Daftar Buku Neuro

March 16, 2018 | Author: Dedi Sutia | Category: Neurology, Disorders Causing Seizures, Epilepsy, Nervous System, Clinical Medicine



DAFTAR BUKU di PERPUSTAKAN RESIDEN NEUROLOGI FK UNANDNama Buku : 1. Your Questions Answered Stroke 2. Principles of Neurology: Eight Edition Pengarang : Graeme J. Hankey Allan H. Ropper, MD Robert H. Brown, MD Nancy M. Newman C. Kennard and F. Clliford Rose (Adams and Victor’s) 3. Neuro Ophtalmology, A Practical Text 4. Physiological Aspects of Clinical Ophtalmology 5. Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook Vol. IEngel Pedley (edisi II) 6. Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook Vol. II (edisi II) 7. Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook Vol. III (edisi II) 8. Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Klinis (edisi II) Sofyan Ismail Mosby’s Crash Course Wilkinson Allan H. Ropper, MD dkk Anish Nanra – Katla Cikurel Sudigdo Sastroasmoro & Engel Pedley Engel Pedley 9. Neurology 10. Neurology 11. Neurological and Neurosurgical Intensive Care (fourth edition) 12. Neuro Ophtalmology . Daftar Obat PT ASKES edisi XXVI (Periode Januari-Desember 2007) 27. Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma 20. IIMS vol. Kline. Atlas Electroencephalography vol. Campbell Gendelman Grant. 1 (EEG Awake & Sleep EEG) 18. 1) WHO 24. Hanbook of Neuroradiology Anne G. The Neurology of AIDS (second edition) William W. Bajandas. MD Evans Harold P. Neurology and Trauma (second edition) 14. 20 Number 2 1991 25.Review Manual Lanning B. MD & Frank J.R. The Neurologic Examination Dejong’s 22. MD Plum and Posners John C. Principles of Cerebrovascular Disease 15. Blueprint Neurology (second edition) 13. Brust (fifth edition) 19. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Neurology 21. 2 Randalph W. Ostom . Kumpulan Makalah Neurologi 16. Sumarno Markam Arielle Crespel & Philippe Gelisse Michelle Bureu & Pierre Genton Arielle Crespel & Philippe Gelisse (The Epilepsies) 17. Atlas Electroencephalography vol. Evans. ISO Indonesia tahun 2003 26. dkk 23. ICD 10 (vol. Adam J.M. 4 June 1999 39. Medical Update March 2007 . Sleep Medicine vol 9/2 (2008) 107-218 34. Localization in Clinical Neurology 29. Peringatan Lustrum IX 37. M. Medical Update Mei 2007 41. Medical Update Juni 2007 40. Djamil Padang Edisi II 2002 31. 8 Number 6 Desember 2004 38. 13 June 2008 32. Pedoman Diagnosis dan Terapi SMF Saraf RS. Number 1. 17. Neurology Asia vol. dkk Darwin Amir 1983-1987 30. Neurological Journal of South East Asia Vol. 119 Number 2 Januari 2008 33. Brazis.28. DR. Kumpulan Karangan Ilmiah Ilmu Syaraf Paul W. Januari 2008 35. Clinical Neurophysiology vol. Daftar Obat PT ASKES edisi XXVII (Periode Januari-Desember 2008) 36. Seizure (European Journal of Epilepsy) Vol. Sleep Medicine Review vol. MIMS: Donepezil (aricept). Februari 2007 50. 1 Jan. Saraf Saraf 47. 253. No. Journal of Neurology vol. September 2006 52. Teaching Course on Movement Disorders From Basic To Clinical Update. Archives of Neurology Nov. 3. The lancet Neurology 2008: 7: 136-144 55. Elsevier 2007 48. Suicide Risk Management 54. No. 2009 49. Medical Update April 2007 43. Neurona vol 21.42. 1. Principle and Practice of Movement Stanley Fahn. 13 2004 44. April 2004 51. 2001 . 2004 45. 42. Neurology vol. 62 No. Spplement 4. S1 Units 46. Daftar Kompetensi Kepaniteraaan Klinik Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Ilmu Peny. Joseph Jankovic Disorders. 10. Epilepsia vol. AClinical Review Stan Kutchor and Sonia Chehil Of Current and Emerging Indications 53. Epilepsy and Behaviour vol. Supplement 5. 5. No. European Journal of Neurology vol.56. Epileptic Disorders vol. 13. March 2007 64. 15 Supplement 2. No. International Conference Update 2007-2008 Epiilepsy 68. 21 (5) 429-437 67. 1. 1. Journal of the American Heart Association Vol. 9. 21. August 2008 61. 35. Des 2000 63. No. 4. 6 June 2008 58. 2. The Journal of Headache and Pain vol. Neuron Specific M. Epilepsi vol. No. 2007 60. 2. CNS Drug Reviews vol. September 2008 57. Neuromuscular Disorder vol. April 2008 . Stroke. Januari 2004 65. – Current Potassium Channels: A New Target in Managing Epilepsy in Conjunction within 27th Congress 59. CNS Drugs 2007. Feb 2004 66. No. 1. 8 Supplement 1. Rasagiline Poster Highlights version 5. 18. Oct 2007 pp S1-S48 62. Stroke vol. No. Neurona vol. 39. No. et all 2004 . second edition Simon D.69. International Epilepsy News. International Bureau for Emergency Issue 4-2006 70. Sharvon. The Treatment of Epilepsy.
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