Dbfz Turkey Biogas Analyse en 2ATIFIM

March 23, 2018 | Author: Ergün Pehlivan | Category: World Energy Consumption, Renewable Energy, Energy Development, Water Resources, Biogas



Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in TurkeyThis project is part of the International Climate Initiative. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag. Imprint: Resource Efficient and Climate Friendly Use of Animal Waste through Biogas Production in Turkey Turkish-German Biogas Project Türk-Alman Biyogaz Projesi And Sokak No: 8/11 Cankaya, Ankara, Türkiye T +90 312 466 70 56 E [email protected] I www.biyogaz.web.tr Date: December 2011 Author: DBFZ - Deutsches BiomasseForschungsZentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Torgauer Straße 116, 04347 Leipzig Content Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1. 1.2. 2. 3. Background.............................................................................................................................. 6 Objective .................................................................................................................................. 6 Overview on biogas plants in Turkey............................................................................................... 7 Energy policy in Turkey ................................................................................................................... 9 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. 3.3.5. 3.3.6. Current energy situation ........................................................................................................ 11 Political Strategy .................................................................................................................... 15 Legal Framework ................................................................................................................... 17 Renewable Energy Law ..................................................................................................... 18 Waste Management Regulations ...................................................................................... 20 Fertilizer Regulations ......................................................................................................... 22 Animal Side Products Unused For Human Consumption Regulation ............................... 23 The Protection of Waters Against Pollution Caused by Nitrates ....................................... 23 Missing Regulations for Implementing Biogas .................................................................. 25 4. Biogas Potential Analysis .............................................................................................................. 27 4.1. 4.2. 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.2.4. 4.3. 4.3.1. 4.3.2. 4.3.3. 4.3.4. 4.3.5. 4.4. Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 27 Data collection / Data base .................................................................................................... 28 Livestock ............................................................................................................................ 28 Agricultural land ................................................................................................................. 29 Agro-Industry ..................................................................................................................... 29 Municipalities ..................................................................................................................... 29 Calculation of Biogas potential and results ........................................................................... 30 Livestock residues ............................................................................................................. 30 Agricultural residues .......................................................................................................... 41 Energy crops on fallow land .............................................................................................. 52 Agro-industrial residues ..................................................................................................... 53 Municipal waste ................................................................................................................. 68 Summary of Biogas Potential Analysis .................................................................................. 69 ...............................................................................................................4.......................................................... 80 Conclusions ........5...... 83 Literature.......... 4........................ 75 Biogas Potential studies .........2...........1........................................ 77 GAP Analysis ............... 91 Tables ....................5............... 6................................................. Other Biogas studies ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 95 ............................................ 76 Actors Analysis ............................................................. 86 Figures ..................................................................................................... 93 Appendix ....................................................................5....... 75 Comparison of the results ...... 5............................................................................ 4................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7....................................................... Abbreviations BP COD da DM DSI EBK ELD EMRA EPDK FM kWh MARA meq MFAL MMT MSW MT Mtoe OECD OME OMRS OMWW PJ RES t TJ TL TSWL TUBITAK TUIK TURKVET TUSEDAD VS Biogas Plant Chemical Oxygen Demand Decare Dry Matter Directorate General of State Hydraulic Works The Meat and Fish Institute European Landfill Directive Energy Market Regulatory Authority Energy Markets and the Regulatory Board Fresh Matter Kilowatt Hour Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Milliequivalents Ministry of Food. Agriculture and Livestock Million Metric Tons Municipal Solid Waste Million Tons Million Ton Oil Equivalent Organization of Economic Cooperation and Olive Mill Effluent Development Olive Mill Residual Solids Olive-Oil Mill Waste Water Peta Joule Renewable Energy Sources Ton Tera Joule Turkish Lira Turkish Solid Waste Law The Scientific and Technologic Research Council Turkish Statistical Centre of Turkey Veterinary Information System All Milk. Meat and Cattle Breeders´Association Volatile Solid Content . ) 6) GAP Analysis 7) Conclusions 6 . it is necessary to get a clear overview about the current situation.1. cattle breeding) and organic waste (e. the DBFZ worked out the biogas potential analyses of Turkey. should be included within the potential for the cultivation of energy crops for biogas production. The objectives of the assessment are the gross estimation of biogas potentials of different sectors (agricultural residues. The availability of surplus agricultural land currently not in use. Objective By the request of the GIZ. the aim is to identify biogas production capacity for a selected pilot site and establish a practical operating environment for the investors in the country. results) 4) Overview of other biogas studies (comparison of results. from the agro industry).g. Introduction 1. the regions with the highest biogas potentials are determined. The partner and beneficiary of the Project is the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation (MoEU). in the context of the International Climate Initiative (ICI). The project (2010-2014) is commissioned by the Federal Ministry for the Environment. The overall objective of the Turkish-German Biogas-Project of the GIZ namely “Resource-efficient and climate-friendly use of animal waste for biogas production in Turkey” is to develop a sustainable biogas production concept from agricultural residues (e. Within these regions attractive locations for pilot biogas plants in Turkey could be identified in the future. Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). in which such enterprises can operate competitively with German high quality and holistic biogas concept and technology. 1. animal residues. calculation. Moreover. existing knowledge.g. Following topics are part of this assessment: 1) Overview on biogas plants in Turkey (current situation) 2) Current legal framework 3) Biogas potential analysis (data. Background The Turkish-German Biogas-Project is an assistance project signed between the Turkish Republic and Federal Republic of Germany. biogas potentials studies) 5) Actors screening (Actors in the field of biogas. Therefore. agro-industrial residues) on a national and regional level as well as the gross calculation of the total national biogas potential and the distribution on the energy mix in Turkey. legal framework and potentials for biogas implementation in Turkey. introduce organic/natural fertilizer and as a result reduce carbon emissions. Finally.2. enforced by the GIZ within the scope of a Cooperation Agreement.Turkish-German Biogas Project 1. 99 14 12.99 4 3. The amount of biogas plants within the agricultural sector could not be defined exactly. However.16 222.98 12 34. An overview of the identified number of biogas plants according to the agricultural.70 17 13.03 22 125.94 3 2. crops) Food Industry (wastewater. municipal and industrial sector are represented in Figure 1: Features of biogas plants based on sectors. Overview on biogas plants in Turkey Turkey has 2. Table 1: Biogas plants based on sectors and status and their total installed capacity.76 23 85 61.68 2 3.Table 1 and Figure 1.16 111. Biogas Plants in operation Agriculture (animal waste.88 19 17.72 29 131.68 12 11. 2011).23 23 49 61. only 85 biogas facilities with 36 plants are currently in operation (Figure 2). organic waste) Municipality (landfill gas. wastewater) Municipality (landfill gas) Municipality (wastewater) Undefined Total 0 36 0 111. Most plants are within the municipal or industrial sector (Table 1) (landfill gas or waste water treatment plants) and are located in the western part of Turkey (esp.62 13 93.56 2 Capacity in operation [MW] 0. Istanbul.08 17 96.58 Biogas Plants in planning Capacity in planning [MW] Biogas Plants total Total Capacity [MW] The distribution of biogas plants in Turkey are illustrated in Figure 2 (plants in operation) and Figure 3 (plants in planning and operation). Kocaeli) (Figure 3).Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey 2. 7 .000 biogas plant potential only with animal manure (IEA Bioenergy Task 37.04 9 32.69 7 6. 9 13. Figure 2: Distribution of biogas plants in Turkey (number of plants in operation) 8 .7 Capacity in operation [MW] 34.Turkish-German Biogas Project Agriculture Food Industry Municipality 12 2 Biogas Plants in operation Biogas Plants in planning 2 Biogas Plants in operation 12 17 Biogas Plants in operation 17 Biogas Plants in planning Biogas Plants in planning 12.7 97.0 Capacity in operation [MW] Capacity in planning [MW] Capacity in planning [MW] Figure 1: Features of biogas plants based on sectors.0 0.6 Capacity in operation [MW] Capacity in planning [MW] 3. Turkey constitues a major energy market [60] and heavily depends on imported expensive energy sources [58]. many biogas plants are waiting for certificates from EPDK and only few of them is in operation. Municipalities are more interested in the planning of new biogas plants with high capacity ( Figure 1). Gaziantep. Energy policy in Turkey Energy demand of Turkey is increasing rapidly [58. Therefore. The produced biogas is only seperated from condensate and hydrogen sulphide to be utilised in gas engines. 60] due to the demographic and economic growth. gas. 3. granted a license takes around 150-180 days. pipeline) is still not clear.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Figure 3: Number of biogas plants in Turkey (status: in operation and in planning) In Turkey. examination and evaluation. air pollution). Istanbul and Kocaeli have higher numbers of biogas plant which is in operation (Figure 2). The situation of application regarding to grid connections (electricity. The air pollution and energy consumption are main topics that are in dicussion among the industries and regulatory agencies 9 . the main discussion about renewable energy resources is. 2011). RES can both meet Turkey´s energy demand with positive aspects for the economy and it can provide solutions for environmental problems which come from the intensive use of fossil fuels (e. the implementation of renewable energies sources (RES) is an efficient option for clean and sustainable energy development in Turkey [58].g. approval. In this regard. 59. there is still no biogas upgrading plant. Furthermore. Because. anaerobic digestion plant permitting which includes steps such as application. No legislation on digestate characteristics and utilization ways creates other barrier (IEA Bioenergy Task 37. Turkish Electricity Distribution Company TETTAS. there are non-ministerial organizations with responsibilities for various aspects of energy policy (Table 3). The main body responsible for energy policy in Turkey is the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. Turkish Pipeline Corporation TKI. State Planning Organization TUBITAK. Planning and Co-ordination Board Directorate General for Energy Affairs Directorate General of Mining Affairs Directorate General of Petroleum Affairs TEUAS. Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey Research. especially from the European Union. Turkish Electricity Transmission Company TEDAS. Besides. Directorate General of State Hydraulic Works TPAO. forces Turkey to improve its environmental and energy policies [58]. there are many state organizations working under the responsibility of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (Table 2). Data source: [57]. Table 2: Main state organizations having responsibility for planning Turkish energy policy.Turkish-German Biogas Project (EPDK and ministries) [58]. Moreover. However. Turkish Electricity Trading and Contractor Company DSI. Turkish Petroleum Company The Directorate of renewable Energy BOTAS. Turkish Electricity Generation Company TEIAS. Turkish Coal Enterprises Turkish Hard Coal Enterprises (TTK) Under the Responsibility of: Prime Minister Prime Minister Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources 10 . the international political pressure. Organization Name DPT. which makes Turkey a rapidly growing energy importer. Turkish Wind Energy Association. Different studies indicate that the most significant sources of RE in Turkey are wind. Data source: [57]. Current energy situation The country currently has considerable potential for RES. up to now there is no special agency which is responsible of only biomass respectively biogas in order to enforce the policy regarding this kind of energy source.2009 (Figure 4).Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Table 3: Non-Ministerial agencies with responsibilities for various aspects of energy policy. 3. IEC. [58]. Geo-thermal Energy Association However. International Solar Energy Society Turkish Section. Figure 4 shows Turkey´s increasing energy consumption between 2000 . Research Institute / TUBITAK Marmara Research Center Clean Energy Foundation. Although the use of RES in Turkey increased considerably it is still on a low level. solar and geothermal energy. currently. organizing meetings and courses) TSE.1. International Electro technical Commission Energy Systems & Environmental. the biogas association – a public association – in Turkey has currently no power on the energy policy. Although there are considerable biomass respectively biogas potentials in Turkey. 11 . Therefore. Regulation or Policy Category Energy policy and/or regulation Nuclear power Energy efficiency Energy standards R&D Renewable energy Involved Organization(s) Energy Market Regulatory Authority Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (state organization) TUBITAK MRC Energy Institute (state organization) Various universities (presenting reports. Turkish Standardization Institute. it is not in use. Turkey’s energy consumption had been growing faster than its own energy production. Energy is important for economic and social development and an improved quality of life in Turkey [30]. Moreover. a long term strategy for implementation of biogas policy and technology is missing. natural gas or fuel oil. Dependency on energy imports are over 70 % [8]. Turkey meets its own energy demand by the more than 80 % import of petroleum and natural gas. Turkey consumes three times more energy than the amount it could produce.6 TWh/year. natural gas and coal are the main energy sources of Turkey.271 TWh/year. Petroleum. The share of RES is 10.7 % in the primary energy demand (135.9 % related to the total energy consumption (87. According to data from the Ministry of Energy. Industry and Technology. Electricity is mostly produced by thermal power plants which consume coal. Data source: [22].Turkish-German Biogas Project Figure 4: Total Energy Consumption of Turkey between 2000 . lignite. Natural gas contributes 16. The main energy resources of Turkey are lignite. total energy consumption is 969. Use of home-grown resources could significantly reduce Turkey's need of fossil fuels and it could provide sustainable energy [25]. Industry and Technology. 12 . hydropower and biomass.2009. According to the Ministry of Energy.15 TWh/year). Geothermal energy and hydropower plants are other important sources in Turkey [47]. The share of RES contains mainly hydropower and geothermal heat (Table 4).75 TWh/year) and 8.8 % of energy consumption [41]. the total primary energy demand in Turkey for 2010 is 1. 13 2.3 321.9 39.3 6. Data source: [41].8 406 94 70.271.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Table 4: Primary energy demand and total energy consumption of Turkey.016.9 159.02 232.6 339. 13 .2 5.9 16.7 39.4 5. 51% privatized) domestic coal 48% 23% imported coal hydraulic Figure 5: Electricity production of Turkey based on sources. Other heat Sun Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.02 30. Data source: [41].6 93.94 51.9 180 178.6 1% 5% 17% liquid fuel RES and others 6% natural gas (49% governmental.05 Import Export Primary Energy Demand Total Energy Consumption TOTAL 1.1 1.13 0 30.8 6.7 0 0 0 425.8 163.3 12.55 0 0 0.3 405 0 0 0 0 84.7 0.4 13. TWh/year Fossil Fuels Coal Lignite Wood Animal and plant waste Petroleum Natural gas Renewables Hydropower Geothermal Biofuel Wind Geothermal heat.0 969. 2 TWh/year mainly based on convertion of more than 70 % of imported natural gas into electricity energy and gained from hydropower (Figure 5). Data source: [41. Electricity is mostly being consumed in housing and services and industry sectors [41. According to an scenarios regarding the future energy production/consumption of Turkey increasing energy consumption and production are being expected until 2020. 14 . Figure 6: Electricity consumption of Turkey on province level (KWh). Ankara and Bursa (Figure 6). 38]. 1% 3% agriculture housing and services 47% 49% industry transport Figure 7: Electricity consumption of Turkey based on different sectors. Izmit. Izmir. Data source: [33]. [43] (Table 5). 38] ( Figure 7). Electricity is mainly being consumed in the metropolitan areas of Istanbul.Turkish-German Biogas Project Electricity production today in Turkey is 211. 6 344.2 36.6 344.2 17.6 12.7 12.4 205.3 87.5 2282.6 29 9. 15 .6 132.7 35.5 2767.8 23.6 20.6 132.8 344.8 9.4 205.1 295. Data source: [43].5 9312.8 8.3 87.5 2157.7 141. hydropower) renewable energy sources are being promoted more than biomass [57.6 753.7 Energy Production PJ/year 2010 2015 2020 Energy Consumption PJ/year 2010 2015 2020 Regarding energy production in near future renewable energy sources are expected to increase in contribution.6 394. Source Fossil Fuels Bituminous Coal Lignite Asphaltite Petroleum Natural Gas Renewables Hydro electric Geothermal (heat + electricity) Wind Sun Wood Animal and plant waste Nuclear TOTAL 17.] Policy studies and programmes on Turkey´s renewable energy potentials and technologies often focus on hydropower and geothermical heat.2.7 213.7 38.7 38.3 0 5286.2 753.1 1341.1 128.1 128.6 44.9 1012.6 1724.8 344. Basic principles guiding national policy on renewable energies given in Table 6 demonstrate the fact that biogas respectively biomass is less focused than nonbiomass such as wind. nonbiomass (wind.6 43.3 1557.2 112.6 2111 1873.3 128.2 36.4 30. According to the scenario in which Turkey does not change the legal framework.7 141.3 128. The implementation of biomass utilization facilities which might contribute to the energy demand is often not part of political strategies.6 2550. solar and hydropower. at the end of 2020 Turkey still will be energy importing country.6 43.8 12.6 20.2 1341.9 25.3 0 1570.7 12.5 2016. Political Strategy While national policy on renewable energies is being formulated. 3.6 394.6 723.5 7124 30.8 12. This situation could be seen also in Turkey´s 2023 energy targets which are defined under the name of “Vision 2023” (the year 2023 is important due to 100 th year of founding of Turkish Republic).Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Table 5: Energy production/consumption scenario of Turkey in the near future. solar.6 65.7 205.8 213.5 1012.9 25.7 23.6 12.7 35.9 199.4 205.1 295. safe and economical development of advanced technologies in production. Produce efficient and environmentally-friendly technologies Compete in the international energy market. natural gas and coal exploration activities will be increased. The construction of the 3. Biomass gasification and gas cleaning Obtain energy from waste and waste management. some priorities regarding to energy were given. 16 . search for the desired quality. energy efficiency and provide 3. solar.5 tep energy consumption per capita. Data source: [57]. Guiding principles Ranking 0=non relevant 5=highly relevant Need for a substitution of traditional fossil fuels Development of a national concept promoting renewable energies Financial support in promoting renewable energies National focus more on promoting of renewable energies based on biomass (biogas. hydropower) Stimulation/support of the private sector Competitiveness of renewable energies with fossil energy National independence of fossil energy supplies 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 According to Energy vision 2023 of Turkey (TUBITAK). bioethanol) National focus more on promoting renewable energies based on nonbiomass (wind. The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (2010 – 2014) declared strategic targets regarding especially to energy demand security [12]:   Within the Plan period. These priorities could be summarized as below [13]:             Giving priority to national resources. biodiesel.500 MW coal-fired thermal power plants will be completed by the end of 2013. Search biomass energy technologies: Seed development and improvement of energy crops. Develop international energy technologies.Turkish-German Biogas Project Table 6: Basic principles guiding national policy on renewable energies. domestic oil. Increase 2001 electricity demand from 127 TWh level of to 480 TWh by the end of 2023. Take an active role in investments A 25 % increase in 80 Mtep level of 2001 total energy demand. increase the energy supply from 28 GW to 100 GW. Biogas systems in rural and urban applications. The main target regarding to renewable energy is to provide 30 % share of renewable energy level concerning the electricity production. aspects regarding to missing regulations and framework are summarized in chapter 3. Wind energy for 2009 will be increased from 802. According to Kacira et al. insufficient policy and market instruments (including available subsidies) regarding the environmental. At last. institutes and other stakeholders. domestic natural gas and petroleum production will be increased 2 times than the production in 2008. Difficulties encountered during planning. Geothermal energy for 2009 will be increased from 77. the completion of the privatizations in the electricity sector will be done. Lack of credit facilities. It is necessary to have long term policy strategies on national level with focusing more on promoting of renewable energies based on biomass (biogas. 17 . which requires a higher level of coordination and cooperation within and between institutions. Nevertheless there is a high biomass potential in Turkey.3. Until 2014. Lack of detailed biomass energy resource assessments and data banks pertaining to Turkey. legal and administrative framework for the exploitation of biomass in Turkey can be described as follows:  Establishment of structural and organizational responsibilities at the institutional level.8 MW to 10.          Lack of information about existing and possible future costs of biomass utilization. Legal Framework The following regulations give an overview about existing Turkish legal frameworks regarding to implementation of biogas in Turkey.000 MW will be completed by the end of 2013.6. project feasibility and project control activities. The need of public acceptance and willingness 3. Lack of technically experienced staff. 2. particularly for small-scale projects.3. Lack of participation of the private sector. Until 2015.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey        The construction of the hydroelectric power plants of 5. agricultural and energy sectors.1 million m³ natural gas storage capacity of 2009 will be doubled by the end of 2015 [32]. 2006 [26] the most important barriers in the institutional. Administrative and time-consuming obstacles for foreign investors.000 MW by the end of 2015.2 MW to 300 MW by the end of 2015. agencies. biodiesel. bioethanol) and not only on renewable energy. biomass. There are some resolutions introduced by the amendments  There is not one tariff for all RES as before (5. reduce greenhouse gas emissions. cost-beneficial and qualitative way. and develop the necessary manufacturing sector for realizing these objectives [26]. The amendments were officially announced in official Gazette on 8 January 2011. as well as to diversify energy resources. accepted for the advancement of the use of renewable energy sources in Turkey. Name of regulation Accept Date Last Amendment Date The Renewable Energy Law Animal Side Products Unused for Human Consumption Regulation The Protection of Waters Against Pollution Caused by Nitrates from Agrıcultural Sources The Solid Waste Control Regulation General Rules For The Regulatıon of Waste Management Environmental Law The Production. Importation and Placing on the Market of Agricultural Organic. Organomineral Fertilizers. The revised Law is the wide complex statute. This law has been revised by Law No.Turkish-German Biogas Project Table 7: The list of current regulations related to biogas. Renewable Energy Law The Renewable Energy Law No.1.3. Work out with the manufacture sector which should meet the requirements concerning protection of environment. Introduce these implementations by secure. assess waste products. reduce greenhouse gas emissions.5346 on Utilization of Renewable Energy Resources for the Purpose of Generating Electrical Energy was accepted at 10 May. Soil Regulators and Other Microbial Product with Enzyme Content Regulation 14 March 1991 05 July 2008 09 August 1983 04 June 2010 26 April 2004 05 April 2010 18 February 2004 10 May 2005 24 December 2011 08 January 2011 3. protect the environment. 2005.5 €cent). recalculate waste values. enhance source variety. geothermal energy 18 . 6094. solar. but different tariffs for wind. The main objectives of the law are to increase the use of renewable energy sources for generation of electrical energy (not for heat). The main aim is to:       Expand the deployment of renewable energy sources for electric power production sector. regarding to purchase amounts for the renewable energies. the size of plants is not taken into account [7].4 19 .   In law. Facilities Hydroelectric generation facility Wind power generation facility Geothermal energy generation facility Generation facility based on biomass Generation facility based on solar power feed-in Tariffs values in "Dollar cents" 7.3 13.3 The rates will be the same for a period of 10 years for generation license holders who have begun/will begin operations between 18 May 2005 and 31 December 2015.5 13.6 2. Feed-in Tariffs values are now defined in "Dollar cents" instead of "Euro cents" [27]. Table 8: Feed-in Tariffs of Renewable Energy Law in Turkey in Dollar cents based on facilities.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey   With the latest amendments landfill gases are considered as a part of RES as one of the subsidized non-fossil sources.  The Amendment provides that electricity suppliers (as defined by Electricity Market Law No. Incentives (US dollar cents per kWh) which will be applied for the use of mechanical and/or electromechanical components manufactured in Turkey are listed in Table 9.4 0.8 0. 4628) must pay into a pool that is managed by the Market Financial Settlement Centre. Components Fluidized bed steam boilers Liquid or gas bed steam boilers Gasification and gas cleaning group Steam or gas turbines Internal combustion engines or sterling motors Generator and power electronics Cogeneration systems İncentives (US dollar cents per kWh) 0. For the facilities that will start operations after 31 December 2015.  The Amendments additionally incentivize the use of mechanical and/or electromechanical components manufactured in Turkey.9 0.3 7. new rates will be specified by the Council of Ministers under the stipulation that they will not exceed the above-mentioned rates. This mechanism will better facilitate the collection of revenues by the producers. The new derived incentives are shown in Table 8. Table 9: Incentives (US dollar cents per kWh) which will be applied for the use of mechanical and/or electromechanical components manufactured in Turkey.5 0.3 10. Energy producers holding a renewable energy generation license and wishing to benefit from the RES Support Mechanism must apply to the Energy Market Regulatory Authority by 31 October of the year. The pool will guarantee the purchase of that generator's electricity by the suppliers.0 0. 000 kWh.  Legal persons who are licensed to generate electricity energy based on RES can set up additional capacity provided that o o They remain within the scope (e.3. Fires and subsidence at dumpsites are also common. Waste is generally dumped close to where it is produced.  The independent consumer limit has been decreased to 30.000 kWh by EMRA’s decision dated 26 January 2011.  Generators based on RES whose installed capacity do not exceed 500 kWh as stated under Electricity Market Law No. irrespective of the environmental consequences. rights of easement and usage permit costs during the first 10 years of their investment and operation. The limit applied in 2010 was 100. Uncontrolled land dumping of waste without any form of pre-treatment in order to reduce their harmfulness is the dominant form of disposal for all types of waste in Turkey. General rules on Waste Management Regulation were announced in official gazette dated on 05/07/2008. 3. Waste Management Regulations In Turkey. 4628 can benefit from the aforesaid price incentives for portions of energy that exceed their personal use and are released into the energy distribution system. Only a few dumpsites meet the basic requirements of modern landfilling in Turkey [45]. and waste is dumped in a disorganized manner with no compaction or capping after dumping and no restoration or aftercare of the site after tipping operations are completed. the list of all consumers whose electricity consumption exceeds the independent consumer limit shall be published on the web sites of distribution companies. area) set out in their license. with odor and with harmful smoke from burning waste.  The establishment of electricity generation facilities based on RES may be permitted in environmentally sensitive areas. leases. Most sites are largely unsupervised without a filling plan. dispose. The sites are seldom fenced giving access to domestic animals. Major problems have been found regarding the contamination of aquifers with toxic leachate.g.2. most of the landfills are uncontrolled sites where urban and industrial waste are being dumped together. Regulations related to biowaste are not included. stipulating that until all consumers become independent consumers.Turkish-German Biogas Project  Generation facilities which become operative till 31 December 2015 will continue to benefit from 85 % discount for power transmission line permits. The aim of the regulation is to prevent harmful effects of the waste from their production till their disposal. subject to the affirmation of the relevant Ministry or regional conservation committee. and The powers released to the system at the time of operations do not exceed the installed capacity specified in their license. Polluting the environment is forbidden. According to this law:   All the ministries and civil organizations should work together in order to decrease. recycle and recover the waste. 20 .  Electricity Market Independent Consumer Regulation was amended on 8 February 2011. If the facility cannot get approval. since in Turkey waste and residues from farming process (animal manure and crop residues) are mostly being directly burnt. According to the legal definition. Ministry could decide to apply electricity discount to the facility which decides to operate its own waste water treatment system. According to Environmental Law. Aim of the regulation is to prevent the direct or indirect expose of the waste to environment. If recovery is not possible. receiving to environment. storage. violation of relevant regulations. municipalities are responsible for the collection. The waste management in Turkey has 21 . recycling and disposal of the solid waste.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey  If there is a waste production possibility for one facility. industries. Facilities are responsible to keep their odor emissions at the allowed concentrations. disposal should be done based on relevant laws. transport. remove. The manifesto regarding the recovery of unhazardous waste was announced in 27967 numbered official gazette dated on 17th of June 2011. which causes high air pollution. Last amendment of solid waste control regulation was accepted on 05/04/2010. In the Environmental law. Odor emissions from the bovine and poultry animals manure are regulated under the Industrial Air Pollution Control Regulation which was announced in the official gazette dated on 3/7/2009. Facility that causes pollution is responsible for recleaning. However. in this regulation waste comeing from anaerobic treatment is not included. However. Therefore in 1991. Combustion of the manure is forbidden. There is no specific target set for the reduction in biodegradable municipal waste going to landfills [45]. and disposal of the solid waste [44]. The aim of the regulation is to decrease the negative effect of the unhazardous waste that is being produced from production process. store. there was a law that included bio waste which was called Principles and Implementation of Organic Agriculture. In general. it can be said that lack of national. the Solid Waste Control Regulation (TSWL: Turkish solid waste law) was published in order to organize the collection. This regulation suggest compost or combustion of the waste for the disposal way. transportation. management of the waste. that facility should prepare a report about environmental impact assessment. and similar activities related to all kinds of waste and residues which could result in the detriment of the environment are prohibited. The waste come from farming process is needed to be regulated if it is intended to use as fuel. regional and local waste management plans had led to decline in the amounts of municipal waste recycled in Turkey. parks. According to this legislation. move. Municipal solid waste generally consists of waste generated from residential to commercial areas. and streets [44]. it cannot start to operate. This means there exists no regulation concerning management of digestate and digestate cannot be used as fertilizer.      All the facilities must recover their waste according to the laws. there was no consensus on the best option for municipal solid waste management. municipal solid waste includes all the waste arising from human activities that are normally solid and discarded as useless or unwanted. standards and methods determined directly and indirectly. there is no mentality to use the liquid manure as a fertilizer in the agriculture. Moreover. 3. Importation and Placing on the Market of Agricultural Organic. Therefore a national waste management strategy is important. there was a law including management of animal waste which was called Principles and Implementation of Organic Agriculture. It was indicated that total organic fertilizer amount must not exceed 170 kg/N/ha/year for organic herbal production. heavy metals and microorganisms as shown in Appendix 2. it is necessary to have a sustainable manure management in order to be able to close the nutrient cycle. According to the sighted EU membership of Turkey. Unfortunately. reduction targets for the biodegradable waste amount going to landfills should be launched also in the Turkish solid waste law. liquid manure is not being used as fertilizer and the current utilization/storage of liquid manure causes significant environmental problems. Therefore. this regulation only defines. Fertilizer Regulations In Turkey.3. In some cases the solid manure is used as fertilizer. Within this regulation some limitations are put regarding directly. control and enforcement mechanisms. administrative structures and inefficient implementation. the current regulation is not suitable for the digestate that comes from biogas plants. Storage area of animal manure must have some parameters preventing the soil and water contamination through flow and leakage. Regulation regarding the Production. Article 5 (waste and treatment not acceptable in landfills) of the Europen Landfill Directive implies that a national strategy for the implementation of the reduction of biodegradable waste going to landfills should be set-up and there should be a reduction in the amount of biodegradable MSW disposed at landfills. Up to now there are no regulations for handling or storage liquid fertilizer. Soil Regulators and Other Microbial Product with Enzyme Content was officially announced in official Gazette with the number of 27601 on 4 June 2010. Unfortunately. Therefore. however it is mostly dumped on empty areas or burnt for heating in especially small villages. This law has an effect on the direct use of chicken manure and any other type of potential manure that could be used as fertilizer.Turkish-German Biogas Project suffered from negligence of waste management issues resulting in a weak legislative base. However. Animal waste management is somehow excluded from any type of regulation. Regarding the solid manure management the organic agriculture regulation (2004) could be applied to until it was revoked in 2004. If the manure fullfills the limitations it can be used as fertilizer 22 . Organomineral Fertilizers. potential for anaerobic digestion was not investigated up to now [45]. it can be said that there is a lack of animal waste management in the legal framework. Furthermore. liquid manure is often discharged into water environment – currently. Regarding ELD. In general.3. whether or how animal waste could be used in organic agriculture and it does not establish any control ways for animal waste in general. the Europen Landfill Directive (ELD) could be a guideline for the improvement of Turkish waste management. Therefore the responsibilities must be defined and strategy of minimizing the amount of biodegradable waste going to landfills must be declared and measures to achieve targets should be included. the storage of digestate is not included in this regulation either. They are intended to be used in biogas and composting businesses. individuals which are engaged with these jobs.3. 3. This regulation will be implemented on 13/06/2013. The raw materials used in the manufacture of animal origin products which is produced for human consumption.    Their arrival is from transports engaged in international transportation. Facilities should adapt their conditions till 13/12/2014. processing. Forestry. Digestive residues that arise during the conversion of biogas and compost may be offered to the market as organic fertilizer and soil enhancer. Export of animal side products and their derived products for biogas or compost purposes to countries which are not the member of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is prohibited. pressure sterilization. They are intended to be used in animal nutrition. import. or any of the methods specified in Article 10. Animal Side Products Unused For Human Consumption Regulation The regulation was officially announced in official Gazette with the number of 28152 on 24 December 2011. use. Energy and 23 .      They should be obtained from the category two and three materials. required marking should be done. organizations and businesses. When it is required. collection. Agriculture and Livestock. Regarding the supply and use of animal side products and their derivatives as organic fertilizer and soil enhancer on the market. The regulation covers:  The identification. the Ministry sets limits on the use of organic fertilizers and soil enhancer. Culture. public and animal health. in order to prevent the use of organic fertilizers and soil enhancers for nutritional purposes.5. Public Works. but decide not to use for human consumption by the operator. The provision of this regulation is being executed by the Ministry of Food.   When.3. They should come from approved or registered business and facilities. destruction. Food waste. export and transit of animal side products unused for human consumption and the institutions. The purpose of this regulation is to derivative and determine the procedures and principles of animal side products which are not offered for human consumption in order to prevent or minimize the risks of food and feed safety. storage.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey 3. transportation. The Protection of Waters Against Pollution Caused by Nitrates There are many central or local institutions and organizations authorized in water resources utilization and preservation such as the Ministries of Environment.4. classification. market placement. As a result of a high number of related bodies and relevant laws and regulations. frozen or snow covered ground. The conditions for land application of fertilizer near water courses. Ministry of Environment and Forest. water resource utilization rights are significantly complex in Turkey. either by filtering or carrying. on 08/06/2010 Soil Pollution Control and Point Source Contaminated Fields Regulation was announced in the official gazette. control and protect ground waters. flooded. and Agriculture. The fundamentals of good agricultural practices shall include following:     Periods when the land application of fertiliser is inappropriate. Ministry of Health and Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources determine following:   All surface and ground waters used or could be used in the future as drinking water which contain nitrate over 50 mg/l. Whether natural fresh water lakes. Over fertilizing is forbidden and controls are realized regularly. All the waste should get permission paper. The land application of fertiliser to steeply sloping ground. Vulnerable zones were determined in two years after the publication of this regulation and in subsequent periods. It covers the related technical and administrative bases to determine. Later. The regulation on The Protection of Waters Against Pollution Caused by Nitrates from Agrıcultural Sources was officially announced in official Gazette with the number of 25377 on 18 February 2004. Electrical Works Research Administration). to ensure general protection level in all the waters against pollution. The land application of fertiliser to water-saturated.Turkish-German Biogas Project Natural Resources (General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. bays. and also whether these waters could be eutrophic. Vulnerable zones are reviewed at least every four years. Any type of waste that could contaminate the soil is forbidden to be given directly to the soil or cannot be stored within the methods that are not described in the environmental law. Regarding the pollution determination. Last amendment of water pollution control regulation was announced in the official gazette on 13/12/2008. coastal waters and sea waters are eutrophic. The aim of the regulation is to protect water from contamination with sustainable development targets. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. This regulation aims to prevent soil from contamination and find out the potential contaminants. other fresh water resources. 24 . in the waters specified in the article 5 of this regulation will be determined as vulnerable zones. There is not a single wide-scoped water law in Turkey. In two years after the publication of this regulation. good agricultural practices fundamentals shall be developed by related institutions under the coordination of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. surface waters and soil caused by nitrogen and nitrogen compounds. considering physical and environmental features of water and soil and the quantities of nitrogen compounds in water and soil. all the areas which cause pollution. The establishment of fertilizer plans on a farm-by-farm basis and the keeping of regular records on fertilizer use. The capacity must exceed that required for storage throughout the longest period during which land application in the vulnerable zone is prohibited. Missing Regulations for Implementing Biogas Regarding the implementation of biogas in Turkey. of both chemical fertilizer and livestock manure. land use. The capacity of storage vessels for livestock manure shall be determined.     Land use management. Action programmes shall be implemented within four years of their establishment and shall consist of the following measures:    Fertilizer and periods when the land application of fertilizer shall be designated.6. climatic conditions and specific agricultural activities to be implemented.  procedures for the land application. crop rotation systems. except where it can be demonstrated to the competent authority that any quantity of manure in excess of the storage capacity will be disposed of in a way that will not cause harm to the environment. The prevention of water pollution from run-off and the downward water movement beyond the reach of crop roots in irrigation systems. following framework is necessary: 25 .Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey  The capacity and construction of storage vessels for livestock manures.  The land application of fertilizers shall be limited as to consistent with the definition of good agricultural practice. The amount of livestock manure for vulnerable zones shall be determined by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Biogas can be an option to solve the problem by using the manure in combination with a good ferzilizer management. available agricultural practices. rainfall.  The amount of nitrogen supply from soil to the crops shall be designated corresponding to: o o o the amount of nitrogen present in the soil at the moment when the crop starts to use it. that will maintain nutrient losses to water at an acceptable level. Programs shall be developed in required areas to train and inform farmers and to promote the implementation of good agricultural practices. the supply of nitrogen compounds from fertilizers. with respect to region. soil conditions. irrigation. including rate and uniformity of spreading.3. soil. including the use of crop rotation systems and the proportion of the land area devoted to permanent crops relative to annual tillage crops. including measures to prevent water pollution by run-off and seepage into the ground water and surface water of liquids containing livestock manures and effluents from stored plant materials such as silage. The maintenance of a minimum quantity of vegetation cover during rainy periods that will take up the nitrogen from the soil that could otherwise cause nitrate pollution of water. the level of the supply of nitrogen through the mineralization of the reserves of organic nitrogen in the soil. and to be based on a balance between the foreseeable nitrogen supply to the crops from the soil and from fertilization. 3. Following issues should also be considered in the TSWL in addition to improvements suggested for a pre-requisite to the implementation of the ELD and establishment of the necessary framework within which waste are managed [45]:          Define the basic concepts such as waste and the list of waste. introduction of periodic inspections of waste management installations. New fund for the use of financial assurance of closure and post-closure mechanism should be set up. etc. obligation of waste management installations and undertaking to keep records of relevant information on waste Finally a biogas roadmap and creation of policy are needed for a national biogas programme and a long term national strategy. The plan should emphasize the need to close and remediate the most highly polluting disposal sites and improve the standard of management and operation of the better existing sites. Closure and post-closure conditions should be added in to the TSWL (Turkish solid waste law). the strategic action plan which focuses on identifying measures to strengthen waste management institutions in order to develop human resources and to improve management and planning aspects should be created.Turkish-German Biogas Project - manure management regulation energy targets regarding the biogas within an energy action plan favourable feed in tariffs (FiT) for biogas biowaste management with targets and/or with given utilization pathways According to Taseli (2007). from commercial activities. registeration of businesses which collect or transport waste. In order to reduce dependence on landfill. through incineration (Taseli. i. recovery of energy from waste.e. 26 . increase in re-use. regional and local waste management plans. Turkish Waste Strategy should set out the following recommendations for action [45]:    efforts to reduce waste. The lack of periodicity in TURKSTAT studies is the biggest problem in obtaining reliable solid waste data in Turkey. where waste cannot be recycled. recycling and composting. 2007). small businesses. It is not possible to set realistic targets or monitor progress without these data. Determine the hierarchy of waste management measures. There should be general guidelines for the municipalities on how to collect data on household and municipal waste (average quantities per capita and average composition of waste from households) and on municipal waste from sources other than household. establishment of a permitting or registration system for establishments that carry out waste disposal or recovery operations. Creation of national. offices. Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey 4. Biogas Potential Analysis 4.1. Methodology There are different definitions of biogas potentials: theoretical, technical, economic and realisable potentials which are described below:  Theoretical potential: The theoretical potential refers to a theoretical limit of the available energy supply from biomass meaning all phytomass and zoomass in a defined area.  Technical potential: The technical potential means the part of the present biomass (theoretical potential) that can be used given current technical possibilities as well as structural and ecological restrictions.  Economic potential :The economic potential refers to the fraction of the technical potential that can be used economically in the context of the economic framework (development of conventional energy systems, prices of energy sources).  Realisable potential: The realisable potential depicts the expected current use of bioenergy. Figure 8: Kind of biomass potential Within the study the theoretical and technical biogas potentials were determined. Regions with high biogas potential were identified by summarizing the most important substrates for biogas production in Turkey. Nevertheless, further analysis of current utilization pathways with prices of organic residues as well as the current local situation (e.g. demand of energy, actors, financial situation) are necessary in order to get detailled information for realizing local biogas facilities. According to the availability of statistical data the biogas potential of Turkey was determined on national, province and district level. The biogas calculation on province and district level based on different statistical data (kind and number of animals, number of facilities, crops cultivation) focus on:   Livestock (manure from cattle, manure from poultry differed to broiler and laying chicken) and Agricultural byproducts (straw of cultivation of cereals, tomato waste, sugar beet leaf). 27 Turkish-German Biogas Project On national level suitable agro-industrial residues from food industry, slaughterhouses, fruits and vegetables production (e.g. meat residues, cheese waste water, press cake of sugar beet and olive production, pomace of juice production, draff of bioethanol production) as well as the biogas potentials of municipal solid waste were analyzed and calculated. Moreover the availability of surplus agricultural land currently not in use, were analyzed for the biogas production (energy crops). Therefore a gross calculation of energy crops on fallow land were calculated. For the calculation of biogas potential of each kind of substrates following data are of great importance:       Kind of substrates Amount per year Dry matter (DM) and organic dry Matter (oDM) content of substrates Biogas yield and methane content to calculate the amount of biogas resp. methane Seasonal availability of biomass Actual use, handling of substrate/ residues Based on the amount of substrates combined with the biogas parameter (biogas yield, methane content) the amount of methane was calculated and transfered to kWh (heating value of methane ~ 9.97 kWh/m3). The unit of biogas potential is given in TJ or PJ (1 TWh = 3.6 PJ). 4.2. Data collection / Data base In order to analyse biogas potential of Turkey, data were obtained from statistical data base of the ministries, municipalities reports as well as associations. Data on district level were used from TUIK (Turkish Statistical Centre), TURKVET (Veterinary Information System) and associations such as cattle breeders association and egg producer association. The date base for the analysis is described below. 4.2.1. Livestock The Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) is the government agency responsible for publishing livestock data. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs collects data from their provincial and county level organizations and sends it to TUIK for evaluation and publication. The reliability of livestock statistics is doubtful. Cattle population tagging was done in Turkey, however due to a support system which is based on payments per head, some farmers fail to notify slaughter of cattle to the system. Consequently, at the moment official cattle population numbers are overstated. Regarding the livestock data, mainly TUIK, 2010 data was used. In some cases municipalities yearly reports and TURKVET 2011 data were used especially for comparing with TUIK 2010 data. Another data for compilation was provided by cattle breeders and egg producer associations regarding to the kind and number of animals. For broiler and laying hen information, data 2011 on district level was collected from egg producers association. Data regarding broiler on province level was taken from broiler breeders association. 28 Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey İnformation regarding to kind of animal husbandry systems in Turkey and options for collection of manure were collected by interviewing agricultural actors and experts. 4.2.2. Agricultural land Agricultural data regarding the agricultural land uitlization, kind and amount of crops, hectare yields, size of the facilities, number of parcels was taken from TUIK, 2010. Specific data regarding to some cities was obtained from municipalities. Tomato, olive, sugarbeets, cereals were considered as high biogas potential due to their high biomass yields in Turkey. 4.2.3. Agro-Industry For the distribution of agro-industrial residues a survey for the food industry was implemented, however, no answers were obtained. The prepaired questionnary (in English and Turkish) for food industry can be found in (Appendix 20 and Appendix 19). For the survey especially sectors of organic residues of food industry for biogas production which are written below were considered:             Meat production: e.g. slaughterhouse residues, meat and bone meal, blood, grease separator/ fat separator Sugar industry: e.g. press cake of sugar beet, molasses, Brewery, distillery: e.g. brewer grains, draff, yeast Starch industry: e.g. waste water, Fruit production and processing: e.g. pomace of oranges, apples, bananas, Vegetable production and processing: e.g. olive press cake, potato peels, peas, tomatoes, pulses, maize Creamery: Grease separator/ fat separator, waste water Cheese Dairy Bakery: e.g. old bread Beverage industry Fish processing Canning / frozen foods production: food condemned to be unfit for consumption For the calculation of national biogas potential especially dairy, meat, slaughter house, sugar, olive and wine sectors were considered, since they are major industries in Turkey. Agro industry facilities, address of the facilities, their products and capacities were taken from ministry of industry and technology. According to this kind of data, all sectors were examined in detail. 4.2.4. Municipalities Data regarding the municipal solid waste such as disposal ways, number of municipalities and amount of waste is based on TUIK, 2008 [38]. 29 The number of bovine animal is 11. The most common utilization of manure in Turkey is land spreading. long grazing days of the animals difficult o the use of manure due to unpossible collection. it is mostly collected in the manure pits in the barn. they present a danger to public health and the environment. Most of the farms do not have properly designed structures or units to store and process manures from animal barns or existing structures are not sufficient. In Turkey. Mostly these trenches are permeable which causes ground water pollution. Small farms with few amount of animals which is called backyard farming are the typical characteristic of the eastern part. Another way for disposal of waste is directly discharging into the closest water environment. Regarding the collection of manure. since animals are already placed in a barn system without grazing days. problems regarding the animal residues start with the collection of the same. Low-yielding domestic breeds are grazed on pastures and meadows. Calculation of Biogas potential and results 4.1. In Turkey.827 in 2010 according to TUIK data base (Table 10). There has been a rapid increase in the number of integrated animal farms and farm sizes for the last two decades due to the development in agriculture in Turkey. Whilst broiler breeding is mostly developed especially in the western part and north eastern part of Anatolia. The small-scale livestock sector is characterized by high production costs and low yields. poultry breeding (broiler and laying hen) is mostly developed in western part of Turkey. In the eastern part. especially from outside the traditional livestock business [18]. Because of insufficient or uncontrolled handling and disposal. and environmental health problems [4]. due to pebble containing structure of the broiler bedding system. Livestock residues There are many small-scale farms in the livestock sector. This diluted waste needs to be stored temporarily in an outside manure storage trench. Cattle populations are mostly spreaded within Turkey. Poultry breeding waste is characterized by high total solids and organic content. Manure is usually considered as waste material and farmers seek empty areas for dumping.518. large ruminants represent 60 % and poultry 33 % of total livestock. 30 .3. then flushed outside of the barn together with the water. appearance of pollution. NH4-N concentration and pathogens. There is great interest in investing in the livestock sector. Regarding this problem the western part of Turkey is more valuable. water pollution.3. In the eastern part of Turkey livestock is the main source of livelihood. They cause environmental problems including odors. However. Western part of Turkey is characterised by mostly bigger farms than eastern part.Turkish-German Biogas Project 4. collected manure could possibly cause problems in the biogas plant equipments. According to the data obtained from the Broiler Breeders Association. laying hen breeding is spreaded within whole Turkey. 37 0.406.633.119 1.678 4. Data source: [36].041 2010 85.354.468.694.267 4.295.725 70.197 2007 84.12 100.477.22 11.51 0.984.915.730.691 6.230.88 10.818 3.207 3.554.583 4.723.725 205.518.45 6.250 3.675.405.998 2006 100.121.942.647 2009 87.254 1.21 71.224.00 0.730.699 29.350 2008 86.267 4.710 180.440 60. Years buffalo cattle culture cattle cross breed cattle domestic broiler laying hen turkey geese duck 2005 104.529 48.485 257.705 3.697.941 830.318 1. Kind of animals Bovine Cattle Culture Cattle cross breed Cattle domestic Buffalo Ruminants Sheep Goat Others Camel Pig Horse Donkey Mule TOTAL Number of animals 11.585 4.159 64.286.461 2.170 715.360 58.957 4.594.275.454.965 2.349 944.887 470.022.870 Distribution of number of animals in total ( %) 27.922 3.922 2.827 4.23 1. Data source: [36].465.409 3.939 85.226.818 4.082.537.275.829 2.233 417.771.158 2.558 63.382 924 23.293.516 2.939 163.3180.103 1.850.500.076 41.477.485 3.407 1.383 2.01 0.364.11 55.334 163.88 15.349 286.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Table 10: Distribution of the number of animals depending on large animal races.581 656.558 154.660 2.731 412.00 Table 11: Changes in the number of animals depending on races between 2005-2010.755.851 31 .081 525.089.711 481.723 2.00 0.066.674 3.297 3.933.942 66.699 4.555 396.062.00 0.221.702 211.224.698. 000.5-1 years Cattle 1-2 years Cattle >2 years Poultry animal unit (GVE) per animal 0.000. Data source: [63] Kind of animal young Cattle < 0. There was a big amount of decrease in broiler population.000 250. During the last five years almost a 15 % decrease in buffalo population was observed (Table 11).004 32 .000.000 buffalo cattle culture cattle cross breed cattle domestic Number of animals 300.000 0 2005 2006 2007 Years 2008 2009 2010 broiler laying hen Figure 9: Development – Number of Cattles and Poultry in Turkey (2005 .000.000. cattle domestic population decreased.000 4.000 200.2010). Table 12: Calculation of animal unit from number of animals. For the calculation of manure for biogas facilities just the cattles (without buffalo) and the poultry (broiler chicken and laying hen) were taken into account.000.Turkish-German Biogas Project Number of animals 5. use of animal unit is important due to existence of different kind and age of animals. however laying hen population increased (Figure 9).000.000 1 0. When the animal potential of a district is being calculated.000.000 50.000 150. Different amounts of manure could be obtained from different kind of animals mainly based on size and diet of animals which creates the need to use “animal units” in calculations.000.000 3. Data source: [36].3 0. Whilst cattle culture population increased.000 1.000 100. The amount of manure from other animals is with less importance or impossible to collect.000 0 350.000. Figure 10: Livestock: cattle without buffalo potential of Turkey on district level by animal unit (Data source: [35]. the potential in the Balikesir. Poultry (broiler chicken and laying hen) mostly has higher potential in the western part (Figure 11). it could be seen that. Sakarya. Corum is higher than in the other provinces (Figure 12 and Figure 13). Izmir. Especially when broiler potential is considered alone.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey When the animal unit is considered for cattle races. Manisa. 33 . However. north eastern part of Turkey has high potential (Figure 10). the cattle potential is spreaded among the country. Turkish-German Biogas Project Figure 11: Livestock: poultry (broiler chicken and laying hen) potential of Turkey on district level by animal unit. Data source: [36]. Figure 12: Livestock: broiler potential of Turkey on district level by animal unit. Data source: [36]. 34 Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Figure 13: Livestock: laying hen potential of Turkey on district level by animal unit. Data source: [36]. Assumptions for biogas potential calculation of animal manure from bovine and poultry were done according to the information from Yaldiz 2011, Ekinci et al. 2010 and Tubitak. Theoretical biogas potential is calculated without grazing days and other utilization pathways. Table 13: Regions of western part of Turkey. Data source: [14]. Western part of Turkey Marmara Region Istanbul Tekirdag Edirne Kirklareli Balikesir Canakkale Bursa Eskisehir Bilecik Kocaeli Sakarya Düzce Bolu Yalova Izmir Aydin Denizli Mugla Manisa Afyon Kütahya Usak Ankara Konya Karaman Antalya Isparta Burdur Adana Mersin Hatay Kahramanmaras Osmaniye Kirikkale Aksaray Nigde Nevsehir Kirsehir Kayseri Sivas Yozgat Zonguldak Karabük Bartin Kastamonu Cankiri Sinop Samsun Tokat Corum Amasya Aegean West Anatolia Mediterranean Mid Anatolia West Black Sea 35 Turkish-German Biogas Project Table 14: Regions of eastern part of Turkey. Data source: [14]. Eastern part of Turkey East Black Sea Trabzon Ordu Giresun Rize Artvin Gümüshane North East Anatolia Erzurum Erzincan Bayburt Agri Kars Igdir Ardahan Middle East Anatolia Malatya Elazig Bingöl Tunceli Van Mus Bitlis Hakkari South East Anatolia Gaziantep Adiyaman Kilis Sanliurfa Diyarbakir Mardin Batman Sirnak Siirt Regarding the calculation of the technical biogas potential western and eastern part of Turkey considered differently (Table 13 and Table 14). Western part of Turkey is characterized by mostly bigger farms than in the eastern part. Animals are already placed in a barn system without grazing days. In comparison to the western part of Turkey, cattles in the eastern part is grazing outside; therefore the manure could not be collected for biogas production during the whole year. Following assumption were used for the calculation of the theoretical biogas potential:    Bovine in the western part: manure is 100 % available Bovine in the eastern part: manure is 30 % available Poultry: 100 % is available According to the technical biogas potential it is assumed that just 50 % of the available manure of bovine are collectable but 99 % of poultry manure according to data from Ekinci et al. 2010, Kulcu 2007, Ekinci 2011 (Table 15). That means 50 % of cattle manure is estimated as usable in the western part; 15 % in the eastern part of Turkey (conservative approach). Table 15: Ratios of collectable animal manure based on kind of animal. Data Source: [1, 4]. Type of animal Dairy cattle Beef cattle Broiler chicken Laying chicken ratio of collectable animal manure 0.5 0.5 0.99 0.99 36 5 13.024 0.35 0.2 0.1 0.066 0.2 0.0116 Bovine (pupil) 9.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Moreover.07 0. (2010) [14].5 77.19 20 0.7 14.8 0. In Figure 14 and Figure 15 the distribution of technical biogas potential on district level that can be expected from broiler chicken manure and laying chicken manure is presented.2 80.75 0.00011 Assumptions for the amount of manure per animal/day as well as methane yields were used according to data from Ekinci et al.35 0.5 77.2 0. Different manure features were accepted for bovine pupil and bovine adult (Table 16) as well as for poultry manure based on broiler chicken and laying hen (Table 17).4 14. Features kg manure/ animal *day Volatile solid content (VS) % related to fresh matter content m3 CH4/kg VS m3 CH4/kg FM manure m3 CH4/animal* day m3 CH4/animal* year Biogas potential TJ/animal* year Broiler 0. The total biogas potential that could be obtained from cattle and poultry manure together is illustrated in Figure 16 (theoretical biogas potential) and Figure 17 (technical biogas potential) on district level. Table 16: The features of bovine manure based on adult or pupil.5 11. 89 % of total cattles were assumed as adult and 11 % as calves (according to the analysis of TUIK data base of whole Turkey). Amount of manure from calves per day is accepted as a quarter of the manure amount of adult cattles per day.2 0.013 4.00017 Laying hen 0.9 0.4 3. kind of animal kg manure/ animal *day tons manure/ animal *year Dry matter content % organic Dry matter content % Volatile solid content (VS) % related to fresh matter content m3 CH4/kg VS manure m3 CH4/kg FM manure m3 CH4/animal *day m3 CH4/animal *year TJ/animal *year Bovine (adult) 37.0029 Table 17: The features of chicken manure based on broiler chicken and laying hen.024 0. 37 .5 11.9 323 0.009 3.13 18. [36] Figure 15: Technical biogas potential from laying hen on district level.Turkish-German Biogas Project Figure 14: Technical biogas potential from broiler chicken on district level. [36] 38 . Data source. Data source. Figure 17: Technical biogas potential from cattle and poultry.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Figure 16: Theoretical biogas potential from cattle and poultry. [36]. [36]. Data source. Data source. 39 . 4 PJ theoretical biogas potential from poultry and cattle per year (Figure 18).6 PJ/year for poultry manure. technical biogas potential from cattle and poultry manure amounts to 78. Moreover. Higher biogas potential could be obtained from broiler chicken in comparison to laying hen (Figure 19). Poultry breeding is not developed in eastern parts. Turkey has 144. the theoretical biogas potential that could be obtained from cattle manure was calculated as 107.2 PJ/year). large animals create the highest biogas potential.1 PJ/year.8 PJ/year. and 36.Turkish-German Biogas Project In conclusion. When large ruminants. 20% broiler 5% laying hen cattle without buffalo 75% Figure 18: Theoretical biogas potential of manure based on kind of animal 36% broiler laying hen 54% cattle without buffalo 10% Figure 19: Technical biogas potential of manure based on kind of animal 40 . In total. poultry manure: 36. small ruminants and poultry are considered together.4 PJ/year (cattle manure: 42. In total. Whilst. this ratio decreases to 54 % in technical biogas potential due to differences between eastern and western part of Turkey regarding the available and collectable manure. the western part of Turkey has the most technical biogas potential from poultry. cattles create 76 % of theoretical biogas potential. Turkey's unusually high proportion of fallow land limits the production since 1981. Moreover. beverage and spice crops area Figure 20: Distribution of agricultural area utilization in Turkey.3 million hectares are used for cereals and other crops. irrigation facilities. causing sharp fluctuations in harvests. The total agricultural area amounts to 24. 41 . Rainfall tends to be relatively abundant and regular in the coastal areas because of the mountains behind them. beverage and spices. 8 million hectares for vegetable production and 30. Although rainfall on the plateau varies considerably among regions. the amount and time of rains vary sharply from year to year. 3% 17% 13% Cereals and other crops sown area fallow area 67% vegetable area fruits. getting enough water to crops is a major problem for many Turkish farmers.2. reform faced with obstacles due to government inefficiency and the lack of alternative crops in areas cut off from markets. the bulk of the agricultural land is on the Anatolian Plateau. Data source: [35]. The distribution of agricultural area utilization in Turkey (2010) is shown in Figure 20 and on district level in Figure 21. it is barely adequate over large areas. which receives less rainfall because it is surrounded by mountains.25 million lay fallow [35]. crop research and farmer training are inadequate to assure the planting of suitable crops to obtain maximum yields from irrigated land [15].3. According to TUIK 2010 [35] 16. At that time. Agricultural residues Turkey's total land surface is about 78 million hectares [15]. Expansion of the road network. The government also was considering a broad land-use policy. However.4 million hectares. However. Furthermore. population pressure resulted in the expansion of farmland which resulted in deforestation and loose of good quality soil due to erosion. and extension services continued to offer hope for eventual improvements in land use [15]. where farmers had little option but to use their land to grow grain to feed their families. of which 4.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey 4. The cultivated area increased from about 8 million hectares in the 1920s to nearly 19 million hectares in 1952 and to almost 28 million hectares by 1991. Deficiencies in irrigation causes a serious lag between the construction of the main parts of an irrigation system and the completion of land leveling and drainage on farms. However. the government began encouraging double cropping and the planting of feed crops on fallow fields.5 million hectares for fruits. During the 20th century. fruits and vegetable productions. agricultural land which is mostly larger in Centre anatolia are being used for cereals. Therefore there are lots of fallow land especially in the Centre Anatolia regions. Distribution of the products differs from region to region due to different climatic and soil conditions (Figure 21). Data source: [35]. The soil is mostly characterised as low organic matter and high pH (acidity) which makes crops hard to benefit from trace elements [11].Turkish-German Biogas Project In Turkey. Small farm size is a characteristic of Turkish agriculture (Figure 22). Small farms are mainly caused due to heritage issues which makes the farmers have small agricultural areas with big number of parcels ( Figure 23). 42 . Other problem which affects the farming is soil quality in Turkey. Unfortunately. Mostly distances between these parcels are also far. Another reason of small farms is differences in elevation due to highlands characteristic of Turkish surface area. this distribution causes the farm output to be low in comparison to the country’s enormous potential. Figure 21: Distribution of total agricultural area in Turkey. 43 . Figure 23: Distribution of average area per holding. Data source: [35].Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Figure 22: Distribution of average numbers of parcels per holding. Data source: [35]. fruits and vegetables productions in Turkey on province level. Agricultural residues could be divided in three categories [25]: 1. tomato residues. Annual crop residues that remain in the field after the crops are harvested. tobacco. Yaldiz. Agro-industrial residues such as. seed oil industries. but agricultural areas are very expensive in this regions”. groundnuts. Mainly their fresh material must be used for biogas production. straw of cereals. 2011 [6] current situation regarding the agricultural residues could be summarized as below: “After harvesting period of agricultural crops. shells. soybeans. rice. After that. fruits and vegetables productions in Turkey on province level is shown. rice industries. maize. cotton. their residues are in general stubed and stored. Regarding the biogas potential analysis of agricultural residues. These waste are dried during the storage period. cotton-ginning. The main annual crops in Turkey are cereals. Figure 24: Distribution of cereals. [6] 44 . They are burned after 3-4 months. Otherwise it is necessary to produce a silage from residues of plants. Perennial residues in Turkey that remain in the field after pruning of trees. wine and kernel factories. However. 3. olive oil industries. this method is expensive and needs large free areas. 2. sugar beet leaves and energy crops on fallow land were mainly focused on. kernels etc.Turkish-German Biogas Project In Figure 24 the distribution of cereals. this silage can be used for a for biogas production the whole year. Data source: [35]. sunflower. According to Mr. corn industries. SanliUrfa and Diyarbakir have high cereal potentials (Figure 25). Furthermore it is necessary to know more about the current utilization pathways of straw. The practice results in loss of nutrients. atmospheric pollution and emission of greenhouse gases.g. 2010 data base were considered for harvested area for cereals (da) and Teknodan study (Table 18) for the residues yield (kg/da) for 45 . Moreover. The highest residues (kg/da) could be obtained from sorghum. Cereal straw could provide a high biogas potential if suitable technology for straw (higher pre-treatment) or a combination with easy degradable substrates (e. This share depends on the current situation of the soil conditions in Turkey and needs further detailed information and analysis to define the realistic share of usable straw for biogas facilities. Wheat production creates 54 % of total cereal production (Figure 20). Due to this utilization the hectare yields of cereals and soil fertility could be improved and atmospheric pollution could be reduced in comparison to the current utilization where straw is used completely without return. Especially Ankara. Cereal straw In Turkey. Digested materials of the biogas process should be used as fertilizer. technical equipment. Burning of straw is a common practice in Turkey. a share of straw has to be left on the field because of the humus reproduction potential.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Moreover the availability and collectability of agricultural residues depend on several parameters (e. Currently straw in Turkey is used as fodder for animal breeding. Figure 25: Distribution of total harvested area for cereals. sugar beet residues) were available. current utilization). Data source: [35]. For the calculation of biogas potential of cereal straw TUIK. 67 % of total agricultural area is being used for cereal production. Konya. Cereals provide different amount of residues.g. In conclusion. Most of maize production is maize silage. Therefore just a straw potential from maize resulting from maize corn production is considered. kind of cereal barley wheat rye rice maize sorghum triticale oat residue kg/da 200 325 450 600 1480 1975 738 434 According to the harvested area of cereals in Turkey highest amount of area for cereal production could be obtained especially for wheat (>53 %) and barley (Figure 26). Technical Biogas Potential of straw depends on the utilization pathways and soil 46 . Table 18: Amount of residues that could be obtained from different kind of cereals. The calculation for cereal straw were investigated except of maize silage. because it is often used as fodder.Turkish-German Biogas Project different cereals in Turkey were used.74 PJ/year. Data source: [23]. The total amount of cereal straw in Turkey is calculated as 51. that means the whole plant is used. the total theoretical biogas potential of cereal straw could be calculated as 276. The statistical data base differs between maize corn and maize silage. 4% 2% 2% barley wheat sorghum maize 54% 38% others Figure 26: Distribution of harvested area of cereals in Turkey based on kind of cereals.452.330 tons/year. Data source: [35]. Based on the German ratio corn . from wheat (>53%) and barley. To compare the results a second calculation for straw based on German ratio for corn – straw was investigated. In this case it could be stated that the amount of straw in reality is higher with respect to Turkish conditions (corn : straw. If it could be assumed that 10 % of the theoretical potential can be used for biogas according to (Kaltschmitt/Hartmann 2001) (range of 10 . Figure 27: Theoretical biogas potential of cereal straw. Adana.straw 210 PJ/year (without maize for fodder just maize corn) as theoretical biogas potential of straw and 21 PJ/year as technical biogas potential (10 % of theoretical assumed) could be found. Konya. Data source: [35]. According to Yaldiz.30 % for energetic use in Germany) the technical biogas potential is 27. The highest straw potential results esp. (Appendix 14).67 PJ/year.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey fertility in Turkey (humus reproduction). Residues of vegetable production In Figure 28 is shown the production of most common vegetables in Turkey. 2011 [2] corn straw ratio for wheat in Turkey is for example 1 : 1.ratio). Diyarbakir and Sanliurfa. According to Figure 22 the highest biogas potential of cereal straw is located in Ankara. 47 . According to the produced vegetables in ton/year tomato production is of great importance (share of 40 % of total vegetable production). The most of tomato production are located near the coast. Data Source: [35] According to Yaldiz 2011 [2] yield of tomato waste related to greenhouse production may be assumed with 70 t/ha tomato waste and 200 t/ha tomato production. Finally the ratio tomato waste : tomato 48 . Especially coastal part of Turkey has high amounts of production.Turkish-German Biogas Project 3% 14% 7% BEANS 8% CUCUMBER PEPPER 20% TOMATO ONION 8% 40% MELON Other Figure 28: Production of most common vegetables of Turkey (tons/year). Tomato production differed between field and greenhouses. as well as the peppers and egg plants are suitable for biogas production. Residues from tomatoes. Mostly tomato is being produced on fields and smaller amount is in greenhouses (Figure 29). Total production of tomato in Turkey is 12. There is a high amount of tomato production in Turkey. however it is necessary to production of a silage from residues of these plants is necessary.9 million tons/year [35]. Therefore a high demand of area for storage which makes it expensive should be expected [6]. 22% Tomato production tons/year (field) Tomato production for paste tons/year (field) 56% 22% Tomato production tons/year (greenhouse) Figure 29: Production of tomato in Turkey differed to field and greenhouse production. Data source: [35]. 0 200.0 80.35 35. It was estimated that the amount of tomato waste refering to field production is 1/3 of greenhouse yield (70 tons/ha *1/3 = 23 tons/ha). the yield of tomato (paste) production in Bursa amounts to 52.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey production is 0.0 calculated ratio t tomato waste/ t tomato *year 0.00202 70.004 TJ/year for greenhouse production. Therefore a ratio tomato waste : tomato production for field production was assumed to be 0.0 0. the theoretical biogas potential of tomato waste amounts to 9. Furthermore is was assumed that the yield of greenhouse production is higher than the field production [2]. Data base: [35].00202 Dry matter content % organic Dry matter content % m3 CH4/toDM m3 CH4/tFM tomato waste TJ/t FM tomato waste*year Figure 30: Distribution of tomato production (tons/year).0 56.3 0.041 TJ/ year for field and 2. In conclusion.3 tons/ha*year. 2009 [62]. Table 19: Features of tomato waste. tFM tomato waste/ ha *year tomato waste (greenhouse) tomato waste (field) 23.45 35.35. According to data from Ulusoy et al.0 56.3 52.0 80./ ha *year 200.0 tFM tomato prod.45.0 0. For calculation of technical biogas potential it was assumed that 25 % of theoretical biogas potential resulting from field production and 90 % of the theoretical 49 .0 200. 517 TJ/year.7 DM % 16 oDM % 77. Yozgat. higher biomass yield per ectare).291.669 decare were cultivated for sugar beet in Turkey.5 methane yield [m³/ t oDM] 313 Regarding the biogas potential of sugar beet leaves Konya. According to the assumptions summarized in Table 20. Kayseri could provide highest potential (Figure 31: theoretical biogas potential.379 TJ/year. Sugar beet leaf Sugar beet productions is especially high in Konya. Data source: [51]. If estimated that 25 % of theoretical potential could be used for biogas production the technical biogas potential of sugar beet leaves could be found as 4.478 tons/year. If the whole plant (leaves and beet) could be used.5 methane content % 54. Figure 32: technical biogas potential).559.112 tons/year. Table 20: Features of sugar beet leaf. If it is assumed that the ratio beet-leaf is 0. 50 .Turkish-German Biogas Project biogas potential of greenhouse production could be used. The production of sugar beet amounts to 17. Residues of sugar beets are suitable for biogas production and the amount depends on technical equipment to pick them up. According to TUIK 2010 data base 3.942. it provides positive ecological effects (reduction of greenhouse gases on field.064 TJ/year. Aksaray.7 the amount of sugar beet leaves is calculated as 12. ratio beet – substrate sugar beet leaf leaf 1: 0. The technical biogas potential of tomato waste amounts to 4. theoretical biogas potential of sugar beet leaves could be found as 17. 51 . Figure 32: Technical biogas potential distribution of sugar beet leaves.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Figure 31: Theoretical biogas potential distribution of sugar beet leaves. Figure 33: Distribution of fallow lands in Turkey on province level. 55 % methane content. Energy crops on fallow land In total. climate conditions and seed prices are the major obstacles.1 tFM/ha. theoretical Biogas potential for 4.3. it has to be considered that fodder production is more important in Turkey than using energy crops due to the demand of fodder. erosion due to deforestation. Regarding to fallow land.3 PJ/year. the largest area of fallow land takes place in middle Anatolia (Figure 33). however. quality of the soil (high pH. soil quality. However. Data source: [35]. Grass could be produced in any kind of soil and it helps to conserve the soil quality. Fallow lands in Turkey could be used for energy cropping. 4.249.06 million ha) of fallow land could be used for energy crop production (grass) a technical biogas potential equals to 81. Nevertheless. low mineral content) and small size farmlands as a result of inheritance issue.25 million ha fallow land could be calculated as 325.025 ha [35] is not in use in Turkey due to irrigation problems. 143 m3 biogas/tFM.Turkish-German Biogas Project 4. grass needs a higher pretreatment before using for biogas production.3. If nearly 25 % (1. In conclusion.1 PJ/year. The assumptions for biogas potential from energy crops on fallow land are listed below:   Conservative approach: just grass production on fallow land (modest cropping) Grass: 27. 52 . 4. a useful and economically valuable end-product (methane/ biogas).657 tons/day Total amount of molasses: 394. When 25 governmental sugar beet factories are considered their capacity.778.544 tons/year Table 21: The features of molasses and beet press cake.250 tons/year Total amount of pulp/press cake: 2. amount of molasses and pulp/press cakes can be expected as follows:    Total amount of capacity of sugar production: 106.5 72. Anaerobic systems offer such an option for the safe treatment of agro-industrial wastewaters. Agro-industrial residues Turkish agro-industry mainly is based on meat. sugar beet and dairy sectors. so energy crops cultivation can be an alternative in several regions. because not all arable land in Turkey is being cultivated. suitability for seasonal operations and the elevated organic loading rates achievable. has a high organic content and the potential toxicity problems [55]. Therefore. juice residues and draff from bioethanol production were taken into account. less waste biomass generation. anaerobic treatment is an attractive option for agroindustrial waste that is seasonally produced.3. Data source: [51]. Thus. All the factories are using their waste water to cover their energy demand [2]. the agro-industrial waste should be treated with the most economical and efficient technologies before being disposed into the surrounding environments. Furthermore some farmers are currently not able to sell their produced crops. if it is not properly handled. One-third of the agricultural activities is in the area of livestock and there are approximately 2.4 425 300 72. Residues of sugar beet factories There are 33 sugar factories. molasses. olive mill waste water. The agricultural sector employs 66 % of the population and the rural population accounts for about 35 % of the total population. Regarding to biogas potential of agroindustrial sector. All the residues have different methane yield potentials and methane ratios.5 95 biogas yield [m³/ t FM] 316 68. olive press cake. 25 of them are governmental and 9 of them are privatized [64]. olive. sugar beet press cake.5 308 218 [m³/ t oDM] biogas yield methane content % [m³/ t oDM] methane yield 53 .4.5 million active business and farms [9] Agro-industrial waste could be a serious environmental concern. The agro-industrial waste provide different possible biogas yields. substrate DM % molasses beet press cake 85 24 oDM % 87.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Furthermore arable land could be used in order to produce energy crops. cheese waste water. mainly due to their special advantages such as lower energy requirement. slaughterhouse residues. 000 t/year. there are 3 bioethanol plants in Turkey (2 in operation. Konya. Table 22: Bioethanol plants in Turkey. theoretical biogas potential could be calculated as below:   Molasses: 3. Total capacity of these plants is 150.000 suger beets in operation 3 Feedstock status The ratio between draff: bioethanol was assumed as 9 : 1 [52].253 TJ/year = 3.87 PJ/year. Adana). Province District Name of company Konya Bursa Adana Meram Mustafakemalpasa unknown KONYA SEKER TARKIM TEZKIM 40.350.96 PJ/year In total (press cake and molasses) the theoretical biogas potential amounts to 8.Turkish-German Biogas Project According to features of molasses and beet press cake which are given in the Table 21.8 TJ/year = 0. 1 in trail) (Bursa. Table 23: Parameters of draff from bioethanol production.25 PJ/year Sugar beet press cake: 4. % draff (bioethanol production) 9:1 6 % 85 DM oDM biogas yield [m³/ t FM] 34 [m³/ t FM] 18 methane yield methane content % 52. substrate ratio draff: bioethanol prod.79 PJ/year if assumed that the plants are 90 % of the year in operation. Technical biogas potential of draff amounts to 0. According to assumptions (Table 23) total amount of draff was found as 1. Residues of bioethanol production Regarding bioethanol.960 TJ/year = 4. Data source: [51].000 26. It is assumed that both (press cake and molasses) is already used as fodder. Draff as residue of bioethanol production could be used for biogas production. potato draff). Theoretical Biogas potential of draff was calculated as 874. methane yields were considered according to FNR 2010 (Leitfaden Biogas [68].000 m3/year (Table 22).21 PJ/year.9 54 .000 suger beets suger beets in operation in trial Production Capacity m /year 84. Residues of fruit production In Figure 35 the production of most common fruits in Turkey is shown.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Figure 34: Distribution of sugar beet factories. Data source: [48]. 8% 7% 6% Pistachio Apple Grape 24% 16% Mandarin+Orange Olive Peach 4% 3% 5% 27% Berries Nut Other Figure 35: Production of most common fruits of Turkey (tons/year). Data source: [35] 55 . According to the produced fruits in tons/year olive production with a share of 27 % of total fruits production and nut production (24 %) are important. Olive-oil mills are small agro-industrial units located mainly around the Mediterranean. nut residues are better for thermochemical conversion. Olive oil mill waste water is a big environmental threat due to especially seasonal production. olive mill residual solids (OMRS or prina) which contain oil that must be recovered by solvent extraction. The treatment difficulties of olive-oil mill effluents are mainly related with a) high organic loading.040. A few amounts of olive press cake is being used for heating and the rest is just being dumped into empty areas. c) high territorial scattering. In Turkey there are around 900 olive oil mills and most of them small sized. They process olives for the extraction of oil either by means of a discontinuous press (classical process). or a solid/liquid centrifuge (centrifugal process).000 tons/year olive production for oil mill processing.Turkish-German Biogas Project There are high amount of olive and nut productions in Turkey (Figure 28). 56 . It is trying to be treated and there is no any other utilization way [20]. namely. More than 70 % of the total olive production is in Turkey for the oil mill processing. Both processes produce two different forms of waste. b) seasonal operation. 27% olive production for consumption (tons/year) 73% olive production for oil mill processing (tons/year) Figure 36: Olive production based on its utilization. Whilst residues from olive oil production (press cake) are suitable for biogas production. Residues of olive production Turkey is among the most important olive and olive oil producer countries after Spain. Aegean and Marmara seas and account for approximately 95 % of the worldwide olive-oil production. Italy and Greece. According to TUIK. 2010 there are 1. Data base: [35]. and olive mill wastewater (OMWW or black water). Olive-oil mill waste is a significant source of potential or existing environmental pollution. Continous Process (centrifugal Process) : i) 2-phase (no OME) ii) 3-phase (OME is generated) Table 24: Comparative data for the three olive oil extraction processes.94 % water +1 % oil) c. The content of oil within the press cake depends on the oil mill processing technology. 1. 400 kg Input Amount of input output Amount of output According to the data from the ministry of industry. 60 % water+ 3 % oil) 200 kg 900-950 kg c.12 m3 0.12 m3 <90-117 KWh Oil Solid waste (c. 10 kg 1. sample 1 (press cake with kernel and pulp) produced the highest amount of methane. The press cake as well as the oil mill waste water (OMWW) contain phenol (carbolic acid) which can influence the biogas process negative.200 kg c.000 kg 0. that 1 kg olive could produce 0. 2011: when 5kg olives are being used. Production process Traditional pressing process Olives Washing water Energy 1. The lowest amount of methane results from sample 3 where just the kernel were analyzed. the amount of olive press cake could be calculated as 416. where some samples of press cake from Turkey were analyzed (with and without kernel).000 kg 0. 1. 57 . Finally. Gas yields of olive press cake were found based on the results of DBFZ-Laboratory (Table 25). 25 % water+ 6 % oil) Waste water (c.000-1.5-1 m3 Oil Solid waste (c.000 kg 0. 50 % water+ 4 % oil) Waste water (c.Discontinous Process ( Press ) 2.4 kg press cake (Table 24) [8].12 m3 40-63 KWh Oil Solid waste (c.1-0. The range of biogas yield of olive press cake is very broad. 1kg oil and 2 kg oil press cake could be obtained. 200 kg c.1-0. 600 kg c.1-0.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey d) the presence of organic compounds which are hard to biodegrade such as long-chain fatty acids and phenolic compounds.000 tons per year. 200 kg c. Refering to the results. Data source: [8]. The processing of olive (extraction of olive oil) is carried out by means of a discontinuous process press (classical process) or a solid/liquid centrifuge (continuous process) [8] (Table 24). 500-600 kg c. It was assumed.88 % water) Three phase decanter Olives Washing water Fresh water for decanter Water to polish to impure oil Energy Two phase decanter Olives Washing water Energy 90-117 KWh 1. Biogas yield Sample name 1. The amount of processed fruit and vegetable for juice production in Turkey was estimated as 771.Turkish-German Biogas Project Methane yield of olive press cake based on the lab-test (Turkish sample) amounts to 89 m3/tFM. high polyphenol content and has acidic nature.736 m3.000 tons of olive oil mill waste water per year. Co-digestion of olive oil mill waste water could be suitable for biogas production.2 PJ/year.000 m3 per year (assumption density waste water: 1 kg/l). theoretical biogas potential of olive press cake could be calculated as 1. According to calculations there are 624. 2011 when traditional pressing methods applied: 1 kg olive creates 0. Table 25: Features of olive samples from DBFZ laboratory.880.5 3 Methane yield Waste water from olive oil mill consists of high amount of organic content.88 97. Total amount of methane from press cake results with 37.5L CH4/L [55].47 89. however.16 86.6 kg waste water (88 % water) Methane yield of waste water is assumed with 57.29 PJ/year).13 87.026.33 PJ/year). If assumed that 90% of theoretical potential of olive mill waste water could be used.g.292 TJ/year (= 1.89 [ %] 94.333 TJ/year (= 1.100 tons in 2008 [66] (Table 26). Olive press cake 2. technical biogas potential amounts 1. phytotoxicity). Residues of juice production Pomace is a residues of juice production and can be used for biogas production.2 kg oil and 0. In conclusion.2 PJ/year.5 21.0 39. technical biogas potential amounts to 1. attention should be paid on polyphenols. Therefore it causes environmental problems (e. Methane amount of waste water in case of anaerobic digestion amounts 35. 58 . Assumption of Olive-oil mill waste water (OMWW):   According to Azbar. If assumed that 90 % of theoretical potential of olive press cake might be used. Theoretical biogas potential of olive mill waste water could be calculated as 1. pollution of surface and groundwater. 0. Olive press cake (just pulp) 3.4 kg press cake (25 % water).43 DM oDM Methane content [ %] 50 50 50 [m /t FM] 89. Olive press cake (just kernel) [lN/kgoTS] 203 104 49 [ %] 93. 4 2005 37.1 4. For the calculation was estimated.6 38.6 2006 52.9 118.4 47.8 63.6 18. kind of fruit sourcherry apricot peach apple orange pomegranate carrot grape strawberry grapefruit quince tomato lemon others TOTAL 10. In citrus waste limonene – an essential oil – is present at higher concentration. Data source: [66].8 75. 2009) the amount of pomace was calculated: when 100 kg citrus fruits are used for juice production the amount of pomace is 62 .9 49.5 4.g.7 3. Table 27: Features of fruit pomace.2 4.8 46.2 36.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Table 26: Amount of processed fruit and vegetable for juice production 2005 .65 35 % 88 [m³/ tFM] 148 [m³/ tFM] 100 DM oDM biogas yield methane yield methane contenct % 68 59 .6 2007 72.7 16.5 30. Data source: [68] substrate ratio fruit : pomace % fruit pomace 0.2 629.2 90.3 4. that 65 % pomace of total processed fruit and vegetables resulting from juice production in Turkey can be expected. steam distillation or liquid extraction) are necessary to reduce or eliminate limonene within citrus waste and improve biogas production [69].65 % [66].2008 (in 1000 tons). According to (Mustafa.6 4.8 53.5 4. grapefruit and lemon deliver with 72.9 10.9 409. Citrus fruits like orange.4 2.5 3.8 333. Therefore the amount of processed pomace in 2008 results with 501. Thus. Nevertheless it is expected that essential oils present in citrus peel are known to inhibit anaerobic digestion.9 7.9 37.5 30.3 57.3 282. biological pre-treatment with Penicillium.2 771.9 8.100 tons around 9 % of total fruit and vegetable for juice production in 2008 (Table 26).1 356.1 2008 54. According to (FNR Leitfaden Biogas 2010) [68] substrates features refering fruit pomace were estimated (Table 27).1 17.9 582.6 74. a special pre-treatment of citrus waste (e.1 30.3 737.2 33.7 5.1 According to (Ruiz Fuertes 2009) [69] citrus fruits waste is a suitable substrate for anaerobic digestion due to its high carbohydrates content.9 7.215 tons.1 65. It is estimated that approximately 40 % of the livestock slaughtering in Turkey is not registered or controlled (in slaughterhouses. in these regions. Most pasture areas in Anatolia are in poor condition or already invaded by squatters. concerns 40 % of sheep (1. Finally. Usually Holstein males are the main source of beef production [18].000) slaughtered in a period of two to three days. Nevertheless. and in production of beef [18]. in farms. sheep and goats have slight increase since 2005. Holstein and some Brown Swiss. buffalo. Within technological developments. Fodder planting is limited and pasture is not properly managed. which restricts growth rates especially for high genetic value imported animals. İt is stated that 90 % of total theoretical biogas potential of pomace can be expected as technical biogas potential and also citrus waste with pre-treatments can be used for biogas production.000. Whilst the cattle population has been increasing. The cattle breeds. new techniques in husbandry and housing system and relevant subsidies resulted in long-term incline for red meat and poultry meat industry during the last years [9]. However. The numbers of cattle. buffalo population has declined. The government announced a new support program which targets East and South East Anatolia of Turkey in 2010. Most animals are fed with a high portion of straw in the diet. biogas lab-tests of pomace resulting from citrus fruits are necessary to observe the estimated biogas yields as well as the effects of different pre-treatments. households make their living with animals. The annual Kurban Bayrami (Sacrifice Fest) holiday in Turkey. which is not controlled by public health authorities.62 PJ/year as amount of technical biogas potential of pomace can be assumed. Meat production / Slaughtering The livestock sector has a high potential and is a vital part of the agricultural sector and economy. The livestock products play a significant role in the Turkish economy and especially in the sustainability of rural families. Turkey has high net rates of population growth which causes a challenge in providing an adequate and balanced diet for the population over the last 60 years due to facing a decrease in cattle numbers. The small-scale farmer does not have the knowledge or resources to increase production in response to growing demand for red meat.80 PJ/year. especially in Eastern and South Eastern Anatolia. mainly indigenous breeds. In regions where agriculture is limited because of land shape or boundaries of land and high number of population. Animal welfare conditions are primitive and unhealthy in traditional barns. to support new establishments with more than 50 head of animals between 2010 and 2012 [18]. sheep and goat herds.Turkish-German Biogas Project The theoretical biogas potential of pomace resulting from fruit and vegetable juice production amounts to 1. 1. The capacity of the slaughterhouses is too small to accommodate this level of 60 . However. Media attention to the livestock sector has increased due to the avian influenza outbreak which caused a huge decline in the number of broiler chicken. the production results are low compared to EU countries due to mostly used traditional techniques. are not appropriate for high quality beef production. There is some progress observed in barn management especially in western parts of Turkey where big farms are developing. Uncontrolled slaughter is permitted only for home consumption. For this purpose a total budget of 20 million TL was allocated for the East Anatolia Region and 40 million TL for the South East Anatolia region. in butcher shops). the capacity of cold storage and capacity of the waiting rooms for the animals. mostly private) Class 2: from 21 to 40 bovine animals/day. A new regulation has entered into force stating that categories of meat cutting and processing plants have been changed as follows:  Class 1: No minimum and maximum cutting limits. and many people also slaughter animals in their backyards. This is partly due to a custom called ‘adak’ which is a sacrificial offering that is distributed to the needy and is believed to help wishes come true [21]. Besides this festival. Figure 37 shows the meat production capacity in Turkey according to data base of Ministry of Industry 2011. Table 28: Number of slaughterhouses/ Meat plants in Turkey. in rural areas there is a lot of unregistered slaughtering throughout the year. originally classified as follows:    Class 1: >40 bovine animals/day and cold storage facility (33 % of the total. Class 3: up to 40 cutting units per day.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey slaughter. but determined by hygiene conditions of the slaughterhouses. Number Private slaughterhouse Public slaughterhouses Total Meat Plants Private slaughterhouse Class 1 Private slaughterhouse Class 2 Private slaughterhouse Class 3 Public Slaughterhouse Class 1 Public Slaughterhouse Class 2 Public Slaughterhouse Class 3 210 445 655 191 19 0 5 0 440 86 18 0 42 0 4 Average capacity for cattle slaughtering According to Red Meat sector report 2006 meat plants are divided into 3 Categories. (63 % of the total number. There are 383 registered slaughtered houses named by the General Directorate of Protection and Control taken from their website [17]. Canakkale and Sakarya.   Class 2: up to 90 cutting units per day. Data source: [18]. The highest capacity of meat production is located in western part of Turkey – especially in Izmir. (4 % of the total number mostly public) Class 3: <20 bovine animals/day. mostly public). 61 . The registered processing operations are located in the denser poultry populated provinces. so temporary premises are organized in large cities. Turkish-German Biogas Project Figure 37: Total capacity of meat production. Table 29 presents the number of slaughtered poultry depending on kind of poulty between 1995 and 2009 including the amount of meat production (tons/year). Table 29: Number of slaughtered poultry and meat production between 1995 . Data source: [36] year Broilers Laying hens Turkeys Geese Ducks 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Number of slaughtered animals (number) 208 034 736 250 034 440 305 745 000 301 549 100 371 711 450 411 200 300 369 604 727 414 707 710 506 107 632 505 412 926 531 700 102 490 394 162 598 474 659 604 322 129 704 884 526 Number of Meat slaughtered animals (number) (tons) (tons) 270 445 7 245 706 406 698 8 830 930 464 928 4 511 550 476 719 6 878 250 589 981 4 572 300 639 342 2 762 200 612 744 1 304 969 694 060 1 294 580 862 956 6 642 439 866 862 6 825 627 925 900 7 200 133 910 226 5 172 191 1 059 483 6 361 000 1 069 696 13 663 482 1 277 082 12 516 730 Number of Meat slaughtered animals (number) (tons) (number) 11 593 13 910 226 960 6 487 114 620 9 990 100 550 6 898 1 424 240 4 114 2 292 350 2 001 1 707 401 2 127 2 412 401 9 463 3 636 838 9 912 4 181 881 10 797 4 417 319 7 432 1 746 569 8 970 3 620 313 17 985 3 453 789 16 233 2 981 847 Number of Meat slaughtered animals (number) (tons) (tons) 1 027 376 702 12 744 19 274 15 125 30 401 32 801 37 623 42 709 17 062 31 467 35 451 30 242 142 400 24 200 27 700 7 625 4 370 4 390 3 550 5 345 12 955 1 375 2 490 0 0 0 Number of Meat slaughtered animals (number) (tons) (number) 464 97 106 24 13 13 13 21 51 5 9 0 0 0 108 960 20 125 10 600 2 700 2 200 2 696 2 900 5 210 5 040 880 1 515 0 0 31 400 Meat (tons) 266 40 24 5 4 5 6 10 10 2 3 0 0 68 In Table 30 is shown the meat production of cattles including the number of slaughtered animals between 1999 and 2009.2009. Data source: [50]. 62 . 630.126 9.718 Cattle (tons) Buffalo (tons) Sheep (tons) Goat (tons) Total (tons) Total amount of total red meat production in 2010 is 780.655 53.334 1.006.858 8.584 187 212 414 616 322 281 105 758 95 39 41 317 3. In respect of cattle and buffalo the meat production in 2010 amounts to 621.583 1.966 59. Data source:[37].251 6.953 342. Table 31: Amount of red meat production in Turkey in 2010.600.259 342.818 618.125.514 10.471 1.790 743 1.013.658 9.684 333.060 50.847 780.843.951 371.920 9.196 4.217 1.511 Animals (heads) 28.226 1. Data source: TUIK 2011 [40] Production of Red Meat 2010 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 41.786 BUFFALO Slaughtered Meat Production (tons) 5.131 Slaughtered Animals (heads) 2.589 327.718 tons/year.607 37.320 1.454 365.031 56.639.293 1. Turkey Meat production from cattle YEARS Animals (heads) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2.287 9.110 9.912 9.107 1.259 292.387 7.714.963 370.774.855.577 1.259 135.508 59.114 58.378 TOTAL Meat Production (tons) 354.698 49.566 1.679 7. Data of meat production from poultry in 63 .Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Table 30: Meat production from cattle in Turkey (1999-2009).991 1.045 1.655 2.687 1.391 1.163 366.946 57.998 2.001 1.112 45.758 2.407 1.705 431.866.473 882 7.009 44.330 10.358 1.592 CATTLE Slaughtered Meat Production (tons) 349.767 9.380 10.523 1.609 46.950 1.709 55.642 Actually data base for bovine are represented in Table 31 regarding the red meat production (2010) in Turkey.988 1.750.532 7.636 331.856.782 60.708 48.630 1.101 1.047 2.784.549 1.518 12.273 8.064 9.000 50.681 354.736.273 49.054 44.743.240 23.619 341.101.452 23.834 1.003.608 57.149 7.471 1.840 45.479 433.884 329.950 323.877 358.521 9.195 1.845 161.681 340.707.997 2.652 2.462 116.629 290.462 37.760.709 1.102 48.881 1.000 321.107 1.774 1.034.295 1.591.971 tons/year. 522 2009 1. average carcass weight = meat production / number of slaughtered animals   Cattle carcass weight: 200 kg/animal Poultry carcass weight: 1. Data source: [18]. Table 33 and Table 34 give an overview of features refering slaughtered bovine and poultry residues. Table 32: Meat production residues for the years of 2009 and 2010. animal stomach and intestine. In Table 35 the calculated biogas potential of residues from slaughtering is shown. Possible residues of slaughterhouses for biogas production in Germany (materials of category 2 and 3) are e.378 342.088 566. Further detailed information regarding kind and amount of residues from slaughtering in Turkey are necessary to improve the calculation.642 0.971 2010 2010 It is possible to use meat production residues in biogas plants. [37] Poultry number of slaughtered poultry meat production (tons) meat tons/slaughtered poultry slaughtered residues poultry (tons) Bovine number of slaughtered bovine (cattle+buffalo) meat production bovine (tons) meat tons/slaughtered bovine slaughtered residues bovine (tons) 2009 720.200 312. content of stomach.323. fat and blood.g.8 kg/animal The amount of slaughtered „residues“ (in german: “Schlachttierabgang”) is assumed by using German ratio and calculated by mentioned “ratio slaughthered residues : carcass weight”.509 621.27 64 .0018 362. fat and blood of cattles are not allowed to use for biogas production in Germany just from poultry. carcass weight related to alive weight in % Cattle Poultry 52 79 slaughtered residues related ratio slaughtered residues/ carcass to alive weight in % 48 22 weight 0. Table 33: Assumptions for carcass features of cattle and poultry. [36].714.91 0.503 1. The average carcass weight of cattle and poultry were calculated according to the data base regarding meat production and slaughtered number of animals (Table 32). However.Turkish-German Biogas Project 2010 were not available.414. therefore the data base of bovine in 2010 as well as the data base of bovine and poultry in 2009 are used. For the gross calculation of biogas potential it is assumed that the same kind of residues can be used for biogas production as in Germany.625 0. In Turkey almost every part of animals after slaughtering is being used. 509 12 2009 Poultry 362.508 115.256 0.522 65 .128 0.036 20 21 Stomach/ Intestine (C3) 312.153 0.103 0. Parameters DM ( %) Substrate Stomach/ Intestine (C3) Stomach/ Intestine content (C2) Blood (poultry) (C3) oDM ( %) Stomach/ Intestine (C3) Stomach/ Intestine content (C2) Blood (poultry) (C3) Biogas yield (m /t oDM) 3 Bovine 20 15 90 84 400 485 60 60 Poultry 15 18 85 96 350 343 60 70 Stomach/ Intestine (C3) Stomach/ Intestine content (C2) Blood (poultry) (C3) Methane content ( %) Stomach/ Intestine (C3) Stomach/ Intestine content (C2) Blood (poultry) (C3) * fat and blood of cattleis are not allowed to use in biogas plants in Germany.056 0.141 0.908 10 0 77.071 0.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Table 34: Main features of bovine and poultry parts.130 0. 2009 Parameters Slaughtered residue material (tons/year) Share related to slaughtered residue material % Stomach/ Intestine content (C2) Blood (poultry) (C3) Amount of residues (tons/year) Stomach/ Intestine (C3) Stomach/ Intestine content (C2) Blood (poultry) (C3) Theoretical biogas potential (PJ/a) Stomach/ Intestine (C3) Stomach/ Intestine content (C2) Blood (poultry) (C3) Theoretical biogas potential (PJ/a) Technical biogas potential (PJ/a) 50 % * fat and blood of cattle are not allowed to use in biogas plants in Germany.074 37.485 36. Table 35: Features of slaughtered bovine and poultry residues.639 63.088 2010 Bovine 566.065 0 0.084 0 0.057 0.853 66. 0. There are around 3. The government applied a milk incentive premium in 1987 in order to increase the ratio of processed milk. 66 . of which only 1. Sheep meat prices increased 50 % in 2009 compared to 2008.3 MMT. the rest is produced from the goats. leading to the slaughter of diary herds and a meat crisis beginning in mid -2009 caused by extremely high red meat prices.0 Official total milk production was 11.800 622. content of stomach/ poultry blood) are summarized below:   Bovine (data base 2009): 141 TJ/year for 2009 and 256 TJ/year for 2010 (data base 2011) From Poultry (data base 2009): 130 TJ/year for 2009. discourage unregistered street sales and promote raw milk production.0 58.300 dairies. The average milk yield in the modern farm is 27 kg/day and 8000 kg/lactation [17].0 100.800 Percentages 7.673.000 farms with more than 50 cattle and there are several new investments in large modern farm operations with more than 100 dairy cattle.134. The Ministry of Agriculture claimed that milk production reached 12. Milk production Turkey is among the world's top 15 dairy producing country with an annual production of 10 billion liters of milk [17].080 MT in 2009. When Turkey´s dairy industry is taken into account. however traders estimate it dropped to the level of 10 MMT in 2009.717.800 541.600 2.Turkish-German Biogas Project Theoretical biogas potential of „residues“ from slaughtering of cattle and poultry (stomach/ intestine.7 3.800 118. There are around 1.320 (40 %) have a capacity of more than 1. Konya and Izmir. These regions contain some large modern farms and in these western provinces a cold supply chain system has been established. Data source: [54] Regions Mediterrannean Marmara Central Anatolia Black Sea Aegean TOTAL Units 4 22 16 4 8 54 Annual Production (´000 litres) 255. If assumed that 50 % of the theoretical potential of residues from slaughtering could be used for biogas facilities 71 TJ/year for poultry and 128 TJ/year from bovine (cattle + buffalo) results as technical biogas potential. There was a milk crisis in 2008 caused by high feed prices and low milk prices. This premium is paid for every liter of raw milk delivered to specified dairy processing plants [17].000 MT/year. which even continues today.1 14. The top three milk producing regions are Balikesir. The development of milk production is shown in Appendix 15. Table 36: Localization of medium and large sized dairies (>50 000 L/day).2 17. it could be said that whilst 90 % of the milk produced in cow's milk. sheep.800 3. The Turkish milk processing industry is very fragmented and has a dual structure. If assumed that 90 % of theoretical potential of cheese whey waste water could be used.745.982 397 .359 610.790 36.451 104.559 33.528 99. However.118 1. Data source: [35].635 40. mainly due to the high price of oxygen supplementation. the amount of milk for cheese production can be calculated as 3.254 91. the high chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration and the tendency to acidify very rapidly [17]. Months January February March April May June July August September October November December Total amount (tons) Collected Cow Milk 494.072 75.686 37.351 492.539 93. The methane yield of cheese waste water is assumed with 23.133 tons per year.132 531. It is highly biodegradable with a very high organic content (up to 70 g COD/L).207 43.745 85.696 622.611 33.and lactose-rich byproduct of the cheese industry. Finally. The amount of cheese production in 2010 is 473.795 74.36 594.591 25.489 36.314 33.605 Cheese 33.5.926 tons per year. 100 kg milk which is being used for cheese production produce 90 kg cheese whey waste water. technical biogas potential amounts to 2.855 70. Table 37: Production of milk and milk products during 2010 based on months. 67 .547.727 40.057 tons/year (Figure 41) [39].572 81. Furthermore it is assumed that the ratio milk to cheese amounts to 7.539 46.164 43.797 77.992 45.8 610.076 100.247 31.155 90.004 6.591 31.861 32.452 74.269 Drink made of yogurt 23.285 74.957 70.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Cheese whey waste water Cheese whey is a protein.193.935 According to former Ministry of Forestry and Environment. The amount of cheese waste water results with 3.599 654.046 70.011 Drinking Milk 104. The high organic content of cheese whey renders the application of conventional aerobic biological treatment costly. Malaspina et al.090.516 39.165 88.437 908 .454 37. and low alkalinity (50 meq/L).521 35.506 34.323 95.311 544.538 36.057 Yoghurt 64. Anaerobic treatment requires no oxygen supplementation and generates a significant amount of energy in the form of methane gas.863 98.4 L CH4/L waste water [55].309 526.121 75. (1996) stated that raw cheese whey is a quite difficult substrate to treat anaerobically because of the lack of alkalinity.958 473 .445 503.395 63.873 74.42 PJ/year.645 560. The calculated theoretical and technical biogas potential of cheese whey waste water is represented in Table 38.514 36. 863 tons/year for whole Turkey according to TUIK.5. The handling of the solid waste problem starts with the accident of the Umraniye– Hekimbasi open dumpsite on 28 April 1993.693 tons/year. Kitchen waste could be used for biogas production.3.540 10.926 tons/year 3.719.276.947.193. 2008.4 PJ/year 4.863 Total amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) is given as 24. This accident was caused by the explosion of gases compressed within the dumping area and resulted in the death of 39 people [44].129 Amount of municipal waste (tons/year) 2.360.437 100. industrialization and increased living standards have contributed to an increase in the amount of solid waste and its consequent disposal problems. 2008 data. Table 39: Municipal waste situation in Turkey. amount of kitchen waste (biowaste) within the municipal solid waste is 8.7 PJ/year 2. the waste mainly is taken to controlled landfill and municipalty´s dumping site as the most common disposal methods. Disposal methods Metropolitan municipality's dumping site Municipality's dumping site Another municipality's dumping site Controlled landfill Incineration plant Burial Burning in an open area Sea.133 tons/year 74. lake and river disposal Turkey Number of municipalities 59 2271 195 423 45 126 59 3.291 47. Data source: [37]. Therefore. Turkey’s traditional method of disposing of solid waste has been to dump it at open sites which there are over 2000 or even at sea.943 10. The amount of MSW depends on seasons and regions.547.0520659 347.282.Turkish-German Biogas Project Table 38: Theoretical and technical biogas potential of cheese whey waste water. 2011 (Figure 38).311 m3/year 2. Today. Parameters Amount of milk for cheese production Amount of waste water Amount of methane Theoretical biogas potential Technical biogas potential Amount 3.486 239. 68 . 34 % of MSW is kitchen waste (biowaste) according to Ates. The composition of municipal solid waste is represented in Figure 38. Municipal waste In Turkey.360. Disposal methods of municipal waste depending on number of facilities and amount of waste are shown in Table 39.685 24. 4. Konya provides the highest biogas potential of sugar beet leaf (27. Konya and Afyon. Izmir. Ankara. Yozgat. sugar beet leaves) were determined based on the data base on provincial level.Therefore total methane from MSW in Turkey can be calculated as 6. Data source: [31].11 *108 m3/year. Sanliurfa. The provinces with the highest theoretical biogas potential of total agricultural substrates are: Konya. Yozgat. Sivas.3%). The highest biogas potential of cereal straw can be found in Konya.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Regarding the calculation following parameters for biowaste according to (KTBL Faustzahlen 2007) [65] were assumed:   40 % DM. Ankara. kitchen waste 19% 34% paper cardboard bulky cardboard plastic 22% glass metal 11% 6% 1% 2% 4% other non combustible other combustible 1% Figure 38: Municipal waste composition. Figure 42 shows the provinces with the highest techical biogas potential according to each sector including the amount of technical biogas potential (TJ/year) and the share (in %) related to the total biogas potential of the substrate. 50 % oDM biogas gas yield: 615 m3/toDM. Sakarya. Sakarya and Sanliurfa (Figure 40). 69 . Balikesir. Sivas. Bolu.5%) and energy crops on fallow land (19 %). Eskisehir. Ankara and Adana. Summary of Biogas Potential Analysis The provinces with the highest biogas potential refering to the agricultural substrates (manure. Sanliurfa. Corum. straw. Erzurum (Figure 39). Corum. Kayseri. Furthermore. Balikesir. the highest (technical) biogas potential of manure is located in Bolu. Finally. Manisa. energy crops on fallow land. tomato waste. In Antalya can be found the highest biogas potential based on tomato waste (43. According to the total technical biogas potential based on agricultural substrates are: Konya. 4. The biogas potential of kitchen waste (biowaste) within MSW in Turkey amounts around 22 PJ/year. 60 % methane content It is stated that the amount of methane per ton kitchen waste/ biowaste is 74 m3/tbiowaste respectively 25 m3/tMSW. Kayseri. Turkish-German Biogas Project Figure 39: Distribution of theoretical biogas potential of agricultural substrates Figure 40: Distribution of technical biogas potential of agricultural substrates 70 . 171 5.758 43.0 Adana 2.018 7.1 5.706 6.792 2. biogas potential Technical biogas in % of total Name of potential biogas province (TJ/year) potential Konya 21.6 No.agric.6 Total . Manure (poultry+cattle) Technical in % of total Name of biogas potential biogas province (TJ/year) potential Bolu 5.5 2.0 Sivas 9.723 3.7 Energy crops (grass) on fallow land Technical biogas in % of total Name of potential biogas province (TJ/year) potential Konya 15.7 Ankara 2.7 Izmir 201 4.1 71 .010 2.715 4.3 Mugla 364 9.2 Sakarya 5.2 Canakkale 111 2. Name of province Konya Sanliurfa Ankara Adana Diyarbakir Yozgat Kayseri Mardin Sivas Corum Sugar beet leaf Technical Name of biogas potential province (TJ/year) 1 Konya 1.134 3.8 2.3 Ankara 6.9 Izmir 4.228 4.673 3.3 2.585 5.034 5.437 3.423 1.4 Manisa 173 4.1 Afyonkarahisar 2.0 Yozgat 6.0 Sanliurfa 5. energy crops) in Turkey No.119 2.0 Mersin 312 7.3 Erzurum 2.674 7.7 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tomato waste (field + greenhouse) Technical in % of total Name of biogas potential biogas province (TJ/year) potential Antalya 1.899 7.0 Ankara 9.101 1.2 Sivas 11.140 2.1 Konya 3.941 3.4 5.7 Aydin 1.6 Samsun 89 2. techn.4 Aksaray 2.4 Yozgat 4.4 2.6 Corum 3.8 3.6 Eskisehir 2.2 Kayseri 6.355 3.0 Sakarya 5.3 Cereal Straw Technical biogas potential (TJ/year) 2.906 3.5 Balikesir 5.1 Corum 5.2 4.835 4.110 2.5 Balikesir 6.4 2.2 Sanliurfa 84 2.205 2 Yozgat 399 3 Aksaray 237 4 Kayseri 227 5 Eskisehir 204 6 Tokat 178 7 Afyonkarahisar 165 8 Karaman 141 9 Sivas 140 10 Ankara 120 in % of total biogas potential 27.387 3.3 Bolu 6.6 Sanliurfa 2.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No.706 5.1 3.7 Tokat 105 2.6 6.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Table 40: Ranking of provinces according to the highest technical biogas potential of agricultural sector (livestock manure.092 2.373 6.814 3.0 3.185 11.2 2.424 19.5 9.7 5.1 4.842 1. agricultural byproducts.2 3.7 Kayseri 3.985 11.3 Manisa 4.9 Bursa 180 4.100 922 788 689 674 666 660 in % of total biogas potential 7. 6 276.2 1. Table 41: Calculated biogas potentials based on sectors.1 36.5 2.6 72 . Sector Agriculture .5 140.3 211.3 112.2 2.1 16.3 112.5 11.waste water Sugar beet press cake Molasses (sugar production) Olive press cake Olive mill waste water Juice residues (Pomace) Draff (Bioethanol-production) Municipal Waste Municipal Waste Total (with energy crops) Total (without energy crops) Total (without energy crops and straw) 107.0 Technical Biogas Potential [PJ/year] 42.3 14.3 1.livestock Agricultural Residues Energy crops Agro-Industrial Residues Municipal Waste Total (with energy crops) Total (without energy crops) Total (without energy crops and straw) Theoretical Biogas Potential [PJ/year] 144.6 Table 42: Comparison of biogas potentials based on sectors.0 Technical Biogas Potential [PJ/year] 78.3 0.0 3.8 36.3 325.5 2.8 0.1 81.4 488.3 1.7 4.2 1.Turkish-German Biogas Project According to data and calculations the results regarding biogas potentials based on sectors are summarized in more detail in Table 41 and as a short overview in Table 42.6 0.3 1.4 305.1 81.2 27.0 813.1 0.6 221.4 36.0 813.8 11. Sector Agriculture livestock Agricultural Residues Energy crops Agro-Industrial Residues Substrate Theoretical Biogas Potential [PJ/year] Cattle Manure Poultry Manure Straw of Cereals Sugar beet leaf Tomato Waste Energy Crops on fallow land Meat production residues Cheese .4 488.4 4.8 11.6 221.7 5.9 22.1 325.7 17.9 1.6 22.4 4.3 211.5 140. 3 – 61. The gross calculation for energy crops based on the assumption of energy crops production on fallow land with modest hectare yields for grass silage. That means between 3. Nevertheless.livestock 18% Agricultural Residues Energy crops Agro-Industrial Residues Municipal Waste 40% 37% Figure 41: Theoretical biogas potentials in Turkey (PJ/year) based on sectors. 2% 3% Agriculture . In conclusion. municipal waste.6 – 221.5 TWh/year (without/with energy crops and straw). livestock sector and energy crops (Figure 41).6. residues of food industry) including with and without energy crops and straw was calculated between 112. 7% 5% Agriculture .Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey The highest theoretical potential could be obtained from agricultural residues. further analysis and determination of conditions refering energy crops production in Turkey are necessary.5 PJ/year respectively 31.13 .15 billion m3 methane per year. 73 . the range of technical biogas potential of organic residues in Turkey (agricultural residues.livestock Agricultural Residues 35% Energy crops 37% Agro-Industrial Residues 16% Municipal Waste Figure 42: Technical biogas potentials in Turkey (PJ/year) based on sectors. Moreover energy crops on fallow land or on unused arable land deliver high biogas potentials. According to the technical biogas potential Turkey could obtain the highest biogas potential from livestock sector resulting from cattle manure (Figure 42). 7 11. According to the share of renewable energy sources (RES) for energy consumption in Turkey biogas might provide between 35. the technical biogas potential could cover between 2.2 – 37.7 % of the consumption of natural gas in Turkey.1 * assumed electrical efficiency 40% for biogas utilisation facilities 74 . which amount of energy the calculated (technical) biogas potential can cover the Turkish energy demand and consumption. biogas could provide between around 6 – 12 % of the total electricity production in Turkey and meet between 22 – 44 % of total Renewable Energies related to electricity production.9 22.4 max (with energy crops and straw) 4.5 – 4.8 6.8 % of primary energy demand respectively between 3. Table 43: Percentages of coverable energies by use of technical biogas potential of Turkey.9 19.2 35. Furhermore biogas could replace between 19.6 37.6 44.Turkish-German Biogas Project In Table 43 is represented. Data source: [41] Technical Biogas potential of Turkey can cover… % related to it's … min (without energy crops and straw) Primary Energy Demand Total Energy Consumption RES for Energy Consumption Natural Gas for Energy Consumption Total Electricity Production* RES for Electricity Production* 2. Finally.5 3. that the electrical efficiency for biogas utilization facilities is 40 %.2 – 6.3 % of total energy consumption of Turkey. If estimated.9 – 70.2 5.6 %. The energy-related data of Turkey used for this comparision based on the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (2010) [41].3 70. 5.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey 4. Project No:LIFE03 TCY / TR / 000061 (2004-2005): o o Turkey’s regional agricultural waste potential was determined as: Annual field crops production and residues are : 227 PJ (33. Assumptions and results of other biomass potential studies differed as follows:   Ekinci. Data source: [3]. Hazelnut residues have high potential in Black Sea.1 *109 m3 methane /year TEKNODAN study [23]: o  Bioenergy potentials: 140. 27.5. 11. were based on different criterias. Livestock residues have high potential in western and northern parts of Turkey. 2011 [4]: total methane potential of Turkey from manure: ~ 3. However common assumptions for all studies listed below:      Agricultural residues have high potentials.9 TWh/year for animal waste. “Exploitation of Agricultural Residues in Turkey” (AGRO-WASTE) EU Life Projects.4 % maize . 16. Other Biogas studies 4. consists of high amount of fruit production residues. Comparison of the results Up to now. biogas studies that were done. Figure 43: Biomass potential of Turkey.1 TWh/year for agricultural waste (straw). Olive residues have high potential in Marmara and Aegean regions. especially Black Sea.1 TWh/year forest and pasture area waste.1.6 % wheat and 18.1 % cotton) 75 . Northern part of Turkey. Regarding the calculation of energy crops there are total different assumptions depending on which kind of land (arable or fallow land) and which amount of land can be obtained for energy crops production.2 Mtoe. the number of studies are being expected to increase and content of the studies will be widen. Universities have been publishing their studies since early 2000´s.4 PJ energy could be obtained from bovine manure. Private engineering companies were involved in studies through 2010.9 % olive) 2 million hectare available agricultural land (currently not in use) existed in Turkey.380 PJ energy could be obtained (asssumption: 50 tons maize per hectare. authors and main topics are presented in Appendix 9. The total recoverable bioenergy potential is estimated to be about 17.8 % hazelnut and 25. The comparison of the different studies and assumptions shows that the calculated biogas potentials of livestock resulting from manure give nearly the same results. however they are with different focus and contents such as:    biomass potential in total Potential just for one sector Potential just for different regions In Turkey. grass silage. By the revisions in legal framework regarding to renewable energy.This means 86. 2005: Various agricultural residues such as grain dust. The calculated potential of energy crops by the DBFZ is just a conservative gross calculation to demonstrate that the utilization of fallow land or arable land currently not in use might be an alternative.Turkish-German Biogas Project o o Annual fruit production and residues are : 75 PJ (55.000 kWh/ha = 80 TWh electricity production  Balat. If these areas could be irrigated for energy crop production. 210 m3 biogas per ton maize silage). 76 . o There are 30. Therefore.000 ha arable land in Turkey and the half is not being used. If 20 % of arable land could be used for energy crop production such as (fodder beet. this means: 2. biomass potential studies started to become important especially after 2000´s. The fact is.000 bovine in Turkey and manure that could be obtained from an animal is 50kg/day and 70 % of this waste is possible to collect and use for biogas production. it is necessary to determine in a detailled way under which circumstances and conditions energy crop production in Turkey could be possible.  Schmack Study (Mr. 4. wheat straw and hazelnut shell are available in Turkey as the sources of biomass energy. within several studies a biogas potential from energy crops was stated. 1. 2010: o There are around 10.2.000. The annual biomass potential of Turkey is approximately 32 Mtoe.000 ha x 40.000. maize. Biogas Potential studies There are lots of biomass potential studies in Turkey. triticale). An overview of biogas potential studies in Turkey with year.5. Suat Karakuz).000. Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey There are also some research activities going on by national and international projects. An ongoing national biogas project aims to construct a biogas plant with 350 kW electricity production capacity. Ege University is also planning to construct 60 biogas plants around Izmir province (IEA Bioenergy Task 37, 2011). 5. Actors Analysis Many stakeholders from ministries to livestock farms take place in biogas investments. Governmental stakeholders are responsible for appropriate law-making and they are in charge of enforcement of legal framework. The chambers and associations are mostly resposible for civil act. They can increase the public awareness regarding to biogas investments. They can also find suitable investors among their members and for the creation of potential biomass maps they can help to get the latest data. Research centres and universities might cover the lack of biogas knowledge and technology (Appendix 5 and Table 44). Regarding to financing of biogas investments, there are a total of 45 banks (5 public) as stakeholders, operating with 9441 branches in Turkey and 63 branches abroad [56]. Table 44: Overview of biogas stakeholders. Political stakeholders Governmental stakeholders The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization The Ministry of Science Industry and Technology The Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources The Ministry of Water Affairs And Forestry National Development and Reform Commission Energy Market Regulatory Authority EPDK Technology Development Foundation Of Turkey Industrial Development Bank of Turkey Development Turkey Bank Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) Environmental Protection Bureau Development and Reform Commission General Directorate of Forestry The General Directorate of Renewable Energy General Directorate of Agricultural Research And Policies Chambers/ Associations Chambers Alman-Türk Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Deutsch-Tükische Industrie und Handelskammer The Camber of Biogas Investment Development Istanbul Industry Chamber 77 Turkish-German Biogas Project Bursa Industry and Trade Chamber Mersin Industry and Trade Chamber Eskisehir Industry Chamber Antalya Industry and Trade Chamber Istanbul Trade Chamber The Chamber of Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Associations Turkey Red Meat Producers' Association Egg Producers Association Afyon Güçbirliği Tavukçuluk ( Poulty breeding) Association Cattle Breeders' Association of Turkey Meat Producers´ Association White Meat Industrialists and Breeders Association Turkey Milk Meat Food Industrialists and Manufacturers Association Association of Meat Wholesalers and retailers (ALBIYOBIR) Alternative Energy and Biodiesel Producers Association (YETA) Local Energy Technology Research Association Biodiesel Industrialists & Businessmen Association Research Institutions/ Universities Research Centres Turkey scientific and technical research institute Ceramic Research Centre National Productivity Centre Izmir Development Agency Universities Yildiz Technical University Uludağ University Zonguldak Karaelmas University Hacettepe University Cumhuriyet UNIVERSITY Aegean University Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir Karabük University Middle East Technical University, Istanbul Technical University Mediterranean Universiy Cukurova Universiy Financing Banks KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) 78 Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey DEG(Deutsche Entwicklungsgesellschaft) EIB (European Investment Bank) EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) KOSGEB (Turkish NGO for SME development) Livestock farms could be possible investors by building their own biogas plants or they could sell the manure to the biogas plants. Biogas plant investor companies are responsible for importing advanced technology. They might have the opportunity for setting up the leading position of developing biogas plant in Turkey among other companies. Biogas plant design and engineering companies have special place in the sector by selling technology to Turkish market. Grid power company, heat customers, organic fertilizer companies and organic fertilizer costumers have also direct impact on operation of biogas plants (Table 45). Table 45: Special concerns and interests of some stakeholders which have direct impact on construction and operation of biogas plants. Stakeholders livestock farms Interests in the project ��� Selling manure with good price ��� Reducing pressure of protecting environment from local government Biogas Plant (BP) investor company ��� Establishing an economically feasible biogas project ��� Importing advanced German technology ��� Setting up the leading position of developing BP in Turkey among other companies. ��� Local government organize manure slurry collecting company, or co-organize the company with local government ��� Price of buying manure slurry in the future ��� Regulations of related policies applying to BP ��� Finding a mutual-benefit and low risk cooperation model for technology transfer BP design and engineering company ��� Selling technology to Turkish market ��� Technology license cooperation model with BP investor company Grid Power Company Accepting electricity produced by the BP with electricity tariff ��� Intellectual propertity protection Concerns in the project Chance of getting government subsidy for building own biogas plants 79 which gives no trust to investments. According to study. The proportion of RES is quite low and in the regulations there are no measurable national targets regarding biogas. manure management regulations should be created and farmers should be educated regarding the use of liquid manure. Moreover the capacity-building with farmers. Furthermore new incentives which will motivate investors should be determined. 6. and the public awareness raising are important tasks for the future. Therefore environmental technologies such as biogas for example are economically not attractive for potential investors. politicians. Enforcement of Environmental Law is insufficient. just related to wind power. However. legal and administrative framework and (2) real and perceived risks and other inherent difficulties associated with promoting biomass energy [26]. all actors agree that the low feed in tariffs (FiT) and insufficient incentives and the presence of only one biogas association as the main problems.Turkish-German Biogas Project Heat customer ��� Buying the heat produced by BP and sell them to the surrounding households and schools Organic fertilizer company Organic fertilizer consumers Buying the solid digestate produced by the BP Using the liquid digestate and cover the transportation cost The list of publications of universities regarding biogas topic can be found in the Appendix 4. 80 . Energy policy should be revised. They also think purchase guarantee is just till 2015. More detailed information regarding actors is listed in Appendix 5. However. therefore the non-compliance (violation) with environmental regulations does not have financial and/or penal consequences for the actors. GAP Analysis One of the major problems in the renewable energy sector is existing bureaucracy. There is no consensus regarding the biogas topic among the actors in Turkey. instead of focusing on RES. The main aspects are summarized as follows: According to one of the environmental engineer representative:    The missing regulations regarding the biogas should be found out by comparing the Turkish with the German framework. national targets were put related to import of natural gas and petroleum. The barriers holding back biomass exploitation in Turkey can be divided into two main groups: (1) barriers in the institutional. Different actors were interviewed regarding the barriers and main problems for implementing biogas plants in Turkey. etc. Turkey is able to meet a relevant share of energy demand by itself. the industry. new arrangements should be implemented. According to a Turkish expert from a German biogas company:   Scope of the Turkish biogas association is limited. Manure management regulation. He also described the insufficient gas production and proportion of solid matter adjustment as their major operation problem. cooperation among the actors is weak. Environmental impact assessments are not being done properly. because they are discouraged.       In Turkey there is no Turkish biogas technology and most of the equipment is more expensive in comparison to Germany. biogas potentials that could be obtained from energy crops is so high. Resource management should be done. there are some obstacles on banking side:    Lack of knowledge/experience in this field No tools for evaluation/calculation of the biogas-project Lack of collateral on clients side 81 .Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey According to a representative from the Biogas Association:      Law enforcement of the ministries is not sufficient. The philosophy of RES should be understood by everyone. then instead of their technology. The planning of the biogas projects is sometimes insufficient The price of maize silage is extremely high and German technology is quite expensive. mostly they are interested in short payback period of biogas plants. Therefore. Pilot project should be implemented in order to show a way to people who are interested in operation of biogas plants. associations and investors do not care about the environment. This is the common Turkish mentality and it is the biggest problem. Manure management regulation is not enough itself. Law making process is too slow and regulations should be made carefully in order to prevent many new revisions. knowledge regarding to use of liquid manure and organic fertilizer facilities are missing. Investors are impatient to see the payback period of their investments. Regulations being implemented in Germany should be adapted to Turkey. Turkish technology and resources should be used. mostly project proposals are extremely expensive. According to one Turkish biogas plant operator representative:      In Turkey there are no biogas investments. In Turkey. understanding of energy crop farming should be introduced and farmers should be trained as energy crop farmers. There is a need to adapt technology and to focus on residues. When facility owners want to construct a biogas plant. etc If German experience should be taken. Due to the lack of education. waste. National targets should be set. Regarding to financing options in Turkey for biogas investments. Development and introduction of new technologies have to be seen in connection with the specific market construction to which the technology is attached [42]. Socioeconomic feasibility of biogas plants should be considered within the aims set up by the Turkish Parliament concerning employment. development and demonstration. TURKVET which belongs to ministry should be used for more realistic calculations. Local ownership of biogas plants should be supported and careful selection of sites should be done [34]. Before construction of biogas plants. 82 . Data base that could be improved according to this study:  The most updated database. should be taken into account.  There is no certain data regarding to utilization of residues. state finance.Turkish-German Biogas Project  Insufficient or delayed application documents delivered by the clients. After the construction of plants. aim at securing the economic and institutional conditions for desired technology development should be created. First of all development should be initiated by different type of crops. excessive amounts of waste from some industries. proactive policy. the Turkish Energy Agency should contribute regulations regarding to favorable feed-in tariffs and investment subsidies. maintaining and running biogas plants and increased incomes and consequently increased taxes. Governmental energy planning and targets. status of the biogas development should be evaluated in order to develop new biogas strategies. resulting in destroyed in reactors. econ Statements Lack of entrepreneurial knowledge [56]. soil quality data and climatic conditions. and balance of payment. partly due to lack of experience and unpredictable incidents such as buildup of sand in the reactors. This increased revenue to the state budget more than compensates for the subsidies which have to be given to motivate the construction of biogas plants [42]. However. companies and region which allows to development of technology. Regarding to realistic biogas potential of energy crops on fallow lands. which improve the state finance. Government-sponsored biomass energy resource surveys (biomass potential maps) should be conducted. uncontrollable fermenting process. greenhouse gases and others. In order to give the new technology a chance to develop and to make plants economically feasible. Saved imports due to the decrease in oil and coal imports. expectations from biogas plants could not fulfill the over optimistic expectations. Otherwise. Long term government support should be provided for research. renewable energy action plan should be implemented (Lund et al. increased employment due to the high employment effects linked to building. National test and certification of biogas plants should be done [34]. 1999).. Obstacles regarding to bank customers can be summarized as below:     Skeptical approach towards banks in general and loans specifically Lack of knowledge about products/programs Insufficient documentation of their business. reaching that database is required to application of series of permissions which takes too long time. irrigation situation are required. fodder and biomass production and climate change. this potential is currently unused. Data from associations are more realistic. Regarding the biogas potential in Turkey it might be summarized as below:  Current biomass utilization for energy production is on low level in comparison to the given biogas potentials of organic residues from agricultural. per-capita consumption. greenhouse gas reduction).g.g. poultry manure). lack of consistent definitions for specific biomass fractions (such as logging residues).e. social aspects) to find options for synergies. The highest agricultural biogas potential could be obtained from cattle manure. The sustainability of future biomass potentials depends mainly on global political agreements concerning food security and sustainability. agro-industrial and municipal sector. Scenario approach can be regarded as the most appropriate means in order to handle the existing uncertainties .  Utilization of animal residues (manure) and agro-industrial residues could provide a solution to environmental problems (e. Additional impact assessment on regional level is a precondition for the mobilisation of the potential (i. river pollution. Missing studies which could help to implement biogas in Turkey can be described as follows:     Biogas action plan/ biogas roadmap: How could the strategy for biogas in Turkey look like? How should typical biogas plants in Turkey look like? (Technical assessment of biogas plants) Economical assessments of biogas plants in Turkey. groundwater safety. biodiversity. Livestock residues have in particular high potential in western and northern parts of Turkey. Input data problem: unclear political developments and insufficient data availability (developing countries). GHG-Reduction. 83 . Conclusions In general. official cattle population numbers are overstated now. modern stable systems) 7. since they are able to update their database quicker. however. Consequently. water management.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey  The reliability of TUIK livestock statistics is doubtful due to a support system which is based on payments per head. the biomass potential depends on the future food and feedstock demand which is driven by population growth rate. interpretation of degraded lands. environmental effects to soil and water. development of yields for cropping. as well as consumer behaviour in developed countries. Ecologic effects of implementing biogas plants in Turkey (e.  The survey /questionnaire for residues from food industry in order to get better data quality regarding to the kind and amount of residues should be continued.  There is a high biogas potential within the agricultural sector (cattle manure. some farmers fail to notify slaughter of cattle to the system. 5 PJ/year (without/with energy crops and straw). The calculated potential of energy crops by the DBFZ is just a conservative gross calculation to demonstrate that the utilization of fallow land or arable land currently not in use might be an alternative. the calculated biogas potential could cover between 6 – 12 % of the total electricity production in Turkey or a share of RES for electricity production in Turkey between 22 – 44 %. Main barriers refering to the implementation of biogas in Turkey are identified such as:     Lack of legal regulations (e.9 – 70. Also burning is a common practice in Turkey.8 % of primary energy demand respectively between 3. This estimated biogas potential could cover between 2. A common use of this waste in the form of codigestion would provide a good means of economically acceptable disposal system while providing ecologically acceptable solution to the disposal problems [8]. Most of these enterprises can not invest on environmentally friendly disposal ways. olive mill waste and cheese whey are problematic in Turkey.2 – 6. Furhermore biogas could replace between 19. It is necessary to determine in a detailed way under which circumstances and conditions energy crop production in Turkey could be possible. Konya has found as a province with the highest biogas potential in Turkey.5 – 4. However. In general.2 – 37. kind and amount of land for cropping of energy crops including achievable yield per hectare to ensure the stated assumptions.  The production of energy crops in Turkey is uncertain and needs further assessment regarding the soil and climate conditions. education of farmers how to store and use the manure 84 .  Within the calculations. the digested material of biogas plants could close the nutrient cycle by using as fertilizer within the agriculture. Missing Manure Management Regulation: What to do with animal residues? How to store it?) Low feed in tariffs (FiT) for biogas facilities Lack of knowledge and experience in the field of biogas Limited scope of biogas association and networking of biogas actors Need for action is seen in particular for:  Promoting the use of liquid manure to produce biogas and use the digestate as fertilizer to close the nutrient cycle.7 % of the consumption of natural gas in Turkey. In respect of the share of renewable energy sources (RES) for energy consumption in Turkey biogas could provide between 35. these three waste are all being generated from small enterprises spreaded out in a large geographical area.g.6 %.6 – 221.Turkish-German Biogas Project  There is high straw potential especially from wheat and barley. however. straw is mostly being used as fodder or for animal breeding.3 % of total energy consumption of Turkey.  The disposal of animal waste.  The calculated total technical biogas potential of organic residues ranges between 112. When the electrical efficiency assumed as 40 % for biogas utilization facilities. Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey  Improving legal framework in general to create regulations with realistic targets and time tables as well as controlling (Need for enforcement of environmental regulations.trade relations Biogas as a future technology in Turkey Local industrial production Green jobs and growth in Turkey 85 . Need for research Need for technology development/adaptation Need for assistance of planning of biogas plants (feasibility reports) Implementing pilot biogas projects in order to show positive effects Strengthening of institutions working with biogas from R&D. The key beneftis can be summarized as below: Environment:    Reduction of GHG emissions and fighting with climate change Improvement of water quality and soil fertility Reduction of pollution from agricultural and animal waste Agriculture:    Energy:   Strategy Plan 2010-2014: Contribution to reach the 30% Renewable Energy Target for 2023 Energy security Modernisation of agriculture: more production but in a environmental and sustainable way Modern manure management: promotion of the nutrient cycle (manure storage and logistics) 2010-2014: Strategy Plan: Rural development. etc. associations. sustainable and competitive agriculture Industrial and economic development:     Strategy Plan 2010-2014: Strengthening Environment – Industry and environment. The utilization of biogas has a lot of advantages for environmental. Finally there are an initiating biogas market in Turkey and a high amount of biogas potentials which are currently unused. agricultural. industrial as well as energy sector in Turkey. need for better FiT)       Creating a kind of roadmap or action plan for biogas to support a long term national strategy Improving the knowledge of biogas and handling/operation of biogas technologies. Cağlar M.2011 3. Department of Agricultural Machinery. [Accessed on 15 November www.10. Ekinci et al.tr/Files/Files/e.10. Kaya D. 2011: The importance of biogas for Turkey in view of agricultural. 11.-20.. Presentation of 1st Biogas Workshop Izmir 19.Turkish-German Biogas Project Literature 1. 4. Ministry of Food. energy and environment prospects and progress. Vizyon 2023 Teknoloji Öngörü Projesi-Enerji Ve Doğal Kaynaklar Paneli Raporu 2003.2011 5.10. Izotar.izotar. Türkiye Topraklarının Değerlendirilmesi.2011 7. Presentation of 1st Biogas Workshop Izmir 19. Available online at: www. 12. 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Available online at: http://www. and Pascual A.V.pdf [Accessed on 20th of December 2011] 69. Data source: [35]. _________ 12 Figure 5: Electricity production of Turkey based on sources. _____________________________________ 8 Figure 2: Distribution of biogas plants in Turkey (number of plants in operation) _________________ 8 Figure 3: Number of biogas plants in Turkey (status: in operation and in planning) _______________ 9 Figure 4: Total Energy Consumption of Turkey between 2000 . 32 Figure 10: Livestock: cattle without buffalo potential of Turkey on district level by animal unit (Data source: [35]. Data source: [35]. ______________ 41 Figure 21: Distribution of total agricultural area in Turkey. Data source: [36]. Data source: [41. Data source: [35]. Data source: [36].2010). ________________ 13 Figure 6: Electricity consumption of Turkey on province level (KWh). [36]. Data source: [33]. Data source: [36]. Data source: [35]. Data source: [35]. ______ 48 Figure 29: Production of tomato in Turkey differed to field and greenhouse production. __________________ 42 Figure 22: Distribution of average numbers of parcels per holding. ___________ 43 Figure 23: Distribution of average area per holding. Data source. _______________________ 43 Figure 24: Distribution of cereals. Data source: [41]. Data source: [35]. _______________________________________________________________________________ 35 Figure 14: Technical biogas potential from broiler chicken on district level. Data source: [35]. _____________________________________________________________________ 44 Figure 25: Distribution of total harvested area for cereals. _______________ 39 Figure 18: Theoretical biogas potential of manure based on kind of animal ____________________ 40 Figure 19: Technical biogas potential of manure based on kind of animal _____________________ 40 Figure 20: Distribution of agricultural area utilization in Turkey. _______________________________________________________ 34 Figure 12: Livestock: broiler potential of Turkey on district level by animal unit. 38]. Data source. ____________________ 47 Figure 28: Production of most common vegetables of Turkey (tons/year). Data source: [35]. ______________________ 51 Figure 33: Distribution of fallow lands in Turkey on province level. Data source. __________________ 45 Figure 26: Distribution of harvested area of cereals in Turkey based on kind of cereals. [36] _____ 38 Figure 15: Technical biogas potential from laying hen on district level. Data Source: [35] ____________________________________________________________________________ 48 Figure 30: Distribution of tomato production (tons/year). Data source. fruits and vegetables productions in Turkey on province level. _____________________ 51 Figure 32: Technical biogas potential distribution of sugar beet leaves. _____________________ 49 Figure 31: Theoretical biogas potential distribution of sugar beet leaves. [36]. _____________________________________________________________________ 33 Figure 11: Livestock: poultry (broiler chicken and laying hen) potential of Turkey on district level by animal unit. Data source: [35]. Data base: [35]. ___________________________________________________________________________ 46 Figure 27: Theoretical biogas potential of cereal straw. _____ 14 Figure 8: Kind of biomass potential ___________________________________________________ 27 Figure 9: Development – Number of Cattles and Poultry in Turkey (2005 . _________ 14 Figure 7: Electricity consumption of Turkey based on different sectors. ______________ 39 Figure 17: Technical biogas potential from cattle and poultry. ____________ 52 91 .Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Figures Figure 1: Features of biogas plants based on sectors. [36] _________ 38 Figure 16: Theoretical biogas potential from cattle and poultry. Data source: [35]. __ 34 Figure 13: Livestock: laying hen potential of Turkey on district level by animal unit. Data source: [22].2009. Data source: [36]. Data source: [35] ___________ 55 Figure 36: Olive production based on its utilization. ___________________________ 55 Figure 35: Production of most common fruits of Turkey (tons/year). ________________________________ 69 Figure 39: Distribution of theoretical biogas potential of agricultural substrates _________________ 70 Figure 40: Distribution of technical biogas potential of agricultural substrates __________________ 70 Figure 41: Theoretical biogas potentials in Turkey (PJ/year) based on sectors.Turkish-German Biogas Project Figure 34: Distribution of sugar beet factories. ________________ 73 Figure 42: Technical biogas potentials in Turkey (PJ/year) based on sectors. ____________________________ 62 Figure 38: Municipal waste composition. Data source: [31]. Data source: [3]. _________________________________ 75 92 . Data base: [35]. __________________ 73 Figure 43: Biomass potential of Turkey. Data source: [50]. Data source: [48]. _________________________ 56 Figure 37: Total capacity of meat production. ________________ 63 Table 31: Amount of red meat production in Turkey in 2010. Data source:[37]. [37] __ 64 Table 33: Assumptions for carcass features of cattle and poultry. Data source: [14]. ___________________________ 64 Table 34: Main features of bovine and poultry parts. Data source: [66]. _______ 16 Table 7: The list of current regulations related to biogas. ___________________________ 37 Table 17: The features of chicken manure based on broiler chicken and laying hen. _______________ 61 Table 29: Number of slaughtered poultry and meat production between 1995 . ______________________________________________________________________ 46 Table 19: Features of tomato waste. ________________________________ 58 Table 26: Amount of processed fruit and vegetable for juice production 2005 . __________________ 53 Table 22: Bioethanol plants in Turkey. Data source: [51]. _____________________________________ 65 93 . ____________________________ 35 Table 14: Regions of eastern part of Turkey. Data source: [63] ________________ 32 Table 13: Regions of western part of Turkey. Data source: [36]. Data source: [18]. Data source: [36]. 31 Table 11: Changes in the number of animals depending on races between 2005-2010. _ 15 Table 6: Basic principles guiding national policy on renewable energies. ___ 19 Table 9: Incentives (US dollar cents per kWh) which will be applied for the use of mechanical and/or electromechanical components manufactured in Turkey. __________________________________ 50 Table 21: The features of molasses and beet press cake. _________________________ 19 Table 10: Distribution of the number of animals depending on large animal races. 4]. Data source: [36] ______________________________________________________________________ 62 Table 30: Meat production from cattle in Turkey (1999-2009). _____ 13 Table 5: Energy production/consumption scenario of Turkey in the near future. Data Source: [1. Data source: [43]. Data source: [57]. ________ 57 Table 25: Features of olive samples from DBFZ laboratory. ________________________________________________ 54 Table 23: Parameters of draff from bioethanol production.2008 (in 1000 tons). Data source: [14]. Data source: [68] ____________________________________ 59 Table 28: Number of slaughterhouses/ Meat plants in Turkey. Data source: [18].Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Tables Table 1: Biogas plants based on sectors and status and their total installed capacity. __________________________________________________ 49 Table 20: Features of sugar beet leaf. ______ 36 Table 16: The features of bovine manure based on adult or pupil. Data source: [51]. Data source: [57]. __________________________________ 18 Table 8: Feed-in Tariffs of Renewable Energy Law in Turkey in Dollar cents based on facilities. ____________ 7 Table 2: Main state organizations having responsibility for planning Turkish energy policy. __________________________________________________________________ 31 Table 12: Calculation of animal unit from number of animals. ____________ 37 Table 18: Amount of residues that could be obtained from different kind of cereals. Data source: [57]. Data source: TUIK 2011 [40] _______ 63 Table 32: Meat production residues for the years of 2009 and 2010. ____________________________________________________________ 10 Table 3: Non-Ministerial agencies with responsibilities for various aspects of energy policy. Data source: [41].2009. [36]. Data source: [23]. Data source: [51]. Data source: [8]. ________________________________________________________ 59 Table 27: Features of fruit pomace. ____________________________ 36 Table 15: Ratios of collectable animal manure based on kind of animal. __________________ 54 Table 24: Comparative data for the three olive oil extraction processes. ____________________________________________________________ 11 Table 4: Primary energy demand and total energy consumption of Turkey. energy crops) in Turkey ___________ 71 Table 41: Calculated biogas potentials based on sectors. Data source: [35]. ______________________ 68 Table 40: Ranking of provinces according to the highest technical biogas potential of agricultural sector (livestock manure. ____________________________________________ 77 Table 45: Special concerns and interests of some stakeholders which have direct impact on construction and operation of biogas plants.Turkish-German Biogas Project Table 35: Features of slaughtered bovine and poultry residues. ______________________________ 72 Table 43: Percentages of coverable energies by use of technical biogas potential of Turkey. ___________________________________ 79 94 . _________________________________ 72 Table 42: Comparison of biogas potentials based on sectors. Data source: [41] ____________________________________________________________ 74 Table 44: Overview of biogas stakeholders. ____________________________ 65 Table 36: Localization of medium and large sized dairies (>50 000 L/day). Data source: [37]. 2008. ______________ 68 Table 39: Municipal waste situation in Turkey. __ 67 Table 38: Theoretical and technical biogas potential of cheese whey waste water. agricultural byproducts. Data source: [54] _____ 66 Table 37: Production of milk and milk products during 2010 based on months. ............................................... 134 Appendix 13: Theoretical and technical biogas potential of poultry manure on province level ..................................................................................... 105 Appendix 4: The list of universities and their publications in the field of biogas technologies................................... .... 120 Appendix 7: Poultry slaughterhouse units distribution in Turkey................ 122 Appendix 8: Distribution of total slaughterhouse facilities.................... 106 Appendix 5: Contacts of different institutions in the field of biogas in Turkey........................ . Data source: [18]................. ..Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Appendix Appendix 1: Overview of Biogas Plants in Turkey....................................................... 145 Appendix 20: Survey for Food industry Sector (Turkish Version) ........................................... ............................................... ... 128 Appendix 11: Theoretical biogas potential of agriculturial substrates on province level .......... ................................................... ...................................... 104 Appendix 3: Possible biogas yields in kind of substrates based on TUBITAK...... 123 Appendix 9: Biogas Potential Studies in Turkey based on years............ Data source: [48]......... Importation and Placing on the Market of Agricultural Organic............... Data source: [17]......... Soil Regulators and Other Microbial Product with Enzyme Content regulation. 140 Appendix 15: Milk production from cattle in Turkey (1999-2009)..... 96 Appendix 2: Limitations of parameters regarding to Production...................... 108 Appendix 6: Number of cattle and broiler slaughterhouses based on provinces............................. 124 Appendix 10: Literature of biogas studies ................................. Data source: [16]................ 146 95 . ............. Data source: [48] .... Organomineral Fertilizers....... 137 Appendix 14: Features of cereals straw for biogas production............ 141 Appendix 16: Type of milk products based on businesses.................. 142 Appendix 17: Survey for Livestock Sector (English Version) ...... 143 Appendix 18: Survey for Livestock Sector (Turkish Version) ......... 131 Appendix 12: Technical biogas potential of agriculturial substrates on province level ... Data source: [51]..................... ................................ 144 Appendix 19: Survey for Food industry Sector (English Version) .... .......................................... production and installed capacity.......................................................................................................... 488 MW Jenbacher: 5. ve Tic. Bilgisayar.com / Suluova Besi Organize Sanayi Bölgesi mevkii/Sigma Suluova Biyogaz Tesisi Undefined 2.800 0.Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 1: Overview of Biogas Plants in Turkey Company District Address Facility Type Installed Capacity [MWel] 11. İnşaat San. Yeni Adana İmar İnşaat Tic.Ş.660 36.200 http://afyonbiyogaz.Ş.803 licensed licensed 4. Batı Adana Atıksu Arıtma Doğu Adana Atıksu Arıtma Afyon afyon güc birligi /afyonkarahisar biyogaz enerji santrali Amasya Sigma Mühendislik Ve Pazarlama Limited Şirketi Ankara ITC-KA Enerji Üretim San. A.Ş.000 3.000 licensed EPDK Biyogaz Incelemedeki Lisanslar v0 090211 Sincan Mamak Sincan Mamak Biyogaz Santrali Tatlar Köyü Municipality (landfill) Municipality (landfill) Municipality (landfill) 5. ITC-KA Enerji Üretim San.800 0.66 96 .328 Project Status Source of Information Remarks Adana ITC Adana Çöplüğü Yeni Adana İmar İnşaat Tic.Ş.200 licensed licensed in operation EPDK List EPDK List + Jenbacher List EPDK List + Jenbacher List Jenbacher: 25.803 0.Ş. A. A. A. ve Tic. Yüreğir Sofulu Katı Atık Alanı Mevkii / ITC Adana Enerji Üretim Tesisi Municipality (landfill) Undefined Undefined Undefined (wastewater) Undefined (wastewater) Agriculture (chicken manure) in operation EPDK List + Jenbacher List EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 Jenbacher List Jenbacher List 0. ve Tic. A. Bel-Ka Ankara Katı Atıkları Ayıklama Değerlendirme. aspx Selman Cagman Plant List Selman Cagman Plant List EPDK Biyogaz Incelemedeki Lisanslar v0 090211 EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 Balikesir Edincik municipality Agriculture (chicken manure) 2.gov. Şti. Burdur Gönen Kepsut in operation 13.063 in operation http://ttgroupenergy.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Antalya infaz and akdeniz university Aydin tt group Agriculture (ensiled maize and cattle manure) Edincik Kumluca Municipality (wastewater) Undefined 2. Bolu Bolpat Potato Production CEV Marmara Enerji Üretim Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd.haberx.co m/yatirimlar/biyogazenerji-yatirimlari/aydinbiyogaz-enerji-santrali/ http://www.10 656575.000 Mauri Yeast Production Bandırma Kavakpinar Mevkii Aksakal PK 101 10200 Hotaşlar Köyü Beşiktepe Altı mevkii/ Kepsut Enerji Ömerköy Kavşağı / Bandırma Biyogaz Santralı Industry (wastewater) Industry (wastewater) Municipality (landfill) Undefined 1.2 mio m³ / a TekSut Milk Production Kepsut Enerji Elektrik Üretim Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi Banvit Enerji ve Elektrik Üretim Ltd. Şti.741 %29.2 mio m³ / a 97 .066 licensed Centre Yukarı Soku Mevkii Industry (wastewater) Municipality (landfill) in operation 1.n.131 licensed Selman Cagman Plant List Jenbacher List + EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 1.200 in operation 0.65 mio m³ / a 0.tr/ http://www.300 Bandırma 3.p hp?par1=14694 1.000 in operation Selman Cagman Mail + http://www.com /modulles/print_haber.com/ balikesir_edincikte_biyo gaz_tesisi_kurulmasi_ic in_calisma %2817.ajansbir.aski. organic waste) Municipality (landfill) Kumkısık Mevkii / Kumkısık LFG Santralı Municipality (landfill) 0.emo.Ş. organic waste) Industry (wastewater.6 Gwhel.200 in operation in operation Eskisehir Sugar Plant ESES Eskişehir Enerji Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi Gaziantep solea energy Eskisehir Odunpaza rı Alpu Yolu 3 Km.635 licensed EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 Agriculture (chicken manure) Üzümlü http://www.c om.7 mio m³ / a 3 mio m³ / a Orhangazi in operation Karacabey in operation 8.120 in operation 1.pdf in operation Selman Cagman Plant List Selman Cagman Mail Selman Cagman Plant List EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 1.org. Sütas Milk Production ITC Bursa Çöplüğü Denizli Bereket Enerji Üretim A.Ş.042 licensed kilavuz hayvancilik tesisi Agriculture (animal manure) http://www.Turkish-German Biogas Project Burdur Pars Enerji Grubu Industry (sugar beets) in planning http://www. 14 mio m³ / a Erzincan Cadirtepe Landfill Eskisehir Cadirtepe Municipality (landfill) Industry (wastewater) Industry (wastewater) Undefined 1.3 mio m³ / a 0.haberler.co m/burdur-a-2-5-milyoneuroluk-biyogazyatirimi-2557853haberi/ Selman Cagman Plant List Selman Cagman List + EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 Selman Cagman Plant List Jenbacher List Burdur Sugar Plant Bursa Cargill Tarım ve Gıda Sanayi Ticaret A. Elazig municipality Burdur Industry (wastewater) Industry (wastewater.3 mio m³ / a 33.tr/e kler/0d936dc2a4718f8_ ek. 2.tr/Teknolojik_Biyog 98 .478 Denizli 0.soleaenerji. floraburada.8 mio m³ / a Industry (wastewater) Municipality (landfill) Municipality (landfill) Eyüp Hasdal-Kemerburgaz Municipality (landfill) 4. İstanbul Çevre Koruma ve Atık Maddeleri Değerlendirme San.emo.A.Ş.588 MW Selman: 1 MW 2. Dr.980 in operation Selman Cagman Plant List Jenbacher: 0. A.560 4.asp Gaziantep M.664 MW Selman Cagman: 6.aspx?i d=653 Selman Cagman Mail Jenbacher List + Selman Cagman Plant List + EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 3 mio m³ / a Gaziantep Cev Enerji Üretim San.pdf in operation 7.2 mio m³ / a 51. Waste Treatment Plant municipality Landfill gas Agriculture (grass) in operation Prof.Ş. ve Tic.000 5. ve Tic. com/NewsShow.Ş. Ltd.655 in operation in operation Jenbacher: 5. Ekolojik Enerji Anonim Şirketi Şile Undefined 1.020 in operation EPDK List + Selman Cagman Plant List + Jenbacher List Kemerburgaz Landfill Area-Odayeri Eyüp Kemerburgaz / Odayeri Çöplüğü Municipality (landfill) 16. Şahinbey Bağlarbaşı mevkii Industry (wastewater) Municipality (landfill) 2.020 licensed Selman Cagman Plant List EPDK List EPDK List 0.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey az-tesisi.tr/e kler/0d936dc2a4718f8_ ek.org.660 licensed Municipality (landfill) http://www. Şti.786 MW GASKİ Enerji Yatırım Hizmetleri İnşaat San. Durmus Kaya plant list http://www. Isparta municipality /Isparta Belediyesi Istanbul Efes Beer Production Ortadoğu Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.6 mio m³ / a GE Press: ~ 99 . ve Tic. 4 mio m³ / a 100 .org.Turkish-German Biogas Project 35 MW (Odayeri + Komurcuoda ) Jenbacher: 4. html http://ttgroupenergy.emo.pdf http://www.kastamonus efasi.co m/yatirimlar/biyogazenerji-yatirimlari/ciglibiyogaz-enerji-santrali/ http://ttgroupenergy.p hp?t=68392 Kastamonu Kastamonu Inebolu(farmer) Kayseri Her Enerji Ve Çevre Teknolojileri Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi Inebolu Agriculture (cattle manure) Koca Sinan Molu mevkii / Her Enerji Kayseri Katı Atık Deponi Sahası Biyogaz Santrali Municipality (landfill) 1.pdf Selman Cagman Plant List Selman: 1.kobiden.com /keskinoglubiyogazdan-elektrikuretecek_10353_haber.org.tr/e kler/0d936dc2a4718f8_ ek.tr/e kler/0d936dc2a4718f8_ ek.250 in operation http://www.560 in operation solea energy Undefined EPDK List + Selman Cagman Mail + http://www.emo.35 MW Kirsehir Kırsehir Sugar Plant Industry (wastewater) in operation 1.co m/yatirimlar/biyogazenerjiyatirimlari/harmandalibiyogaz-enerji-santrali/ http://www.075 in operation Selman Cagman Plant List + Jenbacher List Agriculture (chicken manure) tt group Cigli Industry (wastewater) 3.024 MW 35 mio m³ / a 20 GWh Kemerburgaz Landfill Area-Komurcuoda Izmir keskinoglu Eyüp Kemerburgaz / Komurcuoda Çöplüğü Municipality (landfill) 7.com/showthread.880 in operation tt group Harmanda li Municipality (landfill) 4. c om.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey İlci Tarım Kocaeli Tubitak Undefined Izmit 0. 0.tr/Haber.436 in operation http://www.000 in operation Karatay 2.505 MW Jenbacher: 5.400 in operation Izmit Solaklar Köyü mevkii/ İzaydaş Biyogaz Enerji Üretim Santrali Solaklar mevkii / Kocaeli Çöp Biyogaz Tesisi Projesi 0.804 licensed Tarsus Industry (wastewater.249 0. 350t cattle manure) Industry (wastewater) Industry (wastewater.652 MW Karatay Municipality (landfill) 5.1 mio m³ / a Jenbacher: 0.7 mio m³ / a Izmit Undefined 2. 2000t fruit & veg waste.pankobirlik.750 Selman Cagman Plant List Arbiogaz Homepage + Jenbacher List + Selman Cagman Plant List EPDK Biyogaz Incelemedeki Lisanslar v0 090211 EPDK Biyogaz Incelemedeki Lisanslar v0 090211 1. 2000t chicken manure.400 Seydibey Industry (potato waste) Tatlıcak mevkii /Konya Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi Elektrik Santralı Aslım Katı Atık Alanı mevkii/ITC-KA Aslım Enerji Üretim Tesisi Industry (wastewater) 6.660 101 . organic waste) Municipality (landfill) in operation 0.635 MW 1.330 in operation Jenbacher List Jenbacher List Pakmaya Yeast Production Fritolay Suadiye / Arbiogaz Izaydaş İzmit Atık ve Artıkları Arıtma Yakma ve Değerlendirme Anonim Şirketi Körfez Enerji Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi Konya Seydibey Patates Entegre Üretim Tesisleri Konbeltaş Konya İnşaat Taşımacılık Hizmet Danışmanlık Ve Park İşletmeciliği Ticaret Anonim Şirketi ITC-KA Enerji Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi Mersin Fritolay Tarsus / Arbiogaz Izmit Suadiye Agriculture (6000t grass. 450t slaughterhouse waste.87 MW Jenbacher: 2.aspx?ID=7 9 EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 + DBFZ List + Jenbacher List EPDK Biyogaz Incelemedeki Lisanslar v0 090211 + Jenbacher List Jenbacher List DBFZ: 1. netkulis.com/haber/ekonomi/1 2476/sanliurfa-biyogaz- Jenbacher: 1.ciftciplat.basinbatma n.Ş.500 Samsun Avdan Enerji Üretim ve Ticaret A.istanbulburd a.co m/print.249 Jenbacher List 0.472 in operation Agriculture (cattle manure) in planning 102 . / Ak Gıda / Arbiogaz Samsun Söğütlü Soğucak Köyü Adapazari / Paşa Deresi Mevkii / Pamukova Biyogaz Santralı Undefined 6.Ş.487 MW Vezirköprü Agriculture (90 tons/day cattle manure) Avdan mevkii / Samsun Avdan Biyogaz Tesisi Municipality (landfill) 0. Sanliurfa ŞANLIURFA ŞUTSO Ilkadim 2.Turkish-German Biogas Project organic waste) Mersin Büyükşehir Imar Inşaat Ve Ticaret A.Ş.php?type=N&ite m_id=72 http://www.220 Pamukova Undefined 1.Ş. Mugla Muğla Atıksu Arıtma / Arbiogaz Sakarya Sakarya (farmers) Akdeniz Karaduvar Mevkii Undefined 1.330 in operation Agriculture (animal manure) in planning Altra Enerji Üretim San.900 licensed EPDK List Undefined (wastewater) Agriculture (animal manure) Kaynarca 0.400 licensed http://www. Ve Tic.com /haber-13207Vezirkopruye_Biogaz_ Tesisi_kurulacak Selman Cagman Mail + EPDK Biyogaz Incelemedeki Lisanslar v0 090211 http://www. Pamukova Yenilenebilir Enerji ve Elektrik Üretim A. A.com/Kaynarca %27d a-ilk-ev-tipi-biyogaztesisinde-gazuretimine-baslandiSAKARYA-66990 EPDK Biyogaz Incelemedeki Lisanslar v0 090211 EPDK Biyogaz Incelemedeki Lisanslar v0 090211 + Jenbacher List http://www. 4 mio m³ / a 1 mio m³ / a Undefined (wastewater) Industry (wastewater) Eregli 0.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey uretimi-icin-kollarisivadi.800 licensed EPDK Biyogaz Verilmis Lisanslar v0 090211 Jenbacher List 1.html Tekirdag Ekolojik Enerji Anonim Şirketi Tokat Tokat Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi Yozgat Yozgat Sugar Plant Zonguldak Eregli Sugar Plant Çorlu Karatepe mevkii Undefined 0.330 in operation Selman Cagman Plant List Selman Cagman Plant List Industry (wastewater) in operation 103 . 0x103 kob/g or kob/ml <1. Soil Regulators and Other Microbial Product with Enzyme Content regulation. Importation and Placing on the Market of Agricultural Organic.0x103 kob/g or kob/ml <3 MPN/4 g or ml Not Not 3 ppm 450 ppm 120 ppm 150 ppm 1100 ppm 5 ppm 350 ppm 10 ppm 104 . Organomineral Fertilizers. Staphylococcus surcus Bacillus anthracis Bacillus cereus Total fungi and yeast Fecal Coliform Total Coliform Salmonella spp.Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 2: Limitations of parameters regarding to Production.0 x 103 kob/g or kob/ml <3 cfu/ml Not :<2 kob/g or kob/ml Not (25 g or ml) Not (25 g or ml) Not (25 g or ml) Not (25 g or ml) Not (25 g or ml) <3 kob/g or kob/ml < 1. microaerophile) Enterobactericea Escherichia coli Clostridium spp. Parameters Total Bacteria (Anaerobic. H5N1 (only for poultry manure) Analysis of lyssa virus (for bat manure) Cadmium Copper Nickel Lead Zinc Mercury Chromium Stannic Maximum value 1. Mycobacterium spp. Salmonella spp. 6 139.7 132.3 50.53 5.9 70.69 2.4 56 46.76 27.42 6.9 100.52 27.1 348 473.2 61.75 10.4 55.1 615.9 41.09 29.9 295.6 273.3 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 105 .05 45.5 338.98 7. Residues Amount (kg) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 total biogas (m3) 11.75 63.4 260.6 4.2 278.36 9.59 10.08 10.7 76.5 127.6 55.82 41.29 10.3 250.5 456. leaves and branches 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 30.5 102.55 7 52.7 methane yield (m3/tons) 65.17 7.3 55.25 12.19 4.66 13.85 29.9 100.05 5.2 241.86 biogas yield (m3/tons) 118.6 96.2 536.9 100.18 8.05 22.8 74.5 168 38.5 227.5 139.5 191.95 13.54 5.62 53.89 10.67 50.8 85.83 5.66 5.5 290.5 639.8 101.29 7.1 76.2 497.53 305.01 5.9 72.05 16.57 total methane (m3) 6.39 7.8 3.5 53.36 35.12 24.31 7.9 27.54 5.49 43.91 61.91 34.7 505.5 70 528.65 19.2 414.53 25.1 56.6 ( %) Methane ratio 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 fodder beet potato maize wheat rape grass trefoil squash sugarbeet rye barley napier grass head of sugar beet mustard wheat straw rice straw sugar cane leaves broad bean beer production waste silaged grass vegetable waste cereal hay food waste Slaughterhouse Wastewater leaves branch mix of grass.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Appendix 3: Possible biogas yields in kind of substrates based on TUBITAK.65 33.78 3.8 47.6 351.8 33.17 13.14 26.9 439.02 49. Đzmir. Izmir.. 750-757. Renewable Energy Symposium. 2000. Erguder T... Istanbul. Korkusuz E. Vol.. and Varolan N. 99-105. 15-17 November 2000.H. 2.H. "An example for biomass energy: Biogas production from organic waste by anaerobic methods". Renewable Energy Symposium. and Demirer G.. 32. Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitusu. Turkey.N. Atimtay A. Demirer G..N. Guven E. Acuner E. 2003..H. Capar G. N. potential studies of different agro-industrial wastewaters in Turkey. Vol. Korkusuz E... 2009 Isci A.. Ugurlu O. "Anaerobic biotransformation and methane generation potential of cheese whey in batch and UASB reactors". 11.. Duran M. Chamber of Electrical Engineers. “Anaerobic treatment and biogas generation potential of organic waste: Potential and technological applicability in Turkey". Erguder T. Ugurlu O.. “Anaerobic treatment and biogas generation potential of olive mill waste" First Ecological Agriculture Symposium. Nos.. Guven E. 2000. 643-650. Guven E. No:7. 21. Tezel U. Sen S.. Preface. Ekolojik Tarim Organizasyonu Dernegi-Ege Universitesi.. Int. 15-18 October 2003. Tezel U. 18-19 November 1999.. No:12. Vol. 1999..Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 4: The list of universities and their publications in the field of biogas technologies. and Demirer G.A. 2007. Sen S. 2001. Turkey. 355-362. Environmental Pollution Priorities of Turkey III.H. MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY    Incecik S. "Biogas production potential from broiler and cattle manure". and Choi H. Demirci G.H. Turkey.  Erguder T. Vol. Turkey.. and Sahinkaya E.N. 2001.H.. Ugurlu O. (in Turkish)  Demirer G. 401-405. 467-474. 1381-1387. J. 39. "Biogas production from organic waste by anaerobic methods: applicability in Turkey".N..  Gungor G.A. Duran M.... Third National Clean Energy Symposium. Vol. 18-20 January 2001.. Turkey. Varolan N. and Tezel U. Waste Management.. " Anaerobic treatability and biogas production. (in Turkish)  Demirer G.N.. Environment and Pollution. Erguder T.. "Effect of retention time and organic loading rate on anaerobic acidification and biogasification of dairy manure".. and Chen S.(in Turkish) 106 . 21-23 Haziran 1999.... 3/4. and Demirer G. Biodegradation.. Tezel U. and Demirer G. Guven E. No: 5. No: 6.N. 79. 2004. Renewable Energy.. Istanbul Technical University and Clean Energy Foundation.. Gebze-Kocaeli.. Izmir.N. Erguder T. Ugurlu O.. Chamber of Electrical Engineers. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. (in Turkish)  Demirer G.. Duran M.N.. and Tezel U...  Demirer G... “Biogas production potential from cotton waste”. (in Turkish)  Erguder T. 1999. Duran M. Guven E. Murat TOPAL. “Analysis of biogas production in Turkey utilizing three different materials and two scenarios”. I. Climate Change Congress of Turkey. 2007. Arslan. • Heat E. • Murat TOPAL. Istanbul. 2009. 10. Bursa Ili Karacabey Ilcesinde Ornek bir Biyogaz Tesisinin Kurulabilirliği icin Tarımsal ve Gıda Artıklarının Enerji Potansiyeli”.Use Potentials in the Cooling Processes " (TUBITAK) HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY • "Use of Electricity generated during biological treatment and Enhancing The potential using ways". Çiftlikköy Campus. • Heat E. 241-248. ITU. Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Ulusal Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı. 788-795. Advisor. Dr. 2009. 25-27 May 2006. Unal H. 4. Murat TOPAL. 996-1003. VII. Unal H. Sibel LION. National Clean Energy Symposium. Climate Change Congress of Turkey. E.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey ULUDAĞ UNIVERSITY. Alibas K.. The National Environment Symposium. Master Thesis. Arslan.. Istanbul. 17-21 December 2008. 'The World and the Biomass Energy'. Istanbul Technical University. E. UTES 2008. Sibel LION. Associate Advisor. Zehra Esra Ilhan. • Heat E. 'Biomass Farming'. Murat TOPAL.  Ulusoy Y. Istanbul Technical University. 2009. Maslak KSB Hall. 2006. Thermal Arslan. Istanbul. 1-7. 24-27 June 2009. 'Biomass Energy and Turkey. Suleyman Demirel University. Master Thesis. Turkey.. • "Long-Term Energy Demand of Turkey and the estimated emission of CO2". 2007. 25. Ferhat Kilinc.. Department of Environmental Engineering. Thermal Arslan. CUMHURiYET UNIVERSITY • Murat TOPAL. April 11-13. Turkey. David KocabasTuncar. 18-21 May 2007. UTES.. Arslan. University of Mersin.. Mersin. Alibas K. 2007. 17 National Thermal Science and Technology Congress. Maslak KSB Hall. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 2007. SULEYMAN DEMiREL UNIVERSITY • "Climatization of Renewable Energy Sourced heat . Turkey. Isparta. 2007. 2008. Sivas. E. Dr. 1-3 Ekim 2009.. ' Solution for Depleted Energy Resources: Biomass Energy'.H. Sibel LION. April 11-13. Isparta. VI. Murat TOPAL. 485-492.' I. Koksal AYDINALP. 479-484. 'Evaluation of Biomass Waste'. Ubaida IPEK. 107 . Ulukardesler A. 'Biomass energy conversion. National Clean Energy Symposium. Thermal Arslan. BURSA  Ulusoy Y. • Sibel LION. Selim Sanin. dsymb.org.org They could provide information regarding meat industry potential of Turkey 0090 3 12 219 45 64 (Pbx) [email protected] www.etbir.org/ They could provide information regarding poultry potential of Turkey They could provide information regarding poultry potential of Turkey Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2140. Mail Website Remarks 108 .Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 5: Contacts of different institutions in the field of biogas in Turkey.tr They could provide information regarding red meat potential of Turkey Address Tel. No:25/A Afyonkarahisar Merkez. Name Associations Türkiye Kırmızı Et Üreticileri Merkez Birliği Turkey Red Meat Producers' Association Yumurta Üreticileri Merkez Birliği Turkish Egg Producers Association Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2140.org.org www. 2120 Cadde. Sokak Demirler Plaza 18/3 Çankaya/ANKARA Afyon Güçbirliği Tavukçuluk Derviş Paşa Mah.org. Mustafa Kemal Mh.ANKARA Atlantis İş Merkezi C Blok No: 14 Osmanlı Bulvarı Kurtköy İstanbul 0090 216. Bilgi Cad.org.org www.tr http://ketbir.tr They could provide information regarding bovine potential of Turkey 0090 272 214 73 00 0090 312 473 20 00 bilgi@yum-bir. Dörtler Apt. Sokak Demirler Plaza 18/3 Çankaya/ANKARA 0090 312 219 51 84 tuketbir@ketbir. No: 5 Gözüm İş Merkezi Daire: 1-2 06520 Çankaya .yum-bir. 478 62 79 etbir@etbir. Afyonkarahisar Türkiye Damizlik Siğir Yetiştiricileri Merkez Birliği Cattle Breeders' Association of Turkey ETBİR Et Üreticileri Birliği Meat Producers´ Association Eskişehir Yolu üzeri. tr http://www.org They could provide information regarding white meat potential of Turkey They could provide information regarding industries which are interested in renewable energy SETBİR Türkiye Süt Et Gida Sanayicileri ve Üreticileri Birligi Turkey Milk Meat Food Industrialists and Manufacturers Association Şehit Ersan Caddesi Çoban Yıldızı Sokak 100.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Beyaz Et Sanayicileri Ve Damizlikcilar Birligi White Meat Industrialists and Breeders Association Alternatif Enerji ve Biyodizel Üreticileri Birligi (ALBIYOBIR) Alternative Energy and Biodiesel Producers Association 8.tr www. No:35 Küçükköy / G.Ankara 0090 312 428 47 7475 [email protected]şa.Öveçler Çankaya/ Ankara 0090 312 472 13 65 0090 312 472 13 66 [email protected] Çetin Emeç Bulvarı 8.org.com www.besd-bir.A.tr They could provide analyses regarding local energy technologies 109 .beyazder. meat and food industry residues potential and distribution BEYAZ DER Beyaz Et Toptancıları ve Perakendicileri Derneği Association of Meat Wholesalers and retailers MERKEZ-Yeni Mahalle Hekimsuyu Cad.org.tr www.İST. Cadde 81. Adnan Menderes Cad.org.albiyobir.org www. No:142 TR-54000 Adapazarı/ Sakarya 0090 264 291 44 70 [email protected]/ They could provide information regarding Turkey´s poultry meat industry residues potential and distribution Yerli Enerji Teknolojileri Araştirma Derneği (YETA) Local Energy Technology Research Association Mithatpaşa Mah. No: 1/14 06680 Çankaya .O. Yıl Apt.Sokak 5/A Öveçler ANKARA 0090 312 472 77 88 besd-bir@besd-bir. Cad 86.org.org. Sokak 12/A Daire: 1 TR.yeta.tr They could provide information regarding Turkey´s milk. 0090 212 609 33 33 info@beyazder. com.com http://www.Cadde No:17 Erzincan Türkiye 0090 3123545437 [email protected] Biogas Project Private Biovizyon Energy Ltd.Ş.tr ertan. Kat.biovizyon.İzmir 0090 232 472 10 50 [email protected] omer. Maras TEKNODAN Ahmet Rasim Sk.alternatifenerji.com. TR-46000 K.teknodan. engineering and consultancy studies Biogas studies and construction of biogas plant facilities Consultancy firm in the field of renewable energy Consultansy firm and Turkey´s potential renewable energy maps Prokom Madencilik Erzincan Organize Sanayi Bölgesi [email protected] www. Meydan Sk. Maras Yolu Üzeri 6. km.tr 0090 344 234 21 10 [email protected] İçerenköy.com 0090 312 2847125 (Pbx) [email protected]. No: 44/7 Yukarı Ayrancı /ANKARA 0090 312 440 16 11 info@teknodan. (BIOVIZYON) Kutay Han No: 103/14 TR.tr Energy.de 0090 212 290 2780 (pbx) http://ttgroupenergy. Yuvam Apt. Ataşehir/ Istanbul 0090 216 574 9443 info@biovizyon. No.tr http://www.de www.21 D.com They provide studies regarding sustainable resource management MTB Enerji Mühendislik Danismanlik Nasuh Akar Mahallesi 1402. Maslak Istanbul.ANKARA / TÜRKIYE TTGroup Energy Veko Giz Plaza.com They doing projects regarding renewable energy Recydia Atık Yönetimi A.tr www.kuzu@teknodan. Kemalpaşa Caddesi No:19 Kat:2 Işıklı Bornova . Türkiye – TR ProWind Alternatif Enerji Kayseri K.com. Sokak No: 11/1 Balgat .com.com. 34396.com.com www.prokomelektronik.tr They could provide technology which is necessary for biogas plants 110 . ITC-KA Enerji Üretim San.com Waste management and projects regarding producing energy from waste Ege Biyoteknoloji A.com http://www. Nato Yolu Ege Mah. Biyogaz ve Geri Dönüşüm A.com.com Biogas projects within Turkey Paksoy Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.egebiyoteknoloji.com www. EGE BIYOTEKNOLOJI Inc.com.tr@andritz.Ş.com.com www. No:184 TR-01280 Yüreğir/ Adana 0090 322 311 4830 [email protected] They could provide workshops regarding energy Tonguç Caddesi 17/2 TR-07000 Antalya 0090 532 265 7922 [email protected] www.O. Kızılay İş Merkezi No:3/5 TR-5210 Alsancak/ İzmir 0090 232 464 57 67 . ve Tic.asmaz.com.tr They work with biodisel En-Cev Mahatma Gandi Cad. they do environmental impact assessments ANDRITZ HYDRO Hollanda caddesi.itcturkiye. 695 Yildiz .Cankaya 06550 Ankara Türkiye 0090 3124088000 contact-hydro.P.Ş. Biogas and Recycling Co.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Abalaco Enerji.tr www.paksoy.com.tr Labtests. Karataş Cad. Paksoy Ticaret Ve Sanayi A. Mamak Katı Atık Alanı Ankara 0090 312 390 87 01 info@itcturkiye. (ABALACO) Abalaco Energy. Şehit Nevres Bulvarı.encev.com.Ş.abalaco.com www.0090 232 464 57 68 info@egebiyoteknoloji. ANKARA 0090 312 447 26 22 encev@encev. No : 92/ 2-34-6-7 06680 G.com They supply technologies for renewable energy Asmaz Enerji ASMAZ Plaza Fatih Caddesi 35 77200 Yalova Türkiye 0090 226 813 67 07 [email protected] Construction company 111 .Ş.tr http://www. A.Ş.andritz. at www.info www.com.com Investments in renewable energy RWE muratzekeriya.com Agribusiness. / PETEK BOZKAYA İŞHANI / Blk: D / No: 5/104 Bursa Türkiye 0090 224 253 30 22 [email protected] r Energy from solid waste GMK .com http://www.entec-biogas.km Kemerburgaz-Eyüp İstanbul Türkiye 00902123602981 [email protected]. / Ata Sk.tr They produce bioethanol Schilfweg 1 A-6972 Fussach 0043 5578 7946 office@entec-biogas. (TARKIM) Agricultural Chemical Technologies Inc.77 58-0 [email protected]. possible investor Aydoganlar Tarim +90 358 486 81 97 Agribusiness.gmk.co m www.rwe.S. possible 112 .Turkish-German Biogas Project Tarimsal Kimya Teknolojileri A.com Biogas projects EKOLOJİK ENERJİ A. K:4.tr http://www. No: 173.soleaenerji. [email protected] m.info Biogas company Gazcılar Cd. D:3 TR-34365.tr www.com. Nisantasi/ Istanbul 0090 212 219 2893 info@tarimsalkimya.Ş Hasdal Yolu 6.tarkim. Entec Biogas Gmbh Valikonagi [email protected] energy company Anksan Meat Co. Inc.Gesellschaft für Motoren und Kraftanlagen mbH Solea Enerji Reuterstraße 5 18211 Bargeshagen Germany 0049 3 82 03 . c www. eon.com [email protected]@hunbiyogaz.com.tr [email protected] [email protected] www.com.com.com [email protected]@eon.com Energy company Energy company Agribusiness.com. 2G Energietechnik GmbH Godd Energy Bilgin Energy Biogas Weser-Ems GmbH & [email protected]@enbw.tr www.com [email protected] Possible investor Kozlu Opal Enerji ve Gübre [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Energy Consultancy Energy company Energy Consultancy Energy company Energy company Energy company a.tr f.ON International Energy EDSM Enerji EnBW Ençev Enerji Hun Biyogaz Keskinoglu +90 216 325 84 89 +90 236 427 25 72 +90 332 261 01 54 +90 212 371 46 79 +90 212 275 5234 [email protected]@binoba.tr Energy Consultancy +49 44 91 93 800 165 www.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Hayvancilik A. KG BIOLAK Group .tr www.com.com Energy company Energy company Energy company Energy company www.de dursun.goddenergy.tr [email protected] gerdogan@borusan. com.tr [email protected] investor +49 2568 9347 1865 +49 30 859 759 41 c.com buelent.de +90 312 475 41 03 s. edsmenerji.com.com. opalenerji. possible investor CRES Energy E.keskinoglu.burdanyumurta.com.BINOBA Biyogaz Teknolojileri Danışmanlık ve Projelendirme BM Holding Borusan Burdan Yumurta +90 224 676 32 07 +90 312 286 53 53 sibel.kozlu.cres-consulting.tr www.S.tr Possible investor Energy and fertilizer 113 .pestemalcioglu@keskinoglu. tr zeki.ormansu. S.enerji.tr They have power the make law.tr www.gov.de Energy company Energy company Ministires Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources İnönü Bulvarı No: 27 TR-06100 Bahçelievler / Ankara 0090 312 212 64 20 bilgi@enerji. invest projects and they could provide special permission to reach more detailed database Türkiye Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Ministry of Water Affairs Söğütözü Cad.Renewable Energies +49 89 720 12 739 dominik.gov. Lodumlu / ANKARA 0090 312 287 33 60 (10 hat) bilgi@tarim. A. invest projects and they could provide special permission to reach more detailed database Gida Tarim ve Hayvancilik Bakanligi Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock Eskişehir Yolu 9 km.de www.gov.tr company Agribusiness. pinaret.tr www. ve [email protected] www.ANKARA 0090 312 207 50 00 www.gov.gov. wip-munich. No14/E Beştepe 06560 Yenimahalle .tr They have power the make law.ilgaz@pinaret. Pinar 90 232 877 09 20 om.Turkish-German Biogas Project Üretim Tic. possible investor Schmack Biogas GmbH +49 9431 751 235 suat.com.com WIP .tr They have power the make law. invest projects and they 114 [email protected]. No:1 Bakanlıklar Ankara www.gov.de They could create a bridge between Turkish and German investors and researchersinvest projects 115 .tr They have power the make law.de www. invest projects and they could provide special permission to reach more detailed database Chambers Alman-Türk Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Deutsch-Tükische Industrie.dtr-ihk.cevresehircilik.gov. 88 TR-34457 Tarabya/ Istanbul 0090 212 363 05 00 info(at)dtr-ihk. invest projects and they could provide special permission to reach more detailed database Bilim Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanligi Ministry of Science Industry and Technology Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi Dumlupınar Bulvarı Eskişehir Yolu 2151.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey and Forestry could provide special permission to reach more detailed database Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Çevre ve Sehircilik Bakanlığı Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation Vekaletler Cad. No.und Handelskammer Yeniköy Cad.tr 0090 312 410 10 00 They have power the make law.Cadde No154 06510 Çankaya /ANKARA 0090 312 201 50 00 webmaster@sanayi. org They could find out possible investors for biogas 116 .gov.K. Km No:166 06520 Cankaya-Ankara 0090 312 295 50 00 [email protected] www.biyogazder.tr/ They are responsible from electrical affairs TR-5210 Sehit Nevres Bulvari 3/5.biyosiad.51 06171 Yenimahalle Ankara 0090 312 315 76 2226 [email protected] www.gov.gov.Turkish-German Biogas Project Biyogaz Yatırımları Geliştirme Derneği (BiyogazDer) Biogas Investment Development Association Biyodizel Sanayicileri ve Isadamlari Dernegi (BİYOSIAD) Biodiesel Industrialists & Businessmen Association Orman Genel Müdürlüğü General Directorate of Forestry Gazi Tesisleri TR-06560 Gazi/ Ankara 0090 312 296 4000 [email protected] They are responsible from agricultural policies and researches Eskisehir youl 7.tr They could invest projects and they could provide special permission to reach more detailed database Elektrik Isleri Etüt Idaresi Genel Müdürlügü General Directorate of Electrical Power TAGEM General Directorate Of Agricultural Research And Policies Tarım Kampüsü İstanbul Yolu Üzeri.gov. P.org They could provide information regarding biodiesel businesses Uzun Çayır Caddesi Yapı İş Merkezi B2 Blok Kat: 1 D:32 TR-34722 Hasanpaşa / Kadıköy – İstanbul 0090 216 325 84 89 [email protected] www.org www.ogm. Alsancak/ Izmir 0090 232 464 42 53 [email protected] www.tagem.eie. No :38. [email protected] They could provide researches.tr www. labtests and workshops 117 . Cevre mühendisligi bölümü Prof.gov.tr www.K.deu. Solaklar Köyü Mevkii PK 66 TR-41000 İzmit/ Kocaeli 0090 262 319 44 44 [email protected] www.tr www.com Biogas projects 0090 262 677 20 00 [email protected] They could provide investment for possible projects Universities Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.edu.edu. Izmit Waste and Residue Treatment. knowledge.izaydas. Ayse Filibeli Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.Mühendislik Fakültesi. Inc.com. 35160. Zeki Acar Cad. data.Dr.Bucaİzmir 0090 232453 10 08/1117 ayse.gov.mam. Incineration and Recycling Co. Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Başbakanlık Yatırım Destek ve Tanıtım Ajansı (TYDTA) Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi Turkey scientific and technical research institute TÜBİTAK Gebze Yerleşkesi Marmara Araştırma Merkezi Barış Mah. 21 41470 Gebze Kocaeli Izmit Atik ve Artiklari Aritma Yakma Ve Değerlendirme (İzaydaş) A. No:1 P.Ş. Kaynaklar Kampüsü.gov.tr They could provide scientific and technical research Akay Caddesi no:5 TR-06640 Çankaya/Ankara 0090 312 413 89 00 info@invest. data. labtests and workshops Cukurova Üniversitesi. data.akdeniz. Göksel N.tr Maslak. İstanbul 0090 212 2853790 ozturkiz@itu. labtests and workshops They could provide researches.cu. data. Mühendislik Fakültesi.tr http://tarimmakinalari.itu.ziraat.tr http://muh. labtests and workshops They could provide researches. Prof.tr http://www. Ziraat Fakültesi.Dr.edu.tr Balıklarkayası Mevkii 78050 KARABÜK 0090 370 4332021 dkaya@karabuk. knowledge.edu.edu. İzzet Öztürk Akdeniz Üniversitesi.Dr.cevre.metu.edu. Demirer Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi.Türkiye 0090 312-210-5867 [email protected] u. knowledge.tr http://makina. 34469. Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü.edu. Tarım Makinaları Bölümü 07070 ANTALYA 0090 242 310 24 36 yaldiz@akdeniz. Durmuş KAYA Middle East Technical University.edu.tr They could provide researches. data. Doç. Tarım Makinaları Bölümü.Turkish-German Biogas Project Karabük Üniversitesi. Prof. Dr. labtests and 118 . Ziraat Fakültesi.edu. knowledge.tr www. knowledge. Dr. Prof. İnşaat Fakültesi. Dr.karabuk.tr They could provide researches. Hasan Hüseyin ÖZTÜRK Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakiltesi Tarım Makinaları Bölümü 01330 Balcalı/ ADANA 0090 322 338 64 08 [email protected] YALDIZ Akdeniz Üniversitesi.tr İnönü Bulvarı 06531 Ankara . Prof. Ziraat Fakültesi.edu. Cevre mühendisligi bölümü. data. Environmental Engineering Department. knowledge. labtests and workshops They could provide researches. edu.edu . Nuri Azbar Süleyman Demirel University.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey workshops Süleyman Demirel University.tr www. Mühendislik Fakültesi. Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Machinery.edu.tr They could provide researches. Insaat Fakültesi Cevre Mühendisligi Bölümü Ass.yildiz.tr www.tr 0090 246 2113864 [email protected] http://biyomuhendislik.edu. Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Machinery.sdu. Kamil Ekinci Ege Üniversitesi.İstanbul / TÜRKİYE 0090 212 383-53-76 yetilmez @yildiz. Isparta 32260/ TURKEY Ege Üniversitesi bilim teknoloji uygulama ve arastirma merkezi binasi 3. knowledge. knowledge. labtests and workshops They could provide researches. data. Kat 35100 bornova izmir 0090 232-3880378 (138) nuri.cem.sdu.edu. labtests and workshops Yildiz Teknik Üniversitesi. Prof. data. knowledge.tr They could provide researches. Prof.azbar@ege. Dr. Dr. labtests and workshops 119 . Kaan Yetilmezsoy Davutpaşa Kampüsü Z-036 34220 Esenler . Boyomühendislik Bölümü. data.ege.edu. Data source: [18].Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 6: Number of cattle and broiler slaughterhouses based on provinces. Province Number of slaugtherhouses (Broiler chicken) Adana Afyon Ankara Antalya Aydin Balikesir Bilecik Bolu Bursa Çankiri Elaziğ Erzincan Erzurum Eskişehir Hatay İstanbul İzmir Kayseri Kocaeli Konya Malatya Manisa Mersin Sakarya Samsun Tokat Uşak Van Kirklareli Kirsehir Kutahya Mardin Mugla Mus 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 7 1 3 1 2 2 2 5 16 6 13 6 7 16 7 5 2 13 6 6 1 13 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 8 4 1 5 1 Number of integrated facilities (Broiler chicken) Number of slaugtherhouses (Cattles) 120 . Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Nevsehir Nigde Ordu Osmaniye Rize Sanliurfa Siirt Sinop Sirnak Sivas Tekirdag Trabzon Tunceli Yozgat Zonguldak Total 17 55 3 2 13 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 10 1 1 6 5 178 121 . Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 7: Poultry slaughterhouse units distribution in Turkey. Data source: [48] 122 . Data source: [16].Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Appendix 8: Distribution of total slaughterhouse facilities. 123 . Policies And Recent Developments In Turkey Energy Production And Sustainable 2010 Kaygusuz 2010 Ibrahim Yuksel Energy Policies In Turkey Current Status And Future Prospects Energy policies in Turkey Renewable energy use in Turkey Potential analyses of biogas production from Turkey 2010 Elif Kirtay Kamil Ekinci. (Part I) Energy Production. H. Year Author Name Of The Study Measures To Protect Environmental Problems Caused By Animal Waste In Main content I. 2011 Ozturk Rural Areas: A Case Study From Western Turkey Optimal Planning Of Central Biogas Plants And Evaluation Of Their Biogas potential of animal waste in western Turkey Optimized model for biogas production from manure in Tire. Kocaman. Guney. Izmir. Recep Kulcu. Toklu. O. Konukcu. M. Durmus Kaya. Turkey Halil Baki Unal. Izmir.S. Halil Ibrahim 2011 Yılmaz. Turkey Effect Of Operational Parameters On Anaerobic Co-Digestion Of Dairy Cattle Manure And Agricultural Residues: A Case Study For The Effect of temperature and HRT on anaerobic digestion 2010 Emrah Alkaya Kahramanmaras . policies and recent developments in Turkey 2010 Erkan Erdogdu E. Comaklı. Isık. Can Ertekin. consumption. M. Bulent Mıran Environmental Impacts: A Case Study From Tire. F.Region In Turkey Türkiye Biyoyakit Potansiyeli Ve Son 2010 Filiz Karaosmanoglu Gelismeler A Paper On The Unsettled Question Of Turkish Electricity Market: Balancing And Settlement System Biofuel potential of Turkey Questioning of Turkish electricity market Energy production. K.Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 9: Biogas Potential Studies in Turkey based on years. Consumption. Osman Yaldız. Of Renewable Energy Use In Turkey The Prospective Of Potential Biogas In Turkey Plants That Can Utilize Animal Manure animal manure for whole 2010 Huseyin Ozturk 124 . G. Cicek Bezir Nalan. Ozturk 2009 Murat. 2009 Volkan Coban. Ozek Nuri F. 2009 Gunnur Kocar Evaluate The Turkish Renewable Energies Estimation of Cattle farms´ future in Erzurum Evaluation of Turkish renewable energy potentials Energy production in Turkey: the utilization of waste from tomato and Yahya Ulusoy.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey An Economic Analysis for Estimation Future of Cattle Farms: A Case Study 2009 in Erzurum A Quadratichelix Approach To Melih Soner Celiktas. Hilal Ulukardesler. Halil Ünal and 2009 Kamil Aliba Analysis Of Biogas Production In Turkey Utilising Three Different Materials And Two Scenarios Analysis Of Renewable Energy And Its Impact On Rural Development In 2009 Turkey Biogas Potential Study by 2009 Teknodan Durmus Kaya. A. Fusun Tatlidil. Muharrem Eyidogan. Mustafa Tiris Türkiyenin Hayvansal Atik Kaynakli Biyogaz Potansiyeli Ve Ekonomisi Turkey´s biogas potential derived from animal manure TEKNODAN company Analyses of renewable energy Turkey biogas potential analyses and various maps pea paste production and the utilization of cattle manure. Eyüp Debik production within suitable Büyükbas Hayvan Atıklarının Yönetimi technologies 125 . Selman Cagman. Tamer 2008 Coskun. Zeki Bayramoglu and Duygu 2009 Akturk Renewable Energy Market Conditions And Barriers In Turkey Animal Manure As One Of The Main Biogas Production Resources: Case Of Turkey An Expose Of Bioenergy And Its Renewable energy and its barriers in Turkey Biogas production from animal waste in Turkey Situation of bioenergy in Turkey Biomass as a source of electricity production Evaluation and management of cattle manure for energy 2008 Erkan Erdogdu Potential And Utilization In Turkey Importance Of Biomass Energy 2008 Ayhan Demirbas Sources For Turkey Neslihan Manav. Cihangir Aydoner. Murat Ihsan Komurcu. Sedat Keles. Enerji importation and utilization in Turkey Biogas production from codigestion of cheese whey and manure 2007 Atilla Akkoyunlu Emel Kocak Enturk. Abdullah Kaygusuz. Dikeç 2008 Stephanie Energy Situation And Renewables In Turkey And Environmental Effects Of Energy Use Global Warming And Renewable Energy Sources For Sustainable Administrative. Murat Kankal. Oner Atalay Eskısehır Seker-Alkol Fabrıkası Past. Ahmet 2008 Sarı.Turkish-German Biogas Project Adem Akpınar. Çanka Kılıç Fatma. 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Ahmet Sarı. 2008. 199 1.5 717.136 4.786 2.604 4.282 981 2.353 1.1 32.757 43 8 2.292 7.560 8.0 7.635 2.367 537 492 29.0 4.0 100.996 3.9 105.798 13.9 443.104 8.014 total Adana Adiyaman Afyonkarahisar Agri Aksaray Amasya Ankara Antalya Ardahan Artvin Aydin Balikesir Bartin Batman Bayburt Bilecik Bingol Bitlis Bolu Burdur Bursa Canakkale Cankiri Corum Denizli Diyarbakir Duzce Edirne Elazig Erzincan Erzurum Eskisehir Gaziantep Giresun Gumushane 3.995 2.800 5.2 4.7 5.385 1.442 2.6 2.689 15.040 42.235 1.905 2.691 1.7 319 982 575 1.831 24.489 7.142 7.8 271.088 591 3.156 1.2 0.338 131 .0 8.922 110 34 195 30.949 3.262 790 1.6 1.485 9.3 2.899 14.233 4.522 1.258 3.836 4.694 2.1 22.3 1.239 2.4 11.7 3.6 198.9 51.0 66.734 7.4 0.392 805 5.6 481.0 22.113 3.421 1.6 89.499 6.0 3.0 2.937 1.7 13.7 300.348 3.364 2.929 6.427 3.868 16.409 2.383 1.342 2.7 29.387 3.174 207 165 42.478 1.211 6.3 135.234 1.298 7.0 112.075 2.113 16.1 14.678 10.4 15.9 817.8 50.847 3.285 2.214 24.0 224.0 4.081 2.303 477 3.8 6.241 483 300 2.3 660.896 5.4 87.418 1.120 11.099 2.5 117.071 13.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Appendix 11: Theoretical biogas potential of agriculturial substrates on province level Theoretical agricultural biogas potential (TJ/year) Province manure (poultry+cattle) cereal straw tomato waste (field + greenhouse) sugar beet leaf energy crops (grass) on fallow land 581 43 5.051 1.896 819 5.2 25.291 2.483 1.941 709 791 335 764 1.521 948 823 591 10.6 13.005 9.619 16.568 4.2 12.9 1.756 16.339 928 1.219 334 4.3 35.374.2 21.8 949.120 2.287 13.071 2.0 2.1 65.603 5.107 1.543 1.398 7.8 168.692 2.027 1.306 2.0 1.4 105.0 270.118 6.8 394.744 941 702 159 19 32 0.062 3.6 83.8 130.894 623 413 623 483 706 477 6.5 0. 5 35.6 0.793 6.5 9.515 2.633 6.6 2.264 3.9 0.228 10.601 219 10.210 1.6 6.201 1.076 493 3.611 7.3 418.4 203.061 970 1.076 970 473 475 3.892 48 2.8 9.7 50.937 5.804 2.928 42 3.441 5.0 561.669 384 61.3 58.620 18.1 4.392 1.0 22.306 5.515 3.494 14.1 0.461 5.475 7.687 8 337 881 1.5 107.9 1.545 92.516 21.0 33.Turkish-German Biogas Project Hakkari Hatay Igdir Isparta Istanbul Izmir Kahramanmaras Karabuk Karaman Kars Kastamonu Kayseri Kilis Kirikkale Kirklareli Kirsehir Kocaeli Konya Kutahya Malatya Manisa Mardin Mersin Mugla Mus Nevsehir Nigde Ordu Osmaniye Rize Sakarya Samsun Sanliurfa Siirt Sinop Sirnak Sivas Tekirdag Tokat Trabzon Tunceli Usak 315 1.7 2.050 112 693 4.9 0.143 8.334 440 3.481 827 763 880 6.275 1.233 685 11.7 1.649 1.575 5.790 2.7 4.120 25.5 121.679 5.0 664.9 10.088 1.997 764 2.318 2.420 1.1 0.0 9.5 332.240 0 1.895 8.185 1.385 11.927 2.0 562.2 853.735 4.3 722.162 6.733 3.8 136.6 19.251 4.532 1.367 2.779 4.893 579 2.7 43.8 34.016 663 177 6.025 9.986 12.4 16.2 0.803 2.101 1.725 11.922 8.803 5.214 47.9 19.0 8.9 317.1 753.748 7.697 3.000 9.675 2.133 2.5 18.251 1.5 260.878 86 6.388 4.2 907.481 2.634 9.8 319.985 3.8 6.362 4.5 8.818.665 3.0 7.1 47.804 2.566 306 4 0 23 1.3 33.844 230 798 328 3.832 8.300 3.5 63.481 2.228 251 36.003 9.861 0 7.8 25.615 704 1.098 2.8 711.7 64.6 27.6 62.2 285.938 4.0 36.812 2.7 412.5 1.541 78 510 1.309 31.733 2.131 233 1.168 5.987 1.760 1.6 26.0 28.317 9.2 0.371 1.575 4.043 1.262 570 744 1.741 6 2.031 2.1 77.256 2.096 1.0 156.998 9.380 218 2.488 1.1 30.539 1.131 657 3.1 300.005 807 2.2 142 0 1.5 42.9 2.005 4.242 4.621 5.2 32.3 268.660 132 .371 1.8 359.838 726 2.0 1.086 18. 743 8.595.8 11.054 774.309 17.045 66.8 2.515 276.366 2.6 4.816 323 30.458 325.588 99 2.7 8.4 5.340 9 9.936 164 18.218 1.038 3.665 133 .5 0.875 1.0 1.217 57 7.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Van Yalova Yozgat Zonguldak total 1.780 144. 1 67.706 3.8 0.7 120.1 31.5 56.906 1.9 237.4 20.437 530 315 259 668 299 469 6.7 80 245 144 277 316 198 338 392 1.9 16.5 1.459 583 1.4 32.4 8.919 2.2 3.4 1.334 1.432 448 4.8 3.600 1.978 5.8 0.387 356 539 772 2.092 134 123 7.110 671 357 72 1.6 1.0 2.140 2.5 12.757.604 433 113 2.899 716 1.792 5.272 1.835 232 439 11 2 515 776 2.5 0.9 3.3 0.2 504 35 total Adana Adiyaman Afyonkarahisar Agri Aksaray Amasya Ankara Antalya Ardahan Artvin Aydin Balikesir Bartin Batman Bayburt Bilecik Bingol Bitlis Bolu Burdur Bursa Canakkale Cankiri Corum Denizli Diyarbakir Duzce Edirne Elazig Erzincan Erzurum Eskisehir Gaziantep Giresun Gumushane Hakkari 2.2 26.4 8.018 730 28 9 49 7.941 1.608 3.119 110 2.2 75.793 1.4 6.175 2.3 5.8 1.5 3.1 0.9 179.186 1.526 2.481 2.8 1.6 4.150 3.0 2.8 2.6 110.2 37.325 1.172 3.100 321 639 311 379 290 1.496 9.288 1.7 42.1 25.931 661 345 680 116 134 .4 13.5 32.5 98.5 1.017 237 127 99 55 1.6 5.1 49.833 1.423 424 48 30 235 394 124 194 71 79 33 76 138 195 307 299 212 660 401 922 33 444 203 134 293 610 274 94 70 22 63 5 10 0.674 348 78 97 303 117 82 5.7 0.355 1.9 6.2 7.106 6.2 34.673 304 6.1 21.6 16.7 293 52 41 10.9 0.Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 12: Technical biogas potential of agriculturial substrates on province level Technical agricultural biogas potential (TJ/year) Province manure (poultry+cattle) cereal straw tomato waste (field + greenhouse) sugar beet leaf energy crops (grass) on fallow land 145 11 1.1 165.245 408 1.5 204.9 20.7 23.225 721 539 148 792 1.1 5.253 3.263 1.2 67.0 1.7 0. 7 19.975 1.9 0.5 75.373 1.6 67.6 18.842 110 120 163 666 351 337 108 49 309 222 54.7 103.6 0.0 0.1 0.6 2.2 5.101 413 246 516 674 409 148 294 432 227 125 493 4 357 462 1.2 1.687 1.8 14.614 1.7 8.299 632 4.7 0.1 83.1 4.370 1.3 1.8 3.749 1.9 27.912 251 202 533 164 933 984 1.8 71.134 100 2.550 860 2.9 2.3 9.5 6.2 10.504 21.7 7.6 10.0 0 453 672 2 84 220 440 448 629 623 3.4 8.094 282 11.110 172 38 1.713 709 1.985 2.864 1.484 1.970 22 1.825 1.825 2.6 9.706 1.0 9.6 2.571 1.2 12.3 0.185 1 560 0 263 28 1.723 12 557 63 9.681 350 45 410 55 1.7 2.171 512 290 297 584 1.9 15.7 34.995 135 .667 96 15.5 312.3 0.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Hatay Igdir Isparta Istanbul Izmir Kahramanmaras Karabuk Karaman Kars Kastamonu Kayseri Kilis Kirikkale Kirklareli Kirsehir Kocaeli Konya Kutahya Malatya Manisa Mardin Mersin Mugla Mus Nevsehir Nigde Ordu Osmaniye Rize Sakarya Samsun Sanliurfa Siirt Sinop Sirnak Sivas Tekirdag Tokat Trabzon Tunceli Usak Van 908 137 391 552 4.715 0 1.224 685 1.1 6.5 2.424 937 1.249 3.7 79.1 30.904 4.0 2.448 2.3 0.228 855 738 4.6 7.2 6.4 363.0 89.2 0.2 172.4 6.284 2.8 2.010 170 1.0 0.0 12.2 1.388 777 1.8 2.073 374 841 32 5.204.012 270 261 70 184 73 231 533 44 303 225 179 689 58 280 280 504 152 2.6 105.0 140.016 2.814 2.0 0.6 89.197 1.4 200.578 5.150 6.2 0.034 138 1.0 140.290 280 350 1.391 77 1 0 6 307 2.072 2.2 0.6 16.4 16.4 5.258 1.4 178.6 65.8 226.0 10.5 0.0 39.4 4.098 370 330 417 171 346 28 5.495 35 282 549 502 1. 263 195.3 2.0 398.372 27.379 81.2 2.753 136 .Turkish-German Biogas Project Yalova Yozgat Zonguldak 58 1.585 2 106 6.1 0.639 total 78.167 1.064 4.8 41 4.941 1.483 6 788 151 1.674 4. 339 0 630 616 158 4 185 1 1.561.998.933.600 199.922 Number of broiler 6.679 290.000 1.605 110.452 1.100 211.642 5.806 180.145.525 41.009.423 23 854 649 188 438 379 43 1.717 519.915 532.677 266.094 24 28 118 1.700 914.380 240.097 0 52 0 0 6 692 0 1 0 371 2.052 24 28 113 344 58 12 1 76 598 20 16 5 15 13 12 30 22 217 27 28 433 192 42 40 24 41 33 20 113 60 5 11 9 total 1.400 8.683 3.105 24 28 119 1.173 26 1.782.071.480 3.927 55 4 0 111 0 0 5.000 3.500 30.186 673.033 58 13 1 446 3.393 0 637 622 160 4 187 1 1.475 1.055 750 302.489 74 20 4 125 13 12 5.683 361.161 26 1.206 2.485 133.113 143.051 24 393 33 22 523 113 5 12 9 Technical biogas potential poultry manure (TJ/year) broiler chicken 1.369 22 845 643 186 433 375 43 1.098 16.344 374.012.350 9.000 582 2.092 5.151 110.000 5.745.342.345.312 2.000 25.643.500 2.179 216.041 24 28 112 341 58 12 1 75 592 20 16 4 15 13 12 30 22 215 27 28 429 190 42 40 23 40 32 20 112 59 5 10 9 total 1.011 0 352 0 2 410 53 0 2 0 laying chicken 64 26 1.000 0 349 0 2 406 53 0 2 0 laying chicken 64 25 1.500 32.417 229.848 315.300 181.680 94.227 361.067.859.826 251.334.770 3.897 54 4 0 110 0 0 5.423 3.795 118.043 58 13 1 450 3.157 1.015.310 305.041 23 389 32 22 518 112 5 12 9 137 .100 broiler chicken 1.108 0 53 0 0 6 699 0 1 0 375 2.864.300 Number of laying hen 573.525 75 20 5 126 13 12 5.700 5.000 20.382.411 252.500 634.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Appendix 13: Theoretical and technical biogas potential of poultry manure on province level Theoretical biogas potentialof poultry manure (TJ/year) Province Adana Adıyaman Afyonkarahisar Ağrı Aksaray Amasya Ankara Antalya Ardahan Artvin Aydın Balıkesir Bartın Batman Bayburt Bilecik Bingöl Bitlis Bolu Burdur Bursa Çanakkale Çankırı Çorum Denizli Diyarbakır Düzce Edirne Elazığ Erzincan Erzurum Eskişehir Gaziantep Giresun Gümüşhane Hakkari 9.600 40.000 10.377 1.715.086 77. 850 104.537 0 959 301 0 0 35 1 11 0 4.933 471.000 10.684 247.526 3.072 110.100 49.238.900 292.950 138 .Turkish-German Biogas Project Hatay Iğdır Isparta İstanbul İzmir Kahramanmaraş Karabük Karaman Kars Kastamonu Kayseri Kilis Kırıkkale Kırklareli Kırşehir Kocaeli Konya Kütahya Malatya Manisa Mardin Mersin Muğla Muş Nevşehir Niğde Ordu Osmaniye Rize Sakarya Samsun Şanlıurfa Siirt Sinop Şırnak Sivas Tekirdağ Tokat Trabzon Tunceli Uşak Van 1.290 54 108 120 16 36 453 27 55 38 34 886 1.452 1.607 236 8 3 9 0 0 1 7 0 0 629 0 42 13 19 109 392 35 23 120 16 32 359 9 40 33 31 44 968 62 21 591 27 108 98 36 90 55 22 18 1 90 143 79 9 12 7 35 52 29 3 3 21 38 338 15 20 226 2.880 121.634 1.400 45.304 555.363 3.596 191.057 396 36 90 90 22 29 1 4.654 3.875 257.068 400 37 91 91 23 29 1 4.017 1.082.744 382 87 13 21 7 35 53 36 3 3 656 38 297 2 1 117 1.800 200.531.871.910 84.317 500 3.093 971.518.103 28 1.563 25.300 185.990 810.636.448 647.313 55 109 121 16 36 457 28 56 39 34 895 1.050 40.135 983.715 392.286.000 3.723.697 378 87 13 21 7 35 53 36 3 3 650 38 21.870 6.330 167.778 709.134 28 1.613 26.215 64.000 376.347 83.971.752 26.450 496.281 144.000 31.000 4.345 1.140 740.150 296.923 326.653 238 8 4 9 0 0 1 7 0 0 635 0 42 14 19 110 396 35 24 121 16 33 363 9 41 33 31 44 978 62 21 597 28 109 99 37 91 56 22 18 1 91 144 80 9 13 7 35 53 29 3 3 21 38 342 15 20 229 2.840 11.000 312.500 490.000 84.682 338.900 879.086 275.263 315.096 174 236 3.361.030 160.500 810.898 19 85 0 0 4 93 18 15 6 3 843 128 112 214 2.261 9.600 112.790 750 5.324.650 300 2 1 118 1.724.500 364.714.610 677.486.014 537.849 14.917 19 86 0 0 4 94 18 15 6 3 851 129 113 217 2.950 18.107 175 238 3.550 211.200 5.627.000 20.891 196.512 0 949 298 0 0 35 1 11 0 4.855 8.030 65.012 1.238. 872 36.788.186 13 115 24 18 118 1.984.725 70.000 6.210 5 3 1.560 28.004 212.951 36.175 13 114 24 18 117 1.658 7.023.300 5 3 1.372 7.122 1.198 total 163.000 20.609 28.928.670 116.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Yalova Yozgat Zonguldak 28.243 139 . 4 87.2 87.5 87 300 Rice 140 .1 87.Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 14: Features of cereals straw for biogas production.9 380 Rye 1.3 86 72 350 1.95 86 93.85 86 91.1 87.7 427 Oat 1.5 87 300 Triticale 1.5 87 300 Meslin 1.5 87 300 Maize (Corn) 1. Features Corn-straw-ratio DM % oDM % Biogas yield [m³/ t oDM] Methane content % Methane yield [m³/ t oDM] 52 198 52 156 52 222 52 156 52 156 52 156 52 182 52 182 52 156 Wheat 0. Data source: [51].2 87.5 87 300 Barley 0.3 86 72 350 Sorghum 1. 000 TOTAL MILK 9.229.893.998.375 31.799.626 57.925 48.732.648.903.205 36.440 32.187.931 4.490.378 39.309.537.085.460 31.965.973 69.892 5.362 3.040.371 8.879.516 BUFFALO MILK 75.243 65.058 36.514.489 8.541.660 11.138 9.243 67.286.634 9.552.260 10.778 39.609.279.279.785 141 .353 30.362 38.082 7.814 4.568 5.733 8.176 10.440 4.916 9.392. Data source: [17].861.867.489.209 8.279 38.255.356 51.302 11.097 4.785 CATTLE MILK BUFFALO MILKED 79.327 50.715 11.202 10.722 3.026.409 7.562.326 10.598 10.330 63. Turkey: Milk production from cattle YEARS 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 CATTLE MILKED 5.604 10.422 32.340 11.875.064.569 5.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Appendix 15: Milk production from cattle in Turkey (1999-2009).559 9.358 30.041 8. 056 107.870 9. Type of products White cheese Yoghurt Ice cream Kashar (yellow) cheese Butter Turkish butter milk Curd cheese Tulum cheese Other cheese cream Other products Cream cheese Strained yoghurt Pasteurized milk Whey powder milk powder Sterilized milk Milk CC (raw milk) Edible ice Gruyere cheese Flavored milk TOTAL Number of businesses (units) 832 718 650 552 340 290 197 194 169 114 76 50 50 48 42 38 35 15 6 4 2 4.802 11.666 20.Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 16: Type of milk products based on businesses.506 45.367 4. production and installed capacity.863 91.302 15.380 21.946 18.506 28.138.645 14.320.722 9.536 1.284 113.629 35.700 Production (tons/year) 218.095 15.805 170.154.555.558 231.416 1.125 57 67 62 6.656 10.714 215.102 2.422 24.528 54.422 Installed capacity (tons/year) 1.291 33.765 286.487 6.043 9.728 80 83 120 11.100 8. Data source: [48].425 142 .137 2.259 613.018.083.799 18.546 1. Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Appendix 17: Survey for Livestock Sector (English Version) 143 . Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 18: Survey for Livestock Sector (Turkish Version) 144 . Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Appendix 19: Survey for Food industry Sector (English Version) 145 . Turkish-German Biogas Project Appendix 20: Survey for Food industry Sector (Turkish Version) 146 . web.de I http://www. Türkiye T +90 312 466 70 56 E [email protected] 147 .biyogaz. Ankara.Assessment of actual framework conditions and potentials for Biogas investments in Turkey Turkish-German Biogas Project Türk-Alman Biyogaz Projesi And Sokak No: 8/11 Cankaya.
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