
March 25, 2018 | Author: Ioan Sorin Leoveanu | Category: Welding, Engineering, Finite Element Method, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematical Optimization



Curriculum vitaeEuropass Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) E-mai Nationality Date of birth Gender Leoveanu Ioan Sorin 8th, Negoiu, cod poştal 500002, Brasov, Romania, Jud. Brasov [email protected] Romana 20.10.1956 Masculin Desired employment / Occupational field Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employe Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employe Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employe Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employe Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities From 2010 Lecturer Dr. Eng. Didactic and Research Activity University „Transilvania” from Brasov, B-dul Eroilor 29, Civil Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department Education and Research/High Education 1990 - 2010 Lecturer Dr. Eng. Didactic and Research Activity University „Transilvania” from Brasov, B-dul Eroilor 29, Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Education and Research/High Education 1987 - 1988 Assistant Professor Didactic and Research Activity University „Transilvania” from Brasov, B-dul Eroilor 29, Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Education and Research/High Education 1983 - 1987 Design Engineering, Research Engineering Research and Design Industrial Tractors and Construction Machinery Research and Design Institute for Auto and Tractors Institute Design and Research Activity 1981-1983 Design Eng. Technological Design Name and address of employe Type of business or sector UT Bv, Tractor’s Factory Brasov Welding and Stamping technology Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) 2003 Dr. Eng., area „Studies and researches concerning the welding technology optimization aimed on residual stresses and distortions reduction on complexes geometry configurations structures.”, scientific advisor Prof. Dr. Ing. Zgura Gheorghe 2001-2002 Researcher in CAMP Yonsei Department, South Koreea 1975-1981 Student in Mechanical Engineering, Transilvania University Brasov. Diplomat in Mechanical Engineering. 1974-1975 – military service 1970-1974 – Colege nr. 2 Brasov, Real (MathematicalPhysical) Doctor in Industrial Engineering Technological Optimizations Processes. Heat and Fluid flow modelling in fusion welding. Technological processes modeling. Heat and Fluid Flow numerical modeling using Volume Finite Method with MAC method for free surface modeling and TVD method for turbulence estimation in gases flow, Finite Element Method, Lattice Boltzmann Method, and Phase Fields Method for crystallization. Residual stress, strains and deflections for welding joins structures. Statistical Mathematics used in experimental studies of technological process optimization. Optimization methods used in technological processes. Nonlinear structures optimization methods. University Polytechnic from Bucharest (Doctoral Eng. ) University Yonsei from Seoul. (Researcher) University Transilvania from Brasov. Fast learning and adaptation possibilities, Abilities in modeling complexes phenomenon, individual or team work at newly methods and ways for pushing over the knower actual level. Specify mother tongue (if relevant add other mother tongue(s), see instructions) (Romanian) Selfasessment Eeuropeen level (*) English French Other language(s) Understanding Speaking Writing Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken producti on Writing B1 A2 B2 B2 A2 B1 A2 B2 B2 B2 (*) Nivelul Cadrului European Comun de Referinţă Pentru Limbi Străine Social skills and competences Team building experiences in activity of complexes machines design and high researches levels. In sports other activities. Communications and understanding of team specifically problems. Organisational skills and competences Team leader of machinery prototypes and functional projects. Team leader of some integrated systems of complexes machinery. Team leader of software for transport phenomenon used in modeling heat, fluid flow in welded pool of high power energetically sources. Team leader in residual stresses induced by welding process. Coordination and organization of some learning activity (labs, courses, exams, etc) research with young teams, organization of some conferences visits and other activities. Technical skills and competences Some didactical competences. Optimization technological processes and establishing the principal parameters and the statistical low of the process. Analyze of numerical methods used in fluid and heat flow. Filling and solidification of complexes molds, filling of waste reservoirs, dam break, and fluid flow induced inside reservoirs by earthquakes, etc. Numerical modeling combustion and ignition of classical explosives. Numerical modeling of blast waves propagation inside closed domains and outside them. Establishing the complexes loading systems induced by fluid flow (pulsed wind and earthquake with diverse acceleration spectra on each direction blast waves inside complexes geometrical domains) The influence of welding technology on the bucking effect of beams used in strength structures in the area of aerodynamics, submarine construction or civil engineering may improve the characteristics of those machineries and structures. Numerical modeling at macro scale transport phenomenon using VFM, VFM&MAC, VFM&TVD, FEM, Chemical processes (combustion). Numerical modeling at micro/mezo scale using Lattice Boltzmann Methods, Phase Field methods MCA methods. The skills were developed at Transilvania University from Brasov, Polytechnic University from Bucharest, Technical University from Kosice, Yonsei University from Seoul and other University and Research Center. I’m scientifically referent to ISI Journals, diverse other journal and conferences. Ed. Springer: Journal of Material Eng. & Proc. Journal of Marine Science and Applications Ed. TTP Advanced Material Research Advanced Engineering and Technology Other Journals and Conferences Proceedings Journal of Civil Engineering, Ed. TUKe Kosice CIBv,MHCCE Slovacia, Workshop on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computer skills and competences Artistic skills and competences Other skills and competences Original programs in Visual C/C++ for transport phenomenon of mass, impulse and energy. Finite element method for 3D beams and shells structures. Nonlinear FEM analyze for push-over Civil Engineering structures. Using Visual Basic & VB.NET for friendly interfaces and small problems. Fortran , Cadl, etc. Simple programs from MatCAD, MatLab. CAD: Solidworks, KeyCreator, KadKey, etc. FEM modeling: Abaqus,Cosmos,Ansys, Sap,Axis, etc. Microsoft Office. Design, color Mechanical design: MLC24 – pipe lancer 24 tf – ICPAT Brasov Bulldozers in 220-330 HP area. Strength structure design. Equipments design. Clutch Drives & slip systems Bulldozers in 550-650 HP area. Articulate industrial tractors. Design especially machinery for defense and oil industry. Arctic climate machinery strength structure design. Scientifically papers in international data bases. Books in the area of numerical methods: Leoveanu Ioan Sorin, Tierean, M., 2009, “Metode numerice avansate. Modelarea metalelori”, Ed.Universitatii din Brasov, ISBN 973-598-671-1 “Advanced numerical methods used in metal modeling” Leoveanu I.S., 2006, „Optimizarea proceselor tehnologica, Vol. 1, Aplicatii generale, Ed. Lux Libris ISBN 973-9458-54-8 “Technological Processes Optimization” Scorobetiu L.,Leoveanu I.S. „Tehnologia proceselor de sudare. Lucrari practice de laborator”. Ed. Universitatii din Brasov. 1993 “Technology of welded by fusion. Practical works” 2000. Annual Research Rapport, Yonsei University. Invited Presentation on diverse University and Converences. Advanced Numerical Method used in Computer Fluid Dynamics Modellings of Loading on Buildings. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5088.4165 , Dec 06, 2014. Ostrava Civil Engineering Faculty VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. Advanced Numerical Method used in Composite Materials Modelling DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2697.3767 Kosice Civil Engineering Faculty. TUKE-Technical University of Kosice Additional information Diverse variants of light fighting machines, Diverse variants of intervention to oil extraction machines Soil-machines interaction studies High breaking angles systems Low temperature working structures Nonlinear Beams Analyze Annexes Leoveanu Ioan Sorin Leoveanu Ioan Sorin Tierean Mircea horia Leoveanu Ioan Sorin *** Scorobetiu, L., Leoveanu I., S., List any items attached. (Remove heading if not relevant, see instructions) Monographic Optimizarea proceselor tehnologice. Vol. I. Aplicatii generale. Ed. LuxLibris. Romania ISBN 9739458-54-8 2006. Technological Processes Optimization. Vol I. General Applications Metode numerice avansate: aplicatii in modelarea metalelor. Ed. Univeritatii Transilvania din Brasov. Romania. ISBN 973-973-598-671-1. 2009 Advanced numerical methods used in metal modeling Annual Research Report 2000. Ed. Yonsei University, Seul Practical labs books Tehnologia sudarii prin topire. Ed. Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov. 1991 Technology of welded by fusion. Practical works Chapter and invited Leoveanu, I.,S., Advanced Numerical Method used in Computer Fluid Dynamics Modellings of Loading on Buildings. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5088.4165 , Dec 06, 2014. Ostrava Civil Engineering Faculty VSB-Technical University of Ostrava uildings Leoveanu, I.,S., Advanced Numerical Method used in Composite Materials Modellings. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2697.3767. Civil Engineering Faculty, Kosice. Jun 2012 TUKE University. Articles in ISI/BDI (selected) Leoveanu, I.,S., Kormanikova, E., Kotrasova, K., Leoveanu, I.,S., Kotrasova, K., Kormanikova, E., Leoveanu,I.S. Leoveanu,I.S., Kotrasova, K., Leoveanu, I.S., Analyze of the wind load influences on the shape tall building and surfaces optimization using computer fluid dynamics method. Buletinul AGIR 04/2015; ISSN-L 1224-7928/ISSN 2247-3548 shape_tall_building_and_surfaces_optimization_using_computer_fluid_dynamics_method Using of Computer Fluid Dynamics in Simulation of the Waste Reservoirs Processes. Advanced Materials Research(Vol. 969 (2014)):351-354. DOI: 10.4028/ ation_of_the_Waste_Reservoirs_Processes Computer Fluid Dynamics Determination of Inside Domain Wave’s Blast Development Process. Bulletin AGIR, nr.1/2014, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Numerical modelling of ignition in TNT deflagration. Bulletin AGIR, nr.2/2013, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Computer fluid dynamics determination of inside fluid reservoirs movements and walls loads during earthquakes. Bulletin AGIR, nr.2/2013, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Kotrasova, K., Leoveanu, I.S., Kormanikova, E., Leoveanu, I.S., Kotrasova, K., Kormanikova, E., Taus, D., Kotrasova, K., Leoveanu, I.S, Taus, D., Leoveanu, I.S., Taus, D., Ungureanu, V.,V., Leoveanu, I.,S., Leoveanu, I.S., Taus, D., Kotrasova, K., Kormanikova, E., Leoveanu, I.S., Taus, D., Kotrasova, K., Kormanikova, E., Leoveanu, I.,S., Taus, D., Leoveanu I.,S., Kim., W., T., A comparative study of the seismic analysis of rectangular tanks according to EC8 and IS 1893. Bulletin AGIR, nr.3/2013, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Leoveanu, I.,S., Leoveanu, I.,S., Studies of the effect of Laser beam mode considerate by numerical simulation of welding performance for micro welding of thin Aluminum sheet by Nd:YAG Laser. Bulletin AGIR, nr.1/2009, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Optimizing the welding process for the structures with complex geometry. Bulletin AGIR, nr.1/2009, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Leoveanu, I.,S., Zgura, Gh., Modelling the Heat and Fluid Flow in the Welded Pool from High Power Arc Sources. Advanced Welding and Micro Joining Packaging for the 21st Century. Series Materials Science Forum Vols. 580-582.2008. DOI 10.4028/, ISSN 1662-9752 Leoveanu, I.,S., Leoveanu, I.,S., Leoveanu, I.,S., Leoveanu, I.,S., The Finite Volume Method used to the casting processes analyze. Solidification of the molten alloys. Buletinul AGIR, nr.1/2007, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 The Finite Volume Method used to the casting processes analyze. Filling the molds with complexes geometry. Buletinul AGIR, nr.1/2007, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Establishing the forces generated by the welded bead on the beam structures sections. Bulletin AGIR, nr.1/1999, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Establishing of the deformations and residual stresses induced by the welding process on the joint of upper I part in the case of continuum girder made by many pieces. Bulletin AGIR, nr.1/1999, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Developed algorithm for established the control process variables for welding process and equipment. Buletinul AGIR, nr.1/1997, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Using the statistical model for establish the welded parameters function on the geometrical characteristics of welded joints. Buletinul AGIR, nr.1/1997, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 L’automatisation des operation de soudage des eclisses tendeuses de chaine sur l’ansamble “Fourche-Arriere” de la bicyclette Pegass-Cross. P1. Bulletin Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov. ISSN 2065-2119. L’automatisation des operation de soudage des eclisses tendeuses de chaine sur l’ansamble “Fourche-Arriere” de la bicyclette Pegass-Cross. P2. Bulletin Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov. ISSN 2065-2119. Leoveanu, I.,S., Leoveanu, I.,S., Leoveanu I.,S., Leoveanu, I.,S., The welding technology influence on the double T girder buckling. AGIR Bulletin, nr.1/2012. ISSN-L 1224-7928, pag. 6-16 Hydrodynamics seismic analysis of fluid loaded rectangular tank, Pozevne Komunikacie a drahy, Nr 2/2011, ISSN 1336-7501, Technical University Kosice, pag 3-13 Analyze of the residual stresses induced by welding process of civil engineering structures. Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol 5.Issue 2. ISSN 1336-9024, 2010. Tech. Univ. Kosice Numerical Modelling of transport phenomenom involved in the fusion-weld pool. Revista Sudura/Welding Revue ISSN 1453-0384, Nr1,2010 Fluid seismic modelling inside reservoirs walls and shipping channel based on transport phenomena. AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING & SIMULATION ISBN: 978-1-61804-004-6, ISSN: 2223-2907 pg 398-404. 2011 Computer fluid dynamics application for establish the wind loading on the surfaces of tall buildings. AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING & SIMULATION ISBN: 978-1-61804-004-6, ISSN: 2223-2907 pg 433-439. 2011 Modelling the transport phenomenon involved in the fusion-welding. European Computing Conference, ISBN: 978-960-474-178-6, ISSN: 1790-5117, pg 63-69, 2010 Drilling and cutting of Aluminums Alloys thin sheet by Nd:YAG Laser. Bulletin AGIR, nr.1/2010, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548 Leoveanu, I.,S., Leoveanu, I.S., Zgura, Gh. Leoveanu, I.S., Zgura, Gh. Leoveanu, I.,S., Iovanas, R., Leoveanu, I.,S., Iovanas, R., Leoveanu, I.,S., Damian, O., Leoveanu, I.S., Zgura, Gh., Leoveanu I.S., Kim, B-C., Zgurã, Gh., Hong, C.P. Leoveanu, I.S., Zgura, Gh., Hong, C.P., Leoveanu,I.,S., Hong, C.,P., Zgura, Gh., Leoveanu, I.,S., Zgura, Gh., Leoveanu, I.,S., Zgura, Gh., Leoveanu, I.,S., Zgura, Gh., Leoveanu, I.,S., Zgura, Gh., Leoveanu, I.S., Zgura, Gh., Leoveanu,I.,S., The optimization of bulldozers molds for establishing the minimal costs of earth moved unit. Rev. Science and Techniques, Bucharest, 10/1987 Conferences (selcted) Establishing The Welding Parameters Process from The Conditions of Geometrical Weld Parameters. 8th International Symposium, Prague, Measurement and Control Robotics, Proceeding, ISMCR’98 Praha. Pag. 443-450. Algorithm for Establising The Welding Control Variables from The Welding Process Equipment. 8th International Symposium, Prague, Measurement and Control Robotics, Proceeding, ISMCR’98 Praha. Pag. 451- 455. Establishes of the Equivalent Longitudinal Forces products of the welded joints and use them to the determination of the residual strains of the welded girders. Welding & Joining 2000 Conference, Tel Aviv. Pag. 170-179. The optimization model from the design and technology of the welded beam structures, in condition of maximum energy absorbed. Welding & Joining 2000 Conference, Tel Aviv, pag.180-19 Fe-C equilibrium Diagram Soft for rapid using in the Mold Filling Simulation with Element Finite Method. BRAMAT International Conference 2001. Pag. 169-179 Establish of the most important technological welding parameters based on the geometrical characteristics of the Gas Active Arc Welded of the tick sheets. BRAMAT International Conference 2001. Pag 163-168. The effect of laser beam mode considered by Numerical Simulation of Welding Performance for the Micro Welding of Thin Al Sheet by Nd:YAG. BRAMAT 2003 International Conference. Pag. 143-152. Optimizing the welding process for the structures with complex geometrical configurations by using the heuristic algorithms. IIS/IIW International Conference Bucuresti. 2003. Pag. 230-242. The Metal Modelling Simulation Processes for the Most Used Cities Welded Structures. Euromat 2003. Lausanne. Modelling the Heat and Fluid Flow in the Welded Pool. BRAMAT 2007 Braşov. Numerical Analysis of Casting Process in Complexes Mold Geometry. Form Filling. BRAMAT2007 Braşov. Modelling the Heat and Fluid Flow in the Welded Pool from High Power Arc Sources. International Welding & Joining Conference 2007 Korea (MSC-SCI) Modelling the Heat and Fluid Flow in the Welded Pool of Composite Materials. EUROMAT 2007 Nurenberg. The optimization of the welded spatial structures concerning structure and technological optimization. CIFMA'03 2008 Aleppo, Syria Algorithm for establishing the control variables of the welding process based on heat flow imposed restrictions. CIFMA'03 2008 Aleppo Syria. Leoveanu, I.,S., Taus, D., Ungureanu, V.,V., Leoveanu, I.,S., Taus, D., Leoveanu, I.S., Taus, D., Kotrasova, K., Kormanikova, E., Leoveanu, I.S., Taus, D., Kotrasova, K., Kormanikova, E., 05.09.2015 Analyze of the residual stresses induced by welding process of the civil engineering structures with complex geometrical configurations. Civil Engineering Conference 2010, Slovacia, Modelling the transport phenomenon involved in the fusion-welding. WSEAS Conference. Bucharest 2010 Fluid seismic modelling inside reservoirs walls and shipping channel based on transport phenomena. ACMOS'11. Canary Islands Computer fluid dynamics application for establish the wind loading on the surfaces of tall buildings. ACMOS'11. Canary Islands Lecturer Dr. Eng. Leoveanu Ioan Sorin
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