December 2, 2011 Strathmore Times

March 30, 2018 | Author: Strathmore Times | Category: Search And Rescue, Credit Card, Financial Transaction, Debit Card, Transport



Page 12Standard hosts Christmas Bazaar Page 13 Look on Page 4 for Town of Strathmore Municipal Notices Page 21 Contact Us Today! 403.934.5589 [email protected] BACKING ONTO GREEN SPACE & POND PEN DESIGN UPGRADES THROUGHOUT MAIN FLOOR DEN OVERSIZED BEDROOMS $372,900 nonie hall agent 403-934-0420 [email protected] Selling Strathmore & Area “One Dream at a Time” 104 - 3rd Avenue, Strathmore Canyon Creek (Strathmore) LIKE NEW - FULLY DEVELOPED GRANITE- UPGRADED LAMINATE SKYLIGHT DETACHED GARAGE $239,900 PICTURE PERFECT OPEN DESIGN - GRANITE HARDWOOD - 5 BEDROOMS OVER SIZED DETACHED GARAGE $277,900 2 FIREPLACES 6 BEDROOMS FRONT ATT GARAGE PLUS DETACHED GARAGE $377,500 SOLD BE THE FIRST OWNER SPECTACULAR DESIGN 3 BEDROOM WALKOUT- FIREPLACE ATT GARAGE $245,900 Hussar hosts turkey shoot Christmas Farmers Market a success Volume 3 issue 48 Locally Owned & Operated de ce mbe r 2 , 2 0 1 1 TIMES Working with you in our community Stephen A. Johnson, BComm., CA Associate Over 10 years experience in accounting 403-983-7211 304 3 Ave, Strathmore AB Paul Kautz 403-875-4166 Ryan Kautz 403-875-1170 Call about our executive property opportunity in Prestigious Wildfower. You will love this large 2 storey on nearly an acre of land. Sealed with a kiss! Mrs. Claus made Mayor Steve Grajczyk blush when she gave him a kiss on the cheek at the Celebra- tion of Lights opening night on Nov. 26, at the Strathmore and District Agricultural Society Grounds. See Page 3 for more coverage of the celebration. Shannon LeClair Photo Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter The third open house held by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd regarding the proposed realign- ment of Highway 1 took place Nov. 24 at the Strathmore Civic Centre. While people agree the new pro- posal is better than the previous one, there are still many against it all together. “It’s going to hurt. It’s really go- ing to hurt the hotels, the gas sta- tions, and the restaurants. Any in- terruption in the highway is going to have an impact,” said Strathmore Motor Products owner Hal Lust. “We’re going to try to get a grass- roots group together that’s going to oppose it vigorously because it’s going to have too much of an im- pact on the numbers of people that work here in town.” While the new proposal isn’t set in stone just yet, it’s believed to be the route that is most likely to be accepted. “It’s the current recommended alignment. We are taking com- ments now but at this stage of the process we’re anticipating the com- ments will be feeding into a refne- ment of the alignment as opposed to a wholesale change in the align- ment,” said Robert Cheng planning Division Manager, for McElhan- ney Consulting Services Ltd. Cheng said the highway is work- ing fne where it is now, but there will come a day when Strathmore is developed enough that the devel- opment itself will cause congestion and then a bypass would be need- ed. He said it is standard practice to develop plans well in advance of any construction. The purpose is to dedicate property as it’s developed so that enough right of way can be saved by the time they come to build it. “By having these plans early we can minimize the negative impact or forced sales,” said Cheng. Continued on page 2 Highway proposal the best of the worst sTrATHmore Page 2 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 Continued from Page 1 Mayor Steve Grajczyk said he is in favour of the new pro- posal but only because it is the best of the worst. “I would like have seen them put more effort into why we can’t go through the Town of Strathmore, even if we have to go a level higher…with a highway above the existing highway,” said Grajczyk. “I don’t think we need eight lanes whatsoever, I’m totally against that. They could have taken a look at going around Strathmore north if they have to go around. They never put enough effort into going through the town.” Strathmore town Councillor John Rempel said he is in favour of the new proposal, saying he thinks it will produce more jobs and bring the business community back together. “I just can’t see where it’s going to affect Strathmore. The people that don’t want to stop in Strathmore are not stopping here now anyway, so instead of them speeding through town which they do now, they’ll speed around town,” said Rempel. He said people he has spoken to on the south side of the highway couldn’t wait because it will get rid of that barrier between the north and south sides of town. The new proposal for Highway 1 will go along the edge of the annexed part of town, and the current road will still exist and people would have the option of coming through town, or staying on the highway and avoiding Strathmore. Anyone interested in joining Hal Lust’s group and getting on the e-mail list to keep updated can contact 403-934-3334 for more information. More effort needed on highway alignment proposal Manny EvErEtt Times Contributor SAR Alberta is the provincial association for volunteer search and rescue within the province. Its mission is to assist search and rescue teams in their efforts to provide a superior and dedicated level of service to the people of Alberta. Search and rescue in Alberta began in the early 1990’s as a grassroots response to an identifed need for trained people to look for lost individuals in wildness settings. Badlands Search and Rescue held an open house and information session to the public at the Rockyford Com- munity Centre on Nov. 26. Over a dozen interested individuals from Rockyford and the surrounding area came out to hear and see a Power- Point presentation by Scott Campbell to possibly organize a Badlands Search and Rescue Team for the area. Campbell, who started as a volunteer frefghter at the age of 18, continues in services industry today in many dif- ferent areas and has a passion for the job. SAR is commonly associated with lost children, foods, dementia patients and fres. Today, it is estimated that Search and Rescue Alberta pro- vides over $2.5 million annually in infrastructure support – support of regional police, fre, emergency response, se- curity, frst aid – functions throughout the entire province, all provided by volunteers. Search and Rescue Association of Alberta is a non-proft organization comprised of more than 1,240 volunteer mem- bers in six regions and 38 teams, responsible for ground and inland searches under the jurisdiction of the police within all regions in Alberta. There are many ways to show get involved and show your support of Search and Rescue Alberta. You can: • Join a search and rescue team in your area and share your skills • Make a fnancial donation towards equipment, training needs or for wherever the organization needs it the most. • Make your local politicians aware that as a voting citi- zen you support search and rescue in Alberta and you want the Province to support it too. • Hold a fund-raising event in support of Search and Rescue Alberta. • Watch for their volunteers in the community. Talk to the volunteers and tell them how much you appreciate their efforts. • Provide support during a search or training exercises, meals, equipment etc. Tell others about SAR. For more information on SAR and joining in on building an organization in the Badlands Area please contact Scott Campbell at [email protected] Badlands Search and Rescue a possibility for the area Manny Everett Photo PINE CENTRE 110J, 800 PINE ROAD STRATHMORE, AB NOW OPEN IN STRATHMORE OPEN 7 DAYS • 11 AM - 9 PM TACO TUESDAY 9 9 ¢ PLUS TAX TACO TUESDAY 9 9 ¢ PLUS TAX BEEfORvEggIETACOONLY Pine Centre - 110J, 800 Pine road,Strathmore, ab 403-934-3439 2nd Floor of the Aztec Building 304 - 3rd Avenue, Strathmore 403-934-2125 And now for something completely different!! Over the next few weeks we are going to do a mini series on how we rate your auto insurance and WHY we need the answers to all of our tedious, boring and often seemingly pointless questions. We will talk about your driving and insurance history, the vehicles, the coverage and the ever elusive but always talked about, mysterious ‘GRID’. What is that anyways? I know I know, Insurance brokers ask soooo many questions. You just want a quick quote, or a ballpark fgure. Why do we pry information out of you like there’s no tomorrow???? I assure you, its not because we are bored and have nothing better to do. We are not being nosy, and its awkward sometimes to get into the nitty gritty’s. Unfortunately, we ask the questions because your answers determine what kind of insurance you need. As “Take ACTION Against High Premiums” TIPS H Home H FArm H AuTo H GrouP ProGrAmS H CommerCIAl H reCreATIon H lIFe H TrAvel a broker, we cannot assume anything. You know the old saying…. I have a lot to cover, and I don’t want to miss anything. I would appreciate any questions that you, my faithful readers have about auto insurance. If you have a question, drop me a line (valancy@ or call the offce. What do you want to know? I’m listening. valancy mitchell Account executive Scott Campbell showed a PowerPoint presentation about the Badlands Search and Rescue he is proposing. 134 2nd Street, Strathmore (Beside CIBC Bank) 403-934-9338 This weeks specials Monday - Steak neptune Tuesday - pepper Steak Wednesday - Stuffed ChIChen BreaSt Thursday - pulled pork Friday - lemon & herB Stuffed trout Saturday - ChIllI Our quest appetizer this week is mini spanakOpiTa! Every week we have new specials so feel free to call to discover what Bruno’s has to offer! food for thought! S t r a t h m o r e V e t e r i n a r y C l i n i c Join us at the vet clinic for hot chocolate, coffee and Christmas treats. 43 Spruce Lane 403-934-3311 C h r i s t m a s O p e n H o u s e S a tu rd a y , D e c e m b e r 1 0 9 a m to 1 p m Santa will be available from 9 to 10:30 am! Free, professional Christmas Picture of your pets with a non-perishable donation to the Strathmore Christmas Hamper Society. Times TidbiTs Did You Know? According to some versions of the kissing lore, the proper etiquette for kissing under mistletoe requires a man to remove one berry when he kisses a woman. Once all of the berries are gone, it becomes bad luck to kiss beneath that particular sprig. December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 3 Joyland Theatre Join our Facebook Page For Movie Listings 403-934-3057 or visit our websites: • 8:00 pm Nightly, closed Mondays December 2 - 8 Elijah Wood, Robin Williams, Hank Azaria Rating General happy Feet 2 114 2nd ave, Strathmore, aB MatineeS Show • 2 pm Saturday & Sunday The Christmas parade saw many people in town lined the streets along the route to see what was new this year. The weather stayed warm enough to make the night an enjoyable experience for all. After the parade people were off to the Ag. grounds for the opening night of the Celebration of Lights. At the lights people had a chance to grab something to eat and support Relay for Life, and buy mittens to keep themselves warm while raising money for breast cancer. There were lots of other goodies and entertainment that kept everyone entertained until the freworks later in the night. Strathmore gets into the Christmas spirit Tire sale Cost + 10% Fast Tire service While U Wait No appointment Needed - all Makes & Models Phone for Pricing! $54 95 lUbe, Oil, FilTer 15 PT inspection Washer Fluid Fill - No Charge No appointment Necessary Monday - Friday. appointment recommended on saturdays. all Makes & Models Welcome. 403.934.3334 900 Westridge road, strathmore DeTailiNg sPeCial qUiCk lUbe $159 95 sPeCial $49 95 gM gOODWreNCh MUlTi POiNT vehiCle iNsPeCTiON includes Free snowbrush Complete Winterization vehicle Checkover by good- wrench experts includes tire rotation & written report. Tire pressure monitor system relearn extra if equipped. Limited Quantities Available 128 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore 403-934-6737 LArge beAr $13.99 + tax each Santa Outft $14.99 + tax each Panda Claus volunteers needed! For more information please call: 403-901-6799 Strathmore Snow Angels times strathmore Shannon LeClair & Mario Prusina Photos Correction In the Nov. 25 issue of the Strathmore Times, Page 11 (Remembering Our Past - Peter & Beryl Ascott), it stated that Beryl worked at the Strathmore Hospital. However, in actuality, she worked for the FCSS as a Personal Care Assistant for 27 years. We apologize for an inconvenience this may have caused. Page 4 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 town of strathmore We heard there’s room in... upcoming council meetings will be held December 7 & 21 at 7:30 pm. Agendas are available on the Town Website under Council. 680 Westchester Road, strathmore, AB t1p 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • offce Hours: m - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm notice oF DeVelopment peRmits The following application(s) for development has/have been conditionally approved by the Town of Strathmore, subject to the right of appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board: Application: 11/D-170 Civic Address: 108 Wildrose Crescent Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 5, Plan 1110243 Development: Variance – Existing Single Detached Dwelling, Side Yard Variance 0.04 metres The above noted fle(s) can be viewed at the Town Offce during regular business hours. The permit(s) is/are scheduled for issue ffteen days after the date of this publication provided no appeals are fled prior to the appeal deadline. Any person wishing to appeal this decision may do so by completing and submitting an appeal form, with the appeal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Town of Strathmore, addressed to: Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Town of Strathmore, 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1. Date of Publication: November 24, 2011 Deadline for Appeal: December 8, 2011 Tammy Henry, M. PL, RPP, MCIP Director, Planning & Development notice oF puBlic HeARing: BY-lAW # 11-24 The proposed Bylaw # 11-24 proposes to: redesignate a portion of NW ¼ 24-24-25 W4M (+/- 7.02 hectares or 17.36 acres) within the Town of Strathmore from AG - Agriculture General District to R1N - Residential Narrow Lot Single Detached District (+/- 3.37 Ha (8.34 ac)), R2 - Residential-Mixed Housing District (+/- 1.18 Ha (3.92 ac)) and P1 – Public Service District (+/- 0.73 Ha (1.81 ac)) as shown on the attached Schedule. As well as, Amend Land Use Bylaw #89-20 by: I.) Adding to Section 110A: (6) EXCEPTIONS: (a) A portion of the R1N area (1.18 Ha (2.87 ac)) in a pt. of NW ¼ 24-24-25 W4M as shown on the attached Schedule A of Bylaw #11-24 may allow a minimum lot width of 10.97 meters (thirty six (36) feet). II.) Adding to Section 120: (6) EXCEPTIONS: (c) That the R2 area located at the southwest corner of a portion of NW ¼ 24-24-25 W4M as shown on the attached Schedule A of Bylaw #11-24 add “Extended Medical Treatment Services” and “Seniors Housing” as Discretionary Uses. A copy of the proposed Bylaw may be inspected by the public during regular offce hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, monday to Friday at the town offce (680 Westchester Road, strathmore, AB), or can be found on the town website ( Please contact the Town Offce if you would like an opportunity to review and provide input on the proposed amendments prior to the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing will be held at the Council Chambers, Strathmore Municipal Building, 680 Westchester Road, on Wednesday, December 7th, 2011, commencing at 7:30 pm with procedures in accordance with the Town of Strathmore Council Procedural Bylaw #07-11 and amendments thereto. Any person or group of persons, or person acting on his or their behalf, who claims to be affected by any or all of the proposed bylaws may present suggestions or concerns by making a submis- sion to the public hearing. Written submissions to the Public Hearing or the name of any person wishing to make an oral pre- sentation at the Public Hearing must be received by the Planning and Development Department prior to 12:00 noon on thursday December 1st, 2011 as outlined in Bylaw #07-11 and amendments thereto. If your written submission is not received by this time, please provide ffteen (15) copies for distribution at the Public Hearing. Each person wishing to address Council at the Public Hear- ing shall complete their verbal presentation within fve minutes. Please note that written submissions will become public documents once submitted to the Town, unless otherwise requested. Tammy Henry, M.PL, RPP, MCIP Director of Planning and Development Schedule A notice oF DeVelopment peRmits The following application(s) for development has/have been conditionally approved by the Town of Strathmore, subject to the right of appeal to the Subdivision and Develop- ment Appeal Board: Application: 11/D-173 Civic Address: 102 Hillview Terrace Legal Description: Unit 40, Plan 0213889 Development: Variance: 0.40 meters rear yard setback for existing deck The above noted fle(s) can be viewed at the Town Offce during regular business hours. The permit(s) is/are scheduled for issue ffteen days after the date of this publication provided no appeals are fled prior to the appeal deadline. Any person wishing to appeal this decision may do so by completing and submitting an appeal form, with the appeal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Town of Strathmore, addressed to: Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Town of Strathmore, 680 West- chester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1. Date of Publication: December 1, 2011 Deadline for Appeal: December 15, 2011 Tammy Henry, M. PL, RPP, MCIP Director, Planning & Development December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 5 Have you ever thought of what would happen to you or your family if you became disabled and could not work and earn an income? The plans we offer are crucial for the self-employed or anyone who does not have adequate benefts. If your income is important to you, let me show you how to protect it. Rates are at an all time low. Call and ask me for a quick quote today! Landon Hurlburt - Account Executive Home • Auto • Business • Farm • Travel • Life Langdon 2 - 724 Centre Street N.E. 403-936-2756 Strathmore 105 A 100 Ranch Market 403-934-5444 Proudly serving the Strathmore and Langdon communities since 1979 Magical musical month! Jessica altman Times Jr Reporter The month of December is a very busy month for both CMJHS band and the SHS band. This year, the high school band has the opportunity to play not only at their own concert on Dec. 13, but also make a guest appear- ance at the CMJHS Christmas concert on Dec 6. The SHS band have been working hard on their pieces since the begin- ning of the year, and are still pushing through, hoping to be at their best for both concerts. Last year, the SHS band did a terrifc job in Red Deer for the music festival held every year. The band won a plaque for their hard work. They didn’t place frst, but they were one of the top bands that year. Now that the band program has more students than the band room can hold, Mrs. Zinken is hoping and work- ing towards having the best bands. Come and listen to a night of music at CMJHS on Dec. 6 and support Strath- more’s music programs. Andrew Thomas stands with the silent victims set up at the United Church on Nov. 23. each victim has a description about who they were, how they lived, and how they died. Shannon LeClair Photo Strathmore Veterinary Clinic Offering basic obedienCe ClaSSeS, for puppieS & adultS in conjunction with Moderndog Dog Obedience and Training, a Canadian and American Certifed Dog Trainer. Private Lessons available upon request. puppy & adult Class: december 3 • 1:30 pm For more information & to register 43 Spruce Lane, Strathmore, AB 403-934-3311 Walking to remember shannon leclair Times Reporter The month of November is Family Violence Prevention month, and the Community Crisis Society has been promoting awareness all month. It be- gan with roses being delivered to local businesses with a card explaining that the roses were for the men, women, and children in Alberta who have died of victims of domestic violence. November 5 was the annual harvest dinner and silent auction, which saw 300 people in attendance. The fnal awareness event for the month was the Moonlight Walk of Hope on Nov. 23. “We walk, basically around Kins- men Park in support of a non-violent community because November is Fam- ily Violence Prevention month and so that’s why we do this every year,” said Paul Thomas with the Community Cri- sis Society. After walking around the park the participants walked to the Strathmore United Church to see the silent victims and to hear the speeches made by the RCMP, the mayor and other members of the community. “We have seven (silent vic- tims) but I think there is 50 in total,” said Karen Pease, executive director for the Community Crisis Society. “They represent seven people who have lost their lives to family violence, and each one of them has a write-up on their chest about who they were, when they lived and when they died.” The walk began in 1997, and though some years there are more participants than others it is still going strong. “If anyone would like to call us to fnd out how they can help the shelter for Christmas we’d invite them to do that,” said Pease. Pease said they are look- ing to help their families at the shelter for Christmas and people can all 403-394- 6634. Page 6 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 Klavika CH (Medium Condensed, Bold Condensed, Bold; True Type), GM Sans Regular (Bold; True Type), Zaph Dingbats PS (Regular; Type 1), Trade Gothic (Bold Condensed No. 20; Type 1), Helveti- ca Neue LT Std (77 Bold Condensed, 57 Condensed; OpenType), Zapf Dingbats (Regular; True Type) Chevrolet Insertion Date: November 28, 2011 ACD11041 CALMCL-DMX7272 Black, PMS 286 U None CAC11215.SONORL.102.2C Strathmore Times 11-24-2011 1:04 PM Sandra Menge 100% SAFETY: None TRIM: 10.25” x 15.2143” Bleed: None 10.25” x 15.2143” SPEC ORIGINALLY GENERATED: Shannon PAGE: 1 CAC11215.SONORL.102.2C.SMT.indd Production Contact Numbers: 403 261 7161 403 261 7152 T:10.25” T : 1 5 . 2 1 4 3 ” SCAN HERE TO FIND YOURS ALBERTACHEVROLET.COM THE COMPACT 7-SEATER. It’s the family vehicle with room for seven. 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F r e ig h t in c lu d e d ( $ 1 , 4 9 5 ) . L ic e n s e , in s u r a n c e , r e g is t r a t io n , P P S A , a d m in is t r a t io n f e e s a n d t a x e s n o t in c lu d e d . D e a le r s a r e f r e e t o s e t in d iv id u a l p r ic e s . O f f e r a v a ila b le t o r e t a il c u s t o m e r s in C a n a d a . S e e D e a le r f o r d e t a ils . L im it e d t im e o f f e r s w h ic h m a y n o t b e c o m b in e d w it h o t h e r o f f e r s , a n d a r e s u b je c t t o c h a n g e w it h o u t n o t ic e . O f f e r s a p p ly t o q u a lif e d r e t a il c u s t o m e r s in A lb e r t a C h e v r o le t D e a le r M a r k e t in g A s s o c ia t io n a r e a o n ly . D e a le r o r d e r o r t r a d e m a y b e r e q u ir e d . G M C L , A lly C r e d it o r T D F in a n c in g S e r v ic e s m a y m o d if y , e x t e n d o r t e r m in a t e t h is o f f e r in w h o le o r in p a r t a t a n y t im e w it h o u t n o t ic e . C o n d it io n s a n d lim it a t io n s a p p ly . S e e C h e v r o le t d e a le r f o r d e t a ils . ▼ B a s e d o n G M T e s t in g in a c c o r d a n c e w it h a p p r o v e d T r a n s p o r t C a n a d a t e s t m e t h o d s . Y o u r a c t u a l f u e l c o n s u m p t io n m a y v a r y . ‡ C h e v r o le t O r la n d o h ig h w a y f u e l c o n s u m p t io n r a t in g o f 6 . 7 L / 1 0 0 k m b a s e d o n G M t e s t in g in a c c o r d a n c e w it h a p p r o v e d T r a n s p o r t C a n a d a t e s t m e t h o d s . C o m p e t it iv e c o m p a r is o n b a s e d o n 2 0 1 1 N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s C a n a d a ’s F u e l C o n s u m p t io n G u id e . Y o u r a c t u a l f u e l c o n s u m p t io n m a y v a r y . † E u r o N C A P r a t in g s a r e p a r t o f t h e E u r o p e a n N e w C a r A s s e s s m e n t P r o g r a m m e ( N C A P ) ( w w w . e u r o n c a p . c o m ) . 2 0 1 2 C h e v r o le t O r la n d o e q u ip p e d w it h t h e 1 . 8 L p e t r o l e n g in e t e s t e d d u r in g 2 0 1 1 c a le n d a r y e a r t e s t in g . ~ O n S t a r s e r v ic e s r e q u ir e v e h ic le e le c t r ic a l s y s t e m ( in c lu d in g b a t t e r y ) w ir e le s s s e r v ic e a n d G P S s a t e llit e s ig n a ls t o b e a v a ila b le a n d o p e r a t in g f o r f e a t u r e s t o f u n c t io n p r o p e r ly . O n S t a r a c t s a s a lin k t o e x is t in g e m e r g e n c y s e r v ic e p r o v id e r s . S u b s c r ip t io n S e r v ic e A g r e e m e n t r e q u ir e d . C a ll 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 O N S T A R ( 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 6 6 - 7 8 2 7 ) o r v is it o n s t a r . c a f o r O n S t a r ’s T e r m s a n d C o n d it io n s , P r iv a c y P o lic y a n d d e t a ils a n d s y s t e m lim it a t io n s . A d d it io n a l in f o r m a t io n c a n b e f o u n d in t h e O n S t a r O w n e r ’s G u id e . ¥ † N o p u r c h a s e n e c e s s a r y . C o n t e s t o p e n t o C a n a d ia n r e s id e n t s w it h a v a lid d r iv e r ’s lic e n s e w h o h a v e r e a c h e d t h e a g e o f m a jo r it y in t h e ir p r o v in c e o f r e s id e n c e . C o n t e s t r u n s f r o m N o v e m b e r 1 , 2 0 1 1 t o J a n u a r y 1 6 , 2 0 1 2 . C r e d it A w a r d s in c lu d e a p p lic a b le t a x e s a n d c a n o n ly b e a p p lie d t o t h e p u r c h a s e o r le a s e o f a n e w 2 0 1 1 o r 2 0 1 2 M Y G M v e h ic le d e liv e r e d f r o m d e a le r s t o c k , e x c lu d in g C h e v r o le t V o lt o n o r b e f o r e J a n u a r y 1 6 , 2 0 1 2 . 2 0 V e h ic le A w a r d s c o n s is t o f e it h e r a 2 0 1 2 G M C T e r r a in S L E 2 F W D + 1 8 ” M a c h in e d A lu m in u m W h e e ls , C h r o m e A p p e a r a n c e P a c k a g e a n d R e a r C a r g o S e c u r it y C o v e r o r a 2 0 1 2 C h e v r o le t E q u in o x 2 L T F W D + 1 8 ” M a c h in e d A lu m in u m W h e e ls . F a c t o r y o r d e r m a y b e r e q u ir e d f o r V e h ic le A w a r d s . A p p r o x im a t e r e t a il v a lu e o f e a c h V e h ic le A w a r d is E q u in o x / T e r r a in [ $ 3 2 , 7 7 5 M S R P / $ 3 2 , 4 8 0 M S R P ] C D N , in c lu d in g f r e ig h t . N o t a ll a w a r d s h a v e t h e s a m e o d d s o f w in n in g . C o r r e c t a n s w e r t o s k ill t e s t in g q u e s t io n r e q u ir e d t o c la im a n a w a r d . S o m e e x a m p le s o f o d d s a r e : t o r e c e iv e a $ 1 , 0 0 0 b a s e a w a r d , 1 in 1 ; t o r e c e iv e a t o t a l a w a r d o f $ 1 , 2 0 0 , 1 in 3 0 ; t o r e c e iv e a t o t a l a w a r d o f $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 , 1 in 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; t o r e c e iv e a V e h ic le A w a r d , 1 in 2 0 , 0 0 0 ( t o t a l a w a r d s a n d v e h ic le a w a r d s in c lu d e t h e $ 1 , 0 0 0 b a s e a w a r d ) . S e e y o u r G M d e a le r , v is it g m . c a o r c a ll 1 - 8 0 0 - G M - D R IV E f o r f u ll c o n t e s t r u le s . December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 7 TIMES STRATHMORE Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen, Hussar, Indus, Langdon, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited. Contributors Wendi Tashlikowich, Doug Taylor, Manny Everett, Jenna Campbell 202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 • 403.934.5589 Mario Prusina Publisher / Editor Shannon LeClair Reporter Rose Hamrlik Advertising Tracey Rogers Offce Manager Jody Schneider Production The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included for verifcation purposes. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible. Your Local Realtors with the Calgary Connection Jody Buckle (403) 325-7347 Jim Buckle (403) 560-2652 Letters to the editor To the Editor (CC - Dear Mayor Steve) I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere thanks for the tickets for the Strathmore Rodeo. My friend Karen and I attended Friday, Saturday and Sunday and our only suggestion is to add a few more days next year! As a born and raised Calgarian, rodeo is not for- eign to me. I spent earlier years on friend’s farms and hanging around at Stampede, but not one of those experiences compare to my frst Strathmore Rodeo. First, the town of Strathmore is beautiful. The vibe in the air was ripe with the camaraderie and warmth that is only found in rural Alberta. The weather coop- erated perfectly, making it an easy decision to arrive early to refresh ourselves with a cold beer and some homemade burgers. Once fueled, we headed off to the infeld to watch the rodeo, the mutton busters and mini bull-riders, the wild horse racers, the bull riders, the bucking broncs, you name it, it was there. Although we are city girls, we felt like we belonged; laughing along with the commentary, singing along with the energizing music and cheering for our Al- bertan cowboys and cowgirls along with the rest of the folks. It was amazing to sit along side the gates, to watch the contestants as they psyched themselves for a bull ride, to see the families await results and the triumphant return of their hero back to safe ground. Perhaps the most inspiring was watching the young bull riders, the young teens who are learning the ferceness of real competition, the heartbreak of de- feat, the thrill of victory and accomplishment and the true meaning of sportsmanship. It was breathtaking to watch a tough, wiry young boy get thrown off a powerful animal, to come back through the gates to receive a hug from his dad and slap on the back from an older kid, and thereby have his confdence restored. A few times, when the bull prevailed, the crushed cowboy would emerge, head hanging low, to be bolstered by others, cheered on and told to try again next time. I was impressed by the unfinching, raw “toughness” the contestants have to possess just to get off their duffs and get to safety. I witnessed that to be truly tough requires an intricate balance of intense strength and tender vulnerability. To observe frst hand the coming of age of a true blue cowboy is an image I will not soon forget. I was deeply impressed by the extreme care taken to ensure the animals were treated properly and the swiftness of medical attention when one seemed to be hurt. The respect shown to and for the animals was front and centre, which allowed for us animal lovers to feel at peace and enjoy the events. The traditions and generations of families in- volved in the rodeo really intensifed the experi- ence of the weekend as well. As a native Calgarian, I love my Stampede, but this is a completely dif- ferent ball game! This is real rodeo. These are real families, generations and generations of career cow- boys, farmers, ranchers and true Albertans. I realize there were people from all over, but my Albertan pride stretched as far as the wide blue sky during the Strathmore Rodeo. At the end of each day, worn out from yahooing, crunchy from the heat and with A great times at last summer’s rodeo! Councillor Rocky Blokland announced Carolyn Larden as his pick for Novembers Citizen of the month. Blokland said she has spent time at vari- ous elementary schools helping with the reading programs, and volunteering with the Children’s Wish Foundation. He said Larden has also spent many years involved with the Christmas Hamper Society and the 50/50 tickets campaign during Heritage Days and her newest volunteer adven- ture is Kids in the Know. Larden also worked tirelessly along with Crowfoot mP Kevin Sorenson in bringing a signed petition to the foor of the House of Commons regarding stiffer sentencing for sex offenders, while pushing for public awareness on pedophiles. Citizen of the Month Pat Fule Fule for Thought Being a pet owner comes with unique challenges … and a lot of laughs. Our dog Brodie is a Brown/ White Bichon-Schitzu. He’s always thought he was a human. He never felt he belonged in a kennel, he eats cereal for a “bed night” snack, watches “The Dog Whisperer” (only to scoff at the “tamed” ones), and he loves car rides. He especially loves it if motorcycles go by (I think he wants to start a bike gang!). He hates being left alone and one night when we were in Canmore vis- iting the in-laws (out-laws?) … my wife and I went on a short “pub crawl”… you know Debbie! Anyway, we returned to the house and Brodie was up on the in-laws’ bed. With a leap, Brodie raced for the door to greet us, only to be whipped back into the room! How would he know he’d get caught on Grandma’s bra, hanging from the door knob? Brodie looked embarrassed, Deb and her parents laughed, and I had to go for therapy! The nightmares of see- ing my Mother-in-law’s bra wrapped around my dog! Brodie’s a quick learner, too. We recently taught him to paw the Staples’ “That was Easy” button to get a treat. He also learned to pick raspberries off our patch in the backyard … too well. Like a drunk at “last call,” Brodie picked to his heart’s delight … then came the diarrhea. You’d think that would make good fertilizer, but Deb wanted me to clean it up. Nothing has grown there since, and Brodie won’t touch a raspberry now. (“Fule for Thought” is a slice of life humourous column that will appear in the Strathmore Times, written by long-time resident, town councillor, high school teacher, coach, husband and father of two – Pat Fule. If you would like to get in touch with Pat, you can send him an e-mail at [email protected]) Sharing laughs with mans best friend Shannon LeClair Photo my head full of names and scores, I wandered back to my car reluctant to drive away. So, next year, my friends and I have decided to pitch a tent, bring some smokies and camp it out ... so that nothing else will exist for those three days besides the rodeo! I’d love to even volunteer and really be a part of the action. Although born in the city, my country roots sure surfaced during the rodeo. Now, don’t get me wrong, I defnitely showed up for the purpose of cowboy huntin’, but what I came away with will remain in my heart. It was a truly an all-round positive and amazing experience and I really only have one thing left to say... Is it rodeo time yet? Thanks again, Courtney Allen Calgary Do you have a special recipe you would like to share? Please submit to the Strathmore Times by Friday noon. Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 or email [email protected] Kayla’s Eggnog Pie Located on the North Side of Highway #1 at 210 Ridge Road Strathmore • 403-934-5661 StRatHmoRe daiRy queeN & touRiSt iNfoRmatioN ceNtRe 2 cups eggnog, at room temperature 1/4 cup butter, melted 1/2 cup sugar 3 tbsp four 3 eggs, at room temperature 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp rum extract 1/2 tsp freshly grated cinnamon 1/8 tsp or a dash freshly grated nutmeg pre-made store-bought rolled pie crust 1 cup fresh cream, whipped (add 1/8 teaspoon rum extract if desired when whipping) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Roll out pie crust in a deep dish pie plate. Crimp edges. Combine sugar and four in a large bowl. Mix well. Add melted butter and mix again. Add eggnog and mix again. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well. Add vanilla and rum extract. Mix well. Add cinnamon and nutmeg, mix well. Pour mixture into pie crust. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes, or until set in the middle. Let cool completely before serving. Pie will rise when baking and then after cooling, will fall. More Than Just Great Fish! 110G 800 Pine Road, Strathmore Take Out Available 403.934.3668 times LifestyLes times Page 8 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 The busiest retail season of the year has already begun and with an increase in fnancial transactions comes an increase in opportunities for fraud artists. This year, keep your holiday shopping joyous by taking a few extra precautions: Shopping in Person: Even though you will be rushed and thinking about a thousand things, try to remain alert to your surroundings. When paying with a credit or debit card, never lose sight of your card. Whenever possible, swipe your card yourself rather than giving it to the cashier. Always shield your PIN when entering it. Don’t be embarrassed – you’re not insulting anyone. Do not keep a written record of your bank PIN number(s) or your social insurance number in your wallet or handbag. If you suspect anything unusual when using a point-of-sale terminal (pin pad) or an ATM, do not use the machine and report it immediately to the police or the fnancial institution. Shopping Online: Shop only from your home computer and equip it with the latest web browser. Using your home computer is much safer than shopping at a terminal in an Internet café or library. If you plan to buy something, go directly to a store’s website by manually typing its address into your web browser. Don’t click on links in an e-mail message even if you know who sent it. Verify secure connections. When shopping on-line, do not enter any fnancial information if you see a broken-key or open padlock symbol on your Internet browser. This means the transaction is not secure and could be intercepted by a third party. When the key is complete or the padlock is locked, your browser is indicating a secure transaction. Consider using a reliable third-party payment company such as PayPal, a credit card with a low credit limit or a single-use payment card. Unlike secure order forms on a web site, e-mail messages are not private. Do not send confdential personal or fnancial information by e-mail. When browsing auction sites or unauthorized retail websites, be cautious of drastic sale prices on sought-after designer items and popular electronics. The legitimate goods are rarely discounted. Monitor your bank and credit card and statements on-line. Electronic statements allow you to review your purchases and payments as they happen rather than waiting until the end of the month to review your paper statement. Immediately report any discrepancies to your bank or to the company that issued the credit card. Book Your Classified ad Today! Call the strathmore Times 403.934.5589 Get your Classified ads in the times! Call Tracey 403-934-5589 happy shopping – fraud free December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 9 Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter Earlier this month Crime stoppers did a reenactment of a crime committed near Carseland in late October. There was a break and enter at the Terrex En- ergy oil lease site near Carseland, and police suspect the perpetrators com- mitted another crime only a few miles away. At the Terrex site the suspects broke into a gated compound, and drove a vehicle to one of the buildings on the property, where they gained access into a trailer through a sliding window. An enclosed cargo utility trailer, a quad runner and a number of other items and tools were stolen from the site. “It’s fairly common unfortunately,” said Const. Clinton Chisan with the Strathmore RCMP. “Obviously I don’t know where these suspects are from but, in my experi- ence, a lot of them are coming in from the cities out into the nearby rural ar- eas.” Though Terrex Energy Field Foreman Blair Mackie wants to see everything returned and is obviously upset about the theft, that is not the thought fore- most on his mind. “What we were trying to get at is the danger for people who go in there not realizing the situation they are putting themselves in without the proper train- ing,” said Mackie. It’s not just potentially dangerous for the suspects, but while they are bum- bling around in the dark at the sites there is a chance they could fip a switch or pull something out that could be detrimental and cause a sour gas leak or worse. The suspects did not go into the pro- duction area at all but there’s always that possibility when people go in there and look around, said Mackie. “Because of this we are absolutely considering other options (for security) and I think we’re moving towards that too, obviously I don’t want to say too much about what we’re doing… that will be the end result of it, there will be more security at site,” said Mackie. Thefts from oil sites have become an increasingly common thing, and Chisan said at the end of last year the RCMP began an oil and gas industry theft ini- tiative. Members from Strathmore, Aird- rie, Gleichen, Beiseker and some of the Calgary specialized units gathered together to talk with some of the oil industry members about how to deal with these types of activities. “Basically it amounted to better com- munication between all the parties. Just because we have this break and enter in Strathmore doesn’t mean that the members in Gleichen or in Airdrie are aware of it, and then they get hit the next day and it’s likely by the same people,” said Chisan. “So we’re just trying to get more of an information fow going, also part of this was to raise awareness of this in the oil industry itself. Lots of times until it comes to somebody’s attention they don’t realize that maybe they are a potential target or they may take more stringent efforts in ensuring their own security at these sites. Chisan said it is in everyone’s best interest to call the RCMP to report sus- picious vehicles or activity seen late at night in rural areas. He said sometimes it’s the only lead they get and it can help lead to the arrest and prosecution of the suspect. “The same people who are doing these thefts and break and enters to the oil sites, a lot of times it’s the same sus- pects that are out there breaking into rural residences and stealing vehicles from rural areas like farmyards.” Concerns over safety after oil site break in 32 Years Drycleaning Experience Professional Drycleaning Services Country Lane Mall (Across from A&W) 403-934-9317 I Care about Your Clothes! Drycleaning Mrs & Coin Laundromat Top Loaders - Regular Wash $2.75/load 20 lb Washer $7.50/load 50 lb Washer $10.50/load Hours: Monday - Friday 7 am - 6 pm Saturdays 7 am - 1 pm Closed Sundays & Holidays In-House stylIst & BarBer Do You have DiD You know that You can take your hail Damaged vehicle to a repair facility of YouR Choice? Paintless Dent RePaiR Paintless dent Repair is a low Cost effective way of removing dents without repainting! 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(total coverage fee) Sunroof, Fresh trade-in! 2011 Ford Escape 4WD XLT Auto, AC,Lots More stk# 10-2617 Stk# 10-2624 stk# 10-2619 $ 13,210 stk# 9-2519-B 2009 Hyundai Accent GLS $ 19,998 stk# 10-2575-A stk# 9-2591 $ 37,898 stk# 9-2536 Only 13,000kms 2006 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer Less than 500kms! Brand New Truck! 4x4 14,325kms Sunroof, 4x4, Heated Leather, Rear Climate, DVD 2010 Ford F-150 Lariat BLOWOuT ONLy 2011 Ford Explorer Only 24,446kms, 4x4. Heated seats. My Ford Touch. $ 29,998 2011 Ford Edge AWD Heated Leather, Panoramic Sunroof, 28.5 HP V6, Intelligent All-Wheel Drive $ 24,637 2011 F-150 “Eco-Boost” XTR $ 35,888 $ 32,990 WOW! • Fully Inspected Vehicles • Carproof History Reports Available! • Financing Rates from 5.99% • Warranty Options Available • All Trades Accepted, Paid For Or Not See all our Fully inSpeCTed pre-owned vehiCleS aT byronSmiThFord.Com C r e d i t C h a l l e n g e d ? We can HELP! Call now for a confdential pre-approval and credit assessment 403-934-2100. Low est priced 2011 4W D Explorer in A lberta! W O W ! Just Arrived! December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 11 Blowing things around! A major wind storm blew through Strathmore and area on Nov. 27 caus- ing lots of property damage in the process. The strong winds destroyed trees, ripped shingles and siding off of homes and even launched a tram- poline on the roof top of a local resi- dence. Tracey Rogers & Ryan Haakonson Photos Burning bails The Strathmore Fire Department held a controlled burn with old hay rolls on Nov. 29 on the east end of town. While smoke flled the air, the frefghters had everything under control during the procedure. Doug Taylor Photos Strathmore’s celebration of lights TIMES STRATHMORE Proudly sponsored by A special Thank You to Miguel Moncayo, Linda Giesbrecht, Diana Jensen & Sherry Wells of Strathmore Veterinary Clinic for co-ordinating this years’ Santa Claus Parade held on Saturday, November 26. North Pole News APPLIANCE & MATTRESS GALLERY 403-934-6919 18 Spruce Park Drive, Strathmore, AB PJ’s Appliance & Mattress Gallery has obtained a limited quantity of Springwall Queen Size 640 Coil Plush Pillow Top Mattress Sets for a great price. It’s simple. It’s a mattress sale. Savvy consumers know a real sale when they see one. This is one. Sale Price: $449 (while quantities last - sorry Queen size only) End of year model clearouts - save up to 40% on select Springwall Mattresses - in stock and foor models. Page 12 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 Christmas bazaar in Standard Assist Business Centre has MOVED! After purchasing Town Copy in 2009 and changing the name of the photocopy store to Assist Business Centre, the Schouten family added services and products to better suit the needs of the community. The little store on Main Street soon became too small and in August 2011, Assist Business Centre moved to 755C Lakeside Blvd – the old plumbing store, beside the fre hall. Truly a business centre now, they offer expanded services including a travel agency and a meeting room for rent. The business has grown a life of its own and as people request things, Assist Business Centre tries to fll the need. Computer Assistance? Website Design? Travel Services? Secretarial? Virtual Offce? Design and Business Identifcation? All of these services and more are available for both personal and business applications. Assist Business Centre offers one -on-one consultations and works to provide you with exactly what you want. Business cards and marketing material are unique and custom designed – no fll in the blank cards here! Even though the name says “business centre”, they look forward to your personal projects as well. Let them design your calendars, letters, keepsake books etc. and make your project the reality of your dream. Let Assist Business Centre be the extra employee that you need when you are busy and need someone to take on some of the work load. Use the expertise of the staff to make your job easier. Assist Business Centre will help you get those jobs done. Ask about mailbox rental services and virtual offce ideas. Make your home- based business more inviting to your client with a business address and a boardroom to meet in. Come see the staff today and fnd out how they can “assist” you. Have a project? “Just Ask” Assist Business Centre and swan Valley travel appreciate your business and would like to thank all of their customers for the support over the last 2 years. Best Wishes for a safe and happy holiday season. 755C Lakeside Blvd. strathmore - 403.983.2727 Open 9:00-:5:30 Monday - Friday (excluding holidays) / [email protected] Manny Everett Photos Organizer Carol Johnstone and Cec Watt organized a Christmas Bazaar in the Community of Stan- dard this past weekend with over 12 vendors participating. many people are beginning to realize that there are a lot of home-based businesses they can purchase from in their own communities. Keep your eyes open for more Christmas craft Fairs in and around your communities, Happy Shopping everyone! Left photo: Yvonne Way selling jewelry from Africa for the Stephen Leeman foundation to Rhonda Zachariasen. Top photo: Standard Playschool had a fantastic turnout for their bakesale. Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter Strathmore dancer Neve Raycroft will once again be performing for the Alberta Dance Theatre, this year in the production of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Raycroft had to audition for her part in the production, which will have its own twists to the classic storyline. The story is told through dance and is made up of dancers aged 7-17. Each group will perform four dances, and it can be with a combination of ages. In one of Raycroft’s dances she gets to be a Charlie, and there are three other Charlies in her group. “She had a great time at the audi- tion, it was a great experience, she was on cloud nine. She had gone and there were other friends from the stu- dio that were there and she seemed to really enjoy herself,” said Marnie Ray- croft, Neve’s mother. “She’s a completely different person when she’s on stage, when she’s on stage… it’s where she belongs.” At the end of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ last year the Alberta Dance Theatre announced they planned to run ‘Char- lie and the Chocolate Factory’ this year. Neve watched both movies and read the book a number of times to study and prepare for her audition. Neve’s other roles include being an Oompa loompa and a cowgirl, repre- senting Mike Teavee’s character from the movies and books. “I think it would be my cowgirl costume,” said Neve about which cos- tume is her favourite. Neve was also recently named the recipient of a $200 dance scholarship from the Jaimie Hill and Tammy-Lynn Powers Memorial Foundation. Jaimie and Tammy-Lynn were two danc- ers from Calgary who lost their lives while en route to perform in Pentic- ton with their fellow dancers. A me- morial foundation has been set up in their name to allow future dancers to carry on their dream. “Part of the scholarship is that it goes towards dance, so we would like to allow her to use it to go towards something that maybe she wouldn’t have otherwise been able to do with- out the extra money,” said Marnie. “That way she can add to her dance repertoire and continue to move for- ward.” “I think I might use some for an aer- ial camp,” said Neve. The production of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ hits the stage of the University of Calgary theatre on Dec. 1 for two sold out school shows and is offcially open to the public Dec. 2 to 4. Raycroft’s Grade 4 classmates from Westmount, and the Grade 3, 4 and 5 students from Trinity Lutheran Chris- tian Academy will be attending one of the performances on the frst. “I don’t think Neve gets nervous to go on stage, that’s for sure. I think they just eat it up when someone that they know comes to the audience, it just kind of fuels them,” said Marnie. “She loves to be on stage and I truly believe one day she’ll be some sort of performer on stage doing something, or teaching in some way. It’s so amaz- ing to go somewhere and watch your child on stage and to see how happy they are; it’s a good thing. It makes all those drives and those early mornings and late nights worthwhile.” Local dancer once again performs with Alberta Dance Theatre Neve Raycroft, 9, has been busy rehears- ing for her roles in ‘Charlie and the Choco- late Factory’ with the Alberta Dance Theatre which hits the stage Dec. 1-4. Photo courtesy of Marnie Raycroft December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 13 Community Crisis Society Providing shelter • creating solutions through outreach and education Thank You The Staff and Board of Directors of Community Crisis Society Operating Wheatland Shelter Celebrates support from our community in “Finding a Better Way” Our annual Fundraising Harvest Dinner & Auction, held November 5th, 2011 was a tremendous success Over $65,000.00 was raised to support citizens experiencing domestic violence We thank guests of our fundraising evening and the organizations, businesses and volunteers who contributed to this important event! Our appreciation is extended to Grant Klaiber, who along with Graydon Pease hosted our evening. Special thanks to Grant Klaiber & guest Kevin Sorensen who teamed up as auctioneers for the evening & bid catchers Brad & Corey Walls, Auction data management and processing provided by Marilyn and Fred Rappel Congratulations to Home Hardware and Sobey’s on purchasing the honor of holding our Cream Can for the 2011 - 2012 year Meal Catered by Kim’s Katering & Crowfoot Liquor • Flowers by Brian of Strathmore’s Florist Linens provided by Gold Standard Events • Sound System provided by Ken Stobbe Table Sponsors: Grove Contracting; Dave Musgrave of Renfrew Insurance & Murphy-Christie Management • Complementary Wine Sponsor: Blue-Con Excavating Take-down: volunteer team from Hope Community Church We recognize and thank our volunteers for the event: Dave Collins, Anneke Findlay, Sherry leFebvre , Lori Hedemark, Vicki Hanson, Bruce Klaiber, Graydon Pease, Sylvia Good, Murray Cummings, Laura Bakken, Marilyn Kolenz, Cheryl McCollister, Tiffany Jones, Janet Barbeau, Erin Harwood, Garry Harwood, Carly Cole, Lynn & Paul Thomas, Kate Pease, Brenda & Robin Impey, Barbie Simpson, Ethel Bartelen and Wanda McGinnis & family Sincere thanks to our extensive list of donors and auction supporters. We have made every effort to include everyone! The Community Crisis society proudly honors 18 years of community support! 5 Star Communications Alan Larsen Angela Reeves Animal Care Centre of Strathmore Anneke Findlay Annie Cummer Arno Doerksen (M.L.A.) ATB Financial ATB Investors Services Bangles Hair Studio & Spa Barb Walls Baslet Place BayerCrop Science Bill Crilly Blue Con Excavating Bob & Gina Sobol Brassard Greenhouses Brett Gates Brown Marian Bruce Klaiber Bumper to Bumper (Quality Auto Supply) Calgary Co-op Calgary Flames Calgary Stampeders Canadian Tire Chantale Hill Chantel Walls Charlotte’s Kitchen Cheryl Tiede Chinook & Hobby West Chinook Credit Union Ltd. Christine Wright CIBC Imperial Service Clarence Kadatz Clarks Supply and Service Ltd. ConocoPhillips Canada Country Escape Spa & Wellness Ltd. Country Hills Golf Club Creteworks Inc. Crowfoot Liquor Store Crystal Ridge Dental Care Crystal Ridge Homes Crystal Ridge Pharmacy Curtis Heating & Air Curves Daisy Does Recycling Dale Munro Dave & Maria Collins Dave Jessey Dave Musgrave Renfrew Insurance Dave Stephenson David & Ethel Jessey Days Inn & Suites Dean Sunley Debbie Campbell Delta Kananaskis Lodge Dennis McNeill Dick Frayn Dona Klaiber Donna Thiessen Dorothy Bodeax Dorothy Viste Double Dam Golf Course Doug Hilton Drumheller Penitentiary Ducks Unlimited Dwight Stanford Eagle Lake Landscape Supply Eagle Lake Nurseries Ed Beaudin Eldon & Sheila Konschuh Elements Emporium Encana Oil & Gas (Offce) Erin Brassard Ernest & Joyce Walker Evergreen Golf Centre F & G Chemicals Fox Hollow Golf Course Garry Harwood George & Marianne Pinchbeck Gerry & Angie Wolper Gerry Cool Gerry Johnson Getz & Associates GH Studio Giles, Bob & Jan Gloria Phillips Gold Key Insurance Ltd Grateful Grape Greg Mensaghi Grove Contract Operating Ltd. Harvest Hills Golf Club Holub Elsie Home Hardware IL Bricco Restaurant Innisfail Golf Club Jacky Corrall Jan Giles Jason Pollo Jean Beuthfer Jennifer Yersh Jeremy Bakken Jim & Pat McCullough Joan Barton Josie Carlson Joy Greasley Joyland Theatre Karen Hilton-Serge Keith Garrioch Ken Larsen Kim’s Katering Krystol & Randy McDowell Langdon IOOF & Rebekah Lodge LaShaun Andrews Laura Bakken Lauren Zulyniak Lenore Ortega Lenore Stillwell - Watkins Lethbridge Golf Club Lin Walker (Gold Standard catering) Linda & Wally Freeman Lois Wegener Lorraine Thiessen Luigi D’Ovidio Lynn Thomas Lynn Woods Law Offce Lynne Fair M & M Drilling - Bill Murray M & M Drilling Co. Ltd. M & M Meat Shops M Cummings M deBeaudrap Margaret Schofeld Marie E Pratt Marilyn Kent Mario Prusina Mark Gibeau Marty Kooistra Meaghan Toth Mike & Laura Vanderkruk Murphy Christie Management Nancy Stairs / Farran Nick & Rose Makrugin Noosa Beach Tanning Salon Original Joe’s Oxbow Golf Course Pam Tiller Paragon Pharmacy Pat & Debbie Fule Pat Crawshaw Pat Rempel Patricia Gates Paul Ventura Pease Karen Pease Karen & Graydon Pease Ralph & Doris Penny Glenn/ Mel Barton Pincher Creek Golf Couse PJ’S Appliance & Mattress Gallery Pompers Automotive Pro Water Conditioning Randall Jarvis RBC Rene Loiselle Renee DuBourdieu Ribbitz Rich-Lee Custom Homes Road House Restaurant Robin Morrison Rocky Blokland Ron & Louise Pratt Rosebud Theatre Sacred Heart Academy Sacred Winds Safe Blue Fire & Safety Sarah Watson Scotiabank Sears Canada Inc. R.K. Developments Inc. Sevick Veterinary Centre Shauna Kenworthy Sheila Grindal Shirley Foesier Shirley Minty Shoppers Drug Mart Simon Vanderploeg Sirkka Kadatz Sobey’s Sobey’s Strathmore Starbucks Steve Pomper Strangmuir Farms Strathmore & District Ag Society Strathmore Dental Centre Strathmore Flooring Concepts Strathmore Golf Club Strathmore Home Hardware Strathmore Lions Strathmore Motor Products Strathmore Station Strathmore Therapeutic Massage & Wellness Strathmore Times Strathmore Veterinary Clinic Strathmore Vision Clinic Strathmore’s Florist Studio 86 Tanning Susan Taylor Suzie Careless Sylvia Good T.Walls Enterprises Target Fitness Ted & Enid Jansen The Bank Athletic Club The Barton’s The Beiseker Quilters Guild & Beiseker Helping Hands Theo Owel Tony & Anne Heuver Town of Strathmore Uta Fox Value Drug Mart Victor Meyer Vikki Hanson Wade Garrioch Wanda & Arno Doerksen Warehouse One Jean Store WestJet Wheatland Cellular Wheatland Kings Junior B Hockey Team Winkler Worley Parsons November is Family Violence Prevention Month. Thank you to those who came out on November 23rd to walk with us around Kinsmen Park to remember victims of family violence. Keep the month of June 2012 in your thoughts for the frst annual Strathmore ‘Step Up’ event – details announced nearer the time. On Nov. 26 Christmas was in the air when the Strathmore Farmers market held their annual Christmas market. Hundreds of people came through the doors at the Civic Centre to see what kind of goodies they could pick up this year. There was everything from wine, to hand knit sweaters, wreaths and lots of fresh baked goods. Shannon LeClair Photo Play brings human cloning issues to the stage Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter Since Dolly the Sheep arrived, there have been debates about the possibil- ity of human cloning. Dolly was the frst mammal to be cloned in the mid 90’s, causing controversy and debate over whether geneticists had gone to far. The script of ‘A Number,’ written by Caryl Churchill in 2002, brings to life the possibility of human cloning, and was on the Engineered Air Theatre stage at the EPCOR centre from Nov. 23 to 27. Canadian Badlands Passion Play co- director Barrett Hileman decided to direct the play for the Fire Exit The- atre. “I think it went well, we had maybe a little smaller houses than I hoped. We did something different at the end of the show, we had a talk back after every show and we had just some re- ally great discussion that was started by the play,” said Hileman. “I think that part was really exciting and I think that’s part of the theatre company’s mandate is to spark con- versation and start conversation, so in terms of that I think it was really suc- cessful.” The play begins with a father and the frst clone son, Bernard, who has just found out he was cloned. The fa- ther starts off saying he didn’t know, blaming the hospital and threatening to sue. After the son mentions there were others, the father fnally admits to cloning him. The father then lies and says that the original son and wife died in a car crash, when in fact the wife committed suicide. The story line continues from there with the frst clone eventually fnding out the truth and the father ending up miserable. Hileman knew it was a script he wanted to direct. “Some of the issues that it raises about cloning and in a very sort of re- lational human way not a sci-f kind of way,” said Hileman. “It talks about the consequences, what would happen if we had this ca- pability and we had the choice to just do this.” Hileman said since Dolly was cloned there have been cows, monkeys and all sorts of other animals cloned. He is sure we are getting closer to hu- man cloning being a possibility, and he thought it was a discussion that should be had. Christmas market draws in hundreds A vocal supporter of the Canadian Wheat Board, Kenton Adamcewicz, right, visits with Kieth Foster while loading winter wheat on his farm east of Rosebud. Foster will be transporting Adam- cewicz’s wheat to a Cargill grain handling facility near Carseland. Kevin Link Photo Winter wheat Page 14 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 15 "The Sign of experience" 403-934-5533 Strathmore & area 24 HR. REAL ESTATE HOT LINE #106 - 304 3r d Avenue, St r at hmor e, Al ber t a T1P 1Z1 Robert Desjardins 403 934-5533 Keith Garrioch 403 333-8411 La Shaun Andrews 403 850-4593 Sheila Bassen 403 361-0390 Jim Buckle 403 325-7347 Jody Buckle 403 560-2652 Tamara Desjardins 403 874-6486 Debbie Enslen 403 852-5923 Chantale Hill 403 325-3860 Ron Kaechele 403 934-1097 Paul Kautz 403 875-4166 Ryan Kautz 403 875-1170 Shauna Kenworthy 403 934-5533 Tracy Larsen 403 901-9143 Lorna Phibbs 403 874-7660 Commercial use potential Accessibility to Highway 1 Annual gas revenue - $2800. Near new grain terminal. Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 $199,000 MLS c3486059 Newly renovated. 1200 sq ft home. 1900 sq ft commercial. All in one! $199,000 caLL Lorna caLL Lorna Brand New 1419 sq ft bungalow in The Ranch $341,000 I HAVE A GARAGE I HAVE 3 BEDROOMS I HAVE NEWER WINDOWS $162,000 Buy me... MLS c3490154 caLL robert & taMara • 4 Acres with Mountain View • Good Well and Building Sites • 15 Minutes to Calgary Buy AlBertA lAnd! $379,900 caLL robert & taMara MLS c3488629 This Super-Single Mobile Home shows with Pride of Ownership!!!Huge Bright Kitchen with Lots of OAK Cabinets...Livingroom features a Beautiful OAK Wall-unit/FIREPLACE!! $134,000! MLS c3471936 caLL tracy Fully renovated heritage home. Almost 1/4 acre fenced lot. Front and rear deck. New furnace, hot water tank, windows and roof. Excellent value. Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 -6 lots each 50 ft frontage -total of 36000 sq ft -services to property line -easy access to hwy 1 for fast commute. 6 lots in HeArt of Cluny $24,900! caLL La Shaun / tracy MLS c3490749 Gated Community, Overlooking Soccerfield. Beautiful 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Open Concept, Vaulted Ceilings, Covered Deck, Immaculate Condition! caLL chantaLe MLS c3465462 $124,900 Gated Community 1520 sq ft, Single Garage 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Vaulted Ceilings Huge Covered Deck Call to View Today! caLL chantaLe MLS c3479672 rAnCH estAtes Quiet Street in Bowness Fully Renovated Condo Inside and Out! Close to transit, shopping, Schools and Parks. Just Move In and Enjoy! $213,000 GreAt deAl in CAlGAry! MLS c3488109 caLL chantaLe caLL chantaLe Backs onto Nature Park Walking Distance to Downtown 4 Bed, 2.5 Bath, Hardwood Floors. Walk-up basement and Fireplace! BrAnd new Custom Built Home! MLS c3486921 we CAn Help you find your dreAm Home! $199,900 Stunning dream home Oversized dble garage with heat Front and rear decks EVERYTHING HAS BEEN REDONE! Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 MLS c3466341 MLS c3475147 caLL robert & taMara • Great Starter Home • Great views of the Mountains • Fully Developed • Room for Oversized Double Garage! Come to CArselAnd $229,900 for All mls listinGs visit our weBsite www.AzteCreAlestAte.CA caLL ron $177,500 caLL ron MLS c3479077 caLL ron like us on fACeBook Go to www.fACeBook.Com/ AzteC reAl estAte Large family home,lots of renos and lots of parking! 5 Bedrooms, 3 baths. 26x28 insulated and heated garage. caLL debbie reduCed $304,500! caLL PauL 3200 square feet of Luxury living on nearly an acre of land in Wildflower. Beautifully landscaped lot along the canal Triple garage exeCutive opportunity only $695,000 MLS c3480850 caLL Lorna 1420 sq ft bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwoods BrAnd new $339,000 caLL Lorna Paved Circle Drive Lots of Trees Walking Distance to all Amenities Attached Double Garage BeAutiful BriCk BunGAlow $309,900 Hiway frontage. Cultivated land. Surface rights income. 120 ACres! $279,000! caLL Lorna C3449948 caLL Lorna 2 Bdrm and 2 Bath Wrap and Deck Double Garage overlookinG lAke $239,000 caLL tracy 8.5 Acre Parcel and Home $799,900! Fully developed 4 bedroom,vaulted ceilings, hardwood flooring. Huge Kithchen!! Walk-out basement with media room!! Oversized heated garage. Featuring a pond and bordering the canal. stunninG mountAin view!!! MLS c3495537 5.8 acres. Large ranch style bungalow Mother-in-law suite Priced to sell!!! Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 $409,900 MLS c3483096 caLL ron GreAt vAlue Great Location 2 Bdrm Condo Fireplace Views of Golf Course and Lake $159,000 caLL Lorna priCe reduCed MLS c3469958 2 bedroom condo, why rent when you can own? caLL debbie $154,900 MLS c3482285 Bunglow style with walkout that features a bachelor suite. caLL debbie $259,900 MLS c3497558 You own the land - no lot fees. Some renos already complete just needs your finishing touches. caLL debbie $99,900 MLS c3451266 MLS c3500423 -2 floor plans to pick from -hardwood, granite upgraded carpet -walkup to natural reserve land -loads of room over 2000 sq ft just on 2 levels BrAnd new,totAlly upGrAded villAs! caLL La Shaun MLS c3486924 -Totally renovated inside and out -5 large bedrooms, 3 full baths -large formal dinning room -open concept through out home -oversize garage fits 3 cars heated -so much more call listing Agent steAl tHis Home $304,500! caLL La Shaun Vaulted Ceilings/ Hardwood/Tile 3 Big Bedrooms plus 4th Quick Possession... Be in for Christmas!! $339,900 HuGe BunGAlow MLS c3498833 caLL robert & taMara "We love Living in Lambert... we can walk to Downtown, the park and the Library... we feel safe here" - Fred and doreen - aduLt Living $165,000 MLS c3498957 caLL robert & taMara caLL La Shaun -Looking to move to Calgary -Fully developed home -3 bedroom, 2 Baths -double detached garage -city transit and easy commute -shows amazing $328,500! open House sAt deC 3 11 to 3 12 tArAvistA CresCent ne MLS c3499374 Great 3 bdrm bungalow in good condition with original hardwood! Fully developed, newer roof and furnace, hot water tank and appliances. Fully fenced yard with double detached garage. Sitting on a corner lot this 1133 sq ft fully developed home is zoned R-3. This property is perfect for moving right into or for future development. This land consists of 2 lots and a portion of a 3rd lot. $287,000 caLL SheiLa MLS c3493418 Country CHArm $359,900 3 acres south of Eagle Lake Immaculate bungalow 3+1 bdrms, 1 1/2 baths Fenced & cross fenced for horses caLL SheiLa caLL SheiLa Great 3 bdr house with lots of living space. New laminate flooring, lino and stainless steel appliances. Newer hot water tank and furnace. This is a dream yard with a Heated Oversized garage/ quonset and loads of room for RV parking. Quiet livinG in A GreAt town! $144,900! MLS c3496424 MLS c3500336 One of a kind bungalow, hardwood, 4bedrooms, new kitchen, renovations have preserved much of the original character of this home. Must be seen to be appreciated. $360,000 caLL debbie new listinG -6 lots in the hamlet of Chancellor -just east of Standard -Looking for a place for a shop -a steal of a deal CHAnCellor lAnd just $17,000! caLL La Shaun / tracy MLS c3467427 thinking of a career in reaL eState? call robert at aztec real estate for more details. c3492199 caLL SheiLa $269,900 Beautiful Immaculate 4 level split home! Fully developed, 4 bdr, 3 baths, loads of cabinets, large dining area and living room, air conditioning, and so much more! The back yard is landscaped and fenced with room for a garage. Two large quonsets 1 metal, 1 wood Small cozy mobile home Double garage East of Standard Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097 4 ACres $179,999 MLS c3500510 caLL ron westlAke Condo $219,900 2 story condo in Westlake Glen 3 bdrms, 1 1/2 baths Low condo fees Perfect for anyone caLL Shauna upGrAded And immACulAte - $265,000 2+2 bdrms, 2 full baths New flooring, upgraded kitchen X-large master bedroom 24x26 detached garage caLL Shauna 4 ACres in town limits - $734,900 · Gorgeous 1646 sq.ft. bungalow · 2+2 bdrms, 2 ½ baths · 40’x50’ insulated shop · Too many upgrades to mention! caLL Shauna lAmBert villAGe - $169,000 · Retire in style! · Large 1 bdrm suite · Oversized single garage · Gorgeous view caLL Shauna -large fenced lot -3 nice size bedrooms -new furnace, and bathroom -fridge,stove,washer,and dryer -fast possession wHy rent wHen you CAn own for only $99,900! caLL La Shaun -over size double attached garage -bungalow style home all on 1 floor -with potential suite with walkout -comes with everything you need just move in -fast possession Awesome floor plAn $259,900! caLL La Shaun MLS c3482285 MLS c3451266 -over 1000 sq ft -6 appliances -low condo fees -2 bedrooms, 2 bath -call for info on new project coming April 2012 BrAnd new Condos very AffordABle! caLL La Shaun new priCe Page 16 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 A great selection of Paderno ceramic bakeware with silicone grips. PFOA and PTFE Free! Starting at $9.99! 65% OFF! $49 99 3L Dutch oven with cover. $146.00. Up to 68% OFF! 61% OFF! $34 99 20pc Belmont flatware set. $89.99. 63% OFF! $59 99 4L casserole with cover. $164.00. 60% OFF! $19 99 4pc stainless steel steak knives. $49.99. 36% OFF! $6 99 The perfect stocking stuffer! Non-stick egg toss pan in red, blue or citron. $10.99. DECEMBER 7 th to 11 th ONLY AT: PADERNO Information & dealers: 1-800-A-NEW-POT or Not all locations open Sunday. Quantities limited, please be early. Sale items may not be exactly as shown. SAVE OVER $500! $229 99 Our 11pc Alberton set features a heat conductive bottom pad for superior cooking performance, durable welded handles and a flared, no-drip lip. Set includes: 1.5L, 2L & 3L saucepans, 5L Dutch oven, 3L steamer, 24cm/9” frying pan and 5 covers. List: $734.00. Proudly Manufactured in Canada Up to 51% OFF! STRATHMORE Strathmore Home Hardware 14 Spruce Park Dr. (403) 934-3802 Ceramic fry pan with silicone handle. PFOA and PTFE Free! 24cm/9” List: $109.99. Now $34.99! 28cm/11” List: $119.99. Now $39.99! Across from No Frills 403-934-9835 Purchase $100 Gift card and receive & extra $10 Gift card! Gift Certifcates available highway #1 Pine road L a k e s i d e B l v d Queen’s Masterpieces N 4th Anniversary for Thank you all for your support Pedicures, Manicures, Waxing Open 7 Days a Week! Closed Christmas & Boxing Day Woods Homes, which is based out of Calgary, held their second annual 3 on 3 basketball tournament at Strathmore High School on Nov. 26. The tournament boasted both a fun and competitive league, and cost $30 to register. The proceeds from the tournament will be used to purchase Christ- mas hampers for families in need. Shannon LeClair Photos More than your average pawn shop Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter Strathmore Pawn and Collectables is more than your average pawnshop and recently it has moved to a new location. This is the fourth move since opening seven years ago and while the mailing address remains the same, they are now next door in the old Sears store, located at 410 Lakeside Blvd. “We’re thankful to the community for support- ing us through all of our moves,” said Derrick Andersen, who co-owns the shop with his wife Tanya. “When I opened it I wanted to do antiques, but there wasn’t enough of a market for just an- tiques so I found two things that were needed and combined them,” said Tanya. The thought of a pawn shop can often invoke the thoughts of a crammed, musty smelling place that can be diffcult to navigate through, which is not the case with the Strathmore Pawn Shop. The shop has a little bit of everything for ev- eryone. They have movies, vinyl records, jewelry, a large collection of antique items and furniture to name a few things. People can also sell their scrap gold to the shop. The furniture collection is a new addition to the store and the Andersen’s said they will only accept quality or antique items. Every day they are buying new items so there is always some- thing new. “We’re hoping our new location will be easier for people to look through and be a more enjoy- able shopping experience,” said Tanya. “If you have stuff to sell bring it in and we’ll give you a fair estimate and if you bring it in it doesn’t mean you have to sell it. “We like the store to be fun to go through, we like to be a fun shopping experience, we’re always looking for interesting things.” Almost everything in the store is negotiable and Derrick said don’t be afraid to haggle with them, but be reasonable in your offers. “Once they come in they fall in love with the place usually,” said Derrick. “Lots of people like to come in here and just look around, there’s lots of stuff to look through.” Appraisals are available if people are interest- ed and if the Andersens don’t think they can sell certain items, or if they don’t deal in them, they will try to point people in the right direction. The shop has great gifts or can inspire ideas for Christmas and everything they sell is guaran- teed. Pictures of what the store has to offer can also be found on Facebook at Strathmore Pawn Collectables. Derrick and Tanya Andersen own the Strathmore Pawn and Collectables shop in town and are encouraging people to come visit them in their new location. Shannon LeClair Photo Second annual basketball tourney once again successful December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 17 Thank You Rockyford Lions Club would like to thank all the donors, buyers and everyone who came out to support the Maritime Madness Auction on November 20. Rockyford Lions thank you to the donors, buyers and the supporters of the thea koester Medical Fundraiser. Raised approx. $60,000! P e t A l e r t ! Strathmore Veterinary Clinic 43 Spruce Lane, Strathmore, AB Clinic 403-934-3311 Leah Smith Dog Trainer, Canadian & American Certifed 403-934-3311 Southpaw K9 Stylist Cara Johnson Professional K9 Stylist 403-324-3955 [email protected] Dealership celebrates with community Mario Prusina Times Editor Bryon Smith Ford celebrated their facility grand opening in style on Nov. 24 with their of- fcial ribbon cutting ceremony. Led by local dignitaries and offcials from the parent Ford company, the dealership hosted a huge party to commemorate the grand open- ing. According to Ford Western Region General Manager, E.G. (Gerald) Wood, the new facil- ity symbolizes what the parent company envi- sioned for all of its dealerships. “The idea is to get a more consistent look no matter what community you go into - that is really what the millennium design is all about,” said Wood. “When I drive into these communi- ties, when the new store is completed and you see (a) picture from six months ago, then you really, truly (see the) wow. “When you see it in its real form, it truly is a proud moment for us.” According to owner Bryon Smith, the new dealership creates a bond that can be shared with the community and the workers. “I’m very proud to be a Ford dealer and to be in the community of Strathmore,” said Smith. “We have a state-of-the-art facility that is pretty special … we’re all about doing things right. Our training is frst class, the expectation of our staff is frst class. It’s all about creating customers for life – it’s about ensuring that our clients get the greatest value for the dollars they spend.” Byron Smith Ford hosted their facility grand opening celebration on Nov. 24 at the dealership. Dignitaries from the town and along with offcials from the parent Ford company were on hand to take part in the event. Mario Prusina Photo Breanne Grey Strathmore Rusty Spurs The Strathmore Rusty Spurs had our annual Silent Auction/Awards Night on Nov. 4. The Si- lent Auction is our big fundraiser for the year. This year, we ended up raising a grand total of about $2,500! All the 4-H members go out to various businesses and ask for donations. These are placed out on tables to be bid on. Some of the popular items were cinnamon buns, four sets of Flames tickets, a beautiful wildlife pic- ture, and lots of horse-related things. On that same evening, we hold our Awards Night for the previous year. The awards given out are as follows: Junior Public Speaking – First: Martina Vergou- wen, Second: Becky Driver Intermediate Public Speaking – First: Brittany Kuhn, Second: Kate Harris Junior Record Book – First: Martina Vergouwen, Second: Sarah Wolfs Intermediate Record Book – First: Brittany Kuhn, Second: Shelby Stout Junior Horsemanship – Sarah Wolfs Intermediate Horsemanship – Shelby Stout Junior Profciency – Martina Vergouwen Intermediate Profciency – Brittany Kuhn Hard Luck – Annie Aiton Most Improved – Breanne Grey Citizenship – Shelby Stout ATB Awards of Excellence – Bronze: Breanne Grey, Sarah Wolfs, Silver: Breanne Grey, Brittany Kuhn, Shelby Stout, Kate Harris. Spurs host annual silent auction & awards night Growing Families Society for East Rural Counties Growing Families Society would like to thank the following groups, individuals and businesses for their generous donations! • Alliance Church ~ Ladies Dessert Night • Care Group from the Alliance Church • Christmas Gathering of Friends • Drumheller Catholic Women’s League • Encana Staff ~ Strathmore Branch • Faith is in Your Hands • Family Garage Sales • Global Training Social Committee • Junior A Strathmore Ice Ringette 2009 Team • Kids That Care In Strathmore ~ Potluck Gathering • New Infant Snowsuit, Bunting Bags, Boots & Mitts For Our Babies ~ Anonymous Family • Numerous Anonymous Donors of Gifts • Richardson Pioneer • Scotiabank Anonymous Member • St Rita’s Parish ~ Rockyford • Strathmore & District Hospital Auxiliary • Strathmore Catholic Women’s League • Strathmore Intuitive Healing Fair • Strathmore Health Unit Staff • Strathmore Home Hardware • Strathmore Retired Nurses Group • Strathmore Times • Verdant Valley & Dorcas Womens Institute of Drumheller • W. Brett Wilson & Prairie Merchant • All the Families in the Community Who Donate Gently Used Baby Items Our families, through the Growing Opportunities program see the direct beneft of your generous gifts. The creative ideas in the community that generate the gift of giving is so special to our families from garage sales, to adopting a family at Christmas, to staff gift funds as a Christmas donation, we want to say If your group, business or as an individual, would like to support our programs contact May Rostecki-Budzey 403-361-7216. 650 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1H8 At 1:40 a.m. on March 22 a fre raged through a home at the corner of Briarwood Road and Briarwood Cres- cent in Strathmore. Four neighbouring homes were evacuated for the safety of the occupants due to the severity of the fre and wind direction. The occupants of the residence where the fre started were not home at the time. A second residence next to the frst, was damaged by the fre. Page 18 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 Holy Cross Collegiate students held their “Style your Sole’ party on Nov. 15, where they deco- rated their new TOmS shoes. On Nov. 25 the stu- dents showed off their completed work. TOmS shoes donates one pair of shoes for every pair bought to a child in need. Photo courtesy of Jenn Yersh Holy Cross students show their style We make even the most brilliant colours green. Green Promise™ coatings that meets the strictest industry environmental standards and deliver on the premium level of performance you expect from Benjamin Moore. brilliant blue 2065-30 bull’s eye red 2002-20 paradise green 2031-20 baby chick 2023-20 Go green with Benjamin Moore — Our newest products are better for the environment, beautiful for your home. 1.800.663.5929 © 2009 Benjamin Moore & Co. Limited. Benjamin Moore and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks and Green Promise is a trademark of Benjamin Moore & Co., Limited. Strathmore Building Supplies 42 Spruce Park Drive, Strathmore, AB 403-934-4611 Submit donations to: Strathmore District Health Services 200 Brent Blvd., Strathmore, AB T1P 1J9 Please make cheques payable to SDHS Foundation Tree of Hope Donors Name & Address: ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of (Blue Blub): __________________________________________________ Christmas Greeting to (Pink Blub): ____________________________________________ Donation Amount: __________________________________________________________ Clip & Mail this ad or list names on a separate sheet of paper 2011 Tree of Hope 18th Annual Campaign in support of Palliative Care, will accept donations until January 6th. Donations may be mailed or dropped off at the Hospital Admitting. Envelopes addressed to the Hospital will be available at Strathmore churches & at St. Rita’s in Rockyford. Ada Wallace will collect in the Gleichen / Cluny area. Donations of $10 or more receive a charitable receipt. The main objective for 2011 is the purchase of a juvenile crash cart for use within the hospital, as well as comforts for the Palliative Care Room. As there are space limitations at the hospital, a CommemorATive ServiCe will be held at the Sagewood Srs Centre - 140 Cambridge Glen Drive 2nd foor beginning at 2 pm on December 10th. The public is welcome, refreshments served. Once again Strathmore and surrounding communities resi- dents, like sisters meghan and Leah Cavanagh, have shown their generosity in Operation Christmas Child. This collection week they gathered over 500 shoeboxes at the collection centre for their area located at Strathmore Alliance Church. The boxes were thoughtfully and lovingly packed and will go to bless less fortunate children who rarely, if ever, receive gifts. The boxes provide an opportunity for the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse to show the love of Jesus for children and communities across the world. For more information or to check out how you can get involved please visit the OCC website at Photo courtesy of Crystal Cavanagh of Standard Over 500 shoeboxes collected for Operation Christmas Child Sacred Heart Academy’s (SHA) Grade 6m class organized this year’s Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes. The students gathered donations for the shoeboxes and Wheatland emS picked them up on Nov. 21. Photo courtesy of Sacred Heart Academy Sacred Heart students participate Operation Christmas Child On Nov. 26 new Divas owner Susan Leinweber introduced herself to customers when she held the grand reopening. Leinweber bought the store from the previous owner in early October. She had always liked the store and when she saw it was for sale she knew she had to buy it. Customers don’t have to worry about any big changes coming into the store anytime soon. Divas will continue selling fresh fowers, home décor and there are plenty of Christmas items for sale. “As of right now kind of keeping it the same until i get to know the customers and the people to see what they’re looking to see,” said Leinweber. Shannon LeClair Photo Divas re-opens December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 19 Fern Brecht with the Strathmore Health Unit gives soon to be parents myra and Jaime merino a hands on demonstration on how to lock in a car seat base. The Strathmore Health Unit in coordi- nation with Parent Link Centre hosted a car seat safety class held monday night, Nov. 28, at Parent Link. For a lot of new parents car seat safety is a big concern, and it is important that you know how to use and install them properly. For more information on this you can contact Strathmore’s Health Unit or Parent Link at 403-983-0076. Wendi Tashlikowich Photo Learning car seat safety times strathmore For ad sizes and rate information call Rose 403-934-5589 or email [email protected] Your Locally Owned & Operated Weekly Newspaper The Strathmore Times will be publishing a It’s Almost Christmas Time... It’s Almost Christmas Time... Publish date: December 16th Deadline date: December 2nd Regular rates apply and full color is only an additional $25. This section will feature: Christmas Carols • Christmas Stories Letters to Santa Distribution of 11,500 through Canada Post 3rd Year Anniversary At the End of the Day, This is Your Paper Join Us on Thursday, December 8 Noon to 4:30 pm Enjoy Refreshments & Snacks! 202 - 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore (Trendsetter Building) TIMES STRATHMORE 413 - 3rd St. Strathmore Strathmore Denture Clinic Terry Grant Denturist 403.934.3877 • Complete / Partial Dentures • Same Day Relines & Repair • Custom Mouthguards • Custom Night Guards • Natural Teeth Whitening Carseland publiC benefit Club Since 1912 the Carseland Public Beneft Club’s intention has been to augment programs for those in need as well as pro- vide a service to improve community welfare. As a not-for-proft organization, the PB Club exists solely to promote the health, well being, safety, and education of the general population of the Carseland district. For ninety- nine years the PB Club attempts to fll or enhance any void in needed service areas that relate or affect Carse- land and its surrounding population. The PB Club is not facility driven, nor sports or agri- culturally focused, but has supported a variety of populations within the larger county area (i.e.: seniors, children, maternity, voluntary as- sociations). Historically the PB Club has been for female members only. However this was more due to the fact that the men were either working the land or serving in the armed forces. The division of labor was so much more distinct back then; females predominantly did stitching and cooking. In 1998, “open membership” was discussed and it was agreed that any community member was welcome to join. There has yet to be a male member. The Carseland Public Beneft Club does have a broad-based mem- bership of ladies living in and around Carseland township. In April 2012 the Club will celebrate their 100th Anniver- sary. Because their original undertakings included extensive support to the Red Cross (for example: knitting socks for de- ployed soldiers, sewing bandages and slings, and maintaining a Prisoner of War Fund) they have chosen a military theme to celebrate their centennial. The Club believes the power of future community success lies within our next generation and, in this theme, has invited the Alberta Army Cadet League to participate in their celebration; showcasing their training, discipline and commitment of youth to building our nation. Feature Decade: 1972 – 1982 Feature Decade Member: Mrs. eleanor (ellie) taylor When asked to write about a Decade Member for the Carse- land Public Beneft Club, I tore into the minutes of that time and reviewed the events of this amazing group of woman. You see at this decade, when I would hear of another P.B. meeting, it meant my mother was off and out the door and all us kids had extra time on the T.V. or telephone. Little did I know the time and commitment these ladies had for our community. Eleanor (Ellie) Taylor is one of these women. El- lie became a member 1961 and during the time of this de- cade she reigned as President and 2nd Vice President. Cater- ing many events including weddings, corporate dinners, and many community functions, was a large part of the P.B. clubs moneymaking efforts. Ellie was and still is very involved in all aspects of the fundraising for the club. Ellie is also an in- credible piano player and she has shared her talents in many of the community events. She served on many committees, including on both History Books…’Trail’s to the Bow’ and ‘More trails to the Bow’. Her timeless energy and the enormous volunteer hours have made her an ambassador both within and out of our com- munity. Ellie is still an active member of our Carseland Public Beneft Club and as I read the minutes of the decade, I realize how very fortu- nate to have her and many other women like her in our lives, past & present. World events from this decade: 1972 - Watergate Scandal commences with the arrest of fve White House operatives who were caught 1975 – The beaver is named as the offcial emblem of Can- ada. 1977 – The frst diesel automobiles are introduced by Gen- eral Motors 1980 – Mount St. Helens erupts in Washington creating an environmental disaster. 1981 – Prince Charles marries Lady Diana Spencer PB Club events from this decade: 1972 – Bought a fridge for the Hall, $25.00 1974 – Letter was sent to Parliament protesting the introduc- tion of the metric system 1977 – Carseland Public Beneft Club 65th Anniversary was celebrated with a steak fry at the River 1978 – Letter sent to the County regarding putting a fence around the dump 1979 – Published the P.B. Cookbook, 500 ordered and sold for $3.00 each 1980 – Christmas Concerts that were organized & hosted by the P.B. Club will now be put on by the School Carseland Public Beneft Club Cole brown Hussar 4-H Club Reporter Our meeting was on Nov. 14 at the Hus- sar curling club. For Roll Call we had to guess what the weight of our calf would be at weigh in. Jayden Nail reported on his dad being scared the most at the Haunted Atlas Coal mine. We are combin- ing our club with the 4-H horse club, and will be called the Hussar 4-H Club. Our club is going to decorate the trees in front of the area at our December meeting. We are also going to sponsor a family or kids for Christmas. Daun held a diary work- shop after our meeting was done, please remember to bring your completed dia- ries for last year to the Dec. 12 meeting and hand them in for marking. We held weigh in on Nov. 26, at Barry and Leanne Kaiser’s shop. The three win- ners who guessed closest to their calves weights were, Jourdynn Sammons, Ciara Sandum and Brendan Fraser, way to go! They each won a gift card. Thank you very much Barry, Leanne and family for the use of your shop once again! Remember to wear warm clothes to the Dec. 12 meeting and remember it is Christmas gift exchange, pot luck supper and tree decorating! Hussar 4-H club prepares for busy month Strathmore’s celebration of lights Congratulations to Riley Stobbe who won the Mr & Mrs Clause along with Rudolph at the 4th Annual Light Up the Night event held on Saturday, November 26, 2011. The draw was sponsored by Hidden Secrets, downtown Strathmore. Page 20 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 NOW OPEN At 1:40 a.m. on March 22 a fre raged through a home at the corner of Briarwood Road and Briarwood Crescent in Strath- more. Four neighbouring homes were evacuated for the safety of the occupants due to the severity of the fre and wind direction. The occupants of the residence where the fre started were not home at the time. A second residence next to the frst, was damaged by the fre. H o m e G a m e s Saturday, December 3 • 8:00 pm vs Cochrane Generals Strathmore Family Centre - Gold Arena Saturday, Dec. 10 • 8:00 pm vs Okotoks Bisons; Sunday, December 18 • 7:30 pm vs Banff AWAY GAMES: Friday, Dec. 9 • 8:15 pm Medicine Hat; Friday, Dec. 16 • 8:30 pm High River; Saturday, Dec. 17 • 8:30 pm Coaldale Ducks Unlimited Silent Auction at December 3 & 18th Games Manny EvErEtt Times Contributor Even though Thanksgiving is over, twelve Hussar avid curlers came out for their best shot at winning a turkey in their annual Hot Shots Tournament on Nov. 26. Usually this event happens a little earlier in the fall as Hussar kicks off its curling season, however schedules didn’t permit it until now. A Hot Shots Tournament consists of twelve curlers curling a series of specialty shots until they get down to a seven-fnalist core group. These seven then curl the spe- cialty shots again, dropping the player with the least amount of points at each shot. The specialty shots include the follow- ing for those who are avid curlers: Hit and Stay, Draw to the Button, Draw through the Port, The Raise, Hit and Roll and fnally the Double Takeout. The winner in the Tournament was Kev- in Taubert who won tickets to the Turkey Curl, which took place immediately follow- ing the Hot Shots Tournament. The Turkey Curl is a whole other event within the tournament itself. Participants pay $3 a round with eight people at each table playing a round of cards. The person who wins the round wins a turkey. Quite a novel fundraiser for all involved, as each table makes $24 per round of cards. The Hussar Curling Club gave away 88 turkeys at the event. Hussar is well underway with their sea- son as the Men’s Travel League is on Thurs- day nights alternating between Hussar and Standard. Their mixed Square League is held on Tuesday nights. Hussar hot shots turkey curl Thanksgiving may be over but that didn’t stop these avid curlers from taking part on the Hot Shots tour- nament and the Turkey curl on Nov. 26. Shown here Deputy Reeve Ben Armstrong curling a “turkey”. Manny Everett Photo Mario Prusina Times Editor After a 7-2-5 record to start the sea- son, the UFA Bisons were looking at the NW Calgary Flames as a measur- ing stick. The local triple-A midget team used the second-place Flames as a gauge to see how they stack up in the AMHL standings. Unfortunately, after their frst clash of the season, there are more ques- tions than answers. Decimated by some ‘poor’ offciat- ing, the UFA Bisons were hurt by two powerplay goals in the frst period en route to a 5-2 loss to the Flames on Nov. 24 at the Father David Bauer Arena in Calgary. According to Bisons head coach Jeremy Friesen, the men in stripes played a pivotal part in the contest. “This (game) is a little more disap- pointing because I thought the guys were ready – I’ve never seen our guys more prepared than they were to- day – they knew what was at stake. The frst 30-40 seconds we came out hard,” said the coach. “I’m not going to make excuses, but I thought the of- fciating in the frst period was very, very poor and way sub-par for what we expect in this league. “This is the second time we’ve seen this guy and it’s the exact same thing. That is something that has to get addressed and fxed, that’s for sure. “(However) we’re not going to use that as an excuse – we came back in the second and third – we did have a push back, (but) at the end of the day, it just wasn’t enough. “I thought the offciating in the frst period took away a lot of momentum and we just couldn’t build anything or sustain anything.” The Bisons were nailed for 14 in- fractions, while the Flames were nabbed only eight times in the game. The Bisons allowed a goal 1:49 and 4:37 into the frst period and – be- cause of all the penalties - were out- shot 23-4 after 20 minutes. After falling 2-0, Rylan Muenchrath and Parker Evan-Campbell fed Arron Macklin for a powerplay goal to cut the defcit. Macklin scored his second goal of the game in the third, as the Bisons poured on the pressure, but had only one goal to show for it. “I think that we’ve played well throughout the year, but games like this opens your eyes to the competi- tion and how good you have to be every shift, every night,” said forward Markson Bechtold. “We’re a team with four good lines, we can all play, but we only had two lines going (tonight). It’s tough to be successful against good teams like the Flames (without everyone pulling their weight). “It’s really frustrating because we know we have the team to win every night, we can be frst place. If not all of the guys show up for a big game like this, it’s tough.” The Bisons rebounded from the loss when they travelled to Medicine Hat on Nov. 27. After allowing a pair of goals late in the third period to fall 4-3, the Bisons evened the scored with 2:39 left in the game, before scoring the game winner with 1:43 left to secure the 5-4 win. Captain Mitch McAllister recorded a goal and an assist, while Muench- rath, Kevin O’Rourke, Conner Bleack- ley and Owen Ferguson each scored once for the Bisons. With the win, the Bisons improved to 8-3-5 on the sea- son. The Bisons were back in action in Calgary Nov. 30 (result not available as of press time) when they tangled with the Calgary Buffaloes. The team returns to the confnes of the Strath- more Family Centre Dec. 2 (8 p.m.) to host the Calgary Royals. Bisons measure their competition De ce mbe r 2 , 2 0 1 1 sports With some shady offciating, the UFA Bisons were sent to the penal- ty box early and often in their matchup with the NW Calgary Flames on Nov. 24 at the Father David Bauer Arena in Calgary. Despite bat- tling back, especially in the third period, the Bisons lost 5-2 to the Flames, before rebounding to defeat the Tigers 5-4 on Nov. 27 in Medicine Hat. Mario Prusina Photos Page 22 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 The Strathmore Storm peewee girls hockey team won the Stettler tournament this past weekend in an exciting shootout fnal over ed- monton. Congratulations to the Storm on their championship! Photo courtesy of Tammy Terry What’s Happening? What’s happening is a free weekly community calendar. if you are a non-proft group and have a special event you would like to promote, please email your information to [email protected] or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 and we will include your information on this weekly Community page. Due to space restrictions, please keep information to a minimum. Mark Your Calendars for these Upcoming Special Events.... DaDDy & Me @ the Strathmore Municipal Library, 85 Lakeside Blvd. Saturday Dec. 3. Two sessions at 10:30am & 11:30am. Hey Dads! Want to do something different with the kids? Come join us for crafts, stories, and fun. Pre-registration required. Call 403-934-5440 for more details. Royal CanaDian legion - laDies auxilliaRy Tea anD Bake sale Sat. Dec. 3 - 130 to 330 at the Legion Hall. Door Prizes and Raffes. sT. MiChael & all angel’s angliCan ChuRCh will Be having a Coffee TiMe Tuesdays from 2-4:30pm beginning on Dec. 6. Everyone is welcome to come for coffee, cookies & friendship. hope ChRisTMas MaRkeT Hope Community Church. Dec 9, 4pm to 8pm, Dec 10, 10am to 6pm & Dec 11, 2pm to 6pm. TRee of hope ChRisTMas speCial will be held at Sagewood Seniors Centre, Saturday December 10 @ 2pm, Music & refreshments, Everyone Welcome. ChRisTMas MeMoRial seRviCe Sunday, December 11 2:30 pm Christmas Memorial Service @ the Carseland Hall. ChRisTMas faiR & Toy show December 10 & 11, 2011. Sat. 9 am-6pm Sun. 10am-5pm Cheadle Hall - Admission: 0-12 Free, 12-14 $2.00, Adults $3.00 & Senior $2.00 Tunes foR a Toonie ChRisTMas speCTaCulaR Hope Community Covenant Church, Friday December 16 @ 7pm, Doors open at 6:30. Tickets at the door - $4/person or $10/family, Advance tickets $2/person or $5/family. Email [email protected] for info. nighTingale ChRisTMas ConCeRT Saturday December 17. Pot luck supper @ 6:00pm, Concert @ 7:30pm, with Santa to follow with is bag of goodies! Cost is a dona- tion of a non-perishable food item for the food bank. Call Tammy at 403-901-6151 for info. Royal Canadian Legion For information regarding hall rentals, darts and crib, please call 403.934.5119 MOPS (Mother’s Of Preschoolers) meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays 9:30am – 11:30am at the Strathmore Alliance Church. Babysitting available for ages 0 - 6. For more information call Jennifer at 403-934-5799 or visit Strathmore Parent and Tot Playgroup, meets every Tuesday at 9:30 - 11:30 am. in the Strathmore United Church Basement. For more information call Tammy at 403-983-7284 or Ali at 403-934-2089. $1 per child Strathmore District Health Services Auxiliary Meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month @ 1:30 pm, (excluding July & August). Lower level Conference Room at the Strathmore Hospital. New members welcome. For more info please call 403- 934-4436 Strathmore & District Chamber of Commerce meets the third Monday of the month @ 7:00 p.m. All members welcome. Check web page for meeting location. For more information call 403-901-3175 or Come Fly With Us 903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. Meet Wednes- days at 6:30pm at the blue building and Quonset on the Ag grounds. Boys & Girls welcome between 12 & 19 years. Call Joanna Howard at 403-983-5796 for more information. HIV Edmonton providing support, education and advocacy for those infected with, affected by or at risk of HIV and AIDS for 25 years. Go to or call toll free 1.877.388.5742. TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly Want to Lose Those Unwanted Pounds?? Need support to reach your goal? We are here for you! We meet every Thursday at 6:30 pm @the Anglican Church. Contact Melissa @ 403-901-1566 or Lynne @ 403-934-4359 to join our journey to a ftter you. The Hope Bridges Society Board meetings held the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at #3-236-3rd. Avenue. Please visit our website at or contact us at [email protected]. Strathmore Musical Arts Society, If you love music and musicians and have a special soft spot for the Blues, you would enjoy being part of this group. Call 403-934-4196 or 403-680-7721 to get on our phone or email list and be notifes about meetings and upcoming events. Strathmore Elks Lodge #491 meets 3rd Tuesday at the Strathmore Curling Club 6:30 pm. Steak Supper at 7 pm. New Members welcome. Call Greg 403-888-6155. Meals on Wheels is available in Strathmore. For information or to obtain this service please contact Wheatland FCSS at 403-934-5335. Strathmore FASD Parent Support Group at the Strathmore United Church. For more info call Pam @652-4776. Strathmore Caregiver Support Group This is an opportunity for caregivers to fnd support and beneft from interaction with others in a similar situation. For more information or to register call Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176. Sunday School for All Ages: Lord of All Lutheran Church offers Christian Education opportunities for ages 3 years to adult, on Sunday Mornings. All are Welcome! For more information please call Margo Sevick 403-901- 2044 or call the Church Offce at 403-934-2374. Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife Association (Your local fsh & game club). Meetings – 2nd Thursday every month, 7:30pm at the Clubhouse. Call Larry at 403-934-4388 for more information. Wheatland Rural Crime Watch. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each Month. Featuring guest speakers. For more information call 403-934-4055. Strathmore Lions Club meets the frst and third Thursday at the Strathmore Civic Centre at 6:45 pm. Strathmore Country Gardens Club Meetings at least once per month. Tours, guest speakers, workshops and much more included in a membership. $20 single, $30 family. For more information visit or phone Linda Pekrul 403-901-0017. Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53 meets the frst Monday of each Month at 7:30 p.m. Call Glen at 403-901-6038. Website: Strathmore Homeschool Familes. Any Strathmore and Area familes that are homeschooling are invited to join our Yahoo Group. groups. Adult Competitive Drop In Volleyball Wednesdays 7-9 Crowther Memorial Junior High $2.00 per drop in Begins Wednesday September 21, 2011 Free Tree for all New Born Babies Attention all infants – remind your parents to register your birth so a tree can be planted commemorating your birth in the Chinook Credit Union Birth Forest in Strathmore. Registration Forms are available at the Town offce, Chinook Credit Union and Health Unit. (A Communities in Bloom Project) Healing Rooms, open for prayer Mondays from 7 to 9 pm. at the Harvest Healing Centre at 115A-3rd. Avenue in Strathmore. Everyone is Welcome. Strathmore Full Gospel Church We’re a Pentecostal Bible based family church that has something for all ages. Call 934-2225 or visit Blackfoot Crossing’s new winter hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm. Call 403-734-4383 for more information. Chestermere and area Children (& Families) with Type 1 Diabetes. Our Goal is to create a group of mature, responsible members where we open our own homes as Safe Places for Diabetic Children to go to if ever in Diabetic Distress. Join the Facebook group for more information. Parent Link has reopened as Hand-In-Hand Parent Link Centre! Call 403-983-0076 for Program information or drop by the offce in Country Lane Mall for a Program Calendar. The Community Crisis Society, operating Wheatland Shelter is currently seeking volunteer applicants to serve on the board. Interest individuals may contact Gerry at (403) 934-6634, Monday -Thursday, or e-mail: [email protected]. Wheatland Business Women Meet the second Tuesday of the month @ 8:00 am at Days Inn & Suites. New members welcome http:// and follow us on Facebook. Call 403-324-6641. Strathmore & District Agricultural Society Darcy Ledene - General Manager Strathmore & District Agricultural Society [email protected] 403.934.5811 Offce 403.999.7646 Cell 403.901.0299 Fax Facebook: Strathmore Stampede Twitter: Strathmore Rodeo Strathmore Regional Victim Services Society (SRVSS) SRVSS is looking for men and women interested in becoming front line victim advocates to provide support, information and referrals to victims of crime or tragedy. We need individuals interested in a chal- lenging and rewarding volunteer experience who are caring and non-judgmental with a sincere interest in helping victims move past their immediate trauma. We provide extensive training in many areas, includ- ing sexual assaults, domestic violence, suicide, court preparation, and sudden death. If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact Lesley Hering at the Strathmore RCMP Detachment at (403) 934-6552. RCCG Peculiar People Assembly, Strathmore If you’re feeling lost in an increasingly secular world, may we suggest that you fnd your way to our church at 237, 1st Ave this Sunday by 8.30am. Call 403-667-7832. Strathmore Baptist Church Meeting Sundays @ 11am and Thursdays @ 7pm, Call Pastor David Blankenship for info 403-390-4431. Happy Gang 55 plus Seniors Meetings; 2nd Tuesday every month @ 1:15pm. Potluck Supper; fourth Tuesday every month at 5:30pm Everyone welcome! Hall Rental; $80. Call Shirley @ 403-934-9927. All other inquiries call Eric @ 403-901-1596. Mel Boschee Strathmore Ringette Ice Cats Well the wind was just a howling on Sunday and so were the Ice Cats. When the Ice Cats got to the Airdrie arena, the girls pulled out a 12-2 win. The Ice Cats were showing their exceptional skills. The Ice Cats after the frst period were up 5-2 with some terrifc passing along with some dazzling moves. The goaltenders switched out after two and the Ice Cats took the lead to a further 12-2 when the fnal buzzer rang. Defensive and forward team comprising of Me- gan Brooks, Laura Sader, Makayla Grant, Tessa Da- vidson and Shelby Lane were remarkable which certainly assisted in Payton Jensen, Justine Larson, Cayley Boschee, Mackenzie Hansen, Reagan Bo- gusky, and Ainsley Olson goals! Come watch the stupendous Ice Cats hit the ice this weekend in Strathmore at 2 p.m. Ice Cats howl after in win Tournament winners! Strathmore Storm Novice Tier 3 team took home the banner this past weekend. With lots of hard work and determination the young team won the i.m.H.A Novice tournament hosted by indus. Photo courtesy of Kelli Pollock Novice Storm bring home the banner December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 23 classifieds times Obituaries WOLDUM, Heiran Heiran Woldum, 92, passed away peacefully on Thursday, November 24, 2011 in Strathmore, Alberta. Heiran was born September 20, 1919 in Decorah, Iowa to Nels and Caroline Woldum who frst settled in the Strathmore area in 1908. In the late 40’s, while Heiran was employed as a school bus driver, he met the love of his life – his wife Dorothy. On November 12, 1949 Heiran and Dorothy were married. They farmed on the Woldum homeplace until 1955 when they moved east of Strathmore to Dorothy’s homeplace where they continued to farm. Over the years, Heiran played an active role in shaping his community. He served on the Strathmore Co-op Association from its beginning to the amalgamation with the Calgary Co-op (35+ years). He was also involved in the Strathmore Lions Club and served as President for many organizations, including: Strathmore U.F.A. local, Glen Valley Telephone Co., Elwood Mutual Telephone Co., and the Strathmore Rural fre association, which he also helped organize. Heiran also enjoyed curling. When semi-retired, Heiran worked with Alberta Hail & Crop Insurance as a crop adjustor. In 1989, Heiran offcially retired from farming life and he and Dorothy moved into town. He enjoyed his retirement and his many hobbies. Always one to tinker with gadgets, Heiran appreciated the inner-workings of clocks and watches. At the age of 80 he mastered computers, and at 90 started working with his frst laptop. In January, Heiran moved to Strathmore Continuing Care. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Dorothy; children Ken (Hilda) Woldum and Karen (Ken) Hornung; fve grandchildren Amy Woldum (fance Ryan), Allen (Jodi) Hornung, Lynnette Hornung, Evan Woldum, and Scott Woldum; along with many nieces and nephews. The family extends a heartfelt thank you to Dr. Piesas and the staff at Strathmore Continuing Care for all of their help and compassion. A memorial service will be held on Monday, December 5, 2011 at St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church, Strathmore at 11:30 a.m. In lieu of fowers, donations may be made directly to the Strathmore Hospital Ladies Auxiliary (200 Brent Blvd., Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J9) To send condolences, please visit www. WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. 403-934-5666. DANHAUER, Roderick C. It is with great sadness that long time friend, John Collard, announces the passing of Roderick C. Danhauer on Saturday, November 26, 2011 at the age of 74 years. Rod was born on December 10, 1936 in Stony Plain, Alberta to Charlotte and Edward Danhauer. He leaves behind his son James Reid Danhauer, and two grandsons Bruce Danhauer and Matthew Danhauer. Rod was in the Royal Canadian Navy for 17 years and then became a Red Seal Chef through SAIT, working at various restaurants for 20 years until his retirement in 2001. A committal service will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2011 at Strathmore Cemetery, at 1:00 p.m. If friends so desire, memorial tributes may be made directly to the Canadian Cancer Society (200, 325 Manning Rd NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 2P5). To send condolences, please visit WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. 403-934-5666. GIECK, Richard January 19, 1925 – November 28, 2011 Dad passed away peacefully into Mom’s waiting arms. He fnally got to take his fnal journey with the love of his life. Dad leaves behind to sadly miss him, his sons, Don (Andrea) and Garry (Shelley); fve grandsons, eleven great grandchildren; one brother Emil (Lil). Funeral services will be held on Friday, December 2, 2011 at Lord of All Lutheran Church, Strathmore, at 11:00 a.m. Interment Mountain View Memorial Gardens. If friends so desire, donations may be made directly to Strathmore Hospital Palliative Care Unit (200 Brent Blvd., Strathmore, T1P 1J9) or The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (Prairies/NWT Region, 10665 Jasper Avenue, Suite 700, Edmonton, T5J 3S9). When we come into this world, We cry and everyone else rejoices – When we leave this world, Everyone else cries – But we rejoice. To send condolences, please visit www. WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. 403-934-5666. jets basketball - full jets badminton - an 8 week program running Monday nights from Dec. 5 to March 12 (with a break in February) stars volleyball - a 10 week program running Monday nights from March 19 to June 4 Session Times: Gr. 1-3 5:30 - 6:30 pm, Gr. 4-: 6:30 - 7:30 Gr. 6-9 7:30 - 8:30, Gr. 6-9 volleyball runs: 7:45 - 8:45 Location: Wheatland elementary school in strathmore. Registrations are accepted on a frst come, frst served basis. Don’t Delay... register toDay! for more information check out our website at or email us at [email protected] or call us at 403-934-4599 2009 SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS STARS Volleyball Camp Monday, August 17th - Friday, August 21st Location: Wheatland Elementary School Camp Times Students entering grades 1-5: 9:00am - 12:00pm Students entering grades 6-9: 1:00pm - 4:00pm For More Information: Call Pat or Debbie Fule at 934-4599 or email us at [email protected]. FULL for Quality instruction in Best Selection • Fresh Cut Trees Noble Fir • Lodgepole Pine White Pine • Balsam Fir Douglas Fir • Fraser Fir Sizes range from 2 ft - 13 ft We also have Boughs 403-934-4421 Langdon • Strathmore • Chestermere • Calgary Open November 26 - 7 Days a Week Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter The South Central volleyball Zone Championships took place Nov. 18 and 19, with teams from Strathmore and Wheatland County travelling to compete for their spot. The Strathmore High School JV girls Spartans took off to Canmore for their tournament. In the frst match they played the home team. Coach Jerry Flaws said the girls had a bad case of nerves, and they could not beat about the well-supported Canmore team. The girls relaxed between games and were able to come out strong against George Macdonald from Airdrie. It was a steady fght to the semi-fnal game for the girls, who never gave up. Flaws said the semi-fnal game against Foothills Composite was exciting and entertain- ing. The Spartans lost a close one and were placed in the bronze medal game, said Flaws. Next up they were against Holy Trinity Academy from Okotoks, and Flaws said like all of their matches against them this year it went to the third game. The Spartans lost with a score of 15- 12, placing fourth in the South Central Zone Championship. This season the team has played in fve tournaments, winning two gold medals, two silvers and one bronze. They also won the Foot- hills League Championship banner. “The girls are not just good athletes, Local volleyball teams wrap up season The Wheatland Kings presented three players with the Kevin O’Keefe me- morial Scholarship prior to their home game versus the Red Deer Vipers on Nov. 26 at the Strathmore Family Cen- tre. making the presentation were (l-r) Linda Grove (Grove Contract Operat- ing & Oilfeld maintenance), Betty-Ann Christie (murphy Christie management), Courtney O’Keefe (Animal Care Centre of Strathmore and the O’Keefe family), miles O’Keefe and Dixie O’Keefe to re- cipients mike Samoil, Austin Larsen and Bryce Halverson of the Wheatland Kings. After the puck was dropped, the Kings allowed four frst-period goals en route to a 5-1 loss. Doug Taylor Photos they are dedicated to their sport,” said Flaws. The Standard Rams Senior girls vol- leyball team had a chance to advance to their South Central Zone Championships after placing second in Acme at the East Regional Zones. The girls were in Delia for their championship where they came second in their pool. The team, made up of three grade 9 students, two grade 11’s and four grade 12’s, faced Acme in the semi-fnal game and lost, putting them out of the running for provincials this year. In the bronze medal game the girls went up against Morrin, but it just wasn’t meant to be and the team wound up with fourth place in the 1A zones this year. “It feels very odd as this is the frst time in eight years that we have not been preparing to head to provincials,” said coach Susan Moncks. “We showed some really great im- provement over the course of the sea- son, but this weekend was just not ours.” Darren Perizzolo, head coach of the Holy Cross Collegiate Hawks Junior and Senior Varsity Women’s teams said they had a fairly good season this year, fn- ishing with two-second place, and two third place fnishes at tournaments this year. “We had a tough Friday night in zones and very strong Saturday morning. Un- fortunately due to the losses the night before, we were knocked out of the tour- nament after the round robin,” said Per- izzolo. Jr A Hawks volleyball coach Nicole Cordes had implemented a new strategy this year, and said overall the girls had a strong year and showed an understand- ing of the 6-2 system by the end of the season. “Our Zone playoff went quite well. We fnished third in our pool and lost our quarter fnal match which went to three very close games,” said Cordes. “All of our games were extremely close with a few of our games going to 24-26 fnal scores. The girls were communicat- ing well and rarely missed a serve; really it was anyone’s Zone as all teams were very evenly matched. I told the girls that ending the season like that was some- thing to be proud of, we were defnitely competitive.” Yvonne Sadek Strathmore Skate Club President The Strathmore Skate Club want to let our skaters know how proud we are as they skated at the “Spin, Sparkle & Jump” in the Calgary Region Open Competi- tion at the Calalta Club November 18-20, 2011. There was hard work done by all of our competitive skaters and our two coaches in preparing for this competition. Congratulations!! Results: Ladies Pre Preliminary Fee Program: fight G, Rylee Wilson-5th, Mackinnly Moore-7th fight N, Chelsey Nelson-1st fight R, Caitlin Swan-5th fight S, Kennady Moore-3rd fight T, Ashlynn Huebschwerlen-4th Ladies Preliminary Free Program: fight G, Jaicey Birch-3rd fight L, Jayden Wilson-1st fight N, Sarah Beemer-2nd fight O, Kayla Betts-3rd, Rebecca David-2nd, Emily Wegner-4th Special Olympics Free Program: level 5, Kennedy Zay- tsoff-1st Ladies Senior Bronze Free Program: Kayla Lo- chhead-18th Ladies Introductory Interpretive Program: fight E, Sarah Beemer-11th, Rebecca David-4th Ladies Introductory Elements: fight C, Kaitlyn Struiksma-5th fight G, Brittyn Paiha –3rd fight R, Ashley LaCoste-5th Men’s Introductory Elements: Ethan Scott-3rd. Local skate club enjoys fun competition Kings claim scholarship Page 24 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 classifieds times Get your Classified ads in the times! Call Tracey 403-934-5589 Check Us Out on Facebook! Check Us Out on Facebook! meeTingS nOTiCeS Holy Cross Collegiate BOTTLE DRIVE Sat., Dec. 3rd. All proceeds raised will go towards covering the costs of the Band which is going to Whistler for a Competition. Leave your bottles in a bag on your doorstep with a sign HCC on it or there will be a Horse Trailer at Holy Cross Collegiate where bottles can be dropped off that day. Starting Monday, January 16 - April 2 1:30 - 2:15 (3 - 5 year olds) Starting Wednesday, January 18 – April 4 AM Group 10:30 - 11:15 (3 - 5 year olds) PM Group 3:45 - 4:45 (11 + year olds) Starting Thursday, January 19 – April 5 3:45 - 4:45 (6 - 10 year olds) *New 10% discount for multiple family members. Equipment: Loose, comfortable, clothing, sense of fun and adventure and a yoga mat. (I do have a few extra mats, let me know at registration if you need one.) To register or for info call Kelly 403-629-7465 or email: [email protected] COming evenTS COming evenTS Thank You The Hospital Foundation gratefully acknowledges at $2000 donation from the Cheadle Lions Club that will go towards the purchase of a Wheel Chair Scale that allows patients to be weighed while seated. NEEDED: Parents of 2012 Graduating SHS Kids WHY: To Help with Grad Banquet 2012 Please contact KAREN KNIGHT 403-888-8308 EMAIL: [email protected] LET’S GET READY TO CELEBRATE! The Gleichen RCMP are asking for your assistance in fnding the rightful location of where this tombstone belongs. It was found east of Gleichen on a farm. Please call 403-734-3923 if you can help. Western IrrIgatIon DIstrIct Box 2372, 105 - 900 Pine road, strathmore, aB t1P 1K3 FORM 5 Irrigation Districts Act (Section 85/86) NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO CHANGE THE AREAOF AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT TAKE NOTE that applications have been received by the Western Irrigation District to change the area of the District. Applications to remove parcels consist of: Any person wishing to complain is required to submit a written complaint to the Western Irrigation District at Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road, Strathmore, Alberta, T1P 1K3 within 30 days after the date of the publication of this notice. Jim Webber, P. Eng. General Manager Western Irrigation District FORM 5 Irrigation Districts Act (Section 85/86) NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO CHANGE THE AREA OF AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT TAKE NOTE that applications have been received by the Western Irrigation District to change the area of the District. Applications to remove parcels consist of: Name of Landowner FederatedCo-OperativesLimited Number of Irrigation Acres 30 Legal Land Description SW9-22-26W4 Name of Landowner Dragani,NicolaandAntonia Number of Irrigation Acres 30 Legal Land Description NW22-24-26W4 Anypersonwishingtocomplainisrequiredto submitawrittencomplainttotheWesternIrriga- tionDistrictatBox2372105-900PineRoad, Strathmore,Alberta,T1P1K3within30days afterthedateofthepublicationofthisnotice. Erwin Braun, P.L. (Eng) General Manager Western Irrigation District Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! During the holidays our offce will be CLOSED December 22, 23 & 26, 2011 & January 2, 2012 Lutheran Church Canada (LCC) worship services are being held every Tuesday evening 6:30 pm at Trinity Lutheran Christian Academy 630 Westchester Road Info call: 403-901-0205 Email Pastor Nick: [email protected] All are welcome! AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG Tuesday, December 13 • 7 pm Chuck Mercer Room We would like to thank you in advance for your attendance. Piano Tuner -Technician Kathie L. Zakresky Graduate of The Hal T.M. Lyne School of Piano Technology 1981 403.934.5477 [email protected] Book early to have your piano tuned for your Christmas Celebrations! Unique Gift Idea for the pianist in your life! Power Washing • Window Cleaning Residential • Commercial • Interior • Exterior Eavestrough Cleaning & Repairs • Spider Control Roy Chester 403-520-1974 WIndoW ClEanIng by Roy Chester Still Time to Get Your Residential Windows Cleaned for Christmas! NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS Estate of RAyMOND ALExANDER LAyCOCk who died on August 19, 2011 If you have a claim against this estate, you must fle your claim by January 13, 2012 and provide details of your claim with RANDAL JARVIS at Randal Jarvis Law Offce #110, 304 - 3rd Avenue Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Z1 (403) 934-5000 If you do not fle by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have. nOTiCeS GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH US. Business plan- ning, fnancing, loans, train- ing and advisory services available at no charge. Call Community Futures Wild Rose Toll-Free at 1-888- 881-9675 or visit us at cf- for more infor- mation. Business services to support you. THERE’S a NEW SEam- STRESS IN TOWN. Will do alterations and mend- ing as well as sew chil- dren’s dresses. Call Shir- ley 403-934-9927. SeamSTreSS legal nOTiCeS Thank You to everyone who supported the Hospital Auxiliary Tea & Sale November 19. Our extra helpers were much appreciated. Raffe winners were Quilt - Martin Burne Christmas Stocking - Jack Sweere Afghan - Gordon Porteous nOTiCeS for sale Brand New Western steel & Tool Track & Trailer Loading ramp, 1200 lb. capacity. In original box. $100 OBO Craftsman saw with stand $ 50 OBO Collectors Item spoons from around the World 6 Racks Glass & Velvet cases $5 per rack Call shirley (403) 934-6732 STEEl BUIldINGS - RE- dUCEd FaCTORY INvEN- TORY. 30x36 – Reg $15,850 Now $12,600 36x58 – Reg $21,900 Now $18,800 - 48x96 – Reg $48,700 Now $41,900 81x130 – Reg $121,500 Now $103,900 - 800-964- 8335. Call 1-800-964- 8335. FOr Sale During the holiday season we are guaranteeing an appointment within 72 hours Quality Dog grooming quality.grooming@ 403-923-8983 Dog Walking Services Sharon’s Doggie Do’s Professional All Breed Dog grooming. Strathmore. 18 years experience. Reasonable Rates & Calm Environment. Sharon 403-934-3824 peTS A simple thank you does not seem adequate enough for all of you who were there for us after our huge loss. We appreciate all the open arms, wonderful stories, fowers, baking and all the calls and cards. Sincere thanks, Dale, Lynn, Lacey and Hailey Johnson Special thanks to the Legion Ladies Auxilliary, Karen and Brenda for all of their time and support, as well the Strathmore High School tribute and kindness. Thank yOUS times strathmore For ad sizes and rate information call Rose 403-934-5589 or email rose@strathmoretimescom The Strathmore Times will be publishing a It’s Almost Christmas Time... It’s Almost Christmas Time... Publish date: December 16th Deadline date: December 2nd December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 25 classifieds times Get your Classified ads in the times! HIRING - F.T. Kitchen Helper at the Roadhouse Restau- rant - $11.30/hr experience preferred, but will train. F.T. Cook $13.56/hr 3-5 years experience required. Mail resume to: 510 Hwy #1 Strathmore AB T1P1M6. help wanTed help wanTed Bruce Farms Ltd. has openings for Full-Time Pen RideR / PRocessing We offer competitive wages, benefts, fexible hours & overtime. Fax resume to 403-934-2567 or email [email protected] YEAR ROUND TRUCK DRIVING POSITION TO START IMMEDIATELY Eagle Lake Turf Farms Ltd., a grower of quality turf grass located east of Strathmore, requires a Truck Driver for end dump work and sod/soil deliveries. Skills required: - Class 1 drivers license and abstract - End Dump and Super-B experience an asset but willing to train - Good organizational skills A positive attitude, the ability to work closely with others in a safe environment and a commitment to excellent customer service is required. We off $20.00 - $24.00 per hour to start, benefts and a family atmosphere. PLEASE FORWARD YOUR RESUME TO: We will be accepting applications for the next two weeks. Eagle Lake Turf Farms Ltd. Box 2130, Strathmore AB T1P 1K1 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 403-934-6813 Fuel Automotive & Accessories is a full service automotive repair shop specializing in diesel performance and repair for Strathmore and surrounding area. Currently accepting applications for licensed Automotive Technician or 3rd yr Apprentice. Diesel experience benefcial. Apply in person or email resume to [email protected] Licensed/ Apprentice Automotive Technician Caretaking Staff Golden Hills School Division #75 requires an evening Caretaker for the Strathmore High School. Experience is not necessary but would be considered an asset. Training will be provided. Hours for this position will be discussed at time of interviews. Interested candidates are invited to submit a resume by mail, email or fax. We thank all applicants who apply, but only those short-listed will be contacted. Please forward resume to: Maria Gingras Caretaking Supervisor Golden Hills School Div. #75 435A Hwy #1, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J4 Phone: 403-324-3842 Fax: 403-934-5125 Email: [email protected] help wanted Custom feedlot & farming operation looking for full-time employees Competitive wages including O.T and other Benefts. Valid driver’s licence and a good attitude a must. High school diploma an asset. Send resumes to: namaka farms inC. Box 2409, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 Fax (403) 934-6133 CAP COORDINATOR REQUIRED FOR Strathmore Municipal Library A Full-Time Community Access Program Coordinator is required to commence January 2, 2012. Applicants must possess excellent computer skills with the ability to create and instruct computer workshops on a variety of topics. This position requires strong organizational skills and the ability to work independently or as a team. Applicants must be available to work some evenings and weekends. Assistance with the daily library operations will also be required. As this is a Youth Initiative Program Grant, applicants between the ages of 18-30 need only apply for this temporary 3 month position. FORWARD RESUME TO: Jesse Traquair Director of Library Services Strathmore Municipal Library 85 Lakeside Blvd. Strathmore, AB., T1P 1A1 Phone: 403-934-5440 Email: [email protected] Resumes will be accepted until December 14, 2011. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY TOWN OF CHESTERMERE 1st YEAR APPRENTICE HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC The Town of Chestermere is seeking a permanent full time Apprentice Heavy Duty Mechanic within the Public Works Department. Qualifcations Required: • Enrolled in or willing to be enrolled in the Apprenticeship program • Valid Alberta Class 5 driver’s license • Standard First Aid Level C Certifcation • Able to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing in the English language For more details go to Employment at Those interested in applying should submit their resumes quoting APPRENTICE HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC POSITION to: Town of Chestermere Public Works Department Apprentice Heavy Duty Mechanic Position 105 Marina Road Chestermere, AB T1X 1V7 Or Email: [email protected] Or Fax: (403) 204-7681 Position will remain open until a suitable candidate has been hired. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. QUALIFICATIONS: uMinimum 3 years hydraulic excavator experience uClean class 1 license uDozer, loader experience an asset This hourly paid position is full-time seasonal, based on 44 hours per week, with some overtime involved. WID has a competitive wage and beneft package with potential and opportunities for advancement for the right individual. Please mail, drop off or fax your resume to: Cory Krahenbil Operations & Maintenance Superintendent Western Irrigation District Box 2372 105 – 900 Pine Rd. Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3 We thank all interested persons in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Western Irrigation District Experienced Equipment Operator Strathmore has opening for an help wanTed Now HIRING - F.T. at the Strathmore Station - Kitchen Helpers 11.30/hr experience preferred, but will train. F.T. Cook $13.56/hr 3-5 years experience required. Mail resume to 380 Ridge Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5 or Fax 403-934-9390 or Email: strathmorestation@gmail. com. P/T wAITRESSES REquIREd to work various hours @ Bruno’s Corner in Strath- more. Please sent resume to [email protected] or hand in at 134 Second Street. TIRE TECHNICIAN wANTEd. Experience preferred but willing to train the right person. MuST have Valid drivers License. drop off Resume in person to the Fountain Tire in Strathmore or Fax it ATTN: Bob Vert to 403-934-6271. help wanTed ATTN: LoCAL PEoPLE NEEd- Ed to work from home online $500-4500 p/t f/t. Call Annie @ 1-403-654-2809. NANNy/BABy SITTER NEEd- Ed IMMEdIATELy from Mon- day to Friday, no weekends, temporary service needed and not live-in. Good com- munication skill with chil- dren in English preferred. $800 weekly. Interested applicant should write Kath- erine to katty.porter@gmail. com. ToddLE INN dAyCARE, va- cancies available for Child Care worker. duties include supervising children and program planning as well as light cleaning duties. Job re- quirements; criminal record check, 1st aid and must hold a childcare professional cer- tifcate. drop off resumes at the day care, 309, 2nd Ave. Strathmore. help wanTed help wanTed For any further information on these trips and for a detailed brochure call 1-866-362-5416 or visit our web site De Jong’s Tours These are the upcoming Tours for 2012 Feb. 3 - 22, 2012 - 20 Day Trip to Arizona Cost $2,225.00 per person, dbl. mar. 12 - 16, 2012 - 5 Day Trip to Coeur D’Alene & Cranbrook Casino Cost $295.00 per person, dbl. April 2 - 4, 2012 - 3 Day Trip to Cranbrook Casino Cost $145.00 per person, dbl. may 26 - June 13, 2012 - 19 Day Trip to California Cost $2,618.00 per person, dbl. July 10 - 19, 2012 - 10 Day Trip to Black Hills & Yellowstone Cost $1,320.00 per person, dbl. Aug. 8 - 17, 2012 - 10 Day Trip to BC West Coast Cost $1,548.00 per person, dbl. oct. 24 - nov. 8, 2012 - 16 Day Trip to Branson & New Orleans Cost TBA Numerous 3 & 4 Day Trips to Moose Jaw, SK Hope Community CHurCH Christmas Market @ Hope December 9 • 4 pm to 8 pm December 10 • 10 am to 6 pm December 11 • 2 pm to 6 pm Looking for Handmade Vendors. Contact Lisa Hodder [email protected] 403-934-1843. Lisa Hodder will be donating all funds to the Hope Playskool and School Fuel Programs that the HOPE Church is involved in. There is going to be Baking, Quilting, Make-up, Christmas Items and Much Much More. Goal is to have 30 Vendors involved. There will be a Face painter and Santa Clause available for kids to have fun. coming evenTS Page 26 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 classifieds times Get your Classified ads in! COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR SALE CANAL COURT & CANAL GARDEN (SOUTH OF HIGHWAY) CONTACT JOHN 403-852-0074 SERVICED RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE HILLCREST MANOR ESTATE CONTACT JOHN 403-852-0074 Get your Classified ads in! Call traCey 934-5589 real estate Professional Directory Furnace Replacement • Repairs & Maintenance Air Conditioning • Certified HVAC Technicians Plumbing • Duct Cleaning Our Team aT YOur Service! 403.934.4957 furnace & duct [email protected] 403-934-5139 • fax 403-901-6265 Newborn to Kindergarten NEW Before & After School Licensed & Accredited Charitable Organization day care Custom Carpentry & Renovations Carmon Wiebe Ph. 403.901.0884 c. 403.710.2165 carpentry Kelly’s carpentry Finishing • Painting Decks • siDing 35 years experience Kelly franKs 403.533.2169 No Job to Small Exceptional Work at Affordable Prices carpentry featured property of the week Residential One Real estate emelia Holmgren RealtOR Cell: 403-512-5551 Fax: 403-934-6409 Email: [email protected] Immaculate totally developed 1128 sq ft villa in Strathmore Lakes Bay. This 40 plus home features a great foor plan. Tons of oak cabinets in kitchen with pantry and eating bar. Spacious dinette area with french door leading to large deck and beautifully landscaped yard. Large master with full ensuite plus another full bath and main foor laundry. Classy living room with freplace and bay window, also a large den. Lower level boasts a big family room, huge bedroom/games room and another full bath. Double attached garage. No more mowing or shovelling, just move in and enjoy. Club house and RV parking. A steal at $279,900. MLS.C3500917 Canyon Creek (Strathmore) “We Have You... on the Move” Glenna’s Feature Property Glenna Mitzner 403-605-6830 This 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home has a huge kitchen for those large family gatherings! Ensuite and Walk in closet in Master, Large Family room downstairs. Front attached garage as well as back lane! Central Air conditioning and ceramic tile. Waiting for that perfect family! Put this home on your Christmas list! Priced at only $279,900 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION!! It’s not often that the perfect family home comes on the market... add to the perfection of the home, a quiet cul-de-sac location back onto a park and you’ve found your future utopia! This gorgeous family home has too many features to list, check it out at KaraLee Foat (403)703-7659 [email protected] 2 Cambria Place Strathmore $359,900 Call lorna Phibbs 403-874-7660 Merry ChristMas to all! 106 - 304 - 3rd Ave., Strathmore [email protected] Over 800 sq ft garage included, great south views. On the Park $169,000 call lorna Pole shed. 40 gal well. 1/2 mile to pavement. views, trees! 4.22 acres $199,000 call lorna Nice Bungalow Hardwoods Garage/ Barn Mature Trees 10 acres $319,900 call lorna Huge Double Wide Single Garage Large Corner Lot Foreclosure Priced at $140,000 call lorna Huge country kitchen. Backs on soccer field. Retire here! ranch estates! $87,500 call lorna Associate Broker 30 years 3 bdrms, 2 full baths, family room, fully dev basement. call lorna steal this! $168,000 This home sparkles, fully developed lower, 18x14 deck, views of the country. just like new $212,000 call lorna Extra 50’ lot, totally renovated. Double car garage. $197,000 call lorna tOtally renOvated!! 1548 sq, ft, Fully Dev. Lower Downtown location Huge treed Lot Priced at $360,000 call lorna C3466827 C3497783 C3478854 C3478854 C3475620 C3442069 C3500336 C3495169 Great Four Plex Over looks Lake $3500 per mo Income. invest in real estate! $469,000 call lorna call lorna 3 bdrms, 3 Baths, Bsmt Dev. Walk out Bsmt, Green Space. new gOrgeOus villa $331,900! Industrial rezoned west of Strathmore 11.9 acres $288,000 call lorna sO ld FabulOus lOcatiOn!! 12.04 acres $499,000 Fabulous Home 1915 2.5 Storey Home. 6 Bdrms. Large Barn Tons of Trees call lorna Many options on this parcel of land, 25 min- utes east of Calgary. $599,000. 46.56 acres call lorna $224,900! 50+ living. 2 large bedrooms. Backs on canal and green. Front attached garage. call lorna executive acreage Minutes east of Calgary 1807 Sq Ft Bilevel Loaded Fully Dev. Lower Level (suited) Triple Att. Garage Priced at $774,700 call lorna sO ld “Constantly Selling More Real Estate” Carseland Perfect starter home. Fully developed bi-level. 2+2 bed and two bath. Very large back yard. Close to elementary school. Priced to sell at $184,900. Canyon Creek (Strathmore) Tina Scott 403-901-5388 Tina’s Feature Properties Specializing In Country Properties real estate real estate real estate Country Home, 3bdrm, 3 bath up. over 4000sq ft of development complete w/ self contained bsmt suite, 4 car garage, pet friendly, n/S. $1900/mth + utilities + $1900/D.D. Available imme- diately. Call 403-222-1002 or 403-816-4090. LArge 2 AnD 3 beDroom ApArtmentS for rent, starting at $900/mth plus utilities n/S, n/p. Call 403- 934-2959. HouSe for SALe by oWn- er - Country Home, 3bdrm, 3 bath up. over 4000sq ft of development complete w/ self contained bsmt suite, 4 car garage. $550,000. Call 403-222-1002 or 403-816- 4090. real estate CHInooK III. first months rent is half price! 2 bdrm $900/mth or 1 bdrm $800/ mth. +DD required. Heat & water included. no pets. Call Jane at 403-934-6896. rentals ImmeDIAte; 2 bdrm fur- nished, $995/mth & all utili- ties included. monthly rent available. n/p, responsible tenants only. Call 403-936- 5541 or 403-615-5678. Strathmore Commercial/ Retail Space for Lease 1500 ft2 Good access to Highway #1. Kitchen facilites available. 403-861-6258 or 403-870-4356 rentals AvAILAbLe DeCember 1, 2 bDrm ConDo $1100.00 per month includes all utili- ties, covered parking, n/S, n/p. Call 403-934-3212. rentals beAutIfuL 2 beDroom ConDo + Den. brIgHt, SpACIouS, WItH fIre- pLACe. 5 AppLIAnCeS, mInuteS from SCHooLS AnD HoSpItAL. mASter beDroom ComeS WItH en- SuIte. fuLLy DeveLopeD bASement WItH 4 pIeCe bAtH. 2 pArKIng StALLS In front of front Door. n/p, n/S. $1275.00 pLuS utILItIeS. CALL 403-901- 0851. AvAILAbLe JAnuAry 1, 2012. rentals unIque opportunIty! Shared Accommodations, master bedroom with en- suite, near schools & hospi- tal, with beautiful backyard, backing onto gray’s park. Available immediately and rent is fexible if necessary. mature adults only. Call 403- 901-9295 for all the details. shared accom wanted WAnteD: An acreage or farm/ranch on a lease/rent to own basis. We have a small down payment & will be able to pay a really decent monthly payment. facility must have a decent house/ modular home. barn, shop & corrals would be nice but we are willing to build. We would like to have at least 10 acres. must be with in 40 kms of Strathmore. please call 403-618-1866. 3 bDrm In fAmILy 4-pLex. n/S, n/p, 5 appliances, avail- able immediately, $950/mth + D.D, + utilities, Call Keith at 403-901-9721. rentals Get your Classified ads in the times! December 2, 2011 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 27 Professional Directory Light Construction & Garden Equipment • Trenching New & Used Equipment • Sales & Service Lar-Don RentaLs Ltd. 15 Spruce Lane, Strathmore Bus: 403-934-3727 Fax: 403-934-3849 Echo Power Equipment rental equipment Marv Poettcker “Your Painting Pro” Painting since 1975 co-alta Holdings O 403.901.1137 C 403.880.3299 Specializing in Repainting (Inside / Outside) Residential • Light Industrial • Commercial painting 403-934-5707 Greg Wilson 153 Orchard Park Road, Strathmore, AB mufflers Whole Home We make your house a HOME Specializing in: • Painting • Basement Development • Family Rooms • Kitchen Reno’s • Bathroom Reno’s • Play Rooms • Tile Work • Laminate Flooring • Hardwood Flooring • Plumbing • Light Electrical • Deck & Fence Repair Call Today for a FREE ESTIMATE 403-620-1970 BLACK EAgLE SERvICES general Contractor / Handyman 403-620-1970 Email: [email protected] general contractors huxted Waste Disposal & Port-A-Potties Serving Strathmore, Drumheller & Areas 403.934.5605 10B Bayside Place, Strathmore, AB waste disposal general contractors M&M Drilling Co. Ltd • Water Well Drilling • Pump Systems: Supply, Install & Repair • Water Conditioning Equipment 403-934-4271 Strathmore Serving the rural Community for 58 yearS water well drilling Canyon Creek (Strathmore) Time To LisT If you want a full time, full service realtor, give me a call today! Tina scott 403-901-5388 real estate DEAL WITH EXPERIENCE · Specializing in Purchases, new home construction draw mortgages · Home Equity Lines · Raw Land · Mortgage Refnance Vonnie Bosch Mobile Mortgage Specialist Ph: 403 701 8407 [email protected] mortgages 403.901.5472 . [email protected] dennis j seibel photo / video Check Us Out on Facebook! Mobile RepaiRs & FabRication mobile repairs Handy Kinda Guy • Painting • Plumbing • Small Renovations • Decks & Fences • Bathrooms • Flooring • General Maintenance • Basement Renovations Call BoB 403-861-7822 general contractors Iop row ltd. Specializing in Insurance Claims Your Complete Exterior Finishing Company Experts in Vinyl Siding, Sofft and Fascia Continuous Eavestroughing • Windows & Reroofs Aluminum and Smart Board Batons Cell: 403-968-9211 • Work: 403-934-4334 Fax: 403-934-4422 • Email: [email protected] For a FREE QuotE Call tom general contractors Facial Waxing & Ear Piercing Clips N’ Cuts call today! Rodeo alley (Main Street) haiRStyliSt & BaRBeR Brenda Gauthier 403-934-3940 “Same Great Service, Different Location” faMily Salon hair salon 302 Canal Blvd., Strathmore 403-901-0522 • State-of-the-art Facility • Secure Gate Access & Video Surveillance • All Units Individually Alarmed • Various Unit Sizes • Heated Units Available • On Site Management storage Curbside Pick Up in Strathmore, Standard, Rockyford & Namaka Jamie Walker - Owner 403-542-2733 [email protected] recycling Call for free estimates Reasonable Rates and Friendly Service Corral Cleaning Fences and Decks Landscaping Bobcat Service/Tree & Post Holes Haul away Junk/Garbage Gravel/Loam Delivery Concrete Work Snow Plowing * * * * * * * * For Top Dog Service Call or Email: 403-701-9582 [email protected] Summer projects not done? Junk piling up? Time is of the essence? general contractors Massage Wellness Relaxation & Therapeutic Massage CranioSacral Therapy Hot Jade Stone Therapy RMT now available at Langdon Medical Centre 403-936-5990 health & wellness All Genres DJ ServiceS • Custom Play Lists • Raves, Weddings, Parties, Wakes, etc. • Reasonable Prices • Corporate Discounts 403.901.1449 email [email protected] Suzanne Adamson Brian Murphy music Page 28 • Strathmore TimeS • December 2, 2011 1 800 921 9995 139 EAST LAKE CR, AIRDRIE 6 MINUTES NORTH OF CROSS-IRON MILLS CLICK - BUY - SAVE ‡Payments based on Customer Choice finance program; based on 84 mo. termwith 4.99%variable interest rate. Prices reflect all dealer rebates. Askasalesprofessional for details. **Paymentsbasedonbiweeklypayments. GSTnot includedinanypricesor payments. †Some exclusions apply, see dealer for details. Vehicle images are for illustrationpurposes only, actual vehicles may not be exactly as shown. 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