Cultural Studies books.docx

March 20, 2018 | Author: Renu Elizabeth Abraham | Category: Cultural Studies, Philosophical Movements, Philosophical Science, Science, Culture (General)



Cultural Studies Paper code: HEN 652 .Unit I Introduction to Culture and Cultural Studies 15hrs Unit 1 is an introductory module that introduces both “culture” as well as the discipline and its institutionalization both in India and the “West”. The Unit aims to not merely introduce students to the origins and development of the discipline but also encourage them to be self-reflexive of the discipline in their own contexts. Mrinalini Sebastian: ―Understanding Cultural Studies‖ (Do Not Have) Raymond Williams: ―Introduction‖ from Culture and Society (Book) Ratheesh Radahakrishnan: Cultural Studies in India: A Preliminary Report on the Institutionalization of Cultural Studies in India (downloaded) Stuart Hall: ―Cultural Studies and its Theoretical Legacies‖ Simon During reader – 97-109. Required Library Reading: Matthew Arnold Culture and Anarchy (downloaded) F. R. Leavis “Mass Civilization and Minority Culture” (downloaded) Roland Barthes: ―Myth Today‖ (book) Unit II Culture and the Everyday 20hrs Unit 2, “Culture and the Everyday” introduces students to the everydayness of culture, especially from an Indian perspective. This module covers significant questions of art, aesthetics; on garbage and the consumer culture, and surveillance culture. Students are encouraged to reflect upon other areas for their class presentations and research paper submissions. Kajri Jain: ―The Sacred Icon in the Age of the Work of Art and Mechanical Reproduction‖ or ―The Circulation of Images and the Embodiment of Value‖ Nissim Mannathukkaren: ―Garbage as our Alter Ego‖ from The Hindu, November 2012 Pramod K. Nayar: ―‗I Sing the Body Biometric‘: Surveillance and Biological Citizenship‖ EPW XLVII: 32; August 2012 Library Reading: Louis Althusser: ―Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses‖ Antonio Gramsci: ―Hegemony, Intellectuals and the State‖ Theodor Adorno: ―The Culture Industry Reconsidered.‖ Walter Benjamin: ―Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction‖ Select texts from Barthes‘ Mythologies Shuddabrata Sengupata: ―Everyday Surveillance: ID Cards, Cameras and a Database of Ditties‖ Rana Dasgupta: ―The Face of the Future: Biometric Surveillance and Progress‖ from Sarai Reader 2 Unit III: Culture and Nation 15 hrs Unit 3. The first part is an Introductory paper on their understanding on Culture and Cultural Studies. Post –Hindu India. This unit aims to enable students to understand the subaltern space as a space of meaning-making that cuts across several tangents like religion. among others. gender and human rights. Nandana Dutta: ―Narrative Agency and Thinking about Conflicts‖ from Beyond CounterInsurgency by Sanjib Baruah Gopal Guru: ―The Idea of India: Derivative. The second part includes class presentations of the essays mentioned in the sections ―Required Library Reading‖. . caste. Each CIA is for 20 marks. Testing Pattern Paper 1 (CIA II): This is two-component CIA. 35. Kancha Ilaiah: Extracts from Why I am Not a Hindu M. Ansari: ―In the Interstices of the Subject: Islamic Identity in India Gyanendra Pandey: ―Can a Muslim be an Indian?‖ Frantz Fanon: ―The Black Man and Language‖ from Black Skin. White Masks. its making and its imagination. sociospiritual and scientific revolution' Tejaswini Niranjana: “Feminism and Cultural Studies in Asia” Partha Chatterjee: “After Subaltern Studies” from EPW Vol XLVII No. “Cultural Studies and the Sublatern” interrogates the what and how of subalternity from a cultural studies perspective. Pramod K Nayar: ―Subalternity and Translation: The Cultural Apparatus of Human Rights‖ Required Library Reading: Spivak: “Can the Subaltern Speak?” Kancha Ilaiah:Why I am not a Hindu. a discourse on Dalit-Bahujan. in folktales. T. in discourses of inclusion and exclusion—are looked at in this module to enable the understanding of the constructedness of the nation. The spaces where the nation is imagined – from education policies to the classrooms. ―Culture and the Nation‖ introduces debates and discourses about the nation.K. Ramanujan: ―Tell it to the Walls: On Folktales in Indian Culture‖ Required Library Reading: Gauri Viswanathan: Introduction to Masks of Conquest Partha Chatterjee: “Whose Imagined Community?” Salman Rushdie: “Imaginary Homelands” AshisNandy: Preface to The Intimate Enemy UNIT IV Cultural Studies and the Subaltern 25 Hrs Unit 4. Desi and Beyond‖ A. the total of 40 marks would be reduced to 20 marks. (750 words). Cultural Theory: An Introduction. and Alexander Riley. Step Across this Line. Smith. 2003. The Sage Handbook of Cultural Analysis. and Jeff Browitt. Print. Print. Delhi: Viva. and Gita Rajan. Print. Delhi: Oxford.London: Sage Publications. English and the Indian Modern. 2005. Hall. A Cultural Studies Reader: History. Cultural Theory: Classical & Contemporary Positions. Payne. and John Frow.Ramanujan. 2009. Poduval. Section A: 4 questions out of 7.The Collected Essays of A. Rushdie. One could choose any cultural text and apply the theories that have been discussed. Books for reference: Advani. Memory: ChauriChaura 1922-1992. Print. Shahid.New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory. Event. Print. Munns. Dharwadker. Tim. 2003. Print. Metaphor. Baker. Print. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. 2007. Bennet. Print. London: Sage Publications. 2004. 2008. ed. Desmond. Salman. 1993. End Semester Exam: Written Exam: 100 marks. Print. 1997. eds. 2003. 1999. Milner. The Culture Industries. 3rd ed. Satish. 2005.Contemporary Cultural Theory. New Delhi: SahityaAkademi. Gary. 2007. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. 1995. 25 marks each. Jessica.Paper 2: (CIA III): This is two-component CIA. A Glossary of Cultural Theory. ---. the total of 40 marks would be reduced to 20 marks. Brooker.Oxon: Routledge. Amin. NewYork: The Modern Library. London: Routledge.London: Sage Publications. The Cultural Studies Reader. 2009. London: Sage Publications. During. Edwards.London: Arnold Publishing. Phillip. Chris. Print. Schooling the National Imagination: Education.3rd ed. Vinay. Pramod K. Peter. The Sage Dictionary Of Cultural Studies. K. The second part includes class presentations of the essays mentioned in the sections ―Required Library Reading‖. Shalini. A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory. Print. Theory and Practice. and Claire Birchall. Print. A research paper on any theoretical area of interest within the framework of the course. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP. Jaipur: Rawat Publications. Print. Delhi: Oxford UP. 2006. Andrew. Refiguring Culture:History. Introduction to Cultural Studies. eds. Print. Print . Michael. Ed. Print. Each CIA is for 20 marks. Nayar. Print. Theory and the Aesthetic in Contemporary India. Hesmondhalgh. London: Longman. Tony. Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction. ed. Simon. 2012. 1995.New Delhi: Oxford UP. Print.
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