
March 23, 2018 | Author: api-269106128 | Category: Arizona State University, Jordan, Arabian Peninsula, Natural Environment, Geology



CV - 1Caroline Pickens Davies, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Geosciences University of Missouri – Kansas City 420 Flarsheim Hall, Kansas City, MO 64110 [email protected] • 816.235.1335 PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS University of Missouri – Kansas City 2004 - Present Director, Environmental Studies Program University of Missouri – Kansas City, Department of Geosciences 2008 - Present Associate Professor of Geosciences UMKC Honors Program Best Model Teacher-Scholar Award 2011 (student selected) Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award for Regular Faculty 2010 University of Missouri – Kansas City, Department of Geosciences 2002 - 2008 Assistant Professor of Geosciences University of Memphis, Department of Geography, 2000 - 2002 Assistant Professor EDUCATION Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 1995 – 2000 Ph.D. Physical Geography Fulbright Scholarship & American Center of Oriental Research Fellowship Institute for Quaternary Studies, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 1989-1991 M.S. Quaternary Studies Hobart and William-Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York 1979-1983 B.A. Foundations of Archaeology RESEARCH GRANTS 2014 EPA $750,000 (pending) PI, co-PIs Adegoke & Wagner AirAware: Integrating air pollution monitoring at the neighborhood scale with community education and action in Kansas City, MO EPA-G2014-STAR-K1 Air Pollution Monitoring for Communities Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 2 2010 NSF Teaching and Research $208,700 Co-PI with Dr. Jim Murowchick Acquisition of a Compact Scanning Electron Microscope System for Teaching and Research in Geosciences 2010 EPA P3 Grant $10,000 A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet (Water) #G10Q40073 faculty adviser. 2007 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) $1,000,000 Co-Investigator with Dr. Jay Portnoy and Kevin Kennedy, Children’s Mercy Hospital Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas City Safe and Healthy Home Partnership 01/01/08- 01/31/2013 2007 Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation $700,000 Co- Principal Investigator with Dr. Iris Totten, Kansas State University, vGeoWorlds: The Integration of Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments, Problem-Based Education in the Geosciences and Facilitator Development. Largest single grant in Department of Geosciences history 2007 Environmental Protection Agency- CARE Initiative $205,000, Principal Investigator (not funded) Air Particulates, Childhood Asthma and Community-Scale Monitoring in Kansas City 2006 National Science Foundation Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program $500,000 NSF-0618817 2007-2009 with Frank Schmidt, UM Columbia, Department of Biochemistry CUES: Connecting Undergraduates to the Enterprise of Science 2005 National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), Earth Systems Science Education (ESSE) 21 Program $20,000 Integrating Earth Systems Science and the Urban Environment 2005 Memphis Zoological Society, $92,000 with Scott Franklin, University of Memphis, Department of Biology and John Ouellette, Memphis Zoological Association Regeneration of bamboo in relation to edges and herbivory; Year IV 2005 Center for the City Faculty Research $15,000 Geospatial Analysis of Asthma and Environmental Variables in Kansas City: Implications for Social Disparity 2005 American Centers of Overseas Research Centers (ACOR), Senior Research Fellowship $11,000 PI Modeling Paleoenvironmental Change and Basin Response on the Jordan Plateau 2005 Center for Creativity, UMKC, $7,000 PI Curriculum Innovation grant 2004 University of Missouri Research Board $30,000 Exploring System Thresholds and Emergence: Modeling Paleohydrologic Change and Basin Response on the Jordan Plateau 2004 Memphis Zoological Society, $32,660 Regeneration of bamboo in relation to edges and herbivory; Year III with Scott Franklin, University of Memphis, Department of Biology and John Ouellette, Memphis Zoological Association 2003 University of Missouri-Kansas City Faculty Research Grant, $7,000 Wetland Dynamics and Urban Interaction on the Missouri River Floodplain 2003 Students in the City Faculty Fellow, $1,500 Academic Service Learning- Evolution of Kansas City Environment Curriculum Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 3 2003 Equipment Proposal submitted to NFTS $2,400 Personal Response System in the Geosciences 2003 NASA Earth System Science Education 21, $67,023 Earth System Science and the Urban Environment in Undergraduate Curricula Dept. Geosciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City 2003 Memphis Zoological Society, $32,105 with Scott Franklin, University of Memphis, Department of Biology and John Ouellette, Memphis Zoological Association, Regeneration of bamboo in relation to edges and herbivory; Year II 2002 USDA Forest Service International Programs, $75,000 with John Ouellette, Scott Franklin, Frank van Manen, Caroline Davies, Michael Pelton, Wei Wang, and Meghan Carr. Supporting the Memphis Zoo's Forest Health Activities Associated with the QinLing Mountains 2001 Memphis Zoological Society, $18,400 Co-Investigator with Scott Franklin, Dept. of Biology, University of Memphis and John Ouellette, Conservation Action Network, Memphis Zoological Association. Regeneration of the Giant Panda's Bamboo Forest: A Spatial and Temporal Perspective. 2001 University of Memphis New Faculty Research Initiative Award, $8,500 Biogeomorphic Analysis of Impacts on Riparian Communities from the Wadi Mujib Dam, Jordan 2000 National Geographic Society, $24,900 Co-Principal Investigator with Patricia Fall and Steve Falconer, Arizona State University. Paleoclimate of the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan. 1999 Lucy Cranwell Award, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, $1,000 Pollen Analysis of Long Playa Cores from the Nafud Desert 1999 American Women in Science, Research Grant, $1,000 Paleogeography of the Arabian Shield 1997 Fulbright Foreign Scholarship, $13,850 Paleogeography of the Jordan Plateau 1997 Council of American Overseas Research Centers, Research Fellow, $6,000 Paleoenvironments of the Arabian Shield 1997 Sigma Xi, Research Grant, $700 Investigation of Paleoenvironments of the Jordan Plateau 1996 Nominated ASU Outstanding Female Graduate Student of the Year, Nominated by faculty to the Arizona State University top ten female graduate students 1996 Geological Society of America, Research Grant, $2,000 Paleoenvironments of the Central Jordan Plateau 1996 Katadyn, Incorporated, Research Support, $1,300 Paleoenvironments of the Central Jordan Plateau 1995 American Center of Oriental Research, Research Fellow, $8,000 USIA Research Fellowship 1995 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Scholarship, $1,000 Transition Zone Paleoenvironments Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 4 PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters 10. Ahmad, K.* and Davies, C. (in revision). Sedimentology of Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan: indications of paleolake levels. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 2012. 9. Ahmad, K.* and Davies, C. (in revision). Organic geochemistry as an indicator of paleoenvironments and climate change in Al-Azraq basin, Jordan. Journal of Organic Geochemistry, Elsevier Press. 2012. 8. Davies, C. 2007. Past Environments of the Jordan Plateau from the Paleolakes of the Eastern Desert. In: Crossing Jordan – North American Contributions to the Archaeology of Jordan Eds. Levy, T.E., Daviau, P.M.M., Younker, R.W., and Shaer, M. Equinox Publishing, Ltd., pp. 79-86. 7. Davies, C. 2007. Partnerships and Community Building. In: Design Guide for Undergraduate Earth System Science Education. NASA/USRA Earth System Science Education for the 21 st Century Program. Peer reviewed online book chapter 6. Davies, C. 2006. Quaternary Paleohydrology and Past Climates of the Dhamar Highlands, Yemen. Quaternary Research 66: 454-464. 5. Davies, C. 2006. Implementing Earth Systems Science Curriculum: Evaluating the Integration of Urban Environments for an Urban Audience. Journal of Geoscience Education, 54:364-373. 4. DeMotto, N.* and Davies, C. 2006. The Relationship Between Criminal Offenses and Distance from Parks in Kansas City, Kansas. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 33: 141-157. Top ten article downloads 2006-2007 3. Parker, A., Davies, C., and Wilkinson, T. 2006. The Early-Mid Holocene Moist Period in Arabia: Some Recent Evidence from Lacustrine Sequences in Eastern and Southwestern Arabia. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 36:243-255. 2. Davies, C., 2005. Quaternary Paleoenvironments and Potential for Human Exploitation of the Jordan Plateau Desert Interior. Journal of Geoarchaeology 20:381-402. 1. Davies, C. and Fall, P. L. 2001. Modern Pollen Precipitation from an Elevational Transect in Central Jordan and Its Relationship to Vegetation. Journal of Biogeography 28:1195- 1210. * student authors Non-Peer Reviewed Articles, Unpublished Technical and Summary Reports 15. Davies, C. and Totten, I. 2008. GeoWorlds. Kauffman Thought Book. 14. Davies, C., Senior Research Fellowship report to the American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan, May 2008. 13. Davies, C., 2008. Jordan Paleolakes Project, 2008 Field Season. Report to the Natural Resources Authority of Jordan, Amman. 12. Davies, C., 2006. Jordan Paleolakes Project, 2006 Field Season. Report to the Natural Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 5 Resources Authority of Jordan, Amman. 11. Davies, C., 2005. Paleolakes of the Jordan Plateau, Azraq drilling project 2005. Report to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Geology Division, Amman Jordan. 10. Davies, C., 2005, Earth Systems Science and the Urban Environment in Undergraduate Curricula, Second Annual Report Submitted to Earth System Science Education for the 21 st Century 9. Davies, C., 2004, Earth Systems Science and the Urban Environment in Undergraduate Curricula, First Annual Report Submitted to Earth System Science Education for the 21 st Century. 8. Edwards, P.C., Falconer, S. E., Fall, P.L., Berelov, I., Davies, C., Meadows, J., Meegan, C., Metzger, M. C., and Sayej, G. 2001. Archaeology and environment of the Dead Sea Plain: Preliminary results of the first season of investigations by the joint La Trobe University/Arizona State University Project. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 45:135-157. 7. Davies, C., 2000. Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments from Lacustrine Deposits of the Jordan Plateau. Unpublished dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 6. Davies, C., 1999. Introduction to Geomorphology by Frank Anhert for The Geographical Bulletin, 42:126-127. Book Review 5. Davies, C., 1998. The Central Jordan Paleoenvironmental Project. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. 4. Davies, C., 1998. The Jordan Climate Change Project Report. Report to the Jordanian Royal Geographic Center, Amman, Jordan. 3. Davies, C., 1998. Paleoenvironmental and Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Jabal Belaq, Yemen Preliminary report to Foundation for the Study of Man, Washington, D.C. 2. Davies, C., 1997. Jordan Paleoenvironmental Project Coring Report. Report to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Geology Division, Amman Jordan. 1. Davies, C., 1996. Jafr Basin Paleoenvironmental Project Report. Report to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Geology Division, Amman, Jordan. Published Abstracts Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 6 18. Davies, C., Totten, I., and Russell, D. 2008. GeoWorlds: The Integration of Collaborative 34. Anderson, B.*, Duvall, A.*, Felt, J.*, Fortin, A.*, Holdgraf, M.*, Smith, J.*, Wick, L.*, and Davies, C. 2014. Characterizing paleolake environments of the Al-Jafr Basin, Jordan using stable isotopes, ICPMS, and scanning electron microscopy. Association of American Geographers, Tampa, FL. April 8, 2014. 33. Davies, C., Frisch, M., and Wagner, J. 2013. Teaching Sustainability as a Large Format Environmental Science Elective. Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA April 12, 2013. 32. Ahmad, K.* and Davies, C. 2013. Sedimentology and Mineralogy as Indicators of Paleolake Levels and Paleoenvironmental Change from the Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan. American Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. April 9, 2013. 31. Hirsch, J.*, Knipper, J.*, Ahmad, K.*, and Davies, C., 2013. Characterizing Paleolake Environments of the Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan Using Stable Isotopes, ICPMS, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and Magnetic Susceptibility. Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA April 9-13, 2013. 30. Davies, C., Frisch, M., and Wagner, J. 2012. Using Community Engagement Research in a Large Format Environmental Science Elective. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA Dec3-7, 2012. 29. Ahmed, K.* and Davies, C. 2012. Biogeochemistry of the Al Azraq Basin, Jordan: Differentiating Between Terrestrial and Aquatic Sources of Organic Carbon. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 44, 2012. 28. Hirsch, J.*, Knipper, J.*, Lima, O.*, Petrillo, A.*, Smith, A.*, and Davies, C., 2012. Evidence of Past Environmental Conditions During the Evolution of an Ancient Saline Lake in the Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan Using Sedimentology and Geochemistry. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 44, 2012. 27. Ahmad, K. and Davies, C. 2011. Paleoenvironments and Landscape Evolution of the Al- Azraq Basin, Jordan from Organic Geochemistry and Sediment Analyses. International Quaternary Association, Bern, Switzerland, July, 2011. 26. Ahmad, K.* and Davies, C. 2010. Organic geochemistry study in Al-Azraq basin, Jordan. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 42, No. 5, 2010. 25. Davies, C. and Totten, I. 2010. GeoWorlds: Virtual Learning Environments for the Geosciences. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO October 31-Nov 3, 2010. 24. Davies, C. and Totten, I. 2010. GeoWorlds: Virtual Learning Environments for the Geosciences. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington D. C. April, 2010. 23. Ahmad, K.* and Davies, C. 2009. Organic geochemistry study in Al-Azraq basin, Jordan: interpretation of paleoenvironment and paleoclimate using bulk organic matter analyses. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18, 2009. 22. Veverka, L.* and Davies, C. 2009. Dune Activity as a Record of Holocene environmental change in the Al-Azraq basin, Jordan. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14-18, 2009. 21. Omowumi Alabi, O.*, Coveney, R., and Davies, C. 2008. Ground-Level Ozone Pollution: An Example of A Scientific Data-Rich Laboratory Activity to Enhance Deep Learning. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 15-19, 2008. 20. Russell, D., Davies, C. and Totten, I. 2008. GEOWORLDS: Utilizing Second Life to Develop Advanced Geosciences Knowledge, DIGITEL Annual Conference, Banff, Canada November 17, 2008. 19. Davies, C. and Frisch, M. 2008. Environmental Sustainability Cluster Course: Initiating Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Engaging Community, and Supporting Facilities Management. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Raleigh, NC, Nov. 11, 2008. Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 7 Virtual Learning Environments, Problem-Based Education in the Geosciences and Facilitator Development. Fifteenth International Conference on Learning, University of Illinois, Chicago June 3-6, 2008. 17. Krabbe, S.* and Davies, C. 2007. Geospatial analysis of airborne particulates in Kansas City urban core: a look at current monitoring standards. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA April 18, 2007. 16. Burch, K. , Veverka, L. , Krabbe, S., and Davies, C. 2007. Holocene sediments of the Qa Al-Azraq Basin, Jordon or Where have all have the sediments gone? Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA April 17, 2007. 15. Russell, D., Davies, C., and Totten, I. GEOWROLDS: Utilizing Problem-Based Scenarios in Second Life to Develop Advanced Geosciences Knowledge. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. (AACE), Ontario, Canada, Oct 17, 2007 14. Davies, C. A Geospatial Analysis of Airborne Particulates and Asthma in Kansas City: Implications for Environmental Health and Social Disparity. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA April, 2007. 13. Davies, C. Holocene Moisture in Arabia from Yemen to Jordan. 6th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology and 9th International Conference of Jordanian Geologists Association, Amman, Jordan April 3, 2007. 12. Ruzek, M., Aron, J., Baker, D., Chee-Wah, B., Davies, C., Gage, S., Prakash, A., Reider, D., Thompson, O., and Wake, C., A Design Guide for Undergraduate Earth System Science Education. Geologic Society of America Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA Oct, 22-25, 2006 11. Davies, C. Assessing the integration of Earth system science education and urban environments. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT Oct, 16, 2005. 10. DeMotto, N.* and Davies, C. A GIS Analysis of Criminal Offenses and Parks in Kansas City, KS. Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO Oct, 2005. 9. Davies, C., Parker, A., and Wilkinson, T. The Early-Mid Holocene Moist period in Arabia: some recent evidence from lacustrine sequences in eastern and southwestern Arabia. Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London Jul 24-28, 2005. 8. Davies, C. Distinguishing regional and local paleoenvironmental signals: Comparing paleohydrolic change and basin response from two paleolakes on the Jordan Plateau. Geologic Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO Nov 7, 2004. 7. Davies, C. Holocene paleoclimate record from lacustrine deposit from the Dhamar Highlands, Yemen. International Congress of Ancient Archaeology of the Near East, Berlin, Germany Apr 2, 2004. 6. Davies, C. Sedimentation and vegetation dynamics of a Mississippi oxbow: Lake Wapanocca- human interaction with a critical wetland habitat. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, PA Mar, 19, 2004. 5. Davies, C. Paleohydrology and Paleoclimates from Lacustrine Environments of the Dhamar Highlands, Yemen. International Quaternary Association, Reno, NV Jul 23, 2003. 4. Davies, C. Sedimentary and geochemical investigations of lacustrine sediments from the Yemen Highlands and implications for climate change. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 35, No. 2, March, 2003. Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 8 3. Davies, C. Implications of lacustrine sediment for paleoclimates of the Jordan Plateau. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA March, 2002. 2. Davies, C. and Fall, P. Modern pollen-vegetation relationships from an elevational transect in Central Jordan. Illustrated paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, NY Feb, 2001. 1. Davies, C. Paleoclimate Change on the Jordanian Plateau, Illustrated paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, Hawaii April, 1999. INVITED TALKS, PRESENTATIONS, AND SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES Invited Talks (29) 2013 Infrastructure and Resiliency for Midwestern Cities, Advancing Sustainable Communities Conference, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, September 23-24, 2013. 2013 Using Paleoenvironments to Look into the Past and the Future: The Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan. Towson University, April, 18, 2013. 2012 Environmental Management Commission and Director of Kansas City Water Department Graduate students from Global Water course requested to speak to Kansa on research of urban water pricing strategies, April 2012. 2012 Climate Change Panel Discussion following The Great Immensity NSF sponsored musical on climate change, Kansas City Repertory Theater, Kansas City March 3 rd 2010 6 th Annual Healthy Homes Conference, Invited speaker, Kansas City, Oct 8 2010 Environmental Excellence Business Network, Students and Sustainability at UMKC, Invited speaker, Kansas City, Oct 8 2009 Climate Change and Gender, Panelist, Sisters on the Planet, OxFam America, November 4, 2009. 2009 Invited speaker, Maplewoods Community College, May 2009. 2009 GeoWorlds: Opportunities in Virtual Geoscience Education, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, April 10, 2009. 2008 Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments in the Geosciences for Urban Students. Grantmakers in Education Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Oct 22, 2008. 2008 Arab World Policy for Post-2012 Climate Negotiations. Invited Two-day Workshop, the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy & International Affairs, American University of Beirut, The League of Independent Activists, and Heinrich Böll Foundation. Beirut. Lebanon, Oct 14-15, 2008. 2008 Global Climate Change: Why we need YOU in science! Association for Women in Science, Invited Keynote address, Topeka, KS, Oct 2, 2008. 2008 with Dr. Adegoke, Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration Partnering with Community Empowering Lifelong Learning Leading the Environmental Future, University of Missouri Curators Breakfast September 5 th , 2008. 2008 GeoWorlds: The Integration of Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments, Problem- Based Education in the Geosciences and Facilitator Development. Kauffman Foundation June 12, 2008. 2008 Davies, C. Global Climate Change: Why We Need You in Science. Invited keynote Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 9 address Science Pioneers, Expanding Your Horizons Event, (410 6 th -8 th grade girls) Science City IMAX Theater, January 18, 2008. 2007 Davies, C. What does climate change mean for Missouri? 11 th Annual Missouri Environmental Education Association Conference on Environmental Education. Kansas City, MO, Dec. 1. 2007 Davies, C., Arabian Climate change, Invited lecture, Department of Archaeology, University of Jordan, Amman, April, 15. 2007 Davies, C., Keynote address on Global Climatic Change, Global Warming and the Role of Geosciences. Invited Plenary speaker, 6th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology and 9th International Conference of Jordanian Geologists Association, Amman, Jordan, April 3. 2007 Davies, C. Holocene Moisture in Arabia: Evidence from Lacustrine Sequences in the Yemen Highlands and Beyond, Invited lecture, Department of Anthropology and Peabody Museum, Harvard University, March, 14. 2006 Davies, C., Lecture and Demonstration of Macrobotanical Field Methods, Invited lecture, University of Jordan, Amman, Dec, 14. 2006 Parker, A., Davies, C., and Wilkinson, T. The early to mid-Holocene moist period in Arabia: some recent evidence from lacustrine sequences in eastern and southwestern Arabia. Invited lecture, Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London, July 24. 2006 Davies, C. Geospatial Analysis of Environmental Variables and Asthma Triggers in Kansas City. Invited lecture, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, June, 19. 2004 Davies, C. Paleoclimate and Human Impacts from the Dhamar Highlands, Yemen. Invited lecture, Department of Geology, Department of Geosciences, University of Missouri Columbia, MO, April, 23. 2004 Davies, C. Paleoenvironments of the Jordan Plateau: Climate Change and Human Settlement. Invited lecture, Department of Geology, Iowa State University, IO, Feb, 20 rescheduled to Fall 2004. 2002 Davies, C. Implications of lacustrine sediment for paleoclimates of the Jordan Plateau. Invited lecture, Department of Geosciences, University of Missouri at Kansas City, MO, Feb. 2001 Davies, C. Jordan Plateau Paleoenvironments: Implications for Past Climates and Paleohydrology. Invited lecture, USGS and Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI), Memphis, TN, Jan. 2000 Davies, C. Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments of the Jordan Plateau. Invited lecture, Department of Geography, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, March. 1999 Davies, C. Yemen: Archaeological and Environmental Research, Invited presentation of current research in the Yemen highlands. Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, April. 1998 Davies, C. Yemen: Past and Present Human Impacts. Invited presentation of current research in the Yemen highlands. Department of Geography, Arizona State University, Oct. Research Presentations Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 10 39. Anderson, B.*, Duvall, A.*, Felt, J.*, Fortin, A.*, Holdgraf, M.*, Smith, J.*, Wick, L.*, and Davies, C. 2014. Characterizing paleolake environments of the Al-Jafr Basin, Jordan using stable isotopes, ICPMS, and scanning electron microscopy. Association of American Geographers, Tampa, FL. April 8, 2014. 38. Davies, C., Frisch, M., and Wagner, J. 2013. Large Format Environmental Science Course: A Forum for Teaching Sustainability. Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA April 9-13, 2013. 37. Hirsch, J.*, Knipper, J.*, Ahmad, K.*, and Davies, C. 2013. Characterizing Paleolake Environments of the Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan Using Stable Isotopes, ICPMS, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and Magnetic Susceptibility. Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA April 9-13, 2013. 36. Davies, C., Frisch, M., and Wagner, J. 2012. Teaching Sustainability as a Large Format Environmental Science Elective. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA Dec 3-7, 2012. 35. Ahmed, K.* and Davies, C. 2012. Biogeochemistry of the Al Azraq Basin, Jordan: Differentiating Between Terrestrial and Aquatic Sources of Organic Carbon. Geological Society of America, Nov. 2012. 34. Hirsch, J.*, Knipper, J.*, Lima, O.*, Petrillo, A.*, Smith, A.*, and Davies, C., 2012. Evidence of past environmental conditions during the evolution of an ancient saline lake in the Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan using sedimentology and geochemistry. Geological Society of America, Poster Nov, 2012. 33. Mitchell, J.*, Immentheun, C.*, and Davies, C. 2010. Drinking Water from Thin Air: Collecting Drinking Water from Atmospheric Moisture Using Desiccants and Solar Radiation. Presentation of undergraduate research at national EPA P3 conference on the Mall, Washington D.C. April 22, 2010 32. Davies, C. and Totten, I. GeoWorlds: Virtual Learning Environments for the Geosciences. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO October 31- Nov 3, 2010. 31. Davies, C. and Wagner, J. Washington Wheatley Neighborhood Air Quality, EPA Region VII invited Neighborhood tour. Sept 2, 2010. 30. Davies, C. and Totten, I. GeoWorlds: Virtual Learning Environments for the Geosciences. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington D. C. April 17, 2010. 29. Ahmad, K. and Davies, C. Organic geochemistry study in Al-Azraq basin, Jordan: interpretation of paleoenvironment and paleoclimate using bulk organic matter analyses. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA Dec 18, 2009. 28. Davies, C. Characterizing Kansas City Air Quality: A pilot study in fine resolution urban air particulate sampling. Invited presentation to Region VII EPA. September 30, 2009. 27. Davies, C. and Frisch, M. Environmental Sustainability Cluster Course: Initiating Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Engaging Community, and Supporting Facilities Management. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Raleigh, NC, Nov. 11, 2008. 26. Davies, C., Totten, I., and Russell, D. GeoWorlds: The Integration of Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments, Problem-Based Education in the Geosciences and Facilitator Development. Fifteenth International Conference on Learning, University of Illinois, Chicago June 3-6, 2008. Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 11 25. Davies, C. Climate change in Arabia: Past, present and future. Senior Research Fellowship Lecture. American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan May 22, 2008. 24. Burch, K.*, Veverka, L.*, Krabbe, S.* and Davies, C., Analysis of Holocene aeolian sedimentation in the Azraq Basin, Jordan: implications for paleoclimate. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA April 17, 2008. 23. Davies, C. Geoworlds: Virtual Demonstration of TerraWorld to Kauffman Foundation. Dec. 7, 2007. 22. Davies, C. and Schmidt, F. et al. Faculty-Friendly Inquiry. Panel session sponsored by NSF Division of Undergraduate Education. Society for Advancement of Chicano and Native American Scientists National Conference, Kansas City, MO Oct 13, 2007. 21. Russell, D., Davies, C., and Totten, I. Virtual Instructors Pilot Research Group Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, May, 2007. 20. Russell, D., Davies, C., and Totten, I. GEOWORLDS: Utilizing Second Life Teen World to Develop Advanced Geosciences Knowledge in Urban Students, Virtual Instructor Pilot Research Group, 1 st International Workshop on Virtual Instructors, NSF, Georgetown University, May 21-22, 2007. 19. Davies, C. Spatial Distribution of Airborne Particulates and the Occurrence of Asthma Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA, April 21, 2007. 18. Davies, C. Holocene Moisture in Arabia from Yemen to Jordan, 6th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology and 9 th Annual Meeting of Jordanian Geologists, Amman, Jordan, April 2-7, 2007. 17. Davies, C. Assessing the Integration of Earth System Science Education and Urban Environments. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake, UT, Oct 16, 2005. 16. DeMotto, N. and Davies, C. A GIS Analysis of Criminal Offenses and Parks in Kansas City, KS. Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, Oct 11, 2005. 15. Davies, C. Reflections on ESSE and the Urban Environment in Undergraduate Curricula. Earth Systems Science Education for the 21 st Century, Annual Meeting, Fairbanks, AK, Aug 4-7, 2005. 14. Davies, C. Distinguishing regional and local paleoenvironmental signals: Comparing paleohydrolic change and basin response from two paleolakes on the Jordan Plateau. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov 7,2004. 13. Davies, C. Earth Systems Science and the Urban Environment in Undergraduate Curricula. Earth Systems Science Education for the 21 st Century, Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, June 28-30, 2004. 12. Davies, C. Holocene paleoclimate record from lacustrine deposit from the Dhamar Highlands, Yemen. Fourth International Congress of Ancient Archaeology of the Near East, Freier Unistersitat, Berlin, Germany, April 2, 2004. 11. Davies, C. Sedimentation and vegetation dynamics of a Mississippi oxbow: Lake Wapanocca- human interaction with a critical wetland habitat. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, PA, March 19, 2004. 10. Davies, C. Paleohydrology and Paleoclimates from Lacustrine Environments of the Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 12 Dhamar Highlands, Yemen. International Quaternary Association, Reno, Nevada, July 23, 2003. 9. Davies, C. Earth System Science and the Urban Environment in Undergraduate Curricula, Earth Systems Science Education for the 21 st Century, Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 11, 2003. 8. Davies, C. Teaching Biocomplexity in the Geosciences: Biogeochemical Cycling of Oxbow Lakes. Cutting Edge Professional Development Workshop, University of Montana, Bozeman, MT, April 3, 2003. 7. Davies, C. Sedimentary and geochemical investigations of lacustrine sediments from the Yemen Highlands and implications for climate change. Paper presented at the Geological Society of America North-Central Section - 37th Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, March, 24–25, 2003. 6. Davies, C. Web-Design Principles for Teaching Geoscience: Virtual Paleontology Museum. Cutting Edge Professional Development Workshop, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Feb, 9, 2003. 5. Davies, C. Implications of lacustrine sediment for paleoclimates of the Jordan Plateau. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA, March, 2002. 4. Davies, C. Modern pollen-vegetation relationships from an elevational transect in Central Jordan. Illustrated paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, NY, Feb., 2001. 3. Davies, C. (2001) Reconstruction of paleoenvironments from lacustrine deposits of the Jordan Plateau. SEDAGG, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Nov., 2000. 2. Davies, C. Paleoclimate Change on the Jordanian Plateau, Illustrated paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, Hawaii, April, 1999. 1. Davies, C. Jordan Paleoclimate Project. Poster presented at the International Conference on Jordan Paleoclimates, Yarmouk University, Jordan. June, 1998. Session Chair 2014 Co-Host- Regional Workshop on Community Agriculture with Vandana Shiva 2012 Panel Chair- UMKC Diversity, Access & Equity's Social Justice Program, Everyday Sustainability Discussion with Colin Beavan, author No Impact Man, Oct 12 2007 Quaternary Geology, Davies, C. Co-chair with Dr. Al-Dousari, Kuwait Research Institute, 6th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology and 9th International Conference of Jordanian Geologists Association, Amman, Jordan, April 3. 2004 Quaternary Paleoenvironments of the Middle East. Sponsored by the Geoarchaeology subgroup, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Davies, C. Co- chair with C. Cordova, Nov 7. 2003 Climate Variability and Change: Past, Present and Future. Davies, C. Co-chair with J. Adegoke: Geological Society of America North-Central Section - 37th Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, Mar 24–25. Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 13 REVIEWING NSF Panel Reviews, NASA, Quaternary Science Reviews, Quaternary Research, Journal of Biogeography, Journal GeoArchaeology, Journal Geoscience Education (Associate Editor), Professional Geographer, Oxford University Press FIELD RESEARCH (see CD for recent research images) 2008 Jordan Paleolakes Project- Fourth Field Campaign, Director 2007 Field reconnaissance of paleohurricane deposits Baja California Sur, MX , Principal Investigator 2006 Jordan Paleolakes project- Third Field Campaign, Director 2006 Kansas City Airborne Particulate and Human Health Study, Director 2005 Jordan Paleolakes Project- Second Field Campaign, Director 2005 Kansas City Airborne Particulate and Human Health Study, Director 2004 Cooley Lake, Missouri, Instructor 2001 Lake Wapanocca Paleoenvironmental Project, Arkansas, Principal Investigator 2001 Woolly Adelgid impacts on Frazer Fir in the Great Smoky National Forest, Instructor 2000 Arizona State University Geography and Archaeology Field Camp, Assistant Field Director 1999 Jordan Valley Village Project, Department of Archaeology, Arizona State University, Senior Staff 1999 Paleoenvironments of Tonga, Department of Geography, Arizona State University, Field Assistant 1999 Dhamar highlands paleoenvironmental project, Yemen, Director 1998 Paleoenvironments of the North Pacific, Palau, Department of Geography, Arizona State University, Field Assistant 1998 Jordan Paleoenvironments Project, Director STUDENTS SUPERVISED Doctoral Committee Chair Khaldoun Ahmad PhD, 2013 Biogeochemisttry and Inorgnaic Geochemsitry as Indicators of the Paleoenvironment and Paleohydrology of the Al-Azraq Basin Jordan Juliana Lima (Ph.D., in progress) Downscaling of Global Climate Change Estimates to Regional Scales: An Application for Drought Prediction in NE Brazil Doctoral Committee Member Brian Werner PhD, 2014 Economics & Geosciences Brandon Unti PhD (in progress) Economics & Geosciences Richard Mbih PhD (in progress) Bridgitte Thompson Ph.D. (in progress ) Geosciences & Education William Fisher PhD, 2014 Comparison and Critic of Environmental Economics Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 14 Omowumi Alabi PhD, 2010 Geoscience Education & Physics Nicole DeMotto Ph.D. (in progress) Economic and Social Disorder Variables as Factors in Crime, (co-authored peer-reviewed paper) David Drake Ph.D., 2010 Geosciences & Public Administration, Leachability of Size-Fractionated Mine Tailings from the Kansas Portion of the Tri-State Mining District. Wei Wang Ph.D., 2002 Regeneration of the Giant Panda's Bamboo Forest in Bamboo Die-off Zones. Masters Committee Chair Jennifer Knipper M.S. (in progress) Origins of Sulfur in the Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan: Using Isotopes to Determine Biotic or Abiotic Sources Awarded: GAF Research grant 2013 ($1,000) Kansas City Earth Science Clubs Scholarship ($1,000) Gentile Scholarship 2014 ($1,600) Jessica Hirsch M.S. (in progress) Element Distribution in Sediments of the Al- Azraq Basin, Jordan and Reflection of Paleoenvironment. Awarded: GAF Research grant 2013 ($700) and 2014 ($1,000) Gentile Scholarship 2014 ($1,600) TWA Scholaship 2014 ($7,000) Angela DeAngelo M.S. (in progress) Kelly Thompson M.S., 2013 Ebb and Flow of Policy, Economics and Science: An Analysis of the Policy Drivers in the Missouri River Basin Khaldoun Ahmad M.S. 2010 Organic Geochemistry of Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan: An Interpretation of Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate Using Bulk Organic Matter. Rebekah Spurlock (M.S., 2006) Evaluation of the Ecological Health of Urban Greenspace, Memphis, TN Todd Graves (M.S., 2001) Effects of Aspect on Fraser Fir Lifecycle and Growth Rates on Mt. LeConte, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee Masters Committee Member Christie Anderson M.S., 2012 The young Thomas Jefferson's geographic thought, 1743-1784. Julie Galloway M.S. 2011 Late Holocene Paleoclimate reconstruction of the northern Gulf of Aqaba using foraminifera as a proxy. David Rinaldi (M.S., 2009) Quantitative assessment of the impact of residential rural development on groundwater recharge and pollution potential. Alivia Allison M.S., 2007 Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Late Holocene Coastal Sediments along the Southern Dead Sea Transform in Aqaba, Jordan. Mubeen Muhammad M.S., 2006 Effect of Geologic Heterogeneity on Permeable Reactive Barrier Design. Dawit Teclehaimanot M.S., 2005 Quantitative analysis of moisture content and temperature of landfill soil cover and their effect on methane emission. Jeremy Haynes M.S., 2005 Historical Ground-Rupturing Earthquakes on the Dead Sea Transform Fault at the Ancient Ruins of Qasr Tilah, Jordan. Joe Topi M.S., 2005 The Relationship of Seismic Velocity to the Erodability Index David Drake (Ph.D., 2004) Size-Fractionated Mine Tailings from the Kansas Portion of the Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 15 Tri-State Mining District. Shari Generaux M.S. (in progress) Marsh Stratigraphy as an Indicator for Earthquake and Climatic Cycles along the San Andreas Fault in Northern California. Mario Cardoza (M.S., 2003) Developing an Integrated Land Cover Classification System for the Upper Paraguay River Basin (Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia). Marc Pearson (M.S., 2002) Landform Convergence: A Case Study of Simplexity Using Alluvial Fans in Death Valley, CA. Nancy Thompson (M.S., 2002) Using Multi-temporal Satellite Images to Identify Wintering Waterfowl Habitat on Texas Mid-Coast Rice Prairies. Todd Graves M.S., 2003 Shawn Andersen M.S., 2001 The Locational probability for a Dredged, channelized, and Engineered River: the Lower Mississippi River. Undergraduate Students Mentored Janet Smith 2014. Investigation of clay minerals as paleoenvironmental indicators from the Al-Azraq Basin, Jordan. (SUROP $4,000) Jennifer Knipper 2012. Stratigraphic analysis of Al-Azraq Basin sediments. Jessica Hirsch 2012. Isotopic analysis of Al-Azraq Basin sediments. Matthew Hoskins 2010. Investigation of a fossil Camelus dromedarius and Pleistocene paleoenvironments of the Wadi El Hasa. James Mitchell and Cheryl Immentheun, Drinking Water from Thin Air: Collecting Drinking Water from Atmospheric Moisture Using Desiccants and Solar Radiation. Presentation of undergraduate research at national EPA P3 conference on the Mall, Washington D.C. April 22, 2011 (EPA $10,000, SEARCH $2,500) Aaron Brockman (2005) Analysis of Al-Azraq diatom assemblage for paleoenvironmental indicators (SEARCH $2,500) TRAVEL GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 2005 UMKC Faculty International Travel Grant, AAE, London 2004 UMKC Faculty International Travel Grant, ICAANE, Berlin 1999 Graduate Student Association, Travel Grant 1998 Arizona State University Graduate, Student Travel Grant 1998 ASU Department of Geography, Travel Grant 1994-98 Arizona State University Graduate Tuition Scholarships (9) 1990-91 Graduate School Tuition Scholarship, University of Maine 1991 Hirrundo Project Research Grant, Depart. of Anthropology, University of Maine EMPLOYMENT Archaeologist (1984-1995) Arizona State University Wadi el Hasa Project (1984, 1986, 1992) British School of Archaeology (1984-1986) Baghdad and Mosul, Iraq, archaeological site supervisor Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 16 DCA (1990) San Juan Natural Gas Pipeline, New Mexico, archaeologist Garrow and Associates, Inc. (1989) Iroquois Natural Gas Pipeline, NY, field director Soil Systems, Inc. (1997-1999) macrobotanical analyst, Phoenix, Arizona PUBLIC OUTREACH LECTURES AND COMMUNITY SERVICE 2014 63 rd Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair, Senior Judge, Mar 12th 2013 62 nd Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair, Senior Judge, Mar 13th 2013 Invited guest on KCUR’s Central Standard Time program with the Region VII EPA Director discussing regional ‘s climate change and air quality. 2012 OxFam America Ambassador 2012 Climate Change Panel Discussion following The Great Immensity NSF sponsored musical on climate change, Kansas City Repertory Theater, Kansas City March 3rd 2012 61 th Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair, Judge 2011 OxFam America Ambassador 2011 60 th Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair, Judge 2010 Meet the Mentor, Science Pioneers, Invited speaker, Nov 13 th , 2010 2009 OxFam America Ambassador 2009 Young Professionals for International Cooperation, Climate Change: Midwest Impacts, and the Road to Copenhagen, Nov 22. 2009 Sally Ride Science Club Festival- Presented hundreds of area female junior-high students with inquiry-based science experiences in investigating air quality in workshop entitled “What’s in Your Air” Nov 8th 2009 Meet the Mentor, Science Pioneers invited speaker, Nov 7th 2009 Ambassador, United Nations Kansas City Chapter 2009 Invited meeting with Senator Claire MaCaskill’s staff to provide perspective and background on climate change for upcoming climate change legislation, Aug 18 2009 Climate, Water, and Sustainability: Challenges & Lessons Learned, Community of Reason, Kansas City, MO April 26, 2009 2009 FaCET Symposium on Teaching and Learning, Teaching in Different Environments, Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO April 3 2009 working with high school students from Pembrook Hill Academy, Barstow Academy, and Center High School on air particulate projects. 2009 58 th Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair, Judge 2008 AUPD Pavilion Project 2008 Davies, C. Department of Geosciences Colloquium, Frontiers in Virtual Learning Environments: A Pilot in Assessing Student Learning in the Geosciences, Nov 20,2008. 2008 Global Climate Change: Why we need YOU in science! Association for Women in Science, Invited Keynote address, Topeka, KS, Oct 2, 2008. 2008 Maplewoods Community College, Geology Club, February 8. 2007 invited participation on the Steve and Kathy Show to discuss climate change. This is a cable Christian talk show on the Christian broadcasting network with global distribution. Dec 3rd 2007 11 th annual Missouri Environmental Education Association Conference on environmental Education invited workshop presentation What does climate change mean for Missouri? Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 17 Dec 1. 2007 Kansas City, Kansas and Wyandott Unified Government, invited talk Climate Change: What it is, What it isn’t and What it Means for Missouri Oct 24 2007 Sierra Club, Sustainability Dialogue for Midwest Community June 19th 2007 Key note address, Conversations on Climate Change, EPA High School Climate Change Program, May 11th 2007 Featured radio program Kansas City environment and Climate change Apr 23rd 2007 Expanding Your Horizons, Jan 19th 2006 Students as Scholars Institute, Oct 2006 Saint Andrews Church, Transboundary Resource Issues- Middle East Water: Challenges & Lessons Learned, Mar 19th 2005 Kansas City Wildlands Environmental Excellence Award, Judge 2005 Saint Andrews Church, Brush Creek: Challenges of Urban Watersheds, March 2005 54 th Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair, Judge 2004 Kansas City Wildlands Environmental Excellence Award, Judge 2004 Science Pioneers- Meet the Science Mentor, Nov 13th 2004 Missouri Academy of Science, Science Fair Finalist Judge 2004 Project Pavilion, UMKC School of Architecture and Urban Planning 2004 53 rd Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair, Judge 2003 Science Pioneers, three workshops entitled “Studying Past Climates: How Do We Know?” Nov 3rd 2003 52 nd Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair, Judge 2003 City of Kansas City GIS Day 2003 Sally Ride Science Club Festival Presented hundreds of area female junior-high students with inquiry-based science experiences in investigating global climate change in session entitled “Identifying Past Climates” Apr 26th 2003 Mathematics and Physics Institute, Reconstructing Middle East Paleoclimates, Jan 31st 2002 Science Fair Judge, University of Memphis Campus School 2001 Science Fair Judge, University of Memphis Campus School 1999 Earth Science Day, ASU Department of Geology 1999 Challenger Middle School, Glendale, AZ, Career Day 1999 Arizona State Geography Bee 1998 C.A.R.E. Center, Zarka, Jordan, Geography of Jordanian Prehistory (in Arabic). 1997 Salt River Pima Community School, Paleoclimate Change in Arid Regions. 1996 Black Eagle Middle School, Climates of the Middle East. SERVICE AND AWARDS National Science Foundation Panel Review March 4-5, 2010 National Woman’s History Month Awardee, Women Leading the Way to Save Our Planet, March 20, 2010. UMKC College Honors Program- voted by honors students “best example model teacher- scholar” 2011 UMKC Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award for Regular Faculty 2009-2010 Kansas City Asthma Coalition, Research Committee Member, 2009- present Curriculum vitea: Caroline P. Davies, 24 Oct., 2014 18 National Science Foundation Panel Review Feb 23-24, 2009 Associate Editor, Journal of Geoscience Education, 2006- 2008 Organizing Committee - 9 th Annual Meeting of Jordanian Geologists, Amman, Jordan, 2006-07. Committee Member, Commission on College Geography, Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2003 - 2005 Committee Member, Ethics and Procedures for Research Directors in Jordan, American Society of Oriental Research, 2003 - 2005 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIPS American Geophysical Union (AGU) Association of American Geographers (AAG) Specialty Groups- Geomorphology, Paleoenvironmental Change Geological Society of America (GSA) Subgroup- Geoarchaeology Pan-American Aerobiology Association (PAAA) Sigma XI Union of Concerned Scientists
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