Decathlon Hrp Grid - V11

May 25, 2018 | Author: Sudeesha Wenura Bandara | Category: Personal Protective Equipment, Safety, Employment, Labour, Business



HRP EVALUATION GRID V11.0 Supplier (CNUF) Date of last Full assessment Evaluation date (last day if more Factory / site than one day) Assessment type (Full or CAP Assessment scope: Follow-up) - all production buildings on-site (with or without Decathlon products) - Decathlon embassy is applicable - administration - living environment: canteen, kitchen, dormitories Evaluation time in man-day(s) if provided by supplier (inside or outside the site) - transportation to/from factory (if operated by supplier) Supplier type Assessor(s) name(s) Decathlon staff in charge of HRP Supplier status at supplier Did Decathlon staff attend the Number of employees evaluation? Level: A Rate: 0% CHA Temporally CHAPTER Compliance PTE REQUIREMENT LEVEL REQUIREMENT Answer Complies? solved during Comments LEVEL Rate R assessment? Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 1 - CHILD LABOUR Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? 1.0 INFO The minimum age defined by local law: 1.0 INFO / PREPA Age and date of birth of the youngest worker: The number of children living in factory or dormitories (if dormitories are not in 1.0 INFO / PREPA factory): 1.0 INFO / PREPA Are there young workers (under the age of 18)? If yes, how many? 1.0 INFO Legal requirements on working conditions for young workers 1.1 0. UNACCEPTABLE Are all people working at the supplier above the minimum legal working age or 15? 0 Does the factory have adequate areas and clear listing for children who stay at the 1.2 0. UNACCEPTABLE 0 supplier facilities? 1 - CHILD LABOUR Does the supplier have the proof of the age of employees? (E.g. by showing official 1.3 1. ELEMENTARY 0 documents) Is there historical child labour? (Workers younger than the minimum age hired over the 1.4 1. ELEMENTARY 0 last 6 months) 1.5 1. ELEMENTARY Do young workers have a protected status respecting at least local regulation? 0 Does supplier have procedure to ensure: 1.6 2. CONSOLIDATED - There is no child labour? 0 - Children onsite cannot access areas other than the defined ones? 1.7 2. CONSOLIDATED Is there a formalized procedure and listing for young workers? 0 Are those procedures (children & young workers) communicated and understood by 1.8 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 people on site (HR, security agents, line managers, etc..)? Has the supplier implemented a program to promote formal education of some of its 1.9 3. BEST PRACTICE 0 workers kids? Does supplier promote development practices for young workers like free evening 1.10 3. BEST PRACTICE 0 classes? 1.11 3. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 2 - FORCED LABOUR Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? 2.0 INFO / PREPA Number of migrant workers: 2.0 INFO / PREPA % of migrant workers: 2.0 INFO / PREPA If there are migrant workers, they are recruited by the supplier directly or by a broker? 2.1 0. UNACCEPTABLE Is there evidence that the factory is subcontracting Decathlon production to a prison? 0 Is any original official document of identification (e.g.: passport, work permit...) kept by 2.2 0. UNACCEPTABLE 0 the supplier or labour broker? Are employees required to leave a guarantee or deposit with their employer or any 2.3 1. ELEMENTARY 0 other third party? 2 - FORCED LABOUR If there is any migrant worker, are the fees and expenses provision clearly 2.4 1. ELEMENTARY communicated in a language they understand at the beginning of the recruitment 0 process prior to departure from their country? 2.5 1. ELEMENTARY Are those fees respecting local regulation? 0 2.6 1. ELEMENTARY Is over time voluntary? 0 Are employees guaranteed freedom of movement during working hours (e.g.: free 2.7 1. ELEMENTARY 0 access to toilets)? Are employees guaranteed freedom of movement after working hours, even in the 2.8 1. ELEMENTARY 0 dormitory provided by the supplier? Is there any implemented system that might lead employees to work against their own 2.9 1. ELEMENTARY 0 free will? 2.10 2. CONSOLIDATED Is there any systematic direct body searching by the supplier? 0 Does the supplier have a written and communicated commitment to provide Ethical 2.11 3. BEST PRACTICE and Fair Employment of Workers, to prevent Modern Slavery in both their own company 0 and their subcontractors? Does the supplier promote development practices for migrant workers such as free 2.12 3. BEST PRACTICE 0 local language classes and special induction programmes? 2.13 3. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 3 - FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? Are there any organizations of worker representatives (trade union or free 3.0 INFO / PREPA association)? 3.0 INFO / PREPA Which organization(s)? 3.0 INFO / PREPA What is the job content of the representatives? 3 - FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION 3.0 INFO / PREPA Date of last representatives election: 3.0 INFO / PREPA Are employees subject to a collective bargaining agreement? Does the facility had any public labour dispute in the last 2 years (e.g.: strike, 3.0 INFO / PREPA demonstration...)? 3.1 1. ELEMENTARY Are workers free to join a union? 0 3.2 1. ELEMENTARY If there is no union, is there an alternative worker representative system? 0 For internal organizations (internal union or free association), have the representatives 3.3 1. ELEMENTARY 0 been elected without interference from the company? 3.4 2. CONSOLIDATED Are there regular meetings between worker representatives and management? 0 Are the meeting minutes communicated to all employees and the concerned authority 3.5 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 of Government? Does the facility have a simple system by which employees can freely and 3.6 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 confidentially raise a grievance to management? 3.7 2. CONSOLIDATED Are the grievances treated and is the result communicated to all workers? 0 3- 3.8 3. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 REQUIREMENT 4 - H&S - LEGAL AUTHORIZATIONS AND PERIODICAL Temporally A 0% Answer Complies? solved during Comments LEVEL CHECKS assessment? 4.0 INFO What are the local legal authorizations needed? 4.0 INFO / PREPA How many buildings are there in the factory site? 4 - LEGAL AUTHORIZATIONS AND PERIODICAL CHECKS 4.0 INFO / PREPA Do all the buildings belong to our supplier? Does the facility have the required local operating authorizations including fire safety 4.1 1. ELEMENTARY 0 and updated building structure compliance documents? Are electrical installations in good condition? (e.g.: No burning or overheating signs, no 4.2 1. ELEMENTARY multi looping, no improper connection joint, no damaged wires, loose wires or exposed 0 wires...) Are the equipments concerned by regulation (forklift, lifts, automatics doors…) in good 4.3 1. ELEMENTARY 0 condition? Are boilers, compressors and pressurized tanks in good condition? 4.4 1. ELEMENTARY 0 And if required by law, do they have the legal licence? Are boilers and pressurized tanks safely located (separated from production 4.5 1. ELEMENTARY 0 areas) with protection in place (against explosion)? Is the compliance of following equipment verified at a frequency respecting local 2. CONSOLIDATED regulation? (Specify the frequency and the last verification date + name of the inspection body) 4.6 2. CONSOLIDATED > Electrical Installations 0 4.7 2. CONSOLIDATED > Equipment concerned by regulation (forklift, lifts, automatics doors…) 0 4.8 2. CONSOLIDATED > Boilers, compressors and pressurized tanks 0 Is there a preventive maintenance plan implemented for electrical installations, boilers 4.9 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 and pressurized tanks? Do workers operating risky equipment have the updated required license (electrician, 4.10 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 forklift driver, bus and car drivers...)? 4.11 3. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 5 - H&S - RISK & SAFETY MANAGEMENT Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? 5.0 INFO / PREPA Number of pregnant / in maternity leave / breastfeeding workers: Is there any risk of death to any people (employees or externals) in any part of the 5.1 0. UNACCEPTABLE 0 supplier's premises? Are pregnant workers given special attention e.g. job reassignments to non-hazardous 5.2 0. UNACCEPTABLE or lighter work, provision of seating, extended breaks, no overtime after the 7th month 0 of pregnancy, no night shifts, no exposure to chemicals, etc.? Are all areas of the premises safe and not causing any injury to the workers or setting 5.3 1. ELEMENTARY 0 the worker at immediate risk? Are the machines equipped with sufficient and efficient protection/safety devices 5.4 1. ELEMENTARY 0 (sensors etc) on the parts or components that are dangerous for operators? Do risky machines have emergency stop buttons, and are they in good working 5.5 1. ELEMENTARY 0 condition? Are workers aware of it? 5.6 1. ELEMENTARY Is PPE distributed and replaced free of charge to the personnel needing it? 0 5.7 1. ELEMENTARY Is PPE in good working condition? 0 5 - H&S - RISK & SAFETY MANAGEMENT Are workers wearing relevant PPEs where required (e.g.: ear protection if noise levels > 5.8 1. ELEMENTARY 0 85 dB, adapted gloves for high temperature...)? Are there first aid kits containing products suited to the risks? (At least 1 per 100 5.9 1. ELEMENTARY 0 employees) Is there a risk analysis done to identify the risks at the workstations and in all the 5.10 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 facilities? Is the workstation convenient for the requested type of work (it doesn’t create possible 5.11 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 mid or long term injuries)? For machines where lock-out procedures must be followed, are procedures and records 5.12 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 available and known by all concerned workers? 5.13 2. CONSOLIDATED Are there warning signs posted in appropriate locations? 0 5.14 2. CONSOLIDATED Are PPE usage signs posted in appropriate locations? 0 Is a register of accidents and care given available and used for all accidents, even 5.15 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 minor ones? 5.16 2. CONSOLIDATED Is a noise measurement record available? 0 5.17 2. CONSOLIDATED Is H&S training given to each new employee and to every one who changes activities? 0 5.18 2. CONSOLIDATED Are there employees trained as first-aid practitioners for each shift worked? 0 Is there a formalized procedure and listing about protection of vulnerable employees, 5.19 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 pregnant and breastfeeding workers? Are there procedures about what action to take in case of a serious accident or 5.20 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 emergency? Are the workers aware of it? 5.21 2. CONSOLIDATED If required by law, is there an in-house clinic or first aid station in the factory? 0 Does the factory have any program to promote the safety culture in the factory + Health & safety workshop 5.22 3. BEST PRACTICE 0 + Health & safety board/newsletter + etc. Are operating procedures properly posted at risky stations? (Cutting dept, general 5.23 3. BEST PRACTICE 0 storage area, etc.) Does the company organize workshops for the improvement of the working conditions 5.24 3. BEST PRACTICE 0 with representatives of both the management and the workers? 5.25 3. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 6 - H&S - CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? Is the inventory of the chemicals used in the factory available and up to date? Version 6.0 INFO / PREPA date: Are all the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available? (Excluding SDS for: common cleaning 6.0 INFO / PREPA chemicals or office materials e.g. white glue, unless required by law.) According to SDS, are there Toxic and/or CMR substances used in the factory? 6.0 INFO / PREPA If so, write down the different CAS#: In case of use of Toxic or CMR substances, is the operator using the appropriate PPE, 6.1 0. UNACCEPTABLE 0 which complies with risk analysis & SDS? In case of use of Toxic or CMR substances, is a collective protection system 6.2 0. UNACCEPTABLE 0 implemented as required in SDS? Are chemical / dangerous substances identified by labelling (name + hazardous 6.3 1. ELEMENTARY pictograms) in the language of the majority of the employees, which is consistent with 0 up to date SDS? Is PPE appropriate to the risk, efficient and in good working order, in accordance with 6.4 1. ELEMENTARY 0 up to date SDS? 6.5 1. ELEMENTARY Are PPE worn when needed for production and other operations? 0 6 - H&S - CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT Are workstations that use chemical / dangerous substances equipped with efficient 6.6 1. ELEMENTARY engineering equipment, e.g. ventilation / isolation / exhaustion which comply with 0 updated SDS? Are workstations that use chemical / dangerous substances equipped with efficient 6.7 1. ELEMENTARY 0 emergency equipment which complies with SDS (e.g.: eye wash station, shower...)? Are chemical / dangerous substances (new, in use, or used) stored on specific and 6.8 1. ELEMENTARY 0 adapted premises in accordance with SDS? 0 INFO / PREPA If so. 7. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 8 . BEST PRACTICE 0 with the risk analysis? Are at least 10% of the employees trained for fire fighting (using extinguishers..15 0..: no cigarettes or 7.) Are fire safety equipments (alarm. are there minimum 2 accessible emergency exits (minimum 5 meters between 2 exits) for: 7. lunch time…)? Is there at least one assembly area which is known by the employees? Is it safe. ELEMENTARY open out in the direction of evacuation.all production floors? 0 .32 3.17 2. UNACCEPTABLE In case of a shared building. or inside the facility premises? .H&S . CONSOLIDATED amount of chemicals near the work station should be the quantity necessary for 1 day 0 of work.29 2.31 3.9 0.LIVING ENVIRONMENT Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? 8.2 0. UNACCEPTABLE Is the fire alarm working when tested? (Tested during audit) 0 7.0 INFO / PREPA Are they attached to.27 2.21 1.10 0.14 2.12 0.0 INFO / PREPA Are there dormitories? 8. CONSOLIDATED 0 solution to prevent spillage? 6. accessible. ELEMENTARY Are incompatible chemical / dangerous substances identified and separated? 0 Are containers closed and appropriate from storage to the production line until the 6. etc. BEST PRACTICE 0 evacuation)? Are some employees named and trained to organize the evacuation and check that the 7. CONSOLIDATED Is a responsible person assigned for chemicals management? 0 Is chemical management training available for workers who are engaged in handling. extinguishers.Who does what in case of fire (manual call points / cut off power system / opening of 0 the main gate. at a 7. and in sufficient numbers (as stated by local law 0 or following the recommendation of 1 per 200 m²)? Is a fire drill conducted at least once per year (all shifts. CONSOLIDATED 0 analysis? Is there an evacuation map (different maps if there are several levels or buildings) 7.14 0. back up battery.11 1. ELEMENTARY 0 available? Are possible causes of fire starting prevented in the factory? (e. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 7 . storage and purchasing? 6. UNACCEPTABLE Is the fire alarm audible/visible in all areas of the premises covered by the audit scope? 0 7. UNACCEPTABLE 0 audit .22 3.3 0. UNACCEPTABLE Are there various manual call points throughout the factory as required by law? 0 7. 6. UNACCEPTABLE minimum of 10 meters away from any building and can it accommodate all the 0 7 .H&S .13 0. highly 7. CONSOLIDATED 0 visibly posted in all buildings? Are there at least 2 employees per shift / team trained in the use of the fire safety 7.6 .34 3. ELEMENTARY Are the premises equipped with efficient safety lighting in all buildings and stairways? 0 Are safety equipment (fire hose station.19 1. in good working.1 0.20 2. ELEMENTARY visible.any non production floor where it happens that 20 people are present at the same time? Are the emergency exit doors in good working order and never locked during working 7.) Are dangerous liquid substances stored in secondary containment or is there another 6.12 2. complete and up to date (<3 years)? 0 If requested by law.g. CONSOLIDATED .6 0. what are the other activities of each floor? Precise for each floor the number of people + number of exits needed (according to 7.Who does what during the evacuation (people checking all areas / first intervention team / counting people. ELEMENTARY 0 through a combustible stock area? Are the emergency exits doors clearly identified.16 2. ELEMENTARY Are emergency evacuation staircases free from any stock? 0 7.8 0.25 2. emergency lighting. fire hose 7. ELEMENTARY Is proper ventilation installed in storage premises? 0 6.Who is in charge of emergency exits management 7.28 2. easy to operate. CONSOLIDATED 0 air quality compliant with local regulation or exposure limits defined in SDS? If requested by law. UNACCEPTABLE . UNACCEPTABLE 0 the last person has left the building)? If the building has 3 or more floors (included ground floor): Are emergency evacuation stairs protected from smoke (i..) Are the premises equipped with a fire detection system in accordance with the risk 7.18 1.26 2.11 0.17 1.FIRE SAFETY / EVACUATION workers? Is the time of evacuation less than 5 minutes (starting from the call point pushed until 7. UNACCEPTABLE Do the premises covered by the audit scope have an alarm system? 0 7.22 1. are the emergency evacuation stairways leading 7.19 2.5 0.) regularly maintained and checked at least once a year or 0 according to the local regulation (precise the frequency)? Are the premises equipped with a sprinkler system in dangerous areas in accordance 7. UNACCEPTABLE Do workers know where the manual call points are and how to use them? 0 7. all personnel)? Are records 7. are they owned or managed by the facility management? 8.4 0. CONSOLIDATED Is the inventory of the chemicals available.) present.CHEMICALS MANAGEM 6.18 2. ELEMENTARY 0 matches in the chemical storage area / no sparks near electrical appliances.21 2.13 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 usage.0 INFO / PREPA law) and what is currently existing: 7. appropriate.10 ringing shortage) Can the alarm ring as long as the time of evacuation whatever the power source? (Main 7. UNACCEPTABLE 0 hours (this includes night time. etc.H&S . CONSOLIDATED Are the CSDS posted at the chemical substances storage and where they are in use? 0 Are chemical substances in adequate supply in the work station? (The maximum 6. CONSOLIDATED station.0 INFO / PREPA If so.: 7. UNACCEPTABLE 0 buildings? Whatever the regulation.) . CONSOLIDATED Are SDS of chemicals used in the factory available. UNACCEPTABLE Are only validated people able to turn off the alarm? 0 Do the quantity and width of emergency exits respect local regulations for all 7. with no special effort and at least 80 cm in 0 width? 7.9 1.H&S .. complete and up to date? 0 6.. are other factories alarms audible? 0 Is the sound of the fire alarm different to the other existing signals in the factory (e. is an occupational health check matching with the risk of the work 6..24 1. UNACCEPTABLE 0 the end of shift or break alarms)? Does the fire alarm have a back up system when the main power is off? (Tested during 7.7 0. is there a control plan of the internal air quality and is the internal 6.15 2. extinguishers. or are there external stairs)? 7.0 INFO / PREPA Describe the alarm system and how it is working: 7.30 2.e.33 3. UNACCEPTABLE 0 power or back up) 7.16 1. ELEMENTARY 0 waste storage? 6. ELEMENTARY Are the emergency evacuation routes clearly identified and free from obstacles? 0 In case of a multi-storey building. 7. CONSOLIDATED 0 carried out? 6.20 1. BEST PRACTICE 0 building is empty? 7.: are they enclosed by fire 7. ELEMENTARY 0 proof doors at each floor that are auto-closed during evacuation. free from obstacles.FIRE SAFETY / EVACUATION Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? Is the factory located in a shared building? 7.23 1. CONSOLIDATED Is a basic training of evacuation given during the induction program? 0 Is there a fire safety procedure available and known by employees ? The procedure should include the following topics: .g. CONSOLIDATED Is there a procedure of PPE management? 0 6. CONSOLIDATED 0 systems? 7. ELEMENTARY Are all the PPE. month.COMPENSATION Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? 10.0 INFO / PREPA Number of breaks and duration: 9. over time rate.5 1.7 2.12 2.1 1. incentives.WORKING HOURS Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? 9.0 INFO / PREPA How many employees are reported to occupy the dormitory? 8.0 INFO / PREPA Working hours organisation: 1.0 INFO Legal rate for overtime: 10.0 INFO / PREPA What types of benefits and insurance do employees receive ? 10.1 INFO / PREPA Number of short term / temporary contract : . ELEMENTARY Is the Local Social Insurance paid for all workers? 0 Are annual leave.4 1. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 11 .0 INFO Are the wages time based and/or piece based? Explain each system.COMPENSATION 10.12 2. ELEMENTARY Are the salaries paid by cash or bank transfer with records? 0 10.5 1. 8. month. CONSOLIDATED 0 operating hours. uniforms. has a kindergarten been set up with certified staff? 0 8.0 INFO / PREPA The maximum daily overtime working hours in last 12 months: 9. UNACCEPTABLE all workers equal or higher than the lowest hourly salary authorized by law or the 0 collective bargaining agreement in the sector? 10.0 INFO / PREPA Minimum wage paid for workers in the factory: 10.9 1. CONSOLIDATED 0 supplier? 8. bonus ? Is there 10. ELEMENTARY 0 discarded unused material anywhere. days off.19 3. ELEMENTARY Do the premises have proper lighting? 0 Are the premises sufficiently clean (dry. CONSOLIDATED Are food and water stored in an appropriate location? 0 If required by law. BEST PRACTICE Does the factory include appropriate recreation facilities or religion facilities? 0 8. maternity leave given and paid according to local law or 10. no waste or 8. newspaper…)? 0 8. ELEMENTARY Do all workers have access to free drinking water? 0 8. does supplier provide free dormitories? 0 8. etc…) Is the salary matrix clear and precise for all the workers? Is it linked to competency / 10.0 INFO Minimum legal wage for regular working hours: 10.0 INFO / PREPA The maximum weekly working hours in the last 12 months: 9. ELEMENTARY 0 running water with soap? 8.5 1.22 3. does the supplier provide free transportation? 0 8. 8.10 3. does supplier provide free meal? 0 8. ELEMENTARY 0 any threat of unauthorized deductions in practice? 10.0 INFO / PREPA to work. BEST PRACTICE Has the factory implemented profit sharing based on the net margin with employees? 0 10.1 0.13 2.4 1. ELEMENTARY Do workers have at least 1 full day (24 hours) of rest after 6 consecutive days of work? 0 9. ELEMENTARY If required by law. BEST PRACTICE Does the factory provide a cultural access for workers (library. has the driver provided a medical certificate to confirm his/her 8. factory 9.0 INFO Regular working hours permitted by law (by day. 10. is it clean.11 2. ELEMENTARY Do the premises have an acceptable temperature and are they properly ventilated? 0 8. ELEMENTARY 0 records and any other information observed during the assessment? 9. BEST PRACTICE If not required by law.13 3.8 1. week. ELEMENTARY Do working hours exceed 72 hours per week? 0 9.17 3. ELEMENTARY Is the overtime paid in compliance with local law? (Precise the rate used by the factory) 0 Is there any sort of unauthorized deduction from wages.9 2. sick leave.3 1. production tools provided free of charge to employees? 0 10. CONSOLIDATED Is the amount of compensation paid understandable and verifiable for employees? 0 Are employees aware and do they understand the system of benefits packages of the 10.15 3. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 10 . BEST PRACTICE If not required by law.10 1. clean of dust. BEST PRACTICE Is the factory equipped with a break room? 0 8.2 1. other): 9. other): 9. CONSOLIDATED Do personnel have the right to take sufficient breaks during the working day? 0 Is the working hours policy displayed or known by the workers? (Break time.6 2.9 3. ELEMENTARY Do working hours exceed 14 hours per day? 0 9.1 1.3 1. fair and clear with details? 0 9 . ELEMENTARY Does the periodicity of salary payment exceed one month? 0 10 .14 3. etc) Is the payment policy displayed and known by workers? (Bonus.0 INFO / PREPA How many employees occupy each room / sleeping area of the dormitory? Does the facility provide transportation to the workers? Describe how employees come 8.7 1.8 2.20 3.21 3. ELEMENTARY Is the time recording system objective. BEST PRACTICE 0 (Weekly / monthly / yearly) 9. Is the hourly salary (total paid salary divided by total number of worked hours) paid to 10. ELEMENTARY operational impacts of the worksite? (Industrial buildings should not be used for 0 housing purposes) 8. equipment have a place and are kept there only)? 8.0 INFO / PREPA Is there a food preparation area or a canteen? Do all workers have free safe access to toilets which are in good condition and have 8. BEST PRACTICE Does the factory provide access to sport? 0 8.8 1. ELEMENTARY Are vehicles provided for workers transportation in good condition? 0 Does the location of social facilities and dormitories expose employees to the 8.11 2.18 3. are they clean and properly equipped? 0 8. CONSOLIDATED 0 involvement / participation in the factory's project? 10.10 2. OT policy etc…) Do the hours worked comply with the local regulations in effect for this sector? 9.0 INFO Amount of over time permitted by law (by day. ELEMENTARY 0 the collective agreement if applicable? 10.6 1. ELEMENTARY If there are dormitories.14 2. BEST PRACTICE If not required by law.2 1.H&S . CONSOLIDATED Do working hours exceed 60 hours per week? 0 9.3 1.4 1.WORKING HOURS Is there any inconsistency observed between the working hours / attendance / wages 9. week.7 1. 2 or 3 shifts? (Precise the regular hours) 9. CONSOLIDATED 0 minimum wage. ELEMENTARY 0 requirements of local regulations? 8 .16 3. no slippery surface. CONSOLIDATED 0 company ? (Maternity.HR MANAGEMENT Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? 11. CONSOLIDATED 0 aptitude to drive? Is there a preventive maintenance plan implemented for cars/bus managed by the 8.6 1.LIVING ENVIRONMENT 8.0 INFO / PREPA The average weekly working hours in peak season: 9. is there a canteen? 0 If there is a kitchen / canteen. properly equipped and fulfilling the 8. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 9 .2 1.0 INFO / PREPA Number of men / women employed by the supplier : 11. CONSOLIDATED In case it is required by law. annual leave. UNACCEPTABLE 0 the dormitories)? Is there any obvious proof of physical.3 1. .8 1.18 3.For pregnant ladies: free training on the necessary know-how as a mother. protection.9 1. ELEMENTARY Is the supplier in possession of the Decathlon code of conduct on-site? 0 Is there someone or a team assigned to the management of the HRP project in the 12. sexual orientation.? Are there in-house regulations indicating what is forbidden and the sanctions involved? Do these sanctions respect employees rights (no salary withholdings.10 3. 11.2 0.MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY Answer Complies? solved during Comments assessment? 12. cleaning agents. handicap. ELEMENTARY 0 term / temporary contracts over total staff respect local regulations? Discrimination: Are workers free from discrimination related to access to work (at hiring). is the supplier able to find the root cause of 12. 11.For women: free training on health or finance. CONSOLIDATED 0 conditions which reach at least the C level of the HR and Working Hours chapters of this grid? Does the supplier regularly conduct evaluations of their suppliers to ensure they 12. is the contract with this agency 11. are facts recorded? 11. the working 0 hours and the benefits? Are the details contained in the worker’s employment contract consistent with their 11.0 INFO / PREPA Name of HRP responsible in the factory: 12 .17 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 with HRP? Is the supplier able to conduct a self-assessment on its own for all chapters covered 12. threatening. gender.10 2. CONSOLIDATED 0 by this grid. ELEMENTARY 0 factory? Are they aware of the basic content of the code of conduct? Is this responsible person or team able to detect HRP risks.1 0.7 2. 11. no physical 11. based on criteria of age.3 1. ELEMENTARY 0 take immediate actions if necessary? Are mid-management and workers aware of the basic HRP requirements by Decathlon 12. security guard. CONSOLIDATED Is absenteeism monitored (precise the way it is calculated + the result)? 0 Is a clear dismissal procedure defined in the internal rules? 11. private 11.0 INFO / PREPA Main members of HRP management and roles: 12. compensation and promotion.4 1. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 .12 2.13 2. ELEMENTARY Does each employee have a personal copy of their contract and amendment if any? 0 In case any employee is recruited by a third party.6 1. exploitative or any 11.5 2. ELEMENTARY 0 available? 11 . the duration (if applicable).19 3.9 3. ELEMENTARY current role? 0 If there is a contract amendment. CONSOLIDATED 0 changes? If there are other local regulatory obligations than the above (ex: medical visit. BEST PRACTICE 0 .8 2. ELEMENTARY 0 violence. etc. the salary. kitchen employees. signed.HR MANAGEMENT Is there monitoring of the short-term / temporary contract. CONSOLIDATED 0 respect Decathlon Group's policies.)? Are these regulations and sanctions known by employees? 11. abusive.e.2 1. gardener…) work in working 12. UNACCEPTABLE 0 inappropriate behaviour? Is there a work contract (and work permit for foreign workers) for each worker.MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY 12. ELEMENTARY dated. indicating the name.2 INFO / PREPA (precise the number and their role)? Is there evidence that employees are given extra production work to do at home (or in 11.15 2. CONSOLIDATED Is human turnover monitored? (precise the way it is calculated + the result) 0 11.1 1. CONSOLIDATED 0 medical insurance. make regular reviews and 12. and are the evaluation records available? When observing non-conformity points. are employees informed? 11. the job..16 2. union supporting etc. CONSOLIDATED 0 (at least for those in link with their workplace)? Does the supplier have the means to keep up to date of the latest regulations in link 12.5 1. and does the ratio of short- 11. CONSOLIDATED Is there a training program to increase the competency and attitudes of the workers? 0 11. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 0 Temporally REQUIREMENT A 0% LEVEL 12 .6 2.7 1.14 2.11 2.). 11. BEST PRACTICE 0 these points? Then are there actions to solve the root causes? 12. How many people working at the supplier's site are employed by an external company 11. CONSOLIDATED 0 If someone was dismissed. national origins.For illiterate people: reading / writing classes. CONSOLIDATED Are women returning from maternity leave given an equivalent position and equal pay? 0 Does the company have the means to keep up with social regulations and any 11. are they respected? 11. ELEMENTARY 0 religion. race. with a list of non-conformity points and corresponding corrective actions? Do the people employed by the external companies and working on the supplier site (i. political views. CONSOLIDATED Are all trainings & procedures available in the language spoken by all the employees? 0 Does the supplier promote development practices: ..4 2. WORKING HOURS A 0% 7 . HRP EVALUATION GRID V11.FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION Evaluation date (last day if more than one day) 1899-12-30 60% Assessment type (Full or CAP Follow-up) 1899-12-30 40% Assessor(s) name(s) 1899-12-30 Decathlon staff in charge of HRP at supplier 1899-12-30 20% LEVEL RATE 10 .H&S .H&S .MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY A 0% .FORCED LABOUR Supplier type 0 100% Supplier status 0 Number of employees 0 80% Date of last Full assessment 1899-12-30 11 .WORKING HOURS 5 .H&S .H&S .CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT A 0% 7 .COMPENSATION 0% 4 .H&S .FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION A 0% 4 .COMPENSATION A 0% 11 .LIVING ENVIRONMENT A 0% 8 .H&S .LIVING ENVIRONMENT 6 .H&S .CHILD LABOUR Factory / site 0 12 .RISK & SAFETY MANAGEMENT 5 .0 Supplier 0 1 .FIRE SAFETY / EVACUATION 10 .MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY 2 .HR MANAGEMENT A 0% 12 .FIRE SAFETY / EVACUATION A 0% 8 .H&S .HR MANAGEMENT 3 .CHILD LABOUR A 0% 2 .CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT 9 .LEGAL AUTHORIZATIONS AND PERIODICAL C A 0% 9 .LEGAL AUTHORIZATIONS AND PERIODICAL CHECKS OVERALL A 0% 1 .H&S .RISK & SAFETY MANAGEMENT A 0% 6 .H&S .FORCED LABOUR A 0% 3 . PLEASE COMPRESS YOUR PICTURES (1 pic < 1 MO) . DOCUMENT CHECKING-LIST Supplier has to prepare the below document in advance for HRP assessment Instructions: The following documents will need to be reviewed for the assessment.) List & management policy if family staying with children in the HR dormitories 8 The procedure to ensure that no child can enter the premises 9 A document/presentation/files proving the involvement of the MANAGEMENT supplier on education support . Depending on your country. please precise if it is available (Yes or No) or Not Applicable ( For each No response. passport copy HR 7 etc. some documents may not apply and some additional documents For each document listed below. if any To be transmitted to the assessor before the evaluation 5 Factory risk analysis To be transmitted to the assessor before the evaluation Child Labour Who 6 Proof of Age documentation ( example: ID card copy. please indicate the reason why the document will not be made availabl Factory Name: Completed by (name & title): Date: HRP Documents N° Will each of the following documents be available for review? When General 0 Factory / premises map To be transmitted to the assessor before the evaluation 1 Organizational chart To be transmitted to the assessor before the evaluation 2 Production Flow Charts To be transmitted to the assessor before the evaluation 3 The staff list HR / To be transmitted to the assessor before the evaluation 4 All former Social compliance audit reports and certification. . people to contact etc. H&S 32 Temperature monitoring records H&S 33 Lighting monitoring records H&S 34 Air quality monitoring records H&S 35 Health & safety committee records. results) 17 18 Last agreement between Unions and Management MANAGEMENT 19 Meeting minutes between representatives and managements MANAGEMENT Legal Authorizations and Periodical Check Who 20 Factory License / Business License / National tax and land tax MANAGEMENT registration 21 Fire department inspection certificate/ Local safety authority H&S inspection report (building safety and fire fighting) 22 Electrical maintenance and external inspection records. air temperature monitoring. H&S Risk and Safety Management Who 25 Stability certificate of buildings and infrastructure (could be included MANAGEMENT in the contruction permit) 26 Follow Up of the products expiry dates in the First Aid Kit H&S 27 Written procedure to manage a worker during her pregnancy HR 28 Noise level monitoring records H&S 29 Documented plan & policy for addressing severe injuries H&S (transportation.Time management of PPE H&S 42 Training records on Chemicals H&S . heating cooling system. workstation risk.) 30 Accident / Incident / Occupational Disease records H&S 31 Medical examination records. SDS and CSDS H&S 41 Follow up . nursery records. local hospital arrangements. candidates application. H&S 36 Employees and Supervisor health and safety training records ( First HR OR H&S aid. lifts. PPE use. etc… ) 24 Licences (or Trainings) to operate the the forklifts. emergencies procedures. Forced Labour Who 10 List & management policy for foreign workers HR 11 Copy of work permit for foreign worker HR 12 Production planning MANAGEMENT 13 Contract with external hiring agency or facilitator HR Freedom of Association Who 14 Grievance Policy HR 15 List of Unions present in the company HR 16 Last election documents for Union and workers representatives HR (preparation. air H&S compressor.. …) 37 First Aid Training records H&S 38 Operating Procedures on risky workstation H&S 39 Lock out and tag out procedure for maintenance H&S Chemical Management Who 40 Inventory list of chemicals used in the factory. H&S 23 Maintenance plan and inspection records ( boiler. participation. lift. pressurized containers. days off. Work book. if any HR 77 Social insurance & health insurance compensation records HR 78 Social insurance Receipts HR . OT policy etc…) 61 Production planning (for pièce rate workers) MANAGEMENT Compensation Who 62 Payroll records /calculation and production records HR 63 Wage deduction policy and wage deduction records HR 64 Wage bonus policy and wage bonus records HR 65 Local official minimum wage document HR HR Management Who 66 Severance / termination allowance policy and records HR 67 Local collective bargaining agreement (if any applied) 68 Leave application/ Resignation letter/dismissal record HR 69 In-house Regulations HR 70 Disciplinary Policies. H&S 54 Infectious Disease routes and workers who benefit it? List of transportation HR 55 Check driving permit and medical certificate of the driver.Evacuation Records H&S 44 Maintenance/Follow up Records of Alarm Backup Battery H&S 45 Evacuation Map H&S 46 The Emergency Lighting System maintenance/follow up record H&S 47 Check up Record/Document of Safety Equipment (Extinguishers. regulation and policy HR 75 Dormitory Employee rules Labourand regulations. HR 56 Check the maintenance plan and last invoice from garage MAINTENANCE 57 Official Document for Kinder garden H&S 58 Cultural/Psychological Counselling Service for Migrants H&S 59 Official Document for Religion Facility H&S Working Hours Who 60 Working Hour records ( punch card / time card / attendance record) HR and policy ( breaks time. Fire Safety-Evacuation Who 43 Fire Drill . contract/ records Personnel of (bonus files or penalties incl.) records for people to use of these safety Training H&S equipments and/or to give first aid 49 List of Evacuation managers H&S Living Environment Who 50 Drinking water testing records H&S 51 Kitchen / canteen hygiene certificate H&S 52 Kitchen / canteen worker’s health certificate HR 53 Awareness Program for STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease).. 76 Work permit. Procedures. factory operating hours. H&S 48 Fire Hose List and etc. Notices and records/ Warning HR letter and records 71 List & management policy for young workers HR 72 List & management policy for apprentice HR 73 List & management policy for pregnant and breastfeeding women HR 74 All factory rules. Identity proof for ) all HR employees. etc…) H&S 88 · Structural Integrity (Building / Occupancy) H&S 89 · License of hygiene parties H&S 90 · Air Emissions H&S 91 · Water Source H&S 92 · Solid Waste H&S 93 · External Noise H&S 94 · Industrial Wastewater Discharge H&S 95 · Storm Water Discharge H&S 96 · Hazardous Waste H&S . H&S/MANAGEMENT security guards…) 84 Decathlon Code of Conduct (SIGNED) MANAGEMENT Permits Which of the below topics does the facility have a permit? Indicate in the Remarks column if permit is separate f 85 · Fire Safety H&S 86 · Electrical H&S 87 · Equipment Machinery ( boiler. lift. Number of work accidents. Number HR of sick-leave days 81 Document for net income sharing HR Management of SA Who 82 CAP Follow up Meetings and Records H&S/MANAGEMENT 83 Document/Proof of the Supplier's Ethical Improvement MANAGEMENT 84 The list of service subcontractors and contracts ( example: cleaner. 79 Employee training/communication /records HR 80 Human TO. Absenteeism Rate. ments Available Remarks Available Remarks . or No) or Not Applicable (NA) in the Column E.CHECKING-LIST he assessment. me additional documents may be required. will not be made available. Available Remarks Available Remarks Available Remarks Available Remarks Available Remarks . Available Remarks Available Remarks Available Remarks Available Remarks Available Remarks . Available Remarks Remarks s column if permit is separate from basic operating permit. . . Yes No NA . please send the report to people listed above + for Europe / Africa / Brazil / Russia : + for Bangladesh : rabeya. please put into copy people listed above + [email protected]@decathlon./Mobil E Action : If supplier is E in HRP assessment. an alert must be sent within 24h to people concerned by the report + soundous. Email Name of the factory (site assessed) Name of the factory in local language .com + for North Asia : For Env [email protected]@decathlon. Team manager e-mail address HRP Manager e-mail address For HRP SUPPLIER Supplier A Assessment type HRP Initial Assessment Target B Type or relation (Sourcing / Opened) Assessment Proposed Period Name of the supplier in SDB if Opened Supplier Code if Opened (CNUF ) Supplier Contact person Title [email protected] + for India region : navneet. HRP and ENV Assessment & Consulting REQU FO Who fills what ? Blue = filled by the person who requests the assessment Grey = filled by the assessor DECATHLON INFORMATION Country concerned DPP Process concerned Name of the Decathlon person who follow the assessment on site Job : Tel. Number of employees approximately Precise address (included country) in English Precise address (included country) in Local Language ASSESSOR & PRICE INFORMATION Assessor / Consultant Tel Nb of man-day Price : Estimated Travel Expense Confirmed Assessment Date . nsulting REQUEST Codification FORM QUAL ALL WRK 010 Version L last update : 26/07/2017 HRP Initial Assessment Target A HRP Initial Assessment Target B HRP Follow Up Assessment ENV Initial Assessment ENV Follow Up Assessment HRP E Detection Assessment Supplier B Supplier C .
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