Dehydrated Vegetables

June 13, 2018 | Author: Trans Trades | Category: Vegetables, Depreciation, Foods, Pickling, Investing



9D EHYDRATED VEGETABLES PRODUCT CODE QUALITY AND STANDARDS : 202101010 : The F.P.O. and P.F.A. certification are mandatory. Dehydrated vegetables should conform to the specifications laid down in F.P.O. Relevant ISI specifications are as follows: IS 4626:1978 Dehydrated Potato IS 4652:1967 Dehydrated Onion IS 5452:1969 Dehydrated Garlic IS 4627:1968 Dehydrated Cabbage IS 4625:1968 Dehydrated Carrot IS 4628:1978 Dehydrated Okra IS 4626:1968 Dehydrated Peas : Per Year Quantity : 90 M.T. Dehydrated Vegetables Value : Rs. 135 Lakhs : January, 2003 : Small Industries Service Institute 36 B/C, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu and Kashmir PRODUCTION CAPACITY MONTH AND YEAR OF PREPARATION PREPARED BY INTRODUCTION The principle of preservation by dehydration process is to remove the moisture content of a material to a level where micro-organism may not be able to grow and spoil it. Dehydration of vegetables by sun-drying is the oldest known method. Now moder n techniques have been developed for dehydration of vegetables. In this process, the dehydrated product has better flavour, colour, aroma, rehydration, acceptability, etc. in comparison to sundried dehydrated products. There are some dehydrated vegetables as cabbage, carrot, green chilli, bitter gourd, cucumber, etc. The dehydrated vegetables are used to manufacture instant vegetable noodles, soups, snacks and fast food. Dehydrated onion is used as condiment and flavouring agent in manufacturing of tomato ketchups, sauces, salad, pickles, chutneys, meat sausages, masala bread and buns, breakfast foods, etc. Dehydrated garlic is used for aids in digestion and for absorption of food having athelemetic and antiseptic properties and in some medicinal formulations. The latest technique for dehydration of vegetables known as osmotic dehydration, has been developed by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. D EHYDRATED VEGETABLES 53 MARKET POTENTIAL Dehydrated cabbage. iii) Fruits such as apples. trial production. Dehydrated potato products are good snack items. are widely consumed by food processing industry in the manufacture of instant vegetable noodles. can be dehydrated with the same machinery and equipments. have the medicinal values and are largely consumed in Ayurvedic medicines. The finished product shall be of good edible quality and shall reasonably reconstitute to its original shape and quality on boiling from fifteen minutes to an hour.5% i) . peel stems and extraneous leaves. soups. caterers. Non refundable deposits-project preparation cost. The temperature of drier in first stage drying is normally kept at 60+5 O C. etc. TECHNICAL ASPECTS Process of Manufacture The fresh vegetables are washed thoroughly and prepared into suitable size. Dehydrated ginger. Quality Control and Standards Fruit Products Order and Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. garlic. insects or larvae. etc. carrot. Dehydrated vegetables should conform to the specifications laid down in Fruit Products Order. when vegetables are not available. In first stage. apricots. Only the edible portion of the vegetable shall be used and it shall be free from stalks. The finished product should be free from visible mould. the temperature is maintained at 40+5O C. etc. the moisture content is reduced upto 20+5% and in the second stage moisture content is reduced to 8+2% depending upon type of vegetables. These prepared vegetable pieces are then blanched or treated with permitted chemicals/preservatives. are mandatory. iv) The cost of machinery and equipments/materials indicated refer to a particular make and the Product Dehydrated Vegetables Variety Any vegetable of suitable variety Special Characteristics Ash insoluble in Hydrochloric Acid shall be not more than 0. The treated vegetables are then dehydrated in two stages. ii) The average yield of dehydrated vegetables has been taken 12% based on fresh vegetables. hotels and restaurants. The FPO specifications are as under: General Characteristics The product shall be prepared from wholesome vegetables free from blight. and in second stage. mixes. Besides. fees. discolouration or fungi. etc. defence. are considered under pre-operative expenses. The dehydrated vegetables are then cooled and packed in suitable polythene bags and stored at cool and dry place. figs. B ASIS AND PRESUMPTIONS This project is based on single shift basis and 300 working days in a year. it has good export potential especially as one of the processed products. etc. pharmaceutical industries. The market is limited to Indian houses due to social environment and availability of fresh vegetable throughout the year but it has good potential in food processing industries. v) prices are approximate and those ruling at the time of the preparation of scheme. The dried or dehydrated vegetables may contain permitted preservatives. snacks and salads.. okra. Potato/Carrot peeler Capacity 250 kgs/hr. Total (Rs. @ Rs 2. mt. perforated baskets with electric heating elements 5 K. Finished goods store Office. Electric power 2 HP 7.W. 11. 15.00 Total 400 sq. Rotary dicer for slicing and dicing of root vegetable Capacity 1 Ton/hr. Mtr. 135 Lakhs 65 K. Energy Conservation In electric installation.50 FINANCIAL ASPECTS A. Universal slicer for slicing of onion etc. Total (Rs.54 D EHYDRATED VEGETABLES The Bureau of Indian Standards has laid down specifications for dehydrated vegetables as: Dehydrated Potatoes IS 4626:1978 Dehydrated Onion IS 4652:1967 Dehydrated Garlic IS 5452:1969 Dehydrated Cabbage IS 4627:1968 Dehydrated Carrot IS 4625:1968 Dehydrated Okra IS 4628:1978 Dehydrated Peas IS 4626:1968 Production Capacity (per annum) Quantity Value : : 90 M. Laboratory Boiler house. 100 Sq.3' × 6' Electric power 1. Sulphitation chamber 3. mt. S. 1 1. in lakhs) 1. Description No. Qty.50 1 1 1. etc. Trolleys./hr. appropriate motors should be used and properly installed.W. Impulse heat sealer electric power 400 watts @ Rs. Electric Power 5 HP 8. Pea podder capacity250 kgs. Electric power 2 HP 4. Pea pricking machine capacity 300 kgs.30 1 3. Rs.10 The entrepreneur should contact the State Pollution Control Board for guidance in the matter. Electric power 2 HP 5.10 Motive Power Pollution Control 1 2. Tray Drier Capacity 48 trays 1 with extra 100 Nos.000 each 2 2.10 0. the water effluent in the industry comes from cleaning. in lakhs) 3. Mtr.50 1 1. Blanching tank with 6 Nos.50 1 3.W.00 11. washing. aluminium Trays and 4 No. pre-treatment and blanching of raw materials.00 Built-up area Area of production Raw materials store 150 Sq.S. Electric power 2 HP for fan heating Element 21 K.T. Mtr. It is advisable to test the water discharge as per the specifications laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards for which the provision of water treatment has been made in the profile.3' × 3. However. of Trolleys Electric power 1 HP for fan Heating Element 14 K.25 2. Size 900×600×450 mm 9.000/sq. Washing machine rotary type equipped with jet spray arrangement Size 9.5 HP 2./hr Electric power 1 HP 6. 10. Mtr. of aluminium Trays and 2 Nos. Fixed Capital (i) Land and Building Land 1000 Sq.m. 50 Sq. Tray Drier capacity 96 Trays with extra 200 Nos. @ Rs 300/sq.50 1 3.W. capacity 1 Ton/Hr. 1 100 Sq. 1. Total (ii) Machinery and Equipments Sl.30 . mtr. 8. 40 6.56 0. Aluminium trays size 450×300×70mm 15.03 0. Salary/ month Total (Rs.D EHYDRATED VEGETABLES Sl. Packing material (polythene bags.000 14.60 0. Watchman 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 6. Sweeper (Full time) Nos.45 31. Foreman/Mechanic 5.25 2.80 55 1 2 8 1 Total 13. Consumable stores 3.) LS 0.01 0. Accountant 4.60 Sl.40 0.06 0. forwarding.000 2.16 0. Pollution control equipments. Salary (In Rs.80 Sl. 15. Postage and stationery 2. Other unforeseen expenditure Total (a) Administrative and Supervisory 1. Store keeper/Clerk 5. Unskilled workers 7. Telephone bills etc.16 0.30 0.000 6. Aluminium silicate.02 0. Litre Total (iv) Other Contingent Expenses 1.52 0. Repair and maintenance 4.) Total (Rs. Potato. Ginger Garlic etc.06 0. in lakhs) 6. 12.000 (Cabbage. taxes.04 0. Misc.02 0. Working Capital (per month) (i) Personnel Sl. Skilled Workers 0. straps.25 25. 7.43 4. Carrots. mugs. Description No. Total Qty.) 2.44 B. Preparation tables with aluminium top size 2350×860×860 mm @ Rs. Plant Manager 3.06 0. insurance charges etc.06 0.10 0.68 Total (Rs. Qty.000 (b) Technical and other 1.04 0. Sales Assistant 7. Designation No Nos.02 0. in lakhs) 0. of WH × No.17 42. Particulars No.60 Packaging. of days × rate Water 2000 KL @ Rs.01 0.06 0. Insurance. @ 10% Erection and electrification @ 10% Office furniture and fixutures Total Total Fixed Investment (i+ii+iii) 2. MT Peas.02 0. Water storage tanks (Plastic) 1 50 LS Perquisites @ 15% Total (ii) Raw Material including Packaging LS LS 0. equipments such as baskets.) 4. corrugated boxes. Advertisement and publicity 6. Peon 8.000 6. Description No.45 0.000 1. in lakhs) 0.000 2. Fresh vegetables 62. Bleaching powder etc.000 3.10 0. 8/K. Clerk/Typist 6.000 Total (Rs. Chemicals (Sodium LS sulphate.000 6.10 0.10 6. in lakhs) 0.56 1. 4 Total (Rs. Chemist 2. potassium metabisulphite.000 2.02 0. in lakhs) 0.5 10.03 Power Load-65 KW Load × No. 3. Transport charges 5.000 1. in lakhs) 0.15 0.000 3. Wastage and cleaning LS materials Total (iii) Utilities 0.85 Total (Rs. peelers. Purchase Assistant 3. gum etc.25 (iii) Preliminary and Pre-operative Expenses 0. Rate (In Rs.06 0. 16.000 1. weighing scales of different capacity etc. Manager 2. water treatment tanks etc.000 3.01 0. Taxes. Food/Fruit Technologist 1 .000 2. Laboratory equipments 17. drums knives. 4.70 0. 07 0.56 D EHYDRATED VEGETABLES v ) Total Recurring Expenditure (per month) vi) Total Working capital (For 3 months) Rs. 40% of other contingent expenditure 7. Total Capital Investment (Rs. 8.09 10. the process is divided into two batches. Depreciation on building @ 5% 3.24 0. Rate of Return = Net profit (per year) × 100 Total investment = 23. P. for maximum utilization of drier. 26. M.40 3. in lakhs) 105.00 = = 16 × 100 35. Break-even Point ( i ) Fixed Cost 1. Depreciation on office furniture and fixtures @ 20% 5. the 2nd batch is shifted to the second drier.31 68.00 Addresses of Machinery and Equipment Suppliers 1. in lakhs) Fixed Capital Working Capital (for 3 months) Total or Say 42. 2.84 2. Interest on total investment 5. 40% of salary and wages 6. M/s.31 lakhs 3. Mumbai .09 10. Net Profit (per year) (before income tax) 4. the first batch of prepared raw material is fed into bigger drier and transferred to a small drier after a few hours. 16. 16. Raylons Metal Works Kondivita Lane. 90 M. Total (Rs.58% Total (Rs. Depreciation on machinery and equipments 3.77 lakhs Rs.35 119.00 Lakhs FINANCIAL ANALYSIS 1. Interest on total investment @ 15% Total or Say 2. the 2nd batch is fed to a bigger drier and. Since dehydration process takes about 8-12 hours in various vegetables. Depreciation on office furniture and fixtures 4.35 3. Nagar.02 0. Andheri (E). Net Profit Ratio = Net profit (per year) × 100 Turnover per year = 11. Cost of Production (per year) 1. Ansal Bhawan. the bottleneck operation is drying in a drier.40 3. in lakhs) 0.T. Depreciation on building 2.12 19. Simultaneously. Kasturba Gandhi Marg.) 150/kg. 805-806.07 Rs.91 69.85% 5. Total recurring expenditure 2.B.E.89 Rs. Post Box .89 44.J. once the first batch is out from the smaller drier. 16.P.00 MACHINERY UTILISATION In the process of dehydrated vegetables.00 Lakhs C.17426.110 001. Total (Rs.19% 6. Mather and Platt (India) Ltd. in lakhs) 135. Insurance Total (ii) Net Profit (per year) B. New Delhi . Rate (Rs.400 059 . M/s.60 26. Turnover (per year) Items Dehydrated vegetables Qty. 0.O. Depreciation on machinery and equipments @ 10% 4.15 119. 75. (Below Madras Hotel). 94.J. M/s.B. 3.400 003. Deep Bhavan. Addresses of Raw Material Suppliers 1. M/s. Ganga Vihar. Phule Market. Kanji Sayed Street.110 006. M/s. 144-45. M/s. Rohtak Road. Near M. Adjacent to Moolchand Hospital. Narangs Corporation P-25. 65/11. Chemical Market Tilak Bazar. B.361 008 (Gujarat) 4. Ali Mohammed and Co. Ltd. The Master Mechanical Works Pvt. .110 001. Link Road. Ist Floor. Delhi . International Food Machinery Corporation Krishna Opp. Mehta and Associates 2-B. Jamnagar . New Delhi . Devendra Cottage Industries Sector 22-C. Sen Barry and Co. S. Chandigarh. M/s.III. M/s. New Delhi .D EHYDRATED VEGETABLES 57 3. Karol Bagh. Pandit Nehru Marg. T. New Delhi .400 003. Lajpat Nagar . Cannaught Place. Khari Baoli. M/s. Sarang Street. Mumbai . Mumbai . 5. 4. 2. M/s.110 024. 6.110 005.
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