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Attraction 101: What Every Guy Needs to KnowAbout Attracting Women & Maintaining Their Interest By Dan Bacon, Leading Dating Expert & CEO of TheModernMan.com Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company b) Get you to really understand how natural attraction works.My aim with this eBooklet is to: a) Kill off any of the myths or ineffective mindsets that might be slowing you down. c) Show you how to boost your attractiveness to women. d) Explain how to keep women interested when you’re interacting with them or in a relationship Think of this as your personal checklist to use in your interactions and relationships with women. Follow this guide and you will be able to spark and maintain the attraction & interest of any woman. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . sizes and races. leave any of your BS excuses (i. you might be thinking.Know That You Are More Than Good Enough One of the biggest mistakes men make is in thinking that they’re: a) Not good-looking enough. bald. “What about me Dan? I don’t think women find me that attractive because…[insert your perceived flaw here]…” I don’t care if you’re a big fat. My Caucasian clients usually don’t have any doubts about being able to attract women from other races.e. “Women don’t like me because…”) at the door. My excuses paralyzed me for 25 years of my life and I don’t you to suffer another day. chubby-ass nerd – I have (and I know you have) seen guys in worse predicaments than you who are dating hot women. Race aside. Do me a favor and take a look around the next time you are in a public place. I’ve been coaching men on how to meet and attract women in bars. b) Not rich enough. but all of my Asian and Indian clients and some of my Hispanic clients. previously believed that Caucasian women just wouldn’t want to date them. How do they do it? I’m about to explain. using what you are learning now. bookstores (etc) every weekend since 2005. then you stand no chance with women of another race. c) Not tall enough. It’s crazy – and after they start interacting with Caucasian women. ugly. This expands out to thinking that if you’re of a certain race. But please. You will notice that women are dating all sorts of men all shapes. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . they completely change their thinking on the subject. For example: As you may know by now. clubs. Women have heard all the usual ‘pick up lines’…but guess what? It doesn’t matter. I literally walk up to women and say things like: - Hey. Hot women were in my bedroom during the week. Boo-hoo! What an idiot! I was totally ignoring the reality that billions (yes. billions) of ‘averagelooking’ dudes were dating and sexing hot. I literally went on to start dating catwalk models (3 of them in 2005). what’s happenin’? Howdy. But get this… My biggest insecurity used to be that I didn’t think beautiful women would find me attractive.Once I got rid of my BS excuses and focused on building effective mindsets. what’s your name? One of the main reasons that conversation starters like those work for me is that I am able to Assume Rapport and Attraction (refer to my other eBook for Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . Derrrrr!! Realize That Women Are Not Looking For ‘Magical Opening Lines’ It’s true that most men don’t have a clue when it comes to approaching women and starting conversations. hot women. Nothing matters when you are behaving attractively. I also dated a mega-ton of interesting. after running my courses on Fri/Sat nights and any other time I had spare. I’m Dan – who the hell are you? Hi. TV personalities (1 in 2006 and another in 2007) and a ton of models. I thought I’d come over and be social…I’m Dan. These days. In between those ‘high-class’ women. intelligent and beautiful women. because it was extremely funny coming from a guy who was obviously confident. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . but ‘m not having any luck – do you guys like me? This got an awesome response. or do you read romance novels all the time?” Here’s the thing though… As long as you are behaving attractively. I don’t know what to say but I just wanted to come over here so I could stand near you. I’m interested in meeting a girl tonight. or am I being too forward? - Group 3: Girls hate me…I’m convinced.info…The Flow: The Revolutionary 4-Step Process For Approaching Women & Getting Dates). Feel free to use those – they all worked. I demonstrated this recently when coaching a client. Guys – take a look at me: Do I look like a guy you would hate or who you could grow to love? Because I’m really starting to think that girls hate me. Why? Because it shows confidence. funny or silly things that would be disastrous if said by a guy who wasn’t behaving attractively.this place makes me realize how much I love books…how about you – you like learning stuff. - Group 2: Hi guys. you can even say random. Bookstore example: “Hey…. is it attractive.I love books…. social ‘coolness’ and that you have traits of an alpha male who goes after what he wants. When you assume rapport. Can you make me feel welcome by buying me a drink. I approached 3 different groups of women over the course of the weekend with these conversation starters: - Group 1: Hi guys. David Letterman style humor) and who enjoys flirting with women. Masculinity. Humor. you should also be displaying or using some (if not all. Only when you have a handle including those things. depending on the situation) of the following: - Confidence. but you may have heard that how you say it is more important. Note: I am referring to masculine behavior and psychology here (e. not complaining or whining about how you think life is so tough. Whose conversation will the women be more inclined to listen to and pay attention to? That’s right. imagine that the two guys are standing next to each other in an interaction with a group of three women.Behave Attractively and Women Will Pay You More Attention It’s true that what you say reveals a ton about your personality. For example: Imagine a nervous ‘nice guy’ who tends to use ‘safe humor’ and avoid flirting with women (low-status behavior). Now imagine a confident. will your conversation be of any real value to a woman in terms of attraction.g. Playful (not girly!) attitude. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company .) - Flirting body language.g. The nice guy’s politically correct approach to life is probably going to mean ‘boredom’ for all involved. Next. But what the hell does that mean? To say something in an attractive way. masculine guy who uses risqué humor (e. If a woman is too forward or open about how much she likes sex.” Note: This will only work if you have sparked enough attraction. sleazy conversation. as too easy or as someone who would be unfaithful in a relationship. women aren’t as open about wanting sex as men. So. If you fight against that fact of nature. Learn to Reveal Your Intentions in the Right Way If you want to get sex. because of the effect it has on other peoples’ perception of them. people will often see her as a ‘slut’. b) Words: “You know what…I like you. values. here’s a little bit of must-know information for you. etc. it’s also true that pretty much all women crave to be engaged in flirtatious conversations. So. Some of the ways I reveal my intentions to women: a) Flirtatious body language: Sexual smiles. popularity. As you know from The Flow. confidence. then sex will always be a rare thing in your life. Get good at making conversation by following all the advice I’ve given you in The Flow.…and people don’t want you to bore them . It’s true that most women are put off by direct. However. approach to life and a ton of other things. you’re pretty sexy. See George Clooney for a visual example.especially in social environments where people want to be seen to be having a good time. squinting of the eyes. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . Your conversation and what you speak about is a direct indicator of your social status. when the time is right. then don’t be a sneak about it. I recommend that you take a moment acknowledge that it is your role to lead a woman through the stages of a sexual courtship. ” Which will usually be followed up by her being astonished that you had the balls to say and do something like that. you will: a) Become more attractive to a wider range of women. but still put off by the lack of confidence and challenge her offers. Here’s the deal… As you read through all the materials you received from me. while she is talking. b) Ensure that your relationships (dating and long-term) will be more satisfying and fulfilling for both parties. c) Looking their body up and down: Sometimes. you may begin to think. You will most likely get a response like. nice guy says something like that – most women will be flattered. I will step back half a step and slowly look the woman up and down for about 3 seconds. Please do you and me a favor: Keep this move to yourself! Understand That You Don’t Have to do Everything ‘Right’ to Succeed Let me just get this straight for you: You don’t have to be Mr. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . Perfect in all areas that women are attracted to. slightly more interested. “Whoa…do I have to do all this stuff just to get a woman?” No. in order to succeed with women & dating. “Were you just checking me out??” “Yes…you’re pretty and I like your sense of style…you look good. Note: This is an advanced move that has increased the amount of women in my life ten fold. but everything you’re learning will make it a ton easier to succeed. during an interaction. By applying what you’re learning here. so you can choose who you date rather than relying on luck.If a nervous. c) Be the man that all women really want. …but my friends and I were still finding it hard to maintain the interest of all women. trendy clothes. Doing well in my management career. I can empathize because me and a heap of my friends spent about 400 hours on phone calls over the course of a year. Able to make great conversation. because it often requires a bit of time and effort before you start receiving the big rewards (i. aftershave and a great haircut. Good at flirting. because you know how to use your mindsets properly. because you understand that women need to continually test to see if you are still the masculine one if the interaction or relationship. e) Handle all the ‘tests’ that women throw at you. f) Not really worry about any little ‘attraction mistakes’ you make. Using fairly confident body language. trying to work out what the hell was going on when we weren’t getting any action! For example: I got to a point where I was: - Able to approach women with confidence. but find that she doesn’t meet your criteria in terms of Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . this girl still likes me because…” Understand That Compatibility is a Factor A lot of guys get frustrated when learning this sort of stuff. Wearing stylish. d) Feel confident in your interactions with women. so you have less chance of being ‘dumped’ by a woman because you’ve messed things up. For example: You might start interacting with a beautiful woman and feel a physical attraction for her.e. Example: “It doesn’t matter if I stuff a few things up. sex and relationships). because you now know things about attraction that most guys are unaware of. This continued on until I realized that compatibility plays a huge part in the success of interactions and relationships. artificial intelligence. biotechnology. then talk to another woman! Warning: My favorite topics to talk about are nanotechnology. Vice versa – You might start interacting with a woman that you think is ideal for you. Realize That Attraction & Interest Are Two Different Things You can attract pretty much any woman on this planet by using what you are learning from me. should you ignore all the women who don’t want to talk about topics that you enjoy? No! Why? 1. You might be displaying confidence. Different conversational styles are required for certain environments (see next section). transhumanism immortality and metaphysics. when it comes to working out how to maintain a woman’s interest. So. only one or two of them have wanted to talk about those things. Women are very different to men. here is some must-know advice that will save you from years of frustration and banging your head against a wall. 2. ‘social coolness’ or personal values. no matter what you do . So.your personality. So don’t get upset if a woman isn’t interested in you. approach to life and the things that you want to talk about – won’t be of interest to all women. After meeting thousands of women in bars. making good conversation and using great body language .but she might find that you don’t meet her criteria in terms of masculinity. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company .intelligence and personal values – so your emotional attraction won’t be that strong for her. However. If you notice that a woman isn’t into your ‘style of life’ or doesn’t share key values that you feel strongly about. For more info. one being Fun. Formal & Normal 2. you’ve just learnt it in 1 minute. it’s just that they usually prefer to talk about ‘girl things’. but here’s a tried and tested rule to run by. Formal & Normal. Formal & Normal You know how long that took me to work out? Three whole years and thousands of interactions! Now. check out the section on Masculinity in The Flow.While we men usually like to talk about logical things and work out solutions to problems. or have at least had sex with her. then this is how you should use them: 1. Remember to Vary Your Energy & Conversational Style If we were to break conversational styles into two types. Formal & Normal 3. women usually prefer to have conversations that inspire emotions. on a date with a woman. or about things that inspire strong emotion. 50% Fun Flirty & Emotional 50% Logical. Flirty & Emotional and the other being Logical. information-based topics with women. I’m not saying that women aren’t interested in ‘guy things’. see next section for explanation). where I talk about encouraging a woman’s femininity. So don’t try to force or even encourage a woman into having a conversation about logical things until you’re dating her (first date is fine. Bookstores. supermarkets and other low-key environments. 80% Fun Flirty & Emotional 20% Logical. It’s okay to talk about logical. Bars. 20% Fun Flirty & Emotional 80% Logical. House parties. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . clubs and other high-stimulus environments. functions. “Okay…talk about those things as if the girls were sitting here with us now. I have to go to the bathroom” (and never return) you’d be having a right old laugh at me now. this is a nice restaurant…?” I pretended to fall asleep on the table. “Okay. he replied. Waiting …. imagine that there are two girls sitting here with us right now…what could you make conversation about?” After a few minutes of frowning and scratching his head. Formal & Normal to girls in bars and have them say.and…. enough of the reenactments… Here’s what he should have done instead: Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . “Umm.Funny stuff! If only you could have seen how many times I tried to talk Logical. “Hmm………………. chatting about the progress he made the night before and getting him revved up to hit the town with confidence. he suggested that he could talk about: a) The food.ah. “Dude…that is so boring!” Okay.. I asked him. I followed up by asking him. Waiting ………….” After another two minutes of frowning and head-scratching. “Awesome!” I said. I’d be sitting there waiting for the woman to return …. b) The restaurant we were in.the food is nice……. For example: I was recently eating dinner on a Saturday night with a client.Doh! Learn to Express Some Emotion A lot of the guys I’ve coached are amazed at how interesting they become as soon as they learn to express some genuine emotion. .1.. Why? Because people can tell that you’re lying (or too afraid to voice your real opinion) when you say that everything is nice. watch movies and surf the internet.. “How about you guys – what are some of your favorite foods?” Notice how I’m directing the conversation toward positive feeling emotions and I’m including the words ‘some of’ to indicate that I want more than one answer.. nice. Compare that to the approach that my client was previously using.. then you’ll struggle to spark & maintain the interest of beautiful women who are interested in lifestyle and adventure. No-one likes a liar. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . hang out at your friend’s houses. he could have then added a question on the end to get the women involved. 2. Gotten the women involved After saying the statement about the food. My recommendations for becoming a more interesting person: 1. His conversational style had always meant that women would barely even respond to him. but everyone admires and respects a person who can be tactful and respectful while stilling saying what he truly feels. Used his emotional perspective to talk about the food and the restaurant “I tell you what…this food is awesome…I love Japanese food. nice. rather than hiding behind emotionally-guarded crap. Decide to Become a More Interesting Person If all you do is work. Be real: Start using your real opinion in conversations and interactions.especially how it’s so close to being natural y’know…hardly any additives and stuff…” Notice how I am revealing my emotions and showing that it’s okay to share your feelings about food around me. Once I implemented what he teaches. mediation camps. Watch documentaries: So much to learn from documentaries. 5. Take short-courses: Massage course.I recommend the following books if you want more info: - The Way of the Superior Man. by Daniel Goleman 2. Outside of work. what have you been up to lately?” 4. my staff started listening to me and wanting to impress me. The basic concept of the book: Have enough balls to praise and reprimand people. They are also a source of endless conversation topics. travel. but the best book I ever read was ‘The One-Minute-Manger’ by Kenneth Blanchard. I also made a ton of new friends who wanted to spend more and more time with me. They also give you plenty to talk about when people ask. A girl that I met at cooking-class (a 3-week course) was one of my favorite girlfriends last year. people will see you as more of an authority figure and want to earn your respect and approval. For example: I worked in leadership roles for about 7 years in the corporate arena. Try out adventurous activities: Bar tours around your city. By doing so. Another great way to meet women. BTW: It’s the simplest book you’ll ever read and it’s written in the format of a story. by David Deida Emotional Intelligence. hiking. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . A lot of short-courses like those are also an easy way to meet women. “So. 3. I read a ton of books on the subject. relaxation retreats. laughter yoga. Develop more depth to your understanding of the world: Learn from experts in all fields. a few surfing lessons. cooking-class. However. as I point out in The Flow – don’t be predictable by doing it all the time! Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . shape and size) to the fingerprints of humans? How freaky is that!” Or “Did you know that honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil? Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs was tasted by archaeologists and found to be edible.” Inject those sorts of things into your conversations with women and you will be a ton more interesting than most other guys.Just keep a notepad and pen next to you while watching a documentary and make notes of interesting things that you see or learn. For example: “Did you know that 10 percent of the Russian government's income comes from the sale of vodka?” Or “Did you know that the Pope has been known to often wear red Prada shoes?” Or “Did you know that The Mona Lisa used to hang on the wall of Napoleon’s bedroom?” Or “Did you know that fingerprints of koala bears are similar (in pattern. You are solely responsible for the use of the ideas. Good luck & I wish you the very best of success in the days. or to contribute to the copying. The information provided should only be used for personal entertainment purposes. or creating of any derivative works. distribute. Please keep it to 150 words if possible! ☺ Legal Notice This e-Book is Copyright © with all rights reserved to The Modern Man Company. You understand that this e-Book contains an expression of opinions. Copyright © All Rights Reserved to The Modern Man Company . or create derivative works from this document in whole or in part. When you’ve successfully integrated these things into your interactions with women and have started to receive the tremendous benefits. that brings us to the end of this power-packed eBooklet. concepts and content and hold The Modern Man Company and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. distribution. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail at
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