Dairy Farm Project Report Ten Cows ,Dairy Farming,Dairy Farming Ptofit,Dairy Project, Dairy Farm Business Plan, Loan for Dairy Farm, Deshi Cow Dairy Farm Project, Dairy Farm Subsidy, Cow Buffalo Farm Subsidy, Deds, Pde

April 2, 2018 | Author: Rahul N Shripati | Category: Dairy Cattle, Dairy Farming, Cattle, Farms, Dairy



11/15/2017 dairy farm project report ten cows ,dairy farming,Dairy farming ptofit,Dairy project, Dairyfarm business plan, loan for dairy farm, Deshi cow… LIVESTOCK FARMING FREE ANIMAL FARMING PROJECT REPORTS Local reliability. Global scalability. LEARN MORE Now with a region in India. Dairy farm project report 10 cows Project report for dairy farm  ten  cows Indigenous dairy breed/ cross-bred cow dairy farm Dairy farming provides an excellent opportunity for self employment of unemployed youth. It   is also an important source of income generation to small/marginal farmers and agricultural labourers. Since agriculture is mostly seasonal, there is a possibility of nding employment throughout the year for many persons through dairy farming. Landless labourers. The white revolution of 70’s had made spectacular land marks in Indian milk production scenario. India is the largest milk producer of the world The increasing cost of feed ingredients and its seasonal variability  can be reduced by undertaking fodder cultivation.This project report is based on following assumption:- Entrepreneur  must check the following points before starting a dairy farm. 1. Availability of good quality dairy breed cows in nearby livestock market 2. Nearness of the Farm to Veterinary Hospital, Arti cial Insemination Center/livestock Aid Centers, MPCS 3. Marketing facility of milk and milk product in the locality4.Availability of concentrates ,fodder & medicine in that locality. Before starting a dairy farm the entrepreneurs/ farmers are advised to undergo    training on dairy farming. They can contact Local Animal Husbandry Department sta s/Veterinary College/agriculture University etc. for the purpose. Government subsidy available for these types of project– Back ended capital subsidy 25% for general category (33.33% for SC/ST bene ciaries) is available under government of India scheme Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS.). Subsidy ceiling is Rs150000/ for general category & Rs200000 for ST/SC category for dairy farm with ten animals.Farmer from Odisha can avail back ended capital subsidy 25% for general category  (33.33% for SC/ST bene ciaries) under government of Odisha scheme Promotion Of Dairy Entrepreneurship (PDE).Subsidy ceiling is Rs150,000/ for general category & Rs166665/ for ST/SC category for dairy farm with 10 animals for PDE scheme.Odisha farmer can avail subsidy either under scheme PDE or DEDS. Avail Bank loan and subsidy– In order to avail bank loan & subsidy under DEDS/PDE the entrepreneur/farmers are advised to contact local animal husbandry/veterinary o cers. Animal resources development department is the facilitator deportment for above schemes. This project report is based on following assumption: 1.Freshly calved indigenous dairy breed/ crossbred  cows like RedSindhi/ Sahiwal/ Gir/ Rathi/ Crossbred cows in 1st or 2nd lactation will be purchased in two batches of two animals each at an interval of 5 to 6 months. 2.Availability of  2 acre of  irrigated land is prerequisite for the project http://odishavet.com/dairy-farming-project-report/dairy-farm-project-report-10-cows/ 1/8 dairy farming.Cow dung produced will be utilized as Manure for fodder cultivation. Family labour will be utilized for maintance of the dairy farm. high lengthwise brick wall on sides. Deshi cow… 3. 5. of Animals 10 http://odishavet.Dairy project. high on the side wall . impervious to moisture . or tile. End wall should be solid made of bricks. higher than ground. high at the center and 8ft.  Walls-3ft. Dairy farm business plan.there should be   hang over 3ft  beyond wall to prevent rain water from entering cow shade.and have slope 1 in 60 towards gutter.Cost of rearing calves is not considered as it will be nulli ed by their sale value 7. Techno economic parameters Type of Animal  indigenous  Milch breed /CB No.4M FEEDING PASSAGE 1.2M .Cost of labour has not been taken into consideration since full time labour is not required for the small unit.2M ON BOTH SIDE MILKING PLACE 1.com/dairy-farming-project-report/dairy-farm-project-report-10-cows/ 2/8 . Housing for cows Floor –Pucca. 6. cement asbestos. strong concrete cemented.11/15/2017 dairy farm project report ten cows . loan for dairy farm.The scheme is workable on the above guidelines if run by the dairy farmer on scienti c lines. Plinth should be 2ft. Roof should be of asbestos.Dairy farming ptofit.In case of death  cow new cow will be purchased from insurance claim money 8.6M STANDING PLACE 1.Two crops considered per year. thatched  roof can replace asbestos in low cost housing TAIL  TO TAIL SYSTEM OF HOUSING ITEMS LENGTH IN METER MANGER 0. 4.5M GUTTER 0. Roof– 14-16ft.Fodder cultivation considered in 2 acre land . /acre/season) 5000 Insurance premium (% per annum) 5 Veterinary aid/animal/ year (Rs.) 1000 Cost of fodder cultivation (Rs.Dairy project.) Quantity (kg) Cost (Rs.) Concentrate feed 16 4. Deshi cow… Cost of Animal (Rs.com/dairy-farming-project-report/dairy-farm-project-report-10-cows/ 3/8 ./kg) 2 Rate of interest (%) 12 Repayment period (years) 6 Selling price of milk/litre (Rs.5 34 Lactation chart/Dry chart Particulars Years I II III IV V Vi Lactation Days First batch 1250 1400 1250 1050 1050 1250 Second batch 900 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 Total 2150 2450 2300 2100 2100 2300 Dry Days First batch 550 400 550 750 750 550 Second batch — 750 750 750 750 750 http://odishavet. Quantity (kg) Cost (Rs. per bag) 10 Lactation days 280 Dry days 150 DAILY FEEDING AND COST CHART FOR DAIRY COWS COST/KG During lactation period During dry period FEEDING STUFF Rs.5 72 1.dairy farming.5 24 Green fodder 1 20 Home grown 15 Home grown Dry fodder 4 4 11 5 10 Total 28.) 250 Cost of equipment per animal (Rs.11/15/2017 dairy farm project report ten cows .Dairy farming ptofit.5 83 21. Dairy farm business plan./kg) 12 Cost of dry fodder (Rs./animal) 30000/cow Average Milk Yield (litre/day) 10 Floor space (sqft) per adult animal 40 Floor space (sqft) per calf 20 Cost of construction per sqft (Rs./kg) 27 Sale price of gunny bags (Rs.) 1000 Cost of concentrate feed (Rs. loan for dairy farm. ft/cow @250/sqft 100000 Calf pen for  10 calves 20 sq.ft. Capital cost Cow shed for 10cows 40sq./calf @250/sq. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Feeding during lactation period vide yearly lactation days and feed cost 178450 203350 190900 174300 174300 190900 as per chart Feeding during dry period vide dry days and feed cost as per feed chart 18700 39100 44200 51000 51000 44200 enclosed Medicine vaccine veterinary aid 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Insurance @5% of animal cost /year 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 Cost of fodder cultivation 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 Cost of labour 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 http://odishavet. electricity for the rst month  for 4000 rst  cow Total recurring expenditure 54950 TOTAL PROJECT COST 599950 SAY 600000 Margin money 25% of project cost 150000 Bank loan 75% of project cost 450000 Particulars  Project period CASH FLOW ANALYSIS.Dairy farming ptofit. loan for dairy farm.com/dairy-farming-project-report/dairy-farm-project-report-10-cows/ 4/8 .dairy farming. Dairy farm business plan.Dairy project.11/15/2017 dairy farm project report ten cows . In Rs.5 acres of land 25000 Cost of medicine vaccine. Deshi cow… Total 550 1150 1300 1500 1500 1300 ECONOMICS OF DAIRY FARMING WITH 10 INDIGENOUS  DAIRY BREED COWS Project cost and bank loan Cost.ft. 50000 Cost of 10CB cows with minimum average 10 liter milk 300000 yield /day @30000 Cost of transportation @Rs1000/ cow 10000 Cost of one cha cutter with 2 HP motor 25000 Cost of dairy appliances @ 1000/cow 10000 Cost of electri cation with  ve ceiling fans 23000 Cost of one single bucket milking machine 27000 Total 545000 Recurring cost to be capitalized Cost of feed for rst batch of  one cows for one month as 12450 per feed chart Cost of insurance  10 animals @5% of animal cost 13500 Cost of fodder cultivation in 2. loan for dairy farm.com/dairy-farming-project-report/dairy-farm-project-report-10-cows/ 5/8 .dairy farming.27/liter during lactation days with average milk 580500 661500 621000 567000 567000 621000 yield /cow  liter/day Sale of gunny bags 2100 2300 2250 2100 2100 2200 Manure will be utilized in own farm Value of closing stock of 10 cows (Depreciation on animal cost 120000 @10%/year) Value of building (Depreciation on 60000 building@10%/year) Value of equipments(Depreciation 8500 on equipments @15%/year) Total income 582600 663800 623250 569100 569100 811700 Gross pro t 240450 276350 243150 198800 198800 431600 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capital Costs 545000 Recurring Cost 342150 387450 380100 370300 370300 380100 Total Costs 887150 387450 380100 370300 370300 380100 Bene t 582600 663800 623250 569100 569100 811700 Net Bene t -304550 276350 243150 198800 198800 431600 Sl no Financial indicators Estimated value Preferred value 1 Net Present Worth (NPW 503105.16 Should be +ve 2 Bene t Cost Ratio(BCR) 1. Dairy farm business plan.Dairy project.5 Bank loan =450000grace period 6 months Loan amount at the end of grace period =450000+27000=477000 S.11/15/2017 dairy farm project report ten cows .33 >15% 4 Debt Service Coverage Ratio 2. Deshi cow… other miscellaneous expenditure 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Total 342150 387450 380100 370300 370300 380100 INCOME Sale  of milk @Rs.Dairy farming ptofit.366 >1.268:1 >1 3 Internal Rate of return (IRR) 35.No Monthly Installment Interest Principal Balance 0 477000 1 9325 4770 4555 472445 2 9325 4724 4601 467844 http://odishavet. Dairy farming ptofit.dairy farming. Deshi cow… 3 9325 4678 4647 463197 4 9325 4632 4693 458503 5 9325 4585 4740 453763 6 9325 4538 4788 448975 7 9325 4490 4836 444139 8 9325 4441 4884 439255 9 9325 4393 4933 434322 10 9325 4343 4982 429340 11 9325 4293 5032 424308 12 9325 4243 5082 419226 13 9325 4192 5133 414092 14 9325 4141 5185 408908 15 9325 4089 5236 403672 16 9325 4037 5289 398383 17 9325 3984 5342 393041 18 9325 3930 5395 387646 19 9325 3876 5449 382197 20 9325 3822 5503 376694 21 9325 3767 5559 371135 22 9325 3711 5614 365521 23 9325 3655 5670 359851 24 9325 3599 5727 354124 25 9325 3541 5784 348340 26 9325 3483 5842 342498 27 9325 3425 5900 336597 28 9325 3366 5959 330638 29 9325 3306 6019 324619 30 9325 3246 6079 318539 31 9325 3185 6140 312399 32 9325 3124 6201 306198 33 9325 3062 6263 299934 34 9325 2999 6326 293608 35 9325 2936 6389 287219 36 9325 2872 6453 280766 37 9325 2808 6518 274248 38 9325 2742 6583 267665 http://odishavet. Dairy farm business plan. loan for dairy farm.Dairy project.com/dairy-farming-project-report/dairy-farm-project-report-10-cows/ 6/8 .11/15/2017 dairy farm project report ten cows . com/dairy-farming-project-report/dairy-farm-project-report-10-cows/ 7/8 . Dairy farm business plan.Dairy farming ptofit. http://odishavet.11/15/2017 dairy farm project report ten cows .dairy farming. Deshi cow… 39 9325 2677 6649 261016 40 9325 2610 6715 254301 41 9325 2543 6782 247519 42 9325 2475 6850 240668 43 9325 2407 6919 233750 44 9325 2337 6988 226762 45 9325 2268 7058 219704 46 9325 2197 7128 212575 47 9325 2126 7200 205376 48 9325 2054 7272 198104 49 9325 1981 7344 190760 50 9325 1908 7418 183342 51 9325 1833 7492 175850 52 9325 1758 7567 168283 53 9325 1683 7643 160640 54 9325 1606 7719 152921 55 9325 1529 7796 145125 56 9325 1451 7874 137251 57 9325 1373 7953 129298 58 9325 1293 8032 121265 59 9325 1213 8113 113152 60 9325 1132 8194 104959 61 9325 1050 8276 96683 62 9325 967 8359 88324 63 9325 883 8442 79882 64 9325 799 8527 71355 65 9325 714 8612 62743 66 9325 627 8698 54045 67 9325 540 8785 45260 68 9325 453 8873 36388 69 9325 364 8962 27426 70 9325 274 9051 18375 71 9325 184 9142 9233 72 9325 92 9233 0 DISCLAIMER:-The views expressed in this model project are advisory in nature.Dairy project. loan for dairy farm. This website assumes no nancial liability for anyone using this project report for any purpose. Dairy project. Apply Now abfldirect.com http://odishavet. Deshi cow… Business Loan Upto 15 Lac Aditya Birla Business Loans. Move Into Bigger Premises Or Stock More Inventory.com/dairy-farming-project-report/dairy-farm-project-report-10-cows/ 8/8 . loan for dairy farm.Dairy farming ptofit. Dairy farm business plan.11/15/2017 dairy farm project report ten cows .dairy farming.
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