


Code No: T0102/R05Set No. 1 II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS-II (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. At a point is an elastic material, the resultant stress on a certain plane is 60MPa (tensile) inclined at 300 to the normal to that plane. On a plane at right angles to this plane, there is a normal tensile stress of 42MPa. Find the principal stresses and locate the principal planes. Find also the max shear stress and the planes on which it acts. [16] 2. A spring loaded safety valve of 50mm dia. is to work against a boiler pressure of 8N/mm2 . Determine the lift of the valve when the mean dia. of spring is 160mm, number of turns 10 and wire dia. 20mm. Take N = 9 × 104 N/mm2 . [16] 3. An R.S.Tee-section, 150mm wide × 75mm deep, thickness of flange 9mm, thickness of web 8.4mm, is used as a strut, 3 metre 4 long, ends hinged.Calculate the safe axial load by Rankines formula, using a factor of safety of 3. Rankines constants, f c = 315N/mm2 ; a = 1/ 7500. [16] 4. A locomotive coupling rod of length 3m, rectangular section 60mm wide and 120mm deep. It is subjected to an axial thrust of 120kN and a transverse u.d.l of 5kN/m. Assuming the hinged to be hinged and taking E = 200GN/m2 find the max values of deflection, B.M. and stress. [16] 5. A cylindrical chimney shaft of a hollow circular section, 2.50 metres external diameter, 1 metre internal diameter, is 30 metres high. If the horizontal intensity of wind pressure varies as X 2/3 where X is the vertical height above the ground, calculate the overturning moment at the base due to the force of wind pressure, taking the coefficient of wind-resistance as 0.6. Given that the horizontal intensity of wind pressure at a height of 20 metres is 1KN/m2 . If the weight of masonry is 22.5KN/m3 , calculate the extreme intensities of stress at the base. [16] w w w jn . w tu r o .c ld m o 6. A simply supported beam of rectangular section (60 × 80)mm carries a load of 2KN at the center of 4m span. The load line is inclined at 30 to the vertical passing through the c.g. of section. Determine the max deflection and stress at the top corner. (E = 210KN/mm2 ). [16] 7. A semi circular beam is supported on three equally spaced columns. Derive expressions for max.B.M. and max. Twisting moment by first obtaining the general expressions. [16] 8. Using the method of joints find out the forces in all the members of the simplysupported pin-jointed plane truss loaded as shown in figure 1. [16] 1 of 2 Code No: T0102/R05 Set No. 1 Figure 1: w w w jn . w tu r o .c ld m o 2 of 2 Code No: T0102/R05 Set No. 2 II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS-II (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Calculate the dia of a steel rod according to max. shear stress theory if it has to with stand an axial pull of 10 kN and a transverse shear of 6 kN. The elastic limit in tension is 240 MPa and the factor of safety 3. [16] 2. A solid steel shaft is subjected to a B.M. of 500 kN m and a torque of 250 kN m. Find the dia. of the shaft according to (a) Max. principal stress theory (b) Max. strain theory if the yield stress = 300N/mm2 factor of safety = 3 & 3. An R.S.Tee-section, 150mm wide × 75mm deep, thickness of flange 9mm, thickness of web 8.4mm, is used as a strut, 3 metre 4 long, ends hinged.Calculate the safe axial load by Rankines formula, using a factor of safety of 3. Rankines constants, f c = 315N/mm2 ; a = 1/ 7500. [16] 4. (a) What do you understand by “Beam-columns”? (b) A horizontal strut of length L, having hinged ends, carries an axial compressive load P, and central vertical load W. Derive expression for max values of deflection, B.M. and stress. [4+12] 5. A cylindrical chimney shaft of a hollow circular section, 2.50 metres external diameter, 1 metre internal diameter, is 30 metres high. If the horizontal intensity of wind pressure varies as X 2/3 where X is the vertical height above the ground, calculate the overturning moment at the base due to the force of wind pressure, taking the coefficient of wind-resistance as 0.6. Given that the horizontal intensity of wind pressure at a height of 20 metres is 1KN/m2 . If the weight of masonry is 22.5KN/m3 , calculate the extreme intensities of stress at the base. [16] 6. A simply-supported beam of T-section (100 × 150 × 20mm) carries a load P at center of 2.5m span. The load line is inclined at 30’ to the vertical and passes through c.g If the max. Compressive stress is not to exceed 75N/mm2 , and the max tensile stress is not to exceed 35N/mm2 , find the max load P which the bean can carry. [16] 7. A semi circular beam is supported on three equally spaced columns. Derive expressions for max.B.M. and max. Twisting moment by first obtaining the general expressions. [16] 1 of 2 w w w jn . w tu r o .c ld 1 m m o = 0.3 [8+8] Code No: T0102/R05 Set No. 2 8. Using the method of section find out the forces in all the members of the simplysupported pin-jointed plane truss loaded as shown in figure 1. [16] Figure 1: w w w jn . w tu r o .c ld m o 2 of 2 A 40mm dia. 3.l of 5kN/m. A locomotive coupling rod of length 3m. (b) Determine the principal moments of inertia for an unequal angle section 80 × 60 × 10mm. 3 metre 4 long. [16] 5. Calculate the max. thickness of web 8. A semi circular beam of radius R.S. = 8kN-m. Assuming the hinged to be hinged and taking E = 200GN/m2 find the max values of deflection. using a factor of safety of 3. Find the principal stresses and locate the principal planes.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations.3. derive expressions for B. [16] 1 of 2 w w w jn . (a) What do you understand by centroidal principal axes and principal moments of inertia. ends hinged. Find also the max shear stress and the planes on which it acts. find the stress which acting alone will produce the same (a) max. and stress. there is a normal tensile stress of 42MPa. w tu r o . Hole is punched at a distance of 60mm from the axis of the bar.M. Rankines constants. If W is the load per unit length of the beam. On a plane at right angles to this plane. is supported on 3 equally spaced columns. direct stress and max. rectangular section 60mm wide and 120mm deep. Find the max.M.Tee-section.M and twisting moments at any point P. shear stress for a shaft subjected to combined bending and torsion at a certain section.c ld m o [8+8] .4mm.Code No: T0102/R05 Set No. a = 1/ 7500. B.d. strain energy. 3 II B. = 6 kN-m and T. f c = 315N/mm2 . An R. If the Poisson’s ratio = 0. is used as a strut. B. [8+8] 7.M. thickness of flange 9mm. the resultant stress on a certain plane is 60MPa (tensile) inclined at 300 to the normal to that plane. Using the method of sections find the forces in all the members of the cantilever truss loaded as shown in figure 1. [16] 8. It is subjected to an axial thrust of 120kN and a transverse u. Sketch the stress distribution. [16] 2. Strain and (b) max.Calculate the safe axial load by Rankines formula. [16] 4. At a point is an elastic material. [16] 6. 150mm wide × 75mm deep. April 2010 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS-II (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. and minimum stress intensities at the weakest section of a flat bar 200mm wide and 30mm thick carrying an axial pull of 240kN. and hence at supports. c ld m o 2 of 2 .Code No: T0102/R05 Set No. w tu r o . 3 Figure 1: w w w jn . In casting.M. [6+10] 2. ends hinged. If the Poisson’s ratio = 0. a = 1/ 7500.I.c ld m o [8+8] 1 of 2 . thickness of web 8. An R. A short hollow cylindrical C.g.M. Find the horizontal and vertical deflections and max tensile stress (E = 200KN/mm2 ) . f c = 315N/mm2 . 3. principal planes and max shear stress if there are like direct stresses accompanied by a state of simple shear. and stress.M and twisting moments at any point P.M. A semi circular beam of radius R.S. [16] 7. The load face of the section makes an angle of 300 with the horizontal. B. using a factor of safety of 3. Column is 240 mm external and 180 mm internal diameter.Code No: T0102/R05 Set No. Calculate the max. 3 metre 4 long. Rankines constants. = 8kN-m. is used as a strut. B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. calculate the extreme intensities of stress induced in the section. [16] w w w jn .Calculate the safe axial load by Rankines formula. Derive expression for max values of deflection. [16] 4. the bore got eccentric so that the thickness varies from 20mm at one end to 40 mm at the other. The vertical load line passes through the c.4mm. If the column carries a load of 600 KN along the axis of the bore. find the stress which acting alone will produce the same (a) max. and hence at supports. thickness of flange 9mm. Strain and (b) max. (a) What do you understand by “Beam-columns”? (b) A horizontal strut of length L. strain energy. 4 II B. (b) Derive expressions for principal stresses. If W is the load per unit length of the beam. A load of 200 N is hung at the free end. April 2010 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS-II (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.Tee-section. direct stress and max. [16] 6. of the section. carries an axial compressive load P. is supported on 3 equally spaced columns. (a) Explain the terms principal stresses and principal planes. [4+12] 5.3. = 6 kN-m and T. w tu r o . shear stress for a shaft subjected to combined bending and torsion at a certain section. having hinged ends. 150mm wide × 75mm deep. A steel cantilever beam of rectangular section (60 × 40mm) projects horizontally beyond the support by 500mm. derive expressions for B. and central vertical load W. 4 Figure 1: 8.c ld m o 2 of 2 . w tu r o .Code No: T0102/R05 Set No. Find the forces in all the members of the pin-jointed. plane frame loaded as shown in figure 1 by the method of joints make the magnitude and nature of forces in the frame. simply-supported. [16] w w w jn . (a) With neat phasor diagram. phase currents on both primary & secondary sides. explain the voltage regulation of three-phase transformer. The input line voltage is 11 kV and the turn’s ratio of transformer (phase to phase) is 10. find the all day efficiency of transformer. (a) Why it is essential to calculate all day efficiency for distribution transformers. Calculate the maximum value of flux in the core. If during the day transformer is delivering load as follows. 4. wound rotor induction motor is used as a frequency changer. The load is connected to the rotor slip rings. (b) A 20 kVA transformer has maximum efficiency of 98% when delivering 75% load at 0. 50 Hz.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. [10+6] w w jn . [8+8] 5.95 pf. (b) An ideal 3-Φ step down transformer connected in delta/star delivers power to a balanced 3-Φ load of 120 kVA at 0.c ld m o . 0. 3. How it is different from full load efficiency. What are the possible speeds at which the rotor can supply power to this load at 25 Hz? What would be the ratio of voltages at load terminals at these speeds? Neglect rotor impedance. [8+8] 2. w tu r o . when supplied at 235 V. 1 II B. 1 of 2 [8+8] w (b) OC test is preferred to conduct on LV side & SC test is preferred to conduct on HV side.25 pf. (b) Explain the construction of Slip ring IM. the magnetising & loss component of current. What is the ideal shape of core? (b) The no load current of a transformer is 5 A at 0. (a) Explain the various simple tests conducted on a single transformer to find the approximate equivalent circuit of transformer. 3-Φ supply. April 2010 ELECTRICAL MACHINES-II (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) What is stepping of transformer core? Why transformer cores are stepped? Generally how many stepped core is used for power transformers.8 pf.8 pf 6 hours 20 kW at upf. Determine the line voltage line currents. [6+10] 12 hours No load 6 hours 12 kW. The number of turns on primary winding is 200. The starter is connected to a 50 Hz.Code No: T0202/R05 Set No. Explain the reasons. (a) A 4 pole. phase voltages. the core loss. With neat diagram explain the various tests to be conducted on 3-Φ IM to plot the circle diagram.5 kW. Calculate: total mechanical power developed rotor copper loss & efficiency when the slip is 4 %. [16] w w w jn . [16] 8. w tu r o .c ld m o 2 of 2 . (a) Explain the effect of load on performance of IM. How the operating range of IM can be improved. 1 6.Code No: T0202/R05 Set No. (b) The power supplied to a 3-Φ IM is 40 kW and the corresponding stator losses are 1. [8+8] 7. Compare various methods of speed control of 3-Φ IM. The input line voltage is 11 kV and the turn’s ratio of transformer (phase to phase) is 10. How these disadvantages can overcome by Back to back test.c ld m o [8+8] 1 of 2 . [8+8] 5. [6+10] 4. (a) With neat phasor diagram.8 pf and at half load. 50 Hz supply. Find circulating current at no load and current supplied by each transformer and kVA shared by each transformer. phase voltages.Code No: T0202/R05 Set No. The primary is connected to 3500 V. (b) A 50 kVA single phase transformer has 500 turns on the primary & 100 turns on the secondary. [8+8] w w w jn . Explain the advantages & disadvantages of each. 2 II B. The current flowing in the windings on full load iii. (b) An ideal 3-Φ step down transformer connected in delta/star delivers power to a balanced 3-Φ load of 120 kVA at 0. explain the voltage regulation of three-phase transformer. Determine the line voltage line currents. Calculate the synchronous speed and the percentage slip. 0. Find maximum efficiency of transformer and corresponding load. (b) Two single phase transformers A & B of ratings 500 kVA & 250 kVA are supplying a load of 750 kVA at 0. phase currents on both primary & secondary sides.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. Transformer A has 1 % resistance and 5 % reactance. Transformer B has 1.8 pf. 2. 0. The maximum value of flux. (b) A single phase 150 kVA transformer has efficiency of 96 % at full load. (a) Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of a transformer. Their OC voltages are 405 V and 410 V respectively. (a) Explain the classification of induction motors based on construction of rotor. Calculate the following: i.8 pf lagging. w tu r o .8 pf lagging. (a) Draw the phasor diagram of a practical transformer ‘On load’ & explain corresponding calculations. 3-Φ supply runs at 960 rpm. 50 Hz. April 2010 ELECTRICAL MACHINES-II (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. The secondary voltage ii. [8+8] 3. (a) Explain the disadvantages of OC & SC tests.5 % resistance & 4 % reactance. (b) A 6 pole IM is connected to 440 V. [8+8] 7.22 Ω & 1.3. Calculate the full load torque & power developed. 440 V. Why auto transformer starters are preferred for high power IMs. Auto transformer starter with 50 % tapping. (a) Determine approximately the staring torque of IM in terms of full load torque when started by means of i. how? If not. Find also the maximum torque & corresponding speed. Ignore the magnetising current.2 Ω respectively. Star delta starter ii. The full load slip is 4 %. [16] w w w jn . the stator to rotor turns being 1. (b) Explain the advantages & disadvantages of auto transformer starter over star delta starter.Code No: T0202/R05 Set No. 2 6. w tu r o . Explain all the modes of operation of Induction machine. [8+8] 8. 50 Hz. 4 pole. Plot the neat characteristics. The rotor resistance & standstill reactance/ph are 0. The short circuit current of the motor at normal voltage is 6 times the full load current and full load slip is 4 %. (a) What do you mean by the maximum torque of IM? What are the quantities influence maximum torque? Can you vary maximum torque of IM? If yes. why Maximum torque of IM can not be varied? (b) A 3-Φ. IM has star connected stator and rotor.c ld m o 2 of 2 . Code No: T0202/R05 Set No. [16] 4. Determine: i. w w w jn . [8+8] 3. if the value of the flux in the core is 7.8 pf lagging.8 pf. [8+8] 5.08 Ω/phase. Synchronous speed ii. explain the voltage regulation of three-phase transformer. The input line voltage is 11 kV and the turn’s ratio of transformer (phase to phase) is 10. [8+8] 2. With neat diagram.8 pf and at half load. (a) With neat phasor diagram. The speed correspond to maximum torque is 650 rpm. 50 Hz. Calculate the number of turns in each winding. April 2010 ELECTRICAL MACHINES-II (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. 3 II B. 0. (b) An 8-pole.82 mWb. (b) A single phase 150 kVA transformer has efficiency of 96 % at full load.c ld m o (b) What is slip? How the slip affects the operation of IM? What is unit of slip? [8+8] 6. Find maximum efficiency of transformer and corresponding load. (a) Explain term Maximum torque. 0. Full load torque. (a) Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of a transformer. (a) With neat phasor diagram explain the operation of transformer with capacitive load (b) The voltage ratio of single phase 50 Hz transformer is 5000/500 V at no-load. What is the value of resistance to be inserted in rotor circuit to obtain maximum torque at starting? [8+8] 1 of 2 . 50 Hz IM has a slip of 4%. Determine the line voltage line currents. (a) A 3-Φ.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (b) An ideal 3-Φ step down transformer connected in delta/star delivers power to a balanced 3-Φ load of 120 kVA at 0. Starting torque & No-load torque. w tu r o . explain the various tests conducted on transformer to obtain its equivalent circuit. phase currents on both primary & secondary sides. 4-pole. 3-Φ slip ring IM has effective resistance of 0. Frequency of rotor currents If the rotor has a resistance of 1 Ω and standstill reactance of 4 Ω. phase voltages. Derive all related equations. calculate the power factor at standstill and at speed of 1400 RPM. 3-Φ. IM has a starting current which is 5 times its full load value when switched on directly. 50 Hz. What will be the % reduction in starting torque if the motor is started with i. (b) What are the specific advantages of rotor resistance starter over any other type of starter? What is the reason that rotor resistance starters are limited in use? [8+8] 8. w tu r o .c ld m o 2 of 2 . 3-Φ IM having 8 & 4 poles respectively are connected in cumulative cascade of which the 8 pole motor is connected to mains supply. Auto transformer starter with 65 % tapping. (a) Explain the cascade connection operation for speed control of 3-Φ IM. (a) A 4 pole. [8+8] w w w jn . 3 7.Code No: T0202/R05 Set No. (b) Two 50 Hz. Calculate the rotor frequency & and slip of each motor referred to respective stator fields if the set has a slip of 5 %. with star-∆ starter ii. Synchronous speed No-load speed Full load speed Frequency of rotor currents at standstill. (b) The cross section of a 4 kVA. 4 II B.9 lagging? [8+8] 3.5 Tesla is 500 cm2 . (a) What is energy efficiency of transformer? Why energy efficiency of transformer is also important specification along with voltage regulation of transformer? Which types of transformers are specified with energy efficiency? (b) A 50 MVA transformer with tap changer has percentage impedance of 0. 5000/500 V. w w w jn . the EMF per turn. phase voltages. [8+8] 6.95. April 2010 ELECTRICAL MACHINES-II (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Draw the related phasor diagram.Code No: T0202/R05 Set No. 6-pole. (b) An ideal 3-Φ step down transformer connected in delta/star delivers power to a balanced 3-Φ load of 120 kVA at 0. 50 Hz IM has a slip of 1 % at no load & 4 % at full load. Derive all related equations. Derive the torque equation of IM. The input line voltage is 11 kV and the turn’s ratio of transformer (phase to phase) is 10. explain the voltage regulation of three-phase transformer. From this. 50 Hz single phase transformer having maximum flux density of 1. ii. w tu r o . With neat diagram.8 pf lagging & 40 MVA at 0. derive the condition for Maximum torque. [16] 1 of 2 .0 Ω. (a) With neat phasor diagram. [16] 4.c ld m o (b) Compare cage & wound rotors in terms of construction.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. Find the ratio of Maximum torque to Full load torque & Maximum torque to staring torque. Determine the line voltage line currents. iv.5 + j 7. [8+8] 5. Determine: Primary & secondary turns. (a) Explain the operation of Ideal transformer. explain the various tests conducted on transformer to obtain its equivalent circuit. performance & applications. iii.8 pf. Determine: i. Stacking factor is 0. at no load & at full load. phase currents on both primary & secondary sides. (a) A 3-Φ. [8+8] 2. What tapping (in %) must be used to maintain the rated voltage at the secondary on full load 0. 50 Hz. w tu r o .c ld m o 2 of 2 . (b) Explain the advantages & dis-advantages of rotor resistance starter on any other type of starters? 8+8] 8. [16] w w w jn . (a) A 3-Φ. Plot the neat characteristics.Code No: T0202/R05 Set No. 4 pole. 208 V IM has a stating line current of 70 A & a starting torque of 225 Nm. Explain all the modes of operation of Induction machine. 4 7. If a reduced voltage of 120 V is applied to the stator at the time of staring find starting torque & starting line current. 82 stokes. Find the maximum speed at which the cylinder is to be rotated about its vertical axis so that no water spills. 6. [7+9] w w jn . Diaphragm gauge. Determine [6+10] i. (a) Find the velocity and acceleration at a point (1. April 2010 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS ( Common to Mechanical Engineering. boundary layer thickness at the trailing edge of the plate ii.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (a) Prove that in case of forced vertex the rise of liquid level at the ends is equal to the fall of liquid level at the axis of rotation. w tu rl o . Bourdon tube pressure gauge.c d m o [8+4+4] [10+6] 5. (a) Expain briefly the following mechanical gauges: i. a plate of 45 cm length and 25 cm width moving at 5 m/sec is placed parallel to the direction of motion.2.Code No: V0302/R05 Set No. (a) Differentiate Notches and Weirs and classify the Notches? w (b) The Coefficient of discharge for a venturimeter used for measuring the flow of an incompressible fluid was found to be constant when the rate of flow exceeded a certain volume. Where K1 is a constant. 3. Metallurgy & Material Technology and Automobile Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Show that under these conditions the loss of head hf in the convergent portion of venturimeter can be expressed as K1 Q2 . (b) In a stream of oil of specific gravity 0. for a threedimensional flow field given by u = yz + t.3) after 1 sec. 1 II B. (b) An open circular cylinder of 15 cm diameter and 100cm long contain water up to a height of 80cm. and ii. m/s (b) State the conditions for a three-dimensional flow to be irrotational. shear stress at trailing edge of the plate and iii. (a) What do you mean by ‘pipes in series’ ? When pipes are connected in series? What is the loss of head in the system? (b) A pipe system consists of three pipes in series 1 of 2 [8+8] . (a) Explain the effect of pressure gradient on boundary layer separation. frictional drag on one side of the plate. w=xy. [7+9] 4. v=xz-t.85 and kinematic viscosity 0. (b) Distinguish between a Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid (c) What are manometers? 2. 02 and coefficient of contraction.6. 150 m long.9 is flowing. 1 i. 7. w tu r o . ii. 200 mm in diameter.4 and R=287 J/Kg.c ld m o 2 of 2 . 300 m long. [10+6] 8. 4f = 0.estimate also corresponding stagnation temperature. Cc = 0.097 poise and relative density 0. (a) What do you meant by viscous flow? Mention various forces to be considered in Navier Stroke’s equation. of the oil is collected in a tank in 30 seconds.Code No: V0302/R05 Set No.K. (a) Derive the expression for the stagnation pressure? (b) Calculate the Mach number of an object traveling at a 300m/s in an environment of air at 200K. an oil of dynamic 0. Determine the equivalent length of a 125 mm diameter pipe. 150 mm in diameter. Take friction factor. [8+8] w w w jn . Take K=1. 250 m long. if 100 Kg. (b) Through a horizontal circular pipe of diameter 100 mm and of length 10m. 100 mm in diameter and iii. Calculate the difference of pressure at the two ends of the pipe. 9 to a depth of 280mm. Euler’s equation iii.3 m wide and 0. w tu r o . (a) Velocity for a two dimensional flow field is given by V = (3+2xy+4 t2 )i+(x y 2 +3t)j Find the velocity and acceleration at a point(1.18 stokes and [10+6] density is 1. (b) A closed vertical cylinder 350mm in diameter and height 400mm height is filled with oil of relative density 0.86. Metallurgy & Material Technology and Automobile Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Consider flow to be laminar and assume for air kinematic viscosity is 0. Calculate drag force on both sides of the plate when the 0. (b) A thin flat plate 0. What height of a broad crested rectangular weir must be installed to double the depth? Assume a weir co coefficient as 0. (a) Expalin how the meta-centric height of a floating body can be detaermined experimentally? (b) How are manometers are classified? 2. Just begins to uncover the base.3 m edge is oriented parallel to free stream. Calculate the speed of rotation for this condition. The cylinder rotates about its vertical axis at such a speed that the oil. [7+9] w w w jn .9mts. [6+10] 4. 2 II B. (a) What are the causes of loss of energy in pipe bends? Give expression to find loss of energy in pipe bends.2) after 2 sec (b) Define tangential and local accelerations 3.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations.2 kg/m3 . April 2010 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS ( Common to Mechanical Engineering. (a) Explain with a neat sketch the boundary layer characteristics when a fluid is flowing over a flat plate.c ld m o [8+8] [10+6] 5. (a) Discuss the relative merits and demerits of venturimeter with respect to orifice meter (b) A rectangular channel 6mts wide carries 2800 lit/sec at the depth of 0. (a) Write shorts notes on: i. the remaining volume containing air at atmosphere pressure. Bernoulli’s equation ii.6 m long is suspended and exposed parallel to air flowing with a velocity of 3 m/sec. 1 of 2 . 6.Code No: V0302/R05 Set No. Vertex Flow. 5 poise and relative density 0. Wind velocity may be taken as zero.02 120 75 0. 7. Take R=287.028 90 60 0.4. [8+8] 8. Calculate the pressure.estimate the friction factor by assuming the flow to be laminar.14J/KgK.032 Find the size of a pipe of length 310 m whose pipe friction coefficient 4f = 0. Take K=1. Pipe A B C Length(m) Diameter(mm) Friction coeeficient (4f) 100 100 0.85 flows through a 30cm diameter pipe .Code No: V0302/R05 Set No. (a) Sketch the Reynolds apparatus and explain how the laminar flow can be demonstrated with the help of this apparatus? (b) Oil of absolute viscosity 1.c ld m o 2 of 2 . [8+8] w w w jn .024 equivalent to the compound pipe.If the head losses in a 3000M length of a pipe is 20M. 2 [8+8] (b) Particulars of three pipes connected in series are given below. temp and density of air at stagnation point on the nose of the plane. w tu r o . (a) Derive Bernoulli’s equation for compressible flow undergoing adiabatic process? (b) Find the Mach number when an aero plane is flying at 1100Km/hr through still air having a pressure of 7 N/ cm2 and temperature -50 C. [16] 1 of 2 .18 stokes and density is 1. and ii. [10+6] 6. w tu r o . Two pipes each of length L and diameters D1 and D2 are arranged in parallel.c ld m o [6+4+2+4] [8+8] 5. the loss of head is h2 . Discharge through the pipe. Neglect minor losses and friction factor. flows through them. find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force on [16] the bend. Find the maximum discharge. (a) Define kinematic viscosity and dynamic viscosity state its units. April 2010 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS ( Common to Mechanical Engineering. has 50cms height of water above its crest. (a) The diameter of a pipe at the sections 1-1 and 2-2 are 200 mm and 300 mm respectively.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. Neglect Velocity of approach. uniform and non-uniform flows. If the pipes are arranged in series and the same quantity of water. find. f. being h1 . If D1 = 2D2 .3 m wide and 0. the loss of head. when a total quantity of Q flows through them.6. 3 II B. find the ratio of h1 and h2 .6 m long is suspended and exposed parallel to air flowing with a velocity of 3 m/sec. find the maximum discharge when the channel has cross sectional area of 50m2 on the upstream side. 3. to be constant. (b) A thin flat plate 0. i.2 kg/m3 . The pressure of flowing water is 29.43 N/cm2 4. (d) What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion? 2. [7+9] jn . (a) Explain with a neat sketch the boundary layer characteristics when a fluid is flowing over a flat plate. Calculate drag force on both sides of the plate when the 0. non-steady. (a) Explain the working principle of Venturimeter and Orifice meter? (b) w w w i. Consider flow to be laminar and assume for air kinematic viscosity is 0. A broad crested weir of 50mts length. Take Cd =0. (b) What is a Newtonian fluid? (c) Define the term ‘pressure’.3 m edge is oriented parallel to free stream. ii. If the velocity of approach is to be taken into consideration. Q. Velocity of water at section 2-2 (b) Define steady. Metallurgy & Material Technology and Automobile Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. The discharge of water through a pipe of diameters 40cm is 400 Lit /sec. If the pipe is bend by 1200 . If the velocity of water flowing through the pipe at section 1-1 is 4 m/s.Code No: V0302/R05 Set No. 9 is flowing.Code No: V0302/R05 Set No. Calculate the difference of pressure at the two ends of the pipe. Determine the velocity of air. The static pressure is 5 cm water gauge above atmospheric pressure and the temperature is 170 C .c ld m o 2 of 2 . [10+6] 8. if 100 Kg. Take atmospheric pressure as 10. (a) What is the function of wind tunnel? (b) Dry air flows in a duct 30 cm inside diameter . (b) Through a horizontal circular pipe of diameter 100 mm and of length 10m. [6+10] w w w jn .5 N/ cm2 . (a) What do you meant by viscous flow? Mention various forces to be considered in Navier Stroke’s equation. 3 7.097 poise and relative density 0. w tu r o . an oil of dynamic 0.A Pitot tube inserted in the direction of flow measures 15cm water column in a manometer. of the oil is collected in a tank in 30 seconds. The pressure at the points A and B are given of 29. (b) Distinguish between simple manometer and a differential manometer. Metallurgy & Material Technology and Automobile Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. v = −x y − yz − xy. v = log (x2 + z 2 ) .Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (a) State the momentum equation . w tu r o . (a) Calculate the specific weight. The total drag on the wing taking coefficient of drag (CD ) = 0.08 iii. (a) Discuss the relative merits and demerits of venturimeter with respect to orifice meter w (b) A rectangular channel 6mts wide carries 2800 lit/sec at the depth of 0. April 2010 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS ( Common to Mechanical Engineering. Power required to maintain the airplane at this velocity Take density for air = 1. specific mass. [7+9] w w jn . (b) u = log (y 2 + z 2 ) .9mts.8 m2 . (a) u = x + y + 2z .43 N/cm2 and 22.w (x2 +y 2 )2 3 2 2 2 = y (x2 +y 2 ) 3. [8+8] 2.c ld m o [16] 5. Two velocity components are given in the following cases. (b) A jet plane weighing 112. (c) u = −2xyz . 4 II B.25 kg/m3 6. (a) Draw a neat sketch showing the variation of drag coefficient for a sphere with Reynolds number and explain the salient features.86. Find the loss of head between A and B. (a) What do you mean by ‘pipes in series’ ? When pipes are connected in series? What is the loss of head in the system? 1 of 2 .Code No: V0302/R05 Set No. find the third component such that they satisfy the continuity equation.6 m and wing area of [8+8] 15. The lift coefficient ii. It flies at 350 km/hour at a steady level in still air.How will you apply momentum equation for determining the force exerted by a flowing liquid on a pipe bend? (b) A pipe of diameter 400mm carries water at a velocity of 25m/s. What height of a broad crested rectangular weir must be installed to double the depth? Assume a weir co coefficient as 0. Find i.82 kN has a wing span of 9.563 N/cm2 respectively while the datum head at A and B are 28m and 30m. specific volume and specific gravity of a liquid having a volume of 6 m3 and weight of 44 kN. [8+8] 4. 6. Cc = 0.If the coefficient of friction for each pipe is (4f) 0. Take friction factor. 4f = 0. each of length 100m are connected in parallel between two reservoirs which have a difference of level of 10M. (b) Two sharp ended pipes of diameters 50 mm and 100 mm respectively.if it were substituted for the original two pipes. 250 m long. ii. [10+6] 8. Determine the equivalent length of a 125 mm diameter pipe.4 and R=287 J/Kg-K. w tu r o . Inclined pipes iii. 200 mm in diameter. 4 [8+8] i. calculate the rate of flow for each pipe and also the diameter of a single pipe 100m long which would give the same discharge . Take K=1. Equivalent pipe. (a) Derive an expression for velocity of sound for an adiabatic process.02 and coefficient of contraction. 7. 150 m long. which is flying at 900 Km/hr at sea level where air temperature is 150 C. Long pipes ii. (a) Explain the terms i. 100 mm in diameter and iii. 300 m long.32. (b) Calculate Mach number at a point on a jet propeller aircraft.c ld m o 2 of 2 . [8+8] w w w jn . 150 mm in diameter.Code No: V0302/R05 (b) A pipe system consists of three pipes in series Set No. i. ii.15. [8+8] 6. Draw the logic diagram ii.23.17. i. iii. ¯¯ F= (B D + A). April 2010 SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN ( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics & Telematics) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Simplify the function to minimal literals using Boolean algebra.1. Design and implement a Binary to Gray converter. 127310 + 958710 ii. (a) Perform the following using BCD arithmetic.24and31. (a) For the given Boolean function F=xy’z+x’y’z+w’xy+wx’y+wxy i.7. (a) List the PLA programming table for the BCD to excess-3 code converter. (b) A ROM chip of 4.Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. [12+4] [16] w w w jn . i. How many pins are needed for the integrated circuit package? Draw the block diagram of this ROM. iii.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. 5.096 × 8 bits has two clip select inputs and operates from a 5-volt power supply.16.c ld m o [8+8] [8] [8] 4. (a) Design an SOP logic circuit.10.5. ii. (b) Draw the Karnaugh map to represent the following Boolean function. 1 II B. which will output a 1(logic High) whenever the input binary equivalent of decimal 0. iv. (a) Compare synchronous & Asynchronous circuits (b) Design a Mod-6 synchronous counter using J-K flip flops. 97710 = ( )16 65710 = ( )8 75410 = ( )2 100116 = ( )10 2. (b) Obtain the Dual of the following Boolean expressions. AB’C+AB’D+A’B’ A’B’C+ABC’+A’B’C’D ABCD+ABC’D’+A’B’CD AB+ABC’ 3. iv.8. 776210 + 383810 (b) Convert the following. Verify the result. w tu r o .13. [6+10] 1 of 3 . obtain equivalent state-diagram 1. 1 7. [8+8] 8. [8+8] w w w jn .Flip-Flops. (b) Obtain its minimal state .diagram. (a) For the given ASM chart. (b) Design the circuit using multiplexers.Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. w tu r o . (a) Obtain its state .table and design the circuit with T .c ld m o Figure 1: 2 of 3 . A clocked sequential circuit with simple input x and single output Z produce an output Z = 1 whenever the input x completes the sequence 1 0 1 1 and overlapping is allowed. 1 w w w jn .c ld m o 3 of 3 .Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. w tu r o . Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. 2 II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010 SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN ( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics & Telematics) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Convert the following to Decimal and then to Hexadecimal. (a) 7448 (b) 15528 (c) 110110012 (d) 111100112 (e) 55710 (f) 73910 2. (a) Express the following functions in sum of minterms and product of maxterms. [8] i. (xy+z) (y+xz) ii. B’D+A’D+BD i. ii. iii. iv. (b) Obtain the complement of the following Boolean expressions. 3. (a) Write short note on prime implicant chart. (b) Minimize following function using Tabular minimization. F (A, B, C, D) = m(6, 7, 8, 9) + d(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). [4+12] w w w AB’C+AB’D+A’B’ A’B’C+ABC+A’B’C’D ABCD+ABC’D’+A’B’CD AB+ABC’ jn . w tu r o .c ld m o [8] [3+3+3+3+2+2] 4. (a) Implement the full adder function by using two 4:1 multiplexers. (b) What is a decoder? How do you convert a decoder to a Demultiplexer.[10+6] 5. (a) Specify the size of a ROM (number of words and numbers bits per word) that will accommodate the truth table of a BCD to seven segment decoder with an enable input. (b) Write a brief note on programmable logic devices. 6. (a) Compare synchronous & Asynchronous circuits (b) Design a Mod-6 synchronous counter using J-K flip flops. [6+10] [8+8] 1 of 2 Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. 2 7. A clocked sequential circuit is provided with a single input x and single output Z. Whenever the input produce a string of pulses 1 1 1 or 0 0 0 and at the end of the sequence it produce an output Z = 1 and overlapping is also allowed. (a) Obtain State - Diagram. (b) Also obtain state - Table. (c) Find equivalence classes using partition method & design the circuit using D - flip-flops. [4+4+8] 8. (a) For the given ASM chart obtain its equivalent state diagram 1. (b) Design the circuit using multiplexers. (c) Also design the circuit using D-Flip-flop per state. w w w jn . w tu r o .c ld m o [4+8+6] Figure 1: 2 of 2 Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. 3 II B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, April 2010 SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN ( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics & Telematics) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. A 12-bit Hamming code word containing 8-bits of data and 4 parity bits is read from memory. What was the original 8-bit data word that was written in to memory if 12-bit words read out is as follows. [4 ×4 = 16] (a) 000011101010 (b) 101110000110 (c) 101111110100 (d) 110011010010 2. (a) Express the following functions in sum of minterms and product of maxterms. [8] i. F(A,B,C,D)=B’D+’D+BD ii. F(x,y,z)=(xy+z)(xz+y) i. ii. iii. iv. (b) Obtain the complement of the following Boolean expressions. 3. (a) Reduce the following function using K- map and implement it in AOI logic as well as NOR logic F= M (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7) [10] (b) What do you mean by K-map? Name its advantages and disadvantages [6] w w w (AB’+AC’)(BC+BC’)(ABC) AB’C+A’BC+ABC (ABC)’(A+B+C)’ A+B’C(A+B+C’) jn . w tu r o .c ld m o [8] 4. (a) Implement the following Boolean function using a 8:1 multiplexer considering ¯ ¯ ¯ ‘C’ as the input and A,B,C as selection lines. f (ABCD) = AB + BD + BC D (b) Draw the Gate level diagram of a Decimal to BCD encoder. 5. Write a brief note on: (a) Architecture of PLDs (b) Capabilation and the limitations of threshold gates. [8+8] [10+6] 6. (a) Design a sequence detector which detects 110010 Implement the sequence detector by using D - type flipflops 1 of 2 Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. 3 (b) Classify the required circuits into synchronous, asynchronous, clockmode, pulse mode with suitable examples. [8+8] 7. A clocked sequential circuit is defined by the following state - table: (a) Find equivalence classes using partition method. (b) Give proper assignment. (c) And design the circuit using D -Flip-Flops. Present state Next state q v+1 Out put Z P.S q v x=0 x=1 x=0 x=1 A A E 1 0 B A E 0 0 C B F 0 0 D B F 0 0 E C G 0 1 F C G 0 1 G D H 0 1 H D H 0 1 [4+4+8] 8. (a) Draw the ASM chart for the following state transistion, start from the initial state T1 , then if xy=00 go to T2 , if xy=01 go to T3 , if xy=10 go to T1 , other wise go to T3 . (b) Show the exit paths in an ASM block for all binary combinations of control variables x, y and z, starting from an initial state. [8+8] w w w jn . w tu r o .c ld m o 2 of 2 iii.7. 7. For the minimal state table: 1 of 3 [6+10] w w w jn . iv. x4 ) realized by each of the threshold networks shown in the figure 1. (a) Explain . ii. (a) Reduce the following Boolean Expressions i.1. A circuit receives a 4-bit Excess-3 code. x2 . 2.6. w tu r o . iii. Convert the following to Decimal and then to Octal. (AC) + (AB) + (C) + (AD) + (ABC) + (ABC). Find the function f(x1 . x3 . [8] 4. [16] 6. i. (a) 25716 (b) 19916 (c) 101100012 (d) 110011002 (e) 34410 (f) 76610 2. AB+A(B+C)+B’(B+D) A+B+A’B’C A’B+A’BC’+A’BCD+A’BC’D’E ABEF+AB(EF)’+(AB)’EF x’yz+x’yz’+xy’z’+xy’z x’yz+xy’z’+xyz+xyz’ x’z+x’y+xy’z+yz x’y’z’+x’yz’+xy’z’+xy’z+xyz’ (b) Obtain the Dual of the following Boolean expressions.c ld m o [8] [8] [3+3+3+3+2+2] .and 8. April 2010 SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN ( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics & Telematics) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. 4 II B. Design a minimal circuit to detect the decimal numbers 0. [16] 5. [8] (b) Make a K-map of the following expression and obtain the minimal SOPand ¯ ¯ POS forms. (a) Compare synchronous & Asynchronous circuits (b) Design a Mod-6 synchronous counter using J-K flip flops. ii.4. 3 show the map of each function. 3.the determination of all possible minimal expressions from a reduced prime implicant chart.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. iv.Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. Code No: V0403/R05 Set No. w tu Figure 2: r o . 4 Figure 1: w w w jn .c ld m o Figure 3: 2 of 3 . 0 E. Present State qv A B C D E Next state q v+1 X=0 B.0 B.0 Set No.c ld m o 3 of 3 . [8+8] w w w jn .0 A. w tu Figure 4: r o .1 out .Flip-Flops.Code No: V0403/R05 (a) Give proper Assignment.0 A.0 D. draw the equivalent ASM chart.put Z X=1 A.0 D. (b) Design the circuit using D .0 C. (b) Design the control circuit using multiplexers for the above state diagram 4. 4 [8+8] 8. (a) For the given control state-diagram.0 A. find the maximum no. (b) Distinguish between deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms. (a) Write the Nondeterministic sorting algorithm. N=1 (b) Differentiate between priori analysis and posteriori analysis.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations.of operation possible for the following chain matrix multiplication and also the sequence of multiplications that will require this maximum no. (c) Show that n is 0(nlogn). (a) Prove that the Greedy algorithm always finds an optimal schedule.12). n > 1 and T(N) = 2 . (b) Differentiate between Bruteforce approach and Backtracking. (b) Suggest refinements to mergesort to make it in-place. [10+6] 1 of 1 .* D(12. w w jn . w tu r o . 6. 3. (b) Explain the principles of FIFO Branch and Bound. 1 II B. (a) A directed graph G=(V. (a) Write and explain the control abstraction for Divide and conquer. (a) Explain the method of reduction to solve TSP problem using Branch and Bound. [8+8] 8. Give an efficient algorithm to determine whether or not a directed graph is singly connected. v ∈ V. (a) Using dynamic programming method. of operations A(20. (a) Draw and explain the solution space organization for the sum of subsets problem using variable tuple size formulation with an example.c ld m o [8+4+4] [8+8] [8+8] [10+6] [10+6] 7. 4.E) is singly connected if u → v implies that there is atmost one simple path from u to v for all vertices u. [10+6] w (b) Differentiate between BFS and DFS. 2.5) * C(5. (b) Explain the Kruskal’s algorithm with an example.Code No: T0501/R05 Set No.30) * B(30. Also Analyze its complexity. where N is an integer power of 3 T(N) = 6T(N/3) + 2N − 1. (a) Solve the recurrence relation. 5.5) (b) Define merging and purging rules in o/1 Knapsack problem. April 2010 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. [8+8] 4. [6+10] w w jn .Code No: T0501/R05 Set No. (a) Write an algorithm to generate next color in M coloring problem. (a) Write a greedy algorithm to the Job sequencing with deadlines. 2 II B. [8+8] w (b) Write a non-recursive algorithm of Post-order traversal of a tree and also analyze its time complexity. (a) Explain the properties of depth-first search.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. 2. April 2010 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. 6. (b) Prove that the edge with the smallest weight will be part of every minimum spanning tree. (a) Write an algorithm to find the largest of given ‘n numbers. 5. (a) Explain the general method of Branch and Bound. (a) In how many ways. (b) Differentiate between profilling and debugging. (a) Explain the classes of P and NP. 3. (b) Write a nondeterministic Knapsack algorithm. [8+8] [8+8] 1 of 1 . 8. Derive its time complexity. (b) Differentiate between Greedy method and Dynamic programming (c) Define merging and purging rules of O/1 Knapsack problem. Number the nodes using DFS. the following chain of matrices may be multiplied? A X B X C X D [2X5] [5X3] [3X6] [6X4] Find the no. (b) Explain the principles of LIFO Branch and Bound. (b) Draw the tree organization of the 4-queen solution space. (b) Explain the divide and conquer method with an example. of multiplications required in each case. w tu r o .c ld m o [10+6] [8+8] [6+5+5] 7. (a) Derive a time complexity of Quicksort in average case. 7. [16] 3. (b) Show that the inorder and postorder sequences of a binary tree uniquely define the binary tree. (a) Find a necessary and sufficient condition for the root of a depth first search for a connected graph to be an articulation point. (b) Distinguish between deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms. 7. (a) Explain the method of reduction to solve TSP problem using Branch and Bound.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. [8+8] w (b) Describe the applications of m-coloring... (a) Consider a polynomial in n of the form m f (n) = i=0 ai ni . 10. w w jn . (a) Write the Nondeterministic sorting algorithm. Write a pseudocode of the dynamic programming algorithm for solving Optimal Binary search tree and determine its time and space efficiencies. April 2010 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.c ld m o [10+6] [10+6] 8. Prove it. = am nm + am−1 nm−1 + . 2. [10+6] 1 of 1 . (a) Let w = {20. (b) Explain the principles of FIFO Branch and Bound. 3 II B. [16] 5.. 15. 5} and m=35. 12.. Write and explain the divide and conquer mergesort algorithm? Also compute its time complexity.Code No: T0501/R05 Set No. [8+8] 6. 18. (b) Explain the terms Feasible solution. (a) What is spanning tree? Explain the prim’s algorithm with an example. optimal solution and objective function. Also Analyze its complexity. Find all possible subsets of w that sum to m. Draw the portion of the state space tree that is generated. [10+6] 4. w tu r o . + a2 n2 + a1 n + a0 where am > 0 then f (n) = Ω (nm ) (b) Differentiate between profilling and debugging. [8+8] 4..Code No: T0501/R05 Set No.E) is biconnected if and only if for each pair of distinct vertices u and v there are two distinct paths from u to v that have no vertex in common except u and v. = am nm + am−1 nm−1 + .. w tu Figure 1: r o .. 1 of 2 . (b) Prove or disprove an undirected graph G=(V. (b) Find the shortest path between all pairs of nodes in the following graph. (a) Write and explain the control abstraction for Divide and conquer. 2... Explain why the principle does not hold. + a2 n2 + a1 n + a0 where am > 0 then f (n) = Ω (nm ) (b) Differentiate between profilling and debugging. ≥ pn /wn prove that knapsack generates an optimal solution to the given instance of the knapsack problem.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (a) Write Greedy algorithm to generate shortest path.. (b) If p1 /w1 ≥ p2 /w2 .. April 2010 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Draw and explain the solution space organization for the sum of subsets problem using variable tuple size formulation with an example.. [8+8] 6.. 3. (a) Find one problem for which the principle of optimality does not hold. (b) Suggest refinements to mergesort to make it in-place. (a) Explain game tree with an example...c ld m o [10+6] [8+8] 5. 4 II B. (a) Consider a polynomial in n of the form m f (n) = i=0 ai ni . (Figure 1) [8+8] w w w jn .. (a) What is Bounding? Explain how these bound are useful in Branch and Bound methods. (a) Explain the satisfiability problem and write the algorithm for the same. [10+6] w w w jn . (b) Describe the TSP in Branch and Bound.Code No: T0501/R05 Set No. 4 [10+6] (b) Differentiate between Bruteforce approach and Backtracking. w tu r o . 7. (b) Differentiate between NP-complete and NP-Hard. [8+8] 8.c ld m o 2 of 2 . Engine B takes in heat rejected by engine A and rejects heat to the low temperature reservoir. Determine the work that can be obtained from the gas. w tu r o . (b) Define generalized compressibility factor Z. (a) List the methods of measuring the pressure. (a) Discuss throttling process in brief. determine w (a) the heat rejected by engine B. The rate of energy losses as heat from the roof and walls of the auditorium is estimated at 103kW per degree Celsius difference between the inside and outside temperature.Code No: T0802/R05 Set No. (a) Suppose one kmol of an ideal gas (γ = 1. (b) Measurement of P and T does not give any information regarding the quality of wet steam.325 kPa and the average top surface area of a human head is 3 × 10−2 m2 . Discuss the entropy changes of an ideal gas. why? [8+8] 5. Specify. It is desired to maintain an auditorium at 220 C throughout the year. (a) State the condition for thermal equilibrium between two given systems. If engines A and B have equal thermal efficiencies. 1 of 2 . (b) How do we classify a process as reversible or irreversible? 3. [16] [16] w w jn . calculate the mass of air which is exerting the pressure on a human head. Two Carnot engines A and B are connected in series between two thermal reservoirs at 1000K and 100K respectively. (a) What is non ideal gas? How it is different from ideal gas? Compare PV data for ideal and non ideal gas. April 2010 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS-I (Chemical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Discuss any one of them. 7.c ld m o [8+8] [10+6] (b) the temperature at which heat is rejected by engine A 6.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. If the outside temperature is 030 C in winter and 390 C in summer. For this purpose. estimate the power required to operate the device in winter and in summer. Engine A receives 1680 kJ of heat from the high temperature reservoir and rejects heat to the Carnot engine B.4) is allowed to undergo an adiabatic expansion from 1MPa and 960 K to 301 K. [16] 8. 4. [8+8] 2. Develop suitable equations. 1 II B. it is planned to use a reversible device as a refrigerator in summer and a heat pump in winter. (b) Given that the standard atmospheric pressure is 101. w tu r o . Set No.Code No: T0802/R05 (b) State the energy minimum principle.c ld m o 2 of 2 . 1 [10+6] w w w jn . April 2010 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS-I (Chemical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. 5.187 kJ kg−1 K−1 . CO2 and O2 in chemical equilibrium. (a) State relations between absolute. The door is opened 25 times a day. 7. and the refrigerator operates at 20% of the ideal COP. It absorbs 2850 kJ energy as heat from the reservoir at 900 K. (c) System is consisting of solid carbon. w tu r o . 2 II B. Discuss any two of them. A reversible heat engine interacts with three reservoirs at 900K. [16] 4. (b) Show that for a flow process.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. Determine the heat interaction with the reservoir at 300 K and the net work delivered by the engine. A household refrigerator is maintained at a temperature of 30 C. The cost of the work is 1. Specific heat of water is 4.Code No: T0802/R05 Set No. and of the universe. atmospheric and vacuum pressures. If the difference of the mercury levels in the two lines reads 15 cm. rejects 2580 kJ energy as heat to the reservoir at 500 K. introducing an average of 450kJ. warm material is placed inside. What is the monthly bill of the refrigerator? The atmosphere is at 320 C. 500K. find the entropy change of the water. of the [16] reservoir. When the water has reached 373 K. [6+10] 2. Compute the degrees of freedom if. (a) System is made up of liquid water in equilibrium with its vapour and helium.c ld m o [6+10] 1 of 2 . but making negligible change in the temperature of the refrigerator. [5+5+6] 3. and 300K. One kg of water at 273 K is brought into contact with a heat reservoir at 373 K. The density of mercury is 13. ∆ (ρU A)f s = 0.20 rupees per kWhr.6 × 103 kg/m3 and that of water is 1 × 103 kg/m3 . determine the pressure drop. [16] w w w jn . Name the methods by which the thermodynamic properties of fluids are usually presented. (b) A mercury manometer is used to measure the pressure drop of water flowing in a pipe line. CO. Every time the door is opened. (a) List two idealizations that are impressed from the start to facilitate the application of thermodynamic principles to flow processes. [16] 6. (b) System consists of liquid water and liquid touene (immiscible) in equilibrium with its vapours. gauge. Suppose one kmol of an ideal gas is available at 1MPa and at ambient temperature of 301K. calculate the maximum work that can be obtained from the gas. If the gas is allowed to expand to 0.11 MPa.Code No: T0802/R05 Set No.c ld m o 2 of 2 . 2 8. while in contact with the ambient atmosphere and the final temperature of the gas is same as the ambient temperature. w tu r o . [16] w w w jn . [10+6] 4. Consider 1 kg of water. Then it is compressed at constant volume till the pressure rises to six times the initial pressure and allowed to expand at constant temperature to the original conditions of 103 kPa and 305 K. One mole of an ideal gas is initially at 103 kPa and 305 K. What are its conclusions? [16] 7. Discuss the mathematical statement of second law of thermodynamics. Develop Bernoulli equation. [16] 6. A cold storage is to be maintained at -60 C. Find the power required in kW to drive the plant. Water flows over a water fall 107 m in height. Determine the energy interaction with the other two reservoirs. 600K.c ld m o 1 of 2 . Sketch the processes on a P.ϑ diagram and calculate the total work done by the gas. The actual COP of the refrigeration plant is one third that of an ideal plant working between the same temperatures. [16] 2. (a) What is the potential energy of the water at the top of the falls with respect to the base of the falls. w tu r o . April 2010 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS-I (Chemical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. which were made use of in deriving the ideal gas equation of state from kinetic theory arguments. 3 II B. while the surroundings are at 330 C. (c) After 1kg of water enters the river below the falls. Discuss mechanical energy balance for flow processes. The heat leakage from the surroundings into the cold storage is estimated to be 31kW. It absorbs 2000 kJ energy as heat from the reservoir at 1000 K. It is compressed at constant pressure till the volume is reduced to one sixth of the original volume. (b) Define isothermal compressibility and coefficient of volume expansion.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. 400K and 300K. and assume that no energy is exchanged between the 1 kg and its surroundings. [16] w w w jn . [16] 5. what change has occurred in its state? [5+5+6] 3. (b) What is the kinetic energy of the water just before it strikes bottom.Code No: T0802/R05 Set No. (a) What is ideal gas? Name the two basic assumptions. rejects 600 kJ energy as heat to the reservoir at 300 K and delivers 1200 kJ work. A reversible heat engine interacts with four reservoirs at 1000K. Code No: T0802/R05 Set No. w tu r o . Determine the equilibrium temperature of the gas and the internal energy of gas in tank A and B. 3 8.2k-mol of the same gas at 410K. Tank A of volume 1m3 containing 5.2 k-mol of a gas at 590K is brought into contact through a dia-thermal wall with a tank B of volume 1m3 containing 3.c ld m o 2 of 2 . if the gas obeys the equation of state 1/ = 3N R . [16] T 2U w w w jn . Specific heat of water is 4. Determine the size of the tank using generalized compressibility chart. Engine A receives 207 kJ at a temperature of 4190 C from a hot source. Write short notes on any two: (a) Compressors. and of the universe.5 cm. If the work output of A is twice that of B. water is heated from 275 K to 325 K and from 325 K to 375 K. If one kg of water is heated from 275 K to 375 K by first bringing it in contact with a reservoir at 325 K and then with a reservoir at 375 K. Calculate the network done by the gas. w tu r o . 4 II B. It is desired to design a tank to store 11 kmol methane at 5. (a) What are usual units of expressing pressure? Show relations among them.6 MPa and Tc = 190. Find the entropy change of the water. find w w w jn . (a) What is the importance of COP of a refrigerator? A Carnot refrigerator is operating between two reservoirs at -200 C and 400 C.20 C. 7. and (c) the heat rejected to the cold sink.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. 1 of 2 . (c) Turbines.c ld m o [16] (a) the intermediate temperature between A and B (b) the efficiency of each engine. [16] 6. Than it is restored to the initial state by a reversible adiabatic process. [16] 3.Code No: T0802/R05 Set No. [16] 4. A rejecting heat directly to B. To what pressure does this height of mercury correspond? [8+8] 2.6K. the reading on a manometer filled with mercury is 60. April 2010 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS-I (Chemical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. In this way. while engine B is in communication with a cold sink at a temperature of 4. The local acceleration of gravity is 9.187 k J [16] kg−1 K−1 . The critical constants of methane are Pc = 4.8 MPa and 303 K. 5. Determine the COP of the refrigerator. One mole of an ideal gas at P1 . (b) At 270 C. Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged in series. T1 is allowed to expand reversibly and isothermally till the pressure reduces to 60% of the original pressure followed by a constant volume cooling till its pressure reduces to 30% of the original value. (b) Pumps.784 ms−2 . of the reservoir. w tu r o .Code No: T0802/R05 Set No. where C is a constant. [16] w w w jn . A particular thermodynamic system has the following fundamental relation U = CS 3 .c ld m o 2 of 2 . 8. Transform the given fundamental relation into Helmholtz VN free energy representation. 4 (b) Determine the COP of a Carnot heat pump operating between -200 C and [10+6] 400 C. amp and practical op . (a) An op . w tu r o . (a) Design a monostable multivibrator with trigger pulse shape which will drive an LED. ‘ON’ for 0.5 seconds each time it is pulsed. 1 of 2 [8+4+4] [8+8] . Describe any two applications of 555 timer in (a) Astable multivibrator configuration (b) Monostable multivibrator configuration.amp. Resolution.1µf. 3.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (a) Explain different applications of multiplier circuits. Rl = R2 = R3 = 100KΩ. C1 = 0.c ld m o [8+5+3] [8+8] 6. 1 II B.Q = 3. [8+8] 4.amp and Explain. (a) Discuss the differences between the differential amplifiers used in the first two stages of op .inverting single supply AC amplifier Rin = 50Ω. What is the maximum frequency of an output sinusoid of peak value 5 V at which the distortion sets in due to the slew rate limitation? (b) What are the characteristics of an ideal op .c non . Determine the bandwidth of the amplifier and maximum output voltage swing.and AF = 10.5 kHz keeping AF and band width content. (b) Draw the frequency response and also change the center frequency to 1.amp. (b) For a non . (a) Design the band pass filter with fc = 1kHz. (a) Compare R . April 2010 LINEAR IC APPLICATIONS (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.amp.1µf.inverting amplifier with single supply. (b) Compare and contrast an ideal op . (b) Derive the frequency of oscillation of a RC phase shift oscillator and explain the operation of the circuit. 7. (b) Write short notes on A/D converters. (a) Draw a neat circuit diagram of a.Code No: T1002/R05 Set No. Explain its working with its input output waveforms. Linearity ii. RF = 1MΩ and Vcc = +15V. (c) Define the following terms as related to DAC: i. Ci = 0.2R and weight resistor types of DACs. 8. (c) Draw an ideal voltage transfer curve of an op . [8+8] w w w jn . [6+10] 5. 2.amp has a slew rate of 2V/µs. w tu r o . [8+8] w w w jn .c ld m o 2 of 2 .Code No: T1002/R05 Set No. 1 (b) What is analog switch? Explain the different analog switches with suitable diagrams. (c) Draw the pin diagram of µA741 op . (a) Obtain differential mode gain of different configurations of differential amplifier using ac equivalent circuit. Calculate the change in this op . (a) Explain the term “Frequency Sealing” with a suitable example.amp. (a) Design a non . 3.Code No: T1002/R05 Set No. TH: upper threshold) as shown in figure 1 w (b) Describe the operation of antilog logarithmic amplifier. (b) Briefly explain why negative feedback is desirable in amplifier applications. [8+8] 2. (b) List and explain the characteristics of an ideal op .inverting comparator with output levels stabilizes at ± 5V and VTL = 0 and VTH = 2. (a) For the 741 IC op .Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. April 2010 LINEAR IC APPLICATIONS (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.5V(TL: Lower threshold. (b) Explain how level shifter acts as buffer to isolate high gain stages from the output stage. w w jn . 2 II B. 1 of 2 .amp. w tu r o .c ld m o [4+8+4] [8+8] Figure 1: 5. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of a two input non-inverting type summing amplifier and derive the expression for the output voltage. the supply voltage rejection ratio (SVRR) is 150µV/V. (c) How does negative feedback affect the performance of an inverting amplifier? [7+5+4] 4.amp.amp’s input offset voltage Vio if the supply voltages are varied from ±10V to ±12V. c ld m o 2 of 2 . [6+10] 8. 2 (b) Design a wide band-pass filter with fH =200Hz . w tu r o . (b) What is meant by balanced modulator? Explain its function using neat diagram. (a) Explain how multiplier can be used to modulate and demodulate an AM signal. Vo . Describe any two applications of 555 timer in (a) Astable multivibrator configuration (b) Monostable multivibrator configuration. Draw the frequency response and calculate Q factor for the filter. [8+8] 7. (a) Draw the circuit of Weighted resistor DAC and derive expression for output analog voltage. [8+8] w w w jn .Code No: T1002/R05 Set No. fL =1KHz and a pass-band gain=4. What is the main drawback of this converter? Compare this converter with other types. [6+10] 6. (b) Explain the operation of the fastest analog to digital converter. amp used is 741 with Vos = 6mv and IB = 500nA.Code No: T1002/R05 Set No. (a) List the parameters that are important for ac applications? (b) In an inverting amplifier of the type shown below figure 2 R1 = 100KΩ. (a) Explain the operation of Dual input unbalanced output differential amplifier. Assume identical silicon transistors with VBE = 0. April 2010 LINEAR IC APPLICATIONS (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. w w w jn . (c) Name different configurations of differential amplifier.[8+8] 1 of 2 . maximum output offset voltage caused by the input bias current IB . w tu Figure 1: r o .c ld m o [8+4+4] 2. 3 II B. (b) Explain how an operational amplifier can be used as summing amplifier. Calculate maximum output offset voltage caused by the input offset voltage Vos . [8+8] 3. (b) Calculate V1 . (a) How the operational amplifier can be used as a differentiator and integrator.V2 for the level shifter shown in figure 1.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations.7V and β = 1000. Rf = 10MΩ. The op . pass Butterworth filter and analyze the same by deriving the gain and phase angle equation. [10+6] 8. Design and explain a saw tooth waveform generator using operational amplifier and plot the waveforms for the given specifications frequency = 5kHz. [8+8] 6. (a) Explain how multiplier can be used to modulate and demodulate an AM signal. (b) Calculate the no. Explain the functional block diagram of PLL emphasizing the importance of Capture range and Lock range. of bits required to represent a full scale voltage of 10V with a resolution of 5mV approximately. (b) Draw the first order low .Code No: T1002/R05 Set No. 3 Figure 2: 4. [6+5+5] 7. (a) Explain the operation of a Successive Approximation type analog to digital converter. Vsat = ±12 Volts. w tu r o . w (b) What is meant by balanced modulator? Explain its function using neat diagram. [16] 5. (a) Classify the filters and explain the characteristics of each on of them.c ld m o 2 of 2 . [8+8] w w jn . c ld m o 2. Assume are necessary standard values of resistance. (c) Calculate V2 for the level shifter shown in figure 1. April 2010 LINEAR IC APPLICATIONS (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) What is meant by DC coupling? (b) Discuss the operation of single ended input and unbalanced output differential amplifier. 4 II B. The op . Rf = 10MΩ. (a) Design a practical integrator circuit to process the sinusoidal input waveform up to 1 KHz and the input amplitude is 10mv. [8+8] 3.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (a) List the parameters that are important for ac applications? (b) In an inverting amplifier of the type shown below figure 2 R1 = 100KΩ.Code No: T1002/R05 Set No. [4+8+4] w w w jn . Calculate maximum output offset voltage caused by the input offset voltage Vos .amp used is 741 with Vos = 6mv and IB = 500nA. 1 of 2 . w tu Figure 1: r o . Assume identical silicon transistors with VBE = 0.705V and β = 100 and V1 of 12V. maximum output offset voltage caused by the input bias current IB . 4 Figure 2: (b) What are the different modes of operation of an active integrator? 4. (a) What is a precision diode? (b) Draw the circuit of a negative peak clamper and explain its operation with necessary waveforms.c ld m o [8+8] [10+6] [8+8] 2 of 2 . 6. (b) List the important features of 555 timer. 7. (a) Explain the functions of each of pins in 555 timer. [2+8+6] 5. [16] 8. (b) What are the four types of voltage regulators? Compare the performance of these regulators. Design a VCVS low pass Butterworth second order filter with a cutoff frequency of 4kHz.Code No: T1002/R05 Set No. [8+8] w w w jn . Assume necessary data in the design process. (b) What is meant by all pass filter? Draw the circuit of it. Compare and contrast the different types of integrating type Analog to Digital converter. w tu r o . (c) Explain the functioning of a peak detector with necessary diagrams. (a) Explain the term “VSVS configuration”. (a) What is a switching regulator? Draw the block diagram of a typical switching regulator and explain its operation. w tu r o . (a) Any two successive translations (b) Any two successive saling operations 1 of 2 . [10+6] 2. 1 II B. April 2010 COMPUTER GRAPHICS ( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Assume horizontal and vertical retrace times are negligible. non-zero winding number rule. w (b) Consider a convex polygon with n vertices being clipping against a clip rectangle.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (a) What are the steps involved in rendering a polygon surface mesh using Phong shading. (b) Discuss about the applications of computer graphics in the area of image processing. [8+8] 4. (a) Describe the transformation which reflects an object about an arbitrary line L. parametric continuity. [8+8] w w jn . (a) How much time is spent in scanning across each row of pixels during screen refresh on a raster system with a resolution of 1280 by 1024 and a refresh rate of 60 frames per second. What is the maximum number of vertices is the resulting clipped window? What is the minimum number. geometric continuity ii. Prove that the multiplication of three-dimensional transformation matrices for each of the following sequence of operations is commutative.c ld m o [8+8] 5. odd-even rule and ii. (a) Explain the steps involved in scan-line polygon-fill algorithm. (b) What is the relationship among rotation (Rθ ) . [8+8] 6. inverse rotation (R−θ ) and 1 coordinate rotation (Rθ ).Code No: V1201/R05 Set No. (b) Define the terms i. (b) Explain the steps involved in i. (a) Draw the flow diagram or a brief step-wise procedure for implementing SutherlandHodgeman algorithm. 3. Illustrate with an example polygon and the corresponding sorted edge table. which are used for and carrying out insideoutside test. which algorithms (s) are suitable. (c) What are the underlying concepts of the subdivision algorithm? 8.Code No: V1201/R05 Set No. 7. 1 [16] (c) Any two successive rotations about any one of the coordinate axes. Justify. [8+8] [5+5+6] w w w jn . w tu r o . (b) What are the various types of interpolation used in animation. (a) List and explain about the steps of animation.c ld m o 2 of 2 . (a) What happens when two polygons have the same z value and the z-buffer algorithm is used? (b) For hidden surface removal of objects with non-planar surface. (a) Suppose we have a computer with 32 bits per word and a transfer rate of 1 mip (one million instructions per second). [16] 4. non-zero winding number rule. Coordinate z-axis ii. (a) Explain the steps involved in scan-line polygon-fill algorithm. which are used for and carrying out insideoutside test.c ld m o [10+6] [8+8] 6. entertainment and ii. Demonstrate with an example all the three cases of lines. Explain the algorithm for line clipping by Cohen-Sutherland algorithm. w tu r o . Determine the form of the transformation matrix for a reflection about an arbitrary line with equation y = mx+b. How long would it take to fill the frame buffer of a 300 ? dpi (dot 8 per inch) laser printer with a page size of 8 1 inches by 11 inches. [16] 5. (b) Illustrate with an example a scence consisting of three or more planes and explain how the BSP tree is constructed to represent the scene. odd-even rule and ii. education and training. (b) Explain the steps involved in i. Illustrate with an example polygon and the corresponding sorted edge table. 3. April 2010 COMPUTER GRAPHICS ( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.Code No: V1201/R05 Set No. [8+8] w w w jn . (b) Compute the B-spline blending functions. Coordinate y-axis. Coordinate x-axis iii. (a) Explain the possible relationships between polygon surfaces while implementing area-subdivision method. [8+8] 7. How to handle these cases. (b) Derive the special cases correspond to rotation about i. [8+8] 1 of 2 . 2 II B. (a) Define the B-spline geometry vector GBS and B-spline basis matrix MBS . 2. 2 (b) Explain the applications of computer graphics in i.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (a) Derive the generalized transformation matrix for rotation about an arbitrary axis in three-dimensional domain. 2 [8+8] (b) What are the various types of interpolation used in animation. w tu r o .c ld m o 2 of 2 . Set No. (a) List and explain about the steps of animation. w w w jn .Code No: V1201/R05 8. (a) List the algorithm steps for ellipse generation using mid-point ellipse generation. θy are the rotations about x and y-axis. 4. but that. [16] [16] w (b) List and explain the problems with interpolated shading methods. (a) How much time is spent in scanning across each row of pixels during screen refresh on a raster system with a resolution of 1280 by 1024 and a refresh rate of 60 frames per second. Give an example which uses two dimensional viewing functions. (a) Describe the phong illumination model.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. 5. (a) Explain the depth-buffer (z-buffer) algorithm for hidden surface removal. (b) Explain the procedure to compute the z-values in two successive locations in a scan-line and intersection positions on two successive scan lines.c ld m o [8+8] [8+8] Explain the parameters used in [8+8] 1 of 1 . 3 II B. (b) Explain the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. [8+8] 8. 6. 7. (b) Derive the transformation matrix for rotation about origin. April 2010 COMPUTER GRAPHICS ( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (b) Explain how the interior and exterior regions are identified using odd party rule.Code No: V1201/R05 Set No. [8+8] 3. phong’s model. Assume horizontal and vertical retrace times are negligible. If θx . (a) Prove that a uniform scaling (sx = sy ) and a rotation form a commutative pair of operations. (b) Discuss about the applications of computer graphics in the area of image processing. (a) Give a brief note about two dimensional viewing functions. (a) Find the tilting matrix (b) Docs the order of performing the rotation matter. What are the steps in design of animation sequence? Describe about each step briefly. w w jn . in general. [10+6] 2. scaling and rotation are not commutative. Define tilting as a rotation about the x-axis followed by a rotation about the y-axis. w tu r o . (a) If the camera viewing direction is V and the surface normal of plane is N. (b) Explain the depth-buffer method for elimination of hidden surfaces. Explain the procedure to design two-dimensional cubic-Bezier curve shapes that have second order piece-wise continuity. [8+8] 3. [8+8] 7. [16] 4. (b) Explain the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. Explain the procedure to generate the in-betweens for the key frames. 2. yo .Code No: V1201/R05 Set No.18) using DDA algorithm. 4 II B. zo ) be defined in terms of scaling with respect to the origin.10) and (30. w tu r o . Determine the form of the transformation matrix for a reflection about an arbitrary line defined with equation y = m x+b. (a) How can scaling with respect to a point Po (xo . April 2010 COMPUTER GRAPHICS ( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (b) Explain the step-wise procedure in aligning an arbitrary plane with one of the principal planes. how to determine whether the surface visible with respect to viewing direction or not. [16] [16] w w w jn . List the operating characterstics of (a) Raster refresh systems (b) Vector refresh systems (c) Plasma panel (d) LCDs. (b) Digitize the line with end-points (20. (a) Give a brief note about two dimensional viewing functions.c ld m o [4×4=16] [8+8] 1 of 1 . [16] 6. 8. (a) Explain the DDA scan conversion algorithm for generating the points on line segment. when two end-points are given as input. Give an example which uses two dimensional viewing functions. 5. What is the effect on the energy if the signal is multiplied by K. 5c. [6+10] 2. 5b. (c) Find the Fourier transform of the signum function and plot it’s amplitude and phase spectra. Even functions have no Sine terms iii. Hence.n. Odd functions have only Sine term ii. 1 II B. What is the output of the system for an input (0. [4×4] w (a) w w jn . (b) Obtain the condition under which two signals f1(t) & f2 (t) are said to be orthogonal to each other. 3. 5d. (b) State the conditions for the existence of Fourier transform of a signal.c ld m o Figure 5a 1 of 3 .Code No: V1902/R05 Set No. w tu r o . Functions with half wave Symmetry have only odd harmonics. (a) With regard to Fourier series representation. [4+4+8] 4. Find energies of the signals shown in figures 5a. i. (a) Define orthogonal signal space and bring out clearly its application in representing a signal. (a) Explain how input and output signals are related to impulse response of a LTI system. Comment on the effect of on energy of sign change time shifting or doubling of the signal. [8+8] 5.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. justify the following statements. (a) Distinguish between Fourier series and Fourier transform. [3+3+3] (b) Show that the Fourier series for a real valued signal can be written as α x (t) = B (0) + n=1 B (n) Cos (nωot) + A (n) Sin (nωot) where B(n) and A(n) [7] are real valued coefficients and express cn in terms of B(n) and A(n).8)t u (t). prove that Sin nω0 t and Cos mω0 t are orthogonal to each other for all integer values of m. 1 (b) Let the system function of a LTI system be jw+2 . April 2010 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS ( Common to Electronics & Computer Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. is ideally sampled at fs = 500Hz. w tu r o . 6 w w jn .Code No: V1902/R05 Set No. (a) A signal x(t)= 2 cos 400 π t + 6 cos 640 π t. If the sampled signal is passed through an ideal low pass filter with a cut off frequency of 400 Hz. what frequency components will appear in the output.c ld m o Figure 5d Figure 6b 7. (b) Find the pulse response of series RL circuit figure 7b 2 of 3 . (a) Find the step response of series RLC circuits. 1 (b) Figure 5b (c) Figure 5c (d) 6. 1 [8+8] Sketch the reconstructed waveform for Ts = 1 sec and Ts = 12 sec. w (b) A rectangular pulse waveform shown in figure 6b is sampled once every TS seconds and reconstructed using an ideal LPF with a cutoff frequency of fs /2. an u[-n-1] (b) Derive relationship between z and Laplace Transform. i. x[n] = . x[n] = a−n u[-n-1] ii. (a) Find the Z-transform of the following Sequences. x[n] = u[-n] iii. 1 Figure 7b (c) Find the pulse response of series RC circuit figure 7c [6+5+5] Figure 7c 8. w tu r o .c ld m o [8+8] 3 of 3 . w w w jn .Code No: V1902/R05 Set No. x2 (n) = Sin (n/8) (c) Consider the rectangular pulse x(t) of unit amplitude and a duration of 2 time units depicted in figure 1c. 2 II B. a >0. (b) Find the Fourier Transform of the signal f(t) = te−at u(t). jw+2 What is the output of the [8+8] 5. (a) Explain the concept of Fourier Transform for non-periodic signals. (a) State and Prove Properties of cross correlation function. (b) Determine whether each of the following sequences are periodic or not. (b) Let the system function of a LTI system be system for an input (0. i. (a) Define i. 1 of 2 [8+8] . (a) Explain how Fourier Transform of input and output signals are related to transfer function of a LTI system. (a) Prove that Sinc(o)=1 and plot Sinc function. w tu r o . Norm. x1 (n) = sin(6π n/7) ii. [8+8] 4.c ld m o Figure 1c 3. If periodic determine the fundamental period. [6+10] w Sketch y(t) =x(2t+3). (b) If V(f) = AT sin 2π fT/2π fT find the energy contained in V(t). w w jn .Code No: V1902/R05 Set No.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. [8+4+4] 2. 1 . (b) Determine the Fourier series representation of that Signal x(t) = 3 Cos(Πt/2 + Π/4) using the method of inspection. Basis Functions ii. April 2010 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS ( Common to Electronics & Computer Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.8)t u (t). (a) Determine the laplace transform of signal shown in figure 7a. Figure 7a (b) Find the step response of series RL circuit. [8+8] i. 8. (c) Find the step response of series RC circuit. w w w jn . 7.c ld |Z| > 2 .Code No: V1902/R05 6. 2 (b) Define sampling theorem for time limited signal and find the nyquist rate for the following signals. -10 sin 40πt cos 300πt. Set No. (a) Find the inverse Z-transform of 3 2 X(Z) = 2Z −5Z +Z+3 |Z| < 1 (Z−1)(Z−2) (b) Find the inverse Z-transform of X(Z) = (c) Find the Z-transform of a sin(nω)u(n). (a) Explain briefly impulse sampling. m o [6+5+5] [6+4+6] 2 of 2 . rect300t ii. w tu n r o 3 Z−2 . (a) Explain how input and output signals are related to impulse response of a LTI system. Π t−1 + Π(t − 1) 2 ii. (a) Show that ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 . f (t) = 3u(t) + tu(t) − (t − 1)u(t − 1) − 5u(t − 2) (b) Evaluate the following Integrals 5 i. April 2010 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS ( Common to Electronics & Computer Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. 0 α δ(t)Sin2Πtdt −αt2 ii.8)t u (t). w tu r o . (a) Sketch the following signals i. jw+2 What is the output of the [8+8] φ12 (τ )dτ = −∞ −∞ f1 (t)dt −∞ f2 (t)dt 1 of 2 . (b) Let the system function of a LTI system be system for an input (0.c ld m o [8+8] Figure 2 4. −α e δ(t − 10)dt 2. [6+10] 3. (b) Find the Fourier series expansion of the periodic triangular wave shown figure 2.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. 5. (a) Write short notes on “Exponential Fourier Spectrum”.Code No: V1902/R05 Set No. 3 II B. Find the Fourier Transform of the following function (a) A single symmetrical Triangular Pulse (b) A single symmetrical Gate Pulse (c) A single cosine wave at t=0 [8+4+4] w w w jn . x[n] = ii. (c) Discuss effect of under sampling. x[n] = 1 n 2 1 n 3 1 n 3 1 n 2 u[n] + u[n] + (b) Find inverse z transform of x(z) using long division method . w tu u[n] u[−n − 1] r o .Code No: V1902/R05 Set No. 4 sinc2 100t.1 (1 + z ) 1 + 0. sinc20t ii. 8. x(t) = 0≤t≤1 t 0≤t≤1 2−t 1≤t≤2 (b) State and prove initial value theorem of L. i. (b) Discuss Natural sampling.z 8 2 w w w jn . In general.c ld m o [10+6] [8+8] 2 of 2 . i.1 . (a) Define sampling theorem for time limited signal and find the nyquist rate for the following signals. (a) Determine the Laplace transform and the associate region convergence for each of the following functions of time.1 2 + 3z  x(z) = .T.25 z . [6+6+4] 7. i. (a) Find the Z-transform X(n). x(t) = 1 ii. 6. 3 (b) Show that the cross correlation of any function f(t) with a unit impulse function δ(t) yields the function f(t) itself. show that the cross corre[8+8] lation of f(t) with δ(t − t0 ) is equal to f (τ + t0 ). Find its response for input x (t) = e−t u (t). [12+4] 4. (a) Prove that Sinc(o)=1 and plot Sinc function. 4 II B. Determine a(t) for x(t) defined in part (i) where a(t) is envelope of the complex signal which is given by a (t) = x2 (t) + x2 (t) 1 2 iii.c ld m o [6+6+4] Figure 3a (b) State and prove time convolution property of Fourier Transform.Code No: V1902/R05 Set No. 2. dt2 dt dt [4+12] 1 of 2 . (b) Consider a stable LTI system that is characterized by the differential equation d2 y(t) +4 dy(t) +3y (t) = dx(t) +2x (t). (a) Explain how Impulse Response and Transfer Function of a LTI system are related. (a) Consider the pair of exponentially damped sinusoidal signals x1 (t) = A eαt Cos (ωt) t ≥ 0 Assume that A. i. Derive the complex valued signal x(t) whose real part is x1 (t) and imaginary part is x2 (t). w w w jn . x2 (t) = A eαt sin (ωt) t ≥ 0 the exponential damping factor α is negative and the frequency of oscillator ω is positive. (c) State the properties of even and odd functions. (b) Sketch the following signal x(t) = A[u(t+a) . April 2010 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS ( Common to Electronics & Computer Engineering and Instrumentation & Control Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Determine the inverse Fourier transform of the spectrum shown figure 3a.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. ii. How does the envelope a(t) vary with time t. the amplitude A can be positive or negative. a and w are all real numbers. (b) Determine the Fourier series representation of that Signal x(t) = 3 Cos(Πt/2 + Π/4) using the method of inspection.u(t-a)] for a >0 Also determine whether the given signal is a power signal on an energy signal or neither. w tu r o . [6+10] 3. 7. 6. (a) The waveform V(t)= e−t/Γ u(t) is passed through a high pass RC circuit having a time constant Γ. (b) State and prove sampling theorem. w tu r o . X(Z) = 1 (1−az −1 )2 1 (1−az −1 )2 |Z| > |a| = z2 (z−a)2 |Z| > |a| (b) Find the Z-transform and the associated ROC for each of the following sequences: [8+8] i.Code No: V1902/R05 Set No. X(Z) = ii. x[n] = an+1 u[n + 1] ii. Show that the total output energy is one half the input energy. Find the energy spectral density at the output of the circuit. ii. (b) Find the cross correlation of the functions sin ωt and cos ωt.c ld m o [8+8] 2 of 2 . 4 5. w w w jn . ii. x[n] = a−n u[−n]. s2 +6s+7 s2 +3s+2 s3 +2s2 +6 s2 +3s [8+8] [8+8] Re(s) > −1 Re(s) > 0 (b) Find laplace transform of cos ωt. i. (a) Find the inverse Z-transform of i. (a) Find inverse Laplace transform of the following: i. (a) What is aliasing? Explain its effect on sampling. 8. If the engine receives 2000 KJ of heat. (a) Explain the term dry ness fraction? w (b) One kg of steam at pressure of 20 bar and dryness fraction 0. [8+8] 3. Work done iii. (a) Derive an expression for heat transfer in a non-flow constant volume process. (a) State the limitations of first law of thermodynamics. (b) What is a thermal energy reservoir? (c) An engine operating on a Carnot cycle works with in temperature limits of 600 K and 300 K. Heated transferred ii.5 KJ/kg-k is stirred in a well insulated chamber causing the temperature to rise by 150 C. w tu r o . 1000 K temperature and occupying a volume of 0. Air initially at 75 kPa pressure. [16] 2.5 kg of liquid having a constant specific heat of 2. During a certain period the machine consumes 1 KW-hour of energy and the internal energy of the system drops by 5000 KJ. (a) A domestic refrigerator is loaded with food and the door closed.85 is heated at [10M] a constant pressure to 3000 C . Sketch the processes on p . evaluate the work done and thermal efficiency of the engine. Mole fraction iii. [9] 6.Determine i. 1 II B. Find the net heat transfer for the system. (b) 1.3 bar. [6+2+8] 4. [7M] (b) A spherical shaped of 14 M diameter contain ’H2 ’ at 330 C and 1. Find ∆E and W for the process. Volume fraction of a gas constituent in a mixture.V diagram and make calculations for the work done.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. (a) Define i. April 2010 THERMODYNAMICS (Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.Code No: T2103/R05 Set No.c ld m o [6M] 5. Change of internal energy w w jn . 1 of 2 .12 m3 is compressed isothermally until the volume is halved and subsequently it undergoes further compression at constant pressure till the volume is halved again. Partial pressure ii. Find the mass of ’H2 ’ in the balloon using real gas equation. Assume γ = 1.standard efficiency of the engine.4. Find mosses of O2 . The vapour is 95% dry at the end of the of isentropic compression and the fluid leaving the condenser is at 300 C.Code No: T2103/R05 Set No.68 0. Assuming actual C.08 1145. Ammonia has the following properties: [16] Temperature Liquid heat (hf ) Latent heat(hf g ) Liquid entropy Total entropy dry 0 C kJ/kg kJ/kg Saturated vapour 30 323.c ld m o 2 of 2 .P.2037 4. O2 = 23%byweight)at250 C and 12 bar is contained in a vessel of capacity 0. w tu r o . N2 andCO 2 in the cylinder.6m3 some quantity of CO2 is forced into the vessel so that the temperature remains at 250 C but the pressure rises to 18 bar.4770 w w w jn .37 1297.O. Sterling and Ericsson cycles operating between the same source and sink temperatures and with equal changes in specific volume. calculate the kgs of ice produced per kw hour at 00 C from water at 100 C. [6+10] 7. as 60% of the theorectical.80 1. [8+8] 8. (a) Compare Carnot. (b) An engine working on Otto cycle has the following conditions: pressure at the beginning of compression is 1 bar and pressure at the end of compressionis 12 bar. Latent heat of ice is 335kJ/kg.5443 5. An ammonia rrefrigerating machine fitted with an expansion valve works between the temp limited of −100 and 300 . Calculate the compression ratio and air .9842 -10 135. 1 (b) Air (N2 = 77%. Take Cp for air = 1. Determine the available and unavailable energies of the heat added.c ld m o 4. (a) Water vapour mixture at 1000 C is contained in a rigid vessel of 0. [6+10] 3.000 Show that the data is consistent with the first law of thermodynamics. What was the mass and volume of water initially? [8] (b) Steam turbine expands steam reversibly and adiabatic ally from 4mpa. Determine the work done when the volume changes from 3 to 6 m3 .000 3-4 0 20. [6+10] 2. Process Heat Transfer in KJ/min Work transfer in KJ/min 1-2 20. (a) Deduce the relation ship between absolute temperature and pressure in an polytropic process. The heat and work transferred in each process are as tabulated below. [6+10] w w jn .000 -25. (b) A gas undergoes a reversible non-flow process according to the relation P = (-3V+15)where V is the volume in m3 and P is the pressure in bar.5m3 .000 4-1 15.3m3 of air at pressure 8 bars expands to 1.3 bar.005 KJ/Kg-K and temperature of surroundings 300K.000 0 2-3 -10. 2 II B. calculate the heat supplied and change of internal energy. Take γ= 1.000 30. (a) State the zeroth law of thermodynamics. 3000 Cto500 Cat turbine exit.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. w tu r o . determine the work output per kg of steam. (a) Write the differences between system and control volume.4 [9] 1 of 2 . April 2010 THERMODYNAMICS (Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Also evaluate the net work output in KW and the change in internal energy. [7M] (b) 0. Assuming the expansion to be polytropic.Code No: T2103/R05 Set No. (a) What are Helmholtz function and Gibbs function? w (b) 0. [8] 5. Explain how it forms the basis for temperature measurement? (b) A closed system undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of four separate and distinct processes.2 kg of air initially at 575 K temperature receives 300 KJ of heat reversibly at constant pressure.5m3 capacity water is now heated till it reaches critical state. The final pressure is 1. Find the air standard efficiency of the engine.Code No: T2103/R05 Set No.2 kg-mol of Nitrogen is at equilibrium.2 kg mole of Carbon dioxide at a presser of 2 bar. (a) Write the differences between refrigerator and heat pump? Deribe the COP for both of them? (b) The capacity of refrigerator is 280 tons. Determine the quantity of icec produced at 00 C with in 24 hours when water is supplied at a temperature of [8+8] 200 C. Determine the final temperature and pressure and the change in entropy of the mixture. (a) Explain graphically the variation of the efficiency of Diesel cycle with compression ratio and cut off ratio. 2 6. A 2.c ld m o 2 of 2 . (b) A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 15 and heat addition at constant pressure takes place at 6% of stroke. 800 C is mixed in a thermally insulated vessel with 3. w w w jn . w tu r o . [16] 7. [8+8] 8. (a) How does classical thermodynamics differ from statistical thermodynamics ? (b) A gas contained in a piston cylinder arrangement expands from 0.287 KJ/Kg-K.Code No: T2103/R05 Set No. Neglecting changes in K. Take for air Cp=1. April 2010 THERMODYNAMICS (Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. During the compression process. 3 II B. [7] (b) 1. (a) Define the terms available energy and unavailable energy. (b) 500 KJ of heat at constant temperature of 800 K was removed and supplied to a system at constant temperature of 700 K.c ld m o [6] 5. If the gaseous system receives 80 kJ of work from a paddle wheel.005 KJ/Kg-K and R = 0. evaluate work and heat interactions. Adiabatic ally [9] 1 of 2 . find the net loss of available energy as a result of this irreversible heat transfer.2m3 .75 m3 volume to 1.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. [6+10] 4. isothermally ii. (a) Write the steady flow energy equation and point out the significance of various terms involved. Take ambient temperature as 300 K. Find the work done and heat absorbed or rejected by the air for each of the following methods of trying one the process.25 m3 volume while the pressure remains constant at 200 kPa. determine the net work done by the system.If this air is expanded to a volume of 1. The pressure in the boilers and main is 20 bar. the heat transfer from the compressor is 10 percent of work transfer from the machine.1m3 . (a) Define and explain the concept of triple point. Determine the quality of steam supplied by the other boiler. [6+10] 3. 290 K temperature flows steadily at the rate of 120 m3 /hr into a compressor where its pressure and temperature are respectively raised to 15 bar and 390 K. [6+10] 2. The temperature of steam from a boilers with a super heater is 3500 C and temperature of the steam in the main is 2500 C.E and P.5 kg of air at pressure 6 bar occupies a volume of 0. i. (b) Air at 1 bar pressure.E.. w tu r o .? w (b) Two boilers one with super heater and other without super heater are delivering equal quantities of steam into a common main. Take Cp(steam) = 2.K [10] w w jn .25 KJ/Kg. (a) Deduce the relationship between absolute temperature and absolute pressure in an adiabatic process. The heat added during the constant volume combustion process is 1170 kJ/kg. The pressure and temperature at the component of compression are 1 bar and 270 C. K.4 for air.5m3 . A gas engine operating on the ideal Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 6:1. [8+8] 8. [8+8] w w w jn . Partial pressure Set No. nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the cylinder the universal gas constant 8.717 kJ/kg K and γ = 1. Assume Cv =0. [6+10] 7. Vapour presser iii. 3 (b) Air(N2 = 77%. Determine the peak pressure and temperature .c ld m o 2 of 2 . Some quantity of carbon dioxide is forced into the vessel so that the temperature remains at 200 C but the pressure rises to15bar. Saturated air ii. work output per kg of air and air-standard efficiency. O2 = 23%byweight) at 200 C and 10 bar is contained in a vessel of capacity of 0.3143 Kj /kg.Code No: T2103/R05 6. w tu r o . (a) Draw the flow diagram of vapour compression refrigeration system and anlyze the thermodynamic cycle applied for it? (b) Explain the difference between the Bell Coleman and Joule cycel of refrigeration. (a) Explain i. Fined the masses of oxygen. (b) 1. K is heated reversibly at constant [9] pressure until the temperature is 2000 C.c ld m o [7] 6.5 kg of liquid having a constant specific heat of 2.Code No: T2103/R05 Set No. (a) Explain separating colorimeter with neat sketch ? (b) 1 kg of steam at 8 bar. (b) Why does free expansion have zero work transfer? [10+6] 2. The clearance volume is 0. Calculate the heat supplied. [16] 7. find the following: (i) The air standard efficiency of the cycle. Determine the intermediate temperature if (i) both the engines give the same work output (ii) both the engines have the same thermal efficiency. (a) Derive an expression for heat transfer in a non-flow constant volume process. the highest and lowest temperature limits are 1200 K and 400 K. Find the net heat transfer for the system. entropy 6. Find ∆E and W for the process. During a certain period the machine consumes 1 KW-hour of energy and the internal energy of the system drops by 5000 KJ. The initial pressure is limited to 25 bar. (b) An engine of 250 mm bore and 375 mm stroke works on Otto cycle. (ii) The mean effective pressure for the cycle. [7M] (b) A spherical shaped of 14 M diameter contain ’H2 ’ at 330 C and 1. 4 II B. Find [9] the mass of ’H2 ’ in the balloon using real gas equation. [6+10] 4. [6+10] 1 of 2 .Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. If the water injection continues up to 25% more than what is required for saturated vapour calculate the total pressure in the tank.55 KJ / kg. (a) What are different forms of work energy? Explain each briefly. (a) A domestic refrigerator is loaded with food and the door closed.00263m3 . w w w jn .3 bar. w tu r o . (a) What is perpetual motion machine of second kind? Why such a machine cannot be constructed in actual practice? (b) Two Carnot heat engines operate so that the exhaust of one is the intake of the other. An air tank of volume 9 m3 is at 68 kPa and 800 C. April 2010 THERMODYNAMICS (Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Now water is injected into the tank keeping the temperature at 700 C. Determine the mass of water required to injected so that the tank is just filled with saturated vapour.5 KJ/kg-k is stirred in a well insulated chamber causing the temperature to rise by 150 C. [8+8] 3. (a) Discuss the use of air standard cycle analysis for the study of internal combustion engines. 5. w w w jn . 4 [8+8] 8.c ld m o 2 of 2 . (a) Explain the working of air refrigeration system with a neat diagram? (b) Derive an expression for the COP of Bell Coleman cycle.Code No: T2103/R05 Set No. w tu r o . Enumerate the difference between the unstructured and structure models for microbial growth. (b) Explain different types of agitators used in fermentors. 3. w w jn . [16] w (b) Explain various phases involved in the batch culture.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. 5. Discuss in detail about Chronological development of the fermentation industry. (b) Describe methods of batch sterilisation. Explain the factors to be considered for developing medium for animal cell culture. Estimate the theoretical growth and product yield coefficients for ethanol fermentation by S cerevisiae as described by the following reaction [16] C6 H12 O6 − − − − − − −− → 2C2 H5 OH + 2CO2 6.c ld m o [8+8] [8+8] [8+8] 1 of 1 . [4+12] 2. April 2010 BIO PROCESS ENGINEERING (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Differentiate the heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism emphasis on energetics. (a) Explain reactions involved that lead to loss of nutrient quality during sterilisation. [16] 7. w tu r o . (a) Briefly explain about the material of construction for fermentor fabrication. 1 II B.Code No: T2301/R05 Set No. [16] 4. (a) Explain substrate limited growth and unbalanced growth 8. April 2010 BIO PROCESS ENGINEERING (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. Differentiate the heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism emphasis on energetics. w tu r o . (a) What are the advantages of continuous sterilisation. [4+12] [4] (c) What is sparger? Describe different spargers used in fermentors. (a) What is aseptic operation and containment? (b) Describe a typical aseptic. Describe how the microbial products can be classified along with the equations. [8+8] 8.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations.c ld m o [4] [2+6] [8+8] [6+5+5] 1 of 1 . [16] 7. What do you mean be fermentation and range of Fermentation process? 2. Explain the following: (a) Elemental balances (b) Available electron balances (c) Maintenance coefficient. Describe in detail the theory of oxygen requirement and supply in industrial fermentation. 3. [16] 4. (b) What are the advantages of batch sterilisation. (b) Differentiate between the growth in the batch and continuos systems. aerobic fermentation process. 5. [16] w w w jn .Code No: T2301/R05 Set No. 2 II B. (a) Enumerate the principle involved in the microbial growth taking an example. 6. Code No: T2301/R05 Set No. In a fed batch culture operating with an intermittent addition of glucose solution. [16] 6. The growth rate is measured regularly and an average growth rate of 0. [6+10] 2. (c) Determine the concentration and total amount of biomass in the vessel at t =2 hour (at quasi steady state).1 gm glucose / litre Initial t amount of biomass in the reactor (X0 ) = 30 gm Nutrient feed flow rate (F) = dv/dt = 200 ml/hour Maximum specific growth rate = 0. (d) If specific rate of product formation (qp ) = 0. Sodium bicarbonate is the only Carbon source and it is added daily. when the system is at quasi steady state.c ld m o 4. Culture volume (V) = 1 litre Substrate concentration (S0 ) = 100 gm glucose / litre Limiting rate constant (KS ) = 0. Assume that the cells are 50% Carbon by weight.2 gm product/cells. P0 = 0 determine the concentration of the product in the vessel at t=2 hour. Mention about the Regulatory constraints of bioprocesses. Sodium Bicarbonate is used as carbon source for the commercial production of a micro algae. w tu r o . April 2010 BIO PROCESS ENGINEERING (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. 1 of 2 [8+8] . Calculate the quantity of Sodium Bicarbonate to be added daily if the conversion efficiency is assumed to be 90%. [4+4+4+4] 3. Enumerate the difference between (a) Respiration and photosynthesis (b) Hetrotrophic and autotrophic metabolism.3 h−1 Yield coefficient (YM ) = x/s 0. (b) Determine the concentration of the growth limiting substrate in the vessel at quasi steady state. The total culture volume is 1100 litres. 3 II B. values of the following parameters are given at time t =2hours.5 gm cells / gm glucose Determine: (a) the initial culture of the medium (V0 ).1 gm/lit (dry weight) is recorded daily. [4+12] 5. A constant cell density is always maintained in the reactor by harvesting the cells daily.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. [16] w w w jn . What is meant by filter sterilization? Explain its application in media sterilization. Explain in detail the stoichiometry involved in the cell growth and product formation. Explain specific growth rate with relevant equations.c ld m o 2 of 2 . Describe growth and non-growth associated products formation with equations. 3 [16] 8. Set No. [16] w w w jn .Code No: T2301/R05 7. w tu r o . April 2010 BIO PROCESS ENGINEERING (Bio-Technology) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. substrates and products. (b) Draw the flow diagram of continuous strilisation system employing spiral heat exchangers. [6+10] 2. w tu r o . [16] 6. Briefly discuss about the structured models for product formation and compare with growth. What are the factors influencing the choice of nitrogen source? 4. 4 II B.Code No: T2301/R05 Set No. [8+8] 5. Explain the concept of Degree of Reduction and its application in proton-electron balance in biorector. Mention about the Regulatory constraints of bioprocesses. [16] 1 of 1 . (a) Draw the schematic diagram of a typical continuous injector. What is meant by solid state fermentation? Explain the industrial application of solid state fermentation indicating the microorganisms. [5+5+6] 7.flash cooler steriliser.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations. [6+10] 3. [6+5+5] w w w jn .c ld m o [16] (b) Product inhibition 8. Briefly discuss the following: (a) Energy capture efficiency (b) Oxygen consumption and heat evolution in aerobic cultures (c) Heat generation and yield factor estimation. Briefly explain the following with respect to cell growth along with appropriate equations (a) Substrate inhibition (c) Toxic inhibition.
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