Cybernetic Transportation Audio Seminar

March 22, 2018 | Author: Paco De Alba | Category: Imagination, Mental Processes, Memory, Neuropsychology, Emergence



Bonus #1Forms For Cybernetic Transposition Audio Seminar by Stuart A. Lichtman Forms For Cybernetic Transposition Audio Seminar Copyright © 2002 by Stuart Lichtman All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution are forbidden. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the authors. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author and the publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, psychological, legal, accounting, or any other professional advice. If medical advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Also, the terms Cybernetic Transposition Basic Achievement Three-Step and Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step are pending registration and are fully protected names owned by Stuart Lichtman. They may not be used without his written permission. © 1983, 1989, 2002 Stuart A. Lichtman, Santa Barbara, CA – Page 1 of 35 Forms For Cybernetic Transposition Audio Seminar Table of Contents To print out the following forms, print the indicated pages. Locating Your Inner Anchor Point Process 3-7 Metastories 8-12 Objectives Process 13-17 Target Process 18-25 Base Reframing Process 26-32 Super Achievement Clearing Process 33-36 © 1983, 1989, 2002 Stuart A. Lichtman, Santa Barbara, CA – Page 2 of 35 _____________________________________ Date: ___________ List the 3 to 5 most important things to be done given only 30 DAYS LEFT TO LIVE.FORM FOR LOCATING YOUR INNER ANCHOR POINT Locating Your Inner Anchor Point Please print this form and fill it out by hand with pencil or pen. Santa Barbara. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) © 1983. Lichtman. 1989. CA – Page 3 of 34 . 2002 Stuart A. Name 1. List the 3 to 5 most important things to be done given only 7 DAYS LEFT TO LIVE. Lichtman. List the 3 to 5 most important things to be done given only 1 DAY (24 HOURS) LEFT TO LIVE.FORM FOR LOCATING YOUR INNER ANCHOR POINT 2. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2. Santa Barbara. 2002 Stuart A. 1989. CA – Page 4 of 34 . (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) © 1983. FORM FOR LOCATING YOUR INNER ANCHOR POINT 4. YOUR THOUGHTS and YOUR SENSE OF SELF when you contemplate having only ONE HOUR left to live. YOUR EMOTIONS. Lichtman. List the 3 to 5 most important things to be done given only 1 HOUR (60 MINUTES) LEFT TO LIVE. 1989. CA – Page 5 of 34 . List YOUR PHYSICAL FEELINGS. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 5. Santa Barbara. Physical Emotional Mental/Concepts Inner/Sense of Self © 1983. 2002 Stuart A. THE EMOTIONS. Describe your INNER ANCHOR POINT – its PHYSICAL LOCATION. Santa Barbara.FORM FOR LOCATING YOUR INNER ANCHOR POINT 6. THE THOUGHTS AND MENTAL CONCEPTS and THE SENSE OF SELF associated with it. CA – Page 6 of 34 . Lichtman. © 1983. Draw a SIMPLE PICTURE OF THE SYMBOL that represents your INNER ANCHOR POINT. Physical Location Emotions Thoughts/Concepts Inner/Sense of Self 7. 1989. 2002 Stuart A. AFFIRMATION. CA – Page 7 of 34 . Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned. Santa Barbara. Lichtman. 1989. © 1983.FORM FOR LOCATING YOUR INNER ANCHOR POINT 8. 2002 Stuart A. This is the way I would like things to be on or before (insert end point date). FORM FOR METASTORIES PROCESS Metastories Please print this form and fill it out by hand with pencil or pen. 2002 Stuart A. Name __________________________________________ Subject __________________________________________ Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: © 1983. Santa Barbara. CA – Page 8 of 35 . 1989. Lichtman. Lichtman. 2002 Stuart A. CA – Page 9 of 35 . Santa Barbara.FORM FOR METASTORIES PROCESS Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: © 1983. 1989. 1989. CA – Page 10 of 35 .FORM FOR METASTORIES PROCESS Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: © 1983. Santa Barbara. 2002 Stuart A. Lichtman. 1989. Santa Barbara. Lichtman. 2002 Stuart A. CA – Page 11 of 35 .FORM FOR METASTORIES PROCESS Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: © 1983. FORM FOR METASTORIES PROCESS Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: Number ______ Title ________________________________________________ As Is Now: Rating of Perfection: Perfect Alternative Rating of Perfection: © 1983. Lichtman. CA – Page 12 of 35 . 2002 Stuart A. Santa Barbara. 1989. 1989. 2002 Stuart A. Santa Barbara. 8. 6. 5.FORM FOR OBJECTIVES PROCESS Objectives Process Please print this form and fill it out by hand with pencil or pen. 2. 1. 3. CA – Page 13 of 35 . Name __________________________________________ Subject __________________________________________ List the KEY POINTS of one single objective that you want to achieve. Lichtman. 9. 4. © 1983. 7. 10. Record your final rating in the box below. If your rating is less than a 10. Santa Barbara. 4. Ask your unconscious to tell you the MINIMUM REASONABLE TIME FRAME FOR ACHIEVEMENT OF YOUR OBJECTIVE in weeks or months. List the EXTERNAL MEASURES that will tell you whether your objectives has been achieved. CA – Page 14 of 35 . 3. Record what you get in the box below.FORM FOR OBJECTIVES PROCESS 2. Record the timeframe and your rating below. If you do not get a clear “yes”. Timeframe: Desirability: © 1983. ask your unconscious to guide you in modifying your objective so that is reasonable in the given time frame and so it has a desirability rating of 10. ask your unconscious whether it is reasonable to achieve what you have described under items 1 and 3 above within that time period. 2002 Stuart A. Lichtman. Rate how DESIRABLE is what you have listed above. Use a 1 to 10 scale where 1 = totally undesirable and 10 = totally desirable. If you want to use a SHORTER TIME FRAME. 5. 1989. ask your unconscious to guide you in modifying your list to make it a 10 in desirability. Record any modifications under 1 and/or 3. Desirability: ______ Difficulty: ______ © 1983. End Point Date: _________ Date 3 _________ Date 2 _________ Date 1 _________ 7. Then record any changes under 1. If the difficulty rating is less than an 8 ask your unconscious to guide you in modifying your objective so that it is more challenging. Record all four of those dates in the box below. ½ of that time and ¼ of that time. 3 and /or 6 and record both your difficulty and desirability ratings below. 1989. ask your unconscious to guide you in modifying your objective so that its difficulty rating is no more than 10. Santa Barbara. If your rating is more than 10. Rate the perceived DIFFICULTY of achieving. 2002 Stuart A. Then pick 3 other calendar dates that are about ¾ of the time from now to the END POINT DATE. Record the calendar date for accomplishment of your objective. Lichtman. CA – Page 15 of 35 . what you have described so far.FORM FOR OBJECTIVES PROCESS 6. the END POINT DATE. in your normal fashion. If you can find none or very few. Santa Barbara. ask your unconscious to guide you in modifying your objective so that it deals primarily with your own actions – while retaining appropriate desirability and difficulty ratings. Lichtman. Anything you leave out or take for granted will probably be missing from the results you achieve. Then check yourself by following the instructions at the beginning of this paragraph. 2002 Stuart A. 1989. Use COMPLETE SENTENCES. List them below (particularly items that start with “I will…”). 9. Now record you objective. Find the WORDS AND PHRASES within your written objective that clearly indicate that this objective deals primarily with YOUR OWN ACTIONS.FORM FOR OBJECTIVES PROCESS 8. © 1983. CA – Page 16 of 35 . 2002 Stuart A. If so. sign below indicating a CONTRACT BETWEEN YOUR CONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS MINDS. If not. DIFFICULTY. check for SPECIFICITY.FORM FOR OBJECTIVES PROCESS 10. Santa Barbara. WHETHER THE OBJECTIVE DEALS PRIMARILY WITH YOUR OWN ACTIONS AND WHETHER YOUR UNCONSCIOUS SAYS IT IS REASONABLE TO COMPLETE WITHIN THE STATED TIMEFRAME. Signature © 1983. MEASURABILITY. COMPLETENESS. CA – Page 17 of 35 . Lichtman. DESIRABILITY. 1989. Now. start at step 1 and perform the appropriate steps over again until you can answer “yes” to all of the criteria listed above. once again. Lichtman. Name _______________________________ Date ___________ Objective ________________________________________________ 1. Key Element Number 1. Santa Barbara. Key Element Number 2.FORM FOR TARGET PROCESS Target Process Please print this form and fill it out by hand with pencil or pen. 2002 Stuart A. CA – Page 18 of 35 . Associated Memory © 1983. Associated Memory 2. 1989. Associated Memory © 1983. 1989. Associated Memory 4. CA – Page 19 of 35 .FORM FOR TARGET PROCESS 3. 2002 Stuart A. Associated Memory 5. Lichtman. Santa Barbara. Key Element Number 5. Key Element Number 4. Key Element Number 3. Key Element Number 8. Associated Memory © 1983. Associated Memory 8. 1989. Lichtman. Key Element Number 6. Key Element Number 7.FORM FOR TARGET PROCESS 6. 2002 Stuart A. CA – Page 20 of 35 . Associated Memory 7. Santa Barbara. exactly as written.-10. 1989. MERGE this PERFECT IMAGINARY EXPERIENCE with the ASSOCIATED KEY ELEMENT that it describes.FORM FOR TARGET PROCESS 9. Associated Memory 11. into your INNER ANCHOR POINT and say. When you have completed this. CA – Page 21 of 35 . Key Element Number 9. 2002 Stuart A. Associated Memory 10. Frame each of the Associated Memories (items 1.) so that it PERFECTLY REPRESENTS THE ASSOCIATED KEY ELEMENT of your objective. read your OBJECTIVE. “Please integrate the perfect imaginary experiences that I have just anchored with the key elements they represent in © 1983. Lichtman. Key Element Number 10. In your imagination. Then ANCHOR this PERFECT IMAGINARY EXPERIENCE in your INNER ANCHOR POINT as you READ THE ASSOCIATED KEY ELEMENT into your INNER ANCHOR POINT. Santa Barbara. “This is the way I would like things to be on or before (give your End Point Date). say. List the FOUR LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE of your END POINT SUCCESS IMAGE. Physical.FORM FOR TARGET PROCESS my objective and give me an immediate imaginary experience of HAVING JUST SUCCESSFULLY ACHIEVED MY OBJECTIVE. 1989. Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned. While doing that. Surround the resultant PERFECT END POINT SUCCESS IMAGE with an imaginary ball of white light and ANCHOR all of that in your INNER ANCHOR POINT.” Breathe in and make that all a part of you. Lichtman. Santa Barbara.” TUNE UP that imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your objective. CA – Page 22 of 35 . 12. to a TRUE 10. your END POINT SUCCESS IMAGE. Emotional Mental/Concepts Inner/Sense of Self © 1983. 2002 Stuart A. Santa Barbara. © 1983. “This is the way I would like things to be on or before (insert your end point date: _________). CA – Page 23 of 35 . the experience of having just successfully achieved your objective. surround it with a ball of white light and ANCHOR it in your INNER ANCHOR POINT while saying. 2002 Stuart A. your imaginary experience having already been realized. 1989. WRITE THIS AFFIRMATION AS IF IT WERE OCCURRING RIGHT NOW. Lichtman. Write a detailed and extensive AFFIRMATION of your END POINT SUCCESS IMAGE. Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned. Tune your END POINT SUCCESS IMAGE to a TRUE 10.FORM FOR TARGET PROCESS 13.” Breathe in and make that all a part of you. This may require adding color. merge those words with the imaginary experience.FORM FOR TARGET PROCESS Summary of the Target Process 1. Santa Barbara. You may have to do this several times. joy. Repeat the preceding step with each of the other key elements of your objective. © 1983. You may also have to write the desired changes on a piece of paper to adequately frame them for your unconscious. In any case. Lichtman. Then read into your Inner Anchor Point the exact words that make up the key element that memory depicts and. 2002 Stuart A. and inner. Also ensure that it includes all the levels of experience . frame what needs to be changed. 7. Surround this true 10 imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your objective with an imaginary ball of white light. sound. In your "mind's eye" examine this new imaginary experience and modify it as you require to make it to a "10" level imaginary experience of you having just successfully achieved your objective. in ways that are for the highest good of you and of everyone else involved. 3. CA – Page 24 of 35 . thoughts. Copy the first key element (set of circled or underlined words) onto the appropriate blank on your Target Process Form. smells. tell your unconscious that this is what you would like to happen on or before your chosen date and ask it to make this happen. 9.physical. taste. Focus on your Inner Anchor Point and instruct your unconscious to combine these "definitions" (key element words and associated imaginary experience) with your objective (and imagine the process taking place) to create an imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your objective. Frame each key element of your written objective by circling or underlining it. in your imagination. 5. keep modifying things (I call that tuning up) until you have a true 10 imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your objective. While doing this. on or before that date. enthusiasm. mental. touch. 4. 2. Then imagine placing the imaginary ball containing your imaginary experience into your Inner Anchor Point. To do so. 8. In your imagination. and a sense of fulfillment. Then recall a memory that approximates what you intuitively mean by those words and record on your form only enough about the memory so that you can easily recall that memory later. modify the memory associated with your first key element until it becomes an experience that defines exactly what you intuitively mean by those words. 1989. A key element is one that is both important to you and is approximated by some experience that you can clearly remember. movement. Repeat the preceding step for each of the other key elements and associated memories. focus on your Inner Anchor Point and ask for the desired modifications. and/or emotions as well as adding or subtracting elements of the imaginary experience. Frame the result with a ball of white light and anchor it in your Inner Anchor Point. 6. Be sure that this includes a sense of being successful. emotional. 11." 13. just as you may have done in prioritizing your Basic Achievement Target. Then repeat the process of tuning up and anchoring your End Point Success Image. Write a detailed description of the imaginary experience of having just successfully achieved your objective. © 1983. Read through this for 10 minutes. The result is called an Affirmation. What pops up may very well have nothing obvious to do with your objective but it's what your unconscious mind wants you to work with. whatever pops up on your Date Three. 14. Imagine a scene at the beginning of the fourth time segment. 15. Read through your Affirmation to determine whether it still accurately describes your current End Point Success Image. Santa Barbara. CA – Page 25 of 35 . edit your Affirmation until it does. Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all others involved. tuning up your End Point Success Image each time. Additionally prioritize your Super Achievement Target by writing your Affirmation 25 times. 2002 Stuart A. That's very important! Your job is to simply bring it to a true 10 and anchor it in the your Inner Anchor Point together with the instruction. 16. the one of you having just successfully achieved your objective as described in your Affirmation. If not. 1989. editing until it seems exactly right for you. 12. 10. Repeat the previous step for each of the other two intermediate dates. "This is an example of the way I'd like things to be on (insert Date Three). Lichtman. So take what you get and work with it. until there are no signs of conflict. at the beginning of the third time segment (Date Two) and the beginning of the second (Date One).FORM FOR TARGET PROCESS Repeat this anchoring process several times. tense or relaxed. fast or slow.FORM FOR BASE REFRAMING PROCESS Base Reframing Please print this form and fill it out by hand with pencil or pen. (Location. 2002 Stuart A. Santa Barbara. Lichtman. passive or active…) © 1983. 2. CA – Page 26 of 35 . open or closed. Describe the situation in which this blocker occurred. Name __________________________________________ Blocker __________________________________________ 1. Describe the body feelings associated with the blocker. 1989. Framing through writing produces results. Take what you get. Briefly describe the second memory where the blocker feeling was present. 1989. 4A. Draw a symbol that represents the blocker. © 1983. Briefly describe the first memory where the blocker feeling was present. 4B. Framing through writing produces results.FORM FOR BASE REFRAMING PROCESS 3. Santa Barbara. Write fragments if that’s what you get. Take what you get. Take whatever pops up. CA – Page 27 of 35 . 2002 Stuart A. Write fragments if that’s what you get. Lichtman. Take what you get. © 1983. 4E.FORM FOR BASE REFRAMING PROCESS 4C. 1989. 2002 Stuart A. Write fragments if that’s what you get. Write fragments if that’s what you get. Write fragments if that’s what you get. Framing through writing produces results. Take what you get. Lichtman. Framing through writing produces results. Briefly describe the very earliest memory where the blocker feeling was present that is appropriate and for your highest good to remember right now. Take what you get. Santa Barbara. Briefly describe the fourth memory where the blocker feeling was present. CA – Page 28 of 35 . Framing through writing produces results. 4D. Briefly describe the third memory where the blocker feeling was present. etc. CA – Page 29 of 35 . director. Santa Barbara. You are the producer. writer. 1989. Reframe Memory 4D. You can change or create anything to generate a perfect reframed experience. casting agent. etc.FORM FOR BASE REFRAMING PROCESS R5E. director. casting agent. Reframe Memory 4E. R5D. 2002 Stuart A. © 1983. writer. You are the producer. You can change or create anything to generate a perfect reframed experience. Lichtman. Reframe Memory 4C. You can change or create anything to generate a perfect reframed experience. director. etc. etc. You can change or create anything to generate a perfect reframed experience. Lichtman. casting agent. writer. Santa Barbara. writer. © 1983. director. 1989. 2002 Stuart A. R5B. CA – Page 30 of 35 . Reframe Memory 4B. You are the producer.FORM FOR BASE REFRAMING PROCESS R5C. You are the producer. casting agent. CA – Page 31 of 35 . Lichtman. You can change or create anything to generate a perfect reframed experience. writer. Reframe Memory 4A. R1A.FORM FOR BASE REFRAMING PROCESS R5A. etc. Santa Barbara. casting agent. © 1983. You are the producer. 1989. director. 2002 Stuart A. etc. director. casting agent. You can change or create anything to generate a perfect reframed experience. Reframe Memory the Original Situation described under 1. writer. You are the producer. You can change or create anything to generate a perfect reframed experience. etc. You are the producer. writer. director. You are the producer. Santa Barbara. etc. You can change or create anything to generate a perfect reframed experience. Lichtman. Reframe Future Situation 2. R1C. CA – Page 32 of 35 . 1989. 2002 Stuart A. writer. Reframe Future Situation 1. casting agent.FORM FOR BASE REFRAMING PROCESS R1B. casting agent. director. © 1983. FORM FOR SUPER ACHIEVEMENT CLEARING PROCESS Super Achievement Clearing Process Please print this form and fill it out by hand with pencil or pen. CA – Page 33 of 36 . open or closed. 2. Name __________________________________________ Blocker __________________________________________ 1. Santa Barbara. (Location. Describe the body feelings associated with the blocker. fast or slow. Lichtman. 2002 Stuart A. passive or active…) © 1983. 1989. Describe the situation in which this blocker occurred. tense or relaxed. HOWEVER. Ask the BLOCKER. Santa Barbara. 2002 Stuart A. IF THE BLOCKER FEELING DOES NOT DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY AT THIS POINT.FORM FOR SUPER ACHIEVEMENT CLEARING PROCESS 3. IF THIS RESOLVES THE BLOCKER. Draw a symbol that represents the blocker. Take whatever pops up. CA – Page 34 of 36 . If the response is unclear. ask the blocker to clarify. “What are you trying to tell me?” Record the Blocker’s response. 1989. 4. © 1983. YOU HAVE NOW COMPLETED THE SUPER ACHIEVEMENT CLEARING PROCESS. Lichtman. CONTINUE WITH STEP 5. Picture: Sound: Touch: 6. Describe how it would feel to touch it. Describe the sound of its voice. List each of the THREE ALTERNATIVES generated by your CREATIVE PART. Lichtman. Santa Barbara. Draw a simple PICTURE of what you perceive to be your CREATIVE PART. 1989. CA – Page 35 of 36 .FORM FOR SUPER ACHIEVEMENT CLEARING PROCESS 5. 2002 Stuart A. Alternative 1: Alternative 2: Alternative 3: © 1983. RECORD ITS RATING for each alternative. Record your THREE ALTERNATIVES AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN MODIFIED so that the Blocker. CA – Page 36 of 36 . Santa Barbara. ROLE-PLAY THE BLOCKER. Now record your normal CONSCIOUS SELF’S RATING for each alternative.FORM FOR SUPER ACHIEVEMENT CLEARING PROCESS 7. 1989. RECORD ITS RATING for each alternative. 2002 Stuart A. ROLE-PLAY YOUR TRUE-SELF. your True-Self and your Conscious Self all rate them as 10 with respect to both DESIRABILITY and INNER HARMONY. Alternative 1: Alternative 2: Alternative 3: © 1983. Lichtman. BLOCKER’S RATING TRUE-SELF’S RATING CONSCIOUS RATING ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 ALTERNATIVE 3 8.
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