Debian Internet Kiosk With Firefox 2 HOWTO

March 29, 2018 | Author: Cesar Augusto Martinez Cobo | Category: Firefox, Web Browser, Advanced Packaging Tool, Password, Computer File


Description New HOWTO Verison James D. B. (email) This version of my HOWTO is defucnt, outdated and old. From now on, please refer to the New version. A linux kiosk distribuition has been born of this howto. It is my brainchild and is called Debiosk. I am retracting my webconverger endorsement, as it has too many features. Thanks! Changelog v0.1 : Initial document. (03/07/07) v0.2 Table of Contents: 0 NOTE! 1 Acknowledgements, Copyright, etc... 1.1 Copyleft 1.2 Disclaimer 1.3 Thanks to those at PLUG 1.4 Thanks to everyone else 2 Synopsis 2.1 What's a kiosk anyway? 2.2 In 100 words or less... 2.3 Hardware 2.4 What we won't be covering... 2.5 How to use this HOWTO 2.6 "TO DO" list 3 Debian Etch orSarge Netinstall 3.1 Minimal Install 3.2 Edit /etc/apt/sources.list 3.3 Install a minimal X system (and some other things) 4 Crank up Firefox! 4.1 Install Firefox from tarball 4.1.1 Dependencies 4.1.2 wget, tar, chown, mkdir, rm 4.2 Start Firefox 4.3 Install extensions 1 de 24 4.4 Restart firefox, and... 4.5 Get out of Kiosk mode. 4.6 Configure extensions 4.6.1 Blocksite - OBSOLETE as of newest version of Public Fox! 4.6.2 Stealther 4.6.3 auto reset browser: 4.6.4 Public Fox 4.6.5 R-Kiosk 4.7 Configure Firefox itself 4.7.1 Preferences 4.7.2 about:config 4.7.3 Re-enable extensions 4.7.4 "Hack it up hack it in, let me login..." 5 Configuring the OS 5.1 set up the kiosk's .xinitrc 5.2 /etc/init.d/kiosk 5.3 /bin/ 5.4 Xwrapper.config 5.5 Test your new kiosk 5.6 GRUB Password 5.6.1 Reboot, test 5.7 Modify XF86Config or xorg.conf 5.8 Delete unused programs 5.9 rc2.d 6 That's it! 7 Links Pleae read all of this (or any) howto in its entirety before starting the actual project. There is one pretty bad hole in this configuration right now, please read section 2.6 ("TO DO") for more information. If you choose to implement this, I encourage you ro email me and tell me how it went. I welcome all constructive criticism and will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. 1.1 Copyleft This HOW-TO is in the public domain. Anybody can do whatever they want with it (modify it, remove things from it, distribute it, etc), as long as they keep this paragraph intact. Anyone who reads this also agrees that I (James D. Barrett, am not responsible for anything that happens because of any use or misuse of the information, materials and ideas held within this document. This document comes with NO warantee of any kind. 1.2 Disclaimer 2 de 24 an Internet Kiosk ought not ever retain user data. a pIII with at least 96MB of ram and 2-3GB of disk space would be sufficient. In public access computing. The first kiosk was an ATM (nicknamed the CashBot) and was built in the 1970's.4 Thanks to everyone else max1million at forums. 2.4 What we won't be covering. Just start with a minimal debian sarge or etch netinstall. install X and some Firefox dependencies.. make some init scripts. Stephen Gran. but I can't have one without you. 2. They must never be able to see how things are done or to change anything at all. Steve Fiedler. security is VERY important! I cannot stress this enough! A firewall is a good idea. set a grub password.. test the kiosk configuration. 3 de 24 . change some more configs. 2. 1. but pricey.) 1. photo processing booths. one of them was so simple I had to mention it: "a computer enclosed in a box.3 Thanks to those at PLUG I would like to thank these people.http://jadoba. Michael Toren.d to the correct init script. Matthew Rosewarne. Today. There must never be any way for a casual user to get into the underlying configuration. there are information kiosks. supermarket self-checkouts. and then finally set up a link in /etc/rc2. Touchscreens are nice. and of course Internet kiosks. so it would be wise to read up on this stuff yourself and implement those security measures appropriately.2 In 100 words or less. Tobias DiPasquale. reboot to test.1 What's a kiosk anyway? I've found a few definitions. I would reccomend around an 800Mhz processor and 128MB of ram. nor cache any pages." My favorite definition is something along the lines of "A secured public computer that typically serves a single purpose". They are listed in no particular order: Mike Joseph.3 Hardware Typically. All of these examples are secure physically as well as locked-down at the software level. It shouldn't take more than 2 hours from start to finish. "Time". fiddle with some firefox 2.. as is good strong passwords and the removal of unneeded services and programs (such as gcc and apt).. and everyone who shows up at PLUG meetings (you could have a meeting without me. add some extensions. This is by no means a "complete" documentation. self-serve movie ticket kiosks. and fragile. On ebay it might cost you less for the machine itself than it would cost to cover shipping. install Firefox from tarball. All of these issues are out of the scope of this documentation. but it makes little difference in performance for the end result. This makes for more headaches setting up X and dependencies. A USB Key (pen drive/thumb drive) which has a write-protect switch would be prime.6 "TO DO" list Two things I might include in the next version would be a section on touchscreens and a description of how to easily create a Live CD. Thanks! Because of a bug in the OS. It is still possible to ctrl-c during the boot process.list If needed (if you installed etch). Some day I might get around to figuring out DansGuardian. I might add a run-down of how to create a live USB key. touchscreens and the manufacture of an enclosure. As of this writing. whenever I booted a newly-installed daily-built netinst image for debian etch testing. This is not a good thing..) Text-mode commands are in white boxes with green lettering and borders. as FWIU they only wear out when you write to them. an easy way to maintain this thing..http://jadoba. the etch bug is probably fixed.1 Minimal Install Do just what this section suggests . will not be discussed in this version of the howto. 3. One last thing. There is a BIG security hole in this current configuration. comment out the line(s) detailing cdrom sources. hardware specifications. 3. as someone could stop it from booting. In a later version.2 Edit /etc/apt/sources. you are expected to know enough about Linux to install the base system yourself. cleaning up of unneeded services.) Because I only had a couple days to finish this after the bug appeared.. You also surely must know enough about security to be able to lock down the kiosk to your liking (don't come crying to me if your machine gets hacked.5 How to use this HOWTO To use this. I decided to continue on with debian sarge. while normal-user commands have a dollar-sign in front of them ($). it's not my fault. which would be incredibly useful for this project. then eth2. Code Snippets are in an off-red color. and code specific for debian etch is in light blue.. If anyone has a viable way to fix this (without a kernel recompile) PLEASE email me.3 Install a minimal X system (and some other things) 4 de 24 .don't install a desktop environment or any extra packages except the base config. special hardware. Choose to use a network mirror. Check back later to see if a newer version has been posted. Optional code is displayed in gray. 3. then back to eth1. I set the normal user to have the username "kiosk".net/PLUG/kiosks/howto/#3 Firewalls. 2. Commands that are supposed to be run by the superuser (root) have a hash mark (#) in front of them. 2. the ethernet card came up as a different interface every time (eth1 once. then install xli now. and I don't like it (not that I have a choice without chrooting..) Fastjar can be deleted after we're finished setting up.0-0 libgtk2. For this project.4) and in etch.0- 5 de 24 . 4. if you want to add an ad later on.1.) Installing FF2 from a tarball does not require compilation of any code. Simple. or through a php frontend on a dedicated web server.0. It will be visible only between firefox reloads. So. It's Iceweasel. Firefox isn't Firefox. Firefox doesn't want to run under a 64-bit OS. After installing dependencies. Firefox is sadly outdated (1.. I use IW on my own box. we're not installing Firefox with apt. It's really a moot Fluxbox is what I used to develop this.http://jadoba. then fastjar can assuredly be omitted.0-0 libcairo2 libglib2.1 Install Firefox from tarball Yeah. yeah. don't use Iceweasel. right about this time I usually mv S99xdm to K01xdm in /etc/rc2. I know what you might be thinking. it can be deleted later with 'apt-get remove .d/S99xdm /etc/rc2. sure.0-0 libgtk2. Why? In sarge. and unless you want to go fiddling with the code for R-Kiosk. do this instead: # apt-get install xserver-xorg-core xorg fluxbox xli is a nice little thing used for displaying images. # apt-get install xli fastjar If you're using sarge.d like so: # mv /etc/rc2. xli can be used for displaying an advertisement as the background of the kiosk screen. XDM was probably installed as a dependency. Fastjar is needed to unjar and rejar Firefox's browser.1 Dependencies We need to install dependencies for our Firefox tarball: In etch: # apt-get install fontconfig libatk1.jar (which we won't need to do for this version of the howto. Choose something lightewight. whatever.' as we will not be needing it for the end result. # apt-get install x-window-system fluxbox If installing under etch. Whatever you decide on. yeah. Note that if you don't plan on editing browser.d/K01xdm 4. but it's also not the worst idea (not as bad as installing fvwm just so you can put graphics over top of parts of the browser..jar. it's just extract Firefox and run. It breaks a badly needed extension. but you could always use iceWM or windowmaker or whatever. So..) I'm certain an advertisement popup system could easily be created within a half hour using tcl/tk and some creativity. It's cool. but no. 0. which isn't such a bad thing. chown.0-0 libgtk2. mkdir.tar. xshells --> xterm. 4. It came out within the past tar. $ cd ~/ $ wget http://ftp-mozilla. as we will chown it recursively as root.0.0.except Firefox and Iceweasel. from that same xterm.netscape.2 wget.1 will probably work for everyone. click "new workspace") and open an xterm (right-click. rm NOTE: Firefox 2.0-0 libglib2.3-base. yeah.0.2 is out. If they don' make a directory in the user's home called "downloads" (it can really be called anything.0.tar. all I did was type 'apt-get install firefox' and selected 'no'. And if you're wondering. 2.0-0 libgtk2. then remove the firefox directory AND the .0-0 libpango1.http://jadoba.2 Start Firefox If you haven't yet. # chown -R root:root /home/kiosk/firefox/ # mkdir /home/kiosk/downloads $ rm ~/firefox-2.gz That should install Firefox to your home directory.0.mozilla directory and install one version number lower.0-common libtiff4 libxp6 psmisc libstdc++5 (NOTE: The above command will also install gcc-3.1. on the title bar.0-0 libpango1.0. keeping the process in the foreground: $ ~/firefox/firefox 6 de 24 .0-common libidl0 libjpeg62 libpango1.0-common libtiff4 libstdc++5 That ought to get Firefox running.1.tar.) My suggestion would be to install the newest version of Firefox and see if the extensions work.) Also we can now delete the Firefox tarball. start X: $ startx It would be wise to create a new workspace (middle-click the common libjpeg62 libpango1. then installed everything that it listed . as long as it's owned by root.0. which is why I'm not going to (can't) use it (some extensions don't work with it right now.1. as root.1 /linux-i686/en-US/firefox-2.) Now.0.gz $ tar xvzf firefox-2. which is undesirable) In sarge: # apt-get install libatk1.1.0.) Make the xterm sticky (click the dot in the top-left corner of the window.gz 4. Then. ) 4. as well as some other things.6.3 Install extensions Go to: Tools --> Add-ons --> Extensions --> Get extensions (bottom right. Search for these four extensions and install them: R-Kiosk. 4. you will notice that Firefox is now in kiosk mode.4 Restart firefox.) This will load a page in the browser window. Click it. The first thing you have to do is get Firefox to load outside of kiosk mode. I used to have Blocksite included in that list. measured in 7 de 24 . Close Firefox and run it again normally: $ ~/firefox/firefox 4.2 Auto Reset Browser: This extension will reset the browser window after a period of inactivity. 4. disable R-Kiosk and Auto Reset Browser.. Since you set up another desktop. Stealther.1 Stealther When enabled. which adds nearly the same exact blacklisting functionality that is desired (read on.5 Get out of Kiosk 4. Auto Reset Browser. 4. saved form information.. which should put a check mark next to that menu item. At first there seems to be no way to get out of it (as it should be) but it is easily rectifiable now. just hit ALT-F2 to switch to it and the xterm you made sticky will be there. this extension will stop all data caching and disable browsing history. Make sure the two top boxes are not checked. When it is done doing its thing. but it is not needed as of the latest version of Public Fox.6. Remove the 's' from the input box to disable the keystroke toggle. Click the "restart" button in the bottom-right of the addons window. and press ^C to kill Firefox.http://jadoba. and. Remove the check in the box next to "Cookies" and make sure all other checkboxes are checked in that section. Simply run firefox like so: $ ~/firefox/firefox -safe-mode A window will pop up that is not a Firefox browser window. and Public Fox. Select the top checkbox and click the button on the bottom left to temporarily disable all add-ons before starting Firefox.6 Configure extensions The first thing you want to do is enable Stealther by going to Tools --> Stealther. Go into Tools --> Addons --> Extensions. Choose a semi-strong password.4 R-Kiosk This is the 'heart and soul' of the kiosk and gives the basis of seconds.7 Configure Firefox itself Remember that password you set a while back? You will be using it now. They detail the preferences I used for my kiosk. like those peddling smut. Sometime soon. It filters URL's through a list containing entries with wildcards before displaying them. Preferences -> Main 8 de 24 . feeds and bookmarking. doesn't stop the installation of extensions. Go to edit -> preferences. Write it down. particularly because it allows for passwordprotecting the add-ons dialog. is a good amount IMHO. You definately want both checkboxes checked. such as one with three or more random. doesn't stop bookmarking. 1. It will not work unless you disable Firefox's session restore feature. The default. A few caveats: it doesn't stop the download OR upload dialogs. and is 99% un-configurable. That process is described later on. I might have a somewhat effective and typically adequate blacklist file available in the "links" section at the end of this how-to. Both boxes should also be checked by default. 4. 4.6. unrelated five-letter words.1 Preferences What follows is a slew of screenshots.http://jadoba.3 Public Fox This extension is useful for many reasons. 300 seconds. only allowing you to disable printing (a moot point) and enable the navigation/location/search bar . Also check all the boxes in the top left section of this extension's preferences dialog. 4.7. and select a time you think would be a good one to reset the browser automatically. 4. This extension also can be used for primative wildcard-based blacklisting or whitelisting to block seedy sites.we will discuss how to do this later.6. or any other unwanted sites. net/PLUG/kiosks/howto/#3 2.http://jadoba. Tabs 9 de 24 . Content 10 de 24 . 3. Content . 4.javascript advanced settings 11 de 24 . Feeds The default should be fine. 6. 5. Privacy 12 de 24 . http://jadoba. Privacy .Private Data Settings 13 de 24 .net/PLUG/kiosks/howto/#3 7. Security 14 de 24 .net/PLUG/kiosks/howto/#3 8.http://jadoba. Warning Settings 15 de 24 . Security. 9. net/PLUG/kiosks/howto/#3 10. Advanced .Update 16 de 24 .http://jadoba. Problems with people saving bookmarks are easily rectified by configuring browser. but session data will be saved and you do not want that. Put about:config into the location bar and hit enter.7.set the string to /home/user/downloads /bookmarks. 'To disable the feature add boolean browser.sessionstore.' .html and it will prevent any saving of bookmarks. No startups will restore sessions.2 about:config Remember that password you set a while back? You're going to need it again.bookmarks.If you do not set this to 'false'.file in about:config . 17 de 24 .enabled in about:config and set to "false". 2. 1. Hack to disable addition of bookmarks (obsoleted after latest version of public fox) Skip this one unless you're having problems with people setting bookmarks by right-clicking the tab bar. This works because. then not only will Auto Reset Browser fail to work 4. Disable session store From Mozillazine. but they will vanish whenever auto reset browser does its thing. that directory is owned by root and nothing can be deleted or changed there by the user. enter boolean option ui. This will disable GTK's file picker. making it impossible to delete. After that.ini 18 de 24 . and execute the following commands. First. We're only 1/2 done. 1. This is easily as you may remember. Disable the file picker Looking for a solution to this security hole took the most time compared to any other part of this project. rename. Restart Firefox to allow the changes to commit. Exit firefox. replacing {default-profile} with whatever the directory happens to be named (hint .7. nothing should come up .3 Re-enable extensions This would be a good time to enable any extensions that you disabled previously.js What you have just done is force Firefox to use its own file picker. append to or otherwise modify that file without first removing the dialog.. no error message. 3.ini What 'chattr +i' does is add the immutable bit to a file.http://jadoba. I found this fix literally 24 hours before the presentation was to be given. There are two gaping security holes right now: installing extensions and running anything through an already installed program. 4.allow_platform_file_picker and make sure it is set to "false". let me login. When someone goes to upload a file. First. to complete this task we must delete a file and touch it for good measure: # rm /home/kiosk/firefox/components/nsFilePicker. re-enable Auto Reset Browser and check to see if the settings are to your liking. If you ever need to edit the extensions again. as ends with default) # chattr +i /home/kiosk/.js I'm told it would probably be wiser to chmod this file 000 instead of deleting it: # chmod 000 /home/kiosk/firefox/components/nsFilePicker. move.js # touch /home/kiosk/firefox/components/nsFilePicker.mozilla/firefox/{default-profile}/extensions. nothing.. re-enable R-Kiosk. which is not accessible on that machine any more. just do this: # chattr -i /home/user/. 4. Chown and chattr: extensions.4 "Hack it up hack it in.ini Even under R-Kiosk you still have the ability to install extensions.7." Close Firefox.mozilla/firefox/{default-profile}/extensions. We will also stop the print dialog from coming up. It will still be possible to create new bookmark folders. From max1million on forums. Disable print dialog Directly from the developer of R-Kiosk: You can enable Navigation toolbar by adding the following to user. aContext. are oblivious to the location bar (if you don't believe me.) If you enable the navigation bar.js: user_pref("rkiosk.js Here's the second security hole: we need to stop users from downloading and running files. the files still download to /tmp) but end users can still run shell scripts through bash. Right now. if you prefer you can simply chmod it to 000 What you just did was completely remove the "save/open with" dialog. if you were to try and download a file of an unknown type.js # touch /home/user/firefox/components/nsHelperAppDlg. Here is yet another option to fix this security hole. it would pop up with an error message and Firefox would just keep chugging along. aContext. I suggest you do NOT enable a navigation bar.http://jadoba. I got a suggestion to change this line: show: function( aLauncher.true).js: user_pref("print. what do you need on the web that can't be found through Google?) Many people.always_print_silent". That might stop any error popups from coming up when a link to an unknown file type is clicked. believe it or not. user_pref("print. user. org.js Like before. Why? A couple reasons. It most likely won't be there so you must create it. then explain the ease of which people's information gets phished.js resides the profile directory. we got the downloading part fixed (sorta.) This last reason is a fairly simple task. 19 de 24 . mozillazine.false). aReason) { return. aReason) { to say this: show: function( aLauncher. mainly it's not necessary (I mean. 3. You might want to remove the print dialog by adding following lines to your user. true). seriously. Rm and touch: nsHelperAppDlg. and if you want more information please email me.navbar". What better way to stop the end user from running evil shell scripts than to stop the 'open with' dialog from coming up? This is how it is done: # rm /home/user/firefox/components/nsHelperAppDlg. Well. you must disallow certain uri's ("file://" for example.show_print_progress". A substantial replacement (empty file) was 2. \n" sleep 3s /bin/startkiosk. " line. was it?) and see if the modifications work . Also you might have noticed that "echo 0 . Start up Firefox (it wasn't still on.xinitrc looks like this.xinitrc.1 set up the kiosk's . Add the following code: #!/bin/bash echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq echo -e "\t Putting the machine into Kiosk mode .dk and try to upload a file with their cell phone file uploader. it's a good idea to add the immutable bit. It will run Firefox perpetually: #!/bin/bash # give a nice white background for when Firefox reloads xsetroot -solid white & # optionally.d/kiosk Init scripts are meant to be run once and exit.. while true . then proceed to the next objective. the above can be commented out and the one below # can be uncommented to use an image for the background #xli . No public Linux box should go without this step! Alt-SysRq can do a lot of things which you don't want to happen on a public computer (such as immediate reboot without syncing filesystems or unmounting disks. Try to print something. # chmod a+x /home/kiosk/. 5. do /home/kiosk/firefox/firefox done After creating .png & # perpetuality ensues.xinitrc My /home/kiosk/.2 /etc/init. we use the init script as a wrapper for another script. Try to visit a site you blacklisted. This is very important. If you can not succeed.onroot -quiet /home/user/ad-or-logo.xinitrc # chattr +i /home/kiosk/.http://jadoba. .sh & Therefore. You must chmod it a+x before you add the immutable bit.. send 20 de 24 .d/kiosk # pico -w /etc/init.. and shouldn't be just hanging around waitiing for things to 4.. .go to coolservice. Try to install an extension.xinitrc 5. Find a shell script on google and attempt to run it through bash. config . or run this command: # sed -i 's/^allowed_users=. done' statement can be utilized to run X perpetually: #!/bin/bash # this is another /bin/startkiosk. #!/bin/bash # this is /bin/ 5. Change this line: allowed_users=console to: allowed_users=anybody I can not stress this enough: you must not omit that line if you plan on publicizing the machine.http://jadoba. a 'while true . remount all filesystems read-only..kiosk -c 'xinit' shutdown -r now Optionally.. either fire up pico.user -c 'xinit' done Don't forget to chmod it a+x: # chmod a+x /bin/startkiosk.*/allowed_users=anybody/' /etc/X11 / su while true . do .4 Xwrapper..d/kiosk # pico -w /bin/ What this script does is login as the normal user with su and start up X through xinit.config This modification will allow X to be run thorugh su in a script instead of just through the console. Edit file /etc/X11/Xwrapper.3 /bin/startkiosk. Don't forget to chmod it a+x: # chmod a+x /etc/init.. From http://www.config 21 de 24 . do su . as well as a bunch of other a SIGKILL or a SIGTERM to all processes (including or excluding init). Now. open two xterm windows. on its own line.. in the second xterm (still as root. at least) want to be able to maintain the kiosk easily from the terminal without having to open the case and without having anyone else be able to 'maintain' it themselves. such as "Start Kiosk" for the normal 5. After doing that.. It should be after the line starting with "title" and before the line starting with "root". After the title entry I'm talking about..5 Test your new kiosk Save all your data and run /etc/init. In the first window.lst in your favorite editor. It will promt for you to retype it.6 GRUB Password The reason why we want to have a GRUB password and not just have GRUB boot into kiosk mode immediately is because we (or.) open /boot/grub/menu. You really ought to do this only for the non-default entries. save and exit (^X y) 22 de 24 .. all by itself. Put this after that commented area. then pressing ctrl-alt-backspace will kill X and also reboot your system. with a hash. Before you finish.. it would look like this: password --md5 $1$jxcdN0$hVHViq1aiPf8FziuGJGZp0 You also want to either delete or lock the title entry that talks about single-user or recovery mode. In both of them: $ su .): password --md5 {hash} (that's two dashes before md5. replacing {hash} with your valid encrypted password hash (what you hilighted eariler. "Maintain Kiosk" for the entry that boots into runlevel 3. and if they match it will then spew out your encrypted password hash. # pico -w /boot/grub/menu. I.. Highlight the hash. as root: # grub-md5-crypt It will prompt for a password. What locking does is require you to type the password above before booting that title. and find the commented-out part that talks about passwords.) So. copy the title that details a normal boot. and "Rescue Kiosk" for the single-user/recovery entry.. type "lock" without quotes.. be sure to change the title entries to something a little less revealing.http://jadoba.. If you are pleased with the results. choose carefully. 5. Paste it into the space after that title and add a "3" to the end of the kernel line (so it boots to runlevel 3) and add a "lock" line after the title line.. and enter the root password. After that.d/kiosk to see if it works. As the normal user.lst . net if you have any comments.1 Reboot. press any key and then hit the grub screen.6.d Prevent any services that you don't need from starting at bootup by moving them from S to K in /etc/rc2. boot into "Start Kiosk" and start the GRUB password process (section 5.d # for i in S99*.net/PLUG/kiosks/howto/#3 5. If you can't get to a's an example for XDM: # cd /etc/rc2. # apt-get remove fluxbox Just remove what you feel you don't need. 5.lst that way. 5. in less than two hours. and also switching to virtual terminals. test Reboot and test your password . do mv $i `echo $i | sed 's/99/98/'`. enter your password. Have fun! 23 de 24 . right? Please email me at jadoba@jadoba. done # ln -s /etc/init.d/xdm stop' as root from a virtual terminal before proceeding.9 rc2. I like to put this code near the top of the config: Section "ServerFlags" Option "DontVTSwitch" "true" Option "DontZap" "true" Option "DontZoom" "true" EndSection 5. You might want to run '/etc/init. So. let's move all the current S99 links to S98 links: # cd /etc/rc2. which is S99./S99kiosk You're done! And.conf You could change xorg.6) over again.conf to disable killing X through ctrl-alt-backspace.d # mv S99xdm K01xdm We want the kiosk init script to run last.http://jadoba.7 Modify XF86Config or xorg.) mount the drive and change menu.8 Delete unused programs If using sarge.d . then you'll have to boot a knoppix cd (or put the hard drive into another machine. If it doesn't work. zooming.d/kiosk . PLUG Website Slides from my presentation SOON (never): a tar file with copies of all the init scripts 24 de 24 .
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