
March 18, 2018 | Author: Tapas Badal | Category: Parsing, Java Servlet, Osi Model, Java Server Pages, C Sharp (Programming Language)



UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITYProgram: B. Tech-CSE Year: Session: 2011 – 2012 Scheme and Evaluation Pattern S.No Course No. Subject L Periods T P CT Semester:5 Theory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TCS – 501 TCS – 502 TCS – 503 TCS – 504 TCS – 505 Computer Graphics Computer Network Design & Analysis of Algorithms Principles of Programming Languages Advance Java Programming Modeling & Simulation Computer Graphics Lab. Computer Network Lab. Algorithms Lab. Adv. Java Lab. Discipline 3 3 3 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 th Evaluation Sessional TA Total External Exam Total Marks 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 th 30 30 30 15 30 15 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 10 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 50 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 100 100 100 50 100 50 25 25 25 25 0 150 150 150 75 150 75 50 50 50 50 50 6. TCS – 506 Practical/Design 1. PCS -551 2. PCS-552 3. PCS-553 4 PCS-555 5. Semester: 6 Theory S.No Course No. TCS TCS TCS TCS TCS – 601 – 602 – 603 – 604 – 605 Subject L Operating System Compiler Design Artificial Intelligence Graph Theory Visual Programming & DotNet Technologies Principles of Management Operating System Lab. Compiler Design Lab. Artificial Intelligence Lab. Visual Programming Lab. Discipline 3 3 3 2 3 2 Periods T 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P CT 30 30 30 15 30 15 Evaluation Sessional TA 20 20 20 10 20 10 Total 50 50 50 25 50 25 External Exam 100 100 100 50 100 50 Total Marks 150 150 150 75 150 75 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. THU – 608 Practical/Design 1. PCS-651 2 PCS-652 3. PCS-653 4. PCS-655 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 0 50 25 50 50 50 UK Tech University B. Tech. CSE 3 Year rd 1 UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Program: B. Tech-CSE Year: Session: 2012 – 2013 Scheme and Evaluation Pattern S.No Course No. Subject L Periods T P CT Semester:7 Theory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TCS- 701 TCS -702 TCS -703 TCS-07X TOE-XX System Administration Advance Computer Architecture Data Warehousing & Mining ELECTIVE-I Open Elective 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 th Evaluation Sessional TA Total External Exam Total Marks Practical/Design 1. 2. 3. 4. PCS -757 PCS-758 PCS-751 Project Industrial Interaction/ Seminar (Term Paper) System Administration Lab Discipline 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 25 25 50 50 25 25 0 100 50 50 50 Semester: 8 Theory S.No Course No. Subject L Periods T Evaluation P CT Sessional TA 20 20 20 20 Total 50 50 50 50 External Exam 100 100 100 100 Total Marks 1. 2. 3. 4. TCS -801 TCS-802 TCS-02X TCS-03X Distributed Computing Web Technology ELECTIVE-II ELECTIVE-III 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 30 150 150 150 150 Practical/Project 1. 2. 3. PCS-857 PCS-852 Project Web Technology Lab. Discipline 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 50 50 200 0 0 300 50 50 UK Tech University B. Tech. CSE 3 Year rd 2 ELECTIVE-I TCS-071 TCS-072 073 074 Digital Image Processing Soft Computing TCSWireless Networks TCSInformation Security ELECTIVE-II TCS-081 TCS-082 TCS-083 TCS-084 Parallel Computing Database Administration Advance Computer Network Fault Tolerant Computing ELECTIVE-III TCS-086 TCS-087 TCS-088 TCS-089 Computer Vision Advanced DBMS Intrusion Detection Systems Cryptography & Network Security UK Tech University B. Tech. CSE 3 Year rd 3 Hidden Line and Surface: Back face removal algorithms. Planes. Unit-IV Three Dimension: 3-D geometry primitives. 7. 3rd Ed. creating deleting and renaming segments.COMPUTER GRAPHICS (TCS-501) Unit-I Line generation: Points lines. Computer Graphics Using OpenGL. transformation routines. McGraw Hill 6. Control Functions. Hearn. & Kelley. A Programming Approach”. Windowing and Clipping: Viewing transformation and clipping. Computer Graphics with OpenGL. Unit-II Polygon: Polygon Representation. Viewing. Steven Harrington. CSE 3 Year rd 4 . Addison Wesley 5. (2009) 2. Menus. Design of Interactive Programs. Color. Rogar and Adams. Entering polygons. "Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics". Programming Two-Dimensional Applications. Polygons and Recursion. projection clipping. Programming Event-Driven Input. Graphics Primitives: Display devices. McGraw Hill 4. References : 1. "Computer Graphics:. Sinha. visibility. Primitive devices. Newman and Sproul. Primitives and Attributes. image transformations. displays procedure. Clients and Servers. generalize clipping. Unit-III Transformations: Matrices transformation. Logic Operations. Display File Structure. Rogers. Pixels and Frame buffers. Jr. Display control text. Picking. Tech. vector and character generation. M. Ltd. Phi Learning Pvt. hidden line methods Unit-V Graphics Programming: The Sierpinski Gasket. multiple windowing. Plotting Implicit Functions Input and Interaction: Interaction. Segments: Segments table. Filling polygons. McGraw Hill. Asthana. . "Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics". "Principle of Interactive Computer Graphics". transformations. Pauline Baker. Donald D. Animating Interactive Programs. UK Tech University B. Display Lists. 3/E. Input Devices. Building Interactive Models. Pearson Education 3. Hill. The OpenGL API. The Three-Dimensional Gasket. "Computer Graphics". 2nd Edition6. The OSI reference model. Sliding Window protocols. Unit-V Application Layer: Application Layer: File Transfer. routing.Design issues. Stallings. LAN protocols ALOHA protocols .Delay Analysis.COMPUTER NETWORKS (TCS-502) Unit -I Introduction Concepts : Goals and Applications of Networks. “An Engineering Approach on Computer Networking”. UK Tech University B. Addison Wesley.Elementary Data Link Protocols.IV Transport Layer: Transport Layer . Network Topology Design . IP address.Point . Keshav. Data compression techniques.Overview of IEEE standards . S. W. Unit-II Medium Access sub layer: Medium Access sub layer – Channel Allocations. Unit .Internet and Public Networks. “Computer Networks”. 1997 4. Macmillan Press. ' Unit . 3rd Edition. Tanenbaum. Forouzen.to Pont Networks. Data Link Layer . Example Networks . connection management. CSE 3 Year rd 5 . TMH 2. Virtual Terminals.Internetworking -TCP / IP . 3. Switching methods. Terminal Handling. Access and Management. Prentice Hall India. Error Handling.III Network Layer: Network Layer . Congestion control . “Data and Computer Communication”.TCP – Window Management. Presentation Layer-Design issues. "Data Communication and Networking". session LayerDesign issues. Network structure and architecture. Local Access Network Design. Electronic mail. IPv6. ISDN. Other application.FDDI. Physical Layer Transmission Media. 1997. services. cryptography .S. A. References: 1. Tech. Back Bone Design.IP packet. remote procedure call. Basse. Horowitz. 3. Amortized Analysis. analysis of algorithms. Addision Wesley. Unit -V Selected Topics: Randomized Algorithms. Sahani. CSE 3 Year rd 6 . Single-source Shortest Paths. NP Completeness. B Trees. Augmenting Data Structure. Greedy Algorithms. Minimum Spanning Trees. and Traveling Salesman Problem. Unit -III Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques : Dynamic Programming. Sorting in Linear time. Back Tracking. PHI. Maximum Flow. Fibonacci Heaps. “Algorithm". String Matching. Al l-Pairs Shortest Paths. Approximation Algorithms. Growth of Functions. References: 1. Lisserson. Master's Theorem. Coreman. "Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design & Analysis". Universities Press UK Tech University B. Data Stricture for Disjoint Sets. Sorting and order Statistics: Heap sort. Quick sort. Unit -IV Graph Algorithms: Elementary Graphs Algorithms.DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (TCS-503) Unit -I Introduction: Algorithms. 2. Unit -II Advanced Data Structure: Red-Black Trees. Binomial Heaps. Designing of Algorithms. Rivest. and Rajasekaran "Fundamental of Computer Algorithms". Tech. Medians and Order Statistics. information hiding. Unit -III Data control referencing environments. "Fundamentals of Programming Languages". syntactic element of a language. E Horowitz . stages in translation. sequence control with within expression and statements. static and dynamic scope. co-routines. abstractions. "Concept of Programming Language". 2nd Edition. static storage management. structure. heap based storage management. software simulated computer. Implicit and Explicit sequence control. Sebesta. Terrance W Pratt. Addison Wesley 4. C. "Programming Languages". shared data: Explicit common environment dynamic scope parameter passing mechanism.g. semantics. encapsulations. developments in programming methodologies. syntax. Addison Wesley 3. Lisp. Factors influencing the evolution of programming language. Pascal. Introduction to Functional Programming. Sub Program and programmer defined data types: Evolution of data types. Data flow language and Object Oriented language. Fortran. Tech. sub programmes. Comparison in various general and special purpose programming languages e. Unit -IV Syntax and translation: General syntactic criteria. desirable features and design issues. exception handling. virtual computers. Sequence Control. CSE 3 Year rd 7 . recursive sub programmes. Structured data type and objects. stack based. etc.PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (TCS-504) Unit -I Introduction: Characteristics of programming Languages. UK Tech University B. Storage Management: Major run time requirements. formal syntax and semantics. Lambda calculus. binding and binding time. Scheduled sub programmes. concurrent execution. Unit -II Elementary and Structured Data Types. local data local data referencing environment. Programming language processors: Structure and operations of translators. References: 1. "Programming Languages: Design and Implementation" PHI 2. Galgotia. storage management phases. abstract data types. Patrick Naughton. JSP Application Design. Servlet API. Comparison amongst 2-tier. Advantage. Database Connectivity: Database Programming using JDBC. Session: Definition. Interfaces. Application-specific Database Action. Conditional Processing.*package. Elliotte Rusty Harold. 2002. JSDK. 3-tier and N-tier architectures. State on web. Dynamic Positioning and front end validation.com. “Core Java 2 Advanced Features. Tech. J2EE Servlet 2. date object. Developing Java Beans in a JSP page. Different ways to track sessions. array object. Sharing data between JSP pages. Type Casting. variables. 2. Java Beans API Introduction to Servelets. Declaring variables and methods. Inter Servlet Collaboration. 3.Advance Java Programming (TCS-505) UNIT-1 Java Beans and Web Servers: Introduction to Java Beans. Tata McGraw-Hill. Error Handling and Debugging.sql. Multi-Threading. Servlet Packages: HTTP package. UNIT-5 J2SE: Concepts and Prerequisites: Data Types. Introduction to EJB. conditional statements. O’Reilly publishers. “COMPLETE REFERENCE: JAVA2”. 2000 2. Ed Roman..x Specification. UK Tech University B. “ Java Network Programming”. “Mastering Enterprise Java Beans”. Vol II”. Event Handling UNIT-2 JSP: Introduction to JSP. J2EE Architecture: J2EE as a framework. Pearson Education. Tomcat Server.Sharing Session and Application Data. operators. introduction to Struts framework. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Studying Javax. Properties. Hortsmann & Cornell. Classes and Objects. Arrays. 1999. Implicit JSP objects. 2003. Client Server Traditional model. JSP processing.sun. Deployment Descriptor. REFERENCES: 1. Security Issues. string object. Lifecycle. Inheritance. Java Script: Data types. BDK. Thin and Thick Clients TEXT BOOKS: 1. Writing small Servlet Programs. CSE 3 Year rd 8 . Web reference: http://java. UNIT-4 Java Servlet: Brief origin and advantages over CGI. Exception Handling. Dynamic Arrays. Working with Http request and response. accessing a database from a JSP page. “Discrete Event System Simulation”. Monte Carlo simulation... composition and acceptancerejection methods UNIT-IV Queuing Models: Little’s theorem. and Kelton. CSE 3 Year rd 9 . SNA.. M/M/c. Karian. process oriented programming.A. discrete event simulation and continuous simulation. L. B. 3rd Ed. entities and transactions. user chains. event modeling of discrete dynamic systems. 2002 Law. single-server single queue model. Carson.L. A. M/M/1/N. discrete and continuous probability distributions. tabulation of result.S. user defined functions. UNIT-II GPSS: Model structure.M. blocks in GPSS. UK Tech University B. long period generators. Tech. 2nd Ed. Z. Books: 1.J. 3rd Ed. “Simulation.D. analytical results for M/M/1. 2003 3. programming examples. save locations.M. M/G/1 and other queuing models.. models. Pearson Education. scale and shape parameters. Nelson. event graphs. Modeling and Analysis”. W. Tata McGraw-Hill.. and Nicol. Discrete Event Simulation: Time-advance mechanisms. uniformity and independence testing UNIT-III Random Variate Generation: Location. and Dudewicz...MODELING AND SIMULATION (TCS-506) UNIT-I Introduction: Systems. J. 2. Random Number Generation: Congruence generators. E. logic switches.. “Modern Statistical Systems and GPSS Simulation”. Inverse transform method. D. CRC Press. 1999 Banks. 4. Painter’s algorithm. 7. Tech. Scalind and rotation. 5. Scaling. Implementation of CRC algorithm. Simulation of a network of 3 nodes and measure the performance on the same network. Implementation of any one of Back face removal algorithms such as Depth-Buffer algorithm. Rotation. Implementation of ellipse generation using Mid-point method. Implementation of the Data Link Layer framing method such as character stuffing and bit stuffing. Implementation of 3D geometric transformations: Translation. CSE 3 Year rd 10 10 . Mirror Reflection and Shearing (write a menu driven program). Boundary-fill and Scan-line algorithms. 10. Write a program to encrypt 64-bit text using DES algorithm. DDA and Bresenham’s algorithms. Scanline algorithm). Write a socket program to implement a listener and a talker. COMPUTER NETWORKS LAB (PCS-552) 1. Implementation of Line Clipping using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm and Bisection Method. 3. Implementation of polygon filling using Flood-fill. Implementation of Curve generation using Interpolation methods. Implementation of LZW compression algorithm. Warnock’s algorithm. Implementation of Curve generation using B-spline and Bezier curves. 8.COMPUTER GRAPHICS LAB (PCS-551) 1. 6. Implementation of line generation using slope’s method. 5.4) code to limit the nois e. 11. 2. Implementation of a Hamming (7. 3. 4. 6. UK Tech University B. Implementation of Polygon Clipping using Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm. Implementation of 2D transformation: Translation. 2. We have to code the 4 bit data in to 7 bit data by adding 3 parity bits. 7. 9. Implementation of circle generation using Mid-point method and Bresenham’s algorithm. Sorting: Insertion sort. 3. 3. 1. Dynamic programming (multistage graphs. user profile and payment by credit card using Java Script. Tech. Heap sort. Kth smallest element ADVANCE JAVA LAB (PCS-555) At least following must be completed 1. 5. graph coloring problem. CSE 3 Year rd 11 11 . Strassen’s matrix multiplication).ALGORITHMS LABORATORY (PCS-553) Programming assignments on each algorithmic strategy: 1. 0/1 knapsack. Creation of two Beans a) Keypad b) Display pad. UK Tech University B. 4. Hamiltonian cycles). 2. Implementation of currency converter program using JSP Struts Framework. job sequencing. The Item catalog should be dynamically loaded from the database. user login. Creation of a simple Bean with a label – which is a “count” of number of clicks. Back tracking (n-queens problem. Create database with User Information and Item information. Greedy method (knapsack problem. optimal merge patterns. Bubble sort 6. minimal spanning trees). 5. Creation of a JavaBean which gives the converted value of Temperature (in degree celcius) into equivalent Fahrenheit 2. The website should be user friendly and should have the following pages:  Home page  Registration and user login  User profile page  Items catalog  Shopping cart  Payment by credit card  Order confirmation Add validations to the above site for registration. 2. Development of dynamic website of an online Departmental Store. 4. Divide and conquer method (quick sort. Do the assignment 2 using JSP by converting the static web pages of assignment 2 into dynamic web pages. merge sort. After that integrate the two beans to make it work as a calculator. Then create a BeanInfo class such that only the “count” is visible in the Property Window. Selection: Minimum/ Maximum. Searching: Sequential and Binary Search 7. OBST. traveling sales person problem). Impact on Performance. Directory Implementation. Paul J. John Wiley & Sons (ASIA) Pvt. Memory Management: Basic Machine. Petersons. Resident Monitor. UNIT V Linux overview: Kernel Architecture. Producer / Consumer Problem. CSE 3 Year 12 12 . Directory Structure. A Modern Perspective". Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne. Allocation of Frames. Addision Wesley. Maxwell Macmillan 7. Milenekovie . System Protection. Free space Management.OPERATING SYSTEMS (TCS-601) Unit -I Introduction: Operating System and Function. File Sharing. Critical Section Problem. Inter Processes Communication. “Operating Systems”. rd UK Tech University B. Multiple Base Register. and David R. Principle of Concurrency. Unit . Cache Memory Organization. File System Mounting. Interprocess communication. File System Implementation. Paged Replaced Algorithm. Seventh edition. process. Avoidance and Detection. "Operating System. Gary Nutt. Semaphores. Prevention. Thrashing. Harvey M. Threads. Deitel. Batch. Protection. Space Management. Segmentation. Addision Wesley. Stalling. Virtual' Memory Concept. Willium.IV File Concept: Access Methods. Paging. Recovery from Deadlock. Time Sharing and Real Time System. “Operating System Concepts”. McGraw Hill. "Operating Systems". Multiprogramming with Fixed Partition. PHI. Operating System Structure: System Components. Interprocess communication and synchronization. Classical Problems in Concurrency. 2003 4. Combined Approach. Abraham Silberschatz. Evolution of Operating System. memory and file management. Prentice Hall. 6.III Deadlock: System Model. Disk Structure. 5. Paged Segmentation. "Operating System". Kernel I/O Subsystems. Suggested Books and References: 1. Unit . file and I/O management. Performance Criteria. Tech. 2005 3.II Concurrent Processes: Process Concept. File System Structure. Windows XP: System architecture. Unit . Multiprocessor Scheduling. Deadlock Characterization. System Structure. Scheduling Algorithm Evolution. Allocation Methods. Operating System Services. Deitel. Tannenbaum. Interactive. "Operating System Design and Implementation". "Operating System Concept". memory. Swap. Process. Disk Management. Security. Disk Scheduling. Multiprogramming with Variable Partition. system management mechanisms. Process Scheduling. I/O subsystem. Ltd. 2. Demand Paging. Security. Third edition. thread. CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Concept. Process Generation. Performance. Choffnes. Aho. Addision Wesley/ Pearson. LEXcompiler. representing scope information. Error Detection & Recovery: Lexical Phase errors. three address code. Phases and passes. constructing Canonical LR parsing tables. implementation of LR parsing tables. 2.COMPILER DESIGN (TCS-602) Unit-I Introduction to Compiler. Unit-IV Symbol Tables: Data structure for symbols tables. O. using ambiguous grammars. Global Data-Flow analysis. value numbers and algebraic laws. Implementation of a subset of C using YACC. The syntactic specification of programming languages : Context free grammars. Compiler Design. the DAG representation of basic blocks. quadruple & triples. Parse trees & syntax trees. Chattopadhyay Santanu. YACC. References: 1. "Compiler Design".directed Translators. CSE 3 Year rd 13 13 . top down parsing. More about translation: Array references in arithmetic expressions. Intermediate code. Boolean expressions. Constructing LALR parsing tables. Phi Learning (2009) UK Tech University B. operator precedence parsing. ambiguity. storage allocation in block structured language. Implementation of Syntax. Sethi & Ullman. Unit-V Introduction to code optimization: Loop optimization. translation with a top down parser. derivation and parse trees. postfix notation. Formal grammars and their application to syntax analysis. lexical-analyzer generator. Tech. statements that alter the flow of control. Universities Press (2008) 3. constructing LALR sets of items. declarations. postfix translation. Shift reduce parsing.4/e. Implementation of lexical analyzers. Run-Time Administration: Implementation of simple stack allocation scheme. predictive parsers Automatic Construction of efficient Parsers : LR parsers. Bootstrapping. an automatic parser generator. procedures call. case statements. syntactic phase errors semantic errors. translation of assignment statements. constructing SLR parsing tables. Compiler Design. G. Unit-II Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers. BNF notation. capabilities of CFG. Unit-III Syntax-directed Translation: Syntax-directed Translation schemes. the canonical Collection of LR(0) items. Kakde. Finite state machines and regular expressions and their applications to lexical analysis. 2.Reinforcement Learning . “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence". Patrick Henry Winston. Third edition. UNIT IV Planning and Learning: Planning with state space search. Padhy. "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach". CSE 3 Year rd 14 14 . “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent System”. P.. Oxford University Press. Third edition. 2005. Nils J.Neural Net learning and Genetic learning UNIT V Advanced Topics: Game Playing: Minimax search procedure . “Artificial Intelligence . II. “Artificial Intelligence”. Prentice-Hall of India. Ltd.Expert System shells .Heuristic Search techniques – Best-first search. 2009. Elaine Rich.Nilsson. Propositional Logic. Stuart J.Means Ends Analysis. (UNITs I. Forms of learning . Second edition. 2005.filler structure. Morgan Kaufmann. Intelligent agents – Structure of agents and its functions. “Artificial Intelligence”. Harcourt Asia Pvt. conditional planning. Fuzzy Logic. Development. TEXT BOOKS 1. N. 2003.learning decision trees . Multi-Agent planning. Basic probability notation. Problem reduction Constraint satisfaction . Application and Working of Ant Colony System. UNIT II Knowledge Representation: Approaches and issues in knowledge representation.Shafer Theory. 4. Bayes rule.Knowledge Acquisition. “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”. UNIT III Reasoning under uncertainty: Logics of non-monotonic reasoning. III & V) 2. Expert System: Representation . Certainty factors and rule based systems.A New Synthesis". continuous planning. Swarm Intelligent Systems – Ant Colony System. Predicate logic – Unification – Resolution. Eugene Charniak and Drew Mc Dermott. Problem spaces and search . 2001. Tech.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (TCS-603) UNIT I Introduction: History of AI. 1998. Pearson Education Asia. ISE Reprint. UK Tech University B. Kevin Knight and Shivashankar B. Second edition. Knowledge Based Agent. (UNIT V) REFERENCES 1. Weak slot – filler structure. (UNIT IV) 3. 1988. Russell and Peter Norvig.Nair. Pearson Education Inc.. Strong slot .Adding alpha-beta cutoffs. Tata McGraw-Hill. 3.inductive learning . Rajendra Akerkar. Dempster . Bayesian networks. Implementation. Addison-Wesley. PHI 2. Wilson: Graphs and Applications-An Introductory Approach. path & circuits.II Trees and fundamental circuits. directed paths and connectedness. John M. network flows. UK Tech University B. References: 1. some basic properties. Springer 4. combinatorial and geometric dual. various operation on graphs. Euler’s formula and its corollaries. Bondy and Murthy: Graph theory and application. disconnected graphs and component. various example of graphs & their sub graphs. trees with directed edges. the traveling salesman problem. covering. coloring and covering and partitioning of a graph. Hamiltonian paths and circuits. on counting trees. Unit. Unit -IV Incidence matrix of graph. Euler graphs. CSE 3 Year rd 15 15 . chromatic polynomials. enumeration. N: Graph theory. B and C of digraphs. adjacency matrix of a digraph. fundamental circuits.nullity theorem. some types of directed graphs. all cut sets in a graph. algorithms of Prim. Wilson: Introduction to Graph Theory. chromatic number. fundamental circuits in digraph. Hamiltonian and Euler digraphs. connected graphs. fundamental circuits and cut sets. chromatic partitioning. planer graphs. cut set matrix. Robin J. rooted and binary trees. circuit matrix. finding all spanning trees of a graph and a weighted graph. Sub graphs. trails. Addison Wesley. spanning trees. Deo.I Graphs. . sub matrices of A(G). Tech. & . Unit. Kruskal and Dijkstra. types of enumeration. fundamental circuit matrix and rank of B. matching. adjacency matrices. Addison Wesley. counting of labeled and unlabeled trees. directed graphs. thickness and crossings. matrices A. connectivity and separability. radius and pendent vertices. some more criterion of planarity.GRAPH THEORY (TCS 604) Graph theoretic algorithms must be provided wherever required to solve the problems. Unit -III Cuts sets and cut vertices. Kuratowski’s theorem and its application to planarity detection of graphs. Aldous and Robin J. walks. rank. path matrix and relationships among . distance diameters. some properties. 3. 4Th Ed. Defining structures. Building cloneable objects. Installing/Removing shared assemblies. CLR system level exception (System. building and Ad hoc destruction method. Andrew Troelsen.NET base class libraries. Exceptions and Objects Life Time Ode to errors. Text Book: 1. Enumerations. Exception base class throwing a generic exception catching exception. Understanding the common type system. C# preprocessor directives. Pro C# 2008 And The . Method parameter modifiers. Handling multiple exception. Understanding value types and reference types. system exception).GC type. Exercising the shape hierarchy. Defining Custom class methods. Using a Shared assembly. Building a simple file test assembly.NET type metadata. The role of the assembly manifest. The system .NET runtime. The system. Deploying the . An overview of .NET exceptions handling. Environment class. 2.Net Client application. Understanding Shared Names. Basic input and output with the console class. additional . The command line debugger. using the visual studio . Generating class definitions using Visual Studio. Karli Watson. Defining program constraints. 5 Platform. An interesting Aside: The System. Converting between value type and reference type: Boxing and Unboxing. Invoking interface member at the object level. C# Language Fundamentals : An Anatomy of a basic class. Morgan Skinner. garbage collection optimization. increasing your namespace nomenclature. Net 3. Pseudo Encapsulation: Creating read only field. Christian Nagel.NET Understanding the previous states affair. Exploring the Carlibrary’s manifest. the composition of an application.Net. The basic of garbage collection. Proffessional C# 2008 Joel Murach.NET namespace. Building a custom container (Retrofitting the cars type). Working with csc.Understanding Shared assembly. A Visual Basic . Shroff/murachs (2008) UK Tech University B. The complete set operator. The CIT of new. Default Assignment and variable scope. The master node: System.NET platform (CLR. CSE 3 Year rd 16 16 . Array manipulation. The role of the common intermediate language. Murach's C# 2008. Understanding the Iconvertible interface. UNIT 3 Object Oriented Programming with C# Formal definition of the class. Iterations constructs. Finalization process. Probing for private assemblies (The details). Understanding the common languages runtime. Cross Language Inheritance.exe). Finalizing a type. Bugs and exceptions. Recapping the pillars of OOP. A C# Client Application. The system Data type (And C# aliases). Building a custom enumerator. An overview of . Understanding explicit interface implementation. Private assemblies and XML Configuration files. Exploring the Carlibrary’s Types. Building application using csc.CTS. The role of . Understanding the common languages specification. Using the multi file assembly. Other key aspects of the VS. control flow constructs. Probing for private assemblies (The Basics). UNIT 2 Building C# Applications The role of the command line compiler (CSC. UNIT 5 Understanding . Objects.NET Solution. Building the multi file assembly. Building comparable objects. Dreamtech Press Bill Evjen. Understanding private assemblies.Net Assembles Problems with classic COM Binaries.Net IDE. The building Block of the . The second pillar: Inheritance supports keeping family secrets: The “Protected” keyword. A tour of the .Net assembly. Understanding static methods.Custom application level exception (System. C# characteristics. The finally block The last chance exception. The . Net. Intrinsic CTS data types. Jay Glynn. generating bug reports.NET binaries (assemblies). UNIT 4 Interfaces and Collections Defining interfaces using C#. Debugging system exception using VS. Creating objects: Constructor basic. dynamically identify application and system level exception. The role of .exe response file. String manipulation. The third pillar: Polymorphic support casting between types. Understanding delay Signing. Tech. Exploring the system the collection namespace.Net.exe. Documenting source code via XML. The first pillar: Encapsulation services. the role of the . Building a Shared assembly.Net IDE.CLS). C# compiler option. Defining custom namespaces.Visual Programming & DotNet Technologies (TCS-605) UNIT 1 The Philosophy of .NET Aware programming Languages. member initialization syntax. Definition the “Default public interface” of a type. Implementing interface using VS. application exception). Compiling CIL to platform specific instruction. Interfaces as Polymorphic agents. Understanding Object life time. Building interface hierarchies. The Nested type definitions. 3. UNIT 4 MOTIVATION AND PRODUCTIVITY: Theories of motivation. Hirschey: Managerial Economics. Sharma: Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics. leadership styles and managerial grid. Koontz: Essentials of Management. TEXT BOOK: 1. 6. T. CSE 3 Year rd 17 17 . Staner: Management. Techniques of control. L. 9. monitoring and control in organizations.C. N.P. Khanna Publishers. T. Joel Dean: Managerial Economics. Chhabra: Principle and Practice of Management. PHI Learning. 3. 8. PHI learning. UK Tech University B. R. Samuel Paul and G. Organization as a system. UNIT 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: Interaction with external environment. Tech. O. Mote. Co-ordination. V. Daft: Principles of Management. TMH. Khanna: Industrial Engineering and Management. Banga and S.PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT (THU-608) UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT: Theories of management: Traditional behavioral. contingency and systems approach. Case studies. Cengage Learning. job design and enrichment. 2. 5. Gupta: Managerial Economics Concepts & Cases. Cengage Learning. Peter Drucker. Dhanpat Rai. 4. Managerial decision making and MIS. job evaluation and merit rating. Harper and Row: The Practice of Management. Japanese management techniques. New Delhi. 7. PHI Learning. New Delhi. 10.S. Dhanpat Rai. UNIT 3 PLANNING APPROACH TO ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS: design of organization structure. 4. 7.OPERATING SYSTEMS LAB (PCS-651) 1. Simulation of a Finite state Automata to recognize the tokens of various control statements. CSE 3 Year rd 18 18 . Simulation of Bankers Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention algorithms. UK Tech University B. Implementation of Process Synchronization (Reader-Writer. Simulation of the CPU scheduling algorithms a) Round Robin b) SJF c) FCFS d) Priority 2. Tech. 5. Simulation of MUTEX and SEMAPHORES. Simulation of a Finite state machine to distinguish among Integers. Simulation of page Replacement Algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU 6. 2. 3. Use of YACC tool to parse the statements of C like Language. Real Numbers & Numbers with Exponents. Parsing of arithmetic and algebraic expressions and equations. Simulation of paging techniques of memory management. Sleeping Barber and Dining Philosopher’s Problem) 5. Program in LEX tool to recognize the tokens and to return the token found for a C like Language 4. Simulation of file organization techniques a) Single Level Directory b) Two Level c) Hierarchical d) DAG COMPILER DESIGN LAB (PCS-652) 1. Simulation of file allocation Strategies a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked 8. 3. querying and reporting on .Net platform with database connectivity. Write a Prolog Program to implement COUNTE PROPAGATION NETWORK. Write a prolog program to use of BEST-FIRST SEARCH applied to the eight puzzle problem. Visual Programming Lab. Write a Lisp Program to implement the STEEPEST-ASCENT HILL CLIMB ING. 7. Write a Prolog Program to show the advantage and disadvantage of green and red cuts. data types. 3. UK Tech University B. Backward Chaining. Implementation of the problem solving strategies: Forward Chaining. 2. file I/O and local libraries) the lab must graduate to a full project using GUI forms for data entry (with validation) processing. Tech. Write a LISP Program to solve the water-jug problem using heuristic function. CSE 3 Year rd 19 19 . 4. Problem Reduction. Create a compound object using Turbo Prolog. 6. 5. (PCS-655) At least following should be covered Starting with simple exercise given in the text book regarding C# language constructs (flow control structures.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB (PCS-653) 1. Subject L Periods T P CT Semester:7 Theory 1. 2. TCS -801 TCS-802 TCS-08X TCS-08X Distributed Computing Web Technology ELECTIVE-II ELECTIVE-III 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 30 150 150 150 150 Practical/Project 1. 3. 3.No Course No. 4. 2. PCS -757 PCS-758 PCS-751 Project Industrial Interaction/ Seminar (Term Paper) System Administration Lab Discipline 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 25 25 50 50 25 25 0 100 50 50 50 Semester: 8 Theory S. 5.701 TCS -702 TCS -703 TCS-07X TOE-XX System Administration Advance Computer Architecture Data Warehousing & Mining ELECTIVE-I Open Elective 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 th Evaluation Sessional TA Total External Exam Total Marks Practical/Design 1. 3. PCS-857 PCS-852 Project Web Technology Lab. Tech-CSE Year: Session: 2012 – 2013 Scheme and Evaluation Pattern S.No Course No. Discipline 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 50 50 200 0 0 300 50 50 UK Tech University. 4. 3. CSE 4 th Year 20 20 . 2. Dehradun B. TCS. 4. 2. Tech.UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Program: B. Subject L Periods T Evaluation P CT Sessional TA 20 20 20 20 Total 50 50 50 50 External Exam 100 100 100 100 Total Marks 1. Computer Network Information Security ELECTIVE-III TCS-086 TCS-087 TCS-088 TCS-089 Computer Vision Advanced DBMS Intrusion Detection Systems Cryptography & Network Security UK Tech University.ELECTIVE-I TCS-071 TCS-072 TCS-073 TCS-074 Digital Image Processing Fault Tolerant Computing Wireless Networks Soft Computing ELECTIVE-II TCS-081 TCS-082 TCS-083 TCS-084 Parallel Computing Database Administration Adv. CSE 4 th Year 21 21 . Tech. Dehradun B. restricted shells. Managing User Accounts: Principles.Pearson Education 2. default files. Setting the Hostname. Configuring the Kernel for IP Accounting. Backup schedules and methods (manual and automated).SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (TCS-701/TIT-701) Unit-I Introduction: Duties of the Administrator.)” – O’Rielly 4. Killing processes. Password security. Nemeth. Unit . Processes: Process status. Boot disks Configuring the TCP/IP Networking : Kernel Configuration. Name service and resolver configuration. NIS Versus NIS+ . Mounting the /proc File system. Unit. File system checker. A Sample Firewall Configuration: IPAccounting. Running an NIS Server.V Active Directory. Logical Volumes. System Backup & Recovery: Log files for system and applications. Creating Subnets. Mounting an NFS Volume. homes and permissions. Wells. What Is a Firewall? What Is IP Filtering? Setting Up Linux for Firewalling Testing a Firewall Configuration.II Managing Unix File Systems: Partitions. Using IPAccounting Results IP Masquerade and Network Address Translation : Side Effects and Fringe Benefits. Removing users. setting passwords.L. Dehradun B. Mounting file systems. Hein – “ Unix system administration handbook” – Pearson Education UK Tech University. Kirch – “ Linux network Administrator’s guide (2nd Ed. I-nodes. Snyder. Configuring IP Accounting. R. Raw and Block files. Unit-IV The Network Information System : Getting Acquainted with NIS. Network File systems. locking accounts. Overview of permissions. Michel Ticher – “PC System Programming”. user management commands. Console. L. Tech.). Shadow file. Run level scripts. Assigning IP Addresses. Checking the ARP Tables. Starting up and Shut down: Peripherals. Seebass. Groups and the group file. Network file system: Preparing NFS. Writing hosts and networks Files. LINUX Installation & Administration. S. Device files. init and the inittab file. Switching group. The scheduler.III TCP/IP Firewall : Methods of Attack. Swap space. Making file systems. netstat command. process priority. NIS Server Security. The NFS Daemons. Limoncelli –“The Practice of System & Network Administration”-Pearson 6. CSE 4 th Year 22 22 . Abacus 3. G. LDAP Text Books: 1. Vikas Reference Books: E. Switching user. Interface Configuration for IP. Administration tools. T. profiles. Kernel loading. Beck – “System Software “ (3rd Ed. password file. Maxwell – “Unix system administration” – TMH 5. ifconfig. Configuring IP Masquerade. Installing the Binaries. Superblock. Shells. Unit. Run-levels. Formatting disks. The Client Side of NIS. The exports File. Configuring the Kernel for IP Masquerade. Classification of parallel computers. mutex etc. nonlinear pipeline processor. Grain Size and latency. TMH. “Computer Organization & Architecture”. Patterson and J. A. 2000 2. 2002. Comparisons of flow mechanisms Unit 2 System Interconnect Architectures: Network properties and routing. Murthy. 2nd Ed. Advanced processors: Advanced processor technology. D. Instruction pipeline Design. PC. Hennessy. Data and resource Dependences. Arithmetic Pipeline Design Memory Hierarchy Design: Cache basics & cache performance. VLIW Architectures.WO/WC. Memory consistency models: SC.P. Core i3. 4. Rajan Moona & Phalguni Gupta. Morgan Kaufmann.ADVANCE COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (TCS . Unit 5 Introduction to multi-core architectures. 7. Program and network properties: Conditions of parallelism. design of memory hierarchies. TMH R. memory based directory protocols. Data flow Architecture. MOESI). MESI. Rajaranam & C. Multiprocessors and multicomputers. Dynamic instruction scheduling. Dynamic interconnection Networks. 2000 D. Dehradun B. Tech. UK Tech University. “Computer organization and design”. 3. “Advanced computer architecture”. multilevel cache hierarchies. Introduction of OpenMP and MPI. Crossbar switch and multiport memory. “Scalable Parallel Computers Architecture”. CSE 4 th Year 23 23 . Hierarchical bus systems. CISC Scalar Processors. Morgan Kauffmann. multiprocessor Chip architecture case studies: Intel core 2 duo. PHI. Core i5 Text Books: 1. design challenges of directory protocols. 5. Unit 4 Multiprocessor architectures: Symmetric shared memory architectures. Program partitioning and scheduling. RC. 2001 Stalling W. 6.com Reference Books: 1. scalable cache coherence. Multivector and SIMD computers. 2.K. Patterson. J. “computer Architecture and organization”. cache coherence protocols (MSI. Static interconnection Networks. 2003 Kai Hwang and Zu. Quin. Superscalar Processors.intel. MGH. overview of directory based approaches. Program flow mechanisms. Kai Hwang. V. Vector and Symbolic processors Unit 3 Pipelining: Linear pipeline processor. Branch Handling techniques.A. Multiprocessor system Interconnects. 2002. Instruction-set Architectures. Narosa Publications.L. Ghose. PHI. J. cache based directory protocols.702) Unit 1 Parallel computer models: The state of computing.Theory and practices”.R.S. reducing miss rate and miss penalty. Control flow versus data flow. www. “Foundation of Parallel Processing”. 1998. L. Mechanisms for instruction pipelining. main memory organizations. Multistage and combining network. J. RISC Scalar Processors. 2002 3. Demand driven mechanisms. Hayes. synchronization. “Parallel Computing”. threads. “Parallel computer. distributed shared memory architectures. MGH. branch prediction. Hardware and software parallelism. Hennessey. “Computer Architecture :A quantitative approach”. Applications and Trends in Data Mining UNIT V Data Warehousing: Introduction. Time Series and Sequence Data.Multidimensional Analysis and Descriptive Mining of Complex Data Objects. Other Classification Methods. Classifier Accuracy. CSE 4 th Year 24 24 . Class Comparisons. UNIT III Classification and Prediction: Classification and Prediction. Transformation. Concept Hierarchy Generation. Types of data. “Data Warehousing in the Real World”. (UNITs 1 to IV) 2. “Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics”. J. Architectures. Dehradun B. Reduction.Data Warehousing to Data Mining -Data warehousing components-building a data warehouse – mapping the data warehouse to an architecture – data extraction .transformation tools. Integration. Pearson Education. Text Databases. Tata McGraw-Hill. UNIT II Association Rule: Association Rule Mining. World Wide Web. grid based methods . Descriptive Statistical Measures. Graphical User Interfaces. Decision Tree Induction. Language. Concept Description: Preprocessing. Multidimensional Data Model. 2003. Margaret H. Harcourt India /Morgan Kauffman. UK Tech University. Multimedia Databases. Implementation . Data Mining Primitives. Categorization of methods. Dunham. UNIT IV Cluster Analysis: Cluster Analysis. Characterizations. hierarchical methods. Pearson Education. Data Warehouse Architecture.cleanup. 2004. Data mining and OLAP”. Multi-Level Association Rules from Transaction Databasesmining multidimensional Association rules –association mining to correlation analysisconstraint based association mining. Data Generalization. density based methods. Sam Anahory and Dennis Murry. Han and M.DATA MINING AND DATA WAREHOUSING (TCS-703/TIT-702) UNIT I Data Preprocessing. Alex Berson and Stephen J. (UNIT V) REFERENCES 1. Discretization.Patterns and models – Data visualization principles. “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”. Data Warehouse. Single-Dimensional Boolean Association Rules from Transactional Databases. Concept Description. Query Language. Bayesian Classification. Prediction. 2001. Spatial Databases. “Data Warehousing. Partitioning methods. Tech. Association Rule Based.metadata – OLAP . Issues. Kamber. 2.Outlier Analysis. 2004. Smith. Recent trends . Architectures. TEXT BOOKS 1. Cleaning. Region Extraction. R. Basic Gray Level Functions – PiecewiseLinear Transformation Functions: Contrast Stretching. Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian Highpass Filters. Color Models.J. Relationship. Ordered Statistic Filter. Correspondence Between Filtering in Spatial and Frequency Domain. Order Statistic Filters – Median Filter. Geometric Transformation – Plane to Plane transformation.. Sharpening – The Laplacian. Color Segmentation. Stereo Imaging – Algorithms to Establish Correspondence. Edge Operators. Opening and Closing. Woods. A Simple Image Model. Region Filling. Pixel-Based Approach. Gonzalvez and Richard E.D. Morphological Image Processing: Introduction. Schalkoff. Filters – Low-pass. Smoothing Frequency Domain Filters – Gaussian Lowpass Filters. Tree Search. Rafael C. Edge and Line Detection: Edge Detection. UK Tech University. UNIT-IV Registration Introduction. B. Restoration in the presence of Noise only-Spatial Filtering – Mean Filters: Arithmetic Mean filter. Image Averaging. High-pass. Dehradun B. Basis of Filtering in Frequency Domain. Multi-level Thresholding. Graph Matching Books: 1. D. PHI. Converting Colors to different models. Edge Linking and Edge Following. Image Restoration: A Model of Restoration Process. UNIT-III Color Image Processing Color Fundamentals.. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing.Mean filter. Clustering. Upper Saddle River. Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain: Introduction. Dilation and Erosion. UNIT-II Image Enhancement in Frequency Domain Fourier Transform and the Frequency Domain. Region-based Approach. Smoothing and Sharpening. Algorithms to Recover Depth Segmentation: Introduction. Noise Models. Histogram Equalization. A. Chanda. Pattern Fitting Approach. Jain. Statistical Classification. Sampling and Quantization. Majumder. Applications. Basics of Spatial Filtering. Components of Image Processing System. Homomorphic Filtering. Object Recognition: Deterministic Methods. Histogram Specification. Mapping. Extraction of Connected Components. Element of Visual Perception. John Wiley and Sons. Syntactic Recognition. 2. Geometric Mean Filter. Digital Image Processing 2nd Edition. PHI 3. UNIT-V Feature Extraction: Representation. Color Transformation. Tech. Prentice Hall. NY 4.DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (TCS-071) UNIT-I Introduction and Fundamentals Motivation and Perspective. “Digital Image Processing & Analysis”. Geometric Attributes Description: Boundary-based Description. Local Thresholding. Minimum Mean-square Error Restoration. Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision.K. Region-based Description. Morphological Algorithms – Boundary Extraction. Max and Min filters. Enhancement using Arithmetic/Logic Operations – Image Subtraction. NJ. Local Enhancement. CSE 4 th Year 25 25 . Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain Filtering – Bandpass Filters. Logic Operations involving Binary Images. Smoothing . Topological Attributes. Arithmetic Operations on Intervals & Numbers. 3. Synergy of soft computing techniques. 4. Hebbian learning. ANN architecture.J.A. Linguistic Variables. Multilayer Perceptron Model. Learning Paradigms-Supervised. R. 1998.IV Genetic algorithms(Gas). Membership Function. Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers. 3. Artificial neural networks : over view of history. Prentice-Hall International. Palmer. Evolution strategies(Ess).V Other Soft computing approaches Simulated Annealing. Unsupervised and reinforcement Learning. ANN training Algorithms-perceptions.G. Unions. Applications of Artificial Neural Networks.M. CSE 4 th Year 26 26 . New Jersey. Unit . “Neural Networks: Algorithms. Delta. Applications and Programming Techniques”. schema analysis. Kohonen self organizing networks. convergence. Reading. Competitive learning networks. PHI. Pearson 2. Addison. Krogh. Unit-II Introduction to artificial neural network Neural Networks: Learning rules. Dehradun B. Goldberg. genetic algorithms and other soft-computing techniques. Fuzzy Equations. Jang. 1999 2. Anderson J. Mizutani. Fuzzy Arithmetic: Fuzzy Numbers. Intersections. G. Ant colony based optimization. Melanie Mitchell. Tabu Search. Markov & other stochastic models. Hopfield Networks. Unit . crossover. Text: 1.Selecting. Evolutionary programming(EP). Genetic Programming(GP). Classical and Fuzzy Sets: Overview of Classical Sets.. PHI. mutation. (1992). analysis of selection algorithms. Reference: 1. Back Propagation Algorithm. Klir & B. Unit-III Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic. Hertz J.A. 4. California. “Neural Networks-A Comprehensive Foundations”. Addison Wesley. “An Introduction to Neural Networks”. Skapura. Fuzzy rule generation. Mass. Tech. “Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic”. Aggregation Operations. UK Tech University. Yuan. “Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation”. PHI. 1999 5. Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Compliment.SOFT COMPUTING (TCS-072/TIT-074) Unit –I Introduction to soft computing. “Genetic Algorithms”. Haykin. Freeman J. fuzzy logic. “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing”. & D. “An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm”. Combinations of Operations. “Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation”. Training rules.Wesley. Mathematical Models of Neurons. Their strengths and weaknesses. Sun. infrastructure and product. cellular reuse. Cambridge university press 2. GSM channel structure. GSM RAN. Tech. 3G Wireless Networks. capacity. characterization of applications. IEEE 802. buffer-pipe model. coverage. Tim charity. UMTS network performance optimization Text Books: 1. Dehradun B.WIRELESS NETWORKS (TCS-073/TIT-073) Unit – 1 Introduction Liberalization of communications Industry. physical channels. GSM network performance optimization – principles and key performance indicators. Ron Price. planning for circuit multimedia services Planning for packet multimedia services Planning approaches. Fundamental of Wireless Networking. Mesh network Unit – 5 Network operation and optimization Enhanced telecom operations model (eTOM). MS-SGSN protocols. Andy wilton. Authentication and location updating. Mobility management context. Cambridge University Press UK Tech University. Digitalization of content. operations. GPRS operations Unit – 3 Principles of access network planning Circuit voice networks Introduction to CVN. changes in spectrum management. contexts. drive towards broadband. wireless network life cycle – strategy. TMN GPRS Introduction to GPRS. Essentials of UMTS. coverage optimization. Deploying Wireless networks. MS-SGSN physical layer. CSE 4 th Year 27 27 . multiuser packet transport configurations Unit – 4 Planning and design RAN. Christopher Cox. Clint Smity.11 networks Unit – 2 Wireless Network Systems Cellular networks Tthe GSM circuit switched network. UMTS RAN. enterprise management. PDP context. GPRS RAN optimization. TMH 4. TMH 3. Cellular OFDM RAN. practical modeling methodologies. Third edition. First edition. 2003. “Cryptography and Network Security – Principles and Practices”. Tech. William Stallings. Third edition. 2003. 3. Prentice-Hall of India. Pfleeger. Pearson Education. 2. UNIT III Security in Operating Systems: Protected Objects and Methods of Protection – Memory and Address Protection –Control of Access generated Objects – File Protection Mechanisms – User Authentication – Trusted Operating Systems – Models of Security. Atul Kahate. UNIT V Administering Security and Ethical Issues: Security Planning – Risk Analysis – Organizational Security Policies – Physical Security – Protecting Programs and Data – Information and the Law –Software Failures – Computer Crime – Privacy – Ethical Issues. What to secure –How to secure. TEXT BOOK 1. Matt Bishop. UNIT II Program Security: Security Programs – Non-malicious Program Errors – Virus and other Malicious Code – Targeted Malicious Code – Control against program Threats. Tata McGraw-Hill. Charles B. “Cryptography and Network Security”. REFERENCES 1. 2003.at what cost? Elementary Cryptography – DES – AES – Public Key Encryption – Uses of Encryption. “Computer Security – Art and Science”. Secure system characteristics. and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. “Security in Computing”. UNIT IV Database and Network Security: Database Security Requirements – reliability and integrity – Sensitive Data – Inference – Multilevel Databases and Multilevel Security – Threats in Networks –Network Security Controls – Firewalls – Intrusion Detection Systems – Secure Email. UK Tech University. 2003. Dehradun B. Pearson Education.INFORMATION SECURITY (TCS-074/TIT-703) UNIT I Introduction: Security problem in computing. CSE 4 th Year 28 28 . Its need cannot be over emphasized for improving employability of the students. Students must deliver a seminar on current technology in covered in the syllabus which must be submitted as hard copy document in the form of a term paper. Study of Important LINUX Services PROJECT (PCS-757) The project is intended to develop and test complete understanding of various ICT Technologies for practical real life applications. UK Tech University. Basic properties of Windows Registry 9. Proper project work is necessary for over all development of the student. Security Management 5. INDUSTRIAL INTERACTION/ SEMINAR (TERM PAPER) (PCS-758) It will involve documentation of technical activities of some prominent industry/company in IT field by a group of students (not more than 4). Installation of operating system (Window 7 and LINUX) 2.SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION LAB (PCS-751/PIT-751) 1. CSE 4 th Year 29 29 . Study of Important Windows Services 10. Startup & Shutdown scripts 6. Network planning – subnet creation 7. Project topic must be decided within first two weeks of the start of the semester. Installation of office productivity software (MS Office/ Open Office) 3. Dehradun B. User Management 4. Students must work for at least 50 hours to develop the project. Firewall configuration 8. Tech. Causal ordering of messages. Singhal & Shivaratri. Transaction recovery. performance metric for distributed mutual exclusion algorithms. distributed dead lock detection. Tech. Books: 1. Grid security requirements. System models. Distributed File Systems: File service architecture. Dollimore. highly available services. McGraw Hill 2. Distributed deadlocks. avoidance. Byzantine agreement problem. Coulouris. "Advanced Concept in Operating Systems". Pearson Ed. Interactive consistency Problem. global state. Token based and non token based algorithms. Standards for grid environments. Logical clocks. "Distributed System: Concepts and Design”. detection & resolution. centralized dead lock detection. Layers of Cloud Computing. Recent advances. Optimistic Concurrency control. Examples of distributed Systems. Grid terms and concepts. Comparison of methods for concurrency control. Cloud Computing Challenges. Resource sharing and the Web Challenges. Unit –V Introduction to Grid Computing: Basics of grid Computing. Locks. Cloud Computing Features. Consensus problem. Atomic Commit protocols. Sun Network File System. Grid user roles. path pushing algorithms. The Andrew File System. System Models: Architectural models. Unit–III Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation: Communication between distributed objects. Replication: System model and group communication. Distributed Transactions: Concurrency control in distributed transactions. Timestamp ordering. UK Tech University. Fundamental Models Theoretical Foundation for Distributed System: Limitation of Distributed system. edge chasing algorithms. Java RMI case study.tolerant services. requirement of mutual exclusion theorem. Benefits of grid computing. Cloud Computing Security requirements. Fault . Unit–IV Transactions and Concurrency Control: Flat and nested distributed transactions. classification of Agreement Problem. CSE 4 th Year 30 30 . Unit–II Distributed Mutual Exclusion: Classification of distributed mutual exclusion. Introduction to Cloud Computing: basics of cloud computing. Solution to Byzantine Agreement problem. Remote procedure call. resource Vs communication deadlocks deadlock prevention. Agreement Protocols: Introduction.DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING (TCS-801/TIT-087) Unit–I Characterization of Distributed Systems: Introduction. Kindberg. Dehradun B. Lamport’s & vectors logical clocks. types of cloud computing. termination detection. Events and notifications. Distributed Deadlock Detection: system model. absence of global clock. shared memory. RDF Web based Information Systems. SMTP. DHTML and XML List.0 Interactive and social web: Blogs. CSE 4 th Year 31 31 . Tables. protocols – HTTP.ca/~c410/F06/schedule/index. UNIT IV: Web 2. Ajax – Improving web page performance using Ajax. Web Browsers and Web Servers UNIT II: HTML. Jon Duckett. POP3. wikis. MIME. http://ugweb. Dreamtech 3. Presenting XML. Frames. Dynamic HTML with Java Script. Open APIs. CSS Document type definition.html UK Tech University.AJAX. 2. Joel Sklar . Chris Bates. WILEY. CORBA. Object in Java Script.0: Semantic Web. Programming in Ajax. Search engines. WSDL. IMAP. “Principal of web Design” Vikash and Thomas Learning 4. Web Mining Books: 1. Wiley India Pvt Ltd (June 2008) 5. Recommender Systems. “Web Programing Building Internet Applications”. Dehradun B. 2nd Edition. Dynamic HTML. Ruby on Rails.The technology behind these applications. “Collaborative Web Development” Addison Wesley. UNIT III: Web Services Introduction to Web Services. Object Models. Widgets. Tech. and CSS”. Developing and deploying web services. XML schemes. Images. Burdman. Forms. and social networking sites – The technology behind these applications. Domain Name Server. Introduction to Java Script. XHTML.ualberta. UNIT V: Web 3. UDDI. Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX. drag & drop mashups (iGoogle) . SOAP. “Beginning Web Programming with HTML. Web Service Architecture. RSS and syndication.cs.INTRODUCTION TO WEB TECHNOLOGY (TCS-802/TIT-603) UNIT I: Internet Principles and Components: History of the Internet and World Wide WebHTML. Addison Wesley. All-to-all personalized communication. Parallel Computing: Theory and Practice. routing mechanism for interconnection networks. UNIT-3 Performance and Scalability of Parallel Systems: Performance matrices for Parallel systems ? Run time. 4. Speed up. S G Akl. Ananth Grama. New Jersey 7. Efficiency and Cost. Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg. PH Englewood Cliffs. UNIT-2 Basic Communication Operation: One-to-all broadcast. Introduction to Parallel Computing. Masschachusetts 6. Serial Polyadic DP Formulation : all pair shortest paths algorithms. Prentice-Hall. Masschachusetts 2. UK Tech University. References: 1. New Jersey. CSE 4 th Year 32 32 . Scalability. McGraw-Hill. Reduction and prefix sums.PARALLEL COMPUTING (TCS-081) UNIT-1 Introduction: What is parallel and distributed computing. M J Quinn. Vipin Kumar. J Jaja. Dehradun B. George Coulouris. Scope of parallel computing. Programmability. TMH. 5. the 0/1 Knapsack Problem. The Decision and analysis of parallel algorithms. Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism. All-to-all broadcast. Inc. Addison-Wesley. New York. Parallel Programming Platforms: implicit parallelism. Tech. Bubble sort and its variants. An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms. Scope of parallel and distributed computing. The effect of granularity on performance UNIT-4 Sorting: Sorting networks. Anshul Gupta and George Karypis. Masschachusetts 3. T G Lewis and H E Rewini. Englewood Cliffs. Distributed Systems Concepts and Design. One-to-all personalized communication. Physical organization for parallel platforms. Dichotomy of parallel computing platforms. Introduction to Parallel Computing. Serial monadic DP Formulations: The shortest path Problem. The Benjamin/Cumming Publishing Company. Quick sort and other sorting algorithms UNIT-5 Dynamic Programming: Overview of dynamic programming. communication cost in parallel machines.. Tech. High Availability and Scalability. Optimizing Sort Operations. Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide 2. Resources. Server-Side Configuration. Configuring the Database Archiving Mode. Oracle DBA on Unix and Linux by Michael Wessler UK Tech University. Diagnostic and Tuning Tools. Preparing the Operating System & Install Oracle9i Software. RMAN Complete Recovery. Connectivity. Tuning the OS and Using Resource Manager UNIT 4 Managing Oracle Oracle10i: Overview. Creating a Database. Instance and Media Recovery Structures. Incomplete Recovery & Maintenance. Usage and Configuration of the Oracle Shared Server. Managing an Oracle Instance. Loading Data Into a Database & Globalization Support UNIT 2 DBA Fundamental II Networking Overview.DATABASE ADMINISTRATION (TCS-082/TIT-083) Any of MySQL. DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server may be used. Dehradun B. Tuning The Oracle Shared Server. Application Tuning. Getting Started With Oracle Server . Monitoring and Detecting Lock Contention. Managing Undo Data. Managing Security. Tuning Rollback Segments. Escalations. Diagnosing Contention For Latches. Customize the Oracle Database Linux Measurement Tools. Backup and Recovery Overview. Replace Oracle word with the selected RDBMS. Sizing The Other SGA Structures. Create a Custom Oracle Database. Managing Tablespaces and Data Files. CSE 4 th Year 33 33 . Privileges & Roles. Managing Password. Recovery Catalog Creation and Maintenance. Transporting Data Between Databases UNIT 3 Performance Tuning Overview Of Oracle 9i Performance Tuning. Basic Oracle Net Services Client-Side Configuration. RMAN Backups. Oracle DBA Handbook 3. Tuning Oracle UNIT 5 Database Troubleshooting One Time Troubleshooting. Business Continuity. Maintaining the Control File. User Managed Backups. Storage Structures and Relationships. User Managed Complete & Incomplete Recovery. Oracle. Oracle Recovery Manager Overview and Configuration. Data Dictionary Contents and Usage. Sizing the Shared Pool & the Buffer Cache. Data Sharing and information Integration BOOKS: For Oracle: 1. Maintaining Data Integrity. UNIT 1 DBA Fundamental I Oracle Architectural Components. Using Oracle Blocks Efficiently SQL Statement Tuning. Basic Oracle Net Architecture. Adhoc Troubleshooting. Redo Log Files. Oracle Measurement Tools. Install and Configure Enterprise Manager. Database Configuration and I/O Issues. Indexes. Tables. users. QoS Tools – Policing and Shaping .Hierarchical IP Address Design .Subnet Masks .Wireless Standards – Wireless Components .Secure Communication Network Security Best Practices . Tata McGraw-Hill.Access Attacks – Information Disclosure Attacks .Congestion Avoidance .Wireless Design Considerations .Private and Public Addresses – NAT .IP Service-Level Agreements – Content Networking Design – Case Study – Venti Systems. 2000. Dehradun B.Routing Protocol Comparison . Pearson Education. UK Tech University.IPv4 Routing Protocol Selection.Redundancy in Layer 2 Switched Networks . TEXT BOOK Diane Tiare and Catherine Paquet.Monitoring and Redesigning – Maintaining .QoS Models – IntServ .Design Issues . UNIT V Network Management Design: ISO Network Management Standard .Threat Defense .SAFE Campus Design.Completing the Final Design Development Deploying the Network .IPv4 Routing Design: IPv4 Address Design .SpanningTree Protocol .Metrics .Network Management Strategy .Cisco Express Forwarding .IPv4 Routing Protocols – Classification . “Campus Network Design Fundamentals”.ADVANCE COMPUTER NETWORK (TCS-083/TIT-084) UNIT I Network Design: Design Principles . Tech.Reconnaissance Attacks .Congestion Management .Denial of Service Attacks .Switching Design Considerations .Human Issues Implementation Issues – Threats . 2006. UNIT III Network Security Design: Hacking – Vulnerabilities .STP Terminology and Operation – Virtual LANs – Trunks .Switching Security .Quality of Service Design .Site Survey .SLCs and SLAs .The Cisco Enterprise Composite Network Model.LinkSpecific Tools1 – QoS Design Guidelines.Wireless Security . UNIT IV Wireless LAN Design: Wireless Technology Overview .Preparing the Preliminary Design .Analyzing the Existing Network .Inter-VLAN Routing .Protocols and Tools – SNMP – MIB – RMON .Modular Network Design . REFERENCE Craig Zacker.Wireless Threat Mitigation – Wireless Management .Wireless Security Issues .DiffServ154 .Switching Design: Switching Types .Design Documentation .Determining Requirements .Multilayer Switching . “The Complete Reference: Upgrading and Troubleshooting Networks”.WLAN Roaming Wireless IP Phones . CSE 4 th Year 34 34 .Cisco NetFlow – Syslog – CiscoWorks .Layer 2 and 3 Switching . UNIT II Technologies .Hierarchical Network Design . 1986.Recovery in time. Graph Network and in Binary cube interconnection.tolerant computers general purpose commercial systems .High availability systems . sequential circuits and Fault simulation. validation of Fault tolerant software. Tech. "Fault Tolerant computing .Communication Architectures.Reliability Models. D. UNIT-III Fault Tolerant in Real time Systems .Architecture of Fault . Israel & Krishnan.FAULT TOLERANT COMPUTING (TCS-084) UNIT-I Introduction: Computer and Computation Distribution. "Fault Tolerant Systems" Elsevier Publications. loop architectures. UNIT-II Fault Tolerance Concepts.Critical computations Fault Tolerant multiprocessor . UK Tech University. TEXT BOOKS 1. CSE 4 th Year 35 35 . Fault detection techniques. Pradhan. Tree Networks. 2.Theory and Techniques "Prentice Hall.Inc. UNIT-V Fault Tolerant Software . Test generation for combinational circuits. Modeling Fault tolerant systems . K. Construction of acceptance tests. Dehradun B. Shared memory UNIT-IV Interconnections. 2007. System models and Fault models.Design of fault Tolerant software .Rollback modular redundancy and Exception Handling. Sensing.COMPUTER VISION (TCS-086) UNIT-I Introduction: Purpose. 1998 2. Rectification Stereo: Epipolar Geometry. E . derivatives..edu/courses/fall07/cps296. Triangulation.1 UK Tech University.duke. Pr entic e Ha ll.cs. Computer Vision. CSE 4 th Year 36 36 . V e r r i . Prentice Hall 3. Brown C. Optical Flow Object Tracking: Kalman Filter.. Tech.D C o m p u t e r Vision ... Dehradun B. I n t r o d u c t o r y T e c h n i q u e s f o r 3 . State of the art Image Formation: Projection. Correspondence. Color UNIT-II Image Processing: Filtering (low-pass and median). Hlavac V. PWS Publishers 4. Depth Estimation UNIT-V Motion: Detection and Tracking of Point Features.. Image Processing Analysis and Machine Design. Ballard D. T r u c c o a n d A . http://www. Tracking Humans Books & References: 1. Boyle R. and Edges UNIT-III Geometric Calibration: Interior and Exterior Calibration. Sonka M. Condensation. Twelve rules for a DDBMS. Bhargava. Comparison of ORDBMS and OODBMS.. Morgan Kaufmann. On-Line Processing. Concepts and design: OODBMS perspectives. X/open distributed Transaction processing model. persistence. UNIT-5 Data Warehousing Concepts. distributed deadlock management. CSE 4 th Year 37 37 . distributed relational database design. OLAP and Data mining Evolution of data warehousing. Introduction to data mining. functions and architecture of a DDBMS. Transparencies in a DDBMS. UNIT-3 Standards and systems: object management group. weakness of RDBMS. Springer. Oracle Internet Application Server (IAS). Distributed query optimization. Carlo Zaniolo. issues in OODBMS. data warehousing concepts. advantages and disadvantages of OODBMS. distributed concurrency control. 1997 UK Tech University. Tech. advantages and disadvantages of web-DBMS approach. “Advanced Database Systems”.0 1999. Object store. distributed database recovery. Object oriented extensions in Oracle. web-DBMS architecture. comparison of OLTP systems and data warehousing. Bharat K. third generation database manifestos. approaches to integrating the web and DBMS. “Advanced Database Systems”. next-generation database systems. Dehradun B. SQL8. Books: 1. advanced database applications. Object-oriented database design. Stefano Ceri. storing objects in a relational database.. 2.ADVANCED DBMS (TCS-087/TIT-089) UNIT-1 Distributed DBMS Concepts and design: Introduction. benefits and problems of data warehousing. Advanced concepts: Distributed transaction management. Object relational DBMS: Introduction. Replication servers. UNIT-2 Object-Oriented DBMS Introduction. Mobile databases. UNIT-4 Web technology and DBMS Web as a database Application Platform: Requirements for webDBMS integration. object database standard ODMG 3. Adam. Nabil R. Bhatnagar. processes and detection.. G. UNIT-II Data mining based IDS. data mining framework for constructing features and models for intrusion detection systems.. K. network security. secure IDS sensor.. Tech. UK Tech University. message integrity and authentication. 2003 2. Sams. UNIT-V Secure intrusion detection systems. taxonomy of security flaws in software. alarm management. D. M. predicting attacks UNIT-IV Network based anomaly detection..” McGraw-Hill. Fearnow. SVM. Defending against DOS attacks in scout: signature-based solutions. Rash. stealthy surveillance detection. Schultz E. signature and intrusion detection configuration. intrusion detection system architecture. J. NBAD. honey pots. sensor configuration. 2002 3. intrusion methods. specification based and rate based DDOS. Syngress.. scans/probes. and Clark. C. Springer. “Cisco Security”. “Intrusion Detection and Prevention. IP blocking configuration. CV5 clustering. secure policy manager. 2001 4. and Mellander J. M. A. Books 1. evaluation of IDS. Unsupervised anomaly detection. Denning model. self-modeling system calls for intrusion detection with dynamic window size. K. “Intrusion Prevention and Active Response: Deploying Network and Host IPS”. general IDS model and taxonomy.INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS (TCS-088/TIT-088) UNIT-I Intruder types. and Frederick.. Endorf... Host-based anomaly detection. CSE 4 th Year 38 38 . Dehradun B. intrusion detection system signatures. Course Technology. “Intrusion Signatures and Analysis”.. Northcutt. snort rules. “Computer Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring: A Statistical Viewpoint”. UNIT-III probabilistic and statistical modeling. M. General IDS model. Orebaugh. secure intrusion detection environment. 2005 5. cost sensitive IDS. Marchette. Cooper. S. S/MIME. block cipher modes of operations. stream and block ciphers. discrete logarithms. Elganel encryption. hash functions. directory authentication service. Prentice Hall. traffic confidentiality. prime and relative prime numbers. Unit-V IP Security: Architecture. Books: 1. introduction to cryptography. key distribution. trusted systems.509. MD5 message digest algorithm. Unit-II Introduction to graph. random number generation. strength of DES. differential and linear crypt analysis of DES. Digital Signatures: Digital Signatures. Principals of public key crypto systems. Conventional Encryption: Conventional encryption model. electronic mail security-pretty good privacy (PGP). Modern Block Ciphers: Block ciphers principals. “Cryptography and Network Security. Unit-IV Authentication Applications: Kerberos and X. Dehradun B. birthday attacks. secure electronic transaction (SET). services and mechanism. Web Security: Secure socket layer and transport layer security. Unit-III Message Authentication and Hash Function: Authentication requirements. RSA algorithm.CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY (TCS-089/TIT-802 ) Unit-I Introduction to security attacks. Authentication header. CSE 4 th Year 39 39 . Buchmann. Chinese Remainder theorem. security of hash functions and MACS. authentication functions. Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem. key management. New Jersy. Forouzan. Tech. classical encryption techniques substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers. combining security associations. Secure hash algorithm(SHA). security of RSA. System Security: Intruders. William Stallings. ring and field. Shannon’s theory of confusion and diffusion. introductory idea of Elliptic curve cryptography. Encapsulating security payloads. Johannes A. TMH UK Tech University. modular arithmetic. strength of IDEA. IDEA encryption and decryption. Diffle-Hellman key exchange algorithm. Springer-Verlag 3. fiestal structure. data encryption standard(DES). firewall design principals. digital signature standards (DSS). Euclid’s Algorithm. primality testing. triple DES. “Introduction to Cryptography”. stereography. key management. “Cryptography and Network Security: Principals and Practice”. authentication protocols. B. cryptanalysis. 2. proof of digital signature algorithm. message authentication code. Viruses and related threads. confidentiality using conventional encryption. Project topic must be decided within first two weeks of the start of the semester. total and percentage by taking the students’ information from the XML document. Creation of a XML document of 20 students of UKTech. 5. Students must work for at least 100 hours to develop the project. Design a website using existing web services (Google map. marks obtained in 5 subjects. Installation and configuration of Apache server 4. Proper project work is necessary for over all development of the student. CSE 4 th Year 40 40 . 6. Tech. Its need cannot be over emphasized for improving employability of the students. weather forecast. Dehradun B. 8.PROJECT (PCS-857) The project is intended to develop and test complete understanding of various ICT Technologies for practical real life applications. Add their roll numbers. Development of static website of an online Departmental Store. The website should be user friendly and should have the following pages:  Home page  Registration and user login  User profile page  Items catalog  Shopping cart  Payment by credit card  Order confirmation Add validations to the above site for registration. WEB TECHNOLOGY LAB (PCS-852) At least following must be completed 3. UK Tech University. market information etc. total and percentage and save this XML document at the server. Write a program that takes students’ roll number as an input and returns the students marks. user login. 7. Convert the static web pages of assignments 2 into dynamic web pages using servlets and cookies. user profile and payment by credit card using Java Script. Installation and configuration of TOMCAT web server.) using AJAX. No. TOE 19 20. TOE 01 2. TOE 07 8. TOE 25 26. TOE 05 6. TOE 08 8. TOE 10 11. TOE 06 7. TOE 11 12. TOE 26 27. Hospital and Equipment Management Introduction to Medical Physics Modern Control System Mechatronics SCADA & Energy Management System Dept. Tech. Tech. P. TOE 09 10. TOE 27 Subject Non-conventional Energy Resources Reliability Engineering Environment & Ecology Geographic Inf.Code 1. TOE 24 25. System (GIS) Technology & its Applications Entrepreneurship Development Programme Ancient Indian Culture Human Values Quality System & Management Condition Monitoring & Diagnostics Value Engineering Nanotechnology Solar Energy Human Resource Management Advance Material Science Industrial Instrumentation Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals of Coding Theory Consumer Electronics Artificial Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic Human Computer Interaction I T in Business Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Health. TOE 12 13. TOE 14 15. CSE 4 th Year 41 41 . TOE 17 Communication 18.UTTARAKHAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY SESSION 2009-10 LIST OF OPEN ELECTIVES-VII SEMESTER Effective from the session – 2009-10 [List of Open Elective of 7th Semester for B. Electrical Electrical Civil Civil Humanities Humanities Humanities Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Instrumentation & Instrumentation & Control Electronics & Electronics & Electrical Computer Science Information Technology Manufacturing Technology Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Electrical Electrical Electrical Note: The students will choose any one subject of the course of other than their Engineering Branch. TOE 21 22. TOE 18 Communication 19. TOE 15 Control 16. TOE 02 3. TOE 20 21. TOE 22 23. TOE 16 17. Civil/Electrical/Electrical and Electronics/ Mechanical & Allied Courses/ Electronics and Communications & Allied Courses/ Instrumentation and Control & Allied Courses/Computer Science and Engineering & Allied Courses/ Information Technology & Allied Courses/ Biotechnology] S. Dehradun B. TOE 03 4. TOE 23 24. TOE 13 14. TOE 04 5. UK Tech University. solar thermal power plants. 2. "A Handbook for Engineers and Economists". Regin. 4. theory and working principle. thermodynamics of geo-thermal energy conversion-electrical conversion. performance and limitations. 8. Hall. Dehradun B. 1 & II Edited by Academic Press. "Handbook of Solar radiation Data for India".G. A. CSE 4 th Year 42 42 . F. Frank Kreith. performance and limitations. classification. Unit IV: Fuel Cells: Principle of working of various types of fuel cells and their working. performance and limitations. Solar cell materials.Introduction. thermal energy storage for solar heating and cooling. focusing of collectors and their materials. the MITTRE.O. "Wind Machines" by Energy Resources and Environmental Series. UK Tech University. Wave and Tidal Wave: Principle of working. "Advances in Energy System and Technology". limitations. performance and limitations of energy conversion systems. solar cell power plant..TOE-01 NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY RESOURCES Unit I: Introduction: Various non-conventional energy resources. concentrations and augments. 3. applications and performance. N. Tech. Unit II: Solar Cells:Theory of solar cells. environmental considerations. Chermisinogg and Thomes. " Wind Power Principles”. Chartier and D.R. wind characteristics. N. Unit V: Bio-mass: Availability of bio-mass and its conversion theory. criterion. 6." Energy from Biomass". Solar Thermal Energy: Solar radiation flat plate collectors and their materials. C. relative merits and demerits. non-electrical conversion. classification of rotors. Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD): Principle of working of MHD Power plant. availability. Recommended: Andra Gabdel. "Solar Energy Hand Book". Wind Energy: Wind power and its sources. Mani. momentum theory. limitations. performance and limitations. P. site selection. Unit III: Geothermal Energy: Resources of geothermal energy. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): Availability. performance and limitations. Waste Recycling Plants Books 1. 7. Vol. W. Calvert. Palz. "Principles and Application of Solar Energy". applications and performance. Peter Auer. 5. Thermo-electrical and thermionic Conversions: Principle of working. 2. requirements. R.N. Plenum Press. G. data reduction and analysis. Books Recommended: 1.R. series .K. stand by and hybrid.L. recovery of data. various distributions. Kapoor & L. Markov method. McGraw Hill.series. definition and factors influencing. Dehradun B. Sinha & B. system redundancy."Reliability in Engineering and Design". An Engineering Approach"."System Reliability Engineering". conditional probability. types of redundancies series. Lamberson. cut set and tie set methods. "Probabilistic Reliability.Billintan & R.Sandler. parallel. Unit V: Reliability Testing: Life testing.TOE – 02 RELIABILITY ENGINEERING Unit I: Introduction: Definition of reliability. methods of reliability evaluation. test planning. component redundancy. data collection. 4. Bay's theorem.H. 3.parallel. Tech. data analysis procedures.K. Kale. various parameters of system effectiveness. effect of maintenance. UK Tech University. system effectiveness. Wiley Eastern Ltd. Shooman. empirical reliability calculations. S. reliability evaluation using probability distributions. Unit IV: Reliability Improvements: Methods of reliability improvement.” Reliability Evaluation of Engineering and Systems". K. matrix methods event trees and fault trees methods. M. development of logic diagram. stand by and complex. types of failures. Prentice Hall. series parallel. 1. Unit III: ReliabilityTypes of system. frequency and duration method. data reporting system. Allan. reliability test standards. “Life Testing and Reliability Estimation". parallel. Unit II: Reliability Mathematics: Definition of probability. John Wiley and Sons.C. methods. CSE 4 th Year 43 43 . laws of probability. waste water transport and treatment. sludge treatment and disposal. energy and material flows in ecosystems. Tech. Ltd. Air Quality: Sources and effects of air pollution. UK Tech University. mineral resources. major air pollutants. physical and climate factors. Noise Pollution: Effect of noise on human health and its control. biotic components. air quality control. Brief introduction about environmental legislation and environmental audit. fertilizers and pesticides. agriculture soil and need of nutrients. dispersion of air pollutants. CSE 4 th Year 44 44 . treatment of emissions. Singapore. agricultural and forestry resources.TOE-03 ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY Unit I: Environment: Environment and its components. Unit II: Water Quality: Measure of water quality. water treatment. Vesilind. kinds of pollution. disposal of refuse. water quality standards. " Introduction to Environmental Engineering. Unit V: Conservation of Natural Resources: Water resources. removal and transport." Thomson Asia Pvt. Dehradun B. concept of ecological imbalances. Unit IV: Ecology: Ecology and Ecosystems. Books Recommended: 1. human influence on ecosystems. pollution of environment by human activity. Unit III: Solid waste: Collection of refuse. Unit II Raster and vector data. 1999. John Wiley and Sons. Remote sensing data as an input to GIS data. topology. Unit V Applications of GIS in planning and management of utility lines and in the filed of environmental engineering. Dehradun B. Inc. transportation engineering and water resources engineering. raster to vector data conversion. GIS database: spatial and attribute date. analytical transformation. Cartography and GIS. rubber sheet transformation. Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems by Robert laurini and Derek Thompson. I and II edited by Paul Longely. logical and conditional overlay. aggregation. geotechnical engineering. Geographic Information Systems: A Management Perspective. Goodchild. Network analysis. classification.al. manual digitizing and semi-automatic line following digitizer. generalization. 2. Unit III Attribute database: scale and source of inaccuracy. Vo. buffers. representation of geographic information: point. temporal information. Unit IV Overlay: arithmetical. CSE 4 th Year 45 45 . spatial information. GIS functionality. Books Recommended: 1. UK Tech University. 3. WDL Publications.TOE-04 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS: Unit I Definition of GIS. Academic Press. conceptual models of spatial information. inter visibility. Geographical Information Systems. line and area futures. containment search within a spatial region. map projection. data storage and data retrieval through query. et.F. Spatial models: Semantics. M. by Stan Arnoff. Tech. marketing. Sales and purchases. preparation of project report. Books Recommended: 1. stages in starting a small scale industry. fieldstudy and collection of information. sales and income taxes and workman compensation act. Role of various national and state agencies which render assistance to small scale industries. Evaluation. Quality control. L. cost of capital approach in project planning and control. policies and practices in public enterprises. capital expenditures. control and communication. UK Tech University. Unit V: Laws concerning entrepreneur: Partnership laws. planning cash flow. demand analysis. Government policy for small scale industry. risk analysis. CSE 4 th Year 46 46 . characteristics and types of small scale industries. internal rate of return and net present value methods.TOE-05 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Unit I: Entrepreneur: Definition. planning and production control. advertisement. demand based and resources based ancillaries and sub-control type. Massod. Profit planning and programming. Unit III: Accountancy: Preparation of balance sheets and assessment of economic viability. formulation. preparation of financial reports. financing. Dehradun B. Growth of small scale industries in developing countries and their positions vis-a-vis large industries. role of small scale industries in the national economy. Prentice Hall of India. inventory control. wages and incentive. business ownership. industrial relations. Tech. material balance and output methods. " Essential of Management". control of financial flows. Joseph. Economic evaluation. benefit cost analysis. discounted cash flow. Unit II: Project identification: Assessment of viability. Unit IV: Project Planning and control: The financial functions. decision making. expected costs. accounts and stores studies. capital expenditure and operations. S. 1977. Unsociability f. 10. dance of Siva Thapar Ramila. Religious Unit IV: Achievements in Arts. Pande. Ahinsa c. A. Altmism d Caste e. 8. Degradation of women and prostitution. Economic d. Recommended: Ghose Aurobindo. conceptualization and History.s. Political b.C. (a) Eras of political unification (b) Foreign invasions (c) Regional conflicts (d) Religious movements (e) Trade and Dissemination Unit III: Ideas and Institution a. Introduction to Indian History. 4.S. Indian Society Historical Probing. G.. Position of Women in Hindu Civilization 9.. Bartam. Altekar. Religious suicide and superstition g. Altekar. 5. New Delhi. Wonder that was India. disintegrating and proliferating forces of History. Books 1. People’s Publishing House. Om.). Kossambi. Humanism and spiritualism b. State and Government in Ancient India. Dehradun B. Ancient Indian Social History R.. (ed. 2.I. 6. Tech. 3. 7. UK Tech University. CSE 4 th Year 47 47 . Foundations of Indian culture. Foundations of Indian culture.. Science and Technology (a) Literature (b) Art and Architecture (c) Music and Dance (d) Astronomy and Mathematics (e) Medicine Unit V: Values and disvalues a. Coomarswami. Social c. A. Prakash.TOE-06 ANCIENT INDIAN CULTURE Unit I: Main features of Indian Culture (a) The orientlist view (b) The nationalist view (c) The Marxist view (d) Analysis and formulations Principal Components – historical and archeo-ethic perspective (a) Indian Civilization (b) Vedic culture (c) Tribal and folk culture (d) Foreign elements Unit II: Impact of integrating. A. Sharma. 2 Vols. TOE 07 HUMAN VALUES Unit I: Introduction 1. Nature of value crisis in the contemporary Indian society and the larger human community. 2. Meaning and nature of values; holistic view of life and its value. 3. Conceptualizing ‘good’ life and its value dimensions. Material and Societal value 1. Role of material values in promoting human well being. 2. Role of Science and technology; problems of material development. 3. Socio-political ideologies for promoting material wellbeing 4. Conceptualizing ‘good’ society and ‘social goods’ 5. Justice as a societal value. 6. Democracy and rule of law. 7. Values in the Indian Constitution. 8. Gandhian concepts of good society; gram swaraj, sarvodaya, antyodaya Unit II : Psychological and Aesthetic Values 1. Humanistic psychology; meaning of ‘personhood’ 2. Maslow’s hierarchy of human need; characteristics of ‘self-actualizing’ persons. 3. Mental health 4. Psycho-spiritual Indian concepts. 5. Areas and nature of aesthetic experiences. 6. Nature of beauty; aesthetic sensibilities. Unit III : Ethical and Spiritual Values 1. Bases for moral judgments : customary morality, religious morality, reflective morality. 2. Some principles of ethics; ethical canons and their significance in modern life. 3. Virtue ethics; personal virtues for the modern times. 4. Ethics of duty and ethics of responsibility. 5. Factors to be considered in making ethical judgments: motives, means and consequences. 6. Spirituality and spiritual values : spiritual wisdom of the Upanishads; Buddha’s view. 7. Science, materialism and spirituality. 8. Spirituality in the modern times. Unit IV : Human Values 1. Different meaning of human values: foundational human values – freedom, creativity, love and wisdom. 2. Nature of Human freedom; individual freedom, intellectual freedom, freedom of will, spiritual freedom. 3. Creativity: its meaning and nature; different kinds of creativity. 4. Creative problem solving. 5. Creative personality, creative environment. 6. Love as a foundational human value; different kinds of love. 7. Human wisdom; characteristics of a wise person. 8. Concepts & Principles of interdependence. Unit V : Work Ethics and Professional Ethics 1. Different attitudes to work. 2. Demands of work-ethics, ethics at work place. 3. ‘Good’ organization and its values. 4. What is a profession? 5. Professional ethos and code of professional ethics. 6. IEEE Code of professional ethics. 7. Problems in practicing the code. 8. Case studies. Books Recommended: 1. Human Values By : Prof. A.N. Tripathi New Age International. 2. 7 Habits of Highly By : Dr. Stephen R. Covey Effective People Harper Publications. 3. Wisdom Leadership By : Prof. S.K. Chakraborthy Wheeler Publication. th B. Tech. CSE 4 Year UK Tech University, Dehradun 48 48 TOE-08 QUALITY SYSTEM & MANAGEMENT Introduction Definition, need of quality systems, role of quality standards, stages of quality assurance systems. Quality charts, control charts for variables and attributes, acceptance sampling. Quality Systems Overall responsibility for progress of quality systems. quality manuals, procedures and role of auditing, auditing for conformance versus quality for effectiveness, auditing a tool for quality improvement. ISO 9000 quality systems, British Standards BS5750/ISO 9000 origin of standards, requirements, issues associated with implementation. Registration Registration and accreditation in quality system-certification, approval, registration of leading accessors. Recommended Books: 1. Mohamed Isiri, " Total Quality Management for Engineers". 2. Juran, J., " Quality Planning and Analysis, Mc -Graw Hill. 3. James R. Evans,& J.W. Dean," Total Quality-management, Organization and Strategy," Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore. TOE – 09 CONDITION MONITORING & DIAGNOSTICS Unit I Productivity, Quality circle in Maintenance, Reliability, Reliability assurance, Maintainability vs. Reliability. Failure analysis, Equipment downtime analysis, breakdown analysis. Unit II Maintenance type, Breakdown maintenance, Corrective maintenance, Opportunity maintenance, Routine maintenance, Preventive and predictive maintenance, Condition based maintenance systems, Design-out maintenance. Unit III Equipment health monitoring, Signals, Online & off-line monitoring, Visual & temp. Monitoring, Leakage monitoring, Lubricant monitoring. Unit IV Ferrography, Spectroscopy, Crack monitoring, Corrosion monitoring, thickness monitoring. Noise/sound monitoring, Smell/Odour monitoring, Thermography. Unit V Vibration-characteristics, Vibration monitoring-causes, identification, measurement of machine vibration. C.M.of lubes and hydraulic systems, C.M. of pipe lines, Selection of C.M. Techniques, Advantages. UK Tech University, Dehradun B. Tech. CSE 4 th Year 49 49 TOE – 10 VALUE ENGINEERING Unit I: An Overview Definition, value engineering recommendations, programmes, advantages. Approach of function Evaluation of function, determining function, classifying function, evaluation of costs, evaluation of worth, determining worth, evaluation of value. Unit II: VE Job Plan Introduction, orientation, information phase, speculation phase, analysis phase. Selection of Evaluation of VE Projects Projects selection, Methods selection, value standards, application of VE methodology. Unit III: Versatility of VE VE operation in maintenance and repair activities, value engineering in non hardware projects. Initiating A VE Programme Introduction, training plan, career development for VE specialties. Unit IV: Fast Diagramming Cost models, life cycle costs Unit V: VE level of Effort VE team, Co-coordinator, designer, different services, definitions, construction management contracts, value engineering case studies. Recommended Books: 1. Tufty Herald, G., “Compendium on Value Engineering” The Indo American Society, First Edition, 1983. 2. Miles, L.D., “Techniques of Value Engineering and Analysis:, McGraw Hill second Edition, 1972. 3. Khanna, O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1993. UK Tech University, Dehradun B. Tech. CSE 4 th Year 50 50 structure. Excitons. Fermi Surfaces. Superfluid Clusters molecular clusters. Handbook of Nanostructured Materials & Nanotechnology vol. Microscopy: Transmission electron Microscopy. Introduction to S. Mechanical reinforcement. Tech. surface structure. Nanocarbon Ferromagnets. Reactivity. Unit V: Quantum Wells. New carbon structures. Carbon Nano tubes: Fabrication.J. Reciprocal space. Size and Dimensionality effect.-5. Large and smaller fullerenes. Dynamics of Nanomagnets. pulsed laser methods. Carbon Clusters: Small carbon clusters. Sugano & H. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Fluctuations Magnetic Clusters. mobility. Eacitons. field ion microscopy Scanning Microscopy. Nano structured Crystals. Microcluster Physics – S. Mechanical Properties. Owens 2. Nanodevices and Nanomachines.Poole Jr F. semiconductor and conductors. Photofragmentation. Ferrofluids. Localized Particles: Acceptors and deep taps. Unit III: Properties of Individual Nano particles Metal Nano clusters: Magic Numbers. Giant & colossal magnetoresistance. superconductivity in 60 c . Nano structured Ferromagnetism Basics of Ferromagnetism. Nanopore containment of magnetic particles. Theoretical Modelling of nano particles. Koizuoni Springor 1998 4.S. Energy bounds and gaps of semiconductors. effective masses. face centered cubic nano particles. thermolysis. Geometric Structure. other buckyballs. 3. Discovery of 60 c . Spectroscopy: Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy.P. optical and vibrational Spectroscopy.) Wiley 1996. Magnetic resonance. Field emission & Shielding. Unit IV: Carbon Nanoparticles Carbon Molecule: Nature of carbon bond. Physics .(7th Edn. Introduction to Nanotechnology – C. Crystallography. Recommended Books 1. Fermi gas. Fuel cells. Potential wells. Particle size determination. Luminescence. Chemical methods. Quantum dot laser Superconductivity. Computers. Photoemission and X-ray Spectroscopy. Method of Synthesis: RF Plasma. Energy bounds: Insulators. lattice vibrations. Rare Gas & Molecular Clusters: Inert Gas Clusters. Nano-machines & Nano-device. Single electron Tunneling. crystal structures. Unit II: Methods of Measuring Properties Structure: Atomic Structures. Semi conducting Nanoparticles: Optical Properties. Effect of structuring of Magnetic properties. chemicals sensors. Tetrahedral bounded semiconductor structures. catalysis. Vibrational properties. Strictures of 60 c . Electrical Properties. Molecular & Supermolecular switches Applications areas of Nanotechnology in Engineering. Academic Press 2000 UK Tech University. Bulle to Nano structure. Alkali doped 60 c. Columbic Explosion. Infrared detectors. CSE 4 th Year 51 51 . Electronic Structure. Partial confinement.TOE-11 NANOTECHNOLOGY Unit I: Introduction to Physics of Solid State Structure: Size dependence of properties. Dehradun B. Wires and Dots Preparation of Quantum Nanostructure. Fabrication. Balle Nanostructure materials: Solid Disordered Nanostructure. Unit V: Photovoltaic Systems: Introduction doping Fermi level. Devices for thermal collection and storage. Numerical. CSE 4 th Year 52 52 . 2. Solar radiation on tilted surfaces. Compound parabolic dish collector. Concentrating Collectors: Flat plate collectors with plane reflectors. Solar Energy: Thermal Processes. Tata Mc Graw Hill. Numerical. Collector efficiency factor. Latent heat Storage. UK Tech University. Empirical equations for prediction the availability of solar radiation.Plate Collectors: General performance analysis. Cell temperature. 3. Top loss coefficient. Internal heat transfer.P Sukhatme. Unit IV: Thermal energy storage: Sensible heat storage. Tech. by S.Solar distillation: Introduction. Economic analysis: Introduction. absorptivity. john Wiley and Sons. Photovoltaic effect. Evaporative loss coefficient. working principal of solar distillation. External heat transfer. Analysis of collectors similar to the conventional collector. Thermochemical storage . connective loss coefficient. and Beckman W. Dehradun B. Basin construction. Photovoltaic material. Numerical. Passive solar stills. Bottom and side loss coefficient. Overall heat Evaluation of distillation output. Transmissivity. Central receiver collector. by H. john Wiley and Sons. Thermal analysis of conventional solar still. Thermal applications. Treatise on Solar Energy. P-N junction characteristics.P Garg. Numerical. product and overall loss coefficient and heat transfer correlations. Recommended Books 1. Other types of air heaters. Unit II: Liquid flat. Cylindrical parabolic collector. Testing procedures. Conventional solar still. Alternatives to the conventional collector. Unit III: Solar Air Heaters: Performance analysis of a conventional air heater. Radioactive loss coefficient. Thermal efficiency of distiller unit.A.TOE 12 SOLAR ENERGY Unit I: Introduction. Solar Energy. Solar radiation: Instruments for measuring solar radiation. by Duffie John A. Solar radiation geometry. cost analysis. Energy alternative. Module. (Why behavioural approach?) Unit II Manpower as a resource in job related behaviour and individual motivation in a work setting. Dehradun B. UK Tech University. CSE 4 th Year 53 53 . Material standards. Heat Treatment Heat treatment principles and processes for Ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. Cooling curves. Mechanisms of fatigue. Historical background of Evolution of HRM and HRD in 20th century. Human resource development through individual and group efforts. Eutectic and peritectic alloys. its devices and applications.TOE-13 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Unit I Scope and Importance of Human Resource management. turnover. Composition strength value and other requirements for materials used. Unit III: Corrosion and its prevention Mechanism of corrosion. Goals of HRM. industrial petitions and conflict analysis and resolution . Fatigue tests. Electro chemical corrosion. other pay plans. Unit III Manpower planning and recruitment. Pumping. Testing procedures and their limitations. Importance of unions. Piping. job rotation. job enlargement and job enrichment. Design criteria in fatigue. Needs for achievement. super conductor. Unit II: Fatigue & Creep: Fatigue loading. forces promoting investment in HRD. Anodizing. Outlining the contemporary role for HRM in organization. Steam and Gas turbine and Diesel engine components. Propellers and Rudders. Reservations in jobs. employee satisfaction. effect of Financial rewards on individual’s performance. Unit IV: Selection of materials for hazardous/ saline environment Selection of materials of saline/ hazardous environment . Phosphasting. TOE-14 ADVANCED MATERIAL SCIENCE Unit I: Introduction Solid Solution: Properties of solid solutions and alloys. Thermal Equilibrium Diagrams. Machinery.Boilers. promotion policy. Forms of metallic coatings. power and affiliation. Effect on structures and Properties. special assignment. Various theories of human motivation. Goal setting and performance evaluation. pre-induction training. Sponsored courses cost benefit exercise. Unit IV Wage and salary administration-pay roll and compensation. Engine seating. employment contracts. Maslow’ s hierarchy of needs. group motivation and conflicts. Training analyses and training methods guidelines for individual development. Intermetallic compounds. Job analysis and job specification. Chemical Corrosion. special compensation plans for example personnel. types binary alloys. Corrosion fatigue. Unit V Assessment of training needs. Tech. fatigue curve. Relevant labour laws. other theories. Anodic and Cathodic protection. Unit V: Electrical and Electronics materials Science and engineering of electrical and electronics materials such as semiconductor. Strip Chart Recorders . and flow nozzle. purge method.Considine / Handbook of Instrumentation Measurement and Control Mc Graw Hill. bourdon gauge. D. Unit II Temperature Measurements: Standards and calibration. automatic null balance radiation thermometers.K Singh. Viscosity . Liquid-in-gas (thermocouples) common thermocouples. differential pressure method. piezoelectric. Distillation Method. CSE 4 th Year 54 54 . Nakara/Instrumentation: measurements & Analysis/ Tata Mc Graw Hill. diaphragm gauges. use of radio scope for level measurement. pneumatic and hydraulic load cell. Units of pressure and vacuum. Unit V Measurement of moisture: Thermal dying method. Unit IV Measurement of weight: Load cell method. 2. UK Tech University. Vacuum pressure measurements: McLeod gauge. LVDT. Circularchart –recorders.TOE-15 INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION Unit I Basic Measurement principles & Source of Errors. Ultrasonic flow meter. variable area meters (rotameter). Beckwith & Beck /Mechanical Measurements / NaronaPublishers.1988 2. venturi. Bulk semiconductor sensors. Tech. pH and conductivity measurement. Turbine meters. bimetallic thermometer. pitot tube orifice. and piezoelectric. Optical parameters. and electromechanical method. bellows and force balance type sensors. pirani gauge. Resistance thermometers. Reference Books: 1. Text Books: 1./ Industrial instrumentation and control/TMH 2nd edition 3. null balance method. Float type gauge. Hot wire and hot film anemometers. thermocouple gauge. S. conductive and capacitive method. Chemical reaction Method. Knudsen gauge ionization calibration procedures. Electrical Method Recorders: Graphic Recorders . Radiation thermometers. Eckman/Industrial Instrumentation / Wiley Eastern Ltd. 3. capacitive and inductive pressure pickups. Doeblin / Measurements systems: Application and Design. Multipoint Recorders and X-Y Recorders. constant pressure drop. Douglas. Unit III Differential pressure flow meters: Bernoulli’s theorem. Electromagnetic flow meters. Measurement of level. strain gauge. Thermal expansion methods. Density. Dehradun B. different type of manometer. Case studies of temperature controllers. 4th edition / Tata Mc Graw Hill. S.Galgotia. Holter recording. Three channel. Heart sound measurement. Webster. Unit III: Respiratory system Measurements: Physiology of Respiratory system . The Physiological potentials – ECG.Kataria UK Tech University. –Bio. Bioelectric potentials: Resting and action potentials. Carr &Brown –Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology – Pearson 7. EEG. Basics of Anatomy and Physiology of the body. Eco-cardiography. Blood pressure measurement.TOE-16 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Unit I: Introduction: Specifications of bio-medical instrumentation system. Venkata Ram. Neuronal communication. Myoelectric Arm. Ventilators &Respirators. Ophthalmic scans.-Bio-Medical Electronics & Instrumentation (Revised). CAT-Scan. Dia-thermy. Khandpur R. Tonometer for eye pressure measurement. Reference Books:: 3. Needle electrodes. . S. Humidifiers.. Vector Cardiographs.G.K. and Nebulizers & Aspirators. Ecoencephalography.PHI 4. Unit V: Bio-telemetry: The components of a Bio-telemetry system. for Emergency patient monitoring.Wiley (2004) 5. Text Books: 1. Biopotential Electrodes – Surface electrodes. ECG System for Stresses testing.Biomedical Instrumentation. –A Text Book of Medical Instruments-2005-New Age International 6. Unit II: Cardiovascular Measurements: Electrocardiography –ECG amplifiers. Ananthi. Pacemakers and Defibrillators. Emission computerized tomography. Man. propagation of action potential. Biomedical Transducers. Calibration & Reparability of patient monitoring equipment.TMH 2. Laser applications in medicine. Problems encountered in measuring a living system. Neuronal firing measurements. J. Cromwell. Implantable units. Nervous System Measurements: Physiology of nervous system.S. Ophthalmoscope. Electrodes and Leads. Telemetry for ECG measurements during exercise. Tech. Electro-oculogram. Respiratory Therapy equipments: Inhalators. Electrodes and Transducers: Electrode theory. diagnosis. EMG.Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements.Measurement of breathing mechanism – Spirometer. Microelectrodes. EOG and Evoked responses.Instrumentation . displays. Dehradun B. ECG recorders –Single channel. X-ray &Radio-isotope diagnosis and therapy. CSE 4 th Year 55 55 . Pandey & Kumar-Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation. ERG. Unit IV: Ophthalmology Instruments: Electroretinogram. Patient Care & Monitoring: Elements of intensive care monitoring. Diagnostic techniques: Ultrasonic diagnosis. Prosthetic Devices and Therapies: Hearing Aids. MRI.Instrumentation system Components. Dehradun B. CSE 4 th Year 56 56 . Air. Text Book: 1. Magnetic recording and reproduction. Speaker baffle and enclosure. Microwave ovens.conditioners and Refrigerators. Amplifying Systems. Huffman encoding. Video Telephone and Video Conferencing Unit III Domestic Appliances: Washing machines. Dover Publication Inc. Unit II: Error detecting and error correcting codes. M. Shannon-fano encoding. decoding of convolution code. Unit V: Convolution coding. Hamming single error correcting code. S P Bali. Consumer Electronics. separable binary codes. syndrome and syndrome decoding. Bar codes. "An introduction to Information theory". Xerox. "Principles of communication system" TMH 2nd Ed. TOE-18 CONSUMER ELECTRONICS Unit I Audio Systems: Microphones. 2. sequential decoding. Reza. ATM Text Books: 1. TFT. Unit III: Block codes. Tech. Electronic Music Synthesizers. Elias's iteration technique for coding. Reed soloman code. Plasma. Quad. noiseless coding. Acoustics. Pearson ed 2005 UK Tech University. Taub and D. UPS and Preventive Maintenance. Colour TV standards and systems. Schilling. HDTV. Mono. Digital TV. Stereo. H. encoders and decoders for block codes. Mobile Radio System Unit IV Recording and Reproduction Systems: Disc recording and reproduction. BCH code. L. F. discrete coding in presence of noise. Golay code.TOE-17 FUNDAMENTALS OF CODING THEORY Unit I: Purpose of encoding. code generation. Encoders and decoders for cyclic code. Shannon binary encoding. Video disc recording and play back. Theater Sound System Unit II Video Systems and Displays: Monochrome TV. Telephone Switching System. Equalizers and Mixers. state and trellis diagram. Commercial Sound. Set Top Boxes. Video tape recording and reproduction. Remote controls. Distortion and Noise reduction in Audio and Video System Unit V Power Supplies and other systems: SMPS. Loudspeakers. Unit IV: Cyclic codes. In car computers Office Systems: FAX. Hebbian learning. Neural networks and architectures Introduction. multilayered networks & posterior probabilities. Boltzmann machine. classical & fuzzy relations. Unit III: Back propagation algorithm Multilayered architecture. binary neurons for pattern classification. XOR solution. Other Networks Generalized RBF networks. mathematical preliminaries. practical considerations." McGraw-Hill Inc. competitive learning. Artificial neurons. competitive learning. non linear separable problems. capacity of TLN. structure growing algorithms. Perceptions and LMS. biological neuron. human brain. rule composition & defuzzification. geometry & operations of fuzzy sets. interpreting neuron signals as probabilities. space of Boolean functions. Simon Haykin. perception convergence theorem. SOFM. Error correction learning. probabilistic interpretation of neuron function. membership function. vector quantization. Statistical Pattern Recognition Bayes' theorem. error functions for classification problems. maxican hat networks. Fuzzy Neural Control Text Books 1. "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. "Neural Networks". Zurada. models of neuron. fuzzy rules. Learning objective of TLN.LMS learning. Maximal eigenvector filtering. 'Neural Networks. classical & Fuzzy sets. Boltzmann learning. Tech. UK Tech University. " Introduction to Artificial Neural System. Unit IV: Self Organizing Feature MAP Introduction.TOE-19 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS & FUZZY LOGIC Unit I: Fundamental Concepts Introduction and history. 2. Timothy J. Stochastic Machines: simulated annealing. back propagation learning algorithm. classical decisions with bayes' theorem. Dehradun B. Peal-son Education 2nd edition. Jack M. neuron signal function. ART. Unit II: Geometry of Binary threshold neurons and their networks Pattern recognition. 2. Satish Kumar. Reference Books 1. knowledge representation. pattern space & weight space. MSE error surface." Jaico Publishing House. a . steepest descent search. Unit V: Fuzzy Logic Introduction." Tata McGraw-HIII. pocket algorithm. principal component analysis. convex sets and convex hulls. Ross. applications of FFNN. applications of SOFM. CSE 4 th Year 57 57 . perception learning algorithm. µ -LMS and application. Neural network & fuzzy logic. learning with and without teacher. generalized learning laws. Feedforward & feedback architecture. network architecture. fuzzy engineering applications. Menus & Pointing Devices) interfaces. human factors in user-centered design. “Competitive Advantage Through Information Technology”. Jack D. Sheiderman B Desiging the user interface. Interactive design rapid prototyping. Unit IV User centered design. [DIGI] UK Tech University. 2nd ed.1995 2.20 HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION Unit I User centered design of system & interfaces. “Human Computer Interface Design” . Icon. anatomy and rational of WIMP (Window. flexibility. Books Recommended: 1. Tech.TOE. McGraw . user documentation. 1992 TOE – 21 IT IN BUSINESS Unit I Business Drivers IT’s Competitive Potential Strategic Alignment Strategic Management and Competitive Strategy Unit II Rethinking Business through IT Developing a Competitive Strategy Interorganization Information Systems Business-To-Business Systems Electronic Commerce and Market Systems Unit III Forming a Corporate IT Strategy Developing an Information Architecture Unit IV Incorporating Business Innovation into the Corporate IT Strategy The Changing Role of IT In International business The Changing Global IT Practices Unit V The Impact and value of Information Technology in Competitive Strategy Changing the Focus of Strategy Trends: Beyond 2000 Books Recommended: 1. Callon. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill. hypertext and the World Wide Web. Unit II Dialogue design. learnability. CSE 4 th Year 58 58 . attitude and usability goals. evaluation / usability testing of user interface. Sudifte AG . 1996 2. Unit V Designing for usability –effectiveness. “Strategies for Effective Human Computer Interaction” . criteria for acceptability. 1996. “The Digital Economy”. Unit III Ergonomics and Cognitive issues.Hill. Tapscott. Don. Macmillan .. Addison Wesley . development & evaluation. Dehradun B. Presentation design. Role to be performed in Hospital. Caceres and Albert Zara. T. the state. CAPP. Transaction Analysis Human relation in Hospital. Typical examples of Shells. Unit III: REGULATORY REQUIREMENT AND HEALTH CARE CODES FDA Regulation. W. Barnold. Expert System software for manufacturing applications in CAD. Failure Analysis. 1.Maintenance Training. Measurement and Standards. Legal aspect in Hospital Management.Scope . HOSPITAL AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT Unit I: HEALTH SYSTEM Health organization of the country. National Fire Protection Association Standard. Definition and Practice of Management by Objective. Academic Press. Case studies of typical applications in tool selection. Maintenance planning and control. Professional Registration. the cities and the region.Components .Interference Strategies . 1977.Based Systems (Expert Systems) . MIS. San Diego UK Tech University. Unit V: Process control and Office automation Process control and Office automation. Linking expert systems to other software such as DBMS. Books Recommended: 1. Process Selection.Definition . Organization of Technical Section. and Albert M. Paper Work Control. Jacob Kline. Central Services. Books Recommended: 1. Dan. Knowledge . Nursing section Medical Sector. Introduction to Artificial Manufacturing Export system TOE 23 HEALTH. Unit II: HOSPITAL ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT Management of Hospital organization. 2. Artificial Intelligent 3. Vera Dammann (Ed.Forward and Backward Chaining Unit III: Expert System Languages ES Building Tools or Shells. Maintenance Budgeting and Forecasting. CSE 4 th Year 59 59 . The practice of Clinical Engineering. 1986. Englewood Cliffs. 4. MRP . GT etc. Z report Eschborn. Fault diagnosis. Patterson. IRPC. Contract Mainframe. Process selection. Butterworth’s London. Cesar A. Maintenance Job. Adaptive control. Anatomy Kelly. Man power Market. Planning Maintenance Work. Dehradun B. MDB.TOE –22 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MANUFACTURING Unit I: Artificial Intelligence Definition . Structure in hospital. Clinical Engineering Principles and Practices. Artificial Intelligent Hand book. joint commission of Accreditation for Hospitals. Hans Pfeiff. Unit V: TRAINED TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Function of Clinical Engineer. Handbook of Bio Medical Engineering.Knowledge Acquisition – Knowledge Representation . Academic Press. 1984. Cook. Tech. Preventive Maintenance. Health Financing System. Technical Department. Webter. Jhon & Andrew Kusiak. Importance to Team Work. Process control. J. Part classification. Prentice Hall Inc. 3.Justification -Structure – Characterization Unit II: Knowledge Sources Expert . Unit IV: EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Organizing Maintenance Operations. 2.Knowledge Base . Unit IV: Robotics Robotics.) Hospital Engineering in Developing Countries. inventory control.G. Process Planning etc.Application Areas. 1979. Principles of Nuclear Physics — Natural radioactivity. factors affecting frequency of radiation induced mutation. hazards and maximum permissible exposure. biological effects. emission of light and its frequencies. Branski. Unit V: PHOTO MEDICINE Synthesis of Vitamin D in early and late cataneous effects. Unit II: INTERACTION WITH LIVING CELLS Target theory. Photo hemotherapy. Variation in dielectric constant and specific conductivity of tissues. P ‘Biological Effects of Microwave’ -Hutchinson & ROSS Inc. single hit and multi target theory. cellular effects of radiation. S and Cherski. Radionuclide used in Medicine and technology. LASER PHYSICS — Characteristics of Laser radiation. Gene controlled hereditary disease. exposure level. blood forming organs. Moselly. UK Tech University. Dehradun B. Non lonisingRadiation Adam Hilgar Brustol 1988. biological effect of microwave and RF wave. type of radiation and their applications. laser safety Books Recommended: 1. relationship. mechanical properties of atom. accelerator principles. depression of Macro molecular synthesis. Tech. Chromosomal damage. lenses of eye. Penetration and propagation of signals effects in various vital organs. artificially produced isotopes and its application. CSE 4 th Year 60 60 . Protection standards. 2. embryo and Endocrinal glands. Unit IV: GENETIC EFFECT OF RADIATION Threshold of linear dose effect.TOE 24 INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL PHYSICS Unit I: ATOMIC PHYSICS Traditional definition of atom. Electromagnetic spectra. Decay series. LD 50/30 effect of radiation on skin. Phototherapy. periodic system of elements. Laser speckle. Unit III: SOMATIC EFFECT OF RADIATION Radio sensitivity protocol of different tissues in human. DNA damage. design of state observers and controllers. Unit II: State Space analysis State equations for dynamic systems. Prenctice Hall International. Sivan. dynamic programming. State equations using phase. U. calculus of variation. " Optimal Control System: Linear Quadratic Methods". Ogata. model reference. Unit IV: Stability Liapunov’s method. 2. physical and canonical variables. Unit III: Discrete time control systems Sampling theorem. Convolution integral. Sampled-data systems. stability analysis. formation of optimal control problems. Wiley Interscience. generation of Liapunov’s function. minimization of functions. Controllability and Observability tests. "Modern Control System". Kwakemaok and R. constrained optimization. realization of transfer matrices. Pole zero concepts. B. John Wiley and Sons. pulse transfer function. optimality principles. adaptive control systems . Gopal. Prentice Hall of India. Tech. Reference Books: 1. Transfer function. performance index . the sample and hold element. Moore. Solution of state equation. "Modern Control Engineering".O. Unit V: Optimal Control Introduction .TOE – 25 MODERN CONTROL SYSTEM Unit I: Introduction to control systems Introduction to control systems. Wiley Eastern. H. Popov’s criteria. Dehradun B. 2. solution of two point boundary value problem Text Books: 1. Ordinary differential equation. Anderson and IB. Itkis. "Linear Optimal Control System". UK Tech University. observability. Ricatti II equation and its solution. Hamilton – Jacobian equation. CSE 4 th Year 61 61 . M. "Control System of Variable Structure". concepts of controllability. 3. K. effect of pole location on performance specification. The Ztransform.D. properties of signals and systems. linear quadratic problem. DC.solenoid operated solid state switches. servo. Bolten. force. UK Tech University. pressure and level. Pearson Education 2003. geartrains. Computer Printer. process control valves. Signal conditioning amplification. Unit V: Veil suspension Control Micro mechanical systems. cams. hydraulic. "Mechatronics". Unit IV: Case Studies of Mechatronic Systems Industrial Robot and its control Automobile Engine Control Electromechanical disc-control. dampers. closed loop controllers. mass and damper. Fluid systems. NC Machine. pressure control valves and cylinders. Drives.Electrical Drives. Fax Machine. 2. Unit II: Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuation systems Directional control valves. 2005. Ratchet & Pawl.TOE 26 MECHATRONICS Unit I: Mechatronics and its scope Sensors and transducers. Books Recommended: 1. Springer. VCR. Mechanical actuation system-kinematic chains. Building blocks of Mechanical spring. AC & stepper motors. CSE 4 th Year 62 62 . velocity. Unit III: Elements of Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Elements of Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Programmable logic controllers & Communication interface. Rolf Isennann. Electrical actuation system. " Mechatronics Systems".Displacement. Dehradun B. W. Mechanical switches. filtering & data acquisition. Tech. bearings. position & proximity. A. CSE 4 th Year 63 63 . Sunil S Rao. UK Tech University. "Switchgear Protection & Control System" Khanna Publishers 11th Edition. mimic diagrams. distributed centers and power pool management. multicontrol centers. redundant dual processor. John Wiley & Sons. EMS and network data basis.cables. general structure. "Power Generation Operation and Control".. Unit V: Energy Management Center Functions performed at a centralized management center. " Power System Control Technology". Prentice Hall International. Woolenberg. Performance considerations: real time operation system requirements. report and printing facilities. RTUs.Machine Communication Operator consoles and VDUs. Prentice Hall of India. Regulatory functions: Set points and feed back loops. majored values.NON-redundant. George L Kusic "Computer Aided Power System Analysis". data acquisition. transducers. monitoring alarm and event application processing.valve. energy values. Unit III: MAN. displays. Books 1. 2. 3. microwaves. Unit II: Supervisory and Control Functions Data acquisitions. telephone lines. modularization of software programming languages. Tech. opening. power line carrier. Wood and B. Control Function: ON/ OFF control of lines. closing etc. 4. transmission & monitoring. SCADA system structure .local system. alarm and event loggers. disturbance data collection and analysis. communication system and central system. Recommended: Torsten Cergrell. Configuration. Dehradun B. system configuration. Unit IV: Data basis SCADA. general power system hierarchical Structure. commonly acquired data. data concentrators. status indications. production control and load management economic dispatch.TOE 27 SCADA & ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Unit I: SCADA Purpose and necessity. time tagged data. Calculation and report preparation. transformers. fiber optical channels and satellites. operator dialogues. J. capacitors and applications in process in industry . various communication channels. Overview of the methods of data acquisition systems.single processor.
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