Cystoid Macular Edema - EyeWiki

May 8, 2018 | Author: Rina Pratiwi | Category: Retina, Ophthalmology, Vision, Clinical Medicine, Eye



1/5/2018 Cystoid Macular Edema - EyeWiki(/Main_Page) Log in (/w/index.php?title=Special%3AUserLogin&returnto=Cystoid+Macular+Edema) Search   Page (/Cystoid_Macular_Edema) Discussion (/w/index.php?title=Talk%3ACystoid_Macular_Edema&action=edit&redlink=1) View form (/w/index.php?title=Cystoid_Macular_Edema&action=formedit) Edit source (/w/index.php?title=Cystoid_Macular_Edema&action=edit) History (/w/index.php?title=Cystoid_Macular_Edema&action=history) Cystoid Macular Edema Original article contributed by Pooja G. Garg, MD (/User%3APooja.G.Garg) (/Property%3AAuthors): Brad H. Feldman, M.D. (/User%3ABrad.H.Feldman.DEC), Pooja G. Garg, MD (/User%3APooja.G.Garg) and Vinay A. All contributors: Shah M.D. (/User%3AVinay.A.Shah.SEC) Assigned editor: Marc Spirn, MD (/User%3AMarc.Spirn) Review: Assigned status Update Pending by Vinay A. Shah M.D. (/User%3AVinay.A.Shah.SEC) on December 21, 2014. Cystoid Macular Edema Classi cation and external resources ICD H ( ( cation_of_Diseases_and_Related_Health_Problems)-10 10_Chapter_VII:_Diseases_of_the_eye,_adnexa)59.039 ( ( cations/icd10/browse/2010/en#/H59.039) ICD ( cation_of_Diseases_and_Related_Health_Problems)-9 362.53 ( ( OMIM ( 153880 ( DiseasesDB ( 33938 ( Contents 1 Disease Entity 1.1 Disease 1.2 Pathophysiology 2 Diagnosis 2.1 Signs 2.2 Symptoms 2.3 Risk Factors 2.4 Imaging 3 Management 3.1 General treatment 3.2 Medical therapy [22] 3.3 Surgery 4 Prognosis 5 Additional Resources 6 References Disease Entity International Classi cation of Disease (ICD) 2014 ICD-9-CM 362.53 Cystoid Macular Degeneration Disease The American Academy of Ophthalmology Preferred Practice Patterns de nes Cystoid Macular Edema (CME) as retinal thickening of the macula due to a disruption of the normal blood-retinal barrier; this causes leakage from the perifoveal retinal capillaries and accumulation of uid within the intracellular spaces of the retina, primarily in the outer plexiform layer [1]. Visual loss occurs from retinal thickening and uid collection that distorts the architecture of the photoreceptors. CME is a leading cause of central vision loss in the developed world [2]. Pathophysiology A delicate exchange of homeostatic mechanisms is in place with the vitreous, retina, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and choroid receiving their circulation through the retinal and choroidal vasculature. 1/6 metamorphopsia that can be demonstrated on Amsler grid. this is better visualized using green light to outline the cystic spaces. hydrostatic force. Accumulation of the uid commonly occurs in the Henle’s ber layer causing the classic petaloid pattern. The OPL is more prone to uid collection due to the watershed area that exists between the retinal and choroidal circulation. This results in blood-retinal barrier breakdown from separation of the retina and RPE. [17] One study indicated that 28% of aphakic eyes treated with epinephrine drops vs 13% of untreated aphakic eyes developed CME [18]. such as glial and RPE 2/6 . Resolution of Epinephrine CME occurred with cessation of epinephrine drops. Hard exudates within 500 μm of the foveal center that are associated with adjacent retinal thickening (which may lie more than 500 μm from the foveal center). VMT can cause stress at the Muller cell end-feet.aao. Speci cally. Leakage on uorescein angiography does not seem to correlate with a decrease in visual acuity [11]. Once these forces are disrupted an imbalance occurs and accumulation of uid is seen in cystoid spaces within the inner layers of the retina. interleukin-10. most commonly the outer plexiform layer (OPL). Diabetic macular edema (DME) is associated with leakage from microaneurysms and retinal capillaries causing circinate rings of hard exudates or lipoprotein deposits. and tumor necrosis factor- [19]. and Niacin Various types of surgery can induce in ammation and alter the retinal blood ow. any part of which is located within 1 disc area of the foveal center. lysis of muller cells. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) de nes clinically signi cant macular edema as: Diabetes Any retinal thickening within 500 μm of the foveal center. a common factor that can cause CME is vitreomacular traction (VMT). prostaglandin Nicotinic acid Blurry vision associated with CME has been reported in doses greater than 1. 95% of CME due to Irvine-Gass has been shown to resolve spontaneously within 6 months [20] [21][22][23]. Surgery Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) Laser photocoagulation Cryopexy Glaucoma procedures Risk factors that do not demonstrate leakage on FA include: Juvenile retinoschisis Goldmann-Favre disease Certain types of RP Nicotinic Acid maculopathy Phototoxicity Antimicrotubule agents http://eyewiki. and tissue compliance that occur within the vasculature [3][4]. and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). capillary permeability. Risk Factors DEPRIVENS is a common mnemonic for risk factors that cause leakage on FA [12][13][14][15][16]. and central scotoma. Treatment of CME prior to undergoing any procedures listed below can prevent the acceleration or persistence of pre-existing edema [25]. Diagnosis Signs Using slit lamp or direct/indirect ophthalmoscopy. leakage and edema [6][7][8][9]. exerting tractional forces and contributing to the release of in ammatory factors such as basic broblastic grown factor (bFGF).5g/day [24]. Pars In pars planitis. interleukin-2. An area of retinal thickening at least 1 disc area in size. Irvine-Gass CME usually occurs up to 6-10 weeks postoperatively. 1% of these have a clinically signi cant decrease in visual acuity. Vein Occlusion E2- E2-prostaglandins cause disruption of the tight junctions of the retinal capillaries. this gure can reach 20%. Planitis/Uveitis α that has been associated with CME Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) Irvine-Gass is an in ammatory process occurring in up to 20% of cataract extraction with intraocular lens. especially within the central retina due to its anatomical avascular zone [5]. such as those in which there is violation of the posterior capsule. Speci cally. loss of contrast sensitivity and color vision. micropsia.EyeWiki A variety of risk factors may disrupt the normal interactions affecting the retinal environment. Vitritis and optic nerve head swelling can also be seen in clinical examination. in more complicated surgeries.1/5/2018 Cystoid Macular Edema . Subclinical foveal edema is described as edema less than 300 μm and is better seen through retinal imaging [10]. there is accumulation of T-cell in ammatory mediators such as interferon-Y. Symptoms Symptoms include decrease in visual acuity that is associated with retinal edema. vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). the capillary ltration rate should equal the rate of uid removal from extracellular retinal tissue. clinically signi cant foveal edema and retinal thickening more than 300 μm can be seen as a loss of foveal re ex. There is an intrinsic balance amongst the osmotic force. jpg) OCT can depict the mechanical forces induced by vitreomacular interface abnormalities.jpg) Less common but pathognomonic for CME is a smokestack pattern.1/5/2018 Cystoid Macular Edema .EyeWiki Imaging Color Fundus Photography (CFP) depicts intraretinal cysts within the foveal region of the macula in Henle's layer (Figure 1). leakage into the cystoid spaces is distributed radially in Henle’s layer forming the classic petaloid leakage pattern or expansile dot appearance (Figure 3). the appearance looks more honeycomb-like [10][26][27]. OCT can be diagnostic through measurement of the retinal thickening with depiction of the intraretinal cystic areas of low re ectivity in OPL [28][29] (Figure 4). Management http://eyewiki. FA can also show late staining of the optic disc. Scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) scans a small focused spot of the retina.jpg) Fluorescein Angiography (FA) studies the circulation of the retina and choroid. such as VMT or epiretinal membrane (ERM).jpg) In the late phase of FA. high-resolution images of the retina.  In the early phase of FA. (/File%3AEarly_FA_Left_eye_CME. In CME. via a hyperre ective band on the inner surface of the retina [30][31]. capillary dilation in the perifoveal region is appreciated (Figure 2). Auto uorescence (AF) depicts the health of the RPE and intraretinal cysts appear as hyperauto uorescent. Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA) generates a wide 3D map of the retina. (/File%3AFA_ 3/6 . such as in the peripheral retina or near the optic nerve. (/File%3AOCT_Left_Eye_CME. (/File%3ALate_FA_Left_Eye_CME. If leakage is elsewhere. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) objectively obtains cross-sectional.aao. especially when refractory to medical therapy. If CME persists then medical or surgical therapy is warranted. ranibizumab (antibody fragment). Scholl S. Follow-up study of cystoid macular edema following cataract extraction. multicenter study of patients with chronic aphakic CME. One hypothesis to explain the effect of laser is that adjacent healthy RPE cells replace necrotic cells and reform a tight junctional retinal barrier [42].21:10-19. and RP has shown anatomical improvement. Konstantinidis et al.5%. 1988. Niacin maculopathy. American Diabetes Association: Economic costs of diabetes in the US in 2002.1/5/2018 Cystoid Macular Edema . General pathophysiology of macular edema. Ophthalmologica. 2. studies have shown that oxygen in the posterior segment and the rate of oxygen exchange in the vitreal cavity is increased after PPV [78][79][80][81][82][83]. Reichenbach A. and a rise in intraocular pressure. 2017 . Steroids speci cally help in uveitic macular edema. Also. dispase. Gass JD. Scholl S. Speci cally. Laser photocoagulation – Laser photocoagulation uses a light source to coagulate retinal and RPE tissue. Surgery PPV can help to relieve macula edema through tractional or nontractional components. References 1. Though internal limiting membrane peeling in CME secondary to diabetes. whether medical or surgical.aao. Depending on the etiology. Loewenstein A. indomethacin 1%. vitreous hemorrhage. CAIs are helpful in paclitaxel and docetaxel induced CME [39][40] and RP induced CME [41]. Augustin AJ. one study has shown that high vitreous levels of VEGF in CRVO patients correlated with less improvement in visual acuity after vitrectomy. showed statistically signi cant improvement in visual outcomes following vitrectomy [58]. Bringmann A. visual acuity results are inconclusive [62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73]. 2010. Kirchhof J. Tractional components can be addressed by releasing the posterior hyaloid in VMT or conducting an internal limiting membrane peel of an ERM. intravitreal triamcinolone is used to visualize the posterior hyaloid to assist in surgical removal of traction. In particular. and an injectible version of the uocinolone acetonide implant. Jampol LM. demonstrated that vitrectomy done on vitreous incarceration in the anterior segment and pseudophakic macular edema resulted in improvement in visual acuity in all patients [61]. Wiedemann P. Diabetes Care. et al. Furthermore. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) – CAIs alter the polarity of the ionic transport systems in the RPE moving uid away from the intracellular spaces [38]. Additional Resources American Academy of Ophthalmology. intravitreal triamcinolone reduces uid accumulation by stimulating endogenous adenosine signaling in Muller cells and decreasing VEGF production [34][35]. Speci cally. demonstrated that vitrectomy in pseudophakic CME without any tractional component showed an improvement in visual acuity [90]. Side effects of vitrectomy include cataract. and diclofenac 1% are used postoperatively for aphakic or pseudophakic CME (/Pseudophakic_Cystoid_Macular_Edema_(Irvine-Gass_Syndrome)) [32] [33].2019 (http://store. Ophthalmology. Anti-VEGF agents – Pegaptanib (anti-VEGF 165 RNA aptamer). plasmin. Dall T.aao. Pathophysiology of macular edema. 4. one study showed an increase in VEGF levels in branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) patients correlated with an improvement in visual acuity after vitrectomy [77]. PPV for nontractional components causing CME secondary to diabetes and uveitic macular edema has resulted in inconclusive data on improvement in visual acuity [84][85][86][87][88][89]. 2017. There are currently four corticosteroid-based intravitreal implants: dexamethasone biodegradable implant. retinal detachment. Pharmacologic vitreolysis agents – Chondroitinase.73:665-682. Pathomechanisms of cystoid macular edema. intravitreal injection or implant corticosteroids inhibit phospholipase A2 that consequently inhibits prostaglandin and leukotriene production. uveitic macular edema. Ophthalmic Res.26:917-932. uocinolone acetonide implant. An alternative hypothesis depicts a reduction of oxygen consumption in the outer retina allowing diffusion of oxygen to the inner retina relieving hypoxia causing constriction of retinal vasculature and a decrease in uid accumulation [43]. systemic. Marked reduction in retinal thickness and uid accumulation has been noted in various studies with a signi cant improvement in visual acuity with minimal side effects [44][45][46][47][48]. central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). Well-known side effects of steroid injection include glaucoma and cataract formation [37]. suggesting that high VEGF levels may be associated with ischemia and permanent photoreceptor damage [76]. A side effect of laser photocoagulation is scotoma that usually resolves in several weeks. Corticosteroids – Topical. 3. PPV for the tractional component of VMT causing CME secondary to diabetes has been shown to improve macular edema in 80-92% of patients [59][60]. periocular. Most cases are self-limiting within 3-4 months. Nikolov 4/6 .html) San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology. and ease of storage and administration. 2010. resolution of the edema may be helped via medical or surgical options.36:241-249. Ketorolac tromethamine 0. 2003. Eur J Ophthalmol. and bevacizumab (full antibody) act by decreasing vascular permeability from disrupted endothelial cells. 2004. Nontractional components are addressed by theoretically clearing the in ammatory factors when undergoing PPV [74][75]. Medical therapy [22] NSAIDS – Topical or systemic indomethacin inhibits cyclooxygenase enzyme that decreases the production of prostaglandins. Phase III trial has shown that intravitreal injection of 125 μg for treatment of VMT associated with subjective visual dysfunction showed improvement of the adhesion [57]. and microplasmin induce a posterior vitreous detachment to relieve VMT [49][50][51] [52]. However. The Vitrectomy-Aphakic-Cystoid Macular Edema Study. hyaluronidase. a prospective. such as vitreous adhesions to iris. Phase II trial has shown that a 125 μg dose repeated three times released VMT in 58% of patients one month after injection [53][54][55]. If the edema is chronic (more than 6-9 months) permanent damage to the photoreceptors with retinal thinning and brosis can occur [91][92][93][94]. Norton EW. Harbour et al. Microplasmin is currently the agent that shows greatest promise with its stability. patient tolerance. helical triamcinolone acetonide implant. 5. demonstrated that intravitreal triamcinolone with PPV improved anatomic and visual outcome [36]. Pendergast et al.95:1704-1705. Hogan P. However. Retina/Vitreous: Cystoid macular edema Practicing Ophthalmologists Learning System. 6.EyeWiki General treatment Therapeutic approaches. Phase IIb trial has shown that intravitreal injection of 125 μg seven days prior to vitrectomy resolved VMT in 28% of patients [56]. Augustin A. in treating CME are dependent on the underlying etiology. Neodymium yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser can also help to relieve tractional components.224:8-15.Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol. Prognosis CME is usually self-limiting and spontaneously resolves within 3-4 months. http://eyewiki. Intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin) treatment of macular edema in central retinal vein occlusion: a short-term study. 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