Deepwell Submersible Pumps SS Plastic 50Hz

March 27, 2018 | Author: dinakaran2020 | Category: Pump, Engineering Tolerance, Valve, Specification (Technical Standard), Gramophone Record



Pumping trust. Worldwide.8 & ISO 14001 : 20 200 04 A N IS : 01 90 An ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Company For specific models only. CO A NY MP O C.R.I. SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS 50Hz CER TIFIED BY BIS Pumping trust. Worldwide. T H E B E G I N N I N G of C.R.I., way back in 1961, was a resolute attempt to produce a few irrigation equipments using the limited facilities of an in-house foundry. Eventually the founder's dream was coming true as the small production unit he started kept growing rapidly. Now, after five eventful decades, it is an enormous, widely reputed organization, which produces more than 1000 varieties of perfectly engineered pumps and motors and sells its products in numerous countries spread across 6 continents. C . R . I . I S O N E A M O N G the few pioneers in the world to produce 100% stainless steel submersible pumps. Having achieved a record production capacity of over one million pumps per annum, today C.R.I. is rubbing its shoulders with the best brands in the world, with advanced technology and safety standards as its hallmarks. T H E I N F R A S T R U C T U R E of C.R.I. is pretty comprehensive with state-of-the-art machineries and high potential R&D wing, all within its own covered area of 150,000 square metres. The production environment is accredited with ISO 9001 & 14001 certifications and the products are CE, UR/UL, TSE & ISI certified. The R&D team always stays in tune with the changing scenario and seldom fails in coming up with outstanding solutions every time. N E E D L E S S T O S A Y , behind this legendary growth lies the untiring, innovative, enthusiastic and dedicated team work. And, of course, a flawlessly maintained value system too. The name C.R.I. itself encapsulates the company's ethos: ‘‘ Commitment, Reliability, Innovation’’. O U R M I S S I O N High Efficiency, Incomparable technology and Sophisticated Product design DEFINE OUR QUALITY. Commitment to customer welfare and Quality control COMPLIMENT OUR COMPETENCY. Proven reliability, Timely innovations and Excellent Management practices ENHANCE OUR CAPABILITY. Growth through significant contribution to Globalisation is OUR HIGH PRIORITY. C O N T E N T S PageNo. S TA I N L E S S S T E E L S E R I E S G e n e r a l I n fo r m a t i o n 05 G r o u p Pe r fo r m a n c e c u r ve s 10 Material of Construction 12 E x p l o d e d v i ew 13 Pe r fo r m a n c e t a bl e s a n d c u r ve s 16 S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S G e n e r a l I n fo r m a t i o n 69 G r o u p Pe r fo r m a n c e c u r ve s 71 Material of Construction 74 E x p l o d e d v i ew 75 Pe r fo r m a n c e t a bl e s a n d c u r ve s 78 . c. g. Annex . Q/H : The curves are inclusive of check valve and suction inter-connector losses at the actual speed. When pumping liquids with a density higher than that of water. The Performance curves show pump performance at rated speed. 5 . Pipe friction losses have not been included in the performance curves and performance tables. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. j. h. Actual discharge depends on availability of water in well. etc.. a. e. motors with correspondingly higher outputs must be used..A. The speed of motor is approximately : 3" motor : n = 2800 rpm 4" motor : n = 2900 rpm 6" motor : n = 2900 rpm 8" & 10" motor : n = 2900 rpm b. In view of continuous developments. The measurements were made with airless water at 20°C. based on strength of water source. GENERAL INFORMATION STAINLESS STEEL & SILVERLINE SERIES PERFORMANCE CURVE CONDITIONS The conditions below apply to the curves shown on the following pages. The bold curves indicate the recommended performance range. submergence of pump. The given performance are for a specific materials of construction of pump. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. height of water column. The outlet size of the pumps are as per BSP standard. d. voltage and @ 10ft minimum submergence. i. The performance are at rated voltage and are only Indicative. f.Pumping trust. Worldwide. Efficiency curve : “ h %” shows pump stage efficiency. 22 T .Reduced impeller RR . TYPE OF MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION (M.1 to 0.) DEEPWELL SUBMERSIBLE PUMP SET (Pump + Motor) PUMP MODEL S X X .GENERAL INFORMATION STAINLESS STEEL & SILVER LINE SERIES MODEL IDENTIFICATION CODE DEEPWELL SUBMERSIBLE PUMP S X X .18 / 03 + W6A .C.O.XXX / XX .8 alphabets A-H are used.(X) (X) R .XXX / XX + + MOTOR MODEL X X X - XXX X DEEPWELL SUBMERSIBLE PUMP SET (Pump + Motor) 6 PUMP MODEL + MOTOR MODEL S6S .Further reduced impeller DEEPWELL SUBMERSIBLE PUMP NOMINAL MOTOR DIAMETER (This digit will be applicable only when the pump is suitable for lesser dia motor) NOMINAL PUMP DIAMETER NUMBER OF IMPELLERS NOMINAL FLOW ( m3/h ) To include decimal values in the nominal flow from 0. I.S 304 / 316 l Shaft is of S. Features : l More longevity & hygiene l Precise parts made of S.S 304 / 431 / 329 l High operating efficiency l Highly durable & rigid in construction l Good resistance against sand & abrasives l Easy to dismantle & repair l NEMA mounting standards l Can handle high upthrust loads l Extremely hardwearing water lubricated bearings l Built-in check valve to prevent back flow.R. which can be firmly coupled to a submersible electric motor. water filled rewindable submersible motors / C. Non-toxic liquid filled submersible motors or any other NEMA standard motors. Resin Filled encapsulated (water lubricated) submersible motors / C.R. endurance and workmanship. The optimal design of impellers and diffusers enables the best possible hydraulic efficiency.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Submersible Pumps C.I. All mounting dimensions of pumps and motors are in accordance with NEMA standards. 6”. These pumps are of multistage centrifugal type. submersible pumps can be offered with either C. which operates submerged beneath the surface of water. 8” & 10" Stainless steel series submersible pumps are made of corrosion resistance stainless steel with built in check valve. ‘W' series.I.I. C. 4”.I. 'R' series. 8 . Description : C.R.R. These products are engineered to perfection with utmost care and stringent quality control at all stages to ensure a trouble free service.R.I.R. ‘L' Series. Applications : l Domestic & Civil Water Supply l Irrigation l Fountains l Industrial & Rural water supply l Fire fighting & Pressure Boosting units l Ponds l Gardens l Sprinkler Systems and Mining. and reduces the risk of water hammer. Built in check valve prevents back flow.S 304 / 329 / 431. All vital components of these pump models are made of high quality 304 / 316 grade stainless steel and the shaft is of S. Submersible Pumps are the products of the expertise gained from over five decades of experience. 0 . solid particles or fibre having the following characteristics a) Temperature 33°C (max) b) Permissible amount of sand 50g/m3 (max) c) Chlorine ion density 500 ppm (max) d) Allowable solids 3000 ppm (max) e) Specific gravity 1.6 Mpa (46 bar) Available types of materials of construction : S (S. thin.45 kW 5.5 .N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".19 7 .4 .110 kW 9. Worldwide.22. clear.15 m/s 33 °C 33 °C 8" 0. fresh water without abrasives. In case of M.S-316).35 5 .5 kW 2.C Type . GENERAL INFORMATION Pumped Liquids Clean.0 .126 18 .5 PUMP OPERATING LIMITATIONS Nominal Diameter 4”(100mm) 6”(150mm) 8”(200mm) 10”(250mm) Power Range 0.75 x 106m2/sec (max) h) Turbidity 50 ppm silica scale (max) i) pH 6.15 m/s 33 °C Maximum operating pressure 4" Submersible pump 5.37 .455 ft 13. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.68 .24 5.6 26.0 Mpa (50 bar) 6" Submersible pump 5.80 20 .S & N.Pumping trust.1640 14. 9 .1492.520 8 . non explosive.1364.8 19. 1½ & 2 2.56 Total head range m 4.S-304) and N (S. In view of continuous developments.16 m/s 33 °C 10" 0.5 .5 to 8. The given performance ranges are same for Type .5.500 4.5 .416 6 .3 .12 . 2½.O.28 1.004 (max) f) Hardness (Drinking water) 300 (max) g) Viscosity 1.200 LPS 0.187 kW 2900 rpm 2900 rpm 2900 rpm 2900 rpm Speed Discharge Range m /hr 0. cold.7.78 1¼.2 Mpa (52 bar) 33 °C 8" Submersible pump 4.1705.2 .1 Mpa (41 bar) 33 °C 10" Submersible pump 4. 3 & 4 4&5 6 3 Outlet size in inches Maximum temperature of Pumped liquid Motor Minimum cooling flow along the motor Vertical installation Horizontal installation minimum 30°angle 4” & 6" 0.94 .24 . non-aggresive.55.7 . 10 19 20 Q .4" 560 H .(US GPM) .5 48 15 4.5 80 Q .(m³/Hr) Q .(lps) 5.5 8 3 4 1.5 64 17 18 5.5 16 7 8 2.0 40 13 14 3.5 32 11 12 3.0 72 In view of continuous developments.0 24 9 10 2.0 56 16 4.0 5 6 1.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Group Performance Curves .(FEET) 1800 1600 520 480 440 1400 400 1200 360 320 1000 280 800 240 200 600 S4S-8 S4S-5 S4S-2 120 S4S-1 400 S4S-3 160 S4S-14 80 200 40 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0.(m) H . the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. (Feet) Group Performance Curves . Worldwide.(m) H .(US GPM) In view of continuous developments. 11 .(m³/h) Q -(lps) 48 48 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 448 480 512 544 576 608 640 672 704 736 768 800 832 864 896 928 960 992 Q .Pumping trust.6". the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. 8" & 10" 560 1800 520 1600 480 440 1400 400 1200 360 320 1000 280 800 240 S6S-48 S6S-30 S10S-160 200 S8S-95 S6S-60 80 S10S-125 120 S8S-78 400 S6S-18 S6S-14 160 S6S-22 200 600 40 0 0 0 0 0 16 8 2 16 32 4 48 30 6 64 8 46 12 62 16 78 20 94 24 110 28 126 32 36 142 40 158 174 44 48 190 48 206 222 Q . GENERAL INFORMATION 600 H . S .316 S.S. . .316 CHECK VALVE SEAT NBR NBR NBR NBR DIFFUSER CHAMBER S.S.S. 14m3/hr. . .329 / CARBON INTERMEDIATE BEARING NBR NBR NBR NBR SUCTION INTER CONNECTOR S.S.S.316 S. Note : 4" 1m3 to 8m3/hr pumps are provided with hexagonal shaft and other 4" & 6" pumps are with cylindrical shaft.S.316 S.304 S.304 S. .329 COUPLING SPLINES S. . .329 S.S.420 / CARBON S.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Materials of Construction NOMINAL DIA.304 S.329 S. .S .S.304 S.S. .S .304 S.304 S.S.S .S. .S. 8” & 10" TYPE .S .304 S. .316 CABLE GUARD S.304 S.S .S. .431 S. .S. .329 S. .304 S.S.S.S . 4” PART NAME NOMINAL DIA . .S. .S.304 S.S.316 S.304 S. .S. . .304 S. .304 S.304 / 431** S. .S. .S.S.329 LOCKING STRAPS S.S.N TYPE . .316 CHECK VALVE DISC S.S.S.304 S.S TYPE – N CHECK VALVE HOUSING S.S. .316 / TEFLON S.316 S.316 IMPELLER WEAR RING / SEAL RING UPTHRUST WASHER / STOP RING PUMP SHAFT ** Provided only for 4". 12 .S. .316 S.316 / 329** S. .S.S . . .316 NBR NBR NBR NBR S.S. . .S.316 SPLIT CONE WITH NUT*** S.S.S . .420 / BRONZE S.316 S.304 S.S .S.S. .316 INLET SCREEN S.316 IMPELLER S.304 S.S . .S. . .304 S.316 S.316 S. 14m3/hr and 6" 14m3 to 60m3/hr pump models. .S .S.S. 6”.S TYPE . *** Applicable for 4".316 S.304 S.304 / TEFLON S. 17 18.01 17.01 19.14 Part No.03 17.05 13.01 18.02 14.03 18.06 18.00 17.00 17.05 21.04 18.05 18.03 32.14 14.09 18.00 18.19 18.12 18.00 32.00 17.04 32.00 19.07 18.12 17.06 19. Worldwide.05 17.06 Part Name Pump Shaft Key Nut Screw Spring Washer Strainer Suction Inter Connector Chamber Suction Lock Nut 13 .12 22.03 32.03 21.03 13.12 18.00 18.00 22.03 17.05 32.01 18. GENERAL INFORMATION Exploded View of 4" Mixed & Radial flow pumps 21.00 19.06 19.02 19.06 18.02 13.00 32.00 17.00 21.05 13.00 32.00 18.06 17.00 21.03 Part No.01 32. 22.01 32.00 21.02 19.04 Part No.06 18.06 Part Name Bush-Rubber Spacer Chamber-Top Impeller Split Cone Split Cone Nut Valve Housing Valve Seat Valve Disc 17.02 18.02 17.03 18.06 18.05 Part Name Up Thrust washer Sleeve Suction Inter Connector Wearing Ring Locking Strap-Pump Cable Guard Chamber-Rubber Bush Chamber-CT Bearing Bush-CT Pad 17.12 18.06 19.12 32.05 17.01 21.06 18.00 19.03 19.01 32.14 17.09 17.03 17.05 19. 18.17 32.03 13.01 13.00 18.00 18.01 19.Pumping trust.00 19.00 19.07 32.00 18.19 19.07 17. 13.06 18. 00 17.01 32.01 19.04 .00 17.02 18.02 19.06 18.01 19.12 18.01 18.06 18.03 21.00 19.00 18.12 22. 18.00 22.01 18.06 17.03 19.06 18.03 19.12 32.06 18.19 19.02 19.02 32.00 17.00 32.01 19.17 18.02 22.00 19.12 19.00 17.03 19.03 17.14 Part Name Valve Disc Split Cone Nut Valve Housing Pump Shaft Nut Screw Spring Washer 17.00 19.00 19.05 19.00 19.03 19.12 17.00 18. 13.01 17.02 32.07 19.00 19.01 19.01 21.02 32.00 17.00 19.14 Part Name Bush-Rubber Spacer Chamber-Top Impeller Neck Ring Split Cone Valve Seat Part No.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Exploded View of 6" Mixed & Radial flow pumps 17.07 18.07 32.01 Part No.04 19.03 17.01 18.03 19.19 32.01 17.02 17.05 21.03 18.03 32.02 17.03 18.03 13.05 14 Part Name Up Thrust washer Suction InterConnector Wearing Ring Locking Strap-Pump Cable Guard Chamber-Rubber Bush Chamber-CT bearing Bush-CT Pad Part No.00 18.14 19.04 18. 13.00 18.00 17.02 18.12 19.02 21.14 13.03 21.00 32.06 17.00 18. 00 21.12 Counter Thrust Ring Up Thrust Washer Strainer Suction Inter Connector Wearing Ring Locking Strap-Pump Cable Guard Chamber-Rubber BushBush-Rubber Spacer Impeller Split Cone Split Cone nut Valve Housing Valve Seat Valve Spring Valve Bracket Valve Disc Pump Shaft Coupling Grub Screw Key Nut O-Ring Screw 15 .05 13.12 19.03 19.03 18.00 17.03 Part No.06 19.09 32.03 21.00 18.00 22.06 12.00 19.02 19.00 21.00 32.03 14.12 14.02 17.03 17.00 21.00 19.00 32.03 19.04 22.05 19.12 18.05 21.03 17.01 18.00 19. GENERAL INFORMATION Exploded View of 8" & 10" pumps 18.01 17.07 32.02 19.06 19.01 17.03 17.04 18.06 18.02 18.02 21.05 32.09 18.05 21. Worldwide. Description 12.06 17.04 18.01 32.06 22.01 21.Pumping trust.00 19.00 17.03 19.00 22.01 19.02 21.02 17.01 18.12 17.01 32.06 32.02 32.07 32.00 18.04 32.01 21.05 13. 38 0.44 0.75 101 32 554 7.1 1.47 m³/h 0 0. In case of M. 16 .37 80 70.5 47 33 26 S4S-1/21 0.3 S4S-1/21 0.1 230 211 190 165 140 116 89 60 45 S4S-1/50 1.37 0.5 65 58 49 39 29 18 12.5 99 85 69.7 0.0 1.C Type .N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".9 S4S-1/42 1.6 1.5 101 32 1262 18.5 2 101 32 1646 22.S-304) and N (S.22 0. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.40 0.1 198 182 165 145 123 102 80 54 41 S4S-1/42 1.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 1m /h Outlet Size : 1¼" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP H2 OD PUMP MODEL PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW REQUIRED MOTOR POWER DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.5 101 32 1118 16.1 1.5 280 250 226 199 170 140 106 70 51 S4S-1/57 1.37 0.5 2 101 32 1478 21.75 101 32 620 8.37 50 45 41 38 32 26.80 1.5 101 32 466 6.55 0. In view of continuous developments.5 90 69 47 35 S4S-1/36 1.55 125 116.11 0.7 S4S-1/36 1.4 S4S-1/28 0.5 53 39 30 S4S-1/28 0. The given performance curves are same for Type .5 S4S-1/18 0.4 S4S-1/14 0.55 105 94 88 79. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4S-1/09 0.5 107.5 20 12 9 S4S-1/14 0.4 S4S-1/57 1.16 0.5 70 59.75 165 148 135 122.4 1.60 0.S-316).(COLUMN WATER) S4S-1/09 Available types of materials of construction : S (S.7 S4S-1/50 1.75 1 101 32 774 10.S & N.O.5 101 32 356 4.5 108.1 S4S-1/18 0.33 0.8 lps 0 0.55 0.27 0.2 1.5 320 284 253 221 189 155 120 82 63 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES . 06 0 1 0. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 1m 3/h Outlet Size : 1¼" Performance Curves 400 S4S-1 2900 rpm EFFICIENCY ( % ) 1300 H .Pumping trust. Annex .80 1.(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.80 Q .7 m³/h 1200 350 1100 50 S4S-1/57 1000 h% 300 40 S4S-1/50 900 30 250 20 800 S4S-1/42 10 700 S4S-1/36 200 600 S4S-1/28 500 150 S4S-1/21 400 S4S-1/18 100 300 S4S-1/14 200 S4S-1/09 50 100 0 0 0 0.30 4 0.60 0.A.24 0. Worldwide. 17 .42 0.(feet) Flow Range : 0.(lps) 0 0. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.60 1.36 5 6 0.1.40 1.12 0.18 2 3 0.(m³/h) Q .48 7 Q .20 0.00 1.(m) H .4 .40 0.20 1. 72 m³/h 0 0.5 2 101 32 1046 10.8 S4S-2/90 4 5.5 101 32 356 4. The given performance curves are same for Type .2 3 101 32 1430 15.38 0.55 S4S-2/18 0.5 101 32 290 4.1 S4S-2/09 0.55 0.37 54 49 45 40 35 30 25 19 S4S-2/13 0.8 S4S-2/23 1.61 0.1 S4S-2/18 0. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.37 0.S-304) and N (S.37 0.C Type .4 1.5 101 32 664 8.3 S4S-2/75 4 5.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 2m /h Outlet Size : 1¼" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL RP H2 S4S-2/06 PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.55 0.75 1 101 32 554 6.75 S4S-2/23 1.0 1. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 0.S & N.75 101 32 444 5.5 S4S-2/33 1.5 0.16 0.2 lps 0 0.55 0.2 2.1 1.75 101 32 488 6.27 0.5 101 32 2486 33.(COLUMN WATER) S4S-2/06 76 72 68 60 48 42 36 27 90 82 78 70 60 57 48 38 120 115 102 92 80 72 63 50 145 140 128 113 93 82 71 57 180 172 160 142 121 110 98 77 215 199 183 165 140 124 108 82 249 232 218 195 165 144 127 92 285 272 254 227 195 174 148 100 335 306 282 250 209 183 158 110 405 375 342 301 257 228 196 138 4 460 435 403 363 305 272 235 164 4 535 513 473 421 358 319 276 198 Available types of materials of construction : S (S.2 S4S-2/55 3 4 101 32 1598 17.2 S4S-2/55 3 S4S-2/65 3 S4S-2/75 S4S-2/90 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .2 S4S-2/48 2. In case of M.0 S4S-2/28 1.2 S4S-2/40 2.5 S4S-2/40 2.0 2.S-316).5 101 32 2102 26.8 S4S-2/13 0.5 S4S-2/65 3 4 101 32 1862 22. In view of continuous developments.1 S4S-2/33 1.5 2 101 32 774 9.2 3 101 32 1214 12.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".1 S4S-2/28 1.37 35 28 26.O.55 S4S-2/15 0.8 2.50 0.7 S4S-2/15 0.6 1.5 25 23 20 17 8 S4S-2/09 0. 18 .5 S4S-2/48 2. Pumping trust. Annex .0 4.(lps) 0 0 0.5 m3/h 550 S4S-2/90 S4S-2 2900 rpm 1700 500 1500 EFFICIENCY ( % ) 1600 S4S-2/75 450 1400 S4S-2/65 1300 h% 400 60 40 1200 20 350 S4S-2/55 1100 1000 300 S4S-2/48 900 800 S4S-2/40 250 S4S-2/33 700 200 S4S-2/28 600 500 S4S-2/23 150 S4S-2/18 400 300 100 S4S-2/15 S4S-2/13 200 S4S-2/09 50 S4S-2/06 100 0 0 0 0.4 0.0 1.70 0. Worldwide.7 .30 0.8 1.2.0 0. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES 3 Nominal Flow : 2m /h Nominal Diameter : 4" Outlet Size : 1¼" Performance Curves H .40 6.0 0.(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(feet) Flow Range : 0. 19 .10 0.6 Q .60 10.0 Q .0 2.2 1.4 2.20 2.6 1.2 0.6 0.(m³/h) Q .50 8.4 1. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.2 2.A.8 2.(m) H .0 0. 37 0.2 S4S-3/33 2.83 0.75 101 32 356 3.1 S4S-3/18 1. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4S-3/06 0.5 0. In view of continuous developments.5 101 32 488 5.1 1.30 S4S-3/29 2. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.25 m³/h 0 1.2 S4S-3/39 3 S4S-3/45 3 S4S-3/52 4 330 303 290 272 244 S4S-3/60 4 384 345 328 304 274 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .37 36 34 32 30 28 22 17 10 S4S-3/09 0.0 2.O. 20 .55 0.60 S4S-3/25 1.5 2 101 32 642 6.5 S4S-3/29 2.40 S4S-3/12 0.11 1.55 0.1 S4S-3/22 1. In case of M.0 3.5 2.60 S4S-3/22 1.5 101 32 1302 19.97 1.20 S4S-3/39 3 4 101 32 1016 14.S & N.S-304) and N (S.20 S4S-3/45 3 4 101 32 1148 17.20 S4S-3/33 2.75 S4S-3/15 1.5 4.5 74 45 190 181 170 159 140 117 89.20 S4S-3/15 1.5 101 32 290 2.30 S4S-3/52 4 5.5 3.2 3 101 32 796 8.5 101 32 554 5.30 S4S-3/09 0.S-316).75 1 101 32 422 4.1 1.0 4.00 S4S-3/18 1.20 lps 0 0.41 0.5 S4S-3/25 1.55 54 52 50 48 42 35 27 15 S4S-3/12 0.69 0.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 3m /h Outlet Size : 1¼" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT H2 OD PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL RP DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.20 S4S-3/60 4 5.5 2 101 32 708 7.2 3 101 32 884 13.(COLUMN WATER) S4S-3/06 75 69 65 60 54 45 33 20 98 90 86 80 72 60 45 28 110 106 102 95 86 73 52 34 145 140 130 120 105 88 65 40 168 159 148 134 117 98. The given performance curves are same for Type .5 50 216 205 195 181 161 130 95 57 250 237 225 209 186 155 118 66 280 258 249 233 210 180 137 81 206 162 103 228 180 110 Available types of materials of construction : S (S.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".5 101 32 1478 22.C Type . (feet) 1400 S4S-3 2900 rpm 390 S4S 1200 1100 1000 900 EFFICIENCY ( % ) -3/60 360 S4S-3/52 330 80 300 h% S4S-3/45 60 40 270 S4S-3/39 800 20 240 S4S-3/33 700 210 S4S-3/29 600 180 S4S-3/25 500 150 400 120 300 90 S4S-3/22 S4S-3/18 S4S-3/15 S4S-3/12 200 60 100 30 0 0 S4S-3/09 S4S-3/06 0.(m³ /Hr) Q .0 3.0 0.2 0. 21 .44 .0 Q .0 16.0 0.0 0.3 20.5 m /h 420 1300 H .0 1.A.0 1.0 0.(lps) 0 0 0.0 0.4.3 4.(m) H .0 0. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 3m /h Outlet Size : 1¼" 3 Performance Curves 3 Flow Range : 1.1 1.Pumping trust.9 14.5 0 1. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.5 4.(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.5 2. Worldwide.0 1. Annex .5 3.0 1.8 12.5 Q .2 18.1 2.5 8.0 4.0 2.7 0.6 10.4 6. 1 S4S-5/33 3 4 101 40 1116 13.5 S4S-5/60 5.5 7.2 S4S-5/33 3 S4S-5/38 4 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .8 S4S-5/06 0.0 3.5 101 40 1844 22.2 3 101 40 757 9.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 5m /h Outlet Size : 1½" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL H2 OD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.2 S4S-5/75 7. The given performance curves are same for Type .9 S4S-5/38 4 5.(COLUMN WATER) S4S-5/04 138 121 112 99 84 65 42 162 143 131 119 102 77 53 202 179 165 147 128 100 68 241 215 198 177 152 119 81 280 244 223 199 170 134 92 324 281 258 230 199 156 108 S4S-5/44 4 S4S-5/52 5.5 101 40 1636 20.2 S4S-5/25 2.55 39 36 32 28 22 17 10 S4S-5/08 0.5 101 40 445 5.S-316).C Type .5 S4S-5/52 5. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 101 40 1246 15.66 1.2 3 101 40 661 8.5 10 101 40 2228 25.37 0.5 2 101 40 565 6.0 7.5 S4S-5/08 0.5 360 322 300 262 236 190 130 S4S-5/75 7.4 S4S-5/17 1.0 0.5 20 17 12 5 S4S-5/06 0.0 S4S-5/25 2.37 28 26 22. 22 . WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4S-5/04 0.S & N. In case of M.94 m³/h 0 2.O.5 S4S-5/60 5.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".5 7.S-304) and N (S.5 40 37 32 23 15 S4S-5/12 1.5 101 40 1402 17.9 S4S-5/21 2.0 6.6 lps 0 0.39 1.75 101 40 301 3. In view of continuous developments.1 75 71 65 57 48 38 24 S4S-5/17 1.55 0.5 487 427 392 352 302 237 168 Available types of materials of construction : S (S.0 S4S-5/12 1.1 1.3 S4S-5/44 4 5.5 108 94 88 80 68 51 33 S4S-5/21 2.0 5.0 4.75 46 42.83 1.5 101 40 253 2.75 1 101 40 349 4.55 0.11 1. 90 14.0 4.Pumping trust.0 0.05 16.5 0.A.75 12.0 32.5 1.5 Q .0 2.0 5.80 1.0 Q .30 4.15 0 2. 23 .0 3.35 22. Worldwide.0 1.0 1.0 10.5 m³/h S-5 S4S-5 2900 rpm /75 460 440 1300 420 EFFICIENCY ( % ) 1400 400 380 1200 1100 S4S 360 -5/6 S4S 900 80 60 40 20 h% -5/5 320 1000 0 340 2 300 S4S 280 -5/4 4 260 800 700 S4S- 5/38 240 220 S4S- 5/33 200 600 180 S4S-5/2 5 160 500 140 400 S4S-5/21 120 S4S-5/1 7 100 300 80 200 S4S-5/12 60 S4S-5/08 S4S-5/06 S4S-5/04 40 100 20 0 0 0 0.(m³ /Hr) Q .10 28.0 0.60 8.0 7. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.0 1.(lps) 1.20 18.0 3.0 1.5 0.0 6.0 4.45 6.50 1.(feet) Flow Range : 2 .5 6. Annex .5 0 0.0 2.7.0 26.5 7.0 20.95 2.5 0.0 30.65 24.(m) H .0 1. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 5m /h Outlet Size : 1½" 3 Performance Curves S4 480 1500 H .0 5. 2 S4S-8/18 3 S4S-8/22 4 S4S-8/25 4 S4S-8/30 5.5 S4S-8/44 S4S-8/50 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .83 1.2 74 68.5 2 101 50 590 6.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 8m /h Outlet Size : 2 " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL H2 OD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.5 33.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".2 S4S-8/18 3 4 101 50 902 10.9 S4S-8/12 2.6 S4S-8/10 1.5 7.S-304) and N (S. The given performance curves are same for Type .8 lps 0 0.5 2 101 50 554 6.8 69 63 55 46.5 63 55 52 50 48 44 40 35 30 24 S4S-8/12 2.11 1.5 27 24.5 123.50 2.39 1.5 94 79 63 188 166 158 151 142.0 4.0 5.S-316).5 262 237 228 217 205 191 178 155 129 100 7. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4S-8/05 0.5 20 16 S4S-8/09 1.5 10 101 50 1862 22 S4S-8/50 7.0 8.5 7.5 67 65 61 56 51 44.5 101 50 1154 13.5 7. In view of continuous developments.(COLUMN WATER) S4S-8/05 94 85.5 36 112 107 103 99 94 87 79 68.O.5 S4S-8/25 4 5.5 101 50 1334 16.S & N.5 37.5 124 117 110 102 93 82 69 54 155 142 136 129. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.2 3 101 50 772 9.75 32 27 25 23.5 57 44 136 128.1 1.5 145 129 110 87.6 S4S-8/22 4 5.7 S4S-8/44 7.5 101 50 1478 17.75 1 101 50 410 4.5 304 272 261 249 235 220 200 176 148 112 Available types of materials of construction : S (S.5 79 74.5 S4S-8/34 5.5 10 101 50 2102 24.5 101 50 1046 12.5 22 20 18 16 13.5 132 123 109 91 70 206 188 182 175 167.6 S4S-8/09 1.5 55 50 48.5 46 44 41.5 S4S-8/15 2.0 7.5 82.5 S4S-8/07 1.C Type .1 42 38.5 37 27.0 0.6 S4S-8/15 2. 24 .0 9.22 2.5 34 31.5 11 S4S-8/07 1.0 6. In case of M.8 S4S-8/30 5.0 11.94 2.78 3.5 101 50 482 5.5 28 22 S4S-8/10 1.2 3 101 50 662 7.0 S4S-8/34 5.66 1.5 116 105.5 37 35.0 10.05 m³/h 0 3.5 157. (US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.0 7. Worldwide.0 1.11.0 8.0 32 2.25 48 Q .50 40 2. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.A. Annex .0 3.7 m³/h S4S-8 2900 rpm 320 S4S-8/50 300 950 EFFICIENCY (%) 280 900 850 800 S4S-8/44 260 240 750 80 h% 220 60 700 40 S4S-8/34 650 200 600 180 20 S4S-8/30 550 160 S4S-8/25 500 450 400 140 S4S-8/22 120 S4S-8/18 350 100 S4S-8/15 300 250 200 80 S4S-8/12 S4S-8/10 60 S4S-8/09 150 S4S-8/07 40 S4S-8/05 100 50 0 20 0 0 1.75 44 3.6 .0 Q .(m) H .0 9.(lps) 0 0.(m³/h) Q . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 8m /h Outlet Size : 2 " 3 Performance Curves 1100 1050 1000 H .25 0.0 6.75 0 4 8 12 1.75 28 2.0 4. 25 .0 3.25 36 2.Pumping trust.(feet) Flow Range : 3.50 0.0 5.50 24 1.0 10.0 2.0 11.25 16 20 1. 67 2.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 14m /h Outlet Size : 2" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP MOTOR kW S4S-14/05 1.5 DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.5 10 101 50 1873 20.9 S4S-14/11 3.33 3.44 5.78 3.2 S4S-14/22 7.7 S4S-14/25 7.5 S4S-14/07 2.2 S4S-14/09 3 S4S-14/10 3 S4S-14/11 3. The given performance curves are same for Type . In view of continuous developments.8 S4S-14/09 3 4 101 50 833 9.7 5 101 50 963 10.8 lps 0 1.7 S4S-14/13 4 S4S-14/16 5.5 S4S-14/22 7.4 S4S-14/18 5. In case of M.5 S4S-14/25 7.5 10 101 50 1678 18.5 S4S-14/07 2.5 101 50 1418 16.C Type .2 S4S-14/16 5.11 1.S-304) and N (S.5 2 101 50 573 6.5 7.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".1 S4S-14/10 3 4 101 50 898 9.5 101 50 1288 14. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.S & N. 26 .(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL H2 OD 31 30 29 28 26 23 20 16 42 41 40 39 37 33 29 24 15 56 55 53 51 47 43 38 32 25 65 63 60 57 54 49 43 37 29 75 72 70 66 62 56 50 42 32 85 83 80 75 70 64 56 47 36 104 102 99 95 89 81 71 59 44 119 115 112 107 100 91 81 56 50 141 136 132 127 120 111 96 78 58 161 156 152 145 137 125 110 91 68 Available types of materials of construction : S (S.22 2.S-316).5 S4S-14/18 5.2 3 101 50 703 7.5 7.5 101 50 1093 12.89 4.O. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4S-14/05 1.00 m³/h 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 12 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .8 S4S-14/13 4 5. (m³/h) Q .5 40 12 3 14 3. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 14m /h Outlet Size : 2" 3 Performance Curves H .5 0 4 6 1 10 1.5 90 Q .(m) Flow Range : 4 .(lps) 5.A. Worldwide. 27 .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.Pumping trust.5 50 4 60 16 18 4.19 m³/h S4S-14 2900 rpm 600 EFFICIENCY (%) 180 170 550 S4S-14/25 160 500 h% 150 60 S4S-14/22 140 40 130 20 450 400 S4S-14/18 120 110 0 S4S-14/16 350 100 300 90 S4S-14/13 80 S4S-14/11 250 70 S4S-14/10 200 60 S4S-14/09 50 150 S4S-14/07 40 100 S4S-14/05 30 20 50 10 0 0 0 0 2 0 0. Annex .(feet) H .5 20 8 2 30 10 2. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.5 5 70 80 20 Q . 4 35.8 40.7 14.5 5.6 33.2 28. while placing order.3 45. Please specify preference.6 15.5 7.5 25.S-304) and N (S.0 11.1 38.9 21.5 43.7 4 4.3 9.5 17.5 7.1 29.5 17.0 38.5 7.5 22 22 22 22 22 22 4 4 5 5.4 17.9 12.5 18.5 17.0 47.5 6 7.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S. The given performance curves are same for Type .7 41.8 13.5 15 15 15 15 15 17.4 26.5 18.5 7.3 18. 28 .COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 14m /h Outlet Size : 2"/2½"** 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP H2 OD PUMP MODEL S6S-14/05 S6S-14/06 S6S-14/07 S6S-14/08 S6S-14/09 S6S-14/10 S6S-14/11 S6S-14/12 S6S-14/13 S6S-14/14 S6S-14/15 S6S-14/16 S6S-14/17 S6S-14/18 S6S-14/19 S6S-14/20 S6S-14/21 S6S-14/22 S6S-14/23 S6S-14/24 S6S-14/25 S6S-14/26 S6S-14/27 S6S-14/28 S6S-14/29 S6S-14/30 S6S-14/31 S6S-14/32 S6S-14/33 S6S-14/34 S6S-14/35 S6S-14/36 S6S-14/37 S6S-14/38 S6S-14/39 S6S-14/40 S6S-14/41 S6S-14/42 S6S-14/43 S6S-14/44 S6S-14/45 S6S-14/46 S6S-14/47 S6S-14/48 REQUIRED MOTOR POWER kW HP 3 3 3.C Type .3 27.5 18.6 42.0 20.O.5 12.2 37.5 10 10 10 10 12.5 9.8 22. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 18.1 47.5 34.5 18.4 44.7 32.5 5.S & N. ** Optional outlet Size.3 9.5 7.5 7.5 5.5 18.7 23.5 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 *NO OF CABLE GUARD 1 1 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 DIMENSIONS (mm) OD RP H2 142 142 142 142 142 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 142/147 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 50/65 489 528 567 606 645 684 723 762 801 840 879 918 957 996 1035 1074 1113 1152 1191 1230 1269 1308 1347 1386 1425 1464 1503 1542 1581 1620 1659 1698 1737 1776 1815 1854 1893 1932 1971 2010 2049 2088 2127 2166 APPROX NETT.1 20.9 39.9 48. In view of continuous developments.L .6 wire).D .3 9.5 12.7 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.9 30.S-316).5 12.6 24.3 36.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".3 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 18.8 31.2 46.5 7.0 29.8 49.2 19.O.5 5.5 16. In case of M. WEIGHT (kg) 11. Available types of materials of construction : S (S. 3 9. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 14m /h Outlet Size : 2"/2½** 3 lps 0 1.5 5.5 18.(fe et) S6S-14/05 S6S-14/06 S6S-14/07 S6S-14/08 S6S-14/09 S6S-14/10 S6S-14/11 S6S-14/12 S6S-14/13 S6S-14/14 S6S-14/15 S6S-14/16 S6S-14/17 S6S-14/18 S6S-14/19 S6S-14/20 S6S-14/21 S6S-14/22 S6S-14/23 S6S-14/24 S6S-14/25 S6S-14/26 S6S-14/27 S6S-14/28 S6S-14/29 S6S-14/30 S6S-14/31 S6S-14/32 S6S-14/33 S6S-14/34 S6S-14/35 S6S-14/36 S6S-14/37 S6S-14/38 S6S-14/39 S6S-14/40 S6S-14/41 S6S-14/42 S6S-14/43 S6S-14/44 S6S-14/45 S6S-14/46 S6S-14/47 S6S-14/48 8 20 10 H .33 3.5 5.5 7.5 18.5 18.22 2.(m³/h) Q .3 9.7 4 4.5 18. 18 20 21 Q . Worldwide.3 9.(COLUMN WATER) 3 3 3.3 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 18.5 18.Pumping trust.(m) PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e 6 NPSHR 4 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ** Optional outlet Size.5 5.(lps) 1 0 0 10 3 2 20 30 40 5 4 50 60 70 6 80 90 Q .89 4.44 5.5 5.5 18.5 7.78 3.00 m³/h 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 59 70 82 94 104 118 130 140 150 160 172 184 196 204 218 228 240 254 262 280 290 302 316 324 338 350 360 374 384 396 408 420 430 440 454 464 476 488 500 510 520 528 538 550 52 64 74 84 93 104 115 123 130 142 153 164 174 184 189 202 209 219 236 244 257 267 278 290 300 308 320 332 343 356 367 376 385 395 404 412 422 432 443 453 464 474 483 491 50 60 71 80 90 100 108 116 124 135 146 156 166 176 184 191 197 205 217 232 244 254 265 276 285 292 304 316 330 340 349 359 368 376 386 395 404 413 424 434 444 455 463 471 46 56 67 75 84 94 102 109 116 127 137 147 156 166 172 179 184 192 204 217 230 239 248 260 268 275 284 296 310 320 329 337 347 355 363 372 382 391 400 411 420 432 440 448 42 52 60 68 77 85 92 99 107 116 127 135 143 150 156 163 168 176 186 199 211 220 228 237 244 252 260 272 282 292 300 308 316 324 332 340 348 359 368 376 386 396 405 416 35 44 52 59 66 72 79 84 88 99 109 116 123 128 135 140 147 153 163 172 183 190 197 204 212 218 227 236 242 251 259 267 275 281 289 298 305 313 320 329 340 348 358 368 26 33 40 45 50 56 60 64 68 78 87 92 96 100 107 112 116 121 129 136 144 150 156 161 168 172 180 189 192 200 208 216 222 229 237 244 253 260 268 276 284 292 302 312 17 22 28 31 33 36 38 42 46 53 60 64 67 71 75 79 83 90 96 96 100 104 110 116 118 120 127 132 138 145 154 160 167 172 180 188 195 203 212 220 230 238 244 252 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .5 9.5 7.5 7.5 22 22 22 22 22 22 H .(US gpm) 100 29 .66 2. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.(m) H . 30 3 40 4 50 60 5 70 80 Q . Annex .COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 14m /h Outlet Size : 2"/2½"** 3 Performance Curves S6S-14 2900 rpm 420 1350 400 380 1200 S6S-14/32 360 80 S6S-14/31 S6S-14/30 340 EFFICIENCY (%) H .A. Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(lps) 0 0 1 10 2 20 30 ** Optional outlet Size.(m³/h) Q .18 m³/h h% 70 S6S-14/29 1050 320 S6S-14/28 S6S-14/27 60 300 S6S-14/26 50 S6S-14/25 900 280 40 S6S-14/24 S6S-14/23 260 S6S-14/22 240 S6S-14/21 S6S-14/20 S6S-14/19 750 220 600 200 S6S-14/18 S6S-14/17 180 S6S-14/16 S6S-14/15 S6S-14/14 160 S6S-14/13 450 140 S6S-14/12 S6S-14/11 120 S6S-14/10 S6S-14/09 100 S6S-14/08 300 150 80 S6S-14/07 S6S-14/06 60 S6S-14/05 40 20 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Q .(US gpm) .(feet) Flow Range : 6 . (m) H .A.(US gpm) ** Optional outlet Size. Worldwide.(m³/h) Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details. 31 . Annex .(lps) 5 70 80 Q .(feet) Flow Range : 6 .Pumping trust. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 14m 3/h Outlet Size : 2"/2½"** Performance Curves 1800 1700 S6S-14 2900 rpm S6S-14/50 560 S6S-14/49 S6S-14/48 S6S-14/47 S6S-14/46 S6S-14/45 520 80 S6S-14/44 S6S-14/43 1600 h% 70 S6S-14/42 480 S6S-14/41 1500 60 S6S-14/40 440 1400 EFFICIENCY (%) 1900 H .18 m³/h S6S-14/39 S6S-14/38 50 S6S-14/37 40 S6S-14/36 1300 S6S-14/35 400 S6S-14/34 S6S-14/33 1200 360 1100 320 1000 900 800 280 240 700 200 600 500 400 160 120 0 2 4 0 0 6 1 10 8 10 2 20 30 12 14 3 40 16 4 50 60 18 Q . 1 S6S-18/24 15 20 1/2 142/147 65 1348 30.7 S6S-18/15 9.6 S6S-18/14 9.0 S6S-18/42 30 40 1/2 142/147 65 2140 49.D .O. 32 .1 S6S-18/44 30 40 1/2 142/147 65 2228 51.5 S6S-18/11 7.3 S6S-18/27 18. while placing order.5 S6S-18/12 7.4 S6S-18/10 7.1 S6S-18/23 15 20 1/2 142/147 65 1304 29.7 S6S-18/36 22 30 1/2 142/147 65 1876 42.5 25 1/2 142/147 65 1436 32. In view of continuous developments.5 25 1/2 142/147 65 1524 34. The given performance curves are same for Type .5 1/2 142/147 65 864 18.2 3 1 142 65 468 9.5 7.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".C Type .0 S6S-18/22 15 20 1/2 142/147 65 1260 28.5 25 1/2 142/147 65 1568 35.8 S6S-18/17 11 15 1/2 142/147 65 1040 22.3 12.2 S6S-18/06 3.4 S6S-18/29 18.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 18m /h Outlet Size : 2½" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD RP PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER H2 kW *NO OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) OD HP RP APPROX NETT.5 1/2 142/147 65 1128 24.3 12.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.5 10 1/2 142/147 65 820 17.2 3 1 142 65 424 8.5 1/2 142/147 65 688 14.2 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.5 10 1/2 142/147 65 776 16.5 25 1/2 142/147 65 1612 36.2 S6S-18/26 18.5 25 1/2 142/147 65 1392 31.5 1/2 142/147 65 1216 27.O.S-304) and N (S.8 S6S-18/18 11 15 1/2 142/147 65 1084 23.S-316).7 S6S-18/35 22 30 1/2 142/147 65 1832 41. WEIGHT (kg) H2 S6S-18/03 2.4 S6S-18/09 5. Please specify preference.4 S6S-18/30 18.6 S6S-18/33 22 30 1/2 142/147 65 1744 39.5 6 1 142 65 600 12.6 S6S-18/13 9.1 S6S-18/04 2.8 S6S-18/38 22 30 1/2 142/147 65 1964 44.5 S6S-18/31 22 30 1/2 142/147 65 1656 37.9 S6S-18/20 13 17.L .5 7.5 1/2 142/147 65 908 19.6 S6S-18/34 22 30 1/2 142/147 65 1788 40.9 S6S-18/40 26 35 1/2 142/147 65 2052 47.3 12.7 5 1 142 65 556 11.5 S6S-18/32 22 30 1/2 142/147 65 1700 38.2 S6S-18/25 18.5 10 1/2 142/147 65 732 15.5 1/2 142/147 65 644 13.7 5 1 142 65 512 10.3 S6S-18/08 5.9 S6S-18/19 13 17. In case of M.6 wire).5 1/2 142/147 65 952 20.7 S6S-18/16 11 15 1/2 142/147 65 996 21.0 S6S-18/21 13 17.5 25 1/2 142/147 65 1480 33.S & N.2 S6S-18/05 3. Available types of materials of construction : S (S.5 1/2 142/147 65 1172 26.3 S6S-18/07 4.3 S6S-18/28 18. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. 5 63 54 S6S-18/10 7.(m³/h) Q .(m) NPSHR CURVE H .(feet) S6S-18/44 S6S-18/46 6 NPSHR 4 10 2 0 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Q .5 S6S-18/05 3.5 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .(COLUMN WATER) S6S-18/14 S6S-18/15 188 179 176 172 168 162 155 145 131 104 97 198 190 186 183 178 172 164 154 140 122 103 209 199 196 192 188 182 174 164 150 132 111 226 216 210 204 198 190 180 168 152 133 113 238 225 220 215 208 201 192 180 164 144 120 250 236 232 227 220 212 204 192 174 152 129 260 248 242 237 232 224 215 202 184 162 137 274 258 252 247 240 232 222 209 191 168 143 284 264 262 256 248 240 230 216 197 175 149 296 278 271 264 256 248 236 223 204 180 154 S6S-18/26 18.(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 8 100 120 Q .5 82 78 77 75 73 70 66 61 54 47 40 S6S-18/08 5.5 130 125 122 119 116 112 107 100 90 78 66 S6S-18/12 7.3 175 169 166 162 158 152 145.00 5.5 29 24 18 25.67 m³/h 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 S6S-18/03 2.7 70 66 65 63 61 59 56 52 46 40 33 S6S-18/07 4.11 6.5 38 37 36 33 29 26 22 16 11 S6S-18/04 2.5 136 122 106 90 S6S-18/16 11 S6S-18/17 11 S6S-18/18 11 S6S-18/19 13 S6S-18/20 13 S6S-18/21 13 S6S-18/22 15 S6S-18/23 15 S6S-18/24 15 S6S-18/25 18.3 152 146 144 140 136 131 124 116 105 91 76 9.33 3.66 2.5 142 135.5 106 102 100 98 96 92 87 80 72.5 141 134 124 112 98 82 9.5 316 298 290 283 274 264 252 237 216 191 164 S6S-18/28 18.5 109 106 102 98 92 83 72 60 S6S-18/11 7. Worldwide. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 18m /h Outlet Size : 2½" 3 PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e lps 0 1.7 58 56 55 54 52 49 46 42 37 31 S6S-18/06 3.5 354 337 329 312 303 292 280 264 240 210 182 S6S-18/31 22 364 348 340 323 313 303 290 272 248 219 188 S6S-18/32 22 376 360 351 332 323 312 298 280 256 227 198 S6S-18/33 22 384 370 361 342 331 320 305 287 264 236 207 S6S-18/34 22 396 379 370 351 340 326 312 294 271 244 215 S6S-18/35 22 408 389 379 359 348 336 320 302 279 252 223 S6S-18/36 22 420 399 388 368 356 343 328 309 287 260 231 S6S-18/38 22 432 404 392 384 370 356 340 320 296 268 236 S6S-18/40 26 453 427 416 405 391 375 356 332 305 274 244 S6S-18/42 30 481 450 438 425 412 395 370 348 320 286 249 30 504 472 460 448 432 413 392 367 336 300 262 30 520 495 482 468 452 432 411 386 352 312 272 S6S-18/48 30 541 517 506 492 475 456 433 405 368 324 279 8 20 H .Pumping trust.44 5.5 340 319 311 302 292 284 272 255 231 204 175 S6S-18/30 18.56 6.5 304 287 280 272 264 256 244 228 210 185 159 S6S-18/27 18.5 118 103 111.2 40 38.22 2.5 330 308 301 292 284 274 261 244 223 197 168 S6S-18/29 18.(US gpm) 33 .5 95 91 89 86 84 80 76 70 63 54 45 S6S-18/09 5.3 164 157 154 151 146.5 133 130 126 122 116 108 97 84 70 S6S-18/13 9.2 48 47 46 45 44 41 38 33.89 4.78 3. (lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 Q .COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 18m /h Outlet Size : 2½" 3 Performance Curves H .(m³/h) Q .(feet) H .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.A.24 m³/h S6S-18 2900 rpm S6S-18/18 200 600 E FFIC IE N C Y (% ) 220 700 S6S-18/17 S6S-18/16 180 80 S6S-18/15 h% S6S-18/14 60 160 S6S-18/13 500 S6S-18/12 140 40 S6S-18/11 400 120 20 S6S-18/10 S6S-18/09 100 S6S-18/08 300 S6S-18/07 80 S6S-18/06 200 S6S-18/05 60 S6S-18/04 S6S-18/03 40 100 20 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. Annex . 34 .(m) Flow Range : 7 . (US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details. Worldwide.24 m³/h 360 320 280 240 750 200 600 160 450 120 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.Pumping trust.A.(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 Q . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 18m /h Outlet Size : 2½" 3 Performance Curves 1950 S6S-18 2900 rpm 640 80 600 h% 60 560 1800 S6S-18/48 520 S6S-18/44 S6S-18/42 480 1500 S6S-18/38 S6S-18/36 S6S-18/35 S6S-18/34 S6S-18/33 S6S-18/32 S6S-18/31 S6S-18/30 S6S-18/29 S6S-18/28 S6S-18/27 S6S-18/26 S6S-18/25 S6S-18/24 S6S-18/23 S6S-18/22 S6S-18/21 S6S-18/20 S6S-18/19 1350 400 900 20 S6S-18/40 440 1050 40 S6S-18/46 1650 1200 EFFICIENCY (%) 2100 H .(m³/h) Q . 35 .(feet) Flow Range : 7 .(m) H . Annex . 3 S6S-22/44 37 50 1/2 142/147 65/80 2360 53.5 6 S6S-22/07 5.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 22m /h Outlet Size : 2½"/3"** 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP H2 OD PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER *NO OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT. The given performance curves are same for Type .8 S6S-22/18 13 17.5 S6S-22/09 7. 36 .5 25 1/2 142/147 65/80 1420 31. **Optional outlet Size.9 S6S-22/19 15 20 1/2 142/147 65/80 1185 26.6 wire).N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".3 S6S-22/23 18.5 1/2 142/147 65/80 1138 24.0 10 1/2 142/147 65/80 762 16.5 25 1/2 142/147 65/80 1467 32.3 12.S & N.9 1/2 142/147 65/80 715 15.1 kW HP S6S-22/05 3.8 1/2 142/147 65/80 668 13.5 1/2 142/147 65/80 1044 22.C Type .5 25 1/2 142/147 65/80 1326 29.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.5 10 S6S-22/10 7.D .S-304) and N (S. WEIGHT (kg) OD RP H2 142 65/80 527 10.5 25 1/2 142/147 65/80 1373 30.7 S6S-22/17 13 17.3 S6S-22/34 26 35 1/2 142/147 65/80 1890 42.S-316). In view of continuous developments.5 S6S-22/08 5.7 S6S-22/50 37 50 1/2 142/147 65/80 2642 60.7 S6S-22/38 30 40 1/2 142/147 65/80 2078 46.7 S6S-22/28 22 30 1/2 142/147 65/80 1608 35.5 S6S-22/25 18.O.1 S6S-22/32 26 35 1/2 142/147 65/80 1769 40.2 9.2 S6S-22/22 18.1 S6S-22/21 15 20 1/2 142/147 65/80 1279 28.6 1 142 65/80 574 11. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.1 S6S-22/42 30 40 1/2 142/147 65/80 2266 51.5 S6S-22/15 11 15 1/2 142/147 65/80 997 21.5 7.5 1/2 142/147 65/80 856 18.5 1/2 142/147 65/80 809 17.4 S6S-22/24 18.5 7.5 1/2 142/147 65/80 1091 23.5 S6S-22/11 S6S-22/12 1 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.9 S6S-22/30 22 30 1/2 142/147 65/80 1702 38.4 S6S-22/14 11 15 1/2 142/147 65/80 950 20.7 1/2 142/147 65/80 621 12.7 5 S6S-22/06 4.3 S6S-22/13 11 15 1/2 142/147 65/80 903 19.0 S6S-22/20 15 20 1/2 142/147 65/80 1232 27.5 S6S-22/36 26 35 1/2 142/147 65/80 1984 44. while placing order.6 S6S-22/26 22 30 1/2 142/147 65/80 1514 33. Available types of materials of construction : S (S.6 S6S-22/16 13 17.O.1 9.3 12. Please specify preference.9 S6S-22/40 30 40 1/2 142/147 65/80 2172 49.L .5 S6S-22/46 37 50 1/2 142/147 65/80 2454 55. In case of M. Pumping trust.(m³/Hr) Q .5 92 84 81 78 76 72 68 62 55 47 38 S6S-22/09 7.11 6.5 114 104 101 98 95 92 86 79 71 61 50 S6S-22/11 9.67 7. Worldwide.(m) 15 S6S-22/22 H .77 3.7 57 52 50 49 48 46 43 40 35 30 24 S6S-22/06 4.89 4.5 100 94 91 89 86 82 77 71 64 55 45 S6S-22/10 7.3 3. 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 8 120 Q .77 m³/h 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 3.22 7.3 125 114 110 107 104 100 95 87 78 68 57 S6S-22/12 9.(lps) 0 0 **Optional outlet Size.(COLUMN WATER) S6S-22/05 18.5 S6S-22/23 18.5 69 62 60 58 56 54 49 45 41 35 27 S6S-22/07 5.5 265 246 241 235 226 217 205 189 170 147 121 S6S-22/24 18.5 290 265 260 253 244 234 220 203 183 159 131 S6S-22/26 22 299 277 270 263 254 242 228 210 190 165 137 S6S-22/28 22 314 290 284 275 265 254 238 220 199 174 144 S6S-22/30 22 338 305 298 290 280 269 253 234 210 180 149 S6S-22/32 26 362 329 320 310 300 289 270 250 222 192 160 S6S-22/34 26 382 351 344 333 321 308 289 267 238 205 170 S6S-22/36 26 406 375 364 352 340 326 305 280 250 218 181 S6S-22/38 30 430 395 385 372 360 341 320 293 263 230 192 S6S-22/40 30 455 414 402 390 378 360 339 309 277 240 203 S6S-22/42 30 476 434 423 410 397 378 352 323 290 253 216 S6S-22/44 37 498 454 444 430 415 397 370 340 305 268 228 S6S-22/46 37 535 482 470 458 440 419 390 359 322 280 240 S6S-22/50 37 568 8 511 499 482 454 440 415 383 349 309 263 20 10 0 H . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 22m /h Outlet Size : 2½"/3 "** 3 PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e lps 0 2.55 6.3 137 126 123 120 116 110 105 95 85 74 62 S6S-22/13 11 150 139 135 131 125 120 113 104 94 81 69 S6S-22/14 11 160 148 145 141 136 130 121 111 100 88 75 S6S-22/15 11 171 159 155 152 147 140 131 121 109 95 80 182 169 166 162 156 150 140 130 116 101 85 192 180 175 171 165 158 149 138 125 108 90 207 190 186 182 176 170 160 147 132 115 95 218 201 196 192 185 178 169 155 140 120 100 230 212 207 202 195 188 178 165 146 126 106 243 224 219 213 205 198 187 174 155 135 112 254 235 230 224 217 208 195 181 164 142 117 S6S-22/16 13 S6S-22/17 13 S6S-22/18 13 S6S-22/19 15 S6S-22/20 15 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .44 5 5.(feet) S6S-22/21 6 NPSHR 4 2 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Q .(US gpm) 37 .5 80 71 69 66 64 60 57 52 47 40 32 S6S-22/08 5.5 277 256 250 244 235 225 214 197 177 154 127 S6S-22/25 18. Annex . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 22m /h Outlet Size : 2½"/3"** 3 Performance Curves E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) 1200 H .(US gpm) ** Optional outlet Size. 38 .(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 8 120 Q .(feet) Flow Range : 9 .(m) H .29 m³/h S6S-22 2900 rpm 350 1050 S6S-22 /28 300 /26 S6S-22 /25 S6S-22 /24 900 80 h% S6S-22 60 S6S-22 /23 S6S-22 /22 250 40 S6S-22 /21 S6S-22 750 /20 20 S6S-22 /19 S6S-22 /18 200 S6S-22 /17 S6S-22/16 600 S6S-22/15 S6S-22/14 S6S-22/13 150 S6S-22/12 450 S6S-22/11 S6S-22/10 S6S-22/09 100 S6S-22/08 300 S6S-22/07 S6S-22/06 S6S-22/05 150 0 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Q . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(m³/h) Q .A. (m) H .Pumping trust. 39 .(feet) Flow Range : 9 . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.29 m³/h S6S-22 2900 rpm 750 2250 650 2100 1950 1800 h% 600 80 S6S- 22/50 550 60 S6S- 22/46 1650 1550 500 40 S6S-2 2/44 S6S-2 2/42 S6S-2 2/40 S6S-2 2/38 S6S-2 2/36 S6S-22/34 450 1350 400 1200 20 S6S-22/32 350 S6S-22/30 1050 300 900 250 750 200 600 150 450 300 100 150 50 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Q .(US gpm) ** Optional outlet Size. Worldwide.(m³/h) Q . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 22m /h Outlet Size : 2½"/3 "** 3 Performance Curves 850 E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) 2400 H . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.A. Annex .(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 8 120 Q . while placing order. Please specify preference.6 wire).1 S6S-30/23 22 30 1/2 142/147 80 2498 50.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 30m /h Outlet Size : 3" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP H2 OD PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER *NO OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT. The given performance curves are same for Type .5 25 1/2 142/147 80 2306 46.0 S6S-30/05 5.4 S6S-30/18 18.S-304) and N (S.9 S6S-30/07 7.5 1/2 142/147 80 1154 22.2 S6S-30/22 22 30 1/2 142/147 80 2402 48.L .60 S6S-30/14 13 17.3 S6S-30/20 18.C Type .5 1/2 142/147 80 1634 32.1 4 1 142 80 578 11. In view of continuous developments.9 S6S-30/27 26 35 1/2 142/147 80 2882 57.3 12.5 10 1/2 142/147 80 1058 20. WEIGHT (kg) OD RP H2 1 142 80 482 9.8 S6S-30/10 9.3 12.5 S6S-30/15 13 17.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".4 S6S-30/17 15 20 1/2 142/147 80 1922 38.9 kW HP S6S-30/02 2.5 7.5 1/2 142/147 80 1250 24.0 S6S-30/25 22 30 1/2 142/147 80 2690 54.5 7.D .7 S6S-30/11 9.2 S6S-30/21 18.S-316). In case of M.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.5 25 1/2 142/147 80 2210 44.0 S6S-30/06 5.5 1/2 142/147 80 1346 26.5 S6S-30/16 15 20 1/2 142/147 80 1826 36.6 S6S-30/13 11 15 1/2 142/147 80 1538 30.8 S6S-30/09 9. Available types of materials of construction : S (S.9 S6S-30/08 7.5 1/2 142/147 80 1730 34.O.S & N.5 1 142 80 674 13.1 S6S-30/24 22 30 1/2 142/147 80 2594 52.5 1/2 142/147 80 770 15.3 S6S-30/19 18.5 25 1/2 142/147 80 2018 40.5 1/2 142/147 80 866 16.2 3 S6S-30/03 3 S6S-30/04 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D. 40 .3 12.1 4 5.7 S6S-30/12 11 15 1/2 142/147 80 1442 28.5 25 1/2 142/147 80 2114 42.0 S6S-30/26 22 30 1/2 142/147 80 2786 55.O.5 10 1/2 142/147 80 962 18. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. Worldwide.5 208 198 192 185 177 166 160 146 137 127 116 S6S-30/19 18.60 7.5 70 63 S6S-30/11 9.5 70.5 220 210 203 196 187 175 168 154 144 134 122 S6S-30/20 18.33 8.5 22.3 117 111 108 104 99 93 89.40 10 m³/h 0 8 12 16 20 24 26 30 32 34 36 24 22.5 102 98 89.5 55 53.5 30 27 24 S6S-30/05 5.8 49 46.5 17.8 24.55 6.8 20. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 30m /h Outlet Size : 3 " 3 PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e lps 0 2.44 5.33 4.3 127 121 117 113 108.3 105 100 97 94 89 83 80 72 67 62 57 S6S-30/10 9.5 27.5 34 33 31.(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 8 120 9 10 140 Q .Pumping trust.(COLUMN WATER) 2.8 37 35.5 50 S6S-30/09 9.22 8.5 48 45 42 38 S6S-30/07 7.5 59 54.5 92.5 88 86 83 79 74 71 63.(US gpm) 41 .9 15.5 242 230 223 215 206 193 185 168 157 146 134 S6S-30/22 22 252 240 234 226 216 202 194 175 164 152 139 S6S-30/23 22 262 249 242 232 222 208 200 180 169 156 143 S6S-30/24 22 272 257 248 240 228 215 207 188 175 160 146 S6S-30/25 22 282 267 258 248 236 222 213 193 180 165 150 S6S-30/26 22 292 277 268 259 246 230 220 199 185 170 154 S6S-30/27 26 304 288 280 268 254 237 228 204 191 176 160 30 20 H (m) TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .22 3.5 18 S6S-30/04 4 47 44 43 41.5 117 111 107 98 91.5 81 75.5 45 40 37 34 31 S6S-30/06 5.5 84 78 71 S6S-30/12 11 137 131 127 122.5 45 S6S-30/08 7.8 30 28.9 14 13 11 S6S-30/03 3 36.5 58.8 53.8 51.5 67 65 62 59 55.8 39.5 85 77 S6S-30/13 11 148 142 137 132 127 119 115 106 100 92 83 S6S-30/14 13 160 152 148 142 136 128 124 112 105 97 88 S6S-30/15 13 172 163 157 152 145 136 132 120 114 104 94 S6S-30/16 15 184 175 169 164 156 148 143 130 121 112 102 S6S-30/17 15 196 186 180 174 168 158 152 139 130 120 110 S6S-30/18 18.90 9.( m³ /h) Q .8 22 21 20 18.2 H (Feet) S6S-30/02 8 6 NPSHR 4 10 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Q .5 82 78 76 73 69 65 62 56 52 48.5 232 218 211 204 196 184 177 162 152 140 128 S6S-30/21 18.8 32. A.36 m³/h 150 S6S-30/11 120 h% S6S-30/10 80 375 110 350 325 300 60 S6S-30/9 100 40 S6S-30/8 90 20 275 S6S-30/7 80 250 225 200 S6S-30/6 70 S6S-30/5 60 175 50 S6S-30/4 150 125 100 40 S6S-30/3 30 S6S-30/2 75 20 50 S6S-30/1 10 25 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Q .30 2900 rpm S6S-30/12 450 130 EFFICIENCY (%) 475 H (m) H (Feet) Flow Range : 6 . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. 42 . Annex .COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 30m /h Outlet Size : 3" 3 Performance Curves 140 425 400 S6S .(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 8 120 9 10 140 Q .( m³ /h) Q .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details. 43 .(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 8 120 9 10 140 Q .36 m³/h 320 S6S-30/24 h% S6S-30/23 260 80 S6S-30/22 800 S6S-30/21 240 750 S6S-30/19 220 700 650 600 60 S6S-30/20 40 S6S-30/18 200 20 S6S-30/17 S6S-30/16 180 S6S-30/15 550 S6S-30/14 160 500 450 400 S6S-30/13 140 120 350 100 300 250 200 80 60 150 40 100 20 50 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Q .Pumping trust.A. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.30 2900 rpm S6S-30/26 950 EFFICIENCY (%) H (m) H (Feet) Flow Range : 6 . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 30m /h Outlet Size : 3 " 3 Performance Curves S6S-30/28 1000 S6S-30/27 300 S6S-30/25 280 900 850 S6S . Annex . Worldwide.(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.( m³ /h ) Q . 60 7.L . Available types of materials of construction : S (S. In view of continuous developments.4 S6S-30/40 37 50 1/2 142/147 80 4130 83.(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL H2 OD * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".90 9. 44 .5 S6S-30/38 37 50 1/2 142/147 80 3938 79.6 S6S-30/35 30 40 1/2 142/147 80 3650 73.33 4.55 6.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 30m /h Outlet Size : 3" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP MOTOR kW S6S-30/29 26 S6S-30/31 26 S6S-30/32 30 S6S-30/34 30 S6S-30/35 30 S6S-30/38 37 S6S-30/40 37 S6S-30/43 37 *NO OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT. while placing order.44 5.00 m³/h 0 8 12 16 20 24 26 30 32 34 36 332 320 308 288 272 251 240 216 200 184 168 355 344 328 312 293 272 262 236 218 200 180 367 355 339 321 303 283 272 244 228 208 188 388 375 356 339 320 298 285 254 236 217 198 401 386 370 350 330 307 293 263 246 227 208 421 416 404 384 362 334 320 288 266 244 220 446 436 422 401 382 356 340 304 283 260 236 488 478 453 430 401 380 364 327 304 276 246 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .7 S6S-30/34 30 40 1/2 142/147 80 3554 71.22 3.40 10.7 30 40 1/2 142/147 80 3362 68.O.D . Please specify preference. The given performance curves are same for Type .S & N.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.8 35 1/2 142/147 80 3266 65.C Type .3 S6S-30/43 37 50 1/2 142/147 80 4418 89.S-304) and N (S.1 kW HP S6S-30/29 26 35 S6S-30/31 26 S6S-30/32 lps 0 2.33 8.S-316).O.6 wire). the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. WEIGHT (kg) OD RP H2 1/2 142/147 80 3074 61.22 8. In case of M. A.( m³ /h) Q .(m) Performance Curves 1900 560 1800 1700 1600 h% 520 80 S6S-30/43 480 60 1500 S6S-30/40 440 1300 1200 40 S6S-30/38 1400 400 S6S-30/35 360 S6S-30/32 S6S-30/31 20 S6S-30/34 S6S-30/29 1100 320 1000 900 800 280 240 700 200 600 500 400 160 120 300 80 200 40 100 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Q .(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 8 120 9 10 140 Q .36 m³/h 640 S6S-30 2900 rpm 2000 600 EFFICIENCY (%) H .(US gpm) 8 6 NPSHR 4 10 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Q . 45 .(feet) H . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.Pumping trust.(m³/h) 0 1 3 30 20 H (m) 20 H (Feet) 0 2 4 40 5 60 6 80 7 Q .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 30m /h Outlet Size : 3 " 3 Flow Range : 6 . Worldwide. Annex .(lps) 9 8 100 120 140 10 Q . 46 .9 S6S-48/27 45 60 1/2 142/147 80/100 3341 72.4 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.2 3 S6S-48/02 3 S6S-48/03 S6S-48/04 S6S-48/05 7. The given performance curves are same for Type . Please specify preference.5 25 1/2 142/147 80/100 1646 34.4 S6S-48/08 13 17.9 S6S-48/19 30 40 1/2 142/147 80/100 2437 52.4 S6S-48/10 15 20 1/2 142/147 80/100 1420 29.S-316).4 7.5 25 1/2 142/147 80/100 1533 32. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.O.3 12.9 S6S-48/23 37 50 1/2 142/147 80/100 2889 62.9 5. WEIGHT (kg) OD RP H2 1 142 80/100 403 7.D .5 1/2 142/147 80/100 968 19.4 S6S-48/18 30 40 1/2 142/147 80/100 2324 49.C Type .4 S6S-48/12 18. Available types of materials of construction : S (S.L .5 10 1/2 142/147 80/100 855 17.9 S6S-48/25 37 50 1/2 142/147 80/100 3115 67.4 S6S-48/20 37 50 1/2 142/147 80/100 2550 54.4 S6S-48/14 22 30 1/2 142/147 80/100 1872 39.4 S6S-48/06 9.6 wire).5 1/2 142/147 80/100 1194 24.S-304) and N (S.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 48m /h 3 Outlet Size : 3"/4"** P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP H2 OD PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER *NO OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.9 S6S-48/13 22 30 1/2 142/147 80/100 1759 37.4 S6S-48/26 45 60 1/2 142/147 80/100 3228 69.9 S6S-48/09 15 20 1/2 142/147 80/100 1307 27.5 1/2 142/147 80/100 629 12.9 S6S-48/21 37 50 1/2 142/147 80/100 2663 57.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".S & N.4 S6S-48/24 37 50 1/2 142/147 80/100 3002 64.9 S6S-48/11 18. In view of continuous developments.O.9 S6S-48/17 26 35 1/2 142/147 80/100 2211 47.5 10 1/2 142/147 80/100 742 14.5 7. In case of M.4 S6S-48/16 26 35 1/2 142/147 80/100 2098 44.9 kW HP S6S-48/01 2.9 S6S-48/15 22 30 1/2 142/147 80/100 1985 42.4 S6S-48/22 37 50 1/2 142/147 80/100 2776 59. **Optional outlet Size.4 4 1 142 80/100 516 9.9 S6S-48/07 11 15 1/2 142/147 80/100 1081 22. while placing order. 3 5.5 85 72 62 S6S-48/11 18. 0 0 0 0 8 2 16 4 40 24 6 80 32 8 120 40 10 160 48 12 200 56 14 16 240 64 18 280 72 80 Q .4 15.5 7.5 18 16 12 10 S6S-48/03 5.3 78 77 75 68.2 12 12 11 10.7 m³/h 0 12 20 28 36 40 44 48 56 60 2.5 52 51 48 44 39 38 36 33 26 22 S6S-48/05 7.Pumping trust.6 16. Worldwide.(US gpm) 47 .5 158 155 150 136 122 117 111 104 89 77 S6S-48/13 22 173 168 161 150 134 129 123 116 98 84 S6S-48/14 22 190 189 180 164 145 138 130 120 100 90 S6S-48/15 22 203 200 192 176 158 148 139 130 110 98 S6S-48/16 26 213 212 207 190 168 160 152 142 120 106 S6S-48/17 26 230 225 215 200 180 170 160 150 128 110 S6S-48/18 30 246 242 232 212 188 178 168 160 134 118 S6S-48/19 30 260 254 244 222 198 188 180 170 143 124 S6S-48/20 37 270 265 254 234 209 199 189 179 150 133 S6S-48/21 37 285 272 261 241 220 209 198 187 157 137 S6S-48/22 37 292 281 270 250 229 220 209 196 164 144 S6S-48/23 37 305 294 283 261 239 269 219 205 170 150 S6S-48/24 37 322 310 297 275 251 240 229 216 180 157 S6S-48/25 37 337 325 313 289 264 252 240 225 190 166 S6S-48/26 45 352 339 325 303 274 265 252 238 200 179 S6S-48/27 45 365 355 342 315 284 278 265 250 210 189 S6S-48/28 45 380 371 359 330 300 286 274 260 222 198 30 20 H.5 146.5 35 32 27 26 25 23 18.(lps) 20 22 320 360 Q .(m) H.5 8 6 4.1 12.5 144 138 127 113 107 102 95 80 70 S6S-48/12 18.5 10 9 8.5 65 64 63 57 49 46 44 40 33 27 S6S-48/06 9.5 38 36.(COLUMN WATER) S6S-48/01 10 8 6 NPSHR 4 10 2 0 **Optional outlet Size.(m³ /h) Q .8 10.0 11.5 15 S6S-48/04 7.5 59 57 54 50 41 34 S6S-48/07 11 93 90 88 81 70 66 62 58 47 40 S6S-48/08 13 107 105 101 94 84 79 74 68 55 46 S6S-48/09 15 120 119 145 106 95 90 84 78 64 55 S6S-48/10 15 134 131 126 116 104 98 91.5 S6S-48/02 3 28 26 25 23 19 19. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 48m /h Outlet Size : 3 "/4"** 3 PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e lps 0 3.(feet) TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .2 13. (US gpm) ** Optional outlet Size.48 / 08 100 S6S .48 / 13 S6S .48 / 03 40 100 S6S .48 2900 rpm S6S .48 / 11 h% 140 80 S6S .48 / 07 300 S6S .(m³ /Hr) Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.48 / 09 120 40 EFFICIENCY (%) 400 S6S .48 / 12 160 500 S6S . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.48 / 05 200 60 S6S .COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 48m /h Outlet Size : 3"/4"** 3 Performance Curves H (m) H (Feet) Flow Range : 6 .48 / 10 60 S6S . 48 .48 / 01 0 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 Q . Annex .48 / 02 20 S6S .A.(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 7 100 8 120 9 140 10 160 11 12 180 13 200 14 220 15 240 16 17 260 18 280 Q .48 / 06 80 S6S .48 / 04 S6S .62 m³/h S6S . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 48m /h Outlet Size : 3 "/4"** 3 Performance Curves 400 E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) H .(m) Flow Range : 6 .(lps) 0 0 1 2 20 3 40 4 60 5 80 6 100 7 8 120 9 140 10 160 11 180 12 13 200 14 220 15 240 16 17 260 18 280 Q .62 m³/h S6S-48 2900 rpm S6S-48 /28 S6S-48 /27 1200 S6S-48 /26 350 S6S-48 /25 S6S-48 /24 h% 80 S6S-48 1000 /23 300 S6S-4 8/22 S6S-48 /21 S6S-48/20 60 40 S6S-48/19 S6S-48/18 250 800 S6S-48/17 S6S-48/16 S6S-48/15 200 S6S-48/14 600 150 400 100 200 50 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 Q .(feet) H .(US gpm) ** Optional outlet Size. 49 . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.A.Pumping trust. Annex .(m³/h) Q . Worldwide. while placing order. Available types of materials of construction : S (S.5 7.0 S6S-60/19 37 50 1/2 142/147 80/100 2437 51. Please specify preference. The given performance curves are same for Type . In case of M. WEIGHT (kg) OD RP H2 1 142 80/100 403 7.7 S6S-60/14 26 35 1/2 142/147 80/100 1872 39.5 1/2 142/147 80/100 629 12.4 5.7 S6S-60/05 9.5 1/2 142/147 80/100 1081 22.1 S6S-60/17 30 40 1/2 142/147 80/100 2211 46.3 12. **Optional outlet Size.2 3 S6S-60/02 4 S6S-60/03 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.9 S6S-60/10 18.D .L .1 S6S-60/06 11 15 1/2 142/147 80/100 968 19.5 S6S-60/09 18.S-304) and N (S.5 25 1/2 142/147 80/100 1420 29.5 1 142 80/100 516 9.5 S6S-60/18 37 50 1/2 142/147 80/100 2324 49.O.6 S6S-60/07 13 17.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.8 5.C Type .S & N.2 S6S-60/04 7.S-316).6 S6S-60/16 30 40 1/2 142/147 80/100 2098 44.4 kW HP S6S-60/01 2.4 S6S-60/11 22 30 1/2 142/147 80/100 1533 31.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 60m /h Outlet Size : 3"/4"** 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP H2 OD PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER *NO OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.5 1/2 142/147 80/100 855 17. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. 50 .O.2 S6S-60/15 26 35 1/2 142/147 80/100 1985 41.8 S6S-60/12 22 30 1/2 142/147 80/100 1646 34.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".3 S6S-60/13 26 35 1/2 142/147 80/100 1759 36.0 S6S-60/08 15 20 1/2 142/147 80/100 1194 24.5 10 1/2 142/147 80/100 742 14.6 wire). In view of continuous developments.5 25 1/2 142/147 80/100 1307 26. 88 16.5 52 51 50 47 42 37 31 22 13 S6S-60/05 9.66 19.(m³ /h) Q .3 67 64 63 59 53 45 37 28 16 S6S-60/06 11 82 78 76 71 63 56 47 35 21 S6S-60/07 13 94 91 89 83 73 66 55 41 24 S6S-60/08 15 110 104 102 97 87 76 65 48 30 S6S-60/09 18.11 13.(feet) S6S-60/01 8 6 NPSHR 4 10 2 0 0 10 0 0 **Optional outlet Size. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 60m /h Outlet Size : 3 "/4"** 3 PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e lps 0 4.(US gpm) 51 .44 22.Pumping trust.5 122 114 112 106 95 84 70 54 33 S6S-60/10 18.(m) 30 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .2 H.33 11.16 5.(lps) 22 24 350 Q .(COLUMN WATER) 2.55 8.5 138 133 128 118 105 92 76 57 35 S6S-60/11 22 148 142 138 128 114 101 86 65 40 S6S-60/12 22 167 156 152 141 124 109 92 69 43 S6S-60/13 26 180 170 165 153 137 120 100 75 45 S6S-60/14 26 195 184 179 164 144 128 110 83 48 S6S-60/15 26 212 198 194 177 157 137 117 85 52 S6S-60/16 30 220 213 207 188 167 147 127 89 57 S6S-60/17 30 242 227 222 205 183 160 138 107 63 S6S-60/18 37 252 240 233 212 189 176 142 112 67 S6S-60/19 37 270 254 248 231 206 181 152 116 74 S6S-60/20 37 282 276 267 259 216 189 162 126 80 20 10 H.5 39 38 37 35 32 27 22 15 9 S6S-60/04 7. Worldwide.22 m³/h 0 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 14 13 12 11 9 7 5 3 1 S6S-60/02 4 26 25 24 23 20 17 14 10 5 S6S-60/03 5. 2 20 4 50 6 100 30 8 40 10 150 50 12 200 14 60 16 250 70 18 20 300 80 90 Q . (US gpm) .(m) Flow Range : 15 .A. 52 50 12 14 200 60 16 250 70 18 20 300 80 Q . Annex . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.80 m³/h 200 80 S6S-60/11 60 S6S-60/10 40 20 400 S6S-60/09 120 0 S6S-60/08 100 S6S-60/07 300 S6S-60/06 80 S6S-60/05 200 60 S6S-60/04 S6S-60/03 40 100 S6S-60/02 20 0 S6S-60/01 0 0 0 0 10 2 20 4 50 30 6 100 8 40 10 150 ** Optional outlet Size.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 60m /h Outlet Size : 3"/4"** 3 Performance Curves 600 S6S-60/14 S6S-60 2900 rpm S6S-60/13 180 S6S-60/12 h% 160 500 140 EFFICIENCY (%) H .(lps) 22 24 350 Q .(feet) H .(m³/h) Q . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details. (m) H . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 6" Nominal Flow : 60m /h Outlet Size : 3 "/4"** 3 Performance Curves H . Worldwide.(m³/h) Q .80 m³/h S6S-60 2900 rpm EFFICIENCY (%) 1100 330 1000 300 h% S6S-60/20 900 800 700 600 270 240 80 S6S-60/19 60 S6S-60/18 40 S6S-60/17 20 S6S-60/16 0 S6S-60/15 210 180 500 150 400 120 300 90 200 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Q .(US gpm) ** Optional outlet Size. 53 .Pumping trust. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. Annex .A.(feet) Flow Range : 15 .(lps) 0 0 2 4 50 6 100 8 10 150 12 14 200 16 250 18 20 300 22 24 350 Q . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details. L .700 S8S-78/18 75 100 1/2 188 100 / 125 2738 78.300 S8S-78/06 22 30 1/2 188 100 / 125 1202 40.700 S8S-78/13 55 75 1/2 188 100 / 125 2098 62. ** Optional outlet Size.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 8" Nominal Flow : 78m /h Outlet Size : 4"/5"** 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP H2 OD PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER *NO OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.500 S8S-78/07 26 35 1/2 188 100 / 125 1330 43.300 S8S-78/16 75 100 1/2 188 100 / 125 2482 72. 54 .D .100 kW HP S8S-78/01 5.100 S8S-78/05 18. In case of M. Available types of materials of construction : S (S.500 10 1/2 188 100 / 125 690 27.900 S8S-78/19 75 100 1/2 188 100 / 125 2866 82.6 wire).300 S8S-78/11 45 60 1/2 188 100 / 125 1842 56.O.S-304) and N (S.100 S8S-78/15 55 75 1/2 188 100 / 125 2354 69. The given performance curves are same for Type .900 S8S-78/09 30 40 1/2 188 100 / 125 1586 50.100 S8S-78/10 37 50 1/2 188 100 / 125 1714 53.500 S8S-78/12 45 60 1/2 188 100 / 125 1970 59.O.700 S8S-78/08 30 40 1/2 188 100 / 125 1458 46.500 S8S-78/17 75 100 1/2 188 100 / 125 2610 75. In view of continuous developments.C Type .5 7.5 S8S-78/03 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.700 11 15 1/2 188 100 / 125 818 30.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N". the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. Please specify preference.900 S8S-78/14 55 75 1/2 188 100 / 125 2226 66.5 25 1/2 188 100 / 125 1074 37.5 S8S-78/02 7. while placing order.900 S8S-78/04 15 20 1/2 188 100 / 125 946 34. WEIGHT (kg) OD RP H2 1 188 100 / 125 562 24.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.S & N.S-316). 5 317 292 269 218.5 155 143.5 280 259 239 195 119 S8S-78/17 75 343 336 319 297 274.5 94.5 84.5 S8S-78/03 11 59 59 55.5 14.66 22.8 15.(COLUMN WATER) S8S-78/01 10 8 6 NPSHR 4 10 2 0 0 0 ** Optional outlet Size.7 18 16.5 75 60.5 S8S-78/14 55 285 277 263 245 226.(US gpm) 55 .56 8.5 308 284 230 141.5 112.(m) H .5 S8S-78/02 7.Pumping trust.5 205. Worldwide.5 S8S-78/06 22 121 118.5 S8S-78/20 75 405 397.22 27.5 150.5 107 64.88 16.5 122.5 148 120 74 S8S-78/11 45 218 217 207 191.78 m³/h 0 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 5.5 332.5 177 163 132 78 S8S-78/12 45 244 237 225 209.5 132.5 29. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 8" Nominal Flow : 78m /h Outlet Size : 4"/5 "** 3 PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e lps 0 5.5 47.5 89 72 44 S8S-78/07 26 142 138 131.5 51.5 20 19.5 228 211 194 157.2 12 7.5 253.5 377.5 209 169 101 S8S-78/15 55 304 300 285 264 243 224 184.5 103.11 13.5 22 S8S-78/04 15 81.5 112.5 80 76 70 65 59.5 350 325 300 246 153 30 20 H .5 300.5 133 S8S-78/19 75 381 376 357.5 111.5 39 38.5 S8S-78/16 75 323 316.5 178 145 89 S8S-78/13 55 265 258 245.5 104 96.5 125 S8S-78/18 75 357 355 339.5 37 34 31.5 192.34 11.5 43.5 139 128 118 96 58 S8S-78/09 30 182 177 167.7 34.5 48 31 S8S-78/05 18.5 24 15.5 37.5 102 99 94 87 80.5 S8S-78/10 37 202 197 188 174 160.(lps) 0 0 2 40 4 6 80 8 120 10 160 12 200 14 16 240 18 280 20 320 22 360 24 26 400 28 440 Q .(m³ /Hr) Q .5 72 S8S-78/08 30 162 157. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Q .(feet) TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES . (lps) 0 0 2 4 40 6 80 8 120 10 160 12 200 14 16 240 18 280 20 320 22 360 24 26 400 28 440 Q . Annex .100 m³/h 720 80 560 60 S8S-78/08 520 160 40 20 480 S8S-78/07 0 140 440 400 S8S-78/06 120 360 S8S-78/05 320 100 280 S8S-78/04 80 240 200 S8S-78/03 60 160 S8S-78/02 40 120 80 S8S-78/01 20 40 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Q . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(feet) Flow Range : 30 . 56 .(US gpm) ** Optional outlet Size.(m) H .(m³/h) Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 8" Nominal Flow : 78m /h Outlet Size : 4 "/5"** 3 Performance Curves 220 S8S-78 2900 rpm 680 S8S-78/10 200 640 600 h% S8S-78/09 180 EFFICIENCY (%) H .A. (US gpm) ** Optional outlet Size.Pumping trust.(m) Flow Range : 30 . 57 . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.A.(m³/h) Q . Annex .100 m³/h 450 80 S8S-78/18 1200 S8S-78/17 350 1100 1000 60 S8S-78/16 40 S8S-78/15 20 300 S8S-78/14 900 0 S8S-78/13 S8S-78/12 250 800 S8S-78/11 700 200 600 500 150 400 100 300 200 164 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Q . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 8" Nominal Flow : 78m /h Outlet Size : 4"/5 "** 3 Performance Curves S8S-78 2900 rpm 1400 S8S-78/20 1300 400 S8S-78/19 h% (E F F IC IE N C Y (%) H . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(lps) 0 0 2 4 40 6 80 8 120 10 160 12 200 14 16 240 18 280 20 320 22 360 24 26 400 28 440 Q .(feet) H . Worldwide. L .N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".500 S8S-95/04 18.500 S8S-95/18 93 125 1/2 188 125 2810 87.500 kW HP S8S-95/01 5.O. The given performance curves are same for Type . In view of continuous developments.000 13 17.500 S8S-95/14 63 85 1/2 188 125 2294 73.O.500 S8S-95/20 93 125 1/2 188 125 3068 94.5 7.000 S8S-95/09 37 50 1/2 188 125 1649 55.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.5 1/2 188 125 875 34.5 1/2 188 125 746 31. In case of M.000 S8S-95/11 55 75 1/2 188 125 1907 62.000 S8S-95/05 22 30 1/2 188 125 1133 41.C Type . WEIGHT (kg) OD RP H2 1 188 125 617 24.500 S8S-95/06 26 30 1/2 188 125 1262 45.500 S8S-95/16 75 100 1/2 188 125 2552 80.500 12.000 S8S-95/19 93 125 1/2 188 125 2939 90.6 wire).COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 8" Nominal Flow : 95m /h Outlet Size : 5" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP H2 OD PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER *NO OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.5 S8S-95/02 9.500 S8S-95/10 45 60 1/2 188 125 1778 59.S & N. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.000 S8S-95/17 75 100 1/2 188 125 2681 83. 58 .5 25 1/2 188 125 1004 38. Please specify preference.000 S8S-95/13 55 75 1/2 188 125 2165 69.S-304) and N (S.D . Available types of materials of construction : S (S.000 S8S-95/07 30 45 1/2 188 125 1391 48.S-316).500 S8S-95/12 55 75 1/2 188 125 2036 66.3 S8S-95/03 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.000 S8S-95/15 75 100 1/2 188 125 2423 76. while placing order.500 S8S-95/08 37 50 1/2 188 125 1520 52. 5 28 22.5 36 31.5 286 231.5 6 2 S8S-95/02 9.5 42.5 22 21 18 15.5 60.5 55.5 77 60.5 204.5 83 64 S8S-95/13 55 285 268 241.(m) H .5 69 S8S-95/14 63 306 291 262 229.5 113 98 78 47 34.5 261 229 186 112.5 57 S8S-95/16 75 347.5 S8S-95/12 55 262.(feet) S8S-95/22 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .66 22.5 90 83.5 51 S8S-95/11 55 237.5 44 26 17 S8S-95/05 22 111 103 93 80.5 54.5 S8S-95/03 13 68 62.5 196 119 95 S8S-95/18 93 393 373 336 294 259 211 128 99 S8S-95/19 93 410 391.5 70.5 202 164.3 44 41.5 67 40 29 S8S-95/07 30 151 144 129.5 97 84.56 11.5 32.5 11.5 S8S-95/17 75 367.5 170 137.5 151 90.5 47 S8S-95/10 45 211 200 181.5 350 314 275.5 355 310.33 35 m³/h 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 126 5.5 89.5 144 126 100.3 48.5 40 S8S-95/09 37 194 184 165.5 325.5 331 296.5 162 140 113 68.5 241.5 33 24 S8S-95/06 26 131 124 111.5 13 8. Worldwide.5 13.5 248 222 194.(lps) 32 520 34 36 560 Q .5 210.(US gpm) 59 .(COLUMN WATER) S8S-95/01 8 6 NPSHR 4 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 22 40 20 44 66 80 30 88 120 40 10 160 50 12 200 14 60 16 240 70 18 280 20 320 80 22 360 90 24 100 26 400 28 440 110 30 480 120 130 Q .(m3/Hr) Q .5 55.78 33.5 274 220 133 105 S8S-95/20 93 435 416 376.5 145 112 110 475 452 416.5 158 126.5 12.5 S8S-95/08 37 173 165 148. STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 8" Nominal Flow : 95m /h Outlet Size : 5" 3 MOTOR kW P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e PUMP MODEL lps 0 5.Pumping trust.5 19.5 179.5 S8S-95/04 18.11 16.5 185.5 100 78 S8S-95/15 75 326 310 280 246 216 176 106.5 130 114 91.5 74 65 56.22 27.5 227.5 351 307 250 156 120 10 30 20 H . COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 8" Nominal Flow : 95m /h Outlet Size : 5" 3 Performance Curves S8S-95 2900 rpm 240 750 220 700 650 h% S8S-95/10 EFFICIENCY (%) H .(lps) 0 0 5 10 100 15 200 Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(m) Flow Range : 40 .(feet) H .(m³/h) Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.126 m³/h 80 200 S8S-95/09 60 600 180 S8S-95/08 40 550 160 S8S-95/07 500 450 20 140 S8S-95/06 400 0 120 S8S-95/05 350 100 S8S-95/04 300 80 250 S8S-95/03 200 60 S8S-95/02 150 40 100 S8S-95/01 20 50 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Q .A. 60 20 300 25 400 30 35 500 . Annex . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.(m³/h) Q . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 8" Nominal Flow : 95m /h Outlet Size : 5 " 3 Performance Curves S8S-95 2900 rpm S8S-95/22 1500 450 S8S-95/20 1400 S8S-95/19 1300 400 80 S8S-95/18 60 S8S-95/17 1200 S8S-95/16 350 1100 1000 h% EFFICIENCY (%) 1600 H .(feet) Flow Range : 40 .Pumping trust.(lps) 30 35 500 Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(m) H . Annex .126 m³/h 500 40 S8S-95/15 20 S8S-95/14 300 0 S8S-95/13 900 S8S-95/12 800 250 S8S-95/11 700 200 600 500 150 400 100 300 200 50 0 0 0 20 5 40 60 10 100 80 15 200 20 300 100 25 400 120 Q . 61 . Worldwide.A. 35 S10S-125/10R** 93 125 1/2 210. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S10S-125/01 11 15 1/2 210.O.D .(COLUMN WATER) S10S-125/01 * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.40 29.68 22. In view of continuous developments.10 S10S-125/04 45 60 1/2 210.0 150 798 36. Please specify preference. Available types of materials of construction : S (S. In case of M.0 150 1414 60.6 wire).D and RR denotes further reduced impeller O. OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.0 150 1106 48.0 150 1260 54.S-304) and N (S.0 150 1260 54.10 S10S-125/05R** 45 60 1/2 210.0 150 1722 72. ** In pump model last digit R denotes reduced impeller O.05 S10S-125/04R** 37 50 1/2 210. 62 .3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.36 38.C Type . while placing order. The given performance curves are same for Type .0 150 644 S10S-125/02 22 30 1/2 210.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 10" Nominal Flow : 125m /h Outlet Size : 6 " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL H2 OD NO.L .12 16.80 33.S-316).0 150 1876 78.15 S10S-125/06 63 85 1/2 210.N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".15 S10S-125/05 55 75 1/2 210.24 27.0 150 2030 84.036 m³/h 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 162 11 34 34 33 32 31 29 26 22 16 S10S-125/02 22 62 61 60 58 55 51 47 43 36 S10S-125/03 30 91 90 88 85 80 72 66 58 49 S10S-125/04R** 37 116 113 109 102 95 86 73 54 22 S10S-125/04 45 124 122 118 115 106 97 88 76 59 S10S-125/05R** 45 146 142 137 132 126 118 102 82 52 S10S-125/05 55 155 152 146 138 130 120 108 91 68 S10S-125/06 63 186 182 176 169 160 159 135 118 90 S10S-125/07 75 218 215 207 197 184 170 154 132 97 S10S-125/08R 75 244 234 224 212 196 182 164 140 108 S10S-125/08RR** 75 221 216 210 202 191 176 157 135 102 S10S-125/09 93 265 263 259 248 233 212 189 160 120 S10S-125/10R** 93 286 278 269 260 248 234 206 164 97 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .56 11.20 S10S-125/07 75 100 1/2 210.25 S10S-125/08R 75 100 1/2 210.0 150 952 42.D.92 45.O.S & N.30 S10S-125/08RR** 75 100 1/2 210.30 S10S-125/09 93 125 1/2 210.0 150 1722 72.0 150 1568 66.0 S10S-125/03 30 40 1/2 210.95 lps 0 5.0 150 1106 48. Worldwide. Annex .A.(US gpm) 63 .(lps) 45 50 700 Q .(feet) Flow Range : 18 .(m) H .(m) 0 8 4 NPSHR 10 0 0 0 0 0 20 5 40 60 10 100 15 200 80 20 300 Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(US gpm) 30 20 H . 100 25 400 120 30 140 35 500 40 600 160 180 Q .(m³ /Hr) Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.(feet) 0 60 10 20 200 25 300 120 30 400 160 140 35 40 500 600 180 Q .162 m³/h 320 80 260 800 S10S-125/08R 60 240 720 S10S-125/08RR 220 40 S10S-125/07 640 20 200 S10S-125/06 0 180 560 160 S10S-125/05 140 S10S-125/05R 480 400 320 S10S-125/04 120 S10S-125/04R S10S-125/03 100 80 240 S10S-125/02 60 160 40 S10S-125/01 80 20 0 0 40 20 0 5 100 80 15 100 H . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 10" Nominal Flow : 125m /h Outlet Size : 6 " 3 Performance Curves S10S-125 2900 rpm 300 960 S10S-125/10R 280 880 h% S10S-125/09 EFFICIENCY (%) 1040 H .(m³ /Hr) Q .(lps) 45 50 700 Q .Pumping trust. 90 13 18.160-8 93 125 1/2 210 150 1738 78.160-5 63 85 1/2 210 150 1270 58. The given performance curves are same for Type .50 S10S . Available types of materials of construction : S (S.160-15 187 250 1/2 210 150 2830 119.160-3-RR 30 40 1/2 210 150 958 44.30 S10S .L .90 S10S .50 S10S .50 S10S .160-11 132 175 1/2 210 150 2206 92.160-3-R 37 50 1/2 210 150 958 44.S-304) and N (S.10 S10S .160-8-R 93 125 1/2 210 150 1738 78.70 S10S .5 1/2 210 150 646 30.D and RR denotes further reduced impeller O. In case of M.160-4-RR 45 60 1/2 210 150 1114 51. OF CABLE GUARD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.30 S10S .70 S10S .O.50 S10S .30 S10S .160-9 110 150 1/2 210 150 1894 85.5 1/2 210 150 646 30.30 S10S .160-13 170 225 1/2 210 150 2518 105.10 S10S . WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 9.160-7 93 125 1/2 210 150 1582 71.3 12.160-9-RR 110 150 1/2 210 150 1894 85.160-6-R 75 100 1/2 210 150 1426 64.S & N.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 10" Nominal Flow : 160m /h Outlet Size : 6 " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD RP PUMP MODEL S10S .70 S10S .160-7-R 93 125 1/2 210 150 1582 71.160-8-RR 93 125 ½ 210 150 1738 78.3 wire) and 2 denotes Double Cable Guard (S.160-14 170 225 1/2 210 150 2674 112.6 wire).C Type .30 S10S .160-5-R 55 75 1/2 210 150 1270 58.160-2-R 22 30 1/2 210 150 802 37. while placing order.160-10-R 132 175 1/2 210 150 2050 85.30 S10S .160-1-R No.90 S10S .160-2-RR H2 REQUIRED MOTOR POWER * 1 denotes Single Cable Guard (D.50 S10S .160-6 75 100 1/2 210 150 1426 64.90 18. Please specify preference.160-5-RR 55 75 1/2 210 150 1270 58.70 S10S .160-3 37 50 1/2 210 150 958 44.70 S10S .N the third digit of the pump model "S" will be replaced with "N".160-2 26 35 1/2 210 150 802 37. ** In pump model last digit R denotes reduced impeller O.160-12 150 200 1/2 210 150 2362 98.50 S10S .10 S10S .160-7-RR 75 100 1/2 210 150 1582 71.90 S10S .O.70 S10S .5 25 1/2 210 150 802 37.160-10 132 175 1/2 210 150 2050 85.160-9-R 110 150 1/2 210 150 1894 85.160-10-RR 110 150 1/2 210 150 2050 85.D. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. In view of continuous developments.160-4-R 45 60 1/2 210 150 1114 51.160-6-RR 63 85 1/2 210 150 1426 64.30 S10S .70 S10S .10 S10S .160-4 55 75 1/2 210 150 1114 51.50 S10S . 64 .S-316).D .160-1 S10S .30 S10S .30 S10S .90 S10S .30 S10S . 48 55.(US gpm) The information / Descriptions / Specifications / Illustrations are subject to change without notice.160-5-RR 55 140 139 123 107 90 59.5 72 S10S .160-6 75 186 185 165 142 119 84 S10S .160-9 110 275 278 249 207 176 120 S10S .160-14 170 423 430 389 324 274 208 S10S .50 17 13 6 33 30 26.5 48 45 39 34 27 14 S10S . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 10" Nominal Flow : 160m /h Outlet Size : 6 " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e MOTOR kW PUMP MODEL lps 0 11.160-6-R 75 177 176 155 135 113 76 S10S .3 S10S .160-8-RR 93 230 228 203 175 147 97 S10S .160-7-RR 75 200 198 177 153 127 86 S10S .(feet) S10S .160-3 37 95.160-2-RR 18.160-3-R 37 87.5 S10S .160-6-RR 63 169 167 150 129 108.160-3-RR 30 77 78 69 59 47 28 S10S .160-2-R 22 55 53 47 40 33 20.5 86 76 65 55 36 S10S .24 33. Worldwide.5 156.36 44.50 23 20 14.160-5-R 55 148 147 129 111 95 64 S10S .160-5 63 155 153 136.160-7 93 220 215 188.160-9-R 110 265 267 238 200 167 112 S10S .(COLUMN WATER) 25 13 H .160-1 H .6 m³/hr 0 40 80 120 160 200 24 20.Pumping trust.50 124 110 95 80 59 S10S .50 S10S .5 163 138 96 S10S .160-9-RR 110 255 257 229 193 160 105 S10S .160-12 150 360 365 338 279 235 173 S10S .160-10-RR 110 294 290 260 218 185 178 S10S .12 22.160-4 55 124.160-8 93 247.160-10-R 132 304 297 270 228 195 138 S10S .160-1-R 12 8 20 NPSHR 4 0 0 0 20 0 5 0 40 60 10 100 15 200 80 20 300 100 25 400 120 30 140 35 500 40 600 160 45 700 180 50 800 200 220 Q . 65 .160-7-R 93 208 208 184 159 136 92 S10S .160-13 170 392 400 362 304 255 190 S10S .5 70 60 41 S10S .50 244 216 188.(m3/Hr) Q .5 S10S .50 118 100 71 S10S .50 93 80.160-4-RR 45 111 108 96 83 70 44 S10S .5 76 50 S10S .160-4-R 45 117 116 103 88.160-11 132 333 335 309 255 220 156 S10S .160-10 132 310 305 280 233 200 140 S10S .160-2 26 61 63 54 46 39 27 S10S .160-8-R 93 240 238 209 180 153 104 S10S .160-15 187 453 456 419 350 292 220 40 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .5 108 S10S .(m) 9.(lps) 55 60 900 Q . COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION STAINLESS STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 10" Nominal Flow : 160m /h Outlet Size : 6 " 3 Performance Curves H .(lps) 55 60 900 Q .(US gpm) . 66 120 30 140 35 500 40 600 160 180 45 50 700 800 200 220 Q .(m³ /Hr) Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.A.200 m³/h 1040 320 S10S-160 2900 rpm 300 960 280 EFFICIENCY (%) 880 260 S10S-160/08 S10S-160/08R 800 240 S10S-160/08RR 720 h% S10S-160/07 220 80 S10S-160/07R S10S-160/07RR 640 60 200 S10S-160/06 S10S-160/06R 180 40 S10S-160/06RR 560 160 20 S10S-160/05 S10S-160/05R S10S-160/05RR 480 0 140 S10S-160/04 400 S10S-160/04R 120 S10S-160/04RR 320 100 S10S-160/03 S10S-160/03R S10S-160/03RR 80 240 S10S-160/02 60 S10S-160/02R S10S-160/02RR 160 40 S10S-160/01 S10S-160/01R 80 20 0 0 0 0 0 20 5 60 40 10 100 15 200 100 80 20 300 25 400 Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(fe e t) Flow Range : 20 . Annex .(m ) H . 67 .(feet) 500 80 1200 60 350 S10S-160/11 1000 40 S10S-160/10 S10S-160/10R S10S-160/10RR 300 20 S10S-160/09 S10S-160/09R S10S-160/09RR 800 0 250 200 600 150 400 100 200 50 0 0 0 20 0 5 0 60 40 10 100 15 200 100 80 20 300 25 400 120 30 140 35 500 40 600 160 45 700 180 50 800 200 220 Q .160 2900 rpm S10S-160/15 450 S10S-160/14 1400 S10S-160/13 400 h% S10S-160/12 EFFICIENCY (%) 1600 H . STAINLES S STEEL SERIES Nominal Diameter : 10" Nominal Flow : 160m /h Outlet Size : 6 " 3 Performance Curves Flow Range : 20 .(lps) 55 60 900 Q . Worldwide.200 m³/h S10S .Pumping trust.(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.A.(m) H . Annex .(m³ /Hr) Q . Worldwide. 'R' Series.R. 69 . Submersible pumps can be offered with either C.I. Pumps are multi stage centrifugal type.I. These products are engineered to perfection with utmost care and stringent quality control at all stages to ensure a trouble free service. Built in check valve prevents back flow and reduces the risk of water hammering. The pump is firmly coupled to a submersible electric motor which operates submerged beneath the surface of water. The optimal design of impellers and diffusers enables the best possible hydraulic efficiency. Applications : supply fighting l l l Domestic & Municipal water supply Irrigation l Sprinkler systems Industrial & Mining l l Fountains l Rural water Pressure boosting & Fire l Ponds & Gardens.R. Description : C. 'W' Series. Submersible Pumps are the products of the expertise gained from over five decades of experience. All mounting dimensions of 4" pumps & motors are in accordance with NEMA standard. GENERAL INFORMATION Submersible Pumps C. 'L' Series Non-toxic liquid filled submersible motors or any other NEMA standard motors. All vital components of these pumps are made of corrosive resistance thermoplastic and the shaft is of SS 304/431.Pumping trust.R. 3" & 4" Silverline series submersible pumps are built with thermoplastic impellers.R. C.I. endurance and workmanship. water filled rewindable submersible motors / C.I. Features : l l More Longevity & Hygiene High Operating efficiency l Floating impeller design prevents sand blockages dismantle & Repair Rigid construction l handle upthrust load l l Easy to l Highly durable NEMA Mounting Standard (4") l l Can Extremely hardwearing water lubricated bearings.I.R.R. diffusers and inbuilt check valve.I. Resin Filled encapsulated (water lubricated) submersible motors / C. 24 lps 0.925 Mpa (9.75 x 106m2/sec (max.1 kW 0.) f) Hardness (Drinking water) 300 (max.0 .) b) Permissible amount of sand 3” .) h) Turbidity 50 ppm silica scale(max. Cold.7.5 0.).5 Pump Operating Limitations 3”(80mm) 4”(100mm) Power Range 0.250 ft 16.5 to 8.25 bar) 2.) g) Viscosity 1. Fresh Water without abrasives.25g/m3 (max.15 m/s 33 °C Horizontal installation minimum 30°angle 3” Submersible pump 33 °C 4” Submersible pump Maximum operating pressure 0.0 . Clear.5 4.4 .5.820 1 & 1¼ 1¼.5 Mpa (25 bar) In view of continuous developments.13 .1.) d) Allowable solids 3000 ppm (max. Non-aggresive.303.6. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.66 Total Head Range m 5 . 1½ & 2 Outlet Size in Inches Maximum Temperature of Pumped Liquid Motor 3” & 4" Minimum cooling flow along the motor Vertical installation 0.5 .COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVER LINE SERIES Pumped Liquids Clean.004 (max.5 kW Speed 2800 rpm 2900 rpm Nominal Diameter Discharge Range m3/h 0. Thin.4 0.37 .) i) pH 6.92.75 .1. 4” 100 g/m3 c) Chlorine ion density 500 ppm (max.) e) Specific gravity 1.4 13.20 . Non explosive. 70 .37 . Solid particles or fibre having the following characteristics a) Temperature 33 °C (max. GENERAL INFORMATION Group Performance Curves .5 0.7 0.5 1.5 4.5 3.5 3 2.5 1.3" H (m) H (Feet) 100 300 90 80 250 70 200 60 50 150 40 100 30 S3V-1E S3V-1H 20 S3V-3F 50 10 0 0 0 0 0 0.(lps) 1.1 1 0.6 10 0.2 5 1.3 5 0.5 0.5 22.5 0.3 20 5.9 1.Pumping trust.(m³/Hr) Q .5 Q .5 7. 71 .1 17.8 12.4 2 0.2 2.0 15 4 1.5 0.5 Q . Worldwide.4 1.(US gpm) Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with manufacturers standards. (Feet) Group Performance Curves .(m³/Hr) Q .(US GPM) Available types of materials of construction : Type .(m) H .0 2.0 80 6.P&V the above performance curves are for specified materials of construction.8 S4P-5 S4P-4 40 S4P-3 S4P-1E 200 S4P-2 80 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Q . In view of continuous developments.0 0 16 32 48 4.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION GENERAL INFORMATION SILVER LINE SERIES 1000 H .0 64 5.0 3.0 96 Q . the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. 72 .(lps) 0 1.4" (Floating Impeller Model) 320 280 800 240 200 600 160 400 120 0 S4P-18 S4P-14 S4P-10 S4P. 4 5 0.(Feet) Group Performance Curves .(US GPM) In view of continuous developments.0 30 2.4 35 2.2 15 20 1.6 25 2.(lps) 0 0 0.8 10 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1000 H .4" (Renewed Model) 320 280 800 240 200 600 160 400 120 S4P-5R 40 0 S4P-3ER 200 S4P-2R S4P-1C 80 0 2 0 4 8 6 10 Q .(m) H . Worldwide.(m³/Hr) Q .8 40 45 Q . 73 .Pumping trust. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. S .304 S.S .01 NBR NBR NBR OUTER SHELL 21.S .S .03 NORYL* LEXAN** / NORYL* LEXAN** STOP RING 13. 74 TYPE .S .329 S.3 HYLEM S.S .S .S .304 IMPELLER 19.00 Nylon-6 (Polyamide) S.S .S .304 S.S .S . with 1¼" outlet size.304 / NBR SUCTION INTER CONNECTOR 17.304 S.304 / NBR S. *NORYL and **LEXAN are Registered Trade Mark of G.S .V CHECK VALVE HOUSING 21.304 COUPLING SPLINES 17.03 S.304 S.S .V is available only for specific models.S .00 S.304 CABLE GUARD 22.04 S.S . DELRIN is Registered Trade Mark of Dupont. 3 PART NAME PART No.S .S .304 S.02 S.00 NORYL* NORYL* / DELRIN/ LEXAN** NORYL* / DELRIN DIFFUSER CHAMBER 18. TYPE .01 S.304 Nylon-6 (Polyamide) CHECK VALVE 21.304 S.S .304 S.304 S.329 S.S .V .304 / NBR/ BRONZE S.04 S.06 DELRIN DELRIN DELRIN CHECK VALVE SEAT 21.P TYPE .304 PUMP SHAFT HEXAGONAL 22.304 S.329 Note : Type .S .00 Nylon-6 (Polyamide) S. 4 " NOMINAL DIA.S .COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION GENERAL INFORMATION SILVER LINE SERIES Material of Construction " NOMINAL DIA.E Plastics.304 INTERMEDIATE BEARING (SLEEVE / BUSH) 12.304 Nylon-6 (Polyamide) INLET SCREEN 14. 03 32.02 12.01 17.02 13.12 19.12 21.03 18.04 21.05 14.05 21.05 21.12 32.02 21.06 21.00 S4V (1-5m3/h) 21.(1-5 m3/h) S4P (1-5m3/h) 21.06 Part Name Spacer Impeller Valve Housing Valve Seat Valve Spring Pump Shell Valve Bracket Valve Disc Part No. Exploded View .02 19.02 19.00 19.03 17.04 25.00 12.05 19.03 18.00 13. Worldwide.03 17.05 18. 75 .03 25. 12.05 17.02 18.05 19.12 12.16 Part Name Suction valve Pump Shaft Coupling Bracket Lock Nut O-Ring Screw Washer In view of continuous developments.03 12.03 13.Pumping trust.06 13. 18.01 17.S4P .03 17.02 12.05 14.07 17.05 18.02 32.12 21.05 17.03 18.01 17.00 32.12 25.03 22.03 13.06 21.05 21.12 19.09 25.12 21.16 19.05 21.02 Part No.01 25.04 13.02 21.05 17.00 32.12 32.12 13.00 12.03 22.03 21.06 25.03 12.07 21.05 18.03 32.04 17.07 22.00 22.04 18.09 32.00 14.05 18.00 21.01 21.16 17.00 32.03 32. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.00 22.03 21.00 18.09 32.01 32.12 17.00 22. 21.00 25.16 32.05 32.04 13.00 17.03 Part Name Bush-LTB Up Thrust Washer Sleeve Strainer Suction Inter Connector Cable Guard Casing Top Plate Diffuser Part No.00 21.02 32.(1-5 m3/h) & S4V .06 32.16 32.12 32. 04 17.03 18.02 21.06 13.8 m3/h 21.05 13. 21.00 19.05 19.S4P .00 21.00 18.03 22.01 25.03 21.05 32.16 25.02 18.04 32.07 Part Name Valve Housing Valve Seat Valve Spring Pump Shell Valve Bracket Valve Disc Suction Valve Part No.06 21.02 14.06 32.02 13.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVER LINE SERIES Exploded View .00 Part Name Bush-LTB Sleeve Strainer Suction Inter Connector Cable Guard Diffuser Chamber Cover Impeller Part No.00 22.03 12.09 19.03 17.04 21.16 Pump Shaft Coupling Bracket Lock Nut O-Ring Screw Washer In view of continuous developments.04 19.00 32.03 18.04 18.00 25.00 17.04 18.02 18.12 18.00 21. 76 .01 18.00 Part No.03 12.05 25. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.04 21.04 21.05 14.03 19.03 32.00 13.12 32.03 17.03 18.00 32.09 32.03 32. 12.05 21.12 21.06 21.04 18.01 21.00 18.01 12. Part Name 22.07 18.02 13.05 19.12 19.04 22.03 32.04 18. 05 21.04 21.02 17. 12.14 m3/h & S4P .12 17.06 18.01 13.03 19.01 18.12 22.04 22.02 13.05 22.00 Part Name Spacer Impeller Valve Housing Valve Seat Valve Spring Pump Shell Valve Bracket Valve Disc Chamber Cover Part No. 18.01 13.16 32.02 18.16 17.05 18. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.04 22.00 32.06 11.01 14.00 21.04 11.04 17.04 32.07 22.03 13.06 32.00 21.01 18.00 17.12 13.04 13.00 Part No.01 19.03 21.00 25.02 32.09 32.00 19.03 32.02 21.04 18.07 13.03 18.05 18.03 18.02 Part Name Suction valve Pump Shaft Coupling Bracket Lock Nut O-Ring Screw Washer Suction Inter Connector plate In view of continuous developments.06 21.03 32.12 18. 77 .03 17. GENERAL INFORMATION Exploded View .12 19.03 11.03 18. 21.00 22.03 17.06 21.05 11.02 32.05 21.03 17.02 32.09 13.S4P .04 25.00 21.03 11.04 17.00 17.09 19.01 Part Name Bush-LTB Up Thrust Washer Sleeve Strainer Suction Inter Connector Cable Guard Thrust Pad Diffuser Wearing Ring Part No.12 13.05 14.12 18.04 19.01 19.00 21.04 17.12 18.04 21.00 32.Pumping trust.02 19.04 11.00 18.04 12.05 13.05 18.01 21.00 32.04 21.03 17. Worldwide.06 19.04 12.03 21.01 25.05 21.00 17.18 m3/h S4P 14m3/h S4P 18m3/h 13.05 32.03 14.04 17.00 17.01 17.03 18.12 32.00 18. 5 50 27 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .75 76 25 783 3.72 lps 0 0.0 1.5 43 25 90.75 S3V-1E/32 0.5m /h Outlet Size : 1 " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD PUMP MODEL S3V-1E/15 0.3 S3V-1E/32 0.50 1.5 76 25 627 2.5 11.5 47.75 1 76 25 1036 6.55 0.5 83 75.5 45 41 37 31 22.5 51.75 76 25 834 4. 78 .62 S3V-1E/28 0.50 2.75 1 76 25 1087 6.5 97.5 61 55 48 41 29.5 14.5 32.37 0.75 1 76 25 985 5.55 S3V-1E/28 0.5 44.55 0.7 S3V-1E/22 0.(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW H2 RP REQUIRED MOTOR POWER Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacturer standards.5 65 57.88 S3V-1E/30 0.37 S3V-1E/20 0. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S3V-1E/15 0.27 0.75 S3V-1E/30 0.13 0.5 67 57.5 25. In view of continuous developments.5 89.5 80 67.565 S3V-1E/20 0.5 83 75 63.75 DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.55 S3V-1E/22 0. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 17.0 2.41 0.69 m³/h 0 0.55 0.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES Nominal Diameter : 3" Nominal Flow : 1. (feet) 100 S3 V- 300 S3 90 V- S3 V- 80 S3V . Worldwide.5 Q . Annex .5 .5 2 2.5 1 1.5m /h Outlet Size : 1 " 3 Performance Curves Flow Range : 0.2.5 m³/h H .3 0.1E 2800 rpm 1E /32 1E /30 1E /28 250 70 S3 V- 200 S3V 60 1E /22 .6 0.1E /20 50 150 S3V .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for other details.(m³/h) Q .4 5 0.1 0.A.1E /15 40 100 30 20 50 10 0 0 0 0.5 0.Pumping trust.(lps) 0 0 0. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S Nominal Diameter : 3" Nominal Flow : 1.5 0.5 7.2 2.7 10 Q . 79 .(m) H . 0 1.8m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD PUMP MODEL S3V-1H/07 0.5 16.5 3. In view of continuous developments.1 S3V-1H/22 1.5 10 41 38 35.5 48 45.75 S3V-1H/17 0.5 78 32 807 4.5 60.41 0.55 0.5 54.5 2.55 0.75 1 78 32 609 2.13 0.5 43 39.0 29 28 27 25 22 17.5 94 90 84 74.(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW H2 RP REQUIRED MOTOR POWER .63 S3V-1H/12 0.1 DIMENSIONS (mm) kW HP OD RP H2 S3V-1H/07 0.0 2.956 S3V-1H/15 0.75 S3V-1H/20 1.55 0.75 1 78 32 657 2.55 S3V-1H/15 0.1 1.5 34. 80 APPROX NETT.5 28 22.5 45 Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards.27 0.50 1.75 78 32 537 1.445 S3V-1H/17 0.5 88 86.5 32.5 83 78 69 56 40.5 28 21 61 57.69 0.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES Nominal Diameter : 3" Nominal Flow : 1.5 36 25 68 65.5 78 32 417 1.1 1.5 62. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.83 m³/h 0 0.5 50 44.1 S3V-1H/24 1.5 78 32 759 3.5 29.8 S3V-1H/22 1.1 1.5 42. WEIGHT (kg) lps TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .771 S3V-1H/20 1.75 78 32 485 1.18 S3V-1H/24 1.141 S3V-1H/10 0.56 0 0.55 S3V-1H/12 0.5 80 77 73 69 61 50 37.37 0.5 58 51.5 95.5 78 32 855 4.37 S3V-1H/10 0. (feet) 100 S3V - S3V .7 .5 3 Q .4 5 0.3 0.5 1 1.(lps) 0 0 0.6 0.5 0. Annex .2 2.2 m³/h H .1 H/22 80 S3V - 1H/20 250 70 S3V - 200 S3V - 60 50 S3V - 150 100 1H/17 1H/15 1H/12 40 S3V - 30 S3V .A 81 .5 Q .Pumping trust.5 2 2. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.5 7.3.8m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 Performance Curves Flow Range : 0.1H/0 1H/10 7 20 50 10 0 0 0 0. Worldwide.1 0.1H 2800 rpm 1H/24 300 90 S3V . S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S Nominal Diameter : 3" Nominal Flow : 1.7 10 0.(m³/h) Q .(m) H .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.8 0.9 12.5 0. 55 S3V-3F/10 0.75 1 76 32 659 2.5 16 14 11.5 12.41 0.25 1.5 2.5 76 32 762 2.0 4.11 1.8 S3V-3F/12 0.75 S3V-3F/12 0.1 lps 0 0.5 m³/h 0 1.5 3.75 76 32 487 1.34 S3V-3F/15 1.55 0.16 S3V-3F/13 1.55 0.75 S3V-3F/13 1.5 24 22.6m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD PUMP MODEL RP REQUIRED MOTOR POWER DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.0 2. In view of continuous developments.75 76 32 521 1.1 1. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.4 19 17 16.7 H2 kW MOTOR kW S3V-3F/5 0.75 1 76 32 590 1. WEIGHT (kg) HP OD RP H2 S3V-3F/5 0.44 S3V-3F/10 0.5 8.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES Nominal Diameter : 3" Nominal Flow : 3.5 20 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .9 S3V-3F/7 0.5 76 32 693 2.5 20 17.6 4.37 S3V-3F/7 0.0 3.5 11 9 7 5 25 22 21.37 0.0 1.(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards.55 0.55 S3V-3F/8 0.1 S3V-3F/15 1.5 49 45 43 41 38.5 35 32 28 23 17.0 5.39 1.5 6 30 27 25.5 44 39 36 32 25.83 1.5 76 32 419 0.26 S3K-3F/8 0.69 0.5 5.5 20 18.5 15.5 56 52 50 47.1 1. 82 .5 15 11 8 37 33 32 30 28 26 23 20 16 12 46 42 40 38 35 31 29 25 20 15.5 14. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. Annex .A 83 .5.Pumping trust. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S Nominal Diameter : 3" Nominal Flow : 3.5 .4 m³/h V S3V .6m /h 3 Outlet Size : 1¼ " Performance Curves Flow Range : 1. Worldwide.3F 2850 rpm V V V V V V Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details. 1C/34R 1 1.1C/18R 0.5 1 1. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P .3 S4P .75 1 98 32 772 6.75 98 32 638 5.1C/24R 0.75 1 S4P .1C/50R 1.8 68 66 55 27 10 94 91 67 38 15 123 113 86 49 25 200 179 130 70 35 264 260 208 115 55 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .9 S4P . 84 .5 2 lps 0 0.41 0.6 0.5 98 32 497 4.13 m³/h 0 0.1C/13R 0.5 S4P .COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES RENEWED MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 1. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 98 32 994 8.1C/18R 0.5 H2 RP REQUIRED POWER kW HP S4P .1 S4P .5 2 98 32 1380 12.75 S4P .37 0.1C/24R 0.5 S4P .5 S4P .1C/34R 1 1.3 m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT REQUIRED MOTOR POWER OD PUMP MODEL DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.5 0.37 0. In view of continuous developments.1C/50R 1.(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards.5 0.5 1.1C/13R 0.27 0. 0HP) 240 700 200 S4P-1C/34 (1.(m³/Hr) 0 0.4 1.5HP) 200 40 100 0 0 0 0.3 m³/h 440 S4P . S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S RENEWED MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 1.2 1. Worldwide.0HP) 120 S4P-1C/18R(0.6 0.8 1.Pumping trust.(lps) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.75HP) 300 80 S4P-1C/13R(0.(m) H .0 1.5 Q .4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 Performance Curves 1400 1300 1200 H .8 2.50HP) 600 160 500 400 S4P-1C/24 (1.A 85 .1 0.6 1.1C 2900 rpm 400 360 1100 320 1000 900 800 280 S4P-1C/50 (2. Annex .3 0.1.(feet) Flow Range . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.0 Q . 2/08-R 0.2/18-R 1.7 S4P .75 S4P .2/06-R 0.0 S4P . 86 .2/23-R 1.2/32-R 2.41 0.83 m³/h 0 1.2/18-R 1.5 2 S4P .8 S4P .9 S4P .2/23-R 1.2/07-R 0.5 2. In view of continuous developments.5 3.55 0.0 S4P .2 3.5 98 32 771 6.75 98 32 434 3.75 1.0 98 32 574 3.0 2.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES RENEWED MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 2m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD PUMP MODEL DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.2/12-R 0.2/12-R 0.(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards.75 98 32 462 3.55 0.5 S4P .1 S4P .0 lps 0 0.2/07-R 0.0 49 45 41 36 29 223 55 51 46 40 34 26 65 60 45 47 37 29 91 81 73 62 49 38 141 129 118 103 83 66 183 173 157 138 110 86 242 224 197 162 126 99 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .75 1.1 1.2/08-R 0.55 0.55 0.2/06-R 0.2 3.3 H2 RP REQUIRED MOTOR POWER REQUIRED POWER kW HP S4P .0 1.27 0.5 2 98 32 911 7.5 S4P .75 S4P .37 0.7 S4P . WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P . the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.1 1.0 98 32 1192 10.2/32-R 2.37 0.55 0.5 98 32 406 2.69 0. 4 0.3 0.1 0. Annex .(m) H .2 2900 rpm 260 800 S4P-2/32-R 240 220 700 200 600 S4P-2/23-R 180 160 500 S4P-2/18-R 140 400 120 100 S4P-2/12-R 300 80 S4P-2/08-R 200 60 S4P-2/07-R S4P-2/06-R 40 100 20 0 0 0 0.2.5 1.5 3.0 Q .(feet) Flow Range 1 . Worldwide.Pumping trust.2 0. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S RENEWED MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 2m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 Performance Curves 900 H .8 Q .5 2. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.(m³/Hr) 0 0.6 0.0 2.(lps) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.7 0.A 87 .0 1.8 m³/h 280 S4P .5 0. 75 1.5 3.1 1. 88 APPROX NETT.1 S4P .1 S4P .55 0.0 S4P-3E/11-R 1.5m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD PUMP MODEL H2 RP PUMP MODEL REQUIRED POWER REQUIRED MOTOR POWER DIMENSIONS (mm) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P .8 S4P .55 0.97 1.75 98 32 387 2.0 3.0 98 32 741 6.(COLUMN WATER) kW 49 43 40 37 53 28 23 21 55 50 49 46 41 37 30 28 65 59 55 52 48 42 35 32 89 84 80 75 68 59 48 42 115 101 64 87 78 66 53 46 125 110 102 93 83 71 59 53 Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards.0 98 32 1006 9. In view of continuous developments.0 S4P-3E/23-R 2.75 S4P-3E/07-R 0.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES RENEWED MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 3.3 lps 0 0.0 209 213 180 166 145 126 83 92 S4P-3E/35-R 3.11 1.7 98 32 416 2.5 2.6 S4P .2 3.37 0.3E/14-R 1.0 HP S4P-3E/04-R 0.75 1.1 S4P .3E/23-R 2.3E/07-R 0.3E/05-R 0.1 1.5 34 30 39 28 24 21 18 15 S4P-3E/05-R 0.0 98 32 1332 11. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 98 32 564 3.5 2.5 98 32 357 2.37 0.5 2.3E/35-R 3.5 S4P .75 1.7 5.7 0.0 S4P-3E/08-R 0.7 S4P .0 180 158 146 131 115 99 80 72 S4P-3E/26-R 3.25 1.55 0.3E/04-R 0.4 S4P .55 0.83 0. WEIGHT (kg) .5 5.3E/08-R 0.0 4.7 5.0 S4P-3E/16-R 1.75 1.3E/06-R 0.0 98 32 475 3.3E/26-R 3.0 265 248 235 218 194 166 132 116 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .5 S4P-3E/14-R 1.5 2.0 98 32 682 4.4 m³/h 0 2.5 4.55 0.0 98 32 446 3.0 4.2 3.0 4.0 2.0 S4P .0 98 32 948 8.75 39 36 35 34 50 27 22 20 S4P-3E/06-R 0.3 S4P .3E/11-R 1.3E/16-R 1. 0 Q .8 1.5 1.0 3.3E 2900 rpm 400 360 1100 320 1000 900 800 280 S4P-3E/35-R 240 700 S4P-3E/26-R 200 600 S4P-3E/23-R 160 500 400 S4P-3E/16-R 120 S4P-3E/14-R S4P-3E/11-R 300 80 S4P-3E/08-R 200 S4P-3E/07-R S4P-3E/06-R S4P-3E/05-R S4P-3E/04-R 40 100 0 0 0 0.5m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 Performance Curves 1400 1300 1200 H .0 1.0 4.A 89 .5 4.(m³/Hr) 0 0.5 2.5 3.5 5.4 0.4.2 0.(m) H .2 Q . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S RENEWED MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 3.0 1.7 m³/h 440 S4P .(feet) Flow Range .(lps) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.2 .6 0.Pumping trust.0 2. Annex . Worldwide. COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES RENEWED MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 5m /h Outlet Size : 1½ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD PUMP MODEL H2 RP REQUIRED POWER OD RP H2 S4P - 5/06-R 0.75 1.0 98 40 461 3.1 S4P - 5/08-R 1.1 1.5 98 40 535 3.5 S4P - 5/11-R 1.5 2.0 98 40 646 4.1 S4P - 5/17-R 2.2 3.0 98 40 898 7.7 S4P - 5/21-R 3.0 4.0 98 40 1046 9.0 S4P - 5/25-R 3.7 5.0 98 40 1224 10.4 S4P - 5/27-R 3.7 5.0 98 40 1298 11.0 S4P - 5/32-R 5.5 7.5 98 40 1483 12.6 lps 0 0.83 1.11 1.4 1.67 1.95 2.1 0 3 4 5 6 7 7.5 HP m³/h S4P-5/06-R 0.75 1.0 1.1 1.5 S4P-5/11-R 1.5 2.0 S4P-5/17-R 2.2 3.0 S4P-5/21-R 3.0 4.0 S4P-5/25-R 3.7 5.0 S4P-5/27-R 3.7 5.0 S4P-5/32-R 5.5 7.5 45 39 35 30 24 18 12 59 53 49 43 36 25 19 81 70 65 58 45 31 24 123 107 98 87 50 48 35 156 138 127 113 92 52 47 180 156 141 122 100 68 50 192 168 154 136 110 75 56 232 203 184 159 127 84 59 Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards. In view of continuous developments, the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. 90 APPROX NETT. WEIGHT (kg) HP kW S4P-5/08-R DIMENSIONS (mm) kW TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES - (COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER Pumping trust. Worldwide. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S RENEWED MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 5m /h Outlet Size : 1½ " 3 Performance Curves 800 H - (m) H - (feet) Flow Range : 3 - 7.5 m³/h S4P - 5 2900 rpm 240 S4P-5 /32-R 220 700 200 S4P -5/2 600 7-R S4P- 180 5/25- 160 R S4P-5 /21-R 500 140 400 S4P-5 /17-R 120 100 300 S4P-5/1 1-R 80 200 S4P-5/08-R 60 S4P-5/06-R 40 100 20 0 0 0 0 1 0.2 2 0.4 0.6 3 0.8 4 1.0 5 1.2 1.4 6 1.6 7 1.8 Q - (m³/Hr) 2.0 8 2.2 Q - (lps) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906, Annex - A 91 COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4 Nominal Flow : 1.5m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT PUMP MODEL RP H2 OD MOTOR kW S4P-1E/08* 0.37 S4P-1E/13* 0.55 S4P-1E/17* 0.75 S4P-1E/18* 0.75 S4P-1E/25 1.1 S4P-1E/26 1.1 S4P-1E/33 1.5 S4P-1E/34 1.5 DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P-1E/08* 0.37 0.5 98 32 414 3.10 S4P-1E/13* 0.55 0.75 98 32 524 3.84 S4P-1E/17 0.75 1 98 32 654 6.15 S4P-1E/18 0.75 1 98 32 679 6.63 S4P-1E/25 1.1 1.5 98 32 860 7.98 S4P-1E/26 1.1 1.5 98 32 882 8.19 S4P-1E/33 1.5 2 98 32 1036 9.66 S4P-1E/34 1.5 2 98 32 1058 9.87 lps 0 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.41 0.48 0.55 m³/h 0 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 54 46 42 38 32 24 15 89 78 75 70 61 50 38 116 101 94 84 73 59 43 122 111 102 93 81 67 49 166 148 135 118 101 81 59 177 156 143 127 109 89 68 220 199 179 160 136 112 88 226 202 188 172 149 124 98 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES - (COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER * These Models are available in Type - 'V' construction as well. Available types of materials of construction : P and V. In case of M.O.C. type - V the third digit of the pump model "P" will be replaced with "V". The given performance curves are same for Type - P & V. In view of continuous developments, the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice. 92 S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 1.'V' construction as well.4 5 0.1 m³/h 240 60 /33 40 200 20 600 180 S4P- 1E/26 S4P- 1E/25 160 500 140 400 S4P-1E 120 /18* S4P-1 E/17* 100 300 S4P-1E/1 3* 80 200 60 S4P-1E/08* 40 100 20 0 0 0 0.(feet) S4P-1E 2900 rpm 220 S4P -1E 700 /34 S4P h% -1E E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) Flow Range : 0.(m) H .5m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 Performance Curves H . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. Worldwide.75 .1 0.(lps) 0 0 0. Annex .75 1.3 0.5 Q .A 93 .2 2.(m³/h) Q .5 1.75 2.2. Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 7.(US gpm) * These Models are available in Type .Pumping trust.0 Q .25 1.0 1. 69 0.5 2 98 32 790 7.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 2m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT. In case of M.5 S4P-2/30 2.0 2.27 0. The given performance curves are same for Type .75 1 98 32 493 3.37 0.24 H2 OD MOTOR kW S4P-2/05* 0.98 S4P-2/11* 0.0 44 40 38 31 25 13 62 59 52 45 34 22 98 90 82 70 53 35 143 131 119 100 78 48 194 172 153 129 100 65 260 232 209 172 135 92 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .O. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.55 0.5 98 32 651 6.2 lps 0 0.(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL * These Models are available in Type . type .P & V.C.37 S4P-2/07* 0.55 0. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P-2/05* 0.67 S4P-2/07* 0.V the third digit of the pump model "P" will be replaced with "V". 94 . In view of continuous developments.1 1.55 S4P-2/11* 0.83 m³/h 0 1.5 2. Available types of materials of construction : P and V.1 S4P-2/22 1.75 S4P-2/16 1.5 3.75 98 32 400 2.2 3 98 32 1006 9.05 S4P-2/22 1.59 S4P-2/16 1.'V' construction as well.5 98 32 354 2.35 S4P-2/30 2.0 1.41 0. Pumping trust.'V' construction as well.A 95 .3 m³/h 60 40 20 0 0 * These Models are available in Type . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. Worldwide. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 2m /h 3 Outlet Size : 1¼ " Performance Curves Flow Range : 1.1 . Annex . 55 0.55 52 42 38 33 26 18 10 S4P-3/08* 0.55 59 52 45 39 31 22 13 S4P-3/11* 0.P & V.0 3.38 S4P-3/08* 0.5 2 98 32 844 7.1 1.'V' construction as well. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P-3/07* 0.75 80 70 62 54 45 34 22 S4P-3/15 1. The given performance curves are same for Type .2 208 177 161 141 115 88 55 S4P-3/30 2.25 m³/h 0 2.20 0.55 0. In case of M.52 S4P-3/30 2. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.0 2.5 3.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 3m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD RP H2 PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.11 1. Available types of materials of construction : P and V.2 221 190 172 151 125 96 62 S4P-3/07* TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .V the third digit of the pump model "P" will be replaced with "V". type . In view of continuous developments.2 3 98 32 1117 10.55 0.O.5 2 98 32 818 6.5 98 32 671 5.74 S4P-3/15 1.2 3 98 32 1063 9.10 S4P-3/20 1.(COLUMN WATER) 0 MOTOR kW lps PUMP MODEL * These Models are available in Type .72 S4P-3/11* 0.5 157 133 121 107 86 63 40 S4P-3/28 2.5 150 128 116 101 82 61 38 S4P-3/21 1.0 4.83 0.75 1 98 32 533 3.1 111 98 88 77 63 48 30 S4P-3/20 1. 96 .69 0.14 S4P-3/28 2.5 0.75 98 32 453 2.5 4.80 S4P-3/21 1.75 98 32 426 2.97 1.C. 4 0.(lps) 0 0 0.3 2900 rpm 0 E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) H .(m) H .2 0.5 m³/h 700 S4P3/28 200 h% 60 600 40 180 20 160 0 S4P3/21 S4P3/20 500 140 400 120 S4P-3/15 100 300 200 80 S4P-3/11 * 60 S4P-3/08 * S4P-3/07 * 40 100 20 0 0 1 0 2 4 3 5 Q . Annex .6 5 0. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 3m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 Performance Curves S4P3/3 S4P .2 20 Q .(US gpm) * These Models are available in Type .8 10 1. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.0 15 1.(feet) Flow Range : 1.(m³/h) Q . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.Pumping trust. Worldwide.'V' construction as well.75 .A 97 . 39 1.55 0.55 38 32 28 22 15 8 4 S4P-4/06* 0.73 S4P-4/06* 0.55 46 40 37 31 21 12 8 S4P-4/07* 0.55 0.80 S4P-4/14 1.P & V.75 MOTOR kW S4P-4/05* TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .75 98 32 383 1.5 2 98 32 674 4.09 0 0.66 1.5 S4P-4/15 1.(COLUMN WATER) lps PUMP MODEL 54 49 44 37 25 14 9 79 69 62 51 39 22 16 86 77 72 61 47 29 20 110 99 89 73 55 35 26 118 108 96 79 60 38 28 158 141 128 110 82 49 34 185 165 148 128 98 58 40 S4P-4/10* 1.75 1 98 32 441 2.42 S4P-4/10* 1.80 m³/h 0 2 3 4 5 6 6.11 1.2 3 98 32 860 6. type .91 S4P-4/22 2.1 1.5 S4P-4/20 2.7 270 248 228 192 140 81 49 * These Models are available in Type .07 S4P-4/07* 0.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 4m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL H2 OD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.5 98 32 528 3.1 1. In view of continuous developments.83 S4P-4/15 1. Available types of materials of construction : P and V.2 3 98 32 918 7.2 S4P-4/27 3 210 198 183 159 120 71 44 S4P-4/35 3.32 S4P-4/35 3.18 S4P-4/20 2.V the third digit of the pump model "P" will be replaced with "V". 98 .'V' construction as well.83 1.1 S4P-4/14 1.2 S4P-4/22 2. In case of M. The given performance curves are same for Type .75 98 32 412 2.5 2 98 32 703 5. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.60 S4P-4/27 3 4 98 32 1093 9.O.5 98 32 557 3. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P-4/05* 0.55 0.5 0.1 S4P-4/11* 1.7 5 98 32 1325 12.C.45 S4P-4/11* 1. 6 0.(feet) 280 800 240 h% 220 60 700 S4P-4/27 40 200 20 0 600 S4P-4/ 2 180 160 S4P-4 500 2 /20 140 400 120 S4P-4/15 S4P-4/14 100 300 S4P-4/11* 80 200 S4P-4/10 * 60 S4P-4/07 * S4P-4/06 * S4P-4/05 * 40 100 20 0 0 0 1 2 5 4 3 6 Q .2 1.(US gpm) * These Models are available in Type .8 10 1.5 m³/h 900 S4P260 S4P .4 20 1. Annex .A 99 . Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details. Worldwide.6.4 5 0.8 25 Q . S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 4m /h Outlet Size : 1¼ " 3 Performance Curves Flow Range : 2.6 1.(m³/h) Q .Pumping trust.4 2900 rpm 4/35 E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) H .'V' construction as well.2 0.(m) H .(lps) 0 0 0.0 15 1. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.5 . 16 S4P-5/11 1.94 2. The given performance curves are same for Type .66 1.1 58 53 49 42 34 25 15 S4P-5/09 1.83 1.54 S4P-5/17 2. In case of M.7 5 98 40 1306 12.75 1 98 40 459 2.77 S4P-5/08* 1.85 S4P-5/21 3.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 5m /h Outlet Size : 1½ " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT RP REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL H2 OD DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.V the third digit of the pump model "P" will be replaced with "V". Available types of materials of construction : P and V. type .47 0 0.2 3 98 40 907 7.5 86 78 73 65 55 42 25 S4P-5/17 2.P & V.1 1.1 65 59 55 50 41 31 17 S4P-5/11 1.1 1.2 123 115 105 91 76 57 31 S4P-5/21 3.70 S4P-5/27 3.5 98 40 570 4.7 184 163 158 138 116 80 42 MOTOR kW S4P-5/06* TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .22 m³/h 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.75 42 39 37 32 27 18 9 S4P-5/08* 1.(COLUMN WATER) lps PUMP MODEL * These Models are available in Type .0 145 135 126 111 92 70 39 S4P-5/27 3.08 S4P-5/12 1.0 4 98 40 1054 9.5 2 98 40 643 5. In view of continuous developments.'V' construction as well.11 1.C.5 79 72 67 58 48 35 20 S4P-5/12 1. 100 .5 98 40 533 3. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P-5/06* 0.70 S4P-5/09 1. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 2 98 40 680 5.O.39 1. (lps) 0 0 0. Annex . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.(m) H .2 35 Q . S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S FLOATING IMPELLER MODEL Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 5m /h Outlet Size : 1½ " 3 Performance Curves Flow Range : 3 .2 0.0 15 1.2 1. Worldwide.6 25 1.4 5 0.4 20 1.Pumping trust.6 10 0.A 101 .'V' construction as well.8 1.0 30 2.8 2. Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.(US gpm) * These Models are available in Type .5 2900 rpm 600 S4P5/27 180 80 h% 60 160 500 40 S4P-5/21 20 140 0 S4P-5/17 400 120 100 300 S4P-5/12 80 S4P-5/11 S4P-5/09 200 S4P-5/08* 60 S4P-5/06* 40 100 20 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q .(feet) 200 S4P .8 m³/h E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) H .(m³/h) Q . 43 S4P-8/13 2.58 S4P-8/17 3. The given performance curves are same for Type . In view of continuous developments. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 98 50 436 2.5 2.33 m³/h 0 4 6 8 10 12 0.5 7. WEIGHT (kg) .C.0 98 50 498 3.5 98 50 993 9.29 S4P-8/23 4. In case of M.0 98 50 653 5. 102 APPROX NETT.0 98 50 807 7.5 51 48 45 40 31 20 S4P-8/13 2.O.0 143 132 122 109 88 52 S4P-8/32 5.87 S4P-8/32 5.57 S4P-8/08 1.2 82 72 69 61 48 29 S4P-8/17 3.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 8m /h Outlet Size : 2" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT PUMP MODEL RP H2 OD REQUIRED MOTOR POWER DIMENSIONS (mm) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P-8/04 0.0 108 101 96 85 69 43 S4P-8/23 4.11 1.75 1.75 25 21 20 19 14 8 S4P-8/06 1.0 5.0 4.78 3.5 270 242 221 193 149 88 S4P-8/04 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .1 1.1 38 35 32 28 22 13 S4P-8/08 1.2 3.0 98 50 374 1.5 200 182 168 148 116 68 S4P-8/43 7.72 S4P-8/06 1.V the third digit of the pump model "P" will be replaced with "V".22 2.5 10 98 50 1643 18.(COLUMN WATER) 0 MOTOR kW lps PUMP MODEL Available types of materials of construction : P and V.44 1.66 2.5 98 50 1302 13.73 S4P-8/43 7.P & V. type . 12 m³/h 280 900 S4P -8/4 260 800 3 h% 240 60 220 40 700 200 20 S4P-8/3 2 600 0 180 160 500 S4P-8/2 3 150 400 120 S4P-8/17 100 300 S4P-8/13 80 200 60 S4P-8/08 S4P-8/06 40 100 S4P-8/04 20 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Q .5 20 2 30 2.5 1 10 1. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 8m /h Outlet Size : 2 " 3 Performance Curves 300 S4P-8 2900 rpm E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) 1000 H .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.(feet) Flow Range : 4 . Annex .Pumping trust.(l/s) 0 0 0.A 103 .(m³/h) Q .(m) H .5 40 3 50 Q . Worldwide. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. 1 1.56 S4P-10/20 4 5.2 3 98 50 904 8.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 10m /h Outlet Size : 2" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD REQUIRED MOTOR POWER PUMP MODEL RP H2 kW HP DIMENSIONS (mm) OD RP APPROX NETT. In view of continuous developments.68 S4P-10/28 5.5 2 98 50 676 5.75 1 98 50 450 4.78 3.66 2.1 1. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 140 136 130 122 107 85 59 S4P-10/28 5.22 2.33 3.11 1.5 98 50 562 4.5 98 50 1474 14.1 34 33 31 28 24 19 12 S4P-10/07 1.5 57 50 39 25 S4P-10/15 3 83 78 75 69 61 48 33 S4P-10/17 3 94 88 84 78 69 55 39 S4P-10/20 4 107 102 98 92.89 m³/h 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 MOTOR kW lps PUMP MODEL S4P-10/03 0.72 S4P-10/04 0.5 98 50 1702 17.75 22 21 20 18 16 13 7 S4P-10/05 1.60 S4P-10/22 4 5.5 S4P-10/08 1.5 98 50 1816 19.5 48 42 33 22 S4P-10/12 2.2 66 64 62. WEIGHT (kg) H2 S4P-10/03 0.5 90 72 50 S4P-10/26 5.04 0 1.20 S4P-10/17 3 4 98 50 1189 11.5 46 43 42 38 33 27 12 S4P-10/10 2.5 7.5 82 65 45 S4P-10/22 4 122 116 111 102.8 S4P-10/12 2. 104 .08 S4P-10/05 1.5 2 98 50 690 6.96 S4P-10/26 5.5 7.2 3 98 50 790 6.0 S4P-10/07 1.5 S4P-10/06 1.75 17 16 15 14 12 9 5 S4P-10/04 0.5 153 144 137 127 112 91 65 Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards.75 1 98 50 448 2.1 27 26 25 23 20 16 9 S4P-10/06 1.5 98 50 1360 13.16 S4P-10/15 3 4 98 50 1075 10.0 S4P-10/10 2.5 98 50 570 5.2 57 54 52.5 39 37 35 33 28 22 14 S4P-10/08 1. 10/03 50 10 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Q .15 m³/h 0/26 450 130 h% 80 S4P .(m³/h) Q .(m) H .10/10 50 S4P .1 300 0/17 90 S4P .1 140 EFFICIENCY H .5 20 2 30 2. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 10m /h Outlet Size : 2" 3 Performance Curves S4P - 500 150 10/28 S4P-10 2900 rpm S4P .Pumping trust.1 0/15 80 250 70 200 S4P .1 400 0/22 120 60 40 110 20 S4P .10/04 20 S4P .1 0/20 350 0 100 S4P .5 40 3 3.(feet) Flow Range : 6 . Worldwide.5 10 1 1.10/08 150 S4P .A 105 .10/05 S4P . Annex .5 50 4 60 Q .10/07 40 S4P .10/06 100 30 S4P .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.(lps) 0 0 0.10/12 60 S4P . 56 m³/h 0 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards. WEIGHT (kg) kW TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .18 S4P-14/22 5.5 2 98 50 775 5.(COLUMN WATER) PUMP MODEL MOTOR kW H2 DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD RP . the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.33 3.44 5.2 S4P-14/11 2.78 3.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 14m /h Outlet Size : 2" 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e PUMP MODEL S4P-14/03 0.2 3 98 50 1009 7.43 S4P-14/10 2. 106 APPROX NETT.0 4 98 50 1165 9.5 98 50 1945 17.7 5 98 50 1477 12.60 lps 0 2.05 S4P-14/24 5.1 1.5 S4P-14/10 2.5 98 50 610 3.2 3 98 50 1087 8.75 S4P-14/11 2.89 4.5 98 50 2101 18.5 REQUIRED MOTOR POWER DIMENSIONS (mm) HP OD RP H2 S4P-14/03 0.7 S4P-14/17 3.53 S4P-14/12 3.40 S4P-14/17 3.7 5 98 50 1555 13.5 7.22 2.5 S4P-14/24 5.88 S4P-14/07 1.5 7.00 5.75 S4P-14/05 1.0 4 98 50 1243 10.30 S4P-14/13 3.75 1 98 50 463 2.33 S4P-14/05 1.2 S4P-14/12 3 S4P-14/13 3 S4P-14/16 3.1 S4P-14/07 1. In view of continuous developments.7 S4P-14/22 5.03 S4P-14/16 3. S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 14m /h Outlet Size : 2" 3 Performance Curves Flow Range : 8 .14/03 50 10 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Q .(m³/h) Q .20 m³/h S4P 130 S4P 400 120 EFFICIENCY 450 H .1 4/13 S4P .5 20 2 30 2.14/05 20 S4P .(lps) 0 0 0. Annex .1 4/11 200 S4P .1 60 4/10 50 150 100 40 S4P .14/2 h% 2 60 110 350 40 100 S4P - 14/17 20 300 S4P - 90 14/16 0 80 250 S4P .(m) H .14 2900 rpm .14/2 4 .5 70 5 80 5.1 70 4/12 S4P .A 107 .14/07 30 S4P .5 1 10 1.Pumping trust.(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details. Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906. Worldwide.5 50 4 60 4.(feet) 140 S4P .5 6 90 Q .5 40 3 3. 78 3.80 S4P-18/20 5.5 10.7 5. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.5 81 68 63 57 52 46 38 30 89 74 71 61 55 48 41 32 106 90 84 76 67 57 47 38 116 97 89 82 73 64 54 43 S4P-18/04 S4P-18/22 S4P-18/26 S4P-18/28 5. In view of continuous developments.(COLUMN WATER) 0 MOTOR kW lps PUMP MODEL Note : The mounting dimensions of these pumps are in accordance with Manufacture standards.0 58 48 44 41 37 33 27 23 S4P-18/20 5.0 98 50 860 6.86 4.30 S4P-18/13 3.5 2.10 S4P-18/14 4.0 98 50 1142 9.5 98 50 1778 15.5 TOTAL MANOMETRIC HEAD IN METRES .5 98 50 1637 14.1 1.33 3.56 6.0 98 50 648 4.20 S4P-18/09 2.2 3.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION SILVERLINE SERIES Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 18m /h Outlet Size : 2 " 3 P e r f o r m a n c e Ta b l e PUMP MODEL REQUIRED MOTOR POWER DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX NETT.40 S4P-18/26 7.0 98 50 2060 18.5 10.0 S4P-18/22 5.60 H2 DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT OD RP 2.5 98 50 1213 9.2 38 31 29 27 24 21 17 14 S4P-18/13 3.5 7. 108 .11 m³/h 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 1.5 98 50 407 2.0 5.5 7.80 S4P-18/06 1.1 17 14 13 11 10 9 8 6 S4P-18/06 1.5 26 19 18 17 16 14 11 9 S4P-18/09 2.0 98 50 2201 19.5 7. WEIGHT (kg) kW HP OD RP H2 S4P-18/04 1.5 7.20 S4P-18/28 7.44 5 5.7 54 45 42 38 34 28 24 20 S4P-18/14 4. Worldwide. Annex .A 109 .(l/s) 0 0 1 10 2 20 30 3 40 4 50 60 5 70 80 6 90 7 100 110 Q .(US gpm) Refer General Information for performance curve conditions and for more details.Pumping trust.(m) Flow Range : 9 . Curve tolerance according to ISO : 9906.(m³/h) Q .(feet) H .24 m³/h 140 400 120 S4P -18/ h% 28 110 60 S4P- 350 18/26 100 300 40 90 S4P-18 20 S4P-18 0 /22 /20 80 250 70 200 60 S4P-18 /14 S4P-18 /13 50 150 S4P-18 40 100 /09 30 S4P-18/0 6 20 S4P-18/04 50 10 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Q . S I LV E R L I N E S E R I E S Nominal Diameter : 4" Nominal Flow : 18m /h Outlet Size : 2 " 3 Performance Curves S4P-18 2900 rpm 130 E F F IC IE N C Y ( %) H . 446 0.762 1.0 10.731 2.074 0.940 40/ 1½” 0.051 FRICTION LOSS IN METERS FOR 10 METERS LONG NEW RPVC PIPE (C = 150) Nominal Pipe Outer dia In mm / inches Volume rate of flow lps 0.317 0.019 2.126 0.856 1.725 1.402 2.351 0.919 75/ 3” 0.571 1.542 0.150 0.377 0.887 1.182 3.392 0.590 1.479 0.00 1.640 0.967 1.288 0.250 0.988 3.127 1.910 1.114 4.133 0.020 0.50 3.0 5.106 0.172 0.205 50/ 2” 0.309 3.678 65/ 2½” 0.747 80/ 3” 0. 315 1.0 5.151 90/ 3½” 0.279 0.237 0.60 2.364 1.742 4.160 0.433 3.293 1.861 2.138 1.50 3.937 1.462 2.914 1.5 16 20 25 32 40 50 60 80 100 125 110 40/ 1½” 0.0 8.033 100/ 4” 0.491 50/ 2” 0.400 0.089 110/ 4¼” 0.355 0.120 3.358 0.570 2.873 1.242 0.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION PIPE FRICTION LOSS TABLE FRICTION LOSS IN METERS FOR 10 METERS LONG NEW STEEL GALVANIZED PIPE (C = 140) Nominal Pipe Outer dia In mm / inches Volume rate of flow lps 0.211 0.605 0.516 0.145 1.576 125/ 5” 0.111 0.25 1.2 4.939 2.674 1.313 0.585 4.161 63/ 2½” 0.184 0.140 32/ 1¼” 0.472 0.131 1.00 2.20 4.084 3.955 3.190 0.038 1.006 1.716 1.521 2.282 0.198 0.231 1.416 1.812 1.312 0.479 3.474 0.704 2.534 0.710 2.157 0.985 3.405 0.319 2.388 0.888 1.713 1.421 0.246 0.00 2.0 10.0 12.50 1.537 0.153 1.587 0.225 0.363 2.0 8.252 0.131 0.25 1.341 0.281 0.376 0.253 0.131 0.577 0.299 150/ 6” 0.260 0.382 140/ 5½” 160/ 6¼” 0.617 3.268 0.5 16 20 25 32 40 50 60 80 100 125 25/ 1” 0.483 0.008 125/ 5” 0.106 0.60 2.814 1.50 1.299 .0 12.201 0.060 3.310 0.167 0.931 0.00 1.117 0. 97 .50 .82.17 .50 28.54 65 2.30.80 4.76 90 11.14.95 . PIPE FRICTION LOS S TABLE PERMISSIBLE RANGE OF VOLUME RATES OF FLOW IN I/S THROUGH GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE TO LIMIT FRICTION LOSSES TO 10 PERCENT OF THE PIPE LENGTH 40 1.58 .79.18 51.92 .50 .18.95 55.2.2. Worldwide.75 125 33.0 .54 .33 29.58 11.84.71 .24 3.44 .41 .04 50 - - 2.77 .24 2. the information / descriptions / specifications / illustrations are subject to change without notice.97 9.51.25 .11.97 4.79 .7.50 .80 .9.74 . 111 . 44.54 .9.04 .67 125 - 30.17 80 31.84 14.63 .74 1.41 50 2.79 .97 .30.0 14.70 63 - 3.63 PERMISSIBLE RANGE OF VOLUME RATES OF FLOW IN I/S THROUGH RPVC PIPE TO LIMIT FRICTION LOSSES TO 10 PERCENT OF THE PIPE LENGTH 40 - - Up to 2.80 .Pumping trust.25 18.41 .89.6.41 110 .59 .70 .24 .9.4.44 140 46.67 1.97 160 62.47 6.20 .76 .28.47 .62.76 In view of continuous developments.37 150 - 52.77 75 - 7.46.79 41.37 .20 100 15.97 .52.33 .90 .24 .31.28 59.67 .71 17.3.59 . 2642 2.001 0. tk Temperature Fahrenheit.8 tc + 32 C = (tF .335 33./min Us barrel per day Is barrel/d (Petroleum) 1 0. tk Temperature Kelvin.472 28.3147 0.1 0.1605 0.546 3.35 x 10 0.1189 35.2339 2.0197 0.46 x 10-4 0./min US gallon per minute Us gal. tk Temperature Kelvin.4 0.72 22.0167 1 0.2 0.024 15.0345 -4 inch of mercury mm Hg in Hg 0.110 3. tc Temperature Fahrenheit.273.001 1 100 1 12 36 0.95 x 10 0.001 1 x 10-6 0.53 x 10-5 0.0033 0.0014 0.2 X 10 1 0. tc Temperature Celsius.0075 7.44 0.gallon per minute Imp.06 1 0.96 2. tc Temperature Fahrenheit.063 0.15 K = (tF + 459.0283 1000 1 0.017 0.2808 0.125 7.6 0.014 0.0011 0.9144 0.3048 0.229 1 0.039 1 LENGTH millimeter mm centimeter cm meter m inch in foot ft yard yd 1 10 1000 25.4805 35.001 4.475 41.0345 pound force per square inch -5 foot for water ft H20 psi 1.386 1 x 10 0.057 150.201 1 7.22 1 0.981 0.789 0.069 0.0011 5.2728 0.642 x 10-4 1.008 0.8 914.0102 1. tf Temperature Celsius.6326 8.102 10.31 1 3.205 1 112 2204.84 x 10 4.02 x 10 0.00455 0.0161 0.0066 127.029 543.857 0.0278 0.076 0.6 51.07 6.0 x 10-4 0.454 50.67 / 1.9072 9.133 2.002 60 1 16.1337 1 LIQUID HEAD AND PRESSURE newton per square meter N/m2 (Pa) kilo pascal kPa bar 1 1000 0.0936 0.984 9.145 14.1337 0.0338 -5 1 x 10 98.9842 1 0.684 20 17.0254 0.067 6895 2984 9789 133.0703 0. tf K = tc + 273.802 1000 1016 907.1 735.01 1 0.201 1 0.0109 1.0305 0.8929 -4 0.275 256.8) F = 1.1 1 100 2.6 2240 2000 0.3 3386 bar kilogram force per square centimeter Kgf/cm2 -5 1.45 x 10 0.317 1 x 10 1000 1 4546 3785 28317 6 Imp. gallon Imp.133 3.785 0.8tk .036 0.491 -4 3.703 0.62137 miles 1 mile = 1609.22 3.48 91.0283 1.0328 3.2 2.045 1.5 750.00378 0.001 4.295 29.42 73.37 metres =.895 2.5 14.175 34.955 4.COMMITMENT RELIABILITY INNOVATION CONVERSION TABLE FLOW RATE litre per second l/s litre per minute l/min cubic meter per hour m3/h cubic foot per hour 3 ft /h cubic foot per minute ft3/min Imp.891 0.54 30.3937 39.81 2. tf Temperature Kelvin.480 1.833 0.60934 kilometers MASS kilogram kg pound lb hundred weight (cwt) tonne t ton long tn 1 0.01 1 0.305 1 0.104 6.0394 0.02 x 10 0.1023 1.278 0.785 28.02 1 0.433 1.0508 1 1.53 28.22 -4 2.666 0.1.546 3.0353 3.42 1 25.098 0.05 0.0039 13. Gal US gallon US gal cubic foot 3 ft 220 0.056 1.019 0. tk Temperature Kelvin.1189 0.03 0.403 0.3147 1 60 9.28 0.54 x 10-4 0.1605 0.0013 0.317 4.439 9.667 0.6990 0.42 0. tf Temperature Celsius.882 2.133 millimeter of mercury meter of water m H20 -4 1. tc Temperature Fahrenheit.85 0.32) / 1.5886 0.8 C = tk .2288 264.459.3333 1 short ton sh tn 1 Kilometer = 1000 metres = 0.2 0.2271 0.286 1 LIQUID Cubic meter m3 litre l Milli litre ml 1 0.52 32.102 1 TEMPERATURE 112 To Convert From To Use Formula Temperature Celsius.0353 0.4 2.0089 1 19.0833 1 3 0.472 0.264 4.2 10 0.15 F = 1.8327 6.0209 0.67 -4 .4 304. Poligono Industrail El. CEP . (PTY) LIMITED P.R.R.14.I.A. PUMPS (PVT) LIMITED (International Division) 7/ South Africa. Email: cri@bombascri. No:12 A. Box 7988.R. ESPAÑA.L. PUMPS Tel : Fax : +971-6-5573042 e-mail : [email protected] BOMBAS . 35620 Çiğli-İzmir-Türkiye. Fone : +55-16-3331 1099.R.641 035. Halfway House. Brasil. A4-40 Website: www.C.I. Box Website: C.E. Tel:+90-232-328 22 99 Fax:+90-232-328 23 33 E-mail: cri@cripompa. BOMBAS HIDRÁULICAS LTDA website : www. Araraquara . Rodrigo Fernando website : C. POMPA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 10032 Sk. Jd.I. Keeranatham Road. Tel : +971-6-5573041 (3 Lines). Tel: +34-96 1842 974 Fax: +34-96 1842 C.R. Sharjah. website: www.cripumps.I. Fax +55-16-3331 5344 e-mail : [email protected]. Tel : +27-11-8058631 / 32 Fax : +27-11-8058630 e-mail : [email protected]. U. Manacas. Fax : +91-422-3911600 e-mail : [email protected]. Midrand .S.cribombas.SP.B. PUMPS (FZE) P.A. No. 457. Coimbatore . 46470 Catarroja(Valencia) Spain. Johannesburg.137.Bony Calle 31. Saravanampatty.
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