Data Book for Engineers
,-,' .'\':\~~i~!1i:@;);~w[Jiir~;,~:lri}t,~f:~lf;~~ ,,"'J PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION . . .. - I December, 19{J2 . .Tabl, ' . 1 •. Thisisslie of TIP, No.4 is de:'orod 10 slandard dala which all Engine~rs'of ".~ ECC require fOl ref e"~nc8. Ther' are, in all, 93'Iabl8s divided inlo.14 s8cl/ons. " The lobles given und", various soclion.• should come handy al the time of r""dor/ng, planning and scheduling, pr"pnratioll of measuremonls and bill. and IIIMOlo!. should po u$oful to tho fng/poors III the olfice 0$ Well os construction ~It.s. Wo·.lnNo· dolih.\olply .Iolt au! llios. t~hl.s. and relarence dala thai .r., exclusively used 'bY o"i;./gf/· linglneers • . It IS' our intane/on '10 bring out 0" ',' 'i separDle Issue 10r'lhe bonelll 01 Ibo'se Engineer. enflegad In design • .•.. :".':' '. '.' , W. are haPPy,to .c~nowle.d[J8 Ill. voluable support I! arT? many En{{/ , In compiling Ihe standarddala and in parl/cular We thank Mr. A. Emmanuel, •... 'Mr,'K.U. Wairiar and Mr. O. Gnanasekaran.' 'We cannol nalurally'-clalm that".: Ihls I. Dn.exhausllvi dala book. - We requosilho readers 10 lal<e '1M. a. Ii' firSt.'. at tempI : and on receiving suggestions flom the users We can impro~8 th8, contents, clossilJcat/on and presentalion in a revised issue, altef say, 8 laps. of . about 2 years. Honce we welcomo Iilo readers 10 unhesilatlngly give their valuable sugrIeslions lor' any addillons, modil/cBlions or cOffections 'Ior . Possible Inclusio,) In liIo lulure rovisioni . ., We Irom thy £(fllorlol team, trust that fCC-lies will lind IIIIs usefut': In llitilt day (0 diiy wurk. We wish Ihd readers 8 HAPPY AND PflOSpr.1I0US NeW YEAH, WI TOR £CC-TIP\ "". EDITO'RIAL TEAM' A. flAMAXIlISffNA B. JAYARAM I !: , . , S. SUBRAMANIA/, S. DfflLiPARAJAN ": ---_ _._-----1; .. i •~ ~ , ( EDITOR'S NOTE i[ r; I 1 I ,, .1 Docember, 19M I f The 'first edition of TIP No.4, 'Standard Data for Engineers' has had 8 good reception and all tho coplcs have been issuod. As there have been repeat requests lor more copies, it has been dDcided to reprint this edition: ,\ ' . 01 . Wn hOI';' Inken Ihls opportunity 10 levl.lo somo tilo lohlos and upelalo tho informot/ol/, Wo 110.(10 thl,l rovlsod odllion will PfC)VO to be os lIs,,:.11 8S lis prod.oessol, our {!fDloful ncknowlodgemenl to Mr, K. U. Warrior for helping liS updote this. Editor ECC-TlP Editolio" leam : , . A. RAMAKRISHNA, S. SUBRAMANIAN, KINGSLEY ERNEST ".~j:.,: . : .r : I ... .! -~~.,.,. i , .. ' .J . " .. -~~ .. ~&~'l!\)(fwr iJ ,I '0::;';,;,:,;":,,.:;., "., " ~ !l " , I I'io. 4 ----,.. ____' -_._----------'--.-----------I \ I I --J -, ) .. Dnta for 1-,' NCIl N EE RS ,I I ! I I' I. ,! .: .~, "'---i ; I,' - t. ;, ./ ... r .~15.1w~ i·~-----------------------------:---"""~------------··"·· :(;~::~: I ,I CONTENTS Table No. Dosed ption Pa~;( >'-10. Section 1-Convorsion Tablas 1. 2. Conversion factors . .Fractional sUb-division of an inch to decimals of an inch and to 'millimetres Section 2-Weight of bui/ding Materials 3. 4. 5. Weight of BUilding materials Weight of Building parts or components Weight of Metals and Alloys ";0 12 ·Soctlon 3-Reinforcinu bars 6. 7. 8. 9. . 'Standard dimensions iJnd weight of round iJnd squaro bnrs Area of steel bars for various spacing Range of correct weight of TOR steel TOR steol equivalent to mild steel 13 ......... 14 15 15 .Sectlon 4-Rolled. Structural Steel Soctions to. ,," . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Dimensions & Proportios 01 Rollod stoel soctions : (a) I-booms (bl Channels .(c) Equal anglos (d) Unequal angles (0) Too bOTS Weight and Soctionol proportie. of rails Weight of mild stool flnts Weight of mild steel strips Weight of mild stool sheots Et pfatos Weight of metal bars or platos in Ibs.iaq.ft. Weight of choquorcd plates. 18 18 19 21 23 24 ;'·5 2G 27 28 29 Section 5-Sheets and Accossorios 17. Weight of GI sheots 18. . Weight of lead and copper sheets 19. Weight of A. C. sheets 20. I Weight 01 A. C. roofing Beeossorios 21. . Weight 01 A. C. gutters 22, Comparision of weights ·01 sheots of different met~ls 23. ·.Salt-Glazed stone ware pipes and fittings 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 .. Section a-Pipes & Tubes 24. ..' Weight of C.l. rain wator pipes ·25. Weight of Black tubos (M. S. tubes) 26. 'Nelght 01 A. C. pipos . 27. Weight of can crate pipes 28. Weight 01 matoriols requlrod POt joint fat jainlno C. I. plpos Economic di~lmotor of plJmplng moln. . . 29. .... 34 34 35 35 37 ~8 Soctlon 7· ·Wlrne, & Mosh 30. Diomotor ond wUlght of stool wlro. • 38 "A, ' pag~irul; -" ..,---_._----------...:...._-, Description 31, 32. 33, 34. 35. 36. 37. ~8, 39. Weight at 1 00 It. 01 wire 01 dittoront metals Weight ilnd dimt3nsions of welded wire fubrics (D) Oblong mesh (b) Squaw mush Sile end weiQht 01 exponded metDI sheets Weight Dnd strength 01 stcel wires Wcioht of fencinn strand Woight of Galvan;,od e/w;1I links ,(lor IOlleinu) GI.IIVil/lisod fOflcinu wiro Go/vanisod $t"ol barbed fencing wi,e Wei0ht of'prcstr<!SHinU willis nnd stronds 39 40 41 42' 48 i 43, 441. 44;'44 i' 45: i: 45', i 43. 44. 45, l1(i. 4/, 40. 9-,,·~n()pC's, t. Chuins, Bolts & Nails Stlengttl of Will': I(!pes Stren~Jth 01 m!lnila ropes Strefluttl of ClallO ropes Sll(Hl{Jlh lind v,eioln of cllains Hoop irOIl- Dil1lf.'I1!lj n l1!J ond wciOhl in Ibl;,'lt.rllfl. W"ivlit in Ius 01 ,! '.Inrd bolts nnd lIuls Approxinww CI)l!Id ul roultd mild Slc!?1 wire Il.,ils 49 GO 50. 51 56 57 57 58 Requi·rernent of materials per cu m of concroto Requirement of materials per b[Jg of cel11r::nl RlJduction in $tlcnglh 01 ccrnfJnt vue to storage !J1. 60. 57. Av"ilnble SilO 01 Plywoou b01llds for for1l1 wa,l< Size of' timber fQ! lorm \.(,ork (a) Timbor ,ll1d plywuod requirement for footings' (b) Timbor and plywood ,equiren)r)"1 for columns (c) Timbe, nnd plywood ,oquirement for beolr1s (d) Timber ond plywood requironlOnt fo' slobs· Weight of plywood bonrds Covering COp<lCily of snowcern WeiOht of fto", or;dings Sufa bellring·(,:a~,;)cjty of !wifs 58, Permissible 53. 54, 55. lciOd3 on II1.1S0flfY 58 56 55 ...... 60 61 6l 6l': 5t CI ~ipe S"hr~d'JJe 59. A.S.A 60. Snacing of j) fJe :;upports Details of rllilerud bends Safe workirlg 10ild of D·sh<.1ckles 62. 7: 7: ae 8; 8:; 84 85 87 88 8,9, 90' ' !il 92, 93: 94. 61 6; . 95: Section 12-"Pjpin~ & Erection 61. ,7 86 Suction 11· . Timbor ofld Mjscollaneous 52, 7- 81 Cement consumption statement (a) Wllter (lS!iessment for buildil1g works (b) (c) 6 I; 47 47' ' 7t 48, 7: , 7l 48 71 48 Soction 10,-Cclllont 49. 6 e 40' cOf!SlrLJClioli 42. 6 e ;i Weight of billlnlen lollS QuonOty of 1110lerial; ruqui,ed per 100 sq. It of bituminous Soctlon € I'i' '0 Scctloll U-OitlJlIIlJn & llitul1wlI Folts 40. 41, ! Iii 71 T 7; • ~ ..ri --~----------------------~---- 96. , I I . '1 ~.--- '1 I Page No Table No. Doscription t _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 39 · 40 Section. 13-Mensuratlon 63. Areas and Volumes 41 42. 74 Soction14-Electrical Works · 43 '43 · 44 44 44 45 . 64. Electrical units-their equivalent and formulae General relating to supply systems and connections Weight & current carrying capacities of busbars (copper) Weight & current'carrylng cepacltles of busbars (Aluminium). Approximate slzos 01 luse elemonts 01 tinnod copper wire or aluminium wire for use in soml onclosed fuse Currorit ratings of Induction motors Selection table for startwirelayifuse/cable for DOL motors used on 3 phase, 415 V. 50 Hz systems Selection table for .,tarter;relay;fusejcablo for .tor delta motors used on 3 phase, 4 t 5 V. 50 Hz systems 66. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 45 71. 46 72. Recommendod capacitor ratings 73. Requirement of capacitors for .improvemont of P,F. 74. 47 47 48 48 48 75.. 76. 77. 78, 79. -~9 "liO 'r 51 5G 57 57. 58 ·58 513 59 60 61 · 63 - 53 64 · 64 · 66 67 (i8 -70 71 73 Current Ratings-delinitions Current rating. construction details of 11 KV PILC cables Current raling. construction details 01 22 KV PILe cables Current rating. construction dotails 01 33 KV PILC cables Grouping factors and rating factors lor temperature . _Current Rafing & construction details of PVC insulated unarmourod single core power cablos 1.1 kV 80. 79 79 82 83 84 85 86 ~I 88 89 90 91 9;.' 9.~' 94 96 Current Roting & construction dotDils of PVC InsulCl10d rumourod twin and mu!ti·l..ore power cables with Aluminium Conductor Type AYWY ('I AYFY·1.1 kV 81. Current Rating & construction details of PVC insulated armoured control cables with copper conductor type YWY & YFY-1.1 kV 82. Rating ·factors for grol'ps of twin and multi core cables 83. Rating factors for. variation in ambiant.·air ground tomperature 84. CUrront ratings of singlo core coppor conductor welding cablos .tvlaximum number of 250 V grade single core cables that can bo 85. drawn through rigid steol conduits 86. tvlaximum number of 250 V grade single core cables that can be drawn through rigid non·mettalic conduits 87. Technical particulars of conduits 88. Aluminium conductors steel reinforced details AII·Aluminium stranded conductor details 89. 90. Characteristics 01 conductor materials 91. Conductor sizos for various Iines;ACSRjAAC 92. Fluorescont lamp data 93. {Earthing roady rockoner 94. . Ught output from electric lamps . (0) Tungston filament·Goneral service electric lamps (b) Eloctric discharge lamps (specilied) (c) Decorative all covered fixtures 95. (e) !.\pproxima10 Power consumption of common electrical appliances .... (b) Approximate connocted loads of same important household appliances 96. Relay idontification numbers i I I 98 99 100 101 101 102 103 104 105 • '::'6 107 1C3 108 109 " 110 110 111 111 110- 114 - I '---~----"------'""I I rabin 1 Conversion Factors Multiply by To convert To Inches Centimetres Centimelres Metres Motres Metres A. length 2,54 ( 30.48 Foot 0.9144 Yards 1609.30', Miles 1853.27 Nautical Miles '1 mil _ 1d-,' inches = 2.54 x 10-" em. 1 micron .10-' mm = 0.0000394 inch ) .... B. Area', i}' 6.4516 Sq, inch 0.0929 c: .. foot 0.8361 4046.86 2.590 1.10-' Sq, yard Acres Sq. mile Sq. m C.' Volume 8. Capacity 16.3871 Cu. inch 0.0283 0.7645 1000.0 4.546, . , 28.3161 .. 6.2288 D.' Wolght .0.0848 28.3496 0.4536 0.001 0.0508 1.0161 ,.-.; O.39j7 0.0328 1.0936 0.000621 0,000539 . Cu, foo. Cu, yard , Cu, m G"llons (Imp) Cu, foet Cu, leet Grain (AYoir) Ounco (AYoir) . Pound (Avolr) Kilog ram . Hundred weight (Cwt. Br,) Sq, em. Sq, m Sq, m Sq. m Sq, km 0:155 10.7639 1.1 ,,6O 0,000247 0,3861 10.000,0 Hectares Cu, em. Cu. m Cu, n1 0,06t 35315 1.308 O,QOl 0.22 0,03532 0,1605 litres' Utres Litrcs Gallons (Imp.) Grams Grams Kilograms Metric tannos Metric tannes 15.4324 0.0353 2·2045 1.000,0., 19,684 " Tons Metric tonnos Lb Cu, 11. Lb Gallon (imp) Lt:iCu. inch kg Cu.m kg Litre Grcms. ell.tiI Lb!FoO\ kg'm [' ':'342 .. , !'.\ , E., Density 16.0185 "0.0998 . 27.6799 0.0624 10,0221 0.0361 I ':, Linear Density 1,.lIS82 0.6720 __ From " 0 _ _ _ _ _ - •• - •• __ • Mult'rdy by .'- - .; . Multiply by .... F. To convert -.... _.- _-------..." i Force· 0.4536 0.0141 1.02x 1O-tl U.f)067 4.4482 G. I Stress e, ky.O\ kg. em kg. m N.m IbjSq. in Ib/Sq. It. kgjSq. em I/Sq. m kg/ kg. Sq.m N/ kN;'Sq. m kg,:Sq. em .Atmosphore Atmo.sphoro Atlnosptleru mercury ut a temperature 7.2330 0.8680 0.1020 Ib/Sq. in 14.2233 0'2048 10.1972 0.1020 0.9678 0.0680 0.0968 32.8093 J .~ : '"".. . ft. Ibis kU,. rn,'s kg. m;'s H.P: WailS kg. mrs flY. I t. Iii, !,; 1.0138 H.P. k. W W ~.. C. V. (Chevel Vapier Metric horse power) . ,., !' ." I II. lb. H.P. hr. It. lb. Jou les kg. m Calories .0.7376 3.653xl0-' 3.0864 '''~ :,. .; -.-.- .... _'.._-- ..... , 7.2330 0.1020 0.0132 1.3410 737.5020 0.98tJ3 Dod Enuroy 6Thu BThu/ BThu:, 251.996 0.000075 2.7125 - O. J.l K. Heat " '. ! of Q'·C. 0.7457 0.001 'JoG V'/or~· N; ~: f, ;,'.' 1.3558 2.7374xl0' 0.324 , . 'i' k'\ ;>t)WlH 0.1383 9.80C7 76.0AQ2 J. M. Pressure 10.332 n Mt:llJeS of water 0,0300' Head 01 water in leet kg. One Atmosphere is II,. unit 01 pIGssure 01 760 nun 1. . ,, 'J. 14.G9S9 ur 2.2046 70.9220 9.805xl0' 0.1020 0.2248 Momont 0.0703 4.8824 0.0981 9.8067 1.0332 " Mul .L • kgl kgl kgl NeWlon. Newlon Pound lorce Poundal Dyne kgl Ibl 0.1383 1.1522 9.8067 H. To ----- .. .. .. ..... To oblain -,.---.--~---- -.~~-.---~-.--- ~- Calorie Cal/ k.Cal, " .... --_._------------. From .. ,. 0.00397 13,272.1 , 0.3687 Multiply by 2. ,. " , I· . .: \ti.: i . !~~i; I:"· : H:~~:',i'-' I" ,i ,. :1 Multiply by .. T0 convert To L. Temperature 5/9 ('F-32) 273.15+'C 'F "C M. Thermal Conductivity BThu/Sq, It. hr 1~.1338 x 10-' (dog, Flit) ,[ BTI1UjSq. ft. hr 1.4882 (dog. Flit) , : ; r- ~ 0,3445 x 10-' BThu!Sq. ft. hr (dop. F/in) BThu{Sq, ft,hr 0,1240 (deg, F/ln) 'C 9:5 rIC-';"'32 K' K"-273.15 CaI/Sn,em" (deg. Clem) k.Cnl/ (dog. C/m) Cal/Sq,cm.s (dog. Clem) k.Cal/Sq, (deg.Clm) (,. '.' . ,-.,., ". ; ; ,. I. ',' N. illumination 10.7639 ,,,i).001076 .~.~:;t},:;;: 0; Velocity '0.3048 , 1.0973, " . '0.447 " ., :;;: . 1'.6093 ' " '. ;'1.8540 0.6818 P. Consumption 272.7575 0.3540 2.8247 0.0174 .... , Foot candle Foot candia 0.6720 2902,91 . ' lux phot 0.0929 929.0304 mls 3.2808 0.9113 2.2369 0.6214 0.6395 km/hr mila,hr mile!hr Nauticnl mile:hr (1 Knot) (t./s mrs kmjhr km!ht mlleihr 1,.4667 Litre/hr km/Litre , Litre/km Radian Gallon'minute mile! Gallon(lmp) Gallon (Imp);mile Degree (Angle) 8.0636 ' .. :)0366 2.8247 0.3540 57.2958 ';, " "" '. " From To obtain 3 Mult,ply by ,i .I ," Ii-. '" Inches Inches . i' 1[16 , /04 1/32 , 0.03125 3/64 5/64 2/32 0.015625 7/64 0.046875' 0:0625-0.078125 0.09376 .. 0.109375 I Millimetre, I .0.3969 i 0.7938 1. 1906 1.5875 1.9844 . 2.3812 I 2.'1. 0.; 25' 1/8 9/64 5/32 11/64 3/16. 13/64 7/32 15;64 . 0.140625 0.15625 0.171875 0.1875 0.203125 0.21875 0.234375 I ! I, Inches 33,64 17/32 35/64 9/16 37/64 0.546875 0.5625 0.578125 0.59375 . 0.609376 19/32 .. I 3.175 39,64 0.625 518 3.5719 41/64 21/32 43]64 11! 1 6 45,'64 23{32 47,64 I ,i 3.9688 4.3656 4.7625 5.1594 5.5562 5.9531 , 13.0969 13.4938 13.8906 14.2875 14.6844 15.0812 16.4781 0.515625 0.53125 15.875 .. 0,640625 0.65625 0.671875 0.6875 0.703125 . 0.71875 0.734375 16.2719 16.6688 17.0656 17.4625 17.8594 18.2562 18.6531 I 1/4 0.25 17;64 9/32 1 9 /64 5/16 21/64 11 ;32 . nj64 1~, 2G/G<1 32 2"1 04 7/1 G 29;64 15. 32 31/64 1,2 '0.265625 0.28125 0.296875 0.3125 ' . 0.. 32812G 0.34375 6.35 6.7469 7.1438 7.5406 0.359375 7.9375 8.3344 8.7312' 9.1281 0,375 9.525 0.390625 0,40G2~ 0.421875 0,4375 0.453125 0.46875 0.484375 0.5 , 'J.921 0 10.3188 10.7156 11.1125 I, J. 12.3031 25,32 13 / 16 I I I I II I 11.5094 11.90G2 49,64 I 1 I 3,'4 27j32 19.05 ! 0.765625 19.4469 19.8438 . 20.2406 20.6375 0.73125 51/64 0.796876 0.8125 53,'64: I I I 29,32 1 5{ I 6 31 :32 0.828125 0.84375 21.0344 '21.4312 21.8281 55,64 ; 0.859375 7j8 I I 0.75 67 iU~ 0.875 0.890026 0.90625 . 5964 . 61/64 63:64 0,921875 0,9375 0,953125 0.96875 0.984375 : : 22.225 22.0210 23.0188 23.4156 23.8125 24.2004 24.6062 25.0031 , ~.' 1'12.7 i 4 1 1.0 . 25.4 ".' Table 3 Unit Weights of Building Materials '~',,- (IS: 1911·1967) Nominal Size 6r thickness cc Material Woight - - - .·iiini . =--~----~k-g-.==:':':"pe-r-.- lot1res 1. Acoustical Materials: 10 10 G!?SS fibre Q69 Mineral wool Cork , 9?'- %. 0.388 0.781 to 1.949 • 240 SQ. m. . Cu. m. 875 .34.4 312 '2. Aggregate. Coarse: Broken stone ballast Dry. well·shaken Perfectly wet Shingles. 3mm to 38mm 781 75 719 688 656 1600 to 1870 1920 to 2240. 14i;0 Broken bricks: Fine Coarse Foamslag. foundry pumice 625 594 562 531 1450 1010 700 3. AggroQalo, fino 6'and : 5. 1540 to 1600 • Dry. clean RIver Wei Brickdust (surkhi) 469 438 406 375 3" " " .. :' Asbestos: 4. 3 2.81 lB40 .. 17W to 2000 1010 . " 10 Folt 1.5 Sq. rn. SBO Cu. m. :2 3040 600 to 900 Cu.'m. Flbra, : . 25 Prollsed .... ,.;.'. Sprayed .:' Netural .Raw '" . . 2-19 '188 . 15{; . i 10 \ 25 004 062 6. 031 1040 Bitumen Sq. m. " . '; Bo'erda : Cork boards: .. Compressed "., . Ordinary , .• ' Fibre hard board " ....... " I 4 10 10 I" "m.I ,. ,,=,.,,"' { 2 2.4010 3,60 4.80 4.00 to 6.00 4.80 to 7.20 10.80 .: ; ;., \ .,; 5 ., " ,I '. Sq. m. Materiol ,. NOlT\in~1 Size or lhic~.ness ----.,....-_.. mm. . 8. Circular (HD) Circuli'; (MD) . ,i 1600 to 1920 2160 1760. to 1840 1760 to 2000 1840 2080 500 560 500 560 500 5DO Rcctan(}ular (M D) Roctan\luli" (LD) .Sillule so:J1 Doublo seal 9. 118 140 118 140 58 64 80 ." Cu. ;, .. " " " Co. 23 29 Cnst iron, manhole frames: DOe,.J Triangular (HD) Circular (H D) 500 560 500 550 " P( - .•. Bricks; Common burnt clay bricks En(Jirw'''in(j l)ri<:k.s , Pr(:~$Cd lmci<.s Rofrncto,'Y bricks Sand r·ernont bricks Sr.nd li~,e brick.s C<lst irol\, rl1Pnhole covers; Double Triangular (HD) kg; . ....... ." 7. ·Weight 500 560 Circular livID), ,. r.ectild(Juliif (MO) Hectot1\lul"r (LD) 111 115 111 115 58 64 64 fr, 15 23 Si!lcJie 5(:;.11 DOllh\~ ,:"t~~d 1O. Comont : Ordinary lind Aluminous Rapid hardening 1440 1280 C 11 . Coment concrete, plaIn: At;lotcd No fines, '"ith hoavy nggrcgate No fines, with ligllt agyrngato With sand .]nd ,)lavel or crUShed naturel 760 1600 to 1920 880 to 1280 s~one uU~i(JIJate 2240 to 2400 ,-I' 1 2., (;illnont C'lI1Creto, rfJin(()rCT!d With se,,'(j and gravel with 1:, steel with 2~~, 5tcel with 5~~ :~\ee\ Or Clu5i1ed ,,"tutili stonG aggrcgutG 2370 2420 258U I , ,. ·i" I! I Material Nominal Sizo,-_ _-,--_ _ _ _ _..:W.oig~: __ mm, I.:(~. per. ----~------------------~~----~---- --~~ 13. Cement concrele, prestressed 2400 Cu. m. I 14. Cement mortar 2080 15. Gins. : Glass bricks. window glass and looking glass 2.0 2.5 3.0 Glass shoot 4.0 6.0 5.5 { 6.5 16. Iron Pig Gray. Cast White, Cast · Wrought 2480 \02720 0.0 6.3 7.5 " 10.0 12.5 . 13.8 16.3 72CO Cu. m. 7030 \0 7130 7580 to 7720 7700 " 17. Lime J \-:1 , . Lime concrete with burnt clay aggregate Ums mortar · Lime stone in lumps, uncnlcinoo · Ume unslaked . Lime, slaked. fresh 1B. Mnsonry stOM Cest DIY rubble Granite ashlar 1920 171)0 1280 to 1440 880 \0 1040 5.80· to 640 23()l) .. " 2080 2&40 2400 2560 2700 2240 ,roo " . ';., 10 1 ·20130 1760 8 SQ. m. 1760 Cu. rn. 0.7 $60 , Sq. m. 7 m. Cu. m. SQ. . , . Ncminal Size or thkkness Weight - -·kg:--·per:- ._ .. _._-_._--_._----_._-------_ _-...;,:;;...::......_-fIllll, •• 23. Soils a.nd grovels .. 1 GOO . t,!uvial \Jround. undisturbed· Clay: China, Compoc! 2240 Clay fills: Dry lumps Dry, Compact D,,,np, Compact Wet, Compact Uhdisturbcd 1040 1440 17GO 2080. 1920 2080 Undisturbed, qravcliv tllrth; DIy, loose Dry, Compue! Cu. Ill • "'. . .. :' 1280 1550 ' ..16i!1t, !oo~o 1440 . I.\oi't, COnlf,,)Cl to 1600 1760\01840 Olilvol : l.lJO~t' , ~!. 'i ~rj(lwd I no \0 1600 2160 {JHtrti ~ Dry. laosu 1200 [)'. 1600 Comp.1C! \\\'1. CornpJc[· 1920 Loess. dry "}'1ud. ri'f"e(. we ( 1760 \0 1440 1920 Peat: Or~ S~I'Hjy. 560 to 640 800 1360 Compact \\'f! COIn(lDct ! ... SJnd' (:>1"-" ~~l!;rn 1540 to 1600 1840 1760 to 2000 niVl" Wet' Sand line t)ry , ·t'i.Jratf..'d ·;~I,I, 1600 2080 1760 to 1920 Wet 8 . ." - Nomi",,1 SilO -,--,o:;:.:r...:thick ness Malarial -"mn1··--·-----·-·-'---"k-ri:----·- _... " -------------_...- ..._------._ .... _..__ ..- _.. . 24." StonO'l . Waight • -' ..•.. _-, ... - --_.._.... _- .-,. '--"" 2850 to 2.'l6fl ' Basalt por. ....... _-.- Cu. m. Gravel: ,. . . . ",' or or ,,;.- ,. 1600 192D '2400 to 26:30 , 2640 to ;1800 2240 to 2400 2080 to 2400 2400 to 2640 Modorolaly rammod dry Gneiss Granito Gypsum Leterite Lime stone Marbla Pumice Quartz rock Sand stano Slate Soap stono 2720 , . :800 10 1120 2640 2240 to 2400'. 2P.Q() 2700 25. Terra cotta (solid) .' - 1810 to 2370 ,\ .. ',,( 26. Tcrrozo Paving Cosillarlition' 10 24 40 .9~· . Sq. ,m. 27: Tiles . iMangalofQ patte in 'Polystyrene wall.!il"" 99x 99 ,148,5 x 148,5 ':2 10 '3 1.05 tne Sq.rn. 1.35 '(." " '::':28. ,Timber . "Eucalyptus l'lGO ,835 Roso wood (black wood) 'Sandal wood i 915 S40 720 Teak White cedar Cu, m. ,. " ',29 •. Water 1000 i 1025 Frash Salt 10 30. ' Wood·wool building slabs 6 Sq. m. " 9 ",' '::, Weigh)Of ____ bUildi~':b~:~~ or compononts .. ~~ .. \, ~;, I;.' ~~__________________~.~(I~S~'~1~91~1-.~1~96~7~)--------------~~~-------r Norninal SilO Wel~ht or thickness _~rn~l~n________________~,_k~g~.________~p~e~r.~. MQteriol ----'----------._-_.t. CeilingPla,ter on tilo or concreto Plaster Oil wood lath Su;;pended rnetallath and cement plaster Suspendud rnetol lath and gypsurn plaster 2, . 26 ',':: Sq. rn, . 40·.1 75 " 50· . " r.iitlcliir1\i }; I,I~r.ter: , ! Acoustic Fibrous Gypsum or lime Hydraulic lime Or cement .Plaster c'(siHng on wire notting r 100 I 125 , 150 \ 175 ' . 200 l230 necessary for ·c'o.nstructior!nl purposes. Floors, wood: Hard' wood { 'Solt wood { ;'}/C' 9 19 23 27 10 HOllow concrete units, including any concreto topping thicknessos 8 10 10 10 3 .. Floorinu ~~~otn·A!I 10 22 28 22 28 " " ." " ", . 16 20.5 11 13.5 " " " " fjnishod 1hicknosses. Asphalt flooring 10 Weight of mastic used in . luyillY wood block flooring . Floor finishes clay floor trios Parquet flooring 12.5 to 25.4 J 3.2 4.8 T.rracot1a, filled 'as laid' l Terr-aZlQ paving 'as Inid' 4. 170 200 220 240 270 320 " " " " 5.4 10 22 1.5 1 0 to 20 8 to 12 4.9 to 6.3 7.1 to 9.5 9.5 to 13.2 670 to 720 i4 " ". " " " " Cu. rn. Sq. rn. Roofing COUlltfy tile' (singlo) with battens Counlry tiles (double) wilh battens Miu)lJiJlnrc tiles- wit II titlttt:.'(IS 70· 1~O 65 10 .-----.-_.. _------ _._--._-_._----------- " " " ....--_._.- .... , :i .t1 " i' ; : Nominal Size , or thickness Material _____-.-:.__________-_-_-_._"',,;:-------------' 'lii-:': I I ~ . por. Mangatore tiles bedded in mortar oYer flat lilos Mangalore liles with flat liles Copper shoet roofing including laps and rolls .: I Weiohl , __",pe-,~._ Sq,m. 110 { 80 7.75 'to 8,25 0,56 0, 72 9.75 to 10,25 6.4 19.5 6,4 26 to 29 36 to 60 • . ,Tazed roofing I • . J, 'Glazing with aluminium alloy , " bars for spans up to 3 m. Glazing with lead·.covered : steel bars at 0,6 m, contres ' , 91alos on batten ihatch wilh battens '! . ",' .' " .1' ~~,:-, ',' ~}fj·)i' I~'r,l,:" /'jf'," ; ,. . " .. roofing ,.' .,Glass. silk,q'uilted Lead sheet ',: Mortar scrcoding " " OJl 5,5 88 21 i~::'I.'IW81I1no · \''';'' . ":'." jt.,~'[..·'" ':v. 1.-1",;4.' , · :'.1 ' ,Brick wall, ' ,I" Cindor concrete Galvanized iron sheet 100 Hollow glass block (bricks) , ·~F .. .HO~~~~s~I~~~~~/l.:oncrOlo · ;f{ '.,' 'A' , ;~!/~. .~~. 195 '115 15 :90 100 75 20.5 20.S 22,5 20 20 Clay Clinkor concrolo Coke brezlO concreto 20 18 S.5 14 20 20 Diatomaceous earth 20 20 20 20 Gypsum . Pumice concrete 'Slag concrete. air·cooled Slag concrete. foamed Lath and plaster H " H 18 ...:: ; "'/: 19 40 .. 46 .. " " CU;m. Sq. m. 20' 30,S 20 20 20 225 22.5 25.5 95 40 100 11 ,. . I Solid blocks: 20 .. I I 22 10 10 0.5 0,8 10 ~elt I ,.gi~"1 .' " " 'n' " . ",~,~~;>, ... 10 6~ ~oof finishes: 1 BHumen macadam .. . , 35 " " " II, ,j :', ',1' I Tobie 5 ., Unit weight of metals and alloys ,(IS: 1911 ·1967) .Weight Maletial .. kg. -'->---;;.--.-----~---.- 1. -----------------------~------ Aluminium Cnnt Vb ought Shoot 2. por. p~r mOl thickness 2580 to 2710 2640 \0 2800 Cu; m. 2.8 Sq. m.. Coppor .. ''': :, " , ! !. 8790 \Q8940 8840 to 8940 8.G9 .' Cust W,ought Slw;lI p~r O1m thicknas.s :. . f . Cu~ ~~ . .. :.': ,.. , • r" Sq. m. '{- 3. '-:i. Gold Cast Wrought 19250 to 19330 19330 Cu. m. • .'1 4. I.ead Cast Uquid , WlouGht Sh.,:u\ P(tt cHIn Ihicknu!is 11340 10710 11360 11 Sq. Cu. m. 111. 'Co .• 5, Mercury 13600 6, Tungst"n 19200 . 7, BrorllU rn.;t~1 (Cappo. SO)'.. Till 201.) Gun metnl (Copper gar.. Tin lOr.) 8730 6. Cadmium ft Tin 7690 9. Leed & Tin (JOII . .. 8780 :;' Laad 87.S,." Tin 12.5,~ lQ590 Lead 30,51.. Tin 69,5;'. 8270 r", . 10, Ste.1 (;.lS I 7850 7830 7.9 12 = . .. ! '1hougll t mild Block plato por mm thickness a;;: x: , . Sq. m •. i ! I " " 3 .~ ? 3 -.3 . '-- I·~I ---'---'-----------~---.-~--~- r_ =;::;;~~;:;~t~:c~';~~~¥~PC4f~t;"')!fH!::1~ '"=~-...: -, .. ,. -.-'- ,---- Table 6 . Standard Dimensions & Weight of Round and Square Bars IS; 431~1966 (Part -!) Round bars Sectional Diameter area Weight Perimeter .per Width m<!tre Sq. em mm Kgim em rnm ------.---~----'--~-- 5.0 6.0 B.O lU.O 12.0 16.0 .2!lJl."'~: 22.0 25.0 28.032.0 '35.0 ~O.O 0~19S 0.283 "0.503 . 0.785·: 1.13 2.01 3.' 4 3.80 4.9.1 6.16 . 8.04 10.18 I 12.57 · t I : 0.154 1.57 1.88, 0.222 2.51 I1 0.395 3.14 .1 0.617 3.77 1 0.888 5.03 I 1.58 6.28' 2.47 6.91·1 - 2.98 7.85 j 3.85 8.80 1 4.83 10.05 6.31 11.31 j 1.99 12.57! 9.86 1 ~ I area Sq. em 5.0 6.0 8.0 .10.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 22.0 25.0 . 28.0 32.0 36.0 40.0 Perimeter I I '1 per metre . em kg/m . 0.25 I ! Weight \ , w Sectional 2.0 0.36 2,4 .0.64 3.2 1.00. 4.0 1.44 . .t.8 2.566.4 4.00 8.0 4.84 8.8 6.25 " 10.0 7.84 11.2, .10.24 12.8 12.9S· 14,4 16.00 16.0 \. 'I' I I 0.196 0.283 .0.502 0.785 1.13 2.01 3.14 3.80 4.91 6.15 8.04 10.17 12.55 , I i '>,'~" ... i Tnblll 7 Arons of stool bars for various spacings ~- ._-",,---_._------------------------• ·Aro;l ill ~q. em. per rnelre width of slab for b3r diameter of: '. I 18rnm j 20mf1l 42.41 39.15 36.35 33.93 31.81' 29.94 52.36 63.36 : 48.33 .58.48 54.30 . · ·44.88 41.89. 50.68 47.51 39.27 44.72 . 36.96 22rnm·.j -- lii I 11.0 11.£; 12_0 1 Vj 13.0, 13,t"; 1·: .0 14.S 15.0 15.5 16.0· 1 G.5 17.0 17.5 1 3.14 2.98 2.83 2.69 5.69 5.29 5.03 . 4.79 12.57 11.90 11.31 10.77 17.10 16.20 , 5.39 , 4.66 22.34 21.17 20.11 19.15 28.:?B 26.79 25.45 24.24 34.90 42..24 33.06 . 40.01 31.41 38.01 29.91.: ·36.20· 2.57 2.46 7W Z,'_/..t5 4.57 4.37 <1.19 4.02 7.14 . 6.83 6 54 10.23 9.84 fj .2U 9.0S 13.99 13.39 12.83 12.32 18.28 17.48 1G.7iJ 15.09 23.13 22.13 21.21 20.36 28.55 27.31 26.17 25.13 .34.56 33.05 31.G8 30.4 r 2.17. 3.87 3.72 3.59 3.'17 3.35 6.04 5.82 5.Gl b.42 5.24 8.70 8.38 8.08 15.47 14.90 14.3G 13.8'7 . 13.41 19.58 18.85 18.18 7.54 11.84 11.40 11.00 10.62 10.20 16.97 24.16 23.27 22.44 21.66 20.94 29.24 .. 28.16 , 27 .15 26.21 _ , 1.82 1.77 3.24 1.71 . 3.05 2.96 2.87· 5.07 4.91 4.76 4.62 4.49 7.30 7.07 - G.85 6.65 6.46 9.93 ·9.62 9.33 9.05 8.80 12.97 12.57 12.19 11.83 11.49 16,42 15.90 15.42 14.97 14.54 20.27 19.63 19.04 18.48 17.95 24.52 23.76 23.04 22.36 21.72 4.36 4.25 '1.1 3 4_03 3.93 3.14 2.02 6.28 0.11 ,I 5.95 ,I 5.80 -I 5.05 ~ .52 8.55 8.32 8.10 7.89 7.70 6.16 5.13 11 .1 7 10.87 10.58 10.31 10.05 8.0·1. 6:10 i 4.14 13.70 13.39 13.05 12:72 10.18 8.48 17.45 16.98· 16.54 16.11 15.71 12.57 21.12 20.55 20.01 ~ . 19.49 19.01 15.21 12.67 208 2.02 1.95 1.89 1.66 1.62 18.0 18.5 18.0 19.5 1.57 1,£;3 l.-4B 1,45 1 ..4 1 '! r . 1.13 2(1-0 3.14 2.79 2.72 2.65 2.58 2.51 2.01 1.GB :lO.O ..L i __ 0 .______ 94 ,-__ _ 8.73 8.27 7.85 7.48 -~, 9,42 7.eo I 3.'1'1 -----~ 1 '1.55 - 10047 I : i , 2~).34 , - -- . . '. , , I I, il Tobia 8 R8111l0 of Corroct Wolght of Tor Stool Diameter mm 6 0.20G 8 0,367 0,574 1,0 ,I il. 1185 667 417 tn to to 1073 2725 2364 1515 .. ~.- .,.- ., ... .j-, .. - - - - . .0,932 1.658 2,541 22 2,896 346 to 326, 25 3.739 4.691 3,074 3.971 4,981 267 212 to 252 202 6,506 163' 129 104 -----_._---_._-_ '2 4202 1742 to to to 48E4 0.843 1,500 2.393 12 18 20 18 30 38 i1 , 0,238 0.423 0,660 28 .•. _-_.,--_ .. __. 602 394 to !01 )1 32, 11 '0 36 40 6,127 7.754 9,572 8,234 10.165 154 122 99, 10 to to ,6 15 Tablo 9 il 1 Tor stoel equ.ivalent to mild steel ,4 ',6 5 Th. 'following diameters may be used instead 01 the mild steel bars for tension Md compression (ejnfD~ccmenl to givo tho same strol1g1h. 1 4 For Tension Roinforcoment 2 Mild Steel 'diameter (mml , 8 10 12 16 8 '10 1 2' ,20 22 '25 28 32 36 40 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 6 2 2 5 1• 9 1 1 .7 , Tor St091 (TOR 40) di~mo\Qr (mm) (" • Orlglnol spncino ,110111,1 bo radue'od by 1 O~. For Compression Reinforcement Mild Stoel diameter (mm) 12 16 20 Tor Slool (TOR 40) diamaler (mm) 10 14 2x12 22 28 25 18 20 32 n 36 2x18 40 2x20, Ribbed torstoel can bo used without end 1100ks. When Jhe abovo substitution loblcs mo used, no extra IDP or anchorage SilOS of plain round bar is required. . ·/>:·i~;~! th'os·o necoss<try for the equivalent 15 32 r ,1, , 7 Tobia 10 (n) Dimonsions Dnd proporties of rollod stool booms • rr if y Whfrn second rn'orncnts of area art} known corresponding moduli of sections can be calculated by Iho following relations <:::1' . !. . X· Zxx . Ixx ? •. and Zyy = -x f'. f 11 h· t.• Sectional hxb rnm Weight Flango nrca pcr metre tl1icknE!ss a w If ._~q. C~'I. I ~'~-.~-.---.!~!.- - 1".J13 150 1 7!; 200 150XGO 175X50 200XGO 9.01 10:!3 12. [;·1 1~)J8 22!j 225X~~O , ISLB 75 1~';LU 100 75x50 100X50 .10)1 ISL8 ISL9 125 125X76 1 GOX8U B.O ! ".12 175X90 21.30 :!OOX I 00 25.7.1 29.92 11.9 14.2 ·16.7 19.8 15.m I~JU Wob thickness Second moments of orca Y nt;l __L ...dr;,~ I ~.G 3.0 fl.1 4.8 3.2 G.O 5.0 3.7 1308.5 3.1 72.7 168.0 406.8 688.2 1096.2 1696.6 2501.9 3717.8 5375.3 7332.9 9874.6 13158.3 19306.3 27536.1 3857B.0 53161.6 72867.6 9.9 12.3 7.11 6.1 3,4 322.1 . 479.3 7~fJ.7 99;27 17.3 40.5 ISLB ISL13 ISLB ISI.S ISLE ISI.8 150 175 200 22!; 250 225Xl00 I 2S0X125 27!:i 1 3o.~)3 27.9 275X1·10 ~Z.02 330 300XI50.· 4D.08 325X165 54.90 G3.01 72 ..13 83.14 37.7 43.1 495 ISL~. 300 325 350 151.8 4(;0 40 f)X1 f,JS iS1.1l ~1 ISLn ~;()O I SLG ISl n bGO GOO "50X 171.1 'jOOXl eo 550X190 600X2'10 ISMB 100 ISMtJ 12~ ISM8 :SMB 150X80 175X90 200Xl00 ISr~~B 150 175 200 225 15MB 2ljO 47,55 78.40 J:::, ::': ISMU 1 GO I ! :l50X 165 100X75 125X75 22GX110 ;" .,' Q 300 I •.. ,:) :~:;O 250X125 300X 140 :l50X 140 I S I. i E! ·1U:J .:100/,' 4() I /.3.5 I 9~;.~W 10'9.97 126.69 1460 16.60 19.00 24.62 37.33 39.72 5b.16 GG.! I [jG.9 . O~).3 13.4 I ti.O 8'5.3 99.Q 4,0 4.4 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.1 6.4 6.7 7.0 7.4 8.0 8.G 10.0 12.7 43.4 55.2 79.G 115.4112.7 193.4 287.0 376.2 510.8 631.9 716.4 853.0 1063.9 1335.1 1821.9 14.1 15.0 ~J. ~) 15.5 10'5 11.5 7.2 13.0 7.6 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.5 1272.0 5.7 40.8 43.7 52.6 85.0 2235.4 150'0 6.5 6.9 7.5 8'1 8.9 3441.8 14.9 19.3. 7.6 8.G 10.8 11.8 12.5 12.4 14.2 25.4 31.2 37:3 4 '1.2 57..<1 0'/.13 1 16.0 9.:! 257.5 449.0 726.4 5131 .. 6 8603.6 13630.3 20458.4 I. Iri l '. ! , 622.1 II Ii I' I I I - ,t . I I I I 1 1 I f J I I ! I I I. I I I I I . . IG I I I 1 .! .218.3 334.5 ..... 453.9· ,.. 537.7 I I ~. " 5.0 6..1 0.5 6.8 6.9 7.3 8.6 8.2 8.8 9.4 9.8 11 .4 12.5 ~, _L_~L f: . 7.1 ~i.:~3 I ~'. fl' ,''''''' Siio I I Lb 'r , . Iyy tJ72 I ( . IS . IS IS r ' Tabla 10 {a)-Con/d, ---"7""---,-----..,.....--..,........ . __ Sizo Designation hxb Soc lio nol . oroa mm a -----7--~-_1-s~--"q em 15MB ,450 ISMB,i 500 ISMS'l SliO ISMa' 000 'I •• ISWa': 150 ISWB,i 175 ISWB ,200 ISWB22S Iswr 250 ISWB 300' ISWB 350 ISWB 400 'ISWB 450· ISWB 500 ISWB 550 ISWB 600 ISWB 600 ISHB 150 ISHB 150 ISHB .150 ISHB '200 I.SHB 1200 ISHB '225 ISHB . 225 ISH6 250 ISHB 250 ISHB 300 ISHB : 300 ISH8 1350 (SHB 1350 ISH8 400 ISHB 400 ISH8 ·450 ISHB . 450 , . I '1 ISJB 'ISLB 15MB ISWB ISHB 450x150 500xlBO 550x190 600x210 92,27 110.74 132,11 156.21 160x100 175<125 200x140 225<150 250x200 300x200 350x200 400,200 450x200 500x250 550x250 600x250 600x250 21.07 28.11 36,71 43,24 52,05 61.33 72.50 85.!11 I 101.15 I 150x150 150x150 150x150 200x200 200x200 225x225 225x225 250'250 250~250 300,250 300,250 350x250 350x250 400,250 400x250' 450x250 450x250 WoiU111 .....,..~.o_w_.~.,1""' •.. f'lnngo I iiflc., nll!Il!:~ i:.:.;",:.:..: 72.4 86.9 103.7 122.0 17.4 17.2 19.3 20.S 17.0 22.1 28.8 7.0 7.4 184.BB 34.48 38.98 44.08 47.54 50.94 54.94 59.66 64.96 G9.71 74.S·5 80.25 85.91 92.21 98.66 104.66 111.14 27.1 30'.6 34.6 37.3 40.0 43.1 46.8 61.0 54.7 58.8 63.0 67.4 72.4 77.4 82.2 87.2 92.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.1 9.7 9.7 10.6 10.6 11.6 11.6 12.7 12.7 13.7 13.7 33.Q 40.9 48.1 56.9 66.7 79.4 96.2 112.5 /' (Indian Stan1ard Junior Beams) i(lndian Standard Ught Weight Beams) ,lIndian Stand,ad Medium Weight Beams) (Indian Siandard Wide Flange Ba3ms) :(lndian Standard Column Scetions-H Beams) 9..4 30390.8. 834.0 45218.3 1369.8 64893.'6 1833.8 91813.0 2651.0 10.2 11.2 12.0 5.4 6.8 9.0 133.7 145.1 117.89 01 "1~r 0 __\_h.c: :.: t~."-n_o"_3'--7-tl_\ O_"- ;-~ _-·_-~_~,_x,_·- '-·I'-·_'"~_-~_y\_,· 9.9 9.0 10.0 11.4 13.0 15.4 14.7 17.6. 21.3 23.6 121.22 143.34 170.38 -=.=.'="7""~-- !::ivnOlld Wail 6.1 6.4 6.7 7.4 8.0 8.6 9.2 9.8 10.5 . 11.2 11.8 5.4 8.4 11.8 6.1 7.8 6.5 8.6 6.9 B.8 7.6 9.4 8.3 10.1 9.1 10.6 9.8 11.3 839.1 1509.4 2624.0 3920.5 5943.1 9821.6 15521.7 ·23426.7 35057.6 94.8 188.6 328.8 448.6 857.5 990.1 1175.9 1388.0 1706.7 74900.1 100198.5 115626.6 3740.5 4702.5 5298.3 52290.~· . :'DfJ7.8 1455.6 431.7 460.3 1635.6' 494.9 3608.4 967.1 3721.8· 994.6 5279.5 1353.8 5478.8 1396.6 7738.5 1961.3 7983.9 2011.7 12545.2 2193.6 12950.2 2246.7 19159.7 ' 2451.4 19802.8 2510.5 1 28083.5 2728.3 28823.5 2783.0 39210.8 2985.2 40349.9 3045.0 1540.0 I ,i -17 . TablO 10 (b) :',';: Dil11onsi6ns and properties of rolle,d .. " steelcliannElI$';~""~:' . n,l(iius 01 gyrntion ~ -,../Ila em." V/lf('rl ;(~(,ol1d '1loduli 01 nHlrllUnts of Meo orc s,cclio!15 I.. 11:2 lxx---:.and ktlo~'~n, corro!iJ)ondifHJ ca(1 be colculi1lcJ by the: relations . Iyy Z~y ~;:-'-c u·- yy 'M-·-------~------~~--~~~~~~--~~~~~~~_.C~·~~~~~~ Sec-, Weight Flange Web Centre ..;)econo IlltHllent:;o SIlO tio-rwl pOt thickthick.of of 8ma Ilxu nun BreD Ilwtre a w ... ____.___ .,_.~~~_:.~.:_ .. 100 . 125 1'))1;; 1 ~;(j W..JC 1'10 ISJC 200 I;~.JC l\'LJ(~ ISLt ISLC I~LC ISLe ISLe ISl.e I 75 100 125 150 .175 200 1 00X4 5 125X~O 7.41 10.01 9,~ a,6 14.24 17.77 1 1.2 13.9 75X40 100X50 125:":65 HOX 75 175)05 200X75 7.26 10.02 13.[;] 18,3!; 22.<10 20.22 5.7 6.0 7.9 10.7 14.4 17.6 20.6 74.Q 7iHl 3J. i :J!J .11 4~. 7 6,4 ~~n) :~2~X\Jf) :> :~CI;"<'1 00 1~:'Lr..: ~oO 3U.bJ 3ti.U5 ·,r'IJI.ItJU 4UIJXIOO .1!J .117 5B.1.5 ',nox 1{)(j t12.1"1 75X40 8.G7 100XSO 11.70 IS~N' .120 1 ~Sr,l.i5 1 G. 19 Isr·.':-: .150X'fS 20.88 175X75 24.33 \SMC ;~}:",c ~O? 1 200X'J5 28.21 ! ~.HlC 22.-.. I 2:!5XtO 33.01 ISI,\e 2£;0 I 2GOX8U 38.67 I 51...,iC 300 I 300Y,90 40.64 .ISMC 350 I 350Y,100 53,f)6 IS!'AC 400 I ,IOOX 100 . 62.93 .. I 5.1 115X60 200X70 2!j!j ml 5.8 7.9 6,9 6.9 7.1 - grDvity " ,Ixx -1-----Iyy cm4 __, ____ 12.G~, I~:U: 1:,I,IC . 75 ISMC 100 ~_~~L_. ,. ness' tf tw. Cyy em'. _~T.~!;~ _ _ ,n~~ __~-+-+ 15,)X55 l~it.C 1"';:1 t:: ~F',u I:":LC· 4UO flOSS I, 3.7 4.0 6.6 4.4 ].8 9.S 10.8 4.8 S,1 5.S 5.8 6.1 6.7 10,2 . 10.7 11.6 17.,5 .14.0 6.8 o 'J ['. ~. 7.3 7.5 12.'1 8,1 19.1 22.1 25.9 :l0.4 35.8 42.1 ' 49.4 9.0 10.2 11.4 12,<\ 14.1 13.6 13.5 15.3 '\ 6.4- / 3.0 3:0 .3.6 :J.6 4.1 I ; ,i I i I 1.35 1.62 2.04 2.38 ; 697,2 1148.4 1725.5 2547.9 3687.9 6047.9 UJ 12.6 13989.& 2AG 1.31 1.53 1.9.1 !, ,i I I 2.22 2,20 2,17 2.30 2.30 _.36 . 2,44. 2.42 11,5 24.8 57,'2 1 ()3.2 126.5 146,9 209.5 298.4 346.0 . 356.~ 2.·J () 2.55 2.41 2.:lO i 123.8 14.9 270.0 26.7 471.1 . , 37.9 719.9 " 50.5 11 G1.2 84.2 66.1 164,7 2.35 . B.O 8.G I 2Ao 7.,1 4,4 4.7 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.1 6.4 ) .1 7.6 8.1 1,40 1.54 1.65 1.15 1.97 I 3 !}4 IJ 400.'1 75.0 186,7 4 16.4 779.4 1223:3 1819.3 2694.6 3816,8 6362,6 10008.0 15082.8 12.6 2.5.9 59.U 102.3 121.0 140.4 187.2 219.1 310.8 430.6 504.B' ISJC 1•• lidi<111 St<lndl:lfd Junior Challnels) ISLe (IndLm StlJndatd Light Channels) ISr~iC (Indi1J1l Sttlfld':lId r. .l0diurn Chilnni::ls) 18 I . .-- ..~.... \. .1 :~ ".~ l~ I( ~ I~ U I: , I '1 I I I I I -.-.. ----.---~------,------ ~p-~-----" I 11 Tabla 10 (c) Dimensions and properties of equal angles Radius of gyration - Na em. DI,tance, of extreme fibres axx and eyy can be obtai nod when Ihe pOlltlons of centres of oravity Cxx and Cyy are known. When IhalD dilla.nces aro known corresponding moduli of sections can be calculalo.d by Iho,rolations , I: ' ". Zxx-~and Zyy . exx = Size O"lgnatlon Iyy cyy iHOll Weight por motro • kg See- tiona I AxBx! mo, • sq. em ",,,,, + 1 ,12 ISA 2020 .20x20x4 1. .45 ISA 2020 25x25x3 1 .41 ISA 2525 1,84 25x25x4 ISA 2525 25x25x5 2,25 ISA 2525 30x30x3 1.73 ISA 3030 2,26 30x30x4 ISA 3030 30x30x5 2.77 ISA 3030 35x35x3 ISA 3535 2.03 2,66 35x35x4 . ISA 3535 3,27 35x35x5 ISA 3535 3,86 35x35x6 ISA 3535 40x40x3 ISA 4040 2.34 3,07 40x40x4 ISA 4040 3,78 40x40x5 ISA 4040 ISA '4040 40x40x6 4.47 ISA . 4545 45x45x3 2.64 3.47 ISA 4545 . 45x45x4 4,28 45x45x5 ISA 4545 ISA ,4545, 45x45x6 5.07 ISA' 5050 50x50x3 2.95 3,88 50x50x4 ISA 5050. 50x50x5 ISA, .50S0 4.79·· ISA"5050' , 50x5Ox6 5,68 ISA '5555 55xS5x5 5.27 65x55x6 6,26 ISA 5:355 65x55x8 8.18 ISA 5555 55x55xl0 10,02 ISA 6555 60x60xS ISA 6060 5,75 60x60x6 6,84 . ISA 6060 60x60x8 ISA 60S0 8,96 ISA 6060 60~60xl0 111,00 . '. J I I IV I Moduli ' of Centro 50cond momonts. of Dr03 of gravity en; "Cry !xx ". Iyy 1£111 Ivv em, em l ern' cm 4 ------T--r'----·- ~ec,tion Zu ... zrr em' _._---------- 0,59 0.4 0.63 0.5 0.71 0,8 0,75 1,0 0,79 1,2 0,83 1.4 0,87 1,8 0.92 2.1 0,95 2,3 1.00 2.9 1.04 3,5 1.08 4.1 1,08. I. 3.4 4;5 1.12 1.1.6 5.4 6,3 1.20 1.20 5.0 6,5 1.25 1,29 7.9 1.33 9.2 6,9 1.32 1,37 9.1 11.0 1.41 1.45 12.9 14.7 1.53 17,3 1.57 O,g 1 .1 1 ,1 1.4 1.8 1.4 1,8 2.2 1.6 2,1 2,6 3,0 1.8 2.4 3,0 3,5 :2.1 2.7 3.4 4,0 2.3 3.0 3.8. 4;S. '4,1 . 4,9 6.4 7,9 4,S 5.4 7,0 8.6 , ,65 1.72 1,65 . 1.69 1.77 1.85 ! 0,6 0,8 1,2 1,6 1,8 2.2 2,8 3,4 3,6 4,7 5.6 6.5 5,5 7.1 8.6 .. 10,0 . 8.0 10.4 12,6 14:6 11.1 14.5 17.6 20.6 23.5 27.5 22,0 34,9 41,5 26,3 19,2 . 30.6 36.0 22.6 46.0 29.0 34,8 : 54.9. 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0,5 0,6 0,7 O,g O,g 1,2. 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.8 2,2 2,6 0,3 0.4 0..40.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.0 0,9 1,2 1.4 1.7 1.2 .1.6 j 2.0 ~ 2.6 3.2 3.8 2,8 I~:i 1.5 J I 2.0 ' . 2.5 , 2.9 1.9 2.S 3.1 3.6 3.7 3.6 4.S ,5.3 6.9 7,0 9.1 11.2 7,7 9.1 11.9 14,6 4.4 S.7 7.0 4.4 5.2 6,8 8.4 , . , 19 ' , nod/u, of OY ------------,·--;--;:--·----iT---r-----,.----,+-SHC, W\,i~Jh! I,M()\lull' S;lll U . . siUrl.Jliofl Ax8xt . "Ull j' i lIollu] tl~NI fnfJ[ro por 11 W sq, ern' kg C(1lJtfO of umvity' So<:ond hlOlllOl\lS of <IJon ,J., of . . MIction ----"/"----1'--- C.u ... Crr/xx.~/n ern. crn l /11/1' em' Iv",: Distances of tho pOisi1~on~ I'~I\ fuLl1I I~,I\ G5G5 ISA 7070 ISA ;070 ISA 7010 I:;" '/070 IS)\ 7!i75 ISA 7575 ISA 7575 I,A 7575 IsA 80BO 13/\ 8080 ISA 8080 Isr·. ;.s0 Isr, 9090 I,A 9090 ISA 9090 ISA 9090 ISA 10,0100 ISA 100100 ISA :100100 ISA 100100 ISA·1101.10 ISA'110110 ISA 110110 ISA 110110 ISA 130130 IS;, 130130 I~;;\ 130130 ISA 13013<) IS:, 150HiQ I:;A 150150 I~:;A lL01!;f] ISA ISA ISA ISA ISA 1601bIJ 200200 200200 200200 200200 rl/;~!) fl.:!!) 'I.n 1.4<1 bJ.l 9.76 65)(10 12.00 70,5 6.77 70'6 '8.06 70x8 10.58 70x 70xl0 13.02 75x 75x5 7.27 75x 75x6 B.5ti 75x 75x8 11.38 75x 75xl0 14.02 80x 80X6 9.29 80x 80X8 12.21 SOx 80xl0 J 5.05 80x 80x12 17.81 90x 90x6 10.47 90x 90,8, 13.79 90x 90'10 17.03 90x 90x12 20.19 100xl00x6 11.67 100xl00,8 15.39 100,100xl0 19.03 100,100x12 22.59 110xl10x8 17.02 l1Cxl10xl0 21.C6 11;O,110X12 25.02 110xll0,15 30.81 13e ... 1 30xO. 20,~~2 130,130xl0 25.0G 130.<l30xI2 29.82 130x130.,,5 36.81 150,150xl0 29.03 150xl'jtlxl2 3,1.59 150;dSUi(,iU ·:~~')B <r"""").7 9.4 5.3 6.3 8.3 10,2 5.7 lifj . . lith.OtixU 65x 65<8 G!ix 70x 70x 70x 160x150x18 200x200xl2 200x200x15 200x200xl8 200x200x25 !,(),7!J 4G.51 57.80 58.81 93.80 G,8 8.9 1'.tl 7.3 9.6 11.8 H.O 8.2 10.8 13:4 15.8 9.2 '12.1 14.9 17.7 13.4 16.5 19.G 24.2 15.9 19.7 23.4 "8·.iI n.8 7.7.2 :n.o 3'J.!J 36.6 45A 54.0 73.6 1.'11 "1.01 1.89 1.97 1.89 1.94 2.02 2.10 2.02 2,06 2.14 2.22 2.18 2.27 2.34 2.42 2.42 2.51 2;59 2.66 2.67 2.76 2.84 2.92 3.00 3.08 3.16 3.27 3.50 3.58 3.66 3.78 4.06 4.14 4.2G 4.38 5.36 5.49 5.61 5.88 211.'1 29.1 :J!IA 4G.!.i !J.!j 11.7 tj,2 6,2 Zxx- 37.4 59.5 15.3 8.1 45.0 71.3 18.8. ' 9.9 31.1 '19.8 12.5 6.1 36.858.8 14.8 7.3 47.4 '75.5 19.3 9.5 57.2 90.7 23.7 11.7 3'8.7 61,9 15.G 7.1 45.7 73.1 18.4 8.4 59.0 94.1 24.0 11.0 71.4 113.3 29.4 13.5 56.0 ,89.6 22.5 9.6 72.5 115.6 29.4 ,12.6' 87.7 139.5 36.0 15.5 ' 101.9 161.4 42.4 18.3 80.1 128.1 32.0 12.2 104.2 166.4 42.0 16.0 126.7 201.9 51.6 19.8 147.9 234.9 60.9 23:3 111.3 178.1 44.5 15.2 145.1 231.8 58.4 20.0' 177.0 282.2 71.8 24.7 207.0 329.3 84.7 29.2 195.0 311.778.2 24.4 238.4 380.5 96.3 30.1 279.6 4"5.3 113.8 35.7 337.4 535.4 139.3 43.7 328.3 525.1 .131.4 34.5 402.7 643.4 162.1 . 42.7 473.8 "55.9 191.8 50.7 674.6 814.2 235.0 52.3 622.4 995.4 249.4 '6G.9 735.4 117.1.0 2%.0 67.7 896.8 1429.7 3G3.8 83,5 1048.9 HH38.2 429.5 ~18.7 1788.9 20&2.0 715,0 122.2 2197.7 3511;8 8837 151.4 2588.7 4130.8 1046.5 179.9 13436.5 5460.9 1411.6 243.3 H¥xIXX I exx i. . Dosignatfon ISA 3020 ISA 3020 ISA 3020 ISA 4025 ISA 4026 ISA 4026 ISA 4025 ISA 4530' ISA j530 ISA .530 ISA.4630ISA' 6030 ISA 6030 /SA 8030 ISA' 6030 ISA 5040 ISA, 6040 ISA 6040 ISA 5"45 ISA 6645 ISA 0645ISA 7046 ISA 7046 ISA 7045ISA 7045' ISA 7550 ISA 7550 ISA 7550 ,ISA 7550 ISA 8050 ISA 8050 ISA 8050 ISA 8050 /. i .i 20 I cOIn bo ca/cu' em' ""-',---'-----'--'--"---' ,----_.----..,- "-"--- ------- i---'-ISA uBUU ISA G5U~ 1tw~o Whon ,1H ... Zrr COlI. Tobie 10 (d) Dimensions and properties of unequal anglos Radius of gyration ~ JT/ii em. Distances of extremo fibres exx and oYY can be obtainod when the positions of centres of gravity Cxx and Cyy are known. When 11hese distances are known corresponding moduli of sections c'n be calculated by the relations I '1 Ixx Ix. - :t:::;:;-and lyy :, exx . I'IY ~-- eyy i.: . , SecSize . Designation tional aroa Axbxt a mm sq em ------ 'SA 3020 'SA 3020 'SA 3020 ISA 4025 'SA 4026 ISA 4026 ISA 4025 'SA 4530 ISA 530 ISA 530 ISA. 4530 ISA 6030 ISA 5030 ISA 5030 'SA' 5030 ISA 6040 'SA 6040 'SA' 8040 'SA 6">46 ISA 6545 ISA 6545 . ISA 7045 ISA 7045 ISA 7045 ISA 7045 ISA 7550 ISA 7550 ISA 7550 ISA 7550 ISA 8050 ISA 8050 'SA 8050 ISA 8050 4 < I 1.41 i .84 30x20x5 40x26x3 40x2Ex4 40x25x5 40x25x6 45x30x4 45x30x5 46x30x6 60x30x3 60x30x4 60x30x5 60x30x6 BOx40xG GO,·: Ox6 I I 2.25 1.88 2.46 3.02 3,56 2.18 2.86 3.52 4.1 G 2,34 3.07 3,78 4,47 4.76 5,65 60x40x8 7.37 65x45x5 5.26 65x45x6 6.25 65x45x8 8.17 70x45x5 5.52 70x45x6 6,56 70x45x8 B.58 70x45xl0 10.52 75x50x5 6.02 7.16 75x50x8 9,38 75x50xl0 11.52 80x50x5 6.27 80x50x6 7.46· 80x50x8 9.78 80x50xl0 12,02 75x50x6 gravity metre Cxx w kg em 1.1 1.4 1.8 1,5 1.9 2.4 2.8 '1.7 2,2 2.8 3.3 1.S 2.4 3.0 3.5 3.7 4.4 5.8 4,1 4.9 6.4 . 4.3 5.2 6.7 8.3 4.7 5.6 7.4 9.0 4.9 5.9 7.7 . 9.4 Second moment of area Centre"of Cyy Ixx Iyy II luu Ivy em em' em' i em' em' I 30x20x3 30x20x4 45x30x3 Weight per 0.98 1,02 1.06 1 ,';J 1.35 1.39 1.43 1.42 1.47 1.61 1.65 1.63 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.95 1.99 2.07 2.07 2.1 1 2.19 2.27 2.32 2.40 2.48 2.39 2.44 2.52 2.60 2.60 2.64 2.73 2.81 . 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.57 0.62 0:66 0.69 0.69 0.73 0.77 0.91 0.6fi 0.70 0,74 0.78 0.96 1.00 1.08 1.08 1.12 1.20 1.04 1.09 1.16 1.24 1.16 1.20 1.28 1,36 1.12 1.16 1.24 1.32 1.2 1.5 . 1.9 ' 3.0 3.8 4.6 5.4 4.4 5.7 6.9 8.0 5.9 7.7 9.3 10.0 16.9 19.9 . 25.4· 22,' 26.0 33.2 27.2 32.0 41.0 49.3 34.1 40.3 51.8 62.3 40.6 48.0 61.9 74.7 . ' 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.5 . 2.0' 2.4 2.6 1.6 2.1 2.5 2.9 6.0 7.0 8,0 8.6 10.1 12.8 8.8 10.3 13.1 15.6 12.2 14.3 18.3 21.8 , 2.3 14.4 18.5 22.1 . 21 . 1.4 1.8 2.1 3.3 4.3 5.1' 5.9 5.0 6.5 7.9 Q,2 6.5 8.B 10,3 11.0 19.5 22.8 . 29.0 25.9 30.4 . 38.7· 30.!l 36.3 46,3 I I I ' 0.2 0.3 0.. 4 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.9 1 .1 1.4 1.7 1.0 1.2 1,5 1.8 3.4 4.0 5.2 4.8 5.7 7.4 5,1 6.0 7,8 9.5 55'04 6.9 33.4 45.4 8.2 59.4 10.6 71.2 12.9 45.7 7.2 8.5 53 1 69.3 . 11.0 13,5 83.3 - I,dll" 10dd) , . conld. I.)' - ' - ,._.....:..:,;..-..:r~-~-:-:--:--:--:::---:.,.--.-..-:...-------.,- ( • !'. Dos'gIlQl.on Sec- Size ~~~:f, . tiUlIiJ I Ol'H} " yVeight Centle of por ~_~_.Q!_~yity__ motro w Cxx Cyy Seco~d.. rnomeflt of -area . -;x~ sq, em kg em. em. COl' -----;----.... --:-=-+---.-,---;-- :~---~oGI)I:~x 60t6 8.65 9060 90x GOx8 11.3'1 90GO 90x 60xl0 14.01 9060 90., 60x12 16.57 I~A 10005 lOOt G5x6 9.55 1:;1, 10005 IUOx G5xC' 12.") ISA 1000B 100x 65xl0 15.51 1:;/\ .1007°1100< 75<6 10.14 ISA I()Olb 100x 75x8 13.:Hj 1St, 1007f'I'00X 75,10 16.50 lSI. 10.07".' I. (iVX.· 75x12 19.56 IS/\ 1:Hi75125)(75)(6 11.68 1M 11$/[' .2,.< '76.8 15.38 1[;/,11;;15 125)( 75<10 Hi.O;! Is(, '11:,% 1:15< 95xO 12.86 1M .12595! 25x 95x8 1 6.98 1M 12ti% 1 ZGx 95.<10 21.02 I:;A 125fJ~: 125x 95x12 24.98 1St, 1".'()l~'1'150X 75<8 17A2 ISA 15075 150x 75.<10 21.5G ISA 150751150)( 75x12 25.62 ISA 150115100)(\15X8 20.58 !C;A 150115 150x115xl0 25.51 I!i/. Hi()115 IGOXI15XI213().J8 I'... A lGU11!; lGax11G.l~ :i/.!;l I~':/', ;~()Oj()() 7.0')x10f}xlO 1';1\ 2DU1!JU ;>()C, .•. I<)(J·<12 1':/, 20(1100 <UU'.100.<1!1 1 1:;/. LI)/)!!'~ 2Go,15')AiO lSI, 200150 200,150x12 IS,; 2",)150 200;;150x15 ISA 200150 200x150x18 yy . em' 23.8 29.5 2.87 1.39 2.96 1.48 3.04 1.55 3.12 1.63 3.19 1.47 3.28 1.55 3.37 1.63 3.01 1.78 3.10 1.87 3.19 1.95 3.272.03 4.05 1.59 4.15 1'68 4.24 1.76 3.10 2.22 3.80 2.31 3.88 2.39 3.96 2.47 5.23 153 5.32 1:61 5.41 1.69 4A6 2.73 4.55 2.82 4.64 2.90 ·UG 3.02 2:.11)] ?2,3 (';.9G :l,Ui9 2'1.2 33.6 :>6.7 31.8 39.4 46.9 7.0S 2.10 1431.7 246.2 1.'18 2.22 1750.5 298,1 5.99 3.51 1377.9 669.6 6.083.60 1634.9 793.2 6.20 3.722005.6 969.9 6.33 3.84 2359.4 1136.9 ISA ISA ISA ~2.J;J 34.0(] 4(1.';5 50.25 59.76 6.8 8.9 11.0 13.0 7.5 9.9 12.2 It 3.0! 10.5 1:;·, E.~ 9.2 i2.1 14.(1 10.1 13.~ 16.5 19.6 13,7 16.9 20.1 16.2 20.0 1 I I 2.0) 70.6' . 91.5 110.9.. 129.1 96.7 125'.9 153.2 lCO.9 131.6 203.2 266.0 325.8 382.6 407.2 499.1 587.0 465.7 573.3 67G.5 Un.5 25.2 32.4 39.1 45.2 32.4 41.9 50.7 48.7 63.3 76.9 89.5 51.6 67.2 81.6 102.1 133.3 162.7 190.4 70.2 85.3 99.5 238.9 293.4 345.3 "18.6 121(),Q 20!3.2 160.4 187.5 187.8 245.5 300.3 . !' ~; I tu:~-'-j--;;; 1: 'Ii em'" em' '>t.;. r 81.5 105.3 127.3 147.5 110,G 143.6 174;2 124.0 161.3 196.1 228.4 208,9 272.8 332.9 252.3 329'.7 402,9 472.0 4328 529:8 622.2 581.2 714.3 841.4 1020.~J 14.3 18.6. ., 22.8 26.8'; 18.6 24.2 29,7 I. 25.6': 33.6' ~ • 4 1..26 '.'.. ( , 48 30.5 \' 40.0,' t 49.1 V. .• 52 9 ~ 69:6 ' 85.6 [I;' 101.0 ~ 44.5 t;, 5 44 . 6 ' ~r;.'..: 6 3 , 123.3 ." 152.4'" 180.4 to' 221 .. 2 'I•.·. 12<10.7 132.5 r f: i\J [I 1521.0 156.8" 1856.7 191.9 t",. 16911j .350.8 :', 2010.8 417.2 '" 2461.9 513.6 11. 2889.5 606.9 ~ ,. l.t .; ,~ 22 J !/ Tnblo 10 (el Dimensions and propertlos Radius of gyration" 0'1 rollod G.loo1 too hUi'Q .;Tio cm. . '~ ! When second ",aments of DrCa nro known. ~"'w;PQO(linu moduli of sections CDn be calciJinlcd by th" {clations Ixx Zxx-h~and . fJ-"XX IIY Zyy .•,-'-b:'2 Su\; Designation hxb mm ISNT 20 ISNT 30 ISNT40 ISNT 60 ISNT 60 ISNT 80 ISNT 100 ISNT 150 , Soctional aren n I sq em Weight Flange per thick· motrc ness w (I kU nlfll 20x20 30x30 40x40 60x50 60x60 80x80 1 OOxl 00 160.160 1.13 1.75 4.48 5.70 6.90 12,26 10.10 29.0a 22.8 1(l,0 75 100 125 150 :75x150 100x200 125x250 150x250 19.49 25.47 . 34.85 37.42 15.3 20.0 27.4. 29.4 9.0 9.0 9.7 10.6 ISST 100 . ISST 150 ISST200 ISST 250 ,-- 100x50 . 150x75 200x165 250x180 10.37 19.96 36.22 47.75 B.l 15.7 . 28.4 37.5. ISL 75 ISLt 100 50x50 75x80 100xl00 5.11 9.04 16.16 4.50 5.14 G.32 B.14 ISHT ISHT '. ISHT ISH! '. I·: ISL~ 60 ,',~ ISJt ISJT tSJT ISJT 75 87.5 100 112.5 75x50 87.5x50 100x60 112.5x80 W"b. Centro of thick· ness fl'avity (w ex< mOl em Socond momon IS of area ---------- em'· Iyy ern' 0.2 0.6 3.0 5.9 10.1 32.3 79.9 207.& Ixx - 0.9 1.4 3.5 4'."r. 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 0.60 0.83 1.20 1.44 0,6 a.o 6.0' .10,0 10,0 2.23 2.70 3,St> 0.4 1.4 6.3 12.7 22;6 71.:1 . 173.8 CD3.'e 8.4 7.8 B.a 7.6 1.62 1.91 2.37 2:66 96 .• 193.8 415.4 537.'1 230.2 497.3 1005.3 1096.B 10.0 11.6 12.5 14.1 6.8 8.0 8.0 9.2 3.03 4.75 4.78 6.40 99.0 450.2 1267.8 2774.4 96 37.0 358.2 582.Cl 4.0 7.1 12.7 6.4 6.8 10.8 4.0 4.8 5.7 1.19 1.72 2.13 41.9 116.6 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.0 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.7 2.00 2.50 .2.81 3.01 24.8 39.0 63.5 101.6 B.O 6.4 10,0 16,0 23 0.0 1.07 9.9 . 6.4 27.6 75.0 4.6 4.8 8.6 20.2 - Tabla 11 Weight'-atid soctional properties of rails pf()pl~lti\J~; 01 Flrd hottom mil' 1H.~ld on Indian r.~lJways. ,. Bottom width Weight of I\oilln Ibs· per yard, inches inches --- , , , --.-- 100 FF 90 R 90 [lSSFF B7 FF 84 BH 86 BH 780H 75 R 5,000 5.3;][, (i.:M 5.000 2,375 2,500 2.400 4,812 4,812 4,312 4,312 4.000 3.875 3.937 3 SOO ·3.!>OO 3,i~50 3.105 3.000 ._-- 2.B7 2,94 2,72 2.61 46,70 38.45 34.51 29.72 27,27 30.70 27.47 25,36 2.49 ·2,50 2,52 2.44 9,23 8,63 . B,1 G 7,46 2.80 2.59 5.77 50 'BSS 2,13 2,20 1.97 50 FF 40 OSS 35.[lSS 35 FF 30 ass 2.00 1.75 1.62 1.G7 1,50 6,57 [i,56 5.13 FI,03 3,74 3,04 3.06 2.39 13.99 12,22 10,10 10,06 G.55 4,94 5,09 2,59 2.56 2.91 2,(;0 04 Dil 82 FF 00 H 60 ass l.J' '. GO FF 58! FF 1.86 7.63 1.32 G,91 Radius of GYrIltion Total , dopth' about X-X inches" }nches . /.k.'., . - , 15.40 13.05 12.33 11.50 9,50 10.46 10,09 9,72 3,03 ·2.95 2,25 688ft i ".-.--.' inch' 1,04 2,125 I about X-X Cll·inch Moment of Inertia nboutX-X 2,31 ,LOM 2.437 75 BSSFF 750H 74 FF '/0 FF 680H 2.250 . i} . Section modulus 22,97 22.46 20.56 18.21 19,66 22.19 18.30 10,03 16.26 12,98 1,275 4.000 4.01J1) Distance' from lop of Rail to N.A. 2,18 2.09 1.98 1.86 1.85 1.91 1.92 1,86' 6,000 5.625 5.375 5,lDO 5.469 5,550 ' 6.437 5.062 1.77 1.73 1.67 1.65 1.71 1.81 1.73 4,612 5.1 B7 4.750 4.562 5.000 5.343 5,000. 4,500 1.60 1.48 4.500 ' 1.54 1.46 1.44 1.43 1.29· 1.20 1.21 1 .11 4.250 4,312 3.937 4,000 3.500 3.250 3.307 3.000 1.62 . , . 4,312 , I . For old roils tho momont of inertia and section modulus should be reduced by 121 percent, on'hero they aw Plop4~tid. to uo u!)cd As bettlns. Min. wdius 01 gyration a"t right -angles to r. x is ~bout I to ~ . . ,,, j" I 24 I -~'.;\). . r _?.:;:J"c:.q6;Jt.,;)o ~o oF, NOOCWQ,'NO-...lN . . _ : / '.' ' '._ ~ . "'-;'0,",0";"'0-:_1 -----. '" .'\ '~I , ~;}H~ EK= -~~~-~~.L.!,,-- / :rebl.. 12 'Weight of mild stael flats --======-.---- Thickness mm 3.0 4.0 5.0 8.0 6_0 W~~~h '" '" 10 15 20 25 30 -35 40 45 50 55 60. 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 200 250 300 400 10 I' 12· I 16 18 20 5.0 5.6 5.5 6.3 7.1 7.8 8.5 9.4 10.2 11.0 11.8 12.6 14.1 15.7 17.3 18.8 20A 22.0 23.6 31.4 39." 4 7 .1 62.B 25 32 40 Weight in k9:r.n II ' 0.2 0.4 . 0.5 \ 0.6 i 0.7 1 O.B I 0.9 ! 1.1 1 1.2· • 1.3 1.4 0.3 0.5 0.6 O.B 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 1 0.4 0.6 0.8, 1.0! 1.2' i 1.4 j 1.6 1 1.8 2.0 2.2 2,4 i 0.5 0-7 0.9 1.2 1A Hi 1.9 ':>.1 :>.4 "2.5 2.8 3.' i 3.3 'j 3.5 . 3.B 4.2 4.7 . ~.~ . ".6 0.9 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.B 3.1 s.4 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.6 6.3 Ij i ! I I i 6.~ 7.0 8.2 8.8 9,4 i : ; I: . ! i ! ; .' r ~ - '-.. i 1.0 :>.0 74 2.B 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.3 '-.7 5.1 5.5 5.9 6.3 7.1 7.8 ~.6 _A 10.2 11.0 11.8 15.7 19.6 2.4 2.8 3.3 3.B 4.2 4.7 5.2 5.6 6.1 6.6 7.1 7.5 8.5 9.4 10.4. 11.3 12.2 13.2 14.1 18.e 23.6 (28.3 ! I '.- I i ! 3.8 4.4 5,0 5.6 6,3 6.9 7.5 B.2 8.~ 9.4 10.0 11.3' 12.6 13~8 15.1 16.3 17.6 18.8 25.1 31.4 ·37.7 50.2 6,4 7.1 7.8 ·8.5 9.2 9.9 10.6 11.3 12.7 14.1 15.5 17.0 18.4 19.8 21.2 28.3 35.3 42.'" 56.5 9.B 10.8 11.B 12.8 13.7 14.7 15.7 17.7 19.6. 15.1 16.3 17.r, 18.8 20.1 22.6 25.1 27.6 _3.6 30.1 25.5 32.7 27.5 35.2 29.4 37.7 39.2 50.2 49.1 62 S 5B.9 75:4 78.5": 100.5 ;1.6 ------- - 20A 22.0 23.6 25.1 23.3 31.11 34.5 37.7 40.. 3 . 4".0 47.1 62.8. 735 94:" i 1 ~5.'; ----------- , ' II I . '-1' , ·. ._--_ .... , . Table 13 \Veight of mild steel strips , ~ 100 125 ~ 60 LOO 250 320 400 500 650 ~~O _~O 1,.3 I i ~.6 I ! •. 0 I 2.5 3.1 4.0' 1 5.0 ! 0.3 8.2 1,0.0 I - 1,.6. ! I;A ~.~ i II ;.~ I ~.8 I 1.4 1.3 I 2.3 . 2.8 3.5 4.5 5.6 I 7"'1 9.2 11.3 13.4! - i .1050 ,. 50 I 1250 1300 -, 1450 i . ' 5 5 0 - :... _ ... _.::: 1.8 2.2 1'2.0 I I _.1 I 5 3.9 4.4·. 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.0 7.8 8.8· 10.2 I 11.4 12.6. 1,4'1 14.9 16.1 16.5 i 18.5 20.2 I I I - - - - - - i-I - ::.1 ~.9 4.9 6.3 7.8 9.8 12.8 15.7 18.6 20.6 22.5 24.5 - -- I I 2.2. 2.~ ~." -.4 5.5 7.0 8.8 11.0 1 <:.3 17.6 LO.9 23.1 25.3 27,5 28.6 -- 2.5 3.1. 4.0 4.9 6.2 7.9 9.9 12.4 16.1 19.8 23.5 26.0 28.4 30.9 32.1 35.8 38.3 2.8 ~.5 I -.5 5.6 7.0 8.9 11.1 13.9 , 3.1 ~2.3 L6.5 I 29.3 32.0 34.8 35.2 40.4 43.2 3.5 Ii 4.4 5.~ 5.6! €.~ 7.1 'I· 7.8 8.8 10.0 11.:'12.6 14.1 15.7 17.7 20A 23.0 25.128.3' I 29.8 33.6 33.0! 37.1 36.1 40." 39.2 l 44.2 40.8; 45.9 45.5 . 51.2 48.7 54.7 3.1 3.9 I i 3.9 4.9 6:3 7.B 9.8 12.6 15.7 19.6 25.5 31.4 37.3 41.2 45.1 49.1 51.0 56.S 60.8 4.7 5.9 I I 6.3 7:3 ~.5 10.0 _.4 I 12.6 11.3' 15.7 15.1 20.1 18.8 25.1 23.6 31.4· 30.6 40.8 37.7 50.2 44.7 59.7 49.5 65.9 54.2 72.2 58.9 78.5 61.2 Bl.6 68.3' 91.1 73.0 97.3 7.3. 9.B 12.6 15.7 19.6 25.1 31.4 39.2 51.0 62.8 74.6 82.4 90.3 98.1 102.e 113.E 121.7 ·Sirmingham Gi!uge 0-::' ~;~-m:?~.~~m:5f!~~,~;!$;'t?-i.tge~t..~~· .~J¥J~$~J~*~~!;~~Er·~~f*;;~f~·~'·.~.~f?~~~4'"5:~!$4#WW?:i . -- --"""fY,, . Tublo ! 14 Weight of M.S. Sheets nnd PIntos .' ,... 27 . :j Table 1S Weights of Metal Bars or P!ates in Lbs./Sq. ft. SWG. Iron S.r-d Brass Copper L"od Zinc ,",o,'"! S.W.G. :~i~13,i61~15;i6: .3;8 7i'6: ;;2 19,'16) 5;6 ;11f161 3;4 j13;16j 1;8 115i16: 1 in. ! i 25 5.0 \ 7.5' 10.0 1,2.5 15.0 ; 2.55 i5.,O, 7.65 '0.20\,2.75 15.30 i 2.78: 5.50 8.33 '1.10 13.88 16.65 i 2.86 i 5.72 I 8.58 1,.441,4.30,17.16 : 3.71 ' 7.42 i11.13'1114.84 8.55! 22.27 I 121.5 17.5 [20.0 ;25.0 \27.5 \30.0 n.85!20AO 22.95125.50 28.05130.60 19,4322.20 2"58;27.75!30.53 33.30 20.02,27..£825.73: 2 8' 59 13 1.45134.31 25.98 i 29.69133.40) 37.11 i 40.83' 44.53 32.535.0 37.5 \40.0 33.15 35.70 38.25,4080 36.08 38.85 41.6314440 37.17 40.03 42.89145:75 4c 24 151 95155.66 59.38 ; 2.37: 4.75 17.12' 9AS 11.,s7:i4.24i 'H3.f.3~ ;·n?~9,2!.3S~23.7::!26.11 ~28.48 3(',85,33.23 35.60 3718 2.90 ' 5.100 ! 8.70 111.60.14.:0! 17 .45 ! 20.2(1! 23.40 126.15.: 29.25132.15 ! 35.10 132..101 4 0.95 i 43,90 146'"0 !' ' . ) 1 I ~ 1 ~! ',-,-'i-2-i7t-4-i"-"~-:-6-!--7-":"8 , . ' '" c" iron : 12.00 il.361,o.36 9,52\8.80 i 8.12 1 7.:0 i 6.50 5.92 5,20 S.eel : 12.24·11.59 10.57 ··9.71 8.98: 8.28 7,34 1 6,73 6.04: 5.3. Srass ,13.3212.61111.50 10.59Ig,77 /9.01 7,99,7.33 6.5715.95 Copper 13.73:12.991".85 10.8910.0719.29 8.2417,556.77! 7,13 Lead :17.81 '16.86 15.38 14,1313.06,12.05 10.69,9.80 8.79. 7.96 Zinc '11.39 10.781 9.84 9.04 8.36 i 7.71 6.27 5.62 I 5.09 Mocel. . '7.?2'~.94 ,:.781~.88 9.95 8.98 8.2417.50 6.7~ 16.00 Alumlmum ~.. ", ~.84 i ~.51 0.08 2.81 : 2.54 2.34,2.12 1.9, 1.70 I I ~. I . , I~ i S.W.G. Iron Steel . Erass· Copper Lead 2inc Monel ":.".- ~ i '" iO i 111121,3114115/10 1 9 - - . _ 1 - 1- - , - 17 i 18 i 19 1-20 2.32 \,.96 2.37' i 2.00 2.58! 2.18 2.65: 2.24 3.44 i 2.91 2.20: 1.86 2.66: 2.26 0.73 . 0.64 1,68 1.71 1.86 1.92 2.49 1.59 1.93 0,56' 1.04 1,43 1.55 1-,61 2.08 1.33 1.69 0,48 i 6.84! 4.80! 4.36 4.90 4.44 5.32,4.84 5.4914.99 7.131 6,47 4.56! 4,14 5.41! 4,~8 1.54, 1.~8 I T-;-In -;;-1" 24125i-;-~-i-;-: '--,--,--" , --;--. 1.28! 1.12 1.31' 1.14 ,.421,,24 1.46 1,.28 1.90 I 1.66 1.22 1.06 1.48 1.31 0.42! 0,37 i I 1.00 0.88 1.02 0.90 1,11 10.98 1.14 1.01 1,48' 1.31 0,95 I 0.84 1.16\1.03 0.33,0.29 0.80 0.82 0.89 0.92 1.19 0.76 0.94 026 .-' 0,72 0.73 0.1,0 0.&7 1.(./' 0.G8 0.84 0.24 0.64 0.65 0.71 0.73 0.95 0.61· 0.741 0.21 28 0,56 0.57 0.62 0.64 0.83 0.53 0.65 0.18 3.80 3.88 4.22 4,35 5.64 3,61 4.:;6 ',~2 I 29 0.52 0.53 0.58 0.59 0.77 0.49 0.61 0.17 I 3.32 3.39 3.68 3.80 4.93 3.15 ~.74 ,.06 2.881 2.94\ 3.20 3,29 4.28 2.73 3.26, 0.95, 1 30 1 31 0048 0040 0,49 -0,41 0.53 0,44 0.55 0.48 0.71 0,59 0.46 0.38 0.56 0.49 0.16 0,14 J 2.60 2,65 2,89 2,'37 3.86 2A7 3.00 0.85 32 0.36 0.37 OAO 0,45 0.53 0.34 0,47 0.13 --_._-------------------:----_. Tabla 16 Weight of Chequered Plates WeiUht Pcr Sq~-;~---·-I---P:-r-S-(~-:---- Thickness _-:---'-_________--,-!-_-c..-==.:..Ib_----:---3/16. inch k9. _ _-,-I_____ kO____ _ 42.721 " 5/16 " '13,50 6.123 65.912 3/8 " 16.25 7.371 79.339 1/2 " 21.25 0.630 103.751 1/4 3.969 5.216 . I 8.75 11.50 ii' .56.148 7 mm 61.1 00 10 mOl 84.600 12 mm 100.300 Tabla 17 Weight of Plilln und Corrugated·G. l. Sheots '.' r I Table 18 ' ! Woight of loud und Coppor shoots '~Load .ShOets Copper Sheots ._-----,--'-Thickness mm Weight 3,2 3,5 ~,O 4.5 9.0 10,0 12.0 14.0 1G. () 0,64 0.68 22.7 28.3 36.2 39.7 45.4 51.0 2.0 2. ti 5.0 5,5 6,0 7,0 0,0 0,60 5.7 11.3 1,0 , mm kg.jSq. <11, 0,5 Thickness 0,72 0,76 0,80 0,84 0,88 0,92 1.00 1,08 1,20 1.36 1.44 1.60 1.80 2,00 2.20 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.60 50,7 62.1 68.0 79.1 90.7 102.0 113.0 130.0 lSD.O 181.0 , Weight in kg, of sheet of size 1250x 1250 mm 8,5 9,0 9,5 10,0 10,5 11.0 11.5 12,0 13;0 14,'0 15,0 16,5 19,0 20',0 4.,10 22,5 25.0 28.0 30,5 33.5 39,0 44.5 50.0 . 55.5 G1.0 4.80 5.30 67,0 72,5 4.00 T&ble 19 Woight of A. C. roof(ng shoets --_ .._._--- tm1uth of \Vei{]ht per ApproxirilillC sheut" sheet No. of shc(::s k\) per Tonne n1 A. C, cUflu{jutnd .Sheflt~ 1.0!Jm widex6 nil'll thick··GLCY ,. 1. 2.0 2,5 ~ 3,0 __ ..---_._------_ ...... "-"--'--A. C. 1.5 _..... .- ~;(;'rni·Corllj-uDtlJU ShOul5 1,09rn widnx6mrn 2.0 thic\".t3rcy 2.:;; 3.0 - -~ i 6-i ~.--.-.- '---~il-- --. 28.098 35.123 42.147 19.718 26.290 32.863 39.435 36 29 24' -~--51--- 38 31 26 30 I! i, ·. Tobk?l Woighto!l. C. Gutters Description ""o;':Jllt par Lon,lIh m Plain cnoed ' [ave, a. Boundry Woll DUnu.s Plcin endc'd Villley uuttars ~-'- ..----- Sizo Picco mill kg 1.83 1.83 1.83 1.83 279.4XI27.0XI77.8 304.8XI52.4X228.6 457.2X152.4X304.8 508.0X 152.4X254.0 14.968 23.587 29.484 29.484 1.83 1.83 . 1.83 1.83 406.4X127.0X254.0 609.61. 152.4X728.6 914. 457.2X127.0X1S2.4 24.494 29.484 45.360 24.948 ._------_._-_ ..... - .. - -.- .. -.-.---.~-- ... --.-.----..• -'~""----"- \ Hall round gutters ,vi th 1.83 1.83 1.83 SocKet ,", ~ t" .', 'l'} 34 41 34 ':- £~'\ ~ ,;,' 22 41 '. ._------------, 8.61 B '14.061 15.966 152.4 228.6 304.8 t, 67 43 34 f. \; 117 72 63 .,,-....-.- Tablo 22 Comparison of weights of shoets of different mota Is f6. 16 BG ODeD" (1.588 mnl thicknoss) in kU,sq.m. Aluminium 4.26 Lund 18.10 Brass 1:U7 StC(!! 12,55 Cast Iron 11.47 vVrought Coppor 13.08 Zlr.c IlOfl 12.20 .\ .' 11.42 ,l ,I "f i· .1£ I ~ 32 , ! , '. II ., f' f Toulo 24 Waight of cast iron rainwater pipes IS: 191J·I961 IS, ll.:lO· '968 Iptcrn,al diametflr lOrl(Jth .-. -----,.... '.8 '1\ with .. " . Weight Thickness (!-Iorninal Bote) mOl nun Socko 50 4.0 3.0 " " .' -_ pipe kg./pipo ~."-. ~,tJd.ot 75 100 12G '50 5() .' 75 100 125 150 ,' ... '1.0 3.0 7.5 11.0 14.0 20.0 20.0 6.5 9.5 12.5 17.5 " 4.0 23.0 .' ." .._-[, " . Tablo 25 t:- NOllljnal weight of mild steel tubes (j 8 iO ,, 1G 20 ~~ 5 n '\ : ·10 50 05 00 no 100 12S 150 0.361 0.517 0.6701 O.95~~ OA07 0.(;50 0.::;52 1.:!2 1 .111 201 L.H 2.58 0.493 0.769 1.02 0.364 0.52', 0.G80 0.9Gl 1,·\5 0.4 1'0 0.654 0.858 1.23 1.59 2.03 2.46 3.1 J1 1.90 2.97 :J fJ 4 ;!.Gl :.L7!..i 4.11 :I.! I I 4.43 :u~ !).1 U 6.17 4.10 5.80 G.s1 8.'17 7.90 5,92 6.98 3.17 3.65 5.17 6.63 8.04 6.81 8.74 9.6~ I.:)/) 9.'12 12.10 lti. ~:O \ 5! .:.!C) 10.10 11.60 14.40 . 11.80 ~1.20 1.42 , 8.92 10.;10 i ! UA96 0.773 1.03 1.46 1.91 2.99 :3. fJ 7 4.4'1 9.90 12.40 16.70 19.8.0 !' ldur;ldir.:otlc)i"I r;!:dli~n Ui!rld LI'J1il II-d;!.!!.> f3rc)·;;t\; M~:~.l;'JI!l tl!b(:~"·· nluCl; Ihu!':y tLJlH.~S··--H(!u G;d·,',milf3d ldb(;~ llid'{ bu t);~. 1i'.!')''';I:: U::I!I bbdi lube::; 34 I ,. ", . , '<' .. ' 0.24 8.02 10.30 11.BO 14.70 18.30 21.80 --------,.---~---'- .. ": Tobia 26 Woloht of A,C, Dulldil10 Plpos Length Diameter mm m 1.00 ' , , Approximate kg. No, of pipes per tonno ---- 50.8 76.2 101,6 162.4 .•--... -- ....... '---50,8 76,2 101.6 152.4 ---_._-----._._ '-1.50 Weight per pipe -,--. -..... 162.4 -----------,--2,00 50,8 ,~-- 76,2 101.6 152.4 " , .\ , 3.00 ·);f·.: ~ i I! 286 19: 148 98 5.030 7.545 14.649 199 133 103 69 5,792 8,708 11,278 ) 6,825 115 89 60 9.781 50,8 76,2 101,0 1.75 3.504 5.219 6.785 10.295 i: -------------------. 153 6.555 9,871 12,776 19.002 102 . 79 5~ 9,606 76,710l.O 1 ~.623 O~ 18,767, 152,4 27.709 54 31 _.' I' 173 ·50.B - , I, 105 lVy Tobia 27 96 Wolght of Concroto Plpos' 73_ 3: os: G '. 1 1911·1967) Material 9 7 '1 4. r 2) ) ) ) I ., Class NP 1 (Unreinforced non-prossure pipes) I ) l I I . !l) 35 Interrial diametor mm Weight Kg. Per 80 100 150 250 300 3[;0 19 22 31 41 70 86 m. 400 97 450 110 ," " " " " ;:'0 ' . . . . . . . . . . . -.. . --.. . -.--:------.. . .-.----.. ------~----"""""-I 'I I, " !I T.blo 27-Contd. ,.... 'I"_·i,.~·l\;:· Matorial --..-"'~ r , I I I I 6. \ Cldss P 2 (Reinforced cotcroto prossure pipes .of for 4.0 kg., sq. COl. pressure tests) , ,; , I I l concrete pressure pipes , ':, ~ rnm ~,----- ...... -".~ 80 100 150 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 K(j, f'ol 20 24 m I 400 208 l " 33 63 103 134 170 188 230 326 350 I lOS ts) . -i i safe for 6.0 kg,isq:cm. "" "Or' 20 24 33 75 117 158 I Class P 3 (Reinforced pressure j '- 80 100 150 250 300 ( 6. .' I nlulnDI Wei~hl (jl~m~~~=~~~==_ ' '. " '. .'.... '. Tablo 28 Weight of materials required per joint for 'joining C.1. pipps Nominal SilO mm Lead{joint kg, 80 100 125 2.2 2.6 1.8 0.20 ' 0.20 50 6,1 300 350 400 460 500 72 8.4 g,o 14,0 11i,Q Hl,O 0.48 0.60 0.75 21\.0 31.5 41.0 '45,0 1.46 1.53 1.88 2.05 GO,O 7.40 66.5 2.60 3.4 n.o 37 c· 0.10 0.1 a 250 600 900 1000 1 100 1200 r;)·'1 kg. 150 200 000 '700 150 . '1. . Spun yarnijoin! 0,30 0,35 o,nu 1.00 1.20 '1.35 j I .'\ ' TuLlio 29 Ecbnomic ciiarlloter of pumping mains 54 I 163 !, 215 i 109 225 I 295 ._----_.._---, I 250 4451 590 300i 350 ~ 400 . 500 f 600 I 900 I 700 ,. Tobia 30 Dinlllotor Di3metcr (j:l U ','j (~ S ,,<It!. " Inch. (J 0.,1:32 0.400 O.:n2 0 3·18 0.:321.1 1 2 0 ~!jD 0.276 ,. [.\ 0 4,0 :1 c,., 2 0 :< 'l~ .'G I 7 3 9 10 1I 12 13 '1 !~ 15 1G 17 I fJ .H4 410.8 3GB.l 323.0 ') .... ?"\ t, :~20.0 I, I 5493 480.7 416.7 357.2 (} ::52 GAO 5.B'3 109.311 1,13.56 11 '.',88 252.1 213.6 178.6 14G.3 (Ui2 :3.~n () 192 U. i lG 4 .e.~ 32 4.11 } 4.VI.) t/.. G2 0.128 0.116 0.104 0.092 0.{)80 0.072 0.064 0.056 LunU!!l per lb. I 7408 635.2 0.:-'2.2 (Hj 3:? o (j2B 0.018 ().':.H 8 .......... ';~J7 .8 302.4 0.160 (r 144 I - ------_.- I ..· 1 "--- kg. -.---.~-~ " I;,," 10.'.17 10.16 9.45 3,GU 3.25 2.95 2 c·: 2.34 2.03 1.G3 1.42 1.22 1 .O;~ 0.91 081 0.'11 O.tJ; O.4G .- .... " ... " .,-----_._-- •.... 203.1 f~ 0./)·10 O.O:3G ~'i I II nUll, ~40.0 , (J :W I po, I -- - Woight _._------I 1000 It. I 1000,11. '/ . Ij :.~ . ().()'lf~ 21 :~ :? ~'.,--.".- \','oight of Sleol "'viros 7 (] 1 IR 20 . .- ~rHj US.2S1 55.307 43.700 35.890 28.849 12.5 i' 5 17.0'10 13.827 1(J.'!?;; 8.3U4 G.l·H) 4.267 3.;;~; 7 2.731 2.100 1.300 0.90(; I I. 1 :13.0 101.1i 82.30 G5.03 53.4 1 43.01 33_59 25.40 20.58 16.25 12.45 9.14 6.35 5.1o.l. 4.01; :3.12 1.93 1.34 __.._-...:.-- ._- 2.009 2.343 2.709 3.096 3.572 4.166 4.922 5.904 6.%6 8.342 10.170 12.104 14.650 18.080 22.880 27.86 34.66 4·1.30 58.58 72.40 91.53 119.6 162.7 2·34.3 28.9.3 3G'.:;.1 476.2 769.2 1 I 11.1 1.350 1.5 74 1.820 2.080 ·2.400 : 2.eUO · 3.308 · 3.%7 4.G81 5.606 6.e34 8.1 ;J4 9.845 12.150 15.37S 18.72 23.25 29.77 39.37 48.65 61.51 80.37 109.3 157.4 '194.4 . 246.0 320.5 518.1 7.16.3 i• -._-_._.._--_ ..... _-".._---_._----------' Table 31 Weight of 100 ft. of Wire of Differe'nt Metals . Iron S:eel Copper Brass S.w.G. S.w.G. Ib p.6 66,7 57.3 49.7 42.7 36.9 32.3 28 24 20.1 16.8 14.3 11.9 9.7 8.2 6.8 5.3 5.4 7jO 6jO 5JO w '" 4{O 3{O 2;0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 23.4 19.6 16.4 13.8 11.6 9.5 8 7 8 9 . Ib Ib 10 ! 25.7 21.6 18.1 15.2 12.7 10.5 8.8 7.3 5.8 23.3 19.3 16.4 13.7 11.tS !L42 7.8.1) 6.30 . . -~- 27.4 I .. I II I ,j I I I I I, I j II ! , 76 65 57 48.7 . 42 . 36.S 32 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 II I I , Iron Ib 4.23 3.46 2.80 2.16 1.66 1.33 ,1.06 .80 .60 / I I I I .40 .33 I I I I Steel Ib ! I I Brass Copper --'-- Ib Ib -' 4.34 3.55 2.87 2.22 1.70 1.36 1.03 .82 .62 .41 .34 .273 .209 .154 .129 .107 .086 II 4.65 3.80 3.08 2.37 1.83 1.46 1.16 .88 .66 .44 .36 5.07 4.10 3.30 25-8 1.94 1.58 L2-! , .70 4-'!37 .395 .312 .238 .175 .148·" .121 .098 I I i,!. I 0- .~" I I Dimcnsions (11)(J . Tabla 32 tal ! . . 1 .,. i woight of standard oblong 1"I105h -··-·---~·-~-·----:----~-----I I tOllgl\udinal wiro$ . y;;;;'-'Oi;--I S".'jG L incll ~ ...,_ .. _-_.-.'-"'" ~;O .~- ! i .'Ii O."lill 4;0 ,I ! 0400 . ... Mesh inch I '~;:I~ire SQ!lIjff'.'1 ...... - ---.---'3 '3 Transverse wiros '·Oi. [.MeSh , A",' SWG _.,.I ____ inch .___ inch._.__ ' $q.II'I.FT: ___ '. l -_._-- 0.50] 0.503 4 " \Voight, -'b-s'-l Sq.ft. kg., Sq.m ._ _ "~M' 4 0.232 0.232 12 16 O.O'!2 0.032 1.85 . 1.82 9.03 8.89 :J 0.4:l5 4 /~~ .OA3S 4 0.232 0.232 12 16 0.042 0.032 1.62 1.58 7.91 7.71 0.3·10 . O.34t3 3 '3 0.380 0.380 6 6 0.192 0.192 12 16 0.0<9 0.022 1.39 1.36 6.79 6.64 (} 0.324 O.:L~tl 3 3 0.330 0.330 6 6 \ 0.192 I 0.192 12 16 0.029 0.022· 1.22 1.. 19 5.96 () 12 Hi OU24 0.018 0.89 0.81 4.34 4.25 12 16 0.020 0.Q15 0.75 0.73 3.66 3.56 12 16 12 16 0.Q16 0.012 0.013 0.Q10 0.63 0.61 0.62 0.61 3.08 2.98 \ 0.128 12 16 0.013 I v.Ol0 0.52 0.51 2.54 2.49 0.43 0.42 2.10 '.1;0 0.3n .:~ : (i () J t,r) '2:0. ,." :{ .. .} :l 4 ,1 4 4 i 3 O.~7: ]i} 3 0.2'39 7 i 0.176. (1.2) ij 3 O.2J'j 7 i 0.:".·, o 7f.!L. :l :J 0: 1 ~:J iJ O. ,,1:l 8 8 i 0.160 O./.3:~ :1 9 9 . 10 10 ! g:111 3 0.1 CCi O. ~ f.J~:} 0.169 0.169 I 0.232 0.232 ~. 0.2:1? :l :3 0.176 ; 0.1 GO I 0.128 0.128 ,, 5 I 0212 3 3 0.141 0.141 10 10 G , 3 0.11 G '3 0.11 G 10 10 I 0.128 6 I 0.192 \ 0.1 'J2 0.128 12 10 0.013 0.010 7' 7 !J I, 0.17 O.ln 3 3 0.031 0.0'l7 10 10 0.128 U.128 12 16 0.38 0.013 0.010 . '. 0.37 3 3 Q,()C() O.Of30 '3 3 O.CbU O.Uf.iO 10 10 12 12 0.128 0.128 0.104 12 16 12 16 0.013 0.010 0.009 O.OOG 0.31 0.30 0.29 o"ii; !_~ 1 :1, 12 0.104 \2 I 0009 0.25 0.000 0.24 12 12 0.104 0.009 0.006 0.21 .0.20 5 B 8 8 8 , 02,12 II o.Hi') I 0.100 0.1<,0 0,11,(/ ~.\ :J 9 0.].\4 3 O.O!,i ~j 10 10 0.128 0.128 3 3 0.052 U 0.1 0.052 ! 0.128 0.104 0.104 16 0.10~ 12 16 5.86 3.03 . 2.98 2.05 " 0.32 1.85 1.81 1.56 , 1.51 , 1.47 1.42 I 1.22 1.17 1.03 0.98 r ---·~-~ ...- - ' : ' - - - · · - - t ' - ' - - 40 - .. "--<-- .•.. - •. -'- .•.• - ' . -.•.-.-----.--.----.-~.......- ...- -...- - - -_ _..~,~TC_ _ """""" 9 - .. _..... ....• _------_.__ . , i i' [' Tabla 32 (b) Dimensions and weight of standard square mesh Longitudinal wires Transverse wires Weight kg.; I inch Dia , Mesh I A,,, 'lli0' I inch ---1 )- Sq.rn --;---,..-'- -1--·---·-·-·,······_··_---·-----.. . -...................... . il. 0,176 2 II 0.146 7 10176: 2 I 7 0.146 0.99 4.83 Wire. swq 6 8 10 2 3 4 6 6 7 8. S: 10 o I 2 ,3 4 " 6 6 " 7 1 ,if I 2 3 4 B . 6 .' ~ g 10 '" ·Dia inch! 0,192 0,160 0,128 0,276 0,2521 0,232 0,212 0,192 0,176 0.160 0.144 0,128 0,324 0,300 0,276 0.252 0.232 0,212 0.192 0,176 0,160 0,144 0,128 0,300 0,276 0,252 0,232 0,212 0,192 0.176 0,160 0.144 0.128 Mesh inch" 3 3 3 4 4 .1 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 G 0 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 .,,;-, Wire' ·Sq.ln:nw 0.116 ' 0 .080 0,051 0.180 0.150 0.127 0,106 0,087 0.073 0:060 0.049 0.039 0.165 0.141 0,120 0,100 O,OB'~ 0.071 0,058 0.049 0.040 0.033 0.026 0.106 0.090 \. 0.075 0.063 0,053 0.043 0.036 0.030 0.024 0.019 SWG SQ ,lt',JFT\\ 6 I' 0.192 8 0.160 10 10.128 2 10.276 3 iO.252 4 10.232 5 10212 6 ' 0192 7 '0.'76 8 ; 0 160 9 101.14 10; 0.128 0 : 0.324 1 : 0.300 2 ' 0.276 3 0.262 4 0.232 5 0.212 8 0.192 7 0,176 8 0.160 9 0.144 10 0.128 1 0.300 2 0.276 3 . 0.252 4 0,232 6 10.212 6 [0.182 7,0.176 80.160 9 0.144 10 0.128 I 41 3 3 3 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0.116 0.080 0.051 0.180 0.150 0.127 0.106 0.087 0.073 0.060 0049 0.039 0.165 0.141 0.120 0,100 0,084 0,071 O~S8 0.049 0,040 0.033 0.026 0,106 0,090 0.075 0,063 0,053 0,0,13 0.036 0.030 0.024 '0.019 1.18 0.55 0.35 1.22 1.02 0.86 0.72 0.59 0.49 0.41 033 0.26 1.12 0.96 0.81 0,68 0,57 0.46 0,39 0,33 0.27 0.22 0.17 0.72 0.61 0.51 0.43 0,36 0.29 0.25 0.20' 0.17 0.13 5.76 2.69 1.71 5.95 4.98 4.20 3.51 2.88 2.39 2.00 : 1.61 1.27 5.47 4.69 3.96 3.32 2.18 2.24 1,90 1 61 1,32 1.07 0.83 3.. 51 2.98 2.49 2,10 1.76 1,42 1.22 0.98 0.83 0.64 Taula 33 Si1.o "Ilel Weioilt of Expallded (Xpm) Metnl shoots --_.. _--_. __._--_ __.__ _------,------,--------.•. ... Si/L!...f MI.'~ll . .__ ____l:!J~.l.~~HI:,i(ll~?_.~~~.~,~.f.~~~~!?,_~ __ ~_v~,~.~.\J.111 Width Thicknuss LIVM kg/Sq,rn, Illnl :1\111 film IlHT1 100 250 :)GO 6.28 5.00 3 .•. U 3.15 3.15 100 100 75 75 250 200 200 75 40 40 200 40 75 75 40 •.1!j ,~U ,~O 40 115 115 i 15 75 , 1G "15 75 25 25 2& 20 20 21l 75 75 ~!I' 315 6.50 3.15 3.15 3.15 0.50 5.00 5.00 3.20 3.15 3.15 , 3 ....'Jt:;) 3.2G 3. I r; 3.1.0 3.1 G 1.00 3.25 1,GO 4.007 4.007 2.039 2.039 3.25 3.15 6.423 4.564 3.262 2.548 3.'5 :I ,24 3.2G 2.2·; 1.60 75 60 3.2[1 :L 1 ~ GO 3.2[, 3.1l; GO 3.25 3.25 2.24 2.24 1.60 GO 3.082 2.4 70 1.599 4.282 3.294 2.141 8.023 6.172 6,172 2.854 5.00 3.25 3.25 3.25 50 3.2~ ~i/o uf r,ht!ut J;oJ"13l1y stockod m 1.75 I I I I ~ ! I J \ J } I ) 1,25 X 3,75 GO 50 2.50 12,5 ;;0 40 1 .CO 6.525 6,575 1.60 5.019 J ") 12.S to 12.5 12.5 bO 40 2.50 2.50 1,25 1.:!5 12.5 bO 40 2.50 2.50 1.00 1.00 3,921 3.821 3.137 3.137 10 10 10 ti 40 40 40 3.25 2.50 I.GO 8.156 1.25 1 .IJO 7.S 2,5U 3. 2 ~j 4.901 "- 3.921 13.591 6 25 I.GO 2.50 1.25 ·6 1.5 8.164 2.[10 1.IJO G.S33 5 20 1.00 3 15 :!.. ~;(; 1 50 7.843 7.843 12.5 1,00 1.25 X 3.75 2,50 X 3.75 ~ 20 <'0 1.00 ., nnd I 3.25 2.50 3.25 3.25 2.50 2.50 X 3.75 '1 50' 12.0 alld 1.25 X 3,75 2.50X3.75 20 I.GO 1.25 1.?5 2,50 X 3.i!i 2.50 X 2.75 8.023 8.023 5.709 5.709 ".07 fJ 4.078 2.447 2.447 2.50 X 3.75 I U1Il.l ") I, I [" 2,50 X 2,75 and 1,25 X ;. i 5 , I I I 1 I J } 2.50 X 1.75 iJfld 25 X 1.75 2.50 X 1,25 42 , .. '--.-.... ".~-. . . ,.". .--..."';,.----.. . .""-."'. . ,. . ~----....~,-~"_.. ~~""___~J ./ I .1 Tobia 34 Woioht onci Strol1[Jtl1 of Stool Wll'oo .S ,• .. I OJ h "Er:)" -5 5 ~~-E ~ • .--§,8,> '" ~]o ~ 172.33 149.37 A10 128 ..07 8 9 c:: .- (0;\ O' ... O~Ou 0. R7~ " .>.i 11 5 133 155 183 220 260 311 380 I 452 646 57!) 16.59 13.12 1.0.80 854 104.0 . "2"' c C'l '" ~ ~ .cOl> ..::: ~ ",,,- '0 - 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 10095 9469 8208 7035 6086 5326 4616 3958 3350 2792 23G6 1977 1621 1362' 112[; 011 72.0 592 65 75 20.45 10 11 Cl. CD 56 3/0 96.63 21.0 84 ..03 .0 1 72.04 2 60.97 3 5.0.85 43.07 4 5 35.97 6 29.43 7 24.77 '., I - "::>'" (;J " " '">- " I «ctI..J_I-Vl ...J ;>-~ 7/.0 61.0 5,0 • 0> j() G; 1 ~.s ,S N 0~'~~'O~VlC ~ 8.63 6.76 5.11 4.15 3.29 2.5.0 1.83 1.27 1.03 .819 24 i .387 .320 25 2(; I . 2("a 27 I .215 .175 28 .148 29 3.0 \ .123 . c: .- 0. OJ ~ O' .... OVlOo" <l;CO-l:9I-Vl 1293 1653 2186 2699 3416 4462 6.073 8745 10796 13663 17B4 G I 242:10 I 28808 i 34978 I, 43184 .G28 ... ... ~'Or5Vl~ ...J , .461 23 ~ " '">- '""- ;>.0° ;>-., 2 g'-e ::: 0 III U") ~.£.=C"J ~ ~ ~ 52021 63877 75646 909,96 .475 373 281 227 18.0 138 101 70 57 45 34.4 25.2 I I 21.2 17.6 J 4.2 ·11.8 , .' 0.6 8.1 6.8 Table 35 Woioht ClIGolvDl1lsod FOl1cll1(J Strolld .. .' .'~- ;': g> ttl"5 . ~-(I) .0 1 2 3. 4: 5 6 7 8 9. 10 q '0 0 d1 d '0:2. V) "0..:2 III 0 '. . _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ o~ Vl 01 (f'I ~1~~ ~ il! ~~.~~ ~ il~ ~H~ ~ ~j ~~~~I ~ il~ 8 179 9\ 8.~ 180 198 10j 231 9\ 1.0 11 12 12\ 131 14 15 16 246 28.0 34.0. 423 476 580 717 884 1120 11 12 12\ 131 14 14\ 15 1G 17 ! 255 318 356 434 537 593 743 8aG 1.095 II I I I 184 22G 253 324 372 428 53.0 670 788 87G 11l 13 1 3, 14 it 17 1 I '.B I .... 12 i 205 13· 13\ 14 t 15 16 16\ . 171 \ 18 18\ 19 I 20 • 43 162 11' 1194 Tho sJos in mos1 gonor,11 uso aro Nos. 4, 5 and 6 in 7 nly wire. :', . _ _• _ _ ~ ~ _ ~ _ . , . _ ~ . , _ ~ . . . . - - ...... . __r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ... ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ••••• - - - - ' ~ ce!0 - ----~-----3~1)-IY~·-----~·-----'-I-P~~'-'-----w-----b-f-JI~Y----~~--7-,-PI-Y---- I I 232 266 323 379 481 56.0 675 853 1011 \. '1230 152.0 \ Tnble 36 Woights of GBlvllnised Chain Links (for Fencing) W<liIJ"1 ill pound; pllt roll of 25 yords, .---,-------:-----.,--------~--- ..I 3' ..-0' \ 4' -0' ! 5' __ 0' '6'-0" -----;-------r ---:--:----Glluge "2) 'I " "" ~.l' I 10 12 11 10 12 11 13 71 59 12 11 84 105 10 13 1 :~9 90 72 87 93 _,""-_ ...1.___'2_ _ _. I 81 102 122 91 117 87 106 1.43 170 126 150 I . 122 145 147 119 138 175 :117 178 . , 178 . 129 '170 210 257 187 227 T"blo 37 GOIVillli~(Jd Fencing Wiro 10 11 85~ 1040 .0.108 0.131 12 1295 0.085 T,1blo 38 Galvi,nisud Stool Gar b Foncing Wire ------------_. ._.•_------------........,.-100Ib yd I 100111 __ -------:-~~~':------ Weighl 01 Description . _12 S. W:G, lillO Wiro 2 foitlt Ordin.MY.: "Sorbs rounel onowito only, 5" OPi!1t Gil ap.]!, 2 POlrH. ThieJ.:sf!t : Borhs round rJ/IU WiH! ()J1IV, 2\" ;q)illt 6" Dpart 3" aparl 19 18.5 21 20 25 20 25 3" npart 6" apart 1G 13 4 POIIH Ordim)(y: Biilbs round Olle wiru orlty. 6" lIpall 4 Point Thickset: B.1rb's round ano wire only, 3" nrart 4 Poine Ordinary: galbs round bOlh wir~s, 4 Poine Thic!:see : Borbs round iJ'lth wires, '4 S. \V. (3. Uno Wire ,~ Point 7/11.:.L~et : Barbs round L:oth ._--------- Wif!~:;, . kg. rll 94:1 10002 10890 9.18 10.42 u.n I Leflylh pcr 101llltl 9,94 12.40 9,92 12.40 100110 8064 10080 8064 7.94 6.45 . 12tiOO 15516 ..' Toblo 39 Weight of pre-stressing wiros and strands sheothing Weight 01 Cable mm k~l; rn 12 rios. 5mm wire 30 1.850 12 nos. 7mm wire 39 3.625 12 koso Smm wire 42 4.735 lntcronl dinmutor of Coble sizo 13 mm strend 0.735 Tnble 40 Minimul11 wolal,t of Bitumen-felts Ollllmon fOils ilra "vailablo In wi(II1t5 01 DO ern. and 100 ern. Lonoth (ll tho roll ,hall ho ilcioquilto to covor iln B!Oil spocilio(j in tho lablo bolow. tilkillf] ; Into {lCC{Hlnt the nr.ccss(lIY oyorlflps. \ A;~. covored . Typo of lolt $'1.m -~---.~,. pe;7t;'ii k(!.' ' < -. .~~--.- . • ~-~.~-"-.-~-, • • • .-------,------~-- . . . .- •••••. - . _ - _. . . . . . . Flbf:o bo,o , Typo 1 un<lnrloy , Typo 2 sell·finisheu folt. Grade 40 Type 2 sell'finished Iclt. Grode 2 ~ypo 2 sell·linished felt. Grede 3 Hassian base .Type 3 sell-finished lelt. Grade 1 "<'~Typo 3 self·finished felt, Grado 2 20 27.2 35.0 20 44.4 10 31.8 20 45.4 37.2 10' .1 i· I I I Weight 45 ,. Ouanlitio5 of mnterials roquired por 100 sq. ft. for difforent typo of bituminous construction f..1clhoJ or cons tn. Bitumen AU(lrog"to ---_ _-_. ... (I) (2) Sir.:;!e ('VJt .sur/aCt; d, os", IflU cost Two For b!ind,19u 5 eft . surf ace ·do· 1 ~t cOill 6 cit. 2rld C-OJt 31.. I.~ u I {, I 2". Grvuriny 13linu,j{jc fot Qrout B finda9!J for sOill I (4) 3" Glouring ( r;) 3~ SJifJI·rnncJdl~m 2" SI/(~h·(l.!t(J 20 cit. 0 " 31. COd [ I', Metul I, (!' ) 1 st coat 2nd coat For blindil!)" of dross;":,! (.J) 40lbs l3lint/,lUu ror urDlI! Blintl~ue ror s€tli 30 cit. 6 cit. 31 " MOlal BlinrJage 101 sealcoJt 30 cit. Meti!! Stand for Stand "(or ::i/jillcoat 16 eft, 8,. 5 I, II 251bs. 45 Grout 1iOloS. 30 SOuleo"1 i i " .[ Grout Se,,1 165 Ibs. 30 ., Stone Sealeoa! 105 Ibs, Slono Sand Sealeou! Painting 5G Ius, 32 64 10 curbs (/) 2 ~" S.llelcrete , Motal $[,111'.1 li~r £.!!ldcretiJ ~;t,Jnc1 (Ii) 1" S/Jil/S/10<J{ for sC<J!CO[J( '" P((!m;x chlfJping StO{l(~ 2" 5! S tonC! chip!) Sand (9) 20 cl t. to" 5\ ellips cit. .. 10 cit, C<i{ pel (; OJ 1 ~ .. F'u'mix chl}}{u?fj cdrpet Stone chirJs 15 cit. -- ,. ! I.,' 5 " . " Stolle 70 Ibs. Si.iI1U 80 SCQ[CULI[ 16 P<Jinlinu curbs Chips S<Hnj 5 " 19.25 Ibs. 44 " " Tackcont 20 Chips TiicKcont 401bs. Chips So"lco,,! 601bs, 15 20 i 4G . I .1 2 .. " I. I Tobie 42 Strenothn of Wiro po " " Doscrintlon - Ropos Waln"l Ib/lt LDia inch Ut~lil'kllltj t-~i1(i IlJti Iron Cast sreol , .- , Hoisiing rope 6 strands of ~9 wires each about s hempcoro , r , 5!8 3:4 7/8 1 I" .!' . ; ) Stranding ropo 6 strands of 7 wiros each 4800 .125 .15 .22 ,30 ,39 ,50 ,62 5,B ,B9 3,4 7;B 1.20 1.58 1 9600 13000 16800 7800 1.20 1,58 9/32 5/16 3'8 7',16 112 9 16 -------- 5800 .30 .39 .50 .62 .89 7/18 li2 9,'16 , " .22 3/8 9400 20000 12000 17000 23600 29000 23000 33000 46000 60000 2400 3400 4400 5200 7400 9600 12006 17600 24000 30000 5000 7000 9200 11000 15400 20000 26000 37200 4BOOO 62000 ,Working LO"d to bo 1/6th 01 brOOking load, Tablo 43 Stronr.Jth of Manilla Ropoa (Moniln Hemp Plain Laid) Circum. leronce inch 1 1 11 11 1~ 2 21 '2\ 21 3 31 - Dio inch .24 .32 .40 .48 , .5'6 ,6,: .72 ,80 ,B7 ,95 1,03 I ---c i Woight Ib,lt .02 .03 ,05 .08 .10 ,14 .17 ,21 ,26 ,31 ,30 I Breaking Load I Circum· loronco inch Lbs 3\ 700 1000 1800 2500 3000 4000 5000 5500 6600 7800 9200 3~ 4 4\ 5 5\ 6 7 8 9 10 I Dia inch 1.16 1,19 1.27 1.43 1.59 1.75 '1.90 2,22 2,54 2,87 3,14 I Breaking Weight Load Ib/it Lbs \ , .42 .47 .54 .67 .83 1.00 1.21 1,63 2,17 2.70 3,33 10500 12200 13700 17400 21800 27700 31000 36200 47300 ' 60000 74200 Working Load ~ c X Breaking load for new ropos, C ~ .14 for spoods 50 to 100 It/min: c -: .056 lor spoeds 150 to 300 fllm;'n! c - ,028 for speods 400 to 800 frimin. l , ji i, , I 47 Tabla 44 ,Stronuth of .Crollo Rope ---------~--------~~------------~-------------i i . Silu of (:::~~~~~~1' 1".'I,mee) Actual breaking load (Tons) I'WI. 0110 11.1 Dia. of \', ire I jl~il~~5 le~l~5th 1-"~80-90 '-I-gO- --100-'1'- .100-110 1 110 --'-120 .--,,-- ......-.--.----.----.-'-------;-------,-----7-.,,--'- z 6.:1 8.1 9.8 5'8 11/16 21 13{1 U' 2~ ... 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~i:8 1 i j2 1 9; 16 1 5:8 1 11 JIG 3} 3\ ~~ " 1 14.1 . 18.5 21.8 22.2 26.8 30.5 36 24.6 29.7 32.5 20 24 1 G.!i 19 27,3 25 4~ :l2,3 31.1 28 54 67 74 82 43 47 51 55 88 9G 34 37 39.9 46 43.6 50.4 tiD 66 72 81 90 100 60 60 '66 83 90 98 82 91 99 107 lOG 11 6 67 75 /jO 27 53 41.5 48 49 53 32 35 39 I 13.16 13 16.8 20 13.9 22 34 11.7 15.2 18 16.2 11.8 7/8 15 116 1/1 6 118 3/1 G 1"4 5/16 "};J 10.5 13.7 74 108 117 1 ~'7 1'81>1045 Stnl!lot/I flllt! Weioht of Chains -"'._---.---..._----""-"----.'''.....---.......'''----;------------ I B . I S·Ize.o I V'/cight. _n~[1 k'-Ing ...S IIO 0 I \'Veight I", urea,;lOg Ib'lt Lo,t! Chair( Ib It Load Challl '. Lbs. Irldll~$ I '. I, Lbs. Inctll.:!S ._..--.....--.- ,.--,..---_.-•.. _-_ ......._- ... ._,----- S ;iC..o I 'I I Inche~: Clwln - ... ,I I _----_. __ O.7f.i 3804 1.& , B372· 154 bb 2.5 ·1.1 0.2 -r or wOlkirJO Weight ·1 Hwoking Ib;1I Load Lbs . 23328 34776 7.8 8,4 I 1,8 10.!; 44968! 59130! 1 1,2 1 58 13.0 75152 1 3.4 '\/11 i 0.0 19.2 3,8 - _. i 23 i 138056 28! 148764 i 1 G4G4 0 35 1188729. .40 1215040 31, 92400 I 1 7,8 1111496[ 2 I .:-::----'-----'---.....:.-_-'---.. L.U;)d usa a lilctor 01 sii/e!y of 6 Tabla 46 Hoop Iron--Dirnol1!lio.l1s nnt! Weig'!1t in Ibs.jft. run. [\lfl~~I~h ~.;-"~ 7i8 1 21.I ;WT-19 I I -.-.--._ -------.----- ... \';;;.Ti'tl.%G6\087si·121GI-1l'3U\ U. W. G"e ,I" ,IB ......~ ~_11_ L~L_i 17 Il ~--.- 2 1 I r-; G 'I J ,21 2:: 1 . 15 :I 15'1~-r-~-;--I-;t-112 I. --r . 1. 38 1.36 r-·G34i·714F .-.------.---~----. -.---- . -----..............-----.... 11 27 .......--.-.... ·1'.1 ' '--'-,-- _ . \".484 ....---..:....-.................... I ~ .. ~ ~---- -~-'. :I .' d Table 47 J .,. • " Woight in Llls.of Standard Bolts und Nuts (Hexauonal Hoad ilfld Nut) I E .... ~ 3: ~ ~ ..... Eo~.c: .co .... _ t ) 'Ol:::"-o O.S eo] ~oroEc: \1).a -' 01 .c 0 ,- ~ .i 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ,3 3 3 Diameter of Bolts in inches )Il I' 1[4 3:8 I ------ __ --.----.--.... 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8, ' 3/4 7/8 2 ' 1/4 1/2 3/4 3 1/4 1/2 3/~ 4 4 1{4 4 1/2 4 3/4:' 5 6 1/4 .5 1/2 5 3/4 6 .042 .044 .045 .047 .049 .050 .052 .054 .056 ,059 ,063 .065 .068 ,071 ,075 .070 .082 .085 .OWI ,00:', .09G ,099 .103 .106 .110 -----.'.-, WolOhl In Ibs. of ono .0134 \ .• 112 .. .106 .. 11 0 .114 .118 .122 .126 .130 ,134 ,138 .145 .153 .1 61 .160 .177 .-._----------_ .. .185 .452- ,463 .484 .506 .528 .540 .671 .4 31 ,445 .459 ,472 ,988 1.01 n 1.050 1.081 1.113 1.144 1.175 1.207 1,238 .7B~ .486 .500 .810 "" ..".--" ._._......._. "....... - ". '.O'J57 ,0345 .92[, .956 ,Gn~ .G15 .637 ,GliB ,G80 ,702 .724 .745 .767 .403 .417 ,263 .612 .fl28 .643 . .659 .675 .690 .706 .722 .737 .769 .BOO .831 .802 .89·1 .376 .387 .398 ,408 .419 ,430 ,441 .1594 -, ... ... --- --" •... .944 .965 .. 986 1.008 1.029 1.050 1.072 1.114 1.157 1.199 1.242 1.284 1.327 1.369 1.412 1.455 U07 1.540 . 1.582 . 1.625 1.667 Weight in Ibs. of ' Shnnk pbr Inch of length. I' .0139 .0313 I I· .0557 .0869 I 2,005 2.061 2.116 2.172 2.228 2,283 2,:33(1 2.3D4 1.740 "'~~'-'----'--'--'--~---'~. .2164 1.394 1.421 1".449 '1.477 1,505 ~ .561 1.(.,16 1.672 1.727 1.783 1.838 1.893 1.950 1.7[;3 .3203 Nut -.-- .....1'--- u , _ , ............ . I 1 7(8 3.4 --.--~.----. .222 .229 .236 .243 , ,250 .257 .264 .271 .278 .292 .305 .319 .333 ,347 ,361 .375 .389 .102 ,200 .208 ,216 .224 .232 ,240 ,247 .755 ~l~-··· 58 ~ ...- - . - - - - I .4611 ···1-·_····.... ·· ..··--_······· .1252 .2225 .1703 49 , : j Tubl" 4B i I\pproxlmato COUllt of Hound Mild Stool Wiro Nulls - .... -~-" ·-.---·--·"~"'''-·'''-'''··'·-·''--r-- ,~~~,,---. r 'P'i L HI' o} .} .)1 no"; rnr:' O!<1 ~lr Illl ~,j t'u,.1, tl I I, ::..t:.iII~ Ii d'4in,do:! 1"1'1""" N.Il1 I, -,--.~~---~.--- ~- Pl:tin Iw:' I ! 1,11':. H0 2UlI . U, IJ II.i () 11;.0 1I.. fj 12,6 11,2 11,2 . 10,0 10,0 17~ [j,3 6,3 '5,6 100 4;5 ~l,O 100 100 90 90 90 4,0 8,0 2.0 100 »,0 90 8,0 105 110 120 140 150 5.6 5,0 ~l.O 3,b'::.i 4.5 4,0 eo ,to 3,55 , '1 'J "'.\.-, 1 ~ (,7, I 355 2. t) i 2241 1. r: I) I 3.1 :) : 2.B, r 1 )4 1 3, i Ij :1. P- 2 !) 50 50 50 I I\t.i 2,2,' 2,0 2.5 '15 2,:~<1 ~H) 40 ",1 I 2G j ~1I 50 Clout, State GO ur Fult Noils 1.1 :190 1~50 r~ , \80 I G.:t S,n 230 Ex tea 350 t.?::~<:!" ~) ,I; 5.i') ~, ,e I hcad Felt llellS II 15 12 25 ,1'\0 Roolin9 Ilails (~or1VU!:! 550 GOO point) GGO COO 50 Punci pins ~BQ 5.6 2,8 2,5 2,24 2,8 20 15 12 80 70 440 1,1 C.3 30 30 30 25 20 20 5.0 'j, 1 2,5 2.24 25 lYO () 40 40 45 290 I h',O(l,O";""1 , GO 50 2.0 5,6 I 800 2.5 I 640 700 ·;0 30 30 2" 1,0 l.G H L~~' L:.i } Jl '-"--""---.- .. 5.G !J.O ~) . f) 25 I 4 ,UI- I i, ~~ .4 15 1S 12 12 La!h IlJils 40 !)O'JO 391,0 6.3 80 5/) 150 ii ~4 " 20 20 lnO 4,0 2110 .,1 'J i 2710 :l I 3740 It.U ! ." 'l40 1000 ~).O , 1050 50 , '170 fl, f:- i 1>110 G,O j 11,30 r, ~;. () ' , ,I 200 /. .~' (J ,~OO .;.~-:.-~,----.---- I 11.0 10.4 10.4 IDA 8,2 7.4 9.2 -:'.2 . 2.8 2,5 2,24 2,0 1 !). 1 1 5,1 134 13.4 2,8 2.G 2.2 2,2 2,0 2,2 2,0 2,0 1.8 1.8 1.25 1,0 1,25 1,0 20 2.0 20 1.8 40 4,5 2:0 ·~.O .•. ----.-.--~--- 1030 ' 1 \ OO! 1 .~, I 2,0 1,8 1,5 1.6 1.4 1,6 1.4 1.4 1,25 1.8 .. 7.4 11.0 11.0 11.0 1 \.(1 I 2.8 25 900 6,0 6,3 6,3 5,6 5,6 25 9uO 9.2 8.2 8 2.8 2,8 2,8 1.4 l.B 1.4 II I \ I 230 285 330 ·385 570 700 660 825 7.4 I 9,2 2.5 2,0 2,0 /. ,0 30 /{'cdl (~11 i I $ 3.. 55 40 Nili1S PIIII.U,' 3.1 1.!; 2,2 2,0 1.8 1.4 3.15 3.15 3,15 Nu.ol :1.1 2,24 1.25 -'" A;,;,,,,, i II"" 1ll!l1 2.2,1 2[,; . dl"llllt!tll mm 20 12 50 50 0,3 :).0 Slunk 1.11 1 ,13 40 I 4.C '-'-, 50 40 650 I 1 U{J 8(; :L:-5 \ ",II} \ :'1. i ~'I , 'I' ) ~~ I --- I G.O I ~ )J_~ I f.~ (; [J,O 8.0 H.O 5.6 7(; .' 8.0 5.G 1 ' ,;, 1/1 i !nm 80 90 :;.0 I t."') 1 25' I, I, I ; I .oj 1 i 2,:? 11 ':U ,\0 2 I) , 35 I 2.24 , ]!; 7.0 JO 7,0 :JO i Ui 2~.l I Z,O ' if; ! ? ::' Fi''"> ,( I': " :.) II , ""'- r'; I I 3.55 I 4·0.1 fj ~.i rui! 'I 10 \ ~! L2 30 35 40 150 150 125 125 100 Sf; T,!,';Jtt 01 -..-.---,-- .. :, :' ~ i . U0 ----,,--,Oio ul Lcn{},l\ 1.1(;/ ,,(1 20.0 70 70 ,I,!.: ' S 10,0 '10 L, 111(1\ 250 81) 1".," , •• ",-1 ! l,ifH I 5, () 5,5 5.G G,O 5,6 5,0 9.0 B.0 8\0 .---------'------~--- ..•. Tollia .1D COl1lont Conslimption Statemont i 1'~-' ~ o~;o , 1• .- of wod. n:;,, k(l, 1- : 1 (1 cernollt : 1 :,dlld) , Cll. TTl, .' 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 ", , , QUilntity· of c·emant per unit quantity U oi t Description .' .' 1020 680 510 380 310 250 2, Coment lima mortnr I) ) 3. ) ) 25q 220 190 1 ;'0 130 " " " . ,) 4. r,10 DOnrC():ltn) '. 1 :11 : 3 1 : I. : 4 1 : 3 :' 6 1:4:8 1 : 5 : 10 1 : G : 12 ) r Cament ConcrC!to 1 : 1 : 2 (1 cement: 1 Gilnd: 2 OfMicd ) , ) 410 1 : 1 : 6. 1:1:7 1:1:8 1:2:9 1 : 3 : 12 I ) } 1 : 1 :.3 (1 cernont : 1 limu putly : 3 $,lnd) 4(}(} 320 220 170 130 11 Q Damp proof COIH$e with cement concrete 1 :,2: 4 Sq. m. 25 mm thick, 40 mm thick ,6Ci mm thick 8 '13 16 , 6. i ~rlck Work !n CQlllont mOltol I I ; 1 : 3 (' coment : 3 sand) Cu, m, with modulor brick. with FPS bricks .In cement mortar 1 : 4 with ,,i I modular bricks ; • FPS bricks " ) 12 128 84 . .95 ... , : hi cement mal tn·r 1 : 5 wilh 68 78 modular bricks FPS bricks 51 ('"1 ---------_._--_.-. -------- Quantity of CUlllen! Unit Doscription - ------------_.- --- ---------------------------_. por ullit qutJrl1ity of wOfk -----------...,---- ky. in cenwl,t mQrtar 1 : 6 with Cu, m. m(;du!:H bricks FPS Llicks in cenH'.l1t lime mortar 1 ,-: 6 with rnodulnr bricks FPS Inieks in " Cf'rnl~l1t 55 " " lime rnort,H 1 62 7 with rl'1or.hl1:H briey.s 48 FPS bricks 55 "'1;'1l~"rd liulClllort<lf J: 1 8 with :!lo,'uial brid.s 42 HJE; 48 1;1 ich in cenV~~1t !irl!'~ 11l0JtiH 1 rno,!:.d,1f bricks 2: n \,1/ith in \;I:n;uflt IinlB mortnr 1 : ;1 ; 12 with iH·:d,,:d! t=P::-~ 37 . I:PS LriJ.:r-s li. 55 62 42 .. l.Jd~k3 :i9 38 brid.s - Hall b,ick wOIk ill {;Qf!:!.nt mOl 1m 1 ; 3 with or .....,itlludt Sq. 1100'f' ;(OIl-;-··Modul;Jr b!icks FP~'; bricks Ill. 12_75 14.2B " in Ci.'P)I:i:t rt\~)rtJr 1 :.4 '.'Ji!h lliodu!iJ: i_,~:~:~ <:; F PS brick iIi r:Of!" limo !TIur!Jr 1 : \ : G rnodulJI t.)li'~k:·, 6.25 " 7.00 FPS brick:; 7, Rand,~;n rubble masonry In fouwJJ-tion and plinth 5uper structure irlcludi,IIU levt:llinU up •. :111 c!JnllHlt concrete 1 : 6 : 12 (20 Inm iJ]o(elj<lte) ilt p1if~th level, windo'b' sills, ceiling level ·;;iih cement IllOrtar 1 : G cement tim!:. mortar 1 : 1 : 8 j Cll. nl. 85 -, 55 111.fc:u:!JJtiolt <J1~d plilltll.;.t.q;l!f "itructiJ(lj ·/.. ith cr~lnt:nt IIwnct.1 1•G C:8nh:nt lim!? rnort,lr 1 75 " 8 57 52 , (, " !: , • ~. ,., .., ' Teble J9 Condt. Quantity of cemont , ~--------.---, .. . per unit quantity Unit Description of work ---- " kg, g, Ashlar masonry Ih plain ashlar punched (ordinary) in sLperstructure in c. m. 1 : 6 including ~ointing with G. m. 1 : 2 with· an admixture· o.f pigment matching the stone shade Cu.m , ih plain ashlar in arches, domeS, punched ::' '(brdinary) in supor structure in c, m, 1 : 3 "'including pointing with white c. m. 1 : 2 with an admixture. of pigmant matGhing the stone shado 10. " 107 Sq; m. 12.2 17.0 20.? 28.2 Comont Conr.rota flooring Flooring in cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 finished with a floating coat of noal coment including camont slurry, rounding of edgos and strips etc;, but axcluding co,t of nosing of steps ate., completa .',- 25 mm thick with 12.5 mm stone aggregate 40 mm thick with. 20mm 50 n;m " 75 mm " " 11. Cement plaster 12 mm.1 : 3 (1 cement: 3 sand) 1,2 mm 1 : 4 112 rnrn 1 :6 12 mm 1 : 6 ]6 mm 1 : 3 1;5 mm 1 : 4 15 mm 1 : 5 '16 mm 1 : 6 20 mm 1 ; 3 20 mm 1 : 4 , 20 mrn 1 : 5 ';20 mm 1 : G ., ~ , ! ,., " " " " " " " '. " . Cumon! plastor with a floating coat of noat coment , ,12 mm 1 : 4 1 B mm' 1 ; 3 1'6 mm 1 : 4 " " 20 mm 1 : 3 20 mm 1 : 4 I ; -I " 53 4'.40\ 3.60 8.77 6.54 5.33 4.30 11.42 8.51 6.94 • 5.60 i Sq. m. 12 mm 1 : 3 7,~4 6047 9.51 7.67 10.117 8,74 1" 02 10.71, : I " QUlIntity of CUItHlIl( D\J"~~ripli~J/l ..,._1:t, -----~- Unit .._----, _._.. -- ..-.- ..... "--,, ... -.----~,-~ ... _- - ... -_.. -.' . por unit qllllfltity of work -~".- ..•.. ---~ .. '" CI'rtlt'lll pl,l!itnr ill two ('rI;ll .. 111 111111 tllkl·, Lr'jlIIJlIi plrl-.II·, ill 1-.','11 C/l'U5. urlth!1 byer 01 12 nllll thick C(:l7ltJllt p[;)stcr 1 : 5 lif1i!>hud with il top lJyel 6 flll1l-thick cement plaster 1 : 6 Sq.m 6.26 , 8 l1un t/lick cernunt pl,l~;tl)r in two CO,1IS, ('r I;rycr of 12 nUll thid. ((:f/lent pLl~~tt!r 1 : 5 ;JIlt! top layer 6 mr11 thitl, with ~J!n1f:ril plti~.t~r 12 HUll 1 : 3 8.13 9,79 11.70 15.23 c~r'neflt plaster 1 : 2. (1 cf.!rnent:,2 stoncdust) 15 mlfl Cf:rn"Hlt plaster 1 ': 2 ~!rj lTun cement pl~lster 1 ; 2 '\11. 6 mOi Cl:/Ilent plas(Cr 10 ceilil1G witll 1 : 3 (1 Ce'ri"'rt : 3 50cd) 10 cf;ilill!j with 1 : 4 (\ nill; c;;rnullt pl;J_st(~1 1 13 fllJi!;tH!d 3.67 2.74 ·.. nth 'I !Iooling coat uf rieilt c.:urnl!tll 15. Cem~:nt 5.87 lime plaster 12 nllf11 : 1 : 6 (1 U'IIH'1I1: 1 lipl(~P"1t'(: G s""nd) 121111111:1:7 1 2 min 1 : 1 , 8 :l.LO '. 12 rnm 1 : 2 : 9 .1 Grill)) 1 15 nH/I 1: 0 1 '; 1 : 7 ~1~rnrn1:1:8 1 to fnln 1 :.2 : 9 18 film IfJir;k !WC] (;Oal3, lIPdt'r JH'r'I~1 01 12 mm Lj~m(~ld plaitvr 1 :' 5 fll!i~~I-:(Jd With {) 111m eomont liliie' pli~5tur 1: 1: 6 1 t 1, : 7 , 1, 1: 8 16, 3,17 2.74 2.45 4.30 3.78 3.27 2.92 .. " '. 6.26 6.04 5.83 Rcu9!1 Cdst plar.ter Rouqh cast plaster with a mixture 0/ SiJnd .1nd ql<!vel IJr (.;u:~hl:d stOflu It~/1f1 2.:W IIItrl io' 12,5 /lIDl 110H)inaj SilO d.)shccJ 01/>.)[ <1II(J including the frt~,:.;h p!ilster in t ....... o 'Jy~rS, top I,Jyer 01 10 rmll CI~mp.rH pIJ::.[(;( 1 : 3 mixc:u '~\litl) 10'~ finely ground hydratou lime by \'oluI'IIC of cement and under layer of 12rnl1l cement piaster 1 : 4 with o"rdinary cement finish or 11.59 cement and pigment finish 54· I' I .[ ,.-~- . , J~ Table ·contd. I Q\./antity Qj"coment Description ~ : 5 with ordinary cement finish or 1'/ pur unit quantity 01 work Unit Sq.1)l cer',"nt and pigment finish Kg. 10.58 17, Pr.bblo dash plaster I Pebble dash pl<lster with n mixture of wa5h· ",' ed pebble or crushed stono omm to 12.50101 nominal sizo dash Over and Including fresh pi astor In two layors, top layer 10mm coment plostor 1 : 3, mix with 10j; finely ground hydrated limo Dnd u,,,lor layer 12 mm cemont plaster 1; 4 1;5 10.58 9.72 " 1 ;6 18. 11.S:) Pointing on Brickwork Flush or ruled or cut or weathered pointing on brickwork with cement mortar 1 : 3 Ralsod and cUl.lJointinn on brickwork with con"lnt mortn! 1 : 3 Flu~h or wind or cut Or wootflorau pointing on brickwork Wilh corMnl !low mOrliJr 1 ; 1 : 3 Flush or IIlled poinling on brick flcarino witll 1.53 " " Comont mortar 1 : 2 Cement mortor 1 : 4 " Cemont mortar 1 : 6 19. ! 2.3.5 1.23 1.36 0.76 0.60 Pointing on tile brickwork Flush or rulod or cut Or weathered pointing on , ,1,' 1110 brickwork with comont mortor 1 : 3 I '\ I " Flush or :uled or cut or weathorod pointing on 1110 brickWork with cement limo morlar 1 : 1 : 3 1.89 ·'-.~W~:,It;·" Flush or ruled or cut or weathered pointing on tilo brickwork with a mixture of white cement lime marble dust and stone dust in proportion I :' 1 ; 1 : 1 (l white cement; 1 marble dust: 1 stone dust: 1 limo putty) .1 .. 2.35 0.74 (whito cement) " . 20., POinting on stone work .,' Flush or rulod painting on stone work with :.; '.: cement mortar 1 : 3 Raised and. cut pointing on stone work with cement moitar'l : 3 55 '. 1.17 '. 1.94 i,' i- . -.----.--------.-------~-=--:-~-- Unil D£!scriptioll _._.._-----,,-------------------- Quantity of C~mont : per unit qu,ntily of wOII, . ------------------- kg.:'" Rnisod 3nd cut pointing 011 slone work with 'whitf} Cnr11ent mortar 1 : 3 Sq.m 1.94 (Whito cornont) ~tiJb(:u .Hld cut pointinu on stone work with white cumcnt lime mortar i : 1 : 1 : 1 O.G1 (whilO cemenl) Flusl1 or rulod po'illtlnu on white stortU s!Jb 0.24 P.:JV(;!lit;nt Y,'itll whitn Ct'fnL'llt lilllo rnol t':11 I :1 :1 :1 (while cemonl) Flu';h or ruled pointitlo on stono Slilbs eellillU wittl cement llIo/tor 1 : 2 NOlO: 1.02 Ccllwnt cOrlsumpti,6n fOt pointing is sarna for FPS and me jular bricks. {The above tub!a is bnsuu Oil til/} Ct'/~;Cf1t consu!11plioil st.:-:tl.;lrlont givon in the 'Schedule 01 Hales' buok by CPWD .. -Dolhi) . rabl. 43 (!I) Wat(H AS"(j~~rnallt fot Building Works 2250 jitresicu,m. PIJ£teling Wad,:.s 85 litles/sq. m. POirltillU Works 60 Whitt! washjnG 111]( coat .' 3 130lilleslcu.IlL (W.JtL'1 requiTed fOT cwing' 13 1f"IClud(id in the abovo table) ," 5G .-~ .. . • Tadle 49 (b) . CONCRETE MIXES ~ REQUIREMENT OF· MATERIALS PER CU M OF CONCRETE Grade Cement in bags of 50 kg. 10 mm max. size Sand Water 1.120 7.80 M15 Ml0 6.20 4-.40 M7.5 1.15 3.40 2.70 20 mm max. size Coarse Agg. Water Work- 40 mm maXI size Sand Coarse Agg. Water Sand ability Coarse Agg. litres cum cum fines cu m cu m litms cum cu m 211 0.55 0 ..51 187.50 0.46. 0.66 164 0.38 0.79 186 167.50 0.50 0-.41 0.66 0.82 161.50 0.43 145.50 0.38 0.79 0.90 146.50 0.41 146 0.43 0.90 0.90. Slump mm Stilt plastic -doVery stiff -do-do-- 30·80 30·80 Note Correction for bulking of sand and moisture cont~nt not done. The. quantities of cement indic.ated t3b-Ove are approximale .requirements subject to v.1riations as per exigencies at site and quality and glraai!rrng of fine and coarse aggregates (necessity: - Exigency) . Table 49 (c) CONCRETE MIXES - REQUIREMENT OF MATERIALS IN KG's PER BAG OF CEMENT (50 KG) Grade Cement by wt. 10 rom max. size Water Sand kg litres kg kg Jitre5 kg M20 50 27 113 . 104 24 94 M15. 1'.110 50 50 30 129 150. M7.5 M5 50 50 Coarse Agg. Water 33 Sand Fineness modu Ius of sand - 2.70; SP. gravity of cement _ 3.05, C·A _ Sand litres kg kg 135 21 78 161 .169 29S 26 33 110 139 203 327 43 54 193 254 424 533 kg . , . ~ 2.6~ ability Coarse Agg. Water Coo,s<> Agg. Assumptions Bulk density of C. A. & sand ... 1600 kgjcu m; cement -- 1450 kg;'cu m Note: Correction for moistl.!re Content not done . VVork- 40 mm max. size 20 mm max. size "",) sand - 2.69 $1.._ . «."",p lIilrIlIm Stilt 3TI'...9TI! plastic -do- 3:ID-!f<ll Very stiff -do-·do··· Roduction instrongth of cement due to storago lids table shows the tlPPfoximatc reduction in tl10 28-diTf strength cOllcreto due to stora'go of cement After storage of 3 months Aft"r SlOIJ\lU uf 6 monlhs ' . of 1 year' Aller .WrOU" of 2 yearS f.t{)lO{ll:! I\f ItH ' 20~. minimum 30,.. minimum 40r.. mini"(!,urn 50~~ IJlinimUIlI of ' Tnbla 51 AVDilable sizes of plywood bonrds forlorm work . IS: tIn f errl elll ...• __ .-,.. -..... - .--' , .. , I ~ 1.40 ~ 120 or 8' ;·10 x 90 '" 8' 1.10 x 120 210 x 9J 180 x 120 : Sf) ,,9<}U' 1969 7' x 4' 7' x 3' 6' x 4' 6' x 3' " x 90 " e'll or 150 x 120 150 x 90 120 x 120 4' , 3' " x ~.-----. 120 x 90 120 x 90 x 60 " " " " 90 5' x 4' 5' 4' 4' 4' 3' x 3' x 4' x 3', x 2' x 3' Tublo 52 f,ilQ --_ of TI1111Jor for FOfrnwork _._...........,._ -Pilrt of Forrnwol~. .. _--,"._,...,..--,-------,--,-----Tirnue, Thi\;;kfi0.:iS or .. ... ------- __ 'I 25 to GO mm •• .--~---.- ---,-.~,.--' S.;··! " ---_. -'.--~.- ... S!IOt!ting 1 BerlIn and column <;id(l:; 25 10·50 I:h~;!rij Ur)ttolTl!l 50 rnlll . nllTl 50x100 mn1 \0 75x200 nlln Lcdocrs GO,t; 100 rnm \0 75x200 111m Post.:; 75x1 00 rnm \0 150x150 mill Column Yokes 50x 100 m,,1 to 1 OOx 100 mOl 50x 100 rnn1 10 150x150 mrn 58 - . " ." ,.... '",.,iJ<u and PIY'vvood roqlli(OI1"",t for columt1s (fig, 2)' ; U,';il.~ .';~;! ~'I)r iu'.'\ !t;I\Utll (Ul) O:dH) kngth at column}', :·'!':·:··;·!·;:~;·;-,'--i'---;;:·\:i:".~~:0'~;~~'·'·~~""'r~'--p-I\-"."'v;)~:~:--l--~·~ . I ~. " '··~~"····?·'t·~--~, ".~-. ltill \ !:.q, i' . , ~ f1(:f!IiI!:;:f, H!., In I U.en v. v::; c...J 3.575- 1.U~() j O.C,G9 Ii 11 1 : '. : .~ .' l!..i i ~"f " ~, ' C) : l I .~~ " 10 " ,: a , ......... , ~ .. .;'J\, -". ~ ... ~. j ,. BI ~ 4:;;'~·:;'L·'::1U .. I' I ~> I I, .1 4.675 5.7"15 6.1 27 !L 125 .~ ,{i 7 [} 0.062'\.}'06G I ! ,,! ."\(1~' .] .. , ~'.;.~{ ' " ...ti,Gl:i :; I 0.081(l ,~,,' 1.425 3x2 illdp..1s fIt ! :)60 1 .iiljfl ,. "1.267 ts,:.!~ti 1.~:.:t t .GU3 .6.B75 2.0~l; ';;.:.1 iilclws f' f:. :..'i';' ~ :;~"\) plV\\UOU plywoI)t! ;;.~... c.'.f;.; ,~.,) !.~O!,) ;d; '~"::' ', .. ' ·.H) " \ .'.' ~ 1j .JUl.),;'} Lv ~:' JlJo .... t;'):) " JOC:.~II()O " ~.' J;} ~ .: "'2 A 1l·.·, I H 1 .' "J!)O "i."7 uP J ItL~4!. d 1:,.<!0 J}fj).~ . ()U 1!.. ·.Z4 3'/ 5~ (J(;O " " tr;(l,.(;r."'l) ; ',):".; ~ .,' :.1 ".1 , I ..•,... "' ..... ... '; .:.;.;U:. i.l\.;') . :; u . 5,':C'>, 7ti': ~-,- ..... __ ...... _. ,r..,.,." " ........., ... _.,,,,, . ." a·+t/~t-1,625, .-.... ,-.-.-'2..---.1' 0.367 cu.ft.,ft . I .'.'", .,' ; b' .! 1 [i'I '.; \.1 ,. .':,/ CV.fL/fl. " ( 1.1. i, .. . . ,.',. . ". ",-< • i .~;~~ Table 53' (8) .. .)~i~t~~~:ntil; in in:~~~iCkIS:. ·f~·.~.~i:~:S~:rC:.nt:iO:fls::OOd • - 1 o. DePth • I FO~!no 300 mm ,It .1~.'26 2x 2m • tt.44 \saCl(ing\SUPfH -. Timbor Ply_ limb"r; wood • 3.61 1.5 x 2m 3.33 1.10 3.17 1.20 1.12 2.54 1.1,/ 2.92 1.1010.12210.11711.2010.11310.109 3.42 '1 1.1013.33 3.33 1.0513.53 3.20 1.20 13.09 3.47 1.21 1.0513.36 3.14 2.93 0.12110.119 3.31 3.25 1.21 j' 1.1012.60 2.62 1.15 3.31 i 3.83 : 1.06 1.06 ! 2.73 12.57 2.95 1 ! , . 08 0.,2410.1211':32' 1 . - 1.0B i 3.55 1.'012.~2 1.08 3.39 .. t-lg;';Te~ arc 111 nh:trtc Ur1it~ i 1.05 0.129:009511.27 0.124 1 0.136 ,. 1.16 0.136i0.126 1.06 1 1.16 3.72 \3.44 1.06 1.05 3.53 12.60 I 1.27 3.39 13.72 , 1.18 13.33 3.31 ::::0 i 3.50 11.16 .3.36 \3.28 3.31 IJ1.15 .. 2.98 I i331 1,.32' - .• Loa 10 .. 07 0.105 1.07 0.139,0.106,1.3010.134,0.45 1.08 2.92 1.07 3.80 2.87 !: 2.90 1i 1.30 13.66 l.laI0.123~O.132, 1.08 1.18 13.36 i 3.611.(;a 13.96 1.07 0.1030.099 1.06 0.134'0.091[1.2910.129:0.136 3.22 i.07 2.82 1.06 3.66 .. 2A9 I\ 1.2913.53 \3.72 2.71 I I ...: 0.1180.113 3.09 i/ 1.0612.90 12.84 1 1.05 f 3.74 12.87 I 1.27 3.63 14.18 1.1010.107 0.109 I I ii 1.15 0.121 0.140 1 .06 1.0810.130 10.1331 1.18 10.12210.125 .1.063.44 , 1.34 1.0610.10610.10411.0510 ..13710.10511.2710.13310.153 3.12 1.23 13.17 1.0610.126 0.12111.15 3.0 x 3.5", O~i3510.129 2.62 1.13 1.07 f 3.58 3.72 1.12 f 2.71 1.,512.7612.90 3.63 I\ wOOlj -----1-------- -- . 1.13 3.53 ': 1.121 0.0991 0~0961 1.10 10.09510.0961 1.34 1.0610.1001°.094 1.0710.13110.1281 1.16 IO.1~3 2.5 x 3.5m 0.140,0.130 I 1._.__-.-_.-_1: 1.,510.,0'10.,06 1.1313.42 • 3.8313.85 - 2.57 0.11410.108 1.1310.12510.12911.2310.11610.121 3.74 PIY_IB-~~in{l.I)~'UPP~J··-~-;;.-IB3C~i~[~~\llo;:I·---;;· TiTI'rb()r.. "t~mbtH l WOod T'IT.!Jet:!1Imhcr I 1.0510.12310.1151 1.21 3.33 3.69 .\3.53 2.92 600 mm 550mm 500 mm r 1.11 3.12 Plywood quantity in sqJt./sq.ft.-- figures. in sq.m/sq.m ____.. i., 1.12 0.0930.094 2.0 x 2.5m" 0.140 I 0.141 • '3.33 : 1.20 0.107 0.107 0.13510.137 • 13.72 ! ._. "od-=~· G:i.c.\l..i,r.1Q;Sl:Ptl::-ftl : Ir.mtte'r! T;m:J~r i wood Tlmb-a-r 1.10\0;1.,6 0.114 3.5 x 3.5ml 0.1321 0.122 :.'::: I 0.122 3.0x3.0mlp.13710.1221 1.0510.12910.12711.21 • '3.74 450 mm la~::.kinglsuPPort Ply- IB.!IC~;ng:suPPOftlj Ply11mb!!r 1 Timbsr : wood· WOOO<! ! 2.S.x ?-5mI6.13210.125 • 1:3.60 400 mm 350 mm 3i:·Cl:.inglls~pPOrfl PlyT_mhor TImber wood Sin of Foolino .-~; requirement for:.footings tf!~ 1.1710.11S.0.124 1.07 ! 1.17 13.22 3.39 . 1.07 \ \ f I I \ .;.. ", IT, oi/ "'!:. '" '_"""'- Table timber and plyvvood requirement for beam (fig. 3) Units are for foot (or) metre run of beam" - .-- I 51. No. 9<12 9<15 9x16 9x18 12x12 12<15 12x16 12x18 15x15 15,,16 4 5 6 7 8 9 '" 10 11 12 13 15x18 14 15· 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2"1 28 29 30 I , 15x20 15x24 15<27 16<16 16x18 1 (jx20 16x24 16x27 16x30 16x33 18x18 18<20 18x24 18x27 18x30. 1 Bx33 20x27 20x30 20x33 I I I , t I : I I mm 230<300 230x375 230<400 230<450 300<300 300x375 300x400 300x450 375x375 375x"00 375x450 375<500 375<600 375<575 400x400 400x450 400x500 400x600 400x675 400x750 400x825 450x450 450x500 450x600 450x675 45Cx 750 450x825 500x675 500x750 500x825 cu,lt;lt 0,736 0.736 0.736 0.736 0.785 0.785 0.785 0.785 0.833 0.833 0.833 0.833 0.833 0.833 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.882 0·E82 0.882 0.882 0.882 O.83~ O.~;15 0.9 1 5 0.91~; ; I I I I Sq. frift cu.ffij·m 0.0774 0.0774 0.0774 0.0774 I i! 0.0774 ' 0.0789 0.0789 0.0789 0.0789 0.0789 0.0789 0.0789 I 0.0819 , !, 0.0819 I : 0.0819 1 0.0819'1 0.0819 0.081~. I ~ 0.0850 0.0 850 . 0.0350 : ! .l!AQ, I Sq, m;m cu.ft'lt I I I i 0,825 0,825 0'825 0.825 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1'375 1'375 1.375 1.375 1.3~5 "375 1.463 1.463 1.463 1'463 1.463 1.4&3 1 463 1.650 1.650 1.650 1.650 1.650 1.6::·0 2.02': 2.0"2.1 2.02·l OA21 0.444 0.251 0,251 0.251 0.251 0.335 0.335 0.335 0.335 . OA74 OA19 D·,C.57 , . 0.419 I 0.419 0.419 0.::05 CJk:O ,I I I I O..!52 0,467 0.428 GA51 0.458 0.615 n.E55 '0.:386 O.·H)7 0.4';9 0.419 0.446 0.446 0.445 (1 A'S 2. 0.618 0.658 0:638 0.4~6 I 0.445 0.446 ·0.446 0.503 0.503 0.503 0.503 .0.503 0.503 0.617 0.617 0.617 i cu.m;·m sq, ft'll --------- ,I 0,0684 0,0684 0.0684 0.0684 0.0729 0.0729 0.0729 0.0729 0.0774 Plywood Timber Plywood Timber " inches 1 2 3 Sides Bottom Beam rib size 0.719 0.,50 0.487 '0.522 0.S12. 0.F,93 D.723 (; 75.1 1 I ~ D:,:~97 0.:"2H .,,~ :'::::. Ii 0,0391 0.0412 0.0420 0.0434 , 0·0398 0.0419 0.0425 0.0440 ,1f 0.0425 0.0432 0.0446 00571 0.0609 0.0637 ,I 0.0434 0.0448 0.0074 0.0611 0.0639 0.0668 0.0697 0.0452 0.0578 0.0615 0.064.1 0.C672 0.0700 0.0647 0.0676 0.0704 I j , I I I - I sq. -, Olim .. - I iI 2,75 3.30 3.48 3.85 2.75 3.30 3.48 3.85 3.30 3A3 3.85 4.22 4.95 5.50 3.48 3.85 4.22 4.95 5.50 6.05 6.60 3.85 ! i I I ' ! ! , ! i , i i' ! 4.22 4.95 5.50 6.05 6.60 5,50 6.05 6.60 , ' I i I I1 - 0,838 1.006 1.061 1.174 0.838 1.006 1.061 1.174 1.006 1.061 1'.174 1.286 1.509 1.677 1.061 1.174 1.286 1.509 1.677 1.844 2.012 1.174 1.286 1'.509 1.677 1.844 2.01 ~l 1.67"7 1 .84-! 2.012 ii ··._·.~~~~1m Xk-ilkdWM.~~.~-:i$~~t~ ~I_' ~. ~~ .L:' "'~':"L ,.~~=-\\\\ft'iJ .• _- .... ... Sl, Ne. Fig, 1 ,1 2 Fig, 2 'J Fig, 3 Fig, 4 (8) ."" ";-'-'£:=~11"'" 9 ..... ".... ~ - . Fig. 4 (b) '_!!':.~.&....-!~...J~AJ .. '''-' ~ " 62 \ , , Table 53 (d) Timber and Plywood requiromont for slabs (fig, 4) Timber lor : Timber for bottom support Plywood panel __ _ _-:-____ ' _______ No, 0.065 0,020 0.091 0.028: panels For steel ~_,_---_ sq.m.sq.m ........ -_... ---'-i-'-'~-'--- F,or plywood 2 : iI _ _ f' Plywc',d I Icu.1t i cU.m sq.m, cu It sq.l! iCU,n11Sq m, sq,lt}sq,I!: SI. r.· 1.10 1.10 '/ 0,095 I 0,029 I sheets L Table 54 Weight of Plywood boards In Kg m'for various thIcknesses Weight Kg 1m' ) 6 3,90 9 6.90 13 8,50 19 , 2,40 25 16,30 -~-------- Nota: .. - - - - - - . When in wet condition the weight milY incrcilsO up to 30% or ,1bovo tl3 ..•' Tuble 55 Covering c<lpacity of snowcem This varies oecording to tho porosity and texlures of tho surfaco 'also whether appliod by brush or spray. Whon mixed to normal conRistotlcy. thn approximalo covorlng capacity 01 '"p"r .rwwcorn fUI t.wo coot brush work I,ppllud 011 diflelollt surfaces is as lallows: Suitable brickworks In.situ concrete Cemont/Sand renderings Cement;Lime i Sand re~delings Wall and libre boards Roughcasl and Pebbleda5h Concroto blocks CoI'r'l " .¥ ::ill' .~~ laa. .. · ''', ", } . .. ..'. ~ ~ " Sq. ft.;lb. Sq. rn;Kg 8 ~ 14 14 - 18 1.65 - 2.9 2.9 - 3.7 10 - 14 2.0 - 2.9 12 - 20 5- 8 8 - 14 2.5 - 4.1 1.0 - 1.6 1.6 - 2.7 ~ ~- ',' T'abla 5'S Weight of floor gratings For explanatory figurSs see page 65 (Fig. 5) Weight in kgi sq.m Bearing bar ------. RR·4 size mm '{ R·4 R-3 RR·3 ZZ·4 ZZ·3 25 x 3 . 20.65 23'50 ' 26.40 29.30 27.82 37.10 2G r. fj 32.21 35,20 41,50 44.40 39.50 52.20 :\0 ·.3 24.89 27.82 29.77 34.20 31.70 41.00 30 x 5 38.10 41.00 49.77 52.70 ' 46.85 59.10 35 ?' 3 28.25 29.30 33.67 37.10 33_70 44'90 35 x 5 43.92 47.34 57.10 60.00 51.24 68.33 x3 32.70 39·00 42.00 48.80 44.90 50.00 40 x 5 51.24 54.12 62,90 67.80 61.00 81.50 45 • 5 56.10 61.00 73.20, 82.50 68.30 92.20 50 x 5 62.50 67.40 80.52 85.40 74.20 98.50 , 40 . ,' . '. , " !, • .. 64 'r, .I ' ' " j", .. rOil d""fMipfli jnrnm. j----.!OO ~n R-4 ,. ._------_ ... ""' 3::;)i t-~ --- - -- -:'; ... I--.,y--..-....,-J ··0 $:~:" E-~~ . I"-~£--i ~: :::1:=\::1: ~ 1--190.......-1 .<~{: ~i:~l ~ , , Z z· 4 1-- 100 -...+1 ··c ~~ Fig_.5 65 Z 2-) Table 57 Maximum safe bearing capacity of soils Maximum· . sse ..... _ ........_._.... _.. - .. _. __._... __ ._._.. _ - - - - - - - - - Types of Rocks and soils 51. No. ........ _.............._.- .... _ , tonnesjsq,m HOCKS 1. Hard rock without lamination and defects e.g. granite, trap and diorite 2. Lorninatod rocks in s?uml condition e. g. SDfld stone and lime stone 3, Hc~iduol I;, depositS 01 sli;)ttuted and broken bed rock 330 165 " and hard sh[]le, cemented material. 90 Golt rock 45 I<ON·COHESIVE SOIL,S 5. Gravel, sand and gravel, comPact and offoring high resistanco to penetration when excavated by. tools. 6, Coarse sand compact and dry 7, Medium sand, compact and dry 8, f illo sand, silt (dry Itlmrs oasily pulverised by the lingers) 9., Loose grovel or sand gitlvel mix.ture; loose coarse to medium :lund. dry' 10, Fino sand, loose and dry 11. Kankar 12. Sand w.ith clay 45 45 25 15 25 10 32 20 ! 1 i ,~ r 1.~: I COHESIVE SOILS 12., S(,lt stlUle, hard or stiff cloy in doep bod, dry, 4.5 14. Medium cloy. roadily indellted with a thumb nail 25 1.5. 'Moist clay and sand clay mixture which can be indonted with strong thumb pressure, 16, Soft clLlY indented with moderate 'thumb pressure. 17. Very soft clLlY which can be p~nctrnt(;d severLiI inches with 15 10 ttlC 5 tlwrnb ,1 B.. "" BlaCK colton soil or other shrinkable soil or expansive clay in dry cOfldition (507.. saturation) 10 . 19, Redoarlh 20. Alluvii:ll soil :":1. Allu'Jiallo<lrn 9 to 17 22, PeOI 5 to nil .:>3, FrIIs or mode up ground (consolidoted) 30 3 to 9 5 66 \ " " 1;,: SI. No. Permlssiblo IODd in Typo of construction tlJnncsjsq,m -_._---_..._ _---..•. 1. Brick work in .:ement mortar 2. I: 3. 1:3 "00 do 1 :4 90 do 1 :6 55 4. 'Brick work in lime mortar 45 5. Brick work in mud mortor 27 6, Brick work in lime mortar Wittl country burnt bricks 35 7. Bric.k work in mud 8. Stone masonry; ashlar in cement mortar 9. do 10 . do . 11. Couraod rubblo 12. do 13. do mort~H with country burnt bricks do do 16; do 1:3 175 1:0 90 80 in lime mortM nlD!iOnry In comont morlnr :4 110 do :6 55 50 in lime mortar 14. Random rubble masonry in cement mortar. 15. 16 do 1 :4 90 1 :6 45 35 in lime mOrtar Block masonry in 1 : 3 cement mortar, average crushing strength : of block not less than: i Ii, 35 kg/sq. em. 27 70 kg/sq. cm.· 65 .140 kgJsq. ~m . 105 . 18.· Solid cemont concrete block masonry in cement mortar 67 , :3 165 d~_-- T3bf~ I 59 i,<.S.A. Pipe Schedules V~lall U.icknc5s in mm; Weight in !, sile . . mm Wall 'Wall WI ! Schedule Double Extra SHong Extra Strong Standard Nomina! . pipe I O. D. inches kn/m -r----.-.--- ;.-.\-\It V!t r \Vdll I \V.11{ 10 Schedule 20 l '• en co P. 2 2'. 3' 3f. 4 ~ 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 21.341 26.67 ; 33.40 : 42.16 : 48.26, 60.32 73.02 88.9 i 101.6 114.3 141.3 168.3 219.1 I 273.0 323.8 355.6 406.4 457.2 508.0 609.6 i I! I 13.06 3.73 3.91 4.55 4.85 5.08 5.54 7.01 7.62 8.08 9.52 . 16.06 8.,,6 21.761 9.52 :'8.23 11.0 ·,2.49 [ ',,2.7 60~24 12 7 73.76 12.7 81.21 /12.7 93.12/12.7 .105.05 12.7 9.52 116.97 112.7 7.11 8.18 " 9.27 9.52 I 1.26 1.68 2.50 3.38 4.05 5,43 8.62 11.28 2.77 2.87 3.38 3.56 3.68 3.91 5.16 5.49 5.74 6.02 6.55 9.52 9.52 / 140 .81 I 9.52 1 i i 1 I ! 12.7 1.621 7.47 7.19! 7.32 3.23 i 9.09 ':.46 i 9.70 5.40 110.2 7.47 ! 11.1 nAO J 14.0 15.25 ; 15.2 18.62' 16.15 22.29 17.1 30.92 19.0 42.53 21.9 (;4.57 22.2 81.46 97.36 107.28 123.18 139.07 ' 154. 97 1 186.75 ! 30 .--(-,-.. ---1--·---·_----··-- -1-'- .-WI I Waif Wt I· 2. 1 ·3.63 5.45 . 7.75 9.54 I 13.44 I 20,39/ 27.65 34.00 40.99 57.37 79.11 107.78 W.iI! ·----T- WI ! I 54 i Schedule ! I i 35 6. 6.35 . 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.55 54.63 62.58 70.53 78.47 94.37 I 7.92 33.28 41.73 49.68 67.98 7.92 7.92 77.92 87.85 9.52 116.97 140.81 9.52 1 7.04 7.80 8.38. 9.52 9.52 11.1 12.7 14.3 36.76 50.96 '65.14 81.21 93.13 122.12 154.97 209.54 i -::"'; -' i Tabla ,59 Contd: . _:-!1:": . Wall thickness in ·"1 schedul ... '_:;'-'Si:ti;'dUle:"~~I_'-": _Schedule' 4 0 , ;./';60 - i ;,:':/,' 80., . Wall : i 1 --- .1: 1! 2 -2i 3 31 4 5 '-' 6- 8 -10 f2 14 16 18 20 24 I w, 1 w~n ,. W,' Wall' 15.1 17.4 I.£v WI 2.77 2.87 3.38 3.56 - 3.68 3.91 5.16 5.49 5.74 6.02 6.55 7.11 8.18 9.27 10.3 11.1 12.7 14.3 :;.-:1 Wt -- " I Wall r 14U," Schedule .~~_L WI \~::.:. "1 12.7 310.91 441.30 ,14.3 '75.79 .18.2 .4114.59 159.67 25.4 194.64_ 27.8 245.34 30.9 309.55 34.9 381.20 38.1 545.84 46.0 . I 160 Wall WI 4.75 . 5.54 .. 6.35 6.35 7.14 8.71 9.52 11.1 1.95 2.89 4.23 5_60 7.23 11.10 14.90 21.30 13.5 15.9 18.2 23.0 28.6 I,"",,-?o 186. . 224.36 253.32 286.33 ·363.33 441.06639.18 332.72 408.21 507.63 719.16 35.7 40.5 45.2 50.0 59.5 33.51 49_04 67.47 111.18 172.11 238.60 281.49 364.94 459.18 564.24 806.74 Spocing of Pipe StJpDorts Details 01' Mitered Bends . TYPE I FLANGED I-IIT£R£D 90· £L SOW' (tyP. 1 ~nJ TYPE II ) P-;..e. ~ mhH'9d [·l ........t<hl slipon omit wri1 , ~/~~~ I L . - !"Zi- Ooj ..... ..... O!l: 01-.. ", 1 , m,n110n t. id,nt;ca! ' ''. 5 11'". , J ' \" j I , PL (mm) Flat 01 Ralsod 1 F3ceGroOve! RingJoinl "F,m,l. I U - -' ~ - - Cl V , -,--. wtld:X: _. I 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16 • 13" 20" 22' 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" IT&. O~g~o ' • ! Ibs. I Ibs. ! Ibs. ! Ibs. ; Ibs. ! Ibs. 3181327\324 335 324 406 416 413 424 413 48314991 4B9 506 489 572 587 578 595 57B 1 660 676, 667 684 667 737' 756i 743 764 743 1 826 1. B45\ 832 853 832 1 907: 924! 913 934 913 ! 987,1003: 994 1014 994 ;1067,1083;1073 106B 1073 ,I i " I' i i , I - -' -, __ r - - -'~ "'V1/u'i J', "I, -I -t .J -.. ro v-Tt I- ' 1 ~ '" --.....,"..'~ - , ~. ~.1" I •• I , I I -I ..,'"': -,---' - I t' .':§.... -_+--- 333 422 504 594 683 762 B51 930 1010 10B9 R . Idenlical lor All " I ~ ~.....-- - ,.."" '"' ~" I I -'" I I X; R Typ", mm TYPE ' i I " I TYPE II TYPE III ----,c--,--.,.---I---~-'---- I ' I COl A B; mm· mm 1 m~ A I: B: ~~ I ~~~l_n.2.m._ i C: mm 0 I' A ~_.~_r.~ _~ I' ci B mm mm! 229 I 130 95! 60 134 84 62 39 167 62 461 29 305' 172 127 i 81 17B 111 81 52 224 83 61 I 39 381: 214 1571101 224 133 102 65 279 103 76 49 457, 25B 190: 123 267 165 122 79 335 124 91 59 533: 295 221' 148 312 191 143 951390 142 106 71 610;337252:168 35B 21Bj'64 109 4461'62121 81 686" 379 284' 189 402 245 1841122,502 182 137 91 762: 422 316 211 1446 273 205 137 557 202 152 102 83B '464 3·t8, 232 490 300 225 150, 613 223 167 111 914, ; 505 :LJ; 252 535 327 245 I 1li4 I 669 2~3 182 121 991,548]410,,173531354;265)176[7262':11971,,132' 1067: 589 447' 295 620 3B1j2861'91; 781 212 141 1143 : 632\474 \316 669 409! 307 , 205 836, 3031227 152 1219 : 673 I 505 I. 337 714 435" 327 1 218 I 8921 324 ! 243 1162 1295 ! 716 I 537 I 357 758 4641348'1 232 I 947 i 343i 257 , 172 1372; 757156B 1379 8041491 ~ 368124511004130" '.2731'83 i i 1 i , I! ~be ! 'I " l-----B 150T30'6-11501300115Uj3UU Illches \ mittUd (I, Wf"Ids) . / I~ "", / , v/ il ,~"'--~ for lyp .. l,U,lll .. loO'o'ts Pipe '- "\/" . {.. ' '1~~~il~t~C; I : pi .... ~iO J TYPE III 9D~ I B i~ 0 -r .. ~rl ~I ~~< / / \:; li L " I ~g' g~o ,~ '~ . ~ ro ;;.r . 'l?\e c 1 ;.... ,,,, _~_ 'I. "I. "' ~ I ,9,' s P;i>Ct "pitct '30' rThl('rt-d I!'loo"'" () w"tl!s) .x. ",bow I ,I ' I' 2,"' I " ;0; Pille S'l<) 0 m!:2....l J~~~~.:~ lE3 244 305 366 427 489 549 610 671 732 79~ 855 916 976 1038 1099 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 3-1 , 36 I ' :;~{i;.~):~~~"',~~ " "" , , ..... "~ _. i» .. , ...'" :'I:Olt!' 1. ~1;tf"f!d. :'" ........~ .... !!, l'!os __ than;lO d",lIf(.:ion IlMy 1)1" .-dopled ~U~~l t(,t!' '.!ele.'~ !""'"" .... ". A t .....·o pie(~ lon~ weid) 45' OlitJ"f!lt .. ~\t .... '.-' IVlle I. A :t,rf'e ~uecr. ilwn wt'I.~s) 45' Oli:('ted elbc"",' would t:.~ ~.""l'i;n 10 ;.;w tIt,~ ~f1'( C45e. H',e "~lll.!lled dimension!' lef ./.. .. l,p '\' to ·e·.·c D. 11 'R' [.hoot!! t>,. main!.,!",,,".' All .iIll1t'"'Isiuns Toll'!' in rnm. 'cair.:ulill.·If"ll"d f('unded on 10 Ihe nt"a,,""st t mm. D'n't'o}!C'n 'l' ,.o~;b,nf'~ elhow dlmpnsion -R' WI'l'. lenpth o! w\,·ldnlt.'" t1",.--ce~ f'sttt:::I<~"ed by ANSI B 1ii.5 expecl ~rll' "J)" '.;":h,,'/' l('nQlh I'll ...... "h1nef~ t1ant''' i.:'• • n lie corclance wilh MS$·$P·44. t(U silt~~ ;6" :t.ld 1.1rf;t:f, dlmconsicn 'l' :,hculd be tlSH'9 ttle ICIlBtti 01 I\;" .... eidnl'(:1-: flange. ,. " \.... dd .)(. Wh~n ~h.1I .... ~!d 'X' he ornilted e).cepl whf'n fining !" a o~ flllri\lf:S are IUt:d 10 Iha m.teu:d elbow or if lh!! joint mu}1 be field weldl"l. lir·ld wcldl"cI ioint. (hit end of th(! miteled elbo .... sh,,11 t·", t:~\I<c!ec by $hop.· D-SHACKlES (Ref. Table 61) ~ '" -~/ !-w-l Fig ..G -----------_.._--- "-"-" " .~------ : \' Table 64 Electrical units-their equivalents & formulae 1 H.P. = 746 watts 0.746 k.W.·' 33.000 ft. Ibs. per minute 1014 Metric H.P. (H.P. X 33.000) + (R.P.M. X 2) Torque (ft. Ibs) Watt', Motor output in H.P. k.V.A.! Power· factor Volts,x current )..: power factor. (kilowall input X efficiency) + 0.746 (vo\\5 X "mps) + 1000 Ratio of truo powor/Apparent power kilowall.,. k. V.A. ~ True power in 3 phase circuit kilowatt Single-phase motor amperes Two-phase motor amperes 1 electrical unit 1 kilowatt hour (kWh) 1.73 X volts X amps X P.F . ..;. 1000 (H.P, X 746);- (E.fticiency X volts X P.F.) (H,P. X 746) + (Efficiency X volts X P.F. X 1.73) 1 kilowatt hour 3413 a.Th.U. ~ 860 calories Table 65 General oymbol9 relating to fiUPP Iy 5ystemfi, lind corllloctlona Symbol Namo Oiro'cl current . Alternatihg current. general symbol f"'J Alternating current. three phase. 50 Hz 3 f"'J 50HZ Diagram of Winding. three phase. mesh or delta connected (Letter 0 or 6) Diagram of winding. three phase, Star or Y·connected (Letlor Y) 'y Diagram of winding. throe phasn. Star or Y connected with noutral ." brought out. Earlh connection. general symbol Variqbility without interruption 01 service (irrespective of the means of variation) general symbol. . Movable . contacl~ general symbol. Cond~ris6r or cnp~cilor. genoral symbol. ! Cnpaoilof variable without interruplio!' of service (irro5PE)ClivG of variation) 79 0; means ;# I Symbol Nanw Hl.!sist'unce, inducti . . e ur non· inductive (gcnorJII~ non~inductiYc) I ViJliilble resistance rogulilted·by movnblo contact. Re'Sistance, pr,1ctically nOl1 inductive Invoriilblc inductor, ganerill symbol, -<lnd inductor without iron core, $V.-I:'_ 'l, general symbol, and air-break switch E Hand switch, general symbol, and air-break switch, !louble-pole (coupled) s L Oil irnlrwrstxf switch, general symbol. F ~,;p;lfk'UilP di!>ch,H~lor or liglltf1inU <westcr, single pole 'C' o o Ordinary tr,'lnsformcr- (wittl two !;CP,ll.3tl.? l,'/imliilg systems) genera! 'symbol C"rrerH transformer, general symbol' Primnry cell or accumulator (the long thin line represents the positive pole, ilnd the ShOft thick ,line tile ncg<Jtive pole. ' ~~,' Buttery of fl!.:.curnulators Or pdrnury celis ~!'It~ ,- Battery of or.cumulatofs" v~ith sinqlo cnd,cl;dl'switctJ. -+-\ 11\ I t-- ® '0 ® Volt Meter AllIn:c:ter • \VDH Meter PO'/,t( factor meter RO o fi) ,', La' I pi FI' :M 1,." I 101 :1 Tab!e 65 Conld, }}- }/ )r:- Name Symbol uen:1 Y o:cter Fre Q Circuit breaker I' Air gap ,I .. Mako contact (No) Broak contact (NC) Slonal lamp Undorground cablo • Isolating fuso switch flexible conductor, Fire alarm indicator Plug and socket (malo & lemalo) Closed link Opon link ) Ovorheadlino • Gonoral symbol Fault Distribution fuse board with switches Socket outlet. 5A Socket outlet, 15A Lamp orautlet for IJn1p , Lamp mounted on a wall or light bracket' I . ..,.' ,Lamp mounted on a ceiling , , Fluorescent lamp ex,:: . Flood light Mocllllnlcul,lntoriock, HI Table !3usba~s Cor.structional det,;i!s an,d current r;Hrying capClcity at 35"'C Ambient temperature find 30' C temperatuI6 risco (Copper) Cross sectional area sq. mm Size mm 66 Cc.r.tinuous ;\ppro.~:. Weight !-:u .)In cur:~nt carrying capacity in ~.c.--N-o-.-O-f-B-u-se-s----- A. C. No, bf Buses II' I' Iii" ~jmp(!((~5. 1:501;'-- I' ! /I' -I-I-II~--'-'-I-II ' I --r------.!......-------, ---~---,--I 12,. 2 15x 2 1 :Jx· 3 0' ,- 20x 2 20x 3 20x 5 25x 3 25x 5 30x 3 30x 5 40x 3 40x 5 40xl0 50x 5 50x10 60x 5 60xl0 . 80x 5 80xl0 100x 5 1 OOxl 0 120x10 ,16.ox10 200xl0 "---'- . I I i I , , , : i I I I , iI I I, I 23.5 29.5 44.5 39.5 59.5 99.1 74.5 124.0 89.5 149.0 119.0 199.0 399.0 249.0 499.0 299.0 '599.0 399.0 799.0 499.0 999.0 1200.0 1600.0 2000.0 ! ! I 0.209 0.262 I, 0.396 0.351 : i I I ! I I' I I ! I i I I I I I 0,579 0.882 0.6G3 1.11 0.796 1.33 1.06 1.77 3.55 2.2,2 4.44 2.66 5.33 3.55 7.11 4.44 8.89 10.70 14.20 17.80 110 140 170 185 220 295 270 350 315 400 420 520 760 630 920 760 1 (" J(J 970 1380 1200 1700 2000 2500 3000 200 200 300 315 380 500 460 600 540 700 710 900 1350 1100 1600 1250 1900 1700 2300 2050 2800 3100 3900 4750 1850 1650 2250 1760 2600 2300 3100 2850 3650 4100 5300 6350 2500 2100 3000 2400 3500 3000 4200 3500 5000 5700 7300 8800 115 145 175 190 , 275 " 300 ; 275 ,i 355 320 410 430 530 770 650, 960, 780 I 1100 1000 1450 1250 1800 2150 2800 3400 I I 205 245 305 ,325 390 510 '470 610 560 720 740 930 1400 1150 1700 1300 2000 1800 2600 2250 3200 3700 4800 6000 ,_ i j' 2000 1750 2500 1900 2800 2500 3700 3150 4500 5200 6900 8500 25 36 .3'2 48 40 58 67 90 100 Table . Busbars (Aluminium) 67 Constructional details and current carrying capacity at 35°C Ambient temperature an~ 30·C temperature-rlse:- ,- - ---:-:-====--- Continuous currant carrying capacity in amperes . Size mm 12x 2 15x 2 15x 3 20x 2 20x 3 20x 5 25x 3 25x 5 30x 3 30x 5 40x 3 40x 5 40xl0 50x 5 50xl0 60x 5 60xl0 80x 5 80xl0 _10.ox 5 1 OOxl 0 100x15 120xl0 120x15 160xl0 160x15 200xl0 200x15 • Cross Approx, sectional area Weight 23.5 29.5 44.5 39.5 59.5 99.1 74.5 124,0 89.5 149 119 199 399 249 499 299 599 399 799 499 999 1500 1200 1800 16(,,(J 2.::,)0 2000 3000 , ". kg,/m 0.0633 0.0795 0.120 0,107 0.161 0,268 0.201 0.335 0,242 0.403 0,323 0_538 1.08 0.673 1.35 0.808 1.62 1.08 2.16 1.35 2,70 4,04 3.24 4.86 4,32 -·6.47 5.40 8,09 Q. C, No. of Buses A. C. No. of Buses l' 80 95 115 120 145 195 180 230 205 VO 280 350 515 425 625 500 730 680 940 820 1150 1450 1350 1650 1750 2100 2150 2550 I II' III" 115011' ---- ------------ 140 170 210 220 270':"'" 350 330 -430 385 ~O I 500, 650 i 975! 780 1150 900 1330 1170 II 1700. 1440 1 2050 2500, 2400! 2900' 3000 3600 _ 3650 4200 I I I 1350 1120 1600 1300 1900 1650 2360 2000 1800 3350 3250 3900 4150 4850 4950 5600 1800 1500 2160 1730 2500 2230 3150 2600 3700 4400 4300 5000 5300 -3250 6400 7300 I' I -----;;-;--r-I-IP 1111 ' . - - - - - - . -------I _ 145 175 I 80 95 115 125 150 200 185 235 220 V5 285 350 540 445 655 530 770 700 985 855 1200 1500 1420 1750 1850 2300:. 2300 2850 220 225 280 370 340 440 400 5W 525 660 1000 815 1220 960 1430 1260 1840 1550 2240 2750 2700 3250 3450 4800 4300 5250 1420 1220 1730 1420 2030 1850 2640 2220 3200 4000 3900 4800 5000 6200 6200 7650 1850 2600 2400 3400 2900 4200 5200 5100 6300 6:::;00 810C 8100 10100 ------- I UUIU 00 A'pproximota sizo of fuso-oloments of Tinned Copper wire or I AlullliniulIl wirl'l for uso in semi-onclosod fusa Current Approximato ---l-" _:a1~~~.:~._.f.:Sjni~~rren~.._.~WG__ I . 1.5 2.5 I 3.0' 4.0 II 5.0 5.5 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.5 9.5 10.0 3 4 5 6 .8 9 1-0 11 12 13 18 13.0 13.5 :.; u 15.0 17.0 . 18.0 200 20 25 ~! i 24 25 29 30 3·1 37.5 38 40.5 43 " 43.5 45 ~G (j2 05 j~Che._S_-,:-'~~~~-m_-m--\----w_j..:.re_~.;..~_~_m_e_te_r .__ I 40 39' 38 37 :35 34 33 32 31 30 0.0048 0.0052 0.0060 0.0068 0.0084 0.0092 0.0100 0.0108 0.011 'J 0.0124 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.21 0.23 0.25 . 0.27 0.29 0.31 29' 28 0.0136 0.0148 0.35 0.38 T 0.195 0.307 . 00400 28 30 33 35 38 26 25 24 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.46 0.51 0.56 23 0.024 0.61 £10 lIS 48 50 58 . GO 70 80 81 90 S8 100 106 120 130 '3~ 66 69 73 140 150 7!1 '/ :i .1 "IS eu Alumii1ium 1.5 16 12.0 2:.!. I Tinned Copper wire :'::":'o-'-ja:':m:":e'--t-o,-- 1(iG 197 102 :.!OO ;'30 13ll 2U5 22 0.028 0.71 21 0.032 0.81 20 0.036 0.91 19 0.040 1.02 00475 0.560 0.630 0.710 0:/5 0.85 0.90 1.00 1.22 1.25 1.32 I . 1B 0.0,18 17 0.056 1.22 I 1AO 1.60 1.70 1.42 Hj 0.064 1.G3 lb 0.072 1.83 0.080 0.092 2.03 2.34 1.80 1.85 2.00 2.24 ThQ abovo figures are all approximtlIe gui(le only and ttlO CurrC'nt ill which tho fuse will ulow o\"pt:l1d ujJOI1 the type ;md cO/l~lructiOf1 of the fllse hold!!r 111 \vllich the wire is used. 84 I,,' J Tabla 69 Current for A. C. motor$ This table gives approximate amp. per phase taken by modern induction motors, allowing reasonable efficioncies and power factors. Single-phase B. H. P. of . motor Two-phase Threc~ phase" ----_._---_.-...,-,- .-_ .... ---400V 230V -:---:- --_.-_..-_.- 200V 400V 340V --..-.---_.. --. I 400V -~"--·I--'---:-~- I ......._-_. -- 500V 440V ---'.-----.:... ---~-- .... I 0.125 0,25 0,50 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.50 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 . 12.5 15.0 20.0 30;0 40.0 50.0 : .. 1.0 1.8 3,5 <\,8 6.2 7.4 8,7 10.0 11,8 14.0 17.5 20.0 24.0 36.0 47.0 59,0 70.0 91.0 135,0 183.0 227 n 0.6 1.1 I 2,0 3.0 4.0 4.8 5.7 6.3 7,0 8.2 !).5 12.0 14.0 21.0 27.0 34.0 40.0 53.0 78.0 105.0 ! 130.0 0,6 1,3 2,5 3.3 4,0 4.8 5,5, 6.3 7.0 B.5 0.3 0.7 1.2 1.5 .2.0 . 2.5 3.0 3.2 3,5 4.3 10.0 5.0 12.0 6.6 7.0 . 14.0 21.0 10.0 20.0 13.0 32.0 . 15.0 1 g,O 38.0 51.0 .25.0 75.0 38.0 100.0 50.0 120.0 HO.O , 0.4 0,8 1.5 1.9 2,2 2.7 3,0 3,5 . 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.5 9.0 13.0 17.0 21.0 25.0 . 33.0 48.0 63.0 79.0 0.3 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.0 2,5 2.8 3.2 3.5 4.3 5.0 6.5 8.0 12.0 15.0 10.0 22.0 29.0 42.0 56.0 71·0 i i\ ; ! 3.6 4.5 .41.2 5.5 G.O 7.5 7.0 11 .0 10.0 14.0 13.0 1 f).0 18.0 , 19.0 21.0 25.0 28.0. 39.0 36.0 53.0. 47.0 58.0 66.0 . I II I 85 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.9 i.2 2.5 2.8 4,0 I '. II 03 0.6 1,0 1.& . 1,7 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 ,. I (lUlU IV Selection table for StarterjRelayjFusejCable for DOL Motors Used on 3 phaso, 415V, 50Hz system . ApproximiJ Ie H'P DOL starter; CQutractor LTiLK make lull load kW current 0 amps - I I 0.50 .. 0.75 I ; 1:00 , I 1.5 i 2.0 I 3.0 I 4.0 5.0 I 0.0 i 7.5 . I 10.0 II 12,5 15.0 I 17.5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 75 90 .J ! 1 CI(~" 1.5 2.25 3.0 3.75 ': amps' 9 11 14 18 21 24 28 35 40 7.5 8.3 11 13 15 18.5 22 30 33.5 37.5 45 56 67.5 112 150 170 I Elf 100 120 135 200 275 300 .. .... . .. I I I 47 55 60 66 1-1.6 ! 1.5-·2.6 : 1.5-2.5 2.5-4.0 2.5-4.0 . 4.0-6.5 I " I 4.0-6.5 " 6.0-·10 " 6--10 9-14 .' 'ML 1 10-16 ML2 13-21 ML2 20-32 ML2 20-·32 20-32 ML.2 I ML3 28-42 ML:1 28··42 MK3.ML4 45-70 45-70 .' j 45--70 ML8 60-100 ML8 60-100 ML8 60-100 ML8 90.-150 ML 12 120-200 ML12 180-300 ML 12 180-300 ML 12 180·-300 MKLMLO 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.6 3.5 5.0 6.2 7.5 4,5 .. - . I, I I I I b. BG .. Typical ba'ck up Hf1C fuse _._------ Typical caole size. AI sq. mm j 5.5 .75 " 150 200 225 . Relay scale ; 0.40 0.55 0.75 1 .1 , 26 II II . 6 6 10 10 15 20 20 25 25 25 35 50 50 63 63 80 100 125 125 .160 160 160 200 250 250 350 500 600 1.51 2.5 . " " ""i'. .2.5 2.5 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 16 , 25 25 25 35 35 50 70 95 95 185 300/400 300/400 Ii 'Tubla 71 Selection table for Starter/Relay/Fuse/C,able for star delta motors Used I 2 E-g c .,; I H.P.' kW _ _.L;,_ _ _ _ 011 3 philse. 41 5V. 50Hz system Phase "g 0 "t: EI current c.. :; B ~ amps. = Star Delta ~~____ I~f~__ starter contractor L1. LK make ___ ...._. . . 2.25 3 3.75 5 5.5 7.5 7.5 10.0 12.5 . 9,3 11 15 20 : 15 25 . 18.5 22 30 , 26 35 : 40 ; 30. 46 33.5 60 37 60 45 48.5 65 70 52 75 56 67.5 90 75 100 90' 125 112 150 132 175 200 150 175 240 187.5 260 275 204 300 225 400 300 I i 5 7.5 11 14 18 21 28 35 40 47 55 60 66 80 87 94 100 ': 20 135 165 200 230 275 320 323 360 385 500 MVl .. 2.88 4.32 6.34 8.10 10,02 12.10 1600 20:20 23.00 27.00 30.30 34.6 35.0 46 50 54 07.5 69 78 95 1.15 133 159 184.5 185 206 I 222 i 390 ! I ---'-----"-------.. _.....--_. Relay Scale MK1/MLl MLl MLl ML2 .. M'l.3 .' .. MK3/ML4 .. rviL8 " " .' M'L 12 .. .. " .. .. __ .... . I , I Typical Typical cable Backup size HRC. ---,.-~fuse ~: SLJPP.IY ,t.-totar (amps) ---·---1------·--\- 2.5-4 \ 4-6 I 6-10 6-10 9-14 .10--160 I 10-16 i 20-32 I 20-32 i 20-32 I 28-42 i 28-42 28-42 30-45 45-70 45-70 45-70 60-100 60-100 '60-100 90-150 90-150 120-200 120-200 120-200 180-300 180-300 180-300 sid.; I 1 ;Ide - 10· 11.5,2.5. 1.5 '2.5 20 1.52.5 1.52.5 25' 2.5 1.5/2.5 25 4 1.5;2.5 35 4 . 2.5 50 6 2.5 63 10 4 63 ! 16· 6 100 16 6 100 25 10 100 25 16 125 35 16 125 35 16 125 50 25 160 70 35 160 70 35 160 70 35 200 .95 50 .200 95 50 250 120 70 250 185 70 300 225 120 350 300:400 150 400 300;'400 185 400 400 185 400 600 185 500 600 225 700 625 )00;400 I I ---_ ..-. -..... ----- ... __.. _.._----_.............. _...- , 87 Tabl.72 Recommended capaoitor ratings For direct connection to· induction motors ., " to improve power foctor to 0.95 or better at all loads kVAr rating when motor speed is Motor' H.P. ! .2.5 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 ., r .. 0 '80 J 85 190 200 21)0 3000 rpm 1 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 40 45 I 1500 rpm 1 2 3 4 G ., G 8 10 12.5 14.5 16.5 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 J8 39 40 40 42 50 1000 rpm 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 6 7 9 10 13 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 43 45 55 - 750 rpm ! I I,, i 2 3.5 4.5 55 7:5 9 10.5 12 15 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 .17 60 500 rpm 2.5 4 5.5 6.5 9 12 14.5 17 21 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 67 70 ( ·r,;---;----------,-----------·--·---"·-~--- ,'. Tabla 73 Sizes of capacitors in I<V Ar required for given degreo of pow or factor correction per kW of load Correction to Initial power factor 085 090 095 098 -.....,----.,------~-~.'-~ 1.112 . 1.066 1.024 0.980 0.939 0.899 0.860 0.822 0.,85 0.748 0.714 0.678 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.69 0'.70 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.83 0,84 . 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 q.S9 0.90 ~:~1 .93 , .. , . . .94. 0.95 0.96 '., 0.97 · 0.99.' . . ;.,! . 1.248 1.202 . 1.160 1.116 1.075 1.035 0.996 0.958 0.921 0.884 . 0.849 0.815 0.781 0.749 0.716 0685 0.G64 0.645 0.613 0.580 0.549 . 0.518 0.488 0.459 0.624 0.429 0.400 0.372 0.343 0.316 0.289 0.262 0.2.35 0.209 0.183 0.156 0.130 0.104 0.078 '0.052 . 0.026 -_. - - . i - - 0595 0.565 0.636 0.608 0.479 0.452 0.425 0.398 0.371 0.345 0.319 0.292 0.266 0.240 0. 214 0.188 0.162 0.136 0.109 0.083 "0.054 0.028 ---- 1.403 1.357 . 1.315 1.271 . 1.230 1.190 1.151 1.113 1.076 1.039 1.005 0.970 0.936 0.904 0.871 0.840 0.809 0.779 0.750 0. 720 0.691 0.663 0.634 0.607 0.680 ·0.553 0.526 0.500 0.473 0.447 0.421 0.395 0.369 0.343 0.317 0.291 0.264 0.238 0.209 0.183 0.155 0.124 0.097 0.066 0.034 - -- .- '- 1.529 1.483 1.441 1.397 1.356 1.316 1.277 1.:<39 1.202 1.165 1.131 1.096 1.062 . 1.030 0.997 0.966 0.935 0.905 0.876 0.840 0.811 0.783 0.754 0.727 0.700 0.673 0.652 0.620 . 0.594 0.567 0.541 0.515 0.489 0.463 0.437 0.417 0.390 0.364 0.335 0.309· 0.281 0.250 0.223 0.192 0.160 0.126 0.089 0.047 - - I . . 0 . ..1-.-.-'-- 1.732 1.685 1.644 1.600 1.559 1.519 . .1.486 1.442 1.405 1.368 1.334 1.·259 1.2[,5 '1.233 1.~OO 1.169 1.138 j.108 1.079 1.049 1.020 0.992 0.963 0.936 D.DOI) 0.S3? 0.855 0.829 0.803 0.776 0.7bO 0.724 0.698 0.672 0.645 0.620 0.593 0.567 0.538 0.512 0.484 0.453. 0.426 0.395 0.363 0.329 0.292 0.250 0.203 0.143 sa , I I 10 lind the co!lJcitor rn1inu requirod to correct a IOiJd of 97 kWat 0.67 !lower faclor to 0:95 'power lac tor. Hequired kV Ar por kW (Vide· table) = 0,779 Total capacitor rating ~ 0.779X97 ~ 75.65 (or) 76 kVAr. Tobie 74 Current ratings For selection of proper size of paper insulated cables the recommended current rJtings ':He b;)!';.c:d on specific conditions of installation (normal· conditions) as follows: (a) . (b) (c) . ,. Max. Conductor temperature; Ground temperature: 70' 30' C ;'.mbient air temperature; 40"C 150' C cmiw (d) Thermal resistivity of ·soil: ( e) Max. conductor temp"rature for 11 kV. 22kV and '33kV: .( f) Standard depth of laying to highest point of cables laid dilOct in grourd for11 kV: 90cm for 22 and 33 kV: 105 ern 65' C I, ' (1) (2) Screened construction (H) type: insulation and screen. in which ene core has its own Screened SL Construction (HSL typo) which in addition to possossing its .own insulation & Screen, also hlls a separate lead shcJth for each core as against a common lead sheDth in the other two types. Br:!1ed C,lble Concentric Cable A two. three or four COrO or multicore cable 'In which pi'lrt of tho insulntion is Jpplied to each conuuctor individuully nnd tho remainder is applied ovor th(~ assembled cores. A caule containing two or more separJte conductors, .arranged concentrically with insulation between them. Unless othorwiso qU::lliliud lilt] ll~rr.Tl dUllotcs CI cable consisting of two COllductOlS 01111'. ContrOl Cable An auxiliary cuble used for meDsuring, control,' protection and communication circuits. Flexible Trailing Coble Cable intended for use wilh hand-held portable machines such as drills and pricks for application in" rnines. Pilot Cable Auxiliary cDble used for communication circuits. Sere.' -,as usea for ElectricDl Supply): A cable in which the insulation of each conductors is separately enclosed in D conducting layer in order to ensure a radial electric field surrounding the conductor II, • ,Cabl" rneDsurcment, control, Sflort firing Cable Cables used in firing explosive charges e!ectricf:llly, cl>.1loing A plaited protectj'/e coveting of <l protection c'lule . . 90 ,! I: I or ,','.- Table 79 CurreiH Rating & Constructional Details of .-. PVC !:--:sulatcd PVC Shealhc..c uni:Hrnol!red single core power cable 650,·11COV M!gd. to IS 1554 Part I (1976) of Cores Conductor (AI) nnd cross .section .. l nt\!"!lmum AC ThIck- Thick- f\·~ax. ness of ness of 0.0. PVC Insu- PVC outer lalian (Nom.) sheath ..",,-j-res No. mm mm mm kg.jkm ohmfkm ohmjkm 1 X4 1 1 1.3. 1 .8. 1.B 9.0 X6 9.5 1 X 10 1 1.8 10.5 89 100 120 7.39 4.91 2.94 8.879 5.899 3.532 1 ): 16 1 X 25 7 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.8 12.0 13.5 1 GO 210 1 X 35 6 6 1.5 1.8 14.5 255 1.87 1.18 0.851 1 X 50 1 X 70 1 X 95 6 15 15 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 15.5 17.5 305 385 495 0.628 0.435 0.313 No. arc-a , ..... f~u. of Approx. net wt. Max D.C. res is- of resistance tance Approx. reactance at ope.,. at 50 Hz Ccbfe at 20"C' (NO;-R} rating tef\1p, 70'C '"'"' j 1.3 1.3 ~. '. ;4, 19:5 Current rating Direct in ground amp In air amp 2 3 2 cables caoJes cables 0.145 0.135 0.; 26 36 44 59 31 39 '51 32 41 2.247 1.418 1.022 0.122 0.102 0.099 75 97 120 86 0.755 0.523 0.376 0.094 0.088 0.088 145 170 205 ohm/km 66 c, 56 72 100 99 120 1( 120 140 175 150 185' 215 1 1 1 Current Rating & Constructional Dotails of 22kV Paper lilSliluted Cables Typo ARLSTS·I.S 692-1973 No. 01 cores and crosssectional area Min. No. of wires per Condo ( AI.) over· all No. mm sq. mm Max. Min. bending radius Dia. cm Approx.. .l nell weight of cable ! < Currant Rating in ( ) amp •. C. Direct in ground In Air !. amp k9. km amp ... -------.--..-.-- -----.--------.. - - - - - 7 - - - 12.7 Z2 kv (E) I HSL TYPE 3 X 3 X 3 X ·r 25 rm'v 35 rrll v 50 rm v 3 X 7,) rm v 3 X ~'6,Hll v 3X120rmv 3 X 150 rm v 3X1C5rmv 3 X 225 rm;v ~) ~~ .~ X ?ft() f :W(j ';' .'t: .~ -'~ ..: 7<, I (I ' ;: .~; 6 64 15 15 15 68 76 15 30 83 30 87 72 79 89 . 94 30 53 (i 102 I I .! ; '.' " !J(! Tn, 3X '70'rrnv 3 X ;",5 ~r.l 3X120sr11 15 15 15 3 X 150 '; n1 ~! 58 61 30 (Iii v /,'Ii'!J X ;,1£<)' (fif 6 6 X 1:'.~(:. 15 ;:r:\·- 30 <':1"1 30 3 X 2"40 sm 3 X 300 srn 3 X 400 sm 30 30 53 :.3 X 2:.:::: I 6430 7160 7710 102 108 114 8740 9970 10880 119 1.25 131 11630 12950 14120 190 220 240 134 141 j 53 14850 163,,0 18980 250 105 72 88 105 '. 72 I 88 105 130 155 170 130 160 180 210 245 275 275 285 320 310 380 72 88 72 ~) (j 8.1 50 62 89 93 6580 7260 8010 65 98 99 104 8980 9110 10260 130 155 170 130 108 i 13 119 11040 12140 13370 190 220 210 240 275 120 128 . 137 14020 15620 18020 250 275 310 320 . 380 66 69 , 87 92 96 72 75 i 79 II 80 i 85 I, 91 88 , 105 160 180 245 285 I' ~.---.-.~--.--.--.------.----...:------...:..-'--- 92 II IIII " , ". " ' Table 77 Current Rating & Constructional Dotails of 33 kv Paper Insulated Cables Type APLSTS-IS 592-1973 No_ 01 cores and crosssectional area. Min, No. 01 : wrres: per Condo I: (AI,) . sci! mm ---+1 N0, ~-------,--,- Ii 19'33 kV (E) HSL TYPE 70 rm, v 3 X 95 rm!v 3 X 120 rm;v I Max. over- all Min. bending radius Approx. nett weight of cable em kgjkm Dia. mm Current Rating in _ _..::"!I'P (?.~)_ _ _ Direct in , In Air ground /1' ! , 15 15 15 3 X [ ! I I 156 1 60 168 11070 11 670 12990 130! 1 55 170 85 89 94 170 178 188 13320 14320 15920 190 220 240 275 53 95 100 108 190 200 216 16310 18330 21070 245 270 310 , 285 320 380 3 X 70 rmv 3 X ,95 Gm 3 X 120 sm 15 15 15 75 74 77 150 148 154 11770 ,11490, 12540 130 165 170 135 160 180 3 X 150 Sm 3 X 185 sm 3 X 225 Sm 30 30 15 78 81 85 166 162 170 12850 ' 14030 16340. 190 220 240 210 240 275 30 30 87 91 97 174 182 194 16040 17470 19990 ,245 270 '310 285 320 380 ' I 3 X 150' rmiv 3 X 185 rm!v 3 X 225 rm}v 30 3 X 240 rmiv 3 X 300 rm/v 3 X 400 rmiv 30 30 15 30 i i 3 80 84 amp i Iii' , I amp ..- ..-.------ -------'--_ _,.-_________ _ ; I 135 , . 50 i80 210 . '.J 19:33 kV (E) H TYPE 3 X 240 sm 3 X 300 sm 3 X ,:JO sm I i 0 53 I . ',' .,- 93 Table 78 Grouping Factors and Rating Factors for Temperature Rating Factors for Ground T €mperi'llure' C Ratinn Vari~Ition zo in Ground Temperature 25 30 1.'3. 1.07 1.00 1'5 35 40 Rating Factors for Variation in Ambient Air Temperature Air Temperatur~ '·C 45 ~;;ctor (11kV.22"V 1.20 25 30 35 4() 1.30 1.21 1,10 1.00 Rating factor 0.93 0.85 0.76 (11 kV; 22 kV and 33 kV) ilnd 33 kV) <: 0.: G:uL:P Rating Factors for Cnbles laid direct in Ground in Horizo:ltal Formation ."'" 33 kV 11 kV and 22 kV No. of cables ill group , TOUChing . !; 15 em. ' '-.-.--~------ . I Spac(~ .:11 30cm. 45 em. 60 em. Touching Space at 15 em. 30 em. 45 em. 0.86 0.76 0.72 0.68 0.65 0.63 0.62 0.60 0.59 ' 0.58 0.57 0.88 0.80 0.76 0.72 0.70 0.68 0.67 0,66 0.65 0.65 0.64 . 60 en 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.79 0.69 0.62 0.58 0.54 0.52 0.50 OA7 to 0.46 i1. 12 0.45 0.44 0.82 0.75 0.6~ O.Ge 0.61 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.87 0.79 0.74 0.72 0.69 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.63 0.63 0.62 0.90 0.33 0.79 .0.76 0.15 0.73 0.72 0.71 0.70 0.69 0.68 0.91 0.86 I 0.90 0.69 0.63 0.58 0.55 0.52 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.45 044 .0.82 0.80 0.78 0.77 0.76 . 0.75 0.74 0.74 0.73 ; I . 0.83 0.72 0.66 0.62 0.59 0.55 0.54 0.52 0.51 0.50 0.49 0.90 0.83 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.73 . 0.72 0.71 0.70 0.70 0.69 .. . " ,f•." . . -: ;-" ~ .. ' Toble.79 (Conld.) No. of Max D.C. Condu· ctor (AI) Thick· Thick· Max. Approx. ness of ness of 0.0. net wt. PVC PVC of resis- tance sectional Minimum outer No,'of wires Cable area lnsulation sheath tance at 20"C (Nom.) (Nom.) at operating temp. mm mm ohm/km ohm]km 0.248 0.202 . 0.1'61 0.299 0.243 0.195 0.085 0.085 0.083 230 265 300 Cores and cross AC Approx. res is- reactance at 50 .Hz ·70"C No. : mm kg.Jkm ohmtkm Current rating Direct in ground tn air amp amp 2 cables .3 cables 2 cables cables 195 220 240 240 270 305 210 250 290 325 335 370 260 270 295 340 350 395 325 335 380 .3 c '. 1 X·120 ·1 X 150 . ~, .. - ···1 X 185 15 15 30 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 21.5 23.5 25.5 600 720 1 X 225 1 X 240 1 X 300 30 30 30 2.2 2.2 2-4 2.0 2.0 2.2 28.0 28.5 32.0 1040 1090 1350 0.131 0.159 0.122 0.149 0.0976 0.120 0.082 0.082 0.080 1 X 400 1 X 500. 1 X 630 53 53 91 2.6 3.0 3.4 2.2 2.2. 2.4 36.0 40.0 46.0 1690 2090 2730 0.0763 '0.0605 0.0469 0.0946 0.0767 0.0613 0.079 0.079 0.079 410 435 485 325 345 390 455 490 560 435 480 550 1 X 800 1 X 1000 91 91 3.4 3.4 2.6 2.8 51.0 57.0 3370 4110 0.0367 0.0291 0.050 0.042 0.077 0.075 530 580 440 490 6<10 740 600 720 860 ~ 'i_~ .~ _~,~ C¥.lLeL .~};! iiSiIliHlE<';e<Ot t.. hZ c. _~.""".n:_ ....................... ~ ____ ~T_~~ _ _ Curront rating & constructional details of PVC insulated PVC sheathed armoured twin and multicore power cable with Aluminium conductor type AYWY and AYFY 650j1100V (AI) '.J T,pe N" of cOles .1 d (;toss s'~c!;:~1"1 ar'JlI Conductor; (AI) ,Max O.D Minimum! No. of I I App/ox nett 01 WI. c a bl" Max, D.C. resistanc~ at 20"'C .-- Sq,mrn _.<..>. "'l AYWY /\ y FY •I· ;) " 2x2.5 2x4 . 2x6 2xl0 "0. 2.•. 25 ::;.,:.W 2x50 3xT'5--AYWY 3x2.5 3x4 3'x6 jxlU·-···· 3.16 3<25 31.35 3x50 3x70 3x95 3x120 3x150 3x·,: 85 3x225 AYFY "~' ,1."{'/IY ,t. . lF"( 3x240 3x3CO : ~400 ".: ~.-.:2r) Hi 3.1>3516 3i xsO,25 3.\x70 35 " ,95 50 3}x120 70 3jx150'iO 3j,18595 3lx225 120 31,240120 3 ;x300 1,,0 3!.40,1185 1 1 1 7 6 6 6 15 15 15 15 30 3.0 30 ·30' 53 G G 6 15 15 15 15 30. 30 30 30 53 4xT~~r--'"-- 4x2.5 4x4 4:-6-·---4r.l J 4xlG 4x25 4x3!3 4x50 1 1 1 1 7 6 6 6 t.!lnC8 (It cpeialinu, reaCtanco temp. i al 50 Hz. ohm:km mm 1 1 1 1 .1 1 ApptOx.~ APPIOX'I Capaci. AC tosis· 70';C! WHes 15.0 1f3.O 17.5 18.5 20.5 ·100 460 530 600 730 20.0 12.0 7.54 5.01 3.00 1.91 1.20 ·0.868 24.0 14.4 9.06 6.02 360 ; ohm 'km UflCO I 0.239 0.229 0.223 0.207 0.198 pO' phase F 'km 18 25 32 40 55 0.165 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.25 -rO O. ,76 0.173 1170 0.173 1,190 -425I -0-:-'-'-9· 14.4 490 I 12.0 , 0.115 0.112 9.06 580 i 7.54 0.104 650 , 5.01 _6~Q.2~ 0:495·'-3.003.6u 50 0.090 0.56 2.29 870 1.91 0.088 0.62 1.44 840 1.20 23.5 0.086 0.66 1.04 990 25.5 0.868 0.086 0.70 0.770 1230 0.641 29.0 0.083 0.73 1560 0,443. 0.532 33.0 0.083 0.76 2000 i 0.320. 0.384 37.0 0.082 0.78 0.306 2280 0.253 40.0. 0.082 0.795 44.0 2750 0.249 0.206 0.082 0.81 0.199 49.0 3320 0:164 3980 0.163 . 0.082 0.815 540 0.134 0.152 . 0.079 I 0.82 56,0 4190 0.125 62.0 5080 0'100 0.123 0.0791 0.825 0.098 . 0.079 0.83 68.0 6280 0.078 0.094 ; 0.62 1 .4.\ %0 1.20 2'3.0 U.OQ3 I O.GG 1.04 28:5 1150 i 0.868 32.0 1430 0.641 0.770 0.0931 0.70 35.0 1760 0.443 0.532 ; 0.090 0.73 40.0 2250 0.384 0.320 O.O~O 0.?6 0·0:.8, 0.78 43.0 2700 ! 0.253 0.305 48.0 3170 0.249 0.200 0.083 0.795 . 3790 0.164 . ' 0.199 0.088 .0.81 52.0 4600 0.134 0.163 0.088 0815 58.0 4880 0.152 ! 0.085 0.82 0.125 61.0 0.123 . .0.085 0.825 5860 I 0.100 66.0 7270 ; 0.078 0.098 0.085 0.88 i I 17.5 19.5 21.5 28:5 26.0 28.5 33.0 f --'4-tl6-""["20.0-/24:0· o. 550 I 12.0 114.4 640 I 7.54"/ 9.0G "6OO-j-5,C')l·- 6.02 730 I 3.00 3.60 990 i 1.91 2.29 1,44 1010 I 1.20 1210 1,04 0.8G8 1650 0.641 0.770 0.123 :i !, i' 90 110 135 60 76 92 110 135 165 185 210 235 265 275 305 335 76 92 110 135 165 185 210 235 265 275 305 335 , -' . . 1 ." . ~. Table 81 Current Rating & Constructional Details of PVC Insulated Sheathed Armoured Control Cables with Copper Conductor, Type YWY and YFY 650/1100V .! TYPli i No. of Cores end ,i .. CtOSlI Approx nB11 WI. MilJl:, 0,0. sectional· 01 afC a cable rnnl kg,/km. mm YWY 2Xl.5 15.0 3Xl.5 15.5 4Xl.5 16.5 5Xl.5 17.0 6Xl.5 18.0 _ _ _ I ___7_XL_5_~18.0 YWY 10Xl.5 20.5 12X1.519.5 14Xl.5 .21.0 16X1.5 21.5 19X1.5 22.5 24Xl.5 26.5 27Xl.5 26.0 30X1.5 27.0 37X1.5 29.0 44Xl.5 33.0 62X1.5 34.0 I. ohm{k>ll 41512.1 450.12.1 495 12.1 560 12.1 620 12.1 .630 12.1 I I AC 710 640 730 780 880 1060' 1160 1230 1.420 1670 1920 12.1 12.1 12.1 12 ..1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 640 610 680 780 7.28 7.28 7.28 7.28 I fatjng 17.0 17.5 19.0 '20.5 12X2.5 14X2.5 16X2.5 19X2.5 24X2.5 27X2.5 30X2.5 37X2.5 22.5 23.5 24.5 25.5 29.5 r i APprox,! CUftf!nl I 50Hz Icmr. 70' C ,two adJacont r.oros ot1m!~rn oh", 'I.m . F I~m 14.50.2390.1 14.5 0.239 0.1 14.5 0.239 0.1 14.5 0,239 0.1 14.5 0.239 0.1 _14._5_,_0_.2_3~ _ 0.1 i 14.50.239 14.5 0.239 14.5 0'.239 14.5' 0.239 14.5 0.239 14.5 0.239 14.5 0.2391 14.5 0.239 I 14.5 0.239 14.5 0.239 I 14.5· 0.239 I 6::::: ~::: 2::: :~~: 1::~1 3X2.5 4X2.5 5X2.5 6X2.5 Appro)! fe8.Slz~ca :r~$;s[anco reaClllnce Capeci. '''[11'19 at 20', C ! ill ope· ill . lanco for , ___ ..._ .•. __ I Sq YFY i MlI,x D.C,] 8.71 8.71 8.71 8.71 ::::: 0.229 0.229 0.229 - 0.1 0.1 0'1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 I ::: I D~reci In "fl~()'" .""1> : M'lp 23 21 21. 16 . 1.5' _..1~ __ . 20 17 17 14 13 13.. 12 1 11 12 10 11110 11 9 10. 9 9 I 8 9 8 9 7 8 I 7 7 1 6 7 '. , 6 i,' I '-;;-1-2;' 1 0.1 1 0.1 '\ 0.1 0.1, 0.229 o. In air 27 27 23 21 24 24 \' 19 . 18 --~, -,-~Qt;--- ~;~~"':~C-.I_":;~~~~~_I_:"·;';:~~~~-I--,;~j+- -Zj}} -g:~ I-~~;n YFY 30.0 32.0 34.0 44X2.53B.O 52X2.5 61 X2.5 39 ..0 42 ..0 8707.28 970 7.28 10507.28 118.0 7.28 1460 7.28 1560 7.28 1720 7.2B 2.010 7.28 2360 7.28 2670 7.28 3040 7.28 '. . I 99 8.710.229 17 14 16 13 15 13 14 12 13 11 0.1 12" 10 0.1 12 i 10 0.1 111 9 0.1 10 9 0.1 10 8 0.1' 9 8 0.1 8.71 0.229 0.1 8.710.2290.1 8.710.229 0.1 8.71 0.229 0.1 B.71 B.71 B.71 8.71 8.71 8.71 0.229 I 0.2291 .0.229 0.229 0.229 'j .0.229 I II i ,, Rating Facto,. for Groups of Twin and Multi·core Cables laid in " Ground .in Horizontal. Formation No. 01 Cables ------- t_____.... I TouChin g "/ --.. - . 2 3 4 6 8 0.79 0.69 0.62 . 0.54 0.50 Rating Factor for Axial Spacing 15 ern 30 cm 0.82 0.75 0.69 0.61 0.57 0.87 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.66 45 cm·--;-I.-·-6-0-c-m--0.91 0.86 0.82 078 0.76 0.90 0.83 0.79 0.75 0.72 Rating Factor. for Groups of Twin and Multi·core Cables laid Diroct in Ground in Tire Formation Rating Factor Axial Spacing No. of Cables -----~----~~----~-----~.--- Touching I 0.60 0.51 0.45 I I 15 cm 30 cm I 45 cm I 60 cm .-.---..-.... -----+-----'--+-------c--'.----!-----r---4 6 8 I I I 0.67 0.57 0.51 . 0.73 0.63 0.57 l 0.76 0.67 0.59 0.78 0.69 0.61 Group Hating Factor. lor Circuits of Two Single Core Cables. Side by Side and Touching. Horizontal Formation; laid Direct in Ground No. of Circuits 2 3 4 6 8 Spacing (Between Centres of Circuits) 1_, I Touching 15 em 30 em 45 cln 60 crn 0.79 0.69 0.64 0.86 0.78 0.73 0.G7 0.65 0.91 0.84 0.81 0.77 0.75 0.93 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.82 0.95 0.91 0.88 . 0.87 0.86 0.56 0.51 Ground Rating Factors for Circuits 01 Three Single· Core Cables in Trefoil and Touching, Horizontal Formation, laid Direct in Ground Spacing (Between Centres of Circuits) No. of Circuits - ... . 2 3 4 6 8 Touching 15 cm 0.78 0.68 0.61 0.53 0.48 0.71 0.65 0.58' 0.54 I 30 em lfT~I . 0.77 0.72 0.66 0.62 I 45 crn 0.88 0.81 0.76 0.71 0.67 60 cm .1 0.90 0.83 0.79 0.76 0'72 - .- 100 '. Table 83 Rating Factors for Variation in Ambient Air/Ground Temperature Ambient Air/ Ground Temperature 25 30 35 40 45 1.26 1.16 1.09 1.00 0.09 1.06 1.00 0.9.4 0.87 0.70 20 15 "] ,II Air' Ground 1.12 1.17 NOTE: The curient ratings given In the tables 82 end 83 are based on the normal conditions of installation dascribed below. For other conditions. the corresponding rating facio.s are to bo applied: Maximum conductor temparature 70'C Ambient air temperatura • 40'C . Gro'und temperatura :' 30'C Depth of laying (for ceblos laid direct in ground) } 75 em (1.1 kV.) 90 em (3.3,6.6 kV.) Thermal resistivity of soil 150'C em/watt Thermal resistivity of the Cable 650"C em/watt Table 84 Ratings: & Constructions of Single Core Copper Conductor Welding Cables ,'Nominal Hand Welding c Nominal Area No. '& Dia of Wires OVBfall Dia 509/0.2 796/0.2 1114/0.2 , .1691/0.2 2228/0.2 10.0 11.2 12.5 14.0 15.8 18.7 ApprO)(. Wt. I k k sq. mm -+____________ T-____m_m__~--7_,----m-m------T_--~g!~-.-- ______ ur_re_n_t__ 16 25 35 50 70 , 95 "",,,·'f." I'> m -' 1344/0.3 101 2;'8 3~5 432 588 791 1089 . I. - Table 85 Maxiri'1Um permissible number of 250 V grude sinr;la-core 'cables that can he drawn into. rigid steel canduita sftCtional area Number and diameter in mm of will:;s Noimnal CrOss 1.5 Size of conduit in mm ' '16 (5/8") 119(3'4") 125.4 (1") 131.8(1:") 138. (11") 151 (2") 163,5 ( >5 7 5 113 10 20' 14' .c., 1}1.40 4 3 7 "112, 10 20 -. ~O ,1/2.24 1 , J .} l 7;0.85' J (7,1.06 lj3.55~ 10 '," I 6 I, 2 2 1 6 51 10 I .. 41 8 I 2 25 7/2.24 ,- 35 7/2.50 - S:.~ W. " ~. I I I 3 I 1<- -- 19;1.80 I I I ' 7/1.70 50 'I - I - 2 ' I 1 16 7!3.00~ - - - I !, II . I 5 7/1.40' ,,r" ..... './" 2 10 '50 S?:! ': •' 14 'I i 10 i 8 18. 12! --, -! i " " i " ,I I i ~!!' i 3 2 I' 4 ,j', 7 i 6 12' 1O! -! -.. 3 1;280 6 I SIB I 5 I 8 I S 1- 8 I S I 4 \,~. 4 S, I B- I SIB 5 '1 o ! i /U 2' 1 J.C \\ 2 . 5 , .. ' { 3 •• ,06 I tv I B I -I - - - ! - -- 4 3 3 2 - - - - - I 2 I - 1- - - - - - -- - 6 -- - - --- - - ' 31 4" 2 I 1 _ 71-- - I - - I 8 6 I --- -- 5 5, -- 81 I ' - -- - - I , - 7 6 - - - - 5 4 8 6 9 7 4 3 7. 5 8 6 2 - ,5 4 6 6 2 - 5 4' 6 5 .. ~'.j :. , .' Table~85 Conrd. • For copper conductors only; + For aluminium conductors only. The table shows tho maximum cnpacityof condpits fpr !lig' sim,lltanPIll!§ !lr!!\'!. Ing·in of cablcs. The table applies 10 250-yoll grade cablos. The columns headed '5' apply to runs of conduit which have distaco not exceeding 4.25m between draw-In-box,es, and which do not deflect from tho .lr8Igh! by an nnolo of moro thnn 15'.. Th8 columns headed 'B' apply to run,s of condlilt which deflect from the .Imlght by an anille of more than 15'. Note: 1. ;i ji ~, In caso an inspection typo draw-in-box has boon provided and if .hO cablo is first drawn through one straight conduit, thon through the draw·ln·box, and then through the second straight conduit, such systems may be considered as that of a straight conduit even if the conduit deflects thiough the straight by more than 15°. , . Table 86 ..~, Maximum permissible number of 250 V grade Single-core cables that may be drawn into rigid non-metallic conduits Nominel ,~ Numbor and diameter in mm of wires CtOSS SOC~ tlonal"r .. I 25 , 13 1.5·' 1/1.40 4 6 10 1 3;1,06' j fi (7/1.40' 16 7!1,70 25 35 . . - 7/2.50 ' 50 ".', -. 713.00t, . 50 ,, 1911.80 20 - 14 ,-, • 51 I - j - .. - - 6 10 , - 14 - i 5 ,i ! 8 I I 11 ,i -- " - - -. - - -. - " I . - - - I - 4 7 9 __ I 2 4 5 12 2 2 6 - 2 - . - I 5 2 • 3 2' 3 • • For Copper conductors only; I ! .. 7/2,24 j 38 I 11 /3.55t } .. I 14 10 3 2 Y 7/1.06' J I I 32 , {1/280 i 5 3 2 24 . } 7.'0.85" ! I .; 1111.80 10 '. 19 7 6 , I 5 4 ; ; . 16 1/1.12' ( l ..;' 1 1.0 2.5 " Size of Conduit in mm t For Aluminium conductors only. 103 \ j " Int)lo~1 Conduit~ Tocl1nical Pilrticulars of Screwed typo rigid Steel Conduit 5:"1 SOBW throads bldck sto'.'o enamellediHot dirfled galval1iscd. Typo Till nod Prot(::ctivG cOillin~J ---'_. NO()1!/lal sizt: , -----Outside oia __ TtVe"d. details ! thickness Longth of i Pitch , f"l:.lximum r. . 1illirflurn scttJW I/lr~ads! ,",.,' I 16,0 19.0 19.0 25.4 :!5..4 31.8 3Ltl 38.0 51.0 IS.900 19.075 19.075 25.425 25.425 31.775 31.775 38.125 50.82.S G'J ,S G3.·G2G 70.275 10UJ50! 70.0 100.0 Wall I I nlm nun nlill I mm fllm! film I.G-~:~-r-l-~-~';;' 15.1306 18.763 18.763 25.113 25.113 31.463 31.'163 :37. 795 50.495 G3.1% 75.775 101.1S0 1.6 2.0 1.6 2,0 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 Weight --'-"-"::':58"-0-='-'--1-7"'0'-0696 1330 870 1100 9601000 1200 800 1210 800 1 51 2 650 1815 550 2710 360 3420 290 3900 250 5800 170 I I 2.0 1 he (""Utlil, will be weluc'd. :;od,cted at one end iJncl in Icnuth of 2.3 ~·;l:rc\.',p,! (,.po flVid :jtCtll (:!lfldlll( Col) U;.U. Screw lhrCilLl; l'il,h-1.5 rnrn Black stove enamelled HOI dipped galvaniscd. ! i :M Outsidt: (jj:, a-; In',:, ;;,1 Mi r;;"';J;',; I, , rnJll 1 f) 20 :>0 20 20 1 ') 7 .25 2b L5 32 32 32 40 50 63 ? ·~o 50 63 Approximate IErngth per tonne. W~iDllt gram:rnctre Illfll ....~.,,- 1(; .~ Length of screwed threads Willi thickness Inll), 1111J1 ._ 0 to 4.0 til 1" III! F'rotective canting ')( 111 'f hfl!~c.:l m grams/Jliotro 14.5! 1.588 14,5 11.588 17:5 1.588 17,5 1.588 19.0 1.588 19 0 1 .588 21.01.814 24 1.814 27 1 .81 ~ 27 1.814 30 1.814 2.0 2.0 A~flroxi· : mate iength par tonne. 1 C' 'I 1 I,U ~~', lli 2. () 1 . (j 24.0 31.1; 2.5 1 .0 2.0 2.0 2.0 '2.0 3t 6 39.6 49.5 " f.i~ ~.::> sao 12.5 15.0 15.0 1 9.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 22.0 22.0 (j m ---'----( 1700 1310 1080 1020 830 800. G50 500 370 735 916 935 1170 1215 1520 1910 2660 3340 ) " 295 ---_.--_._Nole: In case the wall tllickness diflers from the Table above, ,118 weight will be different, tile same may be calculi3ted from the following formula: I.lleight of the Conduit specified ,.... -.- .....---,...... ill Colurnn 6 . • ·.. ·--,-· ..... -- .... _·····--·X ActuiJl wall thickness of Co d 't VYo[[ thIckness of CondUit Sf.!C'cJfJ~U 111 Column 4 , The Conduits will be weldecl. sockt,'ted at one end ilnd ill lengtl, of 2.3·m to 104 n Ul ~.O til. *!llUlll!l9il~f.!H:l))lliffi'l"" !I Ii II Tobl.9a Aluminium Concluctors Steol Roll1forcod IlHlludltl(j Standard Sizes BS 215 Part 2 : 1070 Code Name mm . :~} MolQi Squirrel · Gopher Weasfl Fox' Ferret Rabbit · Mink Skunk Bonvor Horse Racoon Oltor Cot · Hare Dog :. Hyena - Leopard · Coyote Cougar Tiger 'Wolf · Lynx J_ ··Panther Lion _ Bear Goat Sheep An 101 opo ljiBon Deer 2ebra Elk Camel . Mooso Stranding & wire dig Stool Aluminium 6/1.50 6/2.11 6/2.36 6/2.59 6/2.79 6/3.00 .6/3.35 6/3.66 12/2.59 6/3.00 . 12/2.79 • 6/4.10 6/4.22 6/4.60 6/4.72 6/4.72 7/4.39 6/5.28 26/2.54. 18/3.05 30/2.36 30/2.59 18/3.35 30/2.79 18/3.61 30/3.00 30/3.18 30/3.35 30/3.71 30/3.99 64/2.97 64/3.00 18/3.86 . 30/427 64/3.18 30/4.60 54/3.35 64/3.53 . ." mm 1/1.60 1/2.11 1/2.36 1/2.59 1)2.79 1/3.00 1/3.35 1/3.66 7/2.69 1/3.09 . 7/2.70 1/4.10 1/4.22 1./4.60 1/4:72 7/1.57 7/1.93 7/1.75 7/1.91 1/3.05 7/2.36 7/2.69 1/3.36 7/2.79 1/3.61 7/3.00 7/3.18 ·7/3.35 7/3.71 7/3.99 7/2.97 7/3.00 . "1/3.86· 7/4.27 7/3.18 7/4.50' 7/3.34 7/3.53 Current rating Weight kg:km 1 emperato Tropiclli arnp amp 43 85 106 128 149 172 214 255 465 302 538 67 109 126 134 147 161 185 174 246 193 266 231 240 248 273 278 287 316 311 314 323 320 339 386 425 394 450 492 522 419 602 726 506 842 587 974 1095 1213 1489 1718 1 411 1444 671 1971 1621 2190 1797 1999 55 69 77 84 93 98 112 103 139 110 148 131 137 145 151 153 155 167 164 168 164 162 179 355 349 386 383 421 448 481 542 592 588 178 205 191 195 198 200 197 208 208 197 186 202 165 192 176 595 415 639 635 679 677 763 iho ratings aro based on the following conditions: 1emperate iropical Total Area = Wind Speed Ambient (cross wind) temperaturo 0.447 m/s 20°C . 36°C '0.441 m/s 0.78'04 X d' X No. of Strands. 105 Intensity cif Temperature solar radiation iis~ 850 W/m' 1200 W/m' 3j:)"C 20°C r. ,. I1 All Aluminium Stranded Conductors' Including Stiuidar<L'., .. . 1 ! 1970.: , ISI'os from as 216. Part '. . " .. ' .. ' i Sl!alldillU wi~o (j di.:aTlO(Ol mill . Woight Approxjmate OVOfill1 dill mrn 'Cullont rallng 1ompofiitB---:T':':ro:":p!Tl:!lcO"-'I-- ku{km amp 64 73 73 86 101 117 145 174 202 215 230 262 290 293 :lG 1 432 434 512 587 652 731 888 1027 1029 1179 1145 1342 1460 1733 2191 114 139 124 147 144 159 181 199 219 227 238 256 271 274 308 342 amp .; I :", Midge rqihis G'ni.ll Weovil Mosquito Ladybird . Anl Fly 81uobotlle F,iHwlg (Tt(jsShUr)~H}'r el~Hjv V1il'>t:l fhnJf-iq /J btl Crl~t;!:t Horrwi Cntarr ill ,,, Chaler Spider Coc:uoach Butterlly Moth Drone l.oeUSl Centipede Maybug ScOrpjrf Cicada TilfulltlJl.J 7/2.06 3/3.35 7,2.21 3/3.66 7{2.59 7{2.79 7{3.1 0 7{3.40 '. 7}3.66 7{3.78 713.91 7/4.11 1/4.39 1912.07 7{4.00 7;5.36 19;3.25 1 \)'3.5.3 1913.78 19,3.99 19.'4.22 1914.65 19{5,OO )7;3,58 19{5.36 37{3.78 37/4.09 37(4.27 3714.65 37i 5.23 6.2 7.2 6.6 7.9 7.8 8.4 9.3 10.2 11.0 11.4 11 .7 12.5 13.2 13.4 14.7 1 6.1 16.3 17.7 18.9 20.0 21.1 23.3 25.0 25.1 26.8 26.5 28.6 29.9 32.6 36.6 I •• 3~6 380 414 439 470 528 572 572 626 619 676 710 784 899 72. \i~:/.~"'· 8,7 7'f3 Q5 93 101 11.2 124 132 136 .141 150 168 172 175 189 190 204 . 215 224 .232 247 .256 257 263 262 268 269 266 241 I 1 he f<'ltin£IS iJre basod on the followi~lg conditions: _.- Wind. Speed (cross wind) Arnbj~nt . ternpeta_ture Intensity of solar radiation Tomperature rise· . i··' Tem:Jcr,atc Trop1cal 0.447 mis 0.447 m,s 20C 35 C 850 W;m' 120 W'm'! 30'C 20'C ',1 Towl Area" 0.7854 X d' X No. of Srro;'c!s. 106 ".1 ,. I' " J;. ' :1 ['~-----'-'----·,","",~,l~~\\1'\1$IIlI~ml'_l\l,j¥j_M" , :1 ~~ :1 - .; " Tabla 90 ,I ;1"j Characteristics of conductor materials " , Annaalad Coppor D~scription : ,I condJ,tiVlty pertbnt vo'~rrib resistivity at -1, , 20'Q, I • Micro nhm·cu.inch Mass iosistlvity at 20rc ohm·glm, . ohm·lblmllo Cadmium Copper Hard drawn Cop par 100 97 (avoraoo) 0.017241' (standard) 0.01771" (average) 0.67879 0.69712 I . Aluminium hard drawn Steel (Go'ivailised) --~, r 79.2 (minimum) 61 (minimum) 0.021769 (maximum) 0.028264 (maximum) 0.85705 1.1128 .. "- I 0.15328 876.20 0,16741 608.83 0.'10472 111 I .9 0.078308 436.23 --- Resistance ilt lO"C ohm-sq.inch/mi 10 .ohm-sq,lnchll 000 It ohm· ' 0.043008 0.0081456 17.242 0.04417 0.0083655 17.71 0.054302 0.010285 2 t .769 0.070504 ,0.013353 28.264 -- Don81ty ot 20'C o/cll.c01, 8.80 ' 8.88 8.046 2:703 Weight Ib/sq.inch/1000 ft g/ 3854.1 8.89 . 3854.1 8.89 3877 .9 8.945 1171.8 2.703 . - - .7,78 • 3308.3 7,84 c· Tompori1tLJro co. ulfh;Jullt of luuln- tanc," at 20"C por'C 0.00393 0.00381 0'0031 17X10-' 9.44Xl0- 0 17X10-" 9.44X10-1) 17X10-" 9,44X1 Qc" 0.00403 ---- Co-efficient of linear expansion at 20C o per °C per'F ..; .. Ultimate tensile stress (appro.ximately) , Ib/sq. Inch kg/sq. mm 36.0 25.3 60.0 , 42.2 , , 90.0 63.3 23X10-" 12.7-8X1 0"" 23.5 16.5 " , .' For calculation;. this value' has b'een,extended to 0.017241379 . ... : Assumed average ultimate . . I t . tens'il~ Sirenglh: 27 For conductors of covered cables this is the assumed standard value I !j , i . .. .... . I , ,. ;r tons/sq. inch ~ I ~~ •. ' i. 107 11.5X10--" 6.4X1 0"" 194.0 136.0 Conductor sizes for various lines (Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced \11 Aluminium Conductor)'; Conductor size Range (Equivalent area of Copper) - Lino Voltage Sq, inService Lines Lines cthr~r than Servico . I Linos lOWiVoltoue lines lines up_to 33 k, V, line, upto 66 k, V, Unes upto 132 k, V. lilies upto220 k, V, Sq, mm Min, - 0,01287 Min. - 0.02011 0.025 0.04 0.05 0.125 0_04 - 0.2 - 0.25 - 0.25 -0.'1-- 0.25 S. I -- :1 . 1.1 7,6 16 25 30 80 - 160 - 13 130 ' 160 160 260 260 Rec Table 9Z Fluoroscont Lnmp Data (E,L,M,A,) __ I 80 VI -_._-_. I 40 W ._---_.---._-----,.. I 40 W I 30 W 20W -I loW - - - - ---.----------- -. ---------1--' -60 48 24 I 23 36 18 1.50 1,50 1.50 1.50 I I 200,250 200,250 100 130:200!250 200/240 100/13 o 12 i - ;2 20 12 12 12 Lenqth, inches I DI~,rllcter, inches Supo1y voltage (A. C.), V. Loss. ill control gOtH, W. LUIHen output: Nt.r 100 hours 3,600 .Life aVIJwge 3,040 2560 0:5 0.85 Final P.F, of IJrnp and ballast wilh carJ.1citol CapClcitol. value, A\'..:rD~J!: lift! hr uF 7,5 3,000 2.000 1,720 1.440 4.5 0.85 3.25 2.500 760 620 540 0.5 0.85 3.L5 2,500 ! bi-pin I b. c. ~------.---"'.~""' I' 1,320 ,380 1,160 ! 1,200 1,000 1,050 0.5 0,5 0.85 0,85 7.5 3.25 2,500 2,500 , , -I - - - ....~~.,~...... 108 :j 510 420 375 0.5 0,85 3.25 2,500 - r·--------;-JJJ1I,~~!ii, 1. ii Tobin 93 Earthing Ready Reckonsr S. N~'I Weight of Conductor kgjm Description ," 2;, No, No. 12 3!: No. 8 4 No. 6 No, . 4 No, 2 1; 5 6 7 8 9' 10' 11 " 1 "j I, I' f 14 SWG 0,028 0,049 Wiro " " " 0,1155 " " " " " " 0,1668 0,243 0,344 ' ,, ./1, 0,670 1.715 2,680 19,30 38,60 25X3 mOl f Iat 32X6 ", 50X6 600X600X6 mOl thick plate GOOX600X12 n1m thick piate 0,0254 ' 0,043 0,0162 (6 sq, mm) 0,0270 (10 sq,rrim) 0,102 , 0.1465 0,224 0,300 0,0945 (35 sq: mm) 0,202 0,518 0.810 5,83 11,66 0,590 1,510 2,360 170 34,0 Recommended Eorth Ccnductors for Motors 1 2 .3 4 upto161-1,P, from 20 to 30 1-1, p, from 35 to 50 1-1. P. 12SWG 8SWG 4SWG 10 sq. mOl 35 sq. mm Abovo 50 1-1, p, 25X3 mm f Int 25X6 mm flo) 6 sq. mm 8SWG 4SWG 25X3 mm f1.1t 32X6 mOl Ii at 1 :f Galvallised oorth'ing details 1 .,.,1 j G. i. Cond, 'Sizo 114 SWG ,12 SWG 10 SWG 8 SWG 6SWG 4SWG 25X3 mOl flot , 32X6 mOl flat 50X6 mm flat' Area sq. mm 3,24 5,48 8,35 12,97 18,68 27,27 75,00 192,0 300.0 Non)inil! dia. mm 2,03 2,64 3,26 4,06 4,88 5,89 Approx Weight kg/m Approx resistance ohml m 0,026 0,044 0,067 0,104 0.150 0.218 0.600 0,536 2.400 0,0433 0,02565 0.0162 0,0106 0,00733 0.00505 0,0017 0,0007 0,00033 '\ 1i , : 109 " I I ulJlo :;'I~ \U) Light.output from olectric lamps Tungston-filament GOTlond Sorvico oloctric Inmps-(:;;)ocifiod in BSS 161) Nominal H<11ing Illitiul Out put AvorlllJO flux Quiput through lifo of lamp (Iurnons) v() I' 110 230 40 11.8 (12.4) 470 (495) 449 (465) 60 13.2 (13.8) 790 (830) 759 (775)' 75 14.1 (14.7) 1060 (1100) 1000 (1025) I O~....... _1-".:?_(~:~ _ _ _ .......:1.::.50::.cO'---'-'(1:..:4.::9.::.0)'--I_...:..:15:::0o.::0:......:(c.:..:146:::5~)_ _ ·10 GO 75 \ 00 150 200 300 600 750 1()OO 1GOO Tile 11\):':".'<; 8.5 10.0 10.8 12.0 j 3.9 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.0 18.9 (10.~) 340 600 810 1200 2090 2880 4690 9410 13500 18900 30100 (11.7) (12.4) (13.4) 20.1 (415) (700) (930) (1340~ 330 (3C9) 584 (GGG) (883) 785 1160 1970 2725 4430 7930 12740 17800 28360 i,' . -': ~. ','\ (1270) I, in hrllckets reler to Illmp.'> with coiled·coil lilJfllCnb Tobin 94 (b) Li(Jht output (rom Eloctric LnrJlP~ Eloc:tric Dischargo LUnlps (Spocifiod) Averill/t! nux Oll( pul throuUh lifo of lump(Lurnons) wutlagu eo 125 250 ,400 4Ci) F!uorf,'scent 38 42 36 45 4G 125 38 42 40U 38 45 6U 65 80 55.5 30-lQ 5250 9COO 18000 18000 3040 2240 37[;0 2000 3120 71.5 100 4 GO 11 7. '" 47000 'j I I 12·1tJO 2500 250 r 136CJO 5250 15200 3900 6080 25000 85 2240 3750 7250 13600 I 4850 I, ( 110 I - I. I I Tobie 94 (c) Light output from Elootrlc Lomps For !)ocorBtlvo All Covored FixtLII"8S 'I r I j Form of Distribution CUfve ._---! , \' 0.28 0.34 J I I ,II. . 28~. up H G 14~ down F I E D C B ! A 0,38 0.42 0.44 0.48 0.52 0.54 0,57 0.58 0.24 0.31 0.35 0.39 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.51 0.53 0.55 , i 0.22 0.29 0.33 0.36 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.48 0.52 0.53 0.25 ! 0.23 . 0.31 i 0.28 0.34 0.32 0.37 0,35 0,39 0.37 0.43 0.40 0.46 0.43 0.47 0.45 0.49 0.47 0.51 0.49 -,,-- -"'~.~.'""">'~ ''''. ... -.~ 0.21 i 0.21 0.19 0.27 I 0.26 0.25 I '0.30 0.29 0.28 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.35 0.34 0.32 0.38 0,36 0.35 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.43 0.40 0.39 0.46 0,42 0.41 0.47 0.42 \ 0;42 I (' Table 95 (a) Approximate Powor Consumption of Electrical Appliances Ketllcs' 028 Litro 275 W . 0.57 300··-400 W 1,13 " 450-660W 1.7 " 80 O·.c.. 1 000 W 2,3 to 3.4 ' 1000···,.1400 W CircuJ8tin9 walor hC[ 2···6 kW Chollf11l dish: 1.7 Litres 500 W 0.28 Litre 275 W 0.57 '" 400 W 1,13 " 550W Jugs 4.5 Lltro 9 " 13.6 " 18-27 " Urns 1000 W 1400 W 1500-1750 W 2000-2500 W Hot pinto, : 12.7 em Din 400 W ,,900 1000 W 1 7. B 20.3 ,,1300-1400 W 33-36 em. sq, • 1600 W Simrncring plates: Immersion heaters: 15,2 em Long 250-500 W 17,8" " 600-750 W 25.4" " 40,6" ,,1600-... 2000 W 760-1000 W 20.3 X 30.5 em 550-700 IN 61 X 30.5 " 1000-1200 W Dish nnd food wmnorl : 30.·5 X 30.5 em 160-170 vV 50.8 X 30,5 ern 250-300 W 76 X 38 ,,400-500 W Goysers: 109 145 182 273 363 Litrcs/h 01 38'C 3.0 kW 4.0 P.V 5.0 kW " 7.5 kW " 10.0 kW " Toasters: 1 Slice 350-550 W 3 Slices 1750W 5 Slices 2500 W 111 / I""h' rI.t; (d) Conrd. Vacuum cleaner: . Grills' 20.3X15.2cm 750-1000W 4G X 30.5 " 3000-4500 W . Usual Domestic High. Power Blowur: Hair Drier: Glue Pots: Ovcns : 36 X 30 X 31 em insido' 1.5 kIN 30X30X41 ,.1.5kIN JoX3!.iX41 •. 2kW " O./' 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 Irons (lilun;II,' 8 (<1iloriI'lO) : kg 250 W 280-300 IN 2.27 2.72 .. .. 350·-,,:iO W 1: 1 . Small mo.tors : Drilling 14 400--500 W 500··· (jao W 'r .' GOO·- 7 GO ltV cWO 1:50 W 9.1 GOO W l·--JkW E!e:cllic clcl!i(:s washer:. 2 BI:.iLr.i::t Size . 80ilinq tin1~ in rninu.tes ~2S0 'I/y mm 22 25 38 '. Small Bowl Medium & large 200 W ·300-600 W 0.57 Litro 1-.13 " 2.3 Soldl?f,inU irons 1.36 1 .81 Grindirig: 15.2 X 1.9 em 20.3 X 1.9 25.4 X 1.9 Tube cleaning: . .. 51 101 rnrn 1 4-~ Tubes kg kg " ,, Hole .. .." wheel 160 W 550 W 100 W 400 W 650 W 60 . 120 200 275 450 W 200-250 350--400 750 1500 W W W W W W W W 750 W 1250 W 2250 W 750 W 1750 W . 1 :r . '. " 1 -,.. ,/ r. -, rI ~ L il roS X 6800 '.... J (l t ( ~j , ", '. . ,,.!. :1 .' ;1 '12 . - !.! I i, Table 95 (b) 00 00 60 50 )0 )0 50 \. Approximate Connected Loads Of some important household appliances W W W W W W W J"W !O 10 '5 ;0 W ,. W W :0 W ,'0 W OW OW 'Electrlo Iron 400 -1000 W Immersion hoater 'Rapid action cooker Electric heater !Hair dryer 500 -1000 W i' 700 -1200 W 1000 -- 3000 W ·500 W . 60 W Heater pad Vncuum cleaner 150 - Cooker 1200 --1500 W Oven Sma!"1 kitchen range Large kitchen range Water heater " 700 --.1500 W 2200 - 3500 W 3700 -7300 W .1200 - 6000 W 300 W ~ashing machino Washing maclline with hoating OW PW a VI 300 W 6000 W ,Rofrlgerator rndl o I· ·tOO 200 W bO 100 W OW )W ., I C 113 ......... , ..... V I l I , . I I I ..... ~/,.IUIi I~UIIHHHS ASA DEVICE NUMBERS 'AND FUNCTIONS Dovico No. Function and Dofillilioll '. 1. M'lStor Elomont 2. Time delay starting or Glosing Relay 3. Checking or intorlocking rclay 4. Master Contractor o. Stopping Device 6. Siurting Circuit Breaker 7. Anode Circuit Breaker, O. CUlllfOr Powor Di5connccting Dovice 9. Hevtlrsing Dovice 1(), UnIt SQquenco Switch 11. n~sorved 12. Over speod Ooyico 13. 14. Synchronous spuod Dovlcc 15. Speod or Frequency Ma Iching Dovico: 10. Hu\,[j(\"'od (or ItlturtJ 1IppJiCdlir)(1 17. Shunting or Discharge swilch 18. Acco!erating or DeceI8(Jlifl(J Devico . 19. Sturtin(JMto·running TUlI1sition CUfltJctor 20. Elr:ctrically operated valve ror futuro application Under speed del/leo 21. Dlst.1f1ce rel.::Jy :!7. Equ;tlilOf Circlli! ~:i, TC'/!lpU/i:J{ure 24. He,orved for fuluro ilpplleDlivn 25. Sync.l1(Onol.fllg or synchronism ctH.!ck device 20. .A.ppa'iltus fhurfrlal Dl.''Iit..:o 27. UndLJrvoJtagu relJY' 28. RI.!sl)lvr~d for future i.lbplic(ltioll 1 nfl'llknl canllal dJ;',icfl 2S /sc.dJting COntJCIor 30. Annunciator Relay 31. SepJrale E~ciWlion Oevice 32. DlT,fJctional Power RelilY 33. Position Switc,h 1t 4 ,II' ,ii ,i Table 96 Conrd. - 34. Motor-operated sequence switch 35. Brush·operating or slip ring shor! circuiting device. 36. Polarity Device 37. Undercurrent or under power rclay 38. Bearing Protective Dovice 39. Rusorvud for future application 40. Field ReiDY 41. Field 42. 43. Circ~it Breaker Rut'!llinO Circuit BrolJkor ,MDl1lwl Trnnsfor or Seloctor DovicD .e~lJenco starting relay 44. Unit 45. Reserved for future application 46. Reserve·phase or phase balance current relay 47. Phase sequence volta(le relay 48. Incomplete sequenco relay 49. Machine ortransformer thermal rolay 60. InstnnlnnOol1s ovor-curront or Roto of riga rolay 51. AC Time Over·current Rolay 52. AC C·"Cl.lit Broekor 53. Exciter or DC Generator Relay 54. High speed DC Circuit Breaker 55. Power Factor Relay 56. 57. Field Application Relay . Short.circuiting -Of Grounqing Dovice 58. Power Rectifier Misfire Relay 59. Overvoltage Relay 60. Voltage Balance Relay 61. Current Balance Relay 62. Time delay Stopping or Opening Relay, 63. Liquid or Gas Pressure. Level, or Flow Relay 64. Ground Protoction RaIny 65. Govornor , 1.5 -, ' .' ."., . _ _ _ • ._.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ""'R _ _ _ _ __ Glj. Notching or joggin(1 devico li 7. t~C directional Overcurrant Belay Ga. 69. Blocking Relay Permissivo ContlOl Oovico 70. Electrica!!y ol-'t:latf.:d tlhwstat 7l. Reserved (or (uture applicalion 72. DC Circuit Breaker 73. LOud Resistor contractor 74. Alarm Relay 75. Posliion Changing Mechanism 'i(i, DC Overcunent Rolay I . • 78. , .... ., .. tive Raluy 79. P'-5. ! At R;;(iotir\(l H6hiy He-:;e(ved for future Dpplication fiGqu(fncy nclay i:/. D(~ F(\'.~!{):\iflO f.3·, /w(ofriiltk: SJ,!!llctj'liJ C0:<ltr"o! (;1,. Opernling Mochanism E~). C,~HH':"f {)f Ralay or Transfer Relay f';)I~t .;.v{(c n~ci:i"ll Oel<)'1 (Ji(.Y,jlilJ··CHlt f(jlilY B7. Differential protective re!ay H8. AuxiliilfY motor Of motor generator J3~. Linn switch 90. nl..'\llJlali"c O('vico 91. VlJ!W~le 92, Vo(toge and Powvr Din3ctionuJ Relay 93. Fi\!~d 94. Tripping or t(ip~free Belay directionnl Re!ay changing cOr)tact9t i :. [: 95 to G9 Used only for specific app!icJtiGo on individual insta!lations whore none.of the assigned. nurnbering func·tions from 1 to 94 are 5uitDbJe 116 ... , ) I PulSo transrnitttH I· , PhaseAngle Moosurrng Ot Oul·pl-stop Protec- 77. ! Ii Documents Similar To Data Book for EngineersSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextPressure Vessel Design by d.r. 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