Defect Creation Guide - JIRA

March 26, 2018 | Author: Jacobo Kaleb Alcazar Arvizu | Category: Software Bug, Search Engine Optimization, Web Browser, Wiki, Technology



Defect Creation GuideThe defects are opened in JIRA as follows: **These are screenshots of the JIRA defect creation list, taken in pieces to explain each area ** Issue Type: Defect (ALWAYS DEFECT) (when you begin to create a defect, it will default on epic sometimes, so please make sure to change it to defect) Assignee: this will auto populate after creating the defect. It will either assign to a specific person or it will say ‘Unassigned’, that is fine Summary: Needs to include project, build #, where the defect is happening and brief description. [BRAND – ENVIRONMENT – BUILD #] Area of Defect – Description ***That is how the defect should look, examples are below since there are various ways to log a defect, if it is in multiple environments, multiple brands, adaptive, etc.**** If the defect is ADAPTIVE, then log as shown below: [BRAND – ENVIRONMENT – BUILD #] [Adaptive – Android or iOS] Area of Defect – Description Defect Summary Examples (please note these are JUST examples)  [DLP - STAGE - 1000] - Resort Listing Page - Empty space after hotels list]  [DNX - STAGE - 1.52] NL: 'More Help' Menu Link 'Privacy & wettelijke gegevens' Directs to 404 Error  [DLR/WDW-STAGE-967]Profile | Payment Methods | Add Credit Card is not being saved  [WDW - ST - 965] Unable To Complete Cart Flow With Tickets Only Booking  [DLR - ST/PROD] AP Discounts Doesn't Sort Tours By Name the summary is a small to the point area of what the defect issue/area is. Labels: NOT REQUIRED. I will attach a screenshot so there is no confusion what I am talking about. This is a more expanded version of the summary. If you see an error or content issues. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING HERE Components: Area where the defect was found. if it is for multiple brands (WDW/DLR etc. where it occurs. This is the area where you will put anything about the issue that may be useful to the dev. In the description section please put:  Brief explanation of what the issue is  Conversation ID (see below on how to get the conversation ID)  Services list at the time you logged the defect  Any other perdinent information such as. once they open the ticket they will look to the description to find out more about the issue.) or if it is environment specific or in multiple environments.Description: Give a brief explanation of what the issue is. they would know what the issue is. The most common components used are as follows: . the areas are related to the verticals and helps us filter the defects based on these components. as you write in the summary you can briefly touch on it here just as a verification that the devs know Attachment: Try to ALWAYS attach a screenshot of where the defect is to help the devs understand what the issue is. etc. so if anyone were to open your defect and read the description. If this is a visual issue then take a screenshot of the page to show what/where the issue is to make it easier on the devs to understand whats wrong.  Global+  Finder+  Theme-Cart+: All cart related issues will be assigned this component  Theme-Tickets+: All Ticket related issues will be assigned this component  Theme-Lodging+: All lodging/special offers related issues will be assigned this component  Itinerary+ . DO NOT put a fix version. you will put the current release.51. The more specific component choices are shown above. DO NOT PUT A FIX VERSION*** If you found it in a lower environment and checked and found it also is in PROD. whatever release you are on. these are the generic components. BUT. if what your defect relates to has does not fall under any of the specific component types for that vertical. ***Please remember: if the defect is in production. DO NOT WRITE CURRENT VERSION. Fix Version: as you can see above.65 etc. When you are testing in Stage AND in Soft Launch. since it is a detail page. then you still DO NOT put a fix version. even if it is in a lower environment. then the defect component is under Finder+Detail. whether it is Releae 1. That means. if it is in production. each of these verticals has multiple components that are more specific to the area. it says ‘Current version’. it will not be a launch blocker . for example if you find a defect on an attractions detail page. Profile+ Each of these bullet points is a vertical that you can choose as a component. then keep it as the generic component. Release 1. incorrect content or media for an element or page.2. fonts. Issues with global or high-visibility/high-traffic elements. or content is unrecognizable in the implementation. appreciate. etc. or use the feature would be compromised. disruptive application of different sizes.. fonts. across like elements. visual design.. For example: an element is partially obscured or extends outside the intended viewable area. colors. For example: awkward breaks in copy. or use the feature or move forward in the flow. This is a launch-blocker. o Priority 2 – The implemented interaction.3 or 4. or content is substantially different than what was specified in such a way that it makes the site look unprofessional. obvious application of different sizes. The Guest might be able to get around/through it but it looks wrong or unprofessional. external copy or media below internal standards. spacing. For example: elements overlap or sit on top of each other. Please note: Priority 1. o Priority 3 – The implemented interaction. This is a launch-blocker. visual design.Priority: You can choose either a 1. appreciate. etc. or content is visibly different than specified. or 3 are LAUNCH BLOCKERS for the release you are assigning it to The following definitions are used by the UX team for prioritizing their defects: o Priority 1 – The specified interaction. The Guest would not be able to understand. the copy is unreadable. The Guest would still be able to understand. The Guests’ ability to understand. the size or placement of elements on the page is completely different than what was specified. spacing. . colors. appreciate. or use the feature. incorrectly sized or cropped images. The Guest experience is broken. Issues with global or high-visibility/high-traffic elements. visual design.2. across like elements. For example: slight departures from visual styles. Doing so will facilitate the ability to confidently validate a fix for an issue they did not personally log thus are less familiar about. The Guest might not even detect the differences. testing severely limited such that little to no work can be completed and/or performance tests cannot be run.It’s not great but the Guest can get around/through it without too significant an impact to the experience. such as days you tried making a reservation if that is related to the defect) Include test user accounts (if applicable) Include Actual and Expected Results Example of one written in JIRA: Severity: o Critical – The system is down or key application functionality is unavailable. or content. visual design. Provide step by step instructions on how to reproduce the issue Include URL where defect was found Include test data (if applicable. pixels off. poorly sized or cropped images. but should be fixed at some point in the future. o Priority 4 – There are minor deviations from the specified interaction. It’s not terrible. The Guest's ability to complete task or user flow will be severely limited such that experience would be completely blocked from being completed (no known work around) or performance is degraded to the point where . Steps to Recreate:       Write in such a way that anyone with limited knowledge of the issue should be able to understand and follow the steps to reproduce the issue without difficulty. It’s up to the team to proceed or hold but should be prioritized in the backlog and addressed at the soonest agreed upon sprint. isolated issues with words or punctuation. non-critical or cosmetic problems exist with the system.nge. o High – Main functionality of the system is broken. .com/pages/viewpage. The Guest's ability to complete task or user flow will be limited such that the experience is blocked from being completed or performance is degraded such that guest abandonment is likely. A detailed FAQ for performance defects can be found on the following Wiki page: https://wiki.wdpro. Accessibility: Defects related to special area Eg. Application failing to provide information for the special people such as Blind/ ts+FAQ Studio: Assign to a studio based on the area of the defect. little to no impact on testing or Guest experience. testing is impacted.wdig.action? title=PEPCOM+Technology+-+Studios&spaceKey=NGE Type of Defect: 1. The Guest’s ability to complete the task or user flow is not limited in such a way that the experience cannot be completed.wdig. o Low – Minor. but not likely to result in guest abandonment. issue can be resolved after launch. but can continue with a workaround for testing purposes. Any performance degradation is an annoyance. see the PEPCOM technology wiki page for a detailed list of the studios and what they cover https://wiki.guest abandonment is a near certainty. minimal testing impact. o Medium – Nonconformities occur within a function. 5. Technical : A defect observed due to technical failure The bolded sections are what CQA most commonly uses when logging defects WDW Environment: The environment you found the defect in. Example: Add an image to the hero media of a page. IF IT IS. 3.2.Out of scope for CQA 10. then HOLD the CONTROL key (COMMAND if you hav a MAC) and select the various environments that your defect affects. Media : Defect related to Finder Vertical 8. CHECK TO SEE IF IT IS IN PRODUCTION. ****ALWAYS WHEN WRITING A DEFECT. STAGE/Soft Launch/ Production are the environments that you will be selecting. . Analytics : No need to use this by Accenture team Configuration : No need to use this by Accenture team Content: A defect only affecting copy or media. SEO : SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization . THEN IT WILL NOT BE A RELEASE BLOCKER**** If your defect is in multiple environments. A defect which production will fix mainly via CMS and requires no tech or QA to fix. 4. Environment : A defect related to environment issues 6. Functional : Deviation from the actual functional requirement 7. Security : Out of scope for CQA 9. HKDL for Hong Kong Disneyland. Firefox. HOLD the CONTROL key (HOLD the COMMAND key if you have a MAC) to then select multiple options Opened By: Central QA Acceptance Criteria: input N/A Epic Link: This is ONLY APPLICABLE to DLP For DLP we have various epic links that we link JIRA tickets to in order to kep track of what defects are related to what sites. each language has its own epic link ***Again. there will be an epic link to link your defects to. ***If you find a defect and you tested in multiple browsers or it is on mobile AND PC. DLR for Disneyland. DLP for Disneyland Paris(DLP = DNX). Browsers: Whatever you were testing on where you found this defect. HKDL/DLR/WDW do NOT use them*** FINALLY. DLP is the ONLY brand with epic links. WDW for Disneyworld.Brand: Enter the site you are testing on. To get the Conversation ID: . Mobile app is if you are on a device. etc. Internet Explorer (IE). an email should be sent to the Studio with this information. Once the defect is logged in JIRA. then after making one selection. Chrome. ETC. since DLP is focused primarily on launching various languages. the epic links to use for the CURRENT DLP Languages are: Netherlands(NL): PRO-93633 UK: PRO-93128 FR/IDF: PRO-91558 As new languages come down the pipe for DLP. Get the Conversation ID from the bottom of the page. 2. Go to <url-Env>/debug/developers-toggles > Enable Debug Mode. Detailed list of Studios: ***(Please note these are what the studios currently cover as of November 2014. these are subject to change so please look at the wiki in the above section)*** Studio PEP Technology Studio Funk Vertical Global Outlook Distribution List #WDPRO PEPCOM STUDIO FUNK Track Global Vertical Performance and Quality .1. Lodging Lodging Sales (Resorts) Special Offer Sales (co-owned with TNT) Personalized (PIN) Offer Sales (co-owned with TNT) Availability Service (Resorts) Quick Quote (Lodging Search Form) Apigee Bulk Service Content Service Expand Service Hippo CMS Media Service Vendomatic UI Content Entry Tickets store (pre-cart/checkout) Affilate ticket stores Product Service (Tickets) OSDL (Tickets) Memory Maker Standalone Tickets Tickeration/Transfer/Claim Claim .Memory Maker Profile+ Vertical is Studio Crunch MDX Sign In.Special Events Claim . Registration. Forgot Password MDX Profile and Payment Methods MDX Family & Friends MDX Magic bands (service is xBMS team) .Annual Passes Claim .Studio 54 Tickets #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio 54 Studio Atlas Global #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Atlas Studio Bang Lodging #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Bang Studio Bedrock(Ser vice Platform Team) Services Studio Bravo Studio Control Studio Crunch Content Tickets Profile #WDPRO Platform Team #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Bravo #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Control Tech team: #WDPRO PXP Studio Crunch Wider team including business: #WDPRO MDX_Vertical_Profile Tickets store (pre-cart/checkout) Affilate ticket stores Product Service (Tickets) OSDL (Tickets) Memory Maker Standalone Tickets Global Personalization (Global I): My Story Maker Online Modifications .Park Tickets Claim .MagicBands and RFID cards Claim . 0 and 2. Integration Test & Automation Testing GLOBAL VERTICAL UI+ UI Dependencies iRules Bouncefilter Environment configuration /api/ module Homepage Global Navigation Global Footer Syndicated Header Syndicated Footer Media Engine Notifications Global Messaging #WDPRO Studio Jedi Mobile Application Support #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Kaos Online Mods (Cart+) #WDPRO PXP Studio Kapow #WDPRO PEPCOM STUDIO KNOCK #WDPRO PEPCOM Recently moved to DCL project. Special Offers Product Service (Tickets) OSDL (Tickets) Analyze Guest/partner feedback to improve Guest exp.5 (Claim of magic bands/xbands is owned bySF Krista Betts) Search (Endeca+FAST) Help & Support HKDL Calendars (UI only) Infrastructure & Developer Services Day Guest Enrollment & PIN Management Ground Transportation Landing Page. Rental Car. Area of Scope TBD Trade (Cart+) for travel agents Photopass . Ground Transfer and Flight Lodging Rooms and Packages.Studio Discovery Studio Dragon Studio Dyno-mite DevOps Global Services Studio Flash Studio Gaucho Lodging Studio Green Tickets Studio Guest Studio Honey Badgers Studio Impossible Global Cart Studio Kapow Studio Knock Studio Magic #WDPRO DevOps Team #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Flash #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Gaucho #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Green #WDPRO Guest Experience Team #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Honey Badger Studio Jedi Studio Kaos #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Discovery #WDPRO Studio Dragon Cart #WDPRO PEPCOM STUDIO IMPOSSIBLE Profile service 3. BEACH RESORT. DLR. Trade (with Slash) Memory Maker add-on to resort Package res Infrastructure Fast Pass + redesign. PAYMENT. GXP/FP+ (Xpass) Itinerary Plus Vertical MagicBands and Cards .Lodging OSDL . HKDL) FastPass+ (Web-based) Sustainment. Trade/Lodging Product Service (Packages) Pricing Service Lodging Sales (Resorts) Pricing Service . Affiliated Stores. RECOMMENDATION. Cart Service. BEACH RESORT. GXP Mobile Service. DVIC Finder Vertical Maps. Dining.Studio Magic Studio Mars Cart Studio Mate #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Mate Studio Monsters #WDPRO Systems Engineering Studio Narf #WDPRO PXP Studio Narf Studio NorthStar Studio Pampa Studio Ping Studio Prime FP+/GFF Finder and Dine Itinerary Cart FP+/GFF Studio Slash Lodging Studio Smack Lodging Studio Smile Studio Splat FP+/GFF Itinerary #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio NorthStar #WDPRO PXP Studio Pampa #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Ping #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Prime #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Slash #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Smack #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Smile #WDPRO PXP Studio Splat Disney PhotoPass+ Redaptive All Cart+ Sustainment / Performance related work PAYMENT AND CHECKOUT Flow (including Commerce Sign-In). Health Monitor Service. Mapplication Calendar Park Hours Itinerary + sustainment OLCI Finder Detail MENUS Trade for travel agents CART UI. DLR. Tickets (for packages) and Personal Magic Post Orange: Lodging Rooms/Packages.Lodging TDL . BOOKING. List Service. AND RESERVATION SERVICES (only Resort-related endpoints) (Co-Owns with studio W00T) DLP (DNX) Lodging Orange: DME.Lodging Resort/Hotels detail pages (WDW. Additional Payments Page (post-booking) Great Food Fast Tools. HKDL) Resort/Hotels listing page (WDW. Cart Service (for Saved shops). Payment and Checkout.Itinerary Day View Add to My Plans from Finder My Reservations My Reservations is now supported by Studio Atlas Claim Resort. Dine. HH/VB Booking Service Payment Service Reservation Service (Resort-specific endpoints only) Recommendation Service Dine Availability & Booking A vailability Service (Dine) .CART+ Live Chat (LivePerson) ANALYTICS for Cart. and Activity Reservations Reservation Service (w/Atlas) Studio Stereo Lodging #WDPRO PEPCOM STUDIO Stereo Main Entrance Pass (Cast as Guest) Lodging vertical DLP (DNX) Online mods Lodging Sales (Resorts) Special Offer Sales (co-owned with Bang) Personalized (PIN) Offer Sales (co-owned with Bang) Lodging #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio TNT Global #WDPRO PEPCOM STUDIO TOPA Studio Torque Finder and Dine #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Torque Studio Triumph Finder and Dine #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Triumph Studio Victory! Finder and Dine #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Victory Studio W00T Studio Zap Services Finder and Dine #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio W00t #WDPRO PXP Studio Zap Studio TNT Studio Topa Availability Service (Resorts) OSDL (Packages) GLOBAL VERTICAL Breadcrumbs Annual Pass non-sales pages MDX "Guide Me" MDX Landing Page MM+ Custom Pages Global Messaging Help & Support Finder+ Detail Pages (excluding dine availability module -> Zap) Finder Service Facility Service Review Service Finder List All Activities Wishlist Online Modifications . Booking Service (Dine) Cart Service (Dine) Pricing Service (Dine) Studio Zort Finder and Dine #WDPRO PEPCOM Studio Zort Product Service (Dine) Finder List All Activities Wishlist Finder Details (Sustainment Only) .
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