Cypress Intro to BLE System Design



PSoC® 4 BLE Customer Training Workshop: Introduction to BLE System Design BLE = Bluetooth Low Energy PSoC = Programmable System-on-Chip Easily Design Low-Power, Wireless Systems for the Internet of Things With the Most Integrated One-Chip BLE Solution 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop Rev 0-PRERELEASE 1/9/15 Workshop Objectives By the end of this workshop, you will Learn how to create low-power, sensor-based systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) Understand the BLE architecture Understand the PSoC® 4 BLE solution Learn how to use PSoC 4 BLE and its development environment to implement: BLE connections with PSoC 4 BLE One-chip, sensor-based, system designs with BLE connectivity One-chip, CapSense® touch-sensing user interface designs with BLE connectivity 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 2 Rev 0 1/9/15 Workshop Agenda Time Page Topic 0:15 (15 min) 4 Set Up and Install Software 0:30 (15 min) 5 BLE and PSoC Terms 1:15 (45 min) 9 PSoC 4 BLE Introduction 1:30 (15 min) 22 Lab #1: Blinking LED 2:15 (45 min) 24 BLE Architecture and Solution Overview 3:00 (45 min) 33 Lab #2: Setting Up a BLE Connection 3:15 (15 min) 35 Session Break 3:45 (30 min) 36 PSoC Programmable Technologies 4:15 (30 min) 45 Lab #3: Sensor-Based System Design with BLE Connectivity 4:30 (15 min) 47 User Interface 5:00 (30 min) 52 Lab #4: CapSense Design with BLE Connectivity 5:30 (30min) 54 PSoC 4 BLE Portfolio and Example Applications 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 3 Rev 0 1/9/15 exe” BLE Lab Exercises Rev ** n/a (Unzip “” to your laptop) Note You can alternatively use the bundled installer.Setup and Install Software Required Software Copy the contents of the provided USB drive onto your laptop and launch the following software installers.1 “PSoCCreatorSetup_3. This will take approximately 15 minutes.0 (or newer) “CySmartSetup. Software Tool Version File Name PSoC Creator1 3.exe” Required Hardware: BLE Pioneer Kit2 (CY8CKIT-042-BLE) Raise your hand if you need help! 1 PSoC Integrated Design Environment (IDE) 2A GUI-based software tool that installs on your PC to test and debug BLE functionality 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 4 Rev 0 1/9/15 .exe” BLE Pioneer Kit 1. This bundled installer file is named “CY8CKIT042BLEKITSetup_RevSA. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.1_es100_12-26-14” CySmart2 1. which includes three of the above software tools (PSoC Creator. CySmart and BLE Pioneer Kit).0 (or newer) “CY8CKIT042BLEKITSetupOnlyPackage_RevSA. Bluetooth Terms Bluetooth Classic A legacy standard for personal area networks made popular by audio streaming to cell phone headsets Operated in the 2.0/4. low-power wireless applications that communicate state or control information Operates in the 2. Medical (ISM) RF frequency band that is license-free worldwide 2 Gaussian frequency shift keying 3 272 Kbps (15% higher vs. Scientific.1 products that support Bluetooth Smart both Bluetooth Classic and BLE Sensor Product Data 1 An Industrial. 2013 Includes improved security.0) with protocol overhead 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 5 Rev 0 1/9/15 .0 specification.1 products that support only BLE Streaming Bluetooth Smart Ready A brand for Bluetooth 4.4-GHz ISM1 Band with GFSK2 modulation and supports a 1-Mbps data rate Not backward-compatible with Bluetooth Classic Bluetooth 4. 4.0 An upgraded Bluetooth Classic specification that adds BLE Bluetooth Smart Ready Bluetooth 4.1 Product An enhanced Bluetooth 4.0/4. adopted in Dec.4-GHz ISM1 Band with GFSK2 modulation and supports up to 3-Mbps data rate Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) A standard for short-range. lower power and higher throughput3 Bluetooth Classic Product Bluetooth Smart Audio A brand for Bluetooth 4. antenna impedance matching and low-pass filtering BLE Protocol Stack (BLE Stack) Firmware implementing the Bluetooth 4.0/4.1 specification to provide BLE communication BLE Profile (Profile) A Bluetooth specification that guarantees interoperability between devices that use the same Profile For example. filters and comparators to interface to an ADC Balun An electrical device that converts a differential RF signal to a single-ended signal or vice-versa Antenna Matching Network (AMN) An RLC circuit network that provides Balun functionality. keyboards use the HID Profile and Heart Rate Monitors (HRMs) use the HRM Profile CySmart A GUI-based software tool that installs on your PC to test and debug BLE functionality 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 6 Rev 0 1/9/15 .Terms You Will Hear Today Analog Front End (AFE) An analog signal conditioning circuit that uses opamps. or Hardware design followed by export to popular IDEs Components Free embedded ICs represented by an icon in PSoC Creator software Used to integrate multiple ICs and system interfaces into one PSoC Dragged and dropped as icons to design systems in PSoC Creator Inherently connected to the MCU via the main system bus The BLE Component creates Bluetooth Smart products in minutes BLE Component creates Programmable Analog Bluetooth Smart products Components create sensor The Programmable Analog Components are used for sensors interfaces Component Component Configuration Tool Component Configuration Tools Simple graphical user interfaces in PSoC Creator Embedded in each Component Used to customize Component parameters Accessed by right-clicking a Component BLE Component Icon PSoC 4 BLE A PSoC 4 IC with an integrated BLE radio BLE Component Configuration Tool Includes a royalty-free BLE Protocol Stack compatible with Bluetooth 4. PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP Integrated Design Environment (IDE) Software that installs on your PC that allows: Concurrent hardware and firmware design of PSoC systems.PSoC Terms 75+ Components PSoC Creator™ available PSoC 3.1 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 7 Rev 0 1/9/15 . PSoC Terms CapSense® Cypress’s touch-sensing user interface solution The industry’s No. 1 solution in sales by 4x over No. 2 Programmable Analog Block A hardware block that is programmed using PSoC Components to implement custom AFEs Includes opamps, comparators and ADCs Programmable Digital Block A hardware block that is programmed using PSoC Components to implement custom digital peripherals Includes TCPWMs1, Universal Digital Blocks and serial communication blocks (SCBs2) Universal Digital Block (UDB) PSoC Programmable Digital Block containing: Two programmable logic devices (PLDs) One programmable data path with an arithmetic logic unit Status and control registers Configured with PSoC Creator using: 1) PSoC Creator Components, 2) the graphical state machine editor, or 3) Verilog code Continuous Time Block (CTBm) Programmable Analog Block used to implement opamps, PGAs, comparators, etc. 1 Timer, counter, pulse-width modulator; configurable as 16-bit timer, counter, pulse-width modulator blocks 2 Serial communication block configurable as I2C/SPI/UART 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 8 Rev 0 1/9/15 Introduction to BLE System Design PSoC 4 BLE INTRODUCTION 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 9 Rev 0 1/9/15 The Internet of Things Revolution The Internet of Things (IoT) is now a commercial reality The IoT is how everyday physical objects are connected to the Internet e.g., a thermostat is adjusted by a cell phone Six billion everyday physical objects will be connected to the IoT by 20201 Sensor-based systems connect the “real world” to the IoT Sensor-based IoT systems operate interactively and autonomously, typically using wireless communication Sensor-based IoT systems must be low power to run on batteries BLE is the de facto low-power wireless standard for the IoT 1.2 billion Bluetooth Smart Ready products were sold in 20132, including Galaxy, iPad and Thinkpad BLE is designed for low-power, sensor-based products like wearable electronics, medical devices and home automation devices IoT products require sensor-based BLE systems Fitness Monitor by Microsoft Heart Rate Monitor by Mio Kevo Deadbolt by Kwikset 1 Cisco CEO John Chambers speaking at the 2014 Mobile World Congress trade show 2 ABI Research 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 10 Rev 0 1/9/15 Design Problem 1 Designing systems with multiple ICs increases BOM cost Sensor-based systems require sensor AFEs.33 AFE Opamps $0. a BLE radio and an MCU Sophisticated user interfaces require additional touch or display ICs Example BOM Cost for a Multi-Chip IoT Solution1 BLE MCU $1. 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 11 Rev 0 1/9/15 .24 AFE Instrumentation Amplifier $1.02 CapSense Touch Controller $0.98 1 Digikey 1ku cost as of June 2014.47 Total Solution Cost $3. See Appendix slide #68 for details on part numbers for each IC in this example BOM.92 Balun for BLE Radio $0. digital control logic. 7 16.3 V and packaged in small.000.000 2.000 Time (µs) Active Sleep Active Deep-Sleep Consumers demand IoT products with long Designing a BLE system with optimized sleep and active power modes to reduce system battery life power consumption is difficult 1A rechargeable battery of lithium-ion polymer technology.000 999.Design Problem 2 Achieving low system power is difficult Wireless systems often operate from coin cell or small LiPo1 batteries Optimizing system power requires careful use of low-power modes Battery Drain Is a Big Problem in Wearable Using Low-Power Modes and Configuring the BLE Connection Interval Electronics Can Reduce System Power D 20 18.9 µA C Sleep RF Transmit 10 D Sleep RF Receive 8 E Active BLE Stack A 6 E Processing 4.8 B 4 F Deep-Sleep WCO On 2 F ~ ~ 0 0 1. soft pouches 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 12 Rev 0 1/9/15 .000 1. nominally rated at 3.000 3.5 18C Average current Stage Power Mode Activity 16 consumption for A Active Oscillator Startup 14 connection interval of B Sleep Oscillator Startup Current (mA) 12 1 sec = 18.000 4. .g.Design Problem 3 Designing wireless sensor-based systems for the IoT is difficult RF board design is complicated Designing wireless sensor-based systems requires engineers to work with design tools from multiple IC vendors Wireless specs require complex firmware development (e. the BLE Protocol Stack) Typical AMN Bluetooth Specification 4. 2.1 L1 2 nH C1 C2 18 pF 1 pF L2 L3 To Antenna (50 ) Ant 2 or Ant 1 1 nH 3 nH SMA (50 ) C3 L4 C5 1 pF 18 pF 2 nH C4 1 pF Requires 9 external components 7 volumes.684 pages 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 13 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Enabling complete system design in PSoC Creator 3c. low-power modes 3a. And complete your system design easily using To create your PSoC 4 BLE CapSense and an ARM Cortex-M0 PSoC Creator and PSoC Components… one-chip solution for the IoT with a BLE radio… 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 14 Rev 0 1/9/15 . digital logic. Simplifying the BLE Protocol Stack and BLE Profile configuration with the easy-to-use BLE Component AFE ICs + BLE MCU + BLE Stack Complete BLE System Design in PSoC Creator PSoC 4 BLE One-Chip Solution Instrumentation Dual-Channel Amplifier Opamp VREF_IN SARADC Opamp1 Opamp2 Opamp4 VREF Electrode1 BLE MCU BLE 4. easy-to-use. Integrating programmable AFEs and digital logic. Simplifying RF board design by integrating the Balun 3b. CapSense and an ARM® Cortex®-M0 CPU with a BLE radio 2.1 Spec VREF Opamp3 Electrode2 VREF2 Accelerometer CapSense BLE VREF_IN2 Integrate AFEs. Delivering five flexible.PSoC 4 BLE One-Chip Solution PSoC 4 BLE solves these problems by: 1. game controllers. counter or PWM (32KB) SCB4 x2 GPIO x8 Two configurable serial communication blocks (SCB4s): I2C master or slave. filters. sensor-based PSoC 4 BLE low-power systems for IoT MCU Subsystem Programmable Analog I/O Subsystem Blocks GPIO x8 Features Opamp SAR1 CORTEX-M0 x4 ADC 32-bit MCU subsystem 48 MHz 48-MHz ARM® Cortex®-M0 CPU Programmable Interconnect and Routing CMP Advanced High-Performance Bus (AHB) CSD Up to 256KB flash and 32KB SRAM x2 GPIO x8 Programmable Analog Blocks BLE Subsystem Programmable Digital Four opamps. comparators.1. wearable electronics. or UART Segment LCD Drive Packages Serial Wire Debug 56-pin QFN (7 x 7 x 0. pulse-width modulator blocks 2 Universal Digital Block 4 Serial communication block configurable as I2C/SPI/UART 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 15 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 68-ball CSP (3. etc. Blocks One 12-bit. SPI master or slave. configurable as PGAs.1 2.4-GHz BLE radio with integrated Balun Collateral Availability Preliminary Datasheet: PSoC 4 BLE Datasheet Sampling: Now Production: 128KB Now.55 mm) GPIO x4 Bluetooth Smart connectivity with Bluetooth 4. counter. configurable as 16-bit timer. 1-Msps SAR1 ADC CapSense® with SmartSense™ Auto-tuning UDB2 x4 GPIO x8 One Cypress Capacitive Sigma-Delta™ (CSD) controller with Flash touchpad capability (256KB) Programmable Digital Blocks TCPWM3 x4 Four Universal Digital Blocks (UDB2s): custom digital peripherals SRAM Four configurable TCPWM3 blocks: 16-bit timer. counter. pulse-width modulator.6 mm). Digital Logic and CapSense Applications Block Diagram Sports and fitness monitors.9 x 3. medical devices. 256KB Q2 2015 1 Successive approximation register 3 Timer.5 x 0. PSoC 4 BLE Integrates Programmable AFEs. home automation solutions. 000 3.000 999. SCB9 Link-Layer3 POR4. WCO6. PSoC 4 BLE Enables Low-Power Wireless Systems Digital Analog Clock Current Code Wake-Up Wake-Up Power Mode Peripherals Peripherals Sources Consumption Execution Sources Time Available Available Available Active 1. Comparator.000 Time (µs) Active Sleep Active Deep-Sleep 1 Watchdog timer 4 Power-on-reset 2 Liquid crystal display 5 Brownout-detect 7 32-kHz internal low-speed oscillator 9 Serial communication block 3 Digital logic managing BLE protocol 6 32-kHz watch crystal oscillator 8 General-purpose input/output 10 External reset 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 16 Rev 0 1/9/15 .7 mA @ 3 MHz Yes All All All .3 μA No I2C/SPI. 18. BOD Wake-Up pin.000 4. Stop 60 nA No No No No 2 ms XRES10 PSoC 4 BLE Current Consumption PSoC 4 BLE has best-in-class low-power modes Consumes lowest current in Stop mode with I/O 20 C retention 18 D Average current 16 Stage Power Mode Activity Retains SRAM data in Hibernate mode 14 consumption for connection interval of A Active Oscillator Startup B Sleep Oscillator Startup Current (mA) 1 sec = 18. 25 μs 32-kHz ILO7 WDT. Hibernate 150 nA No No No Comparator.000 1. Comparator. GPIO 2 ms POR.000 2.000. LCD . Deep-Sleep 1.9 µA Retains complete system status in Deep-Sleep mode 12 C Sleep RF Transmit 10 Provides APIs to switch easily between power modes 8 D Sleep RF Receive E Active BLE Stack Consumes avg. BOD5 Comparator. GPIO8. Opamps.3 mA No All All All Any interrupt source 0 1 2 WDT .9-μA for a 1-sec connection interval 6 A B E Processing 4 F Deep-Sleep WCO On 2 F ~ ~ 0 0 1. - Sleep 1.2. two for the Cypress AMN because the Balun is integrated Cypress’s AMN Vendor A’s AMN example Vendor B’s AMN example L1 C3 L3 2.2 nF C4 1 pF 2 external components 7 external components 9 external components The PSoC 4 BLE integrated Balun simplifies RF board design and reduces PCB footprint 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 17 Rev 0 1/9/15 .2 pF L1 C2 C4 RFP L2 L3 Ant 4.2 pF 3.8 nH 18 pF 2 nH 1 pF C1 2. PSoC 4 BLE Simplifies RF Board Design Designing an AMN is non-trivial AMNs are sensitive to PCB layout and parasitics Tuning the AMN is required for best RF performance AMN tuning complexity increases dramatically when many external components are required A typical AMN has 7-9 external components vs.5 pF RFP RFN RFN 1 nH 3 nH VDD_PA L2 C3 L4 L1 10 nH C5 6.3 nH C1 C2 2 nH C1 18 pF 1 pF 1.0 pF 1.7 nH 1.3a. . Access Component datasheets directly from the Component Configuration Tools 6 4 3 5. Configure Components using the Component Configuration Tools 4. Use the Getting Started with PSoC 4 BLE App Note for complete system design guidelines 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 18 Rev 0 1/9/15 .g. Codesign your application firmware and hardware in PSoC Creator 6. use the BLE 5 1 Component for Bluetooth Smart designs) 3. PSoC Creator Enables Complete System Design BLE Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) Example Project With a Custom AFE Shown in PSoC Creator 1. 3b. Explore the library of 75+ Components 2 2. Drag and drop Component icons to complete your hardware system design in HRM the main design workspace (e. The BLE Component Simplifies BLE Stack and Profile Configuration The BLE Component contains: The Bluetooth 4. including all BLE Profiles APIs for easy firmware development BLE Component Configuration Tool in PSoC Creator BLE Component Icon Right-click the BLE Component to view the Component Configuration Tool The BLE Component Configuration Tool simplifies the BLE Protocol Stack and Profile configuration 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 19 Rev 0 1/9/15 .1 specification The BLE Protocol Stack.3c. BLE Pioneer Kit The $49 BLE Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-042-BLE) contains: BLE Pioneer Kit Baseboard with PSoC 4 BLE Module BLE Pioneer Kit Baseboard Provides access to all PSoC 4 BLE GPIOs Is compatible with Arduino™ and Digilent® Pmod™ hardware ecosystems Features onboard CapSense slider.S. certifying that its electromagnetic interference is under limits defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 20 Rev 0 1/9/15 . RGB LED. Glucose Meter and Human Interface Device (HID) Include iOS and Android mobile apps with full source code 1 Electronicproducts manufactured or sold in the U. push buttons and Cypress F-RAM Includes PSoC 5LP for program and debug Supports 1.9 V. such Example Android and iOS Apps as Heart Rate Monitor (HRM).3 V or 5 V. 3. including coin cell battery operation BLE Modules (2) Two FCC-certified1 BLE modules that plug into the BLE Pioneer Kit Baseboard Feature onboard PCB antenna and provide access to all GPIOs Support BLE-UART bridge via an onboard four-pin header BLE USB Dongle BLE USB Dongle Enables a PC to act as the BLE host for developing and debugging BLE peripherals Features an onboard LED. push button and PSoC 5LP for program and debug Example Projects Demonstrate how to use PSoC Creator to implement common BLE Profiles. 9V System Power Supply Jumper (J16) Status LED Power LED RGB LED USB BLE Connector Reset (J13) Button Proximity Header (J14) PSoC 5LP I/O Push Header (J8) Button Diligent Pmod™ Compatible I/O Header PSoC 5LP for Program CapSense® Slider PSoC 4 BLE and Debug Arduino™ CY8C4247LQI-BL483 Compatible I/O Header (J1 and J2) 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 21 Rev 0 1/9/15 . BLE Pioneer Kit Baseboard and PSoC 4 BLE Module BLE Pioneer Kit Baseboard PSoC 4 BLE Module Arduino™ Compatible I/O BLE Module Header PCB Wiggle Antenna Header (J3 and J4) (J10 and J11) (for BLE Radio) LDO 5V-1. Introduction to BLE System Design LAB 1: BLINKING LED 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 22 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Pin 7 in PSoC Creator 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 23 Rev 0 1/9/15 .Lab 1: Blinking LED Objectives Learn how to use PSoC Creator to implement and debug PSoC designs Implement a simple blinking LED design Software tools PSoC Creator New Component Pin (digital output) Lab 1: Block Diagram BLE Pioneer Kit PSoC 4 BLE ARM Pin Blue Cortex-M0 P3[7]1 LED U PSoC 5LP S PSoC Creator Serial Wire Debug (SWD) B Program and Debug 1 Represents the logical pin placement at Port 3. Introduction to BLE System Design BLE SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 24 Rev 0 1/9/15 . packets Physical channels .L2CAP PDUs Physical/Logical Link . Security Logical channel .Symbols 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 25 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Read Service Data bearer.BLE Software Architecture Display Heart rate sensor data Discover & Connect Sensor Data structure. Find. 0/4. HRM. 2 Firmware implementing the Bluetooth 4.1 specification to provide BLE communication 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 26 Rev 0 1/9/15 . etc. Glucose Meter. Generic Access Profile (GAP) Application: Firmware for a functional use case utilizing Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) the Host and the Controller to implement product-specific HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) functionality Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol (L2CAP) Host Control Interface (HCI) Host: Subset of the BLE Protocol consisting of Stack2 Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) various communication protocols that manage how two or CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) more BLE devices communicate with each other Controller: Physical device that transmits and receives encoded radio signals and decodes these signals to interpret the packets of information within them 1 The BLE Architecture terms required for today’s labs are explained in the following slides. BLE Software Stack The BLE software stack has three parts: APPLICATION Profile: HID. Refer to the Appendix for definitions of all other BLE architecture terms. etc. HRM. Glucose Meter. 2. PHY: Physical Layer APPLICATION Profile: HID.4-GHz ISM band Generic Access Profile (GAP) 1-Mbps data rate.01 mW (L2CAP) Host Control Interface (HCI) Maximum output power: 10 mW Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) Receiver sensitivity: < -70 dBm with BER 0. 37 for data) HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) 2-MHz channel spacing Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol Minimum output power: 0. GFSK modulation Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) 40 RF channels (3 for advertising.1% CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) Protocol Data Unit BLE RF CHANNEL DISTRIBUTION BLE PHYSICAL PACKET FORMAT 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 27 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Non-connectable Undirected 4. Connectable Undirected 2. Glucose Meter. HRM. creating and maintaining connections Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol Error detection (24-bit CRC) (L2CAP) Encryption (AES-128-bit) Host Control Interface (HCI) Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) Link authentication CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) for data channels State State Description Standby Does not transmit or receive packets Advertising Broadcasts advertisements on advertising channels 1. etc. Connectable Directed 3. scanning. Scannable Undirected Scanning Looks for advertisers Initiating Initiates connections to advertiser Master Communicates with one or more slave devices Connection Defines transmission timing Slave Communicates with single master LINK LAYER STATE MACHINE 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 28 Rev 0 1/9/15 . LL: Link Layer Establishes and maintains a reliable physical link APPLICATION Profile: HID. Generic Access Profile (GAP) Two channel types: advertising and data Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) The LL functions include: HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) Advertising. BLE Link Layer Topology SLAVE ADVERTISER CONNECTION ADVERTISER INITIATING MASTER ADVERTISING SCANNER SLAVE ADVERTISER ADVERTISER STANDBY 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 29 Rev 0 1/9/15 . devices may have multiple link layer instances Generic Access Profile (GAP) Requires hardware support in specific BLE device silicon Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) BLE device can be master or slave but not both HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol (L2CAP) Host Control Interface (HCI) Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) Multiple State Machine Advertising Scanning Initiating Connection States and Roles Master Slave Advertising No Yes Yes* Yes * Yes * Scanning Yes No Yes Yes Yes Initiator Yes * Yes No Yes No Connection Master Yes * Yes Yes Yes No Slave Yes * Yes No No No 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 30 Rev 0 1/9/15 . By BLE spec. LL: Link Layer APPLICATION Profile: HID. etc. Glucose Meter. HRM. Handles setup. Packet based interface between host and controller Generic Access Profile (GAP) Three types of packets Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Command: Host initiated. status. HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) configuration. control. HRM. Glucose Meter. Data for commands or Host Control Interface (HCI) events Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) HOST COMMAND DATA EVENT DATA CONTROLLER 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 31 Rev 0 1/9/15 . discovery and security Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol Event: Controller initiated. Reports events. Host Controller Interface Layer APPLICATION Profile: HID. errors (L2CAP) Data: Host or controller initiated. etc. etc. Flow control 3. HRM. L2CAP: Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol Layer APPLICATION Profile: HID. Provides Logical channels to higher layer protocols Generic Access Profile (GAP) Protocol multiplexer Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Fragmentation and reassembly HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) All host & application data is sent using L2CAP packets Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol CIDs identify logical channels (fixed and dynamic) (L2CAP) Host Control Interface (HCI) ATT and SM layer use Basic Connection Oriented Channel Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) L2CAP assembles data from Link Layer channel into a single packet information payload Connection Oriented Channel Protocol 1. Glucose Meter. Disconnection 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 32 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Connection setup 2. Security Concept Description Pairing Process for creating a shared secret key (the “link key”) Authentication Verification that the two devices have the same link key Bonding Storing the link key created during pairing for use in subsequent connections Authorization Confirmation by the user to continue with the procedure (after authentication) Association Models Just works. Out Of Band Encryption Obscures data from unauthorized observer 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 33 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Security Manager Goals • Passive eavesdropping protection Generic Access Profile (GAP) • MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) protection Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) • LE Privacy (Encrypted MAC) Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol Manages Pairing. SM: Security Manager Layer APPLICATION Profile: HID. Unauthenticated pairing with MITM protection • Passkey: Authenticated pairing with 6 digit Temporary Key and MITM protection • Out Of Band: Authenticated pairing with Temporary Key from OOB mechanism. MITM protection. Passkey Entry. Glucose Meter. etc. HRM. and Key Distribution (L2CAP) Host Control Interface (HCI) Protocol for exchanges with peer device Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) Provides security toolbox CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) Security Modes • Just Works: No Temporary Key. MAC is encrypted Connection occurs with this resolvable private address Requires key to generate / resolve address Signed Data allows fast authentication without encryption SignCounter initialized to zero when CSRK is generated SignCounter incremented for every message that is signed with a given CSRK SignCounter evaluated to detect attacks 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 34 Rev 0 1/9/15 .e. Glucose Meter. RFC3610 based AES-128 encryption (in hardware on PSOC) Generic Access Profile (GAP) Counter mode cipher Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Block chaining message authentication code HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) Each new data packet has Message Integrity Check (MIC) Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol • MIC is separate from CRC (L2CAP) • Packet only sent to host after MIC is checked Host Control Interface (HCI) Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) • Lowers peak power requirement CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) Key generated by Host without information from other device LE Privacy Makes it difficult for an attacker to track a device over a period of time Every 15 minutes. SM: Security Manager Layer APPLICATION Profile: HID. 64). etc. the device changes its address to a new random value MAC = AES(CSRK. plaintext. HRM. i. 5 C Private Example Attributes 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 35 Rev 0 1/9/15 . addressable attributes APPLICATION Profile: HID. Glucose Meter. Types (UUIDs) and Values UUIDs are 128 bits in length BLE also defines 112 bit Base ID to enable 16 bit UUIDs (EX: 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB) Handle Type (UUID) Value Permission Bits 16 128 4 Kb Public / Private 0x0009 <<Device Name>> “Temperature Sensor” Public 0x0022 <<Battery State>> Discharging (0x01) Public 0x0098 <<Temperature>> 20. writing attributes Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Enables server to send notifications and indications HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol BLE uses Attributes to create usage cases (L2CAP) Some devices have data. Generic Access Profile (GAP) Presents client with methods of reading. ATT: Attribute Protocol Layer Exposes data using typed. others want data Host Control Interface (HCI) Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) Some data are read CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) Some data are best notified when they change value Some will require to be written All attributes have Handles. etc. HRM. ATT: Attribute Protocol Layer BLE is CLIENT – SERVER architecture at ATT protocol layer APPLICATION Profile: HID. HRM. Not reliable. etc. Generic Access Profile (GAP) Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) SERVERS have data HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) SERVERS expose data using ATTRIBUTES Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol (L2CAP) CLIENTS request data from SERVERS Host Control Interface (HCI) Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) SERVERS respond with data CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) REQUEST SERVER RESPONSE Client can only send one Request at a time Request completes after client receives Response ATTRIB 1 INDICATION (ATT CHANGE) Server can only send one indication at a time CLIENT CONFIRMATION ATTRIB 2 Indication complete when server receives Confirmation Commands / Notifications can be sent at any time ATTRIB N My be dropped if buffer overflows. written or found (by request) NOTIFICATION (NO CMD) Find by Handle UUID/Type or Value ATT Protocol Methods 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 36 Rev 0 1/9/15 . COMMAND (NO RESP) Attributes can be read. Glucose Meter. etc. Generic Access Profile (GAP) Attribute data encapsulated in Services Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Attribute data exposed as “Characteristics” HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) Same protocol methods as ATT layer Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol (L2CAP) Primary Service: Exposes primary usable function of device Host Control Interface (HCI) Secondary Service: Subservient to other primary/secondary svc Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) CLIENT REQUEST SERVER RESPONSE SERVICE 1 Use Case CHAR 1 INDICATION (ATT CHANGE) CHAR N CONFIRMATION SERVICE N COMMAND (NO RESP) CHAR 1 Characteristic Format Typical Characteristic CHAR N NOTIFICATION (NO CMD) GATT Protocol Methods 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 37 Rev 0 1/9/15 . HRM. Glucose Meter. GATT: Generic Attribute Profile Layer Implements Server “Services” and Client “Use Cases” APPLICATION Profile: HID. HRM.GAP: Generic Access Profile Layer APPLICATION Profile: HID. GAP layer defines profile roles and procedures for Generic Access Profile (GAP) Bonding Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Discovering capabilities HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) Exchanging security information Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol Establishing connections (L2CAP) Resolving addresses Host Control Interface (HCI) Defines advertising and scan response data formats Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) Broadcaster Observer Peripheral Central Advertising Listening Advertising and Connectable Scans and initiates connections Non-connectable Scans for advertisements Always a slave Always a master 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 38 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Glucose Meter. etc. etc.BLE Application APPLICATION Profile: HID. HRM. addressable data Host Control Interface (HCI) Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) Bluetooth SIG has defined standardized Use Cases CONTROLLER Physical Layer (PHY) Developers can create custom Use Cases CLIENT REQUEST SERVER RESPONSE SERVICE 1 Use Case CHAR 1 1 INDICATION (ATT CHANGE) CHAR N CONFIRMATION Use Case 2 SERVICE N COMMAND (NO RESP) APPLICATION CHAR 1 CHAR N NOTIFICATION (NO CMD) 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 39 Rev 0 1/9/15 . BLE Application is defined as a set of Use Cases Generic Access Profile (GAP) Use Cases use Services on Server Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) Services expose Characteristics HOST Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) Characteristics contain Attributes Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol (L2CAP) Attributes expose typed. Glucose Meter. Example BLE Application Heart Rate Monitor A Bluetooth Smart-Ready mobile phone (supporting BLE + Bluetooth Classic) is paired with a Bluetooth Smart fitness monitor (supporting BLE only) Bluetooth Smart-Ready Mobile Phone BLE Protocol Stack on Mobile App BLE Protocol Stack on Fitness Monitor Profile HRM Scans Services Exposes Services Profile HRM Sensor Collector GAP Role Central Initiates physical Accepts physical GAP Role Peripheral link connection link connection GATT Role Client Wants data Has data GATT Role Server LL Master Establishes and Advertises LL Slave manages link capabilities Services Device Information Service Bluetooth Smart HRM Service Fitness Monitor Characteristics HRM: Heart Rate Measurement BLE Connection HRM: Body Sensor Location HRM: Heart Rate Control Point 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 40 Rev 0 1/9/15 . BLE Component Overview Open the BLE Component Configuration Tool to review1 Open Lab 1 and add the BLE Component to the design Right-click the BLE Component and open the Component Configuration Tool BLE Component Icon in PSoC Creator BLE Component Configuration Tool 1 Refer to the Appendix for additional reference material 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 41 Rev 0 1/9/15 CySmart: BLE Test and Debug Tool CySmart An easy-to-use, GUI-based, BLE test and debug tool Works in conjunction with the BLE USB Dongle (included with the BLE Pioneer Kit) Available as an independently installed software tool and also within PSoC Creator CySmart supports: Scanning and connecting to advertising BLE devices Pairing and bonding with connected BLE devices Accessing the GATT database of the connected BLE device Reading and writing to characteristics of connected BLE devices PSoC 4 BLE Test and Debug Setup with CySmart and PSoC Creator BLE Connection Between the BLE USB Dongle and the BLE Pioneer Kit PC U U CySmart S PSoC Creator S Software Tool B B BLE USB Dongle BLE Pioneer Kit Baseboard and PSoC 4 BLE Module 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 42 Rev 0 1/9/15 BLE USB Dongle and CySmart BLE USB Dongle CySmart BLE Test and Debug Tool Wiggle Antenna PRoC BLE CYBL10162-56LQXI Reset Button Programming Header User Button PSoC 5LP for Program and Debug USB Plug (J1) CySmart makes real-time test and debug of BLE devices easy 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 43 Rev 0 1/9/15 Introduction to BLE System Design LAB 2: SETTING UP A BLE CONNECTION 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 44 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Pin 7 in PSoC Creator 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 45 Rev 0 1/9/15 .BLE Lab 2: Setup a BLE Connection Objectives BLE Component Icon Learn how to use the BLE Component Implement a standard “Find Me” Profile with the Immediate Alert Service (IAS) Learn how to use the CySmart tool to debug BLE designs Software tools PSoC Creator CySmart New Components BLE Lab 2: Block Diagram TCPWM BLE Pioneer Kit PC PSoC 4 BLE BLE BLE USB Dongle ARM Connection BLE Cortex-M0 Pin CySmart TCPWM Blue LED Software Tool P3[7]1 1 Represents the logical pin placement at Port 3. Introduction to BLE System Design SESSION BREAK 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 46 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Introduction to BLE System Design PSoC PROGRAMMABLE TECHNOLOGIES 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 47 Rev 0 1/9/15 . to 36-channel analog multiplexer (AMUX) that can be flexibly configured to create custom AFE designs ADC + Opamps + AMUX ICs PSoC 4 BLE Programmable Analog Blocks Custom AFE Design in PSoC Creator Programmable Analog Blocks CTBm Op Op 12-bit SAR1 ADC amp amp 1-Msps Op Op AMUX amp amp AMUX CapSense CMP CMP 8-bit 7-bit IDAC IDAC A Dynamic Gain Switching Amplifier implemented in PSoC Creator using the PSoC 4 BLE opamp.Programmable Analog Blocks PSoC 4 BLE Programmable Analog Blocks consist of One 12-bit 1-Msps SAR1 ADC Two low-power comparators (operational in Deep-Sleep mode) Four high-performance opamps (operational in Deep-Sleep mode) Two IDACs One on-chip temperature sensor One 1. analog muxes and SAR1 ADC Programmable Analog Blocks can be flexibly configured to create custom AFEs for sensor interfaces 1 Successive approximation register 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 48 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Sequencing SAR ADC Block Sequencing SAR ADC PSoC 4 BLE SAR ADC Block As Viewed in PSoC Creator 12-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC SARMUX Sample rate up to 1-Msps Wide operation from 1.5 V Selectable SAR ADC input sources External pins Analog bus Temperature sensor Selectable voltage references (not shown) Port3 Internal VDDA and VDDA/2 references Internal 1.71-5. each configurable as single-ended or differential 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 49 Rev 0 1/9/15 .024-V reference with buffer The hardware sequencer controls the inputs to the SAR ADC via the red switches External reference SAR multiplexer (SARMUX) with hardware sequencer Eight individually configurable input channels. comparators and the analog-mux bus Two low-power comparators User-programmed modes for speed and power 1 µs at 250 µA (typical) 400 ns at 300 µA (typical) 150 ns at 1 mA (typical) Functional in Deep Sleep and Hibernate modes Available as wake-up source in either mode Low input offset voltage < 4 mV The PSoC 4 BLE CTBm enables the design of custom AFEs without requiring external ICs 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 50 Rev 0 1/9/15 .Continuous Time Block (CTBm) The PSoC 4 BLE CTBm consists of: PSoC 4 BLE Continuous Time Block (CTBm) As Viewed in PSoC Creator CTBm Port2 Port1 Four opamps AMUXBUS A User-programmed modes for speed and power AMUXBUS B Follower or comparator configurations Port0 Functional in Deep-Sleep modes Rail-to-rail inputs and output Comparator 1.or 10-mA output current drive 6-MHz gain bandwidth 6-V/µs slew rate The CTBm features flexible routing between the opamps. .g.Programmable Digital Blocks Create custom digital peripherals for your application PSoC Creator Components integrate 75+ digital functions into a one-chip PSoC solution PSoC Creator digital Components are dragged and dropped as icons to create custom digital logic solutions PSoC Creator provides Component Configuration Tools to simplify parameter configurations with a graphical user interface Reconfigure Programmable Digital Blocks Dynamic reconfiguration = changing hardware on the fly Dynamically reconfigure serial communication blocks (e. a UART transfer followed by a SPI transfer in the same block) Dynamically reconfigure timer/counter/PWM blocks PSoC Programmable Digital Blocks Integrate Digital Functions PSoC Programmable Digital Blocks Integrate Communication Interfaces 4 examples of communication interface functions that can be 7 examples of glue logic implemented in functions that can be SCBs implemented in UDBs Programmable Digital Blocks can be configured flexibly for control and communication 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 51 Rev 0 1/9/15 . PWM. I2S1. simple math. PSoC 4 BLE UDBs can build unique interfaces like I2S1 for digital audio 1 Inter-IC Sound. SGPIO controller. SPI. digital filter. I2C. LUT. Offload traditional CPU functions to hardware State machines. an electrical serial bus interface standard used to connect 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 52 Rev 0 1/9/15 . voltage sequencer. Status and Control Datapath Datapath Chaining Build custom logic and non-standard interfaces Custom communication protocols Digital Routing to the System AHB Patches to standard protocols Example: Optical Audio Cable Build unique and differentiated functions S/PDIF. etc.Universal Digital Block Four Universal Digital Blocks (UDB) Universal Digital Block (UDB) PLD Chaining Fully Programmable Digital Block PLD PLD Two 12C4 PLDs and programmable data path Clock and 12C4 12C4 Reset (8 PTs) (8 PTs) Digital routing connection to the system’s Advanced High-Performance Control Bus (AHB) Create additional digital peripherals: Timer. etc. etc. 000 Kbps Supports Motorola.000 Kbps Standard UART with SmartCard reader Data rate up to 1.000 Kbps Supports IrDA protocol SPI master and slave Example: Serial Cable Data rate up to 8. UART or SPI I2C master and slave Data rate up to 1.Serial Communication Block Two Serial Communication Blocks (SCB) PSoC 4 BLE SCB Component Configuration Tool Dynamically reconfigurable SCB I2C. TI and National Semiconductor protocols Low-power operation modes for SPI and I2C PSoC 4 BLE SCBs can build real-time reconfigurable serial protocols 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 53 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Timer/Counter/PWM Block Four Timer/Counter/PWM Blocks (TCPWM) TCPWM Component Configurations Dynamically reconfigurable digital block Timer with compare and capture Counter PWM PWM with dead time PWM with low-noise pseudo-random output Quadrature decoder (QuadDec) Example: PWMs for Fan Control PSoC 4 BLE TCPWM blocks can be used to design closed- loop fan controllers that support up to six independently controlled fans 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 54 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Sensor-Based IoT System Design Programmable architecture offers unique advantages for sensor-based IoT system design Reduces power consumption for battery-operated applications by offloading CPU tasks to the UDBs Creates custom digital peripherals using UDBs (e. a custom I2C wake-up from an accelerometer) Reconfigures blocks during operation to create multiple functions Allows any pin to be used as an analog or digital I/O with on-chip multiplexers Actual PSoC Creator Complete IoT System Design (Complete Production Design) 1 HRM Input PSoC 4 BLE is a complete low-power wireless IoT system in one chip 1 Colored header signifies an inherent system bus connection 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 55 Rev 0 1/9/15 . below.g.. Introduction to BLE System Design LAB 3: SENSOR-BASED SYSTEM DESIGN WITH BLE CONNECTIVITY 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 56 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Lab 3: Sensor-Based System Design with BLE Connectivity Objectives SAR ADC Component Measure simulated heart rate using the Programmable Analog Blocks Implement a Heart Rate Monitor Profile and send the data over BLE Optimize the design for low power consumption Software tool PSoC Creator CySmart New Components SAR ADC Opamp Lab 3: Block Diagram BLE Pioneer Kit PC PSoC 4 BLE BLE USB Dongle PSoC 5LP ARM Signal Opamp SAR ADC BLE Cortex-M0 BLE Generator Connection Pin Blue P3[7]1 LED CySmart Software Tool Pin Green P3[6]2 LED 1 Represents the logical pin placement at Port 3. Pin 7 in PSoC Creator 2 Represents the logical pin placement at Port 3. Pin 6 in PSoC Creator 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 57 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Introduction to BLE System Design USER INTERFACE 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 58 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Segment LCD Control Block Direct-drive Segment LCD Controller Segment LCD Component Configuration Tool Up to 4 commons and 32 segments Offers three drive modes Cypress’s digital correlation method PWM at one-half bias PWM at one-third bias Operates in Active. Sleep and Deep-Sleep modes Supports STN1 and TN2 LCD types Example: Segment LCD Display Type Deep Sleep Mode Sleep/Active Mode TN Glass Digital correlation PWM one-third bias STN Glass Digital correlation Digital correlation PSoC 4 BLE can drive Segment LCDs to create modern user interfaces at low cost 1 STN: Super Twisted Nematic 2 TN: Twisted Nematic 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 59 Rev 0 1/9/15 . high noise solutions-no firmware chip with stylus-activated sensing immunity buttons CapSense is industry’s No. 2 CapSense Component Configuration Tool CapSense buttons “just work” because of rigorous engineering and testing PSoC Creator CapSense Component: design with no code Drag and drop the CapSense Component to create a CapSense system Buttons. monitoring and continuously maintaining optimal performance 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 60 Rev 0 1/9/15 . PSoC 4 Brings Proven CapSense Technology to the BLE World Touch Buttons: 2003 Liquid Tolerance: 2008 Noise Immunity: 2010 Configurability: 2011 1B Units Shipped: 2013 LG Chocolate Mobile Phone Whirlpool Dishwasher HP TouchSmart Printer Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Cypress’s R&D delivers CapSense algorithms offer SmartSense Auto-tuning: no CapSense Express™ configurable One billionth CapSense cellphone CapSense buttons water tolerance and proximity manual tuning. 1 solution. sliders and proximity sensors are customized using the CapSense Component Configuration Tool SmartSense Auto-tuning “just works” by setting. 4x in sales over No. 500 3480 CX = 2CP CX = 2CP + CF 3460 Baseline 0 0 200 400 400 600 800 800 1000 1.550 CP CP CP CP 3520 Noise PCB PCB 3500 1.700 3640 No Touch Touch No Touch 3620 1.650 3600 Threshold Raw Count 3580 Signal Overlay Overlay 1.CapSense Touch Sensing CapSense replaces mechanical buttons A capacitive sensor is used to measure the change in capacitance between a pin and ground CapSense algorithms and analog circuitry convert the measured capacitance to a raw count A finger touch increases the capacitance of the system. overlay convert the capacitance to raw count.600 CF 3560 Copper Capacitive Copper Copper Capacitive Copper 3540 Ground Sensor Ground Ground Sensor Ground 1.200 1200 1400 1. which is CP = Parasitic capacitance thickness and the dimensions of the finger compared to the user-defined threshold to (typical = 9mm) and sensor record a touch 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 61 Rev 0 1/9/15 .600 1600 Time (ms) CX = Total Capacitance measured by the CF = Capacitance added by a finger touch CapSense algorithms use analog circuits to capacitive sensing system CF is dependent on the overlay material. which in turn increases the raw count An increase in the raw count above a user-defined threshold registers a touch Refer to the Getting Started With CapSense Guide for details on CapSense algorithms Capacitive Sensor Capacitive Sensor Raw Count Variation on Finger Touch Without a Finger Touch With a Finger Touch 3660 1. overlay and paint that degrade touch-sensing performance Adapts to changes in system environment due to RF noise sources Allows a platform design approach that uses different overlays. monitors and continuously maintains optimal capacitive sensor performance Reduces design effort by eliminating manual tuning after the design phase Adapts to manufacturing variations in PCB. button shapes and trace lengths with the same electronics SmartSense Auto-tuning Cuts Design Cycle Time SmartSense Auto-tuning eliminates time- consuming manual tuning and the design iterations caused by it Steps eliminated through Auto-tuning functionality 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 62 Rev 0 1/9/15 .SmartSense Auto-Tuning SmartSense Auto-tuning sets. Introduction to BLE System Design LAB 4: CapSense DESIGN WITH BLE CONNECTIVITY 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 63 Rev 0 1/9/15 . PrISM RGB LED Cortex-M0 P2[6] Linear CySmart CapSense P2[1-5] Slider Software Tool 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 64 Rev 0 1/9/15 .PSoC 4 BLE Lab 4: CapSense Data Reporting Over BLE Objectives Drive RGB LED color and intensity using Precision Illumination Signal Modulation (PrISM) Implement a Custom BLE Profile with a custom Service to send RGB LED color and intensity data over BLE Implement a Custom Service to send CapSense slider data over BLE CapSense CSD Component Use CySmart or the iOS/Android app to validate the operation Software tool PSoC Creator CySmart New Components PrISM CapSense CSD Lab 4: Block Diagram BLE Pioneer Kit PC PSoC 4 BLE BLE BLE BLE USB Dongle Connection ARM P3[6-7]. Introduction to BLE System Design PORTFOLIO AND EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 65 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 48 MHz. Opamp. Opamp. TCPWM6 Contact Sales UDB8 CY8C4244 CY8C4014 CY8C4124 48 MHz. ADC3. IDAC5. 256K/32K1. Opamp. 16K/4K1. 32K/4K1. TCPWM6. TCPWM6. 48 MHz. SCB4.PSoC® 4 Portfolio ARM® Cortex®-M0 | CapSense® Programmable PSoC MCU Intelligent Analog Programmable Digital Analog PSoC 4000 PSoC 4100 PSoC 4200 PSoC 4400 NEW CY8C4128-BL Q115 NEW CY8C4248-BL Q115 24 MHz. BLE7 BLE7. 8K/2K1. 32K/8K1 CMP2. 16K/4K1. 24 MHz. 16 MHz. ADC3. CMP2. 128K/16K1. SCB4. Opamp. TCPWM6. IDAC5. 128K/16K1 CMP2. ADC3. 64K/8K1 48 MHz. CMP2. Contact Sales Contact Sales Contact Sales BLE7 BLE7. Opamp. I2C. 64K/8K1 48 MHz. 128K/16K1 48 MHz. 256K/32K1. IDAC5. CMP2. 24 MHz. TCPWM6 UDB8 CY8C4013 16 MHz. 64K/16K1 NDA Required NDA Required NDA Required NDA Required Contact Sales Contact Sales Contact Sales Contact Sales CY8C4245 CY8C4125 CY8C44x5 48 MHz. CMP2. Opamp. IDAC5. 128K/16K1 48 MHz. ADC3. 48 MHz. TCPWM6 1 Flash 4 Production Sampling Development Concept KB/SRAM KB Serial communication block programmable as I2C/SPI/UART 7 Bluetooth Low Energy 2 Comparator 5 Current-output digital-to-analog converter 8 Universal Digital Block Status 3 Analog-to-digital converter 6 Timer/counter/PWM block Availability QQYY QQYY 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 66 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 16K/2K1. 64K/8K1 48 MHz. TCPWM6. SCB4. TCPWM6 SCB4. IDAC5. CMP2. 24 MHz. Opamp. SCB4. ADC3. I2C. 32K/4K1. CMP2. CMP2. 128K/16K1. IDAC5. SCB4. IDAC5. Opamp. UDB8 NEW NEW NEW CY8C4126-M CY8C4246-M CY8C4246-L CY8C44x6 24 MHz. CMP2. TCPWM6. IDAC5. ADC3. ADC3. UDB8 NEW NEW CY8C4127-BL NEW NEW NEW CY8C4247-BL CY8C4127-M CY8C4247-M CY8C4247-L 24 MHz. IDAC5. IDAC5. NDA Required NDA Required NDA Required SCB4. NDA Required SCB4. TCPWM6. ADC3. 32KB Flash WUSB8-NX PRoC-USB 2 Mbps WUSB8-NL. 2 SCB4 CM03. 128KB Flash 36 GPIOs. M8C9 WUSB8-NL. 2-Finger1 CMP5. 256KB Flash CYRF8935 CYRF89135 WUSB8-NL PRoC™-Embedded 1 Mbps WUSB8-NL. 2 SCB4. 4 UDBs6 36 GPIOs. 8KB Flash WUSB8-LP 1 Mbps TX 26 mA. USB 14 GPIOs. Opamp CMP5. M8C9. 8KB Flash 1 Touch-sensing technology with 2-finger gestures 5 Comparator 9 Cypress proprietary 8-bit MCU 2 Bluetooth 6 Universal 10Direct Production Sampling Development Concept Low Energy. CapSense CM03. 2 SCB4. USB TX 12 mA. Opamp. M8C9 CYRF6936 14 GPIOs. 32KB Flash 35 GPIOs. 2 SCB4. 128KB Flash BLE2 36 GPIOs. 4 UDBs6 36 GPIOs. RX 21 mA CYRF69213 PRoC-LP WUSB8-LP. 2 SCB4. 2 SCB4. 256KB Flash 36 GPIOs.4-GHz RF Programmable Radio-on-Chip (PRoC™) Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC®) Transceiver MCU CapSense® TrueTouch®1 Intelligent Analog Programmable Digital NEW NEW NEW NEW CY8C41x7-BL NEW CY8C42x7-BL CYBL1016x CYBL1046x CYBL1056x PSoC 4 BLE PSoC 4 BLE PRoC BLE PRoC BLE PRoC BLE CM03. 32KB Flash CYRF89435 CYRF89535 PRoC-CS PRoC-TT WUSB8-NL. RX 15 mA 13 GPIOs. M8C9. 128KB Flash 36 GPIOs. M8C9 GFSK7 TX 18 mA. 256KB Flash 36 GPIOs. 2-Finger1 CM03. 128KB Flash NEW Q115 NEW Q115 NEW Q115 NEW CY8C41x8-BL Q115 NEW CY8C42x8-BL Q115 CYBL1017x CYBL1047x CYBL1057x PSoC 4 BLE PSoC 4 BLE PRoC BLE PRoC BLE PRoC BLE CM03. Opamp CMP5. 256KB Flash 36 GPIOs. 2 SCB4. 32KB Flash GFSK7 + DSSS10 CYRF69103 PRoC-LP WUSB8-LP. 2 SCB4. 2-Finger1 CM03. 2-Finger1 CM03. RX 18 mA 35 GPIOs. M8C9. 256KB Flash 36 GPIOs. 2-Finger1 CYRF9935 CYRF89235 35 GPIOs. 2 SCB4 CM03. 2-Finger1 CMP5. also known as Bluetooth Smart Digital Block sequence spread spectrum 3 ARM® Cortex®-M0 7 Gaussian frequency shift keying Status 4 Serial communication block 8 WirelessUSB™ Availability QQYY QQYY 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 67 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 2-Finger1 CM03. 2 SCB4. 128KB Flash 36 GPIOs. Opamp. Wireless Portfolio 2. CapSense CM03. PWMs 4/4/8 4/4/8 CapSense Yes Yes I2S Yes Yes Serial Interfaces 4 SPI. 68-CSP 56-QFN. each optimized to help you build your low-power wireless IoT system 1 Successive approximation register 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 68 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 4 UART 2 SPI/I2C/UART I/Os (Capacitive Sensing I/Os) 36 36 Package 56-QFN. Counters. such as PC peripherals. HID. remote control. 68-CSP Applications General-purpose. fitness monitors and wireless toys wearable electronics Two BLE product families.Product Overview: BLE Series Feature PSoC 4 BLE Series PRoC BLE Series CPU Core ARM Cortex-M0 ARM Cortex-M0 CPU Speed (MHz) 48 48 Flash Size/SRAM (KB) 256/32 256/32 ADC 12-bit SAR1 1 Msps 12-bit SAR 1 Msps Opamps 4 - Comparators 2 - IDACs 2 2 UDBs 4 - Timers. 2 I2C. ARM Cortex. No Packages/GPIOs QFN.9-5. 0. CSP / 36 QFN. 5. 6.5-ksps 10-bit. UART CapSense Channels 36 No No No UDBs 4 No No No ADC 12-bit.75 28. 32 MHz 16-bit RISC. Competition’s Features CY8C4xxx-BL nRF51822 CC2541 CSR1011 CPU.9. 1 No. Current (µA) 18. 80 256. 2 No. I2C. UART 2 SPI.M0 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 69 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Speed ARM CM0.6 1.3 2.7-ksps 12-bit. 4-sec connection) Deep-Sleep Current (µA) 1. 5.PSoC 4 BLE Solution vs. 2 UART SPI. 10.75 (1-sec. I2C.5 1. 16 MHz 8051. Comparator 4. CSP / 32 QFN / 23 QFN / 32 Rx Sensitivity2 (dBm) -92 -93 -88 -92.5 Avg. 14. 7.3 1 5 Hibernate Current3 (nA) 150 2.400 500 Not supported Stop Mode Current (nA) 60 No No 600 Integrated Balun Yes No No Yes 1 Cypress and TI have both master and slave available for 3 Hibernate with RAM retention SPI and I2C. 3 UART 2 SPI.6 2.8-3. 1304 64 (ROM). 2 I2C. No No. 64 Supply Voltage 1.6 24.0-3.5. 48 MHz ARM CM0. 2 I2C.7 15.6 Serial Interface1 4 SPI. BLE Stack (KB) 128/256. NA Flash. while Nordic and CSR have only master 4 The TI BLE Stack consumes 130KB of flash because of the lower code density of the 8051 2 Measured pre-Balun in all cases vs. 1-Msps 10-bit. 64 256.7-ksps Opamp.8-3. PSoC 4 BLE Solution Example: BLE Sensor Hub PSoC 4 BLE Value Block Diagram Design Problems PSoC 4 BLE One-Chip Solution Easily add BLE connectivity to a sensor hub Interface with multiple analog and digital sensors Thermistor A Drive a PWM-based vibration motor Accelerometer M SAR BLE Design for low-power operation from a coin cell battery U ADC RF Link Battery X Voltage PSoC Solution Simple. one-chip implementation for BLE connectivity 32 Programmable AFE with SAR ADC to interface with sensors Digital peripherals like SCB to interface with digital sensors CORTEX-M0 48 MHz Digital peripherals like TCPWM to drive vibration motors Five flexible low-power modes for long battery life One-chip = MCU + AFE + Digital + BLE Radio 2 32 Pressure SCB2 Vibration TCPWM3 Sensor (I2C) Motor PSoC 4 BLE Design Resources BLE Fitness Monitor Design Software: PSoC Creator by Jawbone Kit: BLE Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-042-BLE) PSoC 4 BLE can enable a similar Design Guide: Getting Started with PSoC 4 BLE App Note one-chip integrated BLE solution with analog and digit al sensor interfaces and low power consumption 1 Real-time clock 2 Serial Communication Block 3 Timer. pulse-width modulator. counter. configurable as 16-bit timer. counter pulse-width modulator blocks 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 70 Rev 0 1/9/15 . one-chip implementation for BLE connectivity Electrode 1 Amplifier including the Heart Rate Monitor Profile Electrode 2 Opamp x 2 Programmable AFE with opamps for sensing and 32 filtering of the heart rate signals CORTEX-M0 Five flexible low-power modes for long battery life 48 MHz One-chip = MCU + AFE + BLE Radio BLE RF Link PSoC 4 BLE Design Resources BLE Heart Rate Monitor Design Software: PSoC Creator by Mio Kit: BLE Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-042-BLE) PSoC 4 BLE can enable a similar Design Guide: Getting Started with PSoC 4 BLE App Note one-chip integrated BLE solution with a custom Analog Front End and low power consumption 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 71 Rev 0 1/9/15 .PSoC 4 BLE Solution Example: Heart Rate Monitor PSoC 4 BLE Value Block Diagram Design Problems PSoC 4 BLE One-Chip Solution Easily add BLE connectivity to a heart rate monitor Battery Implement a custom AFE for sensing and filtering of the Voltage A heart rate signals Filter M SAR Design for low-power operation from a coin cell battery Opamp x 2 U ADC X PSoC Solution Simple. motion sensing BLE Remote Control Very low cost Seamless Touch Sensing and RF Digital 6-Axis Motion Microphone Sensor PRoC BLE Solution 4 I2 S I2 C 2 Provides support for advanced features: Trackpad with two-finger gestures RF Link Voice commands over BLE Debug SWD1 PRoC BLE Infrared LED Six-axis motion sensing Header CYBL10563-56LQXI Integrates BLE radio. Design Guide: Getting Started with PRoC BLE App Note six-axis motion sensing. voice command. two- Datasheet: PRoC BLE Datasheet finger gestures. microcontroller and Touch Sensing Integrates Balun to reduce external RF ICs GPIO 6 GPIO 16 Allows two-layer PCB design DC-DC Delivers high SNR with SmartSense Auto-tuning Converter Keyboard Matrix Trackpad Sensor Battery PRoC BLE Design Resources PRoC BLE Design Software: PSoC Creator Remote Control RDK Kit: PRoC BLE Remote Control (CY5672) Supports BLE HID Profile. voice.PRoC BLE Solution Example: Remote Control PRoC BLE Value Block Diagram Design Challenges Advanced features: trackpad. Infrared LED and 10 buttons 1 Serial wire debug communication protocol 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 72 Rev 0 1/9/15 . CySmart for Mobile Apps: CySmart for Windows® PC: CapSense Design Guide: Touch Mouse RDK: Application Notes: Getting Started with PSoC 4 BLE (AN791267): Remote Control RDK: Getting Started with PRoC BLE (AN94020): PSoC 4 BLE product webpage: BLE Pioneer Kit: www.cypress.References and Links Product Webpages: Cypress’s BLE solutions webpage: PRoC BLE product datasheet: PRoC BLE product webpage: 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 73 Rev 0 1/9/15 PSoC 4 BLE product datasheet: PSoC Creator: Available Q115: PSoC 4 BLE Measuring Power Consumption (AN92584) Available Q115: Creating BLE Applications Using PSoC 4 BLE (AN91184) Available Q115: Creating Custom Profiles Using PSoC 4 BLE (AN96112) Design Guides: PSoC 4 BLE Antenna Design Guide: BLE Frequently Asked Questions: www.cypress. com/BLE PSoC: www.cypress. Demo BLE Profiles and Services: Cypress’s BLE solutions webpage is your one-stop-shop for everything BLE. Cypress Store: www. Development Kits. Application Training: Bluetooth Low Energy Kits: www.cypress.cypress.The Developer’s Handbook by Robin Heydon (ISBN-10:013288836X) 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 74 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Product Datasheets. Example Community & Forums: Roadmap: www.cypress. Software Downloads. and more Bluetooth Resources Bluetooth SIG website: App Notes: www.General Online Resources Cypress Resources Cypress BLE Solutions: Support: www. Workshop Objectives Recap You should now: Know how to create low-power. sensor-based systems for the IoT Understand the BLE architecture Understand the PSoC 4 BLE architecture Know how to use PSoC 4 BLE. with the PSoC Creator and the BLE Pioneer Kit. CapSense® touch-sensing user interface designs with BLE connectivity 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 75 Rev 0 1/9/15 . sensor-based. to implement BLE connections with PSoC 4 BLE One-chip. system designs with BLE connectivity One-chip. Introduction to BLE System Design APPENDIX 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 76 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 8 = 256KB CPU Speed: 2 = 24 MHz. 4 = 48 MHz Product Type: 42 = Programmable Digital.5 V 2 UDB = Universal Digital Block 3 SCB = Serial communication block 4 TCPWM = Timer/counter/pulse-width modulator (PWM) block 5 IDAC = Current-output digital-to-analog converter 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 77 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 128KB flash and input voltage range from 1.71 V to 5. LQ = QFN Flash Size: 7 = 128KB.PSoC 4 BLE Product Selector Guide Direct LCD Part Number1 CPU Speed UDB2 SCB3 TCPWM4 SAR ADC IDAC5 Drive Opamps Comparators Package CY8C4127LQI-BL473 24 MHz 0 2 4 806 ksps 0 2 2 56-QFN CY8C4127LQI-BL453 24 MHz 0 2 4 806 ksps 2 2 2 56-QFN CY8C4127LQI-BL483 24 MHz 0 2 4 806 ksps 2  2 2 56-QFN CY8C4127FNI-BL483 24 MHz 0 2 4 806 ksps 2  2 2 68-CSP CY8C4247LQI-BL473 48 MHz 4 2 4 1 Msps 0 4 2 56-QFN CY8C4247LQI-BL453 48 MHz 4 2 4 1 Msps 2 4 2 56-QFN CY8C4247LQI-BL463 48 MHz 4 2 4 1 Msps 2  4 2 56-QFN CY8C4247FNI-BL483 48 MHz 4 2 4 1 Msps 2  4 2 68-CSP PSoC 4 BLE Part Numbering Decoder CY 8C 4X X X XX X BLXXX Device Identification Number that corresponds to the part feature set Temperature Range: I = Industrial Package: FN = CSP. 41 = Intelligent Analog Marketing Code: 8C = PSoC Platform Company ID: CY = Cypress 1 All part numbers support: Industrial temperature (-40ºC to +85ºC). 4 = 64KB. 5 = 96KB.5 V 2 Serial communication block 3 Timer/counter/pulse-width modulator block 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 78 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 4 = CapSense.NN XX X X Temperature Range: I = Industrial Lead: X = Lead Free Package Type: LQ = QFN. 6 = 128KB Primary Device Feature: 1 = MCU.9 V to 5. 3 = 32KB. 5 = CapSense with Gestures Product Type: 10 = 1st BLE family Marketing Code: BL = BLE Product family Company ID: CY = Cypress 1 All part numbers support: Industrial temperature (-40ºC to +85ºC) and input voltage range from 1.PRoC BLE Product Selector Guide CPU Flash 12-bit Part Number1 Speed Size CapSense SCB2 TCPWM3 SAR ADC I2S PWMs LCD Package CYBL10161-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB No 1 2 1 Msps No No No 56-QFN CYBL10162-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB No 2 4 1 Msps No 4 No 56-QFN CYBL10163-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB No 2 4 1 Msps Yes No No 56-QFN CYBL10461-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB Yes 2 4 1 Msps No No No 56-QFN CYBL10462-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB Yes 2 4 1 Msps Yes No No 56-QFN CYBL10463-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB Yes 2 4 1 Msps No No Yes 56-QFN CYBL10561-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB Yes (Gestures) 2 4 1 Msps No No No 56-QFN CYBL10562-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB Yes (Gestures) 2 4 1 Msps Yes 1 No 56-QFN CYBL10563-56LQXI 48 MHz 128KB Yes (Gestures) 2 4 1 Msps Yes 1 Yes 56-QFN CYBL10563-68FNXI 48 MHz 128KB Yes (Gestures) 2 4 1 Msps Yes 1 Yes 68-CSP PRoC BLE Part Numbering Decoder CY BL 10 X X X . FN = CSP Number of pins in the package Device Identification Number that corresponds to the part feature set Flash Size: 1 = 8KB. 2 = 16KB. 000 units Total Additional Value $0.901 1 Digikey website 1ku pricing on 6/24/2014 6% Total Savings: $0. amortized over 100.921 Opamp $0.14 BLE Protocol Stack Configuration: Saves four man-weeks of engineering effort at $2K per man-week.24 2 Microchip website 1ku pricing on 6/24/2014 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 79 Rev 0 1/9/15 .47 Amplifier: Microchip MCP6N11-001E/SN Price: $1.022 BOM Integration Value $2.08 Target Cypress Solution: CY8C4247LQI-BL453 Total Cost: $3.241 Amplifier $1.331 CapSense Controller $0.06 CapSense Controller: Cypress CY8CMBR3002-SX1I Balun Tuning $0.02 Balun: ST Microelectronics BAL-NRF02D3 Price: $0.33 Opamp: On Semi LM324DR2G (2 Qty) Price: $0.16 Value Added: $0.PSoC 4 BLE Solution Value Example: Heart Rate Monitor Competitor $1.08 Configuration Balun Tuning: Saves four man-weeks of engineering effort at $2K per man-week.92 Competitor BLE: Nordic nRF51822-QFAB-R7 Price: $1.08 Price: $0.24 BOM Integration Balun $0.000 units Value Added: $0. amortized over 100.08 Total Value Delivered $4.471 Additional Value BLE Protocol Stack $0. 400 1400 Average Current (µA) 1. Connection Interval Current Average Current vs Connection Interval of Various BLE Radios 2000 2.200 1200 1. Crystal PPM 50 ppm The effect of RF Peak Current diminishes when connection intervals exceed 50 ms 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 80 Rev 0 1/9/15 .000 Connection Interval (ms) Assumptions: BLE Stack Processing Time 500 µs.000 4000ms 4.6mA) 15mA 12mA 9mA 6mA 1.000 1000 800 600 400 200 200 0 0 88ms 50ms 50 100ms 100 500ms 500 1000ms 1.800 RF Peak Current of Various BLE Radios 1600 1.000 2000ms 2.000 1800 1.600 CY (18. allowing data exchange between the two. The part in the controller is typically called the lower-host controller interface. the part in the host is typically called the upper-host controller interface. Has two types of channels: advertising channels and data channels. The LL functions include: Advertising. 3 for advertisement) in the ISM Band with 2-MHz channel spacing Link Layer (LL) Data Packet Structure BLE Architecture: Controller 8 32 8 8 0 to 296 24 Bits Host Control Interface Preamble Header Length Access Data Controller Link Layer (LL) Direct Test Mode (DM) CRC Address Physical Layer (PHY) 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 81 Rev 0 1/9/15 . scanning. Link Layer (LL) Implements key procedures to establish a reliable physical link.BLE Architecture Overview: Controller Host Control Interface (HCI) A standard-defined interface between the Host and the Controller. creating and maintaining connections 24-bit CRC and AES-128-bit encryption for secure data Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) for data channels to ensure robustness Direct Test Mode (DTM) Allows a tester to command the Controller’s Physical Layer to transmit or receive a sequence of test packets Physical Layer (PHY) Transmits or receives data at 1 Mbps using GFSK modulation in the 2.4-GHz ISM Band Consists of 40 RF channels (37 for data. Segmentation. authenticated BLE connections 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 82 Rev 0 1/9/15 . encryption and key distribution BLE uses 128-bit AES for data encryption L2CAP Packet Structure BLE Architecture: Host 2 2 0 to 65535 Bytes Generic Access Profile (GAP) Channel Length Information Payload Generic Attribute Protocol (GATT) ID Host Attribute Protocol (ATT) Security Manager (SM) Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol (L2CAP) 1 Alternate MAC PHY 2 A process to establish secure.1 also allows direct data channels through L2CAP connection-oriented channels Security Manager (SM) Defines the methods used for pairing2. and Reassembly Services to the upper-layer protocols Segmentation breaks the received data packets into smaller packets which the LL can transmit Reassembly combines the smaller packets received from the LL into a meaningful data packet Each L2CAP packet contains a 32-bit header followed by its payload.BLE Architecture Overview: Host Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) Provides protocol multiplexing. and packet length must be included in the header assumed segmentation and reassembly is used L2CAP has multiple channels and channel Identifier is included in packet header Bluetooth 4. Each Attribute consists of: Handle: A 16-bit address assigned by the Attribute Server allowing its Client to access the Attribute Type: Specifies the type of data. power. The Bluetooth base UUID is defined as 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB Value: The actual data exposed by a device Each Attribute has permissions. Any derived UUID can be recombined with 16-bit number and Bluetooth base UUID defined by Bluetooth SIG.BLE Architecture Overview: Attribute Attributes are the smallest elements in the BLE spec that represent data. authentication permissions and authorization permissions Structure of an Attribute 2 2 or 16 0 to 512 Bytes Attribute Handle Attribute Type Attribute Value 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 83 Rev 0 1/9/15 . which are split into three types: access permissions. etc. represented by a 128-bit full Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) or 16-bit short UUID. such as temperature. pressure. volume. bluetooth.BLE Profiles and Services Supported Acronym Profile Acronym Profile ANP Alert Notification Profile HRP Heart Rate Profile ANS Alert Notification Service HRS Heart Rate Service BAS Battery Service IAS Immediate Alert Service BLP Blood Pressure Profile LLS Link Loss Service BLS Blood Pressure Service ​LNP ​Location and Navigation Profile CPP Cycling Power Profile ​LNS ​Location and Navigation Service CPS Cycling Power Service NDCS Next DST Change Service CSCP Cycling Speed and Cadence Profile PASP Phone Alert Status Profile CSCS Cycling Speed and Cadence Service PASS Phone Alert Status Service CTS Current Time Service PXP Proximity Profile DIS Device Information Service RSCP Running Speed and Cadence Profile FMP Find Me Profile RSCS Running Speed and Cadence Service GLP Glucose Profile RTUS Reference Time Update Service GLS Glucose Service ScPP Scan Parameters Profile HOGP HID over GATT Profile ScPS Scan Parameters Service HIDS Human Interface Device Service TIP Time Profile HTP Health Thermometer Profile TPS TX Power Service HTS Health Thermometer Service Learn more about BLE Profiles and Services: 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 84 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Central. Client and Server GAP Roles Supports Peripheral. Peripheral and Central Host Controller Mode Allows communication with a BLE Stack by placing the Component in HCI2 mode using an embedded UART Component 1 Extensible Markup Language file format 2 A standard-defined interface between the Host and the Controller.BLE Component: General Tab Allows configuration of the BLE Component Supports loading and saving of custom configuration in XML1 format Profile Mode Enables selection of the target BLE Profile from a list of supported Profiles Supports all Bluetooth SIG Profiles BLE Component Configuration Tool: General Tab Supports creation of custom Profiles Profile Roles (GATT) Supports Client. allowing data exchange between the two 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 85 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Observer. Server. Broadcaster. BLE Component: Profiles Tab Configures BLE Profile parameters All Profiles must also have a mandatory Generic Access Service and a Generic Attribute Service Supported Services Alert Notification Service BLE Component Configuration Tool: Profiles Tab Battery Service Blood Pressure Service Cycling Power Service Cycling Speed and Cadence Service Current Time Service Device Information Service Glucose Service Human Interface Device Service Health Thermometer Service Heart Rate Service Immediate Alert Service Link Loss Service Location and Navigation Service Next DST Change Service Phone Alert Status Service Running Speed and Cadence Service Reference Time Update Service Scan Parameters Service TX Power Service Standard and custom BLE Profiles are easily implemented using the BLE Component Configuration Tool Custom Service 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 86 Rev 0 1/9/15 . device address and power level Security requirements Security modes and levels I/O capabilities Pairing and Bonding requirements 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 87 Rev 0 1/9/15 .BLE Component: GAP Settings Tab Allows you to use GAP parameters to configure: Advertising settings and timing parameters Advertisement packets Scan response packets BLE Component Configuration Tool: GAP Settings Tab Enables configuration of: General settings Device name. 6 cm x 4.PRoC BLE Kits Choose the right development kit or a reference design kit (RDK) BLE Pioneer Kit PRoC BLE Module Remote Control RDK Touch Mouse RDK Kit Number CY8CKIT-042-BLE CY5671 CY5672 CY5682 Key Features Arduino-compatible FCC1 certified Integrated trackpad 6 functional keys CapSense slider 2. certifying that its electromagnetic interference is under limits defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 88 Rev 0 1/9/15 .S.3 cm 2-finger gesture 1-finger gesture Includes: Onboard antenna Voice commands HID Profile Base board 3-axis accelerometer PRoC BLE module 3-axis gyroscope PSoC 4 BLE module HID Profile Applications Evaluation board Low-cost BLE connectivity Remote control Mouse Keyboard Touch mouse DVK or RDK Price $49 $5 $49 $49 PRoC BLE provides a portfolio of kits to accelerate your time-to-market 1 Electronic products manufactured or sold in the U. > 10V/m No false triggers 30 61000-6-3 Radiated emission 30.000 MHz < 37 dBµV/m 10 Actual CapSense data 0 30 100 1. greater than the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) requirement of 5:1 Enables designs with thick or curved overlays Radiated Immunity Test Room Enables advanced features such as glove touch and stylus touch support Radiating Antenna Parasitic Glove CapSense SNR Test Parameter Capacitance Overlay Thickness (IEC Spec = 5:1) Reference 10 pF 1.5 dBµV/m.000 Frequency (MHz) CapSense “just works” because of high SNR and rigorous testing 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 89 Rev 0 1/9/15 . 30-230 MHz < 25 dBµV/m 20 37.0 mm None 150:1 Thick Overlay 10 pF 2. 10:1 SNR.4 GHz) No false trigger.Why CapSense “Just Works” High SNR enables CapSense to exceed requirements for robust performance Enables system designs with an SNR >100:1. IEC 61000-6-3 limit 40 (80 MHz to 2.0 mm None 73:1 CapSense Glove Touch 10 pF 1.0 mm 4 mm 37:1 Test Board Thick Overlay 10 pF 2. 230-1.0 mm 4 mm 25:1 Cypress setup to test the EMI and Glove Touch tolerance of CapSense buttons Radiated Emission Test Data Noise immunity: CapSense meets all of the IEC standards Electric Field Strength (dBµV/m) 70 IEC Standard Description IEC Standard Requirement CapSense 60 50 61000-4-3/6-1 Radiated immunity SNR > 5:1.0 dBµV/m. there sauce touch is no false touch 1A raw count is a digitized value of the capacitance of a proximity sensor 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 90 Rev 0 1/9/15 .CapSense Works Under Liquids CapSense maintains touch accuracy in wet conditions by using: A shield electrode to eliminate false touches from water droplets. causing a false is below the touch threshold. mist and other liquids A guard sensor to eliminate false touches from streaming liquids or submersion Liquid-Tolerant CapSense Sensor Layout Guard Shield electrodes are copper fills around sensors that offset Sensor liquid droplets. guard sensors are copper traces that offset streaming liquids Shield Sensor Sensor Electrode Raw Count1 Without a Shield Electrode Raw Count With a Shield Electrode CapSense Works Under Liquids Finger Water Finger Touch Droplet Touch Touch Touch Threshold Threshold Water Droplet Noise Floor Noise Floor The raw count generated by a water droplet The raw count generated by a water droplet CapSense buttons even work under spaghetti exceeds the touch threshold. therefore. 200 Ground Sensor Ground Ground Sensor Ground 3540 CP CP CP CP 3520 PCB PCB Noise 40.400 Raw Count 3580 Overlay Overlay CFP 3560 Copper Proximity Copper Copper Proximity Copper 40.600 3620 Signal 3600 Proximity Sensing Threshold 40.CapSense Proximity Sensing Capacitive proximity sensors sense an object without an actual touch A capacitive proximity sensor is used to measure the change in capacitance between a pin and ground A hand near a capacitive proximity sensor increases the measured capacitance CapSense algorithms and analog circuitry convert the measured analog capacitance to a digital raw count1 A hand is detected when the raw count exceeds a user-defined proximity sensing threshold Proximity Sensor Without Proximity Sensor With Raw Count Variation With A Hand2 Nearby A Hand Nearby A Hand Nearby 3660 3640 No Hand Hand No Hand 40. overlay approaches a proximity sensor thickness.600 1600 CX = Total capacitance measured by the CFP = Capacitance added to the system Time (ms) capacitive proximity sensing system by a nearby hand The raw count increases when a hand CP = Parasitic capacitance3 CFP is dependent on the overlay material.200 1200 1400 1. Capacitive Proximity Sensing will work with any object that can absorb or create an electrical charge (includes both metallic and non-metallic objects) 3 The intrinsic capacitance of printed circuit board (PCB) traces or other connections to a capacitive proximity sensor 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 91 Rev 0 1/9/15 .000 3500 3480 Baseline CX = 2CP CX = 2CP + CFP 3460 0 0 200 400 400 600 800 800 1000 1. size of the sensor and the distance of the hand from the sensor 1A raw count is a digitized value of the capacitance of a proximity sensor 2A hand is used here as an example. 62243 D024755 CYBLE Link Layer Component (Tested) 4. 62887 D024757 QFN package Bluetooth Smart device End Product 4. QD ID Declaration ID Name Product Product Type Spec Date CYBL10X6X. Qualify. 61908 D024756 CYBLE Host Component (Tested) 4.1 02-Dec-2014 PSoC 4XX7_BLE CYBL10X6X.1 07-Nov-2014 PSoC 4 BLE PRoC BLE.000 USD Includes the license to build products using Bluetooth technology Includes the license to use the Bluetooth trademarks in your products Includes a license to the Profile Tuning Suite (PTS).1 02-Dec-2014 PSoC 4 BLE PRoC BLE. 63683 D025069 CSP package Bluetooth Smart device End Product 4. 63368 D025068 CYBLE RF-PHY (CSP) Component (Tested) 4.1 08-Nov-2014 PSoC 4XX7_BLE PRoC BLE.Bluetooth Compliance and Listing Cypress’s BLE solutions are qualified by the Bluetooth SIG with modular certification for the RF-PHY. a protocol and interoperability testing tool 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 92 Rev 0 1/9/15 . Link Layer and BLE Stack allowing for greater flexibility.1 07-Nov-2014 PSoC 4 BLE PRoC BLE.1 07-Nov-2014 PSoC 4 BLE Bluetooth Adopter Membership (Free): Develop. 62245 D024754 CYBLE RF-PHY (QFN) Component (Tested) 4. Product Listing Fee: $4. List and Sell Bluetooth Products Free Membership. BLE vs.4/5 GHz Yes $$$ Bluetooth Med: 3 Mbps 10-100m 2. Other RF Type Data Rate Range Frequency Standard Solution Cost Proprietary Low: 10’s Kbps 10 m-1 km+ 433 kHz No $ Proprietary Low: 100 Kbps 3-100 m 900 MHz No $$ Proprietary Med: 1’s Mbps 3-100 m 2.4 GHz Yes $ 001-93534 Owner: GUL Introduction to BLE System Design Customer Training Workshop 93 Rev 0 1/9/15 .4 GHz No $$ NFC Low: 100’s Kbps 4 cm 13.56 MHz Yes $ WiFi High: 100’s Mbps 100 m-1 km+ 2.4 GHz Yes $$ BLE Med: 1 Mbps 10-50m 2.
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