Customizing Iss Pis Cofins for Cbt v2

March 25, 2018 | Author: Simone Renata de Almeida | Category: Taxation In The United States, Taxes, Prices, Payments, Government Finances



Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004 (ISS, PIS, COFINS, MP-135 Withholding Taxes) – For Condition-Based Tax Calculation – Note: Sections with headers in blue or table entries in blue are specific for condition-based tax calculation (calculation procedures TAXBRA / RVABRA). The parts in black are common for classical and condition-based tax calculation Content in red is updated content with respect to the first version. Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation Content 1 Purpose of This Guide..........................................................................................................3 2 Version History......................................................................................................................3 3 Create Condition Table 601..................................................................................................4 4 Extend Pricing Field Catalog.................................................................................................4 5 Create Access Sequences....................................................................................................4 5.1 Access Sequences For Application TX...............................................................................4 5.1.1 Access Sequence BRCO.................................................................................................4 5.1.2 Access Sequence BRPI...................................................................................................5 5.1.3 Access Sequence BRS1..................................................................................................5 5.1.4 Access Sequence BRS2..................................................................................................5 5.1.5 Access Sequence BRWT.................................................................................................6 5.2 Access Sequences For Application V.................................................................................6 5.2.1 Access Sequence BRCO.................................................................................................6 5.2.2 Access Sequence BRPI...................................................................................................6 5.2.3 Access Sequence ISS1....................................................................................................7 5.2.4 Access Sequence ISS2....................................................................................................7 5.2.5 Access Sequence BRWT.................................................................................................7 6 Create Condition Types........................................................................................................8 6.1 Condition Types For Application TX....................................................................................8 6.1.1 Tax Code Conditions........................................................................................................8 6.1.2 Tax Rate Conditions.........................................................................................................9 6.1.3 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions.......................................................................................9 6.1.4 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions With Manually Created Condition Records.................10 6.2 Condition Types For Application V....................................................................................10 6.2.1 Tax Code Conditions......................................................................................................10 6.2.2 Offset Conditions............................................................................................................11 6.2.3 WHT Code Conditions....................................................................................................12 6.2.4 SD Tax Code Conditions................................................................................................12 6.2.5 Tax Rate Conditions.......................................................................................................12 6.2.6 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions.....................................................................................13 7 Create New Internal Condition Codes................................................................................13 7 Create Mapping of Internal Codes to Condition Types........................................................15 8 Assign internal code to tax group (J_1BTAXGRPCD)........................................................16 9 Create Mapping of Tax Rate Tables to Condition Tables....................................................17 10 Price Conditions Including Taxes......................................................................................17 10.1 Price Conditions SD........................................................................................................17 10.2 Price Conditions MM.......................................................................................................18 10.3 Define Which Taxes Are Included in MM/SD Price Conditions......................................18 11 Create Entries in J_1BAJ .................................................................................................18 12 Create Processing Keys for FI (T007B)............................................................................19 13 Create G/L Accounts.........................................................................................................20 14 Define and Assign Tax Accounts......................................................................................20 15 Define Account Keys for SD (T687)..................................................................................20 16 Update Calculation Procedures........................................................................................21 16.1 Update Calculation Procedure FI....................................................................................21 16.2 Update Pricing Procedure SD.........................................................................................24 17 Nota Fiscal Mapping.........................................................................................................28 17.1 Tax Values MM...............................................................................................................28 17.2 Tax Laws MM..................................................................................................................28 17.3 Tax Values SD................................................................................................................28 18 Customizing of Extended WHT ........................................................................................28 18.1 WHT Types at Payment..................................................................................................28 18.2 WHT Types at Invoice.....................................................................................................29 18.3 WHT Codes.....................................................................................................................29 18.4 Define Processing Key For Modified Tax Amount...........................................................29 18.5 Assign WHT Types to Company Codes..........................................................................29 18.6 Define Accounts For Withholding Tax to Be Paid Over...................................................29 Page 2 of 33 Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation 18.7 Define Official Collection Codes......................................................................................30 18.8 Assign Condition Types to Withholding Tax Types.........................................................30 18.9 Maintain Tax Relevant Classification..............................................................................30 18.10 Maintain Withholding Tax SD Conditions......................................................................30 19 FI Tax Codes....................................................................................................................30 19.1 Tax Codes Used in MM...................................................................................................30 19.1.1 To activate COFINS non-deductible:............................................................................30 19.1.2 To activate PIS non-deductible:...................................................................................30 19.1.3 To activate COFINS deductible:...................................................................................31 19.1.4 To activate PIS deductible:...........................................................................................31 19.1.5 To activate withholding taxes:......................................................................................31 19.1.6 To activate ISS New 2004:...........................................................................................31 20 SD Tax Codes (View J_1BTXSDCV)................................................................................31 21 Maintain Settings For External Tax Calculation................................................................31 21.1 Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code (View V_TTXD).......................................................31 21.2 Activate External Tax Calculation....................................................................................32 21.3 Define Logical Destination...............................................................................................32 22 Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes..........................................................................................32 23 Assign Jurisdiction Codes to Ranges of Postal Codes......................................................32 24 Master Data Changes.......................................................................................................32 24.1 Vendors (Transaction XK02)...........................................................................................32 24.2 Customers (Transaction XD02).......................................................................................32 24.3 Other Address Changes: Organizational Structure.........................................................32 25 ISS Customizing...............................................................................................................32 25.1 Tax Laws.........................................................................................................................32 25.2 Official Service Types.....................................................................................................33 25.3 Generic Service Types....................................................................................................33 25.4 Assign Official Service Types..........................................................................................33 26 Tax Rates..........................................................................................................................33 26.1 COFINS...........................................................................................................................33 26.2 PIS..................................................................................................................................33 26.3 ISS..................................................................................................................................33 26.4 Withholding Taxes...........................................................................................................33 1 Purpose of This Guide The purpose of this guide is to describe how to technically set up the system for the new tax functions (ISS, PIS, COFINS, and MP-135 withholding taxes). The prerequisite is that all coding and DDIC changes are already implemented. This means, either the support package that contains the changes is installed, or the changes are implemented manually, following the instructions of the respective Note. For further details, see Note 727475 and the Notes mentioned there. After implementation of the support package or the Note, there are still manual steps necessary to work with the new taxes. These manual steps are described in this guide. It may be that the changes described in some of the steps are already done in your system (e.g. entries in table J_1BAJ). In such case, just skip the section. 2 Version History Description of Change Version history added Section 6.2: Updated Condition types and WHT code conditions Section 7 and 8: updated for WHT Active Section 9 added: Assign internal code to tax group (J_1BTAXGRPCD) Section 19.8: Assign Condition Types to Withholding Tax Types and section 19.10: Maintain Withholding Tax SD Conditions updated. Document Version 2.0 (10.10.2006) Page 3 of 33 application ‘V’ or ‘TX’. KOMP Doc. 0 Excl .Field MATNR Constant BR  Page 4 of 33 . 5.1 Access Sequence BRCO Name: Brazil COFINS Step 5 Tab .1. 4 Extend Pricing Field Catalog In order to use the new components LOC_PR and LOC_SE in the ISS access sequences. and field group 001. You can choose a different number than 601 if this table is already in use for something else. Add the new components from structure KOMP. In this case. the pricing field catalog has to be extended by these components.1 Create Access Sequences Access Sequences For Application TX New access sequences have to be created that are used in the new condition types that store the rates of the new taxes. X Field Assignment Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 I/O = Doc. 5 5. Specify usage ‘A’. Condition-Based Tax Calculation 3 Create Condition Table 601 This table is used for ISS data. replace 601 by your number in the access sequences described in the next sections.Struc. 346 Req . This is performed in the maintenance view V_T681F.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. 346 Req .Field Constant X X 5 Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. 601 Req . 0 Excl . provided Step 5 Tab . Doc. X Field Assignment Condition ALAND TXJCD DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = = Doc. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step Tab .2 Access Sequence BRPI Name: Brazil PIS Step 5 Tab . KOMP KOMP Doc. Req .Struc. serv.1. Step 99 is used for country default rates.Struc. 0 Excl . X Field Assignment Condition ALAND TXJCD DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = = Doc. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. KOMP Doc.Struc. A different condition table is used that has only country as key field. Excl . 601 Req .3 Access Sequence BRS1 Name: Brazil ISS at service provider Step 5 Tab . Field Assignment Condition DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = = = Doc.Field LOC_PR MATNR X X 5 BR Constant BR  = = = = 99 392 0 X Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions.Struc.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it.Field MATNR X X 5 Constant BR  = = = Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. 5.1.Field LOC_SE MATNR X X 5 Constant BR  = = = Page 5 of 33 . X Field Assignment Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Doc.1. 5.4 Access Sequence BRS2 Name: Brazil ISS wh. KOMP KOMP Doc. 0 Excl . 5. 346 Req . 5. X Field Assignment Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Doc.Field MATNR X X 5 Constant BR  = = = Page 6 of 33 . KOMP Doc.1 Access Sequence BRCO Name: Brazil COFINS Step 5 Tab .Field MATNR X X 5 Constant BR  = = = Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. 346 Req .5 Access Sequence BRWT Name: Brazil WHT Step 5 Tab .2 Access Sequence BRPI Name: Brazil PIS Step 5 Tab . X Field Assignment Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Doc. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. 0 Excl . KOMP Doc. Doc. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. A different condition table is used that has only country as key field.Struc.Struc.2.1. 5. Step 99 is used for country default rates.Field MATNR X X 5 Constant BR  = = = Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions.2. 5. 346 Req .Struc. X Field Assignment Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Doc.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. X Field Assignment Condition ALAND I/O = Doc. 0 Excl . 0 Excl .Field Constant BR Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. 0 Excl . KOMP Doc. 392 Req .2 Access Sequences For Application V 5.Struc. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step 99 Tab . Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it.2. X Field Assignment Condition ALAND DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP I/O = Doc. X Field Assignment Condition ALAND TXJCD DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = = Doc.Field LOC_PR MATNR X X 5 BR Constant BR  = = = = 99 392 0 X Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. 0 Excl . serv. A different condition table is used that has only country as key field. 5.5 Access Sequence BRWT Name: Brazil WHT Step 5 Tab . 601 Req . Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. provided Step 5 Tab . 0 Excl .4 Access Sequence ISS2 Name: Brazil ISS wh.Struc.2.2.Field LOC_SE MATNR X X 5 BR Constant BR  = = = = 99 392 0 X Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions. X Field Assignment Condition ALAND TXJCD DYNKEY1 DYNKEY2 DYNKEY3 TAXGROUP ALAND I/O = = Doc.Struc. 346 Req . Step 99 is used for country default rates. KOMP Doc. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. KOMP KOMP Doc.Field MATNR X X 5 Constant BR  = = = Page 7 of 33 . Step 99 is used for country default rates. 0 Excl . 5. A different condition table is used that has only country as key field. 5. KOMP KOMP Doc. 601 Req . Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it.3 Access Sequence ISS1 Name: Brazil ISS at service provider Step 5 Tab .Struc.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Use requirement formula that is never fulfilled in step 5 of the access sequence if you don’t want to consider it. relevant for old and new tax calculation) • Tax rate conditions (specific for CBT) • NF mapping conditions (specific for CBT) • Conditions with WHT codes (specific for SD) 6. The following classes of condition types are affected: • Tax code conditions (activation of taxes.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step 5 is necessary as a template to automatically update access sequences when creating new tax groups of dynamic exceptions.1.1 Tax Code Conditions Cond. Class: D (Taxes) Calculat.: MWST Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr. Level 1) Access Seq. Category: 1 (Jur. 6 Create Condition Types New condition types have to be created for the new taxes. DB: B (without popup) Cond. Type: A (Percentage) Cond. Type ICN3 ICOA ICOF ICON ICOO ICOS ICOU ICOV ICOW ICOZ ICSW ICSZ ICW3 ICZ3 IGEW IGEZ IGW3 IGZ3 IIRW IIRZ IPIS IPS3 IPSA IPSN IPSO IPSS IPSU IPSV IPSW IPSZ IPW3 IPZ3 IRW3 IRZ3 ISA3 ISB3 ISE3 ISF3 Description COFINS Normal Tax COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS deductible COFINS Normal Tax COFINS Offset Tax Included COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS COFINS Normal IV NVV COFINS Offset ICOS/ICOU COFINS WHT COFINS WHT Offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT Offset COFINS Withholding TaxSD COFINS WHT SD Offset General WHT General WHT Offset General WHT SD General WHT SD Offset IR WHT IR WHT Offset PIS deductible PIS Normal Tax PIS Normal PO/GR PIS Normal Tax PIS Offset Tax Included PIS Normal PO/GR PIS Normal IV NVV PIS Offset IPSS / IPSU PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset PIS WHT SD PIS WHT SD Offset IR Withholding TaxSD IR WHT SD Offset ISS at Provider SD ISS WHT at Provider SD ISS at Service Loc SD ISS WHT at Service Loc SD Page 8 of 33 .1 Condition Types For Application TX 6. DB: B (without popup) Cond.1. BRCO BRCO BRCO BRS1 BRS1 BRS1 BRS1 BRS1 BRS1 BRS2 BRS2 BRS2 BRS2 BRS2 BRS2 BRPI BRPI BRPI BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT Co.Type A A C A A A A A B A A A A A A A A C A A A A A A A A A A RefCon RefApp BIS1 BIS2 BIS3 BIS5 BIS6 BIS7 TX TX TX TX TX TX 6.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Cond. Category: 1 (Jur. WHT Rate Gen.Code IR WHT Rate IR Acc.Code Gen.Seq. BCO1 BCO2 BCOP BIS1 BIS2 BIS3 BIS5 BIS6 BIS7 BISA BISB BISC BISE BISF BISG BPI1 BPI2 BPIP BW01 BW02 BW11 BW12 BW21 BW22 BW31 BW32 BW41 BW42 Description COFINS Rate COFINS Base COFINS Pauta Amount ISS Rate at Prov. BX60 Description BR ISS Base Prov Page 9 of 33 . Level 1) Access Seq. ISS Min WHT at Serv.1. ISS WHT at Prov.Code CSLL WHT Rate CSLL WHT Coll. ISS Taxloc at Serv. WHT Coll. Type: B (Fixed amount) Cond. ISS Base at Prov. ISS Taxloc at Prov.2 Tax Rate Conditions Cond. PIS Rate PIS Base PIS Pauta Amount WHT Coll. ISS Min WHT at Prov. ISS WHT at Serv.3 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions Cond. Level 1) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr. ISS Law at Serv. Category: 1 (Jur.Code PIS WHT Rate PIS WHT Coll. ISS Law at Prov. DB: B (without popup) Cond. ISS Rate at Serv. ISS Base at Serv.Class A A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A A A A A A Cal. Class: A (Discount or surcharge) Calculat.Code COFINS WHT Rate COFINS WHT Coll. Type ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF ISSG ISW3 ISZ3 Description ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS at Service Loc ISS WHT at Service Loc ISS Offset CSLL Withholding Tax SD CSLL WHT SD Offset 6.: (empty) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr. DB: B (without popup) Cond. 6. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Off. Co. Category: 1 (Jur.TxIncl BR COFINS Pauta Amt.1.Class Cal. Level 1) Access Seq.TxIncl BR PIS Pauta Amount 6.4 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions With Manually Created Condition Records Cond.2. create a condition record for this condition type with rate 100% and tax code ‘SD’.: MWST Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr.2 Condition Types For Application V 6. BX61 BX62 BX63 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6C BX6D BX6E BX6F BX6O BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7O BX7P BX80 BX81 BX82 BX8O BX8P Description BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS Amount Serv BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR ISS Offset TxIncl BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl. BXWT Description BR WHT Base Amount Acc.Type RefCon BRB1 D A RefApp With transaction FV11. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Cond.Seq. Class: D (Taxes) Calculat. Base BR PIS Amount BR PIS Off. DB: B (without popup) Tax Type ICN3 ICW3 IGW3 IPS3 IPW3 IRW3 ISA3 ISB3 Description COFINS from SD COFINS Withholding TaxSD General WHT SD PIS Normal Tax PIS WHT SD IR Withholding TaxSD ISS at Provider SD ISS WHT at Provider SD Page 10 of 33 .1 Tax Code Conditions Cond. BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. Level 1) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Category: 1 (Jur. Type: A (Percentage) Cond. : IBRR Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr.: V Tax Type BGEZ BPSZ BCOZ BCSZ BIRZ Description BR General WHT off BR PIS WHT Offset BR COFINS WHT offset BR CSLL WHT offset BR IR WHT offset Cond.Loc. Class: A (Discount or surcharge) Calculat. Category: Access Seq. Class: D (Taxes) Calculat. Applicat. Condition-Based Tax Calculation ISE3 ISF3 ISSA ISSB ISSC ISSD ISSE ISSF ISSG ISSH ISW3 ISS at Service Loc SD ISS WHT at Service Loc SD ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS WHT Off. Type: ICMO Ref. Applicat. Type: A (Percentage) Cond. DB: B (without popup) Ref. Con.: IBRR Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Type: A (Percentage) Cond.Loc. ISS at Serv. Type: A (Percentage) Cond. ISS WHT at Serv. Prov. DB: B (without popup) Ref. BX6O Description BR ISS Offset TxIncl Page 11 of 33 .: IBRX Manual entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item condition: X delete fr. Class: D (Taxes) Calculat. Category: 1 (Jur. Level 1) Access Seq.2 Offset Conditions Cond.: V Cond.category: D (Jur. SrvLoc ISS WHT Again SrvLoc CSLL Withholding Tax SD Cond. Con. Type: ICMO Ref. ISS WHT Off. DB: Do not delete (set the deletion) RefConType: IBRX RefApplication: V Tax Type ICOW IGEW IPSW IIRW ICSW Description COFINS WHT General WHT PIS WHT IR WHT CSLL WHT 6.2. level 1 (with license check Access Seq. ISS WHT Again Prov. Class: W (Wage Withholding Tax) Calculat. DIBR DIBR DIBR 6.5 Tax Rate Conditions Cond. Clas) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr. DB: B (without popup) Cond.2. BRCO BRCO BRCO ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS1 ISS2 ISS2 ISS2 ISS2 ISS2 Co. Category: D (Tax) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr. DCOF DPIS DWHT Description COFINS Due PIS Due WHT Due Acc. Category: D (Tax) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr.TxIncl BR PIS Off.: J1AG (Arg. Class: D (Taxes) Calculat.Class D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Cal.TxIncl Description COFINS Offset SD PIS Offset SD Tax Type ICO2 IPS2 6.Seq. ISS Taxloc at Serv.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Type: A (Percentage) Cond. Condition-Based Tax Calculation BX7O BX8O BR COFINS Off.2. ISS Base at Serv.: Tax Relev.2. ISS Min WHT at Prov.4 SD Tax Code Conditions Cond. ISS Ins.3 WHT Code Conditions Cond. ISS Law at Prov. Type: A (Percentage) Cond. ISS Rate at Serv. DB: B (without popup) Tax Type WCOC WCSC WGEC WPIC WIRC WISC Description BR COFINS WHT Code BR CSLL WHT Code BR General WHT Code BR PIS WHT Code BR IR WHT Code BR ISS WHT Code 6. ISS Law at Prov. ISS Taxloc at Prov. Category: D (Tax) Access Seq.Cal at Serv. Acc. ISS Base at Prov. ISS Law at Serv. ISS WHT at Prov.Type A A C A A A A A A B A A A A A RefCon RefApp ISVB ISVC ISVD ISVE ISVF V V V V V Page 12 of 33 . DB: B (without popup) Cond. BCO1 BCO2 BCOP ISVB ISVC ISVD ISVE ISVF ISVG ISVH ISVN ISVO ISVP ISVQ ISVR Description COFINS Rate COFINS Base COFINS Pauta Amount ISS Rate at Prov.Seq. ISS2 ISS2 BRPI BRPI BRPI BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT BRWT Co. Base BR PIS Amount BR PIS Pauta Amount BR WHT Base Amount 7 Create New Internal Condition Codes Internal TC Code COFINSBASE COFINSPAUTA COFINSRATE ISSBASE_PR ISSBASE_SE ISSLAW_PR ISSLAW_SE Description COFINS Tax Base COFINS Pauta Rate COFINS Tax Rate ISS Base at Provider ISS Base at Service Loc. Level 1) Access Seq. WHT Coll. BX60 BX61 BX62 BX63 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6C BX6D BX6E BX6F BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7P BX80 BX81 BX82 BX8P BXWT Description BR ISS Base Prov BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS Amount Serv BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl.Code PIS WHT Rate PIS WHT Coll. Type: B (Fixed amount) Cond.Type RefCon RefApp A ISVG V B ISVH V A A C A A A A A A A A A A 6. WHT Rate Gen.Code CSLL WHT Rate CSLL WHT Coll. ISVS ISVT BPI1 BPI2 BPIP BW01 BW02 BW11 BW12 BW21 BW22 BW31 BW32 BW41 BW42 Description ISS WHT at Serv.Code COFINS WHT Rate COFINS WHT Coll.6 Nota Fiscal Mapping Conditions Cond.Code IR WHT Rate IR Acc.2. ISS Law at Provider ISS Law at Service Loc. Category: 1 (Jur. TaxGrp COFI COFI COFI ISS ISS Page 13 of 33 . Class: A (Discount or surcharge) Calculat.: (empty) Manual Entries: D (Not possible to process manually) Item Condition: X Delete fr. ISS Min WHT at Serv. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Pauta Amt.Seq.Code Gen.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Cond. DB: B (without popup) Cond. BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. PIS Rate PIS Base PIS Pauta Amount WHT Coll.Class D D D D B D D D D D D D D D D Cal. : ISS Law Result of tax calc. ISS Indicator: Withholding Tax at Provider ISS ISS Indicator: Withholding Tax at Service Loc.: COFINS Pauta rate Result of tax calc.: ISS WT amount at location of provider NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_SERV Result of tax calc.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004.CSLL WHT WHTCOLL_GEN Official Collection Code . Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Normal Tax Amount Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Base Amount Result of Tax Calculation: COFINS Exclude Base Amount Result of tax calc.: ISS WT excl. of provider NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_SERV Result of tax calc. base at loc. base at loc. base at location of service Result of tax calc. of provider NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_SERV Result of tax calc.: ISS WT normal base at loc. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Internal TC Code ISSMINVALWT_PR ISSMINVALWT_SE ISSRATE_PR ISSRATE_SE ISSTAXRELLOC_PR ISSTAXRELLOC_SE ISSWITHHOLD_PR ISSWITHHOLD_SE NF_COFINS_AMOUNT NF_COFINS_BASE NF_COFINS_EBAS NF_COFINS_OFFSET NF_COFINS_PAUTA_RATE NF_ISS_AMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_LAW Description TaxGrp ISS Minimum Value For Withholding Tax at Provider ISS ISS Minimum Value For Withholding Tax at Service Loc.: ISS WT excl.: PIS Offset due to tax incl. in price NF_PIS_PAUTA_RATE Result of tax calc. ISS Tax-Relevant Location at Provider ISS ISS Tax-Relevant Location at Service Loc. of service NF_PIS_AMOUNT Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Normal Tax Amount NF_PIS_BASE Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Base Amount NF_PIS_EBAS Result of Tax Calculation: PIS Exclude Base Amount NF_PIS_OFFSET Result of tax calc.: ISS Offset due to tax included in price NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_PROV Result of tax calc.: ISS normal base at location of service NF_ISS_OFFSETS Result of tax calc.General WHT WHTCOLL_IR Official Collection Code – IR WHT WHTCOLL_PIS Official Collection Code – PIS WHT WHTRATE_COFINS COFINS Withholding Tax Rate WHT WHTRATE_CSLL CSLL Withholding Tax Rate WHT WHTRATE_GEN General Withholding Tax Rate WHT WHTRATE_IR IR Withholding Tax Rate WHT WHTRATE_PIS PIS Withholding Tax Rate WHT WHT_ACTIVE_COFINS Withholding Tax COFINS Active WHCO WHT_ACTIVE_CSLL Withholding Tax CSLL Active WHCS WHT_ACTIVE_GEN Withholding Tax General Active WHT WHT_ACTIVE_IR Withholding Tax IR Active WHIR Page 14 of 33 . ISS Rate at Provider ISS ISS Rate at Service Loc.: ISS WT amount at location of service NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_PROV Result of tax calc.COFINS WHT WHTCOLL_CSLL Official Collection Code .: ISS amount at location of provider Result of tax calc. base at location of provider Result of tax calc.: ISS WT normal base at loc.: ISS amount at location of service Result of tax calc.: ISS normal base at location of NF_ISS_NBAS_PROV provider NF_ISS_NBAS_SERV Result of tax calc. in price Result of tax calc. of service NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_PROV Result of tax calc.: ISS excl.: PIS Pauta rate PISBASE PIS Tax Base PIS PISPAUTA PIS Pauta Rate PIS PISRATE PIS Tax Rate PIS TXSDCCOFINS Calculate COFINS TXSDCPIS Calculate PIS TXSDCWHT Calculate Withholding Taxes WHTCOLL_COFINS Official Collection Code .: COFINS Offset due to tax incl.: ISS excl. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Internal TC Code WHT_ACTIVE_PIS Description Withholding Tax PIS Active TaxGrp WHPI 7 Create Mapping of Internal Codes to Condition Types App CTyp TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX BCO2 BCO2 BCOP BCOP BCO1 BCO1 BIS2 ISVC BISB ISVO BIS3 ISVD BISC ISVP BIS7 ISVH BISG ISVT BIS1 ISVB BISA ISVN BIS5 ISVF BISE ISVR BIS6 ISVG BISF ISVS BX72 BX72 BX70 BX70 BX71 BX71 BX7O BX7O BX7P BX7P BX62 BX62 BX6C BX6C BX50 BX50 BX61 BX61 BX6B BX6B BX60 BX60 BX6A BX6A BX6O BX6O BX63 BX63 BX6D Internal TC Code COFINSBASE COFINSBASE COFINSPAUTA COFINSPAUTA COFINSRATE COFINSRATE ISSBASE_PR ISSBASE_PR ISSBASE_SE ISSBASE_SE ISSLAW_PR ISSLAW_PR ISSLAW_SE ISSLAW_SE ISSMINVALWT_PR ISSMINVALWT_PR ISSMINVALWT_SE ISSMINVALWT_SE ISSRATE_PR ISSRATE_PR ISSRATE_SE ISSRATE_SE ISSTAXRELLOC_PR ISSTAXRELLOC_PR ISSTAXRELLOC_SE ISSTAXRELLOC_SE ISSWITHHOLD_PR ISSWITHHOLD_PR ISSWITHHOLD_SE ISSWITHHOLD_SE NF_COFINS_AMOUNT NF_COFINS_AMOUNT NF_COFINS_BASE NF_COFINS_BASE NF_COFINS_EBAS NF_COFINS_EBAS NF_COFINS_OFFSET NF_COFINS_OFFSET NF_COFINS_PAUTA_RATE NF_COFINS_PAUTA_RATE NF_ISS_AMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_AMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_BASE NF_ISS_BASE NF_ISS_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_NBAS_SERV NF_ISS_NBAS_SERV NF_ISS_OFFSETS NF_ISS_OFFSETS NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_PROV NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_SERV Page 15 of 33 .Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Tax Group COFI ISS ISSP Internal Code TXSDCCOFINS TXSDCISS TXSDCISS Page 16 of 33 .Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Condition-Based Tax Calculation NF_ISS_WTAMOUNT_SERV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_WT_EBAS_SERV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_PROV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_SERV NF_ISS_WT_NBAS_SERV NF_PIS_AMOUNT NF_PIS_AMOUNT NF_PIS_BASE NF_PIS_BASE NF_PIS_EBAS NF_PIS_EBAS NF_PIS_OFFSET NF_PIS_OFFSET NF_PIS_PAUTA_RATE NF_PIS_PAUTA_RATE PISBASE PISBASE PISPAUTA PISPAUTA PISRATE PISRATE TXSDCCOFINS TXSDCPIS TXSDCWHT WHTCOLL_COFINS WHTCOLL_COFINS WHTCOLL_CSLL WHTCOLL_CSLL WHTCOLL_GEN WHTCOLL_GEN WHTCOLL_IR WHTCOLL_IR WHTCOLL_PIS WHTCOLL_PIS WHTRATE_COFINS WHTRATE_COFINS WHTRATE_CSLL WHTRATE_CSLL WHTRATE_GEN WHTRATE_GEN WHTRATE_IR WHTRATE_IR WHTRATE_PIS WHTRATE_PIS WHT_ACTIVE_COFINS WHT_ACTIVE_CSLL WHT_ACTIVE_GEN WHT_ACTIVE_IR WHT_ACTIVE_PIS V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V V V V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V TX V V V V V V BX6D BX65 BX65 BX6F BX6F BX64 BX64 BX6E BX6E BX82 BX82 BX80 BX80 BX81 BX81 BX8O BX8O BX8P BX8P BPI2 BPI2 BPIP BPIP BPI1 BPI1 DCOF DPIS DWHT BW21 BW21 BW31 BW31 BW01 BW01 BW41 BW41 BW11 BW11 BW22 BW22 BW32 BW32 BW02 BW02 BW42 BW42 BW12 BW12 WCOC WCSC WGEC WIRC WPIC 8 Assign internal code to tax group (J_1BTAXGRPCD) If you have applied the support package this step is not necessary. Follow the menu path Utilities -> Table contents -> Create entries. Transaction SE11 -> Select table J_1BTAXGRPCD for display. 10. all price conditions must be updated. Assign all tax groups used in table J_1BTXWITH to condition table 346. Condition-Based Tax Calculation ISSS PIS WHCO WHCS WHIR WHPI WHT TXSDCISS TXSDCPIS WHT_ACTIVE_COFINS WHT_ACTIVE_CSLL WHT_ACTIVE_IR WHT_ACTIVE_PIS WHT_ACTIVE_GEN 9 Create Mapping of Tax Rate Tables to Condition Tables Assign all tax groups used in table J_1BTXCOF to condition table 346.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Assign all tax groups used in table J_1BTXPIS to condition table 346. In order to allow the system to consider correctly which taxes are already included in a price and which not. Of course. corresponding price conditions should be maintained. Type: C (Quantity) Cond. ISS due at the municipio of the service execution. Cond. if new price conditions are introduced. or any combination of these.: PR00 Manual Entries: C (Manual entry has priority) Amount/percent: X Item Condition: X Pricing Proc: RVABR2 Page 17 of 33 . ISS due at the municipio of the service provider. 10 Price Conditions Including Taxes The new solution for tax calculation supports prices which are not the real net prices. Class: B (Prices) Calculat. The following is a suggestion based on 4 new price conditions. It is possible to either continue using existing price conditions or introduce new ones.1 Price Conditions SD Copy pricing procedure PR0000 to RVABR2 before creating the conditions. Assign all tax groups used in table J_1BTXISS to condition table 601 except country default rates (this is condition table 392). but may contain PIS. Category: H (Basic Price) Access Seq. COFINS. Maintain for each SD (Application V) or MM (Application M) pricing procedure the taxes that are included in each price condition type. the SD procedure RVABRA is maintained for the conditions ZPB0 … ZPB3. Type ZPB0 ZPB1 ZPB2 ZPB3 Description Price w/o Taxes Price+ISS Price+PIS+COF Price+ISS+PIS+COF 10.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004.g.3 Define Which Taxes Are Included in MM/SD Price Conditions Views J_1BSDKON1MMVV and J_1BSDKON1SDVV. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Delete fr.2 Price Conditions MM If necessary. 10. As an example. DB: (do not delete) Scale basis: C Check value: A Quantity Conversion: X Cond. ZBRIMP – Compra Importação and ZBRSTD – Transferencia de estoque. Create ZBRRMO – Compra Nacional. create new price conditions and adapt the MM pricing procedure for Purchase Orders (e. RM0000) or create new ones by copying and modifying. Correct name table J_1BKON1MMVV and J_1BKON1SDVV. Price Condition ZPB1 ZPB1 ZPB2 ZPB2 ZPB3 ZPB3 ZPB3 ZPB3 Tax Group ISSP ISS at location of service provider ISSS ISS at location where service is provided COFI COFINS PIS PIS COFI COFINS ISSP ISS at location of service provider ISSS ISS at location where service is provided PIS PIS 11 Create Entries in J_1BAJ Tax Type ICN3 ICOA ICOF ICON ICOO ICOS ICOU ICOV ICOW ICOZ ICSW Tax Group COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI WHCO Description COFINS Normal Tax COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS Deductible COFINS Normal Tax COFINS Offset Tax Included COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS COFINS Normal IV NVV COFINSOffset ICOS/ICOU COFINS WHT COFINS WHT Offset WHCS CSLL WHT WHT Offset X X X X Page 18 of 33 . Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Tax Type ICSZ ICW3 IGEW IGEZ IGW3 IIRW IIRZ IPIS IPS3 IPSA IPSN IPSO IPSS IPSU IPSV IPSW IPSZ IPW3 IRW3 ISA3 ISB3 ISE3 ISF3 ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF ISSG ISW3 Tax Group Description CSLL WHT Offset WHCO COFINS Withholding TaxSD WHT General WHT General WHT Offset WHT General WHT SD WHIR IR WHT IR WHT Offset PIS PIS Deductible PIS PIS Normal Tax PIS PIS Normal PO/GR PIS PIS Normal Tax PIS PIS Offset Tax Included PIS PIS Normal PO/GR PIS PIS Normal IV NVV PIS PIS Offset IPSS / IPSU WHPI PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset WHPI PIS WHT SD WHIR IR Withholding TaxSD ISSP ISS at Provider SD ISSP ISS WHT at Provider SD ISSS ISS at Service Loc SD ISSS ISS WHT at Service Loc SD ISSP ISS at Provider ISSP ISS WHT at Provider ISSS ISS at Service Loc ISSS ISS WHT at Service Loc ISSP ISS Offset WHCS CSLL Withholding Tax SD WHT X X X X Offset X X X X X X X X X X X 12 Create Processing Keys for FI (T007B) New processing keys (account keys) have to be created to post taxes to separate accounts and to identify withholding tax amounts in the normal tax calculation. Tax Type: 2 (input tax) Not deductible: X Posting indicator: 3 (Distribute to relevant expense/revenue items) Processing Key ISW WTC WTG WTI WTP WTS Description ISS WHT COFINS WHT General WHT IR WHT PIS WHT CSLL WHT Tax type: 2 (input tax) Non deductible: space Posting indicator: 2 (separate line item) Page 19 of 33 . Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. The following is just a suggestion. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Processing Key CO3 PI3 Description COFINS Clearing PIS Clearing Tax type: 1 (output tax) Non deductible: space Posting indicator: 2 (separate line item) Processing Key COF PIS WK3 WC3 WC4 WG3 WG4 WI3 WI4 WP3 WP4 WS3 WS4 Description COFINS PIS ISS WHT Cofins WHT Cofins WHT offset General WHT General WHT offset IR WHT IR WHT offset PIS WHT PIS WHT offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT offset 13 Create G/L Accounts If you need to post the new taxes to separate accounts. create new G/L accounts. 177011: COFINS Withholding Tax Posting at Payment 177013: PIS Withholding Tax Posting at Payment 177020: CSLL Withholding Tax Posting at Payment 177021: IR Withholding Tax Posting at Payment 177022: General Withholding Tax (PIS/COFINS/CSLL/IR) 177030: PIS Normal Tax 177031: COFINS Normal Tax 154031: PIS Tax deductible 154008: COFINS Tax deductible 177040: ISS Withholding Tax 14 Define and Assign Tax Accounts Account Key CO3 COF PI3 PIS WK3 WC3 WC4 WG3 WG4 WI3 WI4 WP3 WP4 WS3 WS4 Account 154008 177031 154031 177030 177040 177011 177011 177022 177022 177021 177021 177013 177013 177020 177020 Posting Keys: 40 – 50 15 Define Account Keys for SD (T687) Account Key COF Description COFINS Page 20 of 33 . Subtrib. Adapt the calculation procedure that you use in a corresponding way or create a copy of the old one and adapt the new one in order to have a backup. Fixprice Subtrib. Base Modif.Factor From To Reqt SubTo Stat AltCTy AltCBV ActKy X 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 320 320 320 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 1 160 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 21 of 33 . base reduct Subtrib. conditions: Discount Freight S. reduction 2 Subtrib. Rate Subtrib.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. reduction 1 Subtrib.T. ICMS Complement ICMS Complement Base ICMS Complem. surch.T. Minprice Subtrib.Minpr. Calling Application: BR Caller = PO? Read tax data: ICMS ICMS Rate ICMS Base Reduction ICMS Other Base Flag ICMS exempt Convenio 100 Tax Law ICMS ICMS Rate SF=ST ICMS Rate for S. The new entries are shown in red. Step CTyp 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 40 41 42 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 60 61 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 BASB BDIS BFRE BSUB BXPO BIC0 BIC1 BIC2 BICX B100 BLIC BICH BICS BCI1 BCI2 BIF0 BIFH BIP0 BIP1 BIP2 BIPP BIPX BLIP BIS0 BST0 BST1 BST2 BST3 BST6 BST7 BST8 BSTF Description First line: zero Base Amount Tax-relev.Trib.1 Update Calculation Procedure FI The FI calculation procedure below is based on SAP sample delivery TAXBRA. Exempt ICMS on Freight ICMS on freight ICMS Fr Rate SF=ST IPI IPI Rate IPI Base Reduction IPI Other Base Flag IPI Pauta Amount IPI exempt Tax Law IPI ISS ISS Rate Sub. type Subtrib. Condition-Based Tax Calculation PIS WK3 WC3 WC4 WG3 WG4 WI3 WI4 WP3 WP4 WS3 WS4 PIS ISS WHT Cofins WHT Cofins WHT offset General WHT General WHT offset IR WHT IR WHT offset PIS WHT PIS WHT offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT offset 16 Update Calculation Procedures 16. ISS Taxloc at Prov. Amnt. ISS Rate at Serv. Base BR ICMS Comp.Surch. Base BR SubTrib Fr. ISS Law at Prov. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step CTyp 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 91 92 93 95 96 97 110 111 112 113 121 122 123 190 191 200 210 215 220 225 227 230 235 240 245 246 247 248 250 255 256 260 265 270 275 277 280 285 290 295 300 301 305 310 311 312 315 316 320 325 330 335 339 350 351 355 360 BSTI BIS1 BIS2 BIS3 BIS5 BIS6 BIS7 BISA BISB BISC BISE BISF BISG BCO1 BCO2 BCOP BPI1 BPI2 BPIP BX01 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX16 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 BX25 BXPA BX30 BX31 BX32 BX40 BX41 BX42 BX43 BX44 BX14 BX15 BX50 BX51 BX60 BX61 BX62 BX63 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6C BX6D BX6E BX6F BX6O BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7O Description S. ISS WHT at Prov. BR ISS Base BR ISS Amount BR ISS Base Prov BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS Amount Serv BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR ISS Offset TxIncl BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl. ISS Law at Serv. Rate BR SubTrib Base BR SubTrib Amount BR SubTrib Fr. PIS.TxIncl From To Reqt SubTo Stat AltCTy AltCBV ActKy 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 1 1 10 1 Page 22 of 33 . ISS Taxloc at Serv. ISS Min WHT at Prov. ISS Min WHT at Serv. ISS New 2004 ISS Rate at Prov.Bef.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. BR ICMS Comp.T. Amnt BRSubTrib NF Rate BR ICMS Freight Base BRICMS Freight Amnt. Minp. COFINS COFINS Rate COFINS Base COFINS Pauta Amount PIS Rate PIS Base PIS Pauta Amount Call Tax Calculation: BR Tax Calculation Tax Results: BR ICMS Normal Base BR ICMS Exclude Base BR ICMS Other Base BR ICMS Amount BR ICMS Rate BR IPI Normal Base BR IPI Exclude Base BR IPI Other Base BR IPI Amount BR IPI Offset Base BR IPI Offset Amount BR IPI Pauta Amount BR ICMS Comp. ISS Base at Prov. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Off. ISS WHT at Serv. ISS Base at Serv. Tributaria Out ISS from SD Out ICMS Rev (Z. ISS WHT at Serv.)-STO ICMS on freight Out ICMS ST freight Out STO-ICMS SD (ICM3) INSS Incoming INSS offset (100-) Reimbursment ICMS Reimb. In IPI -Split Vendor ICMS Industr. offset ICMS on freight In ICMS ST freight In IPI Ind.Clear.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004.Clearing IPI Ind. ISS Offsets PIS/COFINS NONDEDUCTIBLE COFINS NVV COFINS NVVOff TxIncl PIS NVV PIS NVV Off. ICMS offset Reimbursment SUBT Reimb. SUBT offset Reimb.Clearing ICMS Ind.Clear. TxIncl PIS/COFINS DEDUCTIBLE COFINS deductible PIS deductible Cofins Offset COFINS deduct.Off. Base BR PIS Amount BR PIS Off. NVV Reimb.Loc.Tributaria In ICMS S.T.F.Off. Consumption In ICMS complement STO-ICMS complement ICMS complement 100 ISS from MM In ISS from MM In Offs IPI from SD Out ICMS from SD Out Sub. SUBT off. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step CTyp 365 370 371 375 380 385 400 405 406 410 412 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 510 515 516 517 520 525 530 535 555 560 610 615 620 625 630 640 645 650 680 685 710 715 720 725 730 735 750 755 760 765 770 775 779 780 782 784 786 789 790 791 792 793 794 BX7P BX80 BX81 BX82 BX8O BX8P IPI0 ICM0 IPI1 IPI4 ICM1 ICS1 ICMF IFR1 IFS1 IP1C IP1O IC1C IC1O IPI2 ICM2 ZCM2 ZCM4 ICS2 ICOP ICOT ICOX ISS2 ISSO IPI3 ICM3 ICS3 ISS3 ICZF IFR3 IFS3 ICM4 INSS INSX IRD1 IRD2 IRD3 IRD4 IRD5 IRD6 ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF ISSG ICON ICOO IPSN IPSO ICOF IPIS ICOV ICOS ICOU Description BR COFINS Pauta Amt.TxIncl BR PIS Pauta Amount Tax Code Conditions: IPI NF Zero Line ICMS NF Zero Line IPI Industr.T. ICMS off. In Sub. fr.Loc.7 S. BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. ICMS Ind. IPI Consumption In ICMS Consumption In CIAP law 102 CIAP 4. PO/GR Cofins IV Non Deduct From To Reqt SubTo Stat AltCTy AltCBV ActKy X X X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 X X X 1 160 1 161 1 164 NVV NVV NVV NVV VST VST CO3 CO3 NVV NVV ISW NVV ISW NVV 164 320 320 320 320 320 320 VST VST VS1 NVV VS2 VS3 IC1 VS3 VS3 IPC IPC ICC ICC NVV NVV NAV NAV NVV ICP ICP ICX IC1 MW4 MW1 MW2 MW3 MW4 ICZ MW3 MW3 MW2 VST INX IR1 IR2 IR3 IR4 NVV NVV 1 245 225 245 247 225 265 225 285 275 245 440 225 415 245 225 225 225 265 255 255 525 295 555 245 225 265 295 225 285 275 225 10 680 10 710 10 720 10 10 1 305 310 320 325 339 1 355 360 375 380 1 355 375 360 360 360 164 164 164 164 164 164 Page 23 of 33 .NVV ISS ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS at Serv. 2 Update Pricing Procedure SD The below SD pricing procedure is based on SAP sample delivery RVABRA. The new or changed entries are shown in red.Code PIS WHT Rate PIS WHT Coll. BR Cust ICMS Exempt From To Man. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step CTyp 795 796 797 798 799 900 901 904 905 909 910 914 915 919 920 924 925 950 951 955 956 960 961 965 966 970 971 999 ICOA IPSV IPSS IPSU IPSA BXWT BW01 BW02 BW11 BW12 BW21 BW22 BW31 BW32 BW41 BW42 ICOW ICOZ IPSW IPSZ ICSW ICSZ IIRW IIRZ IGEW IGEZ BI00 Description Cofins ded. not inc. IV PIS ded. From To Reqt SubTo Stat AltCTy AltCBV ActKy 355 360 1 380 1 380 160 1 380 161 1 375 380 1 1 164 CO3 PI3 PI3 NVV PI3 X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 164 164 164 164 164 163 WTC NVV WTP NVV WTS NVV WTI NVV WTG NVV VS1 915 950 910 955 920 960 925 965 905 970 16.) are not given.Code Gen. WITHHOLDING TAXES BR WHT Base Amount WHT Coll. WHT Rate Gen. Examples for other procedures (like RVXBRE etc. spec. not inc. Offset IPSS / IPSU PIS deduct. Reqt 2 2 2 2 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 SubTo Stat AltCTy X AltCBV ActKy Zona Franca Devido ICMS Freight BR: ICMS on freight Devido ICMS s/IPI BR: Devido IPI IPI Tax Rate IPI Tax Base BR: IPI other base Page 24 of 33 .Code IR WHT Rate IR COFINS WHT COFINS WHT Offset PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT Offset IR WHT IR WHT Offset General WHT General WHT Offset Dummy Non-Statistic. since the changes are the same.Code CSLL WHT Rate CSLL WHT Coll.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004.Code COFINS WHT Rate COFINS WHT Coll. Step Cntr 1 10 10 10 10 45 50 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 220 221 230 240 241 242 243 1 2 3 4 CTyp ZPB0 ZPB1 ZPB2 ZPB3 RB00 DICM ICVA ICBS ICOB IC0X I100 ICLW ISIC ISTD ICXC DIZF DICF ICFR DISI DIPI IPVA IPBS IPOB Description **** Zero **** Price w/o Taxes Price+ISS Price+PIS+COF Price+ISS+PIS+COF Discount (Value) **** Net Base **** Devido ICMS ICMS Tax Rate ICMS Tax Base BR: ICMS other base BR: ICMS 0 excempt BR: ICMS Convênio100 BR: ICMS Law ICMS SF = ST ICMS Rate S.T. PO/GR PIS non deductib. WHT Coll. Adapt the calculation procedures that you use in a corresponding way or create copies of the old ones and adapt the new ones in order to have a backup. ISS Ins. BR ICMS Normal Base BR ICMS Exclude Base BR ICMS Other Base BR ICMS Amount 300 328 599 X X X X X 1 1 X 1 X X X X 1 X X X X 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 BR ICMS Zona Franca BR ICMS Freight Base BRICMS Freight Amnt.Minpr. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step Cntr 244 245 246 247 250 251 252 253 255 256 257 258 260 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 300 310 320 321 322 329 400 600 610 612 614 616 617 618 620 622 624 626 628 630 632 634 636 638 640 CTyp IPIP IP0X IPLW IPXC DCOF BCO1 BCO2 BCOP DPIS BPI1 BPI2 BPIP DISS ISVB ISVC ISVD ISVE ISVF ISVG ISVH ISVN ISVO ISVP ISVQ ISVR ISVS ISVT DSUB ISTS ISTT ISTM ISTF ISTB IST2 ISTC ISTN ISTI DSUF ICMI K004 K007 K005 KF00 IBRX BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BXZF BX14 BX15 BX16 BX20 BX21 BX22 BX23 BX24 BX25 BX40 BX41 BX42 Description BR: IPI Pauta BR: IPI 0 excempt BR: IPI Law BR: Customer IPI Exempt COFINS Due COFINS Rate COFINS Base COFINS Pauta Amount PIS Due PIS Rate PIS Base PIS Pauta Amount Devido ISS **** ISS New 2004 **** ISS Rate at Prov. ISS Base at Serv. ICMS BasRed Subtrib. ISS Taxloc at Prov.Bef. BR ICMS Rate BR IPI Normal Base BR IPI Exclude Base BR IPI Other Base BR IPI Amount BR IPI Offset Base BR IPI Offset Amount BR SubTrib Base BR SubTrib Amount BR SubTrib Fr.Surch. ISS WHT at Prov. ISS Law at Prov. ISS Taxloc:1=PR.T. ISS Min WHT at Serv. ISS Law at Serv. Minp.T. bas BR: Sub. ISS Ins.Trib SurType BR: Sub.2=SR ISS WHT at Serv.T. ISS Rate at Serv. From To Man. Devido SubTrib Fr. Price+Tax (for NF) 2 1 320 X **** Modify Base **** Material Customer Discount Customer/Material 320 Freight Brazil tax calc.Trib FixPric Brazil S.Trib MinPric BR: Sub.Trib Base 2 S. ISS Base at Prov.T.Factor S. Base MW2 MWS MW3 MW1 MW3 Page 25 of 33 . surcharg BR: Sub. red.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004.Cal at Serv. ISS Min WHT at Prov.Cal at Prov. Reqt SubTo Stat AltCTy X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AltCBV 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 2 ActKy 1 Devido Sub Trib Brazil S. Trib. WHT Rate Gen. Reqt SubTo Stat AltCTy X X 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 AltCBV ActKy MW3 MW1 1 X X X X X X X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 X 668 668 1 X X 1 X 679 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 702 616 679 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 718 13 9 4 1 B X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 660 664 MW4 MW4 WK3 MW4 WK3 BRI COF ERL PIS ERL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 4 4 11 BRI ERS 160 5 5 5 5 5 WG3 WP3 Page 26 of 33 . BR PIS offset **** Tax Code Conditions **** IPI from SD ICMS from SD Sub. Prov. ISS WHT Off.Code PIS WHT Rate PIS From To Man.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. WHT Coll. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step Cntr 642 644 646 650 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 672 675 677 679 680 683 700 702 704 706 708 710 712 714 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 715 719 720 740 750 800 810 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 910 915 916 920 921 CTyp BX43 BX44 BX50 BXPA BX60 BX61 BX64 BX65 BX6A BX6B BX6E BX6F BX51 BX62 BX63 BX6C BX6D BX6O BX70 BX71 BX72 BX7P BX7O BX80 BX81 BX82 BX8P BX8O IPI3 ICM3 ICS3 ISS3 ICZF IFR3 IFS3 ISSA ISSB ISSC ISSD ISSE ISSF ISSG ISSH ICMO DIFF SKTO VPRS WGEC WPIC WCOC WCSC WIRC WISC DWHT BXWT BW01 BW02 BW11 BW12 Description BR SubTrib Fr. BR COFINS offset BR PIS Base BR PIS Excl. Base BR PIS Amount BR PIS Pauta Amt. ISS WHT Again Prov. from SD ISS from SD ADMS Disc. ISS WHT at Serv. ISS at Serv.Loc. SrvLoc ISS WHT Again SrvLoc **** Total Tax **** ICMS offset Rounding Off Cash Discount Cost **** WITHHOLDING TAXES ON GROSS **** BR General WHT Code BR PIS WHT Code BR COFINS WHT Code BR CSLL WHT Code BR IR WHT Code BR ISS WHT Code WHT Due BR WHT Base Amount WHT Coll.Code Gen.Loc. Amnt BRSubTrib NF Rate BR ISS Base BR IPI Pauta Amount BR ISS Base Prov BR ISS ExBase Prov BR ISS WT Base Prov BR ISS WT ExBas Prov BR ISS Base Serv BR ISS ExBase Serv BR ISS WT Base Serv BR ISS WT ExBas Serv BR ISS Amount BR ISS Amount Prov BR ISS WTAmount Prov BR ISS Amount Serv BR ISS WTAmount Serv BR ISS offset BR COFINS Base BR COFINS Excl. Zona Fr. ICMS on freight SD ICMS ST freight SD ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS WHT Off. Base BR COFINS Amount BR COFINS Pauta Amt. K Page 27 of 33 .B .Code CSLL WHT Rate CSLL WHT Coll. Condition-Based Tax Calculation Step Cntr 925 926 930 931 935 936 960 965 970 975 980 999 CTyp BW21 BW22 BW31 BW32 BW41 BW42 BGEZ BPSZ BCOZ BCSZ BIRZ BI00 Description WHT Coll. Act.Code IR WHT Rate IR BR General WHT off BR PIS WHT Offset BR COFINS WHT offset BR CSLL WHT offset BR IR WHT offset Dummy for Tax From To Man. It can be configured in the following way: St 10 10 10 10 40 40 40 40 C 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 CTyp ZPB0 ZPB1 ZPB2 ZPB3 RA00 RB00 RC00 RD00 Description Price w/o Taxes Price+ISS Price+PIS+COF Price+ISS+PIS+COF % Discount from Net Discount (Value) Quantity Discount Weight Discount Fr o To M M S P S Req A. C A. Reqt SubTo Stat AltCTy X AltCBV 5 5 5 ActKy WC3 WS3 WI3 WG4 WP4 WC4 WS4 WI4 1 1 916 921 926 931 936 1 X X 5 164 164 164 164 164 X X The SD pricing procedure below is the new price supplement procedure RVABR2 which is introduced for the optional new price conditions.Code COFINS WHT Rate COFINS WHT Coll.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. 3 Tax Values SD TxTy Tax Rate ICON ICOW ICSW IGEW IIRW IPSN IPSW ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF BCO1 BW22 BW32 BW02 BW42 BPI1 BW12 ISVB ISVB ISVN ISVN Map Pauta Rate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BX7P Map Tax Map Total Amount Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX72 BW22 BW32 BW02 BW42 BX82 BW12 BX62 BX63 BX6C BX6D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX70 BXWT BXWT BXWT BXWT BX80 BXWT BX60 BX64 BX6A BX6E Map Tax Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX70 BXWT BXWT BXWT BXWT BX80 BXWT BX60 BX64 BX6A BX6E Map Ex. 17. Condition-Based Tax Calculation 17 Nota Fiscal Mapping Only the new entries are listed. Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Map Other Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Map WHT Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BW21 BW31 BW01 BW41 BW11 BX8P BX61 BX65 BX6B BX6F 18 Customizing of Extended WHT 18.1 Tax Values MM TxTy Tax Rate ICOF ICON ICOW ICSW IGEW IIRW IPIS IPSN IPSW ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF BCO1 BCO1 BW22 BW32 BW02 BW42 BPI1 BPI1 BW12 BIS1 BIS1 BISA BISA Map Pauta Rate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BCOP BCOP Map Tax Amount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICOF ICON ICOW ICSW IGEW IIRW IPIS IPSN IPSW ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF Map Tax Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX70 BX70 BXWT BXWT BXWT BXWT BX80 BX80 BXWT BX60 BX64 BX6A BX6E Map Ex. Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BX71 BX71 Map Other Base 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Map WHT Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BW21 BW31 BW01 BW41 BW11 BPIP BPIP BX81 BX81 BX61 BX65 BX6B BX6F 17.2 Tax Laws MM Tax Group ISSP ISSS Condition Type BIS3 BISC 17.1 WHT Types at Payment Base amount = Modified Tax Amount Rounding rule = W/tax comm round Cash Discount = C/disc pre W/tx Post w/tax amount =X No accumulation W/tax base manual =X Manual w/tax amount = X No cert numbering =X Base amount = W/tax code level Withholding tax amount = W/tax code level Page 28 of 33 .Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. 5 Assign WHT Types to Company Codes In IMG. assign all relevant WHT types to all Brazilian company codes that are subject to them.2 WHT Types at Invoice Base amount = Modified Tax Amount Rounding rule = W/tax comm round Post w/tax amount =X No accumulation W/tax base manual =X Manual w/tax amount = X No cert numbering =X Base amount = W/tax code level Withholding tax amount = W/tax code level W/Tax Type IW Description ISS WHT 18. flag With/tax agent in vendor data and assign validity. • • To activate for MM.00% W/Tax Type CP GP IW PP RP SP W/Tax Code CP CP IW PP RP SP Description COFINS 100% WHT Amount General 100% WHT Amount ISS 100% WHT Amount PIS 100% WHT Amount IR 100% WHT Amount CSLL 100% WHT Amount 18.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. To activate for SD.3 WHT Codes Percentage subject to tax: 100.6 Define Accounts For Withholding Tax to Be Paid Over Assign G/L accounts for WHT to WHT types. 18. Page 29 of 33 .00% With/tax rate: 100. flag Subject to w/tax in customer data. Condition-Based Tax Calculation No central invoice =X Minimum Check at item level W/Tax Type CP GP PP RP SP =X Description COFINS at Payment General WHT (PIS/COF/CSLL/IR) at Payment PIS at Payment IR at Payment CSLL at Payment 18.4 Define Processing Key For Modified Tax Amount WHT Type IW IW CP CP PP PP SP SP RP RP GP GP Processing Key ISW WK3 WTC WC3 WTP WP3 WTS WS3 WTI WI3 WTG WG3 18. Country BR. Maintain for all conditions a rate of 100%.1. Class. Condition WISC WCOC WPIC WCSC WIRC WGEC Tax Rel.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004.1. Key NVV NVV 19.1 Tax Codes Used in MM 19. IW CP PP SP RP GP W/tax code IW CP PP SP RP GP 19 FI Tax Codes Activate additional taxes in transaction J1BTAX for existing tax codes or create new ones.10Maintain Withholding Tax SD Conditions Transaction VK11. assign validity. Condition-Based Tax Calculation 18. Instead. 18. define them in view V_T059Z_WITHCD2. according to Note 178824 Tax rel. Type Description COFINS NVV Normal Tax COFINS NVV Offset Tax Included Tax Group COFI COFI Acct. 19. IW CP GP PP RP SP Text ISS WHT Invoice Cofins Payment General WHT payment PIS WHT Payment IR WHT Payment CSLL WHT payment 18.8 Assign Condition Types to Withholding Tax Types WHT Type IW CP PP SP RP GP Condition Type WISC WCOC WPIC WCSC WIRC WGEC 18. Type Description PIS NVV Normal Tax PIS NVV Offset Tax Included Tax Group PIS PIS Acct.7 Define Official Collection Codes The official WHT codes cannot be used to specify collection codes.2 Active X X IPSN IPSO To activate PIS non-deductible: Cond.1 Active X X ICON ICOO To activate COFINS non-deductible: Cond. Key NVV NVV Page 30 of 33 .9 Maintain Tax Relevant Classification Argentina Customizing: view V_1ATXREL. 5 Active X X X X X X X X X X To activate withholding taxes: Cond. Activate additional taxes for SD tax codes by flagging the relevant taxes on the existing SD tax codes or on newly created ones.1 Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code (View V_TTXD) New entry for TAXBRA.1.1. Key VST CO3 CO3 NVV CO3 19. Key NVV ISW NVV ISW 20 21 SD Tax Codes (View J_1BTXSDCV) Maintain Settings For External Tax Calculation 21. Key VST PI3 PI3 NVV PI3 19. ISS WHT at Service Loc.3 Active X X X X X ICOF ICOV ICOS ICOU ICOA To activate COFINS deductible: Cond.6 Active X X X X ISSA ISSB ISSE ISSF To activate ISS New 2004: Cond. Level1 = 3. Type Description ISS at Provider ISS WHT at Provider ISS at Service Loc. Type Description COFINS Deductible COFINSOffset ICOS/ICOU COFINS Normal PO/GR COFINS Normal IV NVV COFINS Normal PO/GR Tax Group COFI COFI COFI COFI COFI Acct. Type Description PIS Deductible PIS Offset IPSS / IPSU PIS Normal PO/GR PIS Normal IV NVV PIS Normal PO/GR Tax Group PIS PIS COFI COFI COFI Acct. Page 31 of 33 .1. level2 = 4. Type ICOW ICOZ IPSW IPSZ ICSW ICSZ IIRW IIRZ IGEW IGEZ Description COFINS WHT COFINS WHT Offset PIS WHT PIS WHT Offset CSLL WHT CSLL WHT Offset IR WHT IR WHT Offset General WHT General WHT Offset WHT WHIR WHCS WHPI Tax Group WHCO Acct.1.4 Active X X X X X IPIS IPSV IPSS IPSU IPSA To activate PIS deductible: Cond. Tax Group ISSP ISSP ISSS ISSS Acct.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Key WTC NVV WTP NVV WTS NVV WTI NVV WTG NVV 19. Condition-Based Tax Calculation 19. ) 23 24 Assign Jurisdiction Codes to Ranges of Postal Codes Master Data Changes For proper tax jurisdiction code validation and value help.g. only an overview of the necessary Customizing steps is given. 24. The proposal is to use the first three digits for the state (e. 24.3 Other Address Changes: Organizational Structure In order to allow correct calculation of ISS. 24. Details about the ISS Customizing logic can be found in the ISS documentation.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004. Condition-Based Tax Calculation 21. There are changes to master data necessary in order to correctly effectuate the new tax calculation.1 Tax Laws View: J_1BATL3V.3 Define Logical Destination For ext. assign valid ranges of postal codes to the newly created tax jurisdiction codes. Maintain definitions for ISS tax laws. ‘SP 0308’ would be the municipio of SAO PAULO. This is necessary for: • • • • Company Codes Plants Business Places (Filial) General addresses of central address management that are used as delivery addresses 25 ISS Customizing 25. 21. A suggestion is to use the digits 4 through 7 of the IBGE code for this. etc.2 Customers (Transaction XD02) Assign all WHT types and codes that are applicable. ‘SP ‘ for Sao Paulo) and the last four digits to define the municipio. system C. specify: C C JUR TAX J_1BTAXJUR_DETERMINE_NEW J_1BCALCULATE_TAXES 22 Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes For new ISS calculation.2 Activate External Tax Calculation For calculation procedure TAXBRA. all relevant adresses must be updated with the new Jurisdiction codes. two-level jurisdiction codes should be maintained. Update address with new tax jurisdiction code for correct ISS calculation. Page 32 of 33 . Update address with new tax jurisdiction code for correct ISS calculation. As an example. system C. specify ext.1 Vendors (Transaction XK02) Assign all WHT types and codes that are applicable. Here. ‘SP 4850’ the municipio of SANTOS. 26. 26.3 ISS Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXISSV).2 Official Service Types Define official service types for purchasing (view J_1BSERVTYPES1V) and sales (view J_1BSERVTYPES2V) processes. Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created.1 COFINS Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXCOFV). Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created. Tabela de NCM.4 Withholding Taxes Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXWITHV). Condition-Based Tax Calculation 25. Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created.2 PIS Maintain entries in transaction J1BTAX (view J_1BTXPISV). You define either a general WHT collection code and a combined rate or the four individual withholding taxes separately.4 Assign Official Service Types Assign official service types as needed: • • to generic service types (table J_1BSERVASSIGN1) to material numbers (J_1BSERVASSIGN2) 26 Tax Rates 26.3 Generic Service Types Define generic service types in view J_1BGENSERVTV. Page 33 of 33 . 25. 25. 26. Use the tax groups of dynamic exceptions you created.Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004.
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