Daily Math Review - 8

March 26, 2018 | Author: silkcity9253 | Category: Fraction (Mathematics), Elementary Mathematics, Physics & Mathematics, Mathematics, Science



Daily Math Review - 8th Grade1 Name ________________________________________________ 1. What is the standard numeral for nineteen million, seven hundred thousand? __________ 2. Write the standard numeral for 34 billion, 219 thousand, 416. __________ 3. Round 24,269 to nearest thousand. __________ 4. Round 124,500 to nearest ten thousand. __________ Use greater than or less than for #’s 5 and 6. 5. 216,329 216,319 7. 6. 4,684,621 4,685,941 Carlos made $4.15 on Monday, $2.87 on Tuesday, and $16.21 on Wednesday. How much did he make in the three days? __________ 2 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Round 29,586,002 to nearest million. __________ 2. Is 42,000,216 < or > 41,986,675. ______ 3. 7 x (3+2) 5. (16 ÷ 4) x (8 ÷ 2) ________ 6. 7. 4. 265 + 299 ________ 5003 - 1659 Joe had 486 marbles. How many more will he need to have 500? ________ Daily Math Review - 8th Grade 3 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Round 25,999 to nearest tens. __________ Put correct or incorrect for #’s 2-4. 2. 356 - 142 x 2 = 72 3. 1625 - (526 + 374) = 725 __________ 4. 2591 - (1250 - 408) = 933 __________ 5. Barry made $20.00 last week. Sue made $11.87. How much more had Barry made? __________ 6. Estimate 19,876 + 13,061. __________ 7. Add 276 + 496 + 1986. __________ 4 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 227 x 36 2. Round 42,418 to nearest thousand. __________ 3. 7007 - 3648 = 4. 6283 + 576 + 3892 + 467 = ________ 5. Bob and Mary had $10.00. If they spent $4.86 at McDonalds, how much would they have left? __________ 6. 12,000 ÷ 6 = __________ 7. 30 x 4,000 = __________ Daily Math Review - 8th Grade 5 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 467 - = 85 2. 86 + 92 + = 867 3. 18,000 ÷ 90 = 5. 218 x 64 = __________ 6. Each Booster Club member sold 54 candles. How many candles did the 22 members sell? __________ 7. 2 x 5 + 3 x 2 - 5 + 3 = __________ 4. Estimate 5,862 x 3 = __________ 6 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 424 ÷ = 53 2. 60 x 2000 = __________ 3. 46 + 46 + 46 + 46 = 4. 24,000 ÷ 8 = _________ 5. 40 x 302 = 6. 88 x 7. Larry needed to repair chairs in the school auditorium. There are 24 rows of chairs with 25 chairs in each row. One hundred forty-seven of the chairs are in good shape. How many need repair? __________ = 88,000 $3.Daily Math Review . 36.000 . Estimate the quotient: 4200 ÷ 61 = __________ 3.250 x 8 = 2. Mr. 34 in period 3. If there is 4¢ tax on each dollar. 28 in period 5.$599 = 4. Sanchez had 21 students in the first period. 31 in period 2.00 worth of candy. 286 x 300 = __________ 7. 92. what would be the total tax? __________ .$6.000 ÷ 60 = 6. Joe bought $8. What is the total number of students? __________ 8 Name ________________________________________________ 1.000 ÷ 2 = __________ 7. 29 in period 4. $10. 386 + 967 + 87 = __________ 3.8th Grade 7 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 6972 ÷ 83 = 6. 384 + 967 + 845 = __________ 2.479 = 4. 1/3 of 24 = __________ 5. $1600 . 8 x (12 x 7) = __________ 5. 1. 8 + 8. Joan had 382 apples to divide among 33 bags.000 ÷ 2 = __________ 3.8th Grade 9 Name ________________________________________________ 1.426 ÷ 6 = 6.60 ÷ 6 = 4.85 + $2. how many will she have left? __________ 5. 1532 ÷ 27 = __________ 10 Name ________________________________________________ 1. If she gave an even amount to each bag.50. 80.85 + $28. $12 .88 + . $42. Estimate the quotient 55. $. Mary bought a dress for $40. 27 + 27 + 27 + 27 + 27 = __________ 2.$6. 5.080 ÷ 11 = _________ 7.Daily Math Review . If tax is 4¢ per dollar.50 = __________ 3. 23 x 82 = __________ 7.73 = __________ 4. what would be the total tax? __________ 265 x 80 . 25 x 300 = 2.80 + .08 = __________ 6. > or = for . 3.629 .623 mm. 8. 4. How much did they have altogether? __________ . Write these numbers from least to greatest. Marci had a marble with a diameter of 4.01.011 ____________________________________ 3. (2 x 6) . __________ 7. Write these numbers in order from greatest to least.6 + 2 x 8 .99. ________ 7. Compare the decimal: Put < . 2.599 mm. 15 x 3 . Round 4. Jerry had 76¢. 580 x 10 x 0 = 4. . Use the greater than or less than sign. Who had the smaller marble? __________ 12 Name ________________________________________________ 1.8th Grade 11 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Estimate 2054 x 31 = 4.670 . 4.6 + 5 = 6. 4. Write the numeral for 15 and 6 thousandths. Brenda had twice as much. 8.0. 7.347 to nearest hundredth.99.63 6.5 x 1 = _________ 3. 7. .55 = __________ 5.67 2.0.09. Cal had a marble with a diameter of 4. 38 x 96 = 2.01 _________ 5.Daily Math Review . 3.66 = 7. Write the decimal . Mary worked 2. 3.83 + 27. ________________________ 4.648.9 on Wednesday.35 blouse.three hundred fifteen ten-thousandths. 3. $15. and 3. Write the decimal twelve ten-thousandths. 8000 . 55 x 12 = 2. 36 ) 1260 7.40 x 2) = __________ .8th Grade 13 Name ________________________________________________ 1.Daily Math Review .2/3 of 48 = __________ 14 Name ________________________________________________ 1. ___________________ 3.2987 = 4. how much would she have left? __________ 6. How many hours did she work those three days? ___________________ 5. Put the following in order from least to greatest: 3.05435 to nearest thousandth.5 billfold.684 ___________________________ 2.468.8 hours on Monday. a $16.9 on Tuesday. 48 x = 2400 6.20 jacket and a $4. Round .(3. Kim bought a $4. Add 28. If she started with $30.00 . (9 + 9) ÷ (4 + 2) = __________ 3. __________ 5.4 + 9. >.98 = __________ 3. Write twenty-five ten thousands.603 .5 x . What is 427.1. or = for 6.50. $63.80 . __________ 16 Name ________________________________________________ 1. One family bought 5 adult tickets and 3 children’s tickets.055 inches. 286 x 48 = __________ 3. How much did that family spend? __________ 6 .3) . Which is greater: 5.00 5.8 + 4. (. 5.6 + .26 + 79.50 and children’s tickets are $1.623 or 563? __________ 4.. Use <. another . Joe had three widths of paper.277 = 6. Round . and the third .1 = __________ 7.8th Grade 15 Name ________________________________________________ 1.27. Adult tickets are $2. What is 2.097 inches.8 + 95.067 inches. What is the total width of the three papers? __________ 5. 486 ÷ 2 = 2.Daily Math Review . 6.006 to the nearest hundredth.08 = 2. 2 1/2 + 3 1/2 = 4.4? __________ 7. One was . 2.86. (30 x 40) ÷ 20 = 4. what would be their total number of points for the 9 games? __________ .77 + $5.809 x 6 = __________ 5. the 8 means ____________ 5.865.19 + $3.65 + 9 + 8.Daily Math Review . 2. 3701 ÷ 43 = 7. Estimate the product of 2774 x 28.8th Grade 17 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 84 + 184 + 1084 = __________ 2. If the team scores at the same rate as the first 6 games.1697 3. How many gallons of paint are needed to cover a fence 250 feet long and 8 feet high? __________ 6. $8.29 = ____________ 7. __________ 2. Put the following in order from greatest to least. Write 87 billion. Write the decimal 17 millionths.865. 4. 2.05 = __________ 18 Name ________________________________________________ 1. In 47. 3. 295 million. ___________ 6.799 ________________________ 3. The Sumner basketball team scored 354 points in the first 6 games. 4003 . ____________ 4.921. It had three more games to play. A gallon of paint covers 400 square feet. Joe’s time in the first race was 29.33 + 6. ____________ 5.46 seconds. How much faster was his first time? ____________ . 3425 ÷ 27 = 2.98 = 2. __________ 3.34 + 821. >. Patti ran it in 12. Round . Round 12.$27.75 = __________ 5.48 + 9. 12 + 15.17 4.5 + 10.852 to the underlined place. 56. How much faster was Patti than Sean? __________ 20 Name ________________________________________________ 1.97 seconds.000 ÷ 8 = __________ 7.97 to the nearest tenth.35) = 6. 26. 576. 5x5x5x5= 4.72 = __________ 3. Estimate the difference: $31.65. 4 1/2 .0910 .95 .(8.23. Sean ran 100 meters in 13.2 1/4 = __________ 7.55 . 94. 6.Daily Math Review . or = for the in 0. His second time was 30.091.8th Grade 19 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Use <. 11.9 m. Frank’s distance in the long jump on his three jumps were 12.Daily Math Review . 3/4 of 32 = __________ 7. 2 1/3 + 3 1/4 = 2.008 = 2.2 m.5 = __________ 5. 846 .8 m. 10 x 46. 18 .865 = 6.85 + 9.860 L of water empties at the rate of 40 L each minute.659 = 4. A tank holding 14.2 x 0. 3 1/2 x 2 = __________ 3.5 = __________ 5.8th Grade 21 Name ________________________________________________ 1.2 = 6. 487 x 960 x 0 = __________ 3.3) x 0. How many minutes will it take to empty the tank? __________ 22 Name ________________________________________________ 1.67 + . What was his average jump? __________ . 7.2. and 12. 3 x 5 . (0. 8 1/3 x 3 = 4. 6000 ÷ 15 = __________ 7.2. 59.66 = __________ 7. 609. 48 x 10.8th Grade 23 Name ________________________________________________ 1.6¢ per gallon. How much more will they need to sell next year? __________ .5 gallon cost? __________ 5.216 worth of food. 88 x 900 = 2. 55 . .Daily Math Review .3. __________ 6. 57. 7 1/2 .3 = 4.862 = __________ 7. Next year they expect to sell 5 million dollars.3 x .0. The Big Star Super Market sold $4. 46.000 = 2. Round . Round 2. Gas is 89. and 58. What would 11. In a relay race the four boy’s times were 58.2 3/4 = __________ 3.1.1 x 100 = __________ 3. What was the difference between the slowest and fastest time? __________ 24 Name ________________________________________________ 1.867. __________ 6.9995 to the nearest thousandth. 5 ÷ 1/6 = __________ 5.193.3 x .5.47 . (80 x 30) ÷ 40 = 4..867 to the nearest tenth. 65 = __________ 7.35 . How much money will he get back from a ten dollar bill? __________ 3.9 + 3 = __________ 2. 177.4 2/3 = __________ 5.(119.40 per day. 5.63) = 6. Bob bought 3 rolls of paper for 83¢ each.4. If Mike knocked down 7 cones.7 second was added to the time. 8.76 to the nearest whole number. what was his total time? __________ 26 Name ________________________________________________ 1.771 = 4.9 x 8. 3 5/6 + 4 2/3 = __________ 5. 15 .67 = 4. __________ 2.77 = __________ 3. For every cone that was knocked down.83 seconds. Round 85. $15.Daily Math Review .84. .98 + $6. A lady earns $56. His time was 46.93 + $7.76 + $28. 150 . Mike was in a car race. 3/5 of 60 = 6.8th Grade 25 Name ________________________________________________ 1. what is her hourly rate? __________ .3.5 .14 + .6 ÷ 37 = __________ 7. 6 1/3 . If she works 8 hours per day. 7. 4683 + 9415 + 6859 = __________ 5. If each game needs 1/2 foot. How much money? 7 quarters. 2 1/2 + 3 3/4 + 5 1/2 = __________ 7. Divide . 4. There are 365 feet of yarn in a skein. 5/6 of 72 = __________ 2. 7 nickels 6.14.. Round 846.8 . Marcia cuts a 42 foot rope in 37 pieces that are each 1. how many games can be made? __________ 3.08 = __________ 3.16 ÷ 3.2 = __________ 5. __________ 6.Daily Math Review . How much extra rope does she have? __________ 28 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 7 dimes. Find the quotient to the nearest tenth. ____________ 7. 2 ÷ . 87. four. 8. Write 7 million.8th Grade 27 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 1430 ÷ 65 = 4.83 to nearest whole number.496 by 62.3249 2. 4168 .1 foot long. __________ . 14 = 2. 36. .1 = __________ 5. 5 cups = pints 3.Daily Math Review . If each sheep gave 2. 486 + 921 + 836 + 812 = __________ 7.2986. 14. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = __________ 3. 4 3/4 ÷ 1/4 = 6.8 pounds.48 x . 100 ÷ 1000 = __________ 5.8th Grade 29 Name ________________________________________________ 1.73 ÷ 29 = 4.682. 6 1/4 x 4 = 4. $4000 . What did the load weigh? __________ 30 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 10.7 = __________ 7.8. Mary had 56 sheep.984. A truck weighs 14.8 pounds of wool. When the truck is loaded it weighs 26.2 x .5 ÷ 10 = 2. $3000 ÷ 10 = 6. how many pounds of wool would Mary get? __________ . 16 ÷ 80 to the nearest tenth. 0. Each kilogram equals 2. 54 = 6. 33 = __________ 4. 2 1/6 ÷ 13/6 = __________ . __________ 5. __________ 2. How many pounds does Roxine weigh if she is 50. 3 1/3 x 4 1/2 = 5.? __________ 32 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 5x5x3= 3. Write as a decimal thirty seven thousandths.2 lbs.466 ÷ 9.8 kg. __________ 7. How many miles did he travel? __________ 3.08 = 4. Round 224. . 12.8th Grade 31 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Joe traveled 10560 feet.066 = __________ 6. Round to nearest thousandths.08 x . 3 1/3 + 4 4/5 = __________ 7.25 x .Daily Math Review . 7 quarts equal how many gallons? 2.5. Put 36.2)3 = 5. What was their average weight? __________ 34 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 115 = __________ 4695 . 6. 5/7 of 84 = __________ 4. To make a pair of shorts requires 2 2/3 yards of material.Daily Math Review . Brian wanted to make 3 pairs. 86 x 57 = __________ 6. 50 = 3. How much material would be left from 9 yards? __________ . Their weight was 818 pounds. 3.8th Grade 33 Name ________________________________________________ 1.6 x 104 to Alaska. How much farther is Alaska than California? __________ 2. It is 4.1887 5.5 + .2 = __________ 7. It is 2. 6/7 x 1 3/4 = __________ 7. 619 pounds and 756 lbs.666 ÷ 2 = __________ 4. 200 ÷ .000 in scientific notation.55 + . . Three adult horses were weighed. (.555 = 2.3 x 103 miles to California. 2. .3 2/3 = 4. 2 lbs.2001 . 44. 7 1/8 . 2000 x 8 = __________ 6. 37 ) 7511 2.235 = __________ 3. . What time is 1 hour and forty minutes after 10:36? __________ 7.86 per hour.44 ÷ . What was his pay? __________ 36 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 13 mm = 5. 99 x 47 = 2.09 x 100 = 7.44 = __________ 3. Standard Oil was up 7/8 on Tuesday and 3/8 on Wednesday.Daily Math Review . 84 = 6. He worked 6846 hours in 1985. = oz. Bob is working on construction for $8. 106 ÷ 102 = __________ 5. How much did the price increase for the two days? __________ cm 4.8th Grade 35 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Find the average of 6. 102 x 10 = __________ 1.7 = 7. 42 ) 5504 . 32 = 2. A recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups of white flour and 2 3/4 cups of whole wheat flour.Daily Math Review . 9.014 ___________________________________ 5.89 ÷ 1. __________ 6. . 17.4. 1. How much flour is needed in all? __________ 6. Arrange least to greatest.4 .8th Grade 37 Name ________________________________________________ 1. . 400 x 5 = 3. ________ 38 Name ________________________________________________ 2.140. Round 6. 11. Write the decimal for 6 and 5 tenths.04. 1.3.83 to the nearest whole number.3 = __________ 4. 1000 = 10 7. 4. 500 ÷ 10 = __________ 5. and 2. Write the decimal for 1/2. 27. __________ 3. 6. 2 1/8 = 6.124 = __________ 3.Daily Math Review .5 = 4. 1080 ÷ 120 = __________ 5. What percent of the time did he get hits? __________ 40 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 3 3/8 . 105 = 4. 4613 . 5 m = 5.4. 52 ÷ 10 = 2.2895 7. 16 x 100 = 2. 23 = __________ 3. 1005 x 17 = __________ Jim got 3 hits in 10 at bat. 2000 . 3 x 4 x 5 = __________ 7.8th Grade 39 Name ________________________________________________ 1. What time is 45 minutes after 10:35? __________ . 9 . cm 6. 80 mm = 5. __________ 7. 25 + 3. = 5.8th Grade 41 Name ________________________________________________ 1.? __________ 2. T or F: 3 is a factor of 21? __________ 6. 3 1/2 + 1 1/2 = __________ . 3 ft.0 ÷ 15 = 4.m. How much time between 1:45 p. A wrecking company bought 12 cars for $36 each and 13 cars for $30 each. 66. and 3:15 p. 7. 103 = 3. T or F: 5 is a multiple of 20.4 = 2.m. 5 x 102 = 6. 378 ÷ 14 = 7.Daily Math Review . 42 Name ________________________________________________ 1. How much was paid for the 25 cars? __________ in.4 x 100 = __________ cm 4. 900 x 6 = __________ 3. 0396 ÷ 6 = __________ 44 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Divide $14 by 8.8th Grade 43 Name ________________________________________________ 1.8 x 5 = 4. 3. 6.6 cm high. 9.8 ÷ 9 = __________ 7. 9 ft. . Find the mode of 8. Ed won 12 out of 15 games of chess. 256 + 13 + 8 = 2. 4. __________ 6. 2 and 8. = 5. 6.25 1/3 Write < or > 3. 2.1 = 2.7 7. Write 29/3 as a mixed number. A stack of 100 papers is 2. What is the thickness of each sheet? __________ . __________ 5.9 + 9.Daily Math Review . .091 Fill in < or > yds. 2. What fraction of the games did he lose? __________ . 3. . 16. 70 x 80 = __________ 3. 1. 5. Daily Math Review . Estimate: 63. Choose the most sensible answer: Mike has finished a) 125% b) 3/4 c) 2. 20% = 1 4. 7. . 1.8th Grade 45 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 26296 ÷ 4 = 4.8 = __________ 3. 46 Name ________________________________________________ 1.935 ÷ 98 = __________ 3.4 of his book.387 .5 x 11 = __________ 7. Choose the most sensible answer for: Helen sleeps a) 3/4 b) 30% c) 90% 2 = _____ 5 100 of the day. 4. 3 x 103 = 6. 6408 .295 = 2. What is 3/4 of 12? 6. What is 1/2 of 11? __________ 5. 197 x 56 = 2. 60% = _____ 5 5. ________ 7.6 as a fraction in lowest terms.23.82 = 4. . 1. 302 x 29 = ________ 3. Write a decimal for 3/25. Write . 31 .461 = 2. Hank gets 22 miles per gallon. On a map 1 cm = 13 km. 2738 ÷ 9 = 2.000 . . Estimate: 504 x 137 = ________ 3. ________ .2 = 6. 27. What distance is represented by 8 cm? ________ 48 Name ________________________________________________ 1.2. How many gallons are needed to drive 594 miles? ________ % 5 8 = ____ 40 6.29 = 4.08 x 3 = ________ 5. Estimate: 6 x $7.8th Grade 47 Name ________________________________________________ 1.Daily Math Review . 5.2 x 1.2 = 7. 7 = 20 7. Write six and three hundredths as a decimal. 9. how many cartons are shipped in a 15 day period? __________ % 35 6. 40. 3/4 = 4. ________ 7.Daily Math Review . Write an algebraic phrase for 4 less than a number. 4 ÷ 8 = _________ 50 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 13. The Tashu Company ships 126 radios a day.556 = 2. Find the median for 2. 3x = 15. 2515 ÷ 5 = ________ 3. ________ 5. 1/3 = 4. How much is that per pound? ________ % .247 + 163 + 9582 = 2.8th Grade 49 Name ________________________________________________ 1. x = ________ 6. Eight pounds of shrimp costs $46. 3. If they are packed 6 to a carton. Estimate: 821 . __________ 5. 7. Estimate: 6111 ÷ 29 = __________ 3. Pick the most reasonable weight for a puppy. Estimate: 1597 + 1135 = 2.8th Grade 51 Name ________________________________________________ 1. . 9-3x2= 2.3 kg c) . y = 6. 3 + 8 x 5 = __________ 7. How many must she average the next three days to reach her goal of 30 laps each day? __________ 75% Write < or > 52 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Tina swam 25 laps Monday and 32 laps Tuesday.01 = 4. __________ a) 53 kg b) 5. y .6. . 14 • 6 = 6 • __________ 5. Change 3/4 to a decimal.9 5. . 4. t = __________ 3.6 = 14.m. 52 x .3t = 18. 1 mile = 6. Tom is to be at a restaurant by 1:00 p. How early is he? ___________ ft. 3 4 = ____ 12 3.Daily Math Review .53 kg 7. He leaves home at 11:50 and arrives 35 minutes later. 11 and 14. 6. and height = 3 in.001 divisible by 3? __________ 54 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Round 4.300. ft. 13. d = ________ 12 inches 56 • 42.8th Grade 53 Name ________________________________________________ 1.. Sketch and label a rectangle with an area of 21 sq. 12. The ages on Bill’s basketball team are 10. How many ways can 24 chairs be arranged in rows that have the same number of chairs? ________ 7. ___________ 2. >. Find the area of a parallelogram with base = 6 in. 5. Write <. d = 4.10 + 5 + 8 = 2. > or =. Write an algebraic phrase for 4 times your weight.m. Write <. __________ 3. What is the average age of the players? _________ ft. Is 500. . 4. or =. 750 mL 5. + 3 1/2 hours = _________ 6.. 27 inches = 4. 35 . 4:40 p. side = 4 in. 23 x 32 = 7. 3.365 to tenths.Daily Math Review . 58 7.5 L. 8th Grade 55 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 6 dimes and 2 nickels worth? ________ 2.7 ÷ 7 = ________ 4.3 = 2 3. 1/2 of 3 1/2 = 5. 8 4 2 1 = 30 2.Daily Math Review . 15. 21.9 ÷ 3 = 3. ________ 4. What metric unit is closest to the thickness of a dime? ________ 7. 2 ft. = 5. How much fence is needed to enclose a rectangular yard which is 85 ft. by 60 ft. Write an algebraic phrase for the product of 3 and n.? ________ 7. how far away was the lightning? ________ cm . 24 + 12 . How much is 3 quarters. It takes about 5 seconds for sound to travel 1 mile. What is the radius of a circle with a diameter of 6 in. If the time between the lightning flash and the sound of thunder is 12 seconds. 9 in. 7 in. ________ 56 Name ________________________________________________ 1. + 3 ft. 4m = 6. ________ 6. Write an algebraic phrase for a number increased by 6. Fill in operation symbols to make the expression true. T or F ________ 6. ________ 3. The odometer on Tim’s bike read 483 km when he left home. ________ 3.6. Fill in the correct operation symbols.6 (. 6.7 . what is the x called? 2. 1+3+5+7= 5. Now it reads 627 km. May leaves for work at 7:30 a. 8y = 25.m. Write the value of pi correct to 2 decimal places. In x + 3 = 7. .Daily Math Review . 4T = 7. then walks for 5 minutes. She rides the 7:40 bus for 25 minutes. . x = 0 x= 2. Write < or >. $75 ÷ 6 = 5. The sum of two multiples of 3 is a multiple of 3. 5% 7. y = ________ lbs. 58 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Write the prime factorization of 24. 14. At what time does she arrive at work? ________ 4. How far did he ride? ________ 2 4.8th Grade 57 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Write 1/8 as a decimal.3) = 1. ________ 1/8. 8th Grade 59 Name ________________________________________________ 1.50 per yard and a rod which costs $39. 6. Round 52. What is the Greatest Common Factor of 9 and 12? ________ 6. They wish to make a new curtain.Daily Math Review . Write 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 in exponential form. The Community Theatre has $170. ________ 60 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 15 . 4m = 12. 5 = n .8 6. 106 = ________ 5. 4. 6/5 = 5. What percent are eighth graders? ________ .(2 + 4) = 2. What is 20% of 30? ________ 3. n + 27 = 70. How many factors does 12 have? ________ 7.5 x 103 = 7.035 to the nearest tenth. 6 seventh grades. of material at $8. How much will they have left over? ________ % 4. and 9 eighth graders. The student council consists of 5 sixth graders. 6 8 n= 2. n = ________ 3.50. using 15 yds. 1 = n.6 = 4. 32 . Liz’s first lap in a race was 1:42. ________ 4. If 36 are boys. 62 .5.6. 4/5 7. what percent are boys? ________ 60%. ________ 6.2 = ________ 7. 3 1/4 + 2 1/5 = 6. What is 50% of 80? ________ 3.8th Grade 61 Name ________________________________________________ 1.Daily Math Review . Write the Least Common Multiple of 6 and 9. ________ 3. . x = ________ 5. 1 1/2 x 4 = ________ 62 Name ________________________________________________ 1.2. Write the decimal for 26 hundredths. x + 3 = 2x . n = 3 15 2. The total time for the race was 3:18. How long did it take to complete the second lap? ________ 5. Write < or >. Write 3800 in scientific notation. Is 27 prime or composite? 2. A math club has 60 members. 6 1/4 .3 3/4 = 4. If socks are selling 3 for $1. 1/2 5.5¢ per kw-hr.6 x 104 = 6. Write < or >. ________ . Write 3 5/6 as an improper fraction. 3 ÷ 1/2 = ________ 3. n . What is an angle less than 90o called? __________ 7.5¢ per kw-hr. In Iowa it is about 5.603 divisible by 5? 2.8th Grade 63 Name ________________________________________________ 1.(3 + 5). 64 Name ________________________________________________ 1. n = 4. Electricity in New York is 16. ________ 5. 4.29.7 = 48 . What is an angle between 90o and 180o called? ________ 7.Daily Math Review . find the cost of 7 pair. What is 1% of $60? ________ 3. 6 is what percent of 24? 2. How much would $60 of electricity in Iowa cost in New York? ________ 1/3. Is 505. 5/6 of 18 = 6. 1/3 of 15 = ________ 5. 3/4 + 3/4 = 2. How many quarter pounders can McDonalds make from 60 lbs. __________ 7. A pair of tennis shoes regularly selling for $38 are marked 20% off.30? 2. What is the sale price? ________ .6 3 4. What is 10% of $1. 2 . of hamburger? ________ 66 Name ________________________________________________ 1.1 1/8 = ________ 3.8th Grade 65 Name ________________________________________________ 1. x = 6. ________ 6. $153 ÷ 100 = ________ 5. 7 is 25% of what number? ________ 3.Daily Math Review . Name an 8-sided polygon. Write the area formula for a parallelogram. 4 3/8 ÷ 5 = ________ 7. __________ 6. Name a polygon with 10 sides. 4 1/2 ÷ 3 = 4. 3 x 1000 = ________ 7. qt.90? 2. 3/8 x 1/5 = ________ 3.12 = 4. Jones be? ________ 4 1/2. 5. Jones is 36. 6.5463 . Name a rectangle with 4 congruent sides. __________ 6. 5 cm = 5. how many times as old as his son will Mr. A coat costing $60 is marked down $15. 4 + 6 x 3 . 4/5 + 1/3 = 2. = 7. mm 9007 .8th Grade 67 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 4 is what percent of 12? ________ 3. What is 10% of $5. 68 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Mr. In four years. 4. 5 qts. 3/4 of 20 = 4.Daily Math Review . 4 1/2 ÷ 1/2 Write < or >. What is the percent discount? ________ gal. his son is 6. Write 1/6 as a repeating decimal. 5 in. 3 ft. = ft. 7. Name a triangle with 3 congruent sides. how long will it take to paint 21 chairs? __________ 70 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 3/8 + 1/4 = 2. Perpendicular lines form what angle? ____________ 6. x = ________ 7.3 4/5 =________ 3.8th Grade 69 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 5 kg = 5. t = ________ . 4 1/5 . 4/5 of 25 = 4. ________ 6. 3.75? __________ g 2. 121 ÷ 4 Express the remainder as a decimal. 7 yd. + 2 ft.16. 95 = t . What is less: 3 for $15.66 or 7 for $36. x ÷ 100 = 24. If Karen can paint 1 3/4 chairs in an hour.Daily Math Review . __________ 5. = ________ 4. 10 in. 06 min.7 72 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Bill has a bucket containing 2 1/4 gal. Write the area formula for a circle.1964 to the nearest hundredth. a + 1 = 7.084 . 1.306 <. What is the ordinal number that comes before 67? __________ 3.05 min.01 = __________ 7.8th Grade 71 Name ________________________________________________ 1. __________ 7. What is the total time for the team? __________ .13 min. 5. a = 4 8 8 2.04 min.36 0. 4 5 = 3 __ 6 6 3. 6. of paint. . how many gallons are left? ___________ 76 x 8. 12 + 15. If he uses 1/3 of his paint. A relay team has times of: 1.3.Daily Math Review .376 = 4. 325 x . = or < 2. 8. __________ 5. 9 of 30 = 10 4. Round .5 + 10.75 = 6. 1.. and 1.. Write 32/7 as a mixed number. 00? __________ 5.8th Grade 73 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Estimate the sum of 43. Round . __________ 3. _________ 2. What is the cost of 4. Write the numeral for XII.472 + 6.Daily Math Review . __________ 2. Mark bought shoes for $23.85. 1/3 + 1/6 = ________ .9 gallons of gas at $1. Sales tax is 5%. >.426 = 7.0726 + . .189 = ________ 6.39 <. 13.04 and 6. How much change should he get from $40.95. Round to the nearest half hour 4:49 p.0881 to the nearest tenth.5 + . Write the Roman numeral for 6.. What time is it 4 hours and 10 minutes before midnight? __________ 6. __________ 74 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 5. ___________ 5.m. or = 3.19 per gallon? Give answer to the nearest cent. 7 . ________ 5.63 = __________ 4.4 4. 1 + 16 ÷ 4 = 7. Write the numeral for seven dollars and six cents. $38 . 5 3. 78 x 609 = __________ kg 8 = 40 5.2 <. >. 6+9 3x5 <.27.Daily Math Review . How much would 24 cards cost? ________ . Rayleen bought items with a total cost of $4.28 = 6. 60. or = . 41 g = 6.013 7. 2008 x 309 = 4. or = 2. >.8th Grade 75 Name ________________________________________________ 1. __________ 4.359 + 4778 __________ 3.49 for 3 cards. Estimate the sum: 3841 + 2. 6-1+7= 2. How much change should she get? __________ 7. Postcards at a local museum were $. She gave the clerk $20.28¢ = _________ 5.2 ÷ . __________ 76 Name ________________________________________________ 1. . Estimate the difference of 3 7/8 and 1 1/3. What is the cost of 2.Daily Math Review . A carton of computer paper weighs 19.30 = __________ 6. $. 253 x 3000 = 4. 5 7 = 12 2. Estimate the quotient of 17. 2x6+2x4= 6. or = . __________ 5. What combination of coins should Kate use to give 55¢ change? __________ 7.8th Grade 77 Name ________________________________________________ 1.5 kg and costs 2.95.5 = 5.060. __________ 3. 32 = __________ 45 ÷ 5 <.000 ÷ 900 = 3. Write 13. >.2¢ per sheet.1 and 1.06 + $. 286 ÷ 357. On a 370 seat airplane.400 sheets of paper? _________ 7.73 + $. 284 seats were taken.000 in scientific notation. What combination of coins should be used to give 92¢ change? _________ 2. 3 x 2 4. How many were not taken? __________ 78 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 63. 69 each. 59. Round . 4+7 5. 3. >. or = 2. 105 = 7. Discs costs $1.8th Grade 79 Name ________________________________________________ 1. .059 ÷ 413 = ________ 3. __________ 6. How long will it take to fill the tank? __________ 7.1 = __________ 80 Name ________________________________________________ 1. A tank has a capacity of 64. Write in standard notation. What is the cost of one dozen discs? __________ 6.89 each. For 20 or more the cost is $1. Write the numeral for six and twenty-eight thousandths. 456 ÷ 200 = 2.9 = __________ 5.001 x 8. __________ 4. 7 less than 18 is ________ 3.Daily Math Review . >. or = 4.000 gallon and is filled by a pipe at a rate of 256 gallon per minute. 2 (4+3) .27 x 105 __________ .0048 to the nearest hundredth. 4x9 6x6 <. 364 x 86 = __________ 4x3 <. 023 x . Write 2. 30 . __________ 4.841 + 359 + 4.3 = __________ . __________ 5.8th Grade 81 Name ________________________________________________ 1.778 __________ 82 Name ________________________________________________ 2.7561 cm. How large should it have been? __________ 9=7 6. 2. 8. Estimate the sum: 3. A sausage that is about 32.Daily Math Review .5 x 4 = 7.6 cm long is cut into 100 slices.5 = 6.1/4 = 3. 2/3 . Change 1. What is the prime factorization of 54? __________ 7.4 ÷ .66683 to the nearest whole number. This was one ten-thousandth larger than it should have been. 17.06 x 107 in standard notation. 35 = __________ 1. Noel measured a cylinder and found its diameter was 5. How thick is each slice? __________ 5. __________ 3.263 cm to m. 4 less than the product of 12 and 3. Round . 16 4. 942 and 77. Is 51 a prime or composite number? __________ 5.9 x 3. Carolyn bought 2 packs of film for $3. 5. What is the thickness of each page to the nearest thousandth? __________ 4.7 = 2. 2 more than the difference of 6 and 4.Daily Math Review . >. What was the total cost? __________ 7. 1 5/7 x 2 1/3 = __________ . Estimate the quotient of 7. __________ 6. ____________ 3. 7 + 18 ÷ 6 = ________ 5. 11:35. __________ 3.8300 <. Write the numeral for twenty-four thousand and twenty-four ten-thousandths. The total cost of operating a carpool for a year is shared by 4 people. 42 7. 202 = 6. __________ 4. If each person pays $345. what is the total cost of operating the carpool? __________ 7=6 84 Name ________________________________________________ 1.19 each and another for $2. .8th Grade 83 Name ________________________________________________ 1.2 cm thick. There are 425 pages in a book that is 3.83 .15. or = 2. Round to the nearest quarter hour. ________ 86 Name ________________________________________________ 1. In 53 what is the exponent? ________ 3. What is the great common factor of 54 and 60? ________ 5. >. Adam bought 3/4 lb. Change 3 3/4 to an improper fraction.7 x . what is the base? 2. How many 3/8 inch links does it take to make a belt 23 1/4 inches long? ________ +8 = 8? 6. 215% of 36 = ________ . of potato salad and 10 oz. 85 82 5. Which has the greater amount? __________ 6. of coleslaw. 5 4.8th Grade 85 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Is 2 x 3 x 5 + 1 a prime number? ________ 3. In 47. or = 7. 9 15 18 30 <. 93.Daily Math Review .0071 = 2. What is the greatest common factor of 40 and 100? 7. 8+3= 4. Give the mixed numeral for 121. Reduce it.3 + 2. 70.Daily Math Review . 10/33 ________ 5.4 12 18 <. ________ . On a piano 36 of the 88 keys are black. What is the prime factorization of 63? ________ 2. Write this as a fraction in lowest terms. How many fourths of an inch long is the car? ________ 2. 10 15 6. One of these fractions is not in lowest terms. 705.2 _________________________________________ 3. 3 and 7. or = 88 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 42/51. ________ 7. What is the least common denominator for 5 and 7 ? 8 12 ) = 2. 5. 5. 21/32. Write these numbers in order from least to greatest: 75. An “N” gauge model is 4 1/2” long.52. >. 75. 2 (3 + 4.8th Grade 87 Name ________________________________________________ 1.02. Give an equivalent fraction with denominator of 60 for 3/5.2. 9. 1 1/2 + 3 3/8 + 2 5/6 = 4. Find the average of 2. 29% of 34 = 6.1 1/4 = ________ 7. 1015 ÷ 1011 = 10? 3. 11 . 8th Grade 89 Name ________________________________________________ 1. What is the largest number that can be written with the digits 1. A boat travels 7 hours at a speed of 10 1/4 knots. ________ 2.01276 = ________ 4. 5 and 7 using each digit only once? ________ . How far did it travel? ________ 3.1 7/8 = 3.26 and 1. ________ 6. How much milk will be needed for a triple recipe? ________ 2. 10. 2. 4/5 = 64/ 7. 63 x 64 = 6? 4. A recipe calls for 3/4 cup of milk. Write 137% as a decimal. . 2 + (3 + 4) = (2 + mm )+4 5.345.000 x .Daily Math Review . 1 2/9 ÷ 3 5/6 = ________ 7.006 cm = 6. ________ ? 90 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Estimate the sum of 29. 170 = 5. 2 1/2 + 3 1/4 . Give the greatest common factor of 51 and 23. 1 3/4. Arrange these in order from greatest to least. 2/3 x 1 1/6 x 9 = 4. What power of 10 would you have to multiply .0637 by to make it a whole number? ________ 7. Write 2. Bill has 1 1/4 cup of flour.Daily Math Review . ________ 3. How much does he need to borrow from the neighbor? ________ 92 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Reduce: 75 _______ 90 5. What did they weigh together? ________ 5. What is the prime factorization of 81? 4. 2 1/8 lb. Write 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 • 4 with exponents. What is the least common multiple of 6. Mike caught three perch weighing 1 3/4 lb. A recipe requires 3 1/2 cup of flour. 1 27/32 _____________________________________ 7.1 when n = 2 1. 1 5/16.. and 1 2/3 lb. 3 2 2. Find the quotient to the nearest hundredth: 51. 15 and 9? ________ 3. 14 is what % of 70? 2.. 6.8th Grade 91 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Evaluate n . 75 x 73 ÷ 72 = 7? ________ 6.3 ÷ 8 ________ . 1 3/8.5 as a %. 2 1 2 x3 3 = ________ 5 5. 3 1 2 2. 4. bag of potatoes cost $1. 7m. Find the quotient to the nearest tenth: 6.15 and 0. . What is the cost per pound? ________ . find 3a . ________ 6.8th Grade 93 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Estimate the product of 37. Ron plans to sail 13 1/2 nautical miles in 3 1/4 hours.7 ÷ 6 7. The best estimate for the length of a car is 1m. Write 64% as a fraction. The saw cut is 1/16 inch. At what rate will the boat travel? ________ 94 Name ________________________________________________ 1.001 = ________ 9 5.2 8 = 4. 4m. 34 = ________ 3.75. 10m. A piece of tubing 10 1/2 inches long is cut from one that is 33 1/4 inches long.Daily Math Review .3b. A 5 lb. 2. If a = 7 and b = 2. 54 is 15% of what number? ________ 7. How much tubing is left? ________ 6. __________ . 107 104 3.18 ÷ .05. 4.012 to a fraction. 115 = 7. The distance between two cities is 2 1/2”. 2. What is the prime factorization of 330? __________ 6. 2. Find the perimeter of a 4’ by 5’ rectangle. x . 213% of 21 = 7. Round 3 7/16 to the nearest whole number.92. 15 = ________ 2/3 5.7 and 8. What are all the factors of 12? ________ 3. solve for y. Estimate the product of 32. On a map 1/4” = 15 miles.7 = 2. ________ 3. How many miles apart are they? __________ 6. y + 5 = 17. Change . Bill worked 7 1/2 hours on Monday and 8 3/4 hours on Tuesday.8th Grade 95 Name ________________________________________________ 1. How much longer did he work on Tuesday? ________ 4. 5. Estimate the quotient of 327 ÷ 48. x = _________ 96 Name ________________________________________________ 1.Daily Math Review . ________ . Frank bought 7 notebooks. 4 1 ÷ 3 3 = 2 8 6.Daily Math Review . Give the product of 125 and 2000 in scientific notation. 16 is 30% of what number? ________ 5. Round . 8 1 . ________ 98 Name ________________________________________________ 1.5 x 10. 37.63. What is the circumference of a circle with diameter of 5”? 6. Solve for t: 6t = 42 __________ 3. 52 • 23 = 2.3 5 = ________ 3 6 3. There were h games played at home. What expression represents the number of away games? ________ .00963 to thousandths place. 2. If y = 7 and z = 6. What was the cost of each notebook? ________ 7. __________ 4. Is 6 a factor of 826? ________ 7.000 = 4. then 2y + z = ________ 5 5. The total cost was $14.8th Grade 97 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Write the decimal for 5/6. The Bears played 82 games last season. Colleen has 6 2/3 ft. Give the reciprocal of 2 2/3.Daily Math Review . 2. after a gain of 1 1/8.58 = ________ 3. 106 = 4. x = ________ 7. 23 = 138 50 x 3.006 = 2. 4.5% to a fraction.088 ÷ . 46 + x = 63.002 = 7 _________ 7.6 ÷ . Change . What was its price when it opened that day? ________ 100 Name ________________________________________________ 1. How long is each piece? ________ 5. of rope to be cut into 10 pieces. 2.8th Grade 99 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 6. Find the area: 7m 3m 5. On Wednesday. Solve for w: w + 5. 3 + 14 ÷ 2 = 6. ________ . Estimate 3/4 of $23.87. ABC stock closed at 28 5/8. 263 3 + 156 2 = 8 3 2. 4 . what is the actual height? ________ 2.2 = z 5 7. 124 hours = days . _________ 7. 1. n . ________ 6.5 z = ________ 102 Name ________________________________________________ 1. If the height on the diagram is 4. A diagram for a birdhouse is drawn to a scale of 2 to 15.Daily Math Review . A market sells 6 ears of sweet corn for 85¢. ________ 4.2 cm.8th Grade 101 Name ________________________________________________ 1. What is the least common multiple of 8 and 22? ________ 6. 16 is what % of 80? _________ 3.1/3 = 1 1/2 n= 5.3 x 105 x 2 x 108 = 7. What is the greatest common factor of 54 and 135? _________ 2. Find the area of a parallelogram with base 11’ and height 2 3/4’. Write an expression for the quotient of a number y and 6. 3/4 ÷ (1/2 ÷ 1/8) = 5. . How much would 1 1/2 dozen ears cost? _________ 4. Change 150% to a decimal.3 = 5 4 3. 8 x 3/4 = 6. How much did she earn? __________ 6. Find the interest on $400 at 5% for 3 years. Change 11/18 to a decimal. and earns $3.2. __________ 5.8th Grade 103 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Flossie did yard work from 9:30 a. 2. Change 16 2/3% to a fraction. -6 + 5 = 7. Write 2. ________ 3.Daily Math Review .7 = 5.m.000 in scientific notation.. how much would a $40 jacket cost? ___________ 3. solve for z. -3 x 7 = ________ 7.060. Use distributive property to write in a different way: 8 • 6 + 3 • 8. z . The reciprocal of 2 3/8 is 2. to 1:30 p. __________ . 26 = ________ 104 Name ________________________________________________ 1. __________ 4. Write an expression for the difference when r is subtracted from 20.75 an hour. ________ 5.m. If jackets are 1/3 off.000. 4. 36 m = 6.86 x .8th Grade 105 Name ________________________________________________ 1. The cost is $264.02 = 6. Kevin sold 200 boxes of Christmas cards in 1986. 3 1+52 x1= 3 3 3 2.14 x 1. 7 is what % of 11. he will get a discount of 16%. n = __________ 7. 3. 6t = 42. What is LCD of 3 and 3? 4 10 4. __________ 4. x . If he buys the tires the last week in June. 21-17 = 4 8 2. Mark Smith is buying new tires for his car. What will his 1987 sales be? __________ 106 Name ________________________________________________ 1. What will be the cost of the tires the last week of June? __________ mm . t = ________ 3.00. Give the prime numbers from 10 .9 = 6. 2.Daily Math Review .000 = ________ 5.8? __________ 7.05 = ________ 5.32 ÷ . x = ________ 3. 16% of n = 16.15. In 1987 he plans to sell 116% of his 1986 sales. 2. 16 is what % of 80? 4.8th Grade 107 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 93? ________ 3. w = 13. 4x33= 4 2. 1 2 = 2. 84.2 = ________ 7. 40% of n = 20. 8 6. A bee is 7 inches long. How much interest will be on the loan after two years? ________ 108 Name ________________________________________________ 3 1. w = ________ 8 3.Daily Math Review . What is the decimal for 4? ________ 5 4. -88 ÷ -. 9. A fly is 3 inches longer.84 x 6. What is the mean of 63.033 = 6.6666 ÷ .52 = ________ 5. . The simple interest rate is 11%. Santo borrowed $350 for 2 years. n = ________ 7. Put 7 as a terminating decimal. The square root of 400 is ________ 5. How long is the fly? ________ 24 8 . What is the area of a triangle whose base is 12 in. -16 . 3 4 on Tuesday. Mike bought 3 4 lbs. ___________________ 6. x = ________ 7. of apples that cost 60¢ a pound. Bob worked 2 3 hours on Monday. 5.000. -4 + -6 = ________ 3. 46. What is the area of a circle with a radius of 10 inches? __________ 3. The square root of 729 is 4. 45 = 4.? ________ 7. Name an eight-sided figure. What would be the cost of the apples? 5 110 Name ________________________________________________ 1.3 = 6. Put 2.Daily Math Review . 2.6 dm. 2. 4 3 on Wednesday. How many hours must 4 5 4 he work the rest of the week to get 30 hours? ________ + 22 x -1.(-18) = ________ 5. Put the answer in dm.000 in scientific relation.5 cm and width is 7. 2x + 5 = 25.8 x 9. and height is 16 in. Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 16.8th Grade 109 Name ________________________________________________ 1.6 = ________ . (. 7x .8 = 76. -8 x -72 = __________ 5. What is the median of 6. 28 = ________ 7. 9. If he works 16 hours and gets $61. ________ 3.8th Grade 111 Name ________________________________________________ 1. What was Mozart’s birth year? __________ 15 + 8 + -9 + 16 = 2. __________ 4. 8. how much does he earn each hour? __________ 112 Name ________________________________________________ 1.000. Change 12 1 % to a fraction. x = 6. 4. and 16 in.12. - 8 ÷ -. 3. 1? _______ . Put 821.2 = 3. - 6. Frank earns K dollars.300.? _______ 5. 2 4. Put 2. Kelly subtracted her birth year of 1979 from Mozart’s birth year and got -218.Daily Math Review . 5.000 in scientific notation. and height is 14 in. What is the area of a trapezoid whose bases are 12 in. 2x + 9 = x + 9 __________ 7.000 in scientific notation.2)4 = 2. What is a ten-sided figure called? __________ 3. ___________ 2. how many square feet needs to be painted? __________ 4 + -8 + -7 = .008 x . K = ________ 3. Put 1 as a repeating decimal.000. n = 2. 9 6. 54 = __________ 5.4% of 200 = __________ 7.Daily Math Review .100 in scientific notation. If the ceiling is 8 foot high.03 = __________ 7. . How much greater is that temperature than the temperature at which water boils? ___________ 114 Name ________________________________________________ 1. A pizza oven temperature is 190 degrees C. Give the circumference of a circle whose radius is 14 m. 9 ÷ 1= 10 5 4. Freddy needed to paint the walls of his bedroom. The room is 12 by 12. __________ 4. . Put 2. 40% of n = 400.6 x 9. 1. K + 11 = 17.8th Grade 113 Name ________________________________________________ 1.02 = __________ 5. - 6. 000. 38. 2. -12 x 64 = __________ 5. 27. 56. Out of the 65 men on the team.008 as a percent? __________ 7.8 = 6x + 20 __________ 3. What is the mode of the scores: 56. 29. What is the mean of 4. ________ 2 2. how many people will be needed to eat 2600 apples? __________ . 81? ____________ 5. Put 310. Put . - 2 + -8 . What is the square of 12.2? 6. Change 87 1 % to a fraction.6.8th Grade 115 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 7 3 + 8 2 = __________ 4 3 7.Daily Math Review . 2.8. 4. 265 is what % of 800? __________ 3. 125% of 280 = 4.(-6) = 2. 4x .000 in scientific notation. If 26 people eat 130 apples. 26 were college graduates.2? 6. What per cent were not college graduates? __________ 116 Name ________________________________________________ 1. . Find 388. 56 x . In 1984 there were 8400 people in Podunk.Daily Math Review . __________ 5.000.6% of 980 = 4. A basement floor is 6241 square feet. What is the volume of a rectangular prism whose h = 4 cm. __________ 7. Put 1/6 as a repeating decimal. .000 in scientific notation. Iowa. In 1987 there were 120 percent of that amount. What is the mean of 2 1. If the room is square.68 x .9 ÷ 277 to nearest tenth.006 = __________ 3. what are the measurements of the room? ____________ km .9 ÷ 100. Put 23. __________ 3. 4. Find the quotient 567.8th Grade 117 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 1 dm = 6.09 = 2. 3 1 and 3 1? 2 4 4 6. and w = 9 cm? __________ 5. What is the name of a six-sided figure? ___________ 2. How many people in Podunk in 1987? __________ 118 Name ________________________________________________ 1. l = 6 cm. 35 = __________ 7.000. 5 . ________ 7. __________ 120 Name ________________________________________________ 1. __________ .Daily Math Review . 34 = 6. Find the percent of increase if the cost of a shirt goes from $5. 1. What is the opposite of -5? 2.62 = 6. __________ 5. y = __________ 3. Write 37 1/2% as a decimal. 2/3 of 15 = 2.00 to $8.00. __________ 3.6 ÷ . 4y + 4 = 2. Find the cost of 3 tires if they sell 4 for $228.8th Grade 119 Name ________________________________________________ 1.02 = __________ 5. __________ 7. Write a fraction in lowest terms for 27 18 4. Name a segment with endpoints on the circle. Write a decimal for 5/6. Change 6 1/8 to an improper fraction. √0= 4.3.72. Solve for x: 2. How long will it take a snail to move . -3 = 2. Round 5. 2. 4 (6 + 3) + 5 = 6. m = ________ 3. 4 1 ÷ . 5.6 = ________ 7.Daily Math Review . 4.309 to hundreds. Find the LCM of 12 and 9. If a page contains 220 words.5 = ________ 4 7.4 = 8 ________ x 3 3.01 km if its speed is . Write the name for a 180o angle. Find √81 4. 3x + -4 = x + 8 ________ 5.8th Grade 121 Name ________________________________________________ 1.34 + 72. 106 ÷ 102 = 6. how long will it take him to type 5 pages? __________ . David can type 40 words per minute. ________ 5. 5m + 4m = 27.016 km per hour? __________ 122 Name ________________________________________________ 1. __________ 2. (. 3. -6 +3 2. Name the horizontal axis. 1/3 + 2/5 = ________ 7.8th Grade 123 Name ________________________________________________ 1. __________ 7.3 + + 5) .053 to hundreths. how much more does the gas cost? ________ 124 Name ________________________________________________ 1. G = 30.8 = __________ 5. If you randomly choose one letter from the alphabet. G = ________ 4 Write < or > 4. Find the GCF of 12 and 27. of oil at $1. 6. Estimate the quotient of 63. what is the probability that the letter will be a vowel? ____________ . If you buy 8 gallon of gas at 98¢ per gallon and 2 qt.Daily Math Review .85 per qt.582 ÷ 81. Name a triangle with two congruent sides. ________ 5. Round 621. What is 4 of 20? 5 4.. ____________ 3. 6 is 25% of what? 6. Write a decimal for 2/5. Name an 8 sided polygon. __________ 3.-6. Find the length of a square whose area is 64 sq. 5.333 a rational number? __________ . 5/8 + 1 1/3 = __________ 7. Write the formula for the volume of a cylinder. Find the area of a circle with radius 3 inches. Find his batting average as a decimal to thousandths. Estimate 24% of 41. y = __________ -2 7.8th Grade 125 Name ________________________________________________ 1.63. Write > or <: -3 6.50 if 4% sales tax is added. __________ - 2. 5 is what % of 20? 6. Solve for x: x = 5 ________ 3 4 5. __________ 2 . 4. Find the total cost of a basketball selling for $14. __________ 126 Name ________________________________________________ 1. y = 6. John had 8 hits in 30 times at bat. 3. in.Daily Math Review . 1/3 x 4 1/2 = 2. ____________________________ 4. Why is . .-3 = 4 . __________ 7.7. Ann filled a 6 qt.07 = __________ 5. Name the upper left quadrant. Use exponents to write the prime factorization of 18. Write a number equal to 32 • 5. How many pints are needed to fill the container? __________ 128 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 7 ÷ 100 = 6. __________ lbs. = 6. 4 ÷ 1/3 = 2.3 x . __________ 2. Find the cost of paving an 80’ by 24’ drive at $1. 40 oz. x = __________ 7. Write the name for a pair of angles totalling 180o. x . 3.Daily Math Review . How many lines of symmetry in an equilateral triangle? __________ 4. container 2/3 full.60 per square foot.8th Grade 127 Name ________________________________________________ 1. __________ 3. 5. 5. What is 10% of 90? 4. Name a quadrilateral with one pair of sides parallel. 95 7. What would the enrollment be in 6 years? __________ 4. __________ 4 x 1. How many significant digits in . What was the cost of each ticket? __________ 5. find 3x . Enrollment at the Junior High is decreasing at an average of 3 students per year. __________ 3. 4. Write 5/9 as a decimal. - 4. __________ 2.76 5.04306 kg? __________ . Write an equation to solve this problem: Brad had $40. 97 ÷ 93 = __________ 130 Name ________________________________________________ 1.6 x 9 = 7.Daily Math Review . He bought 4 tickets to the concert and had $5 left.8th Grade 129 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Write the ordered pair for the point that is up 4 and left 7 from the origin. Find the unit price: 251 for $9. 3 1/2 .2. 2. The enrollment is 165 students now.1 7/8 = __________ 6. An angle of 900 is called a angle. 1. 3.3 + . If x = 5.760m = 4. Find 43% of 605.36 = __________ 6. 1 1/2 ÷ 4 7/8 = __________ 132 Name ________________________________________________ 2. 2. Solve 2y + 3 = 9 __________ 4.2 ÷ . __________ 1. Change 4 5/6 to a decimal. n = _________ 9 n 6. 4.76 3. ___________ 4. Find the percent of increase to the nearest whole percent. I thought of an integer and multiplied it by -2 and subtracted -5 from the product. What is the GPE for a measurement of 3 1/4”? __________ 7. The result was 17.63 x . -6 • -2 • -1 = __________ 6. Round to hundredths. Now it costs 43¢ per quart.8th Grade 131 Name ________________________________________________ 1. Milk cost 26¢ per quart 5 years ago. If c = -12. __________ . What was my original integer? __________ -3 = 3. what is 6 + c 3 5. 2.009 = 7. An angle greater than 90 o is called __________ 5. Solve: 4 = 10. Give the complement of a 47o angle.Daily Math Review . __________ 5.Daily Math Review . Write 3/8 as a decimal. Evaluate n + 5 when n = -12. __________ 3.8th Grade 133 Name ________________________________________________ 1. 3 . __________ 7 7. 6 . Candy cost $1. 14 ÷ 0 = 6.42 ÷ 7 = 4. 83 x 84 = __________ 3.29 per pound. 16 is what % of 80? 5. How many lines of symmetry does a rectangle have? __________ 6. If you roll a die 48 times. Change 8.26 km to m. How many degrees would there be in 1/3 of a circle graph? __________ 2. Two angles of a triangle are measured to be 37 degrees and 45 degrees. √ 1024 = ________ . How many degrees in the third angle? _________ 4. How much will 1 3/4 pounds cost? __________ 134 Name ________________________________________________ 1.-5 = 2. how many times would you expect to roll a prime number? __________ 7. Daily Math Review . - 10 . _________ 6.-7 = 3. n = 11 16 12 4. Solve for g. One of two adjacent supplementary angles has a measure of 126 degrees. 4+7 = __________ 6. 100 cm 10 m 3. An angle less than 90o is called __________ 1. 34 and 16 a right triangle? __________ 7. __________ ________ .9 = 12.. Change 319 to a percent. 7.8th Grade 135 Name ________________________________________________ 2. 1 1/3 + 2 4/5 = __________ 136 Name ________________________________________________ 1. - 5g = 75. how much would 2 dozen oranges cost? __________ • (7 + 9) 4. Is a triangle with sides of 30. - 4 • 7 + -4 • 9 = 5. Find the simple interest on $450 at 12% for 3 months. 500 5. Solve -7x . If oranges are on sale 6 @ $1. What is the other angle? __________ 2. 4. 600 6. 33. $1.01 5.000 2.000 Problem 9 1. 70 3.99.99. 237 r 4 5. > 3. 120. $7. 8172 2. 7 3. 13. 35 4. $1001 4.000.0. 3359 4. 243 2. $5. $32. .0315 5. $2.011 3. 18. = 2. 26.000 2. 21.000. 19 Problem 14 1. 3.468. 602.27 4. 7. Correct 3.000 7. 24.82 3.0025 5. 143 students Problem 12 1. 85. > 6. 42.684 2. 65. 453 chairs Problem 11 1. 1000 7. 3.95 Problem 4 1. 40. 32 7. 382 2.09.416 3. 120.200 5.62 Problem 15 1. 4. 672 5. Marci Problem 2 1. 564 5.218 5. 135 2. 17. 2196 2. 2.46 7.000 4. $26. 563 4. 3. 56 r 20 6. 32¢ Problem 13 1. 0 5. 84 6. 16 6. 11. 1440 3.23 Problem 6 1. $5.000 7.000 3. 12. 35 6.054 4.952 6. Correct 4.000 4. $4. . < 7. 14 Problem 10 1.01 6.13 6. $23.000 5.01.000 3.10 4.219 . . 3648 2.6 6.648.35 7. 200 4.14 6. $35. 4. 1188 7. $8. 660 2.219. 184 4. 5000 7. 60.006 7.0012 3.0.20 7.76 6.080 6. 30.8th Grade Problem 1 1. Incorrect 5.000 7. 8. 0 4. 4.000 5. 120. 10.6 5. < 6.Answers . 3 3. 8 2. 46.000 3. 8. 34. 689 3. 19. 7.20 3. 7. . . .000 2. 15. 7500 2. 3.000 7. $3521 4. 5013 4. 8.28 Problem 3 1. 50 Problem 5 1. 2758 Problem 8 1. 3344 7.000 2.700. 14 Problem 7 1. 8 5. 3000 5. 1886 7.89 6. 138 7. 3.027 4. $5 4. . 10. 25 4. $10. $17.0 3.8 Problem 19 1. 90.729 4.8 .8th Grade Problem 16 1.004 7. 6 4. 2. 1. 0 3.25 5. 24 7. 1013. = 5. 20. 10 5. $7. 4 3/4 3.341 4.86 2.000 6.799.200 2.33 4. 59. 2306 5.135 6. 126 r 23 2.28 6. 7. hundred thousand 5. 101. 4. 1. .00 Problem 21 1.000 2.122 pounds Problem 20 1. 15. 5 7/12 2. = 6. 8 1/2 5.05 3.72 3.48 2. 60 3. 7 3. .728 3. 22 4. . 3055 7. . 12. 919 2. 1352 2. 12.5 Problem 26 1. 730 3.72 6. 843.3 feet Problem 18 1.528 2. 2. 1. 3.000 2. 7000 7.05 7. 54. 28. $2.000017 6. 625 4. $17. 27. 60 2. 11 3/4 7. 79.012 6. 156. 847 6.80 6.854 4.44 3.008 4.8 7. 115. 30 5. 4610 3. . 87.49 seconds Problem 24 1. 2.9 5.000. 4. 38. 12. . 36 6. . 5 gallons Problem 22 1. 19 6. 1 2/3 5.37 4. 8. 9.86.3 Problem 27 1. 86 2. 415. 7. 2 1/2 3.65 2.1 5.30 5. $300 6.51 3. 25 4. .32 2.25 7. 465 5.336 7.784 Problem 29 1. 1398. 3.295. 68. 400 7.Answers . 1. 60 4. 4. 32 3. 13.42 5. 20957 5. 480. . 531 points Problem 23 1. 51.70 7.8 Problem 28 1. $132.000.81 7.326 6.58 Problem 25 1. 17.73 Problem 30 1. 371. 86 r 8 6. 2 1/4 7. . 8. $7.865.335 7. 10 5.05 Problem 17 1.9 6.04 2.000 4. 2000 2. 8 2/15 7. 1.75 5. b . 28.037 7. 3 5. $822 Problem 32 1. 30% Problem 44 1. > 6. 625 6.655.085 7. 7. 4902 6.76 Problem 36 1. 4653 2. 2808 4. 5. 1. 15 5. 36 in.5 4. 32 oz.000 5. 7 6. T 5. 500 cm 5. 60 3. .5 3.0064 4. . 1 1/2 7. 131 r 2 7.312 5. 277 2.3 4. 6574 4. 6. 9 Problem 42 1. 19 4.4 5. 1. 3 yds. 103 or 1000 3. 1766 3.2 2. 101 3. 3 7. 1 5. . 26 2.5 4.6 x 104 6. 740 3.3 4. 500 6.008 5.56 Problem 40 1. 12:16 7.0066 7. 1. .700 2. 5.4 4. 5. .605 2. 9 2/3 4. 49. 1. 17. . 4 1/4 c Problem 43 1. 50 5. $60. . .4 2. 11. 60 7.5 7.026 cm Problem 34 1. 600 3. 1718 6. 203 2. 5400 3. 4. 9 6. 1. 16.000 4. F 7. 3.Answers . 5 7. 4096 6.7 6.014.140. 8 4. 21. 1 3. 1 1/2 hours Problem 33 1. 1/5 Problem 35 1. 5600 3. 9 5. $1. 1 Problem 37 1. 4.2 7. 1 3/4 2.8 2. 104 5. 23. 1000 7. 5.04. 1 1/4 6. 2 3.333 4. 100. 11:20 Problem 45 1. 2 6. 9 2.032 2. 27 4. 8 3. 75 3. . 3 11/24 4. 1. . 2. 27 6. < 3.0165 6. 1000 2. 1 1/4 Problem 41 1.8th Grade Problem 31 1. 9 6. 1600 2.876 3. 111. 1 yard Problem 39 1. 731 pounds Problem 38 1. X + 6 6. 7. 34 7. 40 7. 6 ft. 27 gal. . 200 3. 43 7. 1. < 7.8 6. Problem 53 1. -. Problem 60 1.1 4.14 3. 1092 2.758 3.0 4.4 7. 400 6. 3 in. . 50.03 5.m. 3539 2.2 6. $12. b Problem 51 1. 1. 3/5 7. 2 ft.75 Problem 55 1.4 miles (2 2/5 miles) Problem 47 1. 6. 5. . 5. x. 9 3.280 6. 1 mm 7. 144 km Problem 48 1. 3 in. 3. 0 2. 72 6. 1/2 7.8th Grade Problem 46 1.75 4. Problem 57 1. 14 5. 2.4 7. 3n 4. 8:10 p. 7. < 4.992 2. 82% 4. Variable 2.45 2. 1 3/4 5. 4 4. 125% 4. 100 6. T 6. $5. 6. 3. 6.50 4. 62 3. x 2. $1. 12 Problem 59 1.2 3. 315 cartons Problem 54 1.000. 304 2/9 2. 75% 4. 3 5. Problem 49 1. 3000 6. 6 2/3 2.000 3. 28. yes 7. 4w 2. 9 2. 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 5. . 5. 33 1/3% 4. 52.000 5. 503 3. 801 3. 45% . 5 1/2 5. n . 3000 2. 6 7. 5. 200 2. $3 Problem 50 1. 4. m . 49. 35 min. 3. 4 in. x = 5 6. 48 3.24 5. 8000 6. 25 5. 5. 8:10 a. 104 km Problem 52 1. 8. 3 x 7 or 21 x 1 ft. 3 2.m. 43 3.125 3. 5. 31 laps Problem 56 1.44 6.500 6. $42 4. 4. b 7. 18 in. 7 5.12 7. 5 4.2 5.3 3.52 4. 20 6. +. 27 3.Answers . 38 2. . 6 3. 290 ft.3. 8 ways Problem 58 1. Answers - 8th Grade Problem 61 1. composite 2. 3.8 x 103 3. 18 4. 5 9/20 5. 6 6. 55.8 7. 1:36 Problem 66 1. $.13 2. 28 3. 19.8 4. $1.53 5. decagon 6. 7/8 7. $30.40 Problem 71 1. 3 2. 11 3. 27 4. 661.2 5. 4 5/7 6. 7. 1 1/2 gal. Problem 62 1. 5 2. 40 3. 26.4 4. 5 5. .26 6. > 7. 60% Problem 67 1. 1 2/15 2. 3/40 3. 15 4. > 5. square 6. 4,300 7. 4 Problem 72 1. > 2. sixty-sixth 3. 4,708 4. .20 5. 38.25 6. 3.25 7. 4.28 min. Problem 63 1. No 2. 6 3. 2 1/2 4. > 5. 15 6. acute 7. $180 Problem 68 1. $.59 2. 33 1/3% 3. 10 4. 50 5. 1 gal. 1 qt. 6. 3544 7. 25% Problem 73 1. 50 2. 12 3. 6.37 4. $5.83 5. 5 6. 5:00 p.m. 7. 7:50 p.m. Problem 64 1. 25% 2. $.60 3. 47 4. 23/6 5. 46,000 6. obtuse 7. $3.01 Problem 69 1. 5/8 2. 2/5 3. 20 4. equilateral 5. 900 (or right) 6. 2400 7. 12 hours Problem 74 1. VI 2. > 3. 19,661 4. .1 5. .9986 6. 1/2 7. $14.85 Problem 65 1. 1 1/2 2. 7/8 3. 1 1/2 4. 5 5. octagon 6. A = b x h 7. 240 Problem 70 1. 21 ft. 2. 6 ft. 3 in. 3. 5000 4. 30.25 5. .16 6. 111 7. 3 for $15.66 Problem 75 1. 12 2. x 3. 3 4. .041 5. $7.06 6. $15.73 7. 47,502 Answers - 8th Grade Problem 76 1. = 2. 11,000 3. 620,472 4. $37.72 5. 215 6. < 7. $3.92 Problem 81 1. 32 2. 20,600,000 3. 4. 12.63 5. 10 6. 9,000 7. 5.756 Problem 86 1. .66527 2. 3 3. 24 1/5 4. 6 5. potato salad 6. = 7. 77.4 Problem 77 1. + 2. 1.306 x 107 3. 759,000 4. 8.5 5. 20 6. 2 quarters and 1 nickel 7. 86 seats Problem 82 1. 5/12 2. 243 3. 1 4. 4.0115 5. 58 6. 2 . 33 7. .326 cm Problem 87 1. 32 . 7 2. 4 3. 4 4. 36/60 5. = 6. 9/22 7. 24 Problem 78 1. 3 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel and 2 pennies 2. 70 3. < 4. .8 5. $1.09 6. $52.80 7. 9 Problem 83 1. = 2. 24,000.0024 3. 4 4. 10 5. 11:30 6. ÷ 7. $1380 Problem 88 1. 18 2. 70.52, 75.02, 75.2, 705.2 3. 7 17/24 4. 14/17 5. 9.86 6. 9 3/4 7. 5.2 Problem 84 1. 21.83 2. 100 3. .008 cm 4. 400 5. 4 6. $8.53 7. composite 3 x 17 Problem 89 1. 30 2. 7 3. 3 4. .06 5. 1 6. 80 7. 71 3/4 nautical miles Problem 85 1. 4 2. yes 3. 3 4. 3 5. 20 6. 15/4 7. 62 links Problem 90 1. 2 1/4 c 2. 3 7/8 3. 127.6 4. 1 5. 1.37 6. 22/69 7. 7.521 Problem 79 1. 2.28 2. 11 3. < 4. 13 5. 6.028 6. 250 minutes or 4 hrs. 10 min. 7. 31,304 Problem 80 1. = 2. 143 3. .00 4. .0089 5. $22.68 6. 100,000 7. 327,000 Answers - 8th Grade Problem 91 1. 20% 2. 90 3. 34 4. 5/6 5. 6 6. 1 27/32, 1 3/4, 1 3/8, 1 5/16 7. 2 1/4 c. Problem 96 1. 18’ 2. 3 3. 1 1/4 hrs. 4. 270 5. 2 . 3 . 5 . 11 6. 1 7. y = 12 Problem 101 1. 27 2. 20% 3. $2.55 4. 1 5/6 5. 88 6. 2.6 x 1013 7. .3 Problem 92 1. 2 1/6 2. 250% 3. 7 4. 5 13/24 lb. 5. 47 6. 4 7. 6.41 Problem 97 1. .83 2. 4 1/2 3. .010 4. 53.3 5. 15.7 in. 6. $2.09 7. 2.5 x 105 Problem 102 1. 31.5 cm 2. 1/20 3. 1.5 4. 3/16 5. y/6 6. 30 1/4” 7. 5 1/6 days Problem 93 1. 103 2. 32 3. 11/18 4. .00018 5. 4m 6. 360 7. 4 2/13 knots Problem 98 1. 200 2. t = 7 3. 375,000 4. 4 5. 1 1/3 6. no 7. 82 - h Problem 103 1. 8/19 2. 1/6 3. 20 - r 4. 2.06 x 109 5. $15.00 6. -1 7. 64 Problem 94 1. 16/25 2. 81 3. 15 4. 9 5. 22 11/16” 6. 1.1 7. 21¢ Problem 99 1. 420 1/24 2. 3.6 3. 1,000,000 4. 10.5 m2 5. 10 6. x = 17 7. 27 1/2 Problem 104 1. $60 2. $26.67 3. .6T 4. z = 5.9 5. 6 6. -21 7. 8 (6 + 3) Problem 95 1. 6 2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 3. 3/250 4. 22 1/2 5. 150 miles 6. 44.73 7. 9 Problem 100 1. 433.3 2. 300 3. 1/200 4. 2/3 ft. 5. 3/8 6. 1.998 7. 18 Problem 105 1. 3/8 2. 15 3. 11, 13 4. 3140 5. 116 6. 59% 7. 232 .2 5. 5. . 10 7.448 7.21 x 108 4. 20 5. 79 by 79 Problem 109 1. . . 20 4.000 6. 148. $77 Problem 112 1. 3 6. 49/8 7.001 x 106 4.38 6.24 6. 2/3 in. 440 7. 5.2 6. 32% 3. -35.82 Problem 116 1. . y = 1/2 3. .16 5. 16 5/12 7. 27 4. 196 sq. 1024 4.143 5.54 Problem 110 1. 0 7.2 6. 0 4. 256 7. 1000 2. 625 5. 64. octagon 2. . 5. 2. -19 6.0612 2.8% 7. 221. 3. . 4 1/2 4. 56 5.T 6. 1. 243 7. 15 2. 14.4 7.84 6. 6 3. 3.2 Problem 119 1.1 x 108 4. 8. 7. 3/2 4. 104 3. 3 2. 18 7/10 Problem 115 1. 81 6. 7 3.88 4. 80 5. $174.375 7.080 people Problem 108 1. 80 3. .01 km 6. 384 ft.3 x 1010 4. 5 6. chord 3. 576 3. 87. 12.336 3. 1/8 2. 60% Problem 120 1. 10.00016 5.28 Problem 114 1. 2 5.1568 5. . 3. -4 2. . 314 in. 435. 96 sq. 520 Problem 107 1. 12 6. 2 x 106 2. in. 3. -10 3. 7/8 2. 10 2.3 x 106 3. . 20 4. 1761 Problem 117 1. 900c Problem 118 1. hexagon 2. 20. in. .92 m 2.0016 2. $2. decagon 3. 0 5.Answers .76 Problem 111 1. 2. 1. 40 2. . -768 5. 50 7. 350 4. 100 7. 36. 60% . 2. 216 cubic cm 5. Problem 113 1.875 6. +5 2. -14 3.833 5.8 4.8th Grade Problem 106 1. 1/8 4.54 dm 6.679 3.8 7. 5 6. 94 Problem 130 1. 1 23/24 7. . 45 5. $3. -12 7. 3 2. undefined 6. .44 4. x . 8.5 2. 980 4. 3 4. 32 Problem 135 1. 9 4.98/L 6. -1 7. < 5. -15 6.05 2. -4 4. straight 2. 1 1/2 2. 5.4x = 5 5.axis 3. 11/15 7. $4 .5 min. 8 1/2 or 8. 36 4. 430 3. 2 6. 20% 5. 4 pts.08 Problem 127 1. II 3. 4 2/15 7. 11 5. 6. or 37. 1 5/8 6. 28.14 Problem 124 1. 800 2. 5.375 5. 2 5. 0 4.02367 7. 40 . > 4. 65% 4. obtuse 5. 3 3/4 5. 4/13 Problem 132 1. $3072 Problem 129 1. 4) Problem 131 1. 25% 6. . 10 2.267 Problem 126 1. . $2. right 2. 260. 8 2. . acute 3. isosceles 7. -6 7. 27 1/2 minutes Problem 123 1. -12 6.5 7. 3 4.300 5.4 5. 24 times 7. $15. -6 2. -6 5. 12 2. 4. 13 3.83 Problem 133 1. 3 6. 16 4.625 hrs. x . . 3 3.15 3. 3 3.371 5. -5.6 5. .8th Grade Problem 121 1. 6 7 7. 104 6. 147 students 4. Problem 128 1. .260 3. . 9 4. supplementary 3. 120 3. 621. 2 x 32 7. (-7.2 4. octagon 3. 2 1/2 lbs. 24 6. _ r2 h 4. Because it can be written as the ratio 1/3 6. trapezoid 2. 4 7. 77. 3. 87 3.07 6. km 5. 41 6.53 2.26 Problem 134 1. < 2. $4. 22.26 in.Answers . Problem 122 1.94 7. 1200 2. 5/26 Problem 125 1.9 3. 8 in. 1/8” 7. yes 7.6 4.8% 5. -3 3. 63. 14. 540 2. -3 6.Answers .50 .8th Grade Problem 136 1. $13.
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