DCNA User Manual
DCN Adapter C2.0 User Manual C33942.20 DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 1 (122) DCN Adapter C2.0 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This document is intended for the use of Nokia Networks' customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is submitted, and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Networks. The document has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia Networks welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. The information or statements given in this document concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be considered binding but shall be defined in the agreement made between Nokia Networks and the customer. However, Nokia Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia Networks will, if necessary, explain issues which may not be covered by the document. Nokia Networks' liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. Nokia Networks WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY EVENT FOR ERRORS IN THIS DOCUMENT OR FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING MONETARY LOSSES), that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to the applicable laws. NOKIA logo is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective companies, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © Nokia Networks Oy 2002. All rights reserved. 2 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en Contents Contents 3 List of tables 5 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 4 5 Introduction 9 General 9 Mechanical construction 9 Identification 10 Installation 13 Management addresses 15 Step-by-step installation 16 Default settings 28 LEDs and rack alarms 29 Command line interface 31 List of commands 32 Commands related to CLI session 32 Commands related to DCN Adapter settings Commands related to IP settings 33 Commands related to SNMP settings 34 Commands related to element management Command descriptions 35 Commands related to CLI session 35 Commands related to DCN Adapter settings Commands related to IP settings 46 Commands related to SNMP settings 56 Commands related to element management SNMP 69 Nokia Q1 Management pipe 71 32 34 40 60 Appendix A. Cabling in a DYNANET environment 73 A.1 EMC compatibility and cabling 73 A.1.1 EMC 74 A.1.2 Management cable (Ethernet 10Base-T) 75 A.1.3 Local management interface cable (LMI cable) 78 A.1.4 Interface cables V.35 (DTE and DCE) 79 A.1.4.1 Preparing the euroconnector end of the cable 82 A.1.4.2 Preparing the V.35 end of the cable 87 A.1.4.3 Assembling the euroconnector end of the V.35 cable 88 A.1.5 Interface cable, asynchronous PPP 88 A.1.6 Q1 extension cable 89 A.1.7 Connectors and pin numbering 90 A.1.7.1 Subrack connector P4 (3 x 32; euro; male) 91 A.1.7.2 Q1 extension connector P1 (3 x 7; 1/4 euro; male) 92 A.1.7.3 V.35 sync PPP connector P3 (2 x 16; euro; male), DCN Adapter is DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 3 (122) 1.2 Management cable (Ethernet 10Base-T) 100 B.7 DCE 93 V.7.35 (DTE and DCE) 100 B.1.5 Interface cable.7 DC supply connector 117 Appendix C.35 sync PPP connector (D25 male).1.4 Async PPP and LMI connectors (8-pin RJ-45).1. J2) connectors (8-pin RJ-45).1.1.1. Q1 interface signal names 118 Glossary 119 4 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .6 Ethernet connector. male). J2) connectors (8-pin RJ-45). 10Base-T 116 B.7.6 A. DCN Adapter is DCE 115 B.7. DCN Adapter is DTE 113 B.1 EMC requirements 99 B.7 Connectors and pin numbering 110 B.1. DCN Adapter is DCE 96 Ethernet connector J3.4 Interface cables V. Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit 99 B.1.1 EMC compatibility and cabling 99 B.1.7.4. euro.1.35 sync PPP connector P3 (2 x 16. DCN Adapter is DTE 95 Async PPP and LMI (J1.3 Local management interface cable (LMI cable) 100 B. Installing the D-connector 104 B. J2 connectors (8-pin RJ-45).2 Preparing the V.7. DCN Adapter is DCE 113 B.1.35 sync PPP connector (D25 male). DI3 111 B.1 Q1 extension connectors DI1.6 Q1 bus cable 110 B.5 Async PPP and LMI (J1.1.7.7. asynchronous PPP 110 B.35 end of the cable 109 B.2 V.7.0 A. DI2.4.1.DCN Adapter C2.4 A.1.7.3 V.7. DCN Adapter is DTE 94 Async PPP and LMI J1. DCN Adapter is DCE 112 B.7.1. 10Base-T 98 Appendix B.1.5 A. Twisted pair configuration for the DCE cable 107 108 Table 17. Pin configuration for connector J3 98 99 Table 14. DI3 112 Table 19. Table 3. Table 5. Pin configuration for connector P3 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE 94 Table 11.35 connector when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE 112 Table 20. Pin configuration for connectors J1 and J2 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE 115 Table 23.35 cable part information 103 Table 16. Pin configuration for async PPP and LMI connectors when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE 114 Table 22. Table 4.List of tables Table 1. Table 2. DI2. Pin configuration for the DC supply connector DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 5 (122) . Specifications for EMC requirements Table 15.35 connector when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE 113 Table 21. Pin configuration 116 117 Table 24. Table 8. Table 6. Pin configuration for connectors J1 and J2 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE 97 Table 13.35 cable part information 81 76 Twisted pair configuration for the DCE cable 85 86 Twisted pair configuration for the DTE connector Pin configuration for connector P4 Pin configuration for connector P1 91 92 Pin configuration for connector P3 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE 94 Table 10. V. Pin configuration for V. Pin configuration for connectors DI1. Default settings 28 74 Specifications for EMC requirements Ethernet cable part information V. Twisted pair configuration for the DTE connector Table 18. Pin configuration for V. Table 9. Table 7. Pin configuration for connectors J1 and J2 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE 96 Table 12. DCN Adapter C2. Q1 interface signal names 118 6 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .0 Table 25. The following CLI commands are new: • • • Set polling parameters Display polling parameters Show DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 7 (122) . Refer to Chapter 5. The name of the product was changed from DCN Adaptor to DCN Adapter. a new DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit has been designed so as to enable the installation of the DCN Adapter in microwave radio sites. The place of the identification stickers in the DCN Adapter has changed. Another new appendix (Appendix C) was added to provide information about Q1 interface names. • • • • • • • • • • Open STE session to Q1 element Execute embedded STE command Set Q1 bus configuration Add Q1 elements to list of polled Q1 nodes Delete Q1 elements from list of polled nodes Enable Q1 elements to be polled Disable Q1 elements to be polled Display Q1 poller list (previously: Display poller list) Display alarm status for polled Q1 nodes Display Q1 bus configuration (previously: Display Q1 bus settings).0. It is now possible to use node managers (Nokia Q1 Management pipe) with the DCN Adapter. Appendix B gives instructions on how to do the cabling with the 19’’ rack mounting kit.Summary of changes In this release A new document numbering scheme was adopted. Refer to Chapter 3. In addition to the DCN Adapter plug-in unit. The current product version number is C2. The following Command Line Interface (CLI) commands have been modified. 0 • • Show uptime Refresh.DCN Adapter C2. In the previous release This document was new. 8 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . 0: DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 9 (122) . for example on metallic shelves or folios.Introduction 1 1. such as NMS/10 System Frame.0. including microwave radio and PDH/PRE equipment. operation and maintenance of the DCN Adapter C2. while mediating between these and a supervising management system. Storing unpacked units on metallic surfaces may discharge the unit battery. Caution Do not leave or lay unpacked units on conducting materials.1 Introduction DCN Adapter C2. you should wear wrist grounding or take other corresponding precautions. General The purpose of this document is to give the information needed for installation. When handling units removed from their anti-static packaging.0 is a plug-in unit that can be used for collecting Q1 alarms and other messages from Nokia's Q1-managed nodes. Caution The equipment is sensitive to static electricity. 1.2 Mechanical construction There are two versions of the DCN Adapter C2. DCN Adapter is used for fault management in both GSM and WCDMA networks. Mechanical construction of the DCN Adapter (plug-in unit) 1. Figure 1. • DCN Adapter 19’’ rack mounting unit. DCN Adapter can be installed in a 19’’ rack or in an ETSI rack. the product version. In the subrack. For information about the cabling. The plug-in unit can be installed. For information about the cabling. The location of the stickers is shown in Figure 1.0 • DCN Adapter plug-in unit (see Figure 1). 10 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . refer to Appendix A. each circuit board has a unit sticker. Put in a dedicated 1U enclosure. in microwave radio sites when DYNANET subracks are not available. DCN Adapter occupies one plug-in unit space (5T). refer to Appendix B. This solution is used. for example. in a DYNANET subrack. The identification stickers are shown in Figure 2.3 Identification The equipment is identified with stickers. In addition. for example. The mechanical construction and dimensions of the plug-in unit are shown in Figure 1.DCN Adapter C2. which shows the product code and version for the printed circuit board. and the serial number. The identification sticker contains the product code. called a 19’’/1U rack mounting kit. C 0 Identification stickers Figure 2.01. Identification stickers of DCN Adapter (example) DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 11 (122) .C T66140.01...Introduction 61011208108 T66140... 0 12 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .DCN Adapter C2. See also Appendix A. Figure 4 shows shows the cables needed in the installation of the DCN Adapter 19’’ rack mounting unit.0 can be installed as follows: • The plug-in unit can be installed. In the subrack the DCN Adapter occupies one plug-in unit space (5T). For the Local Management Interface (LMI). the DCN Adapter can be installed in a 19’’ rack or in an ETSI rack. in a DYNANET subrack. Note The cables needed depend on the configuration of your system. For more information on cables see Appendix A. Before the installation. Figure 3 shows the cables needed in the installation of the DCN Adapter plug-in unit.Installation 2 Installation The DCN Adapter C2. use the LMI cable only at the initial installation stages. for example. • With a dedicated 1U enclosure. For more information on cables see Appendix B. Not all cables are needed in every installation. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 13 (122) . This solution is used. make sure that you have the right equipment and cables. in microwave radio sites when DYNANET subracks are not available. for example. DCN Adapter C2.0 V.35 generic cable DCE <-> DCE (DCN Adapter) V.35 DTE cable DTE <-> DTE (DCN Adapter) Ethernet cable LMI cable Q1 extension cable Figure 3. Cables needed with the DCN Adapter plug-in unit 14 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en Installation V.35 generic cable DCE <-> DCE (Rack mounting unit) V.35 DTE cable DTE <-> DTE (Rack mounting unit) Ethernet cable LMI cable 3 x Q1 cable Figure 4. Cables needed with the DCN Adapter 19’’ rack mounting unit If you are managing multiple subracks with one DCN Adapter, you will also have to build or order a Q1 extension cable to connect the DI interfaces of the DCN Adapter to additional subracks. The DCN Adapter contains parameters that must be set in the commissioning of the unit. These settings include IP, SNMP, and Q1 settings. A basic step-by-step installation procedure is described below. 2.1 Management addresses The DCN Adapter uses Q1 management bus and Q1 physical addresses for accessing the network elements. The physical Q1 addresses of the network elements are the same as the addresses that the DCN Adapter uses to handle the element. In addition to the backplane Q1 interface, there are three Q1 extension interfaces (DI), which can be used to extend the DCN Adapter management bus to other subracks. The physical Q1 addresses of the network elements are configured manually. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 15 (122) DCN Adapter C2.0 2.2 Step-by-step installation Step 1: Identification of the unit Make sure that you have the correct unit by checking the identification sticker on the unit (see Chapter 1). Check also that there are two flash memory units present (see Figure 5) and that there is a program in the Bank A flash (check the sticker on the chip). Figure 5. Flash locations Step 2: Jumper settings Note In the subrack, there are jumper settings that extend the Q1 bus in the backplane. Make sure that these jumpers are properly set. See the subrack manual for details. 16 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en there are five jumper settings that are used for cable terminating of the V. Figure 6. these jumpers are not connected. By default. The jumper location and setting options are presented in Figure 6.Installation On the unit. Jumper location DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 17 (122) .11 DI and SI interfaces. In such situations. The three service LEDs light up and then go off in the following sequence: green.0 Step 3: Set DIP switch to ON position Make sure that both DIP switches are in ON position. yellow. There can be two reasons for the failure: • • there is only one flash installed and it has a defective program there are two flashes installed. DIP switch S1 is located between the LMI and Ethernet connectors (see Figure 7). 18 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . After successful tests. the service LEDs should remain unlit. it performs power-up and start-up tests.DCN Adapter C2. the service LEDs start to blink. If any of the three service LED remains lit. If the power-up test fails. at least the bank A flash must be changed. the unit is defective. and red. DIP switch location Step 4: Insert the card into the subrack slot When the DCN Adapter is inserted into a slot. both of which have defective programs. Figure 7. There are three possible reasons for this: • • • a defective flash chip has been installed in bank A or bank B the battery of the real time clock is empty the EEPROM is defective. an alternative way is given in Figure 9. DCN Adapter 19’’ rack mounting unit Constructing the management cables for the DCN Adapter 19’’ rack mounting unit is explained in Appendix B. Step 5: Connect the local management cable Connect your terminal (for example. The terminal configuration is: • • • • • • • VT100 async 9600 8 data bits 1 stop bit no parity no flow control. laptop computer) with the local management cable to the LMI connector. the red service LED lights up. However. Step 6: Connect the extension cables DCN Adapter plug-in unit Constructing the management cables for the DCN Adapter plug-in unit is explained in Appendix A. you can still start the CLI session to check the start-up test results. The recommended way of connecting the cables is shown in Figure 8.Installation If the start-up test fails. If the unit passes the power-up and start-up tests. Note When the application software is running OK. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 19 (122) . the unit is ready for configuration. The recommended way of connecting the cables is shown in Figure 10. one of the LEDs is blinking with green colour. DCN Adapter C2.0 Bus 0. Recommended way of connecting the Q1 extension cables for the DCN Adapter plug-in unit 20 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . subrack 1 backplane Q1 extension cable Subrack 1 Bus 1 J2 Subrack 2 Bus 2 J3 Subrack 3 Bus 3 J4 Subrack 4 Figure 8. Alternative way of connecting the Q1 extension cables for the DCN Adapter plug-in unit DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 21 (122) .Installation Q1 extension cable Subrack 1 Subrack 2 Q1 extension cable Subrack 3 Q1 extension cable Subrack 4 Figure 9. DCN Adapter C2. When the jumper is connected. If you have forgotten the password. remove the jumper and reboot the DCN Adapter to use your own password again.0 To other network elements To the next network elements Figure 10. you can bypass the password by connecting the jumper shown in Figure 11. Note Remember that you must change the password. When the correct password has been entered. the default password nokia applies. the green service LED should be lit. Connecting Q1 bus cables in the DCN Adapter 19’’ rack mounting unit Step 7: Start the CLI session Start the CLI session by pressing ENTER. The default password is nokia. 22 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . You can check the results of the start-up test and the software version by entering the show test and show software commands. which is nokia. Step 8: Configure DCN Adapter An example configuration presented in Figure 12 will be given here with the corresponding commands. The CLI prompts for the default superuser password. This is done with the su command.Installation Figure 11.3. Password jumper location To be able to change the settings of the DCN Adapter. you must switch to the superuser level. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 23 (122) . The default settings are shown in Table 1 in Section 2. The CLI commands are listed in Chapter 3. 1 nnn.168.DCN Adapter C2. and SNMP settings.0 Gateway PPP 10.2 192.0 Figure 12.10 192.112 10.nnn.10 DCN Adapter Default gateway 192. IP settings. Ethernet 192.10−2:0 24 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .168.0 192.50.nnn.10. Example configuration There are three groups of settings that must be configured when the DCN Adapter is commissioned: Q1 settings.02:14:00. DCN Adapter settings • Passwords CLs> set passwd sets the user password CLs> set spasswd sets the superuser password • CLI session time-out (in minutes) CLs> set timeout 5 • Real time clock CLs> set clock 2002−1−21.50.0 54.112 255.255. Only one of them can be used at a time. CLs> enable ppp sync enables PPP interface in synchronous mode • IP access table CLs> set ipfilter 192.0 255.10 255.0 sets IP address and IP mask for PPP interface CLs> set ppp async 19200 hw sets PPP interface configuration (asynchronous mode).220.255.0 sets IP address and IP mask for Ethernet interface CLs> enable ethernet enables Ethernet interface CLs> set ppp ipaddress sets IP filter configuration CLs> set ipfilter 172. Notice that the ethernet.255.255.0 disables IP filter configuration (denies universal access from any IP address) DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 25 (122) .255.0.0. CLs> set ppp sync dce 128000 sets the synchronous PPP interface to use the dce mode with 128000 bps speed.0 sets IP filter configuration (DCN Adapter accepts packets only from specified IP addresses) CLs> set ipfilter 0. The hw parameter sets the RTS/CTS flow control.0 sets IP filter configuration CLs> disable ipfilter 0. the synchronous and the asynchronous PPP interfaces are alternatives to each other.Installation IP settings • Port configurations CLs> set ethernet ipaddress 192. 0 IP Mask Status 255.0 Enabled • Trap settings CLs> set trap 192.255.168. Step 9: Configure Q1 settings Q1 settings • Q1 bus parameters 26 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . you can try to ping the DCN Adapter from the management computer: ping <DCN Adapter IP address>.0.255.255. the last one will be replaced by the new one. 0.0 Disabled displays IP filter configuration • IP routing table CLs> set iproute 192.0 Enabled 255.0.0 CLs> show ipfilter IP filters IP Address sets a static IP route CLs> set iproute 192.0 sets the default gateway SNMP settings • Community strings CLs> set commstr rd manager1 sets an SNMP community string for read" operations CLs> set commstr rw manager2 sets an SNMP community string for read/write" operations Note There can only be three community strings.0 198.0 Enabled 0.0 172.0 10.DCN Adapter C2.168.10 remote_mngmt sets and enables the trap IP address and defines the community string to be used in traps (SNMP traps will be sent to this address) After Step If more are added. you can connect the DCN Adapter to the IP network via Ethernet or PPP interfaces. To check whether the configuration was done successfully. 2. CLs> disable poller Insert new units to the subrack. See the corresponding equipment manuals for more information. time out and port). 1.3 adds a Q1 element to the selected port. Remote end Q1 address according to the subrack slot. The port number can be 0. the default port is 0. Step 10: Add and register new managed elements Disable the poller. or 3.3 sets Q1 bus configuration for the selected port (baud rate. Note Each Q1 element must have a unique address. the default port is 0. The units will go through their normal startup procedures. Network element Q1 bus speed according to DCN Adapter Q1 bus speed. • Poller status CLs> enable q1element 1020 enables Q1 element to be polled CLs> enable poller enables Q1 polling Step 11: Check configuration CLs> show q1elements DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 27 (122) .Installation CLs> set q1bus 9600 600 . 1. which is the backplane Q1 bus. Network element Q1 data routes: Q1 management from subrack backplane. Configure the following network element parameters: • • • • Network element Q1 address according to the subrack slot. The port number can be 0. • Q1 element registration CLs> add q1element 1020 . data hybrid ON. 2 or 3. status: inactive: physical address: nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn PPP settings IP address: shows the addresses that have been enabled CLs> show alarm shows whether the equipment is operative.3 Default settings The default settings are shown in Table 1.0 Empty 1998-1-1. Table 1. Parameter Timeout Ethernet settings Default settings Default value 5 minutes IP address: 0.0.0. mask: 0.0. 2 and 3 Q1 bus timeout: 500 ms Q1 bus retry count: 2 28 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .0.0.0. 1 stop bit Q1 bus data transfer rate: 2400 for port 2. +0:0 public SEC Empty 8 data bits. 9600 for ports 1. no parity.0.0 Status:inactive Async HW configuration: 9600 flow control: none Sync HW configuration: 64000 DTE IP filter IP routing table Real time clock SNMP community string Trap address Q1 bus settings Address: 0. mask: 0. 12:00:00.0. Mask 0.0.0.DCN Adapter C2.0. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 29 (122) .Installation Table 1.4 LEDs and rack alarms The service LED indications are the following: • Start-up test. There is a hardware failure. • Green LED is lit. CLI session is open. refresh disabled) Poller status Disabled 2. • • • A-alarm indicates a hardware failure in DCN Adapter (EEPROM failure or a memory failure). D-alarm is not used in the DCN Adapter.e. B and D). B-alarm indicates that the activated PPP interface of the DCN Adapter (WAN or Ethernet) is down. The activated PPP interface is down. They are OFF during the start-up. There are three rack alarms (A. The LEDs turn off in the following sequence: red+yellow+green −> red+yellow −> red −> none • Red LED is lit. Parameter Q1 poller list Q1 polling parameters Default settings (Continued) Default value Empty Q1 polling retry count: 1 Q1 loss threshold: 2 Q1 fault status consistency checks: 1 Q1 element clock refresh period: 3600sec (i. • Yellow LED is lit. DCN Adapter C2.0 30 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en Command line interface 3 Command line interface The CLI is locally available over Local Management Interface (LMI). Remotely, the CLI can be accessed through a telnet session. The CLI can be used to: • • • configure the DCN Adapter configure the Q1 elements in the system monitor the alarm status of the Q1 elements in the system. The fault management of the DCN Adapter and Q1 elements is done through SNMP. The CLI uses dynamic parsing, and you thus need to enter command characters only to the extent that the command can be unambiguously identified, that is, the whole command does not have to be entered. The following concepts are used in this chapter: • • User terminal: The user terminal is a telnet or asynchronous terminal. CLI session: You can initiate a CLI session by pressing ENTER on the asynchronous terminal or by opening a telnet connection to the DCN Adapter. Only one CLI session can be run at a time. Privilege level: There are two privilege levels: USER and SUPERUSER. There are CLI commands that are available only at the SUPERUSER level, and to access these commands you must know the SUPERUSER password. You can switch back to the USER level by using the EXIT command. STE session: At the SUPERUSER level, you can initiate an STE session to a selected network element. Only the EXIT and HELP CLI commands can be used in STE sessions. Syntax: Commands may be composed of multiple command words and they may require arguments. • • • DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 31 (122) DCN Adapter C2.0 • Error messages: If you give a wrong or incorrect command, an error message is displayed. The format of the error messages is Error: <explanation>, where <explanation> is a short description of the error. Command prompt: Each privilege level has its own command prompt: CLu> for the USER level, CLs> for the SUPERUSER level. For a service terminal emulation session, the prompt is STE>. • 3.1 3.1.1 List of commands Commands related to CLI session • • • • • • • • Open CLI session Switch to superuser privilege level Show Open STE session to Q1 element Execute embedded STE command Logout Exit Display help. 3.1.2 Commands related to DCN Adapter settings • • • • • • • • • • Set user password Set superuser password Set customised command line prompt Display startup test results Display flash software versions Set time-out parameter Display time-out parameter Set real time clock Display real time clock value Display checksum 32 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en 3.3 Commands related to IP settings • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Set IP filter configuration Delete IP filter configuration Enable IP filter configuration Disable IP filter configuration Display IP filter configurations Set Ethernet IP configuration Enable Ethernet interface Disable Ethernet interface Display Ethernet interface configuration Display Ethernet interface statistics Set PPP IP configuration Disable PPP interface Display PPP interface statistics Enable PPP interface in asynchronous mode Enable PPP interface in synchronous mode Set PPP interface configuration in asynchronous mode Set PPP interface configuration in synchronous mode Display PPP interface configuration Set IP route Enable IP route Disable IP route Delete IP route DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 33 (122) .Command line interface • • • Switch Software download Reboot.1. 5 Commands related to element management • • • • • • • • • • • • • Set Q1 bus configuration Enable poller Disable poller Refresh Display poller status Add Q1 elements to list of polled Q1 nodes Delete Q1 elements from list of polled Q1 nodes Enable Q1 elements to be polled Disable Q1 elements to be polled Display Q1 poller list Display alarm status for polled Q1 nodes Display alarms only Display Q1 bus configuration 34 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .1.4 Commands related to SNMP settings • • • • • • • • • • Set SNMP community string Display SNMP community string Set Q1 alarm trap format Display q1 alarm trap format Set trap Enable trap Disable trap Delete trap Display traps Display SNMP statistics.0 • • Display routing table Display ARP (address resolution protocol) table statistics. 3.DCN Adapter C2. 3.1. USER su <password> Optional parameter: password CLu> su nokia CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 35 (122) . the CLI displays an error message and quits. which is an alphanumeric string of 6 . The CLI requests for the superuser password. After login. The CLI requests for password.2 3. If the user gives the password together with the command. After login.12 characters. USER <ENTER> (asynchronous terminal) or TELNET <IP_ADDRESS> None <ENTER> Password:******* CLu> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Switch to superuser privilege level The user enters the su command. 3.1 Command descriptions Commands related to CLI session Command Description Open CLI session The user presses the ENTER key of the terminal. the CLI displays a superuser command prompt. If there already is another CLI session running.Command line interface • • • Set polling parameters Display polling parameters Show uptime.2. the CLI displays a command prompt if no CLI sessions are already running. the CLI performs the validation without prompting the password. 0 Command Description Show This command can be used to view the existing configuration information in the DCN Adapter as well as to troubleshoot possible problems. Most of the possible arguments are defined in detail in the following command descriptions. Privilege level Syntax Arguments 36 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .DCN Adapter C2. USER show [<command>] List of all possible arguments can be viewed by typing show ? (see the example below). There can be one or two arguments. In some cases you also need to type the actual port number after the argument. 168.1 Q1 bus data transfer rate: 4800 Q1 bus timeout: 700 Q1 bus retry count: 3 CLu> DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 37 (122) . CLu> sh q1b .255. CLu> show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show show CLu> show ? ethernet ppp ipfilter iproute trap q1afmt commstr download stat ethernet stat ppp stat arp stat snmp stat iproute q1bus [.0 Ethernet port physical address: 00 40 43 03 dd 95 CLu> Example 3.10 IP Mask: 255. CLu> sh ethernet Ethernet port operational status: Active. Ethernet port IP configuration IP Address: 192.port] polling .port poller q1elements alarm [only] timeout clock checksum software test uptime Example 2.50.Command line interface Command Examples Show Example 1.255. ) CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Messages Examples Command Description Logout Terminates the CLI session (both privilege levels).0>top>4 Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Execute embedded STE command Performs a service terminal emulator command with the selected element directly from the CLI command line. SUPERUSER ste <Q1_address> [functional_entity] Q1 addresses and functional entities are identified with numbers in the range 1-4094.4094. Shortcut: Ctrl-D Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples USER logout None CLs> logout Session closed....0 Command Description Open STE session to Q1 element The DCN Adapter starts a service terminal emulation session with a specified network element / functional entity. After successfully connecting and executing the STE command.) ste:70. 38 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .2 DATA: (. the CLI shows the response of the Q1 element. CLs> ste 70 Menu: (.DCN Adapter C2. CLs> ste 70 0 4.. SUPERUSER ste <Q1 address> [functional entity] Q1 elements and functional entities are identified with numbers in the range 1 . does nothing. Example 3. that is. this command displays general help information. At superuser level. Further help on a particular command can be seen by entering command ?. help on the provided command is displayed. if nothing matches. the command switches back to user level. the CLI searches through the help database and displays the help item which matches the argument best or.Command line interface Command Description Exit In STE sessions. Privilege level USER DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 39 (122) . At user level. the command switches back to the superuser level. USER exit None Example 1. the command terminates the CLI session. CLu> exit Session closed. STE> exit CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Display help If no argument is given. If the help command is given with an argument. syntax of commands related to the privilege level the user is logged in. If the user gives an invalid argument. CLs> exit CLu> Example 2. CLs> set passwd Old user password: ***** New password:******* Retype new password:******* CLs> Example 2. the CLI encrypts it and stores it as a user password.2. CLs> set ipr ? set ip route Privilige level: SUPERUSER Syntax: set iproute <ip_dest> <ip_mask> <next_hop> Cls> 3. The user must first enter the old password and then the new password twice. The optional password string must be different from the CLI command words. SUPERUSER set passwd [password] Optional password string [<old password> <new password>] Example 1. CLu> help Help entries: su logout exit show help Clu> Example 2. The new password can be provided in the command line too. The command is effective only at superuser level. Example 1.2 Commands related to DCN Adapter settings Command Description Set user password Changes the user level password. After checking the new password. CLs> set passwd nokia kilo CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples 40 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .0 Command Syntax Arguments Examples Display help help [<command>] Optional argument <command> is a CLI command or the first part of the command.DCN Adapter C2. The Q1 address is automatically added to the customised STE command prompt.Command line interface Command Description Set superuser password Changes the superuser level password. and STE> for an STE session. it must be different from the reserved command words. NMS/10 uses DCN Adapter’s customised command line prompt as a DCN Adapter station name. the CLI encrypts it and stores it as a superuser password. SUPERUSER set spasswd [password] Optional password string [<old password> <new password>] CLs> set spasswd Old superuser password:***** New password:****** Retype new password:****** CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Set customised command line prompt The CLI default command prompt is CLu> for user level. CLs> for superuser level. After checking the new password. If no argument is provided. and STE:location:Q1address for the STE session. If an optional argument is supplied. The user must first enter the old password and then the new password twice. The new password can be provided in the command line too. The optional password string must be different from the CLI command words. CLs> set prompt Kilo CLs:Kilo> STE 70 0 STE:Kilo:70. Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples SUPERUSER set prompt [<location>] Argument <location> is an ASCII string (max 12 characters).0>top>exit CLs:Kilo> DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 41 (122) . CLs:location for the superuser level. then “location" is an empty string. The customised CLI command prompt is of the following formats: CLu:location> for the user level. The command is effective only at superuser level. OK. Boot software id: S66342.10.2001 10:05:42 Bank B software id: <not operational> Active bank: Bank A. the CLI starts a timer that measures idle time.A1 . the CLI terminates the session and displays the message: CLI session timeouted. When providing the command prompt.11.2001 15:25:39 CLu> Command Description Set timeout parameter Sets the CLI session time-out parameter. OK.DCN Adapter C2. OK.A1 . Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display flash software versions Displays bank A and bank B flash software versions and the active bank.23 / 22.0 Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display startup test results Displays startup test results USER show test None CLu> sh test Startup status Bank A flash status: Bank B flash status: RTC battery: EEPROM: CLu> OK.01 . SUPERUSER Privilege level 42 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . USER show software None CLu> sh so Bank A software id: S66342.10 / 08. After the idle time reaches the time-out value.01 . It is the number of minutes before the idle CLI session is terminated.Command line interface Command Syntax Arguments Set timeout parameter set timeout <value> The time-out value is an integer in the range 0 . USER show timeout None CLu> sh timeout CLI session timeout [minutes]: 6 Clu> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Privilege level Set realtime clock Sets real time clock parameter value. SUPERUSER DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 43 (122) . When providing the command prompt. the CLI starts a timer that measures idle time. After the idle time reaches the time-out value. 0 = session always open. If the value 0 is used.255. the CLI terminates the session and displays the message: CLI session timeouted. Note: It is strongly recommended that the value 0 is not used. This command displays the time-out parameter value. Examples CLs> set timeout 4 CLs> Command Description Display timeout parameter Displays the CLI session time-out parameter. those sessions that are not properly closed will prevent you to open new CLI sessions. For example.65535].+0:0 CLu> Command Description Privilege level Display checksum Displays the checksum for the DCN Adapter configuration.23]. hh:mm:ss. ds is deciseconds [0. 13:30:15. mb is the time bias for minutes.0+0:0..59].6. ss is seconds [0. USER 44 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .0 Command Syntax Arguments Set realtime clock set clock <value> Value is specified as a formatted string of the following format: YYYYY-MM-DD. hh is hours [0.. hb is the time bias from the UTC for hours.31]. 2001. Note: Use of UTC time is recommended.9].+0:0 CLs> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display realtime clock value Displays the real time clock value USER show clock None CLu> sh clock 2001-2-10....12]. Examples CLs> set clock 2002-1-21.. Tuesday May 26... <d> expresses direction from UTC and is either '-' or '+'..0.ds.. since the clock does not recognise daylight saving time. <d>hb:mb YYYYY is the year [0..59].. 11:29:07..DCN Adapter C2.02:14:00. MM is month [1. 1:30:15 PM EET would be 2001-5-26.. mm is minutes [0. DD is day [1. 1 /pub/software/v102. Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples SUPERUSER download <IP_address> <file_full_pathname> IP address is an IP string. SUPERUSER DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 45 (122) .1. The maximum file name length is 40 characters.16. CLs> download 172. makes the inactive software active and vice versa. SUPERUSER switch None CLs> switch CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Software download Downloads software file to the inactive bank (A or B).Command line interface Command Syntax Arguments Examples Display checksum show checksum None CLu> sh checksum 49554 CLu> Command Description Switch Switches between banks A and B: after rebooting. After the termination. Note: you can terminate downloading by pressing CTRL-B. CLs> Command Description Privilege level Reboot Reboots the system.bin Received blocks: 896 Transfer completed. the inactive bank cannot be used. 0 CLs> Examples 46 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .168.DCN Adapter C2. Session closed.2. Incoming IP packets that do not match the source IP address filter are discarded. CLs> del ipfilter 192.168. SUPERUSER set ipfilter <IP_address> <IP_mask> Both arguments are specified as IP strings.255.0 Command Syntax Arguments Examples Reboot reboot None CLs> reboot DCN Adapter reset.0 CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Delete IP filter configuration Deletes an existing IP filter configuration. An IP string consists of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255. SUPERUSER delete ipfilter <IP_address> The argument is an IP string consisting of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255. The filter becomes active (enabled) after the command has been accepted. CLs> set ipfilter 192.50. 3. The CLI performs parameter type and range prevalidation but does not check the validity of the supplied arguments.3 Commands related to IP settings Command Description Set IP filter configuration Sets the IP filter configuration. but they must be enabled one filter at a time.0 Status enabled disabled DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 47 (122) .0 CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display IP filter configurations Displays IP filter configurations and their current states (enabled/disabled).168. USER show ipfilter None CLs> sh ipfilter IP address 192.255. The enabled configuration is identified by IP address and IP mask.50.255. CLs> dis ipfilter 192.255.0 CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Disable IP filter configuration Disables the IP filter configuration.0 255. CLs> ena ipfilter 172.Command line interface Command Description Enable IP filter configuration Enables IP filter configuration.0 255. SUPERUSER enable ipfilter <IP_address> <IP_mask> The argument is an IP string consisting of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255.16. SUPERUSER disable ipfilter <IP_address> <IP_mask> The argument is an IP string consisting of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255.0 CLs> IP mask It is possible to have multiple IP configurations.0 255. 50.168. SUPERUSER enable ethernet None CLs> ena ethernet CLs> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Disable Ethernet interface Disables Ethernet interface. SUPERUSER disable ethernet None CLs> dis ethernet CLs> 48 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . even if the other one is disabled. The IP address and the IP mask must be supplied. The interface must be separately enabled so as to be activated.0 CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Enable Ethernet interface Enables Ethernet interface.10 255.255.0 Command Description Set Ethernet IP configuration Sets Ethernet IP configuration. Privilege level Syntax Arguments SUPERUSER set ethernet ipaddress <IP_address> <IP_mask> Both arguments are IP strings consisting of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255.255. Note : If Ethernet and PPP interfaces have the same address. the interfaces do not work.DCN Adapter C2. CLs> set ethernet ipaddress 192. IP mask.255.0 Ethernet port physical address:00 40 43 F7 7F 25 CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display Ethernet interface statistics Displays Ethernet interface statistics USER show stat ethernet None CLu> sh stat ethernet Ethernet interface statistics: operStatus up lastChange 12 inOctets 0 inUcastPkts 0 inNUcastPkts 0 inDiscards 0 inErrors 0 inUnknownProtos 0 outOctets 0 outUcastPkts 0 outNUcastPkts 0 outDiscards 0 outErrors 0 outQLen 0 CLu> DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 49 (122) . Ethernet port IP configuration: IP address: 192.255.Command line interface Command Description Display Ethernet interface configuration Displays Ethernet interface configuration: IP address.168.10 IP mask: 255.50. operational status (active/ inactive) and physical address. USER show ethernet None CLu> sh ethernet Ethernet port operational status: Inactive. 255.DCN Adapter C2. the ports do not work. IP address and IP mask have to be supplied.255.0 Command Description Set PPP IP configuration Sets PPP IP configuration.10.112 255. Note : If Ethernet and PPP interfaces have the same address.10. The interface must be separately enabled so as to be activated. CLs> set ppp ipaddress 10. Privilege level Syntax Arguments SUPERUSER set ppp ipaddress <IP_address> <IP_mask> Both arguments are IP strings consisting of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255.0 CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Disable PPP interface Disables the PPP interface SUPERUSER disable ppp None CLs> dis ppp CLs> Command Description Privilege level Display PPP interface statistics Displays PPP interface statistics USER 50 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . even if the other one was disabled. SUPERUSER DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 51 (122) . CLu> sh stat ppp PPP interface statistics: operStatus up lastChange 12 inOctets 0 inUcastPkts 0 inNUcastPkts 0 inDiscards 0 inErrors 0 inUnknownProtos 0 outOctets 29 outUcastPkts 0 outNUcastPkts 0 outDiscards 0 outErrors 1 outQLen 0 CLu> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Enable PPP interface in asynchronous mode Enables PPP interface in asynchronous mode SUPERUSER enable ppp async None CLs> ena ppp async CLs> Command Description Privilege level Enable PPP interface in synchronous mode Enables PPP interface in synchronous mode.Command line interface Command Syntax Arguments Examples Display PPP interface statistics show stat ppp None Example 1. 256000. 1200. 115200. 57600. 4800. 600. 64000. 128000. CLs> set ppp sync dte CLs> Example 2. CLs> set ppp sync dce 9600 CLs> 52 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . Valid baud rates in DCE mode are: 9600. 2400. 57600. Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Example 1. 512000.DCN Adapter C2.0 Command Syntax Arguments Examples Enable PPP interface in synchronous mode enable ppp sync None CLs> ena ppp sync CLs> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Set PPP interface configuration in asynchronous mode Sets hardware configuration to PPP interface in asynchronous mode. 36400. If the equipment operates as a DCE. 19200. SUPERUSER set ppp sync <equipment_mode> <baudrate> Equipment mode is either DTE or DCE. 19200. SUPERUSER set ppp async <baudrate> <flow_control> Valid baud rates are: 300. Examples CLs> set ppp async 2400 none CLs> Command Description Set PPP interface configuration in synchronous mode Sets hardware configuration to PPP interface in synchronous mode. Equipment mode is always DTE Flow control is either None or HW. 38400. the baud rate must be specified. 9600. equipment type and flow control.10 IP mask: 255.10 CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 53 (122) . SUPERUSER set iproute <IP_dest> <IP_mask> <next_hop> All arguments are IP strings consisting of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255. IP mask. IP packets that are destined for <IP_dest> are routed through <next_hop> after enabling the new route. operational status (active/ inactive) and hardware configuration: (synchronous/asynchronous) mode.255.0 PPP port asynchronous hardware configuration: Equipment mode: DTE Baudrate: 2400 Flow control: None PPP port synchronous hardware configuration: Equipment mode: DTE Baudrate: external clocking CLs> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Set IP route Sets static IP route. CLs> set iproute 192. USER show ppp None CLs> sh ppp PPP operational status: active in asynchronous/synchronous mode PPP port IP configuration IP address: 192.0 line interface Command Description Display PPP interface configuration Displays PPP interface configuration: IP address.50.50.0. baud rate. respectively. The default gateway must be set to the network that is associated with the active management interface.0.255.168. <IP_dest> and <IP_mask> for the default gateway are 0.0 and 0.0 192. 0 192. SUPERUSER disable iproute <IP_dest> <IP_mask> <next_hop> The argument is an IP string consisting of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255.0 CLs> Examples 54 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .50.10 CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Disable IP route Disables static IP route. CLs> dis iproute 192. CLs> del iproute 192.255. CLs> ena iproute 192.255.0 Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Enable IP route Enables static IP route. SUPERUSER enable iproute <IP_dest> <IP_mask> <next_hop> All arguments are IP strings consisting of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and An IP string consists of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255.168. SUPERUSER delete iproute <IP_dest> The argument is an IP string.0 192.DCN Adapter C2.255.0 255.10 CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Delete IP route Deletes static IP route.51.50. Command line interface Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display routing table Displays routing table.145.145.0 10 Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) table statistics Displays ARP table.13 Ethernet 176. USER show stat iproute None CLs> sh stat iproute IP routing statistics: dest Ethernet ifIndex ethernet next hop 123.255.112 type 3 proto 2 age 6231 mask 255.255.111. USER show stat arp None CLs> sh stat arp ARP table: IfIndex Network address Ethernet 176.112 3 2 4176 255.0 ppp 123.15 CLs> Physical 3d 45 2a 21 78 09 00 32 2c address 47 87 34 83 67 27 DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 55 (122) . metric1 10 CLs> 123.123. Example CLs> set co rw rw SNMP community strings (3): RD rd SEC sec RW rw CLs> set com sec huomenta CLs> sh com SNMP community strings (3): RD rd SEC sec SEC huomenta Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Example Display SNMP community string Displays community string for get transactions USER show commstr None Example 1. If you want to change other community strings than the third one.0 3. To show the existing community strings. and then set another one. CLu> sh commstr SNMP community string(s): SEC public CLu> 56 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . Note: There can be only three community strings. use the command sh com.4 Commands related to SNMP settings Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Set SNMP community string Sets new community string to get transactions SUPERUSER set commstr <mode> <string> <mode> may be “rd" (read) or “rw" (read-write) or “sec" (secure) <string> may be an alpha numeric string (max 16 characters). the last one will be replaced by the new one. If more are added. you must first remove one of the first two.DCN Adapter C2.2. the trap will be compatible with Nokia NMS/10. CLs> set q1afmt 0 CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display Q1 alarm trap format Displays the currently used Q1 alarm trap format.10 public CLs> Examples DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 57 (122) . USER show q1afmt None CLu> sh q1afmt Q1 Alarm Trap Format: 0 CLu> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Set trap Sets and enables the trap destination IP address. SUPERUSER set q1afmt <format> The argument is integer 0 or 1. SUPERUSER set trap <IP_address> <SNMP community string> The arguments are an IP string and an ASCII string.168. The SNMP community string can be 1-16 characters long.Command line interface Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Set Q1 alarm trap format Sets the format used for Q1 alarm traps to one of the predefined formats. The IP string consists of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255. the Q1 bus and Q1 address are added to the trap. When the value is set to 0.51. When the value is set to 1. CLs> set trap 192. SUPERUSER delete trap <IP_address> <SNMP community string> The arguments are an IP string and an ASCII string.168.10 public CLs> Examples 58 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .168. CLs> ena trap 192.0 Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Enable trap Enables the trap destination IP address.10 public CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Delete trap Deletes the trap destination IP address.51.DCN Adapter C2. SUPERUSER disable trap <IP_address> <SNMP community string> The arguments are an IP string and an ASCII string. CLs> dis trap 192. The IP string consists of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255.51. The IP string consists of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255. The SNMP community string can be 1-16 characters long. The SNMP community string can be 1-16 characters long. The SNMP community string can be 1-16 characters long.10 public CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Disable trap Disables the trap destination IP address. The IP string consists of four decimal numbers separated by dots with values between 0 and 255. CLs> del trap 192.168.51. SUPERUSER enable trap <IP_address> <SNMP community string> The arguments are an IP string and an ASCII string. 111.96 Cls> Community string Status public disabled public disabled public disabled Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display SNMP statistics Displays SNMP service statistics.Command line interface Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display traps Displays all the trap destination IP addresses.13 123.12 123.111.114. USER show trap None CLs> sh trap SNMP traps: IP address 123.123.123. USER show stat snmp None CLs> sh stat snmp SNMP statistics: enableAuthenTraps inPkts outPkts inBadVersions inBadCommunityNames inBadCommunityUses inASNParseErrs inTooBigs inNoSuchNames inBadValues CLs> enabled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 59 (122) .111. which is the backplane bus.. The default bus value is 0.5 Commands related to element management Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Set Q1 bus configuration Sets configuration to Q1 bus. The values 1.2. 2400. It shows in milliseconds when the timeout occurs. 1. and 3 indicate the corresponding DI ports. 2.1200.done CLs> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Disable poller Disables the polling of Q1 elements. Valid bus numbers are 0. 4800.. SUPERUSER disable poller None CLs> disa polle disabling. 600. 19200. Timeout is an integer between 10 and 10000. Examples CLs>set q1bus 9600 100 .DCN Adapter C2.bus] Valid baud rates are: 300.3 CLs> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Enable poller Enables the polling of Q1 elements.0 3.done CLs> 60 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . 9600. 2. SUPERUSER enable poller None CLs> ena polle enabling. SUPERUSER set q1bus <baudrate> <timeout> [. and 3. Command line interface Command Description Refresh Synchronises the data maintained by the DCN Adapter with the data of the network elements under it. The poller will effectively poll the recently added Q1 elements after they have been enabled. USER refresh None CLu> ref disabling. SUPERUSER Privilege level DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 61 (122) .done enabling..done CLu> Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display poller status Displays poller status (enabled/disabled).. CLu> Command Description Add Q1 elements to list of polled Q1 nodes Adds Q1 elements identified by their Q1 address to the list of polled nodes. USER show poller None CLu> sh poller Poller status: enabled. Examples Example 1. Argument is a (list of) 4-digit decimal number in range [1. the added elements are considered to be E generation elements. SUPERUSER delete q1element <Q1_address> . CLs> add q1el 80 90 . If a range is given.DCN Adapter C2.done CLs> Example 2.. The Q1 address value may optionally be followed by ’. If a range is given.port] The Q1 address is a (list of) 4-digit decimal number(s) in range [1. which is the backplane bus.E3 adding.55 .’ and the bus number.4094]. CLs> del q1el 2345 1234 . If the bus is prefixed with ‘E’. the default port is 0.done CLs> Example 2. the addresses are separated from each other by a space... the addresses are separated from each other by a space..0 deleting. The Q1 addresses can be given as one or more individual addresses or as a range. If individual addresses are given..0 Command Syntax Arguments Add Q1 elements to list of polled Q1 nodes add q1element <Q1_address> <Q1_address> [.. the first and last item in the range are separated from each other by a hyphen and spaces around it... CLs> add q1e 50 .55 deleting. 2 and 3. Valid ports are 0.done CLs> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Delete Q1 elements from list of polled Q1 nodes Deletes Q1 elements identified by their Q1 address from the list of polled nodes.done CLs> Examples 62 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en ..2 adding. the first and last item in the range are separated from each other by a hyphen and spaces around it. 1. The Q1 addresses can be given as one or more individual addresses or as a range. Example 1.. If individual addresses are given. CLs> del q1e 50 .4094] indicating the Q1 elements (addresses) to be removed from the polling list. .. Argument is a (list of) 4-digit decimal number in range [1. CLs> ena q1el 80 90 enabling. If a range is given. CLs> disable q1el 80 90 disabling.. shows the elements and ports that are subject to polling.done CLs> Example 2. If a range is given. SUPERUSER enable q1element <Q1_address>. . that is.55 enabling. the addresses are separated from each other by a space. SUPERUSER disable q1element <Q1_address>.4094] indicating the Q1 elements (addresses) to which polling shall be disabled... The Q1 addresses can be given as one or more individual addresses or as a range..4094] indicating the Q1 elements (addresses) to be enabled on he polling list.done CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Display Q1 poller list Displays the poller list.. the first and last item in the range are separated from each other by a hyphen and spaces around it... The Q1 addresses can be given as one or more individual addresses or as a range. the first and last item in the range are separated from each other by a hyphen and spaces around it. the addresses are separated from each other by a space. CLs> ena q1e 50 . Argument is a (list of) 4-digit decimal number in range [1. If individual addresses are given.done CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Disable Q1 elements to be polled Disables the polling of Q1 elements identified by their Q1 address and bus. USER DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 63 (122) . If individual addresses are given. . Example 1..Command line interface Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Enable Q1 elements to be polled Enables the polling of the Q1 elements identified by their Q1 address.. Alarm status is shown as follows: Q1_address Status Equipment type Time stamp Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples USER show alarm None CLs> sh alarm General alarm status of Q1 node(s) Q1 address Status Equipment type Time stamp 0001 FAIL DN 2 2001-6-11.7.DCN Adapter C2.+0:0 0003 FAIL DN 2 2001-6-11.+0:0 0002 FAIL DN 2 2001-6-11.6.13:44:48.13:44:49.2. Alarm status is shown as follows: Q1_address Status Equipment type Time stamp Privilege level USER 64 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .13:44:49.0 Command Syntax Arguments Examples Display Q1 poller list show q1elements None CLs> sh q1el List of registered Q1 address [Port] 0020 [0] D/ND 0021 [1] D/ND 0022 [1] E CLs> Q1 nodes: Polling status enabled enabled enabled Command Description Display alarm status for polled Q1 nodes Displays the alarm status of all Q1 elements included in the poller list.+0:0 0004 OK DN 2 0005 OK DN 2 0006 OK DN 2 CLs> Command Description Display alarms only Displays only those nodes that currently have an alarm status on. 2.13:44:49.+0:0 0002 FAIL DN 2 2001-6-11.+0:0 0003 FAIL DN 2 2001-6-11. which is the backplane bus.port] Valid ports are 0. The default port is 0.6. 2 and 3.Command line interface Command Syntax Arguments Examples Display alarms only show alarm only None CLs> sh alarm only General alarm status of Q1 node(s) Q1 address Status Equipment type Time stamp 0001 FAIL DN 2 2001-6-11.+0:0 CLs> Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Display Q1 bus configuration Displays Q1 bus configuration (speed and timeout) SUPERUSER show q1bus [. CLu> sh q1b Q1 bus data transfer rate: 9600 Q1 bus timeout: 1000 Q1 bus retry count: 1 Command Description Privilege level Set polling parameters Sets various polling parameters SUPERUSER DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 65 (122) .13:44:49.13:44:48.7. 1. and 3.2 loss 3 . corresponding to the clock refresh rate in the E generation NEs. The parameter can be: speed.2 pack 1500 . the value takes an integer between 2 and 600 in 100ms units. If the parameter is speed. Examples CLs> CLs> CLs> CLs> CLs> CLs> CLs> CLs> set set set set set set set polli polli polli polli polli polli polli pollr 3 . 9600. If the parameter is erefresh.DCN Adapter C2. corresponding to the number of NEs polled for full fault status after each fault polling cycle. 4800.port> Valid bus numbers are 0.2 ere 3600 .0 Command Syntax Arguments Set polling parameters set polling <parameter> <value> <. 600.2 spe 4800 . the value takes an integer between 1 and 100. If the parameter is cmdretry.2 Command Description Privilege level Display polling parameters Shows Q1 polling configuration SUPERUSER 66 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . corresponding to the timeout in waiting for a Q1 packet level response. corresponding to the maximum number of retry counts for all commands except the fault polling. the value is given in seconds. erefresh. the value takes an integer between 0 and 10.2 fs 3 . 2. the value takes an integer between 0 and 10. cmdretry. 1200. pollretry. If the parameter is pollretry. 19200. 1. If the parameter is lossthreshold.2 cmd 3 . 2400. the value takes an integer between 0 and 10. If the parameter is packetout. corresponding to the maximum number of immediate fault polling retry attempts after a network element has failed to respond. lossthreshold. packetout. fscc. the possible values are: 300. corresponding to the number of allowed connection failures before the connection to a network element is considered lost. If the parameter is fscc. 19:18:48.2 PORT DI2: Q1 polling retry count: 3 Q1 loss threshold: 3 Q1 fault status consistency checks: 3 Q1 element clock refresh period: 3600 sec Q1 bus data transfer rate: 4800 Q1 bus timeout: 1500 Q1 bus retry count: 3 CLs> Examples Command Description Privilege level Syntax Arguments Examples Show uptime Shows how long DCN Adapter has been running since the last reset or reboot. Values 1.112 DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 67 (122) .port] Valid Q1 bus values are 0. 2 and 3. The default value is 0. SUPERUSER show uptime None CLs:KiloRD1A168> sh uptime up 2 days. which is the backplane bus. 1. and 3 indicate the corresponding DI port.Command line interface Command Syntax Arguments Display polling parameters show polling [. CLs> sh polli . 2. 0 68 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .DCN Adapter C2. NMS/10 uses DCN Adapter’s customised command line prompt as a DCN Adapter station name.SNMP 4 SNMP The SNMP functionality can be used to: • • • • monitor the faults of the Q1 elements enable and disable Q1 polling update the PDH current alarms list from the DCN Adapter update the PDH nodes list from the DCN Adapter. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 69 (122) . you need the following files: • • NMS10PDHMIB file MIB-2 (RFC1213) file. To be able to use the SNMP functionality. 0 70 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .DCN Adapter C2. Nokia Q1 Connection Pipe. When you create Q1 connections (of the type Nokia Q1 Connection Pipe). allows you to define Q1 connections that are saved in the node manager address database. (Nokia Q1 Connection Pipe refers to the LAN connection to the DCN Adapter. allowing four simultaneous connections. you need to have the DCN Adapter superuser password. The bus and ID are 0. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 71 (122) . These connections are required to enable a node manager to connect to a node via the DCN Adapter. The username must be ‘PAM’. must be selected for communicating with the DCN Adapter. By using node managers you can communicate with the Q1-managed network elements connected to the DCN Adapter. The node managers use General Communication Service (GCS) as the communication stack. A connection type. which is a part of GCS.) GCS is connected to the Nokia Q1 Management pipe of the DCN Adapter. The port is 27500.Nokia Q1 Management pipe 5 Nokia Q1 Management pipe The Nokia Q1 Management pipe allows you to use node managers. The Nokia Connection Tool. DCN Adapter C2.0 72 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . The shielded cables utilise double-foil shielded MMHS cables. Shrinking sleeve Grounding rail Cable ties EMC gasket Grounding screen Figure 13. Attaching the shielded cables DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 73 (122) . Instructions on how to construct shielded cables can be found below. A.1 EMC compatibility and cabling Electromagnetic compatibility is achieved by using shielded cables in the front panel connectors and securing the cable shields to the subrack grounding gaskets with cable ties. where the shielding in the connector end is equipped with a copper sleeve for reliable grounding and mechanical strength.Cabling in a DYNANET environment Appendix A. Cabling in a DYNANET environment This appendix describes how to do the cabling in a DYNANET environment when using the DCN Adapter plug-in unit (without the 19’’ rack mounting kit). The subrack front cover must be closed. residential. telecommunication network equipment ETSI EMC requirements. industry EMC requirements. residential. the grounding sleeve must be used in that end too.DCN Adapter C2. light industry Generic immunity. If a thickening is required for proper strain relief.1.I.0 The grounding screen of the cable must be in good electrical contact with the conductive EMC gaskets of the cable grounding assemblies. The resistance between the cable screen of one connector to the body of the subrack must be less than 1 Ω . Specification EN 50081-1 (1992) EN 50082-1 (1997) EN 50082-2 (1995) EN 300386-2 (1997) ETS 300386-1 (1994) normal priority of service C. 22 Class B Specifications for EMC requirements Applies for Generic emission. If the shield is connected to the terminal end connector casing.S. it can be built of copper tape on the copper sleeve.1 EMC Table 2. When constructing the cables. the ends of the cable must not be in contact with anything. for example by measuring the resistance. When the outer foil is stripped. commercial. such as DYNANET 19" EMC subrack and shielded cables according to these structures. Copper grounding sleeve must be used to protect the MMHS foil shield. light industry Generic immunity. the inner foil presents a conductive surface to an additional copper sleeve. These cables have a double foil shield. must be used. • MMHS cables should be used. Proper electrical contact must be ensured. During the measurement. telecommunication network equipment Emission. Differential data and timing signals must be connected to the internally twisted pairs of the cable. • • A. follow the guide-lines below to meet the specified EMC compatibility.R. commercial.P. 74 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . information technology equipment Special structures. Cabling in a DYNANET environment A. Modular plug RJ45 1 2 3 4 5 6 TD + TD RD + RD grn whi/grn brn whi/brn cable braid blu whi/blu ora whi/ora 1 2 Modular plug RJ45 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 7 8 7 8 Figure 14.1. Ethernet 10Base-T cable DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 75 (122) .2 Management cable (Ethernet 10Base-T) Pin 8 Pin 1 Pin 1 Pin 8 - Fasten the connector covers so that screen grounding mates with strain relief. e. Raychem RAY . e.28 m Outer foil Ground wire PVC sheath Inner foil Figure 15. Structure of Ethernet cable 76 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .101 .g.g.0 mm polyolef.44 m Shrinking sleeve 6. MMHS 4x2x0. e.7 mm x 32 m s75mm pretinned.g.g.0 Table 3. Stewart 940-SP-36-08-08 2 pcs Copper tape 12. Panduit PLT 1M . Raychem RNF .4 . 3. e. black. e.7/9 mm.g.5 mm PA black.0 0. Chomerics CCK-36-101-0050 0.4 Copper sleeve d4mm tinned Cu tol.4+0.05 m Bunch clip 100x2. Part name Cable Ethernet cable part information Quantity 3m Part type Telecom cable 4-pairs AL-shielded (EMC).4.100 1/4-0 0.g.DCN Adapter C2. e.0 black 5 pcs Modular plug Shielded RJ45 for solid conductor.4. 220 mm 3. Fasten with cable ties 5. 250 mm Cut the PVC sheath 2. 200 mm Remove the outer foil carefully avoiding damaging the inner foil and turn the ground wire around the inner foil. Slide the cable through the copper sleeve and the shrinking sleeves as shown.Cabling in a DYNANET environment 1. Figure 16. Work order for EMC contact section in the management cable DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 77 (122) . Shrink the sleeves.5 mm 12 mm Wind copper tape (140 mm) around the copper sleeve (without cutting the tape) to get a good contact / strain relief. 25 mm 4. 12. 1.0 A. Pin 8 Pin 1 RJ45.DCN Adapter C2.3 Local management interface cable (LMI cable) Note The LMI cable is a non-EMC compatible cable and should therefore be disconnected from a final installation. Local management interface cable 78 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . DTE 7 4 3 1 5 2 6 8 Figure 17. DTE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 106 107 104 102 NC 103 108 105 Cable braid 105 108 103 109 102 104 107 106 D9. An EMC compatible cable may be constructed based on instructions in this Appendix. 35 data interface cable must be shielded.35 (DTE and DCE) The V.35 P S U W R T V X Y AA AA B C H N L D E F NN pair 103A 103B 113A 113B 104A 104B 115A 115B 114A 114B 102.4 Interface cables V.32 DCE V.1.Cabling in a DYNANET environment A. gnd 105 108 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b auxiliary wire / red 6a 6b DCE euro 2 x 7F (double) c02/J1 a02/J1 c01/J1 a01/J1 c04/J1 a04/J1 c05/J1 a05/J1 c06/J1 a06/J1 a07/J1 c05/J2 c04/J2 a04/J2 c03/J2 c01/J2 c06/J2 a05/J2 a06/J2 C H M S W AA EE KK B D F J K L N P R T V U X Y Z BB CC DD FF JJ HH LL MM NN A E Screw lock F UNC 6 . A DCE A J1 J2 DIRECTION A-A Screw lock M UNC 6 . V.35 DCE cable DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 79 (122) .32 106 107 109 8a 8b 9a Figure 18. 35 DTE cable 80 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . V.32 D E F 106 107 109 8a 8b 9a c05/J2 a04/J2 c04/J2 Figure 19.0 A DTE A J1 J2 DTE V.35 female DIRECTION A-A Screw lock M UNC 6 .DCN Adapter C2. gnd 105 108 1a 1b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b auxiliary wire / red 6a 6b DTE euro 2 x 7F (double) c04/J1 a04/J1 A B C D E F H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE FF JJ HH KK LL MM NN c02/J1 a02/J1 c03/J1 a03/J1 c01/J1 a01/J1 a07/J1 c06/J2 a05/J2 Screw lock F UNC 6 .32 pair 103A P S R T V X Y AA B C H 103B 104A 104B 115A 115B 114A 114B 102. 1.g. Perlos NMK 2 pcs Euroconnector shell cover Housing C/4 for 5415217. MMHS 2x5x2x0. Panduit PLT 1M .5 . e.5 mm PA black.4 Copper sleeve d6mm tinned Cu tol.g.075 m Bunch clip 100x2. 4.35 cable part information Quantity as required Part type Telecom cable 10-pairs AL-shielded (EMC). cable d8-12 mm CDM 783.101 .C1H . e.0100 0.6 mm WW-pin 13 mm length CDM 620.6. Raychem RNF .100 3/8 1 0.25/1. Ni-plated.18 .5.6.25 2 pcs Euroconnector shell C/4F /snaplock for ww pins. for female housing CDM 784. Chomerics CCK . Perlos NMKK For female contacts (ISO 2593) CDM 761.25. Part name Cable V.6/13.320 m Shrinking sleeve 9.200-10 19 pcs Shell Metal.Cabling in a DYNANET environment Table 4.g.18 m DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 81 (122) .g. e.101 . Perlos C/4 . e.g.0 mm polyolef. e. black.0 0. e. e.734-90 1 pcs Copper tape 25 x 16 s75mm pretinned.014FW .0 black 5 pcs Euroconnector C/4 2x7F 1A WW/contact 13 mm Au 1.4+0. Raychem RAY .234-30 2 pcs 1 pcs Contact Female 0.g.6x0.g.g.734-90 1 pcs Connector hood Metal. e. 1. Structure of V.0 A.1 Preparing the euroconnector end of the cable Outer foil Ground wire PVC sheath Inner foil Figure 20.4.DCN Adapter C2.35 cable 82 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . 220 mm 3. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 83 (122) . Work order for the EMC contact section in the euroconnector end.Cabling in a DYNANET environment 1. avoiding damaging the inner foil. Shrink the sleeves. The instruction continues in the following figure. Cut the PVC sheath. Slide the cable through the copper sleeve and the shrinking sleeves as shown. 200 mm turn the ground wire around the inner foil. Figure 21. 25 mm 25 mm 4. 250 mm 2. Remove the outer foil carefully. Fasten with cable ties (bunch clip). Install the shells of euroconnectors and fasten with cable ties (bunch clips).DCN Adapter C2. c a J1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 J1 J2 6 5 5 4 4 J2 c a 6. See also Table below.0 5. connect pins a04 and c04 together (euroconnector J2). DCE connector: DTE connector: c a 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 2 2 1 1 6 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 c a Note For the DCE connector. Work order for the euroconnector end 84 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . Strip 25mm from the wires and wrap the wires to the connector pins (wire-wrap). J1 J2 Figure 22. Cabling in a DYNANET environment Table 5. Block Block 1 (blue) Twisted pair configuration for the DCE cable Wires blue white/blue Pair 1 Connector J1 c02 a02 c01 a01 c04 a04 c05 a05 c06 a06 a07 Connector J2 c05 c04/a04 c03 c01 c06 a05 a06 c02 - 2 orange white/orange 3 green white/green 4 brown white/brown 5 grey white/grey Block 2 (orange) 6 blue white/blue 7 orange white/orange 8 green white/green 9 brown white/brown 10 grey white/grey Auxiliary wire red DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 85 (122) . 0 Table 6. Block Block 1 (blue) Twisted pair configuration for the DTE connector Wires blue white/blue Pair 1 Connector J1 c04 a04 c02 a02 c03 a03 c01 a01 a07 Connector J2 c06 a05 c05 a04 c04 - 2 orange white/orange 3 green white/green 4 brown white/brown 5 grey white/grey Block 2 (orange) 6 blue white/blue 7 orange white/orange 8 green white/green 9 brown white/brown 10 grey white/grey Auxiliary wire red 86 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .DCN Adapter C2. Cabling in a DYNANET environment A. Cut the PVC sheath.35 end DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 87 (122) .35 end of the cable 1.1. Fasten with cable tie (bunch clip). 80 mm 100 mm 3. turn the ground wire around the inner foil. Slide the cable through the copper sleeve and the shrinking sleeve as shown.2 Preparing the V. 6. Figure 23. 25 mm 25 mm 5.35 connector pins (wire-wrap). Remove the outer foil carefully avoiding damaging the inner foil. Wind copper tape (180 mm) round the copper sleeve (without cutting tape) to get a good contract / strain relief. Strip 25mm from the wires and wrap the wires to the V. 140 mm 2. Work order for the V.35 connector cover so that the screen (copper sleeve) grounding mates with strain relief. Shrink the sleeve. Cut the extra conductors (wires). Fasten the V. 4.4. A non-EMC compatible installation may use the local management interface cable according to section A. Figure 24.DCN Adapter C2.1.2) by replacing either end with the desired connector.5 Interface cable.1.3 Assembling the euroconnector end of the V. Assembling the euroconnector end of V. the J2 connector does not need to be connected.0 A. clock and ground signals are in use.3 and a 9-to-25 pin D-connector converter for.35 cable A. 88 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .4.1. for example. Tie the cable to the grounding rail of subrack. asynchronous PPP An EMC-compatible cable can be constructed from the management cable (see section A.1. a standard modem interface.35 cable • • Use cable ties (bunch clips) according to cabling instructions. EMC gasket of subrack Grounding rail of subrack 7 P1 euroconnector 1 abc 15 J1 9 7 P3 euroconnector 1 a c J2 Copper sleeve (grounding screen) If only data. Q1 extension cable DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 89 (122) . gnd auxiliary wire / red 102.51) is available for connecting four subracks on top of each other. gnd auxiliary wire / red 102.6 Q1 extension cable A ready-made EMC-compatible interface cable (T66340.1. gnd auxiliary wire / red Figure 25. J1 1st J2 2nd J3 3rd J4 J1 (DCN Adapter) Euro 3 x 7F (Euro 1/4) c04 / J1 c05 / J1 a04 / J1 a05 / J1 DOB DOA DIB DIA 1a 1b 2a 2b MIB MIA MOB MOA (Network Element) Euro 3 x 7F (Euro 1/4) a06 / J2 a07 / J2 c06 / J2 c07 / J2 J2 b04 / J1 b05 / J1 b06 / J1 b07 / J1 DOB DOA DIB DIA 1a 1b 2a 2b MIB MIA MOB MOA a06 / J3 a07 / J3 c06 / J3 c07 / J3 J3 b02 / J1 b03 / J1 a01 / J1 c01 / J1 b01 / J1 DOB DOA DIB DIA 1a 1b 2a 2b MIB MIA MOB MOA a06 / J4 a07 / J4 c06 / J4 c07 / J4 b01 / J2 b01 / J3 b01 / J4 J4 102.Cabling in a DYNANET environment A. DCN Adapter C2.Voltages .Alarms . P4 Q1 SI/3 x DI interface . 3 x 32 Euro) .Yellow .1.28 async PPP V.24 LMI J1 J2 J3 Ethernet (10Base-T) Ethernet LEDs Figure 26.Red .24/V.Q1 .Green V.7 Connectors and pin numbering This section describes the connectors and their pins in detail.35 sync PPP P3 Service LEDs . Connectors of DCN Adapter 90 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .Data interface x 3 Subrack connector (Backplane.Location in subrack P1 V.0 A.Service interface . euro.Cabling in a DYNANET environment A. PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 UA0 (In) UA1 (In) UA2 (In) UA3 (In) UA4 (In) GND Pin configuration for connector P4 ROW B ROW A ROW C GND GND Q1 bus 0 (Out) GND Q1 bus 0 (In) MP5V (Out) AA (Out) AB (Out) AD (Out) VAP5 (In) GND DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 91 (122) .7.1 Subrack connector P4 (3 x 32. male) Table 7.1. UA4 on MSB (No.7. 1/4 euro. male) a1 b1 c1 Figure 27. AB. of unit location in subrack) Negative and positive battery voltages External auxiliary voltage +5 V Ground A. master Unit voltage (+5 V) Rack Alarm A/B/D Unit address. PIN 7 6 5 4 DI1A (In) DI1B (In) Pin configuration for connector P1 ROW B DI2A (In) DI2B (In) DO2A (Out) DO2B (Out) DO1A (Out) DO1B (Out) ROW A ROW C 92 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .1.DCN Adapter C2.. PIN 28 29 30 31 32 VNB (In) VPB (In) Pin configuration for connector P4 (Continued) ROW B ROW A ROW C VNB (In) VPB (In) Abbreviations used in Table 7: Q1 MP5V AA.2 Q1 extension connector P1 (3 x 7.0 Table 7. AD UA0 . UA4 VNB. VPB VAP5 GND Q1 bus. Q1 extension connector pin numbering Table 8. DI2B.1. DO3B Data interface 3.35 sync PPP connector P3 (2 x 16. V. DCN Adapter is DCE a1 c1 Figure 28.11/RS-422 DI2A. PIN 3 2 1 Pin configuration for connector P1 (Continued) ROW B DO3A (Out) ROW A ROW C PA1 (Out) DI3B (In) DO3B (Out) GND PA2 (Out) DI3A (In) Abbreviations used in Table 8: DI1A. DO3A. DI1B. asynchronous. asynchronous. V. DO1A. DI3B.35 sync PPP connector pin numbering DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 93 (122) .11/RS-422 PA1. V. PA2 Two programmable alarm outputs E/M level (not used) GND Ground. A. male). V. DO2A.Cabling in a DYNANET environment Table 8.3 V. DO2B Data interface 2. asynchronous.7.11/RS-422 DI3A. DO1B Data interface 1. euro. X <- A. a12 c10. GND Transmitted data (TxD) Received data (RxD) Request to send (RTS) Ready for sending (CTS) Data set ready (DSR) Connect data set to line Data channel received line signal detector (DCD) Transmitter signal element timing from modem Receiver signal element timing from modem 114 c14.DCN Adapter C2. a13 V. a14 Y.4 V.1.35 sync PPP connector P3 (2 x 16.0 Table 9.35 B P. a12 c5 c6 a5 a4 a6 Direction DTE-DCNA -> <-> <<-> <- Signal name Signal ground. T C D E H F ITU-T no. Euro (2 x 16) a15 c12. T C D E H ITU-T no. c15 c10.7. DCN Adapter is DTE Table 10. euro. euro (2 x 16) a15. S R. AA <- 115 c13. c7. Pin configuration for connector P3 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE Pin name V. male). 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Pin no. S R.35 B P. 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Pin no. GND Transmitted data (TxD) Received data (RxD) Request to send (RTS) Ready for sending (CTS) Data set ready (DSR) Connect data set to line 94 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . a10 c12. Pin configuration for connector P3 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE Pin name V. a10 c6 c5 a4 a5 Direction DCE-DCNA <-> <-> -> <- Signal name Signal ground. Pin configuration for connector P3 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE (Continued) Pin name V.5 Async PPP and LMI J1.Cabling in a DYNANET environment Table 10. Rj-45 connector pin numbering DCN Adapter (DTE) RJ-45 2 DSR 7 DTR 3 RXD 6 TXD 1 CTS 8 RTS 4 GND Modem (DCE) DB-25 6 DSR 20 DTR 3 RXD 2 TXD 5 CTS 4 RTS 7 GND Figure 30. J2 connectors (8-pin RJ-45).1. X -> A.35 F ITU-T no. AA -> 115 c11. Euro (2 x 16) c4 Direction DCE-DCNA -> Signal name Data channel received line signal detector (DCD) Transmitter signal element timing from modem Receiver signal element timing from modem 114 c9. Connecting the DCN Adapter (DTE) to Modem (DCE) DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 95 (122) .7. 109 Pin no. a11 V. DCN Adapter is DTE 1 8 Figure 29. a9 Y. J2) connectors (8-pin RJ-45). DCN Adapter is DCE 1 8 Figure 31.0 Table 11.DCN Adapter C2.7.1. Pin configuration for connectors J1 and J2 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE Direction DCNA-DCE Signal name PIN Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 106 107 104 102 102 103 108 105 <<<-> -> -> Ready for sending (CTS) Data set ready (DSR) Received data (RxD) Signal ground (GND) Signal ground (GND) Transmitted data (TxD) Connect data set to line (DTR) Request to send (RTS) A.6 Async PPP and LMI (J1. RJ-45 connector pin numbering 96 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . Connecting the DCN Adapter (DCE) to Terminal (DTE) Table 12.Cabling in a DYNANET environment DCN Adapter (DCE) RJ-45 2 DSR 7 DTR 3 RXD 6 TXD 1 CTS 8 RTS 4 GND Terminal (DTE) DB-25 20 DTR 6 DSR 8 DCD 2 TXD 3 RXD 4 RTS 5 CTS 7 GND Terminal (DTE) DB-9 4 DTR 6 DSR 1 DCD 3 TXD 2 RXD 7 RTS 8 CTS 5 GND Figure 32. Pin configuration for connectors J1 and J2 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE Direction DCNA-DTE Signal name PIN Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 105 108 103 102 102 104 107 106 <<<-> -> -> Request to send (RTS) Connect data set to line (DTR) Transmitted data (TxD) Signal ground (GND) Signal ground (GND) Received data (RxD) Data set ready (DSR) Ready for sending (CTS) DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 97 (122) . PIN Signal Pin configuration for connector J3 Direction DCNA-Ethernet MDI signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tx+ TxRx+ Rx- -> -> <- Transmit data + Transmit data Receive data + <- Receive data - 98 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .7 Ethernet connector J3.1. 10Base-T 1 8 Figure 33.0 A. RJ-45 connector pin numbering Table 13.DCN Adapter C2.7. light industry Generic immunity. commercial. Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit This appendix describes how to do the cabling when you are using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit. With this kit you can install the DCN Adapter in a 19’’ rack or in an ETSI rack.S. residential. commercial. industry EMC requirements.P. B.R. Differential data and timing signals must be connected to the internally twisted pairs of the cable. This solution is ideal when DYNANET subracks are not available. light industry Generic immunity. When the outer foil is stripped.1 EMC compatibility and cabling The 19’’ rack mounting unit is EMC-compatible and it has shielded front panel connectors. information technology equipment DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 99 (122) .Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit Appendix B. telecommunication network equipment Emission. telecommunication network equipment ETSI EMC requirements.1 EMC requirements Table 14. follow the guide-lines below to meet the specified EMC compatibility. These cables have a double foil shield. • MMHS cables should be used.I. Specification EN 50081-1 (1992) EN 50082-1 (1997) EN 50082-2 (1995) EN 300386-2 (1997) ETS 300386-1 (1994) normal priority of service C. the inner foil presents a conductive surface to an additional copper sleeve.1. residential. • B. 22 Class B Specifications for EMC requirements Applies for Generic emission. When constructing the cables. 0 B.35 (DTE and DCE) The V. B.2 Management cable (Ethernet 10Base-T) The management cable (Ethernet 10Base-T) for the 19’’ rack mounting unit is constructed as described in Appendix A.3 Local management interface cable (LMI cable) For information about the local management cable (LMI cable) refer to Appendix A. In ETSI environment. Adapter C2.4 Interface cables V. 100 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .1.35 data interface cable must be shielded. B.2. the connector cover provided with the 19’’ rack mounting unit should be used in order to stay within the 400 mm depth limit. with the following exception: the EMC contact section is not needed. 32 DCE V.35 P S U W R T V X Y AA B C H L D E F NN pair 103A 103B 113A 113B 104A 104B 115A 115B 114A 114B 102.32 106 107 109 8a 8b 9a Figure 34. V.35 DCE cable DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 101 (122) .Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit A A DIRECTION A-A Screw lock M UNC 6 . gnd 105 108 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b auxiliary wire / red 6a 6b DCE D25 Female 2 14 15 13 3 16 11 9 24 23 7 4 8 20 5 6 10 C H M S W AA EE KK B D F J K L N P R T U V X Y Z BB CC DD FF JJ HH LL MM NN A E Screw lock F UNC 6 . 32 DTE D25 Female pair 103A 103B 104A 104B 115A 115B 114A 114B 102. V.DCN Adapter C2.32 D E F 106 107 109 8a 8b 9a 4 20 8 Figure 35.0 A A DTE V. gnd 105 108 1a 1b 3 16 P S R T V X Y B C H A B C D F E J H K L M N P R S T V U W X Y Z AA BB CC DD FF EE JJ HH KK LL MM NN 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b auxiliary wire / red 6a 6b 2 14 17 19 15 13 7 5 6 Screw lock F UNC 6 .35 DTE cable 102 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .35 female DIRECTION A-A Screw lock M UNC 6 . Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit Table 15.4+0.200-10 16 pcs Shell Metal.101 . black. e.734-90 1 pcs Connector hood Metal.0 black 2 pcs D-connector D-connector cover Housing K05433777 Inotec DG25M3 K05430444 For female contacts (ISO 2593) CDM 761.35 cable part information Quantity as required Part type Telecom cable 10-pairs AL-shielded (EMC). cable d8-12 mm CDM 783. 4. for female housing CDM 784.g. Panduit PLT 1M .6/13.4 Copper sleeve d6mm tinned Cu tol.6.5 mm PA black.0 mm polyolef.100 3/8 1 50 mm Bunch clip 100x2. Part name Cable V.18 m DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 103 (122) .5 . MMHS 2x5x2x0.g. e.234-30 1 pcs 1 pcs 1 pcs Contact Female 0.5.0100 0. e. e.g.g.101 .734-90 1 pcs Copper tape 25 x 16 s75mm pretinned.0 200 mm Shrinking sleeve 9.g. Ni-plated. e.6 mm WW-pin 13 mm length CDM 620. Raychem RAY . Chomerics CCK .6.6x0.18 . Raychem RNF . 35 cable 104 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .1 Installing the D-connector Outer foil Ground wire PVC sheath Inner foil Figure 36. Structure of V.1.4.0 B.DCN Adapter C2. Cut the PVC sheath. 80 mm turn the ground wire around the inner foil. Work order for the D-connector (continues) DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 105 (122) . 140 mm 3. avoiding damaging the inner foil. 2. Shrink the sleeve. Fasten with cable tie (bunch clip). Figure 37. Slide the cable through the copper sleeve and the shrinking sleeve as shown. 100 mm 4. Remove the outer foil carefully. 25 mm 5.Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit 1. Put the cable through the slide lock. 8. 9. Attach the spring and the blind faces. Work order for the D-connector (continued) 106 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . Attach the strain relief. Attach the connector cover and the slide lock. Close the cover. 7.DCN Adapter C2.0 6. Strip 25mm from the wires and wrap the wires to the connector pins (wire-wrap). Figure 38. 20 5 5 10 7 Block 1 (blue) 2 orange white/orange 3 green white/green 4 brown white/brown 5 grey white/grey Block 2 (orange) 6 blue white/blue 7 orange white/orange 8 green white/green 9 brown white/brown 10 grey white/grey Auxiliary wire red DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 107 (122) . Block Twisted pair configuration for the DCE cable Pair 1 Wires blue white/blue D-connector 2 14 15 13 3 16 11 9 24 23 4 8.Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit Table 16. 0 Table 17. Block Twisted pair configuration for the DTE connector Pair 1 Wires blue white/blue D-connector 3 16 2 14 17 19 15 13 5 6 4 20 8 7 Block 1 (blue) 2 orange white/orange 3 green white/green 4 brown white/brown 5 grey white/grey Block 2 (orange) 6 blue white/blue 7 orange white/orange 8 green white/green 9 brown white/brown 10 grey white/grey Auxiliary wire red 108 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .DCN Adapter C2. 35 connector pins (wire-wrap). Cut the extra conductors (wires). Cut the PVC sheath. Fasten the V.4. 5. 6.35 connector cover so that the screen (copper sleeve) grounding mates with strain relief. Wind copper tape (180 mm) round the copper sleeve (without cutting tape) to get a good contact / strain relief. Remove the outer foil carefully avoiding damaging the inner foil. Work order for the V. Figure 39.Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit B. Slide the cable through the copper sleeve and the shrinking sleeve as shown.2 Preparing the V.35 end DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 109 (122) . Strip 25mm from the wires and wrap the wires to the V. 80 mm 100 mm 3. Shrink the sleeve. 25 mm 25 mm 4. 140 mm 2.35 end of the cable 1.1. Fasten with cable tie (bunch clip). turn the ground wire around the inner foil. 7 Connectors and pin numbering This section describes the connectors and their pins in detail. Q1 bus cable B. DCN Adapter RJ-45 3 6 4 5 OUT+ OUTIN+ IN1a 1b 2a 2b IN+ INOUT+ OUT- Network Element TQ 1 2 3 4 Figure 40.1.2) by replacing either end with the desired connector.52) is available for connecting DCN Adapter to Nokia Q1 elements.1. B.5 Interface cable.1. asynchronous PPP An EMC-compatible cable can be constructed from the management cable (see section A.0 B. for example.3 and a 9-to-25 pin D-connector converter for.DCN Adapter C2. a standard modem interface.1.6 Q1 bus cable A ready-made EMC-compatible interface cable (T66340. 110 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . A non-EMC compatible installation may use the local management interface cable according to section A.1. 28 async PPP V.1.Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit 3 x Q1 DI interface Service LEDs V. DI3 8 1 Figure 42.24/V.1 Q1 extension connectors DI1.7. Connectors of DCN Adapter 19’’ rack mounting unit B. Q1 extension connector pin numbering DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 111 (122) .35 sync PPP V.28 LMI Ethernet (10-BaseT) 48 VDC power Figure 41.24/V. DI2. DI2. DI3 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OUT+ IN+ INOUT- Signal B.7.2 V.35 B P.DCN Adapter C2.35 sync PPP connector (D25 male). DCN Adapter is DCE Table 19. 14 3. 9 V. S R. 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Pin no. AA <- 115 11. X <- 112 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . GND Transmitted data (TxD) Received data (RxD) Request to send (RTS) Ready for sending (CTS) Data set ready (DSR) Connect data set to line Data channel received line signal detector (DCD) Transmitter signal element timing from modem Receiver signal element timing from modem 114 24. 23 Y. Pin configuration for connectors DI1. Pin configuration for V. D25 7 2. 16 4 5 6 20 10 Direction DTE-DCNA -> <-> <<-> <- Signal name Signal ground. T C D E H F ITU-T no.35 connector when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE Pin name V.0 Table 18.1. 35 sync PPP connector (D25 male). 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Pin no. 14 5 4 20 6 8 Direction DCE-DCNA <-> <-> -> <-> Signal name Signal ground. DCN Adapter is DCE 8 1 Figure 43.3 V.35 B P.Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit B.7. GND Transmitted data (TxD) Received data (RxD) Request to send (RTS) Ready for sending (CTS) Data set ready (DSR) Connect data set to line Data channel received line signal detector (DCD) Transmitter signal element timing from modem Receiver signal element timing from modem 114 15.1. 19 V. AA -> 115 17.1. D25 7 3. Pin configuration for V. S R. 16 2. DCN Adapter is DTE Table 20. X -> B.4 Async PPP and LMI connectors (8-pin RJ-45). 13 Y. RJ-45 connector pin numbering DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 113 (122) .35 connector when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE Pin name V.7. T C D E H F ITU-T no. DCN Adapter C2.0 DCN Adapter (DTE) RJ-45 2 DSR 7 DTR 3 RXD 6 TXD 1 CTS 8 RTS 4 GND Modem (DCE) DB-25 6 DSR 20 DTR 3 RXD 2 TXD 5 CTS 4 RTS 7 GND Figure 44. Connecting the DCN Adapter (DTE) to Modem (DCE) Table 21. Pin configuration for async PPP and LMI connectors when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DTE Direction DCNA-DCE Signal name PIN Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 106 107 104 102 102 103 108 105 <<<-> -> -> Ready for sending (CTS) Data set ready (DSR) Received data (RxD) Signal ground (GND) Signal ground (GND) Transmitted data (TxD) Connect data set to line (DTR) Request to send (RTS) 114 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit B.1.7.5 Async PPP and LMI (J1, J2) connectors (8-pin RJ-45), DCN Adapter is DCE 8 1 Figure 45. RJ-45 connector pin numbering DCN Adapter (DCE) RJ-45 2 DSR 7 DTR 3 RXD 6 TXD 1 CTS 8 RTS 4 GND Terminal (DTE) DB-25 20 DTR 6 DSR 8 DCD 2 TXD 3 RXD 4 RTS 5 CTS 7 GND Terminal (DTE) DB-9 4 DTR 6 DSR 1 DCD 3 TXD 2 RXD 7 RTS 8 CTS 5 GND Figure 46. Connecting the DCN Adapter (DCE) to Terminal (DTE) Table 22. Pin configuration for connectors J1 and J2 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE Direction DCNA-DTE Signal name PIN Signal 1 2 3 4 5 105 108 103 102 102 <<<- Request to send (RTS) Connect data set to line (DTR) Transmitted data (TxD) Signal ground (GND) Signal ground (GND) DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 115 (122) DCN Adapter C2.0 Table 22. Pin configuration for connectors J1 and J2 when DCN Adapter (DCNA) acts as DCE (Continued) Direction DCNA-DTE Signal name PIN Signal 6 7 8 104 107 106 -> -> -> Received data (RxD) Data set ready (DSR) Ready for sending (CTS) B.1.7.6 Ethernet connector, 10Base-T 8 1 Figure 47. RJ-45 connector pin numbering Table 23. PIN Signal Pin configuration Direction DCNA-Ethernet MDI signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tx+ TxRx+ Rx- -> -> <- Transmit data + Transmit data Receive data + <- Receive data - 116 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en Cabling when using the DCN Adapter 19’’/1U rack mounting kit B.1.7.7 DC supply connector VNB VPB Figure 48. DC supply connector Table 24. PIN VNB VPB Pin configuration for the DC supply connector Description Negative supply line Positive supply line DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 117 (122) For further information. Q1 interface signal names The following table presents the correspondency between different Q1 interface signal names. Direction Q1 interface signal names General DI port of DCN Adapter or PDH NE TQ port of Nokia Q1 NE OUT of the element TxTx+ DOA DOB DIA DIB OUTOUT+ ININ+ IN to the element RxRx+ The DI port is the bus master port and the starting point of a management bus.0 Appendix C. refer to the user documentation of the network element in question. When a PDH network is being built. and the MI port is a slave port. In case the Nokia Q1 elements have two TQ ports. If a Nokia Q1 element does not have a second TQ port. PDH elements and Nokia Q1 elements must not be mixed on a same bus. Signals of a DI port must never be connected in parallel with another DI port. it must be at the end of the chain. Branching the cable is not recommended. Table 25. The bus master is connected to the either end of the chain with DOx going to INx of the first element in the chain and DIx going to OUTx. Similarly. the OUTx signals go to the INx signals of the next element and vice versa to form a chain. Caution Nokia Q1 elements should always be chained. the MOx signals of all elements are connected in parallel to form a bus. The TQ port in Nokia Q1 elements can be considered to be of type DI although the element itself does not act as a bus master (it does not poll). the MIx signals are connected in parallel and go to the DOx signals of the master. In practice this means that only point-to-point cables can be used with these elements.DCN Adapter C2. 118 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . and go to the DIx signals of the one and only bus master. Doing so may inhibit PDH elements from answering to the bus master. Connecting any DI port signals in parallel may inhibit all traffic. HDSL line terminals. and integrated multiplexing and line equipment. gnd HDSL Electromagnetic Compatibility European Telecommunications Standards Institute Ground High-Speed Digital Subscriber Line EEPROM DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 119 (122) .Glossary ACL2 ARP ASCII CD-ROM 2 Mbit/s HDSL line terminal Address Resolution Protocol American Standard Code for Information Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory CLI CTS DCE DCN DI DNT2M DSL DSR DTE DTR DYNANET Command Line Interface Clear To Send Data Communications Equipment Data Communications Network Data Interface 2 Mbit/s HDSL network terminal Digital Subscriber Line Data Set Ready Data Terminal Equipment Data Terminal Ready Nokia's family of primary rate equipment and their tributaries used in access network. line equipment for copper cables and optical fibres. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EMC ETSI GND. The family includes a wide range of products: primary multiplexers. branching and cross-connect equipment. Unit of width. B-alarms (deferred) and D-alarms (reminders of alarm cancellation). Also known as station alarm. There are three types of rack alarms: A-alarms (prompt).0 HW IP IPCP LAN LED LMI MIB NMS/10 PDH POP PPP PSTN PVC Q1 Rack alarm Hardware Internet Protocol Internet Protocol Control Protocol Local Area Network Light-Emitting Diode Local Management Interface Management Information Base Network Management System / 10 Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy Point-Of-Presence Point-to-Point Protocol Public Switched Telephone Network Polyvinyl Chloride Nokia proprietary management protocol An alarm in one of the equipment in the rack indicated by a common alarm lamp.08 mm (in mechanics) TDM Telnet Time Division Multiplexing Standard terminal emulation protocol defined in RFC 854. 120 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en . Request To Send Received Data Simple Network Management Protocol RTS RxD SNMP STE Subrack T Service Terminal Emulation A mechanical housing that fits in a rack and contains plug-in units.DCN Adapter C2. 5. DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential 121 (122) .TFTP TxD Trap WAN 10Base-T Trivial File Transfer Protocol Transmitted data Message sent by an SNMP agent to network management system. Wide Area Network 10 Mbit/s Ethernet specification. DCN Adapter C2.0 122 (122) © Nokia Networks Oy Nokia Proprietary and Confidential DN0128631 Issue 1-0 en .
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