Cypress Hills Metis Scrip Applications

March 17, 2018 | Author: Lawrence J. Barkwell | Category: French Canada, Indigenous Peoples Of North America, Canadian Folklore, Métis (Canada), Canada



Cypress Hills Metis Scrip ApplicationsAdam, Jeremie; concerning the claims of his deceased children: Marie Nathalie, born: 1874, between Wild Horse Lake and Cypress Hills, died: 1878; Baptiste, born: 1876 at Cypress Hills near Fort Walsh, died: 1880; Josephine, born: 1883 at Old Wifes Creek, died: 1887; address: Sweet Grass, Montana; father: Jeremie Adam Métis and deponent); 1292 Adam, Moise; concerning the claim of his daughter Zilda; claim no. 1283; address: Swift Current; born: 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Moise Adam (Métis); mother: Mary Leveillee (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 844 Adams, Moise; concerning the claims of his deceased children: Caroline, born: December, 1874 at Cypress Hills, died: 1877 at Baie St. Paul; Marie, born: April, 1883 near Denmore, died: ?; address: Swift Current; father: Moses Adams (Métis); mother: Marie Lavalee (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 748, Caroline scrip cert.: form D, no. 750, Marie Desanges; claim no. 910 Allan, Robert Nelson; address: Grass Range, Montana; claim no. 1004; born: 15 August, 1851 at Cypress Hills; father: William Allan (Whiteman); mother: Mary Sinclair (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 590 Allard, Marie Therese; address: Sweet Grass, Montana; claim no. 1212; born: 10 January, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Jeremiah Adam (Métis); mother: Julie Larocque (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 778 Allard [Allary], Michel; address: St. John, North Dakota; claim no. 400; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: François Allary (Métis); mother: Charlotte Malaterre (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 178 Alary, Angèlique; concerning the claim of her deceased daughter Philoméne; claim no. 1003; address: Wood Mountain; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Pierre Alary (Métis); mother: Angèlique Parisien (Métis and deponent); died: 1882 at Wood Mountain; heirs: Angèlique Alary, scrip cert.: form D, 3193, $40.00; Pierre Alary, $40.00; Caroline, wife of Jean Baptiste Pelletier, scrip cert.: form D, 3195, $40.00; Joseph Alary, $40.00; Filaire, wife of Michael Davis, scrip cert.: form D, 3196, $40.00; Marie Jane, wife of Alexander Baston, scrip cert.: form D, 3197, $40.00; file ref. 795773 and 713634 Alary, Andre; concerning the claim of his son, William; claim no. 211; address: Turtle Mountain, Dakota; born: October, 1875 at Cypress Hills; father: Andre Alary (Métis); mother: Josette Hamelin (Métis) Alary, Daniel; concerning the claim of his deceased daughter, Marguerite Alary; claim no. 1672; born: November, 1865, 15 miles west of Westbourne; father: Daniel Alary (Métis); mother: Marguerite Houle (Métis); died: 1878 at Cypress Hills; heir: her father, Daniel Houle, the deponent 1 Alary, Daniel; concerning the claim of Marie Alary, her deceased daughter; claim no. 1682; born: 1881 at Cypress Hills, father: Daniel Alary (Métis and deponent); mother: Marguerite Houle (Métis); died: May, 1881 at Cypress Hills; heir: her father, Daniel Alary, the deponent; See Cases no. 477, 484 and 1672, 1683, and 1684 of year 1901 Alary, Daniel; concerning the claim of his deceased son, Daniel Alary; claim no. 1683; born: July, 1867 at McDonald Station on Canadian Pacific Railway; father: Daniel Alary (Métis and deponent); mother: Marguerite Houle (Métis); died: 1878 at Cypress Hills; heir: his father, Daniel Alary, the deponent; scrip cert. no. 3337 D; See Cases no. 477, 484, 1672, 1682 and 1684 of year 1901 Alary, Patrice; address: Turtle Mountain; claim no. 164; born: 22 May, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Andre Alary (Métis); mother: Josette Hamelin (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 152 Amiot (Amyotte), Jean Baptiste - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Willow Bunch - Born, Pembina in 1857 - Father, Joseph Amiot Sr., (Métis) - Mother, Marianne Pangman, (Métis) - Married, 1878 at Cypress Hills to Sarah Delorme - Scrip for $240 Claim 1567 Amyot, Archie; on behalf of his deceased children, Joseph and St. Pierre; claim no. 1257; address: Sweet Grass, Montana born: Joseph: 5 October, 1879 at White Mud River; St. Pierre: 16 September, 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Archie Amyot (Métis and deponent) mother: Josette Pelletier (Métis); died: Joseph in 1880; St. Pierre in 1882 at Cypress Hills; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1232 and form D, no. 1234 Amyotte, Marie Anastasie; now wife of William Morin, concerning the claim for her deceased children: Joseph, born: 1874 at Cypress Hills, died: 1876; John, born: 1875 at Cypress Hills, died: 23 May, 1880; Charles Bruno, born: 1877 at Wood Mountain, died: February, 1880; Joseph Antoine, born: 1881 at Cypress Hills, died: 1883 at St. John's, Dakota; Theodore, born: 1879 at Wood Mountain, died: 7 October, 1898; address: Turtle Mountain; father: Joseph Amyotte (Métis); mother: Marie Gladu (Métis and deponent); heir: their mother, Marie Gladu, deponent; file ref. 951225; claim no. 237 Arcand, Joseph Sole heir of his deceased daughter Caroline Arcand; claim no. 261; address: Carlton, Saskatchewan; born: 4 October, 1875 at Cypress Hills (now Swift Current); father: Joseph Arcand (Métis); mother: Josephte McKay (Métis); died: May, 1885 Asham, Elizabeth (alias Desjarlais); concerning the claims of her deceased children: Mary, born: 1881 at Cypress Hills; died: 1885 at Saddle Lake; Georgina, born: 1883 at Saddle Lake; died: 1884 at Saddle Lake; address: Egg Lake; father of Mary: ? Beaupre (Whiteman); father of Georgina: Ned Higgins (Whiteman) mother: Elizabeth Asham (Métis and deponent); heir: their mother, Elizabeth Asham, deponent; file ref. 967236; claim no. 1955 2 Azure, Antoine; concerning the claim of his deceased child, Joseph Azur; claim no. 963; address: Belcourt; born: June, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Azur (Métis and deponent); mother: Victoire Larrivee (Métis); died: August, 1876 heirs: his father: Antoine Azur, the deponent; file ref. 947581 Azure, Eliza; address: Bellevue, Saskatchewan; claim no. 654; born: 15 November, 1877 between Wood Mountain and Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Azure (Métis); mother: Eliza Champagne (Métis); Scrip cert.: form c, no. 1013 for $240.00 Beauchamp, Marie Virginie; address: Sweet Grass County, Montana; claim no. 1211; born: 1875 at Cypress Hills; father: Baptiste Adam (Métis); mother: Marie Boner (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 776 Beaugrand, Francois (dit Champagne); address: Batoche Havre, Montana; claim no. 1106; born: 1871 between Wood Mountain & Cypress Hills; father: Ambroise Beaugrand (Métis); mother: Judith Frederic (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 692 Beaugrand, Jean Marie; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; claim no. 968; born: 1874 at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Baptiste Beaugrand (Métis); mother: Elise Laverdure (Métis); file ref. 947863; see claims 970, 971 and 972 Beaugrand, Sara; address: Dunsuth; claim no. 970; born: 1873 at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Baptiste Beaugrand (Métis); mother: Elise Laverdure (Métis); file ref. 947563 Beaugrand, Therese; address: Dunsuth; claim no. 973; born: 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: Francois Beaugrand (Métis); mother: Elise Laverdure (Métis); file ref. 947557 Belguard, Celine; address: Densith; claim no. 777; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Gilbert Belguard (Métis); mother: Sophia Descoteaux (Métis); file ref. 948011 Bellegarde, Baptiste; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; claim no. 633; for his deceased children: Eleonore, born: 1871 at Wood Mountain, died: 1889; Adeline, born: 1873 at Wood Mountain, died: 1874; Mathilde, born: 1876 between Wood Mountain and Cypress Hills, died: 1899; François, born: 1866 somewhere near the boundary line, died: November, 1878; mother: Marie Hamelin (Métis); father: Baptiste Bellegarde (Métis and deponent); file ref. 947567 Berger, Moses; address: Lewiston, Montana; claim no. 1428; born: October 1877, at Cypress Hills; father: Jacob Berger (Métis); mother: Philoméne Ouellette (Métis); file ref. 947555 and 344840 Boyer, Abraham; for his deceased children: Philomene, born: Jan., 1876 at Cypress Hills, died: May, 1876; Marie Therese, born: 1/2 Aug., 1874 at Qu'Appelle, died: April, 1897; Alfred, born: 21 March, 1871 near Wood Mountain, died: April, 1896; John, born: 15 Jan., 1877 at Cypress Hills, died: Dec., 1890; address: Turtle Mountain, Dakota; claim 3 no. 287; father: Abraham Boyer (Métis); mother: Julie Lafontaine (Métis); heir: their father Abraham Boyer; scrip cert.: form D: no. 80, Philomene; scrip cert.: form D: no. 82, Alfred; scrip cert.: form D: no. 84, John; scrip cert.: form D: no. 86, Marie Therese Boyer, Louise; for her deceased children: Charles, born: 1878 at Cypress Hills, died: when 1 month old; William, born: 1879 at Cypress Hills, died: when 20 days old; Bernard, born: 1880 at Cypress Hills, died: little over a month old; address: Medicine Hat; claim no. 1089; father: David Boyer (Métis); mother: Louise Roussin (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form F, nos. 2024, 2025 and 2026 issued to David Boyer (heir and father) Breland, Thomas; heir of his deceased children: John, born: 1873 at Cypress Hills; died: January, 1878; Clemence, born: 1878 near Cypress Hills, died: 8 April, 1879; Philomène, born: 1875 at Cypress Hills, died: 1878; address: St. Rose du Lac; claim no. 448; father: Thomas Breland (Métis and deponent); mother: Philomène Page (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 68, John; scrip cert.: form D, no. 70, Philomène; scrip cert.: form D, no. 72, Clemence Bremner, Joseph; heir of his deceased children: Suzanne, born: 1877 at Cypress Hills, died: 1890 at Calgary; Antoine, born: 1883 at Calgary, died: 1885 at Bear Hills; address: Battle River; claim no. 3282; father: Joseph Bremner (Métis); mother: Suzanne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1328, Suzanne; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1330, Antoine Bottineau, Elzear; heir of his deceased daughter, Isabelle Bottineau; claim no. 1215; address: Willow Bunch; born: Spring, 1861 near Cypress Hills; father: Elzear Bottineau (Métis & deponent); mother: Isabelle St. Pierre (Métis); deceased: 1862 at Cypress Hills; file ref. 1217033 Bottineau, Elzear; heir of his deceased son, Pierre Bottineau; claim no. 1238; address: Willow Bunch; born: April 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Elzear Bottineau (Métis & deponent); mother: Isabelle St. Pierre (Métis); died: 1 day after birth; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1810 Bottineau, Elzear; heir of his deceased son, Jules Bottineau; claim no. 29-30; address: Willow Bunch; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Elzear Bottineau (Métis & deponent); mother: Isabelle St. Pierre (Métis); died: 1877; scrip cert.: form F, no. 422 Bottineau, Elzear; heir of his deceased son, Alfred Bottineau; claim no. 34; born: Winter, 1873 at Cypress Hills; father: Elzear Bottineau (Métis & deponent); mother: Isabelle St. Pierre (Métis); died: 1874 at Wood Mountain; scrip cert.: form F, no. 424 Braconnier, Marguerite; for her deceased daughter Mary Jane Bremner. born: 8 January, 1880 at Cypress Hills; address: St. Eustache; claim no. 740; father: Pierre Bremner (Métis); mother: Marguerite Turcotte (Métis and deponent); died: 6 July, 1880 at St. Charles; heirs: scrip cert.: form F, no. 1970 for 40 acres, Marguerite Turcotte; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1977 for 40 acres, Robert Bremner; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1995 for 40 4 acres, Margaret, wife of Eugene Lavery; scrip cert.: form F, no. 2001 for 40 acres, Marie Louise Pattenaude; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1979 for 40 acres, Annie Allary; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1971 for 40 acres, Rosine Bremner Boyer, Andrew; for his deceased brother, Francois Xavier; claim no. 524; address: Dunsuth, Dakota; born: 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Francois Boyer (Métis); mother: Marie Allary (Métis); died: Dec. 1899; heirs: Andrew Boyer (deponent) scrip cert.: form D, no. 290 for $80.00; Marie St. Pierre, scrip cert.: form D, no. 292 for $80.00; Napoleon Boyer, scrip cert.: form D, no. 294 for $80.00 Boyer, John; heir to his deceased wife Isabelle Vivier; claim no. 38; address: Fort Ellice; born: 24 October, 1870 at Cypress Hills; father: Michel Vivier (Métis); mother: Elise Deschamps (Métis); died: 1898 at Moosimin; scrip cert.: form D, no. 3007 Boyer, Josephine; address: Havre; claim no. 1035; born: December, 1884 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Boyer (Métis); mother: Marguerite Pelletier (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 742 Breland, Lina; address: Duhamel; claim no. 3372; born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Samson Breland (Métis); mother: Clemence Bellehumeur (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2608 Breland, Patrice; address: St. Francois Xavier; claim no. 647; born: 2 November, 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Patrice Breland (Métis); mother: Hélène Dease (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3029 Breland, Samson; for his deceased son (unnamed) Breland; claim no. 2062; address: Duhamel; born: 1873 at Cypress Hills; father: Samson Breland (Métis and deponent); mother: Clemence Monette or Bellehumeur (Métis); died: 1 May 1873 (lived two weeks); heir: his father, Samson Breland (deponent); scrip cert.: form F, no. 750 Breland, Thomas; for his deceased children: Unnamed twins (boys), born: Summer 1877, near Cypress Hills, died: 2 June, 1877; Marie Catherine, born: 1881 at Oak Lake, died: 1882; address: St. Rose du Lac; claim no. 452; father: Thomas Brelands (Métis and deponent); mother of Twins: Marie Rivet (Métis); mother of Marie Catherine: Thérèse Turner (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 74, Unnamed boy no. 1; scrip cert.: form F, no. 76, Unnamed boy no. 2; scrip cert.: form F, no. 78, Marie Catherine Breland, Zacheria; heir of his unnamed deceased son; claim no. 2058; address: St. Paul des Metis; born: 1 January, 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Zacheria Breland (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Trottier (Métis); died: 10 January, 1878 at Cypress Hills; scrip cert.: form F, no. 748 Bremner, Joseph; heir of his deceased children: Suzanne, born: 1877 at Cypress Hills, died: 1890 at Calgary; Antoine, born: 1883 at Calgary, died: 1885 at Bear Hills; address: 5 Battle River; claim no. 3282; father: Joseph Bremner (Métis); mother: Suzanne Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1328, Suzanne; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1330, Antoine Brien, Josephte or Bryant; for her deceased children: Marie St. Anne, born: 1872 at Cypress Hills, died: April, 1874; Marie Liza, born: 1874 at Maple Creek, died: November, 1874; address: St. John, North Dakota; claim no. 924; father: Antoine Brien or Bryant (Métis); mother: Josephte Brien, née Azur Métis and deponent); heirs: Josephte Brien (née Azure), scrip cert.: form D, nos. 754 and 770 for $30.00 each; Alexander Brien, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 756 and 772 for $30.00 each; Suzette Lucier, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 758 and 774 for $30.00 each; Isidore Bruyere, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 760 and 776 for $30.00 each; Josephine Ouellette, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 762 and 778 for $30.00 each; Gregoire Bruyere, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 764 and 780 for $30.00 each; Adèle Ladouceur, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 766 and 782 for $30.00 each; file ref. 807360 Brien, Alexander; heir of his deceased children: Marie Alphonsine, born: June, 1872 at Cypress Hills, died: 1888 at Willow Bunch; Lucie Seraphine, born: 4 June, 1881 at Willow Bunch, died: 1893 at Willow Bunch; address: Malta, Montana; claim no. 1617; father: Alexander Brien (Métis and deponent); mother: Ellen Landry (Métis) Briere, Jean; address: St. Johns, North Dakota; claim no. 468; born: 24 December, 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Jeremiah Briere (Métis); mother: Elise Henry (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 220 Briere or Bruyere, Louison; heir of his deceased sons: Ambroise, born: 23 December, 1877 at Cypress Hills, died:: 1889; Jerome, born: June, 1884 at Willow Bunch, died: 1890; address: Willow Bunch; claim no. 175; father: Louison Briere or Bruyere (Métis and deponent); mother: Josette Berard (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, nos. 886 and 888 Bruneau, Jean Baptiste or Paul; address: Havre, Montana; claim no. 1216; born: 1874 at Cypress Hills; father: Michel Bruneau (Métis); mother: Liza Boyer (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 784 Cadotte, Pierre; for his deceased adopted son, Moise Cadotte; claim no. 784; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Xavier Cadotte (Métis); mother: Melanie Adam (Métis); died: 1894 at Devil's Lake Cardinal, Angélique Adeline; address: St. Laurent, Saskatchewan; claim no. 488; born: 5 August, 1880 between Cypress Hills and St. Laurent; father: Alexandre Cardinal (Métis); mother: Elise Moreau (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 241 for 240 acres of land Cardinal, Emilie; address: Lac la Biche; claim no. 2135; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Guillaume Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marguerite Sauvé (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1234 Champagne, Jean Baptiste; for his deceased son, Baptiste; claim no. 988; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; born: February, 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: John Baptiste 6 Champagne (Métis); mother: Adèle Poitras (Métis); died: July 1880 at Cypress Hills; file ref. 947537 Champagne, Pierre; address: Bellevue, Saskatchewan; claim no. 649; born: January, 1878 at Cypress Hills; Assiniboine; father: Ambroise Champagne (Métis); mother: Judith Langer Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1019 for $240.00 Charbonneau, Antoine; heir to his deceased son, Jean Baptist; claim no. 138; Charbonneau; born: 1885 between Milk River and; Cypress Hills (June); died: 1887 at Wood Mountain; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; father: Antoine Charbonneau (Métis and deponent); mother: Francoise St. Mathe or Jerome (Métis) Charbonneau, Antoine; heir to his deceased son, James Charbonneau; claim no. 148; address: Dunsuth; born: June, 1883 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Charbonneau (Métis and deponent); mother: Francoise Jerome (Métis); died: July, 1886 at Moose Lake Charbonneau, Antoine; heir to his deceased son, Jerome Charbonneau; claim no. 149; address: Dunsuth; born: June, 1881, at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Charbonneau (Métis and deponent); mother: Francoise Jerome (Métis); died: Fall 1886, at Moosejaw Charette, Adélaide - Concerning her claim as a head of family - Address, Wallhalla, Dacota Territory - Born, 1849 at Cypress Hills - Father, Baptiste Charette, (Métis) Mother, Angélique Petit, (Métis) - Married, 1865 on Plains to Cyrille Frédérick Children living, six (names on declaration) - Children deceased, one - Scrip for $160 Claim 1675 Charette, Daniel; address: File Hills; claim no. 612; born: July, 1874 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Charette (Métis); mother: Rosalie Colin (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 460 Charette, Maire; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; claim no. 147; born: December, 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Alexander Morin (Métis); mother: Angélique Bruneau (Métis); married: 1898 to Simon Charette; father: Alexander Morin (Métis); mother: Angélique Bruneau (Métis); file ref. 947535 Charette, Rosalie; address: File Hills; for her deceased children: Hormidas, born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; died: 9 October, 1897; Frederick, born: 1880 at Wood Mountain; died -; Marie Celina, born: 1880 at Wood Mountain; died -; father: Joseph Charette (deceased Métis); mother: Rosalie Colin (Métis and deponent); heirs: Rosalie, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 434, 446; and 458 for $40.00 each; Moise, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 436, 448 and 460; for $40.00 each; Marie Piché, scrip cert.: form D, no. 438, 450and 462; for $40.00 each; Ernestine, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 440, 452 and 464; for $40.00 each; Daniel, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 442, 454 and 466; for $40.00 each; Leonide, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 444, 456 and 468; for $40.00 each; claim no. 606 7 Chartrand, Francoise; for her deceased sister, Marie Madelein Landry; born: August 18, 1873 at Cypress Hills; died: 1874 at Cypress Mountain; address: Willow Bunch; father: Pierre Landry (deceased Métis); mother: Madeleine Chadron (deceased Métis); heirs: scrip cert.: form F, no. 402 for 48 acres, Francoise Chartrand; scrip cert.: form F, no. 404, for 48 acres, Maxime Landry; scrip cert.: form F, no. 410 for 48 acres, Napoleon Landry; Ellen Bruyere née Landry, 48 acres; claim no. 144; file ref. 781740 and 12384 A Chartrand, Francoise, for her deceased brothers: Bernard, born: 1874 at Cypress Hills, died: 1893 at Turtle Mountain; Joseph, born: 1879 at Wood Mountain, died: 1890 at Turtle Mountain; address: Glasgow, Montana; father: Pierre Landry (Métis deceased); mother: Madelaine Chandron (Métis deceased); claim no. 201; file ref. 96742 A Chartrand, John; for his deceased half brother and sisters: Israel Langer; born: 1874 at Cypress Hills; died: 1888; Marie Cecile; born: 1873 at Wood Mountain; died: when 1 month old; address: Willow Bunch; father: Joseph Langer (Métis); mother: Geneviève Whitefort (Métis); heirs: John Chartrand, scrip cert.: form D, no. 296 and 308; for $40.00 each; Geneviève Langer, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 298 and 310; for $40.00 each; Zacharie Chartrand, scrip cert.: form D, no. 300 and 312 for $40.00 each; Ambroise Chartrand, scrip cert.: form D, no. 302 and 314 for $40.00 each; James Chartrand, scrip cert.: form D, no. 304 and 316 for $40.00 each; Marie Laframbroise, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 306 and 318 for $40.00 each; claim no. 670; file ref. 999573 Cook, Catherine - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Willow Bunch - Born, St. Joe in 1858 - Father, Joseph Cook, (Métis) - Mother, Geneviéve Picard, (Métis) Married, 1877 at Cypress Hills to John Plummer - Children living, three - Children deceased, one - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1628 Cook, Elize; address: Qu'Appelle Station; claim no. 296; born: Cypress Hills; father: Francois Lafontaine (Métis); mother: Liza Hughs (Métis); scrip certificate: form E, no. 236 Cook, Matthew; for his son George Leslie Cook; claim no. 3486; address: Buffalo Lake; born: 17 April, 1883 at Cypress Hills; father: Matthew Cook (Métis & deponent); mother: Mathilda McKenzie (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2694 Cyr, Eliza; for her deceased children: Octavie, born: 1872 at St. Francois Xavier, died: 1873 at St. Francois Xavier; Theophile, born: 1874 at St. Francois Xavier, died: 1875 at St. Francois Xavier; Pierre Leveille, born: 1875 at Cypress Hills, died: Spring, 1876 at Cypress Hills; address: Duhamel; father: Gabriel Leveille (Métis); mother: Eliza Poitras (Métis and deponent); heirs: Eliza Cyr (née Poitras); mother; scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2810, 2826 and 2842 for $30.00 each; Patrice Leveille, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2812, 2828 and 2844 for $30.00 each; Florestine, wife of Philip Paul, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2814, 2830 and 2846 for $30.00 each; Eliza, wife of Noel Salcis, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2816, 2832 and 2848 for $30.00 each; Eleanor, wife of John Garriepy, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2818, 2834 and 2850 for $30.00 each; Gabriel Leveille, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 8 2820, 2836 and 2852 for $30.00 each; Joseph Leveille, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2822, 2838 and 2854 for $30.00 each; Alexander Cyr,. Daniel, Betsy; for her deceased son, Joseph Gallernault; claim no. 831; address: Touchwood Hills; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Toussaint Gallernault (deceased Whiteman); mother: Betsy LaPierre (Métis and deponent); died: 15 January, 1880; heirs Betsy Daniel, scrip cert.: form D, no. 726 for $26.66; Elise Pelletier, scrip cert.: form D, no. 728 for $26.66; Augustin Gallernault, scrip cert.: form D, no. 730 for $26.66; Roger Gallernault, scrip cert.: form D, no. 732 for $26.67; Frederick Gallernault, scrip cert.: form D, no. 734, for $26.67; Marguerite Gallernault, scrip cert.: form D, no. 736 for $26.67; Marie Gallernault, scrip cert.: form D, no. 738 for $26.67; Simon Gallernault, scrip cert.: form D, no. 740 for $26.67; Marie Victoria Gallernault, scrip cert.: form D, no. 742 for $26.67 Davis, Alexandre; heir to his deceased children: Marie Rose, born: 1876 at Broadview; died: 1878 at Cypress Hills; Julie, born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; died: 1879 at Cypress Hills; address: Loretta, North Dakota; father: Alexandre Davis (Métis and deponent); mother: Eulalie Gladu (Métis); Marie Rose, scrip cert.: form D, no. 6; claim no. 360 Dauphinais, Casimir; heir to his deceased daughter, Virginie Dauphinais; claim no. 231; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; died: 1881 at St. Francois Xavier; address: St. Rose; father: Casimir Dauphinais (Métis); mother: Marie Breland (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1634 Debrey (Dubray), Louis; address: Glasgow, Montana; claim no. 35; born: 30 April, 1879 between Cypress Hills; and Fort McLeod; father: William Debrey (Métis); mother: Mary Malaterre (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 12 Delorme, Elise; for her deceased son, Urban Delorme; claim no. 1062; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; born: 8 April, 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Urban Delorme (Métis); mother: Elise Belanger (Métis); died: 19 August, 1898 at Dunsuth; heir: father, Urban Delorme, scrip cert.: form F, no. 2048 Delorme, Joseph; address: Medicine Hat; claim no. 1191; born: 3 April, 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Delorme (Métis); mother: Eliza McLeod (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 750 Delorme, Mary; address: Havre, Montana; claim no. 1032; born: 1884, at Cypress Hills; father: Charles Delorme (Métis); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis) Deschamps, Madeleine; for her deceased husband, Baptiste Pelletier; claim no. 1277; born: 1815 at St. Boniface; died: Spring. 1878 at Cypress Hills; address: Qu'Appelle P.O; father: Joseph Pelletier (French Canadian); mother: Geneviève Beston (Métis); married: 1834 at St. Francois Xavier to Madeleine Deschamps; children living: 6; children deceased: Marie, Caroline and Joseph; heirs: Baptiste Pelletier, $22.85; Chrysologue Pelletier, $22.85; Alexandre Pelletier, $22.85; Hélène Pelletier, $22.85; Adolphus Pelletier, $22.85; Madeleine Deschamps, $22.85 9 Desjarlais, Julie; for her deceased children: John Charles, born: 1871 at LeBret; died: 17 September, 1872; Zacharie, born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; died: 10 May, 1890; Francois Xavier, born: 1882 at LeBret; died: 20 April, 1884; Marie, born: 1884 at LeBret; died: 30 March, 1888; address: LeBret; father: Baptiste Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Julie Grant (Métis and deponent); heirs: their father Baptiste Desjarlais; scrip cert.: form F, no. 188, John Charles; scrip cert.: form F, no. 190, Zacharie; scrip cert.: form D, no. 324, Jean Baptiste; scrip cert.: form D, no. 326, Marie; claim no. 713 Desjarlais, Louis; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; claim no. 940; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Francois Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Rachel St. Pierre (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 536 Desjarlais, Marie Julie; address: LeBret; claim no. 579; born: 1873 at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Baptiste Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Julie Grant (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 434 Desjarlais, Marie Louise; address: Fort Ellice; claim no. 78; born: 1883 at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Nolin (Métis); mother: Marie Tanner (Métis); married: 1899 to Antoine Desjarlais; scrip cert.: form C, no. 2115 Desmarais, Joseph; heir to his deceased daughters; claim no. 1258; Josephine, born: 22 October, 1880 near Cypress Hills; died: 1893; Vitaline, born: Winter, 1885 at Qu'Appelle; died: March, 1900; address: Medicine Hat; father: Joseph Desmarais (Métis and deponent); mother: Rosalie St. Denis (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 368 and 370 Demontigny, Alfred; born: 15 September, 1877 at Cypress Hills; claim no. 140; father: Charles Demontigny (Métis); mother: Nancy Thorn (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 44 Demontigny, Charles; heir to his deceased daughter, Mélanie Demontigny; claim no. 141; born: October, 1875 at Cypress Hills; died: 1899 at Killarney; father: Charles Demontigny (Métis and deponent); mother: Nancy Thorn (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 870 Desnomme, Marie; for her deceased children; claim no. 1414; Marie Zilda, born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; Adelaide, born: 1870 on the Prairie; died: 1892 at Judith Basin, Montana; address: Dearborn, Montana; father: Thorias Rocheblanc (Métis); mother: Marie Desmarais (Métis and dponent); file ref. 966403. Desnoyers, Louise; address: MacLeod; claim no. 1451; born: Spring, 1873 at Sandy Hills near Cypress; father: Leonide Garriepy (Métis); mother: Josephte Boulette (Métis) Dillon, Madeleine; wife of Isidore Larocque; claim no. 119; address: Glasgow, Montana; born: December, 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Jack Dillon (Métis); mother: Cecile Deschamps (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 56 10 Dubray, Adolphus; heir to his deceased son, John Dubray; claim no. 220; born: 10 February, 1876 at Cypress Hills, North West Territories; died: 1 November, 1876 at Milk River; address: Halcro, Saskatchewan; father: Adolphus Dubray (Canadian and deponent); mother: Louisa Kirkness (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 467 for $240.00 Dubray, Antoine; address: Halcro, Saskatchewan; claim no. 447; born: 24 March, 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Adolphus Dubray (Canadian and deponent); mother: Louisa Kirkness (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 669 for $240.00 Dubray, William; address: Willow Bunch; claim no. 36; born: 28 January, 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: William Dubray (Métis); mother: Mary Malaterre (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 15 Ducharme, Catherine - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, High River - Born, 1863 at Sturgeon Creek - Father, Pierre Ducharme, (Métis) - Mother, Marie Desjarlais, (Métis) - Married, 1879 at Cypress Hills to Leon Millette - Children living, one, George born 1883 - Scrip for $240 - Claim 312 Ducharme, Flora; wife of William Ducharme; claim no. 1064; address: Battleford, Saskatchewan; born: 1875 at Cypress Hills; father: Francois Lemire (Métis); mother: Francoise Birston (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1655 for $240.00 Dumont, Louis; heir to his deceased children; claim no. 148; Gabriel, born: 6 May, 1877 at Swift Current; died: 1889 at Fort Assiniboine; Marie, born: 18 April, 1881 at Cypress Hills; died: June, 1881 at Fort Assiniboine; Joseph Alfred, born: February, 1885 at Batoche; died: 1886 at Fort Assiniboine; address: Willow Bunch; father: Louis Dumont (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form F, no. 118, Gabriel Dumont; scrip cert.: form F, no. 120, Marie Dumont; scrip cert.: form D, no. 166, Joseph Alfred Dumont Dumont, Edouard; heir to his deceased daughter, Véronique Dumont; claim no. 366; born: 29 October, 1877 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; died: August, 1879 at Cypress Hills; address: Batoche; father: Edouard Dumont (Métis and deponent); mother: Sophie Letendre (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 215 for 240 acres of land. Dumont, Marie Thérèse; address: Bellevue, Saskatchewan; claim no. 480; born: 24 April, 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Elie Dumont (Métis); mother: Francoise Ouellette (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 693 for $240.00 Dumont, Peter; address: Willow Bunch; claim no. 42; born: 17 June, 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Louis Dumont (Métis); mother: Philomène Roussin (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 42 Everson, Mathilde; for her deceased children: John Henry, born: 18 June, 1879 at Cypress Hills; died: 5 January, 1886 at Medicine Hat; Robert, born: 15 August, 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: April, 1878 at Cypress Hills; address: Medicine Hat; father: Robert Everson (Whiteman); mother: Mathilde Gariepy (Métis and deponent); heirs: Mathilde 11 Everson, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1612 and 1618 for $80.00 each; Justice Frayer, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1614 and 1620; for $80.00 each; Emily Flint, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1616 and 1622; for $80.00 each; claim no. 1715. Fagnant, Francois Xavier; for her deceased children: Marie Josephine, born: 1874 at Cypress Hills, died: 1891 at Pincher Creek; Pierre, born: 1877 at Cypress Hills, died: 1891 at MacLeod; Louise, born: 1886 at Dupuyer, died: unknown; address: Great Falls, Montana; father: François Xavier Fagnant (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Bonneau (Métis); Marie Josephine, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1476; Pierre, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1478; claim no. 1551 Fagnant, Isabelle; address: Great Falls, Montana; claim no. 1419; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Xavier Fagnant (Métis); mother: Marie Bonneau (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 916 Fagnant, Jean Louis; heir to his deceased daughter, Elizabeth Fagnant; claim no. 936; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; died: March, 1880 at Wood Mountain; address: Swift Current; father: Jean Louis Fagnant (Métis and deponent); mother: Elise Plante (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 328 Fagnant, Louise - Paul Fagnant, concerning the claim of his deceased daughter, Louise Fagnant - Address, Calgary - Born, 1861 at St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba - Father, Paul Fagnant, (Métis) - Mother, Marguerite Houle, (Métis) - Died, June, 1882 on Plains near Cypress Hills - Heir, her father Paul Fagnant, deponent - Scrip for $240 - Claim 399 Faisant, Peter; address: Fort Steele; claim no. 1328; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Hyacinthe Faisant or Georges (Métis); mother: Marguerite Parisien (Métis); file ref. 962088 Falcon, Justine; address: Joliette, North Dakota; claim no. 1975; born: November, 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: William Paul (Métis); mother: Flavis Pagé (Métis); married: 1894 at St. François Xavier to Charles Falcon; file ref. 850658 Fayant, Moise; for his deceased children: Joseph, born: Spring, 1882 at Cypress Hills, died: 1893; Pierre, born: Fall, 1884 at Maple Creek, died: unknown; address: Lewiston; father: Moise Fayant (Métis and deponent); mother: Marguerite Desmarais (Métis); file ref. 947507; claim no. 1479 Ferguson, Antoine; heir to his deceased daughter, Angéle Ferguson; claim no. 620; born: 23 February, 1878 at St. Laurent; died: September, 1878 near Cypress Hills; address: Batoche; father: Antoine Ferguson (Métis and deponent); mother: Elise Jerome (Métis) scrip cert.: form F, no. 331 for 240 acres of land Fisher, Emerise; address: Blackwood; claim no. 573; born: 24 Jan., 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Roderick Ross (Métis); mother: Suzanne Pelletier (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 442 12 Fisher, François; address: Katepwa; claim no. 771; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Alexander Fisher (Métis); mother: Marguerite Racette (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 436; file ref. 660959 Frobisher, Marie; for her deceased son, William Amyot; claim no. 1960; address: St. Norbert; born: June, 1876 at Cypress Hills; died: 1 month old at Cypress Hills; father: Baptiste Amyot (Métis); mother: Marie Dupuis (Métis and deponent); heirs: Marie Frobisher; Madeleine Amyot; Baptiste Amyot; Joseph Amyot; Virginie Amyot Fontaine, Marie Josephine; address: Baie St. Paul; claim no. 1562; father: Louis Gladu (Métis); mother: Philomène Morisette (Métis); born: 15 December, 1878 at Cypress Hills; married: August, 1901 at St. Boniface to Baptiste Fontaine; scrip cert.: form E, no. 3444 Gaddie, Alexandre; for his deceased children: Alexander, born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: when 1 month old at Cypress Hills; Unnamed, born: 1873 at Cypress Hills; died: when 1 week old at Cypress Hills; father: Alexandre Gaddie (Métis and deponent); mother: of unnamed child Margaret Kennedy (Métis) and of Alexander, Eliza Lemire (Métis); address: Crooked Lake; claim no. 385 Garriepy, Charles; for his daughter, Adeleine Garriepy; claim no. 819; address: Estevan; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Charles Garriepy (Métis and deponent); mother: Virginie Glayene (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 584 Garriepy, Eleanore; address: Duhamel; claim no. 3405; born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Gabriel Leveille (Métis); mother: Eliza Poitras (Métis); husband: John Garriepy; scrip cert.: form E, no. 2652 Gariepy, Geneviève; formerly the wife of J érome Beauchamp; claim no. 1516; for her deceased children: Geneviève, born: 1857 at St. Norberts; died: 1857 at St. Norberts (2 months old); Marguerite, born: 1858 at Turtle Mountain; died: 1866 at Devil's Lake, Dakota; Raphael, born: 1864 at Turtle Mountain; died: 1870 at Devil's Lake, Dakota; Mary Anne, born: 1864 at Cypress Hills; died: 1866 at Milk River, Montana; Alexander, born: 1866 at Cypress Hills; died: 1868 at Milk River; Marie Louise, born: 1882 at Cypress Hills; died: 1890 at Great Falls, Montana; address: Great Falls, Montana; file ref. 947505; father: Jérome Beauchamp (Métis); mother: Geneviève Parisien (Métis) Garriepy, John; heir to his deceased brothers and sisters: Josue, born: 1872 at Red Deer; died: 1885 at Duhamel; Adèle, born: 1874 at Batoche; died: 1890 at Duhamel; Antoinette, born: 1882 at Cypress Hills; died: 1885 at Duhamel; Patrice Campion (Halfbrother); born: 1882 at Qu'Appelle; died: 1897 at Duhamel; address: Duhamel; father: Fransais Garriepy and Alex Campion (Métis); mother: Caroline Grant (Métis); heirs: John Garriepy, scrip cert.: form F, nos. 1418 and 1424, for 80 acres each and scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2858 and 2864 for $80.00 each; Dolphus Campion, scrip cert.: form F, nos. 1420 and 1426 for 80 acres each and scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2860 and 2866 for $80.00 13 each; Patrice Leveille, scrip cert.: form F, nos. 1422 and 1428 for 80 acres each and scrip cert.: form D, nos. 2862 and 2868 for $80.00 each; file ref. 674588; claim no. 3412 Gervais, Cécile; for her deceased daughter, Marie Thérèse Piché; claim no. 369; born: Winter, 1874 at Cypress Hills; died: 1884 at Willow Bunch; address: Oak Lake; father: Louison Piché (Métis); mother: Cécile Desmarais (Métis and deponent); heirs: Cécile Gervais, scrip cert.: form D, no. 130 for $30.00; Isabelle Delorme, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3227 for $30.00; Florestine Beaupre, scrip cert.: form D, no. 138 for $30.00; Philomène Hamelin, scrip cert.: form D, no. 140 for $30.00; Nathalie Chartrand, scrip cert.: form D, no. 142 for $30.00; Vitaline Duamais, scrip cert.: form D, no. 144 for $30.00; Justine Legare, scrip cert.: form D, no. 146 for $30.00; Zacharie Piché, scrip cert.: form D, no. 148 for $30.00 Gervais, Cuthbert; heir to his deceased children: John Napoléon, born: 1874 at Saddle Lake; died: 1876 at Cypress Hills; Arthur, born: 1885 at Batoche; died: 10 months old at Pincher Creek; address: Pincher Creek; father: Corbett Gervais (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Desmarais (Métis); John Napoléon, scrip cert.: form F, no. 1834; Arthur, scrip cert.: form F, no. 1835; claim no. 1618 Gervais, Marguerite; address: MacLeod Fall; claim no. 1494; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: John Swan (Métis); mother: Liza Desnomme (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 956 Gladu, Catherine; for her deceased children: Napoleon, born: 1872 at Fisher, North Dakota; died: 11 May, 1881 at Flatt Creek; Hélène, born: 1875 at Cypress Hills; died: 7 October, 1885 at Oak Lake; Charles Bruno, born: 1882 at Oak Lake; address: Fisher, North Dakota; father: Antoine Gladu (Métis); mother: Catherine Fagnant (Métis and deponent); heir: their brother, Frank Gladu; Napoléon, scrip cert.: form F, no. 2064; Charles Bruno, scrip cert.: form F, no. 2065; Hélène, scrip cert.: form F, no. 2066; claim no. 358 Oak Lake; died: 15 December, 1882 at Oak Lake; address: Fisher, North Dakota; father: Antoine Gladu (Métis); mother: Catherine Fagnant (Métis and deponent); heir: their brother, Frank Gladu; Napoléon, scrip cert.: form F, no. 2064; Charles Bruno, scrip cert.: form F, no. 2065; Hélène, scrip cert.: form F, no. 2066; claim no. 358. Gladu, Joseph; heir to his deceased son, Joseph Gladu; claim no. 64; address: Fort Ellice; born: 1880 at Cypress Hills; died: 1885 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Gladu (Métis and deponent); mother: Victoire Savage or Adam (Indian); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1613. Gladu, Joseph; heir to his deceased daughter, Marie Victoire Gladu; born: 1878 at Baie St. Paul; died: at Cypress Hills; address: Fort Ellice; father: Joseph Gladu (Métis and deponent); mother: Victoire Savage (Indian); claim no. 65. Gladu, Joseph; heir to his deceased son, Alfred Gladu; claim no. 30; address: Fort Ellice; born: 1885 at Cypress Hills; died: 1897 at Fort Ellice; father: Joseph Gladu (Métis and deponent); mother: Victoire Savage or Adam (Indian); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1606. 14 Gosselin, Emmanuel; address: Willow Bunch; claim no. 215; born: Summer, 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Alexander Gosselin (Métis); mother: Marie Champagne (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 190. Gosselin, Marie Rose; address: Willow Bunch; 204; claim no. born: October, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Baptiste Fayant (Métis); mother: Angélique Ward (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 200. Gosselin, Marie Justine; address: Estevan; claim no. 715; born: 1880 near Cypress Hills; father: Charles Garriepy (Métis); mother: Virginie Blinyore (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 546. Gunville, Patrice; address: St. John, N.D; claim no. 902; born: 1 Sept., 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Gunville (Métis); mother: Eliza Swain (Métis); married: 1898 at St. Michel, N.D. to Enilda Delorme; scrip cert.: form E, no. 3106. Houde, Sarah; address: Calgary; claim no. 1647; born: 10 April, 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Robert McCutcheon (White); mother: Angelina Caddie (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 986. Houle, Alexandre; heir to his deceased daughter, Adeline Houl; claim no. 378; born: 18 March, 1880 at Cypress Hills; died: Oct., 1880; father: Alexandre Houle (Métis & deponent); mother: Marguerite Davis (Métis); address: Turtle Mountain, Dakota; scrip cert.: form E, no. 42. House, Thomas; heir to his deceased children: Matthew, born: 1876 at Battle River; died: 1877 at Battle River; George Washington, born: 1877 at Morley; died: 1880 at Wood Mountain; Charles, born: 1877 at Morley; died: 1880 at Wood Mountain; Edward , born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; died: 1880 at Wood Mountain; address: near Edmonton; father: Thomas House (Métis & deponent); mother: Susan Hope (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1846 (Matthew); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1847 (George Washington); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1848 (Charles); scrip cert.: form F, no. 2062 (Edward); claim no. 1732. Huppe, Josephine; for her deceased halfbrother & sister: Joseph Cardinal, born: 1 Sept., 1278; died: 1890 at Fort Assiniboine; Marguerite Cardinal, born: 1875, April 26; died: 1881 or 1882 at Cypress Hills; address: St. Paul's Mission, Montana; father: Narcisse Cardinal (Métis); mother: Louise Deschamps (deceased Métis); file ref. 790945; claims allowed; scrip for 240 acres each; claim no. 1092 Inkster, Alice; address: Towner; claim no. 958; born: 1 Nov. , 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Edward Rousseau (White); mother: Margaret Gendron (Métis); married: Fall, 1900 at Towner to Colin Inkster; scrip cert.: form E, no. 3131. 15 Janot, Pierre; heir to his deceased daughter, Julie Janot; claim no. 908; address: Turtle Mountain, St. John; born: 14 Feb., 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Pierre Janot (Métis & deponent); mother: Louise Laverdure (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 478. Janot, William; address: St. John; claim no. 911; born: 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Pierre Janot (Métis); mother: Lalouise Laverdure (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 508. Johnson, Joseph; address: Winnipeg; claim no. 1790; for his deceased sister, Annie Johnson; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; died: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Stuart Johnson (deceased Whiteman); mother: Julienne White (deceased Métis) Johnson, Joseph; for his deceased brother, John Johnson; claim no. 1791; address: Winnipeg; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Stewart Johnson (White); mother: Julienne White (Métis) Johnson, Joseph; address: Winnipeg; claim no. 1789; born: 8 Jan., 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: Stuart Johnson, Whiteman); mother: Julienne White (Métis) Joseph; address: Beaver Lake; claim no. 1988; born: Spring, 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Ne-kih-wah-ka-tah-ko-neet (Cree); mother: Elise. Kennedy, Adele; address: Willoa Bunch; claim no. 80; born: 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: John Malaterre (Métis); mother: Mary Beaugrand or Rocheblanc (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 76. Klyne, Benjamin; heir to his deceased children: Alexandre, born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; died: 1878 at Cypress Hills; Albert, born: 1877 at Fort Walsh; died: 1877 at Cypress Hills; Mary Virginie, born: 1872 at Wood Mountain; died: 1874 at Wood Mountain; address: Lewiston, Montana; father: Benjamin Klyne (Métis & deponent); mother: Angelique St. Pierre (Métis); 3 scrip issued for 240 acres each; file ref. 947495; claim no. 1459. Klyne, William; heir to his deceased children: Genevieve, born: 15 Jan., 1871 at Wood Mountain; died: 1877; Rebecca, born: 1878 at Wood Mountain; died: March, 1878; Betsy, born: March, 1878 at Cypress Hills; died: 1880; address: Willow Bunch; father: William Klyne (Métis & deponent); mother: Madeline Poitras (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 490, Genevieve; scrip cert.: form F, no. 492, Rebecca; scrip cert.: form F, no. 494, Betsy; claim no. 192. Lafontaine, Alfred; address: Estevan; claim no. .1922; born: 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Lafontaine (Métis); mother: Madeleine Ross (Métis) Lafontaine, Ambroise; address: Lander; claim no. 1061; born: April, 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Lafontaine (Métis); mother: Madeleine Ross (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3194; file ref. 59348A. 16 Lafontaine, Antoine; heir to his deceased unnamed daughter; claim no. 301; address: near Hartney, Manitoba; born: 1873 between Medicine Hat and Cypress Hills; died: 1874 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; father: Antoine Lafontaine (Métis and deponent); mother: Philomene Jeannotte (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 178. Lafontaine, Francois; for his deceased daughter, Clemence Camero; claim no. 286; address: Qu'Appelle Station; born: 2 November, 1873 at Cypress Hills; died: 13 July, 1890; father: Francois Lafontaine (Métis and deponent); mother: Liza Hughes (Métis); husband and heir, Harry Cameron; scrip cert.: form D, no. 786. Lafontaine, Marie Anna; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; claim no. 425; born: 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: Louison Lafontaine (Métis); mother: Madeline Pelletier (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 198. Lafontaine, Marie Rose; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; claim no. 456; born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Modeste Turcotte (Métis); mother: Caroline Allary (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 246. Lafontaine, Mary Nathalie; address: near Hartney, Ma; claim no. 293; born: 4 March, 1875 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Lafontaine (Métis); mother: Philomene Jeannotte (Métis); scrip cert.: form no. 232. Lafournaise, Gregoire; address: Duhamel; claim no. 3355; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Jerome Lafournaise (Métis); mother: Priscille Welsh (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2590. Lafournaise, Isabelle; address: Duhamel; claim no. 3354; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Jerome Lafournaise (Métis); mother: Priscille Welsh (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2588. Lafournaise, Jerome; heir to his deceased son, Francois Lafournaise; claim no. 3352; address: Duhamel; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Jerome Lafournaise (Métis and deponent); mother: Priscille Welsh (Métis); died: March, 1884; scrip cert.: form F, no. 1362. Lafournaise, St Pierre dit Laboucanne; heir to his deceased children: Marie Anne, born: 13 Sept., 1881 at Duck Lake; died: 1898 at St. Paul des Metis; Jean Baptiste, born: 23 Sept., 1882 at Cypress Hills; died: 1 month old at Saskatoon; address: St. Paul des Metis; father: St. Pierre Lafournaise (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Rose Ross (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, No 740 and 742; claim no. 2039. Laframboise, Edouard; for his deceased sister, Marie Augustine Laframboise; claim no. 319; address: Duck Lake; born: 18 March, 1874 at Duck Lake; died: 1881 or 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Augustin Laframboise (Métis); mother: Louise Ledoux (Métis); heirs: Edouard Laframboise, scrip cert.: form D, No; 679 for $40.00; Rosalie Arcand, scrip cert.: form D, no. 681 for $40.00; Daniel Laframboise, scrip cert.: form D, no. 683 17 for $40.00; Philomene Laframboise, scrip cert.: form D, no. 685for $40.00; Hyacinthe St. Cyr, scrip cert.: form D, no. 687 for $40.00; Catherine Laframboise, scrip cert.: form D, no. 689 for $40.00. Laframboise, Isidore; for his deceased half-brother, Francois Xavier Laframboise; claim no. 1117; address: Lewiston; born: 20 Nov., 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1892 at Lewiston; father: William Laframboise (Métis); mother: Marie Rose Walsh (Métis) file ref. 947487. Laframboise, Isidore; address: Lewiston, Montana; claim no. 1118; born: March, 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: William Laframboise (Métis); mother: Catherine Berger (Métis); file ref. 947483. Laframboise, Melanie; address: Swift Current; claim no. 1190; born: 1866 at St. Francois Xavier; father: Francois Laframboise (Métis); mother: Marie Trottier (Métis); married: Winter, 1883 at Cypress Hills to Norbert Poitras; children living: Flora scrip for $240.00. Lake, Anne; for her deceased son, Alexander Lake; claim no. 1338; address: Cascade, Montana; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1885 at Maple Creek; father: Thomas Lake (deceased Whiteman); mother: Baptiste Boucher (Métis) Lake, Edward; address: Dupuyr; claim no. 1572; born: 8 March, 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: Thomas Lake (Whiteman); mother: Anne Boucher (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 900. Lake, Eliza; address: St. Albert; claim no. 2671; born: 3 Nov., 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: Thomas Lake (Whiteman); mother: Anne Boucher (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1948. Lambert, Joseph; heir to his deceased son, Joseph Lambert; claim no. 936; address: Carman; born: 9 Nov., 1881 between Wood Mountain and Cypress Hills; died: 25 May, 1900 at Carman; father: Joseph Lambert (Métis and deponent); mother: Rose Delina Rainville (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1741. Landry, Moise; heir to his deceased children: Joseph, born: 1871 at Duck Lake; died: 1884 at Fort Assiniboine; Marie, born: 1882 at Cypress Hills; died: 1893 at St. Peter's Mission; address: Havre, Montana; father: Moise Landry (Métis and deponent); mother: Philomène Laframboise (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1012 for Marie file ref. 273805; claim no. 1020. Landry, Napoleon; for his deceased brother, Bernard Landry; claim no. 705; address: Densith; born: 1873 at Cypress Hills; father: Pierre Landry (deceased Métis); mother: Magdeline Chardronne (deceased; Métis); died: 1892 at Densith; heirs: Napoleon Landry, scrip cert.: form D, no. 410; for $48.00; Francoise Chartrand, $48.00; Maxime Landry, scrip cert.: form D, no. 418 for $48.00; file ref. 12380A. 18 Landry, Therese; address: Augusta, Montana; claim no. 1416; born: Dec., 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Francois Lapierre (Métis); mother: Marie Rose Swan (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 918. Langer Jr., Jean Baptiste; address: Belcourt, North Dakota claim no. 488; born: 31 Jan., 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Baptiste Langer (Métis); mother: Justine Malaterre (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 370. LaPierre, Francois Xavier; heir to his deceased children; Genevieve, born: 2 June, 1883 at Cypress Hills; died: 1890 on the Prairie; Rosy, born: 13 Sept., 1885 near Cypress Hills; died: 1890 on the Prairie; address: Chateau, Montana; father: Francois Xavier LaPierre (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Rose Swan (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1410 and 1412; claim no. 1477. Laplante, Isidore; address: Saskatchewan Landing; claim no. 933; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Isidore Laplante (Métis); mother: Philomène Fagnant (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 660. Laplante, Louis; for his deceased brother, Antoine Laplante; claim no. 776; address: Willow Bunch; born: 1874 at Cypress Hills; died: April, 1874 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Laplante (deceased Métis); mother: Josephte Roy (Métis); heirs: Louis Laplante, scrip cert.: form D, no. 404 for $80.00; scrip cert.: form D, no. 3238 for $40.00 to Josette St; Denis; Joseph Laplante, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3239 for $40.00; Isidore St. Denis, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3240 for $40.00; Jane St. Denis, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3241 for $40.00; Patrice St. Denis, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3242 for $40.00; file ref. 892108. Laplante, William; address: St. John, North Dakota; claim no. 304; born: 1 Feb., 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Laplante (Métis); mother: Emerence Bruyere, or Briere (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 160. Larocque, Jean Baptiste; heir to his deceased daughter, Victoire Larocque; claim no. 1243; born: 1875 at Cypress Hills; died: 5 or 6 days old at Cypress Hills; address: Glasgow, Montana; father: Jean Baptiste Larocque (Métis and deponent); mother: Julie Lemire (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1818. Larocque, Joseph; address: Glasgow, Montana; claim no. 111; born: July, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Baptiste Larocque (Métis); mother: Julie Lemire (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 32. Larocque, Stanislas; for his deceased brothers; claim no. 1288; address: Medicine Hat; Jean Baptiste, born: 1882 at Cypress Hills; died: 1893 at Cypress Hills; Grégoire, born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1894 at Oak Lake; Norbert or Albert, born: Nov., 1870 at Cypress Hills; died: July, 1875; father: Joseph Larocque (deceased Métis); mother: Madeline Fayant (deceased Métis); heirs: Stanislas Larocque, scrip cert.: form F, no. 19 2035; 2037 and 2039 for 120 acres each; Catherine Gariepy, scrip cert.: form F, no. 2036, 2038 and 2040 for 120 acres each. Larocque, Stanislas; address: Medicine Hat; claim no. 1229; born: April, 1875 at White Mud, Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Larocque (Métis); mother: Madeleine Fayant (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 734. Larose, George; address: Buffalo Lake; claim no. 3427; born: 1 March, 1873 at Cypress Hills; father: Frank Larose (Métis); mother: Ellen Beannette (Métis); married: 1895 at Wetaskewin to Susan Baxter; file ref. 947469. Laurence, Ambroise; heir to his deceased son, Basil Laurence; claim no. 1534; address: Château, Montana; born: 1881 at Cypress Hills; died: 1886 or 1887 at St. Peter's Mission; father: Ambroise Laurence (Métis and deponent); mother: Catherine Nommé (Métis); form D, no. 1474. Laurence, Ambroise; for his minor son, Charles Laurence; claim no. 1535; address: Châteaux County, Montana; born: 1883 between Wood Mountain and Cypress Hills; father: Ambroise Laurence (Métis and deponent); mother: Catherine Nommé or Desnommée (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 984. Lavallée, Elise, née Rocheblanc; for her deceased children; claim no. 389; address: Crooked Lakes; Florestine, born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: March, 1878; Clémence, born: 1881 at Maple Creek; died: 2 months old; father: Xavier Lavallée (Métis); mother: Elise Rocheblanc (Métis and deponent); heir: their father, Xavier Lavallée; scrip cert.: form F, no. 22, Florestine and scrip cert.: form D, no. 2 for 240 acres and $240.00 respectively Lavallée, Philomène; address: Crooked Lakes; claim no. 348; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Xavier Lavallée (Métis); mother: Elise Rocheblanc (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 140. Laverdure, Agnès, née Parenteau; for her deceased children: Herminigilde, born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; died: 1897; Elise, born: 1872 at Batoche; died: 1887; address: Belcourt; father: Pierre Laverdure (Métis); mother: Agnès Parenteau (Métis and deponent); two scrip for 240 acres each to their father, Pierre Laverdure, the sole heir; file ref. 948005; claim no. 780. Laverdure, Baptiste; for his deceased children; claim no. 1368; Baptiste, born: 2 September, 1873 at Cypress Hills; died: 1874 at White Mud River; Nancy, born 28 September, 1875 at Medicine Hat; died: May, 1892 at St. Peter's Mission; address: St. Peter's Mission, Montana; father: Baptiste Laverdure (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Anne Azure (Métis); file ref. 947473. 20 Laverdure, Eliza, née Primeau; address: St. John, Dakota; claim no. 300; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Jérémie Primeau (Métis); mother: Marie Morin (Métis); file ref. 947489. Laverdure, Frank; for his living children; claim no. 1186; François, born: March, 1881 at White Mud, near Cypress Hills; John, born: 5 May, 1883 at White Mud; address: Havre, Montana; father: Frank Laverdure (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Turcotte (Métis) Laviolette (married name: Swain), Marie; for her deceased son, Thomas Swain; claim no. 51; address: St. Louis de Langevin; born: 18 February, 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1897 at Havre, Montana; father: William Swain; (deceased Métis); mother: Marie Laviolette (Métis and deponent); heirs: scrip cert.: form D, no. 55 for $180.00 to Marie Swain, née Laviolette; Flora Anderson, scrip cert.: form D, no. 65 for $60.00; file ref. 1519035. Laviolette, Marie; for her deceased daughter, Betsy Swain; claim no. 52; address: St. Louis de Langevin; born: 15 January, 1876 at Cypress Hills; died: 18 January, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: William Swain (deceased Métis); mother: Marie Laviolette (Métis and deponent); heirs: Marie Laviolette, scrip cert.: form D, no. 57 for $180.00; Flora Anderson, scrip cert.: form D, no. 69 for $60.00. Lawrence, Thomas; for his deceased children; claim no. 1139; Norbert Lawrence, born: March, 1879 at Wood Mountain; died: ?; Hélène, born: March, 1876 at Cypress Hills; died: June, 1876 at Cypress Hills; Joséphine, born: January, 1877 at Cypress Hills died: July, 1878 at Eagle Quill Lakes; Marie Louise, born: May, 1885 at Pinto Horse Butte; died: 1889 at St. Mary's Lake; address: Linduskie, Montana; father: Thomas Lawrence (Métis and deponent); mother: Hélène Deschamps (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1126, Norbert; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1128, Hélène; file ref. 986420. Leberge, Magdeleine; address: Sweet Grass County, Montana; claim no. 1228; born: 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Michel Bonneau or Paul (Métis); mother: Liza Boyer (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 736. Ledoux, Eliza; for her deceased children; claim no. 1075; Louis Napoleon, born: Dec., 1878 at; Cypress Hills; died: 1891 in the United States; Rebecca, born: 12 Aug., 1884 in Montana; died: April, 1885 at Sweet Grass; Mary Fresine, born: 31 March, 1873 at; Cypress Hills; died: 1892 at Sweet Grass Hills; Harriet Jane, born: Dec., 1878 at; Cypress Hills; died: 1880 in the United States; address: Sweet Grass County, Montana; father: Daniel Ledoux (Métis and heir); mother: Eliza Wells (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1084, Louis Napoleon; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1086, Mary Fresine; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1088, Harriet Jane. Ledoux, Liza; address: Sweet Grass County; claim no. 1183; for her absent daughter, Mary Rose Widdecombe; born: 1871 at Cypress Hills; father: Daniel Ledoux (Métis); 21 mother: Liza Wells (Métis and deponent); husband: James Widdecombe; file ref. 971647. Ledoux, Suzanne; address: Fort Qu'Appelle; claim no. 340; born: 1872 between Wood Mountain and Cypress Hills; father: François Lerat dit Pitwewekijik (Métis); mother: Émilie Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 174. Lemire, Clémence; for her minor daughter, Marie Lemire; claim no. 992; address: Qu'Appelle; born: Nov., 1883 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Lemire (Métis); mother: Clémence Boyer (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form C, no. 582. Lemire, Francis; heir to his deceased children; claim no. 994; Marie, born: 1880 at Cypress Hills; died: July, 1898 at Chinook; Norman, born: 1885 near Qu'Appelle; died: 1881 at Saskatchewan Landing; address: Eagle Lake; father: Francis Lemire (Métis and deponent); mother: Françoise Burston (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 998, Marie; scrip cert.: form F, no. 330, Norman. Lemire, François; heir to his deceased daughter, Marie Lemire; claim no. 473; address: Battleford; born: 5 March, 1875 at St. Albert; died: 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: François Lemire (Métis and deponent); mother: Suzanne Boucher (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1245 for $240.00. Lemire, Francois; heir to his deceased daughter, Victoire Lemire; claim no. 898; address: Battleford; born: 1857 near Cypress Hills; died: 25 March, 1877 at Calgary; father: Francois Lemire (Métis and deponent); mother: Suzanne Boucher (Métis); children living: Judith (Illegitimate); scrip for $240.00. Lemire, Joseph; address: Swift Current; claim no. 193; born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Xavier Lemire (Métis); mother: Clemence Bastien (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 182. Lemire, Joseph; address: Eagle Quill Lake; claim no. 991; born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Francois Lemire (Métis); mother: Francoise Burston (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 578. Lemire Jr., Pierre; address: Qu'Appelle; claim no. 1253; born: 1860 at St. Francois Xavier; father: Pierriche Lemire Sr. (Métis); mother: Thérese Pelletier (Métis); married: 1882 at Cypress Hills to Sara Delorme; scrip for $240.00. Lemire, William; address: Swift Current; claim no. 904; born: July, 1873 at Cypress Hills; father: Xavier Lemire (Métis); mother: Clemence Berston (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 498. Lemire, Xavier; heir to his deceased daughter, Philomene Lemire; claim no. 919; address: Swift Current; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: about 4 months after birth; father: Xavier Lemire (Métis); mother: Clemence Berston (Métis) 22 Leveille, John Johnston; for his living children: John James, born: 10 May, 1876 at Regina; Marie Rose, born: 6 Jan., 1878 at Cypress Hills; Victor Napoleon, born: 25 Aug., 1882 at Oak Lake; Rose de Lima, born: 25 Aug., 1882 at Oak Lake; address: Tp. 6, R. 25 W.1; father: John Johnston Leveille (Métis and deponent); mother: Liza Breland (Métis); John James, scrip cert.: form E, no. 448; Marie Rose, scrip cert.: form E, no. 450; Victor Napoleon, scrip cert.: form E, no. 452; Rose de Lima, scrip cert.: form E, no. 454; claim no. 517. Lightning, Christine; for her deceased daughter, Mary Gingra nee Lightning; claim no. 1453; address: MacLeod; born: Spring, 1880 at Cypress Hills; died: 1899 at Tabasco Plains, B.C; father: John Lightning (Métis); mother: Christine Gladu (Métis and deponent) Malaterre, Isabella; for her deceased son, William Malaterre; address: on the prairie; born: June, 1885 at Cypress Hills; died: August 1885; father: Charles Malaterre (Métis and heir); mother: Isabella Rochebrane, Rosebreff or Roseblanc (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form D, no. 868; claim no. 95. Manzini, Francois; address: St. Rose du Lac; born: March, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Martin Manzini (Métis); mother: Élise Allary (Métis); married: 1899 to Catherine Locquit; scrip cert.: form E, no. 2818; claim no. 47. Manzini, Martin; heir to his deceased son, Joseph Zacharie; Manzini; address: St. Rose du Lac; born: 1871 near Wood Mountain; died: 1874 on the prairie, West of Cypress; Hills; father: Martin Manzini (Métis and deponent); mother: Héléne Garriepy (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1614; claim no. 70. Manzini, Martin; heir to his deceased daughter, Emily Manzini; address: St. Rose du Lac; born: February 1873 at Wood Mountain; died: almost 1 year old, beyond Cypress Hills; father: Martin Manzini (Métis and deponent); mother: Ellen Garriepy (Métis); file ref. 30384A; claim no. 1090. Marion, Joséphine; address: St. Boniface; born: 31 March, 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Roger Marion (Métis); mother: Julienne Carrion (Métis); file ref. 797031 on 616750; claim no. 1984. Marion, Maxime; heir to his deceased daughter, Adéle Marion; address: Belcourt, North Dakota; born: 2 March, 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1880 at Oak Lake; father: Maxime Marion (Métis); mother: Élise Jérome (Métis); scrip Issued for 240 acres; file ref. 767355; claim no. 924. Marron Jr., Simon; address: St. Paul des Metis; born: 1874 at Cypress Hills; father: Simon Marron (Métis); mother: Isabelle Morrisseau (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1336; claim no. 2036. 23 Maveety, Mary; address: Prince Albert; born: 22 April, 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Elzéar Swain (Métis); mother: Justine Ducharme (Métis); married: to John Douglas Maveety; scrip cert.: form E, no. 99; claim no. 129. McGillis, Adele; address: Willow Bunch; born: 11 December, 1877 between Cypress Hills and Fort McLeod; father: William Dubray or Dubreuil (Métis); mother: Marie Malaterre (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 34; claim no. 38. McGillis, Gregoire; address: Willow Bunch; born: 13 March, 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Alexandre McGillis (Métis); mother: Marie Jeanotte (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 32; claim no. 32. McGillis, Mathilde; address: Willow Bunch; born: May, 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Modeste McGillis (Métis); mother: Isabella Poitras (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 84; claim no. 86. McGillis, Modeste; heir to his deceased children: Marie Seraphine, born: 1872 at Wood Mountain; died: 1878 at Cypress Hills; Jean Marie, born: 1876 at Wood Mountain; died: 1877 at Qu'Appelle; Angus Toby, born: 1871 at Wood Mountain; died: August 1971 at St. Francois Xavier; Adele, born: 1878 at Wood Mountain; died: day of birth; address: Willow Bunch; father: Modeste McGillis (Métis and deponent); mother: Isabelle Poitras (Métis); heirs: scrip cert.: form D, no. 898, Marie Seraphine; scrip cert.: form D, no. 900, Jean Marie; scrip cert.: form D, no. 902, Angus Toby; scrip cert.: form D, no. 904, Adele; claim no. 213. McKay, Alexander; for his daughter, Anne Elizabeth, wife of Francis Francis St. Denis; address: Malta, Montana; born: 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Alexander McKay (Métis and deponent); mother: Virginie Larocque (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3275; claim no. 1287. McKay, Eliza; address: Cypress Hills; born: 6 January, 1884 at Medicine Hat; father: Alexander McKay (Métis); mother: Virginie Larocque (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3603; file ref. 677700; claim no. 1077. McKay, Joseph; address: Lethbridge; born: Spring 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Colin McKay (Métis); mother: Marie Rose Gaudry (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 808; claim no. 1355. McKay, Leonard; for his living children: Philomene, born: 1873 near Moose Jaw; Napoleon, born: 1881 at Cypress Hills; address: Lariette, North Dakota; father: Leonard McKay (Métis and deponent); mother: Sara Lambert (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, nos. 224 and 228; claim no. 466. McKay, Leonard; heir to his deceased daughter, Marie Rose McKay; address: St. Michel; born: 20 February, 1879 at Cypress Hills; died: 1895 at Lariette, North Dakota; 24 father: Leonard McKay (Métis and deponent); mother: Sarah Lambert (Métis); scrip Issued for 240 acres; Ref 947453; claim no. 773. McKay, Leonard; for his deceased unnamed son; address: Swan Creek; born: February, 1883 at Cypress Hills; died: March, 1884 at Fort Assiniboine; mother: Sarah Lambert (Métis); file ref. 706532; claim no. 1125. McKay, Sara; address: Medicine Hat; born: 3 May, 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: Alexander McKay (Métis); mother: Virginie Larocque (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 738; file ref. 617053 & 4160955; claim no. 1230. McKinnon, Flora; address: Crooked Lakes; born: 16 June, 1882 at Cypress Hills; father: Richard McKinnon (Whiteman); mother: Margaret Gaddie (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3597; claim no. 382. Melbourne, Mary; address: Poplar, Montanan: 15 May, 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: Baptiste Briere or Busebois or Bruyere (Métis); mother: Marie Allary (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 58; claim no. 178. Michel; for his living children: Marie Rose, born: 1878 at McKay Creek; wife of Norman Baptiste; John, born: 1885 at Cypress Hills; address: Cypress Hills; father: Michel (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Thomas (Métis); claim no. 1157. Michel; for his deceased children: Marie Louise, born: 1883 at Big Stick Lake; died: 1885 at Medicine Hat; Joseph, born: 1875 at Duck Lake; died: 1878 at Big Stick Lake; address: Cypress Hills; father: Michel (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Thomas (Métis); claim no. 1159. Miron, Bernard; address: Chateau, Montana; born: January, 1874 at Cypress Hills; father: Jacob Miron (Métis); mother: Angelique Pierre George (Métis); scrip issued for 240 acres; file ref. 951752; claim no. 1510. Miron, Jacob; heir to his deceased children; address: Chateau, Montana; Harry, born: 1871 at Qu'Appelle; died: 1893 at Chateau; Joseph, born: 1873 at Cypress Hills; died: 1897 at Chateau; father: Jacob Miron (Métis and deponent); mother: Angelique, Pierre George (Métis); 2 scrip issued for 240 acres each; file ref. 952472; claim no. 1469. Mitchell, Isabella; for her daughter, Marie Louise Mitchell; wife of John K. Chase; address: Wolf Point, Montana; born: 1872 near Cypress Hills, Assiniboine; father: Joseph Mitchell (Métis, deceased); mother: Isabella St. Germain (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form E, no. 165; file ref. 130805A; claim no. 19. Mitchell, Isabella; for her deceased daughter, Josephine Mitchell; address: Wolf Point, Montana; born: 6 October, 1878 at Cypress Hills; died: Fall, 1899 at Fort Shaw, Montana; father: Joseph Mitchell (Métis); mother: Isabella St. Germain (Métis and 25 deponent); scrip issued to Daniel Mitchell, a brother of deceased, for 240 acres; claim no. 21. Morin, Alexandre; address: Dunseith, North Dakota; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Louis Morin (Métis); mother: Catherine Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 176; claim no. 395. Morin, Joseph - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Clare P.O. [Post Office], Moose Mountain - Born, 1846 at St. Boniface - Father, Antoine Morin, (Métis) - Mother, Thérèse Rocque, (Métis) - Married, 1875 at Cypress Hills to Hélène Pelletier - Children living, three, Alfred, Frederic and Joseph - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1623 Morin, Pierre; address: Dunseith; heir to his deceased daughter, Virginie Morin; born: December, 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1878 at Wood Mountain; father: Pierre Morin (Métis and deponent); mother: Elisa Gunville (Métis); scrip issued for 240 acres; file ref. 958702; claim no. 126;. Morrisseau, LaRose; address: Portage la Prairie; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Morrisseau (Métis); mother: Marie Desjarlais (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3443; claim no. 1563. Munroe, Christine; for her deceased children: Adelaide, born: May, 1873 at Lac la Biche; died: 1886 at Blood Reserve; Francois, born: September, 1875 at McLeod; died: 1894 at Blackfoot Montana; Joseph, born: October, 1877 near mouth of Red Deer; Melanie Deschamps, born: 1884 at Cypress Hills; died: at Lewiston, Montana; address: Pegin Reserve, Montana; father: Joseph Deschamps (deceased Métis); mother: Christine Desjarlais (Métis); heirs: Christine Munroe, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1432, 3429 and 3251 for $80.00; Lewis Deschamps, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1434 for $80.00 and 2 other scrips for $80.00 each (cancelled); Angus Munroe, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1436 and 2 other scrips for $80.00 each; claim no. 1410. Nolin, Marie; for her deceased son, David Nolin; address: Cypress Hills; born: Fall, 1885 at Cypress Hills; died: 1 day old at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Nolin (deceased Métis); mother: Marie Tanner (Métis and deponent); file ref. 764349; claim no. 2032 Nolin, Marie; for her deceased son, Jean Baptiste Nolin; address: Fort Ellice; born: 24 Dec., 1881 at Cypress Hills; died: 2 weeks old at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Nolin (deceased Métis); mother: Marie Tanner (Métis & deponent); file ref. 764349; claim no. 2031. Nolin, Marie; for her deceased daughter, Sara Nolin; address: Fort Ellice; born: Fall, 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Jean Nolin (deceased Métis); mother: Marie Tanner (Métis and deponent); file ref. 764349; claim no. 2025. Ouellette, Francois; heir to his deceased children: Jean Isidore, born: 7 February, 1884, died: August, 1884; Jean Napoleon, born: 21 May, 1875 at Cypress Hills, died: 26 December, 1896 at Lewiston, Montana; Francois, born: 15 June, 1883 at Wood Mountain, died: 21 June, 1883 at Wood Mountain; Marie Christian, born: 16 May, 1885 at Cypress Hills; died: June, 1896 at Lewiston, Montana; address: Grassland, Montana; father: Francois Ouellette (Métis and deponent); mother: Elise Berger (Métis); Jean Isidore, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1090; Jean Napoleon, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1092; Francois Jr., scrip cert.: form D, no. 1094; Marie Christine, scrip issued for 240 acres; file ref. 30853A; claim no. 1076. Ouellette, John; address: Lewiston, Montan; born: 2 February, 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Ouellette (Métis); mother: Angelique Bottineau (Métis); scrip issued for 240 acres; file ref. 947447; claim no. 1448. Ouellette, Marie; address: Eagle Hill, Saskatchewan; born: 16 February, 1880 at north end of Cypress Hills; father: Benjamin Desjarlais (Métis); mother: Marie Laplante (Métis); husband: Abraham Ouellette; scrip cert.: form C, no. 1539 for $240.00; claim no. 970. Page, Baptiste; address: Laureat, North Dakota; born: 1875 at Cypress Hills; father: Charles Page (Métis); mother: Nancy Landry (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 312; claim no. 548. Page, Elzear; address: Dunseith; born: 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Charles Page (Métis); mother: Nancy Landry (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 288; claim no. 531. Page, Victoire; address: Dunseith; born: Winter, 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Charbonneau (Métis); mother: Francoise Jerome (Métis); married: May, 1901 to Francois Page; scrip cert.: form E, no. 2841; claim no. 151. Paquin, Marie Rose; address: Calgary; born: March, 1868 at Wood Mountain; father: Charles Paquin (Métis); mother: Madeleine (Métis); married: 1883 at Cypress Hills to Joseph Spence; children living: Eliza; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 108. Paquin, Samson; address: Dakota; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Antoine Paquin (Métis); mother: Marie Laverdure (Métis); file ref. 966380; claim no. 137. Paquin, Samson; heir to his deceased brother, Jerome Paquin; address: Candean; born: 29 June, 1874 at Cypress Hills; died: 1881 at St. John, North Dakota; father: Antoine Paquin (deceased Métis); mother: Marie Laverdure (deceased Métis); scrip issued for 240 acres; file ref. 966376; claim no. 140. Paquin, Samson; heir to his deceased sister, Marie Louise Paquin; address: Candean; born: 29 June, 1874 at Cypress Hills; died: 1881 at St. John, North Dakota; father: Antoine Paquin (deceased Métis); mother: Marie Laverdure (deceased Métis); scrip issued for 240 acres; file ref. 966376; claim no. 141. 27 Paul, Joseph; heir to his deceased brother, Charles Paul; address: Willow Bunch; born: 1879 in April, at Cypress Hills; died: August, 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Charles Paul (deceased Métis); mother: Marguerite Pelletier (deceased; Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1826; claim no. 1263. Parent, Baptiste; address: Montana; born: 2 October, 1885 at Cypress Hills; father: John Parent (Whiteman); mother: Mary Malaterre (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3270; claim no. 1232. Parent Mary; address: Hinsdale, Montana; born: March, 1883 at Cypress Hills; father: John Parent (Whiteman); mother: Mary Malaterre (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3271; claim no. 1222. Parenteau, Eli; for his deceased children: John, born: 1873 at Saskatchewan Landing; died: 1879 or 1880 at Cypress Hills; John Baptiste, born: 1877 at Big Sand Hills; died: 1 day old; Marie (No. 1), born: 1877 at Big Sand Hills; died: 1 day old; Marie (no. 2), born: 1878 or 1879 at Island Lake; died 1879 or 1880 at Lewiston; father: Eli Parenteau (Métis and deponent); mother: (of John), Francoise Ledoux (Métis); (of others), Marguerite Lafournaise (Métis); heirs: (of Jean Pareteau) William Parenteau, $40.00; Chrysostome Parenteau, $40.00; Gabriel Parenteau, $40.00; Pierre Parenteau, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1264 for $40.00; Mary Anne Hamelin, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1266 for $40.00; Madeline Parenteau, scrip cert.: form D, no. 1268 for $40.00; (of John Baptiste), Marie no. 1 and Marie no. 2, Marguerite Parenteau, 3 scrip for $34.28 each; Gabriel parenteau, 2 scrip for $34.28 each; Gabriel Parenteau, 3 scrip for @34.29 each; Pierre Parenteau, scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1278, 1292 and 1306 for $34.29 each;. Parenteau, Isidore; heir to his unnamed deceased daughter; address: Medicine Hat; born: 3 December, 1878 at Cypress Hills; died: 13 December, 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Isidore Parenteau (Métis and deponent); mother: Judith Plante (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1831; claim no. 1286. Parenteau, Madeline; address: Sweet Grass; born: Spring, 1885 near Cypress Hills; father: Eli Parenteau (Métis); mother: Marguerite Lafournaise (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 838; claim no. 1277. Parisien, Isidore; address: Katepwa; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Parisien (Métis); mother: Marguerite Garriepy (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 122; claim no. 339. Paul, Joseph; address: Willow Bunch; born: 19 January, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Charles Paul (Métis); mother: Marguerite Pelletier (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 138; claim no. 147. Pelletier, Alexandre; address: Fort Qu'Appelle; born: 1840 at Fort Pitt; father: Baptiste Pelletier (deceased; Métis); mother: Madeleine Deschamps (Métis); married: 1877 at 28 Cypress Hills to Caroline Bruyere; children living: Marie, Alfred and Joseph; children deceased: Louise; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 1211. Pelletier, Jr., Edouard; address: Touchwood Hills; born: 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Edouard Pelletier (Métis); mother: Madeleine Morin (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 612; claim no. 857. Pelletier, Edouard; for his deceased children: Jean Marie, born: 1875 at Long Lake; died: February, 1878; Therese, born: 24 January, 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: February, 1878; Louise, born: 8 June, 1884 at Pheasant Creek; died: February, 1885; Joseph, born: 13 October, 1880 at Pheasant Creek; died: 13 April, 1886; Napoleon, born: 1870 at Souris; died: 3 June, 1884; address: Touchwood Hills; father: Edouard Pelletier (Métis and deponent); mother: Madeleine Morin (Métis); file ref. 1668821; claim no. 837. Pelletier, Norman; address: Touchwood Hills; born: 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: Cuthbert Pelletier (Métis); mother: Betsy Swan (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 600; claim no. 849. Pelletier, Roger; address: Touchwood Hills; born: February, 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Cuthbert Pelletier (Métis); mother: Betsy Swan (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 602; claim no. 850. Pelletier, Hélène - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Clare, P.O. [Post Office], Moose Mountain - Born, 1860 at Fort Pitt - Father, Baptiste Pelletier, Métis - Mother, Madeleine Deschamps, (Métis) - Married, 1875 at Cypress Hills to Joseph Morin Children living, three, Alfred, Frederic and Joseph - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1624 Pelletier, John; address: Dunseith; born: May, 1879 between Wood Mountain and Cypress Hills; father: Jean Baptiste Pelletier (Métis); mother: Caroline Allary (Métis); file ref. 947425; claim nos. 797 and 1185. Pelletier, Louise; address: Maple Creek; born: 1856 at St. Francois Xavier; father: Alexis Pelletier (Métis); mother: Louise Houle (Métis); married: 1878 at Cypress Hills to Cuthbert Watson; children deceased: 1, no name; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 21 living: Marie, Cuthbert and Billy; children deceased: 1, no name; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 21. Pelletier, Marguerite; address: St. Johns; born: 1862 at Qu'Appelle; father: Joseph Pelletier (Métis); mother: Marguerite Primeau (Métis); married: 1880 at Cypress Hills to Maxime Landry; children living: Alexandre and Norbert; children deceased: Theodore; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 1701. Pelletier, Norbert; for his deceased children: Norbert, born: 1871 at Wood Mountain; died: at Willo Bunch; address: Katepwa; father: Norbert Pelletier (Métis and deponent); mother: Thérése Deschamp of Norbert and Etienne (Métis); Madeleine Bourassa, of Marie and Adelina (Métis); file ref. 350378; claim no. 1135 died: 1882; Etienne, born: 29 1873 at Estevan; died: at Baie St. Paul; Marie, born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; died: at Fort Ellice; Adelina, born: 1881 at Wood Mountain; died: at Willo Bunch; address: Katepwa; father: Norbert Pelletier (Métis and deponent); mother: Thérése Deschamp of Norbert and Etienne (Métis); Madeleine Bourassa, of Marie and Adelina (Métis); file ref. 350378; claim no. 1135. Pelletier, Rose; formerly wife of Gregoire Walsh; for her deceased daughter, Marie Euphtasine Walsh; address: File Hills; born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; died: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Gregoire Walsh (deceased Métis); mother: Rose Ross (Métis and deponent); heirs: Rose Pelletier, scrip cert.: form D, no. 210 for $120.00; Alexandre Walsh, scrip cert.: form D, no. 212 for $120.00; claim no. 594. Pelletier, Toussaint; address: Swift Current; born: 1857 at Cypress Hills; father: Norbert Pelletier (Métis); mother: Marie Therese Deschamp (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 668; file ref. 964972; claim no. 981. Pelletier, William; address: Touchwood Hills; born: 5 July, 1878 near Cypress Hills; father: Edouard Pelletier (Métis); mother: Madeleine Morin (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 598; claim no. 848. Peters, Maria; address: Cypress Hills; born: 3 June, 1879 at Fort Walsh; father: Alexandre McKay (Métis); mother: Virginie Larocque (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 702; claim no. 1078. Petit Couteau, Pierre alias Pas.Pas.Chase; address: Cypress Hills; born: September, 1872 near Blackfoot Crossing; father: Pierre Petit Couteau (Métis); mother: Peggie Belanger or Mistawasis; (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 1276; claim no. 1984 Petit Couteau, Pierre alias Pas.Pas.Chase; for his minor son, Paul Petit Couteau; address: Cypress Hills; born: 1883 at Tail Creek; father: Pierre Petit Couteau (Métis and deponent); mother: Peggie Mis-ta-wasis (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 1160; claim no. 1985. Piche, Joseph; address: Fort Ellice; born: 9 July, 1875 at Cypress Hills; father: Norbert Piche (Métis); mother: Rosalie Azure (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 80; claim no. 254. Piche, Norbert; heir to his deceased daughter, Josephine Piche; address: Fort Ellice; born: 1880 at Cypress Hills; died: 1886 at St. Peter's Mission; father: Norbert Piche (Métis and deponent); mother: Rosalie Azure (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1607; claim no. 32. Poitras, Gabriel; heir to his deceased daughter, Marie Rose Poitras; address: Dunsuth, North Dakota; born: September, 1875 at Old Fort Walsh; died: 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Gabriel Poitras (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Anne Amyotte (Métis); scrip issued for 240 acres; file ref. 947429; claim no. 886. 30 Poitras, Zacharie - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Willow Bunch via Moose Jaw - Born, 8 June, 1849 at St. François Xavier - Father, Joseph Poitras, (Métis) Married, 1872 at Cypress Hills to Marguerite Ross - Children living, three (names on declaration) - Children deceased, two - Scrip for $240 - Mother, Suzanne Laverdure, (Métis) - Claim 1568 Pritchard, Rose; address: Moosimin; born: 1863 at Cypress Hills; father: Michel Allary (Métis); mother: Louise Deschamp (Métis); married: 1895 to Joseph Pritchard; claim no. 77. Pritchard, William; heir to his deceased wife, Christine Piche; address: Fort Ellice; born: 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1900 at Fort Ellice; father: Norbert Piche (Métis); mother: (Métis); married: 1896 to William Pritchard (deponent); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1608; claim no. 42. Racette, Joseph; for his unnamed deceased child; address: Selby Junction, Montana; born: 1885 near Fort Walsh; died: 2 weeks old at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Racette (Métis and deponent); mother: Jane Miron (Métis); claim no. 1322. Racette, Marie - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Fort McLeod P.O. [Post Office] - Born, 1865 at St. François Xavier - Father, Baptiste Racette alias Dos-Croche, (Métis) - Mother, Euphrasine Versailles, (Métis) - Married, 1878 at Cypress Hills to Joseph Bourgoin - Children living, three (names on declaration) - Children deceased, one - Scrip for $240 - Claim 264 Racette, Pierre; address: Woolseley; born: 18 August, 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Racette (Métis); mother: Sara Fisher (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3561; claim no. 388. Racette, Pierre; address: Havre; born: 1872 at Cypress Hills; father: Baptiste Racette (Métis); mother: Euphrasine Versailles (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 724; claim no. 1142. Robillard, Jean Baptiste; address: Maple Creek; born: 3 September, 1859 at Portage la Prairie; father: Alexis Robillard (French Canadian); mother: Josephte Tanner Pettito (Métis); married: 1882 at Cypress Hills to Caroline Laframboise; children living: Madeleine and Marie; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 1161. Rocheblanc, Pierre; heir to his deceased children: Francois, born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; died: 1887 at Swift Current; Albert Adolphe, born: 1878 at Rush Lake; died: 1897 at Medicine Hat; Patrice, born: 1880 at White Mud River; died: 1883 at White Mud River; Liza, born: 1882 at Cypress Hills; diesd: Summer, 1887 at Swift Current; address: Medicine Hat; father: Pierre Rocheblanc(Métis and deponend); mother: Sara Berard (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 380, Francois; scrip cert.: form F, no. 382, Albert Adolphe; scrip cert.: form F, no. 384, Patrice; scrip cert.: form F, no. 386, Liza; claim no. 1293. 31 Rousseau, Margaret née Gendron for her first husband, Augustin Davis, deceased; address: Coal Harbor, Missouri; born: 1854 at Birtle; died: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: William Davis (Métis); mother: Mary Henault (Métis); claim no. 973. Rousseau, Margaret; for her minor son, Frank Rousseau address: Coal Harbor, Missouri; born: 1 May, 1884 at Cypress Hills; father: Edward Rousseau (Whiteman); mother: Margaret Rousseau (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form E, no. 3385; claim no. 1023. St. Denis, Celestin; heir to his deceased unnamed son; address: near Maple Creek; born: April, 1880 at Cypress Hills; died: July, 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: Celestin St. Denis (Métis and deponent); mother: Josephte Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 332; claim no. 1023. St. Denis, Josephine; address: Havre, Montana; born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Flammand (Métis); mother: Sara Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 680; claim no. 1100. St. Denis, Josette; for her deceased daughter, Marguerite St. Denis; address: Willow Bunch; born: 6 November, 1877 at Cypress Hills; died: 1886; father: Pierre St. Denis (Métis); mother: Josette Roy (Métis and deponent); heirs: Josette St. Denis, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3228; for $40.00; Joseph Laplante, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3229 for $40.00; Louis Laplante, scrip issued for 40 acres; Isidore St. Denis, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3230 for $40.00; Jane St. Denis, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3231 for $40.00; Patrice St. Denis, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3232 for $40.00; file ref. 892108; claim no. 79. St. Denis, Michel; heir to his deceased children: Pierre; born: 1872 at Cypress Hills; died: 1898 in Flat Head County; Marie; born: 1874 at Fort Walsh; died: 1877 at McKay Creek; address: Havre, Montana; father: Michel St. Denis (Métis and deponent); mother: Virginie Pelletier (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1078, Pierre; scrip cert.: form D, no. 1080, Marie; claim no. 1060. St. Denis, Peter; address: Big Stick Lake, Assiniboine; born: 11 February, 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Célestin St. Denis (Métis); mother: Josephte Houle (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 678; claim no. 1018. St. Denis, Thérèse; address: near Maple Creek; born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; father: Charles Ouellette (Métis); mother: Françoise Pelletier (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, Mo. 692; claim no. 1062. St. Germain, André; for his deceased children: Thomas, born: 1877 at Grand Clairière; died: May, 1879 at Cypress Hills; Hyacinthe, born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; died: 1885 at St. John; address: Williston, North Dakota; father: André St. Germain (Métis and deponent); mother Élise Short (Métis); file ref. 958981; claim no. 976. 32 St. Germain, Marie Exirine; heir to her unnamed deceased brother; address: St. François Xavier Manitoba; born: 4 June, 1874 near Cypress Hills; died: 12 August, 1874 at Cypress Hills; father: Magloire Plante (deceased; Métis); mother: Justine Page (deceased Métis); scrip cert.: form F, no. 1923; claim no. 1516. St. Germain, Rosine; formerly wife of Alexis Bellegarde, for her; deceased children: Marie Thérèse, born: 1874 at Cypress Hills; died: 7 July, 1874; Alexandre, born: 1875 at Wood Mountain; died: February, 1875 (six days old); Joseph, born: 1875 at Wood Mountain; died: February, 1875 (10 days old); Jean Baptiste, born: 1882 at Wood Mountain; died: July, 1885 at St. John, North Dakota; Adèle Marie Josephine, born: 4 February, 1876 at Wood Mountain; died: 1876; address: St. John North Dakota; father: Alexis Bellegarde (deceased Métis); mother: Rosine Bonneau (Métis and deponent); file ref. 949874; claim no. 955. Sansregret, Félicité; for her unnamed deceased child; address: Cypress Hills; born: after Florestine; died: date unknown; father: Alexander Swan (Métis); mother: Félicité Pelletier (Métis and deponent); claim no. 1963. Sansregret, Pierre; for his living children: Moise, born: November, 1877 at Cypress Hills; Vitaline Laframboise née Sansregret, born: Winter, 1884 at Batoche; address: Fort Assiniboine, Montana; father: Pierre Sansregret (Métis and deponent); mother: Caroline Parenteau (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 694 and 696; claim no. 1107. Sinclair, Adeline; address: Dunseith, North Dakota; born: 1875 at Cypress Hills; father: Louis Amyotte (Métis); mother: Isabelle DesCoteaux (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 216; claim no. 470. Sinclair, Mary - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Pincher Creek P.O. [Post Office] - Born, 1863 at Rabbit Point, North West Territories - Father, William Sinclair, (Métis) - Mother, Marie Chartrand, (Métis) - Married, 22 October, 1880 at Cypress Hills to William Allen - Children living, three (names on declaration) - Scrip for $240 - Claim 291 Smith, Charlotte; for her deceased daughter, Suzanne Smith; address: Dunseith, North Dakota; born: 1871 at Cypress Hills; died: 25 May, 1874; father: Joseph Smith (Métis); mother: Charlotte Pelletier (Métis and deponent); heirs: Charlotte Smith, scrip cert.: form D, no.986; for $40.00; Zacharie Smith; Charles Smith; Israel Smith; Joseph Smith and Judith Smith (Scrip issued for $40.00 each); file ref. 756986; claim no. 980. Smith, Israél - Concerning her claim as a child - Address, Olga, Dakota - Born, 1861 at Cypress Hills - Father, Joseph Smith, (Métis) - Mother, Charlotte Pelletier, (Métis) Scrip for $240 - Claim 1660 Spence, John - Concerning his claim as a child - Address, Fort Qu'Appelle - Born, July, 1850 at St. Andrews - Father, John Spence, (Métis) - Mother, Elizabeth Asham, (Métis) - 33 Married, May, 1879 at Cypress Hills to Marguerite Hughes - Children living, three, Marie Rose, Alexandre and Solomon - Children deceased, two - Claim 130 Swain, John Thomas; address: Cascade, Montana; born: March, 1875 at Cypress Hills; father: Elzear Swain (Métis); mother: Justine Ducharme (Métis); married: 1896 at Prince Albert to Margaret Boner; scrip cert.: form E, no. 3312; claim no. 1347. Swain, Louis; address: Lily Plain, Saskatchewan; born: 2 January, 1881 at Cypress Hills; Assiniboine; father: Elzear Swain (Métis); mother: Justine Ducharme (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 431; claim no. 275. Swain, Marguerite - Concerning her claim as a head of family - Address, Regina - Born, 1836 at Roche Janore - Father, Michel Gravel, (Métis) - Mother, Nancy Kippling, (Métis) - Married, 1855 at Red River to Benjamin Pelletier and 1879 at Cypress Hills to John Swain - Children deceased, three (names on declaration) - Scrip for $160 - Claim 1625 Swan, Elzeard; heir to his deceased son, Elzeard Swan; address: Havre, Montana; born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; died: 1898 at Lake Manitoba; father: Elzeard Swan (Métis and deponent); mother: Justine Ducharme (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, no. 1004; claim no. 1010. Swan, Frank; address: Augusta, Montana; born: 1882 or 1883 between Turtle Mountain and Cypress Hills; father: Jacques Swan (Métis); mother: Eliza Desnomme (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 964; claim no. 1450. Swan, Jacques; heir to his deceased children: Marie Azilia, born: 1878 between Wood Mountain and Cypress Hills; died: 2 months old at White Mud River; Jacques, born: Fall, 1885 between Duck Lake; and St. Peter's Mission; died: 1 day old; address: Augusta, Montana; father: Jaques Swan (Métis and deponent); mother: Eliza Desnomme (Métis); scrip cert.: form D, nos. 1414 and 1416; claim no. 1449. Swan, Marie; address: Elphestone, Manitoba; born: 1876 or 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: William Swan (Métis, deceased); mother: Angélique Bruyére (Métis); claim no. 282. Swan, Marie Vitaline; address: near Crow Lake; born: 25 April, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Breland (Métis); mother: Flavie Dauphinais (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 640; claim no. 1055. Swan, Patrick; address: Augusta, Montana; born: January, 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: Jacques Swan, (Métis); mother: Eliza Desnomme (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 946; claim no. 1458 Swan, Philomène; address: Elphestone, Manitoba; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: William Swan (Métis); mother: Angélique Bruyère (Métis); claim no. 281. 34 Tait, Marguerite, for her deceased children: Catherine, born: 1873 at Qu'Appelle; died: 1874 at Qu'Appelle; Michel, born: at Regina in 1871; died: 1879 at Cypress Hills; address: Maple Creek; father: Joseph Tait (deceased Métis); mother: Marguerite Desjarlais (Métis); claim no. 1111. Thomas, Bernard; address: Cypress Hills; born: 1860 at Qu'Appelle Valley; father: Joseph Thomas (Métis); mother: Marie Adele (Indian); married: 1879 at Cypress Hills to Eliza; St. Denis; children living: Marie Euphrasine, Marguerite, Louis and 1 not christianed; scrip for $240.00; claim no. 837. Thomas, Louis or Petit; address: Cypress Hills; born: 1845 at St. Boniface, Manitoba; father: Louis Thomas or Petit (Métis); mother: Marguerite Frederick or Paul; (Métis); married:1867 at St.Joseph, North Dakota to Angelique Larocque; claim no. 1001. Tran, Mary; address: Velva, North Dakota; born: July, 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Augustin Davis (Métis); mother: Margaret Gendron (Métis); married: 1899 at Devil's Lake to Nels Tran; scrip cert.: form E, no. 3132; claim no. 959. Trottier, Charles; heir to his deceased children: Marie Rosine, born: 1876 at Cypress Hills; died: 4 months old; Charles, born: 1871 at Saskatoon; died: 1877; address: Havre, Montana; father: Charles Trottier (Métis and deponent); mother: Ursule Laframboise (Métis); Marie Rosine, scrip cert.: form D, no. 118; claim no. 449. Trottier, Rose; for her deceased son, William Trottier; address: Havre, Montana; born: 1881 at Cypress Hills; died: 20 days old; father: Andrew Trottier (Métis); mother: Rose Laframboise (Métis and deponent); file ref. 966211; claim no. 1160. Vallée, LaReine; for her unnamed deceased daughter; address: File Hills; born: 13 February, 1878 at Maple Creek; died: 2 days old at Cypress Hills; father: Moise Vallée (deceased Métis); mother: LaReine Davis (Métis and deponent); heirs: LaReine Vallée, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3208 for $30.00; Isidore Vallée, for $30.00; Jerome Vallée, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3212 for $30.00; Alexander Vallée, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3213 for $30.00; Augustin Vallée, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3214 for $30.00; Moise Vallée, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3215 for $30.00; Louise Vallée, scrip cert.: form D, no. 3209 for $30.00; Celine Vallée, scrip cert.: form D, no.3210 for $30.00;claim no. 1109. Villebrun, Marie; for her invalid daughter, Marie Adeline; Villebrun; address: Fort Qu'Appelle; born: 1881 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Villebrun (Métis); mother: Marie Robillard (Métis and deponent); scrip cert.: form C, no. 408; claim no. 720. Villebrun, William; address: Fort Qu'Appelle; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Villebrun (Métis); mother: Marie Robillard (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 520; claim no. 680. Vivier, Michel; heir to his deceased children: Suzan, born, 1 March, 1876 at Cypress Hills; died, 2 April, 1891; Marie, born, August, 1881 near Cypress Hills; died, 17 April, 35 1890; Sarah, born, August, 1884 at Qu'Appelle; Station; died, 24 May, 1893; address: Moosomin; father: Michel Vivier (Métis and deponent); mother: Elize or Elise Deschamps (Indian); scrip cert.: form D, no. 22; Suzan, scrip cert.: form D, no. 24; Marie, scrip cert.: form D, no. 26; Sara; claim no. 249. Walsh, Alexandre; address: Ellisborough near Qu'Appelle; born: 1879 at Cypress Hills; father: Gregoire Walsh (deceased; Métis); mother: Rose Ross (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 274; claim no. 320. Walsh, Edouard; heir to his deceased children: Edouard, born: 1878 at Cypress Hills; died: 12 December, 1878; Jean Marie, born: 1874 at Cypress Hills; died: 1894 at Lewiston; address: Lewiston, Montana; father: Edouard Welsh (Métis and deponent); mother: Marie Montigny (Métis); 2 scrip issued for 240 acres each; file ref. 947417; claim no. 599. Walsh, Florestine; address: Lewiston, Montana; born: 1871 at Cypress Hills; father: Edouard Walsh (Métis); mother: Marie de Montigny (Métis); scrip Issued for 240 acres; file ref. 947419; claim no. 598. Wells, Alexander; address: Carlton, Saskatchewan; born: March, 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: John Wells (Métis) Adopted; mother: Mary McKay (Métis) Parents; scrip cert.: form C, no. 744; claim no. 1123. Wells, Edouard; heir to his deceased daughter, Madeleine Wells; address: Battleford; born: 1859 on the Plains; died: April, 1877 at Cypress Hills; father: Edouard Wells (Métis and deponent); mother: Isabelle McGillis (Métis); scrip for $240.00; claim no. 912. Wells, Rose née Ross - Concerning the claim of her deceased husband, a Métis child Gregoire Wells - Born, 1857 - Died, August, 1880 - Address, Qu'Appelle Settlement Father, Edward Wells, (Métis) - Mother, Isabelle McDallis, (Métis) - Married, April, 1876 at Cypress Hills to Rose Ross - Heirs, Rose Ross, (widow and deponent) and Alexandre Wells, born 1878 - Claim 181 Welsh, Edward for his deceased nephew François Xavier Laframboise; address: Lewiston, Montana; François Xavier Laframboise born: Cypress Hills, 1877 or 1878; father: William Laframboise (Metis); mother: Marie Rose Welsh (Metis, and deponent's sister); claim no. 600. Welsh, Francois Xavier; address: File Hills; born: 28 January, 1876 at Cypress Hills; father: Norbert Welsh (Métis); mother: Cecile Boyer (Métis); scrip cert.: form C, no. 200; claim no. 426. Whitford Eli Joseph; for his deceased son, William Joseph; Whitford; address: Cypress Hills; born: 1882 at Fort Walsh; died: 1883 or 1884 at Battleford; father: Eli Joseph Whitford (Métis and deponent); mother: Lalouise Desjarlais (Métis); claim no. 1083. 36 Whitford, George; address: Buffalo Lake; born: April, 1880 at Cypress Hills; father: John Whitford (Métis); mother: Maria Bremner (Métis); scrip cert.: form E, no. 2522; claim no. 3265. Whitford, John; heir to his deceased children: William, born: 1878 at Fort Walsh; died: 5 November, 1880 at Cypress Hills; Andrew, born: July, 1883 at Macleod; died: July, 1891 at Battle River Habema; address: Buffalo Lake; father: John Whitford (Métis and deponent); mother: Maria Bremner (Métis); William, scrip cert.: form F, no. 716; Andrew, form F, no. 1352; claim no. 1954. Wilkie, Jean Baptiste - Concerning his claim about a child - Address, Olga, Dakota Born, 1852 at Wood Mountain - Father, Augustin Wilkie, (Métis) - Mother, Marie Paquin, (Métis) - Married, 1874 at Cypress Hills to Sarah Gourneau - Children living, five (names on declaration) - Scrip for $240 - Claim 1651 Wilkie, Marie Josephine; address: Belcourt, North Dakota; born: 1 July, 1873 at Cypress Hills; father: Joseph Laverdure (Métis); mother: Marie Martel (Métis); husband: Albert Wilkie in 1889; scrip issued for 240 acres; file ref. 947409; claim no. 159. Compiled by Lawrence Barkwell Coordinator of Metis Heritage and History Research Louis Riel Institute 37
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