Dasaratha Shani Stotra From Padma Purana
Dasaratha Shani Stotra From Padma Purana
April 2, 2018 | Author: Neha Suresh | Category:
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Dasaratha Shani Stotra from Padma Purana Dhyaathwa Saraswatim Devim Gananatham Vinayakam.Raja Dasharathah sthothram Saureridhamathakaroth. Namo Neela mayukhaya Neelothpala nibhaya cha, Namo Nirmaansa dehaaya Deergha shmashru jataaya cha, Namo Vishaala nethraaya Shushkodhara bhayaanaka Namah parushagathraya sthularomaaya Vai namah Namo nithyam Kshudhaarthaaya Nithyathapthaya Vai namah Namah Kaalaagni rupaaya Krthaanthaka namoshthuthe, Nameste Kotaraakshaaya Durnireekshyaaya Vai namah Namo Ghoraaya Raudraaya Bheeshanaaya Karaaline Nameste Sarva bhakshaaya Valeemukha namosthuthe Surya putra namestesthu bhaskare bhaya dhayaka Adho-drushte namasthubhyam vapuhshyaama namosthuthe Namo Manda-gathe thubhyam nisthrinshaaya namo namah Thapasa dagdha-dehaya nithyam yogarathaya cha Namesthe gyaana nethraya kashyapathmaja sunave Thushto dadasi Vai raajyam rushto harasi Thathkshanaath Devaasura manushyaashcha pasupakshisareesrpaah Thvaya vilokithaah saure dainyamaashu Vrjanti cha Brahmaa shakro yamashchaiva rishayah saptha-tharakaah Rajya bhrashtaashcha t¶e sarve thava drishtyaa vilokithaah Deshaa nagara graamaa dweepashechai vaadrayasththaa Raudra Dhrushtyaa t¶u ye drushtaah kshayam gacchanti thath kshanaath Prasaadam Kuru me saure varaartheham thavaashrithah Saure kshamasvaaparaadham sarvabhutha hithaayacha Durga Sapta Shloki Gnaninamapi chetamsi devi bhagawatee sadaa Baladaa krushya mohaya mahamayaa prayachchathi ||1|| Durgesmrita harasi mathi mashesha jantho Swasthai smrita mathi matheeva shubhaam dadasi Daridrya dukha bhaya harini kathwadanya Sarvopakara karanaya sadarthra chittha ||2|| Sarva mangala mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike Saranye thriyambake gauri narayani namosthuthe ||3|| Saranagatha deenartha paritrana parayane Sarvasyarti hare devi narayani namosthuthe ||4|| Click Here to watch video of Durga SaptaShloki Sarvaswarupe sarveshe sarva shakti samanvithe Bhaye bhyasthrahi no devi durgedevi namosthuthe ||5|| Rogaana seshana pahamsi tushta rushta thu kaamaan sakalana bheeshtan Thwama shrithanam navipanna raanaam thwama shrithahya shrayatham prayanthi ||6|| Sarvabhadaa prashamanam thrailokyasya akhileshwari Evameva thwaya karyamasmath vairi vinashanam ||7|| Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe . Durga Sooktam Om Jatavedase sunavamasomamaratiyato nidahati Sa nah parshhadati durgani vishva naveva sindhum duritatyagnih ||1|| vedah Tamagnivarnam tapasa jvalantim vairochanim karmaphaleshhu jushhtamh Durgam devii sharanamaham prapadye sutarasi tarase namah ||2|| Agne tvam paaraya navyo asmaansvastibhiriti durgani Pushcha prithvi bahula na urvi bhava tokaya tanayaya shamyoh ||3|| Vishvani no durgaha jatavedassindhunna nava Agne atrivanmanasa grinanoasmakam bodhayitva tanunamh ||4|| vishva duritatiparshhi Pritanajitam sahamanamugramagni huvema paramatsadhasthath Sa nah parshhadati durgani vishvakshamaddevo atiduritatyagnih ||5|| Pratnoshhikamidyo adhvareshhu sannachcha hota navyashcha Svanchagne tanuvam piprayasvasmabhyam cha saubhagamayajasva ||6|| satsi Gobhirjushhtamayujonishhiktan tavendra vishhnoranusamcharema Nakasya prishhthamabhisamvasano vaishhnavim loka iha madayantamh ||7|| Om kaatyaayanaaya vidmahe prachodayaath Om shaantih shaantih shaantih Aditya Hridaya Stotram/Stotra Tato yuddha parishrantam samare chintaya sthitam | Ravanam chagrato drishtva yuddhaya samupasthitam || 1 || Kanyakumaari dhiimahi Tanno durgih .Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvaarukmiv Bandhanaan Mrityormuksheeya Maamritaat. Lord Surya Mantra Aditya Hridayam Stotram Daiva taishcha samagamya drashtu mabhya gato ranam | Upagamya bravidramam agastyo bhagavan rishihi || 2 || Rama rama mahabaho shrinu guhyam sanatanam | Yena sarvanarin vatsa samare vijayishyasi || 3 || Aditya-hridayam punyam sarva shatru-vinashanam | Jayavaham japen-nityam akshayyam paramam shivam || 4 || Sarvamangala-mangalyam sarva papa pranashanam | Chintashoka-prashamanam ayurvardhana-muttamam || 5 || Rashmi mantam samudyantam devasura-namaskritam | Pujayasva vivasvantam bhaskaram bhuvaneshvaram || 6 || Sarva devatmako hyesha tejasvi rashmi-bhavanah | Esha devasura gananlokan pati gabhastibhih || 7 || Esha brahma cha vishnush cha shivah skandah prajapatihi | . Mahendro dhanadah kalo yamah somo hyapam patihi || 8 || Pitaro vasavah sadhya hyashvinau maruto manuh | Vayurvahnih praja-prana ritukarta prabhakarah || 9 || Adityah savita suryah khagah pusha gabhastiman | Suvarnasadrisho bhanur-hiranyareta divakarah || 10 || Haridashvah sahasrarchih saptasapti-marichiman | Timironmathanah shambhu-stvashta martanda amshuman || 11 || Hiranyagarbhah shishira stapano bhaskaro ravihi | Agni garbho¶diteh putrah shankhah shishira nashanaha || 12 || Vyomanathastamobhedi rigyajussamaparagaha | Ghanavrishtirapam mitro vindhya-vithiplavangamaha || 13 || Atapi mandali mrityuh pingalah sarvatapanaha | Kavirvishvo mahatejah raktah sarva bhavodbhavaha || 14 || Nakshatra grahataranam-adhipo vishva-bhavanah | Tejasamapi tejasvi dvadashatman namo¶stute || 15 || Namah purvaya giraye pashchimayadraye namah| Jyotirgananam pataye dinaadhipataye namah || 16 || Jayaya jaya bhadraya haryashvaya namo namah | Namo namah sahasramsho adityaya namo namah || 17 || Nama ugraya viraya sarangaya namo namah | Namah padma prabodhaya martandaya namo namah || 18 || . Brahmeshanachyuteshaya suryayadityavarchase | Bhasvate sarva bhakshaya raudraya vapushe namaha || 19 || Tamoghnaya himaghnaya shatrughnayamitatmane | Kritaghnaghnaya devaya jyotisham pataye namaha || 20 || Taptacami karabhaya vahnaye vishvakarmane | Namastamo¶bhinighnaya ravaye (rucaye) lokasakshine || 21 || Nashayat yesha vai bhutam tadeva srijati prabhuh| Payatyesha tapatyesha varshatyesha gabhastibhih || 22 || Esha supteshu jagarti bhuteshu parinishthitaha | Esha evagnihotram cha phalam chaivagnihotrinam || 23 || Vedashcha kratavashcaiva kratunam phalam eva cha | Yani krityani lokeshu sarva esha ravih prabhuh || 24 || Ena-mapatsu krichchreshu kantareshu bhayeshu cha | Kirtayan purushah kashchinnavasidati raghava || 25 || Pujayasvaina-mekagro devadevam jagatpatim | Etat trigunitam japtva yuddheshu vijayishyasi || 26 || Asmin kshane mahabaho ravanam tvam vadhishyasi | Evamuktva tada¶gastyo jagama cha yathagatam || 27 || Etachchrutva mahateja nashtashoko¶bhavattada | Dharayamasa suprito raghavah prayatatmavan || 28 || Adityam prekshya japtva tu param harshamavaptavan | . Chant the mantra atleast 108 times everyday. This mantra is to be used for others by the practitioner or the Sadhaka.Trirachamya shuchirbhutva dhanuradaya viryavan || 29 || Ravanam prekshya hrishtatma yuddhaya samupagamat | Sarvayatnena mahata vadhe tasya dhrito¶bhavat || 30 || Atha ravi-ravadan-nirikshya ramam Mudita manah paramam prahrishyamanaha | Nishicharapati-sankshayam viditva Suragana-madhyagato vachastvareti || 31 || 1. Vashikaran(To control a person to do your hearts bidding): Vashikaran in English means to control someones thought as per your wishes and to make him do your hears bidding. taking the name of the person you wish to attract. all will be kind and generous to you. Without any doubt this mantra will work and the mantra is as follows. colleagues etc. It brings others in their control. tie it to your right arm. It is said that doing this brings that person under your spell of attraction. take the root of the Punarava plant and after reciting this mantra 7 times. it is believed. Aakarshan: (to attract someone of your hearts desire): Upon getting up in the morning first wash your face with water. 2. On the day of the Pushya Nakshatra. This mantra should be used for couples whose relations are strained or for superiors. it is best done with a rosary. officers. This mantra should not be used for bad and nefarious activities. ministers. then drink the water in the mug. ³Om namoh Sarvaloka Vashikarayeh Kuru Kuru Sawaha´ How to use the mantra: All Hindu Vedic Mantras are to best practiced in the morning after bath and when all other personal activities are done and completed. It should not be used to control others husbands and wives and the like. then Abhimantrit (bound by reciting a mantra) small mug of water while reciting this mantra and holding the mug of water in your hand. Mantra Om chimichimi swaha ll ll . do this seven times one after the other. On the 4th or 6th day of the Krushna Paksh [dark or second fortnight of any month] as per the Hindu lunar calendar. 3. 1. . 2. Special Diwali Day Attraction/Aakarshan Mantra ll Mantra Om namo namo bhagvati mangaleshwari sarvasukhraajini sarvagharmaatangi kumarike laghu laghu vash kuru kuru swaha ll This Mantra has to be recited 1000 times to acquire Siddhi [mastery] over this mantra. After acquiring Siddhi the following experiments given below can be tried as per the Rudrayamala Tantra. Or putting the paste on the forehead of the person you wish to attract will bring that person under your spell of attraction. Grind the root to paste and eat a little bit with a beetel leave. Then apply this paste as Tilak [Hindu religious mark on the forehead].3.Doing this it is said brings whoever sees you under your spell of attraction. On this day uproot the Sahedevi plant along with the root. one is advised to fast. It is said that who ever sees you will come under your spell of attraction. Mantra Amuli mahamuli chutchassarvasnshetrajenopdravabheya swaha ll ll 4. this will bring that person under you spell of attraction after a month. after having bath. Aakarshan(Part II): This mantra has to be recited for a month taking the name of the person you wish to attract. Grind to paste Sahedevi root along with Gorochan in water. and Til or Sesame oil should be abhimintrit or bound by this Mantra.This is a Mantra of attraction which can attract anyone and any thing. . These Mantras are called Mohini Mantras. king. and a Tilak should be applied on the forehead. Mohini Matra: (Mantras to control someones thoughts): This Mantra is a Shaabri Mantra of the nine Masters the Navanath¶s. mother. It is said that the person doing so will be able attract anyone and make them do his bidding. Moon ( Chandra) : represents Mind. Gram Mohini Mantra Telse yaha tel raja praja paoun mel pokhari paani masko aa lagaya yoni mere paya lagaya haat khadag birage gale phulo ki maala jaani vijanie gorakh jaanai meri gaati ko kahaie n koi haat pachano mukh dhoun sumiro niranjan kar dev hanumanth yati haamari pati rakhe mohini dohani dono bahini avo mohani raval chlaie mukh bole jheeb mohu asha mohu pash mohu sab sansare mohu nisar bandi deha lalat shabdh sacha furo mantra ishwari vacha ll ll Sun (Surya): represents soul. highly placed persons.Mohini is the only female manifestation of Bhagwan Vishnu. confidence and ego. Mars (Mangal) : represents energy.5. This Mantra has to recited 21 times on the night of the Hindu festival of Diwali. queen. This manifestation has the unique power to attract anything. father. who is the son of Soma. pleasure and reproduction. Rahu : represents an Asura who does his best to plunge any area of one¶s life he controls into chaos. Saturn (Shani) : represents learning and Career. Ketu: represents supernatural influences. who is beautiful. ^ | I bow to Soma. who is son of Kasyapa. who shines like lightning. who shines like JapaKusuma flower. who is resplendent. who is born of earth. | . n who holds in his hand weapon called Shakti.Mercury (Budha): represents communication. | I bow to Budha who has a dark blue complexion like the bud of creeper called Priyang. conch n snow. The Lyris of the Shri Shri Navgraha Strota are as follow : M | I bow to Surya. who is wise. n who is of a very charitable n noble. who is enemy of darkness n who destroys all sins. who rose from Ksheasagar and who adorns the head of Lord Siva. whose colour is white like yogurt. Jupiter (Brihaspati): represents the great teacher. Venus (Sukra) : represents wealth. who is called Kumara. ^ | I bow to Mangala. who is Guru of Devatas n Rishi..who is son of Surya.. Tone Totke for simple day to day problems: Lal Kitaab Farman Gemstones as per planets-Mercury-Budh LinkWithin . | I bow to Rahu. who is resplendent like gold.who shines like Palas-flower. who is of extraordinary strength. who shines like snow. who is elder brother of Yama n who is born of Chaya. whose complexion is like shining dark-blue collyrium. May Lord Navgraha Bless All of You.who has a half-body. n who is the lord of the 3 worlds. Kundflower n Mrinal-flower.who is Guru of Asuras n who is master-teacher of all Sastras. who is oppressor of moon n sun. | I bow to Ketu. who is of the form of wisdom. who is foremost among star n planet. n who is born of Simhika. You might also like: Modak-sweet balls wrapped in flour and fried in oil for . | I bow to Shani. who is Raudra n whose form is fierce n fearful. | I bow to Sukra.I bow to Guru. Share Tags: how to please nine planets. Sakha satham karana pathramananga pushpam. Vyagrasya raga rasanormini peedithasya. Aarthasya mathsara nidha chain peedithasya. Nakra graham grasana nigraha vigrahasya. Rudra Arka kireeta koti. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |4 Samsara Sagara vishala karala kala. Damshtra karala visha daghdha vinashta murthe. potha. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |5 Samasra Vrukshamagha bheeja manantha karma. Naagari vahana sudhabhdhi nivasa soure. Sangattithangri kamala mala kanthi kantha. Marogra bheekara Mruga pravardhithasya. navagraha stotram. nine planets mantra. moorthe. Samprapya dukha satha sarpa samakulasya. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |6 Samsara sarpa Ghana vakthra bhyogra theevra. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |7 chakrapane. Aroohasya dukha phalitham pathatho dayalo. Dheenasya Deva krupana padamagadasya. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |3 Samsara koopam adhi ghora Magadha moolam. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |2 Samsara gora gahane charathe murare. Lakshmi lasath kucha saroruha raja hamsa. . translation and meaning of navagraha mantra Srimat payonidhi nikethana Bhogeendra Bhoga mani rajitha punya Yogeesa saswatha saranya Bhabdhi Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |1 Brahmendra. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |10 Andhasya me viveka maha danasya. Prana prayana bhava bhhethi samakulasya. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |11 Baddhvaa gale yamabhataa bahutarjayantah. Thwat pada padma sarasi saranagathasya. Karshhanti yatra bhavapaashashatairyutam maam. Nishpishta marmma vapusha sakalarthi nasa. Ekaakinam paravasham chakitam dayaalo Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam|12 Lakshmi pathe Kamala nabha suresa vishno. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |9 Samsara bheekara kareeendra karabhigatha. Devesa dehi krupanasya karavalambam |13 . Proth Ganditha prachoora thaluka masthakasya. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |8 Click here for Video-Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram Samsara Jala pathithasya Jagan nivasa.Samsara dava dahanathura Bheekaroru. Jwala valee birathi dhighdha nooruhasya. Chorai prabho bhalibhi rindriya nama deyai. Brahmanya kesava janardhana vasudeva. Sarvendriyartha badisartha jashopamasya. Mohanda koopa kuhare vinipathathasya. Vaikunta Krishna Madhu soodhana pushkarksha. prahlaada kheda parihaara paraavataara Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |15 Prahlaada naarada paraashara pundariikavyaasaadi bhaagavata pungavah rinnivaasa . Vaame karena varadaabhayapadmachihnam. Bhaktaanurakta paripaalana paarijaata. Ye tatpathanti manujaa haribhakti yuktaaSte yaanti tatpada saroja makhandaruupam |17 Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Padarpanamasthu Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra: ³Om Hoong Joon Sah Bhoorbhava Swaha Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam Urvaarukmiv Bandhanaan Mrityormuksheeya Maamritaat. then the remedies will ensure that it is not life threatening or serious. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam |16 Lakshhminrisimha charana abja madhuvratena Stotram kritam shubhakaram bhuvi shankarena . .Ekena chakramaparena karena shamkhaManyena sindhutanyaaamavalambya tishhthan. Lakshmi Nrsimha Mama Dehi Karavalambam 14 Samsaara saagara nimajjana muhyamaanam diinam vilokaya vibho karunaanidhe maam. Bhoorbhava Sawaroon Joon Sa Hoong Om´ What is achieved by applying these totkas or simple day to day spells to appease. mollify and pacify the planets or grahas? If the planetary positions indicate that you will meet with an accident. during the churning of the ocean the demon Rahu drank some of the divine nectar. the sages developed remedies using gems. y Ketu (South Node): The body is Ketu. the king. Shani: Lord of Saturn. mantras. prayers. For example. y y y y y y y Surya: Lord of the Sun represents the soul. Budha: Lord of Mercury is the protector of merchants and represents communication. hence influence the same. Vishnu cut off his head. Rahu points to the direction of spiritual growth for an individual and wherever he is placed in a chart there will be a tendency to indulgence or obsession. The two nodes of the moon that are not considered as planets but basically exert malefic influences are : y Rahu (North Node): is the head of the snake that swallows the sun or the moon causing eclipses. career and longevity. Chandra: Lord of the Moon represents the mind. fasts. He represents learning the hard way. In many ways the path that Rahu indicates is designed to lead the individual to selfdestruction. In short to bring relief and nullify your problems. y There are Nine Planets and each represent and stand for some aspect of human life. highly placed persons or fathers. then there is the possibility that you may either earn it or acquire if when your father or mother expires. He represents supernatural influences. teaching. confidence and ego. the queen or mother.metals and amulets. Shukra: Lord of Venus and represents wealth. But before the nectar could pass down his throat. eloquence. Ketu is the tail of the snake. .. The immortal head is Rahu. pleasure and reproduction. colors.y If it is indicated that you will acquire property and inheritances. In special circumstances he helps achieve the peak of fame. Mangala: Lord of Mars represents energetic action. His job is to make your life difficult. Brihaspati: Lord of Jupiter is the Guru of the gods. He represents knowledge . charity. According to legend. Keep a cow or a rabbit. Now on a Saturday Morning preferably. If Mercury is malefic give spinach to four legged animals for 27 Wednesdays. Give water to all cows. pain and roadblocks. Mars: Feed gram(chana) and jaggery(gud) to monkeys on Tuesdays. Venus: Feed milk to cats or feed fishes on Friday. tie this to the top. Rahu: Feed buffaloes and free snakes from snake charmers on Wednesdays. Generally in thick market places it is thrown on the roads. Now pierce it through the lemon first and then the 7 green chillies. keep a watch out before stepping on to a Nazar Battu. Moon: Feed wheatflour balls to fishes on Mondays. Mercury: Feed green grass or fodder to cows on Wednesday and millet(bajra) to pigeons. Do not keep birds in cages. Lal Kitaab/Kitab Remedies and simple spells for different planets: y y y y y y y y y y y y y Sun: Feed wheat rotis to Cows and jaggery to monkeys on Sundays. preferably black thread. Give gram dal to a horse for 7 Thursdays. Now take it down on Monday morning and throw it away from the house or office somewhere close to the road side. . Keep a white cow. which are meant to help us in our spiritual growth. Method of making a Nazar Battu(Nimbu Mirchi Totka) Take 7 green chillies and one ripe yellow lemon. Saturn: Feed black dogs buttered or oiled rotis and to black cows on Saturday. Jupiter: Feed soaked gram lentils (Chana Dal) and jaggery to yellow cows on Thursday and corn to pigeons. Feed leaves to an elephant. Give part of your food to a cow every day.Ketu brings about spiritual enlightenment. which is not such a good practice. Take care that it does not interfere with the opening of the door and other movements of people. tie a thick knot at the end or tie a black stone or charcoal. Feed ants with sesame seeds. The whole thing should look like I have illustrated in the picture here. Unfortunately it does through the placement of problems. Take a needle and thread. center of the main door of your house or your establishment. Ketu: Keep a pet dog and feed multi-colored dogs regularly. Ketu has a tendency to behave like Mars and as a result fire and accidents are also associated with Ketu. So when you visit crowded market places. Now wrap the yantra around the root of the Aapamarga plant and do puja Puja ritual: Show Dhoop (agarbatti-incense stick) and Gugal (sambrani) to the yantra and take around 250 gms of any white sweet. you may feel the need for the y y y y Bagalamukhi-Yantra judge and jury to be in your favor. The Bagalamukhi Yantra is a highly effective mantra to be prepared at a particular time when the maximum power is generated from the planet Mars. You could also write it on copper plates or Steel plates. Write the Bagalamukhi yantra or the Beesi Yantra on a bhoj patra with Ashta Gandha on a Tuesday and pray sincerely for your victory. feed it to mice and rodents. especially during law suits.y y y y y y y Win in Gambling Yantra How to Win in Gambling and Horse Racing/Satta etc: On a Pushya Nakshatra day. Now you can tie the yantra to your right arm before your venture to gamble. wounds and during operation and accidents. You can also make it on a stainless steel plate of copper . take the root of Aapamarg or Chirchitta plant and write this Yantra on a bhoj patra with a pen made of chameli (white lily) plant and Ashta Gandha. pedha and now after the puja. It is used as a means to attain victory over ones adversaries. . Then try this spell. Make sure that they eat it. Spell to win Law Suits and impress the Judge and jury: If you are facing a difficult law suit and you feel sincerely that you have bee wronged and need justice.kheer. This yantra also offers protection from scars. yellow dress. Place very small quantity of Wheat floor both side of the entrance .y y y Bagalamukhi mantra. business establishments and offices. where the business is not up to the persons expectations. write this yantra as given with Ashta Gandha on Bhoj patra. This yantra should be carved or written on copper or gold plate. Wear it around your neck to get easy and quick relief from debts. After the pooja. which do not mean . The photo of the Goddess is given . To get relief from Debts and Udhaari: On a Shukla Paksha. the yantra should be fixed at the place of the business. y y y y y Business Growth For success and increase in sale in business: This is a widely tested Yantra and can be used in shops. yellow flowers and while seated on a yellow asan and carpet. you dont take any efforts on your own. The following mantra should be recited for 45 days atleast 1000 times in a day to energize the yantra and boost the sales. tantra and yantra The Beeja Mantra for Japa must be recited 1500 times daily for y y y y y Beesi-Yantra 45 days . Remember these are spells. Sweet Pongal should be offered as prasad/offering. the puja is be performed with yellow beads. According to the Meru and Tantra Druma. particularly a Sunday or Tuesday. To improve business and increase sales 1. they help you achieve your goal a little more easily than it actually is. Purchase a steel Lock on Friday. You will notice positive results immediately. Purchase it without opening by anybody. Lit 11 Diyas of Desi Ghee in the Mandir. which you have brought back from the Mandir/temple. 3. Write ³Shree Rama Jayam´ (Praise to the Lord Rama/Praise and Success to Lord Ram)on this notebook with red pen every morning after taking bath and without taking anything to eat. Take (Eat) Dark Red Rajma(kidney beans) on every Thursday. Bring one and quarter kg(sava kilo) {1 ¼ Kg) of black Chana(Desi chana or ghode ka chana) on Friday and keep these Chana in water in the night. 2. second part to Kusht Rogi/Leper. Whenever anybody will open the lock that he/she will be opening the lock of your LUCK. do not immerse in still water or pond or lake. Gurudwara etc. Do this for 40 days. 3. Come back without talking to anybody. Take the 3rd part and move it anti-clockwise on your head and keep this on the Crossroads (Chouraha). Desi Ghee + Tulsi leaves. as many times as you can. But do not open this lock or not let the shopkeeper open the lock. 2. To overcome enemies and gain strength of the mind Bring a note book and a red pen. Keep both the Badaams in front of Shivling or Shiva Ji. Walk on the grass daily in the early morning without shoes. Do the prayer for the sale of property.) on Saturday morning without opening the lock.) these 43 Badaams. Career and solve money problems. Write the Ram-naam up to 125000 times. Take two Badaams to the Mandir after taking Bath and without taking anything in the morning. If you Manage to sell your . good job. After completion offer this notebook to Hanumanji with Ladoo made of Besan. Keep this lock in your sleeping room in the Friday night. 1. Bear in mind that no body should see you doing this. in a River. Offer this lock in any Religious Place (Temple.y y y y y y Gate/door of your factory/office in Shukla Paksh (Suklapaksha is the period from New(no/Amavasya) Moon to Full/Poornima Moon). Divide it into 3 parts. After 43 days immerse (Jal Prawah/immerse in running water. Keep ´ Abhimantrit/energized ´ `Shree Yantra¶ at Pooja Ghar of your office. You might also like: Tone Totke for daily problems To Get Promotion. Bring one of the two Badaams back to your house and keep this in separate and safe. To sell property and house Bring 86 Sabut Badaam/Almond (with Chilka ie unpeeled). On Saturday morning fry these in Musterd Oil(Rai ka tel or Sarson ka tel). Do this for 43 days regularly. Offer one part of this to Horse. In these months. So they cannot be invited to partake in the celebrations. You should complete the Upaya/Remedies as specified.property/house before 43 days (it mostly happens) do not stop to go to the Mandir and offer Badaams. Ashwin and Kartik.Hindu 4 months of fasting 1Share Chaturmaas: The 4 months of fasting. . Haribodhini. begins in July. Chatur means four and Mas/ Maas/ Masya is known as months. The Lord Vishnu sleeps for the period of four months and awakens on Prabodini Ekadashi. Offer water to the Sun God daily with 11 beej of Red Chilly (Lal Mirch) in the water.Sketch by Arti Chauhan To get back payment stuck with people or the govt agencies. all the way up to the ³Uttana Ekadasi´ in the month of Kartik in November. the Hindu Lunar month of Ashadh.The four months of prayers and good Karma. Chaaturmaas. These four months of rest in the Hindu calendar are Shravan. y y y Worshipping Sun god. Dev Shayani Ekadashi marks the beginning of Chaturmas/ Chaturmaas/ Chaturmasya / Chaturmasa. the Sun too changes its course and moves in the southern direction-Dakshinayanam. it said that one should refrain from performing any sacrificial pyres or Havan ± Yajgna / Yagya and auspicious ceremonies because Lord Vishnu and all the demi-gods Devas are resting at this time. even if the results are achieved beforehand. There is a lot of significance of these four months. During this time. Devotthaani or Utthana Ekadashi in the month of Kartik (October-November). Bhadrapad. Face the rising sun and offer water on the floor of the balcony or terrace or courtyard and pray for getting back the payment and recite Strotra ± ³Om Adityay Namah³. prayers and good Karma: Significance and importance The´Deva Sayana Ekadasi´. it is Aashadh Shukla Paksha. The 11 day Ganapati Utsav is also to propiated Parvati. who is the mother of Ganesha. . Finally there are the Devi Navarathras.In other religious festivals there are vows and resolutions but ekadashi need not be observed with a resolution (sankalpa) and ritual. The worship of Krishna is to invoke Lord Vishnu. the day when Lord Krishna was born. With the Lord asleep. People consider the two eleventh days. The first big festival is Janmashtami. the devotees turn to Lord Shiva for protection. Lord Vishnu¶s day).of every month to be of special significance.And the eleventh day (bright) of Ashadh is known as the Maha (great) Ekadashi. Ekadashi is considered as the date (tithi) of Lord Vishnu. It is the basic among all vowed religious observances and rituals. who is during this time believed to be in slumber from the day of the Dev Sayana Ekadasi.As per the Marathi calendar. the 9 day worship of the Goddess. µEkadashi¶. He is also an avatar of Vishnu. Vitthal and is a festival of religious procession which is celebrated during the month of June-July.so. Dussehra is considered to be the ultimate day when the barriers are crossed and Laxmi returns to her original place besides Lord Vishnu. it is also referred to as Haridini (Hari¶s. That is why Shiva is worshipped during the month of Shravan. The Ganesh Gauri puja and the Mahalaxmi puja are all part of the the rituals to invoke the Goddess of wealth and are observed during the Ganesha festival. The goddess Laxmi in various forms is also worshipped during Chaturmaas. Ashadhi Ekadashi is an auspicious day of God Shri.Lord Vishnu Sleeping during Deva Sayana Ekadashi-Chaaturmaas The significance of Chaaturmaas: The large number of festivals and vrats are to Invoke lord Vishnu. that is. Marriages are not performed during Chaaturmaas. as the Lord is asleep and the Goddess of Wealth his consort is not with him during this time to give blessings. Do not change jobs and resign during this period. One should try to indulge in good Karma as the Lord is not present to protect from calamities and difficulties. it is not advisable to travel too much or move place during this time.Some Dos and Dont s during the Chaaturmaas: y y y y y As the Chaturmaas is about staying in one place. It is a good practice to visit temples and places of worship during this time. No big purchases are made during this period. Now gold is bought only during the Mahalaxmi Puja. . On the eleventh day of each Hindu lunar fortnights. . Tama components in every organism varies according to time/season (samay/kal).the satva component is maximum in all living beings.What do you mean by Ekadashi. So it benefits the most if spiritual practice is done on an ekadashi day. Raja.the 11th day from the Lunar New Moon The proportion of Satva. Ashadhi Ekadashi is a fasting day and on this day people go walking in a huge processions from Alandi to Pandharpur. The ³Vi´ in Lord Vithoba¶s name denotes knowledge and ³Thoba´ denotes shape. Devotees lovingly address him as Mauli. a unique feature of Maharashtrian culture. The procession and the religious celebrations last for almost three weeks. who follow the wari (a holy ritual). meaning brick. the Palkhi reaches Pandharpur. Dnyaneshwar and Tukaram. Lord Narayana or Lord Krishna. of Nivrittinath from Tryambakeshwar. Pandurang. Lord Vithoba is a form of Lord Vishnu. Pandharinath. Another interpretation is that the word ³Vitthal´ is said to be derived from the Marathi word ³Vit´. Every year on the 11th day of the first half of the Hindu month of Ashadh.Vithoba. and of Ekanath from Paithan. Palkhi (palanquin). The Palkhi starts in the month of Jyeshtha of the Hindu calendar.Lord . Nearly sixty palanquins from all over Maharashtra are taken to Pandharpur. ³Ba´ is used to denote ³father´ in Marathi.Vitthal etc. The palanquins contain the padukas and masks of the saints.Saint Tukaram and Saint Dnyaneshwar.The µDindi¶(procession) starts from Alandi and ends on Guru Poornima day at Pandharpur.So. He is the idol of knowledge. It is believed that Lord Krishna had incarnated at the end of Dwarpa Yuga on the eighth day of the dark fortnight in the holy month of Shravan (As per the Hindu calendar).Lord Vithal of Pandharpur This period coincides with the rainy season and is also known as Chaaturmas. The palkhi of Dnyaneshvar sets out from Alandi while that of Tukaram from Dehu.singing the Abhangas (devotional songs) of Vithoba. is a thousand-yearold tradition followed by the warkaris ± people. Major Festivals in Ashad month 2011 are: y y y y y y y y y y y y Sankashtahara Chaturthi 19 June 2011 Dakshinayan begins 21 June 2011 Yogini Ekadashi 27 June 2011 Bhaum Pradosh 28 June 2011 Puri Jagannath Rath Yatra 2011 3 July 2011 Dhadi vrata begins 9 July 2011 Shayani Ekadasi 2011 Harishayana Ekadasi Padma Ekadasi Tholi Ekadashi 11 July 2011 Chaturmas Vrat 2011 begins 11 July 2011 Vyas Purnima 15 July 2011 Guru Purnima Shiva Sayanotsavam 15 July 2011 Kokila Vrat 15 July 2011 Secunderabad Mahankali Jatara 2011 17 July 2011 Mahakali Bonalu 2011 . The worship of Lord Pandurang is mainly derived from the Puranas. or yoghurt. Many people avoid garlic and onion as it can stimulate unnecessary excitements. and as a large number of festivals fall during this period. people avoid green leafy vegetables in the Shravan month.Vishnu is the name for Vitthal in Kannada language(southern parts of India). is avoided in Bhadrapad. Significance of the rituals Health is given importance during the four months. people too voluntarily give up meat and even onion and garlic. Nag Panchami and Pola are the other festivals during this period and acknowledge that presence of animals who are equally important inhabitants of earth. the scientific as well as religious connotation to the Chaaturmaas being that it is the rainy season and digestion is sluggish and food becomes stale very fast. the split variety. milk is avoided in Ashwin month and pulses. cause indigestion and distract devotee from pujas and prayers. are avoided in Kartik month. So the dos and donts about diet are to keep us healthy. There are dietary restrictions during this period. Chaaturmas is also the period when we learn to respect the other living beings on earth/. The large number of fasts is to ensure that people eat once a day to keep the digestive system healthy. Curd. In some regions. y y y Kamika Ekadasi 26 July 2011 Shani Amavasya 30 July 2011 Ashada Amavasya 30 July 2011 Chukkala Amavasya Gatari Amavasya Bhimana Amavasya Haryali Amavasya . 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