Data Mining

April 2, 2018 | Author: NithinReddy | Category: Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Databases, Artificial Neural Network



1 of 34http://grdmcqonline/printqp.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014], Sem... Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science (Autonomous, affiliated to the Bharathiar University, recognized by the UGC)Reaccredited at the 'A' Grade Level by the NAAC and ISO 9001:2008 Certified CRISL rated 'A' (TN) for MBA and MIB Programmes III BCA 'A' [2011-2014] Semester V Elective: Data Mining - 506U2 Multiple Choice Questions. 1. KDD describes the _________. A. whole process of extraction of knowledge from data B. extraction of data C. extraction of information D. extraction of rules ANSWER: A 2. SQL helps to find _______. A. the interesting data B. hidden information C. intermediate data D. data under constraints that are already known ANSWER: D 3. Translation of problem to learning technique is called as _______. A. reengineering. B. translational engineering. C. representational engineering. D. learning algorithm. ANSWER: C 4. Which one of the following is not a part of empirical cycle in scientific research? A. Observation B. Theory. C. Self learning. D. Prediction. ANSWER: C 5. ________and __________ are the important qualities of good learning algorithm. A. Consistent, Complete. B. Information content, Complex. C. Complete, Complex. D. Transparent, Complex. ANSWER: A 6. Redundancy refers to the elements of a message that can be derived from other parts of _________. A. different message. B. irrelevant message. C. same message. D. complete message. ANSWER: C 8/13/2013 11:24 AM 2 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014], Sem... 7. Metadata describes __________. A. contents of database. B. structure of contents of database. C. structure of database. D. database itself. ANSWER: B 8. The partition of overall data warehouse is _______. A. database. B. data cube. C. data mart. D. operational data. ANSWER: C 9. __________ is used to load the information from operational database. A. Replication technique. B. Reengineering technique. C. Engineering technique. D. Transformation engineering. ANSWER: A 10. ___________ multiprocessing machines share same hard disk and internal memory. A. Massively parallel. B. Symmetric. C. Parallel. D. Asymmetric. ANSWER: B 11. A trivial result that is obtained by an extremely simple method is called _______. A. naive prediction. B. accurate prediction. C. correct prediction. D. wrong prediction. ANSWER: A 12. The information on two attributes is displayed in ____________ in scatter diagram. A. visualization space. B. scatter space. C. cartesian space. D. interactive space. ANSWER: C 13. OLAP stands for ________. A. Online Analytical Processing. B. Online Linear Analytical Processing. C. Online Animated Process. D. Online Analytical Problem. ANSWER: A 14. K-nearest neighbor is one of the _______. A. learning technique. B. OLAP tool. C. purest search technique. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM 3 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014], Sem... D. data warehousing tool. ANSWER: C 15. The intermediate unit in perceptron is ________. A. photoreceptors. B. associators. C. responders. D. receptors. ANSWER: B 16. OLAP is used to explore the ___________ knowledge. A. shallow. B. deep. C. multidimensional. D. hidden. ANSWER: C 17. A natural way to visualize the process of training a self-organizing map is called __________. A. kohonen movie. B. kohonen map. C. frame. D. scatter diagram. ANSWER: A 18. Hidden knowledge can be found by using ________. A. searching algorithm. B. pattern recognition algorithm. C. searching algorithm. D. clues. ANSWER: B 19. Deep knowledge can be found only by using ________. A. clues. B. OLAP. C. SQL. D. algorithm ANSWER: A 20. The next stage to data selection in KDD process ______. A. enrichment. B. coding. C. cleaning. D. reporting. ANSWER: C 21. Enrichment means ____. A. adding external data. B. deleting data. C. cleaning data. D. selecting the data. ANSWER: A 22. The decision support system is used only for _______. A. cleaning. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. B. ANSWER: D 23. B. ANSWER: A 24. Visualization. 80 B. The DB vendor who is able to operate massively parallel computers is ________. Search Complexity. Reporting C. SQL. A. ________ is a creative activity that has to be performed repeatedly in order to get best results. C. Classification Accuracy. Statistical significance. queries. Kohenon map. ANSWER: B 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . Genetic algorithm. top-down. Transparency. 50 ANSWER: A 29. C. A. C. Which of the following is closely related to statistical significance and transparency? A. D. B. D. B. ANSWER: B 26. B. C. 70 C. D. A. client/server. CTS. TCS. ___________ percentage of the interesting information can be obtained by using SQL. _________ is an example for case based-learning. Neural networks. DSS. OLAP. Wipro. K-nearest neighbor.4 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. A. D. B. Sem. Cleaning B. ANSWER: D 28. C. D. IBM. A. ANSWER: C 27. bottom-up. Selection. selecting. In _________ approach data ware house is build first and all information needed is selected. ANSWER: B 25. C. 40 D. coding. ________ is the technique which is used for discovering patterns in dataset at the beginning of data mining process. D. Coding. D.. Decision trees. A.. A. B. C.5 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. D. B. A. ANSWER: A 31. Creation of population of string. number of iterations. D. In K-nearest neighbor algorithm K stands for ________.. Data ware house. 2 log n. Selection. 2n log n. Kohenon. ANSWER: C 32. Data mining. Genetic algorithm was proposed by _______. cross over operator. CUSTOMERS. Exchange of Information System. C. 30.. The complexity of data mining algorithm is represented by ________. D. ________ is the first stage in genetic algorithm. Watson. CAPTAINS. ANSWER: A 35. EIS stands for _________. ______ is a planning optimization application written for KLM A. _______ is the heart of knowledge discovery in database process. The _________ is one of genetic operators that are used to recombine the population of genetic material. genetic operator. A. B. John Holland. B. A. D. A. ANSWER: A 33. B. Sem. ANSWER: B 37. mutation operator. encoding operator. A. AIRLINES. n log n. Creative coding. C. ANSWER: D 36. PILOTS. C. Evaluation of each string. D. number of neighbors that are investigated. D. Genetic manipulation.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. number of total records. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . B. B. D. random number. Executive Information System. C. B. Johnson. Selection of string. A. ANSWER: C 34. C. log n. C. metadata. bias.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. ANSWER: C 40. B. D. B. A. Foreign key constraints are also referred as _______. Kolmogorov complexity. The distance between two points that is calculated using Pythagoras theorem is _________. D. B. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . B. historic data. ANSWER: D 45. eucledian distance. A. A. Extra Information System. operational data. candidate key. B. ______ is the relationship between compressibility and learnability. ANSWER: B 44. C. heuristic distance. Maximum description length principle. repeated data. D. D. B.6 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. A. white box. The system that can be used without knowledge of internal operation _______. A database containing volatile data used for daily operation of an organization is ______. Minimum description length principle. B. meta data. A. D. Voronoi principle. domain constraints. ANSWER: B 41. super key. noise is referred to as ________. random errors in database. referential integrity. A. C. In KDD and data mining. extendable distance.. A. The set of attribute in a database that refers to data in another table is called ______. conditional integrity. C. C. knowledge. complex data. C. D. case based learning. ANSWER: B 39. primary key. Sem. ANSWER: A 38. foreign key. D. C. C. black box.. C. consistency constraints. ANSWER: D 42. cartesian distance. DSS stands for _______. Extended Information system. ANSWER: A 43. D. The ever increasing amount of data is compared to that of infinite library by Jorge Louis Borges in his short stories namely _________. B. A. D. A coding operation in which an attribute with cardinality n is replaced by n binary attributes is called as ______. nearest neighbor search. n-table scan algorithm. Program. ANSWER: D 47. C. D. B. A. C. Data mining algorithms require ___________ A. the library of Boulevard. Decision System of System. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . Sem. B. B. hybrid learning. incremental learning. C. C. C. B. actual relation. fuzzification of table. inductive learning. Deciding Support System. D. A. C. Information.7 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. falsification of table. capacity to handle large amounts of data. C. ANSWER: A 48. The un-normalized relation containing all attributes that exist in database is ______. zoom scan algorithm. The algorithm that need to access a table several times during execution is_______. efficient sampling method. enrichment of table. D. transparent relation. B. Decision Support System. Data. the library of Louis. D.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. C. Decision Software System. verified relation. B. hybrid algorithm. universal relation. A. The technique of learning by generalizing from examples is ________. B. ______ itself has become a production factor of importance. flattening of table. A. A. generalized learning.. D. the library of Borges. the library of Babel. D. A.. ANSWER: D 50. ANSWER: B 51. ANSWER: C 49. storage of intermediate results. ANSWER: C 52. ANSWER: B 46. All of the above. same. observation 8/13/2013 11:24 AM .. C. Data mining is used to refer ______ stage in knowledge discovery in database. B. values. retrieving. D. In K.nearest neighbor the input is translated to __________. C. A. A. ANSWER: D 58. C. Algorithm. coding. press B. points in multidimensional space. planning. values B. B. In UK. ANSWER: D 54. In machine learning ________ phase try to find the patterns from observations. D. A. coding. nodes ANSWER: B 60. complementary. NDT ANSWER: B 59. D. ANSWER: C 57. A. different. a press .8 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. ANSWER: B 53. discovery. D. scheduling. D. selection of data. A. A. BBC C. points in multidimensional space C. selection. ANSWER: C 56. Knowledge discovery in database refers to _____. In genetic algorithm the problem is considered in terms of _________. Query tools and data mining tools are _______.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. B. The _______ plays an important role in artificial intelligence. B. programming skill. A. learning capabilities._______ has applied data mining techniques to analyze viewing figures. D. strings of characters. C. node. C. cleaning the data. ANSWER: A 55. standard.. A. strings of characters D. a. Sem. B. whole process of extraction of knowledge from data. CNN D. search space. A. B. D. all the instances of a concept. It is important to know the complexity of the _______ before developing any machine learning algorithm.. A. ANSWER: D 66. incremental search. learning. heuristic search B. Borges D. computer language. algorithm C. B. C. C. Minsky B. Karl Popper ANSWER: D 62. theory ANSWER: A 67. apriori algorithm ANSWER: B 63. Information content is closely related to ______ and transparency. D. search space D. algorithm. data B. kangaroo in a rock. A. A popular example for hill climbing search is a __________. A. B. A. The ________ is used to express the hypothesis describing the concept. B. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . learning ANSWER: C 65. kangaroo in a mist. algorithm. Sem. A general law can never be verified by a finite number of observations it can be falsified by only one observation. prediction ANSWER: C 61. C. C. A definition of a concept is complete if it recognizes _________. statistical significance.. all the information. D. hill climbing algorithm.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. analysis D. kangaroo in a forest. C. A. Papert C. The process of selecting good hypothesis and improving the theory based on this is called _______. kangaroo in a hill. This principle was discovered by the philosopher ______. ANSWER: A 64. definition. D. B. only positive examples.9 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. A. theory C. negative examples. D. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . A. ANSWER: B 68. C. The results of machine learning algorithms are always have to be checked for their _________. ______ could generate rule automatically. data. ANSWER: B 74. ANSWER: D 72. A ________ is necessary condition for KDDs effective implement. B. C. artificial intelligence. C. Sem. AD & T. D. ANSWER: C 75. A.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. B. 1995. The first international KDD conference was held in the year ________. database. ANSWER: D 69.. artificial intelligence. D. machine learning. ANSWER: B 73. A. Wipro. B. statistical relevance. artificial interest. multidisciplinary field of research. calculations C. data warehouse. Clementine. D. ANSWER: C 70. B.. database technology. C. A. expert system. ANSWER: A 71. D. KDD is a ________. living stones. 1992.10 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. D. C. IBM. B. The organization such as ______ is in USA. C. 1993. A. B. B. AI stands for ____. new technology that is use to store data. B. Intelligent miner is a mining tool from _______. 1994. AT & T. art of intelligence. KDD. data set. A. art of interest. observations. D. programs. A. expert system. D. A. C. 70 C. C. A good introduction to machine learning is the idea of ______. AA & T. C. WEKA B. ANSWER: D 80. ANSWER: D 77. 90 ANSWER: C 78. A. ANSWER: D 83. rapid miner. B. supervised. 60. D. formulae. genetic algorithm. Poppers law. ________ is a mining tool from integral solutions.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. D. hypothesis. concept learning. D. batch learning. Everything that science discovers has only ______ value. C. D. D. ANSWER: B 79. ANSWER: A 81. knowledge representation. D. ANSWER: A 76. A. The algorithms that are controlled by human during their execution is _______ algorithm. theoretical knowledge. same. A. decision trees. B. B. A. AT & D. Bias helps to ______. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . 80 D. C. C. A. temporary. association rules.11 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. C.. B. clementine. A. D. web miner. theory of falsification. Background knowledge depends on the form of ______________. Sem. ANSWER: B 82. unsupervised. standard. A. B.. B. ________ % of KDD is about preparing data. The ______ is one of the operation research techniques. content learning. different. incremental. k-nearest neighbor. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . ANSWER: B 85. Lot of kangaroo jumping around the country side is an example for ________. A. C. B. B. B. B. A. 40.. 30. complete. 10. C. C. ________ is used to find the vaguely known data. prolog program. learn. A ________ algorithm takes a new piece of information at each learning cycle and tries to revise the theory using new data. machine learning. ANSWER: D 84. A. A. constrain the search and utilizes KDD to analyze client files. python. batch learning. C. ANSWER: C 89. Sem. supervised. Sybase. unsupervised. C. incremental learning. C. ANSWER: B 90. C. B. complete the search. consistent. execute the search. D. B. concept learning. bad. D. Data mining. In KDD process _______ % is about mining. ANSWER: A 87. SQL. B. good. The _________ forms the background knowledge in the inductive logic programming. ANSWER: C 88. D. D. C. A _____ algorithm takes all the data at once and tries to create a hypothesis based on this data. KDD. B. A. 20. batch learning. A. D. D.. ruby. unsupervised. parallelism. supervised.12 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. A. A definition of a concept is _______ if it does not classify any negative examples as falling under the concept. ANSWER: B 86. perl.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. D. A. incremental learning. Sem. ANSWER: C 92. B. structuring database.. Metadata is used by the end users for ______. A. D. D. B. A. operational. managing the data. C. ANSWER: A 91. operational. database. data model. C. historical.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. The _______ data are stored in data warehouse. D.13 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. replication. transfer.. D. Data warehouse is only used for _____. decision making. A. The _________ techniques are used to load information from operational database to data warehouse. reengineering. ANSWER: D 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . data mart. ANSWER: B 93. reverse. The easiest way to gain access to the data and facilitate effective decision making is to set up a _______. ANSWER: B 95. C. D. B. B. optimized. database. C. querying purposes. D. A. making decisions. A decision support system is a system that ________. C. C. data warehouse. can constantly change over time. C. data mining. A. managing database. ANSWER: A 96. cannot change. A. supports the system. ANSWER: C 97. B. ANSWER: D 94. D. operating the data. data mart. meta data. transactional. A. B. copies the data. B. queries. D. Smaller local data warehouse is called as ____. D. it contains historical data. A data warehouse is an integrated collection of data because _____. C. ANSWER: A 103. C. C. B. A. bottom up. B. The __________ is one of database that operates on massively parallel computer. volatile. SQL. visualization. A. The metadata that is generated at the time of building a warehouse is called ______. it is a relational database. C. D. XCONVAX. B. time dependent. C. ANSWER: D 100. its lifespan is very limited. ANSWER: B 102.14 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. it contains summarized data. Sem. The control metadata is used to _______. it is a collection of data of different data types. sybase. A. A. BMT.. B. ANSWER: C 104. subject oriented. A. C. B. D. tandem. 98. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . D. administrate the metadata. Build time metadata. track the sequence and timing of warehouse events. ANSWER: C 105. control the data. D. integrated. structure metadata. C. B. A. B. Usage metadata. design a metadata.. database. Mycin.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. D. its content has explicit stamp. B. A data warehouse is said to contain a time-varying collection of data because ___. ANSWER: B 101. it is a collection of data derived from multiple sources. C. Gasoil. its contents vary automatically with time. A ______ is not the rule that govern the basic structure of data warehouse. ANSWER: A 99. D. A. Control metadata. D. client/server. postgre SQL. ________ is more recent expert system. A. The __________ represents the best choice for building a data warehouse. D. The element that is not taken into consideration for cost justification for the implementation of KDD environment is _______.15 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. A ______ is an interactive system that enables decision makers to use database and models on a computer in order to solve ill structured problems. ANSWER: A 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . program. ANSWER: B 109. mainframe ANSWER: C 110. system that contain the knowledge of specialists. A. A. B. DSS. The _______ is a symbolic representation of facts or ideas from which information can potentially be extracted. system that can work. B. C. information. DB/2 is a family of RDBMS marketed by _____. D. B. client/server. D. IBM. HCL. system that can think of their own. C.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. speed. A. D. A. A. Expert systems are ________. C. algorithm. database. cost. ANSWER: A 107. B. A. data. Wipro. Infosys. system that can create the knowledge. B. Bratko. B. Borges. ANSWER: C 108. D. A. Papert. A collection of interesting and useful patterns in database is called _______. C. D. repetition. Popper. _______ is an expert who analyzed the effect of using machine learning algorithm in setting up expert system. complexity. ANSWER: B 106. C. ANSWER: B 111. knowledge. data.. algorithm. B. C. ANSWER: C 112.. knowledge. C. D. Sem. C. B. C. C. disambiguation. ANSWER: A 119. drilling.16 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. D. Enrichment. 113. operational data. data mart. five.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. The term that is not associated with data cleaning process is ______. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . generate screen and reports for the end user. coding. Sem. C. A. D. storing large volume of data. In data mining software that works on local workstation is used to _______. slicing. C. Mining. A. The _____ operation is used for reducing data cube by one or more dimensions. C. B. four. data cube. B. find patterns. cheaper ways of handling transportation. In _______ process of KDD additional information can be added to the existing data. D. A ________ acts a bridge between data warehouse and database application. segmentation. D. B. C. ANSWER: D 116. B. ANSWER: C 115. A. A. domain consistance. access to data. selecting. write coding. KDD consists of ______ stages. dicing. B. D. rolling. D. seven. _______ is the first stage in KDD process. A. A. ANSWER: D 120. ANSWER: C 117. B. Data selection. A.. A. enrichment. C. The main organizational justification for implementing a data warehouse is to provide ______. meta data. B.. decision support. D. make decisions. de-duplication. ANSWER: C 118. ANSWER: B 114. Cleaning. six. C. observation. B. C. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . PL/SQL. A. theory. observation.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. ANSWER: B 123. C. visualization techniques. cleaning.17 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. prediction. A. calculating distance. prediction. _________ is one of the traditional query tool. research pursuit. prediction. B. D. SQL. SQL stands for ________. Analysis. D. tandim. Visualization. Which of the following is correct order of empirical cycle of scientific research? A. prediction. B. A/An_____ is an object oriented 3D tool kit which enables the user to explore 3D structure. projection pursuit. Replication. association rules. A. The field of research dedicated to the search for interesting projections of datasets are called __________. ANSWER: A 121. Filtering. theory. projection. D. simple language. MYSQL. OLAP. B. ANSWER: B 125. simple query language. B. dataset pursuit. A. A. ANSWER: D 124.. observation. D. mantis. decision trees. The _____ is a useful method of discovering patterns at the beginning of data mining process. theory. ANSWER: A 127. ANSWER: C 122. Flattening. structured query language. extruder. theory. Data mining methodology states that in optimal situation data mining is an _____. B. D. D. strong query language. Sem. Analysis. observation. ANSWER: B 128. Analysis. C. A. inventor. ANSWER: A 126. _______ is a type of coding operation that occurs frequently in KDD context. C. C. C. D. B. Analysis. D.. ANSWER: B 132. ANSWER: D 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . A. pattern recognition. A.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. B. ________ is the type of pollution that is difficult to trace. C. visualizing the patterns. cleaning the data. D. The ___ algorithm can be applied in cleaning data. complete process. Lack of information. C. B. ANSWER: A 134. B. B. The first step in data mining project is ________. D. C. search. ANSWER: D 133. D. creative process. Lack of domain consistency. K-nearest neighbor. narrow data. Ambiguition. rough analysis of data set using traditional query tools. ANSWER: D 129. A. it finds the hidden patterns from data set. deleting the data. A. shallow data. discovering patterns. ANSWER: C 135.18 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. multidimensional data. A. A. clustering. OLAP tools. C. hidden data.. SQL can find ________ type of data. A. Sem. adding the data. B. B. it is a real discovery process. The statement that is true about data mining is ______. C. ANSWER: B 130. learning.. D. recognizing the patterns. D. Decision trees. D. A. D. all forms of pollutions are found during the data mining stage itself. C. Association rules. D. B. C. In coding stage of KDD process one should be conscious in ______. C. standard process. ANSWER: C 131. ongoing process. data mining is not a single technique. coding. B. _______ is used to find relationship between multidimensional data. Duplication of records. B. Association rules are always defined on________. ANSWER: B 140. They create no new knowledge.19 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. responders. C. Which one of the following is not true about OLAP? A. photo receptors. D. neuron. Frank Rosenblatt. ______ built perceptron. genetic algorithm. meta learning strategy. A. A. The area for exchange of views between biology and computer science is called as__________. C. A. C. Neural network are modeled on the ___________. D. A. responders. evolutionary programming. binary attribute. machines. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . machine learning. evolutionary computing.. evolutionary strategies. D. The input unit of perceptron is called as_______. ANSWER: C 142. D. associators. neuron. evolution. A. ANSWER: B 143. OLAP tool store their data in special multidimensional format. Papert. photo receptors. B. relational database. D. multidimensional attribute.. B. Sem. B. C. The intermediate layers in a back-propagation network consists of__________. Minsley. associators. B. C. ANSWER: B 137. Kohenon. single attribute. C. ANSWER: D 141. ANSWER: A 138. human brain. D. B.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. They cannot search for new solution. A. network. C. ANSWER: C 139. A. B. Genetic algorithm is viewed as a kind of______. OLAP is powerful that data mining tool. 136. C. hidden nodes. B. D. deep. standard. decision tree. B. D. B. B. Sem. association. OLAP tool. ANSWER: A 145. quantitative. C. log 1divided by n equals minus log n. A. The performance of _______is better at problem solving techniques A. algorithm that is capable of learning rules. OR methods deals with _______type of data. C. D. qualitative. reverse engineering. re-engineering. hidden knowledge. C. knowledge engineering. D. classification trees. Which of the following features usually applies to data in a data warehouse 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . A. C. The process of finding the right formal representing of a certain body of knowledge in order to represent it in knowledge based system is__________. B. log minus n =log 1divided by n. neural network.. ANSWER: A 150. log n equals log 1divided by n. A. multidimensional. A. genetic algorithm. D. decision tree. neural network. ANSWER: D 147. Shannons notation of information content of message is_______. algorithm that can learn incrementally. C. replication. predict.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. D. genetic knowledge. B. D.20 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. A. ANSWER: A 144. ANSWER: B 149. ANSWER: A 148. algorithm that can handle large data sets. ANSWER: C 146. D. C. Log 1divided by n equals log n. The _________is a knowledge that can be found by using pattern recognition algorithm.. shallow. In CAPITANS _________ algorithm is used to predict the pilots behavior. algorithm that performs well. A. B. C. ANSWER: C 151. The quality of output depends on ____________. D. B. D. Sem. Current data intended to be the single source for all decision support systems B. Relatively few records are processed by applications. D.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. A. D. C. Contains numerous naming conventions and formats. data that can extracted from numerous internal and external sources. Organized around important subject areas. B.. B. ANSWER: C 152. D. Which of the following is an extract process A. Data in which changes to existing records cause the previous version of the records to be eliminated. Which of the following is reconciled data A. Capturing a subset of the data contained in various operational systems. A system that is used to run the business in real time and is based on historical data B. Which of the following is an operational system A. near off-time updates. A. The Data Warehouse is used as a source for the operational data.21 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. ANSWER: B 156. Can be updated by end users. Data that are never altered or deleted once they have been added. ANSWER: C 154.. Most applications consist of transactions. Contains only current data. C. historic data. The generic two-level data warehouse architecture includes _______________. Data that are never deleted once they have been added. B. B. ANSWER: B 158. at least one data mart. C. Capturing all of the data contained in various operational systems. Capturing all of the data contained in various decision support systems. Data that has been selected and formatted for end-user support applications. The data warehouse consists of data marts and operational data B. Data in which changes to existing records do not cause the previous version of the records to be eliminated. Data stored in one operational system in the organization. Data stored in the various operational systems throughout the organization. The operational data are used as a source for the data warehouse ANSWER: D 153. C. Data are often deleted. The Data Warehouse consists of data marts and application data. C. A system that is used to run the business in real time and is based on current data. D. Which of the following is transient data A. How do you better define a data warehouse as A. Data are rarely deleted. ANSWER: B 155. C. D. D. C. A system that is used to support decision making and is based on historical data. B. A system that is used to support decision making and is based on current data. C. Which of the following is true A. ANSWER: A 157. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . many-to-many. B. partially normalized.. separating data from one source into various sources of data. A process to upgrade the quality of data before it is moved into a data warehouse. A. A process to reject data from the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes. C. Data Transformation includes____________. ANSWER: A 160. B. The load and index is __________. C. D. conversion of data from fields into field. B. Which of the following table type belongs to snowflake schema A. B. ANSWER: B 166. C. What is Data Scrubbing A. to explain some observed event or condition. C. D. a process to reject data from the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes. ANSWER: A 162. B. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . conversion of data from one field into multiple fields. The type of relationship in star schema is ____________. completely demoralized.22 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. a process to upgrade the quality of data after it is moved into a data warehouse. The goal of data mining is _________. D. A. C. a process to change data from a detailed level to a summary level. C. Dimension. conversion of data from one field to one field. D. A. partially demoralized. D. Double. A process to load the data in the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes. a process to upgrade the quality of data before it is moved into a data warehouse. A. joining data from one source into various sources of data. ANSWER: D 161.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. Free. a process to load the data in the data warehouse and to create the necessary indexes. ANSWER: B 159. Capturing a subset of the data contained in various decision support systems. Sem. B. conversion of data from double fields into multiple fields D. one-to-one. ANSWER: C 165. B. Replicator. ANSWER: A 163. A process to upgrade the quality of data after it is moved into a data warehouse. many-to-one. one-to-many.. a process to change data from a summary level to a detailed level. A. ANSWER: C 164. completely normalized. C. The _____________ is called a multi field transformation. A. D. Fact tables are _____________. D. Which of the following is not one of the three main components in a decision support system A. B. D. B. B. Extensive skills available for development. to analyze data for expected relationships. Marketing. D. C.. Extended information system. Accounting. D. Operations Management. Electronic information system. C. ANSWER: A 168. C.. C. Forecasting. to create a new data warehouse. Executive information system. ANSWER: D 169. B. Compliance. D. Data Mining. B. C. C. ANSWER: A 173. ANSWER: D 172. Analysis of large volumes of product sales data. C. Data.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. B. ANSWER: A 170. Sem. ANSWER: B 171. Which of the following is an EIS A. Supplier costs kept low. Co-ordination. Office automation systems (OAS). Model. Which of the following is not one of the three Cs describing groupware A. Dialogue. Transaction processing systems (TPS). ANSWER: B 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . Human Resource. B. Business Intelligence and data warehousing is used for which of the following A. Electronic interface system.23 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. B. Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) software is an example of an information systems application in which of the following areas A. Operational planning systems. Process control systems. D. Simplified support and maintenance through a supplier. to confirm that data exists. Always adaptable to how the business works. Collaboration. D. Which of the following is true about ERP software A. All of the above. ANSWER: A 167. C. Communication. D. Communications. Which of the following information systems are used in the daily running of the business A. D. . ANSWER: D 179. D. C. Once created. 174. Which data administration subsystem periodically backs up information contained in a database A. Data warehouse. Inventory control. C. Expert system technology. C. Data definition subsystem. Which of the following is true of three-tier data warehouses A.. ANSWER: C 180. Query by example tool. C. A data mart becomes a data warehouse when it reaches a critical size. A. except______. Cash flow forecasting.24 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. File generators. D. B. query optimization. Reorganization facilities. B. Which of the given technology is not well-suited for data mining A. What DBMS component contains facilities to help you develop transaction-intensive applications A. and delete information. D. Application generation subsystem. the data marts will keep on being updated from the data warehouse at periodic times. Which of the following is a data manipulation tool A. Sem. The data administration subsystem helps you perform all of the following. DBMS engine. C. B. Database. C.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. D. Once created. ANSWER: B 178. backups and recovery. Producing customer invoices. Structure query language. Which of the following uses a series of logically related two-dimensional tables or files to store information in the form of a database A. create. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . security management. the data marts will directly receive their new data from the operational databases. B. change. B. Data administration subsystem. D. Structure question language. Database management system. B. ANSWER: C 177. Security management facilities. What is the role of document image processing (DIP) systems A. Concurrency control facilities. ANSWER: D 176. ANSWER: A 181. Conversion into digital format. D. None of the above. ANSWER: C 175. The data marts are different groups of tables in the data warehouse. C. D. Backup and recovery facilities. B. B. C. It typically requires less disk storage. ANSWER: A 184. C.. Data acquisition. B. information exchange. What is true about the multidimensional model A. D. C. D. Transforming data. snapshot change data. ANSWER: C 186. Updates to dimension tables may occur at different times than the fact table. Storing data. Which of the following function involves data cleaning. software. Typical business queries requiring aggregate functions take more time. B. D. It typically requires more disk storage. logged change data. Data visualization. A. Parallel architecture. It is a process of managing timing differences between the updating of data sources and the related data warehouse objects. C. Which of the following clustering analysis method uses multi resolution approach A.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. D. The ________ is responsible for running queries and reports against data warehouse tables. None of the above. Typical business queries requiring aggregate functions take more time. C. STUNT. ANSWER: B 183. Wave Cluster. ANSWER: C 182. ANSWER: B 188. The data warehouse administrator has more control over the load time lag than the valid time lag. data standardizing and summarizing A. D. B. hardware. The most common source of change data in refreshing a data warehouse is__________.25 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. Query tool is meant for __________. A. Sem. communication. C. A. end users. B. Which of the following statements is not true about refreshing a data warehouse A. C. ANSWER: D 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . B. information delivery. ANSWER: D 185. B. D. cooperative change data.. data acquisition. D. middleware. B. ANSWER: A 187. OPTICS. Data Access. C. CLIQUE. D. Technology limited to specific data types such as numeric data types. queryable change data. php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. ANSWER: B 194. ANSWER: C 195. C. B. D.26 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. D. STING. ___________is a method of incremental conceptual clustering. Support backup and recovery. B. OLAP. value independence. D. ANSWER: B 193. CORBA. STING. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . Coding. Snapshots. derived attributes... relevant attributes. Planning. Which of the following feature is supported by the physical design of data warehouse A. Analysis. cluster. root node. B. siblings. Effect of one attribute value on a given class is independent of values of other attribute is called__________. A. OPTICS. Dimensionality reduction reduces the data set size by removing _________. D. D. group. C. B. C. B. C. 189. A. C. ANSWER: C 191. decision tree. branches. conditional independence. A. CLUSTER. A. unconditional ANSWER: A 196. C. Data compression is to compress the given data by encoding in terms of _________. irrelevant attributes. B. composite attributes. bits. class conditional independence. D. B. ANSWER: A 190. ANSWER: A 192. Which of the following are special programs that are stored on database and fired when certain predefined action occurs A. COBWEB. Classification rules are extracted from__________. Which type of following clustering computes augmented cluster ordering A. A. Sem. bytes. D. CLIQUE. C. filtering. C. A. D.27 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. ODS. DBMS. online application processing. A.. B. online administration and processing. database. UNAM. OLAP is used for __________. Data transformation. online aptitude processing. Maintenance of cache consistency is the limitation of _____________. C. Sybase. B. online analytical processing. projection. ANSWER: A 203. D. NUMA. C. B. A. ANSWER: B 200. selection. B. D. ANSWER: A 199. Source data from the warehouse comes from ___________. A. TDS. PMP. D. ORDBMS. MDDB. D. ___________ is a knowledge discovery process. data abstraction. C. A. B. A. C. A. ANSWER: D 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . D. Data mining. Data warehousing. Sem. C. MPP. SQL Server.. The ___________is a data transformation process. ANSWER: D 198. ANSWER: B 202. Cursors. Data cleaning. RDBMS. ANSWER: C 201. ANSWER: C 197. C. data mining. data warehouse. B. Triggers. Data warehouse architecture is based on _______________. comparison.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. Relations. B. D. C. The _________ refers to extracting knowledge from larger amount of data. B. D. A. D. MRI scan. relational database. symmetric microprogramming. personalization. 204. D. A. B. digital directory. The __________is designed to overcome any limitations placed on the warehouse by the nature of the relational data model. ANSWER: C 211. ANSWER: A 209.. multi-dimension doubling. ODS data. Multidata. multidimensional databases. Sem. specialization. executive information system. Metadata. multiple data doubling. D. ANSWER: C 207. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . B.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. extendable information system. SMP stands for __________. multidimensional database. ANSWER: A 206. A. C. operational database. C. MDDB stands for _________. EIS stands for __________. C. Technology area associated with CRM is _____________. ANSWER: C 210. repository. information directory. B. A. multiple double dimension. D. extended interface system. B. B. symmetric multiprogramming. C. A.. D. C. generalization. Microdata. symmetric multiprocessor. summarization. C. The ___________ is an important functional component of the metadata. D. C. data dictionary. B. C. A. executive interface system. ANSWER: B 208. Statistical data. symmetric meta programming. A. __________ is data about data. B. B. data repository. ANSWER: C 205. A. ____________ is data collected from natural systems.28 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. Minidata D. B. MOLAP. Which of the following is not an issue related to concept learning A. ___________is an example of application development environments. ANSWER: A 212. Capability to delete or alter data. C. essbase. A. The __________ are inexpensive desktop tools designed for end users. association. The _________is a process of determining the preference of customers majority. Self learning. C. interrogative. B. application tools. B. Visualizing. Capability to compare data ANSWER: D 213. D. A. Sybase. imperative. D. Which of the following is a process to humanize the mass of data A. D. Concept learning. B. Unsupervised learning. ___________are some popular OLAP tools. D. Visual Basic. Which one of the following feature is provided by an effective data visualization tool A. Capability of data mining is to build __________ models. Capability in append data. preferencing. report writers. C. Capability to update data. C. ANSWER: C 218. B. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM .. A. Oracle express. C. C. D. query tools. ANSWER: D 216. B. predictive. D. ANSWER: A 217. informix.. ANSWER: A 215. B.29 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. D. segmentation. HOLAP. Metacube. A. Supervised learning. Historical data. ANSWER: B 219. retrospective. classification.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. SQL Server. Sem. C. A. Oracle. production tools. D. ANSWER: B 214. Strategic value of data mining is___________. Sem. Prism solution directory manager. John Raphlin. A. Exceptional reporting in data warehousing is otherwise called as_______. _________ is a metadata repository. A. D. ANSWER: C 221. decision tree.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. Data mart. D. C. C. bugs. B. ANSWER: A 222. D. B. C. D. D. B.30 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. ANSWER: B 225. CORBA. Which year was the beginning of new generation of machine learning A. ANSWER: A 226. Ralph Campbell. _________proposed the approach for data integration issues. Correction. Segmentation. ANSWER: A 220. time-sensitive. James Gosling. 1970. work-sensitive. B. ANSWER: B 223. Which of the following is a data store that is a subsidiary of a data warehouse of integrated data A. COBWEB. B. 1960. B. data mart. Data house. cost-sensitive. A. C. B. D. visualization. D. technical-sensitive. Discovery. 1880. OLAP. alerts. ANSWER: C 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . A. STUNT. A.. B. D. Ralph Kimball. 1980. Data store. C.. errors. exception. C. ANSWER: C 224. C. C. Database. The terms equality and roll up are associated with___________. A. The __________ contains information that gives users an easy-to-understand perspective of the information stored in the data warehouse. B. The full form of KDD is____________. financial metadata. 227.31 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. RapidMiner D. D. technical metadata.. C. operational metadata. A/An ___________helps to integrate. knowledge data definition. business metadata. Removing duplicate records is a process called________. ANSWER: A 232.. WEKA B. C. C. A. data dictionary. ANSWER: D 234. data cleansing. correction. A. Which of the following is not a open source data mining tool. B. knowledge data house. Data marts that incorporate data mining tools to extract sets of data is called______. D. R C. ANSWER: B 231. D. D. independent data mart. analysis. ANSWER: D 228. ANSWER: B 233. business directory. information directory. D. study.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. dependent data marts. B. B. The __________ is an expensive process in building an expert system. maintain and view the contents of the data warehousing system. knowledge discovery in database. database. visualization. data pruning. information collection. C. ANSWER: C 229. A. KnowledgeMiner ANSWER: D 230. Discovery of cross-sales opportunities are called_________. B. Sem. data cleaning. A. segmentation. B. B. A. knowledge database. C. D. design. recovery. A. association. A. C. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . C. B. D. D. theory. Legal and privacy restrictions. ANSWER: B 235. C. hypothesis. B. temporary.32 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp. decision making system. C. C. B. A. ANSWER: C 240. A. Financial problem. Karl Thomson. automated system. Karl Max. D. speed. enabling it to carry out new tasks. self-learning system. The ________is the task of modern scientists in scientific research. D. ANSWER: D 237. Lack of long-term vision. A. intra-entry data mart. ANSWER: B 239. scientific. B. B. accuracy. prediction. D.. B. B. Which of the following problems bog down the development of data mining projects A. A. Formulation of theory is called_______. Karl Popper. observation. Everything Science discovers have________value. inter-entry data mart. C. Sem. analysis. A. ANSWER: A 242. The ___________can generate programs itself. Principle of theory formation was discovered by philosopher________. A general law can never be verified by a finite number of ________. analysis. productivity system. observation. Lack of technical assistance.. non-scientific. The power of self-learning system lies in__________. prediction. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . D. ANSWER: C 236. ANSWER: B 241. D. John Henry. permanent. C.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. simplicity. D. C. A. ANSWER: C 238. C. cost. B. Patterns of machine-language program are_________. falsification. reloadable. flow. C. Java. A. An important element in machine learning is ________. B. A. observation. knowledge. optimized.33 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. what is the relationship that exists between verification and falsification in machine learning A. Which of the following language best supports machine learning A. In concept learning. A. ANSWER: C 246. ANSWER: B 245. According to Karl Popper. quantitative. D. Asymmetry. ANSWER: C 248. Sem. Important quality of good learning algorithm is __________. supervised. segmentation. C. D. consistency. B. C. observation. A. B. C. consistent. processing. ANSWER: A 244. ANSWER: A 247. B. D. unsupervised. perfect. Binary. Algorithms that demand the control of human operator are called________. D. if the concept does not classify any negative examples it is called as__________. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . C. complete. B. definitive theories. C. ANSWER: A 249.. learned. Multiple. D. A. hypothesis. C++. optimizable. C. Symmetry. C. expandable. B. A.. language. not-definitive theories. D. ANSWER: D 243. D. C. LISP B. A. D.. D. _________is a mechanism employed by a learning system to constraint the search of hypothesis. ANSWER: B Staff Name SUGUNA. B.. unbiased. error handling.34 of 34 http://grdmcqonline/printqp.php?heading=III BCA 'A' [2011-2014]. ANSWER: A 250.M. modeled. routine handler. 8/13/2013 11:24 AM . bias. Sem. C.
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