D4054 09

March 22, 2018 | Author: scorpion2001gla | Category: Jet Fuel, Petroleum, Specification (Technical Standard), Heat Treating, Steel



Designation: D4054 – 09Standard Practice for Qualification and Approval of New Aviation Turbine Fuels and Fuel Additives1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4054; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 1. Scope 1.1 This practice covers and provides a framework for the qualification and approval of new fuels and new fuel additives for use in commercial and military aviation gas turbine engines. The practice was developed as a guide by the aviation gas-turbine engine Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) with ASTM International member support. The OEMs are solely responsible for approval of a fuel or additive in their respective engines and airframes. For the purpose of this guide, “approval” means “permission to use;” it is not an endorsement of any kind. Standards organizations such as ASTM International (Subcommittee D02.J0), United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, and the U.S. military list only those fuels and additives that are mutually acceptable to all OEMs. ASTM International and OEM participation in the evaluation or approval procedure does not constitute an endorsement of the fuel or additive. 1.2 The OEMs will consider a new fuel or additive based on an established need or benefit attributed to its use. Upon OEM and regulatory authority approval, the fuel or fuel additive may be listed in fuel specifications such as Pratt & Whitney (P&W) Service Bulletin No. 2016; General Electric Aviation (GE) Specification No. D50TF2; and Rolls Royce (RR) engine manuals. Subsequent to OEM approval and industry (ASTM) review and ballot, the fuel or fuel additive may be listed in fuel specifications such as Specification D1655, Defence Standard 91-91, United States Air Force MIL-DTL-83133, and the United States Navy MIL-DTL-5624. This qualification and approval process has been coordinated with airworthiness and certification groups within each company, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). 1.3 Units of measure throughout this practice are stated in International System of Units (SI) unless the test method specifies non-SI units. 1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.J0.04 on Additives and Electrical Properties. Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2009. Published April 2010. Originally approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D4054–93(2003). DOI:10.1520/D4054–09. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards:2 A240/A240M Specification for Chromium and ChromiumNickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications B36/B36M Specification for Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, And Rolled Bar B93/B93M Specification for Magnesium Alloys in Ingot Form for Sand Castings, Permanent Mold Castings, and Die Castings D56 Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester D86 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure D257 Test Methods for DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials D395 Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression Set D412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—Tension D445 Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity) D471 Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids D790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials D924 Test Method for Dissipation Factor (or Power Factor) and Relative Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Electrical Insulating Liquids D1002 Test Method for Apparent Shear Strength of SingleLap-Joint Adhesively Bonded Metal Specimens by Tension Loading (Metal-to-Metal) D1319 Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Liquid 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website. Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 1 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. D4054 – 09 Petroleum Products by Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption D1331 Test Methods for Surface and Interfacial Tension of Solutions of Surface-Active Agents3 D1414 Test Methods for Rubber O-Rings D1655 Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels D2240 Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness D2386 Test Method for Freezing Point of Aviation Fuels D2425 Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Middle Distillates by Mass Spectrometry D2624 Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity of Aviation and Distillate Fuels D2717 Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Liquids D2887 Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Fractions by Gas Chromatography D3241 Test Method for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Aviation Turbine Fuels (JFTOT Procedure) D3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test D3363 Test Method for Film Hardness by Pencil Test D3701 Test Method for Hydrogen Content of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Low Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry D3703 Test Method for Hydroperoxide Number of Aviation Turbine Fuels, Gasoline and Diesel Fuels D3828 Test Methods for Flash Point by Small Scale Closed Cup Tester D3948 Test Method for Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Portable Separometer D4052 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity of Liquids by Digital Density Meter D4066 Classification System for Nylon Injection and Extrusion Materials (PA) D4629 Test Method for Trace Nitrogen in Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Syringe/Inlet Oxidative Combustion and Chemiluminescence Detection D5001 Test Method for Measurement of Lubricity of Aviation Turbine Fuels by the Ball-on-Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator (BOCLE) D5291 Test Methods for Instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Petroleum Products and Lubricants D5304 Test Method for Assessing Middle Distillate Fuel Storage Stability by Oxygen Overpressure D5363 Specification for Anaerobic Single-Component Adhesives (AN) D5972 Test Method for Freezing Point of Aviation Fuels (Automatic Phase Transition Method) D6304 Test Method for Determination of Water in Petroleum Products, Lubricating Oils, and Additives by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration D6378 Test Method for Determination of Vapor Pressure (VP X ) of Petroleum Products, Hydrocarbons, and Hydrocarbon-Oxygenate Mixtures (Triple Expansion Method) 3 Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on www.astm.org. D6379 Test Method for Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Types in Aviation Fuels and Petroleum Distillates—High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method with Refractive Index Detection D6732 Test Method for Determination of Copper in Jet Fuels by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry D6793 Test Method for Determination of Isothermal Secant and Tangent Bulk Modulus D7111 Test Method for Determination of Trace Elements in Middle Distillate Fuels by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) E411 Test Method for Trace Quantities of Carbonyl Compounds with 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine E659 Test Method for Autoignition Temperature of Liquid Chemicals E681 Test Method for Concentration Limits of Flammability of Chemicals (Vapors and Gases) E1269 Test Method for Determining Specific Heat Capacity by Differential Scanning Calorimetry 2.2 Federal Specifications:4 FED-STD-791 Testing Method of Lubricants, Liquid Fuels, and Related Products 2.3 Department of Defense Specifications:4 DOD-L-85645 Lubricant, Dry Film, Molecular Bonded MIL-A-8625 Anodic Coatings for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys MIL-C-83019 Coating, Polyurethane, for Protection of Integral Fuel Tank Sealing Compound MIL-DTL-5541 Chemical Conversion Coatings on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys MIL-DTL-5624 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Grades JP-4 and JP-5 MIL-DTL-24441 Paint, Epoxy-Polyamide, General Specification for MIL-PRF-25017 Inhibitor, Corrosion/Lubricity Improver, Fuel Soluble MIL-DTL-25988 Rubber, Fluorosilicone Elastomer, Oiland Fuel-Resistant, Sheets, Strips, Molded Parts, and Extruded Shapes MIL-DTL-26521 Hose Assembly, Nonmetallic, Fuel, Collapsible, Low Temperature with Non-Reusable Couplings MIL-DTL-83054 Baffle and Inerting Material, Aircraft Fuel Tank MIL-DTL-83133 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Kerosene Type, JP-8 (NATO F-34), NATO F-35, and JP-8+100 (NATO F-37) MIL-H-4495 Hose Assembly, Rubber, Aerial Refueling MIL-H-17902 Hose, End Fittings and Hose Assemblies, Synthetic Rubber, Aircraft Fuels MIL-HDBK-510-1 Aerospace Fuels Certification MIL-P-25732 Packing, Preformed, Petroleum Hydraulic Fluid Resistant, Limited Service at 275°F (135°C) MIL-PRF-370 Hose and Hose Assemblies, Nonmetallic: 4 Copies of these documents are available from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia PA 1911-5094 or online at http://assist.daps.dla.mil/quicksearch/ Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 2 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized. 95Cr – 0. for Aircraft Fuel Tanks MIL-R-46082 Retaining Compounds. Silver Nickel Strike. Corrosion and Heat Resistant.. Bars. –T6 Sheet.5Mg – 0. Explosion Suppression.18–0. Polythioether Rubber Fast Curing Integral Fuel Tanks And General Purpose.50Mg (2014.28–0. One-Part Room Temperature Vulcanizing SAE-AMS-3376 Sealing Compound. Sheet. and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed.30V 1800 °F (982 °C) Solution Heat Treated SAE-AMS-5604 Steel. Fuel Soluble) 2.5Cr (SAE 51410) Annealed SAE-AMS-5643 Steel. Strips. http://www.2Mo – 2.45Cr Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).8Ni – 0.50Cr – 0. Pennsylvania 15096. 0.5Ni – 1. Die Forgings (7050–T74) Solution Heat Treated and Overaged SAE-AMS-4260 Aluminum Alloy. Metal to Metal QPL-25017 Qualified Products List for MIL-PRF-25017 (Inhibitor. Strip. and Plate 8Al –1V – IMo Single Annealed SAE-AMS-5330 Steel Castings. Precipitation Hardenable SAE-AMS-5688 Steel. Bars.1Ti – 0.45C) (SAE 4140 Mod) Normalized or Normalized and Tempered SAE-AMS-5504 Steel.33C) (SAE 4130) Normalized or Otherwise Heat Treated SAE-AMS-6415 Steel.0Mg – 0. Strip. Noncuring. 400 Commonwealth Dr. Bars. –T6 Sheet. Half-Hard.46C) (SAE 4340 Modified) Annealed SAE-AMS-5338 Steel. and Tubing 0. for Integral Fuel Tanks MIL-DTL-5578 Tanks. Electric Connectors and Electric Systems. Investment Castings 7. and Plate 12. –T651 Plate) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated SAE-AMS-4029 Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate 4.35Mo (0.5Cr – 4. Ion Vapor Deposition SAE-AMS-3215 Acrylonitrile Butadiene (NBR) Rubber Aromatic Fuel Resistant 65–75 SAE-AMS-3265 Sealing Compound. Fluorosilicone.20Cr (6061.8Ni –0.20Mo (0. Forgings. Aircraft. General Purpose. Corrosion Inhibitive MIL-PRF-87260 Foam Material. and Tubing. General Specification for MIL-PRF-8516 Sealing Compound. Sheet and Plate 4. NATO Code S-1738 MIL-PRF-81733 Sealing and Coating Compound.0Ni – 4.D4054 – 09 Elastomeric. Intermittent Use to 360 °F (182 °C) SAE-AMS-3277 Sealing Compound. Strip.38–0.80Mn – 0.35–0. Corrosion and Heat Resistant. Sheet. Fuel Resistant. Corrosion and Heat–Resistant. Wire. Wire. Molded or Extruded Shapes.0Ni (SAE 30302) Spring Temper SAE-AMS-5737 Steel. Airframe Structural.23C) (SAE 8620) Vacuum Arc or Electroslag Remelted SAE-AMS-6345 Steel. and Plate 15Cr – 25.2Mo – 2. Liquid Fuel MIL-PRF-6855 Rubber. Solid Film.30V Consumable Electrode Melted. Heat Resistant. Elastomeric. Chemically Cured MIL-PRF-46010 Lubricant. 1650 °F (899 °C) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated SAE-AMS-6277 Steel Bars. Investment Castings 0. Strip. Sprayable. Corrosion Inhibiting. Single Component. 0.5Ni – 1. Fuel. Intermittent Use to 400 °F (204 °C) SAE-AMS-3278 Sealing and Coating Compound: Polyurethane (PUR) Fuel Resistant High Tensile Strength/ Elongation for Integral Fuel Tanks/Fuel Cavities/General Purpos SAE-AMS-3279 Sealing Compound.4 SAE International:5 SAE-AMS-2410 Plating. and Rings 16Cr – 4. Strip and Plate 0.5Cr (SAE 51410) Annealed SAE-AMS-5525 Steel. . Investment. Corrosion/Lubricity Improver. Two-Part.25Mo (0.5Mg – 0. Tubing. Bars.80Cr – 1.20Mo (0.0Si – 0. Polysulfide (T) Synthetic Rubber for Integral Fuel Tank and Fuel Cell Cavities Low Density for Intermittent Use to 360 °F (182 °C) SAE-AMS-3283 Sealing Compound. Corrosion Resistant.60Si – 0.30Cb – 4.55Ni – 0.1Ti – 0. Heat Cured. Sheets. and Rings 12. Inherently Electrostatically Conductive. Tubing. Groove 5 Available from SAE International.80Cr – 1. 2. for Integral Fuel Tanks and Fuel Cell Cavities. Polysulfide (T) Rubber. Wire. for Intermittent Use to 350 °F (177 °C) SAE-AMS-3281 Sealing Compound. Warrendale.20Mo (0.43C) (SAE 4340) SAE-AMS-6444 Steel. Anaerobic MIL-S-85334 Sealing Compound.0Ni – 0.30 Solution Heat Treated.28Cu – 0. High Bake SAE-AMS-2427 Aluminum Coating. and Plate 16. Wire 18Cr–9. Non-chromated Corrosion Inhibiting for Intermittent Use to 360 °F (182 °C) SAE-AMS-3276 Sealing Compound. Bars. Synthetic Rubber. Silicone. Forgings.4Cu – 1. Strip. No further reproductions authorized.0 ksi (485 MPa) SAE-AMS-4915 Titanium Alloy Sheet.38–0. 70. –T351 Plate) Solution Heat Treated SAE-AMS-4107 Aluminum Alloy. Sheet and Plate 1. Non-Curing.0–T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated SAE-AMS-4750 Solder. Sheet. Tin–Lead 45Sn – 55Pb SAE-AMS-4751 Tin–Lead Eutectic 63Sn – 37Pb SAE-AMS-4901 Titanium Sheet. Polysulfide NonCuring. Sheet.0Cu – 0.85SI – 0.25Cr (5052–H34) Strain-Hardened.sae. and Tubing 1. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 3 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.0Cu Solution Heat Treated. and Stabilized SAE-AMS-4027 Aluminum Alloy.006B –0. Corrosion and Heat–Resistant. 150 to 400 Poise (15 to 40 Pa·s) Viscosity SAE-AMS-3375 Adhesive/Sealant. –T3 Flat Sheet. –T651 Plate) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated SAE-AMS-4037 Aluminum Alloy.32Mg (356. Corrosion Resistant. Synthetic.95Cr – 0.5Cu – 0.60 Mn (2024. Forgings. Precipitation Hardenable SAE-AMS-5613 Steel. Groove Injection Temperature and Fuel Resistant SAE-AMS-3361 Silicone Potting Compound. Forgings. Groove Injection. Self-Sealing MMM-A-132 Adhesives. Forgings. Forgings. Integral Fuel Tanks and General Purpose. Aromatic Fuel Resistant. Low Consistency.006B – 0. Corrosion–Resistant. and Tubing 15Cr – 25.org/servlets/index Injection Temperature and Fuel Resistant SAE-AMS-4017 Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate. 38–0. and a clear path forward for introducing a new technology for the benefit of the aviation community. Flexible. Temperature Resistant. 1. Florida 33126. The approval process is comprised of three parts: (1) Test Program. Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (5305P). standards organizations. Fluorosilicone Elastomer.10 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):11 Method 8015 Nonhalogenated Organics by Gas Chromatography Method 8260 Volatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) Method 8270 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) 2. NW. 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue. Fluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber High-Temperature-Fluid Resistant Low Compression Set 70–80 SAE-AMS-7902 Beryllium. Bars. http://www. DC 20005. Nitriding 1.aws. CH-1211 Geneva 20. CP 56.W. Nitriding.6 IPC:7 J-STD-004 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes J-STD-005 Requirements for Soldering Pastes J-STD-006 Requirements for Electronic Grade Solder Alloys and Fluxed and Non-Fluxed Solid Solders for Elec- 6 Available from American Welding Society. Forgings. Fuel Tank.1 The intent of this document is to streamline the approval process.38-0.api. insight into the cost associated with taking a new fuel or new fuel additive through the approval process. No further reproductions authorized. Improved Performance at Low Temperatures SAE-AMS-S-4383 Sealing Compound. and Tubing 1. Crosslinked SAE-AMS-P-5315 Butadiene–Acrylonitrile (NBR) Rubber for Fuel. (2) OEM Internal Review. Switzerland. 1220 L Street. 3000 Lakeside Drive. Sealing.mod.org tronic Soldering Applications 2. Sealing.35Mo – 1.8 International Organization for Standardization (ISO):9 ISO 20823 Petroleum and Related Products Determination of the Flammability Characteristics of Fluids in Contact with Hot Surfaces Manifold Ignition Test 2. http://www.7 Specification for Aluminum Brazing 2.5 Specification for Induction Brazing AWS C3. http:// www. Butadiene-Acrylonitrile (NBR) Rubber Fuel and Low Temperature Resistant 60 – 70 SAE-AMS-7276 Rings. Plate and Sheet SAE-AMS-QQ-P-416 Plating. LeJeune Road. 8 Available from Boeing.1 An overview of the approval process is shown in Fig. Integral Fuel Tanks and Fuel Cell Cavities. and (3) Specification Change Determination. Bars and Forgings.6Cr – 0. Suite 309S. Cadmium (Electrodeposited) SAE-AMS-R-25988 Rubber.1Al (0. Bannockburn. 1. http://www.uk 11 Available from US EPA. NATO Code: F-35 Joint Service Designation: AVTUR 2.gov/ 12 Available from API. Fifth Edition 3. http:// www. and airworthiness agencies such as the FAA and EASA. Petroleum Hydraulic Fluid Resistant. Electrical.D4054 – 09 (0.4 Specification for Torch Brazing AWS C3.11 American Petroleum Institute (API)12 API 1581 Specifications and Qualification Procedures for Aviation Jet Fuel Filter/Separators.org/ 10 Available from Defence Equipment and Support. Miami.6Cr – 0.7 Boeing Material Specifications (BMS):8 BMS 5-267 Fuel Tank Coating BMS 10-20 Corrosion Resistant Finish for Integral Fuel Tanks BMS 10-39 Fuel and Moisture Resistant Finish for Fuel Tanks 2. NW.Resistant Seals 60 to 70 SAE-AMS-P-83461 Packing. UK Defence Standardization. Perfluorocarbon (FFKM) Rubber High Temperature Fluid Resistant 70 – 80 SAE-AMS-7271 Rings.93–1.2 Its purpose is to guide the sponsor of a new fuel or new fuel additive through a clearly defined approval process that includes the prerequisite testing and required interactions with the engine and airframe manufacturers. 65 Brown Street. Polyurethane for Aircraft Integral Fuel Tanks for Use to 250 °F (121 °C) SAE AMS-I-7444 Insulation Sleeving. G2 8EX. Buna-N Type SAE-AMS-S-8802 Sealing Compound. This practice provides a basis for calculating the volume of additive or fuel required for assessment.05C) (SAE 52100) Premium Aircraft-Quality.ipc. Kentigern House. http:// www. DC 20460. Aviation Kerosine Type. . Oiland-Fuel-Resistant. Fluorocarbon Elastomer. Polyolefin.43C) SAE AMS 6472 Steel.35Mo – 1.epa. 3. High Adhesion SAE AS5127/1 Aerospace Standard Test Methods for Aerospace Sealants Two-Component Synthetic Rubber Compounds 2. Overview of the Qualification and Approval Process 4. Improved Performance at 275 °F (135 °C) SAE-AMS-QQ-A-250/12 Aluminum Alloy 7075. Electrical. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 4 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. ch. de la Voie-Creuse.13Al (0. 4.dstan. Washington. Sealing. Glasgow. 112 ksi (772 MPa) Tensile Strength SAE-AMS-7257 Rings. 550 N.5 American Welding Society (AWS):6 AWS C3.iso. Illinois 60015. Washington. Topcoat. Sheets.43C) Hardened and Tempered. Significance and Use 3. 98Be SAE-AMS-C-27725 Coating. The objective is to permit a new fuel or additive to be evaluated and transitioned into field use in a cost effective and timely manner.9 United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (UK MOD):10 Defence Standard 91-91 Turbine Fuel. Flexible SAE-AMS-DTL-23053/5 Insulation Sleeving. Available from ISO. Preformed.org/ 7 Available from IPC. Heat Shrinkable. Consumable Electrode Vacuum Remelted SAE-AMS-6470 Steel. Jet A-1. Strips. Corrosion Preventative.6 Specification for Furnace Brazing AWS C3.org/ 9 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). and Extruded Shapes SAE-AMS-R-83485 Rubber. Sheet and Plate. Molded Parts. and regulatory agencies. and airworthiness engage in iterative meetings and reviews until the concerns and potential impacts on the engine have been explored and satisfactorily addressed. No further reproductions authorized. culminating in a change to Specification D1655. performance system analysis. 2 lists elements of the test program. it should be considered a guideline. similarity to approved fuels and additives. then the proposed changes must be reviewed and balloted by ASTM D02. component rig tests. Final approval is made at the executive level based on the recommendation of the chief engineer. The product of the OEM internal review is a document or report that either rejects or approves the new fuel or additive. This exercise can result in requests for additional information or testing. as an additional safeguard to Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). After the approval of the new fuel or additive. durability. which is quite rigorous and typically goes through several iterations before a ballot is successful.J0. or performance. and engine manufacturer experience. Departure from engine manufacturer experience requires more rigorous testing. This is accomplished by investigating the impact of the candidate fuel or additive on fuel specification properties.1. If the OEM proposes changes to Specification D1655. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 5 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. fuel system hardware. The OEMs should be consulted and will provide guidance on which tests are applicable.D4054 – 09 FIG. 1 Overview Fuel and Additive Approval Process 4.1. 4.1. or engine tests. . An OEM airworthiness representative interfaces with the appropriate airworthiness authority. specification writing organizations. 2 will need to be performed.3 Specification Change Determination—Approval by the OEMs of a new fuel or additive may only effect OEM internal service bulletins and engine manuals and have no impact on Specification D1655. and the subsequent scrutiny of industry experts. to determine extent of FAA/ EASA involvement. turbine. Applicability will be based on chemical composition of the new fuel or additive. engines in the field that are exposed to the new fuel or additive are monitored for an increased level of fair wear and tear. system integration. Changes to Specification D1655 could include listing the additive or fuel as acceptable for use. The CSI is directed at identifying possible long-term maintenance effects. It is unlikely that all of the tests shown in Fig. Under a CSI. 4. Fig. The OEMs and the regulatory agencies regard the ASTM review and balloting process. The research report facilitates a comprehensive review of the test data by the engine and airframe manufacturers. special restrictions.2 OEM Internal Review—Results of the test program are carefully reviewed by the respective OEM chief engineers and their discipline chiefs. Discipline Chiefs and their staff engineers from organizations responsible for combustion. 1 shows an overview of the ASTM review and balloting process.1 Test Program—The purpose of the test program is to ensure that the candidate fuel or additive will have no negative impact on engine safety. for example. Fig. changes to published limits. fit-for-purpose properties. the FAA and EASA. there may be a requirement for a Controlled Service Introduction (CSI). or additional precautions. The product of the test program is a research report submitted by the fuel or additive sponsor to the engine manufacturers. . NOTE—Additive testing to be performed at 43 the concentration being requested for approval except for filtration. Snecma. Honeywell. No further reproductions authorized. GEAE. FIG.D4054 – 09 * Testing must be performed at P&W. Rolls Royce. 2 Test Program Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). or in other locations per OEM agreement due to proprietary concerns and test methods. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 6 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. source. OEM review and approval is required to ensure safety of flight.5 A technical case shall be presented to the OEMs and Subcommittee D02. 5. and Lockheed. and the military. the OEMs. The additive or fuel shall be identified by its specific chemical name or trade name. 5. test methods. materials. and credibility of the data presented. The protocols are based largely on this practice. Requests from the airlines facilitate OEM management support. Airbus.5.S. The sponsor or investigating body shall submit a written report containing nonproprietary information to the OEMs. If merited.5. Approval by the regulatory authorities is necessary under the following conditions: 5. and operation have been adequately addressed. 5. government agencies. turbine. Verifiable data performed by an industry-recognized laboratory shall be presented supporting performance for the specified application. Participation of ASTM will be influenced by the quality of the presented material. ASTM members are volunteers and there is no obligation on the part of ASTM members to participate in the specification development activity. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 7 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. resulting in multidiscipline (combustor.5 ASTM International: 5.5. the carrier solvent and recommended concentration shall be provided.J0 are eligible for membership and participation in standards development. Alphaetta.) involvement in assessing impact on engine and aircraft operation. All such organizations or individuals showing ability and willingness to contribute to the work of Subcommittee D02.3 The new fuel or additive formulation must be thoroughly established prior to approaching ASTM as major compositional changes cannot be accommodated during the review process. No further reproductions authorized.crcao. users (aircraft or engine manufacturers. Navy. define the purity level of the approved chemical. aerospace industry. additive and other fuel companies). 5. GE Aviation (GE). The vision is to be a worldwide forum for the aviation fuel technical community and the leader in cooperatively funded aviation fuel research. The U.J0. fuel system hardware. 3650 Mansell Road. or 5. at a minimum. The airlines must submit written requests to the OEM customer service groups expressing a need and requesting that the fuel or additive be evaluated for qualification and approval. Issuance of an aviation fuel specification or test method by ASTM International represents the culmination of a comprehensive evaluation process conducted by ASTM members representing the petroleum industry.org Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). The CRC can be viewed as the investigative arm of Subcommittee D02. The specification shall define appropriate limits in sufficient detail that the purchaser can use it to ensure the receipt of the approved material. 5. ASTM and the Coordinating Research Council (CRC)13 cannot enter into nondisclosure agreements or guarantee confidentiality. have an approval protocol that is specific to the unique considerations of military engines. and any task force member organization assisting in the investigation. engine operability. GA 30022. respectively.2 A new specification must be written to accommodate the new fuel or additive.S. 5. ASTM members are classified as producers (petroleum.1 ASTM Subcommittee D02. and associated industries to foster scientific cooperative aviation fuels research. If the additive chemistry is proprietary. OEM approval is required for use of a new fuel or additive in aviation gas-turbine engines. .5. Air Force and U.3 Airlines—Airline advocacy for the candidate fuel or additive is important to warrant consideration for qualification. If qualification is being sought for an additive. The OEMs need strong support from the airlines to justify committing internal resources to evaluating a new fuel or new fuel additive for use in an aircraft. 5. performance.2. A chemical description of the fuel or additive shall be provided. Inc.2.. Rolls Royce (RR).J0 establishing need for the fuel or additive. In cases where the approved material is a single named chemical. Airframe OEMs include but are not limited to Boeing.4 Military—Military participation in the approval process is important because many commercial engines have military derivatives. 5.5. 5. and other standards relevant to aviation fuels. durability. CRC typically will respond to a request 13 Coordinating Research Council.4 A specification for the fuel or additive shall be agreed upon by the producer and OEMs.2 The process for qualifying and approving a fuel or additive is initiated by a sponsor who acts as an advocate for promotion of the new aviation fuel. Suite 140. a generic description shall be provided. Key Participants and Request for Qualification 5. consumers (pilot or aerospace representative organizations). The sponsor approaches the ASTM aviation fuels subcommittee and solicits their support.1 OEMs—Engine OEMs include but are not limited to Pratt & Whitney (P&W). agencies. Although not a requirement. Bombardier. regulatory organizations such as the FAA and EASA participate in the process. Honeywell. Every effort is made to harmonize the commercial and military protocols such that they complement each other. the specification shall. 5.3 Recertification of the engine or aircraft and aircraft operating limitations is required.2 Regulatory Authorities—While approval of a new fuel or additive is at the discretion of the OEMs. or general interest (government agencies and other parties).J0 on Aviation Fuels promotes the knowledge of aviation fuels by the development of specifications.D4054 – 09 ensure that issues relating safety. The OEM/ASTM technical body will assess value and need based on the technical case. www. performance. nondisclosure agreements can be placed between the additive manufacturer. the OEMs typically wait for a successful ASTM ballot before changing their service bulletins and engine manuals to accommodate the new fuel or additive.1 The new fuel or additive impacts specification properties to the extent that the fuel does not conform to Specification D1655. and Hamilton Sundstrand. 5. and durability requirements are not impacted by the new fuel or additive. etc. Participation is unlikely if the initial data is considered sketchy or otherwise inadequate.2. airlines).6 Coordinating Research Council (CRC)—The CRC Aviation Fuels Committee has the mission to promote and to be an advocate for aviation fuels. The assessment will consider scientific approach. 1 Elements of the test program to be performed are shown in Fig. Further. No further reproductions authorized. that is. The requirement to test at 43 is a means for assessing the impact of accidental additive overdose. Additive investigations have included biocides. In most cases.1 The organization (for example.3 It is important to note that during the evaluation process or subsequent approval. 7. Testing at 43 negates the need to spend resources searching for a sensitive fuel for use as the baseline test fuel.7 A passing or failing test result is defined by the type of test performed. the effect of the new fuel or new additive on a Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).2 A complete chemical description of the candidate fuel or additive is required for defining the test program.2. Defining and Performing Test Program 7.1 Accepted Test Methods and Limits—Fit-for-Purpose Properties as agreed upon by the engine manufacturers are shown in Table 1. The base test fuel shall be Jet A or Jet A-1 conforming to ASTM D1655 or Defence Standard 91-91.4 Much experience has been garnered from ASTM. and minimum lubricity. It is possible that such changes will render data collected previously invalid and require the qualification process be started anew. “Fit-for-purpose properties” refers to properties inherent in a petroleum-derived fuel that are not controlled by specification.D4054 – 09 from ASTM to investigate a fuel-related issue. method of manufacture. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 8 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. Funding the Investigation and Qualification Process 6. The engine and airframe manufacturers have agreed to the order of testing. Tests shall be performed with and without the candidate additive in the base test fuel.2.2. Fuel evaluations have included oil sands. test results that extend beyond OEM experience. A fuel or additive will be considered for qualification if the OEMs and Subcommittee D02. must be brought to the attention of the OEMs and the ASTM advisory committee.1 Fuel Specification Properties—All property tests as required in Specification D1655. 7. 8. In these cases (such as the Fit-for-Purpose Tests). ASTM may request CRC investigate the fuel or candidate additive in more detail.3 Cold flow properties. or engine tests. The same batch of fuel should be used for the entire test program. thermal oxidative stability improvers and pipeline drag reducers for use in jet fuel. communicating. 7. It also lends itself to early detection of possible negative impacts. 7. Fischer-Tropsch synthetic kerosines and biofuels.5 A test program directed at evaluating a fuel or additive for use in a gas turbine engine shall contain the elements shown in the paragraphs that follow. The U. Lessons learned include the importance of prioritizing testing and performing those tests first that have the greatest potential to be cause for rejection. its carrier solvent and recommended concentration must also be provided. 7. Results may be considered as failing when expected levels of equipment performance are compromised. fuel system materials.2 Hot section compatibility. This information is important for determining test requirements and the order that the tests should be performed. 7. leak-detectors.7 Fuel handling. if required. During the course of the test program. may be redefined based on the specific nature and composition of the fuel or additive. 2. 7. In the case of specification testing. shale oil. Involvement of CRC can range from a review of data presented by the additive manufacturer or sponsor to actual testing and research performed by CRC task force members. military or other government organizations will sometimes consider participating in a Cooperative Research Program if the fuel or additive is deemed to be of significant benefit to the military.4 Thermal stability. Examples include fuel lubricity.2. In these cases. Depending on how beneficial the fuel or additive is considered to be to the aviation industry. 7.6 If a problem is identified with an additive at 43. The purpose of the test program is to investigate the impact of the candidate fuel or additive on fuel specification properties. Similarity to currently qualified fuels or additives is a chief consideration. such that a degree of risk is introduced. consideration will be given to assessing the impact of the additive at a lower concentration. as well as the tests that must be performed. turbine materials.6 Emissions.1 Compatibility with fuel system seals and metallics. other approved additives. not functioning optimally. 7. Some Fit-for-Purpose Properties have no well defined limits. 7. Some areas of investigation called out in this practice may not be amenable to a “pass” or “fail” result. Accepted test methods for evaluating the Fit-for-Purpose Properties are shown along with limits. Examples include minimum aromatic level. the additive manufacturer or refiner) seeking the qualification is responsible for funding all aspects of the fuel or additive qualification process.J0 determines that the fuel or additive fulfills a need or provides a significant benefit to the aviation industry. MIL-DTL-83133.5 Rig tests for performance and operability. seal swell. any change in the formulation of the fuel or additive. significant deviation from the baseline fuel or from what the OEMs judge to be the norm could result in a failure.2 Fit-for-Purpose Properties: 8. special considerations may be identified and investigated to resolve anomalies.2. Costs include laboratory.2. 6. The chemical nature of the fuel or additive defines criticality of the following issues: 7. and MIL-DTL-5624. The order of testing. minimum or maximum specification requirements must be met. 7. Defence Standard 91-91. rig. and engine operability. could result in a failure or a need for further testing. Properties 8. 8. or the way it is to be used. military and OEM past efforts directed at investigating fuels and fuel additives. fit-for-purpose properties. and dielectric constant. maximum flash point. If the new material is an additive. 7. as well as interpreting. 7.2. If additional data or research is required. CRC. and reporting data. testing of a candidate fuel additive shall be performed at four times (43) the concentration being requested for qualification. . Additionally. CRC may organize task forces and may solicit its members to perform work using available funding within their organizations. testing at 43 permits more flexibility in selecting the baseline fuel to be used in the qualification process. Fuels can vary in their sensitivity to a particular additive.2.S. See Fig.0 7. mono-aromatics. and 40°C. Temperature ASTM D5001 mm WSD ConformA ASTM D445 mm2/s ConformA Specific Heat vs. acenaphthenes. A1. which ever is higher). Temperature ASTM D6304 mg/kg (ppm by mass) ConformA Deposit Thickness at Breakpoint Lubricity No limits established.2 for typical response. Mg.6 for typical values and variation. A1. tricyclic aromatics. Li. A1.4 Report ASTM E411 EPA Method 8015 EPA Method 8260 EPA Method 8270 ASTM D4629 µg/g (ppm by mass) m% or mg/L (ppm) mg/L (ppm) mg/L (ppm) mg/kg (ppm by mass) Report Report Report Report Report ASTM D6732 ASTM D7111 µg/kg (ppb by mass) mg/kg (ppm by mass) Report ASTM D2887 ASTM D6378 °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C °C kPa or psi Report 150 Report Report Report 165 Report Report Report 190 205 Report Report Report 229 Report Report Report 262 300 15 — 40 — Report Full Range Report -28.3 for temperature ranges. K. Temperature Test Method Units ASTM D2425 mass % ASTM D1319 or ASTM D6379 ASTM D5291 or D3701 Vol. P. 0. See Fig. Automatic ASTM D5972 Phase Transition ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES N/A Dielectric Constant vs.T10 T90 . See Fig.5 mass % PROPERTIES ASTM D86 Comments Flash Point ASTM D56/D3828 °C Freezing Point Test Methods ASTM D2386 and °C -Response to manual vs. 25. cycloparaffins. Appendix X2 Ellipsometer ASTM D5001 Thermal Stability. A1. Limits not known. V. Additives cannot degrade breakpoint. 12. -20°C. 25 26. See Fig. tetralins.4 for typical values.T10 Simulated Distillation True Vapor Pressure vs. Temperature ASTM D6793 MPa ConformA ASTM D2717 watts/m/K ConformA Water Solubility vs. Fe. indans. and 60°C. No further reproductions authorized. Store for 16 h @ 100°C. Mn. Temperature ASTM E1269 kJ/kg/K ConformA Density vs. see Fig. See Comment See Comment No impact when compared to Jet A No impact when compared to Jet A 8. Based on Defence Standard 91-91 requirements.5 for minimum values and typical variation. A1.0 Store for 6 weeks @ 65°C. Plot density at -20°C. A1. 38. See CRC Handbook of Aviation Fuel Properties for typical values 68 ConformA — — ConformA ConformA See Fig. Density ASTM D924 Conductivity & response to SDA ASTM D2624 pS/m GROUND HANDLING PROPERTIES AND SAFETY MSEP No.D4054 – 09 TABLE 1 Fit-for-Purpose Properties Fuel Property CHEMISTRY Hydrocarbon Types Aromatics Hydrogen Trace materials Organics Carbonyls Alcohols Esters Phenols Inorganics: N Trace Elements Cu Zn. JFTOT Breakpoint °C Determines normal and iso-paraffins. see Fig. naphthalenes. A1. typical values and temperature variations.9 for typical response. acenaphthalenes. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 9 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. See Fig. 78. Ca.1 for typical values. % Min Max Report 8 8. and 200°C See Comment nm mm WSD Report Response to Corrosion Inhibitor/ Lubricity Additive Viscosity vs. 25°C. Pb. . Temperature & Pressure Thermal Conductivity vs. Si BULK PHYSICAL AND PERFORMANCE Boiling point distribution Initial Boiling Point 10% Recovery (T10) 20% Recovery 30% Recovery 40% Recovery 50% Recovery (T50) 60% Recovery 70% Recovery 80% Recovery 90% Recovery (T90) Final Boiling Point T50 . < 20 ASTM D3241. Limits not known. A1. 20°C.85 Based on CRC World Survey and Defense Energy Support Center (DESC) Petroleum Quality Information System survey. A1. Appendix E Toxicity Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). Effect on Clay Filtration ASTM D3948 API 1581 ppm by Filtration – Coalescer Filters & Monitors (water fuses) volume Storage Stability Peroxides ASTM D3703 mg/kg (ppm by mass) Potential gums ASTM D5304 mg/100mL MIL-HDBK-510-1.7 for typical values and variation.8 for typical values. Minimum and maximum values are based on Coordinating Research Council World Survey and Defense Energy Support Center Petroleum Quality Information System survey. Temperature ASTM D4052 kg/m3 ConformA Surface Tension vs. Ni. See Fig. Temperature ASTM D1331 mN/m ConformA Bulk Modulus vs. Na. indanes. Plot viscosity at -40°C (or freezing point plus 5°C. 3 Volume Swell.3 Aerial restarting after a flame-out event. or darkening of color. It is the responsibility of the sponsor(s) to prepare and submit the report to the OEMs.3. RR.10 Compression Set.4. Static Dissipator Additive No visible separation.2 Cohesion.2 Lean blowout. Annex A3 Comments No impact when compared to Jet A No impact when compared to Jet A No impact when compared to Jet A Antioxidant. or darkening of color. 8.2 and A3.3.2. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 10 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.3. The report shall provide a conclusion regarding fit-for-purpose. 8. Coatings and Metallics A Continued Test Method ASTM E681 ASTM E659 FED-STD-791. 8.9 Laminar Shear.2.3 Fuel Nozzle. the endurance portion of the test is a minimum of 150 h and 450 cycles.2.2. consequently.1 Fuel Pump.5 Combustor efficiency. 8. 8. specification authorities and ASTM.4. Boeing. cloudiness.3. Turbine inlet-temperature distribution.2.3.2 Coatings. idle. GEAE. specification authorities and ASTM will require this report for use as Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).4 Component Testing: 8.6 Tape Adhesion. See Comment.1 Lap Shear. Hamilton Sundstrand. Examples of the tests to be performed include the following: 8. 8.2. 8. decelerate to idle and stop.3. 8. 8.4. Airbus.2 Compatibility with Additives Currently Permitted in Specification D1655—The procedure required to determine the compatibility of a new additive with additives previously approved for use in aviation fuels is shown in Annex A2.8 Peel Strength.4. Report 9. 8.4.3 Turbine Hot-Section Erosion and Corrosion: 8. 8.1 Cold starting at sea level to 10 000 ft.3. are defined by the engine manufacturer.2. No further reproductions authorized.8 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) altitude starting. and Lockheed gasturbine engine fuel systems is shown in Tables A3.3 in Annex A3 along with the standard test procedure and pass/fail criteria.2.1.2 Fuel Control. 8.3.1. cloudiness. 8. .2.2 and A3. Conform = conform to typical response or values within engine manufacturers’ experience.4. The report shall include a specification of the approved material with sufficient detail and limits to permit a purchaser to confirm receipt of OEM approved material. Not all fuel or additive qualifications will require an engine test.3. Method 6053 or ISO 20823 Units °C °C °C Min Max See Comment See Comment See Comment ASTM D4054. solids.12 Additive concentration for the material compatibility tests shall be 43 the concentration being sought for qualification.2. Honeywell.2.2.7 Emissions.3. The test temperature for each material is shown in Tables A3.2. Typically. No visible separation. cannot be predefined.2. 8.4.D4054 – 09 TABLE 1 Fuel Property Flammability Limits Autoignition Temperature Hot Surface Ignition Temperature COMPATIBILITY With Other Approved Additives With Other Approved Fuels With Engine and Airframe Seals. The elements of an endurance test.3 Compatibility with Fuel System Materials—A list of generic materials used in P&W.6 Flow path carboning/plating. A typical cycle is 15 to 20 min in duration. Annex A2 N/A See Comment N/A See Comment ASTM D4054.1 Fuel System: 8. 8.3. or a combination of a performance test and an endurance test.4.2. Annex A2 ASTM D4054.2. The engine and airframe manufacturers have agreed to these generic classes of materials for the purpose of evaluating compatibility with fuels and fuel additives. 8. Test temperatures shall be the highest temperature the materials are subjected to in their specific application within an aircraft or engine fuel system. 8. hold for a short period of time.2 Combustor Rig Testing: 8. The necessity for an engine test is based on the nature and chemical composition of the fuel or additive and is at the discretion of the engine manufacturers. Engine tests are engine specific and.2.11 Resistivity. 8. The generic list of materials to be tested includes 37 non-metallics and 31 metals. 8. A cycle is defined as moving through a set of engine-throttle settings that include start.3 Oxidative or corrosive attack is defined as hardware degradation of a degree and at a rate that oxidation or corrosion would likely be a primary cause of hardware failure or rejection of in-service hot section hardware.2.1 Metallurgy.3. solids. 8. The types of tests to be performed are defined for each material. 9.7 Hardness.5 Elongation.2. 8. 8.2. Materials known to be sensitive to a specific fuel or additive chemistry shall be tested first.4 Tensile. Corrosion Inhibitor/Lubricity Additive Fuel System Icing Inhibitor.4. accelerate to higher power. 8. Fit-for-Purpose property must fall within the scope of experience of the engine manufacturers.3.3.1 A research report shall be issued upon completion of the test program that formally documents all data and information compiled during the evaluation process.2.5 Engine Test—The qualification process may require an engine test. 8.4. The basis for the engine manufacture’s scope of experience for these properties is described in Table 1. 8.1. The OEMs.3 in Annex A3. 8. A1. alternative fuels.1 Figs. . A1. ASTM. fuel additives.1 Typical Viscosity Characteristics of Jet Fuel Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). 10. fuel evaluation. FIG. No further reproductions authorized. material compatibility ANNEXES (Mandatory Information) A1. additive qualification.1-A1. approval protocol. jet fuel. fuel qualification.1 additive evaluation. BASIS OF ENGINE MANUFACTURERS’ EXPERIENCE A1.D4054 – 09 supporting evidence for subsequent qualification via internal engineering groups and airworthiness authorities.9 describe the limits or characteristics that make up the engine manufacturers’ scope of experience in evaluating the impact of a new fuel or new additive on a Fit-for-purpose property that does not currently have a well defined limit. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 11 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. Keywords 10. D4054 – 09 FIG. A1. No further reproductions authorized. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 12 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.3 Typical Specific Heat Characteristics of Jet Fuel Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).2 Typical Response to Corrosion Inhibitor/Lubricity Improver (CI/LI) Additive FIG. A1. . 4 Typical Density Characteristics of Jet Fuel FIG. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 13 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.5 Typical Surface Tension Characteristics of Jet Fuel Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).D4054 – 09 FIG. No further reproductions authorized. . A1. A1. 7 Typical Thermal Conductivity Characteristics of Jet Fuel Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). A1. . Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 14 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.6 Bulk Modulus Characteristics FIG. No further reproductions authorized. A1.D4054 – 09 FIG. A1. . Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 15 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.D4054 – 09 FIG.8 Typical Dielectric-Density Characteristics for Jet Fuel FIG. No further reproductions authorized.9 Typical Response to Static Dissipater Additive Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). A1. 2. A2.3 Baseline Test Fluids: A3. JRF is a blend developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to be representative of.0017 Aromatics Olefins Flash Point Freezing Point Naphthalenes API gravity Total Sulfur Mercaptan 25. No further reproductions authorized. If the new material is an additive. allow the samples to cool to ambient temperature. % 42. a Jet Reference Fuel (JRF) as formulated in Table A3. Blend each of the approved additives into the test fuel at two times the maximum recommendation concentration permitted by Specification D1655.3.3 vol.01 0.2. TABLE A3.5 0. The purpose of the control sample is to provide a baseline for comparison. Tests are conducted with Jet A fuel at four times the maximum additive concentration as recommended by the supplier.73 0.1 Two baseline test fluids are approved for use for determining compatibility of a new fuel or new fuel additive with fuel system materials.1. A3.2 Blend Concentration if Evaluating a New Fuel Additive—Fuel additive concentration for the material compatibility tests shall be tested at 43 the concentration being sought for qualification. Appendix X1.2 0.3. Heat the sample to 38°C (100°F) and maintain temperature for 24 h.3. The chemical nature of the fuel or additive is important for determining the necessity and types of material tests to be performed.30 mass % max 0. Back-to-back tests shall be performed on the additive blend and a control sample consisting of the baseline reference fuel without the additive.2. A2. Document results by photographing the sample container. Blend the candidate additive into 200 mL of the clay-treated Jet A at four times the maximum recommended concentration.2. A2. remove the duplicate samples from cold storage and immediately inspect for indication of precipitation.8 vol.2 Preparation of the Test Fuel—Jet A/Jet A-1 conforming to ASTM D1655 shall be clay treated in accordance with the procedure of Test Method D3948. A3. 38°C min -47°C max 3.3. .3. clear. tall glass containers.D4054 – 09 A2.003 mass % max Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). its carrier solvent and recommended concentration must also be provided.1.2 Put the duplicate samples into dark. Alternatively.4 Shake the sample to remix any separated components.1 Scope A3. A2. The additive shall be blended at 43 into at least one of the two baseline reference fluids described in A3.3.1 Scope—The following test program is required to determine the compatibility of a new additive with additives previously approved for use in aviation fuels.51max 0. darkening. % 55°C -55°C 2.1 Jet Reference Fuel Formulation Paraffins Aromatics Sulfur Mercaptan Fuel System Icing Inhibitor Lubricity Improver/ Corrosion Inhibitor Property Analyses Component Volume % Property Test Results Jet A-1 Specification Exxsol D40 Exxsol D80 Aromatic 100 Aromatic 150 Aromatic 200 tert-Butyl Disulfide Decanethiol DiEGME Air Force QPL-25017 37. or other visible evidence of incompatibility. or a surrogate for.2. A3.” The fuel should exhibit a rating of 98 minimum MSEP after clay treating by Test Method D3948. % 37 min.1 37.5 15 2. NOTE A2.1 Entrance Criteria—A complete chemical description of the candidate fuel or additive is required for defining the test program.1 may be used. kerosene-type fuels. JRF is formulated by blending the following technical grade constituents in the volumes shown in Table A3. Document results by photographing the sample container. EVALUATING COMPATIBILITY OF ADDITIVES OR FUELS WITH FUEL SYSTEM MATERIALS A3.9 vol. Indications of precipitation include cloudiness. Either of the two test fluids may be used. % 0. At the conclusion of the 24-h storage period.3 Test Procedure A2.1—Keep the fuel samples in dark storage during conditioning and between inspections.1 7. A3. cold storage at –17.8°C (0°F) for 24 h.1 Prepare duplicate test blends by dividing the additive mixtures into two 100-mL. “Preparation of Reference Fluid Bases. A JP-8 conforming to the most recent version of MIL-DTL83133 and having an aromatic content between 20–25 % may be used. It is not required that materials be tested in both fluids. Inspect for indication of precipitation. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 16 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. . Inspect for indication of precipitation.31 mass % 0. At the conclusion of the 24-h storage period.2 Test Program A3.1 The following procedure is required to determine compatibility of a new fuel or new fuel additive with fuelwetted nonmetallic materials and metals present in gas turbine engine and aircraft fuel systems. COMPATIBILITY OF CANDIDATE ADDITIVE WITH ADDITIVES CURRENTLY PERMITTED IN SPECIFICATION D1655 A2.15 0.0 vol.% max No Requirement.002 mass % 25 vol.3 Allow the sample to warm to ambient temperature. Document results by photographing the sample container. A2. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 17 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.20% >20 lb/in. For the duration of the aging process of specimens. D3359. / 100% cohes. Shore A Tensile Strength Elongation Volume Swell Peel Strength Hardness. Class 1. A Tape Adhesion Hardness (Pencil) ASTM D3363. / 100% cohes. >35 pts >200 psi >150% 0% . A Tape Adhesion Hardness (Pencil) ASTM D3363. Class 3 Nitrile Epoxy Film MMM-A-132 Type 1. >35 pts >200 psi >150% 0% . decrease 6 5 pts 35 psi decrease 25% decrease 5% increase 8 lb/in. D3359. Epoxy Graphite Composite. a fuel change-out shall occur after each 14-day period. >35 pts >200 psi >150% 0% . Shore A Tensile Strength Elongation Volume Swell Peel Strength Hardness. >35 pts >200 psi >150% 0% .20% >10 lb/in. Class B-2 93°C / 28 days Sealant Polysulfide Manganese Cured SAE-AMS-S-8802 Type II. decrease 6 5 pts 35 psi decrease 25% decrease 5% increase 8 lb/in. Grade 1 Nitrile ~ Vinyl Phenolic Soak Temperature/ Duration Test 93°C / 28 days Lap Shear 93°C / 28 days 93°C / 28 days Test Procedure Test Requirements Allowable Variation from Baseline ASTM D1002 >1500 psi 250 psi decrease Lap Shear Lap Shear ASTM D1002 ASTM D1002 >1500 psi >1500 psi 250 psi decrease 250 psi decrease 93°C / 28 days Lap Shear ASTM D1002 >1500 psi 250 psi decrease 93°C / 28 days Lap Shear ASTM D1002 >1500 psi 250 psi decrease 93°C / 28 days Static Shear MIL-R-46082. Shore A Tensile Strength Elongation Volume Swell Peel Strength Hardness.20% >20 lb/in.20% 1% to 12% 8 lb/in. D3359. Class 2 Methacrylate ASTM D5363 Group 4. decrease 6 5 pts 35 psi decrease 25% decrease 5% increase 8 lb/in. $ unaged Pass $ unaged Pass >unaged 1 pt decrease 1 pt decrease 1 pt decrease 1 pt decrease 71°C / 28 days Peel Strength Hardness. Class B corrosion preventive coating. / 100% cohes. / 100% cohes. Class 3 Epoxy Resin ~ MMM-A-132 Nitrile Phenolic Type 1.30% >20 lb/in. Class B-2 93°C / 28 days Sealant Fluorosilicone SAE-AMS-3375 93°C / 28 days Sealant Polyurethane SAE-AMS-3279 93°C / 28 days Sealant Polythioether SAE-AMS-3277 Class B-2 93°C / 28 days Sealant Polysulfide Lightweight SAE-AMS-3281 93°C / 28 days Sealant (Groove Injection) Sealant (Groove Injection) Composite. / 100% cohes. / 100% cohes. decrease 6 5 pts 35 psi decrease 25% decrease 5% increase 8 lb/in. Epoxy Graphite Composite. decrease 6 5 pts 35 psi decrease 25% decrease 5% increase 8 lb/in. decrease 6 5 pts 35 psi decrease 25% decrease 5% increase 6 5% MIL-S-85334 71°C / 28 days Volume Swell ASTM D471 1% to 12% 6 5% AS4/3501-6 ~ 93°C / 28 days Laminar Shear ASTM D790 >5000 psi 500 psi decrease IM7/977-3 ~ 93°C / 28 days Laminar Shear ASTM D790 >5000 psi 500 psi decrease IM7/8552 ~ 93°C / 28 days Laminar Shear ASTM D790 >5000 psi 500 psi decrease Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). >35 pts >200 psi >150% 0% . >35 pts >200 psi >150% 0% . Evaluation Criteria Material Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Bladder (Inner Liner) Description Specification MMM-A-132 Type 1.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3. Tests. Method A >1200 psi 250 psi decrease 71°C / 28 days Tensile Strength Elongation Volume Swell Tensile Strength Elongation Volume Swell Volume Swell >1500 psi >300% < 25% 200 psi decrease 40% decrease 6 5% 200 psi decrease 40% decrease 6 5% 6 5% Bladder (Inner Liner) Polyurethane ~ 93°C / 28 days Bladder (Self Sealing) Coating Nitrile MIL-DTL-5578 RT / 30 min Nitrile SAE-AMS-S-4383 93°C / 28 days Coating Polyurethane 93°C / 28 days Coating Epoxy SAE-AMS-C-27725 Type II BMS 10-39 93°C / 28 days Bulk Tank Coating Sealant Epoxy-Polyamide MIL-DTL-24441 49°C / 28 days Polysulfide Dichromate Cured SAE-AMS-S-8802 Type I. and coated with AMS-C-27725 II. A Tape Adhesion Hardness (Pencil) ASTM D3363 >1500 psi >300% < 25% ~ $ unaged Pass.2 Nonmetallic Materials. and Test Temperatures NOTE—All sealant peel strength test panels shall be aluminum AMS 4045 panels. Class 2 Epoxy Paste MMM-A-132 Type 1. sulfuric acid anodized per AMS 2471. Shore A Tensile Strength Elongation Volume Swell Peel Strength Hardness. No further reproductions authorized.25% >20 lb/in. Epoxy Graphite Polysulfide SAE-AMS-3283 Fluorosilicone ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM D412 D412 D471 D412 D412 D471 D471 Hardness (Pencil) ASTM D3363. . Shore A Tensile Strength Elongation Volume Swell Peel Strength Hardness. Shore A Tensile Strength Elongation Volume Swell Volume Swell SAE AS5127/1 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D471 SAE AS5127/1 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D471 SAE AS5127/1 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D471 SAE AS5127/1 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D471 SAE AS5127/1 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D471 SAE AS5127/1 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D471 ASTM D471 >20 lb/in. 2 and A3. RR.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3. Nitrile Shore M Tensile Strength Elongation Compression Set Volume Swell SAE-AMS-R107°C / 28 days Hardness. airplane manufacturers.1 Table A3. and Hamilton Sundstrand gas-turbine engine fuel systems. Table A3. and 200 constituents. Also assumed was zero sulfur in the Aromatic 100. As indicated in the aromatics and total sulfur analyses.2 Tables A3.0E12 Ohm-cm 6 5 pts from unaged >1000 psi >200% < 50% 0% to 25% 5 psi decrease 15% decrease 6 5 pts 125 psi decrease 35% decrease 5% increase 6 10% ASTM D2240 ASTM D1414 ASTM D1414 ASTM D395 ASTM D471 .2.3.3 are comprised of materials that have been selected as representative. 150.20 pts from unaged >500 psi >125% < 65% 0% to 25% 6 5 pts 125 psi decrease 35% decrease 5% increase 6 10% ASTM D2240 ASTM D1414 ASTM D1414 ASTM D395 ASTM D471 6 5 pts from unaged >1000 psi >150% < 60% 0% to 10% 6 5 pts 125 psi decrease 35% decrease 5% increase 6 10% ASTM D2240 ASTM D1414 ASTM D1414 ASTM D395 ASTM D471 6 5 pts from unaged >1000 psi >150% < 60% 0% to 10% 6 5 pts 125 psi decrease 35% decrease 5% increase 6 10% ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D2240 ASTM D471 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 ASTM D412 SAE AS5127/1 ASTM D471 >1500 psi >300% 6 5 pts from unaged < 8% >500 psi >25% >500 psi >25% >500 psi >25% >500 psi >25% >20 pts >100 psi >150% >10 lb/in. are referred to as the “short list” by the engine and aircraft OEMs and DOD. and DOD have agreed to these generic classes of materials for the purpose of evaluating compatibility with fuels and fuel additives.2. some adjustment of the formulation may be required to correct for these assumptions. Table A3. Shore A Polysulfide Cure B Tensile Strength Elongation Peel Strength Volume Swell Polyurethane Test Procedure Test Requirements Allowable Variation from Baseline ASTM D790 >5000 psi 500 psi decrease ASTM D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D257 ASTM D2240 ASTM D1414 ASTM D1414 ASTM D395 ASTM D471 >10 psi >100% < 1. The list also includes materials found in aircraft fuel tanks and ground-supply vehicles.3 include 37 non-metallics and 31 metals.2 The JRF blend shown in Table A3.2 and A3. A3. Graphite Bismaliemide Foam Gasket.4 that are present in engine and airplane fuel systems. Honeywell. Tables A3. a representative manganese dioxide cured product and a representative chromate cured product were selected for the short list. No further reproductions authorized. The engine manufacturers. The list of materials to be tested in Tables A3.3. For example. collectively. Fluorocarbon Shore M Tensile Strength Elongation Compression Set Volume Swell Hardness.4. O-Ring Gasket Hose (Ground Refueling) Teflon (Film)A Nylon (Film) Polyethylene (Film) Kapton (Film) Potting Compound Description IM7/5250-4 Soak Temperature/ Duration Test ~ 93°C / 28 days Laminar Shear MIL-PRF-87260 93°C / 28 days Specification Tensile Strength Elongation Resistivity SAE-AMS-P-5315 71°C / 28 days Hardness. Shore M Type I.4 Test Materials: A3.4 is a complete list of fuel-wetted nonmetallic materials and metals used in P&W. Shore A Volume Swell TeflonA ~ 71°C / 28 days Tensile Strength Elongation Nylon ~ 71°C / 28 days Tensile Strength Elongation Polyethylene ~ 71°C / 28 days Tensile Strength Elongation Kapton ~ 93°C / 28 days Tensile Strength Elongation MIL-PRF-8516. du Pont de Nemours and Company. decrease 6 10% A Registered trademark of E.2 Continued Evaluation Criteria Material Composite. Class 1. many different polysulfide sealants are used in fuel tanks.2 and A3. Testing material classes significantly reduces the burden from that of testing all 255 materials listed in Table A3.4. Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). Tensile Strength Grade 70 Elongation Compression Set Volume Swell SAE-AMS-7276 153°C / 28 days Hardness. The list is comprised of 255 materials. Rather than test them all. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 18 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.2. I. / 100% cohes.4. A3. 71°C / 28 days Hardness.1 is designated JRF-3 by AFRL to designate that it is the third iteration of their formulation. Fluorosilicone 25988. The formulation was established by AFRL assuming zero aromatics and zero sulfur in Exxsol D-40 and Exxsol D-80.3 is a list of representative metals used in gas turbine engine and airframe fuel systems.2 is a list of representative nonmetallic materials used in gas turbine engine and airframe fuel systems. O-Ring Gasket. A3. O-Ring Gasket.2. > -20% 125 psi decrease 25% decrease 6 5 pts 6 5% 150 psi decrease 15% decrease 850 psi decrease 5% decrease 250 psi decrease 50% decrease 1800 psi decrease 5% decrease 6 5 pts 35 psi decrease 25% decrease 8 lb/in. or worst case. . SAE-AMS-R-83485 163°C / 28 days Low Type I Shore M Temperature Tensile Strength Fluorocarbon Elongation Compression Set Volume Swell MIL-DTL-26521 71°C / 28 days Tensile Strength Epichloro-hydrin Elongation Hardness. for each class of material listed in Table A3. GEAE. The test fluid shall be changed out every 14 days with fresh test fluid.1 Material Procurement for the Soak Procedure: (1) Sealant. These sheets are then utilized to die-out (cut out) the specimens required for the testing.6 Screening Tests: A3. composite. or film. (5) Metallic specimens are obtained from various sources who can certify the materials to meet the applicable specifications. The appropriate test temperature for each material is shown in Tables A3.7.5V 4130 IVD Coating Alloy Steel Fastener MS24694 HL21PN20-16 A286 Fastener MS24694 HL49GU20-16 CPM 10V INCO 625 INC0 718 Nitralloy 135 IN 200 Ni Monel 400 Waspaloy Lead 268 Brass Sheet TAP MS 285 Mag Wire Type I ASTM A240/A240M SAE-AMS-5604 ASTM A240/A240M SAE-AMS-4915 SAE-AMS-4901 SAE-AMS-4915 SAE-AMS-4901 SAE-AMS-4915 SAE-AMS-4901 SAE-AMS-6345 SAE-AMS-6415 SAE-AMS-5737 SAE-AMS-5330 SAE-AMS-5338 SAE-AMS-4751 ASTM B36/B36M respectively.3. A3.2 The tests called out in Tables A3. . The tests are intended to be a first level screening to identify potential compatibility problems. Materials known to be sensitive to a specific fuel or additive chemistry should be tested first. Adhesive lap shear testing is done using aluminum adherends with the manufacturer’s recommended surface preparation and cure cycle. and Test Temperatures Material Material Specification Coating Specification Soak Temp 7075 T6 Aluminum Chromic Acid Anodize Type I 7075-T6 Sulfuric Acid Anodize Type IIB 7075-T6 Chromate Conversion Coated Class IA 7050-T74 2024-T3 Bare 6061-T6 Bare 5052-H34 Bare 356 T6 Cast Aluminum AZ91 T6 CU/NI 90/10 Sn 60 Pb 40 Solder 304 SS 17-4 pH 440 SS TI 8A1 -IV -1MO SAE-AMS-QQ-A-250/12 SAE-AMS-QQ-A-250/12 SAE-AMS-QQ-A-250/12 SAE-AMS-4107 SAE-AMS-4037 SAE-AMS-4027 SAE-AMS-4017 SAE-AMS-4260 ASTM B93/B93M MIL-A-8625. and wire insulation materials are procured as a sheet of the material from the applicable vendor. and acceptance criteria are called out in the respective tables. (2) Sealant peel strength testing is done using AMS-C27725 coated panels as a substrate. For example.5. (4) O-rings are also obtained directly from the vendors which manufacture materials meeting the various specifications (found on the Qualified Products Listing (QPL)). laboratory-scale soak tests shall be performed on the short list of materials compiled in Tables A3. A3.2. and adhesive materials are typically procured in their raw (uncured) form. coating.6.2. This often consists of a two-part mixture.3 Metals. hose.2 and A3. test methods.2. Type II B MIL-DTL-5541. No further reproductions authorized.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3. a dog-bone shaped cookie cutter is used to obtain dog-bone specimens for tensile and elongation testing. This then relies on the expertise of the lab performing the testing to be able to fabricate the specimens required for the various tests. of materials soaked in the new fuel (or new fuel additive blend) to that of materials soaked in a baseline reference fuel(s). pre-preg.3 along with the standard test procedure and pass/fail criteria. foam.7 Procedure for Soaking (Aging) Test Materials in Fuel: A3. Testing at temperatures beyond these maximums result in diminished baseline material performance and significantly reduces test sensitivity. Type I MIL-A-8625.2. Class 1A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 93°C 93°C 93°C 93°C 93°C 93°C 93°C 93°C 93°C 93°C 93°C 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C N/A 163°C N/A 163°C SAE-AMS-2427 SAE-AMS-QQ-P-416. For example.2 and A3. sealant specimens are required to be cured in environmentally controlled rooms (75°F and 50 % relative humidity) and the composites are cured in an autoclave. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 19 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.6. A3.1 Materials are to be tested at the highest temperature to which it will be subjected for its specific application within an aircraft and engine fuel system. Material Specifications.2. for example.3 compare changes in properties.1 If the OEMs determine that material compatibility testing is required. Typically. tensile strength. A3. three specimens of each material are utilized Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). The soak period is 28 days. Soak temperatures.2 and A3. then the risk level of the new fuel or fuel additive is considered minimal.2.2. once prepared.5 Test Temperatures: A3. Type II. Class 2 Sliver Plate SAE-AMS-2410 N/A N/A N/A N/A 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C 163°C TI CP 70 TI 3AL .2. (3) Bladder. If tests results are within allowable variation as defined in the evaluation criteria for each material. Hi.3 I.D. SAE-AMS-3279 PR1828.4 I.D.4 Complete List of Materials I.C.D.D. SAE-AMS-3283.3 I.D.10 I.8 Ground Tank Fuel Storage I. Fuel Tank Int.B.D.A.B. P/N 5904C Innerliner Goodyear 26950.A. U5200B. B2.B.A.D. MIL-S-85334.A.D.9 (I. B2 SAE-AMS-S-8802.B.1 (I.D. BR-127 AF 143-2 Mod.1 I.C. Type 2 PR1750.B. IM7/977-3 Composite.A.C.11 I. Epoxy.D.B. Int.E.A.10 I.13 I. Self Sealing Goodyear 51956. No further reproductions authorized. PS-598 Innerliner AMFUEL. SAE-AMS-3276 PR1221. Innerliner Engineered Fabrics. Type 2 PR2911 MMS 425 New Spray/PreCoat-PR2904S-2 MIL-C-83019 Akzo Nobel Aerospace Coatings. Fuel Tank Coating Int. Fuel Tank Int. Groove Injection G651. product code 454-4-1/CA-109 Note: Test at 100º F 3 part epoxy system MIL-DTL-24441 A-36 plate steel. B2. No.E.1NA.A.D.C.E.B.14 I.C.A. AS 4/3501-6 Composite. Groove Injection DC 94031.D. SAE-AMS-S-8802.12 I.7 Int. IM 7/5250-4 Composite. Fuel Tank Int. SAE-AMS-S-4383 EA 9446 Fusor 309 (1:1 mix) Fusor 309 (2:1 mix) Henkel EA9309. Fuel Tank Int. BMS 5-267. P/N 51956 Innerliner Engineered Fabrics.A. Epoxy Epon 828/DTA Un.9) I.11 I. MIL-PRF-81733 PR705. Innerliner Goodyear 80C29. BMS 10-20 PR1440B2 Pro-Seal 890.1) I. Type I PR1440 (PS 890) SAE-AMS-S-8802.13 I. Fuel Tank Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Vent Lines Isolator Tube Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Tank Tank Tank Tank Coating Coating Coating Coating Sealant Sealant Sealant Sealant Sealant Sealant Sealant Sealant Sealant Sealant Material Designation Epoxy/Polyamide EC3569.5 I.P.C.3 I. Primer Scotchweld AF-10 W/EC 3950.A.1 I. Int.2 I.B.1 I.C.4 I.6 I.D.E.E.4) Int.A. Fuel Tank Sealant I.C. Int. I.D.6 I. SAE-AMS-S-4383 Coating.A.A. BR-127 FM 47 Vinyl Phenolic.7 Int. Groove Injection Q4-2805.D. Fuel Tank Int.D. Groove Injection SAE-AMS-3376.4 I.5 Int.2 I. SAE-AMS-3265 P/S 870 B-2. Fuel Tank Int. Fuel Tank Coating I.A. Self Sealing Engineered Fabrics P/N 320-4-49274/ FTL-107.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3.12 I. Fuel Tank Coating I.1 Int. Innerliner AMFUEL.7 I. lapweld/20 Form 150 Type III/30 Form 151 Type IV/31 Form 152 Type IV 6010 carbon steel PR 1422 Type I. Primer Scotchweld EC 776 Coating Explosion Suppression Foam Adhesive. Fuel Tank Sealant I.15 I. W 1200 Primer SAE-AMS-3375 PR2911.4 (I. Material Type Epoxy/Polyamide Vinyl Phenolic Nitrile Epoxy Epoxy Nitrile Epoxy Primer Scotchweld Primer Scotchweld Nitrile Acrylic Epoxy Epoxy Epoxy Epoxy Methacrylate Cyanoacrylate Nitrile Nitrile Polyurethane Nitrile Polyurethane Nitrile Nitrile Urethane Nitrile Polyurethane Nylon (36”x60”) Polyester (42”x48”) Nylon cloth Nylon cloth Nitrile Polyurethane Nitrile Polyurethane Epoxy Manganese Cured Polysulfide Polyurethane Polyurethane Epoxy Epoxy Polyamide 2-4 mil thick 8-10 mil max thick Dichromate Cured Polysulfide Manganese Cured Polysulfide Polysulfide Polyurethane Fluorosilicone Polyurethane Polythioether Polysulfide Polysulfide Polysulfide Polysulfide Fluorosilicone Fluorosilicone Fluorosilicone Cyanosilicone Epoxy Graphite Graphite Bismaliemide Epoxy Graphite Epoxy Graphite Epoxy Graphite Fiberglass Epoxy Resin . BR-127 AF 126-2 Nitrile Mod. Fuel Tank Int.13 I. PU-339. Epoxy FM 73W/BR-127 Primer AF-10E/EC 1290. Innerliner Goodyear 80C39.9 I.B.6 I.8 I.8 I.3 I.11.1) Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive I.5 Int.B. Aircraft Use I. MIL-S-85334. Fuel Tank Sealant Int.A. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 20 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.A. 3M.C.2) Int.2 I.12 I.6 I.5 I.E.B.3 I. Fuel Tank Sealant Int. Groove Injection Composite.E.4 I.6 I. SAE-AMS-3281 PR1775 B2.A. Mod. SAE-AMS-C-27725 Coating.5 (I. Epoxy Henkel EA9394 Loctite 609 (Methacrylate) Loctite 495 (Cyanoacrylate) AMFUEL. Temp.11. Fuel Tank Int.B. Fuel Tank Sealant I.15 I.B.B.14 I.14 I.B.16 Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder Fuel Bladder I. Innerliner (Repair Material) Goodyear 80C29 Engineered Fabrics T/N 3572N Cloth Engineered Fabrics T/N 491 Cloth Amfuel Cloth PN C121 Amfuel Cloth PN C130 Amfuel 1316-1A.7 I. Fuel Tank Int.8 I. AS7/8551-7A Composite.7 I.C. B2. SAE-AMS-3278 Q4-2817.9 I.1 I.2 (I.B. SAE-AMS-3277 PR1776.D. IM7/8552 Composite Composite Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).2 I.15 I.10 I. Self Sealing EC 776.2 I. Non-conductive. JT90.F.F. N-756 Parker.G.10 (II. Fomex.G.8 Engine Plumbing II. GTC-777. SAE-AMS-P-5315 O-Ring.G.G. Fomex Yellow Type II.6 Aircraft Use Fuel Filter 11/18/97 11/18/97 Fuel Filter 14 Aug ‘97 Fuel Tank Explosion Suppression Fuel Tank Explosion Suppression Fuel Tank Explosion Suppression I.F.11 (II. Parker Compound/P4662A90.3) I.11 (I.G. #74-2. MIL-DTL-25988 Washer.G. Non-conductive.12 Plumbing Gasket II.G. F1 O-Ring. SAE-AMS-R-83485 O-Ring.G. MIL-DTL-25988 O-Ring. I. Class II.12) Fluorocarbon (Improved 777) Fluorosilicone 677 .4) I.10) II. MIL-PRF-87260 Foam Crest Yellow.9 O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring I.12 (II. JT90.G.G. ABE3. MIL-DTL-83054 O-Ring.G. MIL-DTL-25988 O-Ring.G. ES2000/953591 Bendix MIL-DTL-25988 O-Ring.11) I.O.G.F.4 I.G.6) II.2 (I. MIL-PRF-87260 Foam Crest Charcoal Gray.5 (II.7) II.F. Parker Compound/P4662A90. PN 21247 Tang.7 I.4 O-Ring I. Bendix Jonal MIL-DTL-25988 O-Ring. Parker PN/VO835 GLT SAE-AMS-R-83485 (Low Temp. CIS8715 Coast-Craft. GTC-778.G. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 21 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.9 (I.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3. DuPont Kalrez 93-244G SAE-AMS-7257 O-Ring. 1/4 F-100 Eng.G.G. Type II. N602-70 Parker. Class 1. Parker L677 MIL-DTL-25988 O-Ring. Class II.G.3 O-Ring I. MIL-DTL-83054 Foam (ESM).12) Engine Plumbing II. SAE-AMS-7257 O-Ring.8 (II.10 (I. SAE-AMS-7271/MS9201 O-Ring.5 I.13 Plumbing Gasket Seal Seal Cork Seal Door Seal Engine Plumbing Engine Plumbing Engine Plumbing Engine Plumbing Plumbing Gasket Plumbing Gasket Continued Material Designation Material Type AC-B683F-2435 AC-B253F-2435Y1.G.9 O-Ring I.14 O-Ring II.G. Class I. Argo-Tech PN 212351 O-Ring.l) I. N304-75 Parker MIL-P-25732 (Hydraulic) O-Ring.1 I. Kalrez 92344G.G. Argo-Tech.1 Fuel Tank Explosion Suppression Fuel Tank Explosion Suppression Fuel Tank Explosion Suppression Fuel Tank Explosion Suppression O-Ring I.G. GTC-505 FFKM. Dupont. ESS928.F.G. SAE-AMS-P-83461 (Hydraulic) O-Ring.7 Engine Plumbing II.) O-Ring.11) (see I. JT8 PO-652. V747 Viton Parker SAE-AMS-7276 Washer.2) I.G. No. MIL-DTL-83054 Beige (tan).10) I.G. JT8 PO-652. SAE-AMS-7257 O-Rings.11) II.13 (I.G.6 (II.F.G.F. N506-65 Parker.5) II. Type II. PN 212147. No further reproductions authorized. EX2000 Bendix.G.3 (I.4 I.G.2 O-Ring I.1.G. Viton (GLT) Parker.G.5 Engine Plumbing II. Charcoal Gray.3 (I. MIL-DTL-83054 Foam. Foam.G. L677-70 Parker.G. PN 212351 Cork P/N 30-155-5-1 Parker Polyurethane (Ester) Parker N406-60.9) I.G.8) II.D.G.G. GTC-B-95. ArgoTech. MIL-DTL-25988 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). PN 212147.2 I.8 I. PN 21247 Tang.G. GTC 409. Fomex Blue IV. SAE-AMS-R-83485 O-Ring. MIL-R-6855.6 Engine Plumbing II. AC-9985F-10 T-700 Eng. V747 Viton Parker.G.5) I.3 I.F. MIL-PRF-87260 Foam Fomex Charcoal Gray.1 (I. Argo-Tech.2 I.F. Polyurethane (Ether) Polyurethane (Ether) Polyurethane (Ether) Polyurethane (Ether) Polyurethane (Ester) Polyester (Ester) Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile Fluorosilicone Fluorocarbon Fluorocarbon Perfluoroelastomer Type S Nitrile Fluorosilicone Urethane Urethane Cork Nitrile Fluorosilicone Fluorosilicone Fluorocarbon Perfluoroelastomer Fluorosilicone Fluorocarbon Fluorosilicone Perfluoroelastomer Fluorocarbon Urethane (See I.7 (II.F.G.G.G.1 I.1.G. F-110 Eng. Grade 60 O-Ring.G. SAE-AMS-7276 O-Ring. SAE-AMS-R-83485 O-Ring. G.J. SAE-AMS-3215 SAE-AMS-DTL-23053/5 Nitrile Polyolefin See I.H.3 I.I.I.J.J.I.B.15 Plumbing Gasket I.13 I.10 I.J. 13. Electrical.4 I.I.5 “Specification for Induction Brazing” AWS C3.5V (Ti).16 Joining Material I.14 Plumbing Gasket II.G.10 I.J. Welded 321 (SS). Insulation/Electrical Wire/ Clamps/Misc. Sb 05 Base Material.5 I.J.I.5 I.I.7 I. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 22 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.8 I.J. Wire Insulation Nylon Wire.J.1 I.I.I.1 I.9 I.5 I.J. Insulation/Electrical Wire/ Clamps/Misc.4 I.12 Joining Material I.I.I I.3 I. Welded Inco 718 (Ni).6 I. Wire Insulation Nylon Insulation.7 “Specification for Aluminum Brazing” Ti. 14 Magnetic Wire Insulation.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3.13 I.4 I.D. Aircraft Use II. Welded Inco 625 (Ni).6 I.6 “Specification for Furnace Brazing” AWS C3.11 Hose Hose Aerial Refueling Tanker Hose (Ground Refueling) Hose (Navy Aircraft Carrier) Hose (Ground Refueling) Insulation/Electrical Wire/ Clamps/Misc. DuPont ASTM D4066 Polyethylene Film Nylon 101 Film OLD Film NEW Film Polyethylene (HDP) (Film) UPILEX Kapton (Film) Marmon clamp KKK-125 (Pacific Molded) SAE AMS-I-7444 “Insulation Sleeving. Welded 3AL-2.3 I.I.9 I.15 Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material I.11.J. Insulation/Electrical Wire/ Clamps/Misc.8 I. Cu. Brazed 321 SS.I.4 “Specification for Torch Brazing” AWS C3.4 I. Stillman P/N TH-1384 MIL-DTL-25988 O-Ring. Fluorosilicone (TeflonA) Acrylic/Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile Epichlorohydrin TFE (TeflonA) (Film) Wire Wire Wire UNS A 92319 4191D9 (AMS) Match Fill Match Fill Match Fill Match Fill Match Fill Match Fill BNI (5 or 6) AMS 4786 Au B Ag (5 or 6) Tin & Lead (Solder Spots) 4145 or 4147 fill Ti.11 Continued Material Designation Material Type O-Ring. No.J.2 I.H. Type I Nylon Cloth HML Varnish TeflonA/Kapton Shrink Wrap Teflon InsulationA. Welded IN200/201 (Ni). Parker P/N L 1186-80 MIL-DTL-25988 Self-Sealing. Ni Braze P & W 6061-T6 Welded with 4043 filler 5052 H-34 Welded w/6061T6 w/5356 Filler Sn 95.2 I. Flexible” Vinyl Plastic Kynar Kynar Kirkhill TA. Fuel Line Clamps & Electrical Ties Conduit Clamp Tube Clamp Cushions Bladder Tanks Engine Fuel Control Stepper Motor Wire Insulation Wire Bundle Wrap Wire Insulation Wire Insulation Wire Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material Joining Material I. Welded 6AL-4V (Ti). AR-184 PN AC 603-01 Durodyne.I. B 36-21A Hybrid TeflonA/Kapton (Wire) Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).7 I. Ni Aluminum Aluminum Copper w/Solder Spots .J.H.14 I.15. 12.J.I. Coax Center 2219-T87 (AL). Welded Waspaloy (Ni).15 I. Cu. MIL-H-4495 MIL-PRF-370 PN AC 646-01 Durodyne Ground Refueling PN AC 6611-06 MIL-H-17902 Durodyne Ground Refueling System PN EC 614-01 Durodyne MIL-DTL-26521 TeflonA Fluorosilicone (TeflonA) Zytel 101.J.J.14 I. Welded IN200/201 (Ni).1 I.12 I.I.I. Insulation/Electrical Wire/ Clamps/Misc.I. Brazed J-STD-004 “Requirements for Soldering Fluxes” J-STD-005 “Requirements for Soldering Pastes” J-STD-006 “Requirements for Electronic Grade Solder Alloys and Fluxed and Non-Fluxed Solid Solders for Electronic Soldering Applications” AWS C3.2 I. No further reproductions authorized.J.H. Insulation/Electrical Wire/ Clamps/Misc.H. M.8. Tank.12) I.5 I.12 I.K.L.18) I. 66-C28.16 (II. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 23 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.M. Tank.M. Coatings I.19 (II.1 I.M.20Cr (6061.3 Airframe. Tank.4 Airframe.8.1 Airframe.M.6.K.10.M. Qty. Plumbing Airframe.17 (II.M. Tank. Aircraft Use I.19/II.M.1 I. Coatings I.M. Qty.M. Tank. SAE-AMS-QQ-A-250/1. F.10) 5052-0 Bare & 6061-T4 Bare Aluminum & 6061-T6 Bare Aluminum & 7075-T6 Chromic Acid Anodize Aluminum & 7075-T6 Alodine/200 Aluminum & 7075-T6 Bare Aluminum & 2024-T3 Bare Aluminum & 2219-T87 Bare Aluminum & 3003 Bare Aluminum & C-355-T6 Aluminum & C-356-T6 Aluminum & 7050-T74 Aluminum & 316 Stainless Steel & 321 Stainless Steel & 304 Stainless Steel & INCO 718 Nickel & 440C Stainless Steel & 347 Stainless Steel & 30302.K.60Si 0.K. Goodrich Probe P/N 391002-250 B. Plumbing Airframe. Plumbing Airframe.M. Color A11136 (Fed Std-596) Dry Film Lubricant Resin: No 48-C-31. Pure Carbon Co.M.L.4 Locking Locking Locking Locking I.8) I.M. Qty. 410.3 Airframe. Probe I. Probe I. Tank. Reducer: LAMNERX500.K.4 I. Plumbing Airframe.8 I.7 Airframe.K.M. T6 Sheet. Tank. ES #11110 Midland Div.M.7 I. Micro-Seal Green Tweed B. No. PG18RCH Pump. Airframe.L. Carbon Bearing.9 I.M.6) I. Tank.14 (II.3 I. Probe Airframe.K. Coatings I. Probe I.2 Airframe. RC 26-34.11 (II. ASTM D5363 Threadlock ASTM D5363 Threadlock.1 I. Tank.K.14) I.K.M. Tank. Carbon Bearing. Coatings Airframe. Plumbing Airframe. Plumbing Airframe.2 Airframe. Coatings I. Carbon Bearing.6 I. Probe P/N 75-108-2F Fuel Quantity Probe. Tank. Plumbing Airframe.M.M. Plumbing I.11) I. Tank. Pump. Tank. Plumbing Airframe. Plumbing Airframe.6.18 (II. Sheet and Plate 1. Plumbing Airframe. ES #11110 Midland Div.3 I.M. MIL-PRF-46010. See Metals Category (I. Plumbing Airframe. Qty.K.9 Airframe.13) I.6.2 I.K.M. Coatings I. F.5 I. Plumbing Airframe.K. No further reproductions authorized.13 (II.10 (II.2 Airframe. I. Tank. Plumbing Airframe.2 I. Coatings I. P5N2 Seal.3 I. Tank.1 Airframe. Tank.M.M. Tank. Pure Carbon Co.28Cu 0. Plumbing Airframe.0Mg 0.M. Bearings Bearings Sliding Seal Coating Coating Coating Polyphenylene Sulfide 40% glass filled Cyanoacrylate Cyanoacrylate Cyanoacrylate SAE-AMS-5688 wire (30302) Aluminum . Plumbing Airframe.15 (II.M. Tank. Coatings I. T651 Plate) Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated” Dry Film Lubricant.8. SAE-AMS-5688 (Wire) (Lockwire) Stainless Steel Devices Devices Devices Devices Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).12 Airframe. Dicronite DOD-L-85645 Dry Thread Lubricant Name Plate.K.L. Spec. SAE-AMS-5613 PureBon OP-658 (Carbon) & Pump.K.M.10.4 I.17) I. No. P658RCH Pump. Ametek Aerospace Products CH-5851-L Threadlock.M.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3. ASTM D5363 Lockwire. Plumbing Airframe. Airframe.2 I.1 Airframe. Airframe. Goodrich Electronics Fuel Quantity Probe P/N 391002-250 Ragan Data Systems.K. #6001 (CR Plate) Material Type (1 per test fuel) Shaw Aerospace Dicronite Graphite Shaw Aerospace Molybdenum Disulfide Aluminum Varnish SS. Plumbing Airframe.M. Type I.K. Pure Carbon Co.10) Coatings Coatings Coatings Coatings Continued Material Designation SAEAMS4027 “Aluminum Alloy. Carbon Bearing.D. Tank. Plumbing Airframe.M.K. Coatings I.M.11 Airframe. Tank.2 II. SAE-AMS-4751/4750 Lead Barium.33 I.D. & Plumbing Airframe.20 (II.M. Fuel lines & Components Eng.42 II.10 (I.17) II.24) II. B36-91A Copper 1010 Bare Ferrous B-29 (Shaw Aerospace) P/N 79-1527-RM Spec ASTM Monel 400. & Plumbing Airframe. & Plumbing Airframe.24 (II.9 II.M.M.19) II. Steel . & Plumbing Airframe. Sheet Soft Lead 15-5 PH Ferrous Cr.6 (I. Tank. Tank. Sb 05 Solder (0.M.5 II. & Plumbing Airframe. Ferrite (Shaw Aerospace) Barium Neo-dymium (Shaw Aerospace) (1 per fuel) Brass Sheet.M. & Plumbing Airframe.7 II. & Plumbing Airframe.13) Aircraft Use Airframe.70/30 Naval Brass Copper/Nickel .4 II.32 I. & Plumbing Airframe.M.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3.M. Tank.39 I. Type 2.1 I. & Plumbing Airframe. & Plumbing Airframe. Tank.M.90/10 Brass. Fuel lines & Components Eng.25) I. Gold) 6AL-4V Ferrous 950 Bronze Aluminum Copper/AL Naval Brass Copper/Nickel .M. Fuel lines & Components Continued Material Designation Material Type 17-4 PH SAE-AMS-5604/5643 Sta inless Ste el 1010 Cadmium Plate (Class 2) Ferrous 1010 Zinc Ferrous 4130 Cadmium Plate (Class II.M.M. Tank. Fuel lines & Components Eng. SAE-AMS-4029 Aluminum 4340 . SAE-AMS-6415.M.M.M.M. & Plumbing Airframe. Wire) (30302) Ferrous 440C Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). & Plumbing Airframe.M.41 I.M.2 I.020) 2014-T6.25 I.M.M. & Plumbing Airframe.M.22) I. Fuel lines & Components Eng. Tank.27 I.M. & Plumbing Airframe.1 (I.M. & Plumbing Airframe. & Plumbing Airframe.M. Tank. I. 280KSI Tensile Steel Bar Stock 6AL-4V Titanium 3AL-2. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 24 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.1) I.M.5V (Tubing) Titanium Hastalloy Nickel Waspaloy Nickel INCO 625 Nickel INCO 718 Nickel Stellite 30 Chromium/Carbide 347 Stainless Steel Greek Ascolloy (30302) Ferrous SAE-AMS-5688 (S.18) II. Cu 5052-H34 Aluminum 1045 Bare Ferrous Magnesium AZ91 T-6 (Substitute AZ31-H24) 4130 Bare Magnesium Sn 95.M.M.26. Tank. Tank. Tank. Tank.34 (II. Ni. Tank. Tank.M. Tank.M. Fuel lines & Components Eng.22 I.M.M.40 I. Tank. & Plumbing Airframe.M.31 I. Tank. Tank. Tank. & Plumbing Eng. Tank. Fuel lines & Components Eng.M.13 (I. & Plumbing Airframe.8 (I.M. No further reproductions authorized.M.M. & Plumbing Airframe.M.23 I.16) II.M.38 I.29 I.3 II. Fuel lines & Components Eng. Tank.M. Titanium Nickel/Copper Ferrous.M.37 I.M. Tank.M.M.30 I.M. Tank. Fuel lines & Components Eng. Fuel lines & Components Eng. & Plumbing Airframe.35 I.15) II.M.28 I. Fuel lines & Components Eng.12 (I. Sheet 268 Substitute 260 Copper Lead. No. Fuel lines & Components Eng. Tank.21 I.4 I.11 (I. & Plumbing Airframe. & Plumbing Airframe.S. Fuel lines & Components Eng.M.M.36 I. & Plumbing Airframe.26.M. M. Fuel lines Components Eng.1) as cast alloy (310) & SAE-AMS-7902 AlBeMet 162 Reactive Material Sheet & Plate.M. Ni Haynes 214 Ni.21.28 II.38 II.35 II.34 II. Fuel Line & Components Eng. Fuel lines Components Eng.M.26 II. Fuel Line & Components Eng. Fuel lines Components Eng. Dry Lub End Ferrous (S.6Cr-0.1 Al (0. C. XAR Industries Inc.O. Bars. Al SAE-AMS-7902 AlBeMet 162 Reactive Material Sheet & Plate.M.1 II. Beryllium Alloy UNS C17200 Be Cu Spring . Beryllium Alloy .D. Unicellular Buna-N Polyurethane Unicellular Polyurethane & Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).3 II.43C) UNSK24065” Nitralloy Eng. Beryllium Alloy SAE-AMS-7902 AlBeMet 162 Reactive Material Sheet & Plate.18 (I.2 II. Si.34) II. Fuel lines & Components Eng. Sheet Stainless Steel Nr. Be & DB Inconel 718 Diffusion Bonded Ni.1Al (0. Fuel lines & Components Eng. Fuel lines & Components Eng.M.1 1.17 (I.22 (I. Fuel lines Components Eng. Fuel lines Components Eng.M. Fuel lines & Components Eng. Fuel lines Components Material Designation Material Type & 321 Stainless Steel & ASI 51410 SS (SAE-AMS-5504) Stainless Ste el & CPM 10-V & C-355 T6 Powder Metallurgy rolled Fe. Tubing 1.23 II. Fuel lines & Components Eng.M.4) Coated Cylinder (Indium) (Argo-Tech “B”) 17-4 PH Stainless Steel SAE-AMS-5604 IN 200 Nickel Augmentor Spray Bar P & W Copper Polished Cylinder Dry Lub End Indium Cyl. Co. Cr. Mo & 52100 SAE-AMS-6444 Steel & 8620 SAE-AMS-6277 Steel & 303 Stainless Steel & TI-CP-70 Titanium HR Textron Inc.. Cr. Forgings. Ci. Fuel lines Components Float Float Float Float Continued SAE AMS 6472 “Steel Bars and Forgings. Fuel lines Components Eng.M. Fuel lines & Components Eng. Fuel lines Components Eng. Cr. Cut up Bearing .M.33 II.M.M.3) Coated Cylinder (Indium) (Argo-Tech “A”) .24 II.3 1. Nitriding 1.M.M.M.M.25 (I.19 II.M.14 (I. Fuel lines & Components Eng.21.M.O.M. II. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 25 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement.M. Co.M.31 II. HR Textron Inc. S.14) II.M.38-0.27 II.M.6Cr-0. Nitriding.M. Fuel lines Components Eng.1) Saw Cut. Fuel lines & Components Eng.35Mo-1.32 II.30. Leaded (Tap MS 285) . .M. V. (4919C) Sheet Titanium Haynes 188 Co.30.) Nickel Monel 400. Fe Titanium 6-2-4-2. Au Braze Nozzles Nickel Copper Incoloy 909 Ni. No further reproductions authorized.29 II.Cr & Si C Reinforced Ti.M. T. Fuel lines Components Eng.3 II. Fuel lines Components Eng. Fuel lines Components Eng.35Mo-1.3) AM 162 rolled Standard grind finish Cu.43C) Hardened and Tempered.21. Cr.M. Fuel lines & Components Eng.M.4 II. Mo Aluminum & C-356 T6 Aluminum & A-286 SAE-AMS-5525 Silver Plate (2410) Ferrous & SAE AMS 6470 “Steel.21.38-0.2) Polished Cylinder (Argo-Tech) . Fuel lines Components Eng.M. Dry Lub End Indium All Cu Surf.2) investment cast high strength alloy with machined surfaces (157) . No. HR Textron Inc.11) II. MMC & 8 Al-1V-1 Mo Titanium & Ion Vapor Deposit IVD onto 4130 4130 Steel.M. Fuel lines & Components Eng.UNS K24065” Bronze.20) II.2 II. Fuel lines Components Eng.M. Mn.37 II.M.10) II.M. Fuel lines Components Eng. Fe.1 II. MMC Titanium.O.20 II.16 II.36 II. Fe.2 1. Foam Molders Inc. Fuel lines & Components Eng.M.O.39 1.4 I. 112 ksi (772 MPa) Tensile Strength .30. Fuel lines Components Eng.S.M. Fuel lines & Components Eng.M.15 II.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3.4 Aircraft Use Eng.M. Surf. 2. and examined visually and under low power (<503) optical magnification. the metal test specimens shall be removed from the test fluid.P. The objective is to inspect for evidence of staining.3 are described in A3. and corrosion. Staining results in no appreciable weight loss or gain and indicates the formation of a passive layer that inhibits corrosion.4 I. acid attack.5 (I. if one polysulfide sealant failed. loss of flexibility. This can be done by using a rack and wires to hang the specimens.8. (2) Tensile and elongation. static seals. Some common failure modes are lack of swell. CS3100. Fluorosilicone Urethane Polysulfide.D.P.2. Examples of component or system-level testing include dynamic cycling tests.2.D4054 – 09 TABLE A3.9. The heating of the quart-jars is done using explosion-proof ovens. Root Cause Evaluation involves testing all the materials in the family of materials that failed. Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 26 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. and hardness specimens must be suspended in the fuel and not just laid in the bottom of the jar. mercaptan sulfur attack. .2. A3. which can then be placed in the jar. volume swell.3 I.4 Potting Compound Potting Compound Epon 828/DTA Unmodified Epoxy (See I. thermal cycling. (4) A piece of foil is placed over the mouth of the jar and then the lid is screwed into place to prevent evaporation of the fuel while aging. for example. Specimens of different materials are not aged in the same container because it is possible that components may leach out into the fuel and react with other material specimens or components.P.9. Aircraft Use Continued Material Designation Material Type 1. hardening.9.3 Surface Evaluation—At the conclusion of the 28-day soak. a non-reactive glass casserole/bowl with a lid.2. air dried.2. The same batch of fuel used in the Screening Tests shall be used in the Root Cause Investigation. (3) The resistivity specimen for the MIL-PRF-87260 conductive foam is the only specimen not aged in a quart jar. These specimens are roughly one inch by two inches. The results of these tests are be used to evaluate the extent of incompatibility and the root cause of the failure. functional tests may be required to determine if the lack of swell is likely to cause fuel leaks.9. This second. No further reproductions authorized. or gross corrosion.1 Potting Compound I. deposits.7.2 Root Cause Evaluation may also include functional testing that would address the specific failure mode. du Pont de Nemours and Company.2. for example. Functional tests can be designed to evaluate the impact on fuel couplings.8 Root Cause Evaluation: A3.2.2.2 include the following: (1) Lap Shear (2) Cohesion (3) Volume Swell (4) Tensile (5) Elongation (6) Tape Adhesion (7) Hardness (8) Peel Strength (9) Laminar Shear (10) Compression Set (11) Resistivity A3. pump seals. (5) Fuel change out.2.1 Non-Metallic Materials—Examples of the tests to be performed on the non-metallic materials listed in Table A3.2 Fuel Soak: (1) Materials are typically exposed to the fuel in separate glass mason jars (quart-size).13) I. surface pits. These ovens can hold a large number of jars.4 shall be tested.5) Chem Seal. Electrical Connector Application Fluorosilicone Urethane A Registered trademark of E. then all polysulfide sealants shown in Table A3. Staining is considered a benign surface phenomenon. if lack of swell was the cause of failure in an o-ring material. that is. For example. I. The foil should extend roughly one inch over all sides of the mouth of the jar.4.A.8. Change out of the fuel is necessary because properties of the fuel can change significantly when exposed to high temperatures for an extended period of time.O. A3. For example.G. The Root Cause Evaluation is meant to further investigate material families that yielded dubious results in the Screening Tests. large-scale integral fuel tank testing.2.1 (I. in the aging of the metallic specimens.level testing is referred to as Root Cause Evaluation. Subsequent to the initial examination. A3. Thickness is not relevant as we are only looking at surface effects.9 Types of Tests to be Performed after 28-Day Soak Period: A3.2. No.8. Cure B SAE-AMS-3361.1 Additional testing is required if in the Screening Tests a material property falls outside of the allowable variation as a result of exposure to the new fuel or new fuel additive. the tensile & elongation and volume swell specimens of the AMS-S-8802 polysulfide sealant are aged in a separate jar from the AMS3281 lightweight polysulfide tensile & elongation and volume swell specimens.3 and A3. so many specimens which require the same temperature can be aged simultaneously.2 Metals—Tests to be performed on the metals listed in Table A3. A3.5) Float Parker 30-155-5-1 Cork Potting Compound Epoxy I. and lifetime stress/strain tests. A3. must be performed after 14 days for the 28-day aging of nonmetallic specimens and after 7 days for the metallic specimens. the metal surfaces shall be cleaned using acetone or alcohol and reexamined for Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved). reversion due to polymer chain scission. the chemical constituent causing the failure. For example. replacement of old fuel with fresh fuel. A3. MIL-PRF-8516.9.P. and fuel control valves. It must be aged in a larger container.A. Root Cause Evaluation may also include component or system-level tests.3 The same concentration of additive used in the Screening Tests shall be used in the Root Cause Evaluation. 610-832-9555 (fax). Polishing shall be conducted in accordance with procedures established by the evaluating laboratory. PA 19428-2959. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved).astm.2. Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (www.10 Evaluation Criteria—The evaluation criterion for non-metallic materials is shown in Table A3. and polished to reveal a profile of the surface and interior. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised. The approach is to look for significant variations in test values between the baseline fuel and the candidate fuel or additive/baseline fuel blend. . metal test specimens shall be cross-sectioned.D4054 – 09 surface pits. West Conshohocken. at the address shown below. are entirely their own responsibility. which you may attend. or other effects of exposure on the surface or bulk material. A good edge retention mounting compound should be used for cross-section metallo- graphic examination. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. PO Box C700.2. corrosion. These values are drawn from the material specification when applicable. Most of the materials have test requirements expressed as maximum or minimum values. No further reproductions authorized. The allowable variations from the baseline fuel for nonmetallic materials are based on the precision and bias of the test method.4 Microstructural Evaluation—Following surface evaluation. either reapproved or withdrawn. Mounted and polished specimens shall be examined at optical magnification levels between 1003 and 10003 for evidence of microstructural changes. mounted. United States.9.2. deposits can be preserved by evaporating the solvents and then storing in a desiccator for future analysis. or service@astm. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights. or through the ASTM website (www. If desired. The procedures shall be consistent with those specified by the polishing apparatus manufacturer. If there is an evidence of corrosion. A3.org/ COPYRIGHT/). then further characterization should be sought using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) to analyze the corrosion products. ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. A3. If there is no material specification or the specification does not have a fuel-soak requirement.org). 100 Barr Harbor Drive. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone).org (e-mail). Wed Aug 3 15:38:06 EDT 2011 27 Downloaded/printed by Nabil Mohtadi (none) pursuant to License Agreement. then pass/fail criteria is gleaned from experience gained in previous investigations performed on similar materials. and appropriate for use on the metallic alloys being evaluated as described by metallographic procedures outline in the ASM Metals Handbook.astm. and the risk of infringement of such rights.
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