of a window or sub-window.May 2011 4. option boxes etc. Save <\tutorial\wave\swan-curvi> <siu. title of a push button or the name of a user interface input field. Commands to be typed by you are given in the font Courier New.15316 A guide to this manual Delft3D Installation Manual 1. Upon selecting this item (click or in some cases double click with the left mouse button on it) a related action will be executed. The version number is increased when the entire manual is upgraded. Revisions to (a part of) this manual will be indicated by a version number followed by the revision number separated by a dot. Windows can be moved independently from the Module window. filenames. <>. Data to be typed by you into the input fields are displayed between double quotes.2 Manual version and revisions A manual applies to a certain release of the related numerical program. Selections of menu items. and path names are expressed between angle brackets.01. 10 points. Leaving them out might result in misinterpretation. Directory names.28. are described as such: for instance ‘select Save and go to the next window’. such as the Visualisation Area window. the following conventions help you to distinguish between different elements of text. Sub-windows are displayed in the Module window and cannot be moved. in most cases it will result in displaying some other (sub-)window.mdw> “27 08 1999” delft3d-menu [m/s] [-] 2 Deltares . The manual version number and its release date are given in the page header. In case of an input field you are supposed to enter input data of the required format and in the required domain. This manual applies to Delft3D version 3. For the Linux and UNIX environment a forward slash (/) is used instead of the backward slash (\) for PCs. Item from a menu. 1.00.3 Typographical conventions Throughout this manual. All set-up programs will guide you through the required steps needed for the installation.lic>. <delft3d id.exe>.exe>.exe>. When installing the Delft Hydraulics Software (DHS) License Manager. the MATLAB redistributable (MATLAB C Runtime compiler). the set-up program to install the Delft3D Tutorials used in the User Manuals. • When installing the License Manager and Delft3D the dongle should not be plugged in into your computer.1 Contents CD. you are asked to specify a license file.1. has been sent to you by email and is locked to a specific (FLEXid) dongle. the Delft3D set-up program to install Delft3D. see Chapter 3. This dongle should be plugged in when using Delft3D.lic>.Delft3D Installation Manual Introduction May 2011 4. Together with the CD we have provided you with a USB dongle (a FLEXid serialised hardware key). the User Manuals and the Release Notes.tutorial. the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86). ˆ <MCRInstaller. This file.exe>.delft3d. Deltares 3 . ˆ <setup.delft3d. ˆ <vcredist x86. the License Manager.15316 Chapter 2 Introduction 2. this installation manual.pdf>.1 2. Remarks: • More than 1 license file may use the same dongle.01. ˆ <setup. The number on the dongle (id ) is part of the license filename. ˆ Separate we have sent you an e-mail which contains the license file named <delft3d id. dongle and license file Windows distribution For the installation on a Microsoft Windows PC we have provided you with the following files: ˆ <Delft3D-Installation Manual. $ARCH.bin>. ˆ <Delft3D-tutorials-$VERSION-$RELEASE. 2.$ARCH.2 General definitions We distinguish two types of installations: ˆ on a Server System. ˆ <aksusbd-redhat-$VERSION. ˆ <MCRInstaller. User Manuals and Release Notes. the tutorials for Delft3D. the Delft3D system.01. Examples of architecture names are: 4 Deltares .$ARCH. The name of this directory is stored in an environment variable named <D3D HOME>. ˆ Separate we have sent you an e-mail which contains the license file named <delft3d id.rpm>. the MATLAB redistributable (MATLAB C Runtime compiler).15316 Introduction Delft3D Installation Manual 2. this installation manual.May 2011 4. In this document the parent directory will be referred to as the “Delft3D home” directory.3 Overall structure for Delft3D On both PC and Linux systems we use a similar directory structure to define the Delft3D package set-up. including a number of Client PCs for which the Delft3D environment definition should be set up locally.rpm>.1. Remark: • More than 1 license file may use the same dongle.pdf>. ˆ on a standalone PC. In this directory and its sub-directories the Delft3D package will be installed. This installation directory can be anywhere on the system and it can have any name. For the definition of the installation directory you should consult your system manager. see Chapter 4. 2.rpm>.2 Linux distribution For the installation on Linux RHE 4 we have provided you with the following files: ˆ <Delft3D-Installation Manual. Remark: • Directory names may not contain blanks.lic>. Delft3D will be installed in the “installation” directory. including the License Manager. All set-up programs will guide you through the required steps needed for the installation. ˆ <Delft3D-$VERSION-$RELEASE. For each platform we defined an architecture name and this architecture name is stored in the environment variable <ARCH>. the USB driver daemon for the dongle. ˆ Delft3D-FLOW ˆ Delft3D-WAVE ˆ Delft3D-WAQ ˆ Delft3D-SED ˆ Delft3D-ECO ˆ Delft3D-PART ˆ Delft3D-RGFGRID ˆ Delft3D-QUICKIN ˆ Delft3D-GPP ˆ Delft3D-QUICKPLOT Additional Delft3D modules are: ˆ Delft3D-TRIANA ˆ Delft3D-NESTHD ˆ Delft3D-TIDE ˆ Delft3D-DIDO ˆ Delft3D-NESTWQ ˆ Delft3D-GISVIEW ˆ Delft3D-MATLAB Finally Delft3D is delivered with the Delft3D-MENU program. For example for the Delft3D-WAQ module this means: ˆ %D3D HOME%\%ARCH%\waq for Microsoft Windows systems. followed by the architecture name and the names of the modules.15316 ˆ w32: Microsoft Windows systems ˆ intel: Linux systems The directory structure for all Delft3D modules is defined starting with the <Delft3D home> directory.Delft3D Installation Manual Introduction May 2011 4. Deltares 5 .01. ˆ $D3D HOME/$ARCH/waq for Linux systems. Whether or not you are authorised to use a module is configured in the license file. The following modules constitute the Delft3D package. May 2011 4.01.15316 Introduction Delft3D Installation Manual 6 Deltares . the set-up program to install the Delft3D Tutorials used in the User Manuals. Service Pack 1. you only need to install the License Manager on a server. this installation manual. the License Manager. start the Delft3D set-up (<setup.6 Gb (500 Mb MATLAB Compiler Runtime + 600 Mb Delft3D + 1. 3.delft3d.exe>. the Delft3D set-up program to install Delft3D.1 Before starting the installation The installation set-up of the License Manager is incorporated in the Delft3D installation. ˆ <Delft3D-Installation Manual.exe>) press Next.11) and next Exit Setup. ˆ Separate we have sent you an e-mail which contains the license file named <delft3d id. ˆ <MCRInstaller. After installation of the License Manager you will return to the Select installation window. Delft3D will come with at least the following files. the User Manuals and the Release Notes.exe>. Select DHS License Manager in the Select installation window and press again Next.5 Gb Tutorials) free disk space. ˆ <setup. Deltares 7 . ˆ <setup. Now follow the steps outlined in Chapter 6.delft3d. ˆ <vcredist x86 (2008 SP1). the MATLAB redistributable (MATLAB C Runtime compiler). Either you can install Delft3D on the server or leave the installation of Delft3D by selecting Cancel (see Figure 3.15316 Chapter 3 Installing Delft3D on Windows 3.01.2 Start of the installation Make sure there is enough disk space for the installation of Delft3D. In case you have a server license. To install the License Manager on a server.delft3d.tutorial. We recommend to install Delft3D only on the Client PC.exe>.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Windows May 2011 4.exe>.lic>. The complete Delft3D package uses approximately 2.pdf>. the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86). Now the installation window for required packages will appear.2.1 Installation of MATLAB Compiler Runtime To install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime you need the following files <MCRInstaller.15316 Installing Delft3D on Windows Delft3D Installation Manual 3. A progress bar will be shown to monitor the progress of the installation. see Figure 3.2: List of required packages ˆ Press Install to proceed the installation.May 2011 4.exe> and <vcredist x86 (2008 SP1). see Figure 3.1: Choose Setup Language window ˆ Press OK to proceed the installation. ˆ Next start the installation of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime by double clicking the executable <MCRInstaller.exe> and <vcredist x86 (2008 SP1).3 8 Deltares .01. ˆ Start the installation by double click the executable <vcredist x86 (2008 SP1). The files are located on the install medium.exe>.exe>.2. ˆ Make sure you got sufficient privileges.exe>. After starting MCRinstaller. see Figure 3.1. Figure 3.exe the Choose Setup Language window appears.exe> files are located. ˆ Go to the directory where the <MCRInstaller. Figure 3. 15316 Figure 3.4 Figure 3. see Figure 3.5 Deltares 9 . preparing the MCR installation After that the start window for installing the MATLAB C Runtime environment will appear.3: Progressbar for required packages.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Windows May 2011 4. Now the Customer information appears.01. see Figure 3.4: Install MATLAB C Runtime environment ˆ Press Next to proceed the installation. see Figure 3.15316 Installing Delft3D on Windows Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 3. Figure 3. The Ready to Install window will appear. the MATLAB Compiler Runtime will be installed on the <C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\> directory.6.May 2011 4. see Figure 3. You can change the default if you wish.01.7 10 Deltares . Default.5: Customer information window ˆ Press Next to proceed the installation.6: Default installation directory ˆ Press Next to proceed the installation. 9 appears. The installation takes several minutes.15316 Figure Progressbar of the installation When the installation is finished. Figure 3. A progress window shows up in which the installation is monitored.7: The Ready to Install window ˆ Press Install to start the installation. Deltares 11 .Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Windows May 2011 4. see Figure 3. Figure 3. 00 window To continue the installation.10 will appear Figure 3.11.00 window.01.May 2011 4. 12 Deltares .28.15316 Installing Delft3D on Windows Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 3. see Figure 3. now Figure 3.2. After the License Manager is installed/updated Delft3D can be installed. for details see Chapter 6. press Next in the Delft3D 3. 3.28. Before the actual installation of Delft3D is done you have to install/update the License Manager.9: Succesfully installed ˆ Press Finish to exit the installation set-up.delft3d.2 Installation of Delft3D Start installation of Delft3D by launching <setup. Select Next.exe>.10: Welcome Delft3D 3. Deltares 13 . see Figure 3.12: Specify destination folder window where to install Delft3D The Select Destination Directory window appears. Navigate to the required folder in which you want to install Delft3D and click OK. see Figure 3. Figure 3.15316 Figure 3. press Browse.12. Delft3D will be installed on the c-drive.13.11: Select installation window for the License Manager and Delft3D Default.01. If you prefer a different drive and or folder.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Windows May 2011 4. 14. Select according to your ordered Delft3D purchase. see Figure 3.13: Select Destination Directory window where to install Delft3D If you have ordered one or more of the following modules: ˆ Delft3D-RGFGRID-GIS.15. ArcGIS is not part of the Delft3D package and should have been installed by you beforehand.May 2011 4.01. bathymetry or visualise results inside ArcGIS. 14 Deltares . see Figure 3. ˆ Delft3D-QUICKIN-GIS or ˆ GISVIEW Then you can generate a grid. Figure 3. and click Next. None or ArcGIS 9. press Install to initiate the installation.15316 Installing Delft3D on Windows Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 3.14: Select ArcGIS version for plugins window You are now ready to install Delft3D. see Figure 3.17 appears. When the installation is finished.16: Progress window when installing Delft3D The installation takes several minutes. Deltares 15 .15316 Figure 3.15: Ready to install window A progress window shows up in which the installation is monitored.01.16. Press Finish to exit the installation set-up. Figure 3. Figure 3.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Windows May 2011 4. 3. Release Notes and system folder w32 After installation the Delft3D folder contain: ˆ Folder w32.1.18 Figure 3. containing the User Manuals in PDF-format for all modules ˆ Folder release notes.lst. see Section 5.18: Delft3D folder with Manuals. containing the Delft3D system files ˆ Folder manuals.3 Manuals and release notes As part of the installation also the User Manuals and Release Notes will be installed. See Figure 3.May 2011 4. containing details on bug fixes and new functionality ˆ File d3d version.15316 Installing Delft3D on Windows Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 3. 16 Deltares .17: Delft3D installed window when Delft3D is installed successfully After having installed Delft3D make sure the dongle is plugged in in the computer on which you installed the License Manager. an overview of the specific version numbers of all modules To install the Tutorials. They will be available in the folder where you installed Delft3D.01. Tutorial. ˆ <aksusbd-redhat-$VERSION. On Windows the License Manager will be (default) installed under <Program Files> in the folder <DS Flex>. For Linux the standalone installation is not described. ˆ <Delft3D-Installation Manual.5 Gb Tutorials) free disk space. The installation of the Delft3D package may be done by anyone with suitable permissions on the Linux system (i. the Delft3D system.rpm>. basic knowledge of Linux is required to install the software.15316 Chapter 4 Installing Delft3D on Linux 4. including User Manuals and Release Notes. Deltares 17 .$ARCH. system manager). The adjusted license file will be put in the <DS Flex> folder.3. The complete Delft3D package uses approximately 2. The adjusted Linux license file should be copied to the <delft3d> folder.e. ˆ <Delft3D-$VERSION-$RELEASE.$ARCH. this installation manual.pdf>. The CD-ROM contains the installation for Red Hat Enterprise 4 Linux. ˆ <Delft3D-tutorials-$VERSION-$RELEASE.1 Differences with a Windows installation This chapter describes the server installation of the License Manager and Delft3D on Linux. ˆ <MCRInstaller.$ARCH. two lines in the license file will be adjusted.bin>. On Linux the installation program will not ask for the license file and the two lines will not be adjusted automatically.rpm>: the USB driver daemon for the dongle. In case of a Windows server installation.6 Gb (500 Mb MATLAB Compiler Runtime + 600 Mb Delft3D + 1.2 Before starting the installation The installation will be distributed on CD-ROM (in general).rpm>. Make sure there is enough disk space for the installation of Delft3D. See Section 4. the MATLAB redistributable (MATLAB Compiler Runtime). the tutorials for Delft3D.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Linux May 2011 4. On Linux the License Manager will be installed under <delft3d> in the directory <flexlm>.01. On Windows the installation program will ask for the license file. Delft3D will come with at least the following files. 4.3 for details. bin or start with the command # MCRInstaller. The machine dependent coupling between Delft3D and the hardware is defined in the license file. 18 Deltares . 4. Redhat and Ubuntu ˆ Separate we have sent you an e-mail which contains the license file named <delft3d id. The file is located on the install medium.bin> file is located. should be reversed and/or removed manually. for example: % cd /mnt/cdrom ˆ Make sure you got sufficient privileges: % su ˆ Start the installation with the command: # MCRInstaller. ˆ Go to the directory where the <MCRInstaller. Remark: • To check what will be installed.bin -console to run it as a console application.1 Start of the installation Installation of MATLAB Compiler Runtime To install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime you need the following file <MCRInstaller.rpm The authorisation is handled by the FLEXnet License daemon. After starting the following text will be displayed in your command-terminal and an installation window will appear.01.bin>. Remark: • Be aware in case you quit/abort the installation that some of the already performed steps.50 Run-time Installer script.3. go to the directory where the rpm-files are located and type the command: rpm -qlp *.15316 Installing Delft3D on Linux Delft3D Installation Manual ˆ <HASP SRM LINUX 3.3 4.May 2011 4.lic>. depending on the stage of the installation.gz>.tar. the USB driver daemon for the dongle on Suse. 01. ˆ Press Next to continue the installation or press Back to go to the previous window. Now a report is given about the installation. see Figure 4. to </u/mooiman/linux/opt/MATLAB/MATLAB Compiler Runtime>. the MATLAB Compiler Runtime will be installed on the </opt/MATLAB/MATLAB Compiler Runtime> directory.15316 Figure 4.1 You can leave the installation by pressing the Cancel button. you can change the default if you wish. Default.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Linux May 2011 4. Figure 4.2: Local instalation directory ˆ Press Next to proceed the installation. Deltares 19 .3. For this manual we have changed the installation directory. Figure 4.2. 01.15316 Installing Delft3D on Linux Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 4.4: Progressbar of the installation When the installation is finished.3: Installation report ˆ Press Install to start the installation. Figure 4. 20 Deltares . Figure 4. see Figure 4.4. A progress window shows up in which the installation is monitored. The installation takes several minutes.May 2011 4.5 appears. 01.3.6: Command prompt after installation of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime ˆ Close your super-user session: # exit 4. ˆ Go to the directory where the <aksusbd-redhat-$VERSION.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Linux May 2011 4. The window will close and you are back on the command-prompt.rpm>. see Figure 4.$ARCH.6 Figure 4.rpm> file is located.15316 Figure 4.2 Dongle driver installation Dongle installation on Red Hat and CentOS with rpm-file To install the dongle driver one file is required.$ARCH. This file is located on the install medium. for example: % cd /mnt/cdrom Deltares 21 .5: Succesfully installed ˆ Press Finish to exit the installation set-up. <aksusbd-redhat-$VERSION. <HASP SRM LINUX 3.50 Run-time Installer script.tar.50 Run-time Installer script> Before continuing with installing the dongle driver.15316 Installing Delft3D on Linux Delft3D Installation Manual ˆ Make sure you got sufficient privileges: % su ˆ Install the dongle driver required for the license manager with the following command: # rpm -ivh aksusbd-redhat-$VERSION.aspx. ˆ Make sure you got sufficient privileges: % su ˆ Go to the directory where the <HASP SRM LINUX 3.aladdin.html> on current directory.gz # tar -xvf HASP SRM LINUX 3.50 Run-time Installer script.tar ˆ Go to directory <HASP SRM LINUX 3. ˆ Give the mount command: # mount -a. you have to edit the file </etc/fstab>.01.May 2011 4. ˆ Now install the dongle driver with the command: # . Redhat and Ubuntu To install the dongle driver the following file is required. but first install Delft3D # cd /opt/delft3d/intel/flexlm/ # ./dinst ./lmutil lmhostid -flexid The result of this command should be as in Figure support/hasp/enduser.gz> file is located.$ARCH.50 Run-time Installer script.gz>. The newest dongle driver can be downloaded from http://www. This file is located on the install medium.rpm ˆ Close your super-user session: # exit Dongle installation on Suse.50 Run-time Installer script. Add the following line (see <read.tar. ˆ Check if the dongle can be found on the system with the command. for example: # cd /downloads/delft3d ˆ Install the dongle driver required for the license manager with the following commands: # gunzip HASP SRM LINUX 3.7 ˆ Close your super-user session: # exit 22 Deltares .tar. item: know issues): none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0 and perform the mount command. lic> file. the User Manuals and Release Notes will be installed. you may ignore this message. for example: % cd /mnt/cdrom Make sure you have sufficient rights: % su Install the rpm files with the rpm command: % rpm -ivh Delft3D-$VERSION-$RELEASE. On the client computer you can use the license file which was used for installation on the server. see Section 5.$ARCH.$ARCH. The installation procedure will compare the “Hardware Address” of the System (dongle or ethernet) with the number in the <delft3d id. • The tutorials are delivered in a separate rpm distribution. The complete Delft3D package uses approximately 2. Installation using rpm Switch to the directory where the rpm files are located. only if you are installing on the server for which the license file is generated. also the License Manager.3 Installation of Delft3D Remarks: • Together with Delft3D. If you are installing on a client computer.2.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Linux May 2011 4. Figure 4. Deltares 23 [email protected] Gb (600 Mb + 1. The next step is to configure the License Contact Deltares.rpm If all goes well you will see progress bars showing the installation progress.15316 Figure 4.lic> to install Delft3D as a server on your computer.7: FLEXid detected 4. You always need the license file <delft3d id.3. If these two are not the same you get the message: The Delft3D license file is not created for this system Hostid = 99100a3 Please contact Deltares if necessary (delft3d. Make sure there is enough disk space for the installation of Delft3D.8. To install the Tutorials. ˆ After a new login Delft3D can be used.01.rpm % rpm -ivh Delft3D-tutorials-$VERSION-$RELEASE.5 Gb tutorials) free disk space. If you do not wish to install Delft3D in directory </opt> you have to alter the profile and 4. The FLEXnet software and tools will be installed in the <$D3D HOME/$ARCH/flexlm> directory.d/delft3d.15316 Installing Delft3D on Linux Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 4.conf.conf. which handle the protection and security.conf 4.$ARCH. The rpm-file can be manually extracted using the command: % rpm2cpio Delft3D-$VERSION-$RELEASE.d files manually by changing occurrences of /opt/delft3d to the directory you installed Delft3D.rpm | cpio -idv Place the files in the correct directories. The etc-files should go in the </etc> directory and the opt/delft3d-files should go in the </opt/delft3d> directory.d/delft3d-i386.1 FLEXnet software and tools used FLEXnet uses extra programs and data /etc/ld. 24 Deltares .8: Progress bars to show the progress of the installation Installation without rpm If for some reason you are not able to use rpm the following procedure can be used to install Delft3D.4 Software protection and security tool FLEXnet Delft3D uses FLEXnet to protect the application against unauthorised use.May 2011 4. For example: % sed -i s#/opt/delft3d#/usr/local/delft3d# /etc/profile. Remark: • Starting the License Manager is only needed if you have a server license file. After the installation of the Delft3D package the FLEXnet License Manager should be started manually. The Server name for Linux platforms can be gathered using the command % uname -n The HostID can be gathered by using the command % /sbin/ifconfig eth0 and removing the colons from the Hardware Address. Please consult your system administrator about this topic. To start the FLEXnet License Manager you should activate the FLEXnet License daemon.4.2 FLEXnet license manager On Linux platforms Delft3D uses the FLEXnet License Manager.3 Manual edit the server license file The FLEXnet License Manager uses the “HostID” of the Linux platform as part of the security code. see Section 4.01.lic>.4.4. We advise you to check the license file on the following items before you start the Delft3DMENU program: ˆ The Server record should contain the correct hostname and the correct “Hardware ID”.e.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Linux May 2011 4. 4. Because we advise the License daemon to be started at power-up/boot of the system the reference to the Vendor daemon should be defined by the absolute path (the boot script does not know the Delft3D specific environment variables).4. We advise to activate the FLEXnet License daemon at power up of the Linux system. ˆ The dedicated Vendor daemon presently named dhsdelft. 4.lic> file: Deltares 25 .15316 For Delft3D we use the following set of programs and files: ˆ The FLEXnet License daemon named lmgrd. Examples of both Server and Vendor lines in a <delft3d id. The license file <delft3d id. ˆ A license file named <delft3d id. The start and stop commands preferably should be incorporated in the boot scripts of the Linux system. ˆ The Vendor record should contain the correct Vendor daemon name (i. dhsdelft) and the actual path of where the Vendor daemon is located on the System. ˆ The FLEXnet program lmdown to switch off the License daemon.lic> should contain the references to the Server name of the Linux system and to the “Network Address” (dongle. ethernet number). which you will receive separate by e-mail. 15316 Installing Delft3D on Linux Delft3D Installation Manual SERVER devux 00055DA1C731 TCP:8555 VENDOR dhsdelft /opt/delft3d/intel/flexlm/dhsdelft 4.d/delft3d-i386. and should best be discussed with your system administrator.. for example: % .lic> to be located in the <$D3D HOME> directory. This will make the FLEXnet License server always available for the use of Delft3D. the Delft3D variables should have proper values: 26 Deltares . We presume the <lmdown> program to be located in the <Delft3D home/ARCH/flexlm> sub-directory and the license file <delft3d id.conf.01.5 User environment For running Delft3D first a proper Delft3D environment has to be set up.d/ directory. % $D3D HOME/$ARCH/flexlm/lmgrd -c $D3D HOME/delft3d id. % $D3D HOME/$ARCH/flexlm/lmdown -c $D3D HOME/delft3d id.log & The practical thing to do is to start the FLEXnet License daemon when the system boots.May 2011 4. We presume the <lmgrd> program to be located in the <$D3D HOME/$ARCH/flexlm> directory and the license file <delft3d id. This Delft3D environment consists of a set of environment variables specific for Delft3D and some extension to the global PATH environment variable.5 Manual stop of the FLEXnet license daemon To stop the FLEXnet License daemon you have to execute the following command using the <lmdown> In case you would like to use Delft3D on Client Systems.lic 4.4. Delft3D installs the profile files into the /etc/profile. 4.lic> to be located in the <Delft3D home> directory. The settings in this file apply to all users./lmgrd -c $D3D HOME/delft3d id. Checking the Delft3D environment variables To check the environment variables type the following command (bash-shell). % env Amongst the environment variables displayed. Such a set-up requires detailed knowledge of network software etc.4. the client needs to be connected to the license server via a TCP/IP connection.4 Manual start of the FLEXnet license daemon To start the FLEXnet License daemon <lmgrd> execute the following command.conf> alters the configuration of the linker.lic & Optional you can add a reference to a log file to this command. The file </etc/ld.lic -l /tmp/delft3d license. This requires some changes to the boot scripts of your system. UIDPATH=${UIDPATH}:${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/gpp/bin: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/flow/bin: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/part/bin: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/waq/bin: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/wave/bin 4. After installation the Delft3D folder contains: ˆ Directory <intel>. Tutorial.6 Manuals and release notes As part of the installation also the User Manuals and Release Notes will be installed.9: <delft3d> directory with directory <doc> (Manuals. containg the Delft3D system files. ˆ Directory <doc>. containing the Tutorials. They will be available in the directory where you installed Delft3D. User Manuals and Release Notes in PDFformat for all modules. Deltares 27 .15316 Figure 4. </opt/delft3d>) D3D HOME=/opt/delft3d ˆ $ARCH: Pointing to the architecture directory ARCH=intel ˆ $DHSDELFT LICENSE FILE: e.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Delft3D on Linux May 2011 4.01.g.g. Release Notes) and system directory <intel> ˆ $D3D HOME: Pointing to the pre-defined “Delft3D home” directory (e. See Figure 4. </opt/delft3d> DHSDELFT LICESE FILE=/opt/delft3d ˆ $PATH: The PATH environment variable specifies a search path for executables of Delft3D PATH=${PATH}:${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/gpp/bin: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/flow/bin: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/part/bin: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/util: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/waq/bin: ${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/wave/bin ˆ $LD LIBRARY PATH: The LD LIBRARY PATH environment variable specifies a search path for shared libraries which are needed by Delft3D LD LIBRARY PATH=${LD LIBRARY PATH}:${D3D HOME}/${ARCH}/lib ˆ $UIDPATH: This environemnt variable is needed for the GUI’s.9. 01. remove an old Delft3D version by typing: % rpm -e Delft3D 28 Deltares .8 How to remove an existing Delft3D installation If required.May 2011 4.7 Example scripts to run modules outside the MENU The example scripts are located in directory <delft3d/intel/scripts>. 4.15316 Installing Delft3D on Linux Delft3D Installation Manual 4. see Figure 5.15316 Chapter 5 Installing Tutorials 5.exe> file.1: Welcome window when installing the tutorials Default. Delft3D Tutorials will be installed in the Delft3D Home directory.tutorial. To install these tutorials double-click the <setup.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Tutorials May 2011 4. press Browse.01.2. see Figure 5.1.1 Installing Tutorials on Windows Most of the Delft3D modules have tutorial examples described in the User Manuals. The Welcome window will appear.delft3d. If you prefer a different location. Figure 5. Deltares 29 . 15316 Installing Tutorials Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 5. select No in the Backup window Figure 5.3.May 2011 4.4. see Figure 5. Figure 5.01. If you are updating the tutorials. you have the option to make a back-up. then select Yes. Navigate to the required folder in which you want to install the Delft3D tutorials and click OK.2: Choose Destination Folder window The Select Destination Directory window appears.3: Select Destination Directory window where to install the Delft3D tutorials If this is the first time you install the tutorials then there is no need to make a back-up of old files. 30 Deltares . 4: Select Backup window You are now ready to install the Delft3D tutorials.5: Ready to install window A progress window shows up in which the installation is monitored. press Install to initiate the installation. see Figure 5.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Tutorials May 2011 4.5. Figure 5. see Figure 5.01.15316 Figure 5.6. Deltares 31 . Figure 5.15316 Installing Tutorials Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 5. Press Finish to exit the installation of tutorials set-up.2 Installing Tutorials on Linux Make sure there is enough disk space for the installation of Delft3D.7: Delft3D Tutorial installed window when Delft3D Tutorials are installed successfully 5. for example: % cd /mnt/cdrom 32 Deltares . Figure 5. Switch to the directory where the tutorial rpm file is located.01.May 2011 4.6: Progress window when installing the tutorials The installation takes several minutes.7 appears. When the installation is finished. The complete Delft3D package uses approximately 1.5 Gb free disk space. $ARCH.15316 Make sure you have sufficient rights: % su Install the rpm files with the rpm command: % rpm -ivh Delft3D-tutorials-$VERSION-$RELEASE.rpm Deltares 33 .01.Delft3D Installation Manual Installing Tutorials May 2011 4. May 2011 4.01.15316 Installing Tutorials Delft3D Installation Manual 34 Deltares . Store the provided license file(s) in this directory. Using the license manager in this way has the advantage that the workstation can be approached by ‘Remote Desktop’. a dongle can not be supplied by Deltares. Client This installation supports the licensing on a single computer (stand-alone) and supports the licensing for a concurrent user. In that case the license validation is not based upon a dongle but upon the ethernet number of your PC network adapter (the so called MAC Address). using a license Server in the network.Delft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation May 2011 4. for instance on the d-drive.1 1. Remark: • The license files may not be stored temporarily in the root (for instance d:\). Also you need to be aware which type of installation you want to perform.01.15316 Chapter 6 FLEXnet installation 6.1 6. These items have been provided to you by Deltares. 2. which is not possible/allowed when using a stand-alone (node locked) license. Both items can be requested at the Delft Software Helpdesk. Create a temporary directory. There are 3 types of installation: ˆ Local. Deltares 35 . but probably you have already received them together with the delivery of the installation CD. Below you see a picture of a USB dongle.1. The license file is generated by Deltares on basis of the dongle’s serial number or the ethernet address of the concerning PC. Installing FLEXnet on Windows Checklist before starting the installation Before starting the installation you need to make sure that you have available the license file(s) and/or the hardware key that you need to license your application. In certain license arrangements. ˆ Server and Client This ‘Server and Client’ installation is done when using a local license server on a workstation. 15316 FLEXnet installation Delft3D Installation Manual ˆ Server only With this option a service with floating licenses is installed on a server. Client’ installation.1. 6. Remark: • When the License Manager is already installed as part of another (Deltares) software package. When you have received a Network Server License.1.1: Software license Welcome window The Welcome window depicts the general information about the License Manager. This section guides you step-by-step through this installation process. See Section 6.May 2011 4. When you have received a Single Computer Personal License. you need to perform a ‘Server only’ installation on your server and a client installation on all the computers of the concurrent users of Deltares software. Welcome window Figure 6. Note: Do not connect the dongle to the computer before the installation of the License Manager is completed.2 Installation During the installation of Deltares’ software you have to install the licensing software. then you only need to add the license file(s). you need to perform a ‘Local.4 ”How to add license files”. you need to perform a ‘Local. First install the License Manager.01. Client’ installation. When you have received an Evaluation License. The server installation needs to be performed before any client installation. and after that connect the dongle. 36 Deltares . ˆ Click Next to continue Deltares 37 .Delft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation May 2011 4. the Welcome window will be omitted. When the Delft Software License Manager installation is started as part of an other installation.01.15316 This window will only be visible if DS Flex (the Delft Software License Manager) is started stand-alone. Figure 6. ˆ Click Next to continue Previous installation In case there is already a version of the License Manager installed. The current installation will be removed before installing the new version. the following screen will appear.2: Setup detected a previous installation window The type of installation mentioned depends on the type of the current installation. 01. ˆ In order to continue. The default is ‘Local. Client’ or the option which was used when installing the previous version. The possible options are: 1.15316 FLEXnet installation Delft3D Installation Manual Choose Configuration Figure 6. Using the license manager in this way has the advantage that the workstation can be approached by ‘Remote Desktop’. you will always need to use this option. select the desired option and press the Next button. Local.3: Choose Configuration Options window The Choose Configuration Options window allows the selection of the kind of configuration used for the Delft Software License Manager. 3. Client This installation is used for a local (stand-alone) as well as for a client license.May 2011 4. Server and Client This server and client installation is done when using a local license server on a workstation. Unless the pc you are installing the license manager on is a license server. which is not possible/allowed when using a stand-alone (node locked) license. Server Only With this option a service with floating licenses is installed at a separate license server. 2. 38 Deltares . 01. The installation of ”USB dongle drivers only” is recommended for all users not using parallel dongles The Choose Driver Installation window will only show up when the user is using one of the following operating systems: ˆ Windows 2000 ˆ Windows XP 32-bit (All service packs) ˆ Windows Server 2003 32-bit (Up until Service Pack 1) Other operating systems will skip this window and will always install USB dongle drivers only. or both USB and parallel port dongle drivers. The e-mail address [email protected] can also be used for this purpose.4: Choose Driver Installation window The Choose Driver Installation window allows you to choose between installing only USB dongle drivers. The installation of parallel port dongle drivers is only needed for users with a parallel port dongle. Users with parallel port dongles using an operating system not listed above should contact their software support or helpdesk. see Figure 6.Delft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation May 2011 4. Deltares 39 .15316 Choose Driver Installation Figure 6. ˆ Click Next to continue Install the License File Figure 6.lic>. This file will be copied to the Delft Software License Manager Installation directory when the installation is finished the extension of the license file will be changed to <∗.6: Install the License File window The Install the License File window allows the selection of the desired license file.5: Choose Destination Folder window Using this window. It is common practice to use the default folder.01. Use the Browse option to change the default folder.15316 FLEXnet installation Delft3D Installation Manual Choose Destination Folder Figure 6. you can select where the Delft Software License Manager will be installed.May 2011 4. 40 Deltares . Delft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation May 2011 4. Press the Locate License File button and browse to the directory containing the license file and select the required file. Remark: • If you are provide with more than one license file. locate license file This window is used to specify the exact location of the license file.01. see the section about how to add or update license files. After selecting a license file you get the following window: Deltares 41 . the Specify License File Location window is shown.15316 1.7: Specify License File Location window. Click Next to continue If Yes was selected. Specify License File Location Figure 6. Here you can agree with FLEXnet being activated as a service.May 2011 4. 42 Deltares . you will get the following window.9: Install FLEXnet as an OS services window 1.15316 FLEXnet installation Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 6. Figure 6.8: Specify License File Location window.01. It is common practice to do so. license found When you are installing the Delft Software License Manager on/as a server. Click Next to continue. If you press cancel Deltares 43 .10: Start Installation window The configuration of the installation is now done.01. ˆ Click Install to install the License Manager. Now the installation will start. because the installer has to check some system settings.Delft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation May 2011 4. A progress bar is displayed showing the steps of the installation Delft Software License Manager Installation progress Figure 6. Just be patient.11: Progressbar window This window shows the progress of the installation of the Delft Software License Manager.15316 Start installation Figure 6. The license Server computer can also be used as a Client computer. Mounting the dongle Always install the License Manager before connecting the dongle. Now your are ready to use Deltares software 6. This means that Delft3D can run on the license Server. At the completion of the installation the following screen will be shown. ˆ The installation procedure can be exited by pressing the Finish button. Server Only configuration When adding a license file using the Add License File tool. Figure 6.3 Functionality of the installation configurations Local. When the operating system supports this. a service is defined that starts the license server at start-up. the license file is copied to the <DS Flex> directory.01.12: Installation Finish window This means that the Delft software License Manager has been installed successfully. Also a license server is started. The dongle can be connected to the computer.15316 FLEXnet installation Delft3D Installation Manual the installation will be canceled. than the license manager will not work properly and because of that the Deltares-programs will not recognize the licenses. However if the Delft Software License Manager Installation has been started by a Deltares-program. the license file is copied to the <DS Flex> directory. When the License Manager has been installed. no license server is started. this window does not appear.1.May 2011 4. Client configuration When adding a license file using the Add License File tool. 44 Deltares . The Client computer will find the license Server because it is defined in the license file. you need to de-install the License Manager software and re-install it choosing the new configuration. the Client computer should have a standalone configuration.14. Client configuration Click Locate License File and browse to the license file to add or update.Delft3D Installation Manual FLEXnet installation May 2011 4. they need to be updated on the Client computer as well. see Figure 6. Deltares 45 .13: Installation Add License File tool Next the Specify License File Location window appears.15. Changing the license configuration If you want to change the license configuration. Please note that when the files on the license Srver are updated. This way all license files that are added with the Add License File tool are copied to the local <DS Flex> directory.14: Specify License File Location window for Server only and Local.15316 Combining standalone and client configuration When it is required that standalone licenses can be run on a Client computer. Figure 6. It can be reinstalled using the Delft3D installer software. see Figure 6.1.4 How to add license files A license file can be added or updated using the Add License File tool. see Figure 6.13: Figure 6. De-installing the License Manager software can be done via the Add or Remove Programs menu (see Start – Settings – Control Panel).01. 6. May 2011 4. Figure 6.16: Delft Hydraulics Software License Manager Installation window when installing the license file Click Finish to exited the License File installation.4. see Figure 6.15316 FLEXnet installation Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 6.2 Installing on Linux For the Linux installation of the License Manager see Section 4. a progress window appears and after a while the Delft Hydraulics Software License Manager Installation window appear.16. Press Next to continue. 46 Deltares .15: Locate License File window Click Open. next the Specify License File Location window is displayed again.01. 6. although server log file looks fine I have configured my license Server and the server log does not contain any for more details on how to (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager (lmgrd) for your enterprise. Contact Macrovision at (lmgrd) www. dwldelft and dhsdelft are reported.Delft3D Installation Manual Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet May 2011 4. (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager.1 7. (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository. FLEXnet Manager (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT. You need to check if there is a fire wall configured on the Server that blocks the connection to these processes. to readily gain visibility (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like (lmgrd) license availability and usage. When I start my application on the Client PC. Use Macrovision’s (lmgrd) software license administration solution. (lmgrd) please enable report logging.1 FAQ’s on Windows Error on client: Server node is down or not responding.macrovision. 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 (lmgrd) ----------------------------------------------(lmgrd) Please Note: (lmgrd) (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.01.1. Deltares 47 .15316 Chapter 7 Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet 7. In the FLEXnet server log file the port numbers that are used by the license daemon lmgrd and the vendor daemons lmwldelft. Linux (lmgrd) and UNIX. I get the error: Server node is down or not responding The client application needs to connect to the license daemon and vendor daemon processes that are running on the Server. If you are running Windows XP Server SP2.1. (lmgrd) World Wide Web: http://www.01.May 2011 4. All rights reserved.297 and (lmgrd) License file(s): C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\delft3d_00247ede5be0.671. In this file you will find the license files that are read by the license Server process (<lmgrd.macrovision.log> file in the <DS Flex> directory on the Server. 48 Deltares . (lmgrd) Started dhsdelft (pid 1660) (lmgrd) Started dwldelft (pid 4012) (dwldelft) Server started on WL06008 for: Delft3D (dwldelft) D3D_FLOW (dhsdelft) Server started on WL06008 for: DHS_Delft3D (dhsdelft) DHS\_Delft3D_FLOW (lmgrd) dwldelft using TCP-port 1245 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 1249 In this example you need to make sure that the port numbers used by the license Server. dhsdelft (1249) and the vendor daemon dwldelft and lmgrd (in the session that is shown in the log file: 1245 and 8500) are available and can be reached by the Client computer.exe" PORT=8570 (See also the FLEXnet end-user guide pg.1.412. (lmgrd) US Patents 5. 107.3 If not all license files are listed in the log file Check if the ‘service configuration’ of the license Server is correct ˆ Start lmtools by activating ‘Start → Programs → Delft Hydraulics → DHS License Manager → lmtools’.lic (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 8500 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ..) You need to check in the firewall configuration if these ports can be reached.exe" PORT=8550 VENDOR dwldelft "C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\dwldelft. To specify the port numbers that are used by the license Server and the vendor daemon.390. you can modify the license file: SERVER WL06008 FLEXID=8-5E700060C1CF TCP:8500 VENDOR dhsdelft "C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\dhsdelft.2 My server client licensing system is not running properly Check if the Server is running properly Firstly you need to check if the license Server supports all the licensing features that you expect it to support.. be aware that a fire wall is installed automatically. You can do this by inspecting the <Flex WL.1.3) started on WL06008 (IBM PC) (2/17/2006) (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation.exe>) and a list of features that are supported. 106. 7. 7.15316 Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet Delft3D Installation Manual 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:18 14:53:19 (lmgrd) (lmgrd) ----------------------------------------------(lmgrd) (lmgrd) (lmgrd) Done rereading (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10. Delft3D Installation Manual Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet May 2011 4. see Figure 7. Figure 7.1: lmtools: Config Services tab If you have edited the path to the license file. see Figure 7. Stopping and starting the license Server can be done with the Start/Stop/Reread tab. you should save the service and stop and start the license Server. ˆ Check if the Path to the license file contains only the <DS Flex> directory and no specific license file.1. Figure 7.2: lmtools: Start/Stop/Reread tab Now you can check the log file again and see if all license files and features are logged in the log file.2. All license files? Have all the license files in the <DS Flex> directory been added with the Add License File tool that can be found under ‘Start → Programs → Delft Hydraulics → DHS License Manager → Add License File’ ? This can be diagnosed by inspecting the first two lines in the license files.01. When they look like: Deltares 49 .15316 ˆ Go to the Config Services tab. remove them from the <DS Flex> directory and add them with the Add License File tool. see Figure 7.May 2011 4. It has replaced the string “SERVER NAME” with the actual server name. If the log file reports a hostId error 14:38:28 14:38:28 14:38:28 14:38:28 (dhsdelft) (dhsdelft) (dhsdelft) (dhsdelft) Wrong hostid on SERVER line for license file: C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\delft3d. Now stop and start the license Server. All the files should be logged in the log file. in this example “WL06008” and it has replaced the string “DHSDELFT DAEMON” with the actual path to the vendor daemon.15316 Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet Delft3D Installation Manual SERVER SERVER_NAME FLEXID=9-23EE9563 TCP:8500 VENDOR dhsdelft DHSDELFT_DAEMON it has not been processed by the Add License File tool. see Figure 7.3: lmtools: System Settings tab Step I 50 Deltares . If files are found that have not been processed with the Add License File tool. when the first two lines look like: SERVER WL06008 FLEXID=9-23EE9562 TCP:8500 VENDOR dhsdelft "C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\dhsdelft. You can start lmtools and activate the System Settings tab. In the FLEXID box.exe" then the license file has been processed by the Add License File tool. in this example <C:\Program Files\DS Flex\dhsdelft.lic SERVER line says FLEXID=9-23EE9562. Restart the Server if necessary. and inspect the log file of the license Server.01. If not all features that you expect can be found in the log file Make sure that all the license files that you have received from Deltares have been added with the Add License File tool.exe>. hostid is (Can’t get hostid of type 15 [Cannot read dongle: Invalid hostid on SERVER line You can also use lmtools to check if the USB dongle is recognised by the computer. the dongle number of the USB dongle should be visible: Figure 7.2.9-23EE9562.3. ˆ Start lmtools by activating ‘Start → Programs → Delft Hydraulics → DHS License Manager → lmtools’. In the FLEXID box. If the dongle is not inserted in the USB port.15316 Check if the dongle is inserted in the USB port of the computer. sometimes lmtools does not report the dongle although Delft3D starts without problems and does not report an error. Deltares 51 . Check the client When the Server is running correctly. the dongle drivers needed for this dongle are not installed properly. This installer can be found at the Deltares Support Site: ftp://support@ftp. I get a “Cannot read dongle” error This means that FLEXnet can not detect the hardware dongle that is needed to run Delft3D. it is still possible that the application on the client is not running Hydraulics Software/FLEXnet/DS Flex. ˆ Please make sure the dongle is inserted in the computer. ˆ Perform an installation with the latest DS Flex installer. The Add License File tool on the Client PC only stores the path to the license file on the Server in an environment variable.exe” During the installation the dongle should be removed from the computer. When the dongle is attached and the error still occurs or lmtools does not detect the dongle. 7.exe The installation instructions can be found in Chapter 6. This installer can be found at the Deltares Support Site: “Delft Hydraulics Software/FLEXnet/DS Flex.4 When I start Delft3D. You can check if FLEXnet can detect the hardware dongle by running lmtools. Step II Perform an installation with the latest DS Flex installer. i.01. So only 1 license file (on the Server) needs to be selected from the Client PC and no files are copied to a local directory on the Client PC. ˆ Select the System Settings tab.1. the dongle number of the dongle should be visible.Delft3D Installation Manual Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet May 2011 4. This environment variable is used by the application to find the license files in the <DS Flex> directory on the Server. Use the Add License File tool to select a license file on the Server. The reading of lmtools is not always accurate. So always check if the dongle works with both Delft3D and lmtools. insert the dongle and check if lmtools reports the dongle now.e. When lmtools does report the dongle then Delft3D should be able to use the dongle.wldelft. 15316 Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet Delft3D Installation Manual Please take care that during the installation the dongle is removed from the Hydraulics Software/FLEXnet/tools/Black dongle 9.04 of Delft3D the licensing software cannot work with a USB dongle. When this does not work.5 Which installation configuration do I need? When you have received an Evaluation License or Single Computer Personal License you need to perform a Local. <flexidsilent.May 2011 4. Client installation. Up until version 3. the definition of the environment variable that points to the directory where FLEXnet searches for license files can be erroneous.1. When only a directory is shown and no license files are shown. This installer can also be found at the Deltares Support Site: ftp://support@ftp. Only Redhat enterprise three and higher have the dongle drivers available.01.wldelft. The server installation needs to be performed first.7 Linux versions and USB dongles Not all Linux versions can work with a USB dongle.exe 7. 7.wldelft.1.exe In some cases. 7. When you have received a Network Server License. and a client installation on all the computers of the concurrent users of Deltares software. you need to contact the helpdesk. For windows XP the path should have no backslash at the end: .2/ Hydraulics Software/FLEXnet/tools/FLEXidInstaller.23.1. 52 Deltares .6 Old Delft3D versions and USB dongles Not all Delft3D versions can work with a USB dongle. you need to perform a Server only or Server and Client installation on your network license Server computer. Then it can be useful to try to install an old version of the dongle drivers.exe>. you can run the dongle driver installer from FLEXnet directly.C:\Program Files\DS Flex. the dongle drivers for a black dongle (FLEXid 8) are still not properly installed. 7.1. You either have to upgrade to a higher version of Linux or when this is not possible. The FLEXnet error message contains the license files that are used by the application when it encounters the error. due to a history of installations on a computer. Otherwise the dongle drivers can be installed incorrectly.8 “Can not find license file” error This error can be caused by the incorrect definition of the environment variables that are used by FLEXnet to search for license files. This installer can be found at the Deltares Support Site: ftp://support@ftp. You either have to upgrade to a higher version of Delft3D or when this is not possible. you need to contact the helpdesk. 1).00 uses this environment variable.’ at the start and end of the string is optional.23. It has been reported that on some Windows 2000 machines.24. Delft3D software from version 3. Delft3D software from 3. the registry and within the application itself.C:\Program Files\DS Flex\. 7. For instance Delft3D. For windows 2000 the general rule is that the path should have a backslash at the end: .8. What is the order in which these locations are used? The order in which these sources are used is: ˆ The environment ˆ The registry Environment variables The environment variables that are used are: DHSDELFT LICENSE FILE This environment variable is used by all Deltares/Delft Hydraulics applications that have vendor daemon ‘dhsdelft’.10 uses this environment variable.’ at the start and end of the string is optional. LM LICENSE FILE This environment variable is used by all FLEXnet enabled applications. The ‘.15316 The ‘.22.01 up to version 3.Delft3D Installation Manual Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet May 2011 4. LMWLDELFT LICENSE FILE This environment variable is used by all Delft Hydraulics applications that have vendor daemon ‘lmwldelft’.05 uses this environment variable. Delft3D software up to version Order in which license files are accessed License file locations that are used by FLEXnet to locate license files can be specified in the environment.1. Matlab and ArcGIS. the backslash should be removed. Deltares 53 . Registry keys The registry keys that are used have the same names as the environment variables and the same versions of Delft3D are applicable (see Section 4. This is taken care of by the DS Flex installer that is part of the Delft3D installation. DWLDELFT LICENSE FILE This environment variable is used by all Delft Hydraulics applications that have vendor daemon ‘dwldelft’. 671. This problem can also occur when you run license files from several suppliers on one license License file(s): C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\delft3d_00247ede5be0. it is possible that you get restarting license daemons.3) started on WL06008 (IBM PC) (2/21/2006) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation. World Wide Web: http://www. please enable report logging. FLEXnet Manager can be fully automated to run these reports on schedule and can be used to track license servers and usage across a heterogeneous network of servers including Windows NT.01. to readily gain visibility into license usage data and to create insightful reports on critical information like license availability and usage.10 Running a license server with license files for Delft3D version 3.lic lmgrd tcp-port 8500 Starting vendor daemons for more details on how to obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager for your enterprise. FLEXnet Manager.297 and 5.1. US Patents 5. 54 Deltares .00 or higher this will cause no problems running Delft3D. you need to contact the helpdesk.macrovision. Use Macrovision’s software license administration solution. All rights reserved.. This results in no licenses being served by the license Server.23.1. lmwldelft. 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) 14:45:28 (lmgrd) \textbf{14:45:29 ----------------------------------------------Please Note: This log is intended for debug purposes only.15316 Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet Delft3D Installation Manual They can be found in: HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\Software\FLEXlm License Manager 7. Started dhsdelft (pid 3832) Started dwldelft (pid 2708) Started lmwldelft (pid 1592) (lmwldelft) Cannot open license file C:\flexlm\license.May 2011 4.04 or lower generates errors When you use the latest distribution of license files on a license Server it is possible that the oldest vendor daemon .dat} As long as you run Delft3D version 3. 7. In order to capture accurate license usage data into an organized repository. When this is not possible.1.. as is the case with many Delft3D set-ups.390.11 Restarting vendor daemons on a license Server When you run a license Server with multiple license daemons. ----------------------------------------------- Done rereading FLEXnet Licensing (v10.412. We advise you to migrate to a higher version of Delft3D. will generate errors. Contact Macrovision at www. Linux and UNIX. exiting (dhsdelft) Server started on wl06008 for: DHS_Delft3D (lmgrd) REStarted dwldelft (pid 3660) (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4530 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4530 (dhsdelft) No master.15316 Log file 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:36 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 15:04:37 Deltares (lmgrd) ----------------------------------------------(lmgrd) Please Note: (lmgrd) (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.macrovision. All rights reserved.00055de1034c. exiting (lmgrd) REStarted dhsdelft (pid 1968) (dwldelft) No master. (lmgrd) (lmgrd) ----------------------------------------------(lmgrd) (lmgrd) (lmgrd) Done rereading (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10.01.macrovision. Linux (lmgrd) and UNIX. exiting (dhsdelft) Server started on wl06008 for: DHS_Delft3D (lmgrd) REStarted dwldelft (pid 3816) (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4537 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4537 (dwldelft) Server started on wl06008 for: Delft3D (dwldelft) \DRGFGRID\ D3D_GIS_\DRGFGRID (dhsdelft) No master. (lmgrd) US Patents 5. exiting 55 . Contact Macrovision at (lmgrd) (lmgrd) License file(s): C:\Program Files\DS_Flex\delft3d.671.lic (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 8500 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ..390. (lmgrd) please enable report for more details on how to (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager (lmgrd) for your enterprise.1. to readily gain visibility (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like (lmgrd) license availability and usage.412.3) started on WL06008 (IBM PC) (3/2/2006) (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision Corporation.. exiting (dwldelft) Server started on wl06008 for: Delft3D (dwldelft) \DRGFGRID\ D3D_GIS_\DRGFGRID (lmgrd) REStarted dhsdelft (pid 2720) (lmgrd) dwldelft using TCP-port 4533 (dwldelft) No master. Use Macrovision’s (lmgrd) software license administration solution.Delft3D Installation Manual Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet May 2011 4. (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository. FLEXnet Manager (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT. (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager.297 and 5. (lmgrd) World Wide Web: http://www. (lmgrd) Started dhsdelft (pid 1960) (lmgrd) Started dwldelft (pid 3976) (dhsdelft) Server started on wl06008 for: DHS_Delft3D (dwldelft) Server started on wl06008 for: Delft3D (dwldelft) \DRGFGRID\ D3D_GIS_\DRGFGRID (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4523 (lmgrd) dwldelft using TCP-port 4524 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 4523 (dhsdelft) No master. 0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator). FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ .May 2011 4. using the Add License File tool. 56 Deltares .15316 Frequently asked questions for FLEXnet Delft3D Installation Manual This error is caused by mixing up upper and lower case server names in the license files that are used.57 February 2007 # # Begin Delft3D license # # Delft3D : 3.39 01-feb-2009 209 \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’Support’. take the license files that were originally provided by Delft Hydraulics and add them.01.26.00 # Date : 25 Apr 2007 # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D dhsdelft 3. 2. Case 2: License files from multiple vendors are used on this Server Modify the server names in all license files so that the case (upper or lower) that is used in all the license files is the same.lic # FLEXLM version 7. Take care to use the server name that is defined in license files from Delft Hydraulics that have been added to the Server computer using the Add License File tool or alternatively use the server name that is defined in the registry key “System CurrentControlSet Control ComputerName ComputerName”.14. The Add License File tool uses the same registry key to determine the server name on during installation of the license file. this problem will not occur. To solve the problem. License file delft3d. 68D5E486. \ " HOSTID=FLEXID=9-68D5E486 SIGN="0DFD DE7D \ 2E29 F719 1BA6 B59A E37D 8D8D E5CE EF68 F602 13EC 365B 7571 \ 10A8 0EE7 DE61 1C13 0E12 B1C9 9C14 7564 A1DD 1BDB 91A7 6773 \ B085 16BC F986 1F2A" # # Grid and bathymetry modules # Case 1: Only License files from Delft Hydraulics are used on this server When the Add License File tool is consequently used when adding the license files to the Server computer.00 # Cfg-file: 3. : PATH="c:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v711\runtime\win32".e.11 of the MCR in that case you have to add the directory to the PATH environment variable. see Figure 8.2 or Figure 8.2 Authorisation error for specific module or functionality Suppose you get the error shown in Figure 8.1: QUICKPLOT could not find version 7. If this path is not added to the environment variable PATH then QUICKPLOT gives the following message.01.1 QUICKPLOT: Could not find version 7.exe>) the path to the directory c:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v711\runtime\win32 should be added to the Windows environment variable PATH.%PATH% 8. i.3: Deltares 57 .11 of the MCR The MATLAB runtime environment will be installed on (default installation): c:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v711 As part of the Matlab Compiler Runtime installation (<MCRInstaller.Delft3D Installation Manual Frequently asked questions for Delft3D May 2011 4.15316 Chapter 8 Frequently asked questions for Delft3D 8.1: Figure 8. 15316 Frequently asked questions for Delft3D Delft3D Installation Manual Figure 8. and your License Agreement states the use of this module.2: Error window for unauthorised use of Delft3D-QUICKIN Figure and your License Agreement does not state the use of this module. If not found. Look in the DS Flex folder for <∗. 58 Deltares .3 Module termination with unclear message If an application ends abnormal with unclear messages.1.lic> files and check if the FEATURE for the specific module occurs in one of the license files. please contact the Helpdesk if you have a Maintenance and Support contract. see Section 7.3: Error window for unauthorised use of FLOW 3D Check your license file first if you are authorised to use the Report the Delft3D and the module version numbers and send all input files with a description of the error. you are not authorised to use this functionality. If not found. contact the Helpdesk at If this feature is found in the license file. If you are interested in the module or functionality.May 2011 4. please contact the Sales Manager at delft3d.2 8.sales@deltares. this license file is not recognised by the License Manager. 24.1 A. 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="062E 336C 1748 59E6 1ED0 0444 9291 6AC0 \ C72F B51F 3F8E E4D9 53F3 D66A F53C 6EED 0C03 F762" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SPHERICAL dhsdelft 3.15316 Appendix A Examples of server license files A.06 # Date : 05 Dec 2005 # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D dhsdelft 3.02.Delft3D Installation Manual Examples of server license files May 2011 4.0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator). 2.00 and higher M&S functionality # FLEXLM version 7.01. December 2005 SERVER buffel 0000F87E0BC4 TCP:8500 VENDOR dhsdelft c:\Program Files\DS_flex # # Begin Delft3D license # # Delft3D : 3.09.69 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="0DFF ABA7 3FB3 E202 D553 C531 5FF7 B577 \ Deltares 59 .69 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="0786 1443 B5EA A25E DA0C B422 C609 2557 \ 896D C384 CA2B 5A23 234B 5D4A 270C E847 BD0E 41C9" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_DD dhsdelft 3.39 01-jan-2007 2100 \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’.29 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="0B52 28FB A634 2680 879A F876 BC29 E984 \ 1FCF 0E38 C277 CF80 B92C 146C B9FB EA15 0757 3E00" # # Hydrodynamics module FLOW # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW dhsdelft 3.29 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="00E7 5075 4ECF 1934 54B7 7D35 87EC C327 \ 54B9 5EE8 FF0C E7D9 3B69 815D E97B B02E 2E5D 26E4" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_QUICKIN_GIS dhsdelft 4.1 For Delft3D version 3.69 01-jan-2007 100 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="11C8 3AA3 4E06 8B13 59BD DF46 841F 52C0 9228 5E04 6EFE \ 8840 2A99 D50C FEFE FD29 8CCE AD78" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_3D dhsdelft 3. \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ ." \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="0458 58BC 5E5C DCC6 5DB1 755A 7F71 CADC \ F511 C828 BD07 85D3 696D F287 0392 A27A D36C B351" # # Grid and bathymetry modules # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_RGFGRID_GIS dhsdelft 4.00 # Cfg-file: 3. 69 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="12D8 B091 12B5 79D1 3AF2 5D55 2E48 47E8 \ 8EFB 7EBB E088 1750 8120 FE7F AEFE 9222 1777 3B47" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SED_MOR_3D dhsdelft 3.15316 Examples of server license files Delft3D Installation Manual 0948 2B20 D176 3EF0 94A7 884B A086 892A 90D0 9758" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_STRUCTURES dhsdelft 3.01.69 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="1B34 D2C3 CD46 99F1 C3D9 471D FBFA 81D3 \ 7BE8 B83E 0EF6 ED66 16B6 3289 77A2 0070 0A38 38CC" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SED_MOR_2D dhsdelft 3.69 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="096A 21D9 6745 25F2 B141 6DA4 FD0F ADAF \ A945 CDAB D73B C0B0 CBB9 FE38 D1B9 A431 3BDF E18B" # # Hydrodynamics module FLOW.39 01-jan-2007 100 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="1006 23F5 0573 36BB 278D 2529 B4AE C505 3DF9 DD7E 6220 \ 733B 6AF7 6A1C 84A2 40F2 94FE C1F0" # # Far-field water quality module WAQ # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_WAQ dhsdelft 4.49 01-jan-2007 100 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="1078 2480 B1E3 EDD9 2204 D998 2FE7 23A5 38B6 2274 D27C \ D700 1365 618D A835 8644 FEBC 40AF" # # Grid aggregation module # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_DIDO dhsdelft 3.69 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="1BDA 15D1 DE1B 6DE0 70D3 918A 4096 AFD5 \ 2315 F3F3 13BE 050B 7686 76D5 0780 C3CD 1028 DF00" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_DREDGE_DUMP dhsdelft 3.39 01-jan-2007 200 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="030F 3BE1 818A 6D1B 2E53 10E9 49F6 F10D 156C 1AFD 6908 \ B489 CB3A EC1F 7272 AA33 0498 5232" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_SWAN dhsdelft 40. additional tools # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_TRIANA dhsdelft 3.09 01-jan-2007 100 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="0ECF 2EE1 02D7 387A 277B A47F 47A6 973D 7114 98A2 39BE \ 9FB8 D19B 20FE 2338 E614 CC51 82A9" # # Waves module WAVE # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_WAVE dhsdelft 2.59 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="0248 5C97 D849 4E41 534A 6DF0 3416 DB92 \ 5E11 1AA8 4366 A0AC 3E38 68BB 9703 298C 48F6 C3DC" FEATURE DHS_PROC_LIB_WAQ dhsdelft 4.09 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="1025 43BE FF07 CEAB 5603 A0DE 3975 5F70 \ 8086 A191 A09C 435E 5C91 35EC 5C33 2F08 12C9 F85D" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_TIDE dhsdelft 3.59 01-jan-2007 100 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="1E5D 3F30 61A2 5231 1CA9 5746 7085 DECC DAE9 67A2 AF53 \ 1D73 F191 3876 C6CD B4C9 ADD6 DD98" # # Postprocessing modules # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_GPP dhsdelft 2.59 01-jan-2007 400 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="04E0 D4E6 7062 9FFC 223B 02E4 51DE 643F D241 9BD9 8F7F \ 000F 39CC BC36 0BE0 AF02 774C F960" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_WAQ_3D dhsdelft 4.May 2011 4.69 01-jan-2007 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="1A7C 4DF8 2383 6A34 7B7B E336 E797 DC4E \ F7A2 8973 1518 9EB9 8A4F 2875 C81D 695C 76A4 C199" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_HLES dhsdelft 3.29 01-jan-2007 100 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="04C1 C7B3 9F85 F264 3CDC DEEE 9E8B F3B0 8505 C530 53E2 \ A414 8F5A 8229 EAA2 1539 7EB3 E094" # # End license 60 Deltares . " \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="04A3 6A3C E280 8475 D415 5C65 DC61 CF81 \ C411 6303 B701 E8C3 E643 7208 0ADF 6507 C26B 290D" # # Waves module WAVE. \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ . \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ .2 A.8.10 and lower M&S functionality # FLEXLM version 7.15316 A.23.0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator). 2." \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE Delft3D lmwldelft 3. 2. \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ .39 01-jan-2001 2200 414WK3034332FA \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’.05.08 permanent 100 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="0779 BA81 B941 E987 4E12 663D 5AA5 D726 1E33 E77A 14A6 \ E0C4 EE66 4757 A415 1054 C490 1A42" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_MOR_DREDGE1 dhsdelft 6.2.08 permanent 100 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD SIGN="09E7 D474 21D4 67B5 D277 1BB6 6B86 23EA \ 8F70 B4A3 84F1 52C6 9059 F1DD AD64 E984 61D9 C657" # # End license A.39 permanent 2100 \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’.61 permanent 100 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="1F5A 0DF1 072E 4CDD 169E 5D67 0460 8F0E AECC 1FD1 73DA \ 411C 0085 D2D9 9B12 41B1 08DB 07BE" # # Morphology module MOR.01 # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_WAVE dhsdelft 2.9 # Date : 14 Dec 2005 # FEATURE Delft3D dwldelft 3. December 2005 SERVER buffel 0000F87E0BC4 TCP:8500 VENDOR dwldelft c:\Program Files\DS_flex VENDOR lmwldelft c:\Program Files\DS_flex # # Begin Delft3D license # # Delft3D : v3. until Delft3D version v3.01 # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_MOR dhsdelft 6.39 permanent 200 DUP_GROUP=UHD \ SIGN="1678 1AA5 28D5 C470 AA78 C61C EDA4 0BCE EE67 1CA8 5366 \ 0B32 D5E9 A216 4914 3346 BAF7 AF32" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_HISWA dhsdelft 110. until Delft3D version v3." \ DUP_GROUP=UHD Deltares 61 . December 2005 SERVER buffel 0000F87E0BC4 TCP:8500 VENDOR dhsdelft c:\Program Files\DS_flex # # Deprecated features for older versions of Delft3D # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D dhsdelft 3.2 No M&S functionality anymore # FLEXLM version 7.39 01-jan-2001 2200 41HJ94B2349D51 \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’.01.0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator).23.10 # Cfg-file: v3.1 For Delft3D version 3.Delft3D Installation Manual Examples of server license files May 2011 4. 29 01-jan-2001 200 966RN663D7ADA0 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE Delft3D_QUICKIN dwldelft 4.59 01-jan-2001 100 399GR9E77FAE49 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE D3D_FLOW lmwldelft 3.59 01-jan-2001 100 944DFFFGG1B3D3 DUP_GROUP=UHD # # Waves module WAVE # FEATURE D3D_WAVE dwldelft 2.43.15316 Examples of server license files Delft3D Installation Manual # # Grid and bathymetry modules # FEATURE Delft3D_RGFGRID dwldelft 4.May 2011 4.59 01-jan-2001 300 6D08FT881F9198 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE WAQ dwldelft 4.59 01-jan-2001 100 6B3488GF85C514 DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE WAQ lmwldelft 4.29 01-jan-2001 200 C777WT7F8C5F7B \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE Delft3D_QUICKIN_GIS lmwldelft 4.59 01-jan-2001 100 7E446QW9C516F1 DUP_GROUP=UHD # # Postprocessing modules # FEATURE QUICKPLOT\ dwldelft 2.49 01-jan-2001 100 4E6E6REWRR3417 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE SWAN1 lmwldelft 40. December 2005 SERVER buffel 0000F87E0BC4 TCP:8500 VENDOR dwldelft c:\Program Files\DS_flex VENDOR lmwldelft c:\Program Files\DS_flex # # Deprecated features for older versions of Delft3D 62 Deltares .59 01-jan-2001 300 3895gWWhhjjC37 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE D3D_WAQ lmwldelft 4.59 01-jan-2001 100 00MK03F8E38336 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE 3D dwldelft 3.29 01-jan-2001 200 20F3GF455650C7 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE Delft3D_RGFGRID_GIS lmwldelft 4.59 01-jan-2001 100 511444WE4BD3F8 DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE SED lmwldelft 4.0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator).01.19 01-jan-2001 100 WSE72225255415 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE QUICKPLOT\ lmwldelft 2.59 01-jan-2001 100 F70E2YT8734801 DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE SED dwldelft 4.49 01-jan-2001 100 1484HWQH579106 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD # # Far-field water quality module WAQ # FEATURE D3D_WAQ dwldelft 4.2.2 No M&S functionality anymore # FLEXLM version 7.19 01-jan-2001 100 345RD566781B68 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD # # End license A.29 01-jan-2001 200 388QW8546ADEAE \ DUP_GROUP=UHD # # Hydrodynamics module FLOW # FEATURE D3D_FLOW dwldelft 3.39 01-jan-2001 200 A6RRVRRAC7C37F \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE SWAN1 dwldelft 40.39 01-jan-2001 200 84EROIR3BBD8CE \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE D3D_WAVE lmwldelft 2.59 01-jan-2001 100 C5EBBHUB93E5F9 DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE 3D lmwldelft 3. 2. 43 permanent 100 B14334406BA994 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE RIGID_SHEET lmwldelft 3.61 permanent 100 ED999283DC35D4 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD # # Features for not supported Delft3D versions # FEATURE BC_TURBULENCE_MODEL dwldelft 3.01 # FEATURE D3D_WAVE dwldelft 2.43 permanent 100 B839BC8434406F DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE RIGID_SHEET dwldelft 3.39 permanent 2200 27184473C62C7C \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’.Delft3D Installation Manual Examples of server license files May 2011 4.39 permanent 2200 5353730F39D3F3 \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’.15316 # FEATURE Delft3D dwldelft 3.61 permanent 100 6D6535333580F9 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE HISWA lmwldelft permanent 100 7F4334448CB388 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE SPILLWAY_2DH dwldelft 3." \ DUP_GROUP=UHD # # Waves module WAVE. until Delft3D version v3.39 permanent 200 535334535BC37F \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE HISWA dwldelft 110." \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE Delft3D lmwldelft 3.43 permanent 100 608B2944353348 DUP_GROUP=UHD DUP_GROUP=UHD # # End license Deltares 63 .43 permanent 100 AC255DB3C43476 DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE CURVI lmwldelft 3.43 permanent 100 2F1D22F3344A3A \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE SPILLWAY_2DH lmwldelft 3.43 permanent 100 F2311A442E7056 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE WAVE dwldelft 3. \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ .43 permanent 100 337888345A7607 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE BC_TURBULENCE_MODEL lmwldelft 3.43 permanent 100 80144443336AEB DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE WAVE lmwldelft 3.43 permanent 100 A767545346AA85 \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE CURVI dwldelft 3. \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ .39 permanent 200 53355353D498CE \ DUP_GROUP=UHD FEATURE D3D_WAVE lmwldelft 2. 15316 Examples of server license files Delft3D Installation Manual 64 Deltares .01.May 2011 4. 43.24.39 01-jan-2005 uncounted \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 SIGN="1440 80E9 2419 88ED CD05 4650 \ 3800 F05F 77A3 5581 7643 240C F61B E9B5 1DE6 E111 7959 39C9" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_SWAN dhsdelft 40.29 01-jan-2005 uncounted \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 SIGN="0D18 7EAA 920F 22F9 FD28 335E \ 8862 DFEB 7569 0356 AB77 18C6 A0C6 68D4 5348 82DC B804 FED3" # # Waves module WAVE # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_WAVE dhsdelft 2.Delft3D Installation Manual Examples of standalone license files May 2011 4.19 01-jan-2005 uncounted \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 SIGN="1A91 FD2F 4BFC F856 44ED CC5C \ D589 7C14 9B9C ECE1 69E6 3444 5584 E2C6 D594 0099 0FBD 484A" # Deltares 65 ." \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 SIGN="1121 291A FC33 7F7C 88C2 A145 \ 4BC8 C9B1 DD30 3CED 164F 8079 3061 1368 C434 F4FC 1DBD 0CD1" # # Grid and bathymetry modules # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_DRGFGRID dhsdelft 4. December 2005 # # Begin Delft3D license # # Delft3D : 3.00 # Cfg-file: 3.09.00 and higher M&S functionality # FLEXLM version 7.02.39 01-jan-2005 uncounted \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’.1 B.15316 Appendix B Examples of standalone license files B.01. \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ .1 For Delft3D version 3.1.49 01-jan-2005 uncounted \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 SIGN="19A6 0B9F 99B0 CF97 3B1C 64A7 \ E1EF 78A6 4C6D 2190 E95D F64B C8DE 1512 EB2E D257 8444 A98E" # # Postprocessing modules # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_GISVIEW dhsdelft 4. 2.0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator).24.29 01-jan-2005 uncounted \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 SIGN="158A 8CBF 66C3 C8CA D29B 3FE1 \ 2490 258A CD03 62DD 92AB 2C7C C172 418F AEB9 F6A9 4082 A22B" FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_DQUICKIN dhsdelft 4.06 # Date : 05 Dec 2005 # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D dhsdelft 3. 23.9 # Date : 14 Dec 2005 # FEATURE Delft3D dwldelft 3. 2. \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ .23. \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ . \ FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ .0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator).10 and lower M&S functionality # FLEXLM version 7.0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator).10 # Cfg-file: v3.01 # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D_MOR dhsdelft 6. until Delft3D version v3.23.May 2011 4.39 01-jan-1998 uncounted 5Ar22EB6D6 \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’’University of Harderwijk’.43.15316 Examples of standalone license files Delft3D Installation Manual # End license B.2 B." \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-269D717A SIGN="1B3E 7DFA 76A1 7DBB B75E 3587 \ 46F0 9559 7FF6 0143 F596 6DCE 3475 7927 83A1 66EA 50F7 613D" # # Morphology module MOR.2." \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # Grid and bathymetry modules # FEATURE RGFGRID dwldelft 4.05.29 01-jan-1998 uncounted FD624272A8 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE RGFGRID lmwldelft 4." \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE Delft3D lmwldelft 3.29 01-jan-1998 uncounted 23D424460E \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE QUICKIN lmwldelft 4. December 2005 # # Deprecated features for older versions of Delft3D # FEATURE DHS_Delft3D dhsdelft 3.05.39 permanent uncounted \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’. 2. December 2005 # # Begin Delft3D license # # Delft3D : v3.8.2 No M&S functionality anymore # FLEXLM version 7.29 01-jan-1998 uncounted 32779B921E \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # Hydrodynamics module FLOW # 66 Deltares .29 01-jan-1998 uncounted C9242C9AD6 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE QUICKIN dwldelft 4.08 permanent uncounted \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-269D717A SIGN="0EE9 151A BCA9 65F7 42BD 9EE9 \ 063D 462D C808 6607 091D B74B DEC0 976A 5196 6CF0 ADE2 D7C2" # # End license B.1.43.39 01-jan-1998 uncounted 69D559C5AD \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’University of Harderwijk’.1 For Delft3D version 3.01. Delft3D Installation Manual Examples of standalone license files May 2011 4.01.15316 FEATURE D3D_FLOW dwldelft 3.59 01-jan-1998 uncounted 1555709D64 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE D3D_FLOW lmwldelft 3.59 01-jan-1998 uncounted A5757C60DD \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # Hydrodynamics module FLOW, additional tools # FEATURE TIDE dwldelft 3.09 01-jan-1998 uncounted 7343B2575D \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE TIDE lmwldelft 3.09 01-jan-1998 uncounted 0853264973 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # Grid aggregation module # FEATURE D3D_DIDO dwldelft 3.39 01-jan-1998 uncounted B3331q0E13 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE D3D_DIDO lmwldelft 3.39 01-jan-1998 uncounted 22429367E6 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # Particle tracking module PART # FEATURE D3D_PART dwldelft 3.79 01-jan-1998 uncounted 914242A269 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE D3D_PART lmwldelft 3.79 01-jan-1998 uncounted C4528483C0 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # Postprocessing modules # FEATURE DELFT_GPP dwldelft 2.19 01-jan-1998 uncounted 94242B848F \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE DELFT_GPP lmwldelft 2.19 01-jan-1998 uncounted 53421BBF3C \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # End license B.2.2 No M&S functionality anymore # FLEXLM version 7.0 used # Created by LicFilGen (License File Generator), 2.43, December 2005 # # Deprecated features for older versions of Delft3D # FEATURE Delft3D dwldelft 3.39 permanent uncounted 05752DF9C5C8 \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’TU Delft, Civiele Techniek en \ Geowetenschappen’; FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ ;" \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE Delft3D lmwldelft 3.39 permanent uncounted 65A0776466BF \ VENDOR_STRING="USERNAME = ’TU Delft, Civiele Techniek en \ Geowetenschappen’; FIRMNAME = ’Deltares’ ;" \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # Waves module WAVE, until Delft3D version v3.23.01 # FEATURE D3D_WAVE dwldelft 2.39 permanent uncounted 569FB3424264 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE D3D_WAVE lmwldelft 2.39 permanent uncounted 12B532425DE5 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE HISWA dwldelft 110.61 permanent uncounted AD952423B56F \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE HISWA lmwldelft 110.61 permanent uncounted 9044242F79CB \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 Deltares 67 May 2011 4.01.15316 Examples of standalone license files Delft3D Installation Manual # # Morphology module MOR, until Delft3D version v3.23.05.01 # FEATURE D3D_MOR dwldelft 6.07 permanent uncounted D377486786FA \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE D3D_MOR lmwldelft 6.07 permanent uncounted 9EF77575BE70 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE DREDGE1 dwldelft 6.07 permanent uncounted FD6A453539F4 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE DREDGE1 lmwldelft 6.07 permanent uncounted EA30535FDF16 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE DREDGE2 dwldelft 6.07 permanent uncounted 9C6353C929EF \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE DREDGE2 lmwldelft 6.07 permanent uncounted 2B53536FDF17 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # Features for not supported Delft3D versions # FEATURE BC_TURBULENCE_MODEL dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted \ DF49A4242A70 HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE BC_TURBULENCE_MODEL lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted \ 7FF65424227C HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE CURVI dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 5E6F3B25353E \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE CURVI lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 0C90525353CE \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE DIAGNOSTIC_MODE dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted \ ADE53E8B356F HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE DIAGNOSTIC_MODE lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted \ 3E35A94247BA HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE HLES dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted A574545293D9 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE HLES lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted B2256C5D65FB \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE IWE dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 969753533EF3 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE IWE lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 7905353868DF \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE MURAKAMI dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 42635359B2B4 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE MURAKAMI lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted CDCF58D5359D \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE NUMERICAL_METHOD dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted \ 93D73A353752 HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE NUMERICAL_METHOD lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted \ 40DA1531D124 HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE OPEN_FLOW dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 75517FD53354 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE OPEN_FLOW lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 1AB7E8333233 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE PARTICLE_WIND_FACTOR dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted \ CBB7634B40DA HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE PARTICLE_WIND_FACTOR lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted \ BB22D74C1AEA HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE RAIN_EVA dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 44C1684441CF \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE RAIN_EVA lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted A25BE444807E \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE RIGID_SHEET dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 7B644182D698 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE RIGID_SHEET lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 2F44CE06E9FF \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 68 Deltares Delft3D Installation Manual Examples of standalone license files May 2011 4.01.15316 FEATURE SPILLWAY_2DH dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 0AF67F6687B2 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE SPILLWAY_2DH lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 2E2B66671443 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE WAVE dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 2B737099AEDA \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE WAVE lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 056279927258 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE Z_WAVE dwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 328C535CD501 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 FEATURE Z_WAVE lmwldelft 3.43 permanent uncounted 24153406BFF5 \ HOSTID=FLEXID=9-123ABC89 # # End license Deltares 69 May 2011 4.01.15316 Examples of standalone license files Delft3D Installation Manual 70 Deltares . 390. (lmgrd) In order to capture accurate license (lmgrd) usage data into an organized repository.01. Linux (lmgrd) and UNIX. Contact Macrovision at (lmgrd) www. (lmgrd) Started lmwldelft (pid 360) (lmwldelft) Server started on BUFFEL for: DELFT_GPP (lmwldelft) DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_HLES Delft3D RGFGRID (lmwldelft) D3D_GIS_RGFGRID QUICKIN D3D_GIS_QUICKIN (lmwldelft) CHEM QUICKPLOT\ D3DMATLAB (lmwldelft) D3D_GISVIEW HQ_ECOM GEM (lmwldelft) TAN WAQS DBS (lmwldelft) WAQG ASM HISWA (lmwldelft) D3D_MOR DREDGE1 DREDGE2 (lmwldelft) BC_TURBULENCE_MODEL CURVI DIAGNOSTIC_MODE (lmwldelft) HLES IWE MURAKAMI (lmgrd) Started dwldelft (pid 295) Deltares 71 .671.macrovision.1. FLEXnet Manager (lmgrd) can be fully automated to run these reports on (lmgrd) schedule and can be used to track license (lmgrd) servers and usage across a heterogeneous (lmgrd) network of servers including Windows NT.lic D: (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 8500 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons .com (lmgrd) License file(s): D:\app\flexlm\DS_Flex\Chess101. All rights reserved..lic D:\app\flexlm\DS_Flex\Chess72e. (lmgrd) World Wide Web: http://www.412. to readily gain visibility (lmgrd) into license usage data and to create (lmgrd) insightful reports on critical information like (lmgrd) license availability and usage.macrovision.297 and 5. (lmgrd) please enable report logging.Delft3D Installation Manual Example of a log file May 2011 4.3) started on BUFFEL (IBM PC) (4/5/2007) (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2004 by Macrovision for more details on how to (lmgrd) obtain an evaluation copy of FLEXnet Manager (lmgrd) for your enterprise.15316 Appendix C Example of a log file 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:08 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 (lmgrd) ----------------------------------------------(lmgrd) Please Note: (lmgrd) (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only. Use Macrovision’s (lmgrd) software license administration solution.. (lmgrd) (lmgrd) ----------------------------------------------(lmgrd) (lmgrd) (lmgrd) Done rereading (lmgrd) FLEXnet Licensing (v10. (lmgrd) US Patents 5. (lmgrd) FLEXnet Manager. 01.15316 Example of a log file Delft3D Installation Manual 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:09 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:10 12:06:15 12:06:15 12:06:15 12:06:15 12:06:15 12:06:15 12:06:15 12:06:16 12:06:16 12:06:16 12:06:16 12:06:16 12:06:19 (dwldelft) Server started on BUFFEL for: Delft3D (dwldelft) FLUIDMUD Q2E TRIANA (dwldelft) TIDE D3D_WAVE SWAN1 (dwldelft) D3D_DIDO D3D_PART OIL (dwldelft) RED_TIDE D3D_WAQ WAQ (dwldelft) SED ECO CHEM (dwldelft) QUICKPLOT\ D3DMATLAB D3D_GISVIEW (dwldelft) HQ_ECOM GEM TAN (dwldelft) WAQS DBS WAQG (dwldelft) ASM HISWA D3D_MOR (lmgrd) Started dhsdelft (pid 375) (lmgrd) lmwldelft using TCP-port 2115 (lmgrd) dwldelft using TCP-port 2117 (dhsdelft) Server started on BUFFEL for: DHS_Delft3D (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_\DQUICKIN\ DHS_Delft3D_\DQUICKIN_GIS DHS_Delft3D_FLOW (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_3D DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SPHERICAL DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_DD (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_STRUCTURES DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_HLES DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SED_MOR_2D (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SED_MOR_3D DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_DREDGE_DUMP DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_NON_HYDROSTAT (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_Z_LAYERS DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_FLUID_MUD DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_Q2E_TCM (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_TRIANA DHS_Delft3D_TIDE DHS_Delft3D_WAVE (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_SWAN DHS_Delft3D_DIDO DHS_Delft3D_PART (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_PART_3D DHS_Delft3D_PART_OIL DHS_Delft3D_PART_RED_TIDE (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_WAQ DHS_Delft3D_ECO_3D DHS_Delft3D_SED_3D (dhsdelft) DHS_Delft3D_WAQ_3D DHS_PROC_LIB_DBS DHS_PROC_LIB_ECO (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 2123 (lmgrd) dhsdelft using TCP-port 2123 (dhsdelft) TCP_NODELAY NOT enabled (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D_FLOW" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SED_MOR_2D" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) IN: "DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SED_MOR_2D" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) IN: "DHS_Delft3D" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) IN: "DHS_Delft3D_FLOW" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D_WAVE" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D_FLOW" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D_SWAN" luijend@wl06352 (dhsdelft) OUT: "DHS_Delft3D_FLOW_SED_MOR_2D" luijend@wl06352 72 Deltares .May 2011 4.
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