Custom GenIL Object Model



Custom GenIL Object Model: An OverviewIn MVC architecture, model unit is responsible for data retention and is independent of the layout and program control units. Business Object Layer (BOL) together with the Generic Interaction Layer (GenIL) is an essential part of the web client architecture because it is responsible for the data management of the user interface components. The BOL is a standard interface to access an object model that consists of a defined quantity of GenIL components and their objects. In this blog I am going to show the steps to create a custom GenIL model. We have a custom table ZBOL_EMPL_MASTER containing the employee details. Here is the structure: Our object model will be based on this database table. To create the Object model we need to perform the following steps: Step 1: Go to transaction SM34 and maintain the view CRMVC_GIL_APPDEF a) Double click on Component Definition and click on New Entries to define the custom component(say Z_EMPL).say ZCL_GENIL_EMPLOYEE b) Double click on Component Set Definition and click on New Entries to define the custom component set(say ZSET_EMPL) c) Assign the component to the component set . Maintain an implementation class. Step 2: Create the following database structures and table types . give an object name and maintain the basic settings as shown below .Step 3: Go to transaction GENIL_MODEL_EDITOR to create the Object model. Give component name as Z_EMPL and click on Change a) Right Click on Root Object and select “Create Root Object”. b) Right click on Dynamic Query Objects and select “Create Dynamic Query Object”. Maintain the object name and the basic settings as shown below . . IV_STRING contains the where conditions based on which the database query is executed. Create two public static methods SEARCH_EMPLOYEE and READ_EMPLOYEE with the following parameters SEARCH_EMPLOYEE gets the employee keys from the database.Step 4: Create a custom class (ZCL_EMPL_MASTER_API) to hold the API methods to retrieve data from database. READ_EMPLOYEE accepts the employee key as input and returns employee attributes for the corresponding employee. . endif.Add the following code: ************************************************************************************************* method search_employee. refresh et_results. if iv_string is not initial. endmethod. . select employee_id from zbol_empl_master up to iv_max_hits rows into corresponding fields of table et_results. select employee_id from zbol_empl_master up to iv_max_hits rows into corresponding fields of table et_results where (iv_string). ************************************************************************************************* method read_employee. else. endmethod. ************************************************************************************************* You can take any other approach to read the table data. select single * from zbol_empl_master into corresponding fields of es_empl_att where employee_id eq is_empl_key-employee_id. like using FMs. lt_request_obj type crmt_request_obj_tab. . data: lr_msg_cont type ref to cl_crm_genil_global_mess_cont. * select the rigth query case iv_query_name. lv_max_hits type char5.Step 5: Go to transaction SE24 and create the custom class ZCL_GENIL_EMPLOYEE which was mentioned during component definition Maintain CL_WCF_GENIL_ABSTR_COMPONENT as the superclass Redefine the method IF_GENIL_APPL_INTLAY~GET_DYNAMIC_QUERY_RESULT. endif. lv_max_hits_tmp = is_query_parameters-max_hits. field-symbols: <fs_results> type zbol_empl_master_key. "100 when no max_hits is set else. * Retrieve the message container to log eventual messages lr_msg_cont = iv_root_list->get_global_message_container( ). lv_num_hits type i. lt_results type zbol_empl_master_key_tab. lr_root_object type ref to if_genil_cont_root_object. lv_max_hits_tmp = 100. lv_max_hits_tmp type int4. Add the following code ************************************************************************************************* method if_genil_appl_intlay~get_dynamic_query_result. * When the max hits is set to 0. if is_query_parameters-max_hits is initial. * Try to create a new result object lr_root_object = iv_root_list->add_object( iv_object_name = 'EMPLOYEE' is_object_key = <fs_results> ). . * Loop through the results to build search result objects loop at lt_results assigning <fs_results>. lr_msg_cont->add_message( iv_msg_type = 'I' iv_msg_id = 'ZBOL_MSG' iv_msg_number = '000' iv_msg_v1 = lv_max_hits iv_show_only_once = abap_true ). * read the attributes and relation using the GET_OBJECTS me->if_genil_appl_intlay~get_objects( it_request_objects = lt_request_obj iv_root_list = iv_root_list ). if lv_num_hits > lv_max_hits_tmp. else. * Flag it as direct query result lr_root_object->set_query_root( abap_true ). * Since the given object name is correct this could not happen! endtry. * Log a message if search result exceed the max hit limit describe table lt_results lines lv_num_hits. try. endloop. * Note: The request object restricts the attributes to read. lv_max_hits = lv_max_hits_tmp. catch cx_crm_genil_duplicate_rel cx_crm_genil_model_error. if lt_results is not initial. call method search_employee exporting it_search_criteria = it_selection_parameters iv_max_hits = lv_max_hits_tmp importing et_results = lt_results. * If there is no request object entry or the attributes * table is empty all attributes are requested. * Call the API and get the result.when 'SearchEmployee'. endif. return.lr_msg_cont->add_message( iv_msg_type = 'W' iv_msg_id = 'ZBOL_MSG' iv_msg_number = '001' iv_show_only_once = abap_true ). ** process the directly dependent objects * process_children( it_requested_objects = it_request_objects * iv_root = lv_root ). data lv_empl_key type zbol_empl_master_key. endif. zcl_empl_master_api=>read_employee( exporting is_empl_key = lv_empl_key importing es_empl_att = lv_empl_att ). endif. endmethod. data lv_temp_att type zbol_empl_master_attr. . data lv_root type ref to if_genil_cont_root_object. when others. * You could set attribute properties like readonly. endcase. * Put attributes to the container lv_root->set_attributes( lv_empl_att ). while lv_root is bound. lv_root = iv_root_list->get_first( ). ** check if dependent objects should be read * IF lv_root->check_rels_requested( ) = abap_true. data lv_empl_att type zbol_empl_master_attr. lv_root->get_key( importing es_key = lv_empl_key ). ************************************************************************************************* Redefine the method IF_GENIL_APPL_INTLAY~GET_OBJECTS ************************************************************************************************* method if_genil_appl_intlay~get_objects. * Check if attributes should be read if lv_root->check_attr_requested( ) = abap_true. * Return the object only if it still exists if lv_empl_att is not initial. endif. loop at lt_search_criteria assigning <search_criteria>. ************************************************************************************************* Create a Public Instance method SEARCH_EMPLOYEE with the following parameters Add the following code ************************************************************************************************* method search_employee. * NOTE: * This is a good place to implement Authority checks!!! * lv_max_hits = iv_max_hits. if lv_max_hits eq 0. endif. "continue with the loop lv_root = iv_root_list->get_next( ). "process foreign relations process_foreign( iv_root = lv_root ). field-symbols: <search_criteria> type genilt_selection_parameter. endwhile. . lt_search_criteria type genilt_selection_parameter_tab. data: lv_max_hits type i. sort lt_search_criteria by attr_name. lt_search_criteria = it_search_criteria. endmethod.* * * * ENDIF. lv_last_attr_name type name_komp. lv_max_hits = 100. lv_string type string. endloop. endmethod. else. endif. if ( <search_criteria>-option eq 'CP' or <search_criteria>-option eq 'EQ' ). else. endif. To test whether the Genil Object is working properly or not go to transaction GENIL_BOL_BROWSER. * retrieve data from the backend call method zcl_empl_master_api=>search_employee( exporting iv_string = lv_string iv_max_hits = lv_max_hits importing et_results = et_results ).* NOTE: * The current implementation takes care only of CP and EQ search criteria options. lv_last_attr_name = <search_criteria>-attr_name. concatenate lv_string '''' into lv_string. concatenate lv_string ')' into lv_string separated by space. endif. refresh et_results. ************************************************************************************************* Our GenIL component is ready for test. concatenate lv_string <search_criteria>-low into lv_string. concatenate lv_string <search_criteria>-attr_name <search_criteria>-option '''' into lv_string separated by space. concatenate lv_string 'OR' into lv_string separated by space. lv_string = '('. if lv_string is not initial. endif. give component name Z_EMPL and execute. concatenate lv_string ') AND (' into lv_string separated by space. if <search_criteria>-attr_name ne lv_last_attr_name. if lv_string is not initial. The dynamic query object ‘SearchEmployee’ will be . Double click on the individual object to see the details. . Double click on it to get the search window. Databse entries are shown in the List Browser window based on the query parameters. where you can enter search parameters and click on FIND.present in Model Browser Search Objects window. result view and overview page. In my next blog I will use this GenIL component set to create a custom component with search view.
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