SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario DescriptionsDBM 7.00 ADDON.BSD_DBM Copyright © Copyright 2009 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 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The only warranties for SAP Group products and SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 2 services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 3 Icons in Body Text Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax Additional icons are used in SAP Library documentation to help you identify different types of information at a glance. For more information, see Help on Help General Information Classes and Information Classes for Business Information Warehouse on the first page of any version of SAP Library. Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Description Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Emphasized words or phrases in body text, graphic titles, and table titles. Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system. Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER. Example text Example text <Example text> EXAMPLE TEXT SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 4 SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions .................................... 6 Vehicle Sales and Administration ....................................................................................... 7 Processing Customers ................................................................................................... 8 Processing Activities....................................................................................................... 9 Purchasing New Vehicles ............................................................................................. 10 Purchasing Used Vehicles............................................................................................ 13 Creating Vehicle Quotations without Vehicle................................................................. 16 Selling New Vehicles.................................................................................................... 17 Selling Used Vehicles................................................................................................... 18 Splitting Orders ............................................................................................................ 19 Creating Down Payments............................................................................................. 20 Creating Outbound Deliveries....................................................................................... 21 Billing ........................................................................................................................... 22 Processing Complaints................................................................................................. 23 Processing Returns ...................................................................................................... 24 Integration of VMS and DBM ........................................................................................ 25 Vehicle Service................................................................................................................ 28 Processing Customers ................................................................................................. 29 Creating Service Order Quotations ............................................................................... 30 Processing Service Orders ........................................................................................... 31 Processing Internal Service Orders............................................................................... 34 Processing Suborders .................................................................................................. 37 Confirming Services ..................................................................................................... 40 Splitting Orders ............................................................................................................ 41 Billing ........................................................................................................................... 42 Processing Returns ...................................................................................................... 43 Processing Activities..................................................................................................... 44 Processing Complaints................................................................................................. 45 Parts Management .......................................................................................................... 46 Processing Customers ................................................................................................. 47 Processing Parts Orders............................................................................................... 48 Purchasing Parts.......................................................................................................... 51 Processing Backorders................................................................................................. 52 Billing ........................................................................................................................... 53 Processing Payments................................................................................................... 54 Processing Returns ...................................................................................................... 55 SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 5 SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 6 . You can distribute invoice amounts to multiple bill-to parties. Selling New Vehicles 8. The system posts the vehicle back to your inventory and creates a credit note. Integration of VMS and DBM SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Creating Vehicle Quotations without Vehicle 7. To reverse the sales transaction. Processing Complaints 14.00 7 . Purchasing New Vehicles 5.. You trigger the procurement process by creating a purchase order to order a vehicle from the OEM. 4. Before you sell a new vehicle. repaired.. Selling Used Vehicles 9. Processing Activities 3. Processing Customers 2. The processing of the incoming invoice that you receive from the OEM is automatically reflected in your creditors’ accounts. You can check the customer’s credit limit and calculate pricing. Purchasing Uses Vehicles 6.Vehicle Sales and Administration Purpose You use this business scenario to handle the sales process for new and used vehicles. and debits the relevant debtor accounts. You can print all the required delivery documents. Creating Outbound Deliveries 12. Creating Down Payments 11. T. Billing 13. Prerequisites Business Partner Service agent. Splitting Orders 10. you can create a returns order. refurnished and revaluated. Processing Returns 15. accounting clerk SAP Application Component ECC DIMP 600 DBM 700 Configuration Use SAP Solution Manager Process Flow The business processes run as follows: 1. Used vehicles can be traded-in. The system creates the invoice. you can create a quotation for a customer. Processing Customers Purpose You can use this business process to manage your customers and contacts. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1.00 8 . View and edit customer details 4. Search and display customer 2. for example. View and edit credit limit 5. but can also be companies and organizations. You can easily view and update important information about your customers. fleet customers. Create and edit customer 3. Customer processing is particularly useful for sales representatives and sales managers who work only occasionally in the system to carry out preparatory and follow-up activities for their sales calls. Customers can be individuals and groups that have a relationship with your company as consumers. View customer fact sheet SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1. Activities are subdivided into business activities and tasks. Create activity 3.Processing Activities Purpose You can use this business process to create and update activities. Monitor task list 9. Update task 8. Assign person responsible to task 7. An activity is used to record information that results from interactions between your company and customers during the customer relationship life cycle. Edit activity details 4. Edit task 6. Monitor activity SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Schedule activity 5.00 9 . Search activity 2. including identifiers such as the vehicle identification number (VIN) or engine number. You can create an order for an existing planned vehicle record or. The vehicle can be reserved for a customer or marked as sold. alternatively.00 10 . the order data can be interfaced with DBM. you do this by posting a goods receipt. and conditions. If the new vehicle is ordered in a third party system. you enter the OEM. you create a new vehicle record when you create the purchase order. After its arrival. the new vehicle is added to the inventory. When you create a purchase order in DBM. The vehicle record can be used to document all vehicle data. You can create orders for new vehicles either in a third party system or directly in DBM.Purchasing New Vehicles Purpose You can use this business process to order and post new vehicles to your inventory. Process Flow SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. vehicle. Update vehicle owner (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 11 . Create goods receipt (SAP ECC) 6. Change purchase order (SAP ECC) 4. Cancel incoming invoice (SAP ECC) 9. Create incoming invoice (SAP ECC) 8.SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SAP ECC Create new vehicle Create purchase order Change purchase order Cancel purchase order Create goods receipt Cancel goods receipt Create incoming invoice Cancel incoming invoice Update vehicle owner 1. Cancel purchase order (SAP ECC) 5. Cancel goods receipt (SAP ECC) 7. Create new vehicle (SAP DBM) 2. Create purchase order (SAP ECC) 3. 00 12 .SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. and can increase the value of the used vehicle. After the arrival of the used vehicle. It can then be prepared for resale.00 13 . In this case. The actual purchase is documented in the form of a purchase order.Purchasing Used Vehicles Purpose You can use this business process to purchase and repurchase used vehicles. Process Flow SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. you can calculate the gross profit margin of the combined transactions. This purchase process can occur in combination with a sales transaction for a new vehicle. Costs for repair activities can be charged to the internal order of the vehicle. You create a used vehicle record before you create a report that describes the state of the vehicle. you use a goods receipt to post it to inventory. SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SAP ECC Create used vehicle Create damage report Create estimated and aimed purchasing price Create purchase order Create goods receipt Create incoming invoice Overhaul used vehicle Revaluate used vehicle Interlink used vehicle with new vehicle Calculate gross profit margin Update vehicle owner Update vehicle lifecycle state SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 14 . Interlink used vehicle with new vehicle (SAP DBM) 10.1. Create goods receipt (SAP ECC) 6. Create used vehicle (SAP DBM) 2. Calculate gross profit margin (SAP DBM) 11. Create estimated and aimed purchasing price (SAP DBM) 4. Revaluate used vehicle (SAP DBM) 9. Update vehicles owner (SAP DBM) 12. Update vehicle lifecycle state (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Create incoming invoice (SAP ECC) 7.00 15 . Create purchase order (SAP ECC) 5. Create damage report (SAP DBM) 3. Overhaul used vehicle (SAP DBM) 8. The system copies the vehicle model data to the quotation document. You can add additional options to the model quotation. You select a vehicle model. and create a quotation. The system can convert the quotation document to an order. Find customer 2. Select vehicle 10. Compare vehicle configuration data with quotation configuration data SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. and assign to the quotation. you can search for existing vehicles (that are not assigned to another customer). The system represents the model as an item in the quotation. You use this quotation type to offer a vehicle of the selected model to your customer. Calculate pricing 7. Create model quotation 4. and any added options. and that have the same options. Enter vehicle options and features 6. The system determines the price for the model. Search for vehicle based on options and features 9. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1. The system returns a list of vehicles that have this quotation model. If the system cannot find a suitable vehicle. You can select one. Enter model 5. The system assigns the vehicle to the quotation. Check credit limit 3. in the model quotation.Creating Vehicle Quotations without Vehicle Purpose You can use this business process to create quotations or cost estimates before you create vehicle orders. If the customer decides to accept your offer.00 16 . Copy model quotation to order 8. you can create a vehicle for the quotation model and the relevant options. are reversed. Calculate pricing 6. Enter order items 5. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1. Enter order header data 3. You select a vehicle. all documents created during the sales process.Selling New Vehicles Purpose You can use this business process to start the sales order process for vehicles. and also apply a customer discount. Find customer and vehicle 2. Check credit limit 4. You can also check the customer’s credit limit. The system represents the vehicle as an item in the order. including goods movements.00 17 . The system copies the vehicle data to the order document. Cancel order 7. Update vehicle master SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. and create an order. If you cancel the order. Calculate pricing 7. and also apply a customer discount. Check credit limit 5. including goods movements. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1.00 18 . and create an order. If you cancel the order. Update vehicle master SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Find customer and vehicle 2. Maintain estimated and aimed sales price 3.Selling Used Vehicles Purpose You can use this business process to start the sales order process for vehicles. Enter order header data 4. Enter order items 6. The system copies the vehicle data to the order document. Cancel order 8. all documents created during the sales process. You can check the customer’s credit limit. You select a vehicle. are reversed. The system represents the vehicle as an item in the order. Damaged parts that must be returned to the OEM are indicated as such by the system. to different bill-to-parties. You can process warranty and goodwill cases by using the order types Service Warranty and/or Service Goodwill. In this case. you settle part of an order as a warranty case for which current manufacturer prices must be used. and one or more bill-to parties. Check parts to be returned SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 19 . the data from the appropriate job. Determine split pricing 3. the customer pays for the navigation system. You can make the reimbursement of warranty claims dependent on the return of the damaged parts. You can assign each order item to several bill-to parties. Prerequisites The order must contain a job. Process warranty claim 5. sold-to party and warranty is copied to the warranty claim. You can assign one or more order types. you sort the items that are relevant to the warranty case and copy them to a warranty claim. Cases of accident repair may involve insurance or full service leasing companies. You can then split it. to each job in an order. on job and item level. If the different bill-toparties are subject to different conditions. For example.Splitting Orders Purpose You can use this business process to distribute invoice amounts to one or more bill-to parties. If you submit a warranty claim to a third party. Repair costs involve goodwill settlement. based on amounts or percentages. Only a part of the total amount is billed. multiple invoices are produced. The system automatically determines the appropriate bill-to party. More than one cost object is involved in the settlement. you can perform a special split pricing. pricing can be conducted separately. You can base the distribution on amounts or percentages. If different conditions apply to the different bill-to parties in the split. for example. Enter warranty claim data 4. You can also use the order type Service Workshop together with a service order split. Split order between several bill-to parties 2. In this case. Only part of a repair job was made to a vehicle. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1. or for warranty cases. The assignment of the invoice amounts takes place across different jobs. You can use this process in the following cases: A leasing company pays for a leasing vehicle and. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: . You can post the down payment in the cash desk. This transforms the noted item in the customer’s account to a special ledger transaction. The down payment amount is subtracted from the final invoice. You may require a down payment from the customer.Creating Down Payments Purpose You can use this business process to trigger down payments. This request creates a noted item in the customer’s account. for example. You trigger the down payment process by creating a down payment request directly in the order.00 20 .. Create down payment request 2. 1. and the final invoice is created. Revenue is not recognized until the goods movement and work is complete. before you confirm the order with your OEM or importer.. Post down payment SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You post the goods issue for all the order items.Creating Outbound Deliveries Purpose You can use this business process to initiate the outbound delivery of a vehicle. including the vehicle and accessories.00 21 . You can reverse this process by canceling the goods issue. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1. The system updates both inventory and financial accounts automatically in real time. Post goods issue 2. Cancel goods issue SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. you cannot change any items in the job for this invoice. After you create the invoice. you can enter prices for materials and service activities. One invoice is created for each job. Create billing document 2.Billing Purpose You can use this business process to create an invoice. The invoice closes service processing from a business point of view. Cancel billing document 4. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1. You may have agreements in place that involve specific pricing conditions. Before you create the invoice. Calculate commission SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You can then print the invoice.00 22 . Print billing document 3. discounts and surcharges. Monitor complaint SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You can plan. Assign person responsible to task 6. You can access these catalogs from the complaints transaction.Processing Complaints Purpose You can use this business process to handle customer complaints within your sales and service organizations. Add complaint details 4. Update task list 8. Predefined damage codes make it easier for you to enter complaints. Search for DBM order 2. the technical analysis and relevant tasks. and process tasks relating to complaints. while giving you an option for evaluating products. such as assigning responsible employees.00 23 . Create complaint 3. and reasons for complaints in an attempt to prevent further complaints by identifying the defect causes. task data. and priority. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1. You can use complaints management in your company to represent the entire complaints process from recording a complaint. You can use categorization to define your own catalogs with damage codes and reasons. Edit task 5. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction that a customer makes in relation to a service or product. customers. track. Update task 7. through to statistical evaluation. The system copies the sales order data.00 24 . The returned items are posted back to the inventory. Enter return order (SAP DBM) 2. and you select the items that are to be returned. You create a returns order. Create credit memo (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Process Flow SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Enter return order SAP ECC Post goods receipt for return Create credit memo 1. for example.Processing Returns Purpose You can use this business process to handle a return. Post goods receipt for return (SAP ECC) 3. when a customer returns a vehicle after an invoice has been created. and you can create a credit memo for the customer. and reference it to the sales order is created. Integration of VMS and DBM Purpose You can use this process to purchase and document a vehicle in the vehicle management system and then use this vehicle in dealer business management. you can handle the documents and vehicles. In DBM. Process Flow SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. although these were created in VMS.00 25 . and a dealer. This business process is typically performed between an importer or distributor. Purchase vehicle in VMS (SAP ECC) 2.00 26 . Create and display vehicle document (SAP ECC) 5. Create incoming invoice (SAP ECC) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.SAP ECC SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Purchase vehicle in VMS Sell and distribute vehicle Create goods receipt Create and display vehicle document Enable vehicle in VMS for DBM Pre-delivery inspection (PDI) Display VMS vehicle document Create incoming invoice 1. Enable vehicle in VMS for DBM (SAP ECC) 6. Create goods receipt (SAP ECC) 4. Display VMS vehicle document (SAP DBM) 8. Sell and distribute vehicle (SAP ECC) 3. Pre-delivery inspection (PDI) (SAP DBM) 7. SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 27 . Processing Returns 10. Processing Customers 2. Processing Complaints SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Processing Internal Service Orders 5. Confirming Services 7. Splitting Orders 8. Creating Service Order Quotations 3. You can forward full or partial costs for service orders to third parties. Billing Scenario & Process Component List on SAP Service Marketplace at service. Service advisors can also assign additional tasks to service technicians. You can respond to customer requirements by accessing information about customers. However. Processing Activities This helps improve the quality of your services. only certain combinations are valid. from the moment vehicles are received in your workshop right through to payment and cost assignment. see: SAP for Automotive Master Guide on SAP Service Marketplace at service. Processing Suborders 6. You can process service requests For more information.00 28 . You can also trigger and monitor suborders in workshops within your company. completing the business scenario. You can access to real-time data that provides you with an overview of all workshop Process Flow The business processes run as follows: 1.Vehicle Service Purpose You use this business scenario to handle repairs and inspections for vehicles in your workshop. and past service processes. Your accountant posts the incoming payment. Prerequisites You can implement this business scenario with different releases of the relevant application components. vehicles. such as an OEM or importer. Processing Service Orders 4. View and edit customer details 4. View and edit credit limit 5. Customers can be individuals and groups that have a relationship with your company as consumers. View customer fact sheet SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You can navigate to these specific items. and more time interacting with customers. such as owned vehicles. You can also access DBM information about your customers. You can easily view and update important information about your customers. last interactions. and credit history. but can also be companies and organizations. It is also beneficial for service advisors who need to spend less time updating master data. Create and edit customer 3. Customer processing is particularly useful for sales representatives and sales managers who work only occasionally in the system to carry out preparatory and follow-up activities for their sales calls.Processing Customers Purpose You can use this business process to manage your customers and contacts. Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1. for example. fleet customers.00 29 . Search and display customer 2. 00 30 . Enter order header data 4. and the parts required. 1. Check recall actions 7.. you can copy the accepted items to a service order. Convert quotation to order SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. at certain prices. You can create a job to group items that belong to the same service activity together. Process Flow The following business process runs in SAP DBM: . When you create a quotation or cost estimate. you can check whether: A valid warranty exists for the vehicle The customer has exceeded their credit limit The vehicle is part of a technical campaign (recalls) Service items specify the service activities that must be performed.. If the customer accepts the cost estimate in the quotation. When you enter a vehicle or customer identifier. You use the quotation to indicate to your customer that you will provide certain service activities. Enter service items 8. Find customer and vehicle 2. you can view all existing data for the vehicle and the customer. you can use the quick create feature to create a new customer or a new vehicle. Display customer and vehicle history 3.Creating Service Order Quotations Purpose You can use this business process to create quotations or cost estimates before you create service orders. The quotation is integrated into the service order process. Enter jobs 9. If no data exists in the system. Calculate pricing 10. Check warranty 5. Check credit limit 6. Finally. assign account assignment data to it. and to create suborders for other plants within your organization.Processing Service Orders Purpose You can use this business process to document the agreement between your company and your customers with regard to one-time services in a service order. and post them from the warehouse so that they are ready for use. When you create a service order. If required. resources. you can correct the prices that the system automatically determines. and print the appropriate documents. you can check whether: A valid warranty exists for the vehicle The customer has exceeded their credit limit The vehicle is part of a technical campaign (recalls) Service items specify the service activities that must be performed. You can also predefine labor and parts within a package. You can create a job to group items that belong to the same service activity together. First of all. If there is no existing data in the system. You can plan services with regard to how materials. or labor value catalogs so that you can easily copy these to the order. Process Flow SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You use tasks to define the sequence for the service in the order. and workshops are used.00 31 . You create a purchase requisition. and the parts required. and convert the purchase requisition to a purchase order for a supplier. You can monitor these components during order processing. you can use the quick create feature to create a new customer or a new vehicle. you check the availability of the materials. you enter a vehicle or customer identifier. 00 32 .SAP ECC SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Find customer and vehicle Display customer and vehicle history Enter order header data Check warranty Check credit limit Check recall actions Create activity Create and update activity tasks Enter service item Calculate pricing Execute availability check Create purchase requisition SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions Convert purchase requisition to purchase order DBM 7. Enter service item (SAP DBM) 10. Display customer and vehicle history (SAP DBM) 3.00 33 . Enter order header data (SAP DBM) 4. Enter jobs (SAP DBM) 15. Create and update activity tasks (SAP DBM) 9. Check recall actions (SAP DBM) 7. Create purchase requisition (SAP ECC) 13.. Check warranty (SAP DBM) 5. Enter suborder task (SAP DBM) 16.. Create activity (SAP DBM) 8. Execute availability check (SAP ECC) 12. Check credit limit (SAP DBM) 6. Cancel order (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Find customer and vehicle (SAP DBM) 2. Calculate pricing (SAP DBM) 11. Release service order (SAP DBM) 17. Convert purchase requisition to purchase order (SAP ECC) 14.. 1. Processing Internal Service Orders Purpose You can use this business process to handle internal service orders. resources. and print the appropriate documents. You can plan services with regard to how materials. You confirm the vehicle and customer information. and workshops are used. Process Flow SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You can create a job to group items that belong to the same service activity together. for example an internal order. You create a purchase requisition and convert the purchase requisition to a purchase order for a supplier. you check the availability of the materials. and to create suborders for other plants within your organization. and the parts required. to settle all related costs. you can correct the prices that the system automatically determines.00 34 . Service items specify the service activities that must be performed. You use tasks to define the sequence for the service in the order. If required. Finally. You can monitor these components during order processing. and then assign the correct controlling object. and post them from the warehouse so that they are ready for use. 00 35 .SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SAP ECC Find customer and vehicle Enter order header data Check warranty Check recall actions Enter account assignment Create activity Create and update activity tasks Enter service item Calculate pricing Execute availability check Create purchase requisition Convert purchase requisition to purchase order Enter jobs Enter suborder task Release service order Cancel order SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. . Execute availability check (SAP ECC) 11. Cancel order (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.. Calculate pricing (SAP DBM) 10. Enter jobs (SAP DBM) 14. 1. Release service order (SAP DBM) 16. Create purchase requisition (SAP ECC) 12. Create activity (SAP DBM) 7.00 36 . Create and update activity tasks (SAP DBM) 8. Enter account assignment (SAP DBM) 6. Enter order header data (SAP DBM) 3. Enter service item (SAP DBM) 9. Check warranty (SAP DBM) 4. Convert purchase requisition to purchase order (SAP ECC) 13.. Enter suborder task (SAP DBM) 15. Find customer and vehicle (SAP DBM) 2. Check recall actions (SAP DBM) 5. for example they can add additional labors. Process Flow SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. you create a suborder for the tasks you want to transfer. the system settles the suborder invoice amount to the internal order of the main order. You use tasks to define the sequence for the service in the order. to another plant within your organization. The customer receives an invoice that documents all main and suborder items. The plant that handles the suborder. assign account assignment data to it and convert the purchase requisition to a purchase order to a supplier. you check the availability of the materials. and the parts required. Service items specify the service activities that must be performed. for example a paint job.00 37 . The plant that receives the suborder uses it exactly like a regular service order. If required. You create a purchase requisition. and transfers all item from the suborder to the main order. The system determines the price according to the price agreement between the suborder plant and main plant. you can correct the prices that the system automatically determines. Finally. You can create a job to group items that belong to the same service activity together. and post them from the warehouse so that they are ready for use. services or parts. which you can update manually. To do this. When the suborder plant invoices the suborder. can change the suborder order. and to create suborders for other plants within your organization.Processing Suborders Purpose You can use this business process to transfer services. 1. Check suborder items (SAP DBM) 3.. Execute availability check (SAP ECC) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Check suborder header data (SAP DBM) 2.SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Check suborder header data SAP ECC Check suborder items Enter service item Enter part item Calculate pricing Execute availability check Create purchase requisition Convert purchase requisition to purchase order Release suborder . Calculate pricing (SAP DBM) 6. Enter service item (SAP DBM) 4..00 38 . Enter part item (SAP DBM) 5. 7. Release suborder (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 39 . Create purchase requisition (SAP ECC) 8. Convert purchase requisition to purchase order (SAP ECC) 9. Process Flow SAP ECC SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Enter service confirmation Cancel service confirmation Register service order as technically complete Post goods issue Confirm time data . 1. Register service order as technically complete (SAP DBM) 5. Post goods issue (SAP ECC) 4.00 40 . If you want to make changes to an item that has already been confirmed. you must cancel the confirmation. Cancel service confirmation (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Confirm time data (SAP DBM) 3. you can register the service order as technically complete. Enter service confirmation (SAP DBM) 2.Confirming Services Purpose You can use this business process to confirm working times that have been executed and post the costs that have been incurred.. To document the completion of an entire order or job.. You confirm service activities on item level by posting all the expenses incurred to an internal order. You can create the invoice after you have successfully confirmed the items. Split order between several bill-to parties 2. You can assign each order item to several bill-to parties. Repair costs involve goodwill settlement. More than one cost object is involved in the settlement. Only a part of the total amount is billed. or for warranty cases. Enter warranty claim data 4. the data from the appropriate job. You can make the reimbursement of warranty claims dependent on the return of the damaged parts. Process Flow The following business process runs in SAP DBM: . on job and item level. Determine split pricing 3. Cases of accident repair may involve insurance or full service leasing companies. Check parts to be returned SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You can also use the order type Service Workshop together with a service order split. If you submit a warranty claim to a third party.Splitting Orders Purpose You can use this business process to distribute invoice amounts to one or more bill-to parties. 1. to each job in an order. You can process warranty and goodwill cases by using the order types Service Warranty and/or Service Goodwill. you sort the items that are relevant to the warranty case and copy them to a warranty claim.00 41 . you can perform a special split pricing. For example. sold-to party and warranty is copied to the warranty claim. you settle part of an order as a warranty case for which current manufacturer prices must be used. Process warranty claim 5. and one or more bill-to parties. You can base the distribution on amounts or percentages. The system automatically determines the appropriate bill-to party. The assignment of the invoice amounts takes place across different jobs. If different conditions apply to the different bill-to parties in the split... You can assign one or more order types. You can use this process in the following cases: A leasing company pays for a leasing vehicle Only part of a repair job was made to a vehicle. Damaged parts that have to be returned to the OEM are indicated as such by the system. In this case. You can create pro forma invoices at any time during service order processing... for each job.00 42 . If a service order is invoiced. Once the job is completed. and settles the invoiced amount and related costs to assigned internal order. Create pro forma invoice 2. You can also use collective invoicing for more than one service order. 1. After you create the invoice. you can create the final invoice. You can then print the invoice. Process Flow The following business process runs in SAP DBM: . You can cancel the billing documents to update the service order. the system sets the order status to complete. Print billing documents 4. You can create one invoice for an order. Create billing documents 3. The system creates the billing and accounting document. Settle order costs 5. Cancel billing documents SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.Billing Purpose You can use this business process to create a pro forma invoice. you cannot change any items in the job for this invoice. 00 43 . Create credit memo (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You create a returns order and reference it to the service order. 1. Process Flow SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Enter return order SAP ECC Post goods receipt for return Create credit memo . You then post the returned parts to the warehouse. You can either create a credit memo for the customer or deliver the replacement parts free of charge. for example if the customer returns parts after the invoice has been created.Processing Returns Purpose You can use this business process to handle a return. Enter return order (SAP DBM) 2.. Post goods receipt for return (SAP ECC) 3. The system copies the service order data and you choose the parts items that are to be returned.. . Process Flow The following business process runs in SAP DBM: . the system automatically informs the responsible person by workflow. Managers can track and monitor the status of activities and tasks. An activity is used to record information that results from interactions between your company and customers during the customer relationship life cycle You can predefine tasks such as Send Letter. Edit task 6. Monitor task list 9. Edit activity details 4. and Arrange Test Drive. Employees can call up their daily worklist to view new activities and tasks. Assign person responsible to task 7..Processing Activities Purpose You can use this business process to create and update activities. Create activity 3. Call for Customer Satisfaction. Tasks and activities can be assigned to different people. Update task 8. Schedule activity 5. Monitor activity SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. 1. Search activity 2.00 44 . through to statistical evaluation. Monitor task list 8. Add complaint details 4. Create complaint 3. customers. You can use complaints management in your company to represent the entire complaints process from recording a complaint. Process Flow The following business process runs in SAP DBM: .Processing Complaints Purpose You can use this business process to handle customer complaints within your sales and service organizations. Predefined damage codes make it easier for you to enter complaints. track. and process tasks relating to complaints. while giving you an option for evaluating products. the technical analysis and relevant tasks. You can use categorization to define your own catalogs with damage codes and reasons.00 45 . You can plan.. You can access these catalogs from the complaints transaction. Edit task 5. Search for DBM order 2.. Assign person responsible to task 6. task data. and reasons for complaints in an attempt to prevent further complaints by identifying the defect causes. Monitor complaint SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. 1. Update task 7. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction that a customer makes in relation to a service or product. such as assigning responsible employees. and priority. sap. You can check the customer’s credit limit and calculate pricing. Prerequisites Business Partner Service agent. Processing Parts Orders 3. The requirement for parts is triggered from various processes such as service orders. For more information. Processing Returns SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. The system posts the parts back to your inventory and creates a credit note. The system creates the invoice and debits the relevant debtor accounts. you can create a quotation for a customer. see: SAP for Automotive Master Guide on SAP Service Marketplace at service. You can print all the required delivery Scenario & Process Component List on SAP Service Marketplace at service. parts orders. Before selling a part. you can create a returns order. Processing Backorders 5. However.Parts Management Purpose You use this business scenario to handle parts management in DBM (Dealer Business Management). you can trigger the procurement process by creating a purchase requisition for a plant within your organization or for the vendor.00 46 . Processing Customers 2. If the parts are not available. and vehicle sales orders. Billing 6. only certain combinations are valid. The parts are added to the DBM order and consumed from inventory. Processing Payments 7. You can view a worklist of requested parts in the Parts Backorder Process Flow The business processes run as follows: 1. To reverse the sales transaction. Parts clerk SAP Application Component ECC DIMP 600 DBM 700 Configuration Use SAP Solution Manager You can implement this business scenario with different releases of the relevant application components. Purchasing Parts The parts are received and consumed by the order. Customer processing is particularly useful for sales representatives and sales managers who work only occasionally in the system to carry out preparatory and follow-up activities for their sales calls. but can also be companies and organizations. View customer fact sheet SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Search and display customer 2.00 47 . Process Flow The following business process takes place in Dealer Business Management: 1.Processing Customers Purpose You can use this business process to manage your customers and contacts. for example. fleet customers. View and edit credit limit 5. You can easily view and update important information about your customers. Customers can be individuals and groups that have a relationship with your company as consumers. View and edit customer details 4. Create and edit customer 3. resources. You can plan services with regard to how materials. When you create a parts order. If required.00 48 . First of all. you can create a new customer.Processing Parts Orders Purpose You can use this business process to document the agreement between your company and your customers with regard to delivering parts with a parts order. and print the appropriate documents. and settle at the end according to the costs and resources involved. personnel. The system checks the availability of the materials and posts them from the warehouse so that they are ready for use. and workshops are used. If this data does not exist in the system. you enter a customer identifier. You can enter the costs incurred. Process Flow SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You can monitor these components during order processing. you can correct the prices that the system automatically determines. you can check whether the customer has exceeded their credit limit You enter the materials requested by the customer in the order. Display customer (SAP DBM) 3. Find customer (SAP DBM) 2.SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SAP ECC Find customer Display customer Enter one-time customer Enter order header data Check credit limit Enter parts Execute availability check Execute pricing and goods movement Print order documents Cancel order ... 1. Enter order header data (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. Enter one-time customer (SAP DBM) 4.00 49 . Execute availability check (SAP ECC) 8.5. Execute pricing and goods movement (SAP DBM) 9. Print order documents (SAP DBM) 10. Check credit limit (SAP DBM) 6. Enter parts (SAP DBM) 7. Cancel order (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.00 50 . 00 51 . Create purchase requisition(PREQ) 2. In the DBM order.Purchasing Parts Purpose You can use this business process to trigger a procurement process from a DBM order. You convert the purchase requisition to a purchase order for the supplier. The supplier then delivers the materials. Process Flow The following business process runs in SAP DBM: . 1... You can trigger procurement for materials that are out of stock. Convert purchase requisition to purchase order 3. Perform goods receipt SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. the material availability check is done in real time. The system generates a purchase requisition in the background. You can also perform a goods movement from the worklist. For backorders. Perform goods movement (SAP ECC) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You can define a sort list to use with the backorder worklist.. Execute the backorder worklist (SAP DBM) 2. You use the Backorder Worklist to work with back orders. You can customize the worklist to suit your business requirements. or only partially unavailable. you can perform a goods movement for the parts in the worklist.. This process performs an availability check for the selected items on the worklist. Once the quantities for the order item are confirmed. Redistribute confirmed quantities (SAP DBM) 4. You can also redistribute the confirmed quantities for a part from one order to another order. These parts are considered backorders.Processing Backorders Purpose You can use this business process to monitor and process parts that are either unavailable. Process Flow SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Execute the backorder worklist SAP ECC Perform backorder for item(s) Redistribute confirmed quantities Perform goods movement . Perform backorder for item(s) (SAP DBM) 3. you can run a backorder process.00 52 . 1. Billing Purpose You can use this business process to create an invoice. Before you create the invoice. Print billing document SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. 1. You may have agreements in place that involve specific pricing conditions. Process Flow The following business process runs in SAP DBM: ..00 53 .. Create billing document 2. After you create the invoice. discounts and surcharges. you can enter prices for materials and service activities. you cannot change any items. You can then print the invoice. The invoice closes parts processing from a business point of view. you can select a DBM order that has an open invoice.Processing Payments Purpose You can use this business process to handle incoming payments for DBM orders. Process Flow The following business process runs in SAP DBM: .00 54 . Process incoming payment 2. if the customer is entitled to a cash discount. the system automatically calculates the amount of the cash discount as well as the total amount minus the cash discount amount. For example.. The payment is cleared in Financial Accounting as soon as you post the payment.. 1. In the Cash Desk transaction. You can use a customer identifier or a billing document number to access and clear open invoices and credit memos. The system also takes into account the current terms of payment. You can choose one or more invoices for the payment. Create billing document SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7. You can choose whether you want to print a receipt at the same time as you post the payment. . You can either create a credit memo for the customer or deliver the replacement parts free of charge. You then post the returned parts to the warehouse. 1. Enter return order (SAP DBM) 2. You create a returns order and reference it to the parts order. if the customer returns goods after the invoice has been created. Create credit memo (SAP DBM) SAP Dealer Business Management: Business Scenario Descriptions DBM 7.Processing Returns Purpose You can use this business process to handle a return. Process Flow SAP DEALER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SAP ECC Enter return order Post goods receipt for return Create credit memo .. for example. The system copies the parts order data and you choose the items that are to be returned. Post goods receipt for return (SAP ECC) 3.00 55 .
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