Curs Engleza Inginerie

March 26, 2018 | Author: kingdiamond | Category: Thesis, Doctor Of Philosophy, Doctorate, Gce Advanced Level (United Kingdom), Academic Degree



UNIVERSITATEA DIN BACĂU FACULTATEA DE LITEREBACĂU 2007 COORDONATOR: prof.univ.dr.Cmeciu Doina AUTORI: Asist.univ.drd. Andrioai Gabriela: II.1.1.; II.2.2.1-4; II.2.7.5-8; III.1.1.7-8 ; III.1.6.2-3. Conf.univ.dr. Bonta Elena: I.2; I.3; I.4; III.1.1.3-.4; III.1.1.11 ; III.11. Asist.univ.drd. Bonta Raluca: III.1.1.1-2 ; III.1.1.10; III.1.1.3. Lect.univ.dr. Cmeciu Camelia Mihaela: III.1.1.10; III.1.1.5; III.I.1.2. Prof.univ.dr. Cmeciu Doina: I.1; III.11; III.2; III.3; III.5. Asist.univ.drd. Corban Carmen Diana: II.2.3.1-5; II.2.6.1-2; III.2-4. Asist.univ.drd. Culea Mihaela: II.2.5.5-10; II.2.7.1-4; III.1.1.11; III.1.5; III.5-6. Asist.univ.drd. Dinulescu Mariana Alexandra: III.1.4-5; III.1.6.1. Asist.univ.drd. Horubet Mircea: III.1.1.9; III.1.1.1-2. Asist.univ.drd. Morarasu Nadia Nicoleta: I.4; II.1.1-3; II.; III.1.6.1-3. Asist.univ.drd. Nica Ioana: II.2.4.1-5; II.2.6.3-5; III.1.1.1-2; III.1.1.5-6. Asist.univ.drd. Popescu Roxana-Iuliana: II.2.1.1.-6; III.1.1.10; III.7-10. CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PART I GENERAL ENGLISH TOPICS I.1. Education in Great Britain................................................................................................ 7 I.2. Shopping in London.................................................................................................... ....16 I.3. Getting to Great Britain & Away.................................................................................... 24 I.4. Engineering Jobs and Career Opportunities................................................................... .33 PART II TECHNICAL ENGLISH TOPICS II.1. GENERAL TECHNICAL TEXTS II.1.1. The Importance of Learning Engineering English or Technical English.............50 II.1.2. The Industrial Revolution.....................................................................................53 II.1.3. The Romanian Industry after 1990.......................................................................56 II.2. SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL TEXTS II.2.1 TEXTS FOR INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2.1.1. Industrial Design......................................................................................60 2.1.2. Automotive Design..................................................................................64 2.1.3. Graphic Design........................................................................................68 2.1.4. Driving an Electric Car............................................................................71 2.1.5. Cigarette Pack Graphics..........................................................................74 2.1.6. Denim......................................................................................................78 II.2.2. TEXTS FOR INDUSTRIAL ENERGETICS AND MECATHRONIC ENGINEERING 2.2.1. How Radar Works....................................................................................84 2.2.2. The Electric Circuit and its Elements.......................................................87 2.2.3. Electrical Generators................................................................................90 2.2.4. Random Noise in Electronic Devices.......................................................93 II.2.3. TEXTS FOR INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT 2.3.1. Management.............................................................................................96 2.3.2. Management – Historical Development (1).............................................99 2.3.3. Management – Historical Development (2)...........................................102 2.3.4. Industrial Management...........................................................................106 2.3.5. Quality Management..............................................................................110 II.2.4. TEXTS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2.4.1. Mechanics...............................................................................................114 2.4.2. Determination of Velocity Ratio............................................................119 2.4.3. Aeroplane Crashes..................................................................................123 2.4.4. Train Crashes..........................................................................................127 2.4.5. Sea Collisions.........................................................................................131 2 II.2.5. TEXTS FOR CHEMICAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND FOOD ENGINEERING 2.5.1. Acids, Bases and Salts...........................................................................135 2.5.2. Oxidation and Reduction........................................................................137 2.5.3. Catalysis.................................................................................................140 2.5.4. Aminoacids and Proteins........................................................................143 2.5.5. Food Fats................................................................................................146 2.5.6. Can Honey Heal?....................................................................................149 2.5.7. Are You Looking After Yourself? ........................................................153 2.5.8. The Humble Spud...................................................................................157 2.5.9. Eating Out – Some Rules For Diners.....................................................160 2.5.10. Food Poisoning.....................................................................................163 II.2.6. TEXTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2.6.1. Development of Environmental Engineering........................................166 2.6.2. The Scope of Environmental Engineering.............................................169 2.6.3. Micrometereology..................................................................................173 2.6.4. Earthquakes (1).......................................................................................176 2.6.5. Earthquakes (2).......................................................................................179 II.2.7. TEXTS FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2.7.1. The Era of Communication...................................................................182 2.7.2. Microchips: A Look to the Future.........................................................186 2.7.3. Computer Viruses..................................................................................191 2.7.4. Messaging..............................................................................................195 2.7.5. Sampled-Data Systems..........................................................................198 2.7.6. Stored-Program Concept.......................................................................201 2.7.7. Time Sharing.........................................................................................204 2.7.8. Error Detection......................................................................................207 PART III ENGLISH GRAMMAR (THEORY AND PRACTICE) III.1. THE VERB III.1.1. THE INDICATIVE MOOD 1.1.1. The Present Tense Simple......................................................................211 1.1.2. The Present Tense Progressive...............................................................213 1.1.3. The Past Tense Simple...........................................................................218 1.1.4. The Past Progressive...............................................................................219 1.1.5. The Present Perfect Simple....................................................................224 1.1.6. The Present Perfect Progressive.............................................................225 1.1.7. The Past Perfect Simple..........................................................................230 1.1.8. The Past Perfect Continuous..................................................................231 1.1.9. The Future and Futurity.........................................................................236 1.1.10. Modals and Semimodals......................................................................243 1.1.11. The Passive Voice................................................................................254 III.1.2. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD.................................................................258 III.1.3. THE CONDITIONAL MOOD................................................................261 III.1.4. THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES..............................................................267 3 III.1.5. DIRECT AND INDIRECT/ REPORTED SPEECH..........................274 III.1.6. NONFINITE FORMS 1.6.1. The Infinitive..........................................................................................280 1.6.2. The Participle..........................................................................................281 1.6.3. The Gerund.............................................................................................282 III.2. THE NOUN............................................................................................................286 III.3. THE ARTICLE............................................................................................295 III.4. THE ADJECTIVE................................................................................................301 III.5. THE PRONOUN...................................................................................................308 III.6. THE NUMERAL..................................................................................................314 III.7. THE ADVERB......................................................................................................319 III.8. THE CONJUNCTION........................................................................................324 III.9. THE PREPOSITION...........................................................................................330 III.10. THE INTERJECTION.....................................................................................339 III.11. LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS....................................................................342 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................349 4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS abbr. = abreviere. ac. = acuzativ. adj. = adjectiv adv. = adverb. agr. = agricultură. alim. = termen alimentar. AmE = engleza americană. anat. = anatomie. appr. = în sens admirativ. arheol. = arheologie. arhit. = arhitectură. astr. = astronomie. auto. = auto(mobilism). autom. = automatică. av. = aviaţie. biol. = în biologie. bis. = (termen) bisericesc. bot. = botanică. BrE = engleza britanică. chim. = în chimie. cib. = cibernetică. cin. = cinema. com. = comerţ; în domeniul comercial. comp. = gradul comparativ (d. adjective). conj. = conjuncţie. constr. = construcţii. d. = despre. dim. = diminutiv. disappr. = în sens peiorativ, dezaprobator. ec. = economie. el. = electricitate. ent. = entomologie. etc. = et cetera; şi aşa mai departe. etym. = etimologic. farm. = farmaceutic. fem. = feminin. ferov. = (termen) feroviar. fig. = în sens figurat. fin. = finanţe. fiz. = fizică. fiziol. = fiziologie. gen. = genitiv. geogr. = geografie. geol. = geologie. geom. = geometrie. inf. = infinitiv. info. = în informatică. inf. = informal, neoficial. interj. = interjecţie. intr. v. or v.i. = verb intranzitiv. irreg. = neregulat (d. verbe) jur. = juridic; termen legal. lit. = (uzaj) literar. man. = management. masc. = masculin. mat. = matematică. med. = medicină. met. = metalurgie. meteor. = meteorologie. mil = (termen) militar. muz. = muzică. n. = substantiv. = expresie substantivală. nav. = navigaţie. nom. = nominativ. pict. = pictură. pl. = plural. pol. = politică. prep. = prepoziţie. pron. = pronume. psih. = psihologie. pt. = pentru. reg. = regulat (d. verbe). rel. = religie. sg./ sing. = singular. smb. = cineva. smth. = ceva. sp. = scriere corectă; ortografie. superl.= gradul superlativ adjective). tehn. = termen tehnic, tehnică. tel. = telecomunicaţii. tr.v. or t.v. = verb tranzitiv. usu. = de obicei. v. = verb. = expresie verbală. (d. 5 PART I GENERAL ENGLISH TOPICS . Art. Actually after young people reach 16 they have 4 main 'roads' of their next life: they can leave the school. although fee-paying independent schools also have an important role to play. The English school syllabus is divided into Arts/or Humanities/and Sciences which determine the division of the secondary school pupils into study groups: a science pupil will study Chemistry. where each school decides what subject it will teach. But a growing number of school students are staying on at school. According to The National Curriculum schools are allowed to introduce a fast stream for bright children. Until that year. Drama. Computers play an important part in education. foreign languages. Home Economics for girls. History. which provides a living allowance during 2 years of work experience.1. 14 and 16. There is no law which provides for education on the underfives. when they are tested. The majority of schools in Britain are supported by public funds and the education provided is free. General Science. School-leavers without jobs get no money from the government unless they join a youth training scheme. Technical Drawing. move to a college as a full time student. The system of options exists in all kinds of secondary schools. combine part-time study with a job. Most pupils go to schools which offer free education. some until 18 or 19. The National Curriculum does not apply in Scotland. secondary and further education. the age of entry into higher education or universities. The system of education is determined by the National Education Acts. Schools in Britain provide careers guidance. In addition many children attend informal pre-school play groups organized by parents and voluntary bodies. perhaps through the Youth Training programme. headmasters and headmistresses of schools were given a great deal of freedom in deciding what subjects to teach and how to do it in their schools so that there was really no central control at all over individual schools. Geography. Music. The National Curriculum introduced in 1994 sets out in detail the subjects that children should study and the levels of achievement they should reach by the ages of 7. Schools in England are supported from public funds paid to the local education authorities which are responsible for organizing the schools in their areas. an Art pupil will do English Language and Literature. Biology. that means that education is compulsory from the age of 5 to 16 /11 years. stay at school. Physics. but there is also a considerable number of public schools. Another important feature of schooling in Britain is the variety of opportunities offered to schoolchildren. Besides these subjects they must do some general education subjects like PE. A specially 7 . Technical subjects for girls.I. 11. Everybody has a duty to make sure that the child goes to school until he or she is 16. Polytechnics or colleges. Education in Britain mirrors the country's social system: it is class-divided and selected. Most pupils will also be entered for GCSEs (General Certificate of the Secondary Education) or other public examinations. EDUCATION IN GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain does not have any constitutional provisions for education. The National Education Act in 1944 provided 3 stages of education: primary. Scotland & Nothern Ireland have their own education systems. Mathematics. The tests are designed to be easier for teachers to manage than they were in the past. They are maintained schools. In England about 47% of three and four-year-olds receive education in nursery schools or classes. Economics. including vocational qualifications if they are 16. wide reading. educational adj. învăţămînt. Synonyms . pre-school ~ = învăţămînt preşcolar. economic ~. tutorship = meditaţii.c.: to acquire/gain knowledge. to study. VOCABULARY I. educated adj. educator n. EDUCATION I. Types of education . vocational ~ = învăţămînt profesional. learning. cultivation.: education. secondary ~ = învăţămînt liceal.keldysh. = 1.1. philosophical ~. further ~ =învăţămînt după terminarea şcolii obligatorii exceptând cel universitar).ru) A. I. erudition. to bone up on = a toci.n. 8 .: diligent. = eg. or careers officer helps school students to decide what job they want to do and how they can achieve that. = educaţie/învăţămînt (an ~ film/institution). grind = toceală. to learn by heart = a învăţa pe de rost. teaching. Entry words education n. the educated).all-round education = învăţămînt de cultură generală. = pedagog teoretician. to burn the midnight oil. political ~. primary ~ = învăţămînt primar.a. educationist. to grind = a toci. free ~ = învăţămînt gratuit. educaţie.d. scholarship. study. = a educa.1. instruire. a instrui. higher ~ = învăţămînt superior.adj. university ~ = învăţămînt universitar. = educator. private tuition = lecţii particulare.1.v. compulsory ~ = învăţămînt obligatoriu.1. instruction. I. educationally adv. . învăţat (an ~ man. (adapted from Internet URL: http://schools. . a school for the ~ subnormal. to be taught. tuition = învăţămînt. practical~ / training. painstaking = sîrguincios.b. to educate v. I. Educational television = televiziune publică (televiziunea ce asigură instruirea elevilor (a studenţilor. to plunge into reading. industrious. hard-working. feminist ~. . 3. 2. = instruit. Related words Ministry of Education = Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale (în Anglia). educative adj. religious ~.artistic ~. guidance. câteodată prin circuit închis). acquisition of knowledge. = educativ. educationalist n.trained person called careers advisor. senior lecturer = lector.a. a dresa. a trimite la şcoală. B. 5. ~ day = zi de şcoală. a instrui. . spring ~. 2.streams A. Christmas ~. summer ~. crammer = meditator. . ~ holiday: Easter ~. ~ subject = obiect de studiu. a sfătui. ~ work = activitate şcolară. 3.The "Eleven Plus" = children took an examination at the age of 11. nursery = grădiniţă. profesor. training centre/college = centru de perfecţionare/institut. The average size of a class is 30 pupils. while others are "unstreamed": children of mixed ability are placed together in the class. school. Systems of education . lecţii. absolvent. colegiu. pedagogue. dascăl. II. II. 2.2. polytechnic. If they passed they went to a grammar school . instructor.3.3. banc de delfini. clasă. C: A = "the top stream". Entry words school n. facultate. Some comprehensive schools are "streamed" . a mustra. 4. opinii împărtăşite de un grup de oameni). grup de balene.I. SCHOOLING II. .secţie. Related words schoolage = vîrstă şcolară.1.b. private tutor = profesor particular. cursuri. Places where education is performed kindergarten. 7. professor. mistress. . I. 9 . 5. ~ leaver = elev care termină şcoala. regardless of ability. locul unde sînt educaţi şi instruiţi elevii. If they failed they went to secondary modern schools which were closed after 1965 when comprehensive schools were introduced. The grammar and secondary modern school were replaced by large comprehensive schools in 1965 to provide an equal secondary education for all people.The old system of education: .The "monitorial" system = the younger pupils were largely taught by the older ones. meditator. II. master. C = the "bottom stream". = 1.tutor/professor’s assistant on probation=preparator universitar.2.teacher = învăţător.1.its name comes from the medieval system of teaching Latin grammar as the basis of education. (pl) examen. reader = conferenţiar. People involved in the educational process teaching staff = corp profesoral/didactic. college = colegiu. a învăţa. ~ bag = ghiozdan. ~ yard = curtea şcolii.=1.The new system of ~ = under the new system there is no examination at the age of 11. metodă (idei. coach = preparator. curent literar/ artistic. (day-care) centre. winter~. tutor = îndrumător. lecturer. to school v. 4. 6. university. scholar = bursier. II. governing body = the members of the governing body of an English school may be appointed by the LEA or may be elected by parents and staff. the council of the Senate = biroul senatului. . People in charge of a school/university .assessor = someone who checks for quality = inspector. savant = orice persoană care studiază.parent teacher association = PTA. vicechancellor = (pro)rector. .4. cercetător. umanist: Greek ~ = elenist. rector = rector.graduate = licenţiat.student = elev. schoolchild (schoolboy. doctoral candidate = doctorand.learner = elev. post-graduate = persoană care continuă studiile după terminarea facultăţii. pupil: academic pupil = elev dotat.private schools: public ~ = fee-paying ~ = şcoală privată/cu taxe/particulară. headmaster/headmistress = director/directoare. Military ~ = Academie militară. schoolboard = consiliu de administraţie. erudit. non-academic ~ = less able pupil.Academy of Economic Sciences. . student.state schools: approved~ (= şcoală de corecţie). formmaster/mistress = diriginte/dirigintă. apprentice = ucenic. deskmate = coleg de bancă. persoană marcantă. .caretaker = intendent al unei clădiri. .residential ~ = boarding ~ = şcoală cu internat. examination board = comisie de examinare. II.chancellor = the head of a British university = rector onorific. cleaner = femeie de serviciu. fresher/freshman = student în anul I/boboc. fellow student = coleg de facultate. middle ~. savant. He is usually a prominent statesman or Peer and is elected for life. şcolar. classmate.3. persoană care urmează cursuri post-universitare. deputy master = director adjunct. summer ~ = cursuri de vară. ~ of music = conservator.beginner = începător. . junior~. .single sex school = şcoală de băieţi / de fete. persoană care studiază.. fellow = membru al consiliului. the Senate = senat. schoolgirl).comprehensive ~. colleague = coleg de serviciu. 10 . . supervisors = personal de supraveghere (kitchen/midday supervisor). dean = decan al unei facultăţi. primary ~. head of a chair = şef al unei catedre. . mixed ~ = şcoală mixtă. om învăţat. high ~ (= liceu). secondary modern ~. . governing board = consiliu de administraţ school = cursuri de zi.undergraduate = student. Types of schools/academies/colleges/courses/centres . nursery ~. instituţii. don = membru al corpului didactic universitar. Sunday ~ = cursuri de duminică (pentru ore de religie în special). schoolmate. . . . grammar ~. evening ~ = cursuri serale. II.Faculty of Arts. ~ of education centre = centru de învăţămînt pentru adulţi. training ~ = institut de perfecţionare. This is the name of the examination taken by school children at the age of sixteen. was replaced by the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). science of commodities = merceologie. but pupils can fail completely. ~ of Social Work and Social Policy.. technical ~ = şcoală tehnică postliceală. management = ştiinţa conducerii. . practical ~ = ore de lucrări practice. The "O" levels are taken in eight or nine subjects while the "A" levels in two or three subjects.6. class = oră de predare. Degrees. semester = semestru. qualifying ~ = examen de calificare. Grades go from A to G. . It is an examination taken by pupils at the age of 18 and it is open to anyone who has studied for it. ~ of Agriculture and Land Use. ~ of Statistics. teaching practice = practică didactică. entrance ~ = examen de admitere.academic/school year. TV ~ = courses for the Open University students. full-time and postgraduate. extra-mural ~ = cursuri fără frecvenţă.~of = vacanţă şcolară. The "A" Level . II. partial ~ = examen parţ of commerce = colegiu/institut de comerţ.was introduced in 1951. form class = oră de dirigenţie. degree ~ = cursuri pentru obţinerea unei diplome. Assessments . final ~ = qualifying school-leaving exam = examen de absolvire. ~ of Biology. vacation = vacanţă în universităţi/colegii. sandwich ~ = cursuri intensive. training period = a period that involves teaching or learning the skills that are needed for a job = perioadă de practică. ~ of Medicine. ~ of art.The "O" level exams = the General Certificate of Education. seminar = seminar. ~ of Ecology. tutorial = consultaţie. youth training centre = a centre training unemployed school-leavers. ~ of Sociology. ~ of Chemistry. Certificates. ~ of Economics: (marketing = studiul pieţii.5. cursuri ţinute de profesorii unei universităţi în afara instituţiei la care sînt încadraţi. Examinations. Periods of study and recreation . preliminary ~ = examen pregătitor. Seven independent boards at the major universities are required to write the "A" levels topics for the exams which are 11 . ~ of Law. bacalaureat. In order to be accepted by a university a pupil needs eight good grades at "O" levels and 3 "A" level passes. etc. . . course = un număr de prelegeri universitare. etc.). ~ of education = institut pedagogic.advanced courses = cursuri pentru avansaţi. ~ of Earth Sciences.Advanced Level . term = trimestru. . lecture = oră de curs. business correspondence. lab-classes = ore de laborator. courses may be part-time. Ordinary Level.oral/written examination. tourism. Sciences (= ştiinţe exacte). blotter = sugativă. extended excursions to other parts of the country. choir.000 words and should make a significant contribution to knowledge. baccalaureate = university degree of bachelor. Algebra. . The PE and Music Departments in most English schools are also served by visiting teachers who can be available for the child with the ability and will to learn how to play an instrument or to take part in a wide variety of games and outdoor activities.7. gymnastics.D = degree of Doctor of Philosophy. string group. Philosophy. Religious Education = RE. The M. to test ideas whether the candidate's own or those of others and to understand the relationship of the candidate's investigations to a wider field of knowledge. Physics. Physical Education = PE: athletics. sewing. they can re-take the exams in November or January. Curriculum/ curricula . photography. ball-point pen = pix. Students who wish to study for such degrees are usually registered in the first instance for a Master of Philosophy. Botany. cassette. Geography.taken in May and June. swimming etc.D thesis must run to 100. Geology. . cricket.diploma paper = lucrare de licenţă. Master of Arts (= grad didactic intermediar între licenţă şi doctorat). essay = eseu. of Phil. Drama. Design: fashion ~ (= design vestimentar). Reading. Children receiving tuition are expected to take part in the musical ensembles and teams of the school. modelling. Geometry. History. wind band. then for a Ph. karate. Art and Craft: metalwork. perie. cardboard = carton. other mates. of not more than 65.8. book-marker = semn de carte. is required to show ability to conduct original investigations. . keyboarding (= dactilografie). glueing. environmental ~ (= design ambiental).degrees = grade didactice. adults. research project = proiect.Arts (= obiecte umanistice). doctoral thesis = teză de doctorat. lace / toy / soft toy making.Extra-curricular activities involving teachers. Stationery and other requirements A4 paper = hîrtie format A4. blotting paper = sugativă. Bachelor of Arts / Science = licenţă.Tuition. Psychology. If the pupils fail. Archeology. drawing. Master of Philosophy = this is a research degree. woodwork. brush = pensulă. painting. The Ph. . Computer Studies. colouring.Club and society activities: library work. thesis. . dyeing (= vopsitul ţesăturilor). II. dissertation = dizertaţie. carbon paper = indigo. Social Sciences. II. referat.000 words. Home Economics = HE: cookery and needlework. expedition work. Writing. charity work. outings (= excursii scurte de o zi). 12 . Arithmetic. School facilities facility/facilities = dotări. propelling pencil = creion automat. drawing = schiţă. flip chart = diagramă (care se înfăşoară şi se deschide uşor). coloured pencils = crayons = creioane colorate. water colours = acuarele. rubber = radieră. folder = pliant. grafice care uşurează transmiterea informaţiilor. cover = copertă. fountain pen = stilou. educational ~ = dotări de învăţămînt. jotter/note-book = caiet de însemnări/de notiţe. 13 . label = etichetă. blackboard. drawing paper = hîrtie de desen. computer. indoor ~. ruler = linie. material folosit la orele de desen pentru a şterge pensula. ink-pot = călimară cu cerneală. tracing = schiţă. II. stapler = capsator. leisure/recreation ~. the gummed flap of an envelope = partea plicului cu lipici pe ea. desen.colour and wipe-off book = carte de colorat care poate fi ştearsă. typewriting paper = hîrtie de scris. refill = mină rezervă. sharpener = ascuţitoare. ink = cerneală. coloured chalk = cretă colorată. teacher's desk. simple charts = tabele. title strip = etichetă cu titlu. set tracing square = echer. pocket-calculator. map. dosar. pencil-box = penar. student's pad = mapă studenţească. refill pad = rezervă (plicuri). xerox ~ = hîrtie de xerox. punch = perforator. L-shaped square = vinclu. staple = agrafă/capsă pentru prins două coli de hîrtie. soft cloth = cîrpă. a pair of compasses = compas. paper = hîrtie. writing pad = mapă cu plicuri. classroom ~. nib = peniţă. reproducere. copy-book = caiet. headed paper = hîrtie cu antet. envelope = plic.10. drawing pin = pioneză/capsă pentru hîrtie. desk. protractor = raportor. mapă. desene. chemistry. convex = convex.09 yd or 3.759 pints.45 kg. rectangle = dreptunghi. straight line = linie dreaptă. heated indoor ~ = bazin de înot .04 in.Capacity: 1 pint = 0. 1 pound = 0. 1 litre = 1. drawing-board = planşetă. decimal ~: 0. acoperit).54 cm.8 kg or 0.98 tons. cinema-projection hall = sală de proiecţie. pyramid. study-carrel = boxă pentru studiu individual. triangle = triunghi. art and craft room = atelier. festivity hall = sală de festivităţi.62 miles. arts ~. workshop = atelier şcolar. 1 km = 0. circle = cerc. 1 ounce = 28. 15 1/4 = fifteen and a quarter. card catalogue = fişier. 1/3 = a third.28 ft (feet).546 litres. 1 tonne = 0. 14 . vulgar fractions: 1/2 = a half. 2. square = pătrat. . II. pentagon.Length: imperial and metric equivalents:1 yd (yard) = 0. meteorological office weather station = staţie meteorologică. oblic. photocopying room). Facts and figures . oblong = dreptunghiular. club. horizontal line = linie orizontală.outdoor ~. handball. 1 m = 1. games hall (equipped for basketball. physics) lecture hall = amfiteatru.35 kg. 1 gallon = 4.11. etc. library (including: lending department = secţie de împrumut.91m.51 quintals.21 pounds. computing facilities.35 g. . 0.Weight: 1 g = 0. octagon. 1/20 = a twentieth. cube = cub. assessment = evaluare. gymnasium = sală de gimnastică. II. chalk = cretă.4mm = 2.33 = (nought) point three three. cylinder = cilindru. research ~ = dotări pentru cercetare. 1 kg = 2. 2/3 = two-thirds. light-switch = întrerupător. concave = concav. hexagon. . 1 stone = 6. science ~.035 ounces. crescent = semilună. laboratory = lab (containing special equipment for experiments or research in biology. 1 in (inch) = 25. 3 feet = 1yd. cone = con. Secretarial work . duster = cîrpă de şters tabla. apă caldă. reading-room = sală de lectură. II.25 = sixteen point two five. cross = cruce.035 ounces.5 = (nought) point five.Fractions: 1.application form = formular de cerere. swimming pool. computer room. 1 hundred weight = 50.. playground. vertical line = linie verticală. 16. dome = în formă de boltă. foreign languages.13. diagonal = diagonală. Shapes angle = unghi.12. 1mm = 0. .. .submit (= a prezenta) a record of their activity to date. înregistrare.certificate = adeverinţă. to fill in an application form = a completa o cerere.. to . good. ... 2. certificat... poor / lowest)..Certificate of attendance: X attended the Summer school at the University of . Date. examination board = comisie de examinare (internal ~ = comisie de examinare din interiorul şcolii.. caracterizare. strigarea catalogului. . 4. matriculation = înmatriculare. The drawbacks and advantages of boarding-school education..what do you think about learning? 15 .to award a certificate = a acorda un certificat... He/She attended . and was attended by .. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. from . form = slip = formular.. . to issue a card = a elibera o legitimaţie. to certify = a adeveri.use a typewriter/write legibly/or use block letters. Examination Board. hours of the . degree = diplomă.. ..signature.. 3. grad didactic. B. overseas members and . average. The course .. He/She was awarded Grade Excellent/Pass/. registration = înscriere. copy = copie.. typewritten copy = exemplar dactilografiat..consult the prospectus before making formal application. Secretary. grade = calificatif la un examen (grades may be: excellent. external ~ = comisie de examinare din exteriorul şcolii). list of attendance = caiet de prezenţă. to give a certificate/reference/a certificate of competence. course in . The influence of education on personality.Certificate of qualification: This is to certify that (= se adevereşte prin prezenta că .. English/Welsh/Scottish teachers... out of . Samples of certificates: .give reference forms to referees. weak.. roll-call = apel.. from . qualification = calificare.. The qualities of a good language learner.. very good. pass mark = notă de trecere. . pass = examen luat cu un calificativ satisfăcător. 5. at this Institute/Teacher Training Institute/University/etc.) X has been awarded this certificate in .. included lectures and tutorials on . report = referat. . Requirements of application forms To complete such forms applicants should: . reference = referinţă. . Director. letter of recommendation = scrisoare de recomandare. the less you know . Area officer .. What is success in education? Is education motivated by self-interest? The more you learn. to.. Inexpensive restaurants and the chance to buy Far East spices are there and if you are here for a Chinese New Year then you are in for a treat. go there on Sunday morning. Just on the northern side of the Hyde Park you will come across dozens of artists who bring their paintings here so you can appraise them and maybe buy from them. and so on. as a small grocer`s shop and was further developed by the son of the founder. The nearest tube stations are: Marble Arch. To avoid the worst of the crowds you have to be an early riser and come between 9am and 10am. expensive furniture. began. Still looking and not buying? Then go to the Bayswater Road.I. sit outside and just watch surrounding streets waking up. Most stores have a doorman who is there to open the doors for you. These streets have designer shops ready to dazzle you. Henry Harrods. The bad news is that you may have to be prepared to struggle from store to store. Just off Oxford Street. Oxford Circus or Tottenham Court Road. This was the first store in the world to install an escalator and Victorian customers were so overcome by the experience of riding a "moving staircase" that the store posted attendants at the top of the to administer brandy to gentlemen and smelling salts to the ladies. in 1849. So if you are looking to buy designer clothes. Covent Garden with its market is a trendy place to have cup of coffee or maybe something stronger. With Oxford Circus tube station on one end. Any time of the day or night there is always something going on in Soho. where you can buy souvenirs. a few minute`s walk is Shaftesbury Avenue from where Soho and the world famous Covent Garden and Chinatown are waiting for you. Leaving it all behind. clothes. The second London street that you are most likely to visit to do your shopping is Regent`s Street. The main difference with these two streets compared with the Oxford Street is the friendliness of staff working there and the price of the things they will try to sell you. It can boast that it is the store that has delivered an elephant to Ronald Reagan. gooseberries to Saudi Arabia and a skunk to an American`s ex-wife. Harrod’s store. The good news about shopping at Oxford Street is that so many big retailers are represented here that you will be spoilt for choice. Currently it is 16 . Hamley`s is every child`s dream come true. the most famous shop in London. This presentation concentrates on the shopping streets and places that anyone is most likely to visit. smile at you and wish you a nice day. but more expensive are New Bond Street and Old Bond Street. or maybe go to an Auction then this is the right place for you to be in. Although many of whom of these artists are amateurs you may be pleasantly surprised by the craftsmanship displayed. paintings. less known and less crowded.2. The main reason for us mentioning this one is. Packed with all kinds of toys this shop will make a hole in your pocket from demands from your children. To experience a different culture and taste an exotic meal go to Chinatown. If you can force yourself to rise early. Bond Street. the Hamley`s store. A huge number of cafes gives you chance to explore different foods. when most of the other London shoppers are either in bed or having a breakfast. SHOPPING IN LONDON London is world famous for its shopping areas and famous shops. and Piccadilly Circus on the other. The best known street for shopping in London is Oxford Street. this street is packed with all kinds of shops. co. metropolis = metropolă. Entry words town n.a.An English public library has different departments. Related words townspeople/townsfolk = town-council/hall/house = primărie. . 3. the subject section (lists the same books by their subject). toţi locuitorii unui oraş. Periodicals are arranged within each class in alphabetical order of their titles.Record Library is a large lending library of records and cassettes. Books are arranged in classmark order. bars. townsman/woman = orăşean/că. by applying in person to the Issue Desk. The classmark is a combination of letters and numbers that tells you where the book can be found on the shelves. The badges can be obtained from the Issue Desk. centru administrativ.owned by the Egyptian Mohamed Al Fayed and employs in excess of 3000 staff. there is always a fine.b.târg. = 1.londononline.Audio Visual area contains the Library's stock of video-tapes and the machines for using them.You may copy Library or private material under supervision. 2.2. townlike adj. in the Photocopying Room.c. orăşeni. I.1. restaurants and even own pub this store is London`s third top attraction with around 30. I.1. Services offered to people I. you will need a borrower's badge. . TOWN I. Synonyms county town/seat = oraş de reşedinţă borough = târg. you will be invoiced for the replacement/repair cost. (adapted from Internet URL: http://www.000 customers passing it trough on daily basis. The book number or call mark (= cota cărţii) is special to each copy or volume of a work. capital = capitală. VOCABULARY I. and often title).The Restricted Loan Room contains a collection of material which is in heavy demand and this is why it is allowed out of the Library for short periods only.1. It is four acres in size and with more than 300 departments. I. If you lose or damage a book. For overdue books (= cărţile aduse cu întîrziere). You can renew your books or reserve any that are on loan (= împrumutate) to others. oraş. country-town = oraş de provincie. city = oraş mare. 2. market town = orăşel. Loan periods (= perioadele de împrumut) vary. .uk/Shopping/) A. Here you can find the card catalogue (= fişier). . Most material can be borrowed only overnight or for the weekend. It is in two sections: the name section (lists all the books by author or editor. At the public library .1.The Lending department/Loan Room (= secţie de împrumut). = orăşenesc. 17 . orăşeni. To borrow books. . they offer most food and household products. II. usually on the corner of the street. Shopping II. shopper n.department store/general store = magazin universal (offers a large variety of goods. Many bibliographies and abstract journals are stored on computer databases. ~ girl = vînzătoare. It allows you to access other online library catalogues.prăvălie. .Academic Network is a communication network that connects computers at British academic sites including universities. = a face cumpărături. which are accessible at remote terminals via worldwide telecommunication networks. they include food stores. . ~ lifter = persoană care fură din magazin.1. Types of shops . it has different departments). shopping area = zonă comercială. II.a. shopping n. warehouse = depozit. Synonyms shop = (department) mall/shopping centres = centru comercial (a modern town development.dugheană.1. II. others offer a wide range of goods. they open earlier than other shops and close later. sometimes they can afford cut prices).băiat de prăvălie.hypermarket (a big shop with different types of goods. 2.d. stall = chioşc. . ~ steward = reprezentant al muncitorilor la tratativele cu patronii. ~ keeper = negustor. 18 . a wide variety of shops are concentrated in one place.1.1. some are specialized only in one kind of goods. service ~ = magazin de deservire. tîrguieli.vînzător. = cumpărător. usually to be found in the centre of a town. their prices are cheap and reasonable. ~ walker = 1. ~ window = vitrină a unui magazin. SHOPPING IN TOWN II. under the same name. especially built outside the town).individual shop = magazin mic de tip "boutique". 3.magazin. = cumpărături.chain stores = lanţ de magazine. 3. politechnics and research institutes.supermarket/self-service system shop = magazin cu autoservire (specialized in food products and household goods).mic comerciant.supraveghetor într-un magazin. as well).lucrător într-un atelier. usually in a covered area.tarabă. ~ man = 1.debit.responsabil de raion într-un magazin.b. to shop v.atelier. 2. 1. 4. 4. = 1. filială a unei firme de magazine (can be found in different towns. a face tîrguieli. . Entry words shop n.corner shops (they are small grocer's shops. II. Online searches are faster and more comprehensive than the manual searching of printed bibliographies. . many of them open on Sundays. Related words shop-assistant = vînzător într-un magazin. .c. 2.. children's clothes (= la raionul de confecţii pentru bărbaţi şi copii). suit = costum de haine.At the gentlemen's. two-pieces ~ = ~ fără vestă. .street market (has a special characteristic atmosphere. jumper/jersey/sweater/pull-over/slipover = pulover.At the knitwear goods department (= la raionul de tricotaje) cardigan = jachetă tricotată cu nasturi în faţă. overcoat = pardesiu. skirt = fustă.vegetables and fruit counter = raionul de legume şi fructe.dairy counter = raionul de produse lactate. . jerseu. many of the shops have no doors). towel = prosop. sheepskin coat = cojoc. clothes shops electrical shops and boutiques. . scampolo. T-shirt = tricou. bra = sutien. handkerchief = batistă. mackintosh = impermeabil din cauciuc. . In a foodstore In a foodstore (= magazin alimentar) you can buy foodstuff from different counters: . sells especially vegetables. jacket = jachetă single-breasted ~ = ~la un rând de nasturi. but you can also find clothes or antiques. fur-coat = haină de blană. trousers = pantaloni.At the hosiery department (= la raionul de galanterie) bathing suit = costum de baie. three-pieces ~ = ~ cu vestă. wintercoat = palton. tie = cravată. . socks =şosete. shoe shops. . tailor-made suit = taior. suspender belt = portjartier.chemists’. shirt = cămaşă.drinks counter = raionul de băuturi. .confectionery/sweets counter = raionul de dulciuri. ladies' and children's ready-made-clothes department/men's counter = raionul de pescărie.3. ladies' fashion.ham-and-beef counter = raionul de mezeluri. waistcoat = vestă. coat = haină.bakery counter = raionul de produse de panificaţie.meats and fowl counter = raionul de carne şi păsări. it is open on Saturdays and Sundays but it can also be open on a particular day of the week). dress = rochie. double breasted~=~ la două rânduri.groceries counter = raionul de băcănie. II. knee-length stockings = ciorapi trei sferturi. dressing-gown = capot. raincoat = haină de ploaie sack coat/sports jacket = sacou. stretchies =şosete supraelastice. scarf = eşarfă. batic.2. . dinner-jacket = smoking. uniform = uniformă. night gown = cămaşă de noapte. offers colour to the place around. stockings = ciorapi. In a department store . . muffler = fular.II. garters = jartiere. 19 . drawers/slips = chiloţi. . headkerchief = basma. . silk = mătase. .At the footwear department (= la raionul de încălţăminte) boots = bocanci. handbag = poşetă. shoe string = şiret de pantofi. . tergal.Perfumery and cosmetics department (= raionul de parfumerie şi cosmetice) 20 . chain = lanţ. taffeta = tafta. voile = voal. necklace = colier. . underwear = lenjerie de corp. metraje) calico = stambă. briefcase = servietă. suedette = diftină. undervest = maiou. after shave = loţiune după ras. suitcase = geamantan. velvet = catifea. rubbers = tenişi. .At the leather goods department (= la raionul de marochinărie) belt = curea. gloves = mănuşi umbrella = umbrelă. nail-file = pilă de unghii. nylon. panties all/stretch tights = dresuri. cashmere = caşmir. walking~ = ~ de stradă. watch = ceas de mînă. pure ~ = ~ naturală. perfume. earthen-ware = vase din lut. blade = lamă de ras. cufflink = butoni pentru manşetă. sandals = sandale. cream = cremă. yard goods = metraje. mouth water. . cloth = postav.At the jewelry department (= la raionul de bijuterie) bracelet = brăţară. unbleached linen = pînză nealbită. souvenir. engraving = gravură. ring = inel (wedding = verighetă). linen-fabrics = pînzeturi. table-cloth = faţă de masă. wallet = portofel. prints = imprimeuri. serge = serj. brooch = broşă. high-heeled ~ =~ cu tocuri înalte. pyjamas = pijama. costume naţionale. present = cadou. obiecte din national costumes = ceramică. satin. overshoes/snow boots = şoşoni. napkin = şervet. slippers = papuci de casă. buckle = cataramă. damask. strap = curea de ceas. valise. poplin. comb = pieptene. artificial ~ = ~ artificială. leather~ = ~ de piele. chiffon = şifon. powder = pudră. heelless/low-heeled ~ = ~ cu tocuri joase. curtains = perdele. embroidery = broderie.At the drapery and textiles department/yard goods department (= la raionul de stofe şi textile/de produse textile.At the handicraft department (= la raionul de artizanat) ceramics = ceramică. alum = piatră ponce. leather girdle = cordon din piele. wool = lînă. all-wool = lînă pură. knee-high ~ = cizme. . trainers = adidaşi. cotton = bumbac. earrings = cercei. bleached linen = pînză albită.panties = chiloţi (scurţi de damă). nail-scissors = foarfece de unghii. safety = aparat de ras.-set. pipe = fluier. hair-restorer = loţiune pentru păr. hairclip = agrafă de păr. wind ~ = ~ de suflat. clarinet. string ~ = ~ cu coarde. eau-de-cologne. piano = pian. car = maşină. sponge = burete. marbles = bile. tweezers = pensetă. harp. make-up = fard. curler = bigudiu. tape recorder. xylophone. skipping rope = coardă de sărit. soap-box = săpunieră. hair spray = fixativ. shaving ~ = ~ de bărberit. sand moulds = forme de nisip. brass wind ~ = ~ de alamă. lute = cobză. ribbon = panglică. cord = şnur.At the musical instruments department (= la raionul de instrumente panpipe = nai. pincushion = perniţă pentru ace. horn = corn. ball. button = nasture. violin = vioară. a spool of sewing silk = papiotă. trumpet. crochet/hooked needle = croşetă. thimble = degetar. instruments = instrumente. guitar = chitară. (violon)cello. mouth organ = muzicuţă. swing = leagăn.face/skin ~ = ~ de faţă. T. cassette recorder. clockwork train = tren mecanic. hoop = cerc (de joc). (toy) balloon.At the haberdashery department (= la raionul de mercerie) . scissors = foarfece. kite = zmeu. knitting = ac de împletit. toy = jucărie (toy rabbit/bear/bus). percussion ~ = ~ de percuţie. record = disc. hair-brush = perie de păr. hook = capsă. banjo. shampoo. electric organ = orgă electronică. mascara = rimel. tooth-paste = pastă de dinţi. saxophone. tape = bandă (pentru magnetofon). roller skates = patine cu rotile. reel = mosor. tooth-brush = perie de dinţi. lipstick = ruj. hair-net = fileu pentru păr. cassette = casetă.V. record-player. electric~ = aparat de ras electric. razor = brici. thread = aţă. alămuri. shaving-set = trusă de bărbierit. clockwork train = tren mecanic. needle = ac de cusut. trombone. flute = flaut. radio-set. contrabas. doll. deodorant. bow ~ = ~ cu arcuş. muzicale) . drum = tobă. looking-glass = oglindă. upright~ = pianină. varnish remover = dizolvant. . mandoline. viola. varnish = lac de unghii. accordion. skooter = trotinetă. hand ~ = ~ pentru mîini.At the toy department (= la raionul de jucării) 21 . zipper = fermoar. rocking horse = cal balansoar. plaster = ipsos. clay = argilă.At the tobacconist's (= la tutungerie) cigar = ţigară de foi/trabuc. stockinet = tricot. ninepins = popice. a dozen of eggs. velvet = catifea. stamp. a bunch of grapes. 22 .At the chemicals department (= la raionul de chimicale) . mace reed = papură. anorak = hanorac. gym tights/trainings = costum de gimnastică/sport. a joint of meat. ball. a bottle of lemonade. a skein of silk. cigarette. fur = blană. an ear of corn. pipe = pipă. a loaf of bread. glass = sticlă. a punnet of strawberries. a ball of string. tent = cort. cast iron = fontă. a cube of sugar.At the electrical appliances department (= la raionul de aparate electrice) . a bar of soap. steel = oţel. a crate of beer. plush = pluş. camping case = trusă camping. a quiver of arrows. match-box = cutie de chibrituri. crystal.At the newsstand (= la chioşcul de ziare) II. lighter = brichetă. cobalt. tobacco-box = tabacheră pentru tutun. Collective nouns used to indicate quantity a tin of soup/pears. amber = chihlimbar. Materials used to make objects aluminium. racket = rachetă (pentru tenis).5. without tip ~ = ~ fără filtru).. rucksack = rucsac. football. a packet of biscuits/crisps. cigarette case = tabacheră. basketball. fishing-rod = undiţă. chessboard = tablă de şah. half a pound of butter/cheese.4. cellophane.At the glassware department (= la raionul de sticlărie) . rugbyball.At the household goods department (= la raionul de articole de menaj) . fish-hook = cîrlig de undiţă. sledge = sanie. gold = aur. . tin plate = tinichea necositorită. bronze. lighter flint = piatră de brichetă. a box of matches.At the stationer's (= la papetărie) . matches = chibrituri. table tennisball.At the sports articles department (= la raionul de articole sportive) air mattress = saltea gonflabilă. lace = dantelă. puck = puc. silver = argint. (filter tip ~ = ~ cu filtru. ceramics. fishing-line = aţă (sfoară) de undiţă. leather = piele.At the florist's (= la florărie) . cigarette holder = ţigaret. chess = şah. tobacco = tutun. wax = ceară. a pack of cards. a tube of toothpaste. . skis = schiuri. ski sticks = beţe pentru schiuri. copper = cupru. a pad of paper. a roll of film. a jar of jam. II. bicycle. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1.Can you let me have this jumper? .Can I see that blouse? .II. Asking for something in a shop . 5.6. 4. B. Imagine a dialogue between a shop-assistant and a lady who cannot make up her mind. 3. A larger size.I wonder if you could give me another pair of shoes. please. You want to buy a present for your friend's birthday. 2. Imagine the dialogue with the shop assistant. 23 .Can I possibly have half a pound of butter? .Would you mind giving me that pair of trousers? . Advantages and disadvantages of doing one's shopping in a department-store. Describe the main street in your town at midday and at midnight. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a small town.Can I have three metres of that material? . Getting Around Although public transport is generally of a high standard. Even without using the tunnel.3. Another service is a high-speed rail passenger service (Eurostar). As always. followed by Gatwick. There are a bewildering range of alternatives between Britain and mainland Europe. on main routes. France and Belgium. most people going to and from the Continent bought combined rail/ferry or coach/ferry tickets between London and European capitals like Paris. but shoestringers will find cheap flights all wind up in one of the four London airports: Heathrow is the largest. buses are the cheapest and most exhausting means of transport. As a result there are an enormous number of travel agents. Edinburgh and Glasgow. Getting There & Away London is one of the most important transport hubs in the world. If time is limited. The shuttle runs between terminals at Folkestone in the UK and Calais (Coquelles) in France. walking and occasionally hiring a bike. But the most popular services continued relatively unchanged. operated by the national railway companies of Britain. and are available through the large student travel agencies. II. although with a mix of local buses. London is an excellent centre for cheap tickets. you can get almost anywhere. No one knew what will happen to the old British Rail International rail/ferry. and budget flights (especially stand-by and last-minute offers) can be very good value.I. the Sunday Observer and the Sunday Independent. The best resource. cars. however. a division of National Express (the largest UK bus line). which screen 24 . Eurolines. GETTING TO GREAT BRITAIN & AROUND I. they are also the slowest and. in particular. The ferries/hovercraft all carry cars and motorbikes. rail/hovercraft services because of the tunnel service. Stansted and Luton. you can still get to Europe by bus or train – it's just that there's a short ferry/hovercraft ride thrown in as part of the deal. they are confined to major roads. the occasional taxi. plenty of time. Unfortunately. a car becomes a serious temptation. but the best known ones are the classical night ferries to several destinations. Buses are nearly always the cheapest way to get around. For the first time since the ice ages. British Rail International's European trains leave from London's Victoria or Liverpool Street stations. is TNT Magazine. Excellent discount charter flights are often available to full-time students aged under 30 and all young travellers aged under 26 (you need a youth card). check the Sunday Times. Eurotunnel operates a round-the-clock shuttle service (Le Shuttle) for motorbikes. Britain has a land link (albeit a tunnel) with Europe. however. Brussels and Amsterdam. freight vehicles and buses on specially designed one and two-decker railway carriages. although discount rail tickets are competitive. Youth fares are available for holders of the National Express Discount Coach Card. There are international air links with London. has an enormous network of European destinations. Manchester. Newcastle. A small saving on the fare may not adequately compensate you for an agonizing two days on a bus that leaves you completely exhausted for another two days. including Ireland and Eastern Europe. Eurolines also has some good-value explorer tickets that are valid for up to six months and allow travel between a number of major cities. some of dubious reliability. most travellers are going to want to get to the national parks and small villages where transport is worst. Until the opening of the Channel Tunnel. c. = 1. pp. by train = cu trenul. = călător. I. trip = excursie. 189-193) A. 2.călătorie (de obicei mai lungă). Related words agency = agenţie turistică. Mark et al. 2.Generalities . I. travel ticket = bilet de călătorie. companion = tovarăş de călătorie.comis voiajor.) cursă a pistonului.călător.a călători. travelling adj. excursion. accelerat). = 1. by from the small towns and landscapes that make travel worthwhile in the first place. With discount passes and tickets.a. impressions/notes = impresii/note de călătorie. 2. yachting = călătorie de plăcere cu iahtul. local 25 .3. Entry words travel n.3.a. a Lonely Planet Shoestring Guide. they are quicker and often take you through beautiful countryside that is still relatively unspoilt by the 20th century. Synonyms drive = plimbare cu trăsura. wayfare = drumeţie. voyage = călătorie (pe mare). by motorcycle = cu motocicleta. journey = călătorie (pe uscat). by (motor) coach = cu autocarul. walk = plimbare. Ways of travelling and means of transport for people I. goods ~(= ~ marfar). expedition. (adapted from Amstrong. to travel v. globetrotting = cutreierare a globului pământesc.) pod rulant. TRAVELLING I. hike = excursie pe jos. = 1. down train (= tren din capitală sau oraşele principale spre provincie). passage = călătorie (pe mare).1. trains can be competitive. VOCABULARY I. călătorie călare sau cu bicicleta.By land (= pe uscat) We can travel in town or outside the town: by bicycle.(tehn. cu maşina. by motorcycle and side = motocicletă cu ataş. tour. 3.: Western Europe. ride = plimbare. I. traveller n.b.1. outing = plimbare de o zi în aer ~(= ~ expres). wanderings = hoinăreală. travelling agent = agent turistic. sail = călătorie cu o ambarcaţiune cu pînze.( ~ (= ~ rapid.a fi comis voiajor.1. They give information about lift = telecabină. steamship/steam vessel/steamer = ~ cu aburi.rocket/spaceship = navă spaţială.3. . The middle lane has traffic going at a speed (= viteză) of sixty or seventy miles an hour. Cockerell. A motorway is very wide. sleeper/over-night ~(=~cu vagon de dormit). Between the three lanes going one way (= într-o direcţie) and those going the other way there is a grassy space.p. passenger ship/liner = ~ de pasageri. ship = vapor. Lines marked down the road divide it into lanes.many years ago: by carriage/coach = cu trăsura. . Motorways are the newest roads. pachebot cu curse regulate.h). parte carosabilă a străzii) has lanes (bands)/ carriageways (= benzi de circulaţie). through ~ (= ~ direct).By water (= pe apă) by sea = pe mare. On a road map they are marked by thick lines or thin lines. jolly ~ = bărcuţă.S. by cart/waggon = cu căruţa. delays (= întîrzieri). It hovers over (= pluteşte peste/deasupra) water or land on a cushion of compressed air. by mail coach = cu poştalionul. departures. ferry ~ = bac.By air (= pe calea aerului) . yacht = iaht. The thick lines are for the main roads (going long distances across the country and from town to town). On it stands a barrier (= barieră). stradelă de ţară).3. If a car bursts a tire (= are explozie de cauciuc) and runs off 26 .nowadays: the strongest and most fashionable means of transport is the hovercraft (= vehicul pe pernă de aer. connections (= legături). It was invented by the British engineer C. The roadway (= şosea. feribot. . . travelling at speeds up to 300 miles per hour (m. Travelling by car/by motor coach/by bicycle A road is usually long. I.slow ~ (= ~ personal. . It goes from one town to another or from village to village.cable railway/ropeway/rope railway = teleferic.b. Travelling by train . cursă). boat = barcă.All the information about trains is offered by the timetable (= mersul trenurilor) or by the information desk (= birou de informaţii) at a railway station. A motorway has three lanes going each way.c. jet plain = avion cu reacţie. ship's ~ = şalupă. jawl ~ = iolă. The thin lines are for by-roads (= drumuri laterale) or country lanes (= alee. passenger ~(= ~ de pasageri). The right-hand lane (= banda de pe partea dreaptă) is for slow traffic. rowing ~ = barcă cu vîsle. cursă).aircraft = aparat de zbor. helicopter/hoverplane = ambulance~ = ~ sanitar. motor ~ = ~ motor. I. The left-hand lane is used only for passing other traffic (= pentru depăşire). and across the Channel to France. up ~ (= ~ din localităţi de provincie spre capitală sau oraşele principale). . It is used for regular passenger services around Britain's coast. long distance ~(= ~ de cursă lungă)..~(= ~ local. . vessel/liner = vas de linie. about the platform (= peron) the trains leave from or come to. airplane/plane = future: the hovertrain. battery = baterie de acumulatori. blinker = semnalizator de direcţie. No cyclists or pedestrians are allowed on motorways. door lock = încuietoarea uşii. silencer = muffler = tobă de eşapament. boot/trunk = portbagaj. rear view mirror = oglindă retrovizoare. folding squab = spătarul rabatabil al scaunului. Later. to make them smooth. inflator = pompă de aer. The surface paving stones were arched in the middle so that rain ran off into ditches. rear axle = puntea (axa) din spate. it will hit the barrier and stop. radiator grill = mască radiator. gear box = cutie de viteze. . Roads can be made of gravel (= pietriş). differential = diferenţial.Only people over 18 may drive a car. (adapted from Illustrated Colour Dictionary and Webster’s Illustrated Dictionary Encyclopedia) . rear side panel = aripă spate. stone (= piatră) or asphalt. Accessories . fender = aripă protectoare din faţă. back ~ = ~ din spate). Instead of crossroads there are flyover bridges (= poduri suspendate). macadamized roads were built.The parts of a car. shock absorber = amortizor.the road. lamp = far (head lamp with high and low beam = far cu fază lungă şi scurtă. 27 . It will not run into the other three lanes of traffic. There are no crossroads on motorways. spring = arc. Modern road building began during the Industrial Revolution. bumper = mască/bară de protecţie. They are "built-up" (= aglomerate). sparkling plug = bujie. etc. carburator = carburator. dashboard = tablou de bord. after they pass a driving test (= examen pentru luarea permisului de conducere) and get a driving licence (= permis de conducere). Streets are short roads in towns and villages. They are covered with tar (= gudron. houses. boot-lid/trunk lid = capotă/portbagaj. but their stony surface was not good for vehicles with rubber tires. they have shops. rear window = parbriz spate. along them. to ensure an uninterrupted flow of traffic. mudguard = apărătoare de noroi. is called a driver. factories. The Romans were the first great road builders. number plate = număr de înmatriculare. They made roads of gravel and stones. door handle = mînerul uşii. chassis = saşiu. păcură) or asphalt. A person driving a car. They are marked by milestones (= borne kilometrice) and have road traffic signs that help the traffic. schools. bonnet/engine hood = capotă motor. seat = scaun (front ~ = ~ din faţă. petrol tank = rezervor de benzină. wheel rim = jantă. high beam indicator = lampă de control a fazei lungi. valve = valvă. air-borne = aeropurtat. accelerator pedal = pedală de acceleraţie. reflector. tire = pneu. pedal. oil pressure gauge = indicator al presiunii uleiului. pump = pompă. air-brake = frînă pneumatică. windshield wiper = ştergător de parbriz.3.d. steering gear = casetă de direcţie. direction indicator control light = lampa de control a semnalizatorului de direcţie. direction indicator lever = manetă comutator de semnalizare a direcţiei. brake. wiper switch = comutatorul ştergătorului de parbriz. air-mail = poştă aeriană. cigarette-lighter = brichetă. supapă. saddle = şa.accelerator knob = buton de comandă a şocului. fresh-air lever = manetă de aerisire. rear light = lumini spate. gasoline level gauge/indicator = indicatorul nivelului de benzină. steering wheel = volan. I. glove compartment = torpedo. air-pocket = gol de aer. sun-visor = para-solar. wheel = roată. hand brake light = lampă de control pentru frîna de mînă. ignition key = cheie de contact. airplane = avion. wheel hub = cap de roată (cromat). windscreen = parbriz. tire = pneu. . horn = claxon. water temperature indicator = indicator de temperatură a apei. wheel disc = discul roţii. spoke = spiţă. Travelling by plane air = aer. tool bag = geantă pentru scule. brake = frînă (foot ~ = ~ de picior. gear lever = manetă schimbător de viteze. heater fan switch = comutatorul ventilatorului sistemului de încălzire. radio receptor = radio.tail light with stop light = lanternă spate cu lampă stop. ventilator lever = maneta trapei de aerisire. air-base = bază aeriană. hand ~ = ~ de mînă). clutch pedal = pedală de ambreaj. 28 . airman = pilot. air-bladder = băşică de aer. speedometer = vitezometru. air-liner = avion de pasageri. handle bars = ghidon. aviator. lamp. ventilator = clapetă aerisire. ampermeter = ampermetru. airport = aeroport. mudguard. wheel = roată (spare ~ = ~ de rezervă). chain = lanţ. air-chamber = cameră de aer. .The parts of a bycycle bell = sonerie. regular/scheduled flight = zbor conform orarului. controllers organise the landing and take off of each airplane. motorless flight = zbor fără motor. Here. As soon as an airplane has landed. . engine. cală pentru bagaje. navigation light.types of flight all weather flight = zbor în orice condiţie. they must be sure that all aircraft take off and land (= a ateriza) safely and on times. baggage hold = cabină. air-jacket = haină pneumatică de salvare. The runways are usually parallel and in line with the prevailing wind. . non-stop flight. they must provide hangars and workshops so that planes can be checked regularly. air-shed = hangar. wing = aripa. daily flight = zbor zilnic. air-cushion = pernă pneumatică. it moves along. seat (reclining ~ = scaun rabatabil). wheels (retractable main ~ = roată retractabilă). information about weather.Airports Airports have three main purposes: they must handle passengers. air-highway = traseu aerian. seat-belt = centură de siguranţă. radio aerials. air-line = linie aeriană. aircrash = accident de avion. airspace = spaţiu aerian. airfield = aerodrom. which is always safer. intercom = sistem de comunicare internă a avionului. airproof = ermetic. aeronavă.air-conditioning = aer condiţionat. airship = dirijabil. passanger cabin/compartment. or taxis (= rulează) to 29 . . Travelling by air is as safe as any other means of transport. air-screw = elice. international flight = zbor internaţional. rudder = cîrmă de direcţie. any risk is eliminated by: thorough inspection of the planes before taking off (= decolare). air traffic = trafic aerian. automatic pilot = pilot automat. radio beacons (= semnale radio). aircraft = avion. cockpit = carlingă. charter flight. modern and well-equipped airplanes. so that an aircraft can land against the wind. air-force = aviaţie militară. The center of operations at the airport is the air traffic control tower (= turnul de control al traficului aerian). modern compasses (= busolă). airway = rută aeriană. domestic/internal flight = zbor intern (pe rută internă). blind flight = zbor fără vizibilitate. from a height (= înălţime) of 5 or 6 miles (6 to 8 kms) onto a concrete (= beton) runway about 3 kms long and 60 meters wide.Parts of a plane aileron = eleron. air-sick = care are rău de avion. mail and freight (= încărcătură). railing = balustradă. (adapted from Bowood. Cleaners arrive to empty the cabin and load (= a încărca) on food for the next flight. Different types of boats and sails were fitted so as to catch as much wind as possible. antenna = antenă. and it is quite different from any wheeled vehicle. Here trucks are waiting. safety-boat = barcă de three decker = vas cu trei salvare. used for navigation. ship or airplane. punţi. Fuel tankers move in to refill to airliner's tanks. life ~ = ~ de salvare.3. captain's bridge = punte de comandă. It is well provided with everything necessary to allow for the navigation in the best conditions (a good crew and all sorts of facilities). When there were no reeds or area called apron. stern = pupă. larboard = babord. salvare. propeller = elice. prow = proră. The first real boats appeared later. ~ house = cabina căpitanului. it can operate on the sea and is airborne in operation. It combines many of the capabilities of all three: it can carry heavy loads (= încărcătură) over land. raft = plută. porthole = hublou. Being in a boat or yacht on a rough (= agitată) sea is quite dangerous. lower ~ = ~ inferioară. berth = cuşetă. The first boats date back to prehistoric times. hold = cală. all boats were driven by sails (= pînze) and oars (= vîsle). cabin. mast = catarg.The component parts and the accessories of a vessel: anchor = ancoră. deck = punte. and were simply floating logs (= trunchiuri de copac) or driftwood paddled with the hands. Until the 1800s. ready to carry baggage to the terminal. The hovercraft is an entirely new form of transport. (adapted from Illustrated Colour Dictionary and Webster’s Illustrated Dictionary Encyclopedia) . The invention of the steam engine made paddle wheels and propellers possible. starboard = tribord. A vessel is a craft bigger than a rowboat. sailing boats and row boats are used by people in all parts of the world. ~ for radio beacons = semnale luggage room = magazie pentru radio pentru bagaje. safety-belt = colac de promenade~. boats were made of skins (= piei de animale) stretched over a light framework. which was a raft (= plută) made of logs or bundles of reeds tied together. Today. A cushion of air is maintained between the craft and the surface by driving air at pressure under the hovercraft. Travelling by boat It is pleasant and exciting to have a row (= plimbare cu barca) or a voyage on board (= la bordul) a yacht or a vessel. This cushion supports the weight of the craft and keeps it 30 . But it is not dangerous to be on board a ship/vessel in such conditions. engine room = sala maşinilor. main ~ = ~ principală. One was the dugout (= pirogă) canoe. R: The Story of Flight) I. motorboats. After a while the dugout and the raft were built up with sides of wooden planks (= scînduri).e. engine. . Air must be pumped in continuously to maintain the necessary lift. but current models favour the use of gas turbines. propeller pitch indicator. Electrical power is used to start the engine and ignite (= a pune în funcţiune) the fuel driving the engine.each passenger has his/her own seat. . . The cabin for passengers is typical of the passenger aircraft except that seat belts have not so far been considered necessary. in principle.independence of choosing the route. E. The fuel used is either low grade petrol or kerosene. . a hovercraft has no physical contact with the surface over which it is travelling. An instrument panel (= panou/tablou de bord) is fitted in front of the commander. the commander needs to be a person combining many of the piloting skills of an aircraft pilot with the navigational skills of a sea captain. The supply (= aprovizionarea) is obtained from a generator which charges a battery to maintain a supply when the engine is stopped.: The Hovercraft) . The idea of supporting a vehicle on a cushion of air developed from early attempts at producing vertical take off aircraft. Consequently. Most craft are fitted with flexible skirts which contain the cushion of is not dangerous. Fuel is pumped to the throttle valve by means of an electrically driven pump. Generally. It requires tremendous power to drive it and uses most of the power developed by the engine.clear off the surface. (adapted from Hayden. This is done by a lift fan (= ventilator).Any journey or voyage has advantages and disadvantages .S. lifejackets are available under the seats. . takes a short time. . This type of engine is smaller and lighter. a throttle valve (= fluturaş) and as many injectors as there are combustion chambers.rather like aircraft controls.advantages: .you can eat/drink/read/sleep. a pump. The hovercraft's air cushion is like a leaking tire. the hovercraft requires lift and is relatively cheap. Lift is entirely dependent on the speed of the engine driving the lift fan. radar equipment and many instruments require (= cer) electricity. They include: compass (= busolă). Hovercraft are generally used more over the sea than elsewhere. (revolutions per minute) indicator. in order to lift the hovercraft. The propeller used to drive the hovercraft is usually an aircraft type. r. and also the wish to increase the speed of boats by feeding air beneath them to ease (=a uşura) their passage over the water. Basically. air speed indicator. to carry all of the instruments for safe operation of the hovercraft.m. It is necessary to raise the chamber pressure only a little above atmospheric pressure. The fuel system is quite simple and consists of a fuel tank (= rezervor).it doesn't make noise. 31 . so the controls must be aerodynamic . The lights. Should an emergency occur. The propellers used on hovercraft are fourbladed (= cu patru lamele).it is comfortable. radio. Piston type engines have been used in early hovercraft. 4. Means of transport for goods . to ship. B. shipping. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport. .you can't choose the route. can't read/sleep. . can see many things. . 3. barges (= şlepuri). tankers (= tanc can stop where you makes noise. you can't stop where you want.transport (n. .it is crowded/cramped. . 5. Imagine the dialogue. Water transport uses bulkcarrier (= vase ce transportă încărcături mari). What are a few of the effects that the development of air travel has had on modern life and world events? 2. . transportation.): to convey.): carriage. trailers (= remorci) and semi-trailers. Road transport is more expensive than railway transport..disadvantages: .it takes a long time to get where you want. .it is not comfortable. basculante). .The development of our national economy led to the development of transport. petrolier).you can meet other people. I. 32 . Describe a journey you have just is dangerous. . You are on a train with a fellow-passenger who has visited the town you live in. . There are also different types of lorries: refrigerated ~. to carry. navă tanc. to transport (vb. tank ~. . transference. is (quite) expensive. tipping ~ (= can get air/car/seasick. . TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Describe your first trip on a plane. 4. .Road transport makes use of motor-vehicles. cargo-boats. Each professional body has a list of organizations that offer accredited training for 33 . Fairs offer the chance to talk to firm representatives face-to-face and can provide an opportunity to make contacts. A career in engineering can be truly international. which takes around seven years and includes education. Many large companies participate in fairs on campus. GE. While it is relatively easy to get employment around the world as an engineer. The professional status of chartered engineer also commands international respect. Nokia and Shell all recruit internationally and visit recruitment fairs across Europe.I. Telecommunications companies are also big on global reach. although we have sandwich courses. for example. ENGINEERING CAREERS AND JOB OPPORTUNITIES Leading firms in the engineering sector are among the most international in their outlook. it becomes easier once you have gained two or more years’ industrial experience. for example. An MEng degree from a UK university is recognized worldwide as an excellent grounding. work experience before graduation is more restricted and it is quite possible to graduate without any. In the UK there is a severe shortage of civil engineers. This inevitably places more emphasis on industrial training after graduation. Siemens. Allowing the numerous overseas students who come to the UK for an engineering education to stay will certainly alleviate this problem. Vodaphone. with seismic investigations and the drilling of wells often taking place in the most remote regions. Apply directly to those firms you find attractive that are offering career opportunities in your area of engineering. engineering qualifications are very portable. Websites of the professional bodies provide lots of careers and job information. All European Union (EU) countries have an agreement on what they call the ‘formation’ of a professional engineer. The order in which these occur differs around Europe. for a graduate with a first degree to immediately gain employment in the USA. The French and Germans prefer their students to gain industrial experience at home and abroad during the course of their studies. It is unusual. There are numerous publications advertising vacancies in the engineering sector every year. Fortunately. and English is their business language. Attending a careers fair can be a great way of discovering who is recruiting.4. airport terminals in Toronto and Tel Aviv. The Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) produces information on the international work of its members. The industry is used to working in multinational teams. an oil platform in the Philippines and the Channel tunnel are among their completed projects. This was followed in 2004 with a move to allow all new graduates in engineering from UK universities to stay in the UK for at least a year after graduating. initial training and experience. When and if the telecommunications and automobile industries get back to ‘normal’ levels of recruitment there will be shortages of good engineers. However. has employees in 28 countries and BT offers career opportunities across Europe. and in 2003 the government relaxed its work permit rules for these engineers from overseas. Oil exploration has always been international in nature. but not impossible. In the UK. has offices in eight European countries and 16 elsewhere in the world. Arup. Organizations such as Ford. Project work could take you anywhere – the Hong Kong metro. companies in the UK are placing increasing value on work experience or internships during vacation time and/or sandwich degrees. Philips. post. lucrări mărunte.prospects. clients and suppliers. You might start in a technical function and develop as a professional. affair. a închiria cai şi trăsuri. = 1. odd. Speculative applications to firms of your choice often pay off. jobless adj. slujbă. ocupaţie. to job A. well-paid. responsibility.a. intermediar. position. Company training schemes often lead to professional qualifications. profession. You can discover details of trade associations and of their members as well as whether they are electronics companies.low paid. dull. I. calling. Your career can develop in many different ways within the engineering sector. complete a project or write a report to gain professional recognition. I. a face afaceri. In addition to technical competence. Be prepared to complete aptitude tests as part of the application and interview process. lucru. îndeletnicire. the engineering sector also wants team players who can solve problems and communicate with customers. . if they match your requirements. 4. 2. budgets and clients’ expectations.1. trade. You may need to keep a diary of your experiences. JOBS I.1. 3. send in a speculative application. = 1. 2. Related words jobber The schemes will usually include secondment to various departments. employment. jobmaster n. = speculă la bursă. afacerist. antreprenor. jobbery n. part-time.1. optimizing supply chains or hiring new technical staff in human graduates intent on gaining professional qualifications. mission.d.b. function. îndeletnicire. In addition to your technical abilities. Entry words job n. = 1. Synonyms activity. career. 2.1. over-time. 34 . = şomer. assignment. negotiating with suppliers. Alternatively. This may involve managing a facility such as manufacturing. Types of jobs . Selection procedures always include questions about competencies. engineering consultants. or a project for a client. duty. your career could progress in a different direction. task. serviciu. charge. 3. you will also develop the skills necessary to manage people. business. work. Investigate their vacancies and career development opportunities and. VOCABULARY I. perhaps marketing the products you know so well technically. treabă. before moving into a management position.attractive. afacere.full-time. risky.c. They also appreciate the ability to recognize commercially promising approaches rather than expensive solutions that cannot be marketed. occupation. aerospace manufacturers or active in other parts of the engineering industry. muncă. . (adapted from Internet URL: http://www. Most companies will list the required competencies on their website and it pays to study these carefully before embarking on an application. plus training in the area in which you will eventually work. funcţie. I. vocation. = persoană care închiriază cai şi trăsuri. . My address is .A letter of application looks like this: Sir. (date) . potential candidates will need to show evidence of the following: • technical knowledge. With reference to your advertisement in . • creative ability. make notes on your experience. . qualifications and positions held. I wish to apply (= a solicita) for the job. At the interview you should wear your best clothes (to give a good impression). you must prepare for the interview when you must appear in front of an employer (= patron) or a group of selectors. it must be clear and not too long.. I... outdoors... • managerial skills. The letter must be accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae (CV) that should be typed. show enthusiasm for the job. • fluency in a second language. (signature) For engineering positions. Looking for a job/getting a job . of.. look tidy. a aproba) an interview. • accuracy and attention to detail. 35 .2. if required to work in an international company. skills and achievements (= realizări). If you are looking for a job you have to read the job columns in the newspaper. If you get a positive answer. It must include personal details. Then. • IT skills.. a admite. . you must write a letter of application (= cerere) or if possible. Yours sincerely.. I hope you will be kind enough to consider my application and grant (= a acorda. to fill in an application form (= formular de cerere). such as time and resource planning. (newspaper) . • communication and interpersonal skills.indoors... • a high level of scientific knowledge and the ability to apply this knowledge to practical problems... • problem solving and analytical ability.Newspapers and magazines have advertisements (= reclame) concerning possible jobs. qualifications etc. • organisational skills. Bacau Baccalaureate ROMANIAN English and French: very good MOTHER TONGUE OTHER LANGUAGES Reading. testing and evaluating theoretical designs. 600078.CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Address Telephone E-mail Nationality Date of birth VALEANU VALERIU 1 Letea Street. discussing and solving complex problems with manufacturing departments. EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of organization providing education and training • Principal subjects • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of organization • Principal subjects • Title of qualification awarded • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of organisation providing education and training • Title of qualification awarded From 2005 to the present University Of Bacau. The Faculty of Engineering Enrolled for a Master degree program in the Management of industrial production From 2001 to 2005 University Of Bacau. B category 36 . Apt. Romania 0234-655525 valeriuvaleanu@yahoo. Romania Manufacturing industry Mechanical engineer on probation WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or positions held • Main activities and responsibilities as a teaching assistant • designing • • • • • and implementing cost-effective equipment modifications to help improve safety and reliability. developing a project specification with colleagues. planning and designing new production processes. The Faculty of Engineering Mechanical engineering BEng From 1998 to 2001 “Vasile Alecsandri” High School. often including those from other engineering disciplines. managing projects using engineering principles and techniques. Bacau. suppliers and customers. sub-contractors.1. Romanian 10 July 1981 From November 2006 to the present SC MACHINE TOOLS SA Bacau. writing and verbal skills Additional information driving licence. ~ mate = coleg de muncă. 6.1. ~ force = forţă de lucru.lucru. 2. 3. 6.brainwork. acţiune (a unui medicament). creative work.muncitor. uzină. 3. 4. ~ man = muncitor. a executa. operă de artă. to work by agreement = a lucra în acord. execuţie.executabil. iscusit. a lucra de mîntuială. ~ room = atelier.(pl) muncitorime. ~ house = fabrică. to work (on) short hours = a şoma. = 1. extra-work. activitate.working alone.lucrătură. Types of work . muncă. ~ people = muncitorime.efect. ~ shop = atelier. to work for = a presta zile muncă.1. workable adj. working n. worker n. working-clothes = haine de lucru.(pl) fabrică mare. bine executat. lucrător. 3.(fig) acţiune. 2. 5. = 1.muncitor.îndemînare.prelucrare mecanică. azil de săraci. 5. working adj. 37 . mobil. to work in a slapdash way = a da rasol. to work overtime = a face ore suplimentare. workaday adj. maşinărie. 6. 9. WORK II. sarcină.treabă. 2. ~ load = normă.c. 2. workmanlike adj. a elabora. 3. cărticică. office work. a înfăptui (un plan). 3. ~ sheet = carte de muncă. = 1. îndemînatic. a avea o slujbă. 5. lucrător. 3.a. măiestrie. de exploatare. to work in relay = a munci în schimburi. = 1. voluntary work. ~ horse = cal folosit în special pentru muncă.cultivare (a pămîntului). ~ box = cutie pentru materiale si unelte. 2. ~ bench = banc de lucru.asupra căruia se poate acţiona. working outside. ~ of art = operă de artă. manual work. Related words work-bag = sacoşă de lucru (pentru croitorie).manevrare. ~ book = broşură.(pl) construcţii. lucru. 8. 2. 4. făcut de mîini îndemînatice. = 1.execuţie îngrijită.b. workmanship n.lucrare. a lucra. to work v. = 1. = 1. = 1. a prelucra. Entry words work n.(fig) agitaţie. pentru zilele de lucru. a manevra. cîrmuire.operă (work of art). . working inside. muncă. II. ~ out = stagiu. a cîrmui (o maşină). 4. research work.1.(fig) prozaic. 2. de lucru. care munceşte.lucru.(pl) mecanism.7. antrenament. II. în vigoare. secţie (într-o uzină). to work whole-heartedly = a munci cu avînt. 4.albină/furnică lucrătoare. working away from home. = 1.fabricaţie. 2. 5.fermentaţie (a vinului). 2.cultivare (a unui teren). 5.II. a conduce (o acţiune). 38 . news-stand. box-office = ghişeu la teatru. pen and ink. Places of work agency/firm = agenţie.mechanism = mecanism.Technology = tehnologie. II. instrument. library. aviary = crescătorie de păsări. grocery.echipament. beauty shop/saloon parlour. prosecutor's ~ = procuratură. fishery = cherhana. editorial office = redacţie. moving. 2.Clothes: overalls = salopetă. schemă. poultry ~ = fermă de păsări. 2. surgery.machine = maşină. . 3. inquiry office. research work. . = echipament.device = 1. dyehouse = boiangerie. haberdashery. foundry = topitorie. bar. What does work imply? . farm = fermă. = a technical method of achieving a practical purpose. proiect. . tribunal. . .machinery = 1. studio = atelier (al unui pictor).3. post-office. . protective clothing.apparatus = aparat. office = birou. thermo.~ = hidrocentrală. . tobacconist's. dental surgery = cabinet dental. mijloc. barber's. utilaj. 3. orphanage. aprovizionare. clockmaker's/watchmaker's.Technique = tehnică. aparat. conservatoire. . . hosiery. specialist tools. publishing house = editură. barkery = tăbăcărie.Actions: calculating. inventing. creating. hydro. .II. companie. outdoor work. millinery. dockyard/shipyard = şantier naval. saltworks = salină. printing house = tipografie.tool = unealtă. farriery = potcovărie. police-station. quarry stone pit = carieră de piatră.dispozitiv. hairdresser's. flower shop. smithy = fierărie. furriery = blănărie. butchery = abator.outfit = 1. embassy = ambasadă. bakery = brutărie.gear = 1. mechanical tools. sculă.plan. faculty. theatre. . night club.procedeu.aparatură. . . compassing.~ = termocentrală. circus. bookshop. power station = centrală. safety helmet = cască de protecţie. airport.înzestrare. booking-office. 2. mine = mină. chambers = birou de avocatură. electrical equipment.ansamblu de maşini.mecanism.2. mecanism. school. restaurant. mecanism. 2. county hall = prefectură. production line work.Tools/equipment: hitech equipment. dairy = lăptărie. law-court = judecătorie. aparat.aparat. pig breeding ~ = fermă de porci. dispozitiv. lifting. physical equipment. III. . commerce/ n. employee n. deals with living beings and life processes.salary = salariu. weather-station = staţie laboratory. leafă (for intellectual work) = payment made at regular intervals for services. Health 5. a branch of study concerned with observation and classification of facts and especially with the establishment of verifiable general laws. = patron.1.5. laundry. Unemployment . plants and animals). 2. = angajat. = slujbă. joiner's shop = atelier de tîmplărie. . employment n. hotel. plumbery = atelier de topit şi prelucrat plumb. II. magnitude and constitution). 2. Science and research .Other fields of activity III. for a doctor/lawyer. according to contract. dulgherie.accumulated systematized knowledge especially when it relates to the physical world.utilizare. a angaja. upholster's = atelier de tapiţerie.Sciences and scientists Aeronautics . Religion 10. serviciu. agriculture. transport. unemployed n.the study of celestial bodies (their motions. Arts 7. Payment For their work. 39 .People receive: . întrebuinţare. serviciu. remuneraţie = the charge for a professional service. people are paid. Army. slujbaş. leafă (for physical work) = payment for labour or services.dealing with the operation of aircraft or with their design and manufacturing. Law 9. Education 6. to employ v. = angajat. . works = uzină.fee = onorariu. They receive payment (= plată. = a da de lucru. sumă plătită). II. = 1.industry. 3. Economics . Biology . . = 1.employ n. = şomer. the one dealing with it = biologist (= biolog).wages = salariu. Cultural life. the one dealing with it = astronomer (= astronom). meat-processing factory = combinat de industrializarea cărnii. employer n. meteorologică. Money is given by a paymaster (= casier).ocupaţ according to a pay-roll (= stat de plată).4. Public services 8. Building 4.the study of living things (organisms. Science and research 2. employed n. DIFFERENT FIELDS OF ACTIVITY 1. Astronomy . Geography . Microbiology = the science of using bacteria (microbes) in industrial processes. Electronics = the science that deals with the behaviour and control of electrons in vacuums and gases and with the use of electron tubes. Physics = deals with matter (= materie) and motion. pressure. the one dealing with it = philosopher (= filozof). it is the result of inventing (making something for the first time. Bionics = the science of designing instruments or systems modelled after living organisms. . = a cerceta The work of research teams of scientists and engineers is hard. the one dealing with it = geographer (= geograf). So. = cercetător to research with restoring and preserving of health. the result is an invention (= invenţie). Embryology = the study and manipulation of human embryos. Biotechnology: genetics ~ = the study and manipulation of the genes in plants and animals. Technics = the study and science of mechanical and industrial with the history of the Earth and its life.the study of the Earth and what happens on it.Research n. Sociology = the study of the relationship and adjustment of human groups to their geographical environment. the one dealing with it = psychologist (= psiholog). the one dealing with it = physicist (= fizician). Cybernetics = the science dealing with the comparative study of the operations of complex electronic computers and the human nervous system. Oncology = the branch of medicine dealing with tumors. Medicine . the one dealing with it = mathematician (= matematician). Geology .) exerted by air or other gases in motion. Aerodynamics = the branch of aeromechanics that deals with the forces (resistance. the one dealing with it = chemist (= chimist). Ecology = the branch of biology that deals with the relations between living organisms and their environment.It is the work of 40 . . Sonicity = the study of sound waves. the one dealing with it = sociologist (= sociolog). the one dealing with it = physician (=doctor). Psychology = the science of mind and behaviour. fabricating). with the composition. transistors etc. devising.Chemistry . the one dealing with it = geologist (= geolog). etc. = cercetare researcher n. meaning something new.New sciences Aerodinetics = the science of soaring in a glider. structure and properties of substance and of the changes they undergo. Mathematics = the science of numbers and their operations and the relation between them. Philosophy = a critical study of fundamental beliefs and the ground for them. especially as recorded in rocks. Sociology = the study of the development and structure of society and social relations. photoelectric cells. Other inventions brought revolution in the way society organizes itself. Inventions in power and machinery brought the industrial revolution. the Colossus at Rhodes. Lighthouse at Alexandria. Graham Bell in 1876. These waves are known as "Hertzian waves" and they can be transmitted without wires across space. The telephone was invented by A. The first English printer was William Caxton who set up his printing press in Westminster in 1476. Not long before 1939 the first radar set was invented. making a vacuum. Edison Thomas discovered that electricity could be used for lighting. hauled a train at 30 miles an hour. the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. the Rocket. the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 41 . or in health. distance. the Statue of Zeus Jupiter at Olympus. In the steam turbine. the Temple of Diana at Ephesus. THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD . The Catacombs of Alexandria. the Great Wall of China. jets of steam expand between the vanes (= paletele de pe un ax) on a shaft and those on the casing. and spin it round. the sattelites of Jupiter. The thread of carbon is enclosed in a glass bulb from which the air has been extracted. he used it to study the heavens and discovered the mountains on the Moon. C. The printing press (= tipografie) was invented by the German Johann Gutenberg who printed the Bible in 1456. In 1831 Michael Faraday induced (= forced) an electric current which meant the beginning of the dynamo. height and speed of a reflecting object. Sophia in Constantinople. Maxwell's "radio waves" (1864) had been correct. In 1781 James Watt patented the steam engine which drove a wheel round. travelling at 186. the millions of stars forming the Milky Way. If a current of electricity passes through a fine thread or filament of carbon it will glow white hot and give a strong light. the Porcelain Tower of Nanking. When at sea on long voyages sailors use chronometers. the Pharos. In 1884 Charles Parsons's steam turbine worked. providing power. .The Wonders of the Middle Ages: the people considered that there existed some other sights quite so wonderful = the Colosseum of Rome. Radar is possible because radio waves. the Mosque of St. or electric generator. the spots on the Sun. The sextants invented in 1731 are instruments by means of which seamen can tell their exact position by observing the angle of the sun or a star above the horizon and then making a calculation from a book of tables.Scientific Marvels (starting with the invention of the printing press and ending with the atomic age). In 1829 George Stephenson's famous railway engine. It determines the direction.000 miles a second can be reflected like sound or light waves. inventions in products brought the revolution in comfort and enjoyment. . Heinrich Hertz proved that J.the inventors (=inventatori).The Wonders of the Ancient World: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. But it was Guglielmo Marconi who discovered the importance of an aerial-earth system and so made radio transmissions over great distances a real possibility. The telescope was invented by Galileo in 1611. the Pyramids of Egypt. Stonehenge. which are very accurate watches telling the true Greenwich time while travelling round the world. The next development was the moving picture and here again a number of people were concerned.=1.desk-top computers are only few of the new computerbased inventions. a aduna în mod chibzuit.economic. The first public showing of a film was in London in 1890. In 1911 Ernest Rutherford stated that an atom consists of a central nucleus which has a positive electric charge and constantly circling electrons with a negative electric charge. At an atomic power station the reactors get very hot. The discovery of the transistor in the 1950s and of the small silicon chip with printed circuits on it in the 1960s made miniaturisation possible and brought computers into every field of activity. =1. pocket calculators. The French Daguerre used copper plates covered with silver.Types of economy 42 . an engineer. In 1906 the wellknown sportsman Charles Rolls went into partnership with Henry Royce. economy n. glass plates were used for the first time and in 1884 film was made of celluloid. Economics economics n. sets began in 1922 and the inventor of the black and white T. The pneumatic tyre was John Dunlop's discovery who made tyres of rubber tubes filled with air. strîngătoare.V. (apud Cmeciu. Fox Talbot in 1835. . in 1851. made a chemically-coated paper nearly glow. in a reactor.The history of T. drive the dynamos that make electricity. H.economie. then it goes into the boilers where it makes steam drive the turbines which. in turn. The first motor car was made in 1875 by the Australian Siegfried Marcus but the German Carl Benz made motocars for sale in 1885. 2. adunător. privitor la economie. The German Rudolf Diesel was also working on the same idea. chibzuit.organizare. economical adj. L. This is a tremendous discovery as it forms the basis of modern nuclear physics and of the industries producing atomic power and nuclear energy. Automatic cookers. mostly in the United States.economie (a unei ţări). the rays passed through the flesh but left a picture of the bones on a photographic plate. economist n. = 1. then. digital watches. Few inventions have made such a tremendous difference to everyday life as the internal combustion engine (= motor cu ardere internă).econom. = 1. Stuart. economic adj. The Diesel engine was first devised by an Englishman. although many people had a hand in inventing photography. The first photo was taken by W. If placing a hand in front of the apparatus.economic to economize v. the gas passing through them becomes hot too. 2. printers. 2. agonisire. Doina & Elena Bonta: Essential English Topics) III. rentabil. gradually. persoană economă. together they built the Rolls-Royce motor car. 2. in 1890. the cinema industry was born. this kind of engines are named after him.V.economist. Baird. flight aduce cîştig. In 1895 the German Röntgen discovered that rays coming from a tube through which high-voltage electricity was passed. Many improvements were made by inventors.a economisi. Röntgen called them X-rays which are now used in radiography. Atomic energy is obtained by splitting atoms of a rare metal. was J. In 1903 a complete exciting story was filmed and.economie. beneficiu.a face economii.a.economie politică. The colour Television is a very recent invention. = 1.econom. 2. = 1.2. The jet engine was Frank Whittle's invention and was patented in 1935. 2. 3. uranium. A. and although his invention was patented two years after Stuart's. turner = strungar. Industry industry n. pliers = patent. market ~ = ~ de piaţă. mechanic. . screw-wrench = cheie franceză. hammer = ciocan (for driving nails into a piece of wood. feudal ~. = industrial. pass-key = şperaclu. inflationary ~ = ~ inflaţionistă. complex ~.Things they use .agrarian economy = economie agrară. painter = vopsitor. welder = sudor.Industrialization represents the essential factor for the advance of national economy. state ~. borer/drill = sfredel. the development of productivity (= productivitate) and is decisive for the rise of the people's living standards (= nivel de viaţă).simple: lever = pîrghie. industrious adj. sîrguincios. chisel/scoop = daltă.foreman (= maistru). plane = rindea (for smoothing). burghiu (for boring holes in wood or metal). printer = tipograf. staker = fochist. = industriaş.2 b.Types of workers fire-teaser = fochist. plant/works (= fabrică. industrialism n. file = pilă (for smoothing or cutting hard surfaces). locksmith = lăcătuş. callipers = şubler.Tools anvil = nicovală. technician. weaver = ţesător. milling machine operator = frezor.Machines .. = industrialism. industriousness n. branch ~ = ~ de ramură. .People working in a factory engineer. operator = operator. = industrie. holding something).Places of work in industry enterprise (= întreprindere). pulling wires/nails). national ~. grain growing ~ = ~ cerealieră. 43 . etc. ciocan (for holding.factory. = hărnicie. . = industrializare. to industrialize v. worker. It also guarantees the independence and the overeignity = suveranitate) of a country. screw = şurub. manipulant. industrialization n. world ~ = ~ mondială. socialist ~. chuck/jaws/vice = menghină. . instalator. = harnic. polisher = şlefuitor. It plays a very important part in the development of productive forces.). . capitalist ~. sorter = sortator. uzină). screw-nut = piuliţă. pincers = cleşte (for pulling out nails. bending. . fitter = montator. industrial adj. planned ~ = ~ planificată. = a industrializa. III. industrialist n. storeman = magazioner. the inclined plane = plan înclinat. pulley = scripete. wheel = roată. wedge = pană, ic. - complicated: boring/drilling machine = maşină de găurit. comber/carding ~ = ~ de dărăcit. cutting off ~ = ~ de retezat. forging ~ = ~ de forjat. gear cutting ~ = ~ de prelucrat roţi dinţate. grinding ~ = ~ de rectificat. lapping ~ = ~ de rodat. milling ~ = ~ de frezat. punching ~ = ~ de perforat. sewing ~ = ~ de cusut. sheet bending ~ = ~ de îndoit tablă. sorting ~ = ~ de sortat. spinning ~ = ~ de filetat, de tors. straightening ~ = ~ de îndreptat. thread rolling ~ = ~ de rulat filet. tool grinder ~ = ~ de ascuţit unelte. lathe = strung. automatic ~ = ~ automat. copying ~ = ~ de copiat. pipe threading ~ = ~ de filetat ţevi. spinning ~ = ~ de presat. universal ~ = ~ universal. - Raw material used in industry coal = cărbune. salt. crude ore = ţiţei. solid fuels = combustibili solizi. iron = fier. timber. natural gas. wood. oil and derivatives of the oil industry. hard ~ = lemn de esenţă tare. raw skin = piele brută. soft ~ = lemn de esenţă moale. rubber = cauciuc. - Processing (= procesul de prelucrare) includes: boiling = fierbere. breazing/welding = sudură. buckling = deformare, îndoire. casting = turnare. chipping = dăltuire, tăiere. chip removal = aşchiere. dismantling = demontare. drilling/ boring = găurire. forging = matriţare. greasing = ungere. grinding = şlefuire. metal working = prelucrare (a metalului). milling = frezare. quench = călire (prin răcire bruscă). reaming = filetare. riffling = striere, zimţuire. riveting = nituire. soldering/welding = sudare. - Types of factories and plants/works cannery = fabrică de conserve. car factory. metal works = uzină metalurgică. brewery = fabrică de bere. paper mill = fabrică de hîrtie. brickyard = fabrică de cărămizi. saw mill = fabrică de cherestea. 44 distillery = fabrică de spirt. shoe factory. electric plant = uzină electrică. soap manufactoring = fabrică de săpun. furniture factory. steel works = oţelărie. glass manufactory house = textile factory. lumber mill = fabrică de waterworks = uzină de apă. cherestea. weaving mill = ţesătorie. stocking manufacturing = fabrică de ciorapi. machine building plant = uzină constructoare de maşini. III.2.c. Engineering - engineering n. = 1.inginerie. 2.construcţie de maşini. engineer n. = inginer. to engineer v. = 1.a construi (în calitate de inginer). 2.a lucra ca nginer. Engineering is regarded as the most important branch of industry. It produces machine tools for all branches of the economy: agriculture machinery; aircrafts; ballbearing (= rulment); computers; cars; control equipment for: iron and steel industry, chemical industry, oil refineries, glass industry, food industry; diesel electric locomotives; electrical generators; engines; equipment for nuclear plants; electronic equipment; electric equipment; fitters; high-precision testing and control apparatus (microscopes, cameras, laboratory, apparatus, installations for research); oilfield equipment; tools for mining, forestry and light industries. - Sub-branches: electronics, electrotechnology, electronic goods, hidraulic and pneumatic components and installations, optics, precision mechanics. - Engineers can be: - mining engineers = find useful minerals. - metallurgical ~ = separate metals from unwanted substances and make them usable. - chemical ~ = use chemicals to make things as explosives, paint, plastics, soap. - civil ~ = build bridges, tunnels, roads, railroads, ports, airports, etc. - mechanical ~ = make and use machines; design jet engines and factory machinery. - electrical ~ = work with devices that produce and use electricity. Using tools and machines implies perfect knowledge of their component parts, skills in handling and controlling them, awareness of possible accidents, as well as control of emergency situations. Engineers have a new tool now: the computer. It is used in laboratories and offices. The computer was used shortly after the war, to work out complicated mathematical problems in science and engineering. It accepts information, stores it, performs mathematical operations, as well as logical operations, supplying the results of these operations as new information. It has the capacity of controlling the industrial process and checking the processes automatically. Computers use terms such as: analogue = something that varies continuously; the opposite of digital. binary members = a number coded in a series of 0 and 1 digits, in which the value of each digit is twice the value of the digit to its right. bit = a single digit of a binary number. Eight bits are known as "byte". 45 BASIC = Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code; language most widely used by microcomputers. CPU = Control Processing Unit; it is the "brain of the computer"; it reads instructions put into the computer and passes them on to other parts; it sorts out information and does calculations; it sends the results to the input device. floppy disk = a circular piece of thin plastic coated with a thin layer; the magnetic material used in recording tape; it can be used to store large quantities of binary information. data = the information which is given to a computer for processing. databank = large stores of data for computers. digital = something that is separated in units; the opposite of analogue. input = the data fed into the computer through devices (which are: keyboards, sensors, cameras, etc.). interface = a device placed between the computer and equipment connected to it, which translates input into a code of electronic pulses, and which translates the computer's results from the pulse code into a form the output device can act on. hardware = the computer itself and devices connected to it. output = the result of the computer's processing; it might be displayed on a screen, printed as words or pictures or cause the movement of a robot's arm. programme = the set of instructions for the computer either stored in its permanent memory or fed. RAM = Random Access Memory: the part of the computer's memory which temporarily stores information fed into it. ROM = Read Only Memory: the part of the computer's memory which contains instructions the computer always needs to help work. software = the term given to the computer programme. VDU = Visual Display Unit: the screen on which information from the computer is shown. word processor = a specialized typewriter with a VDU used for producing letters in an office. History of engineering Computers have different applications. The scientific technological revolution has coupled man with the computer. The whole way to this coupling was a long and difficult one. It started with the stone and continued with the wheel and the engine. The industrial revolution coupled man with the motor car. Iron was the key to the industrial revolution. New techniques of manufacture (= fabricare) and the use of machines powered by waterwheels and steam engines took the place of the traditional tools: hammers, files or hand-working machines (spinning wheel and hand-looms = război de ţesut manual). The great advances in both the quality and the quantity of iron contributed to the development of mechanization. The introduction of steam (= abur)-driven machinery was the greatest achievement of the industrial revolution. Later, the internal combustion engine (= motorul cu ardere internă) began to be used. It is a type of engine that works by the combustion of a fuel (= combustibil) and air mixture within the cylinders of the engine. It is of two types: gasoline engine and Diesel engine. 46 In the gasoline engine, the fuel, a mixture of gasoline and air is ignited by an electric spark (= scînteie). The explosion in the top of the cylinder forces the piston downwards. The piston helps to turn the crankshaft (= arbore cotit). It is used in automobiles (where 4 - 6 - 8 cylinders are firing one after another). The piston moves up and down inside the cylinder. It is connected with the crankshaft by a connecting rod (= tijă de legătură). It has also a flywheel (= roată motrice cu aripi; volant) that keeps the crankshaft moving when no pressure is exerted upon the piston. One valve has the role of admitting the air and fuel into the cylinder; another one allows the exhaust gas to escape. In the Diesel engine the air is compressed in the cylinder. It becomes very hot and when the fuel oil is injected into it, it explodes without a spark to set it off (= a pune în mişcare). The newest type of engine is the jet engine. It works on the same principle as a rocket. The air is drawn into the front of the engine and is burned with paraffin. The gas so formed expands violently and rushes out of the back of the engine - in a jet, and propels the aeroplane forward with great power. In a rocket, the air is not pushed back in order to make it go forward; its movement is caused by the action and reaction of the expanding gases in its combustion chambers. Jet engines weigh less than piston engines and they go wrong less often. A jet engine burns cheap kerosene instead of costly gasoline (adapted from Illustrated Colour Dictionary) III.2.. Building - build n. = constucţie; statură. building n. = clădire, construcţie. building-up n. = construire. builder n. = constructor. to build v. = a construi, a clădi. building-site n. = şantier. - A building-site is the place where new buildings are erected/built. - People working on a building site: architect = arhitect (designs buildings and supervises their erection). bricklayer = zidar (a person who builds or paves with bricks = cărămizi). builder = constructor. civil engineer = inginer constructor. construction worker = muncitor constructor (measures wood and cuts it into pieces; carries bricks and metal parts; repairs buildings; follows a building plan in order to make houses, apartments, stores). craner = macaragiu (one who works on a machine for lifting and carrying heavy objects). decorator = paints and papers rooms. dyer = vopsitor (uses materials for colouring and staining). electrician =designs, installs, operates or repairs electrical equipment. glazier = geamgiu (fits glass into windows). plumber = instalator (unites metal or plastic parts either by heating, hammering or pressing together). welder = sudor (unites pieces of metal into homogeneous mass). III.3. Positions In any field of activity there are persons who have a high position, who lead, run and supervise the activity. Such a person is always called chief or boss. So, we talk about: 47 the captain of a crew or of a team. commander (of an organized body). conductor (of an orchestra). headmaster/headmistress (of a school). post master = director de poştă. dock ~ = şef de şantier naval. station ~ = şef de gară. principal. manager (of a hotel, or a theatre). B. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Careers for women. 2. What is success in engineering/law/medicine, etc.? 4. What would you like to be and why? 5. Talk about unemployment in your country. 6. You want to find a job for your summer holiday. Write an advertisement. 48 PART II TECHNICAL ENGLISH TOPICS II.1. GENERAL TECHNICAL TEXTS II.2. SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL TEXTS II.1. GENERAL TECHNICAL TEXTS II.1.1. THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING ENGINEERING ENGLISH OR TECHNICAL ENGLISH The world of modern science has progressed across hitherto impassable barriers. Never was it more important to have available information on the countless facts of modern scientific knowledge and achievement. The rapidly changing technology demands more and more science oriented engineers. They have to refine and foster widespread application of the developments which have kindled the expansion of computers, television, synthetic materials, high temperature alloys, new communication systems and, more recently, the rapidly unfolding fields of nuclear and aerospace engineering. The sharp upgrading in engineering has been emphasizing the need of updating the engineer’s knowledge in order to meet the technological needs of today. Research people need knowledge of reports and publications in many languages. The barrier that is set up by a difference in language may constitute as serious an obstacle in pure science as in practical world of technology. Applied scientists are as anxious as anyone to learn of the technical progress in other countries, and they are certainly more interested in getting their information quickly and to apply it. There are three ways in which scientific information may be acquired: 1. by adequate translation; 2. by persuading scientists to publish their work in the better-known languages; 3. by teaching scientists to read foreign languages. But translations are not always accurate and sometimes they are hopelessly obscure. The scientific vocabulary is now so specialized that it may be unintelligible but for the specialist. It is quite impossible to translate all the received documents. Thus is not possible to keep pace with the latest discoveries only by translations. In this case even translating machines are not of great use. It is a great asset for any engineer to be able to read foreign technical publications in the original. Specialists should be persuaded into learning engineering English because the abstract specialized vocabulary is quite limited and it can be easily and rapidly mastered by reading typical technical texts. Engineering English is no longer a problem nowadays. Every engineer can easily and rapidly master it, provided he is set on learning it. This is the conclusion to be drawn as far as the difficulties in the search for technical information are concerned. A great philosopher used to say:” The knowledge of a language is another weapon in life”. (adapted from Dănilă Viorica, Engleza tehnică şi Dicţionar de termeni şi expresii) A. VOCABULARY I. WORDS AND PHRASES asset n. = 1. avantaj. 2. valoare. expansion n. = extindere.dezvoltare. 50 to foster v. = 1. a avea grijă de. 2. a incuraja, a favoriza. 3. a stimula. 4. a dezvolta (un talent). 5. a nutri (speranţe). provided he is set on learning it = cu condiţia să fie hotărât să o înveţe. the rapidly unfolding fields = domenii care se dezvoltă rapid. to keep pace with vb. = a ţine pasul cu. to kindle v. = 1. a aprinde, a amorsa focul. 2. (tehn.) a amorsa. 3. (fig.) a stârni (interesul, mânia). to progress across hitherto impassable barriers = a se dezvolta peste bariere de netrecut până acum. vocabulary n. = 1. vocabulary. 2. lexic. 3. listă de cuvinte. 4. (info.) lista codurilor de instrucţiuni. scientific ~ = vocabular ştiinţific. specialized ~ = vocabular de specialitate. updating n. = actualizare (a informaţiei). upgrading n. = 1. concentare. 2. întărire. 3. îmbunătăţire. 4. promovare. II. LEXICAL COMMENTARY technical adj. = tehnic. ~ account = cont tehnic. ~ adviser = consilier tehnic. ~ atmosphere = atmosferă tehnică. ~ conditions, specifications = specificaţii tehnice. ~ control = control tehnic. ~ data management = gestiune de date tehnice. ~ education = 1. invatamant tehnic. 2. învăţământ profesional. 3. calificare profesională. ~ expression = termen tehnic. ~ manager = director tehnic. ~ office = 1. birou de proiectare. 2. birou tehnic. ~ orders = prescripţii tehnice. ~ progress = progres tehnic. ~ publications = publicaţii cu caracter tehnic. ~ revision = revizie tehnică. ~ service = serviciu tehnic. ~ studies = cercetări/studii tehnice. ~ text = text cu caracter tehnic. technological adj. = tehnic, tehnologic. ~ advance/breakthrough = realizare tehnologică. ~ gap = decalaj tehnic. ~ needs = cerinţe, necesităţi tehnice. ~ restraint = limitare tehnologică. ~ unemployment = şomaj tehnologic. B. EXERCISES I. Reading and comprehension 1. What does the rapidly changing technology demand? 2. What knowledge do research people need? 3. What are scientists interested in? 4. What is the importance of learning technical English? II. Find the family of words of the verbs: to achieve, to invent and to create. III. Choose the most suitable word for each space: When faced with some new possibly bewildering technological change, most people react in one of the two 1. ………… They either recoil from anything new, claiming that it is unnecessary, or too 2. ……….or that it somehow makes life less than 3………………. Or they learn to 4…………….. to the new invention, and eventually 5………………how they could possibly have existed without it. 6…………… computers as an example. For many of us, they still represent a 7 ………….to our freedom, and give us a frightening sense of a future in which all 8……………..will be taken by machines. This may be because they seem mysterious, and difficult to understand. Ask most people what you can 9…………… 51 discuss 7. technological d. control c. consist d. and use them in our daily work. that don’t have to be 15………………. risk b. a. and you usually get 10……………answers about how ‘they give you the information’. a. a. the coal fire. hundreds d. widespread b. since change is not always an improvement. manage c. machinery b. conform c. ways c. react b. a. objections 15. Presumably much the same happened when the telephone and the television became 12 ……………. even if things occasionally go wrong for no apparent reason. thus d. As we discover during power cuts. threat d. extensive d. up with c. What seems to alarm most people is the speed of 13 …………………change. rather than change itself. run 10. take c. have very little idea of how they 11 …………. formerly 4. moments 2. a. chances c. instructions d. criticisms c.. personal c. connected 52 .A home computer for. are 12. a. plugged d. complicated 3. batteries c. a. much b. vague 11. admit d. future 14. wired b. use d. measures 9. such b. through c. a. In fact. apply b. decisions b. physical c. and forms of entertainment. wonder b. 1. appliances b. But it does not take long to learn how to operate a business programme. a. decide 6. there is a lot to be said for the oil lamp. tiresome d. to work. human d. a. such as books or board games. use d. learn c. work b. obscure c. propose b. hazard 8. a. a. a. a. in existence 13. And the 14……………… that are made to new technology may well have a point to them. lively b. fears d. types d. even those of us who are familiar with computers. adapt 5. suppose c. kinds b. power loom n. Hargreaves' spinning jenny. = 1. The death rate dropped. WORDS AND PHRASES coal smelting n. (adapted from McGraw-Hill. ciumă. water power was supplanted by steam power with its ensuing requirement of access to fields. The rapid change in the nation's economy was effected by the steam engine and various power-driven machines.000 miles by 1815. This period of British industrial expansion is called the Industrial Revolution. 2. = război de ţesut mechanic. a cotton-spinning machine that replaced the spinning wheel. The population boom is attributed to several circumstances in Britain at that time.a complementa. Industrialization was complemented by a dynamic approach to cheap transportation. a man named Macadam had the idea of solidifying road with small stones. THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Britain was the first country to experience the Industrial Revolution. Furthermore. Once the countryside was dotted with mills beside rivers and streams. = dezvoltare industrială. so road traffic was made easier. and by 1850 it was "the workshop of the world. about the middle of the eighteenth century.a complini. The plague years were over. A network of canals was constructed and covered 2. Following the invention and improvement of the steam engine. a provoca. 3. (fig. to effect v. a completa. a produce. plague n. population boom n. Britain's foremost industries were wool and cotton weaving. Never again would England be an agricultural nation. Good harvests had produced abundant and therefore cheaper food. Industry's need for fuel sparked expansion in coal mining. Between 1733 and 1789. The iron industry moved to the central and northern sections of Britain for coal.) năpastă. They would dispense with water power and rely on steam for increased production. which produced cheap iron for machines and buildings. people were marrying younger and producing larger families for whom they could earn the means to provide. to complement v. foremost adj. 2. industrial expansion n. = de frunte. a series of ingenious labour-saving machines were invented. and Cartwright's power loom rejuvenated both the cotton and wool industries.II. VOCABULARY I. but the need for coal drove the textile industry into the North where it continues to operate to this day. de primă însemnătate. 53 .2. and the population increased. = a cauza. = 1.1. labour-saving machine n. Labour was thus accessible for the development of an industrial society. Britain experienced a tremendous population growth and increasing trade at home and abroad. Encyclopedia of Science and Technology) A. = prelucrare metalurgică (topire) a cărbunelui. = explozie demografică. Production of iron depended upon coal smelting. With opportunities for work in industry. probably as a result of improved water supplies and the availability of soap. The canal system reduced coal prices and provided easier access to raw materials and markets. = maşină care face/presupune economie de (braţe de) muncă." Already enjoying a vigorous commercial economy. Give can be used for positive or negative ones (pleasure. a asigura. = ţesutul lânii şi al bumbacului workshop n. extra work. = a reîntineri. publicity).g. to supplant v.power-driven machine n. The new computer system has caused us a lot of problems. Never again would England be an agricultural nation. good results). a lua locul. a reason for. = roată de tors. Generate is often used in contexts where people are forced to do more than usual. = 1. James Hargreaves – English engineer. e. money. 2. Inversion after negative adverbials In formal and literary language. tremendous adj. şantier. = extraordinary/grozav/fantastic de. = 1.3. Industrial Revolution – the complex of radical socioeconomic changes. II. = maşină cu abur. and in computer contexts. to rejuvenate v. secţie. Scientists can produce statistics and figures that can prove almost anything. Edmund Cartwright – British cleric and inventor of the power loom. aprovizionare cu apă.1 Industrialization is the process of converting to a socioeconomic order in which industry is dominant.2. water supplies n. controversy. e. a aproviziona. a semi-finished material. a steelmaker uses iron ore and other metals in producing steel. income. spinning jenny n. II. the subject and the verb are inverted. wool and cotton weaving n. it entails both technology and profound social changes. The government will have to generate the extra funds somehow or other. 3. II. = maşină acţionată de motor. we use negative adverbials at the beginning of a clause. 2. = a înlocui. de reparaţii). = 1. John Macadam – Scottish inventor of the macadam road surface. steam engine n. the inventor of the spinning jenny. = prima roată de tors mecanică. and deals with more concrete results. = alimentare. documents. such as the ones that took place in England in the late 18th century. enthusiasm. trouble. 54 . raw material n. a da. His stomach cancer was caused by exposure to atomic radiation. It is used in formal contexts (revenue. problems. steam power n. that are brought about when extensive mechanization of production systems results in a shift from home-based hand manufacturing to large-scale factory production. For example. Raw materials are unfinished goods used in the manufacture of a product. atelier (de lucru. LEXICAL COMMENTARY II. Steel is then used as an input in many other industries to make finished products. an illness. material brut/primar/de bază. an accident. materie primă. 3. trouble). 2. to provide v. happiness. ‘Cause’ verbs and their collocations Cause usually collocates with negative results and situations (sadness/unhappiness. = energie a aburului. This car is giving me so much trouble. I'm going to get rid of it. interest. Produce is more neutral. spinning wheel n.g. he's lost all his money. 1. His stupidity . 2.... Primul domeniu în care a fost utilizată maşina cu abur a fost industria textilă... 2. Apariţia revoluţiei industriale a avut ca efect creşterea producţiei...B... Rewrite these sentences using a more formal connecting expression to replace 'because of’: thanks to. Primul stat în care a avut loc revoluţia industrială a fost Anglia. V. What are the circumstances that contributed to the population boom in Britain? 4.... We need to ..... a crisis. A vigorous commercial economy. 7.. II... The Governor's remarks almost....... a list of names and addresses by six o'clock tonight..... There may be more than one possible answer. owing to.... 6.. III. all traffic is being severely delayed. 1. Her death was .... Production of iron depended on coal mining. 5. Because of the crash on the motorway... scarcely. a lot of investment in the poorer regions. Britain experienced a tremendous population growth and increasing trade at home and abroad....... 8... The decision by the government to relax the regulations has . În acest proces muncitorului îi revenea rolul de supraveghere.... Translate into English: Revoluţia industrială este procesul tehnic complex prin care munca manuală este înlocuită cu maşinismul..... 1... Decide which “cause” verb best fits each gap...... as a result of. 5. 5.. EXERCISES I... With the drop in the death rate and the increase in the birth rate... by a sign falling from a shop front in the heavy winds.. 3... Please don't stop writing them... IV. The book .... reglare şi alimentare a maşinii.. 4...... a full-scale war between the two regions... me so much pleasure.. 4... 4......... because of which I lost all the 55 . The flight was cancelled because of bad weather. in none of us being able to get home that night. on no account. and a population boom were the conditions requisite for making Britain the first industrial nation...wikipedia... Good harvests had produced abundant and therefore cheaper food than before.... (adapted from Internet URL: http://ro... expanding trade. because of your advice. 2.. Write new sentences with a similar meaning with one of the adverbials: never before.. What does the process of industrialization imply? 2.. We got there in time. dezvoltarea oraşelor şi a ştiinţei. Give examples of British inventors of labour-saving devices. 3..... only by......... not until..... but I have some bad news to tell you all. My computer crashed. due to. Reading and comprehension 1. Your letters have .. a lot of anger amongst female readers. Because of one bad decision after another.. What made Britain the first country to experience the Industrial Revolution? 3... as a consequence of...... more labour was available for industry. I don't necessarily want to .. 3..... Oil was also discovered in the Romanian sector of the Black Sea in 1981. Two other branches. Except for the Baraolt Basin. Contemporary centres of production are Bucharest. and food processing. with copper. most deposits are found in the mountain areas. which also dates from the Dacian-Roman period. Bicaz. and they have been joined by the production from Arges. and silver production still active. mercury. A large lignite field in the Motru Valley supplies two of the largest power stations in the country. metallurgy and building materials. Aluminium production is a more recent development.1 to 9. accounting for nearly a third of industrial production. compared with 13. The nonferrous metallurgical industry. Fieni.II. THE ROMANIAN INDUSTRY AFTER 1990 The industrial sector increased its relative contribution to national income.1. The main relative declines were in wood processing and paper. It provides a good index of the changing priorities in the Romanian economy: before World War II it accounted for only 10 percent of the total. has switched from production of sawn timber to finished products.3. Resita. and many others. gold. Bacau and Prahova districts have long been famous for their oil-refining industry. and Târgu Jiu. cement manufacture represents an important subbranch. The following review gives priority to fuels. Ploiesti. The emphasis. The largest coal reserves are those of bituminous coal. The building materials industry also utilizes a wide range of resources across the country. electricity. The machine-building and metal-processing industry is the main branch of the industrial economy. 56 . as well as to widen and diversify the range of production. A chain of modern wood industrialization combines turns out a range of products. with a considerable degree of regional specialization. being exceeded in importance by food processing and even the textile and ready-made clothing industry. is largely concentrated in the southwest and west. In contrast to metallurgy (which relies on imports of ore and coke to supplement the modest domestic resources). the timber industry can rely on domestic raw materials. The Romanian iron industry has particularly strong connections with Galati as well as with Hunedoara and Resita (the last having a record of activity extending back to the 18th century). Natural gases – mainly methane – are produced in the centre of the Transylvanian Basin. in what is a traditional industry.8 percent of all industrial production in 1990. and zinc are also produced. Brasov.2 to 19 percent and chemicals from 3. which have done well in foreign markets. Rovinari and Turceni. including furniture and chipboard. Craiova. showed a slight relative advance. small quantities of lead. half of Romania's bulk coal production comes from the Petrosani Depression alone.3 percent in 1950. and gases produced as by-products of the oil industry are becoming increasingly important. There has been a strong tendency to concentrate on such modern branches as the electronics industry. Oil deposits are found in deposits in the plains. while electricity and fuels increased their share from 13. Arad. Cluj-Napoca.6 percent. The main centres are at Turda. textiles and clothing. but it underwent a radical structural change. Medgidia. and metallurgy. Three branches became much more important: engineering and metalworking accounted for 25. which lies within the Carpathians. = placă aglomerată din aşchii de lemn. wood working ~ (de prelucrare a lemnului). petroleum ~ (a petrolului). continued to grow in absolute terms. plastics ~ (a materialelor plastice). to undergo/underwent/undergone v.manufacturing goods (making things) vs. machine-building ~ (a construcţiilor de masini). WORDS AND PHRASES bituminous coal n. 3. a trece prin. = 1. II. shipbuilding) vs. processing ~ (prelucrătoare). = declin. wood industrialization combine (pulp and paper combine) n. slight adj. the weaving of which was long the occupation of peasant women in the south and southwest. service industry (serving people: tourism. power station/plant n. a creşte. = 1. 3. a suferi. handicraft ~ (meşteşugărească). LEXICAL COMMENTARY II. uzină electrică. = 1.heavy industry (steel works. a repara. readymade clothes ~ (a confecţiilor). shipbuilding ~ (constructoare de nave). consumer goods ~ (a bunurilor de consum). a sui. with a heavy investment in new plants. a se înmulţi. a examina. a întrece. = 1. machine tool ~ (a construcţiilor de maşini-unelte). . despite the introduction of synthetic fibres.The long-established textile industry has also undergone a steady development since its radical overhaul in the 1930s. II. 4. Aspects of industrialisation . iron and steel ~ (siderurgică). 2. footwear ~ (industria încălţămintei). puţin. and processing plants are distributed throughout the country. scădere. = instalaţii de prelucrare industrială. foundry ~ (metalurgică). nevertheless. to overhaul v. glassware ~ (a sticlăriei). termocentrală. textile ~ (textilă). = 1. = cărbune bituminos. The main branches of industry are: building industry (industria constructoare). Silkworm production retains a modest importance. The closely connected ready-made clothing industry has undergone considerable expansion. a verifica. pulp ~ (a celulozei). 57 . produs auxiliar/secundar. Silk. chipboard n. fertilizer ~ (îngrăşămintelor). micşorare. produs derivate. oil extraction ~ (de extracţie a ţiţeiului). paper ~ (a hârtiei). iron ore ~ (a minereurilor de fier). national income n. A. = combinat de industrializare a lemnului. = venit naţional. food ~ (industria alimentară).1. neînsemnat. the food industry – formerly the foundation of the economy – has been all but eclipsed by the rapid development of other branches. sawn timber ~ (a cherestelei). Finally. 2. 3. knitwear ~ (a tricotajelor). a urca. 2. 2. electrical engineering ~ (electrotehnică). VOCABULARY I. banking). rubber ~ (a cauciucului). to exceed v. centrală electrică. by-product n. has lent much to the beauty of local folk costumes. light industry (manufacturing TV sets).2. to increase v. lumbering ~ (forestieră). = 1. = 1. coal industry (industria cărbunelui). decline n. 3. It has. 2. superficial. Branches of industry Engineering is regarded as the most important branch of industry. a depăşi. 2. 2. a reconstrui. processing plants n. 4.. In what regions is the oil industry more developed in our country? 4. What raw materials are there used in the metallurgical industry? 5.. The designs for the new aircraft were photographed illegally and sold to a rival company....... How did the textile industry and the food industry evolve in the past years? II.............. low-technology (involving little or no computer technology). Illegal editions mean that the author receives no payment....g.. What are the main branches of Romanian industry after 1990? 2. II. copiere a unui soft commercial fără autorizarea producătorului)... .. The idea that everything should be owned by the government is not very popular any longer.. while in the north. Problems in industry black market = piaţa neagră.. . Use the expressions explained above to rewrite these sentences with more appropriate vocabulary instead of the underlined words.. nationalisation or stateownership.. The economy cannot depend only on things like restaurants and hotels........... software piracy) = piraterie industrială (ex.. In this area there are a lot of industries that use computers and things... 3...... 3.. EXERCISES I..... bursa neagră. Reading and comprehension 1. money laundering = spălare de bani.... It was a serious case of... copyright infringement = încălcarea drepturilor de autor...... Use diagrammatic representations (graphs or pie charts) to show the changes undergone in the industrial production over the past forty years.....- high-technology (software industry) vs. We need to encourage industries that make things we can sell. B.. industrial espionage = spionaj a serious problem in many parts of the world.. and now we're more dependent on industry that makes things like bicycles and furniture.. 2.. III... 3. as police and banks try to trace money from the illegal drugs trade and terrorism.. .. partly owned by private industries or businesses)... piraterie soft.... 4.. they depend more on industries that don't use such up-to-date technology..3.. privatisation (selling off state companies to private ones) vs. Use expressions relating to problems in industry to fill the gaps in the sentences below: 1.. industrial piracy (e. 2. Industry with big factories producing things like steel and so on has declined.. with factories producing illegal copies of top brand names..... (partly stateowned.. 58 . is a problem for people who make a living writing books....... is a huge international problem.... and selling industries off is the typical pattern all over the world now. 1. many big industries are run as public-private partnerships........ Raportat la celelalte ramuri ale industriei româneşti.. in the importation of untaxed luxury cars in some countries. There is a big . La şapte ani de la apariţia legii privind eficienţa energetică. situaţia industriei româneşti din punctul de vedere al consumului energetic este gravă. prea puţini s-au grăbit să respecte această cerinţă.. (adapted from Adevărul.. February 9. cu măsuri de economisire a energiei.. Cu toate acestea. IV.. industria chimică are indicatorul de intensitate energetică cel mai defavorabil.. cu investitii puţine în echipamente performante... 2007) 59 . Nici privatizarea industriei nu a determinat modificări importante în ponderea consumului de energie.. de 15 ori mai mare decât în ţările dezvoltate.. foarte puţine s-au ocupat serios să facă aceste planuri de eficienţă energetică. din peste 400 de întreprinderi. Translate into English: Deşi legea obligă companiile din industria energofagă să elaboreze un plan de reducere a consumurilor de energie.5. cu un consum foarte ridicat de energie electrică. ceea ce înseamnă că s-a facut o restructurare „nesănătoasă". creându-i acestui sector probleme de competitivitate... and preliminary designs of the proposed product are then sketched on the basis of the available plant facilities. took pride in their work. Eventually. who were usually involved in the whole process of creation. changed the situation. SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL TEXTS II. A design program is planned. They influenced art nouveau style and the Vienna Secession movement. The development in the 18th century of the factory system. A handmade working model is then manufactured and submitted to the client for approval. and transportation equipment. The development of industrial design led to 60 . Following the selection of the approved design. working drawings indicating the choice of materials and the specifications for finishing and assembly are prepared. A few late 19th-century reformers. As a result. such as castiron stoves and building units.2.1. but there is a general routine applicable to all. and the planning of exhibitions. and techniques. timing. for example. In the case of an automobile. Factory owners were often chiefly concerned with profits. The industrial designer is essentially the creator of a pattern to guide the operations of skilled persons or machines. industrial tools. but these attempts at improved design had little effect on mass production at the time. Rough sketches are chosen for further refinement and study. budget allocation. The term industrial design was originated in 1919 by the American industrial designer Joseph Sinel. often in the form of a small model or of a mock-up. the scope of the profession enlarged to include the design of capital goods. with mass production and specialization of labour and the appearance of middlemen. one or several are handmade and tested at proving grounds before final machine dies are ordered and production begins.1. however. Applications of machine-made ornament in hopes of disguising low quality and pleasing a mass market were usually an aesthetic failure. INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Industrial Design represents art and science involved in the creation of machinemade products.1. such as the English designer William Morris and members of the Arts and Crafts movement. Factory workers tending machines had little involvement with a product and felt no responsibility to the buyer. TEXTS FOR THE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN SECTION 2. protested and advocated a return to the standards of medieval handicrafts. and the client is then presented with design studies. Initially. although many products.2. and often sold their wares directly to the customer. industrial designers dealt exclusively with machinemade consumer products. It is concerned with aesthetic appearance as well as with functional efficiency. were functional many more were ugly and badly made.II. After the industrial designer is informed of the needs of the client-including data on the intended market for the product. The success of a design is measured by the profit it yields its manufacturer and the service and pleasure it affords its owner. goods were handmade by artisans. commercial buildings and packaging. and company policy and equipment-specialists associated with the designer conduct a study of competitive products and an extensive field survey of the manufacturer's plant. Every design problem requires special procedures. Before the Industrial Revolution. such as farm machinery. = a avea de-a face. n. = 1. = a duce la. a aduce. a îndupleca. = a sprijini. 2. = utilităţi. badly adv. îmbuteliere. design = I.the creation of new procedures. = ambalare. 4. 5. = estetic. proiectare. Distortion often occurs in magnification as a result of highlights and shadows that change basic spatial relationships. specialist în estetica industrială. plant n. = estetică. plantă. 2. aesthetic adj. profit. plan. desingning n. înfăţişare. handmade adj. packaging n. sold v. attempt = 1. v. productivitate. a da randamentul. a încerca. = (produs. venit. sketched adj. desen. sold. refinement n. a executa un proiect/un plan. desenat. = 1. exploatare. 4. applicable adj. producţie. design paper n. VOCABULARY I. 3. v. = schiţat. drawing n. debit. tentativă. a ceda. a desena. = (produs. articole. a da. To view the design in full scale. = produse (finite). 5. mecanism. (adapted from www. = desene. sell. machine-made n. a închina. aparenţă. mecanism. = date ce includ clientul. articol de artizanat. randament. manual. fabricat) de maşină. 1. 2. 2. uzină. the profession employs a photographic system in which a small drawing is projected to full scale on a section of a wall. ambalaj. încercare. a produce. led v. stilist. II. proiectant. dealt. facilităţi. = a vinde. a înclina. 3. 1. a proiecta. meserie. 2. client-including data n. a concede. constructor. a raporta. 3. dealt with v. a (se) îndoi. = rafinament. 1. muncă manuală. îmbidonare. WORDS AND PHRASES Industrial Design = Proiectare Industrială (Design/Desen Industrial). yield = I. in order that the modifications in the design may be moulded directly from the old products. tip. utilaj. designer n.= hârtie de desen. handicraft n. echipament. = 1. II.= inginer proiectant/constructor. = proiectare. = maşinărie. fabricat) de mână. 1. a aduce un beneficiu de. led. such as the method of encasing a product to be redesigned in soft modelling clay. a preda. = rău. a face. proiect. a rezista. fabrică. 2. instalatie. utilaj. 3. to advocate A. n. desingning engineer n.wikipedia. model. v. 61 . 3. 2. 5. schiţă. a oferi. appearance n. deal. Revisions of the design are then made directly on the wall projection by the industrial designers. a (se) încovoia. equipment n. n. facilities n. recoltă. = aplicabil. ware(s) n. machinery n. Another industrial-design method is based on the fact that small models do not reflect accurately the design characteristics of the fullscale product. = echipament. fabricate. instalaţie de exploatare. ceramică. 2. aesthetics n. = desenator. desen/model industrial. lead. Change according to the model: Model: client-including data = data which include clients. (a aşezat) They have laid emphasis on the economic considerations that account for this decision. etc. Shannon laid the basis of the modern theory of communications at the beginning of our century. (este aşezat) He laid out the main exhibits side by side. -ed. II. They have obtained bigger yields per hectare by using modern fertilizers. The bar may yield to the application of dynamic loads. by a reaction. scală. give a natural product. a aşeza. to lead. This technique might yield better results The land in the valley yields very rich crops. a conduce la. Do not mix up the following verbs: to lie. (constă în) The principle lying at the basis of this theory must be made clear. 3. a consta in. -ed =a minţi. tipar. This theory has yielded ground in the last few years. EXERCISES I. give away. people who speak English satellites which carry messages systems which process data oven which burns oil surface which carries load lubricant which contains grease 62 . The reaction yield has been separated into several elements. at the foot of some hills. clay n.( ce se află) The town lay in a sheltered valley. What does an industrial designer do? II. a result. 2. (ai minţit) B. cease opposition. = şablon. Higher-yield seeds have been used this year. (au pus baza) Any rush decision may lead to unforeseen consequences. What is Industrial Design? 2. = argilă. Examples: The main difficulty lies in checking the values of some parameters. etc. lain = a sta. 1. When did it first appear? 4. Reading and comprehension: 1. a se afla. What does Industrial Design include? 3. = scară. laid = a pune.).pattern n. yield n. (poate duce la) Once you have lied to somebody he will lose his faith in you. Wiener and C. led. What does the process of designing imply? 5. lay. led = a duce. lut scale n. = amount produced (in agriculture. to lay. laid. to lie. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to yield v. ( au pus accent) N. 8 Did you know that Louise is going ________________ with my ex-boyfriend? 9 Robbie wanted to dress ________________ as Batman for the party. to create. He’s really let me ________________ . 7 Let’s go ________________ to Paris for the weekend. Give the nouns corresponding to the following verbs: to appear. we listened to the climate/weather forecast.III. 0 Before we set off. They get everywhere. Proiectarea industrială poate fi un şablon bi. They’ve even got the same ears! V. 10 Bill thanked the guest/host for the party and went home. 6 At present people resign/retire at 65. Where are the changing rooms? 2 I’ll lend you the money but you must pay me ________________ by Friday. I’d like to try ________________ this jacket. 5 I’m always pulling up crops/weeds in the garden. I’ve never been there. to acquire. 3 Christine said she’d drop ________________ to see her aunt on the way home from Scotland. 63 . Give me those cutters/scissors and I’ll cut it. 9 Julie’s studying to become a primary school professor/teacher. O proiectare industrială constă in crearea unei forme. 6 Joanna put ________________ a thick pair of boots as it was snowing outside. after away back down for in on out up with 0 I’m longing for a few weeks holiday. IV. to accept. 8 Lots of chemicals farmers use harm/spoil the environment. to assume. Underline the correct word in each sentence. 7 The car has got a small engine/machine and is very economical to use.sau tridimensional folosit pentru a produce un produs. sau combinarea şablonului si a culorii într-o forma tridimensională cu valoare estetică. 1 Excuse me. 10 Jack takes ________________ his father. configurarea sau compunerea unui şablon sau culori. to complete. Translate into English: Drepturile proiectării industriale reprezintă un bun intelectual care protejează proiectarea vizuală de obiecte ce nu sunt pur utilitare. 3 Can I just write that date down in my agenda/diary? 4 Your hair is too long. One of the words is used twice. VI. to introduce. o marfă sau un articol de artizanat. In the future it may be different. 2 Our main bureau/office is in Swindon. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. to substitute. 1 My favourite/preferred time of year is Spring. 4 Do you think my new shirt will go ________________ these trousers? 5 Paul promised to help me with the decorating today but he’s gone to a football match instead. grains. and architecture. headliner. fashion. Practice Originally it grew out of the American car industry where artists working with water based paints would create visuals for future ideas. this is generally shared amongst the design team as the lead designer sees fit. The designer's role is to put a little bit of both into the automobile. liveries etc. interior design.2. carpet. dials. trucks. Designers draw inspiration from other design disciplines such as: industrial design. Interior Design Interior Design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. The stylist responsible for the design of the vehicle interior develops the proportions. leather. and development of all interior and exterior colours and materials used on a vehicle. Colour. seats. Trend boards are created from this research in order to keep track of design influences as they relate to the automotive industry. Graphic design The design team also develops graphics for items such as: badges. buses. Here the focus is on ergonomics and comfort of the passengers. The design and development of a modem motor vehicle is typically done by a large team from many different disciplines. texture and pattern must be carefully combined to give the vehicle a unique interior environment and personality. Specific research is done into global trends in design for projects two to three model years in the future. plastics. Exterior design is first done by a series of digital or manual drawings. Exterior design (styling) The stylist responsible for the design of the exterior of the vehicle develops the proportions. Progressively more detailed drawings are executed and approved. motorcycles. These include paints. vans. Automotive design in this context is primarily concerned with developing the visual appearance or aesthetics of the vehicle.1. The designer then uses this information to develop themes and concepts which are then further refined and tested on the vehicle models. People are different in tastes. fabric designs. 64 . wood trim and so on. kick or tread strips. coaches. colour and trim design. so whether it is how comfortable a car is or how good it looks depends on different individuals. contrast. It is practiced by designers who usually have an art background and a degree in industrial design or transport design. The data from these models are then used to create a full sized mock-up of the final design. shape and surfaces of the vehicle. and along with the drawings. This includes: automobiles. but it does play an important role. Colour and Trim design (AKA Colour and Materials design) The colour and trim designer is responsible for the research. The task of the design team is usually split into three main aspects: exterior design. trim panels etc. switches. shape and surfaces for the facia. Graphic design is also an aspect of automotive design. design. though is also involved in the creation of the product concept.2. AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN Automotive design is a profession involved in the development of motor vehicles or more specifically road vehicles. home furnishing. They work closely with the exterior and interior designers. Clay and or digital models are developed from. Exterior design is not the most important factor in the program. căptuseală. to keep track. suprafaţă.ph. Automotive design tends to differ from the industrial design disciplines in that it has an important kinetic dimension that involves emotion and dynamics. truck n. environment n. = a înregistra. = confort. stofă. coach. trim panel n. to play. = tesătură. fibră. headliner (roof's fabric lining) n. = potrivit. 65 . 2.wikipedia. antrenor. granulă. smooth ~ = suprafaţă netedă.-es n. multi-faceted adj. adaptarea muncii la om. autocar 2. material. ergonomics n. granulaţie. ph. bob. surface n. van n. = panou (îmbrăcat in ţesătură. = ambianţă. = dublură. 3. = suprafaţă. comfort n. diligenţă. Many designers find places in the film creating designs and models on film sets such as Star Trek and Blade Runner. 3. = multi-faţetat. consolare. fit adj. = camion. = muchie. trăsură. creating visions of future worlds often not event on Planet Earth. especially with regard to exterior designs and the visuals. = proiectarea materialelor. = dubă. = 1. = 1. fasciae n. = dintre. materials design n. trend n. mediu. v. = vopseluri. material plastic etc) care acoperă structurile caroseriei în habitaclu. cereale. to draw inspiration v. corespunzător. seat n. sământă. carpet n. amongst prep. fir. model. = ornamente de lemn. printre. = mobilier si ornamente interiore. mulţumire. WORDS AND PHRASES vehicle n. biotehnică. clay and or digital models fibrozitate. a ţine = modele de lut şi/sau digitale. paints n. grain n. VOCABULARY I . vagon de pasageri (obişnuit). camion de mobilă. = capitonarea capotei. = tipuri de plastic. plastics n. wood trim n. structură granulară. leather n. = piele. = machete. lining n. rough ~ = suprafaţă aspră/neprelucrată. = covor. fatetă. home furnishing n. These qualities have a strong influence on the way designs are created. mock-up n. facia. = tablou de bord. = a se inspira. In many ways it has a lot to do with our moving forward in the universe and the expression of ideas.The automotive designers today continue in this tradition but use more sophisticated tools such as coloured markers and A. (adapted from www. = ergonomie. = vehicul. grăunte. v. = tendinţă. meditator. fabric n. = a (se) juca. = loc (de şezut / stat). antropotehnică. facet It also tends to drift into futurism and fantasy art. 4. To proceed or move steadily: a ship drawing near the shore. 7. 7. 5. 1. drew them to resign. To bring to a certain condition or action. drew. 3. 9. dial n. coach class n. semn. loc. 4. = a fi purtat. provoke: draw enemy fire. sketch. To formulate or devise from evidence or data at hand: draw a comparison. to split v. II. switch n. 11. To attract customers or spectators: The new play is drawing well. a proveni din. = (into) a împărti în. 2. attract: afraid the casino will draw undesirable elements to the town. a blow that drew blood. 6. To move or pull so as to cover or uncover something: draw the curtains. To take or pull out: drew a gun from beneath the counter. = capra vizitiului. To bring about deliberately. 3. 12. tr. 4. coachman n. v. = livrea. = glumeţ. 4. = clasa a doua. = insignă. drag: draw the chair closer to the table. 2. draw a penalty on an opponent. 66 .= 1. coach-and-four n. To pour forth liquid: The patient's veins don't draw easily. ~ the atom = a dezagrega/a fiziona atomul. To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position. 13. To require (a specified depth of water) for floating: a boat drawing 18 inches. experientă). To cause to come by attracting. scaun. 3. loc (în parlament etc. 1. To cause to flow forth: a pump-drawing water. intr. 8. disc cu numere. playful adj. vessel. To conclude a contest without either side winning. canapea. to grow. ~ frame = rama scaunului. 10. grew. To use or call upon part of a fund or supply: drawing on an account.badge n. v. = cadran. to play. loc (de şezut / stat). a team of horses drawing a wagon. To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force. a despica. as by leading: The teacher drew the children into the room to see the decorations. bilet. art ~ = istoric (trecut) artistic. = a se dezvolta din. livery n. a se îndrepta spre. 5. to drift v. ~ the differences = a da diferenţa pe din doua. tăblie (a scaunului). = zburdălnicie. = fundal. lead: drawn to despair. background n. To compose or write out in legal format: draw a deed. playfulness n.= vizitiu. ~ box = capra vizitiului. drew out a fat wallet. To contract or tighten: material that draws when it dries. LEXICAL COMMENTARY coach box n. To make a likeness with lines on a surface. a sparge. = a (se) juca.v. drawn v. grown (out of) v. drew from the experience of fellow workers. 2. bancă. to draw. istoric (trecut. To take in a draft of air: The flue isn't drawing. = caretă cu patru cai. tie: The chess players drew in 32 moves. 8. type. or region: draw clients from all levels of society.). ~ belt = centură de siguranţă. = întrerupător. To select or take in from a given group. seat n. What does exterior design imply? 4. POLITICS 7. Tony Blair is one of Britain’s most famous __________. as a transitive verb and five meanings as an intransitive verb. What is Automotive Design? 2. I’ve been out of work for ages. Illustrate five meaning of the verb to draw. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals. APPLY 4. EMPLOY 8. We’ve won three international competition this year. It’s not much fun being ________. Noul GT va fi produs în Statele Unite. What does colour and trim design mean? 6. Tomorrow I’m going to send off my ____________ form for the job. III. SUCCEED 10. fapt ce asigură o distribuire echilibrată a greutăţii. Opel GT este maşina sport a anilor `70. Reading and comprehension: 1. COME IV. Este o plăcere să conduci noul Opel GT mulţumită motorului situat în partea din faţă şi a tracţiunii spate. acolo unde sunt produse şi celelalte modele înrudite lui. noua maşină sport va fi ecoul succesului înregistrat de conceptul original GT. Who can practice automotive design? II. pentru mulţi iubitori de maşini. Noul Opel GT este prevăzut să iasă pe piaţă în primăvara anului 2007. Her brother works in the factory as an ____________. Marea Britanie în mai 2003 la a 100-a aniversare a mărcii Vauxhall. Pontiac Solstice şi Saturn Sky. Translate into English: Un nume răsunător nu trebuie să fie lung. EDUCATE 1. What does interior design presupposes? 5. POLLUTE 6. My pencil has broken! Have you got a ____________? SHARP 3. I don’t have much ____________ of European history. Acesta accelerează noul GT de la 0 la 100 km/h în mai puţin de 6 secunde şi permite o viteză maximă de peste 230 km/h. EXERCISES I. I find it difficult to breathe. (http://www. şi a celor 260 de cp ai motorului 2. If you go to court you will need a good _____________.html) 67 . Design-ul a fost inspirat de conceptul VX Lightning creat de GM Advanced Design Studio din Birmingham. ENGINE 5. tracţiune spate şi un motor turbo pe benzină cu patru cilindri. What is the task of the design team? 3. The ________ in this city has got worse. Our team is very _________. Cu linii distincte.0 litri ECOTEC turbo pe benzină.ro/lansari-si-noutati/noul-opel-gt. Acum legendarul nume se întoarce: Opel a prezentat noul GT publicului în premieră la Salonul Auto de la Geneva 2006. LAW 9. Într-adevăr.B. KNOW 2.streetracing. 0 Nowadays it’s very important to get a good education . It’s very difficult to live in London on a low ______________. care a fost produs între 1968 şi 1973. silky. (adapted from www. Geometric shapes such as circles. but not limited to. photography. blue and yellow. repetition. unity. Designers may produce ethnographies as part of the qualitative research for defining needs or features for a product. Graphic design as a practice can be traced back to the origin of the written 68 . rhythm. the visual pleasantness of a work of design is a result of how the composition of the elements of design follows the principles of design. product design. movement. Some fundamental principles of design are alignment. uniform measurements and don't often appear in nature. the visual arts. three-dimensional. negative and/or positive. Everything. like plants and animals. has a texture or surface. triangles or squares have perfect. The principles of design are general characterizations of relations between elements in a composition: balance.g. stress and tension. There are three different types of balance: symmetrical. including. those things nearest to us can partially overlap objects that are farther away. There is no authorative classic theory of design. and overlaps significantly with other disciplines. illustration. Wherever the ends of a continuous line meet. user interface design.wikipedia.1. digital media. proximity. animation. or facilitate understanding. colour. First conceptualized accounts have probably appeared in early books about architecture. texture and colour. the list is endless. According to the classic theory of design (or graphic design. or colors create movement and rhythm in a composition. asymmetrical and radial. Organic shapes are associated with things from the natural world. such as print. As a composition is developed an artist may stress some elements of the design over others. All colors are mixed from three primaries: red. Wherever the ends of a continuous line meet. the boundary between two areas of contrasting colour is an implicit line). service or communication object. human computer interaction. rhythm. A line is the track made by a point moving in space. balance. The eye of the viewer will focus on the area of emphasis or center of interest first. Repeated shapes. form (shape). lines. including works of art. a shape is formed. The elements of design are the fundamental. proportion. Space can be two-dimensional. interior design. a shape is formed. scratchy. then take in the rest of the composition. architecture. Balance is achieved by the resolution of weight. art). packaging. motion pictures. and information signs. pattern. and composition in art. slick. GRAPHIC DESIGN Graphic design is the applied art of arranging image and text to communicate a message. texture. Graphic design is a porous discipline. line. bumpy. since the recognition of these qualities has existed for thousands of years.3. proportion. emphasis. visual design. Texture can be rough.2. dominance and unity. and white space. contrast. prickly. As in the real world. It may be applied in any media. smooth. A relatively recent development is the closely related practice of experience design. but only in the late 19th century did it become identified as a separate entity. soft. isolated parts or element of design may appear explicitly or implicitly (e. They refer to point. information design and interaction design. rhythm n. LEXICAL COMMENTARY boundary. = proporţie. proximity n. = a fi identificat. = filme artistice. to be traced back v. balance n. authorative adj. = autoritar. What are the elements of design? 4. What are the principles of design? 3. (pl. emphasis n. information signs n. ethnography.= trăsătură caracteristică. = proiectare/design experimental. II. = proiectarea produselor. = spaţiu liber. movement n. What is the relation between the principles and the elements of design? 69 . = proximitate. animation n.= limită. = recunoaştere. -ies n. boundary equation = ecuatie limita. recognition n. Reading and comprehension: 1. print ~ = mijloace scrise (ziare. B. experience design n. pleasantness n.= animaţie. porous adj. granită. = aliniere. ies n. = textură. texture n.)= mijloace. proportion n. alignment n. = ritm. VOCABULARY I. packaging n.A. amabilitate. feature n. boundary value problem = problemă la limită / la frontieră. motion pictures n. = accent. EXERCISES I . = etnografie. What is graphic design? white space n. only in the late 19th century did it become identified = de-abia în secolul al XIX-lea a ajuns sa fie identificată. = poros. boundary cluster set = mulţimea punctelor limită la frontier. a se suprapune. product design n.= a încălca. = gentileţe. Examples: boundary behaviour = comportare la frontieră / la limită. to overlap etc). digital ~ = mijloace digitale. şablon. = model. WORDS AND PHRASES media n. a boundary emission = emisiunea la limita de bandă. media). = mişcare pattern n. = = simboluri informaţionale . boundary value = valoare limită. medii (sg. The robot controller functions as the brain and nervous system of the robot. IV.. Generally.imar. vacuum. IV. înlocuind poligonul cu un politop convex.. 4 Have you got any more clothes to put in the dishwasher/washing machine? 5 I’ve told you now/time and again to do your homework! 6 John hates waiting more than ten minutes for a bus. index... Translate into English: Aria unei figuri în plan poate fi aproximată cu numarul de puncte cu coordonate întregi pe care le conţine...00 I felt so tired/tiring that I went to bed. including the power supply.. It was impossible for him to lie.. criterion..II.. spectrum. 3 That meal we had yesterday was horrible. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence. Este exact locul unde intervine Geometria Algebrică.. It can any programmable device from a rotary drum switch to a full computer. I particularly/properly disliked the fish. date. axis. V. . locus.-septagon. medium... 10 It was awful/awfully difficult to read the sign as it was so dark.. focus. Translate the following text into Romanian.-hexagon. 7 Sharon was early for her appointment so she read a magazine to lose/pass the time. maximum. can be mechanical.. The manipulator is the component that provides movement in any number of degrees of freedom. The hand or gripper. În cazul unui poligon convex cu vârfuri întregi. În dimensiune superioară însă.. cu atât aproximaţia este mai buna. 0 By 11. numarul total de puncte întregi de pe laturi şi aria poligonului.. între numarul de puncte întregi conţinute în poligon. există o legătură directă cu formula Pick (1899). este nevoie de instrumente de lucru mult mai puternice decât o simplă analiză combinatorială. (Marian Aprodu. 1 How many photos did you make/take on holiday? 2 I read a really interested/interesting article in the newspaper today.. tooling. .. 8 Shall I turn the central conditioning/heating 70 . give more information on the uses of robots: Industrial Robots The following are the three basic components of an industrial robot: controller. .. De aici încolo.www. or magnetic device for part handling. industrial robots are classified into: simple robots..-quadrilateral/square. Cu cât figura este mai mare. matrix. The manipulator consists of the base and the arm of the robot.-pentagon. usually hydraulic... formula.. Introducere în geometria varietatilor torice .. Write the number of sides corresponding to the names of shapes: Example: 3-triangle . It’s very hot in here. manipulator.octagon..-decagon III. electric or pneumatic. He gets very impatient/unpatient. medium technology robots and sophisticated industrial ones.. calculul volumului devine complicat.nonagon. 9 Marcus always said/told the truth. Give the plural form of the following nouns: datum. 6. BUT ARE THEY SAFE? There are many different types and sizes of electric cars. weighs 390 lbs. even at top speed. For this reason.4. one is able to travel up to 70 miles distance per day. there have been remarkable developments in the area of solar cells and in the development of ultra light weight solar charging battery powered cars. An electric car operator must be constantly aware of this problem while driving in populated areas. Though the electric car itself does not burn fuel.2. With intermittent charging throughout the day. The Citi-Car for example. with tubular steel frames. is 3. It takes about 7 hours to fully recharge the batteries. The GM Sunraycer is 71 . the GM Sunraycer. though an electric motor is more efficient at high rotational speeds. It is estimated that an electric car. weighs about 1600 lbs. however by doing this. charging from a conventional fossil fueled power plant. such as a VW or a Chevy Chevette or tiny cars such as the 1975 CitiCar. Electric cars are very quiet. the life of the batteries is shortened. produces less then 20% of the pollution created by a standard gasoline powered car. Most electric cars are much heavier then they look. The average driver drives an estimated 28 miles per day. so we must consider the pollution created at the power plant. ACCELERATION: An electric motor has what is known as continuous torque and therefore has almost the same horsepower at any speed. reliable and handle well.9 driving hours. Electric cars are so quite that they can be a danger to pedestrians crossing the street since pedestrians can not hear the car coming.6 feet wide and 19. Since most electric cars are limited production cars. Until recently. stronger then most conventionally produced gasoline cars. most electric cars are structurally very strong. due mostly to the weight of the batteries. an electric car normally has better acceleration from standstill than the acceleration of a gasoline powered car.1. it is not possible to effectively run a car directly from the sun. it has a normal range in the summer of about 40 miles and in the winter time about 30 miles per charge. In the case of the Citi-Car. not exactly. DRIVING AN ELECTRIC CAR Electric cars are in many ways similar to gasoline powered cars.3 feet high. the Citi-Car uses about the same amount of electricity as a 150 watt light bulb. As a result. most electric cars fell into two categories--cars converted from gasoline power.6 miles per hour over a total of 44. NO POLLUTION? No. WHAT ABOUT SOLAR POWER? With current technology. Under normal conditions. The top speed of the Citi-Car is however only 40 miles per hour. Nevertheless.7 feet long and averaged 41. they are built the same way as most racing cars. So-called solar powered cars are in reality solar charging battery powered cars. These batteries weigh more then normal car batteries and are designed to endure up to 2000 charges. most power plants use fossil fuels to generate electricity. They are comfortable. Most electric cars today have built in battery chargers and all that is required to recharge is a long extension cord and plug into a regular 110 Volt home outlet. The sun is used to charge the batteries. The Citi-Car can out accelerate most cars from 0 to 20 miles per hour. So quiet that you can barely hear the motor run. The Citi-Car uses eight special 6 volt "deep cycle" batteries. A set of eight deep cycle batteries can cost as little as $450. this translates to about two years of use. For example. It is possible to greatly reduce the charging time by increasing the charging voltage. When recharging. be out of operation. priză electrică.ph. ARE THERE MORE ELECTRIC VEHICLES OVERSEAS? There are more electric vehicles in the United States than in all other countries in the world combined.6 feet wide = = viteză maximă.ph. = cablu de alimentare electric. = orificiu. = cal putere. cycle. = 1. II. 70 miles distance per day = 70 mile pe zi (1 mile=1. = de încredere. 72 .950 mile race. to handle v. to run down = to stop working. to shorten v. run standstill n. to run into somebody = to meet somebody by journey to and for. = combustibil fosilă. scurgere. to run up to = to go up to. (adapted from http://www. VOCABULARY I. = operation. to weigh v.htm) A. to work. performance. power plants n.7 feet long =19. = tensiune de alimentare. has fewer than 2000 registered electric vehicles. running order = operating condition. = rame de oţel tubulare. a 150 watt light bulb n. = maşină pe benzină. amount to (expenses).59237 grame) 3. top speed n. 3. rotational speed n. = uzine electrice. = 1. 1. = a scurta. v. ieşire. = a suporta.didik. n. charging voltage n. running in period = testing period for engines or new machinery. built-in battery chargers n.6 picioare (în) lătime. a realimenta. 390 lbs = 390 pounds (1 pound =453. 2.7 picioare (în) lungime. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to run v.3 picioare (în) înăltime.3 feet high = 3. Other solar cars have attained speeds of over 110 mile per hour. pedestrian n. to endure v. incetare. = greutate. running characteristics = performance characteristics. Japan.000 registered electric vehicles in the United States (over 15. to recharge v .ph. 6. fossil fuel n. outlet n. = viteză de rotaţie. impas. 2. reliable adj. II. weight n.609344 km). to run out of = to become shod of (supplies). = încărcători cu baterii încorporate.considered one of the most advanced "solar" cars in the world and in 1987 won the Solar Challenge race in Australia--a 1. extension cord n. ph. = a (se) manevra. = a reîncărca. torque n. oprire. ph. 19. to be in operation.000 in California alone). = a cântări. = un bec electric de 150 watts. plug = I. to 30 miles per charge = 30 mile de încărcare. = pieton. WORDS AND PHRASES gasoline powered car n. horsepower n. a băga în priza. tubular steel frames n. for example. 2. = cuplu de torsiune. ph. There are over 40. How is the acceleration of an electric car compared to that of a gasoline powered car? down adj. very smoothly. too. exhausted. I didn't recognize him at first as he looked rather. The outlay (expenses) for the re-equipment of the laboratory might. The pew plant will be . a long journey by sea or in space _______ this area today because extensive road repair is being undertaken. We might. going to a place. and coming back again _______ 4 a circular journey during which you visit several places _______ 5. travel. Match the following words with the definitions: cruise. Can an electric car run with solar power? II. EXERCISES I.... a holiday on a large ship _______ 6. journey.. Există multe tipuri de motoare electrice. 73 .. to run B. whom I hadn't seen for years. Motoarele cu current continuu pot fi grupate în 3 clase: motoare cu excitaţie în serie.. The clock in the hall ':1as . III.. . . can coincide with the curve described during the next. an old friend. Cars taken straight from the assembly line will need a . the general activity of moving from place to place (uncountable noun) ______ 2.. No buses or trams will.. usually over a long distance or long time_______ 3.. by the board of directors.. going from one place to another.. millions of lei. Do electric cars pollute the environment? 5. = tired... The purchase of new equipment was inevitable since the old one was no longer in . tour. because nobody wound it up last night. to test their reliability and performances. motoare polifazate şi motoare monofazate. they will have to get perfectly familiar with their…. while coming out of the library I . B. Motoarele cu curent alternativ pot fi: motoare sincrone. It's no use trying to start the engine if the battery has . Those old and noisy pieces of machinery have been replaced by new ones which . Before they start operating these new machine. staying there. The curve described by the beam of an oscilloscope during one . . petrol if the next filling-station is closed... Fill in the blanks with one of the following A. B. a plant) run to run into somebody running characteristics to run out of running order run down (adj. .. Are electric cars safe? 4. motoare în derivaţie şi motoare compound. trip. Translate into English: Motorul electric primeşte energia electrică şi o transformă în energie mecanică.. voyage 1. to run (a school. Yesterday. What are the characteristics of an electric car? 2.. . Reading and comprehension: 1.) running in period to run down to run up to A.. The often cited ‘four Ps’ of marketing . What roles do colour. it is quite unlikely that they will change. Thus. What role does packaging play to maintain brand choice against increasing concerns about smoking health risks? (adapted from www. packaging assists consumers to select among other relatively homogenous products. Brand choices are usually made early during the life of a smoker. In the case of cigarettes. dezordine. and helping to make the sale. states: ‘a cigarette package is part of a smoker's clothing. factors such as increased competition and clutter on the retail store shelf have meant that for most products. Thus. and placementare concepts that summarize the domains of marketing strategy. = sarcinile vanzărilor. VOCABULARY I. with less than 10% changing brands annually. providing a living testimonial endorsement of the user on behalf of that brand and product. To do this. but also other subgroups of consumers . Cigarette packaging is no exception. This high degree of social visibility leads cigarettes to be known as ‘badge products’. packaging must perform many sales tasks. unlike many other products where the packaging is discarded after opening. However. describing the product. = agitatie. once a consumer embraces a cigarette brand. pack size. Cigarette brands enjoy the highest brand loyalty of all consumer select one brand over another? 2. the primary function of a package was to simply contain and protect the A. = vanzare cu bucata.2. such as attracting attention. have a look at these questions and answer them as you consider best: 1. retail n. WORDS AND PHRASES clutter n. When there is less opportunity to establish brand imagery through traditional methods of advertising. 74 . as is increasingly becoming the case as advertising restrictions come into force. for example.5. he makes a statement about himself. promotion. packaging plays a more important role in establishing and driving brand image. however. sales tasks n. harababură. As a crucial part of the both the product and promotion. with a high concordance between the brand first smoked and the brand eventually selected as usual it must look new and different enough to attract the attention of the consumer. smokers generally retain the cigarette pack until the cigarettes are used and keep the pack close by or on their person. and pack construction.’ When a user displays a badge product.designboom. A cigarette package designer. as well as being left on public display during use. and when he saunters into a bar and plunks it down. John Digianni. CIGARETTE PACK GRAPHICS Traditionally. The primary job of the package is to create a desire to purchase and try.price. packaging is even more critical for several reasons. So. Firstly. cigarette packs are constantly being taken out and opened. play in influencing potential consumers -especially starter smokers. product. this is witnessed by others. .an accurate determination.specific experiment. brand n.simplification. a indepărta. To make .a decision. .a approximation. a inlătura. To accomplish .improvements.a comparison. To effect -a regulation.a choice. .adjustments. = a arunca.experiments. . .an experiment . .calculations. = a renunta. . II. calculations. an assessment. to discard v. public display n. . LEXICAL COMMENTARIES Mind the possible ways to render the Romanian a face. . to plunk something down v.a research project.a logical assumption. circuits.a calculus by hand. to embrace v. to saunter v.homogenous adj. . = produse de marcă. . . . . = expunere/prezentare publică. . = a imbrătisa.commands.a extension. . .generalizations. an investigation. . a measurement. = a face o analysis. . 75 .ph. . = stilul legat de marcă. badge products n. .instructions.operations. a executa into English: To do -a syntax analysis. a function. .a list.operations.connections. = marcă. To execute . brand imagery n. on a body.your duty. . . . .duties. compact. To carry out . . .progress. predictions. advances.a task. .a study. .an operation. . To perform -a specified activity. . a aseza (ceva pe).an instruction. . . = omogen. a arunca (cărtile la joc).efforts.validity checks. 11. after their quarrel. 15. He made straight …. 2. 10... a series of experiments successfully demonstrating the existence of electromagnetic induction.. The assumption is . when he finished his work. 4. How can a brand influence people’s choice? II. their duty to the best of their ability.. a completa. Let us quickly check the results and make . a executa as required in each sentence: 1... III. They always try to . 3.. 1. the time we wasted with setting up the device for our experiment. nothing more than provide the single piece of information it contains. Reading and comprehension: 1. Some computers could ……five million internal operations..the library. The state of a body can be changed by …… work on it.. Supply one of the English equivalents for the Romanian a face. 5. 7.. at the Electronica Factory. Every molecule is made . I can't make . 14. 9. 2. Use the right preposition or adverbial particle from the list below in the following sentences: make up of = a alcătui... the inscription on the stone. make for = a se îndrepta spre. though we tried very hard. of a number of elementary particles. Regulation is . 5. This simplification was .. Mathematical logic can be…. 7.… several initials. in the use of light pens are quite spectacular.. A computer . what is wrong with it. Why is cigarette packaging important? 3... We couldn't make .... When he made . that the system is stable. Such transistors are currently . with respect to a set point. its functions fast and letting the ON and OFF states refer to true and false. he admitted he had been wrong. 6... EXERCISES I.. with the post war development of Z-plane operational methods. An individual fact .B. a recupera... make up with = a se împăca cu cineva. What is the function of a package? 2. make out = a întelege.... A further extension to sampled data systems was . 3. Take a look at this diagram.. The developments being .. While accompanying Davy on his tour in Europe. make up for = a compensa. 8.. at the expense of the response speed. Faraday had many duties to .. 6. 76 . 12. 4. his friend... 13... In ten days Faraday . one by one to operate on data. The term is made . A computer program 'consists of a huge number of individual instructions which are . bazat pe o textură repetitivă care pune în valoare elementele identităţii vizuale (logo şi paletă de culori). 0 Anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates should read this book. Underline the most suitable word. 77 . mărime). care poate fi uşor folosit. consistenţă.IV. 1 Margaret has some beautiful flower boxes on her window sill/frame/shelf. mediul înconjurător. Would you like to come with me?’ 9 Keith prefers to wear shirts with short sleeves/arms/cuffs to work. 2 I always put the central conditioning/heating/warming on as soon as it starts to get cold. 8 ‘I’ve got a spare ticket for the tennis court/game/match on Friday. Din cauza creşterii în ultima vreme a gunoiului de ambalaje. Cu toate aceasta sau chiar prin aceasta ele au o importanţă foarte mare în potenţialul de diferenţiere pe piaţă şi reprezintă chiar o strategie investiţională cuprinsă în forma de prezentare. comunică o imagine tânără. 4 They booked their holiday through a tour/trip/travel agent on the High Street. S-a ajuns în unanimitate la concluzia că acestea trebuie reduse. 10 I enjoy window shopping/buying/looking when I haven’t got much money to V. logistic sau chiar de la producător. cerinţele unui ambalaj depind de conţinut (de ex. 3 The departs/departure/leaving lounge is a non-smoking area. comerţ. identificând în mod unic brandul în rândul produselor concurente având drept culoare dominantă tonuri albe sau reci şi fiind identificate primar eventual doar prin logo. Designul ambalajului poate fi văzut ca un caz special al designului produsului. societate. Despre posibilele soluţii încă nu există claritate (ambalaje de unică Designul ambalajului. Acesta este definit prin legătura deosebită pe care o are ambalajul cu produsul şi prin funcţiile concrete care le deţine. Translate into English: Ambalajul constituie forme de acoperiri care au un anumit scop: de acoperire a unui produs sau a unui conţinut. au fost create discuţii critice despre materialele şi mărimea ambalajelor. caldă şi optimistă. De aceea. 6 The level/cost/price of living is much higher in the south of the country. Chris got a temporary job/work/employment in a restaurant. pericol. Prin îmbinarea produsului cu ambalajul se obţine un pachet. 7 My sister won first place/prize/class in a cookery competition last weekend. de funcţiile şi cerinţele care trebuie îndeplinite şi care pot veni de la consumator. 5 After he was made redundant. sensibilitate. vintage jeans. • the 1940's – war: fewer jeans were made during the time of world war 2. The material. called jean. not conventional jeans stores. and cotton plantations increased.2. discovered in markets.1. Sales of jeans went up and up. psychedelic jeans. with their own labels on them. like Wrangler and Lee. new cuts. Denim has quite a history. DENIM Denim is also called blue jeans. who sometimes wore them when they were off duty. painted jeans. jeans. because they wore clothes made from it.6. chinos. • the 1930's: westerns cowboys . or Levi's.and thrift shops. In many non-western countries. it is also woven in coloured stripes. The traditional denim is a durable twill-woven cotton fabric with coloured (usually blue) warp and white filling threads. but they were introduced to the world by American soldiers. when famous designers started making their own styles of jeans. is in trouble. supplying clothes. The word jeans comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe. etc. it certainly goes out of 'fashion' from time to time. Leob Strauss started a wholesale business. • the 1980's –designer jeans: jeans became high fashion clothing. a nation grieves. was named after sailors from Genoa in Italy. rival companies. • the 19th century or the California gold rush: the gold miners wanted clothes that were strong and did not tear easily. The word 'denim' probably came from the name of a French material. secondhand. Since no teenager would be caught dead in anything their parents are wearing. dungarees. They still wore denim. • the 1960-70's: hippies & the cold war: different styles of jeans were made. Strauss later changed his name from Leob to Levi. In 1853. shapes. Some schools in the USA banned students from wearing denim.who often wore jeans in the movies-became very popular. 78 . began to compete with Levi for a share of the international market. or in the form of aged. jeans became a symbol of 'western decadence' and were very hard to get. the latest generation of rebellious youth turned to other fabrics and other styles of casual pants. the number-one producer of jeans and the "single most potent symbol of American style on planet earth" (as the Los Angeles times succinctly put it). These years the youth market was not particularly interested in 501s and other traditional jeans styles.. such as khakis. but it had to be in different finishes. serge de Nimes: serge (a kind of material) from Nimes (a town in France). denim became popular with young people. It was the symbol of the teenage rebel in TV programmes and movies (James Dean in the 1955 movie A Rebel Without A Cause). Eleven North American factories close. combat and carpenters and branded sportswear pants. styles. slave labour. authentic. workers wore jean cloth because the material was very strong and it did not wear out easily. mainly because their parents: the 'generation born in blue' were still busy squeezing their aging bodies into them. as the fabric phenomenon of the last centuries: the 18th century: in the eighteenth century as trade. Levi Strauss & co. • the 1950's-rebels: in the 1950's. to match the 60's fashions: embroidered jeans. • the 1990's: recession: although denim is never completely out of style. After the war. on the internet. And then. so in 1872.Who invented the fasteners? A big problem with the miners’ clothes was represented by the FACTS . softer denims in dress and shirting weights were introduced. appearing in cushions. Chloe and Versace. The label showed a picture of a pair of jeans that were being pulled between two horses. .When did the label first appear? The label first appeared in 1886. sell out instantaneously at $3715 a pop. seen globally. but he did not have enough money. beat-up. The warp yarn is traditionally dyed with the blue pigment obtained from indigo dye. Two-way stretch fabrics and special coatings or rubberized effects continue to be a strong trend. The durability of indigo as a colour and its darkness of tone made it a good choice. where does that leave the traditional jeans brands? The old mass market has segmented. beaded. In 1870 BASF in Germany. Denims come with either polyamide.Who started to prewash them? Jack Spence for Lee .britannica. (adapted from www. there was the shining image of Helmut Lang's silver-sprayed pants. linked with practical fabrics and work clothing. at Chanel. Jacob Davis had the idea of using metal rivets (fasteners) to hold the pockets and the jeans together so that they would not tear. Lighter. Denim is no longer a cotton only product. micro and niche markets. he wrote to Levi Strauss and offered Strauss a deal if Strauss would pay for the patent and Strauss accepted. lycra. such as linen. originally suppliers of natural indigo had started the search for a synthetic substitute. The products need to be reinvented from time to time and jeans have been back on designers catwalks. which easily tore away from the jeans. polypropylene or with polyester and a special bonding with a 100% nylon net for a more active look. . summer '99. shattered into a multitude of mini.2000: reinventing denim: something decidedly weird is happening in the world of denim. in 1894 the process was perfected. It can also be found in home collections. Davis wanted to patent his idea. The shabby. fragmented.Who started with stone-wash? Francois Girbaud • 79 . denim is assuming any number of disguises and contexts to be worn in and has broken through almost any limitation on price. . rotten or dirty look in line with the trend for vintage denim looks set to be around with the 'homespun look' with his irregular appearance. hemp or wool and for the luxe looks even silk and cashmere are turning up in new denims to give them different aesthetics. bed spreads and furniture-coverings. indigo was the most significant natural dye known to mankind. But if denim is making a major fashion statement. Tom Ford's feathered. which was at the end of the 19th century. torn-knee Gucci blue jeans. The last generation has a vast quantity of brands to choose from. Freed of all social and creative restrictions. when frequent washing was not possible. a different perception of the cult value of owning small insider labels and a fanatical loyalty only to what is hot on a daily basis.Why is denim blue? Denim is unique in its singular connection with one colour. The single most potent symbol of fashion. Various natural fibers. Until the introduction of synthetic dyes. striding out beyond our conception of basic utility. Dior. when Levi sewed a leather label on their jeans. two-way stretch fabrics n. nylon net n. striding out v. beaded ~ = jeanşi impodobiţi cu mărgele. phenomena). niche markets n. instead of lying on the bottom of the water. twill-woven cotton fabric n. = plasa de nylon. WORDS AND PHRASES fabric n. 2.olah.= tăieturi. to beat-up = material din bumbac cu ţesătură în diagonală. VOCABULARY I. = 317 $ perechea. because they floated around with the jeans. catwalk n. phenomenon n. porţiuni decolorate. = salopete. to go up v. to grieve v. avut. to sell out v. = a supă vintage ~ = jeansi vintage ( cu o aparenţă de uzat: găuri. înaripat. = pantaloni de camuflaj. = a lua cu asalt. = ţesătură. = pantaloni sport de firmă. = stil = fir de umplutură. embroidered ~ =jeanşi brodaţi. but their supply is limited. ph. banned students from wearing denim = a interzis studentilor să poarte denim. worn v. = demodat. ştrasuri sau broderie. warp n. jeans n. = nuante de kaki.= podium de modă. avântat. ph. ph . urzeală.ph.= 1. wove. to wear out. $3715 a pop n. branded sportswear pants n. ph. to weave. fig. stofă. . khakis n. then pumice. = a creşte. out of 'fashion' adj. material. = a (se) uza. out of style adj. ph. to tear. împănat. = ţesatură. = dungă. bogat. = în afara serviciului. Turkish stones are preferred for their porosity and cleanliness or stones from Sicily. A. = legătură. special coating n. weird adj.= ciudat. thrift shops chinos n. silver-sprayed pants n. = pantaloni cu argintiu. franjuri şi tivuri descusute). finishes n. off duty torn v. = jeansi. = finisaje.= magazine economice. 80 . combat pants n. = nişele de piată. ţinte. fig. = a rupe. = întrecand. = zilnic. = chinezării. feathered adj.Who started sandblasting? Different brands used it in 1988 in Italy (adapted from www. wore. carpenters pants n. = fenomen (pl.-What stones where used? First pea gravel. bonding n. cuts n. cu pene. painted ~ = jeanşi pictaţi. = ţesături elastice în ambele sensuri. a se întrista. = a (se ) vinde. filling thread n. woven = a ţese. torn-knee ~ = jeanşi sfaşiaţi. tore. stripe n. 3. = îmbrăcăminte specială. on a daily basis n. aptitudine. to turn v. = 1. to turn off = a închide (un robinet). a deveni. rând . II. hemp n. = a prespăla. modest. a (se) transforma. puma. = pietricică. LEXICAL COMMENTARY at every turn = la tot pasul. = rotire. ph. a (se) întoarce. to turn out= a se dovedi. in line with prep. to turn up = a se ivi. Chemicals are now used in many laundries replacing sand. = în pas cu. lucrat în casă. homespun = I adj. dirty adj. stricat. turn n. zdrenţăros.= fir textile in tesătură. 3. = efecte cauciucate. to turn on = a excita. = murdar. fasteners n. fig. to float v. 2. cotitură. clame. = cuguar. Reading and comprehension: 1. What are the new types of denim? 5.1. sandblast n. ţesătură de casă. curbă. obscen. Identify some stages of denim usage in clothing. = capse. 2. = etichetă.= a (se) învârti. rotten adj. jerpelit. 1. fără haz.rubberized effects n. cleanliness n. by turns = cu schimbul. întoarcere. to turn out = a da afară. = caşmir. = in. 3. fermoare. 3. dyed adj. simplu. canepă. = vopsit. While originally done only by hand. marijuana. = curăţenie. = mătase. = 1. groaznic. 2. B. a (se) roti. = a pluti. II. pea gravel n. cashmere n. 2. she has turned fifty = a împlinit 50 de ani. What is denim? 2. this processing has recently become automated. plimbare. silk n. = 1. pumice n. sărăcăcios. warp yarn n. label n. fig lucru simplu. = fibră. to prewash v. to turn in = a se culca. = lană. What is the colour of denim and why? 81 . = a laundry process where jeans before washing are literally shot with guns of sand to make the jeans look as if they have been worn. EXERCISES I. (sablare). wool n. fiber n. to turn down = a refuza. linen n. cariat. 2. shabby adj. Who prefers to wear denim? 4. etc. to turn a deaf ear = a refuza să dea ascultare. used for making sweaters c. used for making shirts or trousers l. kind of soft leather made from the skin of goats. 3. used for making wedding dresses. used especially for making shirts.tumble dry …. used for making trousers or suits j. 8. material made from animal skins. nappy. wool a. e. synthetic fibre used for making stockings and blouses h. k. etc. cloth made from soft hair of sheep. silk. linen.hand wash in lukewarm water …. thread spun from a soft white fibrous substance found round the seeds of a plant: used for making shirts.drip dry …. gloves. i. suede. etc. nylon. etc . thick strong cotton material with raised lines on it. 11. 10.dry clean only 82 . material made from the soft thread from the cocoons of certain insects.cloth made of flax. 5. a delicate fabric of interlacing threads. shoes. nightgowns. tablecloths b. velvet. etc. flannel. leather. lace. cloth with a thick soft nap on one side. not wash …. Kinds of material. 12.hang to dry ….. woollen cloth of loose texture. underwear.dry flat …. d. do not use chlorine bleach …. g. used for making dresses. corduroy.. used for making shoes. What do the following symbols mean? Match the symbols with the corresponding instructions …. denim.. 2 cotton.. etc. 7. g. a coarse cotton cloth used for jeans III. used for making not iron ….II. bags. 6. 4. a soft. Match the following names of materials with their definitions 1. with the flesh surface rubbed into a soft nap. 9. used for making gloves. a. f. etc. 5. ‘mătase acetat’ nu este permis. 83 . ex. Translate into English: 1. …. …. o jachetă cu căptuseală – conţinutul fiecăreia trebuie menţionat pe etichetă. striped V... 4. Dacă un produs are în compoziţie două sau mai multe componente cu conţinut diferit de fibre.. Un produs textil care conţine două sau mai multe tipuri de fibre înregistrat cu 85% din produsul final trebuie să fie marcat cu tipul de fibră urmat de un procent. Orice material decorativ care se găseşte în produs în proporţie de 7% sau mai puţin este exclus din indicarea conţinutului de fibre. ex.. . 2. Match the styles with the pictures...crew/turtle neck …. …..floral.checked.belted …. Cuvantul 'mătase' nu poate fi utilizat pentru descrierea texturii oricărei alte fibre. . …..baggy. Bumbac 80% Polyester 15% Nylon 5%.. 3.. ex.high heeled.. Cuvântul 'pur' trebuie utilizat numai în cazul în care produsul este confecţionat dintr-o singura fibră.IV.pleated. For instance.2. The radio waves hit any airplane that comes within about 30 miles of the airport. The antenna fans up and down. (Bantaş. The waves bounce back from any solid object they meet and report where it is.123) 84 . though it is circular. p. It brushes the sky in a circle about 30 miles in radius. turned off. The sound waves of your voice bounce against a hill or a wall and return to your ear. Actually. From its centre an arm swings round. one kind is used on ships to prevent crashes. the old blip fades. The screen is like a television screen. too. Your voice is transmitter (sender).2. There are many other kinds of radar devices.1. To hear an echo. But observers in the control room can recognize a blip that means a plane. the principle of radar is the same: send – bounce – report. The screen is coated with a chemical that holds the blip’s light for a short time. The trail of the blip shows the plane’s direction. the electric charge of its “echo” reaches the arm. As each new blip appears. Andrei & Porţeanu . The big radar antenna at an airport turns round and round watching the skies. You know that when you shout you may sometimes hear an echo. HOW RADAR WORKS Many people think that radar is something mysterious and hard to understand. A radar device sends out very short radio waves. the idea of radar is simple. There they appear on a screen as little spots of light. The word “radar” stands for “radio detection and ranging”. Limba engleză pentru ştiinţă şi tehnică. The radar transmitter sends out its waves in pulses lasting one or two thousands of a second. Your ear is the receiver. the blip glows. At the same time. The bouncing of these radio waves is very much like that of sound waves. the observer knows the distance of each plane from the airport. though. Each kind has extra features. A blip does not look like a plane. The distance is figured electrically by measuring the time that each radar signal takes to bounce back. Rodica. Radar must wait for the return of waves. Another kind is the speed-trap radar used by the police. While both the antenna and the arm on the screen are swinging. Between pulses. In all of them. matching the swings of the radar antenna around the sky.II. It sends out a narrow beam of radio waves. For one or two thousandths of second this ear picks up echoes. When a plane approaches. The longer they take. these signals from the radio waves are sent electrically to the control room. From the receiver. becomes a receiver. By watching the blips. the observer can “see” airplanes coming and trace their courses. the transmitter. TEXTS FOR INDUSTRIAL ENERGETICS AND MECATRONICS 2. you must wait until the sound waves have time to return to you. But radio waves move very much faster than sound waves. called “blips”. The reflector focuses them on the receiver. the farther away they have been. The charge causes a blip at the point on the screen that matches the plane’s position.2. They bounce back from the plane to a big reflector near the receiver. What other forms of communication can you list? II. = radiobalizare. = impuls. = 1.a se balansa. pulse n. = 1. to stand for (to be in favour of. Match each problem (a–j) with a solution (1-10). spiţă (la roată). 3.. rază (de cerc). electric ~ = electromagnetică. EXERCISES I. 2. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to stand against (to withstand. B. radiolocaţie. a rezista la) No one could stand against this argument.a lovi. rază. to resist = a se împotrivi. 3. 2. 3. întindere.. reflecţie.A. distanţă.a se reflecta. fluturare a mâinii. What radar applications do you know? 6.a ricoşa. bară. a placa. imagine reflectată. val (de căldură. Make up sentences of your own with the phrasal verb to stand. 2. teamă. semn cu mâna.a îmbrăca.a oscila. nimb. = 1. radio ranging n. = antenă simultană. What principle lies at the basis of all radar operation systems? 4. speed-trap ~ = zona de control a vitezei. unică de emisie – recepţie. travers. reflectare. = impuls scurt. mănunchi de raze. to bounce v. val. ~ devices = aparat/ dispozitiv /mecanism/ instrument radar. . a. reflector n. = 1. a sprijini) He stood for justice at the latest national conference. sound ~ = undă de sunet. reflex. grindă. = 1. aureolă. (braţ de) balanţă.. light ~ = undă luminoasă. heat~ = val de căldură. = 1. blip n. radiolocator. vibraţie. III. 2. The door squeaks. What is radar? 2. lăţime (a navei). radar n. 85 . where? 5. Reading and comprehension: 1. traversă de punte. 3. 2. rază calorică.. radius (-i) n.. = 1. reflector. Have you ever seen a radar? If so. 2.a se roti. to stand back (to move back = a se da îndărăt) They stood back to let the car pass. violenţă) radio ~ = undă radio. radiodetecţie. duplexer n. a acoperi. ~ transmitter = emiţător / transmiţător / manipulator / microfon / staţie de radio / emisie. =1. II. to coat v. 2. ground ~ = undă terestră. to swing v. punct luminos. 6. 4. Where does the word radar come from? 3. 5. staţie de radar. to stand out (to be distinct/better than others = a se distinge) His work stands out from that of others to stand up for (to defend = a apăra) The rebels stood up for their rights. wave n. WORDS AND PHRASES beam n. 3. = sarcina electrică. electric charge n. undă. ~ antenna = antena radar. radar. to advocate = a susţine. VOCABULARY I. 3. traversă. traversă mobilă. 2. . 5. antenna.. a device used to isolate the transmitter from the receiver during radar operation.. 8. . h.of the target. e.. 4... range. The TV isn’t picking up the signals from the video recorder. 10... It needs re-programming.. 6.. 1.back to the antenna.. It needs painting. It needs adjusting 10. El se întrebuinţează cel mai adesea pentru detectarea obiectelor în mişcare. j. 1. Instalaţiile de radio locaţie de acest fel folosesc o emisie continuă şi recepţie curentă. The transmitter and the receiver have the same………… 7. It needs tightening... The battery is dead. Radarul care foloseşte efectul Doppler este capabil nu numai să pună în evidenţă direcţia unui obstacol. Pe acest principiu sunt construite instalaţiile de radar ale poliţiei pentru depistarea autovehiculelor care circulă cu viteză excesivă. Domeniul de aplicare a radarului este foarte variat.. It needs recharging. The time interval is measured through an………………. i... . It needs sharpening. The……………is used to measure the distance. The car's got a few t h i ng s wrong with it. The screw is c o mi n g loose... 9. 9. 86 . echo.of the ship was beyond our capabilities. pentru orientarea avioanelor. 5. My watch has stopped... target... It needs servicing. 7....... detection. IV. V.. . The wall looks very bare. g...and are reflected as an …….. f..... Many ships use a PPI (plan position indicator) indicator as well as other………. It needs winding up. dar şi să evalueze viteza cu care acesta se apropie sau se îndepărtează. indicator. Fill in each blank with a one of the following words: radar. 2.. 4.. 3.. duplexer. It needs replacing. 2. . Translate into English: Radarul este una din cele mai importante cuceriri ale ştiinţei secolului XX..points gives the direction of the…………. The direction at which the………. în meteorologie şi în multe altele. . The……. pentru cercetarea fundului mării. .by the ……….b... The pulses are sent by an……….was used for the ………………of the ship 6. Funcţionarea radarului se bazează pe fenomenul e reflecţie a undelor electromagnetice în banda de frecvenţă ultrascurtă. ……………. 3.. The car seat is too far back. The……………. The light bulb is flickering.. d.... The distance from the spot to the center of the screen corresponds to the………. . The pencil is blunt.. It needs oiling... 8. 3. collector. 4. = element galvanic. The magnitude or intensity of the current in the circuit depends on the magnitude of the e m f and the resistance of the whole circuit.2. = 1. 2. the direction of the current in the circuit is taken to coincide with the direction of the e m f. curgere. deschidere. This is called an electric circuit. 7. 2. primitor. primary cell n. 2. intensity n. WORDS AND PHRASES conductor n.solicitare. 3. Limba engleză pentru ştiinţă şi tehnică. 2. director. to any portion of the circuit outside the power source. povară. = 1. electric adj. 4. (adapted from Bantaş. truc. 6. deviz. rezervor. vigoare. (aici) flux. 3. dispozitiv de ghidare. responsabil. forms a closed loop. accumulator. electric heating device. intensitate. flaw n. greutate.g. The power source transforms mechanical. electrizant. = 1. which is often simply called electric energy. the value of which depends upon the material. 4. load n. ruptură. grămadă. or power source (e. electric. receiver n. and two conductors connecting the receiver and power source terminals. or electric motor). device n. the current 1 in a circuit is directly proportional to the e m f E and the inversely proportional to the resistance R of the whole circuit. putere. The direction of the current is thus from + to – in the external circuit and from – to + inside the source. şiretlic. buclă. fisură. an electric lamp. separately. along which an uninterrupted stream of electric charges (an electric current) flows. = 1. Conventionally. 5.5. 3. radiant. aparat. With respect to the source. mulţime. 5. 8. 3. preceptor. or generator). 3. importanţă. ochi. = 1. mărime. defect. atenţie. mechanical and so on. a receiver of energy (e. concentrare. resort. = sursă de energie. însemnătate. loop n. consignator.2. The power source. a primary cell. 2. destinatar. procedeu (stilistic). taxator. dimensiune. thermal. together with the conductors and receiver (load) connected to it.g. luping. instrument. The relationship between these quantities is expressed by Ohm’s law. the conductors and receiver (load) from the so called external circuit. which plays a very important role in electrical engineering. 4. buclă. power source n. The direct cause of flow of electric current in a circuit is the electromotive force (E M F) of the power source. 3. = 1. = 1. THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT AND ITS ELEMENTS The simplest electric circuit consists of a source of energy. 69) A. 87 .2 . 2. receptor. According to this law. being the basis of many practical calculations. Andrei & Porţeanu . arc. conductor. Ohm’s law can be applied to the circuit as a whole and. viciu. the energy receiver. = 1. sarcină. on the contrary.2. dirijor. încasator. VOCABULARY I. shape and dimensions of the conductors comprising these parts of the electric circuit. recipient. Rodica. crăpătură. chemical. or other energy into electromagnetic energy. 2. transforms the electric energy to other forms of energy: radiant. Both the external circuit and the source possess resistance. orificiu. punct slab. = 1. coloană de ghidaj. tensiune. 2. magnitude n. 4. p. tărie. încordare. 4. încărcătură. mecanism. dispozitiv. a scoate (o hainã). 4. fierbinte. to take a journey = a face o cãlãtorie. a demola. 3. 7. 3. 2. model. to be taken in the act = a fi prins asupra faptului. a scoate (un dinte). a umili. a adopta (un copil). raport. a adãposti (pe cineva). to take a step = 1. a porni. 2. 4. 8. a primi (un ziar). to take to = 1. a îndepãrta. a fi abonat la.aspect. la restaurant). 4. a ridica.). 2. a pleca. to take away = 1. a conduce mai departe. a accepta (o provocare). etc.configuraţie. a se îndrepta (cãtre). = 1. 5. a aduna. a lua în mânã (o afacere). a recurge la. to take leave = a-şi lua rãmas bun. a înlãtura. to take over = 1. to take off = 1. 4. to take from = a diminua (valoarea. a duce (la teatru. a se mãsura (cu cineva). to take offense at = a se supãra pe. a bea. (fig) a lua o mãsurã. II. a sesiza. relaţie. a culege. to take five from ten = a scade cinci din zece. a strange. aspect. venitul). a scoate la plimbare. a sustrage (un document. to take effect = a fi eficace. (nav) a lua (pasageri) pe bord. a face un pas. shape n.legătură. a retrage (un copil) de la şcoalã. 2. a suprima. 8. 3. to take on = 1. to take after = a semãna cu. formă. a pricepe. to take off = 1. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms with the verb to take to take something in one's hand = a lua ceva în mânã to take a taxi = a lua un taxi. 3. 7. 2. to take to one's heels = a o şterge. 3. 2. a-şi asuma (o responsabilitate). capăt. ţinută. a duce (pe cineva undeva). to take along = a lua cu sine. 3. a scãdea. terminal n. mostră. a prelua (un serviciu. etc. a lua. a copia. to take up = 1. a trage pe sfoarã. to take in = 1. 88 . calc. a dezbrãca. thermal adj. 2. 2. 2.). a lãsa mai ieftin.bornă. caloric. a trece (pe cineva dincolo de un râu.). a ucide. (av. 5. 2. 5. tipar. 6. a reduce (preţul). to take a bath = a face baie. terminus. to be taken ill = a cãdea bolnav.= 1. ultim. 2. 2. terminal (la aeroport). 3. 5. a nota. 4. etc. a duce cu sine (pe cineva).) a decola. final. 6. a tãia (respiraţia). 3. 2. a invita. a relua (un refren). to take great pleasure in = a-i face mare plãcere sã facã ceva. 4. a întreprinde.relationship n. = termic. to be taken in a trap = a cãdea în cursã. to take a look/glance = a arunca o privire. înfăţişare. chip. to take a nap = a trage un pui de somn. sfârşit. 4. a include. = 1. 4. a demonta. to take down = 1. 3. to take out = 1. a lua. to take somebody by the hand = a apuca pe cineva de mânã. 5. 5. 2. 3. to take into account = a lua în considerare. Alegerea unui ecran corespunzător va trebui să fie făcută cu mare grijă. labourer... What is an electric circuit and what does it consist of? 2. Absenţa inerţiei s-ar putea să fie determinată de viteza axială a electronilor. foreman. executive.. Screw the motor down into place. protect. Te-am aşteptat ieri seară să ne aduci ştiri despre experienţa ta. With mechanization it is difficult to find work as an unskilled………………… 9. 4. IV. 5. producer. 10.. Complete each sentence with one of the words given: agent. I have been working as a used car………………. 89 .. please refer to the (5) . dealer. EXERCISES I. Attach the rotating motor to the (1) .. 2. What is the direct cause of flow of electric current in a circuit? II. ar trebui folosite osciloscoape de înaltă tensiune. chef in a large hotel. I’m starting next week as a ….. safe. 5. Banii pe care i-ai câştigat sunt proporţionali cu timpul cât ai muncit. described on page 28 of this manual. Energia solară poate fi transformată în energie termică şi electrică.. What is a loop? 3. 1. David was not content until he had become a rich……………………. III. Osciloscopul este cât se poate de util în studierea proceselor periodice... 8.. lead-pipe. Reading and comprehension: 1..... Importanţa acestei descoperiri constă în largul ei domeniu de aplicare. complete each space with a word or compound word formed from these words: cylinder.. “Happy chips” is the number one……of potato crisps in the country.. proceed..for the past six months. Our firm is quite a long way ahead of our nearest………………………..feel important. 8. All engineers installing or repairing this machinery must observe all necessary (3) . Computerul nostru va foi conectat la banca naţională de date.. If the motor does not engage. 6. industrialist. equipment. 3. In the following text. Opiniile lui nu au coincis niciodată cu părerile mele. Our company is the ………for several large insurance companies. trainee. Conţinutul cărţii trebuie să corespundă cu descrierea ei. 6. This includes the wearing of goggles. 1. Aşadar.. precautions.. remove it and (2) . Nowadays you often find that the top ………………in a company is a woman.... pentru a înregistra procese foarte rapide. client.. Translate into English: A. fight. S-au putut urmări două mărimi variabile simultan pe ecran. talk to the ………………. Legile lui Ohm se aplică circuitelor electrice. 3. 4. 9. 7. masks and other (4) . For instructions on how to remove the outlet valve. competitor. 7. B. Noi depindem de rezultatele tale pentru a termina lucrarea. If you have any problems with your work... Use each word once only. the lead-pipe. Se poate explica principiul de funcţionare al unui astfel de tub cu ajutorul unei diagrame simplificate. 2. A company should make every……………….B. When an alternator is to be connected in parallel with others already in operation. The simplest form of electrical generator is a two pole magnet. Direct-current generators used for lighting should not have a voltage regulation higher than 2 percent. it is necessary that such generators be operated with a large flywheel mounted on the same shaft as the generator and the engine. a voltage is generated in it. also since a high-speed machine is so much smaller for the same capacity than a slow-speed one. High-speed generators will have smaller diameters and fewer poles than low speed generators.2. Turbo-generators are all of the horizontal type. hence today practically all direct-current generators have at least four poles. ELECTRICAL GENERATORS An electrical generator is a rotary converter which transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy.3. Such machines are known as “bipolar” generators. In order to indicate to the operator the proper moment for closing the switches. The magnet motive force produced by these coils.f. The early types of direct-current generators had only two poles. provides the required amount of magnetic flux across the air gap and through the armature of the generator. generators can be divided into alternating and direct-current generators. Water-wheel type alternators are driven by water turbines. water-wheel type. or steam-turbine type. Practically all modern alternating current generators are wound three-phase. values will circulate a shortcircuit current which may be injurious to the apparatus. The high speed at which these generators run necessarily makes their relation of length to diameter much greater than in the definite-pole engine type machines.2.m. and hence very high values of current under short circuits. It is more important to the operating engineer that generators be able to stand without injury a complete short-circuit than to have generators of good voltage regulation. when current flows through them. with a coil of wire mounted in such a manner that it can be rotated between the poles to cut the lines of force passing from pole to pole. Alternating-current generators can be classed as engine type. great care is necessary in closing the switches at the proper instant. with definite air passage through the machine.f. the regulation of an alternator at 80 percent power factor may be as high as 42 percent. This requires forced ventilation and in order to place the ventilating air properly at the point where it will do the most good. The voltage depends on the speed at which the magnetic lines of force are being cut by the coil.m. The range of operating conditions for this type of units is very great. In contrast to such a value. Good voltage regulation of alternators means very low synchronous reactance. The e. the amount of heat liberated will be much greater in proportion to the size of the machine. turbo-generators are totally enclosed. As the coil rotates. The difference between two instantaneous e. The excitation of direct-current generators is provided by a stationary electric circuit consisting of one or more field coils of wire placed on each of the field poles. Since the angular velocity of any type of internal-combustion engines is not uniform. (electro – motive force) of the incoming machine must have the same frequency as the line. With the demand for high capacity generators it was found necessary to use more than two poles. According to the current produced. various synchronizing devices are 90 . incoming machine n. a pregãti dinainte to have one's work cut out = a trebui sã munceascã din greu. a desprinde prin tãiere. 155) A. = reglarea tensiunii. gravurã (în lemn. ventilating air n. definite-pole engine type machine = maşină cu poli aparenţi. voltage regulation n.used. to cut out = a decupa.2. cut v. a izola. a nu mai da bani (cuiva). internal-combustion engine n. generator n. = dispozitiv de sincronizare. = ventilaţie cu aer. 2. a reduce. to cut to pieces = a distruge. B. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms with the verb to cut to cut down = 1. deconectat. angular velocity (-ies) n. 3. (adapted from Bantaş. = 1. sursă. Rodica. 2. 10. potrivit pentru. (şi shortcut) scurtãturã. = alternator. scoatere a unei pãrţi (dintr-un text). (text) cupon. synchronizing device n. p.turbine n. linie (a trãsãturilor). VOCABULARY I. (fig) lipsit de prospeţime. iuţeală. to cut and run = a o lua la sãnãtoasa. Reading and comprehension: 1.alternator = turboalternator. 11. în aramã). to cut short = a scurta. velocity n. a cosi. micşorare. tãiat. short circuit n. 7. 6. a nu face impresie deosebitã. = maşină care se pune în paralel. = scurtcircuit steam. to cut no ice = 1. = viteză unghiulară. croialã. a exclude. 2. to cut off = a tãia. 5. What is a generator? 91 . 8. high-speed generator = generator de mare viteză.2. serios. a pune capãt la. to be cut out for = 1. a reduce (cheltuieli. tãieturã.2. = spirală/buclă. a întrerupe. EXERCISES I. = viteză. to cut off an arm = a amputa un braţ. = reactanţă de sincronizare. (fam) cut and dried = de-a gata. fason. to cut off with a shilling = 1. = motor cu combustie internă. to cut off all communications = a întrerupe orice legãturã. generator. WORDS AND PHRASES alternator n. a doborî. 12. a fi nãscut. synchronous reactance n. (med. 2. preţuri). 9. a dezmoşteni (pe cineva). 4. turbine . felie. = generator de mică viteză. to cut in = a interveni în discuţie.) incizie. a nu avea effect. II. water wheel generator = hidrogenerator. bucatã. a întrerupe brusc. (la telefon) to be cut off = a fi întrerupt. coil of wire n. a secera. = turbină cu aburi. a nu avea succes. = 1. low-speed generator n. loviturã. 3. to cut up rough = a se înfuria. Andrei & Porţeanu . Limba engleză pentru ştiinţă şi tehnică. IV. 3. 5. Este posibil ca generatoarele de curent continuu să aibe patru poli. 5. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word or phrase: 1. Flies were buzzing/barking/galloping around the uncovered meat in the kitchen.. I was really greedy/grateful/frank when you came to see me in hospital because I was feeling a bit lonely. going to the football match tomorrow? 8. 4. 2. and then click. 4. Point the icon/cursor/mouse to the place on the screen where you want to type. 7. Pentru a asigura o sudură durabilă este de dorit ca piesele să fie curăţate înainte de sudare. 6. 3. Pentru a micşora uzura pieselor este important ca acestea să fie bine prelucrate. Pentru ca reţeaua să fie economică este de dorit să fie dotată cu receptori de putere potrivită. Translate into English: 1.enough yet. I broke my chin/nose/face when I was young – my brother punched it! The last time I had toothache I had to get an urgent appointment at the dentist’s/doctor’s/ each other since their last quarrel last week! 7.2.a good meal. 9. I hope that by the end of the month I ………………… all the decorating. Penny………………. The invasion/earthquake/devastation made a lot of buildings collapse and thousands of people were made homeless. 92 .. Underline the most suitable word. 3. This is the first jazz concert I …………………………to. I have hated this place ever …………………………… going on holiday. Sheila and George……………. What are the component parts of a generator? How are generators classified according to the current produced? How many types of alternating current generators do you know? What precautious ought to be taken about switches and when? II. 6. The tree twig/trunk/branch was about two meters wide because it was so old. you ……………………sick. 10. Mary is always so sympathetic/cheeky/cheerful – you always see her smiling and happy. Pentru o funcţionare îndelungată este important ca piesele să fie bine reglate. I began to recover my strength later. Don’t eat any more ice cream. International charity/organisation/aid is being sent to help the victims survive the winter. Este de dorit ca maşina să fie testată în condiţii normale de lucru. Can you remember what you………………………… ten years ago today? 2. Chris uses an electrical/electrician/electric shaver when he goes on holiday. Este important ca studentul să cunoască în detaliu condiţiile de funcţionare ale unui generator. We can’t go skiing because it………………. 5. Do ……………. but she ended up very disappointed. III. 4. once I…………………. There are two fundamental sources of internal noise. Noise may be produced by causes which are external or internal to the system. electronic device =disopzitiv electronic. (adapted from Blându. Random noise appears as a hiss in radio receivers and as snow on the screen of a television receiver. Moreover. free of = lipsit de. The second cause arises from the statistical fluctuations in the various thermal and electronic processes involved in charge – carrier emission. recombination and drift. RANDOM NOISE IN ELECTRONIC DEVICES The term “noise” or “random noise” is used to describe any spurious signals which ultimately appear in the output of an electronic device. Mihaela: Limba engleză. Random fluctuation components exist in these processes even if the time average current is constant. The frequency spectrum of a source of noise can be calculated and can also be approximated experimentally from measurements. Among the various sources of noise in the electronic device. it is reasonable to expect that thermal agitation voltages of all frequencies are produced. Consequently. The shot effect results whenever charge carries are produced at an emitting surface or diffuse across a junction. because this thermal agitation motions are random. It has been found that the flicker effect produces noise components that are important at the lower frequencies and the resultant noise roughly varies inversely with the frequency.gamă. Shot noise. aluminiu. fiz) electron. 108) A. Thermal noise. the total rms (root mean square) voltage expected in a circuit which is frequency sensitive will depend on the bandwidth of the circuit. Independent of any signal that might be applied to the terminals of a resistive circuit element. electron n = electron (el. shot noise is important. Automatică şi calculatoare. 2. = valoare medie pătratică. = zgomot de fond. lăţime de banda a informaţiei. mean squared value n.2. p. among other factors.bandă de transparenţă. Such uncorrelated noise sets a lower limit to the signal levels possible with a given device. This activity produces fluctuations in the electron distribution within the elements and this appears as a thermal-agitation voltage. Flicker noise arises from surface imperfections in emission processes. hiss n. WORDS AND PHRASES bandwidth n. 3. (met. 93 . poligr) electron (aliaj uşor de magneziu. = electronic. It can cause spurious operation of electronic circuits. cupru şi zinc) electronic adj. electronic process = process electronic . sâsâit. Excess noise and flicker noise.4. This fluctuation voltage arises because the free or conduction electrons in the conductor are all in random motion. there is a fluctuation voltage which appears across the open-circuit terminals. resulting in slight deviations in the statistical most probable distribution function. = 1. electronic circuit = circuit electronic . bandă de transparenţă a ueni antene. şuierat. The first results from the fact that the electrons in the circuit elements of the amplifier are in a state of continuous agitation. fără. Three different spectral distributions over a bandwidth are possible. diffusion. VOCABULARY I.2. to set somebody on his way = a îndruma pe cineva pe calea cea bunã. a da tonul. vb. a trasa. to set one's hands to = 1.) grafic. II. Which is the second? 4. noise n. a trasa ruta. a pune o semnãturã pe un act. time average constant = constanta de timp medie. a pune o mâncare pe masã. lucru). a rândui. What is the thermal noise caused by? 94 . a se pune pe (treabã. a echipa (pe cineva). circuit capabil să reziste. to set one's heart/mind to = a-şi pune în cap sã obţinã. How is random noise defined? 2. to set an example = a da un exemplu. 2. spurious adj. Reading and comprehension: 1. a ridica o curbă prin puncte. to set off = a scoate în evidenţă to set out = 1. spurious signal = semnal accidental. (nav) a se îmbarca. 2. curbă. a ridica o problemã. Which is the first fundamental source of internal noise? 3. band-limited white ~ = zgomot alb cu bandă limitată. 2. to set the clock = a potrivi ceasul. to set a scene = a monta un decor. 2. (poligr) (despre cerneala umedã) a se întinde. ~ figure = factor de zgomot. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms with the verb to set to set a book on a shelf = a aşeza o carte pe o poliţã. to set forth = 1. = parazitar. to set off = 1. = (tehn. a declara. to set a hen = a pune o gãinã pe cuibar. to set out = 1. a porni la drum. to set the fashion = 1. to set out in pursuit of somebody = a porni în urmãrirea cuiva to set to = a se apuca de lucru.= 1. thermal agitation = agitaţie termică. to set a problem = a pune. cu paraziţi. 2. to set one's wits to a question = a cãuta rãspuns la o problemã. to set a person against another = a aţâţa o persoanã împotriva alteia. a porni la drum. 2. EXERCISES I. to set the course = nav. to set a day = a fixa o zi. a pãta. to set a dish on the table = a aşeza.shot ~ = zgomot de alice. resistive circuit adj. circuit rezistent. to set out a curve = a trasa o curbã. flicker ~ = zgomot de licărire. B. to set a violin = a acorda o vioarã. 2. to set a stick in the ground = a înfige un bãţ în pãmânt.most probable distribution function = funcţia de distribuţie cea mai probabilă. white ~ = zgomot alb. to set a task = a trasa o sarcinã. random ~ = . a stabili moda. to set fire to = a da foc la. plot n. root mean square voltage = tensiune medie pătratică. = zgomot. to set a file = a recondiţiona o pilã. to set out one's ideas clearly = a-şi orândui ideile. a reprezenta graphic. a începe (o cãlãtorie sau o expediţie). a aranja. even those of us who are familiar with computers'. for many of 5 us. the cote fire. Ca urmare. III. lead. transmit. speak. pentodele cu un curent mic de ecran sunt mai puţin zgomotoase decât cele cu un curent de ecran mai mare. and eventually wonder. reflect. send. rather than is 17 18 change itself. pass-by. When faced with some new and possibly bewildering technological 0 change. employ. how they could possibly 4 have existed without it. in one of two ways. create. Write the correctly spelled word. Take computers as an example. 11 and use them in our daily work. such 21 as books or board games. and difficult 8 to understand. indicate. and you usually get vauge answers about how 'to give you 10 information'. claiming that it is unnecessary. and give us a 6 frigtening sense of a future in which ail decisions will be taken by 7 machines. 22 IV. Translate into English: Principala sursă de zgomot într-un tub electric este zgomotul de alice care apare în procesul de emisie electronică a catodului la care se adaugă zgomotul de licărire care devine important la frecvenţe mai mici de 1000 Hz. own. deci. că pentru un raport semnal/zgomot mare tubul ar trebui să aibă o transconductanţă mare şi să lucrez la un curent anodic mic. And the objections that are maid to new technology may well have a point to them. What is shot noise? 6. What seems to 16 alarm most people is the speed of technological change. since change is not always an 19 improvement. S-a găsit de asemenea. Ask most people. direct. what you can use a home computer 9 for. semnalul de ieşire va depinde de transconductanţă. have very little idea of how they 12 actually work? But it does not take long to learn how to operate a 13 business programme. follow. Presumably much the same happened when 15 telephone and the television became widespred. Rezultă. write. How does shot noise differ from flicker noise? II. compute. 95 . or too complicated 2 or that it somehow makes life less personal. In most lines of this text there is either a spelling or punctuation error. that dont have to be plugged in to work. În general triodele funcţionează cu un zgomot mai scăzut decât pentodele de tip comparabil. most people react. they still represent a threat to our freedom. This may be because they seem misterious. and forms of entertainment. support. listen. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Build up nouns by adding the correct suffix to the following verbs: carry. In fact. Pe de altă parte. Zgomotul de alice total va fi proporţional cu curentul anodic. even if things occasionally go wrong for no 14 apparant reason. or show the correct punctuation. receive. că distribuirea curentului catodic între ecran şi anod produce zgomot. control. They either recoil 1 from anything new. Or they learn to adapt to 3 the new invention.5. As we discover during power cuts there is a lot to be 20 said for the oil lamp. produce. organizing. often classified as planning. as for example in charities and in the public sector. • Controlling: monitoring . find this definition. although this then excludes management in places outside commerce. controlling Some people. defined management as "the art of getting things done through people".checking progress against plans. Functions of management Management operates through various functions. which in turn derives from the Latin manus (hand). leading 4. Frenchman Henri Fayol considers management to consist of five functions. planning 2. One habit of thought regards management as equivalent to "business administration". next week. MANAGEMENT The term "management" characterizes the process of and/or the personnel leading and directing all or part of an organization (often a business) through the deployment and manipulation of resources (human. far too narrow. Theoretical scope Mary Parker Follett (1868–1933). or as the actions taken to reach one's intended goal. Nonetheless. suggesting the difficulty of defining management. TEXTS FOR INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT 2. From this perspective. According to the Oxford English Dictionary. over the next five years. while useful. Management has to do with power by position. next month. and the connection of managerial practices with the existence of a managerial cadre or class.3.3. organizing 3.1. intellectual or intangible).) and generating plans for action. etc.2. One can also think of management functionally. natural. The phrase "management is what managers do" occurs widely. as the action of measuring a quantity on a regular basis and of adjusting some initial plan. leading/motivating and controlling. The French word mesnagement (later ménagement) influenced the development in meaning of the English word management in the 17th and 18th centuries. • Organizing: making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans.II. capital. • Leading/Motivating: exhibiting skills in these areas for getting others to play an effective part in achieving plans. 1. the shifting nature of definitions. many people refer to 96 . • Planning: deciding what has to happen in the future (today. who wrote on the topic in the early twentiethcentury. however. the word manage comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle — especially a horse). next year. This applies even in situations where planning does not take place. co-ordinating 5. whereas leadership involves power by influence. which may need modification based on feedback. wikipedia. deployment n. ~ out = a îndeplini. effective. to carry out v. 97 . a duce la bun sfârşit. to make ~ use of = a folosi în mod A. a atinge (un scop). = 1. for example of a corporation. = totuşi. especially the desired or intended result: an effective solution to the water supply problem efficient adj. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to carry. a reclama. nonetheless adv. led v. Diet may be as efficacious as medication in controlling the condition. a fi in fruntea. to require v. 2. a dirija. = 1. efficient. time. = în timp ce. a dirija. a conduce. a dirija. a conduce. a căra. a continua. = a îndeplini. a manevra. effectual. folositor. a expune. a permite. v. a conduce. 3. = îngust. a mânui. 2. and effort: an efficient use of personnel effectual adj. = causing a result. ~ to + inf. = a verifica. to handle v. ~ a goal = a atinge un scop. a susţine. habit n. = 1. and some institutions (such as the Harvard Business School) use that name. = intangibil. (adapted from http://en. = optim. a sprijini (despre un stâlp). to check v. schimbător. conduită. 3. 2. to reach v. a prezenta. to enable v. 2. led. a guverna. = desfăşurare (de forţe). to lead. 2. useful adj. especially an improvement. deprindere. efficacious adj. = 1. = a da departments which teach management as "business schools". = 1. 2. a mânui. = sector. limitat. a duce. Speakers of English may also use the term "management" or "the management" as a collective word describing the managers of an organization. a necesita. a obliga. = util. public ~ = sector public. 2. a purta a avea bani asupra sa. skill n. obicei. nestatornic. a etala. = capable of achieving the desired result with the minimum use of resources. WORDS AND PHRASES personnel n. a rezolva (o problemă) whereas conj. purtare. îndemânare.= (formal) having the power to achieve a desired result. a duce la bun sfârşit. to exhibit v. a cere. a transporta. a conduce. = a reuşi. a administra. ~ forth = a arăta. optimum adj. ~ forward = a duce mai departe. = (formal) potentially successful in producing a desired or intended result(formal): This idea exerts a direct and effectual influence on his thinking. aexpune. = abilitate. shifting adj. a izbuti să. cu toate acestea. mişcător. a discuta. a manipula. intangible adj. 4. obişnuinţă. 2. 2. mobil. II. a manifesta. to manage v. pricepere. = 1. = 1. mic. efficacious effective adj. = 1. a purta. 3. ~ on = a continua. VOCABULARY I. sector n. = personal. a conduce. narrow adj. = 1. 3. a ghida. a impune. a ajunge. a pretinde. Suppose. III... literate. VII. Romanian . Translate into English: Planificarea este funcţia cea mai importantã a managementului. Use one of the prefixes dis-. carry out in sentences of your own. Imagine that it . a dog in the manger. and. modest.. relevant. to be catty. (14) them.. (4) .. Suppose that this machine had . (13) them. What is the meaning of “management” as a collective noun? II. (16) to the moon.. un. could function 600 feet . (18) resolute.... The fact is that .. What are the five functions of management according to Henri Fayol? 5. cautious.. il-. (5) heating and . discreet. How did Mary Parker Follet define management? 4. Surely a machine with so many diversified properties ... too. natural.. that this machine could build .I. Uses carry forth. (1) a system of levers and cables with the capacity to lift hundreds of pounds.. a heartbreaking story Then translate them into a self-supporting member of the family a blood-freezing scream IV. to let the cat out of the bag. What does the phrase “managers is what managers do” suggest? 6.. (19) of us possesses this miraculous machine: our own flesh and . write its own symphonies. (10) the sea . honest. like a cat on hot bricks: to see which way the cat jumps: as faithful as a dog: to give/throw something to the dogs. to lead a dog's life. carry on. (6) conditioning. and then .. 1. V. Let us say that our machine could . in-. a nasty-tasting medicine 6. as sleek as a cat. allowing it to range . Celelalte funcţii derivã din aceasta şi conduc la îndeplinirea obiectivelor.. Reading and Comprehension: 1. deoarece reprezintã activitatea de luare a deciziilor. practicable. logical.. moreover. (3) the jewelled movements of watches. (2) also to construct minute and intricate instruments.. but .. Se stabilesc obiectivele şi cele mai adecvate cãi (strategii) pentru atingerea lor. (8) propel itself across the land . a sinewy-looking animal 5.. (9) speeds of 30 feet per second and higher. aware. ir-. Fill in the blanks using only one word for each space: Imagine a machine consisting .... 2.. fortunate. not stand (even) a dog's chance.. (http://www. (11) given helium and oxygen fuel mixtures at high pressures... such . (17) prove enormously helpful . 4. Look up the following phrases and use them in sentences of your own: to lead a cat-and-dog life. (7) the tropics to the poles. Explain or paraphrase the following... a sweet –smelling flower 3. im-.... What does management mean? 2... Rezultatele planificãrii sunt reflectate în planurile de activitate. carry forward.with each of the following words: attentive. VI.unibuc.. loyal. respectful. What is the difference between management and leadership? 3. (12) up plans for skyscrapers and then . (15) machines. (20) body.. some capable of .htm) 98 .. Many of these aspects of management existed in the pre-1861 slave-based sector of the US economy. a desena. a apărea. Classical economists such as Adam Smith (1723 .1825). planning and control. pyramid n. it made sense for most owners of enterprises in those times to carry out management functions by and for themselves.1819). as the contemporary usages had it. However. and Matthew Boulton (1728 . marginal economists Alfred Marshall (1842 . quality-control procedures. a schiţa. 99 .1790) and John Stuart Mill (1806 . interchangeability of parts. a se ridica. v. given their small scale. cost-accounting. detect management-like activities in the pre-modern past. however adv.1809) developed elements of technical production such as standardization. "managed" in profitable quasi-mass production. 3. and pricing issues. a se ivi. trader n. innovators like Eli Whitney (1765 . WORDS AND PHRASES to arise. 2. That environment saw 4 million people. 2. the split between owners (individuals. Some writers trace the development of management-thought back to Sumerian traders and to the builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt. arose. = piramidă. arisen. VOCABULARY I. = 1. By the late 19th century. but many pre-industrial enterprises. 19th century Some argue that modern management as a discipline began as an off-shoot of economics in the 19th century. Given the scale of most commercial operations and the lack of mechanized record-keeping and recording before the industrial revolution. a trasa.1924) and Léon Walras (1834 .1910) and others introduced a new layer of complexity to the theoretical underpinnings of management. a decurge din. did not feel compelled to face the issues of management systematically. a urmări filiaţia. Some see it (by definition) as a late modern (in the sense of late modernity) conceptualization. totuşi. and work-planning. = comerciant. to trace v. Slave-owners through the centuries faced the problems of exploiting/motivating a dependent but sometimes unenthusiastic or recalcitrant workforce. a urmări. cu toate acestea. industrial dynasties or groups of shareholders) and day-to-day managers (independent specialists in planning and control) gradually became more common. production. Joseph Wharton offered the first tertiarylevel course in management in 1881. negustor. ~ from = a reieşi. oricum. (adapted from http://en. innovations such as the spread of Hindu-Arabic numerals (5th to 15th centuries) and the codification of double-entry book-keeping (1494) provided tools for management assessment. however. a urmări în decursul istoriei. About the same time.3.wikipedia.1873) provided a theoretical background to resourceallocation. A. = 1.2. But with growing size and complexity of organizations.2. Others. = 1. MANAGEMENT – HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT (1) Difficulties arise in tracing the history of management. James Watt (1736 . ~ from the dead = a se scula din morţi. = 1. scară. to spread. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to be staring somebody in the face = to be obvious but unnoticed. propagare. spread. He won't dare show his face at her house again. fond. sciziune. What were the factors that provided tools for management assessment. to face v. grown v. înveliş. extindere. to have a long face = to look miserable or disappointed. 2. scală. = acţionar. = a obliga. to show one’s face (somewhere or at something) = to put in an appearance somewhere. face to face = in the actual presence of another person in direct contact with. on a large ~ = pe scară mare. = lipsă. = 1. to split. a forţa. = 1. despicare. in (the) face of something = when confronted by or in spite of something. when the cause of the problem is staring you in the face? to be staring something in the face = to be facing something undesirable but inevitable. 2. spread v. proporţie. = contabilitate. dimensiune. growing adj. written all over somebody's face = obvious from somebody's expression (informal). 2. a se desfăşura. a se răspândi. She was standing by the broken window with guilt written all over her face. dynasty n. a dezbina. We were staring bankruptcy in the face. book-keeping n. shareholder n. II. = strat. = 1. Why call in a management consultant.slave-owner n. a diviza. split v. = fundal. remained united in the face of strong opposition to set one’s face against something = to oppose something with determination. întindere. grew. split. to provide v. ~s = cântar. background n. planning and control? 3. to grow. = proprietar de sclavi. mărime. or having first-hand knowledge of. = dinastie. 2. split n. spread n. a se desface. to compel v. scale n. 3. dezbinare. EXERCISES I. to get in somebody's face = to annoy somebody (informal). lack n. = a furniza. = crescând. difuzare. When did management appear? 2. 2. What were the factors that led to the split between owners and day-to-day managers? 100 . an unpleasant fact or situation. a se propaga. get out of my face = used for impolitely telling somebody to stop annoying you (informal). a despica. = 1. răspândire. = 1. Reading and Comprehension: 1. a se întinde. layer n. a fi orientat spre. B. a se confrunta cu. = a creşte. 2. to fly in the face of something = to defy something deliberately or recklessly. a se împrăştia. de realizare a unor produse şi servicii utile şi sigure. seize. is in . maintain. (23)... I travel by . Name the marginal economists that introduced a new layer of complexity to the theoretical underpinnings of management.. desigur... then . (27) Parliament. (4) United States and .unibuc. VI. (19) Bloomsbury. although I am certain that in . in a brown study. (34) end. (3) United Kingdom that I would like to visit most... (13) walking distance of .. succeed. where .. disappear. laugh.. (11) inexpensive hotel... a white elephant. (21) Senate House... British Museum and the old houses in . ....... the yellow press. (12) Thames. it is . When did modern management begin? 5... Translate into English: Problemele de eticã constituie adevărate dileme manageriale pentru că ele reprezină conflicte declanşate între performanţele economice ale firmei (venituri-costuri-profit) şi performanţele sale sociale (formulate în termenii obligaţiilor personale. de menţinere a competitivitãţii pieţelor. (30) House of Commons. starve. (36) ferry-boat and from there to travel home across the Continent by . (10) Marble Arch. When my English vacation draws to . . reveal. know. to . IV. atât în interiorul cât şi în exteriorul organizaţiei). (28) Westminster and consists of ... as everybody knows. offend.. (26) Big Ben strike the hour.... On my second day I wander about .. utter. (31) visitors can see .. mix.. (29) House of Lords and . II. dar cei mai mulţi dintre noi suntem de acord că ele includ elemente de protecţie a loialităţii angajaţilor. (25) Houses of Parliament and listen to . (9) Piccadilly Circus or .. give. within .... (35) English Channel by .. (18) two museums that I have no time left for anything else. (22) University of London has most of its offices.. to get the green light.. ... once in a blue moon. see. (2) former British Empire. signify. confess. (16) National Gallery and . inquire. (1) countries of . I decide to cross . Give the nouns corresponding to the following verbs: begin. (8) underground to central London... remember. Illustrate the meanings of face in sentences of your own.. (17) Tate Gallery and there are so many beautiful things to see in ... to see red. (33) week.. V. a black outlook... having landed at .. .htm) 101 . What innovations did Eli Whitney. see .4.. I sometimes dream that.. (6) tourist attraction too. suppose. Later. to paint the town red. Explain the figurative use of colours in the following: a black look.... not far from . (adapted from http://www. (20) intellectual centre of Britain's capital city. James Watt and Matthew Boulton develop? 6.. green-eyed. I find accommodation at . Insert the necessary articles: Of all . (37) rail... lose.. bury.. (7) Heathrow airport. I walk around .. imagine. fly. in the pink (of health). to feel blue. think... deschisă spre mici interpretări... (14) Buckingham Palace... transform. III.. (15) first day I visit .. (32) latter at work on some days of ... withdraw.. (5) Canada one can find many . (24) Russell Square.. Natura acestor obligaţii poate fi.. J.3.3. MANAGEMENT – HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT (2) 20th century By about 1900 one finds managers trying to place their theories on what they regarded as a thoroughly scientific basis. and Thornton C. Max Weber (1864-1920). management by objectives. particularly in the areas of logistics and operations. Peter Drucker (1909-2005) wrote one of the earliest books on applied management: Concept of the Corporation (published in 1946). business management came to consist of six separate branches. Patrick Blackett combined these statistical theories with microeconomic theory and gave birth to the science of operations research. Frederick Winslow Taylor's Scientific management (1911). reengineering. people like Ordway Tead (1891-1973). Gantt's charts (1910s). Frank and Lillian Gilbreth's Applied motion study (1917). many in the same vein. H. As the general recognition of managers as a class solidified during the 20th century and gave perceived practitioners of the art/science of management a certain amount of prestige. and Henry L. Chester Barnard (1886-1961). while other writers. In the early 20th century. as well as group management theories such as Cog's Ladder. In 1912 Yoichi Ueno introduced Taylorism to Japan and became first management consultant of the "Japanese-management style". Duncan wrote the first college management textbook in 1911. Drucker went on to write 39 books. Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933). such as Elton Mayo (1880-1949). namely: • Human resource management • Operations management or production management • Strategic management • Marketing management • Financial management 102 . Operations research. and various information-technologydriven theories such as agile software development. Towne's Science of management in the 1890s. Rensis Likert (1903-1981). Some of the more recent developments include the theory of constraints. attempts to take a scientific approach to solving management problems.2. Ronald Fisher (1890-1962). and Chris Argyris (1923-) approached the phenomenon of management from a sociological perspective. His son Ichiro Ueno pioneered Japanese qualityassurance. In this context many management fads may have had more to do with pop psychology than with scientific theories of management. Towards the end of the 20th century. sometimes known as "management science" (but distinct from Taylor's scientific management). Dodge. Examples include Henry R. The Harvard Business School invented the Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in 1921. The first comprehensive theories of management appeared around 1920. Fry introduced statistical techniques into management-studies. Mooney applied the principles of psychology to management. It resulted from Alfred Sloan (chairman of General Motors until 1956) commissioning a study of the organisation. People like Henri Fayol (1841-1925) and Alexander Church described the various branches of management and their inter-relationships. In the 1940s. Walter Scott and J. so the way opened for popularised systems of management ideas to peddle their wares. vâna. = a rezolva. to give blood for blood transfusions or organs for transplant. present.• Information technology management responsible for management information systems (adapted from http://en. = restructurare information technology n. grant (to hand over something to somebody) to give = to place something that you are holding in the temporary possession of another person I gave her my key. = responsabil de II. a soluţiona. (from) a rezulta. Several other honorary degrees were conferred at the ceremony. especially something valuable or undeserved. = constrângere management n. or favor to somebody. confer. = cantitate to consist of v. in a medical context. to attempt to v. bases n. = 1. textbook n. management. dispoziţie. = a încerca să approach n. He was presented with a consolation prize. gave. = tehnologia informaţiei recognition n. temei. 2. conducere. 2. nervură. ~ in = a avea drept rezultat. donate. 2. chairman n. = bază. WORDS AND PHRASES basis.wikipedia. 2. ~ birth to = a da naştere la. = 1. = manual pioneer v. = fenomen corporation n. = logistică constraint n. a decurge din. ~ by objectives = managementul prin obiective. = cuprinzător phenomenon. = 1. = a consta din responsible for adj. = 1. LEXICAL COMMENTARY give. = corporaţie to result v. venă. 103 . = a da . or. reengineering n. VOCABULARY I. = practicant amount n. to bestow = (formal) to present something. a fi un pioner/deschizător de drumuri. = abordare to solve v. to donate = to give a contribution to a charitable organization or other good cause. to present = to give something in a formal or ceremonial way. bestow. to somebody. phenomena n. given v. quality ~ = managementul calităţii. in the same ~ = în acelaşi stil. = teorie microeconomică give. = preşedinte al unei adunări vein n. comprehensive adj. în aceeaşi manieră microeconomic theory n. logistics n. The painting was donated to the gallery by the artist's widow. ton. = recunoaştere practitioner n. A. punct de plecare. to confer = (formal) to give something such as a title. a deschide drum/cale. The award for lifetime achievement was bestowed on her not long before she died. .. to smack one’s lips.... Jennifer grew tired ... What are the six separate branches of business management? II. (7) humiliating other girls. Supply the correct prepositions in front of the gerunds and gerundial constructions: The rainy weather prevented us . (17) sense.. We are quite surprised . (7) enemies. When did Yoichi Ueno introduce Taylorism to Japan? 3.... I am used . (14) the bell. (6) devoid .. (10) getting up early... As I work the morning shift. He is very proud . (13) bankruptcy. B. translated . dependent . Name some writers that approached the phenomenon of management from a sociological perspective. What did The Harvard Business School invent in 1921? 6. to bite one’s lips.. written .. What does operations research attempt to do? 9. Acting on the stage is very different . to keep an eye grant = to agree to allow a request. to have a sweet tooth. engaged .. (9) giving her an expensive birthday present.. in the teeth of. Who pioneered Japanese quality-assurance? 4.. (12) a great speed... full . abstain . Allow me to congratulate you . At dinner he got on my nerves .... IV... (6) drinking water between the courses. (19) fear. (20) power 104 .. (2) snow. Duncan write the first college management textbook? 2. Find the best Romanian equivalents for the following phrases: up to the eyes. (9) strong beverages. to see eye to eye with somebody. When did J. tooth and nail.. (12) being nominated for the prize. 8. (5) Romanian . to escape by the skin of one’s teeth. faithful .. (1) a car accident. (5) your refusing such a tempting offer. or formally or officially to give money or property.. thirsty .. We were granted the right to appeal. (4) our being in the right place at the right time.. (15) air.. (11) attending social functions. to make eyes at somebody. attitude ..... She has always experienced great difficulty . saved . She takes great pleasure . When did the first comprehensive theories of management appear? 5. (4) a girl. Who applied the principles of psychology to management in the early 20th century? 7. Reading and Comprehension 1.. (10) violence. (8) abstract art.. travel .... English. Fill in each space with the correct preposition: killed . Everything depends . (3) bearing her husband's rudeness. (8) playing in films. EXERCISES I.. surrounded . (1) taking our usual morning walk........ to keep a stiff upper lip.. or privilege. (16) meaning... covered .. (18) one's wife.. saved . (3) ink. filled . favor. (11) drugs. tremble .. (2) having become a lionized author. to hang (up) on somebody’s lips.. addicted ... III. There is no harm .... .. (28) gold for . with . adică cine este superiorul şi cine este subordonatul. There are .. (15) islands are fertile to . Comunicarea se desfãşoară între compartimente şi posturile definite.. (18) thousand kinds..... (10) abundance and fertility of ... (13) other side of . structura presupune numeroase scopuri. .." From . Supply articles where necessary: Long before ... (9) Caribbean landscape and described .. (23) king in .....V.. (4) earthly paradise....htm) 105 .. (27) Andes and found .... (3) Europe believed that .. structura organizaţiei permite managerilor să aloce resurse către obiectivele definite prin plan.. VI.. it seemed that their dreams of . (30) paradise on . scheletul organizaţiei.. Scopul ei este sã reducă sau să uniformizeze incertitudinea privind comportamentul salariaţilor. (1) birth of Christopher Columbus. (20) fruit. (25) gold.. he wrote: " .. (26) later explorers reached .. (http://www... În al doilea rând. ea clarifică compartimentele şi sarcinile posturilor individuale. In his (2) people in . (8) Atlantic Ocean...unibuc. (21) West Indies he wrote: " I learned by . (12) report sent home from .. În final. In . (16) extraordinary degree. (14) ocean... across . (29) taking.. Columbus wrote of .. precum şi responsabilii de realizarea sarcinilor. (17) trees of .. (7) West.. (31) earth had at last come true.... (22) signs that there was .. Translate into English: Structura unei organizaţii este considerată cadrul.. (19) flower.." When . ... (11) newlyfound islands. Mai întâi.. (6) perfect climate. În al treilea rând. clarifică ierarhia organizaţională.. (5) land of plenty. some with . (24) South who owned many vessels filled with . clarifică canalele de comunicare... Din perspectivă managerială.. some in . lay to .. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT The term industrial management applies to highly organized modern methods of carrying on industrial. Records were kept of the performance of workers and standards were adopted for each operation. In the next hundred years factories grew rapidly in size. spurred by the increased competition of the postCivil War era. plant cafeterias. cutbacks and downsizing in many American businesses substantially reduced many of these benefits. Specialists are employed to keep machines in good working condition and to ensure the quality of their production. In the United States many engineers. Soon after 1910 American firms established the first personnel departments. The Rise of Factories Before the Industrial Revolution people worked with hand tools. including the machines and materials to be used. and marketing. Careful accounts are kept of the cost of each operation. an assistant foreman in the Midvale Steel Company. The flow of materials through the plant is supervised to ensure that neither workers nor machines are idle. Many such improvements were made at the insistence of employee groups.3. others make provision for employee 106 . Safety devices. Over the years. especially manufacturing. Charts are used for recording the accomplishment of both workers and machines and for comparing them with established standards. When a new article is to be manufactured it is given a design that will make it suitable for machine production. began to seek ways of improving plant efficiency. thus adding to the welfare of employees and enhancing morale. Some corporations permit employees to buy stock. The Development of Industrial Management Studies of Worker Performance The first sustained effort in the direction of improved efficiency was made by Frederick Winslow Taylor. During the 1980s and 1990s. and people and machines were brought together under one roof in factories. operations. manufacturing articles in their own homes or in small shops. The growth. Management of the Machine Industrial management also involves studying the performance of machines as well as people. including group health and life insurance and liberal retirement pensions. This was the beginning of shop management. and facilities for rest and recreation were provided. especially labor unions. Each operation required to turn out an article or part was analyzed and studied minutely. The early studies resulted in a faster pace of work and the introduction of rest periods. however. Constant inspection is made to keep output up to standard.4. and superfluous motions were eliminated. however. who in the 1880s undertook a series of studies to determine whether workers used unnecessary motions and hence too much time in performing operations at a machine. Other Aspects of Management The principles of scientific management have been gradually extended to every department of industry. financing. including office work. and each step in its manufacture is planned. and eventually some of the larger companies took the lead in creating environments conducive to worker efficiency.2. workers and their unions also sought and often won higher wages and increased benefits. In the third quarter of the 18th century steam power was applied to machinery. and in complexity of operation. in degree of mechanization. was accompanied by much waste and inefficiency. better sanitation. where the manufacturing process could be supervised. high-tech products. a se grăbi. 2. The system was also applied in Japan. sought v. uzină. machinery n.html) A. foremen n. dezvoltare. instalaţie. = 1. and reduce inventory. maşinărie.S. By the early 1980s. = 1. One Japanese innovation. VOCABULARY I. In the 1980s and early 90s many U. In the 1960s Swedish automobile companies discovered that they could improve productivity with a system of group assembly. which had once been criticized for producing low-quality brigadier. 2. where managers developed a number of other innovative systems to lower costs and improve the quality of products. creştere. By carefully controlling the manufacturing process. pilot ~ = instalaţie pilot / experimentală.representation on the board of directors or on the shop grievance committee. Japanese managers were able to cut waste. a întreprinde (o acţiune). The development of such automation is bringing about a second industrial revolution and is causing vast changes in commerce as well as the way work is organized. dezvoltare. 2. a duce mai departe. electronics. coke ~ = cocserie. masinarie. progres. thermodynamics. cultură (a unei plante). 3. mecanism. structură. = mecanizare. group assembly gave a group of workers the responsibility for assembling an entire car. (http://www. 107 . allowed workers to offer management suggestions on how to make production more efficient and to solve problems. = 1. = 1. 5. a produce. = 1. improve productivity. and some have made efforts to solve such difficult problems as job security and a guaranteed annual wage. a îndemăna. 2. a continua. machine ~ = uzină constructoare de maşini. mechanization n. In a contrast to older manufacturing techniques where a worker was responsible for assembling only one part of the car. had established a reputation for efficiently producing high-quality. ~ power = energie cu abur. WORDS AND PHRASES to carry on v. plant n. Many corporations provide special opportunities for training and promotion for workers who desire advancement. 2. = a căuta. Modern Trends Modern technological devices. supraveghetor. primul jurat. Japanese companies. maşini. = a fabrica . a conduce (un proces). organ de maşină. creştere. particularly in the areas of computers. a îmboldi. = aburi. 2. maistru. 4. = 1. cat ~ = rafinărie de petrol. foreman. companies looked to increase their competitiveness by adapting Japanese methods for improving manufacturing quality. sought. şef de echipă. cultivare. mărire. instalaţii mecanice. a se ocupa cu. sporire. known as quality circles. mecanism. a confecţiona . draining ~ = instalaţie de drenare. thus significantly reducing costs and improving quality. waterpower ~ = centrală hidroelectrică. utilaj . Such technological changes and the need to improve productivity and quality of products in traditional factory systems also changed industrial management practices. to manufacture v. growth n. combinaţie. 4. have made automatic and semiautomatic machines a reality. 3.encyclopedia. to spur v. steam n. a fi angajat în (o afacere). to seek. Workers were also given the right to stop the assembly line if something went wrong. and mechanics. nici chart n. nor = nici . a convoca. = favorabil. 3. care cauzează/determină. a-şi sufleca. plângere. to turn out v. fonduri. hartă marină. a asigura (îndeplinirea planului. montare. 2. a iniţia. a întoarce pe toate părţile 3. cafeteria n. 2. a rumega (în minte). a garanta. a fabrica. suitable adj. = 1. a prelua. micşorare. 108 . 3. device n. = a cauza. = mişcare. = bufet/restaurant cu autoservire. rotary ~ = mişcare de rotaţie. 1.. = dispozitiv. a medita/a chibzui asupra. retirement n. a răsturna (un guvern). 2. assembly n.). a intensifica. board of directors n. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to turn back = I. 3. a răsfoi. ~s = acţiuni. = comitet de conducere. schemă. sanitation n. nedreptate. a proba. 2.. = bunuri. independenţa etc. = dacă.corespunzător. a experimenta. 4. a se întoarce din drum. a da afară. scurgere. to turn up = a se ivi. = 1. = moral. a asambla. = a mări. a izgoni. a reduce intensitatea luminii/sunetului. = 1. a monta. scurtare. ~ pension = pensie de bătrineţe. vărsare. = odihnă. 2. a întoarce (o pagină). 3. a izgoni. = 1. a confecţiona. a alunga. to ensure v.). adunare. flux. a evacua (un chiriaă). pensie. to assemble v. brought.. = 1. flow ~/diagram = schema procesului tehnologic. abuz. = 1. to turn on = 1. doleanţă.. 2. a lua. a întoarce înapoi. a spori. = sindicat. agregat. goods n. reversing ~ = mişcare în sens retrograd. 2. stock n. salubritate. welfare n. rest n. motion n. a deschide. 2. 2. life insurance n. pensionare. a lua măsuri. 3. a produce. = de calitate superioară. (against) a se asigura (împotriva). 2. a concedia. retezare. cutback n. II. a da drumul la (apa etc. grafic. brought about v. to bring. = sanitaţie. = capital. =asigurare pe viată. curent. whether conj. a da afară. diagramă. 2. reducere. a aprinde (lumina. a răsfrânge. a încerca. autopropulsie. a face să se întoarcă. a îndoi. = 1. revendicare. ~ line = linie de asamblare. self-~ = mişcare independentă. to turn off = a opri (apa etc. care duce la. tabel. to enhance v. a face. = de calitate inferioară. 2. = 1. radioul etc. indoor ~ = instalaţii sanitare. a întreprinde. flow n. to turn over = 1.). tăiere. 2. a-şi face apariţia. curs (al unui râu). to turn down = 1. = minuţios. undertake. 2. a (se) preschimba în. to turn into = a (se) transforma. morale n. în amănunt. = bunăstare. a întoarce/a scoate (picioarele) în afară. high-quality adj. conducive to adj. a aduna. minutely adv. = inventar low-quality adj. = 1. retragere. prosperitate. labor union n.). = automatizare. a alunga. grievance n. = potrivit. 3. = 1. a face. neither . II. a refuza/respinge o ofertă/ propunere/pe cineva. perpetual ~ = mişcare perpetuă. to turn in = a preda (pe mâna poliţiei). inventory n. asamblare. a întoarce/răsturna (brazda). curgere.). a stinge (lumina etc. undertaken v. automation n. What right were Japanese workers given? II. turn off. which have actually become clichés: B. sight. light 7. turn on. large 6. Why is the flow of materials through the plant supervised? 6. Translate into English: Problematica conducerii şi supravegherii automate a proceselor tehnologice de fabricaţie a uleiurilor aditivate este de actualitate. snow 9. sweet 9. A 1. turn in. a bee 2. turn out. prin folosirea cu maximă eficientă a sistemelor numerice pentru reglarea automată şi optimizarea regimului de funcţionare. honey 5. hand. a rock What is Frederick Winslow Taylor famous for? 4. la creşterea productivităţii muncii. mind.B. busy 3. hair. firm 4. What was the result of Taylor’s studies? 5. the sky 8. turn into. the hills 4. Echiparea instalaţiilor tehnologice de aditivare cu aparatură de automatizare reprezintă o necesitate în acest domeniu. head. Use the following phrasal verbs in sentences of your own: turn back. blue 2. Reading and Comprehension: 1. în contextul în care majoritatea acestor procese necesită cunoaşterea în timp real a parametrilor de funcţionare. soft (using each of them 4 times) and the nouns eye. heart. (Adapted from http://www. EXERCISES I. turn over. with the words in list B. precum şi la diminuarea până la eliminare a riscului privind poluarea mediului. wind. Group the words in list A. Conducerea asistată de calculator a proceselor de fabricaţie "dupa reţetă" contribuie la creşterea calităţii produsului final. short. old 8. life 6. Give 12 compound-adjectives having the same structure as different-coloured and based on the adjectives open. III. swift 10. Why are charts used? 7. în vederea supravegherii. preceded and followed by as.encyclopedia. How did people manufacture articles brfore the Industrial Revolution? 3. turn down. turn up. IV. What does industrial managemnet apply to? 2.html) 109 . controlului şi monitorizării acestora. grass 3. though V. wit. temper. white 10. so as to form well-known similes. What improvements were made at the insistence of labour unions after 1910? 8. How did Swedish automobile companies improve productivity in the 1960s? 9. reducerea consumurilor specifice de materiale şi energie. mouth. foot. air 1. green 5. 5. ISO 9002:1987 and ISO 9003:1987. The version of these standards was revised in 1994 and was called the ISO 9000:1994 series. • improve constantly. which were applicable in different types of industries. ISO 9002 and 9003 standards are not valid. made popular by Deming. ISO 9001:2000). Since December 2003. It is defined by four keys: • Plan: Design or revise business process components to improve results • Do: Implement the plan and measure its performance • Check: Assess the measurements and report the results to decision makers • Act: Decide on changes needed to improve the process Quality Standards The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created the Quality Management System (QMS) standards in 1987. productivity. Quality Improvement W. among which: • break down barriers between departments. The philosophy is to keep improving the quality of an organization.3. He has formulated 14 points of attention for managers. • institute a programme of education and self-improvement. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality management is a method for ensuring that all the activities necessary to design. Edwards Deming is best known for his management philosophy establishing quality. The following diagram is the Shewhart cycle (PDCA) for quality improvement. 9002:1994 and 9003:1994 versions. develop and implement a product or service are effective and efficient with respect to the system and its performance.2. based on the type of activity: designing. • management should learn their responsibilities. The ISO 9004:2000 document gives guidelines for performance improvement over and above the basic standard (i. These were the ISO 9000:1987 series of standards comprising ISO 9001:1987. However the ISO 9002 and 9003 standards were integrated and one single certifiable standard was created under ISO 9001:2000. production or service delivery. and competitive position. The last revision was in the year 2000 and the series was called ISO 9000:2000 series. 110 .e. comprising of the ISO 9001:1994. and the organizations previously holding these standards need to do a transition from the old to the new standards. The standards have been regularly reviewed every few years by the International Organization for Standardization. and take on leadership. = abordare. to certify v. ISO 9000 standards do not certify the quality of the product or service. = a certifica. to assess v. quality ~s = standarde de calitate. standard n. to address v. = preventiv (syn. safety n. to review n. ISO 22000. means n. pericol. = cuprinzător. This standard covers the values and principles of ISO 9000 and the HACCP A. distibuire. = risc. = a implementa. It gives one single integrated standard for the food industry and is expected to become more popular in the coming years in such industry. Recently the International Organization released a new standard. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic preventative approach to food safety that addresses physical. WORDS AND PHRASES quality management = managementul calităţii. = a evalua. keep + vb-ing = a continua să. = a verifica. or start treating somebody fairly (informal). = standard. = a măsura. HACCP is used in the food industry to identify potential food safety hazards. = mijloc. to implement v. self-improvement n. II. so that key actions. series n. a concepe. 2. 111 . to measure v. hazard n. The system is used at all stages of food production and preparation processes. to give somebody a break = to stop nagging or criticizing somebody. to cover v. = siguranţă. (adapted from http://en. a doborî. means. with respect to = în ceea ce priveşte. = prevenire. = serie. to break down v. VOCABULARY I. to improve v. = a îmbunătăţi. = furnizare. guideline n. a dărâma. to check v. = a acoperi. meant for the food industry. = reper. known as Critical Control Points (CCP's) can be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of the hazards being realised. to design v. preventative adj. prevention n.The Quality Management System standards created by ISO are meant to certify the processes and the system of an organization and not the product or service itself. a distruge. comprising adj.wikipedia. livrare. preventive) approach n. = a revizui. delivery n. = a crea. a sfărâma. chemical and biological hazards as a means of prevention rather than finished product inspection. primezdie. = 1. = auto-perfecţionare. = a se adresa. series. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to break even = to make neither a profit nor a loss from a venture. I visited the museums to which admission is free. Explain the meaning of the following plurals: colours.. By whom and when were the Quality Management System standards created? 6... I did not have to pay for hotel accommodation. pains. break down.... Brake means "a device used to slow or stop a vehicle" or "apply a brake" and is sometimes B. (2) 1 didn't know about the English way of life... spending a lot of time at Tate Gallery. (8) milk every morning.. as I have . I had only . particularly when they seem utterly devoid . (7) biscuits and .. as in to break a window.. spirits... Luckily. I am almost embarrassed . a few in the following sentences: I would like to tell you .. but break has a wider range of meaning and is the more frequent of the two.. 112 . but once in London I found out it was too . break into.. to break the rules. Insert (the) little... thinking I might buy ...... a little. spectacles.. What are the four key elements of the Shewhart cycle? 5. What is HACCP and where is it used? II. I realize that even . or interruption. (10) friends in London and they put me up for the duration of my stay.. (4) money. 4.. Now that I am back.. don't fix it = do not try to improve something that is satisfactory as it is (informal). their wishes. III.... What is W..... (9) of Turner's art. saw all the sights. because I knew . Both words can be used as nouns or verbs. destruction. Put one of these words in each of the gaps below: that to with at of on for in by 1.... (the) few. Edwards Deming formulate? Enumerate four of them... my fellow-countrymen on occasions such as this.. (12) money.. (3) 1 knew was hardly correct. Reading and Comprehension 1.if it ain't broke.... see that they are pleased . It seems entirely compatible . 2.. Edwards Deming best known for? 3... V. break away. but there are . (11) things you can do if you have so . break out. admit that I feel extremely ashamed . What is quality management? 2. For breakfast. I had to be very careful. How many points of attention for managers did W. Use in sentences of your own the following phrasal verbs: break asunder.. I had to save . I thought there was . IV. and they have a whole section devoted to him. (5) books and postcards. I am relieved . violation. On top of all. a break for refreshments. I had saved . their accommodation.. generally referring to separation. any manners at all. EXERCISES I.. to make a clean break = to end a relationship or association completely and permanently Break or brake? Do not confuse the spelling of break and brake. compasses. glasses.. (1) things about my trip to Great Britain... which sound similar.. I walked a lot. minutes. (13) for the return trip.. break up.. Before I left for London. (6) to pay for everything... . she's leaving... Managementul calităţii reprezintă ceea ce practică organizaţiile pentru a asigura produse şi servicii în conformitate cu cerintele clientilor sai.. proving he can pass...3.... have to admit...... but we are not convinced his success can be taken for granted..... the result.. I was interested ...... upsetting her...... I know I should be ashamed .... young Paula's being written out of my favourite soap.. It's a pretty awful thing .. 4.... It is probable .dqsromania... do it properly.......... admit that I am saddened . (http://www. Obiectivul acestuia este de a stabili cerinţe internaţionale pentru sistemul de management al calităţii în orice domeniu (producătorii. read that many fans had expressed amazement .. share these weaknesses with many others.. so many people take an interest ... Isn't it amazing ... 6. Translate into English: Standardul ISO 9001:2000 este un standard generic.. the job and the one most likely .... 7..........html) 113 . I a m a w a r e . just as I am aware you .. Un certificat ISO 9001:2000 dovedeste ca un anume sistem de management al calităţii întruneşte toate cerinţele acestui standard internaţional...... servicii.... I know he's very sure . he will prove to be the most likely person .. such obscure sports? 8.............. himself and is intent .ro/produse/iso9001. creaţie).. but I really am upset . 5. I'm afraid speak to her about this because I'm frightened . y o u r deficiencies and the areas you are lacking practice . VI.. 2. Just as one could. Classical mechanics has especially often been viewed as a model for other so-called exact sciences.1. in the loosest possible sense. A person working in the discipline is known as a mechanician. as well as the decisive role played by experiment in generating and testing them. The discipline has its roots in ancient Greece where Aristotle studied the way bodies behaved when they were thrown through the air (e. aerospace engineering. Mechanics is the original discipline of physics. characterize classical mechanics as dealing with "large" bodies (such as engine parts). although relativity is categorized as a classical theory. the strong and weak interactions. Essential in this respect is the relentless use of mathematics in theories. Mechanics also constitutes a central part of technology. and made small corrections to them. Both are commonly held to constitute the most certain knowledge that exists about physical nature. the discipline is often known as engineering or applied mechanics. and the subsequent effect of the bodies on their environment. It is therefore a huge body of knowledge about the natural world. Relativistic corrections were also needed for quantum mechanics. dealing with the macroscopic world that humans perceive. each simply pertains to specific situations. Einstein's general and special theories of relativity have expanded the scope of mechanics beyond the mechanics of Newton and Galileo. and the electromagnetic interaction. In this connection. and quantum mechanics with "small" ones (such as particles). formally at least. Quantum mechanics is. mechanisms. According to the correspondence principle. and non-relativistic mechanics 114 . a stone). For practical problems. classical mechanics is able to solve problems which are unmanageably difficult in quantum mechanics and hence remains useful and well used. Analogous to the quantum vs. Mechanics encompasses the movement of all matter in the universe under the four fundamental interactions (or forces): gravity. materials engineering. so long as the specific circumstances are carefully kept in mind. while quantum mechanics didn't appear until 1900.II. Historically. it could be said that relativistic mechanics deals with "fast" bodies. classical mechanics came first.The major division of the mechanics discipline separates classical mechanics from quantum mechanics. Classical mechanics is older than written history.There are no contradictions or conflicts between the two. of the widest scope. and machines. civil engineering. mechanics is used to design and analyze the behavior of structures.g. In this sense.4. MECHANICS Mechanics is the branch of physics concerned with the behaviour of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements. While it is true that historically quantum mechanics has been seen as having superseded classical mechanics. structural engineering. TEXTS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2. Kepler and especially Newton who lay the foundation for much of the so called Newtonian mechanics we know today. as a sub-discipline which applies under certain restricted circumstances. the application of physical knowledge for humanly defined purposes. there is no contradiction or conflict between the two subjects. while quantum mechanics is a comparatively recent invention. and can be seen as encompassing classical mechanics.4. classical reformation. this is only true on the hypothetical or foundational level. Important aspects of the fields of mechanical engineering. biomedical engineering and biomechanics were spawned from the study of mechanics. However it was Galileo. fiz. griji etc) a nu da pace (cuiva). a fi caracteristic/propriu cu dat. a vedea. adding just a few so-called degrees of freedom. individ. bis. i. = 1. to hold. 3. neînduplecat. parts of fluids (gases and liquids). un om cu orizonturi/vederi largi. cu). fluid. opt.). neîndurător. 2. 1. 2. 1. cadavru. Thus the often-used term body needs to stand for a wide assortment of objects. a asalta. such as orientation in space. tehn. However. periscop. or non-rigid. lungime de lanţ filat la apă. spacecraft. scope n. a ţine (în mână). 2. held v. sferă. 4. a pricepe. fără preget. to perceive v. navă 7. bodies may be semi-rigid. a închide. These subjects have both classical and quantum divisions of study. to supersede v. depending on the state of motion of the observer. whether classical or quantum. a cuprinde. = 1. For instance: The motion of a spacecraft. etc. corp. 6. (adapted from http://en. (d. Otherwise. a poseda 4. trup. to give free ~ to one’s imagination a da frâu liber imaginaţiei. scop. 2. a da la o parte. a percepe (cu simţurile). to pertain to v. it is beyond my ~ mă depăşeşte. This means that all mechanics. a cauza. corp. naos. = I. 2. parte principală. fig. ca sg. nav. mecanică. asiduu.e. treated as mathematical points in classical mechanics. a aparţine de sau cu dat. 2. intindere. including particles. is described by the relativistic theory of classical mechanics. 3. body n. de domeniul cu gen. displacement n. a recunoaşte. a înlătura. a ocupa. 2. 2. but retain a simplicity close to that of the particle. implacabil. a privi cu ac. a (se) considera. libertate. a înţelege. transfer. potentially needs to be described relativistically. a sta/ a şedea bine cuiva. a percepe (cu mintea). in sfera. a conţine. to keep ~ and soul together a-şi ţine zilele. a (se) socoti. a-şi da seama de/că. a avea de-a face/legătură cu. parts of machinery. 1. tulpină (de pom). orizont. a năpădi. nu este de competenţa mea. deplasare. stars. Particles are bodies with little (known) internal structure. 4. 5.with "slow" ones. strămutare. gamă. = 1. regarding its orbit and attitude (rotation).org/wiki/Mechanics) A. = I. neprecupeţit. a încojura. a elimina. a stăpâni.e. "fast" and "slow" are subjective concepts. fizic. concern the nature of the bodies being described. = 1. aspect mecanic (al unei operaţii etc. On the other hand. înlocuire. 3. Other distinctions between the various subdisciplines of mechanics. 2. corp neînsufleţit. While analogous motions of an atomic nucleus are described by quantum mechanics. = 1. a încercui. VOCABULARY WORDS AND PHRASES mechanics n. 5. a stăpâni. necruţător. om. aparat optic. a observa. a mind of wide ~ o minte/un spirit cu vederi largi. 3. (by) a înlocui (prin. înv ţintă. elastic. an undertaking of wide ~ o iniţiativă sau o intreprindere de mare amploare/de anvengură. a trăi de azi pe mâine. 115 .. II. = pl 1. held. neabătut. he has full/free ~ are deplină libertate de acţiune. înfăţişare fizică. 2. a determina. projectiles. persoană. a se referi la. a chinui. câmp. a îndepărta (un funcţionar etc). a avea drepturi/autoritate asupra cu gen. to encompass v. 5. posibilităţi. a zări. within the ~ of în limitele/cadrul cu gen. i. Rigid bodies have size and shape. a observa. as an observer. 2. 3. şi ca sg.wikipedia. bot. relentless adj. one may frequently arrange the situation in such a way that this is not really required. 4. 3. = 1. diapazon 4. parts of solids. a deţine. = 1. unitate de informatie. ambele sunt considerate ca – b______ a__ h______ to 4. sferă. to enter the ~ şi fig. ieşire în teren. a da trup cu dat. a fi victorios. 116 .8. What does mechanics encompass? II. câmp (de vedere. Mechanics is the branch of chemistry concerned with the behaviour of physical bodies. au extins orizontul mecanicii – e______ the s______ of m________ III. quantum mechanics came first. What are classical and quantum mechanics? 2. ~ night seara/noapte memorabilă/de pomină. ~ day mil. ~ engine tractor. 10. to lose the ~ a fi învins. = 1. while classical mechanics is a comparatively recent invention. excursiilor etc. zi plină de evenimente. 2. a prinde şi a arunca înapoi (mingea. sistem. a distribui. a intra în luptă. to conquer the ~ şi fig. pol. field n. mulţime. av. la baseball). datul cărţilor. 5. fig. 4. pol sistem de măsuri (guvernamentale). ogor. a învinge. ~ ash bot. What type of mechanics is known to better solve practical problems? 5. câmp. dealt. to keep the ~ a continua lupta. min zăcământ. grup. The discipline of mechanics is often known as engineering or applied mechanics. câmp de luptă/bătaie sau luptă. Historically. B. a prezenta pe teren (jucătorii de fotbal etc). 1. cib. 12. 3. = I. totalitate. 9. alambic. câmp. excitaţie II sport. 2. deal n. fig. 14. comportare. a împărţi. organ. II. corp. a pune bazele – l____ the f_________ 2. 2. to take the ~ a se duce la război. a începe lupta. a face (cărţile). Each line stands for one word: 1. What are the differences between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics? 4. flying ~ aerodrom. = I. astru. el. administra. ~ duty mil. exerciţii tactice pe teren. serviciu activ. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to deal. a da. 1. mil unitate. Phrases to learn. 9. auto caroserie. Reading and comprehension 1. masă. păşune 2. fond (al unei picturi). Which are some of the most important names related to mechanics and physics? 3. 6. etc. 13. zi consacrată vânătorii. dealt v. a pierde bătălia. teren. fig. grup. magnetic etc). to do/make a ~ with smb a face o afacere cu cineva. a întruchipa. 11. II. to ~ smb a blow a lovi pe cineva. 8. Tick the statements true or false: 1. busuioc. astr. sport participanţii la o competiţie sau cei mai valoroşi participanţi la o competiţie. fuzelaj. corp ceresc. 10 el. 3. teren (deschis). EXERCISES I. Complete the following phrases. aspecte importante ale domeniilor – i________ a______ o_ the f________ 3. 2. conduită. retortă. 3. organizaţie. majoritate. 1. bazin. manevre. regiune. servit. scoruş. 2. domeniu. ~ basil bot. to hold the ~ a-şi menţine poziţiile. bătălie. ~ artillery artilerie de câmp. 7. mod de a trata. in the ~ of literature în domeniul literaturii. 16. aeroport. 20. Screws can be turned with a … 6. Mother poured the soup through a … to remove all the lumps. We pull corks out of bottles by using a … 12. 10. Rigid bodies have size and shape. Cercetările fundamentale sunt. 5. etc. The carpenter uses a … to make a smooth surface. I saw some children carrying their buckets and … to the beach. motoare cu ardere internă fără piston. When I opened the door. For practical problems. We drive a nail into wood with the help of a … 4. device 1. tape measure. pincers. Particles are bodies with little (known) internal structure. V. screwdriver. You put paint onto something using a … 14. previziunea mişcărilor seismice. 6. ladder. potentially needs to be described relativistically. studiul deformaţiilor plastice ale corpurilor solide. The hairdresser took a pair of … and cut the girl’s hair. IV. but retain a simplicity close to that of the particle. One can cut down trees or chop logs with the help of an … 11. 7. Se poate vorbi despre cercetare fundamental-orientată în domenii ca: deformaţiile corpurilor plastice. 16. Garden hedges are cut with the … 18. Tailors use … to measure the cloth or the size of your body. 2. 3. În domeniul fizicii. mallet. tin opener. marea întreprindere. Translate into English: 1. cercetări teoretice dirijate către progresul ştiinţei fără luarea în considerare a posibilităţilor de aplicare practică într-un viitor previzibil. file. whether classical or quantum. A … is a kind of strong tool for holding an object firmly. John was standing on a … painting the ceiling. caracterizate prin faptul că sunt dirijate de către domenii în care compania. de exemplu. used for cutting wood or other materials. 117 . drill. All mechanics.4. 9. shears. quantum mechanics is able to solve problems which are unmanageably difficult in classical mechanics and hence remains useful and well used. scissors. noi surse de energie. A … is a tool used for making holes. Complete the sentences below with one of the appropriate words or phrases connected with TOOLS: axe. spades. A … is a steel tool with a rough surface for smoothing or rubbing away wood or metal. cercetarea fundamentală poate fi cercetarea relativităţii sau cercetarea structurii materiei. hammer. 8. în general. paintbrush. 13. saw. Cement or plaster can be spread onto walls with a … 17. întrevede un interes comercial real. 19. studiul acceleraţiilor de ordin superior. sieve. 5. corkscrew. spanner. I needed a … to open this tin. A … is a small wooden hammer. brush. A … is a blade with sharp teeth along one edge. Nuts can be loosened or tightened with a … 15. plane. trowel. În această categorie pot fi incluse şi cercetările fundamental-orientate. 7. extinderea sau restrângerea liniilor tehnologice. în condiţiile aceluiaşi volum de material. mai competitive. Cercetările aplicative sunt cercetări dirijate către obţinerea de noi cunoştinţe care au aplicabilitate imediată în exploatarea comercială a produselor şi proceselor tehnologice. 118 . obţinerea unor aditivi pentru uleiuri în vederea micşorării uzurii. etc. Ca domenii de cercetare aplicativă se pot exemplifica: mărirea capacităţii portante a angrenajelor sau a rulmenţilor. studiul proceselor tehnologice în vederea creşterii performanţelor produselor. în scopul realizării unor produse cu calităţi superioare.2. obţinerea uleiurilor sintetice cu proprietăţi superioare din punct de vedere al peliculei de lubrifiant. a unor procese tehnologice perfecţionate şi mai economice. obţinerea unor materiale plastice care să înlocuiască materialele metalice neferoase deficitare. Pulley blocks Although many science laboratories contain interesting arrangements of pulley blocks which provide useful exercises in determining velocity ratios. the rope also being fastened tot the bottom block. DETERMINATION OF VELOCITY RATIOS In determining the velocity ratio of a particular machine. If four separated pieces of iron are left for a time in dry air. these will react with moisture to form acidic solutions.4. iron compounds called ferrous hydroxide and ferric carbonate are formed. They are connected by a continuous rope. after passing around pulleys alternately in the two blocks. then. In the case where nine ropes descended to the bottom block. the ‘top’ pulley block is attached to a fixed point. Corrosion is generally considered to be an electrolytic process in which small electric cells are formed on the surface of metal. producing 119 . it will be observed that both air and water are necessary for the corrosion of iron by rusting. In some cases it may be advisable to imagine the effort to move one meter. industrial applications are mainly confined to pulley arrangements consisting of two separate sets of pulleys mounted in pulley blocks. the velocity ratio is 2n+1. The final deposit in the rusting of iron is a particular iron oxide chemically combined with water. the total length of rope between the blocks shortens by this distance x.2. In other cases it may be advisable to let one particular spindle rotate by one revolution. We will consider some standard types of machines and determine their velocity ratios. In operation. the blocks would approach each other by x/9 and hence the load would be lifted by x/9. the velocity ratio is 2n. Such an electric cell needs an electrolyte such as acidified water. but there is reasonable ground for suggesting that during the process of oxidizing iron to the hydrated oxide of iron known as rust. the velocity ratio of a lifting arrangement of this particular type is given simply by ‘the number of ropes which descend to the bottom block’. tap water and air-free water respectively. each machine should be treated on its own merits. If there are n pulleys on the bottom block. Corrosion Corrosion is the removal of particles of metals and alloys by chemical action. and then consider what happens to the load and the effort. Colloquially it would be said then ‘nine ropes descend to the bottom block’. such as a beam. moist air. and follow the events through the machine to determine the corresponding movement of the load. If there are n pulleys on the bottom block but the rope is fixed to the top block. Hence if the surrounding air contains sulphur compounds. the rapidity of this type of corrosion depending upon the prevailing conditions. If the effort moves a distance of x. eight ropes would descend to the bottom block). Most metals are oxidized by the atmosphere. In general terms. The actual reactions are extremely complex. The other end of the rope. Let us presume that in one particular assembly the bottom block has four pulleys and that the end of the rope is finally attached to the bottom block.2. to one end of which an effort is applied. (If the end of the rope were fixed to the top block. and this shortening is shared by ‘the ropes which descend to the bottom block’. is attached to the body of one pulley block. while the load is suspended from the ‘bottom’ pulley block. carnet de notiţe. = 1. raport. a împiedica. 13. a depune (mâl etc. calapod.. lespede. strat. alloy n. 12. Reading and comprehension 1. = 1. bot. infundare. fig. WORDS AND PHRASES velocity n. in the ~ în bloc. lăţime (a navei). a sedimenta. (în S. buştean. 2. ordine. rotaţie. met. eşafod. poligr. to raise the ~ a ridica blocada. troliu. nimb. blocare. pleasure without ~ plăcere neumbrită de nimic to alloy v. tehn. = 1. ~ out a schiţa (un plan). proporţie. 7. a depozita. a creiona. grămadă. clasificare. pol. poligr.electrolytes which accelerate corrosion. pp. B. mănunchi de raze.). clişeu. netot. geol. = 1. sediment. motriv. bloc. corrosion n. a alia. gripare. grupare. geol. (braţ de) balanţă. sport a stopa. mod de a aranja. aureolă. = 1. deposit n. med. traversă mobilă. a depune (ouă. măsuri. aranjare. mil. tehn. Book 1. a bloca. spindle = n. răzmeriţă. corelaţie. a opri. 2. 10. răscoală. ch. 6. 5. ch. astr. adaptare. grindei (de plug). 3. revoluţie. cauză. lit. 4. distribui etc. a strica. tehn. calotă. corodare. revoluţie. in direct ~ direct proporţional. = blocare. ~ in a schiţa. scripete. 7. raţiune. EXERCISES I. 3. pol. tehn. precipitat. 2. zăcamânt. 4. 8. raport de transmisie. aşeza. = 1. VOCABULARY I. bot. 3. rânduială. bloc de piatră. a bloca. a depune. 3. 2. poziţie. 6. revolution n. tehn. aranjamente. relaţie. ~house mil cazemată. casă de bârne. tehn. min. ax. 7. (mişcare de) revoluţie. bloc. a depune. 5. pulley n. deposit. mişcare giratorie. baracă. (Page. pilier. 4.).A. aliaj. 3. rânduire. vrej. adaos (nedorit). 2. 2. 4. blocadă. arbore. moisture n. 4. coroziune. a precipita. 5. 3. a pune piedici în calea cu gen. = umezeală. bloc. = 1. 2. constr. = prostănac. bloc de oţel. a se întinde. rotire. ratio n. tehn. umiditate. tijă. 2. a umbri (fericirea etc. traversă. etc) într-o anumită direcţie. met. roată de transmisie. potrivire. sediment. tel. aranjament. LEXICAL COMMENTARY block n. butuc. 3. 2. pregătiri. probă (a unui metal preţios). = viteza de deplasare (a unui obiect. strat. reglare. înţelegere. arrangement n. geol. aranjament. rază. lujer. fig. to block v. filos. blum. 2. nav. blockade n. traversă de punte. II. icre etc). 3. to spindle v. 11. amenajări. met. a creşte drept şi subţire. fig.U. a bloca.) corp de case. a se lungi. 2. aranjament. 2. scripete. amestec. 4. ec. deposit. 6. bară. ruginire. = 1. fig (om) prost. cap sec. 9. = tehn. 157-8) A. a creşte în lungime. 1. 3. a retuşa. = 1. Science for Mechanical Technicians. = 1. a aşeza. agr. grindă. ec. 5. blockage n. 15. nav. What is one of the standard types of machines mentioned in the text? 120 . 2. butuc. blockish adj. to deposit v. fus. 8. Consequently. bloc. muz.. mat. = 1. nav. traversă. pl. osie. = 1. G. balustru. ~ up a umple (cu cărămidă). text. 2. bani depuşi la bancă. 3. beam n. a pune. punere în ordine. fort. depunere. învoială. 14. accord.. prelucrare. 9. corrosion of metals in industrial areas is more rapid than in rural areas. turaţie. deposit. = 1. 8. 3. M. baricadă. tehn. sabot. A … is a bar at the front and the back of a car that provides extra protection if the car collides with anything. Remove the … and loosen the nuts with a spanner. If there is no water in the ….2. 3. 5. The car’s … read 80 miles per hour. The velocity ratio of a lifting arrangement of this particular type is given simply by ‘the number of ropes which mount to the top block’. What is this machine used for? What is velocity ratio? How would you define corrosion? What are the factors that influence corrosion? II. 4. choke. 15. 13. the velocity ratio is 4n. Tick the statements true or false 1. wing. The … in a car is a device that sends electric current to the spark plugs in the engine. 19. the car goes faster. cylinder. 5. seat. 12. speedometer. steering wheel. If there are n pulleys on the bottom block but the rope is fixed to the top block. The … is a piece of equipment fitted to a car to reduce its noise. brake 1. When you press the … with your foot. III. windscreen wiper. bonnet. The … in the engine of a car is a device that reduces the amount of air going into the engine and makes it easier to start. 2. hubcup. 6. 9. 5. dashboard. 10. A … is the framework that a vehicle is built on. ignition. battery. 8. 6. The driver blew his … when a child ran in front of his car. petrol gauge. Corrosion is the removal of particles of metals and alloys by physical action. 17. 4. 2. 3. He switched on the car’s … and the engine started running. The … carries the gas or smoke out ofr the engine of a car. number plate. 121 . exhaust-pipe. 7. radiator. 16. 11. Neither air nor water are necessary for the corrosion of iron by rusting. windscreen. headlight. 18. horn. engine. 4. each machine should not be treated on its own merits. safety belt. The car won’t start because the … needs recharging. silencer.… engine. spark plug. 14. One makes a car turn left or right by turning the … 7. Let’s lift the … and have a look at the engine. His new car has a five. Corrosion of metals in rural areas is more rapid than in industrial areas. The … dropped swiftly toward zero showing that we had run out of fuel. 20. Complete the sentences below with one of the appropriate words or phrases connected with THE CAR: accelerator. The … is the panel facing the driver’s seat where most of the switches are. clutch. It is dangerous to drive with a dirty …. A … is a sign on the front and the back of a car that shows its registration number. chassis. distributor. Industrial applications are mainly confined to pulley arrangements consisting of two separate sets of pulleys. 3. you can’t see the road well. In determining the velocity ratio of a particular machine. tyres. bumper. boot. your engine will overheat immediately. 27. Nu se puteau identifica mijloace pentru a le evita. etc. As it was getting dark. The front … of the cars was damaged in the accident. la baza proiectării maşinilor a stat criteriul obţinerii unei durabilităţi cât mai ridicate. I switched on the … to light up the road ahead. cu atât posibilitatea apariţiei deteriorărilor întâmplătoare este mai mare. 22. la circuite. Mai mult. I couldn’t get my … started so I left the car there. prezintă durabilităţi diferite. însă. Unele sisteme sunt destinate să funcţioneze o perioadă scurtă de timp (în care. pe de o parte. etc) este probabilitatea ca acesta să funcţioneze (să îndeplinească corect funcţiunea) o anumită perioadă de timp în anumite condiţii de funcţionare şi de mediu (impuse prin temă). mult mai frecvent pot apărea deteriorări întâmplătoare ale elementelor componente. repartiţia durabilităţii elementelor aparent identice este aleatorie. Evoluţia ştiinţei şi tehnicii. formei şi tehnologiei. 30. puse în exploatare în aceleaşi condiţii de solicitare şi de mediu. poate să impună limitarea durabilităţii. mai ales la elementele aflate în mişcare. The … is the mechanism that allows the power from the engine to be disconnected from the wheels when you change gear. 122 . Elemente sau sisteme aparent identice din punct de vedere ale materialului. 24. Nu se putea cuprinde în calcule previziunea acestor deteriorări.. au făcut ca obţinerea unei durabilităţi cât mai ridicate să nu mai constituie un unic criteriu în proiectare. I stepped hard on the … and the car stopped. un sistem format din asemenea circuite. IV. Uzura morală. pe de altă parte. de exemplu. A … is a movable arm of metal with a rubber edge that clears rain from a windscreen. The … of this car don’t have enough air in them. 25. I would have been killed if I had not been wearing a … 29. electronic sau hidraulic.21. Open the … and put my suitcase in. 28. implicaţiile economice. please! 23. un ansamblu mecanic. noţiunea de fiabilitate fiind inclusă în noţiunea de calitate. o maşină. A … in the engine is a device which produces the electrical spark that ignites the fuel. Echipamentele moderne sunt mult mai complexe. Până acum câteva decenii. datorate unor cauze imprevizibile. 26. un circuit electric. Translate into English: Fiabilitatea unui sistem (fie acesta un simplu element. Se observau totuşi deteriorări întâmplătoare. nu trebuie să apară deteriorări). un mecanism. Cu cât complexitatea sistemelor moderne este mai mare. Otto. pp. Limba engleză pentru jurnalişti. vol. = a se prăbuşi în picaj. 126. 123 . a avea sincope.). It had suffered engine failure and the pilot had sent a mayday call requesting an emergency landing. take off and crash after a nose-dive. 250. The bodies were so badly burnt and mutilated they had to be identified from dental records. = a mutila. Civil aviation experts examined the wreckage the next day and blamed the pilot’s handling of the aircraft for the disaster.4. = a merge pe sol (înainte de decolare sau după aterizare. mutilate v. I) A. ran across to the plane but it was already ablaze. = a (se)prăbuşi. An airbus crashed fifty yards short of the runway at Bradley Airport yesterday and exploded on impact. He attempted to rescue the passengers but had to be dragged away from the scene for his own safety. 27. = nor gros. trying to piece together what had gone wrong. M. (Otto. Eyewitnesses reported hearing a faltering engine noise and seeing a pall of black smoke behind the craft. bereaved adj. But. runway n.3. = a pierde din putere. falter v. = impact. within seconds of being cleared to land. the plane had burst into flames and had plummeted to the ground. = a smulge.= rămăşiţe. = a pica în zig-zag. negru. but they burned to death before the fire-fighters arrived. As fuel poured out. impact n. resturi. overhaul n. where emergency exists are located. AEROPLANE CRASHES 1. drag v. pall n. ablaze adj. The wreckage suggested that the fire was the fiercest over the wings. VOCABULARY I. WORDS AND PHRASES to plough v.. There were no survivors among the 123 on board including 10 crew members. B. the wreck caught fire and burned. = distrus. it is likely that they will be sued for damages by the victims’ families. plummet v. Rescue teams sealed off the site and began examining the mangled wreckage. He said he could hear the people in the plane screaming. wreckage n. mayday call n. who had watched the plane taxi across the field. în bot (av. îndoliat. Four people died yesterday when their aircraft bound for Pamon crashed and burst into flames soon after take-off. The son of the pilot. Most of the victims were found still strapped in their seats. = îndurerat. = pistă (decolare. Though messages of sympathy were sent to the bereaved by airline authorities. = revizie generală.2. zdrobit. Surprisingly. mangled adj. The plane ploughed into a field and broke apart. The inquiry revealed that it was to be the plane’s last flight before an engine overhaul. taxi v. = în flăcări. nose-dive n. aterizare). 2. there was no “black box” flight recorder on the aircraft but radio transmissions indicated that the accident was probably caused by a technical error. = în cod internaţional: semnal de ajutor. aprig. vânt) insuportabil. LEXICAL COMMENTARY to bereave of. sălbatic. What methods are used to establish the cause of the accident? II. (d. hain. a izola locul – s_________ o_________ the s___________ 8. fiercely adv. bereavement n. a identifica după fişele dentare – i_________ f_____ d_____ r________ 7. feroce. înverşunare. The son of the pilot was sitting in a taxi when the accident happened. cumplit. 2. The plane first burst into flames. fierceness n. a lipsi/a deposeda/a priva/ a văduvi de. grozav. = pierdere grea. The plane ploughed into a field on the outskirts of Palmon. cu violenţă. IV. All the occupants of the plane died because of the impact of the crash. a trimite condoleanţe celor îndureraţi/îndoliaţi – s_______ m__________ of s__________ to the b__________ III. Each line stands for one word: 1. then crashed. What are the basic differences between the two accidents described in the report? 2. a se aprinde şi a arde în flăcări – c______ f_________ and b________ i_____ f_______ 2. Because of the heat. hapsân. synonyms: affliction. 4. Phrases to learn. = ferocitate. 2. rău. death. EXERCISES I. Tick the statements true or false: 1. fioros. loss. Reading and comprehension 1. deprivation. destitution. 12. violenţă. 4. în drum spre – b__________ f__________ 3. The airbus was to be removed permanently from service following that flight. a încerca să salveze – a___________ to r_________ 4. = feroce. 5. grozav. The inquiry concluded that the accident happened because of a human error. violent. 3. căldură. he was unable to help the people inside the wreck. active. 7. a suferi avarii ale motorului – s_________ e__________ f___________ 6. Some of the bodies could not be identified immediately. = 1. energic. pornit. 123 people died in the accident. Could the people in the first accident have been saved? 3. = 1. 10. răpire. Complete the following phrases. 9. B. The airbus burned very quickly. 3. cu sălbăticie. 8. The airline may be held responsible for negligence. extraordinary. a învinui pentru dezastru – b_______ f_________ the d_________ 5. a răpi cu ac. What suggests that the pilot of the jet was aware of the danger? 4. 11. Complete the sentences below with one of the appropriate words or phrases connected with TRAVELLING BY AIR: 124 . vehement.II. insuportabil. The pilot of the airbus was unaware of the danger. fierce adj. bereft of v. 2. 6. impetuozitate. nestăpânit. s-a înălţat în aer. pilot. pasagerii au ars în avionul naufragiat. ticket 1. 12. food is sometimes dropped by … to isolated villages. When you hear the announcement for your flight you should proceed to the … to board the plane. The plane sped up the … and soon took off. Can you guess how you would react and what you would be thinking about? Statistically. Înainte ca pompierii să ajungă la locul accidentului. 14. fiind cuprins de flăcări. The … is that small area of a plane looking after passengers and serving meals to them. In severe winters. 3. airport. runway. The … and crew were all killed in the air crash. That tall building in the airport. 5. hangar. gate. 13. 20. Yet. is the … 7. glider. Why are plane crashes so well-remembered? Why do they provoke general sympathy and official days of mourning? VI. 15. An … is a place. In airports you can buy goods at a cheaper price at the … 8. You receive a boarding pass at the … 18. 10. cockpit. Departure Lounge. Topics for discussion 1. Câţiva martori au văzut cum avionul a decolat. A … is an aircraft that does not have an engine but flies by floating on air currents. V. undercarriage. How long is the … to London? 2. We show our passports for … before we go through Security check. plane crashes. An … is a flap on the back edge of the wing of an aeroplane that can be raised or lowered in order to control the movement of the plane. when taking into account the number of flights taking place every day. 16. control tower. 9. flight. from which people direct the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the air. thousands of people have gone through the ordeal which you are trying to imagine. Translate into English: Un avion care zbura spre Palmon s-a prăbuşit şi a izbucnit în flăcări imediat după decolare. 2. după care s-a prăbuşit deodată la pământ. A … is a large building where aircraft are kept. stewardess. The … assists the chief pilot to fly the plane. Passengers wait for their flight to be announced in the … 17. A … is a woman who works on a plane looking after passengers and serving meals to them. parachute. The captain and the stewardess have already reviewed the emergency procedure and n0ow you have twenty seconds before the plane crashes. 19. All the aeroplanes have retractable … 4.aileron. The … is the main part of the aeroplane. Duty-free Shops. When you go through … your hand luggage is checked. Check-in-counter. usually with a lot of buildings and facilities where aircraft land and take off. plane crashes are rare. pe acelaşi 125 . Cu o lună în urmă. 6. Passport Control. Put yourself in the position of a passenger on a plane which is about to crash. 11. Would you ever fly again if you had survived a plane crash? 3. copilot. Security Check. Incendiul nu a permis ca acţiunea de salvare să fie eficientă. înainte de revizia generală a motorului. Nimeni nu a supravieţuit dintre cei o suta doi oameni îmbarcaţi. La bord nu s-a înregistrat nimic pe „cutia neagra”. Înainte ca avionul să reuşească să aterizeze. 126 .aeroport s-a prăbuşit un turboreactor. Cauza accidentului a fost o avarie de motor. Până acum nu s-au comunicat cauzele accidentului. Acest zbor trebuia să fie ultimul. s-a prăbuşit la pământ. Pilotul a solicitat o aterizare de urgenţă datorită avariei. (Otto. Otto. Meanwhile. The derailed coaches fell into the path of an empty goods train which was just pulling out of the station. a nu putea să te mişti. 3. fig. 251. Firemen used cutting gear to reach the injured and the dead who were pinned under the wreckage. 2. maybe due to some distraction. = staţionat. stationary adj. It was revealed that the commuter train was running 3 minutes late. = şine de cale ferată. to run low v. track n. = a avea grijă. II.4. = a duce lipsă. failure n.25 from Gloomford. passed a red signal and smashed into a packed stationary commuter train. cale ferată. 33. = vagon de cale ferată. to get off/to run off/to leave the ~s a. drum de fier. to brake v. 128. LEXICAL COMMENTARY rail n. but signal failure was ruled out. to pin v.. transport feroviar. Emergency procedures were immediately put into operation. distributed powerful painkillers and reassured those in agony while waiting for the stretcher-bearers to carry away the wounded. Scores of rescuers worked throughout the day to clear the wreckage and extract victims. It is hoped that. a deraia. Others offered their cars to ferry the less seriously injured victims to nearby hospitals. to reroute v. a deraia. = 1. M. services will be restored. B. = a frâna. by tomorrow morning. all rail traffic is being rerouted. Limba engleză pentru jurnalişti. = a fi ţintuit. şină. = a lăuda. WORDS AND PHRASES to collide v. to derail v. I) A. The Transport Secretary ordered an inquiry into the cause of the accident and called for an improvement in “fail-safe” systems designed to make such accidents impossible. TRAIN CRASHES At least twenty-four people died and more than eighty-five were seriously injured after two passenger trains collided this morning near Shockville. It seems that the driver of the express train made the fatal error. A 3000-ton crane was moved into position to begin lifting the derailed coaches. When the train crossed from the fast slow track and entered the station. Thermal-image cameras had to be used to find survivors in the unrecognizable metal tangle. He praised the swift reaction of the emergency services and the people who came to tend to the injured. The driver of the express train. Paramedics and doctors set up saline drips. vol. cu trenul. = a deraia. = a trimite pe o altă rută. to tend v. fin. the 7. to praise v.2. An emergency telephone line has been made available for relatives. ferov. a sări de pe linie b. Many came forward to donate their blood when supplies ran low. pp. it was too late to brake effectively. = a face o coliziune. a o lua razna/alăturea cu drumul. by ~ pe cale ferată.4. = întârziere. VOCABULARY I. acţiuni ale 127 . coach n. cuzinet al şinei. alunecător. What was the public’s response to the accident? 4. ~ guard ferov. bară. 7. grilaj. scaun pentru şină. Tick the statements true or false: 1. = 1. What did the rescue operation involve? 3. 2. Existing “fail-safe” systems are effective in preventing train accidents. a expedia/a trimite cu trenul/pe calea ferată. parapet. a porni din staţie – p_______ o______ o_______ the s__________ 4. a ordona desfăşurarea unei anchete – o_______ an i___________ 9. The slow track leads to the platforms. Reading and comprehension 1. 6. Phrases to learn. a împrejmui. 3. gratii. a avea o întârziere de trei minute – r___________ three minutes l______ 5. a înconjura cu un gard. pl. 128 . traversă. automotor. ~ off a separa/despărţi printr-un gard/printr-o împrejmuire. punct terminus. ~ head ferov cap de linie. Complete the following phrases. a exclude – r_________ o__________ 6. a împrejmui cu o balustradă. The accident temporarily disrupted railway services. grindă. a ţine de rău. a blestema. a ocărî. împrejmuire. The rescue teams were too shocked by the scale of the disaster to act effectively. 5. mănă curentă. The Transport Secretary was impressed by the dedication of the rescue teams and bystanders. 7. balustradă. What caused the biggest problem was locating and reaching the survivors. ~ car ferov. 8. EXERCISES I. Medical help was improvised on the spot. a suferi grave leziuni corporale – to be s______ i__________ 2. a reface transportul feroviar – r________ r_______ s_________ III. 2. 4. ~ chair ferov. grătar de protecţie (în faţa locomotivei). 11. staţie de descărcare. cu linie dublă. a dona sânge – d_________ b___________ 10. a transporta pe calea ferată. 9. a asigura folosirea unei linii telefonice – m________ a t_________ l______ a_______ 11. rail v. Each line stands for one word: 1. a săvărşi o greşeală fatală – m__________ a f______ e_________ 7. 2. a administra medicamente puternice împotriva durerii – d________ p_________ p_______-k__________ 8. 5. The accident wouldn’t have happened if the signal had been green.societăţilor/companiilor feroviare. 3. a îngrădi. The commuter train should have stopped for the light. The express train should have stopped for the light. B. double-railed ferov. tren aglomerat din suburbii (de navetişti) – p_________ c________ t_______ 3. ~ against/at 1. mil. gard (de ostreţe). a blama. 6. zăbrele. Only two trains were involved in the collision. cuier (pt pălării). What is the purpose of setting up the emergency telephone service? II. 4. What kind of trains were involved in the collision? 2. drug. 10. to lean over the ~s a se apleca peste parapet/balustradă. a critica. A … is the place where a railway line is crossed by a road. level crossing. where trains stand when they are not being used. gauges. The … blew his whistle and waved his flag. 17. 9. Topics for discussion 1. A … is a short railway track. 13. What are members of the public who witness such accidents supposed to do? In what way can they be helpful? 3. train crashes do happen often with very high death toll. off the main track. guard. The … is a shield over the wheel to keep mud from splashing upwards. On the rail system of most countries. This is a busy railway … where lines from all over the country meet. Of all the means of public transport. Let’s get a coffee at the …. Bicycle lights are powered by a … 2. 4. 19. reflector. The train … only costs $50. People can sit and wait in the … until it is time for their train. handle-bars. sleeper. carriage. 3. engine. Complete the sentences below with one of the appropriate words or phrases connected with TRAVELLING BY TRAIN: buffers. dynamo. Our train was pulled by a new … 10. What would you say if you had to inform a caller that the relative he is inquiring about lost his life in the accident? V. pannier. 2. Complete the sentences below with one of the appropriate words or phrases connected with BIKE/MOTORBIKE: bell. VI. freight car. pump. A … is the building by a railway line where the trains stop to pick up passengers or goods. We’ll be sitting in the second … form the front of the train. left luggage office. spokes. pedals. … have been standardized. siding. crossbar. … are bars that connect the outer ring of a bicycle wheel to the centre of it. We left our suitcase at the … 18. 6. 11. 16. mudguard. valve 1. 7. 12. terminus. A … is a train with beds for sleeping through the night. The … shows the times when the trains are supposed to arrive or depart. 129 . 5. Yet. junction. signalman. we still have one hour till he arrives. saddle. A …’s job is to control railway signals.IV. The … is the station at the end of a railway line. ticket. trains seem relatively safe. station. hub. 15. luggage rack. I put my suitcase on the … and then I took my seat. sprocket. timetable. Goods are transported in … 20. Do railway accidents differ in any way from the other accidents? Do they pose any special difficulties for rescue teams? 2. chain. 14. waiting room 1. 8. forks. porter. Discuss the usefulness of emergency phone information lines that are set up when trains or planes crash. buffet. … are metal discs on springs at the front or at the back of a railway train to prevent the train from crashing. 3. The old lady could finally find a … to carry her suitcase from the train. 7. 9. 8. A … is a wheel with one or more rows of teeth that fit into the holes in a chain. The cyclist rang his … when he passed by. chiar spre un tren marfar. The cyclist was thrown over the … when the bike crashed. A … is a small piece of specially patterned glass or plastic which is fitted to the back of a bicycle so that it can be seen. 6. The … on a bicycle or motorbike are two pieces of metal to which the front wheel is attached. VII. 10. by using a … 11. 130 . A … is a device on the tyre that allows air to pass in one direction only. Vagoanele deraiate s-au răsturnat pe linia vecină. The … is the seat on a bicycle or motorbike. The … is the central part of a wheel to which the axle is joined. A … is the horizontal metal bar that goes between the handlebars and the saddle on a man’s bicycle. 5. S-a pus la dispoziţie celor interesaţi un număr de telefon la care se pot obţine informaţii despre soarta victimelor. A bicycle … makes the wheels turn. at night. care tocmai pleca. De mâine dimineaţă trenurile vor circula după orar. 13. 12. 15. by the drivers of vehicles with headlights. În accident au pierit peste douăzeci de persoane şi aproape o sută au fost rănite. Translate into English: Astăzi dimineaţă s-a produs o coliziune între două trenuri de persoane. You push the … with your feet in order to make the bicycle move. Se impune necesitatea îmbunătăţirii sistemelor de siguranţă.4. S-a exclus ideea ca semnalizarea defectuoasă să fi fost cauza accidentului. Expresul din Gloomford a trecut pe culoarea roşie şi s-a ciocnit cu un tren local aflat în staţie. We can force air into a tyre under pressure. 14. Ministerul Transporturilor a solicitat investigaţii. Eighty people are feared drowned in a ferry disaster which took place in the early hours of the morning. = drum. = puţin adânc. = a se scufunda. Scores of dead passengers were pulled from the water because without proper clothing. cale. dense adj. the chances of survival in cold water are few.. = a împiedica. = dens. in which one hundred and eight people are believed o have perished. happened when a ferry cut across the path of a tanker. As the tanker rammed it. 131 . = a organiza. The crew appeared ill-prepared to handle such an emergency and safety devices seem to have been faulty. Only a handful of the panic-striken passengers are known to have survived. = a muri. to keel over v.5. to perish v. Otto. = a se scufunda. Water rushed in through the doors and the ferry went down with a heavy loss of life. = scufundat. because most of them were trapped below decks. The Rose of the Seas bound for Galamos. path n. = înmărmurit. The impact of the collision cut electricity plunging the ship into darkness as water quickly began to fill the craft. to mount v. As the ship began to keel over. VOCABULARY I. to list v. sunken adj. The rescue teams are trying to identify the drowned. I) A. 253. Rescue efforts were hampered by adverse weather conditions and low temperatures. to hamper v. = a lovi în plin. M. to capsize v. the captain gave the order to abandon the vessel but it went down too quickly for many to get to the deck and lifeboats. = aici: a lăsa fără. Experts still cannot figure out how the disaster happened.. numb adj. Those passengers who are still unaccounted for are believed to be still trapped inside the submerged vessel. vol. 3. = a se înclina pe o parte.2. causing the vessel to list sharply. A ferry is reported to have capsized soon after leaving the harbour of Icenberg in what could be the worst tragedy since the Titanic. the ferry was sliced in two and sank within seconds.4. to retrieve v. Anturia’s major port. (Otto. to ram v. WORDS AND PHRASES shallow adj. but there are speculations that unsecured cargo shifted. to plunge v. Rescuers mounted an air-sea search involving lifeboats and helicopters. The families of the victims are numbed with shock and the world is deeply saddened by the tragedy. 2. pp. Limba engleză pentru jurnalişti. B. SEA COLLISIONS 1. A shipping tragedy. 134. paralizat. Teams of divers are working around the clock searching the sunken ferry and retrieving bodies. The officials are putting the figure at three hundred and fifty drowned. 31. sank in shallow coastal waters after striking a reef in dense fog 3 miles off Gueno. = a recupera. = 1. ~ in 1. drojdie). a lucra zi şi noapte – w_______ a__________ the c_________ 4. Complete the following phrases. 8. o maşinărie) care funcţionează sau poate fi pusă în mişcare. instalaţii (echipamente) cu defecte – f__________ d____________ 12. masă de lucru/montaj. şansa de a supravieţui – c___________ of s___________ III. tăiat pe jumătate – s__________ i____ t________ 5. impact al coliziunii – i_________ of the c__________ 2. tehn a funcţiona. = 1. Tick the statements true or false 1. all in the day’s ~ potrivit aşteptărilor. a introduce a insera (abil într-un text). cuvinte. a coase. aplicabilitate. fig a influenţa. B. 3. 132 . The tanker went down alongside the ferry. 7. 4. So many people died because the captain delayed giving the order to abandon the ship. a modela 8. a produce. obişnuit. a fermenta (d. a expedia repede pe cineva. 2. EXERCISES I. mighty ~s minuni. to make short ~ of smb a termina repede cu cineva. de fiecare zi. a cauza. tehn prelucrabil. = 1. a convinge. a determina. se aflau sub puntea superioară . workaday adj. 2. the ~s of a watch mecanismele unui ceas. 2. = 1. What caused the heavy loss of life in each one of them? II. Reading and comprehension 1. a da ordinal de părăsire a vasului – g_________ an o_________ to a____________ the s__________ 3. realist. The ferry sank too quickly for the passengers to get to the decks. Phrases to learn. a tricota. lucru. It is likely that eighty bodies will be found inside the wreck. 6. condiţii meteo nefavorabile – a_________ w_______ c_________ 13. pasageri cuprinsi de panica – p_________-s________ p_________ 7. mari pierderi în oameni – h_________ l_________ of l_________ 10. a fi inserat (într-un text). tehn capacitate de a fi prelucrat.t_________ b________ d_________ 8. The rescue operation is being carried out only during the day. There was no electricity because water has flooded the ship. a se scufunda în câteva secunde – s_________ w________ s__________ 6. echipaj slab pregătit – i__________-p________ c_________ 11. muncă. 7. 3. prosaic. ~bench tehn masă de tâmplărie. a broda. idei) a se strecura. The wreck is lying at a depth of three miles. pl mechanism. a strecura. workable adj. utilitate. uzinabilitate. a lucra. (d. 4. folos. (d. 3. workability n. 9. realizabil. 2. 2. Each line stands for one word: 1. un plan) aplicabil. 5. LEXICAL COMMENTARY work n.II. The ferry sank as a result of a collision. The ferry was on its way from Galamos to Gueno. to work v. (d. 2. a munci. What were the causes of the accidents described above? 2. 6. activitate. 5. treabă. med a avea effect. = cenuşiu. 3. încărcătură nefixată bine – u_________ c___________ 9. The sailor climbed the … 8. What factors may increase the risk of passengers’ drowning in case of a collision or fire? 3. A … can travel under the surface of the sea. it causes the ship to move forward or backward. They cast the … to hold the ship on position. oars. A … is a sailing boat used for pleasure. Do you know when … replaced sailing ships? 12. IV. radar. 133 . lifebelt. 27. 21. harbour. 25. Complete the sentences below with one of the appropriate words or phrases connected with SHIPPING: anchor.10. periscopes. 7. 11. 11. Bob took me down the river in his old … 5. 17. capsize. 24. cruise. 13. lifeboats. A … is a large building where large quantities of goods are stored until they are exported to other countries or distributed to shops to be sold. mast. The smoke was pouring from the … 14. crew. dock. 3. bow. The … with its flashing light. 26. submarine. boat. 18. 19. bridge. propeller. sailor. ship. A … sank last week and all the passengers and crew were drowned. The … is a vertical piece of wood or metal at the back of a boat which is used to steer the boat. 9. Many people died of hypothermia. mate. I made my way to the upper … to admire the seascape. The depth of the sea or position of an underwater object can be determined with the help of … 4. I pulled on the … to make the boat go faster. When the … spins round. 16. Ships use … to avoid colliding with each other in fog. rudders. All the ships stayed in the … during the storm. 22. … are carried by ships to save people in case the ship sinks. 23. funnel. 10. 6. cabin. In case of a collision at sea there are certain rules that are supposed to be followed concerning evacuation. It is believed that the accident happened because of the crew’s negligence. 2. deck. captain. poop. 15. The … is the ship’s officer who is one rank below the captain. gangway. The … are waiting for instructions from the Captain. wreck. Is sea travel any safer nowadays than in the old days when people crossed the oceans on sailing ships? 2. We’ve booked a first-class … on this ship. lighthouse. guides ships or warns them of danger. A … is s ea voyage for pleasure. We threw a … to the man who had fallen into the sea. Topics for discussion 1. warehouse. Do you know what they are? V. yacht 1. breakwaters. sonar. 20. Is taking a cruise on a sea liner as romantic as is widely believed? 4. Some ships … when struck by huge waves. steamships. A … is a movable bridge by means of which people can get on or off a boat. The divers found the … of an old ship on the sea-bed. My brother is a … in the Romanian navy. S-a răsturnat complet şi. V. The … is the front part of a ship which cuts through the water when the ship is moving forward. Se presupune că încărcătura neasigurată s-a mişcat şi a produs înclinarea navei. multe persoane nu au ajuns la bărcile de salvare.28. built in order to protect a harbour. The … of a ship is the raised part from which the ship is steered and where the captain stands. 31. 134 . S-au salvat doar câţiva pasageri. 29. Feribotul s-a scufundat la scurt timp după părăsirea portului din Icenberg. Salvatorii acţionează din bărci de salvare şi elicoptere. Feribotul s-a ciocnit de un recif de corali la douăzeci de mile de Gueno. Condiţiile atmosferice nefavorabile au îngreunat acţiunea de salvare. probabil. Un alt feribot. 33. au pierit o sută opt persoane. 3. s-a scufundat feribotul Rose of the Seas. Echipajul feribotului nu era pregătit pentru o avarie de acest gen. A … is a small round window on the side of a ship. Translate into English: 1. pe care. restul au pierit blocaţi sub punte. 30. Materialul de salvare s-a dovedit ineficient. The … is the raised part at the back end of an old sailing ship. Astăzi. … are used in submarines in order to see above the surface of the water. … are very large walls of stone that extend from the shore into the sea. A … is a place in a port where ships are loaded. Scafandrii investighează feribotul scufundat pentru a descoperi corpurile pasagerilor. unloaded or repaired. 2. s-a izbit de un petrolier. la primele ore ale dimineţii. 32. deşi căpitanul a ordonat părăsirea vasului. 34. Any ship is commanded by its … 35. ) aspru.77-78) A.suport.g. 7. Viorica & Ioan Bostaca: English in Medicine. part or all of which can be replaced when the acid is treated with a metal. and certain groups of elements equivalent to a metal.2. the word "salt" is a descriptive term applied to a distinct family of substances and not to any particular individual. sulphur. aciditate (calitatea de a fi un acid). = hidroxid (compus al oxidului cu apa). basic radical n. The bases include the oxides and the hydroxides of the metals. WORDS AND PHRASES acid n. adj. it was found that Lavoisier's theory led to confusion and error. 4. 2.postament. litmus). 5. = clorură de sodiu. and it was gradually abandoned by chemists. BASES AND SALTS In his study of the properties of oxygen. In modern Chemistry. the foundation or base of a salt. = basiditate (calitatea de a fi o bază). = salinitate. the resulting oxide forms an acid with water . pp. not oxygen.e. 4. = hârtie turnesol. 6.şasiu. and phosphorus. A salt is produced by replacing all or part of the hydrogen of an acid by a metal or basic radical. it can be said that acids usually have a sour taste.(fig.) acru. TEXTS FOR CHEMICAL. = radical basic.5. and the presence of oxygen constitutes or produces their acidity”. In 1815.fundament.5. = acid sulfuric. A base is substance which reacts with an acid to produce a salt and water. = 1. redden the blue colour of vegetable substance (e. 135 . 3. With increasing knowledge. hydroxide n.bază. (adapted Dobrovici. acrime. carbonate (a salt of carbonic acid) n. 3. sodium chloride. VOCABULARY I. In a crude sort of way. are usually corrosive. "salt" is colloquially applied to one specific individual. Humphrey Davy suggested the possibility that hydrogen.(fig. metallic oxide. sulphuric acid n.) cu caracter acid. gives the acid characters to the acids. = 1. sodium chloride n.temei. or carbonate.g. Lavoisier noticed that when certain elements were burnt in oxygen. Hence Lavoisier concluded (1777) that "oxygen is an essential element common to all acids. litmus paper n. The term was originally intended to express the idea that the metal or metal oxide was the more important constituent. = carbonat. base n. metal oxide n. = acid. 2. This idea was dropped when it was recognized that the acidic constituent of a salt is just as important as the basic constituent. basicity n.1.II.) caustic. salinity n. BIOCHEMICAL AND FOOD ENGINEERING 2. = 1.(tehn. = oxid de metal. In the kitchen. hydroxide. acidity n. but he did not rush to the other extreme and say that all hydrogen rounds are necessarily acids. and contain hydrogen.fundaţie. 5. ACIDS. 2.(fig. sarcastic. to produce. Read the following sentences and make questions: 1. to suggest. to displace. VI. Salts are compounds when metals replace the hydrogen in acids. to show. to find. V. to give. to result. EXERCISES I. Give antonyms to the following words: common. III. to lead. 5. to produce. Acids. What is a base? Give an example of a base. What did Lavoisier notice when certain elements were burnt in oxygen? 2. Drept criteriu de baza pentru stabilirea grupei de care aparţine un element sau altul serveşte caracterul chimic al produselor care s-au obţinut de pe urma oxidării elementelor respective. Greutatea atomică a unui element reprezintă o valoare intrinsecă a elementului respectiv. possibility. de regulă. Înroşirea hârtiei albastre de turnesol este inerentă în cazul prezenţei unui acid. to treat. to recognize. The hydrogen determines the characteristic properties of the compounds. What are the properties of the acids? 6. The salts are the largest class of compounds in nature. to burn. Why was this theory of acids abandoned? 4. to intend. necessarily. Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs and translate them into Romanian: to result. What is a salt? Give an example.cuvântul hidroxid (conţine ân molecula grupul hidroxil OH).B. Reading and comprehension: 1. IV. increasing. to react. to say. to conclude. to detect. specific. to apply. to constitute. Translate into English the following sentences: La sfârşitul veacului al XVIII-lea s-a schimbat împărţirea elementelor chimice în două grupe: metale şi metaloizi. Give the principal forms of the following verbs: to notice. Denumirile sărurilor derivă din denumirile acizilor şi ale metalelor din care ele se formează. to know. What was Davy's opinion about acids? 5. 3. salts and bases are three great classes of chemical compounds. 136 . 2. Denumirile acizilor derivă din denumirile acelor elemente din care provin. Denumirea bazelor se formează adăugânduse. distinct. II. similar. What was Lavoisier's oxygen theory of acids? 3. 7. O proprietate esenţială a metalelor este aceea de a forma oxizi bazici. Sodium chloride is an indispensable article of animal food. 4. (tehn. WORDS AND PHRASES addition n. It soon became evident. For example. Viorica & Ioan Bostaca: English in Medicine. (matem.) corp străin.clearly oxidation has occurred. when copper oxide is converted into copper by passing hydrogen over the heated oxide. by the oxygen of the air. for example.) adunare. as for example when barium oxide is heated in air to a suitable temperature and thereby converted into barium dioxide. But ferrous chloride can be converted very simply into ferric chloride by the action of chlorine which must be reckoned to be an oxidation since it is agreed that the conversion of ferrous chloride into ferric chloride is an oxidation.2.82-3) A. pp. it was realized that some processes which do not directly involve hydrogen and oxygen at all are in principle so closely related to oxidation and reduction. VOCABULARY I. ferrous chloride is converted partly into ferric chloride and partly into ferric hydroxide. HgCl2. or vice versa. the addition of hydrogen closely resembles reduction as previously understood. when calcium is heated in air it is oxidized to calcium oxide. = 1. on exposure to air. 2. Hence the term oxidation must be extended to cover this process. adăugire. For example. that the process of removing hydrogen from a compound containing that element involves something closely akin to oxidation as indicated above. for example. Oxidation. OXIDATION AND REDUCTION The conversion of an element into its oxide by direct combination with oxygen is the simplest case of oxidation. Hence. Ferrous oxide can be oxidized. As chemistry developed. But no oxygen has taken part in the process. 4. An analogous process may involve the combination of a compound already containing some oxygen with still more oxygen. The same reagents will often bring about both addition of oxygen and removal of hydrogen. adăugare. (adapted from Dobrovici. Ferric oxide in its turn is a base which with acids forms ferric salts. is known as reduction. Conversely. This is the original idea underlying the terms oxidation and reduction. any process which will convert an element into its oxide is an oxidation. 5. Similarly.2. and the changes brought about in the state of combination of an element are similar. to ferric oxide. as understood when referred simply to changes in the oxygen and hydrogen content of a compound. in the simplest case. Fe2O3.adaos. Now a solution of a soluble ferrous salt. reduction must also be similarly extended. 137 . completare. Thus. For example.(chim) adiţie. that the idea has been still further extended. The reverse of this process. the idea of oxidation and reduction was extended to cover these cases.5. however. that is. 3. the copper oxide is said to be reduced to copper. ferrous oxide.adiţionare. 6. Ferrous and ferric salts thus stand in the same relationship to each other as ferrous and ferric oxides. will slowly turn to the ferric salt . is a base which gives rise to a series of salts called the ferrous salts. is thus a process which adds oxygen to an element or compound. Similar reasoning to the above indicates that the conversion of mercuric chloride. the removal of oxygen from a compound containing it. FeO. and similarly. and is the simplest use. is a process of reduction. "fit for duty". What was realized as Chemistry developed? 5. ferric chloride = clorura ferica. ferrous oxide = oxid feros. = reactiv.(rel. = oxid de cupru. ferric hydroxide = hidroxid feric. "eligible to run for office".suitable for the desired purpose. 4. = clorura mercurică. 2. What is oxidation? What is the simplest case of oxidation? 2. the removal of oxygen n. chemical compound = a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight. "do as you see fit to". "not an appropriate (or fit) time for flippancy". reagent = something added to a complex solution to determine. Are oxidation and reduction reciprocal processes? 7. reagent n. "eligible for retirement benefits". Does hydrogene intervene in this conversion? 6. ferrous salts n. desirable. = săruri ferice.reducere. Reading and comprehension: 1. II. 5. appropriate . Inorganic Chemistry = the chemistry of compounds not containing carbon. conversion n. "water fit to drink". copper oxide n. ferrous chloride = clorura feroasă. What happens when barrium oxide is heated in air? 3. schimb. 2. = scoaterea oxigenului. Organic Chemistry = the chemistry of substances containing combustible carbon compounds. eligible – qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen. Synonyms suitable . preschimbare. = săruri feroase. fit for. B. EXERCISES I. How was the idea of oxidation and reduction extended? 4.= oxid de barium. = oxidare. fit to – meeting adequate standards for a purpose.barium oxide n . "a fit subject for discussion". and the phenomena resulting from the formation and decomposition of compounds. oxidation n.= 1. reduction n. ferric oxide = oxid feric. "it seems that an apology is appropriate". the elements and their mutual reactions. transformare.meant or adapted for an occasion or use. "the parents found the girl suitable for their son".dezoxidare. by the chemical action if" any resulting. conversiune.= 1. 3. "an eligible bachelor". the presence or absence of a certain substance.(tehn. worthy – worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse. ferric salts n. schimbarea categoriei gramaticale. "a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity". fit. "it is fit and proper that you be there".) conversie. mercurous chloride = clorura mercuroasă. "Is this a suitable dress for the office?". What is the extended definition of oxidation and reduction? 138 . mercuric chloride n. 6. "a tractor suitable (or fit) for heavy duty". suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Chemistry = the science dealing with the intimate constitution of substances.) conversiune. IV. slow. clear. 10. 5.II. He didn’t think fit to do what I suggested. Give adverbs corresponding to the following adjectives: direct. Is he fit to travel yet? 6. Don't forget to take suitable clothes for cold weather. iar prin reducere. Denumirea ne arată că prin oxidare se înţelegea initial numai alipirea oxigenului. Reacţiile din al doilea tip se numesc reacţii de oxidare – reducere. 139 . 2. 7. 8. 4. This is not a suitable word for the Romanian "căldură" is "heat". dezlipirea sa. We must decide on a fit time and place for the meeting. 1. fit. Translate into English: Toate procesele chimice anorganice pot fi împărţite în două grupe: a) reacţii care au loc fără schimbarea valenţei elementelor ce reacţionează şi b) schimbarea valenţei. Translate into Romanian paying attention to the words: suitable. Sensul cuvintelor “oxidare” şi “reducere” poate fi totusi generalizat dacă se ţine seama de faptul că oxigenul atrage întotdeauna electronul din elementul care se uneşte cu el. close. similar. previous. Do you think that I did a suitable translation? III. That man is not fit for the position. He has been ill and is not fit for a trip. 9. appropriate. This book is not appraopriate for children. simple. and also upon the concentration of the reacting. the commonest examples of this type are those of the catalysis of reactions in solution where the catalysts are also soluble. temperature and pressure) under which it takes place. and which can be recovered unchanged chemically after the reaction is over. A catalyst may thus be defined as a substance which. Viorica & Ioan Bostaca: English in Medicine. Catalysis is generally taken to include the retardation of a reaction. mention may be made of the fact that carbon monoxide and oxygen will not combine unless a trace of water vapour is present. pp. (adapted Dobrovici. 140 . and the production of ammonia by the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen in presence of ferric oxide and traces of molybdenum.3. but only alters the speed of the reaction. • The catalyst cannot start a reaction.5. the catalyst alters the speed of the forward and back reactions to the same extent. ammonia n. = suprafeţe de separare.86-7) A. as well as its acceleration. As an example of homogenous catalysis in the vapour phase. • In a reversible reaction. = modificarea vitezei. • Only a small amount of catalyst is necessary to produce a measurable effect. In heterogenous catalysis. The phenomena of catalysis are usually considered under two main headings: homogenous catalysis and heterogenous catalysis. WORDS AND PHRASES alteration of the speed n. It is also affected by the presence of small quantities of foreign substances. when present in comparatively small amount. The addition of the acid causes a very large increase in the rate of hydrolysis.e.2. = amoniac. it does not alter the final state of equilibrum in a reversible reaction. the catalyst is separated from the reacting mixture by boundary surfaces. CATALYSIS A chemical reaction depends upon the physical conditions (i. boundary surfaces n.. A typical example is the acceleration of the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate by the presence of a small quantity of a strong acid such as hydrochloric acid. The usually accepted criteria of catalysis are: • The catalyst must remain unchanged in amount and in chemical composition at the end of the reaction. Thus. Cases of homogenous catalysis are those in which the catalyst is not separated from the reacting mixture by a surface. 1. substances. of substances which do not appear in the equation for the reaction. Important examples are the manufacture of sulphur trioxide from sulphur dioxide and oxygen in the presence of platinum. influences the speed of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent change in quantity or chemical composition. that is to say. though the more familiar and more practically important cases of catalysis concern the increase in speed. Such substances are called catalysts or catalytic agents and the general phenomenon of the alteration of the speed of reaction by the presence of catalytic agents is termed catalysis. 2. VOCABULARY I. = acetat de etil. (fiz. chemical reaction = interactions in which atoms exchange or share electrons. heterogenous catalysis = cataliza heterogenă. (fiz) compresiune. sulphur dioxide = bioxid de sulf. = 1. 2. forming new chemicals. sulphur trioxide = trioxid de sulf. reversible ~ = reacţie reversibilă. Are there any substances which do not appear in the equation for the reaction? 3. retardation implies any agent that retards or delays or hinder (are sensul de întârziere. (psihol. = molibden.) şoc. 4.despre mişcare sau progres). homogenous catalysis = cataliza omogenă. Synonyms … the retardation of a reaction retardation. without delay = fără întârziere. 5. How are these substances called? 4. II. tărăgănare). Mineral formulas are based on the relationship to unit cell volume and the positions of atoms within the unit cell. Is there a large amount of catalyst necessary? 7. imediat without further delay = fără să mai întârzii B. inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time (întârziere. equation (chemical) n. catalysis equation for the reaction n. delay is the act of delaying. molybdenum n. 3. (pl. lack of normal development of intellectual capacities. After a delay of two hours they arrived at the office. What is catalysis? 5. EXERCISES I. = agent catalizator. delay are synonyms. main headings n. = amestec reactant. ethyl acetate n. chemical composition = The unit cell of any substance will contain one or and integral multiple of chemical formula units. The delay of the train is because of the heavy snowfall. How may we define a catalyst? 6. (tehn. 6. 7.) recul. What are the usually accepted criteria of catalysis? 141 . catalytic agent n.carbon monoxide n. răspuns. = a sentence in chemical language. = grupe principale. reacting mixture n. The retardation was due to the snow. mod de a reacţiona. reaction n.) forţă de reacţiune. measurable effect n. a sequence of . = ecuaţia reacţiei. = oxid de carbon. Reading and Comprehension: 1. = un efect apreciabil.symbols and signs expressing a chemical action. reacting substances = substanţe reactante. LEXICAL COMMENTARY catalysis n. especially an increase in the rate of a chemical reaction. catalyses) = the action of a catalyst. General meaning: the extent to which something is delayed or held back. The retardation in development of the children may have many causes.reacţie. What does a chemical reaction depend upon? 2. în cazul al doilea însă aparţin unor faze diferite. usually... 8. Primul se caracterizeaza prin faptul că atât substanţele din reacţie. soluble... alteration.străine" în desfăşurarea proceselor chimice au fost făcute încă din secolul al XVIII-lea... What is homogenous catalysis? Give an example.. 7. 3. presence. The . I have noticed a great . Are there many types of catalysis? 9. Translate into English: Metodele tehnice servind la fabricarea celui mai important produs al industriei chimice . it is not the same as it was fifteen years ago when I was a student. I noticed the .. small quantities. unchanged.. 4. 2. We breakfast at 8 o'clock for a . .. My opinions have undergone a . Did you notice the . main. in this town. in him lately. of his tone. in the weather is announced. Fill in the blanks choosing the words among the following synonyms: change.8. cât şi catalizatorul aparţin uneia şi aceleiaşi faze. 10. III. There is much . after the reaction. Deşi primele observaţiuni referitoare la influenţa substanţelor .acidul sulfuric – sunt bazate pe procesele catalitice. A .. dezvoltarea rapidă a studiului catalizei începe abia în secolul nostru. 142 . IV. modification: 1.. appear. you made to your coat did not change its style. Toata gama proceselor catalitice poate fi redusă la doua cazuri generale: cataliza omogena şi eterogenă. 6. What is heterogenous catalysis? Give an example.. Give antonyms to the following words: concentration.. II.. in her voice? 5.. strong... halogen or sulphur atoms. It is likely that tens of thousands of different proteins are required to make up and run an animal body. alpha to it. is almost infinite. Proteins make up a large part of the animal body. they hold it together. and blood. lysine) or the imidazole ring (histidine). these are called basic amino acids.g. and globular proteins.. and how. All are alpha-amino carboxylic acids. resonance. which may be an amino group (e. asparagine). Of all chemical compounds. Some of the amino acids contain benzene or heterocyclic ring systems.. In addition to I carboxyl group and the amino. Our chief purpose will be to see the ways in which the structures of se enormously complicated molecules are being worked out. bases. phenolic or alcoholic hydroxil groups. antibodies. group size and shape. configuration and conformation.. Each of these ring systems or functional groups its own typical set of reactions. optical activity.2. and the monomers from which they are derived are the amino carboxylic acids. and many hormones.g. Proteins are divided into two broad classes: fibrous proteins. In other respects.g. aspartic acid or glutamic acid). The number of different combinations. hydrogen bonding. the structure of these compounds varies rather widely. muscle. They are the principal material of skin. in two cases (proline and hydroxyproline) the amino-group forms part of a pyrrolidine ring. or they are the substance of life. The difference in solubility between the two classes is a result of a difference in molecular shape. of enzymes. nerves. a function to which their insolubility and fibre-forming tendency suit them. or a potential carboxyl group in the form of a carboxamide (e. that is. the number of different protein molecules that are possible. proteins must almost certainly be ranked first. proteins are high polymers. Twenty-six acids have been found in proteins. They make 143 . AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS The name of protein is taken from the Greek proteinos which means first. which are insoluble in water. all this work rests on the basic principles of organic structural theory: on the concepts of bond angle and bond length. Chemically. which must be fed to young animals if proper growth is to take place: these particular amino acids evidently cannot be synthesized by the animal. and this set of proteins not identical with the set required by an animal of a different kind. We shall look first at the chemistry of the amino acids. Some a second basic group. some amino acids contain a second carboxyl group (e.4. which is indicated in a rough way by their names. in the last analysis. one of which is the ability to form the long amide chains that make up proteins. and they run it. and then briefly at the proteins they make up. They are found in all living cells. these units can be of twenty-six or more different kinds. They are polyamides. Certain of these are the essential amino acids. A single protein molecule contains hundreds or even thousands of amino acid units. which are soluble in water or aqueous solutions of acids. the other materials in its diet. acidity and basicity.5. or sails. This name is well-chosen. This common feature gives the amino acids a common set of chemical properties. these are called acidic amino acids. Fibrous proteins serve as the chief structural materials of animal tissues. imidazole ring n. in tendons. = an organic substance of colloid structure. Irreversible precipitation of proteins. functions that require mobility and hence solubility. keratin n. and thus causes the clotting of blood. The extreme ease with which many proteins are denatured makes their study difficult. horn. = celule vii. Globular proteins serve a variety of functions related to the maintenance and regulation of the life process. II. fibrinogen. precipitins. etc. globulins (insoluble in water. hormone n. antibodies. (adapted Dobrovici. presumably because their molecules are smaller and less complex. as. is denaturation of the protein egg albumin. myosin. formed in one organ or part of the body and carried in the blood to another organ or part which it stimulates to functional activity or secretion. They make up: all enzymes. egg white n. in muscle. many hormones. VOCABULARY I. = albuş de ou. = 1. = nucleu pirolidinic. responsible for allergies and for defence against foreign organisms. = alfa-aminoacizi carboxilici. albumins (soluble in water. Ioan: English in Medicine. especially solubility: for example. for example. = coagularea sângelui. in silk. pyrrolidine ring n. antibody n. itself remaining apparently unchanged in the process. hair. albumin in eggs. is caused by heat. for example. shows the phenomenon of denaturation. = polimeri inalţi. called denaturation. coagulated by heat). polypeptides do not undergo denaturation. ids or bases. = a chemical substance. secreted by the body cells. wool. fibroin. or various other agents. = carboxamida. agglutinins etc. = any substance in the blood-serum or other fluids of the body which exerts a specific restrictive or destructive action on bacteria or other noxa. soluble in dilute salt solutions). the nucleic acids. proteins are subdivided on the basis of physical properties. Viorica & Bostaca. which is converted into the insoluble. hemoglobin. It is insoluble in the gastric juice 144 . nails. alpha-amino carboxylic acids n. heterocyclic ring systems n.115-6) A. high polymers n. inducing chemical changes in other substances by catalysis. which transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. or neutralizes their toxin. LEXICAL COMMENTARY enzyme n. Only one other class of compounds. = a scleroprotein or albuminoid present largely in cuticular structures. insulin (from the pancreas). Although closely related to the proteins. collagen. strong. pp. in skin. WORDS AND PHRASES denaturation n.up: keratin. fibrous protein fibrin. = nucleu imidazolic. it contains a relatively large amount of sulphur. protein egg albumin n. Denaturation causes a fundamental change in a protein. = nuclee heterociclice. are antibodies. Coagulation of egg white by heat. in particular destroying any physiological activity. carboxamide n. Within the two broad classes. denaturare. and feathers. which acts as a ferment. antitoxins. the clotting of blood n. = proteina albuminei oului. living cells n. When one promises a thing. What does a single protein molecule contain? 3.. What operation is he .. this piece of furniture in one month. albumin n.. A cold prevented him from ... s-a constatat că unii aminoacizi sunt indispensabili creşterii animalelor tinere şi funcţionării normale a organismului adult. bone (ossein and cartilage).. We . it. 1. Reading and comprehension 1. exactly. When she promised a thing she was scrupulous in . Alţi aminoacizi pot lipsi din hrană fără nici un inconvenient. to require. ci sunt luaţi de acesta din hrană. 10. to indicate... They . to denaturate. pentru construirea propriilor sale proteine şi pentru alte sinteze sau degradări. 7.. What are the essential amino acids? What kind of acids are they? 6. = a simple protein widely distributed throughout the tissues and fluids of plants and animals. How many proteins are required to make up and run an animal body? 4. 4. to coagulate. proteinele sunt hidrolizate până la aminoacizi. Because of his efforts things are . B. accomplish. 2. collagen n. in this play? 11.. He . execute.. What do some of the amino acids contain? II.. 5.. to convert. the part was. it. ? III. Fill in the blanks choosing the words among the following synonyms: perform. 145 . EXERCISES I. We could not . to approach. to tend.and it is for this reason sometimes used for coating pills which are intended to be dissolved only in the intestine. to maintain. to transport. the plan. 3. varieties of albumin are found in blood... on boiling with water it is converted into gelatin.. 8. nu şi proteine sau peptide.. What are the chemical properties of the amino acids? 7. Organismul animal foloseşte numai aminoacizi. Translate into English: În cursul digestiei. the will of the president. to subdivide. to fold. Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs and translate them into Romanian: to divide. Aceşti aminoacizi numiţi esenţiali nu sunt deci sintetizaţi de organismul animal. fibroin n.. = a white insoluble protein substance forming the main portion of cobweb and silk. What part did he . The head of department. to destroy... IV... milk and muscle.. Though difficult. 9. one must. 6. What are proteins from the chemical point of view? 2. to be.. three plays within a week.the orders willingly. Prin experienţe de alimentaţie cu amestecuri de aminoacizi. 12. = an albuminoid present in connective tissue. to determine. his work. How many amino acids have been found in proteins? 5. 2.dietã. WORDS AND PHRASES carbohydrate n. It’s a myth that sweets make you fat and rot your teeth. 6. f. d. Verdict: Digesting food does burn the calories. but in such tiny proportions.congres. b. By replacing sugar. Verdict: Initial weight-loss is likely to be due to losing water rather than fat. No-carbohydrate diet Premise: High-carbohydrate diets. Inside Out. but your arteries won’t be happy. F-plan diet Premise: This is the original high-carbohydrate. Vaughan Jones. The more you eat. lead to weight gain. adunare parlamentarã. you’ll lose weight. Upper Intermediate. = 1. chocolate and sugary soft drinks – ‘not the villains they are made out to be’. biscuits. Mixing acid and alkaline is strictly forbidden. It’s difficult t eat more meta without eating more fat. advocating lots of fruit and fibre. 4. helps the absorption of iron. you would have to eat a vast amount to notice any difference. c. You might be thinner. regim alimentar (to be on diet = a fi la dietã). so tuck into another bar of chocolate. 38) A. Verdict: Most of the weight loss is due to water loss. the thinner you get. 5.a ţine regim. Verdict: Commonsense disguised as new scientific breakthrough. alimentaţie. for example. The 80s favourite has been translated into sixteen languages. p. which is linked to hart disease and cancer. it’s what you eat it with. low-fat plan. vegetables and dairy products. 146 .dietã. Verdict: A mixture of foods is necessary for a healthy metabolism – vitamin C. Unfortunate side effects have been reported. and the weight returns when you move back on the solids. so shouldn’t be eaten with protein. 2. logically. e. and claims to be best-selling diet ever. diet n. pasta. not fat. conferinţã. potatoes and bread with meat. Grapefruit diet Premise: More energy is spent digesting grapefruit and other fruit like celery than is contained in the food itself. VOCABULARY I. so fruit should never be allowed anywhere near a main meal. 3.5. Carbohydrates can’t be digested in acid conditions. FOOD FATS Diets a. Verdict: Just as a dentist! (Sue Kay.5. a pune la regim. System S diet Premise: The way to get thin is to eat sugar-coated cereals.hranã. Extremely fashionable but with debatable scientific basis. Hay diet Premise: It’s not what you eat. = hidrat de carbon. no fat.a ţine. Cabbage soup diet Premise: By eating nothing but soup made from cabbage and a few other vegetables you can lose up to six kilos a week. potatoes. 5. grapes.and he’s in prison for burglary and the moment. melon. Read the list of food and drink below and tell your fellows what you like and what you don’t. = 1. biscuits. pasta. 2. he is a man of weight = e un om cu greutate. onion..because we took a tent instead of staying in a hotel and we hired bikes instead of a car. 3. 1. B. juice. garlic. bread.a îngreuia. cheese. (şi dairy farm) fermã pentru creşterea vacilor cu lapte. fibre n. bacon. CRIME 9. pork.. 3.vaci cu lapte (ale unei ferme). valoare. water melon.filament.. to live on the ~ of the land = a huzuri. 2.fibrã. cakes. chocolate.magazin de produse lactate. bring arguments each time: apples. When can you say that a person is healthy? 2. coffee.(fig.. beans. beef. Could I have some more? TASTE 4.. III. = 1. John Irving is my favourite ………. = calorii. (fig) fire. radishes.. 2. povarã. milk. EXERCISES I.and I’ve just finished his latest book. influenţã. jam. A lot of telephone boxes have been ………. grãsime.) greutate. to get/grow ~ = a se îngrãşa. peaches.greutate. NOVEL 147 . = 1. a adãuga o greutate la.recently so you can never find one that works. tea. mushrooms. adj = gras. SAIL 2. 2. 3. sausages.importanţã. Can teachers help students with having a healthy life as related to food and physical exercise? Would you suggest any measures for that? II.unsoare. VANDAL 8. Our holiday was quite ………. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals. to carry ~ = a fi influent. = 1. to lose ~ = a slãbi.lãptãrie. 4.) a împovãra. a copleşi.. How can physical exercise improve mental and social health? 3. That soup was very ……………. dairy n. Can we speak about food education? 4. to put on /gain ~ = a se îngrãşa. = 1. oranges. COOK 5. peas. Dan has . calory (-ies) n. lettuce. cauliflower.. eggs.. = metabolism (reacţiile chimice care au loc în organism).(fig. GROW 6.. I wouldn’t want to be a ……………… because I’d have to be away from home so much. pears. naturã.. 2. bananas. tomatoes. BRAKES 3. weight v. Katy went on a ………course last year to learn how to make curries. Reading and comprehension: 1. metabolism n.weight n.sarcinã. chicken. carrots. fat(s) n. fish.…his shoes already and is complaining that they’re too tight. plums.greutate folositã la cântãrit. He ………. but he was going too fast and went straight over the handlebars. beer. dairy products = produse lactate. to cut up ~ = a lãsa o moştenire serioasã. cucumbers. încãrcãturã. ice cream. unturã.as he came up to the corner. EXPENSE 7. Sarah’s uncle is a ……. 4. every evening. ENTERTAIN IV. Make up a list of what you should do and what you shouldn’t do while dining out. Write an essay of about 300 words on the following topic: ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.10. You are dining out with your girl/ boyfriend. 148 . For this. they resort to all kinds of diets to lose weight.’ VI. The cruise ship that we were on was fantastic – there were different………. Female adolescents are particularly interested in having a slim. including a jazz singer and an amazing magician. which are not always good for their health in general. etc. Point out the advantages and the disadvantages of your own diet. Describe a ‘miracle diet’ you’ve taken up. which you consider to be harmless for your health.. attractive appearance. heard of. V. (fam.(despre dinţi) = carie dentară. a suferi.lipsã de confort. explorare (geologicã etc.2. 7.a aduce dobândă. un semn).reper. to take medicine v. a da rod. cercetare (research work = cercetare ştiinţificã). research n.a vindeca. = 1. 5. defect. prăbuşire.incomoditate. = (aici) a umple.ruinare. cusur. a few reservations should be borne in mind.decãdere. a cãra. 6. treat n. vb.a strica. vb. 5.a prezenta. downside n. as this is just as likely to cause tooth decay as any other sugary treat. 2.termen. He offers his patients a simple. slãbire (a sãnãtãţii). 2. 149 .a nelinişti. 7. a transporta.a face sa decadã. a îngrijora. Like all foods.) cercetare. = 1. investigaţie. WORDS AND PHRASES medicine n. a procura (un ajutor. a stingheri. a se ruina. a purta.a decãdea. = 1. relaxant. tonic. 2. a distruge. leac. however. Peter Sunderland. 6. dulciuri. 3. putrefacţie. Secondly. a îndura.5. 2. declin. a purta (sentimente). a doctor from New Zealand.medicinã. under no circumstance should a baby’s dummy be dipped in honey before the baby sucks it.moral. 4. 8. 3. discomfort n.dezavantaj. beneficial adj. vb. soothing adj. CAN HONEY HEAL? Peter Molan. leac. 4. component n. = 1. 3. 3. a aduce pe lume. 3.(geol. 20) A. p. That is why it’s best to line the stomach with some fibre first. a studia.a îngriji. and it can cause blood-sugar levels to rise quickly.a purta. CAE Practice Tests. descompunere. 3. a cerceta. Honey contains the same number of calories as other types of sugar.nelinişte.magie. 2. un sprijin). borne/born) vb. 2. 4. 2. farmece. it is common knowledge how soothing hot water laced with honey and lemon can be for sore-throat sufferers. the popular belief that honey is healthier than sugar isn’t entirely well-founded. 8.) a înghiţi hapul. = (aici) bunătate. a căptuşi. = 1. remediu. line vb. for example by following a main meal with a desert that incorporates honey. vrãjitorie. VOCABULARY I. = 1.dătător de sănătate. = benefic. = 1. but may also have some downsides. 2. is a specialist in stomach disorders. but effective alternative to taking medicine: honey. = calmant.a rodi. antibacterial adj. eating too much honey on an empty stomach can cause discomfort. although research clearly shows that people with stomachs experience some relief soon after taking honey. vb. 5. Firstly. tulburare. terapie. 3. component(ã). Dr. Molan claims that the active component in honey is an antibacterial agent called UMF.a incomoda. a nutri. decay n. 4.a da naştere. doctorie.2. dummy n. ruinã. 9. There is some doubt in the medical world as to whether UMF can destroy bacteria completely. Thirdly.sănătos. Is this yet another case of science simply giving credibility to what we have always known? After all. a suporta. (înv) = 4. a explora.a administra medicamente. = 5.).6. a duce. îngrijorare. folositor. (Nick Kenny. healthy adj. 3.. = bactericid. neajuns. = 1.inconvenient. = (aici) suzetă. honey can be healthy if eaten in moderation.a avea. medicament. hidr.medicament. a purta (o marcã. In accepting the beneficial effects of honey. = 1.a face sã putrezeascã.a aduce. to bear (bore. studiu. When is especially recommended to eat honey? 4. eating fruit. oxygen and carbon dioxide. to bear the expenses = a suporta cheltuielile. c. Do the quiz below. to bear witness = a aduce mãrturie. (tip: first of all look up for the meaning and content of the terms in italics. fibres and sugar. A balanced diet should include: a. c. b. lungs and blood circulation. What is the aerobic system? a. protein and fat. to bear fruit = a da roade. c. What are the recognized positive effects of eating honey? 2. dolphins 3. B. water-skiing and wind-surfing. caffeine and glucose 4. twenty minutes three times a week. endorphins b. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms with the verb TO BEAR to bear a child = a da naştere unui copil. c. one hour three times a week. 5. 6. to bear the weight of = a suporta povara. You build up stamina by: a. 150 . b. to bear a message = a duce un mesaj to bear a hand = a da o mânã de ajutor. a ţine seama de. c. To keep healthy you should exercise for at least… a. morphine c. to bear in mind = a purta în minte. to bear a grudge against somebody = a purta picã cuiva. record or tape. Then compare your answers with a partner. carbohydrates. make a list with the explanations) 1. calories. walking. Reading and comprehension: 1. rowing. exercising regularly. the heart. an exercise video. EXERCISES I. b. horse-riding and jogging. to bear a resemblance/likeness = a fi asemãnãtor cu. The ‘happy hormones’ that are released during exercise are called… a. drinking strong coffee. When is it considered bad for the organism? 3. cereals. b. gymnastics and karate. Do you know how it is made? II. Which of the following activities are best for keeping supple? a. b. one hour very day. yoga. 2.II. bread. Vaughan Jones. chips. c. honey. A hangover is: a. menu. 5. An apple a day: a. vinegar. fried or grilled and then eaten in a bread roll. What kind of………did Margaret have at the party? 7. a secret cure. cream. your heart gets lose weight.and butter? 4. a severe headache. you will die sooner. 13. a typical British meal. but no………… 19. 8.with us this afternoon? 22. Aunt Betty served us an interesting……………. a dressing for the salad. My sister likes chicken………. If you drink too much coffee: a.. They have cakes and icecream for………………. Our neighbours eat a lot of vegetables. Would Jack rather have boiled. peppers. keeps the doctor away? (adapted form Sue Kay. steak. b.. The main course of the meal consists of green………. Will you have……………. round cake of minced meat. 9. cheese.: rare. Would she like…………and eggs for breakfast? 20. snack. 35) III.containing fish and garlic.7. You feel more energetic for some time. Fish and………. bacon. b.. 151 . Tom went to the baker’s for a……………. sugar. fried or scrambled……? 14. The English usually have a large meal in the evening and only a………at lunch time. Would you like some………. helping. sandwich. 18. 11. 10.of bread. dessert.tastes delicious. dough.. course.. is good for your skin. or well done? 12. loaf. 6. tea. My sister went on a…………. wolfed. We generally start our meals with an………. We mix some oil and ………. c. 3. b. Complete the sentences below with one of the words or phrases connected with eating: appetizer.. 8. How does he want his……. c. provisions. mayonnaise. feast. eggs. the best way to look better. pork. Your chicken soup with………. A………is a flat. causes stomach aches. icecream. 21. yoghurt 1.stuffed with rice and minced meat. picnic. soup. eats. pickles. b. In summer children eat a lot of……… 17. salad. We often make a………. 9. hamburger. 15. noodles. dish. medium. diet. Sunbathing is: a. Upper Intermediate. p. c. 10. mustard.very much. Inside Out. Does Alice take any…………in her tea? 2. carcinogenic.. meat.with lettuce and tomatoes. an object you hang. very good for one’s bones. .basket. 36. 37. 34.. eaten with meat. usually spread with butter. 32.please! I want to add some to my soup. IV. For dessert we have strawberries and……………….or salad? 35. thick fluid made by bees from the nectar of flowers.for a long time before she baked a thick sauce made of egg yolk. Our food is in the……………. 30. 33. 29. Pass me the………….23.and read it through. I’m going to grate some………………. 25. ……………is a yellow or brown paste which tastes hot and spicy. The beggar……down what the woman gave him and hurried out. ……………. Now that we have had soup. My grandparents get their weekly…………at the village shop. 26. and with some other cold food between them. …………………is a sweet. ……………is milk that has turned thick and slightly acid. 152 . 38. 40. Mother kneaded the………….. 28. 31.. Take out all the words referring to types of food. 27.of pudding. Muslims never eat…………. activities related to eating or verbs denoting processes when cooking. mother gave me a large…. picked up the………….. what’s the next……. Do you want some………….? 39. oil and lemon used on salads. When I got home. 24. A……………consists of two pieces of bread.. The Queen invited us all to a…………in her sprinkle over the pasta. He sat down in the café. Stand in front of the mirror with your feet part and your legs straight. = a fi într-o formă fizică bună. a extinde. shoulders. Susan Jones has been looking into some of the ways of looking good and feeling good. = a reduce. stricãciune. ARE YOU LOOKING AFTER YOURSELF? In the hectic world of today.ranã. It is not called beauty sleep for nothing! Lack of sleep can cause acne or dry skin. a face încălzirea înainte de un exerciţiu fizic. at a pace you can keep up for about 15 – 20 minutes. a se menţine. Try to exercise on soft ground as this will protect your knees and hips from too much stress. Running is an excellent exercise.5. 153 . pp. a diminua a renunţa la. it will soon start to have a bad effect on your skin. If you get a good night’s rest. however. Chocolate does contain a lot of fat. VOCABULARY I. 2. to be in good shape vb. 50-1) A. = a te încălzi. and therefore any addicts out there would do better to eat less. agitat. You should start exercising slowly.7. you will put less pressure on your knees. Rising Star. You should be looking and feeling better already! Most of us live in large polluted cities. 3. A Pre-First Certificate Course. Nevertheless. A brisk walk is one of the best things you can do for your circulation and appearance. = 1. if your diet is balanced. avarie. using slow movements that make all your muscles work. 2. It’s ok if you go to bed late occasionally but if you regularly cut down on your sleep. Pull in your tummy. and some even say they are addicted to it. = 1. to warm up vb. a întinde. hips. to burn the candle at both ends = a te culca târziu şi a te trezi devreme.rãu. If we got more fresh air we would look healthier and more attractive. though there is no evidence to support this.2. to cut down on vb.pagubã. Always wear comfortable clothing and make sure your trainers are in good shape. 2. a trage. = a te menţine în formă. But be careful! If you stretch when your muscles are cold. you needn’t feel guilty: eating chocolate in moderation is fine – but don’t eat it instead of a proper meal! (adapted form Luke Podromou. sitting and walking badly can make you look heavier than you really are? If we watched the way we sat and stood. keep active: if you don’t get enough exercise during the day. you should warm up first. people are always searching for more ways of keeping fit and healthy. = 1. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep by going to bed and getting up at regular times: don’t burn the candle at both ends. leziune. to stretch vb. to keep something up vb. Did you know that standing. a încorda. injury n. it would improve our appearance a great deal.a strânge. you may end up sleepless all night. WORDS AND PHRASES hectic adj. Before you start running. prejudiciu. = (aici) a rezista. a netezi. a lungi. try and find an area that doesn’t have much pollution and get moving! Many young people feel guilty about eating too much chocolate. If you wear shoes that give good support to your whole foot. check that your ears. to keep fit vb. So don’t just go for a pleasant stroll. knees and ankles are in line with each other. you might do yourself an injury. nedreptate.ocupat. it will do your appearance a world of good. Walking slowly is useful but a quick pace gets more oxygen into your lungs. During the day. claritate.a colinda.dovadă. IV. Go for a run 2. a cutreiera.= 1. II. There is an extra heading that you don’t need to use. Look up for phrases containing the word keep and form sentences with them. What do you do to keep fit? 4. etc. addict n. to be warm = a-i fi cald. warm welcome = primire cãlduroasã.) mãrturie. stroll n. tummy n. 2.patimã. 2. = 1. One of the paragraphs speaks about unbalanced diets. = 1. dinner. (jur. to warm oneself at the fire = a se încãlzi la foc. a merge mai departe. a ameliora. Find time to relax C. What types of addiction do you know and what are your suggestions for those who are addicted? II. a se îmbunãtãţi. 3. What are the bad effects of a sleepless night? 6. Reading and comprehension: 1. nãrav. a se dezvolta. III. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A – F below for each part 1 – 5 of the article. Sit up straight! D. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases and idiomatic expressions with WARM warm coat = o hainã cãlduroasã. EXERCISES I. 6. warm temper = fire iute. a se perfecţiona. to warm up to one's subject = a te entuziasma pe mãsurã ce vorbeşti. a profita de. = keep active vb. warm heart = suflet generos. dependenţã. desserts. a creşte. 154 . to improve vb. Spend more time in the open air E. = a fi activ. Why is a good night sleep essential for our health? 5. What types of exercises does the text refer to? 3. 7. a trage folos din. addiction n. Get a good night’s rest B. polluted adj. a perfecţiona. What are the effects of pollution for our health? What about its effects upon the natural world? 7.înclinaţie. 2. Don’t overdo it F. = poluat. a desãvârşi. 3. = 1. a folosi. A. B. 4. a îmbunătăţi. = plimbare (scurtã). Look up for different phrases/ expressions containing the verb to burn. 5. a face progrese. to make things warm for somebody = a da cuiva de furcã. lunch. a progresa. Describe it by separately listing the food for breakfast.a hoinãri. 2. = dependent de un drog. depoziţie. a înainta. stomac. evidence n. Think of the food a balanced diet should contain. to stroll v. . 8.. and there is nothing (4)… than trying to win a race with only three or four people cheering you on. A person who makes food. When the parents are away we must prepare our own dishes. After that we staggered back……. 6. 3. course. C or D) best fits each space: School sports day Our school sports were held last week. I’m no expert……. For a start.meant running up to do my best jump and then landing (9)…. memorable and extravagant meal. Food prepared in a particular way. A certain style of cooking. until the last medal had (7)… presented. typically having a circular indentation in the centre. The separate stages in which a meal is house before we left..seafood: shrimps. and the (1).the after-effects but really we had no regrets………eating such a marvelous. ………. Put the missing prepositions into the gaps in this text: The best meal I ever had……. 4. 7. It was raining (10)….the old quarter………a town……. was coffee and a light dessert.this time we were nearly bursting. B. A man whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant. very (2)….doubt that was the most delicious stew I’ve ever tasted . Decide which answer (A. a main course and a dessert. 3. I told the chef I had never eaten such a delicious receipt! VII. 5. Switch the cook off and take the foods out.a plate……. from the moment the first starting pistol (6)…fired. I eat chips and eggs with my salads. The only thing we felt…. I’m not accustomed……. The machine used when we cook. Then we had a whole lobster…………the two of us. The meal began………….our hotel and fell……bed.. Correct the following sentences: 1. VIII. 5. on which a cup is placed.. waiter. often typical of a particular area. 8. I was in the high jump. cooker. (8)…. We ordered a dry white wine to go……this course. Then we called………the bill and decided to split it……. Food which is eaten at about the same time every day. My mother cooks excellent cuisines. Stuffed cabbage is a traditional food in my country.V. 1. 7. A shallow dish.hard that we 155 .in my life was……….eating such rich food but it didn’t seem to disagree…….B…afternoon was a disaster.. We spent the next day suffering………. She is considered the best cooker in Italian meals.France.. cook. Breakfast usually consists of three dishes: an appetizer..cookery but I know what I like and……. Boil the spaghettis for then minutes in a large saucepan. cuisine.people bothered to turn (3)…. Match the following words with their meanings below: meal. The manager very kindly offered us a drink……….me at all. VI. 2. 9. 4. This particular restaurant was famous………its venison – that’s the meat you get………deer and so we couldn’t leave……..a restaurant……. prawns and freshly-cooked shellfish.. dish saucer. It rained (5)… afternoon.. 6. which was absolutely………of this world.a pool of cold muddy water.trying their venison stew. In (14)…. it disappeared in the direction of the railway line. A which B and C so D nevertheless 9. but (13)….finally manage to launch my javelin into the air. A little B small C few D rare 3. the javelin kept slipping from my hand. and when I (15)….couldn’t see the runners in the 5. A to B had C been D itself 8.the other side of the field to shelter under a tree.000 metres.out that they had all stopped (12)…. A did B had C should D have 16.time I tried to throw. A like B better C left D worse 5. and was never seen (16)…. A all B whole C total D final 2. A under B on C through D about 13. A worked B found C looked D turned 12. A on B at C in D to 10. A by B the C entire D all 6. 1. My other event was the javelin. and it (11)…. A first B in C every Da 14. A up B about C round D over 4.. I couldn’t see where I was throwing. 156 . Think of your favourite recipe. A this B the C whatever D any 15. A had B was C has D been 7. trying to convince them it is the most delicious kind of food in the A there B again C to D back IX. A so B as C and D very 11. then describe the cooking instructions to the class. Then put under a hot grill until golden brown. Serve with salt and freshly ground black pepper. graded and bagged in polythene! Flavour and nutrition are better retained if the potatoes are cleaned and then boiled in their skins. smooth-skinned and free from deep eyes. onion or parsley to the dressing and coat the potato slices evenly. Cut into 2cm cubes and allow to cool. Leave to cool in the refrigerator before serving. Potatoes with sesame seeds 1 kilo potatoes 6 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 tablespoons sesame seeds about ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper or chilli powder 1 teaspoon salt juice of half a lemon Boil or steam the potatoes in their skins. The original potatoes were misshapen and full of large. Add the chives. New potatoes taste great. Leo. p. rather than peeled before boiling. Potato salad 1 kilo medium sized waxy potatoes 2 tablespoons chopped chives. VOCABULARY 157 . onion or parsley mayonnaise or yoghurt dressing Boil the potatoes in their skins and then peel and slice while still warm. the former being good for boiling whilst the latter are best for frying or eating cold. (adapted from Jones. Then add the cayenne pepper. deep eyes unlike modern varieties which have been bred to be disease-free.8. salt and lemon juice and continue frying till crisp and brown. Potatoes tend to be either floury or waxy in texture. make sure you look for them with plenty of damp soil on them because thye’re likely to be fresher than the ones that have been around long enough to have been washed.2. You can’t do better than to grow your own. drain and peel. 94) A. however. which is easier than you may think – you can even grow them in large flower pots in your balcony! If you buy potatoes in a greengrocer’s. The first ones came to England from Chile in 1586 and the new vegetable soon became popular and in parts of Europe replaced bread as the staple (therefore the main or important element of something. stirring all the time. Here are some easy recipes for six people (or four hungry ones!): 1. steamed and unpeeled with butter and salt. Progress Towards First Certificate. 3. Cut each potato lengthways and brush with melted butter.5. 2. When they start to pop. THE HUMBLE SPUD Potatoes have been a staple food of the Old World for so long that it’s easy to forget that they originated in the New World. Heat the oil in a frying pan and when hot. especially of a diet) food of the poor. add the potatoes and fry for some 5 minutes. drain and peel them while still warm. throw in the sesame seeds. Grilled potatoes Boil or steam 1 kilo medium sized potatoes in their skins. damp adj. zarzavat. All the recipes in this cookbook are difficult to follow.a se uita la. I don’t know …………………. producţie principalã (a unei regiuni.( text. II. ureche (la ac).a curãţa de coajã (cartofi. eye n.a nu se gândi la interesele sale.. alimente de bază.a uita de sine. a nu ţine minte. From where were they brought to England? 3. to ~ oneself v. alimentaţie. to steam v. disease n.umed. polythene n. a rade coaja (la lãmâi. 2. EXERCISES I. There isn’t……………………. Practically no one came to the restaurant yesterday. recipe n. this habit grew upon him = acest obicei a pus stãpânire pe el. = polietilenă. 158 . 3. = 1. nutrition n. to grow to manhood = a ajunge la vârsta bărbăţiei. = 1. 2. What other vegetables can be considered ‘staple food’? II. Which are the best potatoes for eating cold? 5. = făinos (pentru a descrie cartofii albi). nutriţie.ochi. a unei ţãri). = reţetă (prescripţie de amestecare). recipisă. 6.. = ceros (pentru a descrie cartofii roz). What sort of potatoes are we advised to buy? 6. misshapen adj. WORDS AND PHRASES staple n. 4. = 1. 2. = (aici) cu o formă neregulată.a uita.hrãnire. jilav. = chitanţă. (aici) tubercul (a round. 2. calitate (a unui produs). to grow smaller = a se micşora. 5. Where and when were the first potatoes discovered? 2. 2. 2.a scruta cu privirea. How were the first potatoes as compared to the modern ones? 4. etc. 4. 2. 2. waxy adj. = 1. peel v.) fond. = 1. Reading and comprehension: 1. 3. forgot.). a se comporta nepotrivit. receipt n. to forget.).) fir. forgotten v. 4.I. laţ (la un şnur. etc. floury adj. = 1. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms with the verb TO GROW to grow old = a îmbãtrâni. fibrã (fine staple wool = lânã finã). Nobody I know likes warm milk. 2. materie brutã. materie primã. Nothing is worse than cold chips. How do cooks make this ‘staple food’ more interesting? 7. dark spot on a potato from which a new shoot can grow). = 1. = 1. de larg consum. legume. (fig. B. la o frânghie). portocale. = 1. vegetables n. to eye v. Hardly……………………….a fi uituc. = (aici) a gãti/fierbe legume (în aburi). to grow smth upon someone = a se impune. Finish the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same: 1. aliment. 3. = boală. 2. describe the whole process minutely. To be honest.C. I know it’s fattening but I just can’t do (6)…it. I don’t often eat out because it is expensive. I’ve been thinking it (3)…for some time. B. 6. I hardly……………………… I’ve got no time to cook something difficult right now. 159 .. None of……………………… I haven’t eaten pork since last Christmas. I need to get fit. I last………………………… She doesn’t drink as much as she used to before.. but then I think of a good excuse to put it (4)…. Take out all the verbs referring to the actual stages in the cooking of potatoes. 7.on eating so many cakes and pastries and take (2)…some kind of exercise. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to give it (7)…. Write about the main good things about the different kinds of meat that people eat and about the positive effects of vegetables for our health. Decide which answer (A. though. I love it. I want to go and join. She no longer………………. V. but then I come home really tired after work and I just don’t feel (5)…to it. I haven’t……………………. III. so I guess I’ll just have to put (8)…with being unfit! 0 A back B through C out D off 1 A over B across C up D down 2 A up B over C out D after 3 A out B over C up D out 4 A out B by C down D off 5 A up B off C over D out 6 A away B over C across D without 7 A in B out C up D off 8 A out B up C on D off IV...5. It’s only two kilometres but it really wore me (0).. the real problem is chocolate. C or D) best fits each space: Getting fit I walked home the other day instead of taking the bus. There’s only one conclusion – I’m going to have to cut (1)…. Now imagine you are cooking a chicken soup. 8. Actually. Every few months I make a decision to join my local fitness club. 2. Before you go inside the restaurant. However. service charges and VAT. too. or both. you can help yourself and others to enjoy better food. So if you’re eating with a small child. Jones who didn’t turn up with a party of six is anyone’s guess. the people at the next table deserve consideration. your table may be given to someone else. Another rule is to ask the staff many questions: how is this dish cooked? What goes with what? What’s that tasty looking dish the people at the next table are having? Can I talk to the chef? and so on. Finally. honestly.9. Progress Towards First Certificate. at the end of the meal. The Guide also advises you to ring up if you’re going to be delayed by more than a quarter of an hour. don’t be afraid to order two different dishes and to swap with a companion half-way through. according to the Guide. By following these rules and guidelines. Another rule they give is to let the restaurant know in advance if a member of your party has any special needs. lovely!’ but experienced diners treat this as a serious enquiry and are prepared to offer compliments. tell your friends to go to the same place. a vegetarian or a Muslim let the staff know at least a day ahead so that you can all be sure of having the right food and a good time. too. Try to notice what the prices include and what they don’t include. Smith or a Ms. he is not a cook. In particular look for any mention of cover charges. someone will probably ask you ‘Everything all right?’ and probably expect the answer ‘Fine. a very old person. a good restaurant deserves to do good business whereas a bad one perhaps shouldn’t be in business at all. If you want to smoke you should ask them if they mind. and it’s only polite. don’t blame the waiter. it may be just a single mistake. says the Guide. if you don’t. EATING OUT – SOME RULES FOR DINERS If you don’t very often at out in a restaurant. though how could anyone trace a Mr. You might be in for a nasty shock when the bill comes if you haven’t budgeted for these extras and not all the menus you’re shown at table mention these items. Giving the waiter a big tip is no substitute for a warm thank you and a smile – if you’ve been served professionally and cheerfully you should reward the waiter with both gratitude and money! And if the food was poor. Good food does not go with cigar smoke. when you’ve been given the bill and are ready to pay you should thank the staff. Some of the rules seem to favour restaurant staff more than they are likely to help diners! For example the Guide tells its readers to be sure to phone up and cancel any booking they make which they can’t keep. Apparently this is a legal requirement. you may need some advice. Several rules for people eating out are given in the latest issue of the Good Food Guide. Once inside and seated comfortably at a table that suits you look at the menu carefully and insist that you’re allowed enough time to decide at leisure what to order. But if you were very pleased. There’s nothing worse than being rushed into making a choice you’ll regret later.5. p. At the same time. 93) 160 . The restaurant may otherwise be holding a table and turning away customers at its busiest time. don’t tell them. If you have a disastrous one. you know… While you are eating. (adapted from Leo Jones. a disabled one. make sure you spend some time reading the menu outside quite carefully. By the way. In this case ask to see the manager and tell him you didn’t really enjoyed the meal and make sure you explain why. criticisms. gustos. sãrac. a piece of ~ = un sfat bun. B. 2. = 1. VOCABULARY I. side ~ = garniturã. = 1. 2. = favoare.) letter of ~ = scrisoare de aviz. 4. 3.) listã de opţiuni oferitã utilizatorului de un program de calcul. editorial staff n. 2. 3. despãgubire. LEXICAL COMMENTARY A. (tehn. rezervare. aviz. (pl) veselã. vegetarian n. 2. farfurie. rãu(voitor). capãt. aviz. = 1. (despre maşini. stimă. meniu la un restaurant. diplomatic staff n. = 1. (man. reflectare. bunăvoinţă. obscene. = întârziere. a juristului): you should take legal ~ = ar trebui sã consulţi un jurist. exigenţã. requirement n. (nenumărabil) sfat. solicitare. 161 . the one (officer) in charge = cel de serviciu/ ofiţerul de serviciu. = notã de platã. according to our latest ~s = potrivit cu cele mai recente informaţii. to take into ~ = a ţine seama de. informaţie confidenţialã (la curse. 2. indecent. nevoiaş. VAT n. standing ~ = fel de mâncare care se serveşte zilnic. reţinere. diner n. to be in charge of = a se îngriji de. disabled adj. = personal. studiere. vagon restaurant. (aici) bacşiş. 2. sfat. solicitare. respect. medical staff n.A. amânare. incapabil de muncã. recompense. fel de mâncare. to wash the ~es = a spãla vasele. analizã. aparate) scos din uz. 2. imediat. consideration n. consideraţie. mâncare. cerinţã. 2. poor adj. = 1. tip n. = 1.= 1. 3. to be on the staff of = a funcţiona la. at one’s own charge = pe propria cheltuialã. 3. = personal diplomatic. II.) (advices) înştiinţare. 2. cerere. scârbos. = 1. (aici) de calitate slabã. considerare. nasty adj. comandã telefonicã. etc. = 1. WORDS AND PHRASES advice n. 3. înregistrare. ~ weather = vreme urâtã. menu n. = 1. (aici) persoanã care ia masa. to meet all the requirements = a face faţã tuturor cerinţelor. elegant. = (value added tax) taxă pe valoare adăugată. (despre persoane) invalid. to give somebody in charge = a da pe cineva pe mâna poliţiei. neprietenos. a conduce. = 1. consultaţie (a doctorului. serviciu. bursã. cheltuialã. = vegetarian (persoană care nu mănâncă produse din carne). tasty adj. = preţ. staff of a school n. stricat.). 4. 4. = 1. = bucătar şef. pont. 2. dish n. 2. a rãspunde de. cumpãrare. 5. 2. order n. bill n. to foot the ~ = a suporta cheltuielile. 3. delay n. = corpul didactic al unei şcoli. extremitate: to have it on the ~ of one's tongue = a-i sta pe limbã. dezgustãtor. favour n. without ~ = fãrã întârziere. şic.= personal sanitary.= personal al unei edituri. a ~ taste = un gust neplãcut. = (aici) comandă (la un restaurant). vârf. booking n. Phrases with the word CHARGE charge n. Phrases/ idioms with the word STAFF staff n. chef n. (pl. music. eats. offers a three-course surprise luncheon. You have never been to Spain before. the personnel‘s training. Sun until midnight. the arrangement of the room. refreshments. Don’t you think it needs… ? THICK 3. Much recommended. The tea was so weak it seemed like hot water. Before using this knife to chop the onions. the food itself)? II. And yet. tuck. meat. Michael Quinn. nourishment. Write an advertisement for you favorite club/ disco/ restaurant/ pub/ fast food starting from the example below: The Ritz Piccadilly. sustenance. oyster wrapped in pancakes with truffle sauce and champagne sorbet. the menu is in Spanish and French and you only speak English. rations. informal) chuck.30 – 2pm. Am. Give an account of a conflict or misunderstanding you had with a waiter.30 – 11pm. there are differences in meaning and usage between them. supplies. Delights for eye & stomach! Sound of live jazz. Would you follow the rules and pieces of advice suggested in the article? Are there any you disapprove of? Could you think of others that are more important? 3. vittles. V. You are a food inspector. champagne. edibles. eatables. the hygiene. Reading and comprehension: 1. (archaic) victuals. (N. EXERCISES I. all sort of wine. Are you sure this meat has been cooked enough? It sees very… DO 5. cuisine. What seems to be most important when you dine out (atmosphere. nosh. We had roast lamb with coffee-flavoured sauce: an unusual… COMBINE 8. waiters. chow. Daily 12. fare. (British informal) scoff. subsistence. grub. The words below are synonymous with the noun ‘food’. Be careful! If you eat too fast. The waiter told us about the dish but we didn’t understand his… EXPLAIN 2. It was almost… TASTE 10. III. see if it needs to be… SHARP 7. Form another word from the word in capitals to complete each sentence referring to food: 1. head chef. cooking. This sauce is much too runny. VII. foodstuffs. you may get an… DIGEST IV. viands. daily bread. or another person in a restaurant. cook. She gave us enormous portions – that’s typical of her… GENEROUS 4. Discuss them for each term. provisions. solids. Try to manage in such a situation. baking. Write between 15 – 20 lines. Imagine a conversation with a Spanish waiter. commons.B. 162 . This product contains no artificial preservatives or… FLAVOUR 6. the cooking and serving conditions but also the morals and the attitude of the staff). meals. stores. nutriment. different cooking. 6. VI. nibbles. vivers. Have you ever tried adding honey to natural yogurt to…it? SWEET 9. What are the basic rules described in the article? 2. bread. Make up a list with some basic requirements or rules you would impose on all restaurants (regarding the atmosphere. take-away bars n. pornire violentã. It may also have bee on display to long. revoltã. and that strict hygiene rules should be applied to storage and display of dishes. = bacterii. supermarkets and take-away bars can cause serious food poisoning. 3. dãunãtor. a expectora. withdrawn v. Here is the News. 182) A. (adapted from Barbara & Marcin Otto. = 1. to take ~ = a se simţi jignit. Almost every day newspapers report that cooked meats and poultry dishes are being withdrawn from sale. to cough v. for example. erupţie. according to health experts. pre-packed salads or porkpies may. a retrage.10. weapons/arms of ~ = arme de atac.) crimã. 5. 2. 5.2. contaminated adj. The alarming rise in the number of infections is the price the consumer pays for the development of factory poultry farming and cheap meat feedstuffs. 163 . jignire. = 1. a lua. It is. act ilegal. precautions must be taken to minimize the risk of customers touching products or coughing over them. = 1. outbreak n. I. offence n. explozie (de bucurie). a trage (înapoi). A newly proposed Code of Practice will make it an offence to ‘render food injurious to health’. = prevederi (ale unui document. to withdraw. jignitor. English for Journalists. = infecţie alimentară. 2. to ~ a privilege = a retrage un privilegiu. bacteria n. to ~ out/up = a spune ceva tuşind. or at an unsafe temperature. a se retrage. = 1. Ready-to-eat food. provisions n. (aici) început de epidemie. be contaminated with salmonella bacteria. VOCABULARY I. pãgubitor. 2. enforcing the provisions of food safety legislation. food poisoning n. atac. 3. = baruri cu autoservire. = păsări de curte. 2. hygiene rules n. (jur. 3. Also. 4. infectat. consumare. to ~ down = a reduce (pe cineva) la tãcere. withdrew. = contaminat. FOOD POISONING Food served and sold in delis. WORDS AND PHRASES delis n.). Today’s warning has been issued following a dramatic increase in food poisoning. p. = 1. tuşind. 2. a pleca. = restaurante gen fast-food. recommended that temperature readings be taken at four-hourly intervals. Most outbreaks are caused by Salmonella enteritidis commonly associated with the consumption of chicken eggs or egg products due to shell contamination. ofensã. to ~ the curtain = a trage perdeaua. consumption n. vol. consumaţie. = 1. agresiune. injurious adj. a retracta (o ofertã. etc. a tuşi.5. ale unei legi). injurios. izbucnire. making it unsuitable for consumption. = reguli de igienă. o afirmaţie. such as seafood dishes. poultry n. 6. 7. Fill in the blanks using appropriate words and forms form the list given below: particular(ly) extreme(ly) fertile significant(ly) virtual(ly) primary/ primarily principal(ly) grateful(ly) valuable busy/ busily ripe entire(ly) 1. including some which can cause disease. Southern Europeans eat healthy foods (4)…as fish and vegetables. = a food provided for cattle and other livestock. Reading and comprehension: 1. but (11)…today people from this region eat a lot of fish. (14)…many young people have started smoking (15)…the governments are quite worried and are taking measures to reduce the number of smokers in (16)…countries. What does the Code of Practice refer to? 4. The people from southern Italy. feedstuffs n. Grain yields have increased…in the post-war period.. = a member of a large group of unicellular micro-organisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus. 9. What is forbidden for consumers when they are near food? 5. The…grain crops in China are rice and millet.average. which consists of black earth and silt. (0). Wheat is grown…for human consumption. B. (8)…the past this habit might (9)…been caused (10)…poverty. 3. LEXICAL COMMENTARY bacteria n. the corn will be…in about a fortnight’s time. Farm workers work long hours. (6)…life expectancy is the longest (7)…all. If the weather doesn’t break. 12. What products do you consider to be injurious to health? Do you ever/ often/ never eat food form snack bars? 3. 164 . In Britain horses have. EXERCISES I. is very… 8.on. live longer (1)…people from the north of Europe. What types of bacteria can cause food poisoning? 6. and they also eat far (5)…fatty foods like cakes and hamburgers. the situation in agriculture is…serious. In fact. As a result of the bad winter and the floods.disappeared as draught animals.…the cowmen.. people from southern Europe smoke a lot. He was very…for her advice.. What sort of food is served in delis? 2. I’m not… satisfied with the new milking machine. (2)…a large extent this must be due (3)…their better diet. How is food poisoning generally treated? II. 4. have traditionally consumed very little meat. The farm manager thanked the land-improvement expert for his…advice. The area around the Wash. Put one suitable word in each space: Diet and health It is said that people from Mediterranean countries. 10. 11. III.. (12)…. 2. There is one surprising thing. 5.II. Farmers are very…at harvest time. In (13)…of their healthy lifestyle. VI. încrederea în viitor şi eliminarea oricăror complexe care le întunecă existenţa. proşti şi lipsiţi de voinţă. vegetables. Make up a list containing the producers’ obligations and the consumers’ obligations regarding food displayed in shops. Grade them according to their degree of risk for the consumers’ health. etc. scopul principal al acestui tip de organizaţie este combaterea pe căi proprii a discriminării oamenilor graşi şi introducerea în vigoare a „drepturilor oamenilor corpolenţi”. or fasting – id. 165 . in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting. cheese. V. They are caused by the youth’s desire to be socially accepted by the other teenagers. Many people nowadays start a vegetarian style of life. Obezitatea este o infirmitate. VII. milk. Some of the major problems of female adolescents are anorexia (also anorexia nervosa.). an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. Scopul fundamental al organizaţiei este de a le reda celor graşi sentimentul propriei demnităţi. meat.IV. respectul de sine. etc. and a distorted perception of one's own body – New Oxford Dictionary of English) and bulimia (an emotional disorder involving distortion of body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight. purging. Aceşti oameni trebuie să lupte cu stereotipul potrivit căruia oamenii graşi sunt leneşi. How could you convince such a person to give up these self-caused diseases? VIII. eggs. Persoanelor supraponderale le este greu să trăiască într-o societate care pune mare preţ pe menţinerea unei siluete zvelte. to have a more appealing body. What does it include and what are the advantages and drawbacks of a vegetarian living? Discuss some products in turn (e.g.). Translate the following text into English: S-a înfiinţat o nouă organizaţie care include persoane supraponderale. soy. Adeseori discriminarea duce şi la respingerea acestora în cazul interviului pentru o slujbă mai bună. Din fragedă copilărie cei graşi sunt expuşi ocărilor şi şicanelor din partea celor de o vârstă cu ei. Look for some of the chemical additives used in processing food in the food industry. capacitatea de a-şi aprecia valoarea. WORDS AND PHRASES environmental engineering = ingineria mediului. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to improve the environment (air. VOCABULARY I. the main task of environmental engineering is to protect (from further degradation). conservation. The story of DDT as vividly told in Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" is considered to be the birth of the modern environmental movement and the development of the modern field of "environmental engineering”. numerous species were brought to the verge of extinction due to the impact of the DDT on their reproductive cycles. The Romans constructed aqueducts to prevent drought and to create a clean. and malaria was controlled better than it ever had been.S. benefic. healthful water supply for the metropolis of Rome. preserve (the present condition). and the application of good engineering practices. In the 15th century. TEXTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 2.6. healthful adj. to provide healthful water. and enhance (the environment).6. Modern environmental engineering began in London in the mid-19th century when it was realized that proper sewerage could reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases such as cholera. One example is the widespread application of DDT to control agricultural pests in the years following World War II. 166 . as societies grew. regulations.wikipedia.1. thus reducing world hunger substantially. and/or land resources). Bavaria created laws restricting the development and degradation of alpine country that constituted the region's water supply. Notable examples are the laws decreeing the construction of sewers in London and Paris in the 19th century and the creation of the U. and land for human habitation and for other organisms. Briefly speaking. While the agricultural benefits were outstanding and crop yields increased dramatically. water.II. environment n. Conservation movements and laws restricting public actions that would harm the environment have been developed by various societies for millennia. (adapted from http://en. Negative environmental effects can be decreased and controlled through public education. = sănătos. air. = mediu. and to remediate polluted sites. In many A. Development of Environmental Engineering Ever since people first recognized that their health and well-being were related to the quality of their environment.2. actions that were intended to achieve benefits for those societies had longer-term impacts which reduced other environmental qualities. The introduction of drinking water treatment and sewage treatment in industrialized countries reduced waterborne diseases from leading causes of death to rarities. they have applied thoughtful principles to attempt to improve the quality of their environment. national park system in the early 20th century. = a scădea. to decree v. = beneficiu. Reading and Comprehension: 1. = a îmbunătăţi. = canalizare. The twins were borne by an Italian mother. or status of birth: newly born pups and a southern-born poet. B. to prevent v. aqueduct n. to indicate condition. There is nothing wrong with observing this distinction. EXERCISES I. to achieve v. metropolis n. sewerage n. = datorită. referitor la. related to = legat pollute v. due to prep. to recognize v. an old past participle of bear. = a obţine. a diminua. born/borne. DDT = (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) DTT. benefit n. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Healthy or healthful? It is sometimes argued that healthy should be used only to describe a living being in good health. transportat de apă. = poluare. = 1. 2. = mileniu . When and where did modern environmental engineering begin? 4. II. = a polua. How can negative environmental effects be decreased? 3. In meanings relating to birth. What is environmental engineering? 2. pest n. but there is also nothing wrong with using healthy as a synonym for healthful. = a decreta. and that healthful is the word for such things as habits or foods promoting good health. is the form used: He was not born in a hospital. When the subject is the child. = răspândit. pollution n. = apeduct. location. a dobândi. His account is simply not borne out by the facts. widespread adj. = dăunător. waterborne adj. What was the impact of the DDT on the reproductive cycles of some species? 5. = a recunoaşte. to improve v. The following points should be borne in mind. = metropolă. millennium. outstanding adj. drought n. What’s the main task of environmental engineering? 167 . or when the verb is passive followed by the preposition by: Maria had already borne six children. borne is used when the mother is the subject of the verb. bore. milennia n. transmis prin apă. born. extinction n. = canal . as reputable writers have been doing for centuries Borne or born? Borne is the past participle of the verb to bear. = dispariţie. sewer n. = secetă. = a împiedica. = remarcabil. Born is also the adjective used in a combination. to decrease v. a . solului.. (4) of lions.... (4) only a year . hurled herself through the doorway.. (http://lori... this . a .academicdirect. . (7) Russian analysts can see an early ... (6) of events.. a .... 5. (9) of hounds. a . (TO LOSE) III. a . (8) to the economic stagnation which is gripping the country. I'm sure we have made the right .. a . surrendering power does not ..... Improving efficiency within it is clearly in everybody's . as Russia's energy companies are showing.. a . (9) the "big picture" reforms are in place. (13) of killer-bees.... but I know you are responsible...II. Analiza acestora precizează măsura în care aceste transformări au fost provocate de oameni. of air stirred in the branches of the maple-trees in the garden. a .... (15)... has stalled to such an . My marriage is a . (18) naturally... I have no objective ... (17) of mountains. was struck by how alien this type of architecture was. (8) of fish. (TO MOCK... (19).... She spun away from him and. (2) of outlaws... (1) of workers.. a . (14) of bombers.. (11) restructuring the country's industrial . Take "Gazprom".. apei. (TO FLY) 8. (13) up the power of the former . a . Translate into English: Ştiinţa mediului înconjurător se ocupă cu schimbările chimice... (TO CHOOSE) 7. The problem is that . a .. (5) of stars.. (The European) V. a .. But "Gazprom" remains . All the .. (2) is that Russia is at a "critical juncture" in its economic transition process. a .... (18) of experts.. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate noun: a . of his namesake........ (1) Reforms The view of the 67 group of leading industrial . prowling night-time Tokyo with the . for words.. (10) of deer. Complete the sentences with nouns corresponding to the verbs written in capital letters at the end: 1.. (14) monopolies.. wholly without . (TO MOVE) 6. a ... from the Americas are delayed because of a thunderstorm over the Atlantic.. success now depends .. fizice şi biologice care au loc în mediul înconjurător prin contaminarea sau modificarea naturii fizice şi biologice a aerului. .....php?user) 168 .. aplicarea ştiinţei şi tehnologiei poate controla şi ameliora calitatea mediului înconjurător.. (12) of beads. produselor alimentare şi deşeurilor. (6) that . (7) of puppies.. In particular.. TO FEEL) 2. (15) of sticks. Wolf. a ... The speaker suddenly found himself at a . (TO PROVE) 3.... That is putting it .. a . that you ordered my sister's murder. (10) pushing them to the heart of the economy. Not a . cum şi în ce condiţii. This is not an easy task.. Fill in the blanks using only one word for each space and then translate the text: Russian Energy Giant Shrugs . (11) of grapes. (16) of trustees... when you are .. (16) to being a state . (12) and ..... (3) of swine. (5) looked to be still largely on track.. (3). (TO STEAL) a .. (17) a state... almost in the same . IV.. The reform process.. After .. (20) to change. In this division. lake. noise impacts.6. waste reduction/management. Engineers and scientists develop collection and treatment systems to carry this waste material away from where people live and produce the waste and discharge it into the environment. Environmental engineering is a synthesis of various disciplines. the seasonal cycles of water movement through the watershed and they develop systems to store. risk of non-infectious illness.2. If impacts are expected. traffic impacts. biology. Developing nations are striving to obtain the resources to develop such systems so that they can improve water quality in their surface waters and reduce the risk of waterborne infectious disease. and other devices are utilized to remove 169 . Water supply and treatment Engineers and scientists work to secure water supplies for potable and agricultural use. thermal. engineers and scientists assess the impacts of a proposed project on environmental conditions. water and wastewater treatment (sanitary engineering). incorporating elements from the following: civil engineering. Environmental engineering emphasizes several areas: process engineering. etc. Air quality management Engineers apply scientific and engineering principles to the design of manufacturing and combustion processes to reduce air emissions to acceptable levels. water is treated to minimize risk of infectious disease transmittal. chemical engineering. treat. and create a palatable water flavor. chemistry. There are several divisions of the field of environmental engineering. Scrubbers. They apply scientific and engineering principles to evaluate if there are likely to be any adverse impacts to water quality. radioactive. and/or honey bucket systems. Water is treated to achieve water quality objectives for the end uses. and convey water for various uses. environmental chemistry. In developed countries. or ocean system. fire suppression. THE SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Pollutants may be chemical. after-burners. and irrigation. or even mechanical. social impacts. Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to the environment. mechanical engineering. the water needed for various needs in that watershed. public health. septic. geology. flora and fauna. Environmental impact assessment and mitigation It is a decision making tool. They evaluate the water balance within a watershed and determine the available water supply. ecology. substantial resources are applied to the treatment and detoxification of this waste before it is discharged into a river. and pollution prevention/cleanup. precipitators. air quality. they then develop mitigation measures to limit or prevent such impacts. visual (landscape) impacts. In the case of potable water supply. Some consider environmental engineering to include the development of sustainable processes. agricultural capacity. biological. Wastewater conveyance and treatment Most urban and many rural areas no longer discharge human waste directly to the land through outhouse. ecological impacts. habitat quality.2. but rather deposit such waste into water and convey it from households via sewer systems. Water distribution systems are designed and built to provide adequate water pressure and flow rates to meet various end-user needs such as domestic use. org/wiki/Environmental_engineering) A. = a evalua. Reading and Comprehension: 1. flavor n. = total. (adapted from http://en. 3. gustos. = dispononibil. to overlap v. available adj. = detoxifiere. a descărca. to store v. the ~ = organismul. assessment n. B. combustion n. = a (se) suprapune. 2. orânduire. = cumpăna apelor. reţea (hidrologică. solar ~ = sistemul solar. pollutant n. scrubber n. collection system = sistem de colectare. strove. syntheses n. tracking ~ = sistem de urmărire. = a se strădui. ~ operator = operator de sistem. Scientists develop dispersion models to evaluate the concentration of a pollutant at a receptor source or the impact on overall air quality and smog production from vehicle and flue gas stack emissions. 5. = a scoate în evidenţă. a emite. electrică. = savoare. delicios. palatable adj. = sinteză. electric ~ = sistem/reţea electric(ă). sulfur oxides. to assess n. to emphasize n. overall adj. nitrogen oxides. to discharge v. educational ~ = sistem educaţional. = ardere. sistem. to strive.wikipedia. = ceaţă cu fum. What types of pollutants are mentioned in the text? 170 . = 1. global. regim. sistem de organizare. rutieră). sustainable adj. a emana. synthesis. = evaluare. rebuturi. WORDS AND PHRASES scope n. 2. social ~ = sistem social. EXERCISES I. tratare. = scruber. = rază de acţiune. operating ~ = sistem de operare. = a depozita. striven to v. epurator de gaze. treatment = 1. This field is beginning to overlap with energy efficiency and the desire to decrease carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from combustion processes.particulate matter. = poluant. tratament. nervous ~ = sistem nervos. general. wastewater ~ = tratarea apei reziduale. VOCABULARY I. watershed n. smog n. = plăcut la gust. metric ~ = sistem metric. aromă. a vărsa. = ecologic. II. = potabil. 2. waste n. deşeuri. 4. ~ software = software de sistem. detoxification n. = 1. prior to = înainte de. = resturi. 3. sistem. metodă. LEXICAL COMMENTARY system n. and reactive organic gases from vapors prior to allowing their emission to the atmosphere. democratic ~ = sistem democratic. potable adj. . (8) of sand.... to get what he wants.. 5.. (10) important of these.... 4. (12) its wheat. Such ..... (7) of grass. in His . a . a . ... (15) of bacon. (PARTNER) 3.. (BRAVE) 11. (TO DESERT) 8... created very diversified life forms on Earth. a .. (LONG) 9... (ILLITERATE). ....... (24) of ammunition............ a ... a .......... a . 6..... (23) of dust.... 6. (WISE) 5. (10) of sugar.. barely and sugar cane. (2) of beer. (WIDE) III... (BROTHER) 4. (11) of soap. a . (20) of machinegun fire. Why do environmental engineers evaluate? What do engineers do if impacts are expected? Why is water treated in the case of potable water supply? What are developing nations striving to obtain? How can air quality be preserved? II..... a .... (25) of armour. a ..... (5) of information....on the battlefield had never been displayed by anyone. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate partitive: a .. (8) use than others.. (3) the plant kingdom.... The . (9) of salt. animal life could not .. If I let you down. (17) of luggage.... was a trend that laid emphasis on the aesthetic component of every work of art.Our interests are incompatible...... so I don't really think we can form a . a . oats.. a ...... Fill each of the following blanks with only one suitable word: Man’s existence on earth depends . has been done away with completely. (19) of hay. a ... (21) of spaghetti. a .... (1) all the other living matter . . Some plants are of ... . (12) of laughter.. The soldiers were court-martialled and found guilty of . (11) it supplies the world . a ... a . (6) and our planet . (COWARD) 10... (BOY) 2. (16) of rice....... (2) him and a large part of this belongs ..... High on the list of plants upon ..... (HUMID) 7.. a .. a ... it was out of mere ..... (9) our lives depend are the food crops...... a . (14) of thunder. a ... IV. (4) of advice. (3) of water... a ...... The grass family is probably the ... Ion Creanga became famous through the publication of his book Memories of My . Complete the sentences with abstract nouns derived from the words in capital letters at the end: 1. (22) of wind. (4) the extraordinary variety of living organisms that make ... Life at the tropics is unbearable because of the high degree of .. (13) a certain amount of 171 . a ... I wouldn't have imagined he would go to such .... The Preraphaelite . 3..2. (6) of bread. a . (5) the world of plants. (7) be a barren and lifeless world of deserts........ (1) of money.. In this country. God. rice.. of the river prevented the villagers from building a bridge across it. a .. (18) of corn.. ....... (14) more or ... Translate into English: Studiul proceselor de ardere a combustibililor ca poluanţi ai aerului sunt o preocupare foarte importantă.org/books/work_list...php?user=lori&id=111) 172 ...... Dezvoltarea metodelor analitice de separare.. identificare şi determinare a furnizat informaţii preţioase privind prezenţa în aer a unor particule poluante ca: var......processing.academicdirect.... (http://lori.... Some plants give us beverages . (17) as the great .. (15) as they are grown. Automobilul a adăugat o nouă categorie de particule poluante. as . calcar şi praf de ciment de la operaţiile de ardere în cuptoare.. Other grasses provide the basic foodstuff for cattle and sheep. these are all ...... (18) of fruits. (19) tea and . Then there are root crops .. (16) as potatoes and carrots.. oxizi de fier de la topirea minereurilor şi fluoruri de la procesele metalurgice. (20). V.... cocs şi hidrocarburi policiclice aromatice provenite din cocsificare... which is also the normal habitat of small creatures. and for this reason. 12) A. These features. strat de aluviuni. In addition. But quite apart from these features. 173 . geol zăcământ. that the mathematician really comes into his own. 4. We spend our lives at the bottom of the great ocean of air which envelops the earth and this is broadly true of all air-breathing creatures and plants. 8. and even in temperate climates it is possible. there is need to study the behaviour of the air near the surface in detail because of numerous matters of interest. in a single day. (Hall. differing considerably from those which occupy the attention of synopticians and climatologists. 2. differs in many ways from that recorded at 4 feet. The detailed study of the lowest layer of the atmosphere. still limited by its inability to control the processes or to isolate different effects. WORDS AND PHRASES to envelop v. and not as he would like to arrange them. 3. a încercui. 5. There is very little of weather forecasting in such studies. is therefore of considerable economic importance. “Science” Magazines.2. constr pat (al drumului). it presents problems of great scientific interest.. He must observe events ‘as they come’. for the most part. if anywhere. Thus the site is chosen to be. life is abundant only in a very shallow layer at the surface. difficulties arise because at this level the temperature of the air is not only liable to large fluctuations. and he is encouraged to do so because it is possible to measure the properties of the atmosphere at these levels with laboratory accuracy. the micrometeorologist applies the normal methods of mathematical and experimental physics. M. The climate into which a plant first emerges. If the thermometer is placed very near the ground. = 1. W. tehn banc. banc.3. such as the dispersal of smoke and of atmospheric pollution generally. vlăstar. He is. as far as possible. albie. pasăre (găină) ouătoare. p. a cuprinde.6. for the air within a fraction of an inch above the ground to pass from frost to almost tropical heat. matcă (de râu). on flat land free from obstructions (air-fields are particularly favoured) and temperature and humidity are usually measured at about 4 feet above the ground. where the temperature is much more representative of the air mass as a whole. MICROMETEOROLOGY Although living organisms have been found in the atmosphere up to very great heights. 6. as the laboratory worker can. care is taken to ensure that they are representative of air masses over large areas.. Meteorological observations are made. bot mlădiţă. Kanes. strat. but also depends very much on whether the ground in the immediate vicinity is bare or covered with vegetation. which are purely local. 2. fig a învălui. VOCABULARY I. 7. pat. batiu. are not found to such a marked degree at 4 feet and above. mil a învălui. usually referred to as micrometeorology. however. înveliş. layer n. The climate of Lilliput is much more severe than that at the breathing level of a human. especially in hot weather. a împresura. 3. for synoptic meteorology and climatology. on which meteorologists are often asked to advise. Instead. and he is never able entirely to separate an effect from others present at the same time. and it is in micrometeorology. a înveli. = 1. a înfăşura. (d. 2. rar a se înălţa. the tyre is ~ cauciucul s-a dezumflat/are pană. sec. a despuia. baltă. neacoperit. întins. pe drum drept. II. ferov vagon platformă 9. B. poisonous.= 1. environment. barieră. 6. pict în două dimensiuni. radioactive. a aşeza în stive. obligat să. extinct. 7. obstacol (pomi căzuţi în drum etc. împiedicare. 2. ~ to adj. 3. = 1. arisen v. to fall ~ a cădea lat. hotărât. Britain has a temperate … 3. = a se ivi. ~ denial refuz categoric. suprafaţă întinsă. gol. (d. obstrucţie. (d. 174 . Reading and comprehension 1. 4. poetic a se ridica. = 1. astupare (a trecerii etc). înv sau poetic a se scula (în picioare). a se scula (cu arma în mână etc. fără vlagă/viaţă. the ~ of the hand latul palmei. răsuflat. 5. şes. arose. a stivui. neted. Why do you think is micrometeorology important? 3. direct. chiar. (d. dispersal n. 3. cu capul descoperit. recycling. a dezgoli.). băuturi) stătut. 10. lipsit (de). simplu. o problemă etc. a apărea. câmpie. plat. neroditor. numai. 8. What are the factors that influence the temperature of the air? 5. 4. ţinut mlăştinos. tărm jos/coborât. 6. ec care stagnează. sterp. on the ~ a. resources. 2. împrăştiere. 7. cu inf = 1. el neizolat. gol. 9. pantof fără toc. med constipaţie. obstruction n. = 1. o glumă) fără sare. slab. împiedicare. 4. împărţ layer v. deşert. Where should the thermometer be placed so that the meteorological observations can be properly made? 4. = 1. piedică. a se burzului. a dezbrăca. to arise. 3. pollution. oprire. = 1. Fill in each of the blanks below with one of the following words: breathe. 6.) a se ridica. Mammoths became … thousands of years ago. poetic a se scula din morţi. ros. a ~ possibility doar o posibilitate (nimic mai mult). adj cu prep pasibil de. a aşeza în straturi. a ieşi la iveală/lumină. ~ hand mână/palmă întinsă. 2. flat adv. gol. jerpelit. a da în vileag/la iveală. 5. (d. lat. fin fără dobândă. exact. predispus la. întins. a apărea. searbăd. muz bemol. This country is rich in natural … 4. sărac.) poetic a se înălţa. = 1. insipid. a se ivi. climate. 7. a învia. = 1. a răsari. categoric.). muz cu un semiton mai jos. barcă cu fundul lat. despuiat. blocare (a drumului etc). 2. expus la. exact. 2. simplu. (of) sărac (în). vânt) a se stârni. 3. survival 1. precis. lat. 3. 3. to emerge v. 2. ~ nonsense curată prostie. a se ridica. What are the methods normally applied by the micrometeorologist? II. lat. distribuire. = dispersare. = răspunzător pentru/de. 4. EXERCISES I. liable – liable for adj. b. lipsit de energie. bare adj. pustiu. 5. tehn faţetă. How could you define micrometeorology? 2. 2. 6. in ten minutes ~ exact în zece minute. gol. soare etc. fig a dezvălui. She was unable to … because of the smoke. desfrunzit. precis. 8. LEXICAL COMMENTARY flat adj. to bare v. 2. tocit. plictisitor. găgăuţă. (care este) pasibil să. nerod. neinteresant. 4. a se ridica. 4. flat n. 8. 2. care poate să. I have just been told that there are serious problems with nuclear … waste disposal. About ten million species have been identified by scientists. 13. 7. grasslands. acid rain. Once a species becomes endangered. Topics for discussion What are the consequences of: 1. 2. 5. Large plants. Not all mushrooms are edible. birds. 9. using sprays. such bottles or sheets of paper. 8. 3. water pollution. 2. it is doomed to extinction. We were shocked by the … on the beach. Many islands are home to species found nowhere else. nuclear waste dumping. IV. Famers need a diversity of crop varieties in order to breed new plants that resist insect pests and diseases. If you … things that have already been used. How much do you know about biodiversity? Say if the following statements are true or false: 1. Creating parks and zoos is the best way to preserve biodiversity. 4. and ecosystem diversity. 18. 10. 15. 16. More than half of the world’s species live in tropical forests. 5.5. Coral reefs are as rich in biodiversity as tropical forests. They have a very poor chance of … 7. some of them are … 6. radioactive pollution. Fewer than 100 species currently provide most of the world’s food supply. Most species are of no direct benefit to humans. III. A child can easily adjust to changes in its … 9. 12. 4. and other habitats contributes to the loss of biodiversity. species diversity. 6. and mammals make up about half of the world’s species. Biodiversity includes geneticx diversity. 19. Biological diversity is more threatened now than at any time in the past 65 milion years. 14. wetlands. 8. Many species become extinct without ever being identified. The total number of species is not known. soil pollution. 11. 7. The loss of forests. 175 . 3. The Earth has many more species than it needs. Two major causes of biodiversity loss are population growth and the increasing consumption of natural resources. The biological resources of developing countries are a potential source of income. air pollution. 17. 6. 10. you process them so that they can be used again. Some habitats have more species than others. to wipe out v. M. Three small villages. to trigger v. Those who did not immediately leave the affected area paid for it with their lives. to deprive of v. the Ishmadic capital. to entomb v. most of its surviving inhabitants have been left homeless. tremor n. The high magnitude quake measured 7. thirty minutes apart. vol. mounds of debris n. rocked the capital. = a îngropa.000 people are estimated to have died and thousands of others to have been injured in a destructive earthquake which devastated large areas of Ishmad. Hardest hit were the badly-constructed high-rise apartment blocks. All the structurally-damaged buildings will have to be razed. pall of smoke n.: Limba engleză pentru jurnalişti. a demola. = dezastruos. = a rade de pe faţa pământului. =a răsări (a se înălţa) din pământ.7 on the Richter scale and was the strongest this area has experienced in more than a century. = mişcare seismică. de fum. two strong quakes. 112. No aftershocks were reported. even after years of reconstructive work. 19. With half the city reduced to rubble. This tragedy proved particularly calamitous and the still incomplete statistics speak of unprecedented damage. = undă seismică. = a rade. = a declanşa.6. to rupture v. Other buildings were gutted by fire from ruptured gas pipes and a pall of smoke still hangs over the town. sprung) v. = sfărâmături. I) A. are said to have been completely wiped out. = mormane de dărâmături.4. VOCABULARY I. = magnitudine. It followed a fortnight of tremors and its epicentre was some 150 miles southwest of Zento. Otto. depriving one-third of the country of electricity.2. = a rupe. built of precast concrete slabs. It is now predicted that. to spring up (sprang. which have sprung up in recent years. catching the inhabitants in their sleep and leaving homes badly damaged. moloz. pp. EARTHQUAKE (1) At least 5. Zento will never look the same again. = a priva (de ceva). They were the first to collapse on their occupants and they are now being blamed for the high death toll as there are few which withstood the tremors. At two in the morning. Many schools and hospitals disintegrated as the earth heaved. to raze v. 148. a secţiona. (Otto. to heave v. The quake also triggered devastating landslides which destroyed a power station. = nor negru. cutremur. 176 . This small mountainous country is prone to seismic disturbances as it lies on a seismological fault. Hundreds of bodies lie buried under the ruins and the death toll mounts to as rescue workers dig into the mounds of debris to find those entombed. a da naştere. B. rubble n. WORDS AND PHRASES (seismic) disturbance n. close to the epicentre. magnitude n. = a disloca / a (se) cutremura. compact. calamitous adj. a lua (ca exemplu negativ pe cineva). B. a examina. aspect. ~ at a se uita/a privi (la televizor). Each line stands out for one word: 1. ~ about for a căuta/a urmări cu privirea. a se uita în jurul (cu gen).II. a suporta undele seismice – w______ the t_________ 8. a privi la. a se afla sub dărâmături – l_______ b__________ u_________ the r___________ 5. on the Richter scale is not regarded as particularly strong. mistuit de foc – g________ b___ f_______ III. Why did fire accompany the destruction? 6. Phrases to learn. a privi (drept în faţă pe cineva). a fi spectator. a. a se uita de jur împrejur. = 1. uitătură. fig a vedea situaţia care s-a creat în jurul (cu gen). Reading and comprehension 1. Thirty quakes were felt in the space of two hours. a cerceta. pl înfăţişare. 177 . There had been no previous indication that a quake might be coming. a socoti inferior. a dispreţui. a-I lăsa pe locuitori fără acoperiş deasupra capului – l______ the i________ h______ 7. What architectural mistake was made in Zento. 4. a găsi pe cineva în timpul somnuliu – c__________ somebody i_____ his s_______ 4. a privi. fig a cerceta. (d. 3. to judge by ~s a judeca după aparenţe. a studia. = 1. Complete the following phrases. to ~ oneself a-şi purta singur de grijă. fig a răsfoi (o carte). a se uita prin. privire. 2. the capital of the country? 5. Most of the victims were killed by collapsing buildings. a avea aerul. ~ about a privi. 5. a trece pe la cineva. numărul morţilor creşte mereu – d________ t________ m______________ 6. ~ into a se uita/privi înăuntrul. ~ down a privi în jos. a fi expus cutremurelor – be p_________ t________ q__________ 3. We know exactly what the number of casualties is. ~ down upon/on a privi (pe cineva) ca inferior. Tick the statements: true or false 1. ~ after a avea grijă de. căutătură. a părea. ~ on a avea vedere înspre. 6. It is not the first or the last earthquake in Ishmad. LEXICAL COMMENTARY look n. a lua în considerare (ceva). Why can’t the precise number of dead be given at this point? 4. Did the quake come as a complete surprise? 3. a fi cu faţa la. 3. a fi în căutarea (unui post).înfăţişarea. What information do you get about the country of Ishmad in this report? 2. a examina. a se uita. o casă) a fi orientat spre. a-şi pleca privirea. a da înspre. ~ in a intra. figură. a arăta. a devasta ţara – d____________ the c______________ 2. 2. What is the town’s future? II. EXRCISES I. 2. to look v. The quake is indirectly responsible for the lack of energy in some parts of the country. ~ ahead şi fig a privi înainte. 7. Those who survived still have a place to live. 8. Buildings built of concrete were strong enough not to collapse. 9. Fires were started by gas explosions. 10. Structurally damaged buildings will be reconstructed. 11. The report tells us that the capital of the country will be moved from Zento after reconstructive work. IV. These are some of the most severe problems the earth is facing. Match the problems with their effects as well as with the solution to them. You can use the same words more than once. Problems air pollution, water pollution, animals and plants in danger, global warming, energy shortage, destruction of ozone layer, human and industrial waste, changes in the local climate, acid rain, spreading deserts, nuclear accidents, deforestation. Causes Overuse of natural resources, uncontrolled fishing and hunting, poisonous chemicals released into the air by cars and factories, chemicals from aerosol sprays and fridges, pesticides as well as dangerous chemicals from factories that are poured into the rivers, seas, oceans. Solutions Nuclear plants should be supplied with high technology equipment and more strictly controlled, we should use bicycles instead of cars, we should not leave TV or the electric lights on when we do not use them, people should use litterbins, we should plant more trees, governments should encourage those industries that use cleaner methods of production, we should save as much paper as possible, factories that pollute the soil or water should be severely fined, harsher punishments for illegal fishing or hunting, factories should be equipped with filters for their funnels, cars should use unleaded petrol, people should be educated about the importance of recycling, Ecology should be a compulsory subject at school, governments should sponsor research into pollution prevention, public awareness about the protection of the environment should be raised. V. Translate into English: În timpul cutremurului de ieri, mari suprafeţe ale Ishmadului au fost complet distruse. Seismul, cu o putere de 7,7 pe scara Richter, a fost cel mai puternic seism înregistrat pe acest teritoriu în ultimul secol. Catastrofa a fost precedată de o serie de şocuri resimţite în decursul ultimelor două săptămâni. Potrivit relatărilor, trei sate au fost măturate de pe suprafaţa pământului. Cutremurul a provocat deplasări de teren şi inundaţii. Din caza ruperii liniei de înaltă tensiune, o treime din ţară a rămas fără curent electric. Jumătate din capitala Ishmad zace sub dărâmături. Trupele de salvare încearcă să se strecoare printre grămezile de ruine în căutarea oamenilor aflaţi sub dărâmături. Cel mai mult au suferit blocurile înalte. Puţine clădiri au rezistat undelor de şoc. Multe dintre ele s-au prăbuşit peste locuitori şi au cauzat numeroase victime. Multe clădiri au fost mistuite de foc. 178 2.6.5. EARTHQUAKE (2) A powerful earthquake devastated Palmon, in southern Anturia, in the early hours of yesterday morning. Buildings rocked and fell apart as the tremor struck the area. The city centre was completely obliterated while residential districts suffered similar levels of damage, as well as massive casualties. According to reports from the scene, entire buildings disappeared into fissures. The death toll is, as yet, unclear but it will run into tens of thousands. Temporary shelter in tents is being offered to the homeless who seek refuge in improvised camps outside the city, but most are stumbling down rubble-strewn streets, dazed and frightened, waiting for the bodies of their relatives to be recovered. Search-and-rescue teams, aided by dogs, are looking for survivors, but the dogs get very distressed climbing through the rubble, which is heavy with the smell of disaster. The teams have also brought with them special equipment to help search for and pinpoint the thousands trapped in the ruins. They have sophisticated thermalimaging infra-red cameras, which can detect the heat generated by a survivor’s body. Sound devices are not being used because the noise at the scene of the emergency renders them useless. Relief efforts are being hampered by sub-zero temperatures, which diminish the chances of survival for those still alive and buried. Most of those found are dead. Previous earthquakes have taught that the first 24 hours are critical. If adequate measures are not taken immediately, the body count increases dramatically. The injured who are pulled out from under the rubble, must often have gangrenous limbs amputated immediately. This is the only way to save them from the fatal toxic shock which sets in when a limb is crushed. Official media reports said that the quake levelled all hospitals, and thousands of grievously injured are being treated in field conditions. As supplies of blood ran low, an appeal was issued for international aid. Worldwide disaster funds were set up to assist tragedy-stricken Palmon. (Otto, B, Otto, M., Limba engleză pentru jurnalişti, pp. 20, 114, 249, vol. I) A. VOCABULARY I. WORDS AND PHRASES to obliterate v. = a distruge, a şterge de pe faţa pământului. casualties n. = victime. fissure n. = fisură, talie. to stumble down v. = a se împletici. to strew, (strewed, strewn) v. =a împrăştia, a risipi. to recover v. = a găsi, a descoperi. distressed adj. = neliniştit, nervos. to pinpoint v. = a localiza. sophisticated adj. = sofisticat. to render useless v. = a face (a deveni) nefolositor. to hamper v. = a îngreuna. limbs n. = membre ale trunchiului, braţe, picioare. grievously adj. = grav (rănit). to run low v. = a duce lipsă. 179 II. LEXICAL COMMENATRY level n. = 1. tehn nivelă (cu bulă de aer), boloboc. 2. geod cotă, nivelmetru. 3. constr dreptar, nivelator. 4. şi fig nivel, treaptă, înălţime (a unui munte), to find ones (own) ~ a-şi găsi oameni pe măsura sa. 5. câmpie, şes, on the ~ cinstit, adevărat. 6. min orizont, galerie de etaj. 7. mil linie de ochire. level adj. = 1. plan, drept, orizontal, neted, ~ with the ground la acelaşi nivel cu pământul. 2. uniform, regulat, monoton. 3. (d. character) echilibrat, liniştit, calm, netulburat, ~-headed echilibrat, judicious, cu scaun la cap, clar, ~ gauge tehn indicator de nivel, ~ crossing pasaj de nivel. to level v. = 1. a nivela, a aduce la acelaşi nivel. 2. fig a egaliza, a uniformiza, a egaliza, ~ at a îndrepta (arma) spre, a ochi, ~ away şi fig a nivela, a desfiinţa, a aboli (privilegii), ~ down a coborî nivelul. B. EXERCISES I. Reading and comprehension 1. Which parts of the town have suffered most damage? 2. Why aren’t some of the survivors staying in the shelters provided? 3. What methods are used to look for survivors? 4. What factors are making the search difficult? 5. Why are the first 24 hours vital in a rescue operation? 6. What was the international response to the tragedy? II. Phrases to learn. Complete the following phrases. Each line stands out for one word. 1. a se transforma într-un morman de moloz – f_____ a__________ 2. a înregistra pagube şi pierderi multiple – s_____ d__________ and c__________ 3. a oferi adăpost temporar celor fără casă – o_________ s________ t___ the h______ 4. a găsi trupurile – r____________ the b__________ 5. a detecta căldura emanată de corp – d________ h_________ g_______ b__________ a b__________ 6. a îngreuna acţiunea de salvare – h___________ r____________ e_________ 7. a diminua şansele de supravieţuire – d________ the c_______ of s__________ 8. a aplica măsuri adecvate – t____ a m_________ 9. a lansa apel pentru ajutor – i______ an a_______ for a_________ III. Tick the statements true or false: 1. More people died in the city centre than in the residential areas. 2. The number of victims is estimated at between 1,000 and 10,000 people. 3. Temporary shelter has been improvised outside the town. 4. Many people do not want to leave the affected area. 5. Those who have stayed are waiting for the recovery of their possessions. 6. Dogs are not very effective in these circumstances. 7. The cameras described in the report can locate those who are still alive in the ruins. 8. There is too much noise for sound devices to be effective. 180 9. Low temperatures make rescue work slow. 10. Rescue teams are facing an entirely new situation. 11. Survivors have little chance of saving their injured limbs. 12. The injured are being treated in hospital buildings. IV. Topics for discussion 1. Why do people feel so helpless when confronted with an earthquake? 2. Discuss the difficulties which have to be overcome when working at the sites of disasters such as those described in the texts? 3. Consider the emotions felt by both rescue workers and relatives of a person who, still alive, is trapped in the rubble, especially if they know that the teams will be unable to reach him in time. 4. Discuss the following statement: Earthquakes are a manifestation of God’ s wrath. V. Translate into English: Zeci de mii de oameni au murit ieri în timpul cutremurului din Palmona. Clădirile sau înclinat şi s-au prăbuşit. Centru oraşului a fost complet distrus. Pentru cei rămaşi fără acoperiş deasupra capului s-au pregătit adăposturi în tabere dincolo de oraş. Mulţi oameni aşteaptă scoaterea de sub dărâmături a trupurilor celor apropiaţi. Grupele de salvare, ajutate de câini, îi caută pe supravieţuitori. Pentru a depista mia rapid oamenii de sub dărâmături, grupele de salvare se folosesc de dispozitive speciale. Acţiunea de salvare este îngreunată de ger. Spitalele s-au dărâmat, astfel încât răniţilor li se acordă ajutor în condiţii de campanie. Se termină rezervele de sânge. S-a lansat un apel pentru ajutor internaţional. 181 II.2.7. TEXTS FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING 2.7.1. THE ERA OF COMMUNICATION In less than 20 years, the phenomenal progress in information technologies and telecommunications has immersed us in an all-communicating world. Computers, telephones, televisions, domestic appliances and cars are packed full of electronics for the exchange of data and information and providing ‘intelligent’ services designed for maximum efficiency and user comfort. Work, business, administration, health, culture education….the ‘e’ prefix has been appended to just about every area of human activity. The information and knowledge society is changing our lifestyles and even our psychological and social behaviour. Nevertheless, it remains difficult to predict where this spectacular progress in electronics and data processing is going to take us next. A little over a century ago, the Western Union saw no future for such an ‘unreliable’ invention as the telephone. Just 25 years ago, the head of Digital Equipment saw no valid reason to want to own a personal computer. In the late 1980s, few prospective studies predicted the imminent arrival of such a revolutionary and all-pervasive device as the Internet would prove to be by the mid 1990s. On the other hand, the bright future awaiting high-definition satellite TV has failed to materialize. More recently, the premature enthusiasm for the wireless Internet shows that even when the developments do come, the path is not always smooth. In a sector, which cultivates the immaterial, there is sometimes a cruel gap between the potential promised by technological progress, the valuation of the innovation and the making of new products and applications. However, one law has proved pertinent: that of the visionary Gordon Moore, drawn up in 1965, who prophesied that the performance of electronic components (memory and processors) would double every 18-24 months, at a fixed cost. Between 1970 and 2002, for example, the number of transistors per cm2 on an electronic chip increased from 2,300 to 24 million, with transistors measuring 0.1 µ square. Although the race of miniaturization and power is certainly not over yet, the experts do believe that, within the next 15 years, the increase in microprocessor density is likely to come up against a physical limit: the size of atoms. We will then enter the true age of nanoelectronics. The increased capacity to progress and store information is of course at the heart of the digital revolution. It is thanks to this – coupled with the Internet as a data transfer support – that data, sounds, pictures and text can be converted into the same binary language. This ‘homogeneity’ opens the door to a convergence of previously isolated applications, such as the telephone, radio, publishing, television and computing. The creation of transmitting infrastructures, offering increased capacities for sending these considerable information packages is currently the crucial development which will enable us to benefit to the full from this new potential. (adapted from Cristina Miu, English for IT, pp. 164–5) 182 A. VOCABULARY I. WORDS AND PHRASES to immerse v. = 1. a (s)cufunda, a afunda. 2. (fig) immersed in debt = înglodat în datorii. appliance n. = 1. aplicare. 2. dispozitiv, aparat. 3. (pl.) aparate electrocasnice. to provide v. = 1. a prevedea, a înzestra. 2. a aproviziona; he provides us with vegetables = ne aprovizioneazã cu zarzavaturi. 3. a procura (pentru cineva). 4. to ~ for = a veghea asupra/ a lua mãsuri în vederea; to ~ against = a lua mãsuri împotriva. 5. a prevedea că; a stipula că. to append v. = a anexa (la). progress n. = 1. progres; to make ~ = a face progrese. 2. dezvoltare, evoluţie. 3. curs, desfăşurare; v.= 1. a progresa, a înainta. 2. a se dezvolta prospective adj. = de viitor, în perspectivă. wireless adj. = fără fir. smooth adj. = 1. (despre suprafeţe) neted, fãrã asperitãţi. 2. mătăsos, moale; smooth skin = piele moale. 3. liniştit, calm; lin; the sea is smooth as a lake = marea e liniştitã ca un lac. chip n. = 1. (el.) pastilã, substrat al unui circuit integrat; aşchie de siliciu microelectronicã. 2. (inf.) deşeu rezultat din perforarea unei benzi de hârtie. store n. = 1. (autom.) memorie. 2. (man.) rezervã, stoc, provizii. 3. (tehn.) rezervor, deposit. information n. = 1. (only sing.) informaţie. 2. veste, anunţ; in order to render a plural meaning we use ‘items of information’. potential adj. = 1. puternic, eficace. 2. posibil; potential danger = pericol posibil; n. = potenţial. II. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms with the word HEAD from head to foot = din cap pânã în picioare. to win by a head = a întrece cu un cap. to beat somebody's head off = a bate mãr pe cineva. to keep one's head above water = a se menţine la suprafaţã. to make head = a inainta, a progresa. to be off one's head = a fi ţicnit. to talk somebody's head off = a zãpãci pe cineva cu vorbãria. to lose one's head = a-şi pierde capul. the head of a car = capota unei maşini. under the same head = sub acelaşi titlu, în aceeaşi categorie. to gather head = 1. a prinde forţã. 2. a lua proporţii. to come to a head = a deveni critic. B. EXERCISES I. Reading and comprehension: 1. What does an ‘all-communicating world’ involve? 2. What major means of communication are mentioned in the text? Can you think of others? Describe each of them (the ones in the text and the ones you thought of) by referring to their: history, usage, users, medium of data transmission: visual/ auditory/ both, functions, etc. 183 3. The text (the end of paragraph 1) suggests that the modern strive for information and knowledge is changing our lives on the whole. Think of some positive and negative effects of such a contemporary phenomena. 4. What are the devices that contribute to the digital revolution? 5. What does ‘nanotechnology’ mean and in what ways will computing benefit form the development of nanotechnology? 6. The text develops three main key-words related to the modern technology: miniaturization, power and convergence. What do they refer to? II. The computer and other means of artificial intelligence are mainly appreciated for their capacity of processing, storing and transferring information and of making it more accessible. What other operations are specific to these applications? III. What does the age of miniaturization mean for you? Think of the major types of computers (mainframe, microcomputer/ personal computer, supercomputer, server and modern gadgets. PDA, laptop, workstation, palmtop, portable computer, clipboard computer, pen computer, lapsize computer). IV. Use the various meanings of the word head in sentences of your own. V. Translate using the different meanings of store: 1. Bagajul ei de cunoştinţe impresionează pe toţi cei care o întâlnesc. 2. În aşteptarea unei ierni friguroase, ei şi-au făcut un stoc mare de provizii. 3. Ei nu vor pune niciodată preţ pe lauda lui deoarece se ştie că nu-şi respectă niciodată promisiunile. 4. Viitorul îi rezervă numai bucurii pentru că munceşte din greu pentru îndeplinirea viselor sale. 5. Stocul de informaţii nu va fi divulgat nimănui. VI. Translate the following sentences into Romanian paying attention to the noun information: 1. Aş dori să aflu nişte informaţii legate de folosirea acestui dispozitiv. 2. Veştile primite de la tine m-au descurajat. 3. Biroul de informaţii ne-a furnizat toate datele necesare. 4. Se pare că suntem într-o eră în care predomină informaţia digitală. 5. Specializarea pe care ne-am ales-o ca studenţi este Tehnologia informaţiei. VII. To make their Internet writing seem more informal, people use abbreviations and emoticons. Explain the following: • Abbreviations: B4; BTW; FAQs; L8R; OTOH; FYI; IMHO; LOL; ASAP; CU; WYSIWYG; • Emoticons: ☺ ;) :-)) :-O :-/ VIII. Read the following text about current tendencies in Internet use and then answer the questions below: The internet is entering the mainstream of contemporary society, as more and more people are going to be users soon, and access is growing, which means we can expect to 184 the college-educated look like the non-college-educated. their attention will be fragmented. What exact operations do you perform on the Internet? What about your family? 5. Internet users indicate that they are spending less time reading newspapers. Mihaela & Paidos. The text claims that the Internet has become a factor which fights against all types of discrimination and breaks all spatial barriers.see large changes for communities and society as a whole. pp. people may be able to view a TV programme on the same screen where they are working on the Internet simultaneously. It may very well be that they are reading news on the Web. Once people have access to the Internet. and age groups tend to be more homogenous than we might have thought. blacks look like whites. Comment on the following statement: ‘All your friends now have an @ in their names’. 158–9) 1. How frequently do you chat with your friends or with some strangers on the Internet? 7. This trend is likely to have a major impact on the economics of the media industry and. so they don’t read hard copy any more. It is interesting to note that the Internet is increasingly becoming a democratic factor. there are more similarities than differences in terms of how much they use it and the activities they use it for. but even if they do. as recent developments suggest. may lead to further integration of media and information delivery technologies. Does virtual reality inspire you as a substitute for actual reality? 6. Now write an essay of about 350 words on the topic: ‘For and against using the Internet’. It is becoming clear that a large majority of those who use the Internet more than five hours a week deduct those hours from their TV time. Constantin: Practical Course of English. because Internet use demands more concentration. (adapted from Chilărescu. It is too early to tell if people will do this sort of multitasking as part of their daily routine. 185 . In the near future. Could you think of some personal examples? 3. Once people have access. except for those above age 65. What are the social and psychological effects of net addiction? 2. displaying the power to dissolve differences among categories of the population. Does this make you feel less individualized? 4. or face the alternative of opting out of the free world market. as families retreat into a private world of video games and computer holograms. There are signs that this may happen: some manufacturers are now using relatively unsophisticated chips. be alive to the danger of the misuse of information held on computer files. Today. A simple electronic calculator goes far beyond the human brain in speed and accuracy – but only in a very closely defined field. On the other hand. As the costs of microchips continue to fall.2. Beyond the human brain.000 times cheaper can beat them hollow. and a whole range of ‘smart’ machines to inform. A divided society? The coming of the micro will benefit many people: others may be left behind. it becomes economically worthwhile to use them in more and more ways. provided time. products will have to be made in large quantities – in order to spread the cost. The main factor is the cost of writing programmes. Accepting the microchip brings benefits and problems. 3. The benefits include greater efficiency in finding and using information. there’s the problem of people whose skills are made 186 . the result could be an inward-looking and immobile society. There is the problem of alienation: people who cannot find a place in the technological age of the future. people seem to need human contact. We can. To guard against this problem. When this happens. In the future. computers will surpass humans in more and more ways. If the cost remains high. No one knows how we could cope with this wounding loss of status. help for the sick and the disabled. we will no longer be the most intelligent entities on this planet. Something can be done for both groups – public viewdata terminals can give free access to information. 4. and new machines (including computers) can be made easy to use. which can be cheaply programmed for simple functions. the first computers of thirty years ago are as dead as the dinosaurs. we need education and training schemes. 2. greater control over pollution and the use of natural resources. money and care is spent in programming them. We can guard against some of the problems. People at risk are those who can’t or don’t want to use new technology. We have to accept the microchip. or even those who can’t understand it. To get variety. and to enjoy the social aspects of office life and escaping from their homes.000 times smaller and 10. programming costs need to come down. MICROCHIPS: A LOOK TO THE FUTURE Massive and unreliable. the possibility of higher living standards through increased productivity. computers which are 30. It’s predicted by some people (and hotly disputed by others) that the intellectual capabilities of the human brain will be overtaken in the early years of the next century. What will the world of the future be like: here are some ideas to consider: 1. Variety or uniformity? Will we be surrounded by an enormous variety of products? Or will the result of micros be cheap uniformity? Either of these is possible. for example. Conclusions: The microchip revolution is based on size and cost. Microchips give us cheap computing power in a tiny space. Goodbye humans? If people work at home and do their banking and shopping at home. High-speed. low-cost computing power has begun to convert science fiction into reality. entertain and serve us.7.2. Finally. and machines which are easy to use. Leo: Progress towards First Certificate. cheap adj. whole adj. free of = în afara. to opt out v. justeţe. operaţie. masiv. 2. overtaken by the rain = surprins de ploaie. întreg. = a începe. = 1. a ajunge din urmã. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases/ idioms with the word FREE to set free = a pune în libertate. mecanism. B. a se elibera. What is a microchip? 3. II. accuracy n.) to feel ~ = a se simţi prost. misuse n. overtaken v. solid. = 1. function n. The wealth needed to pay for schemes like these is more likely to appear if we use the microchip. totalitate. = 1.redundant by machines. a lua pe neaşteptate. to speak with free tongue = a fi slobod la gurã. = (with) a ţine piept. redundant. overtook. maşinã (-unealtã). 2. dirt ~ = ieftin ca braga. 2. to begin. 2. machine n. voluminous. ~ of words = întrebuinţare abuzivã a cuvintelor. 3. = 1. 140–1) A. 3. suplimentar. (adapted from Jones. What are the advantages and the drawbacks of microchip use? 187 . excedentar. = 1. = 1. ~ and nasty = ieftin şi prost. = 1. stingere. 2. neînsemnat. duty free articles = articole scutite de taxe vamale. free admission = intrare gratuitã. pp. pentru început. = 1. Reading and comprehension: 1. teafăr. there’s a need for education and retraining. folositor. 2. to be free with one's money = a fi mânã spartã. intact. acurateţã. exactitate. aplicaţie. 2. a descreşte. 2. benefic. 2. greu. a surprinde. dispozitiv. free time = timp liber. 2. Again. ~ of authority = abuz de putere. = 1. redundant adj. to give somebody a free hand = a da mânã liberã cuiva. = a întrebuinţa greşit. (cheap – cheaper – the cheapest) = 1. 3. mare. (fam. fãrã valoare. independent. unreliable adj. = (aici) a ieşi. funcţie. întrebuinţare abuzivã. to get/break free = a scãpa. 2. = (aici) a reduce. programming n. overtake. free adj. de valoare. to ~ with = în primul rând. to cope v. = 1. VOCABULARY I. programare. liber. precizie. maltratare. What did the first computers look like and what could they perform? 2. vb. a fi exclus. = nedem de încredere. = 1. WORDS AND PHRASES massive adj. worthwhile adj. activitate de elaborare a unui produs program. to come down v. a face faţã. a depãşi. retragere. retreat n. = 1. abuz. întreagă. ieftin. EXERCISES I. 2. degajat. begun v. began. A computer should be seen as a …we use to help us do our work. digital vs. data D. conversations B. A. minicomputer. meetings 5. keyboard. When a lamp suddenly goes out. light pen. hardware C. Read the following sentences and decide which answer A. mechanism C. PC. When you connect to the Internet it is said that you are… . III. transactions 6. silicon chip. hand 2. Having a computer allows you to have all kinds of information at your … A. storage 7. desktop. I need an …………… b) bulb 2. memory C. B. Define the following terms: CD-drive. (350 – 400 words) VI. 6. production costs fall. Hang your coat over there on that …………………………… d) hook 4. microchips are used. try to tighten the ………… c) glue 3. subject C. huge D. viruses D. Would you agree to an entirely virtual type of education? Describe the way in which you perceive the future of education in Romania and in other countries. programming costs fall. A. IV. Can computers replace or exceed the capacities of human brains? II. topic D. Write a short history of computers focusing on the developments in computer technology since the first type of computer. storing B. If the shelf is coming off the wall. printer. If you need to climb onto the roof. C or D best fits each space: 1. Model: Look! It’s not working because the plug isn’t in the…J……… a) battery 1. on C.4. conferencing C. floppy discs. integrated 8. touch-screen. tool D. sites B. mouse. arm B. She is a specialist in the …of Information Technology. on-line B. Choose the word on the right to complete each sentence. fingerprints C. source V. pen computer. field 3. analog computer. in-line D. all products are likely to become very similar to each other unless a. speakers. discussions D. use a ……………………… f) ladder 188 . monitor. The Internet allows users to download free… A. What categories of people are unlikely to find a place in the technological world of the future? 5. PDA. interface. My shirt got very creased in the suitcase. software 4. software and hardware. A. money C. paint programme. the public demands vary. display. A. A. The bigger the memory on your hard disk. Video …can only be done if you have a camera with your computer. Do you think that growing use of computers could lead to the collapse of what ‘society’ means? According to the text. d. joystick. fingers D. details B. we need to change the …… e) iron 5. bit. Most hard discs today have a…capacity of 200 megabytes. b. the more…you can store. c. job B. disc B. A. permit evitarea unor astfel de neplăceri. no harm. and we can supply a bank g … 3. încât îţi vine greu să-ţi mai imaginezi activitatea în şcoli. This medicine is excellent. 10. the burglars cut the ……………… 9. use your…………………………. 3. cars always carry a spare ……………… 10. acasă sau la birou fără ele. Translate the following text into English: Calculatoarele personale au devenit în ultima vreme atât de populare. 9. Complete the following email by writing one word in each gap. My mobile phone isn’t working. The envelope won’t stick down properly. depresii. ale sistemului nervos sau ale coloanei. This key doesn’t work. I … wrong. up your mind and … what is right one in your lifetime. Totuşi. whatever you want. I need some ……… VII. calculatorul are defectele sale. over twenty years. slăbirea vederii sau un sentiment de nelinişte. Fill in the blanks with to do or to make: 1. Your behaviour ……. utilizarea excesivă a computerului poate cauza disfuncţii ale vederii. …. I can’t . for the exit. I need to recharge the ……… 12. 4. dacă sunt îndeplinite. If you get lost in the forest. …….. Do you give any d …on an order of this s …? 2. 1. To stop the alarm working. I feel so tired! g) lock h) razor i) screw j) socket k) compass l) tyre m) wire honour. 8.. company that has been in the market f…. The first letter(s) have been given each time to help you: Dear Ms Newman Thank you for sending your current catalogue and price l …last week.000 u …of product ref TG67 and 2. there are one or two things we would like to clarify before going ahead with a firm o. We can find no mention of delivery times in your do … We need these items by the end of October at the la … If we can r…an agreement on these matters. Paul Grice IX.. 11. It … no difference to me. Cei care lucrează zilnic la calculator intră în contact cu efectele neplăcute ale acestuia. Would you be pr …to let us have the goods on cr …? Our normal t … of payment are 60 days after d ….000 of product ref K800. 5. 2. The earthquake has … great damage to the city.6. but I haven’t got a……………………. …. Ecranul şi tastatura are trebui să fie mobile. He doesn’t …his work thoroughly and has …very little progress. I need to have a shave. We look f …to hearing from you soon. it … wonders. 7. ca oricare descoperire nouă. Există unele condiţii care.. However. cum ar fi durerile de cap. we are sure that we can do more bu … with you in the future. pentru a le fixa poziţia în funcţie 189 . They must have changed the ………. Pe termen lung. Everybody… fun of me but I will …. 6. I’ll have to apologize and … it up to her somehow. In case of punctures. 7. She has …. a mess of her life. We are interested in p… 5. 8. We are a w …-k……. De asemenea. privirea nu trebuie îndreptată spre lumina soarelui. computerul. din contră. Ecranul ar trebui să fie plasat sub linia nevoile celui care le foloseşte. atunci când este folosit cum trebuie. Pentru a nu obosi ochii excesiv. se recomandă întreruperi frecvente din lucru şi utilizarea unor ecrane protectoare. 190 . În concluzie. este un instrument de lucru foarte util. Poziţia corpului trebuie să fie dreaptă pentru a nu duce la modificarea coloanei. trebuie să stăm cu spatele la lumina puternică de afară. II. Only by standing within the law as far as copyright is concerned. 2. = 1. virus n. But computers can also be attacked by worms which move information around. they only irritate users by writing nonsense or playing tunes when activated. Trojan Horse. 2. to dub v. neprietenos.) program care poate dăuna unor fişiere ale calculatorului. with the words ‘Frodo lives’ illuminating their screens. The deletion of data can cause considerable disruption and financial loss to a company which owns affected systems and many firms are believed to be carrying the virus. like disease. who are bracing themselves for the attack. Since the virus installs itself from infected floppy discs. Some do not erase information. a declanşa. is to run anti-virus software to detect and destroy the menace in time. = 1. Frodo is called a stealthy virus because it is very effective at hiding and lying dormant until activated. Here is the News. = ostil. COMPUTER VIRUSES All over the world today. pirated software should never be run on company computers. silk ~ = vierme de mãtase. or to bypass the virus’ trigger date by moving a computer’s clock a day forward to March 7th. with sinister names like Dark Avenger or Datacrime are said to be on dramatic increase. (d. infirm. The most dangerous ones. (adapted from Barbara & Marcin Otto. refractar. a unge. repeatedly replicates itself and wipes out the existing software by overwriting hard discs. Companies are also advised to have a constantly updated backup system to replace damaged file. a consacra. vierme.7. vol.~ = şoarece de bibliotecã. VOCABULARY I.2. stealthy adj. (d. 2. = piedicã. worm n. animale) în hibernare. March 6th. agent infecţios. can one avoid the often irreversible damage to computer data. conceal erotic pictures in business files or other very serious documents. English for Journalists. many computers are waking up crippled. The latest computer virus designed by invisible computer saboteurs has been triggered.) book. computere) computer ~ = un cod capabil să se reproducă. The remedy for computer users. the virus suddenly bursts into life. virus. By multiplying. Electronic viruses are not always hostile. p. The deadly Michelangelo virus is to strike this year on Friday. (d. 3. = 1. (aici) a porecli. glow ~ = licurici. (fam. 184) A. adesea deteriorând informaţii. so-dubbed because it infiltrates in disguise. 2. ascuns. (aici) deteriorat. dormant adj. deformat.3. opritoare. It is just one out of several thousand distinctive viruses worldwide which. (aici) (comp. Upon switching the computer on. n. un vulcan) inactive. = 1. they eventually render the system ineffective by filling up all available disc space. 3. may. earth ~ = râmã. to trigger v. adormit. infecţie. schilod. for example. = 1. = tainic. Computer users were warned today and the virus bears the name of the Italian artist because it was triggered by the birth date of the famous man. 2. WORDS AND PHRASES crippled adj. = 1. a investi (un cavaler). 191 . unlicensed. are spread through exchange of ‘infected’ computer discs. hostile adj. emoticon. a izbucni. file n. to update v.’ (Scott Adams. cookie. = nelegal. tea leaves. browse. a da buzna în. What other viruses do you know? 5. the government. sã plezneascã. (d. a îmbunătăţi. A rather large modern phenomenon in the computer world is hacking. archive. What examples of viruses are given in the text? 3. a izbucni to burst into laughter = a izbucni în râs to burst into flames = a izbucni în flãcãri to burst into tears = a izbucni în lacrimi to burst out = a izbucni to burst out crying = a izbucni în plans to burst with envy = a muri de invidie. chat forum. chip. What is a computer virus? What is a worm? 2. Intermediate. In Company. acte. a se autocopia. teanc de hârtii pãstrate la dosar. (aici) fişier. from Mark Powell. bit. Explain the following computer terms: copy. EXERCISES I. nori) a se rupe. the national military computer system? 6. Collectively. Reading and comprehension: 1. furtuni) a izbucni. Are all viruses dangerous? 4. (d. geek. to replicate v. (d. cursor. 3. v. you can read horoscopes. a se desface. companies. 2. more commonly referred to as a complete waste of time. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions with BURST to burst in = a nãvãli înãuntru. What can viruses cause to computers in the following cases: individual users. 2002) IV. dosar. II. 5. Is the designing of viruses a crime punishable by law? What kind of punishment can you think of for the perpetrators of electronic viruses? 7. pirated adj. scrisori). p. creator of the Dilbert cartoon. Macmillan. burst. 55. a plezni. Or you can put well-researched facts into sophisticated computer models. 3. muguri) a crãpa. 4. burst v. = 1. hacker. download. folder. a da buzna. 2. = a moderniza. = a se reproduce. Do you use pirated software? Bring arguments for your answer. Comment upon the following quotation: ‘There are many methods for predicting the burst. a clasifica. 192 . For example. a face sã izbucneascã. piratat. a ţâşni. a crãpa. a îndosaria (hârtii. II.= a clasa. What other methods of protection would you recommend to large firms and to individual computer users? 8. these methods are known as nutty methods. What are generally their reasons? Can you give some examples of famous Romanian hackers? Do you know anything of the legislation regarding such an offence? III. = 1. tarot cards or crystal balls. a da buzna înãuntru to burst into = a se repezi. sã explodeze. B. corrupted file. acronym. Oxford. partition. You will see. Legea referitoare la spargerea calculatoarelor este cea mai recentă încercare de eradicare a plăgii manipulărilor ilegale care implică perturbarea şi sabotajul operaţiilor pe computer. Având în vederea noua legislaţie. Translate the following text into English: Spărgătorii de reţele computerizate vor fi urmăriţi în justiţie şi vor fi aspru pedepsiţi pentru pătrunderea ilegală în sistemele de computere odată cu intrarea în vigoare a unei legislaţii mai clare. log off. as I enjoy working with young people. O nebunie de ultimă oră include încercări de şantaj asupra băncilor. I am interested in applying. upgrade. prin ştergerea memoriei computerelor în câteva secunde şi chiar prin distrugerea hard discurilor. the summer programme where I worked last year. zap. During the last few summer holidays I have. 6. vaporware. One reason why computer words are so user-friendly is that many are metaphors. screen. Ţintele de până acum ale efracţiilor electronice au inclus spitale unde sreuşit să se creeze haos printre dosarele pacienţilor. You will notice that I have supervised children on a range of sports and cultural activities as well as dealing. scroll. dacă doresc. au timp berechet la dispoziţie pentru a dovedi că nici un sistem computerizat nu este protejat în mod absolut. deşi neadaptaţi din punct de vedere social. browsing. Mulţi spărgători sunt răspunzători de crearea şi implantarea de viruşi care provoacă distrugeri prin imobilizarea sistemelor. Intruşii caută prin documente şi. I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm and am also responsible and reliable. care sunt adesea indivizi foarte înzestraţi. Folosind modem-uri şi reţele de telefonie hackerii utilizează informaţii secrete acumulate în memoria computerelor după ce au ghicit sau au obţinut în mod ilegal parolele sau codurile speciale care blochează accesul neautorizat la sistem. software. Hackerii. hardware. menu. processor. 193 . 3. Job application a. and you can email. Hackerii afirmă că de fapt este vorba doar de securitate şi că doresc să ajute băncile să-şi perfecţioneze sistemele de securizare împotriva unor agresiuni mai dăunătoare. The structure could help you for your own applications in the future: 1. 5. Dear Sir / Madam / With reference to your advertisement on the JobFinders. I have attached my CV. bug.hard copy. web traffic. 2. făptaşii unor asemenea delicte vor fi aspru pedepsiţi. Put the parts below into the correct order to make a complete email for someone applying for a job. as a Word website. Could you explain the following metaphors: mouse. the travel industry. First Certificate grade A. memory. virus. recycle bin? VII. VI. V. worksheet. quit. toate datele devin valabile pentru utilizatori neautorizaţi. I am available for interview in Naples any weekend afternoon. pot provoca prăbuşirea totală a sistemului. set up. that is they make a comparison between two things. 4. În momentul când spargerea reuşeşte. I would be grateful if you would consider my application. wizard. spărgătorii cerând bani pentru a dezvălui cum au reuşit să spargă sisteme presupuse a fi foarte sigure. 7. and for this reason I am interested. me or telephone me on the number below. worked as a youth leader in Italy. 10. Highlight the structures you would use following the structure: • Greeting (formal) • Reason for writing • Your background and experience • The job itself • Referring to your CV • Final comments • Close 194 . with transport arrangements and tickets. in the job of tour leader. 11. for the post of tour leader for Italian school students. 9. b. and I enjoyed the work very much. I look forward to hearing from you soon. one is a university professor and the other is from 13. Next summer I would like. You will also notice that my English is good and I have 12. Yours faithfully. Underline any useful expressions and information you need when applying for a job. I feel that I would be wellsuited for this job. 8. I am 26 years old and am currently studying. to do something more varied and challenging. from my attached CV that two people can be contacted as references. taking students to London. VOCABULARY I. they sound like us.) borderou. We want to be free of the expectation that we’ve spell-checked it or even re-read it before firing it off. = (abreviere de la carbon copy) indicaţie că materiaul a fost trimis şi la o altă persoană. Reading and comprehension: 1. ~ book = carnet. manager general. 2.). avertisment. query n. 2. long answer. If I do not want to give a detailed. cc n. (short from memorandum) notă. etc. to sound like everyone else. = a scoate la suprafaţă. WORDS AND PHRASES to suppress vb. 4. = 1. to fire-off vb. spell-check it carefully and send it to as few people as possible.2. LEXICAL COMMENTARY e-mail n. 3. This urgency means I’m more likely to write quickly and conversationally when I respond to a message. and we cc the CEO whenever we feel like it. giving themselves permission to be blunt. = 1. = messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network. a reprima (o revoltã. memoriu. etc. Intermediate. They’re short. a-şi stãpâni (mânia. etc. a căuta . If you need to hear how the professional voice sounds. precauţie. We certainly don’t want to waste our time messing about with fonts and margins. My expectation of the response time to many messages I send is today. agenda. etc. tonul. 2.= 1. not tomorrow or a week from now. B.4. întrebare (pusã cu scopul de a încurca pe cineva). memo n. In Company. (adapted from Mark Powell. 3. no jokes. = a verifica ortografia. caution n. = 1. prudenţã. A professional memo obeys rules such as one page is best. dig out a memo you wrote four years ago and compare it with how you’d write an e-mail about it now. = (informal) a written message. rushing the writing process. That’s why most of us don’t want to use a word processor to write our emails. 5. suprima (un ziar.). I just make it short… A lot of the spontaneity in e-mail messages comes from writers breaking through their natural caution and reserve. EXERCISES I.). etc. semn de întrebare. memo n. 78) A. to make a ~ of it = a nota (ceva). to dig out vb. = a trimite.7. Now we write e-mails. MESSAGING We have been trained throughout our business careers to suppress our individual voice and to sound like a ‘professional’ – that is. = (abreviere de la chief executive officer) director. p. What does the term ‘communication’ refer to? 195 . II. to dig for information =a face cercetãri. to spell-check vb. honest and sincere in response to a query. CEO n.). E-mail is a more immediate medium than paper. a coborî (vocea. especially in business. they’re funny. memorandum. investigaţii. 2. a înãbuşi (un scandal. (com.). memo. bulletin. e-mail. If this is true. 6. V. communiqué. 30% how you sound and only 10% what you actually say. what other forms of communication do you know? Classify them according to the frequency of currently stocks 213 books on ‘netiquette’ or how to write your e-mail. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these ideas: • Cold calling to selected phone numbers. Explain each term in turn so as to find differences between them: communication. How do people communicate? What are the situations when we need to send messages? What were the traditional means of communication? What are the ways modern people use to communicate except for e-mailing? What are the benefits of e-mailing? What about its drawbacks? II. You are considering various methods of promotion. Write three e-mails as follows: 196 . missive. You work in the marketing department of a fast-food chain. III. evolution. piece of information. 90% of the world’s telecommunications were phone calls. availability. line. 5. • Flyers delivered by hand to people’s homes. spatial spreading. dispatch. intelligence. notification. news. statement. letter. Do you think the shift towards e-mail is a good thing? Online retailer Amazon. Are you getting more e-mail than phone calls these days? b. note. does it mean that phone calls are only 40% and e-mails only 10% effective? IV. Is this al really necessary? b. history. a. Besides e-mailing. 3. word. • Radio and TV commercials. etc. report. • Direct mailing by post.2. You can even buy a course on ‘cyber-grammar’ and manners in electronic communication! a. Is e-mail really that difficult? Communication experts repeatedly tell us that 60% of communication is how you look. You and your partner are working on a project to promote a new line of pizzas which people can order by phone or over the Internet. number of users. VII. memorandum. Here are some of the synonyms of the noun ‘message’. 4. What does ‘spam’ mean for you? What are the different types of spam? How much spam do you receive and where does it usually occur? Is it a big problem for you? VI. According to Newsweek magazine. that figure will soon drop to less than 10% as we all switch to e-mail and other forms of digitally transmitted data. Read the following statistics and discuss the questions with a partner: At the end of the 20th century. announcement. • Spamming to e-mail addresses on a database you have obtained. 3. 4.• • • To a friend you haven’t seen for a very long time. In some cases I can (2) …where they got my e-mail address fro. 6..30 instead? 10. subject: none. 197 . I will be grateful if you could send me more information. receive.bill of £367bn a year. colleagues. 8. adopt. work. spend. The easiest remedy is just to delete any messages which come from an unknown sender or look suspicious.. To a colleague at work. 2. set Looking back over the e-mails I have received in the last coupe of weeks. The following sentences taken for e-mails contain mistakes. 12. 75% of those who were questioned claimed to receive as many as five junk e-mails a day. IX.Although sometimes the content involved can be offensive and contain racist or sexist language. VIII. but in others I have no idea. Please send me your comments until Friday at the latest. please do not hesitate to contact me. If the data analyzed in the survey is correct. Can we meet at 8 Feb at 14.. in a recent survey. I am write with regard to your recent email. unlikely. Please find attach my report. harmless. 1. 9. just missing the person. To the CEO: subject: Nokia report. this unsolicited junk e-mail is not a problem. There are various strategies you can (9)…with spam. I’m sorry I haven’t written for ages. wage. there is also the problem of (5)…virus warnings. most of it is relatively (7)…. this means that for UK businesses spam represents an annual cost of around £5bn. More legitimate spammers often give you the option to ‘unsubscribe’ so you don’t (11)…any more of their messages.. and 15% calculated that they (4)…at least an hour a day dealing with spam.4% of the national (13). To deal with nuisance mail which comes from a regular source. Apart from spam which tries to sell products or services.. I can just erase it from my computer. in the UK. it’s a real (8). guess. I can see there is at least one message a day from someone I don’t know. dealing. 7. as promised in Friday’s meeting. If you require any more informations. It will be more better for me if we meet on Tuesday rather than Monday.force is unproductive for this reason at any time during a working day. With a national UK (14).On the other hand. 11. in terms of wasting employees’ time. I look forward to receiving this information so soon as possible. However. offering some service or product I am (1) …to want. For me. Correct the mistake in each sentence: 1. but I been really busy. I hope we can to meet up soon. although in my experience this often doesn’t seem to make any difference. I don’t can help you on this matter. carried. chain letters (where terrible things will happen to you if you don’t pass on the message to fifteen other people) and jokes from friends and (6)…. hoax.for many businesses.. subject: asking for help on a project. Even so. Sorry. I’m afraid but we haven’t received your payment yet. while you are (12)…with spam you are not doing the work you were hired to do. (3)…out for the company Novell Inc. 5. one solution is to (10)…up you e-mail programme to ignore mail from that particular address. Complete the text below about ‘spam’ using the words given: headache. = cuantificare. 249) A. Examples of control systems which often include a digital computer as one element are digital machine-tool controls and inertial navigation systems for aircraft and space vehicles. p. Such a device is called a first-order hold. Thus. = element de reţinere/extrapolator.2. It is assumed that the sampler closes and opens at a constant repetition rate and remains closed for zero time. quantizing n. = dispozitiv de extrapolare de ordinul 1. One of the more successful approaches to the problem has been analysis in the frequency domain by a special integral transform. Limba engleză. A sampler is a mathematical fiction and corresponds to a physical sampler. hold circuit/clamper n. the area of the physical pulse goes to zero. therefore. Attempts have been made to apply conventional Fourier analysis and frequency-response and subject to error. if certain matters such as quantizing distortion are ignored. and the output is zero. they may be considered as linear or time-varying-parameter systems. Since as the sampling time approaches zero. VOCABULARY I. Generally speaking. WORDS AND PHRASES first order hold n. called the z transform. Another application occurs whenever a digital computer is included in a control system. This is called a zeroorder hold. we obtain a stepped function. At time T and all multiples of T the output is a pulse.5. (Blându. Probably the most direct application of sampled-data theory is to control systems that have telemetery links somewhere within the loop. This is especially true when a digital computer is being used to carry out the calculations. It is advantageous. Automatică şi calculatoare. It is thus absolutely necessary that the sampler be followed by a special device called a hold circuit or clamper whose function is to hold or remember the value of the impulse at the sampling instant for a finite portion of the sampling interval T. The next logical step to holding the sample value constant throughout the sampling interval is to cause it to be a linear extrapolation of the last two samples. and at all other instances is zero. The concept of the hold circuit can be extended beyond the zero-order hold or clamp. It is convenient under certain circumstances to analyse linear and nonlinear continuous systems by sampling methods. to hold the value for the complete sampling interval. In general. 198 . or at most a negligible time compared with any of the response times of the system.7. rather than a train of finite-height zero-length pulses (of zero area). the signal is different from zero only at the sampling time and equal to it for the remainder of the period. Intuitively one would expect this sampling process to contribute phase-lag to the top and tend to make the sampled-data system less stable than an equivalent continuous system. however. Mihaela . sampled-data systems are nonlinear. SAMPLED-DATA SYSTEMS A sampled-data system is a control system in which information is transmitted only at discrete time called sampling time. modified z transform n. the impulse imparted to an element is zero. = transformata z modificată/întârziată. rather than continuously as in conventional systems. semnal. a examina minuţios. vitalitate. a merge la pas to step forward = a pãşi înainte. inertial adj. a analiza. analyse v. impulse n. = a împărtăşi. urmã. 4. step n. semnalizator. 2. de/referitor la inerţie. a pãşi. ritm. What is a sampler? 4. to step across = a traversa. 2. B. mãsurã. pulsaţie.sisteme eşantionate/cu eşantionare. = 1. a face digresiuni. 7. semnal. 2. 3. What is the function of a hold circuit? 5. to step in = 1. = a pãşi. 2. Which are the most direct applications of sampled-data theory? 3. 4. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms with the verb TO STEP to step v. to step v. to step it = a dansa (un dans). 2. or at the cash desk if this cash system is employed. împingere. treaptã. a călca step down transformer n. = moment de eşantionare. 5. 3. I see her ……… Friday afternoon. = 1. = funcţie în trepte. 3. dispoziţie. zero order hold n. impuls. ochi de păpuşă. semn. to step into = a intra în. stare de spirit. II. ……… customer makes payment over the counter. = transformator ridicător/ survoltor stepped function n. 2. inert. a mãri producţia. 2. puls. sisteme discrete. = 1. puls (al vieţii). 3.= 1. 2. ritm. 3. 5. făcut în virtutea inerţiei. a cerceta. = transformator coborâtor/ redactor step up transformer n. sampled-data system n. She does her shopping her ……… week. telemetery link n. to step up = a spori. 2. EXERCISES I. imbold. = 1. automat. = 1. a da. a se emancipa. 2. (fig) demers. a se da la o parte. = 1. a studia. Fill in every. caracter impulsiv. 3. sentiment. a face analiza sintactică. Reading and comprehension 1. transmisiuni.signal n. îndemn. a merge la pas. impulsivitate. Which is the next logical step to holding the sample value constant throughout the sampling interval? II. a intra. mişcare înainte. a diseca. to step on the gas = a apãsa pe accelerator. impuls. îndemn. 4. (fig) a intervene. pas. pas (de scarã). step on it = grãbeşte-te. 3. 199 . to step out = 1. What are sampled data systems? 2. a ieşi. sisteme în impulsuri. a analiza sintactic. pulse n. aparat optic. each as required: 1. a lungi pasul. 2. sampling time n. 4. indicator. to impart vb. grad. repezeală. 2. = 1. a face (un pas). 6. = circuit/linie de telemăsură/telemecanică. to step aside = 1. = element de reţinere extrapolator de ordin zero. 5. The engine has six cylinders……. He eats … fish … meat. Why stop at this pub. Pentru ca inginerul practician să ajungă la o configuraţie a sistemului de comandă cu reacţie care satisface cel mai bine cerinţele unei aplicaţii anumite. După ce construcţia sistemului cu reacţie este desăvârşită. Este de dorit ca semnalul de ieşire să fie o funcţie liniară a semnalului de intrare. 5. The switch has two poles……. 3. 7. This wall is … blue … green. 6. The lorry has four wheels……… 9. 6. este recomandabil ca acesta să fie verificat experimental. 8. so what will he order? 9. 4.. Her kids were … smart … handy. The circuit has three phases……. I am … thirsty … hungry. Pentru a proiecta un servomechanism bun este important ca proiectantul să aibă cunoştinţe detaliate despre operaşia care trebuie executată. The mechanism has four bars……. The fan has two blades…….4. Write a phrase that corresponds to the given sentence according to the model: Model: the magnet has two poles = a two-pole magnet 1. IV. Fill in the blanks with either … or. They were a lot of bottles and jars on ……… side of the shop-assistant. ……… of you must visit the new supermarket. ……… of them gets a string basket on entering the shop. I have … time … money to go on that trip. În transformarea mărimilor analogice în formă digitală este adesea necesar ca mărimea analogă de intrare măsurată (sau eşantionată) să rămănă constantă în tot timpul perioadei de transformare. ……… person knows how to buy in a self-service shop. 4. dacă este posibil. She has … luck … the opportunity to find a better job. The network has two cables……. I shall have … the main course … the desert. 5. 7. 7. 8. The circuit has two wires……… 3. 2. The group has two digits……… 6. este important să fie disponibilă o tehnică generală de proiectare. Este esenţial ca proprietăţile intrării să fie bine înţelese. The instruction has five addresses………. 8. Our teacher should be … for … against our idea. neither … nor: 1. III. ……… of these housewives got a kit for presentation at the cash desk. 2. 5. 10. 200 . … Lucy … Jane likes to climb the mountain. Translate into English: Este de dorit ca amplitudinea oscilaţiilor din bucla de comandă să aibă oarecare legătură cu funcţionarea în buclă închisă care probabil va avea loc. V. a “stored-program” system in which the program is stored in such a unit and not in some different medium such as punched cards. 139) 201 . In some respects.7. substantially all stored-program systems ever built have been electronic. respectively. In fact. Andrei. a stored-program system need not be built with electronic components. a requirement that is obvious to anyone who has performed problems in arithmetic involving several steps to arrive at the final answer. In principle. Porţeanu . in that it can be “coded” into sets of digits. Usually. the really distinguishing feature of modern digital systems is that they do perform long sequences of operations rather than the essentially one-at-a-time manually controlled operations of the earlier business machines. a storage unit of substantial capacity is needed. some of which have been quite sophisticated in recent years. in the theoretical model.6. a few hundred words of storage capacity is considered a bare minimum. although a few problems can be solved with less capacity. A program is said to be “stored” when the coded digital information representing that program is stored in a storage unit (usually the same unit) used for the storage of intermediate results and other data involved in the computations or other forms of data processing. or for accepting the final results of the operations (output devices). First of all. a counter for example. that can often be represented by the theoretical model. THE STORED-PROGRAM CONCEPT The concept of the stored-program/programme is probably the most significant single feature of nearly all modern electronic digital systems. The arithmetic and the control unit and the storage unit can be vaguely associated with the combinational switching circuit and the multistage device. (Bantaş. Limba engleză pentru ştiinţă şi tehnică. Thus. In principle. and so on. but basically all modern systems rely on the fundamental concept that the system is divided into two principal parts – an arithmetic and control unit and an information storage unit. plug wires. but our concern here is not in the design of individual parts. p. desk calculators. the subject of the stored program is now quite extensive. The key idea in designing a system that will perform a long sequence of operations is that the information specifying the operations to be performed is essentially digital information. Because adequate storage capacity at a reasonable cost is available only with electronic components. the purpose of the program is to direct a digital system through a sequence of operations. or switches. A major purpose of the storage unit is to store the results of intermediate operations. All manner of coding arrangement and system design can be imagined. the arithmetic and control unit does the actual work of performing whatever operations are specified by the program and it also controls the performance of all miscellaneous functions. The manner in which the code is selected to represent the operations is a function of the system design. the concept is quite simple but because of multitudinous variations and elaborations. but with a view to a useful realization of the concept. the coding details and the system design details are so closely interrelated that the two subjects are essentially the same. Rodica.2. notably the actuation of whatever devices are used for supplying information to the system (input devices). A control unit may contain small parts. As the name implies. = minim absolut/limită minimală. lipsă de valoare. = program memorat. practică (curentă) to use = 1. =1. van uselessly adv. 4. util. pedeapsă. v. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Family of words use n. fără (nici un ) effect. usage n.a folosi. secvenţă. = 1. EXERCISES I. = utilitate. inşiruire. muncă grea. gură de incendiu. folosire. uselessness n. (aici) executare. de nădejde. (aici) şir.A. 2. 4. utilizare. a abuza de. cifric. 3. What are. interpretare. = 1. = 1. = inutilitate. valoare. = unitate de comanda. nefolositor. 7. a trata (pe cineva). capabil. fişă. estimare plug wire n. suită digital adj. computation n. = utilizabil. obicei. 3. concret. a întrebuinţa. ordine. realizare. 2. 2. folositor. usefulness n. 8. chin. profit. joc. 2. the pros and cons of computer games? 4. usefully adv. episode. prestidigitaţie. 3. fără rost. 4. valoros. bujie. plug n. VOCABULARY I. uzaj. a uza. ghiseu. care poate fi utilizat / folosit. etc. cu folos. 9. în van. in your opinion. (aici) utilizator. productivitate. 4. faptă reprobabilă/urâtă.) performanţă. 3. sequel. folosire. 2. = 1. anat. socoteala. II. 3. = 1. secvenţă. = 1. Do you agree with children spending most of their spare time in front of a computer monitor? 3. discret. a abuza de. ţel. 6. piesă. glonţ. a se comporta/ a se purta cu/ fata de. zadarnic. = în mod util/folositor. 2. usable adj. expoziţie. datină. data processing n. user n. Reading and comprehension: 1. a brutaliza.spectacol. în mod folositor. 2. a brutaliza to misuse vb.character util/folositor/rodnic. B. uz uzanţă. 2. util. îndeplinire (a îndatoririlor etc. folositor. = 1. zadarnic. cin. = zadarnic. util. 5. = calcul. (aici) contor. randament. = 1. punch-cards n. counter n. = (aici) numeric. a consuma. 4. bare minimum n. What is a stored-program? 5. a utilize. 3. = a întrebuinţa greşit. evaluare. 2. = procesarea datelor. What is a control unit? 202 . scop. sequence n. inutil. = cablu cu fire. folosire/întrebuinţare greşită. in ~ în succesiune. datină. obuz. 2. trucuri. = 1. capacitate de zbor. obicei. 3. 3. a maltrata. Do you spend a lot of time playing computer games? 2. lipsit de valoare. WORDS AND PHRASES stored program (programme –British spelling) n. 2. rodnicie. digital control unit n. apreciere. consumator. a lua din. useless adj. performance n. misuse n. useful adj. 2. performanţă. tejghea. întrebuinţare. utilizare. (aici) fişă de conectare. priză. 3. ţintă. bun. = cartele perforate. succesiune. There are many computer ………nowadays. The Browns usually spend a lot of 9. 203 . Un program absolut poate fi executat numai dacă este încărcat în memorie întotdeauna la aceeaşi adresă. 7. How many …………………… What …………………… 10. Who …………………… How …………………… 4. 2. How …………………… IV. The glass apparatus has broken because of rough……… III. Un programn relocatabil poate fi încărcat începând de la orice adresă a memoriei. It looks awful.II. Write questions to the following statements: 1. Programele cele mai utilizate sunt de obicei cele relocatabile. Pentru a începe executarea programului trebuie cunoscută adresa primei instrucţiuni din program. Programele pot fi de două feluri: absolute şi relocatabile (relocatable). The chalet is about half a mile from here. This house is too expensive for us. Această adresă depinde de locul amplasării programului în memorie care este stabilit în aşa numita fază de încărcare (loading faze) pe baza unei evidenţe a spaţiului neocupat încă. They………that apparatus and now it is out of order. Brad Pitt plays in this film. Vacuum tubes are no longer………. 3. 3. Fill in the blanks with items from the family of the word use: 1. I don’t feel quite well today. 4. 2. He resembles her father. More than twenty families live in this house. Students must learn ……… of this device. of chemistry have changed along centuries. How …………………… Where …………………… 7. Who …………………… Whom …………………… 5. Scientific discoveries may be……… 8. money on junk food. Translate into English: Conceptul de program memorat presupune existenţa în memoria unităţii centrale a succesiunii de comenzi ce urmează a fi executate înainte de a se începe îndepărtarea lor. This is a very ……… tool for this experiment. She likes my new dress. 5. 6. year. Why …………………… What …………………… 8. The ………. We want to travel to England every 6. some computers could have executed five million internal operations if left free to do so while the console operator was typing. Storing the message on a disk memory. Once the character string is in the computer. VOCABULARY I. might require something of the order of tens of milliseconds.7. but much data movement. itself. Limba engleză. performed under the control of a complex computer program usually called a time-sharing monitor. No computer with a single processor actually operates more than one program in its CPU at one time. The electric typewriter terminals operate usually. and to do this so fast that human users do not realize that they are not receiving the full attention of the computer. Let us now look more closely at the computer and program characteristics that make time-sharing possible. the letters johnsmith. one which is. Once an input or output operation is initiated most modern computers allow it to proceed while the central processor returns to operation of a program. A general purpose digital computer is actually a collection of subsystems with widely varying characters. it might take a few microseconds to compare the message with another character string. and end-of-message symbol. though. p.7. During this second. and guarantees each user that his program will be serviced within some stated period of time. First. Typically. The characters are four-case shifts (two up-shifts and two down-shifts). Getting the computer to do this switching is a complex operation. the greater part of the total system is idle while only one or two components are performing some operation. optimizes the allocation of computer systems resources to meet the demands of all these programs. WORDS AND PHRASES down-shift = deplasare în jos. the components of a computer act at vastly different speeds. A second characteristic of computers that makes time sharing possible is that different programs will use different mixes of the available resources. Automatică şi calculatoare. Man-machine processing would be prohibitively expensive if the computer were to stand idle while the man composed a message and transmitted it at 10to15 characters per second. To transmit the string John Smith requires 15 characters and a full second. Another may be a mathematical program using few data but performing great many functions on the data. the computer interprets and executes only one demand at one time. from operating a small portion of one program to a portion of another. Timesharing is a method of operating a computer which allows more than one program to be in operation at one time. although there may be overlap between command execution in the main processor and input or output operations. TIME-SHARING Time-sharing is a method of sharing a computer or allocating its resources among several users. as might be done in an instructional system. 204 . The programs that share the computer under the monitor’s control are called user’s programs. at a maximum of 15 characters per second. since they are supplied by the users of the time-sharing system. One program may be a heavy user of input and output components. (adapted from Blându. four-case shift = deplasare cu 4 spaţii. 259) A. a space. performing relatively little computation. But what can be done is to switch rapidly back and forth. and of course. That is. Mihaela.2. etc. instructional system = sistem de instruire. adeverinţă de plată. at times. a fixa ora (pentru). 3. condiţie. = 1. string n. out of time = în contratimp (despre un ceas) . cordon. prescripţie. a distribui. up-shift = deplasare în sus. sfoară. to allocate v. 6. leneş. a destina. a proceda.= 1. to work against time = a munci fãrã a pierde o clipã. datã. vremuri. încasări. făcut în dorul lelii/ (aşa) ca să fie. 2. şiret. stupid. 5. (mat) ori. overlapping operation = operaţie de suprapunere în timp. şir. 2. in no time = cât ai bate din palme. 3. = 1. wait till next time = aşteaptã pânã data viitoare. 6. time n.). for the time being = pentru moment. a well-timed remark = o remarcã oportunã. ceas. to bide one's time = a aştepta prilejul. 2. 3. chitanţă (de primire). fără temei. 4. prilej 6. 2. vang. to lose/waist time = a pierde vremea. prostesc. reţetă. vreme. acţiuni. 4. at one time = la un moment dat. poveste de necrezut. 9. 3. 7. receipt n. (aici) secvenţă.). 3. five times five is twenty-five = de cinci ori cinci fac douãzeci şi cinci. (mai ales pl) epocã. turn-round time = timp de răspuns. 2. a înainta. many a time = de multe ori. prohibitive = prohibitiv. to have a good time = a se distra. 4. a cronometra time-sharing monitor = monitor pentru timp partajat. orã. remediu. 9. 6. 5. there is a time for everything = toate la vremea lor. a pune la punct (un motor. to beat time = a bate mãsura. to keep good/bad time = a merge bine/rãu. 205 . tempo. a se simţi bine. 7. once upon a time = a fost odatã ca niciodatã. to proceed v = a merge mai departe. to time v.idle adj. timp. a repartiza. şomer. 4. moment.3. timing mechanism = mechanism de temporizare. (aici) neocupat. timp. a potrivi (ceasul). coardă. from time to time = din când în când. strună. vreme. profil. nelalocul lui. to keep time = a ţine mãsura. inutil. =1. 5. rand. a actiona.2. time and again. oficiu de depunere a banilor. etc. 7. trândav. a long time ago = cu mult timp în urmã. (muz) mãsurã. 5. a vorbi mai departe. de nenumãrate ori. indolent. şirag. nefolositor. briu. oarã. (aici) primire. ocazie. II. ritm. rãgaz. interrupts = întreruperi. fibră. to time one's arrival = a-şi alege momentul sosirii. 8. venituri. 8. a nimeri momentul (pentru o acţiune). a continua. a calcula durata (unei expuneri. coloană. = a aloca. 4. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms of the word TIME in the day time = în timpul zilei. = 1. a ponta. clauză. filament. As with all (4) . 206 . 4. 5. Installation of your new energy-efficient domestic gas boiler is free of charge. Dacă ar fi să explicăm noţiunea de partajare în timp. few) mistakes in the test paper. We have received (much. What is time-sharing? 2. How does a computer work in time-sharing? 4. III. yourself. Dacă cumva datele ar fi înregistrate manual. Why is time-sharing a profitable technique? 3... Dacă cumva s-ar întâmpla să nu furnizeze programele la timp. 7... cred că ne-am descurca. Which is the second? 6. spune-i să mă sune. The system comes with an (3) .... apply. Copy the following sentences choosing the correct adjective: 1... adjust.. many) wooded hills in our country.... 3. electric. There is (little.. few) water in the bucket. Dacă s-ar întâmpla să aibă nevoie de banda magnetică acum. How (much. The cover must he completely removed for repairs to be carried out.. Complete each space with a word or compound word formed from the following words: install.. please exercise great care if you are attempting to repair the (5) . many) valuable information. cover. EXERCISES I. Dacă ar fi să nu folosim calculatorul mai des decât atât. from a qualified engineer is advised.. 6. 4.. equipment. 3. They made (little. many) airplanes passes over here. (much.. few) milk in the bottle. Reading and comprehension: 1. Which is the usual approach to time-sharing? II. dar şi necesară..B. There are (much. 2. aceasta ar însemna o mare risipă de timp şi de bani. IV. n-ar merita să-l cumpărăm. many) fruit trees are there in the orchard? 6. Dacă ar fi să calculăm şi alte caracteristici ale calculatorului.. operaţia aceasta ar lua mult mai mult timp. 2. Which is the first factor that makes time-sharing possible? 5. There is (little. maintain. Translate into English: 1.. which can be kept fully extended or half down. Regular (2) . and will be performed within S days of payment. aţi înţelege chiar şi mai bine de ce partajarea în timp este nu numai posibilă. 5. Detecting errors by means of observing results involves testing programs with samples of data which the program would expect to be presented with in normal running. a correction must be applied to the program. or by means of simulated input conditions. Instead of performing the computer’s actions himself. WORDS AND PHRASES aids n. This consists in deleting the incorrect instruction and substituting a branch to a section of coding correcting the error. deficienţă. diagnosing and correcting errors (also known as bugs) which may occur in programs or systems (both hardware and software). insectă. microfon secret. microb. 5. 253) A. If the program is written in a symbolic language. Errors are detected by observing that programs do not produce the results expected from them. the source code must be corrected and the program recompiled. Various methods of error diagnosis may be used. Programs may be corrected by several different methods. The former are the result of incorrect appreciation of the problem. and the latter the result of incorrect coding of the program. This involves the programmer in performing each step of the program each step of the program as if he were the computer. either through incorrect results from test data or simulated operating conditions. bacterie. Most compilers reject incorrectly used statements. or correction may be applied by using source code maintenance routine. = compilator. Correcting source codes may be done directly by removing incorrect statements and substituting correct ones if the program is on a suitable medium such as punched cards. gândac. compilation list n. the programmer may use a trace or diagnostic routine which performs the program on the computer in the normal way.7. VOCABULARY I. = listă de compilare. or translation into the machine language understood by the processor. (adapted from Blându. = (aici) eroare. Another technique for correcting programs is to apply a patch. Automatică şi calculatoare. The two main types of program errors that may occur are logic errors and syntax errors.2. Mihaela. or through compilation errors. Test data of this sort is presented to the program either directly in the form expected in normal running. cărăbuş. The process of compilation enables syntax errors involving incorrect handling of the symbolic language to be detected. but at the same time provides a printed record of the action taken by each instruction. defect. 4. ploşniţă. A dry run may be performed on the program flowchart or compilation listing. 207 . or by failure of a program written in a symbolic language to compile correctly. checking and recording the action of each instruction or flowchart step. the cause of the error must be diagnosed. 2. compiler n. p. Once the cause of an error has been detected. = mijloace auxiliare bug n.8. Programs written in a symbolic language require compilation. ERROR DETECTION Debugging or error detection is the technique of detecting. Limba engleză. Once an error has been detected. or through an unexpected halt. and print some indication of the type of error which are called diagnostics. The incorrect instruction may be altered if the program exists in machine code on an external medium such as punched cards. 3. întăritură. factory hand = muncitor în uzinã. la zi to confine v. maintanance routine n.). 9. a aresta. up to date = actual. he had the news at first hand = a primit ştirea la prima mânã. a şterge. circumspecţie (a unui poliţist) to amend v. intrare.1. 3. în mânã. 2. = parcurgerea programului (de programator).. rămăşiţă. viciu. = petec. a mânui. es n. 4. a se ocupa de. fãrã ezitare. to live from hand to mouth = a trãi de azi pe mâine. under his hand and seal = semnat de propria sa mânã şi sigilat. in hand = 1.. = a anula.. on the other hand = pe de o parte . în partea dreaptã on the one hand . 4. energie / putere consumată. ruptură. 2. 2. rest. bucată rămasă. bucată ( de pânză). defect. a ţine închis . plasture. a poposi. a se opri. 2. în discuţie. II. 6. 2. a comanda. = program de întreţinere. trace/diagnostic routine n. to handle v. a elimina. = oprire. = I. a restrânge (subiectul etc. 2. bandaj. limită. a perfecţiona. cu îndrãznealã. n. (aici) a corecta. 2. = tipărituri source code = cod sursă flaw n. putere de alimentare. 7. = 1. a pune la punct. out of hand = dintr-o datã. cu aroganţã. a very clear hand = un scris foarte clar. pată. a discuta. graniţă. a îmbunătăţi.. 4. 4. = admisie. off hand = pe neaşteptate. halt n. with a high hand = 1.. spaţiu verde. în ascuns. LEXICAL COMMENTARY Phrases / idioms with the word HAND done by hand = fãcut de mânã. to delete v. from hand to hand = din mânã în mânã. a înceta să se mişte. to bear a hand = a da o mânã de ajutor. on hand = în mânã. detectarea erorilor. raion. 5. = 1. hand in hand = în deplin acord cu. a limita. zonă. II. hotar. hands off! = jos mâinile! hands up! = sus mâinile! hand in hand = mânã în mânã. input n. my hand is out = mi-am pierdut îndemânarea. to take into one's hands = a lua în mâinile sale. a se face un popas. a face negoţ cu/de. pe de altã parte. 2. modern. punct slab. 208 . a manipula. interval scurt (de timp). a amenda (un text. dry run n. to fall into the hands of = a cãdea în mâinile cuiva. with a heavy hand = cu duritate. crăpătură. 8. a manevra. alimentare. = 1. apriva de libertate. fisură. 5. un proiect de lege). a rezolva. at hand = la îndemânã. = program de diagnoză.compilation listing = listă de compilare debugging n. a face să funcţioneze. a se opri din mers. a închide. 2. a conduce. a dirifa. 1. închisoare. under hand = pe sub mânã. a purta. absorţie. 3. on the right hand = pe mâna dreaptã. 2. prints n. patch. cu asprime. 3. hand-to-hand fight = luptã corp la corp. furnizare. a trata. 3. = punerea la punct a programului. 4. Underline the most appropriate word in each sentence. Erorile logice se pot detecta numai în timpul execuţiei programului (at running time). Which are the types of error that may occur and what are they due to? 3. 8. This small vacuum cleaner is motivate/powered/run by batteries. Oh dear the lights have gone off! The cable/fuse/safety must have gone. They are talking about film stars. 13. Nobody is watching that soap-opera now.B. 9. Is debugging confined to programs? II. How can programs be corrected? 6. 5. modificând programul. 209 . 1. The electrician twisted the wires together using a pair of hammers/chisels/pliers. I’m going out with my girlfriend tonight. The hair-drier is fitted with a three point cable/plug/socket. Which methods are used for error diagnosis? 5. 6. Programe speciale de punere la punct (debuggers) simplifică mult corectarea erorilor. as an electrical/electricity/electrician y1electrician engineer. Explain how errors are detected. 11. Tom is drinking the sixth glass of wine this evening. după ce a fost încărcat în memorie. 7. Translate into English: Punerea la punct a programului înseamnă găsirea. Odată ce eroarea a fost detectată. Ask questions to the underlined parts of the following sentences: This man is singing pop music. IV. Principalele două tipuri de erori de programe sunt erori logice şi erori sintactice. diagnosticarea şi corectarea erorilor. III. EXERCISES I. The appliance is powered by a small electric engine/machine/motor. 2. I’m looking for my shoes. Don't touch that wire! It's live/lively/living. I can't undo this nut. 2. I need a larger bolt/screwdriver/spanner. She’s wearing the new fur coat tonight. Can you lend me that cassette? I want to record/transcribe/write it. Se pot aplica corecţii programului în timpul execuţiei. 12. He’s going to the office by tube today. The good thing about this knife is that the blade/point/edge can be replaced 14. 4. The lead/plug/wire isn't long enough. 3. cauza ei trebuie să fie aflată şi apoi se corectează. Jim has just started work. Reading and comprehension: 1. I buy coffee beans and put them in a grinder/mixer/blender. Define the term “debugging”. Acest tip de erori se corectează foarte uşor. I can't use my drill here. She is feeling fine now. Erorile sintactice sunt detectate de către compilator care indică şi instrucţiunea din codul sursă care a produs această eroare. The set wouldn't work because there was a faulty connection/joint/link. That woman is at you. 10. Turn off the mains first in case you get a/an impact/jolt/shock. PART III GRAMMAR (THEORY AND PRACTICE) . instantaneous actions: . regularly. Geographical or mathematical statements: Bacău lies on the Bistriţa. Interrogative [the auxiliary to do + subject + the short infinitive of the main verb]: Do I learn? Do you learn? Does he/she learn? II. Definitions: What is a nymph? Nymphs often accompany various gods and goddesses c. seldom. frequently.1. He always smokes a cigarette after breakfast. b. ever.Step-by-step instructions and demonstrations (recipes or magicians): 211 . THE INDICATIVE MOOD 1. sometimes. The earth moves round the earth. I place this flower into the hat and look.III. twice a day/ week/ month/ year …. Affirmative [the form coincides with the short infinitive. usually. A rolling stone gathers no moss. occasionally. USES Present Simple is used to express: a. THE VERB III. never. from time to time. as a rule. f. except the 3rd person singular. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. a particular event that refers to a particular moment of time. normally. d. Man is mortal. THE PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE A. g. every day/ week/ month/ year. which adds an -s]: I/ you/ we/ they learn he/ she learns b. General timeless statements (eternal truths): Every solution breeds new problems. during an interval. FORM a. generally. whenever. often. hardly ever. rarely. a rabbit pops out.1. Proverbs and sayings: Still waters run deep. 1.1. My mother seldom drives our car. Despair gives courage to a coward.1. e. The adverbs of frequency include the following: always. habits/repeated actions with a given frequency. Negative [the auxiliary to do + not + the short infinitive of the main verb]: I/you/we/they do not (don’t) learn he/ she does not (doesn’t) learn c. the action fixed in advance is supposed to happen in the future: .): Here comes the winner! There goes our train! h. -subordinate clauses of time and condition: My son will look after his little sister while I am away. Tomorrow is Tuesday. = Gheaţa se topeşte la soare.Special exclamatory sentences (with initial adverbials: here. Ways of translating a. we’ll go to the cinema.] III.To get to the station you go straight on to the traffic lights. [uttered by the bridegroom during a marriage ceremony] I name this ship Lady./ Avion prăbuşit în Paris.Stage directions involve the theatrical quality of the instantaneous present in stage rhetoric: George enters the room and draws the curtain. . 212 . = Voi culege cireşele dacă mă va ruga/ mă roagă. We drink coffee every morning. then you turn left First I take a bowl and break two eggs into it. = Bem cafea în fiecare dimineaţă. c. She prepares for her party when she is interrupted by Peter Walsh… (V. etc. [Avionul s-a prăbuşit în Paris.Woolf) . in story-telling with a past reference Clarissa Dalloway goes out to buy flowers for a party she is to have at her house. indicativ prezent: Ice melts in the sun. I’ll phone you when I get home. = Îţi voi da telefon când voi ajunge/ ajung acasă.planned activities where the idea of certainty is implied: We leave London at 11:00 next Monday and arrive in Paris at 14:00. b. . with future reference.Performatives imply the fact that “the uttering of the sentence is the doing of an action” – Austin (1975: 5). i.Sport commentaries: The player hits and the ball goes straight into the audience. She returns tomorrow morning. viitor sau prezent (adverbial clauses of time and condition): I will pick up the cherries if he asks me. If your cousin comes here tomorrow. down. = Am aflat/ am auzit că şi-a pierdut copilaş newspaper headlines in order to draw the attention of the reader: Plane crashes in Paris. I do (take this woman to be my lawful wedded wife).officially planned actions (timetables. next I fry the eggs … . up. statements about the calendar) that refer to events regarded as immutable: The train for London leaves at six. School starts in September. there. . perfect compus (historic present – verbs of linguistic communication): I hear she lost her baby. [uttered by the captain when smashing the bottle against the stem] . It is the most usual way of expressing one’s immediate plans: What are you doing tomorrow? I’m meeting my friend. 213 . A proper result – accomplishment – would be that the glass is empty.incompletion: She’s drinking a glass of milk. The idea of immediate present is often emphasized by just and now: The children are sleeping now. When the verbs that designate states are used in the progressive they are interpreted as a form of behavior/ activity]. [states used in the Simple Present Tense signify a permanent trait. to express an action happening at the moment of speaking (the action spanning from past to future is incomplete at the moment of speaking and is still taking place). The pupil is just writing the exercise. Affirmative (the present tense of the auxiliary verb to be + the present participle – V+ing) [see Appendix II for the spelling of the present participle]: I am learning you/ we/ they are learning he/ she is learning b. irritation. to express a meaning of annoyance. but the progressive shows exactly this lack of completion. while cooks shows a permanent habit. but today he is being rude. In this case the verbs are usually combined with such adverbs as: always. [the habit is temporary. but today I’m cooking. THE PRESENT TENSE PROGRESSIVE A.2.1. Negative I am not learning you are not learning he/ she is not learning c. My mother usually cooks lunch. sarcasm associated with a habit.temporariness: She’s singing. b. It indicates that the duration of the action is limited.] I. to create a contrast between a temporary action and an action usually performed (habitual present) and to show that the repetition takes place over a limited period. FORM a. [a temporary activity that has a limited duration] . From this brief definition we infer that the meaning of the progressive reveals the following concepts: . continually. constantly: You are always borrowing money from me.] John is a polite young boy. to express a definite action planned for the near future. Interrogative Am I learning? Are you learning? Is he/she learning? II USES The Present Tense Progressive is used: a. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The progressive aspect shows a situation that is in progress. Those children are constantly making noise.1. It anticipates the action thus having a future time reference. [the temporary activity is not complete. c. d. they imply duration: The player is kicking the ball. the semelfactive ones. with activities/ processes (to get or to grow) to express a transition from one state to another taking place over a period: It’s getting dark.viitor/ prezent What are you doing tomorrow? = Ce vei face/ faci mâine? 214 . (→I’m hoping is preferred to I hope as the latter leaves little room for polite refusal) f. = Permanent aruncă vina pe mine. which describe momentary events. indicativ prezent They are not doing their homework now. Ways of translating the Present Tense Progressive into Romanian a. se uită la TV.e. (the emotional use linked to the progressive is rendered into Romanian by an emphasis on the adverb rather than on the verb) b. they are watching TV. I will not disturb her if she is learning. He’s growing older and older. for an action intended to be polite as it shows lack of commitment: I’m hoping you’ll give the book to John. to express an action in a subordinate clause of time or condition: The child will play in the garden while his mother is cooking dinner. III. He is nodding approval. g. h. ⁄ He is continually finding fault with me. When used in the progressive. = Ei nu-şi fac temele acum. with achievements. c) does appear 10. c) aren’t we III. You are always … 2. It is well known that rice … in Britain. (See) the doctor this afternoon? 5. b) is appearing. c) likes 3. c) doesn’t grow 8. I (see) what you mean! You can’t join us today as you (feel) ill. 2. How much …? 6. I (walk) to school every day. How he (feel) now? You (think) of going to see him at the hospital? 6. Bread costs 10 000 lei in Romania. He (work) very hard at the moment and (deserve) to succeed.This room … 3. a) is going. b) goes. We live in Manchester and I don’t understand why my daughter … to London so often. What’s your opinion about the new book published by the University? What do…? 5. but in China. b) is getting. I … the answers to the test we are going to take tomorrow. My younger brother … 4. 8. c) does not go 9. b) Does it. Apricots (ripe) in early summer. but today as I am late I (go) by bus. II. b) is growing. My friend (come) to see us next month. 7. 10. c) Is it 7. My younger brother keeps on bothering me. 3. c) gets 4. If … 215 . Both of us … 7. Rephrase the following sentences so as the meaning stays the same: 1. b) is liking. In case of accident call the police. … true that Julia speaks four languages fluently? a) It is. There is a smell of roses in this room. b) we do. How many cups of coffee … every day? a) you drink. We constantly (see) you outside the cinema. b) do know. a) doesn’t like. 9. I’m annoyed because you lose your pocket money every time I give it to you. a) know. I (love) the roses you sent me. c) do you drink 2. a) will get. EXERCISES I. trust me. She always (complain) about something. He … to be a little stupid.B. he … comedy. I like watching football matches and so does my girlfriend. I can keep an eye on your children till your husband … back. and they (smell) wonderful. 4. b) do you visit. c) don’t know 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or Present Progressive Tense: 1. Even if Phil is a serious person. a) grows. Can you tell me how often … your dentist? a) you visit. Choose the correct form of the verb: 1. c) are you visiting 5. b) you do drink. Look at these pictures! Why … buy one for your father? a) don’t we. isn’t he? a) appears. I (doubt) if they (understand) what you (talk) about. to rent. Does his brother knows that you are going to leave the town without paying the debt? 2. Fill in the blanks with the following verbs. I …. (to feel) 10. Diana … 10. (to feel) VI. See you soon. it …. The sun … 9. to deal. 8.. at a hotel in Athens and I …. Most of the time I …. Dear Sally. them off. in the summer. Still. 10.. it’ll be different when the tourist season …. I . better slowly... to begin.. next month. the water for coffee in a special pot. (to boil) 2. She . a villa there for the summer.. . She . to live. 5. to be too demanding.. to suppose. Jenny 216 . to a scientific broadcast. to get.. inquiries. using Present Tense Simple or Progressive: to start.. to get busier. The weather’s not particularly good – as a matter of fact. not to seem. naughty. Come and make the coffee! The water . I …. Don’t interrupt them! They . I …. 3. to come. quite a lot of sightseeing. with his nose. At the moment I …. all right. to stay.. Next week I …. More and more people … IV. They are saying the earth is going round the sun. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs: 1. at the moment. I . Usually she . forward to it already. But I …. Christmas is coming in December. just to let you know that I’ve arrived and that everything is fine. which should be nice. (to see) 6. The job ….. The number of people who own expensive cars is increasing.. Even now the restaurants …. A man . Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 1... He usually plays tennis after breakfast. to do. to write. (to be) 9. He is always going to work at 7 o’clock in the morning. Don’t shout that loud! I . You cook lunch right now and then you rest. Diana and her grandmother are exactly alike.8.. Sunrise is at 5:30 tomorrow morning. and I’m sure it’ll be fine when you …. to move. (to hear) 3. Wait a minute. will you? I .. (to listen) 4. a very quiet child but now she . these lovely flowers.. 7. (to smell) 8. the silk to see how soft it is. I can’t answer the phone. you very well. to rain.. to look. Are you liking coffee or tea? 9.. (to smell) 7. but today he plays football. Here is coming your husband! 4. to answer. Can you give me your pen? Or do you use it? V. (to boil) 5.. 6. with bookings and …... I write a letter to Mary. to the island of Crete which is where most of the people in the company …. Love. it …. Tatăl meu rareori se uită la televizor duminica. 1 cup ketchup. 1/4 cup prepared mustard. turning ribs once. De ce deschizi uşa cuptorului de atâtea ori? Lasă prăjitura să se coacă! 217 . You are a reliable person. and stir. 1/8 teaspoon salt DIRECTIONS: 1. 9. 1/2 cup packed brown sugar. brown sugar. 9. vinegar. 2. for all I know. and grill 8 minutes. and salt. 7. Totul este bine când se termină cu bine. Translate the recipe and comment upon the uses of the verbs: Southern Grilled Barbecued Ribs INGREDIENTS: 4 pounds baby back pork ribs. Preheat grill for medium heat. Worcestershire sauce. Noi nu mergem aproape niciodată la operă din păcate. 4. 1 cup water. Pour water and vinegar into a bowl. but I occasionally take the half past seven tram. bring to a boil. IX. and simmer barbeque sauce for 1 hour. I am free this afternoon because I don’t have to work on holidays. Pour diluted vinegar over ribs and cover with foil. Turn ribs. Întotdeauna îmi arde pantalonul când îl calcă! 3. 4. 3. 1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce. We sit on this bench two hours every Sunday. În vreme ce musafirii vorbesc despre vreme. mustard. butter.” 6. Reduce heat to low. 2. le turnăm ceai în pantofi. 1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce. and grill 8 minutes. copiii. 10. Mai bine luăm autobuzul. We clean our car before leaving for a picnic. 2. Baste ribs generously with barbeque sauce. mix together ketchup. water. I have my English lessons at school. discarding cooking liquid. 5. You watch all the matches on TV. 3. baste again with barbeque sauce.VII. 5. Translate into English: 1. Grill over medium heat for 15 minutes. 8. Lightly oil preheated grill. 10. nu-i aşa? 8. You feel thirsty on a hot day. “You come to school on foot. Ask questions about the underlined parts of the following sentences: 1. We read only critical books. Transfer ribs from the oven to the grill. Place ribs in two roasting pans. Se simte mult mai bine acum. Baste the ribs with their juices halfway through cooking. Ce faci zilele acestea? Văruiesc bucătăria. cover. In a medium saucepan. VIII. 2/3 cup water. don’t you?” “Yes. Mergi la petrecere duminică? 7. Nu pot s-o pornesc. 4. noi. Preheat oven to 175 degrees C. hot pepper sauce. 1/3 cup vinegar. Maşina îmi face figuri astăzi. 4 tablespoons butter. I brush my teeth three times a day. Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes. 6. locations. dressed. FORM a. which implies that an event/ state definitely took place in the past and it will not happen in the present or future. Affirmative [-ed for regular verbs. etc. 1955.3. it shows an action often done in the past (habit). b.1. hurried to the bus stop and caught a bus to the station. [it is a matter of cultural knowledge that Vincent van Gogh is a historical personage (a famous Dutch post-impressionst painter) who was born. put his coat on. after which he produced over 1. [the implicature is that he is no longer a child]. a few hours/minutes/years ago. shaved. He did not become a painter until the age of 27. had breakfast.1. He spent all his childhood in London. They involve general knowledge about the situations described. thus referring to a certain sequence. the 2nd form in the dictionary for irregular verbs] (see Appendix I for the pronunciation of ed and spelling rules of regular verbs) I/ You/ He/ She/ We/ You/ They walked/ saw/ ran b. a long time ago.500 oil-paintings and drawings before committing suicide. in 34 BC. frequently. went downstairs. in 1995. with adverbs that express frequency. once upon a time. during the war.) Vincent van Gogh was born in Holland. USES The Past Tense Simple is used: a. worked and finally died. at the turn of the century. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. got out of bed. = He used to spend all his childhood in London. such as: everyday. last night/week/month/year. to show an event at past reference: • Immediate situation (domestic sitations where the adverb of time could be implied) He woke up (at seven in the morning). washed. Interrogative [auxiliary did + subject + the short infinitive of the main verb] Did I/ You/ He/ She/ We/ You/ They walk? Did I/ You/ He/ She/ We/ You/ They go? II. He left the army in 1945 and settled down in Australia. THE PAST TENSE SIMPLE A. 218 . unlike the paraphrase with would. • Larger situation (in historical or bibliographical statements about specific persons. often. We had water melon everyday. on October 24th. the other day They arrived yesterday.] Actions are completed at a definite point in the past (when the time is given): Yesterday. or objects. once. Negative [auxiliary did + not + the short infinitive of the main verb] I/ You/ He/ She/ We/ You/ They did not walk (didn’t walk) I/ You/ He/ She/ We/ You/ They did not go (didn’t go) c. It can be paraphrased by means of used to. We bought this car five years ago. = Irene mi-a spus că scrie o poezie. imperfect (with habitual past. want. please?) Did you want to see me now? I wondered if you could help me. Negative [Past Tense of the auxiliary to be + not + Present Participle (V+ing)] He was not walking when he met her. = Bătuse/ bătu. Affirmative [Past Tense of the auxiliary to be + Present Participle (V+ing)] He was walking in the park when he met her. She stood there motionless. attitudinal past or if the verb is lexically durative) He often went fishing when he was a child. intră şi apoi trânti uşa. It occurs in everyday conversation and the Simple Past Tense has present time reference. The same polite use can be rendered by past modal forms with present or future reference (Could you help me for a moment? Would you come this way. c. III. d. THE PAST TENSE PROGRESSIVE A.He would spend all his childhood in Lodon. = A sunat la sonerie şi a deschis uşa/ Sună la sonerie şi deschise uşa. USES The Present Progressive Tense has the following uses: 219 . = Mă gândeam poate mergem să vedem un film. 1. b. so a possible future interpretation] c. perfect compus/ perfect simplu He rang the bell and opened the door. b. FORM a. wonder It is considered to be more polite than the present tense.1. entered and slammed the door. being most often associated with politeness. think. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. [the implicature is that he was still a child at the moment of speaking.4. indicativ prezent Irene told me that she wrote a poem. mai mult ca perfectul/ perfect simplu (to show sequence for past perfect value) She knocked. = Mergea adesea la pescuit când era copil. I thought we might go and see a movie. Ways of translating the Past Tense Simple into Romanian a. it is related to the speaker’s attitude rather than to time. c. Interrogative [Past Tense of the auxiliary to be + subject + Present Participle (V+ing)] Was he walking in the park when he met her? II. It is used with verbs such as hope. = Stătea acolo nemişcată. b. it shows is pronounced /id/ after /d/ and /t/ B. 1926) thus making the simple forms more precise: I was buying a shirt when I first met my wife [the meeting was completed within the framework of shirt-buying] It is used with adverbial structures such as: this time last week/ month/ year or with adverbial clauses of time This time last week I was flying to Paris. /m/. prezent (in direct object clauses) She told me she was writing a novel then. e. criticism of a habit My husband was forever getting into trouble. /l/. viitor (in direct object clauses) He thought he was seeing her in the evening. /f/. Spelling rules of regular verbs (Past Tense affirmative) • most verbs add -ed 220 . /ŋ/. /v/. it marks a gradual progress without any temporal marker The car was getting worse. think. c. /k/.a. Pronunciation of -ed . = Credea că o va vizita deseară. it has a polite use with verbs such as hope. [It is a case of Indirect Speech in direct object clauses. The progressive changes the meaning of the physical perception verb to see into to visit. = Mi-a spus că scrie un roman is pronounced /d/ after vowels and voiced consonants (except /d/): /b/.it is pronounced /t/ after unvoiced consonants (except /t/): /p/. b. One of the headlights was gradually falling off. When I saw him he was running away.] III. . The paraphrase could be He thought he would see her in the evening. c. /s/ etc. Appendix I A. Ways of translating into Romanian a. it shows duration of an event It happened while I was living in the countryside last year. it has a future reference in the past He thought he was seeing her in the evening. . and the engine was making more and more funny noises.= Dormeam când el a intrat. The progressive form of a verb can function as a time background when the speaker feels that the actions are framed (Poutsma. f. /g/. imperfect I was sleeping when he came in. d. /z/ etc. want. wonder it makes a request sound more polite but less definite I was wondering if you'd like to come out with me one evening. This (teach) him a bitter lesson. 5. When (you/ meet) the company accountant? 2. EXERCISES I. 7. You (feel) out of place in your suit and tie. 3. Our blood almost (freeze) in our veins. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Tense Simple: 1.travelled verbs ending in -y preceded by a vowel add -ed with no other change: to play – played to stay – stayed verbs ending in -y preceded by a consonant change -y into -i when adding -ed: to try – tried to study – studied verbs ending in c have ck before -ed: to picnic – picnicked • • • B. 4. 2. The smell of the roses (creep) into the room. 9. 6. double the consonant when adding -ed: to hop – hopped to pat – patted verbs of more than one syllable ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel double the consonant when adding ed only if the final syllable is stressed. The company (not/ disclose) how much it expects to gain from the two deals. w. The TV was on but nobody . Her parents helped with child care while she . They (wind) up the evening with a song.. Compare: to prefer – preferred and to visit – visited to omit – omitted to listen – listened Exceptions: a. One day an idea (strike) Mary. x) preceded by a single vowel. 221 . 3. to kidnap – kidnapped to handicap – handicapped b... II.. 8. Continue the following sentences using the Past Tense Progressive: 1. 10. He (stick) to his opinion. The discussion (take place) in a famous villa... My neighbour burnt his hand while he . in British English l is doubled after a short vowel even if the vowel is not stressed: to travel .• • • to visit – visited to help – helped to gain – gained verbs ending in -e add just -d to dance – danced to hope – hoped one-syllable verbs ending in a single consonant (except c. When the train (arrive) many travelers (wait) on the platform. 10. The young man (jump) on to the bus while it (run).. It was taking me a few seconds to realize I looked foolish. We saw an accident while we . 5. but then I (look) down at myself. 10. He (smile). When the reasons behind the decision were explained it was all becoming clear. At first I (not understand) his question. 3. While I (swim) someone (steal) my clothes. 5. too.. IV. 7. When the dream (begin). He read the script while she talked to the Production Director. I left the house but first I checked that I had my key. 5. When the doorbell (ring) she (sleep). We visited the States this time last year. Some of them (point) at me. 8. Suddenly I (notice) that the other people (look) at me.. After .. 2. Suddenly I (realize) that I (not have) my trousers on! That was why everybody (laugh) at me. He (stand) a long time in the darkest corner of the room. V. If I (win) a big prize in a lottery I’d give up my job. 222 . I (tell) him that it (be) very good. Use Present or Perfect Participle: 1. but then he realized he didn’t need it. I (have) a bath when the phone (ring). Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or the Past Progressive: 1. I watched TV while my sister read the magazine. Just then the waiter (come) over to me.. 2. 3. For a ruin it was in good condition. 2. 9. 8. Somebody followed her while she .. but something (stop) me... I (sit) all alone in a restaurant.. 9. What did you do when he was coming home? 7. If I am not busy I would help you.. just like everyone else. I (want) to ask him why he (smile) and why the other people (look) at me. 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or the Past Progressive: Last night I (have) a very strange dream.. He bought the book. Dave fell asleep while he . I was falling in love with anyone. As he (cross) the street he (step) on a banana skin and (fall) down. Then the waiter (ask) me if I (forget) anything. I (not understand) why... The doorbell rang while I . 10.. 4.. as though the place . I (walk) in the park quietly when a dog (attack) me.. Last summer they were spending their holiday in Switzerland.4. When the rain began they . VI. 6. Rephrase the following sentences so as the meaning stays the same. 7. Correct the mistakes: 1. Last week they were placing an advertisement in the local paper for a secretary. 9. 4. III. While I (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. She was reading while her brother . 8. 6. He (ask) me if I (enjoy) my meal. Deschise uşa încetişor. He tried to repair his car but first he checked his tools. Before .. I went out for the evening but first I went to the hairdressers’. The police were approaching the house when they saw the burglars running away. 2. Before . 10. Întotdeauna purta o servietă când mergea la birou. Before .. 5. Eu aveam toată încrederea în puterea mea... Translate into English: 1. unde nu era nimeni. fără să poată rosti un cuvânt. While . care nici nu-l luă în seamă. pe urmă îl strânse în braţe cu ochii scăldaţi în lacrimi. cum toate cărţile pe care am vrut să le citesc. Cum tot cearşaful şi perna erau prea calde. 4.. n-avem prea multă grijă. She was skiing in Sinaia and met her friend Mary. John was parking the car when he noticed the flat tyre. 8.... 3. Ce făceai? 7.. After .. While . 4.. 9. întotdeauna îşi cumpăra haine noi. but then she fell asleep. mi se păreau uscate... 10. Din păcate.. aşa că nu am vorbit decât foarte puţin. Păreai foarte ocupat când te-am întâlnit aseară. 3. Bunica încremeni o clipă. After . ca un om care pleacă la drum ştiut periculos pentru că se simte în stare să se apere.. VII.. He bought a new car but first he checked all the prices. Era foarte extravagantă.. 7. trecu prin sufragerie. 6. While . am coborât către ora cinci în grădină.. She cleaned the house. 6. În timp ce musafirii se distrau hoţii au intrat în casă şi le-au furat hainele de blană. 5. când eu am sosit Ana tocmai pleca. 223 . 8.Before . 9. şi se strecură printre o mulţime de lume necunoscută. I took a pil land then I felt much better. Când am intrat în muzeu am văzut multe tablouri impresionante. often. Affirmative [the present tense of the auxiliary ‘to have’ + the Past Participle of the main verb]: she/he/it has already worked. . ever. [They solved the problem a few minutes ago. It is used with adverbs of time such as yet and still. for an uncompleted action that one is expecting. for an action which is just completed but the resulting state is still present. The murderer hasn’t confessed his crime yet. [The action of washing the three 224 . an action begun in the past but still continuing to the present moment. THE PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE A. Using the Present Perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the result of the respective action. My mother has washed three shirts today. this morning/ week/ month/ year. while adverbs of time such as today. suggest a limited experience. I/you/we/they have not/haven’t eaten c.] d. Interrogative: Has he/she/it eaten…?.] Only just expresses surprise or impatience: My pen has run out again. for expresses a completed period of time: I have known him for two years. Just and already are the most common adverbs of time used to express a recently completed action: They’ve just solved the problems. b. The Continuative Present Perfect can show: . The Past Tense is also used but it shows that the action has no connection with the present. [The result that is expected implies the murderer’s confession. USES The Present Perfect Simple is used: a.] I talked with him for two years. c.For denotes a length of time till now.] He has been courting Ann for seven years now.1. b. But you've only just filled it.Since denotes from some definite point/ period in the past till now. seldom.a state leading up to the present: This hut has been deserted for three days/ a long time/ for ages. Cynthia has not visited us since yesterday /Tuesday /1998 / her son left for Canada. . Negative: she/he/it has not/ hasn’t eaten. I/you/we/they have taken a test. FORM a. Have I/you/we/they eaten…? II.1. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. Adverbs of indefinite time or expressing frequency (never. but only with non-continuous verbs.5. When it is used with the simple past tense. [I still know him. This use of the Present Perfect shows indefinite event(s) in a period leading up to the present moment. [but I don't talk with him any longer. always) are used for general experiences. but he has not still asked her to marry him. = Bem bere de zece minute. Compare the following sentences: We drink beer every evening.] My mother has been washing my brother’s shirts today. FORM a. Negative: she/he/it has not/hasn't been working.] My mother washed three shirts today. The action of washing the three shirts is completed. The curvy blonde revealed she has fallen head over heels for the ex-Manchester United Star.] e. I/you/we/they have not/ haven’t been working c. introduce an action which will then be described in the simple past tense: Abi Titmussi has admitted she is smitten with hunky Lee Sharpe. Interrogative: has she/he/it been working? Have I/you/we/they been working? 225 . The emphasis is on achievement. so the Present Perfect denotes an incomplete period of time. We have been drinking beer for ten minutes. = Ei nu m-au văzut din1983.= Bem bere în fiecare seară.6. indicativ prezent: We’ve been here since the beginning of the show. 1. THE PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE A. The emphasis is on duration. Ways of translating a. in adverbial clauses of time in order to express a future action. I/you/we/they have been working b. but not the action of washing shirts because the day is not over. = Bem bere acum. [has been washing = the Present Perfect Progressive. The Romanian indicativ prezent is the translation both for the Present Tense Simple/ Progressive and the Present Perfect Simple and Progressive. and so it is the action of washing for today because the day is almost over. [washed = the Past Tense Simple.1.shirts is completed. in adverbial clauses of condition: John will go home if his wife has cooked dinner. = Suntem aici de la începutul spectacolului. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. in newspapers and broadcasts . perfect compus: They haven’t seen me since 1983. b. Affirmative [the present tense of the auxiliary ‘to have’ + the Past Participle of the auxiliary ‘be’+ the Present Participle of the main verb]: She/he/it has been working. We will ring you as soon as/ after he has come back from work g. (Online Star – 21 Jun 2005) III. We are drinking beer now. prior to the one represented by a future tense in the main clause: We will paint the fence after we have had lunch. Since and for . 226 . but for more permanent actions the simple forms are preferred: She has been living in my flat for the last month. You have been fighting again. I have been demanding an explanation for hours but nobody has yet dared to speak up.non-durative activities (processes) used in the progressive get an iterative interpretation.] Who has eaten my dinner? [All my dinner is gone.My parents have lived in Bacău all their lives. we have been feeling rather tired with his haughtiness. Ever since I was a child. He doesn’t live in London anymore. I have been living in the same house. [lived .to express more temporary actions and situations.] c. to show that the action is not completed.the adverbs of time recently and lately. Who has been eating my dinner? [Some of my dinner is left.II. The Present Perfect Progressive can be used without a duration such as for ten minutes. to convey feelings of irritation. b. to suggest that one can see. whereas used in the Simple Present Perfect describe rather one single instantaneous situation: Someone has knocked at the door.] . [they are still living in London] . [I can tell from your black eye. It can be used with habits (recurrent events): She has been teaching this class since Christmas. this tense offers a more general meaning of lately in order to enhance this meaning. to show duration from the past until now. [Look. USES The Present Perfect Progressive is used: a. hear. her eyes are red.] d.] She has been crying. Without these precise durations.the Past Tense Simple. and since morning. She has been lying about her whereabouts lately. smell. . Recently. [the activity of knocking is still going on] It can be used with: . [the activity of knocking stopped] Someone has been knocking at the door.Observe the use of the progressive aspect with how long and of the simple aspect with how many: How long have you been waiting for her? How many hours have you waited for her? . He lived in London for two years. or feel the results of an action that has recently stopped. 4. …… you brought me that dog my cat hasn't turned up yet. …. “(you / ever/ visit) Switzerland?” “Yes. I (visit) it twice.. 7. the end of last year. for quite a long time now”. I (see) her when I (arrive) in the office. 2. Give an alternative for the following sentences: 1.III. 227 . 9. They began eating Chinese food several years ago. 3. 3. The window got broken last week. III. They have been eating since five o’clock. Complete the conversations using the present perfect simple or the past simple of the verb in brackets. 7. b. They don't think much of him as a policeman: he hasn't caught a burglar ……… at least seven years. It's a long time since we had diner at the Decebal. “Really? How long (you/ know) him?” “Oh. Elizabeth II became queen in 1952. I (not/ have) any breakfast this morning and I (not/ have) time to go out for anything to eat this afternoon. 8. She began wearing glasses a month ago. We haven't seen a good film …. 1. It's years since we went to a movie. 4. she's had nightmares every night. in fact not … we went to see The Titanic together. They went to the park once last week. 3. Ways of translating a. you last quarrelled with anybody! 2. It's over a fortnight since he went to the barber's. indicativ prezent They have been widening the road for one week. It seems like years ……. 10. Complete the following sentences with for or since. 5. (It’s the middle of the afternoon) I’m really hungry. perfect compus Who has been eating my cake? = Cine mi-a mâncat din prăjitură? Perfectul compus + adverbs to render the speaker's emotions: He's been drinking wine again! = Bineînţeles că iar a băut vin! [That is why he’s tired/ drunk. 8. It's a long time ……. 2. EXERCISES I. “ When (you/ first/ meet) him?” “I (meet) him at Christies eight years ago”. you cooked a really delicious meal. = Mănâncă de la ora 5. It's over a month since I went to their place. but she (go) out soon afterwards”. 6. Petrol has become more and more expensive …. ”I know Mr Robinson”. the past ten days . ten days ago. 4. She went shopping twice last week. at least two months.] B. (It’s 10 o’clock in the morning) “(you/ see) Mrs Carter this morning?” “Yes. ……. 1. I (visit) it two years ago. I've been feeling rather depressed. and once when I (be) a child”. they came. 6. II. = Lărgesc strada. 5. Why you (be) so long in the garage? 9. I am sitting for my portrait … the last six months but the artist hasn't finished it yet.. ‘How old is your sister?’ ‘She’s 20.. you…. He's been sleeping soundly … ten hours! IV. the police will start searching the thieves. I (know) it for ages! 4. You (read) ever Shakespeare in the original? 3.. Choose the correct variant: 1. 4.9. twins. A) fell B) has fallen C) has falen D) felled 8.. in touch with my brother for three weeks. After the clock ….. how to play chess? A) does he ever knows B) has he ever known C) did you ever know D) does he ever know. I ( pump) them up. A) has been grief-struck B) is grief-stricken C) has been grief-stricken D) was grief-stricken. The hen …. 10. He …. …. 5.’ ‘She (read) Shakespeare as a child?’ 2. his leg last week and since then he ….. He …... A) has called B) has been calling C) called D) is calling. Use the present perfect simple or progressive for the verbs in brackets: 1. A) bears B) has born C) has borne D) bore. It was a terrible earthquake a few minutes ago. 9. . 3. She (cough) a lot lately.. Since his wife died. just an egg on the straw of the stable. 228 . Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate tense: 1. A) was B) don’t be C) haven’t been D) have been . 10. That's why you are tired. It’s the first time in our family when a woman ….. 10. He must have fallen asleep. your own house? A) did you paint B) do you paint C) have you been painting D) are you painting. It (rain) for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on. V. so the match (be) postponed. down with a sudden crash.. his fiancée four times this week. He (lie) under that nut-tree for ages. It’s three weeks since I last spoke with my brother... he ever …. 7. eight. 5. 6. 2. VI. That's not new. 6. You (hear) the news? Cynthia and Paul are engaged! 3. A) has breaked B) has broken C) broke D) breaked / A) lay B) has lain C) has been laying D) has been lying. The tyres were flat. He told me that his elder brother (dig) a hole for three hours in order to find the treasure. in bed. 2. You must wake him. The tree in front of our house …. She (sleep) on every bed in this house and she doesn't like any of them. 8. 4.. It’s Sunday evening and he gave up calling her. so I …. How long …. She ought to give up smoking. You (walk). he …. They (walk) for three hours. 7. A) laid B) has lain C) lay D) has laid. They (walk) ten miles. A) will strike B) has been striking C) strikes D) has struck. 2.' 4. Already the sun’s energy is being put to limited use in homes and buildings around the world. my mom asked. Întreab-o pe Maria'. ’That’s as easy as falling off a log’. Ce fata harnică eşti! Ai terminat toată treaba aşa că te odihneşti acum. Translate into Romanian and identify the verbs underlined: 1. ’How long you (put up with) this chatterbox?’ ’Since I (get) married’. ’Why you (not help) yourselves?’. Since the legendary Prometheus first stole the fire of heaven. pe când eu. The table (lay) 20 minutes ago. After having heard (you have heard) an expert.'Nu ştiu nimic. pene şi frunze să-şi facă un cuib unde să clocească ouăle. She will be glad after her marriage (take) place. (National Geographic) VIII. To the uninitiated. Niciodată n-am mai întâlnit un om aşa de generos ca el! 8. Îşi dau întâlniri pe holurile universităţii de când sunt în anul I.' 10. but he still (have) a way of attracting the opposite sex. cred. se tot ceartă mereu. a panel of drug experts working for the US Food and Drug Administration has been analyzing the ingredients of these patent medicines to see if they really live up to their advertising. 7.(The Sunday Post) 2. N-am băut cafea azi dimineaţă şi mă doare teribil capul. (National Geographic) 4. 5. sărăcuţa. Nu mi-ai adresat nici un cuvânt de când am păşit pragul acestei case. 6. Acest castel era nu de mult o ruină. virtually all energy consumed by man has been fathered by the sun.'Păi. 10. ’Ce drum plin de gropi!' . The police (search) for it since then but no bomb (find) yet. He always (love) by women. you may think. toată ziua: a adunat beţişoare. 229 . but up to now he never (follow) it. I’m quite upset. (Newsweek) 3. 8. 'De când se întâlnesc?' . He always (ask) for my advice. 9. But for three years. cât mai am de lucru! 7. 6. (National Geographic) 5. 9. He may be 50. I (not know) what you (wait) for. A muncit. The blame for this situation has been laid at the door of the current status and mood of society. 'De când nu se mai înţeleg?' 'De vreun an. 3.5. VII. n-a mai fost reparat de vreo doi ani. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. We (get) a phone call 15 minutes ago and a man (yell) that there (be) a bomb in our building. making a speech carries with it a certain glamour. dar de când se amenajează parcul parcă arată altfel. to express a past action that becomes the background for another action in the past. before. Mr. so I couldn’t read. states or habits anterior to a time of orientation in the past: Even if she looked like an English girl. [habitual meaning in the past] . and as soon as that introduce adverbial clauses of time. a Simple Past Tense is preferred for the target verb as well as for the verb showing the point of reference: Mary said some rather horrible things to me and I felt pretty upset. We can use it with the following conjunctions: when. until. [event meaning. having a resultative use] Mr. Interrogative [the Past Tense of the auxiliary have + subject + Past Participle of the verb] Had I / hadn’t I forgotten? II.1. Events. once. Woods had heard the news.7.1. [state meaning] I had broken my glasses. but I was prevented from doing so. to expect. FORM a. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. to mean (= to intend)or to want We had hoped that you would be able to get that contract. intention or desire that was not realised. I reached the company after Mr. USES a. he had worked a lot for this company. THE PAST PERFECT SIMPLE A. I had meant / intended to call on our bankers. b.“Cause-effect” use – the situation related to the point of reference relevant for the Past Perfect can be interpreted as the cause for the action expressed through a Past Tense (target verb). 230 . Negative [the Past Tense of the auxiliary have + not + Past Participle of the verb] I had not / I hadn’t forgotten c. to intend. Pitt shouldn’t have sacked John. after. she had been a true-born French. expectation. Woods (had) heard the news before I reached the company. now that. Affirmative [the Past Tense of the auxiliary have + Past Participle of the verb] I had forgotten/ I’d forgotten b. thus showing a sequence of events. I felt pretty upset because of the horrible things Mary had said to me. She had thought of paying us a visit but the bad weather made her change her plans. to express a past hope. This use can be found in narrative texts. Woods had heard the news. It is used with verbs such as to hope. I didn’t reach the company until after Mr. [the effect of me being upset was caused by what Mary had said.] When the events are presented in the order in which they happened. c. = Îl cunoşteam pe Romeo dar nu l-am văzut/ nu-l văzusem de când m-am căsătorit. b.• In adverbial clauses of time in order to express a future action that takes place before another action expressed by a Future-in-the-Past: She told me1/ she would pay me a visit2/ after I had come back from the city3/. = A spus că-i va da o broşa de aur după ce se vor căsători. [a habit in the past = recurrent event] Ken gave up smoking two years ago. FORM a. • In adverbial clauses of time introduced by restrictive adverbs such as hardly/ barely/ scarcely/ no sooner. Ways of translating the Past Perfect Simple into Romanian a. Woods had been working for 30 years when he finally retired in 1995. 1. Affirmative [the past tense of to have + been – past participle . viitor: He said he would give her a gold brooch after they had got married. No sooner had the curtain fallen than they rose to go.8. ‘I have already read the report’. perfect simplu: He started the car after he had checked the engine. we can say that something had been happening for a period of time before something else happened). (IS) III. c.I was told that they had left the Stock Exchange a few months before / earlier / previously. which had been in progress up to a past moment (in other words.(IS) ‘They left the Stock Exchange a few months ago'.She told me that she had already read the report. Hardly / scarcely had I entered the door when the telephone rang. = Şoferul porni maşina după ce verifică motorul.+ present participle of the verb]: I had been/ I’d had been waiting for Ann since two o’clock. the past action is shown to be finished a little time before another past action. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. Each adverb triggers inversion in the subordinate clause and it has a correlative in the main clause. 231 . c. b. perfect compus/ mai-mult-ca-perfect: I knew Romeo but I hadn't seen him since my marriage. USES The Past Perfect Progressive is used: a. The Past Perfect is common in reported/ indirect speech to express a Present Perfect or a Past Tense from Direct Speech. d. THE PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE A. Interrogative: Had he been/ hadn’t he been waiting for us? II. Mr. Negative: I had not been/ I hadn’t been waiting for you. (DS) .1. He had been smoking for 17 years. to show an activity or event. (DS) . (I. c. in Indirect Speech. (D. It does not express a frequently repeated situation (habit meaning) in the past. mai-mult-ca-perfect/ perfect compus/ perfect simplu (in narrative texts): Mr.S) III.S) “Have you been crying?” (D. (I. Ways of translating into Romanian a.S)Ann explained to her friend that that she had been reading a novel at six o’clock. to convey the speaker’s emotions of irritation . [the result is his blue eye]. = Conduceam de douăzeci de minute când am rămas fără benzină. Woods had been working for 30 years when he finally retired in 1995. Ann told to her friend. c. They had been working since eleven o’clock. = A spus că o aşteaptă pe prietena ei de o jumătate de oră.The children explained to their teacher that they had been taking English courses for two years. [besides the meaning of an action that seems to have been happening for a long time. b.] d. as the two sentences above:: I had been waiting for her for half an hour when she finally arrived. perfect compus (for the emotional use): I had been trying for hours to get our customer in Baghdad on the phone. b. we might sense a tone of irritation] d. She told me that her son had been fighting. [This emotional use is rendered in Romanian by placing the adverb of time at the beginning of the sentence.S). (D. = Domnul Woods lucrase/ a lucrat/ lucră timp de 30 de ani când în cele din urmă s-a pensionat/ se pensionă în 1995. they explained to their teacher. to show that the effect of the action is still apparent.She was asked whether she had been crying. prezent: She said she had been waiting for her friend for half an hour.• To underline the continuity of a past action up to a past moment or just before it.S) . = Ore întregi am încercat să-l prind la telefon pe clientul nostru în Baghdad. 232 .S) ‘We have been taking English classes for two years’. in order to express a Past Tense Progressive or a Present Perfect Progressive from Direct Speech: ‘I was reading a novel at six o’clock yesterday’. (I. I had been trying for hours to get our customer in Baghdad on the phone. imperfect: I had been driving for twenty minutes when I ran out of petrol. 8. Mary came top in the final examination. It was his first flight. I (look) everywhere for ideas since I failed to hand in that project. lunch when he came home from work early. complete each sentence with a suitable verb in the Past Perfect Simple or Progressive. Ann boasted that her boss …………. (be) We ………… 233 . Then she took a hot bath. Henry came home from work early. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable past tense (Past Tense or Past Perfect): 1. His mother was worried and she told him off when he got in. He (always / look) so young. Use the verb given in brackets. Her boss gave her an extra half hour for lunch. very hard all morning.B. Patrick’s mother told him off when he came home late because she …………. I lost my watch. Ann worked very hard all morning. 2. They (say) heavy industry (pollute) our rivers with noxious chemicals for ages. 3. He came home very late. Last year we went to Denmark.. 5. 6. (see) I …………. for it for hours. 7. at the party he (feel) out of place in your suit and tie. (fly) He ………… 2. 4. top in the final exam. She boasted about it. but he (seem) to have aged in the last weeks. about him all evening. Henry’s family were very impressed to discover that he ………. He wasn’t very good at it because it was his first game. We had looked for it for hours. Yesterday. Starting from the information given. 9. We (try) to find new services which (be) sophisticated and (have) added value. 10. I (realise) someone (use) my camera because there were finger marks on the lens. II. His family were very impressed. 1. Patrick went to the disco. Simon played tennis yesterday. They (have) no money because they (spend) everything on duty free whisky. Maggie took a hot bath because …………. in the garden all afternoon. He cooked lunch. her an extra half hour for lunch because she …. I was very pleased when my son found my watch because we …….. Read the situations and write sentences ending with BEFORE. When (you/meet) the company accountant? 3. It was our first time there. 6. Mary’s father bought her a car because she …………. 1. III. When (you/be) in this house last? 4. (play) He ………… 4. EXERCISES I. A woman walked into the room.… 3. Her father bought her a car as a reward. 2. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. Mary (discover) an addiction to housework which she (never/feel) before. Maggie worked in the garden all afternoon. 5. I was very pleased when my son found it. She was a complete stranger to me. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody …………. Joan said..... I caught flu as soon as I had recovered from measles. By the time we got home.... Last year when I was in France. . to reply) 5.already……….. to write. to be. Look. he has cuts on his legs. He .Netherlands last summer... He ……. To my surprise I …….... just …... We……………. I met Jim a few days ago. to find. John apologised………. After eight years I………………that all the time I……………. .. very surprised. By the time………… 234 . 2. I arrived at the company for an interview at 12. the assistant marketing manager the previous month. He ... Fill in the blank spaces using the verbs in the brackets and paying attention to the sequence of events in order to get meaningful events... It’s over a year since anyone . The police officers……………. a) have visited/ . Richards this morning but …. a lot during the football match. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown: 1.b) had visited/ the c) visited/ .to my girl friend her sister……………my letters. my husband in there who ……….. (to come back.. I . I had no sooner……… 3.. Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence: 1..30 as I ……. a) was looking b) has been looking c) had been looking d)are looking 5.. Mary’s aunt………. I met Mary as soon as I left home. (to break into. The train had left before we got to the station. (to apply. “I’d like to say sorry I missed your wedding”. (to get.. to look) 4.. a) had fallen over b) has been falling over c) has fallen over d) fell over 6. a) have seen b) was seeing c) saw d) had seen VI. to call) 2. a French princess in the flesh... no answer.. to go out) 3. a) has spoken withb) spoke with c) had spoken d) has been speaking with 8. Yesterday Kevin ………. never a princess in the flesh. a) discovered/ was writing/ had read b) had discovered/ had written/ had been reading c) discovered/ had been writing/ had been reading d) had discovered/ had been writing/ had been reading 3... They concluded a contract two weeks ago. many times but they …. to wait) V. I tried to phone Mr. (to be. He ……. a) saw b) was seeing c) hasn’t seen d) has seen 7. IV. So we ………...d) visited/ the 2.for the thieves for two days when they found them near the village..5. but he hopes that he will have the chance one day. the office during the night... William. He …. a) left b) has left c) will have left d) had left 4. 1.. I had hardly…………… 4. It was their first contract. He …... (sign) They . He ….. 2. The train left before I arrived. I was wondering why nobody hadn’t answered it. 6. I realised my mistake after I’d handed in the test. The telephone rang for almost a minute when I got into the room. Correct the following mistakes: 1. 4. pana cand a distrus-o un cutremur. a horrible idea had stricken me. 2. No sooner…………. How long they go out together when they finally get married? 9. Hardly………………. Proiectantul facuse patru schite inainte de a se apuca de proiect. Din pacate. 235 . vasul s-a scufundat inainte ca elicopterul sa ajunga la locul dezastrului. I didn’t realise my mistake until………. Isi vopsise parul. Mi-era asa de foame. I haven’t played football for two weeks: It’s two weeks …………… VII. In ianuarie am obtinut rezultate mai bune decat se asteptase oricine. Baiatul arata ca asi cum nu s-ar fi spalat niciodata pe maini. Translate into English: 1. He……………… 5. 8. Alice had no sooner sung a song than she began another. 5. De cat timp se cunosteau cand Tina s-a casatorit cu Robert? 10.. The minute he entered. 7. 6. Scarcely Sandra had come in than she started work. 9.. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous because it was his first flight. 3. 8. Intrunirea tocmai incepuse cand am intrat. 6. VIII. 5. They got on the train and immediately it left. Familia Miller a locuit in casa aceea treizeci de ani. 4. 7. Why did you left when he call on you? 8. 7. I just got into bed when somebody knock at the door. Am verificat preturile mai multor companii occidentale inainte de a incepe sa importam aceste video-recordere din Singapore. ca am mancat florile pana sa vina chelnerul. The car changed its direction when it hit the tree.. Nu-i de mirare ca nu am recunoscut-o ieri pe Judith.7. The grass was wet because it had raining all day yesterday. Almost all the guests left by the time we had arrived. 3. 10. Present Progressive/ Continuous g. d. next/ week/ month/ year. Be on the point / verge of + gerund k. e.] • a present event ( FUTURE SIMPLE):“Someone is shouting. b. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS In Modern English futurity is closely interrelated with modality.” “It’ll be Mary’s daughter. in the sense of a specific form the verb takes to “signal” futurity. Predictions: • FUTURE SIMPLE: Jane will still be in Paris in five months. THE FUTURE AND FUTURITY A. Simple Present h.unanchored adverbials (in May. Be due to + the infinitive of the verb II. Future Perfect [Will/ shall + have + past participle of the verb] They will have brought up the furniture by then. intermingle with modality or aspect. Look out! That brick is going to fall! • a temporary event going on at a future reference time (FUTURE PROGRESSIVE): This time next year I’ll be teaching English. there are certain adverbials that place an event/ state on the axis of future: . That is why there is no future tense proper in English. Be to + the infinitive of the verb i. futurity. Future Progressive/ Continuous [Will/ shall +Progressive infinitive = be + Ving] This time next month we will be visiting the Louvre museum.1.” 236 .1. FORMS AND PATTERNS USED TO TALK ABOUT A FUTURE EVENT a. • BE GOING TO + INFINITIVE: Look at Jane. Instead. I. on Monday. the activity of teaching English is in progress. She will arrive tomorrow. Be about to + the infinitive of the verb j. She’s going to have a baby. Be going to + Infinitive f. is rendered by means of modal auxiliaries/ semi-auxiliaries and other linguistic patterns that contain future meaning.explicitly future time adverbials: tomorrow. c. in a day/ week/ month/ year . Future Perfect Progressive / Continuous [Will/ shall + have been + the present participle of the verb] He will have been driving the same truck for two years in September. [the prediction is the following: this time next year. USES The above forms and patterns are used to express the following concepts and types of future events: a. Besides the different tenses expressing futurity (discussed in the other chapters).9. Future Simple [Will/ shall + Infinitive] They will confess their crime. in spring) whose future interpretation depends on the context. e.) • PRESENT SIMPLE The plain takes off at 7 p. • that have already been decided on before the speech event. hour/ week] • a future event which is probable/ improbable to happen (BE LIKELY/ UNLIKELY TO + INFINITIVE): He’s likely to run out of petrol.m. [we generally use adverbs such as: by then. it refers to institutions or things whose going-on is scheduled by an external authority. f.m. but the rain may delay it. soon. He’s on the point of falling asleep. • an event arranged by external factors (SIMPLE PRESENT ): Mary works in the marketing department next week. within the next. • BE DUE TO + INFINITIVE (timetable may change) The show is due to start at 8 p. who is an exterior authority] • a polite way of refusing an invitation or asking about someone’s arrangements (FUTURE PROGRESSIVE):Your birthday? I’m really sorry. He’s (just) about to get on the bus. • BE GOING TO + INFINITIVE Look at that old lady! She’s going to fall! 237 . premeditated (BE GOING TO + INFINITIVE): What are you going to do today? I’m going to lie in bed all day. An event that is about to happen • BE ABOUT TO + INFINITIVE Hurry up. • BE ON THE POINT OF / ON THE VERGE OF + V-ing Don’t disturb him now.m. • official arrangements. when the event cannot be changed (BE TO + INFINITIVE): All the students are to be present in the schoolyard at 5 p. b. Timetabled events (the subject is not human.. She is on the verge of bursting into tears. Don’t worry. I’ll lend you some. But I’ll be sitting for the English exam on Saturday. tomorrow. c. d. Intentions and decisions • made during the speech event (WILL + INFINITIVE): I’ve run out of money.• an event the speaker expects to be completed by a particular future reference time (FUTURE PERFECT): They’ll have filled in the application by the time you arrive. Formal commands and instructions (BE TO + INFINITIVE): You are not to go to the library this week. Arrangements • personal arrangement for the near future (PRESENT PROGRESSIVE): I’m seeing my dentist tomorrow. [the decision was taken by the manager. j. • habits. Orders / Instructions (formal documents) You will/shall keep an eye on the students till they finish their papers. Routine. characteristic behavior (WILL + INFINITIVE) His elder sister will always be the first to leave the party.g. (future) I thought you’d be selling furniture in two week’s time. Promises (WILL + INFINITIVE) Don’t worry. Requests Will you give me a hand? [to be more polite use would you] (informal) Give me a hand. He won’t come. involving a sequence of events They will have sold all the goods by Monday. m. l. (future) 238 . Willingness. Shall I do it for you? Will you have another helping? i. In order to do that. • the speaker makes a statement of fact about a future event (WILL + INFINITIVE) The sun will rise at 6. refusal • subject’s willingness to do something (WILL + INFINITVE) He’ll do anything for money. Offers (WILL/SHALL/WON’T + INFINITIVE) Sit down. whatever your sister says. Future in the Past (FIP) There are situations in which we have to express a future event from a viewpoint in the past. we transfer the forms with future meaning in the past: • would + infinitive : in reported speech.00 tomorrow morning. (FIP) • would + have + past participle (future perfect in the past): in reported speech. insistence (WILL + INFINITIVE) I wìll date him. Each animal shall be confined in a container. h. (will is stressed) • refusal to do something (WON’T / SHAN’T + INFINITIVE) Believe me. (FIP) • would + progressive infinitive (future progressive): in reported speech. • determination. involving a sequence of events I think you’ll be selling furniture in two week’s time. My secretary will take care of you. involving a sequence of events I hope you’ll water the whole garden. (future) I hoped you would water the whole garden. I’ll do it for you. Boys will be boys. habitual future events • the speaker sees a future event as certain because it is part of a routine (FUTURE PROGRESSIVE): We’ll be having our monthly meeting on Thursday. will you? (insistent request) k. prezent/ viitor (in main clauses) The train for Paris leaves at 6. Are you going to tell him the truth? 5. the day after tomorrow. Are you going to creep up the stairs? 239 . 7. Are you going to sing at the concert tonight? 8. Ways of translating future a. = Mâine il ajut. I’m going to meet Tom. b.m. Hurry up! The train (leave) in a minute. 10. They (play) some Beethoven next. = Trenul pentru Paris pleacã la 6. Are you going to make all the arrangements? 6. = Voi termina/ voi fi terminat…pânã la… c. II. = …Te duc/ voi duce eu. Are you going to take it with you? 3. Replace be going to by will / shall + be + V-ing (future progressive) and show the differences in meaning (mention whether they are interchangeable): 1. = Va accepta…dacã îi voi spune/ îi spun… d. Are you going to come by air? 9. How you (get) to the party tomorrow? 2. I (take) my parents to the ballet tomorrow. Are you going to spend your money in a hotel? 4. Are you going to sleep in the armchair? 2. viitor/ prezent (in direct object clauses and adverbial clauses of condition and time) He said he would be back… = A spus cã se va întoarce He will accept the proposal if I tell him the truth. 8. I’ll drive you. We (leave) as soon as it (cease) raining. Are you going to discuss the matter with your mates? 7. (FIP) III. He is about to leave/ on the point of leaving. EXERCISES I. We (meet) him at the airport at five. 5. It’s eight.I was sure they would have sold the all the goods by Monday. 6. He (sing) in Paris next week. Peter (call) for you at nine. = E gata sã plece/ E pe punctul de a pleca Don’t bother. My friend (sit) for an exam on Monday. I’ ll be helping him tomorrow. She told me she (see) the doctor at five p. viitor anterior/ viitor (in adverbial clauses of time) The children will play…after they have finished…[…se vor juca…dupã ce vor fi terminat / vor termina…] B. = Îl voi intâlni/ Intenţionez/ Am de gând sã-l intâlnesc pe Tom. 4. Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate tense: 1. viitor/ viitor anterior (in main clauses) I’ll have finished …by six pm. 9. 3. Are you going to take your medicine? III. When the gardener (water) the flowers? Model: When is the gardener going to water the garden? Context: He should have done it two days ago.” a) will have decorated b) will be decorating c) will decorate d) am going to decorate 240 . a) will settle b) settle c) are settling d) have settled 2. 7. a) reaches b) reached c) will reach d) will be reaching 3. What (offer) your daughter for her graduation? 9. He visits a new country every year. she … a) will be leaving b) is leaving c) will have left d) will left 6. By the end of the year all our debts … . John said he would give me a ring as soon as he … Paris. You (tell) me the whole story? 9. “Couldn't they stay in your spare room at Easter?” “Yes. I (plant) an oak tree here. present perfect. I … it by then. 10. Now what I (do) next? 8. 2. In three days’ time I (fly) over the Atlantic ocean. Ann (miss) her bus. It (snow). a) will have been paid off b) will be paid off c) will be being paid off d) are paid off 5. How much you (give) me for this book? IV. The petrol tank (explode). 7. 3. 6. I think I (buy) it. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (present. a) is b) will have visited c) will be d) has visited 4. the governor. Choose the correct form of the verb: 1. When we (provide) all the facilities we’ll speak about leaving the country. 10.10. 2. when I told him to. It's no use phoning Irene at the office. Pour boiling water on the coffee grounds. If you accept the bargain you (have) to pay for it. 5. wait till the grounds …. Put the verbs in brackets into the going to form and make a context for each sentence: 1. then strain it into a clean jug. 3. future): 1. What your teacher (do) with that big dictionary? 6. I’ve put the spare part where you told me. 5. ‘That (be) Mr. What (you do) this weekend? I was thinking of visiting the international exhibition of furniture. All right. This airplane (crash) 4. By the time he … fifty he …all the countries in the world. 4. Brown. I’ll wait for her in the restaurant till the clock (strike) four. Look at the sky. ‘There’s someone at the door. 8. I (give) you one of these pills. V. If this terrible heat (not come) to an end we’ll suffer from hunger next year. This device is cheap and useful. Do not change the word in any way: 1. He will recognize her at once when he … her. According to the latest forecast. (likely to) 6. about 6. She can't come to the beach with us because she … an exam on Sunday. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals. I… it cut on Wednesday. If he isn’t ill you’ll find him playing tennis in the court. 1. Use the word or phrase given so that the meaning stays the same Example: The result of our appeal against the parking fine should arrive in the post tomorrow. be 10. a) will see b) sees c) will be seeing d) is seeing 10. have 7. The aircraft is on the point of landing. have 9. Scientists in the human genome project feel that they are about to discover the secret of life. His wife is pregnant again. “Your hair is getting terribly long. The show will start in half an hour.” a) will be getting b) will get c) get d) will have got 8.The result of our appeal against the parking fine is due tomorrow. His fate is to become a great singer. leave 5. I’m bound to work here till the end of my life. a) will be taking b) will take c) will have taken d) takes 9. What does your boy friend intend to do? going 3. start VII. Will you promise that you won’t get drunk again tonight? (not to) 5. It is probable that the road-sweeping contract will be withdrawn from Dustbugs. the tunnel … next year. You can be sure that at the end of the school the car will be in front of the house. a) will be finished b) will have been finished c) is finishing d) finishes VI. won’t 8. (discovering) 4.” “Don't worry. (disturbed) 2. (bound) 3. Turn that music down! It’s so loud that it’ll definitely wake all the neighbors. What time is the train for Paris? leave Model: What time does the train for Paris leave? 2. (impending) 241 . (due) . unless 4.7. which was imminent. Do not disturb the chimpanzees during feeding time. The members of the crew have planned to leave the ship tomorrow. Everyone in the village lived in fear of the volcanic eruption. 242 . If we want medical research to provide cures for all known diseases. Dacã Irina va gãsi cartea. 3. Please make your purchases and proceed to a check out. Ne ameninţă că o să ne dea pe toţi afară pentru că susţinea el că nu suntem buni de nimic. (is) VIII.7. (envisages) 8. The store is going to close in five minutes. Nu te culca înainte de a-ţi lua medicamentul. Până să începi tu nuvela. Tu nu vezi? O să plouă cu găleata. Translate into English: 1. The designer believes that he will he be able to finish the specifications by tomorrow afternoon. Când vei ajunge tu student. (unlikely to) 9. 7. 5. 6. 4. (about) 10. Cu siguranţă o să încerce să vă facă să credeţi că e nevinovat. 2. eu voi fi terminat deja facultatea. 9. 10. Unde mâncãm în seara asta? La bunica? 8. el va fi terminat romanul. o va cumpãra. I really don’t think that the examiner will accept a handwritten script these days. Il voi ajuta după ce îmi va spune cum s-au petrecut lucrurile. it must be adequately funded. Nu credeam cã la ora aceea tu vei mai cânta la pian. ought to are marginal modals. Can expresses ability (can=be able to) • physical power/capacity: Can you lift this piece of furniture? • knowledge/skill: Can they solve this problem? • circumstances: Can Susan come to our meeting on Wednesday? ( it may be paraphrased by be in position to: Is Susan free to do so? Is Susan in a position to do so? c. shall/should. one semimodal which is frequently used is have (got)to. MODALS AND SEMI-MODALS A.Negative: could not. obligatory something is. can is used: • to make suggestions • to offer to do something or to make polite requests by either asking people to do things or asking for things. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. Affirmative: could b. possible.must. CAN FORM a. probable. may/might. will/would Note: Need to. Can/ could. What can I do around here? Hello Paul. What can we do for you? COULD FORM a. However. (Other terms used for them are ‘modal verbs’ and ‘modal auxiliaries’ and ‘modal auxiliary verbs’. (in my opinion it’s impossible) d. necessary. couldn’t (used only in spoken and informal written English) c. or whether a course of action is recommended or allowed. for example to indicate how certain. Interrogative: can + subject + infinitive USES a. Jane can’t have much experience in teaching.10. in conversation. Negative: cannot. or how frequently something happens.1. can’t (used only in spoken and informal written English) c. Affirmative: can b. Can expresses permission Can he stay a little longer? They can’t have lunch at 12. In questions.) They are used to add meaning to a main verb. b.1. dare to. Can expresses negative deduction: Jane can’t be working so long. MODALS There are nine central modals in English. Jane can’t have taken your money. Interrogative: could + subject + infinitive 243 . May expresses (a) asking for permission as well as in (b) granting permission. an action which in our opinion has not taken place She couldn’t have overslept (it my opinion it isn’t possible) They couldn’t have waited for two hours. ‘Where’s Peter?’ ‘He could be in the study. e. Excuse me. Interrogative: may + subject + infinitive USES a. This second use is chiefly limited to quick responses to ‘may’. Affirmative: may b. I may be watching the documentary film on television. (if I want) Couldn’t he fiind a better job? (if he wanted) c. ‘’May I join your trip?’ ‘No.’ d. Couldn’t you (wouldn’t it be possible for you to) give me your phone number? Could not and couldn’t are used with comparatives to emphasize that someone or something has as much as is possible of a particular quality (possibility or impossibility). you may not!’ b. .Negative: may not c. In conversation. I remember how it could snow in the mountains even in summer. usually because of a rule or law. Could expresses ability (be able to) Tom could run ten miles when he was young.’ ‘It may be Peter. Any two persons may marry in Scotland provided that both persons are at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage.’ (=Perhaps it is Peter) 244 . Couldn’t as an extinction of can be used in not-so-polite requests. an action which is not performed: He could have helped you (but he didn’t) ii. (It’s out of the question) The patterns could + bare infinitive and could + have + past participle are used to talk about possibility in the past. May expresses possibility in the present and in the future: Don’t phone at 9. (=was able to) b.’ May also indicates that someone is allowed to do something or has the choice of doing something.30. (=Mary is very happy indeed) The news couldn’t have come at a better time.’ (=Perhaps he is in the study) Note: with could in this use the degree of possibility is less sure than with ‘may’ or ‘might’. ‘I can’t find my keys anywhere. May I have a look at your newspaper? ‘Could I make a suggestion?’ ‘Of course.’ ‘You could have left them in your office. MAY FORM a. could is used to mark a present or future possibility. Mary couldn’t be happier. you may. Could expresses condition: I could buy you a book.USES a. May not indicates that someone is not allowed to do something (=prohibition). Could have done expresses: i. ‘There’s someone at the door. I may go to Greece.’ (=Perhaps she missed / had missed her train).’ John said. Brian. Interrogative might + subject + infinitive USES a. (Perhaps I will go to Greece) c. Affirmative: might b. making a suggestion. Might I make a suggestion? Might I ask what you’re doing here? b. asking a question or introducing what the speaker is going to say next. It is similar to could.Might (not) + have + past participle is used to express uncertainty I suppose I might have been rather critical. I work hard for a living. May/might+have+Past Participle expresses posibility about a past action: The events may or may not have been connected. In conversation. e. In conversation. Might + have + past participle is used to express annoyance at someone’s failure to do something (See similar pattern with ‘could’ in this emphatical use of expressing the speaker’s annoyance) You might have told me before! f. In formal spoken English. For offers and polite requests: May we recommended a weekend on the Black Sea Coast? Do sit down. ‘If I may interrupt for a moment. (it’s possible that they were connected) The chaos may have contributed to the deaths of up to 20 people. asking a question. MIGHT FORM a. ‘Betsy is late’.I haven’t decided yet where to spend my holidays. when used as a polite way of interrupting someone. might is used to make a suggestion or to give advice in a very polite way. whatever you may think. Anyway. We can use might + have + past participle to talk about possibility in the past. ‘She might have missed her train.Negative: might not. may I just ask you one other thing? f. Might can be used to ask for permission in a less direct way. or introducing what the speaker is going to say next. may is also used as a polite way of interrupting someone. And may we offer you something to drink? May I come with you to the conference? e. mightn’t (used only in spoken and informal written English) c. (=Perhaps we will go to the mountains. We aren’t sure what we are going to do next weekend. (it’s possible that it has contributed) d.) c. May is used when the speaker is mentioning the reaction or attitude that he/she thinks someone is likely to have to something he/she is about to say. You know. d. might is used to talk about present or future possibility. We might go in the mountains. 245 . They might not have received our message yet. Must not expresses prohibition: (nu trebuie) You must not come late to lectures c.’ ‘You must be joking!’ I really must be quite mad! 246 . I’ve got to be there before 2. g. You must visit me. i. Must is used to make suggestions or invitations very forcefully. e. h. You must be cold. not always for the best motives. You must be very worried by now. Now I must/have (got) to get your clothes ready for packing. Your feet must feel wet now. Must expresses deduction: She must be rich (=I’m sure she is rich) The past form of this construction is: She must have been rich when she was young. I might say. Ann’s mum must not care. Must expresses the speaker’s intention to do something I must be getting back. Must + bare infinitive refers to the speaker’s certainty about a present action. I didn’t come as a great surprise to me. I see you’re got only three decent shirts. Must is used in remarks and comments where the speaker is expressing sympathy.They might be wise to stop advertising on television. It might be a good idea to tell your husband. g. Interrogative form: must + subject + infinitive USES a. I have to be there before 2. I might add. mustn’t (used only in spoken and informal written English) c. Must is used in exclamations to express surprise or shock. You must see the painting George has given me as a wedding present. MUST FORM a.Negative form: must must not. It’s not very warm and you’re not wearing a coat. (=I am sure that you are cold). Affirmative form: b. f. your must/’ll have to buy some more when you get there. (British English) Sometimes the context allows the use of either must or have to. ‘Go! Please go. b. Might is used in idiomatic expressions such as I might add and I might say in order to emphasize a statement that the speaker is making. Relatives ring up constantly. (=I’m sure she was rich) d. Come to dinner. This must be a very difficult job for you. Must/have to/have got to express obligation: (trebuie) I must be there before 2. depending on whether the speaker feels that the obligation comes from herself-himself or from elsewhere. Must in conversation is used most of the time to mark logical necessity. Interrogative:shall + subject + infinitive? USES a. I shall definitely help him to finish his work. broadcasting and lecturing. see would in this use). will is commonly used to mark logical prediction as well as personal volition (and prediction of one’s own future actions). She’ll always help people if she can. shall is typically used as a volitional modal in questions acting as offers or suggestions. (Note that shall is associated with I and we in questions. Will expresses prediction of events or states not involving personal agents. 247 . such as people’s habits or characteristics of things Kate is very kind. In conversation. Affirmative: shall b. Will you drive me home? Wipe the jam off my mouth.Negative: shall not c. (conversation). Art thieves will often hide an important work for years after it has been stolen. In conversation. more polite form of will in this meaning. Interrogative:will + subject + infinitive USES a. I will say no more on these matters. will you? (Would can be used as a less definite. I won’t be here early enough to show you before school. Will marking assumption It won’t be that difficult to do.Negative: will not. Will is also used in questions in order to ask or tell someone to do something (volition). Affirmative: will b. He will be devoting more time to writing. b. Will (related to the present) refers to activities or events that are repeated and which we notice. e. won’t (only in spoken English and informal written English) c. Shall can be used with all persons to emphasize something which the speaker feels is certain to happen or wants to happen.You must have gone out of your mind! SHALL FORM a. c.) Shall we post this letter for you? Shall we play tennis tomorrow? WILL FORM a. I shall try to show that our political practices accept integrity as a distinct virtue (academic prose) b. important though they are. Will is used in questions in order to make polite invitations or offers Will you stay for dinner? Won’t you sit down? d. Affirmative: would. WOULD FORM a.) This restaurant* should really be very expensive. Interrogative: would + subject + infinitive USES a. Should is used for duty and advisability.g. Would expresses prediction. ‘d (in spoken and informal written english often abbreviated) b. It should have rained. It may also express refusal in inanimate objects.In the Western Isles it’ll rain for days on end.Negative: should not. I would just read the book as well. People* should let one know before failing to keep an appointment. b.Would is used in questions in order to make polite invitations. where the sentence is a suppressed conditional sentence. I knew Trevor wouldn’t come with me. c.Negative: would not. e. Would is used in sentences expressing certainty. The meaning is past of hypothetical. Would not may expresses refusal in the past. shouldn’t (used only in spoken and informal written English) c. Cheap money would have the same effect by increasing private investment. The paint wouldn’t stick to the wallpaper. (duty) 248 . unlike conditional ‘should’) b. Should + have + past participle is used to refer to something which was supposed to happen. wouldn’t (used only in spoken and informal written English) c. Nobody would agree with that idea. from laws. offers or requests: Would you like a drink? Would you prefer to stay in or go out this evening? d. but we often prefer ought to to talk about authority which comes from outside the speaker e. 2. ought to is also possible. (if we asked them) SHOULD FORM a. of events or states not involving personal agents. Should and ought to are very similar in meaning. Should is related to expectation (Where* should appears. Would marking assumption She would just feel better if she went out. Interrogative: should + subject + infinitive USES a. (but it didn’t) 3. Affirmative: should (note that should as a modal is never contracted to ‘d. needn’t +have+ Past Participle expresses an unnecessary action which was performed: I needn’t have waited. (The speaker’s questions involve a degree of uncertainty) Should I or shouldn’t I go to university? What should I do? Should we tell her about it? not need to. (but I did) Nu era nevoie sa astept. Should + have + past participle is used to express the non-fulfilment of a duty. permission. don’t/doesn’t/didn’t need to c. He needn’t have taken a taxi. Have to expresses the ‘external’ obligation that has its origin in circumstance (necessity) or in a person other than the speaker or writer. didn’t need to expresses absence of obligation in the past: I didn’t need to wait (And so I didn’t wait) N-a fost nevoie sa astept. Yes. Does he need to go there? Yes. you must. NEED FORM a. (It’s not necessary-according to the speaker) You don’t need to do it now. (My parents insist. (but he did) Nu era nevoie sa ia un taxi. b. c. should can be used to express a strong obligation politely.) 249 . In conversation. he doesn’t. Interrogative:need + subject + infinitive. in questions should is used when the speaker is asking someone for advice.. needn’t . I have to be home by 10 o’clock. They* should have let us know that they weren’t coming. They didn’t need to do anything (And so they didn’t do anything) N-a fost nevoie ca ei sa faca ceva. needn’t/don’t need to express absence of obligation You needn’t do it now. you needn’t. Interrogative: does/do/did + subject + have to+infinitive? USES a. In writing.Negative: doesn’t/don’t/didn’t have to c. he does/No. (It’s not necessary-external circumstances do not require the action to be performed) Interrogative forms are the following: Need I go there? No. Affirmative: need b. Affirmative: has/have/had to b.I think you* should check to see if our Austrian partners are coming (advisability) 4. HAVE TO FORM a. or information. Guests should vacate their rooms by midday. 5. do/does/did+ subject + need to+ infinitive USES a.Negative: need not. (That is the law. be sure to. (Note: have got to is not used to talk about the past. 250 . I’m going to an interview tomorrow. I’d better iron my shirt. Had better + bare infinitive expresses a strong recommendation in a particular situation. would rathe. I always have to work late on Tuesdays evenings. HAD BETTER FORM a. Negative: had better not c. e. be bound unable to. not have got to. b. would sooner. Don’t have to and won’t have to are used to express absence of obligation in the present and future. but I needn’t have. There are a number of fixed idiomatic phrases with functions similar to those of modals.’ ‘Yes. it’s easy to change money when you get there. We’d better turn on the heating. often).had better. b.’ II. would just as soon. for things that happen repeatedly.) They didn’t have to pay tax. Interrogative: had+S+better+inginitive? USES a. I don’t have to leave for another conference. I’ve got to work late this evening. be able to. I hope the plane leaves on time and that I won’t have to wait at the airport. Have to + bare infinitive refers to a past obligation.had meant to. and is stronger than should or ought to. Didn’t have to expresses the absence of obligation in the past when the speaker did not do anything because it was not necessary. We normally use have liable to. Note: that we always use had (not ‘have’) with better in this structure. we normally use had to. It’s going to be cold tonight. not past. c. (Note: needn’t have is used when the speaker did do something although it was not going to. ‘The last time you went you took Hong Kong dollars with you.) We had to go to Germany.We have to drive on the left in Britain. especially when we use one word adverb of frequency (always. but the meaning is present or future.) Note: that have to is used to replace must where the modal does not have corresponding forms. Affirmative: had better. Had better often suggests a kind of threat or warning.would do well to. ‚d better b. d. the light was on. 5. 1. 4. It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password. 1. 2. (it/ be/ in the car)………. When he woke up this morning. I was able to speak German quite well as a child. 8. 2. (the neighbours/ have/ a party) …………. 1. I can’t find my umbrella. 2. The children are not allowed to watch violent TV programmes. Read the situations and use the words in brackets to write sentences with must have and can’t have. I’m looking for Bob. Fiona did the opposite of what I asked her to do. The company say they’re able to keep pricing competitive. (he/ watch/ TV/ in his room)………. ………… 4. Have you seen it? 1. (he/ not/ hear/ the telephone)………. Replace the words in italics with a construction using a modal verb related to ability/ inability. a. I was woken up in the middle of the night by the noise next door. III. Would you allow me to use your laptop computer for a moment? It’s possible that my computer has a bug in the software. Did you hear that sharp noise? I think it’s possible that one of the book shelves has broken in the study next door. Later. 2. (she/ go/ shopping)………. b.B. EXERCISES I. 1. permission/ prohibition or possibility/ impossibility. c. They knew everything about our plans. 3. Peel was able to convince the competition that it would be possible for them to become partners in that huge long-term project. 9. Why didn’t Tim answer the phone? I’m sure he was in the house at the time. ………… 3. 2. (you/ leave/ in the office)………. I wonder where she is. 7. I can’t find Helen anywhere. It’s possible to fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets. but it’s impossible to fool all the people all of the time. (they / listen/ to our conversation). Use may or might. 2. 6. They were able to work together very efficiently. 10. used you. Mr. d. II. (he/ be/ in the bath)………. (Abraham Lincoln in this. ‘Would you allow me to make one small suggestion?’ she said. (the exam/ very difficult). (she/ play/ tennis)………. (she/ understand/ what I said) ………… 3. at a news conference. Ben passed the exam without studying for it. his famous saying. Do you know where he is? 1. not one). (he/ forget/ to turn it off) ………… 251 . (she/go/ out )………. We’ve run out of paperclips. There was no queue. Amy is extremely rich. 14.(it/ very expensive) ………… 6. 9. We’ll be asked to leave otherwise. so she … early. It was supposed to be absolutely confidential. 15. needn’t or should( n’t). work. Sue … at work so early. 2. Complete the sentences using must or a form of have to. 3. Catherine isn’t working tomorrow. 5. She … 8. pay. 10. Peter can’t find his umbrella. The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. wear. get up. shave. The jacket you bought is very good quality. 12. 1. I’m not particularly busy. 5. 11. She arrives early because she wants to. 13. (I / asleep) ………… 7.5. 3. Midday tomorrow is the deadline. We’ve got plenty of time. work 1. We aren’t spending our weekend at home. The meeting’s finished. 2. Complete these sentences using don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t have to + one of these verbs: arrive. 10. William … a suit to work but he usually does. 4. I went to the bank this morning. We … find out what’s been decided any moment now. What are you doing here? … you be at the meeting downtown? 4. so we … our meals. 6. cook. I … get some in the morning. I haven’t seen the people next door for ages. There’s a lift in the building. You … clean the office because we haven’t been using it today. You … make so much noise. so he … 9. tell. Fill the gaps in the sentences with must (n’t). Paul has got a beard. You … a good player to enjoy a game of tennis. Sometimes two answers are possible. You can tell me if you want but you … me. (the driver/ see/ the red light) ………… IV. (He/ leave/ it in the restaurant last night). The car park is free – you … to park your car there. Karen … on Sundays. climb. but could you tidy the shelves in the storeroom. I … have posted these yesterday afternoon and I completely forgot. wait. please? 6. The lights were red but the car didn’t stop. I’m going to be in trouble. The diet … be maintained unchanged for about a year. so we … the stairs. be. ………… 9. go. He really … have told his brother about this deal. You … have typed this – a handwritten note would have been quite adequate. 8. We … yet. go. so I … 7. A man was slightly injured in the accident but he … to hospital. (they/ go away) ………… 8. 252 . VI. V. I’ve got a few things to do but I … them now. You … finish that report tonight if you’re too tired. 7. 8. The Prime Minister is now 65 years old and in all probability this … (be) the last election that he is likely to contest. 6. Within ten weeks of the introduction. 3.1. I … this morning but I was feeling a bit ill. then at least allow me to lend you something. (come) 4. 2. 9. She … she’s much better than me. We … go now. 3. 8. Jane will … do her homework tomorrow. You … and see us more often. 1. I’m sorry that I didn’t take your advice. (arrive) 10. ‘Is John here yet?’ ‘Not yet. 2. I … (imagine) that you can’t grow seeds actually in these big plastic bags. I posted the letter three days ago. You … (come) 3. 7. It’s getting very late. until it … (turn) the engine at all. Put the verbs in brackets into a modal construction using will or would. He expressed the hope that on Monday elementary school … (reopen). We lost the match but we … . but he … here soon?’ (be) 9. He kept trying to start the car and the battery got flatter and flatter. He has insisted that his organisation … (negotiate) with the government. 9. She … (like) to ask questions. (do) 6. Complete the sentences with should (have) + the verb in brackets. The holiday … (do) him the world of good. John … hurry. so it … by now. (pass) 2. We were the better team. It … (cost) very much more for the four of us to come from Italy. 6. I … stay in bed yesterday because I wasn’t very well. 7. Margaret … the exam. VIII. 34 million people … (reach) by our television commercials. I’m playing tennis with Jill tomorrow. What do you think I … ? (do) 5. 10. I … what you said. I’m in a difficult position. We don’t see you enough. If you … (let) me pay for a taxi. (win) 7. Mason … wear glasses since he was a child. VII. 1. (go) 253 . 5. I … take it three times a day after meals. Mr. but he had moved on to another topic. 4. (win) 8. She’s been studying very hard. 5. The doctor gave me some medicine. … (you/ work) home last night? 10. He’s plenty of time. You missed a great party last night. I couldn’t go to the party last night because I … babysit for my sister. I don’t like … work at weekends. You … get a visa to visit the United States. 4. Interrogative: be (the appropriate tense) + subject + the past participle Was the problem solved yesterday? Has a doctor been sent for? II. The book was sold by John. The voice system in English makes possible for the action of a sentence to be viewed in two ways: Her mother ironed the blouse. [perfect infinitive] -ing forms While being asked about his whereabouts. Affirmative: John sold the book. FORM The active subject becomes the passive agent. b. the main verb is in the Past Participle. the direct object becomes the passive subject.1. the verb to be in the appropriate tense (that of the main verb). Negative: subject + be (the appropriate tense) + not + the past participle It isn’t known who made the mistake. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS Besides mood.11. Changes form Active to Passive: Active Passive Present: writes is written Present Progressive: is writing is being written Present Perfect: has written has been written Past: wrote was written Past Perfect: had written had been written Future: will write will be written Future in the past: would write would be written Modal verbs: must do must be done Modal + perfective: might have done might have been done The Infinitive My sister loves to be admired by everybody. [present participle] 254 . aspect. She hoped her book to have been accepted by the publisher. namely the voice. preceded by by: a. a verb has another grammatical category.1. Object (by + agent) I. [active voice] The blouse was ironed (by her mother). c. [passive voice] • The active and passive sentences have the following representations: ACTIVE VOICE Her mother ironed the blouse. Subject Predicate Direct Object The blouse Subject PASSIVE VOICE was ironed Predicate by her mother. and tense. he felt a cold shiver running along his spine. THE PASSIVE VOICE A. Ways of rendering the English Passive into Romanian a. IV. Active voice into Romanian (+ the appropriate tense of the verb) 255 . .when the agent is left out as redundant: He had a cup in his hands a few seconds ago.* Her mother bore her after the war. we use a passive of to allow/ to permit/ to give permission: He let me leave early .* That car is liked.when the agent is irrelevant or unknown: My car has been stolen. not a concrete one. [perfect participle] I enjoy being taken out to dinner. to be drowned (when no agent is implied). in Nominative + Infinitive constructions. . bag = concrete subject] b. to resemble. [the auxiliary has is actually a causative verb. . . one that is not mentioned. The omission occurs: . to lack.when the agent is so obvious that there is no need to mention it: The thief will be arrested. to belong. 4.These constructions show semantically that the grammatical subject is not the agent/ doer of the action. to become. . . and now the cup is broken. to arrive at – can be used in the passive only when the subject is an abstract patient. [matter = abstract subject. verbs of ‘wanting’ and ‘liking] are used in the active voice: She wanted me to be there. . verbs of “being” and “having” – to have ( = to own) to be.* I was let leave > I was allowed /given permission to leave early. he was taken by t he police. – * This bag had been looked into. He was thought to be honest.* People thought him to be honest 5. Causative ‘have’ .in impersonal statements: Passengers are asked not to enter this area. Agent constraints The agent by-phrase is generally optional. I like that car. to seem . . Constraints a. This dress doesn’t suit you. Do you mind her having been arrested? [perfect gerund] III.* A new Jeep is had by Tom. I will have you arrested! . She was born after the war. the verb to let has no passive form. This delicate matter had been looked into. to suit – require only an active construction: Tom has a new Jeep. to hold.] V. Phrasal verbs – to look into. 2. 3. . simple present tense – meaning: she will not perform the action of cutting her own hair.The verbs to have and to get can occur in the following construction: have/ get + direct object + past participle = somebody does something for/ to you. to go into.Before having been asked about the robbery. passive only: to be born. .* You are not suited by this dress.* I was wanted to be there. but a hairdresser for example. Verb constraints 1. on the contrary there is another agent implied. The direct object is the sufferer: She has her hair cut. People don`t pay babysitters a lot of money. People strongly assume money brings happiness. The watch has been repaired skilfully. 256 . 10. A speech to the nation was made by the Prime minister. [Va fi bine îngrijită. My car was just being repaired by Tom when I arrived. 5. EXERCISES I. You should meet them at the airport tonight. [S-a auzit un zgomot. [Geamul s-a spart. 3. 9. Turn into Active Voice: 1. III. The murderer was arrested in less than two hours.. – perfect compus] They will take good care of her.. On very few occasions…. The President denied access to the affected area. II. [Scrisoarea a fost scrisă de John. 6. 7. The President…. The road…. – viitor. – perfect compus] The children will be offered many toys. Father did not allow me to go to the party last night. 4. The accident had been seen by a crowd of people. 10. 9. He is expected to be back at the end of the week. He has used this apparatus only once since that day. 8. Both drivers will be taken to the hospital by the ambulance. They are just lengthening the road. Turn into Passive Voice: 1. – perfect compus] Fish eats with garlic. Finish the sentences: 1. 2. [Oamenilor le este frică de cutremur. 7. He admitted this on very few occasions. All the people know the President well. 2. – viitor] c. Passive voice into Romanian (+ the appropriate tense of the verb to be) The letter was written by John. They are closing down a lot of factories nowadays. 3. 8. [Peştele se mănâncă cu mujdei.People are getting frightened by earthquake. 4. (causative ‘have’) [M-am fotografiat săptămâna aceasta. Reflexive voice into Romanian A noise was heard. Police had to break the meeting immediately. [S-a ajuns la o decizie. [Copiilor li se vor oferi multe jucării. – perfect compus] This matter will be dealt with at once. [Ne vom ocupa imediat de această problemă.. 6. No one talked about this at the meeting. – viitor] A decision was arrived at. 5.] b. Someone will have to be found to take my place. The building was being guarded by the police. 2. The goods had been sent to the required address. – prezent. B. – prezent] The window broke. 3. – perfect compus] I’ve had some photos taken this week. Social workers were doing valuable work. 4. 5. the mechanic was repairing my bike.. 3. Ţi se va permite să vizitezi tot muzeul cu condiţia să nu atingi exponatele. (Past Continuous) 9. The yesterday newspaper (buy) by many people. At this time yesterday. IT 7. They are looking into the files very carefully. I don’t know his name. (Present Perfect) VI. A new meeting on this problem (arrange) by the Commonwealth Prime Minister. (Past Tense) 4. They (invite) to Bucharest this week.. 7. (Infinitive) 6. se calcă uşor. Not until later…. 1. She has proved that all his statements are lies. 7. (Future Tense) 3. Translate into English: 1. I will never tell them the truth about the accident. I am sorry. (Present Continuous) 8. 9. All his statements…. 8. 4. They…. 10. După toate datele primite. He…. Bell în 1876. FINISHED V. IDENTIFY 4. 5. The new proposals (discuss) when he entered the meeting hall. Acest material este foarte bun. The satellite will give us new pictures of the planet Mars. They didn`t find out about the results until later. 6. The building is thought to date from the 10th century. (Present Tense) 2. Se observă că ştiinţa a evoluat foarte mult în ultimii ani. REPAIR 6. Traffic rules must (obey). he will take me for a walk. 257 . The announcement (make) immediately after midnight. Mi s-a spus că s-au discutat multe aspecte interesante la conferinţa de ieri. Chinese people inhabit this beautiful island. Make sure the sentences are passive. 6. Toate acele case au fost distruse de recentul cutremur. (Infinitive) 10. Gym exercises…. Someone should give him the required information.. They were trying a new check-out system in the library. The author has included key answers at the end of the book . A new…. Se insistă foarte mult asupra învăţării asistate de calculator. (Past Simple) 5. 8. They have found some very old coins in a churchyard. G. Progresele tehnice sunt analizate cu atenţie în toate centrele de ştiinţă din lume.BEEN 8. DISCOVER 2. Everyone knows that gym exercises are good for health. EXAMINE 10. 9. As soon as he finishes his report. IV. (Past Perfect) 7. INTRODUCE 3. BY 9.. Police had not found out the identity of the victim.. I can’t believe she (recognize) by her uncle. About 100 new flats(build) by the end of the year. RECEIVE 5. Use tenses of the Passive Voice as required: 1.. 2. Se ştie că telefonul a fost inventat de A. Rewrite each sentence using the words in capitals. casa va fi demolată mâine. The man had never before made such a firm promise. She now believes she (take in) by all his lies. Never…. I think he is the very person that can (ask) about it. III. 1. 2. THE SUBJUNCTIVE A. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The Subjunctive is a grammatical mood used in (in)dependent sentences in order to refer “to events which are not certain to happen – which we hope will happen, or imagine might happen, or want to happen.” (Swan, 1990: 580) I wish I were younger. (unfortunately I am not) From a formal point of view, there are 2 types of Subjunctive: a. the Synthetic Subjunctive b. the Analytical Subjunctive. a. THE SYNTHETIC SUBJUNCTIVE I. FORM AND USES - The Old Subjunctive (the Present Subjunctive) resembles the form of the Short Infinitive of the verb for all tenses and persons and is used to express supposition, purpose, fear, suggestion, request, wish, necessity etc. It is important that he come/ be invited to the party. From a semantic point of view, the Old Subjunctive can be classified into: ● The Formulaic Subjunctive – in the formal and old-fashioned style, it is used in independent/ main clauses that contain certain idioms to express wishes, prayers or protests (often involving supernatural powers). God save the Queen! Be that as it may, she will carry on with her plan! ●The Mandative Subjunctive is used in subordinate 'That–clauses' to express desire, demand, requirement, obligation, necessity, suggest, command etc. He made the suggestion that the thief come and explain everything. - The Modern Subjunctive (the Past and Past Perfect Subjunctive) conveys the idea of unreality, regret about a situation, improbability, and doubt. The Past Subjunctive is used when the action referred to is simultaneous with or posterior to the reference time (usually used for present and future time). The Past Perfect Subjunctive resembles the form of the Indicative Mood, Past Perfect for all tenses and persons and it is used when the action referred to is anterior to the reference time (used only for past time). If I were you, I wouldn’t wait for him any longer. I wish I had known the truth about this matter. II. Ways of translating the Synthetic Subjunctive a. conjunctiv prezent: God bless the King! (Dumnezeu să-l binecuvânteze pe rege!) I wish he were us. (Aş vrea să fie aici.) b. imperativ: Expenses be hanged! (Dă-le încolo de cheltuieli!) c. indicativ prezent: Suffice it to say that he was caught stealing the pearls! (E de ajuns să spunem ca a fost prins furând perlele!) d. conjunctiv perfect: He wishes he had been there. (Ar dori să fi fost aici.) e. condiţional optativ: He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost. (S-a uitat la mine de parcă ar fi văzut o stafie.) 258 b. THE ANALYTICAL SUBJUNCTIVE I. FORM AND USES - The Subjunctive Equivalents (or modal auxiliaries) are often used to replace the Old Subjunctive in informal English. His uncle urged that he should sit down and wait. No matter how pretty she might be, she can’t be your girl friend. II. Ways of translating the Analytical Subjunctive a. conjunctiv prezent: It is necessary that your father should sign the application. (Este necesar ca tatăl tău să semneze formularul.) b. conjunctiv perfect: It is impossible (that) he should have failed the exam. (Este imposibil ca el să fi picat examenul.) c. condiţional optativ: However disgraceful it may be, you must give him a hand. (Oricât de dezonorant ar fi, trebuie să-l ajuţi.) d. condiţional optativ/ indicativ: I wish you would call me earlier! (Tare aş dori să mă suni mai devreme!/ De ce nu mă suni mai devreme?) B. EXERCISES I. Build up sentences with the following words using the Subjunctive: 1. He recommended that (I, some money, to lend, to his friend). 2. She orders that (to see, the vet, at once, her dog ). 3. I suggest that (immediately, to return, all of you, in the classroom). 4. The Prime Minister demanded that (to house, from USA, the delegates, at the best hotel). 5. They insist that (John, to resign, tomorrow). 6. He urged that (to work, the employees, more efficiently). 7. I propose that (in the morning, to be, at six, in my office, you). 8. Mary required that (the diploma, the schoolmaster, her, to give). 9. The doctor insisted that (to take, before meals, the pills, every day, he). 10. The mayor demands that (to keep, all the citizens, clean, the town). II. Rephrase the following sentences using 'wish' to express regret for a present action (the meaning must stay the same): 1. It’s a pity you leave so soon. 2. I regret he doesn’t know how to start the engine. 3. I’m sorry the delivery comes come so late. 4. It’s a pity you get only poor marks at the exams. 5. I regret the girls don’t pay attention to the explanations. 6. It’s pity I can’t fix the car. 7. I’m sorry they are fighting every day. 259 8. It’s a pity you don’t speak to each other. 9. I regret our teacher drinks so much coffee. 10. It’s a pity you don’t try to improve your pronunciation. III. Rephrase the following sentences using 'wish' to express regret for a past action (the meaning must stay the same): 1. I didn’t meet her yesterday. 2. It was time for us to leave. 3. Mike failed all his exams. 4. He didn’t bring the money for the dictionary. 5. We didn’t study semantics last term. 6. They didn’t know how to act under such circumstances. 7. She wasn’t there at the right moment. 8. We didn’t spend much time together. 9. They didn’t have any children. 10. I didn’t understand her real problems. IV. Use the past tense and the past perfect forms of the Subjunctive after: as if / though, suppose, even if/ though according to the meaning: 1. He looked as if he (see) a ghost. 2. He wouldn’t solve the exercise even if he (try). 3. Suppose you (be) there, what would you have done? 4. The criminal behaved as though he (not know) anything about the murder. 5. He smiled friendly as if he (recognize) her. 6. I wouldn’t sell my honesty even though he (give) thousands of dollars. 7. You treated those people as if you (not meet) them before. 8. You treated the girl as if you (not know) her. 9. Suppose you (have) a flat of your own, would you put me up? 10. I wouldn’t invite him even if you (ask) me to. V. Rephrase the following sentences using it’s impossible/ normal/ natural/ unbelievable with should according to the model: Example: She can’t be here at this hour. It’s impossible (that) she should be here… She can’t have been there at that hour. It’s impossible (that) she should have been there… 1. This can’t happen again. 2. Allan can’t have lied to his parents. 3. You can’t leave her alone after all she has done for you. 4. Your best friend can’t abandon you in the middle of the battle. 5. They can’t have eaten all the food. 6. He can’t go abroad this week. 7. You can’t have done such terrible mistakes. 8. Peter can’t ask Mary to marry him. 9. That wind can’t have destroyed the whole city. 10. You can’t utter such heavy words. 260 III.1.3. THE CONDITIONAL MOOD A. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. Definiton The Conditional is the grammatical mood expressing suppositions, doubt or different types of conditions – real, (im)probable, (im)possible/ hypothetical . The conditional mood can cover two types of structures: • dependent clauses made up of two parts: the main clause/ MC and the adverbial clause of condition/ IfC: I would leave if I had enough money. • independent clauses where the IfC is rather implied from the context. They can be part of a dialogue or of free indirect speech/ thought: ‘I told you what had happened to Paul and how he reacted. What would you have done?’ ‘I would have fired those that had robbed the company.’ II. Conditional Clauses In English, there are three main types of Conditional Clauses. TYPE CONDITION MAIN CLAUSE I will pass the exam Voi trece examenul Future Form (will + Infinitive) IF if daca “IF”/CONDITIONAL CLAUSE I study harder. voi invata mai mult. Present Form I. possible to fulfill II. in theory possible to fulfill I would pass the exam As trece examenul Present Conditional (would + Inf.) if daca I studied harder. as invata mai mult. Past Form III. impossible to fulfill I would have passed the exam As fi trecut examenul if daca I had studied harder. as fi invatat mai mult. Perfect Conditional (would + have Past Perfect Form (had + Past Participle) +Past Participle) III. Mixed conditionals In addition to all the tense variations that we can use in first, second and third conditionals, it is also possible to mix conditionals so that, for example, the if clause uses a verb form used in the first conditional and the main clause uses a verb form used in the third conditional. The context defines the meaning. The most common mixed conditional is: 261 Type III if + past perfect If I had worked harder at university, Type II would/could/might+ infinitive I would have a degree now. Here are some other examples of mixed conditionals : Type 1 Type II If you come to the party tomorrow, I wouldn't bring Mike with you. Type II Type III If she loved him, she would have stayed with him. IV. Conjunctions which can replace IF • Unless + affirmative verb (If + negative verb) places a negative condition Unless you come at once, I’ll take it with me. (If you don’t…) Unless you had a lot of money, you couldn’t buy it.(If you hadn’t…) Unless he is happy to see me, I won’t come to bother him. (If he is unhappy) • Providing / provided (that) – used when there is a strong idea of limitation (chiefly used with permission) You can borrow her bike provided (that) you bring it back by 10 pm. • But for + a proper name/a noun/a pronoun = If it were not for/ if it hadn’t been for My best friend has come to help me. But for him, I wouldn’t get the diploma. But for his trust, I wouldn’t have succeeded. • Suppose/supposing = what if/ what…happen if? Suppose he doesn’t come on time? = What if he doesn’t…? = What will happen if he…? Suppose I hadn’t sent you the document? = What if I hadn’t sent…?= What would have happened if I hadn’t sent… • In case usually refers to a future condition that may or may not arise: In case I receive any news, I’ll let you know. • If so and If not, used instead of complete clauses: Is anybody feeling cold? If not, let's put the central heating off. You may have some difficulty operating the machine at first. If so, do not hesitate to telephone our service department. • On condition that = if He will give you the day off on condition that you work on Saturday too. • As long as = if Cynthia is welcome to stay with us as long as she shares the rent. V. Inversion The sentence must begin with the IfC where an inversion of the subject with the lexical verb or auxiliary verb is performed. Were I (If I were) the rector of the University, I wouldn't approve of this. [in written language, in literary style] Had she known (If she had known) about it, she would have come home at once. [in written or spoken language] Should it be necessary (if it should be necessary), I will leave by the 10 pm 262 train. [in written or spoken language, to express a polite suggestion] VI. Ways of translating a Conditional structure In English there is a dependency between the forms of the verbs in the two clauses; they express the same kind of action, situated in the same period of time (past, present or future), and yet, they have different forms (tenses), unlike the Romanian language where we have the same forms in both the MC and IfC. Type 1: • Viitor/prezent & viitor/prezent I will leave if I have money. [Voi pleca/ Plec dacă voi avea/ am bani] • prezent/ viitor + cumva & imperativ If you should run into Paul, tell him he owes me an answer. [Dacă cumva te întâlneşti cu Paul, spune-i că mi-e dator cu un răspuns.] • perfect compus & prezent/perfect compus/viitor If I did that, I apologise. [Dacă am făcut asta, îmi cer scuze.] If I said that, I was mistaken. [Dacă am spus asta, am greşit.] If she made a mistake, she will try to correct it. [Dacă a făcut o greşeală, va încerca să o îndrepte.] • viitor/ prezent + conjunctiv prezent (verb lexical) & prezentul (unei verb care va reda sensul modal al lui will: a vrea sau a refuza) If he won’t do it, we’ll have to do it ourselves. [Dacă refuză să facă asta, va trebui să facem noi singuri.] Type 2: • condiţional optativ prezent I would leave if I had money. [Aş pleca dacă aş avea bani.] Type 3: • condiţional optativ perfect I would have left if I had had money. [Aş fi plecat dacă aş fi avut bani.] B. EXERCISES I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: 1. If he (meet) her, he will invite her to the theatre. 2. If the weather (be) fine, we’ll go for a ride. 3. You (disappoint) your students if you don’t come to the last class. 4. Unless he (study) economy, he will become an accountant. 5. You can make your dreams come true, provided you (work) hard. 6. Unless you have an interpreter, you (can) to understand each other. 7. Suppose she (not admit) she has made the mistake. What will you do? 8. If you take these pills, you (feel) much better. 9. They’ll blame you, if the plan (not to work). 10. Trevor (not to make) his decision, if he doesn’t talk to his lawyer. 11. If you had made a good work, he (congratulate) you. 12. They wouldn’t have lost if they (take) the map with them. 13. If you ( not to threaten) her , she wouldn’t have told the police. 14. He (hurt) him if he hadn’t been a well – educated man. 15. Peter would have walked if he (repair) his car. 263 16. She (not to expect) so good results if she hadn’t worked so much. 17. I wouldn’t have made up my mind so quickly if it (be) for her. 18. You (have) your hair cut if your father hadn’t asked you to. 19. She wouldn’t have been so relaxed if she (pass) the exam. 20. She (not to expect) so good results if she hadn’t worked so much. 21. I wouldn’t have made up my mind so quickly if it (be) for her. 22. You (have) your hair cut, if your father hadn’t asked you to. 23. She wouldn’t have been so relaxed, if she (pass) the exam. 24. You would have caught the train, if he hadn’t kept you so much. II. Choose the most appropriate conjunction (unless, suppose, supposing, provided) and fill in the blank spaces: 1. I will accept your invitation …you send a car to take me. 2. You can go fishing tomorrow …it rains. 3. I will repeat the requirement…you don’t understand. 4. They will come with us on the trip…we invite them. 5. He can’t pass the exam …he sits for it. 6. What would you do…he doesn’t give you the key? 7. …you admit you were wrong, she won’t forgive you. 8. …Mary were your manager. How would you behave? 9. I’ll buy the furniture…I have enough money. 10. They will never finish their work…somebody help them. III. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 1. Had I know the truth, I wouldn’t have asked that silly question. 2. I’ll lend you the dictionary provided you brought it back on time. 3. Suppose you are the president. Would you declare war? 4. She will join you unless you don’t tease her. 5. Were you a soldier, will you die for your country? 6. I wouldn’t have turned down that idea, if I had known it was his. 7. All the runners would be exhausted if the race had taken place on such a hot day. 8. Were he honest to her if he hadn’t trusted her? 9. I’ll retire when I would reach the age of 55. 10. Would the project have been implemented supposing he put it forward? IV. Rephrase the following sentences using the conjunction if: 1. I didn’t go out yesterday because the weather was so bad. 2. Mary was shy with boys because her father didn’t let her meet them. 3. She was attracted to Tom because he seemed so pleasant. 4. Tom wanted to marry her because she was rich. 5. Her father liked him because he thought Tom was a politician. 6. Mary believed his story because she had so little experience of men. 7. She married him because she thought he really loved her. 8. He treated her badly because he didn’t love her. 9. She shot him because he was so terrible to her. 10. All this happened because her father was so foolish. V. Complete the following sentences: 1. But for John, your sister………… drowned. 264 . do you think you would give up work? (Supposing that / Providing that / As long as) 5. A. life here would be perfect. 1. If you’re coming with us I. D. I wouldn’t be a teacher. we would be there by now. E. Unless he…………. VII. B. I won’t ever go shopping. I………… ……. If you will…………. If you had told me about this problem earlier. if…………a long time ago. they'll be here in a few minutes. (What if / Assuming that / On condition that) 6. provided………… 9.. C. even………… 5.otherwise. 6. everything would be all right now. If you were a more sensitive person. everything would be all right now. ……. 8. his wife would never have left him. A.then I’d like it back. would have had them by now. Helen wouldn’t agree with you. I'm sure he'd be a famous musician by now. ………………………… .a new car.. If the train arrives on time. If you had worked harder last month.. G. G. If you had a lot of money. would you hurry up and get ready? H. Had your father heard…………. . B. D. If he didn't work so hard all the time.for a walk. F. (what if / even if / if only) 4. Thanks for your encouragement. what will I do then? (Imagine / What if / 265 . (supposing that / unless / on condition that) Example: Mr Davidson says he'll come and give a talk at the conference on condition that we pay him a reasonable fee.. you wouldn't have said that to her. 10. Example: If you had told me about this problem earlier. J.. 3.2. E. If you…………. I won't help him if he doesn't ask me properly. If he was feeling ill this morning. If it hadn’t………….fail the exam. 2. Match the clauses and write the mixed conditional sentences in your notebook. If I could get a job. J. If I really wanted to have children. please. H. If they don't contact you soon. 4. (provided / unless / as long as) 3. If the train hadn't been delayed. I. If he hadn't died so young. the whole truth. If he doesn't agree to my request. 7. he probably won't be at the meeting. you could always ring them up. you wouldn't be so busy this month. VI. Mr Davidson says he'll come and give a talk at the conference if we pay him a reasonable fee. C. Rewrite the sentences replacing if with the most appropriate conjunction. F. n-ai fi acum in situaţia regretabilă ca nimeni să nu aibă încredere in tine. (as long as / assuming that / supposing that) 8. If the helicopter hadn't been there to save her. dacă aş fi ştiut ce se va intâmpla. I wouldn't have done it. spune-i că sunt la restaurant. 17. 11. If you'd offered to pay me a thousand pounds. 9. dacă nu l-ar fi ajutat colegul său. Nu ai fi acum aici. Dacă cumva mă caută Jack. 2. Dacă n-ar fi fost Maria nu aş fi primit cecul. îl voi chema pe domnul director. 5. Oamenii au încredere în tine dacă şi tu ai încredere în ei. Dacă nu ar fi grădinile şi parcurile. vom mai lua un cort. dacă nu ai fi cheltuit toţi banii pe cai. 3. (Even if / Provided that / Supposing that) VIII. Imaginează-ţi că ţi-ar fi vopsit baia în negru. Petre ar fi avut necazuri la examene. centrul oraşului ar arăta dezolant. Dacă aţi binevoi să aşteptaţi câteva clipe. Ai fi ştiut răspunsul. nu ezita să-mi aminteşti de această problemă. N-am să pot repara frigiderul decât dacă vine mecanicul. comunicaţi-mi până mâine seară. Vei avea nevoie de bani în cazul în care renunţi la serviciu. Ce-ar face directorul dacă s-ar întâmpla să te găsească fumând in curtea şcolii? 10. 12. 16. 4. Dacă l-ai vedea cum arăta nu l-ai mai recunoaşte. If Rosie gets this new promotion. 8. 19. 20. Dacă vrei să ne însoţeşti. what would have happened then? (If only / Imagine / Unless) 9. 18. Translate into English: 1. 15. 13. 14. Dacă nu ai fi atât de mincinos. Poate să participe la Jocurile Olimpice numai dacă se antreneaza intens. Friptura ar fi bună dacă ar fi caldă.Provided that) 7. we'll have enough money for a holiday abroad this year. 6. Dacă v-ar face plăcere să lucraţi în biroul meu. 266 . 7. dacă ai citi mai mult. You can go out tonight if you get back by midnight. În cazul în care voi uita . N-aş fi consimţit niciodată să părăsesc linia frontului. (If only / Provided that / Even if) 10. Walter said himself he would be satisfied with whatever he could get. Peter thought he was right. Subordinate clause action versus main clause action Tense clause Past Perfect Past Perfect Past Perfect in main Tense in subordinate clause Past Perfect Past Tense Future-in-the-past Anteriority Simultaneity Posteriority Tense/Past Tense/Past Tense/Past He told me he had spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to England. hope. 2. Condition/Purpose/Result/Concession a. 267 . He explained that the population of London is around 9 millions. SEQUENCE OF TENSES A. There is no tense limitation in the direct object clause when the main verb is in the Present Tense or Present Perfect Tense: I know Paul has sent the book. When the main verb is in the Future Tense the speaker can use all tenses in direct object clauses apart from the future tenses: Trevor will let them know that they are safe. Direct Object Clauses There are several grammar rules related to the sequence of tenses in direct object clauses the speaker has to follow. realise. I realised he is a South.American. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS A complex sentence contains a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. think. We can distinguish the following types of subordinate clauses: a. Subject Clause d.4. Susan knows that you led a rifle platoon during the Second World War.III. 1. believe. Note: It does not apply in the following cases for statements which are still valid in the moment of speaking ‘now’ have the verb in the present tense although it is also correct to change the verb into the past or with verbs such as know. Prepositional Object Clause c. 3. Direct Object Clause b. Predicative Clause e. 1. Adverbial Clause of Time/ Place/ Manner/ Comparison/ Reason/ g. Relative Clause f. regret etc. We all know that the Prime Minister will appoint a civilian as defence minister. When the main verb is in the past the verb in the direct object clause ought to be in the past too. wish + past tense (=past subjunctive) when the regret is related to the present reality I wish(ed) John were/was here with us on this wonderful trip. require. (simultaneity) that the competition would apologise. I’d sooner Boris had improved his knowledge of English.the subjunctive (past or past perfect) is also used indirect object clauses after would sooner/rather when the person who expresses the preference is not the subject of the action to follow. The use of the tenses in direct object clauses after the main verb ‘wish’ . They wish(ed) she had joined their company two years ago. Brown was right. The subjunctive is used in direct object clauses after verbs like ask. Helen wishes he will finish his work soon. demand. I’d rather he had visited the = Aş fi preferat ca el să fi vizitat Muzeul Prado Prado Museum in Madrid. I would rather he talked less. (but she doesn’t think he will). (posteriority) • When the main verb is formed by one of the idiomatic expressions be sorry. recommend.4.wish + present tense/future tense when ‘wish’ means ‘hope’. = Aş fi dorit ca el să fi muncit mai mult. arrange. Mr. The two parties agreed upon it that it had been an unfortunate misunderstanding. b. 268 . propose. Note that the pattern wish + that-clause is translated in Romanian by the pattern ‘conditional + subjunctive’. (anteriority) that Mr. be disappointed in a present tense the verb in the prepositional object clause will be formed by the following patterns: . Catherine wishes he would become a reliable person. . I’d rather he went to Spain. and the same for the pattern subject1 + would rather/sooner + subject2 + subjunctive (past or past perfect). 5. .wish + would + bare infinitive to express a future action the speaker wants to happen but which has less chances to fulfill. Hill suggested that their candidate should be supported/be supported by the Socialist too. urge. be surprised. = Aş dori ca el să muncească mai mult I wished he had worked harder. = Aş prefera ca el să plece în Spania. . . The above pattern is also used in polite requests I wish you would be quiet. be astonished.wish + past perfect (=past perfect subjunctive) when the regret is related to the past reality. (=Susan hopes he will finish his work soon).present tense/should + bare infinitive to express simultaneous actions. I wish he worked harder. be amazed. Either subjunctive can be used. order. Prepositional Object Clause The rules of the sequence of tenses applies in the prepositional direct object clause too. suggest. din Madrid. Hill is glad that our German partner has accepted/should have accepted the goods (= Domnul Hill este mulţumit că partenerul german a acceptat mărfurile. (posteriority) • After idiomatic expressions like it is strange/ alarming/surprising/ annoying gratifying/splendid (the main verb is in the Present Tense) the subject clause verb will be used in the following patterns. b. (=E ciudat că Tim a sosit la birou atât de devreme). (=E ciudat ca Tim să ajungă la birou atât de devreme. Mr. Subject Clause The speaker can use both the indicative mood or the subjunctive mood. (=Lui Daniel i-a părut rau că tatăl său şi-a vândut maşina) c. It is strange that Tim arrived at the office so early. When the main verb is in the Past Tense the following patterns ought to be used. It is strange that Tim should arrive at the office so early. Simultaneity: present tense or should + infinitive It is strange that they buy/should bought such expensive goods. It was a surprise that they had delivered the goods on time (anteriority) that Ann behaved like that (simultaneity) that the Prime Minister would deliver a speech. (= Şeful nostru a fost dezamăgit că noi am venit aşa de târziu) b.Rupert is surprised that they spend/ should spend their holidays in the little village. (= Rupert este surprins că ei îşi petrec concediul în acest micuţ sat) -present perfect/past tense or should + perfect infinitive to express an anterior action. It is unlikely that Ralph has signed/will sign the contract (=Este puţin probabil că Ralph a semnat/va semna contractul) • When the main verb is in the past the verb in the subject clause ought to be in the past too. Anteriority: past perfect or should + perfect infinitive Daniel was sorry his father had sold/should have sold his car.) • When the main verb is in the past the speaker has to apply the corresponding sequence of tenses a. a. Simultaneity : past tense or should + infinitive Our boss was disappointed we were/should be so late. Simultaneity: past tense or should + infinitive It was surprising that they worked/should work until midnight. Anteriority: present perfect/past tense or should + perfect infinitive It is gratifying that he waited/should have waited until the plane landed. The indicative mood shows the subject clause action is seen as being fulfilled while the subjunctive indicates an assumption. Anteriority: past perfect or should + perfect infinitive It was splendid that they had cooked/should have cooked dinner before our • 269 . a.) There is no tense limitation in the subject clause when the main verb is in the present tense. Adverbial Clause of Time When I have some days off. eu îi voi scrie o scrisoare lui Sean. It is/was necessary that he should earn more money. (=Când au plecat la universitate în această dimineaţă era îngrozitor de frig. • The analytical subjunctive pattern should + bare infinitive is used after idiomatic expressions like it is/was advisable.) My new watch. it was terribly cold. that we were very busy. I’ll write a letter to Sean. Predicative Clause There is no tense limitation in the predicative clause when the main verb is in the Present Tense.coming. vital. (=În timp ce tu pregăteşti cina. that Mr. The important fact is that he was sent abroad. which I bought a month ago. (=Ceasul meu cel nou pe care l-am cumparat acum o lună este foarte bun.) Tom will join us as soon as he has finished his work (Tom ni se va alătura dupa ce-şi va fi terminat ceea ce avea de făcut. I go to the seaside. (=După spectacol vom cina la Lido. (=Au părăsit firma de îndată ce s-au terminat negocierile. The problem was that they had talked to him before.) f.) 270 .) I would try to contact Mr. desirable. Relative Clause There is no tense limitation in the relative clause. Note that the indicative mood relates to a fulfilled action while the subjunctive relates to an assumption. While you are cooking dinner. Blake before he left the town. merg la mare). inevitable . imperative.) They left the company as soon as they had finished their negotiations. we’ll have supper at the Lido. right. necessary. (=Aş încerca să-l contactez pe domnul Blake înainte de a părăsi oraşul.) After the show is over. Pitt has talked about it. The analytical subjunctive pattern may/might + bare infinitive is used after idiomatic expressions like it is possible. it is probable (see also ‘The Subjunctive’ and ‘Modals and Semi-Modals’) It is possible that Jane may arrive tonight. (= I-am arătat lui John rochia pe care o voi purta la viitoarea noastră petrecere. that Sean would leave the next day. When the main verb is in the past the verb in the predicative clause ought to be in the past too.) When they left for University this morning. (=Când am câteva zile libere. is very good. essential. I showed John the dress I’ll wear at our next party. e. important. that the contract will be soon concluded. • d. (but he isn’t/wasn’t) They talk/talked as if they had known him. l. Adverbial Clause of Manner There is no tense limitation in the adverbial clause of manner. Audrey will do just as you told her. Even though he did not study marketing The analytical subjunctive pattern may/might + infinitive can be used in the 271 . k. (=Aţi vrea să puneţi cele două dicţionare unde le este locul) Wherever they went. I am now. I stayed in bed longer this morning because I hadn’t been able to sleep all night.g. Adverbial Clause of Comparison There is no tense limitation in the adverbial clause of comparison. The subjunctive can also be used in the adverbial clause of comparison He behaves /behaved as if he were the company chairman. He was as busy as you had thought. (pattern: past tense in the main clause + past tense in the adverbial clause of comparison). (= Oriunde mergeau. He did his job so well that they promised him a pay rise (=Îşi făcea atât de bine serviciul încât i-au propus o mărire de salariu. a man could be. The harder he works. The Romanian pattern ‘cu cât …. cu atât … ‘ can be expressed as follows. Would you please put those two dictionaries back where they belong. Adverbial Clause of Concession Both present and past tenses in the indicative mood can be used. (pattern : future tense in the main clause + present tense in the adverbial clause of comparison) The more frequently they travelled abroad the more they enjoyed it. Though he has never studied marketing Although he is very young he is a successful businessman. (but they haven’t/hadn’t) j. the better results he will get. that they’ll never forget him. întâlneau oameni amabili) h. because today is Sunday. (=Îşi făcea atât de bine serviciul încât nu-l vor uita. Adverbial Clause of Reason There is no tense limitation in the adverbial clause of reason. they met nice people. Adverbial Clause of Result There is no tense limitation in the adverbial clause of result. Adverbial Clause of Place There is no tense limitation in the adverbial clause of place. i. you are going to be. Mr. I (have not) the slightest idea who she (be) but I obviously (have) to go. 3. had read) a novel as absorbing as this one. 9. waiting for me. They spoke English much better than … 7. Give the reason for your choice: 1. I (drive) for at least an hour when I finally (find) his place. III. his works were published by many magazines. If I (had had. became) famous. 6. … . (= Oricine ar suna dă-mi-l la telefon) Note that the above pattern is translated into Romanian by using the conditional. I (can) (see) that he (cry). EXERCISES I. went. I learnt recently that Jupiter (is. She was nicer than … 5. It is a long time since I (read. Select the correct word or expression in brackets in each of the following sentences. I (assume) a terrible tragedy (take place) with overtones of 272 . are) mortal. Supply the most logical form of the verb in the following: I just (go) to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. She (has not bought. put him through. Even then all I (can) (make out) (be) that someone called Milly (have) a very bad accident. 2. He walked so far that he (tired. 7.adverbial clause of concession too. It (be) an eccentric farmer. The old woman who confronted me in the street … 4. After Einstein (had become. is) industrious. 10. heard) that. 9. 4. Almost as soon as I entered the company …. “She (mean) more to me than anyone… even my own wife!” he said. did not buy) her dress when she was in town last week. It (seem) Milly already (die). had tired) himself. I would have done a better job of cleaning the house. Black asked me yesterday where I (have gone. I never (meet) him before. We arranged to hire a coach that … 8. (see ‘The Analytical Subjunctive’) Whoever may/might phone. B. … that they might come across our letter. He declared that … 10. 5. using a clause: 1. Complete the following sentences. It (snow) heavily that day and I (not know) the way. I was glad to hear that her brother (was. although I often (hear) people talk about him. was) the largest of the planets. the more I liked him. have read. He (stand) there. He (seem) quite hysterical and he (talk) for a minute or so before I (understand) anything. 8. His illnes showed him that all men (were. 3. had gone) the day before. 2. He remained silent as soon as he (had heard. He said that many years ago … 6. have had) more time. They announced that … II. 4. 9. dar nu a vrut să creadă. Ori de câte ori te întâlnesc. dar m-am întrebat de ce ai făcut un secret din asta. cu toate că i-ar fi plăcut să se sfătuiască cu mine. în mare parte. Îl admir mai puţin decât l-am admirat pe bunicul său care a fost un om adevărat. deoarece are mai multă încredere în mine. and (burst) into tears again. gândindu-se că este mult mai frumoasă decât şi-o închipuise vreodată. Milly clearly (be) a secret sweetheart of his. 6. a rămas tăcut. simt nevoia să-ţi spun cât de mult aş dori să fim prieteni. 8. Am sosit aici doar de trei zile. ca să nu risc să fii plecat. Ştiam că ai să vii la mine. 3. A venit să mă vadă. IV. şi am aflat că acum a păţit-o. “She (be) such a good cow! I (will not) (let) anyone but a doctor touch her!” he said. I (be) about to tell him he (cannot) (expect) me to cover anything up when he (open) the barn door and (point) his torch at a motionless shape on the straw. N-a fost un secret pentru nimeni că reuşita lui se datorează. 2. dar mă simt de parcă aş fi venit de mult. De îndată ce a văzut-o. “I (will not) (leave) her out in the cold!” he said. 273 . Translate into English: 1. I s-a spus în repetate rânduri că cinstea e cea mai bună dintre politici. dar nu eram acasă. decât în el. 7. 5. sârguinţei cu care a învăţat în tot timpul care a trecut de la sosirea lui la facultate.a possible scandal. I must (admit) I (be) even more shocked when he (tell) me he (put) her in the barn. 10. Ori de câte ori treceam prin faţa şcolii mă întrebam ce or mai fi făcând foştii mei profesori şi unde sunt oare colegii mei. Te voi suna când voi porni de acasă spre tine. iar la întoarcerea mea tocmai plecase să se întâlnească cu un alt prieten de al lui. nefiind anunţat din timp. .III. Morphological changes III. DIRECT AND INDIRECT/ REPORTED SPEECH A. etc. to inquire. direct statements can be reported without any changes of tense. to ask. without altering the meaning of the person’s remark or speech. to complain (to say irritably).the structure of the sentences (changes concerning imperative. to remark. TENSE in INDIRECT SPEECH PAST SIMPLE Sue said that she wanted to stop. . ‘Methane is often regarded as the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide’. to observe. to demand. to snort. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE ‘I’m going home’.When the reporting verb (say. interrogative or exclamatory sentences) III. to report. tell.the location of the action (changes concerning the adverbs of time and of place). to reply (to say in response).the speaker (changes concerning the persons of the pronouns).5. present perfect or future. to tell. Indirect speech (IS) The changing from DS into IS brings a number of constraints that affect: . PAST PROGRESSIVE John said that he was going home.) is in the present. He said (that) breakfast would be a cheerless affair for the Prime Minister that morning.1.’ She said she was leaving. and the quotation marks are not used.a. Direct speech (DS) The verbs of reporting and thinking are: to say. to beam. said John.Tenses are moved into the past (backshift) after a past tense reporting verb: ‘I’m leaving. to warn (to say about undesirable consequences). to point out. to announce. [IS] TENSE in DIRECT SPEECH PRESENT SIMPLE ‘I want to stop’. to insist (to say emphatically).a. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS When we change a statement from the Direct Speech (DS) to the Indirect Speech (IS) we change some of the words that the person said. to twinkle and others according to the situation. said Sue. 274 . [DS] He explains than methane is often regarded as the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. I. remark. to sob. II.1. .the time of the action (changes concerning the tenses of the verbs). Tense Backshift . he explains. . to protest (to say with reservation). PAST PROGRESSIVE ‘I was still working at eight o’clock yesterday evening’. FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE IN THE PAST Mary said that she would have been working non-stop for over three weeks. remarked Simon. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE Simon remarked that the Second World War had lasted nearly six years. [DS] Christine said that she had seen the film before. PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE ‘We have been working very hard at the office lately’. 275 . PAST PERFECT SIMPLE Will announced that Sally had finished. ‘I had seen the film before’. said Mary. PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE Robert said that they had been working very hard at the office lately. said Robert. FUTURE PERFECT IN THE PAST He explained that he would have finished his work by the end of the following week. he explained. do not change. FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE ‘I’ll have finished my work by the end of next week’. FUTURE PROGRESSIVE ‘I’ll be using the car myself on the 27th’. announced Will. FUTURE PROGRESSIVE IN THE PAST She said that she would be using the car herself on the 27th. FUTURE IN THE PAST Tom said that Ann would find a wide variety of choices available in university cafeterias. FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE ‘I’ll have been working non-stop for over three weeks’. said Tom. Notes: • Verbs already in the past perfect. confirmed Helen. she said. Christine said.PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE ‘Sally has finished’. PAST SIMPLE ‘The Second World War lasted nearly six years’. conditional sentences type 1 and zero conditionals (= real situations) undergo backshift. FUTURE SIMPLE ‘Ann will find a wide variety of choices available in university cafeterias’. [IS] • After a past tense reporting verb. PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE Helen confirmed that she had still been working at eight o’clock in the evening the day before. if the event is clearly hypothetical and impossible. Would. ‘I’m too busy to come’. ’I know a wonderful restaurant where we can have lunch this week. had better.’ [DS] He said that he might not be back until the following week.• • • He said. could and must do not normally change. [IS] • In spoken language the tense backshift does not apply when direct speech is reported very soon afterwards. shall changes to should and may changes to might. [IS] Hypothetical past conditional sentences type 3 do not change. She said. [IS] Exceptions from tense backshift • Tense backshift is optional in the cases of the habitual uses of the simple present tense. ‘The population of London is around 9 million’. ‘I might not be back until next week. Adverbs and adverbial phrases of time and place If we report words like here. He said. today in a different place or at a different time. Peter said. they often change. C. Pronouns and possessive adjectives normally change from first or second person to third person except when the speaker is reporting his own words. ought to. [IS] III. will changes to would. [DS] She said she’s too busy to come. now. [IS] In reported hypothetical situations in the present (= conditional sentences –type 2).’ [DS] Peter said that if he had gone by bus to the office he would have missed the meeting.a. he explained. time changes are made. I would have missed the meeting. [DS] He explained that the population of London is around 9 million. ‘If I had gone by bus to the office.’ [DS] He said that they would feel a lot better about themselves if they worked on solutions to their upsetting situations. adjectives and adverbs A. ‘You’ll feel a lot better about yourself if you work on solutions to your upsetting situations. [IS] B. he explained. ‘I’d like to join an aerobic class to improve my fitness. Changes of viewpoint: demonstrative pronouns/ adjectives This used in time expressions usually becomes that.2. [IS] If the reporting verb is in a past tense. she said. [DS] He explained that if he had had a map he could have found the way. ‘If I had a map. I could find the way’. modal auxiliaries change where there is a ‘past’ equivalent: can changes to could. SPEAKER’S WORDS INDIRECT SPEECH here there this that/ the now then today that day 276 .’ [DS] She said that she’d like to join an aerobic class to improve her fitness.’ He said that he knew a wonderful restaurant where they could have lunch that week. should. used to. Morphological changes of pronouns. Must can be reported as either had to or remain as must: He said. might. ‘The company believes that products will sell well in the run-up Christmas’.2. why. ‘Throwing good money after bad may not be a good idea.’ Albert advised them to call the police. Oscar?’ Ann asked Oscar to help her with her bags. ‘Stay away from me. [DS] I asked her if she liked hamburgers.’ said Steven to Grace. • request: Ann said. Imperative sentences We often report directives (orders.’ Ruth warned them to stay away from her.) which begins the questions in direct speech.b. 2. Steven told Grace not to touch his glasses. [IS] • Wh-questions are introduced by the wh-word (when. The word order is the same as in statements and we do not use a question mark. warnings or pieces of advice) using the structure verbs + (object) + to infinitive. She said. • advice: Albert said. he explains. what. ‘It’s not a very good time to sell at the moment.tonight tomorrow the day after tomorrow yesterday the day before yesterday next week/ year/ Monday/ August last week/ year/ Monday/ August a year/ week ago that night the next day/ the following day in two days time the day before/ the previous day two days before the following week/ year/ Monday/ August the previous week/ year/ Monday/ August a year/ week before/ the previous year/ week III. Blake says. Syntactical changes III. • warning: Ruth said. etc.b. Interrogative sentences • Yes/ no questions are reported using if.1. ‘Get out of my room!’ She ordered me to get out of her room. • negative orders: ‘Don’t touch my glasses.b.’ 277 . Mr. B. [IS] III. where. Put the following statements into indirect speech: 1. ‘ Could you help me with my bags. ‘Where do you come from?’ [DS] She asked (me) where I came from. John warns. who. • command She said. requests.’ 3. ‘Do you like hamburgers’ I asked her. EXERCISES I. ‘ You should phone the police. ‘Damn that map!’. asked Charles. ‘If you park on this double yellow line. reproach. suggest. 9. ‘You should stop smoking. I didn’t borrow your bike. 8. ‘Don’t forget: you’ve got to hand in your work this evening. ‘It’s a shame you couldn’t make it to the party last night. ‘Don’t smoke in here!’.’ 5. You have to convince the board that your proposals about merging are the best policy for the future. she said. ‘All the lights went off. ‘Experts have been discussing how to improve the fight against crime.’ said Ken. V. ‘Stay away from me. 4. ‘You really must come and visit us next weekend!’ 8. Blake. ‘Can you lend me some money?’ Ken asked me. 6.4. promise. Rankin. ‘Don’t worry. 2. assure.’ said Walter. insist. you’ll manage all right. 9.’ she told David. 4. 2. 6. 10.’ said Mr. disagree.’ 9. Report these sentences: 1. What exactly would you say in these situations? 1. 5. ‘Residents are advised not to put their rubbish bags on the pavement outside their houses. ‘I’ll let you know as soon as they get here. ‘Let’s wait here!’. ‘Are all of these organisations running as independent businesses? Do they have very little contact?. ‘I’ve lived most of my adult life in London.’ said Mike. ‘Switch off the TV. 7. 7.’ 5. ‘You shouldn’t have behaved like that.’ 8. ‘Will you carry my briefcase for me please. ‘I don’t really think that what you said makes sense.’ 4. ‘My Marketing Director is hoping he can sell the idea to clients. You invoiced a client twice the sum he/she was due to pay. ‘Would you like to come to my party?’ said Collin. ‘No it wasn’t me.’ 6. repair the situation.’ 7. 14. claim. regret. II.’ 10.’ he said.’ said Dr. he said. said my boss. Use these verbs to report what the people said in as few words as possible. you’ll get a ticket.’ 2. and mass hysteria broke out.’ said Ann. 13. ‘Well done! I always thought you’d pass. 3. ‘The marketplace was jammed with a noisy crowd of buyers and sellers. remind. 10. You should be ashamed of yourself!’ VII.’ said Ann. as long as you keep your head. ‘Happy Birthday’. You want a foreign client to repeat his words because you were unable to pay attention. congratulate. OK?’ 3. ‘Would you like to join us to dinner?’ said Paul. warn 1. ‘I won’t forget shopping. Richard?’ said James. You are questioning the bank you work with for a surcharge. ‘She’s leaving the day after tomorrow. 3. 11. ‘Can I help you?’ he said. deny. 12. Ann says. she said to Mary. 278 . Bob.. 8. We can’t leave’ Claire said. you must remember this. beginning as shown. Chris.’ Mike suggested. 6. IX. children. Turn into Indirect Speech: 1.. ‘Yes.’ they assured us. I’ll share the bill with you.’ Will advised…………………………. ‘I’ll definitely take you to the park. shall we?’ Wendy suggested……………………….. Dave’. 5. I must set things in order there’. 2. 9. ‘I don’t really think it’ll snow tomorrow. ‘It’s not true! I have never been arrested. You don’t want to attend a meeting presided by your boss because you know he’s boring and inefficient.5. 3.’ the teacher said. 6. can you remember to buy some bread?’ Paul reminded…………………………… 2. ‘We’ll know the results in a week. ‘No.. so that the meaning stays the same: 1. 10. 7. VIII. I’m sorry. ‘Don’t go away so early’. he decided.. 3. ‘Sue.’ I doubt…………………………………. 5.’ they claimed. ‘You certainly studied it a week ago.’ Jill apologized………………………… 4.’ Tom promised the……………………. ‘He has been working hard lately so you must let him rest a while’ she begged. 279 . I won’t work on Saturday. 8. 4. Definitely not! Cathy refused…………………………. you will learn’ he warned the students. ‘Let’s wait for Jane here.. 9. she advised him. 10. Brenda agreed…………………………. all right. ‘I really think you should see a doctor. ‘If you like. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier. ‘They needed our help so we offered them help. ‘Let’s go out to the pub for lunch. I’ll help you do the decorating. Rewrite each sentence. ‘It is raining hard now. 7.’ Larry denied……………………………. ‘I am going to London tomorrow.’ Ann offered……………………………. ‘If you listen carefully. ‘Why is he going to do this?’ Matt asked. voice or take direct objects: It does him good to take long walks. Passive Voice) The teacher told us to read a book about Shakespeare.] Do you expect the shop to be opened on Sunday? [Te aştepţi ca magazinul să fie deschis duminică?] c. (Perfect Infinitive. the Participle and the Gerund can act as a verbal adjective and as a verbal noun. II.] I didn’t want to have said this. Verbal features • it may have aspect. [A greşi e uman.6.] 280 . voice and mood. Ways of translating the Infinitive into Romanian a. infinitiv To err is human. passive voice) or aspect (He is said to have stolen the goods. (Verbal Adjective) The children were impressed by the dancing of the bear. – perfect infinitive). a ierta e divin. I saw the dancing bear in the park. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The six grammatical categories according to which a finite verb is inflected are: person. b. FORM a. tense. (Perfect Infinitive. not to see.1.] b. number. to see. to bring I would like to write a letter to her to apologize for everything I did. If there appear some morphological changes in the context where the ing-forms occur. The nonfinite verbs may have some of the categories above mentioned: voice (I would like not to be watched. [N-am vrut să fi spus acest lucru. Affirmative: to write.] John is believed to have brought on all the trouble. [M-am bucurat că am terminat mai devreme. THE INFINITIVE I. respectively. – infinitive. (Present Infinitive. (Verbal Noun) 1. USES a. modul indicativ (timpul prezent. aspect. [Se crede că John a cauzat tot acest necaz.6. conjunctiv prezent/ perfect (diateza activă sau pasivă) I want to see Hugh. divine. to forgive. Simple Aspect – present reference) I was glad to have finished it soon. trecut sau viitor) în propoziţii subordonate I was glad to have finished it soon. NONFINITE FORMS A. (Direct Object) III. Perfective Aspect – past reference) The shop is said to have been broken into. Negative: not to write. not to bring I wanted him not to swear strangers.III.1. [Vreau să-l văd pe Hugh. 2. I heard the interesting news. Affirmative: . voice or take a direct object: Having finished his work. USES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE PAST PARTICIPLE a. She will not answer.not + the – en form of a verb (the Past Participle) Not knowing what to say.(I was) working/ loving . the Past Participle has a passive one. There are two participles in English: . Negative: .the –ing form of a verb (the Present Participle) . • it may have an indirect object: Grandma is telling me a very funny story. The difference between the two participles lies in the meaning they have: whereas a Present Participle generally expresses an active meaning. [Perfect Participle. perfective aspect) Being found guilty. THE PARTICIPLE I. [passive voice] The girl is playing tennis. Peter went out for a walk. [Past Tense. I kept my mouth shut. [Present Tense Progressive] I have been reading a book for five hours.) II. USES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE a. • the verbal adjectives can be used predicatively or attributively: The news is interesting. to form with the auxiliary to be the passive voice and with the auxiliary to have the Perfect Tenses A book was read. to form with the auxiliary to be the progressive aspect I am reading a book. ([the fire was burning – active) I found the barn burned. he was taken to prison.THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE (I’m dancing) .THE PAST PARTICIPLE (I have danced). IV. Verbal features: • it may have aspect. III. The Past Participle is the consequence of the event expressed by a Present Participle. if not asked.6. [Present Perfect Progressive] b. The Present Participle used as a noun modifier bears the name verbal adjective. Adjective features The Present Participle may also have the function of an adjective. FORM OF THE PRESENT/ PAST PARTICIPLE a.not + the –ing form of a verb (the Present Participle) . I found the barn burning.(I have) worked/ loved b. . Passive Voice] 281 . (the house was burned – passive.1. c.the – en form of a verb (the Past Participle) . ) b. we will accept him. 3. it is totally different in syntax. Ways of translating The Present/ Past Participle into Romanian: a. (the subject) I. Substantiv: a never-ending story (poveste fără sfârşit) f. (Perfect Gerund) She resents being asked personal question. namely a Gerund. Affirmative: -ing form Do you mind my smoking in here? b. Participiu: They were defeated by a more powerful army.) d. Adjectiv/ participiu: my beloved child (copilul meu drag/ iubit) e.) All things considered. indirect or prepositional object: Your going there is a little bit surprising. [have told = Perfect Infinitive] I can’t stand having been deceived. (L-am văzut pe John deschizând poarta.) c. (Ştirile păreau foarte interesante. (Am să o pun să bată la maşină două scrisori.) 1. (simple aspect) Your having gone there was a little bit surprising.3 THE GERUND An –ing form can cover another nonfinite form of the verb. USES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE GERUND a.6. Negative: not + -ing form (Gerund). Laughing loudly is not nice when you have an official meeting.You could have told us everything. not + having + Past Participle of the verb Do you mind me not coming with you? (Te deranjează dacă nu vin cu tine?) II. [Perfect Gerund. (Ei au fost învinşi de o armată mai puternică. îl vom accepta. a direct. (passive voice) I enjoy talking about my new job. Verbal features It may take direct objects or prepositional objects: We have asked several questions. FORM OF THE GERUND a. Even if the Gerund resembles the Present Participle in form. V. Adjective features The Past Participle can be used attributively or predicatively. Adjectiv The news seemed very interesting. trecut sau viitor): I saw John opening the gate. Passive Voice] 2. He had too many shattered dreams. Gerunziu/ Propoziţie subordonată ( + un mod predicativ: prezent. Conjunctiv prezent I’ll have her typing two letters. voice. 282 . His dreams are shattered. Verbal features • The Gerund may have aspect. (Luând în considerare toate aspectele. . 5. a) is tasting b) tastes 283 . He seemed to be annoyed by the noise. 10.) 3.. I swear not to do this again.plural number: We are exhausted with his comings and goings.. 4. conjunctiv: He is fond of listening to music. I want him to listen to me. They can’t allow him to be laughed at. The house was announced to have been broken into. the Gerund can precede a noun. They are supposed to be coming round tonight. Pseudo-adjective features Like the Present Participle. but whereas the Present Participle can become a Verbal Adjective. 8. II. (rebuilding – Gerund) . 6. The boy noticed the dog running.definite/ indefinite article: The rebuilding of the city took more than we thought. c. (Imagineazăţi-l pe Tom dansând/ că dansează. He is unlikely to come at the meeting. 2.b. awful! I think it has gone bad. trecut sau viitor) Do you mind me smoking in here? (Te deranjează dacă fumez aici ?) Do you mind me having smoked in here? (Te deranjează dacă am fumat aici?) B.. This meat . We named John to be our President. EXERCISES I. 3. (A avut şansa de a spune adevărul. Choose the correct form: 1.genitive (the prepositional genitive): The beautiful singing of the children was the climax of the party. infinitiv: He had the chance of telling the truth. Nominal features There are some morphological and syntactical features that show that the Gerund has nominal morphological features which make it change into a Verbal Noun...) 4.) 2. modul indicativ (prezent. Identify the Infinitival and Participial constructions and specify the verbs that trigger them: 1. 7. (Îi place să asculte muzică. Compare the following – ing forms: a dancing bear (dancing = Verbal Adjective – ‘a bear which is dancing’) a dancing-teacher (dancing = Gerund – ‘a teacher of dancing’) III. gerunziu: Fancy Tom dancing. (Verbal Noun) Rebuilding the city took more than we thought. . Ways of translating the Gerund into Romanian 1. They felt the house shaking. (Verbal Noun) . 9. the Gerund does not become an adjective. ... the secretary put them into envelopes.? a) usually at that time of the day b) that time of the day 10.? 7....... the door when I left the house... so I still have it.... I tried (go) to bed immediately after lunch but I couldn’t sleep. the swimmer finished the race a) in spite of b) despite III..... I hate (think) sometimes that he might find excuses for everything he does.. IV.... It’s no good.. 8. typed the letters..... if you don’t like .... a) lying b) laying 4.. He was always ... 9.. Use the Gerund or the Infinitive of the verbs in brackets: 1..... I could notice how much he enjoyed .. He said he was looking forward to ........ 3. I’ll have the mechanic (check) the battery while he’s here..? 5... 4..! 6. 9.being very tired. in public 10. 3....... mistakes in his translations. .. 7. 11... I saw that he closed the safe. He was so happy he succeeded in . 284 . (Judge) from recent events. He sees no harm in my . a) raising b) racing 3. Can you remember what you were doing ...... furiously. I remember . Who is responsible for ..... 5. 2.. a) to lock b) locking 7. Why don’t you stop .... The answer to the employment problems seems to lie in .. (talk) about the first item on the agenda.. I’m sure you’ll find a solution. He said he wasn’t used to .. a) as it barked b) barking 8. The car is broken down and I can’t make it (go).. ... in the sun... Finish the sentences using Gerund or Perfect Gerund: 1.. 3. I appreciate ... Finish the sentences so that the meaning stays the same: 1...... He doesn’t seem to me to be fond of ... It was nice to see the kids . 6.. I would never think of ....... I invited her (come) out with me.. It was very kind of you to help me with the housework.. They were ... people will stop (complain) about loss of jobs....... that we cannot accept your apologies....... 2...... 2.. 4. I didn’t remember (post) the letter... I led the dog out of the room.. a) being b) having 5. V.... the chairman went on (discuss) about the unemployment problem.their motorcars dangerously.... You should (try) settle the dispute between them. a) to tell b) telling 6.. 8. a) to make b) making 9... We regret ..... .... I’ll never forget (walk) on the beach with her and (enjoy) the morning sunshine..2.. . YOUR 10... don’t wait for her. De ce nu încerci să eviţi călătoria pe timpul nopţii? 4. Fratele meu preferă să joace tenis decât să mă însoţească în parc..4. Rewrite each sentence using the words in capitals: 1... You are not permitted to park here.. 12. I am looking forward ..... That’s the way ..... I will talk with someone to paint my house....... 11.. PARKING 7. RISKS 3. 5.. The pipe needs ............ 7... 14. E foarte greu să-i împiedici pe oameni să parcheze în acel loc. 13......... Translate into English: 1. After ... 285 ... REGRET 2......... 8...... I am so anxious to hear about you........... 19.. I will have .. 10. I finished my homework and then I went out for a walk...... he left the room without a word..... 18... Nu-mi amintesc să fi plouat marţi toata ziua 7..... look here! 16... I wasn’t pleased with it. You may go home.. HAVING 9........... 5. 6. He finished his work... Dar cum îl poţi face să înceteze de a copia la lucrări? 8.. she won’t come... I saw him . WORTH 6. There is a risk that she will miss the train if she doesn’t take a taxi. M-am obişnuit să merg pe jos 3 km pe zi.. 9... I won’t smoke anymore. 15... It is strange that you should call on us at this hour.... 20... Foarte greu m-am obişnuit cu ideea de a-l pierde..... 9.... 3.... Să încercăm să pornim aparatul prin apasarea pe butonul roşu.. USE 4.. I know how to solve this Maths problem.. because you won’t finish the composition till tomorrow. Working late is pointless....... The idea of .. 6... He felt sorry he had been late for the concert.. Is it all right if I go with you as well? MIND VIII..... I really don’t know if I turned off the gas when I left REMEMBER 8. The pipe is old and it leaks badly.. 10........... I suggest ........... I promise! UP 5. Ce-ai zice să mergem şi să-l vizităm diseară? 2.. The idea was to stay there and wait.... He is sorry he didn’t answer her letter.. 17... I suggest that they should paint the doors white. He apologised ... VI........ Acoperisul necesită reparaţii urgente. The real estate agent urged the couple to buy the second house because it had new shingles. or abstract idea. Last year. historical documents. Abstract Nouns An abstract noun is a noun which names anything which can not be perceived through the five physical senses. According to the sign. or things and they are always written with capital letters. religions. or thing in a general sense. II. place. their holy texts and their adherents are proper nouns. Proper Nouns Proper nouns are names of specific persons. places.III. Common Nouns A common noun is a noun referring to a person. II. taste. and countable or non-countable or collective. thing. hearing.3. II. All the gardens in the neighbourhood were invaded by beetles this summer.2.1. organisations. 286 . animal. the nearest town is 60 miles away. II. institutions. The names of days of the week.4. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. II. Justice often seems to slip out of our grasp. Many people dread Monday mornings. the countable noun (also called the count noun). abstract or concrete. the abstract noun. months. Mary is amused by people who are nostalgic about childhood. Classification of nouns Grammarians have developed a whole series of noun types. Definition A noun is a word used to name a person. sight. or smell. The bus inspector looked at all the passengers' passes. I had a Baptist and a Buddhist as roommates. the concrete noun. Concrete Nouns A concrete noun is a noun which names anything (or anyone) that can be perceived through the physical senses: touch. THE NOUN A. the non-countable noun (also called the mass noun).2. Late last year our neighbours bought a villa. the common noun. The judge handed the files to the clerk. including the proper noun. place. and the collective noun. You should note that a noun will belong to more than one type: it will be proper or common. but you usually think of the group as a whole. animals. the plural denotes that more than one thing is spoken of.5. II. the -y changes to -i and the plural is then -es. You could count the individual members of the group. or persons. The singular number denotes that one thing is spoken of.7. A non-countable noun always takes a singular verb in a sentence. as one unit. Miriam found six silver dollars in the toe of a sock. -s -es boy / boys patch / patches. You need to be able to recognise collective nouns in order to maintain subject-verb agreement. and are the opposite of countable nouns. Oxygen is essential to human life. Compare: -y / -ies -y / -ys spy / spies play / plays baby / babies bay / bays city / cities osprey / ospreys sky / skies boy / boys III. and is roughly the opposite of a countable noun. Collective Nouns A collective noun is a noun naming a group of things. -sh. -x. The majority of English count nouns are regular and predictable in the spelling of the plural form. if the singular ends with -y and the -y is not preceded by a vowel (or is not a proper name). -ch. Number English has two numbers: singular and plural. The steering committee meets every Wednesday afternoon. III. Countable Nouns A countable noun (or count noun) is a noun with both a singular and a plural form.6. III. Gravel is more expensive than I thought. We painted the table red and the chairs blue.1. -zz). Non-countable nouns are similar to collective nouns. -ss.3. Add -s to the end of the singular form or -es to those singulars that end in a sibilant sound (-s.II. -fe / -ves 287 . bed / beds box / boxes. book / books bus / buses pen / pens lunch / lunches day / days class / classes III. The class was startled by the bursting light bulb. Some nouns that end in -f/-fe change to -ves in the plural: -f. and which refers to something that you could (or would) not usually count. In modern English -s or -es has come to be the "standard" ending of the plural forms of nouns.2. Non-Countable Nouns A non-countable noun (or mass noun) is a noun which does not have a plural form. II. and it names anything (or anyone) that can be counted. However. A collective noun is similar to a non-countable noun. there are some nouns ending in –f.7. Some nouns change the vowel sound in becoming plural: sg. Nouns ending in -o may take -s or –es in the plural. / pl cod* / cod* deer / deer fish* / fish* 288 . Some nouns do not change at all: sg. Motto – mottos / mottoes Buffalo – buffalos / buffaloes Tornado – tornados / tornadoes Zero – zeros / zeroes Cargo / cargos / cargoes III. some nouns ending in -o may take both -s and -es: sg. Compare: -o / -os -o / -oes auto / autos echo / echoes photo / photos hero / heroes piano / pianos potato / potatoes kilo / kilos tomato / tomatoes video / videos veto / vetoes However. / pl. wharf – wharfs / wharves.6. -fe that can have two plural forms (both -fs and -ves): e.4. scarf – scarfs / scarves. .5. III.calf / calves half / halves leaf / leaves life / lives wife / wives shelf/shelves self/selves knife / knives / pl. child / children ox / oxen III.g. Some Old English plurals are still in use: sg. Man / men Woman / women Foot / feet Goose / geese Tooth / teeth Louse / lice Mouse / mice III. 8.b.8. III. but one shark becomes two sharks.offspring / offspring sheep / sheep trout* / trout* *Notice that these are names of fish. Nouns ending in -um with plural -a: singular foreign plural addendum addenda bacterium bacteria curriculum curricula datum data medium media memorandum memoranda English plural in use cactuses funguses English plural in use curriculums mediums memorandums 289 . Salmon. but are also used for singular forms: sg. halibut and tuna are further examples. Note that some of these have adapted a regular English plural form as well.d. These include nouns that are traditionally plural. / pl corpus / corpora genus / genera III.a. Nouns ending in -us with plural -a (only in technical use): sg.8. Nouns ending in –a with plural –ae: singular foreign plural English plural in use alga algae amoeba amoebae amoebas antenna antennae antennas formula formulae formulas larva larvae vertebra vertebrae III. pike. Many (but not all) fish have irregular plural forms.8.8.c. Other nouns retain foreign plurals. Nouns ending in -us with plural -i: singular foreign plural bacillus bacilli cactus cacti fungus fungi nucleus nuclei octopus octopi stimulus stimuli III. / pl barracks / barracks crossroads / crossroads headquarters / headquarters means / means series / series species / species III. Gender Whereas in other languages gender follows the form.III. The chief member adds -s in the plural. such as talisman. Noun . and neuter nouns. commander in chief. Nouns ending in -is becoming -es in plural: sg. attorney at law. • Some groups pluralize both parts of the group. forget-me-not.e. IV. but add -s. woman servant. firman. in English. English can have but two genders – masculine and feminine. fellow-servant.h. German. NOTE:Some words ending in -man are not compounds of the English word man. Englishman. Frenchman. Ottoman. or additions to words. The plural of compound nouns Compound nouns may be divided into two classes: • Those whose parts are so closely joined as to constitute one word.g. manservant. maidservant. / pl analysis / analyses axis / axes basis / bases crisis / crises diagnosis / diagnoses oasis / oases III. followed by a word or phrase making a modifier. those which do not distinguish sex. court-martial. fisherman.. if of the female sex. woman singer. father-in-law. knight-errant. 290 . in English the gender follows the meaning of the word. Nouns ending in -on becoming -a: sg. Mussulman. the name of it is masculine.8. and consequently without sex. gender depends on sex: if a thing spoken of is of the male sex. that is.f. handful. Norman. • Those groups in which the first part is the principal one. -ix becoming plural -ices: singular foreign plural English plural in use appendix appendices appendixes cervix cervices cervixes index indices indexes matrix matrices matrixes vortex vortices III. Thus gender is the mode of distinguishing sex by words. the name of it is feminine. These make the plural in the last part. then. / pl criterion / criteria phenomenon / phenomena III. as man singer. All nouns. courtyard.gender nouns. must be divided into two principal classes . or names of things without life. Nouns ending in -ex.8.8. Brahman. those distinguishing the sex of the object.8. stepson. Gender shown by suffixes. bachelor/maid boy/girl brother/sister drake/duck earl/countess father/mother gander/goose husband/wife king/queen M. • -ity: capability. The feminine may also discard a vowel which appears in the masculine: e. By far the largest number of gender words are those marked by suffixes. generally to a masculine word. appointment. The ending -ess is added to many words without changing the ending of the masculine: M. the masculine ending may be dropped before the feminine -ess is added: e. • -ment: contentment. • By adding a suffix. kingdom. negro / negress . murderer / murderess. / F. / F. abbot – abbess. kindness.g. IV. Sometimes. IV. Usually the gender words he and she are prefixed to neuter words: he-goat / shegoat.1. lord/lady wizard/witch nephew/niece ram/ewe sir/madam son/daughter uncle/aunt bull/cow boar/sow V. Noun Suffixes These are common endings for nouns. baron / baroness count / countess lion / lioness host / hostess priest / priestess However. IV.Gender nouns include names of persons and some names of animals. he-bear / she-bear. • -dom: wisdom. neuter nouns include some animals and all inanimate objects. Gender shown by prefixes. There are three ways to distinguish the genders: • By prefixing a gender word to another word. actor / actress. Gender shown by different words.3. If you see these endings on a word. flexibility.2. expression. • By using a different word for each gender. • -sion. -tion: celebration. master / mistress. the feminine and the masculine are entirely different words M. then you know it must be a noun. 291 . cock sparrow / hen sparrow. / F. • -ness: toughness.g. -or: fighter. books 292 . The first one is done for you. The children told their parents about the matches. 4. stories 3. The first one is done for you.• • • -ance. 1. 5. Why must I pay four different tax on the same income? IV. Why are all school bus painted yellow? 5. 11. Our watch don’t show the same time. There are two or more plural nouns in each sentence. Please keep your hands and feet inside the car. 3. Boxes 2. 10. pianist. 6. Do turtles have teeth? 5. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men ate scrambled eggs. Only one of them is an irregular plural noun. There are three church in our little community. EXERCISES I. There are too many box in our attic. Vincent helped the women choose their costumes. We saw some bright flash of light coming from the woods. Sandy knew that many mice were living in the walls of the old houses. All the student in that school wear uniforms. The first sentence has been done for you. II. Underline the irregular plural noun in each sentence and write the singular form. -er. I read seven story to my son. In each sentence there is one singular noun that should be plural. Seven protester were arrested after the riot. One of those nouns should be changed to its plural form to be correct. 1. 3. 1. You should place the knives and spoons to the left of the plates. Underline that noun and write the correct form after the sentence. Underline the incorrect noun and write its proper form after the sentence. dogs 2. 8. There are two or more singular nouns in each sentence. The old dog no longer fought over their food. The hunters never noticed the two deer by the apple trees. How many picture did you take on your trip? 3. We put ten of our best crystal glass on the table. 9. III. -ence: assistance. Write the correct plural form after the sentence. 7. Our soccer team has had four wins and three loss. existence. B. The children stood on boxes to see the parade. Glasses 2. 6. Woman 2. The first three have been done for you. 1. 7. -ist: violinist. 4. Cheryl doesn’t enjoy washing dish. We took pictures of the oxen as they pulled the wagons. The underlined noun in each sentence is spelled in its singular form. Are the geese chasing the other farm animals? 4. actor. Harold lost five of his new book. 1. did you remove some shelf from this bookcase? 11. watch 18. . to crucify. story 14. hard. The governor brought all his child to the ceremony. mother.4. 19. The painter left their ladder in the middle of the driveway. moist. to despise. box 10. forlorn. to strike. customer 17. 12. proud. The ______________ names are Big and Pig. I will grant you three ______________. None of the ______________ showed the correct time. 16. to dally. 13. to catch. We never noticed the frog that were sitting on the salad. 14. to see. child 5. social. 8. fluorescent. The first five have been done for you. My uncle's pranks are annoying. The singular form of the noun is printed after the sentence. member 4. None of the switch were turned off on that panel. Dale insisted that her property tax were too high. uncle 3. to pursue. broad. nimble. Please take both your ______________ out of my pudding! foot 12. You girls are not behaving like ______________! lady 7. 17. 7. busy. gay. 3. Does this mouse belong to you? mouse 6. 10. rival. 2. to hide. life. to seize. 5. There were many flash of light in the sky. The members' votes were counted by hand. The ______________ plan would surely get them into trouble. lofty. brother. to destroy. The ______________ are stacked against the door. delicate. cow 13. wry. keen. My ______________ car is falling apart. to keep. 20. partner. maladjusted. Mary 16. Mrs. Most ______________ colors will change during the fall. Give abstract nouns from these words: 1. merry. boy VI. to bear. to manage. patron. wish 8. Olivia falls asleep by counting sheep in her mind. V. to obtain. The last four ______________ won the best prizes. puppy 11. We saw many scary mask on the last night of October. leaf 15. Write the correct form of the noun on the line. blue. Penny put many penny in Patty’s purple pantry. Alice. ______________ joke did not amuse the minister. 6. 15. All the witch flew over our Halloween party. The teacher collected the children's papers. perverse. mild. to draw. pauper (two forms). My calf were sore after the race. 293 . blue. to deny. Each sentence below is missing a noun. 9. All my dream came true when you became my wife. That ______________ belongs to my grandfather. likely thief. coward. 18. I don’t believe that John was chased by a bunch of mummy. How many presents are under the tree? present 2. father 9. All of this ______________ characters had faults. Apple were the favorite food at the school party. I sent three reply to your e-mail address. absent. Annabella was outraged when the nurse said she had eleven louse in her hair. traitor. eyeglass. hyacinth. The (snow/snows) and (frost/frosts) of the Antarctic made him sway between (hope/hopes) and (fear/fears). He planted three (score/scores) of bulbs. bull’s eye.VII. wage-freeze. caroing-knife. calf. good-for-nothing. axe. X. 11. minute. poet laureate. bee. boar. custom. dog-rose. moth. billy-goat. housewife. attorney-general. pain. 294 . Statistics (is/are) used on a large scale in a country’s industry. hippopotamus. hoof. die. lieutenant-colonel. Choose the correct form of the noun. cactus. genius. test-tube. pickpocket. tuft. 8. VIII. 6. breakdown. elk. fauna. they found a small (oasis/oases). b. buckhedgehog. sphinx. Mumps (is/are) very catching. casino. Paul’s little brother is not good at (figure/figures). boyscout. daybreak. elf. cherub. calf. parsley. solo. friar. In a lot of (grottos/grottoes) all over the world. eyelash. ground. colliery. mars quake. catchfly. eggshell. miasma. alley. reef. bitch-atter. bough. garden-flower. oil-can. lad. duck. court-martial. bride. lawn-mower. wizard. flora. marquis. coltsfoot. peacock. milktooth. Translate them into Romanian: by-street. stag. virtuoso. IX. Rondo. verb and determinative(s) and explain your choice. touch. sow. picklock. cock (rooster). ram. commander-inchief. nettle. 5. bachelor. fiasco. porch. clog. brace. ambassador. ram. bullock. The annals of Tacitus (is/are) among the best historical sources for the history of the Roman times. After a ten-day journey through the desert. glasseye. grouse. 3. belief. chamois. necropolis. witch. wisdom tooth. protégé. but finds a great pleasure in hunting (grouse/grouses) as well. lion. fox. 10. zero. sheath. 9. He is a well-known hunter of (bison/bisons). count. Give the feminine of the following words: marquis. parsnip. scoop. swan. wit. mongoose. she-sparrow. tick. onlooker. coop. hansom. brushoff. ecstasy. mare. wrinkle. The committee (was/were) of the opinion that it/they should take further steps. knowlittle. fiancé. do-nothing. beau ideal. compass. or say where both are correct: 1. species. The vast (sand/sands) of the desert made him shiver with fear. snail. cameo. science-fiction diary. hank. necklace. cow. 4. 2. index. larynx. jaw. bandit. executor. goldfish. parish. Give the plural of the following words. sun-bath. fiddle. stepson. wind-screen. Give the plural of the following nouns: a. scarf. widow. 7. persona. Unfortunately. fir-tree. goose. pebble. researchers have discovered (frescos/frescoes) made by the primitive men. titmouse. (but NOT: I bought a furniture. But: It's the nicest day we've had all week. • after to be and have got when we are describing someone or something. 1 think it's the man from the garage. • with a unit of measurement (weight. Brian is an Irishman. The rule is: • a + singular noun beginning with a consonant: a boy • an + singular noun beginning with a vowel: an elephant • some + plural noun: some girls But note: a uniform a European an MP an L. an.1. but it is not one in particular: I'd like a peach. THE ARTICLE A. USES The indefinite article can be used before singular countable nouns. quantity. It's a nice day.III. we use the: There's a man at the door. Julian is a practicing Buddhist. He's got a lovely smile.) We use the indefinite article: • when we are referring to one thing. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS English has two types of articles: definite (the) and indefinite (a. These indefinite articles are used with singular nouns when the noun is general. the choice between a and an depends on the initial sound of the adjective that immediately follows the article: • a broken window • an unusual meeting • a European commision I. referring to any member of a group. With the second reference. • when we refer to something for the first time. Indefinite Articles: a and an A and an signal that the noun modified is indefinite.-plate /ju:/ /ju:/ /em/ /el/ If the noun is modified by an adjective. it cannot be used before uncountable nouns: I bought an armchair. three times a day. or to a specific member of a group: I. including someone's job. nation or religion: She's a headteacher. But: She's the headteacher of Park School. the corresponding indefinite quantity word some is used for plural general nouns. once a week • In exclamations: What a lovely day! 295 .3. time): 12 a kilo.) The use of these articles depends mainly on whether you are referring to any member of a group. • before names of seas. groups of islands.II. the weather. the Netherlands. including names of nationalities and political parties or groups: the British. deserts. animal or thing and the speaker and listener know which one(s) is/are being referred to: The window cleaner's here. the Conservatives. Books are very important to me. • when something is referred to for a second time and therefore becomes specific: They've got a boy and a girl. Have you read the books I brought you last month? Water is the best thing to drink when you're thirsty. The zero article (no article) Articles are not used before plural nouns and singular uncountable nouns which are used in a general sense. regions and a few names of countries: the Atlantic Ocean. The definite article: the The definite article the signals that the noun is definite. the Ivory Coast. the USA.’. the north. the public. the sun. the unemployed. the Bahamas. the Isle of Wight III. This includes: • when the content of the sentence specifies which particular one(s) we are talking about: The people next door have invited as round for a drink. • before names of musical instruments when we talk about playing them: Can you play the piano? But: I've just bought a piano. person. rivers. I'll wear the dress I bought last week. • when there is only one: the world. The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra • before superlatives and ordinals: It's the best film I've seen. the Himalayas. • when we refer to a particular place. that it refers to a particular member of a group. islands called ‘The Isle of . newspapers and magazines and some names of musical groups: The Daily Mirror. the American Civil War • before some collective nouns referring to a whole group of people. the disabled • before parts of the day: in the morning • before names of ships. the Sahara. We use it when we want to refer to a specific thing or things. USES The definite article can be used before singular and plural countable nouns and before uncountable nouns. the Philippines. I think your keys are in the kitchen... chains of mountains. the government. the River Nile. That's the second time she's failed the exam.1. II. the Southern Hemisphere. The girl is at university now. the army • before some adjectives (used without a noun) to refer to the group in general: the rich. Did you put the water in the fridge? 296 . the Sudan. home. We arrived after ...... 9.. I think I saw ..... But: There isn't a hospital in the town. 12.. . Does . honest reply would be appreciated..III. university. exciting lesson.. bed.. They built a real igloo in the park. II.... I went to . the or no article.... work... mistake by serving the chocolate covered worms? 14. ... London Symphony Orchestra. How far can ... 4... next time B... 1... long afternoon in the automobile. oriole perched on the branch. eel in the bathtub! 15. last night.... one ounce apple. Is Maxwell really .. I'm leaving on Saturday. 18. bald eagle flew above the hill..... old-fashioned man wear a diamond earring? 13. I saw an owl on your roof. 2.' 2. days of the week. ancient city lie beneath the water? 10. 3. humorous hippo hugged Helen... 20. Erin is ... accidental meeting. class. Someone put . The speech lasted for .....1... prison.. She's been in hospital for three weeks. 7. I just picked ... gallon of gas go? 11.. horrible student? 5... better basketball... Did I make ... town when we talk about going to these places or being in them for their normal use: Peter’s gone to bed.. Would ...... 'How much are the leeks?' 'They're 80 pence a pound.. I believe it was .. hospital... 1............. 8.. college... ugly camel answered our eager call.. EXERCISES I. 19. • with by + item of transport: Did you go by train? • with next/last + week... Barbara bought . OTHER USES OF THE ZERO ARTICLE: • with proper nouns: James has gone to London. 16. etc: next Wednesday.. 297 . 6.. honor student.. She taught .. church... wonderful concert by . Complete the sentences with a or an.. hour. • with meals: Have you had breakfast yet? But: That was a lovely breakfast. . . Write a or an in the blank. • with school. 17... water... 9... Put in a(n)...... newspaper..... some.. Opposition is in danger of losing her seat at . Can I have ... 4.... ......... rice. Athens? 17... A lot of people give . washing-line should be nearly dry now..... bottle of . meat in .. electrician.. I like sitting by… Tarcau on fine afternoons...with the definite or indefinite article..... one thousand six hundred and sixty-six.... Suddenly one of … children kicked … ball very hard and it went towards… passing boat….... . perfume for her birthday but I don't think she liked .. .... apple? 16. What.. book and ....... moth. … houses crumbled into … cinders by hundred and … thousand. 15.. V.......... first time you've been to ... I like to have .... IV... and that wind famed … Great Fire of London. unemployed these days. I bought my sister .......... for… three days.. …showers of hot ashes rose into … air and fell on … distant places. money to .. milk. morning... in day-time there was … immense cloud of… smoke and in … night-time there was … great tower of … fire mounting up into… sky.. cup of .. Acropolis in .. Is this . 298 ...3. police have had a lot of support from . train. … ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into . the.. money... heiress. … nights were lighter than the days.. but there weren’t … in sight... I think it must have been ..... … streets were very narrow. axe... people don't like him because of his selfish attitude.... on … spot on which … Monument … now stands as … remembrance of those raging flames.. It was warm last Sunday so I went and sat on … river bank as usual... 19.... oil. and burned... which lighted … whole country landscape for… ten miles round... III.. 8. … flying sparks carried … conflagration to … great distances..... ewe..... People on … bank called out to … man in … boat… but he did not hear them. perfume... I turned to look at … children. soap-suds. He's .... I usually go to ....... 20. Is ... Fill in the spaces – where necessary.... beautiful face that child's got! 10.. … children were playing games on … bank and there were … people rowing on the river. fox this morning... life is very difficult for . same one that I saw last week. 14. … church steeples feel down with … tremendous crashes. I saw ... It broke out at … baker’s shop near … London Bridge. it spread and spread. Put in a(n) or some in front of the following words: picture.. butter on their bread... .... .. or any.. next election. information..... 5... shirts on . 11. where necessary: …Tarcău is a small river that cuts across… lane near… my home... work by .... British usually have . charity at this time of year. Isle of Man? 7.......... oven? 6... ... Leader of . local school is soon to be closed. 12..... cloud. water.. general public over this issue. art teacher and she's . tea when I wake up in . explain the use of the articles: That night was … third of September. 18. 13.. … summer had been intensively hot and dry... ... Have you ever seen .. where . Fill in the spaces with the definite article or indefinite article where necessary: 1.. is in . having landed at . on … bed of … creased paper strewn with … springs of … parsley.. He had never felt it before. as soon as … milk is absorbed and cool. (32) latter at work on some days of .. Nothing could stop … tremendous fire but … want of more houses to burn. then . (22) University of London has most of its offices. 5...... … look of joy came into his eyes. (31) visitors can see . within . Supply articles where necessary: Of all . and … glass of … wine or … brandy … grated nutmeg. (33) week. but not catching … meaning of his words … sense of his own beauty came on him like … revelation... see .. half… pound of … final shred suet. (11) inexpensive hotel.. (6) tourist attraction too. .. When my English vacation draws to . quarter of pound … powdered sugar. (9) Piccadilly Circus or . … fat brown goose lay at one end of … table and at … other end.. I decide to cross . (36) ferry-boat and from there to travel home across the Continent by .. it is . 2.. He stood there motionless and in wonder. I walk around . three quarters of … pound of … currants. (15) first day I visit ... Later... 4. (27) Parliament.. (13) walking distance of . (29) House of Lords and .... I travel by . (28) Westminster and consists of . ... (8) underground to central London. ‘For exactly the same reason’ cries excited Phil.. (2) former British Empire. (17) Tate Gallery and there are so many beautiful things to see in .. nor did it stop until … whole way from …Tower to … Temple Bar was … desert... and powdered ginger. 299 .. . … quarter of … teaspoonful each of … salt. On my second day I wander about ..and houses mostly built of wood and … plaster. You’ll get … very nice wine from … Sicily. (23). (10) Marble Arch. and beside this was … round of … spiced beef. VI. 3. (3) United Kingdom that I would like to visit most. I sometimes dream that. (5) Canada one can find many . although I am certain that in .. far better than you’ll ever find here. (20) intellectual centre of Britain's capital city.... (14) Buckingham Palace.. (19) Bloomsbury......... lay … great ham. (21) Senate House.. (1) countries of . as everybody knows..... VII. dimly conscious that … Hallaward was speaking to him. hammering on… table with …both… hands... … Basil Hallaward’s compliments had seemed to him to be merely … charming exaggerations of … friendship...... (7) Heathrow airport. (25) Houses of Parliament and listen to .. (12) Thames... to . British Museum and the old houses in ... (16) National Gallery and . When he saw it he drew back and his … cheeks flushed for … moment with … pleasure. not far from . ... (34) end. beat … bread smooth.. (26) Big Ben strike the hour. You really must stay to … supper... (30) House of Commons.. (18) two museums that I have no time left for anything else.. I find accommodation at .. (4) United States and . stripped of its outer skin.. (37) rail. adding as you beat half … pound of … coffee raisins. (35) English Channel by .. as if he had recognized himself for … first time... (24) Russell Square. Pour one pint of … boiling milk over … pound of … bread cut in … slices. ghiocelul alb. galbenuşul. studentul inteligent. vâsla. Translate into English: După micul dejun. Tocmai atunci. furnica. Translate into English: Plugarul. eu am mers la piaţă. o înmormântare onorabilă. un nufăr. Translate into English: mică cutie chinezească. stilul oficial. 300 . o regină fără pereche. omul cu un singur ochi. cuptorul. o cursă de şoareci. Am ridicat receptorul cu două degete lipicioase şi am rămas surprinsă auzind vocea d-nei Brown. copii au mers la şcoală şi cam după un sfert de oră. acul de siguranţă. ora. un fermoar. un om fals. pe telefon. Dar ce incurcătură! Aluat pe degete. o curte. sună telefonul. o viespe. o regulă universală. o temperatură uniforma. afacerea unilaterală. X. regiunea aridă. Abia am ajuns în bucătărie că soneria ţârâi atât de tare. Nimic n-ar fi putut fi mai enervant. curând. În scurt timp. timpul tulbure. o moară de vânt. IX. un englez. plămădeala lipicioasă îmi acoperi mâinile. încât ar fi trezit şi morţii. moştenitorul. o clanţă galbenă. o parvenită. olandezii. coaja oului. metoda eficientă. În cele din urmă am pus receptorul în furcă. Mi-au trebuit 10 minute s-o conving să mă sune mai târziu. pe clanţa uşii. Pentru că m-am întors acasă mai devreme şi soţul era încă la serviciu.VIII. De data aceasta era poştaşul care dorea să semnez pentru o recomandată. recordul neîntrecut. o călimară. eram ocupată cu amestecatul untului şi al făinii. m-am hotărât să fac nişte tarte pentru ceai. un preşedinte onorific. o creangă de tuia. familia unită. caisa. o limbă de ceas. un sfat. un an. un şomer. un vânt destul de puternic. Descriptive adjectives. secretary general. deep. to describe. II. In other words. extensive. Suffixes Adjectives can be identified using a number of formal criteria. cubic. we cannot use only nouns. the people present. IV. • Compound adjectives are adjectives made of two or more identifiable words: a life-giving energy. foolish. colour. selective -ive anarchic. Position Adjectives usually precede the nouns which they modify*. readable. we need to use adjectives. portable. remarkable -able/-ible financial. a long-legged bird. persuasive. the heavy bag an innocent child the yellow rose a famous writer a chilly morning a beautiful woman a flexible puppet a merciless dictator I.4. identify or quantify it. correct. functional. pleasurable. It was no doubt a gorgeous landscape Two beautiful young French students entered the room. position. a short-sleeved coat. dwarfish. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS If we wish to speak of or to describe objects and people. grateful. Definition An adjective is a word joined to a noun or other substantive word or expression. III. useful -ful attractive. logical. amazing. harmful. beautiful. may be divided into simple and compound adjectives when form is the criterion taken into consideration. but they can also be used after certain verbs: Peter was furious. Some adjectives can be identified by their endings. poetic -ic childish. ice-cold water. careful. bluish. happy.III. etc. whitish -ish 301 . etc. in order to add to the meaning of nouns or to limit their application. etc.) of an object or the physical or moral qualities of a person. the next-door neighbour. internal. a good-looking man. Simple and Compound Adjectives Adjectives may be divided into a series of classes and subclasses according to the various criteria taken into consideration. manual -al beautiful. *Pay attention to exceptions such as: knight errant. court martial. THE ADJECTIVE A. • Simple adjectives cannot be decomposed into smaller or simpler parts: safe. terrible. We need another category of words in order to describe the characteristics (size. the largest class of adjectives. economic. dirty. long. smell. flexible. a blue-eyed woman. homemade bread. heroic. intensive. Typical adjective endings include: capable. kindly. restless. Negative prefixes Adjectives may also be formed by means of a number of negative prefixes including the following: • dis-: disagreeable dishonest • un-: uninteresting. fabulous. but there are some adjectives which are non-gradable as they already denote the highest position on a scale: favourite. cunning. These are properly the only degrees. impolite • in-: inconvenient. 1. immemorial. expressing the greatest degree of quality. manly. expressing a greater degree of quality. When we place two objects side by side. However. This characteristic of adjectives is called gradability. The Comparative The Comparative in English is represented by: • the Comparative of Superiority • the Comparative of Inferiority • the Comparative of Equality 302 . surprising broken. virtuous chilly. monthly courageous. infinite. supreme. universal. weight. experienced. dangerous. careless. illogical • im-: impossible. irrelevant VI. unnecessary • il. perpetual. confused. insignificant • ir-: irresponsible. we notice some differences between them as to size. moving. neighbouring. though the simple. a lioness may be larger than a lion. etc. stony. Degrees of Comparison Comparison is an inflection not possessed by nouns and pronouns: it belongs to adjectives and adverbs. useless friendly. a purse may be heavier than a suitcase. VI. Thus. dirty. sunny amazing.: illegal. uninflected form is usually called the positive degree. sufficient. The degrees of comparison are the comparative. and the superlative. an idea may be better than another one. main. Most adjectives in English are gradable. paved. disastrous. final. speechless. a woman’s eyes may be bluer than the sky. sandy. a large number of very common adjectives cannot be identified in this way as they do not have typical adjectival form: bad dark honest red bright deep hot silent clever difficult main simple cold distant old strange common good quiet wide complete great real young V. latticed *-ing and -ed may be added to verbs in order to make up participial adjectives. sole. organic.-less -ly -ous -y -ing* -ed* breathless. etc. etc. color. merciless. extremely.2. as gold. easy – the easiest. The Comparative of Inferiority All adjectives form the Comparative of Inferiority by adding either not so/as .b.VI. extremely dangerous.. The Relative Superlative In the case of monosyllabic and easily pronounced adjectives of two syllables... The Comparative of Equality All adjectives form the Comparative of Equality by adding as ...c.b..-est.. as happy as. less interesting than.1. easy – easier. the comparative is formed by adding the suffix –er. than..2. famous – more famous VI.. very thin. careful – more careful. VI. as good.. very careful Other adverbs such as quite. awfully may also be added to form the comparative. as clear as crystal... The Superlative The Superlative in English is represented by: • The Relative Superlative • The Absolute Superlative VI... the relative superlative is formed by adding the . as blind as a bat.1. happy – happier. as or less .. thin – thinner Most two-syllable adjectives and the adjectives which have three or more syllables have the comparative with more..a.. as. happy –the happiest. not as happy as.. blue – bluer. awfully tired The Positive Degree thin famous The Comparative of Superiority thinner more famous The Comparative of Inferiority not as thin as less famous than The Comparative of Equality as thin as as famous as The Relative Superlative the thinnest the most famous The Absolute Superlative very thin very famous Notes: 1. as poor as a church mouse VI. fat – fatter. as interesting as. as hungry as a wolf.a. thin – the thinnest Most two-syllable adjectives and the adjectives which have three or more syllables have the relative superlative with the most. quite happy. fat – the fattest. Some Comparatives of Equality have a superlative meaning: as black as coal. careful – the most careful.1. blue – the bluest. Some two-syllable adjectives have comparatives and superlatives with either the endings –er and –est or more and most: 303 . famous – the most famous VI. The Absolute Superlative All adjectives form the absolute superlative by adding the adverb very.2. The Comparative of Superiority In the case of monosyllabic and easily pronounced adjectives of two syllables. 8. Irregular Comparison Some adjectives and adverbs in English have irregular comparatives and superlatives............... common – commoner/more common – the commonest/the most common simple – simpler/more simple – the simplest/the most simple Here are some more: cruel.. unhappy – unhappier/more unhappy – the happiest/the most happy unlucky – unluckier/more unlucky – the unluckiest/the most unlucky VII.. change.. grace.... stupid......... she's completely . rely......g. after you retire... in the past..... we're completely . More and more people are dying every day...... narrow.. 5.... She never seems to run out of energy.. I believe what he says because he's always been .. polite. 11...... 7. 6... good/well better the best evil/bad/ill worse the worst little less/lesser the least much/many more the most old older/elder the oldest / the eldest far farther/further the farthest / the furthest late later/the latter the latest / the last near nearer the nearest / the next B... We had a lovely weekend........ she gives you a very good feel for the places and characters in her stories... handsome.... then I sure he will.. obscure. 14. subtle.............. climate. It's a very ..... Three-syllable adjectives derived from other adjectives by adding the prefix –un may also have comparatives and superlatives with either the endings –er and –est or more and most: e... shallow. you're always dropping things.... as it waited to pounce on the bird.... The problem is that there's nothing we can do about it... 304 .. gentle.. describe. If he's said he'll be there... 4....... the weather can be completely different from one day to the next... Complete the following sentences with an adjective formed from one of the verbs or nouns below: act..... dread.... It's important to keep ..... Fill each of the blanks with a suitable adjective from the list........ I could easily have fallen asleep in them...... 13.... tire. Here is a list that includes the majority of them. 3........... I love to watch good ballet dancers: they're so ..... comfort.. enjoy. I don't know why he's so . Don't worry.... truth 1.. writer......g.. submit. forget..... You're so .. The cat stayed .. 15..... The seats in first class were really ....e.. remote... power.. motion... She's a very ... II............. 9...... care. 2... 10. The situation out there is ........ 12. 2...... He's very . He never remembers my birthday.......... EXERCISES I.. His problem is that he always does exactly what people tell him to do: he's just so . it was thoroughly enjoyable..... attention. destructible. concerned. contempt. sand... unlikely b) galore c) a-plenty d) countless 3.. last b) late c) early d) stopping 6. trouble..... strength. noise. relevant. legal.. friendly. mature.. cloud.. mortal. Copy the table into your notebook and put the adjectives in the box into the correct columns. a... that can fill each gap. main b) principal c) chief d) crucial 4. oppress. Put them into pairs of adjectives with similar meanings..The ex-prisoner is .. Circle the adjectives listed a... 5..The outgoing President was accompanied by the President . certain.. mercy..I was absolutely . repeat.... to collapse in a strong earthquake.. logic. liable. about their travels through India. fascinate.I'm . economy.... honest. love.. two. 7....... with remorse for what he has done.. to use the phone if you need to. literate. a.. b... responsible. legible.. significant. 3. 4. logical.. part. tasteful. A speedy solution is . describe. length. replaceable.. regular. of any sign of human habitation. a..These buildings are . elect 1.. polite. youth.. province. filled.. sick b) afraid c) frightened d) ill 2.. convenient. grace. He was taken . IV. race... understand. child was comforted by his aunt..This is . Copy the table into your notebook and write the adjectives in the correct columns. a. c or d.. obsess. attract. reversible.. science. influence..Those . illustrate. separable un- it- imimpatient in- ir- dis- V. eat. train is almost never on time. shame. a) due b) scant c) meagre d) proper IV. rational..... enjoy... III. possible. three or all of them may be possible. nation.. They had stories .. One. question.devoid. reward for twenty years of loyal service. agreeable. perfect.. relevance. dirt.. patient.. 2. vary... a. 8... soluble. art.. beauty. envy. flexible.Please feel . attractive. control. The .. aback b) unawares c) surprised d) unaccustomed 5. 1. depth. mountain. child. to think that it would be better to finish this later. therapy.. rely. moral. The . 305 . Give the adjectives corresponding to the following words: interest.... by the ferocity of the criticism. I'd left it on the table..The landscape was completely .... explicable.. free. inclined. with the political implications of the new policy are very worried.. 6.. technology... interesting. justified. use. . The characters of the novel are people struggling to resume lives that war had rendered . enormous... frightened. interesting. angry.. tasty.(11). melodism never was. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and use them in sentences of your own: beautiful.. then this musician's art fails on the latter account.. little.. as busy as a . thirsty.. 4.. bad. exhausted. (8). The liberators were met with . as dead as a . (13)... furious. dar eu cred că cea mai mică e şi cea mai drăguţă. dirty. TO RECONCILE) 11. terrified... Sometimes I would watch war films and think it was all too histrionic and too . VII. were free and slave societies. (15). as strong as an . (1).. devastated. . filthy.. IX. (TO UNDERSTAND) 3.. hideous. as keen as .. small. common... (16). My job was to try and understand something that was not . as stubborn as a .. 3. nice.. (7)... (TO BELIEVE) 9. delicious.... Ultimele ştiri sunt încurajatoare. (TO ENDURE) 5. as light as a . enthusiasm. (17). ugly.... The way he behaved to his poor ex-wife is both .. (TO FORGIVE.. Sfaturile pe care mi le dai sunt întotdeauna utile. wonderful. (10). (TO INFECT) 7... hungry. (4).. (ODOUR) VIII.. as fit as a . minute. Even those who lived through the Holocaust found it . Translate into English: 1. perfect. difficult gradable non-gradable surprising amazing VI.. (THEATRE) 6. as mad as a .... cruelty was from the institution of slavery and how fundamentally .. (TO DEFINE. (3). in a way that Charlie Parker's seemingly . old. It is too easily imitated... and the . (6)... Bărbatul cu umerii laţi îsi puse pe el haina neagră cu mâneci lungi şi plecă în grabă. He told me an .. Mie mi-au plăcut ambele fete.surprising. parched.. Uncle Tom's Cabin showed how . TO IMITATE. relevance of the book's theme. as old as the . as poor as a .. (2). good.. If art consists of the .. Complete the sentences with adjectives derived from the words in capital letters at the end: 1.. story about how he had helped rob a bank in the City of London.. (TO SEPARATE.. (5).. big.. good. (14)... Your cousin is a consummate liar. vital. as cool as a . amazing.. unhappy.. EFFORT) 8. as bright as a . upset.. as drunk as a ... (9). tired.. 306 . impossible. thin. The cheese was repulsively. starving. terrible. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the events in former Yugoslavia convinced film director Francisco Rosi of the . lucky. (MEANING) 4. little. TO FORGET) 10... Complete the following idiomatic comparisons: as blind as a . as clear as . 2.. as dark as . as deaf as a .. (12). and . (TO COMPREHEND) 2.... important. 307 . Este firesc ca polonezii să vorbească poloneza. 10. iar finlandezii să vorbească finlandeza. 9. Cu căt se întuneca mai tare.5. Călătoriile în spaţiul cosmic devin tot mai frecvente. 8. Avem amintiri atât de frumoase despre locul acesta încât ne-am gândit că o să-l revizităm. 7. Am mâncat puţin astăzi aşa că mi-e o foame de lup. turcii să vorbească turca. cu atăt mai speriată era: nu voia să fie văzută de nimeni. Se uită pe furiş la femeia îmbrăcată în negru. 6. What time is it? It’s nine o’clock. You/ one should always tell the truth. II. ours 308 . dates and distances: Where is my book? It is on the shelf. • They is used impersonally denoting a collective agent telling something: They say he is dishonest. Who is at the door? It is Olivia.1. no one or anyone. us you them b. • It is used for people or things with an unknown gender. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. making texts less repetitive. It’s cold outside. I you he/ she/ it pl. Definition Pronouns are used to refer to people and things without naming them. How far is it to Chicago? It’s ten miles. time. Personal pronouns a. Form: sg. with a noun to refer to persons and in expressions about the weather. me you him/ her/ it pl. Uses: • The pronoun I is always written with a capital letter. Possessive pronouns a. we you they . II. Form: .III. 2. • All the verbs in English (excepting Imperatives) must have a pronominal subject: They dislike inefficiency. a complement: sg. mine pl. Classification There are several types of pronouns: • personal • possessive • reflexive • demonstrative • indefinite • reciprocal • relative • interrogative II. THE PRONOUN a subject: sg. • You and one are used impersonally meaning everyone. They replace nouns or noun phrases. temperature. no one/ none. II. 3. The noun missing was mentioned before: This is my book. those refer to objects in the distance. everyone. that (singular referent). they have the same form for singular and plural: Andy and Janet are cousins: the former is a student. to wash oneself: Please help yourself with some cake! He hurt himself during the game. those (plural referent) b. some. Uses: • The series ending in –body refers to people. much. Demonstrative pronouns a. We’re using his car. few. Reflexive pronouns a. that. most. We’re using his. another. But some verbs which are reflexive in other languages are not reflexive in English: to dress. b. That is his. the other. Sue and Joe met last year. These (discs) are mine. everything. a little. either. not near the speaker: This is here. to comb. little. the second of two. • The former – the latter have the meaning of the first and. Form: sg. to cut oneself. both. myself pl. II. to help oneself. Uses: • With reflexive verbs like to enjoy oneself. anybody/ thing/ one.yours yours his/ hers theirs b. others. somebody/ thing/ one. not hers. each. II. one. many. these. • This. 5. everybody. nothing.all. not her car. to meet. a few. enough. • To show an action performed for or on oneself: She looked at herself in the mirror. to hurt oneself. ourselves yourself yourselves himself/ herself/ itself themselves b. respectively. more. Everything is possible here. that ending in –thing refers to things. nobody. that is there. neither. these refer to objects that are near the speaker.possessive pronouns replace possessive adjectives. to shave. several. Why are you so angry with yourself? • To emphasize the doer of an action: The president himself attended the meeting. 4. the others. Form: . Uses: • The pronouns are in number agreement with the noun they replace: This (umbrella) is mine. Indefinite pronouns a. This book is mine. the latter is a pupil. Use: . Those are his. any. Everybody is at home. Form: this. 309 . to amuse oneself. one another indicating that two people do the same thing. whatever refer to something or someone that is unknown: I’ll help whoever needs me. • Whoever. Shall I give you something to read? I didn’t see anybody. Show me whatever you have. • There are some verbs which indicate reciprocity and do not use a reciprocal pronoun. 7. Uses: • The two constructions are normally interchangeable: We sent each other/ one another gifts. they embraced and then they kissed (one another). either means ‘one or the other’. whoever refer to persons: This is the boy who/ whom I told you about. many means a great number of: Much of his information was vital for us. II. which. neither means ‘not one and not the other’: Which book do you prefer? Neither/ either. Many of us have seen this film. Form: who.are used in negative sentences when they follow a negative verb or a negative word. that. whose (shows possession). Is there any soup left? Yes. a few means ‘at least some’: We expected many guests but only few came. a little means ‘at least some’: Little is known about him. whom. feel the same way or have the same relationship. a reciprocal pronoun may occur: When they met. whoever. whichever. whose. Is anybody at home? Both refers to only two people. Reciprocal pronouns a. 6. Form: each other. Few and a few refer to countable nouns. Either and neither refer to two people or things.• • • • • • The pronouns beginning with some. however. A few of us managed to arrive in time. whichever. those beginning with any. b. a little. what b. Little means ‘not much’ and is used for uncountable nouns. few underlines the smallness of a number. Uses: • Who. 310 . The woman whose car is parked there is my cousin. things and is used with plural verb: The boys are both sleeping. • Which refers to animals or things: That’s the film which he likes best. II. Much means a great amount or quantity of. if the speaker wants to emphasize the relationship. or in interrogative sentences when we are not sure about the answer: I have something to tell you. Relative pronouns a. whom.are used in affirmative sentences and in interrogative sentences when an affirmative answer is expected. We only have a week left. All the participants will be sent an agenda. (herself) II. Form: who. Interrogative pronouns a. 6. Fill in with the suitable reflexive pronouns: 1. anybody. or the object of preposition: Who has broken the vase? What is she doing now? • In idiomatic expressions: What about…? = what do you think about…? I can’t tell which is which/ who is who. The soldier didn’t know that the gun was loaded so he shot… 10. The light in the stairway switches…off after two minutes. 2. whom. nobody. III. There isn’t much to do on weekends. It was Mary who asked that stupid question. Two theories proposed by him proved correct. (neither) 4.II. whose. 5. The students were happy because they could watch…on the video. This idea won’t work. 8. 8. Fill in with some. We only want a weaker dollar. she had to force…to eat. The two proposals are interesting. If you have no money. Do you have…to add? 3. and the other one also won’t work. so we have to amuse… 2. 7. but…answered. The boy locked…in the bathroom. Uses: • Used as the subject or object of a clause. I can lend you … 4. (yours) 9. 9. someone. I can’t see my wallet. Jones is one of my colleagues. He must be…important. 4. something. (anything) 10. so she is teaching…French. which b. We were surprised when we saw…in that large mirror. You can let…into the house with the small key. B. (every) 3. somebody. none. (all) 2. As she was not hungry. There is nothing to read at home. I rang the bell two or three time. (his) 8. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one and contains the word(s) in brackets: 1. what. 5. 311 . anything. He has used a what-do-you-call it…= I don’t know its name. anyone. (all) 5. (mine) 7. (both) 6. Jerry has fallen off the ladder this morning and has injured… 3. This is your electric drill. …must have taken it. My sister is going to France soon. Dr. nothing: 1. any. EXERCISES I. We won’t be able to build this machine alone. The coffee…you have made is very strong. 5. Most people don’t enjoy going to a dance alone. The problems…we did yesterday were difficult for us. 10. London is the capital of Great Britain. 12. 8. I’m going to the supermarket since I want to buy… 14. for…I have great respect. 13. That project belongs to me. it’s empty. 6. Would you like…? 10. She begged the child to keep quiet. There is…in my bag. 8.6. 11. 2. Fill in the blanks with the right reciprocal pronouns: 1. Refer to the words in italics by using interrogative pronouns: 1. 9. That car over there is John’s. The gentleman…I have just greeted is a famous scientist. Professor Jones. He plans to go the there alone. …is more important than good health. This is the man…son won the competition. I don’t live alone: I have two roommates. Did you really do it alone? 4. 3. 7. I’ll choose the red one. 4. We saw a lot of strikers in the street. 3. This is the school in…Einstein learnt. 7. 2. 10. 8. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding relative pronouns: 1. Pollution is a problem…must be solved as soon as possible. …of us has ever heard such an interesting story. The teacher is explaining a new theory. Transform these sentences replacing alone with by + a reflexive pronoun according to the model: My daughter prefers to do her homework alone. 1. She asked him about that scholarship. 2. Make up questions to which the following sentences are the answers. VII. 5. VI. We are going to buy a new central heating. The chair…you are sitting on is an antique. This time I can’t do…for you. 5. V. My daughter prefers to do her homework by herself. 3. Were you expecting…? 9. I have some very good wine. 7. The child to…you gave that toy was very happy. 9. The woman…is crossing the street now is one of my teachers. You and I love … 312 . 4. I asked them for a cup of tea. 6. IV. She wanted to drink some coffee but there was…left. has taught us many interesting things. You can find practically…you want in this shop. I think there’s…at the door. 9. Cu excepţia câtorva polonezi şi a noastră. We had a lot to say to … Our former classmates are very happy to meet … The two boys looked at … Although Angela and Sarah say that they are friends. Este timpul să plecăm. We hadn’t seen … for more than two years. cei doi au izbucnit în râs. Care este haina ei? Sunt trei aici şi nici una nu este a mea. După ce s-au uitat unul la altul cu insistenţă. Şi Maria şi Lucy au promis că vor fi aici la ora cinci. 7. 6. ar nici una nu a venit încă. I-am căutat pe Frank şi Patrick mai bine de o oră şi. 4.2. Casa al cărei acoperiş este roşu a fost vândută unui american. 19. Cum de mi-ai găsit adresa? Cine ţi-a dat-o? 15. George a fost cel care a intrat primul în atelier. i-am găsit pe amândoi în parc. 8. 2. Primele exerciţii sunt corecte. 3. Pe cine ai mai întâlnit acolo? 6. 12. Our children and theirs took an instant dislike to … Alec and I stayed up late last night. nu-i aşa? 3. Care dintre băieţi ţi-a spart geamul? 20. în cele din urmă. they hate … 10. Colegii noştri nu au găsit pe nimeni acolo iar laboratorul era zăvorât. 18. The four children took their schoolbags and said goodbye to … VIII. 5. nu-i adevărat că ea personal s-a dus acolo. I know that. The three girls haven’t spoken to … for a long time. I hope jack and Julie get on with … My nephew called on me yesterday. A cui este maşina de lângă poarta noastră? 16. celelalte sunt greşite. 9. Translate the following sentences into English using pronouns wherever possible: 1. Ce altceva aş fi putut face? 17. 7. toată lumea a plecat în excursie. Nu este nici o fărâmă de adevăr în ceea ce spune ea. 4. Cartea pe care am cumpărat-o luni este foarte interesantă. Prietena mea are doi băieţi: unul este medic iar celălalt este cercetător în domeniul tehnic. Cui i-ai dat raportul scris? 14. 8. 5. 10. Cine altcineva te-a mai văzut intrând aici? 11. 13. in fact. 313 . root: √25 = 5 (the square root of twenty-five is five) 3 √27 = 3 (the cube root of twenty-seven is three) • Fractions sport scores: nil [nil] (in team games). subtraction: 9–3=6 (nine minus three is/ are six) c.. except when followed by ‘of’: hundreds of people (meaning lots of). powers: 35 = 241 (three to the power five is two hundred and fortyone) f. radio. they get a comma or a blank: 1.III. etc. THE NUMERAL A. thousand.The figure 0 can be read in the following ways: .There is no‘s’ after hundred. The Cardinal numeral (seven point twenty-five) . the number(s) that occur after the full stop indicate a fraction: 7.for telephone numbers. addiction: 2+3=5 (two plus three is/are five) b. million. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I.000 one thousand 1.000 a (one) million 1.000. FORM: 1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 2 two 12 twelve 30 thirty 3 three 13 thirteen 40 forty 4 four 14 fourteen 50 fifty 5 five 15 fifteen 60 sixty 6 six 16 sixteen 70 seventy 7 seven17 seventeen 80 eighty 8 eight 18 eighteen 90 ninety 9 nine 19 nineteen 100 one hundred 10 ten 20 twenty 106 a (one) hundred and six 621 six hundred and twenty-one 806 eight hundred and six 1.000 a (one) billion 2.When the numbers are over 999 and are written in mathematics: nought [no:t] . Common fractions: ½ one half numerator/ denominator 314 .for temperature: zero . love [lΛv] . USES: Notes: . 987 or 1 987 2. 513. multiplication: 6 x 5 = 30 (six multiplied by five is/ equals thirty) d. -When the cardinal number contains a full stop. 608 or 2 513 608 • Common ways of calculating a. long numbers: oh [əu] . division: 40 : 5 = 8 (forty divided by five is/ equals 8) e.6. TV . followed by a number: She was a girl of twelve.¾ three fourths ¼ one fourth 2/3 two thirds 6/35 six thirty-fifths b. It’s twenty minutes to eleven.83 kilometres • 1. Decimal fractions: 35.03 nought point nought three • Measurements a. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon/ It’s three sharp.54 cm 12 inches = 1 foot (ft) 3 feet = 1 yard (yd) 1 mile = 1.m. I think he is over sixty. It’s a quarter past one. now she’s in her mid-fifties. if there are two identical numbers occurring together.89 thirty-five point eight nine 0.15 2. Using to be followed by a number: He is fifteen (years old). With the help of a compound adjective: number + a singular noun referring to a period of time + old: A fifteen-year-old boy d. 40 15.829 metres Telling the time It’s one o’clock a. 15 b.6093 metres 3 miles = 1 league = 4. or over + number: She was in her teens then. It’s half past two/ It’s two thirty. 05 9. b.5 nought point five 0.: 142093 (one – for – two – oh – nine – three) 566791 (five – double six – seven – nine – one) • 315 . linear measure: 1 inch = 2.m. / It’s one a.m. It’s a quarter to ten/ It’s nine forty five (modern) It’s five minutes to seven. 55 10. nautical measure 6 feet = 1 fathom 100 fathoms = 1. When we refer to the approximate age we can use in + pronoun + teens/ twenties/ fifties etc. • Expressing age a. Telephone numbers Each digit of a telephone number is spoken separately. 45 6.00 1. (modern) It’s five past three. we say ‘double 2/4/8’ etc. 00 23. It’s a quarter past eleven at night/ p. c. Using the preposition of after a noun. 30 3. II. the 2nd. When we want to identify something by indicating where it comes in a sequence: January is the first month of the year. The Distributive numeral It shows the distribution or grouping of objects: one by one two by two/ by twos/ in twos ten by ten/ by tens/ in tens in dozens (in sets of twelve) in score (in sets of about twenty) 316 . 1946/ April 1st.dates may be written in the following ways: April 1. the 76th. Uses: a. This is the seventh time when I’m calling her! Notes: . twice 100x a hundredfold. FORM 1st the first 2nd the second 3rd the third 4th the fourth 5th the fifth 6th the sixth 7th the seventh 8th the eighth 9th the ninth 10th the tenth 11th the eleventh 40th the fortieth th th 12 the twelfth 50 the fiftieth 13th the thirteenth 60th the sixtieth th 14 the fourteenth 70th the seventieth 15th the fifteenth 80th the eightieth th 20 the twentieth 90th the ninetieth 21st the twenty-first 100th the one hundredth 30th the thirtieth 1. once 10x tenfold. The Multiplicative numeral 1x 2x 3x 4x It shows the proportion in which a quantity is increased: single. four times IV. thrice fourfold. the 52nd. ten times double/ twofold.000th the one thousandth 2. The ordinal numeral 1. 1946/ 1st April 1946/ 1st of April 1946 . the 98th III. a hundred times triple/ threefold.ordinal numbers can also be written in an abbreviated form: the 1st. 7 10.B. dozen. When is your birthday? 12. over ninety. 673. Read the following dates and phone numbers: 21 June 1998 118605 2 April 1805 225799 5 August 1789 179300 3 December 1866 126603 30 May 2006 0234557891 23 July 2007 0722006784 IV. When is the first day of the year? 15. 317 . 9:00: 1:15.100. 9/10. gross. love. EXERCISES I.06 – 4.08. once. What time do you have dinner? 8. 964. Read and solve the following mathematical operations: 1+8 3x6 2/3 10 + 3 7 x 10 8/9 x 2/7 9 + 18 120 x 4 6/7: 3/14 30 – 21 15: 3 23 100 – 75 100: 5 2 2 + 32 1. three times. 23:35. What’s the date when Einstein was born? V. twice as many. 5. Use the following words in sentences of your own: forty. three fourths. one by one. 18:00. What will you be doing in ten years’ time? 11. What time do you usually get to university? 5. When is our national holiday? 14. Answer the following questions: 1. 10. 68/12. What time do you leave home? 4. What time do you have breakfast? 3.58 II. What time does your first class start on Mondays? 6. 1/3. thirty-one.7. What time do you have a break? 7.250 – 500 0.5 + 0. nought point five. When is Christmas? 13.02 VI. 0. tenfold. 8:35 III. 6. 25. What time do you go out with your friends at the weekend? 9. Read the times of the clock: 3:25. What time do you get up? 2. Read the following numbers and fractions: 408. hundreds. What time do you go to bed? 10. What’s the date today? 16. 4:50. 198/4. 6:45.728. 2. 11. 19. 6. Biletul tău este rezervat pentru data de 22 iunie. Radical din optezi şi unu fac nouă. 9. 13. Un sfert din locuitorii acestui orăşel lucrează în acel centru comercial. Toţi oamenii influenţi sunt întrebaţi despre cum au făcut primul milion de dolari. 15. Speculantul dorea să obţină un câştig întreit de pe urma facerii. 16. Care este răspunsul tău la cea de a douăzeci şi una întrebare? 14. 3. Noi spălăm maşina de două ori pe lună. Cred că maşina are acum mai mult de 100 km/ oră. Tocmai am cumpărat două duzini de cutii de chibrituri. Copiii au intrat în şcoală doi câte doi. Bărbatul în vârstă de cincizeci de ani de care mi-ai povestit mi-a părut mult mai tânăr. 8. 318 . Am citit sute de pagini în ultimele săptămâni. Nu uita că trebuie să te trezeşti la ora şase fix mâine dimineaţă. 20.VII. 4. Invenţia lui a adus un profit înzecit fabricii la care lucrează. A treilea capitol mi s-a părut mai uşor de citit decât cel de-al doilea. Am întâlnit-o o dată sau de două ori dar nu am vorbit cu ea niciodată. 10. Regina Elisabeta II este actualul monarh al Marii Britanii. Sunt sigură că acest castel a fost construit cu mai mult de o sută de ani în urmă. 17. 18. 12. Translate into English: 1. Numai după ce am citit problema de trei ori am reuşit să o înţeleg. Ea ne sună o dată la două zile doar ca să vadă ce mai este nou. 5. 7. g. place. FORM Many adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective: honest gradual silent Adjective bright brightly honestly gradually silently Adverb sudden suddenly Note: When the adjective ends in –ic.g. Adverbs are words that can modify: • A verb: He drove slowly.III.numerically However. • many adverbs do not end in -ly and some have the same form as the corresponding adjective. the adverb is formed by adding the suffix –ally: e. kindly. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS I. • another adverb: She moved quite slowly among the trees. where. adjective adverb fast fast late late early early hard hard much much enough enough III. lonely. Definition Basically. • an adjective: He drove a very fast car. many adverbs are gradable and they may form comparatives and superlatives in a similar way to adjectives.7. friendly. they may describe the time. this is not a reliable way to find out whether a word is an adverb or not as: • many adjectives may end in –ly: e. basic .basically. he was fired yesterday. THE ADVERB A. lovely motherly. or under what conditions something happens or happened. II. Comparison Like adjectives. Here are some examples: Type Example I paid him a visit yesterday. • a clause: Unfortunately. why. elderly. Time The party is going to take place here Place Manner She tapped him gently on his shoulder. manner or cause of an action. numerical . In other words. The Positive Degree fast rapidly The Comparative of Superiority faster more rapidly The Comparative of Inferiority less fast than not so/as rapidly as The Comparative of Equality as fast as as rapidly as The Relative Superlative the fastest the most rapidly The Absolute Superlative very fast very rapidly 319 . etc. adverbs often tell us when. II. It is usually used only with these verbs. voluntary. local. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. deep. 6. etc. like come. original.IV. After A comes B. violent. There are at least eighteen types of inversion: 1. run. 5. comparatives Cheetahs run faster than do antelopes. These adverbs and adverb phrases usually show location or direction. It is used with be-verbs. 3. 4. slight. B. Here are the books that I don’t need anymore. Here comes the bus! Inversion is obligatory. 2. formal. EXERCISES I. like first and down and sometimes we have an adverb phrase like into the room or after A. graceful. We'll be there short / shortly. scientific. Inversion is optional. strong. sudden. You speak Chinese better than do I. Three-toed sloths live deep / deeply in the Amazon forest. next comes D. She has travelled wide / widely. 3. then comes C. Make sure you're here at seven o'clock sharp / sharply. heavy. idle. Question form is obligatory. 320 . This type of inversion usually only occurs with be-verbs. here are. 4. linking verbs. negative adverb Never do I sleep. It is used with all verbs. intro adverbial Into the room ran the lady. go. then comes marriage. Only at night can I study. In no way could I help you with your Japanese grammar question. 2. here is. 1. Give the adverbs corresponding to the following adjectives: useless. Notice that sometimes we have an adverb. rapid. linking verbs and verbs that show direction or movement. Some adverbs require a subject-verb inversion. Inversion is optional. I believe that only rarely will I need your help. here come Here is some good food for you to try. certain. and verbs of direction. absent. Notice that sometimes the inversion occurs right after the negative intro form and sometimes it occurs in the next subject and verb. She loved him dear / dearly. It is used with all verbs. They drove under a low / lowly bridge. anxious. various. First comes love. kind. Underline the appropriate adjective or adverb. We normally only have inversion here if we are comparing subjects of the verb. easy. not objects. here comes. Not until I got home did I realize that my shoes were untied. and so we missed the first act.. 10. Brown dictated reports to his secretary (often). 6. This book is.. 5. 8. My daughter was sleeping in peace. Our neighbours couldn't sleep because the music in our room was. 321 . I can swim (well) than your brother. We couldn't do that problem because it was.. 4. Use the adverbs in the brackets in the right degree of comparison: 1. 7.. away. deep. She certainly hopes to finish her work (fast) than that. Put the following adverbs in the right position: 1. to be read by all of you. III. 9. 2. 7. Complete each sentence using too or enough and one of the following adjectives or adverbs: dark. 2. Mike plays football (badly) of all the players.. She didn't do this part (thoroughly) as the first part.. She speaks English (fluently) as a native speaker. Does the foreman eat lunch with the other workers (ever)? 5. The cupboard was. Why don't you speak to your neighbour (ever)? 9.. She usually enjoys films (much) than plays. 2. heavy. 13. thirsty. 3. Mr. old.. 6. My father smokes in the office during the day (never). complete. 9. You couldn't take a photograph because it is.. We got to the theatre. early. 7. loud. far.. to drink a well dry... The wind blew (hard) yesterday than I did on Sunday. I learn many new English words in our English class (usually). IV. to win the speech prize. They couldn't hear her voice because she was.. interesting. here. rich... 3. difficult. light.. 10. He usually gets here much (early) than the others. The boy is very active after meals (often). to afford such an expensive car. 3. Were you ready for breakfast by eight o'clock (already) VI. well. 12. 3. Williams explains things (clearly) of all teachers. 8. The food in this restaurant is good (seldom). We were. I have time to see visitors in the afternoon (rarely).. Mr. George spoke. However. to understand such things. 2. 8. The policeman left the room in a hurry. 1. 6. Mr... late. local. 11..comparative. Jack knows English grammar (well) of all the students. to be crossed.... accurate. Paraphrase the following sentences using an adverb in place of the words in italics: 1. We have seen that statue (never). 4. attentive.. Brown is. 5.. 4. V. This river is. William jumped two meters with ease. You are. 10. They didn't catch the train because they didn't leave home.. to be moved by the child. . 2. will you manage to pass such a difficult exam.. punctual. She was so tired that she could.. 9. Our manager is a. As this is an urgent matter.. as the other ones. .. 4. 6.. Why are you driving so.. any money. foolish.. she speaks French. 7. The room was so crowded there was. anywhere where to leave the luggage. we heard a terrible noise. Fill in the blanks with hard or hardly : 1. He always plays. Only by working.. Was John dismissed as soon as he had been promoted? (no sooner) 2.. educated man... It was a beautiful day: the sun was shining. 2.4. I opened the door.. bright. immediate. As she doesn't want to learn the new words. 10.. our troops fought like heroes. knew him? 5. The tramp looked with hunger at the bread the old lady gave him. 6..... 8.. Don't hit him too.. Now we can look forward to the future with hope. 8.. I have arrived. 1.. Although outnumbered. 5.. merry... Why are you so rude? You should behave. think.. 4. 9.. 8. I don't know what happened to him that evening. It was raining.. 6. You must know the answer.. The Chinese vase was broken by accident. 14. If you want to pass such a difficult exam. 7. 12. today? You may have an accident.. 3. 5. happy. when we left the house... 9. ate anything. Can you pass this difficult exam without working hard? ( only by) 4. fast.. 10.. but he behaved. but they didn't succeed.... Sammy is a good football player. hard. VIII.. Bob did not study this lesson as. IX. we must solve it.. Has she ever stayed in such an expensive hotel? (never before) 3.. Answer the questions using the adverbs in brackets followed by inversion: 1.. The farmer gazed with pride at his vegetables. and the children were playing. careful. Complete each sentence with an adverb. fluent. good. VII. 7. 13..... The prisoners were beaten without mercy. Does she know much about this? (little) 5. They tried. This time she. At the end of the trip she had. 3. How could you lend him such a valuable dictionary when you. Have you ever eaten such good cakes? (never) 322 . Jonathan works all the sums in his head.. 10... polite... thorough. My daughter has improved her English lately: she doesn't make grammar mistakes and she speaks. lest mother should hear me. you will have to work... I am not late.. and she writes it even. speak. the birds were singing. Form these adverbs from the following adjectives: bad. 11... . folosim această clădire doar temporar. De-abia am ajuns la cabană că a şi început să poluă. but also) 7. De-abia atunci înţelese vorbele tatălui său. Ceaiul este prea fierbinte ca să-l beau repede. Will he be permitted to leave? (under no circumstances) 10. Unele plante cresc mai repede în locuri mai întunecate. Shall I find such interesting museums anywhere else? (nowhere else) 8. Jimmy joacă fotbal la fel de bine ca şi fratele său acum. Nu i-am văzut pe copii de ieri dimineaţă. 8. 323 . 9. Nicăieri ân altă parte nu veţi găsi atâta înţelegere. 3. Niciodată nu am mai văzut o femeie mai frumoasă. 2. Translate into English: 1. 5. Did Sandra go both to the cinema and to the theatre? (not only . 7. 4.. Did the telephone ring immediately he had entered the room? (scarcely) X.6. Din fericire. 6. Will you visit these people again? (never again) 9. inference * but – contrast . neither as the first items in a correlative pair with and.summation . The most cohesive signals are connectives like therefore.replacement Although it has a restrictive use. subordinating and correlative a. is the vaguest of connectives. since like nor they can be preceded by a central coordinator (and or or). And.transition . 324 .). (clauses) A definition may overlap with that of other parts of speech. either. Both. There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating. but. Coordinating conjunctions are the ones which connect two equal parts of a sentence. on the other hand. In general. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS A conjunction is a word that connects other words or groups of words. The definition can also be extended to idiomatic phrases that behave as a unit with the same function as a single-word conjunction (as well as. but logical connectors denoting a contrast have been put under but. Yet and so resemble coordination in some respects. and so which are used in the following ways: * and is used to join or add words together: They ate and drank.8.III. or. etc.equation .result .apposition . the conjunction for can be seen as a sentence connector. Sentences may be contrasted by either but or and. a conjunction is an invariable grammatical particle and it may or may not stand between the items it conjoins. THE CONJUNCTION A. which introduces some syntactic difference. It contains a negative feature. because that coordinator is more commonly used with contrasted sentences. * or is used to show choice or possibilities: He will be here on Monday or Tuesday. so what constitutes a conjunction should be defined for each language. These two together with or make three logical connectors which are explicit connectors and refer to the following relationships: * and – listing: -enumeration . The most common ones are and. provided that. Nor represents a clear case of coordination. or nor are not in themselves coordinators. verbs and clauses: Bob and Dan are friends (nouns) He will drive or fly (verbs) It is early but we can go (clauses) Call the movers when you are ready. On a gradient between ‘pure’ coordinator and ‘pure’ subordinator for and so that (meaning with the result that) occupy an important place.addition: -reinforcement . It can connect nouns.concession * or – reformulation . which make a fairly explicit relation between two clauses: that of reason. Some of the more common subordinating conjunctions such as: after before unless how whether although if until/till once as since when since because than while that Subordinating conjunctions can introduce a direct object. causal. temporal. your cheque will be mailed on Tuesday. Correlative conjunctions always appear in pairs -. . he never married.(temporal clause) Gerald had to begin his thesis over again when his computer crashed. (Technically correlative conjunctions consist simply of a co-ordinating conjunction linked to an adjective or adverb. 325 . Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that work together. Note that you can also use the conjunctions "but" and "for" as prepositions. nor not only . Alice felt more independent. . Corinne is trying to decide whether to go to medical school or to go to law school. (conditional clause) Midwifery advocates argue that home births are safer because the mother and baby are exposed to fewer people and fewer germs. (temporal clause) If the paperwork arrives on time. . A subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause and indicates the nature of the relationship among the independent clause(s) and the dependent clause(s).and either .you use them to link equivalent sentence elements. conditional clause or contrast/concessive subordinate clause. (causal clause) Although he had a lot of money. . . . .* but is used to show opposite or conflicting ideas: She is small but strong. * so is used to show result: I was tired so I went to sleep. (direct object clause) After she had learned to drive. indirect object. (concessive clause) c. The explosion destroyed not only the school but also the neighbouring pub. . Subordinating conjunctions connect two parts of a sentence that are not equal. but also Both Jan and Meg are good swimmers Bring either a Jello salad or a potato scallop. b. Note: some words which appear as conjunctions can also appear as prepositions or as adverbs.) The most common correlative conjunctions are: both . She told me that her father had died. or neither . You have disobeyed me.or. what’s more 326 . if. as. c. c. and. or II. so. when. However c. but. d.__________. But 4. or d. d. Harrison is kind. after. after 2. so 5. a.B. e. I am hungry …… I don't want to eat. EXERCISES I. Come ……get it. before. b. Choose the best answer for these questions: 1. I will not help you again. when.. because. and. so. so 6. c. e. b._____________. b. ___________he had an active career. a. c. Adams was an invalid. but. because III. He ate ……. e. e. but 2. or. than. e. Even so c. a. if. or 2. a. d. Therefore d. or. Besides b. so. since.but. Nevertheless c. b. while. he is generous.___________. Do you want pizza …. but. c. b. e. and. c. unless. either.although. so 3. c. a. ___________ it is instructive. Which conjunction is used to connect two unequal parts of a sentence? a. Choose the conjunction that most appropriately completes the sentence. d. a. d. or 4. d. He will eat …… he gets home. b. b. Therefore d. nor. What's more b. a. Alice moved to New York. e. c. a hamburger? a. 1. so. d. he was hungry. Choose the conjunction which fits best in the sentence: 1. Mr. d. since 3. Which conjunction is used with the correlative neither? a. c. but. her mother stayed in Boston a. and. Which conjunction is used to connect two equal parts of a sentence? a.or. a. Television is entertaining. Therefore d. moreover b. a. c.explain. Furthermore b. until. so c. and 5. e. b. if. b. I would tell you…… I knew.and 3. It's a good job we weren't going any faster or someone could have been killed. so d. Match the two parts of these conditional sentences. c. otherwise d. . . I wrote my French paper. so I couldn't give him your message . I prepared my English lesson. Had I known you were coming. IV. would you ask him to call back later? provided he has recovered from his cold.. 5.. consequently d.. 3. furthermore b. You are not allowed to park in the school. therefore IV. 8. what’s more c. If I had seen him.. besides b. You can borrow the money. I could have given him your message 1. Should he telephone while I'm out. a. as long as it was black. otherwise 6. . . however b. would have invited you to lunch. 2. 5. Fortunately I didn't hear what she said or I would have been very angry.. 2. 8. 4. .. . so 7. a. 9. .. you are never home. unless you are a member of staff. ________. 7. 6. 3. .. George says he will come.. It's lucky we booked a room or we would have had nowhere to stay. 1. _________ there were many accidents. therefore d. It only happened because you didn't follow the instructions. . Henry Ford said you could have any colour you wanted. . even so c. ___________. 7. but c. They got in because you didn't lock the door properly.. b. He was so tired that he went home at lunchtime . He didn't realize what was happening or he would have run away. 327 . a. Rewrite these sentences as conditionals Model: Unfortunately I didn't see him. 4.. d. e.. Luckily she didn't find out or she would have been furious. He'll probably get lost. I live too far to visit you often.. nevertheless c. and 8.b. a.. 6... The road was wet and slippery. Unfortunately he didn't pass his exams or he might have gone to university. Fred will be at school next week. . .………. Although we set off early. 8. and she did. VII. she kept her coat on. so long as you promise to pay it back. Rewrite these sentences with Just as. even though it was very warm. That way you will avoid being misunderstood. He complained about everything just as I knew he would. we had no time for lunch.………. you're not as tall as he was. Everyone believed he would run away. 1. Most people thought the play would be a success. Use one of these phrases to complete them. (so as to) 2. we only arrived just in time. You look very like your grandfather. V. h. We all thought Mary would win. He wanted to keep his car out of sight so he left it in the road.f. (so as to) 7. 7. and he did. We enjoyed our holiday. 6.. although he can be very annoying at times. Model: I knew he would complain about everything. even though his English was very good. If you want to have a hundred students. although 5. Though he hadn't stopped working all day. She turned up early because she wanted to get the room ready. and it was. 2. I don't play the piano now. I came to live in the country because I wanted to have trees around me instead of buildings. unless someone shows him the way. Model: Although we were desperately hungry. We hoped he would dowell at school. 328 . and they did. 3. 3. and he did. the weather was awful. The sentences below all have though. he still wasn't tired.. ………. provided he can stay overnight. (in order to) 3. 5. I used to when I was younger. (in order to) 5. What do I need to know. although. 1. (in order to10 I wanted to get to Madrid so I had to travel overnight from Barcelona. you will need at least three teachers. (in order to) 8. Try to write clearly. You said they would arrive late. 4. They had to eat grass and drink melted snow if they wanted to stay alive. A lot of people learn English because they want to study in English. he was difficult to understand. Rewrite these sentences to include a 'to'-infinitive purpose clause introduced by the words given in brackets. (in order to) 6. if I want to be a good doctor? (in order to) 4. even though 2. Model: Everyone was pushing because they wanted to get to the front of the queue. g. or even though.. I really like John. . and he did. (to) VI. although 4. (in order to) Everyone was pushing in order to get to the front of the queue. we had no time for lunch. 1. Ei au reacţionat ca şi cum n-ar fi ştiut nimic de acel concurs. He was a dreadful liar. Ne-am sculat foarte devreme ca să admiră m răsăritul soarelui. All the streams were frozen 3. Erau o mulţime de oameni la petrecere. familia Johnson. iar acum este inginer în cea mai mare uzină din oraş. The food was very good. cum ar fi familia Brown. 14. Împrumuta bani oricui îl ruga. that. 13. We all ate far too much X. 7.. 9.. It proved to be a very difficult problem. Haideţi să ne intâlnim din nou lunea viitoare. Everyone took him for a student. We didn't want to go home 4. 2. 6. 12. He had to throw them away 4. Now rewrite these sentences with such . Oricine îl vede rămâne uimit. I had to get off my bike and walk It was such a steep hill that I had to get off my bike and walk 1.. de exemplu. Nobody could solve it. Nu se ştie cine a spart vaza aceea. The winter was bitterly cold.VIII. He looked very young. 10. Rewrite these sentences with so . Ce-ar fi sa trecem pe la el după amiază. Her writing was very small. They were falling apart 5. Model:The hill was very steep. I had to get off my bike and walk The hill was so steep that I had to get off my bike and walk 1. Şi. a muncit din greu.. 5. Am probleme cu maşina încă de când am cumpărat-o. We had a very good time. Ken got very excited. fratele meu. Unele fiinţe cum ar fi ursul şi şarpele hibernează în timpul iernii. 5. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. 11. 329 . E pacat ca nu mergi la cinema cu noi. Convingerea noastră este că a înţeles aceste lucruri ţi că îşi va face datoria. Orice ai spune sau ai face nu mai are nici o importanţă. Nobody believed anything he said. 3. 2. His clothes were very old. care se cunoşteau. Ceea ce încearcă ea să ne explice este că la ora aceea nu era nimeni acasă. I could hardly read it. 15. "Unde este voinţă este şi putinţă" – spune un poroverb englezesc. that. să spunem pe la ora 5 ? 4. S-au referit apoi la ceea ce citiseră cu o zi în urmă. Model: The hill was very steep. His favourite shoes were very badly worn. 3. 8. familia Smith. He kept jumping up and down IX. adică pe 12 iulie. 2. and if he could live without the desk. before. around the desk. You can sit before the desk (or in front of the desk). A preposition links nouns. between the desk and you. Passing his hands over the desk or resting his elbows upon the desk. its object and any associated adjectives or adverbs. locating something in time and space. A prepositional phrase is made up of the preposition. This whole phrase. or telling when or where or under what conditions something happened. A preposition usually indicates the temporal. Prepositions are nearly always combined with other words in structures called prepositional phrase. The book is leaning against the table. The book is beside the table. along. by the desk. across. for.III. down. near. toward. inside. and even past the desk while he sits at the desk or leans against the desk.9. above. after. he can bump into the desk or try to walk through the desk (and stuff would fall off the desk). to the desk. till. She read the book during class. For instance. upon. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition. modifying a noun. onto. or an adverb. until. It describes a relationship between other words in a sentence. underneath. among. Because he thinks of nothing except the desk. a preposition locates the noun book in space or in time. She held the book over the table. beneath. in. The most common prepositions are: about. off. spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence as in the following examples: The book is on the table. Prepositional phrases can be made up of a million different words. and then his feet are under the desk or beneath the desk. at. during. a word like "in" or "after" is rather meaningless and hard to define in mere words. or even on the desk (if he's really strange). In each of the preceding sentences. THE PREPOSITION A. like. 330 . past. A prepositional phrase can function as a noun. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS a. up. from. but. out. except. beyond. against. what's in the desk. he often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk or concerning the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk. an adjective. since. acting as an adjective or an adverb. beside. within. what he paid for the desk." you invariably use your hands to show how something is situated in relationship to something else. followed by a pronoun or noun (called the object of the preposition). of. He can stand beside the desk (meaning next to the desk). and without. by. pronouns and phrases other words in a sentence. between. with. below. under. takes on a modifying role. through. sometimes you wonder about the desk. in turn. before the desk. The professor can sit on the desk (when he's being informal) or behind the desk. over. If he's clumsy. outside. into. Consider the professor's desk and all the prepositional phrases we can use while talking about it. The book is beneath the table. on. to. You can walk toward the desk. despite. when you do try to define a preposition like "in" or "between" or "on. around. In itself. throughout. but they tend to be built the same: a preposition followed by a determiner and an adjective or two. behind. In the South Pacific is where I long to be ). or a year. She lives in Durham. but nearly all of them modify in one way or another.). Some prepositions do other things besides locate in space or time (My brother is like my father. of place. Everyone in the class except me got the answer. He started the job in 1971. throughout the class. Smith lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham. Her house is on Boretz Road. • We use in for nonspecific times during a day. in time: during the class. and on and No Preposition IN AT ON NO (the) bed* class* the bed* PREPOSITION the bedroom home the ceiling downstairs the car the library* the floor downtown (the) class* the office the horse inside the library* school* the plane outside school* work the train upstairs uptown * You may sometimes use different prepositions for these locations. and continents). We're having a party on the Fourth of July. and in • We use at for specific addresses.m. on. He's going to quit in August. until the class. • We use on to designate days and dates. • We use on to designate names of streets. after the class. My brother is coming on Monday. c. Prepositions of Location: in. countries. Those words in bold are all prepositions. states. She likes to jog in the morning. Mrs. etc. Prepositions of Movement: to and No Preposition • We use to in order to express movement toward a place They were driving to work together. a month. of course. before the class. on. and in • We use at to designate specific times. b. counties. but this is seldom appropriate in formal or academic writing. And the professor can sit there in a bad mood [another adverbial construction]. Durham is in Windham County. The train is due at 12:15 p. She's going to the dentist's office this morning. 331 . Prepositions can be classified into: prepositions of time. d. etc. It's too cold in winter to run outside. Prepositions of Place: at. It is possible for a preposition phrase to act as a noun (During a church service is not a good time to discuss picnic plans.All of this happens. of movement. And we use in for the names of land-areas (towns. at. Prepositions of Time: at. a season. of time. avenues. use whichever sounds better to you. hours. such as German. Prepositions are sometimes so firmly wedded to other words that they have practically become one word. and verbs. downstairs. They both went outside. He held his breath for seven minutes. She's lived there for seven years. (In fact. upstairs. minutes. NOUNS and PREPOSITIONS approval of awareness of belief in concern for confusion about desire for afraid of angry at aware of capable of careless about familiar with apologize for ask about ask for belong to bring up care for find out fondness for grasp of hatred of hope for interest in love of fond of happy about interested in jealous of made of married to fond of happy about interested in jealous of made of married to need for participation in reason for respect for success in understanding of need for participation in reason for respect for success in understanding of proud of similar to sorry for sure of tired of worried about ADJECTIVES and PREPOSITIONS VERBS and PREPOSITIONS 332 . downtown. He's worked here since 1970. inside. months.) This occurs in three categories: nouns. The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries.• Toward and towards are also helpful prepositions to express movement. Adjectives. adjectives. e. years). uptown. outside. and Verbs. These are simply variant spellings of the same word. we use no preposition Grandma went upstairs Grandpa went home. Prepositions with Nouns. We're moving toward the light. This is a big step towards the project's completion. • With the words home. in other languages. days. • We use since with a specific date or time. She's been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty. f. they would have become one word. Prepositions of Time: for and since • We use for when we measure time (seconds. He was fascinated by and enamored of this beguiling woman. • The book fell off of the desk. with a person • differ from an unlike thing. using prepositions where they are not necessary. the preposition does not have to be used twice. with other people Unnecessary Prepositions In everyday speech. [use "behind" instead] • Where is your college at? Prepositions in Parallel Form When two words or phrases are used in parallel and require the same preposition to be idiomatically correct. We use the Gerund after the following phrases: accuse of agree with apologize for believe in blame for complain about concentrate on congratulate sb. She doesn't believe in getting lost in the wood. in principle • argue about a matter. Idiomatic Expressions with Prepositions • agree to a proposal. The female was both attracted by and distracted by the male's dance. He is not sure how to cope with getting older. for or against a proposition • compare to to show likenesses.A combination of verb and preposition is called a phrasal verb. on cope with decide against They were accused of breaking into a shop. we must be careful not to omit one of them. They decided against stealing the car. • She met up with the new coach in the hallway. in a house or city. Do you concentrate on reading or writing? I wanted to congratulate you on making such a good speech. I agree with playing darts. when the idiomatic use of phrases calls for different prepositions. It was clear that this player could both contribute to and learn from every game he played. on a street. we fall into some bad habits. [or use "in"] • Where did they go to? • Put the lamp in back of the couch. on a price. with a person. 333 . academic prose. • He threw the book out of the window. It would be a good idea to eliminate these words altogether. with a person • live at an address. Please refer to the brief section we have prepared on phrasal verbs for an explanation. The word that is joined to the verb is then called a particle. with to show differences (sometimes similarities) • correspond to a thing. • She wouldn't let the cat inside of the house. The reporter is blamed for writing bad stories. but we must be especially careful not to use them in formal. The children were interested in and disgusted by the movie. However. with a person. She complains about bullying. They apologize for being late. You can wear that outfit in summer and in winter. EXERCISES I. he'll be out _____ the street. but then suddenly it jumped _____ my face! 6. Passengers are not allowed to use electronic devices _____ airplanes during takeoff and landing. How can I prevent Kate from working in this shop? He doesn't rely on winning in the casino. The shepherd boy grazed his flock _____ the grassy hillside. 11. 8. Will you wait for me _____ the bus stop? 2. but never while I'm _____ the car. 16. The girls didn't want to spend a long time _____ the carnival. 12. 14. 4. The old house had so much grime _____ the windows that Bradley could hardly see inside. those guys _____ the ring are just pretending. They feel like going to bed. rely on sth. 18. Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition: at. 17. B. Do you live _____ the city or _____ the country? 7. 334 . 15. I let the cat sit _____ my lap. Audrey lives _____ Third Street. or on. Jane is _____ her bedroom. 3.depend on dream about/of feel like get used to insist on look forward to prevent sb. Heathcliff could see a light _____ the window. from sth. I'll use my cellular phone when I'm _____ the bus. How then can I succeed in learning chemistry? The firm specialized in designing websites. The car stalled and got stuck _____ the street. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. You must get used to working long hours. 19. Kevin and Mack are out practicing _____ the football field. 10. I stopped Andrew from smoking. in. 13. They often talk about travelling to New Zealand. from talk about/of think of warn sb. 5. Trent arrived _____ the school building just in time. We warned them against using this computer. while Marty works _____ web design. If William doesn't make any money on his book. The audience threw tomatoes _____ the terrible comedian. 9. The girls insisted on going out with Mark. Daria's books are lying _____ the floor. Wrestling isn't real. The rancher built a fence to keep his cows _____ the pasture. succeed in specialize in stop sb. Frank thinks of playing chess. 20. From afar. against worry about Success may depend on becoming more patient. David works _____ the field of network administration. Sue dreams of being a pop star. The patient worries about having the check-up. 1. Has anyone found it? (for/after/of/to) 7.. ……summer I like to travel …..on (e. 10. The police car chased the robbers …. Don't wait ….on.. (of/ from/ by/ on) 8.g. They are afraid ….in. 3. Brazil is at South America.. 1.working on the computer.g.Italy..II. my at university..g. So we were angry …. districts. in the Dao Yu Islands.. The driver was walking …. The driver parked the bus…. Last summer I took a plane …. We stopped …. towns.going out at the weekend. We sat ….. (to/by/in/with) 6. in Europe 2) Countries on Lantau. in China 3) Cities. We are looking forward ….at .. (among/between/through/on) 4. e. at the doctor's. 335 . in the South China Sea 8) Places that are different for different people. e. e.g.campfires and went dancing……the early mornings. The song was written …. But my holidays were great. the streets.g. so we waited….in.g. You can look the word …. (since/ for/at/to) 3.the weather and the people there. Find the correct preposition: I'm Peter and I live …. Laura dreams …. The girls insisted …. at on a small island. on Hong Kong Island Islands . e.being late. I'm looking …. a boat on the West Lake.. V. at my friend's flat 1. III. in the Spratleys 5) Mountains . Fill in with the appropriate preposition: 1. She doesn't feel …. in the Himalayas 6) Lakes and Rivers. at work. She complains….playing volleyball.bullying. in the Pacific Ocean. Andrew apologized ….the restaurant which we didn't know..on..the airport we went to our hotel …. (on/up/through/with) 5. Do you agree ….the small park …. swimming in the West Lake 7) Seas and Oceans. on Mount hour.. I haven't smoked…. counties. Choose the correct preposition.g. I can't come to the party. on Yellow Mountain.Munich to Rome. Check these rules...the restaurant. 4) Islands . on the Peak Mountain ranges .in.going out with Kerry.g.. in Beijing. because …. Nobody could find the bus and the driver.groups of islands. 4. 6. (at/for/after/on) IV. ages. 7.single mountains .in..staying in a foreign country? 9. My friend is good…. provinces.Germany. …. in Asia. She had problems …. then say which question is correct: 1) Continents . in Kowloon. e. I'm tired….. on the surface) in (under the surface). e.losing the match.reading the instructions.the restaurant …. a.g. 8.a small restaurant for a quick meal. 5.g. e. Brazil is of South America b. e. e.Madonna. 2. areas and villages .in a dictionary.g. Edward thinks climbing trees in the afternoon.. waiting for you (of/ with/ on/ in) 2. a. "Tiny. He 16 stopped. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain of the Himalayas. Hong Kong is in the South China Sea. b. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on the Himalayas.. VI. a. Tiny. Hong Kong is of the South China Sea.. b. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the Himalayas. New York is in the United States. Everyone knows Old MacDonald had a farm. he tapped Tiny the 9 shoulder. Farm is 19 spelled E-I-E-I-O. "I remember now. He had no idea the answer. Making 8 sure the professor wasn't watching. I live at Bucharest." 6 Bubba was stumped. d. Identify the missing prepositions in the text and write them in the table below the text. That's so easy.." said Bubba. Brazil is on South America. I live on Bucharest. 5. b. they would be academic probation and not 3 allowed to play the Sugar Bowl the following week. If 2 they failed. New York is on the United States. I live in Bucharest. how do you spell farm?" 18 "You are really dumb. you're so 13 stupid. Hong Kong is at the South China Sea. I live at home." 14 "Oh yeah. d. he 17 whispered." He picked up his 15 No.. Some lines are correct. 3. "Bubba. 10 "Pssst.." 1 X 11 2 on 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 336 .2 pencil and started to write the answer the blank. c.. What's the answer the last question?" 11 Tiny laughed. 6. b. Reaching to tap Tiny's shoulder again. The exam 4 was fill-in-the-blank. 4. c. c. New York is of the United States. He knew 7 he needed to get this one right to be sure he passed. Brazil is in South America. d. New York is at the United States. mark them with an X. The last question read. c. Bubba. Two examples are given: The Final Exam 1 Two football players were taking an important final exam. He looked around to make sure the professor 12 hadn't noticed then he turned Bubba. I live on home. b. 5 "Old MacDonald had a . a.c. I live of home. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain at the Himalayas. c. 2. a.. a. he pops a few more uts _ his mouth. A. for 2. Deşi eram foarte grăbiţi. Ei îi place să asculte radioul. after. to. for B. under C. under VIII. out of D. by. of. …………. …………. in. on. Translate into English: 1. out of. next to. on. Wondering who would make such a strange comment. dar nu este întotdeauna impresionată de calitatea programelor. sits down and orders a nice big dish _ brown rice and stir-fry veggies. off. of. to. Trebuie să vă conformaţi regulilor jocului. 3 “Where did you get such a great bike?”. he around and doesn't see anyone _ him who could've speaking _ him. from. 5. of. to. after. into C. Nu ştiam că te interesează istoria medievală. 3. . took off all her clothes 8 and said “Take what you want!” 9 The first engineer nodded in approvingly 10 “Good choice. at. In some of the lines of the following text there is one unnecessary preposition. by. along with. of. For each numbered line find this preposition and write it down on the right: 1 An engineering student was walking across campus when 2 another engineer rides up in a shiny new motorcycle. ………….” …………. to. from. …………. I was walking along 5 yesterday. at 3. at. …………. close to. under D. ea a insistat să ne oprim şi să cumpără m câteva ziare. He grabs a handful _ peanuts _ the bowl _ the counter _ the cash register while he's waiting _ his order. after. near. in.………… IX. of. is that silk? Very nice choice!" A. on. …………. 4. Next he hears a voice. It is either incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. by. in B. for D. He glances sly around and then _ his shoes. without. _ a shrug. of. which he tucks selfsly _ the stool. …………. into. beneath B. 7 She threw the bike at the ground. off. on. and as he starts to chew he hears a voice say. "Those shoes are stylish. of. near. …………. What is the correct combination of prepositions for each paragraph? 1. of. at. with. near. 337 . 4. on. minding my own business when a beautiful 6 woman rode up on this bike. asked the first. near. A. by. at. for C. my man. in. by. close to. "That's a beautiful tie. from.VII. The second engineer replied: “Well. Alegeţi trei numere la întâmplare şi înmulţiţi-le cu cinci. 2. the clothes probably wouldn’t have fit in. A man walks _ a health food restaurant _ a day _ the office. at. they Italian leather? They look great!" whirls around again but sees no one _ him. before. along. Fusese acuzat ca ii furase poşeta acelei doamne îin negru. 10. iar tu ai lăsat-o să iasă în stradă? 338 . 8. Produsele companiei noastre sunt mereu in conformitate cu standardele de calitate. De ce te uiti aşa la mine? Te-am rugat să ai grijă de pisică. Cu ce mergi la serviciu în fiecare dimineaţă? Cu metroul sau cu autobuzul? Sau poate cu maşina? 9.6. John a fost pedepsit pentru că nu şi-a făcut tema la timp. 7. They are extremely common in English." "Ah! I've won!" "Alas.10. except in direct quotations. Interjections are uncommon in formal academic We usually follow an interjection with an exclamation mark. she's dead now. THE INTERJECTION A." "Eh?" "I said it's hot today. now I understand.. eh?" "Eh! Really?" "Let's go.III. It is not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence. Interjections like er and um are also known as "hesitation devices". THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion. they have no grammatical connection to the sentence. When interjections are inserted into a sentence. Um or Ah! They have no real grammatical value but we use them quite often." "Ah well." "Ah. joy etc expressing greeting example "Ah... hullo expressing hesitation expressing greeting expressing surprise hey hi calling attention expressing surprise. eh?" "Lima is the capital of. People use them when they don't know what to say. An interjection is sometimes followed by an exclamation mark (!) when written." "Oh dear! Does it hurt?" "Dear me! That's a surprise!" "It's hot today.. that feels good. it can't be heped. or to indicate that they are thinking about what to say. You should learn to recognize them when you hear them and realize that they have no real meaning." "What do you think of that. How are you today?" "Hello! My car's gone!" "Hey! look at that!" "Hey! What a good idea!" "Hi! What's new?" 339 . The table below shows some interjections with examples. usually more in speaking than in writing. Interjections are short exclamations like Oh!.Peru. interjection meaning expressing pleasure ah expressing realization expressing resignation expressing surprise alas dear expressing grief or pity expressing pity expressing surprise asking for repetition eh expressing enquiry expressing surprise inviting agreement er hello." "Hello John. . joy _________________ 5. are you busy? it is an exclamatory word that usually expresses a strong emotion.. Aha! There are some empty seats! 3. please say 'yes'!" "Ouch! That hurts!" "Uh." "Shall we go?" "Uh-huh.. EXERCISES I. anger _________________ 340 . Followed by an exclamatory mark (!) It may be followed by a related sentence. Underline the interjection in each sentence: 1. o expressing pain expressing pleading ouch uh uh-huh um. confusion _________________ 6.17.I don't know the answer to that. doubt or disagreement expressing surprise "Hmm. who told you about the party? II. 5. relief _________________ 4. Well.. A word of strong emotion ends in exclamation point (separate from rest of sentence) Hey! Leave my friend alone! Wow! I never thought she's go out with him! 3.hmm expressing hesitation. severe pain _________________ 3." "Oh. Use an appropriate interjection of your own for each of the emotions listed." "Well I never!" "Well. a word of mild emotion ends in comma (part of the sentence) Oh. I suppose I should have studies more. I wish that giggling would stop. Brrr! The theater is as cold as ice! 2." "85 divided by 5 is.. Shhh! 6. Hooray! We won the championship! Help! I can't hold on any longer! 2. astonishment_________________ 2. I'm not so sure. A word may stand alone Hooray! Help! 2. Say." "Oh! You're here!" "Oh! I've got a toothache. Ouch! Someone stepped on my toe! 4. sit still! Say. 1. umm well expressing pain expressing hesitation expressing agreement expressing hesitation expressing surprise introducing a remark Characteristics: 1. what did he say?" oh. I don't know if I can stand it any longer. Interjection Emotion oh. 2. Model: Wow! We had a fabulous trip. I didn’t think the paper was due today. that was a terrific movie. You must be kidding. goodness joy uh hesitation tsk impatience Model: (Pain)! That really hurts. 10. 7. 5. 7. 1. (Help) _________________________________________________ V. 10. oh. 3. good heavens surprise aw. Begin with the interjection in parentheses. 4. 6. 5. no disappointment ouch pain wow. In each blank. 1. 9. There isn’t enough snow to go skiing. Add the correct punctuation after each interjection and at the end of each sentence. (Surprise)! We won the game. I don’t know which way to go. 9. we’re late again. 341 . 3. I’m so happy you’re here for a visit. They're announcing the winners (Psst) _____________________________________________________ 2. That was a close call. (Impatience). VI. Fill in each blank with an appropriate interjection. I don’t know the answer. where we are. (Pain)! I cut my finger. I just banged my knee. Rewrite each sentence below. I guess I'll have to make a speech (Well) _____________________________________________________ 3. darn. That wasn't so bad after all (Phew) _____________________________________________________ 4. I can’t figure out. I didn’t expect to see you here. 6. (Joy)! What a great present. (Joy). That’s the biggest balloon I’ve ever seen. I bumped my head. I wish you’d hurry up. 2. The picnic has been rained out again. Use commas or exclamation marks as punctuation. (Pain). (Hesitation). (Disappointment). I can’t wait all day. 4. 8.III. Ouch 1. (Surprise). write an appropriate interjection for the feeling shown in parentheses. 8. (Hesitation). * stricken is used attributively. 2. = 1. a atîrna. = 1.a lovi. run shrunk/shrunken* sung sunk/sunken* sprung stunk swum * drunken. = 1. 3. 2.a mirosi urît.a se lăsa în jos. = a (se) legăna.2. a se învîrti/roti. 2. = 1.a apune. a înfige. a stoarce. = a alerga. 2.a răsuna (de). = a câştiga.a înţepa. a (se) balansa. a împlînta. apă). 2.a declanşa(un arc.a se micşora. = a se furişa.a răsuci. 2. 3. a agăţa. 2. = 1. a înfige. a se sustrage. swing swung swung win won won wring wrung wrung 342 . = 1. = 1.a trage cu praştia.a suna. = 1.a sări.a se scufunda. a izvorî (d.a ustura. a avea originea. 2. a se înapoi.a suna. shrunken and sunken are used attributively. 2. a rămîne ataşat.III.a săpa.a stîrni (vînatul). 2. a spânzura. = 1. a asfinţi. a azvîrli. a lipi. a bate (ceasul). a agăţa.a fila. a izbi. = 1. = 1.3. 3. a toarce. a răsuci.a strânge (tare). 5. = a înota.11.a simţi (un miros urît). a vîrî. a se lipi de.a intra la apă. mină). a face să sune. LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE PAST TENSE [æ] begin drink ring run shrink da sing sink spring stink swim began drank rang ran shrank sang sank sprang stank swam PAST PARTICIPLE [ʌ] begun drunk/drunken* rung = a începe. cling dig fling hang sling slink spin stick sting strike [ʌ] clung dug flung hung/hanged slung slunk spun stuck stung struck [ʌ] clung dug flung hung/hanged slung slunk spun/span stuck stung struck/stricken* = a se ţine de. a ţiui. 2. = a cînta. = 1. = a bea. 2. 4. = a arunca. a atârna. a ţâşni. = 1. a opri. = a îngenunchia. = a lăsa.a îndruma. a duce. = 1. a se grăbi. a tatona. a conduce.a uza. a frânge. a căra. = a se trezi. a rupe. 2. a îndura.a sări peste.a dibui. a se înfiora. a educa. 3. a purta. 2. a sfîşia. 3. barba).a răpi. a alimenta.a ţese.a călăuzi.a păstra.a se tîrî. a iuţi (pasul). a conduce.a se deplasa cu repeziciune. a se furişa. din faţa).a priva. a nu restitui. = 1. a merge repede.a pronunţa dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt fed fed felt felt fled fled kept kept knelt led leapt left meant met read slept smelt/smelled sped/speeded spelled/spelt knelt led leapt left meant met read slept smelt/smelled sped/speeded spelled/spelt 343 . a suporta. 2. 3. a ponosi. = a fura. = a mirosi.a păstra. = 1. = a dormi. = 1. = 1.a urzi (un complot). 3. 3. = a îngheţa. = 1.a simţi. 2. = 1.a pipăi. a trece peste. = a alege. a depune jurământ. = a sîngera.a fura. a pune deoparte. = a creşte. break broke broken choose chose chosen freeze froze frozen steal stole stolen speak spoke spoken wake woke woke/woken weave wove/weaved woven/weaved [o:] bear swear tear wear bore swore tore wore [o:] borne/born sworn torn worn = 1. 2. 2.a accelera. 3.a jura. = 1. a se strecura.a smulge. = 1. = 1.a purta (părul. 2.a întîlni. 2. a părăsi. (a lucra la război). [e] bereave bleed breed creep dream feed feel flee keep kneel lead leap leave mean meet read sleep smell speed spell bereaved/bereft bled bred crept [e] bereaved/bereft bled bred crept = 1. = 1.a face să sară.[ou] [ou] = a sparge. = 1. 2.a înjura. 2. a fi îmbrăcat. 2.a scrie literă cu literă. 2. 3. = a intenţiona. = 1. a rupe. a transporta. a (se) naşte. a se deştepta. a paşte.a (se) purta (o haină). 2.a hrăni. = a fugi. 2. a se jura.a (se) ţese. = a visa. a se exprima. a menţine.a ţine.a întîmpina. = a citi. 2. a scăpa cu fuga (de. = a vorbi. draw overdraw withdraw drew overdrew withdrew [u:] = 1. 2. 5.a urmări un scop. a trage concluzii. = 1.a se ridica (d. 2.a lua. a flutura. a curăţi. = 1. a apărea. a-şi imagina. a face paşi mari. a socoti. a zbura.a creşte. 2. a gîndi. a cunoaşte. = a cumpăra. a trage. a depăşi (contul la bancă). a fîlfîi. = 1. = a aduce. = a lupta. a sufla.a se scula. = a prinde. a chibzui. 2. 4. a izbi.a păşi. 2.a încăleca. blow fly grow know throw blew flew grew knew threw [o:] = 1.a afecta. a desena. a retrage. 2.a bate (d.a căuta. 4. = a mătura. = 1. 4. 3. a se gîndi. = a se mărturisi (la preot).a se ridica. = a arunca. a sufla greu. 3. a cultiva.a conduce (un vehicul). a-şi închipui. a întinde (arcul). = 1. a sări. = 1.a crede. a călări (un cal). a mîna. a fugi. a trage (înapoi).a călări. a azvîrli. 344 shrive(old use) shrove smite smote stride strode .lună). = 1. 2. beseech bring buy catch fight seek teach think besought brought bought caught fought sought taught thought = a implora. 2.a lovi.a călători (cu un mijloc de transport public). a se ivi. = 1.sweep weep swept wept [ u:] swept wept [o:] drawn overdrawn withdrawn [ou] blown flown grown known thrown [o:] besought brought bought caught fought sought taught thought literă cu literă. 3. a concepe. 3.2. a medita. a răsări (d. = 1. a preda. a cugeta. 2.vînt). a face progrese. = a învăţa (pe cineva). 3. 2.a vrăji. = 1. 2. = 1. 3.a crede.a goni. a gîfîi. a deduce. a (se) retrage. soare). 2. 2. = a plînge. 3. 3. a exagera. a o lua la goană. = a şti. [ou] drive ride rise arise drove rode rose arose [ i] driven ridden risen arisen shriven smitten stridden = 1.a răsări. a deveni. a se răsuci/încolăci. = a răni. 3. 3. = a trimite. a petrece (timpul). = a sfărîma. sînge). = a închide.a scinda. a apune. a sfîşia. 3. a exploda. 2. a se strădui. a măcina. = a prospera. = 1. = a bate. a desfăşura. = 1. = a pune/face un pariu. = 1. = 1.a răspîndi. a izbi.a vărsa (lacrimi. a îmbrînci. a irosi. 2. 2.strive thrive write strove throve/thrived wrote striven thriven written = 1.a lepăda (frunze). a se lupta.a revărsa. 2. = a arunca. = a costa. 345 . = a radiodifuza. 2. a lăsa.a tăia. a propăşi. a îngădui. (no change) bet burst broadcast cast cost cut hit hurt let put rid set shed shut slit split spread thrust bet/betted burst broadcast(ed) cast cost cut hit hurt let put rid set shed shut slit split spread thrust [t] bend lend rend send spend bent lent rent sent spent [au] bind find grind wind bound found ground wound bet burst broadcast(ed) cast cost cut hit hurt let put rid set shed shut slit split spread thrust [t] bent lent rent sent spent au bound found ground wound = a lega.a desface. a lovi. = 1. a risipi. = 1. = a pune. a (ră)suci (ceasul). a şerpui. = a (se) despica. a pisa. = a elibera. a aşeza. a potrivi. 5.a regla. 2. = a tăia. a despica.a rupe. = a da cu împrumut. = a găsi. = a izbucni. 2. a izbi. 3. = 1. = a scrie. a scăpa.a dezbina. = 1. 3. = a lovi. a se schimba (d. 4. 2. 2. a se scoroji. 4. păreri). 5. a răspîndi în jur.a despica.a asfinţi. a (se) îndoi.a coti. a cheltui. = a permite.a întinde.a pune. a (se) crăpa. = a da. a zice. [d] hew mow saw sew show sow strew hewed mowed sawed sewed showed sowed sown strewed [n] hewn mown sawn sewn shown strewn = a tăia. a tremura. = a înţelege greşit vorbele cuiva. = a lua. 4. = a semăna.a zgudui.ou sell tell foretell sold told foretold [i] bite chide hide bit chid/chided hid [u] forsake mistake partake shake forsook mistook partook shook ou sold told foretold [i] bitten chid/chided hidden [ei] forsaken mistaken partaken shaken = a părăsi. = 1.pisici). a zdruncina.a oferi un preţ.a spune. a împrăştia. 2.a secera. 3. 2. 2.a porunci.a dori. a abandona.a scutura. 4. 2. = 1. = a (se) coase. = a sta jos. a intimida. a manifesta 3. a dojeni. = a (se) ascunde. = a prevesti. a prezice. 3. = a arăta. = 1. a pufni (d. = 1. 2. = a ierta. a presăra. take took [ei] taken [i] bidden/bid forbidden forgiven given [æ] sat spat bid forbid forgive give sit spit dispreţ. = a vinde. a scuipa. = 1.a ferăstrui.a povesti. a clătina. a mustra.a tunde (iarba). = a muşca. 2. a ura. a cosi.a acoperi/presăra (cu). = 1. a relata. a invita. 346 . bade/bid forbade forgave gave [æ] sat spat = 1. a speria. a despica.a răspîndi.a tăia cu ferăstrăul. = a certa. = a interzice. a participa la. a pofti 3. = a împărtăşi. 2. 2. 2. hear heard heard = a auzi. 4. a imobiliza. knit knitted/knit knitted/knit = a împleti. a copleşi (d. a surprinde (o conversaţie etc. durere). 2. a copleşi. forget forgot forgotten = a uita. a culca. 3.a subjuga. a întrezări. burn burned/burnt burned/burnt = a arde. make made made = 1. a primi. 2.a ţine. 3. 3.a insista asupra. emoţii).face. a îndeplini. a reţine. a opri.a trece prin. lose lost lost = a pierde. a obţine. a întrece. a fi întins. become became become = a deveni. lay laid laid = a pune jos. pay paid paid = a plăti. 3. load loaded loaded/laden* = 1.a repartiza. dwell dwelt dwelt = 1. 2. 2. beat beat beaten = a bate. a zăpăci. 5. a avea. outdo outdid outdone = a întrece. a sta. a refuza. a acţiona. undergo underwent undergone = 1. melt melted melted/molten* = a se topi.a face. learn learned/learnt learned*/learnt = a învăţa. a săvîrşi. eat ate eaten = a mînca. 2.a reţine.a încărca.a locui. blend blended/blent blended/blent = a amesteca. a deţine.a avea de-a face cu cineva. deal dealt dealt = 1. a distribui. a răbda. molten (iron) are used attributively. build built built = a construi. a fabrica. mislay mislaid mislaid = a pierde. fall fell fallen = a cădea. go went gone = a merge. hold held held = 1. a aşeza. 4. lie lay lain = 1. a se supune. a împiedica. behold beheld beheld/beholden = a zări. lean leant/leaned leant/leaned = a se înclina. a tricota. withhold withheld withheld = 1. 2. 2. a zăcea. 347 abode Miscellaneous abode . a se apleca. 2.a fi culcat. come came come = a veni.a acoperi. 2.a auzi din întîmplare.a suferi.a locui. 3. have had had = a avea. 2.a păţi. a vedea.2.a rămîne. be was/were been = a fi. learned. do did done = 1. clothe clothed/clad clothed/clad = 1. a proceda.a îmbrăca. * laden. overcome overcame overcome = 1. a pune stăpânire (d. light lighted/lit lighted/lit = a aprinde. a poseda. a opri. a conţine. overhear overheard overheard = 1.abide = 1. a prepara.). foresee foresaw foreseen = a prevedea. get got got/gotten = a căpăta.a învinge. bless blessed/blest blessed/blest = a binecuvînta. 8. = 1.: A Comprehensive English Grammar) 348 . a munci.rot rotted rotted/rotten* said * rotten is used attributively.a (se) bărbieri. 3. see shave shear shine shoe shoot slide spill spoil stand understand withstand swell tread work saw seen shaved shaved/shaven sheared shone shod shot slid sheared/shorn shone shod shot slid spilled/spilt spilled/spilt spoiled spoiled/spoilt stood stood understood understood withstood swelled trod worked withstood swollen/swelled trodden/trod worked/wrought* * wrought (iron) = (fier) forjat.a exprima în cuvinte. 4. 2.E. 2. a răsturna. 2. a zice.a înţelege. = a vedea. 2. = 1. a prelucra.a vărsa. a vîna.a potcovi. 3. 2.a încălţa. a încolţi (d. a merge. a lucra. a se caria. a produce. say said = 1. = a străluci.a se strica. 5. 5. a înfăptui. a se ofili. = a sta în picioare.a da pe dinafară. a trage cu arma.a strica. 2. 4. a spune. 2. plante). = a tunde. = 1. 2. 3. a se pronunţa. a se da pe gheaţă. a se freca de.a răsfăţa. = a (se) umfla. = 1. a recita (versuri). 2. a pune la treabă. = 1.a se năpusti. 2. a fermenta. (adapted by Doina Cmeciu and Elena Bonta from Eckersley. a afirma. (d. a lua cunoştinţă despre. a se prăpădi. a face. a executa. a da buzna. maşini) a funcţiona. 7. a se atinge de. a trece pe nesimţite.a-şi exprima părerea. a putrezi. a ţine piept. = 1. 3. = a rezista. a călca. C. 4. 6. = 1. = 1. a avea succes. a pricepe. = 1. = a păşi. a afla.a tăia (subţire). a aluneca. 3. 3. • Cmeciu. Tehnică. a Lonely Planet Shoestring Guide. Bucureşti. Longmans. Oxford University Press. Pro Humanitate. Ed. • Greenbaum. Sachelarie . George (2000): Synonyms and Antonyms.. Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă. London. (2006): Practical Course in English. • Chilărescu. Niculescu. G. and Porţeanu. Bucureşti. Bucureşti. • Goudie. Ed. Alice (1984): Gramatica limbii engleze. D. Ed. Egon (1966): Learning with Colour. Niculescu. (1982): Limba engleză în conversaţie. Iaşi. Vîlceanu. Mark. Oxford. Ed. • Dănilă. R. (1967): A Comprehensive English Grammar. (1992): The Heinemann ELT English Grammar. C. Bucureşti. 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