
March 21, 2018 | Author: Faur Dan | Category: Doctorate, Curriculum, Semiotics, Academia, Cognition



CURRICULUM VITAEPERSONAL DATA Name and first name Date and place of birth Address Telephone / e-mail Status STUDIES 1972 – 1976 Theoretical Highschool in Jimbolia, Timiş county 1976 – 1980 Faculty of foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, Serbian - Croatian – French section (graduation score 9, 89) Qualifying exam at the end of the probation period 1998 Doctor’s degree in South-Slavonic philology and Balkan linguistics. Title of doctoral dissertation: Tradiţie şi inovaţie în mijloacele de expresie din opera lui Miloš Crnjanski (Tradition and innovation in the means of expression in the work of Miloš Crnjanski) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1980 – 1983 1984 – 1991 1991 – 1995 Teacher of French at the General School, no. 1 in Sânnicolau Mare, Timiş county Editor at Kriterion Publishing House in Bucharest University assistant at the Faculty of foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of Slavonic languages and literatures, section of Serbian and Croatian Philology Lecturer 1 NEDELCU, OCTAVIA 21st of September 1957, village Cenei, Timiş county Liliacului street, no. 49 C, Bucharest 0788 249567 [email protected] Married, one child 1995 – 2001 Octavia NEDELCU / CV English Teacher training course Author of teaching curricula and training programmes for the undergraduate teaching staff Visiting reader at different times at other universities in the country Present at different national and international scientific organizations member of the Association of the specialists in Slavonic languages and literatures in Romania since 1991. 1 month 1998. Novi Sad Summer courses in Dubrovnik PHILOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Didactic activity Professor in ordinary of the following courses: History of Serbian literature. November 14 – 19. Octavia NEDELCU / CV English 2 . Theory and practice of translating and interpreting (optional course). vice-president of the National Committee for granting certificates of authorized translator. 3 weeks 1993. 1999. 3 weeks Reader Head of the Slavonic Languages and Literatures Department Deputy dean of the Faculty Summer courses in Zagreb Seminar of language. 2 weeks 1992. secretary of the Organization committee of the International Symposium “50 years of existence of the modern Slavonic languages at the University of Bucharest”. literature and Slovenian culture in Ljubliana Research scholarship for the doctor’s degree granted by the “Ivo Andrić” Foundation in Belgrade Exchange of experience. 2 weeks 2004. head of the National Committee for specialized training of the teaching staff of Serbian language (Ministry of Education and Culture). member of the editorial committee of “Romanoslavica” magazine since 1998. Stylistics of Serbian language (optional course).2001 – present 2004 (three months) 2004 – present SPECIALIZATIONS 1991. Bucharest. 2000. 2005. Centenary Miloš Crnjanski symposium. coordinated by professor Mecislav Dombrowski.member of the organization committee of certain national scientific sessions such as Centenary Ivo Andrić symposium. I participated in international scientific sessions concerning the domain of translating and interpreting. Croatian and French. December 2. literary monograph. Bucharest. Bucharest. university course. Cracow. LIST OF WORKS Books. Universal Dalsi Publishing House. Fields of interest History of Serbian literature * Contemporary Serbian literature * Serbian literature in Romania * Poetics * Science of translating and interpreting * History and aesthetics of perception * Imagology * Intercultural studies Foreign languages Serbian – very good Croatian – very good French – very good Slovenian – good English – medium Miscellanies I have certificates of translator in the literary and juridical field for Serbian. I performed simultaneous translations regarding different fields of activity from Serbian and Croatian. History of old Serbian literature. I collaborate with the Romanian Broadcasting Station and the Romanian Television. with the study Trnoviti put paraliterarnog do literarnog. 30 pages. 325 pages. Bucharest. I translated fiction for publishing houses and representative literary magazines. 1992. 1993. courses: Tradiţie şi inovaţie în opera lui Miloš Crnjanski (Tradition and innovation in the work of Miloš Crnjanski) (doctoral dissertation). cultural minorities and of other minorities in the Slavonic literatures after 1989. November 2. 160 pages. University Publishing House. The problems of national. Octavia NEDELCU / CV English 3 . 2001. participation in the international joint grant. Bucharest. pages 23 – 26.S. 215 pages. XXXI. 1987. 8. articles. Niculescu Publishing House. 2003. article published in “Romanoslavica” magazine. article published in “Književni život” magazine.D. Женски ликови у романима Милоша Црњанског или између Африодите и Octavia NEDELCU / CV English 4 . article published în “Orizont” magazine. Dušan Vasiljev-savest jedne generacije (Dušăn Vasiljev – the conscience of a generation). pages 11 – 16. in “Analele sesiunilor ştiinţifice studenţeşti”. no. Un timişorean în Itaca (A man from Timişoara in Iatca). no. Nădlac. 5-8. p. U. pages 145 – 152. no. 1999. no. Timişoara. Personaje feminine în romanele lui Miloš Crnjanski sau Între feminin şi masculin (Feminine characters in the novels of Miloš Crnjanski or Between feminine and masculine). Preklady z diela Miloša Crnjanského (1893-1977) – zámienka na oslavu storočnice / Schiţă pentru o bibliografie – Miloš Crnjanski (Sketch for a bibliography – Miloš Crnjanski). Kriterion Publishing House. bilingual edition. Studies. IV – XVIII) [Anthology of premodern Slavonic poetry (9–18th centuries)] in collaboration with professor C. 2003. University Publishing House. Kultúra a literatúra srbskej menšiny v Rumunsku – základné suradnice / Cultura şi literatura minorităţii sârbe din România – repere definitorii (The culture and literature of Serbian minority in Romania. Publishing House. 1994. Profesorul Mirko Jivcovici la 70 de ani ( Professor Mirko Jivcovici at the age of 70). 1980. 3-4. Bucharest. no. Antologie de poezie slavă premodernă (sec. 4. Nădlac. prefaces: Lirica Desankăi Maksimović (Poetry of Desanka Maksimović). Timişoara. 1996. Bucharest.Commented anthologies. Timişoara. XXXVI. Bucharest.defining reference points). Izabrane pesme (Dušan Vasiliev. Bucharest. Изабрана дела (Mihai Eminescu. article published in “Naše snahy” magazine. 1994. 400 pages. 1. edited volumes: Mihai Eminescu. Selected works) (preface. critical editions.R. 2000. selection). 2000. in “Romanoslavica” magazine. pages 6 .7. no. Auxiliary teaching materials: Ghid de conversaţie român-sârb (Romanian-Serbian guide of conversation). 110 pages. 16. Barborică. Opere alese / Mихаи Еминеску. p. 2000. University Publishing House. pages 123 – 126. article published in “Naše snahy” magazine. 1994. Preface to the volume Kod belog breška by Borislav Krstić. Dušan Vasiljev. Elion Publishing House. Bucharest. Selected works). Bucharest. 163 pages. no. МСЦ. vol. pages 423 – 429. 2000. Oblici fantastike u istorijskom romanu Miloša Crnjanskog (Aspects of fantasticality in the historical novel of Miloš Crnjanski). vol I. Bucharest. 2006. Warsaw. Coordonate fundamentale ale medievalităţii sârbe (Fundamental coordinates of Serbian mentality) in the volume “Omagiu prof. 2001. XXXVII. pages 90 – 96.Ареја (Feminine characters in the novels of Miloš Crnjanski or between Aphrodite and Ares). study published in “Literatury slowianskie po roku 1989” magazine. E. 169 . p. pages 92 – 97. Belgrade / Novi Sad. 2005. Dramaturgul Dušan Kovačević – portret în linii frânte (The playright Dušan Kovačević – portrait in broken lines). pages 168-173. Pančevo. article published in “Lingua pax. article published in the volume “Преводна књижевност-Зборник радова XXXIII-XXVI београдских преводилачких сусрета 1997-2001”. January 2006. Modernismul sârb-consonanţe cu modernismul european (Serbian modernismconsonances with European modernism). Reviews “Povod za predgovor” (Pretext for a preface). volume IV. Interculturalitate şi democraţie”. article published in “Sveske” literary magazine. Превођење драмског текста Душана Ковачевића (Translation of the dramatic text of Dušan Kovačević). review to the volume Putevi i Octavia NEDELCU / CV English 5 . Teodosie Petrescu. Cavallioti Publishing House. 2002. 734 – 738. in “Romanoslavica” magazine. pages 39-46.174. 2002. published and coordinated by professor ph. article published in the volume “Преводна књижевност-Зборник радова XXXIII-XXVI београдских преводилачких сусрета 1997-2001”. 2003.206. Calcuri româneşti în săptămânalul Naša reč (Loan translations in the weekly publication Naša reč). University Publishing House. Constanţa. Belgrade. Nicolae V. 79. University Publishing House. Publishing House “Editura Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului”. 2006. XXXVIII. pages 349 – 353. published in “Romanoslavica” magazine. 2001. Ciernista droga od paraliterarckości do literarckości. XXII. pages 387 – 393. Serbia. Bucharest. no. September 12 – 17. no. article published in “Научни састанак слависта у Вукове дане”. Homo balcanicus у комедијама Душана Ковачевића (Homo balcanicus in the comedies of Dušan Kovačević).d. number published with the occasion of the 13th International Congress of the Specialistes in Slavonic languages and literatures. 183 . Belgrade. 30/2. Srbowie w Rumunii i ich literatura. Перцепција дела Милоша Црњанског на румунском (The perception of the work of Miloš Crnjanski in Romanian). Bucharest. no. p. p. Dură la 60 de ani”. article published in “Filologie rusă” magazine. 4. review to the translation of the novel Migraţiile. no. Luceafărul & Scrisorile / М. 1989. page 72. page 23. published in “Književni život”.daljine by Slavko Vesnić. 1. no. no. review to the translation of the novel Bătăuşii by Mihail Alekeev. Paradigme smeha kod Dušana Kovačevića (Paradigm of laughter in the work of Dušan Kovačević). page 23. review to the bilingual edition M. Eminescu. 16. Belgrade – Novi Sad. 2000. “Pledoarie pentru un timişorean în Itaca” (Pleading for a man from Timişoara in Itaca). 17 – 21. Проблеми превођења Ковачевићевих комедија на румунски (Problems in translating the comedies of Kovačević in Romanian). 23. Timişoara. 1989. 2000. “Pokoran povratak priči ili posle dvadeset godina” (The humble return of the story or after twenty years). 2. Publishing House “Editura de Vest”. paper presented at the International session of interpreters (the 25th edition) Belgrade. “Svet na rubu pakla” (The world on the edge of the inferno). paper presented at the International session of interpreters (the 26th edition). 83 – 84. Еминеску. no. Timişoara. p. paper presented at the International scientific symposium Octavia NEDELCU / CV English 6 . 1996. “Za ili protiv antologija” (Pro or against anthologies). Univers Publishing House. pages 76 – 78. in “Književni život”. Timişoara. review to the translation of the work Antologia prozei scurte sârbe by Mariana Ştefănescu. “Perceperea impresionistă a realităţii” (The impressionistic perception of reality). published in “Književni život”. 1987. 2. Belgrade. “Ipostaze eminesciene” (Hypostases in the manner of Mihai Eminescu). Bucharest. in “Luceafărul” magazine. Женски ликови у романима Милоша Црњанског или између Афродите и Ареја (Feminine characters in the novels of Miloš Crnjanski or between Aphrodite and Ares). no. pages 68 – 69. pages 85 –86. Timişoara. 2000. Bucharest. September 12 – 17. no. Scientific papers a) International scientific sessions: Рецепција дела Милоша Црњанског на румунском (Perception of the work of Miloš Crnjanski in Romanian). 2000. no. 5. 1986. in “Luceafărul” magazine. 2001. published in “Luceafărul” magazine. Bucharest 2000. paper presented at the International scientific symposium of the specialists in Slavonic languages and literatures (the 30th edition). in “Književni život”. in “Književni život”. 10. review to the translation of the volume Vacanţă în sud by Ivo Andrić in the interpretation of Mariana Ştefănescu. May 25 – 29. “Novi značajni prilozi srpsko-rumunskim leksikografskim odnosima” (New important contributions to the lexicographic Serbian-Romanian relationships). review to the volume Oameni cu patru degete by Miodrag Bulatović in the interpretation of Adrian Costea. Бечерник & Писма. p. 3. no. Faculty of foreign Languages and Literatures. November 11 – 13. 2000. I. 2003. within the “Academic days in Timiş”. University of Bucharest. May 22 – 23. Cazul Jovan Dučić o paradigmă lirică reconsiderată (The case of Jovan Dučić – a lyrical reconsidered paradigm). 2005. Belgrade. 2005. Pe marginea unor traduceri din opera lui Miloš Crnjanski (Notes concerning certain translations from the work of Miloš Crnjanski). presented at the Symposium “Romania – Institutions and values for the third millenium”. November 14 – 19. paper presented at the Centenary Miloš Crnjanski symposium. Timişoara subsidiary. paper presented at the Cultural Italian Institute within the symposium "L’Italia e il sud-est europeo". 2006. Timişoara. Cultural (re)evaluations]. Homo balcanicus у комедијама Душана Ковачевића (Homo balcanicus in the comedies of Dušan Kovačević). Faculty of foreign Languages and Literatures. 1999. presented at the International symposium “Problems of Slavonic studies”. 2005. The Department of Russian languages and literatures and the Department of Slavonic languages and literatures. Sindromul alexandrin. paper presented at the International symposium with the theme “The linguistic and literary research of the text from a cultural perspective”. Valenţele textului literar în predarea limbilor străine (Valences of the literary text in teaching foreign languages). Milorad Pavić). presented at the Symposium “50 years of existence of the modern Slavonic languages at the University of Bucharest”.of the specialists in Slavonic languages and literatures (the 35th edition). b) National scientific sessions: Porterete feminine în povestirile lui Ivo Andrić (Feminine portraits in the stories of Ivo Andrić). 1993. Bucharest. Cazul Danilo Kiš. al XX-lea (The perception of the Serbian short story in Italy in the second half of the 20th century). Department of Slavonic languages and literatures. paper presented at the Centenary Ivo Andrić symposium. “Cross-cultural and intercultural concepts”. May 12 . presented at the International symposium “The cultural Romanian-Serbian and general Balkan mosaic”.Bucharest.N. May 20. Milorad Pavić (The Alexandrine syndrome. September 7 – 10. 1992.I. 50 de ani de iugoslavistică bucureşteană (50 years of Yugoslav studies in Bucharest). (Re)evaluări culturologice [The case of Danilo Kiš. November 11. Bucharest. March 24. paper presented at the “Annual scientific session of the teaching staff”. Octavia NEDELCU / CV English 7 . Receptarea nuvelei sârbe în Italia în a doua jumătate a sec.. December 2. the 8th edition. Department of Slavonic languages and literatures.13. November 2. Bucharest. organized by the Romanian Academy. 2006. Miloš Crnjanski. 5. Belgrade. 1988. published in the magazine “Prilozi za književnost. Bucharest. 190 pages. 1998. Kriterion Publishing House. review to the volume “Istoria literaturii sârbe vechi” (History of old Serbian literature). novel. novel. page 24. Naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane 1-30. Dubravka Ugrešić. Trifoi cu patru foi (Trefoil with four leaves). 2-3. novel. published in “Probleme de filologie slavă” magazine. Приручник историје старе српске књижевности (History guide of old Serbian literature). 2004. 315 pages. Europoint Publishing House. istoriju i folklor”. knjiga 68 i 69. Univers Publishing House. 3. Belgrade. Bucharest. Clarobscur (Light and shade). Bucharest. 1993. Pavao Pavličić. 2000. Octavia Nedelcu. 5. 2004. Article Octavia Nedelcu. Spionul balcanic (The Balkan spy). Migraţii (Migrations). novel. Octavia Nedelcu. Publishing House “Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică”. Ivanka Bernède. Bucharest. 2005. 8. Muzeul capitulării necondiţionate (Museum of unconditioned surrender). Dušan Kovačević. no. review to the literary monograph “Traditie şi inovatie în opera lui Miloš Crnjanski” (Tradition and innovation in the work of Miloš Crnjanski). published in “Biobliografski rečnik MSC”. Publishing House “Editura de Vest”. Bucharest. Univers Publishing House. 2001. Beleške i osvrti. 7. jezik. 2 Milja Radan. 2002. pages 415-416. Traditie şi inovaţie în opera lui Miloš Crnjanski (Notes and references. 2003. 6. 208 pages. Niculescu Publishing House. Belgradul pe puncte (Belgrade in points). 1988. 1990. Timişoara. 2006. 4. 78 pages. 2. Tradition and innovation in the work of Miloš Crnjanski). O valoroasă contribuţie la studiul operei lui Miloš Crnjanski (A valuable contribution to the study of the work of Miloš Crnjanski). pages 45-48. 2005. Timişoara. 2005. 2002-2003. Beleške i osvrti. Flori de apă (Water flowers). novel. handbook for the first grade. play acted at “Teatrul Mic”. Bucharest. Damjan Petrović. October. 315 pages. in “Književni život” magazine. Култура изражавања / Communication. theatrical season 2001. pages 244-245. Reviews and references: 1 Jiva Milin. novel. 3. 1995. 318 pages. University of Timişoara.Literary translations: 1. 136 pages. Bucharest. 4. Svetomir Rajkov. sveska 1-4. Sveta Lukić. Octavia Nedelcu. Nevena Varnica. Istoria literaturii sârbe Octavia NEDELCU / CV English 8 . H. Les recherches littéraires. page 427. Verlag der Österreichischen Academie der Wissenschaften. 2005. Belgrade. 6. sveska 1-4. published in the magazine “Prilozi za književnost. article signed by Constantin Geambaşu. Viena. knjiga 70. page 329. 2005. 2004. PAGE 1 PAGE 3 Octavia NEDELCU / CV English 9 .vechi (Notes and references. History of old Serbian literature). istoriju i folklor”. Petite histoire de la slavistique en Roumanie. Giovanna Brogi Bercoff. Octavia Nedelcu. Contribution à l’histoire de la slavistique dans les pays non slaves. jezik. Pierre Gonneau. Heinz Miklas.
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