Dale Pithers MBA Masters Thesis 2012

March 19, 2018 | Author: Dale Pithers | Category: Charge Coupled Device, Car, Technology, Engineering, Science



June 24, 2012Capstone Project Dale Pithers 1 TRIZ - A Legitimate Problem-Solving Tool for Business CAP799 Capstone Project Aspen University June 24, 2012 [email protected] Dale Pithers June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 2 Table of contents Abstract Page 3 Introduction and History Page 4 Explanation of Terms Page 6 Nine Laws of System Evolution Page 9 Overview of Problem-Solving Technique Page 16 Problem #1 Page 18 Results and Interpretation Page 20 Problem #2 Page 22 Results and Interpretation Page 23 Problem Conclusions Page 26 Observations and Comments Page 28 Conclusion/TRIZ Future Page 29 References Page 31 June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 3 Abstract TRIZ “Russian: теория решения изобретательских задач, teoriya resheniya izobretatelskikh zadatch” [Theory of Inventive Problem Solving] is a problem-solving method where the object is to render better solutions by improving design areas where possible. TRIZ was developed by Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues in the former USSR around 1946. TRIZ is now being developed and practiced throughout the world (Barry, Domb, & Slocum, 2012). TRIZ first looks at the Ideal Final Result (IFR), or “Ideality” of a problem, and utilizes system resources to approach that goal. Ideality is an essential concept of TRIZ, and one of the basic themes of this is that systems evolve toward Ideality irreversibly (Courts, 2010). Along the way, a practitioner of TRIZ encounters contradictions, which can be of several types. These contradictions are addressed via a TRIZ matrix that was developed from the work and studies Altshuller completed while employed in the Russian patent office. During that period, Altshuller kept statistical data on the patents he reviewed and documented similarities and characteristics of the issues and failures that arose in those invention processes. The aforementioned TRIZ matrix allows a problem-solver to choose an improving feature and a worsening feature. The matrix then offers several generic solutions. These solutions were originally used in engineering so interpretation is often necessary to reach a business solution. After interpretation, the solutions to the problems presented in the present research paper have been applied to the workplace with success. The specific problem in the first case to be observed has a contradiction as follows: Process Streamlining vs. Increased Approvals. The second case features a scenario where speed June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 4 is weighed against accuracy. In both instances, results were collected and a plan was established. In the end, some success from the suggested solution plan was achieved in a real-world working environment. TRIZ is a useful problem-solving tool with a firm future in business applications. The present author argues that a more user-friendly, interpreted version of the TRIZ matrix could be brought forward in the future, along with a smaller matrix design built for business usage. Introduction/History Genrich Altshuller was born on October 15, 1926 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (formerly the USSR) into a family of journalists. A few years later, the family moved to Baku, Azerbaijan (USSR). After high school, Altshuller studied at the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute. After this, he joined the Russian Navy, where he became a pilot in the fighter plane division. During this period, Altshuller worked in the Innovation Center of the Russian Navy. His duties included screening the patents. This was an ideal place for his creative thinking to prosper. His work began in 1946 when he was only 20. From that point onward, he studied thousands and thousands of patents and created the innovative logic that was later to be called TRIZ. What followed is what is now known as the key techniques of TRIZ. Altshuller and a good friend proposed some radical suggestions to the Russian Government in 1948. However, the result was negative. Altshuller was imprisoned for a long period. His time was spent in an intense labor camp in the terrible freezing temperatures above the Arctic Circle. At that time in history, Russian prisons served as a unique learning opportunity. Many prisoners utilized this June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 5 unique opportunity to teach useful topics and fields to each other. Often, these classes included mathematics, logic, science, foreign languages, among many others. The knowledge he acquired there helped Altshuller greatly in understanding various systems from a generic perspective. After his imprisonment was over, Altshuller concentrated on writing stories and articles for publication. He published his first article on TRIZ in 1956. During this period, many of Altshuller’s works were full of brilliant and innovative ideas. Altshuller’s major period of life was spent in studying patents. He screened over 200,000 patents to see how problems were solved. He found that very few of them involved new inventions. He also found that a great number of these were just straightforward improvements. The main discovery Altshuller made from this data was that all those inventions have used a certain set of rules to solve the problems. In other words, the same sets of rules have been applied repeatedly to solve all kinds of inventive problems. He listed 40 such rules, called Inventive Principles, the application of which is considered the key technique of TRIZ. Instead of categorizing patents into the conventional classes of industry types, Altshuller categorized these patents into five different levels, according to their novelty of invention. These levels are as follows: 1. Straightforward design problems, 2. Simple contradictions, 3. Difficult design, process, and manufacturing contradictions, 4. Extremely difficult system design problems, and 5. Invention of new science. TRIZ deals with problems involving levels 24. In 1989, Altshuller became the President of the “International TRIZ Association”, founded by his friends and students. In 1990, he and his family moved to Petrozavodsk, Russia, June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 6 where he lived until his death. His presence in Petrozavodsk made the place a center of TRIZ research and association. Altshuller passed away on September 24, 1998, due to complications from Parkinson’s disease (Mishra, 2012). Altshuller left a revolutionary science behind him, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), which will keep him alive in the memory of thousands of people all over the world. His great discoveries and contribution to humankind will confer a lasting presence in the annals of history (Mishra, 2012). Explanation of Terms The aforementioned Ideal Final Result (IFR), or Ideality, describes a solution to a problem free of any mechanisms or constraints from the original problem or issue. This is similar to “re-engineering” in the process management world, in which processes are “blown-up” and revamped. In other words, it as an ideal end-state without any strings attached from the current issue we are facing (Phinney, 2012). Therefore, an ideal system is one that performs its purpose free of negative characteristics in all aspects of its operation. Ideality is one of the most powerful concepts of TRIZ. According to ideality, each product, system, or organization moves toward its ideal state. The ideal state of the system is where there is no problem in the system; the system is better, faster, low cost, low error, low maintenance, and so on. In other words, the ideal system consists of all positives and no negatives (www.Trizsite.tk.asp, 2012). In addition, the IFR is the ultimate stage of a system or organization at the end of its evolution. The IFR is obviously the most powerful solution among all conceivable solutions. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 7 IFR is not dependent upon the possibility of an accomplishment. It is similar to the concept of “the ideal product” or “the ideal process”. “The ideal process is one that does not require time, energy and resources but achieves the necessary effect” (www.Trizsite.tk.asp, 2012). Overall, the purpose of TRIZ is to aid with systems design. Problem-solvers should examine all individual functions while they search for a conclusion. Upon receiving results, there is always a chance to achieve a revolutionary solution, the most suitable of which is IFR. Another important concept within the TRIZ structure is Contradiction. This is evident when, in the process of performing an important action, a harmful action or inadequacy becomes apparent. These have naturally occurred in designs, often due to such factors as unstructured, traditional, and uninspired plans. Specialists need to use available resources to resolve contradictions and system conflicts. Some examples of ways to do this are as follows: a) Introducing a new tool b) Overcoming the physical contradictions c) Ideality maneuvers The last of the methods above is the preferred approach, and there are three ways to approach this: a) Eliminate the object. b) Eliminate the tool and have the object perform the action. c) Eliminate the tool and have the action delegated to the environment. Physical Contradiction implies inconsistent requirements to a physical condition of the same element of a Technical System (TS) or operation of a Technological Process (TP)—i.e., the same key subsystem of a technique. For example, we want that insulators in semiconductor June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 8 chips have low dielectric constant, k, in order to reduce parasitic capacities, and we want that insulators in semiconductor chips have high dielectric constant, k, in order to store information better (Savransky, 2012). TRIZ practitioners call this a Macro Physical Contradiction if it occurs for a complete section or component. Testers call this a Micro Physical Contradiction if it were to apply to a component’s integral elements. Two other types of contradiction are Administrative Contradiction and Technical Contradiction. An Administrative Contradiction happens when there is a contradiction between needs and abilities (Courts, 2010). A Technical Contradiction is evident when there is an inverse dependence between parameters/characteristics of a machine or technology (Courts, 2010). When receiving Physical Contradictions, one must first see what is causing the conflict then identify a pair of mutually exclusive requirements then use Separation Principals. Separation Principals involve the isolation of the conditions of the requirements by shifting their occurrence in time, space, or between the whole and its parts. Systems are an important concept in TRIZ, as TRIZ comprises a combination of Functions and Actions. Function includes two components, Tools and Object; Actions are performed by Tools on Objects (Courts, 2010). Function is another vital notion within the TRIZ structure and consists of Tools and Objects. Since objects are a separate concept from the tool itself, this distinction is of supreme importance with regard to the concept of ideality. An example of a “System” is as follows: System = Stapler & Staple Stapler (Tool) Drives (Action) Staple (Object) June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 9 Nine Laws of System Evolution Next, there are Nine Laws of System Evolution, which require explanation. The Laws of Evolution were developed from the process mentioned earlier, where Altshuller studied tens of thousands of patents. These laws are very helpful for technology forecasting since they identify the most effective directions for the system’s development. For example, the Law of Increasing Flexibility (discussed in detail below) states technological systems naturally evolve from rigid structures into flexible or adaptive ones. An illustration of this law is evolution of aircraft structures, which went from rigid wing designs to variable-geometry wing designs. A Law of Evolution delineates a general direction for further system transformation, but says nothing about the details of this transformation (Fey, 2012). The first law is the Law of Increasing Ideality. This law supports the overriding trend, which encompasses all the others and states that technological systems evolve in the direction of increasing ideality (www.Baetriz.co.uk, 2012). An example of this is evident when considering the early evolution of the automobile. Originally, cars were crude: internal combustion engines attached to a carriage. These were quite inefficient, and next came along a three-wheeled vehicle, prior to Henry Ford coming up with the four-wheeled car, that is nothing like what we have come to understand as a car. Initially, electric land vehicles in America outsold all other types of cars. Then, in the several years following 1900, sales of electric vehicles took a nosedive as a new type of vehicle came to dominate the consumer market (Bellis, 2012). June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 10 On January 29 of 1886, Karl Benz received the first patent (DRP No. 37435) for a gasfueled car (Bellis, 2012). He later developed a float-type carburetor and a transmission system. These cars, and their immediate followers, were obviously very gas inefficient, and offered very little in the amenities department. Over the years, automobiles addressed such areas as pollution in the form of air and noise. Catalytic converters came into use, and fluorocarbons and other harmful gases were controlled. As years have rolled by, gas mileage issues have been addressed, and hybrid cars have now come to the forefront. All of these improvements have represented a move toward ideality. The second law is the Law of Non-Uniform Evolution of Subsystems. In general, the law expresses that, as systems evolve, their subsystems evolve at different rates. This can create system conflicts, which is the root cause of many contradictions between the subsystems. Any technological system satisfies some needs, which usually grow faster than the improvements of the system. This also creates an evolutionary pressure causing the development of system conflicts. This non-uniformity begets system conflicts whose resolution requires the development of new inventions, and thus promotes the evolutionary process. This law is illustrated by the evolutions of numerous technological systems (Rivin, 2012). The rate of evolution of various parts of a system is not uniform; the more sophisticated the overall system is, the more non-uniform the evolution of its parts. An example of this could be the bicycle and the associated parts evolving at different rates. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 11 The third law is the Law of Transition to a Higher-Level System. This law states that, as systems evolve, they develop from mono-systems to bi- or poly-systems. Subsequently, the bior poly-systems evolve into a new more efficient (but more complex) mono-system (Courts, 2010). Borrowing a little from the pencil and eraser example, one simple example of the law is the inventions of the toothbrush, rubber tooth cleaner, and tongue cleaner being all converted into a toothbrush featuring all three functions. Also, in a more complex example: One of the Laws of Technological System Evolution, which represent the cornerstone of TRIZ, is the Law of Transition to a Higher-Level System. It states that when systems exhaust their performance potential, combining two or more systems into a higher-level system (a “super system”) may result in a significant performance enhancement. Application of this Law was, ultimately, the impetus for developing a combined V-belt/flat belt variable transmission ratio drive for engine accessories. In this system, the V-belt is used to provide for the required variable transmission ratios, while the flat (or poly-V, or timing) belt drives most of the accessories (Rivin, 2012). As seen in the above examples, this law can be quite effective when two forces join into one forceful system. The fourth law is the Law of Increasing Flexibility. This law states that rigid structures evolve into more flexible and adaptive ones. An example of this is education evolving into online courses. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 12 With gas prices high and the electronic age in full swing, many people now realize the convenience the online class arrangement has brought forward. Students are utilizing online learning at an unprecedented rate. Arguably, this example of the Law of Increasing Flexibility has also enlightened the world on another successful way of educating people. Another recently noted example of this was in a recent story about increasing flexibility of form in vision systems. The first light-sensitive devices had originally been composed of a single phototransistor (1-point detection). Then, charge coupled devices (CCDs) were developed, initially in single row, in line form (1 dimension or line). Later still, CCDs were developed in a two dimensional flat array. Over time, developers tweaked this basic format so that the number of devices has greatly increased, leading to far better image resolution. Until now, however, the CCD has remained two dimensional, bringing increased complexities in the lens and focusing system, and restricting field of view (compared to the human eye). According to the article, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign have created a hemispherical CCD. They have done this by slicing off the detection portion of a normal CCD and cutting fine holes in it to form an ultra-thin mesh. This mesh is then formed over a special elastic hemispherical former, and then placed in a hemispherical support to create an artificial retina. This is a very clear example of the TRIZ Law of Increasing Flexibility applied to shape and surface (Cooke, 2008). The fifth law is the Law of Transition from Macro to Micro-Level. This law states that systems evolve to a more increasing fragmentation of their components. Some researchers propose a simple explanation to the macro-micro transition. They suggest that it has nothing to do with evolution of technical systems, but is simply a result of June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 13 advances in sciences. They point out that those natural phenomena allowing the transitions to micro-level were unknown only a short time ago. In addition, they cannot use uncontrolled or misunderstood phenomenon, or those existent only in research labs. Hence, the systems that existed earlier just had to use the “macro” level, and had to evolve on that level (Filkovsky, 2012). An example of this would be the music stereo. Originally, these began as a large onepiece wooden cabinet that played music. They have since evolved tremendously. Now, the stereo can have many components such as headphones, speakers, CD’s, iPod player, tuner, or equalizer, along with many new sound-improving additions. Therefore, much like the original personal computers, the stereo has evolved into many components to include all of these other related items. The sixth law is the Law of Completeness. This law states that an autonomous technological system must include four minimally functioning principal parts: an engine, a transmission, a working means, and a control means (Fey, 2007). This law is known as Evolution to Decreased Human Involvement (Courts, 2010). Although the example of the original cameras that required a human to adjust light, focus, and exposure, with late stage cameras that perform all of these tasks themselves, I have one example I like better. A neighbor of mine once purchased a lawn mower that cut his grass without human assistance. Being a person who has disliked cutting grass since childhood, I was quite impressed, amazed, and jealous when I saw this machine cutting my neighbors grass completely unaided. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 14 In conclusion, the Law of Completeness could be explained as the evolution of systems into a nearly non-human controlled system. For example, another example would be a car that can drive itself to a parking area or parallel park itself (Paez, 2011). The seventh law is the Law of Shortening of Energy Path Flows. This law states that, as systems evolve, there a shortening of the distance between energy sources and working means. One of the necessary conditions for effective functioning and controllability of energytransforming technological systems is passage of energy through the system to its output. Applying this statement to the development of actual systems, it is useful to distinguish between two basic classes of design problems. One class is comprised of the problems that go along with changing a system (synthesis of a new one, improvement of an existing one). The second class is measurement problems, in which the goal is to detect, or to measure, or to monitor certain parameters of the system (Rivin, 2012). One technological example of this is cell phones. Telephones obviously started out as landlines and had no mobile capabilities. These were powered at the telephone company, where wires, connections, and hard work were delivering this signal (and, hence, telephone service). Finally, when car telephone came out, they plugged into the car’s cigarette lighter and used the car’s battery to run it as wireless. The energy source in this case was very close to the telephone itself. After this, came the age of the commercial phones. These featured a bag-phone set up that included a large battery, but the energy source distance was shortened even more drastically. Today, cell phones have the battery built into the handset itself, reducing the energy flow to an insignificant distance. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 15 Thus, the law of shortening of energy path flows can be traced to developments in energy source technology and better overall systems performing the service. As systems naturally move towards ideality, these concepts and expectations become more realistic. The eighth law is the Law of Increasing Substance-Field Interactions. This law, which is also known as the Law of Increasing Controllability, states that, as systems evolve, each subsystem can be controlled in a finer, more specific manner. Thus, in other words, control interactions improve among each of the systems elements (Courts, 2010). The example of the automobiles comes to mind when assessing this law. When the automobile started out as a manual piece of equipment, we had very little interaction with our cars. Then, as time went by, we had lights that came on when we had engine troubles, needed oil, or when the car was overheating. These types of controls were the norm until recently, when additional mechanisms were added. These include indicators that let the driver know when the tire pressure is low, and non-indicator items such as traction control and anti-lock brakes. Such elements in a modern luxury car are numerous. Hence, the law of increasing substance-field interactions can take credit for the principal that with greater control there is better efficiency and effectiveness. The ninth law is the Law of Harmonization of States. The law states that, as systems progress forward, its subsystems tend to converge and combine, making the overall situation much better. In other words, the necessary condition for the existence of an effective system is the coordination of the periodicity of actions of its parts (Courts, 2010). June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 16 The law of harmonization additionally states that the system will follow a pattern of interchange-ability of actions. For example, a rotator that moves itself in very different ways in a sequence of seconds that follow a pattern of rotation (Paez, 2011). A simple example of a musical instrument representing this concept is a guitar. When a guitar player tunes a guitar’s string, it is imperative that the additional strings be tuned, too, so that the overall sound is acceptable. The strings all work in conjunction with each other to make a better sounding instrument. Another example would be the House of Representatives working together—both republicans and democrats within their given organization—to make the country better. Overview of Problem-Solving Technique Having spent most of my lifetime in professional businesses in one way or another, the fact that I can apply TRIZ to actual managerial issues is quite intriguing. For the present study, two business problems are used to examine the overall worth of TRIZ problem solving. Additionally, these two problems appear to be very relevant scenarios, where it is difficult to ascertain solutions to the resulting problems. Although these problems are sometimes difficult to solve completely, this exercise will yield new information related to new problem solving techniques learned while attempting to solve contradictions. To begin with, the TRIZ process has four steps (Courts, 2010). The first step is to identify the actual contradiction and determine what the IFR would be. The second step is to attempt to reduce the specific contradiction into a generic contradiction. This would enable further analysis of the issue, using standard TRIZ tools and techniques. The third step is to June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 17 arrive at a generic TRIZ solution. The fourth (and final) step is to apply the actual solution to move in the direction of an IFR for the actual problem in question. In analyzing the problem-solving dilemma, one must envision and state the IFR, or Ideality, mentioned above. Then, one must identify the barriers and contradictions and use the resources effectively. After that, one must develop a model of achieving ideality using the Breakthrough Model (proposed by Peter M. Senge) to actualize the journey (www.smbnation.com, 2012). Hence, we can apply the principles of TRIZ at different system levels from a competitive standpoint, and the job at hand becomes interpreting what exactly those levels are and how they might affect us. The contradiction matrix is an important standard used in TRIZ. We use the matrix in the previously mentioned third step of the TRIZ process. The easiest individual tool to start with is the 40 principles, which we can use with or without the Contradiction Matrix. Historically, the principles have been illustrated with examples from several different fields, to make it easy for students to understand them. There are lists of general technical examples, business examples, service examples, food technology examples, microelectronics examples, and public health examples (www.trizjournal.com, 2012). If a contradiction cannot be resolved using the matrix, a practitioner should use more sophisticated techniques to solve contradictions. These include the Algorithm for Solving Inventive Problems (ARIZ) (Souchkov, 2007). The contradiction matrix remains the oldest of the TRIZ tools, and helps to determine generic solutions for addressing system clashes. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 18 The concept of Contradiction is central to the TRIZ toolkit, and gives immediate confidence in finding successful and powerful solutions. We learn how to uncover contradictions (often the heart of the problem) and then eliminate them using the relevant tools. Understanding all the benefits, getting those in the right order of priority, and seeing where these benefits conflict is the first stage in solving contradictions. This needs structure and practice for successful problem solving (www.imeche.org, 2012). We can condense the solutions to these conflicts down to 40 insightful principals, which can suggest detailed solutions to the common contradiction. Hence, the contradiction matrix has the function of assisting the user in figuring out which of the 40 principals relate to the given problem. These principals will then help the solution-seeker by suggesting an encouraging direction in which to look for clarification. The contradiction matrix used in the two problems in the present study is located on the Internet at www.triz40.com. This site features two scenarios: the feature to improve, and the feature to worsen. The site then shows results of the combination examined according to the designed contradiction matrix. Upon collecting this information and making adjustments, the process potentially will need to be re-done as changes are being made periodically. Problem #1 Given that the present author has been a business manager for over 20 years, the present study addresses the problem of process streamlining vs. increased approvals. In other words, “How much power should company associates be given to get their jobs done?” June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 19 Overall, process streamlining allows employees to complete their given actions without restriction. Adequate reign and empowerment must be given in all areas of the decision making landscape for the worker to carry out these actions or activities. An organization must yield a great degree of their control in this case. After all, most every firm engages in an elaborate (or at least a simple) managerial hierarchy to approve actions as they are trying to limit their risk as a company. The subsystem level is where the workers take care of all the processes to complete the tasks. On the system level, employees completely process several tasks. In the super-system, managers have an area of employees that process tasks, and higher-level management has larger groups composed of sub-groups of those areas. Systems, as a combination of Functions and Actions, involve two components: Tools and Object. Functions involve two components, tools and object. Actions are performed by tools on objects (Courts, 2010). While this problem is abstract, it is possible to frame it in physical terms. Substance-Field (Su-field) Analysis is a TRIZ analytical tool for modeling problems related to existing technological systems. Every system is created to perform some functions. The desired function is the output from an object or substance (S1), caused by another object (S2), with the help of some means (types of energy, F). The general term, substance, has been used in the classical TRIZ literature to refer to some object. Substances are objects of any level of complexity. They can be single items or complex systems. The action or means of accomplishing the action is called a field. Su-field Analysis provides a fast, simple model to use for considering different ideas drawn from the knowledge base (Terninko, 2012). June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 20 In this particular case, the general task is S1, the worker is S2, and the overall performance is the field. For example, a collection or group of employees could be the tools, with each carrying out a specific action. This would be fed forward to other employees within this work chain. The task represents the object itself and is recognized at the end of the process. Problem # 1 Results and Interpretation Our first case to be observed has a Process Streamlining vs. Increased Approvals contradiction. When addressing this case problem, we will utilize four TRIZ steps. Our IFR will be to allow a worker to perform all necessary actions of his job, therefore streamlining the process completely. The first step is to ascertain what actual Improving Feature and Worsening Feature best fits this scenario. In this case, it seemed appropriate the Improving Feature is Productivity, and the Worsening Feature is Loss of Information. The assumption I am making here is that productivity would be enhanced when a worker is given more control and empowerment. Additionally, loss of information would happen when those in the approval string are regularly cut out of the process and have no idea what is going on. This lack of information definitely translates into a worsening feature. Next, we want to collect the solution to the contradiction using TRIZ tools. The intersection of the two features yields the suggestions to be followed. The generic solutions provided by the website matrix are as follows: Dynamics, The Other Way Around, and Feedback. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 21 Now that we have the generic “results”, interpretation from a somewhat-engineering-type explanation to a useable business solution is next. Below, we will translate these recommendations above into the ensuing referenced solution. First, we examine the recommended action of The Other Way Around. Just as the name implies, this principle is about doing the opposite of the standard, reversing things, and flipping things over (Fabrega, 2012). This can be effectively used in a business situation. Some examples are as follows (Fabrega, 2012): • Usually, walkways are still and people move on them. In many airports, people have to walk long distances in order to get from one terminal to another. Therefore, these airports do things the other way around, the people stand still while the walkway moves. • Think of a television program that starts with a person standing in an elevator covered in blood and holding a knife, and then takes you back in time and tells you the story of how that person ended up in that condition. • Start selling a product before you build it, and then use the revenue from the sales to build the product. Secondly, we will look at the suggested solution of Feedback. Just as one might think, the avenue to take here is collection and information gathering regarding the process. Subsequently, adjustments can be made using the information gathered. Feedback can be collected from both groups (the worker and the management). This platform would lend itself to tweaking the process to make it more effective. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 22 Feedback does not need to be limited to a scheduled time. It can happen when it is the most appropriate—either at the time feedback is required, or at a later period. Feedback done when a task has just been completed is always the best (Lawrence, 2011). Thirdly, we examine the suggested contradiction-solving principle of Dynamics. One of the ways to approach this situation is, if an object (or process) is rigid or inflexible, to make it movable or adaptive (Courts, 2010). This can mean any type of change in the actual make-up of the process in question. This scenario also seems to advocate the application of separation principles to take care of the contradiction. Perhaps, in this case, the overall problem or process can be divided into smaller portions to allow for a more successful result. One example is a new technology that allows advertisers to shine images on the side of a building. The dynamic aspect of the technology lies in the owner’s ability to change the advertising on the fly. The ad is projected on the building by a software program and a projector. One click of the mouse and the ad is changed (Fox, 2012). Problem #2 The second problem selected actually comes from an issue some workers have with their supervisors. Being the demanding boss that they are, they always seem to want employees to speed up the work process to get results completed earlier—of course, without losing accuracy. The two seemed not to go hand in hand, so often workers struggle to make this expectation a reality. This was tested in the workplace in the financial close process. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 23 With the definite contradiction identified, Speed was obviously the improving feature whereas I felt the most appropriate worsening feature to choose was Reliability. After all, the rationale is that, when gaining this speed, something in content reliability will undoubtedly be lost. In this second problem, the Su-Field analysis again consists of the worker is S2 and the task is S1. The performance is the field. Just as in our first problem, the tool is the worker, the object is the task, and the action is the performance and completion of the task. Problem #2 Results and Interpretation In beginning to solve this new problem, we will start with identifying the contradiction and IFR. In the present author’s opinion, the IFR would be: an enormous amount of speed would be added to a process so that the task can be completed very quickly. On the other hand, the contradiction would be that Increasing Speed would reduce the Reliability of the information gathered (in this case, during financial close). Speed is the Improving Feature in this scenario. Additionally, more speed translates into Speed (or number 9 on our TRIZ matrix). This situation is actually straightforward, as speed is what we are after as the improving feature. The Worsening Feature is Reliability. Obviously, (as mentioned earlier) when increased and improved speed is recognized, the overall reliability levels seem to tail off. The number for this on our TRIZ Matrix is 27, Reliability. This attribute translates to the decrease in reliability as speed is increased, and the worker(s) in question perform(s) the task in a complete start-tofinish fashion. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 24 Then, as we did in our first problem, we must analyze this generic contradiction using our given TRIZ tools. Again, the www.triz40.com website and the contradiction matrix are used to help solve the problem. In utilizing the site to gain the solutions, the following suggestions are made: The generic solutions suggested by the matrix, in the form of specific inventive principals, are as follows: Parameter Changes, Beforehand Cushioning, Cheap Short-Living Objects, and Mechanics Substitution. These were all were given by the combination of the improving feature of speed and the worsening feature of reliability. We are again then tasked with the translation of these somewhat broad TRIZ solutions into a business-related solution that works for the problem at hand. Specifically, we will look into each of the suggested inventive principles and attempt to determine if they propose a promising precise solution. In this case, one of the suggested inventive principles is Parameter Changes. According to Fox (2008), the principle of Parameter Change is usually applied in one of four ways: 1. Change an object’s physical state to a gas, liquid, or solid, a (e.g., freeze the liquid centers of candies and then dip the centers in melted chocolate, rather than handling the messy, gooey, hot liquid). 2. Change the concentration or consistency, a (e.g., liquid soup is more concentrated than bar soap, makes it easier to dispense in the correct amount, and is more sanitary when shared by more than one person). 3. Change the degree of flexibility, a (e.g., vulcanize rubber to change its flexibility and durability). June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 25 4. Change the temperature, a (e.g., lower the temperature of medical specimens to preserve them for later analysis). Taken in the context of a business solution, the flexibility option suggested by number three above seems important. Different constraints can be applied to speed, and different definitions of reliability can be explored. In other words, perhaps other external forces bring the solution forward by essentially changing the aforementioned degree of flexibility. The next suggested solution/inventive principle in this case is Beforehand Cushioning, which incorporates preparing emergency means beforehand to compensate for the relatively low reliability of an object (Courts, 2010). In the case of my CFO wanting his financial close numbers quicker, he could have notified the board of directors of the challenges we have in case the deadlines are not met. Additionally, all pre-closing items that can be completed should be investigated and started as soon as possible to get a “jump” on closing in this matter. In proper beforehand cushioning, a company should establish appropriate back-ups for business interruption and contingency planning (Retseptor, 2012). The third suggested inventive principle in this case is Cheap Short-Living Objects. This concept, in its literal form, follows along with the concept that when something is relatively expensive or causes other problems, you might be able to replace it with something cheaper that works for the time being. This is a principle than has been used many times to create a disposable society. From Gillette’s razor blades onwards, many inventors have found that a lucrative income can be created with cheap devices that people buy regularly (Trizsigma.com, 2009). June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 26 At first glance, the suggested inventive principle of Cheap Short-Living Objects does not appear to have a useful application in this business-related problem, and so one would generally think it is non-applicable. Thinking outside the box, our case is about speed of workers vs. reliability, so, although very politically incorrect to speak this way, could the attitude of management not be to hire cheap labor and abuse them to get the results they want with no intention of retaining them and being completely complacent toward the idea of them leaving the company? The last applicable suggested inventive principle is Mechanics Substitution. In this case, we can see areas where there is a change from static to movable fields—from unstructured fields to those having structure (Courts, 2010). Mechanical inventors sometimes are trapped by their discipline, and opportunities arise for those with knowledge of other subjects to improve the system. You can even replace physical systems with invisible effects—for example, replacing wheels on a train by a magnetic lift system (Trizsigma.com, 2009). In a business-oriented setting, adjustments can be made to do things differently. When running a financial close, there may be areas, where we can consolidate or separate items to make the process run faster and smoother. Problem Conclusions In conclusion, engineers and technicians have had exposure to TRIZ to help them make decisions. Professionals in the areas of accounting, management, finance, law, operations management, and corporate government often have had no exposure to TRIZ and have never even heard of Altshuller (Ezickson, 2005). June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 27 The inventive principles of TRIZ were helpful in the course of determining solutions to the two problems addressed here. It was seen that that several TRIZ principles assisted in the process of indicating potential specific solutions that eventually approached an IFR. Some of these were Dynamics, The Other Way Around, Feedback, Parameter Changes, Beforehand Cushioning, Cheap Short-Living Objects, and Mechanics Substitution. Because of these, the contradictions I started with were broken down satisfactorily into problem solutions. I have learned through these two business problems and have been able to see that TRIZ is of use in solving problems in the business workplace. I also have been able to see that TRIZ translates for many everyday real-world business problems. I have found the Contradiction Matrix used to discover possible approaches to finding specific solutions very interesting and thought provoking. Overall, this problem-solving scenario and its TRIZ solutions were extremely useful to my workplace. When applied in my dilemmas, we were actually able to speed up our financial close process in the speed vs. accuracy problem. I would assert that a large portion of this success relates to the decision-making assistance we received from TRIZ. The improvements may not all be directly related to the tweaking we did on this project; nevertheless, we appear to be on the correct path. In addition, I suspect that the speed vs. reliability challenge could be a long-term problem for many companies. In addition, our goal to cut back on approvals to streamline processes looked like it enjoyed some success. It was more difficult to ascertain just how much improvement we could claim in this area as our company is large and tends to have significant turnover. Hence, with these types of changes, there is a need for “policing” to make them work. There is a natural need to have information in our business, so cutting back approvals and losing information is a June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 28 sensitive topic. We were, however, able to streamline our purchase order process in the frontend requisition stage because of cutting back approvals. As long as they are in place, the workplace solutions will be contributing towards the IFR. Since we seldom achieve perfection, heading in the correct direction, in my opinion, becomes paramount. I would argue that in both our real-world examples we are doing so. Observations and Comments The business world is extremely dynamic and fast: information technology and global networking eliminate borders that we use to keep businesses comfortable, the market demands better services, and competition even between small companies are moving to a global scale. Innovation is an area where there is seemingly no guidance. In search for a solution, more and more business people turn their attention to TRIZ (Souchkov, 2007). I learned from my studies and readings that TRIZ was primarily useful for engineering problems. Without knowing any more than that, I originally believed TRIZ was probably some complicated formula-driven problem solving tool that would be inaccessible to a novice. The whole notion of Genrich Altshuller reviewing through a colossal amount of patents in his job as a patent examiner seemed a bit suspect to me, as there is very little control involved when one person is in charge of such studies. Additionally, I was perplexed as to how this TRIZ method worked and how we were going to use this for solving business problems. I was surprised once I began actively using the TRIZ contradiction matrix to solve business problems I have encountered. Along the way, I increased my understanding. Reflecting back on scenarios in my past where there were problems and dilemmas, and seeing suggestions on how to deal with these, has become quite enlightening. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 29 To summarize, I now not only understand how to use TRIZ for problem solving, but why we would do so. I would recommend the assistance the contradiction matrix could offer in future problem situations. My initial concerns and fear regarding TRIZ were unwarranted, as I now realize the significance and worth of the problem solving process not only for engineering but for business as well. Conclusion/TRIZ Future Problem solving and innovation for business problems are still considered a strategic decision making process for organizations, with emphasis given to the immediate solutions needing to be generated. Although these processes follow certain techniques and tools, the amount of data and convergence thinking may dominate the entire solution generation process. There is increasing stress being put to bring structure to the process of problem solving as organizations focus on the re-usability of the structure for similar situations (Kappoth, Mittal, & Balasubramanian, 2008). Moving into the future, I believe a more concise TRIZ contradiction matrix catering to the business world would be useful. A developer could tailor the generic solutions to the business environment. While Genrich Altshuller developed the contradiction matrix for technology and engineering, Darrell Mann recently developed a contradiction matrix for TRIZ in business and management. Overall, the future of TRIZ appears to be bright. The official website for The Altshuller Institute for TRIZ studies is currently piecing together a certification process for TRIZ users. The institute, led by Education Director Victor Fey, feels strongly that certification adds interest to new TRIZ users because there is something tangible that they can achieve, and there is room to progress. Secondly, certification is essential to legitimize the methodology because it will June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 30 become apparent that someone with more TRIZ training is likely to be able to solve problems more effectively and efficiently. Thirdly, companies require a simple means to evaluate how proficient a potential or current employee is in utilizing the TRIZ methodology (Aitriz.org, 2012). Additionally, certification must be defined by a universal set of guidelines so that terms like “TRIZ Apprentice” and “TRIZ Specialist” have the same meaning regardless of where the TRIZ user was trained. Therefore, a non-profit and global organization, such as the Altshuller Institute, must spearhead this initiative (Aitriz.org, 2012). From an academic standpoint, more colleges and universities have been offering courses in TRIZ. Some websites offer what they refer to as expert TRIZ training, and one states their offerings as follows: “A typical couple days of TRIZ workshops give you an opportunity to get some knowledge about TRIZ but, unfortunately, it is not enough to give you a chance to use TRIZ in your practice. Existing software does not help either - the programs were created for people who already knew TRIZ. Several years of our TRIZ teaching experience show that mastering this methodology requires serious training” (Trizexperts.net, 2012). The exposure gained in the academic arena will further solidify the standing of the TRIZ methods within that area. Just a few of the universities and colleges featuring TRIZ offerings are as follows: University of Phoenix, DeVry University, Aspen University, and even Harvard University. As time goes by, TRIZ will become more familiar in the United States. As this happens, I predict TRIZ will achieve the recognition and support it deserves in both academia and in business. June 24, 2012 Capstone Project Dale Pithers 31 References Aitriz.org. (n. d.). TRIZ Certification. Retrieved June 16, 2012 from http://www.aitriz.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=407&Itemid=154 Baetriz.co.uk. (n. d.). TRIZ Glossary. Retrieved May 16, 2012, from http://baetriz.co.uk/glossary.htm Barry, K., Domb, E., & Slocum, M. S. (n. d.). TRIZ - What is TRIZ? Retrieved, June 15, 2012, from http://www.triz-journal.com/archives/what_is_triz/ Bellis, M. (n. d.). The History of the Automobile. 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