Defence Industries En
Defence Industries En
March 26, 2018 | Author: Bojana Šutanovac | Category:
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Defence IndustriesProduct Guide 15mm High strength retaining. *Breakaway torque Nm ‡Tensile shear strength N/mm 2 All except 510. retaining Diametrical clearance to 0.gap filling up to 0. etc. 542.high temp.5mm for use on aluminium Hydraulic/pneumatic sealant for fittings up to 1" BSP General purpose pipe sealant PTFE filled for water. air. large diameter threadlocking High strength threadlocking. 932 Very low strength threadlocking 221 Low strength threadlocking 222 Low strength threadlocking with controlled torque/tension 225 Low strength. very high temp. Diametrical clearance to 0.DEFENCE INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS THREADLOCKING Product No.15mm Green 500cps 18-35† AFS1433B BLI Amber - AFS2292 BLI Amber - AFS1100B Green - AFS2292 638 Store Code H1 . 641. non-corrosive.1mm High strength.ARMY 0425 . high temp. large diameter threadlocking and gasketing Penetrating adhesive for locking pre-assembled parts/sealing porous castings and welds Gasket eliminator . retaining Diametrical clearance to 0.gap filling up to 0. oil tolerant Medium strength. oil.000cps Blue 6000cps Green 500cps Green 7000cps Green 15cps High strength . non-corrosive.4‡ H1 Pressure resistant to 34 Mps H1 Green 125cps >19* DTD5633 GRADE 2 17-37† AFS1737A 22-40† AFS1433B BLI H1 7-16† AFS1737A BLI H1 H1 0425 2‡ 641 648 High strength.000 1. resistant to motor oils 5922 Formerly FAG2 Gasket Dressing 5900 CYLINDRICAL RETAINING Red 125cps Blue 600cps White Paste Green Paste Orange Paste Specification Submarine Approval 3-7* DTD5629 GRADE 1 DTD5630 GRADE 1 BLI 3-11* AFS1737A BLI 7-13* DTD5630 GRADE 3 DTD5631 GRADE 1 LI 8-18 AFS1737A BLI H1 15-25 AFS1993 G H1 3-7* >19* DTD5631 GRADE 4 DTD5633 GRADE 3 DTD5633 GRADE 4 DTD5633 GRADE 1 5-15* AFS1696 7-13* >19* >19* G BLI BLI H1 0425 H1 0425 H1 0425 H1 0425 H1 7DB 9AHY 5-13‡ H1 7-13* DTD5631 GRADE 3 BLI 4-10* AFS1374B G 3-8‡ AFS1664A LI H1 0425 H1 0425 5-12‡ AFS1628A BLI H1 0425 H1 0425 6-15‡ AFS1433B G H1 9AHY G H1 Amber 500cps Metallic black Extrusion 35g/min Metallic copper Extrusion 275g/min Black 600.25mm High strength gasket eliminator for flexible joints . Medium strength retaining High strength.NAVY H1 0425 H1 0425 H1 0425 H1 0425 H1 0425 1-3* Green 7000cps Green 2500cps Yellow 550cps 620 H1 0425 H1 7061 Cleans and degreases components Clear - 7070 Cleans and degreases components Clear - H1 7200 Foaming gasket remover White foam - 734 Activator F 7647 Activator N Activator for anaerobic products to speed cure through larger gaps Activator for 312 and 317 adhesives for fast cure Activator for anaerobic products to speed cure on passive surfaces BLI H1 0425 H1 0425 H1 0425 H1 0425 7471 CLEANERS/ ACTIVATORS Red Paste Typical Strength High Strength retaining Diametrical clearance to 0.gaps up to 0. 518. gasket eliminator . 620 and Activators have fluorescent dye for inspection purposes. Low strength gasket eliminator .25mm 574 542 Colour Typical Viscosity Medium strength threadlocking with controlled torque/tension Medium strength ideal on passive surfaces. non-slump. 577. resistant to motor oils High temperature.15mm 601 2 Yellow/Brown 125cps Red 125cps Purple 1000cps Red/Brown 6000cps Blue 125cps Blue 1000cps Blue 12. fast cure Diametrical clearance to 0.25mm Medium strength retaining for easy disassembly.gap filling 0. large diameter threadlocking 241 Medium strength threadlocking 242 243 245 270 275 290 510 577 Fast cure pipe seal GASKETING & SEALING 572 573 5920 Non-slump.5mm 518 MOD Application/Description BLI H1 Shelf life: Minimum 12 months to use by date. †Static shear strength N/mm 2 Note: All strength ranges are based on mean ± 2σ values . 572. up to 0. Clear 3cps 15-26‡ BS7969 H1 422 (E) Fast bonding of rubbers. plastics up to 0.1mm gap Clear 40cps 12-26‡ BS7969 496 (M) Fast bonding of metals and ceramics and certain plastics up to 0.25mm gap Clear 1350cps 20-30‡ BS7969 H1 0425 493 (M) Penetrating adhesives for post assembly bonding of metals. except cyanoacrylates which have 9 months to use by date and Tak Pak Kit which has 6 months to use by date. ceramics.ARMY 0425 . Use with Activator 734 Clear 3000cps 12-26‡ AFS1476C H1 326 Bonding of metals. glass etc. plastics. Tamper proofing screws 5000cps 18-26‡ 8008 Anti-Seize C5A High performance Anti-Seize. Use with Activator N or T Clear/Amber 65000cps 15-30‡ AFS 1568A Bonding of metals. worn fittings.NAVY Colour Typical Viscosity Product No. Protects and lubricates at temperatures up to 980°C Copper - ‘O’ Ring Kit For making up static ‘O’ Rings.R. alloys. G. etc.P. depends on product and substrate 312 Bonding metals. up to 0.1mm gap Clear 110cps 20-30‡ BS7969 - - ACRYLIC & ANAEROBIC BONDING 350. where high impact strength is required & tolerant of surface contamination and gaps to 0. peel resistant adhesive for fast bonding. Santoprene & polyolefin with CAs Clear 7455 Tak Pak Activator Clear Specification Submarine Approval Store Code H1 . etc. metals with large gap filling capability up to 0. alloys. Ideal for dissimilar materials and rubbers Black 300cps 22-30‡ 495 (E) General bonding of rubbers.(E) ETHYL . ceramics. Includes 406 Metric Imperial - H1 Metal Set 3475 Steel or aluminium filled epoxy putty for repairing broken castings. 358 330 + 7388 Multibond Kit FLAT FACE BONDING ADHESIVES CYANOACRYLATES .25mm Clear 1200cps 18-26‡ BS7969 H1 480 (E) A black.1mm gap. Use with Activator 734 Clear 1100cps 14-27‡ AFS1100B H1 0425 317 Bonding metals.e. etc. where high impact strength is required. BLI 0425 0425 H1 BLI BLI H1 H1 H1 BLI H1 0425 H1 H1 Tak Pak Kit 382 Repairs and modifications to circuit boards. MSDS approved.(M) METHYL 401 Application/Description 770 Primer for bonding silicone rubber.DEFENCE INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS Typical Strength UV rapid curing adhesives for bonding glass-metals-glass. Aluminium Steel - H1 3463 Metal Magic Stick Kneadable Two Part Putty Dark Grey - Shelf life: Minimum 12 months to use by date. tough. glass etc. H1 MIL-A907D LI - *Breakaway torque Nm ‡Tensile shear strength N/mm 2 †Static shear strength N/mm 2 Note: All strength ranges are based on mean ± 2σ values 0425 - MOD 3 .2mm gap. potting Clear Various Various.5mm Clear/Amber 65000cps 15-30‡ AFS 1568A For fast cure on acidic surfaces Clear 110cps 18-26‡ BS7969 406 (E) For difficult to bond plastics and rubbers such as EPDM Clear 20cps 18-26‡ BS7969 407 (E) General bonding of rubbers and plastics where heat ageing is expected Clear 40cps 16-26‡ AFS1959 409/454 GEL cyanoacrylates for large gaps and porous materials i. plastics. leather and fabric Also bonds rubber and plastic Clear Gel 18-26‡ 415 (M) 416 (E) Fast bonding of metals and ceramics and certain plastics up to 0. etc. Size 932 Very Low Strength Threadlocker 8030-99-224-9389 50ml 221 Low Strength Screw Lock 8030-99-224-8425 10ml 221 Low Strength Screw Lock 8030-12-160-0570 50ml 222 Low Strength Screw Lock (Lubricated) 8030-99-762-3278 50ml 225 Low Strength Screw Lock/Pipe Seal 8030-99-224-7305 50ml 241 Medium Strength Nut Lock 8030-99-224-8261 10ml 241 Medium Strength Nut Lock 8030-99-224-8992 50ml 242 Medium Strength Nut Lock (Lubricated) 8030-99-225-0248 50ml 243 Medium Strength Oil Tolerant AFS 1993 8030-99-834-1892 50ml 243 Medium Strength Oil Tolerant AFS 1993 8030-99-253-6699 250ml 245 Medium Strength Nut Lock (Coarse Threads) 8030-99-224-8993 50ml 270 Stud and Bearing Fit 8030-99-224-8707 10ml 270 Stud and Bearing Fit 8030-99-224-9318 50ml 275 Stud Lock (Coarse Threads) 8030-99-224-7304 50ml 290 Penetrating Lock and Seal 8030-99-224-8995 10ml 290 Penetrating Lock and Seal 8030-99-224-9317 50ml 312 Adhesive (Use with Activator F) 8040-99-224-8947 50ml 317 Adhesive (Use with Activator T or F) 8040-99-224-8998 50ml 330 Multibond Tough Acrylic Adhesive (Use with Activator 7386/7388) 8040-99-745-4691 50ml/40ml Kit 382 Tak Pak Kit for Wire Tacking 8040-99-852-8298 20g/25ml Kit 406 Fast Cure Ethyl Cyanoacrylate (Use with CFC Free 770 Primer for Polyolefins) 8040-99-729-3250 20g 415 Methyl Cyanoacrylate (Large Gaps) 8040-99-225-2342 20g 422 Ethyl Cyanoacrylate (Large Gaps) 8040-99-225-2348 20g 480 Tough. MOD 4 Description Contract No.MATERIAL HELD IN ARMY/RAF STORES VOCAB SECTION H1 Product No. 8040-99-729-3250) 5330-99-978-4778 Kit 510 High Temperature Gasketing 200°C 5330-99-748-9983 160ml 518 Flexible Gasketing (Especially Aluminium Surfaces) 8040-99-701-8040 50ml 542 Hydraulic Seal 8030-12-172-5459 50ml 566 Slow Cure Hydraulic Seal 8030-99-220-4153 50ml 572 Pipe Seal 8030-99-225-0249 50ml 573 Low Strength Gasketing 5330-99-225-2103 50ml 573 Low Strength Gasketing 5330-99-225-1979 250ml 574 General Purpose Gasketing 5330-99-225-3058 50ml 577 Pipe Seal Fast Cure 8030-99-257-3495 50ml 5900 Oil Resistant Silicone for Land Rover Sump etc. 8040-99-773-4080 50ml 5900 Oil Resistant Silicone for Land Rover Sump etc. 8030-01-487-5273 300ml 5922 Non Setting Flat Face Seal and Gasket Dresser 8030-12-360-2787 60ml . CP23C/6216 NATO Stock No. Black Cyanoacrylate 8040-99-301-2979 20g 493 Thin Methyl Cyanoacrylate 8040-99-224-9656 50g 495 General Purpose Ethyl Cyanoacrylate 8040-99-224-8503 50g 496 (IS12) General Purpose Methyl Cyanoacrylate 8040-99-224-6082 20g 496 (IS12) General Purpose Methyl Cyanoacrylate 8040-99-224-1393 100g 7455 Tak Pak Activator (Replaces 7025/7113) 8040-99-873-2291 150ml aerosol 770 Polyolefin Primer (For use on Polyolefin Surfaces) 8040-99-869-0549 10g Kit ‘O’ Ring Kit (Includes Product 406/20g – NATO Stock No. Description NATO Stock No.MATERIAL HELD IN ARMY/RAF STORES VOCAB SECTION H1 Product No. 312) 8040-99-869-0546 150ml aerosol 7386 Activator for Multibond Tough Acrylic 8040-99-869-0545 500ml 7471 Activator T (To Speed Cure) 8040-99-869-0548 150ml aerosol 7649 Activator N (For Passive Surfaces) 8030-99-256-3436 150ml aerosol 595 RTV Silicone Black 8040-99-745-4691 50ml/40ml Kit 595 RTV Silicone White 8040-99-852-8298 20g/25ml Kit Zinc Spray Teroson Zinc Spray 8040-99-729-3250 400ml Product No.NOT STOCKED 262 Bolt Lock High Strength Lubricated 8030-99-477-2334 250ml 2701 New Studlock 270 8030-01-525-3676 50ml 326 Adhesive (Toughened) Use Activator N for Fast Cure 8040-99-438-5637 50ml 330 Multibond 8030-99-205-8842 315ml 3475 Metal Set A1 Aluminium Epoxy Filler 8010-99-772-7344 500g 4062 Fast Superglue Low Viscosity (Replaces Loctite 420) 8040-99-840-1540 20g 407 High Temperature Cyanoacrylate AFS 1959 8040-99-783-1112 50g 409 Gel Superglue for Larger Gaps and Porous Material 8040-99-755-3164 20g 454 Gel Cyanoacrylate 8040-99-808-2532 50ml 510 High Temperature Gasketing 200°C 5330-99-841-9690 50ml 5203 Low Strength Gasket Eliminator 8030-99-927-7163 300ml 574 Multi Gasket 5330-99-789-4943 160ml 660 Quick Metal (Paste Bearing and Key Fit) 8040-99-788-2742 50ml 7063 General Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser 6850-12-506-7262 400ml 7400 Varnistop (Tamper Proofing) 5970-99-258-1260 20g 7840 Water Based Cleaner 7855 Paint & Resin Remover 8040 Freeze & Release for Removing Corroded Parts 8008 Copper Slip Anti-Seize (Brush in lid) 750ml 8010-99-252-6081 750ml 400ml 8030-01-456-3838 454g MOD 5 . Size 601 Retaining Compound 8040-99-224-8996 10ml 601 Retaining Compound 8040-99-224-9438 50ml 603 Oil Tolerant AFS 1957 Retaining Compound 8040-99-051-7332 50ml 620 High Temperature High Strength Threadlock & Bearing Fit 8040-99-225-4168 250ml 635 Retaining Compound High Strength AFS 1827A (Use with Activator T 7471) 8040-99-225-1312 50ml 638 Bearing Fit High Strength 8040-99-792-7208 50ml 640 Bearing Fit High Strength High Temperature AFS 1131B (Use with Activator T 7471) 8040-99-224-8622 50ml 641 Bearing Fit Medium Strength 8040-99-225-1152 50ml 648 Bearing Fit High Strength High Temperature 8040-99-225-1714 50ml 7031 Quick Clean (Cleaner for use with Cyanoacrylate Adhesives) 6810-99-517-1893 150ml aerosol 7061 General Purpose Aerosol Solvent Cleaner 6850-99-701-4574 10 x 400ml 7070 General Purpose Pump Spray Cleaner 6850-99-075-6660 400ml 7200 Foaming Gasket Remover 6850-99-225-6907 400ml 734 Activator F (Use with 317. Description Contract No. Size ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS CODIFIED . CP23C/6216 NATO Stock No. Studlock 8030-99-224-9318 290 Low Viscosity for post assembly and sealing porosity 8030-99-224-9317 330 Multibond High Strength.Oil Resistant 8030-01-487-5273 641 Bearing Fit when Removal is Required 8040-99-225-1152 648 High Strength Bearings and Studs for Permanent Fixturing 8040-99-225-1714 7061 Fast Evaporating Solvent Cleaner for all Parts Including Brakes 6850-99-701-4574 7070 Cleaner . Sealing Windscreens etc. Uses NATO Stock No. 8040-99-745-4691 406 Superglue .General Purpose.Use with ‘O’ Ring Kit and most plastics 8040-99-729-3250 Instant ‘O’ Ring Making Kit .Slow Evaporation for Highly Soiled Parts 6850-99-075-6660 7200 Gasket Remover 6850-99-225-6907 7840 Water Based Cleaner 7649 Activator for Passive Surfaces and Cold Weather Applications 8030-99-256-3436 409 Superglue Gel for Large Gaps and Porous Materials 8040-99-755-3164 542 Sealing Small Hydraulic Fittings 8030-99-224-8955 5922 Flexible Non-Curing Gasket Eliminator 8030-12-360-2787 595 RTV Silicone Black . glass etc. 8030-99-250-9999 620 Flash Hider SA80 and High Temperature Bolt Locking 8040-99-225-4168 ‘O’ Ring Kit 270 Stock Where Necessary PRODUCTS DELETED FROM NATO STORES Deleted Product 496 NATO Stock No. 225 242/243 Medium Strength Threadlocking for nuts 8030-99-225-0248 241.Fast Cure on Large Pipe Fittings 8030-99-257-3495 5900 Flexible Gasket Material . 241 x 250ml 8030-99-225-1303 Use 50ml 8030-99-224-8992 270 x 250ml 8030-99-224-9319 Use 50ml 8030-99-224-9318 640 x 250ml 8040-99-225-0135 Use 50ml 8040-99-224-8622 648 x 250ml 8040-99-225-0136 Use 50ml 8040-99-225-1714 414 x 20g 8040-99-225-3827 Use 406 x 20g 8040-99-729-3250 420 x 20g 8040-99-995-8404 Use 4062 x 20g 8040-99-840-1540 424 x 20g 8040-99-225-3568 Use 406 x 20g 8040-99-729-3252 430 x 50g 8040-99-224-8504 Use 496 x 20g 8040-99-224-6082 7025 x 150ml 8040-99-869-0544 Use 7455 x 150ml 8040-99-873-2291 7113 x 150ml 8040-99-224-6428 Use 7455 x 150ml 8040-99-873-2291 MOD 6 . Would replace 222 Low Strength Threadlocking for screws 8030-99-762-3278 221.RECOMMENDED STOCK HOLDING Product No.Slow Cure 8030-99-225-0249 573 Low Strength Gasket Eliminator as used on Warrior Final Drive 5330-99-225-2103 574 Orange Flat Face Seal replaces Paper Gaskets 5330-99-225-3058 577 Pipe Seal . multi-purpose for metal.Contains 406 5330-99-978-4778 572 Large Pipework . 245 270 High Strength Threadlocking . Replacement Product NATO Stock No. Superflex.05 AFS 1915 409/454 High strength bonding and sealing with large gap filling Gel 18-26‡ 1. 574. Studlock.1 AFS 1914 326 High strength adhesive.1 DTP 5629 Non corrosive white silicone sealant for bonding silicone and for general sealing Paste - 3. 493 Due to their wide and varied range specific advice should be sought Due to the acidic value of some of the above grades. 661.0 - 1. 1994 NOTE: ALL THE ABOVE LOCTITE GRADES CAN BE DISPENSED THROUGH ‘ALL PNEUMATIC’ METERING AND DISPENSING EQUIPMENT *Breakaway torque Nm ‡Tensile shear strength N/mm 2 †Static shear strength N/mm 2 Note: All strength ranges are based on mean ± 2σ values MOD 7 . 496. 380. EDC 1S. Double. Tel: 01959 515020. EXPLOSIVES (a) RDX/TNT HMX/TNT (b) RDX/AL (c) PETN 7. 496. 326. 222. 635. PYROTECHNICS -401. close proximity or via vapour path. 635. RWA4. 1878. 496 3. 415.25 BS 7969 3 15-26‡ 0. 415.000 - 0. 326. 408. advice and approval should be sought from ETS Group QINETIQ. low viscosity for post assembly applications. Sevenoaks. TETRYL (CE) -415.5 AFS 1740 932 Low strength threadlocking 125 1-4* 0. Low bloom 3 14-22‡ 0. GUNPOWDER -1878. 409. Torpex. EDC 8) CVX. (326.O. 493 2. polyolefins etc. Fort Halstead Tel: 015959 515020 who are the M. sealant and threadlocker Ideal for dissimilar materials 10. 454 -(inc. 326 -CVX. toughened cyanoacrylate 770 Pretreatment prior to bonding silicone rubber. for expert advice. 495. Studlock. PE6 Alum) 401 CVX. sealing and retaining Low viscosity for post assembly 10-15 5-16* 0. 415. 380. 423. 420. 409.000 - - - FMD 680 Replaces L0783 (18053) The following table shows Loctite grades that have been tested with the given representative explosives and found to be compatible.0 in 10 hours - Silicone Low Odour 408 High strength bonding.500 20-30‡ 0.05 BS 7969 5.EXPLOSIVE COMPATIBLE LOCTITE GRADES (Type tested by ETS Group QINETIQ . Studlock. whether in contact. 327.D. 327. Superflex. 312. authority for materials compatibility with explosive. 380. 357. 423. Superflex. 932.000 12-25‡ 0. Requires Activator on passive surfaces 1886 High strength threadlocking. The nature of the application. 327. Source: ETS Group QINETIQ. 932 -(inc. 495. Fax: 01959 516041 Nov. 770 -(inc. 770. 770. 415. Superflex.R. 1886.25 AFS 2275 415 High strength bonding 493 High strength bonding. PE4.5 AFS 1719A 2. (a) (b) (c) INITIATORS SILVER AZIDE LEAD AZIDE LEAD STYPHNATE & VH2 -CVX.000 7-18* 0. Studlock.4 AFS 1914 Medium strength. 326. -1878.A. EDC1A) CVX. Debrix. 420. Kent TN14 7BP. 932. 326.. 1. PROPELLANTS (a) Single. 415. 1886.Fort Halstead) Grade 582 (CVX) Typical Applications Viscosity (Cps) Typical Strength Gap Filling (mm) Specification 6. advice should be sought when using in direct contact with explosives. should always be discussed with D. 496. 241. 312. 401. 648. 1878. Fort Halstead. low viscosity for post assembly applications 4105 Black.000 25-50* 0. 1878. This table is for guidance only. 415. sealing and retaining 1878 Medium strength threadlocking. Triple (b) Composites 5. 408. 222. 496.000/3. 312 Cured Condition Only) 4. large gap filling threadlocking and sealing. 420. 648 -312. Superflex -CVX. 317 COMBUSTIBLE CARTRIDGE CASES 6. 409. Use with cyanoacrylate adhesives Liquid/Primer - - AFS 2292 7471 General purpose for use with anaerobic adhesives Liquid/Activator - - AFS 2292 7649 For passive surfaces when using anaerobic adhesives Also standard activator for 326 Liquid/Activator - - - 10. 420. 493. Before use in specific applications. © Henkel Loctite Adhesives Limited. D. Taylor & Co. Ltd 242 Edmiston Drive Ibrox Glasgow G51 2YU Tom Parker (Hydraulics & Pneumatics) Ltd Marsh Lane Mill Marsh Lane Preston PR1 1HY Tel: 01932 354100 Fax: 01932 340200 Tel: 01293 459500 Fax: 01293 459600 Tel: 0141 427 5103 Fax: 0141 427 1881 Tel: 01772 251405 Fax: 01772 827088 Anixter 3 Edmund Road Sheffield S2 4EB Silmid 2 Roman Park Roman Way Coleshill B46 1HG Brammer Ltd NDC Headway Road (Off Wobaston Road) Wolverhampton WV10 6PZ WYKO Industrial Distribution Ltd Amber Way Halesowen West Midlands B62 8WG Tel: 0114 2751496 Fax: 0114 2750162 Tel: 01675 432875 Fax: 01675 432869 Tel: 01902 395000 Fax: 01902 395988 Tel: 0121 508 6000 Fax: 0121 508 6221 The data contained herein are intended as reference only.loctite@uk. 2007. .loctite.uk ® designates a trademark of Henkel KGaA or its affiliates. Wood Lane End. Hemel Hempstead. Hertfordshire HP2 4RQ Technical Helpline Phone: 01442 278100 Fax: 01442 278071 E-mail: technicalservice. registered in Germany and elsewhere. Extensive testing with original parts is recommended before application. BS5750.co.com www. Henkel Loctite Adhesives Limited Technologies House.Loctite products are approved by MOD and CAA and can be released to DTD and AFS specifications from Loctite AQAP4. Any warranty claims shall be restricted to the provisions of Loctite standard terms and conditions. ISO9002 or approved BSI distributors Distributors: M-Tec Unit 3 Craven Court Canada Road Byfleet Surrey KT147JL Aeropia Ltd Aeropia House Newton Road Crawley West Sussex RH10 2TY R.henkel. Please refer to the product data sheet for further information.
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